entry_id,lead_id,project_id,sectors,subpillars_2d,subpillars_1d,lang,n_tokens,pillars_2d,pillars_1d,project_title,created_at,document,excerpt 284969,51591.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=226854,"[19 March, 2021, GoS] Health Ministry announced that 152 new coronaviruses were registered in Syria and that 88 cases recovered while 11 patients infected with the virus passed away." 228360,46468.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,27,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The top two needs voiced by victims as most important to them, moving forward were financial compensation and efforts to prevent recurrence of such incidents." 155198,34182.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"• Entre los artículos no alimentarios que les resultan más difícil de adquirir: productos de higiene, limpieza, así como productos para la higiene menstrual para las mujeres y de higiene para los bebes como los pañales." 169211,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"May 21 NWS: The current health system indicators in the northwest Syria are alarming with only ~1.4 medical doctor per 10 000 people, ~0.625 hospital beds per 1000 people, <5.7 intensive care unit beds per 100 000 people and only 47 functioning adult ventilators for the whole region." 156816,30748.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NCA%20Situation%20Funding%20Update.pdf,"In order to address continued internal displacement, UNHCR will enhance community-based protection initiatives within host communities in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, to empower their leadership and augment their capacity to integrate internally displaced people." 289612,51168.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,The WASH Cluster pipeline has adequate supplies to cover the immediate needs with the current stock (from CERF allocation for flood response) which was stocked to cover the dry season needs. The Cluster is currently using these supplies for response in the six counties on borrowing arrangements and will replenish when funding is secured. 278657,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,21,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"high levels of conflict have prompted more than 30,000 persons to move from rural areas to peri-urban and urban centres." 304838,53078.0,2333.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Dans le nord de la même région [Tillabéri] sur la bande frontière avec le Mali, au total 317 écoles sont affectées par l’insécurité parmi lesquelles plus d’une trentaine d’écoles ont été reportées comme « non-fonctionnelles » à la date de mi-novembre à cause des déplacements des populations et des départs des enseignants qui ne se sentaient plus en sécurité." 153925,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Mujeres y niñas están expuestas constantemente a acoso durante labores de lavado de ropa y recogida de agua. 412784,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] One-third of the new mothers did not take postnatal care service during the pandemic: More than one-third of the mothers (33.50%) among the 106 new mothers informed that they did not take postnatal care from any health care centre. The new mothers who took postnatal care gave most preference to private entities (68% in private clinics, 32% in private chambers and 32% in private hospitals), then to trained health workers (46%) and then to government entities (28% in Upazila health complexes, 26% in the district-level government hospital and 12% in government medical college hospitals)." 182717,42826.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,73,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/nma-confirms-death-of-16-doctors-warns-of-covid-19-spike/,"[20th Oct 2020,Nigeria]President, NMA, Prof. Innocent Ujah urged government to urgently implement an upward review of the hazard allowance paid to doctors and other frontline health workers in public service. He urged government to strengthen service delivery, health workforce and health information systems as well as improving access to essential medicines. He urged all levels of government to invest in healthcare systems." 226774,45659.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[October 2020south Syria (CSS), north Syria (NS), north-west Syria (NWS) and north-east Syria (NES)] Across the whole of Syria, 83 percent of IDP households live in residential areas, 15 percent in informal camps or settlements, and 2 percent in planned camps or settlement" 123715,32567.0,1621.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,105,['Impact'],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"The socio-economic impact of COVID-19 in Libya will be profound and long-lasting. Several major external and internal factors will affect its course: Externally, COVID’s effect on the global economy has drastically reduced demand for oil and gas –which constitute Libya’s main source of revenues. (COVID-19 aside, in the first half of this year, Libya had already lost around 6 billion dollars because of an oil blockade imposed by General Haftar). The continued disruption of oil and gas production and exports is likely to have disastrous economic and social consequences for Libya." 241980,47791.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,55,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Exposition accrue aux risques de protection/soutien limité pour les groupes les plus vulnérables dont les enfants vivant avec handicaps, hors cadre familial dont les enfants en situation de rue et en détention, les enfants souffrant de maladies chroniques et immunodépressives, les enfants refugies et déplaces, et les enfants issus des minorités" 224450,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,8,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,No Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program in the locations 39183,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,96,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Both IDPs groups from eastern Libya feel very unsafe and they will targeted by the LNA forces, meanwhile several reports indicated that IDPs members form both communities are become a target by different military groups in GNA control areas, on the account of suspected affiliations with military groups or rivalry political potions. As a result, freedom of movement is restricted in Tripoli and other location in Western area. Many of the IDP families originated from East Libya hide their identity out of fear of prosecution from militias and host communities." 225420,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"The loss of family income and employment directly connects to increased protection risks for girls and boys with children forced to work and young girls, being married early for the dowry which can provide families with the funds needed to survive the economic shock of the pandemic." 155358,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,18,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,Garantizar prehospitalario que brinda Cruz Roja Dominicana. la continuidad y calidad del servicio de transporte sanitario terrestre 359782,58464.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] % of communities where households did not have access to a healthcare service in the location nor in nearby locations: 79% First Aid/ Emergency care." 66317,19459.0,1386.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,108,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/09/09/destruido-el-sistema-de-salud-741-mil-casos-de-malaria-y-350-mil-de-sarampion-9sep/,"Se ha recrudecido la tuberculosis no sólo en el medio rural sino también en el urbano. Se han presentado casos de otras enfermedades que habían sido erradicadas como la escabiosis, mal de Chagas, la varicela y hepatitis, ésta por problemas de contaminación y basura. Y han aparecido otras como la Kwashiorkor, que se observó en poblaciones muy deprimidas del África, debido a la falta de nutrientes en los niños, así como el marasmo, que afecta a los pequeños en sus primeros años. Estas enfermedades son muy delicadas porque limitan la capacidad de los afectados en su educación." 229227,46495.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,91,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"De las 571 personas encuestadas, 266 personas (47%) afirmaron no poder acceder a los servicios de salud, de las cuales la mayoría son refugiados y migrantes venezolanos, mientras que el 64% de las personas reportaron barreras en la atención en salud, dentro de las que se incluye la falta de documentación, la distancia a un centro de salud, la falta de información acerca del acceso y los procedimientos, y el alto costo de los medicamentos como las más reportadas." 221649,45323.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/calls-to-shut-schools-of-syrias-as-suwayda-temporarily-for-fear-of-coronavirus-spread/,"[December 10, As-Suwayda] The calls made by students’ parents to close schools continue. Some parents have stopped sending their children to school in the southern province of As-Suwayda due to their fear of transmitting the coronavirus between students and teaching staff. The Syrian regime’s Ministry of Education responded byfiling a lawsuitagainst the notables calling for implementing preventive health measures." 104852,30139.0,1860.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,115,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Women do the bulk of unpaid care work. Globally, women on average do three times as much unpaid care and domestic work as men – a workload that intensifies with school closures and when health systems are overloaded. Widespread job losses will have long-term impacts for women’s economic independence and security. With 740 million women globally informal employment and a majority employed in services, in the crisis. women are particularly hard hit by Lockdowns and restrictions adversely affect women’s access their vulnerability. Emerging data shows that since the outbreak, violence against women and girls has intensified, resulting in a shadow pandemic." 228548,46627.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"The more commonly reported coping mechanisms centre around selling existing assets (39%) and borrowing money (35%). This poses long-term challenges to households’ economic wellbeing, as households lose means of income, and can lead to further negative coping mechanisms when resources are depleted. Should the situation continue," 354376,57964.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/opinion/columnistas/arturo-charria/tres-propuestas-para-salvar-el-ano-escolar/?cx_testId=30&cx_testVariant=cx_1&cx_artPos=1#cxrecs_s,"El Ministerio de Educación Nacional debe expedir una circular en la que oriente los ajustes necesarios de los calendarios escolares, buscando garantizar el cumplimiento de las 40 semanas lectivas. Sin embargo, este segundo semestre del año debe entenderse como un periodo de transición, nivelación y reflexión sobre el estado en que se encuentran los procesos académicos y emocionales de los estudiantes." 165676,39662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,136,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Following set of measures are recommended for action plan on safety and well-being of the Sanitation and Waste workers: Design, develop and implement formal and informal training on pandemic-related risks and relevant mitigation measures. It is important that key risks and measures are identified for each category of workers before developing content of the training. Generic awareness on potential risk mitigation measures can be developed through media campaign but this does not guarantee mitigation of job specific risks particularly for sanitation and waste workers. On the other hand, majority of these types of workers are employed informally, so it wouldn’t be easy to reach them for any formal training. Systematic and organised measures needs to be taken to bring them into a formal training programme." 62069,18564.0,1386.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,23,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,The impact of the economic crisis has been magnified by a generalized collapse of the country’s public infrastructure and services. 156642,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"As of 19 July 2020, 10 SARI ITCs are active, and can receive patients. This includes the ICU/HDU facility at Sadar Hospital with eight ICU and ten HDU beds. There are 391 and 126 active SARI and isolation beds respectively in the camps" 220453,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Focus is on rapidly conducting polio campaigns to stop further spread with 51 countries included in the 1st phase campaign, with 45 counties their campaigns on 10 Nov 2020 and the remaining six counties in Eastern Equatoria starting implementation on 17 Nov 2020." 210336,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"In addition to these measures, the government, together with support from multiple partners, has increased efforts to improve the quality of education, paying attention to curriculum relevance, teacher education and learning assessment." 490552,67789.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,101,"['Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] A similar fatal explosion was reported in the same LGA in December 2019 when a child accidentally detonated an explosive device he picked up while playing. While many conflictaffected communities have been reopened in recent years, paving the way for civilian returns and Government-led relocations, protection partners continue to emphasize the need for major demining operations to mitigate the risk of UXOs and other remnants of war to guarantee safety, including in farming areas and along major supply routes where fatal explosions have been reported in recent years." 203589,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,66% des ménages [a Agadez] ont rapporté avoir consommé des aliments moins préférés ou mains chers 322555,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,53,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported areas in the community where girls and/or women do not feel safe were: On the way to markets (84%), In the markets (66%)), At water points (27%)." 270247,49921.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/viviendas-permanecen-seis-meses-vacias-en-el-mercado-549077,"Por otro lado, otra plataforma del sector, Habi.co, asegura que durante los primeros meses de la pandemia, hasta junio, la rotación de viviendas para venta sí disminuyó, pero con la dinámica del sector en los últimos meses se ha compensado esta tendencia." 200038,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le Burkina Faso est particulièrement affecté par le changement climatique, ce qui cause des sécheresses de plus en plus intenses mais également des épisodes de pluies diluviennes et vents violents qui endommagent les infrastructures WASH." 219990,45769.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,Ces personnes ont quitté leurs localités d’origine à la suite des attaques des membres des groupes armes non étatiques (GANE) en début du mois de décembre 2019. 226932,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Child casualties amounted to 31 per cent of all civilian casualties in the first nine months of 2020, and women casualties to 13 per cent." 315238,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[afrique] Selon les estimations, la COVID-19 a augmenté de 2,3 points de pourcentage la part des personnes vivant avec moins de 1,90 USD par jour en 2020 ; en 2021, cette part augmentera de 2,9 points de pourcen- tage8, entraînant des taux d’extrême pauvreté de 34,5 % en 2020 et de 34,4 % en 2021 (figure 1.22)" 273767,50128.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,"[commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] Dans le quartier d’accueil, l’accès au soin de santé est limité en raison du manque de moyens financiers ainsi que la non-disponibilité des médicaments essentiels qui répondent aux besoins de santé prioritaires de cette population." 331412,44828.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported the main source of information is family/friends were Abiemnhom 100%, Pariang 97%, Renk 85%, Maban 79%, Melut 74%." 385623,60457.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,La FAO a déjà assisté près de 4 620 ménages déplacés et hôtes grâce à des transferts monétaires inconditionnels (de 10 000 à 105 000 XOF par ménage). Ces activités vont se poursuivre sur les mois à venir au profit de 1 758 ménages déplacés et 1 732 ménages hôtes. 295309,51569.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"IDP’s were confirmed to be sharing a household with the host thus sheltered in already built tukuls, where they share residence with multiple families as reported before on average of five to eight people sleep in one room (tukul). Also, the total average number of people per household is estimated to be 20 people. similarly, the local boma authorities confirmed through KI interviews that, IDP’s have integrated within the host communities. This was further confirmed through observation of similar livelihood coping mechanisms and validated by household interviews. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 69508,19860.0,1386.0,[],[],[],es,59,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://cronica.uno/programa-de-alimentacion-escolar-en-sucre-es-insuficiente-y-carece-de-proteinas/,"En Cumaná no todas lasescuelascuentan con el espacio físico determinado para el comedor escolar pero en su mayoría tienen cocina escolares que son manejadas por “las cocineras de la patria”, mujeres y madres de las comunidades cercanas al centro educativo. Ellas reciben instrucción de manejos de alimentos por parte del Instituto Nacional de Nutrición." 177277,41744.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"En termes de difficulté pour accéder à une source d’eau améliorée, les ménages citent l'attente au point d'eau (39%), et la distance trop importante (38%) et le manque de ressources pour acheter de l'eau (15%). 20% des ménages déplacés ont accès à 15L/pers par jours et 89% des ménages enquêtés utilisent des sources non améliorées comme source d'eau principale." 329081,55067.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,109,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2021/04/12/na041521-six-charts-show-the-challenges-faced-by-sub-saharan-africa,"[SubSaharian Africa] At the same time, the cost of vaccinating 60 percent of population could be prohibitively high for some countries, reaching 50 percent of 2018 health expenditures in Democratic Republic of the Congo and The Gambia. Vaccination cost is more than 2 percent of GDP for a quarter of countries in the region. This could double or triple if there is a need for booster shots. The international community could play a crucial role by eliminating restrictions on the dissemination of vaccines or medical equipment, fully funding multilateral facilities such as COVAX, and quickly redistributing excess vaccine doses." 340795,56216.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,89,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://linterview.cd/lac-edouard-26-pecheurs-congolais-arretes-en-lespace-de-deux-semaines/,"“Ils sont accusés par l’Ouganda d’avoir violé les limites dans les eaux du la lac Edouard, ce qui est faux. Toujours sur les eaux du lac Edouard cette même marine a traversé les limites congolo-ougandaises la nuit du 17 au 18 mai et 40 pirogues à son bord plus de 120 pêcheurs ont été tabassés, fouettés et les poissons et quelques matériels de pêche emportés”, a dit Aimé Mukanda Mbusa, l’un des notables de Rutshuru." 111720,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Algunas de las familias de colombianos retornados de Venezuela viven una doble migración: salieron de Colombia huyendo de la violencia y ahora regresan huyendo de la pobreza, pero también de las condiciones de violencia y zozobra en las que vivían. Narran que la vida social y comunitaria en Venezuela estaba resquebrajada por la politización de las relaciones. Dada la escasez de alimentos, era común encontrar tráfico informal de harina, arroz, azúcar." 354600,58015.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,118,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2021/06/16/9-more-covid-patients-die-in-khulna,"[16th June 2021, Bangladesh] Over the past 24 hours, 10 people have died in the division, taking the overall toll to 749. Of the deceased, four were from Bagerhat, three from Jessore, and one each from Khulna, Kushtia and Meherpur. Nine deaths in a Khulna hospital alone Nine patients died at the Khulna Covid-19 Dedicated Hospital. Among them, five had previously been identified as Covid-19 positive while the remaining four died after showing symptoms of the virus, said Dr Suhash Ranjan Halder, focal person of the dedicated Covid-19 unit. With them, 312 people have died so far at the hospital." 240591,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,99,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA verified a significant decrease of civilian casualties attributed to the Taliban during the first two months of the year in comparison to the same period in 2019, particularly from a drastic reduction in suicide and complex attacks. However, in the month of March, following the reduction in violence week and the signing of the 29 February agreement between the US and the Taliban, civilian casualties attributed to the Taliban increased in comparison to March 2019, mainly due to a notable increase in civilian deaths resulting from nonsuicide IEDs and ground engagements." 202406,43347.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"According to recent population baseline study, repeated episodes of conflict and environmental shocks have shaped traditional seasonal migration routes over the last three decades, consequently blocking pastoralist communities’ access to preferred migration patterns and exposing them to new vulnerabilities. These include protection concerns, exposure to health risks, changes in diet and reliance on negative coping strategies." 164538,39644.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,57,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"7 Rohingya refugee fatalities due to COVID-19, and 66 fatalities of host community members. 67 Rohingya refugees in isolation who are suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, and 493 host community members. 5,548 Rohingya and Bangladeshi mothers and caregivers received counselling on infant and young child feeding practices in the COVID-19 context." 300642,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"In January 2021, the Logistics Cluster started to adjust the provision of common logistical services to take advantage of cheaper and more capacity road movements. In other locations, the cluster continued to offer alternative transport options (river and fixed wing movements) from Juba." 14698,5500.0,322.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302700800,"Nasser Mussalam, Executive Director of the Kidney Centres in Shabwa, expressed his appreciation to the UAE and its humanitarian arm, the ERC, for their unlimited support for Yemen's citizens. The Urology Hospital in Azzan and dialysis centres in the cities of Ataq and Meifa'a in the Shabwa Governorate received the necessary fuel supplies, he explained. The ERC has provided similar quantities of diesel fuel to the hospital and centres in February." 133897,35165.0,1188.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,198,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"CCESO A SERVICIOS DE SALUD Las personas venezolanas tienen acceso a la salud en Panamá a bajo precio y en igualdad de condiciones que la población panameña. Según lo reportado por las instituciones, las personas menores de cinco años acceden a un programa de salud gratuito del MINSA, que incluye la vacunación gratuita. Lo mismo ocurre con el control prenatal. La atención en urgencias y la hospitalización conlleva un coste que puede gestionarse en arreglos de pago, después de una valoración socioeconómica en trabajo social del mismo hospital. De los grupos focales con las personas venezolanas, se extrae que esta población migrante y refugiada en Panamá, por lo general, no gestiona su salud de una manera preventiva. En gran parte, ello es debido a que su mayor ocupación es estabilizar su situación socio-económica. De este modo, acude a los servicios de salud cuando los cuadros médicos son más severos y ameritan urgencia. Esta situación de vulnerabilidad se agrava con el hecho de que el 90% de las personas encuestadas afirma no tener ningún seguro de salud, ni público ni privado." 193078,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La prévalence de la mortalité materno-infantile résulte du faible investissement dans le domaine de la santé, la faible couverture vaccinale, l´accès limité à l´eau potable, à l´hygiène, à l´assainissement et aux soins de santé primaire." 398665,60403.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,83,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Desde el punto de vista normativo, todos los trabajadores son titulares de los mismos derechos, sin discriminación por origen o nacionalidad29. El trabajo para un extranjero en Chile está regulado por dos marcos normativos: por un lado, se encuentran las normas de Extranjería y Migración encargadas de la entrada, permanencia y salida de personas, y, por otro, el Código del Trabajo que regula las relaciones de trabajo y la fiscalización de la normativa laboral.30" 189739,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,67,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Cette inflation résulte également de la baisse de la production agricole, bien que la production se soit améliorée au cours de la campagne agricole 2018, de la dépréciation du franc CFA par rapport au dollar américain et de l´augmentation des coûts du commerce régional liée à la fermeture des frontières (Nigéria, RCA, Soudan) à cause de l´insécurité dans la région." 35942,13226.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105584.pdf,"Food insecurity remains driven by increased incidence of hostilities as well as communal conflicts between farmers and herders, limited access to farming and grazing land including livelihood opportunities, stretched communal resources due to increased dependency from IDPs and returnees, extended dry spells and high food prices;" 173030,40676.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"De plus, l’épidémie de COVID-19 restreint leurs capacités [réfugiés] à satisfaire leurs besoins essentiels, les ménages n’étant plus en mesure de continuer leurs activités génératrices de revenus journalières du fait de l’impact socio-économique des mesures sanitaires préventives." 320018,53234.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: As of 28 March 2021, a total of 6014 individuals from the host community in Cox’s Bazar district have tested positive for COVID-19: 565 in Chokoria, 105 in Kutubdia, 400 in Moheshkhali, 225 in Pekua, 424 in Ramu, 3170 in Sadar, 501 in Teknaf and 624 in Ukhiya." 58685,17259.0,1384.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,146,[],['Context'],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"Article 2:239 of Curaçao’s penal code criminalizes sex trafficking. However, the law focuses on traffickers, not victims. For Venezuelan victims of trafficking or exploitation, the current system is inadequate and ineffective. A major part of the problem is that trafficking victims have an extremely limited window to avail themselves of an opportunity to seek protection in the face of Curaçao’s active removal and deportation strategy. In theory, protection from deportation should be available under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Curaçao is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and thus is bound by the ECHR. Under Article 3 of the ECHR, individuals cannot be deported to their country of origin if there is a real risk they would be subjected to torture or other ill-treatment." 164612,39647.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,46,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"5 Rohingya refugee fatalities due to COVID-19, and 35 host community members. 31 Rohingya refugees in isolation who are suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, and 1,390 host community members. 79,446 Rohingya households received COVID-19 education support from Burmese Language Instructors." 235991,46890.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,UNICEF through its implementing partners CARITAS and CBCHS continued the provision of life-saving services to IDPs and conflict-affected populations living in hard to reach 7 divisions of the NWSW despite security and COVID-19 challenges. 194224,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Ce 11/11/2020, 36 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 32 à Kinshasa, 2 dans le Haut-Katanga et 2 au Sud-Kivu (Annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." 211294,45192.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=213244,"[9th Dec 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the Ministry indicated that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached up to 8675, of which 4114 have recovered while 465 others have passed away." 338559,56250.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,31,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"La ville de Kalemie abrite actuellement quelque 43 915 déplacés internes, répartis dans 11 sites de déplacement, selon le rapport de la Commission Mouvement de Population de février 2021" 39080,13749.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,96,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"The humanitarian impact, and large-scale population displacement, resulting from the onset of hostilities in the outskirts of the Libyan capital of Tripoli in April 2019 continues to grow, potentially posing disastrous consequences for civilians. At time of writing over 59,875 people are estimated to have been displaced by the hostilities in the outskirts of Tripoli including Ayn Zara, Khala, Azizya, Wadi Rabiya’a, Qasr Bin Ghashir, and along the front lines of active fighting in Abu Salim, Ghrarat, Suq Al-Jumaa, and Hadbaa." 386465,60772.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,117,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Según su nacionalidad, la población extranjera proviene predominantemente desde Haití (23%), Perú (20%), Venezuela (18%), Colombia (13%), Bolivia (5%), Argentina (4%), Ecuador (3%) y nacionalidad desconocida en un 7%. Según género, predomina el femenino (61%) por sobre el masculino (39%). Respecto al rango etario, el más representado es aquel entre los 15 y 44 años (68%), y el menos representado es aquel comprendido por adultos mayores de 65 años (3%)." 356655,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"No se han realizado avances significativos en la investigación de abusos policiales cometidos durante protestas anteriores. El 4 de junio, la Fiscalía le dijo a Human Rights Watch que había abierto 90 investigaciones por abusos policiales cometidos durante las protestas de 2019 y otras 116 por abusos cometidos durante las manifestaciones de 2020. La Fiscalía señaló que había iniciado el juicio en cinco casos de 2020 y había logrado imputaciones en otros dos casos. Ningún agente de policía había sido imputado en relación con los abusos cometidos durante las protestas de 2019." 297419,51172.0,2336.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP requirements and funding -1.28B Requirements (US$) – HRP 2021 and 39.4M (3%) funded (US$) in 2021. 299519,51194.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"ACG (Armed Criminal Groups) continued to author most incidents (117), with NSAG-TB initiating 115 violent acts against humanitarians." 496330,60048.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,29,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,El 40 por ciento de mujeres entrevistadas respondió que había sentido discriminación y el 86 por ciento de ellas reportó que había sido con base en su nacionalidad. 148223,35830.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Response%20COVID-19%20Sit%20Rep%20%234%20-%20External%20use.pdf,"In June, approximately 2,985 students crossed into government-controlled areas to sit their high school certificate and were accommodated in 25 centres located in six governorates." 298953,51152.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of January 2021, the number of people in need of food assistance increased from 830,000 to 906,304 people. The number of people also in need of livelihood support increased from 370,824 to 371,000 people." 79301,21909.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,46,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dw.com/es/crisis-en-am%C3%A9rica-latina-migrantes-venezolanos-y-cubanos-bajo-sospecha/a-51457689,"En Ecuador, Chile, Colombia y también Bolivia, aunque en este último con un detonante diferente, los manifestantes se toman las calles y van a huelga en demanda de mejoras sociales, mayor igualdad, reformas legales y renovación de las instituciones." 304845,53078.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Le Fonds central de réponse aux urgences humanitaires du Système des Nations Unies (CERF) octroie au Niger un montant total de 9,3 millions dollars américains pour répondre aux besoins pressants des personnes déplacées internes (PDI) dans les régions de Tillabéri et de Tahoua et lutter contre l’épidémie de choléra qui sévit dans le pays" 71079,20270.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,34,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/activan-registro-consular-de-venezolanos-en-argentina/5126693.html,"La embajadora de Venezuela en Argentina nombrada por el presidente interno Juan Guaidó, Elisa Trotta Gamus, anunció este miércoles que abrieron un registro consular de los venezolanos en el país sudamericano." 203992,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The first graph shows that for the majority of the people in need, high levels of acute food insecurity determine the maximum number of people in need in 60 counties." 240705,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA is also concerned by recent airstrikes by the Afghan Air Force causing civilian harm, including the airstrike on 21 March in Imam Sahib district of Kunduz province targeting Taliban, which killed 11 civilians including seven children and three women, and injured a woman and a girl." 187763,43282.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,122,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Access challenges and COVID-19 restrictions such as closures of airports affected the availability of commercial transport options. This however made no significant impact on the ability of the Cluster to provide multiple common logistics service options, including by air, road, sea, and storage. Since April 2020, over 82 MT of COVID-19 related cargo has been transported to Dhuusamarreeb, Kismayo, Baidoa, Jowhar, Hargeisa, Belet Weyne, Garowe, Guriel, and Barawe. Additionally, jointly with UNHAS, the Logistics Cluster has been supporting the transportation of the Ministry of Health (MoH) medical teams, blood samples, and COVID-19 medical supplies to key locations across Somalia." 113010,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,47,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"o Apoyo en temas de alojamientos, ya sea a través de transferencias monetarias para el pago de vivienda, o acceso a alojamientos transitorios en hoteles/albergues con el objetivo de evitar situación de calle. Insumos y equipos hospitalarios, implementos de aseo y limpieza." 224913,46164.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au plan humain, on a enregistré quarante-un (41) décès, cent douze (112) blessés et des ménages relogés dans des familles, des écoles et autres bâtiments publics. Les dégâts matériels concernent des habitations affectées : maisons d’habitation détruites (12 378), maisons d’habitations endommagées (540) et les abris d’urgences des PDI détruits ou endommagés (1790). [suite aux inondations et aux vents violents]" 271903,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Au 30 novembre 2020, le nombre de personnes en déplacement étaient estimés à environ 564 000, dont 298 000 PDI, 231 000 réfugiés et 34 000 retournés, ce qui constitue une augmentation de 32% par rapport à la même période en 2019" 219875,45784.0,2333.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,139,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/en_-_understanding_the_sahel_through_its_history_geography_and_socio-demographic_challenges_-_white_paper.pdf,"In a Sahel weakened by its poor integration into the global economy, there is a strong temptation for certain social groups in competition for control of resources to challenge the State’s authority. The temptation is even greater when, in the opinion of these groups, bad governance is prevalent, accentuating so-called horizontal inequalities. The use of violence to overthrow the political order is therefore not surprising. This is all the more so since ideological-religious contestation is nothing new in the Sahel. Radical movements such as Boko Haram, located at the crossroads of Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad, at the heart of the Kanem-Bornu Empire, can thus argue that they are drawing on and modernizing a long tradition of reform in the form of jihad." 188084,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Ongoing hostilities have displaced 527,000 people (112,000 refugees,6 297,000 IDPs7 and 117,000 returnees and continue to steadily push more people to flee their villages." 158071,38779.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,13,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"115 # of on-going tender for fumigation, and sterilization of collective shelter" 192454,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In Greater Bahr el Ghazal, contrary to trends in the rest of the country, perceptions of security even decreased, from 32 per cent in July 2018 to 16 per cent in July 2019. This is likely due to the continued communal and localized violence in the region." 386435,60870.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,79,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se requiere entrega de elementos de hábitat para mejorar las condiciones de permanencia de las familias en el lugar utilizado como albergue temporal, colchonetas, hamacas, toldillos, vajillas, materiales para adecuar los espacios habitacionales que han construido las familias de manera artesanal, las condiciones actuales no los resguarda de las inclemencias del clima, se presentan fuertes temperaturas y lluvias torrenciales; las comunidades están bajo riesgo de accidentes de caída de árboles." 411070,63409.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/especial--la-trata-sigue-acechando-a-los-migrantes-y-refugiados/2768,"Este delito sigue acechando a la población proveniente de Venezuela radicada en Colombia.De acuerdo con cifras del Ministerio del Interior, en Colombia desde el año 2013 hasta noviembre de 2020 se han registrado 686 casos de trata de personas, de estos casos, el 82% corresponde a mujeres y el 18% a hombres. El promedio de edad de las víctimas oscila entre los 18 y 30 años (55%), seguido de personas entre los 31 y 50 años (22%) y, por último, se presentan los niños, niñas y adolescentes (12%)." 391199,61470.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] At the time of data collection, there was 0 educational facility in the camp." 309046,53636.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[MAR 2021, GoS] The top three type of shelter for returnees are 86% - finished buildings, 9% - unfinished building and 5% damaged buildings." 495153,67230.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Migrantes llegan con desnutrición crónica y aguda en general con particular afectación en niños niñas, mujeres gestantes y lactantes." 155666,38514.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"Shelter/NFI Sector partners also distributed 27 NFI packages including blankets, floor mats, mosquito nets, solar lamps, and kitchen utensils to quarantine centres." 328631,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 3% and 1% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement respectively reported areas in their community where boys or men do not feel safe. 56602,17094.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Algunas de las personas que no poseían cuentas propias o que no habían intentado abrirlas tenían cónyuges o hijos/as adultos que sí tenían acceso al sistema bancario. Quienes intentaron abrir una cuenta y no lo lograron fue por los requisitos que exigía el banco en el que habían consultado, tales como DNI, DNI de residente permanente, recibos de sueldo de los últimos 6 meses, boleta de servicio (agua, electricidad, etc.) o contrato de alquiler a nombre de la persona. Entre quienes no habían intentado abrir una cuenta, los motivos fueron falta de interés o considerar que no sería posible hasta que contaran con el DNI." 406891,63604.0,2311.0,"['Education', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/080621_alerta_por_confinamiento_bajo_baudo_choco_vf_0.pdf,Tanto la posibilidad de enfrentamientos entre GANE como las advertencias directas de los mismos hacia algunas comunidades ha generado restricciones de movilidad hacia cultivos y la suspensión de clases de los estudiantes de primaria que estaban en el modelo de alternancia. 194911,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster has been working in coordination with the Ministry of Health, to address the needs which have arisen due to COVID-19." 189331,42844.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,147,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Solidar-COVID-Andean-ES2020-vv5.pdf,"Esta situación se ha agudizado en el marco de la crisis sanitaria. Principalmente en las zonas rurales, han sido los grupos guerrilleros y/o bandas asociadas al narcotráfico herederas del paramilitarismo quienes reforzaron las medidas de control social y territorial. Los grupos armados aprovechan el confinamiento para incrementar su posición y controlan los territorios en los que tienen presencia, aplicando para ello medidas represivas y violentas que van desde la amenaza hasta el asesinato, pasando por la gestión del miedo. En estas zonas circulan panfletos que obligan a la población a permanecer en sus casas so pena de ser asesinados. Las restricciones a la movilidad aumentan la vulnerabilidad de las personas que se encuentran amenazadas, pues sus rutinas y su ubicación se vuelven del todo previsibles. Así el asesinato de líderes y lideresas sociales presenta un alarmante incremento." 307607,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Based on the IPC projections for December 2020 to March 2021, an estimated 200,000 people face crisis and higher levels of food insecurity (90 per cent of the population of Pibor County) with an estimated 33,000 people likely to face catastrophe levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 5) in Pibor between December 2020 and March 2021." 328565,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported barriers to accessing water were water points are too far (14%), Water points are difficult to reach (especially for people with disabilities) (14%), insufficient number of water points / waiting time at water points(10%)." 475471,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Dans le cadre de la campagne de vaccination contre la COVID -19 initiée par le Burkina Faso sur toute l’étendue du territoire national, les communautés ont été mobilisées et sensibilisées sur le vaccin administré en vue d’assurer une meilleure couverture des populations-cibles." 192745,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,45,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"As a key source, transit and, to some extent, destination country for irregular migratory flows, Somalia continues to have an influx of migrants from neighbouring countries through irregular migration routes especially from Ethiopia, with the aim of reaching Yemen/KSA." 60709,17936.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Lack of access to farmland: Households that do not have access to land to undertake agriculture are more food insecure compared to those with access, which implies that accessibility to land for farming remains a key determinant of food insecurity in the northeast. Moreover, cultivation of larger expanse of farmland among agricultural practicing households was found to forestall food availability. A correlation exists between food security and the size of land cultivated where households that cultivate more hectares of land are found to be more food secure." 237257,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,76,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]Surveillance and Epidemiology: In Yobe, 15 LGAs of the 17 LGAs, representing 88.2%, have reported at least one confirmed case The case fatality rate amongst confirmed cases is 4.4 % The positivity rate for week 51 is 35.0%, which represents an increase compared to the positivity rate of the preceding week (19.8 %). The case to contact ratio is 1:7" 203244,44586.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/herams_1st_quarter_2020_v2.pdf,"[March 30, Syria] Nearly 41% of hospitals across Syria are considered non-functioning, and unable to meet basic health needs of the population" 194690,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Under COVID-19 response, Ministries of Education in Puntland and Somaliland supported to ensure 132,000 children (41% girls) have access to distance learning lessons through radio and TV and cluster partners reached 201,375 (95,129 girls) children with awareness messages on prevention and transmission." 223963,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,59,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Les mesures sanitaires préventives mises en place par les autorités, notamment le confinement et l’interruption des activités économiques, exacerbent la vulnérabilité des femmes et des filles face aux risques de protection, particulièrement les risques de violences conjugales, violences psychologiques et émotionnelles, et dénis de ressources dans les contextes de crise humanitaire." 297810,51194.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,97,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Health partners were regularly approached with requests to deliver more and better medicines, hire additional and better skilled staff as well as to upgrade existing health facilities, including ambulances. Most of the time these requests were outside the scope of the funded activities, with partners unable to meet the demands even if they wanted. Refusal to agree to these requests often led to the closure of health facilities, with the HAG logging 22 instances of health facilities temporarily closed in 2020, with the longest closure lasting for five months." 319530,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"the presence of armed groups in Burkina Faso has triggered the cross-border displacement of 3,982 persons at the least. Armed incursions into Niger from Burkina Faso’s armed groups have also caused internal displacement" 132523,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• La asistencia técnica será brindada para la creación de un protocolo de protección de la niñez que contenga los estándares mínimos y las vías de referencia para niños en situación de movilidad humana. La atención especial se dará a los niños en situación irregular y en riesgo de ser apátridas. 323366,54373.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D9%88%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%86%D9%82%D8%B5-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D9%83%D8%B3%D8%AC%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%B7%D9%82-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B0%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B2%D9%88%D8%B1,"[April 20, Deir Ez Zor] Another medical source at Al-Shuhail Hospital told Syria TV that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) withdrew 10 oxygen cylinders from the hospital two weeks ago, along with 3 oxygen meters, while the health centers are suffering from crises in equipment and staff, confirming the death A 57-year-old man was in the hospital 48 hours ago, due to the Corona virus, because there are no vacant oxygen cylinders, ""so all the existing cylinders are in work,"" he said." 205195,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"JANUARY 2015: 35,000 Nigerian refugees arrive in the Far North. That number increased to 86,000 in December 2016, including 60,000 in the Minawao refugee camp, three times its capacity." 319788,54628.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,91,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Survivors have been taken to health facilities and some have been shifted to relatives’ houses in other camps. Participants added that people with disabilities and elderly people should be provided with medicine, wheelchairs, necessary support devices or equipment, treatment for burn injuries. It was also suggested that everyone be provided with information about how to support and care for fire victims, especially those who are vulnerable, including the medicines which should be provided." 495154,67230.0,1185.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,23,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Apoyo a familias con iniciativas diversas de corto (alimentos) y mediano plazo (ayuda con efectivo y medios de vida) 328590,54710.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Among households of IDP settlements with children , 10% households reporting having access to mobile nutrition team able to assess for malnutrition in the 6 months prior to data collection . While among households of non-IDP settlements with children , 8% households reporting having access to mobile nutrition team able to assess for malnutrition in the 6 months prior to data collection." 307732,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Partners reached 1,800 individuals (760 women, 230 men, 440 girls, 370 boys) through home outreach sessions offering awareness raising, risk mitigation, and psychosocial support." 290576,51925.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,135,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/03/03/alternancia-educativa-avanza-con-paso-de-tortuga-en-colombia/,"Goebertus, quien hace parte de dicha iniciativa,recalcó que la lentitud en la reapertura es visible en las capitales, que deberían marcar el ritmo de la alternancia en el país. En Cali no hay ninguna sede que haya iniciado la reapertura, no hay estudiantes en alternancia; en Barranquilla tan solo el 1.3% de las sedes han iniciado y solo 0.1 de los estudiantes; en Bogotá el 10% de las sedes y el 2% de los estudiantes Las cifras, presentadas por la congresista Goebertus, contrastan con los avances enMedellín, ciudad en la que la alternancia en las instituciones públicas alcanzó el “54% de las sedes, iniciando el proceso de reapertura y 19% de los estudiantes”, recalcó." 293896,52076.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"For more than three years, tens of thousands of children in the Far North, North-West and SouthWest of Cameroon have not been able to return to school [due to the violent crisis in the area]." 144534,34804.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,60,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Health partners have made significant efforts to scale up capacities and to provide health staff with the required knowledge and equipment to prepare and respond to severe cases. Surveillance and testing capacity remain key bottlenecks in the response. Testing will need to be further increased to ensure cases can be detected in a timely manner and at scale 173795,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,59,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, Borno] The most conflict-affected State of Borno continues to host the highest number of IDPs at 1,566,011, an increment of 1 per cent (18,998 persons) from 1,547,013 who were recorded in the last round of assessment. The mobility was triggered by range of reasons including insecurity and poor living conditions." 569,156.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,83,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Since 2014, the intensification of the conflict in Libya has affected millions of people, both displaced and nondisplaced. Libya’s complex political and community landscape created further division and security concerns as conflict erupted in different regions of the country, leading to several waves of displacement. The latest figures identified 1.15 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, out of which 170,000 were internally displaced persons (IDPs), 200,000 returnees and 370,000 non-displaced persons" 391208,61470.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 0% of households reported that they treated their drinking water over the past two weeks prior to data collection." 384888,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,180,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Concernant la Région de la Boucle du Mouhoun, la Clinique Mobile a poursuivi ses interventions dans le DS de Tougan (Secteur 2, 4 et 7 de Tougan, Di et Kiembara). Dix-neuf (19) sorties ont réalisé par l’équipe et au total 662 consultations ont réalisé dont 484 consultations curatives et 178 consultations en lien avec la santé sexuelle et reproductive (CPN, CPoN et PF). Au cours des consultations pédiatriques, 145 enfants de moins de 24 mois n’ont à jour de leur vaccination ont été référés au programme élargi de vaccination. Par ailleurs, le Responsable Santé mentale de la Boucle du Mouhoun et l’équipe projet ont effectué une supervision conjointe post formation des agents de santé sur les Premiers secours psychologique et la prise en charge clinique des VBG dans les districts sanitaires de Nouna et Tougan. Dans le but d’améliorer la gestion des déchets biomédicaux, le CMA de Toma et le CMU de Dédougou ont bénéficié" 201388,44478.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,50,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/presidentielle-au-burkina-faso-roch-marc-christian-kabore-l-emporte-des-le-premier-tour,Les éventuels recours doivent être déposés au Conseil constitutionnel ou le Conseil d'Etat dans les sept jours à compter de l'annonce des résultats. Le Conseil constitutionnel ou le Conseil d'Etat doivent proclamer les résultats définitifs dans les quinze jours qui suivent l'expiration du délai imparti pour les recours. 305819,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The decline in conflict in 2018 has resulted in an increased number of returnees from SPLM-N controlled areas and refugee camps in South Sudan to government-controlled areas. According to the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) of South Kordofan, between January and November 2018, approximately 30,000 individuals (5,600 households) have been registered as returnees from SPLM-N controlled areas and refugee camps in South Sudan to their home villages into government controlled areas." 454436,64535.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Más de 20% no cuenta con ningún documento de su país de origen o estos se encuentran expirados 388322,60981.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Hay registros de otros hechos de violencia armada por parte de los grupos armados no estatales en varias veredas y corregimientos como: amenazas, homicidios que han causado los desplazamientos individuales (de miembros de la Junta de Acción Comunal -JAC- y de personas en proceso de reincorporación y sus familias). Lo anterior, es muestra de la intensificación de la violencia y conflicto armado que genera un grave impacto humanitario a la población de este municipio." 111667,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,91,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A pesar de que en este departamento la cooperación internacional y el Estado han desplegado una respuesta coordinada a la migración, Norte de Santander enfrenta enormes dificultades por la concentración y disputa territorial entre diversos grupos armados. El departamento aloja una de las zonas veredales de normalización conformadas en medio del proceso de paz con las FARC (en Caño Indio, Tibú), que ha sido un territorio de disputas entre diferentes grupos que permanecen activos (GIFMM Norte de Santander, entrevista, 2019)." 294047,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In the Far North region, from February 2018 to June 2019, 97% of cases of GBV are reported by women, of which about 12% are sexual violence. In 84% of cases, the perpetrator is the intimate partner." 200471,44300.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Le niveau d’instruction des participants est moins élevé que la moyenne nationale, puisque pour l’ensemble du pays, pour la période 2018/2019, le taux d’achèvement du primaire est de 62%34, tandis que pour le post-primaire et le secondaire, pour la période 2017/2018, le taux de scolarisation national est de 38% contre 30% et 22% respectivement pour les migrants de retour enquêtés dans la présente étude. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 185951,43194.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,77,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"En effet, la zone Sud-Est (avec prolongement jusqu'au Kasaï-Central et Oriental), Kinshasa et sa périphérie, la province de Tshuapa et le Sud-Kivu ont des prix médians du PMA influencés par la part importante du prix des haricots. Le prix médian des 32,4kg de haricots varie entre 63 000 et 83 000 FC dans le panier minimum depuis le début de l'année et son prix représente 45% du PMA médian." 162610,35727.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,78,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"Preocupa la situación de víctimas sin acceso a tierra, ni a planes de vivienda, por esta situación muchos han ocupado terrenos desocupados y viven en condiciones de vulnerabilidad y estigmatización. De igual forma preocupan las amenazas recurrentes a víctimas del conflicto que se dedican a la sustitución de cultivos ilícitos y que luchan por el acceso a tierra, estas víctimas no han recibido beneficios de seguridad para ellos, ni para sus familias." 454277,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Hay una constante de no querer denunciar los casos de violencia porque sienten que los policías no harán mucho por ellas, ya que no hay una respuesta efectiva de parte de esta institución." 472848,64952.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,[District sanitaire de Gourcy] Le district accueille environ 800 PDIs. 237789,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Mortalidad perinatal y neonatal tardía A semana epidemiológica 53 de 2020, se han notificado 9 083 casos de muerte perinatal y neonatal tardía (MPNT) de los cuales 161 corresponden a casos residentes en el exterior por lo que no se incluyen en el análisis. En esta semana se notificaron 128 casos, de los cuales 85 corresponden a esta semana y 43 a notificaciones tardías." 357274,58307.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/congo-faces-third-wave-coronavirus-says-health-minister-2021-06-03/,"Congo's vaccination campaign has stuttered after it delayed the rollout because of safety concerns about the AstraZeneca(AZN.L)shot. As a result, about 75% of the 1.7 million doses it received in March were reallocated the following month to make sure they were used before they expired." 328585,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 71% of Households of IDP settlements have not been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection while 14% of Households of IDP settlements have been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection. 265709,49620.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,38,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"La fermeture partielle ou totale des marchés et la fermeture des frontières ont également ralenti les activités commerciales entraînant un manque à gagner de la vente des surplus agricoles, du maraîchage et de l’élevage." 207221,44693.0,2333.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,133,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"À Ouallam, une campagne de vaccination contre la poliomyélite a été organisée par les autorités sanitaires à l’endroit des enfants de 0 à 5 ans. Les enfants des déplacés et ceux des réfugiés ont été atteints par l’opération. L’ONG Première Urgence Internationale continue de donner des soins de santé aux PDI sur le site d’Ouallam. Au niveau du site de Tondikiwindi, le CSI a suspendu la prise en charge médicale gratuite des PDI bien que l’ONG Première Urgence internationale (PUI) eût accepté de rembourser les factures relatives à la prise en charge des PDI. Notons que l’ONG PUI a suspendu ses missions sur le site de Tondikiwindi suite à l’insécurité." 341534,56608.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25 MAY 2021, NES] Aleppo, Ar-Raqqa and Deir-ez-Zor governorate had little to no communities implementing COVID-19 mitigation measures such as closure of public spaces, social distancing, lockdown, prohibition of gatherings, etc." 238439,47405.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"los ciuda- danos venezolanos privados de la libertad representaron el 1,1 % del total nacional de personas privadas de la libertad, según cál- culos del Observatorio Migración Venezue- la a partir de información del INPEC." 278617,50856.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The shortage and high prices of poultry, cattle and sheep feed, besides the fragile veterinary services, remain a challenge for livestock keepers. As a result, the livestock products’ prices are sharply high, making most Syrian families cope with the situation by not consuming any livestock products. Low access to various livestock products is limiting dietary diversity since most families are unable to buy eggs and meat." 172892,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,77,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"[1] Ces groupes de population ont des vulnérabilités multiples, se superposant parfois face aux effets directs et indirects du COVID-19. Ces vulnérabilités incluent : • Un état de santé qui augmente leur sensibilité à l’infection virale • Un accès plus faible aux services de prévention et de traitement en raison de leurs moyens insuffisants, de pratiques de discrimination, d’inaccessibilité des infrastructures pour des conditions géographiques ou sécuritaires" 191636,43409.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.afro.who.int/fr/news/burkina-faso-les-tradipraticiens-de-sante-de-la-region-du-sud-ouest-lecole-de-la-surveillance,"La Région du Sud-Ouest a enregistré son premier cas le 29 mars 2020 dans le district sanitaire de Dano. A la date du 18 octobre 2020, la région totalisait 64 cas confirmés enregistrés majoritairement de sexe masculin (73%). [COVID-19]" 205250,44636.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/challenges-faced-in-control-of-covid-19-pandemic-in-idlib-80-of-icu-beds-are-occupied-explanatory-data/,"[December 2, Idleb] The health cadres are doing their best to confront the coronavirus pandemic with all the available capabilities, according to Abdan. However, given the war, the lack of specialized medical personnel, the lack of material means such as hospitals and medical equipment, and the high number of people living in northwestern Syria compared to the number of medical personnel, there will be difficulties while facing the virus." 196196,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The vulnerabilities caused from food insecurities have also increased largely to urban areas 189283,42868.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,53,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,"30% ICs reportaron la intención de regresar al punto de inicio de su viaje (previo a marzo 2020) tras el levantamiento de las restricciones para prevención de COVID-19, señalando que la razón principal se debía a que en este lugar encuentran mayores oportunidades laborales (79%)37" 310069,53753.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_25_february_2021_final.pdf,"(25 February 2021)Only 293,649 people out of a population of 40.4 million have been tested." 164851,39753.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"With continued technical assistance from UNICEF, Federal Ministry of Education and State Governments of Education are engaging children in with learning through alternate home-based platforms such as radio, television, online/internet based and take-home learning resources. Thus far, an estimated over 20 million children are accessing learning and other academic opportunities through these alternate home-based modalities across 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory. Continued support is also provided in mapping, contextualising and development of scripts for radio and TV programmes." 168497,40099.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99598,Malheureusement un décès a été enregistré portant à 57 les cas de décès. 290708,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,98,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"El incremento en los niveles de pobreza femenina se relaciona con los efectos directos que tiene el confinamiento sobre la vida productiva de las mujeres, en especial, sobre el empleo. Durante la cuarentena una mayor proporción de mujeres que de hombres no podrán trabajar debido a que ellas están sobrerrepresentadas en el empleo informal y en los sectores más afectados por el aislamiento, tales como el comercio y los servicios. Lo anterior tiene un impacto directo sobre los ingresos de las mujeres y sobre sus condiciones de vida y la de sus hogares" 316771,54470.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,100,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.facebook.com/SyrianMOT/posts/1881122935381682,"[April 3, GoS]#Ministry of Tourism The technical institutes for tourism and hotel sciences in the governorates, the Tourism and Hotel Training Center and the private tourism and hotel training centers in the governorates must suspend work hours from 5/4/2021 until 4/17/2021 in order to complete the governmental efforts to take preventive measures and precautionary measures necessary to confront Coronavirus and to ensure that Student safety, in line with the instructions issued by the Ministry of Higher Education, with an emphasis on the necessity of following up measures to protect educational facilities." 473924,67199.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,103,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"El aislamiento en casa y el cierre de colegios, parques, ludotecas y canchas deportivas los han obligado a decirles adiós a los ratos de juego con sus amigos y cuidadores por la imposibilidad de salir o por estar ocupados con las labores de casa. Si bien los parques y canchas deportivas han vuelto a abrirse, una buena cantidad de niñas/os y adolescentes no asisten a ellos por el miedo al contagio de quienes los cuidan, por la falta de tiempo para acompañarlos o por los mitos de anteriores pandemias respecto al rol de niñas/os en el contagio." 191118,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"In August, 266 health staff and community volunteers were trained on COVID-19 infection prevention and control in Mudug, Bay, Bakool, Bari and Lower Juba regions." 240982,47675.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"The increase (13% increase of IDPs in round 13 compare to round 12) can be explained by the worsening of the security conditions (particularly in the sub-prefectures of Kaiga-Kindjiria, Kangalam and Liwa), which led many individuals to flee their homes preventively or following armed attacks." 222845,45953.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]68% of camps has access to a form of education in the camp or nearby. Over 60% of the camps need instructional and writing materials. 50% of the camps do not have access to a functional secondary school while 32% of the camps do not have access to alternative basic education." 176712,41684.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,98,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Protection%20Factsheet%20and%20Dashboard_Sep_2020.pdf,"[September 2020, Bangladesh]In recent months the security environment in the camps has deteriorated considerably, with criminal gangs vying for power in both Teknaf and Ukhiya resulting in a marked increase in protection incidents and serious crimes such as robbery, intimidation, drug trafficking, arbitrary killing and arrest, murder, and abduction. Both refugees and members of host communities have expressed fear that this could lead to larger scale violence in the camps and the surrounding areas, and UNHCR is closely monitoring these developments together with the authorities." 265714,49620.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,42,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Des attaques ont en effet été perpétrées contre le système de santé, et incluaient des intimidations et des enlèvements du personnel médical, le vol de médicaments et la destruction de véhicules assurant la prise en charge d’urgence108." 244824,47945.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Shelter', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] New and protracted IDPs share the same urgent needs, in an area that has limited shelter options and where the fighting has caused the destruction of civilian infrastructure, including health facilities, schools, bakeries, and has disrupted the provision of basic services." 227492,46488.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Les deux IC professionnels de santé interrogés ont indiqué une tendance à l’augmentation des consultations journalières dans le centre de santé et une augmentation du ratio patients/personnels soignants. 105552,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,62,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Del total de las personas que han salido de Venezuela, es estima que cerca del 35% (1.7 millones) se encuentra en Colombia. La variedad de los flujos migratorios, sumada a la velocidad y el volumen con el que está ocurriendo, hace que este sea uno de los problemas migratorios más críticos en el mundo." 401773,62965.0,2098.0,['Logistics'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Check vehicles and motorcycles which may have been in contact with flooded waters, and vegetations for any snakes that may have come on board." 200046,44392.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Insuffisance de financement : seulement 51% du budget prévu dans le Plan de Réponse Humanitaire 2020 a été acquis, alors même que le budget prévu (60,5 millions de USD) permettait d’atteindre seulement 45% des besoins." 305608,50889.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Communities typically have low immunization coverage due to service gaps in CAR. 341008,56436.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-whole-of-syria-appeal.pdf,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] Due to the prolonged crisis, the health system in the Syrian Arab Republic has become weaker and even more fragile. According to the annual report of the International Health Regulations (IHR), the national capacity for health preparedness and response is considered as level 2 out of 5." 272836,50353.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"In the NW region, NRC through partners CBC and COMINSUD carried out a distribution of 1,000 packs containing some shelter and NFI kits in the Bui and Menchum divisions. This included 200 packs in Jakiri, 300 in Kumbo, 250 in Bafmen and 250 in Zhoa. This distribution reached 5,443 individuals (2,610 males and 2,833 females). Each pack comprised of emergency shelter items, menstrual hygiene items, COVID-19 prevention items, hygiene items and basic household items." 210345,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"The Minister of Education has guided the development of the plan and is responsible for overseeing its implementation and coordination within the wider government COVID-19 response efforts. The plan, while government-led, has included consultation with development partners through the Education in Emergency Working Group." 113098,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"• Así mismo, continúan las actividades de atención primaria en salud, salud sexual reproductiva y salud mental en los alojamientos temporales de Ipiales y Pasto." 276976,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"ces effets négatifs sont dus à la baisse des ventes des biens et services offerts par les petites entreprises et aux restrictions nationales de circulation, qui entraînent des problèmes dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Ces problèmes peuvent affecter davantage les petites entreprises, car elles sont plus susceptibles d’avoir des clients et des fournisseurs locaux qui ont dû modifier leur comportement en raison des nouvelles restrictions de la RDC (telles que le couvre-feu et la fermeture des écoles)." 152712,37924.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,88,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’observation au cours de la période a dénombré au total 1079 voyageurs dont 982 hommes et 97 femmes ayant traversé la frontière pour se rendre au Niger. Parmi eux, on pouvait observer 28 enfants de moins de 5 ans. On pouvait ainsi dénombrer 1044 Nigériens, 11 Burkinabés, 18 Maliens, et 6 Nigérians. Par contre, 515 voyageurs 375 Nigériens, 5 Maliens et 8 Ghanéens ont été observés, entrant au Burkina Faso en contournant les voies officielles." 188224,31146.0,1900.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,52,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Si bien Honduras ya registraba una de las tasas de pobreza más altas de América Latina y el Caribe, con un 54,8 por ciento, la CEPAL proyecta que podrían llegar al 57,8 por ciento, mientras que la pobreza extrema podría aumentar del 18,7 por ciento al 20,5 por ciento" 389644,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Entre abril y mayo de 2021 se incrementaron 3.2 veces los casos nuevos registrados en la región amazónica: 8.2 veces en Guaviare, 3.5 veces en Guainía, 2.8 veces en Caquetá y 1.4 veces en Vaupés, mientras que en Amazonas los casos se redujeron 61% y en Putumayo 15%." 62105,18564.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"maternal mortality increased by 66 percent and infant mortality by 30 percent between 2015 and 2016. The numbers are likely to be even higher now, given the deepening crisis in the health sector and the deterioration in nutritional indicators for both groups." 428816,63533.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,80,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_13_nord-kivu_18-08-2021.pdf,"Après plus de cinq semaines d’accalmie dans le groupement Biiri, de nouveaux affrontements, le 12 août, entre l’armée congolaise et un groupe armé ont entrainé le déplacement de plus de 3 000 personnes dans le secteur Osso Banyungu, en Territoire de Masisi. Parmi elles, des retournés en provenance de Masisi centre qui se sont dirigés vers les villages de Loashi, Mukohwa, Masisi centre et d’autres lieux" 240706,45197.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,59,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA repeats its call on the Government of Afghanistan to cease the use of indirect fire (mortars, rockets and grenades) and other explosives with wide area effects in populated areas, and to continue to develop and improve tactical directives, rules of engagement and other procedures in relation to the use of armed aircraft." 205224,44635.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab]The SCD takes preventive measures to bury coronavirus victims, confirming that there was “an awareness-raising activity intended for the specialized teams in the SCD, about the coronavirus infection, its risks, transmission modes, prevention methods, and how to wear personal protective equipment properly.”" 276144,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Le manque d’un cadre de référencement ainsi que la faible qualité et disponibilité des services multisectoriels pour une prise en charge adéquate des survivants, des personnes vulnérables et des personnes handicapées reste un des défis majeurs et urgents à relever par le cluster protection en 2019." 472793,64952.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso connait depuis 2019 une détérioration de la situation humanitaire et sécuritaire affectant principalement cinq (05) régions que sont le Sahel, le Centre-Nord, le Nord, l’Est et la Boucle du Mouhoun." 199196,44310.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Dans le territoire de Lubutu, l’amélioration du contexte sécuritaire, malgré la présence des groupes armés, a favorisé le désengagement d’environ 150 enfants des groupes armés. Ces enfants sont placés dans les familles d’accueil ou auprès d’institutions caritatives par deux organisations locales, PEDI et la Fondation Tunda, en attendant leur réintégration au sein de leurs familles." 142160,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"WHO has finalized standard operating procedure (SoPs) on the roles of psychosocial workers (PSWs) in 30 COVID-19 treatment centres across the NWS. A total of 96 primary health care doctors and nurses have completed the package of essential non-communicable disease Interventions (PEN) training, and 48 psychosocial workers have completed mental health and psychosocial support training, and 48 pharmacists have completed non-communicable diseases pharmacy management training." 165211,38958.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,132,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Bangladesh%20-%20August_IM%20finck.pdf,"UNHCR is supporting this effort through its health partners by ensuring qualified staff are available to carry out vaccination sessions in support of the Ministry of Health teams. Further, refugee community health volunteers working with UNHCR’s health partners will be helping to identify anyone in the community that has missed a vaccine session in the past. It is especially important to identify specific groups that are considered priority, such as children under 5 years old and pregnant women who have defaulted on vaccines to ensure adequate protection against vaccine preventable diseases. The routine immunization of refugee children in Cox’s Bazar has already restarted in Camp 7 following approval by the Civil Surgeon’s office in Cox’s Bazar and RRRC." 162992,39122.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,99,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/28_July_2020.pdf,"To ensure the safety and wellbeing of learners, teachers, administrators and other educational personnel as schools and learning facilities reopen, the following actions are strongly recommended: 1. Widespread sensitisation through continuous dissemination of information, education and communication materials on COVID-19 2. Compliance with NCDC safety measures e.g. proper screening at the school entrance, use of face masks, diligent temperature checks, washing of hands with soap and water etc. 3. Establish COVID-19 referral system 4. Monitor, encourage and enforce all school reopening protocol etc." 133904,35165.0,1188.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,295,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Ante esta situación, se identifica una flexibilización en el proceso de convalidación a través del otorgamiento de convalidaciones provisionales por parte del Ministerio de Educación (MEDUCA), para garantizar el acceso de los niños, niñas y adolescentes al centro escolar. No obstante, esta convalidación debe realizarse, hasta en seis meses, como permanente con la entrega total de la documentación requerida. Si no se realiza la convalidación permanente se puede generar un conflicto en la oficialización de los procesos de culminación de pre-media (certificado de educación básica general) y/o media (diploma de bachiller). Igualmente hay una barrera al acceso, sobre todo en Ciudad de Panamá, por la limitación de cupos en los centros escolares públicos (ocasionado por razones de infraestructura y capacidad, o por razones de priorización de población nacional). Esta situación hace que las familias deban buscar centros escolares alternativos a la primera opción elegida, en ocasiones con el apoyo del MEDUCA. A nivel universitario, se identifican mayores barreras en el acceso a la universidad pública que a la privada. Los requisitos para el acceso incluyen documentación oficial apostillada en el país de origen, lo que dificulta el acceso para las personas venezolanas. En la Universidad de Panamá se establece adicionalmente una cuota de extranjería, y se identifican casos aislados en los que solicitan el permiso de estadía por razones estudiantiles para el proceso de matriculación. Según la información que se desprende del trabajo en grupos focales con personas venezolanas, se percibe un sentimiento de frustración entre los jóvenes por no poder desarrollar carreras vocacionales debido a la restricción de ciertas profesiones para población extranjera." 391248,61470.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Top three reported food-related coping strategies: -Eat cheaper food 69% -Eaten fewer meals 45% -Adults eat less so children can eat 42%" 184765,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] There are significant concerns around possible community transmission in camps, particularly in Al Hole where confirmed cases have been recorded in five separate phases indicating that it may be impossible to contain the virus through isolation and contact tracing" 304527,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Recorded new arrivals to Khartoum are low due to movement limitation to Khartoum for refugees arriving in the East and other parts of Sudan. In 2019, only 230 new arrivals were registered by 30 November, and the majority of these are adult men from Syria and Yemen arriving by plane." 265673,49620.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,36,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Mali, BF, Niger) Les structures scolaires au Mali ont montré une plus grande résilience, mais de nombreuses écoles étaient encore fermées au Burkina Faso et au Niger en novembre 2020." 245115,47833.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Finalmente se encuentran como razones los cobros irregulares, la falta de información, los costos de los medicamentos, el tiempo de espera para acceder a la atención, la discriminación, el costo del transporte y la falta de servicios especializados. Como reportado en los trimestres anteriores las barreas cambian según el territorio. En Barranquilla y Medellín las principales barreras son documentación y cobros irregulares, en La Guajira la barrera principal es la distancia, y en Bogotá es la falta de documentación y de información de como acceder a los servicios de salud." 436862,64543.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Ante esto, es necesario: o Brindar dotación pedagógica y deportiva para estudiantes, docentes y escuelas para el regreso a clases en modalidad de alternancia, que genere interés al regreso y ayude a prevenir el riesgo de deserción escolar." 63974,18967.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Demography'],en,123,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_FAONigeriasitrep_September%202019.pdf,"Torrential rains and flash floods have reportedly affected more than 21 000 households across pockets of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states, with farmlands, pasture, grazing reserves and stock routes destroyed in the wake of the floods. An estimated 924 ha have been affected, with significant losses of livestock, poultry and fishing equipment. Vulnerable households require urgent food and livelihood support to stave off hunger and dependence on food aid.  Under its rainy season activities, FAO reached 98 400 targeted households with crop seed and/or fertilizer. Due to farming restrictions in Monguno, Borno state, FAO was unable to distribute fertilizer to 3 800 households, who had previously received seeds" 224209,45763.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,65,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Les ménages ayant perdu leurs récoltes ont besoin d’un appui d’urgence en denrées alimentaires en complément aux récoltes résiduelles et un appui en intrants agricoles pour la culture de contre-saison (maraichage et riz pluvial). L’appui des acteurs de développement et du gouvernement est requise pour renforcer la résilience de ces communautés vivant dans ces zones. 289873,51859.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.fao.org/colombia/noticias/detail-events/es/c/1382766/,"Hoy, 400 familias de los pueblos tikuna y yagua, asentadas en Leticia (1 400 personas, aproximadamente), disfrutan del suministro con la producción de más de 16 500 litros diarios de agua potable en total. Cada familia recibe semanalmente 40 litros de agua, envasada y tratada por las mismas comunidades en las 3 plantas de potabilización que recolectan agua lluvia en cada comunidad y la purifican para asegurar el acceso y disponibilidad de este recurso vital los 365 días del año." 175492,41213.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,L’appui à la coordination du cluster santé au niveau régional avec une accent sur la région de l’Est qui fait actuellement face à de nombreux incidents séuritaires; 236029,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"To address this need [lack of training on GBV psychosocial support], the GBV AoR under UNFPA leadership trained 60 frontline GBV actors on GBV case management in the two regions." 357851,58554.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_por_inundaciones_puerto_arica_vf.pdf,La inundación de las comunidades y el estancamiento de estas aguas genera malos olores y la posible proliferación de vectores que pone en riesgo a los habitantes. 202581,44558.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] Social stigma and exclusion of COVID-19 patients occur for reasons unanimously accepted by the majority. The patients are characterized by something agreed upon by society, which distinguished them negatively from the rest. These behaviors bring back to people’s memories the “stigma” that has been associated for decades with HIV and AIDS patients." 106091,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"por una parte, cuando la concentración de migrantes en el total de la población aumenta, esto constituye un reto en términos de vinculación laboral y convivencia. Por otra parte, en términos fiscales estos departamentos y sus municipios tienen mayor presión sobre sus presupuestos, al tener que brindar servicios, como en el caso de Arauca o La Guajira, a un 17 % y 16 % adicional a su propia población." 274117,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"La situation de la sécurité alimentaire dans la zone enquêtée demeure préoccupante : 86 % de la population est globalement en insécurité alimentaire, dont 47 % en insécurité alimentaire sévère. La situation s’est sensiblement aggravée comparativement à 2019 quand ce taux était de 29 %. Cette prévalence représente environ 4 933 900 personnes qui sont globalement en insécurité alimentaire contre 4 385 000 en 2019, dont environ 2 401 561 qui sont en insécurité alimentaire sévère par rapport à 1 590 000 en 2019." 188220,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,112,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Las situaciones de cuarentena representan un alto riesgo en cuanto a la violencia y abuso sexual contra mujeres, niñas y niños. El personal de la salud, las mujeres embarazadas, migrantes retornadas, mujeres desplazadas, vendedoras informales, mujeres privadas de libertad, mujeres rurales, así como también los adultos mayores (mayores de 60 años), personas con enfermedades crónicas, viviendo con VIH u otras síndrome de inmunodeficiencia, miembros de la comunidad LGBTIQ+ y los pueblos indígenas y afro-descendientes son especialmente vulnerables a la COVID-19 dado que con frecuencia tienen difícil acceder a centros, bienes y servicios de salud de calidad." 56040,17094.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,93,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El notable incremento de los ingresos terrestres en 2017 y 2018 se vincula a dificultades diversas para salir de Venezuela por vía aérea, tales como reducción de vuelos por conflictos A título ilustrativo, en 2017 el puente “Tancredo Neves” tuvo 12.000.000 de tránsitos (entradas y salidas), el paso del “Cristo Redentor” 3.000.000 y el paso entre La Quiaca y Villazón 1.300.000. con las aerolíneas, controles migratorios de salida que exigen pasaje de vuelta o lisa y llana imposibilidad de adquirir los boletos." 223514,44702.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,114,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"The local markets that are operational in the affected locations have limited commodities and as such the few items which are in the market have their prices doubled which cannot be afforded by the affected population. A cup of sorghum costs around 250 SSP and a piece of biscuit costs 30 SSP, half kilogram of sugar costs 200 SSP, maize flour small packet cost 250 SSP in Wulu whereas, in Cueibet County, a cup of sorghum costs around 250 SSP and a small packet of biscuits costs 30SSP, a half kg sugar costs 200SSP, a small cup of maize flour (125ml) costs 250SSP.." 308275,53353.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[13 APR 2021, GOS] % of SDs with insufficient COVID-19 medical services: - Testing provision for COVID-19: 96% Lack this service, - Quarantine space for diagnosed COVID-19 cases: 91% Lack this service, - Isolation space in health centres for suspected COVID-19 cases: 88% Lack this service and - Provision of space in health facilities to monitor suspected COVID-19 cases: 88% Lack this service." 205554,43347.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Out of the nearly 1.8 million IDPs in South Sudan, around 182,000 IDPs live in PoC sites, more than 59,000 IDPs in collective sites105 and an estimated 1.07 million IDPs in spontaneous settlements countrywide." 14241,5504.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302700739,"Immediately after the relief has been airdropped, the ERC team started to distribute the aid items among the beneficiaries to help them survive the straightened and difficult conditions inflicted by the Iran-backed Houthi militias who are consistently intimidating the people, using starvation as a weapon to succumb people." 310574,53068.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Nutrition Cluster : 41% that is, 230m required, 95m funded, 134m unmet. [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 172887,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,29,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,Les besoins ont ainsi augmenté dans les zones de déplacement mais également dans les structures d’accueil des enfants vulnérables où les risques de transmission sont exacerbés. 164632,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"In Kano state, UNICEF is supporting the on-going pilot of community-based sample collection and testing process in Kano Municipal Council LGA. Technical support was provided for the quantification of IPC commodities in five high priority PHCs and development of a new patient flow chart and identification of triage station in Kano." 171444,40448.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,37,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185217/,"[22nd September 2020, Idlib] Idlib reported it first case in mid-July. On Monday, 26 new cases were recorded, bringing the total to 640 from 9,045 PCR tests and 6 deaths." 293878,52076.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In recent years, maternal and infant mortality has increased as women practice traditional deliveries in the bush with various risks to their babies’ health and their own health. In some areas of the Southwest and Northwest, only 6% of women give birth in health centers. The low rate of assisted deliveries, inadequate management of obstetric complications and limited access to health services contribute to an increased maternal mortality." 272783,50353.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,160 children identified with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) were referred for treatment. 496244,68470.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,54,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20-%20Cono%20Sur.pdf,"Las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela también enfrentan serios riesgos de protección que se reflejan en el aumento de las denuncias de incidentes de violencia de género, de trata, de explotación y abuso, mientras que los servicios disponibles para paliar las necesidades de las personas sobrevivientes siguen siendo insuficientes." 2263,484.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Logistics', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,86,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA_Yemen_-_Monthly_SitRep_1_January.pdf,"Down scaling of international staff presence in Yemen following clashes in Sanaa in December 2017, and continued volatile security situation. Lack of humanitarian access to conflict-affected areas. Difficulties in obtaining life-saving medical supplies into Yemen due to air and sea blockades, and denial of visas for humanitarian workers. Difficulty in organizing services for reproductive health and gender-based violence in conflict areas due to damaged or non-operating health structures, limited movement of partners and limited transportation of supplies to health facilities" 153860,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Finalmente, se identificó que la población migrante es víctima de delincuencia común durante su trayecto, quienes hurtan sus pertenencias y les amenazan. De igual forma, son víctimas de estafadores, que prometen documentos de regularización a cambio de dinero, en montos que van desde los 50 mil hasta los 200 mil pesos, por lo que algunos migrantes optan por vender algunas posesiones, y en el caso de mujeres, su cabello." 411059,63506.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ficha_cierre_emergencias_roberto_payan_narino_mire.pdf,El 7 de mayo 642 familias que habitan en 5 veredas que pertenecen al concejo comunitario Unión de la cuenca se desplazaron hacia el casco urbano de Roberto Payán a causa de los enfrentamientos por disputas por territorio entre 2 GAO en cercanías de dichas veredas. 194817,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In terms of humanitarian impact on ongoing operations as prioritised in the 2020 HRP, clusters have carried out an extensive review of their operations, and consequently suspended reduced or adjusted some planned interventions, as well as scaled up other critical ones, and finally initiating new activities required to respond to the new needs generated by the COVID-19 outbreak." 220007,45769.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Pour l’accès à l’eau, il existe un point d’eau à l’école du village Ngorerom de l’autre cote du bras du Lac et est en panne. Le manque de forage oblige la population déplacée à consommer les eaux du Lac avec tous les risques liés aux maladies hydriques" 276100,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,C’est pour cette raison [l'adoption de stratégie de survie néfastes face aux problématiques de protection] que la protection s’inscrit au cœur de l’action humanitaire telle que définie dans la déclaration de 2013 ainsi que la politique sur la protection dans le cadre de l’action humanitaires de 2016 des hauts responsables du Comité permanent inter institutions (IASC). 212306,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"à des militaires des FARDC (15 violations), 8% à des agents de l’ANR (quatre violations) et 22% à divers agents de l’Etat (11 violations). Les violations commises dans ces provinces ont principalement été enregistrées dans les provinces du Haut-Katanga (26 violations), Kinshasa (12 violations) et Kwango (cinq violations)." 192380,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The decreased financial requirements do not reflect an improved humanitarian situation – $1.01 billion is the funding that is required for a refocused and prioritized humanitarian response that takes into account the original needs identified in the 2020 HRP launched in January, as well as the new challenges and constraints related to the triple threat of COVID, locusts and flooding" 240431,47354.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,115,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] NSAG also attempted to infiltrate the IDP camps in Dikwa, Banki, Monguno, Damboa, Gwoza, Pulka, Bama, Ngala, Damasak among other locations. Illegal vehicle checkpoints on main supply roads of Maiduguri-Monguno axes and Dikwa-Gamboru/Ngala axes continued to serve for robbery and loot passengers of their money, personal effects and food. On 25 November 2020, in Bindundul village along Gubio-Damasak road NSAG seized petroleum products and carted away with two trailers of food items to Damasak for an international NGO. Abductions, too, continued to pose a threat to civilians, including humanitarians." 306552,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In coordination with the Government of Sudan (GoS), UNHCR is utilizing existing available land to expand shelter capacity at Um Rakuba; however, the camp was approaching full capacity as of early January." 495435,67230.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,También se encuentran NNA que no reciben educación por la falta de recursos financieros o la falta de lugares para su grupo de edad. 356549,58354.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Environment']",es,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/06/22/una-persona-desaparecida-y-89-damnificadas-por-las-lluvias-en-medellin/,"De acuerdo con el reporte oficial del hecho, al interior de las carpas se encontraban cinco de los 12 auxiliares de enfermería que atendían el lugar y cerca de 15 usuarios. Tras la caída del árbol siete personas resultaron heridas, quienes de acuerdo con el capitán Hernández, fueron atendidas por personal de la Secretaría de Salud." 273765,50128.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,62,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,"[suite aux fortes pluies entre le 17 au 20 Décembre 2020 - commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] Les informateurs clés interrogés signalent un important besoin en eau, hygiène et assainissement (EHA) afin de prévenir une détérioration de la situation sanitaire entrainant de graves maladies hydriques liées aux difficultés d’accès et à la qualité de l'eau." 169835,40564.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_4th_october_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[04/10/2020,Borno, Yobe states] In Borno State, 1 confirmed case was reported for week 40, total confirmed cases stand at 746 . A total of 2 contacts are being closely monitored in Borno State. In Yobe State, case fatality rate amongst confirmed cases is 10.5% and case to contact ratio is 1:10 and percentage of LGAs that reported at least one confirmed case in the state is 76.1%. The positivity rate for week 40 is 0%. 47 contacts of confirmed cases were monitored." 274195,49666.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,146,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"Aru: La prévalence de l’insécurité alimentaire dans le territoire d’Aru est inférieure aux autres territoires et plutôt stable dans le temps, (passant de 71 % en 2019 à 72 %). La présence des réfugiés sud-soudanais et des déplacés en provenance de Mahagi a mis sous pression les capacités des ménages à s’approvisionner en vivres. En outre, l’invasion de plantes dites « 2000 an » dans les pâturages et les criquets ravageurs des plantes ont engendré des dégâts considérables aux plantations. Par ailleurs, la fermeture des frontières à la suite de l’épidémie de COVID-19 a eu un impact négatif sur le commerce transfrontalier : l’appui financier des acheteurs ougandais étant coupé, cela a impacté négativement la disponibilité financière et, en conséquence la nourriture." 222746,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Humanitarian organizations continue to resort to obtaining access to such towns ( in Hirshabelle, South-West State and Jubbaland State) by using significantly more expensive air transport. The areas include Buulobarde Hiraan, Hirshabelle State, Diinsoor in Bay, Waajid and Xuddur in Bakool, South-West State, and Garbahaarrey in Gedo, Jubbaland State" 186964,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Trois crises humanitaires majeures affectent près de 6,3 millions de personnes représentant près de 40% de la population dans un contexte de sous- développement et de pauvreté. Il s´agit de l´insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition, les mouvements de population et les urgences sanitaires." 194894,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] But carrying virus patients is a new challenge. Khalaf transported nearly 50 patients in 10 days, up from practically none in October. He keeps away from his children for two to three days to avoid infecting them." 229405,46461.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"On the other hand, Norwegian Refugee Council also measured its beneficiaries access to TV and TV programmes which unfortunately the results stand at 77% inaccessibility and only 23% of the population have television at their homes, but none of them neither have access to and awareness about Marif TV nor to any other educational TV channels in their areas." 457464,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Résumé des problèmes rapportés] Violence physique -Assassinats -Enlèvements -Pillages/vols -Agressions physiques 221031,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Such extensive restrictions are also likely to increase the risk of SGBV as vulnerable people are left isolated and confined to often highly stressful home environments (Protection Cluster 21/04/2020). Following the government’s implementation of a national quarantine in March, there was a sharp increase in reports of violence against women" 388952,60849.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,124,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En este sentido, la vinculación con organizaciones sociales migrantes se circunscribe a la orientación de trámites o ayuda material que pueden brindar y en general es la organización o asociación la que activamente se acerca a las personas recién llegadas. Asimismo, la vinculación con organizaciones sociales chilenas solo se produce a efectos de buscar asistencia y apoyo material, dado el escaso tiempo que tienen luego de las jornadas laborales y/o las tareas del trabajo doméstico no remunerado. Sin embargo, en el caso de las organizaciones comunitarias o funcionales, también hay un importante factor de desconocimiento de aquellas, lo que abre una interesante línea de trabajo en esta materia para programas de integración a la comunidad." 223794,45880.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Les données de la CASS d'octobre ont montré que les femmes de Goma ont déclaré avoir été contraintes de réduire la taille et la fréquence des repas qu'elles prennent chaque jour pour pouvoir nourrir correctement leurs enfants. 408623,63559.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Between January–April 2021, there were more than 2,700 displaced people in Cauca, and nearly 100 homes and commercial establishments were destroyed by the violence" 188166,31146.0,1900.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,99,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Si bien El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras están clasificados como países de ingresos medios, una mayoría de la población trabaja en el sector informal sin ninguna protección social y no se ha beneficiado del limitado crecimiento económico que ha caracterizado la región en los últimos años. Al contrario, el ingreso real per cápita disminuyó para los sectores más vulnerables10. El espectro de la recesión económica se hace cada vez más visible a medida que crece el impacto de las restricciones de movimiento tanto internas como externas impuestas por las autoridades para frenar la pandemia" 154964,38099.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"D’une part, une perte importante de revenu a été constatée notamment concernant deux sources importantes que sont les gains monétaires issus du travail occasionnel et la vente des produits agricoles, surtout de rente. En effet, les restrictions ont entrainé une baisse de la demande des produits de rente comme l’arachide, habituellement exportés vers le Mali, le Togo et le Bénin, et le niébé exporté vers le Niger et le Nigéria." 439353,63592.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 12% (38) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que le temps nécessaire pour atteindre la structure de santé fonctionnelle la plus proche était de 45 minutes ou plus. Les IC ont rapporté la présence de programmes nutritionnels à distance de marche12 au cours du mois précédent dans 30% (99) des localités évaluées" 356119,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,111,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Ante esta situación, desde Fedesarrollo realizamos un cálculo alternativo de la pobreza rural y nacional, que consiste en tomar como deflactor de la línea de pobreza rural la variación del IPC de hogares pobres (+2,27%). Los resultados muestran que, si el costo de vida en la ruralidad hubiera aumentado en consonancia con el IPC de hogares pobres, la pobreza rural se habría ubicado en 46,8% en 2020, casi 4 puntos porcentuales por encima de la cifra reportada por el DANE (42,9%) y en línea con el deterioro del empleo y los ingresos laborales en el sector rural." 124321,30176.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,100,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"En Riohacha y Barranquilla, por ejemplo, hay barrios donde no existen redes de agua, o donde la presión es baja o el agua no es potable. Por otra parte, en Granizal (un sector del municipio de Bello, Antioquia) se reportó que el acceso al agua potable es limitado o está controlado por grupos armados irregulares. Esto refleja que el derecho al acceso al agua tiene un alcance limitado en estos barrios marginales, y los expone aún más a riesgos de contagio de COVID-19 tomando en cuenta la situación actual." 169382,40507.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99758,"Le nombre de cas actifs, à la date du 3 octobre, est de 704" 58684,17259.0,1384.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,120,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"These policies put Venezuelan women and girls in Curaçao at serious risk of abuse or exploitation. Refugees International also interviewed women who had been brought from Venezuela and forced to work in “snack bars” to repay the costs of the journey. These women were reportedly told they would serve drinks but actually are required to engage in sex work. As a social worker who focuses on women’s health explained to Refugees International, “Many Venezuelan women are now arriving with a debt to pay back, so they often have to get their earnings with sex work as trago meisjes50 (drink girls)—a situation that is immediately exploitative.”" 190004,43443.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"L’ensemble du territoire de Walikale est en phase de crise (IPC 3)6. La production agricole est faible, la majorité de la main d’œuvre étant concentrée dans l’activité minière et la zone étant fortement enclavée. Il existe en effet peu de dessertes agricoles pour écouler les produits vers Goma. Les mouvements de population à Kibua liés à l’insécurité empêchent les ménages de maintenir leurs moyens de subsistance." 497623,60046.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2-gender-educacion.pdf,"Finalmente, el 54 por ciento de las mujeres en un empleo informal no tienen un estatus migratorio regular y el 14 por ciento están solicitando asilo y/o refugio (Gráfica 7)" 361363,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] This proximity and dependence on these open water sources creates an environment where children have frequent exposure to drowning risks and water-related hazards. Previous research conducted in Bangladesh has found reliance on accessing open water sources and frequent use of surface water rather than piped water to be associated with an increased risk of fatal drowning events (Jagnoor et al, 2019)." 126437,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,29,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,El 7.5% de los hogares no tiene una fuente de ingreso (9% para los hogares migrantes y 3% para los hogares de acogida). 353053,57719.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/la-campana-que-desmitifica-los-imaginarios-contra-las-mujeres-venezolanas/2676,"Ha sido testigo del rechazo y la xenofobia contra sus compañeras en donde reside, en Bosa, en el sur de la capital colombiana. Aún así no se ha dejado afectar por lo que digan de las mujeres venezolanas en la calle.Ella forma parte de la campaña ¡Migración Sin Prejuicios!: Mujeres y Derechos,que busca contribuir a la transformación de estereotipos que legitiman la discriminación y las violencias contra esta población migrante y refugiada en el país." 298951,51152.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Physical access to some remote and deep field locations delayed response. As of 31 January 2021, some areas in Jonglei and Upper Nile were still not accessible due to high flood water levels.( ES-NFI)" 301041,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,144,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Unnatural deaths : This week there were three murders two from the host community (one man and one woman) and one Rohingya man. On 14 March in Nayapara Registered Camp, Teknaf a Rohingya who was an alleged member of the Salman Shah criminal gang was killed by members of a rival dacoit group the Putiya Gang. On 15 March, the body of a woman with injuries was discovered in Cox’s Bazar Sadar, it is unclear why she was killed. Finally, on 16 March, a male member of the host community was killed at Hotel Sweet Home in the tourist area of Cox’s Bazar Sadar. The police arrested suspects for the murder in Chattogram after they had left the district." 60337,17854.0,788.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,59,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20External%20Situation%20Report_July%202019%20.pdf,Results from the April 2019 Emergency Food Security Assessment and June 2019 Cadre Harmonisé indicate 2.97 million people require emergency humanitarian assistance from June to August 2019; a 40 percent increase from post-harvest 2018 (Oct-Dec 2018) to lean-season 2019 (Jun-Sep 2019); and 11 percent higher than what was projected in Oct 2018. 281580,51173.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"Despite the ongoing peace talks, there has been no sign of improvement in the operating environment for humanitarians with violence continuing. Interferences in the implementation of with humanitarian activities has escalated with a 140 per cent increase such incidents compared to 2019 (Humanitarian Access Snapshot, 2020)." 165509,39645.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three health related issues noticed currently in your camp (286 responses)† 1 Insufficient masks or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (30%) 2 People visibly sick are scared to get tested because of stigma (28%) 3 Health facilities are very crowded so avoid going due to fear of coronavirus (26%) 223002,45471.0,2170.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,33,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Over one million civilians remain outside of the reach of humanitarian assistance across north-east Nigeria, the vast majority of whom are in Borno state." 163850,39094.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20East%20Nigeria%20-%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Update%20%28As%20of%2023rd%20August%202020%29.pdf,"As of 23 rd August 2020, a total of 1,024 confirmed cases have been recorded including 59 deaths, 90 active cases and 864 recoveries in the three states." 320023,53234.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,99,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: In week 8, 35 cases came out positive in comparation with the 20 positive cases registered in the previous week. In week 12, the number of positive COVID-19 cases registered among the host community is 203. The positivity also rises from 2.2 percent in week 8, to 8.8 percent in week 12. . Most cases increased in the municipality area with more than 50% of new cases (247 out of 426) contributing to the total number in the district." 174981,41499.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-crisis-fuel-shortages-idUSKBN2673OG,(17/09/2020 Syria) The tightening of the American siege and their barring of imports from arriving forced us to reduce distribution of gasoline by 35% according to the government 328536,54710.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[Accountability to Affected Populations] Top three most commonly reported priority needs: Shelter (67%), Food (54%), Healthcare (52%)." 189713,43300.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,100,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´indice d´inégalité révèle d´importantes disparités dans les trois dimensions clefs du développement humain que sont la santé reproductive, l´éducation et l´accès à l´emploi. Les inégalités et les pratiques discriminatoires, particulièrement à l´encontre des femmes et des filles, et les violences basées sur le genre restent très répandues. L´analyse de la situation de genre révèle un important écart entre les possibilités offertes aux hommes et aux femmes dans tous les secteurs. Le rôle de prise de décision est prépondérant chez l´homme et les femmes sont victimes de discrimination qu´elles subissent dès leur plus jeune âge" 311460,53762.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,104,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"During the reporting period, GBV was the most common protection incident with 70.51% of cases, followed by physical and psychological harm with 20.15%. In the Center-North, North and Sahel, several human rights violations were identified, including the right to physical and mental integrity, the right to life, the right to liberty and security, and the right to property. In the Center-North, it appears that women (82.61%) and IDPs (91.30%) were the most affected by such violations, in comparison to men and host communities." 81988,22790.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,67,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72867.pdf,Cómo desarrollar una respuesta humanitaria adecuada y pertinente en torno a las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela? ¿Qué significa y qué implicaciones tiene nuestro rol como trabajadores humanitarios? ¿Cómo incluimos las perspectivas y demandas de personas refugiadas y migrantes en nuestras acciones de respuesta? ¿De qué forma construimos confianza y empoderamos a las poblaciones afectadas para que sean parte de estos procesos? 308170,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Common disease trends include malaria, diarrhoea and respiratory infections, and are regularly monitored and patients are followed up. Regular COVID-19 awareness and sensitization are done in all payams, as well as incorporated with other humanitarian interventions." 155201,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,La población desalojada indicó que se encontraban sólo de paso pues su destino son otras ciudades de Colombia y países como Perú y Ecuador. Al ser desalojados quedan en condición de calle. 37178,11044.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,82,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,Most of the asylum seekers ranked food above shelter even though both are equally important.  95% of the population are without proper or independent shelter.  50% of the new arrivals in Ekang reported that they do not have sleeping materials.  100% of house assessed reported that there has been no support for them to build their own shelter.  99% of the houses rely on firewood as main cooking fuel. 413150,60898.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,7,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"2,080,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance" 202614,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"the number of people displaced to other regions of Cameroon increased almost three-fold from 80,000 to 220,000 persons displaced to the Adamawa, Littoral, West, and Central regions." 358475,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Rapid Assessment Findings (by % of 237 KIs in communities affected by water station functionality): 58% of communities use other sources of water for drinking aside from their main source." 302480,52890.0,2311.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"De la tabla anterior puede interpretarse que menos de la mitad de las per- sonas LGBTI+ entrevistadas, equivalente al 40%, cuenta con estudios téc- nicos, tecnológicos o superiores. En este aspecto es clave especificar, que los hombres gays manifiestan haber alcanzado un mayor nivel educativo, contrario a las mujeres trans, quienes mayoritariamente expresan que no pudieron terminar su bachillerato." 319521,54426.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"With the support of the EU, UNHCR has constructed 2,409 social houses for the most vulnerable refugees and Nigeriens in Diffa region." 163457,30943.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,79,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Durante el mes de mayo, el Instituto Nacional de Salud reportó el procesamiento de 331.817 muestras. La proporción de muestras procesadas diariamente se ha venido incrementando, pasando de procesar 557 muestras por día en marzo, a 2.893 muestras diarias en abril y 7.629 muestras en mayo, el 11% de las pruebas procesadas en mayo dieron positivo. En lo cursado del mes de junio, se han procesado 9.325 muestras por día." 333751,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,69,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"When asked from whom people are likely to get COVID-19, 66% of respondents listed returnees from Iran, 33% returnees from elsewhere, and 30% foreigners. There is also recognition that COVID-19 is not just coming from elsewhere, as 67% listed people in the community. Nonetheless, these figures suggest a strong potential for foreigners and returnees to be stigmatised." 266916,49951.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,53,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.dw.com/es/estudio-colombia-y-m%C3%A9xico-son-de-los-pa%C3%ADses-que-peor-han-gestionado-la-pandemia/a-56370533,"Nueva Zelanda, Vietnam y Taiwán encabezan un ránking de casi cien países y territorios que mejor han gestionado la pandemia de coronavirus, según un índice publicado este jueves en Australia, que pone a España en el puesto 78 y a Colombia, México y Brasil en las últimas posiciones." 197557,43603.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Along with activity modifications, new activities and the scale up of critical services for extremely vulnerable children have also been required in response to COVID-19. These include the setup of helplines for case management and evictions, as well as establishing peer support groups through social media. RCCE activities, including child friendly messaging have also been up scaled, along with the distribution of PPEs to organisations who are carrying out remote case management for serious cases." 242488,47618.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,65,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] Second, students expressed the need for: Increased awareness of learning difficulties like dyslexia and ADHD, gender sensitive education, and a greater focus on social and emotional well-being, with teachers providing support to students. These changes could be implemented as part of a personal social and health education program, they suggested." 113319,32328.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Apoyar la asistencia en efectivo y con cupones, las actividades generadoras de ingresos, y las plazas de empleo seguras y dignas, con un enfoque de mercado sensible al género, y que incorpore un análisis de riesgos;" 154818,38099.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En outre, les fermetures des frontières, les quarantaines et les perturbations du marché, de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et du commerce pourraient restreindre l’accès des populations à des sources de nourriture suffisantes, diversifiées et nutritives, en particulier dans les zones considérablement touchées par le virus ou par des niveaux élevés d’insécurité alimentaire." 154960,38099.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],fr,34,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En outre, la hausse des prix la plus importante concerne le niébé (+12 pour cent) sur les marchés du Sahel, en comparaison aux niveaux d’avant mars 2020." 222994,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,50,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Nigeria is the first state in Africa to have encountered new use of locally-manufactured landmines on this scale. These devices present a particularly lethal threat to girls and boys, who often mistake them as household items or toys while playing outside" 221309,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,49,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les données sur la sécurité alimentaire sont rarement ven�lées par sexe, ce qui rend difficile la pleine compréhension de l'étendue du problème et la manière dont l'insécurité alimentaire croissante causée par les mesures de réponse à l'épidémie de COVID-19 pourrait affecter différemment les femmes et les filles." 360966,58841.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/30/rohingya-refugees-facing-medical-crisis-bhasan-char,"[30th June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The island’s location and the Bangladeshi government’s lack of planning not only keep refugees from leaving the island in case of emergency, but also prevent people on the mainland from bringing emergency medical supplies, food, water, and other necessities to the island. One doctor told The Daily Star that health workers from Noakhali, where the nearest mainland hospital is located, tried to travel to Bhasan Char with rehydration fluids and other medicines to respond to the diarrhea outbreak but they could not complete the journey because of bad weather." 95208,26755.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"25 March, first confirmed COVID-19 case reported in Libya. • 26 March, the Libya INGO Forum members commit to support the country to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and call on the authorities for equal and fair access to medical services for all people in Libya. • Tripoli/Tunis, March 26th, 2020" 486402,65385.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Aleppo, Idleb, NWS] Across north-west Syria, 3 percent of households reported that they have been evicted in the past 12 months. Rates of evictions are much higher among returnee households as compared to other population groups and slightly higher in Aleppo than in Idleb." 408613,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Armed groups are also fighting over coca cultivation areas. Between 2013–2019, the number of hectares planted with coca grew from an estimated 3,326 hectares to 17,355 hectares – an increase of approximately 421%" 428814,63533.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,88,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_13_nord-kivu_18-08-2021.pdf,"La protection des civils dans le Territoire de Beni, notamment dans la Zone de santé d’Oicha, ne cesse de se détériorer à cause des attaques armées. Durant la première quinzaine du mois d’août, au moins 27 civils ont été tués dans cette zone. La majorité de ces incidents s’est produite dans la localité de Mamove, à l’ouest d’Oicha centre, où 37 autres civils avaient déjà été tués en juillet 2021." 219366,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) activities have picked up in the majority of states. In Somaliland, WFP, UNICEF and UNHCR have distributed posters at food distribution points, translated SOPs on social distancing/radio messages, and distributed pamphlets to refugees, asylum seekers and host communities." 236043,46890.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"The harvest season has caused the community to reduce attendance at hygiene promotion and sensitization sessions. To address this constraint, sensitization sessions are carried out very early in the morning." 323857,54898.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/economia/adaptacion-digital-formula-para-proteger-a-las-empresas-colombianas-en-la-pandemia/20000011-4510822,"Adaptación digital, crear alianzas y explorar nuevas formas de relacionamiento hacen parte de una estrategia diseñada para que los empresarios afronten los desafíos que traen las nuevas restricciones impuestas en Colombia por el tercer pico de la pandemia de covid-19." 205220,44635.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,103,['At Risk'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] Al-Qabalawi added that he dealt with the body of a 50-year-old woman who died from COVID-19. She was a mother of young boys and girls; her children, especially her daughters, begged the SCD elements to let them bid farewell to their dead mother, saying, “ Let us catch the virus, but we want to say goodbye to our mother in the coffin.” At the moment, everyone started to cry, even the SCD members, “due to the horror and difficulty of the situation.”" 280341,50900.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | Household iexpenditure, Average monthly household expenditure: 245,347 SYP (86 USD). Top three reported expenditure categories: Food 100% Communication (phone/internet) 82% Healthcare 79%" 112112,30834.0,1620.0,"['Logistics', 'Agriculture', 'Health', 'Cross', 'Nutrition']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,100,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Shock/Event']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FAO%20NE%20Nigeria%20sit%20rep_June%202020.pdf,"Livestock rearing and aquaculture interventions mitigate the risk of seasonal crop failure and other climate-related shocks. Through the diversification of production and income sources, these alternative livelihood activities provide liquid assets. Insufficient safe access to fuel and energy is an ongoing concern in northeastern Nigeria, posing risks in terms of malnutrition, protection, deforestation, health risks and communal tensions over natural resources. Furthermore, Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states demonstrate high vulnerability and low adaptive capacity to the effects of climate change, particularly dry spells, erratic rainfall and floods." 199838,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Years of eroded livelihoods and prolonged humanitarian assistance have increased aid dependency and people’s capacity to cope with new shocks. 71086,20087.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,153,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"En los países afectados por la salida de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela se han tomado decisiones en pro de los migrantes y refugiados de Venezuela, tales como, la tarjeta regional de vacunación que fue aprobada por 10 países en agosto y entrará en vigor a mediados de octubre y, la decisión del Estado colombiano de otorgar la nacionalidad colombiana a miles de hijos e hijas de padres venezolanos que nacieron en Colombia. Estas iniciativas contribuyen a mejorar la integración de los refugiados y migrantes en sus comunidades de acogida, y son ejemplos de la Hoja de Ruta acordada en la reunión del Capítulo de Buenos Aires del Proceso de Quito, centrándose en áreas de protección a la niñez y adolescencia, lucha contra la trata y tráfico de personas, sistemas de regularización y asilo, inserción laboral, y prevención y tratamiento de VIH." 304459,50891.0,2466.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"However, in 2018, in partnership with the Water Environmental Sanitation (WES) project (under the Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity) and the private sector, UNICEF provided access to basic water supply for 161,789 vulnerable residents, IDPs and South Sudanese Refugees including approximately 82,512 children." 112511,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,76,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Centro de Atención Integral al migrante venezolano Este modelo de campamento, único en Colombia, se creó en Maicao a partir de una solicitud expresa del Gobierno nacional y local, en asocio con ACNUR, otras agencias del Sistema de Naciones Unidas y ONG internacionales. Tiene como propósito brindar asistencia humanitaria a refugiados y migrantes venezolanos, así como a colombianos retornados y población wayuú que ingresan desde Venezuela al territorio colombiano." 294674,52363.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,144,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"Access to rights, services, and goods LIVELIHOODS Remunerated work is the most common source of income among respondents (83%). 18% of households mention they are dependent on assistance, from the Government or NGOs, while 5% report having no source of income at all. The results confirm the difficult working conditions for refugees and migrants in Colombia, with 86% of the working population receiving less than a minimum wage, as well as with barriers in accessing formal employment, as 96% of those working do not contribute to a pension fund. The PANEL analysis shows that work as a main source of income has increased (from 68% of households to 80%), in line with the reactivation of the economy between July and November." 48981,16177.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,170,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"En materia de regulación laboral, el Gobierno de Colombia, a través del Ministerio del Trabajo, ha presentado medidas para unificar la caracterización de los trabajadores extranjeros en Colombia, describiendo los perfiles frente a los niveles de formación, áreas de desempeño, niveles de ingresos, cargos, entre otros, y evitar el abuso y la explotación laboral. Para tal fin, en octubre de 2018 se creó el Registro Único de Trabajadores Extranjeros en Colombia (RUTEC), mediante Resolución 4386 del 9 de octubre de 2018 del Ministerio del Trabajo, como herramienta para: “Tener información de primera mano sobre la inmigración laboral en el país, cono- cer la ubicación geográfica y sectorial de los trabajadores extranjeros en el país, así como supervisar su situación laboral, sus condiciones de trabajo, y garantizar el cabal cumplimiento de las normas laborales en nuestro país”. (Ministerio del Trabajo, 2019, Párrafo 1)." 248737,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Les violences basées sur le genre sont relevées dans les communautés de ces sites. En effet le mariage précoce ainsi que les mutilations génitales féminines ont été confirmés par la communauté des arabes du site de Nima. Sur les autres sites on remarque une réticence à répondre aux questions de VBG. 385746,60738.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,60,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/es-alarmante-que-ninos-migrantes-menores-de-13-anos-lleguen-solos-defensoria/2731,"El defensor del Pueblo, Carlos Camargo Assis, alertó sobre el incremento de niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes venezolanos que están llegando solos a territorio colombiano y que se encuentran sin acompañantes de sus padres o familiares. Esta situación se viene presentando en Norte de Santander, que es el departamento fronterizo con mayor población venezolana." 95224,26755.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"A total of 18,584 medical procedures (including 16,977 outpatient consultations, 371 referrals and 1,366 trauma related consultations,183 mental health consultations, 1 disability related consultations) were provided by health sector organizations." 240882,47673.0,2330.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2021/01/21/world-bank-supports-first-covid-19-vaccine-rollout-in-lebanon,"The World Bank today approved a re-allocation of US$34 million under the existingLebanon Health Resilience Projectto support vaccines for Lebanon as it faces an unprecedented surge in COVID-19, with record-breaking numbers of around 5,500 daily confirmed cases since the beginning of the year. This is the first World Bank-financed operation to fund the procurement of COVID-19 vaccines. The financing will provide vaccines for over 2 million individuals. The vaccines are expected to arrive in Lebanon by early February 2021." 489927,67790.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,131,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.237%20%2816%20%20-%2022%20August%202021%29.pdf,"Between 16 and 22 August 2021, a total of 2,539 movements were recorded in the states of Adamawa and Borno. The recorded movements consisted of 1,837 arrivals and 702 departures. Arrivals were recorded at locations in Askira/Uba, Bama, Gwoza, and Monguno, and Ngala Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the most conflict-affected state of Borno and in Fufore, Girei, Gombi, Hong, Lamurde, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South, Numan, Song, Yola North, and Yola South LGAs of Adamawa.Departures were recorded in Askira/Uba LGA of Borno, and Fufore, Gombi, Hong, Lamurde, Madagali, Maiha, Mubi North, Song, and Yola South LGAs of Adamawa." 238595,47236.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,"Ces populations auraient fui les affrontements entre les FARDCs et la milice RAIYA MUTOMBOKI (RM) qui ont causé le pillage, les vols des biens et le recrutement forcé des jeunes dans la milice." 173931,41033.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, Nigeria]There is a growing number of under-nourished and separated infants as a result of COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing armed conflict. Prevention and management of wastage among infants, particularly for the non-breastfed is a highly technical and resource demanding initiative which is unavailable at the moment" 190031,43443.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Au mois de mars, la zone de santé de Nyakunde a enregistré le 1er cas positif de COVID-19 dans la province de l'Ituri. Les risques de propagation de l’épidémie sont importants en raison des intrants et équipements de soins qui sont réduits ou limités dans les centres de santé, la faiblesse d'accès à l'eau et aux systèmes d'hygiène et d'assainissement, et la promiscuité dans les familles d'accueil des déplacés." 225406,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,Donors must prioritise funding of sustainable livelihood opportunities in order to support vulnerable families to reduce negative coping mechanisms such as child marriage and child labor 197488,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"COVID-19 control measures instituted by the government, including closure of schools including school-feeding programmes, closure of children facilities and group activities have eroded children’s sense of protection and community support. Child Protection partners have reported witnessing increased violence against children at home and by parents/ caregivers because of their own stress and anxiety as well as inability to provide for their families. There is also the increased risk of boys being recruited by armed actors due to redundancy." 388606,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,150,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la nuit du 4 au 5 juin 2021, plus d’une centaine de personnes ont été tuées, plusieurs blessées, des boutiques et cars de transport incendiés lors d’une incursion d’un GANE lourdement armé (Lance rocket, AK-47…) dans le village de Solhan dans la province du YAGHA. Le motif de la tuerie reste inconnu mais tout semble indiqué que c’est la position des VDP qui était visée en premier et ça dégénéré par la suite. Le mode opératoire a été bien préparé parce qu’avant l’attaque, le GANE a pris le soin de placer des EEI sur les principales issues et les artères de la localité. Ces engins explosifs ont causé également des pertes en vies humaines dont des enfants et des femmes dans leur fuite pour rejoindre Sebba." 417876,63294.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,59,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20Africa26%20June-2%20July%202021.pdf,"In Burkina Faso, suspected Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM) militants continued widespread violence against civilians, including several instances of attacks and abductions, most notably in the East region. Meanwhile, the Burkinabe military forces conducted airstrikes and ground operations targeting presumed JNIM fighters in the Central North and Sahel regions." 173003,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,63,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La propagation de l’épidémie de COVID-19 ainsi que les mesures de prévention et de réponse à la maladie (telles que la fermeture des écoles et les restrictions sur les déplacements et les rassemblements) ont un impact direct et indirect majeur sur le cadre de vie des enfants, avec des risques accrus de protection de l’enfance." 331140,44828.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,58,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Lack of IDP support: Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported that IDPs have arrived within the last three months and that local community resources are not being shared with IDPs are Maridi 7%, Cueibet 6%, Guit 6%, Rumbek Centre 5%, Mayom 5%." 207163,44579.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy']",en,148,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] Malnutrition is a major issue in Somalia and WASH conditions are likely a contributing factor. Wasting (GAM WHZ<-2) prevalence’s is estimated to be of 13% nationally, representing a “serious” severity classification that warrants a public health concern. The lowest district prevalence is of 8%; a “medium” severity, and the highest of 17%; a “critical” severity. Stunting (HAZ<-2) prevalence is of an estimated rate of 7% nationally, which is considered “low”, and the highest district figure of nearly 9% is also considered low. It should be noted that this data from FAO is far lower than previous thorough nutritional assessments (25%) in Somalia" 386428,60870.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,69,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"• Reclutamiento de menores No se identifica casos concretos en el lugar receptor; existe riesgo de utilización de los NNAJ para actividades delictivas por parte de personas que permanecen en los alrededores del lugar utilizado como alojamiento temporal, se evidencia consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en el malecón de la ciudad, espacio que es utilizado por los NNAJ para la recreación y uso del rio Sinú." 266806,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, GoS] Comparing food-items prices in Mzeireb to the national average prices, Mzeireb prices were higher than the national average prices by ten percent for bread bakery (at SYP 120/bundle), by three percent for Egyptian white rice, by three percent for vegetable oil and by five percent for a whole cleaned chicken. Highlighting how a sudden increase in tensions can lead to supply disruptions and increases in the price of commodities." 338752,56193.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,107,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"Conflict fueled by intergroup dynamics is prevalent in the DRC; and Eastern DRC is home to more than 100 armed groups that contribute to general insecurity, population displacements, and tragic levels of GBV. State weakness; poor infrastructure; widespread conflict profiteering; corruption; illicit trade in minerals, charcoal, and other natural resources; and an absence of economic opportunities and essential services for most people empower conflict entrepreneurs, fuel the violence, and destroy civic trust. These factors operate in a context of long-standing tensions over land and identity, creating a complex and volatile environment." 194936,43590.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,16,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,Households have long lived under conflict conditions and their coping capacities are likely severely strained. 268473,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] Over the first phase, the vaccine batch will cover 3% of the population, which is mainly the health workforce and frontline workers who are likely to be in contact with COVID-19 cases." 144367,35824.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/first-case-coronavirus-appears-among-residents-syrian-al-hol-camp,"After earlier cases of COVID-19 among health workers in Al Hol Camp, the first reported case of COVID-19 of a resident of the camp was confirmed today, Save the Children can reveal, as the number of cases reported across North East Syria rises to over 100." 147511,35128.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On April 29th, a husband and wife tested positive for COVID-19 in the al-Omran neighborhood of Hasakah city. Following the positive test results, the AA health ministry announced the neighborhood would be put under full quarantine." 229641,46676.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=215312,"[28th December 2020, Syria] The Health Ministry on Sunday announced that 101 new coronavirus cases were recorded in Syria, adding that 48 coronavirus patients recovered and 9 others passed away." 209110,44852.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/nigeria-records-highest-daily-virus-cases-since-august/2065674,"[3rd Dec 2020, Nigeria] Nigerian authorities registered 343 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, the highest daily spike since Aug. 23, local media reported on Friday." 174940,40889.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/04102020_informe_de_situacion_no1_impacto_humantario_por_covid_en_amazonas_vf.pdf,"El impacto de la COVID-19 dejo en evidencia problemas estructurales que tiene la población amazonense en sectores como: salud, educación, seguridad alimentaria, agua y saneamiento, entre otros, generando una situación permanente de desigualdad y vulnerabilidad. A lo anterior se suman otros factores que amenazan y afectan a la población amazonense, tales como: la minería ilegal, la explotación ilegal de los recursos forestales y la utilización de sus principales ríos para el tráfico de drogas, sumado al incremento de tráfico y explotación de personas4, en donde las condiciones de aislamiento han empobrecido aún más a la población agudizando las necesidades humanitarias ya existentes." 391276,61470.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Average monthly household income: 232,800 SYP (77 USD). Top three reported primary income sources: -Employment outside of camp: 76% -Borrowed/gifted from family/friends: 32% -Personal savings: 26%" 291577,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Violence in Afghanistan is countrywide. The deliberate targeting of civilians, targeted assassinations and indiscriminate attacks resulting in high numbers of civilian casualties, has been a persistent feature of the conflict." 112319,29953.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Inicialmente, de los 34.041 se alcanzó a cubrir a 18.000 con el Programa de Alimentación Escolar, el cual ha atendido a hoy a cerca de 160.000 niños, niñas y adolescentes venezolanos." 16546,6344.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,51,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"Increased fighting in Al Hudaydah Governorate continues to prompt displacement from and within the governorate, according to the UN. Relief agencies had provided assistance to nearly 385,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) within Al Hudaydah through the rapid response mechanism (RRM) as of September 19." 206802,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The influx of 214,000 refugee returnees and returnees from within South Sudan with unknown immunity status poses a further challenge for increased disease burdens, including potential cross-border transmission of diseases like Ebola and cholera." 39199,13752.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_RapidAssessment-Tripoli_2019-05-21-FINAL.pdf,"At both of these locations, due to their close proximity to the ongoing clashes, people were reported to be unable to safely purchase food while roads connecting these locations to neighboring areas were reported to be frequently inaccessible. In terms of availability of services, provision of almost all essential services such as education, electricity, health, and water were reported to be negatively affected by the conflict." 197268,43114.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.dinero.com/opinion/columnistas/articulo/los-derechos-de-los-venezolanos-por-miguel-angel-herrera/305669,"El sector empresarial tiene un papel por jugar también. La Andi, a través de su Fundación, dio un importante paso al crear un documento de lineamientos generales sobre la inclusión laboral de migrantes, que orienta a las grandes empresas en Colombia hacia la consolidación de una visión: los migrantes como fuente de competitividad y desarrollo económico." 212313,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Les groupes armés sont responsables de 12 atteintes, une légère diminution par rapport aux 15 violations enregistrées en septembre 2020. Les agents de l'ANR sont responsables de sept violations, soit une augmentation par rapport aux deux violations enregistrées en septembre 2020." 222840,45953.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]84% of latrines in Borno are functional while 16% are damaged. 4 sites in 3 LGAs (Girei in Adamawa state, Jere and Konduga in Borno state) do not have latrines on site." 147685,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Health and WASH actors continue health facility assessments to gauge IPC capacity, with many implementing IPC measures, including by establishing distance, maintaining cross-ventilation, handwashing and disinfection, and upgrading triage areas." 22962,9328.0,730.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,35,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.unfpa.org/news/worlds-worst-humanitarian-crisis-miracle-safe-birth#,"Six million women and girlsof childbearing age are in need of support. More than 1 million pregnant and breastfeeding women are malnourished. An estimated 114,000 women are likely to develop childbirth complications." 289116,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,33,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"las mujeres están considerablemente subrepresentadas en los puestos de toma de decisiones en esos sectores, ya que sólo ocupan el 25% de los altos cargos del sector sanitario en América Latina" 328765,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,114,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 39% of households were found to have at least one Protection Living Standard Gaps (LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 37% of households were found to have a Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in protection but no Capacity Gap (CG) in protection, 2% of households were found to have both a Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in protection and a Capacity Gap (CG) in protection, 61% of households were found to have no protection Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a Capacity Gap (CG) in protection." 244426,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ NES, Roj, Dec] NGOs still have challenges providing protection services due to access. • NGOs still have challenges conducting focus group discussions and household-level discussions due to limitations set by Camp Administration." 386156,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,43,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Por su parte, el desempleo se mantuvo dentro de niveles similares a los del período precedente y sólo a partir del año 2017 la tasa se elevó levemente, situándose sobre los siete puntos porcentuales a nivel nacional, en promedio." 388589,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,82,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la province de l’Oudalan, des mouvements de population ont été constatés dans le village de Tadrayate vers la commune de Markoye suite à l’attaque perpétrée par des GANE le 04 juin 2021. Les moniteurs ont estimé le nombre de Personnes Déplacées interne (PDI) nouvellement arrivées à 82 ménages de 376 personnes dont 55 hommes, 63 Femmes, 137 filles et 121 Garçons qui se sont installées dans la commune de Markoye." 265694,49620.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Les IC ont rapporté la présence d’un marché fonctionnel et accessible à distance de marche dans 84% des localités évaluées de la zone frontalière, suggérant que la plupart des marchés qui existaient avant la crise du COVID-19" 338562,56250.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,16,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,[43 915 DPI à Kalemie] Seul 35% des besoins en abris sont couverts 226857,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] also notes that after the US-Taliban agreement, civilian casualties from airstrikes by international military forces and search operations by National Directorate of Security (NDS) Special Forces and the Khost Protection Force all but ceased, while civilian casualties caused by the Taliban and the Afghan National Army, mainly during ground engagements, continued at high levels." 200035,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Le nombre de personnes dans le besoin humanitaire WASH est augmenté de plus 300% entre début 2019 et début 2020. (Cluster WASH). 172986,40676.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,41,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les enfants hors de l’école sont exposés à des risques de protection tels que le recrutement et le travail forcé, l’exploitation et les abus de toutes sorte, mais également à la contamination par COVID-19." 454418,64535.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,20,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El porcentaje de personas desempleadas ha aumentado 30%, en comparación con la ronda de monitoreo de febreromarzo." 237244,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state] Thirty-five (35) new confirmed cases were reported in week 52. One (1) additional confirmed case of COVID-19 was reported amongst Health Care Workers (HCWs) This is a significant increase in the number of cases reported compared to the preceding week (22 cases recorded in week 51)  The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is one hundred and eighty (180)." 492252,17259.0,1384.0,[],[],[],en,62,[],[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"Many Venezuelans in Curaçao arrive via air travel and overstay their visas because they fear returning to their country. However, earlier this year, Curaçao restricted all flights from Venezuela onto the island for a period of time. With no way to get to Curaçao other than by irregular means, the risk of trafficking and exploitation increases." 384865,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"ormation de six (06) relais communautaires de Ouindigui, Hitté et Doussaré sur l’animation des sessions sur Brighter future" 500714,60136.0,2074.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,69,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,La casa de acogida de migrantes de Pisiga identificó algunos casos de hombres que de manera reiterativa viajan por la misma ruta con mujeres extranjeras jóvenes. - Pisiga es una zona árida con bajas temperaturas y limitados servicios. Los migrantes a menudo quedan desprotegidos en la intemperie. La OIM entregó 200 frazadas a la Oficina de Migración de Pisiga para su entrega posterior a migrantes. 205874,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"It has been reported that people living with disabilities have been tortured or killed by parties to the conflict and that women and girls living with disabilities are repeatedly subjected to sexual violence. In addition, these people also have very limited access to services and protection due to insecurity." 223597,45721.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,a long-term decline in rainfall performance and preliminary climatological research suggest an elevated likelihood of below-average rainfall in the season that runs from March to May 2021. Two consecutive poor seasons would likely result in rapidly worsening acute food insecurity in 2021. 322025,54318.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"El 55,9% de los NNA no consume las tres comidas del día (desayuno, almuerzo y cena)." 326755,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,135,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Ce 11/04/2021, 32 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 11 à Kinshasa, 8 au Nord-Kivu, 7 au Sud-Kivu et 6 dans le Haut-Katanga (Annexe 1). Tout de même, aucun nouveau décès n’a été répertorié parmi les cas confirmés actifs. Au terme de la semaine 14/2021, 257 nouveaux cas confirmés et aucun nouveau décès ont été notifiés, contre 342 cas confirmés et 2 décès à S13/2021 . Aucune nouvelle province n’a rapporté de cas confirmés à la semaine 14/2021. En revanche, les zones de santé (ZS) de Masisi au Nord-Kivu et Alunguli au Maniema ont enregistré leurs premiers cas confirmés de COVID-19, contre 0 nouvelle province et 0 nouvelles ZS à la semaine 13/2021" 328669,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,47,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The most commonly reported preferred types of remote learning modalities were: Basic writing materials(pen, paper) (43%), school textbooks (87%) and radio classes (38%)" 202393,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Years of conflict and violence have led to increased humanitarian needs among many of South Sudan’s nomadic or seasonal migratory populations. 311011,53170.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/gwc_annual_report_2019_sudan.pdf,"Total Fund required is 50.7 million, whereas only 40 million have been met, and rest 11 million are unmet. In total 2,370,124 each in sector of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene are targeted and 2,037,626 have been reached in water. Similarly, 1,037,866 have been reached in Sanitation and 1,183,808 have been reached in Hygiene." 238601,47236.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,La faible quantité des installations sanitaires est liée au manque de moyen financier et de sensibilisation à l’égard de la population sur l’utilité d’une installation sanitaire. 313071,53838.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://linterview.cd/rdc-covid-19-35-nouveaux-cas-confirmes-dont-15-a-kinshasa-bulletin-du-vendredi-16-avril/,"La RDC a notifié vendredi 16 avril dernier 35 nouveaux cas confirmés du Covid-19 dont 15 à Kinshasa, 10 au Nord-Kivu, 7 dans le Haut-Uélé, 2 en Ituri et 1 au Sud-Kivu, sur les 339 échantillons testés à l’INRB." 22395,9157.0,786.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.plenglish.com/index.php?o=rn&id=38754&SEO=cuba-china-paho-to-send-933-tons-of-medicines-to-venezuela,"Venezuelan Health Minister Carlos Alvarado announced Thursday the arrival of 933 tons of medicines and medical supplies from China, Cuba, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and some direct purchases'' from the Ministry." 142161,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"For continuity of care during COVID-19, an online training for psychologists in NWS was conducted in early July by experts regarding topics on intellectual disability and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)" 171230,40771.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,48,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,"Les perspectives de retour immédiat vers les sites d’origine ainsi que les opportunités, sont très faibles pour les déplacés internes, d’où une amplification de leurs besoins et ceux des familles d’accueil déjà fragilisées par la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle." 304467,50891.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,The $51.86 million received and the $13.14 million carried over from 2017 still left a gap of US$50 million which had a significant impact on UNICEF’s ability to provide life-saving response to 2.6 million emergency-affected children. 189266,42868.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,"Principales razones reportadas para no haber tenido acceso a asistencia sanitaria fueron: Los costos de atención (17%), no estar afiliado al sistema de salud (17%), y falta de documentos (17%)" 193853,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,80,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"En raison des inégalités, les femmes, qui jouent un rôle majeur dans la production de vivres et dans le maintien d´économies locales fragiles, ont un accès limité aux moyens de production (engrais, intrants semences, outils...), aux connaissances, au crédit et à la propriété. Généralement en charge des activités agricoles les moins lucratives, elles ont peu de contrôle sur les biens et les bénéfices liés à leur production." 157262,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"DRC observó barreras crecientes en el trámite de acceso a la condición de refugiado. Durante junio, la Cancillería regresó varias solicitudes a los aplicantes alegando la falta de documentos de soporte, inclusive cuando estos venían adjuntos. También se identificaron casos en los que se solicitan documentos de identidad a las personas en riesgo de apatridia o a personas sin documentos, aun cuando en la solicitud se explica el caso." 345136,56517.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,125,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/05/20/actualite/societe/sankuru-environ-100-familles-sans-abris-apres-affrontements,"Près de cent familles sont sans abris dans les groupements de Bambele et Nkoto, dans le territoire de Lusambo ( Sankuru) vivent à la belle étoile depuis mardi 18 mai. Selon les sources sur place, cette situation fait suite aux affrontements qui ont opposé le même mardi les habitants du village de Moma, groupement Bambele, et ceux de Kabalabala, groupement de Nkoto. Le bilan provisoire fait état de deux personnes tuées ( un chaque village) et d’une vingtaine de maisons incendiées dans le village de Kabalabala. Ces sources locales affirment également que les habitants de ces deux groupements se disputent les limites des terres sur un gisement riche en ressources minérales diverses." 393237,62158.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,168,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Below chart shows challenges that limits the community to implemented preventive actions for COVID 19 virus. 48% mentioned shelter condition as challenges that limits the community to implemented preventive actions for COVID 19 virus, 21% indicates that lack of access to adequate water and soap as challenges that limits the community to implemented preventive actions for COVID 19 virus, 8% said no access face masks are challenges that limits the community to implemented preventive actions for COVID 19 virus, another 8% said fear of stigma and discrimination also challenges that limits the community to implemented preventive actions for COVID 19 virus, 5% mentioned densely population challenges that limits the community to implemented preventive actions for COVID 19 virus, while 3% mentioned others like cultural practices such as eating together, burial gatherings, shaking hands challenges that limits the community to implemented preventive actions for COVID 19 virus." 306773,53161.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In addition to continued security provision, IDPs are demanding accountability for atrocities; support for disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) efforts for local armed groups; individual and collective compensation for displaced populations; and the restoration of hawakeer—lands traditionally used by a particular clan or tribal group." 205222,44635.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,151,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] The daily interactions with the patients or victims of the coronavirus pandemic affect the daily life of the SCD volunteers while dealing with their families and relatives inside the home. Khaled karzeh, an SCD volunteer at the center of al-Bab and a father of three children, toldEnab Baladi, “When I am home, I try not to negatively impact my parents, my wife and children due to my work with many coronavirus cases. I also do my best not to stir up feelings of fear and concerns that I may have the disease, and I might infect them. I do not want my family members to avoid dealing with me. Therefore, I take all precautions to protect my children from the coronavirus infection and in order not to stay away from me." 240769,47591.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Context->Economy'],en,66,['Priority Needs'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20West%20Syria%20-%20Severe%20floods%20kill%20a%20child%20and%20force%20at%20least%2020%2C000%20from%20their%20homes.pdf,"[19th Jan, NWS] With the rapid inflation of the Syrian Pound coupled with the coronavirus pandemic, the recent flooding will only exacerbate the needs on the ground, Save the Children said. People are in desperate need of heating, fuel, cash for rehabilitation of tents, cash for transportation, food baskets, tents, mattresses and blankets." 173612,34288.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,39,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653231,"Personal de la delegación, participó en la entrega de raciones del Programa de Apoyo Alimentario por emergencia ante el Coronavirus, COVID-19, en los municipios de Morazán, Sansare, San Agustín Acasaguastlán y el Jícaro." 223824,45880.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Par conséquent, toute fille étant tombée enceinte depuis le début de la COVID-19 (qui n'a pas pu accéder à la contracep�on d'urgence ou aux services d'avortement) peut être exclue de la rentrée scolaire." 321871,54318.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"El 2,9% de NNA acompañados no tiene ningún tipo de documento de identidad, de este grupo el 64,6% nació en Venezuela, el 33,1% en Colombia y el 2,4% en Ecuador" 227524,46488.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,32,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Une grande majorité des IC (8/10) ont rapporté que le centre n’était pas capable de répondre à la demande de soins liée à ces incidents de protection. 106492,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A pesar de la angustia que genera en sus cuidadores no tener el alimento y la vivienda garantizados, los niños suelen ser afectuosos y juguetones. Son generosos ofreciendo abrazos a quienes les inspiran confianza, especialmente los cuidadores de algunos albergues e instituciones donde pueden estar mientras sus padres trabajan. Al llegar a Significarte, uno de los albergues que pudieron visitarse, se pudo observar a los niños haciendo fila para abrazar al coordinador e invitarlo insistentemente a jugar con ellos (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo La Guajira, 2019)." 223006,45471.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Context->Demography'],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Over half of the population in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states – 10.6 million people – are in need of humanitarian assistance, with one in four who are under the age of five." 337493,45087.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,14,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,47.7% of the respondents reported that they have lost their jobs or revenues 353094,57614.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Del total de 45.244 camas hospitalarias para adultos, el 71,6% (32.393) se encuentran ocupadas, con una disponibilidad del 28,4% (12.851), en comparación con las últimas 24 horas el porcentaje de disponibilidad y el número de camas disponibles se ha disminución en un 3,0% y 2,81% respectivamente." 272799,50256.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 53% (170) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’utilisait pas de latrines au cours du mois précédent." 188050,42884.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,125,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200815-rdc-coronavirus-reouverture-frontieres-aeriennes-maritimes,"Le principal port d’embarquement et de débarquement des passagers qui traversent le fleuve Congo entre Kinshasa et Brazzaville est quasiment vide, ce samedi. Les douaniers sont là, les policiers aussi… Tous les services ou presque sont en place, mais les yachts, bateaux et autres embarcations ne bougent pas. En effet, il n’y a pas de trafic car les autorités congolaises de Brazzaville n’ont pas encore rouvert leurs frontières. Des échanges ont été déjà entamés pour voir dans quelle mesure réduire le délai. En attendant, seules les personnes détentrices d’une autorisation spéciale peuvent traverser. Pour cela, il faut débourser pas moins de 300 dollars américains." 172218,40826.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_239_20200925.pdf,"Au total, 10 592 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été répertoriés depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 271 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,6%. Près de 68,7% (2048/2983) des cas étaient symptomatiques à la notification, parmi ceux dont les données y relatives ont pu être collectées. Les symptômes majeurs étaient : la fièvre (1029/1406 ; 73,2%), la toux (982/1360 ; 72,2%), l’essoufflement (576/1134 ; 50,8%), le mal de gorge (394/1044 ; 37,7%) et le nez qui coule (376/1060 ; 35,5%)." 221665,45721.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Several clusters, including camp coordination and camp management and protection, water, sanitation and hygiene and health, have received less than 35 per cent of the funding required, even after the humanitarian country team undertook an extensive reprioritization exercise in May." 156514,38023.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/181325/,"Officials say all members are in quarantine in their hotel rooms for a period ranging from two to 10 days. During this period, they are to communicate virtually with each other and the U.N. Special Envoy." 276991,50764.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,De nombreux élèves qui ne sont pas scolarisés n’ont pas accès aux ressources éducatives et Internet nécessaires pour apprendre à la maison. Ils se sentent oubliés. 235984,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Mass sensitization campaigns are ongoing in both regions to raise awareness and counter the widespread misinformation about COVID-19 in the regions. 680,156.0,321.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,141,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"A much higher proportion of IDP and returnee households reported living in damaged housing compared to non-displaced communities with 54.0% of IDP and 73.6% of returnee households (14.6% of non-displaced households only). The proportion of returnee households reporting housing damage was highest with 37.8% of returnee households indicating their housing sustained medium-to-heavy damage, or heavily destroyed housing. The high level of damaged housing experienced by returnee households is in line with the fact that most have returned to neighbourhoods that have witnessed heavy fighting. Benghazi, Ghat and Al Jabal Al Gharbi were the three mantikas with the highest proportion of returnee households reporting either medium-to-heavy damage or heavily damaged-destroyed housing, with 28.2% in Al Jabal Al Gharbi, 18.0% in Benghazi and 12.3% in Ghat." 221404,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Between September 2019 and August 2020, nearly 1.4 million persons were displaced, more than three times the 459,000 persons displaced in the previous reporting period" 148228,35830.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Response%20COVID-19%20Sit%20Rep%20%234%20-%20External%20use.pdf,"36,933 children have benefitted from WASH activities in northwest Syria camps. 29,232 individuals were provided a total of 21,003.10 cubic metres of safe drinking water in northwest Syria. 119 water tanks were distributed in the same camps in order to reduce lines for water collection and increase hand-washing practices." 208199,44900.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,70,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"Les fortes pluies enregistrées dans la région depuis le début de la saison hivernale ont occasionné des dégâts matériels et plusieurs ménages sinistrés. A la date du 28/09/2020, on dénombrait 2 126 ménages sinistrés pour une population de 15 680 personnes. En termes de dégâts matériels, on note entre autres 1 922 maisons et 09 classes effondrées, deux (2) pertes en vie humaine" 163755,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,51,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Se presenta múltiple afectación en comunidades de Meta, Putumayo, Chocó y Arauca derivada del impacto de inundaciones, movimientos en masa, que afectan a poblaciones victima del conflicto y la violencia en territorios con baja capacidad de gestión para la prevención y atención integral en salud." 161907,39570.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/411129-covid-19-why-nigeria-postponed-resumption-of-international-flights-official.html,"Nigeria recorded its first case of COVID-19 in an Italian who arrived in the country late February. Since then, about 50,000 infections have been recorded leading to over 1,000 deaths." 62075,18564.0,1386.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],en,160,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"According to the Venezuelan Health Observatory (OVS), food production decreased by more than 60 percent between 2014 and 2018. The Chávez and Maduro administrations crippled the agricultural sector by expropriating farms and companies, implementing price controls, monopolizing the distribution of agricultural inputs, and requiring that a portion of crops be sold to government companies. Last year, the National Association of Farmers announced that agricultural production could only satisfy a quarter of the national demand and had been declining steadily for the past eleven years. This reduction coincided with a decrease in food imports, which fell by 70 percent between 2014 and 2016, according to a study by Harvard University. The high prices and scarce supplies of food, the closure of food establishments, and the difficulty of food preparation due to service failures made 80 percent of households food insecure in 2017, according to ENCOVI" 112520,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Con GIZ se han gestionado menajes, pupitres y ventiladores para cubrir el aumento de estudiantes en las instituciones. Así mismo, la cooperación ha proporcionado aulas temporales en las que el Consejo Noruego para Refugiados proyecta ofertar modelos de educación flexible. Estos modelos incluirían la nivelación y la preparación para el acceso al sistema educativo corriente." 304346,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The absorption capacity of public schools is limited, with a lack of classrooms and WASH facilities, trained teachers, textbooks, school supplies and seating." 311481,53762.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"During the reporting period, the protection response activities reached 82,335 people out of the 1,002,197 targeted by the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan (8% of the response)." 236036,46890.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"NRC distributed 200 NFI kits in the Tubah subdivision of Mezam division (NW), reaching up to 1,280 individuals. Elsewhere, 800 households benefited from assistance in core relief items as Plan International carried out distributions in some highly affected communities in Bali (NW)" 82602,22770.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security']",[],[],en,41,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Across all assessed mahallas, the top reported need for recently displaced IDPs was cash, followed by safety/security and food. KIs also cited electricity, access to healthcare, and access to water as areas of significant need." 130801,33838.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,96,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Con relación con la salud infantil se identifica un alto riesgo de disminución en el suministro de lactancia materna en recién nacidos y lactantes en hijos de mujeres con infección por la COVID-19, a quienes se les ha suprimido la lactancia materna por la escasa y negativa información de la trasmisión del virus a través de la leche materna o del contacto con el bebé. Así mismo los menores de 5 años que cursan con desnutrición aguda, por su situación de inmunosupresión tienen mayor riesgo de complicaciones y muerte por infecciones adquiridas." 388339,60981.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Se han adecuado Instituciones Educativas en el casco urbano del municipio, dos de las cuales fueron afectadas por el vendaval. Es necesario adecuar espacios de albergue y reparar los que fueron averiados." 277197,50610.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,39,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March,2021, NES] Commercial movements are being increasingly facilitated in both directions in Fishkabour/Semalka informal border crossing to Iraq. All border crossing points remain closed, with humanitarian personnel and medical cases reportedly exempt." 356575,58364.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Environment'],es,53,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia/mas-regiones/jornada-de-protesta-en-providencia-ante-retrasos-en-la-reconstruccion/,"La gente sigue viviendo en unas carpas que además no sirven. Cuando llueve uno se moja. En el día hace un calor infernal, entonces tampoco podemos estar adentro ni afuera. En la noche luchamos con la brisa y el viento que ya volvieron con la temporada de huracanes." 16592,6344.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Context->Politics', 'Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers', 'Context->Economy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"Since March 2015, the escalated conflict—coupled with protracted political instability, the resulting economic crisis, rising fuel and food prices, and high levels of unemployment—has left more than 17.8 million people foodinsecure and more than 22.2 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. In addition, the conflict had displaced nearly 3 million people, including more than 900,000 people who had returned to areas of origin, as of December 2017. The volatility of the current situation prevents relief agencies from obtaining accurate, comprehensive demographic information." 387375,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Los datos del INE, por otro lado, muestran que la participación de las mujeres en el empleo asalariado privado ha aumentado en 3,5 puntos porcentuales entre 2011 y 2018 (de 33,6% a 37,1%), lo cual contrasta con el 1% de variación que entrega la Encla entre 2011 y 2018." 341767,56181.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"COVID-19 : En date du 3 mai, le nombre total de cas confirmés de la COVID-19 en République Démocratique du Congo était de 30 071, et 770 décès. La principale province touchée est Kinshasa avec un total de 20 923 cas." 308689,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"The ICCG (Inter-Cluster Coordination Group) continues to re-prioritize activities, re-programme and re-allocate resources using other supply stocks to accommodate the increased people in need of humanitarian assistance across the six counties. The ICCG remains deeply concerned about the levels of funding, as without adequate resources, continued re-programming and reprioritization of resources from other counties facing emergency levels of food insecurity to the six Priority 1 counties will likely cause a further deterioration in other extremely vulnerable food insecure areas." 164468,37613.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Centro%20de%20Atenci%C3%B3n%20Integral%20Maicao%20-%20junio%2C%202020.pdf,"3,705 personas con necesidades específicas de protección en situación de vulnerabilidad han recibido apoyo de alojamiento, alimentación, valoración médica y primeros auxilios, restablecimiento de contactos familiares, apoyo psicosocial, orientación y asesoría legal, desde el 8 de marzo de 2019" 175469,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Pour la polio, il s’agit des cas de Polio virus dérivé du vaccin qui ont été confirmé dans la Région du Centre-Est." 436856,64543.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Se ha presentado un aumento en fenómeno del reclutamiento a niños, niñas y adolescentes por el control del territorio por los grupos armados, aumento de violación y abuso sexual a esta población, aumento de promoción y consumo de sustancias psicoactivas." 60712,17936.0,788.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],en,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"At the LGA level, over 60 percent of the households in most of the surveyed LGAs of Adamawa and Yobe have access to farmland with a notable exception for specific LGAs in Borno where less than 10 percent of households have access to farmland such as Gwoza (2.0 percent), Monguno (3.3 percent), Nganzai (5.3 percent) and Mafa (6.7 percent). Moreover, over 50 percent of households only have access to less than half hectare of land in Ngala (70.0 percent), Damboa (62.6 percent), Nganzai (62.5 percent), Magumeri (55.9 percent) and Kaga (50.7 percent), all of which are situated in Borno State." 19269,8024.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,147,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"In September 2018, the UNHCR reiterated its call on all countries “to allow civilians (Libyan nationals, former habitual residents of Libya and third-country nationals) fleeing Libya access to their territories.” The refugee agency urged all countries to suspend forcible returns to any part of Libya, including anyone rescued or intercepted at sea, and stated that Libya should not be designated as a “safe third country” for the purpose of rejecting asylum applications from people who have transited Libya.16 UNHCR has not, however, taken a clear position on EU capacity-building programs for the Libyan Coast Guard even though as a matter of policy and practice people intercepted or rescued by these forces are placed in inhuman and degrading detention that is arbitrary by virtue of being prolonged, indefinite and not subject to judicial review." 304417,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Furthermore, the reliance on firewood has led to forest degradation in many areas, increasing host community tensions over this scarce resource." 153312,31607.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3588563,"Hidalgo cumplió estas actividades acompañado del acompañado del alcalde de Tahuamanu, Abraham Cardozo; y el titular de la Diresa de Madre de Dios, Ricardo Tello. La región de la selva sur peruana reporta un solo caso positivo de coronavirus." 293890,52076.0,2334.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,73,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Fear of social stigma, concerns about parents rejecting them, poverty and impossibility of sharing with the father of the future baby parental responsibilities, push some pregnant girls to terminate their pregnancies. In the Southwest and Northwest, while 61% of them seek help at the hospital, 56% of them use traditional doctors, 28% do this at home, using drugs or other methods ." 388937,60849.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,64,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La obtención de la regularización de su situación migratoria se percibe muy afectada por la pandemia por COVID19, ya que los procesos estarían detenidos o bien las oficinas no entregan información oportuna lo que los tiene en una situación de bastante desorientación e incertidumbre (que se agrega a la que ya venían experimentando en sus procesos migratorios y de instalación)." 201102,43280.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"To support more sustainable water sources, UNICEF supported rehabilitation of the 13km water supply pipe system in Qardho district in Puntland and four districts in Banadir region improving access to clean water to 125,000 people in the two regions." 241776,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,46,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] Abdul Karim, a man in his fifties residing in Daraa, said that he suffers from high blood pressure and is afraid of contracting the virus. That’s why he stopped attending weddings and mourning ceremonies." 454275,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Algunos entrevistados dicen saber qué hacer ante una situación de violencia, pero a la vez manifiestan la desconfianza que les genera acudir a instituciones que velan por los derechos de las mujeres" 392174,62160.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/478260-covid-19-nigeria-postpones-second-batch-of-vaccination.html,"[8th August 2021, Nigeria]The Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine with which Nigeria commenced vaccination, is given in double doses. A person is required to come back for a second shot, some weeks after taking the first jab. However, following the exhaustion of approximately four million doses of vaccines delivered through the COVAX facility, the government announced the close of vaccination of the first batch." 202590,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The incidence of GAM among children increased from 13 per cent in 2018 to 16 per cent in 2019, exceeding the global emergency threshold of 15 per cent. Forty-two out of 78 counties—more than half—showed rates of above 15 per cent GAM. Renk County in Upper Nile recorded extremely critical acute malnutrition rates with GAM at 32 per cent." 289630,51168.0,2335.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,Funding needed by sectors:- Food security and livelihood: $22.1M Nutrition: $4.8M Health: $5M Protection: $6.9M WASH: $8.9M Logistics: $2.7M 180534,42290.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,39,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Bien qu’on constate une amélioration de la situation de protection, une partie de la communauté pointe du doigt un manque d’assistance vivres, en eau potable dans les différentes zones d’accueils." 163570,39454.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,49,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_9_covid-19_vf.pdf,"De acuerdo con la Gobernación, la ocupación de UCI en el departamento es del 54,0%. Se estima la apertura del Aeropuerto el Caraño de Quibdó el 21 de septiembre y se confirma la finalización de la extensión del Hospital San Francisco de Asís en Quibdó." 172166,40928.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,77,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%20%28September%202020%29.pdf,"[01/09/2020-30/09/2020, North East Nigeria] During the period 1 to 30 September 2020, 576 movements were observed at Thirty Seven Points of Entries in Adamawa and Borno states. Of the total movements recorded, 156 were incoming from Extreme-Nord, 22 from Nord, 16 from Centre in Cameroon and 5 from N’Djamena in Chad republic. A total of 199 Incoming movements were observed at Ten Points of Entries." 281994,51173.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"In partnership with 15 national and international NGOs,winterisation kits were provided to over 104,510 children in the most vulnerable areas." 204317,43976.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,18,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,52% des ménages [de Tahoua] ont rapporté avoir diminué la quantité consommée durant les repas 6301,271.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/joint-au-eu-un-taskforce-assists-16000-people,"The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) assisted 15,000 migrants to return to their homes from Libya through the voluntary humanitarian returns programme, with the support of the European Union and the active cooperation of the African Union. On its side, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has evacuated over 1,300 refugees from Libya. This fulfils the targets announced at the Taskforce meeting by High Representative/Vice-President Mogherini, African Union Commissioner El Fadil, IOM Director General Swing and UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner Türk on 14 December 2017." 358734,58517.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/regreso-a-clases-presenciales-asi-sera-el-regreso-a-colegios-en-colombia-593328,"De esta forma, todos los colegios del país podrán tener clases presenciales siempre y cuando se cumplan ciertos protocolos de bioseguridad, que fueron actualizados en la resolución 777 y ahora son más fáciles de cumplir, lo cual permitiría que más sedes educativas reinicien actividades en sitio." 298673,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In Q4, the HAG (Humanitarian Access Group) recorded 86 interferences in the implementation of humanitarian activities, compared to 113 incidents recorded in Q3. While interferences with beneficiary selection and programming remained on par with numbers recorded in Q3, the number of bureaucratic impediments as well as interferences with recruitment decreased significantly" 239792,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"A series of studies suggests that there is also a higher incidence of MERS-CoV and influenza in men than in women, which is probably due to a higher level of testosterone and a corresponding suppression of their immune response" 177278,41744.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Construire de nouveaux points d'eau pour diminuer le temps d'attente ; Faire la chloration à domicile de l'eau, notamment l'eau des sources non améliorées; Faire le suivi de la chloration à domicile par des relais formés et équipés de pool-tester" 223956,46071.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,47,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon un prestataire de santé dans un milieu rural, il y a une un afflux de demande des plannings familial parce que les femmes craignent d’avoir des grossesses non désirées depuis la pandémie du fait que les hommes ont moins d’occupation." 247989,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Site Dilkori, Court terme = Installer 2 forages à motricité humaine en urgence ; Construire 40 latrines" 247801,48085.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"In this reporting period, 19 AU Member States are testing below the recommended benchmark, indicating that despite the historic rise in cases, many COVID-19 cases may be going undetected." 174447,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Host communities In sites where IDPs are residing with host communities, friends, neighbors and family were the most trusted source of information in 39 per cent of sites (notable decrease from 43% cited in Round 32), followed by local/community leader in 34 per cent of sites (down by 1%)." 356656,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La Procuraduría tampoco ha logrado ningún avance significativo. El 10 de mayo, la entidad informó a Human Rights Watch que había iniciado 24 investigaciones sobre las protestas de 2019, y otras 5 sobre las de 2020. Ningún policía había sido objeto de sanciones disciplinarias y la mayoría de los casos continuaban en etapas preliminares." 193907,43817.0,2330.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,310,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.latribuna.hn/2020/11/20/este-es-el-estado-de-las-carreteras-tras-el-paso-de-iota-en-la-zona-norte-y-occidental/,"En el informe, las autoridades policiales detallaron que el estado de las principales carreteras en la zona Nor Occidental y Atlántico es el siguiente: 1.CA-5 de San Pedro Sula hacia Tegucigalpa habilitado paso vehicular. 2.De San Pedro Sula a La Lima y Progreso, Yoro, paso cerrado. 3.Carretera CA-5 que de San Pedro Sula conduce a Puerto Cortés no hay paso a la altura de Río Nance. 4.Carretera PN-21 que desde El Progreso conduce a Tela habilitado paso vehicular. 5.Carretera de Tela a La Ceiba habilitado paso vehicular. 6.Tramo carretera que desde el departamento de Atlántida comunica a Colón habilitado paso vehicular. 7.Carretera de Colón (Saba) hacia Yoro (Olanchito) habilitado paso vehivular. 8.Carretera que da desde San Pedro Sula hacia Occidente habilitado hasta Santa Rosa de Copán y Ocotepeque. 9.Carretera CA-11 de La Entrada, Copán hacia Ruinas, Copán, no hay paso a la altura de Tierra Fría por hundimiento de carretera. 10.Tramo carretero de Ocotepeque, Ocotepeque hacia aduana El Poy no hay paso a la altura del Río Machaguala 11.Carretera CA-11 de Santa Rosa de Copán hacia Gracias Lempira no hay paso a la altura del Río El Higuito. 12.Carretera de Santa Rita hacia Yoro, Yoro, hay paso con vehículo tracción doble. 1.Carretera RN-20 a la altura de la aldea Lavaderos, Gualala, Santa Bárbara, no hay paso. 2.Carretera RN-20, a altura de la aldea Los Vaditos, Petoa, no hay paso. 3.Carretera en Gualjoco, Santa Bárbara, no hay paso. 4.Carreteras en Santa Bárbara no hay paso a los municipios de la Arada; San Vicente; San Nicolás; Nuevo Celilac; Atima; La Unión y San Rafael Lempira por caída de puente Tencoa." 328592,54710.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,53,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 18% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility while 45% and 36% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes respectively." 308261,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"• An estimated 4,068 displaced people are in five payams in Tonj East, most are sheltering in churches, schools and public buildings, according to the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC)." 194266,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 430 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 52 ZS réparties dans 12 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 164219,39644.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"CwC WG partners organised COVID-19 awareness announcements via loudspeakers/megaphones in 21 camps. For receiving community feedback and complaints, 103 information service centres in the camps and 4 information service centres in the host communities were operational. 3 new audio messages and 1 video on COVID-19 were developed by CwC WG partners." 384786,60456.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,31,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,Le pays rapporte plus de 1 253 416 personnes déplacées internes depuis le début du mois de juin 2021 représentant approximativement 6% de la population totale du Burkina Faso. 174450,40839.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Camps/camp-like settings Some form of security was provided in 84 per cent (no change since the last round of assessment) of sites. In the mostaffected State of Borno, security was provided in 89 per cent (down 1%) of sites" 164215,39644.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"During the week, a total of 25 of 39 cases investigated were referred to isolation facilities, and through contact tracing, Health Sector partners identified and quarantined 79 individuals in facilities or at home. As of 10 September, 14 Severe Acute Respiratory Illness Isolation and Treatment Centres (SARI ITCs) with a capacity of 946 beds were active and receiving patients." 40894,11857.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,64,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-thousands-people-risk-fighting-escalates-tripoli,"Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is extremely concerned for the safety of civilians in Tripoli as escalating fighting forces thousands of Libyan families to flee their homes and seek shelter. We urgently call for the immediate evacuation of the more than 3,000 refugees and migrants trapped in detention centers who are at risk of being caught in the crossfire." 238914,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]The total number of patients who recovered from COVID-19 is Eighty-six (86). The total number of contacts who completed 14 days of monitoring without symptoms is nine hundred and thirty-three (933)" 179471,42115.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,149,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/storage/Mecanisme_FRE_COVID_19_VF.pdf,"Les interventions du FRE COVID-19 se feront essentiellement sous forme de crédits à taux d’intérêt réduit à 3,5% au profit des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) et des Très petites entreprises (TPE) et à 4% pour les grandes entreprises à partir de trois (03) guichets : -Guichet Grandes entreprises (GE) : s’adresse aux entreprises ayant un chiffre d’affaires supérieur ou égal à deux (02) milliards F CFA ; -Guichet Petites et Moyennes Entreprises/Industries (PME/PMI) : pour les entreprises ayant un chiffre d’affaires supérieur ou égal à 30 millions F CFA et inférieur à deux (02) milliards FCFA ; -Guichet Très petites entreprises (TPE) : pour les entreprises ayant un chiffre d’affaires inférieur à trente (30) millions F CFA." 150805,37921.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,81,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La distanciation physique des passagers aussi bien à l’arrivée qu’au départ n’est pas effective du fait du manque de marquage des espaces. Des masques et des gants sont à la disposition du personnel médical au niveau des 2 aéroports (Ouagadougou et Bobo Dioulasso) et de 6 points d’entrée terrestres (Cinkansé, Dakola, Faramana, Galgouli, Galgouli et Seytenga), soit 73 pour cent des points." 276244,50677.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"L’accès des organisations humanitaires dans le Nord-Ouest et le Nord du département reste cependant très dangereux. L’Etat Islamique en Afrique de l’Ouest (ISWAP) a diffusé des images de l‘exécution au Nigeria le 22 juillet de trois membres d’organisations humanitaires. Le 13 août, le groupe armé a en outre réitéré sur son site An’ Nabaa ses menaces contre les humanitaires dans la région." 200041,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[En saison pluvieuse] Inondations et vents violents engendrent le débordement ou effondrement de latrines, l’inaccessibilité de points d’eau, des épidémies de paludisme, fièvre jaune, Dengue, zika, et l’augmentation du risque cholera." 286520,51252.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"LGAs in IPC AMN Phase 2 (Alert) during this period included all five LGAs in Eastern Borno and a total of 15 LGAs in Northern Adamawa and MMC/Jere. Additionally, Biu, Chibo, and Kwaya Kusar LGAs in Southern Borno and Fune, Potiskum and Tarmuwa LGAs in Southern Yobe were also in IPC AMN Phase 2. All 13 LGAs in Southern Adamawa and Hawul LGA in Southern Borno were in IPC AMN Phase 1 (Acceptable) during this period. Four LGAs in Borno State (Abadam, Guzamala, Kukawa and Marte) were completely inaccessible; therefore no data was available for analysis." 163684,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,"Refugee women and the host community are supporting the production of cloth masks. Some 69,000 masks have been made to date through UNHCR-supported projects. Some 40,000 distributed by partners, including to elderly persons. Many of the masks are also used by volunteers when engaging with the community to disseminate messages on COVID-19" 193838,43300.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´analyse de l´évolution des moyens d´existence qui montre que 1,2% et 2,9% des ménages ont respectivement développé des stratégies d´urgence et de crises dans l´ensemble du pays." 161004,39505.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,138,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"A la date du 14 septembre 2020, la situation de la maladie à Coronavirus au Burkina Faso se présente comme suit: 445 échantillons analysés, répartis en: -313 tests de dépistages pour voyage; -67 tests de cas contacts; -14 tests de cas suspects; -02 tests de voyageurs; -01 test pour hémodialyse; -48 tests de contrôles; Nombre de nouveaux cas confirmés: 15, tous à transmissions communautaires (07 à Bobo Dioulasso, 07 à Ouagadougou et 01 à Banfora); Nombre de guérisons: 21, total des guérisons,1162; Nombre de décès: 00, total des décès, 56; Nombre de cas actifs: 530; Nombre de cas confirmés depuis le 09 mars 2020: 1748 dont 577 femmes et 1171 hommes." 47479,16249.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,132,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"• Las comunidades indígenas transfronterizas, como los grupos Wayuu y Yukpa, no son plenamente reconocidas como nacionales de uno u otro país, y se ven afectadas por la situación en Venezuela, así como por las condiciones de llegada y el impacto de ser desarraigadas de sus tierras tradicionales. El acceso al registro, documentación, derechos y servicios en este contexto es fundamental para estas comunidades, así como un enfoque que tome en cuenta sus necesidades específicas y sea cultural y étnicamente sensible. En este contexto, la asistencia y mecanismos para garantizar el reconocimiento de su nacionalidad colombiana son fundamentales para garantizar el acceso a servicios básicos y medios de vida, protegiéndolas de los efectos de la violencia y los conflictos armados." 187766,43282.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Logistics Cluster partners reported challenges in the transportation of humanitarian cargo, into and within Somalia, due to delays in customs clearance and tax exemption processes. The delays had a particular impact on cold chain/health items due to a lack of temperature-controlled storage and limited adapted infrastructure at airports, while consignments are being cleared or in transit." 277295,50610.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,55,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March, 2021, NES] To date in Al Hol Camp, 13 cases of COVID-19 among residents has been confirmed, in addition to five healthcare workers and several distribution staff. Sadly, four residents have died (in hospitals located outside the camp) and nine have recovered." 187629,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 7,530 suspected cases were investigated. Suspected cases were provided with at-home care and isolation information. Relevant information was shared with local health authorities." 345203,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[IDP] In North Kivu Province, 1,464 protection incidents were documented, mostly committed by non-state armed forces and consisting mainly of murders, destruction of properties, money extortion and forced labour, the majority of which committed in Beni territory, in the health zones of Mutwanga and Oicha." 494298,68271.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,135,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[20th-26th Sep 2021, Borno]Distribution of confirmed cases by LGA - 257 from Jere, 951 from MMC, 16 from Gwoza, 3 from Damboa, 17 from Bayo, 12 from Biu, 1 from Gubio, 1 from Munguno, 1 from Kaga, 1 from Mobbar, 73 from Konduga, 2 from Nganzai, 2 from Shani, 7 from Hawul and 6 from Ngala LGAs • Total number of contacts line listed for follow up – 6,555 • Total initial Samples tested so far in UMTH laboratory stands at 20,795 • Cumulative positivity rate 6% • Cumulative samples collected for week 38 was 147. • EOC meets Monday and Friday to review the activities of all the pillars under the leadership of the IM" 160532,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Los colombianos retornados han tenido mejor acceso a la información (54.7%) que los migrantes y refugiados venezolanos (35.8%). Además, se observa una reducción a lo largo de los tres meses: en abril, el 45.3% de los encuestados recibieron información sobre servicios disponibles; en mayo el 37.5%; y en junio el 32.5%" 475812,65033.0,1185.0,[],[],[],en,65,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Peruvian social protection insurance schemes only apply for specific vulnerable groups who are eligible based on a socioeconomic survey often placing Venezuelan migrants at a disadvantage. This means that refugees / migrants have disproportionate expenditure due to lack of purchasing power, for health needs covers a huge range of issues, e.g. costs of drugs, accommodation, transport, food." 328537,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 87% of the household found with WASH living Standard Gap (LSG). 20% found to be very extremely+ severe, 19% extreme severe, 48% severe, 11% stress, 2% no or minimal." 359679,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,103,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Impact on study time: In Bangladesh, the major respondents from KIIs, FGDs, and IDIs said that the mindset of parents and people of the community is such that girls cannot work, they need to be engaged in household chores only. Their roles for family and society are decided by their parents which are highly influenced by the community as a whole. When girls want to study, mothers ask them to take care of their younger siblings, and to assist them in household chores." 412527,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,81,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh]Given the situation, the government of Bangladesh has taken some measures that many analysts felt insufficient. As a result, a noticeable disruption of essential health care services is reported. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issued a circular in May 2020 with the instructions for all public and private hospitals to provide health care services to non-COVID-19 patients5. Many people are reported to have died without treatment." 188175,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"En Honduras, la mayoría de las personas fallecidas padecían afeccione médicas subyacentes, como hipertensión arterial, problemas cardiacos o diabetes. De las 46 muertes confirmadas, 35 corresponden a personas mayores de 40 años, la edad promedio de las muertes es de 55 años, el 74 por ciento son hombres." 17478,5431.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"In Al Durayhimni District, a UNHCR partner has completed the distribution of 818 NFIs and 330 emergency shelter kits. In Al Marawi’ah District, UNHCR through an implementing partner will respond to the 829 households verified by ADRA with shelter and NFIs" 322049,54318.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,70,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"El 23,9% de los cuidadores o cuidadoras se casaron antes de los 18 años. Estos rasgos del matrimonio infantil y unión temprana, parecen persistir entre generaciones y no necesariamente responden al fenómeno migratorio, esto reforzado por los bajos niveles educativos de esta población en particular, perpetuando las trampas de pobreza relacionadas con la unión temprana, el embarazo temprano y la falta de educación." 302482,52890.0,2311.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,114,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Se pueden observar las asimetrías que en muchas investigaciones previas ya se han referenciado al interior de la sigla LGBTI+ (Caribe Afirmativo, 2018; Caribe Afirmativo, Somos CDC, Diversidad Dominicana y Asociación Nicaragüense Trans, 2020). Estas investigaciones han mostrando una se- rie de condiciones particulares y de vulnerabilidad de las mujeres trans, quienes ante la dificultad de “camuflar” su expresión corporal, recibieron violencias desde temprana edad, lo que las obligó, en muchos de casos, a abandonar o ser expulsadas de sus familias de origen y de las escuelas, sin poder alcanzar a cumplir el ciclo básico de formación." 223923,46071.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,La baisse de revenu dans les ménages est une cause de la réduction de nombre des repas par jour dans certains ménages et parfois les filles mineures sont prises en mariage parce qu’elles espèrent avoir une vie meilleure chez leurs partenaires et en faire profiter à leurs familles. 205219,44635.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] The Syrian Civil Defence’s instruction requires that the patients and the bodies of deceased persons with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should not be approached except for the SCD elements wearing personal protective suits and face masks, which puts the SCD volunteers in “dramatic situations,” Yahya al-Qabalawi said." 215498,45277.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Education']",[],['Context->Demography'],en,42,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"In 2017, approximately 8.5 million youth and children were enrolled in general education schools, representing a nine-fold growth since 2001, while the under-five mortality rate dropped from 257 to 50 per 1,000 live births from 2003 to 2018." 156755,32387.0,1234.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,259,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/trinidad-and-tobago/tracking-covid-19-pandemic-caricom,"From the first case in the Region on 10 March, there were approximately 334 confirmed cases at the end of that month, and at 24 April, just about one week before the end of the month, the Region stood at 1 034 confirmed cases of the virus. During March, there was a spike in new cases. On 21 March, 40 of the 55 new cases were cruise ship passengers who had returned to Trinidad and Tobago. This also led to a sharp increase in the number of confirmed cases for that country to 49, an addition of 40 new cases, as well as the predominance of imported transmission as the main mode for transmitting the virus. Other major spikes in new cases for that month were on 26 March (33 confirmed cases) and 29 March (32 cases). For the month of April, the spikes in the number of new cases have occurred on 15 April (66), 24 April (60), 20 April (41) 1 April and 21 April (with 37 new cases each) and several other days that had a number of new cases over 30. In effect, compared with the period 10-31 March (21 days) that contributed 334 confirmed cases, the period 1-24 April saw an additional 700 cases over 24 days, which shows a definite uptick in the spread of the virus. ​" 63670,18726.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,66,['At Risk'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_august_edition.pdf,"The recent increase in security incidents triggered further displacements. Partners registered 8,421 new arrivals across seven receptions centres throughout July. The largest number (1,992 individuals) arrived in Ngala, Borno State, with the majority of new arrivals citing increased violence and fear of being cut off from food assistance during the rainy season as the main triggers for their displacement." 149603,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],es,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Personas cuya salud física, psicológica y social se ve amenazada por el COVID-19. En esta categoría se encuentra la población dominicana y extranjera que se encuentra en la República Dominicana. Especialmente:  personas de más de 60 años (en su hogar y/o hogares de ancianos públicos),  personas con patologías de base que incrementa la complicación de la COVID19 (diabetes, hipertensión, patologías respiratorias, inmunodeprimidos)  personas alejadas de sus familiares (privados de libertad y/o movimiento)  personal sanitario e implicado en la respuesta ante el COVID-19  personas con limitación adicional y permanente de movimientos (discapacidades, etc.)  familiares de personas que padecen el COVID19." 69271,19928.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/cidh-instala-el-mecanismo-especial-de-seguimiento-para,"A partir del agravamiento de la crisis en 2016, la CIDH intensificó sus labores de monitoreo en el país. Desde entonces, ha enviado 15 cartas de solicitud de información al Estado, un incremento de 25% respecto al promedio del periodo 2002-2015 y emitido 69 comunicados de prensa (25 en lo que va del 2019), expresando grave preocupación por la situación en país." 180554,42290.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,34,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Quant aux enfants, on rencontre les enfants séparés, les enfants non accompagnés. Ils sont parfois déscolarisés, faisant des travaux physiques intenses en villes ou deviennent également des aides ménagers." 390752,61177.0,2170.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],en,95,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Nigeria is regularly affected by multiple hazards such as floods and droughts. Furthermore, low-income households are the most vulnerable to weather-related natural disasters.39 Agriculture, which is heavily impacted by flooding and drought, serves as the main source of income for 80% of the rural poor. The rapid rise of urbanization and urban poverty also increases potential flood risk.40 An estimated 24% of Nigeria’s population (approximately 41 million people) are living in high climate exposure areas." 227475,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Entre le 30 septembre et le 1er octobre 2020, des pluies diluviennes et des vents violents se sont abattus sur la localité de Salamabila, située dans la zone de santé (ZS) de Salamabila (Territoire de Kabambare, Province du Maniema)." 244232,47682.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"Meanwhile, in the East, the number of chikungunya cases now stands at 35,109 as of 5 October. (WHO situational reports)" 483293,67232.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"8.2.2 Decisiones tomadas acerca de las compras del hogar Los resultados revelan que en las decisiones para las compras mayores del hogar, existe mayor espacio para la negociación entre hombres y mujeres. Así, el 77,0% de las mujeres y el 80,3% de los hombres toman decisiones en pareja para realizar las grandes compras para el hogar. El 16,5% de las mujeres informan decidir solas, en el caso de los hombres el 8,7%. El 3,6% de las mujeres indica que las decisiones de compras grandes la toma su cónyuge; en el caso de los hombres es el 8,6%." 239748,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,79,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Other efforts were procurement of PCR [Polymerase Chain Reaction] kits to CPHL [Central Public Health Laboratory] for testing the samples, enhancing surveillance by development of case definitions and sample collection, expanding the PCR testing to five regional provinces, raising public awareness and focusing on mobilizing fund to support the programs. In order to manage the emergency a group of committees at country level were established and dedicated to fight COVID-19." 125361,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,32,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"The number of migrants present in Aljufra during March – April (round 30) significantly decreased to 11.394 migrants compared to 14,050 migrants identified in the previous data collection period." 361430,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,118,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In addition to intervention aimed at the different age groups of children, prevention strategies should also include measures targeted to the community in the refugee camps. This can include strengthening public awareness and highlighting the vulnerability of children (WHO, 2014), and should incorporate parents and caregivers, as well as members of the wider community. Researchers in Bangladesh have previously suggested that increasing knowledge and awareness about childhood drowning is key measure that should be incorporated into drowning prevention programmes in the country (Hossain et al, 2015), and this strategy should be extended to the refugee camps." 69509,19860.0,1386.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://cronica.uno/programa-de-alimentacion-escolar-en-sucre-es-insuficiente-y-carece-de-proteinas/,"Según la información recabada en el Cnae, “la situación país” repercute en la importación de los alimentos; de 16 rubros que llegaban ahora solo reciben 6 artículos, entre ellos, azúcar, arroz, espagueti y leche, sin proteínas." 498762,42108.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,96,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IB26102020.pdf,"Since the beginning of the pandemic, Argentina's borders have been closed; only a few migrant families have regularly entered Argentine territory in recent months, exceptionally with international agencies' support. There have been some cases of irregular entries both in Misiones (border with Brazil) and in Jujuy (border with Bolivia) in which the Argentine Red Cross has intervened. There are also reports of people stranded on the borders with Peru and Brazil, who intend to mobilize to Argentina when the pandemic's situation improves." 160315,38477.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Laboratoire • Analyse de 633 échantillons (454 dépistages volontaires, 104 voyageurs, 54 personnes contacts, 05 suspects, 01 agent de santé et 15 contrôles) aux laboratoires de diagnostic" 277150,50751.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.unicef.org/drcongo/communiques-presse/unicef-se-rejouit-reouverture-ecoles-rdc,"Après plus de deux mois à la maison suite à la deuxième vague de la COVID-19, les élèves du primaire et du secondaire ont repris le chemin de l’école le lundi 22 février 2021 en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)." 193082,43300.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,96,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Seuls 32% des habitants des milieux ruraux, qui représentent 78,1% de la population, ont accès à l´eau potable. Près de 68% de la population pratique encore la défécation à l´air libre et seuls 10% de la population a accès à un assainissement de base. Ce taux est de 3% en milieu rural et 33% en milieu urbain. De plus, près de 19 000 personnes décèdent chaque année de maladies liées au manque d´accès à l´eau potable et aux mauvaises conditions d´hygiène et d´assainissement." 63154,18817.0,1386.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,38,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Fuel access challenges, together with regular power cuts and the lack of seeds, are negatively impacting the sowing cycle and putting at risk the availability of corn and other staple products in the Venezuelan diet." 225067,45275.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"Recommendations to the Government of Afghanistan: • identify, plan for and address the long-term consequences of Covid-19 on displacement affected communities • ensure that displaced populations have sustainable access to safe and appropriate housing • actively facilitate humanitarian access to support the Covid-19 response" 346688,57050.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_145_20210525.pdf,"Ce 25/05/2021, aucune nouvelle guérison n’a été rapportée, ce qui maintien à 27 624 le nombre de guéris de COVID-19 dans le pays, soit un taux de guérison de 88,4% (27 624/31 242)" 229225,46495.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"De las 105 familias que podrían acceder a la solicitud de la condición de refugiado, solamente 6 familias (17 personas) mencionaron tener conocimiento del trámite. Además, 73 familias expresaron no tener interés en solicitar dicha condición (44%), por no poder regresar a Venezuela (28%), por no saber cómo solicitarlo (26%), por no saber las implicaciones del trámite (22%), o por poseer el PEP (4%)." 207151,43256.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,99,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The epidemic is likely to have a particular impact on women’s economic wellbeing as they have been historically disadvantaged: While 39% of the population lives below the poverty line, this rate rises to 51.5% for women. Of these, 79.2% are underemployed. Women are also primarily employed in informal, low-wage activities that are highly prone to disruption during public health emergencies. Disruption in food production may primarily affect them, the rural sector being mainly driven by women who represent 71.6% in the informal agricultural sector." 408430,63572.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,67,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flujo%20migratorio%20MAYO%202021_0.pdf,"El 87% de los nacionales venezolanos entrevistados (as) durante el mes de mayo indican que proceden de Venezuela, destacándose que el 14% proviene del estado de Carabobo, el 11% de Aragua y el 10% del Distrito Capital. En una proporción menor provienen de países como: Ecuador (2%) y Perú (2%)." 123947,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"WHO met with the leadership of NCDC a number of times. Subjects under the discussions included COVID-19 testing at PoE, situation with vaccines’ availability in the country.Situation with increasing number of COVID-19 confirmed patients in the south of Libya has been monitored. Separate updates were prepared and disseminated." 278640,50723.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_unrwa_syria_regional_crisis_emergency_appeal_.pdf,"[2021, Overall Syria] For female refugees risks in the Syria context are elevated. Sixty per cent of this demographic are women, whom face multiple constraints in accessing a survival minimum expenditure basket of food and other staples." 308585,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,Nutrition Cluster partners provided nutritional assistance for 298 under-five children and 220 pregnant and lactating women through 10 static nutritional facilities and 2 stabilization centres. 159506,34150.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3651862,"En el proceso de reincorporación, muchas mujeres encontraron el momento para ser madres, pues esta era una de las prohibiciones que tenían cuando estaban en armas. Otras, por su parte, continúan una lucha que permita la igualdad de derechos entre hombres y mujeres y una mayor participación de ellas en escenarios políticos y sociales." 238915,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]The total number of samples collected is four thousand and sixty-seven (4,067). One hundred and eight (108) results are positive, three thousand eight hundred and four (3,804) are negative, forty-two (42) for a repeat test and one hundred and thirteen (113) remaining sample results are pending." 188445,42898.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_de_accion_triple_frontera_vf.pdf,"la capital del departamento colombiano de Amazonas, Leticia, tiene una proporción de 234 muertes por cada 100.000 habitantes, a pesar de tener a disposición algunas instalaciones médicas. En el resto del departamento, sobre todo en las partes alejadas de los contextos urbanos, la ausencia de instalaciones médicas indicaría proporciones aún más altas, sin embargo, las pruebas son limitadas o inexistentes." 271600,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au niveau national, 29,2% des enfants [6-23 mois] ont consommé au moins quatre groupes d’aliments sur les 8 groupes d’aliments définis, proportion supérieure à celle de 2019 (24,2 %)." 276969,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] La reprise correspond à peu près aux attentes des entreprises en terme de performance au dernier trimestre de l’année dernière, mais la proportion de celles qui pensent ne pas se relever a augmenté." 311469,53762.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,115,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"With the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan, the Shelter/CRI Cluster targeted around 93,000 families out of 203, 198 in need. Despite the lack of funds to respond aqueately to these needs, UNHCR continues to strengthen the shelter response and the distribution of core relief items (CRIs) throughout the country to improve the living conditions, the physical safety and the dignity of displaced populations. So far, only 4% and 2% have been respectively reached by shelter and CRI interventions. Since the start of the year, a total of 3,031 emergency shelters were built in the Center-North, the North and the Sahel regions." 391388,61220.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,26,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.t13.cl/noticia/politica/presidente-pinera-decreto-fuerzas-armadas-control-migratorio-12-01-2021,El Mandatario aseguró que hay más de 32 pasos ilegales en la frontera con Bolivia y más de 18 pasos en la frontera con Perú. 276268,50677.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,75,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"A la date du 28 août, 324 cas positif de COVID-19 ont été enregistrés dans la région depuis le début de l’épidémie, provoquant neuf décès. Le nombre de cas est en hausse significative par rapport au mois de juillet (152 cas au 31 juillet). Cela est essentiellement le résultat de la multiplication du nombre de tests effectués dans la région à partir du mois de juillet." 228231,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The Afghan national security forces were responsible for 1,376 civilian casualties (466 killed and 910 injured), 23 per cent of total civilian casualties; similar numbers to those recorded in the first nine months of 2019." 204261,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the North West and South West, IDPs and host communities living in urban or peri-urban areas generally have a better ability to cope. However, negative coping mechanisms can be observed in rural/hard to reach areas and in urban/peri-urban areas. Moreover, host communities share their limited resources with the displaced which is becoming a greater burden particularly on rural host communities." 62065,18564.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],en,195,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, manifest in widespread poverty and chronic shortages of food, medicine, and other basic necessities, is the product of years of economic mismanagement and official corruption as well as a sharp decline in oil prices between 2013 and 2016. Even though the price of oil reached a historic high under the administration of President Hugo Chávez (1999-2013), oil revenues were channeled into consumption, not into maintenance of key infrastructure or economic diversification. The long-time dependence of the Venezuelan economy on oil left the country vulnerable to fluctuations in the global market. In 2018, Venezuela’s oil exports represented 99 percent of all export revenue and 35 percent of GDP, according to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. The price of oil tumbled from $97.5 per barrel in 2013—when Nicolás Maduro assumed the presidency following Chávez’s death—to a mere $34.7 per barrel in 2016, the lowest price in more than a decade. The value of oil has seen a modest recovery since, reaching $61.25 per barrel in 2018." 147044,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To enhance surveillance efforts, WHO is working with the MoH to simplify the case definition for COVID-19 as well as expand active surveillance beyond the existing 125 hospitals to all primary healthcare facilities." 158067,38779.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,7,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"50,427 # of medical consultations provided." 344220,56790.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,132,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] The cost of the regional SMEB food component decreased slightly to 283,725 SYP in April, a 3% decrease since March but a 66% increase since October 2020. The vegetable component of the SMEB increased slightly by 2% since March. This is mostly due to the end of season for tomatoes, which increased by 52% in price due to a switch to imports which are affected by crossing fees. Other vegetable components all decreased in price at the start of the Spring season, whereby cucumbers decreased by 9%, onions decreased by 13%, and potatoes decreased by 34% in price. This is also attributed to the appreciation of the SYP." 175449,41213.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,55,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Contexte sécuritaire très préoccupant, des attaques contre les populations s’amplifient surtout dans les 6 régions les plus touchées par la crise entrainant un mouvement continu des populations qui est passé de 838 548 à plus de 1M des personnes déplacées internes à travers les 13 régions du pays (CONASUR)." 169309,40031.0,1185.0,[],[],[],en,22,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"Refugees, displaced persons and vulnerable people in Peru are enabled to meet their basic food and nutrition requirements when crisis arises" 235980,46890.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Hence, several food security partners have been exploring the possibility of shifting to cash. The cash working group has engaged with the local government in the regions to ensure that partners shifting to cash do not face any bureaucratic challenges." 126327,34397.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,36,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,En el 10% de los hogares encuestados hay un menor que tiene de 0 a 6 meses de edad: 10% para los hogares migrantes y 7% para los hogares de acogida. 201101,43280.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"In September, UNICEF continued supply of emergency water to vulnerable internally displaced people (IDPs) and host communities affected by conflict and flash flooding providing access to safe drinking water through water trucking activities in Middle and Lower Shabelle, Lower Juba and Hiraan regions. In addition to the emergency water trucking, UNICEF through partners conducted daily chlorination of 3 main boreholes and 14 shallow wells that serves IDPs, host communities, returnees and agro-pastoralist communities in these regions affected by flooding." 64406,18710.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,84,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/onu-pide-a-colombia-frenar-discursos-xenofobos-contra-migracion/1480,"En las últimas semanas, en medio de campañas electorales para las elecciones locales, la discriminación contra los venezolanos parece mucho más visible:se han identificado pancartas y discursos que promueven medidas restrictivas para la migración y reproducen estereotipos negativos. Ante esa situación, el Comité de Protección de los Derechos de los Trabajadores Migrantes de Naciones Unidas, que revisa la política migratoria de Colombia por tercera vez, alertó al Gobierno colombiano sobre la creciente ola demensajes xenófobos." 114791,32234.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3646679,"En tanto en El Salvador, durante las últimas dos semanas de marzo, “más del 50 por ciento de mujeres murieron más por feminicidio que por COVID-19”, aseguró la institución." 299125,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The real number of indirect levy requests is likely significantly higher, with NSAG-TB having systematized taxation of commercial transport companies, including those contracted by humanitarian partners, along the major highways in the country" 265659,49620.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"En termes d’hygiène et assainissement, l’utilisation de latrines est restée limitée et les techniques de lavage de main, bien que vraisembablement en hausse suite aux sensibilisations faites dans le cadre des mesures barrières du COVID-19, n’ont pas semblé encore suffisamment répandues" 270248,49921.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,108,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/viviendas-permanecen-seis-meses-vacias-en-el-mercado-549077,"“Si tuviéramos en consideración determinado stock de viviendas, que normalmente tardaba alrededor de 5 meses en rotar, en esos meses la proyección de rotación pasó a 10 meses”, explicó Juan Sokoloff, coordinador de data en Habi.co. El experto explica que entre los factores que inciden en estos tiempos tienen que ver con el costo del inmueble y su ubicación. “Los inmuebles con valor de menos de $200 millones tardan, en promedio, 8 meses en venderse, mientras que los inmuebles de más de $200 millones tardan alrededor de 9 meses”, dice Sokoloff ." 306805,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In early and mid-November, USAID/BHA partner the American Refugee Committee (ARC) provided urgently needed humanitarian assistance to nearly 2,600 IDPs residing in East Darfur State’s Melloi locality who had fled clashes between Falata and Massalit communities in South Darfur in mid October." 219243,45750.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Hirshabelle State is grappling with widespread flooding, but humanitarian partners are applying protocols of social distancing and use of PPEs during the flood response activities. The state has so far reported six COVID-19 cases." 384897,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,64,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Les attaques enregistrées ont occasionné des mouvements des populations dans toutes les 13 régions, ces attaques ont touchées aussi le système de santé entrainant la fermeture des formations sanitaires et laissant d’autres en fonctionnement partiel. Cette situation a fortement augmenté les besoins d’offre des soins de santé primaires. Il en découle dans les zones en sécurité précaire" 224732,45275.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"In Afghanistan, over 80 per cent of the population live on less than the internationally applied poverty line (US$1.90 per day)1 and the vulnerability of IDPs, returnees, and host communities has been exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic." 223912,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Depuis le début de l’épidémie déclarée le 10 mars 2020 jusqu’en date du 26 Aout 2020, le cumul des cas est de 9.915, dont 9.914 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable. Au total, il y a eu 255 décès (254 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable) et 9.020 personnes guéries" 205032,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"the North West, South West and Far North regions face the most severe humanitarian needs. The most severe and compounded needs continue to be found in divisions that witness direct conflict such as Logone-et-Chari and Mayo Tsanaga in the Far North and Menchum, Boyo, Mezam, Momo, Ngo-ketunja divisions in the North West and the Manyu, Meme, and Fako divisions in the South West." 149554,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,48,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"Con los flujos migratorios que se están presentando debido a la crisis que vive Nicaragua desde abril y tras el asesinato de una turista española el pasado 4 de agosto, aparentemente a manos de un nicaragüense indocumentado, se exacerbaron los comentarios xenófobos en redes sociales." 412946,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,118,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.11 Experience in seeking adolescent health services: More than half of the adolescents did not seek health services due to the fear of coronavirus infection: Among the surveyed households, 785 households have reported that they have adolescent members (10-19 years). More than a quarter of the adolescents (26.5%) took health-related services during the pandemic—rural level households took more services compared to the urban ones (28.1% vs. 24.3%). The services include treatment for gynaecological problems (40.9%), care for accident cases (55.8%), emergency treatment (14.4%), etc." 188150,43352.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,36,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"04 April 2020: Between Koualou and Nadiagou, Kompienga province, Est region, the chief nurse of Koualou was kidnapped by armed men while travelling to a medical evacuation in nearby Pama city." 490026,67793.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETS%20Nigeria%20SitRep%20August%202021.pdf,"[1st -31st Aug 2021, Nigeria] Since the beginning of the year, the ETS has provided reliable Internet connectivity services to more than 3,002 users from 96 organizations (16 UN agencies and 80 NGOs) across North-East Nigeria." 341005,56436.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-whole-of-syria-appeal.pdf,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] Half a million children are chronically malnourished and an additional 137 000 children under five years of age are suffering from acute malnutrition, heightening their exposure to preventable morbidity and mortality." 390776,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"A nivel de los gastos, los migrantes en Chile, al igual que en otros países, acceden en menor medida a beneficios sociales, lo que está posiblemente vinculado a los requisitos institucionales y legales que deben cumplir para poder estar suscritos a estas ayudas estatales (Maire & Tessada, 2019). Esta necesidad es aún más urgente si se toma en cuenta que es en los deciles de más bajos ingresos donde la diferencia en el acceso a ayuda estatal entre chilenos y migrantes es mayor (Maire & Tessada, 2019)." 276335,50677.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Le 30 juillet, le CICR a distribué des kits de biens de premières nécessité (vêtements, moustiquaire, ustensiles cuisine, couverture, bidon, seau...) à 339 ménages (2 034 personnes) déplacées par le conflit à Tilde dans le Logone et Chari." 172889,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,62,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"[2] Les groupes de population les plus à risque face à l’épidémie de COVID-19 en raison de leurs vulnérabilités et leurs capacités d’adaptation sont les suivants : Les personnes (adultes et enfants) déplacées internes, retournées, rapatriées, réfugiées • Les personnes (adultes et enfants) vivant dans des zones urbaines surpeuplées" 384172,60408.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,96,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Otro factor considerado, lo representa la teoría dualista, la cual está representada como el porcentaje de agricultura con respecto al PIB, en esta variable claramente se observa que Chile es el país menos primario entre los tres, seguido de Venezuela, y posteriormente Ecuador. Esta evidencia puede obedecer a dos condiciones, una de ellas es que los venezolanos se trasladen a Chile por las ofertas de trabajo en sectores menos cualificados y, por otra parte, que se trasladen a Ecuador por poseer mayor cualificación que los ecuatorianos." 224218,45763.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Sur le moyen terme et dans le cadre du Nexus Humanitaire- développement, il convient d’apporter un appui pour la construction de latrines adaptées à la zone et de construire des digues en matériaux durables empêchant le débordement de l’eau du fleuve Logone dans les villages et champs de cultures." 112326,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,91,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"De los 1.102 municipios, se tiene registro de estudiantes venezolanos en 930 municipios. Bogotá, Medellín, Cúcuta, Cartagena, Barranquilla y Cali son las ciudades con mayor concentración, que en su conjunto acumulan casi el 40 % del total de la matrícula de niños, niñas y adolescentes venezolanos. De los estudiantes matriculados, el 17 % se encuentra en el nivel de preescolar26, un 56 % está en el nivel de primaria, 23 % en secundaria y 4 % en media." 359450,58464.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] This season, households in 58% of assessed communities reportedly ran into debt while running agricultural operations." 194363,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,97,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"A Kinshasa, les ZS hot spots, pour les 6 990 cas dont l’information a été communiquée, sont celles de Gombe (826/6990 ; 11,8%), Binza Ozone (746/6990 ; 10,7%), Limete (729/6990 ; 10,4%), Kokolo (668/6990 ; 9,6%), Lemba (521/6990 ; 7,5%), Binza Météo (475/6990 ; 6,8%), Kasa Vubu (280/6990 ; 4,0%) et Mont Ngafula I (278/6990 ; 4,0%) (Figure 3)." 492649,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] CHICKEN: 5,650 SYP PER KILO (1.78 USD) One month price change: decrease of 0.3% Six month price change: increase of 13% % of surveyed vendors reporting chicken as unavailable in their community/neighbourhood: 3%" 197585,43603.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The Shelter Cluster focused on decongestion of a number of sites to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 302659,52890.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",es,95,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Las personas que hicieron parte de esta investigación coinciden en que han tenido que abandonar su país, obligadas por la violencia, la imposibilidad de satisfacer necesidades básicas o el miedo, lo cual tiene graves efectos en su estabilidad emocional. Las personas LGBTI+ que están en Colombia, Ecua- dor y Chile han llegado a las organizaciones que realizan esta investigación, y a diferentes procesos sociales, como una manera de superar el desa- rraigo y la tristeza de llevar un duelo en un país que muchas veces es hostil." 247602,48225.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,64,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/245013,"[ January 27, GoS] The President of the Nursing and Medical and Auxiliary Health Professions Syndicate, Yusra Malil, revealed that 12 nursing workers throughout the Syrian governorates had died of the Corona epidemic during the past year, including 4 deaths in Aleppo, 5 deaths in Damascus, one death in Homs, and two deaths in Hama." 317467,54216.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,58,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://ecupunto.com/2021/04/14/mas-de-4-500-venezolanas-dado-a-luz-cucuta/,"Mario Galvis, médico coordinador de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Hospital de Cúcuta, explicó que se reciben “pacientes muy complicadas del vecino país (Venezuela). Llegan en condiciones nutricionales complejas, sífilis gestacional y sin diagnósticos, quiere decir que no han recibido ningún tipo de atención médica en el vecino país”." 63446,18762.0,1386.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],es,46,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.noticiasbarquisimeto.com/2019/07/17/hidrocapital-suspendio-el-servicio-de-agua-temporalmente/,"La información se dio a conocer a través de la cuenta en Twitter de Hidrocapital, la cual indicó que ya el personal se encuentra desplegado en el sitio, trabajando de manera ininterrumpida, para restablecer el suministro de agua a la brevedad posible." 171515,40704.0,2098.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] In addition, 5,191 host community members benefitted from agricultural training and inputs (seeds); gardening tools were also distributed to 5,167 beneficiaries. A total of 110 women were trained to produce masks, for which they received 15,000 taka (USD180), totalling 1,650,000 taka (USD19,643)" 200470,44300.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,88,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"À l’inverse, la majorité des femmes (86%) résidaient en zone urbaine, et une minorité seulement en zone rurale (14%). D’autre part, la plupart des personnes interrogées, soit 95% d’entre elles, habitaient dans les régions du Centre-Est et du Centre, principalement réparties dans les communes de Tenkodogo, Garango, Beguedo, Bousouma et Ouagadougou. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 307751,53292.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Protection partners who provided protection presence during food distributions shared feedback from people targeted with assistance, particularly from vulnerable groups, and highlighted their challenges in access to the distribution sites due to distance and security concerns. Others flagged the need for a rapid feedback mechanism for those who have lost their registration documents." 500704,60136.0,2074.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,56,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"La Oficina Regional de Migración de Oruro estima que durante la última semana, alrededor de 200 personas lograron cruzar la frontera y que en los últimos días existió un flujo de 20 a 30 personas por día. Según información de la OIM Chile, se tienen registros de 100 personas por día aproximadamente." 392302,61161.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.senado.cl/noticias/migracion/migracion-y-extranjeria-despachan-a-ley-informe-de-la-comision-mixta,"Los extranjeros que hubieren ingresado al país por pasos habilitados con anterioridad al18 de marzo de 2020y se encuentren en situación migratoria irregular podrán, dentro del plazo de 180 días contados a partir de la publicación de la presente ley, solicitar un visado de residencia temporal sin ser sancionados administrativamente. Se otorgará el visado solicitado a todos aquellos que no tengan antecedentes penales. Una vez ingresada la solicitud, se les concederá un permiso temporal para la realización de actividades remuneradas durante el tiempo que demore su tramitación." 164486,32981.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,56,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,"900 Raciones diarias de alimentos calientes en alojamientos temporales 3.300 Kits de alimentos no perecederos a personas en situación de calle y población en transito. 1.720 Bonos de alimentación a población refugiada y migrante con vocación de permanencia y comunidad de acogida. 1.500 Kits de alimentos a familias refugiadas, migrantes y de acogida" 271913,50217.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,76,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"basée sur les indicateurs de tous les secteurs, l’analyse intersectorielle a révélé que toutes les régions du pays, en dehors de la ville de Niamey, présentaient une sévérité 3 sur une échelle de 5, ce qui signifie que dans toutes les régions, la population a besoin d’une assistance humanitaire pour faire face aux différents chocs. La ville de Niamey présente elle, une sévérité 2." 384879,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Appui technique et financier de l’OMS à la mission conjointe avec le CORUS, de renforcement de la coordination de la réponse sur le terrain et d’identification des besoins prioritaires de la prise en charge du volet santé des personnes déplacées internes et les communautés hôtes de la région de l'Est" 63100,18663.0,1386.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,16,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,the precarious household economy does not allow families to cover their basic needs in WASH. 389639,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Amazonas, Guainía y Vaupés fueron priorizados para generar una “barrera inmuno ó ica” en a rontera con Brasi o que es muy positivo, sin embargo prácticamente la totalidad de estos biológicos se han aplicado en las capitales departamentales y ninguno en las zonas rurales dispersas, incluyendo la mayor parte de dicha frontera. Amazonas continúa con la mayor cobertura de vacunas por habitante, pero Guainía y Vaupés ya quedaron rezagados por varias entidades territoriales." 322013,54318.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"Tabla 2. Razones de NNA para sentir temor, enojo, tristeza e inseguridad. (*) •Otro* 85,8% •Porque debía dormir en la calle o en situaciones incomodas. 12,5% •Porque sentía que lo maltrataban. 2,5% •Porque lo llevaban a un lugar contra su voluntad 1,1% * Dentro de la categoría ""otros"" se encuentra: tristeza por estar lejos de sus familiares que viven en Venezuela, por estar lejos de sus amigos y en general por estar lejos de su país." 188598,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,274 élèves et 15 enseignants de l’EP BUBURU et l’Institut NEMHOL 2 ont été sensibilisés sur les mesures préventive contre la MVE et la Covid-19 dans la ZS BOMONGO à l’EQUATEUR 274122,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Consommation Alimentaire] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Dans le territoire de Faradje, dans la province de Haut Uélé- ZS d’Aba, où le sondage a été plus orienté vers les zones d’accueil des réfugiés sud soudanais, environ 79 % de ménages sont caractérisés par une consommation alimentaire pauvre, ce qui est alarmant." 320137,53234.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] In weeks 11-12 a total of 506 varicella cases were reported in EWARS. An increase was observed in these weeks in comparation with the same period of 2020. In total, a cumulative number of 2102 have been reported in 2021. Among the reported cases in 2021, 50.1% are male and 56.5% under-5 years of age." 328596,54710.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 100% of IDP settlement and 88% of non-IDP settlement households found with a Shelter and non-food items Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 166386,39992.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,30,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:q54CBLzNy3AJ:https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syria-coronavirus-outbreak-doctors/2020/09/24/95d9323a-fcea-11ea-b0e4-350e4e60cc91_story.html+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=jo,"Across Syria, mask-wearing remains rare even in crowds. Big beach parties and concerts continued into this month, and mosques, along with schools, have reopened." 356130,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"La caída en la confianza de los consumidores frente al mes pasado obedeció principalmente a una disminución de 32,9 pps en el Índice de Expectativas del Consumidor y a una caída de 7,7 pps en el Índice de Condiciones Económicas." 296715,52521.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d9%a2%d9%a8-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a9-%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b3%d9%88%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%a1-%d9%88%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b9%d8%af%d8%af-%d9%85%d8%b1%d8%b4/,"[March 22, As-Sweida] Mhanna indicated that the total number of patients accepted in the isolation centers in the governorate is (28), and this number is probably rising alarmingly on a daily and basis to reach a peak that might be delayed up to two weeks knowing that the number of cases is 868 infection with 86 deaths." 111928,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,74,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Los habitantes locales se han hecho una idea de los venezolanos como seres acostumbrados a recibir todo regalado, pues se considera que el Gobierno los acostumbró a los subsidios, por lo que son vistos como perezosos y groseros (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Bogotá, 2019). Comentan además que las mujeres acostumbran a usar ropas desabrigadas en una ciudad en la que esto no es tan común." 217956,45271.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Crop pest and diseases and livestock diseases should be monitored, as these can potentially impact crops and livestock in 14 provinces of the country as per the historical trends." 111931,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Los niños que están con familias que migran de forma pendular no sufren las implicaciones del desarraigo y tienen menor riesgo de vivir en la calle. Sin embargo, su vulnerabilidad se asocia a la precariedad de la prestación de servicios sociales en Venezuela y la limitación de los mismos en Colombia. Esto los pone en riesgo de desescolarización, desnutrición, deficiente atención en salud y en alto riesgo de no sobrevivencia en los pasos de frontera en los que hacen presencia los grupos armados." 227483,46488.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Néanmoins, une grande majorité des IC (13/15) ont identifié les insécurités et violences des combats comme l’une des barrières principales à l’agriculture, soulignant une certaine difficulté d’accès pour les ménages souhaitant se rendre à leurs champs." 310112,53753.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_25_february_2021_final.pdf,"In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the United Nations launched the Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) for COVID-19 on 25 March 2020 to address the immediate humanitarian consequences of the pandemic. This was just two weeks after WHO's announcement of a global pandemic." 60700,17936.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Households without access to farmland were more food insecure (36 percent) compared to those with access (22 percent). Moreover, among households with access to farmland, a correlation exists between food security and the expanse of land cultivated. Households that cultivated more hectares of land were found to be more food secure." 220559,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Measles reported in Ibba county in spite of the Measles follow up campaign conducted in February with a coverage 99% • In week 42, 2 samples tested positive and 13 cases were reported giving a total of 40 cases reported since the beginning of 2020" 176632,41731.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,67,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Dans leur très grande majorité, les PDI à Barsalogho ont le sentiment chacun d’avoir des besoins différents par rapport à la COVID-19 parce qu’ils ont tout perdu dans le déplacement, du fait des conditions de logement qui favorisent la promiscuité et par le fait que venant des villages, ils n’ont pas les mêmes comportements que les citadins." 248945,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"On observe aussi que, de plus en plus, en raison du manque d’emploi, les jeunes se constituent en bandes armées pour commettre des vols et viols sur la population civile." 293854,52365.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,119,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"● SHELTER support and access to HOUSEHOLD ITEMS are priority needs, as noted by 35 of 50 community groups. Participants primarily mentioned the need for sheets, blankets, mattress, mattress pads and pillows. At various data collection points, the data collection teams reported that are people sleeping on the street, which is of specifically of concern due to the recent start of the rainy season. The heavy rains have complicated the shelter situation, damaging some shelters and belongings as well as increasing the presence of vectors/mosquitoes. As many fled without having time to take any possessions, community group participants also highlighted the need for clothing and footwear." 412798,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Demography'],en,163,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Among the surveyed households, 49 babies aged between 0-28 days were found—69.4% in rural areas and 30.6% in urban areas. During their age between 0 to 28 days, it was found that 12 households (24.5%; 8 from rural areas and 4 from urban areas) did not get the BCG or oral polio vaccine within seven days, which was supposed to be given at birth or at the first visit of health worker. The main reasons for not having the first vaccine mentioned were they “did not know about the vaccine” (9), the health worker did not visit the child (3), the child was delivered in absence of a trained health worker (1), and address of vaccination centre was unknown (1) financial problem (1), and others (1)." 130817,33838.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"La pérdida de fuentes de ingresos familiares para trabajadoras informales, unido al cierre de escuelas, puede aumentar casos de explotación sexual de mujeres y niñas, riesgos de VBG contra NNA, trabajo infantil, reclutamiento y utilización de NNA por grupos armados, NNA no acompañados o separados de sus familias y cuidadores." 308589,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"The RRC director in Tonj South reported some 30,000 people displaced from Tonj North, currently sheltering in several locations in Tonj South including Thiet, Wanhalel and Tonj Town. The RRC has estimated that there are more than 50,000 people displaced in Tonj South." 356598,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El 3 de junio, el Ministerio de Defensa señaló que, desde el 28 de abril, la policía había detenido a más de 1.200 personas por delitos presuntamente cometidos durante las protestas. Los fiscales habían imputado a 215. La Fiscalía General de la Nación dijo a Human Rights Watch que cientos de detenidos fueron liberados luego de que un juez o fiscal determinara que sus derechos habían sido violados durante la detención o que no existían evidencias de que habían cometido un delito." 335521,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Top six provinces by positivity rates - Nangarhar: 65.43%; Kunar: 64.78%; Balkh: 58.21%; Samangan: 54.60%; Jawzjan: 49.72%; Panjsher: 59.59% 278626,50856.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021, GoS] The government has allocated a specific quantity of diesel fuel for farmers in an endeavour to support the agriculture sector. The farmers continue to access fuel through a subsidised price of 180 SYP per litre. There was a significant m-o-m increase of 10 percent in the average diesel fuel price within the local markets, reaching 20 038 SYP per 20 litres. Dará and Aleppo governorates recorded the highest diesel fuel price at 26 000 SYP per 20 litres, while the price in Al-Hasakeh was 2 900 SYP for the same amount , indicating the lowest diesel fuel price across the monitored sites." 224690,46162.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"In Bongor, the daily cost [for non-agricultural workforce] has been reduced to XAF 750 or 1,000 instead of XAF 3,500 as seen in a normal year." 204731,44631.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,20,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202020%20-%202021.pdf,"Inter-communal and live-stock related violence have been widespread, threatening to reverse some of the gains made throughout 2019." 133889,35165.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,223,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"No obstante, a pesar de las restricciones, las personas venezolanas consultadas en los grupos focales manifiestaron que encuentran empleo a través de conocidos y referencias, o a través de redes sociales de personas venezolanas en Panamá, si bien el trabajo no siempre es acorde a las competencias profesionales adquiridas previamente en Venezuela. De este modo, de la encuesta emerge que los sectores económicos en los que un mayor número de las personas venezolanas entrevistadas se desempeñaban en Venezuela eran: 15% en el servicio público, 9% en otras actividades de servicios, 8% en transporte, 8% en comercio al por menor, 7% en hostelería/turismo, 6% en construcción, 6% en peluquerías/estética, 41% en otros sectores. Sin embargo, en Panamá los sectores económicos en los que se concentran son: 25% en comercio al por menor, 18% en otras actividades de servicios, 12% en peluquerías/estética, 6% en construcción, 5% en mecánica, 34% en otros sectores. De los grupos focales también se desprende que las mujeres se están desempeñando en el servicio doméstico: limpieza de hogar, cuidado de personas dependientes (adultos mayores, niños, etc.)." 326488,54734.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 89% of IDP settlement and 64% of non-IDP settlement households found with a Shelter and non-food items Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 163553,30906.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"El departamento de Putumayo tiene fronteras con el departamento de Nariño, el cual registra 1.383 casos, el departamento de Cauca registra 125 casos, el departamento de Caquetá, 24 casos, el departamento de Amazonas 1.900 casos, la provincia de Nueva Loja o Lago Agrio (Ecuador), la cual registra 455 casos y Loreto (Perú) que registra 5.757 casos." 391131,61177.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Under a high emissions scenario, diarrheal deaths attributable to climate change in children under 15 years old are projected to be about 9.8% of the over 76,000 diarrheal deaths projected in 2030. Additionally, heat-related deaths in the elderly (65+ years) are projected to increase to almost 80 deaths per 100,000 by 2080 compared to the estimated baseline of about 3 deaths per 100,000 annually between 1961 and 1990." 160504,38373.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 73.9% de la población encuestada paga arriendo por la vivienda; el 7.7% vive en habitaciones donde deben pagar por día. En Atlántico este tipo de arriendo por día se evidencia en un 13.1%; el 7.2% está bajo la modalidad de vivienda al cuido, y en La Guajira la cifra aumenta hasta un 25%. Sólo un 0.8% se encuentra en albergues temporales de las autoridades y de las agencias humanitarias." 200063,44386.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,171,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"JULIO - SEPTIEMBRE 2020 En el período de referencia, las ciudades que registraron las mayores tasas de desempleo fueron: 1. Ibagué: Tasa de desempleo 27,5%; tasa global de participación 58,6% y tasa de ocupación 42,5%. 2. Florencia: Tasa de desempleo 27,2%; tasa global de participación 57,9% y tasa de ocupación 42,1%. 3. Neiva: Tasa de desempleo 26,4%; tasa global de participación 58,0% y tasa de ocupación 42,7%. Las ciudades que presentaron las menores tasas de desempleo fueron: 1. Barranquilla AM: Tasa de desempleo 12,3%; tasa global de participación 57,6% y tasa de ocupación 50,5%. 2. Pasto: Tasa de desempleo 17,7%; tasa global de participación 62,5% y tasa de ocupación 51,5%. 3. Cartagena: Tasa de desempleo 18,1%; tasa global de participación 52,3% y tasa de ocupación 42,9%." 291392,51191.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,26,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Health facilities across the country continue to report shortfalls in PPE, medical supplies and equipment, further challenging their capacity to treat COVID-19 patients." 291780,51871.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,99,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Primeras-dosis-de-AstraZeneca-llegan-al-pais.aspx,"En el mismo avión que arribaron las dosis de Sinovac llegaron a Colombia las primeras dosis del laboratorio AstraZeneca. Se trata de 244.800 dosis que aterrizaron en suelo colombiano en la tarde de este sábado y que inmediatamente fueron ingresadas a los inventarios del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, para posteriormente, ser distribuidas a las entidades territoriales. El viceministro de Salud Pública y Prestación de Servicios, Luis Alexander Moscoso Osorio, explicó que serán destinadas para culminar la protección del talento humano en salud en ciudades capitales y áreas metropolitanas del país." 340921,56137.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://minvivienda.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/recuperacion-del-sector-vivienda-se-mantiene-en-medio-de-la-pandemia,"Es importante señalar que el sector tiene un comportamiento diferenciado en los distintos segmentos. Por una parte, se observa un muy buen ritmo de ejecución en las obras residenciales, que, de acuerdo al DANE, se tradujo en una variación anual de 26,2 % en el indicador de área causada residencial." 345275,56072.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,134,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.financialafrik.com/2021/04/30/rdc-le-premier-ministre-sama-lukonde-promet-de-faire-tout-pour-que-la-gecamines-se-developpe-et-prospere/,"Fleuron de l’économie congolaise, la Gécamines [Générale des carrières et des mines], dotée de nouveaux outils de gouvernance, pourra produire 400.000 tonnes de cuivre par an. Elle a produit 12.570 tonnes de cuivre à fin juillet 2020 contre 11 385 tonnes à la même période en 2019, soit en hausse de 10,40%. Comparée au volume de production de l’ensemble de l’industrie minière estimé à 905 851 tonnes de cuivre, la production de la Gécaminies représente 1,38% de l’ensemble de la production de l’industrie minière de la RDC. Pour l’ensemble de l’année 2019, la Gécamines a produit 21.166 tonnes de cuivre contre 18 367 tonnes en 2018." 163765,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,30,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Quibdó, entró en una nueva fase de aislamiento obligatorio con algunas medidas tales como: toques de queda nocturno entre semana y 24 horas los fines de semana." 126539,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El GTRM proyecta que casi un millón de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela estarán viviendo en el Perú en el 2020. Luego de realizar un análisis sectorial, en base a ENPOVE principalmente, se estima que alrededor de 617,000 refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, así como 268,000 miembros de la comunidad de acogida en el país requerirán cierto tipo de asistencia. Esta asistencia va desde apoyo para el acceso a los servicios de salud hasta la inclusión socioeconómica. Al mismo tiempo, es esencial que las intervenciones también estén dirigidas a dar asistencia a la comunidad de acogida, especialmente en las áreas con mayor cantidad de llegadas." 753,156.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,2,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,Excerpt 74 163986,34165.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,113,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Norte de Santander: desde finales de junio hasta la fecha se ha mantenido paro armado silencioso en la subregión del Catatumbo, así como el fortalecimiento y desarrollo de actividades ilícitas en medio de la coyuntura de la COVID-19, lo cual ha generado afectaciones a civiles, violaciones a sus derechos fundamentales e infracciones al DIH; se han identificado aumentos en los reclutamientos forzados, contaminación por MAP, restricciones de acceso, afectaciones a la misión médica, amenazas y desplazamientos transfronterizos por la persistencia del conflicto armado. Así mismo, persisten las erradicaciones forzadas por parte del ejército nacional en medio del aislamiento preventivo." 284834,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,53,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Since 3 June an increase in civilian causalities as a result of live ammunition have been reported due to violent activities between SLA-AW (Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid Al Nur (SLM-AW),) splinter factions and continuous clashes between the SLA-AW and RSF/Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF)" 171516,40704.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] Training on goat rearing and indigenous chicken raising was conducted for 3,987 host community members, who also received business development plan support. A total of 1,915 people participated in MenCare orientation and groups will graduate next month." 159511,34150.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3651862,"Según el informe, el 50% de las disposiciones con enfoque de género son de mediano y largo plazo, lo que significa que puede tardar varios años en completarse. De las 130 disposiciones con enfoque de género, solo el 9% están completadas, un 42% están en estado mínimo y un 40% ni siquiera han iniciado." 193756,43300.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Environment']",fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,L´accessibilité [aux structures de soins région Lac] devient de plus en plus difficile en saison pluvieuse en raison de l´état de délabrement des routes et du débordement des cours d´eau rendant l´évacuation des malades quasi-impossible. 221883,45558.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,19,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRF14-2020-COL-Dabeiba-LandSlide.pdf,"You notice a lot of anguish and cases of depression, especially in older adults and young people." 176658,41731.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,125,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Tout le monde a dit qu’il reçoit des informations sur la manière dont ils peuvent se protéger contre la maladie et que l’information est appropriée car elle est transmise sur différents formats (débat, télé, radio) et en plusieurs langues locales - moré, fulfulde, et français et sur des sujets comme la distanciation, le lavage des mains et porter des cache-nez. Les femmes PDI et les femmes âgées PDI mentionnent qu’elles ont reçu des Kits COVID-19 aussi. A Youba, dans le milieu rural, contrairement au milieu urbain, tout le monde n’a pas eu l’information et les dispositifs de lave-mains ont été insuffisamment distribués." 150906,36670.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"El Ministro de Salud anunció que ya se cuenta con los fondos para entregar un seguro de vida a las familias de personal de salud fallecido en el marco de la emergencia por COVID-19, así como para el personal que se encuentra atendiendo a las personas que padecen la enfermedad." 385599,60457.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"À Kourao, dans la commune de Bourzanga, par exemple, les populations ont notamment été victimes d’attaques d’hommes armés non identifiés, qui ont emporté plus de 20 charrettes chargées de produits maraîchers et provoqué le déplacement de 3 255 personnes [RRM], mars 2021)." 311463,53762.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,26,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"As of 28 February, Burkina Faso has recorded 12,030 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 299 active cases, 143 deaths and 11,588 recoveries." 414014,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,79,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Insufficient financial resources: The key informants raised the needs for budget increment in health sectors so that adequate health equipment and human resources could be ensured. The respondents also suggested allocating a separate budget for emergencies so that the response in that situation does not delay due to budget constrain or bureaucratic processes. They also expressed the need for proper budget management and capacity building for budget management." 235599,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Protection monitors issued 80 flash alerts related to incidents including deadly attacks on civilians, burning of houses, kidnapping, arbitrary arrests and other serious protection violations against civilians in August 2020." 160289,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Además, el equipo de DRC identificó 49 personas en riesgo de apatridia, de las cuales el 40.8% sólo posee el certificado de nacido vivo venezolano, y al encontrarse en Colombia no pueden obtener la nacionalidad venezolana, dada la inexistencia de servicios consulares en el país. El 28.6% tienen el certificado de nacido vivo colombiano, pero aún no han podido obtener la nacionalidad colombiana." 145432,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As reported in previous updates, even as restrictions have eased some Health and Nutrition sector partner activities continue to be particularly impacted by preventive measures." 145416,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Lockdowns on Ras al-Ma’ara town in Rural Damascus, first imposed on 7 June following a cluster of confirmed cases, and on Jdeidet al-Fadl in Quneitra, imposed on 20 June, remain in place. At the time of writing, a number of public areas in Aleppo also remained closed, following the death of a COVID-19 patient on 27 June. Further reports indicate some other recent closures of public buildings due to COVID-19 in various locations, including mosques." 16548,6344.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,53,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"Further depreciation of the Yemeni riyal (YER) and resultant decreases in purchasing power may lead to an additional 3.5 million people experiencing acute food insecurity, according to the UN. This would increase the number of people suffering from acute food insecurity to more than 21 million people countrywide." 293891,52076.0,2334.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,43,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Young girls in university studies focus primarily on humanities, social studies, law and social and economic management studies. They represent only 32.3% of the students in sciences, school streams that are more promising in terms of employment." 305729,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,15,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,A lack of livelihoods undermines refugees’ capacity to purchase food on local markets. 294668,52363.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,19,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"Pregnant/lactating women: in 28% of households, there is at least one pregnant and/or lactating woman." 171434,40811.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETS%20Nigeria%20SitRep%20September%202020.pdf,"[ 01/09/2020 to 30/09/2020, North-East Nigeria] The ETS has postponed several of its planned activities – including field missions and physical training sessions – due to travel restrictions to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in North-East Nigeria. The restrictions on field travel will directly impact the set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for ETS activities in 2020." 389251,61098.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SurveyAnalisis_%20INPLACE_%20Latin%20America3b_vertical.pdf,5. Riesgos de protección: El 20% de los niños y niñas nacidos en Colombia desde el 1 de enero de 2015 no han solicitado los documentos necesarios para la nacionalidad colombiana. 199180,44310.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,Nord Maniema : de 150 enfants sortis des groupes armés ont besoin d’accompagnement dans le territoire de Lubutu 235976,46890.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"As of August 2020, 29 partners [of the Food security cluster] collectively assisted 245,911 people in the NWSW regions." 227488,46488.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Les stratégies de survie les plus fréquemment rapportées par les IC étaient la vente de biens immobiliers pour acheter de la nourriture (10/15) et la vente de bétail plus importante que d’ordinaire pour la période de l’année à laquelle la collecte a eu lieu (7/15). Ces deux stratégies de survie ne sont pas soutenables à long terme. 304835,53078.0,2333.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,136,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Selon le cluster national pour l’Education, depuis le début de l’année scolaire 2018- 2019, 30 écoles sont restées fermées dans la région de Diffa [à cause de l'insécurité]. Il s’agit de 28 écoles non relocalisées depuis 2015 et qui sont demeurées fermées en plus de deux autres écoles ayant été relocalisées mais qui n’ont pas pu fonctionner à cause des attaques des groupes armés non étatiques, privant ainsi de nombreux enfants dont des réfugiés et des PDI du droit d’aller à l’école. Situées dans les départements de Bosso, Diffa, Nguigmi et Mainé Soroa, ces écoles font partie des 151 écoles fermées en février 2015 et dont la plupart avait été relocalisées par les autorités" 392422,61904.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56999711,"La nuevaley de migracionesque comenzó a regir el 20 de abril solo les permite regularizar su situación migratoria a quienes ingresaron por unpaso habilitado antes del 18 de marzo de 2020, día en que el gobierno deSebastián Piñeracerró las fronteras por primera vez producto de la pandemia de coronavirus." 236189,47104.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, NW Syria] Meanwhile, a surge of COVID-19 cases was observed among populations in opposition-held areas in northwest Syria, reaching around 20,204 cases of COVID-19 by the end of December. Representing a one-third increase above the announced rate of COVID-19 cases at the end of November" 392653,60861.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,63,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Por último, los participantes mencionaron necesidades vinculadas al ámbito emocional y espiritual, como el mantener la calma, la paciencia y la confianza y ser solidario. También se releva una necesidad de tener certidumbre sobre aspectos del presente y hacia el futuro, y un deseo de retorno a la normalidad. Finalmente, se hizo presente la fe religiosa" 307780,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"GBV partners reached 96 people (19 girls, 12 boys, 35 women and 30 men) with protection awareness raising and prevention messaging in Akobo County" 16489,6352.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,119,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"Despite gaps in funding and serious operational constraints to protection, as of August 2018, Protection Cluster partners have reached around 2.4 million people with life-saving protection services such as psychosocial support, legal assistance and protection, as well as clinical care for survivors and safe spaces for women, men, girls and boys. Over 400,000 persons have been reached through monitoring of protection and IHL/IHRL, while over 1.1 million children and community members have received information to protect them against mines and UXOs. Community-based responses continue to be strengthened through community-based protection network volunteers, community protection initiatives as well as community centers serving the needs of IDPs and conflict-affected populations." 286514,51252.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,120,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"How Severe, How Many and When – Of the 61 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states included in the IPC Acute Malnutrition current analysis (September – December 2020), seven LGAs were classified in IPC AMN Phase 4 (Critical), 19 LGAs were in IPC AMN Phase 3 (Serious), 21 LGAs were in IPC AMN Phase 2 (Alert) and 14 LGAs were in IPC AMN Phase 1 (Acceptable). The situation is expected to remain stable during the projection period of January - April 2021 (post-harvest) with only one LGA deteriorating from IPC Phase 2 to Phase 3." 219123,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Biometric verification/registration exercise of IDPs in Bor town suspended due to rising floodwaters. On 24 October, the biometric verification/registration of 20 815 flood-affected IDPs from Kondai/Gakyom at the temporary IDP settlement in Langbar residential area in Bor town was suspended." 172844,39110.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,110,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_aug_2020_report.pdf,"[ 01 -15 August 2020,North East Nigeria] The sector and partners continue to emphasize on the implementation of the rainy season contingency plan as incorporated in the 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). This has enabled partners to rapidly curb and manage the flooding situation in camps by engaging the community at large and also swiftly mobilizing resources (shelter kits, NFIs, basic flood mitigation tools, etc) to improve the living conditions for the vulnerable displaced population in camps and camp-like settings. As a result of this, partners have responded to over 150 flash floods across the camps." 36934,13321.0,788.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"Additionally, new shelters are needed to provide accommodation solutions to approximately 15,000 individuals who are living in makeshift shelters or out in the open." 193732,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,48,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Entre janvier et octobre 2019, plusieurs dizaines d´attaques des groupes armés ont été rapportées dans la province du Lac entraînant la suspension momentanée des activités de plusieurs acteurs humanitaires. L´ensemble de la zone insulaire et les axes Kaiga- Kindjiria et Ngouboua ont particulièrement été affectés." 477227,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,286,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"3.11 Situación migratoria en territorio peruano En la encuesta se investigó acerca de la situación migratoria de las personas nacidas en Venezuela que se encuentran en el país. Esta pregunta permite conocer el tipo de documento que tienen las personas venezolanas para poder permanecer en el país y parar acceder al empleo, educación, salud, entre otros. Los resultados de la encuesta revelan que el 88,8% de las personas venezolanas se encuentran en calidad regular o en proceso de regularizar su situación (con PTP, solicitantes de PTP, refugio, solicitantes de refugio, DNI, visa de estudiante o visa de trabajo). El 7,1% se encuentra en calidad irregular solo con cédula de identidad o sin calidad migratoria y 4,1% se encuentra en calidad de turista. El desglose de la información revela que el 50,2% de la población venezolana residente en el país es solicitante de Permiso Temporal de Permanencia (PTP); el 26,7% cuenta con Permiso Temporal de Permanencia, el 4,1% tienen visa de turista, el 4,0% carnet de extranjería, el 3,9% tienen cédula de identidad, el 3,2% informaron que son ilegales, el 3,0% son solicitantes de refugio, el 2,1% son refugiados, el 1,1% tienen visa de turista y además solicita PTP, entre los principales. Al 31 de diciembre las cifras oficiales de la Superintendencia Nacional de Migraciones y la Comisión especial para los refugiados del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores mostraban que, aproximadamente habían 227 000 solicitantes de refugio y 495 000 personas que habrían accedido al trámite de PTP." 141893,34876.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Recommendation: Target rural people with messaging about the importance of washing hands. Explore reasons why rural people’s hand washing practice is decreasing, and ensure they have access to means for hand washing." 495965,68456.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,26,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520Junio%25202021%2520Cono%2520Sur.pdf,"Durante junio los socios informaron que 146 refugiados y migrantes ingresaron a Argentina a través de La Quiaca (Jujuy), frontera con Bolivia." 294852,52363.0,2311.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"Of the total number of household members, 22% are children aged 0-6 years, of whom 84% have been vaccinated at least once, while the remaining 16% have not been vaccinated. 31% of children have not been vaccinated in the last year." 218402,45693.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,24,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"Fifty per cent of displaced people were displaced in the last 12 months, which has created a protection crisis of unprecedented size." 328556,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Proportion of households of non-IDP settlements reporting not having sufficient water for the following purposes were Not enough water for cooking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses(12%), Not enough water for domestic purposes only (5%),Not enough water for personal hygiene only (59%)." 247707,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,40,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"En matière d’assainissement, par manque des latrines dans certains sites, les déplacés pratiquent la défécation à l’air libre. La situation WASH est jugée critique sur le site de Dar al kheir 2." 223949,46071.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Pendant la pandémie, l’accès réduit aux biens alimentaires entraine une adaptation du régime alimentaire donc les familles diminuent la quantité et la qualité de la nourriture alors que les enfants réclament plus à manger car ne vont plus à l’école. Selon un prestataire de santé, depuis la crise, la santé de la population en général a chuté suite à la mauvaise alimentation, et entre les hommes et les femmes, ce sont les femmes qui sont plus touchées car elles sont très occupées." 303898,50891.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Demography', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"In August 2018, an outbreak of Chikungunya virus fever has been reported from Kassala state (Eastern Sudan). As of the 31st of December, a total of 26,892 suspected cases of Chikungunya fever were reported from 10 States with the bulk of cases reported from Kassala, and Red Sea States. Females represent 56 percent of the total reported cases while children under-5 years of age contributed to 5 percent of the total cases." 307724,53292.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"WASH Cluster partners supported the operationalization of a Surface Water Treatment system in Gumuruk to serve 5,500 individuals in GPAA, while 1,080 HHs (7,200 individuals) received hygiene kit items (water purifiers, jerry cans, soaps and buckets)." 241472,47384.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,127,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) Meat and Poultry: Meat prices have increased by 4%. Whilst Poultry prices have continued increasing at a higher rate, by 8%. Despite the lower purchasing power of population and subsequent decrease in demand for Meat in NES, prices remain high due to livestock traders increasing their exporting, smuggling and otherwise, to KRI region as this offers much higher profits. Furthermore, increased demand in poultry, due to it being cheaper and more affordable than meat, has led to increase in prices. 41 % of vendors cited fluctuation of SYP value as the main challenge they face while 16% cited shortage of meat availability issues." 278634,50723.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_unrwa_syria_regional_crisis_emergency_appeal_.pdf,"[2021, Overall Syria] The strict restrictions imposed in Lebanon on the release of funds to bank account holders, including those residing in Syria, have made it impossible for many to access their earnings." 235989,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Mobile clinics placed 48 patients on anti-retroviral treatment and sensitized 35,863 persons on epidemic- prone diseases, sexually transmitted infections and non-communicable diseases like diabetes and hypertension." 319786,54628.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] While trying to escape from the fire, participants said many people were injured trying to cross the fence, including pregnant women. One female participant heard that a mother and new-born baby died during delivery as the doctor left because of the fire. Many pregnant mothers and children have been relocated to houses of relatives at nearby camps." 238089,47361.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/bangladesh-to-receive-20-lakh-covid-19-vaccines-from-india-as-gift-jan-21/63523,"[19th Jan 2021, Bangladesh] Zahid Maleque said the government is also discussing with Russia, China, and others for collecting more vaccines. The minister also said they have already trained up to 4200 people to push the vaccine properly. "" We have also made a high-powered national committee and also made a list of those who will get the vaccine first. Every journalist will get the vaccine as they work with risk,"" he also said." 297675,52576.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn1.internationalmedicalcorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IntlMedCorps-Ebola_in_DRC_Situation-Report-39.pdf,"[terr.Butembo - Ebola] Among challenges encountered thus far are gaps in patient transport; poor IPC practices at health facilities; community resistance, particularly toward the Ebola vaccine (which some believe is the COVID-19 vaccine being distributed under the guise of an Ebola vaccine); and inadequate partner presence to support the response. The latter is partly a result of competing needs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rollout of the COVID-19" 164852,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"Relocated Almajiri children continue to be registered using the CPIMS mobile registration system to facilitate effective service provision through integrated child protection case management system. To date, 1,830 Almajiri children (1,790 boys, 40 girls) have been registered across northern states of Adamawa, Borno, Kaduna and Yobe. At least 1,496 (82 percent) of the cases registered in Kaduna (1,456 boys, 40 girls) followed by 14 percent in Yobe (225 boys), 4 percent in Adamawa (71 boys) and less than 1 percent in Borno (10boys). Of the total, 7 percent tested positive for COVID-19, 53 percent (977) were between 13-17 years old, 36 percent (664) were between 6-12 years old." 133577,35119.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El RADEX fue anunciado en noviembre de 2018, con el propósito de “facilitar, simplificar y agilizar el otorgamiento de residencias a los extranjeros”. Consistente en una plataforma online para la realización del trámite a distancia," 323863,54898.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/economia/adaptacion-digital-formula-para-proteger-a-las-empresas-colombianas-en-la-pandemia/20000011-4510822,"Hacer parte de comunidades de emprendedores para apoyarse e intercambiar información es otra recomendación para sobrellevar la situación. La directiva indicó que estas redes de colaboración se convierten en una fuerza productiva que en momentos de crisis dice a sus integrantes: ""No están solos""." 265561,49620.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Mali, BF, Niger) D’après les IC, la majorité de la population n’avait toujours pas accès à des infrastructures à distance de marche dans 15% des localités évaluées, avec comme principal facteur explicatif le manque d’infrastructures fonctionnelles et l’absence de personnel médical qualifié. (Nov.2020)" 322096,54688.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,54,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/el-reto-de-atender-a-los-mas-de-2000-desplazados-que-deja-la-ola-de-violencia-en-el-cauca/,"La Oficina de Naciones Unidas para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios (OCHA) detalló, en su más reciente informe, una lista de cosas que necesitan las 949 familias desplazadas en los últimos días. Hay necesidad de alimentos, elementos de bioseguridad, atención psicológica, seguridad y agua potable." 165256,38967.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,120,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BGD2002-COVID-19-Market-Monitoring-Initiative-%E2%80%93-Factsheet_round_5V1.pdf,"Reported perceptions of barriers faced by the community due to COVID-19 in the 2 weeks prior to data collection, by % of vendors:*Avoiding markets due to fear of COVID-19 81% ▼ Community members have no cash / low purchasing power 50% ▼ Fear of checkpoints 38% ▲ Challenges due to restricted opening hours 31% ▲ Avoiding markets due to increased military / police presence 19% ▼ Avoiding markets due to aggressive / hoarding behaviours taking place in markets 12% ▲ Long waiting times / long queues at markets 0% ► Community members do not have proper authorization / permission for movement 0% ► No issues 0% ►" 483300,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,171,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"10.1.5. Personas por habitación Al analizar de acuerdo al número de miembros del hogar relacionado con la cantidad de habitaciones de la vivienda que ocupan, que observa que en aquellas con 1 sola habitación (el 62,4% de la población venezolana reside en este tipo de vivienda) en el 27,5% existen 3 miembros y en el 27,3% de 4 a más miembros; en tanto en el 33,7% tienen dos miembros y en el 11,5% uno solo. En aquellas con dos habitaciones (17,0%), en el 54,5% residen 4 a más personas, en el 25,8% tres miembros, en el 17,7% dos miembros y en el 2,0% un miembro. En las que tienen 3 habitaciones (16,1%), en el 81,1% residen de 4 a más personas y en las de 4 a más habitaciones (4,5%), en el 88,6% existen de 4 más personas." 163538,30906.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"En Colombia se han reportado al día 4 de junio 35.120 casos de COVID-19, en el departamento de Putumayo se reportan 10 casos positivos hasta el momento, 1 en Leguízamo, 2 en Puerto Asís, 1 en Puerto Guzmán, 1 en Mocoa, 2 en San Miguel (1 fallecido), 1 en Valle del Guamuez, 1 en Orito, 1 en Colón (fallecido); el número aproximado de pruebas realizadas en el departamento es de 490. Hay que resaltar que las pruebas realizadas en Putumayo son enviadas a laboratorios en Bogotá y Nariño, demoran entre 1 y 2 semanas en ser procesadas." 192834,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Currently, four in five health facilities in South Sudan are managed by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Only one in five childbirths involves a skilled health care worker." 298676,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In six instances, partners relocated their activities to another location after they were unable to come to an agreement with conflict partners." 172511,40676.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,42,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Il est difficilement possible pour les personnes déplacées à l’intérieur du pays et les réfugiés de s’y conformer [distanciation sociale] du fait de leurs conditions de vie (sites, familles d’accueil)." 317445,54319.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_ene_mar_2021.pdf,"En el primer trimestre, al menos 38.559 personas (9,312 familias) fueron víctimas por desplazamiento y confinamiento, en los departamentos de Chocó, Valle del Cauca, Antioquia, Cauca, Nariño, Norte de Santander y Córdoba." 223680,45880.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Difficultés à fournir de la nourriture en qualité et en quan�té suffisantes (les enfants à la maison résultent en des exigences supplémentaires en ma�ère de ressources) 149593,31163.0,1388.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,77,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/II%20Annual%20Report%20of%20the%20Regional%20Comprehensive%20Protection%20%26%20Solutions%20Framework%20%28MIRPS%292019.pdf,"According to the most recent data from the General Directorate for Migration and Foreign Affairs (DGME), during the first nine months of 2019, 26,835 asylum claims have been formalized. However, this number refer only to those people who have formalized their claim before the Refugee Unit of the DGME; if people who have been assigned appointments to file their claim are to be considered, the number will surpass 70,000" 274120,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"En outre, les restrictions des mouvements transfrontaliers suite à l’épidémie de COVID-19 ont contribué à la détérioration de la sécurité alimentaire dans les territoires qui partagent leurs frontières avec l’Ouganda, notamment à Mahagi et Aru." 198424,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,20,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,The health system of Cameroon does not have the capacity to efficiently test and treat the increasing COVID-19 cases. 473912,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Trabajar de manera conjunta instituciones del gobierno, sociedad civil, academia y cooperación internacional, entre otros, para proporcionar medios de subsistencia a las familias más vulnerables y operar de manera pertinente los mecanismos necesarios para la protección integral a la niñez, teniendo en cuenta aspectos diferenciales como género, pertenencia étnica, ubicación geográfica, condición de discapacidad, entre otras situaciones y/o condiciones." 155253,34182.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"La población migrante tiene dificultades para acceder a elementos de bioseguridad, y debido a sus condiciones precarias de higiene, preexistentes, no pueden cumplir con las medidas básicas de autocuidado frente al virus." 69507,19860.0,1386.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://cronica.uno/programa-de-alimentacion-escolar-en-sucre-es-insuficiente-y-carece-de-proteinas/,"A casi un mes de haberse iniciado oficialmente el año escolar en Venezuela, la precariedad en la que se encuentran los maestros para ejercer de manera óptima sus funciones se ve afectada aún más ante la intermitencia del Programa de Abastecimiento de Alimentación Escolar, situación que ha sido denunciada por los representantes nacionales del magisterio." 187545,38355.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"65 per cent of sexual abuse cases, the abuser is a relative or has some form of close relationship with the victim." 63672,18726.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,113,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_august_edition.pdf,"In July, three separate explosive incidents in Gwoza LGA, Borno State resulted in the death of one INGO staff member, three children, and one female, and injured a driver and two other children. This underscores the continued risks and harmful repercussions posed by explosive devices. One incident involving a road-planted improvised explosive device also destroyed a water truck in Pulka, causing the death of the driver and injury of a passenger. This incident compounded the humanitarian situation in Pulka where water scarcity was already a consistent and prevalent challenge. Partners are exploring alternatives to cover the resulting gap in clean water provision." 133891,35165.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,152,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"SITUACIÓN ECONÓMICA Según se desprende de los grupos focales con población venezolana y entrevistas a actores claves, las personas venezolanas suelen llegar con ciertos recursos económicos a Panamá, generalmente dinero en efectivo, en ocasiones procedentes de venta de bienes inmuebles en Venezuela, que van disminuyendo conforme enfrentan diferentes dificultades para lograr su estabilidad financiera en Panamá. Los ingresos económicos que reciben en Panamá son procedentes de su trabajo que como se ha expuesto en el anterior epígrafe, suelen fluctuar dependiendo de la demanda de la actividad asociada. Según lo reportado en la encuesta, los ingresos per cápita que perciben las personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas están por debajo del ingreso promedio en zonas urbanas del país, situándose un 62% de las personas encuestadas por debajo de 500 dólares mensuales, y un 13% incluso por debajo de 250 dólares mensuales." 345023,56081.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,111,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2021/05/18/assemblee-nationale-les-deputes-duvira-alertent-sur-linsecurite-grandissante-dans-leur,"« En effet, c'est depuis plusieurs années que la ville et le territoire d'Uvira enregistrent au moins un mort par jour à la suite de l'insécurité causée par les groupes armés tantôt par les éléments des FARDC sans tenir compte des milliers de déplacés internes liés à l'activisme des groupes armés étrangers », a dénoncé un élu, au nom du groupe, lors de la plénière de ce mardi 18 mai 2021. (...) Face à cette situation, ils ont fait plusieurs recommandations notamment le remplacement des unités FARDC et de la police ayant fait plusieurs années dans le territoire et la ville d'Uvira." 472866,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,Apporter un appui technique et financier au CHUR OUAHIGOUYA pour l’élaboration et une simulation du plan blanc 328584,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 41% of Households of non-IDP settlements have not been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection while 59% of Households of non-IDP settlements have been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection. 70789,20130.0,1386.0,[],[],[],es,106,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3370349,"La Conferencia reconoció que la severa y complicada crisis política, socioeconómica y de derechos humanos en Venezuela ha producido una de las más serias situaciones de desplazamiento en todo el mundo. El flujo de personas continúa constante mientras que los recursos y medios de financiamiento se encuentran muy por debajo de las necesidades. De acuerdo con cifras oficiales, cerca de 4.5 millones de venezolanos han dejado el país y la mayor parte de ellos se encuentran en otros países de América Latina y el Caribe. Esta cifra podría llegar a 6.5 millones en todo el mundo a finales de 2020." 338385,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Although school closures were intended to be temporary, for far too many students, this marked the end of their education. Children began working, got married, assumed new family obligations, became disillusioned with education or felt they could not catch up, or simply aged-out of free or compulsory education as guaranteed under their country’s laws." 163122,35785.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,50,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20r%C3%A1pida%20de%20mercado%20%E2%80%93%20Junio%202020%20%28segunda%20ronda%29%2C%20Subgrupo%20an%C3%A1lisis%20de%20mercados%20y%20necesidades.pdf,"• Del 84% de los consumidores que informaron cambios de precios en el mes previo a la recopilación de datos, los huevos y el jabón de uso personal fueron los artículos más frecuentemente mencionados con cambio de precio, 89% y un 49%, respectivamente." 322141,54720.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-97-deaths/68132,"[26 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Dhaka division remains the worst-hit region, registering most of the deaths – 6,514 or 58.42 percent. Sixty-three of the 97 deaths reported today are from Dhaka division and 12 from Chattogram division. Six each died in Khulna, Sylhet, four in Rajshahi, three in Barishal, two in Rangpur and one in Mymensingh divisions." 244066,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,36,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[NES, 23 Dec] Ein Issa displacement numbers is estimated at 600 to 900 households. Households have been displaced the southern towns of Ein Issa and northern Raqqa, including Raqqa city." 248105,48330.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46620/1/S2000729_es.pdf,"En los demás países analizados en ese estudio (el Brasil, Colombia y el Ecuador), la proporción de personas afrodescendientes que tenían acceso a Internet era de aproximadamente un 25% a un 50% inferior a la de las no afrodescendientes, y no se observaban diferencias significativas de acceso entre los hombres y las mujeres (CEPAL, 2020b)." 179194,41967.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,23,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,(NW 09/2020) KIs in more than 90% of communities cited low wages as a barrier to fulfilling basic needs. 115982,30124.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,204,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Respuesta En el primer trimestre de 2020, 61.738 personas se beneficiaron de actividades de prevención de la desnutrición y de servicios de nutrición en 21 estados. Entre ellas, 27.257 niños y niñas menores de 5 años recibieron suplementos nutricionales para tratar la deficiencia en micronutrientes, 13.203 mujeres embarazadas y en periodo de lactancia recibieron suplementos nutricionales dentro de las actividades de prevención de la desnutrición. Las actividades del Clúster Nutrición han incorporado las acciones de prevención a NNAs en el plan de respuesta 2020. Como parte de la estrategia de prevención, se suministró suplemento nutricional 5.926 NNA en riesgo de desnutrición aguda. Un total de 930 NNAs recibieron tratamiento a la desnutrición aguda moderada sin complicaciones, de estos, 128 en el estado Zulia; 215 NNAs fueron tratados por desnutrición aguda severa sin complicaciones. Estas actividades se desarrollan en centros de salud y ambulatorios apoyados por los socios. Al menos 7.400 madres con infantes de 0 a 23 meses de vida recibieron consejerías sobre alimentación del lactante y el niño pequeño integrado a mensajes clave de salud, agua, saneamiento e higiene, y seguridad alimentaria en centros de atención." 125939,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,48,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Between 01 January and 30 April 2020, a total of 3,466 migrants were reported to have arrived in Italy via the Mediterranean Sea, representing a significant increase in comparison to the number of arrivals reported during the same period in 2019 (779 individuals)." 201207,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,81,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The evolution in the nature of inter-communal violence toward greater targeting of women and children, stripping of assets and use of heavy weaponry has changed displacement patterns. For example, inter-communal violence and cattle raiding in western Lakes reportedly caused minimal displacement prior to 2013, but in recent years, with the increased targeting of households, inter-communal violence has become a key driver of repeated episodes of displacement in communities that had previously experienced minimal displacement." 496328,60048.0,1187.0,"['WASH', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",es,56,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"• A su vez, las cuatro principales dificultades durante el viaje reportadas por las mujeres entrevistadas fueron las siguientes: falta de recursos (67%), carencia de comida/ agua (35%), falta de medios de transporte (33%) y falta de información (33%)." 213749,45291.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,139,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/12/4/bangladesh-ships-rohingya-refugees-to-island-despite-protests,"[4th December 2020, Bangladesh] Humanitarian and human rights groups have said the island is flood-prone and vulnerable to frequent cyclones, while the government has not allowed the United Nations to carry out a safety assessment. “From what they told us the living conditions are good,” Al Jazeera’s Tanvir Chowdhury reporting from Cox’s Bazar said. “They have rooms that can accommodate up to four people, there are two hospitals, with 20-bed hospitals, there is a police station. ” “But… they [told us] they don’t want to be there, they [want] to be near their homeland.. and they have extended family all across the country, they can visit,” he added." 206682,44771.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=212548,"[4th December, 2020, Overall Syria] “This brings the total number of Coronavirus cases in Syria to 8233, of which 3811 recovered and 437 passed away”, the Ministry added." 222724,45952.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://elsolweb.tv/decretan-alerta-sanitaria-en-la-frontera-entre-colombia-y-venezuela-en-cucuta-estan-abarrotados-de-pacientes-con-covid-19/,"La gran afluencia de venezolanos desde y hacia Venezuela por las Navidades preocupa a las autoridades en Colombia, quienes han decretado una alerta sanitaria en la frontera, en medio de la emergencia por la pandemia y repunte de casos de COVID-19." 326502,54734.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,123,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Four most common types of occupancy status reported by households of IDP settlements were: Hosted without rent (by family, friends, institution) (8%), Ownership (36%), No occupancy agreement / squatting (4%), rented (51%). Similarly, Four most common types of occupancy status reported by households of non-IDP settlements were: Hosted without rent (by family, friends, institution) (5%), Ownership (43%), No occupancy agreement / squatting (4%), rented (52%)." 185029,40867.0,1900.0,['Education'],[],[],es,63,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/publicacion-covid-19-y-educacion-primaria-y-secundaria-alc.pdf,"aún se visualizan brechas importantes en algunos países en la terminación de este nivel educativo entre zonas urbanas y rurales, así como entre niveles socioeconómicos. Ese es el caso, por ejemplo, de Guatemala, Nicaragua y Honduras, donde la brecha de cobertura entre el quintil superior e inferior es de 40, 27 y 23 puntos porcentuales respectivamente" 173261,41066.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,16,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-total-cases-reach-368690/58442,"Besides, 14,336 people are now in isolation across the country and 42,202 in quarantine." 80049,22055.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,34,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,Sirte: An estimated 120 to 180 migrants arrived in Sirte from Sebha and Ejdabia; some are looking for job opportunities while others are planning to continue their journey to other destinations. 304448,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,12,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,South Sudanese refugees in Sudan remain reliant on monthly food assistance. 289118,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,111,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"A diferencia de crisis anteriores, esta vez el empleo de las mujeres está en mayor riesgo que el de los hombres, debido principalmente a, por un lado, los efectos de la recesión sobre el altamente feminizado sector de los servicios y, por otro, al aumento de la carga de los cuidados no remunerados que ya caían desproporcionadamente sobre las mujeres. En efecto, sin sistemas de atención adecuados ni mayores medidas que permitan conciliar el trabajo y la vida personal, y distribuir equitativamente, dentro de esta, los cuidados y las responsabilidades domésticas, más difícil será reactivar la participación laboral femenina2" 221713,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,An estimated 1.3 million persons are living within territory controlled by Al-Shabaab and remain largely out of reach. The most vulnerable populations are the least likely to reach the relative safety of neighbouring districts or regions where humanitarian actors are responding 204109,43347.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Only 6.5 per cent of at-risk children can access psychosocial support and other child protection services. 356140,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,31,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En abril, la producción de café alcanzó 810 miles de sacos de 60 kilos, lo que representa un incremento de 8,9% frente al mismo mes de 2020." 307611,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There are 27 humanitarian organizations including 12 INGOs, 10 NNGOs and 5 UN operating in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA)." 159386,35776.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,37,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2015%20al%2028%2C%202020.pdf,"El 27 de julio Migración Colombia lanzó ‘Libertapp’, un aplicativo en el cual víctimas de trata de personas y ciudadanía en general pueden denunciar posibles casos y solicitar ayuda desde cualquier parte del mundo" 359909,58399.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,139,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In the research areas, the children with disability are the marginalized group and sometimes they are discriminated against by other children. According to the FGDs with students it was revealed that sometimes they witnessed fellow students discriminate against children with disabilities: no one wants to sit or play with them, they are always left alone by themselves. Moreover, children with disabilities are more at risk during an emergency situation. No one thinks separately about children with disabilities. Shelters do not have adequate facilities for them. Most parents are also unaware of the specific needs of these children and tend to take care of these children in the same way they care for their other children, despite any special needs." 244402,47959.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=219405,"[January 25, Syria] The Health Ministry on Monday announced that 69 new coronavirus cases were recorded, adding that 65 coronavirus patients recovered and five others passed away." 439346,63592.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 25% (84) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que des attaques ou des pillages avaient eu lieu au cours du mois précédent. Dans 88% (74) de ces localités, les IC ont déclaré que ces derniers avaient eu un impact important sur l’accès à la nourriture pour la majorité de la population au cours du mois précédent." 160595,31130.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,7,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77172.pdf,33.449 Beneficiarios de uno o más servicios 293995,50852.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"80% Of surveyed refugee [households] HHs attempted to access health care (including medicines) in the 3 months prior to data collection, IDP (84%), Non-displaced (80%). Among HHs that attempted to access health care in the 3 months prior to data collection, 81% of surveyed refugee HHs experienced barriers to accessing this health care, IDP (96%), Non-displaced (82%)." 86575,23946.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,28,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/three-children-killed-others-injured-artillery-shelling-haftars-forces-southern-tripoli,Three children have been killed and others injured in Al-Hadba Al-Badri neighborhood as Khalifa Haftar's forces have fired indiscriminate shells on residential areas in southern Tripoli. 328045,55074.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Depuis le début de l’épidémie, un cumul de 180 115 échantillons a été analysé dans les différents laboratoires réalisant le diagnostic de la COVID-19. La moyenne des échantillons testés par jour est de 448 avec un maximum à 2 203 échantillons (05 février 2021), on note un taux de positivité à 7,25 % à la date du 14 Avril 2021." 495397,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,14,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Adolescentes no acompañados indocumentados, sin referentes familiares y sin red de apoyo." 183444,42819.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,56,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/features/enabling-safer-air-cross-border-travel-with-digital-health-pass/,"[5thNov 2020, Nigeria] As part of measures to control the spread of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and safely open international travel and trade, the Federal Government had declared a COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test certificate and negative results mandatory requirements for exit or entry into the country." 222775,46090.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431838-covid-19-ncdc-confirms-1145-new-infections-1-additional-death-335-recoveries.html,"It said that as of Dec. 17, 2020, 1,145 new confirmed cases and one death were recorded in the country. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the figure was the highest ever infection recorded in one day since COVID-19 broke in Nigeria." 147893,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In line with global WHO guidance, the UN in Syria emphasizes the urgent need for a rapid increase in testing to properly track and monitor a possible outbreak." 340753,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Institución: Plan de Alimentación Escolar (PAE) del MEN y el Instituto de Estudios Rurales Mama Bwe Reojachó (de las misioneras Lauras, con el apoyo del Municipio de Milán y los caciques locales) Denominación: Programa radial La chagra educativa. Ubicación: Municipio de Milán, departamento de Caquetá, Amazonía colombiana. Pueblo indígena: Coreguaje 12 centros educativos. 530 estudiantes de todos los niveles educativos inicial, primaria y secundaria." 240444,47354.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] Challenges: Limited access to services /no available service for referral (Child Protection, food, livelihoods, shelter) in IDP camps and areas of return compelling IDPs to resort to negative coping mechanisms for their survival; Absence of judicial structures and personnel hindering IDPs, returnees and host communities’ access to justice in most LGAs." 78405,21716.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",es,49,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,"En el proceso de reclutamiento los profesionales extranjeros se muestran más abiertos en la comunicación, flexibles y con capacidad de adaptación a distintos regímenes de trabajo, zonas de operación aledañas y propuestas económicas: prevalece absolutamente su inserción en un mercado local ávido de sus saberes”" 295130,52363.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"Relevant differences are found between the various household profiles. Venezuelan households engage in survival strategies such as asking for money on the street or doing jobs that put their safety at risk more often compared to households with Venezuelan and Colombian members (40% vs. 34%). In general, more recently arrived households are more likely to incur emergency survival strategies. However, in terms of food consumption (see Food security and nutrition section), arrival date has no significant relationship with the level of consumption" 150807,37921.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Un système de référencement fonctionnel est en place au niveau des 11 points d’entrée. Il s’agit d’un système permettant de référer les personnes ayant des températures élevées aux centres de quarantaine. 240716,47367.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ 8 - 14 January 2021, Syria] Syrian doctors have launched a campaign on social media platforms calling for a pay rise, according to reports in pro-government and opposition-affiliated media outlets. Syrian doctors, who reportedly are paid 60,000 SYP per month ($21) on average, have been complaining that the situation has become “intolerable and unbearable,” adding that their salaries have become pitiful compared to doctors’ pay around the world." 113016,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",[],[],es,16,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Instalación de puntos de hidratación, sistema de lavado de manos y disposición de residuos." 189742,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,64,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Tchad est exposé aux effets climatiques dont les déficits pluviométriques récurrents, la sècheresse qui affecte la zone sahélo- saharienne, occasionnant la dégradation des ressources naturelles, la baisse des productions agrosylvopastorales, l´érosion de la biodiversité avec de fâcheuses conséquences en termes d´insécurité alimentaire et de perte des moyens de subsistance, accroissant la pauvreté, particulièrement en milieu rural." 128071,34134.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/royal-actors-peacebuilding,"With this in mind, government must empower local structures to be able to prevent, mitigate and mediate conflict situations." 288302,50610.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March, 2021, GoS] Humanitarian partners have been informed by local authorities of 32 identified quarantine facilities and 50 isolation spaces in 13 governorates. At the central level, the MoH has announced 21 isolation centres are currently running, with a cumulative capacity of 1,144 beds, including 934 isolation beds, 210 ICU beds, and 185 ventilators. The 32 quarantine centres are reported to have 5,182 beds." 212866,44923.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,Lessons are also telecasted through Education Television and provincial branches of National TV. Private TV and radios stations have allocated part of their airtime for educational programs and awareness raising on the COVID-19 pandemic and preventive measures. 203806,43604.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The continuation of conflict since December 2013 has created a complex humanitarian crisis in the country, restricting humanitarian access and hindering the flow of information required by aid partners to deliver humanitarian assistance to populations in need." 158966,39161.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,50,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Further spread of COVID-19 infections in IDP camps or camp-like settings or crisis-affected host communities would exacerbate their current vulnerability, with further heightened risks for the most vulnerable population groups, such as women, elderly and people with chronic medical conditions or children at risk of malnutrition." 245769,47760.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/portal/salaprensa/Especiales-Prensa/402712:El-Pais-El-pais-se-prepara-para-el-regreso-a-clases,"La próxima semana se cumplen nueve meses desde que en el país los estudiantes tuvieron que trasladar sus clases presenciales a la virtualidad. Hasta el día de hoy, la pandemia sigue transformando las metodologías de aprendizaje en todo el mundo y ha representado un reto para los alumnos, docentes, las instituciones educativas y los padres de familia." 225049,45275.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"Girls are even more at risk of being deprioritized when it comes to the cost of schooling and already face more limited access to education because of other issues, including security." 346675,57050.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,97,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_145_20210525.pdf,"Ce 25/05/2021, 76 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été notifiés dont 54 à Kinshasa, 11 au Kongo-Central, 6 en Ituri, 3 au Sud-Kivu et 2 dans le Haut-Uélé. Tout de même, aucun nouveau décès n’a été enregistré parmi les cas confirmés actifs. Les 76 cas du jour ont été détectés dans 20 zones de santé (ZS), en premières celles de Binza-Ozone (13,2%), Limete (9,2%), Bunia (7,9%) et Lemba (6,6%)." 283950,51530.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Environment', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,79,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3721725,"Heavy rain has been affecting western Colombia (in particular Valle del Cauca Department) since 11 March, causing river overflow (particularly Pance and Cauca Rivers), floods and landslides that have resulted in casualties and damage. Media report, as of 16 March, seven fatalities, of which four in Florida, Pradera, Palmira and Caicedonia Towns due to floods and three in Santiago de Cali City due to a landslide." 145839,35819.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"Health actors remain particularly concerned by the spread of COVID-19 in northern Syria due to the weak health care system and large IDP population residing in congested camps with poor water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) conditions and limited access to health care services." 260934,48984.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,42,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria]COVID-19 exacerbates the situation, with heightened risks for the most vulnerable population groups, such as women, elderly and people with chronic medical conditions or children at risk of malnutrition." 495127,67230.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Finalmente en aspectos de salud, El 0.6% tiene algún tipo de discapacidad, de los cuales el 47.6% son de aspecto sensorial. El asma representa el 6.2% de los casos." 275409,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,132,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"La province du Lac Tchad est affectée par deux dynamiques différentes entre cuvette nord et cuvette sud du Lac. Dans la cuvette nord, où les attaques de prédation sur les petits villages par les groupes armés et les opérations militaires continuent depuis le début de la crise nigériane en 2015, les conditions d’un retour sûr et digne de personnes déplacées ne sont pas encore réunies. Hors depuis 2017, un mouvement de retour d’environ 51,000 déplacés internes a eu lieu vers les iles de la cuvette sud du Lac. A ces mouvements de retour, se sont ajoutés ceux des personnes en situation de reddition, qui avaient été déplacées par les autorités dans leurs villages d’origine depuis fin 2016." 219458,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"WHO Somalia is supporting an intensified response operation and has deployed over 4,000 community health care workers throughout Somalia, each to visit at least 5,000 households every month for active case identification and contact tracing. They are supervised by 44 rapid response district teams." 315235,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[afrique] Les arrivées de touristes ont pratiquement cessé en Afrique au plus fort de la pandémie [...] entre avril et juin 2020, le nombre des arrivées de touristes internationaux était inférieur de 98 % à celui de la même période en 2019, et n’a repris de manière hésitante qu’en août 2020 (figure 1.18)" 206970,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the Lake Chad Basin crisis affected zones, approximately 1,885,319 children, including 1,527,912 primary school children (580,066 in the North, including 256,698 girls, and 947,846 in the Far North, including 420,043 girls) and 357,407 secondary school children (138,979 in the North and 218,428 in the Far North), are now at home with their families without access to any learning opportunities." 280529,51090.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Testing'],en,156,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] WHO continues its support to the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) Field Laboratory at the Cox’s Bazar Medical College comprising human resources, equipment, supplies/consumables and technical and operational expertise. Between early April 2020 and 28 February 2021, a total of 107 408 tests for COVID-19 have been conducted of which 91 905 are from Cox’s Bazar district and the remainder from Bandarban and Chittagong districts. A decrease in the number of tests conducted among the Rohingya refugees was observed in weeks 07-08 as compared to weeks 05-06, from 1845 to 1603. However, the number of tests has slightly increased among the host community: from 2971 in weeks 05-06 to 3125 tests in weeks 07-08. Currently, 26 sample collection sites are operating for suspected COVID-19 patients." 384818,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,103,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,AIHC a remis aux districts de Nouna et celui de Tougan des médicaments et consommable médical aux bénéfices des centres de santés et de promotion sociales et les centres médicaux avec antenne chirurgicales proches des zones d’accueil de déplacés internes. Ce don a pour objectifs d’augmenter les bénéficiaires de ce projet d’offre de soins aux personnes déplacées internes et leurs populations hôtes. Les premiers responsables des districts ainsi que les représentants des bénéficiaires ont reçu avec joie ce dons et ont émis le désir de voir de telles actions se répéter à leur endroit. 296411,52103.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,146,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%b9%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%a3%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84/#.YFxzT2Qzb0o,"[March 14, GoS] The idea of ""sterilise it"" began with a group on social networking sites and gained wide fame in Damascus and its surroundings, as the number of its followers reached more than 273,500 members. The group includes 11 supervisors, 50 volunteers and 20 doctors. It provides a 24-hour telephone medical service, where doctors are available to answer patients immediately regarding symptoms of the Coronavirus, whether by providing the necessary medical advice or securing a doctor who will pay a home visit to the patient in need, free of charge. In addition, the team secures oxygen cylinders for the needy world, according to the assessment of the doctors present in the team, and a sterilization team is also secured to sterilize homes that had people with Corona virus." 338743,56193.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,58,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"While the DRC’s middle class is growing, this growth is tempered by rural-to-urban migration and population pressures due to exponential growth rates. Inadequate services and decrepit infrastructure isolate communities, limit the reach of reforms, and degrade human development. Shocks are pervasive—whether in the health, economic, or conflict arena." 347781,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] It has been reported that sometimes persons with disabilities are kept away from latrines or water points because they are considered taking too much time in using the facilities. If persons with disabilities are not supported by caregivers, they encounter more difficulties in accessing basic services, like getting enough water to cover all their needs, accessing distribution sites and so on." 145366,36006.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/crisisinsight-weekly-picks-16-july-2020,"May, medical supplies transiting through Bab al Salam reached one million people, and around 800,000 IDPs were served through the crossing point. The closure’s impact on people in need is still unclear, but humanitarian organisations will have to reshuffle their logistics and undertake more complex, costly, and risky delivery operations." 163574,39454.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,71,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_9_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Preocupa la atención precaria a mujeres gestantes y lactantes durante el periodo de cuarentena. Para el periodo que comprende este informe, el Boletín Epidemiológico #35 del INS resalta a Chocó como el segundo departamento con mayor razón de mortalidad materna (221,6 por cada 100.000 nacidos vivos) y el primer departamento con mayor razón de mortalidad perinatal y neonatal (31,6 por cada 1.000 nacimientos)." 163628,32454.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77357.pdf,"En Colombia se han reportado al día 25 de junio 80.599 casos de COVID-19, el departamento de La Guajira reporta hasta el momento 261 casos (Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social) y el número aproximado de pruebas realizadas en el departamento son 2.460 (AT- Salud La Guajira)." 236194,47104.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, Syria] Moreover, four out of five interviewed households reported having already depleted their savings in December 2020 due to the worsening economic situation across the country. This indicates increasing pressure on the Syrian population to meet their food consumption needs and shows marked reductions in households’ coping capacity to face-off further shocks." 193731,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,43,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Les attaques répétées des villages par les groupes armés et les opérations militaires entreprises dans la province du Lac ont grandement impacté l´accès humanitaire dans les zones insulaires où les autorités ont recommandé entre avril et juillet 2019 la réduction des mouvements. 235597,46890.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,15 percent of the 110 children identified with SAM did not receive the required assistance due to low coverage of SAM treatment in the two regions. 157303,38925.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La nouvelle feuille de route doit contribuer à relever les défis du moment à savoir les défis liés au relâchement dans la mise en œuvre des mesures de protection individuelles contre la maladie, la faible application des mesures barrières par la population et certaines autorités, la tenue de discours trop optimiste quant à une évolution vers la fin de l’épidémie, etc." 193071,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Environment']",fr,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La problématique de protection de l´enfant est récurrente dans les milieux de déplacement où 2 079 enfants à risque ont été identifiés parmi lesquels 60% sont des enfants séparés et non accompagnés. A cette situation s´ajoute les conséquences liées aux inondations dues à la pluviométrie abondante qui a détruit en septembre 2019, plus de 350 hectares des cultures affectant environs 36 760 personnes (7 352 ménages) des réfugiés et des autochtones dans les provinces du Mandoul et du Moyen-Chari." 199202,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,19,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,1 MILLION personnes déplacées au Sud- Kivu et au Maniema entre sep. 2019 et août 2020 (CMP) 303512,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"les prix actuels des céréales à Maroua ont augmenté de 25 pour cent par rapport à la même période l'année dernière en raison de non-ravitaillement de la région du Nord qui a connu une baisse de production à cause de l’arrêt précoce des pluies cette année et aussi le flux vers d’autres régions, le Nigeria et le Chad. Bien que la production soit moyenne, le stock céréalier reste suffisant pour satisfaire les demandes des ménages." 356135,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,77,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"La disminución en el dinamismo de la cartera de crédito frente al año anterior se explica en mayor medida por la desaceleración en la cartera comercial, cuya tasa de crecimiento en abril se ubicó 14,8 pps por debajo de la registrada el mismo mes el año anterior. Así mismo, el crecimiento de la cartera consumo e hipotecaria disminuyó en 11,7 y 1,8 pps respectivamente, frente a la variación observada un año atrás." 106496,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Ante estas dificultades, los niños despliegan distintas estrategias para procurarse algún tipo de bienestar: juegan siempre que pueden y con lo que encuentran, se aferran a los cuidadores que les ofrecen afecto y cuidado, y fantasean e imaginan poderes que les permiten sobrellevar sus afectaciones. Así, en cuanto encuentran una oportunidad corren, saltan, se acuestan, juegan con la arena, con piedritas y con lo que sea que les permita divertirse. Se imaginan con saltarines, capas y alas para volar, sobre todo cuando se sienten atrapados en sus lugares de estancia." 276253,50671.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Demography', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Santé : le taux de mortalité maternelle reste élevé à 860 pour 100 000 naissances vivantes, la prévalence de VIH/Sida parmi les adultes de 15-49 est de 1,8 chez les femmes et 1,3 chez les hommes ; le taux élevé de fécondité (6,4 en 2015)est lié en grande partie à une faible offre et utilisation de la contraception moderne (5% des femmes en union, et 2% des filles de moins de 20 ans) et à une importante demande non satisfaite en planification familiale (22,9% en 2015)" 182318,39591.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,208,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200911_Respuesta%20Humanitaria%20COVID19%20HSept%202020%20%282%29.pdf,"Al 9 de septiembre se contabilizan 65.597 personas contagiadas, 2.044 muertes, 15.064 recuperados y 155.689 pruebas realizadas. El Gobierno reporta una ejecución presupuestaria de US$213,2 millones en respuesta a la pandemia de la COVID-192. A través de la activación de diversos centros de triaje en el territorio nacional, se ha disminuido la saturación en hospitales nacionales por pacientes COVID-19 los cuales reportan una ocupación de aprox. 44%, sin embargo, se ha tenido una tasa de positividad de las pruebas PCR y tamizajes en los últimos meses de más del 40% y se reportan más de 17.500 casos de dengue en el país. En cuanto al sector económico, la reactivación económica continúa progresivamente. A la fecha se monitorean más de 442 manifestaciones en 73 municipios del país, de las cuales un 34 por ciento fueron por alimentos. A inicio de semana, el sector de transporte realizó bloqueos en carreteras y avenidas principales de la capital exigiendo se les permitiese operar con mayor ocupación de pasajeros, actualmente han trabajado con un 50 por ciento de ocupación, para lo cual se encuentran negociando para aumentar la capacidad de sus unidades." 202200,44560.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,27,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/burkina-faso-l%C3%A9gislatives-le-parti-de-kabor%C3%A9-obtient-56-si%C3%A8ges-sur-127-ceni/2059487,"Le taux de participation au double scrutin présidentiel et législatif tenu le 22 novembre dernier au Burkina Faso était de 50,70%, selon la commission électorale" 265735,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,83,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Les IC ont rapporté que les déplacements restent en outre motivés par des considérations sécuritaires. D’après les IC, ces déplacements ont exacerbé les besoins des populations locales et déplacées dans l’ensemble des secteurs humanitaires, avec une sévérité des besoins globalement plus marquée pour les admin 2 du Loroum, du Soum, de Koro, de Bankass, de Bandiagara, d’Anderamboukane, d’Inekar, d’Ayerou et de Banibangou." 141900,34876.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,94,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Recommendation: While all populations may benefit from additional messaging that enables populations to be more informed about the risks of contracting COVID-19, older women may benefit from additional targeting. Most people did not perceive a change in the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 between data collection rounds, but they were less worried than they were when surveyed in round 1. The exception is rural men, who seemed to see the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 increasing, and older women, who saw the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 decreasing." 193733,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,53,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le phénomène de braquages de véhicules appartenant aux humanitaires, bien connu à l´Est du Tchad, s´est étendu à certaines régions du Sud et de l´Ouest rendant difficile la circulation des acteurs humanitaires sur certaines axes et assujettissant la circulation de ces acteurs à l´utilisation de l´escorte armée dans certaines localités." 386419,60870.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"No se dispone de energía eléctrica en el lugar, la iluminación nocturna es del alumbrado público, la recolección de basuras se hace con regularidad, el servicio de internet es por consumo individual." 202566,43347.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"More than 40 per cent all counties have a convergence of high needs related to food insecurity, protection and health. Of these counties, 8 (24 per cent) are in Greater Equatoria, 17 (52 per cent) in Greater Upper Nile and 8 (24 per cent) are in Greater Bahr el Ghazal." 342322,56651.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,30,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.reporteconfidencial.info/2021/05/24/se-agudiza-la-migracion-de-indigenas-desde-amazonas-hacia-colombia/,"Aparte de Puerto Carreño, los indígenas amazonenses migran también hacia Cumaribo y Primavera, en el mismo Departamento Vichada y hacia Puerto Inírida, capital del Departamento Guainía." 202032,44071.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Las personas en albergues no oficiales suelen encontrarse con familiares, vecinos, en iglesias o espacios comunitarios." 187941,43371.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-134-1.pdf,[6 Nov 2020] [NWS] New cases: 311 | Total cases: 8139 | New tests: 760 | Total tests: 32713 | New recoveries: 158 | Total recoveries: 3040 | Total active cases: 5025 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 42 163878,34165.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,89,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Seguridad alimentaria, nutrición y medios de vida Necesidades: • Proyecciones preliminares de la Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe del Programa Mundial de Alimentos indican que la inseguridad alimentaria severa en Colombia podría alcanzar los tres millones de personas, incluyendo migrantes venezolanos, a raíz de la crisis COVID-19. Si se incluyen las personas que pueden estar en inseguridad alimentaría moderada, la cifra se eleva a 10 millones de personas, incluyendo 84 por ciento de los migrantes en el país." 105581,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,239,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La crisis se ha caracterizado como un “flujo migratorio mixto” que involucra cuatro tipos de migración: 1. Retorno de colombianos que residían en territorio venezolano, estimados en 400.000 nacionales a la fecha; 2. Migración pendular, caracterizada por personas venezolanas que cruzan la frontera para adquirir algún tipo de bien o servicio en Colombia y regresar posteriormente a territorio venezolano. Diariamente cruzan la frontera 45 mil personas bajo esta modalidad y cerca de 5 mil se quedan en Colombia; 3. Migración en tránsito, definida como personas venezolanas que se dirigen hacia otros países, bien sea a través de aeropuertos u otros puertos fronterizos. En 2019 cerca de un millón de personas se encontraban en tránsito en Colombia, la mayoría de quienes buscaron salir por el puerto de Rumichaca en la frontera con Ecuador. Se estima que una de cada 10 personas atravesando el país con intención de llegar a Ecuador es menor de 7 años de edad. 4. Migración con intención de permanencia, la cual cobija a las personas venezolanas que expresan su deseo de asentarse en territorio colombiano. De estos, 754.085 se encuentran en situación regular, con PEP, visa o cédula de extranjería y 1.017.152 en situación irregular, por haber superado el tiempo de permanencia definido o haber ingresado por pasos fronterizos no autorizados." 457607,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,96,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Sur les sites d’accueil, les femmes et les filles font face à de nombreux et sérieux risques de protection y compris : aux agressions sexuelles (15% des répondants et 2/9 groupes) aux viols (8% des répondants et 4/9 groupes), aux agressions physiques (8% des répondants et 4/9 groupes), à la prostitution (4% des répondants et 3/9 groupes), au mariage forcé (4% des répondants et 4/9 groupes) et au violence psychologique (4%)." 276086,50671.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Environment']",fr,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"L’insuffisance de services sociaux de base, la rareté des ressources (terres arables, eau, énergie domestique), la faiblesse du système judiciaire et des institutions locales sont autant d’éléments qui accentuent la vulnérabilité des personnes déplacées et des populations hôtes." 39196,13752.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,33,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_RapidAssessment-Tripoli_2019-05-21-FINAL.pdf,"The armed conflict has also affected markets, negatively impacting food security situation of the displaced and affected populations, and has also disrupted the provision of services in several affected areas." 281571,51173.0,2336.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"By the end of 2020, the Humanitarian Action for Children appeal still had a funding gap of 41 per cent against the appeal. Under-funded programmes include education and health for their regular emergency programmes. Despite some regular emergency programmes and COVID-19 response being complementary, the inadequate funds compromise UNICEF’s efforts to provide timely and effective humanitarian actions overall." 287386,51747.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COD_13.pdf,"In the southernmost uni-modal rainfall areas, planting of maize crops, to be harvested from May, finalized in January. Weather conditions have been overall favourable since December 2020 over most crop lands, except in the southern Lualaba Province, where crops have been affected by reduced rainfall amounts." 115966,30124.0,1386.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,25,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Un reto importante para el acceso humanitario es la escasez de combustible, que afectó la entrega de asistencia en zonas fronterizas y remotas." 290704,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,en Colombia el 65% de la población ocupada de mujeres están laborando en los sectores de comercio y servicios sociales5 286906,51627.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,98,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Several expressed disbelief that COVID-19 would reach their area and affect their families. It was described as ‘too unfair’, or ‘too bad to be true’, given their already challenging situation. “To be honest, it's not only me who is not committed to infection prevention measures. Everyone here in the camp is the same. We believe, especially after being internally-displaced and everything else we went through, that this virus is not going to hit us...”" 134719,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"tratándose de quienes llegaron antes de 2010 observamos que la proporción de personas que residen en una vivienda propia sería mayor en todos los quintiles de ingresos, en comparación a los que llegaron de manera más reciente. Por otra parte, independiente del quintil, el porcentaje de quienes arriendan sin contrato llega a niveles más bajos entre quienes llevan más tiempo residiendo en el país." 40206,13777.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,37,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/press/2019/5/5ceff1144/unhcr-evacuates-hundreds-vulnerable-refugees-libya-safety.html,"Nearly 600 people have lost their lives in the recent clashes, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Last week, two ambulance drivers died after being caught up in shelling attacks." 173009,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,45,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La sévérité des besoins en matière de violences basées sur le genre s’est détériorée, passant de de 189 zones prioritaires à 369, notamment en raison de récents mouvements de population et facteurs aggravants liés à l’épidémie de COVID-19." 247697,48228.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Les stratégies de survie adoptées sont la réduction de nombre des repas journalier avec à peine un repas par jour pour la majorité, la réduction de la quantité de nourriture, la vente de peu d’actifs restants pour certains ménages, la vente du bois de chauffe." 412646,63488.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The increased cost of medicine and medical treatment was burdensome as the average income of the households decreased. Before the pandemic, whereas 43.6% of households belonged to up to BDT 10,000 income category, it went up to 68.3 in April and 69.0% in July [see Figure 1], which clearly shows an income depletion among the surveyed households. From the findings, it can be interpreted that as the average income decreased during the lockdown, the average spending on the clinical cost might have been impacted." 223673,44702.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,38,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Disruption of road access to Tiaptiap PHCU, Citchok PHCC and Pagoor PHCU in Cueibet County by flooding could lead to delay in the delivery of medical and other supplies to the flood affected communities in the areas" 314203,54230.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/19/covid-19-advisory-panel-recommends-strict-lockdown-for-another-week,"[19th April 2021, Bangladesh] The Covid-19 National Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC) has recommended another week of strict lockdown to control the spread of the deadly virus in the country. The committee made the recommendation at its virtual meeting, headed by its Chairman Prof Md Sahidullah, around 8pm on Sunday night, said a press release on Sunday." 274155,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,67,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Vulnérabilité Économique] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages dirigés par des chefs veuf(ve)s ou divorcés sont économiquement plus vulnérables par rapport à ceux ayant des chefs célibataires ou marié(e)s (respectivement 60 %, 58 %, 48 % et 47 %)." 225416,45087.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Findings from the World Vision assessment showed that 88% of respondents require food assistance, confirming the negative consequences of the pandemic." 198212,44179.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,24,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20201120-pand%C3%A9mie-de-covid-19-l-afrique-%C3%A9largit-son-filet-social,"Au Burkina Faso, le gouvernement a consacré six milliards de francs CFA à éponger les factures d’eau des plus pauvres." 473943,67199.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,67,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"El regreso al colegio en condiciones bioseguras para evitar la deserción que se prevé, contrarrestar los problemas de aprendizaje y mitigar los problemas de salud físicos y emocionales entre los estudiantes se está realizando en 21 de las 96 entidades certificadas13. Sin embargo, las secretarías de Educación reportan que todavía tienen la necesidad de contar con elementos para cumplir los protocolos de bioseguridad." 490560,67789.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Response: Following the closure of schools for the commencement of summer holidays (running until September) the Education Sector and its partners are mobilizing efforts to implement major repair and rehabilitation works, conduct trainings for teachers and also conduct needs assessment across LGAs and communities." 346478,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Actores que participan: Estudiantes, profesores, padres, madres y vecinos. Recursos y medios tecnológicos y audiovisuales utilizados: Teléfono celular (cuando está disponible). Materiales educativos utilizados: Guía de trabajo escolar en español, que los docentes traducen al wayúu para trabajar con los estudiantes." 238925,47098.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,113,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]Infection Prevention and Control (IPC): Conducted decontamination and disinfection of Isolation centers across the State. The SPHCMB, with support from WHO ACS teams, conducted COVID-19 active case search and house-to-house sensitization in 5 high-burden LGAs, reaching 14,530 house-holds with COVID-19 prevention messages. The SMOH and lafiya project, in collaboration with WHO and partners, conducted 2-day capacity building training for 68 LGA health promotion officers on COVID-19 IPC. The SMOH and lafiya project, in collaboration with WHO and partners, conducted sensitization training for 640 Voluntary Community Mobilizers (VCMs) on COVID-19 IPC" 133890,35165.0,1188.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,149,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En este contexto, la precariedad laboral y la inestabilidad en los ingresos económicos es habitual, y se corresponde con un mayor riesgo de accidentes laborales, malnutrición y estrés, lo que puede conllevar en un corto-medio plazo en afecciones en el estado de salud de las personas venezolanas. Además, de las entrevistas con organizaciones que atienden a personas trabajadoras sexuales se relata que se viene evidenciando la presencia de personas venezolanas en esta actividad. Esta percepción se ve en ambos sexos, pero con mayor incidencia en el sexo femenino, observando que son personas que no se habían desempeñado en su país de origen en este rubro y se perciben abocadas al mismo por una mala situación socioeconómica en Panamá, así como fomentada por la alta demanda de personas venezolanas en este sector, asociada a un estereotipo de belleza." 155259,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Algunas acciones de respuesta de migrantes afectados por COVID-19 dentro de la ruta analizada, se encuentran en Bogotá y en el departamento de Arauca, ésta principalmente es liderada por Agencias de las Naciones Unidas y ONGIs, que se coordinan con el Gobierno Nacional por medio del Ministerio de Salud y de la Gerencia de Fronteras en espacios facilitados por el GIFMM Nacional." 388979,60849.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,81,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"A las personas entrevistadas le molesta, de manera generalizada, las personas extranjeras que se ponen a pedir dinero en la vía pública, ya que ello contribuiría a los principales prejuicios que perciben de la población chilena hacia los extranjeros, que serían en su opinión, que son ""delincuentes"" y que quieren ""que les den todo gratis"". Ello llevaría a generalizaciones donde ""por uno pagamos todos"" (entrevista 8)." 124326,30176.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"Las medidas de aislamiento han dificultado la convivencia de la población afectada y el 10.5% de los encuestados manifiesta haber enfrentado problemas de convivencia debidos a las medidas de aislamiento. Entre los problemas más comunes, se reporta que la convivencia con niños es la más complicada, así como el hacinamiento, donde muchas familias comparten una misma vivienda." 412201,63914.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/bangladesh-fleeing-rohingya-die-sea,"[24th August 2021, Bangladesh]Refugees: Following a meeting in July with a UN delegation, Bangladesh authorities announced that they would relocate an additional 80,000 refugees from Cox’s Bazar to the island starting in October. It is unclear how Bhasan Char will sustain a population of over 100,000 given that the 20,000 people currently living on the island already face inadequate health care, a lack of education and livelihood opportunities, food shortages, and abuses by security forces. A recent diarrhea outbreak on the island claimed lives because of a lack of medical supplies during the monsoon season." 495442,67230.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,50,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Actualizar el mapeo del estado de la infraestructura de las Instituciones Educativas en zonas de llegada de migrantes y agilizar el mejoramiento de las infraestructuras en riesgo y activar los planes de contingencia, evaluando la capacidad que tienen las I.E para acoger a los niños y niñas migrantes." 172108,40716.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,150,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.184%20%20%2810%20-%2016%20August%202020%29_0.pdf,"[10 - 16 August 2020, Borno, Adamawa] A total of 1,456 movements were recorded, comprising 1,226 arrivals and 230 departures, between 10 and 16 August 2020. Arrivals were recorded at locations in Askira/Uba, Bama, Biu, Dikwa, Gwoza, Mobbar, Monguno and Ngala Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the most-affected Nigerian State of Borno. Arrivals were also recorded in Fufore, Girei, Gombi, Guyuk, Lamurde, Madagali, Maiha, Mubi North, Mubi South, Numan, Song and Yola North LGAs of the state of Adamawa. Departures were recorded in Askira/Uba, Dikwa, Kala/Balge and Monguno LGAs of Borno; Fufore, Girei, Gombi, Guyuk, Hong, Lamurde, Madagali, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South and Numan LGAs of Adamawa." 382898,60300.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_situacional_local_Costa_Caribe_-_Enero_a_marzo_2021.pdf,"A enero de 2021 en Magdalena solo el 28,8% de las personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanos contaban con Permiso Especial de Permanencia, según Migración Colombia." 290929,51607.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2224-4220-2021-1405-eng.pdf,"The Ministry of Public Health continues to lead and involve other stakeholders in response activities. These include enhancing surveillance through the daily reporting of cases and deaths, conducting trainings for rapid response teams with a focus on Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF), and distributing communication materials in high risk provinces." 159647,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"A high of 88 per cent respondents felt that the health centers are not prepared for handling the threat of COVID-19. 12 per cent of respondents felt that the health centers were prepared. Benue state had the highest (97%) percentage of respondents who felt health centers were not prepared to handle the threat of COVID 19, followed by Kaduna with 98%." 248727,48228.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,82,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations : Améliorer l’infrastructure à l’école Kollom et Darkani village et faire un suivi pour rendre l’école fonctionnelle en prenant en charge l’enseignant. / Renforcer la capacité d’accueil des écoles de Kollom et Darkani (04 TLS à Kollom et 10 TLS à Darkani ; • Recruter 12 enseignants pour les écoles de (Darkani 06 enseignants et 06 enseignants) / Fournitures des kits et manuels scolaires aux nouveaux déplacés 439354,63592.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 19% (56) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population se rendait ailleurs que dans une structure de santé pour obtenir des soins au cours du mois précédent" 391156,61470.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] In COVID 19 response infrastructure, there is no availability of isolation area but there is availability of sufficient hand washing facilities. Of the 9% of households that reported experiencing difficulties in obtaining hand/body soap, the following issues were reported most frequently: -No problems accessing soap: 91% -Soap is distributed infrequently: 6% -Soap is too expensive: 4%" 271562,49808.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"La fièvre et la diarrhée ont été présentées simultanément ou de façon distincte par 34,7% des enfants au cours des deux semaines ayant précédé l’enquête au niveau National. Cette prévalence est en baisse par rapport à 2019 où elle a été enregistré chez 36,3 % (34,7-37,9) des enfants." 114116,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"La labor de defensa de derechos humanos, o el derecho a la participación pública, se ha visto restringida tambien por la limitación de circulación" 281830,51173.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF continued to supply medical oxygen in three main regional hospitals of Herat, Balkh, and Nangarhar, benefiting a total of 2,028 critical patients (1,223 male and 805 female) confirmed with COVID-19 infection." 223918,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Les hommes adultes sont moins fréquents dans les espaces de discussions sur le la pandémie parce que certains considèrent le COVID 19 comme une manipulation 302647,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Del gráfico 5, pueden verse una serie de actividades económicas que se desarrollan en un contexto de precarización en el mundo del trabajo, con ausencia de derechos laborales, seguridad social, extensas jornadas y salarios inferiores a la actividad realizada. En este contexto los trabajos de rebusque, por cuenta propia, realizados en espacios públicos en ocasiones se desarrollan en lugares donde están prohibidas las ventas informales. Ante la urgencia de sustentar necesidades básicas muchos de ellos y ellas optan por realizar actividades que ponen en riesgo su salud física y emocional." 188829,43386.0,1900.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"Las mujeres y las niñas también enfrentan mayores dificultades en el acceso a alimentos nutritivos y seguros de cara a la COVID-19, a consecuencia de la interrupción de los servicios de alimentación en las escuelas y las comunidades, además de la escasez de alimentos, las disrupciones en las cadenas de suministro, los menores ingresos y las restricciones a la movilidad y otras restricciones propias de las cuarentenas." 261686,49223.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,57,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/al-menos-25-mil-migrantes-ingresaron-en-enero-por-trochas-de-norte-de-santander/2446,"Ante las dificultades en la atención a la migración masiva de población venezolana, el gobierno departamental y los alcaldes de Villa del Rosario, Cúcuta, Los Patios y Pamplona solicitaron de forma conjunta al Gobierno nacional mayor celeridad en el trámite de la crisis migratoria en el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria del covid-19." 132630,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Coordinación a nivel nacional y subnacional para establecer procedimientos estandarizados para el manejo de albergues temporales. 237694,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"La tasa de incidencia de notificación de casos de lesiones por pólvora pirotécnica es de 2,0 por 100 000 habitantes, presentando una disminu- ción de 0,5 casos por 100 000 habitantes en comparación con 2019 para el mismo periodo." 256987,48672.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"The civilian population is victim of extorsion, targeted killings, cattle, theft and shop looting and threatened to leave their villages." 163886,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,54,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Nariño, Chocó y Putumayo las restricciones y controles impuestos por los actores armados en el marco de la pandemia, han llevado a la disminución en los flujos de comercialización de productos, ingreso de insumos y alimentos a la zona; además del aumento en los costos de producción." 357846,58554.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,110,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_por_inundaciones_puerto_arica_vf.pdf,"Alrededor del 70% de la población afectada (833 personas) son indígenas, pertenecientes a los pueblos Uitotos, Murui, Muinane, Boras, Ingas y Ticunas. El corregidor de Puerto Arica señala que 225 familias se encuentran afectadas, 50 viviendas averiadas y 3 instituciones educativas rurales inundadas. Los líderes indígenas – curacas y capitanes - alertan sobre el riesgo de contagio de la COVID-19 y otras enfermedades: dengue, zika, malaria, enfermedad diarreica aguda – EDA e Infeccione respiratoria aguda – IRA, debido al agua represada, la falta de acceso a agua segura, entre otros factores." 125075,30176.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"El rol tradicional de mujeres y niñas como cuidadoras ha significado una mayor exposición a riesgos de violencia, ya que la situación de inseguridad alimentaria y económica originada por la emergencia ha puesto presiones adicionales sobre las mujeres, quienes usualmente son consideradas como las responsables de la búsqueda, compra y preparación de alimentos. Esa misma incertidumbre y este aislamiento social causan un incremento de tensiones dentro del hogar que ocasiona episodios de violencia contra las personas más vulnerables como mujeres y niños, niñas y adolescentes." 163876,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,23,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,• En Putumayo: Se requiere la entrega de EPP para instituciones de salud y apoyo en acciones de comunicación del riesgo. 265674,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,31,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,La communication et l’accès à l’information étaient moins aisés dans les zones où les IC ont rapporté l’absence d’un réseau téléphonique stable. 290587,51817.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"La situation humanitaire et de protection des personnes continue de s’aggraver dans le territoire de Kongolo, qui subit l’influence du contexte sécuritaire précaire du Maniema. Quatre des 46 aires de santé du nord de Kongolo font face à une menace quotidienne des groupes armés du territoire voisin de Kabambare." 347699,56800.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,101,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] This is impacting almost similarly both female and male children, while becoming a predominantly women and girls’ chore from adolescent age on-wards. Tap stand are often crowded and slippery and might represent a risky environment especially for female children and adolescents. Moreover, especially little children might not be aware on which water point is safe for drinking and which one must be used only for domestic purposes. Also, playing with water in the waterlogged area or in ponds can represents a serious drowning risk." 204227,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"On the other extreme, Mayom, Kapoeta South, Renk, Pariang, Kapoeta North, Aweil West, Gogrial East and Gogrial West counties have the highest resilience capacities. Even in these counties, however, humanitarian needs are relatively high, ranging from 50 per cent of the Mayom population in need to 75 per cent of the Kapoeta North population in need." 196213,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In response to COVID-19, the Cash Working Group developed a guidance note to help Cash and Voucher Assistance practitioners in Somalia. The note explores different ways to mitigate the spread and impact of COVID-19 through ongoing CVA, informs on the adaption of CVA programming in the context of COVID-19, and explores ways in which CVA can contribute to early measures to address the impact of COVID19." 161724,34176.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"Atención telefónica y vía WhatsApp para casos de protección de la niñez, violencia sexual y violencia basada en género, atención psicosocial, acompañamiento jurídico y rutas de acceso a derechos, entre otros" 228395,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,A vast majority of respondents are obtaining information about COVID-19 from television (88%) with friends (56%) and radio (45%) the next most common sources of information. 171500,40704.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] Ninety nutrition sector staff completed the WHO COVID-19 training. A total of 116 non-nutrition staff members (including 26 drivers) also participated in these sessions conducted by World Vision staff members trained as WHO training-of-trainers. An additional 220 nutrition facilitators trained in COVID-19 awareness raising disseminated messages at the nutrition centres and at community level." 126132,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,71,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"El 70% de los hogares migrantes tiene niveles de inseguridad alimentaria severa o moderada durante los primeros tres meses de su llegada, y luego de tres a seis meses, esta proporción disminuye ligeramente al 61%. Después de seis meses de permanencia, y hasta más de un año después, la inseguridad alimentaria severa o moderada se establiliza en niveles altos (47-50%)." 289538,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"A total of 4,454 Dignity Kits have been reprioritized from other locations and have been allocated for distribution in Pibor, Aweil South, Tonj North, Tonj South, and Tonj East counties as part of the response scale-up by GBV Partners." 358424,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] In Deir-ez-Zor and Al-Haskaeh, where water trucking is the main water source reported, KIs in communities also commonly reported the high price of water trucking as a barrier to water access." 306931,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"Humanitarian needs have been compounded by the ongoing economic crisis and the impact of COVID-19 containment measures. Additionally, Sudan experienced its worst flooding in more than 100 years between July and September 2020, affecting more than 875,000 people." 153837,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,57,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"También se identifican personas ingresando a Colombia con la intención de continuar hacia el centro y occidente del país o hacia otros países como Perú y Ecuador, algunos migrando por primera vez, y otros por segunda vez debido a una percepción de recrudecimiento de la crisis en Venezuela, principalmente la falta de alimentos." 223004,45471.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,32,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Lockdown measures have exacerbated the poor access to services. People have reported a 49 per cent increase in disruption to services because of COVID-19" 238600,47236.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,"Les installations sanitaires sont en quantité insuffisantes, avec un ratio d’une installation pour plus de quatre (4) ménages au sein de ces villages." 190034,43443.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"En date du 25 juin 2020, 6 cas de COVID-19 ont été confirmés dans la province d'Ituri. Les lacunes en termes d’accès à l'eau potable et aux systèmes d’hygiène, d’assainissement et de surveillance épidémiologique sont importantes." 164231,39644.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"GiHA WG members conducted awareness-raising and outreach consultations on the gendered impacts of COVID-19, targeting Rohingya women and girls, including older persons and persons with disabilities. As part of the consultations, GiHA WG rolled out self-care and psychosocial support modules targeting women to address the gendered impacts on mental health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic." 16505,6352.0,322.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences']",en,41,['Impact'],"['Information And Communication', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,Humanitarian responders continue to need access to security telecommunications and Internet connectivity services in order to carry out their work effectively and securely. Challenges include restrictions on importing equipment and difficulties in obtaining visas for staff missions to Yemen. 338731,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,123,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"A teacher in Kananga, in Congo’s conflict-affected Kasai Central province, said the education ministry had organized television courses, but the city where he lives—with a population of more than 1.25 million people—is not fully electrified. “How can students follow these courses?” he asked, adding that teachers did not have the means to connect with students, so he had no contact with his students since his school closed more than three months before the interview. Congo has one of the largest gaps in energy access rates by income group in the world; most of its scant supply of electricity goes to the richest urban households and to the mining sector." 137487,35305.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,52,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Many refugees struggle to access health and other services due to language barriers and issues with their statuses. Many Syrian refugee children in the country have also missed out on months or years of education, and now risk falling even further behind in the event of prolonged school closures." 112104,30834.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FAO%20NE%20Nigeria%20sit%20rep_June%202020.pdf,"Conflict-affected households in the North-East face further negative socio-economic impacts caused by measures taken to curtail the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), including lockdown and physical distancing directives that have hindered commodity trade and overall economic activity.  The dry season agricultural support programme in northeastern Nigeria contributed to increased food security among conflict-affected households during the pandemic, providing a key source of food and income." 218407,45693.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,23,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"Women and children are also at risk of sexual exploitation and abuse, with few avenues for reporting abuse and seeking assistance." 338446,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Pregnant, parenting, and married girls often face particular barriers to returning to school, and in some countries, are barred from studying in public schools." 198160,44148.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100295,"L’homme est un être social qui ne s’épanouit véritablement qu’au contact de ses semblables. Or depuis l’avènement de la COVID-19, les familles ne peuvent plus se fréquenter assidument sans craindre la contagion de la COVID-19. De grands parents sont éloignés de leurs petits-enfants depuis des mois. Le port du masque ou cache-nez prive tout le monde du plaisir de respirer l’air a plein poumons. Le plus difficile est que personne ne peut affirmer avec certitude jusqu’à quand le ‘’supplice’’ va durer." 185944,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,98,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Le prix médian du PMA de Kinshasa reste stable autour des 300 000 FC. Les territoires périphériques de la capitale sont toujours sous influence des prix de la capitale. Au mois d'août, certains prix des PMA de ces territoires ont fortement augmentés : Kenge (Kwango) a vu le prix du PMA passer la barre des 300 000 FC avec une augmentation de 28% depuis mai. Le prix médian du PMA de Bagata (Kwilu) est monté de 40% depuis mai et son prix est de 261 367 FC." 356595,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,Al menos una víctima más murió por golpizas y otras tres por uso indebido o excesivo de gases lacrimógenos o aturdidoras. 228256,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"From 1 January to 30 September, UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] documented 63 incidents of Afghan Air Force airstrikes causing 349 civilian casualties (156 killed and 193 injured). This corresponds to a 70 per cent increase in civilian casualties and a 50 per cent increase in civilians killed from airstrikes in comparison with the first nine months of 2019." 248734,48228.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,86,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"La majorité d’enfants ne fréquentent pas l’école malgré leur vif engouement pour l’éducation. Les villages d’origine n’ayant pas d’école dans la majorité des cas (excepté Djackime d’où sont venus les déplacés de Dilkori), les enfants ne vont pas à l’école. Sur les sites, ils s’adonnent aux travaux champêtres, à la collecte des bois de chauffe et à faire paitre les animaux" 203600,43976.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Enquête SMART Novembre 2019 Le taux de prévalence de la malnutrition aigue globale s’élève à 10,9% sur l’ensemble de la région [de Diffa]." 253919,48606.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,47,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Reach%20and%20Activities%20from%20Turkey%20%28November%202020%29.pdf,"[08/02/2021, NES] Explosive hazards persisted, with areas in northern Aleppo governorate including Al Bab and Afrin particularly affected this month. Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were commonly detonated in populated areas, resulting in high civilian casualties in several incidents." 202579,44558.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] The stigma associated with the coronavirus and quarantine in Syria primarily reflects social and cultural beliefs. At the same time, it demonstrates a profound crisis of confidence between society ( including government medical institutions and centers), particularly in managing the crisis of the coronavirus spread, and Syrian citizens’ s fear culture; they fear to go to public hospitals due to the deterioration of medical institutions and health care in Syria, Syrian social researcher Muhammad Salloum, said in an interview withEnab Baladi." 495422,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,33,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las condiciones de hacinamiento y falta de privacidad llegan a un Incremento de riesgos de protección principalmente para NNA y Mujeres ante situaciones como abuso sexual, trata de personas o VBG." 208690,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In 2018, 102 incidents of recruitment or use by armed forces and groups were reported, affecting 453 children (365 boys, 88 girls), 14 per cent of whom were under 15 years of age at the time of their recruitment. A total of 5,988 verified cases of children recruited and used in armed forces and armed groups have been recorded formally from 2014 to the second quarter of 2019 and are creating a high need for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration support." 175240,40880.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,128,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3673559,"Producto de estas dinámicas de conflicto armado, criminalidad e inequidad, la Misión ha alertado sobre la persistencia de desplazamientos forzados, confinamientos, instalación de minas antipersonal, homicidios, violencia sexual y amenazas que afectan, de manera diferencial, a mujeres, menores de edad, jovenes, liderazgos sociales, y autoridades y comunidades étnicas. También ha constatado la continuidad de la vinculación, reclutamiento forzado, uso y violencia sexual de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Además ha expresado preocupación por el incremento, desde 2016, de la violencia contra liderazgos que promueven la sustitución de cultivos ilícitos, la acción comunal, los Derechos Humanos y la defensa de territorios, y contra personas en proceso de reincorporación" 206542,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Jonglei is expected to have the highest number of people estimated to face crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity at 1.18 million, followed by Upper Nile, with 765,000." 247688,48228.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Actions prioritaires, Abris/AME = Appui en Kits de construction des abris d’urgence / Distribution des NFI (natte, moustiquaire, couverture, et bâche) pour 1745 ménages" 217946,45271.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Afghanistan already entered in the flooding season, so measures should be taken to avoid loss of lives and livelihoods." 1044,261.0,321.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/who-libya-delivers-neonatal-ventilators-alaafia-hospital-houn-city,"The World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office in Libya delivered two Mechanical ventilators with all their accessories to the Alaafia Hospital in Houn city, one was delivered in December 2017 and the other one last week.These neonatal ventilators will support the Gynecology and Obstetrics medical services at Alaafia Hospital, which covers underserved areas in the south and centre Libya. WHO expresses its gratitude to the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) for funding this initiative, and renewes its commitment to provide humanitarian assistance to the health sector across Libya." 202094,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Environment']",en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Many of the returns are partial households or households doing phased returns, for example sending the head of household first to scope or prepare land for cultivation, followed by the children, elderly and other more vulnerable household members. Current return patterns bear similarities with the returns seen after the 2015 peace agreement, when returns also took place in a climate of uncertainty about security and access to food and services in areas of return." 304260,53037.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,60,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"La plupart des ménages pauvres et des déplacés de Mayo Sava, Mayo Tsanaga et Logone & Chari touchés par l'insurrection de Boko Haram devront faire face à une situation d’insécurité alimentaire Stress (Phase 2 de l'IPC) jusqu'en Mai 2021, leurs activités de subsistance étant perturbées, en plus de leur faible pouvoir d'achat." 40619,14315.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,47,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/noc-airstrike-hit-warehouse-operated-by-libyan-mellitah-and-italys-eni/,"A warehouse belonging to Libya’s Mellitah Oil & Gas, a joint-venture between the National Oil Corporation (NOC) and Italy’s ENI, was damaged in an air strike on Tuesday, wounding three workers, NOC said in a statement." 388597,61080.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,19,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le 14 juin 2021, un nombre important du bétail a été emporté à Gorgadji par des GANE." 205845,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Among the children in need, IDPs, returnees from within South Sudan, refugees and refugee returnees are identified as the most vulnerable groups." 286521,51252.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,71,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"According to the IPC AMN classification, Phase 4 (Critical) and Phase 3 (Serious) indicate that urgent action is required to reduce acute malnutrition levels by significantly scaling up and intensifying treatment and protection activities to reach additional populations affected. IPC AMN Phase 2 (Alert) indicates the situation is progressively deteriorating with increased levels of acute malnutrition and requires strengthening the existing response." 58217,17094.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"A través del contacto hecho por las Asociación “U”, los representantes de los médicos se reunieron con una representante del Poder Legislativo Nacional que facilitó el vínculo con la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones, donde concurrieron a una actividad en la que también estuvieron presentes los Secretarios de Salud de diversas provincias. Según indicaron, en esa oportunidad se comenzó a conversar sobre la posibilidad de establecer un mecanismo de excepción para las convalidaciones, plasmado posteriormente en una resolución del Ministerio de Educación de agosto de 2018.12 A la fecha de la entrevista, ya habían ocurrido las primeras convalidaciones de médicos venezolanos resultantes del tratamiento de excepción: 20 solicitadas por el Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de Jujuy13 y 50 por el de la Provincia de Buenos Aires." 315473,54311.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,82,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Se requiere realizar limpieza por las municiones sin explotar (MUSE) en el casco urbano del Plateado. Además, hay un alto riesgo de afectación por Minas antipersonal (MAP) y municiones sin explosionar (MSE) en la cabecera del corregimiento del Plateado, principalmente en el parque y en algunas casas. También se identifica riesgo por la contaminación con MAP-MUSE en los corregimientos Santa Clara (El Pinche y la Vega) y la Emboscada." 24797,9912.0,786.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,78,[],['Displacement'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/oas-report-venezuelan-migrants-and-refugees-unprecedented,"The Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, said the Venezuelan crisis will continue to force people to leave the country. ""With more than 3.4 million, Venezuelans are the second largest refugee population in the world, second only to Syria, which has been at war for 7 years. And the forecasts indicate that by the end of 2019 the exodus will reach 5.4 million people,"" he said." 286657,50969.0,2170.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,46,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb3476en.pdf,"Furthermore, torrential rainfall, river floods and flash floods in 2020 affected 22 states in the country, including in the North-East, displacing over 24 130 people and washing away thousands of hectares of farmland with crop losses amounting to billions of naira." 145396,36039.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"International repatriation flights landing in Damascus and Lattakia international airports from multiple locations are ongoing with approximately 2,690 people repatriated so far – out of a reported 10,000 registered." 489965,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"The economic consequences of sexual violence are often severe, including social exclusion, abandonment by the survivors’ family or inability to work due to physical and psychological trauma, resulting in loss of income. In addition, extreme poverty and lack of sources of livelihood increase the suffering of survivors. In Salamabila health zone (Maniema), 95% of those who received psychosocial support from MSF reported having socioeconomic worries." 151318,38020.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/180397/,"Health authorities have recorded today four coronavirus cases in north-western Syria, a day after three cases were recorded, one of them from the inhabitants of Sarmada camps in Idlib countryside." 14697,5500.0,322.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302700800,"SHABWA, 26th July, 2018 (WAM) -- The Emirates Red Crescent has provided a urology hospital and dialysis centres in the Shabwa Governorate of Yemen with diesel fuel necessary to ensure the continued operations of the medical facilities for three months. Sultan Al Nuaimi, an ERC representative in Shabwa, said that the latest delivery to the dialysis centres and hospital included a tanker carrying 36,000 litres of diesel to ensure continued operations to provide treatment of patients with renal failure." 240883,47673.0,2330.0,[],[],[],en,86,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2021/01/21/world-bank-supports-first-covid-19-vaccine-rollout-in-lebanon,"The World Bank today approved a re-allocation of US$34 million under the existingLebanon Health Resilience Projectto support vaccines for Lebanon as it faces an unprecedented surge in COVID-19, with record-breaking numbers of around 5,500 daily confirmed cases since the beginning of the year. This is the first World Bank-financed operation to fund the procurement of COVID-19 vaccines. The financing will provide vaccines for over 2 million individuals. The vaccines are expected to arrive in Lebanon by early February 2021." 275494,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"En effet, à défaut de monitoring et de rapportage, de nombreuses victimes risquent de ne pas faire l’objet d’identification ni de référencement pour une prise en charge adéquate." 174441,40839.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Host Communities Access to food was on-site in 54 per cent (down from 58%) of sites where IDPs were residing with host communities. Twenty-three per cent (up by 3%) of sites had access to food off-site and 23 per cent (up from 22%) had no access to food. Similarly, in Borno access to food was on-site in 46 per cent (down from 47%) of sites." 333658,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],fr,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Site : Tataverom / Zone de responsabilité : Tatavérom / Problèmes en Nutrition : Malnutrition / Problèmes en Santé : Faible capacité logistique du centre de santé ; Présence des pathologies récurrentes comme paludisme, diarrhée aigue, parasitose, dermatose, stress-post traumatique, infection respiratoire" 265668,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Environment']",fr,44,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"D’après les IC, les conditions de logement des populations déplacées se sont dégradées depuis juin 2020. Les besoins en abris ont en effet été exacerbés suite aux inondations et à une pluviométrie particulièrement intense durant la saison des pluies19." 155199,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Algunas personas en tránsito han dormido a la intemperie en el Páramo de Pisba, o en las carreteras y calles de los centros poblados que encuentran en el camino." 491780,67945.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69871/regime-increases-internet-and-telecommunications-prices-by-100.html,"[22 September 2021, GoS] The new price increases range from 40 percent to 100 percent for some services. For its part, mobile communications company Syriatel announced the increase in mobile call fees. The price for one minute of cellular calling on prepaid lines will be 18 Syrian pounds and 15 Syrian pounds for post-paid lines" 389616,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"464 días después del registro del primer caso de COVID-19 en la cuenca amazónica, esta región alcanzó tres millones trescientos veinte mil casos de COVID-19 y noventa y cinco mil muertes oficiales y cerca de 5% de estos eventos son de Colombia." 113105,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Se ha realizado la entrega de un desfibrilador al Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz en Cúcuta para la respuesta a la emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19. 308050,53292.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,12,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,Nutrition-sensitive interventions focusing on WASH and health mobile services are needed. 413406,60898.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,93,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"UNICEF continued supporting community radios programmes on COVID-19 prevention and response messages in the Nord, Boucle du Mouhoun, Sahel and Est regions. A total of 20 local radios continued broadcasting airtimes and spots including in local languages for different communities which reached an estimated 2.5 million people. At least 104,290 people including 19,120 vulnerable people (IDPs, elders and people with pre-existing conditions) were reached with COVID-19 messages through 3,286 home visits and groups discussions carried out by over 450 community mobilizers and students in health." 272842,50353.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,107,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"OCHA continued to provide leadership in the response in the NWSW regions, advocating for effective and principled humanitarian action through regular meetings. During the month of November OCHA chaired two Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) meetings, one Humanitarian Coordination Forum (HCF), and one Access Working Group meeting. Progress was made on plans to implement the HCT approved ‘Compact to end Illegal Payments’ in addition to supporting humanitarian NGOs contribute effectively to the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). OCHA also led an inter-agency UN mission to Fundong subdivision, Boyo division on 27 November." 46791,16191.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,94,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/avoiding-next-tragedy-libya,"These are the words of a Libyan MSF doctor following the fatal airstrike on Tajoura detention center late at night on July 2, that killed an estimated 60 people and injured 70 others. It is a night that will forever remain etched in this doctor’s memory—and the memories of all MSF staff in Libya—as a horrific nightmare. A night in which our worst fears would come to pass, fears which we have voiced for months in the futile hope that unnecessary suffering and death would be avoided." 240719,47367.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],en,48,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,[ 8 - 14 January 2021] There are several reasons behind the price rises. The collapse of the Syrian pound versus the US dollar has impacted prices because the SelfAdministration requires oil investors and traders to pay for purchases of crude oil in US dollars. 226928,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Ensure programming efforts addressing child labour are linked with social protection programming, in particular targeting parents/caregivers from rural areas and parents/caregivers with disabilities or those of children with disabilities;" 126651,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,20,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"During the reporting period, numbers of migrants present in Tobruk remained stable especially due to closing the borders." 198155,44148.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100295,"L’accélération subite des nouvelles infections en Septembre suscite plusieurs questions, dont la plus importante est de savoir si le Burkina n’est pas entré dans sa « deuxième vague » de COVID-19." 358786,58665.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/High%2520Frequency%2520Survey%2520Report_Round1_2021_Final_Espa%25C3%25B1ol.pdf,"De las familias encuestadas, 76% indicaron que habían ingresado a Colombia de manera irregular, es decir sin el sello del pasaporte al momento de pasar por cualquier frontera, lo que genera barreras en lograr regularización en el país. La región del país que registra mayor porcentaje de personas que ingresaron de manera regular, lo que significa que lograron sellar su pasaporte, se encuentran en la región Noroccidente (Antioquia y Chocó), seguido por la región Caribe." 224614,46162.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,57,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"The supply of agricultural produce to markets in most areas of the country is declining due to higher transport costs. There is a reduction in supply, which is compounded by stock retentions by some traders. However, demand is stable and decreasing, despite Ramadan, as a result of falling household incomes." 390737,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,73,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Approximately 50% of the population currently lives in urban areas and this is projected to increase to 60% and 70% of the population by 2030 and 2050, respectively.6 The country has a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $432.29 billion (2020) and a current annual growth rate of 2.2% in 2019 and 01.8% in 2020" 7157,1505.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2020%20April%202018.pdf,"UNHCR also distributed food, blankets and hygiene kits. UNHCR continued the identification of persons in need of international protection at disembarkation points and at detention centres where the disembarked are transferred by the authorities. Reportedly, many were held in captivity by smugglers in Bani Walid (central region) before departing from areas west of Tripoli in Azzawya and Al Harsha." 206578,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]”Fifteen per cent of households reported no primary barriers to accessing water. The two most reported primary barriers were availability (34%) and waiting time (25%). Secondary barriers differed, with the two most reported being storage capacity (27%) and quality (26%)" 491556,67919.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,79,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021%2008%20Syria%20Country%20Brief.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Some 86,560 COVID-19 cases and 3,570 deaths have been confirmed across all areas of Syria as of end of August. This is a 22 percent increase in cases and a 5 percent increase in deaths since the end of July. This includes 28,045 cases and 2,018 deaths in governmentcontrolled areas, 37,870 cases and 760 deaths in northwestern Syria, and 20,649 cases and 788 deaths in northeastern Syria." 274154,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Vulnérabilité Économique] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages qui éprouvent plus de difficultés économiques à satisfaire leurs besoins alimentaires sont les réfugiés, presque deux ménages sur trois d’entre eux allouent plus de deux tiers des dépenses mensuelles à la nourriture." 319614,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,71,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"Las comunidades indígenas y afrodescendientes son las principales víctimas del conflicto, se ubican mayoritariamente en los departamentos con alta vinculación al régimen subsidiado en salud y lejos de las cabeceras, por lo que no cuentan con centros de salud o los que tienen no están equipados adecuadamente en términos de personal, instrumentos y medicamentos que dificultan el acceso a los servicios básicos y especializados del sector salud." 161845,39575.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,58,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/410147-covid-19-who-recommends-masks-for-children-older-than-11-years.html,"The expert group said children up to five years old would need to be under constant supervision if they did wear masks. Children should also be listened to regarding their perceptions and any concerns about wearing a mask. Transparent visors offer less protection than fabric mouth and nose coverings, according to the guidance document." 226921,45087.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"While meeting the most vulnerable people’s necessities and containing the COVID-19 outbreak is pressing in the short-term, planning should start to facilitate the longer economic recovery in the country." 265724,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Environment']",fr,74,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"D’après les données de novembre, la situation des PDI de cette zone était fragile, avec de nombreux PDI vivant dans des abris précaires (voir graphique 7). De plus, selon les dernières données issues de la collecte de données de novembre, les IC ont rapporté de nouvelles destructions d’abris dans 9% des localités évaluées, essentiellement liées aux intempéries et aux inondations." 36927,13321.0,788.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"Between January and mid-April 2019, a total of 12,810 suspected measles cases with 68 associated deaths (CFR:05%) were reported across seven high risk LGAs in Borno State." 71104,20216.0,1185.0,['Health'],[],[],es,155,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/tarjeta-unificada-de-vacunacion-para-migrantes-venezolanos-entra-en-marcha-MB11765801,"Y es que en Venezuelaestán reapareciendo enfermedades que estaban controladascomo la difteria y el sarampión, esta última que puede por medio de la vacunación. Entre el 1 de enero y el 27 de febrero de 2019, el país notificó de 283 casos de sarampión, de los que 40 fueron confirmados, según los reportes de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud. El Ministerio de Salud destacó que la Tarjeta no es un sistema de vacunación regional ni reemplaza los esquemas ya existentes en cada país, sino que es un mecanismo de inclusión. En Colombia, inicialmente, estará disponible en Norte de Santander, Arauca, La Guajira y Nariño y los gobiernos harán una revisión trimestral de su implementación. Según los datos de esa cartera, se han aplicado1,5 millones de vacunas a migrantescon una inversión de más de $21 mil millones. Excerpt 3" 495419,67230.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,18,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Las condiciones de hacinamiento favorecen la transmisión de enfermedades y generan condiciones de riesgo para los niños. 475806,65033.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Current government interventions do not cover basic health care of migrant / refugee adolescents and additionally the sexual reproductive health coverage offered is only partially accessed. 172412,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"En RDC, 918 patients ont été hospitalisés, dont 96,5 pour cent présentaient une forme légère, 1,4 une forme modérée et 2,1 pour cent une forme sévère de COVID-19." 491708,65437.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/wos_attacks_on_health_care_q2_2021_final.pdf,"[1 April - 30 June 2021, Overall Syria] [from Map] Attacks on Health care: Location of attacks by governorate: , In Idleb, one attack in May. In Aleppo, one attack in May and one in June. In Ar-Raqqa, Al-Hasakeh and Deir-ez-Zor, one attack each in May. 17% of attacks during Q2 2021 were reported as violence with heavy weapons" 164259,39667.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=203678,Cham Wings Airlines has run a flight on Saturday from the Libyan city of Benghazi airport to Damascus International Airport to repatriates about 146 Syrians who were stranded abroad in light of coronavirus pandemic. 273701,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les coûts ont été calculés sur la base de coût par bénéficiaire. Pour calculer la prise en charge d’un bénéficiaire, le cluster a procédé à la moyenne des coûts des HRP des trois dernières années ce qui a donné 65$ par bénéficiaire. Cette moyenne a été multipliée par le nombre de personnes ciblées du cluster protection pour 2021 afin d’obtenir un montant auquel les coûts des activités supplémentaires de 2020 ont été ajoutés donnant 70 USD par bénéficiaire [méthodologie de calcul des coûts]" 198765,43659.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/centro-de-salud-la-victoria-en-valledupar-reabre-sus-puertas/,"“Después de ocho años pudimos abrir este centro de salud, y ha sido de la mano del gerente, de las organizaciones sociales y los convenios que han venido gestionando desde el Hospital Eduardo Arredondo. Hoy queremos darle esta noticia positiva a la población ya que van a tener la oportunidad de tener un centro de salud a la mano con todo el equipo técnico y de salud que está dispuesto a atenderlo de la mejor manera”, manifestó el alcalde de Valledupar, Mello Castro." 392646,60861.0,1186.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,42,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"(ENCUESTA SOBRE COVID-19 A POBLACIONES MIGRANTES INTERNACIONALES EN CHILE , 1690 encuestados) Sobre salud, se expresaron inquietudes en cuanto a la salud física y mental, por la contingencia y/o por una enfermedad crónica u otra condición preexistente." 473203,67204.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"Esta cifra, no obstante, fue actualizada por el Imperial College de Londres, que estima que contando los días más fuertes de la tercera ola del virus en el país, para comienzos de agosto ya eran 49.300 los menores de edad que habían perdido a uno o a ambos padres por covid-19, es decir, 20.000 más en apenas tres meses." 341007,56436.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-whole-of-syria-appeal.pdf,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] The rise in morbidity rates can be linked to the cumulative damage of health and WASH infrastructure in parts of the country, the lack of qualified personnel and import restrictions for key supplies and equipment, which combined have reduced the availability and accessibility of health services." 494229,68123.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, NWS, GoS, NES] Broken down by regions, Northwest Syria recorded the highest informal butane gas refill price at SYP 60,783/refill (up 18 percent m-o-m), followed by the Middle region at SYP 59,404/refill (up 57 percent m-o-m). Northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 22,027/refill (up eight percent m-o-m), followed by the Cross-border region at SYP 36,345/refill (up two percent m-o-m)" 143022,35989.0,2074.0,[],[],[],es,121,[],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"Actualmente hay 57 venezolanos en Bolivia con estatus de refugiado (27 mujeres y 30 hombres). En el 2018, 334 venezolanos realizaron solicitudes y en 2019 un total de 405. Entre enero y febrero de 2020, 182 venezolanos han hecho solicitudes de refugio. Los venezolanos han sido los principales solicitantes de refugio desde 2018. La CONARE se encuentra procesando solicitudes actuales y acumuladas que no se procesaron durante años. Se espera que sigan aumentando el número de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos y, por lo tanto, el número de solicitudes. La mayoría de los venezolanos que solicitan refugio no vienen de Venezuela, sino de Perú, Ecuador o Colombia." 406859,63609.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/081721_alerta_por_confinamiento_quibdo_choco.vf_.pdf,"Se requieren métodos para la potabilización de agua y la consecución de agua potable inmediata dado que la comunidad no cuenta con sistemas de captación, recolección, almacenamiento y distribución de agua, y las principales fuentes son pequeñas quebradas contaminadas, las cuales en algunas épocas del año se secan." 164611,39647.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,61,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"54 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the refugee camps, and 2,848 cases in the host community. 11 Rohingya refugees in quarantine who were in contact with a COVID-19 suspect or confirmed case, and 1,650 host community members. 1,522 government and humanitarian health care workers were trained on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) at health facilities." 234694,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,17,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,Growth in 2020-22 was expected to remain relatively stable after declining to 3.9 percent in 2019. 125932,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,47,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"96% of migrants departing Sudan interviewed in Libya, reported entering Libya directly, whereas the rest reported to have transited through either Chad, Egypt or Tunisia. Only 32% of the total sample reported to have entered through an official border crossing point" 337730,55931.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/hoy-inicia-el-registro-unico-de-migrantes-venezolanos-en-colombia/2648,"Este proceso culmina con el agendamiento de la cita del Registro Biómétrico, que recibirá en el correo por parte de Migración Colombia. Allí le especificarán el día y la hora en la cual debe asistir para el trámite en persona.El registro no implica el otorgamiento inmediato del permiso, pues este quedará a discreción de Migración Colombia autorizar si cumple con las condiciones para obtener el documento." 172431,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Cette évolution des prix est due en grande partie aux problèmes de réapprovisionnement suite à la fermeture des frontières, les restrictions de mouvements à l’intérieur du pays et la dépréciation du franc congolais. Le prix du panier minimum alimentaire dans plusieurs territoires de l’est du pays a fortement augmenté." 155999,38388.0,1898.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Environment', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,24,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,Durante la tormenta Amanda fallecieron 16 personas y 7 más se encuentran desaparecidas. Las pérdidas materiales se estiman en $200 millones. 39171,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,86,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Twenty-nine KIs (45%) indicated that they had heard of community members being irregularly arrested since the start of the conflict, 24 of which reports pertained to the arrest/detention of migrants or refugees. Reports of Libyans (particularly IDPs, and IDPs of eastern origin) were also made by 11 KIs. The numbers of persons arrest was widely unknown with the most common figure being 5-10 for their community (only 3 KIs mentioned more than 50 persons)." 163992,34165.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],es,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Los niños, niñas y adolescentes del país ante la eventual reapertura de los centros educativos tienen limitados puntos de lavados de manos con agua y jabón que permitan ejercer esta práctica de manera segura y constante, por lo menos a la entrada de cada salón de clases. Así mismo, la falta de elementos para el aseo y la desinfección en las instituciones educativas los pone en riesgo de adquirir el virus." 123717,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,73,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"Following years of neglect and under-investment in the health sector, Libya is illequipped to tackle COVID-19. A recent health sector assessment found that only just over half of communities had emergency health services or health care services for children, and just under half had any kind of general clinical services. The situation is even worse when it comes to reproductive health care. Mental health services are basically non-existent" 494211,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,101,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria, GoS, NES] The national average price of subsidized bread in August 2021 reached SYP 237/ bundle (up 14 percent m-o-m and 359 percent y-oy). The Coastal region recorded the highest price of SYP 251/bundle (up five percent m-o-m), followed by the Middle region at SYP 250/ bundle (up 13 percent m-o-m). While the Southern region recorded the lowest price at SYP 224/bundle (up 14 percent m-o-m), followed by Northeast Syria at SYP 239/bundle (up 17 percent m-o-m)." 153994,34182.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"La falta de acceso a centros educativos por parte de los niños ha generado, según sus padres, cambios bruscos en sus comportamientos, hiperactividad, estrés, agresividad, etc." 228389,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,88,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"8% [of respondents] think that if you believe in God, it will not harm you, others noted “Muslims are not affected by this disease” and “I heard from scholars that whoever does not sin will not get this disease”. This attitude poses problems in terms of prevention – prayer will not prevent COVID-19 – and potential social stigma for survivors in the future, as some may conclude that those who fall ill are ‘bad’ Muslims.8" 361403,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,148,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The increase in drowning incidents involving older children in 2020 may have been partly influenced by the COVID-19 situation and related measures. 2020 witnessed a substantial reduction in children attending schools and learning centres because of COVID-19 restrictions. On 16 March 2020, the Bangladesh government closed all schools, including the refugee camps’ learning centres and community centres (Vince, 2020). From this time onwards, 315,000 Rohingya refugee children and adolescents were unable to attend their learning centres (UNICEF, 2020a). Children will have had more unstructured free time and would have been searching for activities and entertainment. This may have increased the frequency of children playing and bathing in ponds, reservoirs, and canals, and consequently, heightened their exposure to drowning risks." 201385,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,65,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Humanitarian actors are not deliberately targeted. Security incidents are not likely to have a significant impact on humanitarian access. The public authorities have increased the level of security in the eastern region, thereby guaranteeing the movement of populations, even if caution is required. Most incidents take place at night, therefore outside of the period authorized for humanitarian activities." 290598,51817.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,20,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"166 845 personnes retournées, dans le Tanganyika, au 31 janvier 2021 (18 derniers mois – CMP)" 105553,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,38,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La crisis se ha caracterizado como un ""flujo migratorio mixto” que involucra cuatro tipos de migración: 1. Retorno de colombianos que residían en territorio venezolano, estimados en 400.000 nacionales a la fecha;" 126547,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A nivel del sector, los socios planifican responder a las necesidades humanitarias inmediatas y generar actividades que promueven la resiliencia y la generación de ingresos. Este enfoque requiere un mayor esfuerzo en el acceso a los servicios públicos, capacitación técnica y educación superior, redes de seguridad social y soluciones de alojamiento, incluyendo apoyo en el alquiler" 248790,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations : Moyen et long terme = Organiser des sensibilisations sur les thématiques de protection des enfants et les VBG /Mettre en place de mécanismes pouvant réduire les risques d’exposition de femmes aux incidents de protection (notamment à travers les déplacements en groupe ou se faire accompagner par les maris et/ou parents) / Plaidoyer pour la construction de forages proches de site pour réduire l’exposition aux incidents de protection des femmes et enfants 244180,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,98,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ NES, 21 Dec] An IDP departure trip occurred on 21 December, consisting of 20 HH (65 individuals). The returnees went to Al-Hassakeh. • Another IDP return trip took place on 30 December consisting of 104 HHs (361 individuals). The returnees went towards Raqqa and Tabqa districts. Delegation members from Tabqa Civil Council and Raqqa Civil Council were present in the camp during the departures to monitor the situation. Reportedly CA still confiscates the belongings of returnees that are suspected to be for trading purposes." 207201,44693.0,2333.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,115,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Certains PDI et les déplacés burkinabés à la frontière Niger-Burkina Faso, vivent dans des conditions très précaires, du fait qu’ils n’ont pas bénéficié de l’assistance en kits Abris durant cette saison pluvieuse. Cette précarité s’explique par l’accès limité aux biens de première nécessité avec la prorogation continue des mesures de l’état d’urgence, et l’interdiction complète jour et nuit de la circulation des engins à deux et trois roues. Quant aux populations hôtes, les dégâts occasionnés par les inondations constituent leur principale source d’inquiétude du fait de la perte des récoltes." 202625,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Widowed women, who represent 31% of households in the South West and 38% of households in the North West (an increase of about 10% compared to 2017), not only face economic hardship but are also at particular risk of gender-based violence, including sexual exploitation and abuse." 318012,54145.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fundacionamigosdemonkole.org/projets/covid-19-monkole/?lang=fr,"ACTEC (une ONG belge de développement) soutient avec un budget de 30.000 dollars, le gouvernement congolais 7.000 dollars, la contribution propre de l’hôpital 33.000 dollars. Ce qui laisse l’hôpital pour un financement de 72 000 dollars." 305730,50889.0,2466.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"There is a shortage of medicines and pressure on the health services in the camp clinic, which is also accessed by host communities and nomads. Refugees face challenges access travel permits to access health care outside of the camp." 114710,29972.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77048,"Las transferencias monetarias, en conjunto con la información sobre nutrición y economía familiar les permitieron pagar su necesidades básicas y gastos generales." 296930,52264.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,15,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_n22_mve_nord-kivu_drc_01_03_2021.pdf,[MVE] Aucun cas confirmé ce jour et pour le 6ème jour consécutif. 19263,8024.0,729.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Nutrition', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"In July 2018, Human Rights Watch researchers visited four detention centers in Tripoli, Misrata, and Zuwara where they documented inhumane conditions that included severe overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, poor quality food and water that has led to malnutrition, lack of adequate healthcare, and disturbing accounts of violence by guards, including beatings, whippings, and use of electric shocks." 247882,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,92,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Le phénomène [Recours faute de soins à des traitements indigènes et accouchements non assistés] est moindre sur le site de Yakérom qui bénéficie des soins de santé au niveau du poste fixe de Diamérom, mis en place par le consortium ALIMA/Alerte Santé. Cependant sa capacité d’accueil ne permet pas une prise en charge adéquate de la population malade pour les deux sites. Cependant sa capacité d’accueil ne permet pas une prise en charge adéquate de la population malade pour les deux sites." 275505,50217.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"La non-assistance de ces populations [personnes dans le besoins, réfugiés, personnes en déficit alimentaire] risque d’aggraver ultérieurement leur déficit alimentaire, ce qui résulterait en une détérioration de la situation nutritionnelle." 201383,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,60,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The Adamawa, North and East regions are relatively secure, allowing them to welcome many refugees and internally displaced persons. However, there has been an increase in incidents including urban crime, kidnapping, roadblocks by bandits, and inter-communal conflicts. Certain incidents such as kidnappings are mainly reported in the border area with CAR." 222777,46090.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,103,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431838-covid-19-ncdc-confirms-1145-new-infections-1-additional-death-335-recoveries.html,"[17thDec2020,Nigeria] The public health agency stated that Lagos State, the epicentre of the virus in the country, recorded the highest number of COVID-19 infections with 459 cases; FCT, Kaduna, and Plateau confirmed 145, 138 and 80 respectively. Other states include Katsina-70, Gombe-52, Niger-31, Kano-23, Bayelsa -21, Bauchi-18, Ondo-18, Rivers-17, Ogun-12, Oyo-12, Edo – eight, Nasarawa- eight, Ebonyi- seven, Osun- six, Ekiti- five, Kebbi- five, Borno- four, Jigawa- three, Akwa Ibom- two and Anambra-one." 483283,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.2.9 Conocimiento de casos de violencia sexual Otra pregunta dirigida a la población venezolana de 18 y más años de edad fue ¿Desde que llegó al Perú, sabe o conoce de alguna persona venezolana que ha sido víctima de violencia sexual?, el 2,9% respondió que sabe o conoce de personas que han padecido violencia sexual. Tanto hombres como mujeres respondieron casi en igual proporción conocer casos de violencia sexual." 213747,45291.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/12/4/bangladesh-ships-rohingya-refugees-to-island-despite-protests,"[4th December 2020, Bangladesh] More than 1,600 Rohingya refugees sailed on Friday from Bangladesh’s southern port of Chittagong for the remote island of Bhasan Char in the Bay of Bengal, a naval official said, despite opposition from humanitarian groups against the move. The South Asian nation says it is only moving refugees who are willing to go and that this will ease chronic overcrowding in camps that are home to more than one million Rohingya, members of a Muslim minority who have fled neighbouring Myanmar." 292258,52161.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,21,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202103230144.html,"Disabled internally displaced people suffer disproportionately in Burkina Faso's war with local bandits, jihadi groups and other terrorists." 192543,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The population of the country comprises about 60 ethnic groups, the Dinka and the Nuer being the largest. The ethnic composition of different areas in South Sudan has changed due to several decades of conflict, mass displacement, rural-to-urban migration, and shifting migratory patterns of pastoralist communities." 188581,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"La zone de santé (ZS) de Buta au Bas-Uélé a rapporté son premier cas confirmé de COVID- 19. Ainsi, le nombre de ZS affectées dans le pays passe à 145 (Tableau I)." 174559,41246.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000118469.pdf,"[ 1st July 2020, Borno, Yobe states] Nigeria's annual inflation rate rose for a tenth straight month to 12.6% in June of 2020 from 12.4% in the prior month. The prices of most staple food commodities are generally expected to remain well above average in both Borno and Yobe States during the rest of the lean season months of August and September. A slight decrease is expected thereafter." 145463,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"At the time of writing, partners were supporting facilitation of safe return post-exams and to reduce potential contamination through the administering of predeparture care packages, including information awareness raising sessions, PPEs and hand sanitizers." 222828,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,Al-Shabaab continues to put pressure on the Jawhar-Mogadishu and Mogadishu-Afgooye-Marka access roads by staging improvised explosive device attacks and coercing vehicles using such routes into paying “taxes” 218999,45705.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/node/18588/pdf/reversing_gains.pdf,"However, concern about COVID-19 is not the only issue threatening children’s access to education. Around 63 per cent of teachers reported that endemic poverty prevents caregivers from sending their children to school, with a staggering 61 per cent of teachers citing child labour as one of the primary reasons that prevent children from attending school" 156622,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"As of 19 July 2020, 62 cases have been reported from the camps: four cases from camp 1W, two from camp 2E, six from camp 2W, nine from camp 3, one from camp 4, one from camp 5, ten from camp 6, five from camp 7, one from camp 8E, two from camp 8W, two from camp 9, two from camp 10, two from camp 11, one from camp 12, two from camp 14, two from camp 18, two from camp 22, two from camp 24, one from Camp 27, two from Kutupalong RC and three from Nayapara RC" 278627,50856.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Agriculture']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,113,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Most farmers have to rely on the expensive diesel fuel prices offered in the local market to cover the unmet needs. The availability and subsequent price changes of fuel and other energy sources will be monitored as this may have ripple effects on land preparation, and subsequently agriculture production and processing. Furthermore, diesel fuel and other forms of energy are essential for groundwater extraction for irrigation purposes, transportation of products and inputs to markets, food processing and preservation; the high cost and limited availability of diesel fuel, in particular, will have adverse effects on agricultural production." 112518,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En Norte de Santander, el sistema educativo atiende a 21.229 personas venezolanas, de los cuales 7.165 son niños de 3 a 7 años. Por su parte, en Cúcuta, se cuenta con una matrícula de 167.508 niños y adolescentes, de los cuales 10.322 son estudiantes venezolanos. De estos, 3.389 tienen de 3 a 7 años (datos del SIMAT, 2019)." 353489,57851.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,47,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpaisvallenato.com/2021/05/31/reactivan-en-valledupar-toma-de-muestras-covid-19-a-poblacion-migrante/,"En el municipio de Valledupar, el último reporte entregado por la Secretaría de Salud Local indica un total de 47.269 casos, 649 casos activos y 1.049 fallecidos. La ocupación de camas UCI es de 90%, con una disponibilidad de 29 camas." 361326,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,125,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Factors consistently associated with childhood drowning in Bangladesh include male sex, age, rural residency, the rainy monsoon season, lack of physical barriers between people and water bodies, inadequate supervision, lack of water safety awareness, and risky behaviours (Rahman et al, 2017, 2009; Callaghan et al, 2010; Hyder et al, 2008, 2003; Ahmed et al. 1999). Most drowning deaths occur in natural water bodies, such as ponds, ditches, lakes, and rivers, which children commonly use for playing and bathing (Hossain et al, 2020; Rahman et al, 2005)." 125929,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,33,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Nearly all migrants (88%) mentioned that they travelled to Libya in groups, and a third of them (34%) mentioned that they were with family members." 198384,44154.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/neuf-mois-apr-s-l-apparition-des-premiers-cas-de-covid-19-en-afrique-quelle-est,"Aujourd’hui, il se voit confronté à une rapide détérioration de sa sécurité alimentaire. Selonune analyse effectuée par le PAM, ce sont plus de 3 millions de personnes qui se retrouvent confrontées à une crise alimentaire ou d’urgence, le double par rapport à l’année 2019." 382863,60305.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,25,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3757771,"On 11 July, media reported heavy rain in Dabeiba municipality causing the overflow of a river affecting 6,000 people from 17 surrounding villages." 338773,56193.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"The DRC’s endowment of mineral resources— including copper, gold, tin, tungsten, and cobalt located largely in eastern Congo and estimated to be worth over $24 trillion—could drive the economic development of the entire country." 307813,52942.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Potato: The average price increased by 0.8% compared to the third week of November. The increase occurred in: Hilmand (33%) and Zabul (7%). The main reasons for the increase was supply shortfalls. Meanwhile prices decreased only in Kandahar (5%), due to sustained supply to the market. There was no change in the price of potato in the rest of the provinces" 304357,50889.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"While water supply quantities average 15 litres per person per day across the response, some areas remain well below response standards with just 7 litres per person per day" 222773,46090.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431838-covid-19-ncdc-confirms-1145-new-infections-1-additional-death-335-recoveries.html,"[16thDec2020,Nigeria] The latest figure surpassed the 930 cases recorded across the country on Wednesday, Dec. 16 , giving further indication that the country is experiencing a second wave of the virus. The public health agency sadly recorded one death in the last 24 hours in the country." 223011,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,94,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Recommendations: Humanitarian mine action, aligned with international standards, must be the benchmark for success in Nigeria. Decisions about when to declare land safe and release it to communities must be based solely on work done by mine action operators in line with international standards. Cases of ordnance disposal by the military or police should be recorded and shared with the national mine action centre - but should not be the basis for declaring land safe or encouraging displaced people to return." 145367,36006.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,17,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/crisisinsight-weekly-picks-16-july-2020,The Bab al Hawa crossing between Turkey and northwest Syria will remain operational for one year. 213244,45314.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/world/2020/12/08/twice-trafficked-covid-19-fuels-fears-for-survivors-in-bangladesh,"[8th December 2020, Bangladesh] According to charity Winrock International, 72 of the 77 survivors they support in the northern city of Rangpur saw their income fall - 14 lost their jobs - between April and August. Relatives of about 400 trafficking survivors needed food donations to survive the pandemic and so avoid falling back into trafficking, said the charity Justice and Care. Add to that the fact that survivors now carry an extra burden of repaying the loans they took out to survive lockdown, and the risk of re-exploitation rises still further." 483288,67232.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,95,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.4.2 Cambios en el comportamiento o en actitudes En la ENPOVE se incluyó una pregunta dirigida a la población menor de 18 años de edad acerca de los cambios fuertes en su comportamiento o actitudes en el último mes, antes de la entrevista. Los resultados revelan que el 26,2% de la población menor de 18 años de edad padeció de cambios fuertes en su comportamiento. El 27,1% de las mujeres menores de 18 años expresaron dicha situación, 1,6 puntos porcentuales más que los hombres (25,5%)." 164599,39753.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,Jingles on COVID-19 awareness and prevention that were developed in collaboration with WASH continue to be aired daily in Hausa and Kanuri languages by BRTV and Peace FM radio stations in Borno state. 63090,18663.0,1386.0,[],[],[],en,118,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"The country is facing a complex scenario, with a significant deterioration in indicators of physical and mental health, water, sanitation, and hygiene. About three million people suffer from chronic diseases and a lack of access to treatment. The lack of curative and preventive health measures and the reduction of water supplies have had critical consequences for the population. Based on surveillance and analyses of secondary data, health and water sanitation and hygiene are primary needs considering the increased levels of hepatitis A, maternal and infant mortality; the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles and diphtheria; and increases in numbers of infectious diseases such as malaria" 145457,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"OCHA Syria also continues to engage the Inter-Sector Coordination team in Damascus to coordinate the response within Syria. WHO is holding daily meetings in Damascus and weekly Health sector coordination meetings and operational calls to monitor implementation of the COVID-19 Preparedness and Response plan. Weekly operational calls on NES are also ongoing, including on enhancing and strengthening preparedness and response efforts at points of entry." 8824,2888.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%201%20June%202018.pdf,"So far in 2018, the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG) rescued/intercepted a total of 6,929 refugees and migrants. In May alone, a total of 1,756 individuals were disembarked in Libya. The majority of those disembarked were from Mali, Ivory Coast and Eritrea. UNHCR and its partner International Medical Corps (IMC) are present at disembarkation points to provide humanitarian and medical assistance. Similar to previous trends, the boats departed from sites near Garabulli (east of Tripoli), Azzawiya and Zwara (west of Tripoli)." 384785,60456.0,2099.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,2,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,196 décès 265710,49620.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,41,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,Le contexte du COVID-19 a en outre entraîné une baisse des transferts de fonds de la part des migrants qui ont souffert de la fermeture des entreprises et du ralentissement des économies des pays d’accueil. (Nov.2020) 245773,47760.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/portal/salaprensa/Especiales-Prensa/402712:El-Pais-El-pais-se-prepara-para-el-regreso-a-clases,"Volver a estudiar en un espacio físico donde los alumnos puedan tener contacto con sus compañeros y docentes es fundamental, según los expertos. Como lo afirma la psicóloga clínica Tatiana González Vélez, ""la ansiedad y las preocupaciones también han estado presentes en los niños y niñas durante estos meses"". Por lo que regresar a clases presenciales favorecerá su desarrollo integral, afectivo y cognitivo." 240939,47675.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"As of 5 November, 1,529 cases and 99 deaths have been reported across 17 provinces. Over the past few weeks, there has been a flare-up of the pandemic in certain localities of the country, particularly in the South, where humanitarian community staff have also been affected." 457609,65405.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"la distance à parcourir pour la recherche de bois et la corvée d’eau, ainsi que pour l’usage de toilettes, qui ne sont pas séparés par sexe peuvent augmenter les risques de VBG (viols, agressions sexuelles, agressions physiques) pour les femmes et les filles" 16491,6352.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"To date, approximately 176,400 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), over 247,800 children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and 188,950 Pregnant and lactating women (PLW) with acute malnutrition, have been admitted for treatment. In addition, 388,110 children have received micronutrient powders, while over 982,000 women have received Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) counselling. Some 205,700 children aged 6-23 months and around 248,600 pregnant and lactating women, were reached through Blanket Supplementary Feeding programmes." 314527,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],fr,139,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook, afrique] Les facteurs défavorables qui pourraient faire dérailler la reprise sont notamment une résur- gence des cas de COVID-19, le surendettement, la volatilité des marchés financiers qui entrave les flux de capitaux, la faiblesse des prix des matières premières, la faiblesse du tourisme et des envois de fonds, les événements météorologiques extrêmes ainsi que les tensions sociales. Les fac- teurs favorables qui pourraient entraîner une crois- sance meilleure que prévue sur le continent com- prennent le déploiement efficace de traitements et vaccins contre la COVID-19, en particulier dans les pays africains, la mise en œuvre complète de l’Ac- cord de libre-échange continental africain, et des progrès continus dans la transformation structu- relle, avec notamment la digitalisation et les dispo- sitions de télétravail." 247988,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Site Daboua école, Court terme = Installer 2 forages à motricité humaine en urgence ; Construire 20 latrines communautaires d’urgence en considérant le ratio 10 ménages pour une latrines" 347762,56800.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,73,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: There are limited opportunities for women in the host community to participate in their community governance structures and influence decision-making processes92 . Women and girls are primarily responsible for cooking (100%), cleaning (100%), care work (95%), collecting water (92%), homestead gardening (41%)." 237261,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]Conducted decontamination and disinfection of SSH, and FMC Nguru Isolation centers. Conducted decontamination and disinfection of house-holds of confirmed cases in Damaturu LGA" 389652,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,169,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"En Amazonas (azul oscura punteada) ha muerto una persona por cada 330 habitantes (3 personas por cada 1000), hasta hace poco, la más alta del país desde el inicio de la pandemia (recientemente superada por Atlántico y Bogotá). Caquetá, Putumayo y Guaviare aumentaron de manera importante la tasa de mortalidad durante el último trimestre. En contraste, Guainía y Vaupés no han tenido mayores modificaciones. Al comparar esta gráfica con la tasa de incidencia acumulada por departamento es evidente la gran diferencia en la distancia que hay entre la curva nacional y las de Amazonas, Caquetá y Putumayo en ambos indicadores. La tasa de mortalidad es muy superior a la de incidencia. Esto ocurre porque, a pesar del subregistro de casos y muertes, el de las muertes es menor. Esto explica parcialmente porqué es mayor la letalidad en varios departamentos y municipios amazónicos en comparación con el resto del país." 171495,40704.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] When the COVID-19 pandemic began, World Vision was operating 29 informal learning centres in 10 camps (4 Ext., 8E, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 18 and 19) funded by UNICEF. Eleven of the learning centers provided informal education for children age 3-14 based on the Learning Competency Framework Approach; 18 multi-purpose child and adolescents centres for children age 15-18 focused on delivering pre-vocational training, life skills, literacy and numeracy skills." 160515,38373.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En el trimestre anterior, la falta de documentación como limitante fue identificada por el 43.2% de los encuestados, y en el periodo actual por el 38%. A pesar de que la documentación se percibe como la mayor limitante, la población que tiene el PEP no siempre encuentra un empleo formal." 240518,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,72,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"Pro-Government Forces were responsible for 32 per cent of all civilian casualties during the first quarter of 2020, causing 412 civilian casualties (198 killed and 214 injured). Of concern, Pro-Government Forces were responsible for more child casualties than Anti-Government Elements during the first three months of the year and over twice as many child deaths, mainly due to airstrikes and indirect fire during ground engagements." 191105,43282.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,Low reporting by male GBV survivors due to discriminatory social norms and limited number of men and boys as GBV service providers to cater to the needs of men and boys. 265707,49620.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,83,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Trois Frontieres) Les économies des trois pays reposent pour une large part sur l’économie informelle : les emplois informels représenteraient en effet plus des trois quarts des emplois non agricoles103. Les restrictions de mouvements et les mesures de confinement ont donc été un frein à ces activités, limitant les migrations saisonnières, les opportunités de travail journalier et les petites activités de revente grâce auxquelles un grand nombre de ménages complétent leurs revenus. (Nov.2020)" 237242,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,74,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]No COVID-19 related mortality was recorded for 31 consecutive weeks. Twenty-two (22) COVID-19 patients have recovered and were discharged from isolation facilities. One hundred and two (102) samples were collected in week 52. Thirty-five (35) samples tested positive, sixty-three (63) are negative, and the results of the remaining two (2) samples are pending" 304243,53037.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,31,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,il est prévu que les mouvements de population et les flux commerciaux à travers la frontière avec le Nigéria resteront similaires aux niveaux actuellement observés en dessous de la moyenne. 73330,21154.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"The above notwithstanding, the are in some Southern Cone administrative and practical barriers that impede access to health services in certain countries, for example for those who do not meet all the documentation requirements to regularize their stay. Concretely, Argentina has recently implemented laws and practices at sub-national level that, varying in scope, restrict access to health services for refugees and migrants who are in the process of regularizing their stay or who are in an irregular situation." 48903,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],en,42,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"The Colombian government is also supporting additional care in selected individual cases, to the extent that resources allow, on a humanitarian basis through special permission; for example, this is being done with some cases of childhood cancer." 495128,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,67,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los flujos migratorios venezolanos en el país La mayoría de los migrantes venezolanos que llegan desde Ecuador, generalmente cruzan la frontera desde el Cantón Huaquillas, y se dirigen hacia el CEBAF (Centros Binacionales de Atención en Frontera), ubicado en el distrito de Zarumilla. Allá las autoridades migratorias, policiales y de los diversos sectores reciben y controlan el flujo migratorio." 316787,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Les dépenses sociales visant à atténuer les effets de la COVID-19, combinées à la réduction des recettes fiscales, ont entraîné une légère aggravation du déficit public, qui est passé de 0,8 % du PIB en 2019 à 1,2 % du PIB en 2020." 160539,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,64,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Aunque en Antioquia el 54% percibe su entorno como seguro o muy seguro, existen pandillas y actores armados no estatales que se han establecido como mediadores en los problemas de convivencia de algunos barrios de Medellín. Dichos grupos han prohibido a los pobladores denunciar y acudir a las autoridades, por medio de amenazas contra la vida y la integridad." 391153,61470.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 3% of interviewees reported living with disabilities themselves, and 29% of households reported having at least 1 household member living with a disability including the respondent." 217575,45271.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,34,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Furthermore, the flow of urban to rural remittances as well as the cross-country transfers from Iran and other countries has been severely impacted by global lockdowns and large-scale unemployment due to COVID-19." 310082,53753.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_25_february_2021_final.pdf,"Afghanistan now has the second highest number of people in emergency food insecurity in the world (5.5 million), while nearly one in two children under-five will face acute malnutrition in 2021." 358560,58464.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Most commonly reported sources of electricity used by households (by % of communities): 81% said Main network, 9% said Private generator, 9% said Community generators and less than 1% said Solar panels." 247464,46458.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"Many IDPs and returnees lack the resources to access secure land and housing, and live in challenging conditions in urban informal settlements in large cities." 172981,40676.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,79,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Impact de l’épidémie de COVID-19 sur le contexte opérationnel : Les risques de stigmatisation liés au COVID-19 et l’acceptation réduite du personnel humanitaire sur le terrain par les bénéficiaires • Les risques de rupture des stocks d’intrants (kits d’abris d’urgence, matériaux de construction, kits AME, etc.) • Les risques de transmission du COVID-19 lors des activités de distribution en nature et des foires" 392652,60861.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,83,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Con relación a las condiciones de vida del individuo y del hogar, los participantes relevaron la necesidad de estabilidad económica e ingresos, a través de un empleo o de una ayuda externa, para poder subsistir o sostener una cuarentena total. También expresaron necesidades ingresos, ayuda y medidas acerca del pago de vivienda y servicios y del acceso a alimentos. Finalmente, se menciona la necesidad de medidas que promuevan el bienestar general propio y de familiares." 220939,45369.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/stop-aux-mutilations-g-nitales-f-minines-faire-ensemble-du-burkina-faso-un,"« Au Burkina Faso, 41 % des femmes se font battre parce qu’elles refusent d’avoir des relations sexuelles ou de s’occuper des enfants. Et 54 % d’entre elles sont exclues des processus décisionnels concernant leur propre santé. Et pourtant, dans cette société largement patriarcale, beaucoup de personnes trouvent cela normal ; la prise de conscience est donc compliquée. », explique Thierry Nkurabagaya, Expert Enabel et Coordinateur du projet She Decides au Burkina Faso." 237852,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"De los 1 142 casos notificados de malaria complicada, el 70,1 % (800) presentó complicaciones hematológicas, el 16,5 % (189) hepáticas y el 17,3 % (197) otras complicaciones" 126130,34397.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"los niveles de inseguridad alimentaria son más altos para los hogares migrantes que para los hogares de acogida, debido al acceso limitado a los alimentos y la dependencia de utilizar estrategias negativas de supervivencia para hacer frente a la falta de alimentos o dinero para comprarlos." 132640,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,272,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La respuesta a agua, saneamiento e higiene beneficiará tanto a la población venezolana como a las comunidades de acogida afectadas, particularmente en estructuras públicas compartidas (escuelas y centros de salud). Esta respuesta también se enfocará en fortalecer las capacidades de acogida junto con las prácticas de higiene en albergues temporales. La respuesta contribuirá a entornos saludables y seguros que enfrentan, entre otros, el manejo de residuos sólidos. También permitirá a los niños y niñas, sin considerar su nacionalidad, a ser agentes de cambio para mejorar las prácticas de agua, saneamiento e higiene en sus familias y comunidades. El sector propone para el año 2020 un cambio sustancial en el enfoque de CEBAF en Tumbes a una mayor intervención nacional, dirigido a las principales ciudades a lo largo de la costa del norte del Perú, de Tumbes a Lima, siendo las que albergan la mayor cantidad de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela (Chiclayo, norte de Lima, Piura, Trujillo y Tumbes). La acción beneficiará a todos los usuarios, sin considerar su nacionalidad, en escuelas públicas, centros de salud y albergues temporales ubicados en las ciudades antes mencionadas. Las instituciones objetivo serán identificadas a través del trabajo conjunto de los sectores de Educación, Salud y Necesidades Básicas, que operan en el GTRM nacional, junto con sus puntos focales locales, a través de criterios acordados comúnmente. El sector también se proyecta a los refugiados y migrantes (inclusive a las y los sobrevivientes)." 114143,31147.0,1898.0,[],[],[],es,91,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) proyecta que en América Central la caída del producto interno bruto (PIB) podría alcanzar -2,3 por ciento, a raíz de la caída en el turismo - como se ha manifestado ya en Guatemala y en El Salvador, donde el sector representa el 20 por ciento del PIB en el 201817 - y la reducción de la actividad de Estados Unidos, el principal socio comercial de la región y la mayor fuente de remesas." 316786,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,34,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Malgré les prix élevés des produits miniers, le déficit des comptes courants s’est détérioré, passant de 3,8 % du PIB en 2019 à 5,4 % du PIB en 2020." 16504,6352.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,104,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster supports an efficient logistics response through coordination and information management. The Logistics Cluster also facilitates access to common services for humanitarian organisations, which include: cargo transport from Djibouti to Sana’a by air, and to Aden and Al Hudaydah by sea; overland cargo transport and cargo storage across Yemen; fuel distribution in Sana’a, Al Hudaydah and Aden; and sea passenger transport from Djibouti to Aden and Al Hudaydah. In addition, UNHAS connects Amman to Sana’a, and Djibouti to both Sana’a and Aden." 163987,34165.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,38,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Fortalecer los esquemas de protección personal ante contagio en funcionarios del Ministerio Público, Comisarias de familias, Inspecciones de Policía y entidades de orden civil que generan atención a público incluyendo atención a emergencias humanitarias." 214679,45417.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"3 principales raisons pour expliquer la destruction partielle ou totale des abris au cours du mois précédent, en % de localités évaluées18 : Intempéries (vent, pluie, etc.) Inondations Conflits/combats/attaques" 153918,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,37,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Por una parte, dados los trabajos informales y sitios de hábitat inadecuados e inseguros, las mujeres se ven expuestas a situaciones de acoso, violencia sexual y presión de colombianos para el comercio sexual." 199652,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Some 6.4 million people were acutely food insecure in August 2019, according to the IPC analysis released in August. Conflict remains the main driver of food insecurity." 342375,56634.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Gasto en aerolíneas continúa recuperándose y alcanza su máximo desde marzo de 2020. Hoteles y restaurantes también se aceleran en la última semana. 236019,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,35,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"However, as repeated armed confrontations in August caused new displacements, there is a high likelihood that more GBV cases were perpetrated than reported, as access to affected communities has been limited." 244262,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"The pandemic, in addition to affecting the public health system, has also had wider socio-economic impacts that have further weakened the coping strategies of the vulnerable part of the population, among the informal sector, the migrant workers, refugee or internally displaced population." 208799,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"An estimated 2.5 million children and caregivers in South Sudan are most at risk of violence, exploitation and abuse, requiring sustained child protection services." 115967,30124.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Hasta el 7 de junio, se recibieron $115,7 millones de dólares para actividades humanitarias." 225675,46393.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201222-syria-russia-discuss-obtaining-covid-vaccine/,"[22nd December 2020, Syria] Syria's Minister of Foreign Affairs Faisal Mekdad announced that his country is discussing with Russia the possibility of obtaining the Russian-made coronavirus vaccine named ""Sputnik V""." 356669,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Brindar reparaciones, así como acceso a servicios de salud, a víctimas de violencia policial, incluyendo servicios integrales para víctimas de violencia sexual." 203568,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Prix du mil le plus élevé à Agadez et Tahoua 126315,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,La tasa de participación laboral más alta de los hogares migrantes está en los departamentos de Cesar y La Guajira 90% y 88% respectivamente. 418851,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,163,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Selon les résultats de l’EMC-2018, avec un seuil de pauvreté de 164 955 FCFA par personne et par an, l’incidence de la pauvreté se situe à 36,2% contre 40,1% en 2014. Cette baisse de la pauvreté concerne les milieux urbain et rural mais est plus prononcée en milieu urbain. En effet, l’incidence de la pauvreté est passée de 13,7% en 2014 à 10,0% en 2018 en milieu urbain selon les résultats des EMC, soit une baisse de 3,7 points de pourcentage. Par contre dans le milieu rural, la baisse est de 2,9 points de pourcentage car l’incidence est passée de 47,5% en 2014 à 44,6% en 2018. Le nombre de pauvres selon l’EMC-2018 est estimé à 7,3 millions de personnes dont 93,3% en milieu rural. Ainsi, neuf pauvres sur dix vivent en milieu rural." 486077,67508.0,2098.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,122,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BGD_SDM_District_Cox%27s%20Bazar_Final.pdf,"[Nov- Dec 2019, Cox's Bazar] Ninety-six per cent of potential migrants reported facing personal challenges during the six months prior to the interview. Unemployment was the most commonly reported primary personal challenge. Financial problem/debt was the most commonly reported secondary personal challenge. At the household level, 99 per cent of potential migrants reported facing challenges. As with personal challenges, insufficient income was the most common primary household challenge. Financial problem/debt was the most cited secondary household challenge. At the community level, 87 per cent of potential migrants reported that their communities faced challenges. Respondents most frequently cited a lack of job as their primary community level challenge." 175491,41213.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,L’harmonisation des stratégies et politique d’offre des soins en faveur des personnes vulnérables dans les zones affectées; 185056,31163.0,1388.0,[],[],[],en,117,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/II%20Annual%20Report%20of%20the%20Regional%20Comprehensive%20Protection%20%26%20Solutions%20Framework%20%28MIRPS%292019.pdf,"Alvarado Quesada, considering guaranteeing access to human rights for people with international protection needs is a commitment made through the MINARE. However, the national reality imposes challenges in guaranteeing the sustainability of the State’s response – particularly in terms of employment and fiscal reform. The sustained increase in the number of asylum claims during the past years – particularly of Nicaraguans – has exerted pressure over the Costa Rican institutions and makes necessary to adapt its capacities to assist and integrate people within national systems. Thus, technical and financial cooperation strategies must be advanced to strengthen the institutions’ capacities to prove timely and comprehensive assistance for refugees." 322514,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 2% and 1% of households of both IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement respectively reported their property or possessions were damaged or stolen in the 30 days prior to data collection. 163143,39065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_30_august_2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,A total of 27 cases are on admission in various isolation centres in Borno State. They are all in stable condition and those in self-isolation are asymptomatic and stable. 21 patients were discharged at the end of week 35. 295548,52365.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,99,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"Intentions and posible developments In the vast majority of the community groups, 40 out of 50 groups, 80% of the participants indicated that they intend to stay in the municipality of Arauquita. Some said they will stay until they are provided with guarantees to be able to return to Venezuela. In the remaining groups, participants indicated that they would return to Venezuela as soon as possible. In general, participants reported that at least one member of the household will return temporarily to verify the condition of their house and belongings." 347783,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Furthermore, individuals with disabilities were reported to feel unsafe accessing or using WASH facilities at a higher rate than individuals who were not found to have a disability." 200165,43256.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Extreme poverty prevents vulnerable people from paying the costs necessary for health care. Drinking water supply - in quantity and quality - remains precarious. In basic sanitation, the latrines are insufficient and insecure, with people favoring open defecation, resulting in poor personal and community hygiene practices." 475460,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,51,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"En ce qui concerne la situation générale des déplacements de population au Burkina Faso, le rapport statistique produit par le CONASUR4 à la date du 30 juin 2021, indique un total de 45.597 PDI enregistrées dans la Boucle du Mouhoun dont 9.363 hommes, 10.181 femmes et 26.053 enfants" 207305,43256.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"While handwashing with soap is highly recommended [to prevent COVID], only 18% of the total population have a soap or disinfectant product in their premises with disparities among regions (3% in the South, 10.8% in the South West and 42% in the Far North) and between urban (10% of households) and rural areas (26% of households)." 167041,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"According to data sourced from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), the last time Nigeria recorded a lower weekly figure was the 641 cases recorded between April 19 and May 25." 294719,52363.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,266,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"HEALTH 43%of households report that at least one member of their household has needed some medical treatment in the 30 days before data collection. Of these households, 49% reported that they have had difficulty accessing medical treatment. Main constraints include not being affiliated with the health system (reported by 56% of households), the high cost of services and medicines (51%) and the lack of documentation. 80% of the household members are not affiliated to the health system. 16% of children aged 0 to 6 have not been vaccinated. 24% of the people interviewed indicated that, during the 30 days prior to the survey, a member of the household had presented needs related to sexual and reproductive health services. There are large gaps between the need for sexual and reproductive health and the availability of these services. For instance, 35% of the households reporting that they were in need of contraceptive services (7% of the total households) were unable to access these services. 41% of those interviewed mentioned that one or more members of their household had experienced symptoms of anxiety, reduced sleep or crying episodes in the seven days prior to data collection. In terms of mental health, there was a 12 percentage point increase in households that reported at least one symptom such as anxiety, crying episodes or reduced sleep, which could point to a deteriorating mental health situation." 237241,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]Yobe SMOH team, in collaboration with WHO HTR teams and AVADAR informants, UNICEF VCMs, and CGPP volunteers, conducted mass community sensitization, reaching 7,256 people with COVID19 prevention messages" 304053,50891.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"UNICEF also assisted UNHCR in responding to the needs of refugees outside camps which represent an estimated 78 percent of total refugee populations. These are served through activities such as, outpatient programmes, infant and young child feeding counselling sessions (IYCFs), community based child protection networks and WASH programmes." 181193,42443.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/143_covid_snapshot_WA.pdf,"Lack of money remains a primary barrier to health access. Some 52% of refugees and migrants interviewed in Burkina Faso reported not having money to access healthcare, followed by 47% in Niger, and 38% in Mali. These figures are very similar to those reported in April for Mali and Niger, although respondents in Burkina Faso more frequently reported having access this time (61% of respondents in April said they did not have access to health care)." 266935,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,130,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"Rural self-defence militias have already committed abuses, including two mass killings that shocked the Burkinabé public in 2019 and 2020. The first took place near the town of Yirgou (Centre North), where self-defence groups murdered 49 Fulani on 1 January 2019 in retaliation for a jihadist attack occurring the night before in a neighbouring village. The second happened on 8 March 2020 in the towns of Barga and Dinguila (north west), when a militia opened fire on local inhabitants and burned down their houses, killing at least [Carayol, “Les milices prolifèrent au Burkina Faso”, op. cit. See also Crisis Group Report, Burkina Faso: sortir de la spirale des violences]." 386417,60870.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,65,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Enfoque Social Debido a que el desplazamiento tiene como lugar de alojamiento temporal un espacio público del municipio, se presenta rechazo a la población víctima de conflicto armado por parte de autoridades locales y comunidad general del lugar receptor, por afectaciones que estarían realizando a las instalaciones del parque principal de la ciudad; se evidencia tensiones sociales generadas por choques culturales." 457632,65405.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Des risques liés à la restriction des mouvements à cause du COVID ont été identifiés. Il s’agit notamment du manque d’accès à un niveau de vie adéquate parce que les populations se retrouvent dans l’incapacité d’exercer des activités génératrices de revenus (4% des répondants). Le manque de regroupement a amené certaines personnes à modifier leurs modes de vie selon 3/4 groupes. 134094,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,67,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En 2011 se creó el Sistema Integrado de Información Criminal del Delito de Trata de Personas (SISTRATA) en la órbita del Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación. Para ampliar la capacidad de investigación y para crear un registro más amplio, en 2017 se estableció el SISTRATA Federal, el cual actualmente se encuentra en proceso de incorporar información de todas las provincias." 221705,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The myriad challenges associated with delivering humanitarian assistance in Somalia have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Movement restrictions and other government directives, disruptions to imports and national supply chains and challenges to access owing to flooding have affected the availability of basic commodities and contributed to increased prices." 177284,41744.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,14% des utilisateurs de savons et/ou cendres estiment en avoir en quantité suffisante pour l'hygiène du ménage. 158968,39161.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Humanitarian organizations are setting up additional waterpoints, distributing hygiene kits which include soap or chlorinated solutions where water is not directly available, rehabilitating latrines, constructing isolation and quarantine facilities, increasing testing capabilities and contact-tracing, and improving access to treatment for those affected. Access to resources for aid organisations is crucial to continue mobilizing communities and local actors, as well as to mitigate supply chain disruptions experienced across the globe." 328624,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 11% of IDP settlement and 13% of non- IDP settlement were with a protection LSG. 388584,61080.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la matinée du jeudi 24 juin 2021, quatre femmes qui s’étaient rendues au marché de Tchela localité située à 5km de Mansila pour l’achat de vivres, ont été victime de viol de la part d'un GANE." 384858,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"34 personnes ressources communautaires (administratifs, leaders religieux et coutumières, société civile) sensibilisées sur la santé mentale : identification et référencement de cas ;" 227091,46392.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,44,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201222-displaced-syrians-face-twin-threats-of-covid-winter-cold/,"[22nd Dec 2020, Syria] There is some hope, meanwhile, in the actions of a local charity that is erecting cement buildings around the camp to serve as better quarantine facilities and help keep those who test positive isolated." 193751,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,27,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Alors que les décès maternels représentent 45% de tous les décès de femmes de 15-45 ans, les adolescentes constituent 51% de cette charge." 132625,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Considerando las necesidades antes mencionadas, y con programas del Estado que apoyan las soluciones de alojamiento principalmente reservadas para la población local, la respuesta se centrará en áreas urbanas en el país, especialmente en Arequipa, Cusco, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Puno, Tacna y Tumbes." 206582,44579.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,106,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]Very few households reported using severe coping strategies that affect the household’s future productivity and are dramatic or difficult to reverse. For example, selling productive assets, child labor, begging, and exploitation were all self-reported at less than 1%. Reducing drinking and domestic water use constitutes a potential physical/psychological risk, depending on the amount reduced, and relying on seasonal water sources likely increases the risk of water contamination as well as travel time highlighting subsequent protection-related concerns, as with sending children to fetch water." 177535,41674.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-over-300000-recoveries/59058,"[16th October 2020, Bangladesh] So far, 2,875 people have died in Dhaka division, 1,129 in Chattogram, 360 in Rajshahi, 454 in Khulna, 193 in Barishal, 239 in Sylhet, 255 in Rangpur and 118 in Mymensingh. Across the country, 12,259 people are now in isolation and 39,995 in quarantine." 194887,43776.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] Infection rates jumped nearly twentyfold between September and October, the U.N. said. Since then, it has climbed 300%, with nearly 11,900 cases recorded by Nov. 16, up from 8,100 a week earlier." 152895,38062.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200270,"Damascus, SANA- Health Ministry announced on Monday that 87 new coronavirus cases were registered in the country and 8 cases have recovered while 4 ones have passed away." 194360,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Après mise à jour des données, la zone de santé (ZS) de Kirotshe au Nord-Kivu a enregistré, le 29/08/2020, son premier cas confirmé de COVID-19. Ainsi, le nombre de ZS affectées dans le pays passe à 146 (Tableau I)." 328544,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[Accountability to Affected Populations] 33% of households reported having at least one member who could not read or write. 180552,42290.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,94,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"On rencontre sur le terrain des femmes veuves personnes déplacées internes, des cheffes de ménages avec plusieurs membres de famille en charge ou vivant avec un handicap. Ces dernières s’adonnent à la mendicité, aux travaux ménagers de porte en porte avec une exposition aux violences basées sur le genre ou le mauvais payement après service rendu ou toute autre exploitation économique (utiliser les enfants dans les travaux dépassant leur capacite à des fins économiques, utilisation des dans les champs mine d’or etc.)." 278821,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Disruptions to the basic services have affected some humanitarian programmes, including the provision of cash assistance and remote monitoring through call centres." 414086,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Separate emergency budget: A separate budget should be allocated for essential health services during emergencies so that the response in that situation doesn’t delay due to budget constraints." 290597,51817.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,23,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"USD 266,8 M necessaire requis pour les provinces du Haut-Katanga, du Haut-Lomami, du Lualaba et du Tanganyika (HRP 2021)" 227040,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Although civilian casualties attributed to Anti-Government Elements dropped by 34 per cent, these groups remained responsible for the majority of civilian casualties, 58 per cent, amounting to 3,450 civilian casualties (1,278 killed and 2,172 injured) between 1 January and 30 September 2020." 240527,45197.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA attribued 21 per cent of overall civilian casualties to Afghan national security forces, eight per cent to international military forces and the remainder to pro -government armed groups and undetermined ProGovernment Forces" 17054,7145.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/libya-repatriates-12-children-of-isis-fighters-to-egypt/,"The International Committee of the Red Cross said on Thursday that in coordination with the authorities in Libya and Egypt, it had facilitated the repatriation of 12 unaccompanied Egyptian minors to Cairo." 272828,50353.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,108,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"During the reporting period, more than 55,000 beneficiaries were reached by Child Protection actors, with a variety of child protection interventions/activities. The interventions included the provision of psychosocial support services to children and caregivers, reaching 10,148 beneficiaries (7,371 children and 2,777 adults); case management for unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) and other vulnerable children, reaching 797 children (452 girls and 345 boys); and awareness raising sessions to sensitize communities on child protection risks and concerns, GBV and COVID-19 preventive measures and symptoms, reaching 36,114 beneficiaries (22,397 children and 13,717 adults)." 385602,60457.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région du Nord, la plupart des ménages arrivent également à se procurer deux repas par jour grâce aux stocks résiduels et d’un assez bon approvisionnement des marchés en céréales. Cependant, la situation nutritionnelle dans la région depuis le début de l’année 2021 fait état de 5 815 cas de malnutrition aiguë modérée et de 2 218 cas de malnutrition aigüe sévère, ce qui pourrait se détériorer davantage en raison de l’appauvrissement des stocks alimentaires et de la perte des moyens d’existence des ménages liée à l’insécurité grandissante dans la région." 280020,50901.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] Average number of individuals per shelter is 5.6." 307750,53292.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"The distribution of 200 dignity kits to vulnerable women in Likuangole was delayed due to insecurity, and 200 dignity kits for women in Vertet was impacted by physical access challenges." 111902,29953.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Los “caminantes” llegan a esta ciudad después de varios días de trayecto en los que se ven obligados a dormir en las carreteras o en albergues ofrecidos por habitantes de los municipios que bordean las vías, y comer los alimentos que pueden recoger en el camino. El trayecto es difícil no solo por la precariedad económica en la que se da la migración, sino también por las complicaciones propias del camino (humedad, bajas temperaturas, lluvias, climas a los que no están acostumbrados)." 222861,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Road access along the Mogadishu-Afgooye-Baidoa route continues to be severely constrained owing to the mounting demands of, and extortion by, “State-affiliated armed groups” (that is, groups affiliated with the national Government), clan militia, criminal groups and Al-Shabaab. According to local communities, Al-Shabaab has continued to increase its fees along some stretches of the Mogadishu-Baidoa and Mogadishu-Jawhar routes." 191158,43282.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"To address shortfalls in production during the crisis, smallholder focused intervention activities scaled up to strengthen local production and to stimulate the local economy through direct distribution of agricultural inputs (sorghum, maize, cowpeas, and beans seeds) to 1,300 most vulnerable smallholder farmers affected by COVID-19." 152947,32843.0,1188.0,[],[],[],es,59,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3650005,"Algunos Gobiernos, como los de Costa Rica y Panamá, han ido ya dando pasos positivos para contener el impacto de la pandemia y proteger la salud de las poblaciones indígenas, una de las más vulnerables, a través del reconocimiento de sus derechos e iniciativas para mejorar las infraestructuras y la cobertura de servicios públicos." 291908,51985.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/pais/colegios-de-la-guerra-otras-victimas-del-conflicto/,"El colegio La Europa, en Ovejas, Sucre, ha sufrido constantes ataques, amenazas y ha sido usado por actores del conflicto armado por su ubicación estratégica en la región de los Montes de María. En varias ocasiones, no ha sido posible que miles de niños, niñas y jóvenes de la zona accedan a la educación." 356547,58354.0,2311.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Environment']",es,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/06/22/una-persona-desaparecida-y-89-damnificadas-por-las-lluvias-en-medellin/,"“En este incidente del sector de Villatina la comunidad reportó la desaparición de una persona, el personal de bomberos en el sitio realizó las labores de búsqueda con resultados negativos. El día de hoy se siguen las labores de búsqueda del posible desaparecido con apoyo de maquinaria de la Secretaría de Infraestructura física.”, informó el comandante del Cuerpo Oficial de Bomberos de Medellín, el capitán Luis Hernández Durango." 219202,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,67,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"These [the Federal Government and members states have initiated a number of responses to coronavirus] include 51 measures to mitigate the spread and impact of COVID-19 in Somalia. However, all key ports remain operational (Mogadishu, Kismayo, Berbera, and Bossaso) in addition to the Berbera corridor. Airports continue to be open for cargo but closed for passengers." 322186,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]The main drivers of WASH LSGs were found to be: • Households without access to an improved water source (58%) • Households without access to sufficient quantity of drinking water (7%) • Households without access to soap at home (31%) • Households without access to a functional and improved sanitation facility (64%)" 162990,39122.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/28_July_2020.pdf,"In March 2020, a swift assessment of the COVID-19 situation by the Federal Government of Nigeria led to the indefinite closure of all schools and learning facilities in the country. However, the longer schools remain closed, the more severe the long-term implications, thereby exacerbating existing socioeconomic issues in the country." 229419,44602.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Since arrival, the IDPs did not receive any assistance apart from the 7bags of Maize flour, 2bigs of beans, 3 jerricans of cooking oil,1 bag of salt and 75kgs of sugar provided to them by the office of the Vice President which according to them is inadequate compared to the number of the IDPs in the area and hence had to be targeted to the most vulnerable." 134175,34849.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Cross', 'Education']",[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En una segunda etapa, se orienta la asistencia hacia la reconstrucción del proyecto de vida. Se continúa con la atención profesional social, psicológica y médica, y se propone el desarrollo de acciones recreativas, culturales, artísticas, la reinserción educativa, la capacitación laboral y el apoyo económico para actividades generadoras de ingresos. La asistencia se inicia sólo a partir del expreso consentimiento de la persona damnificada." 304965,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,126,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Refugee response coordination in East Sudan is done through monthly inter-agency meetings, including the Kassala Protection Working Group, chaired by UNHCR and with active participation from UN agencies present in the East, including WFP, WHO, FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization], UNICEF, UNFPA [UN Populations Fund], as well as INGOS and NGOs delivering camp-based response. UNHCR also coordinates Child Protection and SGBV sub-groups focused on refugee issues and host communities in the area, where implementing and operational partners meet as needed to discuss ongoing projects or emerging needs. UNHCR also leads the Field Coordination Group with local authorities and partners to coordinate the response at the camp and reception centre level." 207184,44693.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,69,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"L’insuffisance de l’aide humanitaire dans les zones d’accueil des Personnes Déplacées Internes (PDI) et les mouvements secondaires des populations ont augmenté la vulnérabilité de ces personnes. À cela s’ajoute cette année, des pluies torrentielles ayant occasionné d’importantes inondations y compris sur les sites d’accueils des PDI à Ayérou, Tillabéri et Téra." 224425,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,12,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,All mothers have good knowledge of infant and young child feeding practices 387247,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,72,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"A lo largo de las dos décadas de medición de la Encla, se ha observado una tendencia a la disminución de los contratos indefinidos, entre 1999 y 2006, y un leve aumento entre los años 2006 y 2011. la tendencia a la disminución de los contratos indefinidos se acentúa a contar de 2011, llegando en la Encla 2019 a su menor nivel, con un 65,7%." 112300,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"De igual manera, la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH) señala que el 93,5 % no tuvieron un contrato escrito y el 94,5 % no tenían acceso a seguridad social." 130788,33838.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Decreto 533: las Secretarías de Educación tienen los elementos para garantizar la operación del Programa de Alimentación Escolar 205852,43347.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Lack of basic services and infrastructure has disproportionate impacts on girls who face specific challenges due to lack of WASH facilities at schools, poor accommodation in classrooms and long walking distances to schools." 62933,18422.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://www.diarioeltiempo.com.ve/noticias/desnutricion-infantil-en-venezuela-se-eleva-un-227,"activista en Derechos Humanos Alfonzo Bolívar se pronunció en torno a las cifras de desnutrición infantil en Venezuela, al expresar que son “alarmantes, según los reportes de ONG´s la desnutrición aguda global alcanza 22,7% en algunos estados del país”." 60697,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Households that had hosted IDPs within six months that preceded the survey were found to be more food insecure (43.5 percent) compared to counterparts that have not (26.9 percent). Moreover, the severity of food insecurity was more pronounced among households that still hosted IDPs at the time of the survey (52.7 percent) compared to households that previously hosted IDPs (38.0 percent), which clearly shows a positive correlation between dependency from IDPs and incidence of food insecurity." 439340,63592.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 94% (309) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la diminution du nombre de repas constituait une stratégie au cours du mois précédent pour une partie de la population n’ayant pas accès à suffisamment de nourriture" 188120,43352.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"29 April 2020: In Logobou town, Logobou commune, Tapoa province, Est region, the guard of the departmental high school was shot and killed and the school set on fire in an attack suspected by JNIM or ISGS militants." 95210,26755.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"27 March, An attack targeting of an ambulance point in the Abu Qurayn area near Sirte. The attack resulted in the injury of two paramedics and destroyed an ambulance" 214527,45420.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,117,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gado_Sept2020.pdf,"[SITE DE GADO] Au 30 Septembre 2020, la population du site s’élève à 26 815 réfugiés centrafricains. 57% de la population a moins de 18 ans et les femmes/filles représentent 53%. Les besoins prioritaires du site de Gado portent sur le suivi des enfants au secondaire, la réponse pour les adolescents non scolarisés entre 14-17 ans, la promotion des programmes d’autonomisation des réfugiés, la redynamisation de la promotion de l’hygiène et de l’assainissement, la nécessité d’octroi de terres cultivables fertiles et d’espaces de pâturage pour les réfugiés agriculteurs et éleveurs et les abris." 158352,38375.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,81,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM_Reporte%20Situacional%20Julio%202020%20%28ESP%29.pdf,"El 7 de julio Migración Colombia anunció la posibilidad de renovar el Permiso Especial de Permanencia PEP-RAMV, del 6 de julio al 14 de agosto, beneficiando a más de 281.000 venezolanos que tienen este permiso y su fecha de vencimiento está próxima a cumplirse. El proceso de renovación se realiza a través de la página web de la institución, es gratuito, y se lleva a cabo en los días designados según el último dígito de documento" 390755,61177.0,2170.0,"['Agriculture', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy']",en,139,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] In addition, ongoing coastal erosion, rising seas and oil pollution are destroying the Delta’s mangrove forest — a major buffer against storm surge from the sea.43 Increased food insecurity is also of specific concern following disasters which result in land and infrastructure degradation due to erosion, direct crop failure due to floods and heavy rains, and possible nutrient leaching, and fungal growth due to increased humidity. Water availability will be affected by possible periods of drought.44 Given the dependency of Nigeria’s economy on climate-sensitive industries (agriculture, forestry, oil, and gas extraction), climate change inaction could cost Nigeria between 6%–30% by 2050, equivalent to a loss of US$100–460 billion." 125943,31192.0,1620.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"The Protection Sector has become aware of several reports of misconduct by security forces, suggesting the use of violence and harassment while enforcing COVID-19 movement restrictions in the North East." 192988,43603.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, some 15 women, who got training in detergent and bar soap making in 2018, were contracted by GIZ to produce 1,200-5 liter jerricans of detergent and 1,500 bar soaps which were handed over to the Jubaland Ministry of Health (JMOH) in mid-June. The JMOH distributed the soap in all its health facilities and to vulnerable households to maintain hygiene in prevention of COVID-19. This initiative has helped the women sustain their livelihoods during these tough times." 115999,30124.0,1386.0,['Education'],[],[],es,121,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades La retención de docentes en las escuelas sigue siendo una de las principales prioridades en el sistema educativo. Los salarios son insuficientes para cubrir las necesidades básicas de vida de los maestros y maestras y es necesario apoyar con otros incentivos. La asistencia y permanencia de los NNAs en las escuelas es un desafío para el sector. Se requiere apoyo en kits escolares y mejora en la calidad de la enseñanza que motiven la asistencia, así como programas de alimentación que funcionen de manera regular para garantizar la continuidad y permanencia. Estas circunstancias afectan con mayor impacto a los NNAs más vulnerables como NNAs con discapacidad, población indígena y NNAs en situación hospitalaria." 228667,46627.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Given the ties between child protection issues and economic stress, in addition to psychosocial stress posed by social isolation, child protection must be at the forefront of advocacy and systems strengthening efforts." 345209,56855.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[IDP] In Mwenga Territory, South Kivu Province, 320 displaced persons at risk, especially women at risk of SGBV have received unconditional cash assistance by UNHCR. Cash assistance promotes resilience and self-empowerment of women, by allowing them able to make their own financial decisions, thus reducing their vulnerability." 80052,22055.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,"Zliten: Approximately 100 individuals arrived in Zliten from Tripoli and Murzuq due to the unstable security situation. Some of the IDPs are renting private accommodation while others are staying with relatives and friends and their reported needs included food, NFIs, mattresses and blankets. An estimated 500 migrants arrived from areas of conflict and from Southern Libya; reportedly most of them are looking for work opportunities in Libya." 179410,42044.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,152,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.193%20%20%2812%20-%2018%20October%202020%29.pdf,"[12-18th Oct 2020,Borno, Adamawa] Askira/Uba: 67 arrivals and 151 departures were recorded in Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state. The arrivals recorded included 33 from Hong, 29 from Mubi South and 5 from Madagali LGAs of Adamawa state. The departures were 120 from Askira/Uba, 7 from Chibok and 5 from Gwoza LGAs in Borno state and 19 from Madagali LGA in Adamawa state. 82 per cent of movements were as a result of improved security, 12 per cent due to poor living conditions and 6 per cent relocated voluntarily. Bama: 114 arrivals were recorded in Bama LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 66 from Marwa region in Cameroon and 48 from Bama LGA of Borno state. 90 per cent relocated as a result of poor living conditions and the remaining 10 per cent relocated voluntarily." 293552,51589.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,"RECOMMENDATIONS: Include conflict indicators in MEAL plans and conduct regular, systematic and deliberate analyses of conflict environments. Have well-run feedback mechanisms in place as they are often the only way in which beneficiaries can flag issues before they escalate into conflict." 284799,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"At least 784 people have been reported as injured and many people have been raped amidst the recent violence. Higher numbers of wounded people and incidents of sexual and gender based violence (SGVB) must be assumed, as cases remain unreported" 237966,47318.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,56,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.areacucuta.com/80-familias-desplazadas-del-corregimiento-la-silla-en-tibu-continuan-refugiadas-en-un-iglesia/,"Los fuertes combates presentados entre grupos insurgentes del ELN y los Rastrojos En el sector de la Silla jurisdicción del municipio de Tibú, desde hace varios días, ha ocasiono el desplazamiento de gran cantidad de familias campesinas las cuales se encuentra refugiadas en una iglesia y son atendidos por organismos internacionales y municipales." 204348,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,86% des ménages [de Tillabéri] ont rapporté avoir consommé des aliments moins préférés ou moins chers. 126629,32569.0,1621.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,21,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,The lack of casual labour opportunities for migrants appear to be a critical concern as it can increase migrants’ vulnerability 390763,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,99,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Changes in rainfall with increased temperature and increases in floods and droughts will impact food security and water availability. Increased incidence of extreme rainfall may also result in soil erosion and water logging of crops, thus decreasing yields and increasing food insecurity. Given projected climate change trends, Nigeria and the surrounding West African region is expected to be a hotspot of food insecurity in the future. This may result in significant economic losses, damage to agricultural lands and infrastructure as well as human casualties." 202022,44071.0,2330.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Repair of damaged health facilities, provision of essential medical supplies, equipment and medicines to health facilities are priority actions." 274197,49666.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Mahagi] Dans ce territoire l’accès à l’eau potable se fait à travers des moyens rudimentaires, plus souvent qu’ailleurs : environ 40 % de la population s’approvisionne en eau à partir des puits non aménagés, des sources non aménagées ou des rivières et lacs. Si des améliorations dans l’approvisionnement en eau ne sont pas mises en place, le risque de maladies transmises à travers l’eau pourrait être élevé" 264375,49734.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%B1%D8%BA%D9%85-%D9%86%D9%82%D8%B5-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%83%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B9-%D8%A3%D8%B3%D8%B9%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%87%D8%A7-%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%88%D9%85%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B3%D8%AF-%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%82-%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%89-%D8%AA%D8%B5%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%87%D8%A7,"[19 Feb 2021, GoS] According to a tweet by WFP, the prices of alcohol-based disinfectants have increased by 231%, while the prices of gloves have increased by 307%, and masks by 367%, since the beginning of the year." 224216,45763.0,2332.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Jusque-là, aucune assistance en Eau, hygiène et assainissement n’a été apportée aux 33 villages visités ou consultés." 126534,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Protección: los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela siguen enfrentando riesgos de protección relacionados con el acceso al territorio y tránsito seguro, acceso a la documentación y procesos de regularización, así como el acceso efectivo al sistema de asilo. Además, hay perfiles de población con necesidades de protección específica, tales como mujeres y mujeres lactantes, niños y adolescentes, ancianos, personas con enfermedad crónica o discapacidad, y la población lesbiana, gay, bisexual, transgénero e intersexual (LGTBI)." 242491,47618.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] Fifth, students expressed frustration at the out-dated resources they were learning from and were eager for existing online resources to be incorporated into the curriculum in order to update, enhance, and diversify their learning. They felt passionately about having more choice over what they learn at school. Many feel as though the current system has become narrow, driven by the requirements of a small number of professions." 490671,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Most food shops were functional throughout July. Heavy rainfall damaged some shops while some others kept closed due to continuous heavy downpours." 210393,44790.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,97,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The volatile security situation is the primary factor which restricts the ability of humanitarians to reach people in need and sustain operations to deliver life-saving assistance and protection services. Access is extremely limited in areas with military operations or ongoing hostilities, those controlled by non-state armed actors, and in contested or blockaded areas. Sustained access in many parts of these regions is often restricted to more secured urban centres. As a result, aid operations are often forced to resort to costly and limited air access for both personnel and supplies." 163562,30906.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"ACNUR busca informar a los ciudadanos venezolanos de las implicaciones que tienen los retornos en un contexto de pandemia y frente a la crisis sanitaria de su país de origen. En un contexto de presencia de grupos armados, sobre todo en el Bajo Putumayo, amenazas presentes contra las personas que contraigan COVID-19 en el departamento." 356639,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,170,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Samuel Rodríguez (seudónimo), estudiante de 24 años de edad, participó en una protesta durante la tarde del 1 de mayo en el Parque de las Luces, en Medellín. Varios manifestantes estaban lanzando piedras a la policía, que respondía arrojando gases lacrimógenos, refirió Rodríguez. Estaba a casi 200 metros del lugar donde ocurrían los hechos violentos cuando, aproximadamente a las 4 p.m., lo embistió una motocicleta. Los agentes en la motocicleta lo golpearon con bastones y con puños, lo patearon y lo sujetaron por el cuello, contó. Rodríguez afirma que no podía respirar. La policía lo arrastró varios metros, donde otros agentes se sumaron a la golpiza. Un policía dijo que iban a detenerlo, pero Rodríguez logró escaparse, mientras sangraba profusamente. Human Rights Watch pudo corroborar un video en el que se lo ve, herido y sangrando, mientras caminaba por una calle de Medellín algunos minutos después." 201552,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Chronic vulnerabilities, diminished coping capacities and a lack of access to basic services have left an estimated 6.2 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in Cameroon in 2020." 17085,7092.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,117,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"Widespread violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) and international humanitarian rights law (IHRL) by parties to the conflict pose an ongoing threat to the life and safety of civilians, resulting in loss of life, displacement and destruction of infrastructure. The protracted nature of the conflict particularly affects women, children and people with specific needs, whose vulnerability is exacerbated, and they need to resort to negative coping mechanisms as means of survival. As grave violations of children’s rights continue to occur, support to affected children is critical, as is mine risk education. GBV incidents have risen significantly and require multi-sectoral responses." 319103,54500.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3732596,"La pandemia por COVID-19 ha generado un aumento en los incidentes detectados de productos médicos subestándar, falsificados (SF) y no registrados en el mundo. En particular, la disponibilidad limitada de las vacunas parece estar contribuyendo a la aparición de productos en canales ilegales, los que varían desde ofertas de venta en Internet, hasta incautaciones aduaneras o comercio minorista." 194897,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] Nearly 17% of infections were among health workers, who were first to get the virus. At least three doctors and an administrator died. Medical workers who survived the battlefield find themselves fighting an invisible enemy that pushes their resilience to new limits. Unlike the war wounded, an entire 24-hour shift can be devoted to just one COVID-19 patient, said Shabib, the ICU specialist. “We could work for six or eight hours nonstop without even sitting down. It is very hard work,” he said." 192300,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,127,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"To ensure targeted and realistic requirements in the revised Humanitarian Response Plan , the Humanitarian Country Teams (HCT) decided to exclude projects for IPC2 and below, and to delete, reprogram or cut by 50 per cent the budget of projects with no funding to date (and thus unable to be implemented for the full year). The HCT also agreed to suspend or reprogram activities which were no longer feasible due to COVID-19 containment measures, such as training, construction and rehabilitation works, and school feeding. The UN Country Team undertook a similar process in parallel with the HRP prioritization exercise, maintaining continuous dialogue with the HCT throughout to ensure complementarity of respective activities and programmes." 189702,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,77,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Tchad est classé 5ème pays le plus vaste du continent africain. Il est situé entre les 8ème et 14ème degrés de latitude Nord et les 14ème et 24ème degrés de longitude Est pour une superficie de 1 284 000 km². Il est limité au nord par la Libye, à l´est par le Soudan, au sud par la République Centrafricaine et à l´ouest par le Niger, le Nigeria et le Cameroun." 336111,43604.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Latrine availability: Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported that latrines are unavailable are Abiemnhom 100%, Kapoeta North 100%, Pariang 100%, Jur River 98%, Kapoeta East 96%." 304819,53078.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Les résultats obtenus démontrent aussi une prévalence nationale de malnutrition chronique qui est égale à 47,8%, bien au-delà du seuil critique des 40%, et soit presque un enfant sur deux atteints de retard de croissance au Niger. La situation est particulièrement préoccupante pour les deux régions les plus peuplées du Niger que sont Maradi et Zinder où la prévalence de la malnutrition chronique dépasse 60%." 247987,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,73,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Site Dar al kheir 2, Moyen terme = Construire 4 forages équipés de pompes à motricité humaine Mise en place et renforcement de capacité de 9 comités de gestion des points d’eau / Long terme = Faire la promotion de construction de 2000 latrines (un ménage-une latrine) ; Mise en place d’un réseau des relais communautaires pour assurer la sensibilisation de la communauté." 284821,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,Tensions and fear among civilians are rising as some members of the TMC (Transitional Military Council) were perpetrators of the Darfur genocide and other conflicts in Sudan 132622,34344.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El tema de espacios públicos para promocionar la interacción entre las diferentes comunidades comprende tanto la protección en la comunidad como la inclusión cultural y la cohesión social, bajo el Sector Integración. Los menores en situación irregular enfrentan grandes barreras con el fin de tener acceso al sistema escolar público, que requerirá una fuerte conexión con el Sector Educación" 165635,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top five ways households supplement food rations (371 responses) Borrow food or rely on help from friends/relatives 27% Eat smaller portions 27% Go to a different market in the allotted time to get extra ration 27% Reduce number of meals eaten in a day22% Eating less diverse food13% Have sufficient food3% 255179,48606.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,39,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Reach%20and%20Activities%20from%20Turkey%20%28November%202020%29.pdf,"[08/02/2021, Overall Syria] Weather conditions worsened the humanitarian situation, with heavy rains during the month causing damage in numerous IDP sites, damaging tents and inducing flooding, in turn resulting in access issues." 132626,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,a) El incremento de la cantidad de alojamientos dignos (soluciones temporales y de alojamiento) para aquellos que se encuentran de tránsito y en destino 285207,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,62,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"The security situation has forced many NGOs and agencies to evacuate their personnel. This has placed some projects on hold including in Kalma and Beliel camp, South Darfur, hosting a total of 128,000 IDPs. Most humanitarian assistance has been temporarily suspended in these areas after a series of violent incidents took place at the end of May." 454441,64535.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Más del 90% de entrevistados reportó haber experimentado afectaciones psicosociales como consecuencia de la emergencia COVID-19 272827,50353.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"Children continue to be the main population group affected by the crisis in the NWSW regions of Cameroon, with reports of increased cases of Gender-Based Violence against children and adolescents in the regions. Several cases of early pregnancies, forced/early marriages and child labour were reported." 162602,35727.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,728,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"1. Desplazamiento Forzado. Según datos del Registro Único de Víctimas (RUV), durante el 2019 se recibieron 2.546 declaraciones por diferentes hechos victimizantes, de los cuales 2.337 corresponden a desplazamiento forzado en 6 eventos masivos; enfrentamientos entre grupos armados ilegales, amenazas, homicidios selectivos y otros ataques contra la población civil, han sido las principales causas de los desplazamientos. En la región son comunes los desplazamientos interveredales e individuales, tanto en comunidades campesinas como en las comunidades indígenas zenúes y Emberá Katíos; por lo cual en la mayoría de los casos no se denuncian por temor a represalias de los grupos armados, situación que invisibiliza estos hechos. Las autoridades locales han manifestado su débil capacidad para la atención inmediata en caso de presentarse una emergencia; igualmente, las autoridades de los municipios de Tierralta, Montelíbano y Puerto Libertador (sur de Córdoba) han manifestado que existen limitaciones de acceso a las instituciones del Estado por el entorno físico, los recursos limitados y las condiciones de seguridad, lo cual no permite brindar garantías de seguridad ni condiciones adecuadas para el retorno. Todos los municipios del sur de Córdoba se mantienen en alerta ante posibles nuevos desplazamientos, motivados por los constantes combates entre las autodenominadas Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia (AGC) y los Caparrapos. Otro riesgo de desplazamiento está asociado al desalojo por parte de empresa Minerales de Córdoba a la comunidad “Minas el Alacrán” en el municipio de Puerto Libertador; esta comunidad actualmente cuenta con el título para la exploración de la mina, poniéndola en una situación de vulnerabilidad debido a que, las mesas de concertación no han arrojado acuerdos entre las partes de esta conflictividad. La Defensoría del Pueblo, a través del Sistema de Alertas Tempranas advirtió el riesgo6 para la población civil de los municipios de Tierralta, Montelíbano, Puerto Libertador y San José de Uré. Bajo este contexto se cree que están en riesgo más de 26.000 personas entre campesinos e indígenas de las poblaciones mencionadas quienes han visto una intensificación en el actuar de los grupos armados quienes según estas alertas, las organizaciones criminales actúan con mayor crueldad a través de ejecuciones públicas, decapitaciones y torturas, quema de viviendas y ordenes de desplazamiento. A pesar de que todas estas situaciones han sido alertadas por la Defensoría del Pueblo y de la respuesta dada, no siempre es oportuna ni eficaz quedando vacíos por ser cubiertos; es así como según este organismo, en dos años se han presentado “14 desplazamientos masivos de comunidades campesinas e indígenas, masacres, homicidios en persona protegida, utilización de métodos para generar terror en la población civil, desapariciones presuntamente forzadas, amenazas de reclutamiento forzado, entre otras graves conductas vulneradoras de los DD.HH. e infracciones al DIH”. De estos se resalta el desplazamiento masivo ocurrido en el municipio de Puerto Libertador (primer trimestre de 2019), corregimiento de Juan José, de más de 2.200 personas provenientes de 9 veredas hasta el centro poblado del corregimiento para salvaguardar sus vidas de los ataques violentos cometidos por grupos armados al margen de la ley. Dada la magnitud de la emergencia, las ayudas para atender la emergencia no fueron suficientes para que las comunidades desplazadas se quedaran en los albergues; esta situación generó que las comunidades paulatinamente retornaran a sus viviendas sin garantías de seguridad. En el municipio de San José de Uré y Tierralta, también ocurrieron eventos durante el año 2019 que desencadenaron desplazamientos masivos entre veredas por alrededor de 466 familias (más de 1.000 personas). En San José de Uré, el homicidio de miembros de las comunidades en la cancha de la institución educativa del corregimiento de Brazo izquierdo ocasionó una gran conmoción en la comunidad en general y afectaciones psicológicas, provocando el desplazamiento de algunas familias hacia el casco urbano de San José de Ure y el de Montelíbano. En Tierralta, el enfrentamiento entre el Ejército Nacional y grupos armados al margen de la ley causó el desplazamiento de 200 familias de etnia Emberá Katíos y una comunidad de campesinas." 288135,50610.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],en,91,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March,2021, GoS] Contact tracing also remains a challenge, including in more remote governorates and camps. In addition, for reasons including community stigma and individual reluctance to go to hospitals, it is further likely significant numbers of people with symptoms are not seeking tests or treatment. In addition to making actual numbers of cases difficult to ascertain, this may increase the risk of late referral of severe/complicated cases for treatment, negatively impacting the long-term health prospects and survival of patients." 229382,44602.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,20,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"There only two boreholes serving both the IDPs and host community, hence drinking water directly from river Nile." 384806,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Casualties->Missing'],fr,46,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Le système de santé reste fortement impacté par la situation sécuritaire au Burkina Faso. Des attaques perpétrées contre le système de santé, intimidations et enlèvement des agents de santé, vols de médicaments, ont été rapportés durant le mois de juin 2021." 158068,38779.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"6,993 # of alcohol hand rub gel sanitizers distributed in Community Centers ,distribution points,emergency team, health facilities and to ORVs" 172977,40676.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,57,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Elles [populations déplacées et retournées] ont besoin d’un nouveau type d’articles essentiels comme des masques, des gants, des gels hydroalcooliques ainsi que de thermomètres pour lutter contre la propagation du virus, et leur accès aux AME d’hygiène doit être maintenu afin de prévenir la transmission." 149555,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,36,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"La crisis sociopolítica que vive Nicaragua desde hace cuatro meses por las protestas contra el Gobierno de Daniel Ortega ha causado un importante flujo migratorio hacia Costa Rica, cuya magnitud nadie ha cuantificado con precisión" 203208,44583.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://phr.org/our-work/resources/medical-personnel-are-targeted-in-syria/,"[December 01, NWS, Lack of personnel] Between March 2011 and February 2020 there were 595 attacks on at least 350 separate facilities and the killing of 923 healthcare workers" 473896,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Igualmente, la Encuesta de Pulso Social del DANE reportó violencia en las familias, aunque en porcentajes más bajos. El 14,4% de las personas encuestadas señaló que, en los últimos siete días y como consecuencia de la cuarentena/aislamiento preventivo, se habían dado más momentos de conflictos y discusiones entre los miembros del hogar" 204392,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les options de réponses « retirer les enfants de l’école », « se séparer d’un enfant le confiant à quelqu’un d’autre », « se séparer d’un enfant en le mariant », ont été sélectionnées par moins de 1% des ménages interrogés [a Zinder]." 338661,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,74,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Aunado a esto, se presume el intento de reclutamiento, reclutamiento, uso y utilización de niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes y refugiados, quienes, por condiciones de migración irregular, el desconocimiento de las rutas de atención y de las dinámicas de la violencia y el conflicto armado en Colombia los hace más vulnerables. Los principales perpetradores de reclutamiento en Antioquia son GAO10 , GGV 11 y GDO12." 126659,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,47,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Most migrants departing Chad travelled to Libya directly, only a small minority (less than 1%) reported transiting through Niger or through Egypt before reaching Libya. 94% of interviewed Chadian migrants indicated that they entered Libya through an unofficial point of entry" 144598,34804.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,51,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"While the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Syria remains relatively low, cases have increased more than five-fold in the past month – from 50 as of 16 May to 417 as of 14 July – with new clusters emerging following a series of repatriation flights and cross-border commercial movement" 219199,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Apart from the elevated risk for the elderly and people with underlying conditions, there are also concerns that the virus could take toll on persons with disabilities." 270280,49936.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,77,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El derecho a la vida y el desarrollo de los niños y niñas se puede ver vulnerado debido a las consecuencias de la pandemia y del aislamiento para evitar su propagación. Ello puede crear condiciones que dificulten, además del derecho a la vida y al desarrollo, el acceso a la atención en salud, medicamentos y/o a una alimentación saludable, cuestiones que refieren al derecho a la salud (art.24 CDN)." 164537,39644.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,56,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"147 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the refugee camps, and 4,145 cases in the host community. 21 Rohingya refugees in quarantine who were in contact with a COVID19 suspected or confirmed case, and 976 host community members. 2,404,446 reusable masks distributed to 1,202,223 Rohingya refugees and vulnerable Bangladeshi individuals as of 10 September" 148450,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,105,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Funding, however, remains a major concern particularly for infection prevention and control and case management; currently, there is a gap of $1.1 million for PPE and $6.5 million for case management supplies alone. Only around 10 per cent of the latter (ventilators, oxygenators, intubation etc.) can be procured locally, while N95 masks, face shields and goggles are also difficult to source in country meaning that they have to be procured internationally through the Global Supply Chain Task Force, and which requires accompanying financial commitments in order to be accepted." 266681,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The increase in the food basket price is attributed to different factors mainly the continued depreciation of the Syrian pound in the informal exchange rate market and the fuel shortages that are contributing to the price increase of main food-items. For example, between December 2020 and January 2021, the national average price of red split lentils and vegetable oil have both increased by ten percent." 272822,50353.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"The protection environment in the NWSW remained very concerning in November due to ongoing insecurity with attacks on education, indiscriminate arrests by Government security forces, targeted killings, kidnappings and threats against the affected population as well as frequent clashes between Government security forces and NSAGs which led to displacements." 294056,50852.0,2466.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"Among [households] HHs with children aged 4-16 years who were attending school regularly (≥4 days/week) during the 2019-2020 school year prior to the school closures on 15 March 2020, 98% Of surveyed refugee HHs declared that their children either would return to school once the schools re-opened, or if the schools had already re-opened, that they had already returned to school, IDP (96%), Non-displaced (98%)." 63087,18763.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,179,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/venezuela/2019/08/20/solo-el-18-de-la-poblacion-venezolana-tiene-acceso-a-agua-potable-de-calidad/,"Como lo hace Ramón, cientos de caraqueños llegan al Cerro Ávila a buscar agua de manantial. Al borde de la emblemática avenida Boyacá, ciudadanos han habilitado tomas clandestinas para poder surtirse. ""Con pico y pala abrimos huecos y colocamos tubos y mangueras; nos pegamos a las tomas el manantial"", señala Rogelio, un hombre alto y fornido. Trabaja en construcción, ""pero como en este país no se levantó más nunca una casa, me dedico a buscar y a vender agua.Lleno recipientes de 20 litros y los vendo en mi barrio en 4 o 5 dólares, y hay quien los paga. Los monto en mi camioneta y hago el reparto. Tardo un promedio de ocho minutos para llenar un botellón. Claro que esto es un negocio para mí aun cuando muchos me critican porque cobro en divisas o a su equivalente en bolívares. Aquí o corres o te encaramas"", advierte aInfobaeeste residente de San Agustín, un sector popular capitalino." 150780,37921.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,73,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En plus du fret, les deux aéroports principaux (Ouagadougou et Bobo fret, Dioulasso) sont partiellement ouverts à l’entrée des ressortissants burkinabè en provenance des pays étrangers. Ces derniers sont placés en quarantaine pendant deux semaines à leur arrivée à Ouagadougou ou à Bobo Dioulasso. Cependant, aux points d’entrée terrestre certaines personnes contournent les voies officielles pour rentrer ou sortir du Burkina Faso" 196077,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,25,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Multiple shocks such as desert locusts, flooding, COVID-19 and impact of previous shocks contributed for the reported increase of acute food insecurity." 193758,43300.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les enfants sont les plus affectés par le choléra, la rougeole et le paludisme. Le nombre d´enfants de moins de cinq ans est estimé à 2,7 millions (sur 15,8 millions d´habitants) et sont les plus affectés par la malnutrition." 204740,44631.0,2335.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202020%20-%202021.pdf,"Over 2.2 million South Sudanese have fled to neighbouring countries, and an additional 1.4 million people are internally displaced, close to 200,000 of whom are sheltering in Protection of Civilian sites." 194895,43776.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] Announcements of virus deaths on social media or mosque loudspeakers compete with posters honoring those killed in battle, with 95 fatalities linked to COVID-19." 205236,43347.0,2335.0,"['Shelter', 'Health']",[],['Context->Environment'],en,54,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Countless health facilities and schools were filled with water. People became extremely vulnerable to malaria and water-borne disease outbreaks, such as cholera, as a result of the flooding. Displaced people were especially at risk, being exposed to the elements without shelter or household items such as mosquito nets." 412959,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.12 Experience in seeking physiotherapy services: Around half of the patients necessitating physiotherapy failed to take service due to economic stress and fear of corona infection: From the surveyed households around 2% or 44 individuals obtained physiotherapy services from health care centres. Less than one in five individuals (18.2%) among them could not get the frequency of physiotherapy sessions that they required." 199579,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,64,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Some of the affected areas have been cut-off due to impassable road conditions and high water levels, constraining people’s access to basic services and restricting humanitarians’ ability to assess and respond to needs. Reduced access to basic services has increased the vulnerability of people in these locations which are classified in extreme and emergency phases of food insecurity." 173320,41069.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/household-incomes-fell-by-20pc-due-to-covid-19-bbs-survey/58560,"[6 October, Bangladesh]The survey findings showed that some two-thirds (68.39 pc) of the families went through financial problems from April to July 2020 due to Covid-19 outbreak." 229237,46495.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,133,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"Las barreras principales para acceder a la alimentación son: la escasez de recursos económicos, mencionada por el 94% de las personas encuestadas, el alto costo de los productos (13%), la falta de un espacio donde cocinar o de artículos para preparar los alimentos (9%), y no tener el dinero necesario para el transporte para ir al mercado (5%). Para enfrentar estas dificultades las personas, 52% de familias monitoreadas han adoptado estrategias de emergencia (52%), 36% estrategias de crisis, y 6% las estrategias de estrés (6.2%) . Solo el 6% de familias no adoptan estrategias para enfrentar la inseguridad alimentaria (5.9%)." 187785,43282.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Vulnerable migrants continued to receive direct assistance and basic services at Migration Response Centers and the Ethiopian Community Centres in Hargeisa and Bossaso. At least 11 Somali nationals were assisted to return after more than six months of being stranded in the Islamic Republic of Iran, following the outbreak of COVID-19" 53735,16820.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,231,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"La población venezolana, que normalmente no conoce los mecanismos ofrecidos por el gobierno colombiano a las poblaciones desplazadas, se encuentra en una situación aún más precaria222. OCHA ha informado que la “ausencia de denuncias” por parte de venezolanos “imposibilita” que autoridades y organizaciones humanitarias den una respuesta adecuada223. Asimismo, las autoridades les han negado a algunos venezolanos la posibilidad de reportar abusos ante las personerías. Cuando comenzó el conflicto entre el ELN y el EPL, muchos funcionarios les negaron a los venezolanos desplazados el derecho a denunciar abusos porque consideraban que no estaban cubiertos por la Ley de Víctimas224. Más tarde, aproximadamente a partir de agosto de 2018, las personerías comenzaron a permitir que víctimas venezolanas denunciaran abusos225. Por entonces, la Unidad de Víctimas, que evalúa las declaraciones tomadas por las personerías y otros organismos, rechazaba las declaraciones de venezolanos. Pero esa situación cambió a mediados de 2019226. Para julio de 2019, la Unidad de Víctimas estaba aceptando las declaraciones de venezolanos y reconociéndolos como víctimas para los fines de la Ley de Víctimas227. De hecho, la ley reconoce como “víctimas” a “personas” que sufrieron abusos relacionados con el “conflicto armado”, sin hacer ninguna distinción explícita en cuanto a nacionalidad228." 276088,50677.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,80,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Les précipitations très élevées de la deuxième partie du mois de juillet ont provoqué de nombreux dégâts sur les cultures et sur les routes dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun. Au début du mois d’août, la Croix Rouge Camerounaise (CRC) a recensé 813 familles (5 553 personnes) sévèrement sinistrées par les inondations dans le département du Mayo- Kanay, en amont de la digue – barrage de Maga." 346938,56987.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Thousands of refugees have been relocated to Bhasan Char, a previously uninhabited low-lying silt island off the southern coast of Bangladesh. Further relocations are ongoing and the Government of Bangladesh aims to relocate an estimated 100,000 refugees to the island." 165647,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"Coping strategies reported for insufficient water (drinking and non-drinking)† Collect water from a source further away than the one normally used 56% Reduce hygiene practices such a bathing, washing 38% Rely on less preferred (unimproved) water sources for cooking and washing 31% Send children to collect water 21% Rely on less preferred (unimproved) water sources for drinking 18% Household members drink less 14% Spend money (or credit or in-kind resources) on water 5%" 188159,43352.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,59,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,Named perpetrators of violence against civilians included: ▪ Bobo Ethnic Militia ▪ Dozo Communal Militia ▪ Islamic State Greater Sahara (ISGS) ▪ Group for Support of Islam and Muslims (JNIM) ▪ Koglweogo Militia ▪ Military Forces of Burkina Faso ▪ Police Forces of Burkina Faso ▪ Volunteer for Defense of Homeland (VDP) 265697,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,36,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Il convient néanmoins de souligner que des hausses importantes de prix ont été enregistrées durant la période de soudure 2020, notamment sur les marchés des régions de Gao, de Ménaka et de Tahoua." 225417,45087.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,WFP market price data showed that almost all main food commodity prices have increased and both purchasing power indicators decreased 206714,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]Three quarters of latrines (74%) were observed to be lockable from the inside, while less than a third (31%) to have lighting at night. Non-displaced households (37%) were reportedly over three times as likely to have lights in the accessible latrines compared to displaced households (11%)." 345185,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] 26,000 Burundian refugees and asylum seekers have been physically verified and registered by UNHCR and the Commission Nationale pour les Réfugiés (CNR) in Lusenda Camp and Mulongwe Settlement. All registered refugees will receive new refugee cards to offer protection and facilitate their mobility in the area." 363317,59120.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,119,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/dhaka/2021/07/14/blast-at-kamrangirchar-house-1-more-dies-at-hospital-death-toll-now-3,"[14th July 2021, Bangladesh] A five-year-old has succumbed to death from burn injuries which she sustained in a fire at her house in Dhaka’s Kamrangirchar on July 9, taking the death toll to three. With 42% burns, Aisha passed away on Wednesday morning while undergoing treatment at the high dependency unit of Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery (SHNIBPS), said the institute’s Resident Surgeon Dr Partha Shankar Paul. Earlier on July 10, the girl’s parents, Yasmin Akter, 35, and Abdul Matin, 40, also succumbed to death from burn injuries over 90%." 228105,46471.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,26,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-global-cases-near-78-million/62354,"[23rd Dec 2020, Bangladesh] The health authorities also reported 1,318 new Covid-19 cases during the period, taking the caseload to 503,501." 289539,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Access challenges in some locations impact delivery of services and movement of critical protection staff; this is particularly notable in Verteth in Pibor and Akobo, where flooding and inter-ethnic conflict have limited partners’ capacity to provide regular case management and PSS activities. [under topic Protection]" 227057,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"From 1 January to 30 September, Anti-Government Elements caused 1,148 civilian casualties (527 killed and 621 injured) in attacks that deliberately targeted civilians, including education, health and humanitarian workers, members of the judiciary, tribal elders, religious leaders and civilian government employees. The majority of these civilian casualties have been attributed to the Taliban." 304250,53037.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Les personnes déplacées dans l'Extrême-Nord, en particulier à Fotokol dans la division du Logone et Chari (environ 16500 0CHA en Décembre 2020) pourraient rester inaccessibles dans les mois à venir, car les routes restent impraticables en raison des fortes pluies et des inondations des mois précédents." 260938,48984.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,139,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[28th Nov 2020, North east Nigeria]In early August, the Borno State Government (BSG) announced the return of IDPs to their places of origin and committed to emptying IDP camps by May 2021. Humanitarian actors consider most of the locations identified by the authorities unsafe and inaccessible and thus argue that the conditions for returns, as laid out in the Kampala Convention, are not met. This assessment has been confirmed by a number of violent attacks in August and September, during which returning civilians were killed and injured. Moreover, the massacre of farmers on 28 November on the outskirts of Maiduguri, Borno State, has heightened fears among IDP camp inhabitants and camp managers that the conditions for safe returns might not be present." 306553,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In response, relief actors recently opened Tunaydbah as a second camp to host Ethiopian refugees; Tunaydbah can host as many as 20,000 refugees." 345436,56718.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.congodurable.net/2021/05/16/etat-de-siege-un-regain-de-soutien-aux-fardc/,"Plus au sud, dans le Nord-Kivu, la police a procédé dimanche 16 mai le matin à un bouclage dans certains quartiers de la commune Mulekera. La commune se situe dans la partie Ouest de la ville de Beni, plusieurs fois le théâtre de massacres." 204287,43976.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Le résultats du score HHS apparaissent plus inquiétants dans les départements de Guidan Roumdji et Madarounfa qui accueillent l’essentiel des déplacés internes et des réfugiés. 12387,5591.0,322.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302704653,"The project targets the distribution of 15,000 sacrificial livestock to over 500,000 Yemenis across the recently liberated areas of Yemen. The beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to the UAE leadership, government, people and to its humanitarian arm, for their generous support and their keenness to bring happiness to the Yemenis." 304449,50891.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,Mother support groups were expanded during the year to provide counselling at the community level and more community health workers were trained and equipped to provide treatment for Diarrhoea and malaria at the household level. 219502,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"WHO conducted a two-day training of trainers on COVID-19 in Mogadishu in order to boost preparedness. The training was attended by representatives from the Federal Ministry of Health, Airport staff and other health workers." 384884,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,Appui au renforcement de la coordination de la réponse humanitaire sur le terrain et l’animation du cluster santé avec le maintien du consultant OMS à Kaya 194133,42943.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,44,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"En julio, con los hospitales enfrentándose a la sobrepoblación, el presidente del Colegio de Medicina de Bogotá declaró que los hospitales de la ciudad estaban “cerca del colapso”, e hizo una llamada para el cierre completo de Bogotá." 204273,43976.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Le taux de prévalence de la malnutrition aigue globale s’élève à 11,4% sur l’ensemble de la région [Maradi]." 204079,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The ratio of skilled health personnel to people who need medical services stands at 1 to 65,574, and the situation is even more dire for mental health services. Only some 11.5 per cent of births are assisted by skilled birth attendants." 361292,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,155,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Over the last decade, considerable progress has been made in reducing deaths from communicable diseases worldwide, yet in contrast, the number of injury-related deaths has progressively risen over the same period (Alonge et al, 2020; Liu et al, 2012). With an estimated 320,000 deaths due to drowning each year, fatal drowning is the world’s third leading unintentional injury killer and a serious public health issue (WHO, 2016). The burden of drowning is disproportionately carried by populations in low and middleincome countries (LMICs), where over 90% of drowning incidents occur (Hyder et al, 2014). Drowning affects all groups, however, over half of all drowning deaths occur among those under 25 years of age (Rahman et al, 2019)." 339388,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Otros países como Guatemala, Honduras, Chile, Colombia, 8 Panamá y Ecuador están haciendo esfuerzos por distribuir en lenguas indígenas materiales que antes de la pandemia ya tenían disponibles y/o elaborar fichas de autoaprendizaje. En ninguno de los casos los materiales existen para todos los pueblos indígenas, ni en todas las lenguas, y menos para todos los grados y niveles educativos; como tampoco han logrado distribuirse a todos los estudiantes indígenas, en particular a los que habitan en las zonas rurales con mayores dificultades de acceso." 180572,42290.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les services de soins santé sont accessibles dans les milieux urbains ayant une stabilité sécuritaire. La circulation des personnes est règlementée par un couvre-feu allant de 00h à 04h du matin dans la ville de Fada, de 22h à 4h00 pour les chefs-lieux des provinces de la Tapoa, du Gourma, dans la Komondjari, de Gayeri, de Gnagna et de Kompienga." 210391,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,112,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Access to affected people remains a major challenge in Somalia. Over one third of the country is hard to reach by humanitarians, including 23 districts (31 per cent of total) and 16 district capitals (22 per cent) . Around 1.3 million people in need reside in the hardest to reach areas, predominantly in Middle Juba, Lower Shabelle, Bay, Bakool, Middle Shabelle, and southern Galgaduud. Of the 23 districts with the highest access constraints, Afgooye, Baidoa, Jilib, Kurtunwaarey, Marka and Qoryooley host over half of the people in need (59 per cent)." 160548,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Durante el aislamiento preventivo por el COVID-19 se identificaron algunos casos de abuso de autoridad en contra de la población monitoreada. En La Guajira, los controles para el cumplimiento del aislamiento fueron en ocasiones excesivos por parte de la fuerza pública.21 En Soacha, municipio contiguo a Bogotá, se identificó un caso en el que un migrante venezolano y su esposa fueron detenidos de manera arbitraria por miembros de la Policía Nacional, quienes los agredieron física y psicológicamente, además, amenazaron a la pareja para que no presentara una denuncia." 63099,18663.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,10,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,The situation of hygiene in country shows a marked deterioration 276137,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"De manière générale, les difficultés d’obtention de la carte d’identités et de l’acte de naissance empêchent les personnes affectées de jouir de leurs droits et d’avoir accès aux solutions durables. L’absence d’acte de naissance et de carte d’identité expose les personnes affectées d’être sujettes aux abus de la police ou d’être considérées comme des membres de groupes armés ou des clandestins. Ces personnes peuvent également ne pas avoir d’accès aux services sociaux de base." 198497,44198.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Economy']",fr,81,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/plan-daction-integre-des-reformes-des-finances-publiques-du-burkina-une-evaluation-a-mi-parcours/,"Au cours de la session [du comité de pilotage des reformes de finances], l’état de mise en oeuvre des mesures de reformes a été présenté aux membres du comité. ll ressort qu’au 30 juin 2020, sur 102 mesures de reformes prévues, 16 sont totalement réalisées, 50 mesures sont en début de réalisation, 6 mesures sont non échues, 5 mesures relevant du Parlement indique une situation non connue." 2261,484.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,77,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA_Yemen_-_Monthly_SitRep_1_January.pdf,"During the month, UNFPA’s interventions focused on strengthening coordination mechanisms and partnerships at the national and sub-national levels, including improving reproductive health coordination through subnational level inter-agency working groups on reproductive health and subclusters on gender-based violence. People in need were reached through the distribution of reproductive health kits, dignity kits and family kits. The referral mechanism for responding to cases of gender-based violence was expanded in 40 districts." 206711,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] For those with access to a latrine, it is reportedly located within 15 minutes of their homes by foot for a large majority (84%). Shared latrines reportedly remain common. Additionally, for those with access to a latrine, half of the households (54%) reported having their own while the rest (46%) would use shared facilities." 163465,30943.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"De acuerdo con la Red Eclesial Panamazónica, en los 9 países amazónicos hay 133.917 casos confirmados de coronavirus en la cuenca amazónica, de éstos 2.278 personas son indígenas de 73 pueblos distintos que están contagiados por coronavirus y 504 fallecidos11. Hasta la fecha en el Amazonas Colombiano se registran 1848 casos en total. La Organización de Pueblos Indígenas de la Amazonia Colombiana (OPIAC) interpuso una tutela al Gobierno Nacional solicitando la adopción de un plan concertado y con enfoque diferencial frente a la emergencia causada por el COVID 19 respecto a los pueblos indígenas de la Amazonía colombiana." 204298,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"A l’inverse plus de 55% des ménages ont consommé du lait, des légumineuses, de la viande et des légumes au moins 3 fois. [a Niamey]" 359776,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Reported problems with drinking water (by % of communities): -21%: Water tastes bad -15%: Water is calcareous -9%: Water has a bad colour -2%: Water smells bad -2%: Water perceived to be making people sick" 194442,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Au total, 191 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 05/11/2020. Au terme de la journée, 96,8% (n=185) échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 31 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2 et appartenant aux 31 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." 149602,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Con el fin de establecer un mecanismo de selección de beneficiarios que permita llegar a la población más vulnerable, La Cruz Roja Dominicana ha identificado los siguientes criterios para la identificación de estos: a) Personas cuya Salud se ve afectada por el COVID-19. En esta categoría se encuentran:  Las personas que padecen COVID-19.  Las personas que han padecido COVID-19." 187038,41081.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119147.pdf,• The prevalence of undernourishment in Ecuador stands between 5-15 percent of the total population (WFP´s Hunger Map 2020). 133899,35165.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,201,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Las organizaciones que atienden a personas venezolanas expresan que la salud, especialmente la salud mental, es uno de los temas principales de abordaje con esta población. En este contexto, según la encuesta, un 16% de las personas encuestadas refieren haber presentado en el último año signos de afectación emocional, de tal magnitud que le ha impedido llevar a cabo sus tareas cotidianas, a consecuencia de: • Una migración no deseada • En ocasiones, por una situación de violencia padecida previamente en Venezuela • Acrecentado por el estrés que representa una situación de sobrevivencia en el país (dificultades de regularización, incertidumbre en la estadía y repercusiones en su situación socioeconómica) 23 Septiembre 2019 de origen • Separación física no deseada de seres queridos • Carga emocional añadida de ser proveedores de recursos económicos para sus familias en país • Riesgo de ser víctimas de varios delitos: estafas económicas, tanto a través de tramitadores de documentación en Venezuela como en Panamá (debido a su situación de irregularidad y a la falta de información sobre los procesos); abuso policial por situación irregular o explotación laboral." 307805,52942.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,164,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Wheat Flour (Low Price): The average price increased by 0.4% compared to the third week of November, but remained 12% higher than 14 March. The increase occurred in: Baghlan, and Kunduz (7%), Urozgan (6%), Ghor and Ghazni (3%) and Badghis (2%). The main reason for the increase in price was reduced supply to the provincial market. Meanwhile prices decreased in Kandahar (7%), Nuristan(5%) and Takhar(1%), due to sustained supply. The highest prices were in Daykundi, Urozgan, Badakhshan and Ghazni provinces (36, 36, 36 and 35 AFN per kg, respectively). The lowest prices were in Hirat, Kandahar, Farah and Samangan provinces (23, 29, 29 and 30 AFN per kg, respectively)." 267843,49804.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,99,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The Syrian pound depreciated by four percent in the informal exchange rate market and reached SYP 2,899/USD. Compared to a year ago, the Syrian pound has significantly depreciated by 65 percent. On the other hand, the operational UN rate and the official exchange rate have both remained unchanged at SYP 1,250/USD compared to December 2020. However, the official rate has lost 65 percent of its value since January 2020 and 78 percent of its value since October 2020 (start of Lebanese financial crisis)." 159651,39109.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"Among IDPs residing with host communities, 36 per cent of respondents said that COVID-19 had not disrupted services like food distribution, markets, WASH, health, education, protection, water trucking, and others. 48 per cent said the interrupted services were onsite and 16 per cent said they were offsite, this is similar to the situation in camps and camp-like settings." 114119,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Desde principios de marzo, al menos 1.000 niños migrantes no acompañados han sido obligados a retornar desde Estados Unidos a México y a los países del norte de América Central (El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras), a pesar de que sus comunidades de origen presentan graves riesgos para su protección, agravados ahora por la COVID-19." 144498,34804.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In June, the general relaxation of several COVID-19 preventative measures has continued across the country . The daily curfew has been lifted, as has the travel ban between and within governorates – while localized lock downs have been imposed in two areas in rural Damascus in response to clusters of cases." 347776,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] It is clear that men and boys are mainly bathing at water points and comments have also been repeatedly been made about men and boys using the bathing facilities and toilets allocated women and girls." 186503,43272.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Additionally, State/PRM supports the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to address the specific health care needs of refugees and other vulnerable populations in South Sudan. Health interventions are integrated with nutrition and WASH services wherever possible to ensure a sustainable system of clinical services and support." 185952,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,34,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Pour les autres zones, le manque de territoires où plus de 3 marchés ont été étudiés et de couverture homonège mois après mois ne nous permettent pas d'évaluer les tendances avec pertinence." 244238,47682.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"Incursions and attacks by non-state armed groups (NSAG) continue to ravage the Lac province, resulting in internal displacement. People are also moving as they are affected by floods in the province. Recent assessments conducted on 14 sites in the Lac province revealed the presence of nearly 97,000 people displaced due to both flooding and NSAG attacks. (IOM)" 439199,63585.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000131067.pdf,"Avec un taux de variation de -10%, la farine de manioc est passée de 871FC/Kg à 773FC/Kg pour la période de juin 2021 à juillet 2021. La principale cause pour cette baisse serait la disponibilité en masse da la quantité du produit sur les marchés locaux dû à la saison sèche dans les zones de production qui ont occasionné un bon séchage des cosettes avec sa transformation en farine. Cette moyenne reste à la hausse comparativement à la moyenne de prix pour la même période de l'année dernière (710FC/Kg à 773FC/Kg)." 163756,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,274,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Durante Julio 9 y 10, Colombia tuvo su mayor número de casos diarios confirmados con 5.335 y 6.803 nuevos casos, respectivamente, lo cual representa un aumento del 40 por ciento diario del promedio de 3.800 casos durante los últimos siete días anteriores al 9 de julio. El aumento en comparación con el último informe de situación publicado hace 15 días ha sido de 68 por ciento en casos confirmados, 87 por ciento en personas hospitalizadas, 76 por ciento en personas fallecidas, 45 por ciento en casos activos por cada 100.000 habitantes y 68 por ciento en casos confirmados por cada 100.000 habitantes. Sumado a ello, de acuerdo con la información del 13 de Julio de 2020, el porcentaje de Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) disponibles en el país es de 31.3 por ciento. Hay que tener en cuenta que, el porcentaje de ocupación de UCI varía en el territorio, actualmente Putumayo, Amazonas, Vaupés and Guainía no cuentan con UCI disponibles, mientras Norte de Santander y Bogotá se acercan a sólo tener 10 por ciento de UCI disponibles. A 13 de Julio de 2020, el país cuenta con 7.730 camas UCI con suministro de oxígeno, de las cuales 1.934 camas corresponden a la autorización transitoria para la 3. Sin embargo, a pesar del esfuerzo que ha prestación de servicios regulada en el Artículo 1 del Decreto 538 de 2020 hecho el Gobierno nacional para aumentar la capacidad de camas y elementos para UCI, la pandemia se está acelerando más rápido." 354375,57964.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/opinion/columnistas/arturo-charria/tres-propuestas-para-salvar-el-ano-escolar/?cx_testId=30&cx_testVariant=cx_1&cx_artPos=1#cxrecs_s,"En su circular N° 28 del 12 de junio, Fecode anunció el regreso a clases presenciales y dio una ruta para garantizar este proceso. Este comunicado, sumado al positivo avance en la vacunación de docentes permitiría que el número de estudiantes en presencialidad aumente significativamente, pues a la fecha hay 7 millones que no han regresado un solo día a sus aulas." 193818,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Près de 761 000 personnes sont en situation de déplacement au Tchad dont 468 047 réfugiés, 170 803 déplacés internes et 116 707 retournés." 115965,30124.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Durante el primer trimestre de 2020, más de 296.000 personas se beneficiaron de la distribución de 368 toneladas de medicamentos, insumos y equipos médicos en 14 estados." 62936,18422.0,1386.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers'],es,111,['Capacities & Response'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://www.diarioeltiempo.com.ve/noticias/desnutricion-infantil-en-venezuela-se-eleva-un-227,"En este sentido, hizo un llamado a los funcionarios civiles y militares de todos los niveles a prestar toda la colaboración posible al ingreso de la ayuda humanitaria. “Los enfermos crónicos y los niños con desnutrición son la prioridad en este momento de crisis aguda en el país generada por la corrupción y políticas erradas del régimen ilegítimo de Nicolás Maduro”. Reiteró que solo a través de un cambio de modelo y de gobierno se podrá recuperar la capacidad adquisitiva del venezolano para que pueda acceder a una alimentación adecuada, pero por lo pronto es urgente atender la crisis humanitaria que afecta al país." 173000,40676.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,73,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les personnes affectées par des mouvements de population dans les sites spontanés, en milieu communautaire dans les familles d’accueil et dans les camps de réfugiés sont particulièrement à risque d’être infectées par le COVID-19 du fait des conditions de vie précaires (promiscuité, manque de distance minimale entre les habitations, faible accès aux services d’eau, hygiène et assainissement et de santé)." 245839,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,Businesses tend to lay off their staff to cut down on costs. Several interviewed businesses across the damaged areas reported that they had laid off their staff after the explosion as they were incapable of paying salaries. 183672,43048.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,37,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/with-drastic-increase-in-covid-19-cases-northwest-syria-languishes-under-health-humanitarian-crises/,"[November 5 ,2020 Northwest Syria] Salem warned, stressing the urgent need for more support “in the food and water sector, intensive care, oxygen generation plants, and general infrastructure.”" 154002,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los venezolanos entrevistados no se sienten seguros en los lugares donde transitan o pasan la noche debido a que han presenciado robos aún por parte de otros venezolanos, acoso sexual y amenazas por parte de colombianos para desalojo de los lugares donde se encuentran." 159387,35776.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,77,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2015%20al%2028%2C%202020.pdf,Migración Colombia continúa adecuando los trámites para ser realizados de manera virtual: a partir del 25 de julio ciudadanos colombianos y extranjeros pueden solicitar expedición de certificado de movimientos migratorios y el duplicado de cedula de extranjería en línea. Estos dos tramites se unen a trámites virtuales ya existentes como constancia de salvoconductos de solicitantes de la condición de refugiado y del Permiso Especial de Permanencia para el Fomento de la Formalización (PEP-FF) 328782,54763.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf.fr/decryptages/republique-democratique-du-congo-l-urgence-permanente,"De nombreuses maladies comme le paludisme, le choléra, les fièvres hémorragiques ou la rougeole sont endémiques dans le pays" 157527,35305.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On 9 July, The first confirmed case of COVID-19, which belonged to a health professional, was announced in northern Syria. As of 28 July, 30 people with COVID-19 have been identified in northwest Syria and a spike in numbers is feared between the seventh and eighth week from the first discovery" 308265,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,107,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Health facilities remain open and are run by Ministry of Health staff; however, due to insecurity, humanitarian health partners are unable to access facilities. The number of consultations at the health facilities has significantly reduced due to subnational violence, insecurity and displacement. Despite these challenges, health facilities provided 2,074 curative consultations. There is high vulnerability of almost all people in Tonj East, particularly internally displaced people (IDPs), to malaria, diarrhoea, respiratory infections and COVID-19. Health Cluster partners received 7 IEHK kits and 15 pneumonia kits since the beginning of the response." 415365,64087.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Colombia-sigue-aumentando-el-porcentaje-de-disponibilidad-UCI.aspx,"Al comienzo de la pandemia, el país contaba con 5.346 camas de Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo, con corte al 18 de agosto de 2021, 12.364 son las que existen a nivel nacional." 129465,32894.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Existe una queja generalizada respecto a la atención y calidad de los servicios proporcionados a la población migrante. Existe la percepción de corrupción y mala organización dentro de las organizaciones que brindan asistencia a la las organizaciones lleven adelante auditorias internas a la operación, así como transparenten la información sobre su accionar y lo difundan. Exigen los criterios de vulnerabilidad de las organizaciones con el objetivo de evitar procesos burocráticos, el gasto de recursos y tiempo en los mismos. La población migrante consultada cree que es necesario pasar de la fase de respuesta ante la crisis migratoria. Las organizaciones deben trabajar en el desarrollo de planes y proyectos que respondan a sus necesidades actuales." 331415,44828.0,2335.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlement's reported IDPs are primarily living in temporary shelters are out in the open were Nyirol 54%, Uror 54% , Luakpiny/Nasir 52%, Ulang 50%, Gogrial West 39%." 70531,20137.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,23,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/10/30/pompeo-hemos-otorgado-mas-de-650-millones-de-dolares-para-apoyar-a-venezuela-30oct/,"Con este nuevo aporte,Estados Unidos alcanzó un total de 650 millones de dólares otorgados para que Venezuela enfrente sus problemas." 141405,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have also continued a triage system in their 25 health centres. As outlined in previous reports, samples continue to be collected by RRTs (99 at the district level, 13 at the governorate level) and sent to the CPHL or regional laboratories in Aleppo, Homs and Lattakia with WHO support. As of 22 July, approximately 4,300 samples had been collected from 10 governorates, including three samples from Al-Hasakeh." 393198,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,103,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Graph 11.3 below indicates that 66 out of the total number of caregivers, health workers and community leaders think it would be very serious and severe if they get COVID 19 virus, 58 said it would be serious is they get COVID 19 virus, 26 think it would be Mild if they get COVID 19 virus, 1 person said it would be very Mild if they get COVID 19 virus, while 23 said they don’t have an idea how bad it would be if they get COVID 19." 69524,19863.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/10/15/el-50-de-la-poblacion-infantil-en-venezuela-esta-en-riesgo-de-desnutricion-15oct/,"“El 50% de la población infantil está en riesgo de desnutrición infantil. La generación perdió hasta centímetros en su crecimiento debido a la fuerte crisis que atraviesa el país”, aseveró." 171508,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] 2,265 new people (children and their families) reached through IEC PSS/MHPSS psychosocial support. $13,472,590 amount of cash/vouchers distributed in reporting period (in USD$).131,753 new households who received cash disbursements/vouchers." 271126,50301.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,102,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/64163/health-minister-covid-19-vaccine-to-be-given-to-most-vulnerable-health-cadres-as-of-next-week.html,"[26th Feb 2021, Overall Syria] Minister Ghobash stated that the vaccination will first be given to the most vulnerable group, who are the workers at the isolation centers, with a priority for the older age group and the nature of their work. The Minister asserted that the target groups which will be vaccinated were chosen based on international standards and in accordance with the recommendations of the Global Vaccine Group. He added that in the next stage, citizens over the age of 55 and those who have chronic diseases will be vaccinated voluntarily." 162136,39562.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/more-news/412708-we-spent-n31-billion-in-four-months-to-fight-covid-19-fg.html,"The Federal Government of Nigeria has disclosed that it “spent N30,540,563,571.09, representing 84% of the N36.3 billon public funds and donations received to respond to COVID-19 between 1st April, 2020 and 31st July, 2020, leaving the balance of N5.9 billion." 388586,61080.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,74,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le constat est que de nombreuses zones restent toujours à risque dans la Région avec un accès humanitaire difficile à cause de la précarité de la situation sécuritaire. Ces zones à risque sont les villages qui sont confrontés au problème d’accès, où les mouvements d’aller et de venir sont assez difficiles, voire impossibles et des villages susceptibles d’être affectés par les activités des GANE." 358510,58562.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,170,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[1st June 2021, Nigeria]Nigeria officially recorded its index case of COVID-19 on February 28, 2020. The first death from COVID-19 in the country was reported less than one month later, on March 23. Since that time, there have been 166,518 officially reported COVID-19 cases and 2,099 deaths country-wide as of June 1, 2021, accounting for the 4th highest number of cases and the 5th highest number of deaths in sub-Saharan Africa (Figure 1). Nationwide, there have been two distinct waves of infection: a first wave starting in March/April 2020 and peaking in late June/early July and a second wave starting in early December and peaking in late January 2021 (JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data 2021). COVID-19 vaccination started in March 2021; as of June 1, 2021, 0.95% of the population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine (JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data 2021)." 483277,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.2.4 Persona que ejerció el maltrato físico De la población que declaró conocer a personas venezolanas que han sufrido de maltrato físico, el 45,7% mencionó que el maltrato fue ejercido por un extraño; el 36,8% por el esposo(a) o compañero(a), seguido del empleador(a) con 6,8%, el 1,5% un empleado público, el 0,8% un familiar femenino, el 0,7% de parte de un familiar masculino, el 0,4% de las fuerzas del orden, el 0,4% de compañero de estudios y el 5,8% mencionó que recibió maltrato de dos a más personas" 200257,44361.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,2/11 [communes] ont présenté des prévalences supérieures aux seuils critiques (>15%). 16 cas d’oedeme nutritionnel ont été identifiés avec 7 cas à Bourzanga. 229384,44602.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,8,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,There is to provide NFIs and Shelter materials 204736,44631.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202020%20-%202021.pdf,"The cumulative effects of the conflict continue to be deeply felt, with 7.5 million people considered to be in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Protection concerns have persisted, including gender-based violence." 185948,43194.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Même si des échanges ont repris partiellement, le rythme n'est pas revenu au niveau d'avant les mesures gouvernementales (source locale : ACTED Congo-Brazzaville)." 164363,39786.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/unicef-provides-health-and-nutrition-children-and-mothers-rural-hama,"To keep children and caregivers safe during the visits, clinic staff wear personal protective equipment, ensure all equipment and the premises are sanitized before and after the visits and encourage physical distancing between people while serving them." 310569,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Of 11.7m population, people in need were 7.5m i.e 64% of population" 276983,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] certaines [petites entreprises] ont récupéré plus vite que la moyenne, mais une proportion importante d’entre elles sont confrontées à un environnement commercial existentiellement défavorable" 330133,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,61,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"Es una idea con la que concuerda Bladimiro Rincón, profesor de patología infecciosa de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. “Si contamos con que en Amazonas hay cerca de 76.000 personas y solo en Leticia hay 48.000, que es casi la mitad, quiere decir que, aunque en el departamento no hay inmunidad, en Leticia sí" 224620,46162.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"This [slowdown of socioeconomic activities due to COVID-19 containment measures] is having a huge impact on the livelihoods of very poor and poor households. Income from different activities (labor, seasonal migration, money transfers, and the sale of handicrafts, harvested produce and small ruminants) is lower than average, especially in urban areas." 199200,44310.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"6 924 cas de violences sexuelles au Sud- Kivu et Maniema entre janv. et 14 nov. 2020 dont 61,6% ont reçu les kits PEP dans les 72 heures (UNFPA/ DHIS2)" 205145,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"People in need are present in all the 78 counties of South Sudan. The table below presents the 7.5 million people by administrative area (county), sex, age and disability, as well as by the four population groups selected for the analysis." 197611,43603.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"A total of 237 IDP sites have been identified as high-risk sites that need to be decongested, covering close to 600,000 people. Access constraints could limit the ability to reach people living in hardto-reach areas and areas controlled by non-state actors." 328548,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 70% of the household found with WASH living Standard Gap (LSG). 12% found to be very extremely+ severe, 19% extreme severe, 39% severe, 18% stress,12% no or minimal." 125304,32569.0,1621.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"The measures implemented to curb the spread of the virus also resulted in a rise in food prices and scarcity of some types of food in certain areas, which can negatively impact the food security, safety and wellbeing of migrants, refugees and IDPs." 324446,53757.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,74,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Plus de 41,5 millions de tests pour le COVID-19 ont été réalisés en Afrique depuis février 2020. Le ratio de positivité cumulé et le ratio de tests par cas sont respectivement de 10,5 % et 9,5. Pour la semaine Epi 14, 978 787 nouveaux tests ont été réalisés. Cela représente une augmentation de 12% par rapport à la semaine Epi 13 où 876 382 tests ont été réalisés." 293640,51569.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Priorities for humanitarian response • A comprehensive health facility fully equipped with drugs and EPI campaign against polio, and measles in identified locations • A mobile clinic providing the medical consultations, antenatal care services, and testing • Training of traditional birth attendants in the various villages on clean and safe delivery with major emphasis on danger signs • Provision of delivery kits recommended (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 176572,41731.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,62,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Toutes les PDI affirment avoir reçu des informations sur les mesures de protection. L’information a aussi été transmise selon eux de manière appropriée (langue locale peuhle ou mooré), à travers des sensibilisations, des affiches, la radio, les animations des jeunes, les réseaux sociaux. Idem au niveau de la population hôte." 293972,51273.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"Livestock prices were also stable (increased 3 percent) between October and November 2020, with November prices 18 percent higher than last year and 30 percent above average. Livestock prices are generally compensating for high wheat flour prices, with purchasing power of pastoralists seven percent above last year and four percent above average at the national level, though significant variation exists across provinces." 145853,35819.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,30,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"The unreliable water supply in northeast Syria increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission, as additional water is needed for COVID19 mitigation measures such as more frequent cleaning and handwashing" 155359,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",[],[],es,21,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,Promover y facilitar el uso de prácticas de autoprotección como el lavado de manos y la limpieza intensiva de superficies. 172978,40676.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Ainsi, 100 pour cent des personnes déplacées depuis plus de six mois vivant dans les sites et 65 pour cent de celles vivant en familles d’accueil (au lieu de 40 pour cent avant l’épidémie de COVID-19) sont maintenant considérées comme étant dans le besoin." 411185,63402.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,67,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticias.caracoltv.com/antioquia/a-la-intemperie-asi-pasan-la-noche-cientos-de-migrantes-en-necocli,"Cada día es más difícil la situación sanitaria enNecoclí, Antioquia, por la masiva llegada de migrantes. Al llegar la noche no para el ingreso de más personas, hasta familias completas, en busca del sueño americano. Es el caso de ungrupo de venezolanos que caminó durante 14 días para llegar hasta la poblacióny pasa la noche a orillas de la playa." 342503,56610.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,34,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,324 grupos de viaje retornando a Venezuela 2.6 personas por grupo de viaje 33% de los grupos de viaje �ene intenciones de retorno a Colombia en un plazo de seis meses o menos 129429,32894.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Demography', 'Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Displacement->Intentions', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Población en tránsito Población predominantemente joven, entre 18 y 39 años principalmente Población migrante que ha ingresado recientemente al país entre 3 y 15 días de llegada Intención de continuar su trayecto hacia Chile y/o Perú Se observa madres jóvenes No mantienen ningún tipo de actividad comercial y/o laboral Manifiestan un limitado acceso a servicios y asistencia humanitaria En su mayoría manifiestan tener algún problema de salud Son un grupo que cuenta con estudios primarios y secundarios en su mayoría" 248947,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,67,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Mais la situation est d’autant préoccupante qu’une certaine croyance favoriserait également l’augmentation des cas de viol, affectant cette fois- ci plus spécifiquement les mineurs, des deux sexes indifféremment considérés. Cette croyance qui serait en train de se répandre, supposerait qu’avoir des relations sexuelles avec un mineur permettrait à son auteur de s’enrichir." 125930,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,34,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"The most common route reported by migrants departing from Mali (43%) was through Niger, while 31% reported to have travelled through Burkina Faso and then Niger to reach Libya" 221034,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Communities in conflict-affected areas continue to be forcibly displaced from their homes as a result of violent threats and increased clashes between armed groups, and between such groups and state forces. Between January and October 2020, over 21,000 people were displaced from their homes." 161479,38373.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,50,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En todas las zonas monitoreadas, las personas consideran que en general su relación con la comunidad de acogida es buena, con más del 40% en Antioquia, más del 60% en Bogotá y Cundinamarca, y más del 70% en La Guajira y Atlántico." 155158,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Durante toda la ruta se identificó un solo alojamiento temporal en intermediaciones de Tame y Hato Corozal. Durante el recorrido fue desalojado el albergue Hogar de Paso Espíritu Santo en Tunja por orden de la alcaldía. 124333,30176.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"El aumento de fuerza pública en frontera y controles de cumplimiento con el aislamiento ha generado situaciones de abuso de autoridad contra la población afectada y el 10.5% de los encuestados reportó tener conocimiento sobre controles excesivos o abusos de poder por parte de la fuerza pública, así como haber recibido amenazas de deportación." 388848,61191.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,37,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iscg_monsoon_response_flash_update_1_29_july_2021.pdf,"[29thJuly, Cox's Bazar] 21,606 Rohingya refugees affected, 6 Rohingya refugee fatalities, 13,432 Rohingya refugees displaced and 3,851 Rohingya shelters destroyed by recent heavy monsoon rain which occurred since 27th July,2021." 168711,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"Despite lacking capacity and resources, the health system in the northwest Syria is using innovative approaches for the containment of COVID-19." 281007,50814.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://newspaper.albaathmedia.sy/2021/03/07/%d9%84%d8%a3%d9%86-%d8%a3%d8%b7%d8%a8%d8%a7%d8%a6%d9%87%d8%a7-%d9%8a%d8%b1%d9%81%d8%b6%d9%88%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b9%d9%85%d9%84-%d9%81%d9%8a%d9%87%d8%a7-%d8%b9%d8%b4%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86-%d8%b7%d8%a8/,"[March 7, Deir Ez-Zor] Twenty doctors from different specialties arrived in Deir Ezzor recently to stay in hospitals, to be replaced on a monthly basis for a whole year, as part of bridging the major imbalance in the work of the governorate's hospitals that lack the specialist doctors." 173134,40863.0,1899.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,22,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GT%20Flash%20Update%20Caravana%20migrantes%20CA%20INTERCLUSTER%2020201001%20FINAL%20VD.pdf,"El grupo en movilidad incluye hombres adultos y jóvenes, mujeres, personas mayores, personas con discapacidad y personas LGBTIQ+." 56519,17094.0,1187.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,463,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Como la mayor parte de las y los migrantes, casi todas las personas entrevistadas en el marco de esta investigación sabían de antemano dónde se alojarían durante los primeros días o semanas de su llegada a Buenos Aires o Córdoba. A grandes rasgos resolvieron su vivienda inicial de alguna de las siguientes maneras:  Casa o departamento de parientes o amistades que ya residían en Argentina. Estas estancias, que duraron desde unos días hasta unos meses, en ocasiones fueron a título gratuito y en otras compartiendo gastos de alquiler y servicios.  Alquileres temporarios contratados a través de páginas web. Muchos de quienes recurrieron a esta opción —considerablemente costosa, ya que se trata de viviendas amobladas y con servicios— lo hicieron durante un período breve (una o dos semanas), mientras exploraban otras posibilidades. No obstante, algunas personas residieron durante varios meses en monoambientes de alquiler temporario, ya que no cumplían con los requisitos para suscribir un contrato de alquiler de más largo plazo (2 años).  Alquiler de una habitación en residencias colectivas. Gran cantidad de las personas entrevistadas se alojaron inicialmente (y muchas luego permanecieron) en este tipo de viviendas, a las que denominaron de diversas maneras: hostel, hostal, residencia, hotel, hotel familiar o pensión. En todos los casos, se trataba de una habitación (individual o compartida con personas conocidas o no) en grandes casas antiguas donde podía haber hasta 15 cuartos disponibles —muchos de ellos ocupados por otros connacionales—. Por lo general, las habitaciones estaban modestamente equipadas y no disponían de baño privado. El costo9 incluía los servicios (agua, luz, gas, internet) y el uso de una cocina común. Varias de las personas señalaron el estado deteriorado de estos alojamientos y la resultante necesidad de “acostumbrarse” a condiciones de vida muy diferentes a las que habían dejado atrás. Vale señalar que estas residencias, habitualmente ubicadas en zonas neurálgicas de la ciudad y con gran acceso a medios de transporte (Once, Flores, Abasto, Palermo, San Cristóbal, etcétera) han sido una modalidad histórica de vivienda para sectores populares y personas migrantes.  Alquiler de una habitación individual en una vivienda familiar. En estos casos (mucho menos frecuentes), se trató de un arreglo similar al anterior pero en una vivienda más pequeña y con uno o dos inquilinos a lo sumo. Las condiciones habitacionales suelen ser mejores, pero puesto que se trata de viviendas privadas, el acceso es a través de contactos o conocidos." 265740,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,51,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Ainsi, les informations actualisées sur le contexte / l’étendue des besoins n’étaient pas toujours facilement accessibles dans les localités isolées et difficiles d’accès, ainsi que dans les localités où les besoins évoluaient constamment du fait de l’arrivée continue des populations." 70795,20130.0,1386.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,131,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3370349,"La Conferencia confirmó la necesidad de una mayor cooperación internacional financiera y técnica para los países de acogida, por medio de un compromiso más fuerte por parte de los donantes, instituciones financieras internacionales, actores de desarrollo y sector privado para apoyar a las autoridades nacionales en la provisión de servicios y promover oportunidades económicas para los refugiados, migrantes y comunidades de acogida. Las instituciones financieras internacionales pueden jugar un rol crucial por medio del otorgamiento de financiamiento concesional y subsidios además de asistencia técnica. Será necesario que los actores de desarrollo intervengan lo antes posible para fortalecer el nexo humanitario-desarrollo, reforzar los esquemas de protección social, fortalecer las capacidades y facilitar la inclusión de los refugiados y migrantes en el mercado laboral." 160258,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Se observa un incremento en el porcentaje de personas que entraron de forma irregular al país de acuerdo con la cercanía con la frontera y la costa, siendo Riohacha el lugar que presenta el porcentaje más alto (75.7%), seguido por Barranquilla (70.6%), Medellín (57.3%) y por último Bogotá (46.7%)." 276240,50677.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Plus au Nord dans le Logone et Chari, le nombre d’incidents affectant les populations civiles est resté relativement bas. Les autorités militaires rapportent en outre une augmentation des cas de reddition d’éléments de groupe armés venant du Nigeria, parfois avec des familles entières. Ces redditions sont provoquées par deux facteurs en particulier : la poursuite des bombardements aériens de l’armée nigériane sur les bases isolées des groupes armés d’une part, et les conditions très difficiles de vie, sans approvisionnement en vivres en pleine période de soudure d’autre part." 327807,54375.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,90,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syria/who-representative/opening-remarks-by-akjemal-magtymova-head-of-office-and-who-representative-syria.html,"[14 April 2021, Overall Syria] National deployment plan prioritizes high risk groups equitably across all administrative areas. The plan under COVAX is to cover 20% of the population in two phases: 3% in the first phase by end of June 2021 and 17% by end of December 2021. As elsewhere in the globe, health workers will be the prioritized for the first vaccine doses. COVAX has allocated AZ SII for the first batch of vaccine shipment to Syria." 39167,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,82,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Once both Libyan and non-Libyans decide to take the journey to safety, the continuous fighting and shelling as well as blockage of roads pose the highest threats. Also, due to increased checkpoints non-Libyans fear risk of arrest and detention. Male respondents (84%) reported this risk more than women respondents (77%). While both share the same fear of movement due to blockage of roads and checkpoints (approx 54%)." 384795,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,Les déplacements répétés conduisent certaines populations vers des zones où l’accès géographique est plus difficile en plus des inondations saisonnières sur les mêmes zones. 312704,53769.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,50,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fr.allafrica.com/stories/202104130150.html,"En plus du Premier ministre, ce nouveau gouvernement, baptisé gouvernement de ""l'union sacrée de la nation"", compte 57 membres dont 14 femmes. Ce nouveau gouvernement est nommé quatre mois après la rupture de la coalition du président Tshisekedi avec son prédécesseur Joseph Kabila." 40951,11894.0,729.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"As a result of clashes causing damage to the electrical grid, many bakeries in Swani bin Adam and Wadi Rabia had reportedly closed. Nonetheless, at the time of data collection, KIs in all baladiyas reported a median price of 0.25 LYD per piece of bread, which has remained unchanged for several months." 63674,18726.0,788.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,121,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_august_edition.pdf,"The urgent need for renewed support to face the recent upsurge in violence and growing humanitarian needs in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states was also stressed during the visit of the global Emergency Directors of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) in the first week of July. This call was reemphasized during an event in remembrance of 10 years since the start of the crisis in north-east Nigeria on 31 July, which also launched the virtual reality (VR) experience “Holding On” that was open to the public in Abuja. The VR experience aimed to raise public awareness on the crisis by allowing viewers to see the experience of IDPs first hand." 162735,32313.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"Es cierto que la gente está en una situación muy, muy complicada, muy crítica. Lamentablemente, hemos visto desalojos en Colombia, aunque hay un decreto prohibiendo estos desalojos, y justo es eso que estamos también trabajando con la Defensoría del Pueblo, con la Procuraduría, para apoyar a las personas para que puedan quedarse en sus habitaciones, sus apartamentos, hasta el final de la cuarentena. Pero, es cierto que mucha gente no puede pagar el alquiler, no tiene ingresos mínimos para comprar sus bienes, sus necesidades, sin comida." 276261,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,102,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"La présence de restes d’explosifs de guerre (REG) constitue un risque à la vie et à la sécurité des civils dans neuf provinces du Tchad. Ceci est dû au fait que le Tchad a été confronté à des conflits internes depuis son indépendance en 1960, ainsi que l’invasion par la Libye en 1973. La lutte contre les groupes armés par les opérations militaires dans la province du Lac depuis 2015 a également augmenté les risques de trouver des REG dans la région (issus des combats ou laissés dans les déplacements)." 207073,44768.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://rojavainformationcenter.com/2020/12/update-coronavirus-crisis-in-north-and-east-syria-november-2020/,"[26 Nov 2020, NES] New quarantine in place across NES (Qamishli, Hasaka, Tabqa, Raqqa), reported to last until 6 December, joining a pre-existing quarantine in the Euphrates region. Most of NES is now under strict lockdown." 155151,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,50,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los migrantes en tránsito permanecen en situación de calle, que se exponen a desalojos que se está presentando por parte la propia comunidad receptora, las autoridades, y en Arauca y Casanare por grupos al margen de la ley. Algunos ocupan parques, puentes y rotondas." 275493,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,116,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"L’absence de réponses de protection a un impact dévastateur sur la sécurité, la dignité et le bien-être des populations affectées. Si des réponses adéquates ne sont pas apportées aux besoins d’assistance identifiés, cela nuirait aux filles, garçons, femmes, hommes, personnes âgées, aux personnes vivantes avec un handicap et aux survivants des violences basés sur le genre mais aussi aux victimes de la traite affectés, aggravant ainsi leurs vulnérabilités. Cette situation pourrait conduire à un sentiment d’abandon entrainant un manque de confiance et d’acceptation envers les acteurs humanitaires de façon générale et de façon spécifique sur la réponse humanitaire" 284985,51457.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,22,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/atwg_dashboard_jan_2021.pdf,"Human trafficking con�nues to be reported despite the COVID-19 pandemic, with many Rohingya vic�ms in forced labour situa�ons in Bangladesh." 159654,39109.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"Forty four per cent IDPs in the sites had access to soap/water, 24 per cent said everyone in sites had access to soap/water, 17 per cent said about half of sites had access to soap/water, 12 per cent said only a few have access to soap/water while in 3 per cent of sites, respondents said that nobody had access to soap/water" 418547,63160.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NEW%20UPDATE%20COVID-19%20DRC%2C%20JULY%2001%2C%202021%20-%20Nouvelle%20mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20COVID-19%20en%20RDC%20-%20Avec%20les%20donn%C3%A9es%20fournies%20jusqu%27au%20jeudi%201er%20juillet%202021%20%20-%20wf%20-.pdf,"La stratégie vaccinale inclut les groupes prioritaires (les personnes âgées de plus de 55 ans qui le souhaitent, celles concernées par les facteurs de comorbidité, le personnel soignant, le personnel travaillant aux guichets dans les aéroports, ports, banques ou supermarchés etc.). La RDC avait reçu les premières livraisons des doses du vaccin Vaxzevria (Astra Zeneca) du laboratoire suédo-britannique, via le Mécanisme COVAX le 02 mars 2021." 206468,43347.0,2335.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In both protracted and new displacements, people are forced to leave behind basic household items and shelter materials as a result of conflict compounded by food insecurity and economic deterioration." 306809,53161.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"USAID/BHA supports the International Organization for Migration (IOM), UNICEF, WHO, and 11 international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to provide life-saving health care across Sudan. USAID/BHA provides essential medicines, supports health facilities, and trains community health workers to support critical health needs, as well as COVID-19 response efforts. In addition, USAID/BHA NGO partners and State/PRM partners—including UNHCR—support essential health interventions for IDPs and other vulnerable populations in Sudan." 235116,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The authorities are actively seeking concessional financing from development partners and are committed to avoid new nonconcessional borrowing. Allowing for new non-concessional borrowing (NCB) would further weaken already compromised debt sustainability, go against the authorities’ interest and undermine their efforts to secure the international community’s support in an environment in which the G-20 just agreed on debt service suspension on bilateral government loans for low-income countries." 207109,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Greater needs are found in the refugee returnee groups due to their unknown immune status, which is also a threat to the host community for transmission of highly infectious communicable diseases and an increase in disease burden. To prevent outbreaks and mitigate the disease burden, there is a need for immunization of all antigens against vaccine-preventable diseases and the availability of health services for this population." 113097,29959.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"GIFMM Nariño • Continúan de manera permanente las actividades lúdicas y educativas que buscan fortalecer las capacidades para el cuidado y la educación de niños y niñas en el albergue Los Chilcos en Ipiales, así favoreciendo la convivencia a su interior." 357848,58554.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_por_inundaciones_puerto_arica_vf.pdf,"Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional: al menos 225 familias en Puerto Arica requieren respuesta humanitaria con kits de alimentación con enfoque diferencial, por la pérdida de cultivos – chagras: base de la alimentación de los pueblos indígenas-, animales de corral y plantas medicinales. Además, los desbordamientos causaron escasez en la pesca y cacería y estas comunidades están alejadas de los centros urbanos para abastecerse." 271515,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Comparativement à 2019, le nombre de province ayant des prévalences [de malnutrition aiguë globale] au dessus du seuil d’alerte a augmenté et est passé de 2 (ENN, 2019) à 6." 126542,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Con base en el análisis de necesidades y proyecciones para 2020, la respuesta en el Perú requiere de actividades que respondan a las necesidades humanitarias, de protección e integración de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela y de sus comunidades de acogida." 359129,58464.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] A lack of sufficient irrigation water quantities in the public irrigation canals, dams, and lakes was reported by KIs as a challenge for farmers in 39% of communities assessed by REACH’s RNA in June 2021." 290707,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"Muchas de estas trabajadoras de la salud deben además cumplir labores de mantenimiento y cuidado dentro de sus hogares, completando así extenuantes dobles jornadas, en caso de no contar con apoyo en los cuidados" 277601,50723.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Economy'],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_unrwa_syria_regional_crisis_emergency_appeal_.pdf,"[2021, Overall Syria] A rapidly deteriorating economy and near hyperinflation are increasing the vulnerability of the entire population. As more than 91 per cent of the Palestine refugees in Syria live below the poverty line, the drastic loss of purchasing power during this economic crisis renewed fears about meeting basic needs in particular food." 356129,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,31,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En abril, el Índice de Confianza del Consumidor (ICC) registró un balance de -34,2%, que representa una reducción de 22,8 pps relativo al mes anterior." 229574,44602.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Temporary land has been given for IDPs to settled in by the Host community (Chiefs). The land was not demarcated as the size of plot but a size of a shelter 4m by 4m. The IDP intention was to settle temporary and wait for the water level to reduce and the move back to their original place. The affected community have their leaders who always harmonize them with the host community and facilitate any request or issue pertaining them. 287478,51785.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.radionacional.co/noticia/actualidad/pandemia-impacto-economia-micronegocios-colombia,"En varias regiones, donde ya se evidenciaba un comportamiento crítico del desempleo antes del confinamiento, las consecuencias fueron aún mayores, en especial en las capitales más grandes en el país y en ciudades intermedias como Neiva, donde la pérdida de micronegocios superó el 30%." 17026,7131.0,321.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PR%20Training%20of%20Doctors%20from%20%20%20tawergha%20on%20Lieshmania.pdf,"21st December 2018, Tunis, Tunisia The World Health Organization (WHO) organized an intensive training in Tunis on Cutaneous Leishmaniosis (CL) for seven Libyan doctors from Tawerga City who are taking care of Internally Displaced Populations (IDPs) from Tawerga, and in the IDP camps in Benghazi and Tripoli. The training was conducted by one of World-leading experts in the field." 149336,37832.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"In the host community, WFP began a second round of door-to-door distribution of high energy biscuits in mid-July. Targeting over 130,000 school children in each round, nearly 39,000 students had been reached with 50 packets of 75 g high energy biscuits by 30 July." 254227,48624.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,123,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/ampere-prices-draining-the-life-out-of-aleppos-residents/,"[February 9, Aleppo] The generators’ owners were asked to charge people 2,500 SYP for the weekly subscription. However, this fee is “unrealistic and very little,” they said, explaining that ampere prices depend on how much a generator would consume of fuel oil, generator malfunctions, and repair costs. All these costs must be covered by the subscription fee, the owners said. The prices of amperes are determined by the city council, which ordered that owners be paid 65 SYP for every hour they operate the generator,Enab Baladicorrespondent said. But the owners continue to ignore price regulations, each demanding the price he sees fit." 168931,39944.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,61,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"May 21_NWS: The campaign utilizes social media, free cloud web servers and WhatsApp communication to communicate efficiently with this large group of volunteers. Facebook is used as the hub for all volunteer groups to obtain updates on the campaign and on technical guidelines, and WhatsApp is used for all day-to-day communication and for team management purposes." 218370,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,13,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,"L’interdiction des marches publiques, des productions artistiques et des kermesses" 290346,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In displacement situations, women's workload increases significantly due to a morbidity on the rise, resulting in increased care. Also, daily tasks, such as collecting water or firewood, often become more difficult." 158973,39161.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Health']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,36,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Four out of five IDPs living in camps are in overcrowded conditions with makeshift and temporary shelters built in close proximity to each other, making physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 impossible." 64758,19061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,52,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"La Alcaldía de Puerto Carreño en más de una ocasión ha hecho retornos voluntarios, llevando a las comunidades que habitan en el relleno a los resguardos indígenas a los cuales pertenecen,pero a los ocho días ese terreno habitado por chulos y perros famélicos vuelve a tenerlos como inquilinos." 274137,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Household Hunger Scale (HHS)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] La province du Haut-Uélé est celle où la faim sévère est plus fréquente, suivie par celle de l’Ituri et celle de Tshopo, étant la fréquence moyenne de 63 %, 35 % et 16 % respectivement." 304048,50891.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"A measles outbreak was also reported, with Kassala, Gedaref and Northern States being the most affected." 385621,60457.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans le Centre-Nord, les stocks alimentaires du bétail au niveau des producteurs sont quasi inexistants et les ménages sont touchés par liées à l’insécurité. De plus, et quand bien même la couverture végétal est disponible, les ménages de pasteurs n’ont pas accès aux zones de pâturage, dans la région de l’Est en particulier, où ils sont contraints d’éviter les deux grandes zones pastorales de Matiacoali et de Kabonga qui sont occupées par des groupes armés non étatiques." 315470,54311.0,2311.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],es,64,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Hasta el momento no se cuenta con censos de personas migrantes y refugiadas, por una parte, los registros de las juntas de acción comunal (JAC) no cuentan con esta información y además se desconoce el número de familias y personas que retornaron después del desplazamiento que tuvo lugar en el mes de noviembre y debido a las dificultades de acceso" 132475,34344.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los miembros del GTRM han identificado un giro en las tendencias, en los que los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela optan cada vez más por nuevos destinos finales en el Perú, fuera de Lima, mientras que otros están solamente transitando en el Perú. Considerando que los recursos económicos limitados son transversales en todos los sectores, el transporte humanitario es requerido con el fin de cubrir los altos costos que involucrados en acceder a un transporte formal. Existe un amplio sector informal que afecta al sector de transporte. Hay evidencias que ciertas compañías de transportes exponen a los pasajeros a estafas en el viaje, o que a las personas que han pagado sus boletos a un destino las llevan a otra ciudad." 293604,51569.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"In most of the locations visited, there was absence of clean water source. Sanitation facilities are also lacking since the available ones were also destroyed by the flood. Due to the fact that families have lost most of their properties, affected families need basic WASH NFIs to improve their sanitation to avoid health risks and threats (As per the assessment )" 200252,44361.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le taux d’admission des enfants de moins de 5 ans soufrant de MAS est de 41% en septembre 2020. Cette situation est relativement meilleure comparé à la MAM mais l’objectif national de 70% n’est pas atteint. En considérant les performances au niveau régional, deux regions se distinguent avec des taux de réalisation supérieur à la cible. Il s’agit de la région des Hauts-Bassins(82%) et du Centre-Ouest (75%)." 453832,64997.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,86,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cp_bcnudh_note_mensuelle_violations_des_droits_de_lhomme_et_infographies_juillet_2021_fr_eng.pdf,"En juillet 2021, le BCNUDH a documenté 31 violations des droits de l'homme liées à l'espace démocratique, une diminution de 24 violations par rapport à celles documentées au cours du mois de juin (55). Toutes ces violations sont imputables aux agents de l’Etat (31 violations) dont les FARDC (17 violations), la PNC (7) violations et d'autres agents de l'Etat (7 violations), en particulier les autorités administratives et politiques." 290982,51608.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afg_humanitarian_access_snapshot_feb_20210314.pdf,"In the absence of a public statement by NSAG-TB on the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination, health partners in the northeastern region raised concern about provincial NSAG-TB in Takhar and Kunduz opposing the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination in areas under their control, while in Nimroz, NSAG-TB allegedly issued a letter stating their opposition to the rollout" 171489,40704.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] On 30 January 2020, COVID-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on the recommendation of the WHO’s Emergency Committee. By 11 March 2020, WHO declared the virus a pandemic—the first coronavirus to be declared as such. Bangladesh recorded its first COVID-19 cases in early March 2020, and since then cases have continued to increase exponentially. At the time of reporting, 317,528 positive cases, 211,016 recoveries and 4,351 deaths had been reported." 291573,51191.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Economy'],en,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Relentless conflict and violence continue to kill civilians at an alarming rate, despite Intra-Afghan peace negotiations. And now COVID-19 has strained the health system and caused economic devastation." 136794,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,89,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"This highlights the particular risks faced by healthcare workers; and underscores – given Syria’s fragile healthcare system with already insufficient numbers of qualified healthcare personnel – the potential for its overstretched healthcare capacity to be further compromised. Of the 46 fatalities in Government of Syria (GoS)-controlled areas, 37 were in Damascus; three was in Rural Damascus; two were in As-Sweid’a; two were in Homs; one was in Aleppo; and one was in Qunietra." 223803,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Les données de CARE Interna�onal dans le Nord-Kivu montrent aussi une augmenta�on de 74 % du nombre d'adolescentes (<19 ans) se rendant pour la première fois dans leurs structures de santé pour bénéficier de services de planning familial entre mars et octobre 2020. Les prestataires de soins des cliniques soutenues par Marie Stopes à Kinshasa ont mis en évidence les difficultés à faire par�ciper les adoles- centes à leurs services depuis le début de l’épidémie de la COVID-19. 17188,7079.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20EXTERNAL%20Operational%20Update%207%20DEC.PDF,"UNHCR provided the Civil Registration Authority (CRA) in Ibb Governorate with mobile registration equipment. The donation will support the CRA to provide national identification documents to IDPs in Ibb city, and also in more remote areas outside the city. Through a quick impact project, UNHCR and the CRA in Ibb are installing shaded waiting areas and increasing the amount of seating available, to improve the conditions for people going through the registration process." 155213,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los encuestados indicaron que el acceso a actividades o empleos informales de carácter urbano es más fácil en las grandes ciudades como Villavicencio, Tunja, Bogotá y otras, por lo que es una motivación para llegar a éstas, mientras que, en las primeras ciudades o pueblos de la ruta, las ofertas son principalmente para labores del campo y la mayoría no tiene experiencia en éstas. •" 457419,61091.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20%C3%89valuation%20des%20besoins%20en%20abris%2C%20articles%20m%C3%A9nagers%20essentiels%20%28AME%29%20et%20logement%2C%20terre%20et%20biens%20%28LTB%29%20-%20Ville%20de%20Yalgo%2C%20Commune%20de%20Yalgo%2C%20Province%20de%20Namtenga%2C%20R%C3%A9gion%20Centre-Nord%20%28juin%202021%29.pdf,"Enfin, quatorze IC ont rapporté que moins de la moitié des ménages avaient bénéficié d'une assistance en LTB. L'assistance en LTB comprend des aides financières pour le paiement des locations, des appuis pour l'obtention légale de terres ou de logement, et la mise en place de comités pour la gestion des conflits fonciers par exemple." 149542,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,38,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"Pacaraima vive este domingo una calma tensa después de las protestas del sábado, que derivaron en actos vandálicos contra los inmigrantes venezolanos que huyen de la crisis económica, política y social que atraviesa su país." 415544,63975.0,2099.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,31,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/sahel-amnesty-identifies-serbian-weapons-stockpiles-brutal-armed-groups,"In June 2021, unidentified armed men killed 130 civilians in the village of Solhan in Burkina Faso, the worst attack on civilians seen so far in the conflict." 113328,32328.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Capacitar y apoyar a los funcionarios públicos involucrados en prestar servicios de inmigración para que desempeñen sus funciones con sensibilidad y respeto hacia las necesidades y vulnerabilidades (diferentes y específicas) de género. Las instituciones públicas referentes a migración, inclusión social, educación y salud, deben asegurar que los proveedores de servicios tengan las habilidades y capacidades necesarias para proporcionar la atención adecuada a las poblaciones en movimiento, independientemente de su nacionalidad, género, edad, orientación sexual, etnia, condición de salud o discapacidad. Esto significa enfatizar la provisión de todos los servicios a través una mirada segura, efectiva, informada respecto al trauma y enfocada en el sobreviviente." 70684,20012.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,99,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"Civilians continue to be harmed and endangered by the conflict in Libya. On 4 April 2019, renewed fighting broke out in and around the capital, Tripoli, between forces and militias loyal to the Tripoli-based internationally recognized and UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) of Prime Minister Fayez alSarraj, and the self-proclaimed Libyan National Army (LNA) (or Libyan Arab Armed Forces, LAAF) of General Khalifa Haftar, loyal to the rival House of Representatives (HoR) and interim government based in the east of the country." 2557,516.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'WASH']",[],[],en,48,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-2017-humanitarian-situation-report,"1.33 million # of people in need of humanitarian assistance. 439,000 # of children in need of humanitarian assistance. 500,000 people, including 200,000 children, in need of safe water, sanitation and hygiene. 315,000 children in need of education in emergency support." 148060,37648.0,1185.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,30,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3663529,"Thus, the decree expands Qali Warma's coverage to exceptionally include people in situation of vulnerability in the current context of health emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic." 241949,47791.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Le virus touche de nombreux pays et territoires inclus la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), où depuis le premier cas enregistré en mars 2020, plus de 20.000 cas ont été confirmés" 174336,36580.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,29,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657401,"Las familias obtienen una caja nutritiva que contiene: leche, atol fortificado, cereal, frijol y una variedad de pastas con un peso de 60 libras." 16480,6352.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"The Health Custer is operational in 22 Governorates in Yemen. Over the reporting period, Health Cluster partners conducted over 8 million out patient consultations of which 5.1 million were for children under 18 years of age. About 170,000 children received treatment for severe acute malnutrition. Approximately 22,200 trauma patients were received and managed by the hospitals. Some 136,000 normal deliveries were conducted by skilled birth attendants and 32,300 mothers had cesarean sections along with 694,000 antenatal care visits and 249,000 postnatal care visits." 202615,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"[220?000 persons displaced] Including the people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance within the North West and South West (1.9 million), assessments have shown that 675,000 IDPs and host community members need assistance in the Littoral, West and Central regions due to effects of the crisis in the North West and South West." 359107,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] The impact on irrigated crops is expected to be less severe with a projected loss of 40-45% of yields across NES. The lower impact can be attributed to relatively sufficient water availability at the start of the mid-season (January-February) which is when crops need the most water. However, a continued decline in access to river water and electricity due to lowering levels of the Euphrates and a rise in fuel prices as well as aggravating factors such as damaged irrigation infrastructure are likely to affect the quality of irrigated crops." 298766,52631.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,168,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"En décembre, le Gouvernement annonce des nouvelles mesures supplémentaires suite à la flambée de la deuxième vague de la pandémie. Parmi ces mesures il y a entre autres: •L’Instauration d’un couvre- feu de 21h à 5h du matin, •L’application stricte des gestes barrières, notamment le port obligatoire des masques, la distanciation physique, le lavage des mains et la prise de température •L’interdiction des marches publiques, des productions artistiques et des kermesses, -L’interdiction des cérémonies festives et des réunions de plus de dix personnes, •La poursuite des compétitions sportives à huis- clos, •Le transport des dépouilles mortelles directement au lieu d’inhumation, sans aucune cérémonie, •Le report à une date ultérieure de reprise des cours au niveau de l’Enseignement Supérieur et Universitaire, •Le début anticipé des vacances scolaires à partir de vendredi 18 décembre 2020, pour ne citer que cela." 495447,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,56,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En relación al apoyo a los “Hermanos Venezolanos”, unos creen que su presencia en las calles ocasiona desorden violencia y mayor pobreza. Otro grupo está dispuestas a apoyar con alimentos, atención en salud y alojamiento, pero nadie compartiría su vivienda por algunos episodios de violencia que se han presentado." 172921,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,48,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,L’augmentation [de la sévérité des besoins humanitaires] est observée pour les zones de santé en sévérité de niveau 3 (154 contre 145 dans le HNO soit +9) et de niveau 4 (45 contre 39 dans le HNO soit +6). 340754,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,228,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Descripción de la buena práctica: Los docentes elaboran unas guías académicas que son repartidas a las familias cuando el municipio distribuye los alimentos del PAE. En cada guía se dan instrucciones pedagógicas para que los estudiantes realicen sus tareas en la medida que hacen sus labores en la chagra, la cuales hacen parte del modelo pedagógico que vincula el plan de estudios con la actividad de cada familia en la chagra. Las dudas, pautas y el reforzamiento de las guías se realiza mediante el programa radial La chagra educativa bajo el lema ‘Ñajü, Asajü, Tüoñe’ ver, escuchar y hacer. Los docentes desarrollan los programas radiales educativos en lengua coreguaje y en español que son emitidos a través de la emisora Coreguaje Estéreo todos los días de 8:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m La evaluación se da en dos momentos: el primero se relaciona con los resultados tangibles en la chagra, en cuyo seguimiento participan las familias y los caciques. El segundo momento, que corresponde al otro 50 por ciento, cada ocho semanas el estudiante presenta sus avances y tareas en las respuestas, a la medida que trabaja en la chagra. La comunicación de docentes y estudiantes es a través de cartas que son entregadas por los caciques de cada localidad." 163560,30906.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Se identifica un aumento significativo en riesgos de desalojo y personas que han quedado en situación de calle por la falta de recursos para cubrir sus necesidades básicas de vivienda, por el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en Desacato del Decreto 579 del 15 de abril de 2020 que suspende los desalojos." 245831,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,105,[],['Context'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"People already grappling with a stifling economic crisis are unable to cover the cost of restoration but are also unwilling to leave their homes. There is a consensus among affected residents that the economic crisis, illegal capital controls, hidden haircuts, and skyrocketing inflation render the restoration process extremely difficult and nearly impossible. With the despair of receiving eventual State assistance, many are alarmed at the upcoming rain and cold weather. Taking loans from friends and family or selling assets remain the first- hand solution for reconstruction in light of the uncertainty about insurance coverage stalling urgent reconstruction." 224254,45763.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,74,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Recommandations : Renforcer les capacités des acteurs de protection sur la prévention et la réponse aux violences basées sur le genre par les services sociaux de l´Etat, les organisations de la société civile, les agences des Nations Unies et ONG et mettre en place des mécanismes de collecte de données sur risques de protection et de référencement des enfants et femmes victimes de violence ou à risque vers des services appropriés." 319534,54426.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"The Government of Niger, UNHCR, NGO partners and the World Bank foster economic recovery and long-term solutions through urbanization and the construction of durable housing." 293963,51273.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,66,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"The number of new COVID-19 cases reported daily has generally been increasing again since October 2020, though with stability at relatively higher levels during the month of December to date. According to the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), a total 50,655 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,126 associated deaths have been reported in Afghanistan as of December 21, 2020." 311741,54013.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unidadvictimas.gov.co/es/prevencion-y-atencion-de-emergencias/la-unidad-para-las-victimas-ha-atendido-90-desplazamientos,"La Unidad para la Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas conoció de la ocurrencia de 117 emergencias humanitarias masivas, correspondientes a 90 desplazamientos forzados y 27 confinamientos desde el inicio del aislamiento a causa de la covid-19 hasta el 31 de marzo de 2021." 245838,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,61,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Loss of equipment and supplies. Even if the building is not totally damaged, the loss of equipment prevents businesses from reopening immediately following the explosion. Most business owners have lost their equipment: restaurants lost their kitchen equipment and furniture, small markets lost their supplies and fixtures, and pharmacies lost some of their stock of medication" 222726,45952.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://elsolweb.tv/decretan-alerta-sanitaria-en-la-frontera-entre-colombia-y-venezuela-en-cucuta-estan-abarrotados-de-pacientes-con-covid-19/,"«Vemos a la gente en la calle incumpliendo las normas expedidas en un decreto, como el toque de queda y consumo de bebidas embriagantes», denunció el alcalde Yánez, quien también alertó que se están acabando las unidades de cuidados intensivos y no cuentan con toda la infraestructura para tratar a los pacientes críticos de coronavirus." 40930,11894.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,70,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"The majority of IDPs, however, had moved farther from the frontlines, dispersing to the baladiyas immediately surrounding Tripoli as well as to more distant parts of west Libya such as Alkhums, Bani Waleed and Jebel Nafusa. Roughly 15% of displaced Libyans moved farther in towards the less affected areas of Tripoli city, particularly the baladiyas of Hai Alandalus, Abusliem, and Tajoura.7" 335514,46379.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,27,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"High internal displacement, low coverage of vaccination required for stronger immune systems in combination with weak health, water and sanitation infrastructure has worsen the situation" 247936,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Sur le plan d’assainissement les latrines, les douches et les ouvrages de gestion des ordures sont complètement absents dans ces sites. Cette situation favorise la pratique de la défécation à l’air libre avec toutes les conséquences que cela comporte. Les ordures ménagères sont déposées en vrac un peu partout dans les sites." 265734,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,39,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Combinés à l’importance des flux de PDI, les mouvements de retours suggèrent des allers-retours fréquents entre localités d’origine et localités d’accueil, avec des conditions ne permettant pas un retour définitif." 340924,56137.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,104,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://minvivienda.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/recuperacion-del-sector-vivienda-se-mantiene-en-medio-de-la-pandemia,"Esta dinámica excepcional es, sin duda, el resultado de la estrategia de recuperación impulsada por el Gobierno Nacional. A la fecha, más de 51 mil familias colombianas han podido cumplir el sueño de tener una vivienda propia, a través de los 100 mil subsidios VIS anunciados por el Presidente Iván Duque. Por su parte, los subsidios No VIS han respaldado la compra de vivienda de más de 17 mil hogares desde su habilitación en septiembre de 2020, permitiendo avanzar hacia un país de propietarios y afianzar la recuperación del sector y de la economía nacional." 405272,63251.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=245050,"[August 12, GoS] In a statement, the Ministry added that the total number of the coronavirus cases recorded in Syria has reached up to 26,205 till now, of which 22,100 have recovered, while 1,930 passed away." 272061,50213.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/9c032c38/REACH_SYR_Northeast_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_January_2021.pdf,"[Jan 2021, NES] The median regional SMEB water trucking cost increased again in January by 37%, reaching 14,344 SYP. The price increase was likely due to recurring power cuts to Allouk water purification station." 239141,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,94,"['Capacities & Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As of writing this report, 45,139 samples have been tested in all central and regional public health laboratories since last week of February, of which 18,969 were declared positive by Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) in Afghanistan. The sample positivity rate was 42% which was twice as high as six weeks (19.5%) before on 24 February. The frequency of cases and deaths have been slow in the beginning of the outbreak while started to increase in late March and continues to grow." 196097,43590.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,IDPs’ movement will likely encourage the spread of COVID-19 as there is a severe lack of soap and clean water sources to maintain appropriate hygiene (OCHA 27/08/2020). Cramped camp conditions and their movement back home are likely to also contribute to COVID-19 spread. 64626,18828.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,188,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/tarjeta-de-vacunacion-para-migrantes-venezolanos/1441,"El ministro de Salud de Colombia también anunció una estrategia para fortalecer la prevención del VIH, que consiste en estandarizar acciones de educación, tamizaje y diagnóstico, y en facilitar servicios de acceso a salud sexual y reproductiva. Este punto reconoce los obstáculos que encuentran los ciudadanos venezolanos en los sistemas de salud de la región. En Colombia, por ejemplo, si los extranjeros tienen un estatus migratorio irregular, solo pueden acceder a la atención en urgencias. Por eso, gran parte de la atención en salud sexual y reproductiva en Colombia ha estado en manos de organizaciones no gubernamentales o privadas, como Profamilia. Finalmente, las delegaciones plantearon medidas para atender la salud mental de los venezolanos, que enfrentan duelos, estrés y depresión en medio de la migración. Uribe aseguró que Estados Unidos apoyará a los países de la región ""con lineamientos que fortalezcan la integración comunitaria de migrantes, el talento humano y la atención en salud mental a largo plazo, priorizando violencia, abuso de drogas y estrés postraumático""." 300770,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In Q4, 25 criminally-motivated incidents were logged, compared to 41 criminally-motivated security incidents affecting humanitarian personnel in Q3." 160533,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Las fuentes principales de información fueron las instituciones del Estado (32.7%), los vecinos/personas de la comunidad (27.3%) y las ONGs internacionales (25.5%). Cabe resaltar queúnicamente el 0.5% de la población recibió información de las agencias de Naciones Unidas" 437215,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,123,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"La République populaire de Chine reste le premier fournisseur de marchandises du Burkina Faso au quatrième trimestre 2020. La valeur des importations fournies par la Chine au cours du trimestre s’élève à 75 milliards de FCFA, soit 11,6% des importations totales. La Côte d’Ivoire, avec une part de 10,1%, est le deuxième fournisseur du pays. Elle est le premier pays partenaire du Burkina Faso à l’importation sur le continent africain, suivie par le Ghana qui représente 8,4% des importations, des Etats-Unis d’Amérique (8,3%), de la France (7,3%) et de l’Inde (6,6%)." 40949,11894.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,37,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"• Refugees and migrants in detention centres continued to be at particular risk of food shortages, as disruptions in staffing had in many cases led to a breakdown in the DCs’ food supply chains." 4627,626.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,50,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/daesh-claimed-suicide-attacks-kill-5-in-yemen-s-aden-1.2178768,"Five people, including security officers and a child, died in the blasts at the headquarters of an anti-terror unit in the Tawahi district, Aden security chief General Shallal Al Shae said. He said 24 civilians on a nearby beach were wounded as were seven guards." 390773,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,194,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"el monto promedio de impuesto directo pagado por migrantes es mayor que los locales durante todo el periodo y el crecimiento del número de contribuyentes extranjeros es mucho mayor que el de los chilenos. En cuanto a los impuestos indirectos, el monto total de IVA pagado por los migrantes crece durante todo el periodo y, aunque pagan menos que los chilenos en el agregado, el monto promedio es muy similar entre grupos (Maire, 2019; Maire & Tessada, 2019). Adicionalmente, y acorde a la estructura de recaudación tributaria del país, la mayor contribución de los migrantes es a través del IVA. Por otra parte, a nivel de los gastos, las partidas de educación, salud, transferencias y otros programas sociales aumentan para migrantes y chilenos, pero vivienda y SENAME disminuyen. En resumen, el aporte neto es positivo durante todo el periodo estudiando, pero va disminuyendo conforme pasa el tiempo. Sin embargo, el aporte neto de los locales disminuye aún más, llegando a ser negativo para el 2016 (Figura 9)." 13907,5542.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,41,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"Out of an estimated 5.6 million people in need of nutrition assistance, some 1.2 million people were reached. Treatment for moderate and acute malnutrition was provided to 342.000 people out of a caseload of 2.9 million people targeted." 52068,16699.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,20,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"Ecuador’s response has been inconsistent, reflecting the complex political tensions and insti- tutional challenges it faces." 205209,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,Cameroon declared its first case of COVID-19 on 5 March 2020. 193743,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,30,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,La province du Mayo-Kebbi Est est entrée en épidémie de choléra en juin 2019 qui s´est étendue dans le Mayo-Kebbi Ouest affectant au total 98 personnes dont 12 décès. 286517,51252.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,113,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"Why – The major contributing factors of acute malnutrition in all the analysed LGAs include very poor food consumption patterns (both quantity and nutritional quality) and high morbidity rates (diarrhoea and fever) among the analysed populations. Another factor is insecurity, which has displaced many people and prevented the delivery of and access to humanitarian aid. The major contributing factor in the projection periods is the expected further deteriorating security situation leading to decreased food accessibility, possible outbreaks of acute watery diarrhoea, measles, and malaria. The nutrition situation may also be negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on socio-economic factors" 320926,54668.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Les principaux problèmes agricoles signalés dans la province sont les maladies des cultures agricoles (39% du poids), les dommages (25%) et la sécheresse (18%) ." 494226,68123.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria, NWS, NES] The informal national average price of heating diesel increased by 16 percent m-o-m, reaching SYP 2,465/litre. Broken down by regions, Northwest Syria recorded the highest price at SYP 3,500/litre (up 75 percent m-o-m), while Northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 1,250/litre (up 11 percent m-o-m)." 300793,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"On the ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) side, the HAG (Humanitarian Access Group) recorded two detentions of humanitarians in Q4, including one arrest by NDS (National Directorate of Security) on suspicion of cooperation with NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) , and one temporary detention of an NGO staff member by NDS (National Directorate of Security)due to an alleged misunderstanding." 398746,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Los datos revisados en la Encla 2019 dan cuenta de los trabajadores de empresas privadas con cinco o más trabajadores y contrato de trabajo, no así de la situación de otros trabajadores como aquellos por cuenta propia, independiente y/o informal. En esta línea, la OIT (2016) ha advertido que los trabajadores migrantes comúnmente son “víctimas de prejuicios y de otras actitudes discriminatorias en el ámbito laboral, en particular, en épocas de recesión económica. La escasa información y conocimientos acerca de sus derechos y las frecuentes dificultades de orden lingüístico, provocan que no siempre puedan hacer valer sus derechos laborales”." 81814,22508.0,1387.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,38,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Mexico,2019-08-18 18:54:16.373564+00,https://es.panampost.com/sabrina-martin/2019/10/03/venezolanos-sin-derecho-a-viajar-victimas-de-xenofobia-robos-y-vejaciones/,Ya desde Venezuela se conocen casos de autoridades de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana que en el aeropuerto internacional Simón Bolívarroban a los viajeroscon destinos al exterior; ahora sucede lo mismo pero en otros países como México. 222783,46087.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,81,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/nnorth-east/432062-covid-19-gov-fintiri-directs-immediate-closure-of-schools-in-adamawa.html,"[16thDec2020-11thJan2021,Adamawa ] “The schools are to resume for the second term on January 11, 2021,” the governor said, adding that the directive should be strictly adhered to by school managers. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the directive is unconnected with the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. NAN also reports that many schools in Yola, the state capital, had closed since December 16." 308215,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of wheat grain in Faizabad was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020. 149550,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],[],es,43,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"En los últimos meses, el Ejecutivo ha creado un grupo de trabajo específico para la zona e impulsado una serie de medidas humanitarias, en las que participan el Ejército y organismos internacionales, aunque no parecen ser suficiente para Campos." 69125,19846.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,107,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/politica/gobierno/espana-dara-50-millones-para-crisis-migratoria-en-colombia-424952,"Españacontribuirá con 50 millones de euros en los próximos tres años para ayudar a Colombia y demás países de la región a enfrentar la crisis migratoria venezolana. El anunció lo hizo el canciller español, Josep Borrell, quien el sábado se trasladó a Cúcuta, donde recorrió la frontera con Venezuela. “Creo que estoy en condiciones de anticipar que España, para paliar los efectos de la crisis migratoria venezolana, va a contribuir con 50 millones de euros en los próximos tres años”, manifestó Borrell en una rueda de prensa conjunta con el canciller colombiano,Carlos Holmes Trujillo." 207054,43256.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The Cadre Harmonisé, analysis in March 2019 , pre-COVID-19, estimated that 601,109people in the North West and 402,177 people in the South West are considered food insecure." 361351,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,164,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The accounts from the informants suggest that the canals presented difficult and unpredictable conditions, and deceptiveness in terms of water depth. The accounts also stated that the canals were used for multiple activities, as playing, bathing, and fishing were undertaken by the victims before they drowned. There was no recurrence of specific location of where the canal fatalities took place, as they occurred at Camp 27, Camp 8E and Camp 17. Two of the fatalities occurred at larger open water bodies described as a lake and a reservoir. Like the drownings at canals, the fatalities that occurred at the lake and reservoir were school age children who got into difficulty as they went into deep water and submerged. There was also an individual incident in which a 2-year-old child drowned as she fell into an open water bucket inside her own home." 166543,40078.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/33_August_2020.pdf,"(4 sep,2020) Return passengers must proceed on a 7-day self-isolation as per protocol and present at the designated sample collection sites on the 7th day of arrival." 228230,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,Civilian casualties attributed to Pro-Government forces decreased by 34 per cent in comparison to the same period in 2019. 229642,46676.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=215312,"[28th December 2020, Syria] In a statement, the Ministry noted that the total number of the coronavirus infections registered in Syria has reached 11,033 cases till now, of which 5,141 cases have recovered and 678 have passed away." 111925,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A pesar de que Bogotá cuenta con fortaleza institucional para atender a su población y de que se ha reconocido el derecho a la educación y salud de los venezolanos en Colombia, se ha identificado que los inmigrantes tienen fuertes temores de acercarse a las instituciones por considerar que pueden ser deportados. Por ello, la desconfianza en las instituciones ha alejado a los inmigrantes de algunas atenciones y orientaciones." 358732,58517.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/regreso-a-clases-presenciales-asi-sera-el-regreso-a-colegios-en-colombia-593328,"Se trata de un anuncio que aceleraría el retorno a las aulas, que a la fecha solo se ha aplicado en el 30,4 por ciento de las sedes educativas del país y ha beneficiado al 15,5 por ciento de los 9,7 millones de estudiantes." 187628,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 450 health workers were trained on surveillance and more than 3,320 trained community health workers (CHWs) deployed across the country. In August, CHWs visited nearly 570,000 households across the country" 439675,63257.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],fr,44,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans 30% de localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population avait des difficultés à accéder à de l’information quant à l’assistance humanitaire disponible dans la zone au cours des 30 derniers jours." 248939,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,65,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Les carrés miniers, on le sait, sont des sites très attractifs qui offrent des opportunités de petits commerces aux femmes et jeunes filles. Or, ces sites sont pareillement des lieux de prédilection des miliciens qui y opèrent par des incursions régulières. Ces incursions à répétition accentuent la vulnérabilité des femmes et des filles qui y exercent des petits commerces." 214659,45417.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 83% (316) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à suffisamment de nourriture au cours du mois précédent" 198351,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Politics']",en,48,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the North West and South West, the socio-political crisis, now entering its fourth year, has led to massive population displacements, increasing the vulnerabilities of people who have often left their villages to live in the bush since the beginning of the crisis." 223927,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Ces cas sont repartis comme suit par province : Kinshasa 7.924 cas ; Nord-Kivu 642 cas ; Kongo Central 429 cas ; Haut-Katanga 314 cas ; Sud-Kivu 298 ça ; Ituri104 cas ; Lualaba 94 cas ; Haut-Uélé 49 cas ; Tshopo 28 cas ; Nord-Ubangi 10 cas ; Equateur 6 cas ; Kwilu 6 cas ; Sud-Ubangi 6 cas ; Haut-Lomami 1 cas : Kasaï 1 cas ; Kasaï Central 1 cas ; Kwango 1 cas.iii 437139,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,135,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"L’amélioration des conditions de vie n’a pas concerné toutes les couches de la société. L’analyse de la dominance stochastique2 d’ordre 1 de la consommation des ménages entre 2014 et 2018 montre que la courbe de consommation de 2014 domine celle de 2018 pour une consommation moyenne par personne supérieure à 130 000 FCFA. Cela signifie que la pauvreté est plus importante en 2014 par rapport à 2018 pour les individus dont la consommation moyenne est supérieure ou égale à ce seuil. Pour ceux qui sont en dessous de ce seuil, il n’y a pas de dominance claire entre les deux courbes. La croissance économique a été le seul vecteur de la baisse de la pauvreté entre 2014 et 2018." 222843,45953.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]Supplementary feeding for children, pregnant and lactating mothers was carried out in 60% of the camps while screening and supplementary feeding for malnourished children was carried out in 45% of the IDP camps" 162734,32313.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"A propósito… Por un lado, los migrantes perdieron sus empleos en Colombia y, por el otro, regresar a su país se ha convertido en un calvario. ¿Se puede decir que están en un callejón sin salida?" 412722,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The DGHS 2017-18 data reveals that on average 47% of pregnant women get 4+ ANC service. This study reveals that 37.6% of pregnant women got 4+ ANC service, which is around 10% lower than the national average. The situation is much worse in rural areas (30.3%) than in urban areas (52.0%) and both are much lower than the percentage in BDHS 2017-18 (42.7% and 58.7% respectively)." 184010,43052.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/unrwa-commissioner-general-makes-official-visit-syria-reviews-palestine,"[4th November 2020,Damascus] Ninety per cent of Palestine refugees in Syria live in poverty and 40 per cent remain in protracted displacement. Their hardship has been exponentially exacerbated through the imposition of sanctions and the rapid spread of COVID-19 in refugee communities." 237502,47294.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezolanos_en_Bogot%C3%A1_regi%C3%B3n_%28Corteoctubre2020%29_VF.pdf,"El 26,97% de los venezolanos en el país se concentran en los departamentos de Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Tolima, Meta y en el Distrito Capital de Bogotá. Esta última ciudad representa el 19,43% de la concentración a nivel nacional, según cifras de Migración Colombia*. El municipio de Soacha, en Cundinamarca, representa el 1,51% de la concentración a nivel nacional, se ubica en la posición 14 de los lugares en Colombia con mayor presencia de venezolanos, superando otras ciudades de mayor extensión. 11.299 venezolanos en Soacha cuentan con PEP. 214.169 venezolanos en Bogotá cuentan con PEP." 56041,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,49,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,La fuente administrativa muestra una notable consistencia entre los saldos migratorios acumulados (aproximadamente 130.000) y los trámites de residencia temporaria (alrededor de 126.000). Esta consistencia es también indicativa de la preocupación de las personas venezolanas por regularizar su situación migratoria lo antes posible. 224652,44702.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,7,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Distribution of soap for the affected families 148227,35830.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Response%20COVID-19%20Sit%20Rep%20%234%20-%20External%20use.pdf,"WV provides water trucking support and hygiene kit distribution to 43,260 people in northern Syria, in addition to lifesaving emergency WASH assistance. 61,581 individuals benefited from water provision in northwest Syria. In total, 55,245.5 cubic metres of water were provided during May and 62,243.50 cubic metres in June" 335528,46379.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,34,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Afghanistan is constrained by limited institutional and workforce resources and capacities. These challenges along with COVID-19 have put the country at risk of spread of the diseases with high mortality and morbidity rates 189720,43300.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,63,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Selon l´enquête EDS-MICS 2014 - 2015, les hommes sont en plus grande proportion propriétaires de terres (57% contre 38% pour les femmes) ou d´une maison (56% contre 36% pour les femmes). Dédiant 63 heures par semaine aux travaux domestiques, les femmes sont généralement en charge des activités agricoles les moins lucratives." 205212,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"challenging humanitarian access due to underfunding, insecurity, poor road infrastructure and COVID-19, is likely to remain a key impediment to reach people in need." 155091,34182.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"La población asentada entrevistada principalmente recolecta aguas lluvias además de las aguas superficiales de ríos y quebradas, a excepción de grandes ciudades como Villavicencio o Bogotá que la obtienen de acueductos. Consideran que las dificultades del agua no se deben a la cantidad a la que acceden si no a la calidad de la misma, debido a el depósito de residuos sólidos en los cuerpos de agua." 177533,41674.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-over-300000-recoveries/59058,"[16th October 2020, Bangladesh] The fatality rate in Bangladesh is 1.46 percent, the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said. So far, 2,140,129 samples have been tested and 18.04 percent of them have turned out to be positive. Currently, there are 79,725 active cases in the country." 133876,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,142,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Aunque ha habido un flujo migratorio de personas venezolanas a Panamá desde hace aproximadamente 10 años, se evidencia un aumento de éste a partir del 2012 y significativamente a partir del 2015. Sin embargo, el flujo disminuyó desde mediados del 2017, asociado a la introducción de la visa estampada para personas venezolanas. De las personas encuestadas, un 23% expresó que había llegado a Panamá entre tres a cinco años atrás (enero de 2014 a agosto de 2015), un 29% entre dos y tres años (septiembre de 2015 a agosto de 2016), un 34% entre uno y dos años (septiembre de 2016 a agosto de 2017), y un 15% había llegado hace un año (septiembre de 2017 a agosto de 2018)." 202106,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"A cumulative 193,000 South Sudanese refugees had spontaneously returned to South Sudan from November 2017 to July 2019 due to a mix of push and pull factors. The highest concentrations of refugee returnees are in Magwi, bordering Uganda in Eastern Equatoria (61,000), Pibor by the Ethiopian border in Jonglei (39,000) and Rubkona near Sudan in Unity (17,000)." 227496,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,34,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Suite à ces importantes destructions d’abris dans certains quartiers de la localité évaluée, une partie des ménages de Salamabila s’est déplacée à l’intérieur de la localité." 202041,44071.0,2330.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,48,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"En relación con las dificultades de las mujeres tras la emergencia, la mayoría perdió el contenido de sus casas (colchones, muebles, ropa, comida, etc.) y sus medios de vida como ganado, comercios, herramientas, equipos y cultivos." 215507,45277.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,Economic activity plummeted in the first half of 2020 as COVID-19 negatively impacted the industry and service sectors. 241476,47384.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) SYP has regained its value by 2%, with the informal exchange rate fluctuating daily. The median USD exchange rate in NES this week decreased from last week’s, 2925 SYP, and the recorded median was 2860 SYP. The trend of SYP depreciation is expected to continue in the coming weeks, despite the recent recovery of SYP value." 261664,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,49,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"el Ministerio de Salud en coordinación con el Ministerio de Transporte, adoptó una medida transitoria y preventiva de suspender los vuelos provenientes de la República Federativa de Brasil, debido a la aparición del linaje B.1.1.28 que podría tener un impacto de mayor transmisibilidad en la población." 324447,53757.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Les CACM ont distribué 200 000 kits d'extraction PCR à 10 États membres (Congo, RDC, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Soudan, Tchad, République centrafricaine, Guinée, Sierra Leone et SudSoudan)" 196088,43590.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"IDPs in Kunduz are residing with relatives or friends, sheltering in schools, or have put up makeshift shelters, all of which are inadequate (OCHA 25/08/2020)." 276360,50671.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les engins explosifs empêchent la circulation, l’accès à des points d’eau et la collecte du bois de chauffe et freinent considérablement le développement économique des régions touchées. [...] Au Tchad, 100 millions de mètres carrés sont contaminés par les mines et les restes explosifs de guerre, ce qui correspond à la superficie de Paris." 187634,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Following the opening of national airports, Health Cluster partners, in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) have developed Standard Operating Procedures for the safe reopening of the points of entry POEs. Traveler information and posters on COVID-19 prevention are being distributed at POEs. The FMoH has identified state focal persons in Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Jubaland and Southwest to provide regular monitoring of POE activities. In August, partners supported the FMoH with staffing to screen new arrivals at Kismayo airport, Dhobley border and Tukaraq of Sool region" 345181,56855.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,38,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,[Refugees] Two new sites were granted by the provincial authorities in Masisi territory (North Kivu) in April 2021 to accommodate thousands of families who have been displaced from Ituri province in recent months. 328534,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[Accountability to Affected Populations] 14% of households reported having received aid in the 30 days prior to data collection. 328577,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 20% of IDP settlement and 24% of non-IDP settlement households found with a health Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 176643,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,123,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Les PDI de Bourzanga ont exprimé diverses préoccupations, fermeture des écoles, des marchés, des lieux de cultes, la restriction des mouvements, fermeture des frontières, matériel de protection, ralentissement du ravitaillement des organismes humanitaires et l’ébranlement de la vie communautaire. L’absence de matériel de protection en vue d’éviter la contamination apparait comme la première préoccupation pour la majorité des groupes hôtes. Viennent ensuite la fermeture des marchés et des lieux de culte (tous les groupes des femmes hôtes), des écoles, le fait que leurs enfants ne travaillent plus ou qu’elles ne peuvent plus se réunir pour causer (femmes hôtes âgées)." 289349,51168.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"A total of 119,000 people in need of emergency food assistance and livelihood assistance including distribution of fishing and vegetable kits. Livestock needs to be vaccinated, treated and restocked." 194261,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"Ce 07/11/2020, 41 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 27 à Kinshasa, 4 au Bas-Uélé, 4 au Lualaba, 3 à la Tshopo, 2 au Haut-Katanga et 1 au Maniema (Annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." 48789,12663.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,33,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Health officials have also seen the first deaths of Venezuelan patients from acute malnutrition ever reported in 2017, with three deaths. In 2018, 11 Venezuelans died from acute malnutrition." 384789,60456.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,66,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Le pays rapporte aussi plus de 1 253 416 personnes déplacées internes depuis le début du mois de juin 2021 (tableau 1) représentant approximativement 6% de la population totale du Burkina Faso. C’est une augmentation du nombre de PDIs d’environ 2,84% par rapport à la situation d’avril 2021 (1 218 754 PDI)." 173803,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,93,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, North East Nigeria]Out of the total number of returnees, 1,576,316 (92% of all returnees) were classified as IDP returnees, while 138,366 (or 8% of all returnees) were classified as returned refugees as they travelled back from neighboring countries. The percentage of return refugees is unchanged since the last two rounds of assessment. In Round 32, 137,123 returnees were return refugees. The latest number included 82,689 from Cameroon, 33,413 from Niger and 22,264 from Chad." 358428,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] The most commonly reported alternative source of water according to a REACH RNA conducted in communities affected by the impacted water stations was water trucking (93% of KIs reporting a secondary source), but 47% of KIs were not reporting a secondary source of water in communities." 262251,49498.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,139,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/443530-covid-19-nigeria-records-869-new-cases-eight-more-deaths.html,"[17th Feb 2020,Nigeria] The 869 new cases were reported from 24 states – Lagos (229), Rivers (79), Taraba (73), Oyo (66), Ogun (60), FCT (58), Plateau (56), Kwara (38), Ondo (38), Osun (24), Kano (22), Nasarawa (21), Abia (19), Edo (19), Akwa Ibom (19), Cross River (10), Delta (9), Benue (8), Ekiti (6), Borno (6), Katsina (4), Bauchi (3), Bayelsa (1) and Zamfara (1)." 194364,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 407 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 51 ZS réparties dans 11 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 57111,17184.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Asimismo, tuvimos una reunión con quien está a cargo del Servicio Social del Hospital, que es una funcionaria que se desempeñaba en el Área de Estadísticas pero quedó a cargo del Servicio luego de algunos reordenamientos internos. Presentamos CAREF y comentamos las dificultades de acceso a salud de la población migrante y las posibles articulaciones." 483308,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"10.4 Equipamiento del hogar En la encuesta se incluyeron preguntas para conocer la tenencia de algunos electrodomésticos básicos para las tareas domésticas, necesarios para la preparación de alimentos. Los resultados revelan que el 86,3% de los hogares venezolanos tienen cocina a gas, el 12,8% refrigeradora, el 31,0% licuadora y el 17,7% plancha eléctrica." 226936,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] attributed 722 child casualties (246 killed and 476 injured) to Pro-Government Forces, mainly the Afghan National Army16, and 711 child casualties (192 killed and 519 injured) to Anti-Government Elements, primarily the Taliban." 152710,37924.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,19,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,STATUT POINTS D’ENTRÉE : Partiellement fermés. Seuls les transports de marchandises sont autorisés à passer. 390740,61177.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,156,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Nigeria is currently dealing with a wide range of environmental challenges, some of which are exacerbated by climate change, and negatively affects every sector, particularly agriculture, water resources and infrastructure. Other challenges facing the country are deforestation and de-vegetation, causing biodiversity loss and land degradation; floods, erosion, drought and desertification which are degrading the environment especially in the semi-arid areas of the country resulting in conflicts; environmental pollution — namely air, water, land and noise; waste generation; mineral exploration and exploitation and the accompanying environmental degradation as well as limited access to safe water and poor sanitation. Climate change impacts in Nigeria is expected to have significant impacts on livelihoods and the broader economy.13 Rising temperatures, extreme heat, and changing precipitation patterns will induce new challenges and exacerbate existing ones." 218373,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,15,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,"Le transport des dépouilles mortelles directement au lieu d’inhumation, sans aucune cérémonie" 207119,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"With the high existing maternal mortality rate (789 per 100,000), which is the fifth-highest in the world, pregnant women are specifically in need of basic emergency obstetric care and referral mechanisms for obstructed deliveries and pregnancy-related complications." 161476,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,103,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En La Guajira, se evidencia también que hay niños separados o no acompañados, en especial en las familias mixtas en las que los padres regresan a Venezuela tras no encontrar empleo. Por medio de una entrevista a una funcionaria del centro zonal Guajira del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF), se confirmó que la mayoría de los procesos de restablecimiento de derechos, para menores migrantes y refugiados, son por la identificación de casos de niños no acompañados, violencia sexual o física, la vida en calle y por el riesgo de trabajo infantil." 276986,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"Les chefs d’entreprise ont introduit des mesures à la dernière minute, ce qui signifie qu’elles étaient souvent coûteuses et perturbatrices. Pour la deuxième vague, de nombreux dirigeants ont tiré les leçons de leurs expériences précédentes, et ici le soutien d’organisations comme la FEC a été déterminant pour fournir les informations dont les entreprises ont besoin. Les entreprises peuvent s’adapter rapidement avec moins de perturbations." 204264,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,81% des ménages [de Dosso] ont rapporté avoir consommé des aliments moins préférés ou moins chers. 89850,25499.0,1620.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,116,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/northeast_nigeria_ipc_acute_malnutrition_analysis_27feb2020.pdf,"According to the IPC AMN projection analysis for January – April 2020, all four domains (Northern Yobe, Central Yobe, Southern Yobe and Eastern Borno) that are classified as Phase 3 (Serious) in the current period will likely remain in IPC Phase 3. The acute malnutrition situation in 3 domains (Northern Borno, Central Borno and Southern Borno) is likely to deteriorate further, moving them from IPC Phase 2 (Alert) into IPC Phase 3 (Serious). Three domains (MMC/Jere, Southern Adamawa and Northern Adamawa), are likely to remain in the current IPC Phase 2 (Alert)." 391160,61470.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Top measures taken by camp management in response to the pandemic as reported by households: -Distributing hygiene materials: 85% -Enforcing curfew: 71% -Asking people to stay at home: 59%" 335525,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,About half of cases (53%) were in young age group of 20 to 40 years. 390771,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,69,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"8. Finalmente, se observa una gran tasa de trabajadores y trabajadoras migrantes sobrecalificados para las ocupaciones en donde se desempeñan: uno de cada cinco trabajadores migrantes está sobrecalificado para su trabajo. Esto responde al proceso de asimilación económica que deben enfrentar los trabajadores migrantes debido a su falta de redes de contactos, la invalidez de sus títulos y las diferencias en el idioma." 151487,38051.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,44,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200778,"The Coronavirus pandemic has affected most sectors as well as social and cultural habits, and one of those habits is reading; with the extended quarantine and lockdown periods, e-books are growing more popular at the expense of their print counterparts." 202620,43256.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,54,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"People in rural or hard-to-reach areas are most affected because of limited or no access to medical, nutrition and WASH facilities. This population is mostly made up of women and children. These communities also receive the least humanitarian assistance due to the logistical, security and financial difficulties accessing them." 151190,34293.0,1898.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-07-20%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2013-19%20de%20julio%202020.pdf,"Las evaluaciones citan daños en más de 550 escuelas por un valor de 13,4 millones de dólares en reparaciones necesarias para permitir el retorno seguro de más de 145.800 estudiantes." 386467,60772.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Respecto a la ocupación, un 31% cuenta con trabajo remunerado, ya sea dependiente (25%) o independiente (6%). Lo sigue la población sin ocupación (23%), y luego dueñas de casa (20%). El menor porcentaje según ocupación económicamente activa lo representa la población cesante (7%)." 126536,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La provisión de servicios básicos que cumple con los estándares mínimos también requiere ser abordada. El desarrollo de la capacidad de estas instituciones debe servir para mejorar los servicios y asegurar que se pueda hacer frente a casos específicos, por ejemplo, personas sin pasaporte que están en situación irregular, el reconocimiento de títulos académicos o acceso a servicios de salud y educación después de solicitar un Permiso Temporal de Permanencia (PTP) o refugio." 391112,61177.0,2170.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,90,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] The agriculture sector is also the largest employer of the country and accounts for 24.4% of GDP (2016).62 Nigeria’s agriculture is dominated by small-holder farmers and characterized by limited mechanization. Additionally, the relatively low soil fertility, climate, land tenure and inefficient land management practices are responsible for low productivity for the sector. This low productivity has in part, resulted in the heavy dependency on import to meet food demand." 197577,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The cost response for Protection decreased to $79 million from $83 million due to modified activities related to COVID-19. 194368,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Ainsi, 2 430 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 06/11/2020 incluant 2 377 à Kinshasa et 53 dans le Haut-Katanga ; seuls 766 (31,5%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h." 200051,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Aux partenaires gouvernementaux nous demandons : • Augmenter les financements alloués au secteur de l’eau, l’hygiène et de l’assainissement ; • Intensifier la mise en œuvre des projets et programmes étatiques dans le domaine de l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement en faveur des personnes déplacées ; • Renforcer la collaboration et l’échange d’information avec les acteurs humanitaires." 141652,35314.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The Syrian MoH has stationed at least one ambulance with medical personnel at all PoEs. To date, WHO has supported screening efforts by providing personal protection equipment (PPE), infrared thermometers, guidance notes, registration forms and one thermal scanner camera." 223815,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les données de MSI montrent une augmenta�on de 350 % du nombre de visites dans les cliniques mobiles entre avril et juillet (période de l'état d'urgence na�onal) (de 1643 à 5819). Entre mars et octobre, l’organisa�on CARE Interna�onal a également signalé une augmenta�on de 44 % du nombre de nouvelles femmes et de jeunes filles qui se rendent dans les structures de santé pour obtenir des services de planning familial." 322379,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,49,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 33% of Households of IDP settlements reported a lack of documentation proving their occupancy status while 36% of Households of non-IDP settlements reported a lack of documentation proving their occupancy status. 356593,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,70,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Las autoridades colombianas deben llevar a cabo investigaciones prontas, independientes y rigurosas sobre todos los casos de abuso policial y otros hechos graves de violencia, incluyendo por parte de hombres armados de civil que atacaron a manifestantes, señaló Human Rights Watch. También deben investigar a los agentes de policía que podrían haber incumplido su deber de proteger a manifestantes de ataques armados cometidos por particulares." 384883,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Dans le cadre de la lutte contre la COVID-19, l’OMS a renforcé les capacités de prélèvement du site du Laboratoire National de santé publique (LNSP) à Ouagadougou à travers la construction et l’équipement du site (25 chaises, 5 tables, 5 Thermo flash, masques, 500 gants, 40 blouses, savon liquide)." 165116,39657.0,2098.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000117581.pdf,"Purchasing power erosion remains the greatest challenge many households are grappling with. • Overall, households purchasing power has dropped by 42 percent in June considering current verses usual income levels. Currently, with a day’s income, a household in Cox’s Bazar can buy about 9 kg of rice, a drop from 15 kg of rice that could be bought from usual precrisis income." 192398,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,26,['Priority Needs'],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Interviews with people affected by the crisis found that although violence and conflict have reduced in many areas, civilians do not yet feel secure." 200032,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,103,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[L’impact de la crise sur l’accès aux services d’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement : Pour les sites de déplacées] Nouveaux besoins en WASH: besoin de construire des points d’eau, de fournir des services d’assainissement, de distribuer de kits d’hygiène, de sensibiliser sur les bonnes pratiques, avec souvent un contexte hydrogéologique peu favorable, un habitat dense ou des problèmes fonciers rendant complexe réalisation de latrines, une difficulté de ciblage des ménages plus vulnérables en raison de données incomplètes." 359831,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In Bangladesh, during FGDs with girls (out-of-school) at Kochakata school it was mentioned that from childhood girls have an additional burden of supporting their mothers with household chores. Girls have to struggle for time management between household work and education. They also look after their siblings and elderly family members and help out on the farm. Thus, they do not have time to take part in the SBDRM activities." 291393,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,22,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,There is an urgent need to ensure a continued distribution of medical and protective equipment to all corners of the country. 356608,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,58,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Colombia necesita una Policía de carácter civil que esté entrenada para responder a las manifestaciones de una manera respetuosa de los derechos humanos, y cuyos miembros rindan cuentas por los abusos cometidos, dijo Human Rights Watch. Establecer una separación clara entre la Policía y las Fuerzas Armadas es un primer paso clave para ello." 439345,63592.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 58% (190) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que des activités de subsistance de la majorité de la population avaient été perturbées de façon importante au cours du mois précédent" 345439,56718.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,30,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.congodurable.net/2021/05/16/etat-de-siege-un-regain-de-soutien-aux-fardc/,"Ce dimanche à Lubumbashi, les députés provinciaux du Haut-Katanga leur ont emboîté le pas. Chacun donnera 500$ de ses émoluments à l’effort de guerre." 288334,50610.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,109,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March, 2021, Overall Syria] Due to the prolonged crisis in Syria, the public health system is fragile and requires considerable support to reinforce its capacity to support a potential outbreak of COVID-19. Only 57 public hospitals (64 per cent) are fully functioning. There is also a considerable shortage of trained staff and a high turnover rate, all of which reduce its capacity to manage cases, and of medical equipment essential for case management, including ventilators. The crisis has also disrupted national routine surveillance with currently EWARS the only timely surveillance system for communicable diseases." 347994,56800.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Lack of access to WASH can affect a child’s nutritional status in many ways. WASH may also impact nutritional status indirectly by necessitating walking long distances in search of water and sanitation facilities and diverting a mother’s time away from childcare." 307778,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Protection partners reached 150 people (20 girls, 14 boys, 58 women, and 58 men) through protection awareness-raising and prevention messaging." 161795,39563.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/412358-covid-19-how-third-phase-of-eased-lockdown-will-be-implemented-official.html,Mr Aliyu said the existing nationwide curfew of 10 p.m to 4 a.m imposed by President Buhari to further limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus has been reviewed. He said the curfew would henceforth be from 12 midnight to 4 a.m. daily. 197189,43116.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,80,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lavozdefalcon.info.ve/alcaldesa-de-bogota-a-las-mafias-colombianas-les-resulta-mas-rentable-reclutar-a-venezolanos/,"ópez explicó que los venezolanos son 4% de la población de Bogotá, y sin embargo hay 20% de participación de venezolanos en robo. “En la criminalidad es más rentable ser inmigrante no identificado que colombiano. Porque si no se puede identificar, no se puede judicializar. Y eso lo entienden las mafias colombianas. Entre reclutar un colombiano y un venezolano, les sale más barato y rentable en impunidad el venezolano”" 162922,39647.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"The Livelihoods Working Group continued coordinating mask production and distributions in the camps and host communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf, with the aim of producing 2 million masks; thus far masks have been distributed to 182,951 people in the camps, and 113,697 in the host communities." 289542,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"A total of $1 million funding has been secured directed towards four of the six but is not sufficient to cover the protection needs in these locations. Four counties are partially covered via the existing funding for response scale-up, with two counties as yet uncovered. An additional $3.56 million is required to meet the protection needs.(Protection Cluster Partners)" 62071,18564.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"Access to water is also a serious problem. An analysis of state and regional hydrological plans by the news site Prodavinci found that 9.78 million people had their water rationed during 2016 and 2017, receiving it an average of two days a week. The situation continued to worsen in 2018: 38 percent of households received water a few days a week in 2018, up from 31 percent the previous year, while 33 percent received it once a week or less, compared to 23 percent the previous year. Moreover, 23 percent of the households did not have access to potable water." 203578,43976.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Le taux de prévalence de la malnutrition aigue globale s’élève à 9,1% sur l’ensemble de la région [de Agadez]." 385607,60457.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,122,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Les incidents sécuritaires des zones de Gorgadji, Markoye, Seytenga et Tinakoff ont provoqué un exode des populations pastorales vers les grands centres sécurisés, avec pour conséquence une forte concentration d’animaux. Ces facteurs impactent significativement les moyens d’existence des populations avec notamment l’application d’un couvre-feu dans plusieurs communes de la région et des restrictions de déplacement en vigueur qui entravent la mobilité du bétail, les activités pastorales et agricoles, le transport et le fonctionnement des marchés. À cela s’ajoute les assassinats de civils et les pillages du bétail commis par les groupes armés non étatiques dans les provinces de l’Oudalan et du Seno." 223539,45273.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,"In 2020, more than five million children in Afghanistan will need humanitarian assistance just to survive. Yet this figure doesn’t take into account the Coronavirus pandemic which is already spreading broadly unchecked, with potentially devastating consequences for the entire country." 237697,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"El 85,8 % de los lesionados (875) es hombre y el 47,0 % (475) de los casos se reporta entre los 10 y 24 años" 293682,51569.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,87,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Priorities on Immediate humanitarian response • Prepositioning of nutrition supplies like Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food (RUSF) and Corn Soy Blend (CSB)++ for serving these displaced population (IDP’s). • Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP) intervention • Emergency food security intervention through food distribution to the vulnerable population. And distribution of vegetable seeds for establishing kitchen gardens in the households. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 224489,46147.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://tishreen.news.sy/?p=599768,"[December 21, As-Suwayda] The Director of As-Suwayda Education - Bassam Abu Mahmoud explained to (Tishreen) that every teacher or school whose condition requires him to obtain a referral or sick leave will definitely be obtained, bearing in mind that the sick referral is not given to the teacher only after approval by the school health and according to his health condition, pointing out that The increase in the number of school health reviewers by the educational staff is due to the spread of winter diseases such as influenza and cold, because the health condition of the teacher is reflected in the performance in the educational process." 408637,63559.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Although not all attacks on medical missions are caused by the armed conflict, armed groups in Cauca have been responsible for several of them because they treat humanitarians as allies of their enemies" 496234,68462.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,24,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520July%25202021%2520SouthernCone.pdf,"The government extended existing Covid-19 restrictions until 6 August, including the cap on the number of travelers allowed to enter the country." 151878,38243.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-08-31%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2024-30%20de%20agosto%202020.pdf,"Perú tiene ahora la tasa más alta del mundo de muertes por COVID-19 por cada millón de habitantes con 871, por encima de España, el Reino Unido, Italia, Chile y los Estados Unidos. Aunque Perú reporta más de 28.000 muertes, el Sistema Informático Nacional de Defunciones (SINADEF) está informando que Perú probablemente tiene más de 70.000 muertes vinculadas a COVID-19, señalando que hay miles de muertes presuntamente debidas a COVID-19 que aún no han sido incluidas en los informes del Gobierno." 247913,48250.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Environment', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,123,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Eta_Iota_Esp.pdf,"Al 30 de noviembre, en el Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia, OCHA nformó que en la isla de San Andrés había 617 personas afectadas (141 familias), de las cuales 193 eran mujeres, 314 hombres y 110 niños. En la isla de Providencia, había un registro inicial de 1.258 personas afectadas (851 familias), tres fallecidos y un desaparecido. Al 10 de diciembre, Acción contra el Hambre informó de seis refugios refugios activos en el Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia, dos refugios en Antoquia, cuatro refugios en La Guajira, dos refugios en el Chocó, un refugio en Bolívar y un refugio en el Norte de Santander" 225405,45087.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,16,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,Donors must provide funding to address immediate food security needs of children and their families. 196062,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,11,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The cost of the response remained the same at 31 Million 320127,53234.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Testing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Between weeks 11-12, 6 new confirmed cases were detected from 1781 samples tested, the test positivity was therefore 0.3%. As of 28 March 2021, the cumulative incidence is 50.9 per 100 000 people. The overall positivity of samples tested is 1.3%. Among the cases, 6.2% showed severe symptoms at the time of admission while 6.5% reported at least one co-morbidity." 16784,6342.0,322.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"Water trucking for IDPs in most districts of Al Hudaydah, Hajjah and Al Mahwit governorates is ongoing with about 27,000 litres delivered per day in Bani Sad, 40,000 litres per day in Al Khabt and 10,000 in Milhan. There are some water response gaps in Ar Rujum and Hufash districts, as well as sanitation response gaps in Bni Sa’ad." 319792,54628.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Due to restrictions on movement, women often rely on others (particularly men) for information. Some women respondents observed that as women, and therefore less mobile, they had less access to information during the fires and had to rely on men in their families or neighbours for information. Due to restrictions on movement, women often rely on others (particularly men) for information." 344202,56790.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,135,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] In April, the value of the regional Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) dropped slightly to 411,125 SYP, a 3% decrease compared to March, although a 74% long-term increase since October 2020, hovering just below the highest ever recorded price in the Market Monitoring Exercise in NWS, set last month. The SMEB in United States Dollar (USD) increased slightly from 113 USD in March to 116 USD in March alongside a slight depreciation of the SYP against the USD. The average SMEB value in USD has remained - between 113 and 116 USD - since the beginning of 2021, however this is the highest cost in USD since May 2019, two years ago." 241977,47791.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,37,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"D’autre part, un nombre important d'enfants, et surtout des filles, risque de ne pas retourner à l'école, notamment à cause de l’impact socio-économique de la pandémie sur les ménages" 205199,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Amongst other achievements, 80 verified alerts have been investigated, 3.4 million screenings have been conducted at 32 active border points of entry, almost 3,000 front line health workers have been vaccinated, four isolation units and six holding units have been established,118 prioritized frontline health facilities supported with essential WASH services, 13 burial teams trained on safe burials and 2,277 key community influencers engaged in EVD prevention and response. (For Ebola)" 340757,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Actores que participan: 530 estudiantes de todos los niveles educativos –inicial, primaria y secundaria–, 30 docentes, caciques coreguaje, misioneras Lauras y funcionarios del Municipio de Milán." 164630,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"UNICEF continues to support the Testing and Laboratory pillar of the PTF. 29 molecular labs are currently operational in the country. A two-day training plan has been developed for the roll out of GeneXpert training. Community case finding has been rolled out across states with 240 samples (with 24 positives) picked up in Abia in one day of the exercise. UNICEF is also supporting the training of community volunteers, community informants and health care workers across all LGAs on case-finding, investigation, contact-tracing, isolation and reporting." 35797,13103.0,788.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Demography'],en,29,['At Risk'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Female adolescents, especially those aged 10–14 years living in rural northern communities, are more likely to deliver their children at home without the assistance of skilled personnel" 335285,55819.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Dans le secteur du commerce, les participants ont rapporté que les habitants de l’Oudalan pratiquent surtout la vente d’animaux et le groupe des non déplacés a spécifié la vente de produits manufacturés et de céréales. D’autres participants ont indiqué travailler comme des journaliers ou des salariés dans des projets ou des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) qui sont implantées et exercent dans la province." 171501,40704.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] In addition to awareness raising, World Vision established fever screening and handwashing stations at every nutrition centre. These were overseen by volunteers trained on the referral pathway for suspected COVID-19 cases. No case of fever was reported during the period under review." 323862,54898.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/economia/adaptacion-digital-formula-para-proteger-a-las-empresas-colombianas-en-la-pandemia/20000011-4510822,"Por ello, las empresas deben hallar otras vías para establecer una relación ""cercana y de empatía"", pese a los toques de queda y cierres impuestos por el coronavirus." 211065,44790.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Displaced children, and the children of the host communities they settle in, are particularly vulnerable and likely to be out of school. Despite the lower overall caseload compared to non-displaced children, IDP children are more likely to be at risk of not accessing education with 37 per cent of displaced children in need compared to 25 per cent of non-displaced children." 483304,67232.0,1185.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"10.2.2 Servicios higiénicos El 71,3% de las viviendas particulares donde reside población venezolana tienen acceso a red pública de desagüe dentro de la vivienda y el 28,7% en viviendas con servicio de desagüe por red pública fuera de la vivienda pero dentro del edificio" 113086,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"• Continúa la entrega de kits de higiene, kits de bioseguridad y kits de aseo a población refugiada y migrante en situación de vulnerabilidad en Bogotá, así como la atención y orientación a través de las líneas telefónicas." 297737,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Most constraints stemmed from interference with programming (187), followed by bureaucratic impediments (40), interference with staff recruitment (37) and interference with beneficiary selection (29). NSAG-TB continued to author most interference attempts (186), with GOA and ANSF initiating 67 and 13 respectively." 155149,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"41% tienen experiencia en primeros auxilios, 59 % no tienen experiencia en primeros auxilios" 472799,64952.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,53,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"La dernière publication des chiffres des personnes déplacées interne (PDIs) par le CONASUR, fait état de 978 744 PDIs au 9 juillet 2020. C’est une augmentation du nombre de PDIs d’environ 6,22% par rapport à la situation du 07/06/2020 (921471 PDIs)." 70743,20012.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,74,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"The most devastating took place in the evening of 27 July 2019, when five medics and rescuers were killed and eight were injured in a missile strike which struck the porch of the house where the men were sitting. Those who were killed included two doctors, Aws Nusrat and Fathi Belqaid, and three drivers and rescuers, Mu’adh Nusrat, Mohammed Salah, and Ibrahim ben Salah." 75132,21297.0,1186.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019-11-18_resumen_semanal_de_situacion_11-18_noviembre.pdf,"• Chile: proyección de la población venezolana para el año 2020 de 472.000 habitantes, buscando US$31,5 millones y con un objetivo de asistir a 145.000 personas de un total de 295.000 personas en necesidad." 358240,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[15 June 2021, NES]According to the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) working group in NES, as of 15 June there are 123 water pumping stations that provide filtered drinking water to communities along the Euphrates and related water bodies, mostly through piped water networks, but also water trucking in Deir-ez-Zor and Ar-Raqqa." 304462,50891.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"Communication for Development (C4D): In the last months of 2018, the C4D Section focused on the Chikungunya outbreak. By December, the Red Sea State was the priority with 835 health workers trained to promote key behaviour change in 70,187 households and a mass media campaign utilising pamphlets, megaphones and radio broadcasts to target 207,000 individuals." 165652,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Time to reach a functional water source (396 responses) 5 minutes or less 9% 15 minutes 38% 20 minutes 24% 25 minutes 16% 30 minutes 3% More than 30 minutes 6% 208193,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Out of 1.8 million South Sudanese who are in need of nutrition services, some 77 per cent are from the non-displaced and host communities, while 16 per cent represent IDPs and smaller numbers are returnees." 144182,35197.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,113,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/argentina/unicef-actualiza-la-estimaci-n-de-pobreza-infantil-alcanzar-m-s-de-8-millones-de,"LaRepresentante de UNICEF Argentina, Luisa Brumana, destacó que -en este contexto- el Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia (IFE) alcanza al 47% de los hogares, frente al 22% que lo recibía en abril. “Son 13 millones de personas que habitan en 2,8 millones de hogares donde al menos un miembro recibe el IFE”, dijo Brumana y señaló que la continuidad de los programas de protección social “es clave para evitar que más hogares caigan en la pobreza extrema”.“Deben redoblarse los esfuerzos para que ninguna familia en condiciones de vulnerabilidad se quede por fuera de estos beneficios”, agregó" 144447,34804.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,35,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, including from mitigation measures such as border closures and movement restrictions which were mainly implemented from March to May, have already affected large segments of the population." 201075,43280.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,Unaccompanied and separated children received family tracing and reunification services including alternative care support with 367 children realizing their fundamental right to a family in September. 328640,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 14% of households were found to have at least one Protection Living Standard Gaps (LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 13% of households were found to have a Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in protection but no Capacity Gap (CG) in protection, 1% of households were found to have both a LSG in protection and a CG in Protection and 86% of households were found to have no protection Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a Capacity Gap (CG) in protection." 186573,41082.0,1184.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,95,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/ecuador/ecuador-covid-19-could-cause-11-percent-dive-gdp-year,"The report describes the human impact of the COVID-19 crisis as ""severe, [and] tied to the implementation of sanitary and social distancing measures to contain the spread of the virus. This led to the total or partial shutdown of economic activities, affecting the economy and the daily life of Ecuadorians."" The country's commerce, industry, tourism, transport, and health sectors have been hit hardest--and lost jobs and income could increase the number of families living in poverty and extreme poverty." 328778,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,23,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 15% households reporting having at least one member facing discrimination due to age, disability, or heritage" 303527,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Dans la région de l'Extrême-Nord, les prix actuels des aliments de base sur les principaux marchés augmentent légèrement pour la plupart des céréales et des légumineuses par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale." 167046,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"Also, 4,343 people recovered and were discharged last week, a 372 per cent increase when compared to the previous week’s record of 1,166, Nigeria’s lowest in three months." 291636,52152.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,105,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se identifica que los productores tienen un número inferior de cabezas de ganado, ya que el 41,1% afirman una reducción que puede ser extrema o menor, situación que está asociada principalmente a la venta de emergencia para la generación de efectivo (40%) y la dificultad en alimentar los animales (26%). Los pequeños ganaderos y agricultores familiares en su mayoría han mantenido el mismo número de cabezas del año pasado, mientras que los grupos más afectados por la disminución son los grandes ganaderos pese a que hay otros que han incrementado significativamente su producción." 40898,11857.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,117,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-thousands-people-risk-fighting-escalates-tripoli,"While the numbers in each detention centres are subject to change daily, currently there are 135 people in Anjila detention center, which is just 3.4 miles from the fighting. A few days ago there were still around 910 people in Abu Salim, four miles from the fighting. This detention center is most likely to be directly affected by conflict in the coming days, as shelling already occurred in the Abu Salim neighborhood during the night of April 16. UNHCR is conducting a relocation exercise to move some of the most vulnerable people from Abu Salim to the Gathering and Departure Facility, but lacks the capacity to take everyone." 287887,51841.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Counties with the most significant net decreases in the number of IDPs were Rubkona (-21,241), Pibor (-10,217), Yei (-10,039), Wau (-9,700), Kapoeta East (-7,779), Leer (-7,677) and Maban (-7,240). The main counties witnessing net increases in the number IDPs since round 8 were Terekeka (+6,783), ayod (+3,438) and Budi (+2,603)." 260937,48984.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,108,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria]In Nigeria, there is a nearly total absence of civilian authority in the worst crisis-affected Local Governmental Areas in Borno State, due to insecurity and lack of incentives to return, which constrains the State’s ability to provide basic and secondary services in health, education, law enforcement and access to justice. People therefore remain highly dependent on humanitarian assistance, although the Federal and State goverments have tried to increase palliative measures — in the form of food distributions in some IDP camps — to mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19." 388346,60981.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",es,40,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"La Secretaría de Gobierno manifiesta escasez de papa, panela y huevo. Se estima que, debido a las restricciones de acceso por los deslizamientos, el 6 de agosto habrá desabastecimiento total de alimentos en el municipio." 413151,60898.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"3,533,000 people in need (OCHA Dec 2020)" 281581,51173.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"In 2020, WHO recorded 89 incidents that include direct attacks on hospitals, abductions of healthcare workers, acts of intimidation, looting of medical supplies etc." 56589,17094.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,78,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Familias en movimiento Más arriba se señaló que la mitad de las personas entrevistadas tenían hijos: 60% de las mujeres y 40% de los varones. La mayoría tenía uno o dos hijos (75%) en tanto que los demás tenían entre 3 y 5. En conjunto, tenían 91 hijos, de los cuales 66 eran menores de 18 años al momento de la entrevista a sus padres o madres." 155661,38514.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"As part of COVID-19 risk prevention measures and infection prevention and control (IPC) compliance in host communities and camps, partners disinfected 54,809 WASH facilities and 2,178 public buildings." 63669,18726.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Demography'],en,99,['At Risk'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_august_edition.pdf,"The increased prevalence of water-borne diseases during the rainy season further increases health complications that lead to both moderate and severe acute malnutrition (MAM/SAM), particularly in children under 59 months. Critically low funding for the treatment of MAM is particularly concerning as MAM cases left untreated worsen and become severe. As o of July, a mere two per cent of the 390,000 children targeted for MAM treatment have been reached, while the Nutrition Sector has only received 39.9 per cent in funds required to reach two million people targeted for assistance." 328591,54710.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,84,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 36% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility while 28% and 24% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility respectively, 12% reported that it takes 1-3hours and 0% reported it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest nutrition facility" 291407,51191.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"The ICCT’swinterisation plan (a subset of the HRP) aims to reach 2.5m people over the winter months with a range of life-saving support including cash and in-kind heating assistance for households, warm clothes, seasonal food support, nutrition treatment, and health services for winter sickness. As of 15 January, some 30,000 families have been reached with ESNFI winterisation support." 155239,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,57,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Personas que se encontraban en tránsito al inicio de la cuarentena quedaron atrapadas en algunos puntos intermedios de la ruta, sin posibilidad de llegar a los destinos previstos en el corto plazo. Algunos se han establecido en espacios públicos, otros han sido acogidos por venezolanos asentados y otros han decidido retornar a Venezuela." 171503,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] The WASH Sector established a robust community-based awareness raising outreach focused on COVID-19 and WASH-related diseases. This involved 115 community-based volunteers trained in COVID-19 preparedness, awareness raising and response" 330146,55167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,57,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elperiodico.com/es/internacional/20210502/represion-policial-marca-mayo-colombia-11695827,"Los disturbios de hoy en Bogotá comenzaron al final de la tarde en la céntrica Plaza de Bolívar y se propagaron por otros puntos de la ciudad, llegando incluso hasta la zona norte, dondeuna multitud se congregó frente al condominio donde tiene su residencia privadael mandatario, para expresar su inconformismo con el Gobierno." 63093,18663.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,274,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"Health According to PAHO Epidemiological Update Diphtheria in Venezuela, a diphtheria outbreak began in July 2016. Since the beginning of the outbreak until EW 8 of 20191, a total of 2,726 suspected cases were reported (2016: 324 cases, 2017: 1,040 cases, 2018: 1,198 cases, and 2019: 164 cases); of these, 1,612 were confirmed. A total of 280 deaths were reported (17 in 2016, 103 in 2017, and 150 in 2018). The case-fatality rate among confirmed cases was 18% in 2016, 13% in 2017, 20% in 2018 and 26% in 2019. In 2018, 22 federal entities and 99 municipalities have reported confirmed cases among all age groups.2 Regarding measles, between EW 26 of 2017 and EW 52 of 20183, a total of 9,116 suspected cases (1,307 in 2017 and 7,809 in 2018), including 6,202 confirmed measles cases (727 in 2017 and 5,475 in 2018), have been reported. There were 76 deaths reported: 2 in 2017 (in Bolívar) and 74 in 2018 (37 in Delta Amacuro, 27 in Amazonas, 6 in Miranda, 3 in the Capital District, and 1 in Bolívar). Between 1 January and 27 February 2019, there were 283 cases reported, of which 40 were confirmed. The most recent confirmed case had rash onset on 17 February 2019. The cumulative incidence rate in the country during 2017-2019 is 19.6 cases per 100,000 population.4" 257036,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"During the first week of December 2020, UNHCR have trained 8 staffs from its NGO partners on protection, complementary pathways and referral mechanism." 222841,45953.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]44% of latrines across 115 sites in 17 LGAs need gender marking. 21% latrines needs desludgement across 78 sites in 16 LGAs (table 1)." 131822,34344.0,1185.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Generar un enfoque en base a las evidencias en seguridad alimentaria y nutrición, a través de un monitoreo regular de la situación alimentaria de la población vulnerable en el país. Esto contribuirá a la toma de decisiones de los actores relevantes en la respuesta." 188123,43352.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,34,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"07 June 2020: In Tanwalbougou commune, Fada Ngourma city, Gourma province, Est region, two students from the Fulani community were shot dead by Koglweogo volunteer fighters (VDP)" 123955,32567.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,63,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"Various alerts from different sources on possible stock outs of certain vaccines, absence of procurement of vaccines for 2020 were received. WHO stressed the importance of procuring vaccines as soon as possible, in order to avoid major disruptions to Libya’s routine immunization programme for a lengthy period and hence increase the risk of outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases." 245366,47945.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] There is still a significant gap in funding of infrastructure, especially for the new sites that have been established by the IDPs themselves." 293988,50852.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"22% Of surveyed refugee [households] HHs had ≥1 child aged 6-59 months enrolled in a therapeutic feeding programme at the time of data collection, IDP (26%), Non-displaced (16%). Among HHs with ≥1 child aged 6-59 months enrolled in a therapeutic feeding programme, 74% of surveyed refugee HHs received micronutrient powder, IDP (74%), Non-displaced (77%)." 163821,34549.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In the past six months the number of food food-insecure people has risen dramatically. The most food-insecure areas include Lattakia, Ar-Raqqa and Aleppo. In May 2020, there were an estimated 6 million people with insufficient food consumption, while 6.4 million people were using negative coping mechanisms." 498769,68460.0,1232.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,40,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520Junio%25202021%2520Cono%2520Sur.pdf,"En Uruguay, los socios también notificaron la situación de dos venezolanas víctimas de trata de personas y la denunciaron ante la Comisión Nacional de Refugiados (CORE) con el fin de activar los mecanismos locales de protección." 276102,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"la persistance de normes et de pratiques culturelles néfastes liées notamment à une société patriarcale et à l'inégalité de genre, la méconnaissance du handicap, la faiblesse du système judiciaire et des institutions locales, constituent un obstacle à la consolidation d’un environnement favorable à la protection des droits individuels en général et la protection des personnes déplacées internes en particulier." 203584,44071.0,2330.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,52,['At Risk'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"En el departamento de Quiche se mantiene una transmisión continua de casos de COVID-19, con una media en los últimos 14 días de 12 casos diarios. Aun no se reporta un incremento de casos. Se ha reportado 1 caso de COVID-19, en los rescatistas desplegados al lugar." 414091,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,148,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The patient can be registered, enrolled, traced and referred to other/next level of health facilities through any unique identification card/certificate e.g. NID/Passport/Birth Certificate /Driving License. The data might also use for IPD admission and future follow up, thus, a holistic approach to provide health services can be enabled and ensured. It needs to be integrated with the EMR/EHR/telemedicine system on the healthcare providers’ end so that the service providers (e.g. doctors) can access the data, know patients disease history and use it for treatment purpose. There needs to be improvements in availability of services especially during pandemics and strengthening of a functional referral system, particularly at primary level. A long term mentoring on how to deal with patients more sensitively/ empathetically needs to be institutionalized." 340762,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,149,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Por otro lado, la Consejería de Educación del pueblo Awa diseñó un plan de formación para los dinamizadores educativos en tiempos de wee wala, con los siguientes ejes de capacitación: • Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones aplicadas a la educación, lo que implicó aprender a usar herramientas como Zoom©, WhatsAppTM o plataformas educativas, así como la producción de programas radiales. • Medidas de bioseguridad para la prevención del contagio por COVID-19. • Desarrollo del Tul –huerto– y autonomía alimentaria. • Investigación y cartografía social para aprender a obtener información sobre la ubicación de estudiantes, comunidades, etc. • Metodologías alternativas para desarrollar el trabajo educativo de forma remota. • Cuidados del corazón en tiempos de wee wala, relacionado con los tiempos de pérdidas, limitaciones y tristezas que se experimentaron en las comunidades." 337311,55936.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,84,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/preocupa-que-estas-declaraciones-sean-antesala-de-nuevas-expulsiones-masivas/2656,"A propósito de los bloqueos y cierres viales ocurridos en diferentes zonas del país como parte de la jornada del paro nacional, este viernes el ministro de Defensa, Diego Molano,denunció la supuesta participación de migrantes venezolanos en este tipo de manifestaciones. ""La información que tiene inteligencia indica que hay presencia fuerte de venezolanos en algunos bloqueos, que se mueven a lo largo de las vías"", declaró el ministro en entrevista para una emisora radial." 134724,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"De acuerdo con el Catastro Nacional de Campamentos 2019 del Minvu, el 27,5% (25.167 personas) de las personas que viven en asentamientos informales del país son migrantes, mientras que el 30,3% de los hogares de campamentos cuentan con un jefe de hogar migrante." 338363,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"The damage that children are experiencing to their education is built on pre-existing issues: almost one in five children were out of school even before Covid-19 began to spread, according to UN data." 271912,50217.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"même si l’impact de la pandémie n’a pas été très notoire en termes de nombre de personnes malades/décédées, les restrictions édictées par le gouvernement pour freiner la propagation du virus a nettement eu des effets néfastes sur l’économique locale particulièrement dans 28/72 districts sanitaires et a également contribué à exacerber la situation de sécurité alimentaire des populations." 341533,56608.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25 MAY 2021, NES] Aleppo, Al-Hasakeh and Deir-ez-Zor governorate and it's subdistricts had insufficient to no service of isolation space in health centres for suspected COVID-19 cases." 106095,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,64,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En contraste, ciudades capitales como Bogotá cuentan con un mayor puntaje, lo que significa que tienen mayor capacidad para absorber la migración (Departamento Nacional de Planeación, 2018). No obstante, cabe señalar que el fenómeno migratorio no se ha limitado a los municipios fronterizos; por lo contrario, se ha esparcido en otras regiones de Colombia." 385591,60457.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,53,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région du Nord, quatre communes en particulier – Kain et Koumbri, dans le Yatenga, Bahn et Sollé dans le Loroum – présentent un risque élevé de vulnérabilités et nécessitent une assistance humanitaire d’urgence et appropriée en raison des attaques et menaces récurrentes des groupes armés." 165257,38967.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BGD2002-COVID-19-Market-Monitoring-Initiative-%E2%80%93-Factsheet_round_5V1.pdf,% of vendors reporting witnessing security incidents in the 2 weeks prior to data collection:*No security problems 94% ► Theft of items during storage 6% ► Theft of cash 0% ► Theft of items in business hours 0% ► Armed robbery 0% ► Forced closure of shop or market by authorities 0% ► 249067,48421.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Testing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,106,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20RDC%2C%2030%20janvier%202021.pdf,"La RDC enregistre 167 nouveaux cas de contamination par le coronavirus, COVID-19, dont 110 à Kinshasa, 51 dans le Haut-Katanga, 3 au Nord-Kivu et 3 au Sud-Kivu (source: données issues des laboratoires de l’INRB et validées par le Comité multisectoriel de la riposte COVID-19 de la RDC). Les tests ont été réalisés sur les 721 échantillons reçus pour l’analyse biologique à l’INRB. Le nombre total de cas positifs au nouveau coronavirus en République démocratique du Congo est de 22 771 (22 770 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable)." 195946,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Les symptômes majeurs étaient (1041/1430 ; 72,0%), l’essoufflement (584/1158 ; 50,4%), le mal de gorge (400/1068 ; 37,5%) et le nez qui coule (387/1083 ; 35,7%). En outre, 23,2% (272/1172) des cas présentaient au moins une comorbidité au moment du diagnostic." 298933,51152.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"The CERF (UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund) Rapid Response allocation of $9.7 million filled gaps in core humanitarian pipelines and enabled frontline responders to scale up assistance to people in need. The CERF also financed community labor-intensive and cash-based initiatives aimed at reducing the impact of floods on communities, such as repairing broken dikes. In addition, more than $16 million was mobilized from ECHO, DFID and USAID in response to the floods and displacements." 190005,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,134,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Ces violences armées sont alimentées par des tensions intercommunautaires à des considérations ethniques, identitaires et foncières. La persistance et l’extension de ces violences vers l’Ituri principalement à Komanda et Mandima sont également favorisées par les querelles de succession au pouvoir coutumier et au contrôle de vastes espaces de terres arables pour la production et commercialisation des produits agricoles (notamment cacao, café, vanille, Moringa, etc.) ainsi que l’exploitation des ressources minières (or, diamant, coltan, etc.). Cette situation est à la base de déplacement incessant et répétitif de milliers de personnes contraintes d’abandonner leurs terres ancestrales et fuir leurs habitations pour trouver refuge de manière prolongée dans d’autres villages environnants." 137468,35305.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"29,232 individuals were provided a total of 21,003.10 cubic metres of safe drinking water in northwest Syria. 119 water tanks were distributed in the same camps in order to reduce lines for water collection and increase hand-washing practices." 126116,34397.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,102,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"La población migrante es significativamente más joven comparada con la de los hogares de acogida. 40% de los jefes y jefas de hogares migrantes son jóvenes y pertenecen al grupo de edad de 20-30 años, disminuyendo al 28% en el grupo de edad de 30-40 años, y un porcentaje aún menor (15%) en el grupo de edad de 40-50 años hasta alcanzar el 3% en el grupo de edad de 60-70 años. Esto refleja que cuanto mayor es el grupo de edad, menor es la proporción de migrantes en Colombia." 244289,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,60,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[NES, Dec] • Individuals were arrested with security threats cited as the reason. CM is following up with CA for updates on the arrests advocating that there be a clear information channel between the relevant households and CA. CM is not in the position of acting a mediator or focal point for detentions follow-up." 166420,40068.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/covid-19-526-active-cases-on-admission-in-fct-says-ncdc/,"Out of a total of 5461 COVID – 19 cases as on 13th September, 2024 were admitted in the various treatment centers with 1925 discharged and 36 deaths while 64 were still on admission. An additional 38 deaths were recorded outside the treatment centres. Leaving a total of 3462 cases considered to be active" 159018,37971.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,Au total huit-cent-dix-neuf (819) patients ont été déclarés guéris 306932,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,84,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In April 2019, a civilian uprising grew out of protests against high prices for bread, fuel shortages, and other economic issues. On April 11, Sudanese military officials overthrew President Omar al-Bashir in support of a popular revolution, and subsequent political uncertainty contributed to heightened humanitarian security and protection concerns. In August, a signed constitutional declaration laid out arrangements for a civilian-led transitional government for a 39-month period, with Abdalla Hamdock appointed as Prime Minister." 156616,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"In the past week, reports from 121 177 household visits were received, 1894 patients with symptoms of mild respiratory tract infections and 14 patients with moderate/ severe COVID-like symptoms were identified. More than half of the patients were referred to health facilities." 285244,50884.0,2466.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Environment'],en,36,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Sudan is prone to heavy rainfall causing floods. With the start of the rainy season (June to September), torrential rainfall and storms have caused damage to houses and livestock in Darfur." 339337,56115.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,27,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Medellín es la primera ciudad con mayor número de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos en Antioquia, en la que se localizan el 57% de estas personas3" 386945,60761.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/radio/2021/07/22/politica/1626981275_103460.html,"Después de que la Canciller y vicepresidente, Marta Lucia Ramírez, confirmara que el gobierno deColombia vacunará a los migrantes que se encuentren en el territorio nacional; el director de Migración Colombia Juan Francisco Espinosa aseguró que estos ciudadanossolo podrían acceder a la vacunasi están en el Estatuto de protección Temporal. El registro en el Estatuto permitiría que seidentifique a cada ciudadanoy se priorice en alguna de las fases del plan nacional de vacunación." 389621,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,100,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"• Caquetá, Huila, Cesar, Magdalena, y Nariño encabezan la lista. Bogotá, Antioquia, Santander y la mayor Casanare cantidad de casos activos por habitante. Atlántico, Bogotá, Amazonas y Santander tienen el mayor número de muertes por persona. único región departamento de amazónica donde casos registrados en junio aumentaron con respecto al mes anterior. Con relación al número de muertes, aumentaron en Caquetá y Guaviare; demás disminuyeron. Continuamos sin saber lo que está ocurriendo en las zonas rurales dispersas sin acceso a los servicios de salud." 16527,6344.0,322.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,45,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"In recent weeks, fighting has escalated in areas east and south of Al Hudaydah Governorate’s Al Hudaydah city, rendering the main road to Yemen’s capital city of Sana’a inacesssible to relief actors, the UN reports." 756,156.0,321.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Chronic diseases seemed widespread and prevalent health issues in Libya. Overall, 38.2% of households in assessed mantikas reported including at least one member suffering from a chronic disease. A higher proportion of households reporting at least one member with a chronic disease was found in Benghazi (55.6%), Derna city (47.1%) and Sebha (41.5%). In addition, returnee and IDP households were more likely to include at least one member with a chronic disease: 50.4% of IDP households and 41.2% of returnee households, compared to 37.6% of non-displaced households." 19264,8024.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,136,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"Migrant children are as much at risk as adults of being detained in Libya. Human Rights Watch witnessed large numbers of children, including newborns, detained in grossly unsuitable conditions in Ain Zara, Tajoura and Misrata detention centers. They and their caretakers, including breast-feeding mothers, lack adequate nourishment. Healthcare for children, as for adults, is absent or severely insufficient. There are no regular, organized activities for children, play areas or any kind of schooling. Almost 20 percent of those who reached Europe by sea from Libya in the first nine months of 2018 were children under the age of 18. Children are also not exempt from abuses; we documented allegations of rape and beatings of children by guards and smugglers." 223530,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Health Cluster partners including CUAMM, SMOH, UNICEF and WHO participated during InterAgency Rapid Need Assessment conducted in Wulu and Cueibet County from 3rd – 10th September 2020. The main objective was to identify immediate health need and to determine health related risk factors of the flood affected people in two Counties." 215599,45277.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,27,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"The lockdown and border closures have led to massive disruptions of economic activity and consumption, interruptions to imports, reduced remittances, and reduced exports." 490557,67789.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Response: Sector partners are intensifying vocational skills programmes including tailoring, welding, fish farming, automobile mechanics and solar energy installation for beneficiaries across camps and host communities in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC), Jere, Gwoza and Pulka towns as part of efforts to support livelihoods and self-reliance. During the reporting period, some 90 beneficiaries from MMC, Jere, Mobbar, Hawul and Gwoza LGAs received support including cash grants to establish small-scale businesses" 225066,45275.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,The Covid-19 pandemic has only further strained Afghanistan’s already struggling public services and displacement-affected communities face additional barriers in accessing government services. 225395,45087.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,A third of the population – including 7.3 million children will face food shortages due to the impacts of the current pandemic according to Save the Children2. 215617,45277.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"Financed by IDA and the ARTF,the Women's Economic Empowerment–Rural Development Projectis a follow-on project to the Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Project (AREDP) that aims to increase social and economic empowerment of poor rural women in selected communities. The pace of social mobilization under WEE-RDP has been remarkably high and more than 422,000 SHGs have been established as of August 2020, of which 80 percent are women’s groups. A total of 95,153 trainings were conducted by the project including its Facilitating partners in th last one year." 115252,30828.0,1620.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_may_2020_report.pdf,"The main source of drinking and non-drinking water at displacement sites is the borehole. Other sources of water supply include hand pumps, wells, water vendors and water trucking. 72% of the displacement sites has an average waiting time at water points less than 30 minutes while 25% is between 30 minutes and an hour and 3% above one hour." 492602,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] SMEB VEGETABLE COMPONENT: 7,976 SYP (2.52 USD)One month price change: decrease of 4% Six month price change: decrease of 32% • Tomatoes: decreased by 35% • Potatoes: decreased by 8% • Cucumbers: increased by 14% • Onions: increased by 18%" 206622,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"children without birth certificates, including those who lost them while on the move, face significant difficulties in accessing education and even when they do, they are prevented from taking the primary school exam due to this lack of documentation." 290718,51796.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,169,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"La CEPAL ha sostenido que la reactivación económica regional supone una adecuada contextualización y dimensionamiento de los efectos anteriormente señalados. De acuerdo con esto, no puede soslayarse el hecho de que nuestra región enfrentaba ya el menor crecimiento económico en décadas y un espacio de políticas muy restringido. Dada esta condición de base, la pandemia implicará la mayor contracción de la actividad económica en la historia de la región20. En efecto, la pandemia irrumpió en la región en un momento de extrema debilidad productiva y fuerte vulnerabilidad macroeconómica. Luego de la crisis financiera mundial de 2008, la tasa de crecimiento del PIB pasó de 6% al 0,2% entre 2010 y 2019. La situación de estancamiento resulta más evidente si se considera el sexenio 2014-2019, periodo en que tras el fin del ciclo de auge de precios de productos básicos la región creció tan solo a un 0,4% promedio anual (véase el Gráfico 5)." 310891,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,8,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"LOGISTICS : 6,632 metric tons of cargo transported" 173885,41033.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,139,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[19/08/ 2020,Borno]In July, the execution of five civilians in Borno State, among whom three aid workers, sent shock waves throughout the humanitarian community. The UN Secretary-General and the Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria vehemently condemned the killings and reiterated calls that humanitarians and civilians should never be targeted and should be protected at all times. Their lives, and the lives of all humanitarians who were killed in the line of service, were commemorated and honored on World Humanitarian Day on 19 August, under the theme “Real Life Heroes”. On this occasion, people across Nigeria paid tribute to aid workers on the frontlines, including health workers and community volunteers who steadfastly continue to deliver support to those in need amid the COVID-19 pandemic" 189732,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,25,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Le manque d´investissement dans le capital humain réduit les capacités des individus à promouvoir le développement de la nation à partir des potentialités existantes. 219553,45750.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"2,070 (28,467 girls) children reached with educational assistance, 54,691 (25,117 girls) school children reached with COVID-19 prevention and control messages through print materials, and 23,861 (10,874 girls) children reached with COVID-19 prevention and control messages through radio." 125937,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,46,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Migrants from Bangladesh represented the largest cohort with 19,710 migrants (43% of the migrants from Asia/Middle East) identified during the reporting period. This was followed by 18,277 Syrian nationals (including refugees) identified in Libya, and 5,013 Palestinian nationals." 223929,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,75,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon les statistiques, en RDC la décision d’utilisation de l’argent gagné par la femme est prise de manière conjointe dans 60 % des cas. C’est quand la femme gagne moins que son conjoint que la prise de décision par l’homme seul est plus fréquent et quand elle gagne plus que lui qu’elle est plus faible (31 % contre 25 %)." 413989,63488.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,102,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Lack of awareness among the population: Overall, the patients were less aware of the safety procedure. Many of the patients came to the hospital without a mask. Patients were hiding COVID 19 infections/information, so the doctors were affected by the virus from the patients. Many of the doctors had to go for quarantine due to the exposure of an infected patient unknowingly. Patients expected that the doctors would physically examine them in the usual way but when the doctors did not do that, they were dissatisfied." 112109,30834.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Environment'],en,98,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FAO%20NE%20Nigeria%20sit%20rep_June%202020.pdf,"The latest Cadre Harmonisé analysis (March 2020) predicted that 3.7 million people in the three northeastern states would face severe acute food insecurity in June–August 2020, if adequate humanitarian support is not provided. The situation will likely be exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The region is also in the midst of an environmental crisis, with severe climate variability negatively affecting production systems, resulting in reduced crop yields and livestock productivity that FAO is addressing through the distribution of high-quality agricultural inputs and training using participatory methods such asfarmer field schools." 226938,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"In the first nine months of 2020, explosive remnants of war continued to disproportionally harm children, with children comprising 79 per cent from this incident type." 328604,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 89% of IDP settlement and 95% of non-IDP settlement households found with a Education Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 385620,60457.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Les éleveurs ont également été touchés par la raréfaction des pâturages naturels et le tarissement des points d’eau, avec souvent pour seule source disponible les puits et les forages, ce qui impacte l’embonpoint des animaux et a engendré un besoin de complément alimentaire pour couvrir leurs besoins." 112111,30834.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers', 'Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief']",en,92,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Information And Communication', 'Humanitarian Access']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FAO%20NE%20Nigeria%20sit%20rep_June%202020.pdf,"Due to low productive capacities among affected populations, the majority continues to depend on humanitarian assistance for survival. Regulations governing the movement of cash and the absence of information and communications technology infrastructure remains a significant challenge to providing targeted local government areas with social protection measures such as cash transfers. While livelihood support has enhanced food production, crisisaffected households are yet to return to pre-conflict production levels. This is largely due to limited access to land, assets and capital to invest in agricultural inputs." 212307,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"La grande majorité de ces femmes a été victime des violences sexuelles dans la province du Haut- Katanga (25 victimes), particulièrement lors de la mutinerie à la prison de Kasapa à Lubumbashi. Les provinces de Nord-Kivu (12 victimes) et du Sud-Kivu (cinq victimes) ont également été affectées. Les femmes victimes ont principalement été attaquées lors d’une tentative d’évasions dans un lieu de détention ou lors d’une incursion dans les champs." 287394,51747.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,92,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COD_13.pdf,"According to the latest IPC analysis, carried out in August 2020, 19.6 million people were projected to be severely food insecure during the first semester of 2021, 10 percent below the high figure estimated for the July-December 2020 period. The decline is mainly attributable to a modest recovery of the economic activity and the improved food availability in this period of the year due to the harvest of secondary maize crops in central and northern areas, and rice and maize outputs in the uni-modal southern areas." 183667,43048.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/with-drastic-increase-in-covid-19-cases-northwest-syria-languishes-under-health-humanitarian-crises/,"[November 5 ,2020 Northwest Syria] Over 13% of the cases have been recorded among medical workers and 7.5% among other health sector workers, a worrisome indicator of growing strain in the health sector in an area that hosts around four million persons, half of them Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)." 113004,29959.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,113,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"El Ministerio de Educación Nacional emite la Directiva 11 dirigido a las autoridades locales (secretaría de educación, rectores y directores de instituciones educativas) donde amplía la prestación del servicio educativo en casa hasta el 31 de julio para los niveles de preescolar, básica, media y ciclo de adultos. Por otra parte, orienta a las instituciones y secretarías de educación en dar inicio a las preparaciones y acciones requeridas para el retorno gradual y progresivo en cercana articulación con las autoridades sanitarias competentes, bajo un modelo de alternancia que combine el trabajo académico presencial y en casa que garanticen la interacción entre docentes y estudiantes5." 205851,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The divisions most affected by the presence of displaced persons in the two crisis-hit regions are Mezam, Ngo-Ketunjia, Bui, Boyo and Momo in the North West, and Meme, Fako and Ndian in the South West. Host communities, already strained by the conflict, are facing increased pressure to access services, resources and basic needs." 490558,67789.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] An ongoing fence construction at the Damboa LGA primary health care (PHC) facility by partners is providing employment through cash-for-work assistance to some 100 community members. Training for the establishment of village savings and loans association (VSLA) groups was rolled out in Konduga and Pulka towns to guarantee community members access to credit facility to fund small businesses. In Mafa LGA, partners are monitoring the performance of 37 VSLA groups already established to provide continuous support ensuring quality and effectiveness." 237265,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]Conducted mass community sensitization through radio jingles and phone-in program at Yobe State. Broadcasting Cooperation (YBC) Yobe SMOH team, in collaboration with WHO HTR teams and AVADAR informants, UNICEF VCMs, and CGPP volunteers, conducted mass community sensitization, reaching 7,256 people with COVID19 prevention messages" 494305,68271.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[20th-26th Sep 2021, Borno]Laboratory: • Cumulative Positivity rate is 6%. • Test per million of Population: 3,137 Case per million Population: 204 • Total COVID 19 test conducted 20,795 by Borno State." 56529,17094.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Intentions', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"A la fecha de las entrevistas (octubre-noviembre 2018), el 90% de las personas tenía trabajo y las proporciones de empleo eran parejas entre varones y mujeres (ver Gráfico 10). En relación al primer empleo, la mayoría había cambiado de trabajo. Algunas continuaron en el mismo rubro (comercio, gastronomía, cuidados, quienes tuvieron trabajos iniciales vinculados a conocimientos específicos) en tanto que otras (aproximadamente el 40% de los varones y de las mujeres) se orientaron hacia trabajos más calificados, incluso en sectores más vinculados a su formación y experiencia previas." 192535,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The lack of commercial flights and limited road transport because of the constrained access, has affected the ability of the humanitarian community to reach impacted populations." 113088,29959.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Continua la atención y orientación a través de las líneas telefónicas habilitadas por los miembros del GIFMM y la respuesta a través de transferencias monetarias a refugiados y migrantes en condición de vulnerabilidad. 173900,41033.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,77,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020,Adamawa, Yobe]In August, 5,840 individuals arrived in DIP camps or host communities and 2,164 people departed camps or communities across various locations in Borno and Adamawa states. The highest number of arrivals were recorded in Mobbar LGA (1,981 individuals), Gwoza (616), Monguno (598), Bama (415), Askira/Uba (324) and Ngala (221)." 257056,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,To reinforce the security at night on the site of Ouallam 8 lamppost have been fixed. 228552,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Limited data exists on psycho-social wellbeing in Afghanistan, but existing surveys all point to one fact: needs are high and services low of psychosocial support in Afghanistan." 257043,48672.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"In 2020, emergency shelter activities were possible thanks to the support of Japan and CERF as well as unearmarked funds from different donors such as USA, France and Luxembourg." 63208,18420.0,1386.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],es,147,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.acnur.org/noticias/historia/2019/8/5d4d8aaf4/indigenas-de-venezuela-buscan-la-seguridad-a-traves-de-la-frontera-en-brasil.html,"ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados, intervino rápidamente para tratar de aliviar la carga, entregando alimentos, mantas, colchones, juegos de cocina, suministros de higiene, materiales para albergue y otra ayuda para salvar vidas en Tarauparu. “La logística es un gran problema”, dijo Aldino. “ACNUR está aquí todos los días. Estamos trabajando para abordar los desafíos”. Con el colapso de la economía de Venezuela y la resultante escasez de alimentos y medicamentos, la inflación paralizante y la agitación social generalizada, no está claro cuándo, o incluso si, los cientos de Pemones que han encontrado seguridad en Brasil regresarán a Venezuela. Como resultado, ACNUR está trabajando con Aldino para encontrar soluciones de vivienda a largo plazo en Tarauparu y otras aldeas cercanas." 235631,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The month of August was marked by increased targeting of humanitarians by NSAGs hampering the ability of organisations to provide life-saving services. 173802,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,61,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, North East Nigeria] Adamawa and Yobe State witnessed an increment in returnee numbers. The highest increment was noted in Adamawa where returnees’ figures increased by less than 1 per cent (0.8%) to 819,148, followed by Yobe with an increment of 2 per cent to bring its returnees population to 187,007." 472849,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,25,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"Renforcer les capacités des acteurs de la santé et ceux des autres secteurs, sur le système de gestion d’incidents (SGI)" 490554,67789.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Response: • Borno State Government intensified the implementation of mega-farm projects across strategic locations to enable households to access farmlands to support food production. FSS partners led by FAO completed distribution of agricultural livelihood inputs targeting some 98,800 households with seeds and tools across LGAs to enable them to take advantage of the wet season to cultivate food and ameliorate impacts of lean season food insecurity." 356109,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Los resultados de los indicadores de pobreza monetaria y pobreza monetaria extrema evidencian de manera contundente el impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 sobre el nivel de ingresos y la calidad de vida de los colombianos. Esta cifra refleja la profunda contracción en la actividad económica colombiana en el año 2020, cuando el Producto Interno Bruto del país se redujo en un 6,8%." 275378,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,40,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] In January 2021, seven devastating hazards took place across Bangladesh i.e. Covid19 pandemic, fire, wall collapse, boat capsize, cold wave, bridge collapse, wild animal attack" 17463,5431.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,107,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"During the reporting period, fighting and shelling have significantly reduced in Al Hudaydah Governorate. However, airstrikes continue to be reported, especially in southern districts. On 27 June, an airstrike in Zabid District struck a location close to a hospital in Zabid town. No casualties were reported but the hospital reportedly sustained some damage. On 27 June, an airstrike hit a minbus in Al Garrahi District. On the same day, the Ministry of Human Rights in Sana’a issued a statement reporting that 11 civilians were killed and 11 more were injured in the strike." 356623,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La Policía colombiana indicó a Human Rights Watch que la policía regular y los miembros del ESMAD no han usado armas letales durante las manifestaciones. Sin embargo, Human Rights Watch corroboró varios videos en los que se ve a policías disparando armas de fuego en el contexto de las manifestaciones, en circunstancias en las cuales no parecía haber un riesgo para la vida o la integridad física de una persona." 388259,60983.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3760201,"Desde el pasado 19 de julio, con base en la información recibida sobre hechos de desplazamiento ocurridos en el corregimiento de Mina Piojo, del municipio de Montecristo (Sur de Bolívar), la Unidad para las Víctimas y el municipio de Santa Rosa coordinan el apoyo y entrega de los componentes de la ayuda y atención humanitaria inmediata." 359924,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] 2. Continue to support gender-responsive Safe Schools Initiatives in Bangladesh and Nepal Target schools for the new Safe Schools Project should focus on the secondary school level with aims to remove gender barriers faced by girls in Nepal and Bangladesh, in completing secondary school education." 612,156.0,321.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Across all assessed mantikas, 38.2% of households reported having at least one member suffering from a chronic disease, with the highest rates reported in Benghazi, Derna and Sebha. Among those, diabetes was the most commonly reported chronic disease, with at least half households in Misrata, Benghazi and Tripoli reporting at least one household member affected." 473937,67199.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,80,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Según la Cepal (2020), los esfuerzos de los gobiernos no han sido suficientes para lograr la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad, pues el 76,6% de los consultados señaló que la situación educativa de niñas/os y adolescentes con discapacidad es peor que antes del Covid-19 (ver figura 17) y 67,5% señaló que en su país no se han tenido en cuenta las necesidades educativas de esta población (ver figura18)." 439356,63592.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 43% (143) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté une augmentation du nombre de personnes décédées par rapport au mois précédent. La cause de décès la plus souvent citée par les IC pour expliquer cette augmentation était le paludisme dans 62% (89) de ces localités, tandis que la deuxième cause la plus souvent citée était le cholera/diarrhée dans 22% (32) de ces localités" 298938,51152.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,78,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of 31 January 2021, the four-month period that Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) had established for flood displaced IDPs to be supported in Mangalla to prevent creation of new IDP settlement expired. However, the displaced IDPs were still residing in Mangalla. There is need to continue engagement with the Central Equatoria and Jonglei State Governments to finalise the MOU for land allocation in Mangalla in preparation for the 2021 rainy season." 193833,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Economy', 'Context->Environment']",fr,50,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les changements climatiques influent également sur la production agricole et animale et la pression sur les maigres ressources disponibles (terre, fourrage, eau...) dans les zones ayant connu des afflux de personnes en déplacement (refugiés, déplacés internes et retournés) aggrave les vulnérabilités." 415548,63975.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/sahel-amnesty-identifies-serbian-weapons-stockpiles-brutal-armed-groups,"Between 2015-20, Serbia reported total transfers of 20,811 rifles and carbines; 4,000 assault rifles; 600 revolvers and self-loading pistols; and 290 machine guns to Burkina Faso, in its annual reports to the ATT." 473196,67204.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"Casi 2 millones de niños y adolescentes menores de 18 años en todo el mundo han perdido a su padre, madre o cuidador por culpa de la pandemia. YColombiafigura como el quinto país donde estatasa de orfandades mayor." 274128,49666.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,139,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] En analysant la composition de la nourriture des ménages enquêtés, les nutriments et leur fréquence de leur apport, on constate que les ménages ont une consommation en fruits et légumes, en huiles/graisses globalement acceptable. Cependant, la consommation d’aliments riches en fer d’origine animale est très faible : moins d’1 % des ménages en consomment régulièrement, une tendance qui reste constante depuis l’année passée. En effet, dans tous les territoires il y a au moins 47 % de ménages caractérisés par une consommation alimentaire sans fer, mais la pauvreté du fer arrive à toucher le 96 % de la population dans le territoire de Faradje." 53734,16820.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,153,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"OCHA ha recibido denuncias de violencia y abusos sexuales contra mujeres y niñas venezolanas155. Asimismo, actores humanitarios y funcionarios de derechos humanos han denunciado la explotación sexual de niñas venezolanas156. Según un organismo humanitario, hay niñas venezolanas de entre 12 y 15 años que participan en relaciones en las que se intercambia sexo por 5.000 pesos colombianos (menos de 2 USD)157. Diversas víctimas venezolanas de violencia sexual han contado a OCHA que no denuncian incidentes a las autoridades colombianas debido al temor a represalias por parte de los responsables de los hechos y porque temen que las autoridades colombianas las deporten158. También hay casos de venezolanos que han sido víctimas de otros abusos cometidos por grupos armados en el Catatumbo. En abril de 2019, la Fiscalía General de la Nación estaba investigando la presunta desaparición forzada de 10 venezolanos ocurrida desde 2017" 194269,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"Cent-quatre-vingt-sept nouveaux voyageurs ont été enregistrés à Kinshasa, en provenance de divers pays affectés par la COVID-19 et 74 (39,6%) desquels n’avaient pas d’adresses. Tout de même, ils ont tous été prélevés." 112515,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,39,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En La Guajira, incluidos los municipios certificados en educación, el sistema educativo atiende a 13.264 niñas, niños y adolescentes de Venezuela, de los cuales 4.580 se encuentran entre los 3 y los 7 años." 126395,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Más del 40% de los hogares migrantes no consumió verduras ni lácteos en la semana anterior a la evaluación. El consumo de fruta parece ser bajo para todos los tipos de hogares en este rango de tiempo. El 56% de los hogares migrantes no consumió ninguna fruta, al igual que el 42% de los hogares de acogida." 356100,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En las cabeceras, el nivel de pobreza monetaria en 2020 se situó en 42,4%, mientras que en los centros poblados y rurales fue de 42,9%. Frente al año anterior, este resultado representa un incremento de 10,1 pps frente a la cifra de 2019 en las cabeceras (32,3%) y una reducción de 4,6 pps en los centros poblados y rurales (47,5%)" 390216,61000.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_28_29_2021.pdf,"[12th -25th July 2021, Borno State] MHPSS: • MHPSS responders (WHO, IOM) provided counselling and sensitized individuals on standard precaution of COVID-19 transmission and preventive measures." 265719,49620.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,122,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Pour faire face à ce manque d’accès à l’eau potable, de nombreuses populations se sont tournées vers les sources d’eau non potable. Les IC ont ainsi rapporté que la majorité de la population avait pour principale source d’eau de boisson l’eau de surface (marigot, fleuve, rivière) dans des proportions inquiétantes d‘admin 2 d’Anderamboukane (44%), d’Ansongo (47%), de Dire (38%), d’Ayorou (38%), de Bourem (33%), de Gourma-Rharous (29%) et de Tidermene (33%)." 187323,43340.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,52,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20-%20Camp%20Management%20Bi-weekly%20Tracker%20Report%2C%20Report%20No.%2024%2C%2016%20-%2031%20October%202020.pdf,"[16th -31st Oct 2020,BAY states] During the reporting period of 16th-30th October 2020 a total of 7,261 new arrivals were recorded across the BAY states while the Government “Returns plan” has also been kick started in Teachers Village camp of MMC LGA with positive enthusiasm." 355453,58196.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Apoyo%20al%20ETPV_17062021_VFajustada_ESP%20%281%29.pdf,"Según datos de Migración Colombia, con corte a 31 de enero de 2021, Colombia acoge más de 1,74 millones de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos; al menos 56% de ellos se encuentran en situación irregular, lo cual los hace más vulnerables a riesgos de explotación y violencia, e impone más barreras a su integración en la vida socioeconómica del país." 105589,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,92,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La investigación etnográfica que involucró este estudio permitió hacer un acercamiento a los distintos riesgos que enfrentan distintos grupos de migrantes y refugiados. Por ejemplo, las niñas, niños y familias que migran de manera pendular, aunque cuentan con vivienda en Venezuela, enfrentan vulnerabilidades asociadas a la precariedad de la prestación de servicios de educación y salud en ese país y la limitación para el acceso a los mismos en Colombia. Enfrentan además peligros en los pasos de frontera en los que hacen presencia grupos armados." 187606,43282.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"While overall import levels are performing well, food imports have fallen. Remittances are stabilizing for both households and businesses. Recent domestic revenue data as of end-June indicates encouraging trends, which if continued suggests that domestic revenue collection will be around 85 to 90 percent of the original 2020 budget" 185928,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,46,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Cette augmentation observée sur juillet et août est exacerbée dans certaines régions : la province de Tshuapa enregistre une augmentation généralisée du prix médian du PMA de 65% entre mai et août, passant de 174 003 à 287 909 FC sur la période." 126537,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,64,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Para tal fin, las actividades que realizan los 50 socios de la Plataforma Nacional complementan los esfuerzos del gobierno del Perú en la respuesta a las necesidades de los venezolanos y comunidades de acogida. El GTRM ha ido ampliando su red con mecanismos de coordinación local en todo el país con el fin de mejorar la sensibilidad y la coordinación multisectorial." 194870,43590.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,The attacks on ANSF outposts and retaliatory ground offensives and airstrikes also resulted in the deaths of 17 civilians and in the injury of 23 (Humanitarian Web 25/08/2020) (OCHA 23/08/2020). 164080,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,86,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"As of 8 June, there are 12,801 reported cases of COVID-19 in Nigeria. Over 79,984 people have been tested with 35 states and the Federal capital Territory (FCT) having reported at least one confirmed case. Within the reporting week, states that reported the highest number of cases were Lagos, Kano, Federal Capital Territory, Katsina, Borno and Jigawa. Of the total admitted, 4,040 cases have been discharged and there have been 361 deaths recorded." 219370,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"In South West State, all clusters are engaged in RCCE activities against COVID-19. In Jubaland, UNICEF and several INGOs are conducting awareness activities through health and hygiene promoters, posters, TV and radio." 156034,30191.0,1898.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20-%20NRC%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%2C%20El%20Salvador%2C%20Honduras%20y%20Panam%C3%A1%20-%20SITREP%20-%2017%20a%2031%20de%20Marzo%20202O.pdf,El Salvador: Nuestros equipos jurídicos y de educación siguen proporcionando transferencias de efectivo para garantizar que las personas desplazadas puedan acceder a un refugio y a necesidades básicas. También seguimos proporcionando ayuda legal por teléfono 248731,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,51,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Au niveau sécurité, les sites Nima, Tateverom, Yakirom, Koudou Kolé, Kollom, Darkani et Dar Al Ker2 n’ont pas de poste de police ou de gendarmerie sur le site. Les postes les plus proches se trouvent en moyenne à 3 km des sites" 188222,31146.0,1900.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,52,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Según los cálculos del HNO sobre percepción de inseguridad por violencia y en extrema pobreza, hay alrededor de 285k personas con necesidades en los dos departamentos más afectados por la COVID-19 y que tienen mayor densidad población urbanas, Francisco Morazán (170k) y Cortés (114k) respectivamente." 202114,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Less than half of the refugee returnees, or 91,000 individuals, have been able to return safely to their homes, while some 102,000 individuals have been unable to access their intended place of return and require humanitarian assistance." 150903,36670.0,1898.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,114,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"El 07 de agosto, La Sala de lo Constitucional dejó sin efecto jurídico el Decreto Ejecutivo 32 desde el 23 de agosto que regulaba las fases de apertura económica y ordenaba a las personas cuya fase no fuera reactivada a quedarse en sus domicilios. La Sala reiteró lo que resolvió en su sentencia el 8 de junio: la limitación de derechos (como al trabajo, libertad de tránsito y económica) solo puede ser aprobada por la Asamblea Legislativa, no por el Ejecutivo, de acuerdo con la Constitución de la República de El Salvador, por tanto, solicitó establecer una ley consensuada con la Asamblea Legislativa." 486419,67392.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_ban_sitrep_80_20210906.pdf?sfvrsn=d3325eee_11,"[6 September 2021, Bangladesh] Between 8 March 2020 and 5 September 2021, according to the DGHS Press Release there were 1 514 456 COVID-19 cases confirmed by RT-PCR, GeneXpert, and Rapid Antigen tests, including 26 563 related deaths (CFR 1.75%). Bangladesh is among the top 27 countries contributing to 0.69% of the COVID-19 cases of the world." 201998,43121.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,197,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.laverdad.com/zulia/173786-piratas-controlan-transporte-de-san-cristobal-a-la-frontera.html,"El transporte de pasajeros desde San Cristóbal hacia la frontera venezolana se encuentra controlado por innumerables vehículos denominados “piratasâ€�, que sin pertenecer a ninguna línea o cumplir los controles establecidos, lleva hacia la frontera a migrantes y otros transeúntes que utilizan cualquier medio para llegar hasta las trochas y por allí cruzar hacia Colombia. Nada tienen que ver con la terminal de pasajeros, ni con las líneas organizadas y sindicalizadas, que desde marzo están impedidas de laborar debido a las restricciones gubernamentales asociadas a la Covid-19. “No hay garantías de bioseguridadâ€�, dijo Marlene Ortíz, quien frecuentemente se moviliza hacia Cúcuta para comprar mercancías colombianas que luego revende en un pequeño local improvisado en su casa, ubicada en un sector popular de San Cristóbal. “Me da miedo que suben caminantes y pasajeros, sin ningún tipo de control, no hay medidas de desinfección y aunque la gente usa tapabocas, a veces no lo llevan de la manera correcta. Es un gran riesgoâ€�, apuntó al tiempo de agregar que la tarifa promedio en estas unidades oscila entre 10 mil y 15 mil pesos colombianos." 801,156.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,118,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"By contrast, returnee households’ priority needs were food, healthcare and shelter, reported by 73.0%, 62.2% and 50.0% of returnee households respectively. While the need for food assistance might be cross-cutting due to the aforementioned reported increased prices and liquidity crisis as food expenses were the first expenditure item across population groups, the characteristics of returns explained the high proportion of returnee households reporting shelter and healthcare needs as households come back to damaged housing and in areas where basic services might not be functional. Non-displaced households reported needing cash/income support (53.3%), healthcare (51.7%) and food (45.5%)." 492558,67939.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-sees-spike-covid-19-cases-fears-grow-new-wave-2021-09-22/,"[September 23, NWS]Government health authorities said the number of cases reported in the last twenty four hours has hit 235, the highest daily tally since the first case was reported in March last year." 491781,67945.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69871/regime-increases-internet-and-telecommunications-prices-by-100.html,"[22 September 2021, GoS] Citizens suffer from poor network coverage, slow internet, and attendant power outages." 173130,40863.0,1899.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,32,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GT%20Flash%20Update%20Caravana%20migrantes%20CA%20INTERCLUSTER%2020201001%20FINAL%20VD.pdf,"El 30 de septiembre un grupo de personas convocadas por redes sociales se reunió en San Pedro Sula, Honduras, y luego salieron en caravana hacia la frontera con Guatemala." 209770,44790.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD), cholera, measles, and malaria are critical threats in Somalia, particularly for children. Although AWD cases reportedly declined from 197 cases in August to 107 recorded cases in September, overall outbreaks of communicable diseases, including AWD, will likely increase as a result of flooding in October 2019." 163673,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,UNHCR also supported the expansion of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the local district hospital in Cox’s Bazar. The support includes 10 ICU and 8 high dependency beds as well as the provision of related equipment and a team of medical and nursing staff for six months. The new facility was handed over to Sadar Hospital on 20 June in the presence of the District Commissioner for Cox’s Bazar and two Members of Parliament of Bangladesh. 14 patients have been admitted so far from the host community. 325942,54937.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Minsalud-asigno-este-domingo-las-912.000-dosis-de-AstraZeneca.aspx,"""Estas 912.000 dosis, que llegaron a través del mecanismo COVAX, serán dirigidas para población mayor de 65 años, que se encuentre ubicada en ciudades capitales, áreas metropolitas o municipios cercanos"", manifestó Escobar, recordando que a comienzos de mes llegaron otras 234.000." 243460,47668.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"initially about a hundred households, have been sheltered at the Tradex relocation site. Food and NFI assistance was provided by MSF, WFP, ONASA, UNICEF, UNHCR, and Qatar Charity." 276671,50717.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/3/8/syrias-president-assad-and-his-wife-test-positive-for-covid-19,"[March, 2021, Overall Syria] War-torn Syria has seen a sharp rise in COVID-19 infections since mid-February but lockdown options remain limited due to the country’s dire economic situation, a member of the country’s coronavirus advisory committee said last week." 204738,44631.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,94,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202020%20-%202021.pdf,"Despite the hope instilled by the signing of R-ARCSS [Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan], the cumulative effects of years of conflict, violence, protracted and repeated displacement, layered on top of pre-existing development challenges, continue to impact South Sudanese throughout the country and abroad. This has translated into sustained poverty, periods of famine, persistent protection concerns, and a lack of livelihoods and access to basic services, with women and girls being disproportionately affected." 294722,52363.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"82% of households engage in coping mechanisms to manage the lack of food or money to buy food. This includes 44% engaging in ´emergency´ strategies such as begging (32%) or taking jobs that pose a risk to their integrity, health, safety, or life (15%)." 241767,47117.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] “The lack of health workers in Daraa is an example of how the Syrian government deals with providing healthcare services in the areas it retook from the opposition, compared to the pro-government ones,” according to the report." 454278,64224.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Context->Politics'],es,89,['Priority Needs'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,El 57% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana afirmó que están de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo que el gobierno ha realizado acciones en la lucha contra la violencia hacia la mujer durante la pandemia. • El 42% de personas encuestadas de nacionalidad peruana responde estar de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo respecto a esta pregunta. • Las personas de nacionalidad venezolana tienen la percepción más positiva frente al gobierno y las acciones que realiza en la lucha contra la violencia hacia la mujer. 332353,44702.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,The torrential rain which started in early July 2020 led to overflowing of some rivers/streams hence resulting to displacement of people. The flooding in Wulu started from July and throughout August. 106502,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Los hermanos mayores se encargan con bastante frecuencia del cuidado de los menores, así como de responder por labores del hogar y por la consecución de dinero. En un contexto de vulnerabilidad, esto ha derivado en casos de prostitución infantil masculina y femenina. El trabajo de los niños en la calle es considerado por algunas madres como algo común, argumentando que era practicado en Venezuela (Significarte La Guajira, entrevista, 2019)." 39172,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,67,['At Risk'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"The main reasons for the perceptions of lack of safety were active fighting/presence of militia (68%), risk of shelling, rockets or bombs (63%), and risk of robbery and theft (41%). These top 3 risks were shared by both Libyan and non-Libyan KIs. Both population groups mentioned that women and children are unsafe." 74804,21257.0,1184.0,[],[],[],es,93,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Falta de información relativa al acceso a los servicios de salud pública, considerando los grupos vulnerables y sobre el uso de sistemas de salud (ej. las atenciones prenatales de acuerdo a la norma de salud (1 control mensual). Falta de actores respondiendo a las necesidades del Sistema de Salud y bajo nivel de reporte sobre el apoyo brindado al sistema de salud. Fortalecer información sobre SSR y contar con espacios y rutas para referenciación. Necesidad de reforzar la respuesta en términos de apoyo psicosocial." 247934,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,84,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Les populations parcourent des distances allant de 500m à 3.5Km pour la recherche d’eau. En plus de la non disponibilité des points d‘eau dans les sites, il y a aussi un problème lié à la qualité de l’eau utilisée par ces populations. La situation est plus critique encore parce que la population n’a pas de moyen pour se procurer des solutions de chlore permettant le traitement de ces eaux avant toute consommation." 359666,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,82,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Research from the target locations in both countries found the common issue of the Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Bangladesh and Nepal society is directly correlated to the school dropout rate. Boys and girls are affected differently by the social norms of CEFM: boys could not complete their education as they are sent to work while girls stop their education for household work after marriage." 291074,52224.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] A specific group of hotspots – including the Syrian Arab Republic – are particularly concerning due to the scale, severity and trends of the existing food crises. In some areas of these countries, parts of the population are experiencing a critical hunger situation, with extreme depletion of livelihoods, insufficient food consumption and high acute malnutrition." 361408,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,189,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Previous studies have suggested that drowning prevention interventions for children under 5 should focus on supervision, the home environment, and awareness and knowledge levels of parents and caregivers (Linnan et al, 2012). Therefore, for children under 5, environmental modifications such as fencing of water bodies, use of door-barriers or playpens, enhanced supervision of children and the wearing of personal protective devices have been advocated for drowning prevention in LMICs (WHO, 2014; Peden at, 2008). Constructing fences could be a key measure for limiting access to smaller water bodies in the camps, particularly ponds, for children under 5. The potential effectiveness of erecting fences around ponds in the camps was insinuated in the findings, as following efforts to fences numerous ponds in the camps (Figure 9), a decrease in fatalities to children under 5 was recorded. Yet, further research is required to confirm this relationship and assess the effectiveness of the fences in the camps." 194270,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"Ainsi, 2 345 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 07/11/2020 incluant 2 292 à Kinshasa et 53 dans le Haut-Katanga ; 677 (28,9%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h." 189667,43300.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,La situation de protection s´est dégradée dans la province du Lac affectant les déplacés internes et la communauté hôte en raison de l´augmentation des incidents de sécurité liés aux conflits armés (781 incidents de protection et 1 236 cas de violences basées sur le genre notifiés entre janvier et août 2019) 299316,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Another 16 incidents stemmed from lack of phone coverage, with all of them authored by NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) interfering with the operations of telecommunication providers, including the suspension of their activities during nighttime or the destruction of telecommunication antennas." 165369,32691.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/77415,"La Delegada de Niñez de la Defensoría del Pueblo identificó 54 niños y niñas venezolanos separados y no acompañados en Norte de Santander, 129 en Arauca y 107 en La Guajira durante el período de COVID-19" 298768,52631.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"Le premier jour du couvre-feu, alors que la mesure est censée entrer en vigueur à partir de 21h, dès 15h, les routes de Kinshasa étaient congestionnées. Des embouteillages monstrueux ont bloqué la circulation pendant plusieurs heures, jusque très tard, au-delà de 21h. Des foules étaient alors obligées de rentrer à pied, soit à bord de motos taxis qui ont profité de la situation pour tripler, voire quadrupler le prix de la course." 328555,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Proportion of households of IDP settlements reporting not having sufficient water for the following purposes were Not enough water for cooking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses (6%), Not enough water for domestic purposes only (11%),Not enough water for personal hygiene only (53%)." 124316,30176.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"Alrededor del 85.9% de las familias en las cuatro zonas manifestó haberse sentido con ansiedad, preocupación o depresión a raíz de las implicaciones del COVID-19, al punto que el 38.3 % de las personas encuestadas expresó que estos sentimientos han generado limitaciones en sus vidas diarias. En Riohacha este dato aumenta hasta el 66%." 308221,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of wheat flour in Jalalabad was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020. 453782,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,58,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En ambas nacionalidades la violencia psicológica es la más alta (17.1% en la venezolana y 15.6% en la peruana), seguida de la violencia física (13.2% en la peruana y 11.8% en la venezolana), discriminación (11.9% en la venezolana y 8.3% en la peruana)." 266925,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"The al-Qaeda affiliate Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM) and the Islamic State’s local branch have profited from frictions within and among rural communities in these areas, recruiting angry locals to expand operations. [Niger and northern and eastern Burkina Faso]" 487813,67654.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247409,"[September 2, GoS] The Health Ministry announced that 130 coronavirus cases were recorded in Syria, adding that 20 other cases recovered, while 5 passed away." 388580,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,60,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Comparativement au mois passé, il a été constaté plus d’incidents sécuritaires au cours de ce mois de juin (35 incidents), avec un grand impact sur les populations civiles. Le nombre de personnes ayant perdus la vie est plus 153 donc largement supérieur à celui du mois dernier qui était de 65 personnes." 339506,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Vichada: • Una de las mayores preocupaciones se encuentra asociada con imaginarios sociales y comunitarios en donde la población no permite que le hagan la prueba ni van al hospital, lo cual genera un alto índice de subregistro en las estadísticas del COVID-19 permitiendo que el virus se siga propagando, y aunque van 20 casos de mortalidad las medidas de bioseguridad no se están aplicando según lo manifestado por la coordinación de OPS" 411073,63409.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/especial--la-trata-sigue-acechando-a-los-migrantes-y-refugiados/2768,"Según cifras del Ministerio del Interior, en el 2020, el 39% de las víctimas de trata reportadas en Colombia eran de nacionalidad venezolana. Se registra un incremento del 50% con respecto al año anterior." 236414,47180.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,166,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/bangladesh-halt-relocation-rohingya-refugees-remote-island-immediately,"Refugee: [11th December 2020,Cox's Bazar] “It is crucial that the Bangladeshi authorities let the UN, rights groups and humanitarian agencies carry out independent assessments of Bhashan Char’s habitability first before taking any steps to relocate people there. No relocation plan, either to Bhashan Char or to another location, can be undertaken without the full and informed consent of the individuals involved."" The Bhashan Char- which in English translates to “floating island” – is a silt island developed by the Bangladesh Navy, where the Bangladeshi authorities plan to relocate 100,000 Rohingya refugees. Amnesty obtained a partial list of the Rohingya families that the government of Bangladesh identified for relocation to Bhashan Char. Ininterviews with Amnesty,five family members - who represent 23 refugees on the list for relocation - said that they signed up to relocate to Bhashan Char out of compulsion rather than choice." 224219,45763.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,12,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,La plupart des infrastructures scolaires ont été touchées par les inondations. 335287,55819.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) dans 58% des localités enquêtées, l’insécurité a été rapportée comme la raison principale de la perturbation d’accès aux moyens de subsistance habituels de la majorité des ménages au cours du mois précédant la collecte de données." 163456,30943.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"La costa Caribe presenta la mayor proporción de positividad con el departamento de Bolívar con el 35%, seguido de Atlántico con el 29,7%. Otras ciudades que presentan mayor número de casos como Bogotá, tiene una positividad del 9,4% y Valle del Cauca de 26,8%. Los Departamentos y Distritos que presentan las mayores tasas de mortalidad son Amazonas, Cartagena, Buenaventura, Barranquilla, Santa Marta, Bogotá, Valle del Cauca y Nariño. La tasa de mortalidad Nacional es de 19,2 muertes por cada millón de habitantes" 164084,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,UNICEF Kano Filed Office supported the State Ministry of Health in building the capacity of 300 Civil Society Organisations and media organizations on COVID-19 with support from DFID. An engagement between the Kano State RCCE pillar and the Kano State Directorate of the National Orientation Agency to promote joint planning and synergy was facilitated by UNICEF. 412199,63914.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,84,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/bangladesh-fleeing-rohingya-die-sea,"[24th August 2021, Bangladesh]Refugees: The Bangladesh government should permit Rohingya refugees to leave Bhasan Char so they can safely reunite with their families at the refugee settlement in Cox’s Bazar. The government, which is reportedly finalizing plans with the United Nations to start operations on the island, should make the safety and protection of the refugees a priority, including by allowing them freedom of movement to return to Cox’s Bazar." 358506,58562.0,2170.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,26,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]In Nigeria, movement restrictions directly infringed on pastoralists’ livelihoods and prevented farmers from reaching agricultural markets." 204367,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,74% des ménages [ de Zinder]ont rapporté avoir consommé des céréales chaque jour de la semaine précédant l’enquête et 62% des légumes. 207076,44768.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,27,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://rojavainformationcenter.com/2020/12/update-coronavirus-crisis-in-north-and-east-syria-november-2020/,"[30 Nov 2020, NES] NES has lowest level of adherence to preventative guidelines, 93% of households struggling to implement basic measures." 237816,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,A nivel nacional se identifica disminución en la notificación para la morbilidad por infección respiratoria aguda (IRA) en los servicios de consulta externa y urgencias y en las hospitalizaciones en sala general; se presenta incremento en las hospitalizaciones por IRA en unidad de cuidados intensivos e intermedios 319607,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,Es preocupante la situación de algunas comunidades que no tenían atención en salud desde hace un año. 199349,43120.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://forbes.co/2020/11/06/actualidad/migracion-las-claves-para-que-se-sume-a-la-reactivacion-del-pais/,El estudio hace recomendaciones para hacerle frente a las dificultades que tienen los venezolanos en el país. Se recomienda generar alianzas entre los sectores económicos con el fin de convalidar las capacidades técnicas de la población migrante a través de institutos como el Sena. 163981,34165.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",es,54,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,• En Córdoba: En el sur de Córdoba está la presencia de GAOs con el interés de recuperar el territorio y llevar a cabo la organización y control de este. Existe miedo y temor generalizado en la comunidad por enfrentamientos entre grupos armados (AGC/Clan del Golfo y disidencias FARC-EP). 188196,31146.0,1900.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El análisis del número de denuncias por semana epidemiológica muestra que, en las primeras 11, cuando aún no iniciaba el confinamiento, se registraron 18.936 denuncias, esto equivale a 1.721 registros semanales. De la semana 12 a la 18, cuando ya existían medidas restrictivas de movilización, se reportaron 12.544, es decir, 1.792 semanales. Estos datos demuestran que las denuncias semanales por violencia doméstica e intrafamiliar incrementaron en 4.1% (71) después de implementar las medidas para reducir el impacto de la pandemia46." 298682,52740.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/rohingya-refugee-camps-cox-s-bazar-rise-ashes,"[31st March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Approximately 10,000 shelters were wiped out in a matter of hours. These families are currently sleeping in emergency shelters, but the humanitarian community is working to ensure everyone has access to a sturdy shelter in the coming weeks." 309552,50889.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"North Darfur, North Kordofan and Khartoum states also receive onward movements of refugees [from South Sudan] seeking livelihood opportunities." 13903,5542.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"Sana’a: On 29 July, the National Center for Health Education (NCHE) organized a two-day awareness course to launch the national polio immunization campaign which will target children under five years of age in the capital Sana’a. As of 29 July, 4,986 displaced HHs from Al Hudaydah Governorate have been assisted through the rapid response mechanism (RRM)." 457619,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,92,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les difficultés d’accès aux services [services de base] résident également dans le fait que les PDI ignorent les lieux et l’existence de ces services et beaucoup d’entre eux ne sont pas recencés sur les listes de l’Action Sociale. En outre le handicap, l’âge avancé, le manque de ressources financières l’éloignement de certains services, l’insuffisance d’infrastructures, de personnels et de médicaments constituent des obstacles pour l’accès significatif." 473935,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,62,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"El otro delito que impactó a niñas/os y adolescentes e incrementó durante 2020 fue el desplazamiento forzado. En 2019 se reportaron 44 eventos que afectaron a por lo menos 3.500 niñas/os y adolescentes, mientras que en 2020 se identificaron 45 eventos con una afectación directa a por lo menos 5.742 menores de edad. Es decir, 2.242 víctimas más" 285635,51627.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Half of participants reported accessing shared chlorinated water tanks, refilled irregularly by NGOs. Others reported having household water tanks, either provided by NGOs or purchased independently. NGOs sometimes provided drinking water and sometime participants had to buy non-chlorinated water." 60395,17839.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,27,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/libyas-haftar-led-forces-put-5-million-dinars-prize-for-killing-salah-badi/,Haftar’s forces have announced an award of 5 million Libyan dinars for anyone who kills or arrests the commander of Liwaa Al-Sumood Salah Badi. 290930,51607.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2224-4220-2021-1405-eng.pdf,"However, insufficient resources being allocated for tick control across the country posed as a challenge for the response, and only passive, inadequate disease surveillance was conducted by the animal sector. But the ministry has identified a way forward to mobilize adequate resources for the implementation of the national response plan, build capacity for genotyping and sequencing of the Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus, and conduct continuous training of health care workers on prevention, control and case management of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF)." 194359,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 550 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 316 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)" 193834,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,43,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,L´analyse prévisionnelle de la campagne agricole 2019/2020 révèle une situation moins satisfaisante avec une production céréalière en baisse de 2% par rapport à l´année dernière mais connaît une hausse de 7% par rapport à la moyenne de cinq dernières années. 233385,46495.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,60,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"La falta de documentación representa una de las barreras más reportadas en el acceso a derechos, como la educación, la salud y el mercado laboral. La implementación de programas de asistencia y asesoría legal son necesarios para mitigar las vulnerabilidades de la población y asegurar el respeto de los derechos de la población de La Loma." 163568,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,38,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,Cerca de 200 mil familias se han declarado en crisis humanitaria por la carencia de alimentos a razón el confinamiento y de no tener medios de subsistencia por las erradicaciones forzosas que se presentan en la zona. 155659,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"WASH Sector partners reached 259,295 individuals through a neighbourhoodbased approach and 240,445 individuals through mass outreach with COVID-19 awareness messages in host and Rohingya communities." 289534,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"GBV partners have trained 106 frontline workers in Tonj North, Pibor and Akobo counties. Four complaint and feedback mechanisms established in Pibor town, Gumuruk, Likuangole, and Verteth in Pibor" 320142,53234.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,47,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Since May 2018 until February 2021, the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar had registered 165 fires, with 6 deaths reported, a hundred of injured and a thousand of shelters damaged." 154892,38099.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Une baisse du niveau d’approvisionnement en raison des difficultés et des contraintes rencontrées par les transporteurs a déjà été enregistrée 276101,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,Le Tchad est signataire d’un ensemble de conventions internationales et plusieurs de ces engagements internationaux sont reflétés dans la Constitution de la quatrième République et la législation tchadienne. 70895,20086.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,60,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://runrun.es/noticias/391986/comienza-el-proceso-de-visado-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-ecuador/,"Este lunes 28 de octubre inició el proceso de regularización de visa humanitaria para migrantes venezolanos que se encuentran en Ecuador. La medida corresponde al cumplimiento del decreto 826 del pasado 25 de julio, donde el gobierno ecuatoriano acordó conceder una amnistía migratoria para los ciudadanos venezolanos, otorgándoles una visa de residencia temporal por razones humanitarias." 282006,51173.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF and UNAMA as co-chairs of the Country Taskforce on Monitoring and Reporting intensified their advocacy efforts for protection of children in armed conflict with Groups of Friends, UN Security Council Working Group and Members of States." 271900,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"De 2013 à 2019, près de 1,6 milliard de dollars ont été mobilisés sur un total de 2,3 milliards requis, pour les projets présentés dans les plans de réponse humanitaire pour le Niger." 296405,52103.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,189,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%b9%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%a3%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84/#.YFxzT2Qzb0o,"[March 14, GoS]Regarding the positive role of these groups, Reem (26 years old, a graduate of the College of Education and resides in Damascus) describes her positive experience, as she found -through the group- a treatment for several health problems, explaining: “Most of the people are unable to go and see clinics because of the poverty that prevails in the country. About a month I was suffering from an infection in my left eye with a red spot on the white of the eye and pain, so I published a post explaining the condition and what I feel with attached a picture of my eye, and a doctor diagnosed the condition and prescribed the medicine, and thank God, on the third day of taking the medicine, I have improved . She adds: ""Two days ago, I asked about a skin problem for my sick mother, and in turn, the specialist doctor prescribed the appropriate medication for me, and I also benefited a lot.""" 322185,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 92% of the household found with WASH living Standard Gap (LSG). 9% found to be very extremely+ severe, 35% extreme severe, 48% severe, 7% stress,1% no or minimal." 180603,42295.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,101,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=208117,"[31 Oct 2020] [NES (Al-Hasakeh governorate)] Maintenance workshops affiliated to the drinking water company in Hasaka Province have accomplished a number of repairing works in Alouk Water Project with the aim of putting it into service with full capacity soon. Director of the Company Mahoud al-Okla pointed out that the company continues to maintain Alouk project to put it into service with full capacity of 80,000 cubic meters of water per a day, while the production capacity now is estimated at 70,000 cubic meter which feeds Hasaka city and its western countryside." 309058,53636.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,34,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[MAR 2021, NSAG] In total population 2,928,713 less than 1% are returnees, 3% are residents, 31% are IDPs in-camp and 32% are IDPs our-of-camp." 37165,11044.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"According to them, there are several cases of aged women-heads of household taking care of children in all communities visited and considerable number of child-headed households. Survivors of sexual exploitation/survival sex (SGBV) were considerable in most communities. Many persons of concern (PoCs) were visibly traumatized psychologically and over 75-80% of the children were out of school in all communities assessed" 64622,18828.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Politics'],es,77,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/tarjeta-de-vacunacion-para-migrantes-venezolanos/1441,"Este lunes tuvo lugar la III Conferencia Regional de Ministros de Salud, que promovió el lema 'salud sin fronteras'. En el marco del evento, el ministro colombiano Juan Pablo Uribe anunció cinco medidas que Colombia, Estados Unidos, Panamá, República Dominicana, Canadá, Argentina, Ecuador, Haití, Perú, Paraguay y Santa Lucía acordaron para responder a las necesidades de los migrantes venezolanos en materia de salud." 207077,44768.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://rojavainformationcenter.com/2020/12/update-coronavirus-crisis-in-north-and-east-syria-november-2020/,"[30 Nov 2020, NES (Hasaka)] Hasaka region struggling to contain COVID-19 due to chronic water shortages, doctor warns." 221304,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Les services de santé sexuelle et reproduc�ve sont souvent les premiers à être confrontés à des restric�ons en termes de disponibilité et d'accès. 437558,64217.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Estas barreras están relacionadas principalmente con exigencia de documentación (29%), no encontrarse afiliadas a los sistemas nacionales de salud (19 %) y a los costos de los servicios médicos (8%). Pero incluso, también refieren episodios de discriminación." 126752,34397.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,77,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"14% de niñas y niños en edad escolar no saben ni leer ni escribir (16% de los niños y niñas de hogares migrantes y 9% entre los niños y niñas de hogares de acogida). La prevelencia es más alta para los niños y niñas de hogares migrantes en los departamentos de La Guajira (22%), Cesar (20%), y Nariño (19%)." 347697,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Children are challenged to access latrines, especially during night times. Moreover, latrines situated sloppy or in hilly areas are even more difficult to use for children. Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) and Temporary Learning Centers (TLC) often do not have adequate WASH facilities or do not have them at all, due to lack of space." 262445,49435.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/247830,"[February 17, Homs] The head of the School Health Department in the Education Directorate in Homs, Dr. Ghayath Abbas, confirmed to Al-Watan that the number of recorded infections with the Coronavirus in all schools in the governorate decreased significantly, and by more than 90 percent during the second semester, pointing out that no deaths were recorded from the virus affected by her infection until Its history." 386441,60870.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,33,"['Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se requiere atención psicosocial y talleres de salud mental, se evidencian personas con angustia, preocupación, como un caso de intento de suicidio, afectación especialmente en mujeres y jóvenes." 22760,9261.0,729.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,107,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,,"Equipment of the Man-made River Administration (MMRA), including four wells and a power generator, were exposed to looting and vandalism on Sunday, increasing the number of wells out of service due to sabotage acts to 96 wells since the beginning of 2017, MMRA confirmed. ""The interruption of the maintenance operations of pumps and wells is due to the deteriorating security conditions in the area,"" MMRA explained, warning that the situation could escalate into a water shortage crisis and the inability to meet the needs of cities and agricultural projects in the western and central region." 489156,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Of the 27 percent of households who are renting their current shelter across NWS, only 27 percent reported that they faced no difficulties in finding a place to rent, while 73 percent faced some sort of difficulty. Across the region, the most frequently faced problem was affordability: 65 percent reported that accommodations were too expensive and 23 percent reported that the first deposit was too large." 359944,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,146,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Design and construct climate and disaster resilient school b uildings and facilities that take into consideration diversity among children and their needs, with attention to adolescent girls and children with disability.  Construct climate- and disaster- resilient school buildings through (i) compliance to the school safety building code (ii) capacity building training to construct resilient critical infrastructure (iii) investment in construction and upgrade of disaster resilient critical facilities through intersectoral coordination.  Include child-, gender- and disability- friendly features in infrastructure development in schools by complying with national guidelines and standards, training of construction workers, and monitoring and compliance training to school authorities. Advocate for children and disability resilient infrastructure through engaging of child clubs/networks in consultations and incorporate priority issues into policies." 287097,51631.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"(Est) Dans le domaine de l’ANJE au niveau communautaire, la couverture géographique des FS par les partenaires est de 65%. Il n’y a pas de partenaire opérationnelle dans les DS de Gayéri et Diapaga dans les domaines de l’ANJE et du PB à domicile. Le blanket feeding est mis en œuvre dans 13% des FS, ciblant les FS à forte affluence de PDI." 308217,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of wheat grain in Kandahar was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020. 39169,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,68,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"The physical safety of civilians is being increasingly threatened by indiscriminate attacks as fighting spills into different neighbourhoods of Tripoli. Non-Libyan key informants were significantly more likely to report that their locations were safe or very unsafe. However, overall 58% of key informants (69% of Libyan KIs and 49% of nonLibyan KIs) reported that their current locations were safe." 356099,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Bajo la actualización metodológica realizada por el DANE, en 2020 el porcentaje de la población en condición de pobreza monetaria se ubicó en 42,5% para el total nacional, aumentando 6,8 pps frente al resultado de 2019 (35,7%)." 201597,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,84,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Ongoing transmission is placing a huge strain on a health-care system already overwhelmed by a lack of capacity and ongoing disease outbreaks such as malaria, measles and cholera, but also on the humanitarian operations. The most vulnerable groups include IDPs, returnees, refugees, and host communities, as well as older people and people with disabilities. Sociocultural norms, coupled with limited access to services and information, place women, girls and children at added risk." 213750,45291.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/12/4/bangladesh-ships-rohingya-refugees-to-island-despite-protests,"[4th December 2020, Bangladesh] Two aid workers, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said refugees had come under pressure from government officials who used threats and offers of cash and other enticements to persuade them to go to the island. More than 300 refugees were brought to the island earlier this year after several months at sea in an attempt to flee Bangladesh. Rights groups say they are being held against their will and have complained of human rights violations." 125974,31192.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",en,65,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"URBAN REFUGEES : As of April 2020, there were 2,430 refugees registered, with majority residing in Abuja, Kano, Ogun, and Lagos. In addition to the urban refugees, there is 1,122 Asylum seekers as at end of April 2020. Updated data on urban refugees for May is not available due to precautionary measures against the COVID-19 pandemic." 342374,56634.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,21,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Gasto en droguerías parece estabilizarse en niveles cercanos al 30% por encima de lo registrado en el periodo pre-pandemia. 41083,11894.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"As a consequence of the healthcare system being stretched to its limits, emergency care was widely unavailable and was prioritised by nearly all KIs as the most needed health service, followed by chronic disease treatment and skilled maternity care." 235998,46890.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Under the preventive programme for malnutrition in food insecure areas, 11,230 children between 6-23 months and 6,931 pregnant and lactating women (PLW) were reached under the Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP) implemented by WFP partners in the NWSW." 205403,43347.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",[],['Context->Environment'],en,57,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Seasonality will affect needs through 2020. If rainfall patterns are normal, there will be a seasonal increase in morbidity, especially from water- and vector-borne disease, increased GAM prevalence, and limited physical access. At the same time, people’s seasonal access to wild foods and livestock products would increase." 132491,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Las empresas también recibirán apoyo a través de actividades de toma de conciencia en la inclusión de refugiados y migrantes y el empleo independiente será promovido a través de la provisión de capital semilla para empresarios. Los centros empresariales instruirán acerca de cómo desarrollar ideas de negocios o fortalecer las iniciativas existentes aprendiendo acerca del mercado peruano. Los socios privados serán decisivos, junto con el Estado, para dar apoyo a los servicios para el desarrollo de las actividades comerciales." 331410,44828.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,52,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Food distribution absence: Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported that IDPs have arrived within the last three months and that food assistance is inaccessible were Panyijiar 16%, Luakpiny/Nasir 4%, Gogrial West 4%, Ulang 3%, Fashoda 2%." 8448,1458.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2018%2BLibya%2BReport%2BPDF.pdf,"Nearly all refugees interviewed by RI said they had endured or witnessed severe abuses at the hands of human smugglers or traffickers and over long periods of time. The abuses include torture and rape—including rape leading to pregnancy—along with beatings, access to very little or no food or clean water, and being held for long periods of time in inhumane conditions. Several said they were held by ISIS along their journey through Libya. These events, combined with the subsequent detention in extremely poor conditions, strongly indicate the need for psychosocial care. But such care is not available while people are held in detention." 211254,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Somalia hosts 41,820 refugees and asylum seekers (RAS), as well as a total of 108,000 refugee returnees (mainly from Kenya and Yemen)." 125920,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,48,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,82% of the interviewed migrants indicated that they travelled in groups comprised mainly of fellow migrants. Only 18% of the migrants from Bangladesh reported to have travelled alone. The vast majority (97%) reportedly entered Libya through official point of entries. 321051,54668.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,109,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Logement et abris L’abri est classé en tant que le premier besoin perçu parmi les informateurs clés dans la province (F7). Depuis 2018, 5% des villages (soit 216) couverts dans la province ont été reconstruits (F18). En tout, 6% des PDIs, 9% des PDIs retournées et 12% des PDIs des personnes retournées d’Angola vivent dans des villages reconstruits" 194677,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Humanitarian partners have provided combined two-month food rations and scaled up food assistance, reaching 2.3 million people in May." 215609,45277.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"The Bank has restructured its portfolio of ongoing projects in Afghanistan to release funds for the country's immediate needs and sustain the government's efforts to manage fiscal constraints. More support is planned to improve water supply, sanitation, and hygiene as part of the COVID-19 response." 279904,44790.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,Projections from the FSNAU estimate that 6.3 million Somalis are acutely food insecure through December 2019 . 163145,39065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_30_august_2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"In Adamawa State, a total of 106 contacts are being monitored. 221 out of 1,746 samples tested are positive, giving a positivity rate of 12.6%. Also, 49.3% of confirmed cases are known contacts of previously confirmed cases." 384894,60456.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Dans le cadre de la prévention contre le paludisme, 1 000 ménages des communes de Mansila et d’Arbinda ont pu bénéficier de moustiquaires." 418543,63160.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,193,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NEW%20UPDATE%20COVID-19%20DRC%2C%20JULY%2001%2C%202021%20-%20Nouvelle%20mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20COVID-19%20en%20RDC%20-%20Avec%20les%20donn%C3%A9es%20fournies%20jusqu%27au%20jeudi%201er%20juillet%202021%20%20-%20wf%20-.pdf,"Vingt-quatre (24) provinces (92,3%) sur les 26 que compte la RDC sont actuellement touchées : Bas-Uélé (7 cas), Equateur (231 cas), Ituri (422 cas), Haut-Katanga (2 203 cas), Haut-Lomami (49 cas), Haut-Uélé (294 cas), Kasaï (82 cas), Kasaï Central (30 cas), Kasaï Oriental (35 cas), Kinshasa (30 360 cas), Kongo Central (2 187 cas), Kwango (5 cas), Kwilu (10 cas), Lomami (2 cas), Lualaba (1 036 cas), Maï-Ndombe (2 cas), Maniema (42 cas), Nord-Kivu (3 268 cas), Nord-Ubangi (76 cas), Sud-Kivu (972 cas), Sud-Ubangi (11 cas), Tanganyika (19 cas), Tshopo (463 cas) et Tshuapa (3 cas). Au total, 195 zones de santé, à travers le pays ont déjà notifié un cas de coronavirus, COVID-19" 185054,31163.0,1388.0,[],[],[],en,126,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/II%20Annual%20Report%20of%20the%20Regional%20Comprehensive%20Protection%20%26%20Solutions%20Framework%20%28MIRPS%292019.pdf,"b. Optimization of interinstitutional coordination. MINARE integrates institutions of different sectors within its institutional structure. This diversity of actors seeks to ensure the comprehensiveness of the response to asylum seekers and refugees. Nonetheless, this multiplicity also hinders interinstitutional coordination and communication for the articulation of actions. The creation of the technical team includes a representation of different ministries that have a direct role in the response to people with international protection needs; however it does not include all the relevant institutions implementing the MINARE. Hence, it is necessary to establish constant communication mechanisms with institutions that do not form part of the technical team, so to ensure they receive technical support in moving forward with their commitments" 141660,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,The total number of new samples collected in the past 24 hours was 80 (Aleppo 42 and Idleb 38). Samples have been collected from 276 individuals of whom nine were new contacts whose samples were collected in the past 24 hours. Three laboratory staff had their refreshing laboratory training for COVID-19 laboratory diagnosis and respiratory viruses in National Virology Laboratory of MoH of Turkey in Ankara on 27-29 July. 48786,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Declines in maternal and infant health, health professionals said, reflected the lack of availability of care in Venezuela. Forty-five Venezuelan women experienced serious illness tied to pregnancy or childbirth, and seven died in 2018 on the Colombian side of the border." 205231,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"At the time of releasing the HNO, abnormally heavy seasonal flooding had been devastating large areas of South Sudan since July 2019, with an estimated 908,000 people affected. At least 620,000 people were estimated to need immediate assistance. These included IDPs, returnees, refugees and their host communities across some 30 counties in Jonglei, Upper Nile, Warrap, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Unity, Lakes, and Central and Eastern Equatoria." 247428,46458.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In addition, there are fewer than 2,000 isolation beds across the entire country, and limited capacity for ICU care, which could exacerbate death rates (Shah et al. 2020)." 152893,38134.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ExSitrep_cov19_planinternational_AP_7Aug.pdf,"Plan International: Led the Voluntary National Review 2020 and Youth Perspectives, read here. -Collaborated with Ministry of Education and Press Institute Bangladesh to facilitate a Facebook-based live education classes reaching millions of adolescents and children. -Reached 4,862 people, including 2,322 children, with child protection awareness raising messages." 22397,9159.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/espa-destinar-un-m-nimo-de-2-millones-de-euros-en-ayuda,"La Oficina de Acción Humanitaria de la AECID acelerará la ejecución de los montos inicialmente previstos para este año. Con esta contribución, la ayuda total aportada por la AECID a este contexto alcanzará un mínimo de 6 millones de euros entre los años 2017 y 2019." 486400,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Aleppo, Idleb, NWS] 13 percent of selected shelters (finished houses/apartments, hotels, non-residential buildings, concrete block shelters, and collective shelters) are reportedly damaged, with slightly higher rates of damage observed in Idleb (14 percent) than Aleppo (11 percent)." 322511,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 4% and 2% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported gender-based violence (GBV)-related incidents against anybody in their community in the 30 days prior to data collection. 298758,52631.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,86,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"Le 23 mars, alors que le pays comptait une quarantaine de cas tous concentrés dans la capitale Kinshasa, les députés nationaux Claudel Lubaya, Patrick Muyaya, Juvénal Munubo, ainsi que la sénatrice Francine Muyumba, avaient alors appelé à mettre Kinshasa en quarantaine. C’est ainsi qu’à l’occasion de son allocution télévisée décrétant l’état d’urgence le 24 mars, le Président Félix Tshisekedi a annoncé l’isolement de la capitale." 335302,55819.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) En outre, les IC ont rapporté que la fermeture des frontières dans le cadre de la lutte contre la propagation de la COVID-19 a causé le ralentissement de l’exportation du bétail, des difficultés de commande et d’acheminement de matériels et marchandises ainsi que la hausse des prix de certains produits." 290716,51796.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,77,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"De acuerdo con CEPAL, la COVID-19 provocará efectos muy graves sobre la oferta y la demanda agregada en el corto y largo plazo. Su intensidad y profundidad estará determinada por las condiciones internas de las economías, la dinámica del comercio internacional, la duración de la pandemia y las respuestas de políticas económicas y sociales para enfrentar los efectos de las medidas de confinamiento necesarias para frenar las tasas de contagio y mortalidad." 16720,6342.0,322.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,52,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"Humanitarian partners are looking for ways of accessing warehouses situated near conflict areas in order to retrieve humanitarian supplies. The Red Sea Mills, which contain 45,000 MT of food commodities, enough to feed 3.5 million people for a month, remain inaccessible as a result of the conflict." 113085,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Se ha realizado la entrega de alimentación y kits de higiene a 286 refugiados y migrantes en tránsito, así como se mantiene la atención a la población que se encuentra en los alojamientos temporales y se brinda alojamiento a través de la red de hoteles en Bogotá." 495444,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,137,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Mas recientemente en marzo de 2019 se escuchó de diversas fuentes que el Gobierno de Perú quería establecer la obligación de llegar al país con una VISA desde el lugar de origen (en principio Venezuela), para ello se estaba analizando la posibilidad de una “VISA humanitaria” con características especiales. A la fecha del presente informe todavía no se había implementado formalmente esta medida, pero si fuera aplicada se esperaría que el número de migrantes entrado de forma ilegal al país por los llamados “puntos ciegos” se incrementaría considerablemente, pudiendo invertirse la ecuación actual, es decir, al menos un 70% de entradas no legales, lo que tendría consecuencias muy graves y concretas para las estrategias de respuesta y atención de las organizaciones humanitarias." 304175,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Approximately 76 per cent of the current South Sudanese refugee population are living outside of official camps, alongside host communities in more than 100 out-of-camp settlements in South Kordofan, West Kordofan, East Darfur, South Darfur and North Darfur. These include large collective self-settlements where thousands of refugees live in camp-like settlements adjacent to reception centres, as well as smaller dispersed self-settlements where refugees live in a more integrated manner with the host community" 330141,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Covid-19->Vaccination']",es,138,[],"['Covid-19', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"Según Juan Alberto Sánchez, coordinador de la Comisión de Salud de la Organización Nacional de los Pueblos Indígenas de la Amazonía Colombiana (OPIAC), aunque ya se están adelantando diálogos con el Gobierno para las jornadas de vacunación, “el tema de adecuación sociocultural del plan de nacional y cuadrar la logística ha sido casi imposible”. Por ahora están a la espera de la aprobación en los próximos días de una circular construida en conjunto con el Ministerio de Salud en la que, según el borrador consultado porEl Espectador, las autoridades se comprometen a trabajar bajo el mismo esquema de unificación de vacunas en zonas rurales y a implementar estrategias de comunicación dirigidas a la población indígena. Pero aún no se entrega mayor detalle de cómo lo harán." 168498,40099.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Context->Demography'],fr,27,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99598,"Depuis le 9 mars 2020, le Burkina Faso compte 2028 cas confirmés dont 681 femmes et 1347 hommes. 692 cas sont encore sous traitement." 20550,8024.0,729.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,127,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"While some of the detainees in DCIM centers were arrested in raids on smuggler camps, private homes, and in stops on the streets, the increase in interceptions at sea by the LCG is swelling numbers at the centers and contributing to greater overcrowding and deteriorating conditions. UNHCR reported a “critical worsening” of conditions, with more rioting and protests as a result.23 At least 59 out of 107 detainees whom we interviewed in four detention centers in July 2018 said they had been intercepted or rescued by the LCG. The arbitrary and indefinite nature of the immigration detention system in Libya means there are only discretionary, informal and often dangerous or exploitative ways for people to get out." 333756,46627.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Girls and vulnerable households are particularly at risk [of dropping out of school], leaving a disadvantaged population further behind" 241770,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,95,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] The nurse expected that the hospital will not be able to accommodate more COVID-19 patients if another second wave of the coronavirus infection is to hit the area. This is due to difficulties related to the isolation of patients and the lack of adequate medical staff to deal with these cases, especially after the migration of a “large number” of doctors and nurses. The majority of those currently in the hospital are “resident doctors,” as pointed out by the nurse." 164217,39644.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"As part of COVID-19 risk prevention measures and IPC compliance in the host communities and camps, WASH Sector partners disinfected 67,271 WASH facilities and 4,647 public buildings." 305537,50889.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"According to S3M [Simple, Spatial, Survey Method] data for Dimsu locality from July 2019, GAM is 20 per cent and SAM 3.8 per cent, well above the WHO emergency threshold (>15% GAM and >2% SAM), and indicate ‘critical’ malnutrition requiring immediate nutrition and health interventions." 322420,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The most commonly reported types of education facilities attended were Primary mixed school for boys and girls (15%), Quranic school for boys (14%), Quranic school for girls (14%) and Secondary mixed school for boys and girls (11%)." 276327,50677.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"En juin 2020, 539 nouveaux PDI et 3,127 réfugiés nigérians avaient été identifiés par l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) dans le cadre du mécanisme de suivi des déplacements (DTM Round 21- juin 2020) dans les localités de Mogogné, Ayouri2, Gadalayo dans le canton de Kossa, arrondissement de Mora dans le Mayo-Sava." 52125,16699.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",en,61,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"Moving Forward: Legal Challenges to Restrictive Policies Shortly after the restrictive policies were enacted, Ecuador’s courts ordered them sus- pended, ruling that the imposition of addition- al requirements on Venezuelans seeking to migrate to Ecuador was unconstitutional, vio- lating the principles of equality and non-dis- crimination enshrined in Ecuadorian law and regional legal frameworks." 486176,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] In north-west Syria, when considering all population groups (residents, returnees and IDPs), 67 percent of households live in residential areas, 28 percent live in informal IDP settlements and 5 percent live in formal (planned) IDP settlements." 74797,21257.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"De acuerdo al monitoreo de protección, la gran mayoría de las personas encuestadas que han necesitado atención de salud tuvieron acceso a un servicio, los centros de salud públicos siendo los más solicitados. Ahora bien, retos en el acceso a servicios de salud se siguen reportando, en particular falta de información adecuada y temor por la condición migratoria, que impiden el acceso." 300897,51949.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Le conflit nuit de manière disproportionnée à l’accès des filles à l’éducation et aggrave la situation déjà défavorisée des jeunes filles et femmes qui sont davantage touchées par les mariages forcés, les grossesses précoces, le travail des enfants et d’autres types de violence, d’abus, d’exploitation et de violence fondée sur le genre." 222874,45721.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In Marka, in Shabelle Hoose, taxation continues to be imposed on donkey carts supplying or collecting commodities. In many areas, traders are now forced to pay double taxation, both to Al-Shabaab and to the Government, which renders small businesses non-lucrative and has led to an increase in prices for consumers." 20555,8024.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"In Misrata, the director told us that instead of spending 10 Libyan dinars per detainee (US$7) per day, catering companies were spending only 1,5 LYD (US$1).95 As a result, none of the centers provided fresh fruit and vegetables or meat whatsoever." 437700,64217.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,47,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Cerca de la mitad (44%) de las participantes manifestó que, algunas veces, ha tenido que acostarse a dormir sin comer. Por su parte, el 52% reportó haber sentido preocupación porque en su casa no había sufi ciente comida." 454518,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,67,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,El 76.4% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana consideran que redes de apoyo vinculados a las iglesias brindan buen soporte en la actual situación de pandemia. Este porcentaje es del 45.5% en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana. Expresa que la percepción es bastante positiva por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana y un poco menos en la peruana. 188827,43386.0,1900.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"En Honduras, únicamente el 33.34% de las mujeres contaba con una instalación de agua potable en el interior de sus viviendas, lo que significa que 77 de cada 100 mujeres se ven obligadas a cargar agua de tomas públicas u otras fuentes para garantizar el acceso a agua en sus hogares" 155257,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los controles en los pasos formales de la frontera con Venezuela adelantados por el gobierno de ese país, puede generar un incremento del uso de trochas y pasos informales en los cuales la población se expone a riesgos descritos en capítulos anteriores." 196105,43590.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"17 civilians were killed in the fighting, and 23 injured (OCHA 23/08/2020)." 410859,63078.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20Update_June%202021.pdf,"As of 30 June, a total of 73,645 individuals (20,136 households) have been registered and verified in North Ubangi, South Ubangi and Bas Uele Provinces, as well as in the DRC capital Kinshasa" 291639,52152.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,104,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Uno de los principales impactos que han sufrido los productores en las distintas regiones, es la imposibilidad de comercializar sus productos de manera eficiente. El 49% de la muestra de los beneficiarios FAO y el 45% de la muestra RDD afirma tener dificultades importantes de comercialización, con respeto al mismo periodo del año anterior. Las regiones que mencionan una mayor proporción de afectación drástica en materia de comercialización son la Caribe, Gran Santander y Amazonía. Por otro lado, los productores de la región Orinoquía han relacionado un incremento de sus ingresos para este periodo." 188179,41718.0,1899.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PUEBLOS%20INDIGENAS%20Y%20COVID-19.pdf,"en Guatemala, más del 60% de los niños/as indígenas menores de 5 años sufren desnutrición crónica, un porcentaje que prácticamente duplica a los niños/as no indígenas." 227093,46392.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201222-displaced-syrians-face-twin-threats-of-covid-winter-cold/,"[22nd Dec 2020, Syria] Registered COVID cases in northern Syria rose by 91 to 19,538 on Monday, the interim regional government's health ministry said. Fatalities stand at 289." 55304,17037.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,24,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.soychile.cl/Santiago/Sociedad/2019/08/09/610070/Venezolanos-que-quieran-ingresar-a-Chile-podran-tramitar-su-visa-en-Tacna-hasta-el-16-de-agosto.aspx,"De esta forma, quienes los venezolanos que busquen viaja a Chile, podrán obtener su documentación de respaldo que el Gobierno exige." 345208,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[IDP] Ad part of their effort to promoting peaceful coexistence and preventing Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV), UNHCR and its partner AIDES distributed 40 bicycles to 20 Villages Committees for Peace known as Comités Villageois de Paix, in Manono Territory, Tanganyika Province. Thanks to this endowment, village committees for peace are facilitated in movements to better report protection incidents, human rights violations and work on conflict resolutions in their respective localities." 301228,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,131,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] − Theft-vehicle. Police arrested a man with a stolen CNG-autorickshaw from Khuniapalong, Ramu. District Police Facebook page , 17 March 2021. − RAB arrested six people (including a woman) with 90,000 yaba tablets and foreign currency from Sabrang area in Teknaf. RAB-15 Facebook page , 17 March 2021. − RAB arrested a Rohingya man with 10,000 yaba tablets from Kutupalong area in Ukhiya. RAB-15 Facebook page , 18 March 2021. A #Rohingya woman in her early 20s, killed by Terrorists (#Myanmar security forces) in North Okkalapa, Yangon today at 6:30pm. RIP Ma Aye Aye Khine. Twitter (Eng.), 18 March 2021" 356106,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Las ciudades que presentaron un mayor incremento en sus niveles de pobreza monetaria en 2020 fueron Barranquilla, que tuvo un aumento de 15,6 pps frente a 2019 (25,6%) y Bucaramanga, cuyo incremento fue de 14,7 pps, ubicándose en 46,1%" 494213,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Between July and August 2021, the price of chicken increased as a result of a number of factors. The high price of chicken is largely linked to the high cost of inputs, especially feed, which have also forced a large number of small breeders to move away from raising chicks, resulting in supply chain disruptions across the market. In addition, the higher price of fuel leading to increased transport cost also played a key role in increasing food prices, including chicken." 269685,49808.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"En outre, le poids de cette sous-nutrition sur les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation représente de lourds fardeaux pour les ménages et le système public." 294003,51273.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"According to the Cross-Border Return and Reintegration (CBRR) data of the IOM, 838,192 undocumented Afghan migrants have returned from Iran and Pakistan from January 1 to December 19, 2020, which is overall 30 percent above the five-year average for this period. Of these, only 10 percent received humanitarian assistance upon arrival in Afghanistan." 187307,43204.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/425238-coronavirus-nigeria-records-highest-daily-tally-since-august.html,"[8th Nov 2020, Nigeria] Nigeria on Sunday recorded its highest daily figure of confirmed COVID-19 cases in nearly three months, as 300 new infections were announced by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)." 406890,63604.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/080621_alerta_por_confinamiento_bajo_baudo_choco_vf_0.pdf,"Al menos 4.679 personas, 815 familias de 12 comunidades indígenas Embera y Wounaan (Unión Pitalito, Puerto Piña, Quiparadó, Guachal, Buenavista, Playa Bonita, Playa Linda, Puerto Galves, Santa Rosa de Iguá, Bajo Grande, Puerto Chichiliano, Puerto Mango) y dos comunidades afrodescendientes (Sivirú y Puerto Meluk Pacífico) se encuentran confinadas desde el 19 de julio por cuenta de hechos victimizantes como amenazas (señalamientos/estigmatización), reclutamiento forzado, secuestro y tortura por parte de los Grupos Armados No Estatales (GANE)." 494297,68271.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[20th-26th Sep 2021, Borno] 6 new case confirmed for the week. • Total number of confirmed cases as at end of epi-week 38 stands at 1,353 • 6 active case receiving care. • 1 patient was discharged for the period of reporting. • Cumulative number discharged so far – 1,309 • No death recorded in the reporting period. • Total associated deaths – 38 (26 in Isolation facilities and 12 community death) • Case fatality rate 2.8%" 388642,61080.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’accès au logement, à la terre et aux biens constitue un défi majeur pour les PDI et même pour certaines communautés hôtes. Cette problématique des logements, terres et biens continue de se compliquer davantage dans la mesure où les mouvements de population sont permanents dans la Région." 300685,51152.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Rehabilitation of existing water points to be scaled up to complement the delivery of temporary services with sustained solutions, especially in flood-affected locations that also face high food insecurity." 130823,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,21,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Dificultad de las instituciones locales de responder debidamente a la crisis y gestión de la postcrisis en etapa de recuperación. 237696,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Los departamentos de Amazonas, Tolima, Cauca, Nariño y Norte de San- las mayores incidencias por cada 100 000 habitantes. Los departamentos de Guainía, tander presentan las mayores incidencias por cada 100 000 habitantes. Guaviare, San Andrés, Vaupés y Vichada no presentaron casos para el periodo" 210375,44790.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Environment']",en,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The negative impacts that drought, flooding, and armed conflict have had on agro-pastoral livelihoods at the household level, have heavily contributed to erosion of resilience, due to changing livelihoods." 285126,50884.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Some schools have been targeted, looted and destroyed due to UNICEF. Some schools have consequently closed since the recent escalation security deterioration and it remains unclear how accessible and operational educational facilities are, particularly in Khartoum." 52190,16699.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"In some areas, local governments have used their meager resources to launch anti-xenophobia campaigns and programs. Local government officials in Ibarra described an information campaign developed jointly with UNHCR and the government." 384823,60267.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/pager_cifras_febrero_2021_nari%25C3%25B1o_VF.pdf,"Fuerzas armadas del Ecuador, refuerzan controles en pasos informales frente al creciente flujo de población migrante, quienes inician su trayecto en el norte de Colombia a través de planes de viaje que ofrecen cruzar la frontera por uno de los pasos informales entre Ipiales y Tulcán." 399008,61829.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.publimetro.cl/cl/noticias/2021/02/15/encuestas-pandemia-migracion.html,"En medio de la delicada situación migratoria en la comuna de Colchane, dos importantes encuestas dieron a conocer cifras respecto a este fenómeno. Hubo un claro aumento del rechazo a la migración. La encuesta Pulso Ciudadano reveló que un 56,8% está muy en desacuerdo/en desacuerdo con la inmigración en Chile. Esto muestra un aumento de 21,3 puntos con relación a la medición de la primera quincena de agosto 2020. La encuesta Plaza Pública de Cadem, correspondiente a la segunda semana de febrero, también incluyó entre sus preguntas este tema." 401725,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,58,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] The flooding due to the monsoon rains is taking place when there is an increase in Vibrio Cholerae Culture positive/Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) cases in the Rohingya camps. Flooding comes with substantial risk of exacerbation of the existing AWD outbreak and other diarrheal disease outbreaks." 346840,56987.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] The negative socioeconomic impacts of lockdown measures and suspended protection programming will accelerate already rising protection risks, including GBV and child protection, while protection structures disappear. This will in turn exacerbate inter- and intra-communal tension." 297739,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Of concern in 2020 was the request to international NGOs to purchase a local health insurance for the renewal of work permits for their international staff. The request came despite NGOs being already covered by their own health insurance and without any indication of actual coverage of services. While this issue was addressed at the highest GOA (Government of Afghanistan) level, partners report the requests continue." 223769,45880.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,43,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"La majorité des femmes interrogées dans le cadre des recherches de la CASS à Goma et à Kinshasa en octobre 2020 ont déclaré qu'elles n'avaient pas encore repris le travail, bien que les restric�ons de confinement aient été levées en juin." 359636,58464.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Changing production cycles and reduced crop production levels have already changed distribution routes and essential supply chain mechanisms. For example, the transportation solutions previously used to transfer cotton and other valuable crops across governorates in Syria are increasingly infeasible economically and are either not operating or are severely hindered by political and military boundaries. Ultimately, the supply chains upon which food crops and their distribution rely are likewise reduced or even shut down." 148059,37648.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,36,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3663529,"This delivery is carried out within the framework ofLegislative Decree No. 1472, which allows the aforementioned social program to buy and deliver food at the request of district municipalities, ministries, among others" 347771,56800.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,71,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: In both the refugee and the host communities, women appear to have less control over five identified domains: working to earn money, buying or selling assets, accessing health, family planning, and schooling for children. Women from the refugee and the host communities further had little decision-making power concerning expenditure." 179200,41967.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"(NW 09/2020) borrowing money from family or friends is the most commonly reported coping strategy for households to meet their basic needs. KIs also noted households sending children to work as a common livelihood coping strategy among residents and IDPs in 67% and 76% of locations, respectively." 179077,41963.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,134,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_coronavirus-en-rdc-l-etat-d-urgence-sanitaire-a-nouveau-prolonge?id=10517039,"Le Sénat congolais, la chambre haute du parlement, a approuvé ce samedi la prolongation de 15 jours, pour la quatrième fois, de l’état d’urgence sanitaire décrété le 24 mars par le président Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo pour lutter contre la pandémie de coronavirus, qui a fait 82 morts en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), ont rapporté des médias locaux. Le Sénat a voté ce projet de loi en seconde lecture au cours de la séance plénière tenue ce samedi. Vendredi, l’Assemblée nationale, la chambre basse du parlement congolais, avait déjà voté cette quatrième prorogation de l’état d’urgence sanitaire, pour les 15 prochains jours, à dater du 8 juin." 113329,32328.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Aumentar la difusión de información sobre los derechos y los servicios públicos disponibles para las poblaciones migrantes. Proporcionar información adecuada y oportuna a las poblaciones recién llegadas, sobre sus derechos, servicios y apoyo disponibles, y marcos legales relevantes. Desarrollar la capacidad del personal de control fronterizo para informar a los recién llegados, reducir los riesgos y derivar a los migrantes y refugiados que necesitan servicios o apoyo. Asegurar que este personal brinde servicios e información específicos, incorporando una visión de género, por ejemplo, incluyendo información sobre VG para mujeres y niñas en todos los materiales de comunicación." 338443,55877.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Covid-19-related lockdowns and the resultant loss of income for many families, including those already living in poverty before the pandemic, have placed millions of girls at immediate risk of labor exploitation, hunger, and child marriage and other forms of gender-based violence, which will force many of them to abandon school." 240721,47367.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ 8 - 14 January 2021] Communities in Deir-ez-Zor are also suffering from bread shortages, forcing residents to buy bread at vastly inflated prices on local markets" 391134,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,121,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] In Nigeria, the annual distribution of days with a highheat index provides insight into the health hazard of heat. High heat indices (>35°C) can raise the impact on the human body and lead to health issues in broad segments of the population. Figure 14 shows the spatial variation of the number of days with Heat Index over 35°C across Nigeria for the period 2040–2059 and 2080–2099, against the baseline period 1986–2005, under RCP8.5. Increased night temperatures can result in decreased opportunity for natural cooling. Increased health threats can be projected and monitored through the frequency of tropical nights (>20°C)." 326312,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (44%), Rely on surface water for drinking water (28%)." 208625,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In 2020, an estimated 4.8 million women, girls, men, and boys will face protection risks and violations. These include over 300,000 refugees in South Sudan who are in need of protection services." 389651,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",es,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Igualmente Cacahual, donde se registra esta alta tasa de casos activos únicamente se han tomado 32 pruebas, según la misma fuente. Si hubiera acceso y oportunidad, las estadísticas serían otras y se podrían tomar mejores decisiones en salud pública." 304246,53037.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,101,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Les fermetures de frontières terrestres et les contraintes de transhumance du bassin du lac Tchad, des régions de l'Extrême-Nord et du Nord vers les régions de l'Adamaoua et le reste du pays en Janvier et vice versa entre Avril et Juin pousseront davantage à la dégénérescence précoce des pâturages pendant la saison sèche principalement entre Janvier et Mars, et les conflits potentiels qui peuvent survenir sur les pâturages et les ressources en eau alors que les troupeaux se déplacent et se rassemblent plus loin dans le pays et vers le sud à la recherche de pâturages et d'eau." 274150,49666.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,95,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Dans l’Ituri 46 % des ménages allouent plus du 75 % de leurs dépenses mensuelles à la nourriture, laissant très peu de place aux autres postes de dépenses, tels que la santé, l’éducation, le transport ou l’épargne. Seul un ménage sur dix consacre moins de 50 % de ses dépenses mensuelles à l’alimentation, une valeur similaire à celle de l’année passée." 384869,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"deux équipes (DS de Djibo 20 sorties et Sebba 23 sortie), appui aux PSA dans les districts sanitaires, au total 2304 personnes ont bénéficié de la consultation curative" 241951,47791.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,49,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"D’autres mesures ont été mises en place y compris un couvre-feu de 21h00 à 5h00, ce qui peut aussi accroitre les risques de protection pour les enfants, notamment les enfants vivants dans la rue mais aussi ceux qui sont exposés à la violence domestique." 194226,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 692 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 319 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." 475622,63776.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,80,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"2647 personnes se sont déplacées au cours de ce mois, soit à titre préventif, soit du fait des attaques ou à la suite de menaces des GANE. Le chef-lieu de la commune de Seytenga dans la province du Séno a accueilli à lui seul plus de 84% de ces PDIs. Les populations se sont déplacées aussi vers la commune de Dori dans la province du Séno et à Sebba dans la province du Yagha." 245771,47760.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,79,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/portal/salaprensa/Especiales-Prensa/402712:El-Pais-El-pais-se-prepara-para-el-regreso-a-clases,"Desde el Fondo de Mitigación de Emergencias (FOME) ya se destinaron los primeros recursos para la implementación del modelo de alternancia en todo el territorio nacional. El Ministerio de Educación entregó en agosto a las Secretarías de Educación un primer giro por $90.000 millones, luego en noviembre se destinaron otros $311.000 millones que permitirán avanzar en la compra de los elementos necesarios para un regreso seguro de los alumnos a las aulas." 357205,58258.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2021/06/21/rdc-felix-tshisekedi-proroge-de-15-jours-letat-de-siege-en-ituri-et-au-nord-kivu,"Le Président de la République Félix Tshisekedi, a promulgué, la loi qui prolonge de 15 jours l'état de siège proclamé depuis le 06 mai dernier pour faire face à l'insécurité grandissante dans les provinces de l'Ituri et du Nord-Kivu." 388641,61080.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les sensibilisations sur la covid-19 avec 03 séances ont permis de toucher 22 personnes dont 07 hommes, 06 femmes, 05 garçons et 04 filles." 209659,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"At its core, Somalia is a protection crisis with at-risk groups composed predominantly of those suffering marginalisation and exclusion. Violence and conflict continue with civilians bearing the brunt of the conflict." 177264,41744.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Les ménages déplacés interrogés ne sont pas en situation d’insécurité de consommation alimentaire moyen est de 23,6 (limite) ; 37% des ménages ont un SCA pauvre, 45% un SCA limite et 17% un SCA acceptable." 74624,21263.0,1184.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"La constitución ecuatoriana garantiza el acceso a la educación. Ahora bien, se estima que aproximadamente 250.000 personas están fuera del sistema educativo." 128911,34596.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,147,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Practicing good hygiene is still the measure focal points identify as most important to their communities. Though communities also recognise that wearing a facemask and social distancing are important, these meaures are among the most difficult to adhere to. When asked why adopting these measures is difficult, the leading response is still that communities simply do not want to abide by them (54%). Other top reasons include the fear of losing aid (40%) or jobs (31%). The economic situation – with soaring prices, unprecedented depreciation of the Syrian pound, and lack of access to remittances – means that people’s ability to adhere to these measures is increasingly fraught because they need to hold on to their jobs and maintain their daily activities in order to afford basic goods" 328320,55008.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se ha identificado una brecha en cuanto la información que cuenta la población respecto al acceso a derechos, que incluso ha ocasionado un incremento de la incertidumbre y estrés de las personas, impactando negativamente su salud mental." 202104,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"By July 2019, more than 855,000 individuals had returned to their areas of habitual residence since 2016 after being displaced within South Sudan only. Of them, more than 128,000 returned to Wau County in Western Bahr el Ghazal, nearly 48,000 to Rumbek North in Lakes, almost 46,000 to Bor South in Jonglei and some 45,000 to the capital Juba in Central Equatoria" 113012,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",[],[],es,30,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"o Alojamientos transitorios para aislamiento preventivo obligatorio (Antioquia, Arauca, Bogotá, Costa Caribe, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Santander, Valle del Cauca)." 398680,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Se observa una mayor presencia de extranjeros en las siguientes cuatro ramas, donde sí es posible obtener información: Actividades de alojamiento y de servicio de comidas (15,1%), Transporte y almacenamiento; información y comunicaciones (9,6%), Comercio al por mayor y al por menor; reparación de vehículos automotores, motocicletas (9,3%) e Industrias manufactureras (9,3%" 384856,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Le mois de juin a essentiellement été marqué par le début des activités de clinique mobile sur le site de Zomnogo et la formation sur la méthodologie SURGE PCIME qui a connu la participation de l’équipe médical d’ALIMA, du Ministère de la santé, du CONASUR et du CORUS" 159657,39109.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"Among IDPs residing with host communities, 44 per cent of the respondents said that most had access to soap/water, 24 per cent said everyone in the sites reportedly had access to soap/water, 17 per cent of the IDPs in the sites said about half of the people had access to soap/water, while only 12 per cent of respondent reportedly to that only a few people had access to soap/water" 386468,60772.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La situación de residencia de la población inmigrante en su mayoría se encuentra cursando trámites para obtener residencia definitiva (42%), seguido de la población con residencia permanente (27%) y residencia temporal (21%). El grupo menos representado es aquel sin residencia (3%). No se cuenta con datos de la población restante (7%)." 388599,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la journée du 01 juin 2021, un GANE a exercé des violences physiques (coups et blessures) sur 08 femmes dans le village de PETEGOLI dans la province de Soum. Ce dernier leur reprochait de n’avoir pas porter le voile intégral." 399686,62971.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Men, women and children need additional non-food items such as clothing, and women and girls are in need of menstrual hygiene kits." 172433,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,61,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Or, en RDC, près de 77 pour cent de la population vit en dessous du seuil de pauvreté international de US$1,90 par jour (en parité de pouvoir d’achat) et 74 pour cent vit dans une pauvreté multidimensionnelle, faisant de la RDC l’un des pays les plus pauvres du monde." 183806,42033.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Demography'],en,161,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NEPS%20Dashboard_September%202020.pdf,"[1st Jan- 1st Sep 2020,BAY states] At least 1 million girls (53per cent) and boys (47 per cent) in need of care and protection from abuse, discrimination, exploitation, neglect and violence in north-east Nigeria are targeted with child protection interventions. Prevention and response priorities will focus on vulnerable children, their caregivers and communities amongst IDPs, returnee and host communities most affected by the conflict, and based on the level of needs, vulnerabilities and coping mechanisms. Girls and boys between the age of 6 to 17 years, including adolescents, form 28 per cent and 25 per cent of the estimated population in need of child protection services respectively. The Sub-Sector response has prioritised localities most affected by the conflict, with Adamawa State representing 13%, Borno State 77% cent and Yobe State 10% of the targeted population." 179539,42177.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,40,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%B7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D8%A5%D8%AF%D9%84%D8%A8-%D9%8A%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%88%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%8A-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B8%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D9%82%D8%B1-%D9%88%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%88%D9%82%D9%84%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D8%B9%D9%85,"[26 Sep 2020] [Idleb] The schools in Idleb have reopened on 26 September 2020, with COVID-19 prevention measures implemented (one pupil per desk - physical distancing - frequent disinfection - provision of masks)" 341766,56181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,55,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"Présentation du nouveau programme gouvernemental : le programme du gouvernement, évalué à 36 milliards USD pour la période 2021-2023 s'articule autour de 15 piliers regroupés en 4 grands secteurs dont la politique, la justice et l'administration publique ; l'économie et les finances ; la reconstruction du pays ; et les affaires sociales." 285594,51501.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A3%D8%B2%D9%85%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D8%A8%D8%B2-%D8%AA%D8%AA%D8%AC%D8%AF%D8%AF-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B3%D9%83%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%8A%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B9-%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%AD%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86,"[March 7, Al Hassakeh] Private sources told Syria TV that the ""SDF"" put its hand on grain stores, silos and mills in the city of Qamishli, which prompted the regime to cut support for bakeries which made the city enters in another bread crisis." 494233,68123.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The national average ToT between wheat flour and wage labour, a proxy indicator for purchasing power, increased by one percent between July and August 2021, reaching 3.81 kgs of wheat flour/daily wage compared to 3.76 kgs of wheat flour in July 2021." 16812,7075.0,322.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"Food consumption related coping strategies such as reduced portions sizes, allowing children to consume at expense of adults and consumption of less preferred food are applied by a large number of the population in most districts of Yemen." 152706,38098.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,29,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les personnes âgées constituent en général un capital humain important, surtout dans les communautés africaines où elles sont considérées comme des sages ou des personnes de référence." 417556,64197.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Environment'],es,56,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"En Maicao resultaron afectadas más de 146 familias de al menos 10 barrios y asentamientos informales entre los que se encuentran: Arroyo la Voz que Clama, Belén de Judea, Cristo Vive, Luisa Pérez, La Gloria de Dios, La Pista y Manantial de Vida y la comunidad indígena de Jepimana." 299308,51194.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Out of 161 checkpoints NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) manned 137, while 21 were manned by ANSF (Afghan National Security Force), with the latter occurring mainly during the government imposed Covid-19 lockdown in March and April 2020." 344145,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,45,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,Christophe Joseph Marie Dabiré est aussi convaincu qu’une telle lutte ne peut être efficace sans le soutien de la communauté internationale. Le Burkina Faso ne vit pas en vase clos. Le phénomène du terrorisme est transfrontalier et concerne plusieurs pays. 212309,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Contrairement au mois précédent, les agents de l’Etat sont responsables de la majorité des violations (37 victimes) soit une augmentation par rapport au mois précédent (21 victimes). Les combattants des groupes armés ont été responsables de 10 victimes, soit une réduction significative par rapport au mois dernier (32 victimes)." 412753,63085.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,84,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_4_kananga_juin2021_final.pdf,"Au cours de ces affrontements, plus de 300 maisons, se situant en majorité dans le groupement Bakua Tshiya, ont été incendiées. Les personnes déplacées se sont dirigées vers les groupements voisins de Bena Nkelende, Kabeya Kamuanga. Environ 530 déplacés, en majorité des femmes et des enfants, ont trouvé refuge dans la zone de santé Kabeya Kamuanga en province du Kasaï Oriental, selon les chiffres partagés par le bureau central de la zone de santé." 408617,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Cauca is an arms and drug trafficking corridor because it connects the departments of Cauca, Tolima, and Valle del Cauca to central Colombia and acts as the export point for cocaine hydrochloride and marijuana (El Tiempo 26/04/2021). Armed groups are fighting to control this zone in order to commandeer illegal resources and wield strategic control of the territory and its inhabitants." 347780,56800.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: In Rohingya camps, older people face access challenges arising from discrimination and exclusion, and inaccessibility in a terrain with steep hills. Moreover, older persons and persons with disabilities expressed feelings of rejection and sadness due to limited interactions with others as a result of geographical isolation." 322191,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of Non- IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (24%), Rely on surface water for drinking water (13%)." 385593,60457.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région du Sahel, la situation alimentaire s’est détériorée en raison notamment des attaques armées, des déplacements massifs de population, de la fermeture de nombreux centres de santé et de la perturbation du fonctionnement des marchés. Dans les provinces de Oudalan, Seno, Soum et Yagha, certaines communes" 489777,67740.0,1231.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"In the humanitarian field, shelter persisted as a main concern, as many Venezuelans remained unable to pay rent and were on the brink of eviction. Grave job loss and inability to meet basic needs increased protection risks as well as the need for direct assistance and cash." 60710,17936.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],en,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Overall, 65.3 percent of the surveyed households in BAY States have access to farmland. The ongoing hostilities continues to restrain access to land in Borno particularly where only 44.3 percent of households have access to farmland compared to 83.1 percent and 79.1 percent in neighboring states of Yobe and Adamawa respectively" 61210,17745.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,46,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/08.23.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Success%20Story%20-%20Supporting%20Health%20Care%20Access%20for%20Vulnerable%20Venezuelans.pdf,"With USAID/OFDA support, Americares has operated clinics in Colombia’s Arauca, Atlántico, La Guajira, and Norte de Santander departments since 2018, providing vulnerable Venezuelans with basic health care services, including health consultations, medications, and psychosocial support." 314782,54247.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,79,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/20/covid-19-91-die-4-559-infected-in-24-hours,"[20th April 2021,Bangladesh] On Tuesday, another 15,057 people got the first dose, taking the total number of first doses to 5,729,147. While 140,678 got the second dose during the same time, taking the total vaccinated to 1,507,287. On March 8, health authorities in Bangladesh reported the first three cases of Covid-19, a severe acute respiratory illness caused by a new coronavirus strain which was later named Sars-CoV-2." 311459,53762.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Boucle du Mouhoun, Est, Hauts-Bassins, Nord, Sud-Ouest) Following the evaluation, a partnership agreement was finalized between UNHCR and the DGMEC (Directorate General for the Modernization of Civil Status) for the issuance of 47,000 birth certificates from January to June 2021 to the populations of these regions in order to reduce the risk of statelessness." 221383,45721.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,93,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Compounding the impact of floods, the desert locust upsurge further deepened overall food insecurity within the country. Crop and pasture production is estimated to be 10 to 15 per cent lower than the long-term average owing to the impact of desert locusts in riverine areas and northern Bay, Bakool, agropastoral livelihood zones, where crisis-level food insecurity (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification phase 3) is expected to persist. Immature swarms have in recent weeks been seen feeding on pasture and crops in parts of Puntland." 133912,35165.0,1188.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,194,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En los grupos focales femeninos se han detectado las siguientes formas de violencia contra la mujer: violencia doméstica, tanto de pareja panameña como venezolana; ser víctima de abuso sexual/ violaciones en cuartos compartidos; hostigamiento sexual en el trabajo; acoso escolar en la escuela, con énfasis en lo sexual; ofrecimientos sexuales en trabajos que se realizan en la vía pública; y abusos sexuales a hijas que quedan bajo el cuidado y supervisión de vecinos, entre otros. También se han reportado situaciones de explotación laboral en mujeres, sobre todo en el servicio doméstico. Se expone que la mayor parte de esta violencia no se ha puesto en conocimiento de las autoridades, se aduce en gran medida al miedo a que esto afecte a su situación de regulación migratoria o suponga un obstáculo más a su integración. Las mujeres venezolanas desconocen el Instituto Nacional de la Mujer (INAMU), Defensoría del Pueblo o las Secretarías de Género de los Municipios, así como los servicios que brindan, percibiéndose una desconfianza de las mujeres hacia la atención de estas instancias." 132619,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Mejorar la infraestructura y el manejo de albergues especializados para víctimas de la trata, enfatizando a los refugiados y migrantes. Estará dirigido a fortalecer la capacidad del Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP), promover el emprendimiento productivo y los programas de educación para las víctimas de la trata. Además, incluirá la defensa para acceder a la regularización de las víctimas del tráfico humano." 172886,40676.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Le respect des mesures d’hygiène essentielles et des gestes barrières représente un réel défi dans les sites de déplacement et dans les familles d’accueil des personnes déplacées, où la promiscuité est grande et l’accès à l’eau et à l’assainissement de base limité." 221373,45721.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The pandemic has a non-linear pattern in Somalia, with different peaks at different times. The peaks correspond to the number of samples tested and do not necessarily represent a true increase in the number of cases." 315460,54311.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Considerando el escenario, preocupa la crítica situación en el municipio de Argelia, es especial para la comunidad del corregimiento El Plateado, quienes han sufrido revictimización por el accionar de los grupos armados no estatales. Se han registrado homicidios, hostigamientos y enfrentamientos, causando desplazamientos y confinamientos en la población civil. Adicionalmente, entre 2020 y 2021, la administración municipal, de manera recurrente, ha atendido desplazamientos masivos y un confinamiento, por lo que cuenta con recursos financieros limitados y limitando la adecuada atención para las víctimas." 157253,38373.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 24.2% de las personas mayores de 60 años5 reportaron tener alguna discapacidad.6 La prevalencia de discapacidad es también más alta en las mujeres (9.1%) que en los hombres (5.1 %).7 De las mujeres que reportaron alguna discapacidad, el 43.3% identificaron dificultades para ver y para caminar o subir escaleras (19.6%). En cambio, para los hombres son las dificultades para caminar o subir escaleras (30.8%) y levantar objetos (23.1%)" 345984,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"La incidencia nacional de dengue es de 37,0 casos por cada 100 000 habitantes en riesgo. En las entidades de Amazonas, Putumayo, Cali, Cartagena, Cundinamarca, Caquetá y Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia se estiman tasas de incidencia superiores a 62,1 casos por 100 000 habitantes" 308341,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Based on the IPC projections for December to March 2021, an estimated 141,000 people are facing crisis (IPC Phase 3) or higher levels of food insecurity (or 55 per cent of the population of Tonj North County) with an estimated 26,000 people likely face catastrophe levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 5) in Tonj North County between December and March." 153839,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,44,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Al indagar sobre las causas de su retorno indicaron que regresaban en búsqueda de familiares o por documentos que requieren para la regularización de su estancia en otros países, es decir que tienen la intención de volver y no permanecer en Venezuela." 412912,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,106,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Unavailability of doctors (22.02%) and closure of nearest hospitals (15.16%) induced the chronic patients to self-exclude from taking health services. Due to the ongoing health pandemic, the government along with the private sector hospitals mobilised doctors and medical professionals to contain COVID-19 infection. As a result, many doctors were reassigned to treat COVID-19 patients and in addition, many doctors were also affected. Some of the self-exclusion reasons include available hospitals were located at distant places, and unavailability of transportations coupled with higher cost of transportation." 199542,43347.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Environment'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Erratic rainfall patterns delay planting seasons, decrease pasture, disrupt people’s agricultural and livestock activities, and temporarily48 displace communities." 295514,52400.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,67,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] While there has been a history of several fires in the camp settlement in past times including two incidents in January this year, the intensity and scale of this latest fire is unprecedented. Cramped conditions in the severely congested settlement are believed to have contributed to the quick escalation of the fire." 286978,51529.0,2311.0,[],[],[],en,87,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3721824,"One of the saddest truths of the false positives episode was the process of deception experienced by the thousands of victims who went in search of work to support themselves and their families or were simply going about their everyday lives. In addition, several people extrajudicially executed had cognitive disabilities, mental illnesses and other physical ailments that did not match the army’s description of them as rebels who were constantly fighting against the civilian population and military squads. [15]" 299131,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The expansion of NSAG-TB in 2020 significantly affected humanitarian operations in multiple areas around the country. As a result of intensifying armed confrontations, multiple organizations were forced to significantly limit their presence in the field, especially in contested areas." 162740,32313.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,60,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"Colombia es el país que más refugiados e inmigrantes tiene de Venezuela. Ha hecho un gran trabajo al recibir las personas durante los últimos tres o cuatro años. Una parte de la población tiene un estatus regular, tiene permiso de trabajo, se insertaron muy bien en el mercado laboral y ahí vino la crisis del COVID-19" 234620,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,37,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Domestically, containment efforts to slow the number of Covid-19 cases, which have grown rapidly since March 6, 2020, are expected to further slow growth and widen the fiscal and current account deficits." 176631,41731.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Les enfants ont dit qu’à cause du coronavirus ils n’ont pas pu étudier, qu’on leur a fait don de savons, des seaux, des cache-nez et des dispositifs de lavage de mains et qu’ils ont été sensibilisés aux gestes barrières. Ils ont aussi affirmé que leur survie a été compliquée à cause du coronavirus." 328760,54713.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,51,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] Among households with multi-sectoral needs, highest need was of Education (95%), followed by Shelter(84%), Nutrition(75%), WASH(70%), Protection(37%) and Health (24%)" 486405,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Across NWS, 35 percent of households report having had faced some kind of hazard in their shelter, which is higher than the 17 percent reported nationwide. The most frequently encountered type of hazard is wind damage (29 percent)." 276981,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] La majorité des entreprises ayant mis en place des mesures ont pris des précautions supplémentaires : 91 % des petites entreprises, 84 % des moyennes entreprises et 94 % des grandes entreprises ont déclaré avoir renforcé ces protections." 111887,31304.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,127,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"De acerdo con los protocolos establecidos por Accion contra el Hambre en Colombia, hemos categorizado la alerta en Nivel II de riesgo, en promedio en todas las zonas, y por tanto estamos reforzando las medidas de auto - protección del personal que se encuentra en terreno (lavado de manos frecuente, uso de antibacterial, barreras de distancia social (besos y abrazos, y saludo de mano) y sobre todo informar a su referente de oficina en el caso de presentar un cuadro gripal, o infección respiratoria de inmediato y suspender por este personal las salidas a terreno, como tambien medidas especificas para el personal sanitario que realiza actividades de acuerdo con los lienamientos del Ministerio de Salud." 412766,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,134,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Around one-third of delivery carried out at home: Among the surveyed households, 106 babies were born during the pandemic situation. Half of the delivery was carried out in private clinics and around one-third of delivery (29%) was done at home. In 23% of cases, people went to government-owned health facilities such as Upazila health complexes (13%), medical college hospitals (5%) and union family planning centres (3%). In the national data, the percentage of delivery at non-institutional places is 46.4% (Unicef, 2019). The huge difference in the findings with the national data was probably the result of a small sample size." 264382,49222.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,82,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,El número de eventos con respecto a septiembre de 2019 ha incrementado en un 6% lo que representa una diferencia de 240 eventos entre un año y otro. Es de resaltar que se ésta acercando al total de eventos y se espera que sea mayor a comparación de 2019 y 2018. en los últimos 5 años el aumento progresivo de los hechos victimizantes a corte de septiembre hace proveer que el año 2021 tendrá mas acciones armadas y enfrentamientos. 298858,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In Q4, the HAG recorded six interference attempts with staff recruitment, compared to 13 such incidents logged in Q3. NSAG-TB interfered with recruitment in five instances, with GOA authoring one incident, a decrease compared to the six recruitment interferences in Q3." 164178,32983.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3650226,"Las víctimas del conflictoy otras situaciones de violencia armada también han sido afectadas por las circunstancias generadas a partir de la emergencia sanitaria. Solo desde el inicio de la cuarentena en Colombia, hemos registrado 59 víctimas de artefactos explosivos y minas antipersonal." 301224,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,155,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"18 March 2021, Cox's BAzar −− Police arrested three men with 6,000 yaba in Lohagara, Chattogram. Odhikar (Bang.) − A Bangladeshi man has been arrested in Balukhali for marrying a Rohingya woman and torturing his Bangladeshi wife. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − Indian Supreme Court to hear on March 25 a plea to stop deportation of Rohingya refugees. Hindustan Times (Eng.) − An accidental fire in Camp 27 (block 13/C) gutted two Rohingya shelters. Ukhiya News (Bang.), Inqilab (Bang.) − An 18-member UN delegation reached Bhasan Char yesterday on a three-day visit to take a first-hand view of the housing facility for 100,000 Rohingyas. Daily Star (Eng.) Japan to provide $10m in emergency aid for Rohingya, host communities. Financial Express (Eng.)" 172980,40676.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,95,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Impact de l’épidémie de COVID-19 sur le contexte opérationnel : Les contraintes sur la mise en œuvre des opérations (réduction de la capacité opérationnelle et de la présence physique sur le terrain, augmentation de la durée des activités de distribution liée à la limitation des rassemblements, réduction des activités de foires ou des interventions monétaires en raison de l’augmentation des prix et de la baisse de disponibilité des produits) / L’augmentation des prix sur les marchés et son impact sur les projets de transferts monétaires" 272824,50353.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"During November, 24 pregnant/lactating women and girls (6 girls, 18 women) received dignity and mama kits, 81 persons (IDPs) received NFIs with respect to their specific needs while 574 persons received psychological first aid (PFA)." 295310,51569.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Although, there are locally available shelter materials such as grass, poles, and sticks from the bushes, the water levels are high hence challenging to physically access them." 388302,60981.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,70,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Además de la emergencia generada por el desplazamiento masivo, se presentan restricciones de acceso debido a reparaciones que están haciendo en la vía hacia Ituango, cerca al Tunel de Chirí, entre los sectores de Puerto Brujas y El Bombillo, por un deslizamiento generado por la temporada de lluvias, por lo cual el acceso para trasladar respuesta humanitaria únicamente ha sido posible por vía aérea." 131806,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El reconocimiento y revalidación de calificaciones de grados y profesionales representa un reto para refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. La ENPOVE indica que el 97 por ciento de los refugiados y migrantes con educación universitaria completa no han validado sus grados debido principalmente a los recursos limitados y falta de información sobre el proceso. Esto impacta fuertemente en las oportunidades de integración socioeconómica, así como en la educación profesional o técnica para adolescentes refugiados y migrantes en el Perú." 494242,68123.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Compared to August 2020, the price of all COVID-19 items increased except for surgeon masks which decreased by 24 percent. The price of alcohol spray and plastic gloves increased by 45 and 50 percent, respectively. Moreover, the price of hand gel, soap bars and bleach increased by 10, 10 and 24 percent, respectively." 346479,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Denominación: Servicio de comunicación a las comunidades de La Chorrera. Antecedentes: La Chorrera es un área no municipalizada, ubicada en el departamento del Amazonas, que cuenta con una población de 3.878 habitantes de los pueblos indígenas Uitoto, Bora y Okaina. En este territorio no hay servicio de energía eléctrica ni internet. Pueblos indígenas: Uitoto, Bora y Okaina. Ubicación: La Chorrera, Putumayo , Departamento de Amazonas. Estudiantes y escuelas que atiende 22 escuelas bilingües. 742 estudiantes de primaria y secundaria" 314805,54184.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/covid-19-en-rdc-debut-de-la-vaccination-lundi-allegement-du-couvre-feu-404666,"L'équipe mandatée par la présidence de la République pour lutter contre la Covid-19 ""a décidé de lancer la vaccination dès le lundi 19 avril"" sur toute l'étendue du territoire national, a annoncé Gilbert Kankonde, ministre sortant de l'Intérieur à la télévision publique." 495126,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El ingreso promedio como Dependiente es de S/. 877.29 (236 EUR), como Independiente es de S/. 571.97 (154 EUR). El ingreso promedio para la población masculina es de S/. 877.62 (236 EUR) y la femenina S/. 756.44 (203 EUR)." 193742,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,47,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le pays reste exposé au choléra, particulièrement dans ses zones endémiques à l´Est et dans les provinces du Sud. La contigüité du Tchad avec le Cameroun, le Nigéria, et le Niger qui connaissent actuellement une épidémie, contribue à aggraver la situation." 130515,34596.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Overall, the key challenges to meeting basic needs include high prices (97%), fear of job loss (62%) and lack of product availability (24%). Concerns about job losses and the lack of available products in the June consultations are consistent with our first round of consultations. It is no surprise then that the focal points report job loss/ not being able to earn an income (34%) as their primary concerns with regard to the current economic situation, since losing employment would exacerbate the impact of high prices and reduced access to basic goods." 188174,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Según el más reciente Panorama de las Necesidades Humanitarias42 en el país, alrededor de 1,3 millones de personas tienen necesidades humanitarias de las cuales unas 794.000 ven afectadas su acceso a los servicios de salud y por lo tanto en riesgo de cara a la crisis sanitaria de COVID-19." 184755,42710.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] Low levels of case detection are linked to under-reporting due to social stigma, misapplication of the case definition/ clinical screening protocols and challenges in activating the RRTs." 150808,37921.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,23,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les 11 points d’entrée évalués sont dépourvus de procédures opérationnelles standards pour la gestion des flux et le contrôle sanitaire. 358221,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Days per week water from the network was reportedly available (by % of 748 communities connected to a water network): 21% said 7 days, 19% said 5-6 days, 16% said 3-4 days, 19% said 1-2 days and 25% said 0 days." 344204,56790.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] In April, the regional median price for transport fuel was 2,433 SYP per litre, a relatively stable price with a 0.3% increase since March, but an increase of 87% since October 2020. The price of high-quality petrol increased by 6% since March, and by 98% since October 2020. The price of high-quality diesel saw a 2% decrease in price, although this has increased by 97% since October 2020." 188046,42201.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/actualite/coronavirus-en-rdc/2020/03/22/covid-19-le-haut-katanga-decrete-un-confinement-total-de-48-heures.html/56142/,"«Il est donc décrété, sur toute l’étendue de la province du Haut-Katanga, 48 heures de confinement total dès ce lundi 23 mars en vue de rechercher les 75 autres passagers, ainsi que leurs contacts indirects afin d’éviter la propagation de la maladie. Toutefois, les 75 passagers ayant pris le vol dont question sont priés de rester chez eux et de contacter le service» dit le gouverneur." 391150,61470.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Number of healthcare facilities in camp: 2. Types of facilities: Public hospital/clinic and mobile health clinic." 270108,49922.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-colombia-recibe-lunes-primer-lote-vacunas-contra-covid-19-pfizer-20210215150601.html,"Las vacunas se distribuirán gradualmente ""en todo el territorio para que vayamos protegiendo al talento humano de primera línea"" y así se avanzará en la ""vacunación masiva"" para alcanzar la ""reactivación segura"" de la economía duramente golpeada por las restricciones sanitarias impuestas, ha indicado Duque." 277151,50751.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,45,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.unicef.org/drcongo/communiques-presse/unicef-se-rejouit-reouverture-ecoles-rdc,"L’UNICEF accompagne le Ministère de l’EPST pour mettre en place un certain nombre de mesures pour réduire le risque de contamination notamment le lavage des mains, le port obligatoire du masque et la prise de température dans les écoles." 162924,39647.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"Shelter/NFI Sector partners continued to provide NFI packages, including blankets, floor mats, mosquito nets, tarpaulins, rope, and some solar lamps, to households with older persons. Out of 28,325 households with older persons, Shelter/NFI Sector provided 2,866 households with NFIs at distribution points and made home deliveries of NFIs to 7,928 households without caretakers" 322719,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 52% for stress and lowest was 4% for extreme. Similarly highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 66% for stress and lowest was 2% for extreme." 293533,51569.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"According to the local authority and observations from the team, two payams of New Fangak thus Manajang and Phom have been worst affected by the flood, and an estimated population of 48,103 individuals (7,944 households) are reported to be directly affected of which 15% are believed to be children under five years of age as per below table." 212989,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,"['Capacities & Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"The experiences from other similar pandemics indicate that it is likely that a number of students may not return to school due to various reasons, and the alternative education offerings may not provide the expected learning outcomes. Therefore, the recovery plan has considered various dimensions including the safety of students, the design and length of the academic calendar, a flexible lesson delivery strategy and social mobilization to encourage students to return to school." 477221,67232.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,153,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"3.8 Medio de transporte utilizado El 84,5% de la población venezolana que se encuentra en el Perú viajó en bus de pasajeros. Este medio de transporte utilizó el 85,5% de los hombres y el 83,5% de las mujeres. El 6,7% viajaron en tramos por bus y luego en avión. Estos medios fueron más utilizados por las mujeres (7,4%) que por los hombres (6,0%). El 5,6% viajaron todo el trayecto en avión, siendo las mujeres (6,7%) que utilizaron este medio más que los hombres (4,7%). El 2,5% viajaron tramos del trayecto en bus y también caminaron, siendo los hombres (3,1%) los que más realizaron este tipo de trayecto. El 0,2% informaron que no utilizaron ningún medio de transporte e ingresaron al Perú caminando." 328664,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 17% and 46% of Households IDP and non-IDP settlements respectively reported education of their children had been disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. 310782,53068.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Education Cluster : 0.2m reached out of targeted 0.8m, male 0.14m and female 0.10m that is 30%" 270452,49920.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"There has been some reversal this year in terms of policy commitments as food security plans are not being updated. Agricultural research and development is weak. Eight countries lack a food security strategy and 11 lack a food security agency. In Colombia and Brazil in particular, scores have deteriorated as food security strategies become outdated and have not yet been updated for 2020 onwards." 226849,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"While the number of civilians injured attributed to Anti-Government Elements dropped significantly, the number of civilians killed remained similar to last year, mainly due to a rise in those attributed to the Taliban." 271917,50217.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,La nature des abris des PDI de Diffa les expose aux intempéries et risques d’exactions. 163584,39454.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,82,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_9_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Persistencia en falta de atención a casos de enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA), infección respiratoria aguda (IRA), y malaria (Chocó tiene el 27,60% de los casos a nivel nacional) que han visto poco abordaje por cuenta de la saturación del sistema de salud en el marco de la pandemia. Se alza la preocupación por el incremento en los casos de desnutrición en niños y niñas menores de cinco años en el departamento." 391118,61177.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,146,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] A considerable proportion of Nigeria’s population is at risk of water stress, with less than 40% having direct access to potable water. Increased rainfall variability is likely to result in flooding in some humid areas in the south of the country while a reduction in precipitation in the savannah north may result in droughts and decrease in surface water resources. Changes in surface runoff and groundwater flows in shallow aquifers can possibly have long-term implications for both permanent and seasonal water bodies. The rapid shrinking of Lake Chad from approximately 45,000 km2 in 1960 to less than 3,000 km2 in 2007 has been primarily attributed to changes in the climatic conditions in the region. Hydro-electric power generation will also be negatively affected due to lower and irregular inflows in dams" 148224,35830.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Response%20COVID-19%20Sit%20Rep%20%234%20-%20External%20use.pdf,"The Socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, notably in food security and livelihoods, are likely to exacerbate existing substantial humanitarian needs across the country. On 17 June, the U.S. Caesar sanctions went into effect and throughout the month the informal SYP/USD exchange rate has experienced extreme volatility, at one point rising to the highest rate on record – approximately SYP 3,200 to $USD 1 on 8 June. The cost of the survival minimum expenditure basket (SMEB) has increased by 68 percent." 62077,18564.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"Sixty-four percent of respondents lost weight between 2016 and 2017, an average of 25 pounds per person. The Venezuelan government has not published nutrition data since 2007. However, a recent report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) shows that the prevalence of undernourishment increased almost fourfold during the Maduro administration, going from 6.4 percent of the population in 2012-14 to 21.2 percent of the population in 2016-18. That means that 6.8 million Venezuelans are currently undernourished, with children and pregnant women in poor neighborhoods the most affected." 95212,26755.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"Health sector does not have service delivery coverage in the following districts: Nalut, Sirt, Tobruk, and Ubari. No service provision was registered in terms of support with outpatient consultations, referrals, trauma/injury related, mental health and disability related consultations, vaginal and caesarian support." 786,156.0,321.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Regarding assistance during childbirth, IDP households were fewer to report pregnant women to be assisted by doctors during the delivery (65.9%) compared to non-displaced women (76.4%) and returnee women (78.5%)" 393180,62158.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above charts 8.3 shows that 67 of health workers, caregivers and community leaders mentioned Cultural acceptability and societal reliefs as some of the problems faced by the community in accessing basic services during COVID 19 outbreak, 34 said physical, financial, procedures, social and information accessibility, 59 said availability in terms of existence of services, sufficient in terms of quality and type, 12 said quality in terms of adequate supplies, skilled staff and services points are some of the problems faced by the communities in accessing basic services during COVID 19 outbreak." 265715,49620.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Enfin, l’impossibilité d’utiliser les motos et la dégradation de l’état des routes ont aussi limité les déplacements dans les régions de Tahoua et de Tillaberi113 114, privant les populations d’un accès rapide aux centres de santé éloignés et non accessibles à pied. Par ailleurs, le manque de personnel médical, de matériel et de médicaments a été rapporté dans les trois pays avec des proportions plus fortes au Burkina Faso et au Mali (17% des localités évaluées115)." 202457,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,80,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The years of conflict in South Sudan have adversely affected the overall protection environment for refugees, the majority of which reside in areas most affected by conflicts in the past. This has created a fragile environment for refugees, as host communities are themselves affected by violence and crisis, and are also contending with the added burden of IDP populations and instability, leading to the potential for increased tension between communities in this pressurized environment." 304757,50889.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"In Kassala Town, refugees report harassment from host communities and local authorities, and their restricted movement outside of refugee camps" 172111,40716.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,180,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.184%20%20%2810%20-%2016%20August%202020%29_0.pdf,"[10 - 16 August 2020, Borno, Adamawa] Askira/Uba: 118 arrivals and 11 departures were recorded in Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state. All 118 arrivals were from Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state and all departures were from Damboa LGA of Borno state. 77 per cent of the movements were triggered by conflict/attack, 12 per cent due to fear of attack, 9 per cent as a result of poor living conditions and the remaining 3 per cent relocated voluntarily. Gwoza: 112 arrivals were recorded in Gwoza LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 15 from Bama, 7 from Gwoza, 7 from Kukawa and 7 from Maiduguri Metropolitan Council LGAs of Borno state, 11 from Madagali and 3 from Fufore LGAs of Adamawa state, 19 from Akko LGA of Gombe state, 18 from Gaya LGA of Kano state and 25 from Marwa region in Cameroon. 84 per cent relocated as a result of poor living conditions and the remaining 16 per cent relocated voluntarily." 60699,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Households that their primary means of livelihoods were begging (66 percent), unskilled wage labor (49.0 percent), skilled wage labor (38 percent), petty trade (31 percent) and daily common labor (29 percent) were more food insecure compared to counterparts engaged in salaried work (15 percent), livestock business (16 percent) and agriculture (23 percent)." 111718,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para las familias que viven en el estado del Táchira la oferta de servicios de Villa del Rosario y Cúcuta es una oportunidad para brindar a sus hijos atención en educación y salud. Sin embargo, con los cierres de frontera se ven obligados a cruzar por las trochas, lo que significa múltiples riesgos para los niños. Además de que hay riesgo de robos y extorsiones, la frontera se ha convertido en un lugar de enfrentamientos armados, por lo que las familias prefieren no llevar a sus hijos a los servicios de educación o atención para garantizar su seguridad." 164218,39644.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"CwC WG partners organized 14 cascade training sessions on COVID-19 with 128 staff and volunteers. CwC WG partners reached 262,040 people in the camps and host communities with key COVID-19 messages through community engagement activities, including 57,215 neighbourhood-based sessions; 17,279 community consultation meetings; 741 listening group sessions; 437 video/film viewings; and 9,503 sessions led by religious leaders." 221882,45558.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,125,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRF14-2020-COL-Dabeiba-LandSlide.pdf,"On the morning of Sunday, November 15, DAPARD (Administrative Department of the System for the Prevention, Attention and Recovery of Disasters) reported that of the 16 people who were missing, eight were found alive ""and they are in the five shelters that the municipality has set up for the affected people."" Thus, the current tally of casualties of the torrential rains according to the Unified Command Post (PMU), is of 3 deceased and eight missing persons. Likewise, there are 497 affected people from 201 families, 20 injured, 67 homes destroyed and 104 damaged, 3 educational centers affected, as well as 5.5 kilometers of road affected." 142147,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As outlined previously, UNDP is supporting rehabilitation at three hospitals. One partner has completed light rehabilitation of WASH systems at isolation centres in Dar'a and Deir-Ez-Zor." 472855,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,31,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,Organiser de formations en cascades des agents de santé au niveau des formations sanitaires sur la prise en charge médicale et soutien psychologique aux survivants de VBG et des psycho traumatismes 185926,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,83,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Cette nouvelle augmentation coïncide avec le passage d'un dollar (USD) qui s'est stabilisé au dessus de 1 900 FC4 à partir du 22 juin, évoluant dans un intervalle entre 1 900 et 2 000 FC jusqu'à aujourd'hui (début novembre 2020). Plusieurs autres facteurs explicatifs sont observés : la faible production agricole de la première saison annuelle, les aléas climatiques de ce début d'année et la continuité des conflits dans plusieurs régions du pays5." 300645,51152.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of 31 January 2021, some 256,828 flood affected people were reached with nutrition assistance across eight affected states. More people were reached with nutrition services than planned figure because nutrition partners do not segregate treatment and admission of flood and non-flood affected cases by Nutrition Cluster Partners." 308222,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of wheat flour in Kabul was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020. 276975,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] Une proportion plus importante de petites entreprises a également connu une “grave perturbation de la chaîne d’approvisionnement” et une chute considérable de leurs revenus que les moyennes et grandes entreprises 293550,51589.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,RECOMMENDATIONS: Develop a habit of considering how proposed interventions might affect peace and conflict in a given community. Allocate sufficient human and financial resources to 1) understand the potential negative consequences of aid and 2) take predictive and preventative measures. 235985,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,WHO organized a workshop from 4 to 7 August on mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in the management of COVID-19 in the NW region. The 19 health districts of the NW and medical personnel from key health facilities took part in the workshop in Bamenda. 25010,9618.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,201,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/04032019_nga_ocha_humanitarian_situation_update.pdf,"The movement of thousands of internally displaced people who fled violent clashes in Kukawa and Monguno LGAs of Borno State at end 2018 continued in January 2019. An estimated 30,000 people, the majority of them from Baga town near the shores of Lake Chad, fled their homes by foot and by vehicle, without shelter or food, to converge on internally displaced camps in greater Maiduguri (MMC, Jere, and Konduga LGAs), mainly to Teachers Village, Bakasi, Gubio, Mogcolis and Dolori IDP camps. Thousands more fled to Monguno and other unconfirmed locations. Women and children make up 87 per cent of the newly displaced population. Teachers Village alone received an estimated 20,000 new arrivals from the end of December through January, bringing the total camp population to more than 30,000 individuals in a location originally set up for 10,000 people maximum. This mass influx of people and resulting overpopulation of the camp significantly overstretched the existing resources in Teachers Village, especially in terms of shelter, leaving thousands of people sleeping outside in the open and living in extremely overcrowded and deplorable conditions." 290600,51817.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,12,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,1 717 cas positifs de la COVID-19 dans la province du Haut-Katanga 191032,42042.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Bolori-12-wards-Maiduguri-LGA_-July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 15 assessed settlements reported that no handwashing facilities were publicly available to residents at the time of data collection. In all of the remaining 8 settlements where KIs reported publicly available handwashing stations, soap and water were reportedly available." 222988,45471.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]A total of 10.6 million people - more than one in two of those who live in the crisisaffected states - are in need of humanitarian assistance,3 including 4.6 million girls and boys. Women, girls and boys continue to be disproportionately impacted by the crisis, making up the vast majority of the crisis population (81 per cent) - with a quarter of those affected being girls and boys under five years of age." 308164,53292.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"The general food distribution caseload increased from 27,800 to 50,100 to scale up the response during the lean season period. To date, 12,000 HHs were reached with livelihoods support and cluster partners vaccinated more than 205,000 livestock and some 9,400 livestock were treated in Aweil South County. Partners indicated that there are signs of market prices stabilizing and food availability is observed to have improved." 175470,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"De les seules semaines épidémiologique 36 à 39 de l’année 2020, dans l’ensemble de ces 06 régions, les cas de maladies suivantes ont été notifiés : COVID-19 25 cas /1 décès, Ictère 98 cas /2 décès, méningite 60 cas /5 décès, rougeole 11 cas suspects /0 décès, dengue 19 cas suspects /0 décès et 3 cas probables et diarrhée sanguinolente 3 cas suspects /0 décès." 224722,45275.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"The economic impacts of Covid-19 in Afghanistan, resulting from a national lockdown and other accompanying public health measures, severely disrupted trade and commerce and limited access for the most vulnerable to humanitarian assistance and services." 205846,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,About 22 per cent of school-aged refugee children are out of school. 243502,47668.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"The newly-displaced have also sought shelter there, putting pressure on existing resources. Meetings of the Crisis Committee have taken place on 9 and 13 November to agree next steps of the response and how to supplement initial assistance already provided." 307804,52942.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,132,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Wheat Flour (High Price): The average price increased by 0.3% compared to the third week of November, and was still 11% higher than 14 March. The increase occurred in: Paktika, Wardak, Badghis and Ghor (3%), mainly due to a temporary supply shortfall and daily price fluctuations. Meanwhile prices decreased only in Kandahar (3%), due to sustained supply. The highest prices were in Badakhshan, Nuristan, Kandahar, and Urozgan (43, 40, 39, 39 AFN per kg, respectively). The lowest prices were in Hirat, Logar, Paktya and Bamyan (31, 32, 33 and 33 AFN per kg, respectively)." 17102,7092.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,70,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,The humanitarian community faces a number of critical logistics challenges that hampers the delivery of relief items in and across the country. This includes: damaged road infrastructure; access disruptions to many parts of the country for staff and cargo; congestion at main entry points; unreliable and unpredictable access to fuel; heavy bureaucracy; and limited international shipping options both by sea and air. 202019,44071.0,2330.0,['WASH'],[],[],en,42,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"WASH services for affected neighborhoods and communities are also required for approximately 90,000 people, especially water well cleaning products, sanitation of community spaces, provision of safe water (including water containers), hygiene supplies, among others." 328053,55074.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Laboratoire • Formation des formateurs régionaux pour l’utilisation des TDR Ag • Finalisation du processus de mise en place de la plate-forme électronique d’inscription en ligne pour les tests voyageurs • Mise en œuvre effective du système intégré de transport des échantillons biologiques (SITEB) avec la POSTE Burkina 132636,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Compartir la información sobre el acceso al alojamiento para orientar a los refugiados y migrantes que se quedan en el Perú en cuanto a lo que deben considerar si acceden a alojamiento. 457461,65405.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",fr,39,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Lors du dernier déplacement, les arrivées de civils PDI ont contribué à la réduction des ressources disponibles dans la zone de déplacement, et à l’accroissement des vulnérabilités chez les PDI et les populations hôtes." 217926,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Food assistance should be prioritised in urban areas, especially for those relying on daily wage labour and unsustainable sources of income. Humanitarian agencies should follow government guidelines and international practices during distribution in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic." 164362,39786.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/unicef-provides-health-and-nutrition-children-and-mothers-rural-hama,"Hama, Syria, 31 August 2020 - Access of children and families to essential health care, already hindered by years of conflict in Syria, has been further impacted by economic hardship and the recent spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), further compounding people’s needs." 261588,49490.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COLOMBIA_FS%20Labor%20Market%20Access_ACNUR_NV%20Espa%C3%B1ol.pdf,"Las dinámicas del conflicto armado en Colombia han dejado cerca de 9 millones de víctimas desde el año 1985, de las cuales, alrededor de 7 millones son consideradas sujetos de atención y reparación de los hechos victimizantes contemplados por ley" 111911,29953.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En los albergues (temporales), los niños consiguen tener espacios más adecuados para descansar y un tiempo de alivio en la consecución de alimentos. Aprovechan allí para jugar con otros niños, sin la zozobra que provocan la calle y las carreteras." 242557,47761.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_Informal-Settlement-Profile_Al-Hasakeh_November-2020.pdf,"[November 2020, Al-Hasakeh NES] Measures reportedly implemented by local authorities to protect from COVID-19; Distribution of hygiene products 49% , Recommend staying home 40%, Prevention messages 28%, Close non-essential businesses 19% and Enforce quarantine 11%." 248985,47559.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,48,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Les groupes de PBS restent les mêmes à savoir les femmes veuves cheffes de ménages, les personnes âgées sans soutien, celles vivant avec handicap, les personnes victimes d’atteintes à la propriété, les survivants de Restes Explosifs de Guerres (REG)." 63138,18817.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,56,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Venezuela’s economy contracted 48 per cent between 2013 and 2018 according to recent data released by the Central Bank of Venezuela. Non-oil imports are estimated to have fallen 86 per cent during that same period, while oil exports decreased from $85 billion in 2013 to $30 billion in 2018." 361329,58693.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,211,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar]Refugee: Currently, there are approximately 877,000 displaced Rohingya residing in camps in the Ukhiya and Teknaf Upazilas of Cox’s Bazar District (UNHCR, 2021). More than half of the refugees in the camp are children (Vince, 2020). There are thirty-four camps formally designated by the government of Bangladesh, including the two officially recognised camps, Kutupalong and Nayapara, as well as several camps supported by agencies such as the International Organis ation for Migration (IOM) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) (UNHCR, 2020; Banerjee, 2019; Milton et al, 2017). Along with existing challenges in addressing access to health services, food shortages and education needs (Pocock et al, 2017), the risks posed by waterrelated hazards for those living in the camps are high. Cox’s Bazar is a district that is prone to floods, storm surges and the seasonal monsoon impact, whilst the refugee camps and their surrounding areas are highly susceptible to flash flooding and rainfall triggered landslides (Banerjee, 2019; Ahmed, 2015)." 325657,53068.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,9,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,Response achievements over2.4 million people provided with healthcare; 205232,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,35,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,The rains were likely to continue until December 2019 and put more people at risk. The Government of South Sudan declared a state of emergency in the flooded areas on 27 October 2019. 209743,44790.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"GAM is higher than the 15 per cent emergency threshold in 10 out of 33 areas, with the majority (51.7 per cent) of malnourished children concentrated in six regions, as well as in areas hosting IDPs." 386424,60870.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"A pesar de que existe un sistema de recolección de residuos sólidos en la ciudad, se evidencia mal manejo de la basura lo que ocasiona malos olores y contaminación del espacio." 276259,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,Les pesanteurs socio-culturelles restent un défi. Les survivantes ont toujours du mal à dénoncer les exactions. Très peu d’actions de poursuites judiciaires sont initiées. Le recours à la justice demeure un défi majeur. 189694,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les attaques ciblées des villages, survenues au cours de l´année 2019 par les groupes armés ainsi que les opérations militaires menées par l´armée tchadienne et les forces multinationales mixtes (FMM) ont continué d´affecter négativement la stabilité de la zone du lac Tchad." 223917,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,37,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Les jeunes garçons participent plus aux séances de sensibilisation tandis que les jeunes filles qui n’ont pas trop de temps et la permission d’y participer par crainte des abus et exploitations sexuelles. 172417,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"De même, l’offre de services en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive et les soins prénatals et postnatals risquent de considérablement diminuer mettant particulièrement à risque les femmes et les enfants qui constituent respectivement 50,8 pour cent et 58,5 pour cent des personnes dans le besoin en RDC." 321462,54522.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,38,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://habarirdc.net/covid-experience-enfants-rue/,"[les enfants des rues] Au marché et dans la rue où ils vivent, ils sont exposés non seulement au Covid-19, aux intempéries en tout genre, mais aussi et surtout à la criminalité." 808,156.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,71,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The main challenges around recent displacements in the country and the locations assessed evolved, including growing figures of returns in important urban centres such as Benghazi, where an important explosive contamination remained. The study also showed that 46.9% of IDP and 28.8% of returnee households had been displaced more than once, underlining an increased vulnerability that needs to be taken into consideration when procuring assistance" 223453,42179.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/education-in-afrin-is-at-stake-kurdish-students-face-additional-challenges/,"many Kurdish teachers were teaching in Aleppo, by virtue of being affiliated with the Syrian regime’s Ministry of Education, resigned or took unpaid leave, and returned to Afrin to teach in its schools. He attributed this to the fact that the salaries that teachers receive in Afrin are between 600 and 800 Turkish liras (between almost 75 and 100 USD), while their salaries in public schools in Aleppo are about 60,000 SYP (25.8 USD) after salaries have been increased by 50 percent from previous years." 295575,52400.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (W(ASH) Water supply networks have been damaged, while latrines have been razed to the ground. Hygiene items stored by camp residents have also been destroyed." 356640,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El 14 de mayo, la Defensoría del Pueblo informó que había recibido quejas contra miembros de la Policía por 2 casos de violación sexual, 14 casos de agresiones sexuales y otros 71 casos de violencia de género, incluyendo bofetadas y abuso verbal. Las organizaciones de derechos humanos colombianas han informado más casos. Human Rights Watch documentó dos casos de violencia sexual cometidos por policías contra manifestantes" 271123,50299.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=224297,"[28th Feb 2021, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced that 55 new coronavirus cases were registered in the country, 84 patients infected with the virus have recovered while 4 others have passed away. In a statement on Sunday evening, the Ministry said that the total number of Coronavirus cases in the country reached 15588 of which 9801 cases recovered and 1027 passed away." 235492,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,51,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,The pandemic comes on the back of the negative economic impact of the security crisis in the two anglophone regions as well as in the far-northern region and the suspension of production at the SONARA [state-owned oil refinery] since it was hit by a fire at end-May 2019. 184807,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria]The number of cases in Derik has increased by 250% between the 3 October and 3 November, with a total of 1,192 confirmed COVID-19 cases." 489175,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Illustrating the prevalence of financial barriers when seeking a place to rent, households who reported that their income was sufficient were much less likely to face difficulties in finding a place to rent." 224211,45763.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,83,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Avec ces inondations, les femmes qui ont la charge du transport de l’eau, affirment qu’elles s’approvisionnent dans toutes les sources d’eau disponibles dans les villages : mares, forages, puits à ciel ouvert. Cette eau est consommée sans traitement avec risques de maladies hydriques comme la diarrhée ou le choléra. Une analyse des données recueillies auprès des centres de santé confirme une augmentation des maladies d’origine hydrique." 202685,43256.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,25,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"About 9 million children in Cameroon have been directly affected by school closures, with thousands of school children missing out on school meals." 454253,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,71,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los tipos de violencia sobre las adolescentes más frecuentes en la percepción de las personas encuestadas, son violencia psicológica (84.5%), violencia física (71.6%) y bullying (72.2%). Las menos frecuentes son la trata de personas (38.6%), la violencia económica (32.7%) y mala atención de las instituciones del Estado (23.7%)." 187002,42490.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,39,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/%5BCLEAN%5D%20Reporte%20operacional%20GTRM%20Guayaquil%20-%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"• A su vez, se manifiesta preocupación por respuestas masivas de inadmisión por parte de la Dirección de Protección Internacional (DPIN), así como riesgo de multas y sanciones para personas con situación migratoria irregular." 264601,49752.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article102838,"Du côté du Groupement des forces du secteur Centre et Est le 19 février 2021, une Unité du groupement a apporté son soutien aux agents de la Douane de Manga qui a saisi un important lot de matériels de contrebande." 165555,39662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,75,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"As they are dealing with waste collection and management, cleaning of public places, and maintaining sanitation services, their work requires them to move across different areas and work in high-risk settings including health care facilities, and in quarantines and containment zones. It is therefore important to ensure the health and safety of these workers and their families and mitigate any risk of spread of the infection through their movement." 289390,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,Security incidents are impeding access in Tonj despite safety assurances received from the state government 358787,58665.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/High%2520Frequency%2520Survey%2520Report_Round1_2021_Final_Espa%25C3%25B1ol.pdf,"El mayor porcentaje de casos se encuentra en la región de Suroccidente, seguido por la región Caribe. Está tendencia sería preocupante en tiempos normales, pero resulta alarmante en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19, cuando condiciones médicas pueden afectar la susceptibilidad de contagiarse, y la presión extrema sobre el sistema de salud colombiano que dificulta su acceso." 153966,34182.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,La falta de oportunidades y medios en las regiones hace que opten por mecanismos no apropiados de subsistencia como delincuencia común y comercio sexual. 496233,68462.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520July%25202021%2520SouthernCone.pdf,In Argentina more than half of the population has now been vaccinated against Covid-19. 274210,49666.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"En outre la pandémie de COVID-19 a également eu un impact négatif sur les moyens d’existence de la population enquêtée, car le commerce transfrontalier a subi un arrêt et les prix des biens alimentaires ont augmenté par rapport à la période précédant le début de l’épidémie." 116009,30124.0,1386.0,['Logistics'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],es,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,Necesidades no cubiertas La escasez y el acceso a combustible siguen siendo los principales retos logísticos que limitan la capacidad operativa de las organizaciones humanitarias e impactan los costos operacionales de las actividades. 495387,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,55,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los niveles de inseguridad han crecido especialmente en los departamentos fronterizos, incluyendo casos de ataques, reclutamiento de niños y desplazamientos. Incrementó la vulnerabilidad de las personas en tránsito, en zonas fronterizas y en los destinos, con problemas de seguridad alimentaria, nutrición, agua, refugio, salud e inseguridad" 356641,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,323,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Jessica Amaya, de 32 años, participó en una protesta que empezó en la mañana del 28 de abril en la localidad de Yumbo, departamento de Valle del Cauca. Amaya contó que era un evento pacífico, que incluyó distintos actos culturales, al que asistieron familias enteras. Cerca de las 9 p.m., llegaron agentes del ESMAD en un camión. Los manifestantes empezaron a replegarse mientras los agentes del ESMAD los perseguían hasta acorralarlos al centro de una rotonda, explicó Amaya. Un agente tomó a Amaya por la pierna mientras esta se alejaba corriendo y la arrojó al piso. Comenzaron a “llover golpes” sobre su cabeza, dijo Amaya. Se protegió la cabeza y el rostro con los brazos, pero después de lo que cree que fueron cuatro golpes fuertes perdió el conocimiento. Se despertó aproximadamente dos horas después, bajo un arbusto, con sangre en la ropa y un seno al descubierto. “Me siento ultrajada. Yo siento que cometieron abuso conmigo, pero no recuerdo, no sé de qué tipo fueron”, relató. Luego del ataque siguió sintiendo dolor abdominal y recibió ocho puntos por cortes en la cabeza. Dijo que las autoridades le explicaron que solo podían realizarle un examen médico legal después de presentar una denuncia penal. Se presentó en la Fiscalía de Yumbo el día siguiente al incidente, pero estaba cerrada por las manifestaciones. Human Rights Watch tuvo acceso a fotografías que muestran las contusiones y la inflamación que presentaba Amaya. Amaya fue examinada en una clínica privada el 14 de mayo. Un grupo de médicos y psicólogos concluyó que parece haber sido víctima de abuso sexual, según un informe médico al cual tuvo acceso Human Rights Watch. Amaya denunció los hechos a la Fiscalía el 21 de mayo." 144532,34804.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,116,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In NES, there have been restrictions on cross-border movements through the Fishkabour-Semelka crossing since early March, and although the border remains officially closed, exemptions have been granted for international humanitarian NGO staff, allowing them to move once a week on Tuesdays. Border crossing for NGO staff in and out of NES is complicated and requires prior approvals, which is a significant change to previous procedures. The first movement back to NES on the 3rd of June allowed the NGOs to bring in 33 international staff (including 15 medical personnel), this was followed by subsequent crossings (7 and 13 staff) from KRI to NES." 393157,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,133,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The below graph 5.4 shows that 19 out of 73 key leaders of the community indicates very likely to get COVID 19 virus, 15 indicated Likely to get COVID, 14 mentioned they are unlikely to get COVID 19 virus, 11 shows that they are unlikely to get COVID 19 while 14 said they don’t have an idea. Meanwhile, same graph below also demonstrates that 17 out of 72 youths shows they are likely to get COVID 19, 17 mentioned Likely they will get COVID, 21 said they are unlikely to get COVID 19 virus, 11 shows that they are very unlikely to get COVID 19 while 6 said they don’t have an idea." 291408,51191.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"While some $71.7m requirements have been committed by donors and the Government, a gap of $65.8m remains to be urgently mobilised to mitigate against winter suffering" 22021,8963.0,786.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,44,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-47166680?ocid=global_bbccom_email_08022019_top+news+stories,"It was not immediately clear how the humanitarian aid would be delivered across the border. The Venezuelan military had earlier placed cargo containers and a tanker lorry across the Tienditas bridge, which connects Cúcuta and the city of Ureña in Venezuela." 271697,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au plan national, 21,9% des enfants de 6-23 mois ont une alimentation minimum acceptable contre 17,4% en 2019." 223775,45880.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"L'enquête menée en novembre par le Programme des Na�ons-Unies pour le Développement (PNUD) et la Harvard Humanitarian Ini�a�ve à Bunia, Bukavu et Goma a révélé que 90 % des femmes contre 80 % des hommes ont signalé une aggrava�on de leur situa�on financière depuis la COVID-19 (n=2327)." 356653,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El 28 de mayo, el director de la justicia penal militar señaló a Human Rights Watch que los jueces militares habían abierto 34 investigaciones en relación con las protestas, incluyendo 10 por homicidios y 11 por lesiones personales. Conforme a estándares regionales de derechos humanos, los tribunales penales militares no deben adelantar procesos por graves violaciones de derechos humanos." 219903,45784.0,2333.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Economy']",en,108,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/en_-_understanding_the_sahel_through_its_history_geography_and_socio-demographic_challenges_-_white_paper.pdf,"A more recent study conducted among young people in Zinder, Niger, also points to unemployment as the main factor (43 per cent) in radicalization, followed by social deprivation (43 per cent). According to data from Niger’s National Institute of Statistics, the Zinder region is the most densely populated in the country, with more than 70 per cent of the population there being young, due to rampant population growth. These young people are particularly affected by problems related to unemployment and access to basic social services, and unemployment tops the list of radicalization factors" 134387,34825.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,186,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para estos efectos, la base de datos de registros administrativos ha sido sometida a los siguientes procedimientos estandarizados para alcanzar una base definitiva: - A partir de las bases cuya unidad son los permisos de residencia solicitados u otorgados a las personas extranjeras, se han construido bases de datos donde la unidad de información son las personas que han tramitado dichos permisos. - Se evita la duplicidad de información, esto es, se eliminan los registros que han sido tomados dos o más veces. - Para evitar la presencia de valores no válidos en cada uno de los campos en la base de datos, se ha revisado cada categoría presente, corrigiéndose los errores derivados, principalmente, de una digitación incorrecta. De este modo, se alcanzó una base de datos que indica que desde el 1 de enero de 1990 al 31 de diciembre de 2019, se registran 1.986.405 personas que han realizado un primer trámite migratorio en Chile, a través del DEM, o en el extranjero, a través de MINREL." 323124,54884.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2021/4/60633e4d4/chad-central-african-refugee-keeps-hope-alive.html,"Despite COVID-19, Chadian authorities have kept the country’s border open and allowed access to asylum to some 8,500 refugees who fled since the beginning of this year. After two weeks of quarantine in a centre built for the recent influx of refugees, 5,000 refugees were settled in Doholo, a nearby refugee camp already hosting 6,000 Central Africans who fled earlier violence in 2014." 197553,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Other activities which have continued (despite COVID-19 induced restrictions) but under changed modality, have included remote case management, family-based PSS, awareness-raising, provision of dignity and hygiene kits and other material assistance, safe/houses/shelters, legal assistance, eviction monitoring and prevention, land survey and clearance, victim assistance, protection monitoring and strengthening of community-based protection mechanisms." 112320,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,66,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"De otra parte, se ha diseñado un corredor humanitario escolar que busca garantizar el acceso al servicio educativo de niños y adolescentes que forman parte de la migración pendular. Con esta estrategia se benefician hoy cerca de 4.000 niños de municipios fronterizos de Venezuela, quienes asisten a instituciones educativas de Cúcuta, Villa del Rosario y otros municipios de Norte de Santander." 257054,48672.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"UNHCR has distributed 1,000 school kits to Burkinabe refugee children and IDP girls and boys attending school in Ouallam, Tera, Gotheye and Bankilaré. Finally, more than 200 individuals have been sensitized on the importance of birth certificates and schooling of children." 299432,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Out of five incidents relating to the lack of phone coverage, three occurred in the southern provinces of Uruzgan, Kandahar and Hilmand which saw heavy fighting during the month of October. The shutdown of telecommunication networks during ongoing fighting is a frequent occurrence and enables NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) to obstruct the communication of ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) ." 245829,47702.0,2425.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,13,['At Risk'],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,Jobless residents whose housing sustains severe damage are at risk of poverty. 228400,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,27,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Respondents noted also measures which are not as scientifically substantiated, namely wearing gloves (76%) and disinfection of surfaces (43%)." 406857,63609.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/081721_alerta_por_confinamiento_quibdo_choco.vf_.pdf,"Cabe destacar que esta comunidad fue desplazada de su territorio desde el año 2011 por hechos de violencia similares y habían solicitado en diversas ocasiones un retorno con las condiciones de seguridad, voluntariedad y dignidad. La comunidad ha tenido que enfrentarse a diversos riesgos por habitar en un entorno urbano, donde no tienen territorio propio, no pueden realizar sus actividades tradicionales relacionadas con la agricultura, pesca y otras dinámicas asociadas a la gobernabilidad indígena." 174555,41246.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,101,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000118469.pdf,"[ 1st Jun 2020, Borno, Yobe states] Overall, the prices of key staples have sustained an upward trend and have remained high in monitored markets in Borno and Yobe during the past three (3) months. Comparing June and July, the prices of food commodities like sorghum, maize, ground nuts, rice (local and imported) and red beans prices increased slightly or remained stable across the monitored markets in Borno, while in Yobe increase in prices were observed across most markets when compared to prices in June 2020." 227513,46488.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Tous les IC ont rapporté qu’en temps habituel, une école primaire fonctionnelle se situait à moins d’une heure de marche pour les enfants de la localité." 188181,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,61,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El sistema de salud cuenta con alrededor de 8.000 camas y 37 Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) con una ocupación de más del 70 por ciento tanto en la red hospitalaria pública como privada, lo que representa un gran desafío para atender la emergencia. La tasa de mortalidad por la COVID-19 en el país continúa elevándose diariamente" 358523,58562.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,127,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]While increases in vigilante group presence and capacity during the pandemic period were widespread across our study area, the role that vigilantes played in shaping conflict, violence, and insecurity varied substantially across communities. In many communities, increased vigilante presence and capacity was associated with reported reductions in violent attacks by armed groups and increases in perception of the level of security by community members. However, other communities reported systematic patterns of heavy-handedness and indiscriminate violence by vigilante groups, including violent extrajudicial punishments (“jungle justice”), extortion of community members, and prejudicial profiling and harassment of youth or members of particular ethnic groups as bandits or insurgents." 737,156.0,321.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,83,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Across assessed mantikas, 54.5% of households reported having access to some type of subsidised items, though with important regional variations: for instance, 95.0% of households in Sebha and 62.4% in Benghazi reported not being able to access subsidised goods. This is coherent with the continued shutdown of official channels for subsidised food items in Sebha and the apparent lack of other means to get access to some form of subsidised items in the latter." 209668,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"In 2019, a delayed and erratic Gu rainy season resulted in the poorest harvest since the 2011 famine and flooding. The spike in incidents of severe drought and flooding is a reminder that Somalia has become increasingly vulnerable to climate change." 195012,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The cost of the CCCM response has reduced from 34 Million to 32 Million, as a result of suspending and modifying some activities due to COVID-19." 272830,50353.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"While access to quality multisectoral services remains a challenge in the NWSW regions, the data shared by GBV partners during November shows an increase in the number of survivors requesting GBV services. During November, 798 GBV survivors were reported and received services according to their individual needs through ethical, secure, and coordinated referrals between specialized GBV service providers." 126545,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Incrementar las oportunidades de integración de la población refugiada y migrante, incluyendo el trabajo decente y medios de vida." 261591,49490.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COLOMBIA_FS%20Labor%20Market%20Access_ACNUR_NV%20Espa%C3%B1ol.pdf,"770.246 Venezolanos están de manera regular en el país, por lo que pueden trabajar legalmente. Muchos enfrentan discriminación, xenofobia y explotación en sus lugares de trabajo." 489890,67779.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=248786,"[17 September, 2021, GoS] The first flight of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) arrived in Damascus International Airport on 17 September 2021 afternoon from Karachi Airport, paving way for the return of air traffic between the two countries suspended for more than twenty years. The flight, which carries on board Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan , the Chargé d’ Affairs of Syrian Embassy in Islamabad, Mazen Obeid, president of Pakistan Airlines and 286 passengers, comes in the framework of re-operating the air flights from Karachi , Lahore and Islamabad airports towards Damascus and vice versa." 125933,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,25,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"80% of the migrants from Tunisia were interviewed in Western Libya, whereas a percentage of 20% was interviewed in Eastern Libya." 314208,54230.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/19/covid-19-advisory-panel-recommends-strict-lockdown-for-another-week,"[19th April 2021, Bangladesh] All mild corona patients need to continue telemedicine services to ensure treatment at home. At the same time, regular monitoring of telemedicine services needs to be strengthened to ensure quality services." 224729,45275.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,26,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"The pandemic and subsequent loss of families’ livelihoods has further disrupted children’s access to education, already limited amidst an ongoing conflict." 500710,60136.0,2074.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"Agua, saneamiento e higiene - Algunos de los migrantes en Pisiga pueden acceder a baños y duchas en alojamientos y la casa de acogida de migrantes de Pisiga brinda acceso a servicios de higiene. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de estas personas no tienen acceso" 305823,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,28,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,Available information from the area suggests that approximately 60 percent of IDP households in the area were able to cultivate and were harvesting early maturing-crops in November. 356677,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Crear un grupo especial de fiscales e investigadores dentro de la Delegada de Seguridad Ciudadana que se estén a cargo exclusivamente de investigar abusos policiales cometidos contra manifestantes, al menos desde 2019." 168795,39944.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Context->Environment'],en,72,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"May 21 NWS: Northwest Syria is naturally isolated from surrounding territories because of the geopolitical situation, which means population movements into this region are very limited compared to the other areas of Syria. This natural isolation gives the region some protective advantage that might delay the onset of the outbreak, and many experts believe this time should be invested in scaling up the preparedness and emergency planning." 163988,34165.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,28,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,Verificar el impacto de medidas de desalojo en población víctima y/o en extrema vulnerabilidad en grandes ciudades ante la suspensión del decreto 579 que evitaba los desalojos11. 204241,43347.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Among settlements that reported receiving humanitarian assistance in the six months prior to the assessment, some 54 per cent indicated that the assistance received was of the type most relevant to their needs." 208903,43347.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"An estimated 5.5 million people are in need of WASH services in 2020. This includes 5.2 South Sudanese women, men and children who will not have access to adequate WASH services in 2020. These people include IDPs, non-displaced and host community members, returnees from internal displacement and refugee returnees who are vulnerable with limited access to WASH services. In addition, some 300,000 refugees lack access to sufficient WASH services." 308262,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There are 8 humanitarian organizations including 1 INGOs, 5 NNGOs and 2 UN operating in Tonj East" 298767,52631.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,19,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"En février 2021, les écoles et les universités rouvrent leurs portes. Mais le couvre-feu se poursuit." 267850,49804.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The national average terms of trade between wheat flour and wage labour also decreased by two percent compared to July 2020 (six months ago) and by 41 percent compared to January 2021. In other words, the national average daily wage of a non -skilled labourer could buy 4.0 kgs of wheat flour in December 2020 compared to 3.9 kgs in July 2020, and 6.7 kgs in January 2020." 134174,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"También se asiste con el retorno voluntario al país de origen en el caso de personas mayores de 18 años extranjeras que así lo deciden (en algunos casos, en coordinación con la OIM), y se acompaña en el retorno a los niños, niñas y adolescentes. En estas situaciones se realiza la articulación con los organismos correspondientes del país de origen." 286920,51627.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] NGO responses. Participants reported being told to maintain a one-metre distance when queuing, reduce gatherings, increase disinfection, and wear masks. They described humanitarian NGO-led COVID-19 awareness campaigns. “All people used to gather [for aid distribution], now they [NGO workers] are wearing masks and putting an insulator. Children are not allowed. People come and collect [aid] without gathering. Each name is called upon to collect”" 356683,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,Investigar de oficio todos los casos en los cuales los jueces hayan concluido que miembros de la Policía violaron los derechos de los detenidos cuando esas acciones constituyan una infracción disciplinaria con arreglo al derecho colombiano. 229345,44602.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Poor sanitation in the area due to overcrowding and with continues rainfall this will highly predispose the vulnerable individuals to infections especially the children, elderly and those living with chronic infections" 206760,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,117,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]JMCNA data shows that around a third of the households (37%) reported having sufficient access to sanitation facilities so that they do not need to employ any coping strategy. Non-displaced households (42%) were twice as likely to report sufficient access as displaced households (21%).There were considerable geographic differences between districts, ranging from 1% to 86% of households reportedly using coping strategies, with households in the northeast and northwest generally using less coping strategies than households in the south and central; though this was less consistently reported than for water-related coping." 18885,7294.0,730.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,56,[],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/news-stories/news/yemen-land-mines-take-heavy-toll-civilians,"Current mine clearance efforts in the area are managed by the military and are focused on roads and strategic infrastructure, paying little heed to civilian areas such as agricultural fields. Civilians are the principal victims of the mines and explosive devices in the area, as many are killed or maimed for life." 169922,39044.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,68,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Windstorm%20and%20Rainfall%20Damages%20to%20IDP%20Sites%20Flash%20Report%2013%20%2806%20September%202020%29.pdf,"[06/09/2020, Borno] With the onset of the rainy season in Nigeria’s conflict-affected northeastern State of Borno, varying degrees of damages are expected to infrastructures (self-made and constructed) in camps and camp-like settings. This is so because the rains are more often than not accompanied by very high winds and have been known to cause serious damage to properties." 241766,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] “ It is increasingly hard to find vacant respiratory ventilators in Daraa’s hospitals,” noted a nurse working at the National Hospital in the Syrian southern province of Daraa. The National Hospital is one of the three hospitals specialized in treating COVID-19, which has reached 800 patients in Daraa, according tothe Syrian government figures." 197590,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"There is no formal landline telephone network and telecommunications services are provided through satellite and mobile communications networks. Only 30 per cent of the population has access to mobile networks and/or use mobile phones. Few households have televisions, computers or internet access, and print media is only distributed in the capital." 483298,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"10.1.3. Condición de tenencia de la vivienda El 95,7% de la población venezolana se encuentran residiendo en viviendas alquiladas, el 1,9% de esta población se encuentra en viviendas cedidas por otro hogar, solo el 1,7% cuenta con vivienda propia y el 0,6% reside albergado en un hogar temporal." 163679,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,"UNHCR and WHO have started a new community-based surveillance initiative through existing Community Health Workers (CHWs) outreach networks. 1,440 CHWs were trained in identifying patients with mild and moderate symptoms using simple criteria. Refugees who meet case definitions will receive individual counselling on testing, treatment and a referral, if required, including contacts for quarantine services" 202611,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The situation in the North West and South West regions which started as a political crisis has led to a complex humanitarian emergency with 3 million people in need. In comparison, in early 2019 1.3 million people were estimated to need humanitarian assistance, and 2.3 million people were estimated to need assistance in early 2020." 186664,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,2.2 MILLION Estimated Number of South Sudanese Refugees in Neighboring Countries UN – Sept. 2020 147658,35134.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On March 25, the Central Bank again reduced the categories of products that local banks can fund from 41 to 18 (see list below) at the new price of 700 pounds per dollar. The import of other products is either banned or funded directly by traders through their dollar holdings in Syria, banks abroad or through credit lines granted by banks outside Syria" 304489,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"More than 45 UN, NGO and government partners support the South Sudanese refugee response within the RCF [Refugee Consultation Forum] at the national technical and field levels. Refugee Working Groups (RWGs) have been established in all states hosting South Sudanese refugees to facilitate state-level inter-agency coordination and preparedness, including in Khartoum to support coordination of the multi-sectoral South Sudanese refugee response in Khartoum’s ‘Open Areas’." 304359,50889.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,11,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,The response has an average of 50 persons per latrine. 177285,41744.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,92,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Réaliser des latrines dans les sites et les familles d’accueil pour réduire les risques sanitaires Améliorations des pratiques d’hygiène ; Mise en place de dispositifs de lavage des mains dans les lieux publics Sensibilisation sur les bonnes pratiques d’hygiène et d’assainissement, notamment les risques liés à la DAL, les moments clés de lavage des mains, les mesures de prévention de la COVID19. Distribution de kits d’hygiène aux nouveaux ménages déplacés et quelques ménages hôtes accueillants les PDI." 160540,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"De acuerdo con los puntos focales de protección de DRC, los actores armados no estatales han intervenido en casos de desalojo forzado y además instauraron prácticas de reclutamiento de personas migrantes y refugiadas, en especial de hombres jóvenes." 188188,31146.0,1900.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,76,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"La recesión económica en los Estados Unidos ya está teniendo un fuerte impacto en Honduras con una disminución de las exportaciones, una fuerte reducción de las remesas y una contracción en el sector de los servicios, incluido el turismo. Como efecto de la COVID-19, durante el primer trimestre del año, la economía se ha contraído en un 1,3 por ciento, por primera vez desde la crisis económica de 2009." 235037,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to an urgent BOP [Balance of Payement] need as the external accounts are severely affected through a range of channels. The resulting BOP financing need is assessed to be some CFAF 628 billion, 2.8 percent of GDP [Gross domestic product]" 202194,44560.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/burkina-faso-l%C3%A9gislatives-le-parti-de-kabor%C3%A9-obtient-56-si%C3%A8ges-sur-127-ceni/2059487,"Le Mouvement pour le Burkina du futur (MBF), récemment créé s’en sort avec quatre sièges alors que le Rassemblement patriotique pour l’intégrité et le Parti pour le développement et le changement et l’ADF/RDA remportent, chacun, trois sièges.[scrutin législatif]" 179363,42034.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/northeast-nigeria-increased-violence-and-protection-risks-dg-echo-ingo-partners-echo,"[27 Oct,2020,North East Nigeria] Security continues to deteriorate in northeast Nigeria limiting the capacity of humanitarian organization to deliver assistance to the 10,6 million people in need." 48982,16177.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"Para abril de 2018, en el Servicio Público de Empleo había 1.452 hojas de vida de retornados postuladas, de los cuales tan solo 71 habían podido ser colocados; es decir, solo el 4,8 % fue vinculado laboralmente. La baja colocación en el mercado formal refleja la alta tasa de informalidad que viven los migrantes, ya que asciende al 85 % (Banco Mundial, 2018); empero, según el Observatorio Laboral de la Universidad del Rosario (2018), la situación para los colombianos no es lejana, ya que en Colombia el 60 % de la población ocupada se encuentra en la misma situación de informalidad." 227338,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,Des Jeunes de toute la force vive de la ville de Beni ont été renforcés en capacités sur l’engagement communautaire pour la lutte contre la COVID-19 et la MVE dans la ZS BENI au NORD-KIVU. 317470,54216.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://ecupunto.com/2021/04/14/mas-de-4-500-venezolanas-dado-a-luz-cucuta/,"«Siempre les explicamos que es un riesgo con el embarazo hacer largas jornadas de caminata. Se exponen a diversos climas: caliente, frío. Además, algunas van caminando por Pamplona, donde está el páramo. Les orientamos de los riesgos, entre ellos el COVID-19«" 39200,13752.0,729.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_RapidAssessment-Tripoli_2019-05-21-FINAL.pdf,"Lack of financial services – measured in terms of access to cash / liquidity – was also reported as a problem by a majority of key informants (53%). Frequent difficulties in obtaining access to cash were reported in the otherwise stable and relatively less affected municipalities of Hai Alandalus, Tajoura and Tripoli Center indicating a structural challenge that also impacts affected population’s ability to purchase food and non-food items." 134121,34849.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Por su parte, el Ministerio de Producción y Trabajo otorga la cobertura del Seguro de Capacitación y Empleo (SCyE) a los trabajadores y trabajadoras que sean víctimas de trata de personas." 194706,43603.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"On 5 June, seven local NGO staff were abducted in Bulomareer town, South West State, by unidentified gunmen and released two days later. Partners have had to adapt the existing programmes to the new reality of COVID-19, this includes the suspension or reduction of some activities, whilst the risk of poor health outcomes due to a wide range of hazards including malnutrition, water-borne diseases and vaccine-preventable illnesses could dramatically increase prompting a significant shift in current programmes." 167037,40139.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/401008-covid-19-ogun-extends-restrictions-for-two-weeks.html,"(03/07/2020) Gyms, event centres, cinemas, arcades, bars, casinos, nightclubs, swimming pools, barber-shops, spas, beauty Salons, and all public parks, including those in private residential estates, are still not allowed to operate." 218409,45693.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,24,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"In addition, 3.3 million children under 5 years are malnourished and 1 million children are suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM)" 287477,51785.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.radionacional.co/noticia/actualidad/pandemia-impacto-economia-micronegocios-colombia,"El cierre de más de 500 mil pequeños negocios en todo el país, a causa de la pandemia de Covid-19, trajo como consecuencia la pérdida de miles de empleos y fuentes de ingreso para los sectores más vulnerables, y un debilitamiento de la economía y el tejido social que apenas comienzan a ver de nuevo una luz en el horizonte." 308053,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,There is a need to ensure the continuity of critical child protection and GBV services across Akobo County. 214681,45417.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 39% (149) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à une école primaire fonctionnelle à moins d’une heure de marche." 322418,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 11% and 17% of households of IDP settlement and Non-IDP settlement reported all school-aged children in their household who were previously attending school are continuing learning activities remotely since schools have been closed. 268852,49930.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,"https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56019820#:~:text=Seg%C3%BAn%20el%20plan%20del%20gobierno,y%20sujeta%20a%20algunos%20derechos.","De los casi dos millones de venezolanos que hay en el país, el 90% vive de la economía informal y 56% no cuenta con un estatus migratorio regular, según cifras oficiales. Eso impide que, entre otras cosas, puedan recibir servicios sociales y económicos del Estado, que tengan un empleo formal, que arrienden un inmueble, que abran una cuenta de banco, que accedan al sistema de salud público o que, cuando se dé la oportunidad, sean vacunados en contra el covid-19." 310573,53068.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"FSL Cluster : 37% that is 817m required, 301m funded, 516m unmet [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 193816,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La nécessité de répondre aux causes structurelles est primordiale pour améliorer la prévention des maladies à potentiel épidémique telles que la rougeole, le choléra, l´hépatite E et le paludisme. Cela reste une priorité dans les zones endémiques et à forte concentration de personnes dans le contexte d´urgence." 322556,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 3% and 4% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement respectively reported areas in their community where boys or men do not feel safe. 305741,50889.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,6,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Refugees are using overcrowded communal latrines 55302,17037.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,49,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.soychile.cl/Santiago/Sociedad/2019/08/09/610070/Venezolanos-que-quieran-ingresar-a-Chile-podran-tramitar-su-visa-en-Tacna-hasta-el-16-de-agosto.aspx,"Memorándum de Entendimiento con la Oficina Mundial para las Migraciones (OIM) fue el documento que este viernes firmó el Presidente Sebastián Piñera. La medida establece que se instale un centro de procesamiento de visados en Lima, Perú, para prestar apoyo al consulado chileno." 204281,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Les ménages déplacés internes [de Maradi] paraissent avoir une situation particulièrement critique par rapport aux ménages non déplacés et réfugiés. 224570,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,12,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Increase nutrition supplies to cater for potential increase in case load. 347865,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,55,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] These two elements might have links to sanitation, where family rejection could affect access to private facilities. Public toilets could also act as sites of increased vulnerability, where being female intersects with being lesbian or bisexual to increase risks of gender-based violence." 224186,45763.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Pour ce qui est des pathologies notifiées depuis les inondations, le paludisme est en forte augmentation, suivi des diarrhées, des infections respiratoires aiguës et de la fièvre typhoïde." 278759,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,21,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Displaced persons returning to areas recaptured from Al-Shabaab face a lack of basic infrastructure and services, resulting in continued vulnerability" 336105,43604.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Drinking water source : Top five counties where the highest proportion of settlements reported that the main source of drinking water is an unprotected water source (e.g. river, swamp, unprotected well) are Ezo 100%, Panyikang 100%, Manyo 93%, Canal/Pigi 92%, Morobo 91%." 223601,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In the context of potential instability, with elections in 2021 and plans for a handover of security responsibilities to the Somali National Se curity Forces post-2021, millions of vulnerable Somalis cannot afford an interruption of, or a reduction in, humanitarian assistance." 358612,58464.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,70,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Electricity for at least 3 million people depends on the Euphrates dams, which are at risk of inoperation. Alternatives are not viable for consistent use, as demonstrated in AlHasakeh governorate, where electricity is inconsistent and extremely limited. Water pumping station functionality is mainly dependent on hydro-electricity, so continued rationing also means water insufficiency for communities across NES." 265716,49620.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,59,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"L’insécurité alimentaire expose en effet les populations à des risques élevés de malnutrition119. Dans la région de Tillaberi par exemple, les résultats de la MSNA 2020 montrent que plus de 50% des ménages ont un score de consommation alimentaire limite ou pauvre, ce qui a rend les ménages vulnérables aux chocs alimentaires." 320134,53234.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] During the reporting period, two (02) new suspected maternal death has been reported. In total 34 suspected and confirmed maternal/ deaths of Women of reproductive age (WRA,12-49 years) have been reported in 2021, of which seven (07) deaths have been reported from facilities and directly undergone review by Maternal and Perinatal Mortality Surveillance and Response (MPMSR). Investigation of mortality due to suspected potential infectious causes i.e. SARI, Measles, Cholera, Diphtheria etc. is ongoing in the camps along with death due to maternal causes as high priority" 199191,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,64,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Par ailleurs, depuis 2018, le territoire de Lubutu, tout comme les quatre territoires du Nord Maniema, est classée zone d’intervention prioritaire dans le plan de réponse humanitaire. Mais la faiblesse du nombre d’interventions dû, entre autres, à l’enclavement physique et au manque de capacités, accentue la vulnérabilité des populations." 189709,43300.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Les mariages précoces et forcés persistent toujours. Quelque 52% des adolescentes sont mariées à 16 ans et 71% des filles ont déjà un enfant à 19 ans. 155261,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,41,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"La mayoría de la población en retorno ha manifestado su intención de volver a salir de Venezuela, una vez se permita la reactivación económica en los países receptores, lo que podría generar nuevos movimientos masivos en el futuro." 415373,64088.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Llegaron-381.420-dosis-de-vacunas-de-Pfizer-.aspx,"Por otra parte, detalló que con este nuevo lote, en el país han aterrizado 38.594.984 dosis, de las cuales 2,1 millones corresponden a las adquiridas por el sector privado y 6 millones a las donadas por el Gobierno de Estados Unidos. En cuanto al laboratorio Pfizer, el país ha recibido 13.635.180 dosis, de las cuales 1.209.780 llegaron a través del mecanismo COVAX y 12.425.400 dosis, mediante la negociación bilateral." 279903,44790.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,25,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Those with disabilities can face risks related to nutrition due to feeding difficulties, health conditions, separation from families and/or stigma and discrimination." 85425,23663.0,1621.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,50,['Impact'],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/libyas-oil-production-cut-in-half-as-haftars-forces-blockade-ports-and-fields/,"Oil prices rose to their highest in more than week on Monday after two large crude production bases in Libya began shutting down amid a military blockade by KhalifaHaftar’s forces, setting the stage for crude flows from the OPEC member to be cut to a trickle." 359896,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,92,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In April 2019, it was reported that Bangladesh would allow the ""hijra"" to vote under their gender identity, as officials introduced ""hijra"" as a third gender option on voting forms for the first time (PinkNews, 2019). Where hijra once assumed a certain role in society, they now live on the fringes, with increasingly conservative attitudes, including religious fundamentalism, now making them vulnerable to violence, discrimination and abuse." 95214,26755.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"Number of outpatient support is at minimum in Al Jufra, Al Jabal Al Akhdar, Almarj, Derna, Murzug, and Wadi Ashshati." 274194,49666.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,66,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"Dans les territoires de Djugu, d’Irumu et de Mahagi, les chocs principaux sont le déplacement forcé des ménages et l’insécurité alors qu’en territoires de Mambasa, de Bafwasende, de Dungu et de Faradje les maladies graves d’un ou de plusieurs membres de ménages sont les difficultés majeures auxquelles les ménages ont dû faire face." 207168,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Emergency surgical care, mental health and psychosocial support, provision of sexual and reproductive health services including safe deliveries for vulnerable women, access to clinical management of rape and emergency vaccination for pregnant women and children are priority needs." 132517,34344.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,107,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• El desarrollo de capacidades y asistencia técnica será brindado a todos los actores involucrados, tal como la Comisión Especial para los Refugiados (CEPR), la Superintendencia Nacional de Migraciones y Policía de Extranjería. El sistema de registro de CEPR continuará siendo fortalecido y descentralizado para emitir documentación para aquellos venezolanos que buscan asilo de manera oportuna. Los refugiados y migrantes accederán a la orientación y asistencia legal a través de diferentes socios. Los recursos se centrarán en identificar a las personas vulnerables particularmente para promocionar la priorización de sus casos. El monitoreo de fronteras continuará en el 2020." 130795,33838.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,46,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Decreto 568: se crea el impuesto solidario por la COVID-19 del 1 de mayo al 31 de julio con destinación para inversión social en la clase media vulnerable y en los trabajadores informales, por parte de los servidores públicos y de las megapensiones." 200480,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"De plus, l’écart entre les hommes et les femmes employés est de 15%, ce qui pourrait être un indicateur de la capacité à mobiliser le réseau au retour en vue d’une réinsertion socioéconomique. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 408624,63559.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Some shelters built for the displaced do not have basic sanitary facilities, resulting in insufficient latrines for IDPs (RCN Radio 01/04/2021). In Argelia (one of the municipalities with the largest IDP populations), affected families do not have access to safe drinking water, putting them at risk of waterborne diseases. Displaced women also need hygiene kits for menstruation" 156511,38023.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,29,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/181325/,Spokeswoman for the U.N. Special Envoy for Syria Jenifer Fenton says all necessary measures were put in place to ensure the safety of constitutional committee members attending the talks 19265,8024.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,116,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"EU institutions and member states have poured millions of euros into programs to beef up the capacity of the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord—one of two competing authorities in Libya, and one whose power rests largely on fungible alliances with militias and no real control over territory—to intercept boats leaving Libya and detain those intercepted in detention centers where they face appalling conditions. Italy—the EU country where the majority of migrants departing Libya arrive—has taken the lead in providing material and technical assistance to the Libyan Coast Guard and abdicated virtually all responsibility for coordination of rescue operations at sea in a bid to limit the number of people arriving on its shores." 454514,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,147,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 35% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana a(cid:31)rmó que están de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo que las instituciones públicas encargadas de proteger los derechos de la comunidad Lesbiana, gay, transexual, bisexual, etc. (LGTBIQ), son e(cid:31)cientes en el contexto de la pandemia. Un 46.3% no expresa una posición. Este porcentaje se reduce al cero en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana (solamente de acuerdo). Expresa que la percepción es más bastante positiva por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana. Cabe precisar que el 73.7% de las personas de nacionalidad peruana expresa estar en desacuerdo o muy en desacuerdo. En este punto, la percepción de las personas de nacionalidad peruana es bastante cuestionadora las instituciones públicas." 126630,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,25,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,A vast majority of migrants interviewed (92%) between March - April 2020 reported to have travelled to Libya in a group. 132528,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,134,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• La respuesta de los socios del GTRM se enfocará en fortalecer el acceso y la calidad de los servicios estatales disponibles. Los socios trabajarán tanto para mejorar la asistencia brindada a los sobrevivientes, así como para garantizar la comunicación adecuada y la conciencia de VBG. En este contexto, los socios seguirán los casos VBG, en colaboración con municipalidades, empresarios, instituciones educativas, medios de comunicación, organizaciones con base en la comunidad, así como a grupos juveniles y promotores de la comunidad. Los socios también darán apoyo al establecimiento y manejo de albergues para los sobrevivientes de VBG, y la implementación de las estrategias de Prevención de la Explotación y Abuso Sexual (PEAS) en los albergues existentes y espacios seguros." 272632,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Il en va de même pour les activités d’assistance civilo-militaire (quick impact projets QIP) qui présentent un risque de confusion des mandats par les populations bénéficiaires de cette aide. 412915,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,131,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.8 Experience in seeking emergency health services A considerable number of emergency patients faced problems while seeking services from hospitals during the pandemic: In response to whether the respondents or their family members had taken any emergency healthcare services due to accidents or violence, the survey found that 5% of households sought emergency healthcare services—slightly more by rural level households compared to the urban ones (5.1% vs.4.8%). More than half of the emergency health service seekers (52%) were victims of street accidents, 38.2% had accidents at the workplace, 4.1% were injured during the fighting and 1.6% had taken emergency healthcare services that occurred due to torture at home" 189715,43300.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Ce taux de couverture [taux accouchements assistés par du personnel qualifié] est plus élevé en milieu urbain qu´en milieu rural où les tabous, croyances coutumières et recours aux soins traditionnels sont encore importants. Ces pratiques affectent globalement l´accès aux soins de santé des communautés en milieu rural." 805,156.0,321.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,194,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The first overarching concern also affecting non-displaced households was the effect of the deeply entrenched financial and liquidity crises. With rates of employment generally low across locations assessed, the most reported source of income was coming from government jobs, which are among the most affected by irregularity of salary payments. Displaced populations were similarly more likely to report low salaries, and IDP households in particular less likely to find any employment at all (15.6%). Overall, 18.0% of households across all locations and population groups were unable to withdraw hard currency over the month prior to the assessment. In response to these issues, households have been resorting to negative coping strategies to deal with their lack of cash and resources. In particular, large proportions reported spending savings (56.5%) and selling gold (36.2%), as well as borrowing money (21.9%). The widespread use of these three strategies posed a serious risk of households depleting all their resources intended for the long term; an unsustainable solution that needs continued monitoring." 73328,21154.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,133,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"Priority needs 189 IOM (2019). Study on access to social services of migrants in the Argentine Republic (pp. 18). http://argentina.iom.int/ co/sites/default/files/publicaciones/Acceso per cent20a per cent20servicios per cent20sociales.pdf 190 Human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome The countries that are part of the Southern Cone chapter provide for free and universal access to public health, without distinction on status or nationality. Nonetheless, the four countries have very different healthcare systems, as well as different prevention and primary care policies. Likewise, the capacities and available infrastructure differ considerably, not only between the different countries, with Argentina and Uruguay having in place systems with greater coverage and infrastructure, but also within the national territories of each country189." 172414,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La transmission met à rude épreuve un système de santé déjà très fragile, avec une couverture sanitaire de seulement 30 pour cent avant l’épidémie de COVID-19, et avec seulement 27 pour cent des institutions sanitaires ayant un indice moyen de capacité opérationnelle de délivrance des prestations conforme aux normes (personnels de santé formés, disponibilité d’intrants, d’équipements, de matériels médicaux, existence de protocoles)." 185954,43194.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,36,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,Le Haut-Lomami n'a aucun territoire avec un prix des 45kg de farine de maïs en dessous de 66 000 FC avec une augmentation depuis juin qui se situe entre 18 et 58%. 247429,46458.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,35,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In late March, the Afghan government implemented a lockdown to stem the spread of SARS-CoV-2; it remains to be seen how effective this will be in slowing the spread of the virus." 497621,60046.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2-gender-educacion.pdf,"El 39 por ciento de las mujeres entrevistadas en los diferentes países están desempleadas, en relación con el 26 por ciento de hombres desempleados (Gráfica 2). De ese grupo de mujeres desempleadas, el 51 por ciento se había graduado de la secundaría, el 12 por ciento de educación técnica y el 22 por ciento tenía un título universitario" 201481,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Meanwhile, some Government measures involving the restriction of movements is affecting emergency response in vulnerable communities such as in refugee camps, border crossings and conflict zones in the Far North and the North West and South West regions." 240648,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,47,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA documented a disturbing increase in abductions of civilians carried out by the Taliban in the first quarter of 2020 as compared to 2019, with a spike occurring during the reduction in violence period at the end of February and the subsequent month of March." 179199,41967.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"(NW 09/2020) KIs reported negative food coping strategies among households, including: purchasing food on credit (65%); buying food with money usually used for other things (58%); reducing meal sizes (53%), and/or; skipping meals altogether (52%)" 280342,50900.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | 22% of households reported that they had borrowed money in the 30 days prior to data collection; on average, these households had a debt load amounting to 265,396 SYP (93 USD). Top three reported reasons for taking on debt: Food 95% Healthcare 64% Clothing or NFIs 36%" 123676,32567.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"In 2020, WHO documented at least 21 attacks on medical facilities, ambulances and medical personnel, in one of the most shocking ongoing manifestations of this conflict. Some 8,800 people remain detained at 28 official prisons in Libya, among whom an estimated 500 are women and around 60% are kept in pre-trial detention. There are additionally some 10,000 people detained in detention centers under the authority of armed groups. UNSMIL continues to receive credible reports of arbitrary or unlawful detention, torture, enforced disappearances, extra-judicial killings, denial of visits from families and lawyers, and deprivation of access to justice." 298962,51152.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Health education on prevention of malaria, diarrhea, hygiene, sanitation and prevention of COVID-19 were integrated in health provision to flood affected populations by Health Cluster." 132501,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La asistencia de emergencia directa a través de los artículos no alimentarios estará dirigida particularmente a las personas en áreas fronterizas de Tacna y Tumbes, para asegurar la distribución de los artículos básicos para las personas vulnerables que llegan recientemente y a las personas en tránsito. El apoyo también será brindado en Arequipa, Cusco, Lima y Puno." 492647,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] % of surveyed vendors reporting bread as unavailable in their community/ neighbourhood: 1% Price fluctuations are attributed to both the depreciation of the SYP and general subsidies by the authorities. Prices for bread can vary between governorates: • Aleppo: 800 SYP per bundle • Idleb: 938 SYP per bundle" 271702,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au regard des résultats présentés dans le tableau XXVI, 17,5% des femmes en âge de procréer ont une diversité alimentaire minimum (5 groupes alimentaires ou plus) en 2020 contre 13,8% en 2019." 207244,44693.0,2333.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,53,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Région de Tillabéri : Avec la rentrée qui s’annonce pour mi-octobre, la situation scolaire des enfants à la frontière Niger-Burkina Faso et dans les départements de Tillabéri et Ayérou est sans précédent. Plus de 300 écoles sont fermées, soit officiellement ou par manque de personnels enseignants/matériels pédagogiques." 272060,50213.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/9c032c38/REACH_SYR_Northeast_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_January_2021.pdf,"[Jan 2021, NES] The price of manually refined kerosene, primarily used for cooking and heating, remained stable since December, likely due to its continuous availability (only 9% of surveyed vendors reported manually refined kerosene to be unavailable in January)." 495393,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,39,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Pobre involucramiento de autoridades del nivel regional en acciones de protección  Incorporar a las adolescentes embarazadas en el sistema de protección del estado.  Necesidad de mejorar de la metodología funcional de los Centros de Atención Residencial 335512,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"There are only 9.4 skilled health professionals, and 1.9 physicians per 10,000 individuals in Afghanistan; physicians are disproportionately distributed across the country, with 7.2 physicians per 10000 people in urban areas and as few as 0.6 physicians per 10000 in rural areas." 94033,26519.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200302_Nextier-SPD_Policy-Brief-_Entrenching-Peace-1-2.pdf,"The insurgency significantly disrupted social and economic life (agricultural practices, business, etc.) with many residents now living in abject poverty and displaced from their homes." 196061,43603.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"IOM is supporting the Government in trying to minimize transmission, and mitigate the impact of the outbreak, including its social and economic impact, along migratory routes." 457515,65405.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,68,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"77% des répondants soutiennent que les individus effectuent des déplacements préventifs. Les principaux facteurs qui ont déclenchés les déplacements des populations à Titao sont les attaques et les menaces. Les villages d’origines sont entre autres Sontaaba, Guilan, Yirvouyatenga, Solbo, Bouna, Tollo, Woro, Mataka, Bongo, Sirbou, Sougreboulé, Babo, Toulfé et Noogo." 391195,61470.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Households reporting the presence of child protection concerns within the camp (in the two weeks prior to data collection): Yes 30% and No 70%. Most commonly reported child protection concerns: -Child labour (24%) -Early marriage (below 18 years old) (11%)" 307766,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There are 14 humanitarian organizations including 6 INGOs, 4 NNGOs and 4 UN operating in Akobo County." 173938,41033.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,116,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020,BAY states]Due to school closure across the country as part of measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, more than 4 million children across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states have been without access to education since the beginning of April. There is need to develop alternative ways and methods of learning to enable children access education and otherservices that were provided via schools or temporary learning centers (TLCs). Assessing the best alternative tools and platforms (radio, TV, Internet) to reach more children, especially in the hard-to-reach areas and IDP camps will be essential." 388591,61080.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,74,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Depuis l’avènement du terrorisme la province du Yagha, le mois de juin reste le mois le plus mouvementé et qui a connu le plus de déplacées internes. Dans la seule ville de Sebba qui est le principal lieu d’accueil des PDI, il a été enregistré plus de 15000 PDI composées majoritairement d’enfants et de femmes car nombreuses sont celles qui ont perdus leur mari." 47471,16249.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"◦ La seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, relacionadas con la falta de suficientes recursos para garantizar una dieta equilibrada en Venezuela, lo cual también ha afectado negativamente la salud de las personas." 306546,53161.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"An above-average number of households in Sudan will face emergency food assistance needs in 2021 due to the persistent macroeconomic crisis and increased health care needs associated with a recent increase in coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infections, as well as an ongoing influx of Ethiopian refugees from Tigray Region, according to a December report by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET)." 126754,34397.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"En uno de cada cinco hogares, las mujeres y niñas reportaron haber tenido problemas de seguridad mientras hacían uso de los servicios sanitarios: 23% de los hogares migrantes y 15% de los hogares de acogida." 359433,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,135,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Bangladesh is a man- 34 centred, patriarchal society with rules of purdah13 minimizing interaction between the sexes. It isolates women socially, and defines acceptable and desirable behaviours and traits for women such as submissive, ignorant, and not independent from men (Nidhi K, 2009). Women are dependent on men throughout their lives, with the dominant members in the patriarchal society starting at home: fathers, husbands, brothers, sons (Farhana Haque, 2019). Further, Bangladesh as a hierarchical society awards respect due to age and position. Bangladeshis expect the most senior man, by age or position, to make decisions that are in the best interests of the group" 153853,34182.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Por otro lado, durante todo el trayecto se identificó con preocupación la situación de caminantes entre el municipio de Aguazul (Casanare) y Sogamoso (Boyacá), especialmente en paso por el Páramo de Pisba, sector que se caracteriza por las bajas temperaturas, poca visibilidad, tránsito de vehículos pesados, ningún acceso a alimentos y poca o nula presencia de comunidades en largos trayectos. Los entrevistados reportaron que caminando pueden durar hasta 3 días en el páramo y deben dormir a la intemperie, lo cual es complejo ya que ninguno porta vestimenta adecuada para el frío." 401771,62965.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Wear knee-high or thigh-high gumboots; • Refrain from making sudden movements when confronted by a snake." 382890,60300.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,36,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_situacional_local_Costa_Caribe_-_Enero_a_marzo_2021.pdf,"De acuerdo con Migración Colombia, en enero de 2021 la Costa Caribe cuenta con 331.491 personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas, lo que representa el 19,02% del total de esta población en Colombia." 166618,40055.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_as_of_20_september_ne_nigeria.pdf,"Over 20, 135 caregivers were sensitized with messages on COVID-19 by UNICEF VCMs in 20 LGAs in Borno State. Messages focus on voluntary sample testing, timely reporting of cases and de-stigmatization." 180545,42290.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,55,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les meurtres, les enlèvements, le vol de bétail sont beaucoup enregistrés dans la province du Gourma de façon générale. Les autres provinces comme la Tapoa et la Komondjari connaissent plus les incendies, le sabotage des biens publics et les menaces de mort de la part des hommes armés non identifiés." 315234,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,80,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook Afrique] Le PIB de l’Afrique devrait augmenter de 3,4 % en 2021, après une contraction de 2,1 % en 2020 causée par la pandémie de COVID-19. Cette reprise marquera la fin de la pire récession enregistrée par le continent depuis plus d’un demi-siècle. Elle sera soutenue par le rebond attendu du tourisme, une hausse des prix des matières premières et un assouplissement des restrictions induites par la pandémie." 326762,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,96,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Tout compte fait, au terme de la semaine 14/2021, 176 ZS ont enregistré au moins un cas confirmé ou probable de COVID-19, réparties dans 23 des 26 provinces de la RDC. Kinshasa demeure l’épicentre de l’épidémie, pour avoir enregistré 71,4% (20414/28609) des cas notifiés sur l’étendue du territoire national. Les 2ème et 3ème provinces les plus touchées restent aussi celles du Nord-Kivu et du Haut-Katanga qui comptabilisent respectivement 7,6% (2171/28609) et 6,6% (1882/28609) des cas" 204407,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,40,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"95% des ménages retournés, 88% des ménages déplacés internes et 85% des ménages réfugiés ont cité la nourriture parmi leurs besoins prioritaires à l’échelle nationale (80% des ménages non déplacés)." 279881,51051.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,28,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/syr_idp_movement_overview_jan_to_dec_2020_final.pdf,"(Jan-Dec 2020, overall Syria) 1.822 million IDPs movements, of which most occurred in Idlib and Aleppo governorates. 73% occurred within governorate." 298832,52629.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,163,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-14-zones-de-sante-ciblees-par-une-campagne-de-vaccination-contre-le-cholera-au-haut-katanga/,"«Le choléra provient de l’eau sale et impropre ou d’un repas mal réchauffé, on mange les choses alors que les mains sont sales. Nous voulons, dans cette volonté du Chef de l’État congolais, Félix Tshisekedi qui a dit, avant qu’on arrive en 2030, il faut que le choléra disparaisse en République Démocratique du Congo. Comment ça doit disparaître ? Une autre façon de combattre cette maladie comme les autres pays, c’est d’accepter la vaccination. Voilà pourquoi nous lançons ça puisque depuis deux ans, le choléra a un peu baissé dans d’autres zones de santé et d’autres villes. Le vaccin concerne les enfants d’une année jusqu’aux vieillards. Au nom du Gouverneur, je lance la campagne de vaccination contre le choléra dans la province du Haut-Katanga», a-t-il déclaré." 490545,67789.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,121,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] An influx of new arrivals, including those rescued by the military during counter-operations and others coming from inaccessible locations, is stretching shelter facilities and services in the Government Senior Secondary School (GSSS) camp in Bama LGA. In the last month alone, some 928 (366 households) arrived at the already congested camp reception center, without individual shelters. The State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) also informed that another batch of over 500 new arrivals, including former combatants and their families who recently “surrendered” to the military, will arrive at the GSSS camp in the coming days and weeks." 385991,60796.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,123,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/improving-testing-rate-who-supports-ondo-state-integrate-covid-19-sample-collection,"[26th July 2021, Ondo State, Nigeria] The WHO State Coordinator, Dr. Akinola Fatiregun, at a stakeholder’s meeting said, ‘Prior to the intervention, only two sample collection sites were functional. Currently, there are 103 active sample collection sites located across the health facilities, public and private, in the three LGAs being supported. The support by WHO has fostered integration, has strengthened the Covid-19 response at the ward level, and upon completion may be a template that is replicable in other areas and for other outbreaks. WHO continues to provide data support for weekly EOC meetings at the state level and in the three hotspot LGAs" 385611,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,34,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"La région du Nord a enregistré 100 254 PDI, avec 52 pour cent de femmes et au Sahel, ce sont 347 159 PDI enregistrées, dont 51 pour cent de femmes." 154837,38099.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",fr,48,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Il est estimé que l’impact de la covid-19 sur l’activité économique se traduirait par une contreperformance de la croissance économique de 2 pour cent par rapport au 6,3 pour cent en scénario tendanciel, soit un écart d’environ 4,3 points de pourcentage" 388888,61130.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,147,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.diarioconcepcion.cl/ciudad/2021/01/29/un-71-de-las-visas-otorgadas-el-2020-corresponden-a-venezolanos.html,"Las cifras a la baja, entregadas por Extranjería,se explican por las restricciones que ha puesto migración en la entrada a Chile, ya que desde 2014 a 2017 el ingreso de extranjeros se mantuvo en niveles que se acercaban a las 2.000 personas por año.Sin embargo, en 2017 se evidenció un aumento sostenido cercano a las 3.000, con un peak de ingresos al paísel año 2018, puesto que se quintuplicó la tasa de ingresos, respecto de los últimos 4 años.Luego la tendencia fue a la baja hasta llegar a las cifras actuales. Es importante destacar que desde el 2018 a la fecha, existen diferentes factores que intervienen en esta baja, entre ellas:las restricciones por decreto con fuerza de ley a países como Venezuela y Haití; el estallido social y la pandemia en curso." 290984,51608.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,127,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afg_humanitarian_access_snapshot_feb_20210314.pdf,"Since mid-February, at least eight NGO partners received a mail from an unknown individual, claiming to be a member of the NSAG-TB Military Commission. In the letter, partners were asked to hire NSAG-TB affiliated individuals and while the letter uses certain NSAG-TB insignia (crest, stamp), the letter template as well as the font used differs from authenticated letters from an NSAG-TB Commission. The author of the letter asks for confidentiality and not to share the letter with third parties. This is atypical for a letter issued by an official NSAG-TB Commission. Usually, their communication is not addressed to individual NGOs but rather to the broader community and further circulation of their communique is usually welcomed" 112108,30834.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FAO%20NE%20Nigeria%20sit%20rep_June%202020.pdf,"Of the 1.8 million IDPs who face significant food and livelihood challenges in the three northeastern states (DTM IOM Round 30, March 2020), more than 80 percent are in Borno. Due to the influx of IDPs and the tense security situation, host communities have reduced access to land and other resources for food production, leading to high levels of poverty and malnutrition" 323364,54373.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D9%88%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%86%D9%82%D8%B5-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D9%83%D8%B3%D8%AC%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%B7%D9%82-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B0%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B2%D9%88%D8%B1,"[April 20, Deir Ez Zor] A medical source from the ""Abu Hamam"" hospital told Syria TV that ""the shortage of oxygen cylinders has become a dangerous matter in light of the increasing number of Coronavirus infections. We have received 13 cylinders recently and they are not sufficient in front of the urgent need for them.""" 295124,52363.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"40% of households headed by women are adopting emergency strategies, compared to 34% of those headed by men (see Graph 90). Similarly, there are relevant differences when analyzing households whose head has a disability, that adopt survival strategies such as asking for money on the street, or doing jobs that put their safety at risk more often, compared to households not headed by a person with a disability (42% vs. 38%, see graph 91)." 241982,47791.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,39,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Augmentation du risque d’exploitation sexuelle des enfants et notamment filles, y compris des demandes de faveurs sexuelles en échange d’assistance, de l’exploitation sexuelle commerciale des enfants et des mariages forcés précoces" 328532,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information] The most commonly reported reasons for not taking action on COVID-19 were do not mind getting COVID-19 (72%), not at high-risk of getting COVID-19 (19%)" 132499,34344.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Así como en el caso de medios de vida y trabajo decente, la integración cultural y la cohesión social se relacionan con los problemas estructurales. Un enfoque multisectorial, considerando tanto los objetivos individuales como los objetivos colectivos, aumentará el impacto de intervenciones y mejorará el costo eficiencia de las actividades. El valor de este subsector está vinculado con otros sectores del GTRM: especialmente entre otros, la comunicación, protección y educación, que serán socios estratégicos en el campo." 143020,35989.0,2074.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"Resolución 242: permite la permanencia transitoria durante 60 días sin costo. Hay un plazo inicial para encontrar trabajo y demostrar que la persona no es carga social para el Estado. Posteriormente se puede optar a la permanencia con visas por estudio, trabajo, familia, o visas humanitarias (un año). Aprobado." 187550,38355.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"A survey conducted through U-Report Ecuador in April 2020 and an- swered by 323 adolescents and young people shows how this unprec- edented global health crisis is affecting young Ecuadorians. It revealed that anxiety, worry, depression and boredom are common and that while 49 per cent of young people felt that their family and friends help them manage their emotions, 28 per cent were not sure they had this support." 337310,55936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,51,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/preocupa-que-estas-declaraciones-sean-antesala-de-nuevas-expulsiones-masivas/2656,"De acuerdo con organizaciones de migrantes y expertos en migración,estas declaraciones podrían ser interpretadas como un nuevo episodio de estigmatización en contra de la población venezolana por parte de las autoridadesy, además, podrían derivar en brotes de xenofobia y discriminación generalizada contra los venezolanos en Colombia." 78382,21716.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,58,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,"El 45% de los venezolanos emigra a Argentina, que es el quinto país de acogida de la población migrante de esa nación, con más de 130.000 personas recibidas, de las cuales la mitad llegó el año pasado. Solo durante 2018 se resolvieron en Salta 2.977 radicaciones: 1.076 permanentes y 1.901 temporarias." 194767,43603.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"(Humanitarian Response Plans says )Gender-based violence referral, mental health services and psychosocial support must be expanded." 155667,38514.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"Community Outreach Members (COMs) conducted 558 home visits and 117 monitoring assessments reaching 2,558 refugees. 2,246 awareness sessions were also conducted, reaching 5,982 refugees (including 1,665 older persons and 91 persons with disabilities). 3,970 cloth masks were produced by refugees trained by COMs." 131823,34344.0,1185.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Proveer alimentación como parte de la asistencia humanitaria a los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, especialmente dirigido a las poblaciones vulnerables (mujeres embarazadas y lactantes, jóvenes, con enfermedades crónicas) durante los primeros días en el país, y resultados de monitoreo en seguridad alimentaria y de nutrición." 89848,25499.0,1620.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,108,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/northeast_nigeria_ipc_acute_malnutrition_analysis_27feb2020.pdf,"According to the IPC AMN classification, the Northern, Central, and Southern domains of Yobe State, as well as the Eastern domain in Borno State, are classified in IPC Phase 3 (Serious). Both domains in the Adamawa State (Southern and Northern), 3 domains in Borno State (Southern, Central, Northern), in addition to MMC/Jere, are classified as being in IPC Phase 2 (Alert). Acute malnutrition levels in Borno State’s Northern, Central, and Southern domains are expected to deteriorate further during the projection period of January." 169213,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,May 21 NWS: World Health Organization should mobilize more resources to scale up the capacity of the health system in the northwest Syria. 71088,20087.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,63,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"EDUCACIÓN En junio - julio se incluyó el grupo de trabajo de Educación para refugiados y migrantes en la plataforma Regional. Este grupo espera lograr: a. Delinear indicadores para tener datos confiables en Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Brasil b. Apoyar a las Plataformas Nacionales con asistencia técnica en educación c. Avanzar en un protocolo para trabajar con indocumentados." 301221,52845.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,137,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"16 March 2021, Cox's BAzar: Cox's Bazar District administration have been strict again about wearing masks due to risks of COVID. Ukhiya Sangbad (Bang.) − Covid-19 infections rise again in Cox’s Bazar due to neglected hygiene rules. TBS News (Eng.) − Young Myanmar soldier joins democracy movement leaving military. New Age (Eng.) − Arakan State families anticipate release of relatives charged under Counter-Terrorism Law. Dmediag (Eng.) − Sweden's ambassador to Bangladesh and Sweden's development minister both visited the Rohingya camp yesterday. While visiting the camp, they talked to Rohingya children and also saw some of the camp's development activities funded by the Swedish government. Coxbangla (Bang.)" 58214,17094.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,251,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"A partir de 2014, con el arribo masivo de venezolanos y venezolanas, la asociación amplió su perfil. En palabras del entrevistado: “Hoy tiene cuatro patas: lo social, lo cultural, el emprendedorismo y lo comunicacional. Somos referentes comunicacionales de la comunidad venezolana y queremos seguir cumpliendo ese rol. (…) Algunos participan [en la asociación] porque les interesan las ferias —hacemos más o menos tres por año—, otros por el tema cultural, otros por la solidaridad. Hay de todo: personas que creyeron en Chávez, otras que no lo pueden ni ver, y están quienes son indiferentes, tratamos de no llevar ese tema a la mesa. La situación de Venezuela no se puede resolver desde acá”. Entre las actividades llevadas a cabo, el entrevistado menciona un espacio de orientación para el migrante, atendido de manera ad-honorem por integrantes de la asociación, que funcionó en una sede de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones durante 2014 y 2015 y fue discontinuado en 2016 con el cambio de gestión en el gobierno nacional. También montaron un “ropero” que juntaba prendas de abrigo y las distribuía entre personas venezolanas que las necesitaran: “nos desbordó la falta de ropa de invierno, pero afortunadamente tuvimos la colaboración de los argentinos”. También, durante un tiempo, un grupo de psicólogos participó brindando atención gratuita." 337725,55829.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['Context->Economy'],es,115,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://forbes.co/2021/05/01/economia-y-finanzas/venezolanos-en-colombia-pagan-mas-de-400-000-millones-en-impuestos-al-ano/,"n un foro del Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP) y Fedesarrollo, se habló sobre el impacto económico de la población migrante en Colombia. Luis Alberto Rodríguez, director del DNP, explicó que el mayor aporte de los migrantes en impuestos se da vía IVA. “Entre 2017 y 2020 el IVA que pagan los migrantes venezolanos según el Banco de la República son seis veces lo que pagaban en 2017, solo tres años después, seis veces. Arrancó en menos de $70.000 millones y va en un recaudo estimado de 2020 cercano a los $400.000 millones, $380.000 millones para ser exactos”." 8952,2667.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/21052018_Attacks_on_Health_Care_EN.pdf,"The conflict has seriously affected the population’s ability to rapidly access adequate medical treatment due to delays at checkpoints, road closures and security concerns. Active fighting near hospitals and health care facilities have also prevented safe access by the sick and wounded, medical personnel and ambulances or other vehicles carrying medical supplies." 338794,56112.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,181,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/acled-regional-overview-south-america-1-7-may-2021,"In Colombia, demonstrations against the government continued for the second consecutive week. The wave of protests, initially triggered by proposed tax reforms, led to the resignation of Finance Minister Alberto Carrasquilla and the withdrawal of the proposal on 3 May (Reuters, 4 May 2021). However, thousands of people continued to demonstrate, expressing their discontent with policies on health, education, and social equality (France 24, 4 May 2021). The Mobile Anti-Disturbances Squadron police forces (ESMAD) violently intervened, despite the vast majority of protests being peaceful. ESMAD’s heavy-handed response has further outraged protesters. In Cali, Valle del Cauca, three people died, and 19 more were injured following an intervention by ESMAD (Q’hubo Cali, 4 May 2021). At least 37 people have been killed by police forces, and at least 471 have been reported missing since political unrest began on 28 April (France 24, 8 May 2021)." 80567,22071.0,1388.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,95,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.elnacional.com/mundo/costa-rica-repatria-a-ocho-personas-debido-a-crisis-en-venezuela/,"a Cancillería del país caribeño informó que son cinco adultos y tres menores de edad que tenían, en su mayoría, muchos años viviendo en Venezuela. Indicó que su regreso costó alrededor de 9.000 dólares provenientes del Fondo Social Migratorio. «Feliz de llegar nuevamente a tierra costarricense. Considero y siento que solo en una democracia se puede vivir bien, una vida estable, una vida con propiedad”, dijo Marcos Castillo, de 53 años de edad, en declaraciones difundidas por el gobierno de Costa Rica." 171494,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] 26,906 masks distributed. 12,015 handwashing supplies distributed. 38,406 new people received handwashing supplies.596 religious leaders engaged to disseminate preventative measures and create hope.13,384 comprehensive hygiene kits distributed. 11,031 cleaning kits distributed to vulnerable communities." 125948,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,47,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"As of 30 April 2020, a total of 3,283 migrants were rescued and subsequently returned to the Libyan shores by the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG). Among the total number of rescued migrants, there were 178 children as well as 286 women." 320139,53234.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,122,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Between early April 2020 and 28 March 2021, a total of 119 534 tests for COVID-19 have been conducted of which 103 084 are from Cox’s Bazar district and the remainder from Bandarban and Chittagong districts. A slight decrease in the number of tests conducted among the Rohingya refugees was observed in weeks 11-12 as compared to weeks 09-10, from 1882 to 1781 tests. However, among the host community a slight increase was detected: from 3345 tests in weeks 09-10 to 4171 tests in week 11-12. Currently, 26 sample collection sites are operating for suspected COVID-19 patients." 304832,53078.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"La détérioration de la situation sécuritaire, à cause des activités des groupes armés non étatiques dans les régions de Diffa et de Tillabéri, fait peser de graves menaces sur le système scolaire. L’éducation dans la région de Diffa était déjà affectée par les conséquences de l’insécurité qui sévit dans la région depuis février 2015." 13941,5539.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/record-update-situation-hodeidah-yemen,"29.3 million people live in Yemen. Some 3.3 million people live in Hodeidah governorate, and 600,000 usually live in Hodeidah city. 22.2 million Yemenis now need some form of humanitarian aid or protection. Some 164,000 suspected cases of cholera have been identified in Hodeidah since April 2017, equating to almost 15 per cent of Yemen's total cholera caseload." 201486,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Supply chain disruptions as a result of border closures, except for basics, affect relief operations and is expected to have a serious effect on supplies and distributions to vulnerable groups. Humanitarian staffing has also been reduced due to travel and access restrictions." 305601,50889.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Lack of menstrual hygiene support for women and girls [CAR refugees] remains a persistent gap across the response 40449,11693.0,729.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,121,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000104317.pdf,"In Murzuq, some bakeries remained closed for two to four days or closed earlier in the day due to the unavailability of wheat flour. The price of bread varies in the surveyed locations between three and four regular-size loaves per one dinar (see chart), whereas according to the Libya Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (3) in the majority of eastern mantikas (where the price is more stable), households could buy five loaves for the same price. Respondents did not mention change in quantity or quality of the bread. In Ubari, respondents from one neighbourhood )الشارب )mentioned that they could only get two loaves for one dinar." 346864,56987.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Strict enforcement of lockdown measures, accompanied by risk of harassment and extortion during their enforcement, will likely impact Rohingya mental health, contributing to an overall deterioration in protection, especially for vulnerable groups." 194271,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"Soixante-douze voyageurs sont devenus suspects à Kinshasa. Par ailleurs, 122 voyageurs sont sortis de suivi à Kinshasa. Ils étaient récemment arrivés de France et de Belgique ; parmi eux, 98 (80,3%) voyageurs n’avaient pas d’adresses." 194229,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"A Kinshasa, les ZS hot spots, pour les 7 086 cas dont l’information a été communiquée, sont celles de Gombe (849/7086 ; 12,0%), Binza Ozone (773/7086 ; 10,9%), Limete (736/7086 ; 10,4%), Kokolo (670/7086 ; 9,5%), Lemba (525/7086 ; 7,4%), Binza Météo (479/7086 ; 6,8%) et Kasa Vubu (283/7086 ; 4,0%) (Figure 3)." 311010,53170.0,2466.0,['WASH'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,66,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/gwc_annual_report_2019_sudan.pdf,"CHALLENGES - Slowing down of the response due to civil unrest - Shift in response after flood and cholera outbreak - High Targets of sanitation and hygiene, limited capacity on ground due to civil unrest and under reporting of these components of WASH. - Last dispatch of funding due to civil unrest - Deregistration/ban on 58 NGOs - some were part of WASH response." 165634,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,+ 98% of respondents reported that the market they typically access to buy food and other household items are accessible to them currently Access to market (371 responses)† 408620,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Between January–June 2021, there were 363 homicides in Cauca – an increase of 9% from the 333 homicides recorded in 2020 (Colombian National Police 06/05/2021 and 04/01/2021). Massacres2 have also increased since the signing of the peace agreement. There were 14 massacres in Cauca in 2020; as at 27 July 2021, there were 11 massacres" 359439,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Women in Bangladesh on average performed 3.43 times more unpaid domestic care work than men (BBS Gender Statistics 2018). During the COVID-19 lockdown, school closures and the entire family staying at home has further exacerbated the burden of unpaid care and domestic work on women. This unpaid work is even more difficult for woman headed households and single mothers (UN Women in 2020)" 20551,8024.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"Some detainees are released to work in private homes, on farms, or in construction. Some are paid for their labor and then allowed to leave or escape." 223818,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,92,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les données qualita�ve suggèrent que ce changement de préférence est lié à la restructura�on des services de la CPN mise en œuvre lorsque, dans le cadre de la réponse na�onale à la COVID-19 en RDC, la taille des rassemblements a été limitée. La plupart du personnel de santé a indiqué que leurs structures avaient suspendu le volet de promo�on de la santé maternelle et infan�le en groupe lors des séances de CPN, ce qui, selon de nombreuses femmes, était la principale raison de leur par�cipa�on." 16593,6344.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,47,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"In late April 2017, a cholera outbreak that began in October 2016 resurged, necessitating intensive humanitarian response efforts throughout the country, particularly health and WASH interventions. The USG is supporting partners to scale up cholera prevention, preparedness, and response activities." 136795,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,72,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 24 July, the Syrian MoH reported 12,416 tests had been conducted by the Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL) in Damascus and the public health laboratories in Aleppo, Lattakia and Homs. The enhancement of laboratory and case investigation capacity across Syria, including in NES, remains a priority, as does the timely communication of all information relevant to the safeguarding of public health." 285076,50884.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,45,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"As the security situation in urban areas remains fragile, many shops and markets remain closed. The volatile political situation, resulting in an environment of uncertainty has a direct impact on trade, especially those businesses that depend on partners outside Khartoum." 334805,55843.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,97,"['At Risk', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/05/17/shahriar-bangladesh-focusing-on-repatriation-bhasan-char-temporary-arrangement,"[17th May 2021, Bangladesh] Refugees: In order to mitigate the risks of people taking dangerous onward journeys, more must be done to ensure that refugees have hope in Bangladesh, and of a future back home in Myanmar. Otherwise, they may increasingly risk such journeys by land or sea to find a solution elsewhere. The search for durable solutions must remain focused on the voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable return of Rohingya refugees to their homes in Myanmar, when conditions allow them to do so." 165641,39645.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,33,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"Immediate NFI needs (1,345 responses)† Mosquito nets 84% Mat 73% Solar light 73% Kitchen set 46% Fan 41% Torch31% Blankets 29% Umbrellas27%" 172398,40676.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,106,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La RDC demeure le deuxième pays au monde au regard de la crise alimentaire avec 15,6 millions de personnes qui sont en situation d’insécurité alimentaire aigüe, majoritairement des personnes en situation de déplacement. Les récentes évaluations SMART démontrent que la crise nutritionnelle reste alarmante et s’est aggravée, passant de 3,4 millions d’enfants souffrant de malnutrition aigüe dans le HNO 2020 à 3,6 millions actuellement. La situation s’est particulièrement détériorée dans les régions du Nord-Kivu, de l’ex-province orientale et du Kasaï ainsi que dans les provinces du Sud-Kivu et du Maniema." 359946,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,134,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Build capacity of sub-national level authorities, SMCs and child clubs/student taskforces on gender transformative DRM, CCA, CSS framework  Cooperate with the gender transformative DRM, CCA, CSS experts to conduct capacity needs assessments with the responsible departments at the sub-national level on the gender transformative DRM, CCA, CSS.  Cooperate with the gender transformative DRM, CCA, CSS experts to develop and implement capacity building plans to strengthen the capacity of the responsible departments at the sub-national level on gender transformative DRM, CCA, CSS.  Build the capacity of SMCs and child clubs/student taskforces so that they are capable of handling the roles and responsibilities as envisioned under the gender transformative CSS framework" 388904,60849.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Respecto de las instituciones públicas eventualmente involucradas en el proceso de migración/refugio, se observa un desconocimiento generalizado de dichas instituciones, sus funciones y acciones, generándose una sensación profunda de desorientación sobre qué hacer. Ello se ve agravado por los consejos y rumores de las personas migrantes/refugiadas residentes en Chile. Ante el temor y desconocimiento, no se recurre a instituciones sino que a la información que se van dando entre personas de nacionalidad extranjera, la que no siempre es confiable, ya sea porque no son coherentes entre sí o porque derechamente es errónea." 58687,17259.0,1384.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"Fear of arrest, detention, and deportation As noted above, most Venezuelans are afraid to leave their houses because they worry the police will apprehend them. In addition to the women forced to work in bars, Refugees International interviewed several women who were experiencing domestic violence. These women were fearful of calling the police or getting treatment for their injuries because of their irregular status. Research from the United States has shown that, like undocumented women experiencing domestic violence, undocumented women who are exploited or trafficked rarely report crimes for fear of being detained or deported." 133910,35165.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Por otro lado, hay riesgo de discapacidades sobrevenidas en Panamá en las personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas, asociadas a su situación de vulnerabilidad tanto por condiciones laborales con baja seguridad, así como por su bajo acceso a salud preventiva." 342105,55979.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,79,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/profil_zone_nord_kivu_mars_2021_vf_28_04_2021_v2.pdf,"A Rutshuru, la présence d’un présumé groupe armé Maï-Maï en provenance de Walikale a été signalé dans les champs vers Kyasenda, dans le groupement de Kanyabayonga (à 133 km au Nord de Rutshuru-centre). Ces hommes armés tracassent les civils au travers des taxes illicites. Cette situation fragilise la situation de protection dans cette partie du groupement Kanyabayonga, particulièrement pour les civils qui fréquentent la zone pour les activités agricoles." 338555,56250.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Tanganyika] L’analyse du 19ème cycle du Cadre intégré de classification de la sécurité alimentaire (IPC) a classé Kabalo en situation d’urgence (phase 4). Sur environ 101 970 personnes qui sont en insécurité alimentaire dans ce territoire, plus de 29 130 sont en situation d’urgence." 174399,41257.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,22,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-5593-dead-total-cases-hit-382959/58946,"[14th October 2020 , Bangladesh] Across the country, 12,427 people are now in isolation and 40,100 in quarantine." 145845,35819.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"USAID/BHA partners are supporting health facilities with COVID-19 isolation and treatment services, enhancing 3 water supply and sanitation infrastructure at IDP sites, increasing water trucking to IDP sites to allow for additional handwashing, and providing essential medical equipment to health facilities." 294011,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,70,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"While 11.4% of girls under 15 and 36% of girls aged 18 are married in Cameroon, the crisis [conflicts] in the different regions has led to an increase in this phenomenon. While the ideal age for a girl to marry was 18 years before the crisis, more and more girls are being pushed to get married between 14 and 17 years old." 347997,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] According to recent research, an average of 40% of women and girls do not use the communal or shared family latrines that agencies provide. Reasons include - not wanting to be seen going to the latrine; a lack of privacy (people peeking in); sexual harassment; a lack of lighting at night; a lack of locks on doors; a fear of vermin." 320138,53234.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] During the reporting period CHWs conducted 275 108 household visits in which 5 219 patients were identified with mild respiratory symptoms (fever, sore throat, cough) and 51 patients with moderate/severe symptoms. The cumulative number of mild patients is 119 142, and 491 moderate/ severe patients. To date, 56 942 persons with COVID-19 like symptoms have been referred to health facilities, 3 749 of which during the reporting period." 328600,54710.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of shelter enclosure issues reported by households were Leaks during heavy rain (53%), Leaks during light rain (39%), Lack of insulation from cold (29%)." 302645,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Afirman no tener derecho a un descanso semanal remunerado, dado que “día trabajado, día pagado”; tampoco tienen seguridad social y cuando están enfermos/as son días sin ingresos." 346887,56987.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Rohingya boys aged 13-17 are particularly concerned about the lack of learning opportunities and place high importance on quality of education and education that will be recognised outside the camps. Rohingya youth also clearly link education to future opportunities and access to livelihoods." 494218,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, NWS, GoS & NES] Rice: M-o-m, the Cross-border region recorded the highest price at SYP 2,733/kg (up eight percent m-o-m), followed by the Southern region at SYP 2,616/kg (up two percent m-o-m). Northeast Syria recorded the lowest average Egyptian white rice price by region at SYP 2,286/kg (up five percent m-o-m), followed by Northwest Syria at SYP 2,452/kg (up three percent m-o-m)" 16811,7075.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,117,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"Despite the Humanitarian Food Assistance provided in Al Bayda, Al Dhale’e, Al Hudaydah, Al Mahwit, Amran, Hajjah, Saada’a and Taiz, there exist presence of pockets of households experiencing extreme food gaps and exhaustion of coping strategies. Food security outcomes portray an extremely dire situation where more than half of the population are in the most affected districts are classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) and 45 districts with nearly 240,000 population are classified in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe) based on extremely high proportions of population with poor food score and household hunger score in the absence of Humanitarian food assistance." 132498,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Adicionalmente, el voluntariado en la comunidad también será garantizado, inclusive a través de la educación en las calles (de toda edad, incluyendo adolescentes y de todas las comunidades) para promover el desarrollo de actividades comunes en espacios públicos. Será fundamental asegurar la inclusión de organizaciones basadas en la comunidad y la fe en estas actividades, así como autoridades locales, municipalidades, escuelas, el sector privado y la sociedad civil." 326512,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 23% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest education facility while 44% and 5% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest education facility respectively. Only 2% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes 1-3 hours to reach to the nearest education facility. 291792,51876.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,115,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Colombia-alcanza-mas-de-403-mil-dosis-aplicadas.aspx,"Bogotá D.C., 10 de marzo de 2021.Tras 22 días desde el inicio del Plan Nacional de Vacunación contra el Covid-19, Colombia ya cuenta con un total de403.095 personas vacunadas, con corte a las 11:59 p.m. del 9 de marzo de 2021. Así lo reveló el ministro de Salud y Protección Social, Fernando Ruiz Gómez, quien indicó además que el 9 de marzo de 2021 se vacunó a 62.431 personas. ""A ese dato hay que adicionarle un ajuste que entregó el distrito de Bogotá de días anteriores, en los cuales no se habían reportado algunos vacunados y que corresponde a 24.585"", sostuvo el ministro." 328766,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per WASH LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 49% for severe and lowest was 4% for no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per WASH LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 37% for severe and lowest was 12% for extreme+." 7415,1561.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,98,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MMWG%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%20-%20Zwara%20-%201%20May%202018.pdf,"Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and members of the Mixed Migration Working Group (UNHCR and its partner International Medical Corps (IMC), the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), and IOM) are responding to the most pressing needs by providing immediate medical and WASH assistance, non-food items (incl. clothes, footwear, sleeping mats and blankets) and conducting an anti-scabies campaign. With extreme overcrowding and continued deprivation of adequate food and water, the humanitarian response is focussed on the immediate evacuation of the detained persons." 163567,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,54,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Gran parte de la población vive de la informalidad o del comercio, por lo cual durante el aislamiento obligatorio no han contado con los medios económicos para adquirir alimentos. Se han recibido solicitudes de Resguardos indígenas y comunidades de acogida quienes no cuentan con suficientes cosechas para subsistir durante la cuarentena." 298756,52631.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,113,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"Ensuite, le Docteur Muyembe, Coordonnateur du Comité Multisectoriel de riposte contre la pandémie à Covid-19 annonce que la RDC a été sélectionnée pour connaître l’expérimentation du vaccin Covid-19. Cette annonce suscite un tollé à travers le pays. Beaucoup se sont prononcés contre l’idée de se voir injecter le vaccin. La population est allée jusqu’à proposer que si les autorités veulent réellement de ce vaccin, qu’elles commencent par se faire vacciner elles-mêmes, c’est-à-dire les 500 députés nationaux, les plus de 60 ministres, les sénateurs, etc., et éventuellement le reste de la population." 335516,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Insecurity is the other challenge for the health system, and it would make it hard for MoPH [Ministry of Public Health] to implement preventive, curative, and virus containment measures in areas under control of Anti-Government Elements (AGE)." 39176,13749.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"The majority of female Libyan and non-Libyan respondents are aware of the availability of primary health care services in their communities. However, this does not mean that access to these services is guaranteed. Only 18% of the non-Libyan females are aware of psychological counselling services being available in their community. To add more, only half of them are aware of pre and post-natal care services being offered. None of the Libyan and non-Libyan female respondents have stated the existence of family planning services which is a critical service for their health and well being." 204312,43976.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Le taux de prévalence de la malnutrition aigue globale s’élève à 13,7% sur l’ensemble de la région [de Tahoua]." 305818,50894.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"In October 2018, WFP provide food assistances to about 3.8 million beneficiaries in Sudan through distribution of 111,096 MT of assorted food commodities and cash-based transfers of 22.6 million USD. 57 percent of beneficiaries were IDPs, 12 percent were South Sudanese refugees, and 31 percent were residents in drought- and conflict-affected areas." 174431,40839.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,48,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Camps and camp-like settings Blankets/mats continued to remain the most needed kind of non-food item (NFI) in camps and camp-like settings at 53% which is 1 per cent less than the last round of assessment." 392054,62153.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20-%20Cameroonian%20Refugees%20Operational%20Update%20June%202021_0.pdf,"[5th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Urgent need of mosquito nets given the increase malaria, which remain the commonest cause of morbidity. ■ Most refugees declined receiving the COVID-19 vaccine due to misconceptions about the vaccine. ■ There is no COVID-19 compliant ambulance for emergency evacuations in Adikpo, Ogoja and Takum (BCT States). Lack of transportation to facilitate emergency cases and other referrals in these locations remains a major challenge for refugees and locals." 257071,48773.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.thedailystar.net/editorial/news/bangladesh-begins-covid-19-inoculation-2035265,"[28th January 2021, Bangladesh] The government has targeted vaccinating 60 lakh people in the first month and another 50 lakh the following month. A pilot programme began yesterday, involving five public hospitals in Dhaka. Nurses, doctors, freedom fighters, media personnel and other frontline workers from different professional groups will receive the shots during the trial phase." 245841,47702.0,2425.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,62,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Business owners face fear of eviction. Similarly to households, the relationships between landlords and business owners are under strain. The tug-of-war between the two parties is halting the reparation process and is exacerbating the threat of eviction. Although some business owners are considering relocation, this threatens to indefinitely alter the socio-economic landscape of the affected areas." 111666,29953.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Mientras en Cúcuta (capital del departamento) se ubican algunos migrantes en tránsito para recoger algún dinero y continuar con el viaje, otros con vocación de permanencia han encontrado allí un lugar de estabilización. Por esta razón se observa un contraste en la incidencia de la mendicidad y el trabajo en calle en Cúcuta frente a Villa del Rosario, municipio que por su cercanía a la frontera permite una migración pendular más fácil." 356139,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,46,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En el mes de abril, el promedio de la tasa de cambio se ubicó en $3.651,8 pesos por dólar, lo que representó una depreciación de 1,0% frente al promedio de marzo, cuando se situó en $ 3.617,0 pesos por dólar." 495139,67230.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,35,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Adicionalmente, la insuficiencia de ingresos (empleos informales y en la calle) genera explotación laboral, repercutiendo en inseguridad alimentaria (30%) y medios de vida de la población venezolana." 132638,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El acceso al agua, saneamiento e higiene es de necesidad particular en el Perú debido al problema estructural nacional que afecta tanto a las comunidades de acogida como a los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. El mayor número de usuarios coloca mayor estrés en las instalaciones de agua, saneamiento e higiene que operan en servicios públicos tales como escuelas y centros de salud o albergues temporales privados, que llevan a un incremento en costos operativos y de mantenimiento." 303381,52890.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,101,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Las motivaciones relacionadas con el contexto venezolano dan cuenta, en primer lugar, de diferencias políticas con el actual gobierno. En algunos ca- sos, relatan que el haberse declarado abiertamente en oposición al partido de gobierno trajo consigo amenazas, persecución y hostigamiento. Frente a lo económico, las personas entrevistadas señalaron que la hiperinflación, que devaluó a un nivel inesperado la moneda local y elevó los costos de los productos, incidió para que muchos de ellos y ellas no pudieran acceder a alimentos por sus altos costos y por la escasez de estos." 229631,44602.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Insufficient MIYCN knowledge/best practices, especially pertaining exclusive breast feeding. Most of the mothers said they introduced their children to supplementary foods at the age of 4-5 months." 175241,40880.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,66,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3673559,"Si bien los obstáculos que persisten son variados y complejos, consolidar la paz completa es un fin último que requiere los más arduos esfuerzos y la responsabilidad de toda la sociedad. Por eso, la MAPP/OEA reitera su compromiso de seguir acompañando a las acciones de paz de comunidades e instituciones de Colombia, directamente desde los territorios más afectados por la violencia." 207165,44579.0,2331.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,154,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] Morbidity is an issue in the country and there are frequent outbreaks of waterborne disease. Acute watery diarrhea (AWD) and acute other diarrhea (AOD) are reported at a prevalence of 2% nationally, ranging at the district level from 0% to 5%. However, there is some concern as to how the data was collected and if the results can be representative at the national or district level. Morality rates are less concerning. The crude mortality rate for the country is estimated at 0.04 deaths per 10,000 per day, within a range (0.3 – 0.6) that is typically considered non-crisis for Sub-Saharan Africa. At the district level the lowest is 0.01 and the highest, 0.09, in Lughaye, which is near the 1.0 fixed emergency threshold." 224193,45763.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Des cas de malnutrition ont également été signalés sur l’axe Bongor-Katoa en raison non seulement de la mauvaise qualité des aliments consommés mais aussi des habitudes alimentaires. 389636,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,104,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Así, Colombia tiene cerca de 23% de la población con al menos una dosis de vacuna contra el COVID-19. Vaupés, Guainía, Amazonas y Vichada fueron los únicos departamentos que en esos 34 días tuvieron un incremento menor a 10 dosis por cada 100 habitantes (rango 2.4 a 9.6). 16 (48%) de las entidades territoriales tuvieron un incremento entre 10 y 20 dosis. 12 (36%) aumentaron entre 20 y 30 dosis por cada 100 habitantes, con crecimientos superiores a 24 en Bogotá, Boyacá, Risaralda y Quindío." 285477,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,34,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Local initiatives are supporting wounded protestors by setting up emergency health centres. However, these activities are risky as they have been previously targeted by the RSF (Rapid Sudanese Forces)." 131842,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,98,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Se brindará asistencia específica a través de transferencias monetarias (CBI por sus siglas en inglés) a las personas con necesidades urgentes de salud para acceder a su tratamiento. Los socios darán también soporte y asistencia a personas con VIH/SIDA para eliminar las barreras de acceso al tratamiento ARV, así como empoderamiento, orientación y enlace con los servicios de salud reproductiva y sexual a personas que brindan trabajo sexual. También se dará el soporte a la capacidad de respuesta de las instalaciones de salud pública que ofrecen servicios a refugiados y migrantes." 15079,6310.0,321.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,124,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/25.10.18%20EN%20UNICEF%20Airlifts%204.7%20Million%20Doses%20of%20Measles%2C%20Rubella%20and%20Polio%20Vaccines%20for%20Children%20in%20Libya.pdf,"“Deadly diseases such as measles don’t discriminate. They can hit any vulnerable child, anywhere. We are working closely with the Libyan authorities to ensure that the lifesaving vaccines are available across the country, including in hard to reach areas. Being vaccinated is every child’s right”, said Abdel-Rahman Ghandour, UNICEF (cid:3)ecial Representative to Libya. “The recent Measles outbreak and the existing risk of importation of polio virus makes it very important to increase the immunity of the children against these diseases. WHO and UNICEF joining hands in conducting a national campaign for Measles and Polio is the most strategic approach to pre-empt major outbreaks as well" 290579,51925.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,102,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/03/03/alternancia-educativa-avanza-con-paso-de-tortuga-en-colombia/,"Bogotá: cómo va en la alternancia El pasado 1° de marzo inició el modelo educativo de semi presencialidad con23 instituciones educativas, correspondientes al segundo de los cinco grupos que la Alcaldía de Bogotá priorizó en febrero de 2021. La capital de la República cuenta en su balance con40 instituciones que adoptaron la modalidad semipresencial para implementar el modelo de alternancia desde el mes anterior. Este modelo, cuyo inicio ocurrió en febrero, es la reactivación del sector educativo básico y medio para los estudiantes colombianos del sector público después de 10 meses de pandemia de coronavirus." 156001,38388.0,1898.0,['Health'],[],[],es,73,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL): rige el sector público y su cobertura alcanza a un 70% de la población. Instituto Salvadoreño de Seguro Social (ISS): dispone de una cobertura del 27%. Instituto Salvadoreño de Bienestar Magisterial (ISBM): cubre el 1% de la población. Comando de Salud Militar (COSAM): cubre el 1% de la población. 1554,291.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,2,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2016%20February%202018.pdf,Excerpt 7 303467,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,85,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"De esta mayoría de personas LGBTI+ entrevistadas que realizan un tránsito de manera irregular, es importante reconocer que son las mujeres trans el mayor porcentaje con un 95%. Ellas plantean que es la única posibilidad para salir de su país, ante la ausencia de documentación y de pasaporte, y el temor de ser revictimizadas o criminalizadas porque su apariencia física (expresión de género) no corresponde con la expectativa social del sexo asignado en su documento de identidad." 171499,40704.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] World Vision operates five nutrition centres in Camps 16, 22, 23, 25 and 27, targeting 12,345 children under age 5, as well as 5,826 adolescent girls, and 3,466 pregnant and lactating women as part of its malnutrition prevention and treatment programme." 133902,35165.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En los grupos focales se detectó que las personas venezolanas desconocen la diferencia entre las entidades de salud del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) y de la Caja de Seguro Social (CSS), y sobre los procesos de referencia entre los centros de salud y los hospitales. También hay un amplio desconocimiento acerca de la gratuidad de ciertos servicios. En este sentido, un 47% de las personas encuestadas desconocían que la vacunación es gratuita en Panamá." 163891,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,24,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,• Las dificultades de comunicación y la baja cobertura de energía eléctrica han limitado el contacto permanente con las comunidades rurales más aisladas. 302637,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En cuanto a la inserción al mundo del trabajo cabe señalar, como se muestra en el Gráfico 3, que, de cada diez personas entrevistadas en los tres países, en promedio seis afirman estar trabajando, en su mayoría en una relación de informalidad laboral" 136831,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Of the four NES cases reported on 23 July, all reportedly suffered from underlying health conditions, and none had had contact with each other (i.e. the possibility of multiple separate clusters). Three of the cases (all in Qamishli city) had no travel history, while the confirmed case in Hassakeh city had reported recently travelled from Damascus. Each of the cases is reportedly self-isolating in their homes, with immediate contacts/family members also under quarantine. Contact tracing is continuing for all these cases, with all close contacts to be asked to undergo a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test and self-quarantine for 14 days" 186822,41402.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,549,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"Ecuador’s government did not, unlike in other countries, use the existing non-contributory program to deliver additional cash assistance. It appears, though, that existing recipients continued to receive their regular monthly transfers.185 The government instead announced on March 20th a cash transfer, the Family Protection Bonus, for 400,000 individuals and households with no income due to the pandemic. A week later, on March 27th, the bonus was formalized in an executive decree. It provided two US$ 60 transfers, for April and May, to 400 000 households affiliated with two government registries (rural social security and unpaid domestic work) and with a household income below minimum wage. Households that received any other government transfers (for example, the human development bonus) were ineligible.186 The government pre-selected the recipients, and began distribution of these transfers on April 1st. Eligible individuals could check online to see if they were recipients but could not apply for it. By April 24th, 352,000 of the original recipients had collected the April transfer of US$ 60 dollars, and before mid-May, the number had reached over 400,000, of whom 88% were women, according to government data.187 On April 10th, the government announced an additional 550,000 recipients for this two-time cash transfer, increasing the total reach to 950 000 individuals. This expansion was financed by the Inter- American Development Bank. Given the extremely limited fiscal space, the President at the same time announced his solidarity tax plan, to temporarily tax profits and high-income earners, and with which he planned to broaden social assistance, including extending the Family Protection transfer to an additional one million people, thus altogether reaching two million people.188 The solidarity tax raised strong opposition, and failed in Congress, as mentioned above. The extension of the IADB-financed Family Protection Bonus was formalized in an executive decree on April 24th.189 The recipients for this extension were selected based on the government’s social registry and an inter-ministerial committee.190 To avoid additional movement and lines during the pandemic, the government established a one-time transfer of US$ 120 dollars for this group. The plan was to extend this transfer to all recipients between May 1st and June 30th. At the end of April, the government provided a webpage where people could check to see if they had been selected as recipients. On May 14th, two weeks behind schedule, the government announced that the distribution of the 120-dollar transfer to the second group of recipients would begin. Recipients could collect their transfer on dates determined by the last number of their identity card; moreover, recipients were divided into two groups: the first could collect starting May 15th, and the second group, starting June 1st.191 No information was reported on how many had received the transfer by the end of July, but the government webpage still listed locations at which recipients could collect it at.192 As per Figures 6 to 9, the breadth and sufficiency of transfer in Ecuador are low." 125313,32569.0,1621.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,46,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Furthermore, the continued lack of work opportunities in safer areas due to the disruptions caused by the conflict and measures taken to curb the spread of COVID-19 can potentially force vulnerable migrants to engage in negative coping mechanisms for survival more frequently and more severely" 209660,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,25,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The operational environment (in the country) is challenging, with security incidents hindering the delivery of aid, especially in hard-to-reach rural areas" 492539,68124.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/270921ocha_syria_situation_report_dara_02_final.pdf,"[1 to 21 September 2021] In Dar’a Al-Balad, restoration of public services such as water and electricity is ongoing." 307735,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Protection partners additionally undertook in-depth protection analysis, which resulted in a targeted intervention, and local advocacy with officials in Pibor to address key protection concerns." 156612,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,Sixty-two confirmed cases have been reported in Rohingya camps as of 19 July 2020. A total of 23 individuals are in institutional quarantine in the camps. 437160,63582.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Un enfant de moins de 5 ans sur dix souffre de malnutrition aigüe au Burkina Faso selon les résultats de l’enquête nutritionnelle nationale, édition 2020 (ENN 2020). La collecte des données s’est déroulée du 18 octobre au 10 novembre 2020 sur l’ensemble du territoire national." 285332,51425.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,29,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=226698,"[18 March, 2020, GoS] Health Ministry announced that 120 new coronaviruses were registered in Syria and 90 cases recovered while 10 patients passed away." 200464,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,186,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"En désagrégeant ces données en fonction du genre (Graphique 1), il s’avère que 74% des femmes ont contracté au moins un type de dette, c’est un taux similaire à celui de l’ensemble de l’échantillon. Cependant, aucune d’entre elles n’a de dette de type 1 [contractée avant et indépendamment du projet migratoire], tandis que pour les autres types de dettes, 36% d’entre elles déclarent avoir réalisé des emprunts dans le cadre d’un projet migratoire, et 36% également après leur retour au Burkina Faso. Concernant les 29% restant, ce sont des dettes cumulées de type 2 [une dette liée au projet migratoire] et 3 [contractée avant ou pendant le voyage, et/ou une dette liée au retour] également. C’est donc dans le cadre migratoire et après leur retour que les femmes réalisent des emprunts. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 341831,56181.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,26,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"En avril, la MONUSCO a annoncé son départ de la région du Kasaï en juin 2021 et de la région du Tanganyika en 2022." 236005,46890.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,25,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In addition, the poor road network after heavy rains is making humanitarian access more difficult as the rainy season gets to its peak." 228287,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA continues to monitor the human rights impact of the armed conflict on victims and their family members through post-incident interviews. This line of monitoring and reporting seeks to amplify voices of those affected by the armed conflict through gathering victims’ accounts and examining how their economic, social and cultural rights were, and are, affected." 202627,43256.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The limited humanitarian assistance, coupled with limited availability of and access to basic health and WASH services and poor vaccination coverage are likely to lead to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, water borne diseases and an increase in malaria cases." 248019,48228.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Appui en Kits de construction des abris d’urgence pour 1745 ménages / Distribution des NFI (natte, moustiquaire, couverture, et bâche) / Organiser le fixing pour disponibiliser une liste des ménages permettant d’organiser d’éventuelle intervention en faveur de ces déplacés." 235627,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"The deteriorating security situation has resulted in multiple population displacements across the NWSW with over 11,718 people forced to flee their homes to seek shelter in nearby bushes and villages." 202037,44071.0,2330.0,['Health'],[],[],es,60,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Para las mujeres embarazadas, el 45% no tienen servicios en sus instalaciones ni en lugares cercanos, y el 64% solo tienen en los centros salud. No existen servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva y solamente en el 9% de ellos, las mujeres tenían acceso a toallas sanitarias u otros materiales de higiene." 272543,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"En avril 2020, sur recommandation de l’EHP, un document sur des procédures Opérationnelles Standardisées (SOPs) a été élaboré et mis à la disposition de la communauté humanitaire et du gouvernement. [concernant le respect des mesures barrières contre le COVID]" 257052,48672.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"With the support of ECHO, 1 014 vulnerable IDPs households from Ayorou, Tadress, Abala and Toula have also received each a cash grant of 27 850 FCFA. An additional 695 IDP households in Tahoua have received a similar cash grant." 174554,41246.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000118469.pdf,"[ 1st July 2020, Borno states] Depicts the nominal price of some key staples: maize flour, red beans, ground nuts, local and imported rice in the monitored markets in MMC and Jere of Borno state. Compared to July 2019, the prices of imported and local rice showed an increase of 38 and 35 percent respectively. However, the retail prices of maize and groundnuts decreased by 8 and 2 percent respectively compared to last year, while prices of red beans remained stable" 297346,51172.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"Humanitarian assistance reached approximately 2,212 people affected by conflict in Kunduz province. Also, approximately 25,109 vulnerable people were reached with winter assistance in Baghlan, Badakhshan, Takhar and Kunduz provinces." 454533,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,36,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Todas las situaciones que se están viviendo producto de este contexto de pandemia han incrementado los síntomas ansioso depresivos de las entrevistadas haciendo que requieran acompañamiento y atención psicológica para luchar contra sus problemas emocionales. 207332,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,21,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,Agropastoral conflicts between the Fulani and Gbayas groups are on the rise and sometimes oppose refugee populations against host communities. 344261,56790.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] [Retrieved from table] MEDIAN SMEB COOKING FUEL PRICE - 61,406 Syrian Pounds; One month change: 15% and Six month change: 109%." 199002,44191.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/campagne-electorale-2020-au-burkina-le-renlac-fustige-des-actes-de-corruption/,"Depuis l’ouverture de la campagne électorale, le 31 octobre dernier, pour la présidentielle et les législatives du 22 novembre, les candidats et les différents partis politiques en lice rivalisent de méthodes clientélistes, en lieu et place d’un véritable débat programmatique." 385626,60457.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région du Centre-Nord, la FAO assistera dans les 3 à 4 mois à venir 1 007 PDI supplémentaires avec des transferts monétaires inconditionnels, 120 tonnes d’aliments pour bétail et des soins vétérinaires aux animaux de 800 ménages déplacés et hôtes, ainsi que des activités génératrices de revenus (AGR) au profit de 200 femmes." 86576,23946.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography']",en,44,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/three-children-killed-others-injured-artillery-shelling-haftars-forces-southern-tripoli,"Meanwhile, the media consultant of the Health Ministry Ameen Al-Hashimi confirmed the number of killed children and said other children were wounded, adding that they were on their way to school and that they aged between 9 and 12 years old." 311696,54011.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,27,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.care-international.org/news/press-releases/venezuela-women-and-girls-at-greatest-risk-as-thousands-escape-violence-due-to-military-operations-in-the-border-zone-with-colombia,"Se espera el arribo de más personas en los próximos días en grupos más pequeños, cruzando la frontera en áreas controladas por grupos armados irregulares." 111924,29953.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Contrario a los dos estudios de caso anteriores, Bogotá es una ciudad fría y lejana para los migrantes. Representa mayor lejanía cultural por su clima y la personalidad de sus habitantes. Las distancias y el costo de vida significan para los inmigrantes un esfuerzo importante para salir adelante." 195959,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Ainsi au terme de S46, 400 nouveaux voyageurs ont été recensés ; 334 voyageurs sont devenus symptomatiques et 585 autres sont sortis de suivi. A S45, ces chiffres étaient respectivement de 809, 522 et 506 voyageurs." 208228,44900.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"{Actions requises et messages de plaidoyer} Continuer l’assistance aux plus vulnérables affectés par les conséquences de la pandémie de COVID, notamment la hausse de prix des produits de première nécessité." 237771,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,133,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Para esta semana se observó una disminución en el número de casos, en comparación con a 2019, en las entidades territoriales de Antioquia, Bogotá, Bolívar, el histórico notificado en el mismo periodo 2014 a 2019, en las entidades territoriales de Antioquia, Bogotá, Bolívar, Cartagena, Cesar, Cundinamarca, La Guajira, Putumayo, Sucre Cartagena, Cesar, Cundinamarca, La Guajira, Putumayo, Sucre y y Tolima, mientras que, en las entidades de Barranquilla, Boyacá, Huila y Nariño se observó Tolima, mientras que, en las entidades de Barranquilla, Boyacá, Huila y un aumento (figura 5). En las entidades territoriales restantes no se presentaron variaciones. Nariño se observó un aumento" 188140,43352.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Missing']",en,34,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"15 September 2020: In Fadji hamlet, Gourma province, Est region, an unspecified number of aid workers were abducted presumably by JNIM militants. All were released after three hours." 282005,51173.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,UNICEF supported the establishment of two Multi-purpose Centres in Logar as an entry point for providing integrated Child Protection and GBV (Gender Based Violence) services to adolescent girls and women. 17159,5458.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.iom.int/news/solar-power-delivers-water-tens-thousands-yemenis,"Power generated by the 940 solar panels installed on three schools in Amanat Al Asimah and Sana'a Governorates began pumping water to residents of the neighbourhoods of Shu'aub, Al Madinah Al Syahya, and Sho'ob two weeks ago." 202038,44071.0,2330.0,['WASH'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,40,['At Risk'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Con respecto a WASH, las mujeres y las niñas por lo general, no tienen acceso a agua potable y de calidad, pues las condiciones de los albergues carecen de servicios esenciales para cubrir sus necesidades básicas." 308174,53292.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"WASH, FSL and Nutrition Clusters have integrated programming through community-based sanitization and hygiene messaging ongoing at health and nutrition centres. At nutrition facilities, 15 boreholes including 10 damaged boreholes at the nutrition sites were repaired. Distribution of WASH materials including soap, water floc, water filter cloth, bucket and jerricans to 1,600 HHs was completed." 277283,50610.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March 2021, NES] In Al Hol camp, from the initial findings, indicating low levels of knowledge and practice of prevention and health seeking behaviors, rapid stop-gap measures are being actioned while joint development of the report is underway." 150806,37921.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La disponibilité de matériel médical est cependant très limitée. A l’aéroport de Ouagadougou par exemple, une seule caméra thermique est disponible et placée uniquement à l’arrivée." 70720,20012.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,91,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"According to eye witnesses, two GNA air-delivered rockets struck several vehicles near a fuel station in the Sidi Sayah area on 3 July 2019 at about 1 pm, killing five civilians. Mohammed al-Sayah, who lives nearby, told Amnesty International that three of his relatives, Wajdi Othman al-Sayah, 26, Mosbah, Khalifa al-Sayah, 29, and Ayad Mosbah Abu Saif, 51, were killed in the strike, together with a woman and her child, whose names are not known." 156604,35848.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"In the first six months of 2020, UNICEF and partners supported some 50,000 children (48 per cent girls) with psychosocial support services; due to the COVID-19 outbreak, only remote sessions took place between March and June." 290017,51971.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"January to february 2021 From January to February 2021, 22 large-group displacements took place, in which more than 2,696 families (approximately 8,677 individuals) were displaced. These figures make evident heightened protection risks in comparison with last year, as there were fewer large group displacement at the same time in 2020. In February there were 17 large-group displacements in the departments of Antioquia (9), Nariño (2), Chocó (2), Cauca (2), Valle del Cauca (1) and Norte de Santander (1) in which 1,018 families (3,011 individuals) were displaced." 126552,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"El 27% tiene un niño o niña con edades que oscilan entre los seis meses y los 2 años: 29% para los hogares migrantes y 21% para los hogares de acogida. El 19% de estas niñas y niños no consume alimentos nutritivos como frutas, vegetales y proteínas animales (20% en hogares migrantes y 15% en hogares de acogida)." 187315,43340.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20-%20Camp%20Management%20Bi-weekly%20Tracker%20Report%2C%20Report%20No.%2024%2C%2016%20-%2031%20October%202020.pdf,"[16th -31st Oct 2020,Adamawa,Borno states] 86% of latrines in Borno are functional while 14% are damaged. 5 sites in 4 LGAs (Girei in Adamawa state, Jere, Konduga and MMC in Borno state) do not have latrines on site" 238083,45629.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"[South Sudan, 2019]The number of boys and girls in need represents an 11 per cent increase from 2018. Plausible reasons include the deterioration of systems and services whereby the resilience of households to cope with the economic downturn is seriously tested, or has collapsed, in the absence of support, especially in opposition controlled areas." 148220,35830.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Response%20COVID-19%20Sit%20Rep%20%234%20-%20External%20use.pdf,The Ministry of Health (MoH) reported 608 COVID-19 confirmed cases as of 24 July with 35 fatalities and 184 recovered. 44 of the total cases are reported to be healthcare workers. The increase in COVID-19 cases in Government of Syria (GoS) areas has overwhelmed the capacity of local hospitals 359423,58399.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,65,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The DRR and EiE framework should have tools to assess how gender norms influence how girls and boys experience disasters risks and climate hazards differently. These assessment tools should be included in the Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (HVCA) of the DRR and EiE framework before developing the school safety plan." 176620,41731.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Dans le même temps, les PDIs et les communautés hôtes ont aussi peur de la maladie. Tout le monde a dit qu’il reçoit des informations sur la manière de se protéger contre la maladie et que l’information est appropriée car elle est transmise sur différents formats (débat, télé, radio) et en plusieurs langues locales - moré, fulfulde, et français." 306812,53161.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,Nutritional programming supports community- and evidence-based management of malnutrition by focusing on children and pregnant and lactating women in particular and supporting nutrition education. 267327,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The national average retail price of bulgur increased by four percent m-o-m and by 202 percent y-o-y reaching SYP 1,486/kg. Tartous reported the highest bulgur retail price at SYP 1,769/kg (up 17 percent m-o-m), while Idleb reported the lowest price at SYP 1,160/kg (up eight percent m-o-m)." 261462,49211.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,153,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"Las comunidades en general expresan la vulneración de sus derechos al ser víctimas directas de la violencia armada, extorsiones y desapariciones forzadas. Se observa que la comunicación en El Tigre 2 (Caucasia) y La Maturana (Zaragoza) se observa presencia de un GAO, así como de restricciones a la movilidad entre las 6:00pm y las 4:00am. Se destaca que, la comunidad del resguardo El Tigre 2 ha sido víctima de un desplazamiento masivo en 2020, afectando a 198 personas pertenecientes a la comunidad indígena Senú, quienes están expuesta a riesgos de protección y requieren atención a las necesidades humanitarias y garantías de seguridad en su territorio. Se destaca la presencia de MAP en veredas aledañas como Alto El Tigre (Caucasia), por lo cual las comunidades de El Tigre 1 y 2 (Caucasia) también se encuentran en riesgo" 17480,5431.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,104,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"In Hajjah Governorate, registration of 350 newly displaced households has started. • Stocks in Al Hudaydah Governorate: UNHCR has 2,236 NFIs and 4,084 emergency shelter kits (ESKs) and IOM 400 NFI/ ESK. One partner has 800 NFIs available but has a shortage of kitchen sets. Action Contra La Faim (ACF) has 140 NFI kits. Stocks in Hajjah Governorate: 94 NFIs with one partner including 658 Mattresses. Norwegian Refugee Council are expecting 500 NFIs and 355 ESKs on 29 June; Danish Refugee Council expects 5,000 NFIs and ESKs on 1 July." 188824,43386.0,1900.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,43,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"En América Central, líderes comunitarios y personas desplazadas internas (PDI) ha reportado que grupos del crimen organizado han estado explotando las medidas de confinamiento para fortalecer su control de las comunidades locales en Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala," 199548,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,35,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The influx of refugees and IDPs have been identified as one of the important drivers of inappropriate land use and over-exploitation of natural resources, putting more pressure on the already scarce environmental resources." 475462,64944.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,32,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,Les déplacements forcés de population liés à la crise sécuritaire contribuent à exposer les PDI aux risques de GBV qui constituent un problème majeur de protection dans la Boucle du Mouhoun. 304461,50891.0,2466.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,99,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"In partnership with the Ministry of Health and NGOs, UNICEF constructed household and communal latrines for 37,043 people (Male: 15,941, Female: 21,102, including 18,892 children) which achieved 14 percent of the 2018 target. This target was also affected by the combination of lower than expected humanitarian WASH funding and the non-occurrence of expected emergencies and resulting shift in modality. UNICEF utilised the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach to mobilise communities to construct their own long-term latrines and to promote sanitation in conflict affected and returnee communities." 145168,34359.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,103,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.undp.org/content/undp/es/home/news-centre/news/2020/LAC_COVID19_infections_surge_as_countries_face_recession.html,"En Argentina, el PNUD ha desarrollado una campaña de redes sociales que promueve las finanzas inclusivas. #PlataSinBanco explica las alternativas actuales para retirar dinero de un cajero automático local, incluso sin una tarjeta de débito o cuenta bancaria. Este programa apoya el esfuerzo de Emergencia de Ingresos Familiares del gobierno nacional para ayudar a las poblaciones más pobres y vulnerables, entre otras medidas. El PNUD también se asoció con los laboratorios regionales de innovación a través de un Hackathon virtual, reuniendo a más de 800 socios y 2.000 propuestas para hacer frente a COVID-19." 195969,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,86,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Ainsi au terme de S46, 1 258 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire (données absentes les 12 et 14 novembre). Au final, 91,6% (n= 1 152) échantillons ont été analysés, soit une positivité autour de 14,1% (162/1152). Pour rappel à la fin de S45, 727 échantillons avaient été reçus et 757 avaient été analysés ; le taux de positivité était alors de 14,1% (107/757) (Figure 10)." 221389,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,11,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,Recurrent droughts in South-West State have damaged the agricultural sector. 261589,49490.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,87,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COLOMBIA_FS%20Labor%20Market%20Access_ACNUR_NV%20Espa%C3%B1ol.pdf,". Desde 2016 tras la firma del acuerdo de paz con las FARC se han identificado 652.141 víctimas de desplazamiento interno. Sumado a lo anterior, se estima que más de 4 millones de venezolanos han huido de su país, de los cuales aproximadamente 1.717.352 se encuentran en territorio colombiano. La llegada de un número tan alto de venezolanos a Colombia, junto a los compromisos adquiridos por el gobierno nacional en los acuerdos de paz, ha representado múltiples desafíos para el país" 163554,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,28,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Hay que resaltar que las pruebas realizadas en Putumayo son enviadas a laboratorios en Bogotá y Nariño, demoran entre 1 y 2 semanas en ser procesadas." 144517,34804.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,74,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In north-east Syria (NES), the lockdown/ curfew completely ended as of 15 June. This follows significant relaxations of the curfew in previous weeks and limited adherence since the end of April. However, the Executive Council of NES Self-Administration has announced a new decree imposing movement restrictions, which was to enter into force on 13 July, foreseeing the closure of all crossings into NES without exceptions." 425343,64291.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La population déplacée est estimée à 4667 personnes, 701 ménages. Les déplacés sont originaires de Madoudji (commune de Gorgadji), Ourfaré (commune de Bouroum) et Sanzaga (commune de Pensa). La plupart des déplacés sont réfugiés dans le village de Silmagué (commune de Bourum)." 275476,50217.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"il y a un besoin de plus d’efforts multisectoriels afin de renforcer la résilience des populations, et en particulier des groupes les plus vulnérables à la malnutrition (enfants de moins de 5 ans et femmes en âge de procréer, y compris les filles adolescentes)." 188190,31146.0,1900.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,105,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"De acuerdo con el monitoreo de vulnerabilidad mVAM44 (6.183 hogares en los 18 departamentos) realizado por el Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA) para identificar el impacto de la COVID en los hogares, todas las actividades económicas, generadoras de ingresos han sido afectadas en el país debido a las restricciones implementadas para controlar la propagación del virus, afectando especialmente los rubros de comercio, servicios, el empleo informal con paga diaria, turismo y pesca artesanal en las zonas pesqueras; teniendo un impacto de una reducción de un 51 por ciento en el empleo de la población" 244229,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"The health state of emergency, scheduled to end on 17 October, is expected to be renewed for a third time as the country has shown no sign of easing in restrictions and case flare-ups continue to occur." 209676,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Some 2.6 million IDPs face serious risk of evictions, marginalisation and exclusion in over 2,000 displacement sites across the country, and lack access to basic services (such as health), shelter, water and sanitation." 180542,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,35,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les chefs-lieux des provinces tels que Fada, Pama, Gayéri, Piéla, Diapaga sont les zones d’accueil qui regorgent le plus grand à cause de leur statut d’urbain." 153835,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,31,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"en el caso de Arauquita es común el movimiento pendular para el aprovisionamiento de bienes y servicios, trabajo diario y acceso a alimentación en comedores instalados por el PMA." 164849,39753.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"UNICEF is providing technical support to Kano, Kaduna, Niger, Katsina, Bauchi, Enugu and Akure states in operationalization of monitoring mechanism to understand the coverage and the effectiveness of alternate learning programme. Further, support was provided to FME for the development of SOPs and guidelines on school safety and the preparation for the re-opening of schools." 245776,47762.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,2 billones de pesos provenientes de las regalías. El sector educación es el segundo más alto en ejecución por recursos de regalías. 347770,56800.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,74,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Men report the frustrations of the loss of their livelihoods in different displacement settings, which was central to the Rohingya’s sense of purpose and belonging. Male sexuality is understood within Rohingya communities as uncontrollable, naturalizing male sexual aggression against any woman who is the object of male desire, even if this is against her own wishes." 58964,17679.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,164,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En la Argentina, alrededor del 4,5% de la población total son migrantes (un millón ochocientas mil personas en 2012), de los cuales el 84,6% provienen de países cercanos; es decir, migrantes limítrofes y del Perú son entre el 2% y 3% de la población total[1]. . Según el último Censo 2010 el 53,9% de la población migrante son mujeres, la mayoría en edad activa (entre 15 y 64 años). La mayoría de la población migrante está concentrada en la Provincia de Buenos Aires (52,2%) y en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - CABA (21,1%) (OM, 2012). En estas regiones argentinas marcada por la migración europea, miles de mujeres bolivianas, paraguayas, peruanas, colombianas, dominicanas y de otras nacionalidades, damos un nuevo rostro a las urbes y zonas rurales." 304476,50889.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Substantial gaps in shelter and NFI distribution persists across out-of-camp settlements, in particular dispersed self-settlements in South and West Kordofan States." 17471,5431.0,322.0,"['Education', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"32,000 liters/day of water is being provided in Hays, Zabid, Bait Al Faqiah, Al Garrahi and At Tuhayat districts through supporting rural water supply and private wells. • 22 water points serving 6,370 individuals have been established in Bayt Al-Faqiah, Zabid, Al Garrahi and Al Hali (Al Hawra school)." 204277,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,64% des ménages [ de Maradi] rapportent avoir diminué la quantité consommée durant les repas. 289391,51168.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,Inadequate health service coverage and limited capacity of the health system in South Sudan is a constraint in meeting people’s emergency health needs. 295336,51569.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Cross', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,80,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"General Recommendations  Water levels are increasing day by day, there is urgent need for immediate response  Community leaders urged for more support from all the agencies to boost the capacity on ground  Both speed boats and canoes are recommended as means of transport in all the locations since speed boats alone cannot be used to access the locations where the populations are leaving current  Priority needs were identified as Food, NFI/Shelters and drugs" 338759,56193.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,50,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"A legacy of authoritarian rule and weak democratic traditions, including the manipulation of electoral processes, have allowed a wealthy minority to use the state’s mineral wealth for personal enrichment; while the rest of DRC’s population lives in dire poverty without basic services." 37167,11044.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"Specific problems faced include: a. Lack of food, as most asylum seekers indicated eating once per day, and rarely a full meal. b. Insufficient money to pay for rent or upkeep; thereby leaving them at the mercy of host community members who sometimes use them for menial jobs in the farm. c. Inability to afford school fees, uniforms and books for their wards/children. d. No access to mental health services/psychosocial counselling." 412621,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Treatment cost of essential health services increased during the pandemic: More than a quarter of the respondents from the surveyed households (28.6%) stated that their clinical cost increased during the COVID situation compared to the normal situation. The average treatment cost in the COVID-19 situation was more than that of January." 215605,45277.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"Together with a $240 million grant from theAfghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), this$400 million supportsustains a range of key economic and public finance reforms to improve business regulation and encourage private investment, expand social inclusion, and support civil service reforms." 304453,50891.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,110,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"Following a UNHCR conducted Nutrition Survey14 that reported high levels of malnutrition amongst South Sudanese Refugees in White Nile, South and West Kordofan states, UNICEF launched a large-scale surge response dubbed the ‘Find and Treat Campaign’. This mobilized the Ministry of Health, NGO partners and communities, and built their capacity to screen 22,057 children under-five for malnutrition (of which 656 were identified with severe acute malnutrition and 2,500 as moderately malnourished). These [children] were admitted for treatment through OTPs [Outpatient Therapeutic Programme] run by UNICEF and Supplementary Feeding Programmes run by the World Food Programme." 137462,35305.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In May 2020, a total of 12 projects were fully operational despite COVID-19, and four projects partially." 134117,34849.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,45,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En septiembre de 2013, en virtud de la Ley Nº 26.842, se estableció el Comité Ejecutivo para la Lucha contra la Trata y Explotación de Personas y para la Protección y Asistencia a las Víctimas, que fue conformado tres años después." 245843,47702.0,2425.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,25,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,There is a predominant fear of permanent job loss with unpaid end-of-service indemnities. The explosion has pushed additional workers into already staggering unemployment. 320144,53234.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,105,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: On 22 March 2021 a massive fire broke out across camps 8E, 8W and 9 in the world’s largest refugee settlement in Cox’s Bazar, making 45 000 Rohingya refugees homeless overnight. The fire resulted in eleven deaths confirmed by government and a significant number of injured. In addition, six health facilities were partially damaged or fully destroyed during the fire incident, including a secondary health center (Turkish Field Hospital) which played a key role as a referral facility in the camps." 328047,55074.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,24,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’âge moyen des cas est de 38,19 ans (Ecart type 16,18) avec des extrêmes allant de 0 à 105 ans" 327996,55044.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/la-rdc-sappr-te-vacciner-plus-de-16-millions-de-personnes-contre-la,"La campagne – qui aura lieu dans sept des 26 provinces de la République démocratique du Congo et ciblera les personnes âgées de neuf mois à 60 ans, parmi lesquelles près de 300 000 réfugiés – est le résultat d’une collaboration impliquant les autorités sanitaires du pays avec le soutien de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et d’autres partenaires tels que la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates, Gavi l’Alliance du vaccin, PATH, l’UNICEF et Village Reach." 225393,45087.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"The children of Afghanistan, especially those already suffering from poverty and inequity, are among the most vulnerable to the harsh socio- economic impact of COVID-19." 225419,45087.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"With the rise in poverty and hunger, it is sadly predictable that there is a growing chance that children who are out of school will not go back once schools reopen as parents won’t be able to afford to send them and many children have started working to support there families." 14831,5489.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180719_Humanitarian_Update_Draft_3.pdf,"Every year, thousands of migrants from East and West Africa travel to Yemen, some seeking employment and long-term settlement, others looking to reach Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries. The vast majority of migrants are unaware of the conflict in Yemen. However, once in the country, many of them are left stranded and destitute, with little means of support and no way to return home." 209882,45114.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,http://saharareporters.com/2020/12/09/nigeria%E2%80%99s-covid-19-cases-rise-70195-550-fresh-infections,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]According to the nation’s health agency, the additional COVID-19-related deaths take the total number of fatalities in the country to 1,182." 189669,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La malnutrition est stationnaire avec une prévalence de 12,9% de la malnutrition aigüe et 2,9% de la malnutrition aigüe sévère affectant 461 000 enfants de moins de cinq ans. 18 provinces sur 23 sont en situation nutritionnelle préoccupante et 9 en situation d´urgence connaissant des taux supérieurs au seuil d´urgence de 15% de la pour malnutrition aigüe globale." 326489,54734.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 33% of Households of IDP settlements reported a lack of documentation proving their occupancy status while 31% of Households of non-IDP settlements reported a lack of documentation proving their occupancy status. 223609,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The inability to deliver aid would deprive civilians of the essentials to survive, while compounding the risk that the humanitarian situation will deteriorate." 190521,39000.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,13,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Panama%20FactSheet%20ENG%208.2020%20final.pdf,742 persons were provided with legal counselling and assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic 274123,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Consommation Alimentaire] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Cette prévalence est aussi très élevée dans la province de Tshopo, précisément dans le territoire de Bafwasende, où plus de la moitié des ménages (58 %) ont une consommation alimentaire pauvre." 201381,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Non-state armed groups have increased their presence in hard-to-reach areas, particularly in the North West. People in these regions find themselves cut-off from basic services and economic opportunities." 157325,38678.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,150,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"A la date du 15 août 2020, la situation de la maladie à Coronavirus au Burkina Faso se présente comme suit : 542 échantillons analysés, répartis en : - 399 tests de dépistages volontaires - 57 tests de voyageurs ; - 50 tests de cas contacts ; - 08 tests de cas suspects ; - 01 tests d'agents de santé ; - 27 tests de contrôles ; Nombre de nouveaux cas confirmés : 13 tous à transmissions communautaires (07 à Ouagadougou, 03 à Gaoua, 02 à Bobo-Dioulasso et 01 à Sindou) ; Nombre de guérisons : 05, portant à 1018, le total des guérisons ; Nombre de décès : 00, total des décès 55 ; Nombre de cas actifs : 207 ; Nombre de cas confirmés depuis le 09 mars 2020 : 1 280 dont 448 femmes et 832 hommes." 290938,51607.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2224-4220-2021-1405-eng.pdf,"Additionally, {WHO recommends] preventive and control strategies in the animal sector should be implemented including the building of national capacities in animal health, improving skills to address health problems at the animal-human-environment interface, integrating surveillance of zoonotic diseases, and supporting joint risk assessments, outbreak investigations and control, as well as cross-border collaboration and information sharing." 391274,61470.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Most commonly reported main sources of food: -From markets outside the camp 81% -Food distributions 78% -From markets in the camp/ 71%" 210339,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,Afghanistan has made remarkable progress in education over the past two decades. 174337,36580.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,12,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657401,Los beneficiarios recibirán 3 kits en un periodo de 60 días. 341835,56181.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,24,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"En outre, l'environnement rural présente des défis nutritionnels accrus, avec 65% des ménages estimés incapables de s'offrir un régime alimentaire nutritif" 166413,40065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,166,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fewer-fatalities-more-recoveries-recorded-last-week/,"New infections outnumbered recoveries on Thursday September 24. One hundred and twenty-five confirmed cases were reported in 13 states: Lagos (37), Plateau (18), FCT (17), Ogun (15), Rivers (10), Benue (7), Kaduna (7), Anambra (5), Oyo (3), Cross River (2), Ondo (2), Edo (1) and Imo (1); while one hundred and thirteen (113) discharges took place in nine states. Discharges were reported in Plateau (46), Anambra (29), Rivers (17), Kaduna (9), Kano (5), FCT (3), Sokoto (2), Bayelsa (1) and Ekiti (1); while the day ended without anyone dying as a result of Covid-19 in Nigeria." 310122,53753.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,27,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_25_february_2021_final.pdf,The Milak (Nimroz) and Islam Qala-Dogharoon (Hirat) crossings with Iran are officially open to commercial traffic and movement of documented Afghanistan nationals. 388907,60849.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],"['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",es,91,['Priority Needs'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En términos generales las personas entrevistadas no tienen claridad de sus derechos, siendo algo que consideran de menor importancia en la medida que no perciben su aplicación práctica y frente al conjunto de ámbitos donde deben intentar incorporarse, en particular el ámbito laboral. En este sentido, no se percibe el efecto concreto que tendría en su bienestar inmediato el conocimiento de los mismos. Es un tema que les interesa aunque de manera secundaria frente a la urgencia de resolver las necesidades materiales que les aquejan ." 215499,45277.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,45,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"Afghanistan is a deeply fragile and conflict-affected country, where the security situation remains precarious. Civilian casualties have reached unprecedented levels since 2016. The country's humanitarian challenges worsened, with increasing numbers of returnees and persons internally displaced by growing violence." 321053,54668.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] L’abri avec un toit de chaume est le principal type de logement disponible pour les habitants des villages." 37184,11044.0,788.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"50% of asylum seekers in Utanga I and Utanga II communities consume on average 2 meals a day, while 70% of asylum seekers in Akor, Bajua and Ikom admitted to consuming an average of 2 meals per day. 100% of the asylum seeker communities have not received distribution of infant milk product (although less than 1% have been given infant formula) for infants who have been weaned off breast milk. The women reported that weaned infants are being fed with Custard or maize porridge (commonly called ‘Pap’) as a substitute for infant formula." 205819,43347.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Therefore, the current camp management services must continue in 2020 to enable the identification and prevention of the safety and security risks displaced persons face and ensure people’s equitable access to protection, services and assistance throughout their displacement." 159646,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"Benue and Kaduna state had the highest percentage of respondent who said they did not take mitigation measures (91%), closely followed by Katsina with 83 per cent, then Sokoto, Nasarawa and Zamfara states with 80, 80 and 71 per cent, respectively. 64 per cent of IDPs in Plateau and 44 per cent in Kano said they were taking all the mitigation measures to prevent infection by the highly contagious COVID 19 in their respective locations" 492538,68124.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,105,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/270921ocha_syria_situation_report_dara_02_final.pdf,"[1 to 21 September 2021] As access to Dar’a Al-Balad has been restored, several humanitarian partners are prioritizing rapid sectoral assessments, and most have resumed regular pre-existing programming. At present, there is no official information available on the damage to public and private infrastructure, however, early reports indicate significant destruction of public infrastructure and housing and restricted access due to explosive hazard contamination. Several explosive hazard incidents have been reported since IDPs have returned, including on 8 and 25 September in Dar’a Al-Balad and Dar’a camp, respectively." 112523,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",[],[],es,82,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Uno de los operadores de los hogares sustitutos, Crecer en Familia34, ha generado un rubro llamado “gasto de emergencia” que se utiliza para cubrir las necesidades de atención en salud para los niños venezolanos que no tienen afiliación al sistema de salud por su estatus migratorio. Este rubro es altamente utilizado para la atención en casos de desnutrición, que se presentan con gran frecuencia (Crecer en Familia, Cúcuta, entrevista, 2019)." 190010,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"L'utilisation des services de soins reste limitée par le coût, l'accès et la perception de la qualité des soins fournis. À cela s’ajoute également la préoccupation de la pénurie en ressources humaines qualifiées dans les établissements publics de santé. Cette problématique est particulièrement marquée dans les zones reculées et celles affectées par la présence des groupes armés caractérisées par la faible disponibilité du personnel qualifié à cause de l’insécurité" 63980,18967.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,133,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_FAONigeriasitrep_September%202019.pdf,"Safe access to fuel and energy is inadequate in northeastern Nigeria, posing risks in terms of malnutrition, protection (e.g. attacks during the collection of wood), deforestation, health risks and tensions over natural resources. Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states also show high vulnerability and low adaptive capacity to the effects of climate change, particularly dry spells, erratic rainfall and floods. In August, extreme rainy season flooding was observed in several local government areas including Maiduguri, Monguno, Jere, Gwoza and Dikwa in Borno State, Yola South and Yola North in Adamawa State, and Fune Bade, Bursari, Damaturu among others in Yobe State. Households affected by the flooding require urgent food and livelihood support." 164471,37613.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],[],es,69,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Centro%20de%20Atenci%C3%B3n%20Integral%20Maicao%20-%20junio%2C%202020.pdf,"Debido a la emergencia por COVID-19 continúan suspendidas las entradas y salidas del Centro con excepciones por emergencias de salud o de protección física, o expulsión por faltas al código de conducta. Sigue el proceso de información sobre medidas a nivel local y extensión del aislamiento preventivo obligatorio hasta el día 1 de agosto cumpliendo con los protocolos de bioseguridad y lineamientos para la contención del virus" 303524,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Les prix des denrées de base, qui étaient stables et en baisse entre Septembre et Novembre, augmentent actuellement en raison d’une dépendance accrue des ménages vis-à-vis des marchés." 314207,54230.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/19/covid-19-advisory-panel-recommends-strict-lockdown-for-another-week,"[19th April 2021, Bangladesh] According to the government decision, all public and private hospitals and clinics are requested to ensure the medical care of pregnant and non-pregnant mothers. Pregnant mothers at the new DNCC hospital are requested to be provided with specialized (ICU) arrangements in a corner. Each hospital will adhere to the chain of reference system according to its own capabilities." 101245,29236.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,31,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Covid-19_MT_Impact_1_20200516.pdf,"In 28% of assessed locations, residents and host community members were reported to be unable to move freely within the municipality (due to the mobility restrictions / curfew" 224201,45763.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"L’élevage a été très touché par les inondations. Le nombre d’animaux décimés soit par noyade soit par manque de pâturage est estimé à 8 379, dont 1 378 bovins et 7 001 petits ruminants (ovins, caprins)." 385612,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,62,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"La majorité des ménages arrive à se procurer deux repas par jour dans les régions du Centre-Nord et de l’Est, avec cependant des stocks alimentaires réduits et des revenus faibles, ce qui laisse présager des conditions alimentaires difficiles ces prochains mois avec l’adoption de mécanismes d’adaptation négatifs pour l’ensemble des populations vulnérables" 326761,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,116,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 599 cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été dénombrés dans 68 ZS réparties dans 10 provinces affectées du pays . Les provinces ayant engrangé la majorité de ces cas sont Kinshasa (31,4%), le Nord-Kivu (26,4%), le Lualaba (16,9%), le Haut-Katanga (11,9%) et le Sud-Kivu (3,7%). Quant aux ZS hot spots, il s’agit de : Goma (n=74), Dilala (n=51), Lubumbashi (n=45), Kanzenze (n=38), Gombe (n=31), Katwa (n=24) et Kindu (n=21)" 145795,35848.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"Despite the challenging environment UNICEF continued to deliver in Syria, adjusting operational modalities to ensure the delivery of critical humanitarian assistance during escalations of violence as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. Distribution methods have been adapted to reduce face-to-face contact, and awareness raising efforts on COVID-19 risks and precautions were scaled up." 19506,7910.0,730.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,67,['Impact'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"In some parts of the country including Ibb and Taizz, gasoline sells at YER7,900 for 20 litres, compared with the official price of YER5,500. In other parts of the country, shortages of cooking gas are reported. Analysts estimate that the exchange rate needs to reach YER440/US$ before there is an impact on the affordability of food and other essential goods." 280531,51090.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] To enhance preparedness for COVID-19 in Cox’s Bazar, WHO has been training healthcare workers on Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) from Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) Isolation and Treatment Centre (ITC) partners and government facilities. To date, training for Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) has been provided to 2 390 humanitarian health care workers and in Cox’s Bazar." 290590,51817.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"Hormis la construction des écoles, l’UNICEF prévoit également de soutenir l’amélioration de la qualité de l’enseignement via la formation des enseignants et la distribution des kits scolaires aux élèves. Ce projet représente 19 pour cent de la réponse du volet de la reconstruction / réhabilitation des écoles du Tanganyika. D’après" 205787,40839.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Host Communities : Sixty-one per cent of all IDPs living with host communities were living in a host family’s house (sharp increase from 54% reported in the last round of assessment). This was followed by rented houses (25%), and individual houses at 10 per cent (down 1% since the last round of assessment)." 347759,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,91,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Women are engaged in humanitarian activities in ways that often require them to compromise their honor and potentially result in further policing, harassment and shaming by men and women. The interlink between a women’s honor and a man’s control of it be seen more evidently in the practice of purdah, the Islamic practice requiring women to be veiled from “public” gazes or remain within “private” spaces controlled by the family." 205252,44636.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,122,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/challenges-faced-in-control-of-covid-19-pandemic-in-idlib-80-of-icu-beds-are-occupied-explanatory-data/,"[November 7, Idleb]The so-called Salvation Government (SG), which has influence in Idlib and part of Aleppo’s western countryside, issued several decisions to control the coronavirus’s spread in its area on 6 November. Through acircular, the SG suspended the ministries and public entities’ work and stopped the teaching and learning processes in public and private universities, examinations (supplementary exams, graduate studies) in public and private universities, schools, institutes, public and private kindergartens. The SG also closed popular street markets (bazaars), motorcycle markets, and bird markets for an entire week, from 7 to 13 November." 224739,45275.0,2336.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"More than six months into the Covid-19 crisis, people across Afghanistan are struggling to cope having used up savings and taking on new debt, but now face additional fears such as being evicted from their homes or having to resort to negative coping strategies." 193006,43316.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,102,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En la actualidad, Colombia se encuentra en una nueva fase del COVID-19, caracterizada por la flexibilización en el aislamiento obligatorio y, la gradual apertura social y económica. Se trata de una fase en la cual se busca pasar de un confinamiento generalizado a un ais- lamiento selectivo de los casos y de los contactos de estas personas contagiadas. Para lograrlo, se creó la Estrategia PRASS: Pruebas, Rastreo y Aislamiento Selectivo Sostenible, cuya definición y lineamientos están formalizados mediante el Decreto 1109 de 2020 emitido por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social." 265293,49797.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,46,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://faso-actu.info/annonces-et-communiques/recrudescence-des-attaques-a-main-armee-les-equipes-de-la-police-seront-renforcees-et-les-controles-accentues,"La Police Nationale, par un communiqué, tient à rassurer l’ensemble des populations que, compte tenu de la recrudescence des attaques à main armée et en plus des mesures sécuritaires déjà existantes, les équipes seront renforcées et les contrôles accentués." 389653,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Leticia, Florencia y Puerto Asís tienen tasas de mortalidad superiores al promedio nacional, sin embargo el subregistro de casos y muertes en muchas de estas entidades territoriales desdibuja la magnitud del problema en estos territorios." 389459,61310.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,40,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/30/bangladesh-dengue-outbreak-covid-crisis,"[30 July 2021, Bangladesh] According to entomologist Kabirul Bashar’s projection, the dengue situation in Bangladesh will worsen in August but he appreciated the efforts taken by the Dhaka administration in checking the spike." 457530,65405.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,70,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"le manque de vêtements, les problèmes de santé, l’insuffisance de nourriture et de logement sont également des problèmes que rencontrent les enfants. 19% des répondants affirment qu’il y a des enfants qui vivent seuls ou avec des adultes qui ne sont pas leurs parents ou leurs tuteurs légaux. 31% des informateurs clés parlent d’enfants chefs de ménage." 271897,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Le nombre de personnes ciblées pour l’assistance humanitaire est très variable. Il descend progressivement de -40% (entre 2015 et 2016) à -13% (entre 2016 et 2017) pour augmenter de 38% entre 2017 et 2018. Il redescend encore à -11% entre 2018 et 2019 pour remonter à 38% entre 2019 et 2020. 155656,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"As of 16 July, 1,894 patients with symptoms of mild respiratory tract infections and 14 patients with moderate/severe COVID-like symptoms had been identified and referred to health facilities in the camps." 492686,67931.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] MEDIAN PRICE OF COVID-19 ITEMS: Face Mask (1 piece): 360 SYP Plastic Gloves (box of 100): 21,400 SYP Sterile Alcohol (1 ltr): 8,525 SYP Hand Sanitizer (500 ml): 3,550 SYP Bottled Bleach (1 ltr): 1,600 SYP Trash Bags (roll of 30): 3,150 SYP" 228393,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,These two visions of COVID-19 as linked to lack of faith and foreigners/returnees have real health implications. Returnees may hide that they have come from abroad and be reluctant to report symptoms. Those with symptoms may not acknowledge them and seek treatment if it causes others to judge them as lacking in faith. 131833,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El análisis conjunto de necesidades conducido por el GTRM muestra que la asistencia médica para refugiados y migrantes en el Perú es una prioridad entre las necesidades apremiantes. De acuerdo con la ENPOVE, el 71 por ciento de las personas venezolanas requieren de asistencia médica, y el 78 por ciento de aquellos con enfermedades crónicas no reciben tratamiento. Las barreras financieras, además de la discriminación mostrada entre los proveedores de salud, limita el acceso de refugiados y migrantes a los servicios de salud, exponiendo especialmente a aquellos con condiciones médicas graves tales como enfermedades crónicas, discapacidad y condiciones de salud mental." 163880,34165.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,71,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Se espera que la crisis tenga un impacto severo en la seguridad alimentaria de las poblaciones indígenas en Colombia, dadas las vulnerabilidades estructurales que estas enfrentan: según una encuesta remota realizada por WFP en mayo 2020, el 98 por ciento de los hogares indígenas y 96 por ciento de los afrocolombianos en el país reportaban estar preocupados por no tener alimentos durante los siete días siguientes." 186528,43272.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"USAID/BHA supports partners in their efforts to prevent and treat malnutrition across South Sudan. In partnership with the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), WFP, and NGOs, USAID/BHA nutrition assistance reaches children and pregnant and lactating women nationwide with specialized food products to treat malnutrition and provide supportive supervision to frontline health nutrition staff. Using a community-based approach, USAID/BHA partners promote recommended infant and young child feeding practices through one-on-one counseling and group education to manage acute malnutrition. With more than $43.2 million in FY 2020 funding, USAID/BHA reached nearly 2.5 million people—including more than 325,200 IDPs—with life-saving nutrition services." 134109,34849.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,44,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"La Ley N°26.842 establece penas para casos de explotación sexual, con un máximo de 15 años de prisión, y determina que, aunque la víctima hubiese dado su consentimiento para ser explotada, esta situación no exime de responsabilidad al tratante." 307747,53292.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"A total of 1,000 dignity kits for vulnerable women and girls were pre-positioned; however, these quantities are insufficient to meet all expected needs." 224687,46162.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"In Mayo-Kebbi, COVID-19 measures have banned access to the river islands [where the off-growing season normally takes place], which is having a significant impact on the market garden output that feeds the city of N’Djamena." 340852,56389.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],es,151,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/La-reactivacion-del-pais-desde-el-sector-salud.aspx,"Por ello destacó que siente que se ha demostrado al país que el sector salud es fuerte, ""sólido, lleno de capacidades y sobre todo de una tremenda capacidad de esfuerzo. Siento que los trabajadores de la salud lo han dado todo, los de servicios de urgencias, la gente en hospitalización y los de Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI)"". Fue así como el funcionario expresó ante profesionales de la salud, que ellos se han entregado incluso a riesgo personal, porque al inicio de la pandemia no había claridad de la importancia de los elementos de protección personal frente al covid-19, así como los protocolos de bioseguridad al interior de los servicios. ""Toda esa percepción de riesgo y también esas necesidades de crecimiento en tecnología, insumos y recursos, las tuvimos que dar"", enfatizó." 222997,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,62,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Explosive ordnance pose a dangerous threat to the many internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and returnees transiting throughout the region. As IDPs and refugees migrate or return home – often through unfamiliar terrain – they are at significant risk of entering areas contaminated by landmines and other explosive ordnance." 40935,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,66,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"IOM and UNHCR have made efforts to evacuate the residents of DCs near the frontline, successfully relocating more than 150 individuals from the Ain Zara DC and another 150 from Abusliem DC. Efforts to do the same for the 893 residents of Qasr bin Ghasheer DC have been unsuccessful. These migrants remain in the midst of heavy fighting and are at particular risk" 473934,67199.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"El 50% de los funcionarios/as reportó que asegurar la continuidad del aprendizaje de los estudiantes es uno de los elementos más desafiantes durante la pandemia y pospandemia, y el 63% afirmó que tiene dificultades para gestionar la integridad y la continuidad de la evaluación del aprendizaje en el marco de la pandemia. La percepción se acentúa entre las secretarías con mayor proporción de matrícula rural." 62100,18564.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"In October 2018, the Venezuelan Pharmaceutical Federation announced that 85 percent of essential medicines were scarce; this means that Venezuelans were only able to find one-and-a-half out of every ten medications they needed. The main victims of these shortages are patients suffering from cancer, heart problems, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes and HIV, who either have stopped receiving treatment or do so irregularly. According to a 2019 internal UN document, the lives of 300,000 people are at risk because they have not received needed medicines for more than a year." 347742,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Women and girl’s empowerment has to be pursued with due considerations versus the characteristic of the Rohingya society which is quite conservative towards women: engagement of women and girls in hygiene promotion activities should be encouraged and discussed with due care." 159508,34150.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,158,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3651862,"Fancy Orrego tiene otra mirada de este proceso de maternidad. Sin querer juzgar a las nuevas madres, dice que estas mujeres parecen haber olvidado que la reincorporación también las llamaba a ser líderes, representantes políticas, estudiantes, académicas, trabajadoras, independientes. Ella es exguerrillera e hizo su reincorporación en el ECTR Jacobo Arango de Dabeiba, en el Urabá. Cuando Fancy habla, mira directo a los ojos. Cada una de sus palabras refleja la sabiduría y experiencia que adquirió en la guerra. Repite una y otra vez que las mujeres deben continuar con su formación política, académica y laboral, no solo quedarse al cuidado de la familia, de los animales y del hogar. Es miembro de la Dirección Nacional del partido Farc e hizo parte de la Subcomisión de género que se creó en 2015 durante las negociaciones de paz en La Habana." 159638,39109.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,54,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"News was the main source of information among 64 per cent of respondents in Sokoto, 49 per cent in Nasarawa, 43 per cent in Kaduna and 41 per cent in Zamfara states. Radio, religious leaders and local committees, reportedly, did not provide any information about the disease." 238086,45629.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,97,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"[South Sudan, 2019]A recent needs assessment found that on average, schools lost three to four weeks of education in the latest academic year, and over 50 per cent of the assessed schools reported that this interruption was due to insecurity. Some 21 per cent of assessed schools were non-functional, with insecurity being the major cause of school closure. Of the assessed schools, 15 per cent reported having experienced an attack on the school, teachers or pupils, and theft or looting by armed forces and groups" 217572,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,The spike in market food prices had severe impacts on urban food insecurity. 392069,62154.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/millions-children-going-hungry-north-east-nigeria-attacks-devastate-lives-save,"[5th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Shannon Ward, Acting Country Director, Save the Children International Nigeria, said: “Children, girls and women are more vulnerable at times of attack and displacement. As a result of overcrowding, family separation, a lack of basic social services and desperate measures people take just to survive, such as marrying off their children, they run a high risk of gender-based violence, physical and sexual abuse. Many children will be urged to drop out of school, and some will never return – with their childhood dream fading away.”" 240442,47354.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,63,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] In November, 1,764 cases identified through protection monitoring and self-reporting were referred to access various protection services. Of the total cases referred, 59% represented serious medical conditions, 11% required shelter support, 6% food, 5% livelihood, 3% GBV and legal services respectively." 222745,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,Aid organizations continue to urge the authorities to build on the milestone commitments and efforts initiated in 2017 to prioritize the securing of the major supply routes. 224568,44702.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Prepositioning of nutritional food for supplementary feeding Program since most of the crops have been lost in the floods and looming hunger is eminent and other obvious aggravating factors such as diarrheal diseases are expected. 133935,35165.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,91,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Adultos mayores. En Panamá hay personas adultas mayores venezolanas, residentes como jubilados y pensionados que no están recibiendo su pensión o jubilación desde 2015 (alrededor de mil personas). Estas personas no tienen posibilidad de acceso a subsidios que el Estado panameño brinda a los adultos mayores en situación de vulnerabilidad. Estas personas adultas mayores venezolanas tampoco tienen asociado a su permiso de residencia un permiso de trabajo, por lo que se ven abocadas a la dependencia económica de familiares y/o al empleo informal." 489931,67790.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,123,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.237%20%2816%20%20-%2022%20August%202021%29.pdf,"[16th-22 Aug 2021, Borno and Adamawa]Madagali: 2311 departures were recorded in Madagalii LGA of Adamawa State. The departures included 140 individuals to Madagali LGA in Adamawa State, 33 individuals to Mubi North LGA in Adamawa State, 31 individuals to Girei LGA in Adamawa State and 27 individuals to Mubi South LGA in Adamawa State. All individuals who departed had Gwoza LGA in Borno State as their intended destination. Sixty-one per cent of the movements recorded were a result of the impact of flooding in areas of origin, 25 per cent of the movements were due to voluntary relocation and 14 per cent of the movements were due to poor living conditions." 457037,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,78,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los medios de comunicación masiva han favorecido de manera importante la instalación, en el imaginario social, de una percepción cargada de estereotipos extranjeros”; percepción que moviliza el temor y el rechazo, y que más de una vez se ha puesto al servicio de los intereses de algunos sectores políticos. Las familias venezolanas se convierten en un extraño que no es bienvenido ni incorporado en la mente ni en el cuerpo social." 293996,50852.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,130,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"Among [households] HHs that attempted to access health care in the 3 months prior to data collection, and who experienced barriers to accessing this health care, top 8 barriers by % of surveyed refugee HHs were: Cost of services/medicine too high/cannot afford (64%), Lack of medicines at the health facility (49%), Health facility is overcrowded (28%), High cost of transportation to health facilities (24%), Health facility has long waiting times (15%), Absence/shortage of qualified health workers (10%), Treatment for my condition/disease not available (10%), health facility is too far away (10%)." 359094,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,83,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Bangladesh] The country’s vulnerability to disasters is associated with poor human development indicators, increased population in urban areas, poor enforcement of building codes, and climate change. Over 80 per cent of the total population of Nepal is at risk from natural hazards, such as floods, landslides, windstorms, hailstorms, fires, earthquakes, and glacial lake outburst floods (Ministry of Home Affairs, 2018)." 261463,49211.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,195,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"Se observa que en las comunidades El Pando, El Tigre 1 y El Delirio (Caucasia), sus cultivos y por ende su alimentación se ve afectada cuando la violencia armada se intensifica en la zona, ya que los GAO ponen restricciones en la movilidad interna del sector y en muchas ocasiones no pueden desplazarse a trabajar sus tierras, actividades de agricultura o económicas. Estas restricciones afectan su dignidad y su calidad de vida a nivel familiar. En El Tigre 2 (Caucasia) la comunidad no cuenta con mercados locales (la comida que no se produce se compra en el pueblo), en El Saltillo (Zaragoza) pasa la misma situación, además las tiendas ofrecen productos con precios elevados. La vía de acceso se encuentra en construcción (ruta Segovia-Remedios-Zaragoza) y las fuentes de ingreso principales son la minería y jornales. En Las Malvinas (Caucasia) la comunidad no cuenta con un mercado local y tampoco tienen terrenos para la siembra y cultivo de alimentos de pan coger. Son las comunidades aledañas quienes surten de alimento a la comunidad" 62963,18399.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elsiglo.com.ve/2019/09/29/guaido-rechaza-actos-xenofobicos-contra-venezolanos-en-peru/,"The meeting highlighted the actions and efforts by the countries of the region, not only in terms of reception, documentation and humanitarian assistance, but also in promoting access to health, education, employment, and housing to help the integration of Venezuelan refugees and migrants." 746,156.0,321.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,183,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"IDP households reported using more extensively their resources in the 30 days prior to the assessment with 75.1% reporting spending their savings as a coping mechanism to a lack of cash, in addition to having already exhausted this strategy for 12.2% of them. In comparison, the proportion of non-displaced households having used this strategy was lower (at 57.5%) with only 4.8% having already exhausted it. Similarly, a lower proportion (23.6%) of returnee households have spent savings, and 13.9% had already exhausted them. The second most reported coping strategy overall, selling gold, was reported by 54.7% of returnee, 53.8% of nondisplaced and 41.6% of IDP households having either used it in the 30 days prior to the assessment or already exhausted it. Having exhausted many of their reserves, IDP households appeared as more vulnerable as any income shock will limit their spending capacity and might force them to turn to even more negative spending- or food-related coping strategies." 318008,54145.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,58,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fundacionamigosdemonkole.org/projets/covid-19-monkole/?lang=fr,"Pour lutter efficacement contre le Coronavirus, six hôpitaux ont été choisis pour les 24 communes de la ville de Kinshasa. Ce sont : la clinique Ngaliema, le centre Vijina, l’hôpital de l’amitié sino-congolaise, l’hôpital Saint-Joseph, les cliniques universitaires et le centre hospitalier mère-enfant de Monkole." 391296,61123.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,49,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2020/12/10/negativa-de-chile-vamos-a-incluir-afrodescendientes-entrampa-discusion-de-escanos-reservados.shtml,"El pueblo afrodescendiente, el cual se origina con la diáspora africana ocurrida en el periodo colonial hacia nuestro país, es reconocido como un pueblo tribal con la ley 21.151, la cual termina por reconocer su tradición histórica; su cultura; instituciones y su cosmovisión." 203324,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,82,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In an attempt to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, all 6,400 schools and 4,200 community learning centers in the two regions have been temporarily closed since 18 of March 2020. An estimated 1,033,000 school aged children are forced to stay at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the ongoing conflict. While 1.2 million children were in need of education assistance before the COVID-19 outbreak, the number rose by half a million to 1.7 million." 175488,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Les aléas climatiques marqués par des pluies torrentielles en cette saison hivernale , causant des inondation/destruction d’habitations avec augmentation des population en besoin d’assistance." 413195,63670.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20210820-rdc-150-d%C3%A9tenus-morts-en-6-mois-l-acaj-s-insurge-contre-les-conditions-de-vie-carc%C3%A9rale,"RDC: 150 détenus morts en 6 mois. Manque de prise en charge médicale appropriée, promiscuité et conditions matérielles inhumaines : voilà les raisons qu’avance l’Acaj pour expliquer un tel taux de mortalité dans la prison Makala de Kinshasa depuis le début de l’année. Une prison qui date de l’époque coloniale, pensée pour accueillir 1500 pensionnaires, mais qui, fin juillet 2021, en comptait plus de 9000." 104257,29922.0,1860.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Economy']",en,631,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Summary of key early recovery and recovery activities Livelihoods are a vital means of making a living. It encompasses people’s capabilities, assets and activities required to secure the necessities of life. The shocks and stresses of the COVID-2019 crisis worldwide, although primarily considered a public health crisis, will have a much broader impact on the global economy predictably for a long term, leading to worldwide socio- economic disruptions and will not only diminished the well-being and livelihoods of people, but also undermined the social nets, markets and food security on which life depends. Both lives and livelihoods are at risk from this pandemic. We have seen immediate impacts that current measures are already having in the most economically and food insecure people; past experience of crisis such as Ebola, Cholera, Zika, and analysis from different agencies draw a picture on medium- and long-term impacts. This document pretends to focus on Recovery and Early Recovery listing an indicative summary of key interventions and most urgent actions to be taken. Please consider that this is not an exhaustive list, as the situation evolves rapidly and is context determined. ACRONYMS FSL IASC RCRC Food Security and Livelihoods Inter-Agency Standing Committee Red Cross Red Crescent 1 Recovery and Early Recovery activities for FSL & Nutrition Food Security, Livelihoods and Nutrition  Support to increase local food production (inputs and technical advice); diversify crops, including cash crops. Support increased storage capacity, improve storage facilities and promote food processing to minimize food losses and waste.  If markets are functional, provide cash grants for assets replacement or capital start up to restore previous livelihoods activities. If markets are not functional consider support in-kind.  Support livelihoods diversification and increase employability adapted to the new context. New skills may be required or new services that are an opportunity to support women and youth economic inclusion. Support people access technical and vocational trainings and linkages with the labour market. For self-employment, support capacity building for business management and provide capital start up.  Support innovation for small businesses to reach their customers, capacity building to adopt improved marketing techniques and new and more sophisticated payment mechanisms.  Support access to financial services, including saving groups that provide microloans.  Advocacy: for new social protection schemes with the objective to inject funds into communities to stimulate local economy.  Target also areas not only affected by COVID-19 crisis but that were known to be highly vulnerable to food and nutrition security before the crisis.  All activities should be based on needs assessment and market analysis to target those more in need and provide appropriate support for livelihoods activities. Nutrition Sensitive Approach: Common interventions for all response phases Actions here are limited to the type of interventions that RCRC Movement could easily implement through FSL or other community-based programmes that are not focused on nutrition specific programming as health sector (Refer to Nutrition IASC for nutrition specific recommendations) Mainstream a nutrition sensitive approach: minimum level of intervention is start/ maintain nutrition awareness: Include nutrition criteria in the targeting selection criteria to prioritise those more at risk   Disseminate key messages for good nutrition, health and wash best practices: posters radio, TV. Community awareness to be avoided due to risk of infection.  Continue to encourage breastfeeding, as developing specific knowledge on linkages between nutrition and COVID-19 is still in process, but transmission between COVID- infected mother and infant has not been demonstrated." 247942,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,125,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Au site de Koudou Kolé, il n’existe aucun point d’eau réalisé. La seule et principale source d’eau pour la consommation et pour les usages domestique reste jusqu’à ce jour l’eau de surface du bras de lac se trouvant à proximité du village. Les ménages ne font recours à aucun système de traitement de l’eau. Ce qui justifie le problème de santé de la population avec une augmentation de cas des maladies d’origine hydrique chez les groupes de personnes vulnérables tels que les enfants et les femmes. s. Des cas de diarrhée aigue, la typhoïde, la dermatose et la malnutrition aiguë ont été rapportés." 280110,50901.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] 97% of households reported that hand/body soap was available at the time of data collection. Hygiene items were most commonly inaccessible because households could not afford to buy them. Proportion of households that were able to access all assessed hygiene items in the two weeks prior to data collection: Yes: 35% No: 65%" 387440,60758.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/gobierno-busca-metodo-alternativo-para-convalidacion-de-titulos-de-venezolanos/2746,"En relación con este anuncio, Parra precisó que los migrantes venezolanos tienen muchas dificultades para legalizar y apostillar sus títulos de educación superior debido a que no hay relaciones consulares entre Venezuela y Colombia. Por consiguiente, afirmó que a través de la Embajada del Gobierno interino de Juan Guaidó en Colombia, y la Cancillería están próximos a tener un mecanismo alterno de legalización de documentos y títulos profesionales.""El trámite será totalmente en línea, y gratuito. Esto va a facilitar que esa barrera de la convalidación de títulos sea eliminada"", dijo el asesor de la Gerencia de Fronteras." 201379,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,18,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,The suspension of UNHAS flights in January 2020 has seriously affected the efficient movement of humanitarian personnel. 345975,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"La razón nacional preliminar de mortalidad materna a semana epidemiológica 17 es de 50,7 muertes por cada 100 000 nacidos vivos." 175481,41213.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"De janvier à fin septembre 2020, 6 attaques sur l’offre des soins de santé ont été notifiées dans 2 régions affectées par l’insécurité et une attaque ce mois de Septembre ayant entrainé un impact sur La formation sanitaire, le personnel de santé, le stock des médicaments et aussi les patients. Cela se corrobore avec la fermeture des formations sanitaires dans la zone affectée." 150580,34590.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,51,[],"['Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Damascus: since the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions, partners have reported increased access to operational areas. However, insecurity in some locations continues to affect access, such as in Dara in southern Syria, which has delayed implementation of food security and livelihoods projects by some partners." 408628,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,122,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Farmers at risk of expulsion and pressured to cultivate coca: Almost half of the population of Cauca (48.7%) identifies as farmers (DANE 01/08/2020). Historically, farmers in Cauca have sought legal recognition by the Colombian State so that they can be assigned areas to work their land freely. Many of them do not have formal titles to their land; without legal recognition of their status as farmers, they are in a state of legal insecurity. Recognition as farmers reduces the cost of land titling procedures. The lack of formal titles to their land leaves farmers at risk of being dispossessed, and many have few legal tools to prove ownership" 292259,52161.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202103230144.html,"A top priority for the UNHCR is helping the disabled IDPs get access to aid, however, identifying people with disabilities is often difficult." 237835,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Los casos de dengue proceden de 32 departamentos, 5 distritos, 817 municipios y 14 países. Las entidades territoriales de Valle del Cauca, Cali, Huila, Tolima, Cundinamarca, Santander, Meta, Cesar, Antioquia, Caquetá, Sucre y Córdoba aportan 78,7 % (62 175) de los casos a nivel nacional" 388943,60849.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,108,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"No obstante, se señala que en el marco de la cuarentena, las personas que les arriendan las piezas (que salvo algunas excepciones son de nacionalidad chilena) han sido comprensivas con el efecto de la pandemia en sus ingresos y la posibilidad de pegar el arriendo a tiempo y se han mostrado flexibles respecto de los días de pago, lo que los alivia, además, porque evidencian preocupación por ""no quedar mal"" al no pagar un arriendo. No obstante, observan con preocupación la mantención de dicha merma en los ingresos y posibilidad de ser echados a la calle." 217647,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Usually, because of the severity of the conflict, most of the livelihood assets of these vulnerable IDPs are either looted, killed or sold at very low prices." 492599,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] SMEB FOOD COMPONENT: 258,275 SYP (81 USD) One month price change: increase of 3% Six month price change: increase of 14%" 306934,53161.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"The UN estimates that 13.4 million people will require humanitarian assistance in Sudan in 2021, with approximately $1.8 billion required during the year to provide life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable people in the country." 150915,36670.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,105,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"De acuerdo con datos del Sistema de Ahorro para Pensiones (SAP) se registró una reducción de cotizantes por cuarto mes consecutivo en el mes de junio. De acuerdo con estadísticas del SAP se perdieron 14.169 cotizantes, con lo que la caída acumulada desde febrero es de 79.900. Este dato es también un indicador de empleo formal porque un trabajador de una empresa formal tendría que cotizar tanto a la AFP como al Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social (ISSS), aunque este no siempre es el caso, por lo que siempre hay una diferencia entre ambas cifras." 241477,47384.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) The partial lock-down announced by ""The Corona Crisis Committee"" is continued till 19th of January in all North-East Syria cities. All markets in this area will close down after 5 PM, with the exception of pharmacies, and other emergency service providers" 55305,17037.0,1186.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.soychile.cl/Santiago/Sociedad/2019/08/09/610070/Venezolanos-que-quieran-ingresar-a-Chile-podran-tramitar-su-visa-en-Tacna-hasta-el-16-de-agosto.aspx,"Con ello, agregó que el documento que “hoy día hemos celebrado, es un documento que reafirma además el firme compromiso del gobierno de Chile por los DD.HH., por la protección de las personas y para evitar también que los migrantes sean objeto de abuso por personas inescropulosas que ofrecen documentación, ofrecen tratamientos, y que finalmente lo que hacen es aprovecharse de ellas”, agregó." 17080,7092.0,322.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,117,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"Against a backdrop of significant a necessity to prevent and control the spread of cholera and Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) and to prevent/reduce malnutrition, WASH needs are exacerbated by the hostilities in Al Hudaydah that caused a significant disruption in services as well as population displacement. Amidst this challenging environment, over 11 million people depend on the piped water network and 4 million people depend on the private water sector. Over 4 million people live in areas affected by Cholera/AWD. Breaks in public services provision due to insecurity has impacted access and infrastructure, and has increased emergency WASH needs especially for the populations in Al Hudaydah and surrounding governorates" 300895,51949.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,100,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Dans les zones touchées par le conflit, avec la montée alarmante des groupes armés, la violence de genre et sexuelle devient endémique et inclut le recours généralisé au viol et à d'autres formes de violence sexuelle, à l’abus et l’exploitation, à la traite des personnes, ainsi que l’exacerbation des phénomènes de mariage forcé et précoce et le nombre de grossesses non désirées. Il s’agit là de causes de déplacement forcé mais aussi des terribles conséquences de l'effondrement des structures familiales et communautaires résultant du déplacement." 142150,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In the reporting period, WHO supported specialist training for 175 healthcare workers from five governorates, targeting doctors, nurses and anesthesia technicians working in intensive care unit (ICU) and emergency departments." 67764,19750.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,19,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71782.pdf,Agua y Hábitat: 69.970 beneficiarios. Acceso a agua potable y mejoramiento de infraestructura. 21.400 beneficiarios. 279351,50900.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | Top measures taken by households in response to the pandemic: -Washing hands more regularly 75% -Staying at home as much as possible 65% -Avoiding touching other people 53%" 359137,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Shortages of agricultural inputs including seeds, fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides, and agricultural medicines in the local market have forced farmers to rely on low-quality alternatives from unreliable sources." 472892,63331.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Cluster%20de%20Protection%20de%20l%27Enfance%2C%20Bilan%20de%20la%20r%C3%A9ponse%20-%20R%C3%A9ponse%20li%C3%A9e%20%C3%A0%20la%20crise%20s%C3%A9curitaire%2C%20janvier%20-%20juin%202021.pdf,"En ce qui concerne la prise en charge en santé mentale et psychosocial, 21.618 enfants, dont 15.609 filles ont bénéficié du service psychosocial au second trimestre face à 10.467 (6.921 filles) enregistrés au premier trimestre. Le cumul à la fin du deuxième trimestre fait état de 32.085 enfants dont 22.530 filles ont bénéficié d’un soutien psychosocial. Ce qui représente 9% de la cible (356,000) totale du CPAoR." 414031,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The COVID-19 pandemic situation was new for all—both the service seekers and service providers. Fear of getting infected was visible on both sides. Among the surveyed households, many of them did not seek health services despite having illnesses of their family members. On the other hand, many a household had to seek health services and it was found that one in every ten households reported problems in accessing general healthcare services." 308685,53292.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,The Logistics Cluster’s first convoy to Pibor departed on 12 March. Six trucks of 40 MT and five trucks of 20 MT delivered critical WASH and nutrition supplies. 130920,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,41,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Presencia de emergencias y desastres asociadas a extremos climáticos (inundaciones, heladas, sequías) que incrementan la vulnerabilidad frente a la COVID-19 y demandan respuesta humanitaria e inversión de los gobiernos nacionales y territoriales para atender las afectaciones." 304050,50891.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"The insufficient availability of funding for humanitarian actors, a need for timely issuance of visa and travel permits for humanitarian actors and the rapid processing of technical agreements were some of the concerns related to UNICEF’s ability to respond to humanitarian needs. The status quo of sporadic fighting during 2018 also meant that the numbers of displaced populations continue to create vulnerabilities, with the majority being children and women." 163760,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,103,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En cuanto a los impactos en pobreza y desigualdad, la CEPAL estima incrementos en tres indicadores para el país, del orden de 30,4 al 32,5 por ciento en pobreza, de 11,3 al 12,7 por ciento en pobreza extrema y de 1,9 al 2,9 por ciento en el coeficiente de Gini. Se estima también que, sin los medios económicos para soportar la crisis, entre uno a tres meses más de cuatro millones de colombianos caerían por debajo de la línea de pobreza (37%, de acuerdo con datos ONU Colombia, y cálculos PNUD)." 72489,20768.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"¿CÓMO ESTÁ LA INTEGRACIÓN DE LOS MIGRANTES EN BARRANQUILLA? Desde el momento en que entran a Colombia, los venezolanos buscan acceder a los servicios básicos. Las ciudades grandes facilitan satisfacer estas necesidades porque tienen una amplia infraestructura con una extensa oferta de bienes y servicios. Es así como Barranquilla se convirtió en un destino atractivo para los migrantes que vienen desde Venezuela, sumado a su cercanía a la frontera y similitudes culturales." 37187,11044.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"In all the LGAs assessed, the households admitted to employing various coping strategies such as loaning money to buy food, limiting portion sizes of food, reducing the number of meals consumed a day, restricting consumption by adults (mostly women) so children could eat food and a few women and girls resorted to transactional sex to have a meal." 338549,56250.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,53,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Tanganyika - pluies abondantes abattues entre février et avril 2021, dans les zones bordant le fleuve Congo, le Lac Tanganyika et leurs affluents] une centaine des latrines et de nombreux puits traditionnels sont soit détruits soit inondés à Kalemie, faisant craindre une nouvelle flambée des maladies hydriques." 304248,53037.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,60,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Le prix élevé du riz sur le marché international, associé à des coûts de transport élevés dus aux restrictions de la COVID-19 et à une offre de riz inférieure à la moyenne au Cameroun continuera à entraîner des prix du riz importés supérieurs à la moyenne tout au long de la période de projection à travers le pays." 63140,18817.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,72,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"he National Consumer Price Index indicated that cumulative inflation rates for food and other basic products rose to over 1,000 per cent between December 2018 and April 2019. Hyperinflation has significantly reduced people’s purchasing power and curtailed access to basic goods. Whilst food may be available in markets, many people, particularly the most vulnerable, cannot afford to purchase it due to high prices." 473738,67199.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Varias investigaciones señalan la no asistencia de niñas/os y adolescentes a centros clínicos y hospitalarios para sus controles de desarrollo y atenciones en salud por razones diversas entre las que están las restricciones en la movilidad, la dificultad en la atención, la pérdida de la confianza en el sistema de salud y la suspensión en el servicio debido a la priorización que se está dando a los casos de Covid-19." 330147,55167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,57,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elperiodico.com/es/internacional/20210502/represion-policial-marca-mayo-colombia-11695827,"En la misma zona norte de Bogotá hubo saqueos al almacén del barrio Country de la cadena de supermercados Éxito y encapuchados rompieron vidrios de bancos y comercios lo que obligó a la intervención del Escuadrón Móvil Antidisturbios (Esmad) de la Policía, que uso gases y una tanqueta para dispersar a la gente." 204101,43347.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The highest proportion of households relying on surface water are in Greater Upper Nile (59 per cent). Only 19 per cent of households use improved sanitation facilities, including shared facilities." 39078,13749.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Libyan respondents most frequently reported that community members were displaced to Tripoli centre or outside of Tripoli, finding shelter with host families (relatives), and self-rented apartments. Similarly, non-Libyan respondents most frequently reported reported that community members were displaced to Tripoli centre and outside of Tripoli with host families (relatives), host families (non-relatives) and schools being the most common types of accommodation for displaced persons." 384890,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"704 personnes touchées par les actions de sensibilisation dans les régions du Centre-Nord, Nord, Sahel et Est" 286903,51627.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,146,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Participants most frequently mentioned television and internet as COVID-19 information sources, followed by NGO awareness campaigns inside or outside camps. The few participants who did not have internet or television access relied on information circulated by their neighbours and relatives. Major internet sources were Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Telegram, and well-established media outlets such as the BBC, France 24, and Aljazeera. Facebook was the most mentioned information resource. “[I get information] from the internet mostly, because we don't have electricity [for TV]. Among every 2-3 households, one would have electricity and neighbours would come and charge their [phone] batteries […] so we don't have TV. We get all news through our mobile phones”" 358473,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Most commonly reported coping strategies for lack of sufficient water (by % of communities): - 36% said Spend money on water usually spent on other things - 33% said Rely on drinking water stored previously - 30% said Do laundry less frequently - 28% said Bathe less frequently -18% said Receive water on credit/borrow water" 224231,45763.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,La polygamie est perçue comme une bonne source de revenus (à travers diverses activités) et un moyen efficace de survie. 338742,56193.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,42,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"The reliance of the GDRC on extractive industries, coupled with a bloated civil service and inflation, calls into question the government’s ability to be fiscally responsible and pay civil service salaries that underpin much of the economy." 222865,46096.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=214504,"[20th December, 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement, the ministry noted that the total number of coronavirus infections recorded in Syria has reached up to 10,195, of which 4,786 have recovered and 610 have passed away." 113091,29959.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,GIFMM La Guajira Se mantiene la articulación permanente con las autoridades locales para la entrega de los mercados destinados por parte del Gobierno nacional a población vulnerable en varios municipios del departamento de La Guajira. 280028,50901.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] % of children aged 6-17 accessing education services is 37%." 183580,42584.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenextweb.com/syndication/2020/11/02/nigeria-desperately-needs-scientific-investment-to-tackle-covid-19/,"[3rd Nov 2020,Nigeria] Nigeria has been expanding its capacity to test. The country’s laboratories can carry out about 18,000 tests per million daily, but this can be improved. The country ought to be doing about 40,000-50,000 tests daily." 193839,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La situation nutritionnelle reste préoccupante au Tchad avec une stagnation de la prévalence de la malnutrition aiguë globale (MAG) à 12,9% contre 13,5% en 2018. Le seuil d´urgence de 15% est dépassé dans 9 des 23 provinces" 113002,29959.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,186,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Contexto nacional: El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social ha emitido la Resolución 844 por la cual se prorroga la Emergencia Sanitaria por COVID19 hasta el 31 de agosto2. El Gobierno Nacional emitió el 28 de mayo el Decreto 749 donde extiende Aislamiento Preventivo Obligatorio hasta las cero horas del 1 de julio de 2020, en el marco de la Emergencia Sanitaria. El decreto incluye también las 43 excepciones que buscan garantizar el derecho a la vida, la salud y la supervivencia. Por otro lado, se mantiene la restricción en eventos que generen aglomeraciones de personas, continúa suspendido el transporte aéreo doméstico y se ordena el cierre de las fronteras de Colombia – pasos marítimos, terrestres y fluviales – con Venezuela, Perú, Brasil, Panamá y Ecuador, exceptuando los casos de emergencia humanitaria, transporte de carga y mercancía, caso fortuito o fuerza mayor y para la salida del territorio colombiano de ciudadanos extranjeros de manera coordinada por la Unidad Administrativa Especial Migración Colombia, con las autoridades distritales y municipales competentes3." 192275,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The onset and spread of the COVID-19 pandemic required Humanitarian Country Teams (HCT) to quickly confront the scope and scale of new and rapidly evolving humanitarian needs. The new situation required an analysis of which interventions could no longer be implemented and which should be adapted, suspended, or reprioritized. It also required a review of delivery modalities to comply with social distancing and other containment measures." 40945,11894.0,729.0,"['Logistics', 'Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"• Damage to the electrical grid was particularly severe in Al Aziziya and Swani bin Adam, with all KIs reporting power cuts of at least 16 hours per day and some reporting 24-hour blackouts. In other conflict-affected baladiyas, a median of 0-5 hours of power cuts per day was reported. • An estimated 95-100% of Libyans remaining in Ain Zara, Qasr bin Ghasheer, and Wadi Rabia were staying in properties they owned or rented." 226623,45087.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Before COVID, 60% of out of school children were girls and there is a real possibility that post COVID, more girls will drop out." 172223,40826.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_239_20200925.pdf,"Dans le Haut-Katanga, la 4ème province la plus touchée, les ZS hot spots, parmi les 277 cas pour lesquels l’information a été renseignée, sont celles de Lubumbashi (121/277 ; 43,7%), Mumbunda (48/277 ; 17,3%), Tshamilemba (33/277 ; 11,9%), Kampemba (18/277 ; 6,5%), Ruashi (13/277 ; 4,7%) et Kipushi (9/277 ; 3,2%) (Figure 3)." 162607,35727.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography']",es,445,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"6. Comunidades étnicas. La población indígena de Córdoba representa el 10,3% del total de la población, destacándose las etnias Emberá Katíos y Zenú, agrupadas en 3 resguardos legalmente constituidos. Por otra parte, el 13,2% de la población en el departamento corresponde a afrocolombianos, concentrados en su mayoría en el municipio de San José de Uré10. De acuerdo con los eventos desplazamientos presentado el año anterior, el 54% de las personas desplazadas en eventos masivos pertenecían a estas comunidades; igualmente, la mayoría de las comunidades indígenas carecen de titulación de tierras, lo que limita el desarrollo de sus actividades agrícolas para el sustento diario, evidenciando una afectación en el sector de seguridad alimentaria y medios de vida. En estas comunidades11 se evidencia situación de vulnerabilidad con necesidades y vacíos en protección, así como afectación en los sectores de salud y educación. Existe un alto nivel de necesidades humanitarias de índole multisectorial agravadas por la dificultad en la generación y permanencia de los ingresos de las familias. Preocupa que el vacío en la respuesta y todas las consecuencias humanitarias que presentan estas comunidades vulnerables, acentúen los riesgos en protección y causan cambios en las costumbres ancestrales derivados de las limitaciones causadas por las imposiciones y controles impartidos por los actores armados en su territorio. A inicios de 2020, el ICBF alertó sobre el riesgo de desnutrición y muerte en el que se encuentran las comunidades indígenas Emberá Katíos del alto Sinú, luego de la muerte de 2 menores, aparentemente por desnutrición, al menos 30 personas entre niños y adultos fueron remitidos a centros asistenciales en Montería, donde les fueron diagnosticadas y tratadas patologías como tuberculosis, enfermedades respiratorias, diarreicas y malnutrición. De acuerdo con las autoridades de la zona, la situación que padece la población indígena desde inicio de 2019 se debe a la presencia de grupos armados en territorio indígena que ha obligado a las comunidades a desplazarse hacia la ladera de los ríos, limitando sus posibilidades de producir sus alimentos. De acuerdo con la información suministrada a WFP, las personas solo consumen solo plátano y sal, y dependen casi exclusivamente de la asistencia alimentaria que entrega el gobierno y la cooperación internacional por la condición de víctimas de la mayoría de la población. Cabe señalar que esta población dejó de recibir en 2019 el ingreso económico que la empresa Urrá S.A les entregaba cada dos meses, como parte de la compensación económica que debía realizar a la población." 189662,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",fr,70,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les trois principales crises humanitaires au Tchad (l´insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition, les mouvements de population et les urgences sanitaires) sont analysées avec un focus particulier sur les facteurs sous-jacents que sont leurs causes conjoncturelles et structurelles dans une dimension régionale prenant en compte l´instabilité politique et sécuritaire des pays limitrophes qui affecte les mouvements de population et la situation économique de certaines provinces du Tchad." 177272,41744.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"L'élevage, qui était également cité par les ménages comme une source de revenus (90%) l'est moins après le choc (49%) {irruption de groupes armés non identifiés}. A l'inverse, les ménages ont davantage recours à des sources de revenus moins stables : 8% affirment mendier, 32% disent emprunter, et 41% mentionnent un appui extérieur (communauté d'accueil, action sociale, organisation humanitaire)." 219501,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"IOM, WHO, GIZ and an INGO partner are supporting MOH on screening activities at the point of entry in Kismayo, Dhobley, Doolow and Belet Xaawo." 300896,51949.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"L'impact des conflits armés et de la propagation de l'insécurité sur l'éducation dans la région du Sahel central est dévastateur : des milliers d'écoles sont détruites, fermées et utilisées à des fins militaires ; des enseignants sont menacés, enlevés, assassinés ; et des enfants sont privés de leur droit à l'éducation et exposés à des risques accrus d'abus, de violence et d'exploitation." 115991,30124.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,204,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Respuesta - Durante el primer trimestre del año, 258.000 personas vulnerables se han beneficiado de alguna actividad del clúster, incluyendo 19 organizaciones en 22 estados, 62 municipios y 83 parroquias, la mayoría concentradas en Bolívar (92.000 personas) y Táchira (85.600 personas). - En el mismo período, 61.000 personas han recibido agua potable, 45.000 personas se beneficiaron de intervenciones para mejorar el saneamiento, 40.500 personas de productos y/o información de higiene y 3.000 personas de actividades orientadas a mejorar la gestión de desechos sólidos. - Veintiún establecimientos de salud que benefician a 29.000 personas recibieron servicios ASH. Las actividades se concentraron en el abastecimiento de agua y promoción de higiene. Se han creado equipos de operación y mantenimiento en dos establecimientos incluyendo la capacitación de 92 personas. - Sesenta y seis centros educativos que benefician a 49.000 personas recibieron servicios ASH, principalmente en suministro de agua por camión cisterna e intervenciones para garantizar agua potable y saneamiento sanitario, mediante rehabilitación de baños y distribución de artículos de higiene. Se han formado comités de operación y mantenimiento en 9 centros con la capacitación de 900 personas." 356108,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Por otro lado, las ciudades que presentaron una mayor tasa de pobreza monetaria extrema fueron Quibdó (30,1%), Riohacha (27,7%) y Santa Marta (23,1%), mientras que los menores niveles de pobreza monetaria extrema los presentaron Manizales (7,9%), Medellín (9,1%) y Pereira (10,4%)." 359781,58464.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] % of communities where households did not have access to a healthcare service in the location nor in nearby locations: 83% Treatment for malnutrition." 189665,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy']",fr,123,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Près de 1,7 million de cas suspects de paludisme dont 1 million de cas confirmés avec 2 059 décès ont été notifiés entre janvier et mi-novembre 2019. Le paludisme est la principale cause de la mortalité des enfants de moins de cinq ans et affecte l´ensemble du pays avec un nombre plus élevé dans les provinces du sud et à N´Djaména et une période de pic en saison pluvieuse. Il affecte également la situation économique des ménages et contribue à l´accroissement des taux de mortalité maternelle et infantile qui sont parmi les plus élevés au monde (860 décès pour 100 000 naissances vivantes pour la mortalité maternelles et 72 pour 1 000 naissances vivantes pour la mortalité infantile)." 275490,50217.0,2333.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Faute d’éducation, les enfants et les jeunes ne recevront pas les outils dont ils ont besoin pour leur épanouissement." 267906,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,87,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The national average retail price of fresh eggs increased by 14 percent m-o-m reaching SYP 5,959/carton. The national average price also increased by 111 percent since July 2020 (six months ago) and by 278 percent since January 2020. Homs and Hama recorded the highest eggs price at SYP 6,361/carton (up 19 and 20 percent m-o-m, respectively), while Idleb recorded the lowest price of SYP 5,312/carton (down seven percent m-o-m)." 261762,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"La falta de asistencia a la escuela por la actual condición de la pandemia y en particular en las zonas rurales, incide en el incremento de factores de riesgo asociados con el reclutamiento de niños, niñas y adolescentes." 158971,39161.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,37,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,Increased food insecurity will lead to higher levels of malnutrition in areas where moderate malnutrition levels remain above the emergency threshold despite continued humanitarian assistance reducing severe acute malnutrition. Previous achievements are now in jeopardy. 294126,50852.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"18% Of surveyed refugee [households] HHs reported having women and/or girls who had avoided areas in their current location because they felt unsafe, in the 6 months prior to data collection, IDP (27%), Non-displaced (15%)." 240704,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"On 16 March in Khan Abad district of Kunduz province, eight civilians (including six boys) were killed and two girls sustained injuries when the Afghan National Army shot artillery rounds from a base targeting Taliban positions, which impacted civilians gathered outside a shop." 342754,56014.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,113,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.sosmediasburundi.org/2021/05/04/rdc-details-sur-letat-de-siege-au-nord-kivu-et-en-ituri/,"Dans un communiqué de ce lundi, le président de la RDC a indiqué que « la situation qui prévaut en Ituri et au Nord-Kivu est de plus en plus préoccupante de part sa nature et constitue une menace contre l’intégrité du territoire national ». D’où la proclamation de l’État de siège à partir de ce jeudi 6 mai.(SOS Médias Burundi) Selon le communiqué, les conséquences néfastes de la crise sécuritaire provoquée par ce cycle récurrent de violence impose la prise de mesures exceptionnelles en vue d’endiguer ces violences graves et de sécuriser les populations et leurs biens." 112271,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Aunque los niños que participaron en los talleres podían claramente simbolizar sus historias y sentimientos a través de dibujos, y las narrativas estaban bastante bien ajustadas a ellas, era evidente que el lenguaje receptivo y expresivo tiene un lento desarrollo comparado con los niños locales. Los padres reiteradamente expresan que usualmente sus niños son colocados uno o dos grados por debajo del nivel en que estaban en los colegios en Venezuela." 359452,58464.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] 76% of households reported to receive insufficient income from farming." 224769,45275.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"While disruptions to education have been the daily reality for generations of children in Afghanistan, lockdowns and school closures in response to the pandemic impacted more than seven and a half million girls’ and boys’ access to learning" 226199,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 402 091 voyageurs internationaux et de 4 068 919 voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter63 et 351 alertes et de confirmer 22 et 22 d’entre elles, respectivement." 226191,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Aucune nouvelle zone de santé (ZS) n’a rapporté des cas confirmés de COVID-19. Ainsi, le nombre de ZS affectées dans le pays reste égal à 151 (Tableau I)." 189442,42879.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,78,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/agosto2020_analisisdenecesidadesmensual_mire_0.pdf,"Región Pacífica En una región caracterizada históricamente por la ausencia del Estado colombiano, las luchas armadas por territorios claves para las rutas del narcotráfico afectan en el día a día a la población del pacífico, haciendo evidentes sus necesidades y vulnerabilidades. El pacífico colombiano también ha sido foco de extracción de minerales, especialmente de oro, lo cual agudiza los conflictos en torno a la tierra, afectando aún más a sus habitantes." 195955,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"En 3ème position arrive la province du Kongo-Central qui a répertorié, pour sa part, 4,6% (539/11839) des cas (Tableau I ; Figure 5). Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 443 cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été comptabilisés dans 48 ZS réparties dans 11 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I)." 189684,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Politics']",fr,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,La relative stabilité du Tchad est de plus en plus fragile en raison des tensions politiques et sociales internes et de l´impact de l´insécurité dans les pays voisins. 16782,6342.0,322.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"On 14 September, WFP and a partner began the roll out of a blanket food distribution activity in Al Hudaydah City. It reached 37,000 households out of a target of 40,000 households. • As of 16 September, WFP had provided immediate response rations (IRR) consisting of 903 MT of IRRs, 162 MT of high energy biscuits and 165 MTs of date bars to a total of 81,360 IDP households across the country. Of these 47,149HHs have been assisted in Al Hudaydah since the inception of the emergency response." 215513,45277.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Context->Economy'],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"Afghanistan still remains highly reliant on aid, with domestic revenues sufficient to finance only around half of budgeted expenditures. Afghanistan faces a difficult adjustment as aid flows decline from current very-high levels over the medium-term. New sources of revenues and foreign exchange receipts will be required." 175249,40903.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,80,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3676795,"La defensora de la niñez ganadora de este año del Premio Nansen, el más alto galardón entregado por ACNUR por el trabajo humanitario con refugiados, relató a Noticias ONU la aterradora situación que viven niños y niñas venezolanas víctimas de explotación sexual en el norte de Colombia, e hizo un llamado a su país y a la comunidad internacional para que dejen de ignorar una situación que le está robando la niñez a miles de inocentes." 206969,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,102,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"An estimated 1,033,000 school aged children (570,000 from the North West and 463,000 from the South West) are forced to stay at home due to the dual emergencies, the COVID-19 outbreak and the ongoing conflict. This includes 235,000 students (73,742 from the North West and 161,258 from the South West) from public schools and about 340,000 learners (197,200 from the North West and 142,800 from the South West) from community centers as well as 798,000 conflict affected children (496,258 are from the North West and 301,742 are from the South West)." 143021,35989.0,2074.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,84,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"Según datos de la CONARE, durante la gestión del presidente Evo Morales no se procesaban solicitudes de refugio de ciudadanos venezolanos, lo cual generó una acumulación. La institución registra el caso de un venezolano al que le negaron la solicitud a pesar de haber sido encarcelado en su país y sufrir torturas bajo el régimen de Nicolás Maduro. Bajo el gobierno de transición, la CONARE ha reactivado el procesamiento de solicitudes de refugio con la incorporación de ACNUR." 162354,35725.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3656183,"Seis de las familias siguen alojadas en el albergue en la zona urbana, las cuales reconocieron la atención recibida por parte de la Unidad para las Víctimas, en articulación con la Gobernación y la alcaldía local y agencias de cooperación internacional como el Consejo Noruego para garantizar alojamiento, alimentación, y medidas de bioseguridad durante la pandemia." 276117,50677.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,103,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Les arrondissements de Mayo-Moskota (département du Mayo Tsanaga) et de Kolofata (département du Mayo Sava) sont toujours le théâtre d’attaques quotidiennes de Groupes armés non-étatiques (GANEs) contre les civils. Le 1er août 2020, un groupe d’hommes et de femmes a lancé une attaque suicide dans la localité de Nguetchewe. Un double attentat suicide perpétré par de jeunes femmes a provoqué la mort de 21 personnes et blessé 13 autres parmi les 1 400 personnes déplacées internes (PDIs) qui avaient trouvé refuge dans ce village depuis deux ans." 388601,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Une personne a été enlevée par les GANE le 08 juin 2021 à SOFI dans la commune de Baraboulé. Un suivi a permis de savoir qu’elle a été libérée le lendemain et qu’il lui a été intimé l’ordre d’informer les femmes de son village de respecter le port du voile obligatoire. 106504,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,108,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En Colombia, estas redes de apoyo se hacen presentes a través de una continuidad de lazos familiares o de amistad: algunas personas que han llegado antes y han conseguido vivienda o trabajo acogen a familias que recién llegan y les ayudan a entender cómo desenvolverse en el nuevo contexto. Adicionalmente, los funcionarios de los albergues y otros centros de atención a los migrantes se convierten en referentes de gran importancia para las familias al comunicarles la oferta y posibles oportunidades para conseguir trabajo, alimentos o atención educativa para los niños (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo La Guajira, 2019)." 439630,63257.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans 13% des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à ses moyens de subsistance habituels au cours des 30 derniers jours." 300775,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"NSAG-TB initiated 36 incidents involving violence against humanitarians in Q4, nearly on par with the 39 incidents recorded in Q3. This included 15 abductions and at least one temporary detention, during which at least 24 humanitarian workers were abducted or detained." 489952,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"In Masisi health zone in North-Kivu, during the second half of 2020, approximately one in ten patients who did not arrive at the health facilities within 72 hours of being sexually assaulted indicated that the delay was due to the fact that they had been kidnapped or detained, and were therefore unable to access care." 226195,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 849 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 54 ZS réparties dans 12 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 62752,18396.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,76,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3267163,"Alrededor de 3,2 millones de niños de Venezuela necesitan ayuda humanitaria debido a que las condiciones en todo el país continúan deteriorándose”, dijo la Directora Ejecutiva de UNICEF, Henrietta Fore. “Estamos intensificando nuestro trabajo para ayudar a los niños y las familias que luchan contra la escasez de alimentos y el acceso limitado a servicios esenciales como la atención de la salud, el agua potable y la educación”." 194236,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 74 960 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 70 780 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 11 692 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,5%." 358678,58655.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/economia/finanzas-personales/los-arriendos-ya-estarian-superando-el-covid-19/,"Sin embargo, hay ciertos segmentos que siguen arrastrando los problemas de la pandemia, por ejemplo, los arriendos de bodegas, locales y oficinas. “Los inmuebles comerciales han sido los más afectados en interés y búsqueda, sin lograr recuperarse totalmente en este 2021 frente a 2020”, asegura Monzón." 223561,39506.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,85,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Al-hol camp: One phase of the camp to be locked down as part of containment measures. All education activities will be suspended except for, if possible, the distribution of education materials and stationary that is included within the monthly distribution Tel Samen camp: All education services and CFS suspended. Washokani camp: Formal and informal education programming is on hold for the two schools in the camp and child friendly spaces provided by two NES NGOs have been suspended" 155222,37857.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,110,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Sur l’axe Koundougou – Faramana – Sona, 298 voyageurs (233 hommes et 65 femmes) ont été observés sortant du Burkina Faso. Parmi eux, 12 mineurs de moins de 5 ans ont effet 236 Burkinabés et 62 Maliens qui on été observés. Par contre 269 voyageurs (248 hommes et 21 femmes) sont entrés au Burkina Faso dont 239 Burkinabés et 30 Maliens. Des mesures médicales sont mises en place au niveau des points clés de contrôle sur les voies officielles fermées aux voyageurs sur cet axe frontalier, et notamment le contrôle systématique des températures aux points de contrôles." 326501,54734.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types shelter damage or defects reported by households were Opening or cracks in roof (23%) , some cracks in some walls (17%), Broken or cracked windows (21%)." 315236,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"En Afrique centrale, la contraction du PIB réel est estimée à 2,7 % en 2020. Les pays fortement touchés par la crise dans la sous-région sont {...} la république démocratique du Congo (–1,7 %)," 225479,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"According to interviewed girls and boys, the COVID-19 pandemic increased financial insecurity for families and resulted in losses of household income which intensified the expectations that girls and boys can contribute financially to support the family income." 200166,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,36,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,Humanitarian access to the Far North is severely restricted due to the prevailing insecurity and attacks by non-state armed groups which restrict the freedom of movement of goods and people as well as humanitarian actors. 70950,20191.0,788.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,129,[],['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"The displaced population, returnees and vulnerable segments of the host communities are the people most in need of life-saving assistance in Yobe. There are currently 131,597 IDPs and 165,155 returnees in Yobe State . The trend in population movement shows continued increase with new arrivals fleeing conflict-affected areas in Borno State. IOM has recorded an increase of about 3,740 displacements into Yobe State , and 19,245 returnees to their respective areas of origin within the State in the reporting period due to the relatively calm security environment. The return areas include Damaturu, Geidam, Gulani, Gujba, Yunusari and Yusufari LGAs. It is worth noting that as movements have been spontaneous, structured assistance delivery is lacking and numbers may fluctuate." 490611,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Onion price showed an upward trend in Ukhia and decreased in Cox’s Bazar Sadar from June to July. It remains 39- 42% above the same time last year, with prices ranging between 40 to 44 BDT/kg. High transport costs and high labor cost due to unavailability of labor driven by the lockdown escalated the price." 206833,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,67,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"negative coping mechanisms and peer pressure may result in children being engaged in labor, possibly exploitation or engaged in criminal activities in search for income. Given that children are presented as less likely to be affected by the virus (i.e. to show symptoms), stigma and discrimination related to COVID-19 may make also children more vulnerable to violence and psychosocial distress." 452953,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,97,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Respecto a la situación migratoria de los encuestados, en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana, el 12.9% se encuentra sin ningún documento solicitado por el Estado peruano. El resto, es decir el 87% si cuenta con algún documento o está en proceso de trámite. De estos últimos, el 27.8% tiene carnet de extranjería, el 25.9% tiene PTP, el 20.7% está solicitando un refugio, el 6.5% tiene cédula, el 4.2% es refugiado, el 1.3% tiene pasaporte." 490059,67394.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host Community: Regarding COVID-19 vaccination for Bangladeshi host community, the Government of Bangladesh has revised the age limit for the vaccination registration to 25 years-old, students above 18 years and other priority groups. Pregnant women and lactating mothers are now also eligible for the vaccination as per decision of Bangladesh Government." 217759,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"In 2019, REACH conducted an assessment with different vulnerable groups on the move, that included new and prolonged IDPs, returnees and refugees; these people on the move are mostly concentrated in 11 urban areas (Nangarhar, Hirat, Kabul, Faryab, Takhar, Kunduz, Kandahar, Hilmand, Balkh, Baghlan and Jawzjan) where urban analysis is conducted." 264618,49750.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,44,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.burkina24.com/2021/02/22/burkina-faso-325-patrouilles-et-escortes-realisees-dans-la-semaine-du-15-au-21-fevrier/,"Du 16 au 19 février 2021, le Chef d’Etat-Major Général de l’Armée (CEMGA), Moïse Miningou s’est rendu dans plusieurs détachements militaires du Groupement de Forces du Secteur Centre et Est (GFSCE)." 206527,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The proportion of people facing acute food insecurity decreased from 6.1 million, or 59 per cent of the whole population, the number of people with severe food insecurity that was recorded at the same time last year, to 54 per cent." 198291,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,15,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,the risk of transmission is increased by uncontrolled cross-border movement between Nigeria and Cameroon. 310888,53068.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"FOOD SECURITY & LIVELIHOODS : 4,685,000 people assisted with food and/or livelihoods and cash transfers" 341838,56181.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"Assistance aux réfugiés de la RCA : le bureau de Gbadolite a travaillé tout au long du mois d'avril à la livraison et à la distribution de HEB de Yakoma (1,1 MT déjà réalisé) et de Gbadolite (4,9 MT) à distribuer à Limasa et Gomba en faveur de 1 900 ménages (7 000 individus)." 307718,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"For the lean season, FSL Cluster partners are increasing the caseload to 112,000 people in Pibor County (including 106,000 with general food distribution and 6,000 benefiting from food for asset projects)" 353093,57614.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Al 1 de junio, del total de las 13.017 camas de UCI, el 85,9% (11.180) están ocupadas con una disponibilidad a nivel nacional del 14,1% (1.837). En comparación con las últimas 24 horas el porcentaje de disponibilidad disminuyó en un 6,04% y el número de camas disponibles en 6,08%, y en los últimos 7 días con una tendencia a la disminución de la disponibilidad" 17470,5431.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"The Local Water Supply Cooperation (LWSC) in Al Hudaydah City is currently providing 44,971 cubic meters (44,971,000 liters) of safe drinking water on a daily basis, benefiting 65,000 households including 197,782 children. WASH Cluster partners have prepositioned fuel and water disinfectants with LWSC to ensure continuous supply of safe water." 208875,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,74,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"When women and girls are unable to access water or firewood in proximity to their homes due to the presence of explosive hazards, they must travel to locations further away, which can make them vulnerable to GBV. Children who cannot attend a school in their community for the same reason not only fail to receive an education, but potentially are subject to forced recruitment and other protection risks." 177251,41744.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"EHA:Construire de nouveaux points d'eau pour diminuer le temps d'attente ; Réaliser de nouvelles PMH ; Faire la chloration à domicile de l’eau ; Réaliser des latrines dans les sites et les familles d’accueil ; Distribution de kits d’hygiène ; Sensibiliser les populations sur les bonnes pratiques d'hygiène et d’assainissement, prévention du Covid-19 ; Mise en place de dispositifs de lavage des mains dans les lieux publics." 326174,55014.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]Fifty-eight per cent of the displaced households specified that the houses in which they lived before they were displaced were made out of mud. Sixteen per cent of the respondents stated that their houses were made out of bricks while 8 per cent of the IDP households lived in makeshift houses before they were displaced. The houses of 18 per cent of the IDP households were made out of mixtures of wood and mud, or bricks and mud." 166416,40065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,145,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fewer-fatalities-more-recoveries-recorded-last-week/,"In the same way, new infections were higher than recoveries on Monday, September 21. One hundred and ninety-five confirmed cases were reported in 11states: (Enugu (51), Gombe (40), Lagos (39), Plateau (23), FCT (15), Rivers (12), Kaduna (8), Ondo (3),Bauchi (2),Edo (1) and Ogun(1). On that day, one hundred and five discharges were also reported in seven states: Plateau (54), Gombe (30), Kaduna (10), Osun (7), Rivers (2), Kano (1) and Lagos (1). Two deaths were reported in one state: Edo." 180538,42290.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,69,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"On constate également une difficulté particulière avec les élèves déplacés, d’où la difficulté de trouver une place d’étude dans les établissements publics ou privés avec l’absence des papiers justificatifs et le manque de solution envisagée par l’état dans ce sens. A la date du rapport, aucun acteur humanitaire n’est pas positionné pour aborder cette situation." 494308,68271.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[20th-26th Sep 2021, Borno]Risk communication/Social mobilization: • Jingles on COVID-19 protocols, rumors and misconceptions on de-stigmatization is ongoing in Kanuri, Hausa, Shuwa Arab, and Mbura on BRTV, DANDAL KURA and PEACE FM radio station supported by UNICEF, IRC, Translators Without Borders and UK Aids" 197450,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The cost of the response has gone down from US$165 million to US$142million, this is due to the modified activities that have taken place due to COVID-19." 219197,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Flooding has displaced 412,000 people in 29 districts as of 17 May, forcing many of them to seek shelter on higher ground, often in crowded shelters in nearby villages." 256982,48672.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,The presence of armed groups across the border has caused movements of a few thousand citizens from Burkina Faso into Niger. 111685,29953.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En esta ciudad, los migrantes se han ubicado en diferentes asentamientos que, a pesar de ser informales, cuentan con servicios públicos como agua, alcantarillado, electricidad y gas. Habitan allí con niños y niñas retornados y locales, con quienes comparten las mismas condiciones de pobreza (asociada en estos espacios al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y al microtráfico)." 41091,11894.0,729.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"On 14 April, a targeted airstrike on Ministry of Education warehouses destroyed approximately 5 million school textbooks and national exam results, creating severe textbook shortages and affecting students’ progress toward graduation." 208207,44900.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,Réponses : -Prise en charge psychosociale de 3102 enfants (1 559 filles) à travers les espaces amis des enfants. -Organisation des séances de sensibilisations sur diverses thématiques de protection de l’enfant en faveur de 6 693 personnes dont 3925 jeunes et enfants. 238082,45629.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"[South Sudan, 2019]Some 2,784,276 girls and boys between 3 and 18 years of age in conflict and crisis affected areas are estimated to not have access to pre-school, primary and secondary education in 2019. In addition, some 42,902 teaching personnel and members of school management committees are in need of humanitarian assistance." 322963,54542.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-88-deaths-3629-new-cases/67989,"[23rd April 2021, Bangladesh] 1,823 coronavirus deaths in April. April has been the deadliest month since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic with 1,823 deaths and 124,935 new cases recorded in the last 23 days." 328322,55008.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,106,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Para los 20 puntos evaluados mediante el diagnóstico WASH hasta el 16 de abril, se requieren: En términos de acceso y almacenamiento de agua, 22.840 litros de agua para el consumo por día, 4.623 litros de agua para hidratación, 35 tanques de almacenamiento de agua de 1.000 litros y 20 de 2.000 litros y 9 sistemas de bombeo de 1 HP; respecto a infraestructura WASH, hay una brecha de 101 duchas, 59 sanitarios, 38 puntos de lavado de manos (grifos), 10 puntos de hidratación (grifos), 35 orinales y 47 lavaderos." 190008,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,69,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"En Ituri, environ 5 pour cent des déplacés vivent dans 13 sites dans la zone de santé de Komanda. Certaines de ces personnes se sont déplacées plusieurs fois et à différents endroits suite à la persistance des combats et de l’insécurité, et leurs besoins en vivres, soins médicaux d’urgence, articles ménagers essentiels, eau potable, abris transitionnels persistent." 341524,56608.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25 MAY 2021, NES] 19% communities have no access of electricity prior to COVID-19." 125969,31192.0,1620.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"While in some situations, there has been an increase in the incidents for which survivors are seeking help, in many situations, restrictions and lockdown measures have presented barriers to help seeking and service provision." 117539,32494.0,1386.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,61,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/el-mundo/el-preocupante-aumento-de-la-violencia-contra-mujeres-ninos-y-ninas-venezolanas-durante-la-pandemia/,"La población venezolana que estaba en Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, ya estaba en una situación de relativa precariedad y ahora con la COVID-19 los medios de ingresos se han puesto en riesgo y muchos de ellos tienen que emprender un duro retorno a un país que no ha mejorado en relación a la situación que tenía cuando salieron." 223768,45880.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,La plupart des hommes interrogés dans le cadre de la même étude à Kinshasa avaient au moins par�ellement repris le travail. 308291,53353.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[13 APR 2021, GOS] Rural Damascus governorate and it's subdistricts had insufficient to no service of isolation space in health centres for suspected COVID-19 cases." 137465,35305.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"WV provides water trucking support and hygiene kit distribution to 43,260 people in northern Syria, in addition to lifesaving emergency WASH assistance." 202580,44558.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] The link between government health care and the lack of social acceptance of the coronavirus patients, or bullying them in some cases, lies in individuals’ fear of entering the deteriorating health system." 133937,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,100,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"RELACIONES EN COMUNIDADES DE ACOGIDA De la encuesta se desprende que un 38% de las personas venezolanas exponen haber recibido ofensas, e incluso haber sido discriminadas por su nacionalidad en alguna ocasión. En su mayor parte reportan haberlo experimentado en espacios públicos o en el trabajo. Según lo expresado en los grupos focales con personas venezolanas, ante estos hechos tratan de maquillar el acento venezolano en lugares públicos como el metro, o cuando usan taxis, por temor a padecer expresiones de xenofobia. Gráfico 13: Experiencias de discriminación de la población encuestada" 356681,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,Apoyar las acciones legales que busquen garantizar que los casos de violaciones de derechos humanos cometidos por la policía sean transferidos de la justicia penal militar a la justicia penal ordinaria. 324495,54837.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Testing', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,107,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://us3.campaign-archive.com/?u=b34a30571d429859fb249533d&id=5eeff86a8a,"Depuis le début de l’épidémie déclarée le 10 mars 2020, le cumul des cas est de 28.859, dont 28.858 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable. Au total, il y a eu 745 décès et 25.841 personnes guéries. 90 nouveaux cas confirmés, dont 57 à la Tshopo, 19 au Nord-Kivu, 9 à Kinshasa, 4 au Sud-Kivu et 1 Kasaï ; 351 échantillons testés ; Aucun nouveau décès parmi les cas confirmés ; Aucune nouvelle personne n’est sortie guérie dans les CTCo, ni parmi les personnes suivies à domicile (Zones de santé)." 13899,5542.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography']",en,155,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"Sa’ada: On 24 July, UNICEF issued a statement condemning an attack on a water facility in Sa’ada which destroyed more than half of the project, cutting off 10,500 people from safe drinking water. Education partners report that reconstruction works of three schools in Saqayn, Sahar and Kitaf Wa Al Boqe’e districts are almost complete and reconstruction of three additional schools in Saqayn and Majz districts is expected to start shortly. UNICEF reports having assessed the need to repair wash facilities in 60 schools in Sa’ada and Al Jawf governorates. As of 29 July, 17 displaced HHs from Al Hudaydah Governorate have been assisted through the rapid response mechanism (RRM) out of a total of 30 HHs registered. An increased number of suspected measles cases is reported in Al Jawf due to the low vaccination coverage." 346892,56987.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,66,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Given the limited shelter support humanitarian partners could provide before 19 May 2021, shelter damage is expected to be extensive and some shelters could become unliveable. When no shelter emergency assistance is provided, people remain unprotected from the elements and may seek shelter in neighbouring households, increasing the risk of COVID-19 transmission." 16701,6342.0,322.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,127,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"The overall context of the fighting in Al Hudaydah Governorate remains largely unchanged. While no significant ground advances were made by either side last week, field reports indicate that Government of Yemen (GoY) forces may have extended control north of the main road near Kilo 16, thus consolidating their control of a portion of the road between Al Hudaydah City and Sana’a. Armed clashes continue in the Kilo 10 and Kilo 16 areas and around the airport. Sporadic armed clashes are also reported on the Hays and At Tuhayat frontlines. Intensive airstrikes, artillery exchange and shelling were reported along the frontline and in several locations within Al Hudaydah City and civilian casualties have been reported." 210563,45126.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/beirut/16351.pdf,"According to interviews conducted by Women Now in Idlib and Aleppo governorates, 17% of women participants reported being victims of SGBV, of which few attributed it to the pandemic and subsequent preventive measures" 389307,61217.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"El 80% de las emergencias por desastres de origen natural, fueron causadas por inundaciones y crecientes súbitas o desbordamiento de ríos que afectaron directamente al menos 21.145 viviendas, miles de hectáreas de cultivos de pancoger y de comercialización de las comunidades, entre otros medios de vida." 223802,45880.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,60,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"En outre, les fermetures d'écoles ont supprimé l'environnement structuré qui assurait généralement la sécurité des enfants et des adolescent.e.s, ainsi qu'une supervision régulière par les enseignant.e.s. Cela a augmenté le risque de grossesse chez les adolescentes et a réduit les possibilités de recevoir une éduca�on à la santé sexuelle qui pourrait normalement être dispensée à l'école." 193075,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"24% de la population est atteint de malnutrition. Quelque 3,9 millions de personnes ont besoin d´une aide nutritionnelle, soit une hausse de 80,3% par rapport à 2,2 millions en 2018. Plus inquiétant encore, le nombre d´enfants à risque de malnutrition aiguë sévère (MAS) est passé de 350 000 en 2019 à près de 461 000 en 2019, soit une hausse de 31,7%." 39179,13749.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"The most common strategies that members of the communities have used to meet their basic needs during the emergency situation have been: to borrow money (for 30 of the key informants), spend savings (according to 29 respondents), to reduced expenses on health food and education (according to 27 respondents), and to depended on family support/host family support (25 respondents)." 213685,44787.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/20200117_gsc_factsheet_shelter_cluster_somalia_december_2019.pdf,Most of the IDP settlements are unplanned. Settlement planning is required in order to make the settlements safe and secure and to ensure that services are accessible and the fire risk is mitigated. 346249,56852.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bfa_apercu_de_la_situation_humanitaire_25052021.pdf,"(Sahel) Les conditions d’accès à l’eau se détériorent également, notamment dans la région du Sahel ou les femmes et les filles doivent parcourir des distances de plus en plus importantes pour s’approvisionner en eau, ce qui les expose par ailleurs à des incidents de protection." 393185,62158.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Below chart 9.1 shows that 7 out of the total children, adolescents and youths said cholera is the most relevant health conditions that affects the community, 1 person said COVID 19 is the most relevant, 1 person also said diabetes, 1 person said heart disease, 1 mentioned kidney problems, 172 indicates Malaria as the most relevant health conditions, none of the children, adolescents and youths mentioned malnutrition, neurological mental health problems such as epilepsy and seizure, mental health problems associated with use of substance/drugs ." 156608,35848.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"Digital engagement and peer to peer mentoring sessions were supported despite COVID-related restrictions, more than 300 young people were trained by peers on blogging. Youth blogs were published on the Voice of Youth platform6 on topics relevant to COVID-19, youth positive roles, wellbeing and prevention from stigmatization." 229602,46650.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,53,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nws_newly_displaced_idps_assessment_23122020.pdf,"[23rd December 2020, NW Syria] Furthermore, the closure of supply lines due to COVID-19 was widely referred to and additionally the majority of IDP KIIs also noted the impact of closure of bazaars due to COVID-19 restrictions which they noted had been a source of cheaper food items." 181009,42216.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/who-maintains-grade-3-health-emergency-north-east-nigeria,"Maiduguri, 30 October, 2020 - The 9th Joint Operations Review of WHO health emergency operations in the north-east Nigeria has resolved to maintain the grading of the humanitarian health emergency declared in 2016. WHO graded the emergency at grade 3 owing to its severity and impact on public health which significantly reduces access to basic health services and renders the population vulnerable to disease outbreaks, malnutrition, injuries and mental health." 744,156.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,150,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Despite relatively widespread access to financial service providers, households often faced barriers that prevented them from adequately utilising the services offered. The most reported barriers were long waiting times (60.3% of households overall), limits on currency withdrawals (43.1%) and the risk of insecurity while waiting in line at the service provider (22.1%). Displaced population groups were more affected by these barriers, with more IDP and returnee households reporting being affected by limits to withdrawal than non-displaced (58.8% of IDP households and 53.1% of returnee households, compared to 42.1% of non-displaced households). The three main reported barriers to access financial service providers were the same across locations assessed except for the mantikas of Al Margab and Misrata where the unavailability of services was among the three main reported barriers." 308049,53292.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,11,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Previous flooding damaged facilities, resulting in structure and toilet collapse" 328603,54710.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 94% of households found with an education LSG. 94% found to be severe, 1% stress, 5% no or minimal." 328617,54713.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 84% of the household found with Shelter and Non-food items(SNFI) living Standard Gap (LSG). 1% found to be very extremely+ severe, 19% extreme severe, 64% severe, 16% stress." 154809,38099.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,23,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Depuis début janvier 2018, le Burkina Faso est confronté à une insécurité grandissante qui a engendré des mouvements massifs de population." 145415,36039.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,68,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Markets, restaurants, cafes, gyms, parks, theaters, cinemas and most leisure facilities are now open, so long as precautionary COVID-19 measures are adopted. Mosques and churches are also open, so long as physical distancing is observed. Public and private transportation services have also resumed, as have universities and institutions. Parliamentary elections are scheduled for 19 July." 111922,29953.0,1183.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Según la caracterización de la población que atiende Plan Internacional, las personas de entre 20 y 30 años cuentan con un capital educativo importante: son técnicos o profesionales en su mayoría. Sin embargo, las generaciones más jóvenes empiezan a tener déficit en su educación y en su desarrollo por la desescolarización a la que se han visto enfrentados, incluso desde antes de la migración (Plan Internacional, entrevista, 2019)." 145787,35848.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,62,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"Displaced populations and returnees, particularly in Northeast and Northwest Syria, are vulnerable to outbreaks of infectious diseases, including COVID-19, due to unsanitary living conditions, overstretched health services and low coverage of routine immunization. Nine years of conflict have dramatically reduced access to basic social services, with concern that violations against children have been escalating." 215122,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[6th-12thDec2020,Nigeria]Also, Nigeria recorded 14 deaths last week as against the nine persons who died from COVID-19 complications in the previous week." 192430,43603.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Flooding contributed to increased acute watery diarrhea (AWD)/cholera , while average rains created a conducive environment for further locust breeding." 198354,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"As of August 2019, 450,000 internally displaced persons have been registered in the two regions, as well as 204,000 returnees." 218993,45705.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/node/18588/pdf/reversing_gains.pdf,"Similarly, nearly 5,500 children in Al Hol, Roj and Areesha camps in North East Syria could no longer attend Save the Children’s learning activities due to COVID-19 related restrictions from late March to midJune" 307761,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"• Ensure the scale-up of pre-positioning efforts ahead of the rainy season, including the use of the alternative route from Bor, such as the Walgak road, to bring supplies to Akobo West." 222729,45949.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,44,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/noticias/luego-de-6-meses-numero-de-venezolanos-radicados-en-colombia-vuelve-a-aumentar,"Frente al número de niños, niñas y adolescentes venezolanos que se encuentran radicados en Colombia, el Director de Migración Colombia afirmó que serían un poco más de 412 mil menores, equivalente al 24% del total de la población venezolana." 153998,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,39,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"En cuanto a convivencia y adaptación la mayoría de Venezolanos reportan no sentirse bien en Colombia, en términos generales no ha tenido buenas relaciones con personas colombianas y cuando se presentan situaciones o problemas tratan de ignóralos." 215776,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"In this period, and until the June harvest, most households have already depleted their food stocks from the previous harvest and are more reliant on markets for food purchase as they are not self-sufficient in production." 41082,11894.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Tripoli’s healthcare system was heavily disrupted by the ongoing clashes. Many health facilities in conflict-affected baladiyas were reportedly understaffed and overwhelmed.15 First responders were at particular risk, with reports of both accidental and deliberate attacks on ambulances, resulting in the deaths of two doctors and one ambulance driver. Some medical professionals had reportedly pulled out of rescue operations due to unsustainable levels of risk" 16702,6342.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,87,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"Field reports indicate that the conflict has not affected the movement of civilians within the city where public services such as water pumping stations, hospitals, bakeries and banks are reportedly functioning. Although banks are working, only small amounts of cash can be withdrawn. Hospitals are operational, however, safety at the 22nd of May Hospital, one of the biggest hospital in the country, is of concern as the facility is only a kilometre away from an active frontline." 220476,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Since the beginning of the outbreak, 136 Health Care Workers have been infected with one death." 291386,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"A second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was confirmed in November 2020 by the Ministry of Public Health. While three had been some signs the number of new cases was slowing in early January, MoPH tracking data has recently seen an uptick in cases, with an average of 45 cases a day between 27 January and 2 February." 408625,63559.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,152,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Most municipalities hosting IDPs only have one hospital. These hospitals typically do not have the capacity to serve both IDPs and the local population. IDPs with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma, have difficulty accessing their required medicine, as the hospitals do not carry the necessary drugs. Shelters often lack healthcare services, including nurses and physicians who can treat displaced people. Medicine for children and the elderly also tend to be in short supply (Colombia 2020 06/04/2021). Shelters are often overcrowded, which makes it difficult to maintain the physical distance necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Some municipalities in Cauca have reported high hospital occupancy because of the pandemic, and an outbreak of infections in IDP shelters could result in further restrictions on medical care for IDPs (Diario Occidente 06/07/2021)." 298677,52740.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,45,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/rohingya-refugee-camps-cox-s-bazar-rise-ashes,"[31st March 2021, Cox's Bazar]Refugees: On 22 March, a massive fire devastated the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar. The blaze has affected 48,000 refugees and destroyed health centres, markets and other facilities." 265687,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,25,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,La dégradation du contexte sécuritaire semble donc à l’origine de mouvements nord – sud couvrant de plus grandes distances au Burkina Faso. 133871,35165.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Un 53% de las personas encuestadas tienen personas dependientes económicamente de ellas en Venezuela a los que apoyan desde Panamá con el envío de remesas u otros recursos, en los siguientes rangos etarios: personas menores de edad (31%); personas adultas (44%); y mayores de 60 años (24%). En este sentido, un 63% de las personas encuestadas afirman estar enviando recursos a Venezuela, en su mayoría dinero, aunque también exponen enviar medicamentos, artículos de higiene personal, y en menor medida alimentos y ropa/calzado." 171498,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] Handwashing areas, equipped with an adequate supply of hand-wash solution (0.05% chlorine solution or soapy water) were set up at all six distribution points/outlets. A total of 56 handwashing facilities and 150 litres of sanitizer were provided at all centres. We also introduced fever screening and referral at all project sites. (No cases were identified). In order to reduce their COVID-19 exposure, we delivered food to 48 households with elderly residents who are at high-risk" 359635,58464.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] 84% is the regional median income that a household would need to spend to buy the SMEB food component." 130918,33838.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,38,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Riesgo de accidentes por Minas Antipersonal (MAP), Municiones Sin Explosionar (MSE) y Artefactos Explosivos Improvisados (AEI) en comunidades obligadas a incumplir el aislamiento obligatorio en territorios contaminados por artefactos explosivos." 307603,53292.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"People in parts of South Sudan face the highest levels of food insecurity since independence was declared a decade ago. For many, their situation has deteriorated as a result of compounding shocks, including large-scale flooding, ongoing violence and displacement, the impact of which has eroded the livelihoods and coping strategies of vulnerable communities across the country." 483299,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,222,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"10.1.4. Número de habitaciones que tiene la vivienda Entre los problemas que conlleva una alta densidad, afecta la salud causados por la insalubridad y una alta incidencia puede promover la promiscuidad. En la encuesta se investigó el número de cuartos que tiene la vivienda en la cual reside la población venezolana, determinando cuántos son de uso exclusivo para dormir. Según resultados de la ENPOVE, el 62,4% de la población venezolana reside en viviendas particulares con (01) sola habitación (no se incluye cocina, pasadizo, baño ni garaje). De ellos, el 58,9% son de uso exclusivo para dormir y el 41,1% son de uso múltiple. El 17,0% tiene en su vivienda dos habitaciones, donde el 97,2% son de uso exclusivo para dormir y el 2,8% de uso múltiple. En viviendas con 3 habitaciones y en las de 4 a más, son usados en su totalidad para dormir.Según sexo, mayor proporción de hombres (63,8%) que mujeres (60,8%) residen en viviendas con una sola (01) habitación. De acuerdo al uso que le dan, el 59,7% de las mujeres utilizan exclusivamente para dormir en tanto los hombres el 58,3%." 24796,9808.0,786.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,58,[],['Displacement'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/03/1034301,"“On average, we still see that about 5,000 people cross into the neighbouring countries, and from those neighbouring countries then proceed into other nations in the region,” Mr. Mahecic said. “Those numbers obviously fluctuate, but this is the average that we have been seeing for quite some time.”" 205156,43347.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"As of October 2019, the DRC is still dealing with the world’s second-largest outbreak of Ebola, with more than 3,200 Ebola virus disease (EVD) cases reported, of which 2,152 died (case fatality ratio 66.6 per cent), since the beginning of the outbreak in August 2018." 266799,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, GoS] The closest market to Tafas town monitored by WFP is Mzeireb. In January 2021, retail prices of cereals have all increased in Mzeireb. M-o-m, prices of bulgur increased by six percent to reach SYP 1,433/kg, of Egyptian white rice increased by eight percent to reach SYP 1,933/kg, and of wheat flour increased by four percent reaching SYP 1,225/kg. Yo-y, cereal prices have skyrocketed by 155 percent for bulgur, 127 percent for Egyptian white rice and by 220 percent for wheat flour." 253065,48619.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/raqqas-employment-office-thousands-of-young-men-await-jobs/,"[December 31, NES] On June 18, the Autonomous Administration ordered a salary raise of 15 percent for employees across its operational sectors to improve their living conditions after the Syrian pound registered its lowest exchange rate against the US dollar, which amounted to 3000 SYPs, a factor that contributed to the rise in the prices of food and basic needs." 111670,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Intentions'],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Las familias llegan al departamento a través del puesto de control fronterizo o a través de las múltiples trochas que atraviesan el río Táchira. Por la respuesta humanitaria, las fuentes de ingreso (ilegales) y la cercanía con su país de origen, algunas de las familias buscan asentarse en Norte de Santander. Otras continúan el viaje por transporte terrestre o caminando, o regresan a Venezuela después de haber recibido alguna atención o de haber recolectado algún dinero12." 261647,49486.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,52,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Entre diciembre 2020 y enero 2021 se presentaron emergencias masivas como desplazamientos y confinamientos en Chocó, Nariño y Cauca, situaciones que aumentan el riesgo de contagio para las comunidades expulsadas y para las comunidades anfitrionas de los departamentos en mención, debido a las condiciones de hacinamiento que afrontan." 343896,56754.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,82,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/25-de-mayo-d-nacional-por-la-dignidad-de-las-mujeres-v-ctimas-de-violencia-sexual-en,"Bogotá, mayo 25 de 2021. La violencia sexual padecida por las mujeres en el conflicto armado muchas veces ha sido considerada por los perpetradores como una táctica de guerra para hacerle daño al enemigo. El acoso y la esclavitud sexual, el aborto forzado, la esterilización forzada, la tortura sexual, entre otros, continúan siendo usados para apropiarse de los cuerpos y mantener un control poblacional, especialmente sobre las niñas, adolescentes y mujeres jóvenes" 204328,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,La situation des ménages [de Tahoua] non déplacés semble globalement meilleure que celle des ménages déplacés. 112105,30834.0,1620.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,49,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FAO%20NE%20Nigeria%20sit%20rep_June%202020.pdf,The latest Cadre Harmonisé analysis (March 2020) indicatesthat around 3.7 million people in the three northeastern states are projected to face severe acute food insecurity (Phases 3+) during the lean season (JuneAugust 2020)  the analysis was carried out prior to COVID-19. 133762,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Según fuentes del Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación, en Argentina existen dos grandes rutas de trata de personas: la de la soja y la del petróleo. Las víctimas son captadas en ciertas provincias (usualmente del Noroeste y Noreste del país) y trasladadas a las provincias de cosecha de soja (Córdoba, Mendoza, Buenos Aires y Santa Fe) o a aquellas donde se produce la explotación petrolera (Ushuaia, Chubut y Santa Cruz); en esta última ruta existe una alta prevalencia de explotación sexual de mujeres y niñas." 163547,30906.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Continúan los homicidios contra líderes sociales, población en general y temor de “limpieza social”. • Se mantienen las acciones de reclutamiento de personas por parte de grupos armados. • Abandono de los puestos de control por parte de autoridades y guardia indígena por la falta de elementos de bioseguridad (i.e. Puesto de Control Muelle “El Matadero” en Leguízamo)" 319518,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"The number of IDPs in Tillabery and Tahoua region has increased with 47% over the last 12 months. At least 138,229 persons are internally displaced." 106503,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Además de resolver las necesidades básicas de sus hijos, las emociones de las familias giran en torno a la angustia que genera la incertidumbre de no saber qué hacer para estabilizarse, la vergüenza de buscar dinero, alimento y posada y ser rechazados o excluidos, y la preocupación por la desescolarización, la alimentación y la salud de sus hijos." 294042,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,21,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Nationally, 20.1% of women were reported to have been forced to have sex for their first sexual relationship." 201106,43280.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,". As a result, 84,468 children were informed on the risks related to COVID-19, as well as the preventive measures in September. In addition, dissemination of health messages on COVID-19 through the mass media including TVs, radio, SMS and online mechanisms was undertaken. (By UNICEF)" 113062,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"GIFMM Arauca Finalizan las adecuaciones en el Hospital San Vicente para la realización de 21 habitaciones destinadas a la atención de 40 posibles pacientes positivos de COVID-19. Se realiza la entrega de 6.000 artículos de higiene (botiquines de higiene para bebés, toallas sanitarias y pañales) para mujeres gestantes y niños y niñas afectadas por la cuarentena." 105590,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Las familias que están en tránsito hacia otros países, especialmente aquellas que se desplazan caminando, sufren impactos asociados a la dificultad del recorrido, las largas distancias, los cambios de clima, los riesgos de seguridad en el camino y la incertidumbre general que experimentan las niñas y los niños. Las condiciones de la migración significan para las niñas y niños afecciones físicas por la inmovilidad de los bebés que van en brazos, lesiones musculares y en la piel y riesgos de desnutrición, además de periodos extendidos sin exposición a estimulación adecuada para su aprendizaje." 342377,56634.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En la última semana, el gasto en vestuario y restaurantes ganó participación dentro del gasto total realizado por los hogares." 276089,50671.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"La prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA dont le taux de prévalence qui était de 3,3% en 2005 (EDST1) est passé à 2,5% fin 2013 (estimation ONUSIDA) pour atteindre 1,6% en 2014-2015, reste une préoccupation majeure." 270054,49808.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],fr,134,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Les enquêtes font apparaître un taux brut de mortalité élevé au sein de la population de l’ordre de 11,8‰ en 2006. La mère et l’enfant constituent les groupes les plus vulnérables. En effet, le ratio de mortalité maternelle était de 484 pour 100 000 naissances vivantes. Il était de 307,3 pour 100 000 naissances vivantes. Selon la même source, le taux de mortalité infantile est de 91,7 ‰ et celui de la mortalité infanto-juvénile de 141,9 ‰. L’espérance de vie à la naissance est passée de 36,7 ans en 1960, à 50,4 ans en 2000 et à 57 ans en 2006, soit une augmentation de 20,3 ans [INSD, 2003. Enquête demographique de santé.]." 147874,36039.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Further, Shelter partners have conducted 47 assessments of collective shelters in Aleppo, Damascus, Deir-Ez-Zor, Homs, Lattakia and Tartous to identify repairs to hygiene facilities, improve privacy and reduce overcrowding." 291441,52152.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"48% de los productores ha enfrentado choques significativos, principalmente relacionado con las fuertes lluvias o inundaciones, brote de plagas o enfermedades y sequías prolongadas." 492655,67931.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] MEDIAN SMEB WATER TRUCKING PRICE for 4500L: 13,725 (Syrian Pounds) One month Change: 3% Six months Change: 22%" 346839,56987.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Clear and ongoing engagement and communication targeted towards including the most vulnerable groups is needed to avoid a further erosion of the relationship between Rohingya and humanitarians and to shape programming to evolving needs." 322128,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[General household information]Two most commonly reported preferred sources through to receive information about COVID-19 were Word of mouth (44%) and Radio classes (39%). 164022,34165.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,73,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Se ha informado que existe deserción escolar por parte de adolescentes, y existe control por parte de grupos armados organizados sobre todo en el municipio de Tierralta, por lo que los NNA sin acceso a educación en esta y otras zonas del sur de Córdoba son población vulnerable, pues este es un factor de riesgo, el cual incluye el reclutamiento de los NNA por parte de los GAO." 385597,60457.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Communes avec un niveau de vulnérabilité élevé ou en situation d’insécurité alimentaire projetée: - Centre-Nord: Barsalogho, Bourzanga, Dablo et Pensa - Est: Bartiébougou, Foutouri et Gayéri - Nord: Bahn, Kain, Koumbri et Sollé - Sahel: Arbinda, Gorgadji, Kelbo, Mansila, Nassoumbou, Oursi et Tongomayel, et 14 communes inaccessible." 146584,36058.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-aid-agencies-raise-alarm-over-veto-cross-border-aid,"In May alone, over 1.7 million people received health and medical treatment and supplies via UN cross-border assistance -- 1 million of them through the Bab al Salam border crossing" 207219,44693.0,2333.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,76,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"À Inates, la situation sanitaire dans la commune est alarmante selon les résultats des entretiens de groupes et observations directes sur le terrain par les équipes de monitoring. À ce jour, il n'existe aucun centre de santé fonctionnel dans toute la commune et cela, malgré le nombre important de populations (PDI et hôtes) qui y résident encore (plus de 20 000 habitants selon l’autorité communale)." 356121,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"A pesar de lo anterior, se evidenció una reducción en los niveles de pobreza de las áreas rurales durante el año 2020, un resultado atípico en el contexto de la crisis económica y social que el país experimentó en este año y que derivo en una desaceleración y deterioro del mercado laboral sin precedentes en la historia económica de Colombia." 298850,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Another seven interferences related to requests for better or additional equipment, with NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) mainly targeting health partners with these demands." 72495,20768.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"EL ACCESO AL MERCADO LABORAL E INGRESOS DE LOS MIGRANTES No contar con los recursos suficientes para acceder a los servicios de salud está relaciona - do con el acceso que tienen los migrantes al mercado laboral. El 87,4 % de los encuestados manifestó que es difícil o muy difícil acceder a un empleo. Tampoco hay mucha diferencia en cuanto a la percepción por sexo, pues el 88 % de las mujeres lo consideró difícil, mientras que el 86 % de los hombres pensó lo mismo." 223960,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,45,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,[pas d'accès aux cours en ligne pendant la pandémie] Ce qui pourra causer un abandon des cours par certains enfants en retard. La baisse des revenus dans les ménages pourra aussi être une cause d’abandon de l’école. 224917,46164.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,➢ 13 régions touchées ; ➢ 36 provinces touchées ; ➢ 116 communes et arrondissements touchés [inondations et aux vents violents] 384895,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"116 accoucheuses villageoises (AV) des districts sanitaires de Barsalogho, Boulsa, Kaya et Tougouri formées sur les compétences qui sauvent la vie des mères et des bébés ;" 153921,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Así mismo, se identifica la violencia sexual a menores (niños, niñas y jóvenes), la mayoría si no es en su totalidad de los casos, no se ha denunciado por temor a la policía o amenazas de los propios victimarios quienes pueden ser grupos ilegales, legales o de la sociedad en general." 160432,38373.0,1183.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"De los menores en edad escolar, el 28.1% no se encuentra estudiando y el 47.5% de las familias considera que existen barreras en el acceso a la educación de sus hijos e hijas." 134186,34849.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,76,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En este país actualemente residen aproximadamente 145.000 personas venezolanas. Más allá de las residencias otorgadas por criterios ordinarios (relación laboral, reunificación familiar, etc.), a las personas venezolanas se aplica el Acuerdo de Residencia para los Nacionales de los Estados Partes y Asociados del MERCOSUR. Además, se extendieron los plazos para la presentación de documentación requerida y se creó un Programa de Asistencia para migrantes y refugiados venezolanos" 188134,43352.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,41,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"04 August 2020: In Karmama district, Yagha province, Sahel region, a convoy of 15 UN-contracted trucks transporting food was ambushed by armed men. Some trucks were looted, others were hijacked along with their drivers." 281044,51117.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/drug-prices-vary-in-pharmacies-across-syrias-al-hasakeh/,"[February 18, NWS]Like all other residents of the city of Qamishli, Jalal complains about the high prices of drugs and price discrepancies between pharmacies, in addition to the difficulty of procuring some medicines." 165607,39662.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Handwashing practice is strongly correlated to access to facilities and availability of supplies. 39% of workers mentioned that they do not have access to proper facilities when they are at work. This also explains the low prevalence of handwashing by these groups as shown in the table 7. Despite having higher access to facilities, the low level of practice amongst cleaning workers at hospitals indicate that these workers are not fully aware of the importance of handwashing." 501301,69057.0,2074.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe-situacion-migrantes-refugiados-venezolanos-en-Bolivia.pdf,"La mayoría de los ciudadanos venezolanos que ingresan a territorio boliviano exponen como motivo de entrada el turismo (8.540 en 2018, 13.002 en 2019 y 804 a febrero de 2020). La mayoría de quienes ingresan como turistas, permanecen en el país. Los venezolanos no requieren visa para ingresar a Bolivia y pueden hacerlo con su cédula de identidad venezolana." 198681,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Aussi, 2 625 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 17/11/2020, tous à Kinshasa ; 808 (30,8%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h." 163671,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,SARI Isolation and Treatment Centres (ITC) ■2 facilities fully offering services for refugees Intensive Care Unit (ICU) ward ■Inauguration of expanded Intensive Care Unit (ICU)/High Dependency Bed support for Cox’s Bazar District hospital (10 ICU beds and 8 high-dependency beds) and host community (194 beds) 357845,58554.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,88,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_por_inundaciones_puerto_arica_vf.pdf,"El aumento de lluvias durante mayo y junio de 2021 provocó el desbordamiento de los ríos Igaraparaná y Putumayo, generando inundaciones en la zona no municipalizada de Puerto Arica (Amazonas), afectando al menos a 1.190 personas ubicadas en el centro urbano, incluyendo las 12 comunidades indígenas (Cabello, Cartagena, Centro Arica, Comunidad Bora, Consejo de Ancianos, Puerto Limón, Puerto Tolima, Nueva Esmeralda, Nueva Reforma, Nuevo Witemberg, Sabaloyaco y Unión del Burí)." 175484,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,Les ressources disponibles ne parviennent pas à satisfaire tous les besoins selon les différentes stratégies proposées pour répondre aux besoins critiques qui sauvent les vies humaines. 176710,41684.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Protection%20Factsheet%20and%20Dashboard_Sep_2020.pdf,"[September 2020, Bangladesh] Additionally, the protection mechanisms embedded in the process of marriage registration, including prevention of child marriage and nonconsensual polygamy, were also affected as a result of the registration process suspension." 393224,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,115,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above Graph 19.1 illustrates that 62 of the total youths, adolescents and children mentioned health care workers as the reliable source of information about health issues in their communities, 52 said organizations (INGOs, CSOs, UN) are the reliable source of information about health issues in the community, 25 said religious leaders are the reliable source of information, 4 indicates teachers as the reliable source, 9 indicates elderly people as the reliable source, 1 person each mentioned neighbors, and community based structures (community leaders, Bulamas and committees) are the reliable source of information." 393195,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,101,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The below graph 11.1 shows that 57 out of the total number of children, adolescents and youths think it would be very serious and severe if they get COVID 19 virus, 49 said it would be serious is they get COVID 19 virus, 35 said it would be Mild if they get COVID 19 virus, 15 said it would be very Mild if they get COVID 19 virus, while 30 said they don’t have an idea how bad it would be if they get COVID 19." 418545,63160.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,95,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NEW%20UPDATE%20COVID-19%20DRC%2C%20JULY%2001%2C%202021%20-%20Nouvelle%20mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20COVID-19%20en%20RDC%20-%20Avec%20les%20donn%C3%A9es%20fournies%20jusqu%27au%20jeudi%201er%20juillet%202021%20%20-%20wf%20-.pdf,". Les données cumulées depuis le début de l’épidémie de COVID-19 montrent que la capitale de la RDC reste la ville la plus touchée par la circulation du virus SARS-CoV-2 dans le pays, avec 73% du total de cas, suivie du Nord-Kivu (8%), du Haut-Katanga (6%), du Kongo Central (5,2%), du Sud-Kivu (3%), du Lualaba (3%). La COVID-19 est très contagieuse et peut se transmettre de personne à personne ;" 392421,61904.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,62,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56999711,"Los extranjeros aumentaron de305 milen 2010 (lo que correspondía al1,8%de la población total chilena) a casi1.500.000 personasen 2020 (7,5%de la población), según la organización Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes (SJM), que recopiló datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE) y del Departamento de Extranjería y Migración de Chile." 255278,48580.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/no-flour-for-days-in-al-rukban-residents-fear-famine-amid-growing-food-shortages-in-syria/,"[Feb 4th, 2021, Al-Rukban camp, NWS] Following a regime crackdown on smugglers, access to bread decreased drastically over the past two weeks, several camp residents told Syria Direct. Many worry this unprecedented shortage forecasts a more severe crisis induced by growing food shortages in regime-held areas." 294669,52363.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,55,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,Access to employment is the main reason for moving between municipalities in Colombia. Ten proportion of these households moved within Colombia related to safety and security. The search for food and work are the main reasons for leaving Venezuela. 36% of households fled Venezuela due to reasons related to insecurity. 184769,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,19,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Mahmoudli: 6 cases: 5 confirmed cases currently in the isolation area in Mahmoudli camp and 1 recovery 221029,44617.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"In August 2020, 3.3 million people were facing severe food insecurity in Colombia (FAO-WFP 10/2020). By September, WFP had received requests for food assistance for at least 1.3 million people as a result of the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 (OCHA 24/09/2020; 27/08/2020)." 359634,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[May 2021, NES]Due to water scarcity and high costs of water, some households were not able to secure sufficient quantities of drinking water in NES in May." 130819,33838.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Ante la realidad del aislamiento obligatorio se incrementan las barreras de acceso a los servicios básicos, rutas de atención y reparación, incluida la atención obligatoria que la ley 1257 de 2008 establece en términos de la sensibilización, prevención y sanción de las diferentes formas de violencia y discriminación contra las mujeres. Se incrementan también las barreas de acceso a los servicios de protección y atención a niños, niñas y adolescentes frente a los diferentes tipos de violencias." 473734,67199.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,105,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"La Fundación Éxito también encontró un repunte de la tasa de defunciones no fetales de recién nacidos afectados por complicaciones obstétricas y traumatismo del nacimiento durante el segundo trimestre de 2020 (el periodo más crítico de la pandemia), cuando desde 2017 se venía registrando una tendencia a la baja. “El incremento entre el registro en 2020 y en 2019 en el mismo periodo de tiempo es considerable, pasando de una tasa de 35,5 muertes por cada 100.000 nacidos vivos a una tasa de 63,6. Esta dinámica puede estar relacionada con deficiencias en la atención prenatal”, señala" 201319,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,43,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Authorities require humanitarian actors to obtain written authorizations from the Governor’s office for the implementation of humanitarian activities, a process facilitated by the establishment of Government Humanitarian Coordination Centres (HCC) in Buea and Bamenda in June 2019." 275480,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les activités du Sous Cluster incluent le travail d’amélioration des processus de travail entre les partenaires sur divers thèmes comme les violences sexuelles faites aux enfants, filles ou garçons, l’exploitation et la mendicité des enfants, la traite des enfants, etc." 271695,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au niveau national, 76,9% des enfants [de 6 à 23 mois] ont une fréquence minimum des repas recommandés contre 64,3% en 2019." 144185,35197.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/argentina/unicef-actualiza-la-estimaci-n-de-pobreza-infantil-alcanzar-m-s-de-8-millones-de,"La Encuesta UNICEF no sólo mide el impacto económico en las familias con niños, niñas y adolescentes. En esta “segunda ola de información” incluye percepciones frente al aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio (ASPO), situación emocional de los y las adolescentes y recepción de las salidas recreativas, entre otras dimensiones. La encuesta se hizo entre el 14 y el 26 de julio, sobre las mismas familias que se entrevistó a principios de abril." 197267,43114.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,104,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.dinero.com/opinion/columnistas/articulo/los-derechos-de-los-venezolanos-por-miguel-angel-herrera/305669,"Pero se quedan por fuera de esta valiosa estrategia las pequeñas y medianas empresas que representan el 90% de los empleadores del país, producen el 30% del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) y emplean más del 65% de nuestra fuerza laboral. En esos ambientes, que en promedio emplean entre 5 y 20 personas y tienden a ser más informales -laboralmente hablando-, se generan con más frecuencia situaciones de inequidad y exclusión que pueden estar desalentando el interés de los venezolanos de insertarse en el mercado laboral y acudir- en consecuencia- a otras formas de sobrevivencia." 498763,42108.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,35,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IB26102020.pdf,"The National Society reports people at the border with Brazil, including single women with small children. Some people were stranded at other borders, and others have already intended to reach Argentina." 292337,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,154,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"En marzo, el gobierno también permitió reducciones salariales de los trabajadores “basado en el mutuo acuerdo”, pero la reducción no podía caer por debajo del salario mínimo. Los trabajadores que experimentaban pérdidas salariales también estaban autorizados a retirar fondos de sus cuentas de seguridad social para compensar la reducción salarial. En mayo, el gobierno emitió un decreto para subsidiar los salarios de los trabajadores en las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Las empresas que habían visto una disminución de al menos un 20% en sus ingresos podían aspirar a un beneficio mensual equivalente al 40% del salario mínimo por trabajador, hasta por cuatro meses. Para junio, 2,4 millones de colombianos habían recibido su primera transferencia a través de este programa. En octubre, el Congreso aprobó una ley que expande este programa y extiende los subsidios hasta marzo de 202112." 179417,42084.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=206668,"[18th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Sunday that 44 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, and that 34 patients have recovered while 3 others have passed away." 185043,40867.0,1900.0,['Education'],[],[],es,81,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/publicacion-covid-19-y-educacion-primaria-y-secundaria-alc.pdf,"Una limitación del uso de plataformas digitales es la dificultad de llegarle a niños y adolescentes en zonas apartadas con bajo acceso a conectividad, o en hogares vulnerables que no cuentan con dispositivos electrónicos o acceso a internet. Para enfrentar esta dificultad, algunos países como Cuba, República Dominicana, Haití, Honduras, Panamá y Venezuela han pues- to en marcha estrategias alternativas con el apoyo de redes sociales, WhatsApp, y radio y televisión53." 214683,45417.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 11% (40) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité des enfants en âge d’aller à l’école primaire (de 6 à 11 ans) ne bénéficiait d’aucune forme d’éducation" 453829,64997.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,208,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cp_bcnudh_note_mensuelle_violations_des_droits_de_lhomme_et_infographies_juillet_2021_fr_eng.pdf,"Dans les provinces non affectées par les conflits, 51 violations des droits de l’homme ont été documentées en juillet 2021, soit 10.5% des violations documentées sur l’ensemble du territoire. Il s’agit principalement de sept violations du droit à la vie (12 victimes, y compris 7 hommes et un enfant victimes d’exécution extrajudiciaire), 17 violations du droit à l’intégrité physique (67 victimes, dont deux femmes et deux enfants victimes de violences sexuelles), 17 violations du droit à la liberté et à la sécurité de la personne (93 victimes, dont une femme et un enfant), six violations du droit à la propriété et quatre violations liées aux restrictions de l’espace démocratique. La totalité de ces violations est attribuable à des agents de l’Etat, dont 45% à des agents de la PNC (27 violations), 33% à des militaires des FARDC (20 violations), 18% à d’autres agents de l’Etat (1 violations) et 3% aux agents de l’ANR (deux violations)." 21209,8725.0,786.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,70,[],['Shock/Event'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"El objetivo es forzar que se rompa la cohesión entre los uniformados. Los críticos con Maduro sostienen que gran parte de los mandos medios militares no secundan al líder venezolano, pero que el miedo a represalias ha impedido cualquier ruptura en masa. En el caso de la cúpula militar, la unidad es, hasta el momento, absoluta en torno a la figura de Maduro." 298937,51152.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,CCCM Cluster was not successful in mobilizing funds to support a robust CCCM response and site level coordination in the early phase of the emergency to meet the needs of displaced population and host community. 16559,6344.0,322.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,89,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"Health actors recorded nearly 79,500 suspected cholera cases and 166 associated deaths across Yemen between July 15 and September 22, according to the UN World Health Organization (WHO). Health actors report that the epidemic has affected 306 Yemeni districts, with conflict-affected and densely populated areas of Al Hudaydah and Sana’a cities facing the highest risk of transmission due to limited access to safe drinking water and poor water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure, the UN reports." 298964,51152.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"In Pibor, the first round OCV began on 16 January 2021 targeting 93, 250 individuals. A similar campaign is expected to be conducted in those payams in Upper Nile, Pibor and Eastern Equatoria bordering the regions of Ethiopia where Cholera outbreak has been declared." 500709,60136.0,2074.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,73,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"La casa de acogida para migrantes de Pisiga recibe ocasionalmente a familias de migrantes. - Se identifica que solo alrededor de un 20% de los migrantes que no logran cruzar la frontera tienen recursos suficientes para cubrir el costo de alojamiento en Pisiga. - En el lado de Colchane, la OIM Chile estableció un campamento pequeño en un espacio brindado por carabineros para albergar a los migrantes varados." 133950,35165.0,1188.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,363,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Las principales necesidades que percibe la población consultada en el estudio a través de los grupos focales son: • Acceso efectivo a la regularización migratoria que brinde seguridad en la estadía; • Otorgamiento de documentación reconocida por los estamentos de seguridad para los solicitantes de la condición de refugiado que aún no se encuentran admitidos a trámite; • Acceso al permiso de trabajo tanto para personas migrantes como para personas solicitantes de la condición de refugiado, incluso para personas que optan por el permiso de regulación de jubilado pensionado o de estudiante; procesos de renovación.; • Arreglos de pago para afrontar los costos de regularización migratoria y laboral; • Acceso a documentación de identificación venezolana, sobre todo pasaporte, y sus • Acceder a servicios bancarios (solicitantes de la condición de refugiado y personas migrantes con documentación vigente): cobro de cheques, apertura de cuentas, préstamos, etc.; • Acceso a una atención en salud mental y apoyo psicológico sostenido y gratuito o a • Apoyo para el acceso a medicamentos; • Flexibilidad en los procesos de convalidación y reválida de documentos educativos venezolanos (exoneración de requisito de Apostilla) para facilitar el acceso al sistema educativo panameño; • Mayor apertura laboral en el sector formal panameño para un acceso efectivo al • Desarrollo de programas de integración en la sociedad panameña (dirigido a venezolanos • • Acceso a orientación legal gratuita sobre los procesos de regularización migratoria/ • Acceso a representación legal a precio accesible. y panameños): campañas de sensibilización; Instalación de oficinas de información sobre procesos migratorios y acceso a derechos, ubicadas en instituciones públicas; laboral y solicitud de la condición de refugiado, actualizados y veraces; precio accesible; empleo; 34 Situación de la Población Refugiada y Migrante de Venezuela en Panamá. de documentación; • Capacitación y sensibilización a autoridades y funcionarios/as públicos sobre verificación • Mayor coordinación entre instituciones públicas para la atención a personas migrantes • Mayor oferta de albergues para personas migrantes y refugiadas a nivel nacional." 163573,39454.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_9_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Especial preocupación por la atención a grupos poblacionales vulnerables que presentan casos positivos y que requieren atención diferencial como comunidades indígenas (68 casos), afrodescendientes (338 casos), personal médico (245 casos), mujeres gestantes (26 casos) y recién nacidos (4 casos)." 267844,49804.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,103,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The highest informal exchange rate was reported in Tartous at SYP 2,925/ USD (depreciated by four percent m-o-m; and depreciated by 62 percent y-o-y), followed by Lattakia at SYP 2,923/USD (depreciated by four percent mo-m; and depreciated by 63 percent y-o-y). Conversely, the lowest rates were reported in Idleb at SYP 2,866/USD (depreciated by three percent m-om; and depreciated by 65 percent y-o-y), and Quneitra at SYP 2,875/USD (depreciated by three percent m-o-m; and depreciated by 64 percent y-o-y)." 389306,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Los reportes de enero y junio alertan sobre la instalación de MAP en territorios aledaños a cultivos de uso ilícito y en lugares cercanos a operaciones militares. Aunado a ello, los múltiples enfrentamientos entre grupos armados no estatales dejan a su paso MSE de los cuales ya se han reportado 10 víctimas en 2021." 310766,53068.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Protection Cluster : 1.1m reached out of targeted 3.2m, male 0.62m and female 0.44m that is 33%" 153999,34182.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,30,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"En su gran mayoría los migrantes están expuestos a explotación laboral, desconocen aspectos relacionados a su condición en el país, derechos, rutas de atención, etc." 265739,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,50,[],"['Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"[dans le contexte de l'accès humanitaire] En outre, les restrictions de mouvements et les autres mesures préventives liées à la pandémie de COVID-19 ont entrainé des contraintes ultérieures, dans un souci de protéger les bénéficiaires, les IC et les équipes travaillant sur le terrain." 171440,40448.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185217/,"[22nd September 2020, Idlib and Aleppo] According to Mohamad Hallaj, manger of the Syrian Response Coordination Group – a group of humanitarian volunteers that mainly operate in Idlib and Aleppo – the number of cases within the camps reached 51 over the weekend across 20 camps in the area." 300680,51152.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Since July 2020, Protection Cluster members reached 17,344 people with general protection services in Leer, Mayendit, Panyijiar, and Rubkona in Unity, Mundri West in Western Equatoria, Nyirol in Jonglei, and Pibor. This included deterrent civilian patrols / protection by presence to 30 individuals in Pibor in December 2020." 285115,50884.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"At least 5.57 million people in Sudan, 13% of its total population depends on food assistance." 358511,58562.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,125,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Nigeria’s public health response to the threat of COVID-19 has largely followed the pattern of the spread of the disease across states and over time. The initial response from both federal and state governments was swift in March and April 2020. The federal government and most state governments created inter-agency COVID-19 Task Forces to monitor the situation and implement restrictions. While the specific set of restrictions varied from state to state, every state-level response included a mix of lockdowns, curfews, and closures of international and state borders, as well as restrictions on market activity, religious worship, and other large gatherings (Dan-Nwafor et al 2020)." 207138,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In 2019, it was estimated that more than 860,000 under-five children and nearly 600,000 pregnant and lactating women suffered from acute malnutrition." 224182,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"[Inondations Mayo-Kebbi Est] Le nombre de personnes sinistrées dans les 33 villages visités ou renseignés est estimé à 66 997, dont 31 943 personnes ayant besoin d’une assistance d’urgence." 320934,54668.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] En période de pénurie alimentaire, les mécanismes d’adaptation les plus couramment utilisés par les ménages dans les villages évalués sont la réduction du nombre de repas (35%), les prêts (22%) et les prestations (11%)" 291413,51191.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,Four in 10 people are now going hungry 3 which means that almost 17 million people are in crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity through March 2021. 149254,37832.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"WFP delivered 10,000 disposable gowns donated by Join Together Society (JTS), a Korean NGO, to support COVID-19 response in Cox’s Bazar. The gowns will be distributed to health partners and WFP’s frontline staff. The Logistics Sector is facilitating delivery to health partners." 36922,13321.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"Previous malnutrition screenings recorded an estimated 400 SAM cases, and more than 1,000 MAM cases. This simplified protocol approach involves treating SAM and MAM with the same product (RUTF) yet at different dosages." 130797,33838.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,101,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Dentro de la afectación de los servicios esenciales de salud, se encuentran: anticoncepción, atención prenatal, interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y consultas de crecimiento y desarrollo; lo cual se relaciona con la falta de disponibilidad en la continuidad y suministro de servicios, la inasistencia de las personas por temor a contraer la COVID-19, así como las dificultades asociadas a las restricciones de movilidad instauradas por el confinamiento. La afectación o interrupción de estos servicios aumentan el número de embarazos no planeados, complicaciones obstétricas y las muertes maternas e infantiles por causas evitables." 208730,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Increased risks, coupled with gaps in GBV service provision, necessitates the urgent need for strengthened GBV prevention, risk mitigation and services." 172426,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Economy']",fr,55,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"A ce jour, le fret aérien, maritime, fluvial et routier reste autorisé sous surveillance sanitaire. Toutefois, les mesures restrictives mises en place au niveau international et national, mais aussi la concurrence face à certains équipements et matériels recherchés, entraînent des perturbations qui risquent de s’aggraver." 155225,37857.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les voyageurs qui traversent la frontière en contournant ces points de contrôle n’ont dès lors pas accès aux examens, contrôles et services médicaux et hygiéniques mis en place au niveau des postes frontières officiels." 193070,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Sud du Tchad accueille 106 790 réfugiés et 69 343 retournés tchadiens ayant fui les violences entre 2003, 2014 et 2018 en République centrafricaine." 211057,44790.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Somalia has about 4.5 million school-aged children and of these, 35 per cent of girls and 41 per cent of boys are enrolled in school, according to the Joint Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment (JMCNA) conducted across Somalia64. Approximately 3 million school-aged children are out of schools" 95217,26755.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"There are only 40 PHC facilities which were assisted with no support in the following districts: Al Jabal Al Akhdar, Aljufra, Almarj, Azzawiya, Derna, Murzug, Nalut, Sebha, Sirt, Tobruk, Wadi Ashshati and Zwara." 491187,67726.0,1233.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,50,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,,"140 Venezuelans leŌ Aruba on a fiŌh repatriation flight of 23 December. Resulting from the pandemic, approximately 6,000 refugees and migrants (to date)1 of various nationalities, including Venezuelans lost their jobs and subsequently their guarantors, placing them at the risk of becoming irregular" 306768,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"GoS and GoRSS representatives cited both the October 2020 Juba Peace Agreement and the continued efforts to implement the September 2018 Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan as the preconditions and foundations for the displacement agreement. Moreover, both governments agreed to prioritize the creation of conditions conducive to the voluntary, safe, dignified, and sustainable return of IDPs and refugees." 294048,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,115,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Sexual violence by armed groups or other men is a reality that is sometimes faced by boys and men. Thus, 11% of GBV cases reported in June were boys and men. While domestic violence and sexual assault against women is reported very little to the police, these figures are virtually non-existent when it comes to violence against men. Prosecuting the perpetrators of sexual violence against men is a real challenge since the definition in Cameroon's penal code does not provision for rape against the male population. Thus, the lawyers had to use the term ""forced homosexuality"" as an element to establish legal proceedings ." 241961,47791.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,35,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,Les maladies infectieuses comme le COVID-19 et les mesures de quarantaine telles que les fermetures d’écoles et les restrictions sur les déplacements perturbent le cadre de vie et de développement des enfants. 69126,19846.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/politica/gobierno/espana-dara-50-millones-para-crisis-migratoria-en-colombia-424952,"La Unión Europea (UE) junto a organizaciones de las Naciones Unidasrealizarán el 28 y 29 de octubre, en Bruselas, una “conferencia de solidaridad con los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos”para conseguir recursos." 289611,51168.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,The WASH Cluster has deployed an Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) team in the hard-to-reach areas of Manyabol and Gumuruk of Greater Pibor Administrative Area. 169381,40507.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99758,Le pays enregistre désormais un total de 2184 cas confirmés de Covid-19 depuis la date du 9 mars 2020. Le nombre total de guérisons est de 1420 et 59 le nombre de décès. 236013,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Despite the worsening security situation Child Protection (CP) Area of Responsibility (AoR) members, including UNICEF and their implementing partners, reached more than 29,000 children and caregivers with different child protection services in both affected regions." 240864,47106.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Nutrition']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,48,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/89966/file/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Sitrep%2030%20Nov%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, Whole of Syria] Without more funding, an estimated two million children and women will not be reached with nutrition interventions, one million will not receive primary health care and about 300,000 will be deprived of psychosocial support and case management." 158355,38375.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,62,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM_Reporte%20Situacional%20Julio%202020%20%28ESP%29.pdf,"Migración Colombia comunicó el 25 de julio que los procedimientos para la duplicación de la cédula de extranjería están disponibles en línea, al igual que otros procedimientos que benefician a los refugiados y migrantes como constancia de salvoconductos de solicitantes de la condición de refugiado, y el Permiso Especial de Permanencia para la Fomento de la Formalización (PEPFF)" 194436,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Un total de 1 417 voyageurs en trafic international ont été screenés ce 05/11/2020 ; aucune alerte n’a été identifiée. Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 26 647 voyageurs ont été recensés, parmi lesquels 99,8% (n=26 582) ont été screenés. Pareillement, aucune alerte n’a été décelée non plus." 347740,56800.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Only 4% adolescent girls compared to 14% adolescent boys aged 15 to 18 years attend education and learning programs, including literacy, numeracy, life-skills and vocational skills training; the most commonly reported reason for non-attendance among boys was that “what is taught is not relevant or age-appropriate,” reported for 52% of out-of-school boys." 453799,64224.0,1185.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,El 2020 las clases escolares se han impartido de forma virtual pero no por ello han disminuido los casos de bullying. Se podría considerar que se han diversi cado ya que se ha intensi cado casos de ciberbullying utilizando las diferentes redes sociales. 498768,68460.0,1232.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,24,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520Junio%25202021%2520Cono%2520Sur.pdf,Uruguay comenzó a implementar el registro de refugiados y migrantes solicitantes sin cédula de identidad uruguaya para incluirlos en el plan de vacunación. 159653,39109.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"Most sites reportedly had access to soap/water, which is an important sign of whether communities/camps will be able to wash hands in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease." 384798,60456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"L’accès logistique dans les zones touchées par le conflit reste très difficile. Les réseaux routiers sont pauvres et plus affectés par le conflit, ce qui entrave l’accès et la livraison de l’aide humanitaire, notamment les services de santé." 73232,21154.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,59,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"Since 2017, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay experienced a gradual increase in the number of arrivals of refugees and migrants from Venezuela. However, in the first half of 2019, the number of arrivals intensified, increasing by at least 17 per cent, compared to the figure at the end of 2018." 199181,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,24,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,Sud-Kivu : au moins 80 000 déplacés et familles d’accueil bénéficient de la gratuité des soins de santé à Fizi et Nundu 177271,41744.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Avant et après le choc {attaque de groupes armés non identifiés}, l'agriculture représente l'activité génératrice de revenus la plus importante pour les ménages, cependant une diminution de l'importance de cette part de revenu est constatée (91% avant le choc, 74% après le choc en tant que source principale)." 388645,61080.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Dans les zones de retour les GANE imposent des conditions pour l’accès aux terres cultivables ; des conditions telles que le ralliement à leurs causes ou le respect strict de la charia. 229395,46461.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Norwegian Refugee Council provides access to education services through three major programmatic components- CBE, ALP and EFPR1 targeting 16,640 children including 50% girls in CBE and ALP classes and 25,200 children (80% host communities’ children and 20% OOSC displaced children) under EFPR." 361360,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,171,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: This study shows that children living in the refugee camps are exposed to multiple drowning risks. Many of the risk factors found within this study correspond with previous investigations undertaken in Bangladesh and other LMICs (WHO, 2014). Firstly, fatal drowning among children in the camps was associated with males, with boys accounting for 70% of the fatalities investigated. This finding resembles existing research from Bangladesh, which has found fatal drowning to be strongly and significantly associated with males (Rahman et al, 2019). Higher drowning rates among boys have consistently been associated with increased activities outside the home, young boys being allowed to move more freely outside the household than girls, a greater propensity for risk taking behaviour and a higher exposure to risky situations (Croft and Button, 2015; Peden et al, 2008: Argan et al, 2003)." 244070,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[NES, Dec] Tel Saman camp: Cases: No new cases confirmed in December. Washokani camp: Cases: No new cases confirmed in December. Serekaniye camp: Cases: No new cases confirmed in December." 190001,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,118,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Deux cas suspects ont été identifiés dans la zone dont un à Jomba dans la zone de santé de Rwanguba et un à Rutshuru centre confirmés par le Comité multisectoriel de la riposte (CMR) entre mars et juin 2020. Il y’aurait trois cas testés positif à la COVID-19 au 20 juillet 2020. Le manque d’infrastructures de santé, d’intrants, d’équipements et de personnels médicaux, ainsi que, les problèmes d’accès à l’eau constituent des facteurs de risque face à la pandémie de COVID-19. Les gestes barrières sont peu appliqués par les populations et la surveillance épidémiologique est limitée." 125946,31192.0,1620.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,69,[],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"Impact of COVID-19 restrictions are real. There have been reports of extortions at border entry points and misconduct by state security personnel while enforcing lockdown, especially in Adamawa. The impact affected humanitarian services including food distribution and rationing. The reporting of petty thefts can be attributed to this challenge. Other services that remain a challenge is provision of adequate water and health services." 189676,43300.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les départements de la province du Lac [sont estimés dans l'analyse de sévérité des besoins] en sévérité catastrophique en raison notamment des mouvements de population, du faible accès aux services sociaux de base, à la prévalence de la malnutrition aigüe globale et sévère et à la fréquence des incidents de protection." 160569,38373.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,50,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Las labores domésticas se incrementaron y las mujeres usualmente asumen la carga de estas tareas, lo que implica mayores afectaciones en su salud mental. Además, la falta de generación de ingresos aumenta los riesgos de explotación sexual y desalojo por parte de agresores del núcleo familiar." 315486,54311.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Más de 1.000 personas se encuentran en los ocho lugares adecuados como albergues alrededor del municipio de Argelia; todos los lugares presentan hacinamiento, de igual forma se han debido usar casas de familia. Hay graves deficiencias en los lugares adecuados como albergue ya que no cuentan con agua potable, baterías sanitarias, duchas y no se cuenta con espacios adecuados para la atención de niños, mujeres y adultos mayores La Alcaldía municipal de Argelia informa que, no cuenta con recursos suficientes para atender el desplazamiento, especialmente en el componente de alimentación y albergue, y por ello elevará la solicitud de apoyo a la Gobernación de Cauca y a la UARIV. La atención estará sujeta a las condiciones de seguridad para el acceso a la zona." 223922,46071.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Les violences physiques aux sources d’eau sont fréquentes puisque l’eau est devenue une denrée rare. 188125,43352.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"27 July 2020: In Tansarga commune, Tapoa province, Est region, gunmen reportedly entered Toptiagou village and stole fuel before burning five primary schools (Katela Primary School, Diamanga Primary School, Kobana Primary School, Kotchari Primary School and Bodiaga Primary School) before fleeing to W Parc (possibly W National Park)." 393242,62158.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,121,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, 47% of the total discussants across the diverse communities of Ngala, Gwoza and MMC LGAs mentioned “understanding better what COVID 19” is as way to help them implement preventive measures on COVID 19, 28% said “improving access to water and sanitation” would help them in implementing preventive measures on COVID 19, 19% indicates that “Reminders and messages (tips)” could help in implementing preventive measures, 5% said “support from family and community” could help them implement preventive measures on COVID 19. However, 1% mentioned others which includes reminders during religious services." 356128,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En abril, el Índice de Confianza Comercial (ICCO) se ubicó en 25,6% lo que representa un incremento de 51,1 pps frente al mismo mes en 2020. Adicionalmente, frente al mes anterior, el ICCO registró una reducción de 13,1 pps." 490610,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Red Chilly price showed a downward trend in Ukhia and it is maintained similar than same time last year." 171463,40817.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.wfp.org/news/more-syrians-ever-grip-hunger-and-poverty,"[June 2020, Syria] World Food Programme estimates that 9.3 million Syrians are now food insecure – with an increase of 1.4 million in the last six months alone." 218378,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,"A la date d’aujourd’hui, la RDC compte au total, 14 596 cas de personnes testées positives à la maladie, 12 653 guérisons et 358 décès." 17838,7208.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67474.pdf,"Since November 2017, when UNHCR started its evacuation programme, 2,793 refugees and asylum-seekers have been evacuated from Libya, including 2,202 to the ETM in Niger, 415 to Italy and 176 to Romania." 414071,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The purchasing capacity of most of the people of this country suggests that most of the people would seek health services from government entities as the costs are less compared to the private entities. However, for some essential health services, the majority of the surveyed households opted for the private entities to seek health services during the pandemic, though the average income of the surveyed households decreased." 306933,53161.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"Conflict and food insecurity in neighboring South Sudan continues to fuel an influx of South Sudanese refugees into Sudan, placing further constraints on GoS and host community resources." 163459,30943.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,193,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Con el objetivo de mitigar el impacto económico del aislamiento, el Gobierno Nacional reglamentó la medida de 3 días sin IVA y la suspensión del impuesto al consumo en restaurantes, a cánones de arrendamiento de espacios y locales comerciales4, igualmente se dispuso las condiciones y los sectores que aplicarán para la disminución del porcentaje del anticipo del impuesto de renta del año 20215. La nueva fase de Aislamiento Preventivo con Sentido de Colaboración e Inteligencia iría hasta el 30 de junio, en la nueva medida las personas mayores de 70 años y personas con preexistencias deben continuar en casa, los colegios y universidades continúan en clases virtuales, no habrá vuelos nacionales ni internacionales, el transporte masivo seguirá operando al 35 por ciento de su capacidad, no habrá eventos sociales públicos ni privados, continuar con el teletrabajo en la medida de lo posible, el uso de tapabocas se mantiene obligatorio. Así mismo, desde el 1 de junio se reactiva el cobro de peajes en todo el territorio nacional. También se autoriza la toma del servicio de taxi desde la calle" 457413,61091.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20%C3%89valuation%20des%20besoins%20en%20abris%2C%20articles%20m%C3%A9nagers%20essentiels%20%28AME%29%20et%20logement%2C%20terre%20et%20biens%20%28LTB%29%20-%20Ville%20de%20Yalgo%2C%20Commune%20de%20Yalgo%2C%20Province%20de%20Namtenga%2C%20R%C3%A9gion%20Centre-Nord%20%28juin%202021%29.pdf,"Conflits fonciers : Deux IC du secteur 1 et un IC du secteur 2 ont rapporté l'existence de conflits fonciers, principalement des conflits entre agriculteurs et éleveurs, liés à la destruction des cultures ou des animaux ainsi que des conflits d'accès à la terre." 247807,48085.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"As PHSMs are reinstated across Africa, access to and use of health services are threatened again. WHO reported that outpatient consultation, inpatient admission, skilled birth attendance, treatment of malaria and distribution of pentavalent vaccines declined by more than 50% between January-September 2020 in 14 AU Member States surveyed. Disruptions to services were highest in May-July, when strict PHSMs were in place, with access starting to improve in August-September timeframe as measures loosened." 295696,52365.0,2311.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,57,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"Additionally, the data collection teams reported that in some rural sites there are access constraints that could hinder a possible humanitarian response. For example, due to flooding from rains, the access road to Peralonso and Cájaros has been limited. For security reasons, the team has been unable to access Bayoneros." 326486,54734.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]The main drivers of shelter & NFI LSGs were found to be Households without access to a safe and healthy housing enclosure unit (16%), Households whose shelter solutions do not meet agreed technical and performance standards (24%), Households without access to vital household NFIs (56%)." 113321,32328.0,1185.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Abordar urgentemente las preocupaciones relativas a la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, con un enfoque particular en las necesidades y vulnerabilidades de las mujeres y niñas en movimiento migratorio." 494240,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, GoS, NWS & NES] ToT between sheep and wheat flour: Broken down by region, the Middle region recorded the highest ToT at 325 kg/sheep (up eight percent m-o-m), followed by the Cross-border region at 303 kg/sheep (down 17 percent m-o-m). While Northwest Syria recorded the lowest ToT at 221 kg/sheep (down 13 percent m-o-m), followed by the Northeast Syria at 241 kg/sheep (down six percent m-o-m)" 222999,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,40,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Likewise, returning to villages that are contaminated by explosive ordnance puts returnee communities at risk, as well as limiting the degree to which they can begin rebuilding homes and livelihoods." 199544,43347.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Nutrition']",[],['Context->Environment'],en,56,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Forests and woodlands cover a large proportion of South Sudan’s vast territory, but are fast disappearing by over-extraction, as more than 90 per cent of the population directly depends on forests for fuel wood and charcoal production, timber for construction, and non-timber forest products for food and nutrition security." 204230,43347.0,2335.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Food Security']",[],['Context->Economy'],en,45,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Other factors contributing to communities’ ability to recover from crisis in areas of return include competition over limited food and livelihood opportunities, people’s ability to recover assets such as livestock, and problems related to housing, land and property." 346978,57126.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/05/06/kurdish-syria-coronavirus-crisis-camps/,"(NES April 2021) But late last month, at least 46 percent of local coronavirus tests were positive, the two aid agencies said, including confirmed cases of a more contagious variant first discovered in Britain." 401774,62965.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] In case of a snake bite, remain calm and not to panic, run, walk or move to avoid blood circulation and increased pulse rate as this might speed up the flow of the venom in the body. Discourage oral intake if the victim has difficulty in swallowing, has vomiting or nasal voice." 227508,46488.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Une part importante des IC (11/15) ont rapporté qu’au moins la moitié des ménages de la localité évaluée ne disposait pas de latrines non-améliorées, ce qui concorde avec le fait que la quasi-totalité des IC (13/15) ont rapporté qu’au maximum, un peu moins de la moitié des ménages disposait de latrines améliorées." 18167,7262.0,321.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,109,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000101571.pdf,"Economic improvement had an impact on the public finances of the country. Public revenues almost tripled in 2017 to 22.3 billion Libyan dinars (LYD) from 8.6 billion a year earlier. The positive dynamic remained in the first half of 2018, with public revenues reaching 16.7 billion LYD. Oil revenues in the first half of 2018 reached 15.6 billion, which is more than double the 6.8 billion revenue in the first half of 2017. Share of oil revenues in 2017 was equal to 86 percent, and in the first half of 2018 it accounted for more than 93% of revenues" 218367,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,Des mesures similaires à celles prises en mars dernier au plus fort de la crise sanitaire ont été communiquées aux populations et entreront en vigueur à partir du vendredi 18 décembre 2020. 2260,484.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA_Yemen_-_Monthly_SitRep_1_January.pdf,"In 2017, donors provided US$1.65 billion (70.5 per cent) out of US$2.34 billion that humanitarian partners in Yemen requested. UNFPA received US$ 15.4 million (70 per cent) out of US$22.1 million requested to support its humanitarian response in Yemen in 2017." 388620,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Plusieurs femmes ont subi des violences physiques et sexuelles au cours de ce mois surtout dans les zones occupées par des GANE. Cette situation est due à la recrudescence des attaques et de la restriction de leurs libertés par les GANE. L’interdiction est faite aux femmes de se rendre au marché, en brousse et sur les sites d’orpaillage." 235990,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The clinical psychologists deployed by WHO and mobile clinics provided psychosocial support to 104 persons. The trauma surgeons deployed by WHO and the mobile clinic teams performed 162 surgical procedures. 453783,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,31,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Se puede percibir en las respuestas de las entrevistadas la normalización de la violencia hacia la mujer y no están conscientes de las consecuencias que el mal trato les ha generado 161798,39497.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/australia-supports-covid-19-response-cox-s-bazar-bangladesh,"Overcrowded conditions in refugee camps pose a greater risk of spreading communicable diseases, including COVID-19. Australia Assists gives highly skilled Australians like Neil the opportunity to make a real difference and to help our regional neighbours before, during, and after crises and conflict." 228396,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,39,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Men are more likely to have received information from healthcare workers (29% vs. 19%), while women were more likely to have received information from family members (41% vs. 24%)." 388899,60849.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En general en sus experiencias de llegada a Chile, el proceso es considerado respetuoso por parte de las autoridades chilenas. Si bien, en muchos casos han debido recurrir a mecanismos de supervivencia negativos (venta de propiedades, dormir en la calle, mendicidad, entre otros), el proceso inicial no se concibe tan traumático en la medida que hay una primera recepción positiva por parte del país de destino." 277227,50610.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,260,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March,2021, Overall Syria] Since early December, civilian crossings, in addition to commercial and humanitarian movements, have been allowed at Tabqa, Akeirshi and Abu Assi in Ar-Raqqa. Al-Taiha in Aleppo remains open, although reports indicate some individuals have been prevented from moving to GoS areas. Further reports indicate internal crossings in Tal-Abiad-Ras al-Ain remained closed. Restrictions are ongoing at Um Jloud in Aleppo, although reports have been received of ongoing commercial movements; the Awn Dadat crossing has been closed since October. Abu-Kamal-Al-Quaem crossing is reported open for commercial and military movements; Ras al-Ain border crossing is partially open for humanitarian shipments and voluntary returns. Abu Zendin in Aleppo remains closed, although reports indicate in practice, crossings do occur, including medevacs. On 20 February, the GoS announced the reopening of the crossing, however it was reported that authorities in Al Bab did not allow any civilian movement and none was recorded. Ghazawiyet Afrin and Deir Ballut in Aleppo are open for commercial, military, and humanitarian cargo movement. On 22 February, the GoS further announced the opening of Turunbah crossing (west of Saraqeb) in Idleb Governorate, however, to date no movement has been recorded. Bab Al-Hawa in Idleb remains partially re-opened for humanitarian workers and emergency medical cases to cross to Turkey Syrian citizens in Turkey can reportedly apply for voluntary return to Syria through the crossing untill now." 63156,18817.0,1386.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"In border areas, people living in collective accommodation and in overcrowded individual accommodation require support in terms of basic goods and services, such as regular access to electricity and gas. The lack of electricity and gas makes it challenging for people to cook, to see at night, and to operate equipment such as water pumps and medical devices. Some vulnerable people cannot afford to maintain the basic structures they live in, increasing the risks of water leaks, flooding and structural collapse." 191245,43567.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_september_2020.pdf,"[Sept 2020, Cox's Bazar] Entry Screening Points are fully functional with temperature screening active in nine camps and Panbazar road. IOM manages the POEs in Camps 9, 19, 22, 25 and Panbazar road while partners manage entry screening points in camps 8E and 11 (DRC) and Camps 13, 14 and 16 (CARE)." 174459,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,67,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2018-31 Dec 2019, North East Nigeria]2019, after witnessing large fluctuations and notably returnees increasing continuously until August 2018. Seventy-two per cent of people who were initially displaced have returned. Eighty-two per cent of the entire return population were women and children while 54 per cent of the return population were female and 46 per cent were male." 237850,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Malaria Complicada Se notificaron 1 142 casos de malaria complicada, de los cuales 31 proceden del exterior y 1 111 proceden de 28 entidades territoriales." 236030,46890.0,2334.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Recognizing the importance of these training sessions, GBV actors in the regions also expressed the need for more coaching and funding support to be able to address the holistic needs of GBV survivors including health, mental health and psychosocial support, safe shelter and socioeconomic empowerment and access to justice." 356545,58354.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Environment']",es,41,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/06/22/una-persona-desaparecida-y-89-damnificadas-por-las-lluvias-en-medellin/,"La ola invernal continua causando estragos en la ciudad de Medellín. En las últimas horas, las autoridades de la capital antioqueña informaron que debido a las fuertes lluvias registradas hay un desaparecido y más de 80 personas damnificadas." 243451,47668.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,a period of higher transmission of the disease [measles] is expected. This is prompting the planning of a vaccination campaign in epidemic-prone health districts. 276249,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,175,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Le Tchad est classé parmi les pays ayant le plus faible indice d’inégalité de genre. Celle-ci est due à des pratiques discriminatoires et à des normes socioculturelles néfastes ancrées dans les usages et traditions en cours dans le pays. Elles ont pour résultat le taux élevé de mutilations génitales féminines (38%), de mariages forcés (28,4% des femmes sont mariées avant l’âge de 15 ans et 69% des femmes le sont avant l’âge de 18 ans), de violences conjugales (24% des femmes de 15-49 ont subi de la part de leur maris/partenaires des violences émotionnelles, 26% de violences physiques et 10% de violence sexuelles), de violence physique (29% des femmes âgées de 15-49 ans ont subi des violences physiques à un moment quelconque depuis l’âge de 15 ans,) et de violences sexuelles (12% ont subi des violences sexuelles à un moment quelconque) ." 13906,5542.0,322.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,44,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"9.3 million people were reached with wash assistance out of an overall caseload of 11.1 million people targeted. Overall, some 4.8 million people were reached with support to public water systems and 3.6 million people benefited from support to sanitation systems." 137466,35305.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"61,581 individuals benefited from water provision in northwest Syria. In total, 55,245.5 cubic metres of water were provided during May and 62,243.50 cubic metres in June." 205878,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,69,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The fear of discrimination or experience of actual discrimination can affect health-seeking behavior as well as health service provider attitudes. Certain groups may avoid surveillance, testing and care. These concerns will be particularly acute for refugees, migrants and IDPs who are already facing xenophobic attitudes. Prejudice could take the shape of racism, expanding to specific ethnic groups erroneously associated with the virus." 413149,60898.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"UNICEF supported the government’s preparations for the introduction and roll out of the vaccine against COVID-19. As such, the national plan of vaccine deployment was finalized, and the costing is in progress. The country already received 252,500 syringes via the COVAX mechanism. A national plan of communication for the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines has been finalized." 286917,51627.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,108,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] A few reported increasingly obsessive hygiene practices, such as washing vegetables up to 10 times. Some described how their own behaviour had changed while others’ had not. “Both me and my husband have asthma. I also have kidney failure and diabetes. My husband is getting so scared. He bought us antiseptics and disinfectants. We have limited our contact with people. Others in the camp, however, are not cautious at all. They say there is no such a thing as Coronavirus, at least in our area.” CR20" 491207,67726.0,1233.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,53,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,,"Also, the Minister of Justice visited a building to be renewed for use by the Police and Immigration departments, highlighting focussed efforts on Aruba’s frontier protection. Additionally, the government announced that from the 15 Jan 2021 visas will be required for Venezuelans entering Dutch Caribbean islands." 147873,36039.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As previously reported, the rehabilitation and light maintenance of WASH facilities in 14 collective shelters in Hama, Tartous, Lattakia and Homs has been completed with PUI support. PUI is coordinating with partners to commence light rehabilitation of WASH systems at two other shelters in Damascus. UNICEF has finalized the preparations to rehabilitate WASH facilities in informal settlements in As-Sweida" 347769,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,90,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] As leaders are primarily men, they also dominate and define community mediation verdicts, which are likely to exclude women’s interests, consent, and disregard their rights. The lack of income generation opportunities for men has seriously undermined their predisplacement identities as household heads and breadwinners, which has in turn exacerbated violence against women, drug use, gambling, alcoholism, abandonment of families, and the rise of IPV associated with polygamy." 165208,38958.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,47,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Bangladesh%20-%20August_IM%20finck.pdf,"Similar to trends seen elsewhere globally for refugees, the pandemic situation in Cox’s Bazar is negatively affecting the overall protection environment. Protection monitoring and case support continue to be conducted by UNHCR and partners, including with the help of refugee volunteers." 165190,38958.0,2098.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Bangladesh%20-%20August_IM%20finck.pdf,"On 28 August, Bangladesh restored internet connectivity to the camps in Cox’s Bazar. Refugees have widely welcomed the decision. It also offers humanitarian agencies the opportunity to widen stronger information dissemination on COVID-19 with refugees, including information about where support is available, if needed" 290993,51608.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,96,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afg_humanitarian_access_snapshot_feb_20210314.pdf,"In February, the HAG logged four levy requests, with all of them occurring in the north and northeastern regions. The four incidents highlight the increasing challenge for partners to find exemptions to levy requests. In one incident, trucks contracted to transport humanitarian goods were stopped at a NSAG-TB checkpoint and despite the drivers being equipped with a letter issued by NSAG-TB supposed to grant free passage, NSAG-TB members manning the checkpoint were asking for additional documents. In order to continue their travel, the drivers paid informal taxation." 19505,7910.0,730.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,70,['Impact'],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"The YER appreciated after Saudi Arabia deposited $200m in the Central Bank of Yemen in October 2018 to stabilise the currency. However, as foreign currency reserves dwindle the rial has slightly depreciated again, exchanging at an average of YER520/US$. The intervention was intended to lower the high cost of basic commodities including food, diesel and petrol but prices have remained relatively high." 188158,43352.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,24,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,High numbers of incidents were reported in Sahel (89). Est also reported a high number of incidents (131). 278631,50856.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021] The average price of sugar increased 13 percent m-o-m in January 2021 across the monitored locations. Dará registered the highest average selling price of 2 000 SYP per kg (43 percent m-o-m increase), the prices has recorded a 32 percent m-o-m increase in Rural Damascus, ranging between 1 400 to 1 850 SYP per kg." 454425,64535.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El porcentaje de familias que logra alimentarse únicamente entre una y dos veces al día ha aumentado en cerca de 40%, en comparación con la ronda de monitoreo de febrero-marzo" 186441,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Furthermore, following an attack on a Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)-contracted convoy in Lainya County on August 29, NRC suspended the distribution of relief items to 4,000 IDPs in Kupera town on September 2 and has withdrawn its staff from the area until further notice. Continued armed clashes between NAS elements and the SSPDF will likely result in additional access restrictions and obstructions to humanitarian assistance in Kajo-Keji, Liria, Lobonok, Morobo, Panyume, and Yei areas, WFP reports." 248254,48236.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"The governor of Lagos State,Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has said COVID-19 tests in public health facilities are not for travel purpose, but only for people with symptoms of COVID-19." 194902,43776.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,34,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] With an economic crisis gripping Syria, the local currency tumbling and resources in war zones shrinking, even the price of soap and water is soaring." 291052,51608.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afg_humanitarian_access_snapshot_feb_20210314.pdf,"IN FEBRUARY 2021, 18 total incidents related to health workers or facilities recorded while 6 aid workers killed, 6 aid workers injured, 11 aid workers abducted." 276150,50671.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les enfants handicapés n’ont pas accès à l’enseignement pour différentes raisons : les infrastructures, installations et matériel scolaires inaccessibles ; le manque de données sur le nombre de filles et garçons handicapés scolarisés et non scolarisés ; la prédominance d’une attitude discriminatoire chez les parents, enseignants, autres élèves ainsi que dans les écoles et communautés et le manque de moyens de transport adaptés." 191033,42042.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Bolori-12-wards-Maiduguri-LGA_-July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 22 settlements reported that approximately half or more residents did not have enough food to meet the needs of their household in the 30 days prior to data collection." 247694,48228.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Selon les informations recueillies, ces personnes sont arrivées dans leur grande majorité au mois d’aout 2020. [Personnes majoritairement des ethnies Boudouma, Kanembou et une minorité des peuhls et arabes. La proportion des femmes et des enfants est plus importante que les hommes.] D’autres sont d’anciens sites de 2015. Les causes de leur déplacement sont : Les attaques armées, les enlèvements, les assassinats, pillages, le déplacement préventif et les inondations." 330966,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,22,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Humanitarian Organisations were unable to reach about 23,000 displaced people around Yei, Central Equatoria due to fighting and government security operations" 293540,51569.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Living conditions are unbearable reported with about five to eight family members sleeping in the same house and estimated about 20 people per household eating from the same pot. Families displaced are in dire need of humanitarian assistance 169298,40031.0,1185.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"WFP and the Secretariat of the UN Network for SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition) completed the Nutrition Stakeholder and Action Mapping in Peru, the first SUN country in Latin America to do so, with the support of a multidisciplinary technical committee and five ministries." 337278,45748.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Key Figure (October 2020): 1.3 M Malnourished Children, 352K Malnourished Women, 6.48M Severely Food Insecure." 304052,50891.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"The UNICEF led sectors supported delivery of humanitarian assistance into newly accessible areas in Jebel Mara, South Kordofan and Blue Nile through strengthened sub-national coordination structures, government and local partners’ capacity building and prepositioning of essential supplies ready for immediate delivery to populations in need." 344221,56790.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] Manually refined fuels remain largely unavailable in NWS due to low levels of import, caused by the devaluation of the SYP the Turkish lira (TRY) against the dollar. Incidents in and around refineries further reduced the availability of manually refined fuels, according to REACH field teams." 276147,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les enfants séparés surtout les adolescents, sont exposés aux recrutements dans les groupes armés. En 2018, cinq enfants ENA et 140 ES ont été identifiés dans la province du Lac, ainsi que vingt-trois enfants associés aux groupes armés, dont deux filles." 386455,60772.0,1186.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La población inmigrante tiene una mayor participación laboral (81,3% v/s. 58,3%) y tasa de ocupación que la población nacional (75,3% v/s. 53,7%)9 . Respecto a su nivel educacional, los inmigrantes en promedio han cursado 13,2 años de escolaridad9 , en comparación a 11 años para la población nacional" 274140,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,[Household Hunger Scale (HHS)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages guidés par des femmes sont plus fréquemment exposés à la faim sévère par rapport aux ménages dirigés par les hommes respectivement (47 % contre 32 %). 288312,50610.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March, 2021, NES] In NES, there are 23 planned COVID-19 treatment centres for moderate-severe and critical cases, with 15 currently fully or partially operational (four in Al-Hasakeh, six in Ar-Raqqa, two in Deir-Ez-Zor and one each in Kobane and Menbij). The current total capacity is 963 beds for moderate-severe cases and 80 for ICU. In November, a COVID-19 facility was activated in Ar-Raqqa for pregnant women, including a dedicated delivery unit. An additional two facilities were also activated in Deir-Ez-Zor. Facilities in Al-Hasakeh city, Deir-Ez-Zor (Kisreh), Menbij and Tabqa were activated in December. However, this dedicated hospital capacity remains under-utilized, with less than five per cent of established beds occupied." 199198,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],fr,15,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,17 attaques contre les humanitaires entre février et novembre 2020 dans le territoire de Fizi 494231,68123.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The national average non-skilled labour wage, representing construction, off-loading and agricultural labour, was recorded at SYP 7,278/day (up three percent m-o-m) in August 2021. Moreover, the wage rate was 71 percent above its y-o-y level and 39 percent above levels recorded in February 2021" 17836,7208.0,321.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67474.pdf,"In December, the Gathering and Departure Facility (GDF) for vulnerable refugees and asylum-seekers opened in Tripoli. The GDF is the first of its kind in the country and is intended to bring vulnerable refugees to a safe environment while solutions, including resettlement, family reunification, or evacuation to emergency facilities are identified. The facility is managed by UNHCR, LibAid and the Ministry of Interior and represents one of a range of measures offering viable alternatives to detention in Libya. Since its opening, 220 refugees departed from the GDF to the Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM) in Niger and to Italy." 233379,46495.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Food Security']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,153,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"Los riesgos para los niños, niñas y adolescentes de La Loma son principalmente las condiciones adversas del entorno, como la presencia de animales rastreros, como culebras, y la cercanía al río (45%). Entre otros riesgos que enfrentan los niños y niñas, la población encuestada reportó también la desnutrición (23%), relacionada con la inseguridad alimentaria que afecta a un número elevado de familias en el barrio. Otro factor de riesgo reportado es el maltrato a niños, niñas y adolescentes por parte de los padres o de los tutores legales (11%), y la violencia sexual (8%). La presencia de grupos armados en el barrio implica además altos riesgos para los jóvenes sin educación y en condición de pobreza, de ser reclutados/as e involucrado en actividades ilegales (6%)." 179473,42115.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,120,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/storage/Mecanisme_FRE_COVID_19_VF.pdf,"Allocation des ressources et programmation des fonds: -Les grandes entreprises bénéficient d'une enveloppe de 30 milliards F CFA (20 milliards en 2020, 10 milliards en 2021). -Les petites et moyennes entreprises/industries bénéficient d'une enveloppe de 40 milliards F CFA (25 milliards en 2020, 15 milliards en 2021). -Les très petites entreprises ont une enveloppe de 20 milliards de F CFA (15 milliards en 2020, 5 milliards en 2021). -FBDES (bonification de taux d'intérêt): 5 milliards en 2020 -Compte courant associé à Air Burkina et subvention à hauteur de 70% des salaires (secteurs transport/agence de voyage-hôtellerie/restauration): 5 milliards pour 2020." 391111,61177.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,158,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] An increasing body of research has shown that climate-related disasters have impacted human populations in many areas including agricultural production, food security, water management and public health. The level of impacts and coping strategies of populations depends heavily on their socio-economic status, socio-cultural norms, access to resources, poverty as well as gender. Research has also provided more evidence that the effects are not gender neutral, as women and children are among the highest risk groups. Key factors that account for the differences between women’s and men’s vulnerability to climate change risks include: gender-based differences in time use; access to assets and credit, treatment by formal institutions, which can constrain women’s opportunities, limited access to policy discussions and decision making, and a lack of sex-disaggregated data for policy change." 328568,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,115,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The main drivers of health LSGs were found to be households with women of reproductive age (15-49 years old) who had given a life birth in the two years prior to data collection without having been attended by skilled health personnel (4%) , Households that do not have access to a functional healthcare facility within 1-hour walking distance (2%), Households with at least one member who had been ill in the two weeks prior to data collection and it taking more than one hour to reach the nearest healthcare facility by foot (0%)." 245844,47702.0,2425.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,81,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Informal workers fear job loss without receiving any indemnities from their employers while formal workers are aware that their end-of-service indemnities have lost 80% of their value. When formal workers lose their jobs they also lose their NSSF healthcare coverage unless they join the optional NSSF program during the first three months of unemployment. In general, the NSSF is grappling with staggering State- owed arrears and is facing bankruptcy in case subsidies on medication are lifted." 133562,35119.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,75,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"la Ley de Migraciones establece dos ti- pos de residencia: la temporaria, que tiene una duración acotada (hasta tres años) y debe renovarse antes de su vencimiento; y la permanente, que no vence. Ambos ti- pos de residencia autorizan para trabajar (art. 30) y conllevan el otorgamiento de DNI para residente extranjero (art. 51), que vence cuando caduca la residencia." 315472,54311.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,78,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Se requiere establecer medidas de protección para el acompañamiento al retorno de las personas desplazadas garantizando las medidas de seguridad, dado que en desplazamientos pasados se conoce que las personas una vez pasado el riesgo de enfrentamientos retorna rápidamente. Por la presencia de los grupos armados no estatales en los lugares de recepción, existe un riesgo de reclutamiento forzado especialmente en la población de adolescentes y hombres menores de 35 años provenientes de Venezuela." 113109,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Se realizan jornadas de atención en salud y nutrición y prevención y atención de violencia basada en género en las pensiones donde se alojan refigurados y migrantes. 198838,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 647 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 52 ZS réparties dans 10 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 290592,51817.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,81,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"Ce projet [projet de l'UNICEF depuis février 2021 - construction de 100 écoles, soit 700 salles de classe, à travers la province du Tanganyika] représente 19 pour cent de la réponse du volet de la reconstruction / réhabilitation des écoles du Tanganyika. D’après les spécialistes en éducation, 526 écoles ont été détruites depuis 2014 à cause des intempéries et des conflits armés, affectant la scolarité de près de 77 400 enfants." 437161,63582.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,109,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,L’enquête nutritionnelle réalisée par le ministère de la santé avec l’accompagnement de ses partenaires techniques et financiers permet d’apprécier les efforts consentis par l’ensemble des acteurs dans la lutte contre toutes les formes de malnutrition. Elle permet également au Burkina Faso de suivre ses engagements dans le domaine de la lutte contre la malnutrition tant au niveau national qu’au niveau international. L’édition de 2020 s’est déroulée dans un contexte marqué à la fois par la situation sécuritaire difficile dans certaines localités du pays mais aussi à la crise sanitaire liée au Coronavirus. 71084,20270.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,29,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/activan-registro-consular-de-venezolanos-en-argentina/5126693.html,"Para nosotros es fundamental seguir trabajando en pro de aquellos venezolanos que hacen vida en este país y por supuesto en la recuperación de nuestra amada Venezuela”," 187779,43282.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Partners continued to provide overall financial and technical support to the FGS in coordinating and implementing ongoing cash transfers as part of the National Safety Net Programme. Nearly 363,800 people received transfers through rural and urban safety nets. Done on a quarterly basis, the cash transfers helped beneficiaries to access food, cushioning them against the social-economic impact of multiple shocks including COVID-19. An additional 1,300 households received cash-based emergency support through unconditional cash transfers. Deh Relief Somalia teams reached 1,920 households in Dhuusamarreeb and Gaalkacyo districts with unconditional cash transfers." 163681,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,"UNHCR, its community-based protection partners, and the refugee community continue to conduct awareness-raising sessions, hygiene promotion and safe group radio listening activities in the settlements. Among the refugee community UNHCR works with 416 Community Outreach Members (COMs), 120 community groups, elected camp committees and Imams, who are playing a vital role to disseminate key messages on COVID-19 preventive practices, social distancing, hand washing, and the early referral of persons with identified symptoms to health facilities." 224681,44702.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Teachers reported stock out of teaching materials, especially in Cueibet (Chiec Teng primary school) from the beginning of the year. This will pose a challenge when schools reopen" 64750,19061.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,195,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"El capitán jivi de su pequeña comunidad es Adolfo Torres, a quien consultan para cualquier cosa que se piensa hacer. Unos cuantos árboles les dan un poco de sombra a las improvisadas casas de plástico negro, las cuales tienen colgadas hamacas para el descanso.La mascota es un perro criollo famélico que busca refugio al lado de la carpa más grande. Al frente hay un pequeño lago que se usa como baño, de allí también sacan el agua con la cual cocinan. En la mañana y cada vez que repiten el asalto al camión de la basura, los indígenas van a ese cuerpo líquido contaminado para bañarse. Son, en total, unos 25 cambuches o carpas en donde descansan cada vez que el sol se hace más insoportable. Al lado de cada uno de esos ranchos están las cocinas.Cada grupo de indígenas dispone allí la comida que sacan del basurero en estado de descomposición y llena de moscas. Hacen una fogata sobre la que ponen una olla quemada para cocinar los ‘alimentos’ y luego los sirven en cualquier recipiente plástico que hallen." 320937,54668.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,81,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] En ce qui concerne l’eau potable, 80 pour cent des villages ont indiqué avoir des sources d’eau accessibles par les ménages. L’eau potable est classé troisième en ordre de priorité des besoins perçus parmi les informateurs clés dans la province." 294063,51273.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"In urban areas, income from casual labor opportunities and remittances from abroad are still expected to be below average. This is also a time of seasonally low availability of casual labor opportunities given cold weather. Meanwhile, most staple food prices remain significantly above average. As a result, many poor households are expected to be facing food consumption gaps in the absence of humanitarian assistance, with Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes likely at the area level." 302478,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En la Tabla 2, puede verse que del total de las personas entrevistadas el 25% (34) manifiestan no haber terminado el bachillerato, el 35,2% (48) cuentan con bachillerato completo, 18,4% (25) con estudios técnicos y el 21,3% (29) afirman que son profesionales." 229675,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,strengthen ANC and delivery services in Mangalla by deploying back the displace health personnel and possible employment of extra staffs to support the influx. 165508,39645.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three problems with services in the health facilities (183 responses)† 1 Lack of medicines/medical equipment in health facilities (82%) 2 Health facilities are very crowded so avoid going due to fears of coronavirus (20%) 3 Lack of female staff in health facilities to test and/or treat women (16%) 152714,37924.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,93,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En outre, 255 voyageurs (226 hommes et 29 femmes) ont ainsi été observés en train de traverser la frontière pour se rendre au Niger. Parmi ces voyageurs se trouvaient 5 mineurs de moins de 5 ans. Ainsi, 228 Nigériens et 27 Burkinabés ont été observés sur ce point de contournement. Par contre, sur ce même point, 118 voyageurs dont 94 hommes et 24 femmes ont été observés le contournement des vois officielles; Ce sont 88 Burkinabés, 22 Nigériens et 8 Maliens." 112521,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Según el censo educativo realizado por Consejo Noruego para Refugiados, se encontraron 4.239 jóvenes y niños desescolarizados, de los cuales 2.119 son colombianos residentes, 1.585 son venezolanos y 535 son colombianos retornados. Están fuera del sistema educativo por el déficit de cupos, pero también a causa de la falta de recursos económicos para cubrir la compra de útiles, uniformes, desplazamiento y por embarazo. Ante la creciente demanda de estudiantes venezolanos, Cúcuta requiere cubrir 70 maestros faltantes, pero en términos de infraestructura no consigue atender más población." 131839,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Fortalecimiento de las colaboraciones con los proveedores de salud del gobierno para abordar retos de atención de salud básica, incluyendo los requisitos de prestación de servicios y recursos" 219408,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"In addition, the Somalia Humanitarian Fund (SHF) has contributed $2.57 million to the COVID-19 response including $400,000 to expand treatment facilities at Martino hospital in Mogadishu." 389247,61098.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,53,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SurveyAnalisis_%20INPLACE_%20Latin%20America3b_vertical.pdf,"Las principales necesidades identificadas en el estudio son: 1. Necesidades: La principal necesidad percibida es la alimentación (91%), el apoyo de vivienda (ayuda para pagar el arriendo, 67%) y el acceso al empleo o medios de vida (54%)." 242487,47618.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,136,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] Sumaiya Binte Imad and Sarah Carr highlighted the inequalities within and between schools. Even within their own school they saw significant disparities in relative wealth, causing some poorer students to be bullied and socially excluded, which teachers didn’t know how to handle. They described cases of students in public schools who weren’t taught how to apply to college, blocking their access to further education and maintaining a vicious cycle of inequality.Students suggested an existing initiative with the potential to address such inequality is one in which older students help provide lessons to the children of the school’s support staff, in order to improve the education and life chances of less privileged students within their own community." 328680,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 6% and 19% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement respectively reported areas in their community where boys or men do not feel safe. 171403,40771.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,"S’agissant des prestataires de service, à la question de savoir quels sont les impacts de la COVID19 sur leurs activités y compris l’offre de services de leurs structures, la majorité a indiqué un ralentissement notable de leurs activités. Pour eux, les sorties terrain ont été limitées et il était difficile d’atteindre les cibles. Ajouté à cela, le manque/insuffisance de matériels de protection pour les agents et dans certains cas pour les visiteurs a amené certains agents à ne pas pouvoir travailler convenablement" 280056,50900.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | Number of healthcare facilities: 3 , Of the 46% of households who required treatment in the 30 days prior to data collection, 80% reported that they had faced barriers to accessing medical care. Of those that faced barriers, the most commonly reported barriers to accessing medical care were: • Cannot afford to pay for health services (62%) • High cost of transportation to health facilities (54%)" 175456,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,52,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Les attaques perpétrées par les groupes armés au Burkina Faso se sont multipliées et affectées plusieurs régions. 216 incidents (dont 3 ONGs) ont été rapportés de janvier à septembre 2020, qui ont fait plusieurs centaines de morts et de blessés, dont la plupart sont des civils." 223961,46071.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Pendant le COVID 19, certains enfants des familles aisées dans les milieux urbains ont continués à suivre les cours en ligne alors que d’autres enfants des familles défavorisées n’ont pas accès à l’internet et certaines écoles même en milieu urbain qui n’ont pas cette capacité." 390741,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,132,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] The most significant temperature difference in Nigeria is between the coastal areas and its interior as well as between the plateau and the lowlands. On the plateau, the mean annual temperature varies between 21°C and 27°C whereas in the interior lowlands, temperatures are generally over 27°C. The coastal fringes have lower means than the interior lowlands. Seasonal mean temperatures are consistently over 20°C throughout the country and diurnal variations are more pronounced than seasonal ones. Highest temperatures occur during the dry season, and vary little from the coast to inland areas.17 Similar to rainfall, the relative humidity in Nigeria decreases from the south to the north, with an annual mean of 88% around Lagos.18" 60396,17839.0,729.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,36,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/libyas-haftar-led-forces-put-5-million-dinars-prize-for-killing-salah-badi/,The Air Force of GNA carried out in the meantime several airstrikes on Haftar’s forces and the ground forces managed to capture the commander of Haftar’s Gharyan Operations Room Fawzi Buharara. 394994,61910.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,89,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.ciperchile.cl/2021/05/08/inmigracion-delincuencia-y-las-erroneas-percepciones-sobre-el-delito/,"En resumen,nuestros resultados muestran, en línea con el grueso de la literatura comparada(Butcher and Piehl, 1998; Bianchi et al 2012; Bell et al, 2013; Alonso-Borrego et al, 2012; Chalfin, 2014; Fasani, 2019),queel arribo de migrantes no está asociado con un aumento en el crimen.A su vez, aportamos un resultado novedoso en la literatura de migración al documentar un efecto importante en las percepciones de las personas asociadas al crimen." 473208,67204.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"Además, la muerte de uno de los padres a menudo reduce los ingresos de la familia, lo que hace más difícil atender las necesidades básicas de los pequeños." 185956,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,84,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"La farine de manioc est moins chère que la farine de maïs, son prix médian au sein des PMA à l'échelle du territoire se situe entre 27 450 et 37 485 FC. De nombreuses disparités s'observent au sein des provinces pour le prix de cet article. Les augmentations observées, comme pour les précédents bulletins, apparaisent comme importantes (Kabalo, 280% ; Kasenga, 152 % ; Kungu, 97% ; Aru, 92%)." 228229,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Between 1 January and 30 September 2020, Pro-Government Forces were responsible for more than a quarter of all civilian casualties – 28 per cent – amounting to 1,640 civilian casualties (602 killed and 1,038 injured)." 157269,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,26,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Para aquellos que decidieron volver a Venezuela, se observó una falta de articulación entre las autoridades locales y nacionales para asegurar un retorno seguro." 247704,48228.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,76,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Les actions urgentes suggérées sont l’organisation des activités mobiles, y compris des activités de promotion de la santé et de la nutrition accès sur les pratiques familiales essentielles et l’alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant ; l’identification et la formation des relais communautaires pour la promotion des activités de santé communautaire et la planification des activités avancées de routine en vaccination des enfants et des femmes enceintes." 217439,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,21,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Partial border closures with Pakistan and Iran have affected the main supply routes for critical items, notably, food." 407125,63699.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,101,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigerians-awaiting-second-dose-astrazeneca-vaccine-heave-sigh-relief-soon,"[19th August 2021, Nigeria]""The contribution from the UK government gives additional strength to Nigeria's fight against COVID-19. I will implore Nigerians who are yet to receive the vaccine should as it is safe. All the vaccines received by the government - (AstraZeneca, Moderna and Janssen's Johnson and Johnson) are safe”, Dr Mulombo said. The shipment of the UK-donated doses as part of a broader pledge to share 100 million vaccines with the rest of the world, of which 80% will be through COVAX." 192216,42050.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Mairi-Mashamari-Maimusari-ward-Jere-LGA_July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Jere LGA, Borno state] KIs from 17 assessed settlements reported that no handwashing facilities were publicly available to residents at the time of data collection. In all of the remaining 6 settlements where KIs reported publicly available handwashing stations, soap and water were reportedly available." 48822,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,86,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Over the past two years, the Colombian Department of North Santander, which borders Venezuela, saw a sharp rise in “public health events” reported via surveillance systems among Venezuelans: from 182 in 2015 to 5,094 in 2018.67 Colombia’s Epidemiological Surveillance System (Sivigila) reported that from January through August 2018, 2,398 public health events had occurred in patients from abroad, an almost threefold increase compared to the same period in 2017 (863 cases)." 199651,43347.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Up to 900,000 South Sudanese children are afflicted with psychological trauma as a result of witnessing violence or experiencing it directly during attacks on schools or similar violent incidents." 116006,30124.0,1386.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],es,134,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades no cubiertas La falta de financiación y la capacidad operativa y técnica de la mayoría de los socios del Clúster ha sido limitada, restringiendo las áreas y estados de intervención donde se están implementando actividades relacionadas con el Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria. Esto puede conducir a una brecha importante en la capacidad de financiación entre los actores nacionales e internacionales para la ejecución de actividades. Debido a una falta significativa de datos multisectoriales representativos a nivel de país, no hay análisis de tendencias de variación de necesidades humanitarias entre los estados, zonas rurales y urbanas. Una creciente afluencia de retornados venezolanos esperada durante 2020 puede conducir a una escalada de necesidades humanitaria que no se ha tomado en consideración durante los tres primeros meses del año." 47464,16249.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,151,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"Miembros de la plataforma de coordinación nacional (el Grupo Interagencial para los Flujos Migratorios Mixtos - GIFMM), liderada por el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) y la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), y compuesto por 38 agencias de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs) y el Movimiento de la Cruz Roja, han ampliado operaciones para responder a las crecientes necesidades de las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela, incluidas las personas retornadas colombianas, así como las comunidades de acogida, y buscan apoyar y complementar la respuesta del Estado. Estos esfuerzos abarcan desde la respuesta de emergencia hasta las necesidades humanitarias, básicas y de protección, así como las acciones para promover la integración, cohesión social y fortalecimiento de las capacidades del gobierno." 229605,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"People are sleeping on ground and others are using sack as a sleeping mat. When it gets dark (at night) the lactating, pregnant and elderly sleep under the veranda of the shop in the market and strong people are left standing or sleep in an open space under the tree where they are allocated." 223528,44702.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,There is a need to extend FFA activities to the affected locations to be able to build local dykes 392116,62153.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,52,['Priority Needs'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20-%20Cameroonian%20Refugees%20Operational%20Update%20June%202021_0.pdf,"[5th Aug 2021, Nigeria] PROTECTION: At least 200 new arrivals were identified/profiled by UNHCR and partners in BCT States. They fled following renewed violence in their communities in the South-West region of Cameroon. Urgent needs remain food, healthcare, blankets, and mosquito nets." 189329,42844.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,143,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Solidar-COVID-Andean-ES2020-vv5.pdf,"Mención aparte merece la situación política de Colombia que, a pesar de la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz, es uno de los países más peligrosos para las personas defensoras de derechos humanos en América Latina. Según el último informe del Instituto para Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz1, desde la firma de Los Acuerdos de Paz en 2016, han asesinado en Colombia a 971 líderes y personas defensoras de los derechos humanos, 95 entre el 6 de marzo y el 15 de julio. Fruto de esta violencia, la práctica del confinamiento no es algo nuevo, y ya en 2019 cerca de 27.600 personas permanecieron confinadas, según el Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja, a causa de la presencia de grupos armados que limitan la movilidad entre comunidades y entre barrios" 322599,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,103,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 98% of households were found to have at least one Food Security Living Standard Gap(LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 36% of households were found to have a food security LSG but no Capacity Gap (CG) in food security, 62%% of households were found to have both a food security LSG and a Capacity Gap (CG) in food security,2% of households were found to have no food security LSG but a Capacity Gap (CG) in food security." 192387,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Protection actors have been working together to visit communities near the cantonment sites, and to assess and address the related protection issues." 16591,6344.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,71,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"In March 2015, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia-led Coalition began airstrikes against Al Houthi and allied forces to halt their southward expansion. The ongoing conflict has damaged or destroyed public infrastructure, interrupted essential services, and reduced commercial imports to a fraction of the levels required to sustain the Yemeni population; the country relies on imports for 90 percent of its grain and other food sources." 154962,38099.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’analyse d’impact de la crise sanitaire et des restrictions indique que les commerçants enquêtés constatent une diminution des transferts des revenus en provenance de l’extérieur (paiements des dettes de la part des clients vivant en dehors du pays ou dans les autres régions, envoi d’argent et retard des paiements des denrées à crédit)." 131836,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Fortalecimiento de la estrategia de información sobre el acceso a los servicios gratuitos actualmente disponibles, con un enfoque especial en mujeres embarazadas y mujeres en edad fértil para los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva; menores de cinco años; personas que viven con VIH/SIDA para un tratamiento antirretroviral (ARV) y de control; y atención clínica y de la tuberculosis para víctimas de VBG." 276257,50671.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,86,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Le manque d’activités génératrices de revenus (AGR) ou l’impossibilité de poursuivre certaines activités traditionnelles, comme la pêche, pour les hommes, empêche ces derniers de remplir leur rôle traditionnel de pourvoyeurs de ressources pour la famille. La paupérisation, le prolongement sans issue du déplacement et l’inactivité restreignent de plus en plus la capacité des hommes à assurer l’autonomie économique de la famille, un rôle qui revient progressivement à la femme." 275487,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Dans les régions de Tillaberi, Tahoua et Diffa, des investissements majeurs sont déjà planifiés ou en cours par le Gouvernement du Niger et ses partenaires de développement. Il s’agit notamment du Projet d’Appui aux Réfugiés et Communautés d’Accueil (PARCA) Gouvernement du Niger/Banque Mondiale/HCR." 494245,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Ar-Raqqa & Al-Hasakeh] Ar-Raqqa recorded the highest red split lentils price at SYP 3,967/kg (down one percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price at SYP 1,957/kg (up eight percent m-o-m)." 225543,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Findings from the children’s consultation showed that by 88.8% of surveyed children contribute themselves to the family income, showcasing the prevalence of child labor in the target location." 156617,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"In the past week, CHWs provided messages on COVID-19 to 257 665 persons. Since the beginning of the response, CHWG conducted more than 1.24 million household visits and had contacts with a cumulative number of more than 2.43 million adult household members." 335281,55819.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Traditionnellement, les activités de la population de cette région sont axées presque exclusivement sur l’élevage, mais sont de plus en plus dépendantes de l’agriculture. Ainsi, dans respectivement 99% et 98% des localités couvertes par l’évaluation, l’agriculture et l’élevage ont été rapportés comme principaux moyens de subsistance par les IC, ce qu’on confirmé les participants au groupe de discussion, notamment la pratique de l’agriculture de subsistance, sur des superficies limitées." 495113,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Finalmente, otro elemento clave del contexto es que debido a la falta de recursos y donantes, existe una ausencia casi total de estrategias y programas a medio y largo plazo que tengan como finalidad apoyar a los refugiados y migrantes en soluciones duraderas, principalmente a aquellos con vocación de permanencia en el país" 194231,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Un total de 2 341 voyageurs en trafic international ont été screenés ce 11/11/2020 ; une alerte a été identifiée. Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 25 661 voyageurs ont été recensés, parmi lesquels 99,8% (n=25 599) ont" 326175,55014.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,125,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]IDP households residing in host communities and camps/camp-like settings across north-east Nigeria were asked about the current state of the house in which they were living before they were forced to flee their locations of origin. Fifty-four per cent of respondents reported that the house in which the household lived prior to their displacement was totally burnt or destroyed. Twenty-eight per cent of respondents reported that their house was partially burnt or damaged, but still repairable. Six per cent of respondents stated that their houses were not damaged at all and for 12 per cent of the respondents, the current state of their house in their location of origin was unknown." 291400,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,11,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Health workers will be prioritised to receive some 128,000 doses." 168796,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"As of 28 April 2020, there have been 43 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Government held areas,17and no confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported in the northwest Syria" 491764,67956.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,90,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20External%20Situation%20Report%20-%20July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, Borno] Food Security: • The June 2021 report of the Famine Monitoring System for Inaccessible Areas – led by the Government and supported by Food Security Sector (FSS) partners – indicated Bama, Gwoza, Kukawa and Magumeri LGAs of Borno State face high risk of catastrophic food insecurity. Following findings of elevated food consumption gaps, malnutrition and extensive or unsustainable use of emergency coping strategies, the report concluded that these unreached areas should be closely monitored." 193844,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La situation nutritionnelle reste également préoccupante dans la province du Lac bien que le taux de malnutrition aiguë globale (MAG) de 12,3% soit inférieur au seuil d´urgence ; le taux de MAS de 2,3% dépasse le seuil d´urgence de 2% et le Lac reste confronté à un contexte de mouvements de population et d´insécurité qui sont des facteurs aggravant la situation nutritionnelle." 384878,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,L’OMS a apporté une assistance à 264 femmes et jeunes filles victimes des VBG ayant bénéficié gratuitement des soins psychosociaux en partenariat avec son partenaire OCADES. 280794,50914.0,2332.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Health', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"The current conditions in hosting areas [Eastern Chad, Ouaddai province] are dire with most of the refugees staying under makeshift shelters with limited access to water, food and basic health services and the needs are set to increase as the influx of refugees is expected to continue in the coming weeks." 148224,35830.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Response%20COVID-19%20Sit%20Rep%20%234%20-%20External%20use.pdf,"The Socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, notably in food security and livelihoods, are likely to exacerbate existing substantial humanitarian needs across the country. On 17 June, the U.S. Caesar sanctions went into effect and throughout the month the informal SYP/USD exchange rate has experienced extreme volatility, at one point rising to the highest rate on record – approximately SYP 3,200 to $USD 1 on 8 June. The cost of the survival minimum expenditure basket (SMEB) has increased by 68 percent." 164483,32981.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",[],[],es,86,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,"Se ha brindado apoyo a las diferentes entidades de salud de los municipios de Pasto, Ipiales y Tumaco a través del Instituto Departamental de Salud de Nariño (IDSN). Se han entregado insumos y elementos médicos, además de elementos de protección personal, apoyo psicosocial y psicológico para personal de salud. Asimismo, se mantienen y refuerzan procesos de atención primaria en salud y de salud mental en los alojamientos temporales activos y puntos estratégicos, del municipio de Ipiales." 224611,44702.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"In Wako of Wulu County, 3HHs were observed to be in functional state. Apparently, communities use these BHs to get clean water, but sanitation and hygiene remained points of concern" 293895,50852.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"Percentage of [households] HHs in each Reduced Coping Strategy Index category, by population group: Refugee: Low (50%), Medium (24%), High (26%). IDP: Low (36%), Medium (26%), High (38%). Non-displaced: Low (58%), Medium (23%), High (20%)." 141894,34876.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Recommendation: Cohorts that could benefit from targeted messaging about breastmilk include urban women. Few respondents (round 1: 5%; round 2: 7%) think that COVID-19 can be transmitted through breastmilk. 224238,45763.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"En termes de recommandation à court terme, il convient d’assister les femmes et les jeunes filles en kits de dignité ; d’appuyer les activités sur le soutien psychosocial en faveur des enfants affectés pour renforcer leur résilience à travers la mise en place d’espaces de loisirs ; de renforcer les capacités des autorités provinciales et départementales sur les droits et protection des femmes et enfants à travers des sessions de formation." 338764,56193.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,63,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"DRC is ranked 126 of 128 countries on rule of law by the World Justice Project due to the country’s lack of checks and balances on executive power, including auditing capabilities. While DRC has improved some of its legal framework, including on women’s inheritance and domestic violence, laws are not applied consistently or equally." 221711,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The multiplicity of local armed actors with varying command structures and geographical presence, rapidly changing national and regional forces and the presence of various bilateral support missions and AMISOM troops, together with regional interventions, result in an operating environment in which territorial control by loosely allied groups shifts regularly and chains of command and control are not always clear. Establishing and maintaining relationships with those who have influence over humanitarian access to persons in need is both challenging and uncertain." 336151,43604.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"WASH based health concerns: Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported malaria is the main health problem are Abiemnhom 100%, Baliet 100%, Maban 100%, Renk 100%, Rumbek North 100%." 359659,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,192,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Impact of gender norms and stereotypes on educational continuity and attainment: The governments of Bangladesh and Nepal have made a commitment to fulfilling the right to education of its people, and in turn significant efforts have been made towards ensuring access to educational services for all. The compulsory level of education in Bangladesh19 and Nepal is the same which is completion of grade 8 (WENR, 2019). Bangladesh and Nepal have achieved a net enrolment rate for primary education (97.97 per cent in Bangladesh and 97.2 per cent for Nepal in 2018/2019). Bangladesh and Nepal have achieved the Gender Parity Index 20 (GPI, BLD:1.075 in 2018, Nepal: 1.06 in 2019) value higher than one at primary school. It means that there are more girls in primary schools than boys. For secondary school education, Bangladesh still achieved 1.19 GPI value while Nepal was only 0.95. It means the number of girls who access secondary schooling in Nepal compared to boys is less than in Bangladesh." 457611,65405.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Il faut noter également l’insuffisance ou le manque d’activité de subsistance qui amènent certaines femmes et jeunes filles à adopter des stratégies de survie néfaste, tels que le sexe pour la survie." 224741,45275.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"In interviews with displacement-affected people in Kandahar, 83 per cent had received threats of eviction and 97 percent saw a high risk of eviction, with women particularly affected." 134136,34837.0,1186.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,Un 20% de los entrevistados reportó haber sufrido algún problema de salud física o mental que requería asistencia médica desde su llegada a Chile. 227500,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,32,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Sur le long terme, cela pourrait affecter l’accès à l’éducation pour les enfants, si cet usage des écoles comme logement collectif venait à se prolonger." 204155,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,53,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Victims of land grabbing and housing occupation, especially vulnerable persons such as women, child- and elderly-headed households, and persons with disabilities, are at risk of violence, GBV, exploitation, threats and harassment by those occupying their assets, which may include persons associated with armed groups." 305037,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"CAR refugees are among the most vulnerable refugee populations in Sudan and face unique protection concerns due to their relative isolation, language barriers and limited capacity to integrate with host communities" 289117,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,118,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"Antes de la pandemia, la participación laboral de las mujeres en América Latina era del 50,3%, es decir, 25 puntos porcentuales por debajo de la de los hombres20. Las mujeres también ganaban un 17% menos que los hombres por hora trabajada21 , y representaban el 57% del trabajo a tiempo parcial en la región22. Más aún, el 54% de las mujeres trabajaba informalmente y el 51,4% en sectores de baja productividad. De este último grupo, sólo el 18,6% está afiliado a la seguridad social23, una elocuente cifra que muestra una dimensión adicional de las vulneraciones que enfrentan las mujeres en la región." 199192,44310.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Cependant, les territoires de Kabambare et de Salamabila, dans le sud, sont les plus touchés par ces maladies. Salamabila et Kabambare concentrent 72 pour cent des cas de diarrhées sanglantes enregistrés depuis janvier 2020. Au niveau de la zone de santé de Salamabila, les cas de fièvre typhoïde ont augmenté de plus de 13% entre fin octobre et début novembre, selon des sources hospitalières locales." 298969,51152.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Lack of availability of anti-venom in-country in particular in Jonglei meant that many health facilities were unable to respond to snake bites risking people of dying or developing other health complications 159014,37971.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,7,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,Nombre de contacts à suivre : 81 272779,50256.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 30% (96) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait accès qu’à de l’eau de surface à distance de marche au cours du mois précédent." 204720,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,104,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"A total of 7.5 million women, men, girls and boys are expected to be in need in 2020, across all South Sudan’s 78 counties. This is a slight increase in absolute numbers from the 7.1 million people estimated to be in need in the 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview and the 7.2 million presented in the Periodic Monitoring Report after the first quarter of 2019. Accounting for an increase in the population baseline from 11.4 million in 2019 to 11.7 million in 2020, however, the proportion of South Sudanese people in need remains two thirds." 219491,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"WHO is supporting the recruitment of 48 health staff for the 35-bed isolation facility in Jubaland. WASH partners including UNICEF are provided hand washing facilities and put up latrines in the isolation center while Trócaire is supporting three isolation facilities in Dhobley, Belet Xaawo and Doolow." 495421,67230.0,1185.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,23,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Falta de una provisión adecuada de agua potable y servicios de saneamiento que facilita la aparición de enfermedades gastrointestinales, entre otras." 358524,58562.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,167,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Over the past ten years, the level of access to ICTs such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets has increased substantially in Nigeria, which has led to corresponding increases in the use of internet, text messaging, and social media apps (Ogbuabor et al 2017).This spike in internet access is particularly pronounced among young people. As of 2019, 70% of Nigerians aged 18 – 35 years old had access to the internet, compared with 56% of those aged 36 to 60 (NOI Polls 2019). This in turn has has led to the emergence of a cadre of youth activists and youth-led civil society organizations (so-called “clicktivists’’ and “hashtag activists’’) that use social media as a tool to voice political grievances and organize protest actions (Mateos and Erro 2020, Uwalka 2020a, Uwalka 2020b)." 408629,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,98,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Children and young adults at risk of forced recruitment: The signing of the peace agreement by the Government and the FARC-EP was expected to reduce the number of minors (i.e. younger than 18) forcibly recruited by armed groups. While that reduction did not materialise, the figures remained at similar levels until 2020 – a year that saw a 113% increase from 2019 countrywide (El Espectador 07/04/2021). This increase was caused in part by school closures and the economic and social fallout as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic" 393210,62158.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] 39% of the total discussants indicates that shelter conditions can increase the severity of COVID 29 outbreak in their community, 24% said inadequate hygiene practices can also increase the severity of COVID 19 outbreak. 13% said religious practices would increase the severity of COVID 19 outbreak, 7% mentioned health access can increase the severity, 6% indicates that lack of reliable information would increase the severity, 1% said lack of community structures to facilitate support would also increase the severity while 0.47% said indifference of community." 173004,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,134,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Risques protection de l'enfance suite à l'épidémie : • Impact négatif sur le bien-être psychologique et émotionnel des enfants et adolescents • Risque de séparation familiale du fait du COVID-19 (séparation ou perte des parents/tuteurs)• Augmentation des risques de négligence, exploitation et violence y compris sexuelle contre les enfants et adolescents, notamment du fait de la diminution de la capacité des familles de subvenir aux besoins des enfants en raison des restrictions de mouvement et/ou de la hausse des prix des vivres sur le marché et de l’adoption de mécanismes d’adaptation négatifs • Accès aux services de base réduit et notamment aux services de santé (y compris les services de santé materno-infantile, VBG, et santé sexuelle et reproductive pour les adolescents)" 114121,31147.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,102,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Impacto socioeconómico Si bien El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras están clasificados como países de ingresos medios, una mayoría de la población trabaja en el sector informal sin ninguna protección social y no se ha beneficiado del limitado crecimiento económico que ha caracterizado la región en los últimos años. Al contrario, el ingreso real per cápita disminuyó para los sectores más vulnerables10. El espectro de la recesión económica se hace cada vez más visible a medida que crece el impacto de las restricciones de movimiento tanto internas como externas impuestas por las autoridades para frenar la pandemia." 217542,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Urban hubs such as Kabul, Hirat, Mazar, Nangarhar and Kandahar are already hard hit by the impact of COVID-19 on the economic accessibility to food." 751,156.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,99,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Across all assessed mantikas, returnee households were most likely (54.0%) to report a lack of access to adequate healthcare. This additional vulnerability came in part from the fact that returnee households were more likely to return to conflict-affected areas where basic services, including health services, were not yet fully operational. As returnees’ ability to re-integrate in their areas of origins largely depends on their ability to resume a normal life and meet their households’ needs, a lack of access to functional services can hinder this rebuilding process." 412779,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The birth assisted by unskilled birth attendants mainly resides in the rural area. When the respondents were asked why they did not carry out the delivery with the help of an expert’s hand or taking to the hospital, financial problems (7 respondents out of 18) came out to be the main reason. Besides that risk of getting coronavirus infection (6 respondents out of 18) and closure of the nearest health facility (4 respondents out of 18) were the major reasons for that." 73260,21154.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,48,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"The strengthening of networks and mechanisms to provide reliable and up-to-date information and guidance to the refugee and migrant population from Venezuela continues to be a cross-cutting challenge in the different lines of action, despite the progress that has been achieved in the response in 2019." 150721,32327.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En Ecuador, el 69% de las mujeres, el 75% de las personas LGBTIQ + y el 45% de los hombres encuestados dijeron necesitar atención médica. Entre estos, el 88% de las mujeres, el 66% de las personas LGBTIQ+ y el 80% de los hombres no recibieron la atención que necesitaban." 328538,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[General household information]Two most commonly reported preferred sources through to receive information about COVID-19 were Radio classes (60%) and Word of mouth (35%). 1552,291.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2016%20February%202018.pdf,"In coordination with authorities, partners and civil society, UNHCR is providing support to the refugees who survived a road accident on 14 February near Bani Walid. Since the accident, UNHCR has been coordinating with authorities and local partners on the ground to ensure all necessary assistance is made available. Six individuals who are suffering from multiple injuries have been transferred to Tripoli, where UNHCR is supporting them with medical care in a private hospital. UNHCR and its partner International Medical Corps are responding to the critical health conditions of an additional 18 patients in hospitals" 37163,11044.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"Food is grossly inadequate with most asylum seeker families surviving on one meal per day. An estimated 75% of children from displaced families are out of school and able-bodied men and women are getting increasingly frustrated in their struggle to make ends meet daily. This may increase the potential for SGBV, criminality and disease." 130800,33838.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"el aislamiento y limitación en el desarrollo de la dinámica convencional de la población ha aumentado los diferentes tipos de violencia sexual, física y la violencia de género que conlleva al aumento de eventos negativos en salud sobre todo en mujeres y niños." 298947,51152.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Education Cluster will continue engagement with WASH Cluster to ensure that flooded water facilities in schools are disinfected and collapsed latrines rebuild in preparation for the 2021 school season. 248736,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"En outre, le risque d’apatridie reste élevé du fait que beaucoup d’enfants sont nés au Niger (Djakime, Limi et Kablewa et Guiguime) mais ils n’ont pas été déclarés à la naissance à l’état civil." 298675,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"These interference attempts - of which NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) initiated 69 - had different impacts on humanitarian activities: In 36 instances, programs or projects were temporarily halted, sometimes for several weeks, with another seven incidents resulting in the temporary closure of humanitarian facilities, including in Nuristan, Takhar and Samangan provinces" 165606,39662.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,98,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Handwashing practice at work also appears inadequate. Nearly half the workers interviewed mentioned that they wash their hands if they feel dirty. The most commonly mentioned time of handwashing is after completion of the day’s work. About 70% workers wash their hands with soap after they complete day’s work. Only 23% cleaners in the hospital mentioned washing their hands with soap after helping a patient, which not only poses a risk to them personally, but is equally risky for other patients they attend to afterwards." 132514,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Respecto de la protección basada en la comunidad/protección comunitaria, el principal reto está en la falta de espacios organizados donde la comunidad de refugiados y migrantes pueden juntarse y comprometerse con las comunidades de acogida, y donde se pueden organizar actividades comunes. Hay que destacar el uso de mecanismos de protección de la comunidad con miras a evitar y responder a temas de protección, tal como violencia basada en género, es una prioridad." 220936,45369.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,22,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/stop-aux-mutilations-g-nitales-f-minines-faire-ensemble-du-burkina-faso-un,Le cadre législatif ne semble toutefois pas suffisant pour éradiquer totalement cette pratique. [mutilations génitales féminines (MGF)] 257025,48672.0,2333.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,UNHCR has set up two mobile clinics to help victims of sexual and gender-based violence and providing reproductive health services. They are currently located in Intikane and Ayerou and foresee to offer help to survivors of GBV in 2021. 298674,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The number of bureaucratic impediments (7) were again on the level of Q1 and Q2, after Q3 saw a coordinated effort by humanitarian coordination bodies to measure the extent of bureaucratic impediments in Afghanistan. The decrease in interferences with staff recruitment is more difficult to explain, with Q4 logging the lowest quarterly number in 2020." 129450,32894.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,36,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,Protocolos de protección y traslado de NNA con discapacidad: se evidencia la ausencia o desconocimiento de rutas y protocolos de atención y traslado de menores por parte de los representantes estatales (MIES). 40933,11894.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,50,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Urban migrants displaced from assessed baladiyas most commonly travelled further into Tripoli, particularly to Abusliem and the Al-Wadi Ash-Sharqi area of Tajoura. Both of these areas are home to sizable migrant communities and workers’ accommodations that serve as a pull factor for urban migrants seeking shelter." 326577,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The main driver of protection LSGs was found to be Households reporting having experienced movement restrictions in the 30 days prior to data collection (2%). 159642,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"Interestingly, unlike the high awareness among Kaduna IDPs residing in camps and camp-like settings, 64 per cent felt that most people knew about COVID-19, followed by 18 per cent who felt that everyone knew about the virus" 58688,17259.0,1384.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,62,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"Many Venezuelans in Curaçao arrive via air travel and overstay their visas because they fear returning to their country. However, earlier this year, Curaçao restricted all flights from Venezuela onto the island for a period of time. With no way to get to Curaçao other than by irregular means, the risk of trafficking and exploitation increases." 156641,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,22 Health Care workers at Ukhiya Upazila received a one-day IPC training COVID-19 training which is being rolled out to all Upazilas in the district 200561,44300.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,138,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Au-delà de l’aspect financier, ils sont nombreux à exprimer un sentiment de honte à réintégrer la communauté d’origine. En effet, à travers le départ d’un migrant, ce sont les espoirs de toute sa famille et de ses proches qui sont placés dans les mains de celui qui tente l’expérience migratoire. Ces éléments ne sont pas quantifiables ni matériels (du moins tant que le migrant n’atteint pas le succès dans son projet migratoire), ils n’en sont pas moins réels puisque l’échec de la migration, et donc le manquement à son obligation de partage des bénéfices, a des conséquences sérieuses quant à la réinsertion psychosociale du migrant de retour (stigmatisation,sentiment de honte)" 104842,30139.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,91,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Many of the countries most significantly affected by the health emergency are key players in the global tourism ecosystem, either as destinations, source markets or both. Countries with the highest number of reported cases account for about 55 and 68 percent of global inbound expenditure, respectively (see Table 1). The effects of the crisis on these economies will spill out to other countries, and outbound tourism and the impact will be particularly critical on territories that are heavily dependent on international tourism." 328762,54713.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,102,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 98% of households were found to have at least one Food Security Living Standard Gap(LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 39% of households were found to have a food security LSG but no Capacity Gap (CG) in food security, 59% of households were found to have both a food security LSG and a Capacity Gap (CG) in food security,2% of households were found to have no food security LSG but a Capacity Gap (CG) in food security." 273771,50128.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,"[commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] En plus d’avoir perdu d’importants biens pendant la catastrophe, la population déplacée subit des pillages, par des actes de vol et d’agressions nocturnes, du peu de bien qu’ils aient pu amener avec eux lors de ce déplacement." 223827,45880.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,55,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"En raison des difficultés financières des ménages, les femmes qui travaillent dans le pe�t commerce ambulant du secteur informel restent plus longtemps dans la rue et s'aventurent poten�ellement plus loin que d'habitude dans l'espoir de vendre davantage - ce faisant, elles sont exposées à des risques accrus de VSS dans l'espace public." 271918,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"le manque de documentation civile expose les PDI à la violation de leurs droits et les questions de logement, terre et propriété (LTP) accroissant leur vulnérabilité dans un contexte où les mesures visant à garantir leur protection sont déjà limitées." 163984,34165.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",es,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Puerto Libertador existe temor entre la comunidad por posibles enfrentamientos entre grupos armados y posibles reclutamientos. Hay zonas en riesgo de confinamiento y desplazamientos individuales, hay mucha tensión en la zona por la presencia de grupos armados. Hasta los primeros días del mes de julio ya se habían desplazado 5 personas de la zona, muchas personas se han desplazado de zonas rurales por trochas hacia Juan José." 174466,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,65,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria] PROFILE OF ASSISTANCE FOR RETURNEES Out of 670 sites assessed, no assistance was reported in 29 per cent of sites (down by 1%). NFI support was the most common type of assistance provided, with 23 per cent (down from 25%) of sites reporting this kind of assistance" 280136,50901.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] Average number of people reported per shelter is 4.4." 158961,39161.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,56,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"The ongoing conflict in north-east Nigeria, now entering its eleventh year, and the upsurge in violent attacks witnessed over the past year in the crisis-affected states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe have deepened humanitarian needs. The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbates the situation and risks wreaking havoc on the most vulnerable population." 228305,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Of the interviewed victims who were physically injured, 85 per cent stated that the incident had caused long-term physical disability or disfigurement." 276365,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,97,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"L’accès aux services sociaux de base reste précaire dans la province du Lac et le Sud du pays et constitue un impératif pour renforcer le Nexus Humanitaire-Développement au Tchad. / L’accès aux services sociaux de base existant dans la cuvette nord du bassin du Lac Tchad est encore plus restreint à cause des récurrentes attaques par les groupes armés et les opérations militaires qui empêchent la circulation, le développement de la zone et limitent l’accès aux services sociaux de base ainsi qu’à l’assistance humanitaire." 272637,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"L’engagement pris par SEM le Premier le Ministre de mettre en place un comité de haut niveau sur l’accès lors de la cérémonie du lancement conjoint du plan de soutien et du plan de réponses humanitaire, le 24 février 2020 a permis d’avoir un cadre d’orientation sur la facilitation permanente d’accès humanitaire conformément aux principes humanitaires à travers la coordination, le suivi, le rapportage et l’analyse fondée sur les réalités du terrain" 281046,51117.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,121,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/drug-prices-vary-in-pharmacies-across-syrias-al-hasakeh/,"[February 18, NWS] Shipping pharmaceuticals in a medium-sized truck costs about 4,500 USD, according to the pharmacist. In addition, there is a fee, which is 1 percent of the value of each bill, that must be paid to the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES). It sometimes takes several months for road-shipped pharmaceutical products to reach their destination. Besides, pharmaceutical cargo theft is a major risk faced by truck drivers in road transport. Some medicines are damaged as a result of repeated inspections by dozens of roadblocks. All this requires a significant increase in prices in order to compensate for these losses." 154811,38099.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,79,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Afin de lutter contre la pandémie, le Gouvernement du Burkina Faso a mis en place quatre types de mesure: (i) les mesures de protection et de prévention de la propagation du virus; (ii) la réalisation d’une étude d’analyse macroéconomique de l’impact de la covid-19; (iii) les mesures de mitigation; et (iv) la formulation d’un plan de riposte." 224237,45763.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Quelques villages ont enregistré des cas de conflit agriculteurs et éleveurs soldés par des bagarres avec des hommes blessés mais pas de mort d´homme. 328619,54713.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 96% of IDP settlement and 82% of non-IDP settlement households found with a Shelter and non-food items Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 390725,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,117,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"la participación relativa de los migrantes en servicio doméstico es del 35,4% el 2018 , este rubro se encontraba en pleno empleo y sus salarios habían crecido más que el promedio nacional debido a la necesidad de este tipo de trabajo. Otro ejemplo de ocupación complementaria con otras actividades económicas son los médicos . Entre el año 2016 y el año 2019, la aprobación del examen EUNACOM por médicos extranjeros pasó de 391 a 1.932, llegando a representar más de la mitad de los médicos certificados por año, lo que implica que, gracias a la población extranjera, la cantidad de médicos al año se duplica relativo a los chilenos ." 362056,58998.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/relief-decision-keep-open-vital-humanitarian-border-crossing-syria,"[10 JUL, NWS] Bab Al-Salam crossing to the north west and the Al-Yaroubiah crossing to the north east, both crossings have been closed over the last 20 months through different Security Council resolutions, putting further pressure on Bab al Hawa." 228382,46627.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,37,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"With a healthcare system already stretched to the limits, ongoing conflict and natural disasters, widespread food insecurity and reductions in foreign aid, stakeholders in Afghanistan were already facing a complex and worsening situation." 223461,44702.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Majority of people expressed low seed level for the next planting season since all the plantations are submerged in water. And will not have seeds compare to last season when the flood was not severe. 113102,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Entrega de carpa en el albergue Nubes Verdes de Ipiales (Nariño) para fortalecer las acciones de atención en salud física y mental ©OIM 492675,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] MEDIAN SMEB COOKING FUEL PRICE (Kerosene 25L and LPG 20L): 45,37 SYP One month change: 5% Six month change: 2%" 224226,45763.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Dans tous les villages visités des départements respectivement, Mayo-Boneye, Mayo-Lémié, Kabbia et Mont-Illi, l’environnement de protection s’avère précaire, insalubre et dangereux avec le risque permanent de noyade, de morsures de serpents et d’épidémies." 285252,50884.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,26,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"On 7 June in Leiba East Jebel Marra, South Darfur, 300 to 400 houses of IDPs and returnees were destroyed by torrential rainfall." 198691,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,51,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Une formation des membres des CAC a été organisée dans les AS NDOSHO et KAHEMBE sur la CREC, les actions autour de cas, remonté et l’importance de la remontés du rapport en temps avec l’appui du partenaire NRC dans la ZS GOMA au NORD-KIVU ;" 215850,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Around 60% of households (70% for urban households) reported that their income levels had decreased compared to the previous year, with the main cause being reduction in income activities." 191115,43282.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"In August, WASH Cluster partners reached 1.3 million people, being 48 per cent of the 2.7 million people targeted." 492254,17259.0,1384.0,[],[],[],en,120,[],[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"These policies put Venezuelan women and girls in Curaçao at serious risk of abuse or exploitation. Refugees International also interviewed women who had been brought from Venezuela and forced to work in “snack bars” to repay the costs of the journey. These women were reportedly told they would serve drinks but actually are required to engage in sex work. As a social worker who focuses on women’s health explained to Refugees International, “Many Venezuelan women are now arriving with a debt to pay back, so they often have to get their earnings with sex work as trago meisjes50 (drink girls)—a situation that is immediately exploitative.”" 174448,40839.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Camps and camp-like settings Petty trade was the main livelihood activity for displaced persons in 38 per cent (down by 1%), followed by daily wage labourer (26% - down by 1%) and farming (25% - up by 1%)" 343578,56184.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afro.who.int/news/risks-and-challenges-africas-covid-19-vaccine-rollout,"African countries, particularly the approximately 40 nationsrelying on doses fromCOVAXand the Serum Institute of India, are being left behind as vaccines made in India are diverted for domestic use." 132627,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,b) El mejoramiento de los alojamientos temporales existentes e infraestructura de alojamiento y su adecuación. 326756,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Avec un sexe ratio H/F de 1,8/1 pour l’ensemble de cas confirmés et spécifiquement de 2,2/1 pour les 667 décès dont l’information était disponible, les hommes sont restés plus affectés que les femmes depuis le début de l’épidémie au pays (18066/28154 ; 64,2%)" 145427,36039.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In early June, MoSAL reported that one-time payments of SYP 100,000 had been disbursed to approximately 5,000 people. On 24 June, MoSAL announced a second tranche of payments to 18,731 people would occur on an unspecified date." 78387,21716.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,42,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,"La compañía también firmó días atrás un compromiso con Acnur, la agencia de la ONU para los refugiados, en procura de la inserción socioeconómica de personas refugiadas, a través de la iniciativa ""Talento sin Fronteras Argentina""," 264617,49750.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.burkina24.com/2021/02/22/burkina-faso-325-patrouilles-et-escortes-realisees-dans-la-semaine-du-15-au-21-fevrier/,Une unité du groupement a apporté un appui aux agents de la Douane de Manga le 19 février 2021. Il s’agit d’une escorte du lot de matériel de contrebande saisi par les agents. 142145,35314.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Since 28 April, repatriation flights for Syrian nationals have progressively arrived, with approximately 2,940 nationals – out of around 10,000 who registered – repatriated from various locations to date. During the reporting period, a repatriation flight from Iraq arrived, carrying approximately 250 Syrian nationals, who remain in quarantine. Given that even the most advanced health systems globally have been quickly overwhelmed, the priority remains on providing support to and reinforcing isolation facilities." 69724,19997.0,1534.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,http://www.tribune242.com/news/2019/oct/18/bpl-spends-16m-equipment-restore-abaco-electricity/?news,"“The challenges that are attendant in restoring power on Abaco relate to the complete destruction of the infrastructure in Marsh Harbour, which utilised most of the power load from Wilson City." 40939,11894.0,729.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Tripoli’s only functional airport, Mitiga International Airport, was targeted by airstrikes, disrupting flights and eventually causing a multi-day suspension. At the time of publication, the airport was only operational during evenings and nights, making it more difficult to leave the city or to evacuate foreign nationals." 172400,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,107,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Enfin, une épidémie de maladie à virus Ebola (MVE) dans les provinces du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu et de l’Ituri, la plus grave jamais enregistrée dans le pays, a fait plus de 2 084 morts confirmés depuis la déclaration de l’épidémie en août 2018, et a fortement fragilisé le système de santé. Depuis le 10 avril 2020, date de la récente résurgence de l’épidémie dans la zone de Beni, sept nouveaux cas ont été confirmés, dont quatre décès, deux guéris et un disparu sans information claire sur son état." 326771,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Par ailleurs, la moyenne de la proportion d’alertes prélevées a décru de près de 5,6% entre S13/2021 (1159/1364 ; 85,0%) et S14/2021 (985/1203 ; 81,9%)" 150911,36670.0,1898.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,155,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"Albergues temporales adecuados para las personas que permanecerán en ellos a largo plazo, dado que sus viviendas fueron destruidas o las zonas donde viven han sido declaradas inhabitables y serán reubicadas. • Insumos de bioseguridad (mascarillas, guantes, alcohol gel, jabón líquido, entre otros) para el personal de Gobierno, Municipalidad o miembros comunitarios que operan en la atención humanitaria en centros de cuarentena y en los albergues temporales. • Insumos de seguridad personal (PPE) para las personas que se resguardan en los albergues temporales habilitados con el objetivo de prevenir contagios por COVID-19. • Apoyo a personas retornadas posterior a la salida de los centros de cuarentena, a través de asistencia alimentaria y otros insumos de primera necesidad. • Proveer información sobre programas de reintegración y mecanismos de protección que permitan atender a esta población, posterior a la emergencia." 384810,60456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,354 incidents ont été rapporté sur l’ensemble du pays pendant ce mois de mai dont 60% considérés comme majeurs ont été rapportés dans les 6 régions affectées par la crise humanitaire pour un cumul de 1 816 incidents de janvier à Juin 2021. 16503,6352.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"The humanitarian community faces a number of critical logistics challenges hampering the delivery of relief items in and across the country, including damaged road infrastructure; access disruptions to many parts of the country for both staff and cargo; congestion at main entry points; unreliable and unpredictable access to fuel; heavy bureaucracy; and limited international shipping options both by sea and air." 241435,47744.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/01/25/government-launches-registration-for-covid-19-vaccine,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] Meanwhile, replying to a question, DGHS Director General Prof Dr ABM Khurshid Alam said the DGHS was discouraging changing residence while a person is taking the vaccine. As the centre for the vaccination would be assigned based on current address, if a person changed his location “It would cause wastage of some doses of vaccine,” he added." 311455,53762.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,123,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Sahel) UNHCR and CONAREF facilitated the relocation of 1,211 refugees and asylum-seekers from the town of Djibo to Goudoubo refugee camp, while respecting all COVID-19 preventative measures. These returns come in addition to the 5,250 refugees relocated to the site from the city of Dori since last December. UNHCR and its partners supported them with 490 emergency shelters. As part of efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, UNHCR’s health partners distributed 115 hand-washing devices and 100 cartons of soap. In addition, 500 families, including 440 from the refugee and 60 from the host communities, were supported each with 10 goats to rebuild their livestock and foster livelihood opportunities." 398709,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,120,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Los resultados muestran cómo en poco más de la mitad de las empresas se encontraban contratados extranjeros en noviembre de 2018, aumentando este porcentaje en empresas con mayor tamaño. Se trata de una presencia concentrada en pocas nacionalidades (venezolana, haitiana, peruana, colombiana, boliviana) y sectores económicos (actividades de alojamiento y de servicio de comidas; comercio al por mayor y al por menor; reparación de vehículos automotores, motocicletas; transporte y almacenamiento; información y comunicaciones; e Industrias manufactureras), cuya proporción, respecto al total de la dotación de las empresas de estos sectores económicos, oscila entre el 15,1% y el 9,3%." 289544,51168.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"253,000 people in need of the WASH response in the six counties.Needs include hygiene promotion, distribution of famine prevention kit items including 20 litre bucket, 20 litre jerry can, water purifiers (aquatabs, PuR sachets, filter clothes) and soaps, and rehabilitation of water sources." 165650,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,40,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three water issues (650 responses)† 1 Long waiting times at water source (62%) 2 Functional water sources are far away (61%) 3 Water sources are non-functional (45%) 169222,40258.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Peru%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"Peru is the country with the highest COVID-19 mortality rate in the world, is the second most affected in the region and has the sixth highest number of cases in the world, with 814,829 confirmed cases and 32,463 deaths, including 146 children and adolescents, as of 30 September. With a population of 32 million and only 1,703 ICU beds nationwide, the health system is struggling to cope with the situation." 163870,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Norte de Santander: continúan los procesos de alistamiento por parte de los municipios, hay mayor preocupación por el aumento de casos positivos de contagio en los municipios de González y Río de Oro del departamento del Cesar y Ocaña y Tibú, los cuales son cubiertos por el Hospital de Ocaña Emiro Quintero Cañizares que cuenta con 6 UCI adulto y 2 de UCI pediátrico, hay otras cuatro unidades de cuidado intermedio que corresponden a VIMEC S.A.S., también la ESE Emiro Cañizares cuenta con 72 camas de hospitalización. de las cuales tiene reportadas 6 como sospechoso de COVID-19 y 41 no están relacionadas con COVID-19." 221620,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Child recruitment remains a major concern and a cause for displacement. During the reporting period, 1,269 children, including 61 girls, were reportedly used or recruited by armed groups, according to the country task force on monitoring and reporting mechanism, with Al-Shabaab accounting for 987 (77 per cent) of the cases and with clan militias and security forces accounting for the remainder." 106079,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,69,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Según cifras de Migración Colombia, en mayo del 2017 había 171.783 migrantes venezolanos en Colombia. A diciembre de 2019 se estima que había 1.771.237. Esto indica que en poco más de dos años la migración se ha multiplicado 10 veces, lo cual refuerza la idea de que es el fenómeno migratorio que ha ocurrido con mayor velocidad en el mundo en la última década." 293900,51273.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"In rural areas, households are now relying on their winter food stocks. In most areas, Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes are widespread and are expected to persist throughout the projection period. However, in some areas that harvested lower amounts and in areas worst affected by conflict, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes are likely during the lean season." 127677,34498.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cccm_shelter_nfi_june_2020_factsheet.pdf,"In addition, displaced people lack shelter and NFI support of which around 19,780 households needed emergency shelter and essential household items support within this reporting period as their basic needs became more acute" 346004,56894.0,2311.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"Mortalidad por desnutrición Se notificaron 4 muertes por desnutrición en menores de 5 años, correspondientes a esta semana. Para la misma semana epidemiológica de 2020 se notificaron 5 casos. Para esta semana se observó un aumento en el número de casos en las entidades territoriales de Córdoba, Magdalena, Santa Marta y Sucre en comparación con el histórico notificado a semana epidemiológica 18 entre 2018 a 2020" 228648,46627.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Addressing false information & misconceptions: Potential stigmatisation of returnees, in particular from Iran. Specific information can be shared around returns to reduce fear around returnees." 386422,60870.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Proliferación de vectores debido al estancamiento de aguas residuales en el lugar de alojamiento temporal (parque principal de Montería). 273693,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Barrières communicationnelles pour certaines catégories des populations en situation d’handicap (sourds, muets) [entrave la réponse aux besoins des communautés, tiré de l'évaluation rapide à Niamey du 27 septembre 2020]" 184757,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 3 November, 496 of the 4,978 confirmed cases of COVID19 (10% of all cases) were recorded amongst health workers (there is a high likelihood of significant unreported transmission among health workers)." 257022,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"With the support of ECHO and flexible donors such as USA, France, Luxembourg, Canada and Monaca, UNHCR and partners conduct protection monitoring activities in areas where refugees and internally displaced persons are settled." 391159,61470.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 0% of households reported having difficulties understanding information about COVID-19." 222863,45721.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,28,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In addition, reports of intensified tax structures imposed on the commercial sector, including commodities imported through the Mogadishu seaport and market centres, have increased." 190019,43443.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,89,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Huit zones de santé sont en phase d’urgence (IPC 4) - Drodro, Fataki, Jiba, Linga, Lita, Rethy, Tchomia, Angumu, Nyarambe - Les déplacements ont causé la perte des moyens d’existence des familles, principalement les activités agricoles et le commerce qui sont les principales sources de revenus des ménages en milieu rural. La pression démographique des déplacés en famille d’accueil reste un facteur majeur qui contribue à la vulnérabilité des populations." 388588,61080.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les mouvements de populations ont été encore constatés au cours de ce mois, soit à titre préventif, soit du fait des attaques ou à la suite de menaces des GANE dans les provinces du Yagha, du Séno et de l’Oudalan." 202585,44558.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb] Lowcock stressed that “Healthcare facilities in some areas are reported to be unable to absorb all suspected cases. Also, as in many other countries, some health facilities are suspending surgeries or adapting wards to take in more patients.”" 175479,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,28,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,Les attaques contre l’offre des soins de santé sont faiblement rapportées et ne permettant pas d’apporter une bonne lecture de la situation sanitaire. 328627,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 92% and 88% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported no child-friendly spaces in their community. 155020,34182.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,28,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los caminantes priorizan la entrega de alimentos preparados como alternativa, debido a su condición de tránsito y la falta de utensilios o espacios adecuados para prepararlos." 153943,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Estado crítico y deterioro físico en el que se encuentran las personas en tránsito que migran por segunda vez. 326766,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"La moyenne de la proportion quotidienne de suivi des voyageurs était, quant à elle, de 17,5% à la fin de la semaine 14/2021, en nette diminution par rapport aux 22,0% de S13/2021." 106083,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,93,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"De otra parte, están las personas venezolanas en situación irregular cuya cifra asciende a 1.017.152. Esta cifra incluye los migrantes en tránsito que ingresaron con PTT y los pendulares con TMF que superaron el tiempo de permanencia. En relación con estos últimos, según cifras de la Gerencia de Frontera, a Colombia entran al día 30.000 personas venezolanas con TMF, de las cuales 3.000 permanecen en Colombia. Además, el grupo de migrantes irregulares también lo componen 704.227 personas que ingresaron por pasos fronterizos no autorizados." 180588,42290.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Cette situation au sein des communauté a engendré un dynamisme d’auto-défense ou les populations se sont formées en groupes de veille sécuritaire, en relayant les informations de protection en évitant tout compromis avec des individus suspects." 328679,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,53,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported areas in the community where girls and/or women do not feel safe were: On the way to markets (85%), In the markets (53%)), At water points (23%)." 237988,47357.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20Country%20Brief%2C%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Nigeria]Challenges: Operations in November were slowed by a combination of systemic and context-specific bottlenecks, including scarcity of military escorts and unavailability of commercial trucking services. WFP is strengthening analytics to quickly detect such bottlenecks and take preventive action." 224485,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Nutrition Assistants, CNVs are not trained to train the mothers to screen their children using MUAC in response to COV19." 189998,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,76,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Dans le territoire de Rutshuru, suite à l’identification des cas positif de COVID-19, une baisse de fréquentations des centres de santé dans la ZS de Rwanguba a été observée. Ce territoire a enregistré trois cas testés positifs à la COVID-19 au 20 juillet, 2020. Masisi n’a enregistré aucun cas au cours de cette période, tandis que Walikale cumule six cas au 20 juillet 2020 également." 275383,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] 3 persons were killed by bailey bridge collpase in Rangamati and 2 persons were killed and 1 person was injured by wild animal attack in Bandarban." 346007,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"La razón nacional preliminar de mortalidad materna a semana epidemiológica 18 es de 57,3 muertes por cada 100 000 nacidos vivos. La razón de mortalidad materna superior a 100 muertes por cada 100 000 nacidos vivos se observó en las entidades territoriales de Santa Marta, Magdalena, Chocó, Guaviare, Casanare y Risaralda" 188107,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"También están limitados otros servicios básicos y esenciales para la salud, como los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva, salud mental y apoyo psicosocial, y la gestión clínica de las violaciones." 428853,64543.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,103,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Dentro del Plan Nacional de Vacunación, el Departamento del Guainía ha recibido un total de 28.882 dosis, de las cuales se han aplicado 24.320 dosis. Para el proceso de vacunación, las autoridades de Guainía tiene un plan de tres fases: 1) Sector urbano de Inírida, 2) zonas periurbanas de los Ríos Guainía, Inírida y Atabapo, y 3) zona rural del resto del departamento. La Secretaría de Salud departamental priorizó la vacunación en el área urbana y aledañas con el objetivo de disminuir los contagios en los lugares de mayor aglomeración." 104850,30139.0,1860.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,153,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"In one quarter of countries, mainly in the Southern hemisphere, the pandemic occurred near the start of the academic year, preventing timely entry of students into their new class. There is a high risk that national, regional and global progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education will be reversed as a consequence of the pandemic. To design effective interventions, policy makers and other stakeholders need up-to-date and accurate statistics. One immediate priority is access to online instruction or alternative learning platforms like television, radio or printed material that allow students to continue their education, but reliable statistics in this area are still sparse. The presence of a positive and stimulating home environment is another important factor at a time when schools are closed. Data on the home environment collected reveal stark inequities linked to wealth and other household characteristics." 304528,53106.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,79,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-6000-cases-for-2nd-straight-day/67005,"[April 2, 2021, Bangladesh] It also suggested strong enforcement of the ‘no mask no service’ policy, increasing numbers of mobile courts and slapping fines on health guideline violators. The administrations in various districts have shut down the amusement centres and are urging people to mask up. But a large number of people are still reluctant to follow covid health guidelines, putting themselves and others around them at risk." 63975,18967.0,788.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_FAONigeriasitrep_September%202019.pdf,"A decade of conflict has severely affected food production systems in northeastern Nigeria, with the worst affected states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe experiencing high displacement, enormous human, social and economic losses and severe levels of food insecurity and malnutrition. The overall impact of the conflict on agriculture is estimated at USD 3.7 billion (World Bank and Buhari Plan, 2016)." 189062,42301.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B7%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%B9%D9%81%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%A1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3-%D9%84%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%81%D9%88%D9%81,"[26 Sep 2020] [Idlib] The Directorate of Education, affiliated to the Salvation Government in Idlib Governorate, announced the start of the school year for all educational stages on September 26, while ensuring that the necessary preventive measures are taken" 278638,50723.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_unrwa_syria_regional_crisis_emergency_appeal_.pdf,"[2021, Overall Syria] More than 90 per cent of Palestine refugee households stated that they had to resort to consuming cheaper food and/or food of lower nutritious value." 40781,11840.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,51,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-16.pdf,"Clashes continued in conflict-affected neighborhoods in South Tripoli, reportedly with continued use of airstrikes. A rapid market assessment was conducted to assess the extent to which the ongoing conflict has been affecting several Tripoli neighborhoods in terms of availability of food items, nonfood items and public services." 333746,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Ce problème de documentation [enregistrement des enfants] se pose également pour les adultes (Carte d’identité), mais ne limite par leur mobilité." 130916,33838.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,49,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Incremento del riesgo de reclutamiento y uso de NNA en comunidades con presencia de grupos armados, pues las familias están en sus hogares tras las medidas de aislamiento. En algunas comunidades se ha reportado un incremento en el reclutamiento forzado de niños, niñas y adolescentes." 168449,40018.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3672769,"Social participation in health has recently been receiving international attention as a key step in achieving universal health coverage (SDG 3). PAHO's High-Level Commission on Universal Health Coverage, chaired by Dr Michelle Bachelet and Ambassador Nestor Mendez, recommends generating mechanisms of real, deep, inclusive and accessible social participation to ensure communities fully exercise their right to health" 235604,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,60,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Project loan disbursements are lowered for 2020, reflecting potential delays in imports, and shifted towards more concessional financing reflecting the authorities’ commitment to prioritize concessional financing. As the last domestic bond issuance in midMarch was undersubscribed by 15 percent and inflation revised up, domestic interest rates are raised by 1 percentage point for 2020." 217446,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"In the first quarter of 2020, an estimated 65,000 additional people have been displaced." 316770,54471.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,49,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.facebook.com/SyrianMOT/posts/1890745527752756,"[April 15, GoS] The Ministry of Tourism extends the suspension of the tourism and hotel studies technical institutes until Saturday 24/4/2021, in continuation of the government's efforts to take preventive measures and precautionary measures necessary to confront the Corona virus for students' safety" 358674,58655.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/economia/finanzas-personales/los-arriendos-ya-estarian-superando-el-covid-19/,"Por ejemplo, mientras en los primeros cuatro meses de 2020 los apartamentos más ofertados (con más avisos en el portal) tenían arriendos entre los $700.000 y $800.000, entre enero y abril de 2021 los más publicados oscilaban entre 2 y $2,5 millones: un segmento que registra un crecimiento del 22 % en lo corrido del año." 182319,39591.0,1900.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200911_Respuesta%20Humanitaria%20COVID19%20HSept%202020%20%282%29.pdf,"El impacto socio económico de la pandemia de la COVID-19 ha incrementado la preocupación sobre la exacerbación de las necesidades humanitarias en el país, principalmente por los efectos de las medidas de restricción de movilidad sobre la actividad económica y la reducción en la demanda de los hogares por la pérdida de ingresos" 187005,42490.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/%5BCLEAN%5D%20Reporte%20operacional%20GTRM%20Guayaquil%20-%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"El mes de agosto cerró con 112.906 casos confirmados de COVID-19 a nivel nacional. De estos casos, el 16.6% pertenecen a la provincia del Guayas y 11.26% corresponden al cantón Guayaquil, el cual se mantiene en semáforo amarillo, de manera similar, la disposición de continuar virtual para establecimientos educativos se mantiene." 204410,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,28,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,La répartition des préférences de modalité d’intervention en sécurité alimentaire (cash ou in-kind) reflète globalement la situation des régions en termes d’insécurité 147891,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Overall, only 57 public hospitals (64 per cent) are fully functioning in the country. There is also a considerable shortage of trained staff and a high turnover rate, all of which reduce its capacity to manage cases, and of medical equipment essential for case management, including ventilators." 185936,43194.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],fr,50,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"De plus, la frontière du Burundi est restée close alors que l'Ituri et le Nord-Kivu ont pu reprendre les échanges commerciaux avec les pays frontaliers (Ouganda et Rwanda) et qu'un tiers des denrées alimentaires (céréales, haricots) des marchés d'Uvira sont issues du Burundi8." 114132,31147.0,1898.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA): A raíz de la falta de alimentos, la desnutrición aguda debería de aumentar, en particular en menores de 5 años. Además, la desaparición de oportunidades educativas y su exposición a todo tipo de violencia acentúan la vulnerabilidad de los NNA y perjudican gravemente su futuro inmediato." 187557,38355.0,1184.0,['Education'],[],[],en,57,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"We urgently need to improve connectivity, access to mo- bile equipment, distribution of printed materials and school supplies, and the expansion of relevant educational content on television, radio and the inter- net. We also need to continue supporting teachers so that they can guide and support families in using these resources." 132493,34344.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Existe la urgente necesidad de abordar la discriminación y la desinformación, así como el sensacionalismo desde una perspectiva estructural para evitar los abusos en derechos humanos. Además de estos temas, existen problemas estructurales incluyendo la prevalencia de machismo/misoginia, clasismo y racismo en el país, lo cual impide el proceso de integración de refugiados y migrantes, y los hace invisibles en las políticas públicas." 291076,52224.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,62,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] In the Syrian Arab Republic, the availability of and access to basic services provided by humanitarian organisations remain limited. The delivery of humanitarian aid continues to be hindered by restrictions and checkpoints. Violence targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure is reported countrywide. Humanitarian organisations face multiple bureaucratic and logistical constraints." 176567,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,73,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Pour les populations hôtes, les besoins exprimés sont du matériel de protection, pas de possibilités de fréquenter les lieux de culte ou de visites familiales ou amicales, de circuler librement à l'intérieur ou extérieur du pays, pas d’activités commerciales pour une majorité, l’ignorance de la majorité quant au danger que cette pandémie représente et la flambée des prix des produits de première nécessité." 276279,50677.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,67,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"La délégation régionale de la Santé Publique (DRSP) a distribué 300 cartons de denrée de supplémentation nutritionnelle (Plumpy Nut) dans les CNAS de la région, y compris celui de Nguetchewe dans le Mayo-Tsanaga. Malheureusement, les ruptures d’intrants, dont le plumpy nut, touchent neuf districts de santé (sur 31 au total dans la région)." 147031,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"UNFPA also continues to conduct awareness raising in its reproductive health clinics and mobile teams in 13 governorates. UNHCR report that in the reporting period, 2,416 outreach volunteers reached approximately 43,930 people across 13 governorates on awareness raising. In addition, UNICEF continued support of edutainment activities for children around COVID-19 awareness in Rural Damascus, Dar’a, and Quneitra, in addition to door-to-door visits." 247756,48228.0,2332.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,34,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Ces personnes [80000 individus en déplacement suite aux attaques répétitives des GANE, mesures préventives etc..] sont réparties dans 33 sites et vivent dans de conditions de vulnérabilité très avancée." 339508,49486.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"La falta de asistencia a la escuela por la actual condición de la pandemia y en particular en las zonas rurales, incide en el incremento de factores de riesgo asociados con el reclutamiento de niños, niñas y adolescentes." 159641,39109.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,91,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"When asked about level of awareness about the diseases among their community residing with host communities, 48 per cent of respondents felt that most people knew about it, 38 per cent of respondents felt that everyone knew about the disease. Only 8 per cent of respondents felt that half the people knew about it and 6 per cent felt only a few people knew about the deadly virus. The perception that nobody knew about COVID-19 was 2 per cent in Benue and 1 per cent in Kaduna" 186246,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Relief actors are scaling up response activities by providing emergency agricultural seeds and tools, animal health support, food assistance, medical supplies, protection services, shelter, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) assistance, while also rehabilitating dikes and other infrastructure to mitigate disaster risks and prevent further flood-related displacement." 137461,35305.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,40,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2533 on 11 July, which authorises UN cross-border assistance through Bab Al-Hawa only for 12 months. As a result, the UN can no longer utilise the Bab Al-Salam border crossing." 359150,58464.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] [from figure] Price of Manually Refined Diesel per litre has reached 280 SYP in May 2021 from being just slightly over 150 SYP in May 2020." 223613,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Furthermore, if Al-Shabaab were to impede civilians from leaving areas under its control, their needs would go unmet, and those soliciting aid, such as elders and leaders, might be subject to human rights abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, such as extrajudicial executions and child recruitment." 147037,36039.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In the reporting period UNICEF supported hygiene promotion and RCCE training for 30 volunteers, in addition to 15 focus group discussions, to prepare for an awareness campaign in Al-Hasakeh, including at Al-Hol camp and in collective shelters" 304251,53037.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,62,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Le Cameroun a lancé le 2 Décembre une nouvelle phase de rapatriement volontaire des réfugiés centrafricains, au cours de laquelle 200 réfugiés sont rentrés en RCA. Il est probable qu'un plus grand nombre de réfugiés centrafricains s'inscriront pour le rapatriement volontaire, bien que les 4000 réfugiés centrafricains ciblés pour le rapatriement puissent ne pas être atteints cette année." 311467,53762.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Nord) In addition, in the North region, on 24 February, UNHCR handed over pharmaceutical products and health consumables worth near to USD 3,600 (2,000,000 XOF) to the North region Governorate." 196092,43590.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"IDPs need clean water, as well as sanitation and hygiene aid (OCHA 27/08/2020)." 205223,44635.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] He added, “My children have face masks, and I try to alert and inform them about the coronavirus. Because I constantly work with the dead bodies of persons confirmed or suspected of being infected with COVID-19, I fear more for my family members’ lives. Cleaning and disinfecting my home against COVID-19 is at the highest level.”" 490548,67789.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Movement of vital health and nutrition supplies has been challenging for partners due to worsening insecurity, with non-state armed groups (NSAGs) mounting illegal vehicle checkpoints (IVCPs) along supply routes leading delays and shortages of vital health and WASH kits. Some four fatalities suspected to be AWD were reported last week although there has not been any confirmation as the cases were managed at home." 236017,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In addition, activities were undertaken to raise the community awareness on GBV and child protection issues and to build their capacity to respond accordingly." 224217,45763.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"En termes de recommandations à court terme, il convient de réhabiliter ou réaliser des forages, de distribuer des produits de traitement de l’eau dans les foyers, de mettre en place ou de redynamiser les comités de gestion des points d’eau, de promouvoir l’hygiène et l’assainissement avec la mise en place de systèmes de lavage des mains, mais également de gestion des ordures ménagères." 189274,42868.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,24% de ICs reportaron que ellas o mujeres dentro de su grupo se encontraban viajando en estado de gestación o lactancia3 359449,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] To mitigate the loss of this season’s revenue, farmers and livestock breeders resorted to a number of coping strategies. Notably, farmers rented out drought affected land to livestock herders for grazing (reported in 76% of assessed communities), while livestock breeders turned to selling their livestock assets (reported in nearly 60% of assessed communities). However, for most farmers, neither strategy will be sufficient to make up for sustained losses nor to allow for activities in the upcoming seasons." 267341,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Broken down by regions, the cross-border region continued to report the highest price for bread of SYP 1,231/bundle (up four percent m-o-m), while northeast Syria reported the lowest price of SYP 218/bundle (up 22 percent m-o-m). The m-o-m price increase in northeast Syria is related to the closure of private bakeries during the last two weeks of January 2021. As a result, the demand for resold subsidized bread has increased which pushed its price up." 345205,56855.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[IDP] In North Kivu, two new IDP sites were recognized by the provincial authorities in Busumba (Mweso health center) and Mpati (Masisi health center) in Masisi territory, which will help to accommodate the displaced people who have arrived there in recent months." 35735,13103.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,49,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Regarding disadvantaged adolescents, the literature review revealed insufficient services targeting out-of-school adolescents and other high-risk adolescent groups (for example, street children), and a lack of/weak cross-sectoral services addressing drivers of inequities in exposure to risk factors such as adolescent marriage and/or gender inequality." 393229,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,126,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above chart 19.3 demonstrates that 75 of the health workers, caregivers and community leaders demonstrates that health care workers as the reliable source of information about health issues in their communities, 65 said organizations (INGOs, CSOs, UN) are the reliable source of information about health issues in the community, 21 said religious leaders are the reliable source of information, 2 indicates elderly people as the reliable source, 1 person mentioned camp managers as the source of information about health issues in the community, none of them mentioned neighbors, and community based structures (community leaders, Bulamas and committees) as the reliable source of information." 276368,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"les services offrent rarement des réponses adaptées aux besoins des personnes en situation de handicap, des personnes âgées et des enfants." 53481,16820.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,95,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"Los venezolanos viven en todas las áreas urbanas más importantes del Catatumbo, como Tibú, Ocaña, El Tarra, Ábrego, Convención y Sardinata145. En estas áreas, muchas personas, entre ellas mujeres, niños y niñas, viven en condiciones precarias. Algunas duermen en las calles o en edificios en condiciones de hacinamiento, a veces sin electricidad ni agua potable146. Un comedor comunitario en Tibú organizado por un sacerdote católico, con el apoyo del Programa Mundial de Alimentos, alimenta a 400 venezolanos por día147." 104851,30139.0,1860.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,139,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"With over one billion people informal settlements and slum-like conditions, COVID-19 has led to job losses, with direct impacts on food security, housing and shelter and access to basic needs. The COVID-19 impacts have and will no doubt exacerbate the vulnerability of many urban sub-population groups such as residents of informal settlements, women, the disabled, elderly persons and children. In the spirit of leaving no one behind and no space behind, supporting urban vulnerability mapping is no longer a luxury but a must for this pandemic. In such times where the right decision must be made quickly and at the right time and place, local authorities and cities need a system that can help them collate, analyze and translate data into simple-to-understand information for informed actions." 287644,51799.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_and_food_security_monitoring_system_afsms_bulletin_jan_feb_2021.pdf,"[Jan-Feb, 2021, Overall Syria] Since livelihoods have been adversely affected by the prevailing economic crisis and many other contextual shocks, households were reported to be adopting various coping mechanisms (i.e. strategies), to deal with worsening food access. From the four regions, namely South, Homs/Hama, Northeast and Aleppo, there were reports of families already adopting food-based reduced coping strategies (i.e. rCSI, Reduced Coping Strategies Index) to cope with the dire situation. Ranked according to the most common coping strategy, most families were relying on less preferred and less expensive foods, limiting portion size at mealtime and reducing the number of meals eaten in a day." 315456,54311.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"El personal médico debió ser evacuado por registrarse infracciones al DIH, cuando miembros de un GAO ingresaron al puesto de salud, amenazaron al personal médico, y sacaron y asesinaron a un hombre que había sido herido en los enfrentamientos. Adicionalmente, hombres armados de este grupo se tomaron por unas horas el centro de salud" 497624,60046.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,108,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2-gender-educacion.pdf,"a pesar de que los hombres tienen niveles más bajos de educación superior (18%), sí tienen mayor acceso al empleo con una tasa de desempleo menor que la de las mujeres (26%). Esto podría deberse a que el tipo de trabajo al que acceden los hombres es menos calificado; sin embargo estas cifras denotan evidentes brechas de género en el acceso a mercado laboral que ponen en desventaja a las mujeres, y las sitúan en peores condiciones laborales de “descualificación laboral”,7 y de desigualdad en la búsqueda de ingresos para ellas y sus familias." 267849,49804.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The national average terms of trade between wheat flour and wage labour, a proxy indicator for purchasing power, decreased by three percent between December 2020 and January 2021, reaching 4.0 kgs of wheat flour/daily wage compared to 4.1kg of wheat flour in December 2020." 276966,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] 67% des entreprises prennent encore des mesures pour se protéger et protéger leurs clients contre le virus 239794,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"It has been documented that people over 65 years of age and younger people with chronic diseases are at a greater risk of complications resulting from viral infections than healthy adults. This indicates that older and unhealthy younger people are more likely to become infected with COVID-19 owing to a weak immune system, and infection is more likely to be fatal in these groups." 194874,43590.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Assessments from mid-August indicated that a high proportion of IDPs did not want to return to their areas of origin, fearing continued fighting (OCHA 25/08/2020). However close to 13,000 of the IDPs have returned to their homes in Khanabad district, where their needs will be assessed. Returnees are exposed to violence, IEDs, and mines on their return journeys." 152719,37924.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,97,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Sur l’axe Niangoloko – Badara – Kaouara, 429 voyageurs dont 336 hommes et 93 femmes ont été observés se rendant en Côte faisaient partie 39 d’Ivoire. Parmi ces voyageurs, enfants de moins de 5 ans. Aussi 78 Nigériens, 9 Ivoiriens, 341 Burkinabés et 1 Malien ont également été observés sur ce point. Sur ce même point, 323 voyageurs dont 243 hommes et 80 femmes ont été observés, entrant voies de contournement. Ce sont : 264 Burkinabés, 57 Nigériens et 2 Maliens." 282025,51173.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF co-led the coordination of the Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR) at national and sub-national levels and strengthened partnerships with a range of Civil Society Organizations, Government and other UN agencies." 221307,45880.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,24,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les risques sont exacerbés pour les femmes et les filles vivant dans les ménages les plus pauvres, dans les zones rurales éloignées." 328562,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of Non- IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (21%), Rely on surface water for drinking water (20%)." 304252,53037.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Des récoltes hors saison moyenne voire inférieures à la moyenne causée principalement par la prolongation des inondations après Octobre qui ont entraîné un démarrage tardif de la production de contre-saison, en particulier le sorgho de saison sèche car la plupart des plaines, en particulier dans le Logone et le Chari, restent inondées jusqu'à Décembre 2020." 338735,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"there is an important pedagogical difference between a child learning new topics and skills and just revising or doing what one principal in New Zealand derided as “busy work.” Yet far too often, no new content was even attempted by teachers or schools. “Children are not taught during this period,” said an education official in North Kivu, Congo. Although some students received printed assignments, she said “We cannot say that this is normal education.”" 326480,54734.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,60,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 17% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility while 51%, 32% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility respectively." 356546,58354.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Environment'],es,56,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/06/22/una-persona-desaparecida-y-89-damnificadas-por-las-lluvias-en-medellin/,"La primera emergencia fue reportada enel barrio Villatina, en la comuna Villahermosa, donde un movimiento en masa afectó 13 viviendas, por lo que 35 personastuvieron que desalojar el lugar mientras se estabiliza el terreno, así lo dio a conocer el Departamento Administrativo de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (Dagrd)." 161660,39366.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/%d8%ba%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8%d9%8a%d8%aa%d9%87%d9%85-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%b1%d9%8a%d9%81-%d8%ad%d9%84%d8%a8-19-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a9-%d8%a8%d9%81%d9%8a%d8%b1%d9%88/395856/,"The health authorities have registered, today, 19 new positive cases of COVID-19 in North-West Syria, 8 of which are in Al-Bab city, 6 in Jarablus, 1 in Azaz, 1 in Afrin, 2 in the city of Idlib, and 1 in Al-Dana." 306811,53161.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"USAID/BHA supports partners on the forefront of efforts to prevent, identify, and treat acute malnutrition through the implementation of multisector integrated intervention approaches—including health and WASH, as well as agriculture and food security." 294057,50852.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"% of [households] HHs that reported having experienced movement restrictions in the 6 months prior to data collection: Refugee (34%), IDP (63%), Non- displaced (48%)." 70418,19733.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_07sept_to_04oct_2019_report.pdf,"During the reporting period, the number of damaged shelters due to torrential rainfalls increased from 13,181 to 15,581 after repairs/rehabilitations were made on 6,922 shelters by partners while Non-Food Items (NFIs) gaps peaked at 61,644 households in need of NFIs. Furthermore, there is a significant gap in WASH where 4,008 latrines are currently non-functional hence need to be repaired, 2,655 latrines are filled and need to be dislodged while 1,986 showers need to be repaired." 223556,39506.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,104,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Hasakah collective center and Serekaniye camp: Water provision is a concern – the already overstretched Al Halouk water station is highly likely to not be able to sustain a large camp population, and could lead to water shortages elsewhere. Water trucking that was ongoing in CCs cannot simply be ‘transferred’ to the camp; a portion of this was carried out by UN agencies who cannot respond in the camp. There is a shortage of funding for water trucking in the NES response overall so NGOs currently cannot scale up to support the new camp" 190055,43424.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,116,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/forum/detail-actualites?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=194&cHash=a9331217341e682f186a3d7bf5f61ac4,"La loi de finances pour l’exécution du budget de l’Etat, exercice 2021 a été élaborée selon le ministre de l'économie, des finances et du développement, sur la base des orientations de la circulaire budgétaire, des priorités et choix stratégiques budgétaires définis par le Gouvernement. Il tient compte de l’évolution du contexte socio-économique national, notamment la lutte contre la menace terroriste et la prise en charge des actions de lutte contre la Covid-19 qui exige une révision de nos priorités au profit des départements de la santé, de la défense et de la sécurité afin de leur permettre de renforcer leurs capacités opérationnelles." 189692,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",fr,91,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´enregistrement biométrique réalisé entre juin et septembre 2019 dans les provinces du Sud révèle que seuls, 29% des réfugiés centrafricains sont favorables au retour volontaire en RCA en raison du contexte sécuritaire encore fragile. Il s´observe cependant, des mouvements pendulaires de certains réfugiés à la recherche des terres arables ou à des fins commerciales entre le Tchad et la RCA et qui exposent ces derniers aux incidents de protection récurrents dont l´extorsion de biens, la taxation arbitraire et les arrestations par les forces de l´ordre." 289878,52038.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/64879/no-oxygen-in-damascus.html,"[24 March 2021, GoS] A member of the advisory team to confront coronavirus, Dr. Nebug al-Awa, warned of the worsening of the already poor health situation, in light of the third boom of the virus. He noted that this mutation affects 50 cases at once and that its symptoms appear in children, unlike the previous wave that spread with the onset of winter." 4630,626.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,26,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/daesh-claimed-suicide-attacks-kill-5-in-yemen-s-aden-1.2178768,The bombings comes after deadly clashes in Aden last month that saw southern separatists seize much of the strategic coastal city from the Saudi-backed government. 398656,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,91,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"A pesar del sustancial incremento de la participación laboral de las mujeres en las últimas décadas, de acuerdo con los datos de la Encla 2019, el trabajo asalariado continúa siendo un ámbito mayoritariamente masculino, toda vez que sólo el 37,6% de quienes se desempeñan en las empresas de cinco o más trabajadores son mujeres, proporción que no muestra mayor variación en las últimas tres mediciones de la encuesta. Esta tendencia da cuenta de una desaceleración en el incremento de la fuerza de trabajo femenina." 195958,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Au terme de S46, 2 632 nouveaux contacts ont été enregistrés, 15 contacts sont devenus symptomatiques et 106 autres sont sortis de suivi. Pour rappel, ces chiffres étaient respectivement de 554, 39 et 679 à la fin de la semaine 45." 212304,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Il s’agit principalement de 15 violations du droit à la vie (34 victimes, y compris 12 victimes d’exécutions extrajudiciaires dont une femme et un enfant), 12 violations du droit à l’intégrité physique (62 victimes, y compris 25 femmes et un enfant victimes de violences sexuelles), 12 violations du droit à la liberté et à la sécurité de la personne (251 victimes) et huit violations du droit à la propriété." 155363,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,La protección de la salud de nuestro personal voluntario y contratado es una premisa de diseño de todas las actividades del plan Juntos en Acción. 266918,49951.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.dw.com/es/estudio-colombia-y-m%C3%A9xico-son-de-los-pa%C3%ADses-que-peor-han-gestionado-la-pandemia/a-56370533,"España es el séptimo país en número de infecciones con más de 2,6 millones; mientras que las naciones latinoamericanas con más contagios son: Colombia (más de 2 millones), Argentina (unos 1,9 millones) y México (unos 1,8 millones), que ocupan los puestos undécimo, duodécimo y décimo tercero, a nivel mundial." 228402,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Other practices noted include nutritional ones – “Taking Vitamin C, eating fruits and vegetables, drinking warm water and tea” as well as the religious “offering prayers and repentance is the best way to prevent COVID-19”." 490672,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,109,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Traders reported supply disruptions due to the lockdown and restriction of movement in and out of the camps, which reduced the already general low stock levels in camp markets. By the end of July, availability of rice, okra, eggplant was limited and prices increased. Fresh food, especially vegetable prices, were above BDT 50 per kg, and rice price in the camps was between 7-13 BDT higher than the nearby host markets. On the other hand, red lentil prices were 1-5 BDT less than the host markets." 276139,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,61,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les attaques des groupes armés se poursuivent depuis le début de la crise du bassin du Lac Tchad en 2015. Elles sont souvent suivies d’enlèvement ainsi que de pillages de bétails et de biens. Au total, 1.622 incidents de protection ont été enregistrés sur 202 lieux de déplacements au Lac entre janvier et décembre 2018." 289248,52038.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,156,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/64879/no-oxygen-in-damascus.html,"[24 March 2021, GoS] The largest community initiative that emerged after the announcement of the first coronavirus infections in Damascus and its countryside, announced the exhaustion of all its oxygen cylinders. The initiative’s official, in his post said “today, we received 14 oxygen cylinders and, unfortunately, they are not enough to meet the needs.” The initiative official added, “the tremendous pressure has become terrifying… We have nothing left in Syria except God’s mercy.” He mentioned that “the situation is currently unspeakably dangerous, and it has become very difficult to secure oxygen.” Doctors in Damascus described the third wave of the virus as “the most dangerous yet,” as it is more severe than the wave that reached Syria last July, warning of the great shortage of oxygen in hospitals and clinics." 24794,9808.0,786.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,36,['At Risk'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/03/1034301,"“A significant number of Venezuelans in Maicao are living on the streets or in informal settlements and 81 per cent of those interviewed, said that they required shelter,” Mr. Mahecic said." 204377,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,66% des ménages [de Zinder] rapportent avoir emprunté de la nourriture ou eu recours à l’aide des proches. 295540,52365.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"● Participants in 25 of the 50 groups mentioned that some people are facing special difficulties to meet their basic needs or to access services, especially people with disabilities and the elderly, who have difficulty accessing health, sanitation, and other services. At all points, people with specific needs were identified, such as the elderly, children under six months of age and people with disabilities." 490563,67789.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,116,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Protection Response: The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) conducted trainings on protection and human rights issues for some 53 stakeholders and local authority focal points from Pulka, Mafa, Bama, MMC and Gwoza towns during the reporting period, as part of efforts to improve quality of services. Sector partners led by IRC facilitated training for 33 justice and government actors covering general protection principles, the Kampala Convention, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law. IRC also provided legal assistance to vulnerable populations, including the restoration of custody of children to a widow during the reporting period." 174976,40888.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3675651,"Save the Children advierte sobre el impacto devastador que tiene el reclutamiento en los niños y niñas, muchos de los cuales son víctimas de abusos, presencian asesinatos y violencia sexual, se ven obligados a cometer actos de violencia y son arrancados de sus comunidades y hogares. Es vital que reciban apoyo para afrontar sus experiencias y reintegrarse a la sociedad, para evitar daños psicológicos inmediatos o duraderos." 24800,9912.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/oas-report-venezuelan-migrants-and-refugees-unprecedented,"According to the report, $ 5,000 per person is destined for Syrian refugees and for Venezuelans less than $ 300 per person." 304201,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Many refugee communities targeted under the Plan [Refugee Response Plan] have lived in these areas for decades, and have demonstrated considerable resilience in a context of significant protection and humanitarian assistance gaps over many years." 276109,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Malgré la mise en place de ces instruments juridiques [Transposition des instruments juridiques internationaux relatifs à la protection des enfants et au genre], on note la persistance de normes et pratiques culturelles néfastes, notamment les mutilations génitales féminines (38%), les mariages d’enfants (69%), des violences sexuelles (12%), le sororat (remariage d’un veuf avec la sœur de son épouse) et le lévirat ‘transmission des veuves en héritage’, pratique consistant pour un homme à épouser la veuve de son frère décédé." 355507,58182.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,56,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/02062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundacion_en_mitu_vaupes_vf1.pdf,"Alrededor del 80% de la población afectada (446 personas) es indígena, pertenecientes a los pueblos Cubeo, Wananos, Tucanos, Desanos y Piratapuyo. Del total de familias identificadas, una es refugiada de nacionalidad venezolana, y otras 15 tuvieron que desplazarse por la inundación total de sus viviendas." 63206,18419.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.acnur.org/noticias/noticia/2019/4/5ca7819b4/las-personas-venezolanas-arriesgan-sus-vidas-y-sus-extremidades-por-buscar.html,"Al igual que miles de sus compatriotas, se abre camino a lo largo de las trochas traicioneras, senderos embarrados que cruzan el monte bajo que cubre las orillas del río Táchira, que forma la frontera entre Venezuela y Colombia. Él vadea al otro lado con el agua turbia hasta la cintura cargando cajas pesadas, maletas o llantas de automóvil." 163544,30906.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Preocupación por el respeto a los principios de los derechos humanos, protección internacional y no discriminación en el acceso a la salud con el fin de brindar una misma atención a la población, independientemente de su nacionalidad o condición migratoria. • Negación de atención en salud de controles prenatales y registro civil de niños recién nacidos, por el cierre de notarias y registradurías. • Desinformación por parte de la población sobre las rutas de atención en caso de presentar síntomas relacionados." 413964,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,116,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] COVID-19 pandemic contributed to increasing the level of other diseases: From the surveyed households, it was found that two in five households (39.5%) that needed to seek essential health services stated that their level of diseases increased due to lack of improper health services during the pandemic. Other losses as reported by the sufferer households include mental stress (29.22%), financial stress (28.3%), sufferings of family members (11.99%), long-term physical damage (9.34%), loss of family members (1.33%) and unwanted abortions (1.33%)." 176713,41684.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Protection%20Factsheet%20and%20Dashboard_Sep_2020.pdf,"[September 2020, Bangladesh] COVID-19 is also having a negative socioeconomic impact on security, with petty crimes, inter and intra-communal disputes, criminal gangs expanding their sphere of control with relative impunity, and heightened risks of trafficking and smuggling. Child protection cases and incidents of SGBV, particularly intimate partner violence, have been exacerbated by the pandemic." 104846,30139.0,1860.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,313,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Structural factors, such as low incomes and limited access to public safety nets, render populations in low- income countries more susceptible to demand-sided effects of the pandemic. Downturns in economic growth and associated income contractions have raised the likelihood of an increase in undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies among these populations, underpinned by their high propensity to adversely change dietary intakes in response to income shocks. Such effects were found to be more likely to occur in sub-Saharan Africa. The analysis further revealed heightened demand-sided risks for countries that rely on food imports and are fiscally dependent on exports of raw commodities, such as oil, prices of which collapsed precipitously with the pandemic. This situation is particularly applicable to countries in the Middle East and North Africa, where disruptions in food supplies and a shrinkage in revenue would have twofold impacts. There are however potentially mitigating effects arising from the pandemic, including lower import costs for foods due to declining international prices, that may transmit to the domestic level and ease access constraints for vulnerable consumers. By contrast, FAO’s analysis showed that countries in the higher-income brackets are more likely to face disruptions stemming from the supply side, given the high integration in global supply chains and capital- intensive agricultural systems. Agricultural production in many European countries and in North America, rely on global supply chains to access agricultural inputs and to market their outputs, which in turn many countries rely on. Logistic disruptions can curtail the supply of intermediate and compromise crop production in the short term. Capital- intensive systems are also more exposed to disruptions in credit markets. in borrowing rates observed in many middle-income countries are likely to raise production costs amid a fall in food commodity" 300638,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Over 250 humanitarian organizations are in need of common logistics service provision to deliver cargo and passenger movement to flood affected locations. 298949,51152.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"A total of $3.2 million was secured through South Sudan Humanitarian Fund for 225,000 flood affected people. A total of 196,410 people out of the planned and targeted 360,000 have been reached with ES/NFI assistance as of 31 January 2021. The ES/NFI assistance provided two mosquito nets, two blankets, one plastic sheet and one rubber rope to each household." 191165,43282.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"UNDP Somalia’s Accelerator Lab in collaboration with the Institute of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship, Harihub and Hanaqad, is facilitating a hackathon for at least 300 young Somalia innovators tasked with coming up with innovative solutions for the COVID-19 pandemic." 203575,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Plus de 80% des ménages [de Agadez] ont rapporté avoir consommé des céréales chaque jour de la semaine précédant l’enquête. 33% n’avait pas consommé de lait et 58% de viande du tout au cours des 7 jours précédant l’enquête. 418628,64217.0,1185.0,[],[],[],es,63,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De otro lado, el 21% de las participantes ha presenciado situaciones de violencia o abuso. En este sentido, el 13% de ellas ha atestiguado agresiones verbales en contra de otras niñas y adolescentes. Tener que compartir la vivienda con otras familias, es otro factor que genera un mayor riesgo de enfrentar violencia física y psicológica." 164023,34165.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,84,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Norte de Santander: persisten las necesidades de los NNA de la subregión del Catatumbo por las limitaciones existentes en términos de acceso a educación; se están aunando esfuerzos a fin de cumplir con los protocolos en las escuelas para el retorno de clases y adquisición de elementos de protección y adecuación de lavamanos, sin embargo, en algunas zonas no hay acceso a agua lo cual limita el cumplimiento de las medidas preventivas en medio de la COVID-19." 316783,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,41,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Dans les secteurs de l’industrie manufacturière, le bâtiment et les travaux publics, le commerce et les services marchands, les mesures [prevention COVID] ont entraîné la fermeture de plusieurs entreprises et affaibli la demande locale" 236028,46890.0,2334.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"However, during a recent rapid assessment on the COVID-19 impact on GBV risks and response in the NWSW regions, 60 percent to 82 percent of respondents (service providers) stated they did not receive any training or orientation on psychosocial support and GBV case management." 271915,50217.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,26,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"L’accès limité aux infrastructures sanitaires et hydriques rend les populations autochtones plus vulnérables aux problèmes de santé, notamment à Diffa et Tahoua." 111890,31304.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,143,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Accion contra el Hambre se encuentra activa desde el día 1, participando en los espacios del GIFMM a nivel local, como también en el GIFMM a nivel nacional y coordinando con los actores claves tanto a nivel nacional como también regional y municipal. Estamos en contacto permanente con autoridades locales en los diferentes departamentos en los que hacemos presencia y tenemos relación y gestión con los diferentes PMU (puntos de Mando Unificado) para apoyar la respuesta institucional. Hacemos parte del grupo de trabajo del foro de ONGI, como también de los diferentes cluster (salud, WASH, gestión de información y protección) y somos activos en el EHP (Equipo Humanitario país). Así mismo coordinamos de manera frecuente nuestras acciones con los diversos gobiernos locales y comunidades y sus instancias organizativas." 126133,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"más de cuatro de cada diez hogares migrantes (41.4%) tienen un consumo de alimentos pobre o limitado en comparación con dos de cada diez hogares de acogida (22%). El consumo pobre o limitado de alimentos es más elevado entre los hogares migrantes que residen en Arauca, Norte Santander y Nariño, comparado con los otros departamentos evaluados." 417560,64197.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,48,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,Se requiere asistencia alimentaria que cubra las necesidades nutricionales diarias para las familias damnificadas por las inundaciones y las afectadas por la pérdida de medios de vida. Se requiere asistencia alimentaria con enfoque étnico diferencial para las familias de las más de 10 comunidades indígenas afectadas. 356124,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,45,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"El indicador de suficiencia de capacidad instalada presentó en abril una reducción de 18,6 pps frente al mismo mes de 2020, indicando una mayor utilización de dicha capacidad. Frente a marzo de 2021, el indicador mostró una disminución de 1,8 pps." 486399,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Just over half of the households across north-west Syria (52 percent) live in a shelter that is sized over 50 square metres. 14 percent of households live in critically small shelters (below 20 square metres), which will often lack space for essential materials (cookers, heaters) and will likely also be overcrowded, lacking adequate privacy or partitions. Rates of households living in critically small shelters are highest among those living in containers (74 percent), tents (56 percent) and concrete block shelters (30 percent)." 156643,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,Twenty Health Care workers at Ukhiya Upazila completed a one-day Clinical Case management on COVID-19. This is part of ongoing efforts to reach all Upazilas in Cox’s Bazar. 142154,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On 20 April, NGOs opened a first phase (60 beds) of a 120-bed hospital in are purposed factory building outside Al-Hasakeh" 382864,60305.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,22,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3757771,The most affected areas are the townships of Camparrusia and San José de Urama where roads and 6 homes were destroyed. 489929,67790.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,148,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.237%20%2816%20%20-%2022%20August%202021%29.pdf,"[16th-22 Aug 2021, Borno and Adamawa]Askira/Uba: 395 arrivals and 85 departures were recorded in Askira/Uba LGA of Borno State. The arrivals included 239 individuals from Askira/Uba LGA in Borno State, 152 individuals from Hong LGA in Adamawa State and 4 individuals from Yola North LGA in Adamawa State. The departures included 63 individuals to Hong LGA in Adamawa State, 15 individuals to Gwoza LGA in Borno State and 7 individuals to Michika LGA in Adamawa State. Seventy-eight per cent of the movements recorded were a result of the impact of flooding in areas of origin, 13 per cent of the movements recorded were a result of the improved security situation in areas of origin, 6 per cent of the movements were due to voluntary relocation and 3 per cent were due to poor living conditions." 153309,31607.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,55,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3588563,"Desde el puente internacional de Tahuamanu, Hidalgo observó los protocolos de ingreso para salvaguardar la integridad física de los pobladores de su región, donde estrictamente se toma la temperatura y se verifican los documentos de los conductores que transportan alimentos (maíz, carne, pescado, etcétera), entre otros." 19500,7910.0,730.0,['Logistics'],[],[],en,47,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"Sporadic skirmishes and airstrikes continued in the western district of Sirwah in Marib Governorate. In Amran Governorate, a civilian was killed and two others injured by airstrikes that hit Al Uqlah bridge in Al Qaflah District. The bridge serves an estimated 6,307 households." 224733,45275.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"Lockdown measures earlier in the crisis significantly decreased daily labour opportunities, reducing household purchasing power and access to food – in a recent survey conducted by NRC, 78 per cent of respondents reported that they had lost a job as a result of the crisis." 187727,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 900,000 face masks and 16,728 digital thermometers are needed for schools." 570,156.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,134,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"As the Libyan conflict enters its sixth year, the most commonly reported needs revolved around protection issues, lack of access to adequate healthcare, and access to cash and livelihoods. Issues related to contamination from explosive hazards in urban centres, and high levels of psychological distress continued to be of concern throughout locations assessed. The most pressing health concerns were found to be a widespread lack of personnel and a lack of equipment and medicine. Finally, Libya has fallen into a severe economic crisis, exacerbated by the devaluation of the Libyan dinar. Access to basic goods and services has increasingly become a challenge as many households struggle with meeting their basic needs due to persistent income challenges and a lack of access to cash." 153991,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,52,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"En el transcurso de la evaluación de necesidades se evidenciaron algunos casos de niños separados de sus padres. Existen adultos que han asumido la responsabilidad de cuidar a los niños-as que están separados de sus padres, en algunos casos existe algún grado de familiaridad, y en otros no." 169313,40031.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,57,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"• Peru is amongst the countries worst hit by the global COVID-19 pandemic. As the economy struggles to recover, food insecurity deepens and affects the most vulnerable households, including Venezuelan migrants. Continuous emergency response efforts will still be required in the upcoming months to tackle the persisting socioeconomic effects of the crisis." 189334,42844.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,64,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Solidar-COVID-Andean-ES2020-vv5.pdf,"En Colombia y Perú el COVID-19 atacó con fuerza los territorios étnicos y campesinos del Amazonas, lugares donde se están cobrando buena parte de sus víctimas. En las grandes ciudades la pandemia no se consigue controlar adecuadamente en los barrios y localidades populares donde hay mayor densidad de población y escasas o nulas posibilidades de teletrabajo o trabajar con garantías sanitarias." 306774,53161.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In accordance with the terms of the October 3 Juba Peace Agreement, the SRF member groups agreed to form a military force consisting of 12,000 troops to protect civilians after the expiration of the UNAMID mandate on December 31." 111920,29953.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La pobreza y la búsqueda de recursos los afecta de manera importante emocional y físicamente. Sin embargo, quienes han logrado asentarse en la ciudad y han resuelto, aunque precariamente, las necesidades básicas tienen en la mira la educación y el bienestar de sus hijos. Resienten las dificultades en la búsqueda de alimentos, vivienda, trabajo y las situaciones difíciles por las que atraviesan los niños" 221388,45721.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Demography', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The prevalence of median global acute malnutrition has remained serious (10 to 14.9 per cent) in the past three consecutive seasons (13.1 per cent in the 2019–2020 deyr season, 13.8 per cent in the 2019 gu season and 12.6 per cent in the 2018–2019 deyr season)." 40950,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Urban migrants, meanwhile, faced many of the same physical access barriers as Libyans, but had fewer ways to cope with localised food shortages due to their more precarious financial situations (see Freedom of Movement). This problem became more acute due to the movement restrictions imposed by active fighting, as many urban migrants were unable to reach their workplaces or travel outside their baladiyas to find functioning markets." 324496,54837.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://us3.campaign-archive.com/?u=b34a30571d429859fb249533d&id=5eeff86a8a,"Le test Covid-19 est gratuit pour tout le monde en République démocratique du Congo. Cependant, le test des voyageurs est payant à 30 dollars américains." 150612,37887.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=199773,Health Ministry announced that the governmental team concerned in confronting Coronavirus (COVID-19) has decided to operate two flights weekly from Damascus International Airport to repatriate the Syrians stranded abroad. 200467,44300.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",fr,87,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"D’autre part, comme l’indique le Graphique 2, la grande majorité des migrants sont jeunes, puisque 55% ont entre 26 et 35 ans, tandis que 31% sont très jeunes, âgés de 18 à 25 ans. Seuls 2% sont âgés de 46 à 55 ans, et aucun des migrants de retour endettés n’est âgé de plus de 55 ans. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 257058,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"In order to lend support to protection clusters at national level in terms of advocacy, facilitate coordination between countries and regional IASC, providing visibility through data driven analysis, and serving as a platform for information sharing and best practices, the Regional Bureau in Dakar has initiated bilateral and multilateral consultations with key stakeholders including donors to revitalize the Regional Protection Working Group (RPWG)." 295714,52400.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Education', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,204,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] Situation Report-04 As of 6:00 PM (24 th March 2021)I. Situation background A fire has swept through a sprawling camp community in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, destroying shelters, facilities and endangering lives. The fire originated from block D in Camp 8W at about 3:00 PM on 22 March 2021. The frequent wind flow made the fire spread quickly to other camps comprising camps 8E, 9, and 10, completely razing a huge amount of infrastructure – these included shelters, mosques, community centres, learning centres, service centres, learning facilities, shops, LPG storage sheds and SMS office. The fire was put out in three camps (8E, 8W & 9) around 9:45 PM the same day (22 March 2021), and at 1:00 AM on 23rd March in Camp 10, by the Fire Service and Civil Defense (FSCD) teams with support from CPP volunteers and BDRCS staff (Population Movement Operation and Myanmar Refugee Relief Operation) and fully controlled in after 1:00 AM on 23rd March." 62070,18564.0,1386.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,118,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"a nongovernmental group recorded 23,860 power failures nationwide between January and May, an average of 158 a day. The year 2019 has also seen four major national blackouts, the latest of which took place in July, in which the majority of the country was left without electricity for several days. The government implemented a rationing plan in response to the blackouts; it mandates daily power cuts of three hours and affects an estimated 18 million Venezuelans as well as hundreds of hospitals and schools. However, the actual cuts tend to be longer and more frequent than what is outlined in the plan, sometimes lasting more than a week." 70955,20191.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"There is a lack of safe spaces across Yobe State. There are currently five safe spaces but these are all concentrated in only two of the State’s 17 LGAs, namely Damaturu and Gujba LGA. Humanitarian partners run three of these centers while MoWA runs the remaining two which are not fully functional. There is an ongoing effort by the sub-sector to build the capacity of stakeholder staff on: GBV case management; GBV referral; GBV coordination; and GBV service mapping." 326640,54734.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 1% households with at least one member having lost employment in the three months prior to data collection 315449,54311.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,85,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Desde el 26 de marzo se presentaron fuertes enfrentamientos con uso de artefactos explosivos convencionales y no convencionales, entre un Grupo Delictivo Organizado (GDO) y un Grupo Armado Organizado (GAO), en el casco urbano del corregimiento de El Plateado, municipio de Argelia (Cauca), los cuales continuaron de manera intermitente hasta el día 29 de marzo, generando afectación a más de 6.000 personas del área urbana y rural quedaron en medio del fuego cruzado." 275496,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"De même, face à la raréfaction des ressources naturelles, à certaines tensions communautaires ou extracommunautaires et le contexte de méfiance qui résulte de la stigmatisation des déplacés, une absence de réponse et d’actions significatives compromettrait sérieusement les conditions de vie, dont la coexistence pacifique des communautés et l’intégration des personnes déplacées vulnérables." 7413,1561.0,321.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],en,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MMWG%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%20-%20Zwara%20-%201%20May%202018.pdf,"As of 18 April, about 800 refugees and migrants, largely intercepted/rescued at sea by the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG), together with other migrants and refugees taken from captivity of traffickers and smugglers, were held at the DCIM-run detention centre in Zwara (115 km west of Tripoli) in increasingly deteriorating conditions. The refugees and migrants, largely from Cameroon, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Somalia and Sudan, who had been confined in extreme conditions for weeks, were found in urgent need of psychosocial support and suffering from lack of water, ventilation and food." 281943,51173.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"Throughout the year, UNICEF continued capacity building activities aimed at ensuring quality delivery of Education in Emergency (EiE), and resulted in training of 4,245 volunteer teachers (1,740 females) on the standard service-entry package; and sensitization of 8,187 community and School Management Shura members on the importance of education, especially girls’ education and child protection." 268469,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] “WHO supports public health programmes across all areas and population groups,” with plans for COVID-19 vaccine introduction in an operationalized manner throughout the country. The WHO will administrate the vaccines through selected public health facilities and mobile teams and via trained health facility teams, the WHO office added." 111724,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,105,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En el asentamiento La Fortaleza, por ejemplo, se congregan retornados, inmigrantes venezolanos y población local en pobreza extrema. Alrededor de los servicios de un comedor comunitario administrado por una orden religiosa se han organizado para ofrecer de manera gratuita educación a todos los niños que deseen asistir. De esta manera, las condiciones de vulnerabilidad y el hecho de compartir una situación crítica han permitido a estas personas configurar nuevas comunidades en las que, de manera solidaria, se resuelven inquietudes, se presta apoyo emocional y económico y se buscan alternativas para resolver las necesidades más sentidas." 315480,54311.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,72,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Por la gravedad de los hechos, se requiere con urgencia jornadas de atención y acompañamiento psicosocial a las comunidades afectadas, por el alto grado de afectación emocional que sufrieron por los eventos previos a los desplazamientos. Hombres, mujeres y niños, niñas y adolescentes han tenido alteraciones en su salud mental y emocional por el temor de las acciones armadas y la incertidumbre de su futuro próximo." 191164,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Support is underway to distribute locally produced PPE, valued at US$150,000 to vulnerable groups (with focus on IDPs) and dissemination of locally produced medical-grade PPEs, valued at $250,000 to first-line responders." 319606,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,Acceso limitado a la atención médica integral. Estas áreas recónditas presentan atención de salud a través de jornadas extramurales que en la mayoría de los casos no han podido brindar atención continua por los problemas de seguridad y restricciones derivadas de la pandemia. 243450,47668.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"A stabilization of the measles epidemic has been observed during this period of low transmission. As of 25 October, 8,601 suspected cases of measles and 39 deaths have been notified in 100 out of 126 districts (during the same period in 2019, the tally was 25,283 suspected cases and 242 deaths)." 247703,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"En matière d’accès aux soins, l’éloignement du centre de santé, le manque des moyens financiers pour accéder au service de santé constituent des problèmes majeurs." 111901,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,81,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Bogotá recibe el 25 % del total de la población migrante del país. Cundinamarca, por su parte, es el décimo departamento de mayor recepción de esta población, siendo especialmente afectados los municipios de Soacha, Chía y Cota. Si se considera que estos municipios son cercanos a Bogotá y que su población se mueve diariamente hacia ella por trabajo, puede asumirse que el peso que tiene la migración en la ciudad capital es mayor." 70886,20164.0,1184.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,132,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://es.aleteia.org/2019/10/29/xenofobia-y-explotacion-laboral-revierten-tendencia-venezolanos-salen-de-ecuador/,"Por primera vez en siete años es negativo el saldo de migrantes venezolanos en Ecuador, donde el reciente estallido social que cobró una docena de vidas y la cada vez mayor ola de xenofobia hacen menos segura la nación para los criollos. Cifras oficiales del Ministerio de Gobierno reflejan que en septiembre de este año ingresaron 2.458 venezolanos, apenas un 2,7% del total que aprovechó el beneficio de la llamada “visa humanitaria”, cuando más de 90 mil ciudadanos entraron al país. Casi un diez por ciento de ellos salió de la nación, principalmente cruzando por Rumichaca, aunque en una porción menor lo hicieron también a través de Huaquillas; así como por los aeropuertos Mariscal Sucre y José Joaquín de Olmedo." 237879,47119.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Entre el 6 de diciembre y el 2 de enero, se reportaron 213 724 casos de COVID-19, para una incidencia de 436,89 casos por 100 000 habitantes. Las entidades territoriales que durante este periodo superan la incidencia de periodo nacional son: Bogotá, D.C. (956,45), Risaralda (742,41), Quin- dío (678,97), Tolima (583,36), Antioquia (546,76), Barraquilla (540,16), Cartagena (514,42) y Cali (511,18)" 344358,56790.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] MEDIAN PRICE OF COVID-19 ITEMS in Syrian Pounds: Face mask (1 piece) for 430, Plastic gloves (box of 100) for 23,500, Sterile alcohol (1 litre) for 8,500, Hand sanitiser (500 ml) for 4,550, Bottled bleach (1 litre) for 1,800 and Trash bags (roll of 30) for 3,625." 9968,3795.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2021%20June%202018.pdf,"On 19 June, the High Commissioner flew with 121 persons of concern who were evacuated from detention centres in Libya to UNHCR’s Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM) in Niger. Since November 2017, UNHCR has evacuated 1,730 refugees out of Libya (1,408 to Niger, 312 to Italy and 10 to Romania)." 223557,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The Risk Management Unit developed a collaborative risk management strategy for Somalia stakeholders, which was validated by a multiparty working group on risk in August." 150716,32327.0,1184.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,231,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Muchos venezolanos llegan a su destino poca información y escasas redes de apoyo, a menudo sin recursos financieros y sin la posibilidad de obtener las visas apropiadas. Las fronteras son altamente permeables por la presencia de muchos cruces irregulares. Por ejemplo, en Ecuador el 5% de personas encuestadas informaron haber ingresado al país por medios irregulares, y el 8% dijo que tuvo que realizar algún tipo de pago para ingresar. Los datos de los ARG evidencian que, en los cruces fronterizos, policías, agentes de migración, contrabandistas, taxistas, entre otros aprovechan su posición de poder frente a los migrantes para extorsionarlos. Además, existen denuncias sobre malos tratos de parte del personal de migración en caos de no cumplir con los requisitos de legales, a la vez que ignoran a aquellos que necesitan protección, incluidos niños y adolescentes viajando solos. Se ha reportado que los agentes de migración no proveen información sobre el proceso para solicitar asilo así como los procedimientos de residencia y de acceso a los servicios. Una vez que los venezolanos llegan al país de acogida, existen obstáculos críticos para regularizar su documentación, lo que a su vez limita el acceso a varios servicios y apoyo (trabajo, salud, educación, crédito, justicia)." 155350,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Metas Específicas:  2,000 personas recibirán primeros auxilios psicológicos para disminuir el nivel de estrés en las comunidades  1,500 adultos mayores recibirán apoyo emocional y colaboración de recibir informaciones de estilo de vida saludables.  2,500 Niños/as recibirán actividades lúdicas informativas de como lavarse las manos." 337497,45087.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"21% of the families reported that they are ""never"" able to meet the basic needs of their children" 411071,63409.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/especial--la-trata-sigue-acechando-a-los-migrantes-y-refugiados/2768,"Así, las redes de trata de personas atraen fácilmente a sus víctimas, en especial a los migrantes y refugiados a quienes captan sobre todo en las zonas fronterizas para encerrarlos a hacer trabajos forzados, obligarlos a la mendicidad, explotarlos sexualmente o para extraerles sus órganos." 40926,11894.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,43,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Tripoli’s healthcare system was heavily disrupted by the ongoing clashes. Many health facilities in conflict-affected baladiyas were reportedly understaffed and overwhelmed. First responders were at particular risk, with reports of both accidental and deliberate attacks on ambulances." 160328,38479.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,• Emission radiophonique interactive en Français et Mooré à OMEGA FM sur la PCI dans la lutte contre la COVID-19 • Poursuite de la diffusion de messages au niveau des aéroports de Ouagadougou et de Bobo-Dioulasso à l’endroit des voyageurs. 157030,38912.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99163,"Le nombre des cas actifs est désormais de 295. Pour rappel, le Burkina Faso a enregistré 1 463 cas confirmés dont 502 femmes et 961 hommes depuis le 9 mars 2002, date de découverte des premiers cas." 81990,22790.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72867.pdf,"Dada la diversidad de los actores humanitarios involucrados en la respuesta a refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, es importante reforzar un entendimiento común de los principios de AAP, así como también poner en común las buenas prácticas, habilidades y herramientas de las que disponemos para potenciar y fortalecer el accionar en el terreno." 241973,47791.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,108,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Entre mars et aout 2020, le Sous Cluster Protection de l’Enfance (GTPE) a aussi documenté une diminution importante du nombre d’enfants atteints par les activités de protection de l’enfance, et surtout par les services de soutien psychosocial à travers les Espaces Amis des Enfants10, tandis que les études globales confirment que les enfants et leurs parents et tuteurs ont été massivement affectés par des sentiments négatifs (plus inquiet, plus désespéré, plus déprimé, moins heureux) suite à la pandémie du COVID-19, avec un incidence majeure due à la fermeture prolongée des écoles" 161480,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En algunos barrios de Medellín y en municipios aledaños a la ciudad, se han generado redes barriales e iniciativas ciudadanas que buscan apoyar a la población refugiada y migrante, en medio de la emergencia sanitaria. En Manrique y en Granizal, en Antioquia, los líderes comunitarios han gestionado la repartición o redistribución de asistencias humanitarias, que han llegado a estos territorios, para que las familias en condiciones de extrema vulnerabilidad reciban algún tipo de ayuda." 112513,29953.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,49,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En estos espacios cada niño recibe un refrigerio, un complemento alimenticio y un kit de tiempo libre. Se está en desarrollo de un material pedagógico que los niños puedan usar en sus recorridos (Consejo Noruego de Refugiados, La Guajira, entrevista, 2019)." 180539,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,36,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Dans la région de l’Est, les mouvements sont caractérisés par une provenance des personnes des zones périphériques pour les centres-villes des communes rurales ou urbaines où la situation sécuritaire est plus stable." 389451,61310.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/30/bangladesh-dengue-outbreak-covid-crisis,"[30 July 2021, Bangladesh] Dhaka, Bangladesh – A sharp spike in dengue cases is straining Bangladesh’s fragile healthcare system, which is already battered by a worsening coronavirus crisis in the country. Just this month, 1,920 people were diagnosed with the mosquito-borne disease till Friday, marking a more than 600 percent jump in cases from June when 272 cases were reported." 307726,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Protection partners supported 28 unaccompanied and separated children, including 17 girls and 11 boys with family identification and reunification service in Pibor and Gumuruk town." 187003,42490.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/%5BCLEAN%5D%20Reporte%20operacional%20GTRM%20Guayaquil%20-%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"El cierre del proceso de regularización para refugiados y migrantes venezolanos (13 de agosto) pone en alerta a las organizaciones del GTRM, que han convocado a una reunión extraordinaria para tratar esta problemática." 236322,45629.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"[South Sudan, 2019] IDPs population makes up 77 % of the total target for the Education Cluster." 224240,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,54,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Les radios communautaires sont suivies dans les deux départements (Kabbia et Mont Illi). Cependant, ce sont les hommes qui possèdent plus de postes de radio que les femmes alors qu’elles souhaitent avoir accès à l’information à travers des groupements de femmes et des autorités traditionnelles." 289348,51168.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,The Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) continues to re-prioritize planned activities in the six Priority 1 counties based on available resources. Clusters are also re-allocating resources and reprogramming from ongoing activities and using other supply stocks to accommodate the new high food-insecure caseload. 391124,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,76,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Nigeria’s oil production is expected to double between 2018 and 2030, increasing to about 400 billion m3 per annum. Additionally, a significant amount of Nigeria’s gross natural gas production is flared (burned off) as some of Nigeria’s oil fields lack the infrastructure needed to capture the natural gas produced with oil, known as associated gas." 208852,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Similarly, lack of livelihoods forces female household heads among IDPs and returnees to fall into exploitive relationships, such as survival-driven transactional sex, indicating the need for more livelihoods support." 130809,33838.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,34,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El 27% de la población presenta pobreza monetaria, 7,2% pobreza extrema y 19,6% pobreza multidimensional, siendo los indicadores más preocupantes en zonas rurales (DANE, 2019)." 344224,56790.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] The price of bread (bag of 8 pieces) also decreased by 5% since March, reaching a regional median of 950 SYP, although this is an increase of 58% since October 2021. Changes in bread prices are primarily due to a similar rise in the price of flour (7% decrease since last month, but a 75% increase since October 2020), a product which is in short local supply in the region, and for which import prices are dependent on fluctuating exchange rates." 162606,35727.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,240,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"4. Niños, Niñas, Adolescentes y Jóvenes en el conflicto armado. De acuerdo con información del Sistema de Alertas Tempranas (SAT) de la Defensoría del Pueblo, en algunos municipios del sur de Córdoba, especialmente Puerto Libertador, Montelíbano, Tierralta y Valencia (Sur de Córdoba), los GAO reclutan y utilizan a niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA), e incurren en el delito de trata de personas. Este último fenómeno es difícil de cuantificar, pues no existen estadísticas oficiales; existe un subregistro por la falta de denuncia y casi siempre se manifiesta cuando los NNA se desvinculan de los grupos armados. En el departamento existen otros factores estructurales que propician esta problemática y requieren atención en términos de protección: las dificultades para ingresar permanecer en el sistema educativo y la ausencia y /o baja permanencia de profesores limitan el acceso a servicios y oportunidades laborales y generan una mayor participación en el trabajo en las economías ilícitas a temprana edad, como apoyo para el sustento de cada núcleo familiar. Las comunidades de sur de Córdoba, padres, madres y cuidadores y los mismos NNA manifiestan el alto riesgo y el aumento de uso y utilización de estos por parte de grupos armados. También se reconoce como problemática adicional contra este grupo poblacional el alto consumo de sustancias psicoactivas." 165673,39645.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,In addition to COVID-19 containment measures introduced in early March resulted in a reduced humanitarian footprint in the camps. Partners could not complete standard risk mitigation works resulting in a significant reduction in premonsoon SMSD program implementation.20 This negatively impacted preparedness and resilience to monsoon events and as a result the need for weather-related infrastructure support has substantially increased. 218994,45705.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/node/18588/pdf/reversing_gains.pdf,"The absence of coherent remote learning systems, coupled with insufficient or no internet/phone coverage and the lack of money needed to purchase credit that children need to access internet and phone based learn - ing activities poses a significant chal - lenge for education actors who report a constant decrease in the number of children attending these activities" 298950,51152.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Gaps & Constraints • $2.5 M funding required for the remaining prioritized 135,000 flood-affected people in need of ES/NFI response. • Insecurity and violence in some flood affected locations in Jonglei and Warrap, affected delivery of response. • The COVID-19 emergency response has depleted ES/NFI core pipeline stocks, resulting in delayed flood response." 129461,32894.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,Necesidad de identificar nudos críticos y barreras estructurales en la provisión de servicios sociales 205854,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"About 20 per cent of schools across the country are non-functional, overwhelmingly due to years of insecurity in and around schools and the departure of teachers and students." 322009,54318.0,2311.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,9,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"El 2,2% de niñas y adolescentes están lactando" 221406,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"During the reporting period (Till August 2020), an estimated 195,992 persons were evicted. According to the Norwegian Refugee Council, more than 128,000 of those evicted were in the Banaadir region, where Mogadishu is located." 40941,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers'],en,63,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Information And Communication'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Urban migrants in frontline areas faced many of the same physical risks as Libyan residents under fire. However, many migrant KIs emphasised that their status as non-Libyans and nonArabic speakers left them less able to escape their situation, as they did not have access to the same information about conflict developments, safe areas, or possible exit routes." 245757,47833.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"La mayoría de la población monitoreada no tiene acceso al agua potable (69.12%), aunque en Riohacha únicamente el 16.4% tiene acceso y el 67.9% reportan barreras para acceder al agua. El 87.3% de la población monitoreada obtiene el recurso a través de acueductos y el 41.2% de la población tiene una percepción buena relacionada con la salubridad del entorno donde viven" 236207,47104.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, Syria] In December 2020, 45 percent of interviewed households reported that they had lost one or more sources of income because of COVID-19 related restrictions over the past month. This was the case even among breadwinners having university degrees (35 percent). Though this trend witnessed a decrease nationwide (down by nearly a third since July 2020), most Syrian populations continued facing difficulties in sustaining sources of income amid the ongoing economic crisis" 282008,51173.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,187 children in 34 provinces were prevented from recruitment by the National Police through Child Protection Units. 343219,56752.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.lesechos.fr/monde/enjeux-internationaux/ces-pays-qui-nont-toujours-pas-vu-lombre-dun-vaccin-anti-covid-1314305,"Alors que les pays les plus riches s'empressent de commander des vaccins anti-Covid pour leurs citoyens, les plus démunis ont du mal à mettre la main sur un sérum. Certains d'entre eux n'ont même toujours pas vu l'ombre d'un vaccin. Selon l'OMS, c'est le cas d'une douzaine d'états - la plupart se trouvanten Afrique: le Tchad, le Burkina Faso, le Burundi, la République centrafricaine, l'Erythrée, la Tanzanie…" 234695,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,71,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"GDP growth is projected to fall sharply to -1.2 percent or about 5 ppt below the pre-pandemic projection. The pandemic has led to a substantial deterioration in the global economic environment, reflecting a combination of global supply and demand shocks. On top of the large expected spillovers from the external shock to Cameroon, the country is facing a rapid increase of the number of infected persons." 358476,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Rapid Assessment Findings (by % of 237 KIs in communities affected by water station functionality): 71% of communities in which current or alternative sources of water are insufficient to meet needs for household and agricultural purposes." 248266,48236.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"Mr Sanwo-Olu encouraged patients that are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms of COVID-19 to take advantage of the established telemedicine service, EKOTELEMED, as 5,000 patients have been reached through the initiative so far." 265689,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,69,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"À la frontière entre le Niger et le Burkina Faso, des tensions intercommunautaires localisées ont été fréquemment rapportées entre les PDI, les réfugiés et la population locale, notamment à Makalondi, à Torodi, à Gotheye et à Bankilare (Tillaberi), ainsi qu’à la frontière entre le Mali et le Niger, dans la commune de Tillia (Tahoua)61." 347739,56800.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,87,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Boys, on the other hand, who tend to have more freedom of movement, are at an increased risk of engaging in illegal activities or child labor. It is often reported that women and girls face challenges to take decisions and to express their point of view: however, adolescents have reported being interested in empowerment activities (such as learning new skills) and being more interested in empowerment compared to adult women" 78390,21716.0,1187.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,54,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,"Existe cierta resistencia para la contratación de mano de obra extranjera en pos de valorizar la mano de obra local, lo que se vislumbra desde el interior de las empresas, más aún para posiciones de management (gestión y dirección). Hasta los sindicatos han alzado la voz por ello”" 163548,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,47,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Se han presentado múltiples eventos de desastres naturales, como deslizamientos, desbordamiento de ríos, lluvias intensas, inundaciones, que han bloqueado las vías de acceso al departamento, elevando el riesgo de deslizamientos de gran magnitud (i.e. Emergencia Mocoa 2017)." 189703,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,94,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La population du Tchad, selon le Recensement Général de la Population et de l´Habitat (RGPH2) de 2009, était de 11 millions d´habitants. Elle est estimée en 2020 à 16,3 millions d´habitants parmi lesquels 49,4% d´hommes et 50,6% de femmes. La population du Tchad est très jeune avec 68% des moins de 25 ans et les plus de 60 ans représentant 4,5%. Environ 22% de la population vit en milieu urbain et 78% en milieu rural dont 3,4% de nomades." 132477,34344.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El transporte humanitario estará dirigido principalmente hacia las personas que han llegado recientemente a las áreas fronterizas de Tacna y Tumbes (entre puntos de la frontera y los centros de ciudad). Al mismo tiempo, el transporte interprovincial también se brindará desde y hacia las ciudades de Arequipa, Cusco, Lima y Puno." 388887,61130.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,162,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.diarioconcepcion.cl/ciudad/2021/01/29/un-71-de-las-visas-otorgadas-el-2020-corresponden-a-venezolanos.html,"De las visas otorgadas, un 47% corresponden a mujeres y un 53% a hombres. En cuanto a las nacionalidades:1.626 corresponden a venezolanos (71%), seguidos por Colombia y Perú con 127 y 59, respectivamente. En cuanto a las edades de los nuevos residentes,el documento detalló que la mayoría de los inmigrantes se concentra en el rango etario entre los 18 y 44 años.En el caso de los hombres entre los 30 y 44 años, y en el de las mujeres entre los 18 y 29 años,concentrándose en su mayoría en la provincia de Concepción, 2.290 de ellos, es decir un 71%. Respecto al detalle por comuna,Concepción concentra la mayor cantidad de residentes, con 1.212 personas (53%),seguida por San Pedro de la Paz (311), Talcahuano (236) y Hualpén (177)." 169310,40031.0,1185.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"Technical assistance, research and assessments, to improve the implementation of programs linked to food security and nutrition. Knowledge management and sharing of best practices and studies, including through South-South cooperation" 347554,56800.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,51,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Water scarcity in some areas, like in Teknaf, as previously reported, impacts not only the water availability but also the time spent in queue: this has reported to occasionally lead to conflicts and violence at water points." 274201,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,150,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Irumu] La proportion des ménages en insécurité alimentaire représente environ 77 % de la population, dont 30 % se trouvent dans une situation d’insécurité alimentaire sévère. Ici la prévalence de l’insécurité alimentaire est en baisse par rapport à l’année 2019 quand cette proportion s’élevait à 83 %. Ce territoire, qui connait dans sa partie sud un afflux des déplacés en provenance du Nord-Kivu à cause des violences et exactions commises par les ADF Nalu (Tchabi, Luna), jouit de la disponibilité de terres arables et fertiles. Les déplacés y arrivent avec leurs connaissances agricoles. Cela facilite une adaptation rapide dans le mode de, vie. Aussi, la période de récolte au cours des évaluations peut avoir une influence sur l’amélioration de la situation alimentaire des ménages." 194954,43590.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Security conditions have deteriorated in Afghanistan, including the north-eastern region, since June, despite the start of peace talks between the government and the Taliban (Tolo News 25/08/2020) (ECHO 26/08/2020)." 127311,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,95,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En el 2020, alineándose con las prioridades del gobierno en términos de políticas de protección social, los socios consideran que brindar asistencia a través de intervenciones en efectivo facilitará el acceso de refugiados y migrantes a las redes de seguridad nacional creando conexiones con las iniciativas de integración y generación de ingreso. Con este tipo de intervención, el objetivo es promover un enfoque participativo, basado en la comunidad y en los derechos incrementando la autoconfianza de refugiados y migrantes, combinando las intervenciones de medio de vida y efectivo." 176660,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Par rapport à la COVID-19, les enfants savent qu’il est une maladie contagieuse et mortelle et qu’Il faut se laver constamment les mains avec du savon et se protéger le nez avec un cache-nez et surtout éviter de se saluer." 202616,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Attacks on medical staff and infrastructure have become another characteristic of the crisis with more than 35% of the Government run health facilities not operational in the two regions, and the remaining only partially functional." 63074,18763.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/venezuela/2019/08/20/solo-el-18-de-la-poblacion-venezolana-tiene-acceso-a-agua-potable-de-calidad/,"Vengo cada semana a buscar agua para poder surtir mi apartamento. Es un cargamento pesado porque no tengo otra opción, no puedo comprar agua en envases o en camiones como hace mucha gente. No tengo suficiente dinero""." 221765,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Security incidents ranged from the more severe, such as assassination, kidnapping for ransom, abduction, expulsion, looting, the deliberate destruction of assets or facilities, arrest and detention, to the less severe, such as temporary detention, harassment and verbal and written threats." 187920,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"As of 25 May, there were 4,800 cases confirmed, with 177 deaths (case fatality rate 3.7%)." 238922,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]The case fatality rate amongst confirmed cases is 7.4 %. The positivity rate for week 49 is 2.3 %, which represents a slight decrease compared to the positivity rate of the preceding week (3.6 %)" 169840,40564.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_4th_october_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[04/10/2020, Yobe state] In Yobe State, The SMOH and SPHCMB, with support from WHO and NCDC, conducted mass sensitization on COVID19 case detection and IPC to scale-up case detection and prevention in remote communities." 391244,61470.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Number of communal latrines in the camp is 209." 205161,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,61,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the Far North, the two factions of Boko Haram ISWAP and JAS have been increasing attacks on Cameroonian territory. The multiplication of violence against the civilian populations have generated growing tensions within the communities on the one hand, and dangerously weaken the level of confidence between the national forces and the civilian populations on the other." 472888,63331.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Cluster%20de%20Protection%20de%20l%27Enfance%2C%20Bilan%20de%20la%20r%C3%A9ponse%20-%20R%C3%A9ponse%20li%C3%A9e%20%C3%A0%20la%20crise%20s%C3%A9curitaire%2C%20janvier%20-%20juin%202021.pdf,"La mise en avant et l’utilisation des enfants dans les attaques contre les civils semble être un nouveau mode opératoire par des groupes armés exposant d’avantage les enfants aux différents risques de blessures, de traumatisme voire de décès. Profiter de l’inconscience des enfants pour les utiliser dans les attaques des civils et autres faits de guerre est une violation grave de leurs droits." 296406,52103.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,137,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%b9%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%a3%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84/#.YFxzT2Qzb0o,"[March 14, GoS]The platform of the medical community ""Med Dose"" It is an open group that defines itself as a platform aiming to the advancement of the health and medical system, and it shares the latest medical information around the world and seeks to spread medical culture in society. The group of doctors requires supervisors to attach the information published to a reliable medical source with the addition of the name of the doctor or pharmacist. The group includes about 72 thousand members in addition to a group of supervising doctors from various specialties. The group also publishes the experiences of doctors and pharmacists with patients who suffer from various diseases, provides the follower with correct medical information, and denies rumors and false information." 154968,38099.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La pandémie covid-19 entraîne de fortes perturbations sur les activités agropastorales pendant une période cruciale (de mars à juillet), durant laquelle les agriculteurs ont besoin d’accéder aux intrants, aux champs et aux marchés pour préparer la principale saison agricole 2020/21." 295547,52365.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,108,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"Key informants mentioned that the event has had an impact on these communities, especially on their perception of security. The current priority needs for host communities are access to food, medical care and housing support. Participants of the discussion groups have a similar perspective: food, health care and housing support are the priority needs for the communities they are hosted by. In addition, participants prioritized water and sanitation for host communities, as well as biosecurity elements to prevent COVID-19. The assessment teams highlighted the increased risk of COVID-19 infection due to the overcrowding in many displacement sites." 155012,34182.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Alrededor del 93% de los entrevistados consume sólo una comida al día. Al indagar sobre qué tipo de comida mencionan pan y gaseosa, algunos pocos acceden a sopas o carne que piden en restaurantes." 291412,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,The number of people in need has doubled from 9.4 million at the start of 2020 to 18.4 million in 2021 – of a population of 40.4 million. 274168,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,58,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,[Indice de Stratégie de Survie-réduit (ISS-r)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages dirigés par les femmes ont fait recours plus fréquemment aux stratégies alimentaires par rapport aux ménages dirigés par les hommes (ISS-r de respectivement 23 et 21). 289620,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"The Western Corridor (Juba-Mingkaman-Rumbek-Tonj-Wau-Kuajok-Aweil-Bentiu) is now dried up and fully passable to 40 metric tonne trucks. In addition, the Logistics Cluster, in collaboration with the IOM common transportation service (CTS) project, offers road cargo transportation services to deep field locations from Wau. It is therefore expected that organizations will start to fully utilize these corridors and transport their items to Tonj East, Tonj North and Tonj South." 188580,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Kinshasa reste le foyer principal de l’épidémie pour avoir notifié 74,8% (8388/11212) des cas, suivie du Nord-Kivu et du Kongo-Central avec respectivement 9,7% (1082/11212) et 4,8% (534/11212) des cas (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 356548,58354.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Context->Environment']",es,56,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/06/22/una-persona-desaparecida-y-89-damnificadas-por-las-lluvias-en-medellin/,"El comandante del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Medellín así mismo dio a conocer que, otro de los eventos más destacados a causa de las lluvias, fue la caída de una árbol de gran tamaño en el sector de Suramericana, sobre carpas que estaban destinadas para el proceso de vacunación en la ciudad." 487798,67501.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/searo-weekly-situation-report-34-2021.pdf,"[23-29 August 2021, Bangladesh] The government will start administering the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in the mass vaccination drive from 7 September 2021. The set target is to vaccinate 80% of the population (18 years and above) with at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine by February 2022." 257068,48772.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,93,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation-Report-No_-2-Fire-Incident-at-NRC.pdf,"[15th January 2021,Nayapara Camp] A massive fire swept through the Nayapara Registered Camp yesterday, burning over 800 infrustructures to ashes. It affected over 3,000 people living in the camp area. BRAC HCMP is working around the clock to support the affected families with hot cooked food, disaster-resilient shelter kits, floor-mats and jerry cans. BRAC also continues to scale up its existing relief efforts with over hundreds of staff and volunteers. BRAC is also working to improve living condition in the camp." 389634,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"En este periodo de 34 días el número de dosis de vacunas aplicadas por cada 100 habitantes a nivel nacional aumentó en 20.7 dosis por cada 100 personas, al pasar de 16.3 a 36.9." 221037,45806.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/una-educacion-inclusiva-para-los-ninos-migrantes-venezolanos-206819,"Actualmente, según Constanza Liliana Alarcón, Viceministra de Educación Preescolar, Básica y Media, en el país están matriculados 363.126 alumnos venezolanos a corte de octubre. Y explicó que: “gracias a los procesos técnicos, normativos y políticos implementados, se ha podido incluir en el sistema educativo a más de 363.000 estudiantes migrantes de origen venezolano en todos lo niveles educativos; esto es en perspectiva la población total de una ciudad de Colombia como Neiva”. Así mismo indicó: “que entre 2018 y 2020 se produjo un incremento del 967% en la matrícula de la población migrante, la cual pasó de tener influencia exclusiva en las zonas de frontera a ser un fenómeno de escala nacional”." 187797,43282.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,92,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Intimate partner violence cases remain the highest GBV type reported across Somalia. Clinical management of rape, psychosocial support (PSS), and legal aid remain the priority needs for GBV survivors.According to the survey, violence against children, both inside and outside of the home has increased and is made worse by the lack of avenues through which to report abuse and seek adequate assistance, Negative coping mechanisms, including child labour, child marriage and boys are at higher risk of recruitment have been reported." 215118,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[11thDec2020, Nigeria] The country also recorded 796 new cases on Friday, breaking the previous highest daily record of 745 reported on June 19." 215218,45149.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/south-sudan/save-children-commends-government-s-decision-reopen-schools-south-sudan,"The government of South Sudan has decided that ""all the higher institutions of learning and schools should be opened,"" Minister of information, Michael Makuei, told the press after a cabinet meeting on Friday 9 September 2020." 223541,45273.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,78,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,"According to theWorld BankAfghanistan only has 0.3 doctors for every 1,000 people in the country, compared to 4 doctors per 1,000 people in Italy, which is struggling to contain and treat the virus. Should families fall sick with COVID-19 Afghanistan’s health system won’t be able to cope while aid agencies will struggle to respond to the tidal wave of sick people we are seeing in other parts of the world." 326772,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,143,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"A la fin de S14/2021, 1 565 nouveaux échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire. Au final, 1 533 échantillons ont été analysés, soit une positivité de 16,8% (257/1533). Pour rappel, 1 638 nouveaux échantillons avaient été reçus à S13/2021 et 1 843 échantillons avaient été analysés ; le taux de positivité était alors de 18,6% (342/1843) . Le nombre moyen d’échantillons analysés par jour a décru de 16,7% entre S13/2021 et S14/2021, passant de 263 à 219 tests/jour . Retenons que ces statistiques, restent largement endeçà de la capacité globale du pays qui s’évalue à près de 1 300 tests/jour. En outre peut-on aisément constater que le taux de positivité a diminué entre S13/2021 et S14/2021, de 18,6% à 16,8%" 21211,8725.0,786.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],es,126,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"Las primeras cajas llegadas de Estados Unidos contienen medicamentos, suministros quirúrgicos y suplementos nutricionales. Productos prioritarios destinados a ""atender una emergencia sanitaria compleja dirigida a quienes hoy corren riesgo de vida o muerte"". “Hay entre 250.000 y 300.000 venezolanos en riesgo de muerte”, aseguró el sábado, durante la última movilización masiva de la oposición, el presidente interino. La encuesta sobre condiciones de vida en Venezuela (Encovi) elaborada por Universidad Católica Andrés Bello y otros organismos señala que ya en 2017, cuando la situación económica no era tan grave y la hiperinflación estaba algo más contenida, casi el 90% de la población vivía por debajo del umbral de la pobreza." 497618,60046.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2-gender-educacion.pdf,"Un mayor porcentaje de mujeres (21%) en contraste con los hombres (17%) obtuvieron un grado universitario. El 39 por ciento de las mujeres entrevistadas en comparación con el 26 por ciento de hombres entrevistados reportaron estar desempleadas. De este grupo, el 22 por ciento tenía un título universitario." 304484,53106.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-6000-cases-for-2nd-straight-day/67005,"[April 2, 2021, Bangladesh] There is hardly any bed available at hospitals treating coronavirus patients. The government is increasing the number of beds and covid-designated hospitals to deal with the situation. Bangladesh has so far recorded 624,594 coronavirus cases, according to a handout issued by the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). During the 24-hour period until Friday morning, 2,473 patients recovered, taking the number of recoveries to 547,411." 238466,47405.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"Con base en datos de la Policía Nacional, el Observatorio del Proyecto Migración Venezuela estima, por ejemplo, que los homicidios contra ciu- dadanos venezolanos han aumentado en un 40,4 %9 entre septiembre de 2020 y el mis- mo mes del año 2019; dinámica distinta a lo observado en el país, donde a septiembre de 2020 los homicidios disminuyeron en un 8 % durante el mismo periodo." 105542,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,70,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Colombia, un país cargado con una larga historia de conflictos armados, ha sido el mayor receptor de venezolanos que dejan su país con la intención de quedarse—estimados en 1.8 millones, con al menos un millón desplazándose por el país en camino a otro lugar. Estimados conservadores sugieren que uno de cada 10 de estos refugiados y migrantes son niñas y niños menores de 7 años." 385116,60408.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En los modelos que respectan al caso chileno, se observa en el modelo logchi (1) que la variable independiente es significativa y posee un signo negativo, lo que indica que ante un mayor número de migrantes venezolanos en Chile el empleo no se ve afectado, esto es producto de la diversidad de ocupación en las distintas ramas y grupos de ocupación, y la homogeneidad en los niveles de cualificación." 304452,50891.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"UNICEF welcomed our regional office surge support and deployment of Irish Aid, who spent four months in Jebel Marra facilitating capacity building, partnership coordination, monitoring and transportation of supplies. In Jebel Marra, UNICEF also provided support to communities that have not received humanitarian assistance for over five years. All services, Nutrition, immunization, Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) and WASH were delivered as an integrated package." 156509,38023.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/181325/,"UN sponsored talks to draft a new constitution for war-torn Syria have been suspended one day after they began, after four representatives of the 45-member constitutional committee tested positive for COVID-19" 240722,47367.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ 8 - 14 January 2021]The cause of the bread shortage crisis is due to two main reasons. The Self-Administration has reduced allocations for flour bakeries, with Yahya Al-Moazi, head of the mills department in the Deir-ez-Zor Civil Council, justifying the measure due to what he called a poor wheat producing season." 490551,67789.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Unexploded ordnance blast kills three children in Ngala LGA: At least three children were killed and five others wounded (including three in critical condition) following the explosion of an unexploded ordnance (UXO) in Ngala town, Ngala LGA. According to field reports, the children were playing and collecting scrap metals under the Mblu bridge connecting to neighbouring Cameroon when one of them picked up the UXO that triggered the fatal explosion. Unconfirmed reports claim the explosive may have been planted by non-state armed groups (NSAGs) to blow up the bridge several months back." 145843,35819.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"The increase in cases countrywide, particularly those with unknown or untraceable exposure, represents potential widespread community transmission in parts of Syria, the UN reports. In response to the recent rise in cases, health authorities, particularly in northern Syria, have revised COVID-19 mitigation measures and re-imposed movement restrictions in some areas." 147877,36039.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Many partners report prioritizing frontline and health care staff while relying on other mitigation measures. In addition to support detailed in previous reports, UNHCR distributed sanitation items to 15,379 families in Hama in the reporting period. Overall, NFI distributions increased in June." 17481,5431.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"The FSAC sub-national cluster in Sana’a plans to provide a one-off food distribution to the IDPs, using verification information provided by the RRM focal points. This one-off distribution will be distributed as soon as the IRR kits are depleted (after seven days)." 162919,39647.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"CwC WG partners reached 179,196 people in the camps and host communities with key COVID-19 messages through community engagement activities, including 40,284 neighbourhood-based sessions; 20 sessions on home care for older persons aged 60 and above; 14,547 community consultations; 1,564 listening groups; 459 video/film viewings, and 4,013 sessions led by religious leaders." 164011,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,82,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Las comunidades en el país no acceden en suficiente cantidad y calidad a información veraz sobre las medidas de higiene y desinfección para prevenir el contagio del virus. Por tal motivo y teniendo en cuenta la flexibilización de las medidas de aislamiento, se deben ejecutar campañas de promoción de prácticas claves de higiene a mayor escala con enfoque étnico, de género, de curso de vida y también diferenciadas por las actividades económicas, principalmente las informales." 285075,50884.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,26,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Intertribal fighting, involving the burning of 100 houses in Deleij village, Central Darfur, leaves people in need of shelter and NFI support." 202628,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"A major protection issue arises for IDPs who have either lost their ID cards or have had them destroyed. Human rights abuses and violations, including torture, arbitrary arrest and detention and forced disappearances, continue to be usual practices in the North West and South West." 332569,45763.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,85,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Appuyer l’amélioration des revenus des ménages en termes d’AGR [activités génératrices de revenues], de mise en place des associations d’épargne et crédit au profit des ménages ayant du potentiel en AGR / Appui à l’aménagement des digues de protection contre le débordement du fleuve et La délocalisation des ménages vers les zones non inondées ; les zones inondées serviront de périmètre irrigué pour les rizières et culture de décrue (sorgho berbère)." 274136,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Household Hunger Scale (HHS)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les difficultés alimentaires mesurées par cet indice sont plus fréquentes chez les ménages dans les territoires de Faradje (63 %), Djugu (56 %), Dungu (53 %) et Mahagi (50 %)." 276129,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Le Tchad recense 3,5% de la population des ménages présentant un handicap, tandis que la moyenne de l’OMS est de 15% et que l’UNAPHT (Union Nationale des Associations des Personnes Handicapées au Tchad) recense 1 691 116 personnes handicapées, soit 14% de la population tchadienne en 2014." 245074,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"El 81.3% de la población venezolana no ha podido acceder a ningún permiso migratorio, el 18.2% cuenta con un permiso especial de permanencia, un 4% con tarjeta de movilidad fronteriza y solo un 0,1% de la población monitoreada es portadora del PEPFF (Permiso Especial de permanencia para el Fomento de la Formación)." 123678,32567.0,1621.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,102,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"The GNA announces extension of curfew in June, daily from 2000 hrs. to 0600 hrs. from Sunday to Thursday while Fridays & Saturdays are subject to a full 24 hours curfew to help mitigate the increasing spread of COVID 19 transmission. President al-Sisi warns that GNA forces advancing on Sirte could provoke Egyptian intervention. As GNA and LAAF affiliated forces take positions around Sirte and the outcome of negotiations is uncertain, civilians gripped by fear and in need of protection. “Cairo Declaration” continues to prompt reactions while Turkish-Russian engagement on Libya intensifies." 417562,64197.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,39,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"se requieren elementos de hábitat, kits de noche y kits de cocina para los 1.045 afectados en los cinco municipios. Adicionalmente, se requiere apoyo en reconstrucción de techos para viviendas afectadas por vendaval en Manaure." 322537,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 6% and 5% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported areas in their community where girls or women do not feel safe. 294045,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,The lack of legal criminalization of domestic violence and marital rape is a major gap in the protection of women's rights. 308290,53353.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[13 APR 2021, GOS] Rural Damascus governorate and it's subdistricts had insufficient provision of space in health facilities to monitor suspected COVID-19 cases." 180558,42290.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"La violence sexuelle et basée sur le genre est une problématique qui touche toutes les provinces de la région de l’Est, selon les discussions avec les agents de l’action et les participants aux causeries éducatives. Mais le contexte culturel ne permet pas aux victimes de l’avouer ou aux témoins d’en parler considérant cela normal. Il y a également la peur de la stigmatisation et le rejet par sa communauté sous peine d’être expulsé/e." 339368,55942.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/bogota/la-campana-que-busca-eliminar-los-prejuicios-contra-las-venezolanas-article/,"Por otro lado, la condición de las mujeres tiende a ser peor, pues además de que en promedio trabajan más horas que sus pares colombianas y tienen más estudios que los hombres venezolanos, reciben casi la mitad que las nacionales y 20% menos que los hombres migrantes, según lo indica el estudio “Dinámicas laborales de las mujeres migrantes venezolanas en Colombia”, hecho por la organización Cuso Internacional en Colombia." 125220,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,77,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"The restrictions placed on freedom of movement in Libya as a public health measure to counter the spread of COVID-19 have detrimentally impacted migrant workers’ livelihoods . In 93% of assessed locations, migrants who rely on daily labour were reported to have been negatively affected by the economic slowdown induced by COVID-19. Unemployment is one of the main risk factors that can exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and humanitarian needs, such as food insecurity" 294061,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,21,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Cases of breast ironing and female genital mutilation are noted, which already prevailed in some regions before the crisis." 339335,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,180,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Ataques contra Civiles: Persisten los asesinatos, amenazas y demás agresiones en contra de líderes, lideresas, comunidades, organizaciones y territorios en Antioquia. En lo corrido de 2020 se asesinaron 8 líderes sociales28 y 5 excombatientes de las extintas FARC- EP29, al igual que 46 líderes y lideresas han sido amenazados30. La llegada del COVID-19 no ha sido excusa para que cese la violencia contra las comunidades y las personas defensoras de derechos humanos. Las amenazas y los riesgos que se ciernen sobre los líderes de las comunidades ponen en riesgo a la población que representan, ya que se debilitan los procesos comunitarios y organizativos que los vuelven más vulnerables a los riesgos y a los GAO/GDO. Las amenazas a los defensores de DD.HH. han servido como una herramienta para presionar la no circulación de información, la no apertura de procesos investigativos y la invisibilización en general de dichas violaciones, además de los riesgos de desplazamientos forzado y cualquier otro tipo de afectaciones a la población civil." 281836,51173.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,103,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF has supported delivery of lifesaving nutrition and health services for the underserved population in the hard to reach areas of 14 provinces and as well as for the displaced population in the IDP settlements through 55 mobile health and nutrition teams (7 in Kandahar, 6 in Helmand, 2 in Faryab, 4 in Kunduz, 7 in Ghor, 8 in Badghis, 4 in Bamyan, 4 in Daikundi, 2 in Paktya,1 in Paktika, 2 in Zabul, 2 in Nuristan, 1 in Laghman, 2 in Uruzgan and 3 in Herat provinces)." 187673,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Continued challenges in maintaining social distancing. Stigma to both community and staff has greatly affected service delivery, leading to a drastic reduction in attendance at health facilities. Partners have reported capacity gaps among the CHWs working on COVID-19 response. Insufficient PPE for staff; stock-outs experienced." 391207,61470.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Piped connection to shelter was the primary source of water at the time of data collection. The public tap/standpipe was reportedly used by 22% of households for drinking water. 18% of households reported they spent at least two consecutive days without access to drinking water over the two weeks prior to data collection." 187621,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"The awareness-raising campaign “Clerics vs. COVID-19”, led by the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Religious Affairs has expanded awareness-raising efforts to Federal Member States (FMS). At least 230 religious leaders in Jubaland, Puntland, Hirshabelle, and Galmudug have been engaged and are distributing 200,000 flyers with health messages and 34,500 face masks to the communities." 179412,42044.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,122,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.193%20%20%2812%20-%2018%20October%202020%29.pdf,"[12-18th Oct 2020,Borno, Adamawa] Mubi South: 51 arrivals and 45 departures were recorded in Mubi South LGA of Adamawa state. The arrivals included 22 from Gwoza LGA of Borno state, 16 from Maiha and 13 from Mubi North LGAs of Adamawa state. 58 per cent of movements were due to voluntary relocation, 23 per cent as a result of poor living conditions and 19 per cent were triggered by improved security. Mobbar: 77 arrivals were recorded in Mobbar LGA of Borno state. All arrivals were from Diffa region in Niger republic. 68 per cent of the movements were triggered by conflict/attack and 32 per cent relocated voluntarily." 343218,56752.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.lesechos.fr/monde/enjeux-internationaux/ces-pays-qui-nont-toujours-pas-vu-lombre-dun-vaccin-anti-covid-1314305,"Bien que le nombre de contaminations au Covid soit relativement faible en Afrique, comparé à d'autres pays gangrenés par la maladie (Inde, Brésil), les experts affirment que ces statistiques sont probablement largement sous-évaluées. Car ce sont justement ceux en attente de vaccins qui ont, en raison de leurs infrastructures sanitaires fragiles, le plus de difficultés à suivre l'évolution de la maladie." 308343,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Four of nine payams in Tonj North have limited access due to insecurity. Violence and displacement have significantly affected access of people to health services, particularly the displaced families in hard-to-reach areas, as well as resupply of facilities and pre-positioning efforts ahead of the rainy season" 223682,45880.0,2225.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Défis accrus : début de la nouvelle année scolaire, mais les prix des denrées alimentaires restent plus élevés et les revenus des familles diminuent Transports plus disponibles, mais les coûts restent élevés" 244825,47945.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],en,39,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] With the Syrian Pound losing value in comparison to other currencies, and with an increase in hostilities, the population is now facing more difficulties in addressing their basic needs." 22387,9130.0,786.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,44,[],['Context'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.americasquarterly.org/content/180-day-plan-venezuela,"The new economic planincludes a long-term initiative to tackle hyperinflation, possibly via a currency board or dollarization. Any path forward will require an influx of foreign exchange, institutional reforms and, in the case of dollarization, a constitutional amendment." 174440,40839.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, Borno] Host communities In 95 per cent of host community sites (down from 97%), toilets were described as not hygienic. In 4 per cent of sites, toilets were in good (hygienic) condition (up from 2%) and not usable in 1 per cent of sites. In Borno 5 per cent (up by 1%) of the toilets were hygienic." 155348,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,Fortalecer el apoyo emocional y los mecanismos de afrontamiento social para disminuir el nivel de estrés en la población afectada. 319696,54530.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://observatoriofeminicidioscolombia.org/attachments/article/457/Bolet%C3%ADn%20Vivas%20nos%20queremos%20Colombia%20marzo%202021.pdf,"En marzo, en (28) feminicidios la violencia asociada fue cuerpo expuesto públicamente,seguido, de (7) feminicidios en los que las mujeres fueron desaparecidas antes de asesinarlas. En (7) feminicidios no se tiene información sobre la violencia asociada, y en (3) feminicidios las mujeres víctimas fueron golpeadas y apuñaladas. Con (2) registros por violencia asociada: se desconoce la violencia asociada y hubo tortura. Con (1) registro para cada una: embolsada, presentada como suicidio, reclutamiento de menores, presencia de menores, descuartizada y acceso carnal violento." 267903,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,93,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average retail price of vegetable oil throughout Syria increased in January 2021 by ten percent, reaching SYP 4,830/litre. Vegetable oil’s national average price has also increased by 66 percent since July 2020 (six months ago) and by 308 percent since January 2020. Lattakia recorded the highest vegetable oil price at SYP 5,300/kg (up 13 percent m-o-m), while ArRaqqa recorded the lowest price at SYP 3,719/kg (up eight percent m-o-m)." 241778,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] However, Daraa residents show “almost no” interest or commitment to preventive measures, as described by some people in the governorate to Enab Baladi. Only a small segment of people within the governorate of Daraa adhere to face mask use, disinfection, and social distancing measures. Daraa residents mostly preserve their customs and traditions that see refraining from visiting friends and family as a “defect” that is worse than disease risk." 144524,34804.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The within-Syria nutrition response has also been severely hit by the pandemic, with over one million beneficiaries affected by the recent suspension and/or minimization of nutrition services and programs following the introduction of COVID-19 mitigation measures by GoS, mainly affecting mobile nutrition teams (who lack PPE); the provision of community-based services, such as blanket distributions, door-to-door screening, and IYCF counselling (given concerns around overcrowding)." 169189,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,59,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"NWS: With technical and financial support from the Gates Foundation, EWARN has requested WHO to supply required training and equipment to prepare a reference lab for PCR testing inside Syria. As a result, with the start of this flu season (September 2019), the EWARN has started preparing for a flu-like outbreak." 397301,61289.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,54,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.theclinic.cl/2021/02/04/fuerzas-armadas-podran-intervenir-desde-este-jueves-en-lucha-contra-la-inmigracion-ilegal/?utm_source=masvistos&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=thc,"Las Fuerzas Armadas ahora podrán prestar apoyo en el control de ingreso clandestino de inmigrantes en fronteras, así como también podrán retener a personas. Vale decir que estas nuevas facultades otorgadas apuntan solo a labores en zonas fronterizas.El decreto publicado hoy fue firmado el 21 de enero por el Presidente Piñera." 472889,63331.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,99,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Cluster%20de%20Protection%20de%20l%27Enfance%2C%20Bilan%20de%20la%20r%C3%A9ponse%20-%20R%C3%A9ponse%20li%C3%A9e%20%C3%A0%20la%20crise%20s%C3%A9curitaire%2C%20janvier%20-%20juin%202021.pdf,"L’attaque de Solhan dans la nuit du 4 au 5 juin qui a entrainé la mort de plus de 132 civils y compris des enfants constitue un des pires cas où les enfants et adolescents âgés entre 12 et 14 ans ont été utilisés par les groupes armés pour mener des tueries. Ceci a été confirmé par les autorités nationales, et ensuite relayé par l’UNICEF à travers son communiqué de presse du 24 juin 2021 qui condamne fermement le recrutement et l’utilisation des enfants par les groupes armés non étatique." 275491,50217.0,2333.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"L’accès à l’eau potable et à un environnement sain étant l’une des principales conditions de vie et du bien-être des personnes en besoin, la non-réponse aux besoins EHA aura surement des conséquences drastiques sur la vie des personnes affectées à travers l’apparition et/ou l’augmentation des maladies liées à l’eau et à l’assainissement. Ce qui engendrera un accroissement de la morbidité et de la mortalité au sein de la population affectée." 17126,7092.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"The RMMS continues to provide life-saving assistance to refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants. As of October 2018, a total of 5,485 refugees and asylum-seekers benefitted from multi-purpose cash assistance to meet their basic needs, including food, shelter and health care. 1,949 Somalis benefitted from the ASR programme with the logistical support of IOM. 6,986 refugee children received primary education support mainly in Amanat Al Asimah, Aden and Lahj governorates. UNHCR completed the verification exercise in Kharaz camp where 2,463 families (8,456 individuals) are accommodated. This will support in right-sizing assistance." 279145,50217.0,2333.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,55,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"À cause de ces facteurs [ perte des moyens de subsistances et bouleversement climatiques] et de bien d’autres d’origine structurelle, le nombre de personnes en insécurité alimentaire en 2021 est estimé à 2 millions et le nombre de personnes en besoin d’assistance nutritionnelle, à 2,2 millions" 61678,18349.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20sitrep%20-%20Aug%202019.pdf,"Colombian and Ecuadorian authorities, together with the national coordination platforms for the response to refugees and migrants from Venezuela, implemented contingency plans to provide the necessary orientation and information to those arriving at the borders, identify cases in need of special assistance and ensure a comprehensive and coordinated response." 193737,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,82,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les nouveaux décrets ont suscité une réflexion sur le renforcement de la collaboration avec le gouvernement dans le processus de la mise en œuvre des activités des ONG et la communication sur les réalisations. Un comité de gestion mixte servant de cadre d´échange sur les questions administratives concernant les ONG et leur mise en œuvre a été convenu, ce qui a permis de lancer le dialogue avec le gouvernement sur la mise en œuvre de ce nouveau cadre légal." 338417,55877.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Many children also experienced psychosocial and emotional issues during the pandemic, and many felt socially isolated, stressed, and depressed. Students also lost ancillary social protections that are often provided through schools, such as free meals, or therapy and specialist services." 238911,47098.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]The SMOH and lafiya project, in collaboration with WHO and partners, conducted 2-day capacity building training for 68 LGA health promotion officers on COVID-19 IPC. The SMOH and lafiya project, in collaboration with WHO and partners, conducted sensitization training for 640 Voluntary Community Mobilizers (VCMs) on COVID-19 IPC." 272640,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,le renforcement du système de notification et le système de chronogramme (convenu au plus haut niveau de l’armée en 2019). 384881,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"L’OMS a apporté une assistance aux personnes déplacées internes à travers son projet de renforcement de l’accès aux soins de santé primaires intégrant la santé sexuelle et reproductive des populations vulnérables touchées par le COVID-19 dans un contexte de crise humanitaire dans les régions de la Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre Nord, Nord et Sahel en partenariat avec la Croix Rouge Burkinabé, ONG IEDA RELIEF, ONG OCADES et l’ONG AMMIE : 1385 femmes et adolescentes ont bénéficié des matériels équipements de lutte contre la COVID-19 et 5290 personnes ont été sensibilisées sur l’hygiène." 496235,68462.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,74,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520July%25202021%2520SouthernCone.pdf,"Since 22 July the online asylum claim registration system in the country stopped working. This situation is particularly concerning for those refugees and migrants arriving in the north in the city of La Quiaca (border with Bolivia), since they cannot regularize their situation or file for asylum in person in this city, as Migration premises at the border are not authorized to receive this type of cases." 111921,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Es frecuente el cuidado de los hermanos menores por parte de los mayores, que deben enfrentar estas labores de cuidado y al tiempo resolver el impacto emocional de una migración que, con frecuencia, no han terminado de entender (Plan Internacional, entrevista, 2019)." 356104,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Este resultado representa un incremento de 7,4 pps frente a 2019 en las cabeceras (6,8%) y una reducción de 1,1 pps en los centros poblados y rurales (19,3%)" 272833,50353.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"27,934 people were reached by GBV prevention and response interventions in November including GBV awareness raising and information on available services (19,197); dignity kits distribution (151); women and girl safe space activities (882); psychosocial support and PFA (1,112); youth and adolescent support program (712); life skill development for women (429); capacity building for community members and frontline workers on GBV concepts (1,299); distribution of menstrual hygiene kits (180); engagement of men and boys to raise awareness on GBV (3,065)" 196116,43590.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,Containment measures had sporadically hampered some humanitarian activities at the beginning of the pandemic as well as slowing down some operations. 289304,52038.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/64879/no-oxygen-in-damascus.html,"[24 March 2021, GoS] The Ministry of Health issued a circular which it shared with hospitals in Damascus stating that all non-ambulatory operations would be halted starting today. In addition, it requested the implementation of a plan to summon extra personnel in case of a new emergency and to operate hospitals at maximum capacity for the benefit of patients." 269787,49918.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.iagua.es/noticias/universidad-nacional-colombia/aguas-contaminadas-caldo-cultivo-bacterias-toxicas,"La investigación revela que en aguas con interés recreacional o agropecuario el riesgo por contacto, inhalación o consumo de cianotoxinas es mayor. Sin embargo en el país la información sobre cianobacterias que podrían generar toxinas es prácticamente nula, a pesar de que se conocen especies potencialmente productoras de toxinas y de cianotoxinas muy peligrosas. “Una de las áreas más estudiadas es Antioquia, donde se han hecho diversos estudios y se han encontrado cianotoxinas como Microcystis –que usualmente ataca el hígado– y cilindrospermopsina, que afecta el riñón y el hígado, estas últimas han sido las más persistentes”, señala la investigadora Robles." 157257,38373.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,68,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"La violencia basada en género (VBG), la inseguridad, la violencia generalizada y la violación masiva de derechos humanos, incluyendo las barreras estructurales para acceder a la salud y educación, representan el 24.1% de las causas de salida de Venezuela. Estas causales indican que una gran parte de la población podría tener necesidad de protección internacional según la Declaración de Cartagena" 60723,17936.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Moreover, overstretched resources or congestion of these IDP camps often results in an “overflow” of IDPs into host communities which puts pressure on resources in such communities as seen in the cases of Monguno, Maiduguri, Ngala, Damboa and Gwoza where host community households were found to be more food insecure compared to IDP households in camps. This can be further explained by the targeted systematic humanitarian assistance that IDP households in camps receive from government and partners, at a scale which is often more significant compared to host communities." 356638,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,236,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La policía golpeó a Kevin Díaz, de 18 años, y a su novia de 16 años, cerca del Parque Ecológico Sur en Bogotá, mientras regresaban a su casa tras haber visitado la vivienda de la hermana de Díaz, según él relató. La policía y los manifestantes habían bloqueado las calles y la pareja se vio empujada con la multitud hacia el centro de las protestas. Luego quedaron atrapados cerca de una estación de policía donde los manifestantes y la policía estaban arrojando piedras, dijo Díaz. Su novia y él lograron escapar, aproximadamente después de las 9 p.m., y corrieron hacia el parque. Al menos 10 policías en motocicletas los alcanzaron y empezaron a golpearlos. Díaz intentó proteger a su novia. Un agente le apuntó una pistola a la novia de Díaz. Los vecinos empezaron a gritar y los agentes se fueron, explicó Díaz. Human Rights Watch corroboró un video del lugar de los hechos, donde se ve a una mujer que atiende las heridas de Díaz. Otras personas que se ven en el video afirman que es una enfermera. Human Rights Watch también vio fotografías donde se observan las lesiones que presentaba Díaz en la espalda, los brazos, la pierna izquierda y el lado izquierdo del rostro. Su novia no fue herida." 189727,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les inégalités et la discrimination affectent aussi d´autres groupes vulnérables, comme les personnes en situation de handicap. Selon les sources, on estime les personnes avec un handicap à un taux compris entre 3,5% et 15% de la population." 287398,51747.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,23,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COD_13.pdf,"Ongoing violence in North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri, Tanganyika and Maniema provinces continued to disrupt livelihoods and displace large populations" 152715,37924.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les voyageurs en contournant ces points de contrôle n’ont dès lors pas accès aux examens, contrôles et services médicaux et hygiéniques mis en place au niveau des postes frontières officiels." 144444,34804.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 14 July, the Syrian Ministry of Health (MoH) confirmed 417 cases of COVID-19, including 19 deaths and 136 recoveries. An additional six cases have been reported by local authorities in north-east Syria (NES), while to date four cases has been registered in north-west Syria (NWS)." 287100,51631.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,1066,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"(Est) ACF (suite) ❑ 761 enfants <5 ans PEC selon la PCIME, 55 FEFA consultées, 240 CPN réalisées et 30 enfants malnutris aigus (dont 26 MAM et 04 MAS) détectés à travers les cliniques mobiles ❑ 15 AS de la pédiatrie du CHR Fada formés sur la PEC des cas de MAS avec complication ❑ Achat de réactifs et consommables médicaux pour le CRTS Fada ❑ 1,457 poches de sang collectés grâce à l’appui financier au CRTS pour les missions et tournées de collectes de produits sanguins labiles ❑ Achat de matériels de conservation des aliments (frigo, glacières) et des ustensiles de cuisines pour le CREN du CHR Fada ❑ 2877 enfants de 6 à 23 mois ayant bénéficié de distribution de 22 tonnes de farine infantile enrichie ❑ 3,955 FEFA (dont 789 FE et 3166 FA) ayant bénéficié de distribution de compléments alimentaires ❑ 4,217 enfants de 6 à 23 mois ayant bénéficié d’un dépistage régulier de la malnutrition aigue, dont 115 malnutris aigus dépistés et référés dans les FS pour prise en charge ❑ 83 ASBC formés sur l’ANJE, le PB à domicile et la Covid-19 ❑ 32 mères leaders formées sur le PB à domicile, la fabrication de la farine ménagère et la préparation de la bouillie et les bonnes pratiques en matière d’ANJE ❑ 9,374 mères sensibilisées et formées sur le PB à domicile Children Believe ❑ 26 Techniciens d’Appui Communautaire (TAC) formés sur la nutrition des Adolescentes; ❑ 40 ASBC formés sur la nutrition des Adolescentes; ❑ 15,050 adolescentes supplémentées en fer acide folique et mébendazole et ont bénéficié de conseils nutritionnels; ❑ Dotation de Vitamines, Antalgiques et antibiotiques au Ministère de la santé CICR ❑ 16,930 enfants de moins de 5 ans ont bénéficié d’un suivi nutritionnel au CSPS Fada 11 ❑ 22,152 enfants de moins de 5 ans ont bénéficié d’un suivi nutritionnel au CM de Matiacoali ❑ 7,163 enfants de moins de 5 ans assistés en vaccination couplée au dépistage de la malnutrition au CSPS Fada 11 ❑ 7,935 enfants de moins de 5 ans assistés en vaccination couplée au dépistage de la malnutrition aigue au CM de Matiacoali ❑ 1,311 enfants déplacés internes de 6-59 mois dépistés pour la malnutrition aigue dans l’aire sanitaire du CSPS Fada 11 lors de la campagne de vaccination en stratégie avancée, couplée au dépistage de la malnutrition aigue en novembre 2020 GRET ❑ 5,947 GASPA de femmes enceintes et mères d’enfants de 0-23 mois mis en place et fonctionnels dans 804 villages des DS de Fada N’Gourma et Bogande ❑ 14,484 femmes enceintes (dont 604 PDI) ayant bénéficiés des animations GASPA dans les DS de Fade et Bogande ❑ 52,357 mères d’enfants de 0 à 23 mois (dont 1,877 PDI) ayant bénéficiés des animations GASPA dans les DS de Fade et Bogande INTERSOS ❑ Distribution de denrées alimentaires aux PDI ❑ Distribution de rations de protection aux FEFA et enfants de 6-23 mois (BSFP) ❑ Dépistage de la malnutrition aigue chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans MSF Espagne ❑ Appui à la prise en charge de 408 enfants MAS avec complications au CRENI du CMA Gayeri, CM Matiakoali et CMA Pama en 2020 (dont 229 à Gayeri, 149 à Matiakoali et 30 à Pama) PAM ❑ Prise en charge de la MAM ❑ Distribution de denrées alimentaires aux PDI ❑ Distribution de rations de protection aux FEFA et enfants de 6-23 mois ❑ Dépistage de la malnutrition aigue chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans PUI ❑ 20 AS du service de la pédiatrie et du CREN/CHR FADA formés sur le protocole de la PCIMA; ❑ 15 AS du CHR/FADA Formés sur la sécurité transfusionnelle des patients y compris les enfants MAS anémiés; ❑ 340 enfants <5 ans dépistés lors des interventions de la clinique mobile (secteur 1, 9 et 11 de Fada) dont 8 MAM et 07 MAS dépistés: ❑ 03 cas de MAS sans complication référés au CSPS pour PEC ❑ 04 Cas de MAS avec complication référés au CREN du CHR et PEC ❑ 142 séances de sensibilisation sur l’ANJE réalisées lors des activités de clinique mobile et par les ASBC dans l’aire sanitaire des 6 CSPS soutenus par PUI (Boungou, Namoungou, Natiaboani, Koaré, Momba, Fada 9) TDH ❑ 701,550 enfants de 0 à 5 ans ayant bénéficié du dépistage passif et dont les mères/accompagnants ont bénéficié des conseils spécifiques sur l’ANJE à travers le Registre Electronique de Consultation (REC) dans tous les DS de la région de l’Est: 131191 enfants à Bogande, 196514 à Diapaga, 204821 à Fada, 49322 à Gayeri, 69781 à Manni et 49921 à Pama UNICEF ❑ 10,290 MAS pris en charge avec les intrants nutritionnels (plumpy nut, F75, F100, Resomal) dotés dans les formations sanitaires ❑ 395,889 enfants de 6-59 mois supplémentés en vitamin A, déparasités et dépistés pour la malnutrition aigue lors des campagnes JVA+ dans la region de l’Est ❑ 15,050 adolescentes supplémentées en fer et acide folique dans les DS de Fada et Diapaga (avec Children Believe) ❑ 14,484 femmes enceintes (dont 604 PDI) et 52,357 mères d’enfants de 0 à 23 mois (dont 1,877 PDI) ayant bénéficiés des animations GASPA dans les DS de Fada et Bogande (avec GRET) ❑ 22,925 enfants 6-23 mois ayant bénéficié de distribution de poudres de micronutriments (avec ACF) ❑ 27,942 personnes (dont 4879 enfants/adolescents, 10479 hommes et 12584 femmes) touchées par les messages radiophoniques communautaires et sensibilisations communautaire sur les bonnes pratiques de nutrition, d'alimentation et d'hygiène (Plan intégré de communication) ❑ Appui à l’élaboration du plan régional de réponse aux urgences de la DRS Est ❑ Appui à la mise en place du mécanisme de collecte hebdomadaire des données de nutrition mis en place et fonctionnel" 291396,51191.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Humanitarian partners urge the Government to ensure laboratories are appropriately equipped, staff receive timely remuneration and that procured supplies go to under-resourced health centres in a transparent manner so that life-saving support can be delivered to those most in need." 8948,2667.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/21052018_Attacks_on_Health_Care_EN.pdf,"Armed groups have looted medical equipment and supplies, further draining an under-resourced health care system and further limiting civilians’ access to quality care. In some cases, the motive appeared to have been the diversion of medical supplies to injured fighters at field hospitals near frontlines, while in other cases motives appeared purely financial. In some cases, such acts amounted to pillage, which is prohibited under international humanitarian law" 48839,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"One of the efforts to combat the border health crisis is the provision of vaccinations by Colombian authorities, they provided 58,580 and 789,292 in 2017 and 2018, respectively, at three border crossings in North Santander (in addition to lower numbers elsewhere) to vulnerable populations, the majority of whom are Venezuelan.70 This means there was a 1,274 percent increase during this period." 188167,31146.0,1900.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"En los tres países el desempleo ha aumentado, generando grandes pérdidas de ingresos y afectando los ya limitados medios de vida de muchas personas." 207247,44693.0,2333.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"À Ouallam, les PDI disposent de latrines nouvellement construites par l’ONG World Vision. L’eau est disponible toute la journée. Un comité WASH a été mis en place, formé et équipé par World Vision. Le site de Tondikiwindi dispose de latrine et de l’eau pour les déplacés. Un comité Wash mis en place sur le site s’assure de la bonne gestion des latrines et de l’eau." 40948,11894.0,729.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Within the 7 days prior to data collection, Libyan KIs in all assessed baladiyas but Qasr bin Ghasheer reported that access to food in their baladiyas had worsened. This was mainly linked to widespread closures of stores and markets, which caused shortages of core food items and bottled water, as well as to restrictions on movement that made it difficult to physically access food" 158972,39161.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Joint efforts by the Nigerian Government and the humanitarian community have managed to stabilize an extremely serious food security situation. However, 3 million people are still entirely depending on food assistance and over one million children are malnourished. Without immediate support, one out of five malnourished children could die without treatment. Continuous funding is needed to swiftly provide assistance as well as implement longer-term recovery and development programmes." 187463,43198.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,57,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/strengthening-recovery-and-peacebuilding-north-east-nigeria,"[10th Nov 2020,NorthEast Nigeria] The North-East states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe host 70 percent of those displaced, with regional spillovers around the Lake Chad. Affected communities have experienced severe damage to their social fabric, extensive destruction of infrastructure, and significant socio-economic basic needs that remain largely unmet" 206523,44551.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=210921,"[22nd November, 2020, Overall Syia] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 7225, out of which 3097 ones have recovered while 376 others have passed away." 327805,54375.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syria/who-representative/opening-remarks-by-akjemal-magtymova-head-of-office-and-who-representative-syria.html,"[14 April 2021, Overall Syria] Over 12.4 million people are in need of health aid, especially people living in camps and camplike settlements." 271682,50217.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"À Diffa, à Tillaberi, à Tahoua et à Maradi, qui s’est considéra- blement détériorée en 2020. En effet la porosité des frontières avec le Mali, le Burkina Faso et le Nigeria fragilise la situation sécuritaire et humanitaire du Niger." 326767,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,129,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Ce 11/04/2021, 4 671 voyageurs en trafic international ont été enregistrés, parmi lesquels 4 663 ont été screenés ; 2 394 d’entre eux ont fait l’objet d’une alerte et 23 ont été confirmés positifs à la COVID-19. Au terme de S14/2021, 36 904 voyageurs ont été enregistrés aux PoE internationaux, d’entre lesquels 99,9% (n=36 870) ont bel et bien été screenés ; 2 501 alertes ont été identifiées et validées (complétude de transmission des données de 60,0%). A S13/2021, 2 119 alertes avaient également été détectées et validées parmi les 99,9% (42290/42296) de voyageurs screenés aux différents PoE (complétude de 70,9%)." 261653,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,98,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"durante la segunda y tercera semana de este mes se presentaron alertas rojas en diferentes regiones del país debido a la alta ocupación de Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo (UCI) a nivel nacional. A la fecha de publicación de este informe ningún departamento presenta ocupación de UCI mayor al 75 por ciento3, cabe resaltar que, según el secretario de salud de Amazonas, en este departamento se viene presentando un incremento de vuelos ambulancia desde Leticia hacia las principales ciudades del país, con pacientes que desarrollan sintomatología grave generada por el COVID-19." 115984,30124.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],es,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades no cubiertas Es necesario poner en práctica servicios nutricionales para población con necesidades especiales en condición de discapacidad. Es preciso extender la cobertura en servicios nutricionales a niños y niñas mayores de 5 años y adolescentes. Si bien este grupo demográfico es parte del plan de respuesta 2020, la prestación de servicios a niños mayores de 5 años continúa siendo inferior en comparación con la población de menores de 5 años asistidos." 240500,45197.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,109,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA reiterates that the best way to protect civilians from conflict and the impact of COVID-19 is to stop the fighting. It calls on all parties to the conflict in Afghanistan to immediately respond to the recent call by the UN Secretary-General for a global ceasefire1, so that the necessary focus and resources can be directed to provide the required humanitarian response to COVID-19. Bringing an end to the fighting would protect civilians from conflictrelated harm and would allow healthcare and other humanitarian workers to carry out their activities safely and without undue restrictions, thereby providing preventive and protective measures during the COVID-19 pandemic." 230305,46585.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,22,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,2 out of 5 schools in Latin America and Caribbean do not have handwashing facilities with soap and water available to students 16555,6344.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,107,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"Despite increased insecurity, Al Hudaydah and Al Saleef ports remain operational and continue to receive commercial and humanitarian food imports. On September 26, a UN World Food program (WFP)-chartered vessel carrying approximately 27,500 MT of USAID/FFP-funded bulk wheat—sufficient to feed more than 1.8 million people for one month—arrived at the Al Hudaydah port inner anchorage area. Another vessel carrying 18,500 MT of USAID/FFPfunded bulk wheat—sufficient to feed more than 1.2 million people for one month—had offloaded its cargo at Aden Port as of September 22. The cargo will support WFP’s emergency food assistance operations in Yemen." 150907,36670.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,88,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"El 10 de agosto, la Ministra de Economía, Ministra de Turismo y el Secretario de Comercio e Inversiones se reunieron con representantes de distintos sectores productivos, con el fin de acordar que los empresarios mantengan de manera voluntaria los tiempos de las fases de reapertura económica a partir del 24 de agosto, además que todas las empresas garanticen las medidas sanitarias necesarias. Al mismo tiempo, se presentó una estrategia y campaña de concientización para unificar esfuerzos ante la pandemia por COVID-19." 384804,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,La situation épidémiologique actuelle est marquée par une baisse sensible du nombre de cas d’ictère notifiés mais l’inquiétude reste croissante avec la saison de pluie et les inondations où nous risquons de voir une augmentation des cas d’ictère [risque] 393146,62158.0,2170.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,103,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above chart shows that 51% of the total discussants believe that elderly people are the most at risk of being infected by COVID 19 in the community. 11% believed people with pre-existing medical conditions like asthma, and respiratory problems are the most at risk, 9% said everyone is at risk, 8% each believed children, youths and adults withing the age range of 25 – 50 are the most at risk. Further more, 0.4% believed people with mental disorders are the most at risk" 204235,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Accueil d’un nombre important de déplacés ce qui peut se traduire par une pression accrue sur les ressources. Difficultés d’accès à N’Guigmi du fait de l’insécurité et de l’éloignement de la zone. 64759,19061.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"Marcos Pérez, alcalde del municipio, tiene en sus registros al menos tres retornos a las comunidades, pero ve con preocupación que ante la carencia de un encerramiento, los indígenas transfronterizos, colombianos y venezolanos, regresan en busca de un espacio de sustento." 124310,30176.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"La mayoría de la población encuestada no tiene documentos que regularicen su situación migratoria en Colombia, y su acceso a la salud ha estado limitado incluso desde antes de la pandemia" 111689,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para algunos de los niños que viven en estos asentamientos y en las calles de Villa del Rosario, la migración implicó un cambio drástico en su cotidianidad. Aquellos provenientes de ciudades extrañan la televisión, el aire acondicionado y vivir en casas donde, en lugar de tierra, había piso; se sienten solos y recuerdan constantemente a sus amigos y familiares (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Norte de Santander, 2019)." 299136,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Overall, in 2020, eight humanitarians were killed and another 19 wounded due to military operations and kinetic activity, compared to nine killed and 11 wounded in 2019. Humanitarians were not a direct target but continued to be collaterally impacted by ongoing fighting between ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) and NSAG-TB." 413155,60898.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"While all 13 regions of the country are hosting IDPs, the most affected region remains the Centre-Nord, hosting almost 40 per cent of the IDPs, and the Sahel hosting 30 per cent. The municipalities of Djibo and Gorgadji both in the Sahel region have the number of IDPs greater than the host populations." 37170,11044.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],en,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"Main causes of family separation are accidental separation during the conflict/crisis during and after flight. About 75% of children in all locations are out of school, which create great potentials for exploitation, physical violence and sexual violence, but the refugees individually or via FGDs claimed do not exist. The striking coping strategies used by families generally include taking children out rightly out of school and sending them to live with relatives" 53437,16820.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",es,65,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"Muchos venezolanos desesperados, y a menudo indocumentados, que cruzan la frontera a Colombia en busca de alimentos, medicinas y trabajo están expuestos a los abusos que ocurren en el contexto del conflicto armado que persiste en Colombia. Al menos 25.000 venezolanos viven en el Catatumbo, según la Oficina de Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios de Naciones Unidas (OCHA)." 64753,19061.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"La familia de Yuliana logró sacar de la basura unas papas podridas, un poco de arroz, harina para hacer unas arepas y una que otra presa de pollo que desmenuzan para meterlo todo en la misma olla.Recalientan esa comida en estado de descomposición y en solo 30 minutos tienen preparado el almuerzo. No duran más de un minuto en devorar esos alimentos luego de aguantar hambre por horas. Ese mismo plato es el que se repite en cada uno de los ranchos todos los días." 388605,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],fr,146,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la nuit du 19 juin 2021, trois (03) jeunes de la commune de Déou dans la province de l’Oudalan ont été arrêtés par un GANE lorsqu’ils étaient en train de cambrioler une boutique. En effet après leur arrestation, le GANE les a conduits jusqu’à leur chef qui a fait appliquer la charia islamique selon la loi qui stipule que tout cas de vol doit être puni en amputant une main. Par conséquent, les mains de ses trois jeunes ont été coupées avant de les libérés et sont pris en charge présentement au centre de santé de Déou. Selon le relai, le chef a fait appliquer cette charia pour servir d’exemple à la population et montrer sa détermination à lutter contre les actes de vol dans la zone." 128069,34134.0,1620.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,63,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/royal-actors-peacebuilding,"Across the mosaic of groups that make up the Nigerian society are distinct nations or ethnic nationalities that preceded the creation of Nigeria. It has taken several decades for these diverse groups of people to be split up into local governments, states, regions and geopolitical zones. These actions were mainly for political and administrative convenience at the time." 177560,41673.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/World/covid-19-global-caseload-approaching-near-39mn/59038,"[16th October 2020, Bangladesh] Besides, 1,780 patients recovered from the disease, and the total recoveries from coronavirus have jumped to 299,229. The fatality rate in Bangladesh is still 1.46 percent, a handout of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said." 439364,63592.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 45% (148) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que des abris avaient été détruits ou partiellement détruits au cours du mois précédent." 412672,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] National health statistic suggests that 19% women (age 19-49 years) meet the need for family planning for spacing and 44% women for limiting (Unicef, 2019). However, in the surveyed households, only 20.7% households responded that they could take the family planning service." 255177,48606.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Reach%20and%20Activities%20from%20Turkey%20%28November%202020%29.pdf,"[08/02/2021] [NES] Measures intended to limit the spread of the virus were extended, including the cancellation of markets, gathering restrictions and suspension of in-person schooling in both the Idleb area and northern Aleppo." 160202,38025.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/181878/,"On August 27, health authorities also recorded two cases in Al-Bab city." 276186,50671.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,103,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Bien souvent, les parents ne voient pas l’intérêt d’envoyer leurs enfants handicapés à l’école et n’entrevoient pas la possibilité pour eux de s’insérer dans la vie professionnelle. De plus, le personnel encadrant n’est pas formé à recevoir des enfants handicapés à l’école, que ce soit au niveau pédagogique (qui doit être adapté en fonction de l’enfant) ou pour l’utilisation d’équipements spécialisés. Les enfants handicapés se retrouvent ainsi en grande majorité exclus du système éducatif tchadien." 189705,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,25,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les discriminations basées sur le genre (filles/garçons, femmes/ hommes, personnes avec un handicap) sont fréquentes et résultent des facteurs socioculturels." 172314,40929.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Borno] 204,000 beneficiaries gained renewed access to safe sanitation through the desludging of 4,080 latrines in Borno state." 129459,32894.0,1184.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"e evidencia brechas de género al momento que una mujer decide emprender para sobrevivir. Se evidencia una deconstrucción de roles tradicionales de género, a nivel familiar y social, a través de la inclusión de mujeres migrantes en los mercados laborales. Necesidad de capacitación, instalar capacidades, fortalecer competencias y formación adicional para inclusión en mercados laborales" 319656,54195.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.radionacional.co/noticia/regiones/reportan-enfrentamientos-entre-grupos-ilegales-frontera-venezuela,"El alto oficial informó que se trató de un enfrentamiento a bala entre miembros del Eln y el denominado grupo Tren de Aragua que generó pánico en los habitantes de la zona. Estos se habrían iniciado en la trocha Los Mangos, desplazándose hacia la vía internacional que lleva de Villa del Rosario a La Parada, zona de frontera." 164087,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,67,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"Religious leaders are actively engaged in the COVID-19 response: The Emir in Zamfara state is helping to resolve rumours, stigma and non-compliance of risk mitigation measures for COVID-19. In Kebbi state, orientation of religious leaders, tracking and addressing of rumours and the sensitization of communities is ongoing. Mosque announcements during Friday prayers continued in six central mosques in six LGAs." 223518,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In that context, United Nations organizations supporting humanitarian, development and peacebuilding efforts in Somalia have intensified their collaboration to overcome challenges." 172427,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,71,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,Le fonctionnement des marchés pourra être perturbé avec une possible réduction de la disponibilité des vivres et non vivres (rupture des stocks et de la chaîne d’approvisionnement liée à la réduction des importations et du commerce transfrontalier mais également au ralentissement de l’activité agricole) et de leur accessibilité physique (fermeture des marchés et mobilité réduite dans le cadre des mesures de prévention). 125928,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,45,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,The majority (93%) of Egyptian migrants travelled to Libya directly while a minority (3%) reported travelling through Sudan or Tunisia (1%) before entering Libya. The remaining (3%) reported using other routes. 276988,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"Aujourd’hui, personne ne s’attend à ce que le gouvernement prenne des mesures [pour les entreprises] en raison de la crise politique et de la paralysie du gouvernement." 494238,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, GoS, NES & NWS] ToT between sheep and wheat flour: Broken down by region, the Middle region in Syria recorded the highest average price across Syria at SYP 607,462/sheep (up six percent m-o-m), followed by the Coastal region at SYP 549,222/sheep (up 40 percent m-om). While Northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 452,995/sheep (down one percent m-o-m), followed by Northwest Syria at SYP 473,000/ sheep (down 14 percent m-o-m)." 188446,42898.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,149,['Impact'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_de_accion_triple_frontera_vf.pdf,"Las infecciones respiratorias y las diarreas agudas han sido las principales causas de mortalidad infantil en la región, con indicadores significativamente superiores a los promedios nacionales. La incidencia de enfermedades respiratorias infecciosas se situó en 57,3 por cada 100.000 habitantes del Amazonas colombiano, frente a 14,7 de la escala nacional. La incidencia de la diarrea acuosa es de 19,1 por 100.000 en el Amazonas colombiano, en comparación con 3,0 de la escala nacional. La tasa de mortalidad infantil es de 46,9 por cada 1.000 nacimientos en la región. Este departamento tiene igualmente las tasas de mortalidad materna más altas del país, hasta seis veces más altas que el promedio nacional, lo que ilustra la deficiente infraestructura sanitaria general y los grandes desafíos logísticos de la región. Esta situación es similar en la zona fronteriza de los tres países." 165185,39817.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/5cd1fc81/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_August_2020.pdf,"In particular, prices of dishwashing soap decreased by 16% since July and laundry soap by 10%. The price of soap, used for handwashing and considered a preventive measure against COVID-19 by the World Health Organisation, decreased by 20% since July. The same price trend also applied to water trucking as the SMEB water trucking component decreased by 12% across NWS, reaching a median of 8,696 SYP" 124314,30176.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,93,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"El 88.1% considera que su estado de salud no ha cambiado desde la emergencia por el COVID-19, pero en muchas (35.7%) de las familias encuestadas hay personas con antecedentes de problemas respiratorios o enfermedades inmunológicas, que suelen aumentar la tasa de mortalidad en caso de contraer el virus. El porcentaje de personas con estas condiciones médicas es del 31.8% en Barranquilla, el 35.1% en Medellín, el 37.3% en Bogotá y Cundinamarca, y aumenta hasta el 39.6% en Riohacha." 406302,63610.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,31,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19082021_alerta_de_situacion_por_desastre_natural_en_bajo_cauca_antioquia._rv2.pdf,Las comunidades requieren apoyo para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria debido a que sus actividades de sustento (tiendas) y lugares de vivienda se vieron afectados por la avenida torrencial. 359883,58399.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar]  Provide opportunity for girls-led initiatives in schools to address their own needs, and overcome barriers to their participation such as promote a special shop for girls where they can purchase sanitary pads that can be run by girls especially in the disaster time." 229668,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Mangalla PHCC has a functional EPI fridge with one trained CHWs who is currently operating within the barracks carrying out routine immunization to the affected people and the host community. However, there is no routine immunization activities taking place within in the IDP settle basically because they are not aware of the services within the barracks." 164024,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,51,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Logística Necesidades: • Manejo colaborativo de información (limitantes y soluciones), que, en materia logística de transporte, almacenamiento y acceso físico, entre otros, experimentan los actores humanitarios en la ejecución de sus planes de respuesta a la crisis humanitaria y COVID-19 en Colombia." 166418,40065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fewer-fatalities-more-recoveries-recorded-last-week/,"According to NCDC, the latest infection numbers re-affirm Lagos as the country’s epicentre of Covid-19 with a total confirmed cases of 19,215, followed by Abuja (5,644), Plateau (3,379), Oyo (3,254), Edo (2,623), Kaduna (2,393), Rivers (2,324), Delta (1,802) and others. FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedInWhatsApp" 267877,49804.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The terms of trade between an alive two-year old male sheep and wheat flour was 300 kg/sheep (up one percent m-o-m). Highlighting an improvement in the exchange for livestock owners who could buy on average one percent more wheat flour compared to a month earlier. However, the terms of trade has worsened by 38 percent since January 2020." 151393,38048.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200852,"Head of the Health Center in Damascus International Airport Dr. Khuzama Zrieq said in a statement to SANA that upon the passengers’ arrival, the medical team recorded their data and examined them to ensure that they have no apparent symptoms of Coronavirus infection." 183648,43041.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=208985,"[6th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Friday that 62 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, and 59 patients have recovered while 4 others have passed away." 195718,43088.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,73,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/emisora/2020/10/26/cucuta/1603716032_227604.html,"""Es una situación que quiero marcar allí y que fue la que nos conmovió, al día de hoy van 12 personas que han fallecido, cuatro que pidieron una cola desde Maracaibo y llegando a Barranquilla sufrieron un accidente y fallecieron, otro es un niño que falleció en la carretera, otra niña que murió de asfixia en Capacho y también otro fuerte accidente en la vía del llano""" 270447,49920.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,202,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Food safety net programmes are present across the region, but the quality of these programmes varies. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed some capacity limitations . El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras and Venezuela lack nationwide coverage; and programmes in countries like Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador have encountered operational limitations, leaving them unable to meet extensive demands for food aid amid the COVID-19 pandemic.11 Furthermore, more than half of the countries receive support from external organisations to run their food safety net programmes, with Colombia joining the group this year. Due to the negative effects of the pandemic on jobs, income and mobility, the World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that the number of people facing severe food insecurity in the region could rise from 3.4m to 13.7m in 2020. Risks to food security are particularly acute in countries like Haiti (which already has high levels of food insecurity); Colombia, Ecuador and Peru (recipients of Venezuelan migrants); Central American countries in the “dry corridor” (highly exposed to droughts); and Caribbean countries at risk of hurricanes.12" 158491,39282.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,53,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%20%2827%20June%20-%203%20July%202020%29.pdf,"During the period 27 June - 3 July 2020, 330 movements were observed at Six Points of Entries in Adamawa and Borno states. Of the total movements recorded, 122 were incoming from Extreme-Nord, 2 from Centre in Cameroon and 20 incoming from N’djamena in Chad Republic." 225068,45275.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"Recommendations to Donors: • increase funding for food security and nutrition programmes, as well as livelihoods support • support the widespread use of cash interventions, including cash for protection, education and shelter • provide additional immediate and long-term flexible funding in order to address the secondary impacts of Covid-19" 131824,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Mejorar la organización y operación de espacios comunitarios tales como cocinas comunitarias en los albergues para refugiados y migrantes. Implementar nuevas cocinas comunitarias en áreas estratégicas con alta presencia de refugiados y migrantes en situación de vulnerabilidad 132632,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Fortalecimiento de las capacidades a través de talleres con el fin de mejorar la coordinación y el manejo de albergues que comprendan a socios humanitarios que respondan con alojamiento temporal, propietarios de hoteles, y otros que reciban a refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela." 276110,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,96,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"La prise en compte des personnes handicapées a émergé mais reste encore insatisfaisante : - La loi N°007/PR/07 portant sur la protection des personnes handicapées, en attente du décret d’application; - L’organisation du premier forum national sur le handicap au Tchad en 2014 ; - La rédaction du Plan National de Réadaptation Fonctionnelle du Tchad (PNRFT) en 2015, pas encore validé par les autorités nationales; - Le PANAV (Plan d’Action National d’Assistance aux Victimes) au Tchad validé en 2018." 681,156.0,321.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,125,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Overall, 74.9% of households reported irregular access to electricity. The data collection timing accentuated this as it took place in summer traditionally prone to more regular and longer electricity cuts due to heightened consumption of air conditioning devices. Lack of electricity affected the population assessed since there was an overall 4 hours of daily electricity cuts reported by households. The mantika of Tripoli was particularly affected by electricity cuts with an average of 7 hours cuts daily, mainly due to weak infrastructure unable to cope with the demand and summer conditions, 33 but also due to a particular security environment where armed groups are reportedly using basic infrastructure at times as a means to pressure the population." 265717,49620.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso par exemple, la disponibilité des ressources hydriques était inégale entre les communes, avec un accès à l’eau limité dans les communes des régions du Sahel et de l’Est accueillant plus de 20% de personnes déplacées1" 294709,52363.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"WASH Only 68% of the population has access to drinking water, that is, 32% of the population surveyed does not have a regular source of drinking water for consumption. 10% of the population does not have access to adequate sanitation. 5% of households with girls and women do not have access to menstrual hygiene products. In panel households, a slight decrease in access to drinking water was reported, with only 62% of households indicated they have access to drinking water, compared to 67% in July." 303526,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Malgré les récoltes de contre-saison en cours de maïs, pommes de terre, haricots, de plantain et de taro inferieur a la moyenne, les prix de ces produits restent plus élevés qu'en année normale." 39197,13752.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_RapidAssessment-Tripoli_2019-05-21-FINAL.pdf,The impact of on-going armed conflict on the situation of food security and markets was observed to vary significantly depending on the distance of the assessed location from the sites of ongoing clashes. 41093,11894.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,84,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"KIs in Swani bin Adam and Al Aziziya reported particular concern about robberies and kidnapping in their areas, signalling a general breakdown of order in conflict-affected baladiyas. According to these KIs, houses of displaced families were often looted and on occasion targeted for destruction based on the presumed political affiliations of their owners. Dynamics such as these were likely to encourage residents of frontline areas to remain in place to protect their assets, exposing them to further risk." 186576,41082.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,103,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/ecuador/ecuador-covid-19-could-cause-11-percent-dive-gdp-year,"The COVID-19 PDNA for March-May 2020 registered losses in Ecuador of US$6.42 billion, or nearly 6 percent of Ecuador's nominal GDP for 2019. Preliminary needs focused on the social and productive sectors in the short-term total US$2.7 billion. To meet financing requirements, the EU earmarked US$10.6 million, the World Bank US$780 million, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) US$624.8 million, the Development the Bank of Latin America (CAF) US$300.4 million, and the United Nations US$74.3 million." 174395,41257.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-5593-dead-total-cases-hit-382959/58946,"[14th October 2020 , Bangladesh] Bangladesh conducted 21,12,448 RT-PCR tests in 109 labs till 8 pm on Wednesday and 3,82,959 of them have turned out to Covid-19 positive, which is 18.13 percent of the country’s total tested population." 390212,61000.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_28_29_2021.pdf,"[12th -25th July 2021, Borno State] Laboratory: • Cumulative Positivity rate is 7%. • Test per million of Population: 3,003 Case per million Population: 203 • Total COVID 19 test conducted 20,866 by Borno State." 392647,60861.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,92,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"(ENCUESTA SOBRE COVID-19 A POBLACIONES MIGRANTES INTERNACIONALES EN CHILE , 1690 encuestados) Los participantes también se refirieron a su situación migratoria, aludiendo a trámites en curso, dificultades asociadas a la irregularidad e inquietudes en cuanto a la continuidad de su permanencia en el país. Asimismo, expresaron preocupación acerca de la situación migratoria de familiares y la reunificación familiar. Finalmente, se expresaron inquietudes vinculadas con el país de origen: familia que se quedó atrás, envío de remesas y viaje previsto o deseado." 174451,40839.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Host Communities Eighty-seven per cent of sites (up by 1%) assessed had some form of security. This figure was higher in the most affected State of Borno at 91 per cent (no change from Round 32)." 804,156.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Most households (63.1%) who reported receiving aid within the six months prior to the assessment indicated71 that the assistance was in-kind, with 77.0% of returnee households reporting receiving in-kind aid. This was followed by mixed assistance for 25.3% of households, and finally cash & voucher assistance for 13.0% of households." 286660,50969.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,71,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb3476en.pdf,"The food security situation is expected to further deteriorate during the peak of the lean season (June–August 2021) if no mitigation actions are taken. With the increased insecurity likely to occur in the North-East and worse levels of high acute food insecurity, it is crucial to provide livelihood assistance to the most vulnerable populations in order for them to produce their own food and generate income." 8426,1458.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Nutrition']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,125,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2018%2BLibya%2BReport%2BPDF.pdf,"Refugees and asylum seekers described squalid centers that were so overcrowded detainees had to lie on one side to sleep and were not allowed to go outside. A small number of toilets were shared by hundreds of people. Detainees were forced to share small amounts of food between several people. They had no change of clothes and often had no clean drinking water. The overcrowding and lack of hygiene resulted in medical conditions such as widespread scabies and lice. In recent visits to DCIM detention centers, the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) also found “severe overcrowding and appalling hygiene conditions. Detainees were malnourished and had limited or no access to medical care.”13" 163754,34165.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",es,64,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• A pesar de las medidas de aislamiento obligatorio preventivo, a nivel nacional persiste el conflicto armado y la violencia en regiones como Antioquia, Chocó, Cauca, Nariño, Norte de Santander, generando desplazamientos masivos e individuales, así como confinamientos producto de la confrontación de grupos armados organizados; al igual que amenazas y homicidios de líderes comunales." 237967,47318.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.areacucuta.com/80-familias-desplazadas-del-corregimiento-la-silla-en-tibu-continuan-refugiadas-en-un-iglesia/,Algunas de las familias desplazadas ha retomado sus vidas con el temor de tener que volver a salir ya que los constantes enfrentamientos no cesan. 221667,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,45,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The level of funding has affected partners’ ability to respond. Most clusters continue to report that partners are unable to provide enough assistance and services in areas affected by displacement, where beneficiaries are among the most vulnerable and needs are high." 297338,51172.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"Fighting between Afghan National Security Forces(ANSF) and an non-state armed group(NSAG) intensified with reported target killings, abductions and illegal checkpoints in Badakhshan, Baghlan, Kunduz and Takhar provinces. In Kunduz province, the main road connecting KunduzImam Sahib to Kunduz-Aliabad closed to public movements due to ongoing clashes." 19502,7910.0,730.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",en,47,[],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"The security situation in Aden and neighboring governorates remains relatively calm with no major incidents reported. On 4 January, in Shabwah Governorate, clashes erupted in the Markha Al Souflah area in Al Hajar District. Casualties were reported but no details are available." 453865,64996.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_ICSM_Factsheet_Juin2021.pdf,"Dans les provinces de l’Est du pays (Ituri, Maniema, Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, Tanganyika), le coût du PMA est proche du coût médian national, à l’exception de quelques territoires enclavés où il dépasse les 200,000 FC (territoire de Fizi et Mwenga dans la province du Sud-Kivu, territoire de Punia dans la province du Maniema. Pour les territoires de Mwenga et Fizi, cette tendance pourrait être dûe à une recrudescence des tensions intercommunautaires et de l’intensité du conflit armé, qui selon FEWS NET ont entraîné d’importants déplacements et une désorganisation des activités agricoles de moyens de subsistance, se répercutant sur les prix des biens alimentaires" 201107,43280.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"Mental Health and Psychosocial support services (MHPSS) were delivered to 3,321 people representing a 41 per cent increase when compared to August. MHPSS delivery modality within COVID-19 precautionary measures included use of mobile teams, child protection desks in IDP camps, hotlines, and parental support activities at the community level." 275666,50677.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Le 1er août, une attaque suicide fait 21 victimes dans le site de personnes déplacées internes (PDIs) de Nguetchewe, dans le département du Mayo-Tsanaga." 237989,47357.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20Country%20Brief%2C%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,North east Nigeria]Food Security Sector is supporting the Government of Borno State to advocate for the safe return of IDPs to 20 locations in 12 Local Government Areas of the State. The 2021 humanitarian programme cycle has begun." 412799,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Some newborn babies were not taken to hospitals despite having sickness: Out of 49 households, 30 (61.2%) households sought treatment support for their 0-28 day-babies. However, 14.29% of babies were not taken to the hospitals despite their sickness and requirement to take to the hospitals because of the distance of the health centre, fear of the COVID-19 virus, high transport cost etc., which were faced more by the rural level households." 224679,44702.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,All schools were not severely destroyed by flooding except a school in Motoronyo which was reported to have collapsed because of flood. 280118,50901.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] Average monthly household income is 1,34,544 SYP (47 USD). Average monthly household expenditure is 1,46,083 SYP (51 USD). Top three reported expenditure categories: - Food: 100% - Healthcare: 86% - Transportation: 77%" 307782,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"One cluster member completed the construction of a women and girl friendly space in Akobo. Protection partners conducted trainings to support community-based protection structures, facilitating identification and referral for protection concerns; a total of 217 individuals (112 female and 104 male) were trained, including 20 protection focal points. Partners provided individual protection assistance for 885 people through cash grants (285 female; 115 male) and in-kind assistance (384 female, and101 male)." 86238,23856.0,1621.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,55,['Impact'],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/governor-of-libyas-central-bank-calls-on-international-community-to-help-end-haftars-oil-blockade/,"Haftar crippled oil production and closed ports last weekend while haggling over a truce with the national government. The closure of oil ports resulted in output declining to 320,000 barrels a day from 1.2 million, and in losses totaling $256 million as of January 18, Libyan National Oil Corporation said." 274161,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,[Stratégies de survie] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les déplacés en famille d’accueil ont subi une forte pression sur leurs actifs productifs : 47 % d’entre eux ont eu recours aux stratégies d’urgence. Parmi les retournés cette proportion s’élève à 43 % et montre une situation plutôt alarmante. 63147,18817.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Some 4,510 children under 5 were treated for moderate and severe malnutrition in hospitals and other health" 200466,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"La quasi-totalité des migrants endettés sont des hommes (95%), les femmes ne constituent qu’une minorité des migrants de retour titulaires d’une dette (5%). Ces résultats corroborent ceux déjà démontrés dans un rapport de 2017 de l’OIM. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 271499,49808.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Les principales maladies d’importance en santé publique sont le paludisme, les infections respiratoires aigües, la malnutrition, les maladies diarrhéiques, le VIH/Sida, les IST, la tuberculose, la lèpre et les maladies tropicales négligées. En outre, le Burkina Faso est régulièrement confronté à des flambées épidémiques (méningite cérébro-spinale, de rougeole et de poliomyélite) [MS, 2020. Plan national de développement sanitaire 2011-2020]." 338673,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,20,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Social interaction is important for all children’s development, and no less so for children with disabilities." 202624,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Extremely vulnerable individuals such as the old and chronically ill (HIV, TB, diabetes), people with disabilities, widowed men and women have lost their usual support during displacement and thus are subjected to disproportionate suffering." 333744,48228.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,La population évaluée sur l’ensemble des neuf sites est évaluée à 57 000 personnes correspondant à 13 400 ménages tel que repris dans le tableau ci-dessous. La majorité de ces personnes est déplacée pour des raisons sécuritaires et seulement 14 000 personnes se sont déplacées sur le site de Koudou kolé pour cause d’inondations. 326610,54734.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,51,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] Among households with multi-sectoral needs, highest need was of education(96%), followed by WASH(86%), Shelter(68%), Nutrition(68%), Health(24%) and Protection(22%)" 319795,54628.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,76,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] The most commonly stated information need stated by respondents was information about housing and when their homes will be rebuilt. Many interviewees also want information about protecting themselves and their homes from fires in the future. Most respondents want to receive information face-to-face from NGO or CIC volunteers or in audio format over loudspeaker announcements from trusted sources, again particularly NGOs and CICs." 276138,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,le manque de documentation légale entrave significativement la circulation des personnes et limite l’accès aux moyens de subsistance. Des craintes de se rendre aux marchés et de vendre des biens de la même manière qu’avant la crise du bassin du Lac Tchad ont également été rapportées. On note également le risque de marginalisation de ses personnes dans les communautés entrainant des possibles tensions et conflits communautaires. 165563,39662.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"As presented in the chart below, 82% of workers either change or clean their masks after use/daily. 92% of cleaners work in hospitals change or clean their masks after they complete a day’s work. The remaining 8% only change or clean their mask once a week. General waste workers and cleaners appear to be at higher risk since 25% of waste workers and 16.7% of general cleaners only change or clean their masks either weekly or even more infrequently." 356686,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,-Aumentar el número de funcionarios a cargo de monitorear los abusos policiales durante las protestas y garantizar que reciban protección y apoyo adecuado para realizar su trabajo. 46695,16151.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/head-food-and-drug-control-center-under-arrest-authorities-confirm,"Earlier, The Food and Drug Control Center said Al-Mishai was abducted and taken to an unknown location by masked gunmen. Meanwhile, a group of Al-Mishashiya tribe has threatened to join the fight against Tripoli brigades if Al-Mishai were not released." 169842,40564.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_4th_october_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[04/10/2020, Yobe State] In Yobe State, the SMOH, with support from CGPP VCMs, conducted community sensitization reaching 44,315 people with COVID-19 prevention." 649,156.0,321.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,101,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"A higher proportion of returnee households reported the presence of UXOs (24.5%), compared to 11.5% of IDP households and 3.8% of non-displaced households. This could be due to the fact that returnee households were more likely to return to previous areas affected by clashes and explosive hazards. The higher rates of households in Derna and Benghazi who reported the presence of UXOs is also likely linked to this trend since those two areas have witnessed important returns in the months prior to the assessment23 to areas that have witnessed recent clashes. 24" 199673,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In 2019, the country saw an upsurge in measles, the leading killer among vaccine-preventable diseases." 160534,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En La Guajira (66.3%) y en Antioquia (42.7%) la población tiene mayor acceso a información, mientras que en Atlántico (28.4%), y en Bogotá y Cundinamarca (12.9%), el acceso fue más reducido. Esto puede reflejar una mayor limitación en las instituciones públicas y en las agencias humanitarias para establecer canales efectivos de comunicación con las comunidades en Atlántico y en Bogotá y Cundinamarca." 132509,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Generar un enfoque en base a evidencias. Los socios comprenderán a los centros de salud primaria y funcionarios estatales de salud con el fin de obtener datos, procesar y analizar la situación de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. Implicará utilizar las herramientas comunes para recolectar datos de campo en los centros de salud, pero también promoverán las evaluaciones nutricionales dirigidas a refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. Los socios también desarrollarán estrategias para mejorar la salud nutricional en relación con los refugiados y migrantes, que tienen que ver con la dispersión geográfica y la difícil accesibilidad. Por último, el enfoque se dará en mujeres embarazadas y puérperas, así como en niños menores de cinco años, en términos de evaluación, nutrición suplementaria y asesoría en nutrición" 147655,35134.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,67,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On March 26, the Central Bank of Syria devalued the official exchange rate of the Syrian pound from 434 to 700 pounds per dollar for almost all foreign currency operations. Only imports by the state or on its behalf were excluded and will continue to be funded at the old rate, which was also slightly devalued from 435 to 438 pounds per dollar." 131830,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Algunos refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela permanecen sin la documentación requerida para seguir en el país de forma regular; muchos venezolanos luchan por el acceso a los servicios médicos debido a la falta de información o asistencia para utilizar los servicios del sistema de salud 223968,46071.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,41,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Les enfants hors de l’école sont exposés à des risques de protection tels que le recrutement et le travail forcé, l’exploitation et les abus de toute sorte, mais également à la contamination par COVID-19." 289614,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Needs: Provision of common logistics services to the humanitarian community, including cargo and passenger air transportation, to ensure partners can implement programmatic activities and provide assistance to 104,000 people in need in the six Priority 1 counties." 204288,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les scores rCSI extrêmes sont aussi élevés à Aguie, Gazaoua et Mayahi. Ces tendances peuvent s’expliquer par les inondations qui ont commencé à affecté la région dès juillet 2020." 16560,6344.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"With State/PRM support, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) provided health care services— including health promotion sessions, mental health care, and psychosocial support—to more than 18,600 IDPs and approximately 480 migrants across Yemen from September 9–15, according to the UN agency." 346841,56987.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,55,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The immense breakdown in trust between the refugees and health providers in 2020 has not yet been fully rebuilt and the enforcement of more stringent lockdown measures will likely result in people avoiding COVID-19 testing and waiting longer before coming forward for healthcare." 212298,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Durant le mois d’octobre 2020, le BCNUDH a documenté 611 violations des droits de l’homme sur tout le territoire de la République démocratique du Congo, soit une diminution de près de 16% par rapport au mois de septembre (726 violations)." 172419,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,L’accès aux soins risque également d’être davantage limité dans certaines zones du pays en raison de l’insécurité (en particulier à l’est). Les mouvements de population causés notamment par l’insécurité et les conflits dans certaines régions augmentent la complexité de la prestation de soins de santé et de la réduction du risque de transmission. 391247,61470.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Percentage of households at each FCS level: Acceptable 45%, Borderline 31% and Poor 24%" 497620,60046.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2-gender-educacion.pdf,"Con respecto al nivel educativo es importante resaltar que más mujeres que hombres tienen un grado universitario, 21 por ciento en relación con 17 por ciento de los hombres. Adicionalmente, solo 2 por ciento de las mujeres dijeron no tener grado educativo, 15 por ciento tenían algún nivel de educación primaria, 48 por ciento un nivel de bachillerato y 13 por ciento un nivel técnico (Gráfica 1)." 413236,60898.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"On March 24, 2021, UNICEF participated in a multi-sector assessment mission in Foubé, a health area in the Barsalogho health district in the Centre Nord region. The IDP site hosts 2,033 people, while 22,382 IDPs live outside the site including 60 per cent of children. The food and nutrition situation in Foubé is quite worrisome. The availability of food is low in households, the number of meals in households is low, and the availability of foods with a high nutritional content remains low (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, etc.)." 218401,45693.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,16,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"There are 5.2 million people internally displaced in the country, including 3 million children." 58965,17679.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,99,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Hemos tenido casos donde mujeres migrantes han acudido a las instituciones dedicadas a la atención de víctimas de violencia o en estado de vulnerabilidad (OVD, CAJ, Consulados, Refugios), reportando no ser atendidas o ser tratadas violentamente por su nacionalidad o características étnicas. Muchas mujeres migrantes informan que aún se les exige el DNI para acceder a atenciones de salud y para registrar a sus hijos e hijas en las escuelas. Asimismo, nos han reportado que madres de familia migrantes sufren discriminación de parte del personal educativo de sus menores." 298678,52740.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,67,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/rohingya-refugee-camps-cox-s-bazar-rise-ashes,"[31st March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: All his origami books and paper art were destroyed in the fire. Shofiqul is one of the thousands of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, who were affected by the massive fire that swept the camps last week. The cause of the fire remains unknown." 193745,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La prévalence d´autres pathologies reste également élevée parmi la population, en l´occurrence le paludisme, la méningite (827 cas dont 61 décès, soit une létalité de 7,4% rapportés jusqu´au 17 novembre 2019), le tétanos néo-natal (218 cas avec 54 décès), les infections respiratoires aiguës et la conjonctivite chez les enfants." 63144,18817.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Over the last year, 348 tons of medicines and medical supplies (including high priority medicines such as immune-suppressant drugs, medicine for maternal and child healthcare, medicine for chronic diseases, and reagents for diagnosis and blood exams) have been imported and distributed to 41 hospitals and 23 health centres in 18 states." 388849,61191.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iscg_monsoon_response_flash_update_1_29_july_2021.pdf,"[29thJuly, Cox's Bazar]Refugees: 503 Rohingya refugee shelters were partially moderately damaged, 174 Rohingya refugee shelters were partially severely damaged, 131 Rohingya refugee shelters were fully damaged, 1 Rohingya refugee shelter was completely destroyed by recent heavy monsoon rain which occurred since 27th July,2021." 177256,41744.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,73,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"La majorité des ménages déplacés viennent du seteur 5 de Djibo (35%), du secteur 3 de Djibo (13%) et de Koubel Alpha (13%). Tous les ménages interrogés se sont déplacés au sein de la province du Soum, et 98% des ménages interrogés citent comme raison principale de déplacement la dégradation du contexte sécuritaire dans leur localité de résidence habituelle." 320133,53234.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] In weeks 11-12, three (03) suspected SARI death has been reported. In total 29 deaths have been reported in 2021. All deaths have been investigated by RIRT for COVID-19 response. Seven (07) deaths have been reclassified as COVID-19 probable death cause. In 2020, a total 49 suspected SARI deaths were reported through community-based mortality surveillance. Of these, all were verified and two (02) considered probable." 188139,43352.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,32,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"21 August 2020: Near Mentao, Pobe-Mengao department, Soum province, Sahel region, presumed JNIM militants reportedly intercepted an MSF vehicle and seized a large amount of medicine." 206769,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,77,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]The next reported strategy was the use of unhygienic latrines (13%). The most reported strategy was sharing facilities with other households (27%), while households reported preferring to have their own private latrine. There were differences across population groups with 38% of displaced households reporting the use of shared facilities compared to 24% of non-displaced households." 158962,39161.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,Recent months have also shown that women and children are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and gender inequalities were reinforced. Men are still considered the head of the household. Women and girls are still expected to carry the burden of all the domestic work. 358794,58665.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/High%2520Frequency%2520Survey%2520Report_Round1_2021_Final_Espa%25C3%25B1ol.pdf,"En cuanto al 26% de los NNA que no se encontraban matriculados en el colegio, las principales razones que manifestaron las familias al momento de la encuesta fueron la falta de documentos o requisitos que se exigían al momento de tramitar la matrícula escolar como razón principal, siendo la frontera con Venezuela la zona del país con el porcentaje más alto (74%) en esta razón, seguido por la falta de cupo en las instituciones educativas, Bogotá y región tiene el porcentaje más alto (57%), y la falta de recursos económicos para garantizar el acceso a la educación, siendo suroccidente la región del país con el porcentaje más alto (50%)." 322378,54747.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 95% of IDP settlement and 70% of non-IDP settlement households found with a Shelter and non-food items Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 290326,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,11,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,16.8% of women benefit of a credit for any use 343580,56184.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afro.who.int/news/risks-and-challenges-africas-covid-19-vaccine-rollout,"[Africa] Concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as myths and misinformation, are spreading fast on social media. This has added to vaccine hesitancy." 152718,37924.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,76,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 06 au 12 juillet 2020, environs 752 individus en partance pour la Côte d’Ivoire ou en entrant de nationalités burkinabé, nigérienne et ivoirienne ont été observés en train de contourner les voies officielles le long de la frontière entre le Burkina Faso et la Côte d’Ivoire suite à la fermeture des frontières ordonnée par les autorités burkinabés dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19" 300639,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"In December 2020, the Logistics Cluster deployed an additional helicopter, positioned in Bor, to scale up cargo transportation to flood affected locations in Jonglei. The Logistics Cluster also temporarily relocated the Rumbekbased helicopter to Bor to scale up logistic service provision for Jonglei and Upper Nile." 295541,52365.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"• 16 community groups at four collection points indicated that activities to promote the security situation are a priority for the host community. At two sites in Vereda de Cájaros, data collection teams reported that the population does not have freedom of movement, given the current security conditions and the presence of armed actors. In three collection points, Alcaraván, La Esmeralda and Sector Urbano - Riberas, key informants reported that people who intend to move to another areas face barriers due to the security situation." 184762,42710.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] As of 3 November, there were 68 staff from 3 health NGOs in self-isolation or self-quarantine. A further 138 health staff from 6 NGOs have been in self-isolation or self-quarantine at some point during October" 17078,7092.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,93,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"From January to October 2018, the Health Cluster partners provided over 9.5 million consultations through more than 2,200 supported health facilities. 477,211 children under age 1 year received Penta 3 vaccine, while 192,733 deliveries were assisted by skilled birth attendants. Additionally, 29,100 trauma cases were treated, and 12,935 mental health consultations were provided by the health workers. More than 828,235 women received antenatal care and more than 12,000 health staff were trained on Minimum Service Package, while 1,350 midwives were trained on safe motherhood." 48896,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Erasmo Meoz University hospital in Cúcuta, the only tertiary hospital in North Santander, reports delivering 2,944 Venezuelans in 2018.79 Migration Burden on the Health System According to the Departmental Health Institute, in 2017 and 2018 in North Santander, emergency medical services treated 34,492 Venezuelans in public facilities and an additional 12,144 cases at mobile clinics.80 In 2018, mobile health units were scaled up" 134131,34837.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,Un 73% de los entrevistados reportó haber entrado al país de manera regular; 457455,65405.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,115,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la nuit du 18 au 19 mai 2021, la position des Volontaires de Défense de la Patrie (VDP) dans le village de Babo a été la cible d’éléments d’un groupe armé non identifié (GANI). Prises pour cibles, les populations se sont déplacées de cette zone vers Titao et Bouna. En date du 19 mai, un ratissage dans la zone par les VDP, a permis de constater que les GANI ont tout brulé : maisons, greniers, hangars, boutiques ainsi que les écoles dans le village de Babo. Ils ont également emporté des motos et des animaux." 487862,67678.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247745,"[September 5, Dar'a] Education Directorate in Daraa province demanded its administrative and educational staff with their students to attend in alternative schools after the terrorist organizations, positioned in Daraa al-Balad, al-Mukhayam and Tariq al-Sadd, hindered life manifestations at these areas and when schools went out of service due to the terrorist organizations’ insistence on refusing the settlement solutions proposed by the state." 47463,16249.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"Además de haber otorgado un PEP a más de 415.000 venezolanos a finales de septiembre de 2018, una cifra que podría alcanzar alrededor de 620.000 para el fin del año24, Colombia también ha abierto dos rondas para solicitar Tarjetas de Movilidad Fronteriza (TMF), un permiso otorgado a aproximadamente 1,5 millones de venezolanos a noviembre de 201825, el cual les permite ingresar a Colombia por hasta siete días. La expansión progresiva de derechos básicos y la provisión de servicios básicos para venezolanos, así como la atención médica de emergencia y la educación básica, también se aceleró en 2018." 149601,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"El primer caso importado de esta enfermedad fue confirmado por el Ministerio de Salud Pública, en la provincia La Altagracia. Este fue un paciente masculino de 62 años de nacionalidad italiana, quien ingresó al país el 22 de febrero de 2020, procedente de Pesaro, Región Marcas en Italia, donde un brote de este nuevo coronavirus ha estado en curso desde enero de 2020." 192289,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,127,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In response to this “triple threat” (attack of desert locust, floods and COVID-19), the HCT initiated an HRP revision process in May based on agreed criteria to ensure needs-based, prioritized and credible humanitarian funding requirements. At the time, the Humanitarian Response Plan was less than 20 per cent funded. This process included COVID related health and non-health interventions; food security and nutrition interventions for areas in IPC3 and above; humanitarian response to the Desert Locust upsurge; and areas affected by flooding after the launch of the original HRP. The impact of COVID-19 movement restrictions and supply constraints, and the operational and financial absorption capacity of humanitarian organisations were also factored in." 126316,34397.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,94,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Los migrantes con acceso al Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP), y por lo tanto a derechos legales9, tienen menores niveles de inseguridad alimentaria severa (16%) en comparación con aquellos sin acceso al PEP (23%). Esto reafirma que la asistencia a mediano y largo plazo centrada en la regularización de la permanencia es un elemento fundamental para la integración social y económica de los migrantes, la generación de ingresos y la mejora de su acceso a las oportunidades de medios de vida." 386517,60787.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3758808,"En ese contexto pudieron manifestarse expresiones de xenofobia, como diversos medios interpretaron declaraciones de la alcaldesa de Bogotá, Claudia López, quien tras un crimen cometido por un venezolano planteó la conveniencia de deportar a los nacionales del país vecino que se considerasen indeseables." 177067,41740.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,19,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://amp.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200817-rdc-nouvelles-informations-gestion-fonds-covid-suspicions-detournements,C'est pourquoi l'Inspection générale des finances a été chargée de s'intéresser de prèsà la gestion des fonds Covid-19. 291657,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"More than 53,000 Afghans have returned from Iran and Pakistan since 1 January 2021. This is a more than doubling of previous years’ trends, which saw 23,000 and 25,000 people return in the first months of 2019 and 2020, respectively." 206738,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,101,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]Fecal matter is of particular concern from a public health stand point in particular when considering the prevalence of open defecation (13%) and improper disposal of children feces, as reported in other sections of the JMCNA. Of concern is that 18% of households reportedly leave it in the open, while the most commonly reported methods were to dispose of it in a covered pit (36%) and burial (35%). The remaining 10% of households reported burning it" 304839,53078.0,2333.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,99,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Dans le but de rassurer les populations effrayées et d’assurer la continuité des cours, les autorités ont pris des initiatives pour la sécurisation des zones et le regroupement des écoles dans les zones les plus calmes de la région de Tillabéri. Ainsi, les sites de Bossey Bangou (8 classes en dur et 1 classe en semi dur avec 115 tables bancs) et de Tambolé (1 classe en dur, 4 classes en paillote et 1 classe en semi dur avec 45 tables banc) ont été retenus pour leur relocalisation." 9943,4386.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/iom-chief-arrives-libya-advocate-migrants-rights,"Over the weekend more than 200 migrants lost their lives in double tragedies. A boat packed with migrants capsized off Al Khums, east of Tripoli on Sunday (01/07). An estimated 41 people survived after the rescue, but roughly 100 people were reported missing by the Libyan Coast Guard after this shipwreck. On Saturday some 104 lives were lost in another mass drowning, including those of three babies who were being brought to Europe." 388978,60849.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,107,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Las discriminaciones se perciben fundamentalmente en el ámbito laboral (""nos vienen a quitar el trabajo"") por razones de nacionalidad y de estatus migratorio, no habiendo conciencia, salvo un caso, de discriminaciones múltiples. Se percibe que la cuarentena por COVID19, estaría profundizando estas discriminaciones, en particular en el ámbito laboral lo que se ha plasmado en que, a varias de las personas entrevistadas, las hayan despedido. Hay algunos casos en los que opera la discriminación internalizada de modo que pese a hechos explícitos de discriminación por nacionalidad, señalen que no les han discriminado." 273768,50128.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,[commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] Les personnels de santé ont signalé sept (7) cas de paludisme et six (6) cas de diarrhées aigües parmi les enfants de moins de 5 ans consultés. 172421,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,La baisse des revenus des ménages liée à l’impact économique des mesures sanitaires préventives limite les capacités des populations à accéder aux soins et contribue à la réduction de l’utilisation des services de santé. La crainte d’être contaminée par le virus COVID-19 peut représenter également un facteur de baisse de la fréquentation des structures de santé. 132635,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Incidencia/cabildeo a través de las autoridades nacionales para promover el acceso a condiciones de alojamiento mejorado par ambos: las comunidades de acogida afectas, los refugiados y migrantes" 112336,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,83,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En articulación con la Dirección de Niñez y Adolescencia se dio asistencia técnica y apoyo a la gestión de 1.400 cupos para niños, niñas y adolescentes refugiados y migrantes en el marco de esta estrategia, que buscó desarrollar acciones para la promoción de derechos y la prevención de vulneraciones específicas desde un enfoque territorial, con el fin de fortalecer factores protectores y mitigar factores de riesgo para la protección integral de los derechos de la niñez y la adolescencia." 165863,39199.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,90,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20Great%20and%20Sudden%20Change%20The%20Global%20Political%20Violence%20Landscape%20Before%20and%20After%20the%20COVID-19%20Pande.pdf,"Despite these already significant levels of anti-civilian violence, Nigeria saw the second-largest increase in the number of violence targeting civilians of any country across ACLED’s areas of coverage. State forces were responsible for some of the increase as they violently enforced lockdown measures. Rioters demanding economic relief also fought back against coronavirus lockdown measures, resulting in clashes with police forces. Meanwhile, Boko Haram factions remained active in Nigeria’s Zamfara state and across the country’s border with Cameroon." 190015,43443.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,La ville de Goma ainsi que la zone de santé de Nyiragongo sont des zones épidémiques au choléra confrontées à un problème d’approvisionnement en eau potable en raison du faible approvisionnement en électricité pour faire fonctionner les stations de pompage d’eau. Les populations utilisent les eaux du lac Kivu souvent non traitée ou puisent de l’eau de pluies qu’elles conservent durant de longues périodes dans des fosses à ciel ouvert. 228616,46627.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"The Ministry of Education and other stakeholders have been developing approaches, ranging from television support to packets of schoolwork to be distributed by teachers." 197612,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The Shelter cluster response requirements decreased from $64 million to $54 million due to re-prioritised activities as a result of COVID-19. 412919,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,106,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] However, 17.9% of the households (22 households) that sought emergency health services faced any kind of problems while seeking services in hospitals. The problems include unavailability of doctors on time (mentioned by 13), ignorance by healthcare service providers in providing healthcare service (mentioned by 13), the reluctance of health facilities to admit the patients (mentioned by 6), providing the patient with appropriate treatment (mentioned by 6), claiming extra money to provide emergency healthcare services (mentioned by 4), etc." 194704,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Moreover, security has not improved having a direct impact on humanitarian interventions, and deliveries of supplies." 264389,49672.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Economy']",es,31,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/economia/capsulas/articulo/comerciantes-celebran-el-levantamiento-del-pico-y-cedula-en-bogota/202144/,Dijo que el levantamiento de esta medida que restringía la movilidad y el ingreso de ciudadanos al comercio es un paso fundamental para consolidar la reactivación económicos de diferentes sectores. 494228,68123.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The informal national average price of one butane gas cylinder (25,000 L) increased by 31 percent m-o-m, reaching SYP 49,612/refill in August 2021. The price also increased compared to August 2020 by 321 percent. Dar’a recorded the highest price at SYP 85,171/refill (up 33 percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price at SYP 11,808/ refill (up 0.5 percent m-o-m)." 308259,53292.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Insecurity continues to greatly impact basic services and access to protection across Tonj East. All six payams of Tonj East are currently inaccessible to partners. Basic services are operating in a limited capacity with government health workers on ground in many facilities, trying to ensure continuation of the health response. However, many nutrition and health facilities have not been resupplied since December 2020 and are running out of critical supplies." 328981,54201.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://flip.org.co/index.php/es/informacion/pronunciamientos/item/2701-violaciones-de-derechos-humanos-a-periodistas-en-la-frontera-colombo-venezolana,"El cubrimiento en fronteras se caracteriza por un difícil contexto político, social e institucional que implica para los periodistas un riesgo muy alto a la hora de informar sobre lo que sucede en estas zonas. Entre 2018 y 2021 en la frontera con Venezuela, en los departamentos deLa Guajira, Cesar, Norte de Santander y Arauca, se han presentado 189 ataques contra periodistas. De este total 88 han sido amenazas, un asesinato, dos secuestros y un exilio." 237260,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]Thirty-five (35) newly confirmed cases have been reported. Twenty-two (22) patients have recovered in week 52. No mortality was recorded in week 52, and no COVID-19 related mortality was recorded for 31 consecutive weeks." 322387,54747.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of housing, land and property (HLP) dispute reported by households were :Disputes about rent (including payment) (3%), Rules and processes on HLP not clear (4% ), Inheritance issues (4%)" 37166,11044.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,62,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"About 20-30% of the asylum seeker population have a specific vulnerability, such as physical disability, being a single or elderly head of household, not being in school or being persons traumatised by events of the emergency etc. In Ikom specifically, the asylum seekers noted that there are some cases of HIV, but not under treatment" 322113,54688.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,44,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/el-reto-de-atender-a-los-mas-de-2000-desplazados-que-deja-la-ola-de-violencia-en-el-cauca/,"Argelia no cuenta con agua potable, por lo que es vital la asistencia con botellas y bolsas de agua en todos los puntos de alojamiento temporal, debido a que gran parte de las familias afectadas presentan acceso limitado a agua potable." 145397,36039.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,16,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,International commercial passenger flights remain suspended however domestic commercial cargo and passenger flights are ongoing. 293946,52076.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,Food insecurity particularly affects displaced populations. The food security index indicates that 50 percent of the displaced in the northwest and 41 percent of the displaced in the south-west are food insecure. 498750,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,152,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"Maximiliano is 24 years old, a senior nursing student at the Argentine Red Cross Superior Institute in Salta, a province located in the northwest of Argentina that borders Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay. He is also responsible for the humanitarian camp of the Argentine Red Cross in Salta, where he and his colleagues support 800 indigenous families of Wichis, Toba and Chorote ethnicities every day. The project started at the beginning of the year due to the declaration of an emergency following the death of 10 indigenous children from malnutrition and lack of access to water. According to Maximiliano, “it was at this time when the Argentine Red Cross decided to implement a humanitarian camp to provide health care, food and drinking water to indigenous families affected by malnutrition and drought, and to support the development of their capacities”." 71103,20216.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,180,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/tarjeta-unificada-de-vacunacion-para-migrantes-venezolanos-entra-en-marcha-MB11765801,"La Tarjeta Unificada de Vacunación permite evitar que estas personas reciban unadoble inmunizaciónen su paso de un país al otro, fortalecer los sistemas de información y detectarqué dosis deben aplicarse a cada migrante.El documento está disponible para niños y adultos en español, inglés, francés y portugués, teniendo en cuenta la diversidad de idiomas que se hablan en la región. El ministro de Salud, Juan Pablo Uribe, afirma que la Tarjeta, “permitirá darle una mayor seguridad en salud a los migrantes y es uno de los primeros ejemplos de un trabajo práctico regional por una salud pública de todos”. El ministro también destaca que esta protege a las poblaciones. El secretario de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos, Alex Azar, comenta que este documento “ayudará a brindar atención médica que salvará la vida de los más de cuatro millones de personas que han huido de Venezuela debido al fallido e ilegítimo régimen de Maduro que destruyó el sistema de salud del país”." 303466,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"De acuerdo con las entrevistas realizadas y al no contar con documentación en regla (pasaporte, DNI) el 70% de las personas LGBTI+ (ver Gráfico 9), han realizado la ruta a través de las trochas en Paraguachón, vía Maicao o por pasos informales en Cúcuta para ingresar a Colombia, y quienes han transitado a Ecuador y Chile, también, han acudido a tránsitos irregulares." 384792,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"La situation est particulièrement critique dans la Région du Sahel, où 33.8 % des formations sanitaires sont fermées. Les personnes dans le besoin sont parfois inaccessibles, car des groupes armés encerclent et coupent l’accès à certaines zones." 393151,62158.0,2170.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,81,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The graph 5.1 illustrates that a total of 31 out of 114 children across different age and gender indicated very likely they are to contact COVID 19 virus, 31 says likely to get the virus, 30 indicated that they are unlikely to get infect by COVID, 13 mention very unlikely while 9 out of the total 114 discussants don’t have an idea of either getting COVID 19 or not" 163753,34165.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En medio de las pruebas pilotos para la reapertura de algunos sectores, se intensifican medidas como la cuarentena, debido al incremento de casos y desborde de capacidad de las UCI en el período que se espera un pico para el contagio." 237836,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,159,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"El 52,7 % (41 643) de los casos de dengue se reportó en 27 municipios, con mayor frecuencia en: Cali, con 16,8 % (13 232); Palmira, con 5,4 % (4 260); Ibagué, con el 3,5 % (2 764); Tuluá, con el 2,2 % (1 764); Barranquilla (1 443) y Pitalito (1 391), con 1,8 % cada uno; Buga, con el 1,7 % (1 340); Cartagena (1 163) y Yumbo (1 152), con 1,5 % cada uno; Villavicencio (1 122), con 1,4 %; y Candelaria (1 058), Valledupar Fuente: Sivigila, Instituto Nacional de Salud, Colombia, 2020. (1 008) y Cartago (1 001), con 1,3 % cada uno" 153310,31607.0,1185.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,54,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3588563,"El gobernador enfatizó que pese a todo el control muchos irresponsables ingresan por otros sectores de la frontera, puntualizando que para contrarrestar esta situación dispuso de inmediato “reforzar la vigilancia para garantizar que los miles de habitantes de Madre de Dios, que acatan la cuarentena se encuentren debidamente protegidos”." 262177,49486.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,63,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Meta: Es preocupante la presencia de grupos armados organizados en municipios de la región del Rio Ariari, Piedemonte y Rio Meta. Durante diciembre cabe resaltar los hechos de violencia contra la población civil (homicidio, tortura y amenazas) 19 que se han presentado en el municipio de Cabuyaro y que han dejado a 47 personas afectadas." 142105,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As part of ensuring appropriate IPC measures during national examinations, WASH sector partners supported light rehabilitation of WASH facilities at accommodation and examination centres and the provision of WASH items to all accommodation and exam centres; in addition to PPE, hand sanitizers, dignity kits and relevant awareness raising." 180570,42290.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les forces de défense et de sécurité maintiennent un contrôle régulier sur les axes reliant une province à une autre afin d’assurer la sécurité des personnes ; il faut ajouter à cela, les contrôles des grands marchés et d’autres lieux publics." 382895,60300.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,48,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_situacional_local_Costa_Caribe_-_Enero_a_marzo_2021.pdf,"De acuerdo con Migración Colombia, el departamento de Bolívar contaba con 81.135 personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas para enero de 2021, lo que representa el 4,66% del total de esta población en Colombia, siendo el décimo departamento con mayor concentración en el país." 188152,43352.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"26 May 2020: In Magourou village, Garango commune, Boulgou province, Centre-Est region, policemen assaulted a nurse as she was returning home from a late shift during the nightly coronavirus curfew." 328560,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of non- IDP settlement were Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (28%), lack of sanitation facilities ( latrines/toilet ) facilities too crowded (38%)" 134126,34837.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,34,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Un 13% tenía alguna discapacidad o impedimento físico o mental, principalmente dificultades en la visión, mientras que un 11% de los individuos padecía de una condición médica crítica o crónica" 223780,45880.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Les femmes interrogées dans le cadre des recherches de la CASS ont fait état de difficultés à fournir une alimenta�on suffisante à leurs enfants. 226188,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 12 608 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 333 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." 359945,58399.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,109,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Ensure toilet facilities are child-, gender- and disability- friendly (e.g., uninterrupted water supply, sanitary pad disposal facility, ramps and railings and toilet facilities with adequate space for wheelchair access) by (i) developing relevant IEC materials, toolkits, guidelines and manuals that are resilient to climate change and disaster risks, (ii) disseminating knowledge on climate change, disaster and children resilient WASH infrastructure designs, and (iii) imparting trainings and orientations to governments, private sectors, NGOs working for children and representatives of child clubs/networks." 151366,37912.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_10_august_2020.pdf,"Damage to road, disruption in communication and rain delays transportation of kits to the affected area. Maintaining social distancing at the distribution point is challenging" 286921,51627.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Income and expenses. Some participants described reduced or lost work income due to COVID-19 especially that demand for labour decreased with border closures. Reported price inflation of essential goods were major concerns for several participants. “Nothing has changed except for the prices, which got higher and higher because of the closed borders.”" 229385,44602.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,There is need to respond with food assistance to avert any possible outbreak of conflicts with the Host communities. 247979,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,71,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Site Koudou Kolé, Court terme = Distribuer des purs-sachets pour le traitement de l’eau du bras à domicile / Distribuer environ 250 cartons de savon linge aux 2000 ménages (a raison 10 boules par ménages) / Sensibiliser la population sur les bonnes pratiques de l’hygiène / Construire 4 forages équipés de pompe a motricité humaine / Construire 150 latrines d’urgence" 272633,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,les attaques envers les responsables et acteurs communautaires impactent l’accès humanitaire car ces interlocu- teurs jouent un rôle clé auprès des populations et des acteurs de l’aide. La communauté humanitaire est également victime de ces violences qui se manifestent par des attaques envers les équipes ou l’accaparement de ses biens. 163466,30943.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,104,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"La continuidad en las erradicaciones forzadas en medio del aislamiento preventivo por COVID-19 está generando más tensiones y podrían desencadenar movilizaciones sociales masivas e incluso un paro campesino en las zonas rurales de Cúcuta, Tibú y Sardinata en Norte de Santander, incrementando así el riesgo de contagio y propagación del virus. La continuidad del cierre de la frontera en el marco de la coyuntura del COVID-19 también está afectando a miles de familias que dependen económicamente del comercio en zona de frontera. Cabe recalcar que Cúcuta es la ciudad con mayores tasas de desempleo y empleo informal del país." 347553,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,79,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] WASH camp focal points also identify the need of coordination between the camp level site management and development actors and CIC to maintain the facilities with dignified access. They point out that the camp set-up is regularly changing in terms of building new access roads, new centers and it changes the space patterns, and this often hinders the accessibility or privacy of latrines and bathing facilities." 105617,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,120,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Migración en tránsito En segundo lugar, se comienza a observar la presencia de cada vez más venezolanos en zonas no fronterizas con dos características. Por una parte, una población en tránsito hacia Ecuador y otros países, cuyo acumulado aumentó de 190.042 en el 2016 a 978.721 en el 2018. La figura 5 destaca dos aspectos: primero, el incremento total de salidas de venezolanos entre el 2016 y el 2018 en un 415 %. Es importante resaltar que, dentro de este total, las salidas del puesto de control de Rumichaca-Ipiales pasaron de 32.000 en el 2016 a 1.021.883 en el 2018, lo que representa una variación del 2.065%." 342241,56647.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF_note_presse_volcano_Goma_230521.pdf,"[Nyragongo eruption] Plus de 5 000 personnes ont traversé la frontière rwandaise depuis Goma hier, et au moins 25 000 personnes ont été déplacées à Sake, à 25 km au nord-ouest de Goma. Cependant, la plupart des gens rentrent lentement chez eux depuis que la lave a cessé de couler ce matin" 319537,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"In cooperation with the Government and with the support of the humanitarian and development community, UNHCR improves Infrastructure and access to basic services while giving an emergency response." 177265,41744.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Les ménages ont recours à des stratégies de survie, dont les principales sont la restriction de nourriture des adultes au profit des enfants (89%) et l’emprunt pour pouvoir manger (83%). 95% des ménages affirment consommer des aliments moins préférés mais moins cher. Le recours à ces stratégies d’adaptation est élevé, cependant celles-ci ne sont pas irréversibles. On peut cependant noter que les ménages estiment qu'avant le choc, 77% des adultes mangeaient 3 repas par jour, 10% après le choc." 56601,17094.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,97,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Vale señalar que alrededor del 8% de las personas entrevistadas (especialmente quienes llegaron antes de 2016) mencionaron la realización de estudios de posgrado como uno de los motivos (o el motivo principal) de su viaje a Argentina. Todas se quedaron luego de haber concluido los estudios. Asimismo, algunas de las personas que arribaron durante 2016 o 2017 habían tenido estadías previas en Argentina (hacia 2010) vinculadas a estudios, que fueron centrales para que, cuando decidieron partir de Venezuela, se dirigieran a Argentina. 31" 163468,30943.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En el municipio de Puerto Carreño en Vichada, no se ha permitido ingreso, ni salida de personas e incluso en algunos casos no se han considerado las excepciones del decreto presidencial frente a la movilidad de las organizaciones humanitarias que apoyan con la respuesta, generando extralimitaciones en las medidas de control." 165603,39662.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Although most workers interviewed (69%) mentioned that they received safety gear from their employer, half of the respondents also mentioned that they had to spend their own money to buy their required supply. This is probably because the supply from the employer was not adequate." 223538,45273.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,"Afghanistan meanwhile has confirmed less than 100 Coronavirus cases, though the actual number is expected to be much higher." 218365,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,"Dès le vendredi 18 décembre 2020, des mesures strictes visant à freiner la propagation du Covid-19 entreront à nouveau en vigueur en RDC." 388906,60849.0,1186.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,120,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La situación migratoria es clave para establecer el punto de partida de los relatos. Las personas migrantes con visa (o en espera de ella) ponen como punto de partida su experiencia en el proceso de instalación en el país y las dificultades asociadas; mientras que las personas refugiadas (o con solicitud de refugio) despliegan su discurso desde las experiencias de violencias vividas tanto en el país de origen como en el tránsito hacia Chile y; las personas en situaciones migratorias irregulares en las dificultades del proceso asociado a la obtención de papeles en Chile, con énfasis en la laxitud de los tiempos de demora de cada etapa del trámite de regularización." 336109,43604.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Protection and water access: Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported that safety concerns prevent people from accessing their preferred water source are Twic 47%, Ulang 46%, Tonj East 43%, Cueibet 42%, Luakpiny/Nasir 38%." 356611,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,66,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El gobierno colombiano ha desplegado a policías regulares y a miembros del Escuadrón Móvil Antidisturbios (ESMAD) para responder a las protestas. Los policías regulares asisten cada dos años a un curso de 45 horas sobre cómo actuar en manifestaciones pacíficas, pero no reciben capacitación específica sobre cómo responder a disturbios, dijo el director de la Policía a Human Rights Watch." 386415,60870.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,34,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Comunidades desplazadas: Cabildo indígena Karabagy, Cabildo indígena Iwagado, cabildo indígena Kamaenka. Resguardo indígena Embera Katio del Alto Sinú, vereda Nain. Lugar receptor: Parque principal de Montería." 101240,29236.0,1621.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,28,['Impact'],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Covid-19_MT_Impact_1_20200516.pdf,"In 93% of assessed locations, migrants who rely on daily labour were reported to have been negatively affected due to Covid-19 induced slowdown in economic activities" 385627,60457.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,73,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans les quatre régions du pays, de nouveaux déplacés ont déjà été enregistrés ou sont attendus au cours des prochains mois (près de 32 500 personnes) et leurs besoins d’assistance, soins vétérinaires, aliments pour bétail, intrants et équipements de production agropastorale, ainsi que pour un accès sécurisé aux terres agricoles, pâturages et ressources naturelles, n’ont pas encore été couverts." 298929,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"The third phase was launched in September 2020 running in parallel with phases 1 and 2 and involved Jonglei State dykes repairs. This phase is meant for an initial period of 2-4 years. The stakeholders involved in the Jonglei State dyke repairs include the Jonglei State Government, the Floods Management Initiative (FMI), WFP, IOM and UNMISS." 215126,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[6thDec2020,Nigeria]On Sunday, 318 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the country.As of 11:55 p.m. on December 6, a total of 69,255 cases had been reported, out of which 63, 055 had recovered and 1,180 deaths recorded. [7thDec2020,Nigeria]On Monday, 390 new cases of the pandemic were reported in the country. [8thDec2020,Nigeria]On Tuesday, 550 new cases were reported." 276107,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,105,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,[1] [ Transposition des instruments juridiques internationaux relatifs à la protection des enfants et au genre à la législation tchadienne] Ils se transcrivent dans : - La Constitution de la quatrième république; - La loi N° 001/PR/2017 du 8 mai 2017 portant code pénal avec d’importantes dispositions pénales liées à la protection des libertés fondamentales et qui sanctionnent les violences basées sur le genre ; - La politique nationale du genre adoptée en septembre 2017; - L’ordonnance n°012/PR/2018 du 22 mai 2018 instituant la parité dans les fonctions nominatives et électives en république du Tchad ; 130802,33838.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Sumado a esta situación, se asocia bajo ingreso de los hogares, el bajo acceso a fuentes de agua mejorada, la afectación en los medios de vida y mayores barreras de acceso a los servicios de salud, dada las interrupciones en las cadenas de suministro y la atención de la salud que amenazan con socavar los avances conseguidos recientemente en materia de salud, nutrición y desarrollo infantil." 625,156.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,70,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Overall, IDP and returnee households reported similar reasons for displacement. The main reason accounting for most IDPs and returnees displacement was overwhelming the absence of security in their areas – for 78.8% of IDP households and 89.2% of returnee households. This was followed for IDP households by the households’ dwelling being damaged or destroyed and for returnee households by violence or threat of violence" 189706,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,25,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Sur l´indice de la parité, le pays occupe le 186ème rang sur 189 pour ce qui est des niveaux d´inégalité entre les sexes." 207193,43256.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The results of the latest nutrition survey (with the SMART method) conducted in November 2019 by UNICEF and the Government of Cameroon showed GAM rates of 6.2% in the North, 3.8% in Adamawa and 5.5% in the East with 1.3%, 0.3% and 0.7% of SAM for the same regions respectively. For chronic malnutrition, the regions were in an alert situation with rates of 37.3% in the East and Adamawa and 34.9% in the North." 390215,61000.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,72,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_28_29_2021.pdf,"[12th -25th July 2021, Borno State] Risk communication/Social mobilization: • Jingles on COVID-19 protocols, rumors and misconceptions on vaccination, destigmatization is ongoing in Kanuri, Hausa, Shuwa Arab, and Mbura on BRTV, DANDAL KURA and PEACE FM radio station supported by UNICEF, IRC, Translators Without Borders and UK Aids. • Continued advocacy and sensitization for second dose of COVID-19 vaccination" 190997,42037.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,80,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 2 settlements indicated that at least one protection issue is at risk of worsening due to COVID-19. KIs in 1 settlement indicated that forced eviction was a protection issue at risk of worsening due to COVID-19. In another settlement, KIs indicated that the host community’s refusal to host certain groups of people was a protection concern that could worsen due to COVID-19" 227509,46488.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,L’un des principaux problèmes d’accès aux installations sanitaires ayant été soulevé par tous les IC était le manque d’installation sanitaire ou leur surutilisation. 191220,43567.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_september_2020.pdf,"[Sept 2020, Cox's Bazar] A total of 219 contacts have been successfully traced through the efforts of the IOM-supported contact tracing volunteers, contact tracing supervisors and medical support teams in 13 camps." 392313,61160.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,104,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.gob.cl/noticias/congreso-aprobo-la-ley-de-migracion-y-extranjeria-y-quedo-en-condiciones-de-ser-promulgada/,"La Sala del Senado aprobó por 38 votos a favor y dos en contra el informe de la Comisión Mixta constituida para subsanar las discrepancias entre ambas cámaras del Congreso en la tramitación de la nueva Ley de Migraciones y Extranjería, con lo que quedó en condiciones de ser promulgada por el Presidente de la República. “Es un hito histórico. Estamos hablando de una ley que se esperó por mucho tiempo. Hace décadas debimos tener una ley que se hiciera cargo de la migración de una manera segura, ordenada y regular”, expresó el ministro Delgado." 271827,50148.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d9%88%d8%b2%d9%8a%d8%b1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b5%d8%ad%d8%a9-%d8%a8%d8%af%d8%a1%d8%a7%d9%8b-%d9%85%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a3%d8%b3%d8%a8%d9%88%d8%b9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%82%d8%a7%d8%af%d9%85-%d8%a5%d8%b9%d8%b7/,"[February 25, Syria] The Minister of Health, Dr. Hassan Al-Ghobash, announced today that the Ministry of Health will start giving the vaccine against the Covid 19 virus to health workers who are on the front lines to treat virus patients, starting next week in various governorates." 412624,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The average monthly cost of treatment of the selected households was around BDT 2,400 in January, which went up to BDT 2,500 in April and BDT 2,677 in July and BDT 2,744 in August. The clinical cost was higher in the urban level households compared to the rural level households in almost all four months. In August 2020, the average monthly clinical cost in rural level households was 2,632 BDT, which was 2,904 BDT in urban level households." 215125,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[13thDec2020,Nigeria]Of the 36 states and the FCT, only Ebonyi, Abia, Imo, Benue, Niger, Zamfara, Cross River and Kogi did not record at least a fresh case last week. Only Kogi State has no active COVID-19 cases currently" 439662,63257.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans 52% de localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à des services éducatifs fonctionnels à distance de marche au cours des 30 derniers jours." 328567,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 18% of the household found with health living Standard Gap (LSG). 1% were found to be Extreme+, 3% were found to be extreme, 14% severe, 7% stress, 75% no or minimal." 19503,7910.0,730.0,[],[],[],en,28,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"As of 9 January, 36,246 displaced households were registered in the Aden Hub area, including 19,200 households displaced from Al Hudaydah Governorate since June 2018." 388644,61080.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Il faut noter également la destruction de beaucoup d’abris dans les sites d’accueils par le fait des vents violents en ce début de la saison hivernale 141367,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In addition, UNHCR report that in the reporting period, 2,421 outreach volunteers reached approximately 40,506 people across 13 governorates on awareness raising, including more than 1,900 physical visits, with appropriate precautions, to the most vulnerable individuals in need of support who can not be reached through other modalities. Trainings and regional outreach is also ongoing." 321993,54699.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.diariodelnorte.net/noticias/caribe/cartagena-ocupacion-de-camas-uci-llego-al-80/,"Cabe resaltar que Cartagena ha aplicado el 70% de las vacunas entregadas por el Gobierno nacional. En ese sentido, de las 134.914 dosis recibidas por el Distrito, se han aplicado 95.503, de estas 51.862 son de Sinovac, 37.225 de Pfizer y 6.416 vacunas de AstraZeneca." 172999,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,66,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Cette évolution de la situation humanitaire aggravé les besoins existants des populations affectées et créé de nouveaux besoins et en matière de protection, notamment les besoins en soutien psychosocial et santé mentale de base et de prévention face à l’épidémie de COVID-19, ainsi que de suivi des incidents de protection adapté au contexte COVID-19 (« remote protection monitoring »)." 221414,45721.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Reports of cases of acute watery diarrhoea and cholera, which continue to be endemic throughout Somalia, persist. From January to 6 September 2020, a total of 5,691 cholera cases, including 30 deaths, were reported in 29 flood-affected districts. In all of the reported cases of cholera, the individual did not receive the oral cholera vaccination." 150910,36670.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,198,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"Protección Contexto y necesidades: • Identificación de personas deportadas con necesidad de protección mientras están cumpliendo su periodo de cuarentena para garantizar una respuesta oportuna y efectiva. • Apoyo con insumos básicos a albergues establecidos a raíz de la Tormenta Amanda y que todavía se encuentran habilitados. • Acceso a información preventiva, servicios y contactos institucionales sobre COVID19 y riesgos de protección, particularmente debido a la inseguridad por el accionar de pandillas y cuerpos de seguridad estatal • Implementar una red de apoyo en salud mental para psicólogos/as que brindan atención psicosocial por parte de las organizaciones, para canalizar estrés y afectaciones en su salud mental. (Cuidado para cuidadores) • Difusión y fortalecimiento de mecanismos de denuncia, orientación y asesoría telefónica o virtual especializados para niños, niñas y adolescentes como puerta de entrada al sistema de protección de la niñez. • Seguimiento de casos de niñez retornada no acompañada, una vez que han egresado de los CC debido a su situación acentuada de vulnerabilidad que está relacionada a dificultades de reincorporación escolar, necesidades de acompañamiento psicosocial especializado, pobreza extrema y violencia sexual." 207120,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,22,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The under-five mortality rate is one of the highest in the world, with 90.7 child deaths per 1,000 live births." 177563,41677.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/global-deaths-from-covid-19-crosses-1108-607/59106,"[18th October 2020, Bangladesh] Besides, 1,560 patients recovered from the disease, and the total recoveries from coronavirus have jumped to 3,02,298. The fatality rate in Bangladesh is still 1.46 percent, a handout of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said." 21205,8725.0,786.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,125,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"La Asamblea Nacional anunció este domingo la inminente llegada de la ayuda con el apoyo de la Administración de Donald Trump y el Ejecutivo colombiano de Iván Duque. Tras pasar este lunes por Bogotá, será almacenada en un centro de acopio de la ciudad fronteriza de Cúcuta,principal vía de entrada de los venezolanos que migran a Colombiaen busca de oportunidades. Una vez allí, previsiblemente entre mañana martes y el miércoles, se producirá el primer intento de abrir un canal humanitario. El diputado opositor José Manuel Olivares adelantó que ""en pocas horas"" ya estará coordinando la recepción de esa ayuda con USAID, la agencia de cooperación estadounidense, y las autoridades del país vecino." 227523,46488.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"La quasi-totalité des IC ont rapporté que ces incidents se déroulaient dans la localité de Salamabila ou dans les localités environnantes. Seulement trois IC ont rapporté d’autres lieux où se déroulaient les incidents : deux ont rapporté qu’ils se déroulaient sur la route, et l’un au carré minier. Quel que soit le type d’incident rapporté par les IC, le principal impact sur les populations affectées était la peur de se déplacer." 483274,67232.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,77,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Del total de población venezolana migrante residente en el Perú que informó haber padecido discriminación; el 64,9% sufrió en la calle o en lugares públicos; el 48,1% de ellos en el centro de trabajo, el 25,6% en el transporte público, el 10,9% en su comunidad o barrio, el 6,7% en una institución educativa, el 3,4% en un establecimiento de salud, entre los principales." 303496,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En los países abordados la común situación es el subregistro de estas vio- lencias, las personas refugiadas y migrantes LGBTI+ no aparecen en las listas, ni en las estadísticas y ante esa invisibilidad pareciera que no pasa nada y que los problemas de las personas refugiadas y migrantes están sólo vinculados a asuntos de satisfacción de necesidades básicas." 160538,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En los barrios San Roque y El Ferry, en Barranquilla, las medidas de aislamiento generaron enfrentamientos entre la policía y la población. Algunos grupos armados no estatales no han respetado la cuarentena y organizan reuniones en el espacio público. A fin de reducir los enfrentamientos entre grupos juveniles, la Alcaldía lanzó enjunio la iniciativa “Plan Lluvias”, que consiste en actividades lideradas por profesionales de psicología, sociología y trabajo social, que se llevan a cabo en articulación con la policía." 159366,36576.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Honduras%20-%20COVID-19%20Informe%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20No.%2013%20%28al%2011%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"OPS/OMS ha entregado 105.000 EP, 150 equipos médicos, 84.000 reactivos laboratoriales, ha equipado 3 laboratorios nacionales y realizado más de 20 capacitaciones virtuales a través de las que ha alcanzado a más de 1 millón de personas. Además, ha realizado 18.000 piezas de comunicación de riesgo, 87 guías y protocolos y ha brindado colaboración técnica a través de 15 expertos internacionales a la Secretaría de Salud, todo con una ejecución de US$1,8 millones" 194228,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Kinshasa reste le foyer principal de l’épidémie, ayant rapporté 74,7% (8735/11693) des cas, suivie du Nord-Kivu et du Kongo-Central avec 9,9% (1162/11693) et 4,6% (539/11693) des cas, respectivement (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 172874,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"De plus, il est nécessaire d’assurer un suivi et une prise en charge rapide des cas de protection qui risquent d‘augmenter en raison des mesures sanitaires préventives mises en place." 16723,6342.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"WFP and its partners reached a total of 809,763 beneficiaries in August (427,539 beneficiaries through the general food assistance and 382,224 beneficiaries with commodity vouchers provided by the Traders’ Network Programme (CV-TN)). August targets for At Tuhayat and Ad Durayhimi were not achieved due to access problems." 290703,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"La sobrecarga en las tareas del hogar, como consecuencia del confinamiento, junto con la sobrerrepresentación de las mujeres en los sectores más afectados por la pandemia son las razones por las cuales las mujeres han sido la población más afectada en la crisis económica y humanitaria que ha desatado el virus. De no hacer nada por ello retrocederíamos a los niveles de pobreza de hace diez años y perderíamos lo ganado en las últimas dos décadas en cierre de brechas de género." 160434,38373.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Durante la emergencia COVID-19, el Estado colombiano y las escuelas promovieron las plataformas de enseñanza y el envío de material educativo de manera virtual. En Bogotá, la Secretaría de Educación de la Alcaldía promovió la estrategia “Aprende en casa”." 290999,51608.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afg_humanitarian_access_snapshot_feb_20210314.pdf,"On 7 February, AAF conducted at least one airstrike, targeting an NSAG-TB gathering near a government-run school, which also serves as an NGO hub school. The school as well as an NGO-run clinic nearby sustained collateral damage. The incident highlights the continuous need for discussions on IHL and the protection of schools and health facilities." 229398,46461.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The spread of COVID19 pandemic across the country drastically impacted Norwegian Refugee Council programming including Education. All Norwegian Refugee Council classes and other education activities are suspended since 16th March 2020 and students are left behind with no access to any other learning alternatives. 111918,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La situación de las familias inmigrantes en Bogotá es similar a la que atraviesan las familias observadas en La Guajira y Norte de Santander. La mayoría de las familias identificadas se han reconfigurado por la migración, por el abandono de los padres de familia, por la configuración de una nueva pareja en Colombia o por la distancia con las partes de las familias que quedan en Venezuela. Algunos niños atraviesan así una serie de cambios a los que se suma la adaptación a una figura distinta en la familia: una nueva pareja de su madre." 136348,35143.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The cabinet also adopted a plan by the Ministry of Domestic Trade to open street markets to allow farmers to sell their products directly to customers without going through the whole distribution chain, which increases prices." 74796,21257.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,41,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"En 2017, se reportó 34 egresos hospitalarios semanales a nivel nacional (vs. 6 en 2015), con la mayoría de los pacientes siendo mujeres (más de 70% por causas obstétricas) y menores de edad." 227491,46488.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Les maladies principalement rapportées par les IC étaient le paludisme (15/15) ainsi que la typhoïde (10/15) pour les adultes, et le paludisme (15/15) suivi des infections respiratoires aigües (7/15) pour les enfants. Les cas importants de paludisme pourraient être aggravés par le fait que presque deux tiers des IC (9/15) ont rapporté qu’un peu moins de la moitié de la population dormait sous des moustiquaires." 322388,54747.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types shelter damage or defects reported by households were opening or cracks in root 29%, roof partially collapsed 18% and broken or cracked windows 18%" 130812,33838.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Persistencia en las amenazas para líderes sociales, defensores de Derechos Humanos (DDHH) y excombatientes, facilidad de ser blanco de ataques en hogares contra esta población por cuenta del aislamiento, disminución en la atención y respuesta a estos casos, ante la disminución de presencia estatal en territorios afectados por la violencia." 298934,51152.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"• Some 250,000 flood displaced people were in need of CCCM services.(As of 31 January 2021)" 238602,47236.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,Les besoins en alimentation sont élevés en raison d'une situation importante de famine dans la zone. 125927,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,29,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,86% of migrants departing from Burkina Faso reported to have travelled through Niger whereas 8% reported to have travelled through Mali and then Algeria to reach Libya 193847,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La prévalence de la malnutrition aiguë globale (MAG) chez les garçons est de 14,8% contre 10,9% chez les filles tandis que la malnutrition aiguë sévère (MAS) est de 3,5% chez les garçons et 2,3% chez les filles." 338784,56110.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/care-comment-colombia-crisis,"According information provided by the Pan American Health Organization, Colombia is the third country in the Americas with the highest rate of COVID 19 daily cases (17,222) and deaths (495), only surpass by the United States and Brazil. Most of the important cities of the country, including the capital Bogota, keep the health system on red alert as result of a third wave of contagious. Vaccination process has reached 6 million people, only 4.4% of the country population." 361407,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Along with locational and resource considerations, potential prevention strategies and measures to mitigate drowning risks should be appropriate to the child’s developmental stage to maximize their effectiveness (Peden et al, 2008). Different interventions are required for different age groups." 173930,41033.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, Nigeria]The drop in the implementation of community-based activities such as mass MUAC screening for acute malnutrition, in an effort to contain COVID-19, is limiting the enrolment of moderately malnourished children in both the BSFP and facility based TSFP. The Sector is still facing shortages of MUAC tapes to provide to households, to ameliorate the impacts of reduced screening by community health workers" 154963,38099.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,32,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les effets des mesures mises en place par le Gouvernement perturbent en particulier les ménages à faibles revenus ou ceux qui dépendent d’un revenu quotidien pour couvrir leurs besoins. 356657,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,141,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El 17 de abril de 2021, el Ministerio de Defensa dijo a Human Rights Watch que la Policía había iniciado 40 investigaciones disciplinarias en relación con las protestas de 2019. De esas, 24 se habían archivado sin que se le aplicaran medidas disciplinarias a ningún policía, según señaló el Ministerio de Defensa, mientras que las demás se encontraban en trámite. El Ministerio de Defensa también informó que, de las 92 investigaciones disciplinarias que la Policía había iniciado sobre las protestas de 2020, 54 se habían archivado; en la mayoría de los casos debido a que los investigadores no habían podido identificar al policía involucrado. Solamente dos policías habían recibido sanciones disciplinarias en casos que parecían tener alguna relación con violaciones de derechos humanos, y otros cuatro habían resultado absueltos." 323858,54898.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/economia/adaptacion-digital-formula-para-proteger-a-las-empresas-colombianas-en-la-pandemia/20000011-4510822,"ante el regreso de los confinamientos en varias ciudades por el aumento en los contagios, la experta indicó que la intención es enviar un ""mensaje de ayuda"" a la microempresa con algunos consejos e incentivar el consumo local." 210341,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,43,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"Fully recognizing the potential of schools to contribute to the accelerated spread of COVID 19, the Ministry of Education closed all learning facilities on March 14, 2020 as part of a battery of actions instituted by the Government of Afghanistan." 345986,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"A semana epidemiológica 17 de 2021, el evento a nivel nacional presentó un comportamiento dentro de lo esperado, comparado con su comportamiento histórico" 163460,30943.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,204,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Sin embargo, el Gobierno Nacional anunció que Bogotá debe seguir en cuarentena obligatoria hasta el 15 de junio, tras la solicitud de la propia administración de prolongar la medida, lo cual implica que no se harán aperturas adicionales, se realizará un monitoreo estrecho de la situación con una estrategia de tamización, se intensificarán las acciones de vigilancia en salud pública en Corabastos, se desarrollará un protocolo de bioseguridad6. La Secretaría de Salud de Bogotá informó que las Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo (UCI) llegaron casi al 42 por ciento de ocupación (280 camas ocupadas), lo que llevó a reiterar la importancia de las medidas de autocuidado, a pocos que días de que se modifiquen las medidas actuales en todo el territorio nacional. Bogotá permanece en alerta amarilla por ocupación de UCI. Si esta llega al 50% se debe extender a alerta naranja y si se alcanza el 70 por ciento sería necesario volver a realizar un nuevo confinamiento más estricto en todas las localidades de Bogotá. Otras ciudades que permanecerán en aislamiento obligatorio sin reapertura de nuevos sectores económicos y comerciales son Cartagena de Indias y Cali." 71053,20260.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.rescue.org/report/venezuelan-displacement-crisis-test-global-commitments-and-solidarity,"Host governments to harmonize their policies to promote longer-term solutions across protection, documentation, pathways to citizenship, and access to school, work, and healthcare. Host governments to develop national action plans, aligned with and building on the regional response plan, for how they plan to meet the short-, medium- and long-term needs of refugees." 185902,42497.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-10-19%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2012-18%20de%20oct%202020.pdf,"El Gobierno encargó a las autoridades de defensa que instalaran barreras y puestos de control alrededor del municipio de Chalchuapa, en el departamento de Santa Ana, donde las tasas de pruebas positivas han aumentado a más del 27 por ciento, tasa no vista desde el punto máximo de la pandemia a fines de julio y principios de agosto." 276278,50677.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,L’ONG Alima assure la prise en charge pédiatrique et nutritionnelle des enfants de moins de cinq ans dans le département du Mayo-Tsanaga. 115997,30124.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,Respuesta 209.034 personas se beneficiaron de actividades de seguridad alimentaria como distribución y producción de alimentos en 23 estados. Treinta y seis unidades Educativas y cuatro Escuelas Técnicas (300 personas entre docentes y productores) han recibido asistencia para fortalecer sus capacidades de atención nutricional. Diez encuestadores y dos supervisores han recibido una formación en instrumentos de medición y análisis de la resiliencia en Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (instrumentos RIMA por sus siglas en inglés) para el inicio de actividades de recuperación rápida de alimentos a 350 familias campesinas en Lara. 17472,5431.0,322.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"• Emergency teams have been set up by LWSC through UNICEF support to repair and maintain any damaged water system • 1,163 additional hygiene kits have been distributed in At Tuhayat and Marawi’ah districts, Al Hudaydah City and Abs district in Hajjah Governorate, benefitting 8,141 individuals." 115256,30828.0,1620.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_may_2020_report.pdf,68% of camps has access to a form of education in the camp or nearby. Over 60% of the camps need instructional and writing materials. 32% of the camps do not have access to a functional primary school while 36% of the camps do not have access to alternative basic education. 155361,36610.0,1231.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,19,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,Contribuir con la reducción del impacto negativo en la economía y medios de vida de poblaciones más vulnerables. 240711,45197.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,60,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"Under international humanitarian law, medical facilities and personnel must be respected and protected in all circumstances. Intentional attacks on medical facilities or protected personnel may amount to war crimes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, any incidents affecting medical facilities or personnel can have particularly serious and wide-ranging consequences impacting individuals’ access to essential healthcare services." 247823,48228.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Certains ménages s’endettent auprès des commerçants locaux pour se procurer de la nourriture et subvenir à leurs besoins non alimentaires. 197541,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,26,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Approximately 60 per cent of the limited road network becomes inaccessible during the long rainy season, affecting especially Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile." 248560,46458.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,The provision of unconditional cash transfers to residents of informal settlements during the pandemic would enable residents to purchase sufficient food and water 63146,18817.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Between January and June 2019, nutritional screening has been carried out for 87,644 children under 5 and pregnant and lactating women at the community level. In addition, micronutrient supplementation has been provided to 83,852 children (6-59 months) and to pregnant and lactating women in Zulia, Tachira, Sucre, Miranda, Delta Amacuro, Carabobo, Bolivar, Apure, Amazonas and Capital District." 161794,39563.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/412358-covid-19-how-third-phase-of-eased-lockdown-will-be-implemented-official.html,"[27/04/2020, FCT, Lagos and Ogun] Nigeria imposed its first round of lockdown in March. Mr Buhari on April 27 announced the gradual easing of the five-week lockdown in FCT, Lagos and Ogun State. The lockdown was eased to a nationwide night curfew (8 p.m. to 6 a.m.) from May 4 to May 17. The curfew was later amended by many state governments to commence from 10:00 p.m." 154007,34182.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"• 73 % manifiestan la preocupación las dificultades para atender a niños, ancianos, discapacitados o enfermos." 272752,50256.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 50% (161) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté une augmentation du nombre de personnes décédées par rapport au mois précédent. La cause de décès la plus souvent citée par les IC pour expliquer cette augmentation était le paludisme dans 75% (120) de ces localités, tandis que la deuxième cause la plus souvent citée était le cholera/ la diarrhée dans 14% (23) de ces localités." 160201,38025.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/181878/,Health authorities have recorded new four infection cases with COVID-19 in the past 24 hours in the Turkish-controlled city of Al-Bab in north-eastern Aleppo. 298952,51152.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"The procurement processes of ES/NFI pipeline supplies from abroad took longer in 2020 than usual due to restrictions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This resulted in pipeline breaks and delayed delivery of response. In Mundri East county in Western Equatoria, for example, by 31 January 2021, flood affected people assessed and verified in October 2020 have not yet received the supplies due to delays in pipeline replenishment." 234158,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,91,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] According to DGHS, as of 20 December 2020, the current institutional quarantine capacity in the country is represented by 629 centres across the 64 districts, which can receive 31,991 persons. A total of 44,387 individuals were placed in quarantine facilities and of them 41,049 (92.5%) have already been released. Over the same period, total of 94,940 individuals were isolated in designated health facilitates and of them 82,612 (87%) have been released." 202020,44071.0,2330.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,Staff from the Ministry of Health need equipment and supplies to monitor and improve water quality and health and nutrition. 172375,40929.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Borno and Yobe state] Additionally, a total of 31 Master trainers (3 Females and 28 Males) were trained in Psychosocial Support (PSS), School management, Conflict Disaster Risk Reduction (CDRR), School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV), COVID-19 mitigation, Record keeping, Whole School Development Planning (WSDP) and Emergency Preparedness Response who subsequently provided training to a total of 413 School-Based Management Committee/SBMC members (69 females and 344 Males) in Gwoza, Jere and Maiduguri LGAs of Borno State and Bade, Fika and Fune of Yobe State." 198673,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 917 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 323 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." 4632,626.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,33,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/daesh-claimed-suicide-attacks-kill-5-in-yemen-s-aden-1.2178768,"Aden: Two suicide car bombings against security forces in the southern Yemeni port of Aden killed at least five people Saturday, officials said, in an attack claimed by Daesh." 204420,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les régions de Zinder, Dosso et Tillabéri semblent avoir la situation la plus critique en termes de sécurité alimentaire." 145365,36006.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,49,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/crisisinsight-weekly-picks-16-july-2020,"Observers fear a potentially extensive outbreak in the area, which hosts hundreds of overcrowded IDP camps and has extremely limited healthcare capacity. The announcement comes as the Bab al Salam border crossing connecting Turkey and northwest Syria was closed on 11 July following UNSC resolution 2533." 298945,51152.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Education cluster did not receive funding to support the rehabilitation of learning facilities and provision of essential education supplies. 328546,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[Accountability to Affected Populations] 28% of households reported having experienced barriers in accessing aid in the 30 days prior to data collection. Among those households, the most commonly reported barriers were lack of information (71%), physically unable to access points of aid distribution (62%), insecurity at site of aid distribution (43%)." 415372,64088.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Llegaron-381.420-dosis-de-vacunas-de-Pfizer-.aspx,"25 de agosto de 2021. – Este miércoles aterrizaron en Colombia 381.420 nuevas dosis de vacuna contra el covid-19 de la farmacéutica Pfizer, que hacen parte del acuerdo bilateral con este laboratorio. El viceministro de Salud Pública y Prestación de Servicios, Luis Alexander Moscoso, manifestó que serán distribuidas durante esta semana a todos los territorios." 472862,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,25,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,Doter les formations sanitaires en matériel roulant à deux roues pour renforcer les activités de santé en stratégie avancée dans les zones abritant les PDI 206696,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Jonglei is expected to have the highest number of people estimated to face crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity at 1.18 million, followed by Upper Nile, at 765,000." 22176,9074.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.justiceinfo.net/en/live-feed/40268-venezuela-opposition-plans-aid-hub-in-brazil-mobilizes-volunteers.html,"""In coming days we will visit the state of Roraima to see where this storage center will be and from next week we will organize the arrival of this humanitarian aid,"" Lester Toledo, head of Guaido's aid distribution team, told reporters." 182715,42826.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/nma-confirms-death-of-16-doctors-warns-of-covid-19-spike/,"As of October 8, 2020, there were 1,031 doctors who were exposed to the virus in Nigeria and 321 confirmed cases. Sadly, 16 of our members were painfully lost in the battle to save the lives of Nigerians, with mortality rate of 4.98 per cent,” President, NMA, Prof. Innocent Ujah said." 319522,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"577,095 Persons who have fled their home countries or are internally displaced and living in Niger." 188201,31146.0,1900.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,74,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"La suspensión de clases ha interrumpido los procesos educativos y formativos de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA). Esto pone en riesgo la vida escolar de muchos NNA (que quizás no vuelvan por el impacto de la crisis en la economía familiar), el logro esperado en el desarrollo de sus habilidades para la vida (académica, laboral, etc.), y su estabilidad emocional." 282470,51159.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/medic-frontline-syria-s-coronavirus-battle-speaks-out,"[16th March, 2021, Northern Syria] For those with chronic illnesses, winter is very dangerous, as getting the flu can worsen their condition. They would require quality medical care. However, Covid-19 even affects healthy people. This means that the situation is even more difficult for those dealing with malnutrition, chronic illnesses, heart disease, or with issues in blood pressure or blood sugar." 196087,43590.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,28,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"NGO assessments have identified that IDPs need shelter aid, though warned against establishing camps-style settlements that may encourage the spread of COVID-19 (OCHA 27/08/2020)." 176661,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,49,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Les principales préoccupations concernant la COVID-19 sont l’éradication de la maladie, le manque de matériel de protection, l’ouverture de toutes les frontières pour faciliter les voyages des uns et des autres afin que les ONG humanitaires puissent apporter de l’aide." 492074,67749.0,1224.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods', 'Protection', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,47,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Guyana partners underscored the particularly limited access to health care, water and sanitation in the country and worry that lack of funds will also increase the vulnerabilities of refugees and migrants to Gender Based Violence (GBV), Trafficking, Sexual and Labour Exploitation." 347702,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,64,['Priority Needs'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Adolescent’s needs and differences seem to be heightened when it comes to the sex of WASH facilities users: male and female adolescents have different gender roles within the Rohingya and host communities and, as such, are impacted differently by WASH services design and functionality." 126673,29029.0,1620.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Demography'],en,49,['At Risk'],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigeria-drives-routine-immunization-amid-covid-19,"Every year, millions of lives are saved due to routine immunization, which is widely recognized as a one of the most successful and cost-effective public health interventions. However, in Nigeria, over three million children under one year are still either unvaccinated or under-vaccinated." 195960,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Ce 15/11/2020, 1 724 voyageurs internationaux ont été enregistrés et screenés. Aucun d’entre eux n’a fait l’objet d’une alerte. Au terme de S46, 16 205 voyageurs ont été enregistrés et screenés aux PoE internationaux" 134381,34825.0,1186.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],es,92,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Si bien no existen valores oficiales de omisión censal comunal, puesto que no son objetivo de las Estimaciones y Proyecciones de Población a este nivel, se puede establecer una población “estimada” a la fecha censal a nivel comunal y, comparándola con la entregada por el Censo 2017, definir un posible valor de población omitida según sexo. Esto implicó invertir el orden en el procesamiento de la información, partiendo desde las comunas, las que a su vez suman regiones y estas el total país" 215224,45149.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,90,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/south-sudan/save-children-commends-government-s-decision-reopen-schools-south-sudan,"Whilst we commend the decision of school re-opening, Save the Children advocates for the government of South Sudan to provide all children with access to age appropriate information about COVID-19 in all applicable languages, including indigenous languages, and to track how rumors and misinformation may be harming or impacting specific groups of children. This information should include the primary and secondary impacts using child protection, Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MPHSS) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) risks and available child-friendly services." 248950,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,87,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"▪ Sensibiliser la population / communauté afin d’éviter la stigmatisation et de briser le silence ▪ Protéger les victimes contre tout acte de représailles. ▪ Renforcer la réponse aux cas de viol, notamment la prise en charge médicale dans les délais. ▪ Doter les structures de santé les plus proches de Pep kits, afin de prévenir des complications chez les survivant(e)s de viol et violences sexuelles et assurer une prise en charge ponctuelle et de qualité." 157249,38373.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,El 8.4% de los respondientes de la encuesta3 de las cuatro zonas monitoreadas tiene algún tipo de discapacidad 136880,35314.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On 11 July, the GoS announced new entry requirements from Lebanon to Syria, enabling Syrian citizens abroad to enter after providing proof of testing negative for COVID-19 using PCR at the border. Around 2,000 Syrian nationals have reportedly returned in recent weeks, mainly through the Maasna border crossing point." 293562,51569.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,52,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"The community did not manage to harvest their crops by the time flood started and most of them were destroyed. Livestock mainly cattle were affected, many were reported to have died as a result of the flood hence affecting livelihood of families who are largely depending on livestock product." 388619,61080.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,107,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Par conséquent, les mouvements de populations continuent toujours dans la Région. Il a été constaté des mouvements de populations dans les provinces du Seno, de l’Oudalan et du Yagha. Les populations se sont déplacées vers les communes de Dori et de Sampelga dans la province du Seno. Dans la commune de Markoye dans la province de l’Oudalan ainsi que dans la commune de Sebba dans la province du Yagha. Ces mouvements de populations sont dus aux attaques et d’autres sont des déplacements préventifs pour fuir les GANE ou pour de meilleures conditions de vies." 388903,60849.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,101,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El trato de las oficinas de extranjería y de personas refugiadas se valora, pero se critica la demora en los tiempos y plazos, los que son considerados excesivos y poco claros. Dicho escenario de espera aparece como el principal obstáculo de su proceso en la medida que afecta el resto de procesos asociados y el goce de sus derechos, en particular el derecho a acceder a los sistemas públicos de salud, educación, y a trabajar legalmente; a permanecer y transitar libremente en el país y; a no ser discriminados por ninguna razón." 361364,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,112,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The reoccurrence of children with epilepsy drowning in the camps is an important finding. Numerous researchers have highlighted the increased risks of drowning due to pre-existing medical conditions, and particular focus has been given to epilepsy (Bell et al, 2008; Besag, 2001). Previous studies from HICs have found that children with epilepsy are at a much higher risk of drowning and submersion than children who do not have epilepsy (Franklin et al, 2017; Diekema et al, 1993; Kemp and Sibert, 1993; Pearn et al, 1978)." 191031,42042.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Bolori-12-wards-Maiduguri-LGA_-July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state]KIs from 12 assessed settlements reported that most residents do not have enough water to meet their daily drinking, cooking, and cleaning needs." 131835,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La respuesta integral tendría por objeto asegurar el acceso total para los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela al sistema público de salud, para la atención primaria, secundaria y terciaria, a través de una estrategia coordinada de promoción entre los actores de desarrollo y humanitario, proveyendo el soporte requerido al Ministerio de Salud para fortalecer el sistema nacional de salud. Tomando en consideración las necesidades de salud prioritarias, los recursos y capacidades de respuesta del sistema nacional de salud" 63189,18464.0,1386.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,61,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.diariodelnorte.net/caribe/99-la-guajira/5338-frontera-colombo-venezolana-por-paraguachon-no-esta-militarizada-y-fluye-con-total-normalidad.html,"Una tensa calma se vive en la zona fronteriza de La Guajira con Venezuela, días después de que el presidente del vecino país, Nicolás Maduro, advirtiera el inicio de unos ejercicios militares en los límites de su territorio con Colombia y ordenara el despliegue de tropas a los estados de Táchira, Zulia, Apure y Amazonas." 624,156.0,321.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,122,[],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Intra-mantika and/or short distance displacements took place mainly in Al Margab (51.8% of displaced households are from neighbouring Misrata), Ghat (47.1% are from neighbouring Ubari) and Tripoli (58.6% are from neighbouring Al Jabal Al Gharbi). Only in Misrata and Sebha were the main mantikas of origin more distant - Benghazi and Sirte, respectively. These displacements, especially from Sirte to Sebha, are largely due to the strong community links existing between those respective locations. Similarly, an important proportion of Benghazi inhabitants found their roots in Misrata13 and had strong community affiliations during the 2014 conflict, which likely led to this visible pattern of displacement." 282228,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"• Since July 2018, the ongoing cholera epidemics affected 5 regions out of the 10 in Cameroon with a total of 2064 cases and 111 deaths and a lethality of 5.4%." 201109,43280.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"Unaccompanied and separated children received family tracing and reunification services including alternative care support with 367 children realizing their fundamental right to a family. Child protection life-saving awareness was provided to 9,755 people (2,186 girls, 3,375 boys, 2,341 women, 1,853 men) increasing access to life saving information and knowledge on preventing injuries from unexploded ordinance (UXOs) and mines to 2,765 people (902 boys, 1,016 girls, 587 women and 260 men) and community-based referral mechanisms and prevention of family separation and child recruitment. (tHROUGH unicef)" 437214,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Contrairement aux exportations, les importations sont plus diversifiées. Au cours du quatrième trimestre, les principaux produits importés par le pays sont les « Produits raffinés du pétrole » qui représentent 18% ; les « Produits médicinaux et pharmaceutiques » 6,% ; les « Chaux, ciments et matériaux de construction fabriqués (exceptés argile, verre) » pour 3,8% et le Riz pour 3,4%." 330150,55167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elperiodico.com/es/internacional/20210502/represion-policial-marca-mayo-colombia-11695827,"""Denunciamos que los días 28, 29 y 30 de Abril, la Policía de Cali ha hecho uso deliberado de la fuerza. La Policía de Cali ha disparado indiscriminadamente contra población inerme,ha asesinado a menores de edad, a adolescentes y jóvenes"", según la nota de la organización." 439200,63585.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000131067.pdf,"De juin 2021 à juillet 2021, le haricot a gardé sa stabilité en termes de prix nominal. La moyenne des marchés de la ville de Goma a basculé de 1213FC/Kg à 1217FC/Kg, avec un taux de variation de 0%. La principale cause de pour cette stabilité se justifie par la disponibilité du produit sur les marchés locaux résultant du début des récoltes de la saison B sur l'axe Masisi. La tendance reste à la baisse en comparaison avec la même période de l'année passée, le prix moyen passant de 1545FC/Kg à 1217FC/Kg, soit (-21%) comme taux de variation pour la période de juillet 2020 à juillet 2021." 322396,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 31% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest education facility while 22% and 16% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest education facility respectively. Only 3% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes 1-3 hours to reach to the nearest education facility. 159015,37971.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,10,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,Nombre de contacts vus : 78 (96%) 172438,40676.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Selon une évaluation rapide de fonctionnalité des marchés dans cette région, suite à la hausse des prix et faute de moyens financiers, les populations consomment de plus en plus d’eau insalubre, augmentant les risques de maladies hydriques. Il est probable que des stratégies d’adaptation négatives similaires liées à la consommation alimentaire soient observées." 188435,42862.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,79,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezolanos_en_Arauca_JulioVF.pdf,"Según Migración Colombia, para el mes de julio había 1.731.017 venezolanos en Colombia, de los cuales, 44.726 se encontraban en el departamento fronterizo de Arauca. El total de refugiados y migrantes en el departamento representa el 2,6% del total de la población venezolana que vive en Colombia y ubica a Arauca como el segundo departamento con mayor población venezolana (15,2%) en relación al total de la población que reside ahí." 439648,63257.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans 72% de localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité des PDI ne vivait pas dans des conditions adéquates au cours des 30 derniers jours." 291676,52152.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los hogares productores pecuarios con dificultades a pastos (RFImod+sev 46,6% y RFIsev 6,2%) y alimentos (47,5% y 6,1%). Los productores agrícolas con una disminución drástica de producción (75% u más, con RFImod+sev 55,6% y RFIsev 6,7%), los que mencionaron no tener prospectivas de ventas (47,4% y 5,4%) y los con dificultades de acceso a la semilla (49,5% y 8,6%)." 215763,45271.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,26,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"RHouseholds are facing an increasing stress on their financial access due to large-scale unemployment, which is expected to worsen as COVID-19 lockdown measures continue." 298856,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Slow bureaucratic processes within GOA GoA (Government of Afghanistan) departments causing delays in project implementation were worrying, especially for emergency response activities. Partners also raised the issue of some provincial GOA departments requesting for confidential documents that were either already shared at a national level or should not be shared at all, including beneficiary data." 321120,54668.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,125,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Sur tous les villages couverts dans les provinces, 9% (soit 378 villages) ont été partiellement ou complètement détruits ou vidés de sa population depuis le début de 2017 (F18). Pour traiter les problèmes, les mécanismes de justice qui sont les plus souvent utilisés dans la province sont les comités traditionnels (54%), suivi par les autorités administratives (en milieu urbain) ou du village (en milieu rural) (38%) et la religion (4%)." 172217,40826.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_239_20200925.pdf,"Ce 25/09/2020, 15 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 8 à Kinshasa, 3 dans le Haut-Katanga, 2 dans le Haut-Uélé, 1 au Nord-Kivu et 1 au Nord- Ubangi (Annexe 1 ; Figures 1 & 2). Tout de même, aucun nouveau décès n’a été enregistré." 160252,38025.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/181878/,"Meanwhile, 53 cases north-western Syria have been recovered so far." 214682,45417.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 51% (194) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à une école secondaire fonctionnelle à moins d’une heure de marche -" 193160,42643.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticias.canal1.com.co/nacional/duque-advierte-a-venezolanos-que-seran-deportados-si-delinquen/,"advirtió que no habrá ninguna contemplación con los inmigrantes que violen las leyes del país. «Donde nosotros veamos que hay una persona que está violando ese principio de fraternidad que se les ha brindado en Colombia, serán deportados de inmediato»." 206820,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,99,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In 2019, the Northern, Adamawa and Eastern Regions continued to host Central African refugees, with limited resources to meet their needs and a low level of integration of these refugees into their communities. As of September 2019, the number of refugees stood at 270,924 (141,260 women and 129,664 men), 55.47 per cent of whom were children (74,698 girls and 75,847 boys). The total host population is estimated at 5,287,103 people (2,676,945 women and 2,610,158 men), 47% of whom are children (2,485,156)." 159648,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"All the remaining states had percentages greater or equal to 80 per cent of respondents who felt that health centers were not prepared to handle the threat of COVID-19. Among the 12 per cent of respondents who felt otherwise, 32 per cent were from Sokoto and 20 per cent were from Plateau state." 328531,54710.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information]Two most common behaviors adapted to prevent COVID-19 spreading, as reported by households Stopping handshakes or physical contact (48%), Keeping distance from people (42%)." 357902,58570.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,17,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/N2111312.pdf,Una escuela fue utilizada con fines militares por un grupo disidente de las FARC-EP en marzo. 391127,61177.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,107,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] However, the changing characteristics of annual and seasonal precipitation as well as the increase in heavy rainfall events is increasingly likely to disrupt river flow regimes, increase investment and construction costs to accommodate resilient designs, and increase challenges to sustained energy generation, e.g. operation and maintenance. Extreme weather events such as heavy rains can damage infrastructure, roads, communication networks and disrupt supply lines. An increase in the frequency and intensity of heavy rains and flooding is also likely to impact fragile infrastructure systems which can also impact hydro-power generation." 301274,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Sudan has a long history of hosting refugees and asylum seekers, with over 1.1 million individuals estimated to be living in Sudan (as of 30 November 2019). This includes refugees from the Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen, who have arrived in search of safety from violence, persecution and other hazards in their countries of origin." 229753,44602.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,12,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Need for dignity kits distribution to women and girls of reproductive age 113326,32328.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En Perú, las mujeres también informaron desafíos relacionados con el horario de atención de los servicios de salud, dado que los servicios de salud solo están abiertos durante las horas regulares de trabajo, sumado a la carga de tareas domésticas y de cuidado que sostienen. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, las poblaciones desplazadas enfrentan mayores riesgos de salud debido a las condiciones en las que se produce el desplazamiento, donde los trastornos más frecuentes afectan el estado nutricional, reproductivo y mental" 225415,45087.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"At the outset of 2020, more than 12 million people were already facing acute food insecurity due to decades of conflict, natural disasters and growing poverty, according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Analysis." 62501,18666.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,149,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/venezuela-nuevo-env-o-de-materiales-de-salud-de-la-cruz-roja,"El presidente de la Cruz Roja Venezolana, Dr. Mario Villarroel, ha confirmado que esta mañana llegó al aeropuerto internacional de Caracas un cargamento de 34 toneladas de medicamentos y suministros médicos procedentes de Italia. Esta carga fue enviada por la Cruz Roja Italiana, con el apoyo del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores italiano y de donantes privados: se trata de una donación en especie de 3 millones de euros a la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja (FICR), destinados al llamamiento de emergencia de 50 millones de francos suizos cuyo objetivo es hacer llegar una serie de servicios de salud a 650.000 personas en Venezuela durante 12 meses. El cargamento que llegó hoy incluye medicamentos esenciales como antibióticos y antiinflamatorios, productos sanitarios desechables y una serie de equipos médicos como desfibriladores." 205213,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The lack of progress towards political solutions, and continued violence are likely to result in further displacement and increase of humanitarian needs." 192792,43603.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Clusters and partners reviewed the people in need (PiN), people targeted, the financial requirements and existing projects. As a result, they identified interventions requiring scale up, reduction and adjustment in light of COVID19." 492666,67931.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] MEDIAN SMEB HYGIENE ITEMS’ PRICE (12 bars of soap, 4 packs of 10 sanitary pads, 200g of toothpaste, 3kg of laundry/dish soap): 20,447 SYP One month Change: -3% Six month change: 20%" 36923,13321.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,89,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"In April, protection partners reached 10,831 individuals (906 girls; 871 boys; 5,897 women; 3,076 men; 53 elderly women; and 28 elderly men) in sites for internally displaced people and host communities with protection messages on human rights, access to protection services through sensitizations, and community-based initiatives. Some 2,830 vulnerable IDPs, IDP returnees and refugee returnees were screened, registered and monitored across the BAY states, while 1,589 individuals were provided with legal aid and services." 346979,57126.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,113,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/05/06/kurdish-syria-coronavirus-crisis-camps/,"(NES May 2021) In oil-rich Deir al-Zour, a restive province bordering Iraq, “there is now an acute shortage of oxygen,” the IRC said last week, adding that at least one hospital there may also be forced to close. “Currently, 83 percent of patients who receive invasive ventilation in the region are not surviving and we fear that things will only get worse,” she said. “Treatment facilities are being forced to close due to a lack of funding, oxygen is beginning to run out, and covid cases are reaching the highest levels seen to date.”" 358509,58562.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,92,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Tensions between tribes, and between internally displaced populations and host communities, have also increased as they compete for domestic and international pandemic relief. In some cases, increased resource competition has coincided with diminished access to dispute resolution mechanisms — because of lockdowns or the retreat of state institutions — resulting in outbreaks of violence between individuals and communities. Elsewhere, peace has endured but appears increasingly fragile as resource shortages, dwindling incomes, and limited economic prospects persist." 111904,29953.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,98,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Desde el terminal, pueden seguir su camino hacia otros países o ciudades. Sin embargo, si este tránsito no es inmediato, deben buscar dónde dormir, pues en el terminal está prohibida la estadía. Para quienes no tienen definido un lugar de estadía, esto significa dormir a la intemperie. Según algunos funcionarios de la Secretaría de Gobierno de Bogotá, encargados del SuperCADE Social14 ubicado en el terminal, diariamente se reúnen a las afueras de este unas 150 personas provenientes de Venezuela que no han conseguido ubicarse en la ciudad." 157179,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,29,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,El 18% de los encuestados entre abril y junio tienen una necesidad específica de protección. Esto representa un incremento del 1.7% respecto al trimestre anterior. 215221,45149.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,80,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/south-sudan/save-children-commends-government-s-decision-reopen-schools-south-sudan,"The decision to re-open schools puts the smile on the face of 2.2 Million children whose right to education was impacted by over six months of schools' closure. However, we urge the government to ensure that these children who are out of school are mobilized to resume their education and to put in place the necessary health guidance to ensure that children, teachers and their parents are protected from potential risks pose by the COVID-19." 338766,56193.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,80,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"Decades of poor governance and elite predation have destroyed civic trust. Armed groups, at times supported by regional powers or the national government, contribute to persistent insecurity and incentivize communities to form their own self-defense forces. This leads to an inter-communal arms race that exacerbates class and ethnic tensions. In this tense environment, relatively small shocks result in extremely violent outcomes. Historically, much of this violence has been directed at women." 322263,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,105,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 36% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot while 25% and 24% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot respectively. 8% reported to reach nearest health facility by foot in 1-3 hours. Only 1% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot . 345202,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[IDP] During the month under review, 3,434 protection incidents involving human right violations have been reported in April in Ituri, the highest total number of human rights violations ever monitored since the beginning of the protection monitoring programme conducted jointly by UNHCR and INTESOS. The Djugu territory has registered more than a half of the total protection violations (53%), followed by Irumu with 34%, Mahagi (07%) and Mambassa (06%). 148 of these violations were committed against children (102 against girls and 46 against young boys) including rape, murder and kidnapping." 132530,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Además, las actividades de prevención con los promotores de la juventud y los líderes de la comunidad seguirán siendo implementadas y públicos complementados con programas adicionales que identifican a los sobrevivientes, brindando asistencia y orientación en el acceso a los servicios públicos, y fortalecer su red de soporte e integración. Las actividades de prevención y apoyo en la identificación y referencias de los casos individuales se enfocarán en Lima, Tumbes, Arequipa, Cusco, Tacna y Piura." 153848,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Algunos reportaron intentos de reclutamiento de menores por parte de grupos armados ilegales y violencia sexual con afectación principalmente de mujeres, niñas, niños y jóvenes" 290051,52076.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,12,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,Women make up 71.6% of workers in the informal agricultural sector 131816,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las autoridades de Gobierno, tales como el Ministerio de Educación y las unidades educativas subnacionales (DRE y UGEL) tendrán apoyo para desarrollar las estrategias específicas de respuesta. Esto incluirá un enfoque en la inclusión de niños fuera de la escuela." 189733,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,26,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Le taux de pauvreté reste élevé alors que le pays rapportait un taux de croissance annuel moyen d´au moins 7% pendant la décennie 2004-2014. 401750,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Preplanned COVID-19 vaccination should continue to operate as much as possible, as per prioritization identified by the Government of Bangladesh and Routine immunization should continue as much as possible with complete adherence to the preventive measures against COVID-19" 68834,19724.0,1386.0,[],[],[],es,36,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.laprensalara.com.ve/nota/6712/19/10/onu-tiene-la-lupa-en-venezuela-por-la-crisis-alimentaria,La crisis alimentaria enVenezuelase volvió un tema internacional debido a las constantes denuncias realizadas por organizaciones no gubernamentales y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) ha puesto bajo la lupa al país. 224571,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,11,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Provide preventive package which include IYCF messages in the communities. 80047,22055.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,Qasr Akhyar: Approximately 65 individuals have been displaced to Qasr Akhyar from Suq Alkhamees and Ain Zara due to the unstable security situation and ongoing fights and some areas. It was reported that some of the IDPs are sheltered in rented accommodation while some are staying with relatives; the IDPs needs are mattresses; medicines; food and NFIs.An estimated 350 migrants arrived from areas of conflict; some looking for work opportunities while others are planning to continue their journey to other destination 234619,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,74,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Given the sudden and pressing nature of the shocks, accommodative fiscal and monetary policies are warranted to mitigate the human and economic impact of the outbreak. However, the authorities remain committed to their reform agenda under the ECF [Extended Credit Facility] arrangement. They plan to undertake adjustments to return to the fiscal consolidation path once the crisis abates to safeguard debt sustainability and ensure a strong recovery." 346135,56949.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afro.who.int/news/africa-urgently-needs-20-million-second-doses-covid-19-vaccine,"To date, 28 million COVID-19 doses, of different vaccines, have been administered in Africa, which represents less than two doses administered per 100 people in Africa. Globally, 1.5 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered." 7412,1561.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MMWG%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%20-%20Zwara%20-%201%20May%202018.pdf,"While access to Zwara remains hazardous, in coordination with the local authorities, members of the MMWG are providing emergency humanitarian assistance at the detention centre, while transferring the most vulnerable cases to Tripoli by air." 475466,64944.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,77,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"[PBS] des personnes dont la vulnérabilité serait liée soit à leur âge, à leur statut ou leurs conditions de vie socio-économique. Parmi ces catégories sociales, il faudrait noter des femmes enceintes, veuves ou cheffes de ménages, des personnes âgées sans soutien, des personnes malades, des enfants orphelins ou chefs de ménages qui mériteraient une attention particulière des acteurs dans le cadre des assistances pour couvrir divers besoins." 8769,489.0,322.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,41,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-security-un/russia-resists-western-bid-to-condemn-iran-at-u-n-over-yemen-arms-idUSKCN1G52J0,"A proxy war is playing out in Yemen between Iran and U.S. ally Saudi Arabia. A Saudi-led coalition intervened in Yemen in 2015, backing government forces fighting Iran-allied Houthi rebels. Iran has denied supplying the Houthis weapons." 281834,51173.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"To ensure physical distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic especially between patients as well as staff at health facilities, UNICEF distributed more than 70 tents to the health facilities in Kandahar and Helmand. These provided enough social distance space for outpatient care in health facilities and helped prevent health staff and clients from infection while receiving essential RMNCAH services." 335511,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The health system of the country has been steadily progressing over the last 17 years, with increasing coverage of health services throughout the country. In 2018, a total of 3,135 health facilities were functional, which ensured access to almost 87% of the population within two hours distance ." 406858,63609.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/081721_alerta_por_confinamiento_quibdo_choco.vf_.pdf,"Desde el 7 de agosto, al menos 60 personas (13 familias) de la comunidad indígena Embera de Playa Alta asentada en el barrio Uribe Vélez de Quibdó, se encuentran en situación de confinamiento tras hechos victimizantes como amenazas contra cuatro líderes de la comunidad que tuvieron que se evacuados por la presión de un Grupo Delictivo Organizado (GDO) y restricciones de movilidad a las mujeres que tienen como actividad cotidiana transportarse hasta el monte a recoger madera para cocinar. Por otra parte se conoce que estarían en curso desplazamientos individuales de esta comunidad hacia otras zonas de Quibdó (se desconoce actualmente el número de desplazamientos)." 166584,40075.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/36_September_2020.pdf,"The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has continued to work closely with relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in the fight against the ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Nigeria." 272782,50353.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,11,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"16,448 infants benefited from routine vaccines they had previously missed." 359825,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,112,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In Bangladesh, from the IDIs with out-of-school children, it was confirmed that the girls along with their mothers perform the role of providers of food and water and household managers and caregivers. During and after the disaster the burden of household chores falls on the girls and their mothers, starting with the collection of dry foods to gathering cattle or furniture to the shelter. Caregiving responsibilities double or even triple their workloads. Due to their lack of financial resources, girls and mothers in this locality find themselves in particularly dire circumstances during and after disasters." 177281,41744.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Parmi les {105} ménages visités, aucun ne dispose de trous à ordures, 10% disposent de latrines hygiéniques/acceptables. Les pratiques de défécation à l’air libre sont observées, sans zone précise (51%)." 391194,61470.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479]Households reporting knowing about any designated space for women and girls in the site:Yes 99% and No 1%. Of the 99% of households who reported knowing about any designated space, 57% reported that a girl or woman from their household attended one in the last 30 days prior to data collection." 248984,47559.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,42,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Les groupes à risques identifiés ce mois encore sont les personnes déplacées et hôtes vivant dans les zones à fort risque sécuritaire. En plus de l’insécurité physique, ces populations peinent à accéder aux services sociaux de base." 167090,40233.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(Overall Syria, March-August,2020) In Syria, UNHCR phone counselling with refugees and IDPs indicated that health costs were among the greatest impediments to accessing care, which many are unable to afford." 149334,37832.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"WFP resumed income-generating activities and selfhelp group formation under the livelihoods programme in July. Regular activities had been suspended since April due to COVID-19. WFP supported 28,274 women enrolled in the livelihoods programme in July." 323730,54087.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/POL1032022021ENGLISH.PDF,"[Rapport annuel 2020/21, RDC] FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION The authorities subjected media workers to threats, intimidation, harassment, violence, arbitrary arrests and detention, and prosecution. They accused journalists and media houses of disturbing public order or breaching professional ethics. Numerous journalists were detained on trumped-up charges [exemples dans le texte]" 189278,42868.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,19,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,4% de ICs reportaron que dentro de su grupo había menores de edad viajando sin su acudiente legal 384898,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Un accès limité à certains districts qui sont restés enclavés et en proie aux forces armées négatives. En fin juin 2021, 895 087 personnes ont été privées d’accès aux soins de santé" 275379,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,25,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] Wall collapse happened in 5 districts with 5 incidents which killed 7 persons and injured 4 persons." 177532,41674.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-over-300000-recoveries/59058,"[16th October 2020, Bangladesh] The health authorities reported 1,527 new cases of Covid-19 after testing 13,577 samples in the last 24 hours. So far, the country has recorded 386,086 positive cases. During this period, 15 coronavirus deaths were recorded, pushing the death tally to 5,623." 196234,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Some partners have also negotiated with donors to modify conditional cash payments into unconditional payments. A loan fund facility is up and running, giving out no-interest loans and the Somalia Cash Consortium instituted a call center to register people in need of cash assistance, with over 3,000 people having already registered and received their first cash transfer. Vocational training for returnees has also been moved online." 235988,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In August, these clinics [mobile clinics operated by Reach Out and Caritas] were able to consult 10,249 patients. Over 5 percent of the patients consulted were people living with disabilities." 247986,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,73,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Site Dar al kheir 2, Court terme = Construire urgemment 5 forages équipés de pompes à motricité humaine Distribuer 2000 bidons de 20 litres et 2000 seaux de 20 litre pour le transport et le stockage de l’eau Distribuer 20000 boules de savons linge de 200g a 2000 ménages ; Construire 150 latrines d’urgence Sensibiliser la population sur la promotion de bonnes pratiques d’hygiènes" 204258,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Au Nord de Dosso, 70% de la population se trouve en situation d’insécurité alimentaire chronique contre 55% au sud de la région." 218998,45705.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/node/18588/pdf/reversing_gains.pdf,About 60 per cent of teachers that Save the Children surveyed in Syria cited the threat of COVID-19 as one of the biggest reasons that force children to drop out of school. 225414,45087.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,25,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Existing poverty and vulnerability to shocks due to insecure, unstable and inadequate earnings have been exacerbated by COVID lockdown and social distancing measures." 358525,58562.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,149,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Increased access to information and online activism facilitated by ICTs shape state-society relations in Nigeria through three mechanisms. First, the use of ICTs increases the information about politics and government performance that are available to both ordinary citizens and activists (Ogbuabor et al 2017). This works both by increasing access to a wider array of news sources (such as blogs and online magazines) and allowing individuals to access direct firsthand accounts of news events from elsewhere in the country (and in the world) through social media posts or WhatsApp Groups. Increased information about government performance can be used as a tool to hold politicians and government agencies accountable, but when accountability mechanisms are not functioning, this information can also increase anger and frustration (Dambo et al 2020)." 194765,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Essential health services need to be scaled up, with a particular focus on high-risk groups, such as IDPs." 235979,46890.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The COVID-19 situation has had a huge impact on the logistics and supply chain involved in distributing in-kind support. 398685,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Sobre las condiciones de trabajo hay acuerdo entre los trabajadores encuestados (94,2%) respecto a que no existen diferencias entre las condiciones de trabajo que tienen los extranjeros en relación con losnnacionales. Apenas en el 2,9% de las empresas los trabajadores entrevistados señalaron que eran mejores las condiciones de extranjeros, y en un porcentaje similar (2,8%) que estas eran peores que las de los trabajadores chilenos" 200246,44361.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La malnutrition est problème de santé publique majeur au Burkina Faso avec la prévalence de la malnutrition aiguë estimée à 8,1% et celle de la malnutrition chronique à 25,4% selon le rapport de l’enquête nationale SMART 2019." 175376,41211.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99909,"Depuis le début de la maladie, le 9 mars 2020, le Burkina Faso a enregistré 2 280 cas, 1 554 guérisons et 63 décès." 297676,52576.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn1.internationalmedicalcorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IntlMedCorps-Ebola_in_DRC_Situation-Report-39.pdf,"During February, International Medical Corps held community consultations across four provinces to identify common rumors and people’s perceptions toward potential COVID-19 vaccines. We will share the results from these sessions with the Ministry of Public Health, which will use them to inform a national workshop to update the government’s community engagement and communication plans, and prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout." 147709,36039.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As detailed in previous reports, UNRWA continues to support increased sanitation activities through 120 sanitation labourers (18 recently recruited) at the nine official and accessible Palestine refugee camps (and one informal camp). In cooperation with GAPAR, water provision is currently being enhanced at the camps." 184782,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,". The number of samples tested per day has also increased over the last month. Excluding days where the laboratory was closed (and 0 tests were conducted), the 7-day average for the number of tests conducted was 343 tests as of 3 November, up from 140 tests as of 3 October." 117587,33071.0,1898.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3650764,"El país asiático entregó a El Salvador 24,300 unidades de equipo de protección, conformado por mascarillas quirúrgicas y KN 95, guantes desechables, lentes protectores, trajes de aislamiento y termómetros infrarrojos" 261668,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Frente a la vacunación de población refugiada y migrante, el Gobierno Nacional reiteró que todos los migrantes de cualquier lugar del mundo que estén residentes regularizados en Colombia son reconocidos como población para vacunar bajo el actual Plan Nacional de Vacunación, ante el sistema de seguridad social en salud, tal como lo estipula la Ley Estatutaria de Salud 1751 de 2015." 194644,43660.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-60-de-los-migrantes-con-pep-no-estan-afiliados-a-una-eps/2292,"El 60 por ciento de la población migrante venezolana con Permiso Especial de Permanencia no se ha afiliado a una Entidad Promotora de Salud (EPS), así lo confirmó María Andrea Godoy, viceministra de salud, en un conversatorio virtual organizado por el Banco Mundial, en alianza con elProyecto Migración Venezuelasobre el aseguramiento en salud para los migrantes." 158060,38779.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"191,892 # of individuals ( Refugees, IDPs and host community) reached through Outreach Volunteers (ORVs)." 203582,44071.0,2330.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,37,['At Risk'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"- En el departamento de Izabal se mantiene transmisión continua de casos de COVID-19, con una media en los últimos 14 días de 11 casos diarios. Aun no se reporta un incremento de casos." 319099,54500.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3732596,"La recomendación tiene lugar ante reportes de vacunas falsificadas o no autorizadas en algunos países de América Latina, como Bolivia, Colombia o México, y ante noticias en la prensa de la administración de vacunas por fuera de los programas nacionales de vacunación autorizados. En marzo último, la OMS emitió una alerta global sobre la vacuna de Pfizer/BioNtech falsificada en México." 223970,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,68,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Avec la fermeture des écoles, certains enfants suivent des cours en ligne et certains parents les occupent avec des devoir à domicile. Il y a le risque d’abandonner l’école pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas être suivi pendant cette période, surtout les filles qui souvent doivent prendre soin des petits enfants quand elles ne sont pas à l’école." 220933,45369.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/stop-aux-mutilations-g-nitales-f-minines-faire-ensemble-du-burkina-faso-un,"Une enquête gouvernementale réalisée en 2015 montre que 84,7 % des femmes interrogées pensent que les MGF devraient être progressivement éliminées. Les femmes qui vivent dans les villes rejettent cette pratique plus fréquemment que celles vivant à la campagne. Il n’empêche que 18 % des Burkinabè - hommes et femmes confondu·es - pensent que cette pratique devrait être maintenue. [mutilations génitales féminines (MGF)]" 221056,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,67,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"By 25 November, 77 massacres had occurred in Colombia since the beginning of the year, killing 309 people (Indepaz 22/11/2020). Although there is no single explanation for the killings, they are concentrated in parts of the country where state presence is limited and where several armed groups compete for control of illicit economies and trade routes (IAHCR 14/10/2020)." 326614,54734.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 81% households with an age dependency ratio greater than 0.8 386414,60870.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,147,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Desde el 19 de abril de 2021, 1.946 personas (468 familias), pertenecientes a cerca de 30 comunidades indígenas que hacen parte de tres cabildos (Karagaby, Kamaenka, Iwagado) en el Resguardo indígena Embera Katio del Alto Sinú, y una comunidad campesina de la vereda Nain del municipio de Tierralta (Córdoba), se encuentran en situación de desplazamiento masivo en el parque principal de Montería. El número de personas desplazadas ha aumentado de manera paulatina con la llegada de más familias a Montería (453 personas más desde la toma de la declaración). Estos hechos victimizantes se generaron dados los continuos combates entre la fuerza pública y el grupo armado que hace presencia en la zona. Las comunidades de los tres cabildos han denunciado presuntas capturas y desapariciones de miembros de su comunidad." 172236,40826.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_239_20200925.pdf,"Ce 25/09/2020, 160 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire. Au terme de la journée, 210 échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 15 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, en l’occurrence ceux des 15 cas confirmés du jour." 203848,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"From October 2017 to June 2018, 526 patients were admitted, mostly with gunshot wounds. In the October 2018 to June 2019 period, the Committee admitted 688 patients, an increase of nearly 25 per cent." 227499,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,23,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Tous les IC (15/15) ont rapporté qu’au moins l’un de ces logements collectifs était une école. 388643,61080.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le manque de maisons pour les locations dans la province du Yagha est toujours récurrent notamment dans la commune de Sebba. Par conséquent, le coût des loyers est très élevé et de nombreux déplacées internes n’y ont pas accès du fait de leur vulnérabilité." 235983,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Mass screening campaigns are ongoing in the health districts for early detection, isolation, and treatment of cases to break the chain of transmission." 294715,52363.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,134,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"DOCUMENTATION The Government of Colombia has implemented various policies to ensure access to a regular status for refugees and migrants from Venezuela. However, 70.8% of people in Venezuelan refugee and migrant households interviewed, do not have a Special Stay Permit (Permiso Especial de Permanencia, PEP by its Spanish acronym), a valid Border Mobility Card (Tarjeta de Movilidad Fronteriza - TMF by its Spanish acronym), a foreigner's identity card, a letter of safeguard for asylum-seekers or refugee status. In 15% of households, none of the members has one or more of these documents. People who have been in Colombia for a longer period of time are more likely to have one or more documents providing regular status." 489957,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"In contexts where access to health facilities is difficult, community-based and decentralised approaches have proven to be very effective in providing survivors with care. This is particularly the case in Maniema province, where MSF supports a network of reproductive health workers who support the identification, care and referral of victims." 204414,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,29,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Moins de 30% des ménages ont une préférence pour la provision directe de nourriture dans les départements de Ville de Maradi, Diffa et Ville de Tahoua." 144448,34804.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,87,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"COVID-19 mitigation measures have added to the consistent macroeconomic decline of recent years, further spurred by the regional financial crisis in Lebanon. The latter has contributed to a significant depreciation of the Syrian pound (SYP), which reached its lowest informal exchange rate against the US Dollar in early June (SYP 3,200 to US$ 1). As a result, prices of essential goods and services have surged, further impacting a population already struggling to make ends meet." 226619,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,77,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Promising the marriage of a girl child by a parent to secure a loan of cash or agricultural inputs in advance is a practice which highlights the reliance on the dowry economy for the financial security of a family. In addition, the dowry is usually higher for younger girls, so parents in need of the financial assets may choose to marry off their daughter earlier for a higher amount of money in dowry ." 165984,39939.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"The West and Central Africa region has seen a 41% percent increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases in the past three weeks with a total of 141,891 contamination as of 20 July compared to 100,549 on 29 June 2020. Nigeria (37,225) remains with the highest number of confirmed cases, followed by Ghana (28,989), Cameroon (16,157) and Cote d’Ivoire (14,312). In terms of active cases, Nigeria (21,091) has the highest number, followed by Cote d’Ivoire (5,561), Ghana (3,505) and CAR (3,093)." 322966,54542.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-88-deaths-3629-new-cases/67989,"[23rd April 2021, Bangladesh] A rise in infection prompted the government to go for lockdown from early April but it turned out to be lax. From April 11, the government imposed a ‘strict lockdown’ and extended it to April 28. The government said shopping malls would be opened from April 25." 190027,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Environment', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,44,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"La présence de groupes armés étrangers et de braconniers dans le Haut Uele, les tensions sociales entre les éleveurs et les populations locales et les inondations causées par la crue de la rivière Kibali sont les causes principales des déplacements de population." 204166,43976.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,• 47% des ménages [a Diffa] ont rapporté avoir diminué la quantité consommée pendant les repas 224245,45763.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,46,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Les besoins les plus urgents à court terme exprimés par les populations sinistrées sont l’alimentation, la plupart des ménages ayant soit perdu leur stock de céréales dans les eaux, soit n’ayant plus de stock pendant cette période de soudure." 205561,43347.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,The CCCM Cluster analysis on population data indicates that 1.28 million IDPs are in dire need of camp coordination and management services. 320920,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,130,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] En lien avec la tendance de déplacement, le taux de retours a diminué considérablement depuis le début de 2018 (F3). Depuis 2018, les retours ont été motivé par l’amélioration de la situation sécuritaire (66%), le regroupement familial (15%), l’amélioration de la situation alimentaire (12%), la présence des opportunités économiques (4%), l’amélioration de la situation sanitaire (2%) et les raisons scolaires (2%) (F4)." 384800,60456.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,95,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso, la COVID-19 continue sa progression avec des cas rapportés dans toutes les13 régions sanitaires. A la date du 30 juin 2021, toutes les 13 régions avaient rapporté des cas avec 10 régions ayant encore des cas actifs. Il s’agit de la région du Centre, des Hauts Bassins, de la Boucle du Mouhoun, du Sahel, des Cascades, du Centre-Sud, du Centre-Est, du Nord, du Centre Est et du Centre Ouest (un total de 92 cas actifs)." 202069,43347.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"At the same time, many South Sudanese people are cautiously exploring options to return home from being displaced internally and in countries of asylum. Some are returning with the intention to stay, while others come to assess the security and livelihood options, and may return to their places of displacement." 174439,40839.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria] Camps and camp-like settings In Round 33 assessments, access to food was offsite in 42 per cent (up by 1% since the last round of assessment conducted in June 2020). At the same time, food was onsite in 40 per cent of sites (down by 1%) as well. There was, however, no food provisions in 18 per cent (no change since Round 32) of sites assessed." 254221,48624.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/ampere-prices-draining-the-life-out-of-aleppos-residents/,"[February 9, Aleppo] “Government-provided power is off all the time, so we resort to amperes (the name locals use to refer to generators’ electricity),” Said toldEnab Baladi, requesting that his surname be withheld. Ampers are supplied to households from 3 p.m. to 1 a.m., he added." 290310,52076.0,2334.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,15,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,HIV prevalence among 15-49-year old is 5% for women and 2.3% for men 347870,56800.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Issue of misinformation, confusion and stigma around gender diverse community among refugees, host communities and service providers, including government departments, community/religious leaders are of concern, leading to discrimination and lack of access to basic services." 142187,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"With support from the SCHF, in the pipeline 15 continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy machines to help in respiration and 75 ventilators are to be delivered, as well as 69 oxygen concentrators and PPE from WHO valued at US$2.7 million" 265670,49620.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Les conflits étaient toutefois à l’origine de destructions de logements dans les localités de l’Est, de Gao, de Menaka et de Mopti. Cette pénurie de logements adéquats augmente la vulnérabilité des populations, particulièrement les plus fragiles (femmes et enfants), aux incidents de protection des qui ont notamment augmenté au Mali tout au long de l’année20." 225060,45275.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"In addition, throughout the prolonged closure, a high number of schools were used as part of the Covid-19 response, for example, as testing centres, or for medical treatment, quarantine or other related purposes." 16809,7075.0,322.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,180,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"The reduced local production due to rainfall shortages, highly priced farm inputs (Seeds, Fertilizer, Farm tools, veterinary services including vaccinations, fuel for pumping irrigation water etc) and conflictlimiting access to fishing ground contributed to shortage of food produced locally. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation production assessment conducted this year for 2017 production period. There is general production reduction in all agricultural sectors (crop farming including horticulture, livestock keeping and fishing). The production at national level, normally account for about 25% of food consumed in the country, has decreased by 20% to 30% compared to 2016, the production in 2018 is estimated to be even worse. Due to reduction in local production markets remained the main source of food for households even during seasons when local supplies could have ensured reduced prices. Fishing opportunities in the red seas and Arabian seas were affected by either conflict, or natural weather phenomenon such as cyclones and hurricanes." 302661,52890.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"El 25% plantea que cuenta con algún familiar, generalmente tíos, tías, pri- mos/as, quienes brindaron algún apoyo en su llegada inicial, pero con el tiempo han tenido que romper los lazos familiares. Afirman que este rom- pimiento está vinculado, en algunas ocasiones, a concepciones machistas y de cargas homofóbicas, pero también a las difíciles condiciones económicas que atraviesan las personas o familiares que inicialmente los acogen, donde el otro se convierte en una carga adicional." 202072,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Many areas of early returns are not safe. In early 2019, more than half of the IDP and refugee returnee population in Lakes, Jonglei, Western Bahr el Ghazal and Western Equatoria lived in settlements with reports of conflict-related incidents." 171234,40771.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",fr,115,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,"Selon les données du CONASUR à la date du 8 août 2020, la région du Sahel comptait au total 344 569 PDI représentant 34,01% du nombre total de personnes déplacées au Burkina Faso estimé à 1.013.234 personnes, plaçant ainsi la région à la 2ème position après la région du Centre Nord (41,1%). Cette population déplacée interne dans la région du Sahel est composée de 22,34% de femmes et de 60,31% d’enfants répartis dans les provinces de l’Oudalan (42 257), du Séno (88 817), du Soum (211 412) et du Yagha (2 083)" 242464,47755.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Conflict_Report_20210101_Syrian_Arab_Republic.pdf,"[Nov 2020, Syria] As of November 2020, the WFP estimated 9.3 million Syrians are food insecure with 2.2 million at risk for food insecurity. These figures have increased dramatically from 7.9 million and 1.9 million respectively in 2019, primarily due to high food and fuel prices as well as stagnant salaries and loss of livelihoods as a result of the weak economy and COVID-19 related challenges." 193829,43300.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Le monitoring de protection relève que 10% des victimes de violations des droits humains dans la province du Lac sont des enfants. 148441,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Other materials, for example pumps, sterilization equipment and PPEs are in short supply in the local market, including due to wholesalers withdrawing supplies due to current exchange rate volatility, resulting in the inability of partners to procure items." 147696,36039.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Also as previously detailed, WASH sector partners continue to deliver increased quantities of soap and hygiene kits. UNFPA continued provision of e-vouchers in Dar’a to purchase essential hygiene items, with 1,219 households so far receiving assistance" 172878,40676.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],fr,47,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Par ailleurs, quelques 19,5 millions de personnes ont besoin d’une assistance alimentaire et d’un soutien pour le maintien de leurs moyens d’existence, soit 3,9 millions de personnes supplémentaires par rapport à la fin de l’année 2019." 187638,43282.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,127,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 70 health workers were supplied with PPEs and triage stations with temperature checks and outside handwashing stations established at two Health Care Facility/Maternal Child Health Centres in Kismayo. As a prevention and control mechanism, Deh Relief Somalia (DRS) has halted all biometric registrations for WFP and FAO respectively. This has helped control virus spread, but at the expense of beneficiary registration as the guidelines discourage gatherings of over 10 persons. CCCM partners, in close collaboration with Shelter partners, have identified sites that require decongestion, to promote social distancing between households. Partners are seeking local authority buy-in and support. Two overcrowded IDP sites in Daynile are currently being piloted for the decongestion work." 159496,34152.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,46,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3651945,"En las instalaciones del Centro Regional de Atención a Víctimas de Barrancabermeja, la Unidad para las Víctimas, Territorial Magdalena Medio, entregó 280 kits de ayuda humanitaria en especie, destinados a las víctimas en situación de vulnerabilidad en esa región del país." 63135,18817.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Eight clusters have been formally activated, including Food Security and Livelihoods; Health; Nutrition; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Protection (including the Areas of Responsibility of Child Protection and Gender-Based Violence); Shelter, Energy and Non-Food Items (NFIs); Education; and Logistics. Seven clusters are fully operational, with the Logistics Cluster in the process of being set up." 198375,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The largest numbers of IDPs are registered in the divisions of Meme (SO), Mezam (NO), Ngo-Ketunjia (NO) and Fako (SO). 52% of the displaced are women. According to the latest Multi-Sectorial-Needs-Assessment (MSNA) of August 2019, 44.5% of IDPs are children (96,472 girls and 95,031 boys). It is also estimated that 200,000 have fled to the neighboring regions of Littoral and the West." 345987,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"Durante el 2021 se han notificado 43 muertes probables por dengue, de las cuales 7 han sido confirmadas, procedentes de: Cartagena, con 5 casos; Barran- quilla y Córdoba, con 1 caso cada uno." 198407,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the eastern and northern regions, Cameroon hosts 272,000 refugees from the Central African Republic (CAR), 51.5% of whom are girls and women." 182689,42813.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,44,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.today.ng/news/nigeria/report-22-nigerians-face-food-crisis-323876,"[5th Nov 2020,Nigeria] About 22 million people could face a food crisis in Nigeria between October 2020 and August 2021, a report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, has shown." 240590,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,68,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"Anti-Government Elements continued to be responsible for the majority of civilian casualties – 55 per cent - during the first quarter, causing 710 civilian casualties (282 killed and 428 injured). UNAMA attributed 39 per cent to Taliban3, 13 per cent to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province (ISIL-KP)4 and the remainder to undetermined Anti-Government Elements." 161024,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,99% of all accessed IDPs in the 8 Northcentral and Northwest States knew about the disease. 295542,52365.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,109,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"• Assessment teams identified risks and impacts associated with forced recruitment, especially for children and adolescents. The data collection teams reported that families fled without having time to take their identification documents. On the other hand, children and adolescents studying in Colombia while living in Venezuela were unable to leave with their school supplies, which may make it difficult for them to continue studying. This could further increase the risk of child recruitment. In addition to the security situation, the data collection teams mentioned that children and adolescents are at risk as they are residing in close proximity to roads." 408436,63583.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Vaccination']",es,40,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/co/pdf/2021/08/kpmg-co-boletin-informativo-edicion-50-digital.pdf,Mediante Decreto 740 del 2 de julio el Gobierno Nacional modificó el Decreto 660 de 2021 a través del cual se habían definido las reglas para que privados pudieran realizar alianzas con organismos multilaterales para la adquisición de vacunas. 201380,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,access to basic social services by the affected population remains a critical concern in the two regions as fear of violence and lack of civil documentation limits movements (especially for men of fighting age). Disrespect for the sanctity of health care services and disruption of education services is equally worrisome. 226627,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"The combination of COVID-19, the long years of conflict, the deep rooted and worsening poverty and hunger will also increase the incidence of child marriages as families increasingly see dowries as a source of income." 353487,57851.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],es,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpaisvallenato.com/2021/05/31/reactivan-en-valledupar-toma-de-muestras-covid-19-a-poblacion-migrante/,"Sin embargo, a través de la Secretaría de Salud Local, se confirmó que hay poca asistencia por parte de esta población a los puntos fijos para toma de muestras, por lo que exhortan a acudir para ir disminuyendo riesgos, ante esta pandemia que enfrenta el tercer pico en el municipio de Valledupar." 274158,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,121,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Stratégies de survie] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les territoires qui ont les proportions de ménages ayant eu plus recours aux stratégies d’urgence sont ceux de Aru et Mahagi (52 % dans les deux territoires) et Djugu avec 40 % des ménages. En effet, les territoires de Mahagi et Aru partagent leurs frontières avec l’Ouganda avec lequel les échanges économiques sont en baisse suite à l’épidémie de COVID-19. Dans le cas de Djugu par contre, l’insécurité qui fragilise les moyens d’existence serait la cause majeure du recours à ces stratégies." 174387,41255.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/8-more-dncc-officials-test-positive-for-covid-19/58913,"[13 October, Bangladesh] Eight more officials of Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) have been diagnosed with Covid-19. They are – Chief Executive Officer Md Selim Reza, Chief Property Officer Md Mozammel Haque, Chief Health Officer Brigadier General Zobaidur Rahman, Chief Social Welfare Officer Tazina Sarwar, regional executive officers Md Masud Hossain, Md Abed Ali, Sazia Afrin and Public Relations Officer ASM Mamun." 186821,41402.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,91,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"Both countries, particularly Ecuador, were slow to provide assistance to formal sector workers, whether through subsidizing employment (which Colombia did starting May, and Ecuador has not done as of yet), or through activating unemployment insurance. Both governments moved by the end of March to begin authorizing cash assistance to vulnerable households. In both countries, recipients were determined by the government on the basis of existing databases, without the opportunity for individuals or households to self-identify and apply for aid." 218410,45693.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,22,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,The socio-economic impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic is expected to further increase the number of children with SAM in 2021. 174464,40839.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria] MARKET FACILITIES FOR RETURNEES Twenty-three per cent (no change since the last round of assessment) of sites where returnees have settled had markets nearby while 77 per cent had no market facilities. Twenty-two per cent (down by 1%) of markets were functional" 295501,52400.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Education', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,191,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] The fire originated from block D in Camp 8W at about 3.00pm local time on 22 March 2021. The frequent wind flow made the fire spread quickly to other camps comprising camps 8E, 9, and 10, completely razing a huge amount of infrastructure – these included shelters, mosques, community centres, learning centres, service centres, shops, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) storage sheds and Camp-in-Charge (CiC) offices. The fire was put out in three camps (8E, 8W and 9) around 9.45 PM the same day (22 March 2021), and at 1:00 am on 23 March in Camp 10, by the Fire Service and Civil Defence (FSCD) teams with support from the Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) volunteers and BDRCS staff (Population Movement Operation (PMO) and Myanmar Refugee Relief Operation1 ). Due to the threat of the fast-moving fire, families living in seven adjacent camps were also evacuated to safer ground." 359837,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,134,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Findings from both countries indicate that the boys and girls themselves, parents, family members, neighbours, religious and social/political leaders, community people and local authorities including teachers and school head teachers play important roles in reducing/removing societal factors that shape gender barriers and are key to promoting gender equality for girls in the research communities. True engagement of a range of stakeholders in all programmes, and understanding of, and support for gender transformative programming is crucial to reduce gender barriers and in promoting girl’s participation and leadership in gender responsive DRM. The role of local governments in both countries is crucial to ensure gender responsive DRM considering the authority and power of these local entities" 477231,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,127,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Según sexo, hombres y mujeres en igual proporción son solicitantes de PTP (50,2% en cada caso); más hombres (28,4%) que mujeres (24,9%) tienen Permiso Temporal de Permanencia y carnet de extranjería (4,2% hombres y 3,8% mujeres). En cambio, más mujeres (4,1%) que hombres (3,7%) tienen cédula de identidad. Más mujeres solicitan refugio (3,5%) que hombres (2,6%); también más mujeres se encuentran refugiadas (2,6%) que hombres (1,7%). En situación de ilegal se encuentran más mujeres (3,4%) que hombres (3,1%), entre los principales." 237259,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]Conducted screening of passengers at the Points of Entries (POEs). Conducted supportive supervision at the POE in Bade, Geidam, Potiskum, Nguru, and Yusufari LGAs." 17094,7092.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"NFI distributions were completed for 82,949 families in urgent need of essential household items. Emergency Shelter assistance was provided for 22,916 families. Cash-for-rental subsidies were received by 58,117 families and transitional shelters were provided to 1,751 families. 120 families benefited from the rehabilitation of their house while 374 benefited from the reconstruction of their house. The distributions and cash grants ensured that families have sufficient individual, general household, and shelter support to ensure their health, dignity, safety and well-being." 163119,35785.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20r%C3%A1pida%20de%20mercado%20%E2%80%93%20Junio%202020%20%28segunda%20ronda%29%2C%20Subgrupo%20an%C3%A1lisis%20de%20mercados%20y%20necesidades.pdf,"• Nuevamente, un alto nivel de vulnerabilidad económica fue reportado por la gran mayoría de los consumidores, 89% informó que sus niveles de ingresos habían disminuido durante el mes previo a la recolección de los datos." 90740,25656.0,1620.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,92,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/202001%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report%20-%20WCA_FINAL.pdf,"The majority of observed individuals (63%) were adult men, while 20 per cent were adult women and 17 per cent were children, including 6 per cent of children under five. A significant share of travellers (13%) were elderly (aged 60 or older). Travellers were primarily carrying out short-term local movements (43%), longterm economic migration (36%) or seasonal migration (11%). Notably, 10 per cent of individuals were tourists." 257020,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Moreover, end of December 2020 , 70 households of 260 individuals have sought refuge in Ouallam. These persons fled the rise of insurgency in the villages of N’Gaba, Djoko and Koira near the Malian border." 384817,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,126,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,Avec l’appui des districts sanitaires de Tougan et de Nouna a travers les responsables de la santé communautaire AIHC à organiser des séances d’orientation et d’équipement de 100 ASBC et OBC sélectionnés par les districts. Ces séances ont permis de rappeler à ceux-ci leurs rôles ainsi que la façon de mener des activités sur le terrain avec succès en termes d’organisation. Un accent particulier a été mis SMS ALERTE qui est une particularité dans ce projet. Dans l’ensemble les médecins chefs de districts ont apprécier cette formation ainsi que tous les participants qui sont repartis équipés d’un téléphone d’une carte SIM et des outils de collecte de données. 275479,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,170 259 enfants et/ou adultes sont touchés par des activités de sensibilisations exposant les problématiques de protection de l'enfance 495432,67230.0,1185.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Falta de suministro de agua en zonas de alta concentración de población cerca de la frontera (aguas verdes, Zarumilla y CEBAF.)" 245365,47945.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] By November, there were more than 1,700 cases reported in camps, more than 5 times the cases reported in October. Overcrowding and lack of camp management remain major challenges in the fight against the pandemic in IDP sites." 132516,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Para responder a las necesidades de prioridad identificadas, la promoción para facilitar acceso a la regularización y asilo para refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en el Perú será crucial." 73320,21154.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Politics']",en,50,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"RESPONSE STRATEGY Planning Scenario While other countries in the region introduced entry requirements for refugees and migrants from Venezuela, the four countries of the Southern Cone are expected to maintain, as a whole, their current trends of policies towards refugees and migrants from Venezuela throughout 2020." 411066,63506.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ficha_cierre_emergencias_roberto_payan_narino_mire.pdf,El día 9 de junio se recibe información de dos nuevas veredas que se desplazan a la cabecera municipal: Tamaje y Nerete. 339536,56373.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/mundo/8/colombia-confirma-la-apertura-de-la-frontera-con-venezuela-el-1-de-junio,"El gobernador del departamento de Norte de Santander, Silvano Serrano, ha anunciado que la frontera entre Colombia y Venezuela, cerrada por la pandemia de COVID-19, reabrirá el 1 de junio." 182714,42827.0,2170.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,82,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/nigeria/endsars-expect-spikes-in-covid-19-infections-ptf-to-nigerians/,"[20th Oct 2020, Nigeria] The Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 has predicted a spike in the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak in the country in the next two weeks. The News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) reports that thousands of Nigerians have in the past 10 days, taken to strategic areas across Abuja, Lagos, Edo, Anambra, Rivers and other states to protest against reported police brutality, harassment and extra-judicial killings" 205203,44693.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Le contexte sécuritaire et de protection du mois de septembre 2020 dans les départements de Filingué, Abala, Banibangou et Ouallam (région de Tillabéri), a été caractérisé par une résurgence des incursions des GANE suivi des violations de droits, notamment le droit à la propriété et à l’intégrité physique à travers les extorsions de biens sous forme de ZAKAT et les menaces de mort à l’endroit des personnes qui ne peuvent pas payer." 70952,20191.0,788.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,94,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"Shelter is a critical need for internally displaced people in Yobe State. However, since most of IDPs live in host communities, the needs are not readily visible. There is no camp coordination mechanism in Yobe State as there are no formal camps; most IDPs are living in the host community and in informal settlements. Some returnee households in Gujba town in Gujba LGA are living in camp-like settlements because they could not access their original villages on the border area to Borno State due to security concerns." 114071,31269.0,1186.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/LACRO_COVID-19_Regional_Sitrep_4_June_5.pdf,"Chile: The Agencies, Funds and Programs have been very active in their communication platforms highlighting the main impacts and challenges of COVID-19 for women and girls, including GBV, and providing guidance that should accompany both immediate response and longer-term recovery efforts." 204415,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Pendant la période de soudure, les ménages sont dans une situation de dépendance accrue aux marchés pour s’approvisionner en nourriture." 213664,44787.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/20200117_gsc_factsheet_shelter_cluster_somalia_december_2019.pdf,There were about 2.3 million people in need of Shelter and NFIs assistance at the beginning of the year. Most of them are IDPs. 193819,43300.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La situation de protection s´est dégradée dans la province du Lac, affectant les personnes déplacées en raison de l´augmentation des incidents de sécurité liés aux conflits armés (781 cas d´incidents de protection et 1 236 cas de violences basées sur le genre notifiés entre janvier et août 2019), et de la stigmatisation d´une catégorie des déplacés de par leur origine ethnique." 495429,67230.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,33,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Desarrollar un estrategia de socialización de los requisitos para acceso al SIS de la población migrante, con énfasis en niños/as. Incorporar a la población gestante en las acciones de respuesta." 188578,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 211 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 305 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." 238092,45629.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,97,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"[South Sudan, 2019]The prolonged economic crisis has also affected teachers directly through delays in, or lack of, payment of incentives. As a result, teachers reported that they were demotivated and looking for other jobs to support their families. In the areas where education continued, the quality of teaching deteriorated due to missed opportunities to train teachers, and because incentive payments to teachers were delayed, or devalued due to currency fluctuations. A combination of all these factors has affected an already fragile education system." 229722,44602.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The displaced population and the host community are lacking basic humanitarian services such as Sanitation facility; shelters, clean drinking, food and NFI" 193842,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Sur les 23 provinces que compte le pays, 18 sont en situation alarmante, avec une prévalence supérieure ou égale à 10% dont 9 en situation d´urgence connaissant des taux supérieurs au seuil d´urgence de 15% de la malnutrition aigüe globale." 199008,44191.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/campagne-electorale-2020-au-burkina-le-renlac-fustige-des-actes-de-corruption/,"En l’absence de programmes alternatifs sur la base desquels conquérir l’électorat, la plupart des partis et formations politiques n’ont que l’argent pour convaincre les potentiels électeurs. Ils profitent de la pauvreté, mais surtout du déficit de culture citoyenne entretenu par le faible accès à l’information politique de la majorité des citoyens pour espérer récolter quelques subsides en termes de voix." 342452,56601.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.defensoria.gov.co/es/nube/comunicados/10146/Alerta-humanitaria-por-colapso-en-seguridad-alimentaria-en-el-pa%C3%ADs-defensor%C3%ADa-Carlos-Negret.htm,"Comunicado 49 de 2021 | El Defensor del Pueblo, Carlos Camargo Assis, alertó sobre las dificultades para la movilización de alimentos en 29 de los 32 departamentos del país con afectación directa en 300 municipios y parálisis en el despacho de todo el espectro de productos agrícolas. Señala que los sectores con mayor impacto han sido frutas y hortalizas, café, caña de azúcar, lácteos, aguacate hass, avicultura, piscicultura y porcicultura." 293990,50852.0,2466.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,66,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"61% Of surveyed refugee [households] HHs have problems related to access to or quality of water, IDP (80%), Non-displaced (60%). 85% Of surveyed refugee HHs said their primary source of drinking water was functioning at the time of data collection, IDP (93%), Non-displaced (88%)." 86120,23802.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nigeria_2020-01-24.pdf,"There are 7.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in north-east Nigeria. Since the start of the fighting between non-state armed groups and the Nigerian army in 2009, more than 36,000 people have been killed, and thousands of women and girls have been abducted. There is widespread forced displacement and violations of international humanitarian law." 298926,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"A multi-cluster response complemented the response in many counties, especially by the ES/NFI, WASH and health clusters. A total of 13 ‘priority 1’ counties were initially identified, and 233,000 flood-displaced people were targeted with lifesaving assistance. An additional 219,000 displaced people were targeted for emergency flood response in 22 ‘priority 2’ counties. Women and children were identified as among the most affected and in need of urgent assistance" 184780,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Over the last month (between 3 October and 3 November), the number of confirmed case in NES has increased by 171%, up from 1,839 confirmed cases as of 3 October (1,291 active cases, 479 recoveries and 69 deaths) to 4,978 confirmed cases as of 3 November (4,087 active cases, 758 recoveries and 133 deaths)." 437704,64217.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,93,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Un hallazgo representativo, de la alta condición de vulnerabilidad que afrontan las niñas y adolescentes en condición de trabajo infantil, es que, en su mayoría, a pesar de aportar a la economía de sus hogares, no tienen autonomía respecto al manejo del dinero que aportan. Un 54% de las niñas reporta que las decisiones económicas sobre éste son tomadas, la mayor parte de las veces, por sus madres y un 9% de las adolescentes trabajadoras afirma que sus parejas toman estas decisiones." 344141,56504.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Economy']",fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"De même, de 2017 à 2020, a poursuivi Christophe Joseph Marie Dabiré, il a été investi, à travers le PUS élargi, environ 242 milliards FCFA, dans la réalisation de forages, de formations sanitaires, d’écoles primaires, de pistes rurales, ainsi que dans la construction de commissariats et dans les transferts monétaires aux ménages vulnérables." 359096,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy']",en,69,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Bangladesh] According to the Ministry of Home Affairs' calculation of economic loss from disaster from 2017 to 2018, fire alone accounts for 93.91 per cent of the total loss, followed by landslides (2.80 per cent), heavy rainfall (1.31 per cent), flooding (0.89 per cent) and windstorms (0.75 per cent)." 112308,29953.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,95,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Adicionalmente, en la coyuntura del cierre de frontera, gracias a recursos de World Vision Corea se hizo una entrega de alimentos e insumos para preparación de comidas calientes en Villa del Rosario a través de la Fundación Undecu. Así mismo, se realizó la entrega de paquetes de alimentos a familias venezolanas en Cali, Medellín, Bucaramanga y Barraquilla. La entrega de alimentos está acompañada de procesos de formación en prácticas nutricionales, para que las familias hagan un uso adecuado de alimentos para los niños y las niñas." 257026,48672.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,37,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"In Tillabery region, 46 new cases of GBV have been identified during the month of December, each case has received a shelter and NFI kit and was referred to the appropriate structures follow up." 196254,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In terms of other needs, one of the major requirement and constraint is the lack of protective equipment for the front line nutrition workforce, despite the key modification in the revision of HRP that was directed towards RCCE and also to improve awareness raising and social mobilization component to prevent spread of COVID 19." 242556,47761.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_Informal-Settlement-Profile_Al-Hasakeh_November-2020.pdf,"[November 2020, Al-Hasakeh NES] Reported modalities by which information was received; NGOs/ charities 94% Internet 92%, Friends/family 60% and Television 38%" 187898,42379.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-122.pdf,[25 Oct 2020] [NWS] New cases: 108 | Total cases: 4190 | New tests: 299 | Total tests: 21797 | New recoveries: 120 | Total recoveries: 1750 | Total active cases: 2402 | New deaths: 3 | Total deaths: 22 293733,50852.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"68% Of surveyed refugee [households] HHs experienced a shock in the 6 months prior to data collection, IDP (91%), Non-displaced (76%). Among HHs that experienced a shock in the 6 months prior to data collection, 37% Of surveyed refugee HHs sold assets to cope with this shock: IDP (61%), Non-displaced (52%)." 230077,46700.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=215496,"[30th December 2020, Syria] In a statement, the Ministry noted that the total number of the coronavirus infections registered in Syria has reached 11,243 cases up till now, of which 5,248 cases have recovered and 696 have passed away." 257051,48672.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Thanks to the support of the EU Trust Fund, 1,485 refuge households including 946 in Abala, 326 in Ayorou and 213 in Ouallam have received a cash grant of 100 000 FCFA each to reinforce their livelihood activities. Moreover, during a period of 7 months, these households were also supported with 15 000 FCFA per month." 436855,64543.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"La mayoría de las personas que se dedican a economías informales carecen de hábitos y uso de productos de higiene y desinfección. Además, la familias mas vulnerables carecen de acceso a los servicios de WASH en sus hogares para poder hacer buen uso y manejo de la higiene en pro de prevenir el contagio y enfermedades." 265728,49620.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Mali) Sur la période précédant la rentrée scolaire, deux directeurs d’école ont été tués dans les régions du Centre-Ouest et du Sahel, et un enseignant a été enlevé dans la région de Mopti, en plus de plusieurs cas d’attaques qui ont été recensés à Menaka." 128909,34596.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,75,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The exception is that 33% of the focal points in SDF and 35% in NSAG/TBAF areas report the closure of public spaces, but it is unclear whether communities are willing or able to abide by this measure.10 The low uptake of measures may thus be linked as much to the presence of such measures as to trust in authorities or an inability to adhere to the measures due to practical barriers." 39198,13752.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_RapidAssessment-Tripoli_2019-05-21-FINAL.pdf,"The area of Khallet al Furjan and Swani Bin Adam municipality have been consistently assessed to fare worse than other locations in comparison. For continuous two cycles of assessments, food stores (such as supermarkets and grocery stores) were reported to be closed. Similarly, widespread closure of bakeries was also reported for two consecutive rounds of assessments." 356612,58359.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,68,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Asimismo, desde el 1 de mayo, el presidente Duqueha desplegado a soldados para “asistir” a la policía, pero no para emplear la fuerza contra manifestantes. El 28 de mayo, Duqueaumentó el número de soldados desplegadosyordenó que varios gobernadores y alcaldestrabajaran en conjunto con las fuerzas de seguridad para adoptar las “medidas necesarias” para “levantar los bloqueos”." 346893,56987.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] As at 16 May 2021, a total of 31 Rapid Diagnostic Tests7 (RDTs) were reported positive, of which eight were confirmed to be cholera. This is concerning because in all of 2020, only 28 RDTs were reported positive, of which five were cholera. Older children and adults thus remain at risk of contracting the disease" 340952,56209.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Economy']",fr,58,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2021/05/11/comite-de-conjoncture-economique-constate-la-hausse-des-reserves-de-change-a-la-banque-centrale-congo/,"Concernant le commerce extérieur, le CCE renseigne qu’il y a risque d’une inflation suite à la hausse des couts, a déclaré le Ministre du plan dans son compte-rendu de cette réunion à laquelle ont pris part les Ministres membres du Comité de Conjoncture Economique ainsi que le Vice-Gouverneur de la BCC." 347869,56800.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,57,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] A survey conducted by Women’s Refugee Commission reveals that some refugee men and boys in Ukhiya have been subjected to sexual abuse, violence and exploitation in Myanmar and again in the camps, which is likely to cause persistent physical and mental health problems." 280054,50900.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | Camp management KIs reported that living conditions not allowing for social distancing was the main issue the population experienced related to social distancing." 202197,44560.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/burkina-faso-l%C3%A9gislatives-le-parti-de-kabor%C3%A9-obtient-56-si%C3%A8ges-sur-127-ceni/2059487,"Le Mouvement du peuple pour le progrès (MPP), devrait compter sur ses alliances comme en 2015 quand il avait obtenu 55 députés, pour former une majorité au Parlement (64 sièges), lui permettant de travailler sereinement pour les cinq années à venir. [scrutin législatif]" 359455,58464.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,27,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] 30% of assessed communities in which KIs reported access to credit for entrepreneurial investment as a livelihoods priority need." 335297,55819.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Par ailleurs, certains participants au groupe de discussion de la communauté non déplacée ont souligné les dégradations mineures de certaines routes des marchés causées par le ruissèlement des eaux de pluie. Ce même groupe a rapporté que la route principale menant au chef-lieu de la province (Gorom) est difficilement praticable en saison pluvieuse à cause des travaux de réfection." 188225,31146.0,1900.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,38,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El Banco Central pronostica que, como resultado de la pandemia, la economía hondureña se contraerá de 2.7por ciento a 3.1 por ciento a 1.5 -2.5 por ciento, una caída de casi 2 puntos del PIB" 198328,44278.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,33,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.dw.com/fr/la-vie-reprend-aux-fronti%C3%A8res-entre-la-rdc-et-le-rwanda/a-55551822,Ces commerçants attendaient l'ouverture des frontières. Des frontières fermées depuis le mois de mars arrêtant toutes les activités transfrontalières pour lutter contre la propagation du coronavirus dans les deux pays voisins. 291951,51985.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/pais/colegios-de-la-guerra-otras-victimas-del-conflicto/,"Al principio de la pandemia, los estudiantes del nuevo Colegio La Europa intentaron adaptarse a la educación virtual. Sin embargo, con las dificultades de acceso a conexión, la mayoría de padres de familia han decidido dejar de enviar a sus hijos al colegio, pues sienten que el nivel de la educación ha sufrido mucho esta contingencia. Además, la situación de seguridad no ha mejorado." 363432,58171.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,45,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les 3 besoins principaux exprimés par les ménages sont :1. Nourriture (Besoin exprimé par 98% des ménages) 2. Abris (Besoin exprimé par 93% des ménages) 3. AME (Besoin exprimé par 55% des ménages) 405275,63251.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=245050,"[August 12, GoS] The Health Ministry announced on Thursday that 40 new coronavirus cases were recorded, adding that 17 coronavirus patients recovered, while 3 passed away." 453834,64997.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,82,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cp_bcnudh_note_mensuelle_violations_des_droits_de_lhomme_et_infographies_juillet_2021_fr_eng.pdf,"Enfin, pour le mois de juillet 2021, le BCNUDH a enregistré 38 cas d’évasion, dont 10 femmes. Par exemple, le 29 juillet 2021, à Lubumbashi, province du Haut-Katanga, 13 détenus se sont évadés du cachot de la 22ème région militaire des FARDC. Les évadés sont des détenus condamnés dont 8 civils et cinq militaires. Ils ont empoisonné les militaires commis à la garde du cachot avant de s’enfuir" 346771,57043.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,41,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R%C3%A9publique%20D%C3%A9mocratique%20du%20Congo%20-%20Tableau%20de%20Bord%20de%20Surveillance%20de%20Flux%20Migratoire%2C%2027%20au%2028%20mai%202021.pdf,"Les principales destinations prévues sont : Bukavu (46%), Masisi (15%), Rutshuru (9%), Kalehe (8%), Rwanda (7%) et autres (15%)" 347916,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Multiple studies have contributed estimating the amount of waste produced every day in the camps: including HH production and shops/market production, the total amount is of around 512m3. It has been estimated as well that the organic component represents the 60% of the waste produced and that the remaining 40% is made by 9% or recyclable (plastic, cardboards, metal) and 31% of nonrecyclable fraction (soil, diapers or sanitary napkins etc.)." 172888,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,63,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"[1] Les groupes de population les plus à risque face à l’épidémie de COVID-19 en raison de leurs vulnérabilités et leurs capacités d’adaptation sont les suivants : • Les personnes (adultes et enfants) souffrant de maladies chroniques, de malnutrition, les personnes immuno-déficientes • Les personnes âgées • Les personnes en situation de handicap" 221884,45558.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,52,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRF14-2020-COL-Dabeiba-LandSlide.pdf,"As a consequence of the total loss of their belongings, crops, and livelihoods, a recovery of their work tools is required( and a safe, permanent and voluntary return to their plots. In addition, community-based psychosocial support work and guaranteed basic sanitation will be important." 239791,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In this study, we observed a higher rate (twothird) of COVID-19 incidence and deaths in men than in women which is not unexpected because the country is conservative society and more males are involved in social and economic affairs. It means that men are likely to spend more time outdoors and thus have a higher risk of exposure to a source of infection." 190014,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,65,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Le fait que la totalité de cas notifiés dans la région de Beni soit constituée des infections importées, laisse alimenter chez les populations locales un sentiment anti COVID-19, notamment envers le personnel humanitaire. Les zones de santé situées au sud du territoire d’Irumu constituent des zones à risque car ce sont des carrefours de circulation des voyageurs du Nord-Kivu." 294058,50852.0,2466.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"Among [households] HHs with children aged 4-16 years who were attending school regularly (≥4 days/week) during the 2019-2020 school year prior to the school closures on 15 March 2020, 33% of surveyed refugee HHs had children that continued learning activities remotely, IDP (31%), Non-displaced (41%)." 82600,22770.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Pharmacies had also reportedly closed, some temporarily and others for longer periods, leading to shortages of many medicines in Ain Zara, Mashroua Al Hadhba, and Salaheddin. KIs in Abusliem Al Janubi and the Tawerghan camps at Al Fallah, as well as throughout Tajoura baladiya, reported shortages of medicines used to treat chronic disease" 495160,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las actividades económicas desempeñas por la población migrante se ubican en el sector informal (venta ambulatoria, atención al cliente en hoteles, tiendas comerciales, servicio de comida en restaurantes y cafeterías) al cuanto es el único que les permite trabajar sin documentación. Los sueldos referidos son de 1000 soles (270 EUR) al mes a los de atención a clientes y los de venta en frontera son 30 nuevos soles diarios (8 EUR)." 414076,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 5.2 Recommendations: Service delivery: Revisit the National Health Service Delivery System: Rigorous planning and strengthening of existing health systems for preparedness during future surges in cases or other pandemics need to be ensured. This includes capacity building of service providers on essential infection, prevention and control measures and risk behaviour, ensuring adequate supplies of hygiene equipment and modifications of service delivery mechanisms during pandemics." 274119,49666.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,132,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] A Djugu, Mahagi et Mambasa, les proportions des ménages en insécurité alimentaire sont respectivement de 93 %, 88 % et 82 %. La situation dans le territoire de Djugu est particulièrement inquiétante : depuis 2015, la proportion des ménages en insécurité alimentaire globale est passée de 27 % à 93 %. Cette détérioration est essentiellement due à l’instabilité dans la zone caractérisée par une recrudescence des violences des groupes armés qui contraignent les populations à des déplacements répétitifs. Cette situation ne permet pas aux populations de ce territoire de mener paisiblement leurs activités de moyens d’existence, affectant ainsi négativement leur sécurité alimentaire." 304818,53078.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"En comparaison avec les prévalences de la malnutrition aiguë qui avaient été obtenues en 2012, aucune amélioration n’est observée et les tendances nationales continuent de stagner : en 2012 le taux de MAG se situait à 14,8% et la MAS à 3,0% contre respectivement 15,0% de MAG et 3,2% de MAS en 2018." 293542,51569.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,51,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"There are about 30 semi-permanent schools visited that were affected by flood. Currently schools are closed by MoH as a measure to prevent COVID-19 infections. Most of the schools assessed have been affected by the flood and all scholastic materials, structures, and sanitation facilities were destroyed." 113082,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Continúa la atención y orientación a la población a través de las líneas telefónicas habilitadas por los miembros del GIFMM (GIFMM Colombia: Oferta de líneas de atención y orientación ante COVID-19 en Arauca, actualización)." 221768,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,Al-Shabaab carried out eight mortar attacks against the United Nations compound within the Aden Adde International Airport complex in Mogadishu (two in late 2019 and six in 2020). 111906,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,131,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para los niños que llegan a Bogotá, el impacto del recorrido está presente en sus narraciones, dibujos y recuerdos. En la memoria de los niños con los que se conversó están presentes las imágenes de otros migrantes que se encontraron a lo largo del recorrido, de los perros que van acompañando a las familias migrantes, de aquellas personas que les ayudaron, les regalaron comida o les brindaron albergue. Recuerdan también a aquellas personas que les negaron su ayuda, las casas a las que no pudieron entrar, los robos y el miedo que pudieron sentir en las carreteras y lo extraño que puede sentirse que les tomen fotos en la calle (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Bogotá, 2019)." 269686,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso, plus d’un tiers des décès des enfants de moins de cinq ans sont attribuables directement ou indirectement à la malnutrition." 359836,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,97,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In Bangladesh, the majority of respondents from teachers, NGO woman staff, school girls and woman members of SDMC suggested that girls themselves can play an active role to remove these gender barriers. They need to be motivated to be more vocal, encouraged to participate in social activities, and be the change-makers. Along with them, parents need to give priority to their girl's lives as it is in their hands to help their child build a good healthy life." 226916,45087.0,2336.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"In addition, given the enormity of the problems, the funding and focus given to child protection has consistently been lower than the issue deserves." 307728,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"In Pibor Town, 124 caregivers and community members (8 girls, 34 boys, 40 women, and 22 men) received parenting and life-skills sessions." 163128,35785.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20r%C3%A1pida%20de%20mercado%20%E2%80%93%20Junio%202020%20%28segunda%20ronda%29%2C%20Subgrupo%20an%C3%A1lisis%20de%20mercados%20y%20necesidades.pdf,"Aunque la mayoría (92%) de los consumidores entrevistados declararon tener acceso físico al mercado en el momento de la recopilación de datos, un poco menos de la mitad (49%) declaró no tener acceso en algún momento en los 7 días previos a la recopilación de datos. Un patrón presentado en la primera ronda, aunque en una proporción levemente menor." 202107,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Forty-six per cent of the refugees returned from Uganda, 25 per cent from Ethiopia, and 23 per cent from Sudan and others from neighbouring countries." 161215,37888.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=199768,The Ministry added in a statement on Wednesday that the work at the airport is limited to flights for bringing back the Syrians stranded abroad according the plan set by the governmental team concerned in evacuating the Syrians living outside. 155217,37857.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,102,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’observation au cours de la période a dénombré au total 1 172 voyageurs dont 1 033 hommes et 139 femmes ayant traversé la frontière pour se rendre au Niger. Parmi eux, on pouvait observer 25 enfants de moins de 5 ans. On pouvait ainsi dénombrer 1 127 Nigériens, 11 Burkinabés, 29 Maliens, et 5 Nigérians. Par contre, 513 voyageurs (458 hommes et 55 femmes) dont 62 Burkinabés, 434 Nigériens, 3 Maliens et 14 Ghanéens ont été observés, entrant au Burkina Faso en contournant les voies officielles." 204309,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,78% des ménages [ de Tahoua] ont rapporté avoir consommé des céréales chaque jour de la semaine précédant l’enquête et 72% du lait au moins 3 fois. 255357,48607.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,44,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/five-things-you-need-know-week-about-global-education-february-5-2021,"[Feb 5th, 2021, Syria] The floods are the latest shock to the education system. More than two million children are already out of school in the region because of the conflict, lack of funding and Covid-19 measures." 188587,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 9 744 voyageurs ont été recensés, parmi lesquels 99,2% (n=9 667) ont été screenés. Une alerte a été décelée au PoC national de l’aéroport de N’djili." 285066,50884.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"The availably of life-saving maternal health commodities (rehydration, spinal anesthesia for caesarian section, etc.) is limited in most public hospitals." 304498,53106.0,2098.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-6000-cases-for-2nd-straight-day/67005,"[April 2, 2021, Bangladesh] Restriction on gatherings, quarantine rule among PMO’s 18-point directive to contain Covid surge. On the same day, the Health Ministry proposed strict measures like partial lockdowns for some places with higher Covid-19 transmission rates.Other recommendations made by the ministry include closure of amusement centres, picnic spots, religious gatherings, limiting wedding ceremonies, strengthening quarantine systems, limiting passengers in public transports, and limiting attendance in offices." 269788,49918.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.iagua.es/noticias/universidad-nacional-colombia/aguas-contaminadas-caldo-cultivo-bacterias-toxicas,"Otros registros de cianobacterias potencialmente productoras de cianotoxinas se han hecho en el río Cesar, donde se han encontrado géneros comoRaphidiopsisyLyngbya; así mismo, en San Andrés, Providencia e Islas del Rosario se encontró presencia deMoorea producens." 425345,64291.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Le village de Silmangué est faiblement couvert par les deux réseaux de télécommunication Orange et Telecel. Aucune radio communautaire n’est fonctionnelle dans la zone. La langue de communication dominante est le ‘’Moré’’. 289537,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Gender based violence (GBV) partners have provided 6,134 people with GBV services. This includes reaching 3,842 people through awareness raising on GBV risk mitigation, available services, and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) in Pibor town, Gumuruk, Likuangole, Verteth, Tenet, Maytakar payams in Pibor in GPAA." 155147,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"54 % notifica que existe problemas debido a que no pueden obtener a atención médica durante el embarazo o parto. No tienen acceso a ningún servicio de salud," 276258,50671.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",fr,115,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Cela [femmes cheffes de foyer] crée un contexte dans lequel les femmes travaillent beaucoup plus, et sont exposées aux violences et à l’exploitation et abus sexuels. Étant donné que les hommes ont un contrôle supérieur sur les revenus, les terres et l’argent des familles et du fait de l’évolution de la dynamique des pouvoirs dans les rôles due aux crises, les femmes subissent des réactions violentes de la part des hommes. Car ceux-ci se sentent humiliés, frustrés et réagissent violemment. Certaines femmes et filles adoptent des méthodes néfastes de survie appelée communément ‘’sexe pour survie’’." 222835,45953.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]40% of the IDPs are living in emergency shelter, 30% in makeshift, 10% in collective/ communal shelter, 10% in public facilities and 6% in transitional shelter. 1,997 HH are sharing shelter across 22 sites in 7 LGAs." 17093,7092.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"The large-scale conflict in Al Hudaydah triggered displacement. New waves of displacement continued to be generated from the frontline districts of Sa’adah, Al Jawf and Al Bayda, resulting in increased vulnerability to the affected population as the coping mechanisms of the families continue to be eroded. Lack of access due to security constraints continue to plague the response." 285333,51425.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=226698,"[18 March, 2020, GoS] The Ministry said in a statement that the total number of Coronavirus cases registered in Syria up till now has reached up to 16776 of which 11231 have recovered and 1120 have passed away." 16461,6352.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Some 22.2 million people - 75 per cent of the population - are in need of humanitarian assistance. 17.8 million people are food insecure and 8.4 million people do not know how they will obtain their next meal. Conflict, protracted displacement, disease and deprivation continue to inflict suffering upon the country’s population." 172885,40676.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,45,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Face à l’épidémie de COVID-19, les besoins de ces personnes [réfugiés] se sont accrus, notamment en matière d’accès aux services de santé, d’eau, hygiène et assainissement (EHA) et de protection." 164021,34165.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Fortalecimiento de la escuela rural con conectividad a la red, herramientas, materiales de prevención y formación en habilidades en Puerto Libertador, San José de Urré y Tierralta (Córdoba)." 335309,55819.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,37,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Ces ménages vivent dans une situation de précarité qui risque de s’aggraver tout au long de la période de soudure à venir (mois de juin à août)." 162894,37895.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/177845/,"The joint presidency of northern and eastern Syria had issued a circular announcing an official holiday to all its public entities, coinciding with the arrival of Eid al-Adha." 113065,29959.0,1183.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"• Desarrollo de campaña de sensibilización en articulación con la empresa de aseo EMMAR para el uso adecuado de basuras entre otros, entregando 2 puntos ecológicos y actividades de información sobre reciclaje. En articulación con la Secretaría de Educación, se brinda el acompañamiento a niños, niñas y adolescentes que se encuentran en clases virtuales y docentes a través de estrategias de aprendizaje dinámicas que garanticen la permanencia de los estudiantes." 115362,30876.0,1621.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MSNI_brief_LBY-1.pdf,"For 7% of interviewed respondents with severe or extreme sectoral needs and/or extreme use of negative coping strategies to cover basic needs, their needs were primarily driven by the use of negative coping strategies to cover basic needs." 221788,44697.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpais.com.co/colombia/expiden-decreto-que-regula-regreso-a-clases-presenciales-en-conozca-las-medidas.html,"Respecto a las medidas para niños entre los 2 y los 5 se debe extremar la limpieza y desinfección de todas las áreas, extremar las medidas de lavado de manos y desechar los pañales y demás objetos usados para cambiar a los menores." 149247,37832.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['Context->Demography'],en,52,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"860,000 refugees in the camps* (51% children, 45% adult, 4% older persons and 1% persons with disability) 100 percent of the population in the camps provided with general food assistance Over 500,000 host community members targeted as part of the COVID-19 special support" 210302,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,49,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Destitution and severe food insecurity forces people to adopt hazardous or harmful coping strategies which often result in protection concerns such as early marriage, family separation, child labour, child recruitment, hazardous labour, movements into unsafe areas, or exposure to sexual exploitation or abuse" 79854,21919.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,23,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"Healt 11,900 children aged 6 months to 15 years vaccinated against measles 215,100 children and women receiving primary health care in UNICEF-supported facilities" 14239,5504.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,118,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302700739,"HODEIDAH, 25th July, 2018 (WAM) -- Up to 2800 Yemenis in Ad Durayhimi District of the Hodeidah Governorate have benefitted from an extensive humanitarian airdrop operation carried out by the Saudi-led Arab Coalition Forces, for the second time in a week. Utilising state-of-the-art technology, including parachutes and GPS techniques, the airdrop, which included 400 food parcels, as well as mineral water provided by the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) fits within the Arab Coalition's surge plan to stand by the residents of Hodeidah and improve the living conditions of Yemenis in the country’s newly liberated areas, damaged by the Houthis' depredations." 153996,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Se observó con preocupación la falta de conocimiento sobre distancias, riesgos, cambios de clima y formas de llegar a los lugares de destino. No hay una buena ubicación geográfica lo que genera en algunos casos recorridos sin sentido claro." 193739,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,38,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La situation d´urgence sanitaire est caractérisée par la récurrence des maladies à potentiel épidémique telles que le choléra, la rougeole et la méningite. Les maladies endémiques, tel que le paludisme, sont en augmentation." 208867,43347.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,88,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The GBV risk factors considered for the analysis included distance travelled by households more than 30 minutes to fetch water, status of food insecurity, an incident of armed conflict and proximity of cantonment to civilian sites and access to GBV services. Fourteen counties, namely Aweil East, Aweil North, Ayod, Balliet, Bor South, Cueibet, Gogrial East, Ibba, Longochuk, Maridi, Tonj East, Tonj North, Twic and Wulu, fall under the extreme category." 245081,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,37,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"» El 43.9% de la población percibe que su comunidad es algo insegura, insegura o muy insegura y se destaca una percepción más alta de inseguridad en los barrios monitoreados de Riohacha y Barranquilla." 156008,37795.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Putumayo%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%2009%20%281%20al%2020%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"En Colombia se han reportado al día 24 de agosto 551.696 casos de COVID-19, en el departamento de Putumayo se reportan 2.476 casos positivos hasta el momento: 602 en Puerto Asís, 411 en Orito, 504 en Mocoa, 300 en Valle del Guamuez, 268 en Villagarzón, 131 en Leguízamo, 117 en San Miguel, 55 en Puerto Guzmán, 48 en Puerto Caicedo, 19 en Sibundoy, 13 en Santiago y 8 en Colón." 346003,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"Así se identifica que en la semana epidemiológica 18 los eventos infección respiratoria aguda grave (IRAG), morbilidad materna extrema (MME) y sífilis gestacional, se encuentran por encima de lo esperado." 343389,56350.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,98,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/defense-et-securite-la-cote-divoire-et-le-burkina-faso-mutualisent-leurs-efforts/,"Le président du Faso Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, a reçu en fin de matinée du 10 Mai 2021, le ministre d’Etat, ministre de la défense de la République de Côte d’Ivoire, Téné Birahima Ouattara. Introduit par son homologue burkinabè Moumina Cheriff SY, le ministre d’Etat ivoirien a transmis au président du Faso un message du président Alassane Ouattara. Il a aussi échangé avec le chef de l’Etat sur des questions de coopération entre le Burkina Faso et la Côte d’Ivoire." 494206,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Year-on-year (y-o-y), the price of the reference food basket has significantly increased across all 14 governorates. Aleppo recorded the highest increase (up 131 percent) followed by Quneitra (up by 130 percent), while Idleb recorded the lowest increase (up 66 percent)." 322359,54747.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of nutrition barriers reported by households with children were: Unaware that supplements are available (39%), Unaware that services are available (36%), Facilities too far to travel to(32%)." 204296,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Unlike in the Far North and the eastern regions, the need for resilience and recovery assistance increased for the people affected by the North West and South West crisis due to the impact of COVID-19. 2 million people needed recovery assistance prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, a number which rose to 2.6 million." 37176,11044.0,788.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",[],[],en,37,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,There is a need to organise information and education activities on hygiene for the pupils and students bearing in the mind the near lack/lack of toilet facilities and water (water points/boreholes) in the schools. 328662,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Education LSGs were found to be primarily driven by Households with school-aged children who reported barriers to accessing education for boys (91%) , Households with school-aged children who reported barriers to accessing education for girls (91%)." 335518,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"COVID-19 in Afghanistan - Total Deaths: 309; Total Recovered: 1,763; Active Cases: 16,897; Total Cases: 18,969; New Cases: 915" 144713,34877.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"WHO support to scaling up surveillance and testing, contact tracing, increasing inpatient treatment capacity, prevention measures, and community mobilization. • 4 labs functional now, 2,400 tests performed thus far, testing still ‘strategic’, no random testing. GoS decision to not report cases in areas outside its control, despite collecting data from these areas. Mobilization of rapid response teams in the north-east, however, reportedly delayed in numerous instances." 326542,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,60,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 27% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest education facility while 40% and 21% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest education facility respectively. 493810,68147.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,115,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_3-restricted_sitrep.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) WASH Water point Chlorination: 64 chlorinators engaged by SI, NRC, IOM and ICRC conducting water point chlorination in 32 water points in Girei and Yola North LGAs. 40 House-to-House Hygiene Promoters engaged by SI, NRC, IOM and ICRC and are conducting hygiene promotions in communities in Girei and Yola North LGAs. Disinfection of Household latrines and public dump sites by IOM and NRC ongoing in communities of Girei and Yola North LGAs. Distribution of IEC materials and Aquatabs at households by ICRC ongoing. Radio jingles on prevention of cholera by IRC and ICRC ongoing." 391125,61177.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Production of energy in Nigeria is characterized by inefficiency and inadequacy and the country has one of the least energy-efficient economies in the world. Daily production remains at only 30% of installed megawatt capacity, leading to insufficient supply (resulting in load shedding, blackouts, and a reliance on private generators) and leaving approximately 93 million people without access to electricity. Growing population and expanding economic challenges are making the sector less and less adequate. Low energy consumption is caused by the recurrent scarcity of petroleum products and the persistent electricity black outs, which have resulted in a high reliance on self, generated electricity" 298931,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Following needs assessments to evaluate the flood impact, the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) prioritization exercise in September 2020 identified some 60,000 households most in need for support with an estimated ask of $43.6 million." 391286,61470.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Top three reported livelihoods-related coping strategies: -Reduce spending on NFIs: 26% -Spent savings: 22% -Borrowed money: 21%" 234149,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] As of 20 December 2020, 68.6% of reported cases were from Dhaka division, 12.2% from Chattogram, Khulna – 4.9%, Rajshahi – 4.8%, Sylhet – 3.0%, Rangpur – 2.9%, Barishal – 2.0% and the lowest 1.5% from Mymensingh division." 343329,56750.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,116,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AE%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B6-%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%A8-%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%87-%D8%A8%D8%AD%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%B3%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A5%D9%84%D9%89-%D9%85%D8%A7-%D9%8A%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%80-6-%D8%A3%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%B1,"[May 27, NES] As for the Tishreen dam, Bayram emphasized that “the natural level reaches 325.50 meters above sea level, and it has now decreased to 321.31 meters, ie at a rate of about 4 meters. If a decrease of one meter is recorded, the dam will be outside the the service"". He pointed out that ""with the operation of the dam with full turbines for two consecutive days, we will reach the dead level and the dam will stop working completely, but now the level is preserved as much as possible in order not to reach the dead level.""" 97012,27366.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,84,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/STATEMENT%20ON%20THE%20DEATH%20OF%20AN%20AID%20WORKER%20FROM%20COVID-19%20-%2020042020.pdf,"Nearly 8 million people are in need of urgent humanitarian aid in the conflict-affected states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe, with many depending on assistance to survive. Functional health facilities, especially in remote locations in Borno State, are scarce and over 3 million people urgently need food assistance. With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting many areas in Nigeria, it is essential for the most vulnerable to continue receiving humanitarian aid, including water and soap or substitute solutions" 163888,34165.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,80,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En La Guajira también es prioritario y crítico el acceso al recurso hídrico para el consumo humano, cubrir necesidades básicas de higiene de las familias y viabilizar la producción agropecuaria. También es urgente el suministro de kit de bioseguridad e insumos para la alimentación de los animales, que son fuente de ingresos y alimentación de los hogares y se han visto afectados por la reducción de la oferta forrajera y la baja disponibilidad de agua." 439665,63257.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,27,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les services éducatifs formels étaient les principaux services auxquels la population en âge scolaire (6-17 ans) avait accès dans 100% des localités évaluées. 160203,38025.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/181878/,"According to Observatory statistics, the number of confirmed cases since July 9 has risen to 71, and the breakdown of the cases is as follows: Two doctors were in Turkey. 32 persons, including medics, in HTS-held areas in Idlib, parts of Aleppo, Hama and Latakia. 37 persons in areas under the control of Turkish-backed factions in northern Aleppo." 164847,39753.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,87,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"During the reporting week, 180 COVID-19 awareness and prevention posters were distributed by LPD and CIDAR in Rann and Pulka LGAs, while 8,897 persons were reached with key messages on COVID-19 prevention and control in Pulka and Rann LGAs of Borno. UNICEF WASH partners continue to conduct water chlorination at 113 water points across seven LGAs.2 An estimated 4,554,328 litres of water were chlorinated at the 113 sources. Two community cleanup campaigns were conducted in Rann LGA to support hygiene promotion practices." 204289,43976.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Cette tendance [Score HHS inquiétant] ne se reflète pas sur le score de consommation alimentaire, ce qui peut suggérer que les habitudes alimentaires sont moins bonnes dans d’autres départements tels qu’Aguie, Gazaoua et Tessahoua" 428851,64543.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",es,50,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Hasta el 15 de agosto de 2021, en el departamento se han tomado 11.525 muestras para diagnóstico de COVID-19, de las cuales 2.254 han arrojado resultado positivo, de los cuales 474 personas son población indígena y 55 personas con necesidades de protección internacional provenientes de Venezuela." 223932,46071.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,66,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"En majorité, dans beaucoup des ménages les hommes prennent la décision sur les soins de santé vu qu’ils sont permanents à la maison ; donc la prise des décisions par la femme est plus limitée et pour le moment, certains ménages recourent aux plantes et à l’automédication à cause du faible revenu et la peur de contacter le virus." 223570,45273.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,Lessons from other countries have shown such measures help to control the spread of the virus. Better screening at border crossings with Iran would also help. 236018,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The level of Gender Based Violence (GBV) incident reporting has remained stable with 567 cases reported in August compared to July 2020 (573 cases) 328637,54710.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,104,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 99% of households were found to have at least one Food Security Living Standard Gap(LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 25% of households were found to have a food security LSG but no Capacity Gap (CG) in food security, 74% of households were found to have both a food security LSG and a Capacity Gap (CG) in food security, 1% of households were found to have no food security LSG but a Capacity Gap (CG) in food security." 114123,31147.0,1898.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"PANORAMA DE LAS NECESIDADES HUMANITARIAS 2020. del derecho a la educación se agrega la interrupción de los servicios educativos presenciales, así como la falta del acceso a otros importantes servicios básicos: la alimentación escolar, los programas de recreación, las actividades extracurriculares, el apoyo pedagógico y psicosocial, y además los servicios escolares de salud y de agua, saneamiento e higiene. Esta situación, que se ha extendido más allá de lo inicialmente previsto, aumenta el riesgo de abandono escolar definitivo, especialmente para los niños y niñas más vulnerables como los migrantes, refugiados, niños y niñas con discapacidades, de comunidades indígenas, y en riesgo de exclusión." 222986,45471.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,32,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Tens of thousands of civilians have been killed in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe since 2009,1 with the deadliest violence taking place in Borno." 174937,40889.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,133,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/04102020_informe_de_situacion_no1_impacto_humantario_por_covid_en_amazonas_vf.pdf,"El impacto de la pandemia generada por la COVID-19 en Colombia ha puesto al departamento del Amazonas en el primer lugar de afectación, registrando la tasa más alta de contagio y de letalidad por cada 100.000 habitantes en el país2. De los 2.725 casos confirmados como positivos, el 33,4 por ciento es población indígena que requiere acciones concretas y diferenciadas en las estrategias de respuesta. Durante el mes de septiembre se ha registrado una disminución en el contagio en los municipios de Leticia y Puerto Nariño; sin embargo, los líderes indígenas han manifestado el incremento de personas enfermas en las zonas no municipalizadas del departamento con sintomatología asociada a la COVID-19, siendo estas zonas el nuevo foco de alerta frente nuevos contagios en el departamento." 62101,18564.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"The 2019 National Hospital Survey found that half the medication needed in emergency rooms and 27 percent of the medication and supplies needed in operating rooms around the country were not available. However, the problems facing health providers extend beyond scarcity. During the three months the survey was carried out, operating rooms were only working 27 percent of the time, intensive care units 40 percent of the time, and emergency rooms 85 percent of the time." 194820,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"While adjusting the current response and modalities to ensure that the COVID-19 outbreak is contained, clusters and partners are also working towards ensuring the continuity of the activities planned under the 2020 HRP." 310623,53068.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Nutrition Cluster : 0.8m reached out of target 1.3m, male 0.24m and female 0.59m that is 64%" 234157,47016.0,2098.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,82,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] In the reported week (week 51), the number of international flights has decreased by 5.9%, in comparison to the previous week (160 and 170 respectively) leading to decrease in the number of incoming passengers by 3.3% (26,547 and 27,448 respectively). In the reported week 433 individuals were sent to Institutional Quarantine after passenger screening at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA)." 220690,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In Bentiu PoC, partners established weekly malaria task force meeting and two additional clinics have been established to meet the demand of increased Outpatient Department consultations due to Malaria. Larviciding is underway in the PoC with at least three sectors (S3, S4, and S5) covered as of 28 Oct 2020. Consequently, the malaria case trends have been on the decline in the recent weeks." 359080,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,52,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Bangladesh] Nepal and Bangladesh are among the countries most vulnerable to the impacts of disaster and climate risks. Bangladesh ranked 7th and Nepal ranked 10th among the most impacted countries between (2000-2019) on the Climate Risk Index (GermanWath, 2021)." 475379,63997.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,95,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En 2002, el Estado adoptó la Ley del Refugiado, la cualincorpora los estándares de la Convención de 1951y el Protocolo sobre el Estatuto de Refugiados de 1967. Asimismo, define a la persona refugiada de acuerdo con la Convención de 1951y la Declaración de Cartagena31 En 2017,el Perú adoptó la Ley de Migraciones, a través del decreto legislativo 1350. Esta ley fue promulgada con el propósito de mejorar la gestión de los flujos migratorios de extranjeros en el país y de proteger los derechos humanos de los migrantes32" 275372,50671.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les conflits et l’insécurité dans les pays voisins tels que le Nigeria, le Soudan (Darfour) et la RCA constituent les principales causes des déplacements de populations vers le Tchad notamment dans les provinces du Lac, à l’Est et au Sud du pays. Ainsi, en fin 2018 le pays compte 452,966 réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile et 162,755 personnes déplacées internes et retournées tchadiens. D’où un total de 656,301 personnes ayant un besoin de protection" 279143,50217.0,2333.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,49,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les populations nigériennes resteront très vulnérables à l'instabilité climatique (sécheresses et inondations), à la malnutrition généralisée, à l'insécurité alimentaire et aux épidémies. En 2021, ce sont 3,8 millions de personnes qui auront besoin d’une assistance contre 3,7 millions en 2020." 288131,50610.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,87,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March,2021, GoS] Overall, while official numbers remain relatively low, it is clear community transmission in Syria is widespread. Epidemiological analysis indicates the emergence of a second wave in mid-December, when the caseload was the highest reported to date in a single month (3,547). Given the limited/insufficient testing across Syria, it is likely the actual number of cases far exceeds official figures, with significant numbers of asymptomatic and mild cases in particular going undetected." 311443,53762.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",en,31,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"According to the National Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (CONASUR), 1,121,960 individuals, including a majority of children and women have fled their homes seeking safety." 201202,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,38,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Internal displacements continue to be driven primarily by conflict and communal clashes. In 2019, there was a reduction in displacement caused by conflict involving government actors and an increase in displacement due to communal clashes." 22386,9130.0,786.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,68,[],['Context'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.americasquarterly.org/content/180-day-plan-venezuela,"The new government petitionsthe Pan-American Health Organization,UNICEF, the IMF and others for emergency financing and technical assistance for the economy; long-term stabilization agreements with the IMF will take months to negotiate. Neighboring countries and regional leadersoffer financial support to quickly furnish supplies and rebuild priority infrastructure, including hospitals and transportation networks, needed to ensure the effective delivery of humanitarian aid." 58683,17259.0,1384.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,106,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the 2019 U.S. TIP Report downgraded Curaçao from Tier 2 to the Tier 2 Watch List,51 in large measure because the government of Curaçao did not devote enough resources to prosecute alleged traffickers. The Tier 2 Watch List includes countries making some attempts to meet the minimum standards of the TVPA, but where the number of trafficking victims is increasing and efforts to combat trafficking have not improved from the previous year. The 2019 TIP Report notes that “undocumented migrants are at particular risk, including the influx of Venezuelan nationals." 267322,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the coastal region reported the highest price of rice at SYP 2,028/kg (unchanged m-o-m), followed by the southern region at SYP 2,024/kg (up four percent m-o-m), while the middle region reported the lowest price at SYP 1,716/kg (up six percent), followed by northwest Syria at SYP 1,735/kg (up four percent m-o-m)." 339341,56115.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,161,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Así mismo, cabe destacar que, la subregión del Urabá Antioqueño en su relación fronteriza con Panamá sigue siendo un punto de salida de migrantes transnacionales, los cuales se dirigen hacia Centroamérica y proceden de países como Camerún, Bangladesh, Cuba, Gambia, India y Pakistán, entre otros. Los constantes cierres de frontera por diversas razones obligan a esta población migrante a permanecer en municipios como Necoclí y Apartadó evidenciando diferentes necesidades humanitarias que hasta la fecha continúan representando un desafío para las administraciones locales y departamentales. En estos flujos migratorios mixtos y para el caso de personas con vocación de permanencia se identifican necesidades de protección internacional con niveles de vulnerabilidad significativos y necesidades de acceso a derechos fundamentales como salud, vivienda y educación, que no han podido ser suplidos de forma efectiva debido a que el Marco Normativo y la Política Pública Nacional no estaba diseñada para tales casos40." 208203,44900.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,115,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"Réponses : -Sensibilisations sur les violences basées sur le genre, prise en charge des femmes victimes de violences avec des kits AGR (Activités génératrices de revenus) et des kits alimentaires. -Sensibilisation sur les dangers liés à la pandémie de la COVID-19 : Comment se prémunir, appliquer les mesures barrières. -Gestion des cas des enfants non accompagnés (ENA), enfants séparés (ES) et autres enfants à risque : 2 700 personnes touchées par les sensibilisations sur les thématiques de Protection (protection de l'enfant, VBG, prévention de la COVID-19) dont 611 hommes, 1 019 femmes ; 481 garçons et 589 filles." 162497,34181.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,66,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77792.pdf,Migración Colombia anuncia la posibilidad de renovación del PEP-RAMV del 6 de julio al 14 de agosto. Esta medida busca dar continuidad para que la población registrada pueda continuar de manera regular en el país. El proceso de renovación no tiene costo y se podrá realizar a través de la página de Migración Colombia en los días designados según el último dígito del documento 163564,30906.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Continúan los homicidios contra líderes sociales, población en general y temor de “limpieza social”. Se mantienen las acciones de reclutamiento de personas por parte de grupos armados." 326184,55014.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,152,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]When disaggregating the reasons that are motivating IDPs to return to their locations of origin per settlement type, no significant distinctions were noted between IDPs residing in camps/camp-like settings and IDPs living among host communities. Sixty-six per cent of IDPs residing among host communities that intended to return to their locations of origin cited the improvement of the security situation in their area of origin as the reason to return home in the foreseeable future. For IDPs living in camps/camp-like settings, this number was recorded at 59 per cent. Because less humanitarian support is available outside of camps/camp-like settings, the reason stating ‘no humanitarian assistance in the location of displacement’ was more common with IDPs that are hosted among local communities (14%) compared to IDPs in camps/camp-like settings (7%)." 163672,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,"All the medical facilities planned to be supported by UNHCR are now fully operational. Two UNHCR Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Isolation and Treatment Centres (SARI ITCs) are receiving patients, including those from the host communities. As of 30 June, a cumulative number of 101 patients mostly from the host communities were admitted, of which 50 were discharged following recovery. The facilities are receiving patients with severe symptoms, including those who require oxygen therapy." 495135,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,59,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El elevado número de menores de edad no acompañados/as o acompañados/as de adultos no familiares de primer grado o que no son familia y en muchos casos indocumentados/as hace que queden expuestos/as y con un alto grado de vulnerabilidad ante diferentes tipos de abusos como trata de personas, abuso sexual, explotación laboral, reclutamiento forzoso entre otros" 159021,37971.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,"Analyse de 133 échantillons (59 voyageurs, 20 agents de santé, 10 cas suspects, 23 dépistages volontaires, 13 personnes vulnérables, 06 personnes contacts" 342381,56634.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,18,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,El consumo de bienes repunta ligeramente en la última semana mientras el de servicios continúa en niveles bajos 669,156.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Proportions of IDP households reporting members displaying two or more signs of psychological distress were highest in Derna city (78.1%), Sebha and Al Margab (75.0%) followed by Benghazi (61.5%) and Misrata (55.6%). Rates of returnee households reporting members displaying two or more signs of psychological distress were highest in Al Margab (66.7%), Benghazi (58.8%) and Misrata (52.3%)." 218403,45693.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"Displaced children are exposed to extreme violence, at heightened risk of abuse and live in precarious conditions with limited access to basic services such as drinking water, primary health care and education" 454516,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,76,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 80.9% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana considera que sus redes de apoyo virtual (grupos de WhatsApp, Facebook) le brindan buen soporte en la actual situación de pandemia (de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo). Este porcentaje es del 81.8% en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana. Expresa que la percepción es bastante positiva por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana y peruana." 187658,43282.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Mobile activities were reduced to minimize contact and spread, with remote monitoring and assessment in place. To address low facility utilization resulting from COVID-19 stigma, CARE is adopting digital technology to followup with mothers before, during, and after delivery." 347879,56800.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Recently, it has been reported an increased stigma against transgender persons is occurring because social discrimination against them is based on the perception that that they are spreading coronavirus. Also in WASH programming, the understanding and the inclusion of nonbinary genders is almost not existent." 16550,6344.0,322.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,101,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordination (RC/HC) for Yemen Lise Grande warned that damage to Al Hudaydah’s Red Sea Mills facilities—which currently store 51,000 MT of food commodities, sufficient to feed 3.5 million people for one month—could further deteriorate food security in Yemen. Heightened insecurity could also impact operations at Yemen’s Red Sea ports of Al Hudaydah and Al Saleef, through which approximately 70 percent of humanitarian assistance for Yemen is imported. RC/HC Grande called on all parties to the conflict to respect civilians and civilian infrastructure in a September 13 statement" 389296,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"La afectación es particularmente grave en el municipio de Bojayá, donde las comunidades se ven constantemente afectadas por la disputa territorial entre diferentes grupos armados no estatales (GANE). El departamento lidera con el mayor número de personas confinadas reportadas, seguido de Antioquia (5.489 personas confinadas) y Nariño (4.218). En algunos casos las comunidades confinadas se ven forzadas a desplazarse posteriormente ante la intensidad de la violencia armada en sus territorios." 296409,52103.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%b9%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%a3%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84/#.YFxzT2Qzb0o,"[March 14, GoS]The team recently launched the “Doctor's Stethoscope” application, where the patient can request a consultation from a specialist doctor based on the symptoms that the patient feels and then receive questions that can be answered individually, to obtain a suspected diagnosis based on the patient’s answers about the symptoms he is experiencing, and provide him with individual information that he needs and see a doctor directly if necessary. The aim of the application, according to those in charge of the group, is to provide free medical advice." 229391,46461.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Education', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Norwegian Refugee Council activities are running from the Kandahar Area Office covering interventions across the province in addition to Education activities in Uruzghan and WASH & Shelter in Zabul; 267321,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The national average retail price of Egyptian white rice increased by six percent since December 2020 and by 217 percent since January 2021, reaching SYP 1,878/kg in January 2021. Ar-Raqqa reported the highest price at SYP 2,314/kg (up 21 percent m -o-m), while Deir-ez-Zor reported the lowest price at SYP 1,642/kg (up four percent m-o-m)." 272611,50217.0,2333.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Il sied de noter également les risques très élevés de choléra en provenance des pays voisins, notamment le Nigeria où quelques cas ont été annoncés entre les semaines 40 et 42 dans les États de Kano, Sokoto et Kebbi qui avoisinent les régions de Maradi, Zinder, Tahoua et Dosso au Niger" 37189,11044.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"There were a few reports of sexual violence in Ikom, Ajassor and Amana, although no new case was reported in the last 7 days preceding the assessment. There are cases of psychosocial trauma amongst the populations in all locations, with some asylum seekers complaining of symptoms suggestive of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety disorder" 224725,45275.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"Amidst a fragile peace process and escalating conflict, Covid-19 has created new risks and humanitarian needs across the country and severely exacerbated existing vulnerabilities - most notably for internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and host communities." 184770,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,20,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 30 October a 10-day partial curfew came into effect across all of NES, lasting until 8 November" 226632,45087.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,45,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Due to the negative impacts of the outbreak, the vulnerability of the households further increased which leads to negative coping mechanisms such as child labor, child marriage, school dropouts and decrease in food consumption, all negatively affecting girls and boys." 206950,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"A total of 145,120 (71,548 girls) refugee children in the target regions need extra emergency education support in the context of COVID-19." 162920,39647.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,75,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"CwC WG partners organised COVID-19 awareness announcements via loudspeakers/megaphones in 34 camps and host communities in Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Pekua, Maheskhali and Kutubdia. For community feedback/complaints, 83 information service centres in the camps and 4 information service centres in the host community were operational. CwC WG published its 13th COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement Update, including 6 new audio messages on COVID-19 developed by partners." 205871,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,140,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"According to protection monitoring carried out, 5,187 protection incidents were recorded between January and September 2019. Attacks on villages, burning of houses and killings have been recorded. House destruction alone accounted for 41% of the incidents recorded and homicides for 7.5%. Displacement caused by violence in the villages resulted in lost documentation for many people, which has an impact on their freedom of movement and exposes them to the risk of arbitrary arrest in this tense security environment. GBV incidents, affecting women and girls in particular, were reported, as well as situations of arbitrary detention and risks of recruitment into armed groups, mainly affecting men and boys. Young men, women and girls flee rural areas to urban centres in search of security and employment." 112063,29855.0,1620.0,[],[],[],en,77,[],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201804%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report_WCA_v1.pdf,"In Nigeria, the Sokoto FMP captures flows between Nigeria and Niger (mainly to Maradi, Tahoua and Agadez) with observed travellers split between those departing Nigeria for Niger and those arriving to Nigeria from Niger. The Kano FMP captures flows between Nigeria and Niger, Chad, and, in smaller numbers, Cameroon. Observed flows are mainly composed of outflows from Nigeria to Niger, or internal travel within Nigeria." 262178,49486.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,77,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Guaviare: En el municipio de Miraflores también preocupa el aumento en los hechos de violencia y ataques contra la población civil por parte de un Grupo Generador de Violencia (GGV) que tiene presencia en la zona, además de los combates que ocurren debido a las operaciones que desarrolla la Fuerza Pública20. Cabe resaltar que en este municipio el acceso a centros de salud por parte de la población es limitado." 489963,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,65,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"MSF also notes serious gaps in long-term support for survivors, both in terms of protection and socioeconomic reintegration. In the areas where MSF works, the greatest needs include: protection programmes that address both immediate and long-term needs; strengthening the prevention of sexual violence in order to ensure safety and deter intimidation or reprisals; and facilitating access to justice." 237246,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]The total number of active confirmed cases in the state is thirty-five (35). The total confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst Health Care Workers (HCWs) is sixteen (16). These include six (6) doctors, seven (7) nurses, one (1) physiotherapist, and two (2) laboratory scientist . The total number of deaths from COVID-19 in the state is eight (8)." 486397,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] GOVERNORATE BREAKDOWN (% OF HHS): Sharing with one other HH: -Idleb: 2% -Aleppo: 5% Sharing with two other HHs: -Idleb: 1% -Aleppo:1% Sharing with three or more other HHs: -Idleb: 0% -Aleppo: 1%" 310081,53753.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_25_february_2021_final.pdf,(25 February 2021)The health and socio-economic impacts of the COVID19 pandemic have seen the number of people in need almost double in the past year alone. 104845,30139.0,1860.0,"['Nutrition', 'Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,108,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"The FAO assembled a compendium of data to empirically assess and identify the pandemic’s primary channels of transmission to food and agriculture sectors. The appraisal quantified the potential impacts on agricultural food consumption, which was supplemented by a qualitative evaluation of the effects of credit markets, energy markets and possible disruptions in supply chains. This analysis enabled FAO to create a taxonomy of countries based on their degree of exposure to pandemic- induced shocks. Two key findings emerged from this assessment: demand-sided risks are mostly related with low-income countries, whilst supply-sided risks are more prevalent in high-income countries." 388581,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des attaques ont occasionné de nombreuses violations des droits humains notamment les violations du droit à la vie, du droit à la propriété, du droit à l’intégrité physique et psychique, du droit à la liberté et à la sécurité dont les principaux auteurs présumés sont des GANE" 223926,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Le nombre des personnes qui ont été atteints par COVID au 26 Aout 2020 est de 9.915, dont 9.914 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable. Au total, il y a eu 255 décès (254 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable) et 9.020 personnes guéries." 391129,61177.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Only 48% of the population has “sustainable” access to clean water, with 44% having access to good sanitation.89 Key challenges for the health sector include a weak healthcare system characterized by constrained governance systems, low levels of health care financing and inadequate financial protection for the poor, low levels of research for health and poor community participation and utilization of health services — particularly child and maternal services. These challenges significantly increase the sector’s vulnerability to anticipated climate change impacts." 223825,45880.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les données DHIS2 de la province du forte Nord Kivu, montrent une augmenta�on des nouveaux cas de VSS signalés depuis juillet 2020, avec une augmenta�on par�culièrement importante à Goma." 1280,186.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,99,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://www.msf.org/en/article/yemen-crisis-update-january-2018,"Key figures Population: 27.4 million (OCHA) An estimated 22.2 million in need of humanitarian or protection support (OCHA) 17 million people food insecure (OCHA) 14.8 million people in need of basic healthcare (OCHA) An estimated 4.5 million children and pregnant or lactating women are acutely malnourished (OCHA) 2.9 million of internally displaced people and returnees (OCHA) 1,900 out of 3,507 health facilities in 16 governorates are either non-functional or partially functioning (WHO) 9,245 conflict-related civilians deaths and 52,807 injuries (WHO – 12/17)" 151188,34293.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Environment'],es,30,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-07-20%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2013-19%20de%20julio%202020.pdf,Los socios humanitarios siguen respondiendo a las necesidades creadas por las tormentas tropicales Amanda y Cristóbal a medida que la temporada de lluvias deja lluvias de moderadas a intensas. 495116,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,67,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El reporte de migraciones al mes de Noviembre 2018 indica lugares de destino final escogido por la población venezolana según lo siguiente: Callao 18,960, La Libertad 9.634, Arequipa 7,378, Ica 5,093 (Ica), entre otros. Los departamentos de Lima y Callao albergan al 88.6% de los ciudadanos venezolanos registrados en el país, solo en 2018 eran 220.0006." 412832,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,140,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Female and male aged between 20-60 years were mostly affected by the chronic diseases that account for 54.3% and 37.7% respectively, and old-aged people (60+) were 29.8%. This data reflects that females aged between 20-60 years are more vulnerable and endangered to chronic diseases. The family members were found to be affected by chronic diseases such as high BP (45.6%), diabetes (41.2%), cardiovascular diseases (CVD) (25.8%), hypertension (18.4%), old age diseases (15.4%), disability (3.9%), psychological diseases (2.3%), thyroid (1.8%), cancer (1.9%) and others (14.2%)." 201329,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Occasionally, these roadblocks result in kidnapping attempts, or kidnapping of aid workers in demand for ransom. In addition, the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), which has also caused civilian victims, remains an important risk factor for humanitarian actors." 307608,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,59,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Pre-positioning emergency supplies to Pibor, Gumuruk, Likuangole and Vertet is urgently needed before the end of April when the impact of the rains is expected to deteriorate physical access. Procurement and pre-positioning of boats are needed to ensure partners have access to people in highly food insecure areas and vulnerable communities once the roads become impassable" 182314,40864.0,1900.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%201%20Movimientos%20Masivos%20Honduras.pdf,"Desde el 30 de septiembre se empezó a formar la segunda movilización masiva del 2020, atendiendo a una convocatoria que circuló en redes sociales para reunirse en la terminal de transportes de la ciudad de San Pedro Sula. De acuerdo con la información de los actores en frontera, el movimiento estuvo conformado por alrededor de 3.500 a 4.000 personas." 16495,6352.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,107,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"NFI distributions were completed for 61,000 families in urgent need for the essential household items. Emergency Shelter assistance was provided for over 18,300 families. Cash for Rental Subsidies was received by more than 11,600 families. Transitional Shelters were provided to almost 1,000 families. 148 families benefited from the rehabilitation of their transitional shelter. 120 benefited from the rehabilitation of their house while 84 benefited from the reconstruction of their house. The distributions and cash grants ensured that the families have sufficient individual, general household, and shelter support means to ensure their health, dignity, safety and well-being." 150713,32327.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,52,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"La población venezolana enfrenta riesgos de protección significativos, incluida la violencia generalizada y basada en género, así como la trata y el tráfico y la falta de acceso a servicios. En Colombia, Ecuador y Perú también enfrentan riesgos relacionados con su situación como actitudes y ataques xenófobos." 234160,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,72,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] According to DGHS, as of 20 December 2020, there are 10,460 general beds in the country of which 31.4% (3,284) in Dhaka city and 568 ICU of which 50.4% (286) in Dhaka city dedicated for COVID-19 treatment. Presently 25.5% of the general beds and 53.2% ICU beds are occupied all over the country." 70896,20086.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,129,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://runrun.es/noticias/391986/comienza-el-proceso-de-visado-humanitario-para-venezolanos-en-ecuador/,"De acuerdo con lo reseñado por el portalLa Hora, entre los requisitos para obtener el documento figuran ser nacional de Venezuela, tener el formulario de solicitud de visa, pagar 50 dólares y tener el pasaporte (se aceptarán vencidos, hasta cinco años). Asimismo, los criollos deberán consignar el certificado de antecedentes penales del país de origen apostillado, y que su vigencia no supere los seis meses. El documento tendrá una vigencia de dos años y su emisión será en línea. Los organismos encargados de gestionar y emitir las solicitudes son: las coordinaciones zonales del ministerio, consulados de Ecuador (ubicados en Caracas, Lima y Bogotá) y los Centros de Emisión de Visa de Excepción." 418612,64217.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,95,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las participantes del estudio hacen referencia, en particular, a la violencia sexual, la violencia física y la violencia psicológica, así como a la xenofobia tanto en espacios públicos como privados. La mitad de las niñas y adolescentes identifican las calles de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú como lugares inseguros, mientras que al menos 9 de cada 10 reportan sentirse seguras en sus casas. La sensación de inseguridad en el espacio público pareciera mitigarse un poco a medida que viven por más tiempo en los países de acogida." 173800,40839.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,82,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, North East Nigeria]Host Communities Likewise in host communities, blankets/mats were the most needed non-food item (NFI) at 37 per cent (down from 42%) followed by mosquito nets (19% - no change since the last round of assessment), mattress at 17 per cent (represents a 3% increase) and kitchen sets (14% - down 1% from the last round of assessment)." 204712,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"More than 80 per cent of counties are in extreme severity in relation to well-being, while a lower proportion, approximately 25 per cent of counties, face extreme living standards related needs. Whereas well-being needs are limited to severe and extreme, there is a broader range of severity of needs related to living standards, with10 per cent of all counties in stress (level 2), mainly in Western Equatoria." 147508,35128.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"However, the political fragmentation of Syria means that access to testing is not equal, with northwest and northeast Syria having extremely limited access to test kits. If treated as their own countries, northwest Syria and northeast Syria have testing rates of 682 and 56 per million. Such low rates of testing makes the relatively light caseload in both regions of Syria—22 and seven cases, respectively—seem less comforting." 167050,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"(13/09/2020) On Sunday, 79 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the country. (14/09/2020) As of 11:55 p.m. on September 14, a total of 56,256 cases had been reported, out of which 44,152 had recovered and 1,082 deaths recorded." 198849,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,33,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,Une sensibilisation sur les symptômes ainsi que les mesures barrières contre la COVID-19 a été organisée à l’intention des RECOs et des IT de la Zone de Santé MWENGA au SUD-KIVU 187798,43282.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"HLP Area of Responsibility (HLP AOR) partners continued to advocate for the implementation of the moratorium halting evictions during COVID-19 from April - to date. As a result, evictions were halted for a three-month period preventing 44,246 people (32,774 in August) from being forcibly evicted. The provision of specialized legal counselling and assistance to affected and at-risk groups was scaled up and cases that required additional support from other sectors were referred for further assistance and support. These activities were mainly implemented in Banadir, South West, Jubaland, Puntland and Somaliland." 153851,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,40,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Mientras que, la alcaldía de Yopal, la gobernación del Meta y la alcaldía de Tunja han ordenado operativos para recuperar espacios ocupados por estos migrantes, incluyendo la clausura del albergue Hogar del Espíritu Santo en Tunja." 255279,48580.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,106,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/no-flour-for-days-in-al-rukban-residents-fear-famine-amid-growing-food-shortages-in-syria/,"[Feb 4th, 2021, Al-Rukban camp, NWS] “There are only two bakeries in the camp. If the flour stops, the bakeries stop,” Mustafa al-Homsi, a 50-year-old originally from the countryside of Homs, told Syria Direct. Due to the shortage, only one bakery is operating. The price of a bag of bread, weighing around 800 grams, rose by 50%, from SYP 1,000 ($0.33, according to the exchange rate in the parallel market of SYP 3,085 per dollar) to SYP 1,500 ($0.49)." 134138,34837.0,1186.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,23,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El 45% de los entrevistados consideró que, en caso de retornar al país, enfrentarían riesgos relacionados con la violencia," 113550,32328.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Livelihoods', 'Education', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",es,177,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Abordar los desafíos de seguridad alimentaria y nutrición para las mujeres y las niñas: aumente de inmediato la acción humanitaria que promueva una nutrición adecuada, especialmente para las mujeres embarazadas y las adolescentes. Combine esta estrategia con actividades que permitan a las niñas, incluidas las embarazadas, permanecer en la escuela. Esto puede incluir: políticas y apoyo financiero para madres jóvenes, cuidado de niños, transferencias de efectivo para satisfacer necesidades nutricionales y médicas, y actividades de generación de ingresos o desarrollo de habilidades. Asegúrese de que los programas estén diseñados en función de la composición del hogar, en lugar de imponer una idea estándar del mismo. Por ejemplo, puede ser que en los hogares encabezados por mujeres, incluidas las mujeres mayores, se cuide a más niños y por ello existan mayores necesidades nutricionales. Para obtener ejemplos de cómo se ha implementado estas estrategias, mire las innovadoras medidas de apoyo a los hogares durante COVID-19 en diferentes países de ALC." 307717,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Partners reached 38,467 people in Gumuruk and Likuangole with food rations for March and April" 192835,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Health facilities are poorly equipped and staffed, making them unprepared for health risks, such as Ebola." 235902,46890.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Education authorities continued preparing children who were sitting for general certificate examinations (GCE) amidst increased risks and threats from NSAGs to students and teachers. 235605,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Cameroon remains at high overall risk of public debt distress, but debt remains sustainable." 271899,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Au 30 septembre 2020, plus d’un million de personnes, soit 49% de la cible, ont pu bénéficier d’une assistance dans au moins un secteur humanitaire." 240866,47106.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/89966/file/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Sitrep%2030%20Nov%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, NES] Alouk Water Station, which is the main significant contributor to meeting the daily water demands for Al-Hassakeh city and surrounding areas, has not been operating at its maximum production capacity. From 27-30 November, the station was only operational for 2-3 hours a day." 179465,42115.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,90,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/storage/Mecanisme_FRE_COVID_19_VF.pdf,"Le Gouvernement a mis en place un plan global de soutien à court et à moyen termes à l’activité économique dans son ensemble. Ce Plan comportant un ensemble de mesures annoncées le 02 avril 2020 vise à atténuer l’impact de la crise sur les branches d’activités les plus affectées, à assurer la continuité de leurs activités et à protéger les populations les plus vulnérables. Il permettra également de préparer une reprise rapide des activités à la fin de la pandémie." 222779,46090.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431838-covid-19-ncdc-confirms-1145-new-infections-1-additional-death-335-recoveries.html,"[17thDec2020,Nigeria] NAN reports that in Week 50, the number of new confirmed cases increased to 3,918 from 1,843 in Week 49. These were reported in 33 states including FCT. In Week 50, the number of discharged cases decreased to 1,316 from 1,726 in week 49. These were reported in 25 states including FCT." 188588,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 337 362 voyageurs internationaux voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter 53 et 341 alertes et de confirmer 14 et 23 d’entre elles, respectivement." 113330,32328.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Promover la coordinación entre los diferentes sectores involucrados en educación para el empleo, salud, migración y administración de justicia, para garantizar la protección de las poblaciones venezolanas (especialmente en SSR), la regularización de la situación migratoria y la denuncia de violencia. Esto debería conducir a ejercicios concretos y coordinados para identificar y abordar las barreras que impiden el acceso de los venezolanos a los servicios básicos, incluidos los servicios de salud, educación y empleo. Esto es particularmente relevante garantizar enfoque de ""no ocasionar daño"" en el tratamiento de las necesidades de protección existentes y futuras." 223691,44702.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"The flood is feared to be increasing for the most parts of Cueibet and Wulu particularly Motoronyo. For other areas visited in Wulu, the floods are receding." 339509,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En estas zonas se evidencia principalmente una afectación en la salud mental de la población, de acuerdo con el último Flash Update del departamento del Chocó, algunos indígenas presentaban alto riesgo asociado con intento de suicidio." 338434,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"The closing of schools was stressful and uncertain for students, parents, teachers, and school staff. A common description was “chaos.” Most thought lockdown would last only a few weeks, yet for many that turned into months." 315241,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,146,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[afrique] Les analyses de la régression des cas de COVID- 19 en fonction de la sévérité du confinement –avec des variables de contrôle telles que les campagnes d’information du public, les tests et la recherche des cas contacts — montrent que les mesures de confinement sévères ont effica- cement réduit les cas d’infection en Afrique, avec des effets se manifestant environ 30 jours après la mise en œuvre de ces mesures (figure 1.26). [...] Les preuves indiquent que la fer- meture des écoles et des lieux de travail, l’arrêt des transports publics, l’annulation des événe- ments publics et le confinement à domicile ont été plus efficaces pour freiner les infections à la COVID-19 que d’autres types de mesures de confinement (figure 1.27)." 227525,46488.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Une majorité des IC ont rapporté que le centre de santé manquait de médicaments (7/10) et d’équipements (7/10), expliquant ainsi leur incapacité à pouvoir répondre à toutes les demandes." 155017,34182.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Mujeres gestantes y lactantes no reciben ayuda o asistencia en complementación nutricional y educación para las buenas prácticas de alimentación. 473866,67199.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Al igual que la primera infancia, niñas/os en infancia y adolescencia requieren de entornos protectores y formativos para su pleno desarrollo. Las medidas tomadas por la pandemia no han permito que eso suceda, con el agravante de que las grandes disparidades entre niveles económicos y zonas rurales y urbanas ha impedido que estén en las mismas condiciones para continuar con sus procesos. En el sector educativo han sido evidentes esas inequidades." 356644,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,117,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Los fiscales han realizado imputaciones desproporcionadas por cargos de “terrorismo” en contra de algunos manifestantes que presuntamente participaron en hechos de vandalismo. Mientras la pena por daño en bien ajeno es de entre 16 y 90 meses de prisión, las penas por terrorismo son de hasta 22 años y medio, con arreglo al derecho colombiano. Los estándares internacionales de derechos humanos exigen que las imputaciones y sanciones penales sean proporcionales a la gravedad de las conductas en cuestión y la responsabilidad del presunto culpable. Las autoridades no deberían utilizar de forma arbitraria la figura penal de “terrorismo” ante crímenes de menor gravedad, señaló Human Rights Watch." 279620,50901.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] In Mahmoudli Camp, percentage of households reporting that communal latrines have handwashing facilities are: • None: 92%, • All: 7% and • Some: 1%." 197913,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Flooding and the desert locusts infestation has also meant over-stretching available resources as the focus had to be shifted towards saving lives and away from securing durable solutions to the plight of refugees and asylum seekers. 265691,49620.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso et au Niger, plusieurs ERP indiquent que les enfants sont soumis à un fort stress psychosocial, en plus de subir les conséquences de la déscolarisation et de l’implication dans des activités économiques (voir partie ‘Education’), renforcées par la perte de documents d’identité." 356120,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Al respecto, el DANE informó que esto es el resultado del efecto de las ayudas extraordinarias desplegadas a lo largo del año a nivel local y nacional, a través de pagos adicionales en programas ya existentes como Familias en Acción, o del nuevo programa Ingreso Solidario creado a raíz de la pandemia. Los cálculos del DANE indican que estas ayudas extraordinarias redujeron la pobreza monetaria rural en 4,2 puntos porcentuales." 215128,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[11thDec2020,Nigeria]On Friday, 796 new cases of the pandemic were recorded. [12thDec2020,Nigeria]On Saturday, 617 new cases were reported in Nigeria, hence bringing the tally of confirmed cases to 72,757 as of 11:55 p.m. on December 12." 328547,54713.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[Accountability to Affected Populations] Top three most commonly reported priority needs: Shelter (55%), Food (43%), Healthcare (36%)." 255358,48607.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/five-things-you-need-know-week-about-global-education-february-5-2021,"[Feb 5th, 2021, Syria] Most education facilities are not equipped to provide protection and social distancing, and thousands of teachers have not been paid for more than a year. The education cluster and partners said they need extra support such as psychosocial support for children, urgent rehabilitation of learning spaces, and stationery and textbooks." 101244,29236.0,1621.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Politics'],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Covid-19_MT_Impact_1_20200516.pdf,"In 35% of assessed locations, migrants were reported to be unable to move freely within the municipality (due to the mobility restrictions / curfew" 283115,43603.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"(Through Humanitarian partners) Moreover, 296,387 mothers and caretakers of children 6 to 23 months received individual infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counselling, and 88,613 children under the age of 5 years were admitted for severe acute malnutrition treatment." 489256,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Idleb & NWS] Male-headed households have a higher preponderance of being obliged to pay rent (by 18 percentage points). Only 5 percent of households report owning the land on which they are staying, all of whom are male-headed households in Idleb." 193172,43712.0,2330.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,9,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.usaid.gov/hurricanes-iota-eta,is deploying a Disaster-Assistance Response Team (DART) 305780,50894.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,25,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"Wheat flour shortages have been reported across the country, and prices of food and non-food items have increased by 40-60 percent since October." 406300,63610.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,38,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19082021_alerta_de_situacion_por_desastre_natural_en_bajo_cauca_antioquia._rv2.pdf,"Se requiere apoyo para el alojamiento temporal de al menos 7.420 personas que tuvieron afectaciones en sus viviendas por el término de la duración de la crisis, especialmente en los municipios de Zaragoza y El Bagre." 291383,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"As of 4 February, MoPH data shows that 55,256 people across all 34 provinces in Afghanistan are confirmed to have had COVID-19. Some 47,995 people have recovered, and 2,407 people have died – at least 87 of whom are healthcare workers. Only 258,011 people out of a population of 40.4 million have been tested." 156630,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"WHO continues to support the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) Field Laboratory in the Cox’s Bazar Medical College with human resources, equipment, supplies/consumables and technical and operational expertise. From early April until 19 July, 19,819 tests have been conducted." 203590,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"65% [des ménages à Agadez]ont rapporté avoir emprunté de la nourriture ou eu recours à l'aide de parents, voisins ou amis" 275509,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Automatiquement cette situation a entrainé une réponse d’urgence largement insuffisante, d’autant plus marquée par l’extrême vulnérabilité des populations réfugiées et de fait exerçant une pression particulièrement forte sur les populations hôtes" 346681,57050.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,56,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_145_20210525.pdf,"Kinshasa demeure la province la plus touchée du pays. En effet, elle enregistre 69,1% (21 600/31 243) des cas. Elle est suivie des provinces du Nord-Kivu et du Haut-Katanga qui dénombrent chacune respectivement 9,1% (2 839/31 243) et 6,4% (2 007/31 243) des cas" 276372,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,100,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"En relation à l’accès à la justice, le faible accès aux voies de recours, l’ignorance des lois, l’absence et/ou l’éloignement des structures judiciaires, de multiples grèves, le fait que les avocats sont peu nombreux et presque tous basés dans la capitale N’Djamena et la défavorisassions des femmes par les pesanteurs socio-culturelles et religieuses, restent des défis majeurs. Ceci favorise le développement des systèmes parallèles, coutumiers, religieux ou informels de résolution des conflits de plus de 294 groupes ethniques au Tchad." 297689,51194.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"2020 saw the highest level of conflict activity since 2001, which also translated in an increase of access constraints due to kinetic activity." 214660,45417.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 59% (225) des localités évaluées, la faim était sévère pour la population au cours du mois précédent selon les IC" 79860,21919.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,187,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"Funding requirements UNICEF is requesting US$64.57 million to meet the needs of 633,000 refugee and migrant children in Latin America and the Caribbean and respond to the situation of children on the move from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and host communities in 2020. Adequate, flexible and multi-year funding from public and private donors will enable UNICEF to implement life-saving interventions, link humanitarian action and development support and strengthen systems to ensure that no child is left behind. At the regional level, UNICEF will actively monitor the multi-country migration flow and provide quality technical support. UNICEF is committed to working closely with host governments to integrate urgent interventions and ensure the inclusion of migrant and refugee children’s best interests in national policies and programmes. UNICEF values support that can generate a positive impact on the lives of children and their families. Without adequate funding, UNICEF will be unable to protect the most vulnerable children, adolescents and women, ensure their access to basic social services and facilitate their integration into host communities." 219186,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"The Federal Government and member states, United Nations and partners are working tirelessly to mitigate the spread and impact of the pandemic: targeting six million people every week through risk communication and community engagement, assisting the authorities to detect, prevent and interrupt COVID-19 transmission and supporting access to life-saving health care services across the country." 272615,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Par ailleurs, les impacts socio- économiques liés à la pandémie de la COVID-19 sont venus aggraver la situation déjà fragile des populations notamment celles qui vivent au jour le jour grâce à des activités informelles" 245077,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"El 15.9% de los niños y niñas nacidos en Colombia de padres venezolanos monitoreados no han sido registrados. . Las principales razones presentadas son las barreras en el trámite (35.2%), falta de documentación de los padres o del menor (32.4%), desconocimiento del trámite de registro (22.5%) y la falta de dinero para cubrir los costos (9.9%)." 194893,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] At least Khalaf didn’t have to dodge bombs. Medical teams and hospitals often were targeted by government forces that accuse them of treating “terrorists” — its label for opposition fighters." 186777,41402.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"Since 2016 Ecuador has unemployment insurance for dependent workers in the formal sector as well. Workers are eligible if they have contributed to social security at least 24 times, with the last six contributions consecutive. However, there is a wait period of 60 days before an unemployed worker can apply. The benefit provides a transfer for five months, equivalent to 70% of the minimum wage, that is, US$ 280 per month, and potentially an additional amount based on an individual savings account." 248262,48236.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care']",en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"“Over the last 12 months, about 3,988 COVID-related patients have been admitted into the various care centres across the State; with a registered fatality rate of approximately 0.63% (301 deaths),” he said." 492648,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] FLOUR: 1,250 SYP PER KILO (0.39 USD) One month price change: decrease of 4% Six month price change: increase of 14% % of surveyed vendors reporting flour as unavailable in their community/ neighbourhood: 1%" 48905,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],en,53,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Erasmo Meoz University Hospital, the only tertiary hospital in North Santander, treated 14,953 Venezuelan patients in 2018.82 Demand for medical attention, meanwhile, has increased among both Venezuelans and Colombians who lived in Venezuela for a long time and returned to Colombia (the so-called “returnees”)." 203581,44071.0,2330.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,49,['At Risk'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"En el departamento de Alta Verapaz se mantiene una transmisión continua de casos de COVID- 19, con una media en los últimos 14 días de 8 casos diarios. Aun no se reporta un incremento de casos. Se han reportado 15 casos de COVID-19 en Albergues." 157271,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En La Guajira la frontera se ha mantenido cerrada, pero se ha abierto ocasionalmente para permitir el paso de autobuses provenientes principalmente de Barranquilla, Cartagena y Santa Marta. De acuerdo con los funcionarios de los Puntos de Atención y Orientación de ACNUR en La Guajira, un promedio de 100 personas cruzaba las trochas de Paraguachón hacia Venezuela por día en mayo, aumentando de 200 a 300 personas a partir de junio." 47474,16249.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"◦ Alojamiento, dado que más del 94 por ciento reportó estar durmiendo al raso" 245848,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,43,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,There is a predominant distrust of the State capability and intention to handle the repairs and reconstruction in a just manner. There is also distrust of the NGOization of the response owing to the issues of corruption and lack of accountability. 328553,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]The main drivers of WASH LSGs were found to be: • Households without access to an improved water source (29%) • Households without access to sufficient quantity of drinking water (15%) • Households without access to soap at home (64%) • Households without access to a functional and improved sanitation facility (51%)" 236191,47104.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,74,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, NWSyria]The most affected areas were reported in Idleb city, Dana and Afrin sub-districts, together accounting for some half of all conirrmed cases in opposition-held areas in northwest Syria. Highlighting a concern given colder winter months approaching, as well as, some 10 percent of the announced COVID-19 cases were living in camps and most people reported difficulties in following sanitation and hygiene measures." 340761,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,224,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Dado que son los mismos indígenas los que promueven y desarrollan el PEC, durante la pandemia se emprendieron diversas actividades orientadas a que los estudiantes pudieran continuar su educación con las escuelas cerradas. Entre estas se destacan: • Caracterización de la situación de cada comunidad –cartografía social–, con la que se identificaron las comunidades que contaban con servicio de televisión e internet, teléfonos móviles, radios, televisores, tipo de cobertura de radio, entre otros bienes y servicios que permitieran optar por algunas de las estrategias de educación remota planteadas7. • Elaboración de materiales de aprendizaje que incorporan las vivencias, problemáticas y necesidades del pueblo bajo cuatro ejes centrales. • Desarrollo de programas radiales, diseñados y producidos por los dinamizadores educativos y transmitidos a través de las emisoras comunitarias. • Identificación de las comunidades alejadas con unas adecuadas condiciones de salud y que estuvieran libres de COVID-19 a fin de permitir las clases presenciales. Algunas escuelas implementaron el siguiente esquema: clases tres días a la semana, para dos grupos por día; jornadas presenciales flexibles con guías para el trabajo en la comunidad; y control del ingreso de los docentes, con cuarentena fuera de las comunidades, así como su seguimiento cuando están fuera del territorio." 179266,42001.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,148,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A5%D9%87%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%B4%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%AF-%D9%88%D9%83%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AB-%D9%85%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%82%D8%B9%D8%A9-%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%B5-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%8A-%D8%B6%D8%AD%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B3%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%A9,"[October 27, Homs, infections among student and teachers] infections were recorded among students and teachers at Al-Farahidi School in Talbiseh city in the countryside of Homs, after conducting medical surveys at the school after suspicions that one of the students had been injured a few days ago, and the results were positive for the five students and their teachers. A teacher at the school confirmed to Syria TV website that he had expected that the educational process in the city would be stopped entirely by the Directorate of Education in Homs after the results appeared, the injured teachers and students were prevented from attending the school and request They adhere to home quarantine while continuing the educational process as if nothing had happened, in clear disregard for the lives of dozens of students and teachers in the city." 197929,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Working with existing protection monitoring and reporting networks in collaboration with governments, local communities and partners, UNHCR will continue to mitigate potential protection risks to refugees and displaced people, including restrictions of access to territory and the right to seek asylum, and continuity of essential protection services, including registration, status determination, documentation, protection counselling, GBV and child protection." 177556,41672.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-reports-1600-new-cases-15-new-deaths/59001,"[15th October 2020, Bangladesh] The daily infection rate for Thursday was recorded at 11.34 percent upon testing 14,104 samples during the period. The recovery rate has climbed to 77.81 percent in Bangladesh, the health authorities said. Bangladesh is seeing 2,258.04 infections, 1,757 recoveries and 32.93 deaths per million." 223797,45880.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Étant donné les liens intrinsèques avérés entre l'état nutri�onnel d'une mère et de son enfant, ces tendances peuvent signifier que les femmes elles-mêmes ne sont pas en mesure d'accéder à une nourriture en quan�té suffisante ou de qualité nutri�onnelle." 453828,64997.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,129,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cp_bcnudh_note_mensuelle_violations_des_droits_de_lhomme_et_infographies_juillet_2021_fr_eng.pdf,"Environ 89.4% des violations documentées en juillet 2021 ont été commises dans les provinces affectées par les conflits en RDC (432 violations) et ont entrainé la mort d’au moins 127 civils, dont 29 femmes et huit enfants. A l’instar du mois précédent, les combattants des groupes armés sont les principaux responsables des violations commises dans ces provinces (57%). La majorité des violations et atteintes a de nouveau été enregistrée dans la province du Nord-Kivu (245 violations, soit pres de 57% des violations commises dans ces provinces), suivie notamment de l’Ituri (46 violations), du Sud-Kivu (45 violations) et du Tanganyika (37 violations)" 321122,54668.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,95,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] En ce qui concerne des initiatives locales en cours ou planifiées de renforcement de la paix et de la confiance ou un processus de paix formel (par exemple, comité local de paix, débats publics, forums, activités intercommunautaires, etc.), moins de la moitié (49%) a répondu que de telles initiatives existent." 223516,44702.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"People rely on collection of more wild fruits, leaves to make a meal for a day" 113096,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Se mantienen activos los alojamientos temporales y la red de hoteles para garantizar el aislamiento preventivo con medidas de protección, salud, alimentación, educación entre otros en Riohacha y Maicao." 182719,42826.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/nma-confirms-death-of-16-doctors-warns-of-covid-19-spike/,"[20th Oct 2020,Nigeria]Secretary to Government of the Federation (SGF) and Chairman, Presidential Task force on COVID-19, Boss Mustapha, who spoke in Abuja, said a total of 25,699 samples were earlier collected for testing compared to the 18,597 the previous week." 224196,45763.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,33,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"En termes de besoins prioritaires, les populations ont exprimé la nécessité d’avoir des médicaments antipaludéens à moindre coût ou gratuits et des produits de traitement de l’eau." 412693,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,132,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The risk of coronavirus infection (50.00%) coupled with financial stress (49.58%) impacted more on the services related to family planning as the service seekers reported. The other reasons behind the failure of getting family planning services include the closure of nearest family planning clinics (25.85%), unavailability of doctors (19.49%), the far distance of medical centres (9.75%), transportation problem (8.90%), etc. Some problems such as financial problem, risk of corona, distance of health centres, transportation problem, etc. were experienced more among the respondents in rural areas compared to the urban level respondents (see Table 6)" 145392,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"A COVID-19 test was later reported as positive. On 29 April, authorities in NES announced they had detected two additional COVID-19 cases through their own laboratory capacity. Further information indicates that local authorities in NES also confirmed an additional three cases, all from the same residential area, who have since recovered. Local authorities have not reported any further cases in NES since early May." 58254,17094.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,125,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Este incremento de consultas convirtió a la población venezolana en la segunda nacionalidad de atención del CAR y representa aproximadamente el 20% de los casos asistidos. 4 En general, se trata de personas entre 18 y 60 años, entre las cuales hay una porción significativa de familias con niños en edad escolar. La mayoría arribó a Argentina vía Colombia, Chile o Brasil, combinando traslados aéreos y terrestres. A excepción de una persona, todas contaban con pasaporte o cédula de identidad vigente. En relación a niños/as menores de 9 años sin documento de identidad o pasaporte, el entrevistado indicó que las únicas consultas que habían recibido referían a niños/as que aún estaban en Venezuela." 186230,43272.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"In Jonglei, one of the worst-affected states, flooding had damaged approximately 45 percent of the total cereal-producing area across nine flood-affected counties as of late August, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). While the main harvest season begins in September, FAO estimates that the floods damaged nearly 67,000 acres of cultivated land—equivalent to approximately 11,900 metric tons (MT) of cereals." 202586,44558.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] A member of the coronavirus advisory committee in Syria, Dr. Naboug al-Awa, denied on 25 October, that the announced numbers are identical with the infection cases among students in schools, pointing out that dealing with the virus “as a shame,” and “this ignorance would lead to an epidemic disaster.”" 318933,54628.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,127,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Some participants said people from the host community blame the Rohingya community for the fire and consequently, want them to move to Bhasanchar. Participants said they are facing difficulties with using latrines, especially women. They said they must walk around half an hour to defecate. Female participants said there are no shower spaces for women so they are going to the village pond to bathe on alternative days. Some male participants said they have tried to build temporary latrines by using tarpaulins to create walls around toilets inside the camps which were burnt. But for women, there is inadequate privacy as the temporary toilets don’t have roofs." 112296,29953.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,34,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"El GIFMM reporta la atención de 563 niños y niñas menores de 5 años con desnutrición aguda, 166.993 personas accedieron a comedores comunitarios y se entregaron 95.340 vouchers para comida en 2019." 228541,46627.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,51,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"While the latest official poverty measures report 55% of the Afghan population living under the poverty line, interviews with World Bank experts in April and May 2020 suggest this may now be as high as 80%, meaning even more households will struggle to meet basic needs." 197575,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Closure of children facilities and limited social activities of children both in CFS’s and community as preventative measures for COVID-19 required partners to adjust programming to ensure continuity of care for at-risk children as well as mitigate against secondary child protection risks. 200059,44386.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],es,105,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La tasa de desempleo en los centros poblados y rural disperso en el trimestre julio - septiembre 2020 fue 9,3%, lo que significó un aumento de 1,6 puntos porcentuales comparado con el trimestre julio - septiembre 2019 (7,7%). La tasa global de participación fue 54,2%, lo que representó una disminución de 3,1 puntos porcentuales frente al mismo trimestre de 2019 (57,3%). Finalmente, la tasa de ocupación se ubicó en 49,2%, lo que significó una reducción de 3,7 puntos porcentuales respecto al mismo periodo de 2019 (52,9%)." 147683,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Following WHO support for on-site training of laboratory technicians and delivery of essential supplies, COVID-19 testing is also ongoing at the Tishreen University Hospital in Lattakia (570 tests performed to date), the Zahi Azraq Hospital in Aleppo (304 tests) and at the public health laboratory in Homs (205 tests). As detailed above, the GoS committed to establish laboratories in all 14 governorates. The increased capacity and decentralization of testing, including in NES, continues to be a priority for WHO to support implementation." 202634,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the Eastern regions, 770,000 people suffer from problems related to their physical and mental wellbeing. Sexual exploitation, child marriage, rape and physical and emotional violence continue to be perpetrated against women and girls" 308161,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,There are a lack of protection partners and there is a need for funding for longer-term presence in the county. The Protection Cluster is looking to support the scale-up through mobile protection teams. 197595,43603.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Overall, the target for all Humanitarian Response Plan activities has been reduced because of several reasons. The construction of planned transitional and durable shelter has been temporarily suspended, as these activities require extensive community engagement and participation, which is not feasible currently because of the restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Furthermore, these activities cannot be implemented in a short period of time without sustained access to the target population." 290309,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,20,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,The rate of adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 years giving birth to a child is 105.8 per 1000. 266934,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,76,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"The risk of anti-French protests – some such protests took place when President Emmanuel Macron visited Ouagadougou in 2017 – could return if the Burkinabé associate greater military French intervention in their country with further instability. Such an association appears possible, given that Barkhane increasingly operates in Burkina Faso and the Burkinabé government now looks to rely on armed civilian volunteers to participate in counter-terrorist operations, a recipe for further intercommunal conflict." 159000,37971.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,"Un (1) nouveau cas confirmé de COVID-19 le 20/06/2020, total à 903 cas confirmés" 356643,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Cientos de manifestantes fueron detenidos por la policía y liberados luego de que un juez o fiscal concluyera que sus derechos habían sido violados durante la detención o que no había evidencias para vincularlos a un delito, según dijo la Fiscalía. Human Rights Watch documentó en detalle 27 casos de personas que parecen haber sido detenidas de manera arbitraria. Fiscales, funcionarios de derechos humanos y abogados de víctimas señalaron que existen decenas de casos más." 153841,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,43,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"También se reportó que personas migrando por segunda vez y retornando, ingresaron inicialmente a Colombia a través de Cúcuta y La Guajira y han decido cruzar esta vez a través de Arauca, aunque esto representa mayores distancias dentro de Venezuela." 164018,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,54,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Las instituciones locales necesitan apoyos para la gestión de la crisis, especialmente en lo que concierne una respuesta integral ante la crisis COVID-19 desde un enfoque de recuperación temprana y se necesitan herramientas de dotación y adaptación a Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación para asegurar la continuidad de la atención institucional." 147719,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO continues to deliver case management trainings (resuscitation and ventilation management). In the reporting period, WHO support one workshop for 25 healthcare workers from six governorate." 328325,55008.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,47,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"De igual modo, se requiere continuar fortaleciendo la atención psicológica o psicosocial en el marco de la emergencia y la atención en salud sexual y reproductiva. Es fundamental lograr cobertura total en aseguramiento: se requiere personal para apoyar el municipio en este sentido." 489258,65385.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Aleppo, Idleb, NWS] 69% of HHs across north-west Syria report meaningful access to fuel. SEX OF HOH BREAKDOWN (% OF HHS): FHH-62% and MHH-70%. GOVERNORATE BREAKDOWN (% OF HHS): Idleb-67% and Aleppo-72%." 223915,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"En RDC, la prévention et la réponse à la pandémie COVID 19 sont guidées au niveau National par un « Plan de préparation et de riposte à l’épidémie de COVID 19 » publié en début Mars 2020." 301222,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Injured'],en,221,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"17 March 2021, Cox's Bazar: Woman assaulted for failing to pay loan interest in Chakaria, Cox’s Bazar. New Age (Eng.) , Coxsbazar News (Bang.) , Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − Five injured by an attack following a land-related dispute in Khutakhali, Chakaria. Cplusbd (Bang.) − A shop has been attacked and looted in Mognama UP, Pekua; two injured. Pekua News (Bang.) − A group of rivals attacked the election rally of the AL-nominated candidate in Hoanak, Moheshkhali; 1 injured. Moheshkhali Khobor (Bang.) − The Coast Guard seized 280,000 yaba pills from Teknaf and the criminals fled the scene. Coxbangla (Bang.) , BD News24 (bang.) Three injured by a road accident on the Cox's Bazar-Teknaf highway in Ukhiya. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − Police have arrested a one year convicted accused from Chakaria. Coxsbazar News (Bang.) − UN makes first visit to remote Bangladesh island since Rohingya moved. News Trust Org (Eng.), Daily Star (Eng.), Samakal (Bang.), Aljazeera (Eng.)" 204270,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,70% à 75% de la population sont considérés en insécurité alimentaire chronique sur l’ensemble de la région [Maradi]. 429721,64543.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Uno de los principales retos para las instituciones ha sido el traslado de las vacunas a las zonas rurales dispersas, dado a que no cuentan con embarcaciones para el traslado adecuado por vía fluvial." 229667,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"During the discussion and observations, Malaria, Pneumonia and watery diarrhea were top morbidities noted at all the levels providing services with no death registered. However, cases of malnutrition are also anticipated to be on the rise based on the history taken on food security and livelihood." 297674,52576.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn1.internationalmedicalcorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IntlMedCorps-Ebola_in_DRC_Situation-Report-39.pdf,"[terr.Butembo - Ebola] This latest outbreak, confirmed as the 12th in the country’s history, comes only three months after the 11th outbreak, in Équateur province, was declared over in November 2020. It also arrived less than a year after the end of the 10th outbreak, also in the northeast and the worst in the DRC’s history." 130805,33838.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],[],es,38,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Limitaciones en el funcionamiento de servicios esenciales de salud, medidas de protección y mecanismos de justicia para las mujeres y las niñas sobrevivientes de VBG (Violencia Basada en Género), incluidas las estructuras comunitarias." 234494,43400.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"To mitigate the impact of the pandemic, the government has taken several actions to contain the spread of the pandemic, increase health spending, strengthen existing social safety nets and provide support to affected businesses and households." 175494,41213.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,Accompagner les régions sanitaires dans la réponse aux urgences de santé publiques telles que les inondations et les épidémies. 161814,39298.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_Northeast-HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_July2020.pdf,"In particular, medicine shortages led to an increase in prices in both public and private facilities. Humanitarian supplies were allowed into NES once a week through Fishkabour-Semelka crossingj , and the closure of al-Yarubiyah border crossing with Iraq was renewed. Lack of basic goods including food, water and medicines contributed to deteriorating living conditions in camps hosting refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs)" 185957,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,48,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,L'huile de palme reproduit les tendances observées précédemment : elle est deux fois plus chère que le prix médian national au Haut-Katanga. Il y a de grandes disparités entre les territoires des provinces de l'Est avec des prix évoluant entre 4 500 et 12 000 FC. 389287,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Por otra parte, al menos 86% o 34.116 personas se mantienen en situación de desplazamiento con múltiples necesidades intersectoriales en sus comunidades de acogida, ante la imposibilidad de tener un retorno seguro debido a las condiciones de seguridad inadecuadas que se mantienen en el territorio." 223793,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,26,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Ces données sont préoccupantes et d'une importance cruciale, mais dans leur état actuel, elles ne fournissent pas d'informa�ons désagrégées par âge ou genre." 187767,43282.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,102,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"According to the 2020 Post Gu season, food security and nutrition assessments conducted in July and August by FAO’s Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU), up to 2.1 million people across Somalia are expected to face food consumption gaps or depletion of assets indicative of Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse outcomes through December 2020, in the absence of humanitarian assistance. An additional 3 million people are expected to be Stressed (IPC Phase 2), bringing the total number of people facing acute food insecurity to 5.1 million." 287088,51631.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,66,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,(Est) L’amélioration du niveau des indicateurs de nutrition dans la région de l’Est est le fruit des efforts conjugués des différents acteurs la à dégradation du contexte sécuritaire et la réduction de l’offre de soins de santé met à rude épreuve ces acquis et rend précaire la situation nutritionnelle des femmes et des enfants dans la région. 341519,56608.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25 MAY 2021, NES] % of SDs with insufficient COVID-19 medical services: - Testing provision for COVID-19: 94% Lack this service, - Quarantine space for diagnosed COVID-19 cases: 94% Lack this service, - Isolation space in health centers for suspected COVID-19 cases: 96% Lack this service and - Provision of space in health facilities to monitor suspected COVID-19 cases: 96% Lack this service." 356609,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,95,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El 6 de junio, el Presidente Iván Duqueanuncióuna serie de medidas para “transformar” la Policía. Algunas de estas medidas, tales como la reforma al sistema disciplinario, podrían tener un impacto positivo para prevenir y sancionar abusos policiales, si son diseñadas e implementadas adecuadamente, sostuvo Human Rights Watch. Sin embargo, otras de las medidas anunciadas parecen ser más bien de carácter cosmético y, en general, las reformas propuestas no son suficientes para prevenir violaciones de derechos humanos y garantizar justicia por los abusos." 272655,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,68,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les ménages dirigés par des femmes ont plus fréquemment signalé que l’assistance était inappropriée vis-à-vis des besoins (44% des ménages interrogés contre 28% des ménages dirigés par des hommes), alors que les ménages dirigés par des hommes ont plus souvent manifesté une insatisfaction liée à l’insuffisance quantitative de l’aide (75% des ménages interrogés)." 184767,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,65,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] Al Hole: 10 cases: 1 currently in the COVID Treatment Facility (CTF) in Al Hole Camp, 3 deaths and 5 recoveries. In addition to these 10 cases, there is currently 1 suspect case (a 15 year old female from the annex) who has been referred to the CTF" 130807,33838.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,78,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"2,4 millones de colombianos se encuentran subalimentados (4,8% de la población) y no logran acceder a la energía mínima para llevar una vida sana y activa (FAO,2019). El 54,4 % de los hogares en Colombia presentan inseguridad alimentaria, es decir más de la mitad de los hogares enfrentan dificultades para acceder de manera segura y permanente a alimentos suficientes en cantidad y calidad, para una vida sana y activa." 269851,49918.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,143,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.iagua.es/noticias/universidad-nacional-colombia/aguas-contaminadas-caldo-cultivo-bacterias-toxicas,"Las floraciones (o crecimiento explosivo) de cianobacterias suelen formarse durante eutrofizaciones, es decir la contaminación de lagos, embalses, ríos, etc., por el excesivo enriquecimiento de esas aguas con nutrientes como fósforo o nitrógeno. Esta situación se asocia con actividades humanas como la agricultura, la ganadería y los residuos urbanos y rurales, o con temperaturas elevadas, y en consecuencia el aumento de floraciones tóxicas ha incrementado los posibles efectos en la salud humana. Estas toxinas tienen una amplia gama de toxicidad que afecta diferentes partes del cuerpo humano, como la hepatotoxicidad al hígado, nefrotoxicidad a los riñones, neurotoxicidad al cerebro y dermatoxicidad a la piel; sus síntomas son dolor abdominal, de cabeza o de garganta, náuseas, vómito, diarrea y ampollas en la boca." 169297,40031.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,48,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,• The WFP Country Director and PAHO/WHO Representative jointly conducted an official visit to Ancash for the inauguration of a new call centre to assist COVID-19 cases managed by the Regional Health Directorate. They also met with regional government authorities and distributed PPE and hygiene kits. 156814,30748.0,1898.0,[],[],[],en,77,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NCA%20Situation%20Funding%20Update.pdf,"Given the growing needs of the forcibly displaced, regional cooperation and responsibility-sharing is essential. UNHCR and the Organization of American States (OAS) support the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (MIRPS for its acronym in Spanish), led by seven States - Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Panama – who have made significant commitments to strengthen regional and national responses to forced displacement." 326567,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The most commonly reported types of education facilities attended were Primary mixed school for boys and girls (74%), Quranic school for boys (14%), Quranic school for girls (10%) and Secondary mixed school for boys and girls (21%)." 359435,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,184,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Men mostly own and inherit the familial land and women are deprived of these ownership and inheritance rights (Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia 2015). In general, parents show differential treatment toward their daughters and sons from birth. Among poorer households, many parents think that there is no return from a girl child, rather a girl comes as a burden to her parents with the associated marriage responsibilities and dowry requirements when compared to their boy child (Islam and Akter, Arts Social Sci J., 2018). Because of these stereotypical gendered ideas about who should play what role in family or society in general, the girl child is more likely to be married off early and/or to drop out of school, which also often leads to child, early and forced marriage (CEFM). Bangladesh has the highest prevalence of child marriage in South Asia and ranks among 10 countries in the world with the highest incidence." 359431,58399.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar]The DRR and EiE framework should have indicators and interventions to improve the conditions (daily needs) and social position (value or status) of girls and young women on school-based DRM" 218011,45271.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The deterioration of the security situation in provinces, which triggers the displacement of rural population to cities during the current and projection analysis periods, including during spring, can increase the probability of conflict. On average, around 500,000 people migrate to secure areas every year because of conflict." 346577,56939.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,62,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/eu-allocates-2-million-emergency-humanitarian-funding-victims-drc,"Hundreds of thousands are moving towards the cities of Saké and Bukavu, as well as the Rubavu district just across the border in Rwanda. The situation on the ground remains fluid. At least 140 earthquakes of a magnitude up to 4.8 M have been recorded in the area, including in Rwanda, since Mount Nyiragongo started erupting." 204775,44631.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,42,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202020%20-%202021.pdf,"Years of conflict have weakened or eradicated the social, physical, political, cultural, economic and security structures required for societies and communities to function, impeding opportunities for sustainable recovery and increasing the likelihood of repeated crisis and insecurity" 340759,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Institución: Unidad Indígena del Pueblo Awá (UNIPA) Denominación: Proyecto Educativo Comunitario (PEC) ɨnkal Awá UNIPA. Pueblo indígena: Pueblo Indígena Awá, cuya población asciende a 36.500 habitantes. Ubicación: Territorio Inkal Awá, departamento de Putumayo. Estudiantes y escuelas que atiende: Institución Educativa Indígena Técnica Agroambiental Bilingüe Awá (IETABA), la Institución Educativa Bilingüe Awá Técnica Agroindustrial Pianulpi (IEBATAP) y la Institución Educativa Técnica Agropecuaria Ambiental Bilingüe Inda Sabaleta (IETAABIS)." 389640,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"En junio de 2021 se notificaron más de 4400 casos nuevos y 188 muertes por COVID-19 en los 6 departamentos amazónicos de Colombia, principalmente por Caquetá (1763 casos y 91 muertes), Putumayo (1362/72) y Guaviare (981/21)." 388945,60849.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],es,62,['Priority Interventions'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,Las personas que arriendan las piezas en sus casas son referente fundamental para las personas migrantes y refugiadas entrevistadas. De ellas obtiene mucha información y suelen ser de los pocos vínculos con personas de nacionalidad chilena que tienen. Por lo tanto se hace evidente la necesidad de informar a esas personas de algunos asuntos básicos para que puedan orientar. 284986,51591.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=226854,"[19 March, 2021, GoS] The Ministry said in a statement that the total number of Coronavirus cases registered in Syria up till now has reached up to 17077 of which 11410 have recovered and 1141 have passed away." 224615,44702.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Chiec Teng primary school of Cueibet County, with about 600 learners do not have a water point as learners travel a distance of about 1.5km to get drinking water (in Achol Maleth)." 361365,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,85,"['At Risk', 'Priority Interventions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] These risk factors are reportedly increased for children with poorly controlled epilepsy or associated learning difficulties (Kemp and Sibert, 1993). With this increased risk, a higher level of supervision has been suggested as a requirement for children with the condition, whilst increased awareness among caregivers and peers of the association between drowning and epilepsy should also be incorporated into drowning prevention programmes (Franklin et al, 2017)." 342317,56651.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,31,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.reporteconfidencial.info/2021/05/24/se-agudiza-la-migracion-de-indigenas-desde-amazonas-hacia-colombia/,"Las precarias condiciones sociales, en especial las sanitarias y alimentarias, siguen siendo factor determinante para la migración y desplazamiento de indígenas del estado Amazonas hacia poblaciones de Colombia." 473087,67196.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/dos-de-cada-1000-ninos-en-colombia-se-han-quedado-huerfanos-por-la-covid-19/202121/,"Cabe mencionar que los datos recolectados fueron entre marzo del año pasado y abril de este año, de manera que quedó por fuera el periodo de la tercera ola de la covid-19, que fue el más prolongado y mortal hasta el momento en el país." 326643,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 99% of households were found to have at least one Education Living Standard Gaps(LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 96% of households were found to have an Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in education but no capacity gap in education. 3% of households were found to have both an Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in education and a capacity gap in education. 1% of households were found to have no education Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a capacity gap in education. 244403,47959.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=219405,"[January 25, Syria] The Health Ministry on Monday announced that 69 new coronavirus cases were recorded, adding that 65 coronavirus patients recovered and five others passed away." 224235,45763.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,19,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Des cas d´accaparement des champs des femmes par les hommes ont été soulevés par quelques femmes des villages. 188126,43352.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"27 July 2020: In Tansarga commune, Tapoa province, Est region, gunmen reportedly set another seven schools (Malpoa Primary School – Kombongou Primary School, Pielgou Primary School, Kobdari Primary School, Nangbanli Primary School, Tchontchonga Primary School, Kabougou Primary School and CEG of Kotchari) on fire." 133870,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],[],es,54,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"De los grupos focales y entrevistas con actores claves, se desprende que los factores de expulsión del país de origen hacen que las familias, inicialmente, busquen y apoyen la migración de la persona que consideran más apta para encontrar un empleo y sostener a sus dependientes y/o familiares en Venezuela." 203360,43256.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Economic activity has been heavily impacted by the crisis in the North West and South West. Displacement has meant a loss of resources for food self-reliance. It primarily affects the access to land to cultivate, the loss of livestock and of the families’ productive assets." 198678,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Un total de 1 723 voyageurs en trafic international ont été enregistrés et screenés ce 17/11/2020 ; aucune alerte n’a été identifiée. Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 28 486 voyageurs ont été recensés ; ils ont eux-aussi été tous screenés. Fort heureusement, aucune alerte n’a été décelée non plus." 293852,52365.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,98,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"In 41 community groups, or 82%, access to HEALTH CARE and medicines was prioritized by participants as a priority need. In the Cájaros data collection point, key informants reported that there is no health service nearby. In addition, lack of supplies, personnel and the lack of documentation are the main barriers to accessing health care. The assessment teams reported the impact of the crisis on mental health, especially for children, adolescents and the elderly, a situation that is aggravated by the sounds of on-going fighting." 221040,45806.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/una-educacion-inclusiva-para-los-ninos-migrantes-venezolanos-206819,"Según los datos e información presentados por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, los estudiantes migrantes se encuentran matriculados en los 32 departamentos del país y en 1.056 de los 1.104 municipios que hay en Colombia, con una incidencia mayor en la zonas urbanas con el 82% de los alumnos y el 18% ubicado en las áreas rurales." 454522,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,78,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• El 5% de las personas de la muestra no expresa síntomas de ansiedad y depresión. El 26.6% señala que tiene hasta 04 síntomas. El 25.7% señala la ocurrencia entre 5 y 8 síntomas, lo que manifiesta la presencia de síntomas de ansiedad y depresión generadores de malestar, pero que aún no son significativos a nivel clínico. El 42.7% afirma que tiene más de 9 o más síntomas." 359626,58464.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Unaffordability of food is not isolated to certain areas, with 94% of KIs across assessed locations in NES reporting unaffordability of food as a barrier to accessing sufficient food for IDPs and 88% for residents" 112316,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,En protección se cuenta con un equipo de protección infantil que desarrolla sus acciones a través de espacios amigables. Se cuenta además con un equipo de Case Management que trabaja de cerca con niños y familias vulnerables. 340749,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Institución: Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) y UNICEF Denominación: Mochila de herramientas e ideas para el docente dinamizador. 478 Instituciones educativas de los Pueblos Wayuu, Wiwa y Kogui ubicadas en las zonas rurales del departamento de La Guajira. 1.200 estudiantes aproximadamente." 394991,61910.0,1186.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,145,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.ciperchile.cl/2021/05/08/inmigracion-delincuencia-y-las-erroneas-percepciones-sobre-el-delito/,"En primer lugar, documentamos un efecto grande y significativo en las preocupaciones relacionadas con la delincuencia. Aprovechamos los ricos datos de las encuestas compilados en Chile en los últimos 15 años y mostramos un nuevo vínculo que relaciona la inmigración con las percepciones de la conducta delincuente. En breve, observamos que en lugares donde llegó un gran número de inmigrantes, es más probable que los residentes, al ser encuestados, planteen las siguientes preocupaciones o estén de acuerdo con las siguientes afirmaciones: la delincuencia es una de las preocupaciones que figuran en primer o segundo lugar; la delincuencia se encuentra entre los dos factores más importantes que influyen en su calidad de vida; la delincuencia está afectando su calidad de vida creen que hay una posibilidad importante de que próximamente sean víctimas de un delito." 229350,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"No health care services to treat common diseases like malaria, diarrhea, typhoid, fungi infections (In South Sudan)" 39187,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Seven out of nine interviewed persons indicated that they aware of the family separation for the newly displaced during the ongoing conflict due to arrest, kidnapping, moving to safer area, and due to joining the army. Freedom of movement is also reported as a concern as reported, as 44% of KIs report communities have some restriction and or full restriction of movement (33%). The main reasons reported for restriction of movement were due to the risks posed by the ongoing conflict, risk of robbery/ theft and risk of kidnapping." 492652,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] LP Gas: 45,250 SYP per canister (14.27 USD) One month price change: increase of 5% Six month price change: increase of 27%" 19510,7910.0,730.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"WFP estimates that as of the second week of December 2018, there were 908,000 MT of food stocks in-country. Available wheat stocks would cover the national requirements for nearly three months, while rice would last for one and a half months. Fuel commodities (petrol and diesel) remain scarce. Al Hudaydah was most affected by commodity-scarcity as a result of recent fighting." 153832,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],es,107,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los departamentos visitados hacen parte de la región de la Orinoquía (Arauca, Casanare y meta) y de la región Andina (Boyacá y Cundinamarca), en ellos habitan respectivamente el 3,2% y 23% de la población del país. Poseen características geográficas y climáticas muy diversas que comprenden alturas entre los 165 y los 3.900 metros sobre el nivel del mar (m.s.n.m.) incluyendo llanuras, piedemonte, altiplanos y páramos. En cuanto a las temperaturas oscilan entre los 10°C y los 35°C, condiciones que complejiza aún más el tránsito de los migrantes por estas rutas." 238924,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]Case Management: Eight (8) newly confirmed cases have been reported Two (2) patients have recovered in week 49. No mortality was recorded in week 49, and no COVID-19 related mortality was recorded for 28 consecutive weeks." 224710,46162.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"[Current food situation] In the provinces of Bahr-el-Ghazel and Kanem, households’ food consumption is minimal, and they are therefore in a Stressed (IPC Phase 2) food situation. In Logone and Mayo-Kebbi, the food consumption of most very poor and poor households is minimally adequate." 240707,45197.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA verified 18 incidents impacting healthcare in the first quarter of 2020; 17 of these incidents were attributed to the Taliban. The Taliban incidents included a direct attack targeting a clinic; intentional killings and abduction of protected personnel; threats against healthcare personnel and facilities; and damage to healthcare facilities caused by fighting in the area. The threats have led to the temporary closure of almost 50 clinics across the country, with the highest number of incidents occurring in the Eastern region." 179534,42143.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/people-of-jabal-al-zawiya-suffer-lack-of-medical-services/,"[October 28, Jabal Al Zawieh, lack of medical orgnizations] The residents of Jabal al-Zawiya, south of Idlib, suffer from the deterioration of the health status in the absence of medical organizations. There is only one medical first aid center operated by some volunteers without specialized doctors’ presence or supervision." 327997,55044.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/la-rdc-sappr-te-vacciner-plus-de-16-millions-de-personnes-contre-la,La campagne [de vaccination contre la fièvre jaune] a nécessité plus d’un an de préparation et a été partiellement retardée par la pandémie de COVID-19 70688,20012.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,56,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"Clashes increased sharply in 2014,3 as the General National Congress (GNC), the first elected parliament, refused to disband after its mandate expired. At the same time, General Khalifa Haftar’s self-proclaimed LNA launched military operation “Dignity” against radical Islamist groups in the eastern city of Benghazi." 392639,60861.0,1186.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Destaca que un 90% de los participantes de la encuesta reportan sentirse angustiados o preocupados la última semana a causa del COVID-19 (n=1516) (Figura 19), mientras que un 73% declara haberse sentido triste o deprimido por esta misma causa en la última semana de la fecha de respuesta de la encuesta (Figura 20). En términos simples, 9 de cada 10 migrantes internacionales incluidos en esta muestra reportan sentirse angustiados o preocupados, y 7 de cada 10 tristes o deprimidos a causa de la pandemia" 286518,51252.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"According to the IPC AMN classification, five Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Northern Yobe, Nganzai LGA in Borno and Geidam LGA in Yobe were in IPC AMN Phase 4 (Critical) during the current analysis period of September - December 2020." 271594,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Le Tableau XVIII montre la proportion d’enfants âgés de 12 à 15 mois encore allaités. Dans l’ensemble, la proportion d’enfants qui continue d’être allaité jusqu’à un (1) an est de 96,4% ; cette proportion demeure toutefois inférieure à celle de 2019 qui était de 98,1%." 193850,43300.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Plus de 4,6 millions de personnes sont en insécurité alimentaire parmi lesquelles 1,8 million de personnes en insécurité alimentaire sévère. Plus de 3,9 millions de personnes sont affectées par la malnutrition, principalement des enfants de moins de 5 ans et des femmes enceintes et allaitantes qui nécessitent une assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle." 276963,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] 72% [des entreprises] signalent des retards et des perturbations dans leur chaîne d’approvisionnement, contre 65% en décembre" 390971,60861.0,1186.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers'],es,66,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El 96,7% de los participantes identifica el coronavirus como microorganismo causante de COVID-19 (Tabl1 6). Respecto de cómo se puede transmitir, el 84,5% reconoce que la transmisión es por vía aérea, un 9,7% señala que no se sabe aún, un 4,5% indica que no sabe y un 1,1% señala que es por la sangre." 219319,45753.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"Some consequences of violence identified were shame and stigma, psychosocial distress, health problems, loss of childhood, and fear. The increase in reported suicides and suicide attempts by GBV survivors is also an alarming emerging trend. As in previous years, women and girls noted the fear of sexual violence as a concern contributing to psychosocial distress and a further limitation of their movements, which is already restricted by parents, husbands and family members who harbour the same concerns." 311464,53762.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"UNHCR and its partners continue to support the Government in addressing the crisis and focusing its efforts on sensitization, prevention and response to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on persons of concern in nine regions of the country." 163630,32454.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,52,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77357.pdf,"Servicios físicos de atención primaria en salud, salud sexual y reproductiva, atención psicosocial y de rehabilitación en Riohacha, Maicao y Manaure; y líneas de atención telefónica en temas de atención en salud, rehabilitación física, atención psicosocial y primeros auxilios psicológicos, e información sobre el COVID-19" 223000,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,24,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]An estimated 1.7 million people are urgently in need of mine action intervention across north-east Nigeria." 219810,45784.0,2333.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/en_-_understanding_the_sahel_through_its_history_geography_and_socio-demographic_challenges_-_white_paper.pdf,"Of the 162 countries ranked in 2018, Chad, Mali and Niger were among the 10 countries with the highest gender inequalities" 473946,67199.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,• Favorecer las estrategias que mantengan los controles de desarrollo de niñas/os y las consejerías en lactancia materna porque combate la desnutrición y es efectiva contra la seguridad alimentaria. 306814,53161.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In early September, State/PRM partner UNHCR provided emergency relief supplies to over 170,000 flood-affected individuals across 12 of Sudan’s 18 states." 163683,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,". UNHCR has also started an elderly care support visit project for households by COMs to provide information along with an elderly care kit that is being distributed to targeted households in 12 camps. The kit contains a number of items that can assist a family to create a small safe zone inside their shelter for the older family member. Some 2,284 kits were distributed as of 30 June." 153293,31607.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3588563,"El gobernador Luis Hidalgo Okimura visitó hoy el albergue instalado en la plaza de Armas de Iñapari, capital de la provincia de Tahuamanu, así como el del centro científico de la Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios, en Puerto Maldonado" 189987,43443.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,106,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"La disponibilité des produits et denrées de base sur les marchés est insuffisante en raison de la faible production agricole, de même que celle des semences maraîchères et vivrières, et une augmentation des prix a été observée. La réduction des périmètres sécuritaires dans ces zones empêche les populations d’accéder aux champs, alors que la majorité d’entre elles sont agricultrices et vivent de la production agricole. Ces facteurs contribuent à la détérioration des moyens d’existence des populations, aggravée par les attaques de chenilles légionnaires sur les cultures de maïs et par les fortes pluies." 37188,11044.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,116,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Information And Communication'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"Malaria cases were reported to be on the increase due to lack of mosquito nets on beds and windows and poor shelter conditions associated with frequent exposure to mosquitoes in all locations. Children were commonly reported to have cough and fast breathing. This was attributed to exposure to wind and cold due to overcrowding, lack of clothing, blankets and sleeping on cold dusty uncovered cement floors. Many respondents reported the occurrence of fear and anxiety, poor sleep and recurrent flashes of conflicts scenes. High reported cases of vaginal discharge and itchy (candidiasis). There was however no report of outbreaks or non-infectious risk at the locations visited" 495418,67230.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,40,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Algunas de los principales problemas derivados de la precariedad de las condiciones de habitabilidad son:  Condiciones precarias de salud y seguridad.  Las condiciones de insalubridad en que se almacenan, manipulan y preparan los alimentos." 235588,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,42,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,Highly preliminary estimates suggest Cameroon’s public debt reached 42.9 percent of GDP [Gross domestic product] at end-December 2019. This increase was largely driven by disbursements of multilateral and bilateral financing and the issuance of government bonds. 222943,45721.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"It should be noted that some internally displaced persons were forced to abandon farming activities because of the “taxation” imposed by Al-Shabaab, those who cannot afford to pay being either forced or coerced into surrendering their children for recruitment." 223560,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The Risk Management Unit has continued to support other operations in establishing risk-related practices, learning from the experience in Somalia. Examples include support provided to develop the risk management framework for a stabilization project and strategy in countries surrounding Lake Chad (Cameroon, Chad, the Niger and Nigeria) and exchanges of best practices on fraud and corruption with the Democratic Republic of the Congo." 1553,291.0,321.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2016%20February%202018.pdf,"UNHCR is providing winter relief to over 1,280 IDPs and returnees in Benghazi. Through its partner LibAid, UNHCR distributed heaters, blankets, hygiene kits, solar lamps, school bags, and kitchen sets for families living in areas north of Benghazi such as Al-Sabri, Sook Al Hoot and Sidi Khreibish. These distributions will continue over the next few days with a view to reaching 460 families. Benghazi currently hosts the largest number of IDPs in Libya (over 38,000 individuals)." 408634,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"In Colombia, poor children are at greater risk of recruitment because it can be seen as an opportunity to earn income that would otherwise be unattainable for the family" 223013,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,99,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Recommendations: Anti-personnel landmines, including those of an improvised nature, should be reported as such, per Nigeria’s commitments under the Mine Ban Treaty. The language of “improvised explosive devices” (or IEDs) should be avoided when referring to any work with, or incidents involving, munitions meeting the definition of landmines. Failure to do this will compromise humanitarian activity and undermine Nigeria’s full implementation of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, including effective clearance and support to victims." 156512,38023.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/181325/,"The envoy observed all the recommended safety measures during his interactions with Committee members and other interlocuters,” said Fenton. “He has not been advised that he needs to quarantine…Those persons who tested positive are in quarantine and have committed to quarantine." 155251,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Se mantienen las acciones de desalojo de migrantes que ocupan espacios públicos por parte de autoridades locales y en algunas zonas por grupos al margen de la ley. La cuarentena ha causado un aumento de la población en esta condición. 311477,53762.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Sahel) As part of the support to the secondary level in Dori, 48 refugee students were the payment of their school fees as well as the necessary school materials and their accommodation in Dori is assured." 206814,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,IDPs and refugee returnees are also in a vulnerable situation with limited or lack of services. 200255,44361.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,110,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Quelques suggestions et recommandations  Renforcer les compétences des acteurs  Soutenir l’analyse et l’utilisation des données  Renforcer les stratégies contribuant à améliorer le dépistage (PCIME, CNRs…)  Mener une réflexion sur la baisse de performance en terme de dé-pistage  Renforcer le suivi de la mise en oeuvre des interventions nutritionnelles et celles sensibles à la nutrition  Renforcer le contrôle qualité des données Nutritionnelles  Renforcer les compétences des prestataires de soins pour la prise en charge en interne (PCI)  Plaidoyer auprès des collectivités locales pour le renforcement de la prise en charge de la MAM." 162991,39122.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,102,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/28_July_2020.pdf,"Nigeria is implementing several public health and social measures to adequately respond to the ongoing COVID-19 including using a phased approach to reopen the economy gradually and safely. On the 27th of July 2020, the Chairman of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 (PTF-COVID-19) announced a further extension of phase two of the lockdown by one week. It was also announced that secondary schools will reopen from the 4th of August 2020. However, this only applies to students in exiting classes ahead of the West African Examinations starting on the 17th of August 2020." 247824,48228.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,70,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Sur les neuf sites évalués, les personnes déplacées internes (PDIs) présentent une situation de sécurité alimentaire et moyens d’existence très préoccupante. En effet, lors de leur arrivée, ils ont perdu tous leurs moyens qu’ils possédaient dans leurs villages d’origine : le bétail, les kits de pêche, les activités génératrices de revenus et les intrants agricoles." 132511,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Los socios también se centrarán en brindar asistencia a los hijos de refugiados y migrantes y a las madres embarazadas y lactantes, en tránsito o que residen en el país. Para ello, los socios difundirán la información relevante a través de los agentes de la comunidad y distribuirán la información material a los beneficiarios en la prevención de la desnutrición. Los talleres estarán organizados para refugiados y migrantes que residen en el Perú. Los socios también planifican apoyo a los nuevos y existentes centros que promueven salud y desarrollo del menor." 125931,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,56,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"97% of the migrants departing Nigeria who were interviewed in Libya reported to have transited through Niger. The remaining 3% reported to have used various routes through Chad, Niger, Tunisia and Algeria. 60% of the interviewed migrants were in South Libya, whereas 35% were in the west" 208613,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The high-level prevalence of acute malnutrition translates into an estimated 1.8 million South Sudanese and more refugees will be in need of treatment for acute malnutrition in 2020. These include more than 290,000 children who are suffering from SAM, some 1 million children with MAM and nearly 470,000 pregnant and lactating women suffering from acute malnutrition." 214533,45420.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gado_Sept2020.pdf,[SITE DE GADO] PRINCIPAUX DEFIS - Santé et Nutrition: Accès insuffisant aux soins de santé de qualité ; arrêt pour 2020 de la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe modérée. Gestion de la crise Covid-19. 208205,44900.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,Assistance alimentaire : Distribution des vivres à 1 650 ménages très pauvres et 570 ménages ayant fait des mouvements suites à des chocs. 358516,58562.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,125,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]COVID-19 lockdowns, movement restrictions, and border closures led to a sharp increase in economic hardship across Nigeria. The International Food Policy Research Institute estimated a 38% drop in GDP and an 18% decline in agri-food GDP in Nigeria during the five-week lockdown period from late March to early April 2020 (Thurlow 2020). The impact of lockdowns and movement restrictions on economic activity was also visible in the overall performance of the economy. By the third quarter of 2020, the GDP had contracted for the second consecutive quarter, and with the oil sector hit hard, the country slipped into a recession (Al Jazeera 2020)." 147032,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Trainings related to awareness raising also continues. In the reporting period, WHO supported a training workshop in Tartous for 25 healthcare providers on best practices during COVID-19." 389643,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,27,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,Los municipios y áreas no municipalizadas que encabezan las listas en cada departamento en esta tabla tienen la mayor cantidad de muertes por COVID-19 por habitante. 202458,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Humanitarian organizations’ analysis of the severity of humanitarian access constraints between June and September 2019 suggests that humanitarian actors had reached an estimated 2.3 million people or 60 per cent of South Sudanese people targeted with assistance in 44 counties classified as areas with low level84 access constraints. This illustrates a significant access improvement compared to the situation over the same period in last year, when there were only 22 counties being feasibly accessible for partners at previous analysis." 172922,40676.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Sur un total de 25,6 millions de personnes dans le besoin, 17,1 millions de personnes vivent dans des zones de santé où au moins trois impacts humanitaires majeurs se superposent, exposant ces populations à un niveau de vulnérabilité accrue. Cela représente une augmentation de plus 7,1 millions de personnes par rapport à l’analyse du HNO fin 2019, qui comptait 10 millions de personnes dans ces zones (soit + 58,5 pour cent)." 149050,37814.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Health']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,60,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/bonded-crisis-adversity-and-hope-rohingya-influx-three-years,"The majority of Rohingya live in, and continue to live in, sprawling, overcrowded camps in what is the largest refugee settlement in the world. With the compounding impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring the well-being of the Rohingya people and their host communities in Cox’s Bazar District continues to be a challenge." 180587,42290.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,86,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les incidents sécuritaires tels que les affrontements entre groupes d’auto-défense (VDP) et Groupes Armés Non identifiés, les contrôles des compagnies de Transport en commun sur les axes routiers, à la fois par les Volontaires de Défense pour la Patrie et les hommes armés non identifiés, la stigmatisation des certaines ethnies présumées terroristes entraine une confusion au sein de la population dégradant ainsi la cohésion sociale. Cette confusion nourrit des tensions intercommunautaires qui impacte négativement la cohésion sociale." 165368,32691.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/77415,"Para responder a la situación de cientos de venezolanos represados cerca del Puente Internacional Simón Bolívar en Norte de Santander, y para prevenir mayores riesgos de salud que se incrementan cuando hay aglomeraciones, las autoridades locales establecieron como parte de su plan de contingencia el Centro de Atención Sanitario Transitorio (CAST) en el Puente Internacional de Tienditas." 152481,30431.0,1188.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,48,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Response%20for%20Venezuelans%20%E2%80%93%20Coordination%20Platform%20for%20Refugees%20and%20Migrants%20from%20Venezuela%20-%20Central%20America%20and%20Mexico%20Situation%20Report%20%E2%80%93%20March%202020.pdf,"To respond to the emergency, government has launched “Panama Solidario Plan”. This inclusive public policy contemplates the delivery of humanitarian assistance to all legally residing in Panama through cash delivery, vouchers for the purchase of food and medicine, and food bags." 37168,11044.0,788.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"Several households reported missing family members during flight to Nigeria, notably in Akor, Danare II, Biajua, and Mfaniyen specifically where Cameroonian security operatives were alleged to have broken into houses at night to adopt some young men taking refuge in Nigeria. Two pregnant asylum seeker women in Akor reported that their husbands were arrested during flight and their whereabouts unknown to date." 208161,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"High prevalence of malnutrition among pregnant and lactating women was noted from FSNMS round 24, with the malnutrition rate above 20 per cent in three out of 10 states and over 10 per cent in eight out of 10 states (80 per cent)." 213572,44892.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CCCM%20and%20SNFI_Fire%20Prevention%20and%20Response%20Guidance%20Note_NWS.pdf,"Many IDPs are having to resort to using inappropriate devices and fuel types out of necessity, such as burning mixed fuel, cloth, cartoons and plastic. Increasing fuel prices creates additional burdens on IDPs to be able to afford fuel for cooking and heating. In some other cases, cooking or heating stoves being poorly connected has increased fire hazards." 223014,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,62,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Recommendations: Nigeria should embrace the principle of transparency in mine action:.Having acknowledged its new obligations under the Mine Ban Treaty, Nigeria is required to update states-parties annually on its progress. Nigeria should welcome input from civil society, and fellow statesparties, to make these reports clear and comprehensive." 69726,19997.0,1534.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,http://www.tribune242.com/news/2019/oct/18/bpl-spends-16m-equipment-restore-abaco-electricity/?news,"“South Abaco really only requires about two megawatts of power, which is insufficient to fire up the Wilson City generators. BPL, therefore, brought in a two megawatts generator from Exuma to service South Abaco. After working for a short period that generator experienced challenges, which impacted the ability to generate power in South Abaco. “BPL was able to move another generator to the island. Work in the South was completed and power was restored on September 29th, 2019.”" 113117,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,ntrega de insumos médicos a la E.S.E Suroriente para apoyo a Hospital Carmona y el Hospital San Juan de Dios. 346890,56987.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,57,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] This could further deteriorate the population’s health status and lead to an increase in acute watery diarrhoea (AWD), cholera, and other waterborne diseases. Unsafe WASH services can negatively impact child health and is a contributing factor to malnutrition and stunting." 274139,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Household Hunger Scale (HHS)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages ayant un chef veuf ou veuve sont plus exposés à la faim sévère par rapport aux autres (respectivement 51 %, 44 %, 42 % et 32 % pour les ménages dirigés par des veufs, divorcé(e)s, célibataires et marié(é)s)." 247978,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Par ailleurs les personnes nouvellement arrivées sont toutes informées de la pandémie COVID-19 avec quelques notions sur les mesures barrières mais qu’elles ne les pratiquent pas malheureusement. 81892,22512.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,131,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"En el mes de octubre, la cooperación internacional continuó sus acciones de emprendimiento, empleabilidad, cohesión social, prevención de la xenofobia y orientación/divulgación de información con la población refugiada y migrante proveniente de Venezuela. En Atlántico, Bogotá, Nariño y Valle del Cauca, 550 refugiados y migrantes participaron en capacitaciones o recibieron servicios de mitigación de barreras para fortalecer sus procesos de inserción laboral. En Atlántico, Bogotá, Cesar, Nariño, Santander y Valle del Cauca, 107 empresarios participaron en los ejercicios de sensibilización, información de los procesos necesarios para la contratación de refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela e identificación de oportunidades de empleo. La gestión empresarial es el primer paso de un proceso exitoso de empleabilidad." 452956,64224.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Sobre el grado de instrucción de los encuestados se encontró que, el 52.2% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana tiene estudios superiores universitarios y técnicos (completos o incompletos). El 40.1% tiene estudios de secundaria (completos o incompletos). En el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana el 84.8% tiene estudios superiores universitarios y técnicos (completos o incompletos)." 220468,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Two cases are currently isolated in health facilities in the Country; and the National IDU has 99 percent bed occupancy available. 491710,65437.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/wos_attacks_on_health_care_q2_2021_final.pdf,"[1 April - 30 June 2021, Overall Syria] [from table] 4 health care facilities were impacted, 5 health personnel were impacted, 1 health care transport was impacted." 36942,13321.0,788.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,39,[],['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"As of April, 1,400 Nigerian refugees who sought refuge in Niger have been registered as returnees in Damasak, Borno State. Returns have primarily been influenced by changes in the security situation along the border areas." 42163,14800.0,788.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,104,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cwg_strategy_and_workplan_2019_and_2021.pdf,"Between 2009 and 2019, Hostilities between government and NSAGs has affected around 13.4 million people in the Northeast of Nigeria. Out of the total affected, approximately 7.1 million need humanitarian assistance while 6.2 million are targeted for humanitarian assistance. To date, 1.8 million people are reported internally displaced, and new displacement continues due to the insurgency in the states of Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa. The crises have impacted women, men, girls and boys, and people with special needs differently, and their vulnerabilities, as well as coping mechanisms, vary." 291653,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"By the end of September 2020, assistance had been provided to least 8 million people in every district of the country – a huge achievement given the circumstances." 177249,41744.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,Sécurité alimentaire et moyens d’existence:Apporter une assistance alimentaire d'urgence par l’intermédiaire de distribution de vivres ou de transferts monétaires ; l'appui aux activités génératrices de revenus ou autre forme d'assistance ; Sensibiliser les personnes déplacées sur la diversification alimentaire. 234159,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] During the reporting week 51, five (5) positive cases were identified at the designated points of entries if the country (4 travelling from India and 1 from United Arab Emirates). Out of individuals sent to Institutional Quarantine after passenger screening at HSIA during the week 68% (294/433) are travelling from Saudi Arabia." 187556,38355.0,1184.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"More than three months have passed since school closures left 4.6 million students temporarily without in-person classes in Ecuador3. But while many children have been able to continue learning remotely, in isolated areas online learning is not an option. With no internet access, no cell phone and no television in her home, Raiza, a 11-year old girl who lives in Pandayacu in the Ecuadorian Amazon, has been relying on weekly visits from her teacher, Doris. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the already significant difference in access to education between those living in urban areas and those living in rural parts of Ecuador. Almost two thirds of the country’s households lack internet connectivity, leaving many children – especially those outside of towns and cities – unable to take advan- tage of remote online learning tools." 304204,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Overall some 43,000 South Sudanese refugees are reported to have spontaneously returned to South Sudan from Sudan since November 2017; however, tracking returns in Sudan remains challenging" 307722,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Over 2,090 people were reached with Integrated Community Case Management services Likuangole and Gumuruk payams." 393142,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,147,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The below chart explains that 85% said a person can be infected with COVID 19 through contact with an affected persons who coughs, 9% said a person can be infected by not practicing 2 meter social distancing and going to a crowded areas. 3% said by carelessness and not mindful of preventive measures given by professionals like use of face masks, washing hands and social distancing, person can be infected. 2% said a person can be infected with COVID 19 if they do not believe COVID 19 exists. 1% said by not observing proper hygiene including hand washing and not using face mask. 0.4% said a person can be infected with COVID 19 due to lack of reliable information about COVID 19 and its dangers can also" 172401,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Alors que le monde fait face à une crise sanitaire sans précédent causée par la pandémie de COVID-19, la RDC a enregistré le premier cas confirmé à Kinshasa le 10 mars 2020. En date du 07 juin, 4 105 cas confirmés ont été notifiés dont 90 décès, soit un taux de létalité de 2,2 pour cent des cas rapportés. Près de 91,3 pour cent des cas (1461/1601) auraient été contaminés localement." 412525,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,57,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh]The same report (UNICEF, 2020) also predicts that if there is more decrease in health services in Bangladesh, more than 28,000 children under the age of five could die in the next six months as an indirect result of the pandemic in the worst-case scenario." 248541,46458.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"Residents also report unbalanced diets, which typically consist of cereals (usually bread), oil and fat and sugar; on average vegetables and pulses are consumed less than 3 days a week, while meat, fruit and dairy products are rarely consumed." 197928,43603.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"UNHCR also expanded investment in online and offline distance education as an alternative solution and ensuring refugee children have access to alternative education arrangements introduced locally. So far, 75 university students are benefiting from on online study arrangement." 1281,186.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,112,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://www.msf.org/en/article/yemen-crisis-update-january-2018,"Medical figures From March 2015 to December 2017 Patients treated for intentional physical violence, including war wounds, in MSF facilities: 72,291 Emergency room patients received in MSF facilities & MSF supported facilities: 718,802 Surgical interventions performed by MSF: 54,313 Children admitted to paediatric ward (non-violence cases): 23,411 Deliveries: 43,890 General consultations for internal displaced people: 205,240 Malaria cases treated: 10,291 Malnutrition cases treated: 9,515 Patients admitted to MSF Cholera Treatment Centres: 107,966 In 2017, MSF sent 1,496 tonnes of medical supplies and equipment to Yemen. Between March 2015 and December 2017, we sent 3,912 tonnes." 477253,67232.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"4.4 Establecimiento de consulta Si bien la mayoría de la población venezolana que padece algún problema de salud buscó atención, el 55,1% consultó en una farmacia o botica, el 34,5% se automedicaron. El 17,7% buscó atención médica en un establecimiento del Ministerio de Salud, el 7,6% en servicios privados (4,1% consultorio médico y 3,5% clínica particular) y el 2,3% recibió atención médica en un establecimiento del Seguro Social de Salud (EsSalud)." 389658,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"En ese trimestre se registraron casi 1.840.000 casos nuevos de COVID-19 y 43.500 muertes por esta causa en el país, es decir, 42.3% de todos los casos y 39.9% de todas las muertes acumuladas a nivel nacional hasta el momento." 224197,45763.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"La sécurité alimentaire des ménages dans les quatre départements évalués de la province du Mayo-Kebbi est affectée par les inondations. Au total, 31 943 personnes (5 323 ménages), représentant 62% de la population des villages visités ont besoin d’une assistance alimentaire." 193744,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,41,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Une épidémie de poliovirus dérivé vaccinal circulant de type 2 (cVDPV2) dont la date de paralysie remonte au 9 septembre 2019 sévit dans la localité de Koundoul, dans la province du Chari-Baguirmi, après plusieurs années sans poliovirus" 192466,43603.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"A 13 per cent increase in monthly new admissions of acutely malnourished children has been reported between January and March 2020, compared to the first-quarter average monthly admission for 2016-2019. This can be attributed to sporadic disease outbreaks (AWD/ cholera and measles outbreak), and worsening of the food security situation in many areas." 235178,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"While the government is continuing to implement its Economic and Financial Program, supported by an Extended Credit Facility (ECF), the COVID-19 pandemic has appeared and is causing a significant impact on Cameroon’s economy, potentially undoing hard-won macroeconomic gains and endangering our development agenda." 209739,44790.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Notwithstanding the achievements realised in the past year, malnutrition is still prevalent in some regions and districts, indicating that the causal factors of malnutrition are largely context-specific. In Somalia these include: climatic factors, insecurity, lack of basic health facilities, poor hygiene and sanitation practices, disease, limited humanitarian interventions, and structural poverty." 208606,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The drivers of malnutrition, namely food insecurity, suboptimal childcare and feeding practices, morbidity, lack of safe water and sanitation, internal displacement and conflict continued to worsen in 2019 and are expected to reflect the same trend in the first quarter of 2020.1" 132478,34344.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Brindar transporte humanitario a refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en condiciones vulnerables. El apoyo al transporte humanitario requerirá estar garantizado especialmente en localidades de tránsito, tales como Tumbes y Tacna. Se centrará tanto en transporte local como interprovincial a las principales ciudades del Perú, particularmente a Lima. Mientras que la mayoría del transporte se hará por los mismos socios, la asistencia se dará también a través de asistencia económica de ser posible." 276096,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,94,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"les individus ne sont pas égaux face à la protection, certains sont plus vulnérables que d’autres : les femmes, les enfants et les personnes handicapées. Les enfants les plus vulnérables sont les enfants non-accompagnés (ENA) et séparés de leurs familles, les ménages ayant à leur tête un enfant, les familles monoparentales sont nombreuses, les familles avec des jeunes enfants pris en charge par des personnes âgées, les enfants portant un handicap et les enfants associés à des forces ou des groupes armés." 159019,37971.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,12,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,Nombre de décès depuis le début de l’épidémie : 53 189722,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"En matière de transport, les hommes disposent davantage de moyens de transport individuel et en commun que les femmes alors qu´elles assurent l´essentiel du transport de la production agrosylvopastorale sur de longues distances et très souvent à pieds." 205201,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,21,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"OCTOBER 2017: First armed clashes and population displacement recorded in the North West, South West and towards Nigeria." 387398,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,98,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"la comparación más clara de las cifras de esta tabla es con la distribución porcentual por sexo, según tamaño de empresa, mostrada en la tabla 2. De acuerdo con dicha comparación, la proporción de 28,8% de mujeres en jefaturas superiores de las grandes empresas se encuentra 11 puntos porcentuales por debajo de la participación de las mujeres en el empleo total de dicho segmento (28,8% vs. 39,7%), mientras que en la mediana empresa la brecha asciende a 7 puntos porcentuales (27,4% vs. 34,3%)." 484211,67399.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://mcusercontent.com/c520ee8fbad80f8ae80410aa9/files/450238d1-e1c7-198a-bad9-f5d26e9663c1/CXB_Weekly_report_21.36_5_11_Sep_21_Final.pdf,"[05 – 11 September 2021, Cox's Bazar]The weekly numbers of people who tested positive have continued to decrease – from the last week’s 401 to 244 this week. So far, a total of 22,208 patients have tested COVID-positive in the district. However, the number of patients who died of COVID-19 has increased this week, bringing the total number of COVID-related death to 295 (including 31 Rohingya) since the beginning of the pandemic." 166604,39056.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/270_1597244175_0.pdf,"On the 4th of May 2020, the Federal Government of Nigeria commenced gradual easing of the lockdown, using a phased approach. This has significantly contributed to the progressive return of life to normalcy as well as reviving the economy. The Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 (PTF-COVID-19) has continued to assess the situation, transmission dynamics in the country, and determine ways to mitigate the socio-economic impacts of the lockdown by ensuring the safe re-opening of the economy." 408618,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Cauca is a multiethnic and multicultural department that includes well-organised Afro- Colombian, indigenous, and farmer communities. Armed groups have systematically attacked these communities, seeking to disrupt their traditions, uses, and customs and aggravate their struggle for the right to free and dignified land ownership" 296403,52103.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%b9%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%a3%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84/#.YFxzT2Qzb0o,"[March 14, GoS]The medical condition is sent as posts and then the answer is given by the specialist doctor. As an example, a member sends an image showing brown spots that suddenly appeared on the skin and asks for a consultation with a dermatologist, so one of the supervising doctors asks him about the symptoms accompanying that, and then the doctor prescribes the appropriate medication." 172416,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Une grande partie du personnel et des équipements disponibles étant mobilisée pour la réponse COVID-19, un risque majeur se pose concernant la prévention et la prise en charge d’autres pathologies (rougeole, choléra, paludisme, malnutrition, etc.) et le risque de nouvelles flambées épidémiques." 163771,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,55,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En Cali fue inaugurada la Clínica Unida por la Vida el cual será operado por la E.S.E Oriente y tendrá disponible 20 camas de cuidado intensivo y entre 40 y 50 camas de cuidado intermedio, la clínica recibirá todos los pacientes positivos que requieren cuidados intensivos y a pacientes que requieren atención intermedia." 384882,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"L’OMS a poursuivi son assistance médicale aux personnes déplacées internes et communautés hôtes à travers les postes médicaux avancés mis en place en collaboration avec ses partenaires dans les districts de de Djibo, Fada et Sebba ainsi que les cliniques mobiles multidisciplinaires en partenariat avec Première Urgence Internationale dans la région de l’Est, Médecins du monde France dans la région du Centre-Nord et ABBA’S International dans la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun." 115990,30124.0,1386.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,65,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades La situación socio económica impacta negativamente sobre los sistemas y servicios de agua, saneamiento e higiene (ASH) - suministro de agua potable, tratamiento de aguas residuales, accesibilidad de artículos de higiene, manejo de desechos sólidos, sistemas de drenaje y control de vectores – e impacta negativamente sobre la resiliencia, incrementando las vulnerabilidades de la población." 490046,67394.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,140,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] A Camp wise dedicated Contact Tracing (CT) network (34 supervisors and 311 volunteers) has been embedded in the Rapid Investigation and Response Teams (RIRTs) for COVID-19. A total of 2 653 confirmed cases (out of 2 883 to date) have been investigated by RIRTs by 29 August 2021, with contact tracing activities being conducted and captured through Go.data, including 5 227 contacts. Out of these, 3 526 (67%) contacts have seen their follow up visits completed and were released from quarantine. 285 (8.0%) tested positive cases during the follow up period. WHO is closely supporting contact tracing through the Camp Health and Disease Surveillance Officers (CHDSOs)." 173882,41033.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, BAY states] There are currently 23 active cases in Adamawa State for a total 248 confirmed cases, four active cases in Borno State for 745 confirmed cases, and 5 active cases in Yobe State for 79 confirmed cases in total since the beginning of the pandemic. Both Borno State and Adamawa State did not announce any new cases last week" 171396,40771.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,134,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,"Concernant les formations reçues, la moitié des agents interrogés a déclaré avoir reçu une formation sur la gestion clinique du viol réalisée par l’ONG Terre des Hommes Lausanne alors que l’autre moitié composée des agents du Centre Médical de Arbinda, du poste de santé avancé 6 de Djibo, du CSPS de la Croix-Rouge de Djibo et du CSPS de Markoye n’ont pas reçu cette formation. Quant à la formation spécifique sur la prise en charge des enfants survivant-e-s de viol, seul l’agent du Centre Médical avec Antenne Chirurgicale de Djibo a déclaré l’avoir bénéficié. Il faut noter que parmi les 409 agents, aucun des 151 animateurs communautaires n’a bénéficié des deux types de formation." 248502,46458.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,96,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"Inadequate wastewater management, therefore, is an important potential route of transmission. In this context, residents of Surkh Dewall suffer low capacity WASH systems, presenting severe transmission risks. Nine per cent of respondents – accounting for a total of 56 families, and 325 individuals – report practicing open defecation; female-headed and lower-income households are most likely to practice open defecation (Fig 1). The remainder of households used basic open latrines, which also present high contamination risks, particularly in the context of overcrowded housing." 213243,45314.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/world/2020/12/08/twice-trafficked-covid-19-fuels-fears-for-survivors-in-bangladesh,"[8th December 2020, Bangladesh] Charities helping Bangladeshi migrants who have been tricked into fake jobs, ending up saddled with debt or working in dire conditions, say workers now risk falling back into the same trap as the Covid-19 fallout eats into income opportunities at home. At least 70,000 Bangladeshi garment workers lost work after big brands rushed to cancel orders early in the pandemic." 347696,56800.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] The most significant impact of COVID-19 on children is that they no longer can attend school. As women and girls are perceived to be primarily responsible for care work, girls are likely to face more difficulty allocating time to home-schooling than boys." 207057,43256.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"March 2020 Cadre Harmonisé modelling data indicates that 854,302 people in the North West representing 34% of the total population of this region and 618,746 in South West representing 33% of the total population of this region are estimated to be in crisis (phase 3+)." 148229,35830.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Response%20COVID-19%20Sit%20Rep%20%234%20-%20External%20use.pdf,"Between June and July, WV distributed 2,500 multi-sectorial cash grants to newly displaced households living in northwest Syria to support them in meeting their survival needs." 114194,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Politics']",es,63,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El impacto en el acceso humanitario: Uno de los mayores desafíos de la pandemia de COVID-19 son las medidas de restricción de movilidad y el toque de queda que el Gobierno ha promulgado, para contener la propagación del virus. Estas restricciones son una limitante para que los agentes humanitarios puedan llegar a las zonas rurales y remotas del país." 136789,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 24 June, 12,416 COVID-19 tests have been performed in laboratories in Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Lattakia governorates. In addition, 3,543 COVID-19 tests have been performed in Idleb National lab for samples from Idleb and northwest Aleppo countryside as 3 August 2020." 308225,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of rice in Hirat was maximum in September 2020 and minimum in October 2020. 206712,44579.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,96,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]Non-displaced households (60%) were reportedly twice as likely to have private latrines compared to displaced households (32%). Latrines were found to be rarely separated by gender, which is a matter of particular importance to the population according to the FGDs, as detailed in the following section. Less than a third of latrines (30%) were found to be accessible for disabled people and many to lack basic fixtures such as lights, locks." 16498,6352.0,322.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"348,253 children have benefited from school repairs including rehabilitation of WASH facilities. 11,124 students were provided with school supplies to ensure access to a improved learning environment. Cluster partners supported teachers training benefitting 382,410 teachers. Hygiene education activities reached 80,656 students while 72,074 student were provided with Nutritious snacks. 15,421 students provided with alternative learning classrooms to ensure the continuation of their education." 73332,21154.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,88,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"Nutrition assistance, will be provided based on nutritional assessments of affected girls, boys, men and women, including pregnant and lactating ones, in order to provide an adequate nutritional supplement. These interventions will be carried out in coordination with the medical authorities of the different countries, who will support the partners in the determination of the best nutritional support to be given to women, men, girls and boys, taking into account the dimensions of gender, age and interculturality" 164854,39753.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"UNICEF and partners reached 1,937 children (985 boys, 952 girls) and 601 community members (350 women, 251 men) through community-based MHPSS mostly using house-tohouse campaign in IDP camps and host communities. The activities aimed at encouraging families and children to access centre-based PSS facilities once COVID-19 guidelines on physical distancing and restrictions in movements have been lifted." 227481,46488.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"{Localité de Salamabila, province du Maniema} La quasi-totalité des IC (14/15) ont rapporté qu’au moins la moitié de la population avait accès à la terre au moment de la collecte de données {13/10/2020 au 15/10/2020}." 293969,52076.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"The prevalence of malnutrition among boys under 5 is higher than for girls of the same age group, regardless of the anthropometric index used. Thus, 33.5% of boys against 29.8% of girls were stunted in 2014." 341837,56181.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"En 2021, le PAM a déjà atteint 2,9 millions de personnes en leur fournissant une aide alimentaire en nature, en espèces ou sous forme de nutrition. Au cours du seul mois d’Avril, le PAM a aidé quelque 815 000 bénéficiaires." 304805,50889.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"2019 SENS (Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey) data indicates ‘serious’ GAM (Global Acute Malnutrition) rates of 13.3 per cent across the Shagarab camps, and over 11 per cent for all other camps. Stunting prevalence is ‘critical’ in Shagarab camps at 53.1 per cent, as well as for Abuda, Um Gargour and Fau 5 at 45.3 per cent." 489930,67790.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,124,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.237%20%2816%20%20-%2022%20August%202021%29.pdf,"[16th-22 Aug 2021, Borno and Adamawa]Hong: 149 arrivals and 153 departures were recorded in Hong LGA of Adamawa State. The arrivals included 118 individuals from Hong LGA in Adamawa State and 31 individuals from Mubi North LGA in Adamawa State. All individuals who departed had Askira/Uba LGA in Borno State as their intended destination. Fifty-one per cent of the movements recorded were a result of the impact of flooding in areas of origin, 30 per cent of the movements recorded were a result of the improved security situation in areas of origin, 10 per cent of the movements were due to poor living conditions and 9 per cent were due to voluntary relocation." 70975,20152.0,788.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",en,67,[],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acleddata.com-Regional%20Overview%20Africa%2020%20%2026%20October%202019.pdf,"Until recently, Boko Haram has largely confined its activity to Nigeria’s northeastern Borno State and the eastern border regions with Chad, Niger, and Cameroon. But this week, the group announced its first offensive against the military in Nigeria’s northwestern Sokoto State. The offensive is believed to have killed many Nigerian troops–though the precise number is unknown." 492598,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] MEDIAN SMEB COST: FOOD ITEMS (Syrian Pounds): 258,275 One month Change: 3% Six month Change: 14%" 111882,31304.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,85,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El 15/03/2020 ha salido un comunicado en este sentido, por los gobernadores (cabildos) de los pueblos Arhuaco, Kankuamo, Wiwa y Kogui de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta solicitando a Gobernadores de los 3 departamentos que conforman el territorio adoptar medidas específicas de prohibición de visitas, extranjeros y turistas a la zona, aislamiento por 3 meses y protección hacia sus cuencas, por considerarse con un nivel de riesgo elevado frente a la amenaza emergente del COVID19." 106497,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,25,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Las familias inmigrantes comparten con las de La Guajira un entorno cultural cercano, pero también unas condiciones de pobreza que las afectan profundamente." 131826,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"documentos requeridos para acceder a programas sociales, identificar las modalidades válidas para una atención eficaz (adaptadas para refugiados y migrantes), reformar las regulaciones internas para permitir la atención de los refugiados y migrantes más vulnerables, y establecer un mecanismo de intercambio de información con respecto a los servicios sociales y de protección." 301214,52845.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,110,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Life of Rohingya: There were two serious fires in the camps over the weekend. The first, on 18 March in Jadimura Camp 27 resulted in two shelters being destroyed. The second on the day after was more serious when the former Save the Children hospital in Camp 17 was gutted by a fire thought to have been caused by a gas explosion. At the end of the week, the much anticipated UN assessment visit to the camp on the island of Bhashan Char was undertaken. The assessment team will deliver its report shortly." 299430,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In November, in Ghor Province, NSAG-TB destroyed the Kaminj main bridge to obstruct movement for ANSF. This is the second time after April 2020 that this bridge was destroyed by NSAG-TB, thereby not only impeding ANSF but also humanitarian movement." 339389,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Para los estudiantes afrodescendientes en países como Colombia, Ecuador y Guatemala en los que se venía avanzando con experiencias de atención diferenciada, tanto de etnoeducación como de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe, no se han encontrado respuestas y estrategias de atención educativa particulares para ellos, ni se cuenta con materiales educativos en sus lenguas." 80892,22140.0,1224.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72828.pdf,"In Guyana, the lack of livelihood opportunities and the limited availability and high cost of non-food items have increased humanitarian needs of Venezuelans, especially those living in remote areas of the country. During the reporting period, partners provided food assistance to 88 Venezuelans in Regions 4 and 9 and non-food items to 47 Venezuelans in Region 9. Partners also provided food assistance to 186 vulnerable Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Aruba and the Dominican Republic." 293634,51569.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Access to public health services is now severely limited for the community members. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted) 307811,52942.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,96,['Impact'],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Fertilizer (UREA): The average price increased by 0.1% compared to the third week of November. Prices increased only in Urozgan (4%) , due to increased demand and sustained supply. Prices were highest in Nuristan, followed by Daykundi and Ghor (AFN 1,500, 1,383 and 1,350 per 50 kg bag, respectively), due to remoteness and high transportation costs. Prices were lowest in Logar, Hilmand and Kandahar (AFN 793, 950 and 1,050 per 50 kg bag, respectively)." 237854,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"A semana epidemiológica 53, 12 municipios se encuentran en situación de brote; los que más reportan casos son: Tierralta (Córdoba), Cumaribo (Vichada), Bajo Baudó (Chocó), Maguí y Mosquera (Nariño)" 326760,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Quoique que la tendance générale de l’épidémie soit en baisse, cette semaine 2 nouvelles ZS sont entrées en épidémie et traduisant ainsi une extension géographique de cette dernière et soulignant vivement le besoin de renforcer les interventions de riposte dans l’ensemble du pays." 278646,50723.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_unrwa_syria_regional_crisis_emergency_appeal_.pdf,"[2021, Overall Syria] The protection threats for women and girls in Palestine refugees are further increased due to disruption of pre-existing protection mechanisms and crucial services including family planning, child and maternal health and sexual and reproductive health care services, legal assistance, and counselling." 132488,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,266,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Incrementar el alcance y el acceso a los servicios para medios de vida y trabajo decente: los socios en la respuesta promoverán la generación e implementación de empleabilidad conjunta y rutas de emprendimiento para cerrar las brechas para el acceso de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela a los servicios de empleo, Servicios de Desarrollo Empresarial (SDE) y servicios financieros, facilitar su inserción en los mercados laborales locales. Esto también incluirá la provisión de soporte técnico para los servicios públicos y privados, con el fin de facilitar la inserción de los refugiados y migrantes en los mercados laborales locales. El apoyo a los medios de vida representa el mayor porcentaje de intervenciones en el Sector de Integración e incluye esfuerzos de la mayoría de los socios en el Perú. Con el fin de mejorar el acceso al mercado de mano de obra en el país, múltiples actividades están planificadas para el 2020. Los socios se centrarán en las actividades de capacitación hacia el emprendimiento, incluyendo la educación financiera y la toma de conciencia en cómo acceder a los productos financieros. El acceso al capital, tal como préstamos, estará también incluido, particularmente para pagar la validación de los grados técnicos y profesionales. Otras actividades incluirán la implementación de un enfoque de graduación, programas de empleabilidad, compartir experiencias y talleres. Esto incluirá también un enfoque de género y empoderamiento de la mujer (de todas las comunidades) en el mercado laboral y mediante el empleo independiente." 125945,31192.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"While the Protection Sector recognizes the importance and urgent need to decongest IDP camps in order to promote the welfare of IDPs and public health amid the COVID-19 crisis, new areas must be safe and have adequate services, in particular shelter, clean water, food and access to healthcare and livelihood. As much as possible, transfer to another location as part of the planned decongestions should be carried out based on IDPs’ consent and preferences." 159010,37971.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,"Un (1) nouveau cas confirmé le 20/06/2020, il s’agit d’un cas importé confiné à Ouagadougou (District sanitaire de Baskuy)" 275488,50217.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Si nous n’arrivons pas à répondre aux besoins, ce sont plus de 600 000 personnes vulnérables qui ne pourront pas avoir accès à un abri sûr et digne, respectant les normes et standards leur permettant de recouvrir un minimum d’intimité, de faire face aux intempéries/chocs et de réduire leur vulnérabilité. Intracommunautaires." 200536,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"D’autre part, les créanciers sont des membres de la famille pour 68% des dettes, puis en deuxième recours, des amis ou des proches pour 38% des dettes. Ces emprunts se réalisent dans le cadre informel, et sont rarement régulés par des contrats écrits. Dans 95% des cas, les créanciers avaient connaissance du but de l’emprunt. Ces données indiquent que l’effort de mobilisation de fonds dans le cadre du projet migratoire d’un membre de la famille ne dépend pas uniquement de la disposition d’un individu à prendre la route, mais aussi de l’ensemble des membres de sa famille. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 384803,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"La situation des cas d’ictère fébrile est marquée par une flambée depuis juillet 2020 au niveau de la région du Centre Nord. Les cas d’ictère ont été confirmé comme étant une épidémie de L’hépatite E qui continue aussi à secouer la population de la région du Centre Nord. Depuis le début de l’épidémie, en septembre 2020 jusqu’au 30 juin mai 2021, la région a rapporté 742 (57% des cas était de sexe féminin) avec un cumul de 17 décès. 88% des patients décédés étaient des femmes soit enceintes ou en post partum. Les investigations menées ont conclu à une hépatite virale E." 39201,13752.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,104,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_RapidAssessment-Tripoli_2019-05-21-FINAL.pdf,"When asked about food prices compared to the previous month, a slight majority of key informants (59%) reported that prices had increased since the previous month. However, this reported increase in food prices could not be conclusively attributed to be related only to the ongoing armed conflict, as Ramadan related increase in prices of food commodities could not be factored out. Furthermore, in the areas of Qasr Bin Ghasheer, and Al Aziziya people were reported to be unable to buy all of their daily needed items due to the disruption of supply chains." 113011,29959.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,11,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,o Aumento en entrega de alimentos a población vulnerable en Arauca 137469,35305.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,28,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Between June and July, WV distributed 2,500 multi-sectorial cash grants to newly displaced households living in northwest Syria to support them in meeting their survival needs." 173611,34288.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,39,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653231,"El Gobierno de Guatemala a través de la Secretaría de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional y su delegación en El Progreso, informan sobre las acciones realizadas para afianzar la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SAN) del Departamento." 149048,37814.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/bonded-crisis-adversity-and-hope-rohingya-influx-three-years,"Yet, with the generous support of the Government of Bangladesh and collective effort by the humanitarian partners, lifesaving services continue to be provided to the Rohingya and host communities, while strict precautionary measures are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19." 35738,13103.0,788.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"The findings of the assessment showed that girls (particularly from poorer households in rural, remote and hard-to-reach settings) are less likely to have access to money for user fees, laboratory fees, and purchasing of medicines and commodities. Financial constraints were also found to be a major barrier for adolescent girls by the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2013 (7)." 207240,44693.0,2333.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,78,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"L’APBE a repris les activités de prise en charge médicale sur la ZAR d’Intikane. Néanmoins le défaut d’ambulance (depuis que l’autre a été enlevé par les GANE), pourrait avoir un impact sur les évacuations d’urgence vers Tahoua. Notons que le CSI d’Intikane géré par APBE fait actuellement face à un afflux de malades, dont ceux qui souffrent du paludisme." 126117,34397.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,Solo el 16% de los migrantes encuestados tiene acceso al Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP)7 lo cual limita el acceso al mercado laboral a solo un segmento de la población migrante venezolana. Aproximadamente solo uno de cada cuatro migrantes (24%) tiene acceso a la Tarjeta de Movilidad Fronteriza (TMF). 297385,51172.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"Need assessments for 9,590 IDPs are ongoing in Kabul, Kapisa, Khost and Paktya provinces. Approximately 6,685 people received winter assistance in Parwan and Paktya provinces. In addition, 9,653 people were identified by interagency assessment teams to receive winter assistance in Daykundi province." 474716,64944.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Dans certaines localités sous menaces sécuritaires, les GANE auraient interdit aux populations tout accès à leurs champs, qu’ils auraient été utilisés pour abriter des bases logistiques ou pour servir de couloir de passage dans le cadre de leurs opérations." 275498,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"L’ignorance des dangers liés à l’exposition aux EEI et aux REG et la non actualisation de la cartographie des zones à risque accentuent la vulnérabilité de la population civile et les exposent aux risques d’incidents de protection (blessures, homicides), et entravé l’accès à l’aide humanitaire." 341006,56436.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-whole-of-syria-appeal.pdf,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] At least 12.4 million people are in need of health assistance." 384812,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,Deux incidents ont été signalé parmi les partenaires ONGs qui offrent les soins de santé dans les régions affectées par la crise humanitaire. On a un cumul de 26 incidents rapportés parmi les ONG depuis janvier en ce jour dont la moitié concerne les partenaires ONGs travaillant dans le secteur de la santé 206344,43347.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Outside PoC and other collective sites, an estimated 70 per cent of the displaced population are living with inadequate shelters and NFIs." 486403,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] The most frequently reported shelter issue was that of cold and damp conditions, as reported by over half of the households across NWS (54 percent). Lack of heating was the second most frequently reported issue (38 percent), followed by lack of space inside the shelter (33 percent). Cold and damp conditions were found to be especially of concern in finished and unfinished houses and apartments (as reported by 60 and 64 percent of households, respectively), whereas the most frequently reported issue by households living tents is that of a lack of space (61 percent), followed by a lack of privacy (49 percent) and leakages during rain (41 percent)." 229721,44602.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,There is no established legal structure to handle protection issues since the area is controlled by military. 290270,52076.0,2334.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,Boys have a privileged access to education: Their gross enrollment rate is 125% in primary school (110% for girls). 65% are enrolled in secondary school (53% for girls). 197206,43114.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,76,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.dinero.com/opinion/columnistas/articulo/los-derechos-de-los-venezolanos-por-miguel-angel-herrera/305669,"El trasfondo de esta realidad sociolingüística es el riesgo de los derechos humanos de los venezolanos que están con nosotros, generando una situación de vulneración de su dignidad. Diariamente, escucho decir “no les arriendo a venezolanos” o “no les vendo a venezolanos”, o “no les presto a venezolanos”. Y creo que solamente oigo una ínfima parte de todo lo que se dice contra ellos." 218405,45693.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"In the first half of 2020, as violence intensified in Ituri and North and South Kivu provinces, grave violations against children increased by 16 per cent." 39190,13749.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Migrants and refugees are held in undignified and inhumane conditions. They have no access to adequate and specialized medical care, including sexual and reproductive health care, insufficient and nutritious food and drinking water, have inadequate access to washing and sanitation facilities, and no access to basic necessities including clean bedding, clothing and items of personal hygiene." 218110,45612.0,2311.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],es,64,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.agronet.gov.co/Noticias/Paginas/Lo-rural-no-es-solo-lo-agropecuario.aspx,"Indicó además que la producción agropecuaria ha reducido su peso en la economía, si se tiene en cuenta que en los años 90 el empleo rural estaba en el orden del 26 % y en 2020 no alcanza el 18 %, y que por la apertura económica el PIB agrícola se redujo del 18 al 6,3 % en el mismo periodo." 154961,38099.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"De plus, une baisse des transactions financières virtuelles internes et externes dans le cadre du remboursement des dettes par les clients et des parents en exode a été observée." 483281,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,178,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.2.8 Frecuencia de la violencia física En la encuesta se preguntó a los que declararon saber o conocer a alguna persona venezolana que haya sido víctima de maltrato físico, si estas situaciones de maltrato físico se vivían con la misma frecuencia en su país. El 62,1% considera que las situaciones de violencia física son más frecuentes en el Perú que cuando vivía en Venezuela y el 11,2% considera que es igual de frecuente que cuando vivía en Venezuela. El 26,7% considera que es menos frecuente en Perú que cuando vivía en Venezuela. Según sexo, el 64,4% de las mujeres consideran que la violencia física es más frecuente en Perú que cuando vivía en Venezuela, siendo 3,7 puntos porcentuales más que los hombres (60,7%) y el 12,9% considera que es igual de frecuente como en Venezuela, 2,7 puntos porcentuales más los hombres, en tanto consideran que es menos frecuente el 22,8% de las mujeres 6,3 puntos porcentuales menos que los hombres." 126677,29029.0,1620.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,12,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigeria-drives-routine-immunization-amid-covid-19,"Currently, routine immunization is ongoing in all 36 Nigerian states." 222985,45471.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria] The crisis in north-east Nigeria remains one of the largest and most severe humanitarian crises in the world today. In 2020, the protracted conflict between Boko Haram, other NSAGs, and the Nigerian army entered its 11th year." 288235,51845.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,118,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://twitter.com/MSF_Syria/status/1374426677225218048?s=09,"(20/03/2021, NW, Aleppo) On March 20, a bomb exploded nearby the humanitarian organisation Al Ameen’s warehouse in Al-Bab in northern Aleppo. MSF and Al Ameen operate in partnership in different areas in Aleppo governorate. As a result of the explosion, 80% of MSF’s and Al Ameen’s medical stock was destroyed in the attack. Numerous drugs, medical equipment and supply for a COVID19 treatment centre are now lacking. The destruction of this warehouse will directly impact the ability of Al Ameen to deliver medical care to approximately 100,000 people desperately in need of humanitarian aid in the Al Bab region." 169294,40031.0,1185.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,20,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,• The COVID-19 state of emergency has been extended until 30 September 2020. Targeted quarantine remains in place. 63094,18663.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,588,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"According to the World Malaria Report 2018, the Americas accounted for 0.44% of malaria cases (975,700 cases) in the world; 42% (519,109 cases) were reported by WHO in Venezuela. This number is higher than the total number of cases reported by the rest of the 16 countries with autochthonous transmission of the disease in the Americas between 2000 and 2017. It is now part of the group of countries with the highest burden of malaria at the global level with 0.22% of global cases.5 In 2016, based on the latest available estimates, there was approximately 120,000 cases of HIV, 6,500 new infections and 2,500 deaths due to AIDS-related diseases in Venezuela. The HIV epidemic is concentrated in key populations such as MSM (men who have sex with men) and sex workers. High HIV prevalence has also been detected in some indigenous communities (Warao). Although the country is not reporting new data since 2015-2016, it is well known that the mortality rate increased. The apparent reduction of new HIV cases is most likely due to the shortage of HIV tests that has limited the capacity of the health system in detecting new cases.6 The number of tuberculosis (TB) cases by 2017, according to preliminary data, was 10,185 which represents an increase of 41% compared to what was reported in 2014 (6,063 cases). There was an incidence rate of 32.4 per 100,000 inhabitants, the highest in more than 40 years. This increase was concentrated in males between 15 and 34 years of age, the most economically active population. Almost 25 per cent of all cases were concentrated in two vulnerable groups: people in prisons (15.7%) and indigenous groups (6.8%). Between 2014 and 2017 the number of drug-resistant cases doubled (from 39 to 79 cases). The TB/HIV co-infection in 2017 was 4.8% and the association of TB and Diabetes was 5% of the total, with a clear increased trend. The mortality rate of TB patients is constantly at 2.2 per 100,000 inhabitants since 2009.7 Furthermore, more than 30% of the population suffer from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD), such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, chronic respiratory diseases, etc. The majority are currently not receiving adequate treatment and proper follow up. Most Venezuelans suffer a certain degree of malnutrition; Caritas Venezuela indicated in 2018 that approximately 280,000 children are at risk of death due to the shortage of food, 50% of children present different stages of malnutrition, and the severe status, reported in hospitals, has increased from 2% to 14%. Due to the context, there is a lack of medical staff and disruption to electricity in the Popular Power Ministry for Health (MPPS), which has negatively impacted the capacity for providing adequate services to the general population. The lack of medicines, commodities and supplies affects the diagnostic capacities of laboratories and radiological facilities. Spare parts of medical equipment and absence of regular maintenance are additional problems that health facilities are facing within the country and represent the main obstacles for providing a proper and quality treatment and care in the Venezuelan Red Cross’s health facilities." 294124,50852.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,114,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"8% of surveyed refugee [households] HHs reported having experienced safety or security incidents affecting HH members in the 3 months prior to data collection. Among HHs that reported having experienced safety or security incidents affecting HH members in the 3 months prior to data Collection, % of surveyed refugee HHs by the gender(s) and age group(s) of the victim(s): Men aged 18 years or older (43%), Women aged 18 years or older (31%), Girls aged 0-17 years (26%), Boys aged 0-17 years (19%)." 168273,40402.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le mil, le maïs et le sorgho sont les produits alimentaires les plus importants pour la consommation ménagère. Le mil est le produit de base des ménages les plus vulnérables, tandis que le maïs et le sorgho contribuent aussi au panier alimentaire de la majorité des autres ménages." 19292,7910.0,730.0,[],[],[],en,81,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"Humanitarian partners delivered rapid response mechanism (RRM) assistance to at least 166,100 families (over 996,600 individuals) displaced by the conflict in Al Hudaydah Governorate across the country in the last six months. Between June 2018 and 15 January 2019, displaced Al Hudaydah families across the country reached 174,717 (over 1,048,300 individuals) including 109,867 families (over 659,300 individuals) registered in 4 governorates - Hajjah, Mahwit, Raymah and Al Hudaydah." 80040,22055.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,18,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,"Benghazi An estimated 220 migrants arrived in Benghazi looking for work opportunities, especially in the construction sector" 272817,50353.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"Surgeons and psychologists deployed by WHO continued to work across the two regions, performing 69 surgical procedures, and conducting 167 consultations. The clinical psychologists in Buea, Kumba, and Bamenda trained a total of 96 people on psychosocial first aid (PFA), consulted 122 patients and provided group therapy to 259 others." 262250,49498.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/443530-covid-19-nigeria-records-869-new-cases-eight-more-deaths.html,"[17th Feb 2020,Nigeria] Eight people also died from the disease on Wednesday raising the fatality toll to 1,787 in total. This is according to an update Wednesday night by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)." 391132,61177.0,2170.0,"['Agriculture', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,96,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Higher temperatures, land and water scarcity, flooding, drought, and displacement will negatively impact agricultural production and cause further breakdown in food systems. These disproportionally affect those most vulnerable and can lead to food insecurity. Vulnerable groups risk further deterioration into food and nutrition crises if exposed to extreme weather events. Without considerable efforts made to improve climate resilience, it has been estimated that the risk of hunger and malnutrition globally could increase by up to 20% by 2050." 134727,34828.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"51,6% de los hogares migrantes señalan como principal razón para vivir en un campamento el alto costo en los arriendos, seguido de problemas económicos por bajos ingresos (15,9%) y cesantía (11,1%)." 141653,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In NWS (as of 24 July), WHO has strengthened measures at seven PoEs through its implementing partners, by increasing human resources, deploying a vehicle for referrals and providing equipment and supplies, including PPE." 293632,51569.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,60,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Priorities for Immediate Humanitarian response • There should be intensive hygiene promotion with sustainable solutions to promote good hygiene practices, water treatment and storage, hand washing, and personal hygiene • Distribute WASH NFIs • Hygiene kits distribution to registered IDPs • The need for providing emergency latrines • Need for water treatment plant to provide safe water" 278633,45721.0,2331.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,15,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,Flooding in October 2019 has also contributed to increased cases of acute watery diarrhoea. 187607,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) has lifted a number of COVID-19 related restrictions on movement in and out of the country, including the opening of international airports in August." 160541,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El control territorial por parte de actores armados no estatales se evidencia también en algunos barrios de Bogotá. Estos grupos determinan la libre circulación de las personas y exigen un pago a quienes trabajan en el espacio público. En el barrio La Isla en Soacha, al sur de la capital, existen fronteras invisibles impuestas por actores armados, que se pueden cruzar únicamente al pagar 2.000 COP (0.5 Euros)." 491766,67956.0,2170.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20External%20Situation%20Report%20-%20July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, Nigeria]Food prices continued to increase, causing further erosion to the purchasing power of vulnerable households. As of June 2021, the food minimum expenditure basket value increased over 20 percent from September 2020, when the FSS made its first recommendation to increase food transfer values for vulnerable households." 145854,35819.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"Al Hol camp is particularly susceptible to water supply disruptions, as Alouk station provides approximately 50 percent of the camp’s water. The interference at Alouk station and reduction in water flow from the Euphrates River has led to severe water shortages and resultant protests in Al Hol in recent weeks, according to the UN." 274200,49666.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Djugu] L’assistance humanitaire orientée dans ce territoire constitue un énorme appui aux ménages vulnérables, bien que les voies d’accès de la partie ouest (ZS de Bambu, Mangala, Kilo et Mungwalu) soient inaccessibles à la suite des opérations militaires effectuées par les FARDC." 208214,44900.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,Contraintes/GAPs -5 000 kits abris et 1 000 kits NFI à pourvoir au niveau du Camp de Sayam Forage. -Manque de moyens de transport des kits pour permettre au partenaire IRC d’intervenir à N'Gourti. -Difficultés d'accès à Toumour. 271906,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Le cluster protection a enregistré, au 30 novembre, 2266 incidents de protection contre 1323 en 2019 soit presque le double et 3 261 cas de VBG contre 1 399 en 2019 soit plus de 133%." 262443,49435.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,67,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/247830,"[February 17, Homs] The Director of Health in Homs, Dr. Muslim Al-Atassi, confirmed to Al-Watan that the number of infections and deaths recorded with the Coronavirus has significantly decreased in the governorate by more than 50 percent during the past period, pointing out that only one death was recorded in Corona throughout the governorate two weeks ago to date. ." 209883,45114.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,http://saharareporters.com/2020/12/09/nigeria%E2%80%99s-covid-19-cases-rise-70195-550-fresh-infections,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]It noted that 163 patients were discharged across the country after recovering from the disease. The 550 cases recorded as of December 9 signify the highest the country had recorded since August 23, when 601 cases were reported." 653,156.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,2,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,Excerpt 37 160476,38373.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,61,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Las políticas de confinamiento afectaron sobre todo a aquellos que dependen del trabajo informal en las calles, perjudicando el acceso a bienes básicos y también el envío de excedente a sus familiares en Venezuela. Entre las personas más afectadas se encuentran aquellas que asumen las tareas del hogar o el cuidado de otros, en su mayoría mujeres." 132612,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Los servicios disponibles estarán debidamente mapeados y la información material será producida y distribuida. Las campañas detienen el acoso sexual en lugares públicos y los espacios de trabajo también serán implementados. 244258,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,IOM is currently the only UN agency with a presence and active in the northern part of the country. (IOM) 17189,7079.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20EXTERNAL%20Operational%20Update%207%20DEC.PDF,"UNHCR is responding to the shelter and protection needs of close to 50,000 people in the northern governorates of Jawf and Sa’ada. In cooperation with local authorities, UNHCR identified 6,800 displaced families who recently fled from Al Hudaydah and Hajjah governorates. Needs assessments and verification have been completed, and core relief items (CRI) and emergency shelter kits (ESK) have been distributed to the families requiring them. Meanwhile, cash is being disbursed to families for whom it is a more appropriate form of assistance, to enable them to choose how best to meet their shelter and protection needs." 16804,7075.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,105,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"High food prices, contributed to households employing different food coping strategies like shifting to less preferred and cheaper food orreducing number of meals among others. Limited job opportunities and decreased wages and salaries of different segments of the society affected household income, diminishing purchasing power and added additional problem to food access. There was evidence of households adopting differentlivelihoods coping strategies to cope with difficulties in accessing food. Among these strategies were selling last female animal, begging, selling household assets, strategies that will compromise households’ ability to further cope with food gaps in the future." 226203,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 80 273 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 75 914 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 12 608 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,6%." 500712,60136.0,2074.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,69,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"Protección - Durante la visita a terreno que realizó la OIM, muchos migrantes expresaron no haber tenido comunicación reciente con sus familias, muchas de ellas en Chile, por no contar con los recursos para tener un chip de teléfono de Bolivia. La pérdida de contacto familiar y la situación que están enfrentando está generando angustia, ansiedad y estrés en varias de las personas entrevistadas" 494232,68123.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, GoS, NWS] Damascus recorded the highest daily wage rate at SYP 10,667/day (up four percent m-o-m), while Deir-ez-Zor recorded the lowest daily wage rate at SYP 4,518/day (down seven percent m-o-m). Broken down by region, the Southern region recorded the highest wage rate of SYP 8,777/day (up 12 percent m-o-m), while Northwest Syria recorded the lowest wage rate of SYP 5,575/day (down six percent m-o-m)." 169292,40031.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, Peru ranked 89 in the human development index. Despite persistent political uncertainty, its upper middle-income economy showed a steady growth largely driven by mining production and exports. This resulted in significant reductions in hunger and poverty. However, the pandemic has unveiled a structural inequality gap that threatens the food security of millions of Peruvians. With one of the highest informality rates in the region (72.5 percent), the strict lockdown measures drastically affected the livelihoods of millions of households that rely on their daily incomes for subsistence. Peru is currently among the top three countries with confirmed COVID-19 cases in the region and among the top ten worldwide." 248934,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Dans le territoire de Fizi, dans la province du Sud-Kivu, en particulier dans le secteur de Ngandja, l’on a enregistré plusieurs cas de viol commis sur des mineurs au nom d’une certaine croyance superstitieuse qui supposerait qu’avoir des relations sexuelles avec un mineur aiderait son auteur à s’enrichir." 293977,52076.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In peri-urban or local areas, girls and women are often harassed when they go to the bathroom. The taboos surrounding defecation and menstruation, combined with the recurrent lack of privacy of toilet facilities, push some girls and women to use toilets and showers only after dark." 96409,26814.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,75,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Update-Abusliem_2020-04-09_0%20%281%29.pdf,"Following reports of increased shelling and artillery fire in Western Libya over the past weeks, various areas of Abusliem municipality were directly affected by multiple airstrikes on 06-07 April 2020. According to field observers, at least 745 families (approximately 3,725 individuals) were forced to displace from conflict affected areas of Abusliem municipality, and from the neighborhoods of Salah Eddin and Al Hadba due to the deteriorating security situation." 322206,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 21% of the household found with health living Standard Gap (LSG). 9% found to be very extremely+ severe, 6% extreme severe, 6% severe, 1% stress, 78% no or minimal." 224709,46162.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"[Current food situation] In Tibesti, the recent resurgence of conflict continues to disrupt flows of goods with Libya and the rest of Chad, with very poor and poor households forced to adopt stressed strategies to access food on the market, resulting in Stressed (IPC Phase 2) levels of food insecurity." 279632,50901.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] In Mahmoudli Camp, main information sources about COVID-19 as reported by households are: • NGOs or charities: 98%, • Posters/flyers in the street: 64%, • Friends/family: 52%." 191327,43417.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/toxic-brew-instability-armed-violence-extreme-poverty-hunger-and-covid-19-putting,"Work with us to invest in social services — and those who deliver them: teachers, health workers, social welfare officers and volunteers who are doing so much to support children and their families in this dangerous time." 490614,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Poultry meat and eggs prices went down in the month of July. In addition, lifting of the government ban on sea fishing slightly started to increase availability of fish in the market which led to reduction in the demand of eggs and chicken, driving down in July." 330144,55167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elperiodico.com/es/internacional/20210502/represion-policial-marca-mayo-colombia-11695827,"Las protestas contra lareforma tributaria deDuque y la violencia en Cali han marcado las celebraciones del Día de los Trabajadores en el país, con marchas multitudinarias en ciudades comola capital, Bogotá, o Medellín, donde han ocurrido las movilizaciones más importantes." 164082,39753.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,90,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"All airports remain closed to domestic and international travel, except for emergency flights. The Presidential Task Force (PTF) is considering plans to reopen airports for domestic flights by 21 June if proper protocols are put in place by the aviation industry. The government have also banned gatherings of more than 20 people outside of a workplace. In addition, the relaxation of restrictions on places of worship was announced. This will be based on guidelines issued by the PTF and State governments." 63668,18726.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,115,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Shock/Event']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_august_edition.pdf,"In July, the rainy season and a rise in security incidents significantly impacted the crisis-affected population, requiring rapid response by humanitarian actors across sectors. Heavy rainfalls heightened the risk of disease outbreaks, particularly waterborne diseases. This is directly linked to stagnant water and poor hygiene conditions in camps flooded by rains, further exacerbated by overcrowding in camps and camp-like settings. For example, 300 new cases of cholera were reported in Adamawa State from 1 to 31 July, with two additional deaths, bringing the total number of cases to 457 with four deaths (CFR=0.87%) since the outbreak was declared on 18 June 2019" 412833,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] They sought help mainly from private health facilities (67.5%) and urban people (70.5%) were more dependent on the private facilities compared to their rural counterparts (64.9%)." 245834,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,64,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"The needs of residents across the surveyed areas include: direct cash assistance dedicated to restoring homes, replacing destroyed appliances, and making homes liveable again before winter, safe and support relocation, alternative shelters or rent support, chronic disease drugs and medical assistance, schooling assistance, job opportunities, and psychosocial support for adults and children in particular." 393221,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,94,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Below chart explains how effective the community thinks wearing face masks in crowded places prevent COVID 19 infection. From the chart below, 37% indicates that wearing face masks in crowded places if Effective and prevents COVID 19 infection, 32% said it is very Effective and prevents COVID 19 infection, 8% mentioned it is not Effective and another 8% said the use of face masks in crowded places is totally not effective and does not prevent COVID 19 infections." 174173,41097.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_11_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Aun se observa baja capacidad de atención y protección de las instituciones departamentales y municipales a víctimas de VBG y violencia intrafamiliar, limitaciones en el acceso a derechos reproductivos y medicamentos de personas que viven con VIH y discriminación de población LGTBI." 241962,47791.0,2225.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],fr,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Elles constituent également des facteurs de stress supplémentaires pour les parents et les personnes qui s’occupent d’enfants, qui devront peut-être chercher de nouvelles solutions de garde ou renoncer à aller travailler." 167044,40138.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Health', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"Many Nigerian states have reopened schools while local and international travels have also resumed at the airports. These can lead to a rise in cases if safety protocols are not complied with, officials said." 78384,21716.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,30,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,"En cuanto a su formación, el 51,6% posee título terciario o universitario completo. Dentro de ese porcentaje, el 15,1% cuenta con maestrías o posgrados." 475581,63776.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,37,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les chiffres de l’enregistrement du 30 avril 2021 indiquent que les enfants représentent environ 60% des personnes déplacées internes du Sahel. Ils sont suivis des femmes avec un pourcentage de 22%. 495123,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,42,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Sobre aspectos laborales, las cinco principales profesiones declaradas son Ingeniero (5.4%), Técnico (5.9%), Profesor (5.1%), Administrador de empresa (5.0%) y Contador (2.2%)." 310576,53068.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"WASH Cluster : 14% that is 170m required, 23m funded, 147m unmet. [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 160507,38373.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,43,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Bogotá se reportaron desalojos en la localidad de Santa Fe. De acuerdo con un punto focal de protección de DRC en dicha localidad, se desalojó a en promedio de 30 personas de un inquilinato donde se pagaba por día." 289344,51168.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,104,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Based on findings of food security and nutrition projections for 2021 reflected in IPC reports released in mid-December, humanitarian organizations in South Sudan commenced a scale-up of lifesaving operations. The multi-sectoral response focuses on vulnerable people in areas of most severe acute food insecurity in the six counties of Pibor, Akobo, Aweil South, Tonj East, Tonj North and Tonj South. The response scale-up seeks to provide food and livelihoods assistance, health and nutrition support, protection services, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and logistics support to the most vulnerable people." 290577,51925.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/03/03/alternancia-educativa-avanza-con-paso-de-tortuga-en-colombia/,"Expertos en educación y congresistas, comoJuanita Goebertus(Partido Verde), advirtieron de la lenta reactivación que presenta el sector educativo a un mes de haber iniciada la alternancia educativa en Colombia. El llamado, hecho a la sociedad civil,hizo énfasis en el sector público, cuyos porcentajes son bajos luego de un mes del inicio de la alternancia educativa promulgada por el ministerio de Educación." 152459,37831.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"• COVID-19 crisis: In March, we pivoted our entire programme to focus on slowing the spread of the virus. We quickly disseminated life-saving prevention information and distributed soap to 17,700 refugees. We also engaged 500 faith Muslim faith leaders to help us get the word out. When prevention precautions restricted our access the camps, we trained 56 Rohingya “lead mothers” who successfully carried on the campaign, reaching 1,400 fellow refugees." 68835,19724.0,1386.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.laprensalara.com.ve/nota/6712/19/10/onu-tiene-la-lupa-en-venezuela-por-la-crisis-alimentaria,"Entre las acciones que ha tomado el organismo para conocer más a fondo sobre este problema, estuvo elinforme que levantó la Alta Comisionada de los Derechos Humanos, Michelle Bachelet, quien tras su visita al país entre el 19 y 21 de junio de este año, afirmó que ""la escasez creciente de alimentos y su precio cada vez más alto se han traducido en un número menor de comidas con menos valor nutricional, elevados índices de desnutrición y una repercusión especialmente adversa sobre las mujeres" 341840,56181.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,51,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"À Tanganyika, Les distributions en nature d'avril ont été difficiles en raison des pluies, qui ont bloqué la plupart des routes, retardant les livraisons sur l'axe Kalemie-Nyemba-Nyunzu. Malgré cela, le bureau de Kalemie a fourni une aide alimentaire en nature à quelque 105 000 bénéficiaires." 401729,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] The camp level displacement that is occurring due to the flooding and landslides is likely to lead to suboptimal sheltering conditions and crowding which could also contribute to the increased risk of respiratory infections, as well as COVID-19" 386416,60870.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,77,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Por otra parte, las comunidades presentan limitaciones para llevar a cabo sus prácticas sociales regulares, por las condiciones del espacio en el que se encuentran y por la mirada crítica de la comunidad que transita diariamente los alrededores del lugar de alojamiento temporal. Son evidentes riesgos sociales asociados al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en inmediaciones del parque, la posible vinculación de jóvenes a actividades delictivas y riesgo de violencia sexual a NNAJ." 186823,41402.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],[],[],en,109,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"Meanwhile, at the end of April, the government announced a plan to deliver several million food baskets to families, to reach eight million people in need.193 Again, beneficiaries were predetermined, targeting people with disabilities, catastrophic illnesses, and vulnerable children. More specific eligibility criteria were not publicly available but again, people could check online to see if they were recipients. The government delivered this aid through schools, neighborhood stores, and home delivery. The package for children, for example, included food for 17 breakfasts.194 A private initiative also provided 1.2 million food baskets to vulnerable families.195" 305602,50889.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Hygiene promotion gaps are a challenge due to language barriers and other challenges that CAR refugees face accessing assistance 307731,53292.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"More than 1,100 women and girls benefited from Women and Girls Friendly Spaces programming, which included the provision of psychosocial support, bead making activities and referral services." 301743,52420.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,268,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Ituri] Est-ce que les écoles ne rouvriront jamais à cause du Corona Virus ? Quand est ce que le Gouvernement compte autoriser la reprise des cours? [Jean-Bosco SEBISHIMBO, Ministre Provincial de l'Administration du Territoire, de la Décentralisation et de la Sécurité du Nord-Kivu en RDC] : « Non, on ne peut pas fermer définitivement les écoles à cause du Corona virus, On doit comprendre que la maladie est là et c'est à nous de la contenir pour limiter sa propagation. Cependant, on ne peut pas réussir à contenir la maladie si ne voulons pas respecter strictement les mesures barrières. C’est pourquoi après avoir revendiqué l'ouverture des écoles nous devons montrer que nous sommes prêts à nous engager à respecter strictement les mesures barrières. Le port de masque obligatoire, le lavage des mains et la distanciation sociale. Il ne faudrait pas que la réouverture des écoles soit une occasion qu'on donne à la maladie de se propager. C'est pourquoi pendant la réouverture des écoles on devra faire de notre mieux pour continuer à sensibiliser les élèves et la population au respect strict des mesures barrières pour faire face à la Covid-19. Il faut donc véhiculer ce message là pour que nous puissions nous rassurer que tout le monde s'aligne sur ces principes. On doit se dire que pour arriver aux résultats escomptés, il faudra juste savoir que lorsqu'on se protège on protège aussi les autres. C'est cette attitude qui nous donnera la victoire sur la Covid-19 »" 391115,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,92,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] It is estimated that just 1% of Nigerian agriculture is irrigated, with the vast majority of the country’s agriculture reliant upon rainfed agriculture and smallholder farmers using traditional methods. In the north, a traditional livestock production zone, decreasing precipitation and increased temperatures are of significant concern. Trends are likely to adversely impact livestock productivity in arid and semi-arid regions, affect ecosystems due to over-stressed grazing lands and the direct impacts of heat on livestock." 271907,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,les conséquences des pluies diluviennes qui se sont abattues sur le Niger entre juillet et septembre 2020 ont provoqué des inondations qui ont affecté 44% des départements des 8 régions du pays. 453863,64996.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_ICSM_Factsheet_Juin2021.pdf,"L’importante variation du prix des haricots d’un territoire et d’une province à l’autre exerce une forte influence sur les différences de coût du PMA. Parmi les territoires où au moins trois marchés ont été suivis, le prix du kilogramme de haricot varie entre 780 FC (territoire de Katako-Kombe, province de Sankuru) et 9,409 FC (territoire de Malemba Nkulu, province du HautLomami). De telles différences pourraient s’expliquer par la présence de multiples variétés de haricots sur les marchés, rendant difficiles les comparaisons entre variétés" 269853,49918.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.iagua.es/noticias/universidad-nacional-colombia/aguas-contaminadas-caldo-cultivo-bacterias-toxicas,"“En el municipio de Supatá (Cundinamarca) se caracterizó un afloramiento tóxico de cianobacterias que provocó la intoxicación de un mayordomo que tuvo contacto con este. Hasta ahora en la zona se han encontrado especies del géneroLeptolyngbyayDolichospermum”, recalca la investigadora. Entre los principales compuestos producidos por cianobacterias de este tipo están lyngbyatoxinas y aplysiatoxinas, que se asocian con la cianobacteriaMoorea producens, que causa una dermatitis conocida como picazón de nadador y es la mejor caracterizada en el mundo." 271898,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Entre 2020 et 2021, le nombre de personnes ciblées varie légèrement à la baisse de 2,2 à 2,1 millions. Cela s’explique par une meilleure priorisation et un ciblage plus pointu qui tient compte de la sévérité des besoins et de la vulnérabilité des populations affectées." 492078,67724.0,1224.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,49,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"Although pandemic measures continue to have socio- economic impacts on the host community and refugees and migrants, Guyana’s fast ascension to the rank of petroleum prompted positive outlooks its government who announced plans to establish a world- class petroleum institute and training centre in Guyana." 359432,58399.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar]The DRR and EiE framework should foster an enabling environment where all stakeholders work together to support children and youth on their journey towards gender equality on school-based DRM." 264488,49222.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,"• En las comunidades: Isla de la Amargura/Dulzura, Resguardos: Río Murindó y Río Chageradó, La Granja y El Aro, el sector de WASH identifica que el consumo de agua se realiza a través de aguas lluvias o directamente del río." 132634,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de gobierno en el manejo de albergues, incluyendo el Manejo del Riesgo de Desastres para situaciones de emergencias, con énfasis en los refugiados y migrantes." 208787,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,16,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Armed conflict, proxy fighting, intercommunal violence and cattle raiding have resulted in displacements." 257041,48672.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"More than 3 000 persons from the regions of Tahoua and Tillbéri have been sensitized on various topics such as covid-19 prevention, protection, SGVB and available services, WASH and so on." 290689,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,67,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"En el marco de este desigual escenario previo, las sombrías predicciones preliminares de estudios recientes confirman la intuición del desproporcionado efecto de la pandemia sobre las mujeres en el mercado laboral. Según Mckinsey, en esta crisis los empleos de las mujeres son 1,8 veces más vulnerables que los de los hombres25, y representarán el 54% de las pérdidas totales de empleo." 17086,7092.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,101,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"Despite gaps in funding and serious operational constraints to protection, as of October 2018, Protection Cluster partners have reached 63,357 people with life-saving protection services such as psychosocial support, legal assistance and protection, as well as clinical care for survivors. 739,448 people were reached through monitoring of protection and IHL/IHRL. Over 1.2 million children and community members received information to protect them against mines and unexploded ordnances. Community-based responses continue to be strengthened through community-based protection network volunteers, community protection initiatives and community centers serving the needs of IDPs and conflict-affected populations." 223801,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Les données qualita- �ves suggèrent que de nombreuses femmes ne considéraient pas la contracep�on comme un besoin urgent ou prioritaire durant une période où les visites aux structures sanitaires suscitaient des inquiétudes. 347534,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: Notwithstanding some water shortages during dry season (January-May), especially in Teknaf area, the recent Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) reported that 88% of households consider having enough water to meet all domestic necessities. Disparities, however, persist; for example, in host communities, only the 77% of the population reported accessing enough water according to their needs. ." 40925,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,54,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Information And Communication'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Urban migrants in frontline areas tended to be at greater risk than Libyans, as they did not have access to the same information about conflict developments, safe areas, or possible exit routes. Most migrants’ lack of private transportation made it nearly impossible to leave conflict-affected baladiyas without assistance." 248074,48330.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,112,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46620/1/S2000729_es.pdf,"Las dificultades que las personas mayores tienen para aislarse en sus propios hogares, no solo debido a que viven hacinadas, sino también a que no menos de un tercio de las personas mayores afrodescendientes de países como Colombia, Guatemala, México y el Perú viven con niños que tienen de 0 a 14 años. Cuando, por ejemplo, los niños vuelvan a clases, el riesgo aumentaría para estas personas. La desigualdad racial es mayor en el caso de Colombia, donde la proporción de personas mayores afrodescendientes que se encuentran en esta situación es aproximadamente dos veces superior a la de las no afrodescendientes." 16476,6352.0,322.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"Between January to August 2018, FSAC partners have assisted an average of 7.4 million individuals with regular monthly emergency food assistance (in-kind, cash transfers, & voucher transfers). By the end of August 2018, a cumulative total of around 1.3 million individuals have also benefited from livelihoods assistance (1.2 million people assisted with rapid emergency agricultural, livestock & fisheries kits; and around 92,000 individuals provided with longer-term livelihoods support)." 40450,11693.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security']",[],['Context->Demography'],en,74,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000104317.pdf,"In Ghat, Murzuq and Ubari respondents reported that new IDP families have arrived in the last month due to the ongoing conflict (between 7 and 20 households per location approximately). Most of the respondents from surveyed locations, with the exception of Ghat and Sebha, indicated that migrants are in need of humanitarian assistance (food, protection and health), especially the ones from Sub-Saharan Africa." 179413,42044.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,53,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.193%20%20%2812%20-%2018%20October%202020%29.pdf,"[12-18th Oct 2020,Borno, Adamawa] ETT assessments identified the following movement triggers: voluntary relocation (43.0%), poor living conditions (25.6%), improved security (24.3%), conflict/attack (4.8%) and fear of attack (2.3%)." 356650,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,67,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El director general de la Policía, General Jorge Luis Vargas, dijo a Human Rights Watch que no se enviaron policías vestidos de civil a operativos de control de multitudes ni para detener a manifestantes. Sin embargo, Human Rights Watch corroboró videos que muestran que policías vestidos de civil detuvieron a manifestantes que estaban bloqueando una autopista en Cali el 17 de mayo." 222774,46090.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431838-covid-19-ncdc-confirms-1145-new-infections-1-additional-death-335-recoveries.html,"[17thDec2020,Nigeria] The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has registered 1,145 new infections of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country. The NCDC made this known via its verified website on Thursday." 338741,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"The vast majority of public-school teachers interviewed by Human Rights Watch reported no changes to their salaries, although some reported reductions in supplemental income. Some teachers at private schools, however, had their salaries cut." 174444,40839.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]EDUCATION Camps and camp-like settings In camps and camp-like settings, no children were attending school in 4 per cent of sites, 25 to 50 per cent of children were attending school in 39 per cent of sites, less than 25 per cent of children were attending school in 30 per cent of sites, in 24 per cent of sites 51 to 75 per cent of children were attending school and in only 3 per cent of sites more than 75 per cent of children were attending school." 390748,61177.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,111,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Rainfall for the country is highly variable and analysis indicates no clear trend in precipitation. There is an expectation for an increase in precipitation amounts towards the end of the rainy season into the beginning of the dry season (September to December). Heavy rainfall is projected to intensify, with precipitation events and extreme rainfall and extreme events are likely to result in flooding events expected to impact rivers and surface water runoff during the summer rainy seasons. Natural disasters due to the increase in the frequency and intensity of floods and droughts are also expected to increase.33" 197556,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,humanitarian organizations revert to the use of air transport as a last resort to reach people in need. 267706,49804.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The informal national average price of one butane gas cylinder (25,000 L) increased by 24 percent m-o-m and by 79 percent since July 2020 (six months ago) reaching SYP 23,659/refill in January 2021, while the formal butane gas cylinder remained unchanged at SYP 2,785/refill. Tartous reported the highest price at SYP 30,000 /refill (up seven percent m-o-m), while Al -Hasakeh reported the lowest price at SYP 10,667 (up seven percent m-om)." 124334,30176.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Casualties->Injured'],es,96,[],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"La seguridad es otro aspecto que se ha visto alterado por el COVID-19, especialmente por la medida de aislamiento, que implica dinámicas generalizadas de inseguridad por la dificultad de la sociedad de garantizar sus medios de subsistencia, y que también ha influenciado el comportamiento de actores armados y bandas criminales. Se han presentado, de esta manera, diferentes incidentes como robos, saqueos a supermercados y amenazas, pero también delitos más graves como los tres asesinatos por parte de sicarios que tuvieron lugar en Barranquilla desde que empezó el confinamiento" 221754,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Restrictions on the movement of national staff on the basis of presumed clan or other affiliations, and the targeting of particular groups, including through intimidation and harassment, continue to affect the implementation of programmes in conflict-affected areas." 221733,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,Humanitarian workers operating in those areas face risks associated with unexploded ordnance and explosive remnants of war. 223938,46071.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Les revenus des personnes à besoins spécifiques en majorité des hommes (âgés, malades chroniques) ont considérablement baissé du fait qu’ils ont été obligés de réduire les mouvements pour se prévenir du COVID 19." 298928,51152.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"In the second phase, launched in November 2020 for an period of two months, ES/NFI, WASH and health cluster partners delivered assistance to restore affected community services, health services including oral cholera vaccination campaigns in Pibor and Bor South as a preventive measure and to complement WASH infrastructure improvement measures such as sanitation of boreholes, repair of degraded/damaged schools and health facility latrines." 48912,12663.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"The Human Rights Watch and Johns Hopkins team conducted a rapid screening of 115 children 6-59 months of age at a communal kitchen near the Cúcuta border, and found no cases of severe or moderate acute malnutrition. However, the team found that eight children (7 percent of the total) were at risk of acute malnutrition. In North Santander more generally, children identified as malnourished are provided supplementary foods by the Colombian government in coordination with WFP, but it is difficult to assess if coverage is adequate given the lack of available data on prevalence of acute malnutrition and challenges estimating population size." 261449,49211.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,86,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"En lo corrido de 2020 se registraron 8 desplazamientos masivos con 1.634 víctimas, de las cuales 198 son indígenas2. También se tiene información que, en diciembre de este año se han presentado desplazamientos individuales de integrantes del cabildo indígena de Tigre II y de familias campesinas aledañas al territorio étnico3. De igual manera se han registrado 11 asesinatos a líderes sociales en los municipios de Tarazá4 (7) y Cáceres (2)5 y El Bagre (2)6" 156014,37795.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,168,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Putumayo%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%2009%20%281%20al%2020%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,Decreto 593 del 24 de abril del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 11 de mayo del 2020. Decreto 636 del 6 de mayo del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 25 de mayo del 2020. Decreto 749 del 28 de mayo del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 1 de julio del 2020. Decreto 878 del 14 de junio del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 15 de julio del 2020. Decreto 990 del 9 de julio del 220: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 1 de agosto del 2020. Decreto 1076 del 28 de julio del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 1 de septiembre del 2020. 225482,45087.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,60,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Boys are more likely to be engaged in child labour or seeking money outside the home in activities such as collecting garbage, where they are at risk of being beaten, verbally abused, harassed and exploited as cheap labourers and at risk of being exposed to the virus.These jobs are unsafe both for their physical and psychological wellbeing" 205857,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Inadequate or lack of infrastructure is also a barrier to continuity of education. Approximately 31 per cent of schools have a permanent structure, 21 per cent are semi-permanent, and 39 per cent are open-air or under the trees." 439642,63257.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans 51% des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à suffisamment d’eau au cours des 30 derniers jours." 2554,516.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-2017-humanitarian-situation-report,"26,639 children (13,390 girls), including 300 children with disabilities, enrolled in catch up and remedial education classes in conflict-affected and underserved areas such as Benghazi, Sirte and Southern part of Libya." 113061,29959.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Se brinda apoyo con transferencias monetarias para pago de arriendo a familias refugiadas y migrantes en vulnerabilidad en el municipio de Arauca. 492821,67928.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,178,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acef26fb390180b7519ebcce0fba8637.pdf,"[30th Aug - 5th Sept 2021, Nigeria] Twenty-five states and FCT have reported suspected cholera cases in 2021. These are Adamawa, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Cross River, Delta, Ekiti, Enugu, FCT, Gombe, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, Niger, Osun, Plateau, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe, and Zamfara. In the reporting week, 12 states reported 1,677 suspected cases - Bauchi (566), Katsina (282), Sokoto (258), Yobe (183), Borno (179), Niger (94), Kaduna (66), Adamawa (34), Gombe (8), Kano (4), Kebbi (2), and Nasarawa (1). There was a 58% decrease in the number of new suspected cases in week 35 (1,667) compared with week 34 (3,992)." 390747,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,90,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Across all emission scenarios, temperature increase for Nigeria are projected throughout the end of the century. As seen in Figure 7, under a high-emission scenario, average temperatures are expected to increase rapidly by mid-century. Average temperatures are expected to increase throughout the end of the century. Temperature increase is expected throughout the year. Increased heat and extreme heat conditions will result in significant implications for human and animal health, agriculture, and ecosystems." 331413,44828.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported the main source of information is aid workers/community mobilisers were Tonj East 56%, Nzara 50%, Nagero 40%, Yei 38%, Gogrial East 32%." 62102,18564.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,26,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,An earlier edition of the survey from 2018 found that 68 percent of hospitals experienced failures in electricity supply and 70 percent in water supply. 113066,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Creación de mensajes radiales entregados a la IE. Simón Bolívar sobre autocuidado y sensibilización lavado de manos. 304786,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"There are over 32,000 refugee children living in East Sudan who are in need education assistance of some kind, including some 17,400 basic-school aged children and 14,600 secondary-school aged children, and nearly half are girls." 159497,34152.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,72,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3651945,"Según Amparo Chicué Cristancho, directora territorial de la entidad, en total fueron entregados 280 mercados con destino a la Mesa Municipal de Víctimas de Barrancabermeja, a la Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos (Asfaddes), a la comunidad LGBTI, al Sujeto de Reparación Colectiva de Ciénaga del Opón, al asentamiento indígena zenú y a una parroquia ubicada en la comuna siete del Puerto Petrolero." 224573,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,12,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Increase caseloads/nutrition supplies compare to the previous caseload in all OTPs/TSFPs. 155196,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Toda la población participante manifestó tener problemas debido a que no tienen suficiente ropa, zapatos, ropa de cama o mantas o no son suficientes." 359425,58399.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar]The DRR and EiE framework should have indicators and interventions to work with and support boys, young men and men to embrace positive masculinities and to promote gender equality in the school-based disaster risk management, while also achieving meaningful results for them." 196153,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"(Humanitarian Response Plan suggests) disease surveillance must be scaled up to test, investigate and trace contacts to contain the spread. Community engagement and risk communications is a critical element that also requires investment." 281953,51173.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"To support the MoE COVID-19 response plan, UNICEF, as Education in Emergency Working Group (EiEWG) co-lead, established and led two sub-taskforces on alternative learning pathways and teacher engagement." 156648,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"WHO has supported Ukhia Upazilla Heath Complex with NCD screening equipment (including Digital blood pressure machine, Weight machine, Height scale, Stethoscope, Glucometer). The equipment will also benefit 17 community clinics and 4 union sub-centers." 196096,43590.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Although Kunduz houses one of Afghanistan’s only high-level trauma health facility, resources are restricted; there are 75 public health facilities in the province, however they often lack human resources to address trauma injuries or some basic health care and are controlled or influence by the Taliban (The Johanniter 11/2019)." 346013,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"A semana epidemiológica 18 de 2021, el evento a nivel nacional presentó un comportamiento dentro de lo esperado, comparado con su comportamiento histórico" 475469,64944.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Malgré les patrouilles de sécurisation des FDS dans la région, la région demeure faiblement couverte par les services permanents de défense et de sécurité. Ainsi, l’absence de postes permanents de sécurité dans les localités de Kassoum, de Lankoué, de Bourasso et de Bomborokuy contribue à accroitre les risques de protection pour les populations civiles. Parmi ces risques de protection figurent également les difficultés d’accès à la documentation civile pour ces populations du fait de la fermeture des mairies et préfectures des zones sous menaces sécuritaires." 210562,45126.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/beirut/16351.pdf,"According to the interviews conducted by Women Now in Idlib and Aleppo governorates in May, 40% of women reported giving more chores to girls" 273763,50128.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,"[commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] La majorité des maisons ont été emportées ou détruites par cette catastrophe qui est à l’origine d’importantes pertes matérielles. La moitié de la population des zones affectées vivait déjà dans des abris d'urgence fournis comme assistance lors des précédentes inondations notamment celles d’avril 2020. La majorité des personnes sinistrées dorment : soit à la belle étoile, soit dans les quelques abris d’urgence mis à leur disposition dans les quartiers non affectés." 344219,56790.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,129,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] The price of manually refined kerosene, primarily used for cooking and heating, increased by 7% in price since March. This continues an 96% six-month price increase since October 2020. The price increase is attributed to an increase in unavailability. In April, manually refined kerosene was reported as unavailable by 59% of vendors, an increase of 6 percentage points since March. However, LP gas prices remained stable with no change since March yet has increased by 98% since October 2020. It continued to be recorded as available by 100% of surveyed vendors and is much more widely used compared to kerosene, according to REACH field teams." 201070,43280.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"Despite the recent, prolonged flooding, there was a 22 per cent decrease in reported diarrhoea cases." 257050,48672.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"In Tillabery region, the partner Forge Art has trained 35 refugees in the production of solid and liquid soap and bleach. Another 35 refugees were trained on face mask manufacturing." 114117,31147.0,1898.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,15,['Impact'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"En El Salvador, la cifra de desplazamientos internos causados por la violencia es 71.500" 174557,41246.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,136,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000118469.pdf,"[ 1st July 2020, Borno, Yobe states] In Geidam (Yobe), the SMEB increased by ten (10) percent between June and July from 18,411 Naira to 20,228 Naira, being the cost of 100% of the Food Basket. The price of local rice which has continued to increase over three months in most markets of Borno, with Bullumkutu (19%), Baga (24%), Monday (30%) and Abbaganaram (31%). Similarly in Yobe, prices increased in Potiskum (16%), Nguru (18%), Gashua and Geidam (25%), Bursari and Gujba (38%) and Gulani (67%) being the notable cases." 187574,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 900,000 face masks and 16,728 digital thermometers are needed to support the safe reopening of schools." 66779,19578.0,1386.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],es,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://caritasvenezuela.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/BOLETIN-XI-SAMAN-JUNIO-2019.pdf,"Mejora el abastecimiento de alimentos • Se desacelera la inflación • La variación intermensual de la Canasta Básica de Alimentos a Mayo 2019 es de 43% • El poder adquisitivo alimentario del salario mínimo es de 3.3% (con 1 salario mínimo se puede pagar solo el 3.3% el costo de la Canasta Básica de Alimentos • Una familia tipo requiere de 30 salarios mínimos para adquirir la Canasta Básica Alimentaria a Mayo 2019 • Se estabilizó en algunas zonas del país el abastecimiento de energía eléctrica y agua potable, sigue crítico el abastecimiento en el Occidente. • La seguridad alimentaria familiar se está viendo afectada por problemas en el suministro del gas Inicia la estación de lluvia" 62108,18564.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,360,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"Citizen Insecurity An additional reason that many Venezuelans are fleeing concerns the exorbitant levels of violence and insecurity. According to the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence (OVV), there were 81.4 violent deaths per 100,000 people last year, the highest rate in Latin America. That means Venezuela is the most violent country in the region, well ahead of El Salvador and Honduras, which had homicide rates of 51 and 40 per 100,000 people, respectively. The organization found violence to be “epidemic” in 88 percent of Venezuelan municipalities, based on WHO standards, given that the number of violent deaths exceeds 10 per 100,000 citizens. In addition to the high rate of homicides, citizens are often subjected to armed robbery and kidnapping. It is difficult to find reliable data on these crimes, which are usually not reported to the authorities, but estimates suggest that Venezuela has one of the highest kidnapping rates in the region. The rise in extrajudicial executions is especially troublesome. In 2017, the government created a rapid-response unit to combat organized crime and drug trafficking, known as the Special Action Forces (FAES). The group has carried out numerous extrajudicial executions in the context of security operations in poor neighborhoods, according to the report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The nongovernmental organization PROVEA registered 205 deaths at the hands of FAES during 2018 and 275 in the first quarter of 2019 alone, and other organizations tracking violence report higher figures. The actual number is likely to be even greater than those estimates: more than 7,500 of the 23,000 violent deaths registered by the OVV in 2018 were caused by “resistance to authority,” a term authorities use to classify killings resulting from security operations. Between January and May of 2019, the organization reported more than 2,100 of such incidents. Information analyzed by the OHCHR “suggests many of these killings may constitute extrajudicial executions.”" 60720,17936.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,91,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Displaced households in camps and non-camp settings are often more affected by food insecurity in the absence of sustained humanitarian assistance due to limited livelihood opportunities, lack of skills and loss of productive assets, which deepens vulnerability when confronted with shocks. Overall, displaced households in host communities (53.2 percent) and informal settlements (44.9 percent) and returnee households (43.0 percent) were more affected by food insecurity (moderate + severe) compared to only 23.0 percent of counterpart households in host communities" 224672,44702.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"In Yith Magok village where many IDPs were found in the church compound, we made FGD and their responses was that: there is much insecurity coupled with fear of wild animals that are displaced by the flood which come around their camp at night." 439177,64616.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/hay-mas-de-1000-estudios-webcam-donde-explotan-a-menores-migrantes-icbf/2811,"Los reclutadores estarían aprovechando la situación de vulnerabilidad de las familias para ofrecer ofertas laborales engañosas a los niños.Entre enero y mayo, el ICBF recibió 14.233 denuncias de casos de violencia, 6.991 de ellas por violencia sexual en Norte de Santander, una de las zonas de mayor afectación a la población migrante." 335298,55819.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) les participants aux groupes de discussion ont rapporté que le secteur agricole a souffert d’une part de la pauvreté des terres et d’autre part du manque de superficie cultivable. Le manque de ressources et d’espace concerne également les pasteurs, qui se sont retrouvés concentrés par l’insécurité au niveau du chef-lieu de province sans ressources en eau et pâturage suffisantes pour mener leurs activités, selon les participants." 105604,29953.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",es,70,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La situación política y socioeconómica de Venezuela fue la causa estructural del proceso migratorio de venezolanos hacia Colombia. Desde el 2005 inició el flujo de personas de clase media y alta, así como empresarios, que se vieron obligados a salir del país huyendo de los efectos de las medidas económicas y de expropiación de bienes por parte del Gobierno de Venezuela (Robayo, 2013)." 271911,50217.0,2333.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"le Niger a connu, en 2020, en plus de la COVID 19, trois autres épidémies : la rougeole 2 724 cas, l'épidémie du virus de la poliomyélite de type 2 (PVDV2c) dérivé du vaccin 5 cas et le paludisme plus de 4 millions de cas, enregistrés au 22 novembre 2020." 286994,51631.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],fr,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"(Est) (situation des 78,533 PDIs) On observe une pression continue sur les services sociaux de base situés dans les zones de migration de ces personnes notamment dans la périphérie de Fada. De plus en plus de PDI cherchent refuge dans des centres urbains tels que Fada N’Gourma ou à proximité. L'accès à la nourriture, aux moyens de subsistance et aux services sociaux de base devient de plus en plus difficile tant pour les communautés déplacées que pour les communautés d'accueil (OCHA)." 37174,11044.0,788.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"In more than 80% of the schools, there was notable lack of toilet facilities (latrines in the schools are uncompleted and unused, this means that there is open defecation around the bushes in the school environment) and in all the schools there are no water points/boreholes." 163464,30943.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,65,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En Quibdó, la alcaldía expidió el Decreto 0134 donde se instauran medidas de aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en el municipio que empezarán a regir desde el 1 de junio. Se incluye la reducción de horas de servicio de los establecimientos comerciales autorizados, la extensión de la ley seca hasta el 15 de junio y la ampliación del horario de toque de queda." 457025,64224.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,38,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Muchas de ellas [mujeres venezolanas] manifestaron tener que quedarse en casa atendiendo a los hijos, quienes, por la pandemia y el cierre de las escuelas públicas, también están encerrados en sus viviendas." 176957,41737.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf-azg.be/fr/news/rdc-r%C3%A9pondre-au-double-fardeau-du-covid19-%C3%A0-kinshasa,"La lenteur de l'analyse des résultats est très problématique pour les personnes suspectées d’avoir contracté le COVID-19, ainsi que pour les patients guéris qui ne peuvent quitter le centre, alors que les lits sont requis pour hospitaliser les patients en attente de soins parfois vitaux." 160467,38373.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Aunque el 55% de las familias monitoreadas tiene acceso a un centro de salud, otro 57.8% considera que existen barreras para obtener servicios médicos." 89853,25499.0,1620.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/northeast_nigeria_ipc_acute_malnutrition_analysis_27feb2020.pdf,"According to Nutrition and Food Security Surveillance data (round 8) used for the current analysis, the acute malnutrition prevalence is in IPC Phase 3 (Serious) in Central Yobe (13.8%), Southern Yobe (11.1%), Northern Yobe (10.8%), and Eastern Borno (10.1%) domains, and in IPC Phase 2 (Alert) in Central Borno (9.8%), Northern Borno (9.4%), MMC/Jere (6.9%), Southern Borno (6.1%), Northern Adamawa (7.4%) and Southern Adamawa (7.3%) domains. The overall acute malnutrition prevalence at the state level is 11.5% in Yobe, 8.1% in Borno, and 7.2% Adamawa." 304827,53078.0,2333.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'Shelter', 'WASH', 'Food Security']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Selon les résultats des évaluations, les besoins en protection, abri, vivres, eau potable, latrines, éducation et en articles non alimentaires se sont accrus avec l’augmentation des populations déplacées internes (PDI). Ces besoins sont devenus très pressants en dépit des efforts des acteurs humanitaires qui continuent à assister ces personnes grâce au mécanisme de coordination civilo-militaire (CMCOORD) permettant l’ouverture de corridors humanitaires pour pallier aux difficultés d’accès." 338560,56250.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[43 915 DPI à Kalemie] Les acteurs humanitaires n’ont pas assez de ressources pour répondre aux besoins essentiels et prioritaires de toutes ces personnes vivant dans les 11 sites de déplacement à Kalemie. Dans tous les secteurs, la réponse reste très limitée." 268913,49935.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Sin embargo, también se observa en algunos casos preocupación por la situación alimentaria de sus familias." 226628,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,With the economic distress caused by the pandemic early child forced marriage in Afghanistan is only on the rise. 486169,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] 57% of HHs in NWS live in finished houses or apartments, 15% of HHs in NWS live in tents and 13% of HHs in NWS live in damaged shelters." 311453,53762.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,26,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"The Government of Burkina Faso continues to generously host some 20,256 refugees and asylum seekers, mainly from Mali, as of 31 January 2021." 388593,61080.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,49,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des PDI se sont déplacées de Mansila également vers la ville de sebba de 20 personnes dont 05 femmes 08 filles et 07 garçons. Dans la province du Séno, il a été enregistré de nouvelles PDI venues de Solhan dans la ville de Dori et Sampelga." 293559,51589.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,16,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,RECOMMENDATIONS: Make sure that communications and feedback mechanisms are accessible for all intended audiences. 245128,47833.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,231,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"En el monitoreo de protección en Medellín se observó que existen barreras y riesgos que afectan a las mujeres sobre todo en la etapa de gestación y el parto. No se realizan controles prenatales, y si se realizan sólo se hacen en el final del período de gestación. Esto impide una oportuna intervención necesaria para salvaguardar la vida e integridad del nasciturus y/o de la madre, o el número de estos es insuficiente frente a lo recomendado por la OMS. Cuando se requiere cesárea o algún procedimiento específico y la IPS no cuenta con la capacidad para atender, se hace remisión a otro centro médico. En algunos casos, la remisión no se hace mediante el Anexo Técnico No. 9, por lo que en la nueva IPS no registran traslado, sino ingreso nuevo, y esto genera costos por la atención, que se respaldan mediante firma de pagarés en blanco. Por otro lado, al realizar la documentación posterior al parto, se han identificado casos de xenofobia y burlas relacionadas con los nombres que las madres desean asignar a los niños y las niñas. En general, las vulneraciones del derecho a la salud se presentan pese a que las atenciones médicas a mujeres gestantes hacen parte de las priorizadas por las autoridades relevantes en Antioquia." 277004,50764.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,50,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"Au cours de la visite d’État, M. Yi et son homologue congolais, Marie Tumba Nzeza, ont également signé un protocole d’accord visant à faire de la RDC un pays partenaire de l’initiative chinoise Belt and Road Initiative de développement des infrastructures" 197927,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"UNHCR ensured persons of concern (PoC), who are particularly vulnerable to the pandemic, receive assistance in form of core relief items and cash-assistance, including through use of digital and innovative solutions. Cash grants have been distributed to assist with the restoration of livelihoods as many PoCs including refugees and asylum seekers, returnees and displaced persons have lost their employment because of the shrinking economy and are unable to meet their basic needs." 314779,54247.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Context->Demography']",en,102,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/20/covid-19-91-die-4-559-infected-in-24-hours,"[20th April 2021,Bangladesh] Fifty-four of the deceased patients were aged above 60, 18 between 51 and 60, 11 between 41 and 50, seven aged between 31 and 40, and one aged between 11 and 20. Since the beginning, 6,179 people have died in Dhaka division, 1,909 in Chittagong, 557 in Rajshahi, 652 in Khulna, 315 in Barisal, 352 in Sylhet, 401 in Rangpur, and 223 in Mymensingh. The mortality rate against the total number of cases detected so far stands at 1.45%." 226925,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"The Government of Afghanistan should immediately launch public awareness campaigns and work with religious leaders to raise awareness of the rights of the girl, including the legal age of marriage;" 203595,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,76% des ménages réfugiés dépendent par ailleurs de l’assistance alimentaire comme principale source de nourriture (moins de 1% des ménages non déplacés). Les ménages réfugiés sont tous localisés dans le chef-lieu de la région d’Agadez. 389291,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Las causas de desplazamientos masivos se asocian principalmente a amenazas (individuales o colectivas) dirigidas a la población civil por parte de Grupos Armados No Estatales (GANE). Durante el primer semestre de 2021, al menos un 62% de los 97 desplazamientos masivos reportados se relacionan con amenazas. Además, un 27% de las emergencias, fue generada por enfrentamientos entre GANE y hostigamientos. Otras causales de desplazamiento masivo se atribuyen a combates (2% de los eventos), atentados, homicidios intencionales, incursión armada y desaparición forzada (1% cada uno)." 234692,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The government is committed to prevent a collapse in revenue collection through various measures. Measures to mitigate the negative financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the private sector are also being considered, including strengthening social safety nets, subsidizing basic medications, and providing support to affected companies." 167049,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,166,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"A breakdown of the confirmed cases shows that Lagos State has so far reported 18,897 cases, followed by FCT – 5,550, Oyo — 3,231, Edo — 2,611, Rivers — 2,232, Kano — 1,734, Delta — 1,799, Kaduna — 2,345, Ogun — 1,762, Plateau — 3, 229, Ondo — 1,597, Enugu — 1,234, Ebonyi — 1038 , Kwara — 1,013, Katsina — 848, Borno — 741, Abia — 881, Gombe — 799, Osun — 813, Bauchi — 689, Imo — 559, Benue — 473, Nasarawa — 448, Bayelsa — 394, Jigawa — 322, Akwa Ibom — 288, Niger — 250, Adamawa — 230, Ekiti — 314, Sokoto — 161, Anambra — 232, Kebbi — 93, Zamfara — 78, Taraba — 95, Cross River— 85, Yobe — 75 and Kogi — 5." 305700,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"There are some 1,160 school-aged refugee children living in Um Shalaya camp in need of education assistance of some kind. Over 60 per cent are out of school." 163680,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,"Community outreach ongoing ■416 Community Outreach Members (COMs) reached 130,000 individuals with messaging on COVID-19 ■2,280 Elderly Care Kits were distributed" 385596,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,12,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,39 incidents sécuritaires dans le Centre-Nord et à l’Est. 266930,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,51,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"In Burkina Faso’s Soum and Centre North regions, self-defence groups have fuelled community-based violence, while counter-terrorism operations led to security forces abusing civilians, mainly Peul. Extrajudicial killings of suspected militants also proliferated in all three countries [Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali]." 48893,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],en,43,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"The number of children and pregnant mothers from Venezuela provided care at the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar) rose from 22,113 in 2017 to almost 55,544 between January and September 2018 in all its programs." 304087,50891.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"In addition, UNICEF managed to reach 226,712 emergency affected children (52% girls) with essential learning and recreational supplies, which represents 91 percent of UNICEF’s humanitarian plan targets in terms of supplies distribution. Of the above, total 9,445 refugees’ children now have access to education opportunities, and 10,555 refugee children have received essential education supplies." 78386,21716.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,"El compromiso fue rubricado por la International Chamber of Commerce y la Cámara Argentina de Comercio, WeWork, Manpower, Randstad, Banco Ciudad, Grupo Adecco, Accenture, Wix y Bubbo. Las firmas y entidades firmantes se comprometieron a facilitar oportunidades de empleo digno, promover instancias de capacitación, desarrollar acciones de promoción de la empleabilidad, brindar apoyo a emprendimientos y generar acciones de difusión y sensibilización sobre la temática" 47458,16249.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,111,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"A través de la frontera común de 2.200 kilómetros, con siete pasos fronterizos formales y cientos de cruces informales, Colombia ha recibido a más del 50 por ciento de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, incluidos los que permanecen en el país y los que transitan por el país para continuar su ruta. Colombia también se encuentra recibiendo a un número importante de sus nacionales que regresan de Venezuela, algunos de los cuales habían permanecido en Venezuela durante décadas. La situación en Colombia es compleja, con diferentes tipos de movimientos poblacionales ocurriendo de manera simultánea, incluyendo movimientos pendulares en el área fronteriza20." 391200,61470.0,2028.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Available WASH facilities in educational facilities: -Latrines: NA -Handwashing facilities: NA -Safe drinking water: NA" 171488,40704.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] In February 2020, data was collected from 407 listening groups conducted by different agencies. Among them, only 1.2 percent of the groups mentioned coronavirus. The lack of awareness is amplified by the telecommunications blackout imposed across the camps in September 2019." 338552,56250.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[outlook] [Tanganyika - pluies abondantes abattues entre février et avril 2021, dans les zones bordant le fleuve Congo, le Lac Tanganyika et leurs affluents] La situation humanitaire due aux inondations pourrait continuer à se dégrader dans les prochains jours car les fortes pluies continuent et d’autres sont attendues dans la région jusqu’à la fin du mois de mai." 328663,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 93% of IDP settlement and 96% of non-IDP settlement households found with a Education Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 207186,44693.0,2333.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"De façon spécifique, le contexte opérationnel a été marqué par : - La recrudescence des maladies saisonnières (paludisme, maladies hydriques, diarrhées…) et les difficultés pour les évacuations sanitaires et urgences médicales dans les villages éloignés des CSI, surtout pour les femmes et enfants du fait de l’absence des moyens de mobilités" 194234,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Au total, 1 166 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 11/11/2020 dont 1 144 nouvelles ; 1 144 (98,1%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 88 (7,7%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." 220469,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Total of 2673 cases (0 new) have been discharged to date. 282229,43256.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"• On average, 80% of people in the various divisions of the West and South West regions face a major challenge in accessing drinking water and sanitation services." 474175,67247.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210719_acaps_humanitarian_access_overview_july_2021.pdf,"Administrative procedures remain challenging for all humanitarian organisations and agencies. NGOs face delays in their registration processes, and ad hoc or unofficial taxes are imposed on humanitarian organisations by different authorities." 347533,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: 54% of refugees in the camps are accessing chlorinated water through piped distribution networks. 102 water networks are finalized and other 68 are under construction at the moment. Communities in camps rely as well on a high number of deep or shallow tube wells." 204226,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Humanitarian needs are high in these counties: in Nyirol, 80 per cent of the county population is in need; in Longochuk, that is the case for 75 per cent of the population; and in Baliet, 65 per cent of the county population are in need. Terekeka, Kajo-Keji and Nagero have 55 per cent, 54 per cent and 44 per cent of county populations in need respectively" 227335,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Près de105536 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 19 ZS." 494224,68123.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The informal national average price of transport diesel increased by 10 percent m-o-m and by 379 percent since August 2020 reaching SYP 2,297/litre. The informal price remains four times higher than the formal price (SYP 443/litre) . Damascus recorded the highest informal price at SYP 3,011/litre (up 13 percent m-o-m), while AlHasakeh recorded the lowest price at SYP 229/litre (unchanged m-o-m)." 304846,53078.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,90,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Plus de 42 000 PDI se sont installées dans les régions de Tillabéri et de Tahoua depuis le début de cette année. [Ils] fuient les incursions de groupes armés non étatiques et les conflits intercommunautaires dans les villages et campements situés le long de la frontière avec le Mali. En dépit des efforts du gouvernement et des partenaires humanitaires, les besoins restent importants et concernent la nourriture, l’eau-hygiène-assainissement, les abris, la protection, la santé et l’éducation." 199185,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,40,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Accalmie précaire des affrontements entre groupes armés dans les Hauts-Plateaux de Fizi-Itombwe Dans l’ensemble, le contexte sécuritaire reste marqué, ces deux derniers mois, par une baisse relative des affrontements entre les groupes et milices armés" 305604,50889.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Most refugees are unable to purchase shelter materials at local markets and can only repair broken shelters with items from their immediate environment 215502,45552.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/430564-nigerian-govt-orders-reopening-of-isolation-centres-over-possible-second-wave-of-covid-19.html,"[10thDec2020,Nigeria] Ahead of a possible second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the Nigerian government has ordered the reopening of all isolation and treatment centres in the country. The Minister of Health, Osagie Ehanire, made this known at a Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19 briefing on Thursday." 17468,5431.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,53,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"Despite numerous challenges, some 6,000 displaced families displaced by the conflict in Al Hudaydah have received some kind of emergency assistance. Some 18,000 RRM kits, containing enough food rations for a family for a week, basic hygiene requirements and other essential items, are prepositioned in Al Hudaydah." 145398,36039.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The most recent repatriation flight reported was a second flight for approximately 250 Syrian nationals from India on 2 July. In recent weeks, a reported 2,000 Syrian nationals residing in Lebanon have also reportedly returned through land crossings, mainly Maasna border point" 328632,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,51,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported areas in the community where boys or men do not feel safe were: On the way to markets (82%), When leaving settlement/town (59%), at water points (32%)" 457617,65405.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Lors des évènements violents, plusieurs enfants ont été témoins d’assassinats et de violences verbales dans leurs villages d’origine et manifestent désormais des cauchemars et des insomnies selon 23% des répondants. Certains sont réticents à retourner à l’école et d’autres parlent régulièrement des hommes armés selon 4% des répondants." 234625,43400.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The authorities’ immediate priority is to boost health and social protection spending and use counter-cyclical fiscal policy measures to limit the spread of the disease in Cameroon and its humanitarian, economic and financial impact." 52187,16699.0,1184.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",en,51,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"officials in one province explained they do not have the budgets necessary to imple- ment policy directives issued by the central government. They urged the national govern- ment and international community to provide more funds and technical assistance to help them address the needs of Venezuelans in their localities," 198682,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Au total, 1 722 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 17/11/2020 dont 1 681 nouvelles ; 1 684 (97,8%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 201 (11,9%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." 52186,16699.0,1184.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],en,53,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"Ecuador suffers from a slug- gish economy and rising public debt, which limits the state’s capacity to meet even the most basic needs of displaced Venezuelans. Indeed, the rising number of Venezuelans arriving and settling in Ecuador is severely straining the full gamut of national social services." 328602,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Education LSGs were found to be primarily driven by Households with school-aged children who reported barriers to accessing education for boys (77%) , Households with school-aged children who reported barriers to accessing education for girls (80%)." 218369,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,"L’application stricte des gestes barrières, notamment le port obligatoire des masques, la distanciation physique, le lavage des mains et la prise de température" 222747,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Siege-like warfare engaged in by Al-Shabaab in some government-held towns in Hirshabelle, South-West State and Jubbaland State continues to hinder the transport of humanitarian and commercial supplies." 204417,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Les mesures liées à l’épidémie de COVID-19 et la hausse des prix observée au mois de juillet contribuent à expliquer un niveau d’insécurité alimentaire plus élevé que la normale. 287098,51631.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"Dans les domaines de la PCIMA, du dépistage actif communautaire et de la lutte contre les carences en micronutriments, 100% des FS sont couvertes mais une analyse plus détaillée du paquet d’activités mis en œuvre par les partenaires permettra d’identifier les gaps dans ces 3 domaines." 235051,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,The increase in 2020 fiscal financing needs related to the pandemic are estimated at CFAF 497 billion (2.2 percent of GDP) [Gross domestic product] 284647,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,33,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,Protestors have faced severe human rights violations committed by Sudanese security forces. The situation escalated on 3 June when security forces violently raided peaceful sit-ins outside the military headquarters in Khartoum. 347765,56800.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,72,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Men in both refugee and host communities remain the ultimate decision-makers for family and society matters. In Myanmar, Rohingya men had a traditional role as breadwinners and took on primary roles in community life while in the refugee camps in Bangladesh, men are largely unemployed and primarily depend on humanitarian aid for their livelihood." 302657,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En estos espacios laborales algunas mujeres lesbianas y trans, afirman haber sido víctimas de acoso y abuso sexual. Adicionalmente, el 60% de las personas entrevistadas manifestaron que no utilizan ropa adecuada para realizar los trabajos y los medios o instru- mentos requeridos e indispensables para ello, debido a la falta de recursos económicos y a que no cuentan con un empleador que suministre dichos elementos." 177254,41744.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Protection et Santé mentale:Procéder à l'identification des personnes susceptibles de bénéficier d'une assistance d'urgence de protection individuelle; Identifier les personnes déplacées ayant perdu leurs documents d'état civil et faciliter le nouvel établissement de ces documents en partenariat avec les autorités; Procéder à une évaluation spécifique par un acteur protection, où la relation de confiance serait davantage présente pour aborder ces sujets" 491298,67727.0,1384.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,,"On 8 December, Curaçao went into partial lockdown. Existing curfews and other internal restrictions remained in place through 11 Jan 2021 to respond toincreased COVID-19 cases; severely constraining prospects for economic recovery and further disproportionately affecting refugees’ and migrants’ abilities to meet their basic needs." 69725,19997.0,1534.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,http://www.tribune242.com/news/2019/oct/18/bpl-spends-16m-equipment-restore-abaco-electricity/?news,"“Today Abaco is on its way back. BPL along with members of CARILEC are working together to quickly rebuild Abaco’s infrastructure and restore power in microgrid fashion until BPL is capable of rebuilding its entire network. “To date, BPL has spent just over $1.6m in equipment and materials.”" 166415,40065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,161,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fewer-fatalities-more-recoveries-recorded-last-week/,"On Tuesday, September 22, new cases were also higher than recoveries. One hundred and seventy-six confirmed cases were reported in 14 states: Lagos (73), Plateau (50), FCT (17), Rivers (8), Ondo (6), Niger (5), Ogun (5), Edo (3), Kaduna (3), Oyo (2), Bauchi (1), Bayelsa (1), Delta (1), and Nasarawa (1). One hundred and sixty-two discharges took place in nine states: Oyo (57), Plateau (44), Kaduna (21), Delta (12), Rivers (11), Bauchi (6), FCT (6), Edo (3) and Ogun (2). The day witnessed no death from Covid-19." 175472,41213.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,33,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Des attaques perpétrées contre le système de santé, intimidations et enlèvement des agents de santé, vols de médicaments, ont été rapportés durant le mois de d’août 2020." 323231,53353.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[13 APR 2021, GOS] Main course of actions if household member feels ill are: 115 stay at home, 73 go to the hospital and 17 call the doctor." 142148,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,104,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As outlined in the previous report, WHO delivered 85 tons of medical supplies by road from Damascus to Qamishli, to be distributed to various health facilities and health authorities for health partners in NES. To date, 52 tons has been distributed to 17 hospitals, including seven in cross-line areas, two private hospitals serving as referrals for Al-Hol, six supported by NGOs operating in NES, and two hospitals in areas of government control. Of the 571 emergency health kits delivered to date, over 70 per cent was delivered to health facilities in cross-line areas." 224251,45763.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Recommandations : Construire de TLS [Transitional learning spaces] pour la reprise au plus vite des cours au niveau des villages affectés / Mettre en place des cantines scolaires pour encourager la fréquentation des écoles / Trouver des formules pour la motivation des enseignants affectés dans les zones affectées / Sensibiliser les parents à inscrire les enfants en attendant la réouverture des classes 318931,54628.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,84,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] They all emphasised the critical need for shelter and said materials in sufficient quantities are needed to rebuild their houses, such as bamboo, tarpaulins, polythene, ropes, hammers, saws and other related items. They said they need safe, well-built places to stay. As Ramadan is around the corner they are worried about not being able to pray and fast properly as they do not have homes." 172394,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,71,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) demeure confrontée à une crise humanitaire aigüe et complexe. Les conflits violents, les catastrophes naturelles et le manque de protection des populations, associés à des niveaux élevés de pauvreté chronique, des déficiences structurelles persistantes et des défis liés à la gouvernance politique et économique du pays, continuent d’aggraver les besoins humanitaires dans de nombreuses régions." 200475,44300.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",fr,85,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Par ailleurs, 73% de l’échantillon des migrants de retour endettés, tous genres confondus, déclarent avoir une personne à charge, principalement des mineurs : 27% des migrants de retour endettés ont un mineur à charge et 23% en ont deux, tandis que 57% des migrants ont un adulte de moins de 60 ans à charge et 18% en ont deux. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 276376,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,104,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Le déplacement prolongé accroît la vulnérabilité des personnes affectées ainsi que le risque de tensions intercommunautaires. Les conflits et les tensions intercommunautaires enregistrés en 2018 sont liés à la forte pression sur les ressources disponibles (terres, eau, pâturage) et l’augmentation des prix de certains articles. Les conflits entre agriculteurs et éleveurs et entre populations déplacées et communautés d’accueil rapportés dans la province du Lac et les provinces du Sud ont occasionné des pertes en vies humaines et poussé plusieurs centaines de personnes à se déplacer pour trouver refuge dans d’autres localités." 172224,40826.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_239_20200925.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 208 cas confirmés ont été notifiés dans 47 ZS réparties dans 12 des 21 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 148058,37648.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,32,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3663529,"This is the second delivery of food to Teniente Manuel Clavero district (Putumayo Province), which this time has received 22.9 tons of quality and safe products for 2,317 inhabitants" 240434,47354.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] Adamawa State continued to see a surge in criminal activities, especially kidnappings and in Yola North and Yola South, while in Yobe State, NSAG attacked and destroyed properties in Buni Gari, Gujba LGA. Although the security forces repelled the attacks, it generated panic and tension among the residents. Herdsmen attacks on farmers were recorded in Goniri and Ngirbuwa return communities in Gujba LGA." 289622,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Even though physical road conditions are improving as the dry season approaches, physical access to the priority counties remains challenging, especially in Jonglei." 166378,39992.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",en,67,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:q54CBLzNy3AJ:https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syria-coronavirus-outbreak-doctors/2020/09/24/95d9323a-fcea-11ea-b0e4-350e4e60cc91_story.html+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=jo,"In an act of defiance, Syria's union of doctors announced last month that 61 physicians had died of the coronavirus in the span of just a few days. The tally released by the Syrian Medical Association signaled that the outbreak was already widespread, because reported cases among medical personnel often indicate a far larger number of unreported cases in the general public." 294720,52363.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"11% of the 1,037 children born in Colombia since 1 January 2015 do not have a Civil Registry of Birth, the document required to obtain Colombian nationality. Of these, 26% mention as a reason the temporary closure of the registries (from 17 March to 31 May 2020), 22% do not have the resources to do so, and 16% fear contracting COVID-19." 300771,51194.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,75,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"However, criminally-motivated incidents often go underreported and Afghanistan's difficult economic situation, with the current unemployment rate standing at 11.16% (based on the International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database, as of September 20, 2020) pushes many individuals into criminality for survival. The COVID-19 pandemic further contributed to the difficult economic situation, making it less likely that levels of criminal activity will significantly improve in 2021." 475811,65033.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A national policy to provide Breast Milk Substitute (BMS) free of charge through the National Health Insurance for HIV mothers exists. However, in the case of Venezuelan mothers, their NHI only covers them for the first 41 postpartum; after 41 days, lactating mothers stop having access to free public health services, consequently being denied access to BMS." 130919,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Debido al aislamiento preventivo y a las cuarentenas en domicilios, se puede superarla demanda de servicios públicos domiciliarios, frente a la oferta de estos, lo cual puede generar recortes y limitaciones al acceso de los mismos." 48837,12663.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,131,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"The events reported among Venezuelans include malaria (36.8 percent), gender violence (12.6 percent), acute malnutrition in children under age 5 (6.6 percent), HIV/AIDS (6.2 percent) and TB (4 percent). The departments with the highest notification of Venezuelan patients were North Santander (30.1 percent), Guainia (17.2 percent), La Guajira (12.8 percent), Arauca (4.9 percent) and Vichada (4.3 percent). Infectious Disease The most frequently reported infectious diseases among Venezuelans on the Colombian side of the border in 2018 were malaria, dengue, TB, HIV/AIDS, and Hepatitis A, all of which had increased since 2015. Vaccine-preventable diseases also increased greatly," 174172,41097.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,73,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_11_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Continúan las afectaciones multisectoriales de población afrodescendiente e indígena por parte de los GAO que tienen presencia en el territorio. A la fecha, Chocó es el segundo departamento con más emergencias humanitarias durante el 2020 y a nivel municipal, Alto Baudó es el segundo municipio con más eventos por desplazamiento (8) y Bojayá, el primer municipio a nivel nacional con más eventos por confinamiento (7)" 156621,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"As of 19 July 2020, a total of 3126 persons from the host community in Cox’s Bazar district have tested positive for COVID-19: 362 from Chokoria, 272 from Teknaf, 141 from Maheshkhali, 1566 from Sadar, 331 from Ukhia, 232 from Ramu, 134 from Pekua and 88 from Kutubdia" 189215,42868.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,23,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,20% de ICs reportaron que ellas o mujeres dentro de su grupo se encontraban viajando en estado de gestación o lactancia8. 193835,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,36,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,La zone sahélienne a enregistré une baisse de production [céréalière] de 6% par rapport à l´année dernière et une hausse de 15% par rapport à la moyenne de cinq dernières années. 325838,54826.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],en,245,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO018ou1.pdf,"La Niña is a phenomenon composed of positive weather anomalies in some places and negative weather anomalies in others. In Colombia, the positive anomalies usually manifest as an increase in rainfall in the Andean, Caribbean, and Pacific regions, as well as the Plain Foothills of the Eastern Plains, while the negative anomalies present by a decrease in the sea surface temperatures in the eastern areas of the Orinoquía and Amazonia. The latest forecasts for 2021 made by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 2 regarding rainfall behaviour in Colombia during the first quarter, indicated a 65 per cent probability that La Niña conditions would continue from February to April 2021, and a 57 per cent probability that conditions will worsen due to increased precipitation throughout the first half of 2021. This increase in rainfall and its impact on the rise in emergencies is beginning to be seen in various departments. In the Pacific Region, specifically, the departments of Nariño, Cauca, Valle del Cauca, and Chocó, the significant increase in rainfall seen from the last week of February to the second week of March has led to several declarations of public calamity. Almost 80 per cent of Valle del Cauca department has been affected by higher-than-historical-average rains. In Antioquia, three heavy rainfall events have caused landslides with damaged roads, bridges, and aqueducts." 293926,51273.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"In urban areas, lower availability of income-earning opportunities during winter, below average remittances, and above average food prices are likely to restrict access to food and income for many poor households, with Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes expected throughout the projection period in the absence of assistance." 160501,38373.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Uno de los principales mecanismos de adaptación identificados es la priorización en el consumo de alimentos, las familias intentan que los menores de edad tengan un consumo de tres alimentos diarios, mientras que los adultos reducen el número de comidas a una o dos veces al día." 205808,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"A recent assessment on collective sites indicated that due to lack of service provision, IDPs borrowed money to meet their daily basic needs. Their inability to pay the debt led them to adopt negative coping mechanisms such as forcing their young daughters into early marriage. These factors further increase gender-based violence risks, and the use of negative coping mechanisms, as psychosocial trauma and frustration rises." 203478,43256.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"women are particularly affected by a lack of access to income-generating activities, with less resting time and a lower access to decision-making forums" 322134,54720.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,79,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-97-deaths/68132,"[26 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh on Monday reported 97 more coronavirus-related deaths and 3,306 new cases as the country grapples with a second and deadlier wave of the virus. The daily infection rate dropped to 12.82 percent from Monday’s 13.33 percent but the mortality rate rose to 1.49 percent. So far 748,628 cases and 11,150 deaths have been confirmed, the Directorate General of Health Services said in a handout." 268466,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] Asked whether the WHO will count Chinese doses delivered to Syria upon determining the number of doses to be allocated to Syria, or not, Magtymova said: “WHO recognizes the countries liberty of making efforts for diversifying COVID-19 vaccines and their availability for their populations, based on safety and efficacy protocols and national regulations.”" 359242,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Rising operational costs forced farmers and livestock breeders to invest substantial financial resources throughout the season. Purchases of inputs and services are reportedly made in USD22, exposing farmers to the continued decreasing value of the SYP. As a result, farmers are increasingly unable to make the required investments to keep their operations functioning." 316642,54353.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,96,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dw.com/en/bangladesh-rohingya-refugees-fire/a-57120531,"[7th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Frightened by the recent fires, some refugees have created groups of volunteer watchmen to protect their huts from intentional fire incidents. ""The most important thing that needs to be done to stop a fire is to eliminate the criminal gangs. They are the problem. We have been hearing a lot of reports from the refugees about those gangs,"" he told DW, adding: ""Refugees are all living in fear now because of the fires.""" 247755,48228.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,70,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"A l’issue de la réunion spéciale du sous cluster CCCM du 22 août 2020, avec la participation des Préfets de Kaya, Fouli et le Délégué CNARR et celui des Affaires Sociales disposant des alertes de Mamdi, sur la mise à jour et la gestion des alertes, il a été estimé à plus de 80 000 individus en déplacement soit environ 17 000 ménages." 48906,12663.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"However, official figures underestimate the extent of the burden because returnees are reported as Colombian. The increased caseload has translated to longer wait times, capacity concerns, and increased costs for Colombian health facilities." 273764,50128.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,Plus de la moitié de la population d’UVIRA n’a plus accès à l’eau potable depuis la coupure des tuyaux d’approvisionnement de la Regideso occasionnée par les fortes pluies [qui ont eu lieu du 17 au 20 Décembre 2020 dans la commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] et consomme désormais l’eau impropre du lac de Tanganyika. Les installations sanitaires dans les quartiers de réception ne sont pas disponibles en quantité et qualité suffisantes pour desservir la totalité de cette population déplacée. 335290,55819.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Par ailleurs, dans le secteur agricole les participants ont rapporté que l’insécurité a entrainé une réduction des superficies cultivables due à l’inaccessibilité de certaines terres. De plus, l’accès aux intrants agricoles est devenu difficile à cause du manque de revenu et de l’inaccessibilité des marchés." 196107,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"(in Puntland, Somaliland and Galmudug.) Livelihood support is planned parallel to the control operation. About 30,000 pastoralists are targeted for support with 3,400 MT of rangeland cubes. In addition, 54,300 households are targeted for livelihoods support in the current cropping season. Impact assessment on crop production is ongoing with partners in the field. The result will better inform the livelihood support response strategy, considering the desert locust impact. Desert locust community sensitisation messaging was introduced to complement the ongoing control measures." 300837,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Partners operating in NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) controlled, or influenced areas require a coherent, well-developed access strategy, including on strong engagement with local NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) members;" 494241,68123.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Between July and August 2021, the prices of all monitored COVID-19 items slightly increased. M-o-m, the price of surgeon masks and plastic gloves increased by four percent for each item, reaching SYP 372/mask and SYP 609/ pair, respectively. Moreover, m-o-m, the price of hand gel, bleach and soap bars increased by three percent for all these items and by four percent for alcohol spray, reaching SYP 1,117/50 ml, SYP 1,447/litre, SYP 515/bar and SYP 2,304/200 ml, respectively" 152478,37831.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,64,['Capacities & Response'],"['Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"In April, COVID-19 lockdown measures reduced the number of World Vision field staff who could access the camps. To ensure that critical programmes continued, our teams trained 56 Rohingya lead mothers who reached 1,391 fellow refugees through 276 health and hygiene sessions on COVID-19 prevention, nutrition, and gender-based violence awareness, as well as monsoon and cyclone preparedness." 307770,53292.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Partners provided livelihood assistance to more than 4,000 HHs, including the provision of seeds and agricultural inputs. More than 99,000 livestock were vaccinated and more than 63,000 treated, protecting these livelihoods for more than 3,700 HHs in Akobo County." 391287,61470.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 10% of households reported selling assisstance items with food assistance followed by hygiene items being the most commonly sold. Households reported that needing cash for more urgent spending (67%) and the quality of item/assistance being bad (67%) were the main reason for selling assistance items they received." 305786,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,Labor wages in November almost doubled compared to May 2018 and are about 170 percent above last year and the recent three-year average. 208826,44854.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000121574.pdf,"[October, overall Syria] The national average price of plastic gloves decreased by two percent to reach SYP 328/pair; the price of surgeon masks decreased by seven percent to reach SYP 344/ mask; and the price of soap decreased by four percent to reach SYP 357/bar. Moreover, the price of alcohol spray decreased by three percent m-o-m to reach SYP 1,564/200 m" 320938,54668.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Pour les retournés d’Angola, 78 pour cent se trouvent dans un village avec une source d’eau accessible. Les principaux moyens pour accéder à l’eau sont : les rivières (46% des villages), et les sources d’eau (45% des villages). Les principales raisons d’inaccessibilité aux sources d’eau sont : la distance (49%), et la pauvre qualité de l’eau (41%)" 454254,64224.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,50,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Un alto porcentaje de los encuestados tienen la percepción que la violencia psicológica y el bullying son los tipos de violencia más frecuentes en los adolescentes, teniendo relación con el incremento de casos de ciberbullying por el uso de medios virtuales para las clases escolares durante el 2020." 240983,47675.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"The latest population movement was recorded on 2 November, when 187 households (616 individuals) preventively fled the village of Ngorea (sub-prefecture of Kangalam) for the site of Bibi Barrage, located in the same sub-prefecture." 359893,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer, and others (LGBTQ+) rights are heavily suppressed, with homosexuality illegal under Bangladeshi law. Social attitudes toward homosexuality are conservative, and negative. In 2013, hijras, referring to transwomen (man-towoman transsexual or transgender individuals) were legally recognised as a separate gender by the Bangladeshi Government in addition to men and women." 163757,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,245,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Medidas tomadas por el Gobierno: Debido al aumento en el número de casos confirmados diariamente, el presidente Iván Duque, nuevamente anunció la extensión de la actual medida de aislamiento preventivo hasta el 1 de agosto de 2020, manteniendo las excepciones existentes hasta el momento4, mientras que los estados de emergencia sanitaria y emergencia económica se mantienen. Adicionalmente, desde el Ministerio de Salud se definieron cuatro categorías para hacer intervenciones diferenciadas en el territorio: municipios No-COVID (38,9%), con afectación baja (30,3%), moderada (20,3%) y alta (10,4%). En los municipios No-COVID y de baja afectación se pasa de pruebas pilotos a apertura. En los de alta afectación se empezará con los alcaldes a adelantar pilotos que permita adecuar y reactivar la vida productiva5. Adicional a los planes de protocolo de reapertura que iniciaran algunos aeropuertos nacionales como El Dorado (Bogotá), Olaya Herrera y José Maria Córdoba (Medellín), el Gobierno anunció la implementación de plan piloto para transporte domestico de personas por vía aérea entre el aeropuerto de Cúcuta y Bucaramanga. Así mismo, la Aeronáutica Civil de Colombia anunció que verificará en territorio la implementación de los protocolos de bioseguridad destinados a la prevención del contagio dla COVID-19, para la reactivación de los vuelos nacionales e internacionales en la que avanza el país6." 393219,62158.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The demonstrates how effective the community thinks observing 2 meters of physical distancing prevents COVID 19 infection. 37% said observing 2 meters physical distance is effective and prevents COVID 19 infection. 32% said it is very effective, 8% said observing 2-meter physical distance is Not effective and does not prevent COVID 19 infection. Another 8% said it is totally not effective and does not prevents COVID 19 infection. 15 % indicates they don’t have an idea whether 2 meter physical distance is effective or not." 328572,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported problems encountered when accessing health services or treatment: Cost of services and/or medicine was too high (39%), have not tried to access medical services (23%) and did not get qualified health staff at the health facility (10%)." 172109,40716.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,62,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.184%20%20%2810%20-%2016%20August%202020%29_0.pdf,"[10 - 16 August 2020, Borno, Adamawa] ETT assessments identified the following movement triggers: conflict/atack (52.3%), voluntary relocation (19.8%), poor living conditions (17.7%), improved security (5.2%), fear of attack (3.9%) and military operations (1.2%)." 73324,21154.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,29,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"In most of the countries that form the Southern Cone, access to primary and secondary education is free for Venezuelan refugees and migrants having a regular status." 297363,51172.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"Clashes between Afghan National Security Forces(ANSF) and an non-state armed group(NSAG) intensified in the east mainly in Khogyani, Sherzad and Hesarak districts of Nangarhar province. On 11 February, five Afghan Directorate of Protection Service personnel escorting a UN vehicle were killed in an attack on the Kabul-Jalalabad highway in Surobi district of Kabul province." 303876,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"In East Sudan, there are more than 130,000 Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees and asylum seekers, living in camps and urban areas across Gezira, Gedaref, Kassala, Red Sea and Sennar states." 193735,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,65,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´accès humanitaire est également limité par des difficultés administratives qui entravent le bon déroulement des opérations. Les ONG nationales et internationales sont affectées de manière différente par ces contraintes, mais toutes peuvent faire l´objet de contrôles à tout moment. Les demandes d´agrément du personnel expatrié font parfois l´objet de rejets par le service habilité ou sont validées avec retard retardant l´assistance." 310894,53068.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE : 1,427,0006 1,690,000 people provided with improved access to water, 216,000 people provided with access to sanitation, 2,374,000 people enabled to practice good hygiene practices." 220499,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"On 26 to 27 October, South Sudan conducted Intra Action review of the current COVID-19 response across different pillars and document best practices and lessons learned to improve the response. The review provided participants with an opportunity to evaluate current capabilities and resources for prompt deployment in response to the pandemic." 359667,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,113,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In Bangladesh, the majority of research respondents from the FGDs with parents confirmed that the people in these communities, especially poor families, withdrew their girl child from school because of CEFM. Girls are mostly married off between the ages of 12 to 16 years of age. Once a girl child is married off, her in-laws do not allow her to go back to school, as a result, her education comes to a stop. In this way, the practice of dowry and early marriage, alongside poverty remains a barrier to girls’ education." 58967,17679.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"De esta forma, advertimos la hipervisibilización de las mujeres migrantes empleadas en las cadenas de cuidado, el trabajo ambulatorio y en el trabajo sexual, situación que refuerza procesos de exclusión laboral, estigmatización y división del trabajo." 221021,44617.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,19,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"COVID-19-related school closures and economic shocks have exposed children to increased protection risks, including recruitment by armed groups" 221704,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Although the framework was developed for drought, on 19 June, the Emergency Relief Coordinator agreed to an exceptional pilot activation in the light of the unprecedented situation, with a $15 million allocation from the Central Emergency Relief Fund." 205160,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"According to the Global Conflict Risk Index (GCRI), the current situation in Cameroon is classified as “at high risk of violent conflict” over the next 1 to 4 years; the risk of conflict is evaluated at 9.7 on a scale of 10. According to this index, the Far North, North West and South West regions are particularly exposed to this risk." 164014,34165.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,74,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Se observa que al menos 8,1 millones de trabajadores (36,1%) tienen una vulnerabilidad alta, principalmente en sectores relacionados con comercio y servicios. De igual forma, se considera que, en promedio el 47,4 por ciento de las mujeres (43,6%), jóvenes (43,2%) y refugiados y migrantes (55,4%) están ocupados en sectores económicos altamente vulnerables ante la COVID-19." 261672,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],es,66,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Meta la Alcaldía de Villavicencio alertó sobre el aumento de casos durante la temporada de fiestas de fin de año; debido a la cifra de contagios del municipio de Villavicencio (28.928 casos confirmados)7,la alta ocupación de UCI (87 – 90%) y que no se están aplicando las medidas de bioseguridad por parte de la población," 359878,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Organize awareness campaigns targeting the wider community and parents on gender norms and stereotypes and how these deepen the impact of disasters and climate crisis on children especially girls, for promoting the investment in girl’s leadership in DRM." 359128,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] The lack of rainfall and limited water access have disrupted livestock activities by reducing pastureland and deteriorating livestock body conditions, while the failure of barley crops decreased the availability of fodder. Low availability of forage is expected to drive up the cost of animal feed this season as fodder will either have to be sourced from Government of Syria (GoS) areas or imported from abroad." 283920,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Urban centre( which were already isolated through the presence of Al Shabab) residents were forced to take considerable risks for their safety to transport goods on the road, often forced to leave them behind when attacked by Al Shabab." 258091,48883.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/63787/100-thousand-russian-sputnik-vaccines-arrive-in-syria.html,"[12th Feb 2021, Syria]The sources added that the Ministry of Health has completed scheduling the names of those eligible to receive the vaccine in the first stage, indicating that the plan provides for the use of only half of the quantity during this stage. The sources confirmed that the Ministry of Health will receive other batches of the Russian vaccine later, after submitting reports on the medical results of the first phase, indicating that the agreed quantity was provided “for free.”" 236212,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] According to the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) 2020, about 2.7 million people are still in need of humanitarian WASH support in a country that has been in a state of protracted emergency for decades. Unreliable access to water often from unimproved sources is still an important feature of the WASH humanitarian landscape in Somalia." 388344,60981.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,25,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Las comunidades desplazadas requieren apoyo para conseguir alimentos, debido a que dejaron en la vereda sus medios de vida y cultivos de pancoger." 152716,37924.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,81,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 06 au 12 juillet 2020, environ 803 individus dont certains en partance pour le Mali et d’autres de retour au Burkina Faso, principalement de nationalité burkinabè et malienne, ont été observés en train de contourner les voies officielles le long de la frontière entre le Burkina Faso et le Mali, suite à la fermeture des frontières ordonnée par les autorités burkinabés dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." 155669,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,42,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"In Camp 11, SMSD coordinated with health partners and the community to ensure a dignified burial for the sixth confirmed COVID19 death in the camp. SMSD staff also conducted contact tracing and counselling for family members of the deceased." 345120,56679.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,75,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/encontinu/2021/05/25/kasai-central-letat-congolais-reprend-le-batiment-cede-pour-le-quartier-general-de-la-monusco-a-kananga.html/84697/,"La province du Kasaï Central vient de reprendre, au nom de l’Etat congolais le bâtiment cédé à la Mission des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation en RDC (MONUSCO) pour y installer son quartier général à Kananga. La reprise de ce patrimoine mobilier se situe dans le cadre de retrait progressif de la mission onusienne de l’espace du Grand Kasaï d’ici au 30 juin 2021." 172503,40676.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,89,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Impact indirect sur le système éducatif : À la suite de la fermeture des écoles dans l’ensemble du pays, 18 millions d’enfants de 3 à 17 ans ont interrompu leur scolarité. Ces enfants risquent de perdre leur année scolaire, voire d’abandonner définitivement leurs études s’ils ne sont pas rescolarisés rapidement, surtout pour les filles qui courent un risque plus élevé d’abandon scolaire et d’exposition au mariage forcé ou mariage et grossesse précoce." 304480,53106.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,149,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-6000-cases-for-2nd-straight-day/67005,"[April 2, 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh has recorded more than 6,000 new coronavirus cases for the second consecutive day as the country ramps up efforts to contain the virus’ transmission.It was the fourth time in five days that Bangladesh reported its highest daily coronavirus cases when the health authorities confirmed 6,830 new infections on Friday afternoon. The infection rate rose to 23.28 percent from 22.94 of Thursday’s when the country recorded 6,469 cases, the highest in months. On Wednesday, the number of new cases was 5,358. It was 5,042 on Tuesday and 5,181 on Monday. The number of daily cases and infection rate dropped below 5 percent earlier this year but there was an unusual surge as people continue to flout health safety rules. The sudden spurt appears to have caught the health sector unawares." 133914,35165.0,1188.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"dicional, debido en parte a la situación mayoritaria de irregularidad, a que se ha dificultado el acceso al pago voluntario de la CSS, y a una protección social dirigida hacia el nacional, las personas con discapacidad venezolanas en Panamá no tienen acceso ni a una pensión contributiva, ni no contributiva, que mitigue su situación." 743,156.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Access to markets was not reported to be a main concern in Libya, with 94.7% of households overall reporting that they had consistent access. However, this was notably not the case for 13.5% of households in Benghazi and 17.2% in Ghat. Barriers to accessing markets were relatively uncommon with 86.2% of households overall reporting no barrier. The most frequently reported barriers were transportation costs (9.2%), a prevalent issue in Ghat, followed by distance to the nearest market (3.5%), reported by higher proportions of displaced households in Benghazi: 20.9% of returnee households and 18.7% of IDP households." 358528,58562.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Coalitions of women from various cross-sections of society played an important role in organizing protests, drawing on their online networks and resources to articulate and voice how they were being impacted by police brutality, insecurity, and broader gender inequalities, including increasing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) during the pandemic (Dark 2020)." 495445,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Según el “Informe de Gestión 2018 Superintendencia Nacional de Migraciones” el PTP permite trabajar, estudiar y usar los servicios de salud. Al cierre de 2018 se habían emitido 162,450 PTPs solo en ese año, que es un aumento de 331% comparando con 2017. Los ciudadanos venezolanos que tengan en trámite su PTP, pueden obtener el Acta de Permiso Trabajo Extraordinario, que les permite trabajar formalmente hasta que termine su trámite" 223430,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"While staff rotations and recruitments were put on hold, humanitarian cargo was exempted. Social distancing and directives to work from home have resulted in the greatest restrictions, adding a layer of complexity that contributed to the reduction, suspension or cancellation of humanitarian projects and programmes." 472865,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,23,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,[Région du Nord/Ouahigouya] Besoin de renforcer la coordination de la réponse à la crise humanitaire en général dans la région. 319538,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"the number of IDPs is on the rise as security deteriorates sharply in the border region. Currently, Maradi region registers 17,262 IDPs." 286422,51690.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/world-s-largest-refugee-camp-fire,"[22nd March 2021, Cox's Bazar] A fire has broken out in Cox’s Bazar refugee camp in Bangladesh. The camp is home to over 600,000 people who live in crowded conditions. The blaze is believed to have started in the late afternoon of Monday 22 March. Photos and videos from the site show huge quantities of black smoke and people fleeing the fierce flames. Thousands of refugees have lost their homes. Health centres, distribution points and other facilities have also been affected. The cause of the fire is currently unknown." 199543,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,38,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Latest climate projections agree that South Sudan will get warmer with the less certain rainfall patterns. South Sudan is ranked among the five most affected countries in the world according to the Climate Change Vulnerability Index. 54953,17044.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Politics'],es,57,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.emol.com/noticias/Nacional/2019/07/27/956058/Gobernardor-de-Tacna-exhorta-a-consulado-chileno-a-atender-problema-migratorio-de-venezolanos-advirtiendo-medidas.html,"El gobernador de Tacna,Juan Tonconi,exhortó al Consulado General de Chile en esa ciudad, a dar urgente solución al problema migratorio de los ciudadanos venezolanos, quienes desde hace semanas se encuentran en los alrededores del recinto esperando para realizar los trámites para optar a una visa y poder ingresar a nuestro país" 328777,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 33% households with at least one pregnant and/or lactating woman. 64632,18830.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",es,97,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/venezolanos-en-hospitales-de-colombia-el-agravante-de-la-desnutricion/1444,"En 2016, la cifra ascendió a 2.294, y en 2017 se duplicó hasta alcanzar los 5.856 casos. Las cifras de los últimos dos años evidencian el deterioro acelerado de la crisis: en 2018 llegaron 14.349 pacientes, y tan solo en los primeros seis meses de 2019, ya se han registrado 8.834. Números que se traducen en un gasto adicional que ronda los veinte millones de dólares para el Estado colombiano, y que en la ciudad de Cúcuta se refleja también en la sobresaturación de los centros de salud." 439341,63592.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 100% (330) des localités évaluées, les IC ont déclaré la faim était modérée mais que des stratégies étaient possibles pour y faire face." 220003,45769.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Il faut noter que sur ce site d’accueil, ces populations nouvellement arrivées ont accès au centre de santé évangélique situé de l’autre cote du bras du Lac mais les services de prise en charge sont payants et chers." 2556,516.0,321.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-2017-humanitarian-situation-report,"The polio vaccination campaigns reached universal coverage with around 1,53 million children aged 0-6 years vaccinated while, 721,488 children aged 3-6 years received Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccines in 2017." 346937,56987.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,66,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] The risk of mosquito vector-borne diseases such as dengue, malaria, and chikungunya is higher during the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. Health is inextricably tied to shelter, NFIs, and WASH. Current restrictions on shelter reinforcement, NFI distributions, and WASH programming could contribute to an increase in vector-borne and waterborne diseases." 19291,7910.0,730.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,86,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"UN agencies and NGOs operating in Al Hudaydah Governorate scaled up the delivery of assistance to people affected by the fighting, even though access to humanitarian facilities and the people in need remains a challenge. Humanitarian warehouses, including the Red Sea Mills, where enough food is stored to feed 3.5 million people for a month, remains inaccessible. Other key humanitarian facilities that remain closed include UNHCR, WFP and WHO warehouses, as well as the 22 May Hospital." 225418,45087.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,This has resulted in more than 4.6 children and women requiring nutritional assistance (up from 3.3 million earlier in 2020). 199184,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,51,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"A ce sujet, le Coordonnateur Humanitaire a indiqué dans un communiqué que ces attaques contre les humanitaires sont de nature à compromettre l’aide humanitaire d’urgence à « 21,8 millions de personnes en insécurité alimentaire aiguë, et 5,2 millions de personnes déplacées en RDC »." 274116,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"Selon l’analyse du 17ème cycle du de Classification de la Sécurité Alimentaire (IPC) 2019 environ 44 % de la population de l’Ituri seraient en insécurité alimentaire, en phase 3 et 4. A cause des mouvements population fuyant des affrontements armés et des pluies mal distribuées dans l’espace et dans le temps, la campagne agricole a été perturbée, entrainant encore plus de difficultés d’accès et de disponibilité de nourriture." 492667,67931.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] MEDIAN SMEB CELLPHONE DATA PRICE 1GB Data: 1000 SYP One month change: 0% Six months change: 11%" 189717,43300.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les inégalités entre les sexes sont à l´origine des difficultés d´accès des femmes et des filles aux services de base comme l´éducation (une fille a deux fois moins de chances d´aller à l´école qu´un garçon). La préférence donnée à l´éducation des garçons, les mariages précoces, la lourde charge des travaux domestiques, le nomadisme (pour les filles peules et arabes) et les risques de violences sexuelles constituent autant de freins à l´éducation des filles." 224705,46162.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,141,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"[Current food situation] In the Lac region, IDPs share meals with host households, which is putting pressure on hosts’ cereal stocks and leading to competition for resources (agricultural and non-agricultural labor). Thanks to food aid, these households are facing Stressed (IPC! Phase 2) food insecurity. The World Food Program (WFP) and its partners, for example, are providing humanitarian assistance in the form of cash and food to 182,341 people (displaced persons, refugees, returnees). The average ration consists of 325 g of cereals, 72 g of pulses and 23 g of oil. Cash payments range from XAF 3,500 per person per month for the averagely vulnerable to XAF 6,000 per person per month for the most vulnerable." 229433,44602.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Markets now playing a very important role in ensuring access to basic food but the IDPs are not able to purchase food due to unaffordability of prices. 298679,52740.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/rohingya-refugee-camps-cox-s-bazar-rise-ashes,"[31st March 2021, Cox's Bazar]Refugees: 2021 marks the fourth year since vulnerable Rohingya women, men and children were forced to flee violent persecution in their native Rakhine State in Myanmar. The 4 camps affected by the fire were extremely congested as the refugees had settled there by themselves very early in the response or even before the 2017 influx." 60711,17936.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],en,115,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Almost one in every four (25 percent) households in Borno only have access to less than half hectare of farmland compared to 12.8 percent and 6.1 percent in Adamawa and Yobe respectively, which is partly due to fears of attack from NSAGs and restrictions from the military to ensure safety within a certain perimeter around communities. Moreover, the ongoing hostilities was referenced as a major inhibitory factor among 55.7 percent of households without access to farmland in Borno State. Other factors highlighted to hamper access to farmland were lack of capital and access to credit facilities (15.0 percent) and lack of farmland (12.0 percent)." 155034,34182.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Migrantes en tránsito o caminantes tienen como principales fuentes de agua cuerpos superficiales como ríos y quebradas que encuentran en su tránsito, que en su mayoría presenta basuras y malos olores. No realizan ningún tratamiento antes de consumirla." 335520,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,50,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Provinces such as Helmand, Ghor, Kapisa, Badakhshan, Urozgan and Nooristan have not reported any deaths yet. However, it should be noted that few provinces have good reporting mechanism while in some other provinces the deaths are not properly reported and recorded at provincial level" 79851,21919.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,365,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"Humanitarian strategy Given the changing flow patterns and multidimensional nature of the migration crisis, combined with the higher number of people who are settling in urban areas, UNICEF will respond to each country context by bridging life-saving relief with efforts to foster longerterm access to basic services. In 2020, UNICEF will continue working in hotspots at the border and in the transit paths but will also scale up its response to address pressing needs in urban settings and keep child protection at the centre of its humanitarian action. UNICEF will apply the following approach in the six affected countries: 1) conduct humanitarian action as per humanitarian principles, in line with the Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action, to ensure that children have access to protection, education, health, nutrition and WASH services; 2) enhance advocacy on the rights of migrant and refugee children and their families, in collaboration with national stakeholders and key partners; and 3) foster resilient and equitable development, focusing on social inclusion and integration, especially in Colombia and Peru, and advocating for migrant access to social protection systems. Key enablers for achieving the proposed approach include: supporting public systems to absorb additional demand, improving migrant 9 and refugee capacities to better integrate into host communities, and supporting host communities to benefit from the opportunities created by the migration dynamic. UNICEF's response will cover border areas, transit routes and destination cities through an increased footprint on the ground. Accountability to affected populations will be strengthened, as will the use of services that are age-, gender- and disability-appropriate. At the regional level, UNICEF will continue to provide technical assistance and quality assurance to the field, enhance advocacy efforts and contribute to the inter-agency Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan. This will include strategic leadership in the child protection, education, nutrition, WASH and communications sectors. Interagency initiatives will focus on supported space, communication for development, prevention and management of gender-based violence and information management." 346843,56987.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,51,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] WASH-related risks are expected to increase as activities, including regular maintenance, emergency repairs, and hygiene promotion can only be carried out by trained Rohingya volunteers under remote management. This also transfers the COVID-19 risk onto unvaccinated volunteers." 111711,29953.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A diferencia de lo observado en La Guajira, las familias asentadas en Cúcuta tienen mayores niveles de estudio y menos niños." 279681,50901.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,72,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] In Mahmoudli Camp, 19% of households reported having difficulties understanding information about COVID-19. Of those that reported difficulties, the most commonly reported difficulties understanding information about COVID-19 were: • There are not enough materials (17%) • Information is not clear (13%)." 286993,51631.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,78,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"(Est) Au Burkina Faso, la région de l’Est est l’une des régions qui enregistre le plus grand nombre de personnes déplacées internes (PDI). Le nombre de PDI est passé à 78,533 en fin janvier (contre 71,394 en Décembre 2020) soit une augmentation de près de 10% avec une proportion d’environ 60% d’enfants parmi ces personnes déplacées (CONASUR)." 201554,43256.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The main needs relate to protection, including child protection and SGBV, health and food. 3 million people are in need of protection assistance. 2.9 million people need urgent medical care." 141661,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As part of decentralized sample collection, staff from three COVID-19 designated hospitals (Al Zerat Hospital, Al Shams and Kefartor Karim hospital) were trained by EWARN team on sample collection, handling and shipment methods." 40938,11894.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,Shortages of vehicle fuel throughout the Tripoli area made it more difficult to rely on private transportation to leave. 196124,43590.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,36,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Decades of war have left heavy mine contamination and a widespread presence of explosive remnants of war across the country, which in particular often result in child death or injury (UNAMA 02/2020)." 160522,38373.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,108,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Atlántico, en varios sectores de Barranquilla como Chipi, La Ciénaga y Los Tambos, en el barrio Las Flores, y también en el barrio San Roque, el agua se obtiene de una red ilegal que no garantiza su calidad. En La Guajira, en los barrios Mano de Dios y Tawaira de Riohacha, el agua tiene poca presión, por lo cual el acceso es intermitente en algunos sectores. En mayo, hubo sectores de la comuna 10 que accedieron al agua sólo un día, durante 5 o 6 horas, aunque el fallo fue arreglado en junio." 389252,61098.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,19,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SurveyAnalisis_%20INPLACE_%20Latin%20America3b_vertical.pdf,6. Internet y educación: solo el 63% de los hogares acceden a servicios de Internet. 150577,34590.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Access: Movement restrictions remain in place across Northeast Syria, with activities being adapted to comply with restrictions while maintaining response capacity. Although partners have continued to face ad hoc challenges with the movement of staff and supplies, procedures communicated by authorities inside Northeast Syria have gradually become clearer, with more consistent enforcement across different areas." 130820,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Pérdida de sostenibilidad de los proyectos productivos de excombatientes en proceso de reincorporación y de poblaciones que voluntariamente sustituyen cultivos ilícitos por escases de insumos y dificultades en la comercialización de sus productos. 417565,64197.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,15,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,Se requiere tamizaje en población afectada para identificar presencia de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores. 206938,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Almost 340,000 adolescent boys (51%) and girls (49%) who, until 18 March, were receiving their education in multipurpose centres, universities, and higher institutes are now exposed to several protection risks as they stay idle at home without appropriate platforms for them to continue their learning." 154890,38099.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"De manière générale, bien que des stocks sont actuellement disponibles dans le pays et en transit, avec une couverture alimentaire nationale de trois mois pour le riz, quatre mois pour les huiles alimentaires et 10 mois pour le sucre, l’approvisionnement des ménages urbains sera limité en cas de fermetures prolongées des marchés." 394996,61910.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers']",es,290,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.ciperchile.cl/2021/05/08/inmigracion-delincuencia-y-las-erroneas-percepciones-sobre-el-delito/,"Por último, nos centramos en el efecto potencialmente amplificador de los medios de comunicación. Bajo la hipótesis de que los delitos perpetrados por inmigrantes podrían tener más probabilidades de ser recogidos en los medios de comunicación,nuestros resultados se pueden explicar por cómo los medios informan de manera diferente sobre los incidentes o cómo las personas se ven expuestas a ellos de maneras diferentes.Documentamos diversos hallazgos que son consistentes con esta versión. En primer lugar, mostramos que, si bien el efecto de la inmigración en la victimización parece ser nulo en los municipios con un alto o bajo número de emisoras de radio locales,el impacto tanto en las preocupaciones relacionadas con la delincuencia como en las reacciones de conductas preventivas de los delitos sólo es significativo en municipios en los que hay un número relativamente grande de emisoras de radio locales per cápita. Esto sugiere que la mayor presencia de medios de comunicación a nivel local podría ser un potencial mecanismo que explique la disparidad entre el efecto de la inmigración en crimen y su impacto en las percepciones de las personas. Posteriormente, exploramos el rol concreto de los medios de comunicación al comparar disparidades asociadas a delitos cometidos por extranjeros (versus chilenos).Recolectamos todas las noticias en medios de prensa escritos y TV entre 2010-2015 y encontramos que el número de noticias diarias de crimen aumenta de manera desproporcionada justo después que un homicidio fue cometido por un extranjero (en relación a aquellos homicidios donde el sospechoso era chileno).Este resultado sugiere la presencia de otro importante canal que podría explicar la divergencia entre delincuencia y percepciones asociadas al fenómeno de la inmigración." 128068,34134.0,1620.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,27,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/royal-actors-peacebuilding,"Powerful examples of this national stress are the horrific Nigeria/Biafra civil war, inter-tribal and inter-religious wars, inter-communal conflict, boundary disputes, amongst others." 298862,51194.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In conversation with partners, NSAG-TB often referred to a security fee rather than asking for taxation or levies. The claim that they were ensuring security for humanitarian partners during their responses often went hand in hand with an indirect threat that nonpayment would result in safety issues for partners." 179120,41967.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"[Idleb, 8-15 August] In Idleb governorate, medicine prices increased by 28% between 8 and 15 August." 163631,32454.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,23,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77357.pdf,"Alojamiento temporal y red de hoteles con medidas de protección, salud, alimentación, educación entre otros en Riohacha y Maicao." 389253,61098.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SurveyAnalisis_%20INPLACE_%20Latin%20America3b_vertical.pdf,7. Salud: solo el 16% de los encuestados está afiliado a algún régimen de salud. 388600,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,40,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le 02 juin 2021, un GANE a fait irruption dans le village de MEHENA dans la province du Soum et a exercé des violences physiques sur des habitants du village au nombre de 35 qui célébraient un mariage." 414077,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,72,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Use ICT to improve accessibility: The use of ICT should be increased so that people in emergencies like the pandemic situation can get essential health care services. Particularly, telemedicine was well accepted alternate worldwide during the pandemic. So, the usage of telemedicine and mobile-app based health services as part of primary healthcare services delivery should be recognised and formalised." 171502,40704.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] Social distancing was promoted in nutrition centers through rolling out a procedure whereby 5,823 mothers were trained how to conduct middle-upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening of children for malnutrition. They were equipped with MUAC measuring tapes so they could screen their children at home and only visit the centres as needed." 271509,49808.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Par ailleurs, selon le rapport bilan annuel du Programme national d’assainissement des eaux usées et excretas, sur le plan national, le taux d’accès à l’assainissement est de 23,6%, avec des disparités entre le milieu rural (16,4%) et le milieu urbain (38,2%) [MEA, 2019. Programme national d’approvisionnement en eau potable (pn-aep), Rapport national bilan annuel 2019, 102 p.]" 495120,67230.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,El 90.8% de los venezolanos registrados declaran poseer servicio de luz y agua y el 37.4% internet. 9 194898,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] “We are working at full capacity and all our (ICU) beds are taken. The minute one bed is empty, a patient is admitted,” he said." 326611,54734.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] Among the 100% households found to have an overall MSNI of 3 and above, this score was most commonly driven by extreme LSGs in WASH, Education and SNFI (9%), followed by WASH, Education, SNFI and Food security (11%), or WASH , Education, SFNI, Nutrition and Health(7%)." 155016,34182.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,50% de las madres entrevistadas identifican síntomas de desnutrición en sus niños y niñas. 439164,64616.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/hay-mas-de-1000-estudios-webcam-donde-explotan-a-menores-migrantes-icbf/2811,"La directora general del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF), Lina Arbeláez, denunció que en Norte de Santander hay redes de trata que obligan a niños y niñas, sobre todo migrantes venezolanos, a tener relaciones sexuales por 3.000 pesos, y que en todo el país han identificado más de 1.000 estudios webcam donde explotan sexualmente a los menores." 111684,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A diferencia de los municipios de La Guajira, la cantidad de niños y niñas habitando en las calles de Cúcuta es menor. Se les ve a las afuera de los puntos de Pagatodo enviando dinero y con maletas, o caminando con sus familias. Algunos de ellos acompañan a sus familias a trabajar en los semáforos limpiando vidrios. Se rumora que muchos niños son “prestados” a otros adultos para pedir dinero (con los niños reciben más dinero que sin ellos)" 275680,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,60,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] 5 incidents happened in 4 districts, i.e. Patuakhali, Gopalganj, Munsiganj and Cox’s bazar in which 7 persons were killed and 11 were persons injured. On January 23, a boat capsize happened in Bay of Bengal where 4 persons were killed and 8 persons were missing" 261752,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,77,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Vichada: • Una de las mayores preocupaciones se encuentra asociada con imaginarios sociales y comunitarios en donde la población no permite que le hagan la prueba ni van al hospital, lo cual genera un alto índice de subregistro en las estadísticas del COVID-19 permitiendo que el virus se siga propagando, y aunque van 20 casos de mortalidad las medidas de bioseguridad no se están aplicando según lo manifestado por la coordinación de OPS" 111947,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Aunque se emocionan mucho cuando reciben juguetes, no dependen de ellos para jugar. Es común verlos inventando y creando juegos simbólicos aun con basura." 383047,60359.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,110,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.sunnewsonline.com/strengthening-the-war-against-insurgency/,"[21st July 2021, Nigeria] Since the insurgents are becoming more daring with each passing day, the security agencies must step up the game with new operational strategies. Consequently, some notable Nigerians have called on the government to get foreign assistance and even mercenaries in the execution of the war. We recall that the governor of Borno State, Prof. Babagana Zulum, the Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, and the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), had, on different occasions, advised the government to engage foreigners with technical expertise to lead the battle against the terrorists." 357144,58234.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security-wheat/syrian-drought-puts-assads-year-of-wheat-in-peril-idUSKCN2DX0JB,"[21 June 2021, Overall Syria] The Kurdish-led authorities, who have had extensive trade ties with Damascus, have so far rejected Russian mediation to allow farmers to sell part of their produce to Damascus as in previous years, two Kurdish sources said." 163822,34549.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,40,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Some of the most adopted coping mechanisms included reliance on less nutritious food, borrowing food, and restricting adult consumption to feed children. Vulnerable populations, including displaced people and female-headed households are greater risk of food insecurity" 194900,43776.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,69,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[ November 19, Idlib] Infections also are rising at the overcrowded camps housing many of the nearly 1 million people who have been displaced since the last government offensive in March. Dr. Nasser AlMuhawish, who compiles virus data from his base in Turkey, said only about 8% of infections in the camps have been recorded, and teams are increasing their screenings." 325656,53068.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,Response achievements some 1.4 million people assisted with access to safe water and sanitation; 200153,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"People living with HIV who were on Antiretroviral (ARV) drugs can no longer access drugs when they take refuge in the bush, increasing the risk of infection." 171400,40771.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,Les communautés interviewées ont reçu les nouvelles du coronavirus à travers la télévision et les radios locales. Dans certains cas c’est de bouche à oreille. 495158,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,35,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Datos de la OIT indican que 67% de los venezolanos en Perú tiene educación superior, la ""mayoría"" una ""formación superior"" a la población de los países de acogida." 495159,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,65,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Esta mano de obra venezolana calificada está cubriendo determinados nichos de mercado que es difícil de cubrir en los países que los estan acogiendo, pero debido a su situación migratoria irregular, muchos de estos jóvenes se ven obligados a trabajar en la economía informal, lo que provoca recelos en un país donde la mayoría de sus trabajadores está en la informalidad." 193761,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,48,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le faible taux d´utilisation des services de santé de la reproduction de qualité, le mauvais état nutritionnel des femmes enceintes, la pauvreté, la persistance d´obstacles socioculturels et religieux sont autant de facteurs qui limitent l´accès des femmes et filles aux soins de santé primaires." 243452,47668.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,87,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"As of 11 November, there have been 1,578 reported cases and 100 deaths in 17 provinces. Between 8 and 11 November, there have been 31 new cases: one in Logone occidental, three in Logone oriental, three in N’Djamena, three in Mayo-Kebbi ouest, nine in Moyen-Chari and 12 in Mayo-Kebbi est. Except for one, all new cases between those dates are contact cases which could indicate the difficulty in applying barrier measures in certain areas." 184111,42108.0,1187.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IB26102020.pdf,"The Argentine Red Cross is constantly monitoring the borders (at Puerto Iguazú and La Quiaca) through its two border coordinators. The National Society provides shelter, food, psychosocial support, RFL, and information services to migrants entering the country through its northern borders. A mobile humanitarian service point will soon be deployed to the border area in the province of Jujuy." 235600,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,25,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Non -State armed groups (NSAGs) have increased the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) with increasing numbers of civilian casualties. 126529,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Alojamiento: una gran parte de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en las áreas urbanas requieren apoyo de alojamiento. Estos residen en alojamiento alquilado y muchos viven en asentamientos informales o en albergues congestionados que no reúnen los estándares mínimos y pueden conducir a riesgo de protección, tales como violencia basada en género (VBG)." 105618,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Lo segundo es el incremento de la salida de niños y niñas de 0 a 7 años como proporción del total, pasando de 4,51 % en 2016 a 10,09 % a octubre del 2019. Este incremento es aún mayor en el puesto de control de Rumichaca, en donde se observa un cambio del 6,88% al 15,45 %. En total, desde el 2016 a octubre del 2019 salieron de Colombia 191.862 niños de 0 a 7 años, de los cuales el 77 % han salido por este puesto de control." 22389,9130.0,786.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.americasquarterly.org/content/180-day-plan-venezuela,Food aid and increased foreign exchangeallow the new government to restore 1990s-era food assistance programs aimed at children and pregnant mothers. 289874,51859.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,96,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.fao.org/colombia/noticias/detail-events/es/c/1382766/,"Su capital, Leticia, ha tenido que atravesar por una crisis de agua. El acueducto, que se surte de la microcuenca del Yahuarcaca, resulta insuficiente para suministrar este líquido a los más 42 mil leticences y en la actualidad solo abastece al 30 por ciento de su población. Esta presenta problemas en épocas de estiaje y disminuye la calidad de agua en la fuente por aumento en la cantidad de sólidos, lo que además ocasiona problemas como la parasitosis, detectada en altos niveles especialmente en la población infantil." 384870,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Consultations de Référencement délocalisé réalisées à Seytenga et à Tougouri, ce qui a permis de toucher au total 1249 personnes (495hommes et 754 femmes) pour des soins curatifs" 359906,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,118,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Religious Minority: In the Bollober Khash union of Nageshwari upazila in Kurigram there is a village named Majhipara, where people of the Hindu religion are living. There are 95 to 100 families. Most of the people of that village are fishermen, and a few are engaged in the fish trade or work in the clothes business. Muslims live next to their village and all are living in peace. While there is no direct conflict between the Muslim and Hindu communities, Hindus as a minority in that area express that they are afraid or feel hesitant to talk with Muslim people." 291644,52152.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,114,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 58% de los productores mencionó haber perdido una parte importante de la producción asociado a la dificultad para la comercialización. En cuanto al precio de venta, una proporción más alta de productores de la muestra FAO afirma que esta era una dificultad principal de la comercialización, pero solo un 44% de ellos (contra un 34% de la muestra RDD) ha enfrentado un precio de venta menor o mucho menor en esta coyuntura de emergencia sanitaria. Este resultado sugiere que el grupo FAO es más vulnerable a la volatilidad de los precios, y también que en general hay zonas donde el precio aumentó." 308263,53292.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Cluster partners distributed more than 4,400 HH livelihoods kits and vaccinated 17,097 livestock and provided treatment for 6,336 livestock, protecting these livelihoods of over 407 HHs in Tonj East." 222804,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In late May, a World Food Programme charter aircraft carrying humanitarian supplies to Qansaxdheere was hit by ground fire from unknown perpetrators, with no reported casualties or significant damage. As a result, flights to Qansaxdheere have been suspended temporarily, and there has been no replenishment of food since the attack for nutrition beneficiaries in Qansaxdheere." 264430,49222.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,"• El 80% de los accidentes por MAP y MUSE son en la ruralidad. • Enfoque diferencial: 16 Afrodescendientes, 11 Indígenas y 14 menores de edad. • El 66% de las víctimas son civiles. Mientras el 34% es la fuerza pública." 205198,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Environment']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2019: About 80,000 people are affected by flooding in the departments of Mayo Danay and Logone-et-Chari in Cameroon's Far North." 322883,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 22% households with at least one person with a chronic illness which lasted 3 months or longer at the time of the data collection 293484,51589.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,99,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,"Oxfam’s research found that interviewees had very diverse understanding of the meaning and importance of conflict sensitivity. Only a small portion of interviewees could fully explain it, while others did not seem to know the term, but instinctively knew what it meant. There were also those who stated to understand the concept, but then confused it with access, safe programming, cultural awareness or AOG activity and lastly there were some who were not familiar with the term at all. This was found across various organisations and at all levels" 134128,34837.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,55,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Dentro de los individuos entrevistados un 44% eran hogares unipersonales/monoparentales- los hombres (37%) casi doblando la proporción de mujeres (22%) en esta categoría, y un 26% contaba con alguna necesidad específica, con una mayor proporción de mujeres en esta categoría (36%)." 156010,37795.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Putumayo%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%2009%20%281%20al%2020%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"El departamento de Putumayo tiene fronteras con el departamento de Nariño, el cual registra 12.846 casos, el departamento de Cauca registra 4.329 casos, el departamento de Caquetá, 5.069 casos, el departamento de Amazonas 2.690 casos, la provincia de Sucumbíos en Ecuador, la cual registra 1.930 casos y Loreto (Perú) que registra 13.684 casos" 203564,43976.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,6% des ménages réfugiés au niveau national (et 20% à Maradi) ont cité la mendicité comme principale source de revenus au cours des 30 jours précédant l’enquête. 346133,56949.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afro.who.int/news/africa-urgently-needs-20-million-second-doses-covid-19-vaccine,"A single dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine gives around 70% protection for at least 12 weeks. Data on the protection from one dose after 12 weeks is limited, however COVID-19 antibodies have been found in the body up to 6 months after one dose." 151488,38051.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200778,"According to Head of the Syrian Publishers Union Haitham al-Hafez, the Coronavirus pandemic has dramatically affected the popularity of libraries, bookstores, and print books, which required finding solutions to this problem by delivering books to the reader directly or publishing it online, which is why publishers are now preferring digital publishing of books and novels, putting out books and novels in PDF, audiobook, or even video formats." 271586,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"La plus faible proportion [d’enfants de 0-23 mois mis au sein dans l’heure qui suit la naissance par région] a été enregistrée dans la région du Sahel avec 27,0 %. La proportion de la mise au sein précoce a connu une forte baisse comparativement à l’année 2019 qui était de 70,4% dans la région du Sahel." 219206,45748.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,WHO South Sudan donated 2 severe acute malnutrition with medical complication kits to Concern Worldwide and CARE International. The kits are enough to treat 100 severely malnourished children with medical complications in Kuach and Mankien PHCC stabilization centers in Unity State. 611,156.0,321.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Households’ access to health services fell short of their actual need for healthcare. 37.2% of households indicated having one member in need of health treatment in the previous 15 days, and out of those 44.0% did not get access to adequate healthcare. Returnee households were reportedly even less likely to have accessed the adequate healthcare (54.0%) – as they generally returned to formerly conflict-affected areas, where some basic services might remain non-operational. Across all of the assessed mantikas, health facilities were frequently underequipped (reported by 58.1% of households) and understaffed (reported by 54.5% of households)." 347694,56800.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: In addition to witnessing extreme violence in Myanmar, Rohingya children have been exposed to continued stressful and uncertain living conditions in Bangladesh. Policy restrictions, gender norms, such as child marriage, restricted movement in public, home care responsibilities, insecurity, and the lack of gender-inclusive teaching-learning facilities are the key reasons for lesser educational outcomes for girls in comparison to boys." 144544,34804.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Since the publication of the COVID-19 Consolidated Plan in early May, the daily testing capacity has been raised from 70 to 3458 , well below what is occurring in neighbouring countries" 412715,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Of those who sought services, around 65.8% took services from public health facilities (22.1% from Upazila Health Complexes, 16.1% from Government District Hospitals, 10.1% Union Health and Family Welfare Centres, 10.1% from Community Clinics). 62.4% of households preferred services from private facilities (48.3% from private clinics and 14.1% from private chambers) and through telemedicine (1.3%). In the rural area, women used public health facilities more than private facilities (64.6% vs. 59.6%)." 394653,61218.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.gob.cl/noticias/presidente-firma-decreto-que-permite-a-las-fuerzas-armadas-apoyar-el-control-del-trafico-ilicito-de-personas-estamos-comprometidos-con-poner-orden-en-nuestra-casa-proteger-mejor-nuestras-fronteras-y-combatir-la-inmigracion-ilegal/,"La iniciativa busca acoger y dar un trato justo y humano a los migrantes regulares, combate el tráfico de migrantes y establece acciones eficientes y seguras para luchar contra el ingreso clandestino al país, impidiendo, además, que personas con antecedentes penales en sus respectivos países entren a Chile." 71200,16395.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,77,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/70345.pdf,"Más allá de las residencias otorgadas por criterios ordinarios (relación laboral, reuni cación familiar, etc.), Argentina aplica a los ciudadanos venezolanos el criterio de nacionalidad MERCOSUR desde el año 2009. A partir del 29 de enero de 2019 por medio de la Disposición 520/2019 de la DNM, se exibilizaron los requisitos de ingreso y radicación para venezolanos, alentándose también la integración socioeconómica por medio de programas especí cos" 112263,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Aunque hay un acceso abierto a la escolaridad, algunos tienen que estar en largas listas de espera antes de poder ingresar al sistema. El acceso a lugares públicos bien dotados con libros, arte y materiales de juego o patios de recreo es mínimo. Todas estas circunstancias afectan gravemente su desarrollo, por lo que requieren de un cambio urgente." 205918,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The abduction and recruitment of children by non-state armed groups continues to be a major issue, particularly for girls aged 9 to 13 and boys aged 10 to 17. In addition, children who were formerly associated with non-state armed groups face real difficulties in reintegrating into their communities of origin, not yet prepared to receive persons who have had contact with non-state armed groups as they suspect that they are still in contact with these groups." 194137,42943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Los venezolanos son más propensos a estar trabajando de manera informal. Y dado que los trabajadores informales tienen menores protecciones en su lugar de trabajo—las cuales previenen ante la pérdida de ingresos y de trabajo—pueden experimentar consecuencias aún más severas debido al COVID-19. De acuerdo a la encuesta, el 46 porciento de los empleados venezolanos estaban trabajando de manera informal, comparado con el 35 porciento de empleados colombianos." 153308,31607.0,1185.0,['Health'],[],[],es,60,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3588563,"Antes, la autoridad regional constató el trabajo desarrollado en el puesto de control en Iñapari, frontera con Brasil, para evitar la proliferación del coronavirus, y felicitó la labor que ejecuta el personal de la Policía Nacional, Ejército del Perú, a los profesionales y técnicos de la Dirección Regional de Salud (Diresa)." 195986,42943.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Los venezolanos aún se enfrentan a vulnerabilidades económicas extremas, y muchos colombianos se encuentran sufriendo también. Además, existe un inmenso déficit en el financiamiento de programas relacionados a los medios de subsistencia, seguridad alimentaria, salud, educación, protección y más." 202016,44071.0,2330.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"CONRED and the national response system have provided aid relief in shelters and communities across the affected territories. Members of the Humanitarian Country Team, deployed to some of the affected areas, also supported local response efforts. However, humanitarian gaps have been identified through a joint, coordinated needs assessment carried out by OCHA and supported by the Resident Coordinator, cluster lead UN agencies, and other partners. Shelter, food assistance and nutrition, WASH, health, and protection clusters were activated to conduct assessments and to propose response actions." 326217,54734.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[Displacement] Top three reported reasons for leaving previous location were actual conflict/ fear of conflict in community or surrounding area(49%), Fear of conflict in community (24%),arrival of armed group (12%)." 145846,35819.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"USAID/BHA partners are also providing risk awareness sessions, distributing cash assistance and essential hygiene supplies, establishing mobile medical units, and supporting infection prevention and control measures countrywide." 132525,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Geográficamente, las actividades se centrarán en Lima, Arequipa, Cusco y Tumbes. Los socios asegurarán que el establecimiento de espacios seguros, incluyendo espacios amigables para los menores dentro y fuera de los albergues, así como servicios de atención en espacios de la comunidad. Estos espacios se enfocarán también en deportes y otras actividades, con la participación de los padres." 495427,67230.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,57,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,, Mayor involucramiento de instituciones públicas en procesos de atención (DIRESAs)  Análisis de la situación de salud de la población migrante y su impacto en la salud pública.  Asegurar la contratación de personal médico y de vacunación para el CEBAF y otros centros de atención primaria con recursos del sector salud. 61208,17745.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/08.23.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Success%20Story%20-%20Supporting%20Health%20Care%20Access%20for%20Vulnerable%20Venezuelans.pdf,"The influx of Venezuelans, as well as Colombians returning to Colombia from Venezuela, has strained Colombia’s health care system." 150909,36670.0,1898.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,236,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene (WASH) Necesidades: • Agua segura, insumos de higiene básicos e insumos de sanitización para las personas en Centros de Cuarentena (CC) y albergues. • Los centros de salud de atención a pacientes COVID-19 requieren la instalación o rehabilitación de infraestructura de agua, que asegure disponibilidad suficiente para la adecuada atención en salud. • El personal de salud de primera línea requiere de insumos de limpieza, desinfección de superficies y manejo de cadáveres de acuerdo con protocolo nacional. • Las Juntas Rurales de Agua (JRA) requieren medios técnicos y económicos para asegurar la continuidad del servicio y abastecer a las comunidades rurales. • La época lluviosa puede hacer proliferar los criaderos de mosquitos a nivel comunitario, por lo que el Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL), alcaldías y comunidades requieren apoyo para la ejecución de campañas de limpieza y fumigación anti vectoriales, así como promover acciones de comunicación para el riesgo por arbovirosis. • Es necesario desarrollar nuevas metodologías de comunicación para el desarrollo (C4D) para promover el distanciamiento social y garantizar el acceso a información verificada a las comunidades más vulnerables. Las estrategias de C4D y comunicación para el riesgo deben considerar la cuarentena domiciliar para casos sospechosos y casos confirmados que son de bajo riesgo para la salud." 293989,50852.0,2466.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,21,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,32% Of surveyed refugee [households] HHs rely on unimproved sources for their primary source of drinking water. 188589,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Au total, 3 049 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 27/10/2020 incluant 1 978 à Kinshasa et 1 071 dans le Haut-Katanga ; 1 448 (47,5%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h." 164016,34165.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Las necesidades imperantes en los temas de atención a la emergencia sanitaria hacen que no haya suficiente respuesta ni recursos para activar los mecanismos de reactivación económica, afectando especialmente a la población más vulnerable y aquella que depende de la economía informal." 40786,11840.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",[],[],en,52,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-16.pdf,"In terms of non-food items, key informants at most locations reported baby milk / formula, diapers, drinking water, clothes, and hygiene kits as needed. In Abusliem and Salah Eddin neighborhoods, essential medication (like insulin and hypertension medication) was also reported as needed." 162915,39647.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"43 COVID-19 IPC trainees trained 1,522 government and humanitarian health care workers on IPC at health facilities. Health Sector partners engaged with Rohingya communities to enhance refugees’ confidence in health services in relation to COVID-19 and address challenges of low numbers of COVID-19 samples collected from the camps" 159644,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"100% per cent of respondents in Sokoto, 88 per cent in Katsina, 80 per cent in Zamfara, 75 per cent in Nasarawa and 67 per cent in Kano states said they were not taking mitigation measures while 100 per cent of the respondents in Plateau and Sokoto observe all mitigation measures put in place to prevent contacting the virus, 43 per cent in Benue and 33 per cent in Kano said they follow all mitigation measures." 483297,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"c) Material predominante en el techo En el 90,2% del techo de las viviendas particulares en las que reside la población venezolana predomina el concreto armado; en el 6,8% planchas de calamina o fibra de cemento o similares, en el 1,6% madera, en el 0,6% triplay/estera/carrizo y en el 0,6% teja." 291411,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Forty years of war and displacement, mixed with climate shocks and now COVID19, have left almost half of Afghanistan’s population needing emergency aid" 111883,31304.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,76,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Cierre de fronteras con Venezuela La frontera con Venezuela tiene en Colombia una extensión de 2.219 kilómetros a nivel terrestres y fluvial, y por estas fronteras pasan a diario un flujo mixto de ciudadanos venezolanos, familias binacionales e indígenas fronterizos que en la mayoría de los casos cuenta con un documento de viaje que le permite el paso fronterizo regular bajo normas sanitarias que en el caso que se impusieran podrían medianamente controlarse." 147183,36458.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,32,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Syria%20HSOS%20Zoom-in%2C%20IDPs%20in%20Host%20communities%20-%20Hasakeh%2C%20Ar-Raqqa%2C%20Aleppo%2C%20Deir-ez-Zor%20Governorates%2C%20May%202020.pdf,"Across all 434 assessed locations, schools were reportedly not in sessions over the month prior to data collection due to COVID-19 related restrictive measures put in place by local authorities." 319517,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"Due to rising insecurity in Maradi region, the number of internally displaced persons has raised sharply and reached 17,262 persons." 290018,51971.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,121,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"The causes associated with these events are mainly confrontations between illegal armed actors, threats to leaders and communities, homicides, antipersonnel mine/unexploded ordnance (APM/UXO) contamination in the territories, and the risk of recruitment. The Afro-Colombian population experienced the highest rate of large-group displacements, constituting 46% of the total displaced population in the month of February. There is evidence of continued deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the departments of Chocó, Cauca, Nariño and there is particular concern about the situation in Antioquia department, where 9 large-group displacements took place in February alone, affecting 648 families, 1,937 people, including 34 indigenous families (119 individuals)." 384854,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,La clinique mobile de Tenkodogo est opérationnelle depuis ce mois de juin et a réalisé des prestations dans les aires sanitaires des CSPS de Bégassé et Moaga: 9 Consultation curative chez les enfants de 0 à 5 ans: 121 9 FEFA malades : 17 9 CPN tout confondu : 32 9 CNS : 98 enfants dont 1 cas de MAS et 09 MAM dépistés. 80051,22055.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,36,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,Tarhuna: Approximately 14 individuals are displaced in Tarhuna from Tripoli due to the unstable security situations. The IDPs are staying with host community and their reported needs were blankets; mattresses and food. 163772,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,57,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En Barranquilla comenzó a funcionar el hospital de mediana complejidad Puerta de Oro, como espacio para atender a pacientes con coronavirus que no estén graves y así descongestionar el flujo en las clínicas y hospitales. En total son 600 camas con las que cuenta el recinto, en esta primera fase se habilitaron 157." 164225,39644.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"Protection Sector partners continued to raise awareness on COVID-19 by mobilizing the community. During the week, imams conducted 1,521 information sessions for 25,247 individuals during daily prayers, the Friday sermon, and in neighbourhoods. Female preachers also raised awareness in neighbourhoods, Talim sheds (a community place for gathering), and at water points." 391298,61123.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Politics'],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2020/12/10/negativa-de-chile-vamos-a-incluir-afrodescendientes-entrampa-discusion-de-escanos-reservados.shtml,"En el oficialismo dicen que no cambiarán su postura (negar acceso a tener una representación), que los afrodescendientes no son un pueblo originario, así al menos lo sostuvo el diputado de la UDI, Juan Antonio Coloma." 115964,30124.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,32,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"El brote de sarampión fue declarado bajo control el 30 de enero 2020, siguiendo las acciones conjuntas del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud, la OPS/OMS y UNICEF." 115255,30828.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_may_2020_report.pdf,10% of camps reported cases of malaria. 203839,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Elevated case fatality rate and incidence rates for most common diseases drove the number of people in need in about a tenth of all counties. 223693,44702.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Based on the IRNA done in the areas, the NFI distribution requirements are hereby summarized based on the 1.965 standard deviation from the areas. We recommend that we supply the following items per household; that should be done in line with food distribution in the areas: buckets, blankets, 2 pangas for cutting down poles, cooking pots, 1 plastic sheeting, 1 jerrycan, and1 bar of soap" 149249,37832.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,Distribution of high energy biscuits and super cereal under school feeding and nutrition programmes was integrated into GFA to centralize distribution of services. Additional porters were engaged to support the households in transporting the food packages. 163867,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,29,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Concientización a nivel individual, familiar y comunitarios del cuidado y la protección en el marco de la COVID-19, de manera que pueda reducirse efectivamente la transmisión." 75213,21304.0,1185.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://www.rcnradio.com/internacional/onu-lanza-programa-de-formacion-para-migrantes-venezolanos-en-colombia-y-peru,"La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones(OIM), dependiente de Naciones Unidas, anunció este martes el lanzamiento de un programafinanciado por el banco estadounidense Citigrouppara formar a jóvenes migrantes procedentes de Venezuela que se encuentren en Colombia y Perú, los principales países receptores del éxodo venezolano." 89847,25499.0,1620.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],en,122,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/northeast_nigeria_ipc_acute_malnutrition_analysis_27feb2020.pdf,"How Severe, How Many and When – Of the 10 domains included in the IPC Acute Malnutrition analysis, 4 domains are classified in IPC Phase 3 (Serious) acute malnutrition while the other 6 domains are in IPC Phase 2 (Alert). The situation is expected to get worse in 3 domains and a total of 7 domains are expected to reach IPC Phase 3 (Serious) acute malnutrition by April 2020. Major disparities exist in some of the domains where some Local Government Areas are more affected by acute malnutrition than others. A total of 921,618 children aged 6-59 months are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition during the course of 2020." 221375,45721.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Somalis who lack adequate social protection are more susceptible to contracting the disease and suffering its worst consequences. That susceptibility is particularly true for internally displaced persons and the urban poor, given their squalid, congested living conditions and lack of access to basic health and sanitary services." 144599,34804.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The total number of governorates affected is now eight – Damascus, Rural Damascus, Dar’a, As-Sweida, Homs, Lattakia, Hama and Quneitra, although 85 per cent of all cases have been recorded in just two governorates – Damascus (53 per cent) and Rural Damascus (34 per cent). Based on information currently available, 92 per cent of cases are related to contact with confirmed cases and travel. 52 per cent of confirmed cases are among men and 48 per cent among women. The case fatality rate is currently 4%. To date, at least 22 health care workers have been infected with COVID-19." 204297,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"72% des ménages [ de Niamey] ont rapporté avoir consommé des céréales chaque jour de la semaine précédant l’enquête, pourcentage plus faible que les autres régions." 229716,44602.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The IDPs are homeless, residing in the bushes and under trees." 243887,47865.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/relocations-reduced-services-leave-rohingya-communities-breaking-point-bangladesh,"[21st Jan 2021, Cox's Bazar] For Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, living in overcrowded camps for the past three years, with no legal status, was already affecting their mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic added even more restrictions, and stress, to their life. Looking beyond the pandemic, life in the camps shows no signs of improving, with efforts to relocate some refugees to address the overcrowding, adding to the uneasiness" 197207,43114.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,96,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.dinero.com/opinion/columnistas/articulo/los-derechos-de-los-venezolanos-por-miguel-angel-herrera/305669,"Nuestro lenguaje cotidiano contraviene todos estos derechos y las consecuencias empiezan a ser más preocupantes en el día a día: agresividad verbal contra los colombianos, uso más frecuente de armas blancas, surgimiento de bandas criminales y violencia de género, además del hurto cotidiano. De no detener esta tendencia, podríamos enfrentarnos en meses a un serio problema de seguridad nacional porque los venezolanos también se están integrando a las bandas de narcotraficantes, a los grupos subversivos y a los grupos de desmovilizados dedicados a la extorsión y el secuestro." 189737,43300.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le pays fait face à de nombreux défis économiques. La baisse des recettes pétrolières à partir de 2015 a créé un déficit budgétaire estimé à 400 milliards de FCFA, entraînant une réduction des enveloppes financières allouées aux secteurs sociaux (éducation, santé, accès à l´eau potable et à l´assainissement)." 323365,54373.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D9%88%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%86%D9%82%D8%B5-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D9%83%D8%B3%D8%AC%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%B7%D9%82-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B0%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B2%D9%88%D8%B1,"[April 20, Deir Ez Zor] Hospitals in Deir Ezzor countryside, which is under the control of the ""Autonomous Administration"" in northeastern Syria, suffer from a shortage of oxygen cylinders, in light of a large outbreak of Corona virus in the region, which caused an increase in deaths, which prompted some people to buy them from the areas controlled by the Assad regime, in light of laxity From the concerned ""Autonomous Administration""." 131827,34344.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,41,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Los socios continuarán operando la distribución de alimentos en el Centro Binacional de Atención en Frontera (CEBAF) y planifican apoyar a los comedores comunitarios o programas sociales para asegurar el acceso a los refugiados y migrantes vulnerables. 346132,56949.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afro.who.int/news/africa-urgently-needs-20-million-second-doses-covid-19-vaccine,Africa needs at least 20 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in the next six weeks to get second doses to all who received a first dose within the 8—12-week interval between doses recommended by the World Health Organization 164844,39753.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"During the reporting week, awareness on COVID -19 prevention emphasizing on hand washing, and IPC protocols was carried out through ward officers, volunteer hygiene promoters , town announcers with motorized public address units at community level with at least 45,800 people reached during the week in different LGAs and in Benue (including nine IDP camps), Jigawa, Kano and Katsina states." 356630,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Algunas de las víctimas recibieron el impacto de varios proyectiles al mismo tiempo, lo cual sugiere que les dispararon de cerca, dado que estos proyectiles se dispersan a medida que se alejan." 358517,58562.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,150,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Across all of our research sites, interviewees described COVID-19 as a catastrophic economic event for a substantial number of households, and none more so than the working poor, who had very few assets. Petty traders and small businesses often also could not weather the economic shock of the COVID-19 lockdown and other restrictions. In these cases, small-business entrepreneurs found themselves unable to earn a living. Rural areas suffered significant economic setbacks as well, due to the closure of markets, bans on movement (and trade) across national and state borders, and an inability to travel to farms. A constant refrain from the data was having ‘no viable options or alternatives’ for livelihood, and widespread desperation to provide for one’s self and one’s family." 262175,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Debido a algunos cambios de personal dentro de las autoridades (o la falta de contratación para 2021) no se ha podido retomar procesos de articulación con estas para asegurar la complementariedad de acciones, la priorización de sitios críticos para la respuesta a la COVID-19, y la creación de alertas tempranas epidemiológicas y climáticas que amenacen los servicios WASH." 291910,51985.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/pais/colegios-de-la-guerra-otras-victimas-del-conflicto/,"La zona se dañó porque empezaron a hacer presencia los grupos armados y había muchos asesinatos colectivos, por eso la gente se empezó a ir y el Ejército, la guerrilla y los paramilitares empezaron a resguardarse y a utilizar el colegio. Comenzó a ser un objeto de guerra”." 225407,45087.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"The Support Platform for the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees must prioritize child-focused solutions that protect the rights of all children regardless of status including access to education, health care, access to clean drinking water and other essential services" 457507,65405.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Cette évaluation fait suite aux attaques et menaces à répétition perpétrées dans la commune de Titao qui ont occasionné des déplacements de populations vers la ville de Titao et Bouna. La plupart des PDI ont emprunté des maisons ou sont en location. Une minorité vit dans des familles d’accueil. 221592,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The combination of floods, COVID-19 and the desert locust infestation, along with protracted conflict, is increasing protection challenges because families lose their socioeconomic safety net and the capacity to cope with such shocks." 326595,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 26% and 24% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported areas in their community where girls or women do not feel safe. 198421,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"As of 11 March 2020, 3,809 refugees had been repatriated by UNHCR to CAR. 3,309 were repatriated in 2019 and 500 in 2020. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNHCR put the repatriation process on hold." 163590,39454.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",[],[],es,40,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_9_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Preocupa que, la modalidad de alternacia propuesta por la Secretaría de Educación Departamental, para el regreso a clases, no considera alternativas para la población urbana y rural del departamento que no cuenta con acceso a internet." 323732,54087.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,108,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/POL1032022021ENGLISH.PDF,"[Rapport annuel 2020/21, RDC] INDIGENOUS PEOPLES The authorities failed to honour commitments made to the Indigenous Twa people in connection with their forced eviction from the Kahuzi Biega National Park in the east. Since 1975 the community had been evicted in waves and had received promises that they would be provided with alternative land of equal quality, education and employment opportunities, health services and the release of members of their community who had been arrested for entering the National Park. Meanwhile, negotiations between the Park authorities and Twa representatives, concerning alternative land for the community, remained stalled." 198161,44148.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],fr,37,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100295,"Seconde vague ou pas, pour le moment, la préoccupation du Burkina doit être de continuer à améliorer la gestion de la COVID-19 dans le pays, malgré les difficultés et les résistances des populations." 187037,41081.0,1184.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,63,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119147.pdf,"• According to the World Bank, most Venezuelan migrants are spatially clustered in Ecuador, unlike in other Latin American host countries. The Migration Policy Institute also estimates that Ecuador may have the largest proportion of irregular migrants in the region. Likewise, food insecure populations in remote areas, particularly during the pandemic, are difficult to locate." 256981,48672.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"The rapidly deteriorating security context has caused increased internal displacement flows with rising numbers every month. To date, some 140,000 IDPs are present in both regions." 291083,52224.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] Recommendations: Urgently advocate for increased agricultural support to boost local crop and livestock production, especially while food prices remain high." 322140,54747.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[Accountability to Affected Populations] 17% of households reported having received aid in the 30 days prior to data collection. 490025,67793.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,45,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETS%20Nigeria%20SitRep%20August%202021.pdf,"[1st -31st Aug 2021, Nigeria] Challenges: The availability of helicopters to field locations is currently very restricted due to space limitations, weather conditions and security concerns, which is impacting on ETS deployments. The security situation remains volatile." 221413,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Supported by the National Commission for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, humanitarian partners issued a call for a moratorium on evictions in the context of COVID-19. More than 67,000 evictions were prevented. However, measures to prevent or mitigate the risk of forced eviction remain considerably low, compared with needs." 234141,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] Between 8 March and 20 December 2020, according to the DGHS Press Release, there were five hundred thousand seven hundred thirteen (500,713) COVID-19 confirmed by rRT-PCR, GeneXpert and Antigen tests including seven thousand forty-five (7,280) related deaths (CFR 1.45%). Bangladesh is the top 26 th country in the world and accounts for 0.7% of the COVID-19 disease burden in the world." 141654,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In the first half of July, almost 152,000 travelers were screened at the seven PoEs by medical staff of WHO implementing partners. In NWS, a total of 350 suspected cases were referred to the referral hospitals and to the community-based treatment centres. Of these, 120 were from the PoEs and 230 were from the health facilities inside in the first two weeks of July. As of 16 July, the movement within two cross-line PoEs (Algazawya and Dir Balut) was suspended." 328586,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 54% of Households of non-IDP settlements have not been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection while 46% of Households of non-IDP settlements have been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection. 56516,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,367,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Por otra parte, casi todos los niños o niñas menores de 18 años contaban con pasaporte propio, y quienes viajaron con uno solo de sus progenitores tenían también los permisos exigibles además del documento de viaje: partida de nacimiento apostillada y autorización de salida rubricada por el progenitor que no viaja y legalizada o notariada. No obstante, como se reseña a continuación, la obtención de algunos de esos documentos no fue sencilla, y no todos los niños y niñas cruzaron las fronteras sin inconvenientes.  Una mujer que arribó a Argentina en 2017 relató que conseguir el pasaporte de su hija de dos años “fue una odisea, y demoró 8 meses. No salimos hasta que llegó, porque sabíamos que era un documento indispensable para entrar a Argentina”.  Un varón, arribado en 2018 con una niña pequeña dijo: “pagué una fortuna para conseguir el pasaporte”.  Una mujer, que viajó hacia a Argentina en 2018 junto a sus dos hijas de 6 y 8 años en trayecto terrestre y aéreo combinado, relató la siguiente situación: “Salimos de Venezuela por Santa Elena de Uairén sin inconvenientes. Fuimos en taxi hasta Boa Vista y de allí tomamos un bus hasta Manaos, donde abordamos un avión hasta Río de Janeiro. Allí teníamos que subirnos a otro avión que nos traería a Argentina, pero como los pasaportes de mis hijas estaban vencidos no nos permitieron viajar. Ya nos habían dejado entrar a Brasil, así que no nos podían devolver a Venezuela, pero nos devolvieron a Manaos, donde hay Consulado Venezolano. Allí estuvimos como una semana. Insistiendo mucho, pero mucho mucho, logré que el Consulado me hiciera un pasaporte provisional para cada una de mis niñas, y con ese papel pudimos salir de Brasil y entrar a Argentina”. Esta mujer vendió su casa y todo lo que pudo para solventar el viaje hasta Brasil. Su hija mayor, de 20 años ya residente en Argentina, pagó el tramo final del traslado." 209671,44790.0,2331.0,['Health'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,28,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"At the same time, lack of access to clean water in many areas has heightened the risk of outbreaks of water-borne diseases, augmenting existing vulnerabilities." 457503,65405.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Résumé des problèmes rapportés] -Difficultés d’accès aux services de base 303879,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"There are over 120,000 Ethiopian, Eritrean, Congolese, Somalian, Yemeni, Syrian and Burundian refugees living in Khartoum and in need of assistance." 353485,57851.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],es,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpaisvallenato.com/2021/05/31/reactivan-en-valledupar-toma-de-muestras-covid-19-a-poblacion-migrante/,"Luego de las constantes solicitudes de las fundaciones que organizan a la población migrante venezolana en la capital del Cesar, la Secretaría de Salud Local, anunció a través de sus redes sociales, que durante tres días de la semana, esta población no afiliada podrá acceder a las tomas de muestras para Covid-19." 472843,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"[District sanitaire de Titao] Sur un total de 24 formations sanitaires, 7 sont fermées et 16 fonctionnent à minima privant près de 69.351 personnes des prestations sanitaires." 236188,47104.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020]At the same time, the official COVID-19 related mortality rate in government-held areas across Syria has witnessed a two-thirds increase compared to a month earlier, reaching 704 COVID-19 fatalities in December." 204343,43976.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Le taux de prévalence de la malnutrition aigue globale s’élève à 8% sur l’ensemble de la région [de Tillabéri]. 203579,44071.0,2330.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,57,['Impact'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"- 288 comunidades afectadas de 2,299 existentes con daños de importante magnitud en los distritos de San Cristóbal Verapaz, por el deslave en la aldea Queja y Campur por inundaciones. - La mayoría de las comunidades no cuenta con energía eléctrica lo cual ha dificultado la comunicación del personal de salud con la DAS." 359773,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,128,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] According to the head teachers, where the CEFM rate had been around five per cent, during COVID-19 there has been an alarming increase. During the flood in 2017, Save the Children’s Education Disrupted Series (2017) revealed that 52 per cent of primary schools were affected by flood, at least 32 per cent of primary schools (421 schools out of 1,300) were damaged, and four schools were completely destroyed in Kurigram district. As a result, approximately more than 53 per cent of the school-aged population of children between six to10 years old were unable to attend school in in this district during the 2017 flood." 495399,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Adolescentes embarazadas que no son acogidas por el sistema de protección.  Limitada información y desconocimiento de rutas de atención por parte de la población migrante 175239,40880.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,73,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3673559,"La implementación del Acuerdo ha estado atravesada por dinámicas críticas. Grupos armados ilegales se disputan el control de las zonas dejadas por las FARC-EP, causando graves afectaciones a la población civil y amenazando la consolidación de la paz. A esto se suma el mantenimiento en armas de algunas facciones de esta guerrilla y la reincidencia de otras, que hoy conforman el fenómeno de las llamadas disidencias o grupos residuale" 360960,58841.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/30/rohingya-refugees-facing-medical-crisis-bhasan-char,"[30th June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: More than a quarter of the approximately 18,000 Rohingya refugees being held on Bangladesh’s silt island of Bhasan Char are reportedly suffering from a sudden outbreak of diarrhea. At least three children have died, according to news reports." 243459,47668.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"34,872 people (5,812 households) have been affected by the flooding in N’Djaména. Many lost their homes to the floods, and have been hosted by family members and friends." 212314,45059.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Par ailleurs, le BCNUDH continue de documenter de nombreux cas de décès en détention. Au cours de la période en revue, au moins 16 détenus de sexe masculin sont décédés de maladie ou malnutrition dans des maison d’arrêt ou dans cachots" 271514,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au niveau provincial, le Seno vient en tête comme en 2019 avec la prévalence la plus élevée de malnutrition aiguë globale soit 16,5% de MAG dont 4,8% de forme sevère ; la prévalence la plus faible a été enregistrée dans la province du Poni dans la région du Sud Ouest avec 4,3%. Outre le Seno qui presente une prévalence largement au dessus du seuil critique, six (6) provinces (Ziro 11,8%, Namentenga 11,4%, Bam 11,1%, Banwa 10,3%, Boulkiemdé 10,3%, et le Passoré 10,1%) présentent des prévalences au dessus du seuil d’alerte." 189671,43300.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Cette situation [de malnutrition en 2019 au Tchad] est aggravée entre autres par la récurrence de l´épidémie de rougeole qui sévit au Tchad depuis mai 2018, le faible accès à l´eau potable et à l´assainissement et le faible accès aux aliments de base et de qualité dû à la faible production et aux habitudes alimentaires inadéquates." 495133,67230.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Falta de documentación y/o el desconocimiento de sus derechos limitando el acceso adecuado a la alimentación, a la educación, a la salud y al trabajo en condiciones dignas, entre otros aspectos" 134130,34837.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,75,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El 67% de los entrevistados reportó haber transitado al menos 4 países antes de llegar a Chile, y un 43% haber viajado con parte de su grupo familiar. Sin embargo, un 79% indicó que el tamaño de su unidad familiar cambió debido al desplazamiento, ya sea porque algún miembro de la familia se quedó en otro país durante el tránsito, o bien se quedaron en Venezuela." 359445,58464.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,27,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] KIs in roughly 30% of assessed communities reported that access to credit for entrepreneurial investment was a livelihoods priority need" 437554,64217.0,1185.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Dentro de las barreras de acceso a la educación se identifican la falta de cupos (20%) y exigencia de documentación para formalizar registro o matrícula (20%). Quienes logran sortear estas barreras de acceso se encuentran con otras que afectan su permanencia en el sistema educativo, entre estas: la xenofobia, la violencia escolar, el trabajo infantil, las uniones tempranas, el embarazo y/o la maternidad temprana." 276369,50671.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les services de santé existants ne sont pas adaptés aux besoins spécifiques des personnes handicapées : les services de réadaptation sont quasi inexistants (s’ils le sont, la production d’aides techniques est également souvent inadaptée à l’environnement de la personne handicapée s’étant fait référencée par un service de santé). Concernant le handicap intellectuel, aucune structure de santé ne permet d’accueillir ces pathologies." 272815,50353.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"Throughout November, UNICEF supported the regional delegation of public health (RDPH) to conduct the first round of periodic intensification of routine immunisation for children and pregnant women who had missed routine vaccination in seven health districts across both regions (Bamenda, Kumbo East, Nkambe, Wum, Kumba, Konye and Mamfe). A total of 16,448 infants were vaccinated including for measles and rubella (MR), tuberculosis (BCG), poliomyelitis and pneumonia. Yellow fever vaccines were given to 2,072 children while 2,607 others received human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines" 173940,41033.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,155,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, BAY states]The economic crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting communities and local economies in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states. Lockdown measures and movement restrictions have disrupted livelihood opportunities. Reduction of basic services and livelihoods are exacerbating the vulnerabilities of affected people such as increased unemployment and loss of remittances. Daily laborers and people engaging in cash-for-work activities are the most affected due to restricted labour migration and closure of small businesses. Youth and women in the informal sector are also hard hit. Supply shortages as a result of movement restrictions are also reducing economic opportunities and decreasing rural and urban incomes thereby affecting people’s ability to buy basic commodities. This economic downturn is making it more difficult to lay the foundations for sustainable recovery and a return to longer term development in the north-east." 41961,14692.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,http://www.emro.who.int/lby/libya-infocus/mental-health-workshop-libya-war-2019.html,"Two months after an armed conflict began in Libya’s capital in April 2019, nearly 100 000 people had fled their homes to escape bombings and airstrikes. Many are living with relatives. The recent conflict has compounded the difficulties and uncertainty of Libyans, who have endured years of upheaval." 172894,40676.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,121,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"[3] Ces groupes de population ont des vulnérabilités multiples, se superposant parfois face aux effets directs et indirects du COVID-19. Ces vulnérabilités incluent : • Des moyens de subsistance limités et le risque d’augmentation des stratégies d’adaptation négatives (baisse de la consommation alimentaire, vente d’actifs, dette, mariage précoce/forcé et prostitution forcée, etc.)• Des risques spécifiques accrus de protection (séparation, violences sexuelles et domestiques) résultant des mesures utilisées pour prévenir et contrôler la propagation des maladies, comme les mesures d’isolement et de quarantaine• Des conditions de vie/habitation avec une forte promiscuité rendant difficile toute pratique de distanciation sociale" 305777,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,61,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"In late 2017, the Government of Sudan begun to implement significant changes to their economic policy in response to persistent, long-term difficulties accessing foreign exchange. Among these changes were the removal of subsidies for wheat and wheat flour imports and devaluation of the Sudanese Pound (SDG) from 6.7 SDG/USD to 30 SDG/USD in February 2018." 616,156.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,103,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"As the conflict is becoming more protracted, Libyans continue to face major financial, social and psychological challenges in their daily lives. The conflict is exacerbated by a major financial and economic crisis : the country’s currency has depreciated on the parallel market since 2014, resulting in strong inflationary pressures.4 Access to basic goods and services as a result has become a challenge in some parts of the country as affected populations struggle with a lack of liquidity limiting their ability to purchase basic necessities, putting many households including IDP, returnee and non-displaced at risk." 265725,49620.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Mali) Les conflits seraient aussi à l’origine de la plupart des destructions d’abris dans 67% des localités de l’Est, 31% des localités de Gao, 17% des localités de Menaka et 12% des localités Mopti selon les IC." 13940,5539.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/record-update-situation-hodeidah-yemen,"NRC's teams in Hodeidah and Hajjah governorates are delivering cash and other basic supplies to people fleeing conflict-affected areas, many of whom arrive with very little and use any remaining cash or food within days of arriving." 237991,47357.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20Country%20Brief%2C%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Nigeria]United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) continued to provide safe and efficient air transportation to humanitarian actors in northeast Nigeria. In November, UNHAS transported 4,335 passengers and 13,906 kg of air cargo. A monthly average of 80 humanitarian organizations used UNHAS in 2020." 314202,54230.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,88,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/19/covid-19-advisory-panel-recommends-strict-lockdown-for-another-week,"[19th April 2021, Bangladesh] Previously, NTAC recommended a full lockdown for at least two weeks. The government has already implemented a weeklong lockdown from April 14 and the committee expressed satisfaction over that. However, scientifically effective results cannot be expected in less than two weeks of lockdown. However, private offices, banks being kept open, increasing private car traffic, unwanted and unnecessary extra crowds in the Iftar markets make the success of the lockdown uncertain." 265703,49620.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"De plus, l’absence de titres de propriété ne permet pas toujours aux ménages qui se sont déplacés et sont revenus dans leur localité d’exploiter à nouveau leurs terres" 261769,49486.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Meta: Siguen presentándose brechas en la seguridad alimentaria de la población vulnerable afectada por la pandemia, se requieren actividades de seguimiento e intervenciones frente a esta situación." 205567,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,55,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"An estimated 182,000 or 14 per cent of this population group live in PoC sites, where they have received some level of humanitarian service, but they are unable to return to their homes due to security concerns or because their houses have been damaged or occupied due to long years of displacement." 199852,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"One year into the R-ARCSS, more than 2.3 million South Sudanese remained displaced as refugees in six neighbouring countries: Sudan (858,000), Uganda (838,000), Ethiopia (422,000), Kenya (119,000), Democratic Republic of the Congo (102,000) and Central African Republic (2,000)." 57113,17184.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Se mantuvo reunión con el Defensor del Niño de la Provincia de Misiones, siendo éste uno de los 5 presentes en el país. Nuestro contacto con el Defensor del Niño había sido en oportunidad de estar acompañando desde CAREF el ingreso de un niño venezolano con su madre. En ese entonces habían tenido muy buena predisposición y colaboración por lo que retomamos dicha articulación" 202042,44071.0,2330.0,['Health'],[],[],es,35,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"En cuanto al covid-19, se observa que no están cumpliendo con las medidas de seguridad, hay aglomeraciones en las comunidades y albergues y la mayoría de las personas no usan la mascarilla." 392634,60861.0,1186.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers'],es,80,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Un 75% de los participantes indica haber recibido información suficiente sobre COVID-19 desde autoridades y profesionales de salud. Esto equivale a que uno de cada cuatro (25%) no considera estar recibiendo información suficiente (Figura 13 y Tabla 12). Respecto de la percepción de participantes sobre comprensión de la información que reciben sobre COVID-19 desde Minsal, un 30% considera que no es comprensible (n=515) (Figura 14)." 217568,45271.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,27,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"In total, around 34% of the analyzed population relies on income sources that are directly exposed to the economic shocks caused by the lockdowns." 333752,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,47,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"How concerned are you that COVID-19 will impact your life? - Very: Male-58%, Female-69%; Somewhat: Male-21%, Female-21%; Very litte: Male-12%, Female-8%; Not at all: Male-9%, Female-2%." 224740,45275.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"Amongst some of the most vulnerable displaced populations, over 80 per cent of families have reported debts leading to difficulties in paying rent or other basic housing. This has prompted increased levels of borrowing by families to cover food, education or rent." 238433,47405.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"Por otra parte, quienes se encuentran en condición irregular (i.e. el 55,2 %) no pue- den afiliarse al sistema de salud, pero pueden acceder a atención por urgencias. La aten- ción por evento en urgencias genera cargas financieras importantes para el sistema de salud, dado que la atención por evento a la población no asegurada implica asumir el costo de cada atención de manera individual, incrementando de esta forma los costos del servicio. Por el contrario, cuando las personas están afiliadas, el riesgo de salud se distribu- ye entre todos los afiliados, lo que hace que el costo per cápita sea inferior a cuando la per- sona no se encuentra afiliada." 188189,31146.0,1900.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"La falta de disponibilidad y acceso a alimentos ha llevado a que el 40 por ciento de los encuestados, en promedio, enfrenten vulnerabilidad económica severa." 235598,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,23,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"567 Gender Based Violence (GBV) incidents were reported, with survivors receiving assistance, in August 2020 in the two regions" 236040,46890.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Lockdowns, harvest season and heavy rains affected effective implementation of some of the WASH activities like hygiene promotion and sensitization on COVID-19." 412757,63085.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_4_kananga_juin2021_final.pdf,"Au premier semestre 2021, environ 512 700 cas de paludisme dont 279 décès ont été enregistrés dans le Kasaï Central, selon la Division provinciale de la santé (DPS). En 2020, à la même période, le nombre de cas était de 524 134, pour 472 décès. Sur les 21 maladies suivies hebdomadairement par la DPS du Kasaï Central, le paludisme occupe la première place sur le plan de la morbidité et de la létalité pathologique." 308432,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,Lack of access and funding for protection partners is hampering scale-up of the protection response in Tonj North. Critical funding for GBV activities was highlighted especially in collective site locations where people are in overcrowded living conditions with limited access to safe shelter and WASH services. 283909,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The Cash Working Group recommended the prioritisation of digital cash, over vouchers and material assistance to prevent the potential transmission of COVID-19, as well as providing practical tips to partners on how to reinforce existing cash programmes." 145414,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The Government of Syria (GoS) continues to maintain a widespread easing of preventive measures introduced throughout May. The daily curfew remains lifted, as has the travel ban between and within governorates" 227511,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,29,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Le risque de propagation de maladies hydriques suite aux intempéries enregistrées en septembre et en octobre est d’autant plus grand que la situation sanitaire est préoccupante. 229749,44602.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,9,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,There are no child protection services or CFS. 147690,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"During this reporting period, UNICEF, including in its capacity as the WASH cluster lead, continued to engage with partners to strengthen IPC in healthcare facilities, schools and learning spaces, youth centres and communities, in addition to regular WASH services. UNICEF continues to support light rehabilitation of WASH systems in hospitals across the country, with works completed in 13 facilities (including Al-Hol), and ongoing in two others." 40943,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,87,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Urban migrants’ lack of freedom of movement severely limited their ability to cope with the effects of the conflict. Because migrants in Libya face significant barriers to saving or borrowing money, many are financially dependent on securing a constant daily income.14 Urban migrants who were unable to access their workplaces due to conflict were therefore at high risk of running out of resources to meet their basic needs within 1-2 weeks, highlighting the differential impact of the crisis on Libyans and migrants." 125303,32569.0,1621.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"In 80% of surveyed municipalities key informants reported that the prices had increased, while 93% also reported that customers during the assessment time period were stocking up on essential items creating further shortages of essential supplies" 172437,40676.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,L’augmentation des prix sur les marchés et la baisse de la disponibilité et de l’accès aux vivres risque de contribuer à une forte détérioration de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle. 280564,51090.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] As of 28th February, the designated points of entry (PoE) for temperature screening and hygiene promotion have been closed. From now on, hygiene education activities related to COVID-19 health awareness will be carried out under routine activities of the WASH sector." 290565,52076.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Women have access to plots that they cultivate . But this access to the land does not allow them to have control of it, not enjoying inheritance rights from their parents and husbands. Thus, when the land is at stake, women have little opportunity to assert their rights." 70707,20012.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,56,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"Amnesty International investigators visited neighbourhoods in residential areas where civilian homes, apartment blocks, and civilian infrastructure – including schools, business, and warehouses supporting the oil industry – were destroyed or damaged by ground-launched rockets, artillery barrages, and air strikes carried out by both sides, killing and injuring dozens." 290337,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,18,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,The country ranks 141st among the 189 countries ranked in relation to their level of gender inequality. 86134,23812.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,94,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PRESS%20RELEASE%20-%20NIGERIA%20-%20EU%2C%20UN%20concerned%20by%20increasing%20attacks%20against%20aid%20workers%20%281%29.pdf,"Recent weeks have been marked by an upsurge in violent attacks from non-state armed groups and an increasing trend of illegal checkpoints on major supply and commercial routes directly targeting civilians, authorities and aid workers, especially in Borno State. Twelve aid workers were deliberately and brutally murdered by non-state armed groups in 2019, twice the number in 2018. Two aid workers, Grace Taku and Alice Loksha, are still being held hostage by non-state armed groups and the humanitarian community call for their immediate and safe release." 113324,32328.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En Perú por ejemplo, más mujeres que hombres viajan en situación migratoria irregular; 59% de mujeres frente al 41% de hombres.28 Xenofobia En toda la región, el maltrato debido a la nacionalidad está estrechamente relacionado con el género. La imagen de la población venezolana está fuertemente influenciada por estereotipos que se difunden a través de los medios de comunicación y redes sociales; por ejemplo las mujeres venezolanas está híper sexualizadas, lo que las expone a mayor riesgo de acoso y abuso sexual en sus países de acogida. También se reportan actitudes y respuestas xenófobas entre las autoridades y los proveedores de servicios en los cuatro países. Se informó sobre xenofobia hacia migrantes y refugiados en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, con altos niveles de violencia verbal, que incluyen insultos, amenazas y muestras de desprecio." 13901,5542.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography']",en,134,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"Ibb: On 24 July, WHO delivered 20 motorbikes for the Rapid Response Teams in Ibb Governorate and four motorbikes for Taizz Governorate. In addition, a shipment of supplies to support 2,000 dialysis sessions was sent to the renal dialysis center in Al-Thawrah hospital in Ibb. During the reporting period, armed conflict intensified, although field reports referred to the civilian movement up to the proximity of Al-Barh area as normal. Indiscriminate shelling reportedly targeted the residential neighbourhoods inside and outside Taizz City. Casualties among civilians including children reported, figures are not confirmed. As of 29 July, 1,961 displaced HHs from Al Hudaydah Governorate have been assisted through the rapid response mechanism (RRM) out of a total of 4,686 HHs registered." 2558,516.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,133,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-2017-humanitarian-situation-report,"As the conflict in Libya entered its sixth year, the humanitarian situation is still showing no signs of improvement in some parts of the country. The latest Humanitarian Needs Overview 2018, estimates that 1,1 million people of whom 378,000 are children and 453,000 are women require life-saving humanitarian assistance and protection. 2017 witnessed periodic eruption of localized conflicts in various parts of Libya, such as Benghazi, Derna, Sirte and Sabratha which triggered displacements and affected Internally Displaced Persons and returnees. Disruption of access to quality basic social services, water, sanitation, health, protection and education as well as electricity and water cuts, which lasted for a few days in some incidents, have affected the living conditions of vulnerable people." 290458,51817.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,21,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"Haut-Katanga et Tanganyika : 1,5 million de personnes en insécurité alimentaire sévère, selon les résultats de l’enquête EFSA" 24792,9808.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/03/1034301,"In another development, the UN refugee agency,UNHCR, announced on Friday that it has opened a reception centre in Colombia for the most vulnerable Venezuelans crossing the border." 388625,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,36,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La situation des enfants a été durement éprouvée ce mois encore du fait des attaques des GANE avec de graves violations de leur droit à la vie et leur droit à l’intégrité physique. 188193,31146.0,1900.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Cinco de cada 10 hogares encuestados tienen acceso a los productos alimenticios por medio de ahorros o crédito para la satisfacción de necesidades básicas, obligándolos a emplear estrategias de afrontamiento negativas." 190011,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Dans la région, les capacités des formations sanitaires sont insuffisantes pour fournir des soins de santé de qualité aux malades. Cette situation est aggravée par des mouvements récurrents de population. D’après les autorités sanitaires locales, les malades issus des communautés déplacées et retournées ont du mal à trouver des solutions pour leurs soins médicaux." 486173,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] 73% of HHs in NWS who are renting faced difficulties in finding a place to rent." 17763,6962.0,321.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,78,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/libyas-sharara-oilfield-closed-by-fezzan-rage-movement-protesters/,"The Libyan biggest oilfield, Sharara, has been shut down by a number of protesters from the Fezzan Rage Movement, the movement said on is social media pages. The movement said the shutdown also included El Feel oilfield. The closure is because of the inaction of the National Oil cooperation and the Presidential Council as well as all concerned authorities toward the demands of the residents of the south, the movement explained." 335278,55819.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel) selon l’enquête nutritionnelle nationale SMART, la région du Sahel comptait 43% des enfants de 0-59 mois souffrant de malnutrition chronique, et 15,1% des enfants de 5 à 59 mois souffrant de malnutrition aiguë globale (MAG). Ce dernier taux se situe au-delà du seuil d’urgence de 15% défini par l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS)" 328759,54713.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] 100% of both IDP settlement and non-IDP settlement households found with multi-sectoral needs. 386420,60870.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El sitio de alojamiento temporal cuenta con dos llaves de suministro de agua (sin las medidas de potabilización necesarias) que es usada para el consumo, preparación de alimentos y aseo personal." 221045,45806.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/una-educacion-inclusiva-para-los-ninos-migrantes-venezolanos-206819,"La Viceministra sobre los temas de prevención de xenofobia explicó que han identificado las mejores estrategias para lograr que exista un reconocimiento a la dignidad e igualdad de estos niños dentro del aula de clases. Enfatizó que los procesos son tendientes al desarrollo socioemocional de los niños y los educadores para prevenir y combatir expresiones, actos y manifestaciones de discriminación y estigmatización contra la población estudiantil migrante." 297347,51172.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"Assessment teams identified 819 people displaced by conflict in Badakhshan, Baghlan, Takhar and Kunduz provinces to receive humanitarian assistance in the coming days." 227487,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,30,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,L’accès à la nourriture pour les ménages risque de continuer à s’aggraver si le contexte sécuritaire ne s’améliore pas aux alentours de Salamabila. 112334,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,101,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"el impacto de la migración llevó a la adecuación y flexibilización de una de las modalidades para atender principalmente a la población refugiada y migrante. Producto de esto surge Mi Vecino Protector29, que es concebido como un espacio protector que se crea a partir de los criterios de operación de la modalidad institucional, con unas adecuaciones que permiten ofrecer a los niños un espacio apropiado en donde pueden ser cuidados en compañía o no de sus padres, y en el que, de manera paralela, se ofrece información sobre protección a los niños y niñas." 477118,67232.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,129,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"2.1 Características demográficas 2.1.1 Composición según sexo Según resultados de la Encuesta Dirigida a la Población Venezolana residente en el País- ENPOVE 2018, el 52,3% de la población venezolana que vive en el país son hombres y el 47,7% mujeres; es decir, de cada 100 personas venezolanas en el Perú 48 son mujeres. La movilidad humana afecta de manera distinta a hombres y mujeres. Las mujeres pueden estar expuestas a mayor vulnerabilidad, la derivada en consideración al género, por factores de edad, sobre todo en el caso de niñas y adolescentes, también están expuestas a riesgos mayores en cuanto a discriminación, explotación y violencia, ya sea durante sus travesías o en los lugares de destino." 176656,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,114,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Au sein des PDI, les avis sont partagés par rapport à la spécificité des besoins et leur prise en compte. Toutefois, la frange âgée de la population insiste sur sa vulnérabilité et demande à avoir du matériel de protection pour se prémunir. Des besoins en forages, installation des laves mains dans les sites, en logements décents ont été évoqués par les plus âgés, des aides financières, des latrines et de l’eau. On remarque qu’une partie des personnes âgées, estime faire partie de la couche fragile de la population et demandent à avoir du matériel de protection pour se prémunir." 318934,54628.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Female participants said they feel very uncomfortable using these latrines during the day. Male participants said drains were getting clogged in their blocks as burnt household items and waste fell into the drains during the fire and continue to do so. Also, they said rotten food packets are being thrown into the drains and the environment is getting filthier by the day. Agencies are said to have cleaned some small drains around the camps, but bigger drains have not been cleaned." 161722,34176.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,94,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"La Gobernación del Valle del Cauca reporta para el 29 de junio, 9.628 casos confirmados por COVID-19 en el departamento: en Cali se concentran la mayoría de los casos con 7.119, seguido por Buenaventura con 1.386 y los demás municipios suman en total 1.123 casos. De las camas en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) para COVID-19, 201 (42%) están ocupadas por casos confirmados, 135 (29%) por casos probables y 139 (29%) disponibles para futuros casos1 ." 276105,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Malgré les efforts du Tchad dans le domaine du handicap et de l’inclusion, la Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (CRDPH) a été signée en 2012, mais jamais ratifiée." 272816,50353.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"1,097 children were provided with mebendazole to treat parasitic worm infestations and 10,259 others received vitamin A. 991 pregnant women were vaccinated against tetanus while 294 others were provided with intermittent preventative therapy for malaria prevention. UNICEF also supported reproductive health coordination to train 100 health care providers from neonatal care and maternity units in three district hospitals in the SW and five district hospitals in the NW to ensure quality new-born management." 311457,53762.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"In the Sahel, while the number of security incidents in February (38) decreased compared to those of January (44), the number of recorded casualties increased (from 31 to 74). The main human rights violations identified were those related to liberty and security of the person (811), integrity (527) followed by Gender Based Violence (GBV) (78) and property rights (76)." 165117,39657.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000117581.pdf,"The cost of a typical food basket increased by about 13 percent between February and April, at a time when food prices were spiking due to lockdown effects on supply chains. • However, the cost of a basket levelled off from mid-May, occasioned by stability and/or decline in food prices from that period, as supplies improved in the markets." 254220,48624.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/ampere-prices-draining-the-life-out-of-aleppos-residents/,"[February 9, Aleppo] “The price of amperes is rising every week; half of the salary is going there,” Said, who lives in al-Maysar neighborhood, east of Aleppo, complained, expressing his dissatisfaction with the absence of government-provided power services." 64756,19061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,81,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"Una de esas defunciones, cuenta el personero Mireles, ocurrió hace tres semanas. Un niño indígena venezolano de no más de 10 años fue trasladado en condiciones críticas desde el basurero hasta el hospital del municipio, donde los médicos fracasaron en sus intentos por salvarle la vida,mientras que su madre, en una cama contigua, daba a luz a un bebé, quien también tendría como hogar un cambuche de plástico rodeado de basura." 177294,41744.0,2099.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"La principale raison évoquée pour la non scolarisation des enfants est le manque de moyens financiers pour les frais d’inscription vient ensuite le manque d’enseignants et la distance pour rejoindre l’école. Le taux très faible de scolarisation, y compris avant le déplacement, s'explique par le fait que l'école de la zone de Koubel Alpha est fermée depuis 2 ans." 393196,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,96,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The graph 11.2 below illustrates that 23 out of the total number of groups think it would be very serious and severe if they get COVID 19 virus, 66 said it would be serious is they get COVID 19 virus, 32 said it would be Mild if they get COVID 19 virus, 17 said it would be very Mild if they get COVID 19 virus, while 27 said they don’t have an idea how bad it would be if they get COVID 19" 274211,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,113,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"La situation demeure préoccupante particulièrement pour les ménages des réfugiés sud soudanais vivant à Dungu et Faradje. En général presque toute la population de réfugiés et de déplacés est en insécurité alimentaire (respectivement 97 % et 95 %), ce qui est alarmant. La situation est particulièrement inquiétante pour la population réfugiée dont le taux d’insécurité alimentaire sévère est de 77 %. Par ailleurs, la consommation alimentaire est pauvre pour 80 % des réfugiés et 56 % des déplacés. Le ratio des dépenses alimentaires sur les dépenses totales est supérieur à 75 % pour 73 % des réfugiés et 50 % des déplacés." 293483,51589.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,Afghanistan is a complex and fragile environment with natural and man-made disasters exacerbated by protracted conflicts at local and national levels 132507,34344.0,1185.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Respecto de asuntos estructurales, la disponibilidad de la educación nutricional en el Perú es limitada. Además del acceso limitado al SIS y la información nutricional, hay un acceso insuficiente a la supervisión médica para cubrir los requisitos de nutrición, particularmente para mujeres en edad gestante y adolescentes refugiados y migrantes." 180555,42290.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,27,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"A ceux-là, il faut ajouter les personnes âgées vivant avec un handicap, ne disposant pas de force de travail pour souvenir à leur besoin." 132479,34344.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Brindar la información clave a los refugiados y migrantes en riesgo de utilizar transporte informal e información sobre las compañías y costos de transporte. 343856,56755.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PROTECTION%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf,"DV and IPV have worsened during the pandemic. In addition to providing care to survivors, it is necessary to roll out new and/or scale up existing prevention initiatives to address pre-existing gender inequalities and harmful gender norms at the root of GBV." 193523,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Despite capacity building efforts by the United Nations and others, South Sudan largely lacks efficient and independent justice institutions committed to upholding the rule of law and safeguarding fundamental human rights." 358367,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] A total of 57 water stations in NES are impacted by the lower water level of the river and related canals, of which 11 have already shut down completely. At least 97 communities and 58 Internally Displaced People (IDP) settlements are relying on water stations that are partially or fully impacted, with an estimated 576,000 people affected." 452959,64224.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Respecto a la pregunta sobre cuáles son las situaciones de violencia más frecuentes que enfrentan las mujeres, el 16.9% de los encuestados opina que es la violencia psicológica, el 12.3% opina que las mujeres enfrentan la xenofobia, 12% opina que es más frecuente que las mujeres enfrenten violencia física y el 11.5% que enfrentan discriminación." 126134,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Los hogares que tienen una tasa alta de dependencia, es decir, más de 1.5 dependientes por cada miembro no dependiente, presentan niveles más elevados de consumo pobre (19%). Esta misma tendencia también se observa en los hogares unipersonales o que viven con personas que no son familiares (28% y 22% respectivamente)." 115359,30876.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MSNI_brief_LBY-1.pdf,"17% of interviewed respondents with severe or extreme sectoral needs and/or extreme use of negative coping strategies to cover basic needs, were found to have severe or extreme sectoral needs in health alone." 382899,60299.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/pager_cifras_ene_mar_2021__0.pdf,"La Alcaldía de Bucaramanga estima que el ETPV impactará a más de 40 mil refugiados y migrantes establecidos en la ciudad, y con esta medida se espera que beneficiará a la población venezolana que se encuentra en situación irregular" 127309,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,93,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Con el fin de otorgar a los refugiados y migrantes el derecho de escoger cómo cubrir sus necesidades básicas de manera digna, los socios del GTRM trabajarán para apoyar a la economía anfitriona y crear un mejor medio para los refugiados y comunidades que los acogen. El apoyo a través de servicios de infraestructura en la comunidad para todos, sin considerar la nacionalidad, tales como escuelas, centros de salud e infraestructura de la comunidad en general, será también fundamental para alcanzar resultados de cohesión social integral." 226939,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] continued to verify increased numbers of recruitment and use of children by armed forces in Afghanistan, with 155 children, all boys, recruited and used from 1 January to 30 September 2020 in comparison to 49 children in the same period of 2019." 317466,54216.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://ecupunto.com/2021/04/14/mas-de-4-500-venezolanas-dado-a-luz-cucuta/,"A esto se suma que según las estadísticas del Hospital de Cúcuta, en este centro médico, más venezolanas que colombianas son asistidas. “El 82% de nuestras usuarias son pacientes de Venezuela y el 18% son colombianas”, resaltó el doctor Galvis." 356123,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,50,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En la medición de abril de la Encuesta de Opinión Empresarial para la industria, el indicador de volumen actual de pedidos, en su serie desestacionalizada registró un balance de -19,6%, lo que representa un incremento de 34,9 pps frente al mismo mes un año atrás." 187547,38355.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,42,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"With 12.6 per cent reporting that the conflict was between adults and children, there is evidence that violence against children may be on the rise and that the stress and anxiety of the situation may be contri buting to this rise" 60698,17936.0,788.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Female headed households were disproportionately affected by food insecurity (36.9 percent) compared to male headed counterparts (24.9 percent). Similarly, there were more severely food insecure female headed households (6.9 percent) compared to their male headed counterparts (2.1 percent), which is unsurprising since women living in the northeast have limited livelihood opportunities compared to men. Majority of female headed households are either widowed (63.7 percent) or separated/divorced (12.0 percent)." 202343,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Many areas seeing spontaneous IDP and refugee returns are already areas of high vulnerabilities, as per August 2019 IPC findings. They are also frequently on the close monitoring list for the inter-agency Needs Analysis Working Group (NAWG) for having high lifesaving needs, meaning that there may be a risk of further exacerbating high needs." 204224,43347.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"When it comes to living standards, the two groups (IDPs and non-displaced)share a common problem: poor access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation. For the non-displaced, poor access to WASH services explains the high numbers of people in need in 60 per cent of counties (47 counties), while the same applies for IDPs in 45 per cent of the counties (35 counties)." 153905,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,63,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"De los participantes en la evaluación de necesidades, el 5% llegó hace más de un año; el 9% durante el último año; 14% en los últimos seis meses; el 38% reportaron haber llegado el último mes; el 27% en la última semana y el 7% el mismo día de la encuesta." 19509,7910.0,730.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,107,['Impact'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"According to WFP, the retail price of food commodities decreased by between 3 and 9 per cent in November 2018, compared with the previous month but were 66-162 per cent higher than the precrisis period, before March 2015. The national average price of petrol and diesel decreased by between 5 and 8 per cent between October and November 2018 but were still between 202 and 232 per cent higher than the price before the crisis. The price of cooking gas increased by 13 per cent between October and November 2018 but remained 168 per cent higher than in the pre-crisis period." 160579,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Bogotá, un punto focal de protección de DRC expresó que la respuesta de la policía a situaciones de VBG puede ser deficiente, ya que los agentes desconocen cómo tratar estos casos." 150917,36670.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"El EHP ha elaborado un Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria, que incluye un análisis y estimación global de $137.1 millones necesarios para responder en los ocho sectores activos a las necesidades generadas por la COVID-19" 184805,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] As of 3 November, 67% of all confirmed cases of COVID-19 in NES have been recorded in Hassakeh Governorate, with Malakiyeh/ Derik District overtaking Qamishli and Hassakeh Districts as the District with the single highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in NES." 113118,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Atención en salud y aplicación de un test sintomático respiratorio y prevención del COVID-19 con cita programada en el Hospital Carmona y el Hospital San Juan de Dios. 418847,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Selon l’enquête réalisée sur la période mars-décembre 2020 par la direction générale de l’économie et de la planification, les effets de la Covid-19 ont entrainé un repli de la croissance économique de 4,21% en 2020." 335515,46379.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"From January 01 to March 14, 2020, a total of 138,013 returnees have come back to Afghanistan through Iran and Pakistan borders." 472856,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,36,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"Renforcer les activités de promotion de l’hygiène et assainissement dans les sites et les communautés d’accueil de PDI (dotation en kit d’hygiène, en dispositif de lavage de main" 226855,46468.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"On 22 September, the United Nations Secretary-General made a renewed push for a global ceasefire by the end of the year in order for the world to focus on the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic." 494222,68123.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,110,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The highest informal exchange rate was reported in Damascus, Hama and Homs at SYP 3,412/USD (depreciated by four, five and five percent, respectively, m-o-m), followed by Rural Damascus at SYP 3,390/USD (depreciated by four percent m-o-m). On the other hand, the lowest rate was reported in Idleb at SYP 3,284/USD (depreciated by two percent m-om), followed by Deir-ez-Zor at SYP 3,334/USD (depreciated by four percent m-o-m). Moreover, the formal exchange rate and the UN operational rate have both remained unchanged m-o-m at SYP 2,500/USD." 20549,8024.0,729.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,85,['At Risk'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"Immigration detention in Libya can be indefinite because the law does not specify a maximum term, providing only that detention be followed by deportation. There are no formal procedures in place allowing detainees access to a lawyer or any opportunity to challenge the decision to detain them. Prolonged detention of adults and children other than the period strictly necessary to carry out a lawful deportation and without access to judicial review amounts to arbitrary detention and is prohibited under international law." 172650,40992.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3677790,"In addition to the ventilators, USAID is funding a tailored package of support that includes accompanying equipment, service plans, and technical assistance. This donation builds on the $25 million the U.S. State Department and USAID have committed to Peru in response to the pandemic, which is helping to strengthen clinical care, disseminate health messages, build lab capacity, improve disease surveillance, and more." 324448,53757.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Le CACM a soutenu quatre (4) États membres en leur fournissant du matériel médical. Le Soudan a reçu 16 concentrateurs d'oxygène et 8 ventilateurs mécaniques ; le Zimbabwe a reçu 12 concentrateurs d'oxygène ; le Malawi a reçu 17 concentrateurs d'oxygène et 7 ventilateurs mécaniques, et la République démocratique du Congo a reçu 62 concentrateurs d'oxygène." 386421,60870.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Imposibilidad de acceder a cultivos de pan coger, como a la realización de la caza y pesca como medios culturales de subsistencia afectando directamente los medios de vida de las familias desplazadas y confinadas. Teniendo en cuenta que las familias no se encuentran en su hábitat, no hay generación de ingresos para la compra de alimentos y productos de primera necesidad." 389630,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"La línea roja continua nos indica que la tasa de mortalidad acumulada por COVID-19 en Colombia es de 2.110 muertes por cada millón de habitantes, lo que se traduce en que ha muerto aproximadamente una persona por cada 474 habitantes en el país." 345993,56608.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25 MAY 2021, NES] Main course of action if HH member feels ill 21: Stay home 19: Go to hospital 7: Call a doctor" 248946,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,123,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Dans ce contexte sécuritaire préoccupant, le secteur de Ngandja, notamment l’axe Misisi-Ngalula- Nyange, à cause de l’existence de deux carrés miniers, est dorénavant une zone considérée comme fortement redoutable en criminalité, engendrant, au-delà des pillages, des extorsions de biens et autres violations, dont des meurtres et de nombreux cas de viol. Les femmes et les filles sont pour la plupart du temps violées par des hommes armés non clairement identifiés ; il pourrait, par conséquent, bien s’agir autant d’éléments de groupes ou milices armés, de bandits armés, ou même d’éléments incontrôlés au sein des FARDC et de la PNC." 298965,51152.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Physical access to some health facilities due to high flood water levels in particular in Upper Nile, Pibor, and Jonglei made it difficult for patients to cross streams and rivers to access the health facilities." 149259,37832.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"WFP distributed BDT 12.8 million (USD 151,800) to 11,245 beneficiaries and 290 volunteers through the self-reliance programme in July. 13 volunteers skilled in Communications with Communities (CwC) worked in GFA outlets to disseminate COVID-19 messaging among the Rohingya population." 236003,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,COVID-19 preventive measures (including programmatic adaptations) were undertaken by partners to mitigate the spread of the disease. 207203,44693.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"dans les localités des communes de Torodi, Makalondi, Djagourou, Goroual, et Gothèye, le nombre d’enfants orphelins et femmes veuves suites à l’assassinat et/ou enlèvements des parents ou maris est considérable. Les données collectées par les points focaux de monitoring de protection révèlent plus de 145 veuves et 230 enfants orphelins en lien avec la crise sécuritaire. En effet, de plus en plus des femmes/filles/enfants sont des cibles spécifiques des éléments de GANE, ce qui était rare jusqu’à depuis le début de la crise sécuritaire dans la région de Tillabéri." 345989,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,En la semana epidemiológica 17 se notificaron 1 370 casos de malaria 189719,43300.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les femmes rurales sont des piliers de la production agricole et de la sécurité alimentaire, alors qu´elles subissent encore de nombreuses inégalités au quotidien. Elles ont un accès faible à la propriété, au crédit et un pouvoir décisionnaire faible au sein du foyer et de la communauté." 196098,43603.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,22,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,School meals have been suspended as schools are closed and the provision of cooked meals/wet feeding in Mogadishu was also suspended. 260928,48984.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,33,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, Nigeria]An estimated 1.2 million people are inaccessible to humanitarian actors due to ongoing hostilities, threats of attacks and movement restrictions imposed by the military." 356572,58364.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Environment'],es,176,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia/mas-regiones/jornada-de-protesta-en-providencia-ante-retrasos-en-la-reconstruccion/,"En la entrada de Punta Rocosa, muy cerca del aeropuerto, hay una familia que está viviendo toda en un patio. Son ocho casas en total metidas en un espacio muy pequeño. Las ocho casas están en el piso desde hace siete meses y los contratistas, el alcalde, el gobernador, el presidente no son capaces de ayudar primero a esta familia que lo perdió todo para que les demos una casita para que ellos se puedan resguardar ahí. Eso es inhumano. Cuando vemos las cosas así tenemos que alzar la voz. Son personas que están necesitando por lo menos una vivienda. Acá en Punta Rocosa no han levantado ni una sola casa nueva. Tenemos discapacitados, madres gestantes, adultos mayores que se quedaron sin nada y no son capaces de levantarles una casa. Los famosos 100 días del presidente no sirvieron, es un mentiroso. Nuestro alcalde y el gobernador lo mismo, no les importa el sufrimiento de nuestra gente." 163121,35785.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20r%C3%A1pida%20de%20mercado%20%E2%80%93%20Junio%202020%20%28segunda%20ronda%29%2C%20Subgrupo%20an%C3%A1lisis%20de%20mercados%20y%20necesidades.pdf,"Un poco más de la mitad de los comerciantes (53%: 39 comerciantes) informó que las medidas oficiales habían tenido un efecto negativo sobre sus negocios, en particular estos comerciantes se concentraron en los departamentos fronterizos." 257047,48672.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"At the end of 2020, the project [construction of social houses] employs 492 in brick construction and another 323 persons in construction." 227484,46488.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"{Localité de Salamabila, province du Maniema} L’insécurité générale ne se manifestait pas seulement par des problèmes d’accès aux cultures : la troisième principale préoccupation de protection la plus citée par les IC était le pillage du bétail (voir la section de protection pour plus d’informations)." 304896,50889.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"In addition, there is a low coverage of mosquito nets across all camps, which exposes refugees to mosquito-borne diseases." 203594,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Les ménages non déplacés semblent avoir une situation plus critique que les ménages réfugiés dans la région d’Agadez en matière de sécurité alimentaire 79853,21919.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,29,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"Total people in need 6.5 million13 Total children (<18) in need 1.9 million14 Total people to be reached 1.3 million15 Total children to be reached 633,00016" 226624,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"In a survey done by Oxfam9 , 97% of female respondents said that gender-based violence has increased since the COVID-19 outbreak started." 236190,47104.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, Syria] As of 30 December 2020, 11,344 cases of COVID-19 were officially confirmed by the Minister of Health in government-held areas in Syria, marking a 44 percent increase compared to the national rate of COVID-19 cases at the end of November." 221652,45323.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/calls-to-shut-schools-of-syrias-as-suwayda-temporarily-for-fear-of-coronavirus-spread/,"[December 10, As-Suwayda] On the other hand, people voiced their anger over the post of the Syrian Ministry of Education on 30 November, in which it stated that the spread of the virus does not require the stoppage of face-to-face classes, stressing that the schools are not hotspots for the coronavirus disease.”" 162611,35727.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,102,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"7. Derechos de las víctimas: De acuerdo con el Registro Único de Víctimas (RUV), el departamento registra a 31 de diciembre de 2019 al menos 306.361 víctimas12 representando el 17.2 % de la población del departamento, de este número 274.451 personas están sujetas de atención. En total el departamento registró 466.581 eventos victimizantes resultando en muchas ocasiones una misma persona sujeto de varios hechos victimizantes. El hecho victimizante con mayor ocurrencia es el desplazamiento forzado con un total de 382.693 personas afectadas, seguido del homicidio con un total de 26.995 personas afectadas." 166615,40055.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_as_of_20_september_ne_nigeria.pdf,"In Yobe State, there are 3 new confirmed cases, and all are in stable condition. In Adamawa State, 13% of deaths occurred in the community (2/15). CFR=6.3%." 104912,30487.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Economy']",es,45,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,CR Colombiana informa que va a hacer una actualización del análisis de mercado a través del Grupo de Transferencias Monetarias y una evaluación de impacto o necesidades a través del grupo meta o usuarios de su proyecto de Unidades Productivas anterior a la crisis. 179536,42143.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/people-of-jabal-al-zawiya-suffer-lack-of-medical-services/,"[October 28, Jaba, Access to medical care]There is no medical center within 35 kilometers (21.7 miles) of Jabal al-Zawiya, which poses risks to the patient’s life and exacted “exorbitant” costs depending on his family’s living standard." 156004,38388.0,1898.0,['Health'],[],[],es,17,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,El Salvador concentra más recursos en su sistema de salud que otros países de la región. 60694,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Overall, 28.9 percent of households across BAY States were food insecure and 3.1 percent of these households were severely food insecure. This represents an increase of 2.4 percent in the prevalence of food insecurity compared to February 2018. 36.4 percent of IDP camp residents of Borno State were food insecure, 3.4 percent of which were experiencing severe food insecurity." 221745,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Identifying safe access routes and obtaining assurances to enter remain important measures to mitigate the risk of major hindrances to humanitarian access, such as the restriction of movement, the denial of access, or interference with the delivery of aid. (In regions controlled by ISIL or any other insurgency group)" 37190,11044.0,788.0,['Health'],[],[],en,36,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"There is urgent need for health system strengthening in all the areas hosting asylum seekers. Efforts should be geared towards rehabilitating and strengthening of existing health facilities, provision of medication and medical supplies." 320025,53234.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care']",en,122,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: During the reporting period, no confirmed cases of death have been observed in the district, although 60% of ICU beds were occupied during the last two weeks. Less than 40% bed occupancy has been observed in general isolation beds in different Upazilas. In response to the increase in number of cases among the host community, the Government of Bangladesh and the Office of the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RCCC) in Cox's Bazar have imposed movement restrictions and other mitigation measures in district and camp areas. All tourist activities will remain closed in the district for next two weeks." 238611,47236.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,"Outre les cas de malnutrition, le personnel de santé a indiqué que le principal problème de santé pour la plupart des résidents et nouveaux arrivés serait le paludisme." 40922,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,46,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Many IDP households had reportedly been displaced to areas in close proximity to the frontline, where they remained at risk of shelling and violence. Further displacement was expected from all five assessed baladiyas due to fears that the current clashes would continue or intensify" 320933,54668.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,150,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Un peu moins de la moitié de l’ensemble des villages évalués (46%) a des habitants qui pêchent. Néanmoins, la pêche représente seulement 8 pour cent des moyens de subsistance selon notre modèle (F9). Par ailleurs, 46 pour cent des retournés d’Angola habitent dans un village où les habitants pêchent, principalement dans les territoires de Kazumba (34%), Kamonia (12%), Kananga (11%) et Luiza (10%). Pour les retournés et les PDIs, les tendances sont renversées : 53 et 60 pour cent habitent dans un village qui pratique la pêche." 116968,32230.0,1386.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,66,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://efectococuyo.com/venezuela-migrante/ligia-bolivar-acnur-niega-base-legal-para-que-venezolanos-reciban-proteccion-como-refugiados/,"Mientras que los migrantes eligen trasladarse no a causa de una amenaza directa de persecución o muerte, sino principalmente para mejorar sus vidas al encontrar trabajo o por educación, reunificación familiar, o por otras razones. A diferencia de los refugiados, quienes no pueden volver a su país de forma segura, los migrantes continúan recibiendo la protección de su gobierno." 14830,5489.0,322.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,52,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180719_Humanitarian_Update_Draft_3.pdf,"On Thursday 12 July, IOM, the UN Migration Agency, organized the voluntary return of 53 Ethiopian migrants from Yemen. A ship transported the 48 men and 5 boys from Al Hudaydah Seaport to Djibouti, where they were received by IOM staff who coordinated their onward journey." 413066,63969.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.saludcapital.gov.co/Paginas2/Noticia_Portal_Detalle.aspx?IP=1705,"● Cuando la Secretaría Distrital de Salud reciba dosis de este laboratorio, realizará la respectiva comunicación a la ciudadanía para continuar avanzando y completar los esquemas de vacunación." 113095,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,128,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Se brinda asistencia técnica a la Secretaria de Salud, los hospitales y las autoridades locales en temas de salud en el cumplimiento de protocolos de seguridad y vigilancia epidemiológica; y se realiza el apoyo con la expansión infraestructural de hospitales, dotación de equipos médicos, contratación de personal y transporte. • Continúan activas las líneas de atención telefónica en temas de atención en salud, rehabilitación física, atención psicosocial y primeros auxilios psicológicos, información sobre el COVID-19, orientación legal, atención a casos de violencia sexual, violencia basada en género (VBG) y trata, y protección de la niñez, y se brinda atención a casos de protección de la infancia y atención a casos de VBG." 354601,58015.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Testing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2021/06/16/9-more-covid-patients-die-in-khulna,"[16th June 2021, Bangladesh] According to results collected from the RT-PCR Lab in Khulna Medical College and Hospital, 222 people came out positive in 684 tests carried out in the 24 hours till 8am on Wednesday. Of them, 149 people tested positive in the sample test of 365 people in Khulna. Besides, 31 from Bagerhat, five from Jashore, five from Satkhira, six from Jhenaidah and four from Narail district tested positive for Covid-19." 337710,55928.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,54,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/judicial/dejan-en-firme-ley-de-nacionalidad-colombiana-hijos-de-migrantes-venezolanos,"Nos encontramos ante un trato desigual (…) Excluye a menores de edad que podrían estar frente a riesgos similares como consecuencia de otras crisis migratorias diferentes a la venezolana u hijos de otros migrantes en necesidad de protección internacional”, dice la organización en un concepto enviado a la Corte." 70717,20012.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,29,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"In Tripoli, LNA air strikes on civilian homes likewise have caused civilian casualties. Amnesty International investigators documented three strikes that killed one and wounded four civilians." 223612,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The suspension of aid would result in the greater likelihood of additional displacement, including potential refugee flows into neighbouring countries, as well as internal displacement towards urban, government-controlled areas that are already underresourced and have inadequate basic services." 47473,16249.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"◦ Alimento, ya que el 60 por ciento se encontraban en alto riesgo de inseguridad alimentaria28." 62068,18564.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"According to ENCOVI, a household survey carried out by four leading Venezuelan universities, 94 percent of the population was living below the poverty line in 2018." 272639,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,10,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,la sécurisation des zones et patrouilles sur les axes principaux 199024,44190.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/presidentielle-et-legislatives-du-22-novembre-2020-au-burkina-ambiance-sereine-de-votes-avec-un-possible-embonpoint-pour-le-taux-de-participation/,"Au regard de l’affluence dans les bureaux de vote, le taux de participation pourrait connaitre un score élevé, d’où le qualificatif humoristique que lui attribuons en parlantd’embonpoint. Aux précédentes élections(présidentielle et législatives de 2015), letaux de participationétait de60%." 222972,44702.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Majority of malnutrition screening for the last week of August showed predominant MAM, even though GAM rate was below the threshold, it is expected that malnutrition amongst under five and PLWs will increase because of looming lack of food due to crop failure." 304966,50889.0,2466.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,94,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Mixed migration and counter trafficking response is coordinated through the State Committee on Counter-trafficking (CCT) in Kassala, chaired by Kassala Ministry of Social Welfare and supported by UNHCR, and the East Sudan Mixed-Migration Working Group led by UNHCR and with active participation by IOM [International Organization for Migration], BMM/GIZ [Better Migration Management/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit], DRC/SRC [Danish Refugee Council], UNDP [United Nations Development Programme], UNICEF, UNFPA [United Nations Population Fund] and UNICEF." 437213,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,68,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Sur la période, le partenaire principal du Burkina est la Suisse avec 78,9% des exportations totales. Elle est suivie de la Côte d’Ivoire qui a reçu 2,8% des exportations, de la France pour 1,8% et du Ghana pour 1,3%. Ces quatre partenaires reçoivent 84,8% de la valeur totale des exportations du Burkina au quatrième trimestre 2020." 148442,36039.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,51,['Impact'],"['Covid-19', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Humanitarian staff are also impacted, with restrictions on movement and lengthy quarantine a contributing factor to limiting the ability to deploy staff and contractors where needed, including international staff who may not be able to cross borders. Evolving and unforeseen preventive measures are also disruptive to humanitarian programming" 236198,47104.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020] In December 2020, more than four out irve interviewed households in Syria (83 percent) reported staying permanently indoors and continued taking precautionary and social distancing measures against COVID-19. Though this trend remained high at national level, it witnessed a decrease by 10 percent since July 2020. At the governorate level, around nine out of ten households in Quneitra, AlHasakeh and Rural Damascus indicated avoiding crowded places to mitigate the pandemic outbreak in December" 257061,48672.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"With the support of ILO, PBF and Spain, Malian refugees benefit from livelihood interventions." 291675,52152.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En términos de la clase de la muestra, los resultados sugieren que el grupo RDD tiene una probabilidad promedio de inseguridad alimentaria moderada / severa que es mayor que el promedio nacional, mientras que, en el grupo de beneficiarios de la FAO, menor." 486398,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] 5 HH members average HH size across NWS." 106509,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,139,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Se explica, por ejemplo, que los migrantes se asientan en los terrenos cercanos a los programas de comedor del Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA), a espera de las raciones de comida diarias. En estas zonas se ha observado un aumento en los atracos y se considera que esta forma de atención no contribuye a la reconstrucción de un proyecto de vida de estas personas. En conjunto, esta situación hace que los pobladores locales resientan una atención que no les fue ofertada a ellos cuando han estado en situaciones de vulnerabilidad similares a las de los migrantes, y asocien la migración con el asistencialismo y este último con la promoción de la pereza y la inseguridad (Equipo de Asistencia Técnica, ICBF La Guajira, entrevista, 2019)." 165609,39662.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,95,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"As presented in the table below, almost half of respondents (43%) mentioned that they are unable to maintain social distancing while working. Many respondents (29%) also think that in doing their job, it is hard for them to know whether they are coming into close proximity of any COVID-19 patients. 61% medical waste workers and over 46% cleaners in the hospital mentioned that they handle high-risk waste of the patients, therefore, risk of being affected is extremely high for them." 197584,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Only some 25 per cent of the country’s population have access to electricity. 491778,67945.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69871/regime-increases-internet-and-telecommunications-prices-by-100.html,"[22 September 2021, GoS]The decision provides for raising the cost of ADSL internet packages, based on the speed and volume of monthly consumption. The cost will increase from 1,400 Syrian pounds to 2,000 Syrian pounds for 512kb speed connections (the lowest speed available). Fares will jump from 22,000 Syrian pounds to 35,000 Syrian pounds for a bundle with 24 MB speed connections (the highest speed available)." 386433,60870.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,40,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los riesgos identificados para esta población están relacionados con reclutamiento. En los resguardos se han experimentado de manera frecuente, combates y enfrentamientos entre actores armados presentes en el territorio, y se habla de presencia de MAP/MSE/TE." 69505,19860.0,1386.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://cronica.uno/programa-de-alimentacion-escolar-en-sucre-es-insuficiente-y-carece-de-proteinas/,"En Cumaná, los educadores deben lidiar con una realidad que se repite en todo el territorio nacional. De acuerdo con cifras de las federaciones nacionales del magisterio más de 80% de la infraestructura escolar está colapsada, la prestación de los servicios públicos básicos en las escuelas nacionales y municipales como luz y agua es deficiente, y en muchos casos inexistentes y a ello, se la suman las irregularidades en el programa de abastecimiento de alimentación escolar." 289388,51168.0,2335.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,20,[],['Information And Communication'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,No health reports/alerts received from the area where health facilities are not functional; this is negatively affecting active surveillance 356138,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,55,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En marzo, el valor en dólares de las importaciones aumentó 37,5% frente al mismo mes de 2020. Este resultado obedeció al crecimiento anual de 20,2%, 43,0% y 44,3% del grupo de bienes de consumo, de bienes intermedios y materias primas, y de bienes de capital." 154965,38099.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"De plus, en raison de l’insécurité et selon les agriculteurs, les autorités dans certaines localités ont donné des recommandations aux communautés de ne pas cultiver des cultures hautes (mil et sorgho), les orientant vers les cultures de rente basées sur les légumineuses (arachide et niébé) aujourd’hui considérablement touchées {par la baisse de la demande des produits de rente comme l'arachide et les pertes de revenus engendrées par les mesures de restriction contre la COVID-19}." 495122,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,42,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En referencia a perfiles educativos, tal y como refiere la OIM, el 65% cuenta con un nivel educativo superior, ya sea completo o incompleto, y dentro de ellos casi el 50% ha concluido estudios universitarios." 194230,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 439 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 53 ZS réparties dans 12 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 202195,44560.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/burkina-faso-l%C3%A9gislatives-le-parti-de-kabor%C3%A9-obtient-56-si%C3%A8ges-sur-127-ceni/2059487,"Zéphirin Diabré, chef de file de l’opposition de 2015 à 2020, a régressé cette année. Avec seulement 12 siège, il perd le leadership de l'opposition au profit du Congrès pour la démocratie le progrès (CDP) de Eddie Wend-Venem Constance Hyacynthe Komboïgo, 54 ans, arrivé en deuxième position à la présidentielle avec 442 742 de voix, soit 15,48%. [scrutin législatif]" 278240,50827.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/9-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a8%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d9%85%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%b1%d8%b3-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b3%d9%88%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%a1-8-%d9%85%d9%86%d9%87/,"[March 7, AS sweida]The total number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus, which were confirmed by laboratory analysis in schools in the As-Suwayda governorate last week, reached 6, bringing the number of infections since the start of the second semester to 9. The School Health Department in As-Suwayda stated that 8 out of the confirmed injuries were recorded among the teaching and administrative staff, while one injury was recorded among students, noting that 3 of those injuries have recovered, while the remaining six cases that were recorded last week are currently under home quarantine." 261587,49490.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COLOMBIA_FS%20Labor%20Market%20Access_ACNUR_NV%20Espa%C3%B1ol.pdf,652.141 Víctimas de desplazamiento forzado entre 2016 y 2020 reconocidas por el Registro Único de Víctimas (RUV). 48821,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],en,39,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Impact in Colombia The unavailability of medicines, supplies, health providers, and basic health services are becoming a primary driver of migration from Venezuela to Colombia. Nearly 1,200,000 Venezuelans have fled to Colombia in recent years.66" 226951,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The vast majority of children, 144, were recruited and used for combat roles by the Taliban, with the bulk of these cases documented in the northern and northeastern regions of Afghanistan." 204406,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,28,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Les résultats [la nourriture comme besoin prioritaire] sont aussi au-delà de 95% dans les départements de Tessaoua à Maradi et de Goudoumaria à Diffa. 237582,47219.0,2311.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/bogota/articulo/distrito-anuncia-cuarentena-estricta-en-localidades-de-usaquen-suba-y-engativa/202146/,"Según las medidas anunciadas, solo podrá salir una persona por núcleo familiar para abastecerse y estará habilitado el servicio de domicilios entre las cinco de la mañana y las ocho de la noche. Además, solo las personas que trabajen en servicios esenciales, como vigilancia, alimentación y servicio de asistencia, podrán salir a trabajar. También podrán salir las personas durante una hora diaria para hacer ejercicio." 223946,46071.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon le HRP révisé en Juin 2020,le nombre révisé des personnes dans le besoin s’élève à 11,5 millions de personnes, soit 43 pour centre plus que dans le PRH originel" 40927,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Several KIs reported robberies and kidnappings in their areas, signalling a general breakdown of order in conflict-affected baladiyas. Houses of displaced families had reportedly been looted and on occasion targeted for destruction based on the presumed political affiliations of their owners." 300839,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,The HAG advocates to find local solutions for local issues and only elevating issues to the TPC (NSAG-TB Political Commission) in Doha as a last resort when district and provincial-level engagement proved unsuccessful; 62934,18422.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Demography'],es,125,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://www.diarioeltiempo.com.ve/noticias/desnutricion-infantil-en-venezuela-se-eleva-un-227,"“La malnutrición por déficit se mantiene por encima del umbral crítico de emergencia fijado por organismos internacionales en un límite de 15%”, explicó. Según análisis de organismos privados nacionales 56,9% de los niños evaluados tienen algún grado de desnutrición o están en riesgo de tenerla: 7,3% tiene desnutrición moderada y severa; 15,6% desnutrición leve y 34% está en riesgo de tener algún grado de desnutrición. Destacó además que según los reportes el puntaje de la diversidad alimentaria volvió a empeorar. Descendió un punto porcentual, pues las familias evaluadas reportaron consumir apenas cinco tipos diferentes de alimentos. “Lo cual califica como una diversidad alimentaria “pobre”, apuntó." 136349,35143.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On May 01, the government extended to almost all businesses permission to reopen every day between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. Those excluded by the decision include weddings and funeral halls, trade exhibitions, conferences, internet cafés, playgrounds, cinemas and theatres, popular parks, and restaurants, except for delivery services." 328657,54713.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 11% of Households of IDP settlements reported a lack of documentation proving their occupancy status while 25% of Households of non-IDP settlements reported a lack of documentation proving their occupancy status. 36915,13321.0,788.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,42,[],['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"The spontaneous return of 1,400 Nigerian refugees from Niger to Damasak, Borno State has been reported. A cross-border Tripartite Commission is expected to meet in May to discuss the voluntary return of Nigerian refugees and draft a tripartite agreement." 475472,64944.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,86,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"La question des LTB demeure une problématique d’actualité en cette période hivernale aussi bien sur les sites d’accueil que dans les zones de retour des PDI. Pour le logement, malgré l’accueil de certaines PDI dans des familles d’accueil et la réalisation d’abris par les ONG Plan Burkina et Help, les besoins en abris demeurent toujours énormes surtout sur les grands sites de PDI tels que Tougan, Nouna, Bomborkuy et Djibasso." 206767,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,77,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]The second most prevalent coping strategy for the lack of access to sanitation facilities is of programmatic concern, open defecation at a reported proportion of 13% nationally with a one-point difference for displaced and non-displaced. This figure is slightly lower than the proportion of households reporting no access to latrines (17%) who would therefore likely be engaging in open defecation." 205388,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Large return flows would put additional pressures on people’s well-being, living standards and resilience capacity, especially in locations where a high proportion of the population is already in severe or extreme need. Returns to areas of high needs could add additional strain on the peaceful coexistence of displaced, non-displaced and returnee populations, depending on factors ranging from resource availability to land use, and from basic service provision to the extent of shared customary laws." 112517,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,116,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"De Cúcuta salen entre 500 y 700 caminantes cada día, en su mayoría mujeres solas, gestantes, lactantes, niños y niñas. La respuesta para esta población se da a través de socios definidos como la Cruz Roja, Samaritan’s Purse, la OIM, Capellanía y otras organizaciones de la sociedad civil, quienes ofrecen alimentación, albergue, reunificación familiar y primeros auxilios en espacios ubicados en las salidas que desde Cúcuta van hacia San Gil y La Fortuna. Estas agencias atienden a la población bajo la condición expresa de dar solo los apoyos necesarios para no estimular este tipo de desplazamiento por considerarse riesgoso e inhumano." 219268,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"In South West State, the Federal Government of Somalia delivered 40 hospital beds to the state Ministry of Health on 14 May for use in the isolation centre in Baidoa. As of 17 May, 76 cases of COVID-19 had been reported in the state." 163633,32454.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,72,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77357.pdf,"Centros de cuidado y alojamiento para niños, niñas y adolescentes y casa de acogimiento temporal en Maicao; gestión de casos de necesidades de protección de la niñez y atención a casos de violencia basada en género (VBG); y líneas de atención telefónica en temas de orientación legal, atención a casos de violencia sexual, violencia basada en género y trata, y protección de la niñez" 304193,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,41,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Sudan’s rainy season (June to September) further aggravates logistics of access, with many camp and out-of-camp areas difficult to access or completely inaccessible for weeks and months at a time due to washed out roads." 198159,44148.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100295,La préoccupation du Burkina doit être de continuer à améliorer la gestion de la COVID-19 388579,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"A l’instar du mois de mai, le mois de juin a également connu des incidents sécuritaires et/ou de protection dans plusieurs localités. En conséquence, l’espace humanitaire est de plus en plus réduit avec de grands défis d’accès et d’assistance aux populations." 338658,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,121,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"A pesar de la disminución de la presencia de cultivos ilícitos en un 29 por ciento en 2019, municipios del Bajo Cauca como Valdivia, Tarazá y Cáceres se mantienen como principales enclaves productivos a nivel nacional, generando condiciones para el desarrollo de actividades ilícitas9 por parte de grupos armados, y por ende se presentan más impacto en las comunidades que habitan en zonas cercanas. Sumado a esto, las medidas de aislamiento obligatorio decretada por el Gobierno nacional debido a la pandemia por COVID-19, tuvo como consecuencia indirecta un mayor posicionamiento de los grupos armados, especialmente en las zonas rurales, dado que las comunidades quedaron indefensas, por la poca presencia institucional." 165512,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,180,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"Like the previous round, more than half of the respondents reported having issues with the food that is distributed. The quantity of food being insufficient was the most reported reason related to the food rations being distributed. In fact, a 10% increase was observed between Round 1 and 2. Another interesting change between the two rounds was decrease in respondents reporting issues with transporting food back to shelter (a 30% decrease was observed between Round 1 and 2). This could be due to the loosening of movement restrictions increased availability of more transportation vehicles such as tom toms. Negative coping strategies remain similar to round 1, such as, borrowing food, relying on help from friends and relatives (75%), eating smaller portions (40%) and reducing the number of meals eaten per day (22%). The proportion of respondents who reported having sufficient food decreased from 18% in round 1 to 3% in round 2." 326475,54734.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,61,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 19% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility while 52%, 29% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes s to reach to the nearest nutrition facility respectively." 388341,60981.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,24,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"se requiere dotar los albergues de elementos para la preparación de alimentos (estufas, ollas, vajillas, cubiertos y combustibles)." 272781,50353.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,Trauma surgeons and psychologists deployed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the NWSW regions performed 69 surgical procedures during November. 454520,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,43,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 4.5% de entrevistadas venezolanas, expresa no tener síntomas, mientras que el 9.1% de peruanas tampoco los tiene. El 25.6% de entrevistadas venezolanas señala que tiene hasta 4 síntomas en comparación al 36.4% de peruanos." 194054,43318.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,37,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Ley 599 de 2000, Titulo XIII de los delitos contra la salud publica capitulo I estableció en sus artículos 368 y 369 las penas en que incurre quien viole las medidas sanitarias o propague epidemias." 115975,30124.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,92,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"El brote de difteria que inició en julio 2016 sigue activo. Entre el 29 de diciembre 2019 y el 1 de febrero 2020, se notificaron 25 casos sospechosos, de los cuales dos fueron confirmados (uno por laboratorio y uno por criterio clínico o nexo epidemiológico en dos entidades federales con 2 municipios afectados. En 2019, 17 entidades federales con 65 municipios fueron afectadas y en 2018, 22 entidades federales y 99 municipios reportaron casos confirmados. Actualmente las actividades de vacunación y control continúan." 113119,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Se brinda apoyo en alimentos y acompañamiento a los líderes de las comunas del Distrito de Aguablanca en la realización de actividades para la cohesión social como olla comunitaria para refugiados y migrantes, actividad acompañada con sesiones de sensibilización y prevención frente al COVID-19 y la entrega tapabocas a la comunidad." 126330,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"El nivel de educación más alto tanto para hogares migrantes como de acogida es primaria (38% y 48% respectivamente), seguido por secundaria (36% y 27% respectivamente) y técnico o universitario (14% y 7% respectivamente)." 328626,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 95% and 96% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported no awareness of medical, legal, or psychological services to address incidents of GBV." 359650,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, DeirEz-Zor, NES & GoS] This extreme coping strategy of reducing their drinking water consumption was highly prevalent in DeirEz-Zor, where it was reported in 44% of the assessed communities." 74625,21263.0,1184.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Los datos disponibles en el ámbito de protección han evidenciado dificultades de acceso a la educación en particular durante el primer año de residencia para los niños, niñas y adolescentes venezolanos (aprox. 43.000 fuera del sistema). Falta de cupos, costos relacionados y acceso a la información es unos de los retos para permitir acceso. Experticia y experiencia limitada del personal educativo en cómo tratar con personas en situación de movilidad humana en situación de vulnerabilidad que se insertan en el sistema educativo. También se reportan casos de xenofobia y discriminación en el ámbito escolar. El reconocimiento de títulos académicos también constituye un reto clave para permitir la integración socio-económica." 134172,34849.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter']",[],[],es,104,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"La atención a las víctimas de trata de personas se rige por el Protocolo Nacional de Asistencia. El mismo contempla, en una primera etapa de asistencia, brindar refugio, alimentación, vestimenta, provisión de medicación, gestión de documentación en caso de ciudadanos argentinos y regularización de la documentación migratoria en caso de ciudadanos extranjeros. El alojamiento de las personas afectadas por el delito se proporciona en un centro de refugio exclusivo. Asimismo, se brinda atención profesional individualizada en forma integral (social, psicológica y médica), propiciando la restitución de los derechos vulnerados." 306777,53161.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"WFP concluded its response to unprecedented flooding that took place between July and September 2020 and provided assistance beyond the planned target of 247,000 people; beneficiaries received two-week emergency food rations to address flood-related needs." 193752,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA, dont le taux de prévalence est passé de 3,3% en 2005 (EDST1) à 2,5% fin 2013 (estimation ONUSIDA) pour atteindre 1,6% en 2014-2015, reste une préoccupation majeure." 454268,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Algunos entrevistados manifiestan que la familia muchas veces no brinda la confianza para que ellos se puedan expresar y sentirse seguros, muchas veces deben de ocultar su opción sexual con consecuencias emocionales y psicológicas." 172988,40676.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Face à cette nouvelle épidémie, le système éducatif congolais est confronté à une situation inédite dans un contexte de vulnérabilité déjà sévère." 294671,52363.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,67,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"65% of these households consume two meals a day or less, and one in three of these households has resorted to begging on the street to be able to buy food. Female-headed households (69% of households) and households where the head of household has a disability in emergency survival strategies and eat, on average, less than other households." 126543,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,El plan de respuesta en el Perú busca: • Asistir al Gobierno para procesar la documentación para refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que les permita acceder a derechos y servicios básicos. 298925,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Humanitarian organizations conducted 50 multi-cluster initial rapid needs assessments (IRNAs) between July 2020 and January 2021 to assess the impact of the flooding on affected people and to identify their key immediate needs. Most of the flood-affected counties have now been reached with assistance 495437,67230.0,1185.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,25,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,La capacidad del sistema educativo está bajo presión y no puede garantizar el acceso a una educación de calidad para todos los NNA venezolanos. 452951,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,29,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Respecto al género, la mayoría de los encuestados las personas de fueron mujeres (98%) tanto para nacionalidad venezolana, 2% encuestados población LGTBIQ." 265564,49620.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"a malnutrition est aussi demeurée l’un des principaux problèmes de santé publique, en lien avec la dégradation de la situation alimentaire des ménages en 2020, notamment en raison des perturbations associées à la pandémie du COVID-19 (restrictions d’accès aux marchés, baisse des revenus des ménages)." 117541,32494.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Casualties->Injured'],es,79,['Impact'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/el-mundo/el-preocupante-aumento-de-la-violencia-contra-mujeres-ninos-y-ninas-venezolanas-durante-la-pandemia/,"Por otro lado, casi el 90% de los trabajadores de protección entrevistados dijeron que los niños y niñas están expuestos a riesgos debido a las medidas adoptadas para contener la propagación de COVID-19, como las cuarentenas y los toques de queda. Los tipos más destacados de violencia denunciados son violencia emocional (100%) como gritos o negligencia, violencia física (88%) y violencia sexual (25%)”." 13898,5542.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography']",en,129,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"Al Hudaydah: On 26, 27 and 28 July, airstrikes occurred near a reproductive health centre and public laboratory in Al Hudaydah and hit and damaged a sanitation facility in Zabid and a water station, which supplies the majority of the water to Hudaydah City. On 29 July, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, Lise Grande issued a statement warning that civilians are at extreme risk from airstrikes in Al Hudaydah Governorate where an unstoppable epidemic of cholera could be triggered should water and sanitation system breakdown. As of 29 July, some 30,647 displaced households (HH) from Al Hudaydah Governorate have been assisted through the rapid response mechanism (RRM) out of a total of 39,995 HHs registered." 173277,41071.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,36,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-20-more-die-1441-new-cases-detected/58652,"[8 October, Bangladesh]Health authorities also reported 1,441 new cases of Covid-19 after testing 12,605 samples.The fatality rate in Bangladesh is 1.46 percent while the daily infection rate stands at 11.43 percent." 344231,56790.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] [Retrieved from table] MEDIAN SMEB WATER TRUCKING PRICE - 14,625 Syrian Pounds; One month change: -1% and Six month change: 48%." 281826,51173.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF remains the sole provider of RUTF and therapeutic milk for all children under five who require services for SAM treatment, with an approximate cost of USD25 million annually in Afghanistan." 172404,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Une série de mesures nationales ont été annoncées par les autorités nationales le 18 mars 2020, notamment : l’interdiction des rassemblements de plus 20 personnes dans les lieux publics ; la suspension des cultes et activités sportives ; la fermeture des écoles, universités, restaurants, bars etc., ainsi que des restrictions des mouvements des personnes (suspension des vols en provenance de pays à risque et pays de transit), et des dispositifs de surveillance des frontières." 347885,56800.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,46,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] In many cultures, menstruation represent a cultural marker that implies readiness for marriage. Capacity to properly manage menstruations has impacts on adolescents and adult psychosocial health, impacting personal confidence, self-efficacy and wellbeing." 268851,49931.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/newsroom/news/presidente-duque-anuncia-decision-historica-crear-estatuto-proteccion-temporal,"El Presidente Duque precisó quienes están en el país con permisos temporales no tendrán que tramitar nuevos documentos, mientras que los que están de forma irregular “tendrán una hoja de ruta a esa regularización, que implica un registro claro y certero de sus nombres, sus edades, sus apellidos, los lugares de residencia, sus condiciones socioeconómicas y, por supuesto, también estarán en un registro biométrico”. Estos últimos tendrán certificación de protección temporal y también “la posibilidad de tener un acceso mucho más transparente” en la relación con el Estado." 328557,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (32%), Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for other purposes such as (30%)." 165552,39662.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Bangladesh has been identified as one of the 20 most vulnerable countries to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Its high population density, poor infrastructure, and low levels of awareness of basic preventive measures culminate in a highly vulnerable and fragile country on the brink of a major crisis, with severe ramifications for public health, the economy and social cohesion." 21204,8725.0,786.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,92,[],['Information And Communication'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"La llegada de medicinas y alimentos, una reivindicación histórica de las fuerzas críticas con el oficialismo, supone otra nueva prueba para Maduro, cada vez más acorralado por la comunidad internacional, que ha rechazado la idea de recibir la ayuda, porque lo considera una intervención militar, un fantasma que agita continuamente. La oposición, no obstante, no ha aclarado cómo ni cuándo pretende hacer entrar la ayuda en territorio venezolano, y en caso de que lo lograse la forma en que lo distribuirá." 49437,16177.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"En todos los grupos focales, tanto hombres como mujeres migrantes reconocieron que los prejuicios sociales son una barrera que les impide muchas veces acceder a un empleo formal." 39182,13749.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,128,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"100% of KIs indicated that IDPs from East Libya facing movement restriction due to presence of checkpoints, risk of arrest and lack of civil documentation. However, all KIs did also indicate that IDPs feel safe where they are now. The main protection concern for IDPs from east Libya was forced, denied on restriction of movement, with the security situation reportedly getting worse for all IDPs from the east (according to 100% of respondents). One of the most concerning findings was that 66% of KIs from the east reported knowing about evictions within their community by landlord and other reasons. Finally, the highest priority need reported by IDP KIs from the east was cash." 187549,38355.0,1184.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,28,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"The research highlighted that the burden of childcare was falling mainly on women, with 56 per cent of women dedicating themselves to their children’s schooling1" 274183,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,122,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Manque d’accès à la terre cultivable] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Le manque de moyens financiers est la raison principale (pour le 68 % des ménages) du manque de terre dans la province de l’Ituri. Chez les ménages retournés cette proportion est la plus élevée (84 % des cas), ce qui fait présager que ces ménages ont dû vendre leurs terres avant de partir et qu’à leur retour ils n’en ont plus dans la majorité des cas. Les trois quarts des ménages déplacés (74 %) sont confrontés à ce problème." 272630,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Par ailleurs, les mesures militaires et anti-terroristes prises pour limiter l’expansion de l’influence des groupes armés non étatiques et reprendre le contrôle sur les territoires ont des impacts directs sur les populations et leur accès aux services sociaux de base." 260933,48984.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria]In Nigeria, the COVID-19 pandemic is placing a significant strain on healthcare facilities that are already overwhelmed by lack of capacity. More than 40 percent of the health facilities in the affected states of Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe have been damaged or destroyed as a result of the protracted conflict. The capacity of the health system to address the impact of the pandemic is thus limited." 343328,56750.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AE%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B6-%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%A8-%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%87-%D8%A8%D8%AD%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%B3%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A5%D9%84%D9%89-%D9%85%D8%A7-%D9%8A%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%80-6-%D8%A3%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%B1,"[May 27, NES] Bayram explained that the natural level of the Euphrates Dam lake reaches 304 meters above sea level, and now the level has decreased to 298.50 meters, i.e. a decrease of about six meters, indicating that ""the continued generation of electric power and the withdrawal of water through irrigation channels, led to a decrease."" The level of the lake of the Euphrates Dam. """ 24798,9912.0,786.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,90,[],['Displacement'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/oas-report-venezuelan-migrants-and-refugees-unprecedented,"The report also offers updated figures on the number of Venezuelans in different countries of the region. In Colombia there are 1.2 million Venezuelans, in Peru 700,000, in Chile 265,000, in Ecuador 220,000, and in Argentina 130,000. It also highlights that the impact of the exodus in the Caribbean is high and that in Curaçao there are 26,000 Venezuelans who represent 15 percent of the population, and in Aruba there are 16,000 Venezuelans, which corresponds to 10 percent of the population." 338748,56193.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"Despite recent progress in reducing preventable child deaths, the DRC remains home to one of the highest child mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa. An estimated 300,000 children under age five die annually. Declining immunization coverage has led to more frequent outbreaks of measles, cholera, and yellow fever; and high rates of malnutrition are a significant underlying cause of child mortality." 224247,45763.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Recommandations : Distribuer les AME (bâches, nattes, moustiquaires et couvertures, etc.) / Distribuer le matériel de construction" 388607,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la soirée du lundi 17 juin 2021, un corps sans vie a été retrouvé aux environs de Sissarka, secteur 4 de Sebba dans la province du Yagha. Selon les informations, l’incident serait l’œuvre d’un GANE qui avait arrêté trois hommes. Ce GANE a tué un des hommes enlevé et relâché les deux autres. La victime serait l’aide-soignant du centre de santé de Solhan." 84625,23462.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,65,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Afrique%20de%20l%27Ouest%20-%20Key%20Message%20Update_%20Fri%2C%202020-01-17.pdf,"Households in Northeastern Nigeria affected by the Boko Haram conflict continue to rely on humanitarian aid for food access and remain in Crisis (IPC Phase 3), and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) particularly in Borno State and incidentally Yobe State. In adjacent areas that remain inaccessible to humanitarian actors, the food security situation could be similar or worse." 408619,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,101,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Confrontation between armed groups in Cauca is likely to continue in the second half of 2021. In the municipality of Piamonte, in the south of the department, the arrival of the AGC – a result of the confrontations in the north of Nariño department – could exacerbate the violence. In the north of Cauca, frente Carlos Patiño and the ELN will likely continue to engage in heavy fighting, resulting in confinements, forced displacements, and landmine explosions. Some armed groups have also threatened indigenous communities, putting them at greater risk of violence" 229404,46461.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The result of Accessibility survey in Norwegian Refugee Council coverage Area indicates that only 23% of villages has access to electricity in NRC surveyed coverage areas2 and 50% of 25 villages in Kunar has access to Solar electricity which is used only for basic needs. 133873,35165.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"NIVEL EDUCATIVO Un 99% de las personas venezolanas que conforman los hogares encuestados han completado la educación media o secundaria. De estas, un 25% tienen estudios técnicos, un 38% cuentan con estudios universitarios y un 2% con estudios de posgrado. Estos datos indican que la población venezolana migrante y refugiada que se encuentra en Panamá cuenta con un alto nivel de educación y capacidades para contribuir a la economía panameña. Esta situación se observa tanto para mujeres como para hombres, siendo la única diferencia que los hombres tienen en mayor proporción estudios técnicos mientras que las mujeres tienen en mayor proporción estudios universitarios." 192383,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,116,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Somalia’s capacities to prevent, detect and respond to any global health security threat scored six out of 100 as measured by the Health Emergency Preparedness Index in 2016. There are two healthcare workers per 100,000 people, compared to the global standard of 25 per 100,000. Disease outbreaks such as cholera – with a current outbreak ongoing since December 2017— strain the country’s health systems. Less than 20 per cent of the limited health facilities have the required equipment and supplies to manage epidemics. In this context the current pandemic poses serious concern considering the high level of people vulnerability and high humanitarian need across Somalia." 192385,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Somalia confirmed its first case of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Mogadishu 16 March. 16919,6332.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%201-21%20September%202018.pdf,"In Ibb Governorate, UNHCR responded to needs arising from floods and heavy rainfall that damaged houses and roads. On 13 September, UNHCR participated in a joint assessment mission with OCHA, the National Authority for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ACTED and the Yemen Women’s Union to the affected Al-Saddah district. Most assessed houses were deemed uninhabitable. As a result, UNHCR supported 203 out of 225 households with CRIs and ESKs." 218411,45693.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,16,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,Some 3 million vulnerable children aged 3 to 17 years lack access to quality education. 203591,43976.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,56% des ménages [a Agadez] ont rapporté avoir diminué la quantité consommée durant les repas 311009,53170.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/gwc_annual_report_2019_sudan.pdf,"The most affected population groups in Sudan are IDPs, Returnees, Non - displaced host communities displaced by decades of conflict. there are about 1.87 million IDPs and 324328 returnees, out of which 1.7 million IDPs and 291000 returnees are in dire need of WASH in the country, which is about 26% of the total People in Need(PIN)." 169295,40031.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,WFP subscribed field level agreements with three international NGOs to advance with its cash-based response for vulnerable Venezuelan migrants and vulnerable local population affected by the COVID-19 crisis. 154967,38099.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les dépenses de santé ont également subi une hausse de 26 pour cent, probablement liée à la ruée des ménages vers certains produits pharmaceutiques en prévision de l’évolution de la crise sanitaire." 158965,39161.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic is placing a significant strain on healthcare facilities that are already overwhelmed by lack of capacity. More than 40 per cent of health facilities in the affected states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe have been damaged or destroyed as a result of the protracted conflict. The capacity of the health system to address the possible impact of the pandemic, remains limited." 70945,20191.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,95,['Impact'],['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"The humanitarian situation in Yobe State is generally stressed by pockets of severe and extreme severity in the return areas and in some impoverished urban communities hosting IDPs. The reporting period has seen additional arrivals of internally displaced people from conflict-affected areas in Borno State due to the relatively calm security situation in Yobe. There have been movements from Kukawa, Marte, Baga and Monguno LGAs in Borno to Bade, Nguru and Geidam LGAs in Yobe. Chronic poverty further exacerbated by the conflict is increasing vulnerabilities and humanitarian needs." 355510,58182.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/02062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundacion_en_mitu_vaupes_vf1.pdf,"Por lo menos tres barrios del casco urbano (Centro B, Cuervo Araoz y 7 de Agosto) se encuentran afectados por el desbordamiento de aguas negras. Los olores y la posible proliferación de vectores pone en riesgo de contraer enfermedades a los habitantes de estos lugares." 158072,38779.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,9,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,200 # emergency shelter allocated in respond to COVID-19 483296,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"b) Material predominante en el piso En el 46,1% del piso de las viviendas particulares ocupadas por personas venezolanas predomina el cemento, en el 41,9% losetas o terrazos o similares, en el 7,2% parquet o madera pulida, en el 4,1% láminas asfálticas o vinílicos o similares, en el 0,5% madera y en el 0,2% tierra." 200053,44386.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,98,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Para el mes de septiembre de 2020, la tasa de desempleo del total nacional fue 15,8%, lo que significó un aumento de 5,6 puntos porcentuales frente al mismo mes del año anterior (10,2%). La tasa global de participación se ubicó en 60,1%, lo que representó una reducción de 2,7 puntos porcentuales frente a septiembre del 2019 (62,8%). Finalmente, la tasa de ocupación fue 50,6%, presentando una disminución de 5,7 puntos porcentuales respecto al mismo mes del 2019 (56,3%)." 238088,47361.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Vaccination']",en,99,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/bangladesh-to-receive-20-lakh-covid-19-vaccines-from-india-as-gift-jan-21/63523,"[19th Jan 2021, Bangladesh] Abul Bashar Mohammad Khurshid Alam, Director General (Health) of Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), and Nazmul Hassan Papon, managing director of Beximco, signed the agreement in presence of Health Minister Zahid Maleque in the city’s Mohakhali area. “The government is procuring SARS-Cov-2 AZD 1222 (Oxford/Astrazeneca Vaccine) through Serum Institute and it’s proved safe during a trial in different countries. It’s also suitable in our weather,” said the Health Minister." 193740,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Ceci [ récurrence des maladies à potentiel épidémiques et maladies endémiques] pourrait être attribué à la faiblesse du système sanitaire, aux mauvaises pratiques d´hygiène et à la faible couverture vaccinale." 176628,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,56,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"A Tougouri, les principales préoccupations concernant la COVID-19 sont d’éviter la propagation de la maladie en intensifiant les sensibilisations et les mesure de prévention ainsi que la question de la pénurie en matériel de protection (masques) et de prévention et éviter que la maladie n’arrive dans leur zone." 256989,48672.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"This [security] threat is forcing people to flee their homes, and further deprives vulnerable communities of critical basic services as armed groups directly target schools, health centers and other infrastructure." 280793,50914.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"In coordination with key partners including WFP, UNICEF and IRC, UNHCR is supporting the Government of Chad in responding to this emergency [refugee influx to eastern Chad because of inter-communal tensions in El Geneina, Sudan's West Dargfur] and providing aid to the refugees scattered in villages around the border town of Adre in the Ouaddai province." 361972,58998.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,63,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/relief-decision-keep-open-vital-humanitarian-border-crossing-syria,"[10 JUL, NWS] This continuation of cross-border assistance at Bab Al Hawa is essential in allowing humanitarian aid to reach the most vulnerable people in north-west Syria. However, the UN resolution does not ensure continuity of humanitarian assistance, allowing the implementation of longer term projects which allow people to be self-reliant and not dependent on aid." 298943,51152.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Education cluster members’ response to rehabilitate schools and restore learning services is however limited. Few schools were supported with handwashing facilities and emergency latrines. No major intervention is taking place. 145364,36006.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/crisisinsight-weekly-picks-16-july-2020,Eleven confirmed cases of COVID-19 were registered in northwest Syria as of 15 July: eight cases in Idleb governorate and three in Aleppo governorate (Azaz). Three doctors and a nurse were among the confirmed cases. 319523,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"Prevention and response to the global COVID-19 pandemic is key today. While UNHCR continues to deliver aid, the organization has set up a strategy which focuses on increased coordination with the Government and other stakeholders." 345988,56893.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"Según el análisis del último periodo epidemiológico, el país se encuentra en situación de seguridad para malaria, como lo muestra el canal endémico" 228673,46627.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"In addition to addressing causes of increased migration, actors must ensure a awareness raising is targeted and localised, including key civil society actors and local authorities." 169839,40564.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_4th_october_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[04/10/2020,Borno state] In Borno State, a total of 10,485 individuals were screened at 23 Points of Entries locations and 5,498 POEs and Car parks Surveillance Cards were distributed." 241969,47791.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"En particulier avec une exacerbation des Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG) envers les filles et les femmes, inclus de violence sexuelle, mariage d’enfant et exploitation sexuelle, notamment dans les contextes où des dynamiques de genre inégales étaient déjà présentes avant la pandémie" 248978,47559.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],fr,27,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Déjà, plusieurs mouvements pendulaires pour les récoltes ont été signalés dans les communes de Koumbri, Thiou, Ouindigui, Titao, Bahn et Ouahigouya." 193086,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le faible approvisionnement des marchés s´explique entre autres par la fermeture des frontières avec les pays voisins conduisant à la baisse des flux commerciaux et des mesures restrictives des mouvements liées à l´état d´urgence interdisant la circulation des motos, engins substantiels d´intérêt économique et pour la circulation des commerçants." 58215,17094.0,1187.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,136,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En 2016, un conjunto de aproximadamente 20 personas venezolanas arribadas en fechas relativamente recientes (2014, 2015, 2016) comenzó a reunirse con miras a atender las dificultades habitacionales, laborales y de documentación que aquejaban a sus compatriotas. Entre ellas se encontraba un profesional de las ciencias sociales (entrevistado para esta investigación5 y residente en Argentina desde 2016) que destacó la preocupación por esas problemáticas así como el interés de los participantes por constituirse formalmente mediante una figura legal y una estructura organizativa que permitiera un funcionamiento ágil. A mediados de 2017, la nueva organización quedó conformada como asociación civil, con una junta directiva integrada por siete personas que se reúnen periódicamente en diversos lugares, ya que no cuentan aún con una sede propia." 248732,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,39,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Quand bien même les personnes déplacées pensent être en sécurité sur leur lieu d’installation, il faut noter les effets traumatiques liés aux enlèvements et meurtres des membres de leur communauté sur les femmes et enfants." 414012,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Quarantine facilities and other facilities for the health care workers were not sufficient: The doctors and other health workers were supposed to stay in a separate place after providing services in the corona unit or when suspected to ensure the safety of themselves, their family and the patient. The respondents claimed that the instruction especially the financial arrangement was not clear. In many cases, the hotel (quarantine place/living place) and food were arranged by local leaders or just by the health care provider community" 172312,40929.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,84,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,NorthEast Nigeria] Northeast During the month of August, a total of 7,306 movements were recorded as a result of military operations, conflicts/attacks, poor living conditions, fear of attacks and voluntary relocations. In one such incident of insecurity in Jere Local Government Area (LGA), 2,7581 people departed their homes and sought refuge in nearby camps and host communities putting strain on already fragile shelter and sanitation infrastructure." 452957,64224.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Respecto a la disponibilidad de trabajo, el 63.6% de las personas de nacionalidad peruana encuestada tiene trabajo. El 24% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana tiene trabajo y el 76% responde que no tiene trabajo. Se observan respuestas con alto contraste." 289347,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"As of 25 January 2021, $13 million has been allocated to the scale-up through a Reserve Allocation from the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF). This represents only 19 per cent of the funding needed." 438300,63257.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,79,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans 20% des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté l’arrivée de PDI au cours des 30 derniers jours. Les IC ont rapporté l’arrivée de retournés dans 20% des localités au cours des 30 derniers jours. Les provinces d’origine des PDI les plus citées sont le Gourma (44%), la Kompienga (17%), et la Gnagna (14%)5 6." 300836,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In Nangarhar, ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) forcefully entered a humanitarian compound to get access to their CCTV cameras when searching for ACG (Armed Criminal Group) members. They left the compound when the organization’s security focal point addressed the issue with ANSF at senior level." 271595,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"La proportion d’enfants qui bénéficient d’un allaitement continu jusqu’à 24 mois est de 80,1% sur le plan national. Cette proportion n’a pas beaucoup varié par rapport à celle de 2019 qui était de 80,5%." 179084,41951.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,26,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/index.php/2020/09/24/rdccovid-19-nouvelle-manifestation-de-colere-des-agents-de-la-riposte-kinshasa-pour,Plusieurs dizaines d'agents engagés dans la riposte contre la pandémie de covid-19 manifestent ce jeudi 24 septembre à Kinshasa pour réclamer les arriérés des salaires. 279144,50217.0,2333.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,57,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Pour la planification 2021, le nombre de personnes dans le besoin connait une hausse de 3% par rapport à 2020 à cause de l’impact des inondations, de la COVID-19 et de la situation sécuritaire qui s’est fortement détériorée dans les régions de Diffa, Tillabéri, Maradi et Tahoua." 52067,16699.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"Many Venezuelans lack access to social services, including health, education, housing, and live- lihoods. Some have also been victims of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), discrimina- tion, and xenophobia. As more Venezuelans with increasingly acute needs arrive and choose to stay, Ecuador is struggling to respond." 475476,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,40,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"les mouvements de population ont encore été caractérisés, au cours de ce mois, par le retour d’un grand nombre de PDI dans les localités d’origine pour des impératifs liés à la saison hivernale." 384801,60456.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"A la même date [30 juin 2021], le pays avait rapporté un cumul de 13 434 cas de Covid-19 confirmé, 13 255 cas guéris, 166 décès soit une létalité de 1,2% étant au-dessus de la létalité moyenne observée dans l’espace CEDEAO." 125221,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,87,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Migrants were identified in all 100 Libyan municipalities, within 568 communities (muhallas). The largest migrant populations were identified in the Tripoli region (West), Ejdabia region (East) and Murzuq region (South), a trend which has been consistent in the last year.t. A total of 70% of interviewed migrants reported having limited or no access to health services, which is of critical concern, especially in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic.." 472895,63331.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Cluster%20de%20Protection%20de%20l%27Enfance%2C%20Bilan%20de%20la%20r%C3%A9ponse%20-%20R%C3%A9ponse%20li%C3%A9e%20%C3%A0%20la%20crise%20s%C3%A9curitaire%2C%20janvier%20-%20juin%202021.pdf,"En outre, 238 enfants non accompagnés et autres enfants séparés (ENAES), dont 134 filles, ont bénéficié d’une prise en charge spécifique selon la documentation nécessaire et régulière conformément aux directives nationales sur les soins alternatifs et la gestion des cas, comparés à 20 cas (12 filles) au trimestre un. Ceci donne un cumul de 45 ENAES (29 filles) représentant environ 1,12 % de la cible (4000)." 257072,48773.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care']",en,145,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.thedailystar.net/editorial/news/bangladesh-begins-covid-19-inoculation-2035265,"[28th January 2021, Bangladesh] According to the director general of the DGHS, data available to the government shows that the vaccine is safe and its side effects are minimal. But in order to treat any side effects including severe allergic shocks, the DGHS has made arrangements to treat them. The vaccination guidelines for health workers said that in some cases, side effects like eye and face swelling, mild breathing issues, low blood pressure, nausea or unconsciousness might occur after vaccination. And health workers have been advised about what medical intervention to take in response. All recipients of the vaccine will have to stay at the vaccination centres for 15-30 minutes after the jab, and a medical team will also be present to tackle such adverse events in every vaccination centre." 62106,18564.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,164,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"Data from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) demonstrate that previously controlled and eliminated diseases, including some easily preventable through vaccines, have reemerged. Venezuela recorded a single case of measles between 2008 and 2015, but more than 9,900 cases have been reported and 6,700 confirmed since June 2017; 79 of these cases have been fatal. Similarly, the country recorded no cases of diphtheria between 2006 and 2015, but more than 2,800 cases have been reported and 1,700 confirmed since July 2016, 286 of which have been fatal. Malaria has gone from being a disease under control, with close to 36,000 cases recorded in 2009, to being endemic, with more than 414,000 cases in 2017. The number of tuberculosis cases has also soared, rising from 6,000 in 2014 to 13,000 estimated for 2017, the highest in forty years." 276748,50610.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,104,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[28th Feb,2021, NES] As of 28 February, authorities in Northeast Syria (NES) have reported 8,608 cases, including 427 fatalities and 2,168 recoveries. Healthcare workers have also been affected, with 781 reported cases to date. The number of active cases and the rolling average of test positivity rate are both down from recent months and from the peak of cases in the early winter, however the number of tests being conducted is declining and it is expected there are a number of unconfirmed and undiagnosed cases of COVID-19 not being captured in statistics." 123944,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,Communicable diseases remain a serious threat for Libya and require continued technical support. • The national surveillance system for communicable diseases basically stopped since the start of the conflict. • The only active surveillance program is the EWARN which is running in only 126 hospitals and public health centers and lacks sustainable technical and financial support. 126439,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"La tasa de participación laboral más alta de los hogares migrantes está en los departamentos de Cesar y La Guajira, 90% y 88% respectivamente." 147510,35128.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As for AA-held northeastern Syria, the area has had seven cases of COVID-19 thus far. AA territories had its only death from COVID-19 on April 2, but the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AA) was not notified by the WHO or Damascus of the death until two weeks later, impairing its ability to conduct contact tracing" 414024,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,60,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The gap in motivating the workforces in the health sector: Although the key informants repeatedly mentioned that they were working out of their professional responsibilities they felt, not for any extra financial benefit still the health service providers felt the need for ensuring proper incentives for the health service providers." 386438,60870.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Las comunidades están afiliadas a tres EPS (Mutalser, Cajacopi y Nueva esp) ante el aseguramiento en el municipio de Tierralta, las EPS se niegan a prestar los servicios en salud en la ciudad de Monteria. Las personas son trasladadas para atención en el hospital de Monteria, sin embargo, no hay entrega de medicamentos." 144368,35824.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/first-case-coronavirus-appears-among-residents-syrian-al-hol-camp,"An outbreak of COVID-19 in Al Hol camp is going to be challenging to control considering how overcrowded the camp is and how little access families have to water, personal hygiene items, tests and protective equipment, with more than 65,000 people living in the camp at the moment." 224686,46162.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"As a result [Mitigation measures of COVID-19, ban to access the rivers islands in Mayo-Kebbi], current harvests are down compared with a normal year, which is likely to affect the income level of very poor and poor households, for whom market produce is an important source of income during this period in a normal year." 193832,43300.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']",[],['Context->Economy'],fr,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition sont des problématiques chroniques au Tchad, exacerbées par le contexte socio-économique difficile que traverse le pays depuis 2015, en raison de la baisse des revenus pétroliers." 347741,56800.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] For girls, however, gender norms appear to represent the main barrier to accessing education, with caregivers reporting cultural reasons for non-attendance for 65% of out-of-school girls, and non-attendance due to marriage for 24%. For out-of-school children in this age range, caregivers reported wanting their children to access educational services for only 18% of girls, against 44% of boys." 193762,43300.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,59,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Les femmes et surtout les adolescentes sont les plus souvent victimes de violences sexuelles et violences basées sur le genre. Ce phénomène prend ses racines dans le statut économique et social inférieur des femmes et des adolescentes et qui s´aggrave dans le cadre de la crise humanitaire. 2/3 des femmes pensent que les violences domestiques sont justifiées 221752,45721.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Violence against aid workers, including abduction and arrest, harassment and forcible seizure of assets and restrictions on road movement by parties to conflicts, continue to obstruct the ability of humanitarian workers to reach persons in need." 298932,51152.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of 31 January 2021, the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF) allocated a total of $19.4 million to humanitarian partners to help scale up the response to the people’s needs. The SSHF’s second Reserve Allocation provided $9.7 million for frontline responders, prioritizing life-saving assistance in the areas of food security and livelihoods, health, nutrition, protection, shelter and NFIs, and WASH." 224695,46162.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"[Markets and prices] Overall, demand remains low compared with the five-year average, despite a slight increase during the Ramadan fasting period. However, food prices are generally lower than the five-year average and stable compared with the first quarter of the year." 244257,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"A gold mining rush, which swept through the region in the early 2010s, has also attracted an estimated 100,000 workers, including Chadians and third-country nationals who often work in inhuman conditions in artisanal gold mines." 204280,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Le caractère récent des déplacements internes dans la zone [de Maradi] peut contribuer à expliquer une faible résilience pour ces ménages. 473740,67199.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,131,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"La encuesta Pulso Social del DANE de diciembre de 20207 , por ejemplo, destacó que el 34,1% de hogares consultados reportó haber dejado de ir a consultas médicas (especialistas, controles de desarrollo integral infantil) desde que se implementó la cuarentena (ver figura 2), como también lo detectó el estudio de Diálogo Interamericano, Red Regional de Medición del Desarrollo Infantil (Remdi) y Unicef (2021), que para el caso de Colombia analizó la encuesta Research for Effective Covid-19 Responses (RECOVR)8 . En ella, el 30% de los hogares con niñas/os menores de 6 años afirmó haber reprogramado o cancelado visitas médicas necesarias desde mediados de mayo, la mayoría eran controles de pediatría." 63992,18842.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71444.pdf,The hostilities caused displacement and casualties among the civilian population with new arrivals observed in camps. Current tendency suggests NSAG activities will continue to target settlements and camps for logistics which will further pose threats to civilians leading to further displacement. 347758,56800.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,91,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees; For Rohingya, the central nexus between power and gender is evident in the established value system through which men and women’s actions are deemed “honorable” or “dishonorable”. Perhaps the largest and most predominant value system shaping women’s access to leadership positions and public space more generally was not the often-discussed purdah system, but rather the izzot (honor) system that governs the social reputations of men and women" 288351,50610.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Economy']",en,117,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March, 2021, Overall Syria] Border closures, the volatility of the exchange rate (and banking challenges in Lebanon), and other factors that impact the import of certain medical supplies critical to an effective COVID-19 response are also a concern. Other materials are in short supply in the local market, including due to wholesalers withdrawing supplies due to current exchange rate volatility. Humanitarian staff are also impacted, with restrictions on movement and lengthy quarantine limiting the ability to deploy staff and contractors where needed, including international staff unable to cross borders. Evolving preventive measures also disrupt humanitarian programming, as do unforeseen events." 255181,48606.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,36,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Reach%20and%20Activities%20from%20Turkey%20%28November%202020%29.pdf,"[08/02/2021, Overall Syria] Furthermore, HNAP reports that some 4,800 people returned to their homes or previous places of displacement in November, mostly to areas around the M4 and M5 highway." 356102,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"De acuerdo con este resultado, 21 millones de personas se encontraron en situación de pobreza monetaria en 2020, representando un incremento de 3,5 millones de personas en situación de pobreza frente a los 17,5 millones de personas pobres observadas en 2019." 219320,45753.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"Overwhelmingly, the fear of violence has been identified as a reason for not sending children – and particularly daughters – to school. The violence noted included kidnapping and subsequently sexual violence, sexual harassment on the way to school as well as within school grounds, and physical and sexual harassment by staff." 454471,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],[],es,127,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 50.5% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana afirmó que están de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo que las instituciones públicas encargadas de proteger los derechos de la mujer (Centro de Emergencia Mujer -CEM, Comisarías, Fiscalía), son eficientes en el contexto de la pandemia. Este porcentaje se reduce al 9.1% en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana (solamente de acuerdo). Expresa que la percepción es más bastante positiva por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana. Cabe precisar que el 63.6% de las personas de nacionalidad peruana expresa estar en desacuerdo o muy en desacuerdo. En este punto, la percepción de las personas de nacionalidad peruana es bastante cuestionadora." 182346,42467.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],en,62,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRI%20%281%29.pdf,Cereal imports in the 2020/21 marketing year (July/June) are anticipated at a record high level of 1.47 million tonnes. The high level of imports is due to the rising demand for yellow maize by the domestic feed sector. Imports of wheat grain and flour are also forecast at high levels reflecting the sustained demand for human consumption. 247757,48228.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,121,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"L’aperçu global des scores des sévérités sectorielles des sites évalués a dégagé trois besoins prioritaires : l’assistance alimentaire, la santé et les abris. En effet, les focus groupes interrogés dans différents sites évalués ont affirmé que leur première préoccupation était l’insuffisance de la nourriture et manque de stock ; Depuis leur arrivée, ils n’ont reçu aucune aide alimentaire et ont perdu leurs moyens de production et substance. Ils vivent pour la plupart dans les abris de fortune et précaires et sont par conséquent exposés aux intempéries de toutes sortes. Cette situation est l’une des causes de l’apparition des maladies dans les sites." 388623,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,31,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au regard de la situation de précarité, les femmes et les filles sont exposées au viol et au sexe de survie afin de subvenir aux besoins de leurs ménages." 187801,43282.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Community conversations on justice, security and land issues have started in Hirshabelle and preparatory work for the resumption of activities by NGOs to conduct community conversations have been done with focus on how COVID-19 has affected community life. Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AOR) partners’ staff continued to raise awareness on child protection and COVID-19 risks with community leaders. In August, at least 13,670 people across Somalia were reached with the messages." 194804,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,110,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Currently, priority interventions and funding are focused on limiting the spread of the virus through supporting risk management and infection prevention and control (IPC) measures both in the community and at the facility level. In addition, surveillance, rapid response teams, and laboratory testing are being prioritised to enable quick identification, diagnosis and tracing of all suspected cases. Furthermore, efforts are underway to increase the number of ICUs and isolation centers, and ensure sufficient services are provided within them. Procurement of PPEs, generators and ventilators have also been expedited in order to increase overall capacity to respond." 222784,46087.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/nnorth-east/432062-covid-19-gov-fintiri-directs-immediate-closure-of-schools-in-adamawa.html,"[18thDec2020,Adamawa ] The governor of Adamawa State, Ahmadu Fintiri, has directed public and private schools across the state to end the first term on December 18 and go on vacation immediately. This is contained in a statement issued by the Press Secretary to the Governor, Humwashi Wonosikou, on Friday in Yola." 346863,56987.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Both the fencing and the increased presence of armed security forces has caused unease among the Rohingya, likely due to trauma carried over from their experiences in Myanmar. This contributes to feelings of being unsafe and unwanted (IOM 05/2021)." 276970,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] 1/4 [des entreprises] déclarent avoir retrouvé leurs performances d’avant la pandémie, ce qui correspond aux 22 % qui, en octobre, prévoyaient de se rétablir d’ici la" 162732,32313.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"Muchos quieren volver porque están justo en esta situación de desesperación. Muchos venezolanos en Colombia estaban enviando remesas a Venezuela, a sus familiares, por la crisis que vive el país vecino y tampoco lo pueden hacer en este momento. Entonces, los que ya perdieron su trabajo, que ya no tiene ingresos, varias familias venezolanas han sufrido desalojos porque no podían pagar sus alquileres. Entonces, ellos no ven otra opción que retornar." 265671,49620.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,55,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Mali, BF, Niger) Dans le cadre des mesures préventives au COVID-19, la plupart des écoles ont fermé à partir de la fin du mois de mars 2020. Environ 13 millions d’élèves se seraient retrouvés sans accès à l’éducation pendant plusieurs mois. (Nov.2020)" 316257,54178.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,139,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/anthony-kergosien-la-rougeole-est-une-maladie-10-fois-plus-contagieuse-que-le-covid-19-qui-tue-les-enfants-en-rdc/,"[Nord Ubangi, zone de santé de Bosobolo] «La capacité de l’hôpital avait été rapidement dépassée, nous avons donc augmenté le nombre de lits où ils pouvaient soigner des enfants, dont certains étaient à un stade très avancé de la rougeole et de la malnutrition associée. MSF a également lancé une campagne de vaccination pour 66 000 enfants de cette communauté isolée, avec un travail en cours axé sur ceux qui vivent dans des zones difficiles d’accès. Nos équipes ont également formé des agents de santé locaux à la surveillance des maladies afin d’améliorer la détection précoce des nouvelles flambées de rougeole. Cependant, comme dans de nombreuses autres régions de la RDC, les ressources disponibles sont loin de répondre aux besoins." 304378,50889.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The SENS (Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey) also indicate high rates of anemia (>40 per cent) among children and women (aged 15-49 years), as well as low antenatal service and measles immunization coverage for refugees in both States" 187804,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,75,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"To the east, Cameroon continues to provide refuge to over 272,000 vulnerable refugees from the Central African Republic (CAR). Access to livelihoods, food, WASH, health services and education remains limited. Despite the signature of a tripartite agreement between CAR, Cameroon and UNHCR, prospects for large-scale return are not immediate and voluntary returns facilitated by UNHCR were put to a halt in light of COVID-19." 204344,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Rapport d’étude de faisabilité du transfert monétaire à Tillabéri et Tahoua Juillet 2020 17% des fournisseurs de biens alimentaires des commerçants enquêtes étaient originaires d’un pays frontalier. 69% des IC commerçants interrogés ont déjà connu des ruptures d’approvisionnement. 173274,41071.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-20-more-die-1441-new-cases-detected/58652,"[8 October, Bangladesh] The country saw the recovery of 1,685 former Covid-19 patients in the last 24 hours till Thursday 8 am which pushed up the number of total recoveries across the country to 2,88,316." 403690,63170.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/24_June_2021.pdf,"[14th - 20th Jun 2021, Nigeria] National COVID-19 multi-partner Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) continues to coordinate response activities across states. Concluded plans to conduct hand hygiene improvement and compliance auditing. Concluded plans to sequence all positive samples among travellers to Nigeria, at the National Reference Laboratory. Ongoing quarterly commodity monitoring and stock verification exercise to reconcile NCDC data with state data as well as checking the available stock balance and utilization records." 188828,43386.0,1900.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,9,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,3.2 millones de personas necesitan asistencia alimentaria en Honduras 276094,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les violations des droits humains sont à la fois parmi les causes profondes et les conséquences des crises de mouvements de population, crise de sécurité/ malnutrition et crise sanitaire et affectent le développement d’un pays." 201556,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"As of 25 May, reported cases stood at 4,800 making Cameroon the second most affected country in sub-Saharan Africa after South Africa. As of 29 April, every region has reported cases." 326485,54734.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 68% of the household found with Shelter and Non-food items(SNFI) living Standard Gap (LSG). 29% found to be extreme, 39% severe and 32% stress." 176718,41684.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Protection%20Factsheet%20and%20Dashboard_Sep_2020.pdf,"[September 2020, Bangladesh] Increased restrictions, loss of livelihoods, suspension of educational activities, and increased criminality, among others, have compounded SGBV risks. Access to Women Friendly Spaces by survivors of intimate partner violence were impeded due to the prolonged presence of their spouses at home" 153920,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,50,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Por otro lado, en la zona de los llanos orientales existe una gran preocupación por casos de reclutamiento y trabajo forzado a menores (niños, niñas y jóvenes) cada vez a más temprana edad, así como la vinculación de éstos para trabajo en cultivos ilícitos." 305778,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,61,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"By October 2018, Sudan further devaluated its currency to 47.5 SDG/USD, though by early December it had depreciated to 70 SGD/USD on the parallel market. The continued shortage of hard currency and the rapid depreciation of the SDG have significantly reduced the private sector and government’s ability to import essential raw materials, including fuel." 174939,40889.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,106,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/04102020_informe_de_situacion_no1_impacto_humantario_por_covid_en_amazonas_vf.pdf,"En Colombia el Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) ha realizado un total de 15.537 pruebas para COVID-19 en el departamento de Amazonas3, de las cuales más del 90 por ciento se realizaron en el municipio de Leticia. El 13 de septiembre habilitó el Laboratorio de Salud Pública Departamental (LSPD) como colaborador designado para el diagnóstico molecular del nuevo coronavirus SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19), el cual tiene la capacidad técnica de procesar 50 muestras diarias. Sin embargo, la Secretaría de salud departamental no ha definido fechas exactas para la toma de muestras en las áreas no municipalizadas." 298970,51152.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Dry land around some health facilities in particular in Jonglei and Upper Nile was used by flood affected population for shelter creating high congestion and easy environment for spread of diseases but difficult for health service deliveries. 14826,5489.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180719_Humanitarian_Update_Draft_3.pdf,"On 10 July, airstrikes reportedly struck two cars that were leaving a local market in Al Garrahi District, killing six civilians, including a 14-year-old boy. During the reporting period, displacement within Al Hudaydah Governorate and to neighbouring governorates continued. As of 17 July, 33,354 displaced households have been verified and 20,856 have received assistance." 60722,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,142,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"As indicated in the methodology section, IDP camps or camp-like settings were covered in nine LGAs (Bama, Damboa, Dikwa, Jere, Konduga, Ngala, Maiduguri, Monguno and Gwoza) of Borno State to gain in-depth insights into the food security situation among these population, considering the recent influx of new arrivals into some of these localities. The prevalence of food insecurity was quite pronounced in IDP camps in Bama (73.8 percent), Konduga (62.3 percent), Monguno (37.0 percent) and Maiduguri (33.1 percent), due to recent upsurge of attacks leading to increased displacement and influx of IDPs into camps in these LGAs, which continues to affect the planning and allocation of resources of government and partners providing humanitarian support in these camps." 200510,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"D’autre part, ils sont 72% à indiquer qu’ils comptent rembourser leurs dettes grâce au salaire qu’ils gagnaient au moment de l’enquête, et 23% grâce aux revenus engendrés par les activités de réintégration, 10% à travers la vente de moyens de production. Dans ce contexte, le soutien financier pour la prospérité de l’activité génératrice de revenu est fondamental, sans quoi la vente des moyens de production risque, à moyen terme, de péjorer les revenus du migrant de retour et de sa famille. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 24801,9912.0,786.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/oas-report-venezuelan-migrants-and-refugees-unprecedented,"The magnitude and speed of the migratory flow of Venezuelans -the report adds- has similarities with other episodes that have resulted in massive crises of migrants and refugees in the world, which have been caused by conflicts such as in Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and South Sudan. ""Independent reports say that at least 1.3 million Venezuelan migrants and refugees suffer from nutrition problems,"" the report adds." 342756,56014.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,131,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.sosmediasburundi.org/2021/05/04/rdc-details-sur-letat-de-siege-au-nord-kivu-et-en-ituri/,"À partir de ce jeudi, l’action des juridictions civiles sera substituée par celle des juridictions militaires. Mais les autorités précisent qu’en aucun cas « il ne sera dérogé aux principes et droits fondamentaux dont le droit à la vie, l’interdiction de la torture, de l’esclavage et de la servitude, le principe de l’égalité des infractions et des peines, la liberté de pensée et de religion ». Au cours de cette période, il est aussi précisé que les immunités et autres privilèges de poursuite ne sont pas d’application. Les mesures prises restent temporaires. L’État de siège devait durer un mois et être renouvelé tous les 15 jours." 193087,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,170,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´analyse des résultats de la campagne agricole 2019/2020 révèle la baisse de la production céréalière de 2% par rapport à l´année dernière mais connaît une hausse de 7% par rapport à la moyenne des 5 dernières années. La production est en hausse de 15% par rapport à la moyenne de 5 dernières années, mais en baisse de 6% par rapport à l´année dernière dans la zone saharienne. Elle est en hausse de 8% par rapport à l´année dernière et de 2% par rapport à la moyenne de cinq dernières années dans la zone soudanienne. En dépit de cette estimation globale, la zone soudanienne a connu de proche de faible production en raison de la forte pluviométrie due au changement climatique, à la base des inondations, qui ont détruit 10 217 hectares des cultures et occasionné des pertes d´animaux et la destruction des habitations affectant près de 74 895 personnes dans le Mandoul et le Moyen- Chari." 189688,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,67,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"En mai 2018, suite à une réforme constitutionnelle, le Tchad a adopté une nouvelle constitution instituant la 4ème république. La date de tenue des élections législatives prévues initialement en 2015 et reportées ensuite en 2018 sont toujours en pourparlers à travers le Cadre national de dialogue politique (CNDP) afin d´obtenir un consensus autour du cadre organisationnel défini par le code électoral." 794,156.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"When asked about barriers to accessing education, 87.3% of households with school-aged children reported facing no barrier; 5.8% reported the distance to educational facilities, 1.9% reported the inability to afford educational services and 0.4% the lack of safety of the route to the educational facilities." 224712,46162.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,82,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"[Current food situation] Due to a loss of income because of government measures limiting their agricultural and non-agricultural employment opportunities, these households [minimally adequate food consumption] will not be able to spend money on non-food items and are therefore Stressed (IPC Phase 2). Smaller proportions of households are facing consumption shortfalls in each livelihood zone or are developing crisis strategies and are therefore experiencing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) levels of food insecurity" 190021,43443.0,2225.0,"['Logistics', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Par ailleurs, la fermeture de la frontière ougandaise avec la RDC a largement perturbé le commerce transfrontalier formel et informel des territoires d’Aru et Mahagi en Ituri qui importent des produits de base de l’Ouganda." 237990,47357.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20Country%20Brief%2C%20November%202020.pdf,"[1stNov2020,NortheastNigeria]Emergency Telecommunications Sector provided internet connectivity and secure communication services to 4,401 users from 113 organizations in 10 sites of northeast Nigeria" 248259,48236.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,25,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"Speaking on oxygen usage by COVID-19 patients in the state, Mr Sanwo-Olu said oxygen is administered free of charge at government-owned health facilities." 188105,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,44,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Tienden a ser geográficamente centralizados, con servicios y médicos especializados concentrados en pocos centros urbanos. Las instalaciones son insuficientes para el nivel de demanda previsto en tiempos de pandemia y dependen en gran medida de las importaciones de equipamiento e insumos." 190057,43424.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/forum/detail-actualites?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=194&cHash=a9331217341e682f186a3d7bf5f61ac4,"Pour l'année 2021, le budget se présente comme suit: Recettes : 2110 milliards 974 millions 391 mille FCFA Dépenses : 2651 milliards 774 millions 498 mille FCFA Épargne budgétaire 24 milliards 469 millions 514 mille FCFA Solde budgétaire global : -540 milliards 800 millions 107 mille FCFA" 180593,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,68,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"En résumé, la région de l’Est au cours de moi de septembre a connu une stabilité sécuritaire en partie due à une réorganisation et un engagement de plus en plus accru des communautés dans le cadre de la lutte anti-terroriste ; il faut ajouter à cela les multiples patrouilles de forces de défense et de sécurité en collaboration avec les groupes d’auto-défense." 186574,41082.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,39,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/ecuador/ecuador-covid-19-could-cause-11-percent-dive-gdp-year,"The ongoing global oil crisis had already worsened conditions in the region, which comprises nearly 15 percent of the world's oil resources. Countries that depend on oil exports, including Ecuador, are especially vulnerable." 196114,43590.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"The National Government recorded 595 confirmed cases of COVID-19; the wider north-eastern area has a death rate of just over 3% and a recovery rate of 46%, although Kunduz’ recovery rate is lower at 42.5% (Afghan Ministry of Public Health last accessed 02/09/2020) (OCHA 25/08/2020)." 322962,54542.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-88-deaths-3629-new-cases/67989,"[23rd April 2021, Bangladesh] Between April 16 and 19, the country recorded over 100 deaths breaking previous daily records. Bangladesh saw 91, 95 and 98 Covid-related deaths on April 20, 21 and 22 respectively." 319620,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,Las mujeres denunciaron intento de violación y/o hostigamiento por parte de miembros de los grupos armados lo que afectó su salud mental y psicológica por el temor constante de ser víctimas de abuso sexual; la violencia de género se observó como un factor de riesgo en condición de confinamiento y desplazamiento. 179083,41951.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/index.php/2020/09/24/rdccovid-19-nouvelle-manifestation-de-colere-des-agents-de-la-riposte-kinshasa-pour,Ce n’est pas la première manifestation du genre. Les agents de la riposte contre Covid-19 avaient déjà manifesté plusieurs fois dans le passé. Ils avaient pu obtenir partiellement de solution à leurs préoccupations promettant de revenir à la charge si rien n’est fait totalement. 236002,46890.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,COVID-19 modules (specific on nutrition) were integrated in the SAM management training conducted in Bamenda between 26 and 28 August. Insecurity continues to be a hinderance in the delivery of nutrition services across the regions. 175457,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,54,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,La détérioration de la situation sécuritaire sur l’ensemble du territoire national a occasionné une limitation d’accès aux services sociaux de base dont la santé avec une fermeture des formations sanitaires suite aux attaques et souvent la fuite des agents de santé par psychose abandonnant derrière eux les formations sanitaires. 207245,44693.0,2333.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,94,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"L’ONG ADES qui est en charge de l’éducation sur la ZAR avait programmé d’organiser des cours de vacances au profit des élèves de CE1, CE2 et CM1 pour rehausser leur niveau. Cette initiative vise à répondre à la fermeture précoce de l’école depuis le mois de mars 2020 à cause de la COVID19 et à l’attaque de la ZAR d’Intikane qui a occasionné leur déplacement à Télemcès. Ces cours n’ont pas démarré jusqu’à présent." 293881,52076.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Risk taking behavior, sexual violence and the use of prostitution as a survival strategy lead to an increase in infectious diseases, especially HIV / AIDS. Lack of access to contraceptive methods, combined with low coverage of sexual and reproductive health services, reinforces this problem. Young people (adolescent girls in particular) are the most exposed to risky behavior, resulting in early pregnancy, unsafe abortion and STDs." 1549,291.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,101,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2016%20February%202018.pdf,"Since November 2017, UNHCR has evacuated over 1,000 highly vulnerable refugees out of Libya. On 10 February, a flight departed from Tripoli evacuating 130 refugees to Niamey, Niger. A second flight departed on 13 February with 128 refugees onboard. With the cooperation of UNHCR’s partners and thanks to the support of the government of Niger, the evacuated people are being accommodated in UNHCR’s Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM) in Niamey, where assistance and psychosocial support are available while applications for resettlement or other durable solutions are pending." 175474,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,L’insécurité a engendré des conséquences néfastes sur l’accessibilité aux structures sanitaires et l’offre de soins de qualité devient incertaine. 85629,23702.0,1384.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,157,[],[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,,"For 2020, partners noted the need to continue current activities; establish referral pathways; develop projects and programs, including psychosocial support interventions; organize capacity development activities; conduct outreach and communication with communities; engage in strategic organizational planning; organize campaigns to raise awareness on and prevent domestic violence and discrimination; and involve strategic actors in the response, such as the media, the private sector and other NGOs. Respondents suggested the expansion of the workgroup to include other relevant actors in Curacao, such as CBOs working with migrant communities and other people in need (Alianza, SEDA, DEDIMA, Skuchami), government representatives from the ministries of health and labor/social affairs, as well as other international organizations and NGOs active in the ABC islands (e.g. UNESCO, Amnesty International, Capriles, Yuda boy u, FMA, Doctores de Familia" 299134,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 2020, the HAG logged 38 IED incidents impacting humanitarian actors, compared to 10 such incidents in 2019 and 17 in 2018." 322018,54318.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"Se destaca que para el 93% de los NNA entrevistados es extremadamente importante vivir cerca de sus padres y sus familias, esto implica que para aquellos separados del núcleo familiar, es decir, padres y madres que aún viven en Venezuela, que se encuentran en otras ciudades de Colombia o que han salido a otros países de la región, se considere necesario posibilitar a través de acciones humanitarias la reunificación familiar, ya que la separación prolongada de NNA de sus familias les puede afectar emocionalmente." 425355,64291.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Parmi les personnes interrogées (focus groupes) par observation directe des relais : 7% des femmes ont des enfants malnutris confirmés ; Plus de 25% des femmes ont des enfants de moins de 2 ans sous allaitement maternel. 15% des femmes sont enceintes. 240708,45197.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health confirmed the first case of the novel coronavirus - COVID-19 – in the country on 24 February.12 As of the end of the first quarter, 196 cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed with Herat province remaining the most affected part of the country; hundreds more cases have been confirmed at the time of writing." 63134,18817.0,1386.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,63,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"The Humanitarian Coordinator designation in May 2019 has enabled the establishment of the Humanitarian Country Team (replacing the Cooperation and Assistance Coordination Team - ECCA, per its acronym in Spanish) and the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group. A Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator has also been named. Together, these mechanisms are leading the coordination of principled humanitarian action across Venezuela." 496250,68470.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,67,['Priority Interventions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20-%20Cono%20Sur.pdf,"Mediante la utilización de un enfoque de múltiples partes interesadas, promover, apoyar y facilitar las intervenciones para asegurar la inclusión socioeconómica y financiera, promover actividades generadoras de ingresos para lograr la autosuficiencia y mejorar las oportunidades de integración. el apoyo a los gobiernos y a las autoridades locales de todos los sectores para establecer una respuesta humanitaria oportuna y una coordinación eficiente." 275384,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] The Covid-19 pandemic had affected with high impacts throughout this month in all the 64 districts across Bangladesh. In January, 2021, the number of identified patients with Covid-19 is 21,723 persons among which 22,285 persons recovered and 568 persons died." 260931,48984.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria]COVID-19 cases have been reported in several in IDP camps in the BAY states. Humanitarian settings pose particular challenges for COVID-19 prevention and control. Access constraints, congestion in IDP camps, and poor health and sanitation infrastructure hamper disease prevention and treatment under the best of circumstances, rendering public health responses in humanitarian settings even more complex." 202026,44071.0,2330.0,[],[],[],es,86,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Un 47% de los daños evaluados se concentran en los departamentos de Alta Verapaz, Izabal y Quiché. Los deslizamientos y flujos de lodo provocaron la muerte de 53 personas y la desaparición de otras 96 en Alta Verapaz. El desbordamiento de ríos provocó impacto directo en viviendas destruyendo sus contenidos, enseres y artículos personales, así también se reportan daños a cultivos, ganado y aves de corral, infraestructura vial y del sistema de salud, edificios y escuelas." 204015,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"While food insecurity is a driving factor for overall needs for all population groups, the IDP analysis below shows that displaced people face a different set of risks than those who have been otherwise affected by crises, especially with regard to needs caused by violence." 163750,34165.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Economy'],es,57,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• El DANE reportó que la tasa de desempleo pasó de 10,5 por ciento en mayo de 2019 a 21,4 por ciento en mayo de 20201. Además, durante marzo y mayo de 2020, cerca de 2 millones de mujeres perdieron su empleo, situación que profundiza la brecha de género en el país." 439172,64616.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,80,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/hay-mas-de-1000-estudios-webcam-donde-explotan-a-menores-migrantes-icbf/2811,"Arbeláez expresó su preocupación por los riesgos a los que están expuestos los menores de edad en esa zona fronteriza del país, entre ellos la explotación sexual comercial y la trata de niños y niñas con fines de explotación sexual, laboral y mendicidad ajena.“Tenemos información de que se ha llegado hasta cobrar entre $3.000 y $4.000 a quienes tienen sexo con los niños, esto es absolutamente inaceptable”, alertó la funcionaria." 172990,40676.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],fr,57,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"De plus, de récents mouvements de population ont contribué à la détérioration des besoins dans les zones de déplacement. Les partenaires de l’éducation estiment ainsi que près de 19,7 millions de personnes ont désormais des besoins en Éducation, représentant une augmentation de 1 000 pour cent par rapport au PRH originel." 236315,45629.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"[South Sudan, 2019]It has the highest number of the children either dropping out of the schools or non-attendance, of total 2.8 million learners in need, children from Greater Upper Nile region make up 1.1 million. Throughout 2018 and 2017, this region was the focus of service delivery through education cluster partners, and a larger percentage of donor funding is diverted to Greater Upper Nile due to multiple needs." 809,156.0,321.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,128,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The continued dysfunctionality and shortcomings of the health system countrywide and in the locations assessed were of additional concern. Of households that reported at least one member in need of healthcare in the two weeks prior to the assessment, 44.0% were not able to access adequate healthcare. Findings indicate that health facilities were often underequipped (perceived by 58.1% of households overall) and understaffed (54.5%), in addition to households often lacking resources to afford healthcare (24.2%). Recent events in various locations also highlighted the inability of health systems to cope with sudden crises and the subsequent reliance of affected populations on external humanitarian health assistance, when there can be assistance at all." 127681,34498.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,26,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cccm_shelter_nfi_june_2020_factsheet.pdf,Many have been trapped in various locations across BAY states and are at risk due to poor living conditions in damaged shelters and unfinished buildings. 359442,58399.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,58,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The COVID-19 Bangladesh Rapid Gender Analysis by UN Women in 2020 found that women are vulnerable to infections and risk to their lives due to COVID-19 as more than 94 per cent of nurses are women and more than 90 per cent of community health workers are women." 495430,67230.0,1185.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,33,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Establecer un mecanismo de seguimiento de calidad de agua en albergues temporales (CAR) • Seguimiento para garantizar que las aguas servidas de los CAR, son evacuadas y tratadas adecuadamente." 204405,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,52,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Région de Tillabéri : les résultats [la nourriture comme besoin prioritaire] dépassent les 90% dans les départements d’Ayerou (99%), Tillaberi (98%), Fillingue (95%), Tera, Bankilare et Ouallam (moins de 95%)." 204335,43976.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les résultats apparaissent globalement négatifs dans les départements de Tillia et Tassara, directement affectés par l’insécurité mais aussi par des enjeux importants d’accès" 338384,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,Children from low-income families were more likely to be excluded from online distance learning because of an inability to afford sufficient internet or devices. 194138,42943.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,67,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Las mujeres y niñas venezolanas son especialmente vulnerables. Los índices de violencia doméstica se encuentran al alza y, enfrentadas a pocas alternativas, algunas podrían recurrir a mecanismos de adaptación negativos tales como el sexo por supervivencia. Aún antes del brote, algunas mujeres y niñas eran forzadas a tomar estas medidas extremas; la crisis económica podría forzar aún mas a hacerlo." 243890,47865.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Injured'],en,71,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/relocations-reduced-services-leave-rohingya-communities-breaking-point-bangladesh,"[21st Jan 2021, Cox's Bazar] More recently, in the camp, fire broke out at Nayapara Registered Refugee camp, destroying around 550 shelters where news reports estimated that around 3,500 refugees were staying. Although there were no fatalities, and only a few people with minor injuries, for those living at the site, the disruption to daily life has been huge." 323850,54845.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,84,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3733696,"La CIDH ha registradolos datos publicados por la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios(OCHA) donde se señala que, durante el primer trimestre del año, en el departamento de Cauca 497 personas han sufrido el confinamiento forzado en sus viviendas y comunidades, así como 5.527 personas han sido víctimas de desplazamiento forzado. De ellas, 4.700 en el municipio de Argelia; las situaciones restantes se han registrado en Guapi y Timbiquí." 67768,19750.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71782.pdf,Acceso a la Educación: 3.741 beneficiarios. Kits escolares para niños y profesores. 3.741 beneficiarios. 593,156.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The overwhelming majority (94.7%) of households reported having physical access to markets. The main barriers to accessing market items were not physical but rather that items were too expensive (52.4%), unavailable (18.8%), or households did not have liquidity to pay for basic market items (16.1%). Thus, the main issue in accessing items was financial: although most items were available, the liquidity crisis was adding additional strains on households’ purchasing power." 223455,42179.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/education-in-afrin-is-at-stake-kurdish-students-face-additional-challenges/,"Kurdish students in Afrin and its countryside suffer from difficulty understanding the curriculum currently approved by the so-called Syrian Interim Government (SIG), especially those who do not have prior knowledge of the Arabic language because they are accustomed to studying Kurdish, the only language of the curriculum." 204165,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"44% des ménages [a Diffa] ont rapporté avoir emprunté de la nourriture ou eu recours à l'aide de parents, voisins ou amis" 393144,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,200,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The participants gave different responses depending on their level of understanding what COVID – 19 is, below includes the different understanding of COVID 19: a) COVID-19 a virus disease that causes difficulties in times of breathing and makes coughing difficult, makes Poe's on the body, severe headaches, and fever. b) A disease with symptoms of cough and fever that causes difficulties in breathing, deadly disease that can be transmitted to people in close contact and is an airborne disease that can be transferred from one person to another. c) Corona is a disease that killed many people in the society and person suffer from coughing and sneezing and severe fever. d) Corona is a virus that come from China and is a deadly disease that causes difficulties in breathing, A pandemic virus that disturbed the world and makes breathing difficult e) Corona virus is a disease that come from foreign country and is fever disease and causes difficulties in breathing. A Dangerous pandemic virus that killed, coughing and sneezing and making hole in your hands" 328554,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 90% of IDP settlement and 86% of non-IDP settlement households found with a WASH Living Standard Gaps (LSG)." 271687,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les besoins humanitaires urgents sont de plus en plus importants avec un nombre à la hausse des personnes vulnérables incluant des filles, des enfants et les personnes vivant avec handicap." 58973,17679.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Asimismo, el Protocolo Marco Nacional de Hogares de Protección Integral para mujeres en situación de violencia (Refugios) que promueve el CNM, no precisa un abordaje de la situación de violencia para las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas, ni en cuanto a su registro e ingreso, ni para su permanencia y egreso. En este último caso, es grave que no se prevé situaciones de falta de redes de apoyo, ni de retorno de la mujer migrante al país de origen, por dar algunos ejemplos." 174443,40839.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Host Communities Mirroring the situation in displacement sites, malaria was most prevalent health ailment among IDPs residing with host communities in 64 per cent of sites (up from 59%). The situation in Borno was worse with malaria cited as the most prevalent health issue in 63 per cent (down from 64%) of sites." 203868,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Women-headed households and women who have been exposed to conflict-related, gender-based or domestic violence are particularly vulnerable. This is especially the case for those lacking family and social support, for example if displaced far from home." 189991,43443.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Au cours du premier semestre 2020, les acteurs de protection ont documenté 3 181 incidents de protection, dont 2 370 dans les zones de santé de Lubero et 811 incidents dans celles de Beni : 793 à Musienene et 666 à Kayna. Les conflits armés et fonciers sont les facteurs premiers des incidents de protection dans la zone, de violations des droits humains et du droit international humanitaire." 40201,13777.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,37,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/press/2019/5/5ceff1144/unhcr-evacuates-hundreds-vulnerable-refugees-libya-safety.html,"The evacuees are from Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia. They include 65 children, 13 of them below a year in age. One of the children was born just two months ago." 126381,34397.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,60,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"En total, la edad promedio del jefe de hogar es de 36 años: 34 años para hogares migrantes y 45 años para hogares de acogida. La población migrante es significativamente más joven comparada con la de los hogares de acogida. Cuanto mayor es el grupo de edad, menor es la proporción de hogares migrantes." 389458,61310.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/30/bangladesh-dengue-outbreak-covid-crisis,"[30 July 2021, Bangladesh] We (DGHS) gave copies of this report to civic bodies to take appropriate action, such as controlling mosquito population by conducting drives and running awareness campaigns,” he added." 166606,39056.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/270_1597244175_0.pdf,"On the 5th of August 2020 Industry and labour: This stipulates normal working hours for both the public and private sectors. However, the leadership of these institutions are to ensure the provision of sanitisers and appropriate personal protective equipment to all workers and also ensure strict compliance with their usage 3. Community activities: Asides recent resumption of exiting students, schools are encouraged to continue with e-learning and virtual teaching until further notice. The restriction on outdoor communal (non-contact) sports has been removed and the use of recreational parks for supervised physical exercise permitted." 153967,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,19,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Poca o nula posibilidad de activación de rutas de atención en los departamentos de Casanare, Meta y Boyacá" 358680,58655.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/economia/finanzas-personales/los-arriendos-ya-estarian-superando-el-covid-19/,"Frente a los arriendos comerciales hay gran expectativa por la reactivación de la economía colombiana. Por ejemplo, Bogotá anunció que desde este 8 de junio prácticamente todas las actividades (con unas excepciones) podrán operar sin restricción. Si bien se espera un efecto directo en los alquileres de locales, como restaurantes y tiendas, el impacto no es tan claro en el mercado de oficinas. La virtualidad podría haber dejado un influjo permanente" 270281,49936.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,104,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En el gráfico 7 se identifica la proporción de adultos que refieren barreras que le impiden ir a comprar alimentos, medicamentos o recibir atención médica. La principal barrera es la preocupación por el contagio (79,9%). En segundo lugar, las restricciones del gobierno para salir a abastecerse (48,3%). En tercer lugar, la falta de transporte público (46%) y en cuarto lugar, la falta de accesibilidad/escasez (31,3%). Sólo 8,7% indicaron no tener barrera alguna para abastecerse de productos de primera necesidad y/o atención médica." 209886,45114.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,http://saharareporters.com/2020/12/09/nigeria%E2%80%99s-covid-19-cases-rise-70195-550-fresh-infections,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]The country’s highest daily COVID-19 cases were 745, which were recorded on June 19. The NCDC said that till date, 70,195 cases had been confirmed, 65,110 cases discharged, and 1,182 deaths recorded in 36 states of the federation and the FCT." 111914,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para los niños que no consiguen estar en algún centro de cuidado y son llevados con sus padres o cuidadores a trabajar, la calle es el lugar donde se desarrolla la vida. En Bogotá, esto significa acompañar a los padres a vender alimentos en el transporte público (en Transmilenio especialmente) o en las calles, o ejercer la mendicidad." 187950,43376.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-139.pdf,[11 Nov 2020] [NWS] New cases: 455 | Total cases: 10140 | New tests: 1268 | Total tests: 38133 | New recoveries: 62 | Total recoveries: 3523 | Total active cases: 6515 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 82 359627,58464.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Households are reported to cope with a lack of food in various ways, but many of these strategies are not sustainable in the long-term. In 21% of communities assessed by REACHs RNA, KIs reported that approximately 25% of households in the community rely on one meal or less per day. KIs also reported that households are borrowing money to buy food and are spending money on food usually used for other things in 76% and 67% of assessed locations in HSOS respectively." 126550,34397.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,30,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,El 37% de las mujeres embarazadas no toma suplementos de vitaminas y minerales (41% para hogares migrantes y 22% para los hogares de acogida). 214664,45417.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 10% (39) des localités évaluées, la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à un marché fonctionnel à distance de marche au cours du mois précédent selon les IC" 113325,32328.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En Perú, los participantes identificaron con mayor frecuencia y en el orden descrito las siguientes prioridades: alimentación, empleo, atención médica y regularización migratoria, con porcentajes similares en todas las categorías. Los datos de Perú muestran que el 8% de las mujeres encuestadas en Tumbes estaban embarazadas, el 13% estaban amamantando y el 21% eran madres que viajaban solas con niños31. Cada uno de estos grupos informó necesidades particulares de atención para sí mismos o para quienes están bajo su cuidado." 227468,46523.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elvenezolanocolombia.com/2020/12/migracion-forzada-mantiene-a-839-059-ninos-venezolanos-alejados-de-sus-padres-en-2020/,"Uno de los aspectos que Cecodap resaltó en el informe es la escasa atención psicosocial que reciben los niños, niñas y adolescentes, en condición de niñez dejada atrás. Menos de 4% de los niños y sus familias reciben algún tipo de apoyo psicosocial para mitigar los efectos emocionales derivados de la migración." 79306,21909.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,71,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dw.com/es/crisis-en-am%C3%A9rica-latina-migrantes-venezolanos-y-cubanos-bajo-sospecha/a-51457689,"Lucía Dammert, politóloga y socióloga de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile, dice a DW que ""la mayoría de los migrantes en sus lugares de destino en América Latina pasan a ser parte de los grupos de mayor precariedad en términos socioeconómicos y se ubican habitualmente en zonas en que hay desarrollo de violencia. Entonces no es extraño que tengan presencia en este tipo de situaciones”" 95223,26755.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,78,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"There is clear disconnect between Tripoli and Benghazi level’ authorities of the actual needs at municipality levels. The data, information related to the needs and gaps and key asks from various municipalities are not being aggregated at the central levels while there is a pressure on international organizations to channel their planning and response options solely through the central based authorities before taking any response action down on the ground at a municipality level." 247874,48228.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,98,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations (Moyen terme): Soutenir les ménages disposant des terres arables pour le développement des activités de crue et de décrue / Fournir une aide alimentaire inconditionnelle pendant la période de soudure pour améliorer l’accès aux aliments afin de protéger les moyens d’existence (minimiser la vente de noyaux reproducteurs) / Renforcer la résilience des ménages en soutenant les activités génératrices des revenus / Sensibiliser les déplacés sur les politiques environnementales en vigueur au Tchad avec un accent particulier sur la gestion des ressources naturelles en lien avec la cohabitation pacifique 126676,29029.0,1620.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigeria-drives-routine-immunization-amid-covid-19,"Initially, information collected by WHO from various hospitals and clinics in Kano suggested that there had been a worrying decline in client attendance at health facilities due to a lack of awareness of continued routine immunization, as well as fear of COVID-19 infection and transport issues arising from lockdown measures." 384892,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,11,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,81 personnes survivantes de VBG prises en charge (psychosociale) 179198,41967.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"(NW 09/2020) Households in 98% of assessed communities were reportedly able to access some type of health service in their or nearby communities, despite more than 60% of assessed communities facing healthcare barriers due to the high cost or lack of transportation. However, pharmacies were the most common accessible type of health service, and 24% of assessed locations did not have access to primary care facilities." 226907,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] notes with particular concern that civilian casualties in Balkh, Samangan and Badakhshan more than doubled in comparison to the first nine months of 2019." 125947,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,58,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"The majority arrived in the first two months of the year (2,531 individuals) while only 935 arrivals were recorded in March and April. This declining trend is attributed to the mounting concerns about the spread of COVID-19, as both the Italian and the Maltese Government have introduced further restrictions on disembarkation in their ports" 264615,49750.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,64,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.burkina24.com/2021/02/22/burkina-faso-325-patrouilles-et-escortes-realisees-dans-la-semaine-du-15-au-21-fevrier/,"Dans la semaine du 15 au 21 février 2021, les Forces Armées Nationales ont réalisé des opérations entrant dans le cadre de la sécurisation du territoire national. Elles ont réalisé 13 opérations aériennes (appui aérien, suivi de convoi, transport et fret), 38 opérations de sécurisation de marchés et lieux de culte et 325 patrouilles et escortes." 167045,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"Last week, 17 persons died from COVID-19 complications, according to the data provided by the NCDC.A total of 24 persons died from the virus previous week while 43 deaths were recorded in the preceding week." 284810,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,38,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Across Sudan, an increase in violent incidents has been reported since 3 June. This includes attacks on refugees, renewed and intensified inter-communal and/or armed group violence in eastern Sudan as well as in Darfur." 495423,67230.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Alrededor del 5% de los migrantes tiene un problema de salud urgente y de ellos, el 76% requerirá tratamiento de largo plazo o medicación diaria. La mayoría no tiene acceso al sistema de salud pública, porque el certificado de solicitante de refugiado y el documento PTP no se reconocen como documentos válidos para acceder al sistema de servicios sociales peruano." 164222,38956.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/7-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a9-%d8%a8%d9%81%d9%8a%d8%b1%d9%88%d8%b3-%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%b4%d9%85%d8%a7%d9%84-%d8%ba%d8%b1%d8%a8/395619/,"Today, the health authorities recorded 7 new cases of the ""Corona"" virus, 3 cases in Idlib city, and one infection in the city of Darat Azza in the western countryside of Aleppo, within the areas of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham. The health authorities recorded two injuries in the city of Al-Bab, east of Aleppo, and one in the city of Azaz, north of Aleppo, within the areas of influence of the pro-Turkish factions. The cases of recovery in northwestern Syria have also risen to 81." 163591,39454.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_9_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Continúan las afectaciones multisectoriales de población afrodescendiente e indígena por parte de los GAO que tienen presencia en el territorio. Durante las últimas semanas, se registraron dos emergencias humanitarias, la primera relacionada el desplazamiento y confinamiento de comunidades en el Alto Baudó (4.540 personas afectadas) y la segunda, relativa al confinamiento de siete comunidades indígenas en Bojayá (1.270 personas afectadas)." 300687,51152.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Physical access challenges to remote and hard to reach areas in Upper Nile, Jonglei, and Unity affected the ability of Frontline workers to deliver WASH supplies and WASH services to the flood affected people." 281831,51173.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"More than 21,000 health care providers working at COVID-19 centres in all 34 provinces were provided with 570,000 pieces of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and non-COVID-19 health facilities (health facilities only with outpatient services for COVID-19) were supported with 14,000 PPEs, to ensure continuation of essential RMCNAH services by UNICEF." 171490,40704.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] In early April, the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in the host community, followed by the first case in the camp on 14 May 2020. As of 5 September, 4,056 cases were confirmed in the host community (65 deaths) and 130 cases (6 deaths) in the camps." 221621,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Humanitarian partners continue to support children who were subjected to forced recruitment by armed groups. UNICEF and its partners provided reintegration services to 750 children formerly associated with armed forces and groups, as well as to other vulnerable children, including 623 boys and 127 girls." 160330,38479.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"• Poursuite de la diffusion d’une bande dessinée pour les enfants dans le cadre de la promotion des mesures barrières (le port des masques, le lavage des mains, la distanciation physique…)" 187035,41081.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119147.pdf,"The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases reached is 113,767 as of 31 August, having Quito as epicenter. • As the COVID-19 cases relentlessly surge at a rapid pace, the national government has put new restrictions to 18 provinces until 31 August. Consequently, the national health emergency got extended until 13 September." 276276,50677.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Dans le camp de refugies de Minawao, Plan International et IMC soutiennent les programmes nutritionnels et la prise en charge des enfants réfugiés malnutris." 356544,58354.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Environment'],es,81,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/06/22/una-persona-desaparecida-y-89-damnificadas-por-las-lluvias-en-medellin/,"Una de las emergencias más relevantes registradas fue el desbordamiento de la quebrada La Limona, en el corregimiento de San Antonio de Prado, donde 54 personas resultaron afectadas. “Igualmente se presentó el desbordamiento de la quebrada La Limona en el corregimiento de San Antonio de Prado, donde 19 familias fueron evacuadas y se prestó la asistencia con los equipos técnicos y sociales del Dagrd.”,añadió el comandante del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Medellín." 199893,43347.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The lack of basic services in many areas of potential return offers limited options for accessing services outside the sites, both rural and more urban areas, and perpetuates a situation in which people’s opportunities to improve livelihoods and living standards remain diminished, posing obstacles to recovery from the crisis." 220002,45769.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Les besoins en appui psychosocial s’avèrent nécessaires. Or, il n’y a aucun espace à dispositif pour les activités de prise en charge psychosociales et récréatives sur le site pour le moment." 203583,44071.0,2330.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,16,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"- 13 comunidades afectadas por inundaciones principalmente en los distritos de Cunen, Chicamán y Uspantán" 187605,43282.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,45,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Somalia’s economy has proven more resilient amid the COVID-19 pandemic. According to World Bank estimates in September, gross domestic product is projected to decline by 1.5 percent in 2020, compared to June estimates that anticipated a decline of 2.5 percent" 206768,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,59,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]Of potential protection concern is the use of sanitation facilities at night or that are non-gender segregated (8%). Relying on humanitarian assistance is the last coping strategy to access sanitation facilities that was reportedly used by more than 5% of the population nationally." 143017,35989.0,2074.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,53,[],['Context'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"Resolución 148/2020: se reconoce la identidad de los niños venezolanos con la presentación de documentos supletorios como una fotocopia simple de su certificado de nacimiento o el documento vencido, la cual también contempla a sus padres o tutores legales. Garantiza permanencia o tránsito de menores y sus padres/tutores. Aprobado" 174982,41499.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-crisis-fuel-shortages-idUSKBN2673OG,"(17/09/2020, Syria) The government has limited private vehicles to 30 litres of gasoline every four days, with residents saying hundreds of motorists wait for hours before gas stations are opened." 168279,40395.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic-republic-congo/health,"Le cluster santé réunit aujourd’hui 79 (INGOs:24, NNGOs:31, UN Agencies:8, Nat Authorities:5, Donors:6, Others/observers:5) partenaires engagés dans la lutte contre la pandémie COVID-19, la surmorbidité et surmortalité liée au non-accès aux soins de santé de base, soins de santé secondaire (SSS), soins de santé sexuelle et reproductive, aux complications de la malnutrition et aux diffèrent flambées épidémiques de la rougeole, cholera et le paludisme dans un contexte de système de sante déjà très fragile." 53731,16820.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,128,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"Los venezolanos desplazados de su país o que migran a Catatumbo se han visto afectados por el conflicto armado. Varios venezolanos han sido víctimas de desplazamiento forzado, homicidio y reclutamiento infantil cometidos por grupos armados. Algunos venezolanos han desaparecido y algunas mujeres y niñas han sido víctimas de violencia sexual. Los venezolanos temen ser deportados si denuncian abusos y han tenido dificultades para acceder a los servicios del gobierno, lo cual los expone particularmente a sufrir abusos. El conocimiento limitado de los venezolanos sobre el conflicto armado en Colombia, sumado a las condiciones en las que viven y las necesidades que los impulsan a migrar, los vuelve más vulnerables al reclutamiento por parte de los grupos armados en la zona149" 114151,31147.0,1898.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El Salvador se coloca entre los primeros países más vulnerables, con un índice de 6.9 de acuerdo al índice LAC INFORM 2019 y con el nivel más alto de la región en la categoría de falta de capacidad institucional, lo que implica una limitada capacidad para la reducción de los riesgos de desastre, gobernanza, protección social, seguridad y contención de la violencia, poniendo en evidencia su fragilidad a la hora de enfrentarse a la pandemia por COVID-19." 343850,56755.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,10,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PROTECTION%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf,GBV survivors face challenges in accessing lifesaving and essential services 164518,32981.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,"1.599 Beneficiarios 4 Filtros de agua y 1 tanque de reserva entregados a alojamientos. 17 Bombas de aspersión para desinfección de caminos y espacios públicos a municipios ubicados en el cordón fronterizo (Cumbal, Ipiales, Carlosama y Guachucal). 2.813 Kits de aseo e higiene entregados." 17835,7208.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67474.pdf,"UNHCR and its partners implemented over 110 quick impact projects (QIPs) with the active participation of host communities and IDPs and in consultation with national authorities. During the year, UNHCR supported many municipalities, hospitals and schools with sport kits, school desks, computers, medical equipment, water tanks, generators, solar street lights and waste management items. QIPs have so far helped over 57,500 persons in Libya." 224694,44702.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,16,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,• Specific assessment of the damage incurred in Motoronyo primary school when the road becomes accessible 198846,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 78 335 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 74 049 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 12 238 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,5%." 301037,52845.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,113,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] While nationally the possible second wave of COVID infections still appears to be rising, Cox’s Bazar District has seen a slight reduction in the infection numbers. In the last week, 62 members of the host community tested positive down from 64 in the previous week while 11 Rohingyas tested positive compared to 15 in the preceding week. There were again no deaths attributed to the coronavirus in the district. The district administration though has continued to reflect national concerns enforcing strict mask-wearing rules and the mobile courts have been active in ensuring compliance across the district." 147711,36039.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"UNDP continues to support municipalities in solid waste collection and removal activities. In Al-Hasakeh 342 workers have been recruited to support solid waste removal and collection, and support to rehabilitation of wells and pumping stations in also continues." 490591,67470.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,67,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Beyond_Refuge_FINAL.pdf,"[26 August 2021, Bangladesh] Inside Bangladesh, refugees, including Rohingya refugees, are subject to a patchwork of laws and ad hoc administrative policies that govern various elements of their treatment in Bangladesh. These existing laws and policies are shaping the Government’s refugee response, but the degree to which relevant stakeholders are aware of these frameworks remains unclear." 147894,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,39,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Border closures, the volatility of the exchange rate (and banking challenges in Lebanon), and other factors that impact the import of certain medical supplies critical to an effective COVID-19 response are also a concern." 106494,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En cambio, se conversó con otros que han contado con la fortuna de venir de contextos en los que el estudio y el trabajo han sido valorados. Para ellos, son modelos aquellas figuras que les significan la lucha y la dignificación aun en medio de la pobreza. Así, por ejemplo, una madre mencionó que su hijo de 9 años admira a Diomedes Díaz, por ir a estudiar descalzo. Lo recuerda cada vez que él mismo debe ir al colegio sin calzado." 361431,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,118,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The findings of this study revealed that only 15% of fatal drowning cases investigated involved a bystander attempting some form of first aid or resuscitation. In these cases, the informants described of a rescuing bystander ‘trying hard to remove the water from the victim’s body.’ These findings suggest a low level of awareness of effective first aid and resuscitation practices, and the methods incorrectly used resembled traditional rescue techniques found in previous studies in Bangladesh, which have been often found to be counterproductive and reduce chances of survival (Borse et al, 2011; IDRC-B, 2008)." 244256,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,34,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"Northern Chad is vulnerable to insecurity, especially since the outbreak of conflict in neighboring Libya in 2011, which forced hundreds of thousands of Chadians residing in Libya to return to Chad." 164497,32981.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,13,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,25 Docentes con asistencia psicopedagógica y psicosocial para la atención a NNA. 489774,67750.0,1231.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,64,[],['Context'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"In the Dominican Republic, the President asked the constitutional court to declare inadmissible a direct action of unconstitutionality filed against Decree 262-20 which granted Dominican nationality through naturalization. The Decree was approved in February 2020 and granted naturalization to 750 people including Venezuelans. Separately, the president assured that a humanitarian solution is being formulated for Venezuelan refugees and migrants." 189716,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"On note une insuffisance de formations sanitaires offrant les soins obstétricaux et néonatals d´urgence (SONU : 29 en 2018 sur 158 requis). L´accès à la planification familiale demeure un enjeu majeur, et seulement 6% des femmes de 15-49 ans en union utilisent une méthode contraceptive." 191640,43409.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,113,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.afro.who.int/fr/news/burkina-faso-les-tradipraticiens-de-sante-de-la-region-du-sud-ouest-lecole-de-la-surveillance,"Au regard du rôle joué par les tradipraticiensdans l’information sanitaire et les soins de santé communautaire, la Direction régionale de la santé du Sud-Ouest avec l’appui technique et financier de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, sur financement de la protection civile et de l’Aide humanitaire de l’Union européenne (Fonds Echo), a tenu une journée d’échange avec les tradipraticiens de la région. L’objectif de cette journée d’échange était de mieux faire connaitre la maladie aux tradipraticiens et de solliciter leur appui dans le cadre de la surveillance communautaire de cette maladie." 187656,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Over 15,410 pregnant women attended at least one antenatal consultation; 2,265 women gave birth with a skilled birth attendant and 3,305 mothers and their new-born babies received first postnatal checks within 48 hours." 168794,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"April 28: However, the local health authorities in the northwest Syria transparently say that they cannot confirm that the region is free of cases given the limited testing capacity." 191102,43282.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,Limited specialized service providers in remote locations with population with GBV needs 393164,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,81,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Below chart 6.3 indicates that 58 of the total health workers, caregivers and community leaders in the above chart mentioned that COVID 19 is very likely to spread in their community, 49 believed COVID 19 is likely to spread in their community, 12 said COVID 19 is very Unlikely to spreads, 39 believed COVID 19 is unlikely to spread in their community while 24 don’t have an idea" 338444,55877.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"The United Nations Population Fund estimated that the pandemic would delay efforts to end child marriage and female genital mutilation, and these delays, in addition to increased poverty, could lead to 13 million more cases of child marriage and to 2 million more cases of female genital mutilation over a 10-year period." 112509,29953.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,76,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Según la defensora de familia con quien se estableció contacto en Riohacha, los niños y niñas que son remitidos a Significarte se encuentran en situación de habitación de calle o trabajo infantil. Este espacio les ofrece la posibilidad de pasar tres días a la semana mientras sus familias consiguen algo de dinero o trabajo o quedarse a dormir, si sus cuidadores deben viajar a Venezuela o ausentarse por razones económicas y laborales." 215785,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Only 45% of households reported access to land. Among them, around 50% cultivated less than 1 acre." 149257,37832.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"In July, WFP assisted nearly 30,000 pregnant and nursing women and 30,000 children under five in the camps and in the host community through the malnutrition prevention and treatment programmes." 344192,56497.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,161,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.burkina24.com/2021/05/25/burkina-faso-un-conseil-mis-en-place-pour-suivre-la-reconciliation-nationale/,"En Conseil des ministres, le lundi 24 mai 2021, le gouvernement burkinabè a décidé de la mise en place d’un Conseil national d’orientation et de suivi (CNOS) de la réconciliation nationale et de la cohésion sociale. A cet effet, un décret a été pris.Le Conseil national d’orientation et de suivi de la réconciliation nationale et de la cohésion sociale est un organe consultatif et un cadre de concertation chargé d’orienter et de suivre les actions du gouvernement en matière de réconciliation nationale et de cohésion sociale, peut-on lire dans le compte rendu duConseil des ministres du 24 mai 2021.Pour ce faire, un décret a été adopté et celui-ci précise que le CNOS est présidé par le Premier ministre, Christophe Dabiré, et regroupe les représentants des secteurs public et privé, les organisations de la société civile et les autorités coutumières et religieuses." 63145,18817.0,1386.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,63,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"The border with Colombia, which had been closed since February 2019, was reopened on 7 June, allowing the population to cross. Many of these movements are return trips, allowing people to access basic goods and services. The closure of borders forces people to use informal crossings, increasing their vulnerability and exposing them to protection risks." 393177,62158.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above charts shows that 35 of the children, adolescents and youths mentioned Cultural acceptability and societal reliefs as some of the problems faced by the community in accessing basic services during COVID 19 outbreak, 53 said physical, financial, procedures, social and information accessibility, 68 said availability in terms of existence of services, sufficient in terms of quality and type, 28 said quality in terms of adequate supplies, skilled staff and services points are some of the problems faced by the communities in accessing basic services during COVID 19 outbreak." 165188,38958.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,92,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Bangladesh%20-%20August_IM%20finck.pdf,"Since 14 May when the first COVID-19 positive case was detected in the camps just over 100 refugees have been confirmed with COVID19, and 6 have died. UNHCR is operating two Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Isolation and Treatment Centres (SARI ITCs) with 194 beds and an ICU ward that offers treatment for refugees and the host community. So far, over 280 patients have received treatment in UNHCRsupported facilities. To date, there has been sufficient capacity for responding to confirmed cases and offering treatment." 283253,51140.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/INFORMEbaja_DTM_GENERAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10918,El 83% de los cuidadores y cuidadoras dijeron que el o sus NNA no han presentado ningún síntoma relacionado con el COVID-19. Para el 17% (370 personas) restante que dijeron haber tenido al menos un síntoma. 134716,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Más de la mitad de la población extranjera (56%) arrienda con contrato y, algo a tener en cuenta, es que casi ¼ arrienda sin contrato, lo que sería solo en 1 de cada 20 nativos. Esta modalidad puede alojar situaciones de acceso a vivienda por vías menos formales (Razmilic, 2019; Troncoso et al., 2018)." 106500,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La indocumentación de los niños que ingresan al país ha aumentado el riesgo de tráfico de personas y de utilización de los niños para el trabajo, ya que cualquier persona puede adjudicarse la paternidad sin que las autoridades tengan cómo corroborar esta información (Equipo de Asistencia Técnica, ICBF La Guajira, entrevista, 2019)." 63141,18817.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"A reduction in the level of fuel imports and insufficient local production has led to fuel shortages hampering access to essential services and impacting peoples’ livelihoods. This has led to the intermittent suspension of some humanitarian activities and programmes, with partners often struggling to access enough fuel to ensure the continuity of their operations." 437701,64217.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,58,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los tres países de acogida de las niñas y adolescentes refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas presentan situaciones de trabajo infantil. El país con mayor ocurrencia es Perú, pero Colombia es el país en donde más se presentan situaciones de trabajo no remunerado, engaños y estafas contra las niñas y adolescentes en condición de trabajo infantil." 224691,46162.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"In the Logone and Mayo-Kebbi regions, government measures have affected non-agricultural sources of income (handling, informal jobs, quarries)." 205850,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The number of internally displaced persons in the two crisis-hit regions increased from 350,920 in December 2018 to 450,264 in August 2019, an increase of 28.3%. In addition to these figures, it is estimated that at least 123,309 people moved to the West region, 76,880 to the Littoral region and 5,301 to Adamawa, who, although located in stable and secure areas, face protection issues such as access to documentation, survival sex and risks of stigmatisation." 272809,50353.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"Cluster partners have continued providing access to education for 71,731 learners (32,022 boys and 39,709 girls) in the regions including through community sensitization for safe and protective learning, distance learning, the provision of essential teaching and learning materials, and capitation grants for learning." 247794,48228.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Les cas de malnutrition ont été signalés sur les sites (Koudou Kolé, Darkani, Kollom, Dar al kheir, Nima et Tataverom). Bien que sur un échantillon réduit d’enfants, une évaluation nutritionnelle rapide à base de Périmètre brachial (PB) a révélé des taux de malnutrition aigüe globale (MAG) et de Malnutrition Aigüe Sévère (MAS) largement supérieurs au seuil d’urgence défini par l’OMS." 307733,53292.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"GBV partners in Pibor received 800 dignity kits, of which 400 were distributed in Pibor and Gumuruk. In Pibor County, over 34,000 individuals (336 girls, 210 boys, 23,840 women, and 11,600 men) were reached with protection awareness raising and prevention messaging." 305546,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,WFP rapid assessments in Um Dafoug and Um Dukhun in October 2019 indicate urgent need for emergency food assistance for new arrivals. 238426,47405.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Context->Demography'],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"El 50,4 % de esta población está compues- ta por hombres y el 49,6 % por mujeres (Gráfico 2). Además, por rangos de edad, la mayor pro- porción de población migrante se encuentra en edades entre los 18 y 29 años, sin dejar de lado que también hay una proporción importante de personas entre 0 y 17 años de edad (Gráfico 2). Estas características hacen que la población migrante en Colombia sea, en promedio, más joven que la connacional e implica necesidades de atención y acceso diferencial a derechos." 202190,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In 2019 alone, over 57,000 spontaneous refugee returns were reported. The majority, some 39,000 people, arrived between April and July, mostly from Khartoum at the height of political unrest in Sudan." 212299,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,45,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Près de 92% des violations documentées en octobre 2020 ont été commises dans les provinces affectées par les conflits en RDC (559 violations) et ont entrainé la mort d’au moins 175 civils, dont 26 femmes et 20 enfants." 340764,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Recursos y medios tecnológicos y audiovisuales utilizados: Emisoras de radio. Materiales educativos utilizados: Desarrollo de sus propios materiales educativos: guías y fichas para estudiantes, etc." 145389,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"SARC further reported that activities in Dar’a were temporarily suspended; and testing of staff was ongoing. In addition, according to the MoH, of the announced cases, 18 are health workers, including 15 in Damascus, and one each in Aleppo, Rural Damascus, and As-Sweida." 163733,39491.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Out%20of%20Time_Covid19%20Aftershocks%20-%20FINAL.pdf,"Children from households facing loss of jobs or reduced income are now more at risk because of begging, child labour, child trafficking and early marriage. In Bangladesh, 34 percent were sending children to beg. Sample sizes and patterns of response vary widely between countries, but these alarming results could be just the ‘tip of the iceberg’." 342497,56610.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,70,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se sigue evidenciando una alta intención de ● permanencia en Colombia en ambos �pos de movimientos: aproximadamente 7 de cada 10 grupos de viaje (re)ingresando señala este país como des�no, y 3 de cada 10 que retorna hacia Venezuela planea volver a Colombia en el corto plazo. Los des�nos son diversos, pero se concentran principalmente en ciudades capitales y zonas de frontera." 326757,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,113,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Les professionnels de santé infectés représentaient, pour leur part, 22,2% (n=558) des 2 512 cas pour lesquels la profession a été renseignée. Leurs âges variaient entre 18 et 88 ans. A ce jour, 23 décès ont été répertoriés parmi eux, soit une létalité de 4,1%. Considérant le corps de métier, pour les 402 professionnels de santé dont les corps de profession ont été renseignés, les infirmiers représentaient 44,5% (179/402) des cas, les médecins représentaient 44,0% (177/402) des cas et les techniciens de laboratoire constituaient 4,0% (16/402) de l’effectif" 262187,49486.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Es preocupante no contar un proceso seguro de retorno a las escuelas, esta situación aparte de ser una barrera de accesos a la educación representa un gran riesgo para los niños y niñas que están expuesto a actores armados para reclutamiento, uso y utilización." 244255,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Politics']",en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"The National Assembly, elected in 2011 and due for renewal since 2015, is held in majority by the President’s political party. The next presidential election is scheduled for April 2021; the President, Marshal Idriss Déby, who came to power in 1990, has not yet announced whether he intends to run for a sixth term or not." 164494,32981.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,18,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,"760 Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes (NNA) recibieron acompañamiento pedagógico, competencias socioemocionales y vacaciones lúdicas" 35740,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],en,46,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"According to Demographic and Health Survey data from 2013, 12% of adolescents aged 10–14 years are orphaned or at risk or being orphaned due to illnesses among adult household members, and that figure rises to 16% for adolescents aged 15–17 years." 289359,51168.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Since 1 January, 8,569 people including 5,049 children and 3,520 pregnant and lactating women (PLW) were reached with treatment and prevention services with a reporting rate of 100 per cent from the nutrition sites by Nutrition Cluster." 173615,34288.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653231,"“Se espera, se entreguen dotaciones alimentarias junto a la Fundación, mañana en Guastatoya, donde colaborarán los integrantes de la Comisión Municipal de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (COMUSAN)”anotó el delegado departamental, Edgar Carranza." 453827,64997.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cp_bcnudh_note_mensuelle_violations_des_droits_de_lhomme_et_infographies_juillet_2021_fr_eng.pdf,"Les groupes armés, ont été responsables de 248 atteintes aux droits de l’homme, soit 50% du nombre total des violations enregistrées sur l’ensemble du territoire et une diminution de près de 32% par rapport aux 368 atteintes documentées au mois de juin 2021. Les groupes armés sont les auteurs des exécutions sommaires d’au moins 111 personnes, dont 28 femmes et huit enfants. Les combattants de divers groupes Maï-Maï (UPLC, Malaika, Zelambuma, Apa na Pale, FPP/AP et PERCI) ont commis le plus grand nombre de violations au cours du mois." 218415,45693.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,15,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,The COVID-19 pandemic has placed additional pressure on already fragile social and health systems. 72490,20768.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"EL ACCESO A SALUD El 79,3 % de los venezolanos en Barranquilla consideró difícil acceder a los servicios de salud. La percepción tanto de hombres como de mujeres sobre la dificultad para acceder a Aunque la mayoría de ellos recibió atención médica, el 28 % no recibió cuidado en ese momento. Al 30 % de las mujeres se les denegó el acceso a los servicios, mientras el 25 % de los hombres no recibieron atención. Una razón por la cual probablemente no están atendiendo a los migrantes en Barranquilla, está en que el 85,8 % no está afiliado al sistema. 90 % de las mujeres y 81 % de los hombres encuestados no cuentan con afiliación a ninguna entidad prestadora de salud." 133944,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Situación de la Población Refugiada y Migrante de Venezuela en Panamá. ACCESO A SERVICIOS Según el estudio, el 77% de los hogares con menores de 18 años no conocen la disponibilidad de los servicios de Juzgados de Niñez, un 80% no conocen los servicios de la Defensoría del Pueblo, y un 83% no conocen los de la SENNIAF. Según la información recabada a través de los grupos focales, la población venezolana no conoce en algunos casos las instancias de protección en Panamá, y en otros no confía en ellos, o considera que solo están destinados para población panameña." 453797,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,76,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Los tipos de violencia más frecuentes sobre las niñas y niños, en la percepción de las personas encuestadas, son la violencia psicológica (81.9%), violencia física (68.7%) y bullying (75.4%). Las menos frecuentes son la trata de personas (35.4%), la violencia económica (31%) y mala atención de las instituciones del Estado (21.9%)." 243499,47668.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"Some of the affected people settled on an old site built in 2012 in Toukra, others settled on an empty lot in front of the 9th arrondissement municipality." 188187,31146.0,1900.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,83,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"La Federación Independiente de Trabajadores de Honduras (FITH) indica que hasta el momento más de 200.000 empleados han sido suspendidos y despedidos debido a la emergencia de COVID. Antes de la pandemia, el país registraba 1,5 millones de personas sin empleo, el 26 por ciento en el sector formal y el 74 por ciento en el sector informal, lo que significa que, con los 200.000 trabajadores, ya hay cerca de dos millones de desempleados." 228136,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"While noting the significant reduction in civilian casualties from suicide IEDs [Improvised Explosive Devices], UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] recalls that several such attacks continued to cause high levels of civilian harm. For example, on 13 July, the Taliban conducted a complex attack against the provincial office of the NDS [National Directorate of Security] compound in Aybak city, Samangan province. This resulted in one civilian man killed and 90 civilians injured, including nine women and 18 children." 132522,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• La estrategia de respuesta se enfocará en fortalecer los servicios estatales disponibles de protección a la infancia y complementarlos cuando sea necesario. Los socios se centrarán en complementar los servicios disponibles de protección a la infancia del Estado mediante la implementación de programas adicionales para identificar a los niños refugiados y migrantes en riesgo, asistirlos a ellos, así como a sus familias, referirlos a los servicios estatales cuando sea apropiado." 289387,51168.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"22,184 children under five were vaccinated against measles in Pibor during a reactive campaign in December 2020." 285633,51627.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Inadequate sewerage and waste management. Participants reported that disposal was not properly managed within camps, with one describing sewage rivulets running between tents. Participants expressed concerns about the risk of disease spread due to inadequate hygiene. Participants blamed NGOs for inconsistent waste management and not resolving waste disposal issues, despite multiple requests, thus forcing camp residents to try unsuccessfully to dispose of waste themselves." 474176,67247.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,23,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210719_acaps_humanitarian_access_overview_july_2021.pdf,COVID 19 measures resulted in the restriction of humanitarian personnel and goods movements and delays in the delivery of humanitarian projects’ permits 195972,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,18,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,153 séances de psychoéducation ont été organisées dans la communauté dont 146 à Kinshasa et 7 en Ituri 154003,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los caminantes por su parte tampoco se sienten seguros en la carretera debido a la presencia de personas que indican ser seguidores de equipos de fútbol, quienes están amenazando a venezolanos que se movilizan en camiones y tractomulas, agrediéndolos y hurtando sus pertenencias." 280525,51090.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] Investigation of mortality due to suspected potential infectious causes i.e. SARI, Measles, Cholera, Diphtheria etc. is ongoing in the camps along with death due to maternal causes as high priority. During the reporting period, six (06) new suspected maternal deaths have been reported. In total 19 suspected and confirmed maternal/deaths of Women of Reproductive Age (WRA), i.e. between 12-49 years have been reported in 2021, of which five (05) deaths have been reported from facilities having directly undergone review by MPMSR (Maternal and Perinatal Mortality Surveillance and Response)." 204291,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,14,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,Girls are the most vulnerable to sexual exploitation to meet their food needs. 174360,31590.0,1899.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,30,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-03-30%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2023-29%20marzo%202020.pdf,El Congreso aprobó dos préstamos de $450 millones para mitigar el impacto económico de la pandemia y una extensión de 30 días del estado de calamidad previamente declarado. 204108,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Insecurity has been the major cause behind school closure in recent years, with 20 per cent of schools non-functional. In some parts of the country, three in four children are out of school." 147707,36039.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Further in the reporting period, IMC in collaboration with SARC distributed 3,118 bottles of hand sanitizer to families at 32 IDP shelters in Al-Hasakeh. Distributions are ongoing to cover 63 shelters overall. ADRA also distributed 667 sanitization kits in northern rural Homs for 3,335 individuals." 308051,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,Pre-positioning of nutrition supplies to Akobo West needs to be scaled-up to sustain services in hard-to-reach locations. 473210,67204.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"La falta de los cuidadores primarios en el proceso de crianza afecta el desarrollo integral de las niñas, niños y adolescentes si no se maneja adecuadamente, y puede ser mucho más grave si se dio la muerte de ambos padres. Algunas de las consecuencias pueden ser aumento del suicidio, abuso de sustancias psicoactivas, problemas emocionales, aumento de las tasas de depresión y posibilidades de verse envueltos en conductas delictivas." 288079,51837.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,107,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ROAP_Snapshot_210324.pdf,"[16-22 March, 2021, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh] A massive fire broke out in the main Kutupalong section of the Rohingya Refugee Camps on 22 March 2021 around 15:00 and rapidly spread through four camps (8e, 8w, 9 and 10), with early assessments indicating that at least 15 people have lost their lives, over 560 injured, and more than 45,000 people displaced with 10,000 shelters damaged/destroyed, with loss of critical infrastructure including nutrition centres, food distribution points and health centres. Displaced people have sought refuge in nearby camps and at various facilities." 186226,43272.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Continued heavy rains and subsequent flooding in areas of South Sudan along the White Nile River have inundated crops, houses, and pastures, negatively affecting more than 700,000 people across 35 counties since July, the UN reports" 36929,13321.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,Some of the challenges in the response to the measles outbreak include: inability to reach children in securitycompromised areas with immunization; overcrowding in camps and host communities that lead to the outbreak of diseases; shortage of measles vaccines in the country; and overstretched health services due to the high number of measles cases 391114,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,79,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Projected climate variability and change trends for Nigeria such as rising temperatures, an increase in frequency and intensity of heavy rain events and increased duration of dry spells, increased aridity and drought threaten the country’s agricultural sector. The sector is already challenged by seasonal changes and increasingly variable rainfall, limited infrastructure, substantial post-harvest losses, and lack of access to inputs and finance." 304059,50891.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"To help address this [large out-of-camp refugee child population] in 2018, UNICEF forged new CSO [Civil Society Organization] partnerships and strengthened community-based child protection, in West & South Kordorfan, White Nile and South Darfur. This has enabled UNICEF to extend services to a broader population and the better networks have improved the identification of UASCs [Unaccompanied or Separated Children] within local communities." 223526,44702.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,The community affected is also in need of fishing nets and fishing hooks to help them in harvesting fish from the flooded rivers and streams 248031,48228.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Les difficultés et contraintes liées à l’accès à l’éducation sont dues au manque d’information pour l’accès au service, la pauvreté des parents, mariage précoce." 193828,43300.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,55,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Dans toutes les zones affectées par les mouvements de population (Lac et Sud) mais aussi dans les zones du nord et de l´Est, ces enfants sont aussi exposés à des risques d´exploitation et d´abus, particulièrement les mariages forcés et le travail des enfants (travaux domestiques, prostitution, mendicité)" 204909,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,99,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The lack of civil status documents negatively affects the freedom of movement and the socio-economic integration of the Central African Refugees. However, Central African refugees show a certain level of resilience. An increase in school enrollment has reportedly led to a decrease in early marriages. Women organize the collection of firewood in groups as a preventive measure against SGBV. An increase in the participation of women in private and public decision making is also reported. Furthermore, mechanisms for the resolution of community clashes and community-led total sanitation programmes have been established." 353486,57851.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],es,123,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpaisvallenato.com/2021/05/31/reactivan-en-valledupar-toma-de-muestras-covid-19-a-poblacion-migrante/,"Según el cronograma anunciado para los próximos seis días, el lunes 31 de mayo se habilitaron los puntos en el parque Los Cortijos y el Colegio Francisco de Paula; el miércoles 2 y viernes 4 de junio, lo pueden hacer, además del parque Los Cortijos, en la Institución Educativa Joaquín Ochoa Maestre, en la urbanización Mareigua, entre las 8:00 de la mañana y 12 del mediodía. Al respecto, Rafael Morales, presidente de la Fundación Soy tu Amigo, aseguró que gracias al apoyo de las organizaciones internacionales se logró que el Gobierno municipal de Valledupar, ofreciera la oportunidad de aplicar las pruebas contra el Covid-19 a la población venezolana no afiliada." 164221,38956.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/7-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a9-%d8%a8%d9%81%d9%8a%d8%b1%d9%88%d8%b3-%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%b4%d9%85%d8%a7%d9%84-%d8%ba%d8%b1%d8%a8/395619/,"According to the statistics of the Syrian Observatory, the number of injuries since the 9th of July until today has risen to 138, and they are: two doctors who were residing in Turkey, and 57 people, including medical personnel in the areas of influence of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham in Idlib and parts of Aleppo, Hama and Latakia, and 79 infected in areas of the pro-Turkish factions north of Aleppo." 359665,58399.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,155,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Impact on drop-out rate: Girls in Nepal and Bangladesh face the highest levels of child marriage and adolescent childbearing in the South Asia region. The association between educational attainment, particularly secondary school completion and child marriage is evident in both Bangladesh and Nepal. Girls who married after the age of 18 in both countries had remarkably higher secondary completion rates. In contrast, high levels of school drop outs after primary school has been observed among women aged 20–24 who married before the age of 18, in both settings: 35 per cent of Nepalese women and 49 per cent of Bangladeshi women who had married before the age of 18 did not complete secondary schooling, compared to only 13 per cent and 10 per cent, respectively, who did (UNICEF South Asia, 2019)." 393235,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,63,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above chart shows other sources of information related to COVID 19 in the communities. 73% demonstrate that door to door sensitizations done by health workers and organizations are the most reliable source of information, 27% said cultural and traditional leaders during traditional activities are the most reliable sources of information." 236009,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"UNHCR and its partner Libra Law Office (LLO) assisted several cases with legal protection needs including support to obtain identity and civil status documentation, legal counselling and sensitization on the rights and responsibilities of stakeholders." 297673,52576.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn1.internationalmedicalcorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IntlMedCorps-Ebola_in_DRC_Situation-Report-39.pdf,"On Wednesday, March 3, International Medical Corps discharged the first cured patients from the Ebola Treatment Center (ETC) that we set up and manage in the town of Katwa, the current epicenter of the new outbreak, in the northeast." 125291,32569.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"However, access to health services was reported as a major constraint for migrants in Libya. The majority of the assessed migrants reported only having limited or no access to the health services in Libya (70%)" 64751,19061.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,86,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Displacement', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"Yuliana se levantó a las 5 de la mañana, como los demás 150 indígenas transfronterizos, colombianos y venezolanos, que sobreviven en unos cambuches de plástico a las orillas de los inmensos montes de basura. A ella la desvela el hambre, la suciedad, el calor y el bebé de dos meses de gestación que lleva en su vientre, de quien no quiere que corra la misma suerte de su otro hijo de un año hace unas semanas: morir." 180575,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,45,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,La sensibilisation a concerné 1 085 personnes qui peuvent désormais relayer l’information sur les mesures barrières du COVID 19. Ces sensibilisations sont réalisées lors des focus groups de monitoring communautaire. Au total 64 séances d’animation/sensibilisation ont été réalisées. 211078,44790.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The assessment results show a deterioration in levels of food security, first driven by drought conditions between late 2018 and May 2019, and then by below-average and erratically-distributed rainfall during the main Gu season (April-June)." 319791,54628.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Last month’s devastating fires in the Cox’s Bazar camps caused widespread destruction, destroying the homes and impacting the lives of tens of thousands of Rohingya refugees. All the respondents are still living in the wreckage of their burnt-out homes, using tarpaulins supported by bamboo for shelter." 187555,38355.0,1184.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,37,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"UNICEF Ecuador is particularly concerned about the limited access to water for many families in rural and semi-urban areas, especially given the importance of hand washing with soap in reducing the spread of the virus." 361361,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,115,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In Bangladesh, researchers including Rahman et al (2019) have previously related this to cultural factors such as existing traditional gender roles, with young boys being more likely to be out playing unsupervised and young girls being more likely at home assisting with household activities and not being allowed to swim or bathe in public after a certain age (ADB, 2001). Considering the varying risks between young males and females found within the refugee camps, gender differences are key factors and need to be acknowledged when developing drowning prevention strategies (Borse et al, 2011)." 261652,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,22,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,A nivel nacional enero de 2021 superó en un 40 por ciento el máximo de contagios registrados en agosto de 2020. 193765,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,46,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le manque d´informations sur les services disponibles peut poser une barrière supplémentaire, par exemple, pour les Peuls qui ont tendance à s´écarter du reste des retournés, ce qui affecte aussi leur connaissance des services disponibles et par ricochet l´accès à ces services." 115989,30124.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],es,148,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades no cubiertas Brindar servicios de protección a personas con discapacidad en riesgo sigue siendo una prioridad para el Clúster de Protección. En este sentido, el Clúster de Protección planea realizar un estudio sobre las barreras que enfrentan las personas con discapacidad para acceder a los servicios de protección. El objetivo de este estudio es formular recomendaciones y lineamientos o guías que permitirán mejorar la inclusión de estas personas en las respuestas de los actores humanitarios en Venezuela. Fortalecer los programas de capacitaciones de todos los actores humanitarios, incluida la institucionalidad en materia de VbG para garantizar una respuesta articulada de calidad, de cara a garantizar el acceso a servicios de calidad para la respuesta a la VbG para sobrevivientes. Continuar con la abogacía para la movilización de recursos para los actores humanitarios involucrados en la respuesta a la VbG." 739,156.0,321.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Economy'],en,173,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Since early 2015, Libya has been suffering from a severe economic and financial crisis linked to a lack of access to liquidity. As a result, access to basic goods and services has become a challenge in some parts of the country, with many households reportedly struggling to meet their basic needs due to their decreasing purchasing power and a lack of access to cash. Although most surveyed households had physical access to markets and financial service providers, these institutions’ lack of functionality often served as a constraining barrier. Those services could also easily be disrupted, which could potentially lead to a rapid deterioration in living conditions. Severe challenges to accessing income and liquidity meant that a high proportion of households, especially displaced households, resorted to negative coping strategies when they could not access cash. This potentially presents risks in the long term, as it caused faster depletion of household resources and increased debt due to purchasing on credit." 223914,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,23,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Ce plan comprend 9 objectifs bien définis mais les aspects spécifiques aux questions de protection transversale et de genre sont faiblement développés. 114152,31147.0,1898.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,54,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Impacto en el sistema económico En un país donde la gran mayoría de la fuerza económica activa trabaja en la informalidad, un sondeo empresarial realizado a una muestra de 300 empresas de todos los tamaños, sectores y zona geográfica muestra que las micro y pequeñas empresas son las más negativamente afectadas." 194843,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"A total of US$39.4 million have been received to implement the activities under the Somalia component of the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan (CPRP), meeting 17.5 per cent of the CPRP funding requirements. Almost half (US$19.4 million) has been provided for distribution across multiple clusters, including health, protection, nutrition and WASH. The remaining funds have been allocated primarily for health, education, food security and protection, with smaller contributions for CCCM, Enabling Programmes and WASH." 282007,51173.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"Through the Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) monitors in the field, more than 1,485 grave violations with 79% verified." 278639,50723.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_unrwa_syria_regional_crisis_emergency_appeal_.pdf,"[2021, Overall Syria] Ninety nine per cent of Palestine refugee households surveyed reported that they struggled to purchase food and other basic items due to the increasing market prices, with many going into debt to meet their basic needs." 113007,29959.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,70,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"El Gobierno Nacional emite el Decreto 768 del 30 de mayo donde se evidencian medidas para la prestación de servicios de transporte e infraestructura a partir del 1° de junio del 2020. Dentro de estas actividades se encuentra la activación en el cobro de peajes a vehículos que transiten por el territorio nacional e inicio de actividades de transporte individual tipo taxi, según las normas de bioseguridad6." 163566,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,47,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Se han presentado múltiples eventos de desastres naturales, como deslizamientos, desbordamiento de ríos, lluvias intensas, inundaciones, que han bloqueado las vías de acceso al departamento, elevando el riesgo de deslizamientos de gran magnitud (i.e. Emergencia Mocoa 2017)." 235585,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Our country is hit by the COVID-19 at the same time as the collapse of international oil prices. These two shocks, combined, have a major negative impact on Cameroon’s economic activity." 218408,45693.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,Access to social services and basic infrastructure remains limited across the country. Some 15 million Congolese in rural areas lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities. 319793,54628.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Seven of the men have their own smartphones with internet access, whilst the three others have analogue/button phones with no internet access. None of the female respondents have internet access. Only 2 (both males) of the 17 respondents used their phones to access the internet to get information about the fires." 357897,58570.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/N2111312.pdf,"La pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) agravó las vulnerabilidades existentes de los niños, en particular obstaculizando su acceso a servicios educativos, sanitarios y sociales, limitando las actividades de protección infantil y reduciendo los espacios seguros. Las repercusiones socioeconómicas de la pandemia expusieron a los niños a violaciones graves, como el reclutamiento y la utilización, el secuestro y la violencia sexual." 492591,67931.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,34,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] MEDIAN SMEB COSTS & CHANGES (Syrian Pounds): Northwest Syria SMEB: 368,856 SYP One month change: 3% Six month change: 16%" 35736,13103.0,788.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,22,['At Risk'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Conflict in Borno State is ongoing and several communities, such as Konduga, have been designated humanitarian crisis zones for years" 359618,58464.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Northeast Syria is the country’s “wheat basket”, producing between 70 and 80 per cent of the country’s wheat, a staple food crop for Syria’s roughly 17 million residents. However, reduced rainfall combined with decreasing water levels in the Euphrates basin have placed significant pressures on a population bound at the intersection of agriculture and livestock production and distribution, resulting in combined shrinkages in food production and availability." 221379,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"From October to December 2019, deyr rains led to flooding, affecting more than 547,000 persons, 370,000 of them displaced" 295685,52400.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] So far, 11 casualties have been reported, and a total number of 3,800 families have been relocated to other camps. Over 150 Red Crescent staff & volunteers and 1,558 Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) camp volunteers worked since beginning of the fire incident to rescue the people, provide first aid, install the tents, distribute food & non-food items and support Site Management Support (SMS) Agencies to accommodate relocated people at different facilities." 385601,60457.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"[Sahel - Risque] Sur le plan nutritionnel, les quatre provinces de la région étaient en phase «critique» jusqu’en avril 2021. Une situation qui pourrait se dégrader davantage les mois prochains si aucune assistance humanitaire urgente n’est fournie." 408632,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Venezuelan migrants and refugees facing xenophobia: There are 8,051 formally registered Venezuelan migrants in the department of Cauca. Although this is not a large number compared with other departments in Colombia, the ELN and FARC-EP factions often threaten Venezuelan immigrants with violence. Xenophobia and stigmatisation are also common" 356600,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El 14 de mayo, la Defensoría del Pueblo reportó que había recibido quejas en contra de miembros de la Policía por 2 casos de violación sexual, 14 casos de agresión sexual y otros 71 casos de violencia basada en género, incluyendo bofetadas y abuso verbal. Las organizaciones de derechos humanos colombianashan informadosobre más casos. Human Rights Watch documentó dos casos de violencia sexual por parte de policías contra manifestantes." 10345,4756.0,321.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,51,[],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/drownings-skyrocket-european-governments-block-humanitarian-assistance,"One month ago, the search and rescue ship Aquarius, run by SOS MEDITERRANEE in partnership with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), was blocked by Italian authorities from disembarking 630 people rescued at sea. Further blockages and obstruction of NGO rescue ships by European states followed." 493809,68147.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_3-restricted_sitrep.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) SURVEILLANCE AND LABORATORY: One case confirmed from Girei. Yola North reported 2 suspected cases ACS is ongoing in Hotspots communities of Yola North, Yola South & Girei LGA. 1,798 Households were visited by the 3 ACS teams in 7 hotspots communities of Yola North, Yola South & Girei LGA. 2 suspected cases were reported." 281575,51173.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,The food security situation in Afghanistan continued to deteriorate with the percentage of food-insecure people doubling. 319531,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"Nigeria Situation began in 2013, with the arrival to the Diffa region of Nigerian refugees and Nigerien returnees who had been settled in Nigeria for decades. The situation has become increasingly mixed following attacks on Nigerien territory since 2015." 290594,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Education']",[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,26,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,80% of health and education services in the two regions [North West and South West] were non-functioning even before the COVID-19 outbreak. 133911,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,70,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Mujeres. Las mujeres venezolanas (niñas, adolescentes, jóvenes y adultas), que representan el 47% de la población encuestada, se identifican como un grupo en situación de vulnerabilidad por el estigma social que se ha creado en torno a ellas como objeto sexual. Las adolescentes están padeciéndolo especialmente, siendo increpadas en la escuela con canciones populares que denigran a la mujer 26" 225050,45275.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,For the 3.7 million children who were already out of school – it is likely to be even more difficult to get them back. 112732,29947.0,1387.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,107,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Mexico,2019-08-18 18:54:16.373564+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Americas%20Update%20COVID%2010_1%20June.pdf,"Mexico: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 emergency, the UNHCR Help desk assisted in 4,250 consultations. The recurring issues included requests for support (41%), cash assistance (35%), access to employment (11%), problems related to the asylum procedures (8%) and regulariza- tion of migratory status (5%). The El Jaguar Facebook page has reached 2 million users, with some 19,000 engagements. The special coronavi- rus page of Help.UNHCR, updated daily, recorded about 5,293 unique visits, doubling the number of pre-COVID visits." 498751,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,182,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"The camp is located in the heart of the communities, in the middle of nowhere, and through its 10 tanks and a water treatment plant it is able to provide between 45,000 and 60,000 liters of water daily to the indigenous families of the area. Survival in Salta is very difficult, the temperature can reach 45º, the area is very arid and deserted. “Access to the communities is very complicated, there are no roads, we had to create them ourselves in order to be able to get there with our vehicles and bring water every two or three days. The children are waiting for us very excited, with the little cups ready… I have learned to value water very much, you realize how important it is when you don’t have it. Since we brought them the water, we have managed to reduce diarrhea and improve the children’s size, because before they took water from contaminated rivers, putting their health at risk." 180945,42079.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=207404,"[25th October 2020, Overall Syria] There is no spread of the epidemic in schools and there are natural cases as a result of the spread of the disease in the society and are directly monitored and dealt with in accordance with the health protocol, according to Tabaa." 244424,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,29,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ NES, Areesheh Camp, Dec] There have reportedly been 11 deaths within the camp including five children up to 14 months and three newborn children." 304200,50889.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Education', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"In Khartoum, at least 58,000 South Sudanese refugees continue to live in dire humanitarian conditions, despite renewed access for partners granted by the Government of Sudan in December 2017. These needs are compounded by underfunding of the inter-agency response plan. Urgent needs persist across all sectors, including health, nutrition, education and WASH" 388946,60849.0,1186.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,125,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Derecho a la salud En general hay bastante satisfacción respecto a la experiencia vivida en el sistema de salud chileno, en particular respecto de la calidad de la atención. Es el ámbito en el que menos discriminación han vivido y con el que expresan mayores niveles de satisfacción y reconocimiento. No se perciben dificultades de acceso, aunque ello varía en el caso de las personas en situación migratoria irregular las que señalan mayores dificultades para acceder, situación que de todos modos se resuelve de manera satisfactoria. La experiencia ha sido particularmente positiva para aquellas personas que tienen niños, niñas y/o adolescentes, manifestando pronta atención a través del otorgamiento de la figura del ""carnet provisorio""." 235494,43400.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,123,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"In conjunction with the implementation of these drastic measures [closure of the land, air and sea borders cancelling events, closure of schools ...], a COVID-19 preparation and response plan has been developed by our Ministry of Public Health with the support of WHO and other local government institutions. The plan includes country-level coordination, case investigation and rapid response, provision of patient care and medical supplies, infection prevention and control, case management, and raising public awareness of the risks posed by the pandemic and prevention methods. At this juncture, the cost of preparedness and response plan is estimated at about CFAF 58.3 billion (about 0.2 percent of GDP)." 41098,11894.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']",[],[],en,47,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"The highest-priority need reported by refugees and migrants who had left conflict-affected areas was shelter, followed by access to healthcare. Food and non-food items (NFIs), in particular blankets, mattresses, and hygiene kits, were also cited as priority needs." 472858,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,Doter les personnes déplacées internes (PDI) en moustiquaires imprégnées à longue durée d’actions (MILDA) 247826,48228.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,64,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"La plupart des déplacés n’ont pas accès à la terre dans leurs lieux de déplacement. Très peu qui ont trouvé des terres mais éloignées de leurs sites. Ils sont dépourvus d’intrants agricoles (bonnes semences, outils aratoires etc.,) pour étendre les superficies et poursuivre l’activité comparativement à leurs terres d’origines." 293089,51965.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,38,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://monusco.unmissions.org/sud-kivu%C2%A0%C2%A0la-monusco-facilite-un-atelier-sur-la-probl%C3%A9matique-des-enfants-dans-les-conflits-arm%C3%A9s,"dans (...) le Sud-Kivu et Maniema, «durant l’année 2020, les Nations Unies ont documenté 500 violations graves des droits de l’enfant commises par les parties au conflit.»" 190009,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"La crise actuelle a ralenti sévèrement la capacité des services étatiques à fournir des soins de qualité aux enfants en raison des dommages causés aux infrastructures et aux équipements sanitaires, au pillage des fournitures médicales et aux mouvements incessants de population, y compris le départ du personnel médical qualifié." 144521,34804.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Humanitarian cases, i.e. people travelling to KRI to seek health treatment and returning to NES are to be quarantined for a period of 14 days, except for humanitarian workers if they undergo quarantine in KRI 48 hours before entering NES. These measures add to cross-border movement restrictions already in place before the pandemic, with humanitarian supplies and goods allowed into NES only once a week" 163763,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,69,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Adicionalmente, en las últimas semanas en Colombia más de 15.600 personas se han visto afectadas por inundaciones crecientes de ríos y deslizamientos en el Meta, Putumayo, Chocó y Arauca. Ante la presencia de casos de COVID-19 en estas regiones, la respuesta segura para las comunidades a estas emergencias se dificulta por la falta de herramientas de evaluación rápidas remotas y falta de recursos." 290456,51817.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,71,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"[Nyunzu] Depuis février 2021, la situation sécuritaire s’est détériorée au nord du territoire de Nyunzu. Des hommes armés continuent de mener des attaques contre les populations. Une vingtaine de civils ont ainsi été enlevés au cours de la dernière attaque qui a eu lieu le 16 février dans les localités de Kalowe et de Mukumbe, selon les acteurs de protection du Tanganyika." 229396,46461.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Norwegian Refugee Council also supports the well-being and resilience of children through increased capacities of the schools to address protection. This is ensured through implementation of the Better Learning Programme (BLP) - a classroom-based curriculum, which teaches recreational strategies to cope with stress using practical and adaptable exercises that are integrated into classroom activities, and includes a targeted capacity building to teaching staff to ensure sustainability and promote psychosocial well-being to students." 330132,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,97,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"En Mitú, la capital de Vaupés, se han aplicado más de 13.600 vacunas, 7.638 de primera dosis y 5.933 de segunda dosis. Para Velasco, con estas cifras ya se podría estar hablando de un 60 % de la población inmunizada en la ciudad. El caso de Leticia, la primera de las ciudades de la región donde llegaron las vacunas de Sinovac, es mucho más alentador pues según el Ministerio de Salud allí ya se superó el 90% de cobertura en vacunación con más de 22.000 vacunas aplicadas." 131818,34344.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Con base en la ENPOVE, el 21 por ciento de las necesidades alimentarias para refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en el Perú no son cubiertas. La vulnerabilidad se da particularmente en las personas en tránsito: una evaluación por los socios en el 2019 en Tumbes demostró que el 69 por ciento de venezolanos no tuvieron acceso a alimentación7. Casi el 30 por ciento de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela también han tenido acceso supuestamente a menos de tres comidas al día8" 81819,22508.0,1387.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,23,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Mexico,2019-08-18 18:54:16.373564+00,https://es.panampost.com/sabrina-martin/2019/10/03/venezolanos-sin-derecho-a-viajar-victimas-de-xenofobia-robos-y-vejaciones/,"Afirmó que no le devolvieron sus documentos, solo su cédula y mochila en la que presuntamente faltaban artículos personales y dinero." 133908,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"No obstante, las personas consultadas en los grupos focales expresan miedo de poner en conocimiento a SENNIAF situaciones de riesgo o victimización de personas menores de edad, bajo la percepción de que podrían retirarles la custodia de sus hijos, por falta de recursos o situación irregular." 175458,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"A la date du 30 septembre 2020, toutes les 13 régions avaient rapporté des cas avec 11 régions avaient encore des cas actifs il s’agit de la région du Centre, Haut Bassin, Boucle du Mouhoun, Plateau Central, Cascades, Centre-Sud, Sud-Ouest, Centre-Est, Nord, Est et Centre Ouest (un total de 667 cas actifs)." 437560,64217.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 72% de las niñas y adolescentes afi rma que, en el último año, sufrió afectaciones en su salud. Entre las enfermedades más recurrentes están: desnutrición (44%) enfermedades respiratorias (17%) y enfermedades gastrointestinales (11%). Todas ellas prevenibles y por lo tanto, injustifi cables." 204418,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les inondations ont affecté un nombre de personnes sans précédant au Niger en 2020. Même si la périodicité de la collecte de données ne permet pas de capturer l’ampleur de ce choc sur la capacité des ménages à répondre à leurs besoins primaires, des indicateurs suggèrent l’effet précoce des premières inondations dans certaines régions touchées dès le mois de juillet, notamment Tillabéri et Dosso." 21466,8858.0,730.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Economy'],en,64,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WASH%20Needs%20Assessment_Shibam%20Kawkaban%20District_RRD.pdf,"The local economy continues to greatly suffer amid the collapse of public services leading to social collapse and increased risk of disease and starvation. Collapsing urban water and sanitation systems, deteriorating water and sanitation conditions in rural areas, and lack of means to maintain personal hygiene and purchase safe drinking water all contributed to one of the worst cholera outbreaks." 132483,34344.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los socios de respuesta del transporte humanitario en el Perú asegurarán un trabajo en común con los socios de protección respecto de los riesgos que surgen de la trata de personas o de optar por contrabandistas para continuar el transporte. Adicionalmente, los actores en este sector asegurarán una colaboración con el Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones, la Superintendencia de Transporte Terrestre de Personas, Carga y Mercancías (SUTRAN) en las principales ciudades de partida, tránsito y destino, y con la Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria (SUNAT) responsable de la supervisión de Aduanas en los principales puntos de frontera" 150719,32327.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En Ecuador, el 72% de los hombres, el 69% de las mujeres y el 50% de las personas LGBTIQ + no sabían cómo denunciar casos de violencia sexual" 160523,38373.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,40,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 50.7% de los encuestados considera que el nivel de salubridad del agua es bueno o muy bueno, otro 28% lo percibe como aceptable y el 21.3% como algo malo, malo o muy malo." 163819,34549.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"COVID-19 containment measures in the Syrian Arab Republic have had the most significant direct impact on transport, retail, services and the daily waged labourers in and around the bigger cities. However, since remote and/or rural areas are also being impacted, the agriculture sector is heavily affected." 187548,38355.0,1184.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",[],[],en,48,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"One of the consequences of the pandemic has been the suspension of childcare services for under threes and the prolonged closure of schools. This may also have contributed to rising tensions in homes, as well as increasing the weight of unpaid work for women and girls" 58686,17259.0,1384.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,126,[],['Context'],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"The reality, however, is that Curaçao has made these rights exceptionally difficult for Venezuelans to access. The relationship between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Curaçao is complicated. Safeguarding human rights within Curaçao is the responsibility of the Kingdom, but handling migrants within Curaçao is an internal matter. According to the Ministry of Justice of Curaçao, if a foreigner does not apply for international protection under Article 3 immediately upon arrival at a legal port of entry, he or she forfeits the ability to do so later.54 For victims of trafficking transported to Curaçao by irregular means and victims whose movement is restricted by those exploiting them, it is not possible to meet this procedural requirement." 268967,50179.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=223672,"[23 Feb, Gos] Ministry of Health in Damascus announced that it had monitored an increase during this week in the number of patients visiting emergency departments at hospitals in all provinces suffering from respiratory symptoms suspected of having infection with the Coronavirus." 287099,51631.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,131,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"(Est) ACF ❑ 29,437 mères formées sur le PB à domicile avec 882 MAS admis par cette stratégie dans le DS de Pama ❑ 18,173 FEFA ayant bénéficiés d’activités ANJE à travers les GASPA dans le DS de Pama ©UNICEF/Burkina Faso/2020/RIMA ❑ 22,925 enfants 6-23 mois ayant bénéficié d’une fortification en micronutriments ❑ 123 AS formés sur la PCIMA dans les DS de Fada (98) et Pama (25) ; ❑ 551 ASBC formés sur ANJE et PCIMA ; ❑ 700 Visites d’appui techniques réalisées dans le processus d’autonomisation des CSPS ❑ 03 supervisions conjointes réalisées dans les DS de Fada et Pama ; ❑ Dotation de rations sèches et fraîches aux CREN du CHR et de Diabo" 248989,47559.0,2099.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,30,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,L’insuffisance des infrastructures publiques et le manque de moyen financier pour accéder aux établissements privés endiguent également l’accès à l’éducation des enfants PDI. 344136,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,109,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"C’est ainsi que dans le cadre de la loi de programmation militaire 2018-2022, des actions de formation et de renforcement des moyens logistiques et matériels des Forces de défense et de sécurité (FDS) ont été menées en direction des unités combattantes pour les rendre plus opérationnelles sur le terrain. Par ailleurs, la loi portant institution de Volontaires pour la défense de la patrie (VDP), a favorisé la mobilisation de supplétifs locaux, déterminés et engagés pour la défense de leurs terroirs. Leurs actions contribuent mettre à mal les groupes armés terroristes, a indiqué le Premier ministre." 16552,6344.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,76,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"An estimated 3,500 people fled from Al Hudaydah’s Ad Durayhimi District to Al Hudaydah city on September 14 due to escalated fighting in the district, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported. As of September 21, the UN agency had provided emergency relief commodities, protection services, and shelter assistance to more than 100,000 conflict-affected individuals as part of the Al Hudaydah RRM." 322114,54688.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,69,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/el-reto-de-atender-a-los-mas-de-2000-desplazados-que-deja-la-ola-de-violencia-en-el-cauca/,"Se requiere con urgencia jornadas de atención y acompañamiento psicosocial a las comunidades afectadas, por el alto grado de afectación emocional que sufrieron por los eventos previos a los desplazamientos. Según la OCHA, hombres, mujeres y niños, niñas y adolescentes han tenido alteraciones en su salud mental y emocional por el temor de las acciones armadas y la incertidumbre de su futuro próximo." 238599,47236.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,"Les informateurs clés ont indiqué que la majorité des résidents de ces villages, y compris les déplacés, ont accès à des sources et points d’eau potable améliorés en quantité et qualité suffisantes, mais peu de ménages ont les moyens de stocker l’eau à l’intérieur des foyers." 194905,43776.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,65,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] Virus misinformation also is spreading, such as eating garlic and onions as a preventative. Some see masks as a sign of infection, adding to the stigma of covering up. Children play a game in which one picks up a mask found on the street and chases others screaming: “COVID! COVID!”" 298930,51152.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,125,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"The immediate short-term response started in September 2020 with quick dyke repairs and building of secondary dykes and community mobilization to engage in dyke repairs. The medium-term response started in December 2020 and included drainage of flooded roads and rehabilitation of roads to open up access to rest of Jonglei state. Longer term stage started in January 2021 and includes urban and drainage planning, sustainable flood control and establishment of National, State, and County level disaster management and early warning systems. In January 2021, the Clusters have completed a review of the lessons learnt and best practices of 2020 flood response and have started working on a flooding response preparedness strategy for of the 2021 flooding season." 145417,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In NES, local authorities have also eased preventive measures with restrictions only remaining at borders, as detailed above. Travel is now permitted, and religious centres are allowed to open after disinfection." 229347,44602.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,9,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,No food items were observed in households visited. 215222,45149.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/south-sudan/save-children-commends-government-s-decision-reopen-schools-south-sudan,The government and other education actors on the ground should fight against sexual violence and child marriage as such are barriers to children's rights to education in South Sudan. 193069,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La situation des enfants qui représentent 56% de la population réfugiée est déplorable en raison des faibles ressources des ménages, tributaires des faibles potentialités du milieu et les faibles capacités d´autonomisation. Les enfants sont à mobilité constante à la recherche des moyens de subsistance et exposés à toute forme d´abus et d´exploitation." 184753,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] Over the last month, transmission has become prevalent across all areas of NES. In addition to continued high levels of transmission in Hassakeh and Qamislhi Districts, there have been notable increases in Malakiyeh District (Hassakeh), Raqqa District and Ain Al Arab District (Aleppo)." 160567,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 50.3% de la población monitoreada no conoce el significado de violencia basada en género (VBG), lo cual puede explicar que un 41.4% no sabe si la VBG representa un problema en su comunidad. El desconocimiento sobre este tema puede ocasionar la normalización de incidentes de VBG o su invisibilidad." 412929,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,129,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.10 Experience in seeking health services for persons/children with disabilities: Around half of the persons/children with disabilities could not seek treatment due to the fear of corona infection during the pandemic: The surveyed households have 102 persons/children with disabilities. Less than half of them (44.1%) obtained specific health services—rural level households took more service compared to the urban ones (49.1% vs. 38.8%). Care for accidents (53.3%), regular check-up (51.1%) in this special group of individuals and children were the commonest type of treatment obtained from healthcare centres. However, seven (15.6%) persons/children with disabilities had to take emergency treatment." 650,156.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],['Information And Communication'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Only 21.3% of assessed households reportedly received explosive hazards awareness campaigns. They were predominantly conducted through conventional media (television, radio, newspapers) for 64.5% of households who reported an awareness campaign, followed by social media for 29.4%, and posters for 20.2%" 208931,43347.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The remaining 62 per cent of the population across the country either rely on unimproved or surface water sources (35 per cent), take more than 30 minutes to reach the improved sources (24 per cent), or are able to reach an improved source in less than 30 minutes but face protection concerns while accessing the source (3 per cent). The highest proportion of households relying on surface water were found in Greater Upper Nile (59 per cent)." 189661,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,42,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,La situation politique reste dominée par des dissensions autour de l´organisation des élections législatives prévues en 2018 dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la réforme institutionnelle consacrée par la constitution de la 4ème république adoptée en mai 2018. 317525,54450.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,66,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/04/23/2-killed-in-chemical-warehouse-fire-in-old-dhaka,"[23rd April 2021, Bangladesh] Old Dhaka remains a ticking time bomb during fires because of illegal chemical warehouses, unplanned building construction, narrow roads and high population density. In February 2019, a devastating fire at Wahed Mansion in the Churihatta area of Chawkbazar claimed 71 lives. In June 2010, a deadly fire in Nimtoli took 124 lives." 126311,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Casi tres de cada diez migrantes (27%) pidieron limosna en la calle, comparado con el 13% en las comunidades de acogida." 224674,44702.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,17,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,There should be peace building initiative to be carried out to end sectional violence in Cueibet county 156000,38388.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,En el sistema de salud de El Salvador coexisten un sistema público y uno privado. La mayor parte de las consultas se desarrollan en las instancias del subsector público 473206,67204.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"En esto concuerda Ricardo Celis, psicólogo pediátrico, quien lleva años tratando estrés postraumático en menores de edad: “Los niños no cuentan con la facultad de enfrentar un duelo de manera repentina. Y lo que estamos viendo es un aumento en la atención a pacientes de este tipo desde que empezó la pandemia”." 155022,34182.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,38,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los migrantes asentados sugieren entregas de mercados en especie o a través de bonos como estrategia para mejorar el acceso a alimentos, así como kits de cocinas para mejorar las condiciones de preparación de los mismos." 195945,43841.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,54,['At Risk'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Autour de 6,8% (764/11222) des cas étaient âgés entre 0-19 ans et 1,2% (130/11222) des cas avaient au moins 80 ans (Figure 2). L’âge médian est resté égal à 41 ans, avec des extrêmes allant de 2 mois à 100 ans." 359932,58399.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,207,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Strengthen linkages between education, CSS and gender to address the gendered barriers facing adolescent girls and children from marginalised groups in access to/continuity of education and create opportunities for equal participation and engagement in SBDRM  Strengthen linkages between Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), and Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) from a gender perspective through (i) building the evidence base with gender-specific data and statistics on disaster impacts, (ii) conducting of gender-sensitive vulnerability, risk and capacity assessments, and (iii) development of gender sensitive-indicators to monitor and measure the progress.  Promote girls to be leaders in DRM, CCA and CSS interventions and empower girls, with attention to adolescent girls, as agents of change to support other girls to fulfil their rights.  Build on Plan's niche area of adolescent girls, to address LGBTQ+ - through a Plan International and regional initiative that provides more insight about, and visibility to, this invisible and marginalised group - e.g. research, accompanied by LGBTQ integration in tools, dialogue, advocacy" 284609,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The use of cash and vouchers have also been increased (by partners), and market-based programmes have become a valid alternative option to abate COVID-19 restrictions and promote local markets." 388595,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,46,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le 11 juin 2021, deux hommes ont été égorgés à Tadjo dans la commune de Gorgadji par des membres d’un GANE. Le 29 juin deux individus suspecté d’appartenir à un GANE ont été assassinés par les FDS/VDP de Gorgadji." 221036,44617.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Intentions', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,69,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Conflict in the contested region of Catatumbo in Norte de Santander that borders Venezuela escalated during quarantine as the ELN sought to increase control, engaging in armed clashes with rival groups and carrying out targeted attacks against social leaders and other opponents (Insight Crime 03/09/2020). Furthermore, the economic downturn linked to COVID-19 measures in Colombia has prompted many Venezuelan migrants to return home." 298769,52631.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,58,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"En début du mois de mars, la RDC réceptionne ses premières doses de vaccin développé par AstraZeneca, grâce au programme Covax. Curieusement, la population ne réagit pas avec autant de vigueur comme au premier jour où le Docteur Muyembe annonçait que la RDC allait expérimenter le vaccin. La population est plutôt calme." 280510,51090.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] WHO continues to provide epidemiological data to support operational decision making for the COVID-19 response in Cox’s Bazar. As of 28 February 2021, a total of 5593 individuals from the host community in Cox’s Bazar district have tested positive for COVID-19: 539 in Chokoria, 105 in Kutubdia, 367 in Moheshkhali, 221 in Pekua, 405 in Ramu, 2923 in Sadar, 457 in Teknaf and 576 in Ukhiya." 318935,54628.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Not only did they lose their shelter and personal belongings, a female participant said their source of income was also destroyed. Participants said that although some of them could save some cards/documents from burning as they were kept near the door, most lost all their important documents such as health cards, vaccine cards, data cards, food cards, token cards for receiving LPG, cards for receiving maternal healthcare (e.g. ANC, PNC), and documents of land ownership in Myanmar." 153923,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los jóvenes de los 13 a los 17 años presentan comportamientos no adecuados y alto consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, que se asocian a estrategias de afrontamiento por el duelo no procesado." 69272,19928.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,370,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/cidh-instala-el-mecanismo-especial-de-seguimiento-para,"Desde 2017, la CIDH cuenta con una Sala de Coordinación y Respuesta Oportuna e Integrada (SACROI) para articular los diferentes mecanismos de la Comisión en su atención a la grave situación de Venezuela. Ese mismo año, luego de una evaluación integral respecto a la grave crisis política, económica y social que el país atraviesa, y en atención a la solicitud de la sociedad civil, la CIDH decidió elaborar su tercer informe de país sobre Venezuela. El informe “Institucionalidad democrática, estado de derecho y derechos humanos en Venezuela” documentoampliamente y con detalle la situación de Venezuela, y analiza el impacto que ha tenido el profundo debilitamiento de la institucionalidad democrática sobre la vigencia de los derechos humanos de la población venezolana, así como el alarmante incremento de la represión, torturas, muertes por agentes del Estado, prisión por motivos políticos, violencia e inseguridad ciudadana, entre otras. En el marco de esta SACROI, también decidió priorizar el trámite y análisis de peticiones y casos respecto de Venezuela. Del 2002 al 2015, abrió a trámite un promedio de 24 peticiones al año; entre el 2016 y 2018 aumentó a 50, y en lo que va de 2019, ha decidido abrir a trámite 90 peticiones. La CIDH decidió asimismo enviar 8 casos a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (4 en 2019), casi duplicando el promedio anual del periodo anterior. Asimismo, desde el 2016 otorgó 42 medidas cautelares, más que en todo el periodo del 2002 al 2015; y en 2019, ha otorgado 19 medidas cautelares. Estas medidas representan el esfuerzo integrado y coordinado de la Comisión, a partir de sus diferentes mandatos, para responder alas situaciones más graves de la crisis de derechos humanos en el país. En atención a la situación, la CIDH otorgó un altonúmero de audiencias públicas, sobre la situación de derechos humanos, sobre medidas cautelares y casos de Venezuela, aumentando en un 40% al año. La CIDH ha celebrado 36 audiencias desde el 2016." 388614,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La quatrième typologie est l’atteinte au droit à la propriété avec 06 cas dont 03 cas d’extorsions, 01 cas de pillage et 02 cas de vol." 123675,32567.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"18 June, update to the 44th session of the Human Rights Council, Pursuant to Human Rights Council Resolution 40/27 included: Between 1 January and 31 March 2020, UNSMIL documented at least 131 civilian casualties (64 deaths and 67 injuries), caused mainly by ground fighting, with 81% of casualties attributed to the LAAF, representing an increase in civilian casualties of 45 per cent compared to the last quarter of 2019. Between 1 April and 11 June, civilian casualties further increased dramatically, with UNSMIL documenting 250 civilian casualties, including 82 civilians killed and 168 civilians injured." 268848,49931.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,82,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/newsroom/news/presidente-duque-anuncia-decision-historica-crear-estatuto-proteccion-temporal,"“Nosotros hacemos pública la decisión de nuestro país de crear un Estatuto de Protección Temporal en Colombia, que nos permita hacer un proceso de regularización de migrantes que están en nuestro país”, expresó el Jefe de Estado. El Presidente Duque señaló que Colombia “ha recibido a cerca de un millón 800 mil migrantes y, claramente, podemos llegar a la conclusión de que más del 52% son migrantes irregulares en nuestro territorio”." 163889,34165.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,49,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En La Guajira, la crisis alimentaria se ha agudizado debido a la fuerte sequía que ha causado incremento en la mortalidad de animales y afectación de los cultivos agrícolas, llevando a la declaratoria de calamidad por Sequía en Manaure, según decreto 038 de 2020." 215796,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The COVID-19 related price rises are in addition to the already steadily accelerating year-on- year inflation. Along with reduction in income, an increase in debts was observed in recent assessments. Around 80% of households reported having debt and 56% stated the level of debt had increased compared to previous year." 189986,43443.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Insécurité alimentaire aigüe Selon l’analyse du Cadre de classification de la sécurité alimentaire (IPC), toutes les zones de santé sont en situation de crise (IPC 3) d’insécurité alimentaire aigüe depuis 2019, et l’arrivée de nombreuses personnes déplacées au cours du premier semestre 2020 pèse sur les maigres ressources des familles d’accueil." 164141,39365.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/%d8%ba%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8%d9%8a%d8%aa%d9%87%d9%85-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d9%85%d8%af%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8%d8%a7%d8%a8-13-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a9-%d8%a8/395709/,"Today, health authorities recorded 13 new cases of the Coronavirus in northwestern Syria, 8 cases were distributed in Al-Bab, two in Jarablus, one in Azaz, one in Afrin, and one infection in Idlib. According to the statistics of the Syrian Observatory, the number of casualties since the 9th of July until today has risen to 151, and they are: two doctors who were residing in Turkey, and 58 people, including medical personnel in the areas of influence of the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham in Idlib and parts of Aleppo, Hama and Latakia, and 91 infected in areas of The influence of the pro-Turkish factions north of Aleppo." 165604,39662.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Practice of cleaning or changing gloves after work is also not very common, which poses a risk to the workers. Only 19% workers across the categories mentioned they change the disposable hand-gloves or clean the reusable hand-gloves after use. As presented in the table below, other than cleaners in the hospitals, proper disposal or cleaning practices are low." 496331,60048.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,99,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"En segundo lugar, si bien, este tipo de dificultades (y de necesidades) son comunes en movimientos humanos, lo cierto es que para las mujeres tienen unos impactos exacerbados y agravados porque en muchos casos, enfrentar esas dificultades las expone a situaciones de VG o riesgos como: ir por trochas o lugares peligrosos donde puedan ser víctimas de robo, violencia sexual y desaparición; verse obligadas a aceptar demandas de sexo por supervivencia al no tener otros recursos con qué mantenerse a ellas y sus familias, exponiéndose además a contraer enfermedades" 203298,43256.0,2334.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the North West and South West regions, the crisis has had a major impact on the education sector: for the past three years, insecurity, displacement of teachers, and threats and attacks on education infrastructures and personnel have left 850,000 school aged children out of school." 489776,67740.0,1231.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"The Dominican Republic extended its curfew, mobility restrictions and state of emergency. Hygiene and distancing protocols remained imposed in all Caribbean countries even as numbers of daily COVID-19 positive cases reportedly slightly decreased" 333652,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,89,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Site : Koudou Kolé / Zone de responsabilité : Bol / Problèmes en Nutrition : Malnutrition / Problèmes en Santé : Eloignement du centre de santé le plus proche, environ 25 Km de Bol Faible pouvoir d’achat, maladies de la peau Pathologies dominantes: la diarrhée, la dermatose, la malnutrition, les infections respiratoires aigües (IRA) et la conjonctivite. 90% des enfants observés : la dermatose et la parasitose intestinale. Accouchements à domicile et les complications de grossesse" 195954,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Kinshasa demeure l’épicentre de l’épidémie. Elle a en effet rapporté 74,9% (8870/11839) des cas dénombrés dans l’ensemble du pays, suivie du Nord-Kivu qui a notifié 9.8% (1162/11839) des cas." 142155,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Across NES there are up to 18 specially equipped ambulances available to support COVID-19 related referrals. Of these, seven are in Al-Hasakeh, three in Ar-Raqqa, four in Deir-Ez-Zor (but require additional preparation) and four in Aleppo. In NWS (as of 3 AUG, there are nine hospitals designated for COVID-19 response, five of which are fully operational and receiving suspected cases. Of the five, three are in Idleb and two in Aleppo under the Turkish health authority’s management." 206681,44771.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=212548,"[4th December, 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Friday that 86 new Coronavirus cases have been registered in the country and that 63 patients infected with the virus have recovered, while 5 others have passed away." 388983,60849.0,1186.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,160,['Priority Interventions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Mejorar sistemas de comunicación e información de ACNUR. Potenciar alianzas de trabajo con los municipios. Incidir ante las autoridades chilenas para que la regularización migratoria sea más ágil y que se pueda trabajar aunque falte la tramitación de la situación migratoria. Campañas de difusión de derechos orientadas tanto a la población migrante y refugiada como a los y las habitantes de Chile. Realizar más instancias tempranas de orientación a la persona migrante y refugiada sobre sus derechos y las aplicaciones prácticas que les ayuden a desenvolverse al respecto. Por ejemplo: Regularización de situación migratoria Funcionamiento del sistema de salud o Funcionamiento del mercado del trabajo y apoyo para inserción laboral y emprendimientos de negocios Funcionamiento del sistema de subsidios para la vivienda Apoyo en salud mental, sobre todo en el proceso inicial de instalación. Orientación legal y apoyo material para reunificación familiar. Entrega de apoyo material: Alimentos Pago de arriendos" 175471,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,15,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,Le système de santé reste fortement impacté par la situation sécuritaire au Burkina Faso. 132526,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los adultos refugiados y migrantes también estarán concientizados en Protección de la niñez y la referencia a los servicios de protección. Con respecto al soporte y desarrollo de la capacidad para los actores institucionales, los socios asegurarán el soporte al Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP) y sus Unidades de Protección Especial para la recepción de niños no acompañados o separados. Los socios también trabajarán con las municipalidades para la Protección de los menores y adolescentes (DEMUNA) y otras instituciones locales." 229441,44602.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Provision of food assistance to an estimated 4000 individuals after conducting a quick verification 498757,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,101,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"According to Maximiliano, these are nomadic communities that are deeply rooted in their culture, religion, and language, and it is not easy to establish relationships. “I have been in the camp for 250 days and now everyone knows us, several volunteers are learning their language, some even speak it already, and wichi language is very complicated! For the children of the indigenous families, the camp is a fun place with trailers, motorcycles, lights, vehicles… they find it very appealing and love to come visit us”." 224701,46162.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"[Current food situation] Most households in the country, except those affected by COVID-19 restrictions and conflicts, are managing to meet their food needs through their own stocks. Most regions are therefore experiencing Minimal (IPC Phase 1) food insecurity." 173804,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,127,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, North East Nigeria] Ninety per cent (down 1% since the last round of assessment) attributed their displacement to the ongoing conflict in northeastern Nigeria, 9 per cent (up by 1% from the last round of assessment) of returnees said they were displaced due to communal clashes and 1 per cent due to natural disasters. Fifteen per cent (up from 14%) of returnees assessed in Adamawa were displaced due to communal clashes in the State. It would be interesting to note that Adamawa and Yobe are the States hosting returnees who were displaced by communal clashes and natural disasters. In Borno State, returnees were exclusively displaced by the conflict." 294652,52361.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,71,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3724860,"A Venezuelan woman who fled to Canciones town in Colombia told NRC; ""Armed men who arrived in our town and started shouting that we had 30 minutes to flee. We walked for two hours and crossed the river that divides Venezuela and Colombia. We now sleep on the floor without mattresses. Since Sunday we have only had enough food to eat once a day.""" 326506,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Education LSGs were found to be primarily driven by Households with school-aged children who reported barriers to accessing education for boys (89%) , Households with school-aged children who reported barriers to accessing education for girls (88%)." 401739,62965.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"•[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Listen to and follow advice from trusted authorities if and when the tap/piped water is safe to drink. Use the water tre• Listen to and follow advice from trusted authorities if and when the tap/piped water is safe to drink. Use the water treatment tablets that are being provided in the meantime by the volunteersatment tablets that are being provided in the meantime by the volunteers" 158980,39161.0,2170.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,52,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"However, cargo movements throughout the BAY states have suffered long delays due to bureaucratic bottlenecks and insecurity. Non-state armed groups are increasingly setting up illegal vehicle checkpoints, which heighten insecurity along main supply routes that are crucial to transport humanitarian goods and facilitate the movement of aid workers." 94030,26519.0,1620.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200302_Nextier-SPD_Policy-Brief-_Entrenching-Peace-1-2.pdf,"In the face of collapsed livelihoods, some residents of the communities have relied on menial jobs and learned new skills to make a living. Women made efforts to provide for their families by venturing into various businesses including – knitting, hair making, clothmaking, amongst others." 187558,38355.0,1184.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],en,65,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"In Ecuador, 2.5 million children and adolescents are being affected by the economic impact of COVID-194. Families are experiencing job losses and a high risk of increased poverty. Poverty is expected to grow from 27.5 per cent to 39.1 per cent5. The situation is even worse for migrant and refugee families who even before the pandemic faced extremely difficult situations." 129463,32894.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,8,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,Percepción del acoso sexual como un invisibilizado. 326604,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,51,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported areas in the community where boys or men do not feel safe were On the way to markets (57%), In the market (49%) and When leaving settlement/town (37%)." 311697,54011.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,21,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.care-international.org/news/press-releases/venezuela-women-and-girls-at-greatest-risk-as-thousands-escape-violence-due-to-military-operations-in-the-border-zone-with-colombia,"Quienes llegaron a Colombia han denunciado amenazas, detenciones arbitrarias y bombardeos aéreos como el principal motivo de la huida." 145434,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Protection partners have also reported reductions in face-toface sessions, including for child protection, and challenges in implementing alternative modalities, such as remote case management, due to limited internet connectivity and poor mobile phone coverage in some areas." 489962,67662.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Even when there is a health facility in the area that offers care for survivors of sexual violence, often medical staff lack training, and stocks of post-rape kits are either inadequate or close to their expiry date. Due to the lack of medical stock, emergency contraception and essential vaccinations such as tetanus and hepatitis B are often not provided" 228607,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"On nearly every metric, women were more likely than men to have experienced nearly every symptom [of psycho-social wellbeing] reported, with only 12% of women not having experienced any symptoms at all (versus 26% of men)." 356646,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,427,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Miembros de la Policía detuvieron a José Mauricio García Nieto, de 24 años; Dan Brayer Andrade Bolanos, de 22; Jorge Mario Ramírez Álzate, de 22; Daniel Navarrete Varón, de 22; Jorge Andrés Noguera Flórez, de 23; y Santiago Ramírez Duque, de 26, en la tarde del 25 de mayo en Tuluá, Valle del Cauca. Un informe policial al que tuvo acceso Human Rights Watch indica que al momento de la detención cuatro de ellos estaban tirando piedras a edificios; uno estaba encendiendo una botella de plástico para supuestamente lanzarla a una estación de policía; y uno estaba “incitando” a otras personas a “oponerse al procedimiento policial”. Durante una audiencia virtual realizada el día siguiente ante un juez, un fiscal los imputó por “terrorismo”. Human Rights Watch tuvo acceso a los videos de la audiencia. La única evidencia que presentó el fiscal contra ellos es el informe de la policía y declaraciones de policías. El fiscal reconoció que los actos específicos que habrían cometido los indiciados podrían constituir por sí solos el delito de daño en bien ajeno, pero dijo que la imputación por “terrorismo” estaba justificada porque los detenidos eran parte de una “turba” que les producía “agitamiento”. Sin embargo, el fiscal no presentó evidencia de que los indiciados hubieran actuado de forma coordinada entre sí o con otros manifestantes, y reconoció que no había evidencias que los vincularan con la quema del Palacio de Justicia de Tuluá que ocurrió esa noche, luego de que fueran detenidos. El derecho colombiano no permite la prisión preventiva para el delito de daño en bien ajeno, que es un delito menor, pero sí para el delito de terrorismo. El fiscal también dijo en la audiencia que los detenidos le habían dicho a través de llamadas de WhatsApp que la policía los había golpeado. Sin embargo, los detenidos no fueron llevados a un centro médico para un examen, supuestamente debido a los disturbios en la ciudad, según otro informe policial al que tuvo acceso Human Rights Watch. Sin presentar ninguna evidencia al respecto, el fiscal dijo que existía la “posibilidad” de que los detenidos hubieran resistido su captura y que era “factible” que la fuerza utilizada por la policía hubiera sido adecuada. El juez legalizó la captura." 486172,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] 14% of HHs in NWS live in shelters smaller than 20 squared metres." 230112,46696.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Operational%20Dashboard%20November.pdf,"[30th November 2020, Bangladesh] Due to COVID-19 pandemic the usual learning activities have been suspended. Nonetheless, UNHCR worked with the education sector partners to disseminate caregiver-led education guidelines in the camps to support caregivers and parents in facilitating some learning in their homes while the facilities remain closed." 188148,43352.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,66,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"04 October 2020: Between Ouintokoulga and Kiemna-Yarce, Pissila department, Sanmatenga province, Centre-Nord region, a convoy of 46 IDPs was reportedly intercepted by armed men who identified themselves as jihadists. Unconfirmed reports the perpetrators were JNIM or ISGS militants. 25 IDP men were executed, and one male IDP was injured. The perpetrators released the women and children." 206887,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,90,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"With the closure of almost 32,000 operational schools in Cameroon on 18 March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, seven million students have lost access to education. Additionally, with the closure of 177 teacher training colleges (59% private) 17,368 teachers (59% women) have interrupted their education to become part of the highly needed workforce for Cameroon. More than 1.2 million students are due to take their end of year examination before the end of the school year in 2020." 224179,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,108,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Composée des agences des Nations Unies (FAO, OMS, OCHA, PAM, UNHCR et UNICEF) et d’ONG internationales et Nationales (OXFAM, Effective Solutions et AHEAS) et la Croix rouge du Tchad, la mission [mission conjointe d’évaluations multisectorielles (agences et services techniques étatiques)] s’est déroulée du 4 au 11 octobre sur deux axes: N’Djamena-Bongor- Katoa (1) et N’Djamena-Bongor-Gounou-Gaya - Fianga (2) avec 33 villages visités ou renseignés. La mission a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec les autorités locales sur place." 1555,291.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,2,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2016%20February%202018.pdf,Excerpt 8 275882,50688.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Health']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MHPSS%20Factsheet%20-%202020.pdf,"[4th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Restriction that were imposed due to pandemic, which lead to decreased access and shutdowns of services .Difficulty of shifting to tele/digitalized modules to provide services and trainings with limited in phone and internet access in the field . Not having enough qualified community members trained to be able to provide quality MHPSS services with minimal supervision" 221050,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,113,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Children in conflict-affected areas are in urgent need of protection as school closures and economic shocks expose them to increased protection risks, including recruitment by armed groups (Save the Children 02/10/2020). In the first half of 2020, at least 190 minors were recruited into armed groups—nearly as many as for the whole of 2019 (200 cases), and five times as many (38) as the first half of that year (TNH 10/09/2020; UNICEF 28/07/2020). Actual numbers are likely to be higher as cases are hard to track and are under-reported due to fear of repercussion (TNH 10/09/2020)." 134148,34849.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,114,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Desde la Subsecretaría de Fiscalización del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social del Ministerio de Trabajo, empleo y seguridad social, se llevan a cabo tareas de detección e inspección laboral. Ante la constatación de uno o más indicadores de la posible existencia del delito de trata, el inspector da inmediato aviso a las autoridades judiciales (Juez Federal o Fiscal Federal) y a los Cuerpos Policiales y/o Fuerzas de Seguridad Federales. Asimismo, se solicita, al juez interviniente, la presencia inmediata del Programa Nacional de Rescate, cuya función específica es el acompañamiento y asistencia a las víctimas hasta el momento de la declaración testimonial." 319605,54430.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"Los indígenas y afrodescendientes son las comunidades más afectadas por el conflicto sufriendo afectación física y psicológica. El Consorcio MIRE atendió al 85,9% de las poblaciones indígena y afrocolombiana." 328771,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 73% for stress and lowest was 5% for extreme and extreme+. Similarly highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 43% for stress and lowest was 3% for extreme+." 137488,35305.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,A livelihood project focusing on the economic integration of Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities’ members is in its start-up phase. The intervention aims at supporting people motivated to get their living by engaging in entrepreneurial activities through the provision of soft and business skills and financial help to establish registered micro enterprises. WV aims at supporting economic recovery for people through this intervention. 56590,17094.0,1187.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,137,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Es posible que esta prevalencia del traslado simultáneo del núcleo familiar completo se vincule con los temores o dificultades que muchas personas prevén en relación a la salida de Venezuela y el cruce de fronteras, pero también con las razones que impulsan la migración. Tal como se señaló más arriba, la percepción de violencia e inseguridad, las largas colas para adquirir alimentos y las dificultades para acceder a medicamentos hablan de una cotidianeidad incierta y angustiante, claramente incompatible con la crianza y el bienestar de niños y niñas. Sus padres no migran para asegurarles una vida mejor o un legado a futuro, sino para asegurarles el presente. Es por ello que si la migración es para los hijos e hijas, debe ser con los hijos e hijas." 200045,44392.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,55,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La promiscuité et le faible accès à l’eau et à l’hygiène rendent les PDI très vulnérables à la transmission de la maladie [COVID-19]. Or l’insuffisance d’eau et de savon disponibles pour le lavage des mains rend complexe l’application des mesures barrières. 123956,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"15 health sector organizations are operational (6 UN agencies and 9 INGOs) and reporting regularly to a monthly 4W, including priority response under the developed health sector COVID-19 preparedness and response plan.Health sector partners reached all of 22 (100%) districts, health response is not available in 32 of 100 municipalities. 43% of reached (68) municipalities were in areas ranked higher than 3 severity scale. Out of total of 58 municipalities ranked higher than 3, health sector reached 29 municipalities. Therefore, various health needs remain unmet in the rest of 29 municipalities." 339333,56115.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"En Relación con las restricciones de acceso y/o movilidad, cabe resaltar el caso de Medellín, el fenómeno de las fronteras invisibles, que establece las zonas de movilidad y tránsito de la población civil, con efecto relevante en los niveles de desescolarización de los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes, y la ocurrencia de homicidios asociados al traspaso de dichas fronteras invisibles25." 201474,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions by the Government affect operational mobility and constitute a further humanitarian access constraint. This concerns both movement into and within the country. In addition, access by the population to their livelihoods and to markets are also deeply affected by the pandemic, as is access to and availability of health care." 286658,50969.0,2170.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb3476en.pdf,"The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related urgent and essential containment measures have disrupted households’ income generating activities and livelihoods, generally reducing their purchasing power. Its effects have also led to spikes in the cost of agricultural inputs and staple food prices, which have affected availability of and access to food." 190023,43443.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Les mouvements de population dans les territoires de Djugu, Mahagi et Aru ont occasionné la rupture scolaire pour environs 80 000 enfants de 6-11 ans. La situation d’insécurité a occasionné également les attaques contre environs 163 écoles (137 primaires et 26 secondaires) avec au total 1 496 salles de classes touchées. Ces attaques et occupation des écoles vont affecter 44 939 enfants de 6-11 ans (24 617 filles et 20 322 garçons) a la réouverture des écoles." 328579,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,95,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 23% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot while 45%, 20%,5% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes and 1-3hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot respectively. Only 2% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot ." 483276,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.2.3 Conocimiento de casos de maltrato físico Ante la pregunta: Desde que llegó al Perú, ¿sabe o conoce de alguna persona venezolana que ha sido víctima de maltrato físico?, los resultados de la encuesta revelan que el 9,5% de la población venezolana conoce de casos de maltrato físico que padecieron sus connacionales; en tanto, que el 90,5% manifiesta no conocer ningún caso de maltrato físico. Según sexo, el 11,3% de los hombres indican que saben o conocen de casos de maltrato físico 3,8 puntos porcentuales más que las mujeres (7,5%)." 187021,42483.0,1184.0,['Education'],[],[],es,29,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%20-%20GTRM%20Tulc%C3%A1n%20-%20Informe%20Operacional%20-%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"Se observó un aumento en la deserción escolar de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (NNA) por falta de acceso de conectividad y disponibilidad de dispositivos electrónicos." 320132,53234.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,153,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Currently 22 sentinel testing sites are functional in camp setting including Ukhia and Teknaf Upazila Health Complex. It is important to note that a Cholera outbreak occurred in late 2019 with a reported number of 239 RDT/culture positive cases. The total number of diphtheria cases reported is 9256 to date (3016 in 2017; 5334 in 2018; 617 in 2019; 226 in 2020 and 71 as of week 12, 2021). In total, 9014 cases were reported in the camps and 242 from the host community, with 47 deaths registered in the refugee camps and none in the host community. While the first Diphtheria case was detected on 10 November 2017, the first death occurred on 29 December 2017 and the last death on 25 October 2019." 389295,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"El 54% o más de 16.900 personas confinadas, se mantiene en esta situación con graves restricciones de acceso a más de tres sectores y por más de una semana. • Sólo en Chocó, más de 19.100 personas han sido confinadas durante el primer semestre de 2021" 292316,52305.0,2311.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],es,51,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://dotnews.org/2021/03/08/eln-lanza-amenazas-a-civiles-en-narino/,"De otro lado, este miércoles, un ataque armado en la subestación de Policía del corregimiento de Chiles les costó la vida al subintendente Jonathan Eduardo Bastidas, de 35 años, y al patrullero Justino Alexander Dávila, de 28, en hechos que fueron endilgados al ELN." 162893,37895.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/177845/,"On July 31, the civil council in Al-Raqqa city issued a decree imposing a curfew and strict preventive measures on civilians in the city, as three coronavirus cases confirmed." 489155,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Differences also emerge when comparing across the sex of head of household, highlighting the additional vulnerabilities of female-headed households, who have much lower rates of owning their shelter (39 percent compared to 52 percent of male-headed households), and significantly higher rates of being hosted for free (34 percent compared to 17 percent)." 114148,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El Estado de emergencia, que fue decretado el 14 de marzo de 2020 a nivel nacional, impone medidas rígidas de restricción del movimiento y de distanciamiento social, impactando en las actividad laborales, comerciales y educativas. Esta realidad impuesta por la COVID-19 deteriora un contexto ya fragilizado, como se describe en el HNO de Centroamérica." 475473,64944.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,84,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,de nombreuses PDI éprouvent des difficultés d’accès aux terres cultivables qui s’avèrent insuffisantes pour les communautés hôtes elles-mêmes. Cette situation aurait provoqué un retour massif de PDI dans leurs localités d’origine dans l’espoir de pouvoir exploiter leurs propres champs pendant cette saison agricole. Cette option n’est pas sans conséquence pour les personnes retournées au regard des risques de protection liés à la forte présence des GANE dans les zones de retour. 268459,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] While neither of the three parties that share control over Syrian territories—the Syrian regime government; the Syrian Interim Government, or the AANES—have declared the outcomes of the vaccine delivery negotiations with the World Health Organization (WHO), COVAX, a WHO affiliated facility, announced that it has designated Syria on its list of COVID-19 vaccine recipient countries." 388951,60849.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,48,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La integración a la sociedad, en un sentido más amplio y diverso que la incorporación al ámbito laboral, es visto como algo muy secundario en relación a las urgencias materiales que las personas entrevistadas viven en el cotidiano, como por ejemplo, la vivienda." 35771,13103.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,50,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"A number of parents interviewed in both urban and rural communities in Bayelsa, in the south, stated that when adolescents get pregnant the girl or her relatives may be slow to seek professional help – even if there are complications – because of cultural stigma against caesarean section" 172877,40676.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,58,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Ces enfants vulnérables n’ont plus accès aux espaces sûrs que constituent les écoles et sont davantage exposés à des risques de protection ou au risque d’être malades du COVID-19 ou autres pathologies, n’étant plus sensibilisés sur les bonnes pratiques d’hygiène nécessaires pour lutter contre la propagation des épidémies." 211099,44790.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Measures to combat waterborne and communicable diseases, including immunization, are underfunded or simply not in place in several areas. Similarly, there's a severe lack of mental health support, which in turn affects longer-term wellbeing and productivity. Malnutrition, trauma and non-communicable illnessess remain threats" 156016,37795.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,151,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Putumayo%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%2009%20%281%20al%2020%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Decreto 0166 del 10 de mayo del 2020: El departamento del Putumayo se acoge al decreto 636, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. Y se mantiene el toque de queda de lunes a viernes de 6:00 pm a 5:00 am y 24 horas sábados y domingos. Decreto 174 del 23 de mayo del 2020: Se prorroga el Decreto 166 del 10 de mayo del 2020, extendiendo las medidas de aislamiento, hasta el 1 de junio de 2020. Decreto 177 del 29 de mayo del 2020: El departamento del Putumayo se acoge al decreto 749, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. También se mantiene el toque de queda de lunes a viernes de 7:00 pm a 5:00 am y 24 horas sábados y domingos. Adicionalmente se mantienen las medidas de pico y cédula." 492596,67931.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,36,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] Informal USD/SYP regional median exchange rate: 3,170 SYP to 1 USD One month rate change: increase of 0.2% Six month rate change: increase of 12%" 150858,36671.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,46,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3662145,"El buque, parte de la línea NYK, atracó en la terminal sonsonateca a las 11:24 p. m., con 500 toneladas métricas de alimentos. Este es el primero de dos atraques con los productos que servirán para elaborar los paquetes del PES." 304060,50891.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,The current protests over the economic crisis have caused concerns to be raised over the management of civil unrest and the mistreatment of adolescents detained after participating in peaceful demonstrations. UNICEF is closely monitoring the situation with the authorities and CSOs [Civil Society Organizations] concerned to ensure that all parties respect the rights of children and that relevant justice mechanisms are followed. 136793,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 24 July, 44 health care workers (eight per cent of reported cases) tested positive for COVID-19, according to the Syrian MoH, an increase of 26 since the previous report. Of these, 34 were in Damascus, six in Rural Damascus Governorate, two in Aleppo Governorate, and one each in Quneitra and As-Sweida governorates." 255379,48593.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/203262/,"[Feb 1st, 2021, NES] It is worth noting that chronic crises, bread and fuel shortage in particular, still hit the Syrian regime’s controlled areas, further burdening the Syrians who have to wait for hours in front of bread bakeries to get their bread allocations. In this context, Observatory activists had monitored considerable congestion in front of “Al-Ba’th” automated bread bakery in regime-controlled areas in Al-Qamishli city in Al-Hasakah countryside, amid growing discontent among the people awaiting there." 279350,50900.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,67,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | 5% of households reported having difficulties understanding information about COVID-19. Of those that reported difficulties, the most commonly reported difficulties understanding information about COVID-19 were: •There are not enough materials (5%) • Information is not clear (1%)" 291649,52152.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los comerciantes mencionan que han presentado una importante disminución en las cantidades vendidas, particularmente en las regiones Gran Santander y Orinoquía, y también una disminución importante de los clientes, lo que pone de manifiesto un escenario negativo para la demanda pese a que al inicio de la pandemia se temía por un desabastecimiento generado por una sobredemanda de productos alimenticios." 57875,16848.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,82,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.hart-uk.org/news/august-2019-update-the-situation-in-north-and-central-belt-nigeria/,"According to Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Abuja: “Biased and prejudiced official security reports heighten tension when they blame the victims instead of the aggressors because of the Nigerian ‘factor’ of tribal or religious affiliation. This sadly keeps the fire of the crisis raging. Generally, it is when the militant herdsmen vanish after their deadly attacks that the poor villagers try to react to protect or defend themselves.” (ACNUK, 19 July 2019)" 300773,51194.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"For comparison, the same number of humanitarian casualties were recorded during Q4 due to military operations and kinetic activity. Criminally motivated attacks therefore remain one of the major threats to the civilian population in Afghanistan, including to national and international staff members of the humanitarian community." 495967,68456.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,33,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520Junio%25202021%2520Cono%2520Sur.pdf,los socios registraron que 44 refugiados y migrantes ingresaron a Argentina. Al menos a dos venezolanos se les impidió solicitar asilo en el aeropuerto internacional de Buenos Aires (EZE). 188045,42201.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,74,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/actualite/coronavirus-en-rdc/2020/03/22/covid-19-le-haut-katanga-decrete-un-confinement-total-de-48-heures.html/56142/,"Le gouverneur du Haut-Katanga, Jacques Kyabula a décidé de fermer les frontières de sa province après l’apparitition de deux premiers cas de coronavirus ce dimanche. Dans une vidéo diffusée sur les réseaux sociaux, le gouverneur de cette riche province du sud-est de la République démocratique du Congo annonce la fermeture de toutes ses frontières, ainsi que la mise en place d’un confinement de la population." 186416,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Armed clashes between the National Salvation Front (NAS) and South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) have resulted in several civilian casualties in Central Equatoria, as well as disrupted humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations in recent weeks." 495137,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,87,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La ausencia de un plan o estrategia de respuesta y atención específicos del gobierno de Perú y sus instituciones ante la crisis migratoria hace que la capacidad y disposición para responder de forma adecuada sea muy limitada y existan importantes vacíos de la atención y por tanto la vulnerabilidad de los migrantes incremente ante esta falta de interés por parte de las instituciones públicas, dejando casi toda la atención en manos de la cooperación internacional y sociedad civil peruana (iglesias, ONGs, etc)" 224208,45763.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,61,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Les inondations ont impacté les autres sources de revenus [SÉCURITÉ ALIMENTAIRE] : réduction de la production, manque d’accès aux champs à cause de la montée des eaux depuis juillet, perte de petits ruminants, production de la pêche réduite en période d’inondation et activités d’auto-emplois quasi impossibles en cette période." 202192,44560.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,143,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/burkina-faso-l%C3%A9gislatives-le-parti-de-kabor%C3%A9-obtient-56-si%C3%A8ges-sur-127-ceni/2059487,"Selon les résultats publiés sur le site de la Ceni, le mouvement du peuple pour le progrès (MPP), parti de Kaboré, obtient 980 687 voix, soit 56 sièges à l'Assemblée nationale, le Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès (CDP), parti de l’ancien président Blaise Compaoré, s’en sort avec 376 941 voix, soit 20 sièges, le Nouveau temps pour la démocratie (NDT), un parti proche de Kaboré, obtient 159 286 voix, soit 13 sièges et l’Union pour le progrès et le changement (UPC) de Zéphirin Diabré, qui était le chef de file de l’opposition depuis 2015, s’en sort avec 288 902 voix, soit 12 sièges. [scrutin législatif]" 244286,47369.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[NES, 22 Dec] All education centers, child friendly services and training / capacity building initiatives were halted on 22 Dec due to multiple COVID-19 cases. • The isolation area was provided with 60 RTEs kits as well as 10 electric heaters. • Medical waste management and hazardous waste management for the isolation area is being conducted by the health actor. The isolation area waste is being transported to the Tabqa hospital." 240439,47354.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,79,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] In November, 4,615 households of 26,960 displaced individuals were screened for vulnerabilities in 11 LGAs of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe States, of which 4,983 categorized as vulnerable individuals with specific needs: 3,565 women (female-headed households, lactating and pregnant women), 1,145 elderly, and 273 children with specific needs (child marriage, child-headed households, adolescent parents, unaccompanied/separate minors)." 361397,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,121,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The prevalence of such drowning incidents is suggested to be related to various key influences. Firstly, preschool children have characteristics and behaviours that increase their risk of drowning, and prior studies have suggested that the high rates of drowning for children within age group may be related to developmental and behavioural factors, such as increased curiosity among toddlers, lack of sufficient dexterity and co-ordination, limited cognitive awareness of their surroundings and imperfect motor coordination (Celis et al, 2017; Rahman et al, 2017, 2009; WHO, 2014; Hyder et al, 2008; Zayas et al, 2007)." 200151,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,63,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Attacks on medical personnel and infrastructure have become another feature of the crisis with the closure of more than 35% of all health facilities and many of the remaining not functioning at full capacity. As a result, maternal and child mortality rates have increased, and an average of only 12% of women give birth in health centers." 132492,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Por último, los socios trabajarán con el Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo para insertar a los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela a través de trabajo dependiente y empresariado en base a las evidencias acumuladas a través de estudios de mercado. La transferencia de conocimiento también estará asegurada para las Unidades de Desarrollo Económico de los gobiernos locales y otros actores en distritos clave." 316258,54178.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,114,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/anthony-kergosien-la-rougeole-est-une-maladie-10-fois-plus-contagieuse-que-le-covid-19-qui-tue-les-enfants-en-rdc/,"A Bosobolo, comme dans de trop nombreuses régions de la RDC, la lutte contre la rougeole semble parfois interminable. Les efforts visant à freiner la propagation de la maladie sont confrontés à d’énormes défis. Un programme national de vaccination et de surveillance a été entravé par des faiblesses majeures, notamment: Un taux de natalité très élevé qui expose chaque jour les nouveaux enfants à la maladie; Un système de santé sous-équipé et incapable d’assurer une qualité de soins constante; Des difficultés géographiques et de sécurité enracinées qui peuvent limiter les équipes de soins qui tentent d’accéder à certaines régions." 186279,43272.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Flooding, persistent insecurity, and deteriorating macroeconomic conditions are reducing household purchasing power and exacerbating humanitarian assistance needs across South Sudan." 113093,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Se mantiene la atención primaria en salud, salud sexual y reproductiva, atención psicosocial y de rehabilitación en Riohacha." 223820,45880.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Certain.e.s répondant.e.s ont émis l'hypothèse que le personnel de santé pra�que des avortements clandes�ns pour compléter leurs revenus, qui ont considérablement diminué depuis le début de l’épidémie de de la COVID-19, en raison d'une diminu�on du nombre de pa�ents." 222836,45953.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]A total of 83,812HH need complete NFI kits. This include 16,732HH in Maiduguri, 12,722HH in Jere, 9,078HH in Monguno, 8,810HH in Dikwa, 7,455HH in Konduga, 6,663HH in Ngala, 6,445HH in Damboa, 4,918HH in Gwoza, 4,018HH in Bama, 3,886HH in Mafa, 1,302HH in Magumeri, 3,074HH in Yola North, Yola South, Girei, Fufore, Biu and Kaga LGA." 276272,50677.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,94,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"L’offre de soins de santé primaire s’est sévèrement détériorée au Centre de santé intégré (CSI) de Kerawa qui dessert plus de 20,000 personnes dans l’arrondissement de Kolofata (département du Mayo-Sava). Le retrait, faute de financement continu, du soutien de l’International Medical Corps (IMC) à la fin du premier trimestre 2020 a provoqué la rupture des approvisionnements réguliers de médicaments et de fournitures médicales et a mis fin au système de gratuité des soins pour les PDIs." 227495,46488.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Le besoin en abris était le premier besoin prioritaire le plus fréquemment rapporté par tous les IC, ce qui concorde avec le fait que tous aient rapporté qu’une grande majorité (plus de 75%) des abris ont été endommagés ou détruits dans la localité évaluée (15/15)." 257034,48672.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,47,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"In Tahoua regions 87 news cases of GBV have been identified amongst the displaced population, all cases have benefited of psychosocial aid, while the cases that require more attention have been referred either to health centers, received a livelihood support or legal assistance." 359130,58464.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Daily and seasonal workers who typically maintain crops, tend to livestock, or participate in the harvest, faced limited livelihood opportunities this season. A lack of work opportunities was a reported barrier to livelihoods access in nearly 30% of communities in NES." 188169,31146.0,1900.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,". En Honduras, por ejemplo, el brote se concentra a lo largo de la costa norte del país, donde vive gran parte de la población garífuna. En esta comunidad, que tiene raíces tanto entre los grupos indígenas como entre los descendientes africanos, muchos hogares están encabezados por mujeres o abuelas, y uno o ambos padres trabajan en el extranjero para enviar dinero a casa. Como en otras comunidades afrohondureñas e indígenas, algunos barrios y hogares carecen de electricidad, acceso a Internet y agua entubada" 154006,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"82 % han presentado casos de acoso, maltrato verbal o físico y/o abuso sexual. En su mayoría por acoso de hombres colombianos y no se ha acudido a ningún lugar para informar o pedir ayuda." 194880,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"While health partners have deployed rapid response teams (RRTs) in areas with a high concentration of IDPs, and disinfection and information campaigns are ongoing, there is still concern that ample testing is not occurring at the IDP sitelevel with various barriers preventing certain populations from accessing primary health facilities outside of sites." 197650,43603.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Somalia has also experienced floods in two consecutive seasons October/ November 2019 and April/ June 2020 which had a devastating impact on WASH infrastructure as water sources are contaminated and sanitation facilities damaged leaving behind significant water and sanitation gaps, especially in displaced settlements and flood prone areas." 190976,42037.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state]KIs from 9 assessed settlements reported that at least some residents were struggling to implement physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19." 285632,51627.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] “We have 260-270 tents in the camp here. In each tent there is a family. Each family is 3-11 persons. We have 4 toilet blocks. Each block has 2 male toilets and 2 female toilets. We have plenty of issues with toilets. In most occasions you see people queuing, very crowded. One might stand for 15-30 minutes in the queue…”" 147039,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO continues to engage closely with the MoH with technical teams meeting daily. Severe acute respiratory infection, one of the case definitions of COVID-19, is covered by the early warning alert and response system (EWARS) in Syria" 200042,44392.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[En saison pluvieuse] La dégradation de l'accès aux services WASH contribue directement à la mortalité et à la morbidité : les taux de mortalité attribués aux services WASH non sécurisés sont très élevés au Burkina Faso (49,6 /100.000 habitants), quatre fois la moyenne mondiale (WHO World Health Statistics 2019)." 49436,16177.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"Frente a la imposibilidad de obtener soportes tan- to de estudios como de experiencia laboral en Venezuela, los migrantes no tienen muchas otras alternativas, que acceder a empleos informales que les permita obtener ingresos." 186578,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"On December 15, 2013, clashes erupted between factions within the GoRSS in Juba and quickly spread into a protracted national conflict, prompting displacement and humanitarian needs. On December 20, 2013, USAID activated a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to lead the USG response to the crisis in South Sudan and stood up a Washington, D.C.-based Response Management Team to support the DART." 323400,54372.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/3-%D9%88%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A8%D8%B5%D8%B1%D9%89-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%88%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A9-%D8%A5%D8%B4%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%B4%D9%81%D9%89-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86%D8%A9-100,"[April 18, Dar'a] Local resources added that the occupancy rate in Busra Al-Sham Hospital has reached 100 percent, and that the medical staff announced that a number of its members have been discharged to visit patients in their homes rather coming to hospitals." 195983,43071.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,44,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/han-devuelto-a-5-mil-migrantes-por-intentar-pasar-trochas/2236,"Sobre la situación crítica en Pamplona, el director hizo un especial llamado a los migrantes a no cruzar el páramo de Berlín, ya que representa un enorme riesgo para la salud de los caminantes por las bajas temperaturas de la zona." 308348,53292.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"FSL partners plan to reach 86,806 people with assistance (including 65,500 with food assistance and 21,306 with food for asset support) in March. To date, cluster partners reached over 1,200 with livelihoods support and vaccinated 71,908 and treated 11,853 livestock. The cluster plans to vaccinate more than 490,000 livestock in Tonj North." 328527,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information] Two most common sources of COVID- 19 information, as reported by households were Health worker at health facility (58%) and Religious leaders (36%)." 187553,38355.0,1184.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"In Ecuador, only 51.9 per cent of children under 18 have access to water, sanitation and hygiene services simultaneously ." 328543,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information] The most commonly reported reasons for not taking action on COVID-19 were COVID-19 is not prevalent in the area (60%), not at high risk of getting COVID-19 (26%)" 16916,6332.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%201-21%20September%202018.pdf,"As part of the Al Hudaydah response, since June, UNHCR and its partners conducted protection monitoring assessments of over 57,000 households. The assessments have allowed UNHCR and partners to determine displaced persons’ emergency shelter and protection needs. The Agency also continues to distribute CRIs and emergency shelter kits (ESKs) to families in areas of displacement and is offering protection services, such as legal assistance and psychosocial counselling in eight IDP community centres countrywide. Since June, UNHCR has reached 100,000 IDPs through the Al Hudaydah response." 304092,50891.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"During 2018, a total of 1,635,400 children under-five (including IDPs and refugees) received health and nutrition interventions through UNICEF support. This includes 462,919 children who received their first measles vaccinations (90% of the annual immunization target), 956,925 children that were treated for common childhood diseases through the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) services (100% of the planned target) and 215,556 children received Severe Acute Malnutrition treatment (86% of our targets)." 391120,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,113,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Changes in precipitation patterns will impact river flow, irrigation, water management and flooding. This can be seen through both the supply as well as demand. Increases in heavy rainfall and flooding come with equally greater periods of enhanced drought, which are exacerbated by higher temperatures, and thus stronger evapotranspiration. Projected climatechange trends for Nigeria are therefore expected to enhance the contrast between wet and dry and thus might change the dynamics around the balance between availability and use of water. Higher intensity rain and enhanced droughts pose significant challenges to water supply infrastructure and water quality." 193849,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La prévalence de la malnutrition chronique est de 33,7% chez les garçons contre 30,2% chez les filles." 436858,64543.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Ante información y noticias falsas sobre efectos negativos de las vacunas, algunas comunidades han decidido no acceder al proceso. Aún así, el uso de elementos de protección personal ha disminuido con el tiempo. Por esto, los riesgos de contagio aumentan. Ante esta situación es necesario: o Realizar campañas de sensibilización, información y concertación para promover la vacunación en población indígena." 198496,44198.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Economy']",fr,69,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/plan-daction-integre-des-reformes-des-finances-publiques-du-burkina-une-evaluation-a-mi-parcours/,"Le comité de pilotage des reformes de finances publique a tenu le 22 octobre 2020, une session consacrée à l’examen et l’adoption du rapport du Plan d’action intégré des reformes de finances publiques (PAIRFP), l’examen et l’adoption du PAIRFP 2020-2022, l’examen et l’adoption du cadre de mesure de résultats." 230389,46719.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/12/31/covid-19-28-die-1-014-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[31st December 2020, Bangladesh] To date, 3,227,598 tests have been conducted in the country, leading to an overall infection rate of 15.91%. Up to this point, 457,459 patients — 89.08% of all infected — have made full recovery across the country." 200529,44300.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,57,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Une autre explication serait liée à l’organisation sociale patriarcale de la société burkinabè, puisque les femmes sont sous l’autorité de leur père ou de leur frère aîné jusqu’au mariage. Il est donc possible que ceux-ci s’endettent au nom des femmes qui souhaitent entreprendre un projet migratoire." 173016,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Compte tenu des capacités de laboratoire existantes limitées, la surveillance de l’épidémie de COVID-19 à l’échelle nationale est très difficile et nécessite d’être soutenue." 328044,55074.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Deux cent quarante-sept (247) nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 du 04 au 14 Avril 2021 tous à transmission communautaire, portant le cumul à 13 064 cas dont 4 903 femmes et 8 161 Hommes." 223524,44702.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"The affected populations are in urgent need of food assistance to cover the current immediate food gap. The total number of households identified during the Cueibet and Wulu IRNA is 5579 or approximately 27,895 individuals" 286909,51627.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] One participant suggested providing services for high-risk individuals to reduce their need to go out in crowds, for example buying their groceries. Another participant suggested that exchanging tents to make room for high-risk individuals would be possible. “We are all family and relatives here [in the camp]. If we had to we could vacate one tent for them [high-risk individuals] and the rest of us share one tent with each other”" 307743,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,70,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Of the 24 static nutrition sites across Pibor County, 5 are not functioning for several reasons. In Lokoromach, the nutrition facility was destroyed during intercommunal violence, and is planned to be rehabilitated in the coming weeks. A critical area to be addressed is the timely referral of undernourished children (6-59 months) with complications and those in need of treatment in stabilization centres." 199009,44191.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/campagne-electorale-2020-au-burkina-le-renlac-fustige-des-actes-de-corruption/,"Aujourd’hui, l’action politique et partisane se résume en un simple moyen d’enrichissement personnel, suivant la logique de «l’argent pour le pouvoir et du pouvoir pour l’agent»." 320918,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,102,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Au total, 508 260 personnes retournées (en provenance d’autres provinces ou localités de la RDC) ont été rapporté depuis le début de 2018 (derniers 36 mois). Vingt-et-un pour cent de ces retours ont eu lieu dans les 18 derniers mois. Au totale, les PDIs retournées des derniers trois ans représentent 11 pour cent de la population de la province." 245131,47833.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Finalmente, se observa que los hombres tienen dificultades de acceso en urgencias porque muchas de sus patologías no están priorizadas. Se destacan casos de accidentes laborales que han dejado secuelas en los empleados: solo los atienden por la lesión inicial, pero sus empleadores los despiden, y pierden afiliación a EPS, por lo que no tienen atención para las secuelas, y no conocen el trámite para transitar hacia el régimen subsidiado. Hombres que han sufrido ACV son tendidos en urgencias médicas al momento del accidente, pero no reciben atención en rehabilitación." 165113,39657.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000117581.pdf,"Compared to May, egg prices have increased by up to 20 percent following recovery of the poultry market, after COVID-19 transmission rumours affected it at the early stages of the crisis." 389650,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],es,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"La Victoria, área no municipalizada del departamento de Amazonas, es un claro ejemplo: la página del INS (pestaña de “muestras”) indica que allí se ha tomado una sola muestra de PCR en toda la pandemia." 187637,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 550 health workers and volunteers were trained on IPC, including virtual training in the local language. In Lower Juba, the Ministry of Health conducted IPC and case management training for 30 health care workers and distributed 2,000 face masks and 3,000 units of soap in Farjano Village." 155660,38514.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"In the camps, WASH Sector partners provided soap to 32,703 households and family hygiene kits to 20,298 households, and installed 3,797 hand-washing stations (HWS), 75 HWS with bucket-drums at household level, 19 HWS at public places, 2,227 tippy taps (a cost-effective hands-free device for handwashing) and 1,495 stools (with a bucket and tap) at household-level." 271506,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au délà des différentes formes de malnutrition, l’on observe un niveau toujours élevé d’anémie qui est une maladie due aux carences en micronutriments (fer, acide folique, vitamines etc). Selon les résultats de l’ENIAB, la prévalence de l’anémie chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans était de 83% [ENIAB, 2014. Enquête Nationale d’Iode et de l’Anémie au Burkina Faso – ENIAB]." 35768,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,82,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Key informants in the Bayelsa State Ministry of Health described seasonal health care access barriers for some adolescents living in riverine communities who travel to offshore fishing camps with their parents for months at a time. Others are flooded out of their homes during the rainy season, and frequently relocate to communities on higher ground where they may not be familiar with the location of facilities. Many of the interior rural riverine communities do not have health centres." 242551,47761.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_Informal-Settlement-Profile_Al-Hasakeh_November-2020.pdf,"[November 2020, Al-Hasakeh NES]Top three reported food-related coping strategies by % of assessed settlements; Purchasing food on credit 60% , Eating smaller meals 55% and Buying food with money usually used for other purchases 45%." 359430,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar]The DRR and EiE framework should consider girls, boys, young women and young men in all their diversity while identifying and responding to their needs and interests before, during and after a disaster to build safe schools." 56039,17094.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,79,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Movimientos de entrada y salida Según surge de la información provista por la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones a partir de sus propios registros administrativos, entre 2010 y 2018 hubo 890.000 entradas y 760.000 salidas realizadas por personas venezolanas a través de todos los pasos (aéreos, terrestres, marítimos y fluviales), de modo tal que el saldo acumulado para el período de referencia (las entradas menos las salidas) es de 130.000 tránsitos." 500708,60136.0,2074.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,53,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"Alojamiento temporal - La mayor parte de los residenciales y hostales en Pisiga no están recibiendo a migrantes extranjeros. Los principales lugares que los migrantes utilizan para pernoctar son las calles alrededor de la Plaza de Pisiga, casetas abandonadas cerca al puesto de control migratorio y hospedajes de costo bajo." 358529,58562.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,146,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]The impact of COVID-19 movement restrictions on resource competition and inter-group conflict is dependent on a number of local contextual factors, including the existing economic situation, the structure of identity cleavages, and the specific design and implementation of local restrictions. In some communities, the COVID-19 lockdown and related movement restrictions contributed to reducing intergroup conflict by limiting many of the types of negative interactions that exacerbate disputes driven by resource scarcity. This dynamic was especially pronounced for disputes and grievances that stem from attempts of two or more groups to access a shared resource simultaneously, such as property disputes over a given set of land (common in indigene-settler conflicts) or disagreements over the use of shared rangeland, forests, and water points (common in herderfarmer conflicts)." 148057,37648.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,54,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3663529,"The Qali Warma program has worked closely with theMinistry of Development and Social Inclusionto ensure that this healthy food reaches indigenous communities living at the border area with Brazil and Colombia, for which we are truly grateful. The food will be transported in river boats,"" Yavari Mayor Tito Lozano stated" 296408,52103.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,116,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%b9%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%a3%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84/#.YFxzT2Qzb0o,"[March 14, GoS] Doctor's Stethoscope This platform is one of the most popular medical platforms that provide medical advice and has 412,000 followers. In addition to providing medical information, the platform publishes scientific articles and news of the latest medical developments. These groups are run by a volunteer medical team made up of students of the College of Medicine and medical specialists from various medical sectors. The number of supervisors is 150 doctors from various Syrian governorates. The team also aims to support medical initiatives, spread news related to hospitals, and transmit correct medical information in light of the spread of wrong medical information." 125972,31192.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",en,36,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"There are 61,418 IDPs in Katsina, 69,163 in Zamfara and 43,876 in Sokoto (IOM DTM R3). Data on IDPs in the Northwest is limited due to few numbers of humanitarian actors." 41097,11894.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",[],[],en,41,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Healthcare and food were respectively the second and third highest priorities, with KIs citing fully functional health facilities, the provision of common medicines and core food items, and a restoration of the electrical grid as particular needs." 220693,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The MoH with support from WHO, UNICEF and partners conducted a reactive Yellow Fever vaccination campaign in Kajo Keji County from 23-27October 2020. with Mop up vaccinations conducted on 28-29 October 2020. The campaign targeted 93,000 individuals aged 9 months to 60 years. Post campaign evaluation ended on 01 November 2020." 390958,61168.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,38,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://gestion.pe/mundo/congreso-chileno-aprueba-dilatada-ley-de-migracion-noticia/?ref=gesr,El gobierno conservador de Sebastián Piñera priorizó la legislación tras un informe que sugería que el país podría convertirse en un destino clave para el flujo de personas de América Latina al cesar la pandemia de coronavirus. 66315,19459.0,1386.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",es,107,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/09/09/destruido-el-sistema-de-salud-741-mil-casos-de-malaria-y-350-mil-de-sarampion-9sep/,"Hay una escasez del 84 por ciento de los medicamentos. Los mayores afectados son las personas que sufren cáncer, diabetes, hipertensión, VIH, enfermedades de los riñones, epilepsia, mal de Parkinson y alzheimer. – Las cifras más alarmantes y preocupantes son las referidas a difteria. De 39 casos registrados en el continente, 38 fueron en Venezuela y el otro en Haití. La malaria (erradicada por el ministro Arnoldo Gabaldón a mediados de los años 30, cuando en Venezuela esa enfermedad causaba diez mil muertes por año) ha presentado más de 741 mil casos." 198382,44154.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,41,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/neuf-mois-apr-s-l-apparition-des-premiers-cas-de-covid-19-en-afrique-quelle-est,"Face à la propagation du virus, le gouvernement burkinabais a notamment décidé de fermer ses frontières, ce qui engendra une augmentation du prix des denrées puisque le pays était fortement dépendant de l’importation de produits alimentaires." 752,156.0,321.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Households frequently reported a lack of medical supplies and medical personnel as obstacles to accessing healthcare. Although there did not seem to be major issues with health facilities per se, in the sense that few seemed to be damaged or too distant, households most frequently reported under-equipment (58.1%) and understaffing (54.5%) as barriers to accessing healthcare." 304019,50889.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"While the Government of Sudan maintains a generous open border policy for those fleeing conflict and persecution, key protection gaps still persist that undermine the liberty, safety and dignity of refugees, including: access to registration and documentation gaps; limits on freedom of movement and access to basic services; and a lack of land and asset ownership, labour markets and financial services." 276106,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,54,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,Ces instruments [juridiques internationaux relatifs à la protection des enfants et aux genres ratifiés par le Tchad] ont été transposés dans la législation tchadienne. Cette législation évolue positivement dans le sens de la promotion du genre comme facteur de réalisation de l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes. 338745,56193.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,84,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"DRC is a state that is unable to deliver basic services, such as health; education; and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), nor guarantee the security of its people (including breaking the cycle of violence against women, girls, and other vulnerable populations). Decades of conflict have left the country extremely fragile, destabilized, vulnerable to epidemics, suffering from high rates of GBV, and in persistent need of HA." 160053,37891.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=200072,"Damascus, SANA – The Health Ministry announced on Saturday that 78 new Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been registered in Syria, and that 5 patients have recovered while 2 others have passed away." 202265,43347.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Household surveys conducted at mid-year in refugee return locations across the country showed general insecurity, lack of livelihood opportunities and lack of basic services in countries of asylum as push factors. In South Sudan, improvement in the security situation and family reunification were major pull factors amongst others." 354377,57964.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/opinion/columnistas/arturo-charria/tres-propuestas-para-salvar-el-ano-escolar/?cx_testId=30&cx_testVariant=cx_1&cx_artPos=1#cxrecs_s,"Desde cada Secretaría de Educación se debe orientar una reflexión pedagógica que permita una flexibilización curricular que parta de la pregunta ¿Para qué volver al colegio? Esta pregunta pasa por una disminución en el número de asignaturas, la revisión del sistema de evaluación y la promoción de proyectos transversales. En este momento es necesaria la concentración en áreas de pensamiento que busque no avanzar en la planeación curricular, sino recuperar lo perdido y defender lo aprendido." 217927,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,Timely provision of quality seeds will help farmers not only to cultivate but also increase the production for household consumption. 207065,44711.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://newspaper.albaathmedia.sy/2020/12/03/%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d9%8a%d8%a4%d8%ab%d8%b1-%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%89-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ae%d8%af%d9%85%d8%a9-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%b3%d8%a7%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84/,"[December 3, Damascus] Despite the efforts of the Mouwasat University Hospital management to invest in places of care in order to serve the largest possible segment of needy patients, there is a failure in terms of service provision as a result of the great pressure that the hospital suffers, especially the intensive care department, where two special intensive care for Corona patients have been separated in both care Thoracic and ambulatory." 144468,34804.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Context->Demography'],en,75,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The increased risk and rise of malnutrition, especially among IDPs, requires much more focus on food insecure households with pregnant women and children under the age of 59 months, young mothers, households with low purchasing power, and support on appropriate diets to help fight the risks of COVID-19 along with a scale-up in treatment for acute malnutrition of pregnant and lactating women (PLW) and children 0-59 months." 163752,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Hasta el 13 de julio, se han confirmado 154.277casos positivos de COVID-19 en los 32 departamentos de Colombia, 53,5 por ciento de éstos se mantienen activos (82.681), 65.809 (42.6%) se han recuperado, 5.455 han fallecido y 8.881 pacientes se encuentran hospitalizados. •" 202071,43280.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"In Puntland, C4D interventions focused on increasing the awareness about the importance of routine immunization . A total of 3,340 caregivers were reached with immunization messages, 240 radio spots aired, 793 defaulters identified of whom 189 were vaccinated. In addition, 2,298 caregivers were sensitized on general health, nutrition, COVID-19 and WASH, and 926 were provided hand washing demonstrations." 58253,17094.0,1187.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En general, las principales dificultades refieren a la vivienda. Tal como fuera señalado en el capítulo II de este informe, los costos y los requisitos para alquilar llevan a muchas personas a alquileres informales y a mudanzas frecuentes. Para estos casos, el Centro de Apoyo al Refugiado brinda una ayuda de $ 10.7005 por persona durante 3 meses (a partir de un coeficiente se calculan los adicionales según la composición de las familias), que permite pagar el alojamiento en una red de hoteles familiares más económicos previamente identificados por la institución." 173902,41033.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,143,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, BAY states]The physical and psychological well-being of children across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states remains at risk due to the ongoing complex and protracted conflict. With the escalating attacks and clashes across the BAY states in north-east Nigeria, children continue to be recruited and used by armed groups, while others have been abducted, maimed, raped and killed. In August, a total of 15 children (six girls and nine boys) formerly associated with armed groups were handed over to the Borno Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development (MWASD). The children will receive interim care services at the Bulumkutu Interim Care Centre in Maiduguri, Borno State, prior to reunification with their families as part of the reintegration process." 193064,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Tchad compte plus de 761 000 personnes en situation de déplacement, dont 468 047 réfugiés et demandeurs d´asile22, 170 803 personnes déplacées internes, 112 131 retournés tchadiens et 5 652 ressortissants de pays tiers." 265660,49620.0,2099.0,"['Livelihoods', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Trois Frontieres) D’après les IC, des difficultés d’accès à l’eau et la cherté du savon représenteraient des facteurs d’entrave à l’adoption de ces pratiques d’hygiène.(Nov.2020)" 223774,45880.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Une enquête de suivi réalisée en octobre a révélé que 79 % des ménages (n=2200) ont déclaré avoir subi une augmenta�on significa�ve des prix de la nourriture et 59 % des femmes contre 38 % des hommes interrogés ont déclaré qu'elles devaient, depuis la COVID-19, aller chercher de la nourriture ou des ar�cles ménagers auprès du gouvernement ou d'autres organisa�ons (n=2200)." 222867,45709.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=213902,"[20th December, 2020, Overall Syria] The ministry said in a statement that the total number of Coronavirus cases registered in Syria up till now has reached up to 9,302, of which 4,432 have recovered and 530 have passed away." 281877,51173.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"A total of 23,781 health care providers from different level of health facilities were trained on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and to detect, refer and appropriately manage COVID-19 cases in children, pregnant and breastfeeding women by UNICEF." 247975,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,111,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"A Dar al Kher (1&2), 10 forages sur 11 tous réalisés à Dar al Kher 1 desservent aujourd’hui 8775 populations des deux sites. De longues durées d’attente au point d’eau ont été signalées surtout pour ceux de Dar al Kher 2 qui doivent faire de longues distances pour quelque fois rentrer avec les ustensiles de collecte de l’eau vide. Un gap de 6 forages reste à couvrir. Les nouveaux déplacés installés du côté de Dar al Kher 2 sont dans une situation précaire sans matériels de collecte et de stockage de l’eau." 235110,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The BEAC [Bank of the Central African States] loosened its monetary policy stance, narrowed its interest rate corridor, increased its liquidity provision, and widened the range of private financial instruments accepted as collateral for monetary policy operations." 212868,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,Guidelines have been shared with schools and families to support students self-learning at home. The ministry and development partners developed a series of educational videos that students access through the ministry’s website (http://maarif.af/) and on YouTube. 165364,32691.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/77415,"En Arauca, las autoridades locales designaron un nuevo lugar de atención temporal para los venezolanos que deseen regresar en el municipio de Tame; entre 50 y 150 personas quedan varadas allí cada noche" 265692,49620.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Sahel) Au Burkina Faso, les données MSNA 2020 indiquent en effet que les violences sexuelles constitueraient les principaux risques de protection des jeunes filles de moins de 18 ans spécifiquement dans les provinces du Seno (43% des ménages70) et de Yagha (57% des ménages70) (Sahel)." 211224,44790.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,139,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The nutrition context has remained precarious in Somalia, with a median national GAM rate of 13.8 per cent during the Gu season in 2019 - this is a slight improvement from the previous years' 14 per cent (2018) and 17.4 per cent (2017). The majority of high GAM rates are concentrated in the six regions of Banadir (14.8 per cent), Shabelle (11 per cent), Bay (8.8 per cent), Hiraan (6.1 per cent), Woqooyi Galbeed (5.6 per cent) and Gedo (5.4 per cent). Pre-existing challenges including conflict, displacement, drought, flooding and lacking basic social services, as well as compounding factors such as disability, exacerbate the nutrition outlook in the country." 57872,16848.0,788.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",en,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.hart-uk.org/news/august-2019-update-the-situation-in-north-and-central-belt-nigeria/,"On 27 July in Borno State, Boko Haram killed over 60 people at a funeral possession. (Premium Times, 4 August 2019) . The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, claims that “the country has never been this bad”. (Nigerian Tribune, 3 August 2019) An estimated 282 people were killed and 97 kidnapped in July; 353 were killed and 60 kidnapped in June (Premium Times, 5 August 2019).There is no disaggregation of statistics, so we cannot say how many were Christians." 272058,50213.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/9c032c38/REACH_SYR_Northeast_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_January_2021.pdf,"[Jan 2021, NES] The value of the regional SMEB food component further increased by 7% between December and January, reaching a record high median value of 209,825 SYP." 137451,35305.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The Socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, notably in food security and livelihoods, are likely to exacerbate existing substantial humanitarian needs across the country. On 17 June, the U.S. Caesar sanctions went into effect and throughout the month the informal SYP/USD exchange rate has experienced extreme volatility, at one point rising to the highest rate on record – approximately SYP 3,200 to $USD 1 on 8 June. The cost of the survival minimum expenditure basket (SMEB) has increased by 68 percent." 161743,34176.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,32,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"1.297 kits de higiene individual y familiar en diferentes comunas de Cali. 7.500 tapabocas, 55 filtros para potabilizar el agua y 800 afiches de educación y prevención COVID-19 entregados." 201557,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Testing capacities are severely limited, and it is assumed that the number of cases in country are much higher. The transmission is quickly outpacing the response capacity of the Government and UN and other humanitarian organizations." 131838,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Facilitar el acceso a los servicios públicos de salud para refugiados y migrantes con enfermedades infecciosas y no infecciosas, así como problemas de salud mental y enfermedades crónicas." 198680,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Cent-quatre-vingt-quatre nouveaux voyageurs en provenance des pays affectés par la COVID-19 ont été enregistrés à Kinshasa ce 15/11/2020, parmi lesquels 94 (51,1%) n’avaient pas d’adresses." 16888,6332.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%201-21%20September%202018.pdf,"The recent escalation in hostilities in Al Hudaydah resulted in the displacement of 500 families. UNHCR observed displacement from villages in Ad Durayhimi District into Al Hudaydah city. On 16 September, UNHCR’s partner JAAHD commenced a needs assessment of families displaced from Al Hudaydah to Asukhna, Bajel and Al-Mansoria districts. Furthermore, in Ibb Governorate, UNHCR and its partner the Yemen Women’s Union distributed core-relief items (CRIs) to some 450 displaced families from Al Hudaydah." 308340,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,Pre-positioning ahead of the rainy season is a critical challenge as most areas remain insecure or otherwise hard-to-reach. Partners are looked at the co-location of storage of key items that can serve a catchment area during the rainy season ahead. 227522,46488.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Les autres incidents de protection rapportés étaient les tracasseries routières (taxes non-officielles), les kidnappings ainsi que les agressions physiques (rapportés par trois IC à chaque fois)." 193836,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,33,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,La zone soudanienne a connu une hausse de 8% par rapport à la campagne agricole de l´année dernière et de 2% par rapport à la moyenne des cinq dernières années. 63150,18817.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Some 220 girls and 454 boys at risk and/or survivors of violence, including GBV, received comprehensive protection services in the states of Bolivar, Miranda, Aragua, Carabobo, Capital District, Apure, Zulia, Barinas, Trujillo, Lara, Tachira, Merida, and Amazonas." 112525,29953.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Como atención adicional, Mi Vecino Protector cuenta con un espacio para madres lactantes y mujeres gestantes. Una enfermera ofrece capacitaciones sobre lactancia, nutrición y desarrollo, y se entrega un refrigerio a las mujeres asistentes." 194944,43590.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Kunduz city was hosting a high number of IDPs prior to this recent fighting (ECHO 26/08/2020) in a province counting approximately 5,300 IDPs as of 20 August (OCHA last accessed 02/09/2020); available aid resources are likely to be scarce." 326758,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,113,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Eu égard au caractère symptomatique ou non de la maladie, l’information a été récoltée pour 8 908 cas (31,1%) ; 41,0% (n=3 649) d’entre eux étaient symptomatiques au moment du diagnostic. De surcroît, 22,6% (312/1382) des cas présentaient au moins une comorbidité. Les symptômes majeurs étaient : la toux (1259/1856 ; 67,8%), la fièvre (1282/1907 ; 67,2%), l’essoufflement (720/1620 ; 44,4%), le nez qui coule (560/1552 ; 36,1%) et le mal de gorge (524/1540 ; 34,0%)" 223770,45880.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"L'emploi des femmes en RDC se concentre dans l'agriculture et les pe�tes entreprises du secteur du commerce informel (où elles occupent 64% des emplois), principalement dans la vente de denrées alimentaires et de produits périssables de faible valeur. Ce secteur est généralement non réglementé, soumis à de fortes taxa�ons informelles et ne bénéficie d'aucune sécurité sociale ni d'autres avantages offerts par le gouvernement." 308233,52938.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,19,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of diesel in Kabul was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020 257018,48672.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,Terrible attacks against the villages of Tchoma-Bangou and Zaroumdarey during the first week of 2021 caused the death of more than hundred civilians and led to the displacement of at least 10 000 individuals from the two attacked villages and eight other villages to Ouallam and Mangaizé. 299309,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 2020, the HAG recorded 225 movement restrictions, compared to 43 in 2019. The biggest impediment to humanitarian movement was the presence of checkpoints along the major routes." 276366,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"L’accès aux services sociaux de base pour les retournés tchadiens dans le Sud du pays est compromis par le fait qu’ils n’ont pas de documents d’identité et d’état civil et donc ne peuvent jouir de leurs droits fondamentaux. Ceci dans un contexte marqué par une surcharge sur les faibles infrastructures existantes où la population locale déjà vulnérable a accueilli plus de 100,000 personnes ayant fui le conflit en RCA." 244071,47369.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,55,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ NES, DEC] Tel Saman camp is the likely contingency shelter for any mass displacement as the camp is undergoing a 500 to 600 plot extension. Raqqa HAO and Tel Saman CA have stated that new arrivals from the ongoing Ein Issa displacement will be prioritized for the Tel Saman extension." 452947,64224.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,40,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Según el Banco mundial antes de la crisis sanitaria el 18% de la población asentada en el Perú vivían en situación de pobreza, 14% en pobreza moderada y 4% en pobreza extrema(1)." 384877,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"L’OMS a apporté un appui technique et financier à la formation des 19 formateurs nationaux sur les VBG y compris 10 hommes et 9 femmes, venus du CORUS et des partenaires santé." 278647,50723.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_unrwa_syria_regional_crisis_emergency_appeal_.pdf,"[2021, Overall Syria] Threats are elevated in particular for refugees who are pregnant and more so for those with high-risk pregnancies while displaced and/or residing in areas where medical facilities are damaged or destroyed. Ensuring access to maternal and child health services is crucial, whether through mobile health points or telemedicine when inpatient care is not essential and not advised given COVID-19 contagion." 155087,34182.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,19,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,El 92% consideran que no es suficiente la cantidad de agua disponible por día para cada persona. 226973,46468.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] verified a total of 45 attacks against schools and education-related personnel between 1 January and 30 September 2020, with more than half of these incidents reported in the third quarter of 2020." 194277,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,Une sensibilisation masse sur la Covid-19 a été fait à l’intention de la communauté de la ZS KALOLE au SUD-KIVU (80 Hommes et 70 Femmes) et une distribution de 150 dépliants 679,156.0,321.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Overall, 18.2% of households reported living in some form of damaged housing including 11.7% reporting living in housing with light damage, 5.7% reporting medium-to-heavy damage necessitating repair before being liveable and 0.7% of households reporting that their housing was heavily damaged or completely destroyed. Areas with the highest percentage of households reporting from medium damage to heavily destroyed housing were Benghazi (13.2%), Ghat (11.8%) and Al Margab (10.6%)" 248263,48236.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"The governor also disclosed that the test positivity ratio for January is 24 per cent, in which one out of every four tests conducted returns positive, which is the highest monthly average recorded in the last six months." 147512,35128.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,59,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The ability to test for the coronavirus is also limited, as there are only two PCR machines in AA-controlled territories, which were sent by Iraqi Kurdistan on April 12. Previously, the AA had to send samples to Damascus to make a diagnosis, a process that, best case scenario, takes over a week" 187922,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,Humanitarian needs are compounded by structural development deficits and chronic vulnerabilities that further challenge the long-term recovery of affected people. 627,156.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"When asked about issues encountered upon return to their area and housing of origin, returnee households indicated that the top three main issues encountered were damaged or destroyed housing (62.3%), valuables missing in property (housing looted, 54.9%), and the persistent lack of functionality of basic services in the area of origin (35.6%)" 200133,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In an attempt to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, all 6,400 schools and 4,200 community learning centers in the two regions have been temporarily closed since 18 March 2020. An estimated 1,033,000 school aged children are forced to stay at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the ongoing conflict." 261746,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,101,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Actualmente el Ente territorial, las EAPB y red prestadora de servicios tienen a disposición la toma de muestras, sin embargo, se observa la negación de la población para el acceso a estas, por temor al resultado ya que en muchas de las ocasiones los imposibilita ante las acciones que se deben adelantar en el marco del PRASS. Adicionalmente, no se cuenta con las garantías complementarias (Sitio de aislamientos, alimentación y otros) para lograr el aislamiento a población refugiada y migrante, retornados y en situación de calle que se encuentren positivos." 238437,47405.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"Según información de la Gran En- cuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH) de octu- bre de 2020 (año móvil), a nivel nacional, el desempleo de la población migrante que hace 12 meses vivía en Venezuela se ubica en 21 %, frente a un 15,2 % de las personas que vivían en Colombia hace 12 meses. Asimismo, la in- formalidad laboral para migrantes venezola- nos era cercana al 90 % frente a una tasa del 60 % para los colombianos (Observatorio del Proyecto Migración Venezuela con base en información de la GEIH de febrero de 2020), situación que tiene efectos negativos en la inserción laboral y calidad del empleo de la población migrante en el país." 57110,17184.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En este sentido, informamos sobre el Dictamen de Salud que presentaremos en la provincia. Julián manifiesta que el INADI estaría dispuesto a firmar dicho documento. No obstante, y teniendo en cuenta que la presentación se hará con organizaciones sociales y académicas, queda pendiente sumar su adhesión y apoyo de otro modo" 128913,34596.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"However, the lack of understanding of and adherence to precautionary measures still indicates a need to disseminate information on how communities can continue to abide by some key measures without jeopardising their livelihoods. Explaining how the measures are adapted and practical to the context could help reduce the prevalent fear of losing employment and aid services." 206972,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"With the COVID-19 crisis, teachers must learn to work in a remote way, and children need to be given access to home schooling, which adds additional burden on the education system in these areas where structural challenges were already inherent, particularly in the Far North and in the East and Adamawa." 48908,12663.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Specialty hospitals, usually in major cities, are often unreachable because of cost, or they may not have access depending on their migration status." 207152,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Poor people living in urban areas and in camps are among the population groups most affected by COVID-19. More specifically, with regards to their vulnerabilities associated with personal characteristics, refugees, IDPs, returnees, vulnerable local people, daily workers, small farmers including those with disabilities in both rural and urban areas constitute high-risk groups due to their limited capacities and precarious means of livelihood. Elderly people represent the highest risk group of developing severe COVID-19 disease or dying." 328648,54710.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,23,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 5% households with at least one member having lost employment in the three months prior to data collection 320923,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,119,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Par rapport aux tendances de déplacement et de retours internes, les retours de l’Angola sont restés relativement constants, avec un environ 1500 ménages retournés par mois au cours des trois dernières années (F5). Les retours de l’Angola ont été principalement attribués à l’expulsion (90%), suivi de 20K 20K l’amélioration de la situation sécuritaire dans la zone de retour (6%) et les autres facteurs (4%)" 359177,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Damaged agricultural infrastructure and challenges in accessing modern farming machinery forced farmers to rely on outdated farming methods lowering the productivity of their operations" 437563,64217.0,1185.0,[],[],[],es,73,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De 14 a 19 años la tasa aumenta al 19 % que afirma estar o haber enfrentado embarazos tempranos. La edad promedio en la que las participantes enfrentan un embarazo es de 16 años, lo que contrasta con la edad que consideran apropiada para tener hijos e hijas: 25 años. Una diferencia de 9 años que repercute en la pérdida de oportunidades durante la adolescencia y la migración." 169202,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"May 21 NWS: The task force recommended establishing three new hospitals for COVID-19 patients. However, no funding was available to implement this plan" 328573,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Five most commonly reported illnesses or injuries household members of IDP settlements had in the past two weeks prior to data collection were fever(9%), Diarrhoea (2%), Cough with fast or difficult breathing (0%), skin infections (0%), eye infections (0%)." 192827,43603.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,90,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"People in Somalia from both the host communities and displaced populations like migrants and internally displaced persons are all disproportionally experiencing the impacts of the pandemic due to their weakened social support structures, bleak socioeconomic prospects, unequal access to healthcare and basic social services, precarious housing, tenuous living and working conditions, vulnerability to misinformation and social stigma, risks of exploitation and abuse. This further leads to increased levels of uncertainty, distress, and instability of individuals, families, and communities." 224592,46162.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,These populations [very poor and poor households] are experiencing reduced food consumption and are Stressed (IPC Phase 2). Some more affected households are experiencing consumption shortfalls and may be in Crisis (IPC Phase 3). 248987,47559.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,54,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Comme les mois précédents, la stigmatisation ethnique est restée une triste réalité dans la région et a été observée pratiquement dans toutes les communes. Cependant, les communes de Séguénéga, Thiou, Barga, Titao et Ouindigui semblent vivre beaucoup plus ce problème souvent masqué au regard de sa complexité." 157322,38924.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,118,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"A la date du 06 septembre 2020, situation de la maladie à Coronavirus au Burkina Faso se présente comme suit : 229 échantillons analyses, répartie en : - 177 tests de dépistage pour voyage ; - 36 tests de voyageurs ; - 12 tests de cas contacts ; - 04 tests de contrôles ; Nombre de nouveaux cas confirmés : 03, tous à transmissions communautaires (Ouagadougou) ; Nombre de guérisons : 01, total des guérisons 1113 ; Nombre de deces 00, total des décès, 56 ; Nombre de cas actifs :297 ; Nombre de cas confirmés depuis le 09 mars 2020: 1466 dont 502 femmes et 964 hommes." 356613,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,119,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El derecho internacional de los derechos humanos establece que las autoridades deben proteger las reuniones pacíficas y no deben dispersarlas incluso si consideran que son ilícitas. Las autoridades deben abstenerse de usar la fuerza a menos que esto resulte necesario y proporcionado para responder a incidentes específicos de violencia. Como norma general, las manifestaciones pacíficas que bloquean el tránsito pueden dispersarse solo si generan perturbaciones graves y sostenidas. Sin embargo, Human Rights Watch ha documentado varios casos en los cuales agentes del ESMAD o policías regulares violaron estos principios al dispersar de manera arbitraria protestas pacíficas o usar la fuerza de manera indiscriminada o excesiva, incluyendo mediante el uso de armas letales." 248787,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations : Moyen et long terme = Faire une évaluation sectorielle pour mieux cerner/identifier les réels problèmes liés à la protection en vue des actions appropriée / Lutter contre l’apatridie à travers la délivrance des actes de naissance aux enfants à travers les procédures directes ou indirectes / Renforcer les capacités des membres des structures communautaires sur les thématiques de protection 219534,45750.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"In Togdheer region. Somaliland, humanitarian agencies are installing hand washing facilities, conducting awareness campaigns, and distributing hygiene kits and IEC materials to IDPs and host communities. UNICEF has drilled a borehole in Burco and distributed hygiene kits to 18,000 IDPs. However, the region faces gaps in availability of PPEs and ambulances." 306807,53161.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"The MoH has called on the media to support the vaccination campaign and assist with the prevention of immunization misinformation. In addition, the MoH has called on armed opposition groups to permit medical teams to access areas under their control, particularly in Blue Nile and South Kordofan." 223519,44702.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,For few who were given humanitarian assistance depend on that food for 3-4 days which is not enough for everybody in those locations since the registration was a targeted one 164472,37613.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,24,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Centro%20de%20Atenci%C3%B3n%20Integral%20Maicao%20-%20junio%2C%202020.pdf,Finalizó la Instalación del sistema de bombeo para el pozo profundo que abastecerá de agua al Centro y a la comunidad de Chichituy. 70691,20012.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,45,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"In addition to the current fighting around Tripoli, between the GNA and LNA and their affiliated militias, clashes for control of territory and resources continue in the east and south of the country, among Tebu, Tuareg and Arab armed groups." 134108,34849.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Entre los derechos de las víctimas de trata de personas garantizados por la Ley, se cuentan: recibir información sobre sus derechos en un idioma que comprendan, y en forma accesible a su edad y madurez; recibir alojamiento apropiado, manutención, alimentación suficiente e higiene personal adecuada; contar con asistencia psicológica, médica y jurídica gratuitas; prestar testimonio en condiciones especiales de protección y cuidado; la protección frente a toda posible represalia contra su persona o su familia, pudiéndose incorporar al programa nacional de protección de testigos en las condiciones previstas en la Ley N° 25.764; y la adopción de las medidas necesarias para garantizar su integridad física y psicológica." 326176,55014.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]It is important to note that in 97 per cent of the surveys, the respondents stated that the access to their livelihood activities was disrupted because of the displacement. Only 3 per cent of the heads of IDP households indicated that they could continue their livelihood activity despite their forced displacement." 271684,50217.0,2333.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,48,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les conséquences [des différents chocs épidémique, climatique ] est dramatiques sur les vies des populations affectées, sur leurs moyens de subsistance et leurs accès aux services sociaux de base augmentant ainsi les besoins humanitaires et de protection et mettant en péril la cohésion sociale." 315330,53670.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,135,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Monde 2020] La pandémie a perturbé les systèmes de santé dans le monde entier, provoquant une crise sani- taire secondaire. Cette perturbation a affecté à la fois l’offre et la demande de soins de santé. Les établissements et les professionnels de la santé ont été contraints de se reconvertir dans le traitement de la COVID-19, ce qui a perturbé les services non urgents et ambulatoires. Environ 90 % des pays ont connu des perturbations dans leurs services de santé entre mars et juin 2020. Les services de routine mais essentiels, tels que le traitement du VIH, la vaccination, le planning familial et la contraception, ainsi que les soins de santé mentale ont été considérablement perturbés dans les pays à faible revenu" 20558,8024.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,106,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"Child migrants and asylum seekers, whether traveling with family members or alone, are detained in the same appalling conditions as adults. Our interviews and reporting by UNICEF, the UN agency for the rights of the child, suggest that all children rounded up in raids, stopped on the streets, or intercepted at sea are detained.141 According to UNHCR, nearly 1,200 children (both accompanied and unaccompanied) were disembarked in Libya and put in detention during the first seven months of 2018.142 There are no reliable figures for the overall number of children in immigration detention in Libya." 126546,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Fortalecer la prevención y mitigación de riesgos de protección, en especial aquellos relacionados con niños que viajan por su propia cuenta, violencia basada en el género, trata y tráfico, así como explotación laboral." 198686,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Près de 77200 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 14 ZS." 276254,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Domaine économique et politique : Les femmes ont un accès très limité à la propriété, au crédit, au pouvoir et à la participation aux instances de prise de décision." 189890,42519.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3678840,Este evento que contó con la participación de más de 100 personas de forma virtual forma parte de una serie de actividades que se vienen desarrollando precisamente con el objetivo de fortalecer la respuesta de salud mental frente a la actual emergencia nacional y como preparación para futuras situaciones adversas. 322029,54318.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"El 84,7% de los NNA tiene o ha tenido una alimentación basada en poca variedad de alimentos (carbohidratos, vegetales, proteínas)." 412671,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,142,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh]3.4 Experience in seeking family planning services: Risk of coronavirus infection impacted on family planning: One in five households (20.7% overall, 21.3% in rural areas and 19.9% in urban areas) responded that they sought family planning services during the reference period of the study, April to August 2020. The household members of high-income categories (25.0%) and with higher education (24.1%) sought more services compared to other categories. Services related to contraception (85.6%) were the top reason in these groups of individuals while a minority (16.1%) cited attempt to conceive as their cause for trying to obtain family planning services and 1.8% of them sought other services related to family planning." 177290,41744.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Réaliser des séances de sensibilisation nutrition et hygiène, particulièrement à l’égard des femmes enceintes et allaitantes; Renforcer le suivi nutritionnel des enfants des moins de 5 ans et des FEFA ; Organiser une distribution d’aliments de complément pour enfants de 6-23 mois et des FEFA ; Contacter les centres de santé présents pour assurer un suivi." 219125,45748.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"At least 34,712 people affected by floods in Mundri West and Mundri East counties receive emergency assistance. On 26 October, FSL partners delivered 79 metric tons of emergency food assistance to 34 712 people affected by flooding. A total of 22 196 people in Mundri West County and 12 516 in Mundri East County were targeted." 261747,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],es,40,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"El municipio de Puerto Gaitán que cuenta con 48 casos activos mantiene una preocupación debido a la limitada atención en centros de salud, además del conglomerado de empresas filiales que operan en el municipio y el comercio activo." 70529,20137.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Economy'],es,37,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/10/30/pompeo-hemos-otorgado-mas-de-650-millones-de-dolares-para-apoyar-a-venezuela-30oct/,"Mike Pompeo, secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, comentó que se siente orgulloso de la delegación norteamericana, la cual está trabajando constantemente para conseguir soluciones ante la situación crítica que viven los venezolanos." 80048,22055.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,Sabratha: Approximately 75 individuals have been displaced to Sabratha from Suq Alkhamees and Tripoli due to the ongoing hostilities. Some of the IDPs are staying with relatives while others are staying in resorts and houses given by the community.An estimated 150 migrants arrived in Sabratha and are planning to continue their journey to other destinations 297619,52693.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[23rd March 2021, Cox's Bazar] WFP’s e-voucher outlet, Balukhali 1 outlet, in Camp 9 will be closed for a few days. Families will be informed once it is open again. There may be changes to the operating hours for the WFP Nutrition centers in Camp 8E and Camp 9 and it may be closed for a few days." 394695,61223.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.infogate.cl/2021/01/12/tc-admitio-a-tramitacion-requerimiento-de-diputados-de-oposicion-sobre-ley-migratoria-aprobada-en-el-congreso/,"Por medio del recurso, impulsado en diciembre por Revolución Democrática (RD) y con el apoyo de una decena de organizaciones de migrantes, parlamentarios de oposición y abogados constitucionalistas, se considera que la iniciativa contiene normas querestringen los derechos de las personas, entre ellos, niños, niñas y adolescentes, y así se busca que se declare inconstitucional 13 artículos de la normativa, entre ellos el que faculta al Estado para determinar quién ingresa al territorio. También, el que regula los procedimientos de retorno asistido por eventuales vulneraciones a los derechos de los menores de edad." 165675,39645.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"Reported site infrastructure challenges in the camps (1,116 responses)† Pathway 71% Drains 56% Stairway 47% Slopes/landslides 40% Improvements to support vulnerable population30% Access/movement 22% Lighting 16% Bridge 14% Cleaning 12% Repair 11% Solid waste 3% Vehicle 3% Space 0%" 115249,30828.0,1620.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_may_2020_report.pdf,"47% of the IDPs are living in emergency and transi�onal shelter, 34% in makeshi�, 10% in collec�ve/communal shelter and 9% in public facili�es. • 896HH are living in the open Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC) • 3,288HH are sharing shelter in across 37 sites in 10 LGAs. • 20,809 shelters are damaged across 93 sites in 14 LGAs." 24444,9755.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/venezuela-health-care-core-expanded-humanitarian-operation,"IFRC is now looking to its partners for 13 million Swiss francs for 2019 – close to triple the 4.8 million Swiss francs initially sought at the beginning of 2019. In total, the Red Cross aims to reach 220,000 highly vulnerable people." 328559,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of IDP settlement were Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (33%), lack of sanitation facilities ( latrines/toilet ) facilities too crowded (43%)" 472844,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"[District sanitaire de Thiou] Sur 31 formations sanitaires du district, 04 sont fermées et 16 fonctionnent a minima. La population privée de soins est estimée à 22,301 personnes à la suite de cette fermeture." 287400,51747.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,31,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COD_13.pdf,"fighting in neighbouring Central African Republic resulted in an influx of about 92 000 refugees into the northern provinces of North Ubangi, South Ubangi and Bas Uele in early 2021" 384876,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,139,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"On remarque ici que les femmes PDI adhèrent toujours plus au Jadelle, plus de 418 Jadelles utilisés soit un taux de progression de 39% Début de l’intervention humanitaire de MSIBF dans la région du Nord et de l’EST ; par le redéploiement d’un MS Man (Maieuticien) au Nord et d’une MSL (Sage-Femme) à L’EST et le recrutement d’une MSL pour la région du Nord. Un plaidoyer a été fait au profit des autorités du Nord pour présenter le projet. Défis majeurs Que le STAFF Humanitaire de MSIBF soit complètement opérationnel d’ici fin juillet 2021 Perspectives Démarrer les activités humanitaires en : 9 Organisant le plaidoyer au pres des autorités de la région de Sahel et de l'Est" 315240,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,143,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook afrique] La plupart des personnes qui tomberont dans l’extrême pauvreté sont celles ayant un faible niveau d’éducation et peu de biens, celles occupant des emplois vulnérables ou informels, les travailleurs peu qualifiés et les per- sonnes déjà en situation précaire (telles que les ménages touchés par les invasions de sauterelles ou la sécheresse). Ces groupes sont plus expo- sés car ils travaillent souvent dans des secteurs où le contact physique est important, tels que les services de vente au détail, ou dans des activités manufacturières à forte intensité de main-d’œuvre, où la distanciation sociale ou le travail à domicile sont difficilement praticables. Les femmes et les ménages dont le chef de famille est une femme pourraient constituer une grande partie de ces nouveaux pauvres." 172376,40929.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,120,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Borno and Yobe state]In addition to COVID-19 response, humanitarian efforts continued in the North East and north-west locations. Under Borno Field Office, activities were carried out largely by Volunteer Community Mobilizers (VCMs) and religious leaders with messages on essential family practices, routine immunization, exclusive breastfeeding as well as sanitation and hygiene. Some of these include: 276,215 households mobilized to increase awareness on immunization and healthy family practices. 387,850 caregivers sensitized on routine immunization (RI), Sanitation, Hygiene and Exclusive bread feeding. 952 announcements made at Jumma’t mosques with 485 pro-vaccination church sermons in churches" 223559,39506.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The key gaps in the isolation areas include the following: • COVID-19 kits specifically for HHs and individuals who go to the isolation area. • Hot meals or a system by which families can deliver meals to family members in the isolation areas. The reliance on RTEs for 14 days has caused community frustrations, and, in some cases, a refusal to go to the isolation areas." 291981,52137.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,242,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sig.gov.bf/details?tx_news_pi1[action]=detail&tx_news_pi1[controller]=News&tx_news_pi1[news]=1004&cHash=8b9fa2465df44d089d9292f45ee791cf&fbclid=IwAR0deYCCW-CmbpfyOjSnI0gfdqhQEaJkd8b83ICeLuo4t1YKsQV978uJzpQ,"500 millions de dollars US, c’est la somme mobilisée pour la mise en œuvre du 2ème compact du Millennium challenge corporation au Burkina Faso. Pour ce 2ème compact, signé le 13 août 2020 à Washington, l’accent est essentiellement mis sur le secteur de l’électricité au Burkina Faso. Il concerne trois (03) projets : - le projet de renforcement de l’efficacité du domaine de l’électricité, qui vise à opérer les reformes nécessaires et à renforcer les capacités des acteurs du domaine de l’électricité. - le projet d’accroissement de l’offres de l’électricité moins coûteuse, qui vise à augmenter la production d’électricité à travers l’énergie solaire, conformément à la vision du gouvernement d’accroître la part des énergies renouvelables dans le mix-énergétique ; - le projet réseau et accès à l’électricité, qui vise à renforcer le réseau de transport et de distribution de l’électricité et à améliorer l’accès des ménages et des entreprises à l’électricité. Selon Dr Tambi Samuel KABORE, coordinateur national de l’Unité de coordination de la formulation du 2ème compact (UCF-Burkina), la mise en œuvre de ce 2èmecompact est prévue pour une durée de cinq (05) ans (2022-2027)." 223773,45880.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Les enquêtes ménages menée par ELAN à travers la RDC entre août et septembre 2020 ont révélé que 87 % des femmes contre 76 % des hommes ont signalé une diminu�on des revenus de leur ménage. 169293,40031.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,39,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"WFP Peru has adapted its operation to provide cash- based transfers to directly support the government’s response. This is combined with its well-positioned capacity strengthening role that integrates communications, social mobilization and generation of evidence" 196188,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"IDPs, refugees and asylum seekers are still amongst the highest recipients of Cash Voucher Assistance (CVA), as casual labour, such as porters and construction work which are common revenues sources for IDP populations have been suspended as a result of COVID-19." 133952,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],[],es,587,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"PRINCIPALES HALLAZGOS • Se observa mayoritariamente a una población venezolana joven, con un tamaño pequeño de familia. Se identifican retos y desafíos diferenciados entre hombres y mujeres ante la migración: forma de migrar, lugares de alojamiento, dieta alimentaria, acceso al trabajo, vulnerabilidad a sufrir algún tipo de violencia o explotación, acoso sexual, entre otros. • Se encuentra que la población venezolana en Panamá son mayoritariamente personas en edad productiva con elevados niveles educativos, indicando un alto potencial para contribuir social y económicamente al país, acorde con sus competencias y las necesidades de perfiles profesionales en Panamá. • Se observa un porcentaje importante de personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas sin un estatus migratorio definido, y varios desafíos asociados para lograrlo (documentación, tiempos, costos, etc.). • Se identifica un alto número de familias con dependientes en Venezuela, siendo que la prioridad actual de las personas es obtener ingresos suficientes para subsistir y enviar remesas. No obstante, la mayoría expresa su deseo de permanecer en el país, siendo su prioridad lograr la regularización migratoria y laboral y la reunificación con sus familiares, para estabilizarse y aportar al país socialmente, económicamente y culturalmente. 36 Situación de la Población Refugiada y Migrante de Venezuela en Panamá. • Se observa que la mayoría de la población venezolana vive en hogares compartidos con otras familias (en su mayoría alquilando cuartos o camas en casas o apartamentos), cediendo en áreas como la privacidad o seguridad. Las mujeres solas, o las personas que viven con personas menores de edad, invierten más dinero en alojamiento privado, para evitar riesgos sobre su seguridad. Normalmente se firman contratos de alquiler, pero no se notarían o inscriben en el MIVI, lo que no les brinda seguridad en caso de conflicto con la persona arrendataria. • Existe una alta vulnerabilidad de estas personas, que incide en la precariedad laboral, riesgo de explotación laboral, e impacto en los ingresos a través de actividades económicas poco sostenibles. • Se observan desafíos para el acceso efectivo a la salud integral, incluyendo salud mental, incrementado por las dificultades para el acceso a la CSS. Se resalta la necesidad de acceso a tratamientos para personas con enfermedades crónicas. • Existen grupos en mayor situación de vulnerabilidad identificados, aunque en proporción baja, con retos y desafíos propios, que requieren de respuestas adecuadas: personas con discapacidad, mujeres, mujeres embarazadas y adultos mayores/pensionados. • Se identifican necesidades de atención específica por vulnerabilidad a NNA, sobre todo atención en salud mental y diseño de programas específicos para su integración efectiva. • Se observan manifestaciones de discriminación y xenofobia contra la población venezolana en el país, siendo necesaria una mejor integración con la comunidad de acogida. Se observa que la percepción de la población panameña está altamente asociada a las condiciones de precariedad y explotación laboral a que se ven obligadas las personas venezolanas, debido a su situación de irregularidad migratoria y/o laboral. • Se observa un bajo acceso a servicios o programas, tanto sociales como públicos: por desconfianza (al servicio mismo, o miedo a ser reportados a migración), por desconocimiento, por limitada oferta o porque consideran que no son para población venezolana/extranjera." 133943,35165.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,250,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Dentro del sistema de atención primaria de salud pública, en Panamá los niños y niñas menores de cinco años tiene acceso gratuito a la salud y programas de vacunación, incidiendo sobre todo en el seguimiento a temas nutricionales en primera infancia. Esta atención se brinda en los Centros de Salud, con un precio accesible para mayores de cinco años. Sin embargo, el 16% de los hogares encuestados con personas menores de edad reportaron que ellos no cuentan con el esquema básico de vacunación completo (Polio, Difteria, Rubeola, Sarampión, Tos ferina, Fiebre amarilla). Las personas venezolanas requieren de mayor información para conocer el sistema de salud panameño, su acceso y referencia en caso de requerir atención especializada, aunque sí se percibe un mejor acceso de los NNA venezolanos que de los adultos a los Centros de Salud. Algunas personas optan por acceder a servicios de salud privados, por una percepción de mayor confiabilidad y rapidez en el servicio. 31 Septiembre 2019 Se resalta el acceso y atención del Hospital del Niño en Ciudad de Panamá, donde las personas venezolanas acceden para la atención de los NNA. Para la atención se requiere una identificación vigente, y se dan opciones de arreglo de pago para sufragar los costos de la atención a través de una evaluación socioeconómica de trabajo social (en todo el sistema de salud público)." 202582,44558.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] Salloum stressed that the coronavirus disease “is not a crime nor a defect so that we are too shy to disclose it.” The real crime lies in transforming this infection into a sin that exhausts the patients both psychologically and physically,” according to researcher Salloum." 393236,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the community trust and believed that radio jingles, and door to door sensitizations by the health workers as the most reliable sources of information about COVID 19 in the community." 130921,33838.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,86,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Población refugiada y migrante y habitante de calle, mucha de la cual está en situación irregular y no está asegurada al sistema de salud, y enfrenta situaciones de alta vulnerabilidad, esto incluye aquellos que presentan enfermedades crónicas o enfermedades como desnutrición aguda en menores de cinco años, mortalidad por IRA/EDA/DNT, VIH/SIDA, ruptura de redes de apoyo, niños y niñas separados y no acompañados, considerando también los casos de personas en situación de calle, hacinamiento y caminantes." 335303,55819.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Les principales stratégies d’adaptation rapportées par les IC étaient l’emprunt de nourriture à des proches (63% des localités), la consommation d’aliments moins appréciés (30%) et la diminution des dépenses liées à l’alimentation (26%)" 221376,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic comes as Somalia is experiencing unprecedented rainfall and flooding in many parts of the country. Flooding in 2020 has affected nearly 1.6 million persons, including 35 killed and 716,000 displaced." 414027,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,97,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Conclusions: The majority of the surveyed households reported sickness of their family members during the pandemic. Around twothirds of the surveyed households reported that they experienced common cold and fever, which are the symptoms of coronavirus infection, however, the infection rate in Bangladesh does not suggest a big infection rate. The surveyed households also reported some other sickness and diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension etc., which suggests that people needed essential health services during the pandemic situation." 1284,186.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,124,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://www.msf.org/en/article/yemen-crisis-update-january-2018,"Much more humanitarian assistance is needed in Yemen – the war is increasing the population’s needs; MSF and the other limited number of organisations on the ground can’t respond to them alone. The collapse of the health system will continue without adequate and immediate support and could lead to a resurgence of cholera , the spread of other epidemics such as diphtheria and measles , as well as growing rate of malnutrition and growing difficulties to treat non-communicable diseases and dialysis patients. The non-payment of civil servants’ salaries by the government since August 2016 remains a key issue especially in the health sector. Health facilities lack qualified staffs who often seek other income opportunities." 153849,34182.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Se observaron grupos de caminantes conformados principalmente por mujeres con hijos, nietos u otros menores a cargo y en menor medida familias completas, algunas de las cuales indicaron que decidieron salir de Venezuela debido a que las fuerzas militares legales de ese país están reclutando jóvenes y niños para engrosar sus filas, a los cuales entrenan militarmente durante un año y luego entregan armas, otra de las razones fuertes para salir del país es la falta de acceso a alimentos." 205604,43347.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"An estimated 54 per cent of the IDPs in camps, collective sites, camp like settings and spontaneous settlements continue to face threats to their safety and security." 224199,45763.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,23,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"En dehors des inondations, les pachydermes ont ravagé environ 330 hectares de cultures, principalement dans le département de Mayo Lémié." 132505,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En el caso de este apoyo, la respuesta se enfocará exclusivamente en asistencia en especie hacia todos los grupos de población en los que la asistencia a través de intervenciones en efectivo no sea una opción. La asistencia en especie multipropósito estará coordinada a través del subgrupo CBI del GTRM. La asistencia a personas en tránsito consistirá principalmente de kits que contengan distintos artículos, incluyendo artículos de higiene, agua y alimentos básicos. Más aún, los vínculos con el sector de agua, saneamiento e higiene son importantes y necesarios, principalmente para acceder a kits de higiene y de dignidad." 493811,68147.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_3-restricted_sitrep.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) SOCIAL MOBILIZATION: WHO has supplied IEC materials for inter-personal health education" 160524,38373.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['Context->Environment'],es,73,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Barranquilla, en los barrios El Ferry, Rebolo y San Roque, las personas monitoreadas reconocen que el nivel de contaminación de su entorno es muy alto. Asimismo, en La Guajira, el 30.4% considera que el nivel de salubridad es muy malo, malo o algo malo, y la mayor parte de los barrios de la Comuna 10 no cuentan con una red de alcantarillado." 226876,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The vast majority of civilian casualties from ground engagements are attributed to Afghan national security forces and the Taliban, particularly from the use of indirect fire (mortars, rockets and grenades) in populated areas." 285202,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,51,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"On 3 June the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC), an arm of Sudan’s intelligence service and known for interfering with aid work, was looted in Khartoum. Some aid workers had their passports stolen whilst they were still being processed by the HAC for visas." 247800,48085.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,123,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"As Africa’s second wave of COVID-19 cases surpasses the height of its first, African Union (AU) Member States across the continent have reinstated measures to control the spread of the virus. Unlike in April and May, most AU Member States have avoided complete lockdowns, and PHSMs put in place today are more targeted, focusing on the highest burden areas. The new variant detected in South Africa is of concern. Although it is assumed the variant may be leading to increased transmission, given that it is similar in some respects to the variant discovered in the UK , scientists urge caution in assumptions until the appropriate studies are completed on it." 294000,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"IDPs are the most vulnerable category, with girls and women being the most affected because of their lower social and economic status, compounded by displacement: they form the majority of victims of sexual violence (89% of registered survivors in June for South West and North West were girls and women)." 390405,61150.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,52,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/01/18/exclusivo-empresas-colombianas-ofrecen-a-venezolanos-llegar-a-chile-ilegalmente-por-800-dolares.shtml,"Las autoridades chilenas están al tanto de las operaciones que realizan, por eso desde La Moneda transmiten que es necesaria una nueva política migratoria que asegure la expulsión rápida de quienes ingresen irregularmente, ya que esto aumentaría los costos para las personas que escogen operar con estos grupos organizados." 113081,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,• Capacitación a funcionarios de instituciones del estado que generan una respuesta a refugiados y migrantes en cuidado emocional (cuidado a cuidadores). 176969,41737.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,98,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf-azg.be/fr/news/rdc-r%C3%A9pondre-au-double-fardeau-du-covid19-%C3%A0-kinshasa,"Depuis le début de la pandémie, MSF constate une baisse marquée du nombre de consultations et d'admissions en consultation et hospitalisation générale dans les structures de santé qu'elle soutient à Kinshasa, y compris dans le centre de prise en charge des patients vivant avec le VIH/Sida, le Centre Hospitalier de Kabinda (CHK). Le nombre de consultations VIH y a chuté de 30% entre janvier et mai. Au Centre Mère et Enfants de Ngaba, une baisse de 44% des consultations générales a été enregistrée entre janvier et avril." 294002,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,76,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Girls, as well as women who became heads of family because of the enlistment or death of their husbands, sometimes use survival sex to provide for their families. In some cases, these sexual relationships are in exchange for the release of husbands and sons. In the Far North, displaced girls and women are sometimes detained, used as ""bargaining chips"" with the Government or as suicide bombers." 456884,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,6,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,12.3% ha sufrido ataques xenofóbicos 71050,20260.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.rescue.org/report/venezuelan-displacement-crisis-test-global-commitments-and-solidarity,"The crisis in Venezuela and its regional impact are continuing unabated, driving displacement on a pace and scale that requires greater action from the international community. The Solidarity Conference, scheduled for October 28-29 in Brussels, is an opportunity to apply the lessons learned from other displacement crises, mobilize resources and promote policies that can protect displaced Venezuelans and host communities today and turn the crisis into a development opportunity tomorrow." 294013,51273.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"In November, the government of Afghanistan began implementation of the Dastarkhan-e-Milli COVID-19 relief program which aims to support 90 percent of households throughout Afghanistan in both rural and urban areas. According to government sources, food packages were distributed to 34,087 households around 83 districts in Afghanistan from November 8 to December 24, 2020." 222778,46090.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431838-covid-19-ncdc-confirms-1145-new-infections-1-additional-death-335-recoveries.html,"[17thDec2020,Nigeria] The agency noted that till date, 76,207 cases have been confirmed, 67,110 cases have been discharged and 1,201 deaths have been recorded in 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory." 276283,50677.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Une semaine plus tard [après le 15 août], les populations de localités sises sur l’axe Gance - Amchide, dont nombre d’entre elles étaient retournées dans leur village en 2019, ont trouvé refuge à Gance où 3,045 nouvelles PDIs ont été recensées." 106435,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En el Centro de Atención Integral (CAI), ubicado en Maicao, los niños duermen en carpas y su día a día se desenvuelve entre la arena y las carpas, participando de algunas actividades ofrecidas por las entidades que hacen presencia en este lugar, o acompañando a sus padres a buscar dinero en Maicao." 238610,47236.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,Le problème le plus courant est le manque de médicaments et de moyens de paiement du personnel de santé. 64642,19295.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,70,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.panorama.com.ve/politicayeconomia/Zulianos-reclaman-a-la-AN-abocarse-al-consenso-y-buscar-recursos-para-emergencia-electrica-20191003-0004.html,"En julio de este año se realizó una sesión especial de la Asamblea en el Zulia, donde tomaron la palabra, sindicatos del transporte, gremio de enfermeras, pensionados, comité de afectados por apagones, comerciantes a fin de mostrar la tragedia que se vive en el Zulia y Venezuela. Lo que quiere decir que los parlamentarios tienen suficientemente clara la situación de la entidad." 205633,44639.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d8%a7%d8%ac%d8%aa%d9%85%d8%a7%d8%b9-%d8%b5%d8%ad%d9%8a-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%84%d8%a7%d8%b0%d9%82%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d9%85%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%ac%d9%87%d8%a9-%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88/,"[December 01, Lattakia, GoS, Non Covid 19 facilities] Makhlouf said that in case of an increase in the number of infected people, Al-Bassel Hospital for Cardiac Diseases and the Children’s and Maternity Hospital will be invested as COVID 19 facilities as well." 491180,67726.0,1233.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,,"By 31 December, Aruba had a total of 5,489 COVID-19 cases, 291 active cases and 49 deaths." 382893,60300.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,48,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_situacional_local_Costa_Caribe_-_Enero_a_marzo_2021.pdf,"De acuerdo con Migración Colombia, el departamento del Atlántico contaba con 162.396 personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas para enero de 2021, lo que representa el 9,32% del total de esta población en Colombia, siendo el tercer departamento con mayor concentración en el país." 114145,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],es,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El índice de Gini, que mide la desigualdad, podría ver incrementos de entre el 0,5% y el 6,0%. Según proyecciones del Programa Mundial de Alimentos, debido a la pandemia el número de personas con inseguridad alimentaria severa en el Corredor Seco subiría de más de 1.6 millones a cerca de 3 millones en 2020" 207166,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,MSNA data of August 2019 estimates at 255 out of 723 the number of non-functional health units in the two regions. Attacks targeting health personnel has further reduced the availability of human resources. 334914,55852.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,43,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/more-than-dozen-people-killed-by-islamist-militants-northeast-nigeria-sources-2021-05-03/,"[4th May 2021, Northeast Nigeria]The assailants also killed six civilians, burned down nine housing blocks and carted away valuables, the sources - one soldier, one civilian fighter and two local government officials - told Reuters." 359784,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,152,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Protection: In Bangladesh, in Kachakata Union there is a common area of land that can be accessed by both Indians and Bangladeshis, with no strict boundary and a porous border crossing. FGDs with the PTAs confirmed that at the time of flooding and river erosion girls are at risk of trafficking across the Indian border which is very near to this area. As a result, during emergency periods when there are greater risks for girls and their vulnerability is increased, there is a tendency for girls to remain at home for their ‘safety and protection’, and this includes not attending school. During IDIs with children out of school, it was revealed that parents have some fears about trafficking as there were some cases in the Upazila a few years ago." 411360,63501.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/vacunan-contra-la-covid19-a-migrantes-vulnerables-en-asentamiento-villa-caracas/2794,"Además se está priorizando la atención de mujeres embarazadas venezolanas, con situación migratoria regular o irregular, que tengan hasta 40 días de haber dado a luz; y adolescentes entre los 12 y 17 años de edad, que tengan comorbilidades, compatibles con la vacuna." 187813,43282.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"In August, CP partners conducted a virtual training for 60 organization staff on how to use the case management forms and Child Protection Information Management System (CPIMS) to strengthen case management in the COVID-19 context. In August, CP partners conducted critical case management to 1,724 children and monitored low-risk cases. CP AOR partners reached about 6,770 children and caregivers with mental health and psychosocial support activities (MHPSS) across Somalia." 281553,51010.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-fatalities-climb-to-8476/65791,"[8th March 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh’s coronavirus caseload rose to 551,175 on Monday after the health authorities confirmed 845 new cases in the last 24 hours." 356605,58359.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,23,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,Una bebé recién nacidamurió el 23 de mayoluego de que los manifestantes bloquearan la ambulancia que la trasladaba entre Cali y Buenaventura. 345985,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"En Colombia, los casos de dengue proceden de 32 departamentos, 5 distritos, 596 municipios. Las entidades territoriales de Cali, Valle del Cauca, Cartagena, Putumayo, Tolima, Huila, Norte de Santander, Meta, Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Cesar, Barranquilla, Santander, Atlántico y Bolívar aportan el 79,1 % (9 044) de los casos a nivel nacional" 198679,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 379 095 voyageurs internationaux et 3 821 147 voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter 63 et 351 alertes et de confirmer 22 et 22 d’entre elles, respectivement." 204293,43256.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"28% of IDP households in the North West resort to livelihood based coping strategies such as selling their land or house, begging or selling the last female animal." 123719,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,124,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"If COVID-19 continues to spread in Libya, it will be difficult to contain for several reasons, including the decrepit health system, the high number of internally displaced people because of the conflict, and the presence of well over half a million migrants and refugees, many of whom are exposed to severe human rights violations and who have no access to health care. There is a confirmed fact that rates of TB are on the rise in the country and that there may be many migrants with undetected TB who have no access to treatment. This inequitable treatment of different segments of the population ends up affecting all groups, since this killer disease can silently spread." 204351,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,La situation des ménages non déplacés est globalement meilleure que la situation des ménages déplacés selon la MSNA. 293564,51569.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Some of the families displaced were reported to be feeding on the seeds they reserved for the next season as their current food stocks have been depleted. As a coping mechanism some community members were reported to have resorted to having just one meal a day while some have resorted to fishing to supplement their food. 385761,60738.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,104,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/es-alarmante-que-ninos-migrantes-menores-de-13-anos-lleguen-solos-defensoria/2731,"De acuerdo con reportes del Grupo Interagencial sobre Flujos Migratorios Mixtos, en Norte de Santander se han identificado 353 casos de niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes no acompañados: 126 son niñas y 227 niños. “Es alarmante que por lo menos 47 niños tengan menos de 13 años, nuestros equipos en territorio han podido constatar que inclusive hay niños de menos de 5 años que no tienen acompañamiento de ningún adulto”, dijo el defensor del Pueblo desde Cúcuta, en una reciente visita por varios de los albergues en donde están refugiados los menores de edad." 105615,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,138,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para dar respuesta a la migración pendular, el Gobierno colombiano expidió en febrero de 2017 la tarjeta de movilidad fronteriza (TMF) como una medida para facilitar de forma ordenada el flujo pendular desde Venezuela. Con esta tarjeta los venezolanos pueden permanecer hasta 8 días en Colombia de manera regular. Aplica solamente para los habitantes de 10 áreas fronterizas con el fin de agilizar la entrada y salida de quienes habitualmente cruzan de un país al otro. Los que entran a Colombia sin su TMF, deberán presentar el pasaporte respectivo. La siguiente figura evidencia dos momentos de rápido incremento en la emisión de la TMF: entre abril y diciembre del 2017, del 3.400 %, y entre noviembre del 2018 y febrero del 2020, del 195 %." 219155,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The Government and the Humanitarian Coordinator have condemned these acts of hostility towards humanitarian agencies and workers and a high-level mission to Renk is planned during the week of 09 November 2020. 316795,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,95,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook RDC] En résumé, la croissance du PIB réel par habitant qui a chuté de 4,9 % en 2020, en raison de la baisse de la production et de la pression démo- graphique, devrait augmenter de 0,1 % en 2021 et de 1,4 % en 2022. Cependant, ce scénario pourrait être bouleversé par la poursuite de la pandémie de COVID-19 jusqu’en 2021, des troubles sécuritaires et sociopolitiques, la chute des prix des matières premières ou la diminution de la demande mondiale de minéraux." 189726,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,55,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´ordonnance 06/PR/2015 du 14 mars 2015 portant interdiction du mariage d´enfants, ratifiée par la loi 029/PR/2015 du 21 juillet 2015 contribue à la protection de la jeune fille. Cependant, des efforts sont encore attendus pour élargir la connaissance de ces lois et promouvoir l´égalité réelle entre les hommes et les femmes." 177269,41744.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,92,"['Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Les données concernant la sécurité alimentaire ne sont pas alarmantes, cependant on peut noter que les personnes ont recours à des stratégies négatives et que les stocks des ménages sont faibles, voire inexistants pour 59% des interrogés. Il peut donc être recommandé d'apporter une assistance alimentaire d'urgence aux personnes déplacées que ce soit par l’intermédiaire de distribution de vivres ou de transferts monétaires, pour permettre aux ménages d’acheter les biens alimentaires de base. Sensibiliser les personnes déplacées sur la sécurité alimentaire." 207078,44768.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://rojavainformationcenter.com/2020/12/update-coronavirus-crisis-in-north-and-east-syria-november-2020/,"[26 Nov 2020, NES] The quarantine prevents unnecessary movement between cities, as well as enforcing the closure of all stores and institutions with the exception of bakeries, hospitals and pharmacies. Schools, public transportation and the marketplace have all been closed for the duration of the quarantine." 136350,35143.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Also, the Syrian Civil Aviation Authority announced that 9,321 Syrians around the world were scheduled to return to the country by air, including 2,571 from Kuwait, 2,132 from Lebanon and 1,280 from the UAE. Syrian embassies are expected to pay ticket prices for those wishing to return and who cannot afford itThe ban on travel between provinces will be maintained until further notice." 163834,34549.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Under the Humanitarian Response Plan for 2020, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is increasing its support to improve agricultural production and enhance livelihoods, as well as strengthen food security coordination" 501300,69057.0,2074.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,53,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe-situacion-migrantes-refugiados-venezolanos-en-Bolivia.pdf,"Los representantes de la DIGEMIG afirmaron que anteriormente la Dirección estaba envuelta en prácticas irregulares con inspectores de migración extorsionaban a ciudadanos que entraban y salían del territorio boliviano. Actualmente, se trabaja en una serie de reformas en las que se han incorporado organizaciones como ACNUR, OIM y UNICEF." 163552,30906.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,En Colombia se han reportado al día 4 de junio 35.120 casos de COVID-19 165674,39662.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,111,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Overall, 66% of workers we interviewed reported to have increased their expenditure during pandemic. Amongst them, the category of general waste workers is most affected – 71% of these workers mentioned that their expenditure has increased.Reasons for an increase in expenditure are varied, but most common reason is the price hike of food items, mentioned by over 69% of workers. The other reasons mentioned are cost of safety gear (12%), additional cost of hygiene materials (9%), and cost of transportation because of the unavailability of public transportation during lockdown (5%)." 203569,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"« Les flux transfrontaliers en provenance du marché régional (…) évoluent significativement en dessous de la moyenne à cause des crises sécuritaires (et des) mesures restrictives pour la prévention du COVID-19 ». (Fews Net, mise à jour sur la sécurité alimentaire, août 2020)" 291631,52152.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,112,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Rendimiento de la producción agrícola 41,1% de los agricultores afirman que la cosecha en general tuvo un menor rendimiento que el periodo anterior. El 45% de los encuestados que cultivan (como cultivo principal) arroz, maíz, papa y yuca, que son cultivos típicos de agricultura familiar, mencionan una disminución de producción. A pesar de las dificultades en las cadenas de abastecimiento de semillas e insumos y los desastres naturales, la mayoría de los agricultores no parecen afectados drásticamente: solo el 23% de la muestra FAO y 27% de la muestra RDD menciona tener rendimientos inferiores al 25%." 668,156.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Years of conflict have had effects on household members’ psychological condition. 27 Overall, 24.9% of all assessed households reported at least one member displaying two or more signs of psychological distresses identified in the survey." 342102,55979.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,46,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/profil_zone_nord_kivu_mars_2021_vf_28_04_2021_v2.pdf,"[Outlook] Les groupes armés occupent actuellement une grande partie des entités dans la région. La probabilité d’une augmentation des a rontements avec des conséquences néfastes sur les populations civiles (déplacements, viols, pillages, etc,) reste élevée" 62935,18422.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,69,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://www.diarioeltiempo.com.ve/noticias/desnutricion-infantil-en-venezuela-se-eleva-un-227,"Esto significa que nuevamente disminuyó la proporción de hogares venezolanos en los que se consumían alimentos de alto valor nutricional, como las carnes, el pescado, los lácteos y las frutas y vegetales. “Menos de 30% de los hogares encuestados reportó consumir estos alimentos, lo que indica que hay una ingesta muy deficiente en proteínas y hierro de alto valor biológico”." 70947,20191.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],[],en,103,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"Addressing the structural and underlying causes of the conflict such as under development and socio-cultural and religious drivers of the crisis remains critical. As we enter the eleventh year of the conflict, youth unemployment and protection of civilians (GBV, abductions and killings) need to be urgently addressed. There is lack of disaggregated sector analysis to support an effective analysis of humanitarian gaps in Yobe State. An estimated 96 per cent of IDPs are settled within the host community . This calls for community-based programming which raises the amount of funding needed to address these needs." 327794,54375.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syria/who-representative/opening-remarks-by-akjemal-magtymova-head-of-office-and-who-representative-syria.html,"[14 April 2021, Overall Syria] Compared to war and starvation – 12.4 million people in Syria are food insecure, a 25% increase in the past months - the pandemic seems benign to many Syrians." 229756,44602.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Need for Women and girls friendly space centers and Capacity building and women empowerment activities 172512,40676.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,26,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les mesures de confinement, de quarantaine et de restriction des vols internes limitent la mobilité et les interventions des acteurs humanitaires sur le terrain." 357899,58570.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,115,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/N2111312.pdf,"Las Naciones Unidas verificaron el reclutamiento y la utilización de 116 niños y niñas (77 niños y 39 niñas). Los autores fueron grupos disidentes de las antiguas Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) (66), el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) (22), autores no identificados (12), las Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia (AGC) (9) y Los Caparrapos (7). Según el Gobierno, 144 niños y niñas (105 niños y 39 niñas) fueron separados de grupos armados e ingresaron en el programa de protección del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar." 165654,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Reported measures taken cope with problems using latrine (681 responses)† Using neighbors/relatives’ latrine 62 Walk to a latrine further away 61% Delay relief 13% Practice open defecation 11% Defecate in latrine inside or attached to shelter8% Eat and drink less to not use toilet 4% 204422,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,71,['Priority Interventions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Dans les régions de Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri, certains départements apparaissent particulièrement vulnérables à l’insécurité alimentaire et devraient bénéficier d’une attention accrue : Les départements de Guidan Roumdji, Madarounfa, Aguie et Gazaoua à Maradi • Les départements de Tassara, Tillia, Tchintabaraden et Bagaraoua à Tahoua • Les départements d’Ayerou, Gotheye, Tera et Balleyara à Tillabéri" 274129,49666.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages vivant en dehors de leur milieu habituel de résidence, tels que les déplacés et les réfugiés, éprouvent plus de difficultés d’accès aux aliments riches en fer : respectivement 83 % et 99 % de ces ménages n’y ont pas accès." 223954,46071.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Le taux de mortalité des femmes à la naissance en RDC est de 693 par 100 000 qui est l’un des plus haut de la Zone.viiiDepuis la pandémie, les femmes ne fréquentent plus régulièrement les structures sanitaires pour des consultations" 320141,53234.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Health']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,109,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Informal settlements, as the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, may face a high risk of large and multiple-dwelling fires due to the different factors such as the high density of shelters and the use of combustible construction materials such as bamboo and plastic sheeting. Poor electrical installations, the use of kerosene lamps and poor accessibility for fire response vehicles are also considered high risk factors for the rapid spread of a fire. In addition, specific risks arise in health facilities due to the use of oxygen concentrators and ventilators." 474738,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Mouvements pendulaires : il a également été enregistré 03 mouvements pendulaires effectués par certains PDI entre leurs sites d’accueil et d’autres localités, profitant d’une accalmie relative pour exploiter leurs champs ou pour prendre part à certains évènements sociaux." 361346,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,202,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Drowning deaths in the camps occurred year-round, however, the majority (80%) of the fatalities occurred during the rainy monsoon season between June and October (Figure 4). June and October individually were the months with the highest fatalities, with five being recorded in these months during the investigation period. Many of the fatalities occurred when the victims were alone or without adult supervision, and several key informants did not provide a specific time of day at which the drowning took place. However, from a combination of the time of the drownings when given and the narratives provided by the key informants, most fatalities took place during daylight hours, and the afternoon was the most common time for drownings to occur. This was especially found with school age children, whilst fatal drowning incidents among children under 5 were evenly spread among the morning (33%), afternoon (33%) and evening (33%). Three (15%) of the overall fatalities were specifically stated as occurring in the evening." 163557,30906.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Hay poca capacidad de toma de pruebas, hasta el momento solo se han tomado 490 pruebas para una población de 359.127 habitantes." 162928,39647.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"SMSD Sector partners oriented 620 Rohingya committee members including 125 females on safe and dignified burials in the context of COVID-19. Committee members received gloves, masks and register books to use during burials. SMSD Sector partners continued to provide infrastructure support to health facilities, upgraded the drainage system for the quarantine facility in Camp 20 Extension, and repaired the road to the Medair health post." 495424,67230.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Sin embargo, las mujeres embarazadas y los niños menores de cinco años tienen acceso a asistencia médica, independientemente de su situación legal en el país26." 35940,13226.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105584.pdf,"Specifically for IDP camps in Borno, global food insecurity was highest in IDP camps located in Bama, Konduga and Monguno, due to the recent upsurge of attacks leading to increased displacement and influx of IDPs into these locations. Host communities were more food insecure in Monguno, Maiduguri, Ngala, Damboa and Gwoza." 494215,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,114,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria]M-o-m, the national average retail price of wheat flour throughout Syria increased in August 2021 by two percent, reaching SYP 1,913/kg. The wheat flour price also increased by 26 percent compared to February 2021 and by 88 percent y-o-y. Damascus recorded the highest wheat flour price in August at SYP 2,096/kg (up 10 percent m-o-m), followed by Dar’a at SYP 2,088/kg (up four percent m-o-m). However, Idleb recorded the lowest price of SYP 1,569/kg (up one percent m-o-m), followed by Al-Hasakeh at SYP 1,695/kg (down three percent m-o-m)." 185955,43194.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,112,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Au Sud-Ubangi, des augmentations de 33 à 60% ont été observées {pour le prix de 45kg de farine de maïs depuis juin 2020}. Pour le territoire de Libenge, le prix de la farine de maïs dépasse le coût médian national. Dans ce territoire, les 45kg de farine de maïs sont à plus de 80 000 FC. {L'état d'urgence a été levé le 22 juillet 2020 par le président de la république, permettant aux commerces de réouvrir sur le territoire. En août 2020, le commerce a repris avec plusieurs pays mais les frontières restent fermées pour les personnes}." 385616,60457.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"l’approvisionnement des marchés en céréales est inférieur à la moyenne et dans l’ensemble de la région, malgré une production de 172,75 tonnes de céréales et de 21,1 tonnes de légumineuses. [Est]" 389619,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,76,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Las últimas dos semanas se registraron más de 130 000 casos nuevos confirmados y 3568 muertes. Sin embargo, la última semana se confirmaron 7.333 casos nuevos y 258 muertes diarias, lo que representa una reducción a los promedios de semanas anteriores, especialmente en los contagios, que no descendían a estas cifras desde enero. En este último periodo Colombia y Surinam presentaron el mayor incremento proporcional de casos y muertes." 223279,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Parties to the conflict have continued to carry out air strikes in some areas in Jubbaland State, South-West State and Puntland. The targets have mainly been assets and personnel of Al-Shabaab and ISIL located outside residential areas or within isolated areas under their control" 133933,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],es,301,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"TRATA DE PERSONAS Durante el año 2018, de la totalidad de 42 posibles víctimas de la trata de personas identificadas en Panamá, se evidencia que 14 eran de de nacionalidad venezolana identificadas por el Estado panameño (Unidad de Identificación y Atención a Víctimas de Trata de Personas). Mayormente se identifican casos de trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual (mujeres) y explotación laboral (hombres). 27 Septiembre 2019 En la encuesta se obtienen algunos indicadores proxy respecto a posibles víctimas de trata de personas. Es así como el 33% del total de las personas encuestadas indicó haber recibido una propuesta para trabajar en Panamá, de las cuales: un 12% la recibió antes de salir de Venezuela; un 43% no recibió el pago acordado por el trabajo desempeñado; y un 6% expresó que tuvo que desempeñar el trabajo en contra de su voluntad. Las posibles víctimas de trata pueden ser captadas desde Venezuela o en territorio panameño, dada la situación de vulnerabilidad en la que se encuentran debido a su inestabilidad económica e irregularidad migratoria. Especialmente se identifica a las mujeres como población más vulnerable para ser captada dentro de redes de trata de personas. Cabe señalar que las víctimas de trata identificadas en Panamá cuentan con una atención y asistencia por parte del Estado en el evento que decidan permanecer en el país, que les brinda protección, alojamiento, manutención, atención psicológica, desarrollo de proyecto de vida y medidas de integración social, entre las que se encuentra su regularización migratoria y laboral. En el caso de las víctimas de trata venezolanas identificadas por las autoridades, mayoritariamente deciden permanecer en Panamá." 190017,43443.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,138,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Les déplacés plus récents, notamment ceux de Mahagi et Aru, font face à des besoins urgents en termes d’abris, de vivres et d’accès à la santé et à l’eau potable. L’accès à des conditions de vie acceptables et aux services a été impacté à long- terme avec la destruction des habitations, des pillages des articles ménagers essentiels, l’occupation et la destruction des infrastructures sociales de base et des moyens d’existence ainsi que la dégradation de l’environnement protecteur. Les conséquences humanitaires liées aux mouvements de population résultent de l’absence des mécanismes de protection et de sécurisation des zones de crise, et un déficit de création des espaces d’un environnement protecteur des populations." 89855,25499.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Demography'],en,71,['Impact'],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/northeast_nigeria_ipc_acute_malnutrition_analysis_27feb2020.pdf,"Other contributing factors of acute malnutrition include suboptimal measles vaccination coverage, poor vitamin A supplementation coverage, anaemia among children aged 6-59 months and high prevalence of diarrhoea and fever (especially in Borno State). Poor Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) practices, particularly access to proper sanitation facilities and proper handwashing, are also likely to contribute to acute malnutrition across all districts." 40928,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Access to the few still-functioning marketplaces in conflict-affected baladiyas was impeded by heavy fighting, and only 0-25% of the usual local traders were reportedly operating, affecting residents’ ability to access food. • KIs highlighted the need for a secure humanitarian corridor to allow people to leave frontline areas, or at minimum to be able to transit in and out of conflict-affected baladiyas to access markets." 321119,54668.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,168,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] De façon générale, presque tous les informateurs clés (93%) ont affirmé que la sécurité est assurée dans leur village. La situation sécuritaire reste relativement faible dans le territoire de Demba et la ville de Kananga, où 13 et 15 pour cent des villages ont signalé que la sécurité n’est pas assurée dans leur village. L’insécurité dans ces 7% des villages de la province où la sécurité n’est pas assurée est souvent attribuée à des cas de viols (48%), le vol de bétail (47%), les conflits sur les terres ou les ressources (38%), le meurtre (36%), les agressions physiques et les vols (28%)." 187617,43282.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Despite the reduced humanitarian footprint due to the COVID-19 restrictions and the disproportionate funding across clusters, humanitarian partners have scaled-up the COVID-19 response across the country. The US$256 million humanitarian components COVID-19 Country Preparedness and Response Plan (CPRP) launched in April is 30 percent funded as of 21 September and partners are appealing for more funding to enable them to reach at least the targeted people in need." 271904,50217.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,74,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Par ailleurs, à cause de l’insécurité, 30 centres de santé intégrés (CSI) ont dû être fermés, privant environ 250 000 personnes de soins et 356 établissements scolaires sont restés fermés à la rentrée scolaire au mois d’octobre à Maradi, Tillabéri et Tahoua affectant environ 33 500 enfants qui n’ont pas été en mesure de reprendre le chemin de l’école." 73321,21154.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"Priority needs Refugees and migrants from Venezuela who seek to establish themselves in any of the countries that form the Southern Cone have the right to request different types of migratory regularization solutions as well as asylum, based on regional regulations related to MERCOSUR (Argentina and Uruguay) and national legislations (Bolivia and Paraguay)" 492072,67749.0,1224.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"All Sub-regional R4V countries stepped up measures to deal with the latest waves of the COVID-19 pandemic which led to continued job loss and reduced access to basic needs among refugees and migrants, who are in dire need of financial support, shelter, safe accommodation and food security." 307779,53292.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"In Alali Payam, three hand pumps were repaired. Work is ongoing to support nutrition interventions across the county to facility the repair of hand pump and distribution of WASH hygiene kit items to families of under nourished children." 315469,54311.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,41,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Es necesario continuar con la entrega de kits alimenticios para prepararlos en la modalidad de olla comunitaria, en las ocho locaciones donde se encuentran alojadas las más de 2.100 personas desplazadas, por el tiempo que dure la emergencia." 272826,50353.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,157,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"Rapid assessments were carried out in 11 new communities where key informants reported humanitarian needs. Communities, where a high level of protection needs were identified, include Anyajua (Belo subdivision), Nsowngwa (Bafut subdivision), Mfuni (Eyumodjock subdivision), Illeh (Konye subdivision), Small Ekange (Tiko subdivision) and Mile 16 Buea (Buea subdivision). IDPs in these communities face different risks ranging from serious threats to life, destruction of habitat, lack of access to services for women and children, lack of health facilities and poor water sanitation and hygiene conditions. 130 key informants were interviewed in the different communities. In Barombi (Meme) and Ogomoko (Manyu), key informants highlighted the lack of civil status documentation as a major restriction to freedom of movement and a limiting factor to their access to basic services." 338367,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,128,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"“A lot of these problems that we are facing with distance learning are problems that we deal with every day in the classroom: lack of internet at home, lack of resources, lack of parent support at home, chaos at home, lack of a schedule at home, uncertainty around food, uncertainty around housing,” a middle school teacher in rural California, in the United States told Human Rights Watch. “These aren’t new problems. They just became very, very apparent when all of a sudden, teachers have a front row seat to see it in these children’s homes through Zoom or the fact that they were not at school.”" 168283,40395.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic-republic-congo/health,"La violence et l’insécurité permanente dans d’autres parties du pays pourraient également empêcher les déplacés d’accéder aux centres de santé publique. Par ailleurs, nombre des sites et zones d’accueil de déplacés étant surpeuplés, le respect des mesures de distanciation physique et sociale n’est pas implémenté." 219198,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"This [crowded shelters in nearby villages.], according to WHO, could elevate the risk of COVID-19 transmission as the virus can easily be transmitted in densely populated settings." 144186,35197.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,94,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/argentina/unicef-actualiza-la-estimaci-n-de-pobreza-infantil-alcanzar-m-s-de-8-millones-de,"A poco de cumplirse 160 días de conocerse el primer caso de COVID-19 en Argentina, y a 140 días de implementarse en el país el ASPO, el 87% de la población afirma que lacuarentena obligatoriapara toda la población puede evitar el contagio de coronavirus en su hogar. Si bien disminuyó casi 10 puntos porcentuales de abril a julio, la aceptación de esta medida aún es muy alta entre los hogares con niños y niñas, en una fase donde la protección dependerá cada vez más de las familias." 165081,39656.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,100,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/early-action-save-lives-bangladesh-amid-severe-flood-forecast,"A 5-day forecast by Bangladesh’s Flood Forecast and Warning Centre (FFWC) has also confirmed the severity of the floods. Bangladesh Red Crescent Society is implementing early actions with forecast-based funds from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to protect the lives, property and livelihoods of more than 16,500 people most at risk in three districts: Kurigram, Gaibandha and Jamalpur. The compounding effects of COVID-19 and the floods could be devastating and this funding is crucial to reducing the impact as much as possible." 322016,54318.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"El 90,7% de los NNA entrevistados le dan importancia o priorizan estudiar y tener buenas notas mientras que un 4,9%, le dan poca o nada de importancia. De ese grupo de NNA que no priorizan el estudio, el 54,8% no se encuentran estudiando actualmente a pesar de estar en edad escolar con una edad promedio de 13 años. Lo anterior, evidencia que NNA desean continuar con sus estudios y reconocen el valor de la educación en su desarrollo y bienestar." 393183,62158.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,117,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above chart shows other problems faced by the community in accessing services during COVID 19 outbreak. 56% closure of schools and restrictions of movements are some of the problems faced by the community during COVID 19 outbreak, 22% indicates that no clinics that is functioning at the period of COVID 19 in the camp and is the most problems faced y the Community in accessing services during COVID 19 outbreak, 11% said access to education while another 11% said access to food and health services during the lockdown are some of the problems faced by the community during COVID 19 outbreak." 341529,56608.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25 MAY 2021, NES] 13% communities have no psychosocial support and 43% have no access prior to COVID-19." 196252,43603.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In the aftermath of the “triple threat” in Somalia, of COVID-19, locusts and floods, the Nutrition Cluster is closely monitoring the situation in terms of any increase and/or decrease in the admissions rates of acute wasted (GAM) boys and girls in the nutrition facilities." 282026,51173.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"Child protection responses were scaled up, including the development of guidelines and procedures. Moreover, UNICEF provided leadership through the Child Protection Sub Cluster to develop and roll out the Case Management Standard Operating procedures (SoPs) which has been endorsed by the Government of Afghanistan." 586,156.0,321.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,150,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The households’ food-related coping strategies assessed were based on the reduced Coping Strategy Index (rCSI). Overall, 19.6% of households reported a ‘medium’ use of food-related coping strategies (rCSI score from 4 to 9) and 16.3% reported ‘high’ use of coping strategies (rCSI score ≥ 10, with 27 being the maximum household score recorded). The most regularly reported food coping strategy was to rely on less preferred and less expensive foods, used on average two days in the previous seven by all households. IDP and returnee households were more likely to resort to this food coping strategy, especially in Derna city, Benghazi and Misrata where it was reported on average more than 3 days a week, and up to 4.6 days a week for returnee households in Misrata." 37164,11044.0,788.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"40-50% of asylum seekers in Mfaniyen and Ikom have no form of identification, as they had to flee into Nigeria with no time to get their means of identification. The token is the only means of identification, asylum attestation letter and for some their various Cameroonian identification documents.Economic exploitation was widely reported in all the communities, as well as cases of transactional sex." 473947,67199.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"• Diseñar estrategias que permitan contrarrestar las afectaciones físicas (sobrepeso, problemas visuales y musculares, falta de vitamina D) y emocionales en la salud de niñas/os y adolescentes por cuenta del aislamiento y el constante contacto de pantallas." 195966,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Le nombre de nouvelles alertes a quelque peu chuté, de 5,0%, entre S45 et S46, passant de 9 128 à 8 676 nouvelles alertes (Figure 9)." 287480,51785.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.radionacional.co/noticia/actualidad/pandemia-impacto-economia-micronegocios-colombia,"De acuerdo con el Dane, esta modalidad abarca desde vendedores en la calle y personas que se dedican al mototaxismo, pasando por dueños de tiendas de barrio y talleres, la señora que confecciona ropa, hasta negocios como actividades agropecuarias o restaurantes y cafeterías, todos con un máximo de nueve trabajadores." 205849,43347.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Food insecurity is the main reason for children to drop out or to miss school, as families have no option but to engage their children in livelihood activities over education. This increases the likelihood of exposure to protection risks, including abduction, sexual violence, forced recruitment, child labour and early marriage. Long walking distance to school is one of the risk factors of genderbased violence against girls and boys." 124331,30176.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,74,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,Las relaciones entre las comunidades de refugiados y migrantes y la comunidad de acogida también se han visto afectadas y el 67% de las personas entrevistadas manifestó que la xenofobia ha aumentado desde que empezó la emergencia del COVID-19. Se han reportado casos de xenofobia por parte de la comunidad de acogida dado que la entrega de asistencia humanitaria ha sido enfocada sólo a refugiados y migrantes siendo todos igualmente vulnerables. 285175,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,43,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,Humanitarian response and on going operations in Sudan have been heavily impacted by the increased security concerns in Sudan. Some UN officers and humanitarian workers have been evacuated Khartoum but it remains unknown to what extent international staff have been relocated. 16557,6344.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,71,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"From September 1–18, relief actors admitted more than 37,000 children ages five years and younger experiencing severe acute malnutrition to nutrition management programs in Al Hudaydah, the UN reports. In addition, relief actors provided community infant and young child feeding counselling and education to more than 84,000 pregnant and lactating women and provided micronutrient supplements to more than 42,000 children, according to the Nutrition Cluster." 129444,32894.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,66,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Violencia de género invisibilizada: los casos de violencia de género no se denuncian ni se registran debido a la falta de documentación, desinformación frente a servicios e instituciones especializadas, temor y desconfianza. Trámites burocráticos y revictimización, Desconocimiento de instituciones y del personal de asistencia a migrantes sobre protocolos y rutas de atención; procesos de prevención, atención y seguimiento." 194892,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] With the nurse tending to the unconscious patient with one hand and operating a walkie-talkie in a search for life-saving equipment with the other, they drove more than 200 kilometers (125 miles)." 134729,34828.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El 93,1% de los hogares extranjeros tiene acceso informal a electricidad, siendo el servicio con más brecha en relación al ya alto porcentaje en la población no migrante (67,4%). Casi la totalidad (98,7%) de la población migrante tiene acceso informal al agua, lo cual sería en 9 de cada 10 hogares no migrantes, mientras el acceso a alcantarillado sería similar (acceso informal encima del 50% en los hogares de ambos grupos)." 223826,45880.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Pendant la période de confinement, les vic�mes de violence domes�que ont pu avoir des difficultés à qui�er la maison ou leurs agresseurs pour signaler un incident ou pour demander des soins." 60716,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"The level of food insecurity (moderate + severe) was highest in northern and central areas of Borno due to the ongoing conflicts, which continues to induce displacement from troubled areas and influx of new arrivals into safer areas like Maiduguri and Monguno LGAs, both of which areas witnessed an upsurge in the influx of new arrivals between January and March 2019. More specifically, LGAs with food insecurity prevalence of at least 50 percent in the northern and central areas of Borno were Kaga (84.1 percent), Monguno (76.5 percent), Gubio (73.0 percent), Gwoza (70.2 percent), Magumeri (62.0 percent), Nganzai (56.8 percent) and Maiduguri (52.5 percent) LGAs, which depicts the consequential impact of the conflict on the food security situation in these areas." 187551,38355.0,1184.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"In a country where 1 out of four children under the age of 5 suffers from chronic malnutrition and 3 out of 10 children are overweight, it is essential to strengthen healthy habits in families during the health emergency." 338775,56193.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Logistics', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"While nine of ten DRC citizens are without electricity, Congo’s abundant renewable natural resources, particularly water and sunlight, could meet the country’s unmet demand for electricity and support economic development." 133934,35165.0,1188.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,190,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Mujeres embarazadas y madres. En la encuesta se encontró que el 6% de las mujeres venezolanas estaban embarazadas o han estado embarazadas en Panamá. Las mujeres venezolanas embarazadas en Panamá tienen acceso a control prenatal de manera gratuita, a través de los centros de salud del MINSA. Las atenciones en parto o cesárea tienen un precio accesible, en el que se puede optar por un arreglo de pago con el hospital. La situación de irregularidad en la que suelen encontrarse las madres venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas en Panamá hace que no gocen de derechos laborales como la licencia de maternidad, lo que las expone a una situación de dependencia económica, tanto a ellas como a sus bebés. En los grupos focales con mujeres venezolanas, se reportan algunas dificultades para acceder a leche de fórmula por lo costoso del producto. También se exponen dificultades en la gestión de cuidados de las personas menores de edad lactantes y en educación preescolar, por la falta de oferta de este tipo de servicios a un precio accesible para esta población." 206351,43347.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Approximately 2.3 million men, women, boys, girls and older people are living with inadequate shelter and NFIs." 390903,61222.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.diarioantofagasta.cl/el-pais/129651/fuerzas-armadas-se-suman-a-control-migratorio-ilegal-al-norte-del-pais-antofagasta-y-tarapaca-presentan-mas-de-32-pasos-no-habilitados/,"Asimismo, cabe destacar quelas regiones de Antofagasta y Tarapacá, cuya frontera limita con Bolivia, presentan más de 32 pasos no habilitados, mientras que en la Región de Arica y Parinacota se encuentran identificados otros 18 pasos que limitan con Perú." 195973,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"90 personnes (Tradipraticiens, pêcheurs et chasseurs) ont été briefés sur les mesures préventives contre la MVE et la Covid-19 ainsi que sur la remontée des alertes avec l’appui de l’OIM, ZS BOLENGE ;" 304062,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Refugees in Sudan are in need of multi-sectoral interventions to address their vulnerabilities and assistance needs while in asylum, bolster their self-reliance and well-being over the long term, and maintain and fulfil their rights as refugees under the 1951 Refugee Convention." 79305,21909.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,42,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dw.com/es/crisis-en-am%C3%A9rica-latina-migrantes-venezolanos-y-cubanos-bajo-sospecha/a-51457689,"En Chile, autoridades de una región vecina a la capital decretó la expulsión de 50 extranjeros, la mayoría cubanos y venezolanos, que estaban en forma clandestina en el país. Entre ellos, algunos habrían participado en saqueos." 285482,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,27,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"The humanitarian response has been hampered and operations have reduced with some staff, including non-essential UN personnel, having been evacuated following 3 June events." 276103,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,73,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,Le Tchad a ratifié la Convention de Kampala en 2011 et à mis en place un Comité pour assurer la transposition de la Convention en loi nationale sur la base du modèle de loi développé par l’Union Africain. L’adoption d’une telle loi permettra de renforcer le cadre juridique de protection de ces personnes et de mieux orienter les activités menées par toutes les parties prenantes. 174465,40839.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria] SHELTER CONDITIONS FOR RETURNEES Twenty-six per cent (down by 1%) of households were either fully or partially damaged and 74 per cent (up by 1%) were not damaged." 106073,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,145,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La población migrante en tránsito está expuesta a varios riesgos, incluidos la trata de personas, la explotación sexual y el reclutamiento forzado, entre otros. Con el fin de prevenir estos riesgos y garantizar una movilidad humana y segura, la OIM, en alianza con otras entidades, ha dispuesto buses en distintas ciudades a las que llegan los migrantes, para llevarlos a la frontera con Ecuador y que desde ahí sigan su camino hacia otros países. Adicionalmente, la UNICEF, la Cruz Roja y la Secretaría de Salud de Ipiales, con el apoyo de las Unidades Móviles del ICBF, han establecido un puesto de salud en Ipiales, el cual ha presentado una creciente demanda dada la solicitud de visas para entrar a Ecuador (Subdirección General del ICBF, entrevista, 2019)." 235590,46890.0,2334.0,[],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Based on the 2019 trends, attacks on education actors might rise in the weeks before and after school reopening on 5 October." 265700,49620.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Trois Frontieres) Les IC ont en effet rapporté que dans 42% des localités évaluées, la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à ses moyens de subsistance habituels au cours des 30 derniers jours. Ce manque d’accès aux moyens de subsistance peut s’expliquer par l’insécurité et les variations climatiques, auxquelles sont venus se greffer des facteurs conjoncturels (COVID-19) et des facteurs structurels. (Nov.2020)" 207161,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Cameroon has its first cases of COVID-19 on 5 March 2020. The pandemic affects all ten regions of the country. As of 30 April 2020, 2,069 cases including 61 deaths have been registered. The most affected regions are the Centre (1,152 cases with 19 deaths), the Littoral (739 cases with 39 deaths) and the West (103 cases with 2 deaths)." 188584,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"En date du 27/10/2020, 2 278 contacts (incluant 20 nouveaux contacts) étaient en cours de suivi dont 1 421 au Nord-Kivu, 221 au Kongo-Central, 209 dans le Haut-Uélé, 141 au Sud-Kivu, 141 en Ituri, 77 à Kinshasa, 50 au Kasaï-Oriental et 18 au Nord-Ubangi. Parmi les 2 069 contacts dont on avait l’information, 2 008 (97,1%) contacts ont effectivement été vus au cours des dernières 24 heures." 194434,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"En date du 05/11/2020, 2 372 contacts (incluant 101 nouveaux contacts) étaient en cours de suivi dont 1 579 au Nord-Kivu, 181 à Kinshasa, 179 dans le Haut-Katanga, 152 au Kongo-Central, 74 au Haut-Uélé, 61 dans la Tshopo, 55 au Bas-Uélé, 38 au Sud-Kivu, 15 en Ituri, 14 au Nord-Ubangi, 14 au Lualaba et 10 au Kasaï-Oriental. Parmi eux, 2 282 contacts (96,2%) ont effectivement été vus au cours des dernières 24 heures." 304416,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Most households rely on inefficient three-stone stoves, which are a major fire hazard due to their instability and present negative health impacts for households due to smoke inhalation and burn risk" 451686,64967.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,70,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://drc.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/pub-pdf/bulletin_juillet_2.pdf,"Indicateurs traceurs de la santé de la reproduction : 3128 Nouvelles adhérentes à la contraception moderne recrutées dans les CRIO de Kananga (1 705), Kalemie (346), Goma (653) et Bukavu (424). / 9 Décès maternels notifiés dans les CRIO de Kananga (2), Kalemie (1) , Goma (4) et Bukavu (2)" 241966,47791.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Les analyses de l’impact indirect du COVID-19 sur la situation des enfants conduites au cours du 2020, au niveau mondial et en RDC5, montrent en effet comment la vie des enfants a été perturbé par la pandémie avec une aggravation de la situation de protection de nombreux enfants et adolescents." 187954,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The planned continuation of educational activities online as schools are closed because of COVID-19 thus risk to further deepen social inequalities, with a large majority of children unable to benefit from such programs due to a lack of access to internet and/or a computer." 187655,43282.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"To ensure the continuation of health service provision and patient safety and confidence, 99 percent of UNICEF-supported health facilities have now established handwashing stations and 73 percent triage stations outside." 328672,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The main driver of protection LSGs was found to be*: • Households reporting having experienced movement restrictions in the 30 days prior to data collection (17%). 196043,43603.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,142,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Whilst much of the strategy for Enabling Programmes remains the same, with a continued focus on the agreed collective outcomes, several activities have required modification to meet current needs. Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) activities have been scaled up, including the establishment of an RCCE Task Force, involving Government and a range of agencies. Radio Ergo has created specific programmes to share messaging surrounding COVID-19. The radio drama entitled BED-DHAWR (roughly translated as ‘Safe-keeper’) gave advice about social distancing and hygiene, as well as ‘Radio Sheikh’, which engaged a Religious Leader to share important messages on COVID-19 and safe practices. Radio Ergo have also worked with medical doctors from FMoH and the Health Cluster in putting together the CV19 Radio Doctor segment." 309055,53636.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[MAR 2021, SDF] The top three type of shelter for returnees are 94% - finished buildings and 6% damaged buildings." 473853,67199.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,170,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Los efectos en el estado socioemocional de niñas/os, así como en el de sus padres y cuidadores, es otro problema relevante, nuevamente con afectaciones más agudas para la primera infancia. Estudios sobre situaciones anteriores similares a las que hoy vive la humanidad, evidencian que se presentan síntomas de estrés, depresión y ansiedad entre moderados y graves que dejan hondas huellas. Por ejemplo, la falta de interacción social, la limitación en las demostraciones de afecto y el hecho de vivir en un contexto en el que la mayor parte del tiempo se experimenta miedo, pueden afectar el cerebro social o la inteligencia emocional, al igual que el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas, sociales y de comunicación no verbal, especialmente cuando ocurre en los primeros años de vida. Los impactos pueden ser más agudos si las situaciones que viven niñas/os y adultos son más severas por muertes de familiares y por distintos tippos de adversidades y cambios drásticos." 398662,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,53,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Los cálculos sobre la participación laboral dan cuenta que el empleo extranjero ha crecido más respecto a la población nacional, resaltando el dinamismo experimentado especialmente en la incorporación al mercado laboral de las comunidades colombiana, venezolana y haitiana en un periodo muy corto de tiempo, en particular desde 2017." 298941,51152.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,25,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"The most urgent needs included provision of temporary learning structures, repair and maintenance of classrooms and WASH facilities and provision of education supplies." 201541,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The effects of armed conflict in the Lake Chad Basin and Central African Republic, violence in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon, and the COVID-19 pandemic affect the physical and mental well-being, living standards, and resilience and recovery of the people living in Cameroon." 223520,44702.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,They also depend on small harvest which last for one-week (The people affected by the floods in Wulu County 188819,43386.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,49,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"Los entornos humanitarios y en desarrollo que no cuentan con recursos suficientes plantean desafíos particulares para la prevención y el control de enfermedades infecciosas.115 En países como Venezuela, Haití y Honduras, la razón de camas a pacientes es de menos de 1 por cada 1,000 pacientes," 207222,44693.0,2333.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"À Banibangou, les PDI ont gratuitement accès aux services de santé avec l’appui de MSF." 295120,52363.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"Of the 2,464 women and 6 transgender people surveyed, 173 people (7%) indicate they know women who have experienced gender-based violence since the start of the COVID-19 crisis. The Integrated Information System on Gender-based Violence (SIVIGE) reports that the largest number of foreign victims are Venezuelan women, with 2,538 cases reported as of December 1, 2020. No cases were reported involving those identifying as transgender." 345435,56718.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,91,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.congodurable.net/2021/05/16/etat-de-siege-un-regain-de-soutien-aux-fardc/,"Dimanche 16 mai, la veille de la journée des forces armées en RDC, l’armée a annoncé avoir repris des bastions des groupes armés. Les FARDC ont repris les villages de Nyakasi, Badiembe-Banekasuwa-Badiya, Marabo et Ndenge du territoire d’Irumu en Ituri. Ils étaient, avant, occupés par les miliciens FPIC. Selon le journaliste de Radio OkapiMarial Mukeba, 9 assaillants ont perdu la vie pendant les combats. Et, l’armée poursuit son offensive dans la région." 304464,50891.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"On World Children’s Day (20th of November) over 60 children took over the UNICEF Sudan office to learn about UNICEF programs and the CRC [Convention on the Rights of Children], then were given the opportunity to suggest solutions and ideas to further support vulnerable children in Sudan." 394654,61218.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.gob.cl/noticias/presidente-firma-decreto-que-permite-a-las-fuerzas-armadas-apoyar-el-control-del-trafico-ilicito-de-personas-estamos-comprometidos-con-poner-orden-en-nuestra-casa-proteger-mejor-nuestras-fronteras-y-combatir-la-inmigracion-ilegal/,"Según cifras de la PDI, el número de imputados por este delito, incorporado al Código Penal durante el primer mandato del Presidente Piñera, aumentó en más de un 25% entre el 2019 y el 2020. Generalmente, esta clase de delitos implica que los migrantes son sometidos a condiciones inhumanas y ponen en riesgo sus vidas para ingresar ilegalmente al país." 207214,44693.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,13 cas de VBG ont été identifiés au cours du monitoring de protection du mois de septembre 2020 dans la région de Tahoua 215803,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,27,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,Unemployment continues to be a major driving force for economic vulnerability in Afghanistan and a small proportion of households have access to productive or sustainable remunerative employment 277275,50610.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Economy']",en,154,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] As the economic situation has worsened, some humanitarian partners continue to report the negative impacts of the informal exchange rate volatility and inflation on local procurement and budgets, in some cases leading to delays in programme delivery. Recent surveys of partners across all sectors has indicated most organizations have experienced some negative impact to programming in recent months, including due to fluctuations in the informal exchange rate, COVID19 precautionary measures, difficulty transferring funds, reduced capacity due to COVID-19, and more recently, due to fuel shortages and/or increased fuel prices. Almost all (96 per cent) reported an increase in operating costs since July. Precautionary measures, even where restrictions have eased, also continue to impact programming, with Health, Nutrition and Protection sector partners in particular reporting challenges in implementing alternative modalities." 244067,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,79,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ NES, 22 Dec] Mahmoudli camp: Cases: 13 confirmed cases in December. All positive cases recovered and departed from the isolation area. Update: The Self Administration’s partial curfew in Raqqa and Tabqa city included Mahmoudli camp. No movement restrictions were reported at the gate until the spike in positive cases late December. On 22 December, the health committee stopped all non-critical activities until 31 December 2020." 229594,46650.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nws_newly_displaced_idps_assessment_23122020.pdf,"[23rd December 2020, NW Syria] The most frequently reported first sources of income were unskilled (agricultural and non-agricultural) and skilled labour (49.6% of households collectively)." 495142,67230.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,En Tumbes (CEBAF) muchas de las personas que llegan presentan situaciones de desnutrición en diferentes estados. 454527,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,27,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Respecto al Ítem 17 del test SRQ-18, el 94% (290) respondieron que no han tenido la idea de acabar con su vida." 237584,47219.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/bogota/articulo/distrito-anuncia-cuarentena-estricta-en-localidades-de-usaquen-suba-y-engativa/202146/,"De acuerdo con el secretario de Salud, Alejandro Gómez, la decisión se tomó debido al incremento en contagios y en capacidad de unidades de cuidados intensivos en los hospitales, sobre todo privados, en el norte de la ciudad, una situación que también tiene que ver con eventos no relacionados con covid que sucedieron durante la temporada de Año Nuevo." 147035,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Regional outreach is also ongoing. In Homs, UNICEF has been supporting the physical distancing initiatives in public health facilities, as well as general community awareness raising." 174461,40839.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]HEALTH FACILITIES FOR RETURNEES Unlike the situation in locations hosting IDPs, 65 per cent (up by 1%) of areas of returns assessed do not have access to health services. Lack of access to medical services is highest in Yobe at 70 per cent (same as last round), followed by Adamawa at 67 per cent and Borno at 60 per cent. In areas that do have access to health services, the most common type were primary health centers (77%) followed by mobile clinics (12%) and lastly general hospitals (11%)." 272545,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"L’insécurité qui persiste dans les zones frontalières avec le Nigéria, le Burkina Faso et le Mali depuis plus de 7 ans déjà a poussé plus de 298 000 nigériens à se déplacer à l’intérieur du pays." 357901,58570.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/N2111312.pdf,"Se produjeron violaciones y otras formas de violencia sexual contra nueve niños y niñas (2 niños y 7 niñas) atribuidas a autores no ide ntificados (4), las Fuerzas Militares de Colombia (3) y grupos disidentes de las FARC -EP (2). Se arrestó a los autores de los tres casos atribuidos a las Fuerzas Militares de Colombia y las investigaciones siguen en curso." 228339,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,22 per cent of victims indicated that they had been displaced because of the incident [attack]. These interviews are but a small sample of the enduring harm that civilians have suffered as a result of the war. 266936,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,107,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"While military surges against jihadists in target zones like Liptako-Gourma have made real gains in recapturing territory, the next step – following up with development projects and redeployment of state services and authorities – often barely begins before jihadists return and new violence breaks out. Compared to military offensives, development projects need longer timeframes and a stable environment to succeed, but such conditions tend not to exist. In addition, because of the low level of consideration for tensions between communities, development work can also aggravate conflict [Crisis Group interview, French diplomat, Paris, December 2019]." 390206,61000.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_28_29_2021.pdf,"[12th -25th July 2021, Borno State] Total number of contacts line listed for follow up – 6,508 • Total initial Samples tested so far in UMTH laboratory stands at 20,866 • Cumulative positivity rate 7% • Cumulative samples collected for week 28/29 was 182. • EOC meets Monday and Friday to review the activities of all the pillars under the leadership of the IM" 228645,46627.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"For children whose education is being interrupted, there is a real risk that they will then continue to stay out of school, whether for health reasons, economic, or due to falling too far behind." 242552,47761.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,68,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_Informal-Settlement-Profile_Al-Hasakeh_November-2020.pdf,"[November 2020, Al-Hasakeh NES] Proportion of assessed settlements with KIs reporting on whether residents experienced barriers when leaving the assessed settlement in the two weeks prior to data collection: Of assessed settlements where barriers reported, most commonly reported barriers:• Transportation too expensive (21%) • COVID-19 movement restrictions (9%) • Insufficient transportation (4%)" 326180,55014.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,168,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]According to the survey among displaced households in north-east Nigeria, the majority of IDPs expressed their intention to return to their locations of origin. For IDPs living in camps/camp-like settings, this number was higher (74%) compared to IDPs residing among host communities (65%). Remarkably, 34 per cent of IDPs that are displaced among the local host communities do not have the intention of leaving their displacement location in the upcoming months while only 17 per cent of IDPs living in camps/camp-like settings have the intention of staying in the location where they are currently displaced. Five per cent of IDPs living in camps/camp-like settings stated that they intend to move to a different location. They plan to leave the locality where they are currently residing but do not intend to return home. For IDPs residing in host communities, this is only 1 per cent." 428815,63533.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,56,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_13_nord-kivu_18-08-2021.pdf,"A Kainama, au nord-est d’Oicha, deux attaques ont été signalées depuis le 10 août, après plus de quatre mois d’une accalmie qui a permis le retour d’environ 7 500 personnes qui s’étaient réfugiées à Boga, en Ituri, entre juin et juillet 2021." 308224,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of wheat flour in Nili was maximum in September 2020 and minimum in October 2020. 280532,51090.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,88,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] As of 28 February, there are 13 operational SARI ITCs in the camps with a total of 502 functional beds open and 415 on standby. The SARI ITC bed occupancy is currently of 119. At the 250 Bed District Sadar Hospital, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) has 10 beds while the High Dependency Unit (HDU) has 8 beds and the Severe Care Unit (SCU) 20 beds functional beds." 226197,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Un total de 3 027 voyageurs en trafic international a été enregistré ce 27/11/2020, parmi lesquels 99,7% (n=3 019) ont été screenés ; aucune alerte n’a été identifiée. Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 19 687 voyageurs ont été recensés et ont tous été screenés. Pareillement, aucune alerte n’a été décelée." 205872,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In this context of crisis-induced socio-economic fragility, the use of sex as a negative coping mechanism is reported. Women who have lost their partners face more responsibilities as heads of households, making them even more vulnerable. Children have been separated, abandoned and kidnapped and educational services greatly reduced, resulting in increased risks for children." 188170,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,La inseguridad alimentaria es común y muchos no pueden acceder a los servicios de salud debido a la distancia o la asequibilidad. 495416,67230.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Además un parte importante de familias que llegan a la frontera en Tumbes se enfrentan a situaciones de riesgo y vulnerabilidad habitando en las calles. No cuentan con una vivienda, ni acceso a servicios básicos, permitiendo la proliferación de asentamientos informales (rurales y urbanos)." 483344,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,61,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A partir del 2015 comenzó a aumentar la llegada de personas provenientes de Venezuela y por ello, a inicios del 2017 el Estado creo el Permiso Temporal de Permanencia, para permitir su regularización. Pero, a pesar de los esfuerzos, los altos números de las llegadas han colapsado el sistema, generando mayores situaciones de vulnerabilidad." 355452,58196.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Apoyo%20al%20ETPV_17062021_VFajustada_ESP%20%281%29.pdf,"Avances del RUMV: De acuerdo con la información del Portal “Visibles” de Migración Colombia, se �ene que al 11 de junio se han registrado 981.097 personas (cuentan con usuario y contraseña), 846.777 personas han finalizado el Pre-registro virtual, 103.418 cuentan con agendamiento para realizar el Pre-registro virtual asis�do, y 650.328 �enen cita para realizar el Registro biométrico presencial." 239793,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The findings of this study indicate that those in the age groups of 20-30 and 30 - 40 years are at higher risk of infection while the age group of 60 years and more had the highest rate related deaths. It is obviously manifest that young population is economical group and more exposed, therefore more infected but due to high level of resistance and immunity has low rate of death." 241763,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] Daraa has lost “the highest percentage” of hospital beds since 2011. Of 810 beds, only 130 beds remained undamaged in 2019. Out of eight public hospitals, only one hospital operates, with a shortage of qualified medical cadres. Most were forced to flee during the military operation that ushered in the return of the Syrian regime’s control over the governorate in July 2018." 237848,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"A la semana epidemiológica 53 se tiene un acumulado de 76 958 casos de malaria, de los cuales 75 816 son de malaria no complicada y 1 142 de malaria complicada. Predomina la infección por Plasmodium vivax (P. vivax) con 49,8 % (38 288), seguido de Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) con 49,4 % (38 017), e infección mixta con 0,8 %" 222864,46096.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=214504,"[20th December, 2020, Overall Syria] The Health Ministry on Sunday announced that 145 new coronavirus cases were recorded in Syria, adding that 49 patients recovered and 9 others passed away." 197468,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Seventy one percent of child protection partners reported that children are experiencing psychological distress. Child protection partners have witnessed increased fear and anxiety amongst children, due to disruption of their daily routines." 113115,29959.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Se ha realizado la entrega de 55 filtros para potabilizar el agua de los comedores comunitarios en Cali apoyados por la Arquidiócesis de Cali y la Alcaldía de Cali. 453972,64094.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/08/24/actualite/societe/rdc-plus-de-17-000-deplaces-affluent-vers-irumu-la-suite-datrocites-des,"Plus de dix-sept mille personnes déplacées affluent ces derniers jours dans le groupement Bukiringi vers le territoire d’Irumu, a alerté la société civile locale mardi 24 août. Selon elle, ces déplacés vident presque chaque jours leurs localités dans la région de Tchabi et Boga à cause des atrocités des rebelles des ADF." 358614,58464.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] The most commonly reported number of hours/day of electricity in February dropped to only 5-6 hours/day from more than 12 hours/ day in January, where it has remained since." 359436,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Among the country’s entire population of girls and women, 38 million married before the age of 18; of those, 13 million married before 15 years of age. An estimated 51 per cent of women who are currently aged 20-24 were married while they were still children (UNICEF, 2020)." 276979,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,28,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"La mesure la plus populaire pour toutes les entreprises, quelle que soit leur taille, est de suivre la distanciation sociale sur leur lieu de travail." 306769,53161.0,2466.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"The withdrawal of the African Union-UN Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) continued to prompt protests throughout Sudan in late December and early January, with many IDPs and host community members expressing concern that the withdrawal will contribute to increased insecurity, international media report. [Specific location assessed - Darfur]" 749,156.0,321.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Overall, 37.2% of households reported that one or more members had needed healthcare in the 15 days prior to data collection. While there was only marginal variations among population groups, a higher proportion of households reporting at least one member in need of healthcare was noted in Misrata (56.9%) and in Al Jabal Al Gharbi (55.0%)." 226621,45087.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"In the poorest and remote areas of the country, enrolment levels varied extensively and girls continue to lack equal access. Low girl enrolment can be explained in part by a lack of female teachers, especially in rural schools." 171433,40812.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETS%20Nigeria%20SitRep%20August%202020.pdf,"[ 01/08/2020 - 31/08/2020,North-East Nigeria] The ETS has postponed activities, including field missions and physical training sessions due to travel restrictions to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in North-East Nigeria. The restrictions on field travel will directly impact the set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for ETS activities for the year." 407126,63699.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigerians-awaiting-second-dose-astrazeneca-vaccine-heave-sigh-relief-soon,"[19th August 2021, Nigeria]Speaking at the hand-over ceremony, the acting British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Gill Atiknson, said the vaccines delivered to Nigeria is part of the three million doses that the UK donated to 11 countries across Africa to help them fight against COVID-19. She said the UK continue to play a global role in promoting an effective roll-out of the vaccine, including as one of the largest COVAX donor and through its engagement with Nigeria led response." 305817,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"According to UNHCR, an estimated 764,400 South Sudanese refugees are residing in Sudan as of November 2018, of whom 30,420 arrived in 2018." 748,156.0,321.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,103,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Historically, Libya has relied on a skilled foreign workforce for the provision of health services. This workforce has gradually left the country following the onset of the crisis, leaving a gap in healthcare provision that has not been adequately filled. 56 Many assessed households reported inadequate access to healthcare due to understaffed and underequipped health facilities in all assessed locations. Localised cases illustrated the crisis of the current health system: in Ghat for instance, health facilities lacking staff and medicine led to the difficult handling of health crises such as maternal deaths or widespread food poisoning" 339367,55942.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/bogota/la-campana-que-busca-eliminar-los-prejuicios-contra-las-venezolanas-article/,"Las mujeres migrantes sufren una doble discriminación; por ser mujeres y por ser migrantes. Es nuestra tarea erradicar los prejuicios”, es el mensaje de la internacionalista y politóloga Nastassja Rojas, uno de los que se resalta, de las mujeres venezolanas en la ciudad." 219207,45748.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,WHO supported training of 13 health workers from Aweil stabilization centers at Malualkon Hospital on Inpatient Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition with Medical Complication. 114154,31147.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,64,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"la Asociación Cafetalera de El Salvador reporta una caída del 26.17 por ciento en la cosecha 2019-20, estimando una pérdida de 15.000 empleos para la próxima cosecha de café si la situación se mantiene. Ante esta situación el sector solicitó al Gobierno ser incluido en el paquete de US$1.000 millones aprobados para apoyos al sector productivo (ENLACE)." 157004,38373.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,42,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Las principales razones por las que las personas salen de Venezuela son la falta de recursos económicos (40.5%), la falta de alimentación (32%) y la necesidad de acceder a salud (12.2%)." 227337,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,20,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,50 Influenceurs locaux ont été briefés sur la Covid- 19 et les comorbidités dans la ZS KINGABWA à KINSHASA. 158967,39161.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"From the onset of the pandemic, aid workers have reinforced support to raise awareness of the virus and promote behavior that will reduce the risk of transmission, introduce prevention measures, and ensure access to treatment." 483346,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,107,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A inicios de 2019 se produjo un descenso significativo de entradas bajando hasta 500 al día y a partir de abril las cifras de entrada se volvieron a estabilizar entre 1500 y 2000 personas/día. Aunque el gobierno no cuenta formalmente con una estrategia o plan específicos para atender los flujos migratorios en Perú, las autoridades e instituciones públicas responsables trabajan junto con la cooperación internacional en las zonas receptoras y puntos fronterizos como el CEBAF a través de la implementación de actividades de asistencia y programas de acceso a alimentos, agua, higiene, servicios médicos, espacios seguros para NNA y refugio." 114405,29972.0,1183.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77048,"A partir de febrero de 2020, la primera transferencia monetaria de ADN DIGNIDAD llegó, complementada por un proceso de formación y cualificación de habilidades blandas y de negocio, como parte de una asistencia adicional de NRC." 299219,52604.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,198,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20210328-affaire-chebeya-bazana-en-rdc-la-proc%C3%A9dure-judiciaire-visant-john-numbi-suit-son-cours,"Le général John Numbi avait été invité à se présenter le 17 mars dernier [enquete de la justice congolaise], mais il n'est pas arrivé. Les services de l'auditeur général Likulia pensent qu’il n’a pas reçu l’invitation. Selon des sources au sein de la justice militaire, une deuxième invitation a été adressée au proche de l'ancien président Joseph Kabila. [..] Le général John Numbi n'a pas été vudans le pays depuis plusieurs jours. Même le personnel de sa propriété privée, la ferme Beijing dans la périphérie de Lubumbashi, n’a plus de ses nouvelles. [...] L’ancien chef de la police demeure le principal suspect dans le double assassinat à Kinshasa début-juin 2010 des deux défenseurs des droits de l’homme, Floribert Chebeya et Fidèle Bazana. Les aveux récents de deux policiers aujourd'hui en exil ont relancé l'affaire. A quoi s'est ajouté une dénonciation de Jacques Mugabo, arrêté mi-février, qui a reconnu avoir été exfiltré avec d’autres complices vers Lubumbashi par les soins du général." 188447,42898.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_de_accion_triple_frontera_vf.pdf,"En el departamento de Amazonas de Colombia se registraron más de 2.214 casos de dengue por cada 100.000 habitantes, lo que constituye un múltiplo del promedio nacional de 257 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes." 285059,50884.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"As of 13 June out of 14 main hospitals in Khartoum, 13 resumed worked and only one remains closed" 173021,40676.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,117,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Selon les scenarios développés par le Cluster Sécurité alimentaire, l’épidémie de COVID-19 aura un impact sur la disponibilité et l’accès aux vivres, notamment la production locale (saison agricole affectée, récolte restreinte, augmentation des pertes post-récoltes), les importations (baisse de la production extérieure, fermeture des frontières, réduction des vols cargos), les chaines d’approvisionnement, les prix (hausse des prix des produits de base), le pouvoir d’achat des ménages (interruption des activités économiques journalières et du commerce frontalier) et l’accès au marché (fermeture des marchés, restrictions de mouvements)." 189888,42519.0,1188.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Environment'],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3678840,"La Coordinadora de Salud mental del Centros de Operaciones de Emergencias de Salud (CODES), Delia de Ycaza, destacó que la gestión integral del riesgo de desastres requiere la implicación y colaboración de toda la sociedad, como una responsabilidad compartida con el objetivo de fortalecer las capacidades institucionales y comunitarias ante este tipo de eventos en nuestro país." 304831,53078.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,96,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Pour continuer à assister les populations là où elles se trouvent, une opération d’assistance hélico-portée pour une durée de deux mois a été mise en place. Financée par le Fonds central de réponse aux urgences humanitaires du Système des Nations Unies (CERF) cette opération devrait permettre d’assister les populations à partir de deux sites d’atterrissage (Agando et Assagueyguey) identifiés pour la région de Tahoua et de quatre autres pour la région de Tillabéri (Inatès, Tangoushman, Ekrafan, et Saraye)." 335306,55819.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Pour le groupe de la population non déplacé, c’est la vente de certains biens comme les terrains et les animaux d’élevage pour acheter de la nourriture ou payer des soins de santé qui a été rapportée." 205228,44635.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,73,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] Training programs were held about the coronavirus disease, its threats, and its prevention procedures before the coronavirus hit northern Syria. Furthermore, the SCD teams started applying the precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease and provide people with detailed information about the disease on 18 March, while the first case of coronavirus was recorded on 9 July." 174430,40839.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Host Communities, Sixty-one per cent of all IDPs living with host communities were living in a host family’s house (sharp increase from 54% reported in the last round of assessment). This was followed by rented houses (25%), and individual houses at 10 per cent (down 1% since the last round of assessment)." 163827,34549.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"A shortage of agricultural labour, especially skilled labour was reported due to travel restrictions, increased cost of transport, curfew and risk of getting infected with the virus." 126632,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,51,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Reportedly, the extended lockdown measures, coupled with the food price spike, negatively affected transiting migrants who had not planned to stay in Algatroun; some of them reportedly spending their savings during the lockdown period. Consequently, increasing requests for food assistance were reported by field observer" 111717,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,161,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para las familias con mayor nivel educativo con las que se tuvo contacto, las pautas de crianza están más asociadas a la sobreprotección de los niños. Cuentan que en sus ciudades de origen, en Venezuela, cuidaban a sus hijos de salir a la calle, por los peligros que allí corrían. Ahora, en Cúcuta, enfrentan la necesidad de fortalecerlos y ayudarles a construir autonomía, a encontrar posibilidades aun en medio de la escasez. Un padre por ejemplo destacó que, a falta de televisión, su hija había descubierto su fascinación por la lectura y por el estudio. Estas familias buscan mantener a sus hijos en espacios protectores y encuentran en la educación una posibilidad de salir de la pobreza. Así mismo, procuran estar con sus hijos en los tiempos extraescolares y, en lo posible, evitan llevarlos a trabajar, aunque lo hacen de ser necesario." 341531,56608.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25 MAY 2021, NES] Deir-ez-Zor, Al-Hasakeh and Aleppo governorate and it's subdistricts had insufficient provision of space in health facilities to monitor suspected COVID-19 cases." 147725,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The COVID-19 Crisis Coordination Committee is working with partners, particularly the Logistics Cluster, to minimize potential disruption to service delivery and essential humanitarian assistance, including through the Procurement Working Group (PWG) in Damascus which is consolidating UN agency PPE requests in order to harmonize sourcing" 217943,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Introduce livelihood diversification programmes for the people facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) levels of food insecurity, especially female-headed households and people with disabilities." 300899,51949.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Information And Communication', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Le soutien de la communauté internationale aux pays du Sahel central pour répondre aux déplacements forcés est beaucoup trop faible. L'ampleur des défis reste invisible et mal appréciée au niveau mondial. La couverture médiatique est malheureusement centrée sur la dimension sécuritaire et terroriste. Nous avons besoin de plus de données pour montrer l'ampleur des besoins et des lacunes, ce qui nécessitera un effort collégial." 163549,30906.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Gran parte de la población vive de la informalidad o del comercio, por lo cual durante el aislamiento obligatorio no han contado con los medios económicos para adquirir alimentos. Se han recibido solicitudes de Resguardos indígenas y comunidades de acogida quienes no cuentan con suficientes cosechas para subsistir durante la cuarentena." 224619,46162.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Economy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,44,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"To limit the spread of the pandemic, the government has introduced several measures, including the closure of borders and non-food shops, transport restrictions and a curfew. These measures have led to a slowdown in socioeconomic activities across all sectors." 345991,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"Malaria Complicada Se notificaron 431 casos de malaria complicada, que proceden de 23 entidades territoriales y 6 casos provienen del exterior. Nariño, Antioquia, Chocó, Córdoba, Cauca, Meta y Vichada notifican el 80,2 % de los casos." 194222,43811.0,2330.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,54,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/mundo/devasta-huracan-iota-isla-caribena-deja-un-muerto,"Bilwi, con más de 40 mil habitantes, en su mayoría de origen indígena, recibió la furia del ciclón en medio de la oscuridad por la interrupción del suministro eléctrico, con muchos pobladores resguardados en casas de concreto, mientras otros habitantes quedaron esperando en sus frágiles viviendas de madera." 209966,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Moreover, pasture and water shortage are already resulting in increased commodity prices, deterioration of livestock and agro-pastoral conditions, and internal displacement of people." 158351,38375.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,104,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM_Reporte%20Situacional%20Julio%202020%20%28ESP%29.pdf,"Durante el mes el presidente Iván Duque amplió en dos ocasiones el Aislamiento Preventivo Obligatorio en todo el territorio nacional. El 10 de julio, por medio del decreto 9901, se extendió el aislamiento hasta el 1 de agosto, y luego el 28 de julio, con el decreto 10762, se emitió la extensión de la medida hasta el 31 de mayo. Continuó el cierre de las fronteras aéreas, terrestres y fluviales con Brasil, Ecuador, Panamá, Perú y Venezuela, así como las restricciones al transporte aéreo internacional y nacional y el transporte intermunicipal." 683,156.0,321.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Compared to non-displaced households, IDP households had overall less access to cooking fuel with 7.2% reporting no access and 54.6% irregular access." 384886,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,132,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Dans le cadre du projet DP ECHO, il a été procédé d’une part à l’Implémentation du système d’alerte précoce communautaire ; ce système fonctionnel a permis de notifier au cours du Juin 09 alertes de type vent violent (08) et 01 évènement inhabituel en lien avec la santé (Mort d’animaux) et que nous avions appuyé financièrement pour les évaluations des dégâts et de besoins. D’autre part, l’implémentation l’approche e-Health SURGE par le système d’alerte sanitaire a permis de couvrir 4 districts sanitaires (Ouahigouya, Gourcy, Tougan et Séguénéga) sur 6 attendus avec au total 161 CSPS sur 198 attendus soit une couverture de 81,31%." 195088,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The target has gone up because the Education Cluster is trying to reach as many as possible of more than 1.1 million children who are now out of school due to school closures. 304841,53078.0,2333.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Fin octobre 2018, plusieurs salles de classes ont été incendiées par des personnes armées identifiées, non notamment dans les localités de Hité et de Bolsi, situées dans la commune de Torodi, près de la frontière avec le Burkina Faso." 126559,34397.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,Casi uno de cada cinco hogares (18%) tiene que comprar agua potable ya que no tiene acceso a una fuente pública (19% para los hogares migrantes y 16% para los hogares de acogida). 228653,46627.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Actors should consider the purchase of food produced locally to support the local economy and ensure vulnerable families have food. In doing so particular care must be taken to avoid disrupting local pricing, in particular given the increases in food prices already highlighted." 244239,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"During the eighth Council of Ministers of the G5 Sahel in Nouakchott on 5 October, the head of Chadian diplomacy, Amine Abba Sidick, announced the deployment of a second Chadian battalion of the Joint Force of the G5 in the central zone of the three borders between Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger." 221312,45880.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Les femmes sont les premières du ménage à adopter des stratégies d'adapta�on pour réduire la consomma�on alimentaire personnelle et assurer une quan�té et une qualité suffisantes aux enfants. 171496,40704.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] World Vision sector staff conducted awareness sessions on COVID-19 at our four women and girls’ safe spaces (WGSS), in our eight tea corners for men and at household level in Camps 13, 15 and 19. These session were conducted by trained World Vision response officers, prevention officers, case workers and facilitators. A total of 14,543 people (6,238 women, 2,209 girls, 4,166 men and 1,930 boys) were reached." 326596,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,53,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported areas in the community where girls and/or women do not feel safe were: On the way to markets (61%), In the markets (31%)), when leaving settlement/town (55%)." 498756,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,101,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"According to Maximiliano, these are nomadic communities that are deeply rooted in their culture, religion, and language, and it is not easy to establish relationships. “I have been in the camp for 250 days and now everyone knows us, several volunteers are learning their language, some even speak it already, and wichi language is very complicated! For the children of the indigenous families, the camp is a fun place with trailers, motorcycles, lights, vehicles… they find it very appealing and love to come visit us”." 475580,63776.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,57,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les communes qui ont connu plus de nouveaux enregistrés entre le 28 février 2021 et le 30 avril 2021 sont celles d’Oursi (21 779), de Déou (7 514), de Gorom-Gorom (5 894), de Mansila (5 771) et de Seytenga (2 989)." 384899,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Les recrudescences des attaques ont entrainé la fuite des personnels soignants et une fermeture des formations sanitaires avec 6,9% des formations sanitaires fermées dans les 6régions en sécurité précaire et 13.4% autres partiellement fonctionnelles sans disponibilité d’offrir les paquets de soins de santé ; Les nombres d’épidémies qui ont touchées le Burkina (la rougeole, la poliomyélite, la COVID-19 et l’hépatite E) ont entrainées conséquences socio-économiques graves en plus des conséquences sanitaires." 289357,51168.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Physical accessibility challenges in Verteth and Pibor in Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) means that food must be delivered by air, which is increases costs." 206543,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Most of the approximately 300,000 refugees seeking safety in South Sudan rely on food assistance and approximately 60 per cent of refugee households employ emergency livelihood coping strategies." 173278,41071.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-20-more-die-1441-new-cases-detected/58652,"[8 October, Bangladesh]Currently, there are 80,816 active cases in the country." 384783,60456.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,3,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,20 K réfugiés 197538,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Currently, only one international road, the 192 km stretch between Juba and Nimule on the Ugandan border, is sealed. Most other sealed roads are within the capital city Juba. All other national, interstate and urban roads consist of badly or non-maintained dirt roads." 142120,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"WHO supported a further four workshops on IPC measures in Damascus, with 100 healthcare workers trained on triage, IPC/PPE measures and case management for SARI cases when COVID-19 is suspected." 202123,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,The UN refugee agency’s (UNHCR) advisory to not facilitate refugee returns was reaffirmed in April 2019 due to the unsustainable conditions for voluntary returns in safety and dignity 147040,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Currently 1,271 sentinel sites report cases through EWARS system across all 14 governorates. With the support of WHO, MoH is conducting active surveillance utilizing a network of surveillance officers across 13 governorates, who are in regular contact with and actively visit private and public health facilities to monitor admissions." 272620,50217.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Education', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,50,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Au niveau national, la préférence pour le transfert monétaire est marquée pour les besoins en abris et bien non-alimentaires et l’éducation tandis que pour répondre à leurs besoins en eau hygiène et assainissement, les populations préfèrent l’assistance en nature ou la livraison des services" 132513,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A la vez, el sistema de refugio está sobrecargado con más de 300,00 solicitudes de refugio pendientes, que limita su capacidad para responder a las necesidades de quienes solicitan refugio, emitirles la documentación y asegurarles una decisión oportuna. Quienes solicitan refugio fuera de Lima están en desventaja particular debido a la centralización del sistema de refugio en la capital. Asimismo, la introducción de la deportación de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en situación irregular o de aquellos que ocultan sus antecedentes penales al solicitar los permisos regulares de estadía sin un debido salvoconducto. En vista de los cambios frecuentes, hay una mayor necesidad de información actualizada de manera continua que se brinda a los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela sobre las vías de regularización disponibles en el Perú." 188135,43352.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Missing']",en,39,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"05 August 2020: Near Gaskinde commune, Pobe-Mengao department, Soum province, Sahel region, a truck carrying NGO supplies was seized by presumed JNIM militants. The drivers were kidnapped and released on 07 August." 194896,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Environment'],en,33,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] As winter rains began, bringing with it renewed rumblings of war, fear is growing that exhausted medical teams may not be able to cope." 126322,34397.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,30,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,Uno de cada cinco hogares (22%) mencionó sentirse inseguro en Colombia: 21% en los hogares migrantes y 29% en los hogares de acogida. 179492,42075.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=207783,"[27th October 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 5528, out of which 1821 ones have recovered while 275 others have passed away." 454531,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los entrevistados confirman los niveles de estrés, angustia y depresión por los cuales pueden estar atravesando, consideran que estos síntomas son propios de la situación de pandemia y con namiento además para los venezolanos en su situación de migrante y sin familia cercana es más difícil aún." 322393,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 89% of IDP settlement and 85% of non-IDP settlement households found with a Education Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 384851,60456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,127,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Action contre la Faim a ouvert une sous base au Centre-Est en réponse aux besoins humanitaires dans la région. Ce Programme Global d’Urgence Nutritionnel apporte la réponse à travers deux cliniques mobiles dont une basée à Tenkodogo pour couvrir la région et la seconde à Fada dans la région de l’Est. Au Centre-Est, le projet couvre les DS de Tenkodogo, Ouargaye et Bittou et la clinique mobile sera déployée en fonction des besoins. L’objectif global est de contribuer à la réduction de la morbidité et de la mortalité des populations touchées par la crise sécuritaire dans les régions de l’Est et du Centre Est du Burkina Faso par une réponse intégrée Nut/santé, Wash" 385613,60457.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Les activités de la campagne sèche ont été marquées par un tarissement précoce de certains points d’eau, dans la région de l’Est notamment, avec des prix sur les marchés en légères hausses comparés à la moyenne." 145841,35819.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"From early July to August, health actors recorded a fourfold increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases across Syria, rising from approximately 300 to more than 1,300 confirmed cases countrywide." 399680,62971.0,2098.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,49,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] IMMEDIATE NEEDS • Road access blockages from landslides and flooding plus limitations on humanitarian staff entering the camps due to nationwide COVID-19 restriction measures have impacted aid agencies assessments, repair work of damaged infrastructure, and overall response." 206555,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,125,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]” In fact, a majority of households (71%) reportedly pay for water, with 39% paying less than US$10/month. However, half of those paying (56%) have also reported that prices have increased. Three quarters of households (73%) reported not treating their water. The most commonly reported methods buy households for treating water were chlorine (13%) and boiling (9%). Jerry cans were reportedly used to store water by over two thirds of households (70%) and water tanks were less commonly reported at one third (33%)." 359108,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] The combined impact of the delayed rainfall at the start of the planting season, persistent drought conditions throughout 2021, and reduced water levels of the Euphrates since late January has resulted in high levels of damage to this season’s winter crops. Local sources estimate that between 60-95%h of rain-fed crops failed due to the lack of rainfall." 128900,34596.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,106,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Communities continue to receive most of their information about the virus from the news media (29%), local government (18%), and social media (18%). While many communities get information via social media across all areas of control, this does not mean that it is a trusted source of information on the virus: only 6% of the focal points in NSAG/TBAF areas believe that their communities trust information spread via social media. A more nuanced enquiry is required to understand the sources of the information people access through social media channels." 19297,7910.0,730.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,89,[],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"Conflict has reduced in Al Hudaydah Governorate but hostilities have escalated in neighbouring Hajjah Governorate especially in Hayran and Mustaba districts as well as near Haradh town, causing civilian casualties. Partners report that an estimated 300 families have recently been displaced to Abs District. Other IDPs are living in harsh conditions in Haradh town. Since June 2018, humanitarian partners have provided RRM assistance to 21,274 families (over 127,640 individuals) out of 23,177 families (over 139,060 individuals) displaced to Hajjah." 241433,47744.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,85,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/01/25/government-launches-registration-for-covid-19-vaccine,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] According to the state minister, initially only the prioritized, frontline workers and anyone above 55 years of age can register into the vaccination system, which would be some 40 million people. Additional Director General of DGHS Meerjady Sabrina Flora said people with severe co-morbidity, like uncontrolled diabetes or under cancer medication like immuno-suppresants, pregnant women and people aged under 18 would not be considered eligible for vaccination in the first phase." 197454,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Weak rule of law institutions have incapacitated access to restitution for an increased number of housing land and property claims, and resulted in new protection and living standards related needs" 158959,39161.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,92,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Across the three crisis-affected BAY states, 10.6 million people out of a total of 13 million – four in five people – will need some form of humanitarian assistance in 2020. This is a 49 per cent increase in the number of people in need since last year, up from 7.1 million, mainly from increasing violence and insecurity further compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is also the highest number of people in need estimated since the beginning of the coordinated humanitarian response five years ago." 8986,2876.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unhcr-helps-survivors-after-traffickers-kill-12-libya,"According to the survivors, people were shot while trying to escape and during attempts to recapture them. The survivors spoke of torture abuse and exploitation at the hands of traffickers - some being held in captivity for up to three years." 264374,49734.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%B1%D8%BA%D9%85-%D9%86%D9%82%D8%B5-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%83%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B9-%D8%A3%D8%B3%D8%B9%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%87%D8%A7-%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%88%D9%85%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B3%D8%AF-%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%82-%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%89-%D8%AA%D8%B5%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%87%D8%A7,"[19 Feb 2021, GoS] The Syrian Government has approved the export of masks and disinfectants because the domestic product ""covers the needs of the local market"". This has happened before, as in June 2020, the Syrian Government has approved on exporting masks and disinfectants for one month, at that period the prices of masks have risen from 30 SYP, reaching 2000 SYP, before settling around 100-200 SYP." 200036,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les nombre de personnes dans le besoin humanitaire WASH (personnes déplacées et communautés qui les accueillent) était estimé en début 2019 à 472 430 personnes. Ce chiffre était de 1,9 millions de personnes en début 2020. Six mois plus tard, en Juin 2020, il a encore augmenté de 25,5% et est actuellement à 2 373 528 personnes dans les 5 régions couvertes par la réponse humanitaire, dont 35% au Centre Nord, 28% au Sahel, 14% au Nord, 12% à l’Est, 10% dans la Boucle du Mouhon." 125218,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,36,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,The substantial presence of migrants from neighbouring countries reflects the important influence of historical ties between communities across the Libyan borders and the role of geographical proximity in determining the dynamics of migration to Libya. 126535,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Integración: así como la población de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela se está estabilizando en el Perú, la integración socioeconómica y cultural deviene en una necesidad apremiante. El acceso a trabajo regular y decente, así como la generación de ingresos para refugiados y migrantes reducirá la necesidad de asistencia, promoverá su integración y facilitará la adquisición de productos básicos acceso a los servicios, mientras que impulsan el desarrollo económico local." 229648,44602.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Need to support the population with some food through BSFP modality to bridge the nutritional deficit to combat the population sliding into malnutrition. 300691,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Partners should advocate with donors and the development actors to consider longer term and more sustainable solutions to mitigate against the impact of future flooding 274187,49666.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,107,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Moins de 50 % de personnes interrogées ont accès au crédit. Les raisons principales sont le manque de structures de crédit, l’impossibilité de repayer les dettes mais également le manque d’expérience dans cette pratique. Il faut noter que les structures de microfinance n’existent presque plus dans les territoires enquêtés et le contexte actuel ne favorise pas leur implantation. Il n’y a pas de différences remarquables dans l’accès au crédit selon le diffèrent statut des ménages." 193736,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,25,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,L´autre défi est lié à l´obtention de l´autorisation de circuler qui était exigée à l´Est mais qui a été étendue à tout le pays. 304044,50889.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,63,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Significant funding gaps persist for the refugee response in Sudan, which have been exacerbated by Sudan’s ongoing economic situation. The majority of refugee and asylum-seekers in Sudan face high levels of poverty, limited access to livelihood opportunities, and are hosted in some of the poorest regions of the country, where host communities are also struggling." 301275,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The South Sudanese refugee emergency remains the largest refugee crisis in Africa, and Sudan hosts one of the largest populations in the region with more than 840,000 South Sudanese refugees reported to be living in Sudan, as of 30 November 2019" 283189,43400.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,95,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"To contain and mitigate the spread of the disease, we [the government] took on March 17 a set of strict measures including closure of our land, air and sea borders (with the exception of cargo flights and vessels transporting consumer products and essential goods and materials), cancellations of sport competitions, closure of schools, bar and restaurants, and prohibition of the gathering of more than 50 people throughout the national territory. We have also scaled up health care spending to respond to this outbreak." 94031,26519.0,1620.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,41,[],['Information And Communication'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200302_Nextier-SPD_Policy-Brief-_Entrenching-Peace-1-2.pdf,"Inter-communal religious and cultural practices such as marriages, sporting competitions, cultural events and rotational markets were instrumental in building peace, promoting social cohesion and mobilizing inter-communal resilience. Religious platforms were used to share information among communities." 289402,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Some 91,121 people are in need of protection response in the six counties" 62754,18396.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3267163,"Por lo menos 4,3 millones de personas no tienen acceso a agua potable en toda Venezuela; han resurgido enfermedades prevenibles mediante vacunación, como el sarampión y la difteria, mientras que la fiebre amarilla y el paludismo están en aumento. Se calcula que 1,3 millones de niños y adolescentes necesitan servicios de protección, mientras que más de un millón de niños no asisten a la escuela." 202083,43280.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"UNICEF’s ongoing humanitarian action focuses on an integrated, inclusive, and multi-sectoral response to residual drought impact, displacement, conflict, disease outbreaks and seasonal floods" 192696,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,22,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Government expenditures continue to be targeted towards defence, security and infrastructure at the expense of humanitarian assistance and basic services." 356590,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,36,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Aunque la mayoría de las protestas han sido pacíficas, algunos individuos han cometido actos graves de violencia, como quemar estaciones de policía y atacar a policías, dos de los cuales han muerto." 47467,16249.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,127,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"El análisis también se enfocó en establecer una proyección de la población y personas en situación de necesidad que serán cubiertas por este Plan en 2019. Se estima que, para fines de 2019, más de 2,2 millones de personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela estarán en Colombia, incluyendo unas 1.755.000 con intención de quedarse y 519.000 personas retornadas colombianas. Más de 1.114.000 personas refugiadas y migrantes necesitarán asistencia. Esta cifra está compuesta por más de 912.000 personas con la intención de permanecer en Colombia, unas 108.000 personas en movimiento pendular y más de 93.000 personas retornadas colombianas. Además, se considera que más de 446.000 personas en tránsito y unas 310.000 en las comunidades de acogida necesitarán asistencia." 174446,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,74,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Camps and camp-like settings Friends and neighbors were cited as the most-trusted source of information in 56 per cent of sites (up by 1% since the last round of assessment conducted in June 2020). Local and community leaders were cited as the second most trusted source of information in 29 per cent of sites (up by 2%)." 326576,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 22% of the households found with Protection living Standard Gap (LSG). 2% found to be extreme+ severe, 20% severe, 38 %stress, 40% no or minimal." 239739,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"On average, in last three months [Feb-May 2020], there was 1.40 time increase in number of confirmed cases" 129458,32894.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,46,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"s iniciativas económicas de los migrantes se vinculan al ámbito doméstico -familiar, para lo cual es necesario contar con una vivienda que les permita la producción. El sector del cuidado especialmente de adultos mayores es una importante fuente de empleo para población migrante." 283274,51140.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/INFORMEbaja_DTM_GENERAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10918,"De acuerdo con la OIT, el término trabajo infantil suele definirse como: “todo trabajo que priva a los niños de su niñez, su potencial y su dignidad, y que es perjudicial para su desarrollo físico y psicológico”14. En ese sentido, se puede plantear que aquellos NNA que dedican cinco horas o más a las actividades remuneradas están en riesgo de caer en situaciones trabajo infantil." 113084,29959.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"GIFMM Bogotá y región Se ha realizado un encuentro virtual de articulación entre el GIFMM y las organizaciones de población venezolana con presencia en Bogotá, Soacha, Chía, Tocancipá y Tunja y se ha realizado la entrega de 400 mercados a las diferentes organizaciones en apoyo a la emergencia sanitaria que presenta la ciudad de Bogotá." 412726,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] More than half of the pregnant women (55%) expressed that no family planning or health workers visited them to check their health condition during their pregnancy during the pandemic situation. However, 29% of women were visited once a month and 16% of women once in three months." 237882,47119.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,101,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Entre el 6 de diciembre y el 2 de enero se reportaron 5 610 muertes, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 11,16 muertes por 100 000 habitantes. Los municipios con la mayor tasa de mortalidad son: Marquetalia - Caldas (59,47), Suarez - Tolima (53,25), Honda - Tolima (53,17), Cabrera - San- tander (49,53), San José de Cúcuta – Norte de Santander (48,25), Car- casí – Santander (47,07), Monguí – Boyacá (46,79) y Vetas – Santander (46,13)" 308172,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,Regular nutrition screening and treatment is ongoing at 10 static nutrition sites. Sufficient nutrition supplies were pre-positioned in 10 static nutrition centres. 271696,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Dans l’ensemble, sur 8 groupes d’aliments définis, le nombre moyen de groupes d’aliments consommés [en 2020 par les enfants de 6-23 mois] est de 2,09 contre 1,78 en 2019. Cet indicateur a connu une lègère amélioration." 111886,31304.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"EVALUACIÓN DE NECESIDADES Por lo pronto no se han reportado a nivel oficial, picos de contagio en las zonas donde tenemos operación que sean graves. Los principales casos se han centrado en áreas urbanas y ningun caso reportado en zona rural." 18172,7262.0,321.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,107,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000101571.pdf,"In September 2018, the Central Bank of Libya imposed a new 183 percent tax / levy on the official sale of foreign currency.8 The levy applies to official foreign currency sales and does not apply to the black market exchange rate. The new foreign currency levy in effect devalues the Libyan dinar and raises the exchange rate of 1 USD to LYD 3.90 from the official LYD 1.38 per dollar exchange rate. Following modifications of the exchange rate policy coupled with increasing oil exports, the value of the Libyan dinar appreciated on the parallel market to 5.3 against USD in October 2018." 318936,54628.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,98,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Participants were particularly upset about the loss of documents from Myanmar since these cannot be replaced. They said they could go to information desks to reissue cards lost due to the fire or reach out to CiCs (Camp in Charge: Official from the Bangladesh's Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commission), service providers, mahji (Rohingya community leaders, selected by CiC and camp authorities) or NGOs such as The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) to complain about lost documents." 153845,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,32,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Durante su tránsito por Colombia la gran mayoría reportó ser víctima de xenofobia o rechazo, incluso por parte de otros venezolanos que se han asentado en el país con anterioridad." 155675,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"15,099 individuals were reached through community engagement activities including 51 community awareness sessions, 2,782 neighbourhood-based inter-personal communication sessions, 21 radio group listening sessions, and 69 video/film shows. 83 information service centres (80 in the camps and 3 in the host community) continued to disseminate information and receive feedback/complaints from the community." 215773,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"In the current period, corresponding to the final period of the lean season and pre-harvest, 10.9 million (35% of the population) were estimated to be in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and Phase 4 (Emergency). This includes 3.5 million (11%) classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) nationwide and 7.4 million (24%) in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis)." 385990,60796.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,120,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/improving-testing-rate-who-supports-ondo-state-integrate-covid-19-sample-collection,"[26th July 2021, Ondo State, Nigeria] Preliminary results show that, three weeks prior to the commencement of the intervention (03-23 March, 2021) an average of 70 samples were collected weekly across the state out of which an average of 12 cases were confirmed. During the period of the intervention, the number of weekly samples collected and tested in the State increased to an average of 321 samples weekly In the three hotspot LGAs, the cumulative sample collection increased from 133 samples three weeks prior to commencement to a total of 808 (Akure South-336, Akure N-228, Owo-244) samples collected three weeks post commencement of WHO support" 219367,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,14,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Community surveillance teams have reached 33,000 people with COVID-19 messages and contact tracing." 256986,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"The security situation in the tri-border region [ Niger, Mali & Burkina Faso] including in the Nigerien regions of Tillabery and Tahoua has sharply deteriorated." 359677,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Impact on school attendance Gender norms and stereotypes affect school attendance of girls in many different ways, for many different reasons. Findings from the project target areas in both countries revealed that many girls skip school when they are menstruating because of poor sanitation facilities at school. Similarly, girls in FGDs in Bangladesh shared that menstruation was a key reason for school absences, due to discomfort especially when there is no separate toilet facility for girls." 40783,11840.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,38,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-16.pdf,"Currently, around 3,600 migrants remain in detention centers in Tripoli and are among the most vulnerable populations at risk, especially the 890 migrants in Qasr Bin Gashir Detention Center in direct vicinity of armed conflict." 156596,35848.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,79,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"UNICEF supported over half a million people in Aleppo, Rural Damascus, Homs, and AlHasakeh governorates through installing and cleaning of WASH facilities, desludging septic tanks, and rehabilitating the sewage systems inside camps, in addition to emergency water trucking. Activities were constrained by the impact of COVID-19 and the devaluation of the Syrian currency, however it is expected that the target will be fully achieved by the end of the year." 171442,40448.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,52,"['Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185217/,"[22nd September 2020, North Syria] The civilian infection rate in camps has reached 11 per cent of total infections in northern Syria,” Mr Hallaj told The National, adding that local and international humanitarian organisations must do more to provide more hygiene facilities for the camps." 291659,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Between 22 and 28 January, more than 11,000 patients were served by IOM’s 7 mobile health teams while close to 9,000 returnees were screened for tuberculosis." 308592,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Funding challenges for protection and WASH partners continue to hamper ability to scale up to meet the additional highly vulnerable caseloads in Tonj South. Following the findings of the inter-agency assessment on people displaced in collective sites, the multi-sectoral assistance to those displaced will need to be addressed." 385762,60738.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/es-alarmante-que-ninos-migrantes-menores-de-13-anos-lleguen-solos-defensoria/2731,"Precisó la Defensoría que de esos 353 casos identificados, 135 lograron el restablecimiento de contacto familiar y 214 no lo han logrado.Por esta razón, el defensor Camargo Assis hizo un llamado al Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF) para aumentar su capacidad de atención a esta población migrante, cuya presencia se ha incrementado en los últimos meses en el país. ""Esperamos que se articulen esfuerzos para lograr atender efectivamente la difícil situación de derechos humanos que viven los niños, niñas y adolescentes venezolanos en la región”, dijo Camargo Assis." 189989,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Sur le plan sanitaire, l’offre de soins fournie par les formations sanitaires est insuffisante en raison des lacunes en matière d’équipement et de personnel de santé, et la présence des personnes déplacées dans un contexte de surpopulation et de promiscuité ne fait qu’aggraver cette situation structurelle. Les maladies à transmission hydrique sont fréquentes (fièvre typhoïde, choléra etc.) en raison de la défaillance des infrastructures d’eau potable, d’assainissement et sanitaires, ainsi que des mauvaises pratiques d’hygiène." 188820,43386.0,1900.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,61,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"La región de ALC alberga los movimientos de migrantes y rápido crecimiento en el mundo,137 con más de 5.1 millones de personas venezolanas que han abandonado sus hogares,138 además de un flujo migratorio la República Dominicana y a países sudamericanos,139 y una migración regional intensa de América Central hacia los Estados Unidos; especialmente desde Honduras, Guatemala y El Salvador.14" 305826,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,35,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"In Kadugli market, the key market in a government-controlled area adjacent SPLM-N controlled area, the retail price of sorghum in November was around 175 percent above last year and the five-year average." 205190,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"JUNE 2019 : Signing of the tripartite agreement between UNHCR, Cameroon and CAR for the return of Central African refugees. The voluntary repatriation of a first group of 4,000 Central African refugees was planned for 2019. As of 11 March 2020, 3,809 refugees had been repatriated by UNHCR to CAR. 3,309 were repatriated in 2019 and 500 in 2020. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNHCR put the repatriation process on hold." 217830,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,This report urges partners to continue supporting new IDPs as the most vulnerable group for the response. 311449,53762.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",en,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"In this context, internal displacements continue, with the number of people fleeing their homes in search of safety reaching 1,121,960 by the end of February, including a majority of women (47%) and children (54%), according to the National Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (CONASUR)." 322512,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 84% and 90% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported no awareness of medical, legal, or psychological services to address incidents of GBV." 298754,52631.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,65,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"10 mars 2020, 10 mars 2021, un an jour pour jour depuis que le premier cas de Coronavirus avait été officiellement annoncé en République Démocratique du Congo, précisément à Kinshasa, avant que le pays ne commence à enregistrer des pics successifs. La RDC devenait ainsi le 11e pays africain touché par la maladie à coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19)." 240649,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,48,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA is gravely concerned by abduction cases that have led to summary executions, including an incident on 6 March in Kushk district of Herat province in which seven adult men, including a teacher, were abducted and killed by Taliban a few kilometres from their village" 286977,51529.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,113,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3721824,"The JEP and other human rights organisations confirm that the victims were mainly rural dwellers, people in vulnerable conditions and of scarce economic resources. The events occurred in 29 of Colombia’s 32 departments, with Antioquia having the highest number of cases. [5] The disappointing aspect for the victims is that the majority of those convicted of involvement in these killings have been low-ranking military personnel. [6] It is therefore essential to investigate and identify who gave the order for these false positive killings. High level ranking officers have not shown themselves willing to take responsibility to date for these crimes." 199874,43347.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Over 430,000 people or 30 per cent of all IDPs are sheltering in camps or camp-like settings." 295332,51569.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,28,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Families displaced prioritize ESNFI, mats, mosquito nets, and solar lamps. dignity kits and blankets. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 389617,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,La vacunación aún no ha llegado a las zonas rurales dispersas ni a muchas de las comunidades indígenas de las fronteras colombianas. Urge fortalecer los programas de vacunación en las fronteras. 385625,60457.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région du Sahel, 9 107 ménages vulnérables additionnels ont été ciblés pour les activités de la campagne humide et au Nord, des transferts monétaires sont prêts à être fournis dans les provinces du Yatenga et du Loroum, les plus touchées par les déplacements de population, au profit de 180 ménages déplacés et 89 ménages hôtes en cas de choc." 248975,47559.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,63,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Dans la commune de Thiou, le soir après l’entame du processus de négociations, des tirs de sommation y ont été entendus. Ainsi, certains leaders communautaires s’inquiètent sur ces comportements des GOA. D’ailleurs, les incidents enregistrés ne sont pas de nature à rassurer quant à la sincérité de toutes les parties." 168708,39944.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,65,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"Lessons drawn from previous outbreaks in the region, such as the polio outbreak in 2013 and the annual seasonal influenza, have enabled the Early Warning and Response Network, a surveillance system to develop mechanisms of predicting risk and strengthening surveillance for the new pandemic. Social media tools such as WhatsApp are effectively collecting health information and communicating health messaging about COVID-19" 219355,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Testing, isolation and treatment facilities have been expanded. As of 11 May, 1,357 samples had been collected and tested at the National Public Health Laboratory in Mogadishu. WHO has trained 351 surveillance teams in case finding and contact tracing." 223940,46071.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon les hommes, ils ne veulent pas s’impliquer dans la lutte contre COVID 19 car c’est une perte de temps étant donné que la majorité d’activités sont volontaires" 228398,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,There is a critical need for further awareness raising by health care organisations with a specific gendered outreach to ensure women receive accurate information. 287865,51841.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Current IDPs (Displaced between 2014 and September 2020): 1,615,765 IDPs in Host Community : 1,240,920 (77%) IDPs in Displacement site : 374,845 (23%)" 290561,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,73,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"The crisis context, and the economic hardship it generates, is perceived by some as ""devirilizing"". Men's frustration at being unemployed, unable to fulfill the socially expected role of provider and protector of the family, combined with the fact that violence is considered socially acceptable in some communities, leads to a recourse to domestic violence as a means of asserting their authority and domination." 150908,36670.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,Salud Necesidades: • Insumos y equipos médicos para la atención de los casos graves. • Personal de salud especialista para atender a los pacientes graves y críticos. • Insumos de laboratorio para toma y procesamiento de muestras. • Más detalles sobre las necesidades para dar respuesta a la emergencia por COVID-19 por medio del “Plan Nacional de Preparación y Respuesta ante el Coronavirus” están disponibles en “Plataforma de Socios COVID-19” 386429,60870.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,102,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"• VBG Se conoce de casos de VBG asociados a la falta de intimidad en el espacio utilizado como alojamiento temporal, de manera principal: tocamientos, elaboración de videos mientras las mujeres y niñas realizan sus actividades de aseo personal, intimidación, y acoso sexual. Se habla de riesgo muy alto de violencia sexual; se presentan embarazos adolescentes. Se evidencian necesidades diferenciales para las mujeres en gestación y en lactancia ya que de momento reciben la misma alimentación y no cuentan con medios de vida para cubrir sus necesidades básicas ni las de sus hijos/as." 298763,52631.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"Visiblement, la population congolaise s’était réjoui de l’arrivée de ce jeune chercheur qui l’a nourri d’espoir. Il fera les essais cliniques de son traitement à base d’Artemisia dont les résultats n’ont pas été dévoilés." 191019,42042.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Bolori-12-wards-Maiduguri-LGA_-July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from all 23 assessed settlements reported that most residents’ knowledge of COVID-19 is sufficient to protect themselves and their families from the virus." 229669,44602.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Currently there are no ANC service being conducted reason being the facility staff were displaced due to the intertribal clash between the Mundari and the Bari over land related issues. 4 deliveries were conducted within the IDP settle in the week of the visit by a TBA with very limited resources and this is done willingly by her in support of her fellow IDP settlement. 113331,32328.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Es esencial incorporar enfoques de género y protección en línea con los principios de VG y las medidas de mitigación de riesgos en todos los demás sectores técnicos, incluidos DSSR, WASH, refugio, alimentación, nutrición, medios de vida y modalidades de asistencia (transferencias en efectivo y con cupones, en especie y prestación de servicios) tanto a nivel de clúster como a través de programas específicos. Para obtener orientación adicional, consulte los compromisos mínimos de CARE con respecto al género y la diversidad para cada sector central de emergencia y / o el Kit de herramientas de emergencia de CARE." 172396,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,78,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Depuis le début de l’année 2020, la situation humanitaire s’est détériorée dans l’est du pays, avec une recrudescence des mouvements de population et des incidents de protection causés par l’intensification des conflits, particulièrement dans les territoires de Djugu et Mahagi (Province de l’Ituri), de Rutshuru et Beni (dans le Nord-Kivu), et de Nyunzu (dans le Tanganyika)." 235999,46890.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Implementation [of preventive programme for malnutrition in food insecure area] was carried out by SHUMAS, Reach Out, SUDAHASER, INTERSOS, Action Against Hunger (AAH), CBCHS, COMINSUD, and CARITAS with resource support from UNICEF and WFP." 276987,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,23,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"Lors de la première vague, de nombreuses entreprises ont bénéficié de mesures gouvernementales, telles que l’allègement de la TVA" 454276,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,42,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"También hay cierta desconfianza respecto a las acciones que realiza el Estado y sus diferentes instituciones frente a la violencia hacia la mujer, algunos entrevistados prefieren evitar realizar denuncias ya que eso las conllevaría a ser deportadas a su país." 179028,41949.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/synthese_etablissements_fermes_21_09_20202.pdf,"Après la rentrée administrative, la situation des écoles primaires à la date du 21 septembre 2020 est de 2 206 écoles fermées contre 2 243 au 12 mars 2020. On enregistre 121 nouvelles fermetures et 192 écoles réouvertes. 7 régions et 19 provinces sont concernées par la fermeture des écoles primaires." 302663,52890.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"La soledad, aunque se tenga compañía, es un sentimiento reiterativo en varias de las personas entrevistadas. El sentirse solas y solos, y la dificultad para construir redes de apoyo en sus países de destino, es quizá el senti- miento general que emerge en entrevistas y grupos de discusión y que se acentúa cuando se está más lejos de su familia y país." 177292,41744.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,Apporter une assistance adaptée pour permettre aux familles pouvoir envoyer leurs enfants aux écoles dans les zone hôtes (moyen terme). 413965,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,99,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 4.1 Impact of COVID-19 on essential health services: In general, health care services other than COVID 19 services were interrupted: Except for some key informants among the service providers, most of the providers admitted that there was a severe interruption in general health services especially during the initial stage and lockdown situation. The outdoor service was almost closed in most of the areas. To stop the spreading of the virus, the hospitals discouraged patients to come to the hospital unless it was extremely necessary." 389633,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,En la región Amazónica ha muerto una persona por cada 613 habitantes (línea verde continua). Estos departamentos estuvieron por encima del promedio nacional gran parte del 2020. El trimestre anterior subió la pendiente nuevamente. El número de muertes por caso de COVID-19 (letalidad) es más alto en la región amazónica que en el resto del país (3.5% vs. 2.5% respectivamente) 195604,43987.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/opinion/editorial/abrir-los-colegios-editorial-el-tiempo-550352,"Esto es, los ingresos de muchas personas, sobre todo mujeres, que por tener a sus hijos en casa no pueden retomar las ocupaciones de las que derivaban su sustento antes de la pandemia." 495136,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,70,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La competencia con la población anfitriona de Perú por los mismos recursos y servicios escasos en zonas y barrios marginales y pobres de Callao y Lima principalmente, donde se asientan y que los servicios básicos y oportunidades de generación de ingresos no están garantizados para la propia población local. Situación que deriva frecuentemente en posiciones de rechazo, recelo y a veces incluso xenofobia ante los migrantes venezolanos" 322136,54720.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,72,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-97-deaths/68132,"[26 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh has so far tested 5,371,287 samples, including 25,786 in the last 24 hours. In the last 26 days, Bangladesh has seen 2,104 Coronavirus-related deaths and 133,851 new cases, making it the most fatal month since the outbreak began last year. The virus claimed 568 lives in January this year, 281 in February and 638 in March." 265737,49620.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Selon les IC et les participants aux groupes de discussion, les zones frontalières, points de tensions régulières, continuent d’être marquées par un accès limité à la nourriture et aux moyens de subsistance. De plus, la pandémie du COVID-19 est venue perturber l’accès des populations aux services de base, ainsi que les possibilités d’accès aux ressources financières. (Nov.2020)" 408639,63559.0,2311.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,28,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,Humanitarian access to affected populations: The inability to move within territories during times of escalating violence makes it difficult for humanitarian organisations to access people in need 239790,46379.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,31,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Afghanistan as a conflict affected country has experienced enormous challenges including political unrest, complex emergencies, socio-economic hardships, humanitarian crises and high burden of infectious and non-infectious diseases." 165649,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three hygiene issues (437 responses)† 1 No separation between men and women’s bathroom (49%) 2 Bathrooms are far from our shelter (44%) 3 Bathrooms don’t have sufficient light (40%) 390404,61150.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,107,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/01/18/exclusivo-empresas-colombianas-ofrecen-a-venezolanos-llegar-a-chile-ilegalmente-por-800-dolares.shtml,"Empresas colombianas ofrecen a venezolanos llegar a Chile ilegalmente por 800 dólares Más cerca de tus seres queridos”. De esta forma publicita sus servicios la agencia de viajes colombiana “VIVEONLINE”, quien desde diciembre de 2017 ofrece a través de Facebook servicios de viajes desde Venezuela hasta otros destinos de Sudamérica, incluido Chile. Según consigna en su web, esta empresa cuenta con una gran cantidad de asesores, los cuales ofrecen a través de dicha red social ayuda e información a quienes están interesados en contratar los servicios para trasladarse a países como Bolivia; para entrar a Chile." 39195,13752.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,51,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_RapidAssessment-Tripoli_2019-05-21-FINAL.pdf,"Since the onset of hostilities in South Tripoli a large number of families have been displaced from their homes in search of safety and protection. As of 19 May, at least 15,645 families (approximately 78,225 individuals) have been identified as IDPs by the ongoing DTM Emergency Tracking" 204276,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,71% des ménages [de Maradi] rapportent avoir consommé des aliments moins préférés ou moins chers 145412,36039.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,68,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Al-Bukamal-Al Quaem crossing is reported to be still closed from the Syrian side, and Ras al-Ain border crossing also remains closed except in limited circumstances. Tabqa crossing point is reported as currently open to commercial and humanitarian cargo, and medical cases and students are also reported allowed to across after undergoing rapid temperature screening, which may not provide a reliable indication of infection." 308260,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There is concern that access to land for agricultural activities could be a significant challenge, particularly for displaced people. This could serious repercussions on cultivation in the coming rainy season, and local food production, and food insecurity in the coming months." 411060,63506.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ficha_cierre_emergencias_roberto_payan_narino_mire.pdf,El 14 de mayo se presentó un desplazamiento masivo de las veredas de los concejos comunitarios Manos amigas del Patía Grande y La voz de los negros por enfrentamientos entre los GAO. Intimidaciones por parte de los GAO para no realizar declaración como víctimas ni recibir ayudas; se suma la situación de desabastecimiento por la situación por el Paro Nacional que complica la asistencia alimentaria por parte del municipio. Estos desplazamientos se suman a lo ocurrido el 15 de abril donde ya estaban afectadas 77 familias. 496338,60048.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,77,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"A su vez, el aislamiento social, el miedo a acudir a las autoridades y la disminución de contactos con redes de apoyo, puede incrementar las posibilidades de que las mujeres sufran severas formas de violencia por períodos de tiempo extendidos.10 Esa ausencia de redes de apoyo también se refleja en el hecho de que las principales necesidades de las mujeres, arriba expuestas, son información para trámites legales y acceso a servicios." 275371,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,42,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Pays sahélien dont plus de 60 % de sa superficie est désertique, le Tchad est marqué par la rareté des ressources naturelles (eau, bois de chauffe et terres arables) notamment au Nord et à l’Est." 388941,60849.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,61,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Por una parte por las oportunidades y condiciones a las que acceden de manera desaventajada respecto de las personas locales y, por otra parte, porque el principal prejuicio que perciben de los chilenos y chilenas es que vendrían a ""quitarles el trabajo"", situación que también se percibe profundizada por el contexto de pandemia por COVID19." 205246,44636.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,96,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/challenges-faced-in-control-of-covid-19-pandemic-in-idlib-80-of-icu-beds-are-occupied-explanatory-data/,"[December 2, Idleb] In an interview withEnab Baladi, Salem Abdan, director of Idlib’s health directorate, said, “There is a drastic increase in the COVID-19 cases. Consequently, the number of coronavirus patients who need medical treatment at hospitals and isolation centers is also on the rise, to the point where 80 percent of the ICU beds are occupied.” Abdan explained that, on average, 50 percent of the ICU beds were occupied, while most of the 80 ventilators were used." 200043,44392.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,45,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[En saison pluvieuse] On compte déjà 106 228 sinistrées des inondations en 2020 (CONASUR). Le risque est accru par la présence de 80 000 personnes déplacées installées sur des sites inondables au Centre Nord et Sahel (OCHA). 342320,56651.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,102,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.reporteconfidencial.info/2021/05/24/se-agudiza-la-migracion-de-indigenas-desde-amazonas-hacia-colombia/,"En el Informe Migración Indígena presentado por el Observatorio durante el 2019, quedó de manifiesto que las principales razones para migrar fueron la búsqueda de oportunidades y el empleo con (55%,) seguido del hambre con (42%), es decir en casi un 100% de esta poblaciones, el desempleo, la escasez de alimentos, aunado a la falta de medicinas y el deterioro de los servicios públicos han sido razones más que suficientes razones para abandonar los territorios indígenas. Vale destacar que estas condiciones aún se mantienen y se agudizan." 357241,58301.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,146,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/06/19/rdc-pres-80-000-personnes-sont-desormais-privees-de-soins-suite-a-l-attaque-d-un-hopital-en-ituri_6084827_3212.html,"""Dans cette zone, deux conflits se superposent depuis des années : d’un côté, les Forces démocratiques alliées[ADF, un groupe rebelle islamiste ougandais à l’origine]mènent de brutales incursions. De l’autre, on constate de fortes tensions intercommunautaires. Tout cela reste flou. Le 7 juin, vers 13 heures, l’hôpital a été pillé et incendié lors d’un affrontement. On ne sait toujours pas qui l’a commis, mais on connaît le bilan : cinquante civils ont perdu la vie. Le personnel de l’hôpital et les patients ont réussi à s’enfuir à temps. Des milliers d’habitants ont aussi pris la route."" Frédérick Lai Manantsoa, chef de mission pour Médecin sans frontières à Boga" 187667,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"FGS/MoH senior officials, UNICEF, and Save the Children attended the Service Delivery Learning Programme (SDLP) organized by World Bank-GFF. The SDLP concluded with the development of a change plan for Somalia, including a review and update of the national CPRP to include continuity of essential health services, harmonised frontline health cadres, and innovative technology such as piloting telemedicine in selected urban settings." 163877,34165.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,54,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Brechas y limitaciones: • Debido a la emergencia sanitaria COVID-19 se hace difícil que lleguen las ayudas humanitarias puesto que por el momento en los aeropuertos solo hay autorización de transporte de alimentos, el transporte terrestre ha presentado dificultades por las difíciles condiciones en las vías de acceso que tiene Vichada." 223008,45471.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,24,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]An estimated 1.7 million people are urgently in need of mine action intervention across north-east Nigeria." 114714,29972.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",[],['Context->Politics'],es,52,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77048,"una de las regiones más vulnerables y desérticas de Colombia con escasa producción agrícola, altos niveles de insatisfacción de necesidades básicas de su población (65.2%), históricas malas condiciones sanitarias, y en donde el gobierno central ha tenido que tomar medidas preventivas para controlar la corrupción." 36917,13321.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"More than 800,000 school-aged children are out of school in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states of which more than 50 per cent are girls. The Education Sector is underfunded, and is appealing for an additional $30 million in funding to cover the gap." 356685,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,17,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,-Informar de forma pública y periódica sobre los casos de abusos policiales cometidos durante las protestas. 272644,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"En 2020, le nombre d’organisations humanitaires qui travaillent de manière coordonnée à apporter aide et assistance aux populations les plus vulnérables malgré la complexité et la persistance des problématiques humanitaires dans le Pays est passé de 164 à 151 organisations humanitaires, dont 11 entités des Nations Unies, 66 ONG nationales et 68 ONG internationales et 6 mouvements de la Croix-Rouge" 287397,51747.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COD_13.pdf,"Despite the overall improvement, the food security situation remains dire, with about 30 percent of the analyzed population estimated to be still severely food insecure (IPC Phase 3 or above)" 172436,40676.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Le revenu des ménages congolais pourrait aussi diminuer en raison d’une baisse du volume des transferts d’argent en provenance de la diaspora, mais également du fait de l’impact des mesures sanitaires préventives sur le commerce, telles que la fermeture des frontières." 126434,34397.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"e las estrategias de supervivencia de emergencia utilizadas en Arauca, el 44% de los hogares migrantes mencionó haber realizado una actividad que nunca antes pensó hacer; el 30% pidió limosna en la calle y el 14% buscó sobras en la basura. Estos altos niveles de afrontamiento negativo en Arauca están relacionados con la vulnerabilidad económica, donde los hogares migrantes tienen un gasto per cápita más bajo de alimentos, es decir, menos de 0.5 USD por día." 240556,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,49,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"Although UNAMA documented an overall reduction in civilian casualties caused by Afghan national security forces for the quarter, it is concerned that their operations led to an uptick in civilian casualties in March -mainly ground engagement, particularly from the use of indirect fire, and airstrikes." 274666,50608.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/02/24/emissions/dialogue-entre-congolais/le-ministere-de-la-sante-et-le-gouvernement-provincial,"Le gouvernement provincial de Kinshasa désapprouve la nomination par le ministre national de la santé de nouveaux gestionnaires au sein de [l'hôpital provincial général de Kinshasa] [ce qui mène à la grève du personnel depuis jeudi 18 février avec service minimum, pas d'acceptation de nouveaux malades]." 302470,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,140,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Las personas venezolanas en situación de movilidad humana que se reco- nocen LGBTI+ se han visto sometidas a desplazamiento forzado, muchas han tenido que dejar su país producto de la crisis política y económica y también debido a la ausencia de acciones por parte del Estado y el no re- conocimiento de derechos de igualdad y de la no discriminación. A esto se suman acciones de violencia y amenazas por parte de actores privados, como grupos armados o pandillas, o actores estatales como las fuerzas ar- madas o policiales. Muchas personas LGBTI+ huyen porque un escenario de crisis se agudiza cuando por las diversidades se desconocen derechos y se ponen barreras al ejercicio de éstos, lo que pone en riesgo su vida, seguridad y libertad (Bula y Cuello, 2019)." 117540,32494.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,49,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/el-mundo/el-preocupante-aumento-de-la-violencia-contra-mujeres-ninos-y-ninas-venezolanas-durante-la-pandemia/,En Venezuela las cosas no están mejor para este sector de la población. “Casi un tercio de los hogares encuestados en Venezuela informaron que las medidas de aislamiento han resultado en un aumento de la agresión y la hostilidad contra los niños y niñas en su hogar 95213,26755.0,1621.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,26,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"• 28 March, additional set of precautionary COVID-19 measures is introduced, including increase of the curfew time to be from 2pm until 7am." 224689,46162.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,22,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"The non-agricultural workforce has been affected by the impacts of COVID-19 government measures, which have resulted in reduced recruitment opportunities." 188197,31146.0,1900.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Según estimaciones del Consejo Hondureño de la Empresa Privada (COHEP) en el 2019, un número importante de pequeñas empresas ha sido afectado por las extorsiones y la violencia. La extorsión es una fuente de ingresos clave para los grupos criminales conocidos como pandillas o maras, localmente. Muchos negocios han cerrado o han perdido ingresos durante la pandemia, lo que les ha impedido pagar las rentas de las pandillas. Como resultado, los ingresos por extorsión han disminuido en la región" 240988,47675.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,82,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"The mission concluded that the most immediate needs are in food (households having lost their stocks); essential household items (blankets, mats, mosquito nets, etc.) to protect victims from the cold and mosquitoes; shelter: discussions are ongoing to develop the old 2012 site in Toukra to accommodate the new victims due to lack of space at the Tradex site, recently built to accommodate the flood-affected people in N’Djaména." 310812,53068.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,11,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"CAMP COORDINATION & CAMP MANAGEMENT : 536,000 internally displaced people registered" 408622,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), during the first four months of 2021, explosive ordnance casualties in Colombia increased by 22% compared with the same period in 2020. The start of the year had the highest number of incidents since 2018. Cauca has the most landmine accidents of all departments (99 out of 195)" 388626,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la province de l’Oudalan, il a été enregistré 2 cas d’atteinte à la protection de l’enfance notamment celle du droit à la vie. En effet, au cours de l’attaque du village de Tadrayate le 04 juin 2021 aux environs de 19 heures deux enfants d’environ 15 ans ont été tués par balle." 60693,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Displaced households in camps (36 percent), informal settlement (53 percent), and host communities (45 percent) had a higher prevalence of food insecurity than permanent residents (23 percent). Pronounced levels of food insecurity was found in IDP camps in Bama (73.8 percent), Konduga (62.3 percent), Monguno (37.0 percent) and Maiduguri (33.1 percent)." 163767,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En el Valle del Cauca se superó el 90 por ciento de ocupación en las UCI, actualmente es de 78.6% y de las 880 camas disponibles solo quedan 188 y se elevó a 19 casos los contagios por coronavirus en cárcel de Jamundí." 163873,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,118,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Guajira y Cesar: es necesario aumentar capacidad de expansión hospitalaria, apoyo con pruebas para población pobre no asegurada y migrantes, sensibilización a comunidad en general (promoción /prevención) prioritariamente en zonas vulnerables, se requiere incrementar disponibilidad profesional sanitario, telemedicina, estrategias de vigilancia comunitaria en comunidades indígenas, acceso a elementos de protección personal, la implementación de sistemas de comunicación para las zonas rurales, dotación de salas de situación, apoyo en el manejo de cadáveres solicitud especial realizada principalmente en Maicao, atención psicosocial para personal sanitario, estrategias de salud mental para la población en general que entra en pánico ante el incremento de contagio." 40782,11840.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-16.pdf,"Most displaced households are currently staying with family and in private accommodation in different neighborhoods and suburbs of Tripoli, as well as along the coastal line in Western Libya and the Nafusa mountains; please refer to pages 3-4 of this report for further details. Over 1,900 IDPs have been accommodated in collective shelters set up by local authorities." 172648,40992.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3677790,"Through an All-of-America approach, the United States is providing life-saving support by coordinating with the Government of Peru and other stakeholders to identify priority areas for investment." 239139,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,40,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As of 04 June, in Afghanistan, total number of confirmed official cases and deaths were 18,969 and 309, respectively; while total active cases were 16,898 and total recovered cases were 1762 all over the country." 132527,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela enfrentan un riesgo incrementado de VBG debido a diferentes factores, tales como mayor vulnerabilidad, falta de soporte a las redes e información sobre servicios disponibles. Este riesgo se extiende a aquellos en situación irregular. Los espacios públicos y el lugar de trabajo han sido identificados como amenazas particulares. Las necesidades prioritarias en el área de VBG son la falta de acceso a los servicios de prevención y respuesta, incluyendo a través de la información en los servicios disponibles, y la baja calidad de servicios disponibles. Finalmente, hay una necesidad de elevar la conciencia en la no aceptación de VBG." 197560,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Lack of mobile phone network creates difficulties for child protection partners to support remote case management and other services. 37183,11044.0,788.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"100% of asylum seekers in most refugee locations have access to a functional market, except Danare I & II communities where there are no markets. 95% of the asylum seekers do not have food stocks that would last beyond 3 days. 20% of asylum seekers in Danare I and II communities report often going to bed hungry 70% of households reveal that they consume only one meal a day" 483305,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"10.2.3 Servicio de energía eléctrica Casi la totalidad de población venezolana reside en viviendas particulares que tienen energía eléctrica (99,7%); solo el 0,3% de las viviendas utilizan como combustible para alumbrarse petróleo o gas (lámpara)." 133939,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,98,[],['Context'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"ITUACIÓN DE NIÑOS, NIÑAS Y ADOLESCENTES PERFIL DEMOGRÁFICO Según la composición de los hogares encuestados, un 9% de sus integrantes son niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA). De ellos, un 20% tienen entre 0 y 3 años, un 59% entre 4 y 11 años, un 14% entre 12 y 15 años, y un 8% entre 16 y 17 años. Ello arroja que de los NNA venezolanos migrantes y refugiados en Panamá, cerca del 80% se encuentra en edad escolar obligatoria." 305829,50894.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,28,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"Meanwhile, the prices of non-cereal food items are 40 to 50 percent above last year and are over 250 percent above prices in the government areas." 306804,53161.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"The campaign is intended to reach more than 8.6 million children across Sudan, according to the MoH. A second, follow-up round of immunizations is planned to commence one month after the completion of the current round." 10452,2965.0,322.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,108,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800409_Humanitarian_Update_Final_1.pdf,"On 11 April, a WHO-chartered cargo plane delivered 19 tons of medical and therapeutic items to Sana’a International Airport. The items will be distributed across Yemen. The road from Sana’a to Sayun in Hadramaut governorate, mainly used by civilians planning to travel abroad through Sayun Airport, has been temporarily cut off due to ground clashes in Al Bayda governorate. Humanitarian partners have also reported access constraints in Hamdan and Bani Matar districts (Sana’a governorate) and in Harib district (Marib governorate) by local authorities restricting their movement and ability to implement programmes." 382896,60300.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_situacional_local_Costa_Caribe_-_Enero_a_marzo_2021.pdf,"A enero de 2021 en Bolívar solo el 28% de las personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanos contaban con Permiso Especial de Permanencia, según Migración Colombia." 172424,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,52,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Avec une hypothèse optimiste, le taux de croissance devrait se situer à 0,1 pour cent à fin 2020 contre 4,4 pour cent en 2019. Dans l’hypothèse pessimiste, l’économie congolaise basculerait dans une récession à l’image d’autres pays de la planète." 293569,51589.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,"RECOMMENDATIONS: Set up an informal conflict sensitivity working group, or follow the example from South-Sudan, a Conflict Sensitivity Resource Facility." 248997,47559.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"A Ouahigouya, les prix des terrains non lotis ont connu une flambée depuis le début de l’année 2020 avec l’afflux des PDIs dans cette ville." 217945,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Considering the regular occurrence of environmental shocks, stakeholders should also focus their attention and funding on programs to build resilience to disasters and reduce disaster risks." 221026,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,54,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"At least 30 civilians have been killed for breaking these unofficial rules, including children, medical professionals, and social leaders who oppose the measures (HRW 15/07/2020; Save the Children 02/10/2020). 25 of these killings occurred in the southwestern departments of Nariño and Cauca (UniAndes 20/08/2020)." 205211,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Environment']",en,30,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,The pressure on diminishing natural resources in the eastern regions and the Far North is leading to the destruction of the environment and potentially an increase in intercommunal conflict. 454255,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,60,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los tipos de violencia más frecuentes en la percepción de las personas encuestadas de la comunidad LGTBIQ, son violencia psicológica (29.5%), xenofobia (27.8%) y la discriminación (24.6%). Las menos frecuentes son la trata de personas (7.9%) y la violencia económica (7%)." 106355,31126.0,1860.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,49,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,ONU Mujeres llevó a cabo una intervención corta. Se ha establecido una red de madrinas para el tema de género; son Asesoras de Género para cada sector del REDLAC. El interés es dar apoyo técnico para incorporar enfoque de género en las acciones del sector. 290065,52076.0,2334.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,19,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,32.5% of women over 25 have some level of secondary education (39.2% for men). 169304,40031.0,1185.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"Provide assistance to the Government, civil society, private sector and academia to build an alliance to achieve SDG 2, establishing targets and allocating resources and commitments towards zero hunger goals." 187542,38355.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"In Ecuador, three out of 10 children are physically punished as a disciplinary measure in their homes." 494214,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,99,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average price of a whole clean chicken increased by 15 percent, reaching SYP 6,680/kg. Dar’a recorded the highest price at SYP 7,495/kg (up 17 percent m-o-m), while Ar-Raqqa recorded the lowest price at SYP 5,527/kg (down three percent m-o-m). Broken down by region, the Southern region recorded the highest price at SYP 7,246/kg (up 20 percent m-o-m), while the Cross-border region recorded the lowest price at SYP 6,062/kg (up 16 percent m-o-m)" 388744,60905.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/us-ship-4-mln-covid-19-vaccine-doses-nigeria-566-mln-south-africa-2021-07-28/,"[28th July 2021, Nigeria] WASHINGTON, July 28 (Reuters) - The U.S. government on Wednesday will ship nearly 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to two of the most populous African countries - Nigeria and South Africa - as the continent battles a third wave of infections, White House officials said. Four million doses of the Moderna (MRNA.O) COVID-19 vaccine will go to Nigeria and 5.66 million doses of the Pfizer (PFE.N) vaccine to South Africa, the officials said." 490546,67789.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Acute water diarrhea (AWD) cases reported in Damboa LGA where major health and WASH gaps persist for over 300,000 civilians: More than 30 suspected cases of acute watery diarrhea (AWD) have been reported in recent weeks across camps and host communities in Damboa LGA where partners are struggling with funding shortfalls, insecurity along supply routes and limited presence of state health and WASH actors to scale up critical services for over 300,000 civilians during the ongoing rainy season." 223945,46071.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Parmi les mécanismes négatifs, les filles étudiantes sont exposées à l’exploitation sexuelle ; la fermeture des universités et des écoles a fait qu’elles n’ont plus de raison pour recevoir l’argent des parents ;" 245078,47833.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,52,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,El riesgo de desalojos fue alto en las ciudades monitoreadas y se observa un aumento de los mismos dado el vencimiento de los términos de vigencia de normas que suspendieron la ejecución de estos procedimientos en el contexto de la emergencia por COVID – 19 (Decreto 579 de 2020). 145478,35868.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Al%20Hol%20Snapshot_26Jul2020.pdf,"Outside of the isolation center, three ventilation devices are confirmed to be on-site, and the one 24/7 operational field hospital has allocated five beds for moderate COVID-19 cases." 155998,38388.0,1898.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,30,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,"Durante los primeros cinco meses de 2020 se deportaron a 7,072 personas; estas cifras de deportaciones suponen un descenso del 46,8% comparado con el mismo período de 2019" 227516,46488.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"La préoccupation de protection la plus fréquemment rapportée par les IC était les incidents de violences basées sur le genre. En effet, les violences sexuelles étaient la première préoccupation de protection rapportée par les IC pour les femmes de plus de 18 ans (8/15) ainsi que pour les femmes de moins de 18 ans (10/15)." 497622,60046.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,107,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2-gender-educacion.pdf,"Se observa que el 73 por ciento de las mujeres empleadas trabaja en el sector informal. De ese porcentaje, la gran mayoría tenían 18-34 años (69%) (Gráfica 4), el 49 por ciento se graduó de bachiller y el 24 por ciento tiene un título de la universidad (Gráfica 5). Es importante notar que el 13 por ciento de este grupo recibió una remuneración más baja que la acordada con su empleador; el 4 por ciento no recibió salario en absoluto; y el 12 por ciento reportó no ser tratada bien (Gráfica 6)" 261469,49211.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,41,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"Respecto al clúster de Salud, las veredas El Saltillo (Zaragoza), El Tigre II y Las Malvinas (Caucasia) no cuentan con un puesto de salud y los servicios médicos son ofertados en la cabecera municipal." 272651,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Avec le soutien du MAH/GC, d’OCHA, du PAM et de l’UNICEF qui assure le lead technique, ce mécanisme [le RRM] est mis en œuvre par IRC, DRC et ACTED à Diffa et à Tillaberi, par ACF et IRC à Tahoua, et par ACF et DRC à Maradi." 457631,65405.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,75,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En matière de connaissance du COVID 19, 4/9 groupes soulignent que c’est une maladie contagieuse et 3/9 groupes disent que c’est une maladie dangereuse et mortelle. Pour les gestes barrières, les groupes interrogés et les informateurs clés affirment les connaitre mais trouvent que le niveau d’information et les services disponibles pour la prise en charge de ces cas restent faibles au niveau de leur communauté." 219314,45753.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,229,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"Adolescent girls are forced into marriage by parents for several reasons, such as easing financial burdens, as well as to protect them against sexual violence, abuse and exploitation “One of the causes of problems is lack of money. Women are raped, kidnapped and parents marry their daughters to get rid of them and throw the burden on someone else.”(Woman from Ar Raqqa sub district, Ar Raqqa governorate). Another reason for early marriage that came out strongly this year is «unrelated people living together». This is especially problematic in areas like north-west Syria where the recent displacement of hundreds of thousands of IDPs and lack of space has forced many people to live together. Families tend to normalise this kind of arrangement by forcing their daughters into marrying other members that they share accommodation with. The girl is often wed to a man much older than her and/or already married, which is likely to increase her vulnerability to other forms of GBV: “As a result of early marriage, there will be a lack of mutual understanding. If they have children, their children will feel lost. Also, she may be exposed to violence.” (Adolescent girl from Quneitra sub district, Quneitra governorate)." 230384,46716.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,56,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2020/12/31/in-pictures-rohingya-refugees-sent-to-remote-bangladeshi-island,"[31st December 2020, Cox's Bazar] The United Nations and rights groups have condemned the relocation to the island, which is prone to cyclones and flooding. Several attempts at repatriation of the Rohingya to Myanmar have failed after the refugees said they were too fearful of further violence to return." 159509,34150.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,47,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3651862,"Según las cifras entregadas por las Naciones Unidas en marzo de 2020, 5.224 excombatientes están inscritos en programas de educación primaria y secundaria. Un 25% son mujeres. Además, 512 mujeres de 1.768 excombatientes han cursado formación profesional a través del Sena." 346845,56987.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,64,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The current lockdown measures will exacerbate pre-existing vulnerabilities and create barriers to the accessibility, availability, quality, and utilisation of essential assistance and services. Last year, a significant proportion of Rohingya households resorted to emergency and crisis coping strategies, which risks an irreversible erosion of coping capacities." 477174,67232.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,68,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"3.7.1 Cantidad de rutas recorridas En la ENPOVE 2018, se preguntó sobre la cantidad de rutas que siguieron para llegar al primer punto de ingreso a territorio peruano. Los resultados revelan que las personas venezolanas recorrieron hasta 12 rutas para lograr ingresar a Perú. De estas 12 rutas, por 9 de ellas ingresaron el 99,3% de población venezolana residente en el país." 486509,67509.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,127,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://acpcongo.com/index.php/2021/09/16/environ-3-000-suspensions-de-personnels-de-sante-non-vaccines-contre-la-covid-19/,"Environ 3 000 suspensions ont été signifiées à des personnels de santé non vaccinés contre le Covid-19 après l’entrée en vigueur de l’obligation vaccinale mercredi, a annoncé jeudi, le ministre de la Santé, Olivier Véran, cité par des agences internationales. [...] «Selon lui, un grand nombre de ces suspensions ne sont que temporaires et concernent « essentiellement du personnel des services supports », « très peu de blouses blanches [..] Le nombre avancé par le ministre pourrait toutefois être sous-estimé, d’après les premiers chiffres recueillis par des médias étrangers, qui ont recensé près de 1 500 suspensions rien que dans une quinzaine d’hôpitaux publics." 95207,26755.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"10 March, Bani Waleed General Hospital announced the suspension of the hospital's ambulance and emergency departments following the security incident related to the extensive use of gunfire inside the hospital by unidentified group of people" 164339,38056.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200554,"The Iranian medical assistance, which came within the framework of the distinguished relations between the two friendly countries, includes detection supplies and temperature measuring and oxygenation devices." 56037,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,34,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Argentina ha reconocido unilateralmente a los ciudadanos venezolanos el criterio de nacionalidad como base para la regularización migratoria, que entre 2004 y 2018 han tramitado aproximadamente 110.000 residencias temporarias y 20.000 permanentes." 418613,64217.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las niñas y adolescentes venezolanas optan por no salir a la calle, o hacerlo lo menos posible, como su principal estrategia para evitar estas formas de violencias. A pesar de que en las encuestas solo 3% reporta haber atestiguado formas de acoso, en las entrevistas se evidencia un alto riesgo al acoso sexual y miedo de enfrentar explotación sexual." 56600,17094.0,1187.0,['Education'],[],[],es,197,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Las estadísticas educativas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires30 muestran el incremento de alumnos y alumnas de origen venezolano en el conjunto de escuelas primarias y secundarias comunes, de gestión pública y privada, de la jurisdicción. En 2014, sobre 280.000 niños y niñas en escuelas primarias, 7,5% habían nacido en otro país. De ellos, solo 120 provenían de Venezuela (0,0%). En 2017, sobre 285.000 estudiantes, 6,1% eran niños y niñas migrantes. Del total, 0,3% (959) había nacido en Venezuela. En lo que respecta a las escuelas secundarias, en 2014 contaban con 180.000 estudiantes, 9% de ellos migrantes y 0,1% (145) provenientes de Venezuela. Para 2017, sobre 188.000 alumnos, 8,5% provenía de otro país y 0,2 % (311 adolescentes) de Venezuela. Si bien los niños y niñas venezolanos conforman una porción muy pequeña dentro de la matrícula educativa total, su incremento en el período de referencia es consistente con el aumento de arribos señalado en las diversas secciones de este informe." 136893,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Working closely with WHO and the Syrian MoH, the Group has developed and widely disseminated a multi-component package, including a tool kit of key messages covering a wide range of issues related to COVID-19. The Group has also finalized online training materials in Arabic and trained several partners in NES, as well as other parts of the country. As preventive measures have been lifted across Syria, the RCCE is working with partners to continue to engage the public on the ongoing risks of COVID-19 and to promote behavioral initiatives such as hand and respiratory hygiene, physical distancing and voluntary quarantine/isolation where feasible and appropriate." 199022,44190.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,37,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/presidentielle-et-legislatives-du-22-novembre-2020-au-burkina-ambiance-sereine-de-votes-avec-un-possible-embonpoint-pour-le-taux-de-participation/,Le scrutin couplé présidentiel et législatif du 22 novembre 2020 se déroule dans une ambiance relativement sereine au Burkina Faso. Les électeurs des villes et villages se mobilisent en file indienne pour accomplir les votes. 356125,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"El Índice de Producción Industrial (IPI) total registró en marzo una variación anual de 9,1%, resultado que implica un incremento de 16,8 pps frente al mismo mes del año anterior." 130821,33838.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,40,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Incremento en el riesgo de que poblaciones en regiones afectadas por la violencia armada retornen a entornos violentos dada la fragilidad de los programas de reincorporación y sustitución de cultivos ilícitos por cuenta de los impactos de la COVID-19. 320130,53234.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Out of these, 1439 (86%) contacts have seen their follow up visits completed and were released from quarantine. Twenty-one (1.3%) became confirmed cases during the follow up period." 161741,34176.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,19,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,Sigue la identificación de beneficiarios con necesidades alimentarias para la entrega de kits alimentarios familiares y bonos alimentarios. 192323,43282.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,108,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 20 active PSS Pillar actors have been mapped, including 17 NGOs and 3 UN Agencies in the ongoing partner mapping (4Ws) exercise to cover the national CPRP (March to August 2020). State-Level MoHs PSS pillar focal persons/leads started their appointments in mid-July 2020 and are coordinating with humanitarian partners in Banadir, Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Jubaland, Puntland, Somaliland and South West. In Lower Juba, the Ministry of Health is conducting health talks on the pandemic on both Radio and TV and is working with GIZ on sensitisation and awareness creation on PSS in Kismayo." 198832,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Ce 21/11/2020, 59 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 54 à Kinshasa, 3 au Kongo-Central, 1 à l’Equateur et 1 dans le Sud-Kivu (annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." 223005,45471.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Female-headed households, especially those in IDP camps, reported that they have had even more difficulty accessing services related to food and non-food items due to their marital status, and that men tend to have more access than women." 176982,41737.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf-azg.be/fr/news/rdc-r%C3%A9pondre-au-double-fardeau-du-covid19-%C3%A0-kinshasa,"MSF avance qu'un meilleur accès des centres de santé aux équipements de protection individuelle est primordial. Cela améliorerait la confiance des patients à se rendre dans les structures de soins et par ricochet, renforcerait les efforts visant à contenir la propagation du COVID-19, tout en fournissant les services médicaux essentiels." 415550,63975.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,17,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/sahel-amnesty-identifies-serbian-weapons-stockpiles-brutal-armed-groups,"the Czech Republic has reported transfers of 3,500 assault rifles and 10 sub-machine guns to Burkina Faso" 209802,44790.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Despite substantial investment in the treatment of acute malnutrition, seasonal FSNAU assessments show that for many years the prevalence of acute malnutrition has remained above Serious, particularly for pregnant and lactating women suffering high acute malnutrition, and children under 5 affected by life threatening severe malnutrition" 195598,43987.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/opinion/editorial/abrir-los-colegios-editorial-el-tiempo-550352,"Es verdad que en estas últimas semanas las instituciones privadas han comenzado a recibir alumnos en las aulas, siempre con la restricción del 35 por ciento máximo de aforo." 164224,39644.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"During the week, Shelter/NFI Sector partners distributed 15 NFI kits including blankets, floor mats, mosquito nets, solar lamps, and kitchen utensils, to quarantine centres in Nayapara and Camp 4 Extension." 226931,45087.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,17,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,Should support joint activities for caregivers and children leading to strengthened relationships and improved psycho-social well-being. 193851,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"De plus, près de 761 000 personnes en situation de déplacement (déplacés internes, réfugiés, retournés tchadiens) ont besoin d´assistance alimentaire combinée à des solutions durables, sachant que ce nombre pourrait augmenter en raison de l´insécurité en RCA, des exactions de groupes armés dans le bassin du lac Tchad et de l´instabilité au Soudan et dans la zone frontalière avec la Libye." 163839,34549.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Cash+ in the form of cash transfers and provision of agricultural inputs to small-scale farmers to cushion the impact of high input costs ahead of the wheat and barley seasons, which typically begin in October." 239735,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Approximately 81% of deaths occurred in males and 19% in females. 298759,52631.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"Le 26 mars, le Gouverneur de la province de Kinshasa, Gentiny Ngobila, précise les modalités du confinement. Il s’agira d’un « confinement total intermittent » commençant à partir du 28 mars, et alternant quatre jours de confinement total puis deux jours où les déplacements pour s’approvisionner seront autorisés, en rotation pendant trois semaines." 125301,32569.0,1621.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"In the vast majority of municipalities (93%) assessed in the last two weeks of April 2020, casual labour opportunities available to migrants were reported to have significantly reduced due to the mobility restrictions imposed and the resulting slowdown in the economic activity" 271902,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Au Niger, les régions les plus affectées par ces mouvements sont Diffa, Tahoua, Tillabéri et Maradi" 63204,18419.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.acnur.org/noticias/noticia/2019/4/5ca7819b4/las-personas-venezolanas-arriesgan-sus-vidas-y-sus-extremidades-por-buscar.html,"Las personas refugiadas y migrantes desafían inundaciones, bandidos y caminos traicioneros en su desesperada búsqueda por alimento, medicina y seguridad en Cúcuta." 147505,35128.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"AMMAN— The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) case-load in Syria has significantly spiked in the last two months, reaching 580 cases and 32 deaths across the country at the time of publishing, a 350 percent increase from the beginning of June." 358791,58665.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/High%2520Frequency%2520Survey%2520Report_Round1_2021_Final_Espa%25C3%25B1ol.pdf,"De las familias encuestadas se encuentran 950 niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) en edad escolar, de ellos, el 68% indicaron que se encontraban matriculados en el colegio mientras que el 26% mencionaron que los menores no lo estaban. El 6% restante no identificó respuesta." 156009,37795.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Putumayo%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%2009%20%281%20al%2020%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"El número aproximado de pruebas COVID-19 realizadas en el departamento es de 4.540. Recientemente, se ha instalado y aprobado el funcionamiento del primer laboratorio para el procesamiento de pruebas de COVID-19, está ubicado en el municipio de Puerto Asís" 124325,30176.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,El 59.5% de la población reporta que ha tenido dificultades para pagar el arriendo de sus viviendas desde que empezó el aislamiento. Tener una vivienda o poder pagar su arriendo es la segunda prioridad en cuanto a las necesidades básicas de la población que participó en la evaluación y es otra de las graves consecuencias debido a la pérdida de ingresos económicos de estas familias. 356107,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Las ciudades que tuvieron un mayor incremento en sus niveles de pobreza monetaria extrema durante 2020 fueron Bucaramanga, cuya tasa de pobreza monetaria extrema aumentó en 11,8 pps, y Cúcuta, en donde la pobreza se incrementó en 10,7 pps." 194220,43811.0,2330.0,[],[],[],es,33,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/mundo/devasta-huracan-iota-isla-caribena-deja-un-muerto,De las condiciones de los cerca de 5 mil pobladores de Providencia no se sabe mucho e incluso Duque advirtió que los datos que le suministró el alcalde Gari Hooker son preliminares. 105613,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"También es importante señalar que el Gobierno colombiano, a través de la Cancillería, ha dispuesto el Registro Único de Retornados (RUR), a través del cual las personas interesadas se registran para poder acogerse a los beneficios establecidos en la Ley 1565 de 2012, por medio de la cual se dictan disposiciones y se fijan incentivos para el retorno de los colombianos residentes en el extranjero." 41094,11894.0,729.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"All KIs reported that some residents of their baladiyas had gone missing as a result of the conflict in the 7 days prior to data collection. While some of these cases might have been due to kidnappings or political detention, others may have reflected the high numbers of individuals who remained in conflict areas with poor access to the electrical grid and phone network, making it difficult to use electronic devices or communicate with family members elsewhere. Evacuation to safe areas remained a priority." 136894,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,47,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"While cumulative RCCE efforts to date have reached over 12.5 million people, survey information, in addition to anecdotal evidence, suggests risk perception across Syria is very low and there has been considerable lack of adherence to individual preventive measures observed in some communities." 78383,21716.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,30,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,El exhaustivo trabajo expone los perfiles de los migrantes venezolanos que se integran a la fuerza laboral local y el impacto de esta incorporación en el sistema previsional argentino. 226974,46468.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] verified a total of 52 attacks on hospitals and health care personnel in the first nine months of 2020. These attacks [on hospitals and health care personnel] affect delivery of medical services at a time when the pandemic strains an already over-burdened healthcare system. 145390,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"On 16 April, WHO EMRO shared information indicating a man from Al-Hasakeh City who had been admitted to Qamishli National Hospital on 27 March had sadly died on 2 April." 301210,52845.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,80,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] There has been a drop in the number of road fatalities in the district with two deaths, there were however a number of serious accidents which did not result in fatalities including a UNHCR bus which crashed into a truck returning from the camps resulting in five serious injuries. Three host community children died in a fire in Chakaria and a boy died after falling out of tree." 260940,48984.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria]Currently, there are 3.4 million people in critical phases of food and nutrition insecurity in northeast Nigeria. This figure is projected to surpass 5.1 million in the 2021 lean season, which constitutes a 19 percent increase compared to the 2020 lean season." 394839,61263.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/02/05/diputados-udi-piden-interrumpir-receso-legislativo-por-crisis-migratoria-en-zona-norta.shtml,"Los diputados hicieron referencia a los comportamientos que en la vía pública han tenido los ciudadanos extranjeros, señalando que muchos han mantenido conductas violentas y agresivas, tomándose incluso por la fuerza algunas propiedades privadas." 184639,42263.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRSY005do.pdf,"[22nd October 2020,Overall Syria] As of 22 October 2020, a total 5,267 cases of Covid-19 have been registered in country, with 260 deaths and 1,655 recoveries, according to MOH." 164366,39786.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,49,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/unicef-provides-health-and-nutrition-children-and-mothers-rural-hama,"In 2020, thanks to a generous funding from Japan, UNICEF through its clinic in Suran, has reached 51,000 children under the age of 15 with immunization, consultations and medicines. It also reached 1,800 pregnant and lactating women with consultations and much needed medicines." 293861,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,89,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In all ethnic groups, men control all the family's strategic assets (land, livestock, money, children's education, access to health care, etc.) and, as a result, have full decision-making authority over these aspects. As for the woman, she controls domestic utensils, the management of daily food rations, water and household hygiene. Adolescent girls are also largely excluded from family and community decision-making and have seldom options to ensure they are heard." 151368,37912.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_10_august_2020.pdf,"In Barishal, Screening is very low in IMCI-N corner at facility level and admission also low due to the current COVID -19 situation. 4 Upazilas IMCI -N corner still closed due to shortage of Doctor and Nurse due to suspect for COVID." 295111,52363.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"The preventative isolation measures and accompanying suspension of services largely explains why only 34 (1.5 per cent) of the 2,289 children under 5 included in the assessment are attending a community home, kindergarten, child development center or school." 299520,51194.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Violence against humanitarians was driven by robberies, abductions as well as threats and intimidations. While the number of robberies remained relatively stable with 92 incidents recorded in 2020, compared to 81 in 2019, the number of abductions as well as threats and intimidations doubled from 2019 to 2020." 174460,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,60,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]YEAR OF DISPLACEMENT FOR RETURNEES Thirty-seven per cent of returnees (same as previous round) stated 2016 as their year of displacement. Thirty per cent of returnees said they were displaced in the year 2015 (no change from the findings of the last round of assessment)." 306771,53161.0,2466.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"On December 22, the UN Security Council (UNSC) voted to terminate the UNAMID mandate, effective December 31. As of January 2, demonstrations and sit-ins continued in IDP camps in Darfur, while solidarity protests took place in El Gezira, North Darfur, North Kordofan, River Nile, and South Darfur states demanding the extension of the UNAMID mandate." 164361,39786.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/unicef-provides-health-and-nutrition-children-and-mothers-rural-hama,"a health worker and one of the 10-member medical team at the UNICEF-supported clinic in Suran, established in 2018 following respite in violence in rural Hama." 186412,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,54,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Similar fragmentation of armed groups occurred in Western Equatoria State’s Yambio County and Central Equatoria’s Morobo County in recent weeks, jeopardizing humanitarian access due to heightened insecurity. The UN and humanitarian partners are verifying the number of displaced persons and assessing humanitarian needs resulting from the violence." 276964,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] 53% [des entreprises] signalent une baisse des recettes ce mois-ci par rapport à la même période l’année dernière, contre 65% le mois dernier" 149592,31163.0,1388.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,89,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/II%20Annual%20Report%20of%20the%20Regional%20Comprehensive%20Protection%20%26%20Solutions%20Framework%20%28MIRPS%292019.pdf,"Costa Rica plays a significant role as a country of asylum for people from all displacement situations in the region. Hence, the quantity of formal asylum claims has increased by 44.4% between 2013 (958) and 2014 (1,384), by 59.2% between 2014 and 2015 (2,203), by 102.9% between 2015 and 2016 (4,470), by 41.8% between 2016 and 2017 (6,337) and by 341.7% between 2017 and 2018 (27,993)." 358512,58562.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,128,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Lockdowns and restrictions have been introduced in three waves, broadly tracking with the key moments in the spread of the disease: 1) a first round of restrictions from late March to early May 2020, corresponding to the global declaration of the pandemic and the first cases and deaths in Nigeria, 2) a second round of restrictions in June 2020, corresponding to first wave of increasing cases, 3) targeted restrictions during and after the Christmas holidays, corresponding to the second wave of increasing cases in November 2020, and 4) new restrictions in May 2021, which were driven by concerns about the spread of new variants of the coronavirus." 85594,20173.0,1233.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,33,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,https://www.dw.com/es/migraci%C3%B3n-venezolana-en-aruba-estamos-a-punto-de-oprimir-el-bot%C3%B3n-rojo/a-51039637,"En esta isla neerlandófona, a sólo 25 kilómetros de la costa occidental venezolana, el flujo masivo comenzó hace tres años. Entretanto, son el 13% de la población." 413958,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The commonest problem faced while taking telemedicine services was around seven out of ten individuals could not express their symptoms adequately (68.8%). The lack of physical signature on prescription was the next most common problem for these patients (37.5%). Comparatively high fees charged for telemedicine services was another important issue (18.8%)." 13336,5562.0,322.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302703414,"""Al Jumhuriyah Hospital was looted and destroyed by Houthi militias but was reopened in 2015 following UAE efforts to restore the hospital's basic infrastructure and provision of medical equipment and supplies. Refurbishment works encompassed the restoration of 18 clinics, which have so far have provided necessary medical attention to 120,000 individuals since its reopening,"" said Dr Tarek Mzaida, Deputy Director of the hospital." 204305,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,72% des ménages [de Niamey] rapportent avoir consommé des aliments moins préférés et moins chers au cours des 7 derniers jours. 208740,43347.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,28,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Furthermore, these explosive hazards inhibit civilians from collecting water or firewood, cultivating land, attending school and receiving health care, among other daily needs." 474171,67247.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,45,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210719_acaps_humanitarian_access_overview_july_2021.pdf,"Humanitarian access constraints continue to be very high, particularly in Ituri, North Kivu, and South Kivu provinces, because of increasing attacks targeting civilians. Insecurity and transport difficulties caused by limited infrastructure disrupt people’s access to basic services." 315489,54311.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,85,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"El espacio adecuado como albergue temporal en el Coliseo municipal, es el único con el que cuenta el ente territorial para atención de emergencias; no obstante, se requiere reparación de las baterías sanitarias, y corregir las filtraciones de agua filtración de corrientes de aire; este lugar no cuenta con duchas, pero si cuenta con un espacio para el lavado de ropa, una cocina que ha sido adecuada con una estufa industrial, gas y menaje de cocina." 574,156.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Concerning issues faced upon returns, 62.3% of returnee households reported that they had returned to damaged shelters, sometimes contaminated by explosive hazards. They also often did not have access to most basic services such as financial services or healthcare. High proportions of both IDP and returnee households reported having at least one member displaying signs of psychological distress with respectively 39.0% and 46.7% including at least one member displaying two or more signs." 239736,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As of June 04, 872 healthcare workers were infected with COVID-19 in the country which accounts to 4.6% of total infections and 13 deaths which accounts to 4.2% of total deaths due to COVID19." 131800,34344.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,204,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las consideraciones de protección, incluyendo género, edad y diversidad, así como la rendición de cuentas a las poblaciones afectadas, fueron incluidas como consideraciones transversales en los análisis de las necesidades (82%) y la presentación de actividades (88%), y muchas organizaciones han incluido una planificación integral en términos de provisión de datos y mecanismos de retroalimentación. Los refugiados, inmigrantes y comunidades de acogida estarán involucrados en la planificación y entrega de servicio de este plan. Con la expansión de actividades, los socios están buscando incrementar sus mecanismos de retroalimentación en la comunidad en los servicios que tienen el soporte de los aportes de refugiados y migrantes, incluyendo en la conducta de los proveedores de servicios, para acciones positivas y contradictorias. Una parte clave de integrar la protección en el 2020 será fortalecer los mecanismos de prevención y respuesta de la explotación sexual y abuso en cada actividad y por cada organización, así como fortalecer su capacidad en los conceptos de integración relacionados con la rendición de cuentas, mejores prácticas en programación y focalización con un enfoque en inequidad de género, protección del menor." 39170,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Non-displaced Libyan women face greater obstacles in their movement due to increased fear of kidnapping while the recently displaced Libyan women cannot move freely due to ongoing fighting and fear of robbery. On the other hand, the main movement risks non-Libyan women face are: risk of ongoing fighting and road blockages." 113068,29959.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Se apoya el desarrollo de un espacio de articulación con más de 20 educadores de 6 municipios del departamento de Arauca para la identificación de retos en el acceso a la educación en sus comunidades, soluciones innovadoras para superar las barreras y puntos de coordinación con los miembros del GIFMM." 384811,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Ces incidents rapportés de janvier à fin juin 2021, renseignent 438 personnes décédées et 762 blessées. Au mois de juin 2021, 354 incidents ont été rapportés avec 302 personnes blessées et 196 décès suite aux attaques des groupes armés non identifiés." 353092,57614.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"la fecha Colombia reporta 3.432.422 casos (25.966 casos nuevos en las últimas 24h) con un incremento nacional del 0,4% en las últimas 24h y 89.297 defunciones (523 en las últimas 24 Horas) con un aumento nacional del 0,6% en las últimas 24h." 223669,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"There is risk of vaccine preventable diseases outbreak such as measles, polio among others due to lack EPI services at Motoronyo village." 242493,47618.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,162,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] Based on the aforementioned issues mentioned, Professor J S Rajput shared his insights on how to tackle this situation in order to get the highest return that will benefit all the stakeholders in this sector. He said, “My experience tells me, the highest return will come if you invest in the teachers. If a teacher is willing to continuously grow, that will make all the difference.” He also believes that if the relationship between a learner and a teacher is established on a one to one basis, then a lot of tension between these two participants will be reduced. On the other hand, the results from a survey conducted by Alokito Teachers under Alokito Hridoy Foundation on a pool of 268 teachers to know about the kind of support teachers need to continue with the teaching-learning activities in Covid-19 highlighted some key issues." 19298,7910.0,730.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'WASH']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",en,89,[],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"Armed clashes and airstrikes were reported in several districts of Sa’ada Governorate including Kitaf wa Al Boq’ele Baqim, Razih, Adh Dhaher and As Safra. In Al Jawf Governorate, armed clashes reportedly continued in Al Maslub, Khabb wa ash Sha’af, Al Maton, Barat Al Anan and Al Ghayl districts. A water project used by about 250 households in Sahar District was damaged along with houses and farms. Casualties were reported but numbers are unknown." 189697,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"En 2018, plus de 100 morts résultant de ces conflits ont été enregistrés. Depuis le début de l´année 2019, l´Est du Tchad est de nouveau le théâtre d´affrontements meurtriers avec au moins neuf conflits recensés entre plusieurs communautés qui ont causé la mort d´une centaine d´individus et le déplacement forcé de 5 500 personnes." 308171,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"During the reporting period, nutrition partners provided assistance for 586 under-five children and 318 pregnant and lactating women through 10 static nutritional facilities, 4 outreach sites and 1 stabilization centre." 70694,20012.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,93,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"On 7 May 2019, this same workshop was hit by an airstrike, throwing a large piece of metal debris into the air which fell through the roof of the detention centre. At the time, Amnesty International called on all parties to put an end to actions which could endanger civilians in general and detained migrants and refugees in particular, specifically calling for the release of detained migrants and refugees and for measures to ensure their safety, including moving them to another facility away from military targets." 474736,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,37,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Déplacements secondaires : ce sont 02 mouvements de cette nature, généralement motivés par la recherche de meilleures conditions de sécurité dans les zones d’accueil, qui ont été observés dans les deux provinces." 113111,29959.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"GIFMM Valle del Cauca • Continúa la articulación con la Secretaría de Integración Social de Palmira y el apoyo técnico para la definición de una ruta de atención a población refugiada y migrante en el municipio, con base a las metas señaladas en el plan de desarrollo." 206920,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"More than 4.3 million children (47% girls) > 6 years enrolled in 17,551 primary schools (of which 66% public) and almost 1.8 million (40% girls) secondary school students enrolled in 3,950 schools (30% private) have seen their school year end abruptly due to the COVID-19 pandemic prevention measures put in place by the Government." 189997,43443.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,4 395 cas de protection ont été enregistrés au premier semestre 2020 dans cette zone et les cas de violences sexuelles ont particulièrement augmenté. 407127,63699.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,92,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigerians-awaiting-second-dose-astrazeneca-vaccine-heave-sigh-relief-soon,"[19th August 2021, Nigeria]The COVAX facility, the vaccines pillar of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, is co-led by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, WHO and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), working in partnership with UNICEF, the World Bank, civil society organizations, manufacturers, and others. It is the only global initiative that is working with governments and manufacturers to ensure COVID-19 vaccines are available worldwide to both high-income and lower-income countries." 308588,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"GBV partners have launched a one-stop centre in Kuajok State Hospital, supported by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare to facilitate referrals. GBV partners provided comprehensive case management support to 21 individuals. A total of 1,500 dignity kits have been pre-positioned in Tonj South for distribution by partners." 343861,56755.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,35,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PROTECTION%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf,"Unprecedented travel and mobility restrictions intended to prevent the spread of COVID19 have impacts which have led to an environment where refugees and migrants are abused and exploited, particularly those in irregular situations." 335513,46379.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,21,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Overall low literacy rate of 31·74% has affected community awareness of public health, sanitation, and hygiene practices ." 147886,36039.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Enhanced WASH interventions also continue. Following the joint UN-agency awareness campaign across all phases, daily awareness sessions continue. Food, NFI and Hygiene kit distributions are taking place on a two-month rotation." 237847,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"el país se encuentra en situación de seguridad para malaria, con una tendencia a la disminución en las notificaciones de casos con respecto al mismo corte epidemiológico del 2019, como lo muestra el canal endémico" 425347,64291.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Toutes les groupes de discussion et des personnes enquêtées confirment la charité des prix de matières de premières nécessités (mil, maïs, huile, haricot, riz, sorgho, etc.). Par contre, cette évaluation ne comprend pas une étude de marché qui permettrait d’avoir des informations spécifiques sur la disponibilité et prix des différents biens alimentaires et non alimentaires." 277260,50610.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March, 2021, Overall Syria] Food prices have persistently increased nearly every month in the past year, and are currently at record levels. Current projections indicate a likely further deterioration of the food security situation ahead, with possible longer-term, entrenched consequences, including the likely increase of acute and chronic malnutrition." 173799,40839.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, Borno] A high of 57 per cent (or 1,211,116) IDPs were residing with host communities while the remaining 43 per cent (907,434) were living in 300 camps and camp-like settlements, with majority or 234 (up from 229 sites in the last round of assessment) in the worst affected State of Borno. Out of the 300 camps and camp-like settlements, 95 per cent were spontaneous, 4 per cent were planned and less than 1 per cent were designated for relocation." 490677,67388.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Although food distribution points have handwashing facilities, this is not the case for informal markets inside and outside camps where social distancing is not widely followed." 266931,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"In Burkina Faso, popular protests have accelerated since 2018 over everything from living conditions to mass displacement and insecurity, as citizens excoriate a government that, in turn, is increasingly resorting to repression and the use of vigilantes." 163764,34165.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,46,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,Algunas ciudades con afectaciones mayores en el número de casos y la falta de disponibilidad de UCI han tomado medidas de cuarentena estricta y alerta roja: En Bogotá se entró en cuarentena estricta por localidades desde del 13 de julio hasta el 23 de agosto 359100,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Farmers in NES traditionally cultivate wheat and barley. Barley crops are almost exclusively rain fed and predominantly consumed by livestock. Wheat crops are both rainfed and irrigated with softer varieties of wheat relying on irrigation as they are less drought-resistant. Rain fed barley and wheat crops cover some 700,000 hectares or an estimated 70% of agricultural land in NES. Rain fed crops are planted across the first four agricultural stability zones, which receive more rainfall. Irrigated areas make up over 300,000 hectares and are concentrated along the Euphrates river in the 4th and 5th agricultural stability zones, which comprise desert and pastoral grazing land." 293523,51589.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,110,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,"One INGO member mentioned that they do not conduct cash distributions in a certain province as they have found that this is a significant pull-factor for people to flood into camps. Therefore, they changed the distribution modality to providing in-kind resources, as “people will walk a few hours to receive cash, but not to receive resources if they are not actually in need”. Although it makes sense to prevent people who are not in need from travelling to distribution sites, humanitarian actors should also be careful that the ones truly in need are not unnecessarily burned with transporting resources back home." 113090,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Se realiza la articulación para la entrega de ayuda alimentaria y kits de higiene en el municipio de Puerto Colombia. 326172,55014.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]The IDPs currently displaced across north-east Nigeria were employed in a variety of different sectors prior to their displacement. Thirty-three per cent of surveyed households stated that they were farmers, and 26 per cent of respondents said that they were active in agro pastoralism. Twenty-three per cent of the IDPs earned a living through petty trading while 5 per cent were pastoralists prior to their displacement. Six per cent of IDPs were daily labourers and 3 per cent were fishermen." 179244,42005.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,102,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AE%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B6-%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%AF-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A3%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D9%84%D9%81%D8%AD%D8%B5-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%BA%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A-%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7,"[October 24, NWS, shortage in health equipment] The Early Warning and Epidemic Response Network of the Association Coordination Unit (ACU) announced that the number of Corona virus examination swabs currently available in northwest Syria has decreased sharply. The network said in a statement today that due to the pressure on its laboratories as a result of the rapid increase in the number of suspected cases of Coronavirus in the regions of Al-Bab, Idlib and Afrin, we had to consume a large amount of swabs suddenly, with the consumption of stockpiles now." 240990,47675.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"A Government-led first response has been initiated and the most vulnerable households have received food kits, tarpaulins and mats. Interventions are also being carried out to strengthen the dyke in order to prevent additional flooding." 39186,13749.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,121,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"As the safety situation has been deteriorated, it is reported that Tawerghan IDPs developed different coping mechanism strategies to be able to meet their basic needs in this emergency situation. According to Tawerghan key informants, members of their community either took additional jobs to meet their basic needs or started to spend their savings. Their current gaps, and highest priority need (according to the assessment) is food, followed by access to drinking water and health care services. It is also reported by Tawerghan key informants that the reason why they cannot access to needed services is either lack of service provision or safety risks associated with access to/presence at facilities." 392423,61904.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56999711,"Solo entre enero de 2018 y enero de 2021, ha habido más de 35.400 ingresos por pasos clandestinos, lo que representa el 79% del total de las entradas irregulares desde 2010." 237266,47095.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]Distributed COVID-19 IPC commodities to SSH molecular diagnostic laboratory, SSH, FMC Nguru isolation centers, GH Potiskum, and GH Gashua. Distributed PPEs and IEC materials to the IPC, Surveillance, POE, and Risk Communication teams." 310585,53068.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"ES/NF Cluster : 12% that is 40m required, 5m funded, 35m unmet. [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 280795,50914.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"To better assess the scale of this recent displacement, UNHCR has started a registration exercise in coordination with the Chadian authorities. As of 26 January 2020, 11,030 were pre-registered, a vast majority of them children, women and elderlies. This process includes medical screenings to identify those in need of immediate assistance and protection monitoring to inform planning and ensure all specific needs are address in the scale up of the emergency refugee response." 164364,39786.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/unicef-provides-health-and-nutrition-children-and-mothers-rural-hama,"In Suran, northern rural Hama, UNICEF has been reaching children and mothers with health and nutrition services despite COVID-19 challenges." 489282,67673.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247612,"[4 September 2021, Aleppo, GoS] Preparations are underway at the airport of Armenian capital, Yerevan for the first plane to take off from Yerevan to Aleppo International Airport in Syria. This flight marks the return of air traffic between the two friendly countries, which has been suspended since 2011." 164012,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,97,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Barreras y limitaciones • En Colombia, los casos de coronavirus se encuentran en un aumento exponencial tanto en casos como en territorios. Sin embargo, según de la información consagrada en el Financial Tracking System (FTS) de los 8.8 Millones de USD requeríos para responder a esta emergencia el sector WASH solo ha recibido la suma de 329.632 USD lo cual es el 3.8 por ciento de los requerimientos iniciales. Debido al papel fundamental de las acciones de WASH para la prevención del contagio, se deben gestionar mayores recursos financieros." 80569,22071.0,1388.0,[],[],[],es,31,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.elnacional.com/mundo/costa-rica-repatria-a-ocho-personas-debido-a-crisis-en-venezuela/,La Cancillería explicó que el retorno de los costarricenses se debe a «la situación sociopolítica y económica que atraviesa Venezuela; los compatriotas ya no contaban con recursos». 209672,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Serious protection concerns exist in Somalia due to widespread conflict compounded by climatic shocks, forcing many people to flee and exposing them to multiple risks." 64789,19061.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"“No hay cómo ayudarlos, si el Gobierno Nacional no nos ayuda vamos a colapsar. Tenemos el doble de la población censada de origen venezolano.No hemos recibido ninguna ayuda para los indígenas que provienen de ese país y, lastimosamente, solo hay 5 millones de pesos en todo un año para atender a los indígenas”, reclama." 347595,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] It is reported that COVID-19 has exacerbated the incidence of GBV cases in the camps even further due to a series of factors like reduced presence of humanitarian actors, increase fear, tensions among the population and emerging of negative coping mechanisms, such as survival sex." 163141,39065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_30_august_2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"Over 20, 000 caregivers were sensitized with messages on COVID-19 by UNICEF VCMs in 20 LGAs in Borno State. Messages focus on voluntary sample testing, timely reporting of cases and de-stigmatization" 239741,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As a whole, on average CFR [Case Fatality Ratio] is 2% because in first month there was no death which led to zero fatality. However, since record of first case of death on 22nd March the average CFR is 1.63%." 297417,51172.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"9,900 People displaced by conflict as of 14 February in 2021." 386447,60870.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se requiere desinfección de los diferentes espacios en el lugar de alojamiento temporal con el fin de reducir la presencia de vectores, limpieza y evacuación de aguas contaminadas." 126675,29029.0,1620.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,50,[],['Information And Communication'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigeria-drives-routine-immunization-amid-covid-19,"Community sensitization programmes on routine vaccinations have also been scaled up in recent weeks, and have included door to door dissemination of important information materials. These programmes have also entailed consistent engagements with traditional and religious leaders, who play a key role in mobilizing their communities." 490566,67789.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Response: • Water quality monitoring and testing is ongoing across over 200 water sources in hotspot areas of the state, with corrective actions such as chlorination being implemented." 113116,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Siguen las actividades de atención e información a través de 38 líneas telefónica para casos de rutas de acceso a derechos, protección de la niñez, violencia sexual, violencia basada en género, trata de personas y pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y/o críticas, así como atención psicosocial y primeros auxilios psicológicos." 243462,47668.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"Following the rupture of a dyke along the Logone river in N’Djamena on 29 October, up to an estimated 3,000 new households have been affected." 437750,64217.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Los datos indican que el 9% ha padecido la enfermedad por el virus. 152711,37924.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours de cette période, trois cas de COVID-19 ont été enregistrés à Fada N’Gourma, chef lieu de la région de l’est et cela pourrait entrainer des risques de contamination avec les contournement des voies officielles par les voyageurs qui échappent aux examens, contrôles et services médicaux et hygiéniques mis en place au niveau des postes frontières officiels." 112264,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,122,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"El uso del lenguaje y los símbolos de comunicación es muy importante para la identidad social, como parte de las normas del lenguaje propio, y se convierte en indicador de afiliación con subgrupos dentro de la cultura venezolana general. Como se mencionó anteriormente, los niños se vuelven silenciosos debido a la sensibilidad al sonido, y no pueden evitar transformar su lenguaje. Algunos padres ven esta acomodación con un sentido de pérdida que les recuerda de dónde vienen. Causar este anhelo o escuchar a sus padres que todo este sufrimiento de la migración es para buscar una mejor vida para ellos, puede hacer que los niños se sientan a la vez amados y culpables." 227465,46523.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,46,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elvenezolanocolombia.com/2020/12/migracion-forzada-mantiene-a-839-059-ninos-venezolanos-alejados-de-sus-padres-en-2020/,"Decir que las principales cuidadoras son madres y abuelas, representa una lectura de género que supone una mayor necesidad de apoyo frente a la doble vulnerabilidad de estas producto de la migración de sus familiares y por su condición de mujeres en sociedades patriarcales." 356591,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Hasta ahora, hemos confirmado que 34 de estas muertes ocurrieron en el contexto de las protestas, incluidas las de dos policías, un investigador judicial y 31 manifestantes o transeúntes, de los cuales al menos 20 parecen haber muerto a manos de policías. Personas armadas vestidas de civil también han atacado a manifestantes y han causado la muerte de por lo menos cinco de ellos." 141663,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,128,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"To date, WHO has delivered more than 2.5 million personal protection equipment (PPE) items, including surgical masks, gloves, reusable heavy-duty aprons, gowns, head covers, alcohol hand-rubs, medical masks, goggles and coveralls, and alcohol hand-rubs. In the reporting period, UNICEF also provided PPE to hospitals in Damascus and Rural Damascus, including 77,500 surgical masks, 4,850 hands sanitizers, 7,200 disposable non-woven surgical caps, and 1,550 boxes of 100 glove pairs. UNICEF, including in its capacity as the WASH cluster lead, continues to engage with partners to strengthen IPC in healthcare facilities, schools and learning spaces, youth centres and communities, in addition to regular WASH services." 387378,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,100,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Las cifras de la siguiente tabla acreditan la mayor importancia del empleo femenino en la gran empresa, siendo el tipo de empresa que emplea en mayor proporción a mujeres, con un 39,7%. Cabe consignar que este es un rasgo que se viene observando en todas las encuestas laborales desde el año 2008. En ese año la participación laboral de mujeres en las grandes empresas alcanzó al 35,1%, en 2011 subió a 40,9% y en 2014 se situó en 41,1% (Dirección del Trabajo, 2009, 2012, 2016)." 206713,43347.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,The Service Availability Readiness Assessment (SARA) conducted across the country in 2019 shows that service availability readiness stands at 37 per cent with suboptimal implementation of the basic package of health and nutrition 166384,39992.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:q54CBLzNy3AJ:https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syria-coronavirus-outbreak-doctors/2020/09/24/95d9323a-fcea-11ea-b0e4-350e4e60cc91_story.html+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=jo,"Syrians in government-held areas have been airing their public health grievances on Facebook, the preferred social media platform. In one coronavirus-focused group, someone questioned the official decision to reopen schools. Another person from the city of Aleppo said he didn’t have money to buy enough masks for his child to go to school five days a week." 70690,20012.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,83,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"The GNA ousted IS and allied groups from their strongholds of Sirte in 2016, and the LNA similarly won their campaign against IS-affiliated groups in Benghazi in 2017 and in Derna in 2018 – with assistance from US air strikes. However, IS groups remain in the far south of the country. They have continued to carry out sporadic attacks, and in turn have been targeted by US air strikes, in coordination with Libya’s Government." 163571,39454.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,89,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_9_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Decreto 417 (17.03.2020): Se declara estado de emergencia económica, social y ecológica en todo el territorio Nacional. Circular 001 (17.03.2020): El Consejo Comunitario del Rio Baudó y sus afluentes (ACABA) dicta medidas de prevención por COVID-19 a Consejos Comunitarios locales, territorios colectivos y organizaciones humanitarias. Decreto 0081 (20.03.2020): Se declara calamidad pública para el departamento. Circular 008 (10.04.2020): Se conforma la mesa para la coordinación y entrega de ayudas humanitarias" 136837,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,128,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 3 August, 36 people with COVID-19 have been identified in NWS, with the first positive result recorded in Bab Al- Hawa on 9 July. Of these, 19 were from Idleb and 17 were from Aleppo. Since 9 July, 20 patients have recovered while 16 cases remain active. To date, 32 cases developed mild symptoms and 4 cases were asymptomatic. Out of total 36 cases, 23 (64 per cent) have recovered, with 3 cases having recovered in the past 24 hours. As of 3 August, a total of 1,551 samples have been tested since reporting of the first case from NWS, with a test positivity rate of 2.3 per cent." 205235,43347.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Across the flooded counties, more than 3 million people needed assistance even before the rains. More than 60 per cent of the floodaffected counties were classified as facing extreme levels of acute malnutrition in 2019." 173031,40676.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,57,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Dans ce contexte, de nouveaux besoins humanitaires ont émergé en matière de préparation et réponse aux urgences face à l’épidémie de COVID-19, en particulier le renforcement de l’accès à l’eau, hygiène et assainissement et aux services essentiels de santé et de protection dans les zones de déplacement." 197487,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,102,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"At the same time, South Sudan has seen progress regarding certain legal instruments, especially related for forced displacement. South Sudan ratified the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol in 2018, and these instruments came into force in 2019. Also, in 2019, South Sudan acceded to the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa, also known as the Kampala Convention. It is the world’s first and only regional legally binding instrument for the protection and assistance of IDPs." 262252,49498.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/443530-covid-19-nigeria-records-869-new-cases-eight-more-deaths.html,"[17th Feb 2020,Nigeria] Lagos had the highest toll in Wednesday’s tally with 229 new cases; followed by Rivers and the Taraba with 79 and 73 infections respectively. Of the over 149,000 new cases, a total of 125,722 patients have recovered across the country." 219183,45748.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Protection services are providing support to 54 000 people with general protection, 80 000 with GBV support, and 71 000 with child protection support." 304848,53078.0,2333.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Depuis le 5 juillet 2018, le pays fait face à une épidémie de choléra qui a affecté 3751 personnes et causé 74 décès (létalité 2%) au 14 octobre. Par rapport à la même période en 2017, 1 seul cas de choléra avait été enregistré." 199343,43120.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,89,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://forbes.co/2020/11/06/actualidad/migracion-las-claves-para-que-se-sume-a-la-reactivacion-del-pais/,"La investigación de Raddar, además, hace una caracterización de la población migrante, con lo que se dan pistas sobre los desafíos que se tienen para la inclusión de esta comunidad.Hay dos tendencias claras sobre por qué llegan a Colombia. El 39 % señala que busca una estabilidad laboral para su hogar y el 38 % dice que atravesó la frontera para reunificar a la familia en territorio colombiano.En lo que tiene que ver con las oportunidades laborales, estas son precarias para dicha población." 183254,41882.0,1187.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,152,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"Maximiliano is 24 years old, a senior nursing student at the Argentine Red Cross Superior Institute in Salta, a province located in the northwest of Argentina that borders Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay. He is also responsible for the humanitarian camp of the Argentine Red Cross in Salta, where he and his colleagues support 800 indigenous families of Wichis, Toba and Chorote ethnicities every day. The project started at the beginning of the year due to the declaration of an emergency following the death of 10 indigenous children from malnutrition and lack of access to water. According to Maximiliano, “it was at this time when the Argentine Red Cross decided to implement a humanitarian camp to provide health care, food and drinking water to indigenous families affected by malnutrition and drought, and to support the development of their capacities”." 130786,33838.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,27,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Declaración de Emergencia Sanitaria el 12 de marzo en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 30 de mayo de 2020 (Resolución 385 de 2020). 286913,51627.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,51,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Participants used words such as “starve”, “survive”, or “all the money I have” to accentuate the threat of extended curfew or lockdown. “If we sit at home, we will starve to death”" 96410,26814.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Update-Abusliem_2020-04-09_0%20%281%29.pdf,"Most IDP families are reportedly staying with host families and in rented accommodations. Humanitarian priority needs in displacement locations include food and non-food items, followed by WASH and health assistance." 492385,67938.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/logcluster-production-files/public/2021-09/Logistics%20Cluster_Syria_Aleppo_Meeting_Minutes_210901.pdf,"[Aleppo, Syria] National Informal Market Average up to July 2021 stood at SYP 2,086 per Litre. This represents a 29% increase over June 2021." 415368,64087.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Colombia-sigue-aumentando-el-porcentaje-de-disponibilidad-UCI.aspx,"El director indicó que la semana del 12 de junio, presentando una disponibilidad del 12 %, fue cuando tuvimos la disponibilidad más baja de camas UCI de este trimestre. ""A partir de ese momento ha venido una tendencia paulatina en la que las camas disponibles han aumentado y, a la fecha, el porcentaje de disponibilidad está en 45 % a nivel nacional"", sostuvo." 267895,49804.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Northeast Syria reported the highest terms of trade of sheep and wheat flour at 360 kg/ sheep (down two percent m-o-m), followed by the crossborder region at 330 kg/sheep (down four percent m-o-m). On the other hand, northwest Syria reported the lowest ToT at 248 kg/sheep (unchanged m-o-m), followed by the middle region at 291 kg/sheep (up three percent m-o-m)." 224248,45763.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Recommandations : Approvisionnement les Centres de Santé en intrants (anti paludéens et antibiotiques) / Appuyer les districts sanitaires dans la vaccination dans les zones B /. /Renforcer les centres de santé et les hôpitaux en médicaments antipaludiques et autres médicaments essentiels / Organiser de séances de vaccination en stratégies avancées dans les villages touchés 320128,53234.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Contact Tracing']",en,114,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] In total, and since the outbreak began, 10 deaths due to Confirmed COVID-19 have been reported in the camps with a case fatality ratio of 2.3%. A camp wise dedicated Contact Tracing (CT) network (34 supervisors and 311 volunteers) has been embedded in the Rapid Investigation and Response Teams (RIRTs) for COVID-19. A total of 432 confirmed cases (out of 438 to date) have been investigated by RIRTs by 28 March, with contact tracing activities being conducted and captured through Go.data, including the 1674 contacts to be followed up." 275672,50677.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,33% de la population de la région de l’Extrême-Nord est en situation d’insécurité alimentaire. 202433,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In Nyal, Panyijiar County, community members spoke of how the drivers behind the practice have changed since the conflict started in 2013 and estimated that some 70 per cent of girls were married before turning 18, a significantly higher rate than the national pre-conflict average of 45 per cent" 359670,58464.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,79,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] People in 34% of the communities reportedly relied on drinking water stored previously in order to cope with a lack of water. This coping strategy can lead to health risks if the drinking water is stored contaminated tanks – often the case in IDP camps. The risk is also heightened during summer months due to the tanks’ exposure to high temperatures, which enhance the growth of microorganisms." 155252,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,32,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los brotes de xenofobia han aumentado durante este tiempo pues algunas poblaciones receptoras señalan a la población venezolana de ser transmisores del COVID-19, especialmente a quienes se encuentran en tránsito." 188157,43352.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,29,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"As of 02 November 2020, 187 incidents of violence causing 468 civilian deaths were documented by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)." 165559,39662.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,94,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"All the waste workers we interviewed had already heard about COVID-19 or coronavirus. Access to electronic media is widespread amongst respondents. 85% of workers heard about this deadly virus from radio and television. Word of mouth is reported as the next most common way of receiving information about the virus. Although many organisation, including the government, invested a lot of money on printing and distributing posters and leaflets, these means were not reported as major sources of information on COVID-19 for sanitation and waste workers." 168447,40018.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3672769,The Pan American Health Organization/WHO is working with the Ministry of Social Development in Argentina to provide training and informational material to six community organizations to educate them on how to limit the spread of COVID-19. WHO is also providing protective products such as hydroalcoholic gel as part of the assistance. 385622,60457.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"En outre, les prix du bétail ont été marqués par une augmentation dans les quatre régions. Au Nord et au Sahel, les prix des caprins et des ovins connaissent une augmentation de plus de 10 pour cent comparés aux prix normaux. Les prix des bovins et des sous-produits agroindustriels restent stables comparés à une situation normale en début de période de soudure pastorale, notamment grâce aux interventions de l’État et de ses partenaires, sauf au Centre-Nord où les prix sont jugés inaccessibles pour la grande majorité des éleveurs pauvres." 46792,16191.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,23,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/avoiding-next-tragedy-libya,"Less than one percent of the estimated population of refugees and migrants in Libya are in detention centers—approximately 5,600 people in total." 454470,64224.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Context->Politics'],es,34,['Priority Needs'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Respecto a esta pregunta las entrevistadas manifiestan que ahora el gobierno está abocado a atender la emergencia de salud y no realiza acciones en la lucha contra la violencia hacia la población LGTBIQ. 227070,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Suicide and complex attacks caused 426 civilian casualties (69 killed and 357 injured) between 1 January and 30 September 2020, a drop of 76 per cent in comparison to the same period last year. UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] attributed a similar number of civilian casualties from suicide IEDs [Improvised Explosive Devices] to the Taliban and ISIL-KP [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Khorosan Province], respectively, during the first nine months of 2020, with the remainder attributed to undetermined Anti-Government Elements." 304202,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Following attacks on South Sudanese refugees in certain neighborhoods in Khartoum on 5-6 June 2019, over 7,000 South Sudanese refugees fled to ‘Open Areas’ in Khartoum and camps in White Nile State" 417555,64197.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Environment'],es,57,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"En Dibulla se produjo el desbordamiento de 3 ríos (Río Ancho, Río Jeréz y Río Cañas) afectando las viviendas y los medios de vida de habitantes de los corregimientos de Mingueo y Rio Ancho. Por ahora se conoce de 56 familias afectadas en las veredas El Cerro y el Limonar de Dibulla." 342501,56610.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 16% de los grupos reportaron haber estado expuestos a riesgos en Colombia, principalmente a robos o hurtos (93 grupos), violencia �sica (29 grupos), in�midación o amenaza (14 grupos), y trato degradante (6 grupos)." 189718,43300.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Près de 18,8% des filles étaient scolarisées en 2016 au niveau moyen contre 40,7% des garçons. De cet effectif, le taux d´achèvement scolaire des filles au niveau moyen est de 9,4% tandis que celui des garçons est de 25%9." 308345,53292.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There are over 69,000 IDPs displaced in 5 payams in Tonj North, according to the RRC. These people are sheltering in collective sites including schools, churches and other public buildings." 323125,54884.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2021/4/60633e4d4/chad-central-african-refugee-keeps-hope-alive.html,"Fighting first erupted in CAR in 2013, after rebels ousted President Francois Bozize. Since then, the country has experienced sporadic but devastating violence that has forced close to 1.5 million (or nearly one in three Central Africans) to flee." 346008,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"Para la semana epidemiológica 18 de 2021 se observó un aumento significativo en las muertes maternas tempranas comparado con el promedio histórico en las entidades territoriales de Arauca, Bogotá, Guaviare, Magdalena, Santa Marta, Valle del Cauca y Cali y disminución en la entidad territorial de Cauca" 224207,45763.0,2332.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Depuis le début de la montée des eaux signalée en juillet 2020, aucune intervention [SÉCURITÉ ALIMENTAIRE] n’a été faite à ce jour." 191325,43417.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/toxic-brew-instability-armed-violence-extreme-poverty-hunger-and-covid-19-putting,"Help us scale-up innovative, quality learning for every child — including digital and remote options. With a special emphasis on refugees, migrants, displaced children and girls" 47475,16249.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,10,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,◦ Acceso al agua y saneamiento durante el recorrido. 69717,19997.0,1534.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,http://www.tribune242.com/news/2019/oct/18/bpl-spends-16m-equipment-restore-abaco-electricity/?news,"According to Works Minister Desmond Bannister Thursday, there was substantive damage to BPL's infrastructure in the wake of Dorian, including the loss of 3,000 utility poles." 328614,54713.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,91,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 28% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility while 30%, 34% and 3%of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes and 1-3 hours to reach to the nearest nutrition facility respectively. Only 4% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest nutrition facility." 40942,11894.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Migrant KIs highlighted the fact that most migrants’ lack of private transportation made it nearly impossible to leave conflict-affected baladiyas without assistance. Those who received assistance from Libyan friends or co-workers found it easier to reach safety, but those without such connections reported being dependent on rescue by the Libyan Red Crescent or other humanitarian organisations" 136810,35314.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Health']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,117,"['At Risk', 'Impact']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"But despite the limited number of reported cases, the risk of large-scale transmission in NES remains high. Following the announcement of four new cases on 23 July, local authorities in NES reinstated a partial curfew. Included in this was the banning of all mass gatherings, including weddings and funerals, while restaurants are now limited to take-away service only. Authorities also emphasized the importance of personal preventive measures, such as physical distancing. Additionally, effective immediately, no corpses are permitted to be transported into NES. While the border has been closed from 24 July, it’s understood that weekly humanitarian exemptions will be maintained." 247698,48228.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,101,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"La plupart des PDIs vivent dans des abris de fortune. Ils manquent des matériaux de construction et leurs abris sont surpeuplés. En cette période de pluie, il est plus qu’urgent de procéder à la distribution des kits abri à ces PDIs pour les mettre à l’abri des intempéries. La situation est plus critique sur le site de Dar al Kheir 2. Ils sont aussi dans le besoin des NFI (natte, moustiquaire, couverture, et bâche les kits cuisines mais aussi les récipients de stockage d’eau)." 227510,46488.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Concernant les problèmes d’assainissement la localité évaluée, tous les IC ont rapporté la présence d’eau stagnante (15/15). A la lumière de ces résultats, il convient de rester attentif aux indicateurs liés à la situation en terme d’assainissement." 285129,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,In total 8 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance in Sudan 322098,54688.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/el-reto-de-atender-a-los-mas-de-2000-desplazados-que-deja-la-ola-de-violencia-en-el-cauca/,Los recientes enfrentamientos armados entre las disidencias Farc y el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (Eln) dejaron una estela de zozobra en el Cauca. 300678,51152.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of 31 January 2021, GBV sub-cluster members reached 41,890 individuals with GBV flood response in Twic East, Tonj South, Nasir, Akobo, Mayendit, Leer, Panyijar, Duk, Pibor, Bor South, Juba, and Yei. This included 1,344 individuals reached in December 2020 with case management and awareness in Yei, Bor South, Pibor, and Juba." 227056,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Civilian casualties attributed to undetermined Anti-Government Elements increased by 51 per cent, representing seven per cent of the total civilian casualties recorded (415 civilian casualties; 125 killed and 290 injured)." 173613,34288.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,64,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653231,"Esta Asistencia se brinda en cumplimiento de la Función 13: “Gestión de Alimentos” del Plan Nacional de Respuesta (PNR), de la cual la Secretaría es rectora a nivel nacional, y en el marco el Decreto 12-2020, con el apoyo del Ministerio de Agricultura Ganadería y Alimentación (MAGA) y Desarrollo Social (MIDES)." 495450,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,53,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De igual forma se están incrementado las noticias que intentan promover el racismo y la xenofobia, por ejemplo, cuando alguna persona de origen venezolano ha cometido algún delito, los periódicos resaltan su nacionalidad. Igualmente se va promoviendo la idea de que estas personas están copando el mercado de trabajo" 335527,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Of total cases recovery rate is 9.28% and case fatality ratio is 1.63% 167038,40139.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/401008-covid-19-ogun-extends-restrictions-for-two-weeks.html,"(03/07/2020) As of the time of filing this report, there are 15, 693 active cases of COVID-19 in the country, while 10, 801 have recovered, discharged. A total of 616 persons have also lost their lives to the pandemic." 39188,13749.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,125,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Thirty-three percent of respondents indicated that the current location is very unsafe due to risk of shelling and rocket, active fighting and presence of militia, and risk of abduction, extortion and harassment. The main protection incidents reported for the newly displaced group was physical violence (8), forced, denial and restriction of movement (8) deprivation of life (7), denial of liberty (7), and denial of land and property (5). The priority needs reported by newly displaced IDP KIs was 1) food, 2) cash and 3) health services; 44% of key informants indicated that newly displaced lack of access to assistance." 293536,51569.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Amid access constraints across the area, the humanitarian community has to aid the affected populations" 149337,37832.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"In July, WFP developed a training module of the gendered impact of COVID-19 among school children for cooperating partners. WFP also developed a gender-based violence (GBV) referral system implemented through GFA platforms." 154893,38099.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,122,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Ainsi, à l’exception des commerçants des provinces du Seno, du Soum, du Yagha et du Yatenga, tous les commerçants ont estimé que les mesures prises en raison de la pandémie et les informations relayées à son sujet ont entrainé des perturbations importantes sur les marchés en termes: (i) d’accroissement des difficultés d’approvisionnement en denrées alimentaires notamment au niveau des grands centres urbains; (ii) la baisse de la fréquentation des marchés par les clients par crainte d’être contaminés par la maladie; et (iii) la raréfaction des transporteurs enclins aux contrats de transport de marchandises suite aux restrictions décidées par le Gouvernement." 262179,49486.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,34,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Caquetá: La presencia de grupos armados, especialmente en zonas rurales, implica limitaciones de movilidad a la población por la imposición de toques de queda y amenazas de no cumplir estos" 149258,37832.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,WFP implemented the malnutrition treatment programme across all 45 nutrition sites in the camps and 106 sites in the host community. The prevention programme continued to be implemented in the camps through GFA sites. 237245,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,124,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is one hundred and eighty (180). Forty-three (43) cases from Damaturu, thirty-nine (39) cases from Nguru, twenty-nine (29) cases from Fika, twenty-four (24) cases from Bade, fifteen (15) cases from Potiskum, twelve (12) cases from Nangere, four (4) cases from Karasuwa, three (3) cases from Gulani, Bursari, Fune, Tarmuwa, and Yusufari have two (2) cases each, and three (3) other LGAs (Geidam, Gujba, and Machina) have one (1) case each" 203604,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,109,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The use, possession and control by women of social or economic household resources is weak. Thus, only 3% of women in the country own a house without a land title and 1.6% own a land title in their name. The unpaid workload that reproductive work implies, combined with the fact that women have extremely limited access and control over resources, partly explains why the female population is more affected by poverty: While 39% of the population lives below the poverty line, this rate rises to 51.5% for women. Of these, 79.2% are underemployed." 165653,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Last time latrines were de-sludged or cleaned? (681 responses) 1 month ago 47 2 months ago 20% 3 months ago 15% More than 3 months ago 18% 290969,51608.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afg_humanitarian_access_snapshot_feb_20210314.pdf,"During the reporting period covering February 2021, the Humanitarian Access Group (HAG) recorded 147 access impediments, compared to 180 IN FEBRUARY 2021 incidents recorded during January . Movement restrictions constituted 41 per cent of the access impediments, followed by violence against humanitarian staff and assets (26 per cent) and interference with humanitarian activities (17 per cent)." 303884,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"While Syrian and Yemeni refugees are considered “brothers and sisters” by the Government of Sudan and are not required to register with UNHCR and Commission for Refugees (COR) upon arrival, over 15,000 Syrian and Yemeni refugees are registered in Khartoum for assistance due to their vulnerability." 417529,64197.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],es,49,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"El 24 y 25 de agosto, lluvias y vendavales provocados por el paso de una onda tropical en el Mar Caribe provocaron inundaciones y crecientes súbitas en al menos cinco municipios del departamento de La Guajira (Uribia, Dibulla, Maicao, Riohacha y Manaure)." 128880,34596.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Only half of the focal points believe that their communities have enough information about the virus to keep themselves safe, which is an increase from 40% in the May consultations.5 The findings vary slightly by area of control, seemingly in line with awareness campaigns in each area: 56% of the focal points in GoS areas report that their communities are sufficiently informed, while those in SDF (49%) and NSAG/ TBAF (45%) are less positive. This slight overall increase may simply be attributed to the general growth of knowledge about the pandemic over time" 226626,45087.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,29,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Many girls are even more trapped at home now due to the lockdown which in turn is increasing their exposure to violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation." 221018,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,99,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Reports of violence against civilians in Colombia have increased in 2020. As projected by ACAPS, armed groups and criminal organisations have taken advantage of COVID-19 containment measures to expand their territorial and social control, often by exploiting and inflicting violence on local communities (ACAPS 09/09/2020). This violence is mainly concentrated in remote, rural areas where armed groups compete for control of illicit economies and state presence is weak. The departments of Cauca, Meta, Putumayo, Chocó, Nariño and Antioquia are especially affected (UN News 15/07/2020)." 130922,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Falta de información y orientación a familias para prevenir contagios; promover el acompañamiento escolar en casa y promover vínculos familiares que reduzcan riesgos de violencias al interior del hogar. El Gobierno Nacional ha unificado mensajes, procurando reducir riesgos de rumores, pero las plataformas de comunicación digital, impresas y radiales no alcanzan a toda la población, especialmente población rural dispersa, población en situación de calle sin acceso a medios de comunicación." 304837,53078.0,2333.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Dans la région de Tillabéri, cinq écoles du département de Torodi, non loin de la frontière avec le Burkina Faso, n’étaient pas fonctionnelles jusqu’en fin novembre 2018, les enseignants ayant fui les menaces des groupes armés non étatiques." 281574,51173.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,28,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"The people of Afghanistan continue to face extreme consequences from the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to underlying vulnerabilities, the health system is fragile and under-resourced." 198153,44148.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100295,"Pour limiter les dégâts, des efforts ont été immédiatement déployés pour circonscrire le foyer du camp militaire de Bobo-Dioulasso, notamment en procédant à un traçage des énarques contaminés, asymptomatiques ou non, avec l’objectif bien compris de retrouver et de mettre en quarantaine toutes les personnes ayant été en contact avec ces élèves." 494220,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, NWS, GoS & NES] Bulgur: The Middle region of Syria recorded the highest average bulgur price by region at SYP 2,346/kg (up three percent m-o-m), followed by the Coastal region at SYP 2,283/kg (up eight percent mo-m). On the other hand, the Cross-border region recorded the lowest average bulgur price at SYP 1,555/kg (up nine percent m-o -m), followed by Northeast Syria at SYP 1,887/kg (up six percent m-o-m)." 228549,46627.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,several [respondents] mentioned turning towards illegal means of earning money. “No one gives loans. I have to steal because there is no other option - I sold my livestock and I have (no) more livestock to sell.” 304450,50891.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,UNICEF led multiple initiatives to deliver humanitarian assistance to communities previously isolated by conflict in the Jebel Marra area of Darfur. UNICEF established 30 new OTP (Outpatient Therapeutic Programme) centres and 60 mother support groups. 340949,56209.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,77,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2021/05/11/comite-de-conjoncture-economique-constate-la-hausse-des-reserves-de-change-a-la-banque-centrale-congo/,"Dans le secteur minier, la hausse des prix des produits miniers constatée, va générer plus de revenus pour le pays. Par ailleurs, il a été constaté qu’un certain nombre des métaux sont vendus dans les pays voisins. A ce propos, des instructions ont été données par le Chef de l’Exécutif Central au Ministre sectoriel, pour que soit retracé ce manque à gagner pour la République." 111881,31304.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,147,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En el caso del pueblo Rom (gitano de Colombia) se estima que alrededor de 2.000 a 5.000 personas se encuentran actualmente en el país, tienen familias nucleares con un alto numero de niños, su tasa de escolaridad es bastante baja, y el 100% de sus actividades económicas están ligadas al comercio informal e itinerancia por el territorio nacional, y aunque se encuentran en el marco del SISBEN, su sistema de salud y acceso a programas de promoción y prevención es bastante precario por lo cual, la actual coyuntura de limitaciones o restricciones de contacto por parte de autoridades departamentales y locales para minimizar riesgos de contagio, impacta sus medios de vida directamente, e itinerancia cultural, lo cual afecta directamente cuestiones del tipo cultural y tradicional y puede generar riesgos altos en su seguridad alimentaria." 330145,55167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elperiodico.com/es/internacional/20210502/represion-policial-marca-mayo-colombia-11695827,"El presidente colombiano, Iván Duque, dijo este sábado que se apoyará en las Fuerzas Militares para controlar los desmanes ocurridos en varias ciudades del país durante las protestas que tienen como foco principal el descontento por la reforma fiscal presentada por su Gobierno." 347548,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,101,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Use of toilets, especially by women, girls is a constant challenge: many reports have underlined the persistent risks of accessing sanitation facilities because of lack of privacy, gender segregation or related to GBV risks accessing latrines and bathing areas. This is considered being one of the main reasons why the 68% of households reported having a private space inside or attached to their shelter for bathing but those bathing places sometimes associated with laundry (56%) and dishwashing places (52%)." 171402,40771.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,"Pour les responsables des organisations féminines, l’avènement de la COVID19 a ralenti leurs activités de mobilisation des femmes pour des sensibilisations contre les mutilations génitales féminines, les mariages précoces et tous les autres types de VBG. Les causeries éducatives et les sorties d’animation étaient suspendues durant toute la période des mesures de restriction." 58969,17679.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,40,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Sin embargo, pese al reconocimiento de las instituciones de este problema como recurrente en las comunidades migrantes, sus abordajes de la violencia de género, no toman en cuenta las especificidades en los casos de mujeres migrantes." 328601,54710.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,123,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Four most common types of occupancy status reported by households of IDP settlements were: Hosted without rent (by family, friends, institution) (48%), Ownership (25%), No occupancy agreement / squatting (7%), rented (14%). Similarly, Four most common types of occupancy status reported by households of non-IDP settlements were: Hosted without rent (by family, friends, institution) (15%), Ownership (49%), No occupancy agreement / squatting (5%), rented (26%)." 13908,5542.0,322.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"WHO reports that the cumulative total suspected cholera cases reported from 27 April 2017 to 15 July 2018 stands at 1,121,143 with 2,316 associated deaths across the country. Children under five years of age constitute 28.8 per cent of the total suspected cases. As of 15 July, 171 districts, out of 305 affected districts across Yemen were still reporting suspected cholera cases. Table 1 outlines districts with highest cumulative suspected cholera cases since 1 January 2018." 189995,43443.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"L’insécurité alimentaire et le manque d’accès aux services d’hygiène, d’eau et d’assainissement, ainsi qu’aux soins, causent des cas de malnutrition aigüe dans ces zones." 411072,63409.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/especial--la-trata-sigue-acechando-a-los-migrantes-y-refugiados/2768,"Les ofrecen trabajos de modelos, cineastas o empresarios, bajo la promesa de salarios muy altos que no son coherentes con las actividades que realizan. Además les dicen que les tramitan visas y pasaportes inmediatos cuyo pago descuentan del primer sueldo." 171509,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] 6,459 food packages provided. 8,661 new households provided family support packages.752 new children reached with targeted age-specific health education ." 113101,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"En articulación con la Alcaldía de Ipiales, sigue el apoyo a un hotel habilitado como alojamiento temporal a través de la entrega de kits de aseo, tapabocas, filtros de agua, aplicación de tamizaje y atención primaria en salud, entrega de alimentos calientes y alimentos especiales para bebés, niños y niñas." 219344,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"In Gedo region, a first case was reported in Belet Xaawo, prompting the Jubaland state president to hint at a potential closure of mosques to curb further spread. On 13 May, Jubaland State received 30 hospital beds and 96 tents from the Federal Government" 474724,64944.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Contrairement au mois précédent qui a enregistré 08 incidents de protection, ce sont au total 15 violations de droits (07 incidents dans la Kossi et 08 dans le Sourou) qui ont été identifiés et documentés, au cours de ce mois, grâce au monitoring de protection. Cette tendance s’expliquerait par la détermination des GANE à consolider leur présence dans leurs zones d’action et à contraindre les populations à adhérer à leur cause par voie de menaces et d’intimidations" 185930,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"On observe cette augmentation aussi entre les provinces de Kwilu et Kwango, les territoires de Kenge, Bagata et Bulungu qui enregistrent des augmentations importantes par rapport à mai et le bulletin précédent (de 28 à 67%) avec des prix médians du PMA situés entre 216 000 et 306 000 FC." 24904,9949.0,729.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,110,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68227.pdf,"Persons of Concern to UNHCR in Libya As of 4 March 2019, a total of 56,866 asylum seekers and refugees are registered with UNHCR in Libya. A total of 4,121 individuals have been identified by UNHCR and its partners to be currently in one of the accessible Libyan detention centres. Evacuation from Libya Since the start of the evacuation operation from Libya in late 2017, a total of 3,175 persons (including unaccompanied children) have been evacuated to Niger (2,491), Italy (415) and the ETC Romania (269). There are 154 evacuated unaccompanied children remaining in Niger." 7155,1505.0,321.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2020%20April%202018.pdf,"On 18 April, through its partner LibAid, UNHCR provided assistance to 370 IDP families in Murzuq (over 180 km southwest of Sabha) currently living in urban settings and in an empty hotel. Last week, UNHCR distributed humanitarian aid to over 5,200 IDPs in Sabha and surrounding areas in Wadi al Shatii." 585,156.0,321.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,113,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Food security was not reported as a major concern by the majority of the assessed population. However, IDP households were more likely to have a worse food consumption score (FCS) across all mantikas assessed with an overall of 79.5% ‘acceptable’ FCS, 12.5% ‘borderline’ and 7.9% ‘poor’, compared to 95.4% and 96.8% ‘acceptable’, respectively, for non-displaced and returnee households. This situation was worse for IDP households in Tripoli where high proportions of poor FCS (15.3% of households) as well as borderline FCS (22.5%) were found." 195964,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,79,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"A contrario à S45, on avait 118 727 passants enregistrés aux PoC et 118 411 (99,7) screenés ; 2 alertes avaient alors été recensées, une desquelles avait été validée. Ainsi, le nombre de voyageurs reçus et screenés aux différents PoE/PoC a plutôt augmenté entre S45 et S46, malgré la diminution de la complétude de transmission des données au cours cette période : 77,5% à S45 vs 69,6% à S46." 111688,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"El viaje desde Venezuela representa para los niños un conjunto de emociones en el que se combinan la curiosidad por lo nuevo, la tristeza por dejar a sus seres queridos y el temor que perciben en sus cuidadores por no saber dónde están, a dónde van, dónde podrán dormir y qué van a comer. Tal como fue relatado para La Guajira, los asuntos vitales para los niños (comer, dormir, jugar, estar con sus familias) están rodeados de incertidumbre, angustia y tristeza." 21464,8858.0,730.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WASH%20Needs%20Assessment_Shibam%20Kawkaban%20District_RRD.pdf,"It is estimated that 30% of water stations operate only once a month due to lack of fuel and financial resources, while the remaining 70% are in poor conditions and inoperable. Prices of commercially trucked water – a main source for one fifth of Yemen’s population have skyrocketed forcing people to spend long hours waiting in endless lines to secure a few liters of water for their families from free water sources randomly supported by donors. The situation is even more miserable in rural areas, with some women spending four to five hours a day collecting water from remote locations." 132623,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,166,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela requieren acceso a soluciones de albergue temporal a lo largo de su ruta a sus destinos. Sin embargo, en base a un análisis de necesidades conjuntas dirigido con los socios GTRM, los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela han sido identificados que poseen escasos recursos económicos y una oferta limitada de albergue temporal digno y seguro. En el Perú, los albergues temporales especializados para un perfil de protección esencial son también muy limitados y requieren mayor coordinación para mejorar la atención de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela de manera integral. Más aún, la falta de una política integrada que esté dirigida al desarrollo urbano, combinado con los bajos recursos y en algunos casos una condición irregular, afecta el acceso a un alojamiento digno para refugiados y migrantes, así como la comunidad de acogida, llevando a los más vulnerables a vivir en hogares precarios y en condiciones de hacinamiento." 495131,67230.0,1185.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La condición de irregularidad de los migrantes trae consigo una serie de problemas asociados como la falta de cobertura escolar, la imposibilidad de insertarse en el mercado laboral legal y de participar de programas que faciliten la integración a la sociedad receptora." 245759,47833.0,2311.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],es,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,La falta de acceso a la información sobre servicios sigue siendo un riesgo de protección para la población refugiada y migrante y el 66.2% de la población monitoreada no ha recibido información sobre acceso a servicios en Colombia. La población en Riohacha reporta tener el mejor acceso a la información (48.7%) y donde la población tiene menos acceso es en Barranquilla (27.8%) y Bogotá (21.3%). 168288,40395.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic-republic-congo/health,"A travers tout le pays, le OMS apporte également son appui au système national de santé pour lui permettre d’intensifier sa réponse. Ainsi, nous avons établi trois centres d’isolement dans la province du Kasaï où les patients présentant les symptômes du Covid-19 pourront être adressés pour traitement, ce qui réduira la charge des hôpitaux et des structures de santé publique." 413144,60898.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"Burkina Faso registered 63 security incidents which resulted in 34 civilian casualties, including one child." 248998,47559.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,65,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"L’accès des PDIs de Ouahigouya, Titao et Thiou à la terre reste une question à laquelle des solutions endogènes semblent indiquées. En effet, s’il est vrai que la terre appartient à l’Etat, il est aussi évident cet Etat ne remet pas complètement en cause l’organisation traditionnelle d’exploitation de la terre." 160510,38373.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Intentions'],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Por otra parte, la prensa reportó asentamientos de personas venezolanas a las afueras de la ciudad o debajo de algunos puentes, que habían sido desalojadas y/o que habían decidido retornar y quedaban represadas en estos asentamientos.18" 388317,60981.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,163,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"El municipio presenta un contexto de seguridad complejo, adicionalmente, entre el 13 y 16 de febrero de 2021 ante amenazas por parte de un GGV contra la población, que exigía el desplazamiento desde sus lugares de origen, se desplazaron 508 personas al casco urbano provenientes de las veredas Quebrada del Medio (223 personas), El Quindío (205), Alto del Limón (69), Falda Arañas (1), El Chuscal (5), Santa Lucía (5) y San Matías (119 personas, resguardo Jaidukamá, etnia Emberá Eyábida). La comunidad del resguardo Jaidukamá (119 personas) se desplazó hacia la vereda La Granja en el mismo municipio. Este es el primer desplazamiento masivo para la comunidad indígena Jaidukamá, el cual implicó riesgos por el impacto en la dinámica cultural propia de la comunidad con su territorio, su identidad y cosmovisión 3." 180536,42290.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,55,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']","['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les besoins en soins de santé, en matériels de couchage, en kits d’hygiène sont aussi considérables et d’actualités dans les différentes zones d’accueil des personnes déplacées internes surtout avec la forte pluviométrie qui a causé la destruction de certains habitats et articles ménagers essentiels des populations." 318011,54145.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fundacionamigosdemonkole.org/projets/covid-19-monkole/?lang=fr,"Afin de faire face à cette pandémie dans la zone qui lui a été confiée, Monkole a demandé le soutien du gouvernement congolais. Des matériaux et des consommables ont été livrés à la suite de cette demande, ainsi qu’une prime de risque pour le personnel." 193755,43300.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les populations en milieu rural et éloignées des structures sanitaires (soit 78% de la population tchadienne) sont les plus affectées [VIH] en raison de la pauvreté, de la faible éducation, des croyances socioculturelles et du dysfonctionnement de certaines structures sanitaires." 335300,55819.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,140,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) En raison de la pauvreté des sols et des pressions démographiques exercées par l’acroissement de la population, la plupart des ménages ont rapporté ne pas parvenir à se procurer suffisamment de réserves en nourriture pour plus de quelques mois. Dans 82% des localités enquêtées, les IC ont par exemple indiqué que la majorité de la population ne parvenait pas à combler ses besoins alimentaires au moment de la collecte de données. Cette situation a entrainé une dépendance à la disponiblité d’autres sources de revenu le reste de l’année pour pouvoir acheter des céréales, alors que dans 91% des localités enquêtées, les IC ont indiqué une diminution du revenu des ménages au cours des six mois précédant la collecte de données." 298961,51152.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"By 31 January 2021, over 66,286 people were reached with health response by health cluster." 81817,22508.0,1387.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,79,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Mexico,2019-08-18 18:54:16.373564+00,https://es.panampost.com/sabrina-martin/2019/10/03/venezolanos-sin-derecho-a-viajar-victimas-de-xenofobia-robos-y-vejaciones/,"Y las personas me ven y me dicen ‘oye ¿qué hora es? ¿qué día es? ¿eres venezolano?’… de pronto veo a niños, eran 10 niños, que los tenían en interiores”, señaló. “Había colchonetas, con los peores olores, olía demasiado. Era un sitio que no estaba en las condiciones para tener a personas en un procedimiento. Los baños daban asco”, denunció." 240943,47675.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"On 4 November, as part of its activities against the spread of COVID-19, the Association for the Defense of Consumers’ Rights (ADC) organized an awareness raising campaign at the Toukra university campus. On the same day, the Minister of National Defense, Mahamat Abba Ali Salah, made a donation of masks for the protection of pupils and students against COVID-19." 473201,67204.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"Es importante resaltar que estas tasas se obtuvieron tras analizar datos acumulados hasta abril de este año, lo que quiere decir que hoy son más altas. En ese momento, el número de niños que en Colombia quedaron en la orfandad luego de 13 meses de pandemia se estimó en 29.000." 286524,51252.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,236,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"Key drivers: The current period levels of malnutrition were aggravated by ongoing conflict in the region, food insecurity, poor water and sanitation (WASH) conditions, high morbidity, and poor Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices. The poor IYCF practices were evidenced by the extremely low prevalence of children having Minimum Acceptable Diets (MAD), which were 1% in Adamawa, 0.9% in Borno and 0.4% in Yobe states and suboptimal breastfeeding practices including low levels of exclusive breastfeeding across all states (Adamawa – 56.3%, Borno – 64.3% and Yobe – 37.6%) and poor complementary feeding practices. Poor WASH conditions, including access to proper sanitation facilities, access to portable and handwashing practices, significantly contributed to acute malnutrition, especially in urban and IDP communities. Other contributing factors included low measles vaccination coverage, poor vitamin A supplementation coverage, anaemia among children aged 6-59 months and high prevalence of diarrhoea and fever. The current situation analysis period was characterized by the harvest season, in which farming communities and IDPs with access to small farms had at least some access to food compared to the lean season of the year. The period was also affected by the ongoing armed conflict, resulting in displacements and disruption of services." 126634,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"The number of migrants present in Aljufra during March – April (round 30) significantly decreased to 11.394 migrants compared to 14,050 migrants identified in the previous data collection period." 361310,58693.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,196,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Bangladesh is a mainly pastoral low-income country in which most homes are located close to bodies of water (Hossain et al, 2015; Peden et al, 2008). Ponds, ditches, rivers, canals, and the ocean are used for daily household needs, agriculture, fishing, and transportation (Hossain et al, 2020). In rural areas, villages are usually surrounded and intersected by rivers and canals, whilst almost all homes have ponds that serve as water sources for household water, bathing, cooking, and providing water for animals, as they typically lack piped water supplies (Ahmed et al, 1999). Bangladesh is also highly disaster-prone, being vulnerable to water-related hazards including flooding, cyclones, extreme rainfall, and storm surges, which claim many lives every year as the capacity and resources to warn, evacuate or protect communities throughout the country are limited or in initial stages of development (Rahman et al, 2019; WHO; 2014; DDMB, 2013)." 16810,7075.0,322.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"Access to low quality water and in diminishing quantities at household levels contributed negatively to food preparation while cost of cooking fuel particularly cooking gas went up sharply since February and remained high and at some point, was unavailable. High number of suspected cases of disease like Cholera, malaria and acute diarrhea is compromising the food utilization compounded by malnourished children and collapsed health system and services" 304849,53078.0,2333.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Politics']",fr,141,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Alors que l’on croyait le poliovirus éradiqué, l’épidémie refait surface avec la récente notification de cas circulants dans les districts sanitaires de Magaria et de Tanout (région de Zinder). Le 5 octobre dernier, le Ministère de Santé Publique a qualifié l’épidémie d’urgence de santé publique de portée nationale et internationale. Le dernier cas de Poliovirus avait été enregistré en juillet 2013 à Diffa. L’avant dernier cas avait été découvert dans le village de Laba dans le district sanitaire de Keita (région de Tahoua) en novembre 2012. Au 29 Octobre 2018, sept cas de poliovirus avaient été détectés dans trois districts sanitaires : Magaria (5 cas), Dungass (1 cas) et Tanout (1 cas)." 206876,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"There is a need to build the capacity of more health professional to provide the clinical management of rape (CMR), and psychosocial support to survivors, especially in hard to reach areas and villages." 195091,43787.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,132,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.financialafrik.com/2020/11/03/la-rdc-a-produit-plus-dun-million-de-tonnes-de-cuivre-en-aout-2020/,"La RD Congo a produit 1.041.445 tonnes de cuivre au 31 août 2020 contre 919.937 tonnes un an auparavant, selon les données provisoires du bulletin des condensés statistiques de la Banque centrale du Congo (BCC). A ce niveau, le secteur confirme bien sa résistance à la Covid-19. Selon la BCC, la production était déjà de 765 533 tonnes à fin la juin 2020. A noter qu’au cours de l’exercice 2019, l’industrie minière de la RDC avait produit dans l’ensemble, 1.420.386 tonnes de cuivre – un record jamais réalisé-, contre un volume de 1 225 227 tonnes en 2018. En rappel, la RDC est le premier producteur de cuivre en Afrique." 270242,49921.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/viviendas-permanecen-seis-meses-vacias-en-el-mercado-549077,"En Colombia, el 35% de los hogares vive en arriendo de acuerdo con cifras del Dane. Con la pandemia, y el impacto económico que trajo consigo el covid-19 sobre los ingresos de las familias, el mercado inmobiliario sintió sus efectos." 245084,47833.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Sobre el total de personas monitoreadas se pudo identificar que las principales razones de salida de las personas del territorio venezolano son la falta de recursos (42.6%), escasés de alimentos (32.1%) y por falta de acceso a los servicios de salud (9.3%)." 175489,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,142,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"On peut ainsi observer lors d’une inondation : • des cas de noyade ou d’hypothermie, notamment pendant les épisodes soudains ; • des maladies hydriques, soit par son contact, soit par la détérioration de l’approvisionnement en eau potable (par ex. cholera, hépatites E, etc.) ; • des cas de tétanos, des traumatismes; • des infections respiratoires aiguës et des pathologies cardiaques liées au développement de moisissures après la décrue ; • des intoxications au monoxyde de carbone dues à l’utilisation de chauffages d’appoint dans des locaux mal ventilés ; • des morsures d’animaux : animaux déplacés comme les individus lors d’une inondation ou nuisibles dérangés lors du retour des personnes dans leur logement après le ressuyage." 79852,21919.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"Nutrition 91,100 caregivers of children reached with infant and young child feeding counselling 18,600 children under 5 years screened for malnutrition, including anaemia" 297677,52576.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn1.internationalmedicalcorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IntlMedCorps-Ebola_in_DRC_Situation-Report-39.pdf,The DRC government has announced the introduction of three vaccines: AstraZeneca and vaccines produced in China and Russia. The criteria for the vaccine selection took into consideration the cold-chain storage capacity in the country. 106508,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para los migrantes, la relación con las comunidades de acogida es en este sentido ambivalente y tensa. Han recibido numerosas negativas ante sus peticiones de habitación, porque les dicen que son destructivos y que llegan con muchos niños, que son perezosos y se van a apropiar de las viviendas. Han sido desalojados de algunos asentamientos informales y en su mayoría viven de la mendicidad, el reciclaje y las ventas ambulantes." 129457,32894.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,79,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"El acceso a medios materiales o inmateriales para satisfacer ciertas necesidades se dificulta debido a la actual crisis económica por la que atraviesa el país. Se evidencia hostilidad de a población de acogida respeto al acceso a recursos económicos por parte de los migrantes venezolanos. Las iniciativas económicas de la población migrante se caracterizan por ser negocios de bajos niveles de capital de trabajo, productividad y nivel tecnológico con pocas posibilidades de perdurabilidad y escalabilidad." 494307,68271.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[20th-26th Sep 2021, Borno]MHPSS: • MHPSS responders (WHO, IOM) provided counselling and sensitized individuals on standard precaution of COVID-19 transmission and preventive measures" 237686,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"A semana epidemiológica 52 de 2020 se han notificado 1 020 casos de lesiones por pólvora pirotécnica en el país. Con respecto al 2019 se presenta una marcada disminución en la notificación de casos de 18,7 % (234) para el mismo periodo" 224236,45763.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Des cas de divorces sont plus enregistrés pendant cette période d´inondation qu´en temps normal. 342319,56651.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,59,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.reporteconfidencial.info/2021/05/24/se-agudiza-la-migracion-de-indigenas-desde-amazonas-hacia-colombia/,"En el caso de indígenas, el estudio indica que se trata de miembros de los pueblos jivi, piaroa, curripacos, entre otros, quienes viven en condiciones precarias en asentamientos conocidos como El Puerto, La Punta, El Puente, El Basurero y Simón Bolívar, ubicados en las adyacencias de la capital vichadense." 326613,54734.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 99% households reporting having been displaced for longer than one year 169203,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,38,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,May 21 NWS: Idlenb health directorate IHD has prepared one department in the main district hospital in Idleb district to receive all suspected cases. Further resources are needed to scale up inpatients and ICU capacity. 341061,56436.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-whole-of-syria-appeal.pdf,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] Estimated 13.4 million people in need across Syria." 276370,50671.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les personnes en situation de handicap sont exposées à des risques élevés d’exclusion des possibilités en matière d’éducation et d’accès aux moyens de subsistance, d’accès aux soins de santé. Elles sont aussi exposées aux exploitations et abus, aux violences y compris les violences sexuelles et de genre." 205611,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"According to a recent assessment conducted by the CCCM partners on service provision inside PoC sites and reports from collective sites, women and girls face the risk of sexual violence not only within the displacement sites but also when they move outside for livelihood activities." 224189,45763.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"De plus, une rupture de médicaments essentiels (anti paludéens) a été signalé dans la plupart des centres de santé poussant les malades à utiliser des racines de plantes ou à se procurer des médicaments vendus sur les marchés." 70685,20012.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,54,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"The fighting has killed and wounded more than 100 civilians, including dozens of detained migrants and refugees, caught in air strikes, artillery barrages, and the shelling of civilian infrastructure, including Mitiga airport, and displaced over 100,000 civilians living in the southern and eastern suburbs of the city." 275381,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,29,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] Boat capsize took place in 4 districts with 5 incidents in which 7 person were killed and 11 were persons injured." 272631,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"L’imposition d’escortes armées aux partenaires humanitaires et de développement limite les capacités opérationnelles de ces derniers et affecte la perception claire de la distinction des mandats, et peut générer des effets négatifs sur la sécurité du personnel humanitaire/développement ainsi qu’une tendance à la concentration des interventions des acteurs humanitaires dans les zones plus sûres." 63996,18842.0,788.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,65,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71444.pdf,"Access to Justice: In Borno State, the absence of the government court system and the police forces at LGA remain a concern as it hinders IDPs and host communities access to justice and offer fertile ground for impunity. This was particularly noted in Bama LGA. Advocacy is continuously conducted for the return of civil authorities in the LGA including the judiciary" 235992,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"A total of 13,668 children aged between 6-59 months were vaccinated with routine vaccines. 985 children were treated for simple malaria and acute respiratory tract infections. [By UNICEF through its partners CARITAS and CBCHS]" 360967,58841.0,2098.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/30/rohingya-refugees-facing-medical-crisis-bhasan-char,"[30th June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The current crisis portends an even greater calamity during the monsoon season when both boat and helicopter services are suspended during inclement weather. The government has not indicated its plans should a cyclone hit and the refugees, along with several thousand Bangladeshi officials and volunteers, become trapped on the island without sufficient food, water, or medical care." 172505,40676.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,64,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,Il existe notamment des risques de tensions sociales liées à la stigmatisation et la discrimination des personnes malades ou suspectées d’être malades du COVID-19 par leur communauté ainsi que des risques d’exacerbation des tensions intercommunautaires dans le cas où certains groupes compteraient un plus grand nombre de personnes malades ou un taux de guérison plus élevé que les autres. 305675,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Since the outbreak of violence in Chad in 2005-2007, Central Darfur State has hosted some 9,000 Chadian refugees." 213748,45291.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,93,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/12/4/bangladesh-ships-rohingya-refugees-to-island-despite-protests,"[4th December 2020, Bangladesh] But refugees and humanitarian workers say some of the Rohingya had been coerced into going to Bhashan Char, a flood-prone island that emerged from the sea 20 years ago. The naval official said the Rohingya were on board seven boats, with two more carrying supplies.“My family didn’t want to go, they are taking them by force if my family go there to the island they will die because of floods,” a woman told Al Jazeera." 181190,42443.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/143_covid_snapshot_WA.pdf,"Wearing a mask and regular handwashing are the predominant ways migrants and refugees in Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso are protecting themselves against COVID-19." 224472,44702.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,GFD is currently being implemented by WFP/Plan international but Motoronyo village has not received. 190523,39000.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Panama%20FactSheet%20ENG%208.2020%20final.pdf,"2,603 refugees and asylumseekers were supported through CBI and multipurpose grants during the COVID-19 pandemic." 206581,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]The next most frequently reported coping strategies were reducing drinking water consumption (9%), relying on seasonal water sources (9%), and sending children to fetch water (8%). The rest of the strategies has less than 5% response rate for the national population." 197528,43603.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The Protection Cluster, and its Child Protection and Gender Based Violence Area of Responsibility (AoRs), have worked with the CCCM cluster to reinforce the referral systems for protection cases, as well as to improve the mapping of eviction risks facing IDPs in sites. The Protection Cluster also monitored the protection risks which could be triggered or aggravated by COVID-19." 111672,29953.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En salud, se tiene una relación de 20 partos de mujeres venezolanas por 4 de colombianas. Se han presentado, en el año 2019, 12 casos de morbilidad materna y 17 casos de sífilis gestacional, frente a 4 casos en el 2018." 388345,60981.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Se presenta desabastecimiento en tiendas locales del casco urbano del municipio de Ituango, por lo cual hay dificultades para la adquisición de alimentos." 224684,46162.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,This [the pastoral sitiuation] is characterized by the degradation of pasture and the drying up of pastoral wells in western Sahel. 401751,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Listen and take action from messages delivered through trusted channels to support the need of the affected personsincluding psychosocialsupport, protection actors, accessto assistance, and reporting of incidents, among others." 209670,44790.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Severe acute malnutrition rates among children are increasing, mainly among IDPs. According to the 2019 Gu results, GAM is 13.8 per cent with some areas having GAM rates over 20 per cent (over the WHO emergency threshold of 15 per cent)." 254229,48624.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/ampere-prices-draining-the-life-out-of-aleppos-residents/,"[February 9, Aleppo] Officials of the Syrian regime’s electricity sector attribute the frequent outages and instability of the service to the excessive demand and pressure that render power centers out of service." 305782,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the national inflation rate was 68.9 percent in November 2018, compared to 24.8 percent in November 2017 and a five-year average of 27.1 percent." 272838,50353.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"In the SW, NRC through its partners FORUDEF and AMEF distributed 1,000 Shelter/NFI kits in Muyuka, One-Banana, Ebore and Tombel reaching 5,764 individuals (2,612 males and 3,152 females)." 237585,47219.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/bogota/articulo/distrito-anuncia-cuarentena-estricta-en-localidades-de-usaquen-suba-y-engativa/202146/,"Habrá cierre de todas las actividades de comercio no esenciales. Toda actividad de comercio de ropa, centros comerciales y otras actividades no pueden funcionar en estás tres localidades. Solo podrán funcionar las grandes superficies que venden artículos de primera necesidad, las tiendas o supermercados que venden artículos de primera necesidad y las farmacias." 322315,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported illnesses or injuries household members of non-IDP settlements had in the past two weeks prior to data collection were fever(1%) 113015,29959.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"GIFMM Antioquia Se inicia la planeación para la segunda etapa de las entregas de los mercados destinados por parte de Gobierno Nacional y la UNGRD a refugiados, migrantes y población de acogida, con el apoyo logístico de las organizaciones miembros del GIFMM." 298522,51152.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Abnormally heavy rainfall from July to October 2020 led to the overflow of the Nile, Pibor, Sobat, Lol and other rivers. The rains led to inland flooding, mainly in the eastern and central parts of the country. The flooding caused large-scale displacement of people and cattle and damaged/destroyed crops and property" 268968,50179.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=223672,"[22 Feb, Overall Syria] The Ministry of Health recorded 51 new cases of Coronavirus, to reach the total number of infections in Syria to 15,230." 271563,49808.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"En ce qui concerne la diarrhée, sa prévalence est plus élevée dans la région du Sahel (31,4%) avec une augmentation de 8,1% par rapport à 2019 et plus faible dans la région du Nord avec 8,4%." 173002,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Il est estimé que près de 8 millions de personnes ont désormais des besoins généraux en Protection, soit une augmentation de 10 pour cent par rapport au PRH originel." 145475,35868.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Al%20Hol%20Snapshot_26Jul2020.pdf,"To date, 28,640 items of personal protective equipment and six thermal screening devices (four for the main gate, two for the Annex) have been delivered and more than 100 personnel, health workers and community leaders trained in thermal screening, case management (resuscitation and ventilation management), and community engagement and mobilization." 172418,40676.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,Les chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales pour les intrants et équipements médicaux risquent d’être perturbées en raison de la réorientation de la production vers des intrants liés au COVID-19 et d’entraîner des baisses de production et des retards importants dans les délais de livraison en raison des restrictions de transport et de mouvements. 337728,55931.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/hoy-inicia-el-registro-unico-de-migrantes-venezolanos-en-colombia/2648,"Durante el procedimiento, el migrante venezolano tendrá que aportar un documento que acredite su identidad y, en caso de tener estatus migratorio irregular, entregar una prueba sumaria que de cuenta de su permanencia en territorio nacional antes del 31 de enero de 2021. De los 1,7 millones de venezolanos radicados en el país, el 56 por ciento permanece en situación irregular." 346687,57050.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_145_20210525.pdf,"Les provinces du Kongo-Central, du Haut-Uélé, de l’Ituri, du Kasai et du Sud-Kivu ont atteint le taux cible de suivi de 100%. Par ailleurs, aucun contact n’était devenu symptomatique ni sorti de suivi." 220008,45769.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']","['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"En ce qui concerne les violences basées sur le genre, des cas de violences sexuelles et basées sur le genre ont été évoqué lors de l’évaluation. Les femmes n’ont aucune notion des violences basées sur le genre. Le mariage des enfants est très récurrent au sein de cette communauté. L’âge du mariage ne dépasse guère 16 ans." 180560,42290.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,61,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Le monitoring de protection a contribué à l’identification de 171 personnes ayant des besoins spécifiques. La majorité de ces personnes des personnes déplacées internes avec des besoins variés en soins de santé, de prise en charge familiale, des femmes cheffe de ménage de plusieurs membres n’ayant pas de revenu et des personnes âgées." 358237,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] The impacts of lower water levels in the Euphrates and a lack of rainfall are far-reaching, the most direct being increased insufficiency of water for many communities. Direct access issues and price of water are major barriers, only to be exacerbated by water shortages." 328779,54713.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 12% households with at least one person with a chronic illness which lasted 3 months or longer at the time of the data collection 165672,39645.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"In round 2, a high proportion of respondents reported having issues with Site Management and Site Development. As such, a new survey tool was designed in collaboration with SMSD sector to capture these issues. The increase in problems related to SMSD is partly related to the monsoon period the assessment was conducted in. Heavy rain, flooding and landslides have contributed to damaged roads, pathways and stairs." 192428,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Heavy Gu’ (April-June) rains caused flooding in 39 districts affecting 1.3 million people, with 29 people killed and 505,000 displaced." 386442,60870.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,13,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Se requiere agua segura para el consumo y la preparación de alimentos. 112512,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,114,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Este CAI busca dar respuesta a este problema facilitando la presencia de distintas agencias y organizaciones en el mismo espacio, que desde un enfoque interagencial articulan su oferta para brindar una asistencia integral a los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos. En este escenario, la atención a niños y niñas en el CAI en entornos protectores se realiza a través del Consejo Noruego para Refugiados y Aldeas Infantiles, en donde se atienden niños, niñas y mujeres gestantes y lactantes provenientes de Venezuela que llegan en buses y que generalmente están de tránsito por Colombia hacia un país vecino. También atienden niños colombianos cuando se requiere, sin distinción alguna." 223600,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The situation (According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network outlook report of August 2020) is likely to be even worse in conflict-affected areas, where persons are displaced from their land or face involuntary and illegal taxation by Al-Shabaab, reducing incentives for agricultural production." 281577,51173.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"According to data from the IPC Secretariat, Afghanistan has the second highest number of people in emergency food-insecurity in the world (5.5 million)." 389293,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"A pesar de la disminución de las acciones armadas (combates, hostigamientos, emboscadas, incursiones armadas, entre otras), sí hay un aumento visible (42%) sobre los ataques directos contra la población civil (amenazas, atentados, homicidios, desapariciones forzadas, entre otros) que son las causas principales de los eventos de desplazamiento masivo." 338666,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Antioquia por su parte pasó de 9 al 12 por ciento de llamadas en la línea de denuncia15. Lo anterior ha llevado a que los mecanismos de género implementen medidas adicionales de prevención, denuncia y atención como son: el lanzamiento de la línea 122 para reportar casos, así como la red de hogares de acogida en el departamento." 221055,44617.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"COVID-19-related economic shocks and school closures make children from poor rural communities especially vulnerable (Save the Children 02/10/2020). Lockdown measures have limited livelihood options and income sources, and many rural families are facing acute food insecurity." 40944,11894.0,729.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,69,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Damage to shelters, community spaces, and public infrastructure was reported throughout conflict-affected baladiyas, due in large part to indiscriminate shelling of residential neighbourhoods. Schools, mosques, markets, and police stations, as well as parts of the local road network, electrical grid, and telecommunications infrastructure, were all reported to have been partly damaged or destroyed by shelling and airstrikes." 472859,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"Doter les formations sanitaires en lits, en matelas et en tentes médicales pour renforcer la capacité d’accueil" 359674,58464.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] The increased turbidity was attributed to the decreased water levels of the Euphrates. Turbidity issues particularly affected communities after Al Baath Dam, located in Ar-Raqqa Sub-district, due to the presence of small and often muddy tributary water streams of the Euphrates. KIs in seven of the assessed communities in Karama Sub-district (ArRaqqa Governorate), reported that water was perceived to be making people sick." 125308,32569.0,1621.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,Food coping strategies were widely adopted by 63 per cent of migrants due to a lack of food or means to buy food (in the seven days prior to the survey). 191408,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Other drivers for the intensification of inter-communal violence include resource stress due to the interplay of a continued perception of insecurity affecting ability to access land and food, inhibited livelihoods and coping capacities, and climatic events affecting crops. All of these factors continue to further drive humanitarian needs." 229321,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Duk, Bor South and Twic East Counties are affected by recent flooding impacting the local community leading to Displacement of an estimated 3819 households with a population of 22445 individuals (with average size of household is said to be between 7-8 members.)The IDPs community reached Mangalla center by River Boats in the month of August 2020. Majority of the displaced communities are mainly children, women and elderly" 316635,54353.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,66,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dw.com/en/bangladesh-rohingya-refugees-fire/a-57120531,"[7th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Three Rohingya men died after a fire gutted shops at a makeshift market near the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh's southeastern Cox's Bazar district on Friday. Their bodies were found in one of 20 shops burned after the fire broke out before dawn at the market near the Kutupalong refugee camp." 9970,3795.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2021%20June%202018.pdf,"On 20 June, a total of 60 individuals were disembarked in Garabulli (65 km West to Tripoli) and at the Tajura disembarkation point by the LCG. Those disembarked reported that 50 persons drowned before the LCG cold rescue them. On 21 June, 346 refugees and migrants were disembarked in the Tripoli Naval Base and Tajoura. The LCG recovered three bodies from the sea. UNHCR and its partners were present at disembarkation points to provide urgent humanitarian and medical assistance to the traumatized survivors." 133866,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,71,[],['Context'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Se observa una alta presencia de hogares unipersonales (30% del total), de los cuales el 70% están compuestos por hombres y el 30% restante por mujeres. Por su parte, los hogares monoparentales constituyen un 3% del total, en los cuales el 67% de la jefatura de hogar corresponde a una mujer y el 23% restante a un hombre." 115251,30828.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,91,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_may_2020_report.pdf,"In this period, 1,573 new arrivals were received in several loca�ons including Pulka, Ngala, and MMC. Three of the eight recep�on centers that receive new arrivals are already overstretched in capacity for example, in Pulka where over 2,000 (HH or individuals) new arrival IDPs are staying in the recep�on center with no shelter. Shelter and NFIs remain one of the most requested humanitarian assistance by IDPs with 25,003 HH in need of shelter as a result of displacement and/or damages to shelter." 290457,51817.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,4,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,Nouveaux affrontements à Nyunzu 155221,37857.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,81,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 13 au 19 juillet 2020, environ 567 individus dont certains en partance pour le Mali et d’autres de retour au Burkina Faso, principalement de nationalité burkinabè et malienne, ont été observés en train de contourner les voies officielles le long de la frontière entre le Burkina Faso et le Mali, suite à la fermeture des frontières ordonnée par les autorités burkinabés dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." 385589,60457.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région de l’Est, l’insécurité se dégrade dans les provinces de la Komandjaori, de la Kompienga et de la Tapoa. Dans cette région, les communes de Madjoari, Gayéri et Diapaga présentent un risque élevé de vulnérabilités accrues, avec un accès limité aux marchés en raison de l’insécurité et du mauvais état des routes" 328780,54713.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 67% households reporting relying on unstable income sources to meet basic needs. 111944,29953.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Afecciones emocionales: en el camino los niños sienten miedo de no saber a dónde van, se avergüenzan y sienten extrañeza cuando perciben la exclusión de los pobladores locales y sienten con mayor intensidad el alejamiento de su país de origen. Así mismo, perciben las afectaciones de sus familias, lo cual les significa un impacto emocional. Las familias viajan en medio del miedo y del hambre, no descansan fácilmente, por lo que pueden tener niveles importantes de estrés que se convierte en agresividad hacia los niños." 198850,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,Un entretien sur le respect des gestes barrières contre la Covid-19 a été tenu avec 40 membres de l'Association des Mamans Maraîchères de BUSINGA dans la ZS GBADOLITE au NORD- UBANGI. 142153,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In NES, there are up to 21 prepared isolation centres for moderate-severe cases, with five currently operational (approximately 309 out of 975 available beds)." 176709,41684.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Protection%20Factsheet%20and%20Dashboard_Sep_2020.pdf,"[September 2020, Bangladesh] The registration process, however, was temporarily suspended at the end of March owing to the COVID-19 situation, though awareness raising among refugees about the importance of civil documentation has continued, albeit on a more limited scale." 70689,20012.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,52,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"A peace agreement signed by the warring sides in 2015 has never been implemented. The Tripoli-based GNA, established in 2016 pursuant to the agreement, is the only internationally recognized government, but to date has been unable to exert its control or authority over much of the country." 169836,40564.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_4th_october_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[04/10/2020, BAY states] Cumulative Positivity rate is 7.2% in Borno State and Test per million of population is 1,525 while case per million Population is 112. A total of 10,771 COVID-19 tests have been conducted in Borno State, initial test stands at 10,420 while follow up test Stands at 328. In Adamawa State, 2,223 samples have been tested, 248 are positive and 214 results are pending. In week 40 in Yobe State, 124 additional samples were collected for testing in the Yobe Molecular Laboratory." 12415,5533.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,73,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Flash%20Update%202018-09-01.pdf,"Due to clashes between armed groups in southern Tripoli since 27 August at least 1,834 households (approximately 9,221 individuals) have been displaced to Bani Waleed, Tarhouna and other areas in Tripoli, including 663 families displaced in the last 24 hours. Displaced households originate mostly from conflict-affected neighborhoods in Southern Tripoli, including Ain Zara, Salah Eddin, Qasr Ben Gashir, Ben Aoun and Khallat Al Furjan" 271829,50148.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,108,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d9%88%d8%b2%d9%8a%d8%b1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b5%d8%ad%d8%a9-%d8%a8%d8%af%d8%a1%d8%a7%d9%8b-%d9%85%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a3%d8%b3%d8%a8%d9%88%d8%b9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%82%d8%a7%d8%af%d9%85-%d8%a5%d8%b9%d8%b7/,"[February 25, Syria] The Minister of Health indicated that the vaccination will begin to be given to the most vulnerable group, who are workers in isolation centers, with priority for the older age group and the nature of work, stressing that the vaccines have been approved by the concerned authorities and have been used in some countries and have proven effective with immunization against the disease at high rates, indicating that they are safe vaccines. It is given in two doses with an interval of 21 days between the first and the second, without any significant side effects." 177567,41675.0,2098.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/world-food-day-women-farmers-most-at-risk-from-covid-19-food-crisis/59065,"[16th October 2020, Bangladesh] The summary report, based on a survey of 190 women farmers and local leaders in September, finds: Covid-19 related market closures and lockdowns have severely affected earnings and food security. 83% of women farmers reported a loss of livelihoods during the pandemic, with 65% saying they are experiencing food shortages." 245786,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,146,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Dentro de los principales abusos que presentó la población venezolana monitoreada que ingresó de manera regular se encuentran la extorsión (63.4%), robo (18.3%), intimidación (12.2%) y en una menor proporción los abusos por parte de los oficiales de frontera (3.7%) y violencia (2.4%). El panorama no cambia mucho frente a los tipos de abuso que sufrió la población monitoreada de nacionalidad venezolana que ingresó de manera irregular porque dentro de los principales factores aparecen igualmente la extorsión (70.1%), robo (18.6%) y la intimidación (8.6%); en otros porcentajes menores, pero no por ello menos importantes, la violencia (1.8%), la VBG (0.7%) y otros abusos (0.2%)." 155994,38388.0,1898.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],es,14,[],['Casualties'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,Se han registrado 503 homicidios en el transcurso de enero a mayo de 2020 131807,34344.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,75,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los socios del GTRM trabajarán en coordinación con el Ministerio de Educación, las direcciones regionales de educación (DRE) y las unidades de gestión educativa locales (UGEL), y otras instituciones con el fin de desarrollar iniciativas dirigidas a generar una toma de decisiones en base a evidencias, facilitando el acceso al sistema educativo y evitar la violencia escolar, además de fortalecer las capacidades de las comunidades educativas." 335286,55819.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,99,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) La province semble faire face à des chocs essentiellement liés à l’insécurité et aux restrictions de mouvement associées aux mesures de contrôle de la propagation du COVID-19 selon les IC. En effet, la très forte insécurité dans la province de l’Oudalan a contribué à déstabiliser durablement l’accès des ménages à leurs moyens de subsistance. D’autre part, la fermeture des frontières a rendu difficile les transhumances et le commerce transfrontalier, dans une zone où le pastoralisme et l’agropastoralisme prévalent." 188822,43386.0,1900.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"El Informe de la CEPAL sobre los impactos económicos y sociales de la COVID-19 destaca que las desigualdades en las tasas de conectividad entre segmentos de ingresos son extremas, y que ""la brecha entre los quintiles más ricos y pobres más grande (se encuentra) en Honduras (58 puntos porcentuales) y el Perú (60 puntos porcentuales)," 390643,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,37,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"De acuerdo con los datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (2020), durante el trimestre abril-junio 2020, la tasa de desocupación alcanzó un 12,2% incrementándose 4,9 puntos porcentuales respecto al año pasado." 341521,56608.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25 MAY 2021, NES] Availability of education services (% of sub-districts): 0%: available 0%: partially available 0%: not available" 174335,36580.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,58,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657401,"La Fundación Castillo Córdova, con logística de entrega coordinada por SESAN y el Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social (MSPAS), brindaron asistencia alimentaria a 280 familias en Inseguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (InSAN) de los 24 municipios, gracias a raciones de comestibles por parte de la Fundación y otros actores." 153846,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Se identificaron menores de edad sin acompañamiento en estado de gestación y que ejercen el comercio sexual, aunque no fue explícito se presume que pueden ser víctimas de redes de trata de personas." 457532,65405.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'Food Security', 'Education']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,40,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les besoins particuliers des enfants restent en occurrence l’éducation, la formation aux métiers pour les adolescents, les vêtements, les espaces amis d’enfant pour les tout-petits, la nourriture, et la santé." 229608,44602.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The most needed items are; Shelter materials and full NFI kits. (Plastic sheet, Kitchen, Blanket, Mosquito net and Sleeping Mat." 205920,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Children born as a result of these acts of violence are stigmatized in communities and their rights are violated, starting with obtaining a birth certificate. In communities, girls who have survived sexual assault face stigmatization and are sometimes forced by their own families and communities to marry their abusers." 245364,47945.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,109,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] The number of displacement movements was nearly 30,000 mostly to A’zaz, Afrin and Dana sub-districts, whereas the number of IDPs who were reported as having returned to their community of origin is around 4,500 IDPs, with Ehsem, Ariha, and Idleb sub-districts recorded as the top three returnee destinations. The Cluster tracked over 1.9 million individual displacements between January and November 2020, which include second or third displacements, meaning that some people may have been forced to move multiple times within the same period and that the reasons for movement may vary." 289363,51168.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Insecurity due to on-going sub-national violence in Tonj East, Tonj North and Tonj South counties and in Manyabor and Lokormoch in Pibor, limits community access to nutrition sites. Nutrition supplements including CSB++ are not being delivered to 12 nutrition sites in Tonj East due to fears of looting" 255377,48593.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/203262/,"[Feb 1st, 2021, NES] Bread crisis in Al-Darbasiyyah city in Al-Hasakah countryside is deteriorating a day after another, although there are three automated bread bakeries and nearly 20 other stone bread bakeries which produce thousands of bread packs every day." 283244,51140.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/INFORMEbaja_DTM_GENERAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10918,"El 1,8% de las y los NNA encuestados no cuenta con ningún tipo de formación académica. En este grupo se concentran los menores de 6 años." 359884,58399.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,47,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In Bangladesh: In the research study areas, children from poor families, children with disabilities and children from the Hindu religion as a minority population in the area, were identified to be the most marginalised" 132621,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El subsector de la trata y tráfico de personas asegurará el trabajo conjunto con el sector integración con el fin de establecer las vías hacia la integración de las víctimas del tráfico en el Perú; con el Grupo de Trabajo en Necesidades Básicas para mejorar la asistencia a los refugiados y migrantes vulnerables, particularmente como parte de la provisión de albergue y servicios de transporte humanitario. Finalmente, este subsector asegurará el trabajo conjunto con los subgrupos de trabajo de Manejo de Información y Comunicación con el fin de desarrollar actividades de prevención y generar una información relevante." 220562,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"30% of the cases (Measles) are less than 5 years of age and 70 percent of the reported cases are above 5 years of age, most cases were reported from Nabagu and Nagbudue" 347868,56800.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: In the camps, they have no livelihoods now, and they rely on the humanitarian assistance received by their families. Hijras do not have access to cash-for-work, skills training and leadership training offered by humanitarian agencies. Hijras in the host community receive a small amount of allowance from the Department of Social Welfare." 17839,7208.0,321.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,146,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67474.pdf,"In 2018, the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG) rescued/intercepted 14,949 refugees and migrants at sea (10,493 men, 2,177 women and 1,423 children) during 120 sea operations. Throughout the year, the majority of refugees and migrants were disembarked at the Tripoli Naval Base (62 per cent) while others disembarked at Al Khums port (19 per cent) and Azzawya (11 per cent). The top three nationalities were Sudanese (14 per cent) Nigerians (12 per cent) and Eritreans (10 per cent). Over 700 individuals lost their lives or were declared missing at sea while attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea. With its partner International Medical Corps (IMC), UNHCR provided 9,768 non-food item (NFI) sets and 1,604 medical consultations at disembarkation points." 392650,60861.0,1186.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,172,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En el ámbito de la salud, se expresaron necesidades relacionadas con la prevención del contagio. Por ejemplo, se propone aumentar o mantener las medidas de contención del contagio y de prevención; y la responsabilidad colectiva y concientización para el respeto de las medidas de prevención por parte de todos en el país. Asimismo, los participantes aludieron a más información y facilidades de acceso a servicios de salud física y mental en caso de contagio o con relación a enfermedades crónicas preexistentes. Por otra parte, mencionaron la importancia de lograr lo antes posible la desaparición total o parcial del virus: idealmente su cura a través de una vacuna, u otras medidas que permitan la disminución de los casos. Finalmente, se mencionó la capacidad del sistema de salud para enfrentar la crisis y la posibilidad de aprovechar la presencia de profesionales de la salud en la población de migrantes internacionales para ser parte de la solución y lucha contra esta pandemia." 21279,8743.0,730.0,[],[],[],en,79,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yem_wash_factsheet_wash_cluster_assessment_november_2018_en.pdf,"Findings are based on data collection conducted from 4 September to 28 November 2018. Following a two-stage random sampling approach, representative samples of host community and IDP populations were collected in randomly-selected locations in Abs district, Hajjah governorate. Interviews were conducted with 111 host community and 102 IDP randomly selected households in the district. Findings are representative at district level with a 95% confidence level and a 10% margin of error." 186963,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,47,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Le Tchad continue à faire face à des défis sécuritaires importants émaillés de la présence des groupes armés dans la province du Lac Tchad et dans la partie nord du pays et des conflits intercommunautaires qui occasionnent des déplacements des populations à l´Est et au Lac. 328558,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of Non- IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (32%), Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for other purposes such as (28%)." 290711,51796.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Context->Economy']",es,37,[],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"El pasado 30 de abril Colombia lanzó una Coalición Iberoamericana para el Empoderamiento Económico de la Mujer, pues consideramos indispensable tener a las mujeres participando de manera más activa en la recuperación económica pos pandemia." 60707,17936.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Shocks: Food insecurity was higher among households that had experienced a shock (28 percent) compared to those that had not experienced any shock (23 percent). Severe and moderate food insecurity is higher among households that reported insecurity (36 percent), temporary displacement (36 percent), high food price (33 percent) and loss of employment/ reduced income (31 percent). In the face of these shocks, households often adopt a range of different coping strategies to survive, which deepens vulnerability to food insecurity if unabated." 401731,62965.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Keep hands clean. Always wash your hands; with soap and clean water or using appropriate hand sanitizer, particularly after handling any item or material that may have been contaminated by floodwater, after defecation or handling dirty waste and before preparing food, eating, and drinking clean water" 47477,16249.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"• Las personas que realizan movimientos pendulares principalmente pretenden comprar bienes básicos, acceder a atención médica y otros servicios o buscar empleo temporal para mantenerse a sí mismas y a sus familias en Venezuela. La falta de oportunidades de generación de ingresos formales y seguros para este grupo crea un riesgo de explotación. Además, cuando las personas venezolanas no logran cruzar físicamente a través de los puntos fronterizos formales, cruzar por otras áreas genera otros riesgos derivados de la presencia de grupos armados y criminales no estatales, incluida la trata y el tráfico de personas, el reclutamiento forzado y el sexo por supervivencia. Asimismo, las personas venezolanas que ingresan temporalmente a Colombia también requieren atención médica básica y alimentos." 389642,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,Para el 2/07/2021 se habían registrado 48.602 casos confirmados de COVID-19 y 1.708 muertes por complicaciones de esta enfermedad en 54 municipios y áreas no municipalizadas de los seis departamentos amazónicos (92% de sus entidades territoriales). 191218,43567.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_september_2020.pdf,"[Sept 2020, Cox's Bazar] This past month, the DRU responded to 211 referral requests: 32 per cent for host community support and 68 per cent for Rohingya refugee support. A total of 335 individuals were successfully transported: 66 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 43 suspected cases to ITCs, 78 contacts and travelers/new arrivals to quarantine centers, 54 humanitarian workers for testing, 53 discharged COVID-19 cases/contacts back to their shelters, and 40 “other” individuals and one deceased body back to the community" 242553,47761.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_Informal-Settlement-Profile_Al-Hasakeh_November-2020.pdf,"[November 2020, Al-Hasakeh NES] In 53% of assessed settlements, KIs reported that families in their settlement have been impacted by the closures of schools due to COVID-19, most commonly reporting (KIs could select multiple answer options): • Decrease in children's interest in learning (49%) • Decrease in children's ability to learn (34%) • No alternative learning available (at home or remotely) (23%)" 56591,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,291,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Más recientemente se han registrado situaciones donde la autoridad migratoria deriva a las personas al Consulado, para que allí soliciten el apostillado pendiente. En conjunto, estas medidas contribuyeron a destrabar la mayoría de los casos donde la falta de la certificación de antecedentes penales obstruía el acceso a la regularización migratoria. Las otras dos dificultades aluden a los aumentos en el costo de la tasa de radicación y a la demora en la obtención de los turnos para inicio de trámite. Durante años, los turnos se obtenían para dos meses hacia adelante —es decir que para una solicitud de turno realizada en enero se obtenía un turno efectivo para inicio de trámite en marzo de ese mismo año—. A lo largo de 2017, los turnos para las dos delegaciones ubicadas en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (que gestionan los mayores volúmenes) comenzaron a extenderse primero a seis meses y luego a un año o más. Una solicitud de turno interpuesta en mayo de 2018 adjudicaba un turno para marzo de 2019 y una interpuesta en julio de 2018 para agosto de 2019. 22 Asimismo, en mayo de 2018, mediante el Decreto 475/2018, se modificaron los valores de todas las tasa migratorias 23 y el pedido de adelanto de turno (denominado turno express) aumentó de $ ARS 2.000 a $ ARS 10.000.24 Las demoras en los turnos (que afectan únicamente a las personas provenientes del Mercosur que inician el trámite de residencia bajo cualquier criterio) llevaron a que miles de personas permanecieran como residentes irregulares durante períodos prolongados, sin contar siquiera con una residencia precaria que los habilitara para trabajar." 222776,46090.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431838-covid-19-ncdc-confirms-1145-new-infections-1-additional-death-335-recoveries.html,"[17thDec2020,Nigeria] The NCDC said that the new COVID-19 infections brought the country’s totals to 76, 207. According to it, the new infections are from 23 states and the Federal Capital Territory. The NCDC also disclosed that 335 patients were discharged after testing negative from the virus." 264421,49222.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,62,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,"La Covid-19 ha afectado las dinámicas de respuesta humanitaria, en algunos casos retardándola por la necesidad de realizar la prueba al personal humanitario antes de llegar al territorio, no obstante, las respuestas humanitarias se han adaptado y cumplido con los protocolos de bioseguridad, además se ha incluido capacitación y entrega de kits de prevención en las comunidades." 134388,34825.0,1186.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,80,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Respecto a este conjunto de personas que realizaron un primer trámite en el DEM o en el MINREL, de acuerdo con los registros obtenidos, se determinó su fecha de ingreso al país a partir de la información ingresada en el sistema de gestión de Extranjería. En este sistema se registra la visa declarada por las personas al momento de ingresar al país, con la que posteriormente realizan una solicitud de permiso de residencia en Extranjería." 111669,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,115,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Las economías basadas en la coca y la minería, combinadas con las disputas territoriales entre el ELN, el EPL, las disidencias de las FARC y las bandas criminales, entre otros, ponen en un alto riesgo a los migrantes. Los niños y niñas viven y crecen en medio de las cocinas de las fincas donde trabajan los raspachines11, en medio de los cultivos de coca, con todos los riesgos para su seguridad y el distanciamiento del acceso a los servicios sociales del Estado, lo que tiene como consecuencia efectos negativos en su desarrollo (Secretaría Departamental de Educación, Norte de Santander, entrevista, 2019)" 235586,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Economy'],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The dramatic fall in oil prices, the slowdown in economic activity, and the implementation of measures to limit the spread of the pandemic have a strong negative impact on fiscal revenues, while expenditures are increasing, in particular to implement our anti-pandemic response plan, meet basic health care needs, and support the most vulnerable segments of the population." 133878,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],[],es,78,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"De acuerdo con lo expresado en los grupos focales de personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas, ante las modificaciones de la normativa migratoria (restricción primero de tiempo de estancia como turista, y luego la imposición de la Visa Estampada5) a partir del 2017, y la dificultad para acceder a empleos estables, muchas personas optaron por viajar a otros países con mayor apertura en la regulación de población venezolana o regresaron a Venezuela." 385605,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,31,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Fin avril, une attaque des groupes armés non étatiques a provoqué le déplacement de 4031 personnes de la commune de Koumbri vers Ouahigouya (RRM, avril 2021)." 384807,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"A la date du 30 juin 2021, selon le rapport reçu du Ministère de la santé, 357 (28,1%) des formations sanitaires étaient fermées et fonctionnaient partiellement dans les six régions affectées par l’insécurité, privant plus de 895 087 personnes d’accès aux soins de santé." 277003,50764.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,88,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"La République démocratique du Congo a réintégré la loi sur la croissance et les opportunités en Afrique (AGOA) : Le 4 janvier 2021, le président des États-Unis a publié une proclamation annonçant que la RDC était à nouveau éligible à l’aide dans le cadre de ce programme - après presque une décennie d’exclusion. L’AGOA offre aux pays d’Afrique subsaharienne éligibles un accès en franchise de droits au marché américain pour plus de 1 800 produits." 150900,36670.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,171,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"El 02 de agosto, la Asamblea Legislativa, aprobó un préstamo por $250 millones para financiar el “Programa de Fortalecimiento de la Política y Gestión Fiscal para la Atención de la Crisis Sanitaria y Económica causada por el COVID-19 en El Salvador"", con el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID). El Gobierno propone, que el uso de los fondos sea de la siguiente manera: $75 millones destinados al financiamiento de los gobiernos municipales; $40 millones de financiamiento a productores agrícolas; $20 millones para el Fondo de Mitigación y Prevención de Desastres (FOPROMID); $55 millones de financiamiento de contrapartida de proyectos de inversión FOMILENIO; $30 millones para el funcionamiento del Hospital El Salvador; $12 millones para atención de beneficios de veteranos y excombatientes; y $18 millones para atender la emergencia, reconstrucción y recuperación económica -reintegros al Ministerio de Hacienda que fueron trasladados para atender la emergencia." 304088,50891.0,2466.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"Overall the significant gap in funding for Education in Emergencies (EiE) interventions, the economic situation, transportation difficulties and limited access to conflict affected areas (e.g. Jebel Marra) have affected the ability of UNICEF and partners to deliver on planned targets." 125359,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,32,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Overall, a slight decrease in the number of migrants present in Misrata was reported during the reporting period from 57.630 migrants in Round 29 to 56.947 migrants in the present rou" 197747,43603.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Despite these achievements, the response from WASH partners is constrained due to funding gaps and un-addressed gaps still exist in water supply, sanitation and essential hygiene supplies critical for COVID-19 prevention." 193730,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,59,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La province du Lac reste confrontée à un défi sécuritaire important et certaines localités sont difficilement accessibles par les acteurs humanitaires en raison de l´activisme du groupe armé, des retraits des forces de sécurité laissant un vide sécuritaire dans certaines zones, parfois des bandits qui extorquent des biens aux populations et la présence des restes d´explosifs." 194438,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Au total, 2 369 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 05/11/2020 incluant 2 316 à Kinshasa et 53 dans le Haut-Katanga ; 537 (22,7%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h." 272044,50380.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.udea.edu.co/wps/portal/udea/web/inicio/udea-noticias/udea-noticia/!ut/p/z0/fY-9DsIwDIRfhaVjlPSHFMaKAQkxMCDUZkGmCWBo4zYNFY9PAwNiYbF8p893Mle85MrCiBfwSBaaSVdKHhfLVRIXmdgKmUlRyF02z5N1uj8IvuHqPzAl4K3vVcFVTdabp-dlR85D89AGIgHDr7pSaz57mDNLHmuEIRLva4uaAvW1O-OQNNYETQsteOMCOqJm8ZJBTc5BA2yihvAQG0IT66BlRuciZWdzSkQS8-6uqhfoBSiZ/,"A pocos días de que se cumpla un año de haberse registrado el primer contagio de la covid-19 en Colombia, los profesionales de la salud siguen trabajando arduamente en medio de la incertidumbre. El ambiente laboral les ha generado cuadros de ansiedad, trastornos de pánico, estrés postraumático, cambios en el sueño y depresión." 483271,67232.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,40,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 35,6% de la población venezolana residente en el Perú, mencionó haber padecido alguna experiencia de discriminación. Más mujeres (36,6%) que hombres (34,6%) declararon haber sufrido este tipo de episodio." 472861,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,35,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"Doter les formations sanitaires (Doré, Yensé, Denean, Sim, Ramdolla, Amnésaaba, Desse, Bidi, kéké, Dandambara, Dinguiri) en réfrigérateurs pour renforcer la chaîne de froids" 186571,41082.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/ecuador/ecuador-covid-19-could-cause-11-percent-dive-gdp-year,"The pandemic struck hardest initially in the city of Guayaquil, capital of Guayas province on the Pacific coast." 153922,34182.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Por otra parte, los alimentos siempre tienen prioridad para los niños, niñas y personas enfermas, siendo las madres las que principalmente ceden su alimento." 188583,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 279 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 53 ZS réparties dans 11 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 160383,37802.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,205,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Save the Children Colombia continues its operations in the regions of Arauca, La Guajira, Valle del Cauca, Santander, Norte de Santander, Nariño and Bogotá, the country's capital. The Health, WASH, EiE, and Protection programs have adapted their operations to the bio-security protocols. In this way, we’ve provided PPE (personal protection elements) to our staff throughout the country. There have been a few incidents of social unrest in several towns and cities due to the lack of income during quarantine. The national government has extended the national quarantine until August 31, however local governments have the possibility to extend special measures. Most local governments have done so until further notice. All business has to implement COVID-19 protocols and those have to be approved by government entities in order to be able to reopen offices and public spaces. Colombia is expected to reach its pandemic peak by mid-august. Bogotá is on red alert, with 84% of ICUs occupied. Over 90.000 Venezuelans have return to their country due to the pandemic (4,5% of total Venezuelan migrants in Colombia)" 219200,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"An estimated 15 per cent of Somalia’s population live with some form of disability. In addition, the Shelter Cluster has identified 237 IDP sites that host over 98,000 IDP households as high-risk sites for virus transmission." 189729,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",fr,42,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Cependant pour la majorité, des efforts inlassables consentis, par le biais d´associations créées depuis les années 80, restent sans résultat en raison de l´absence de politique d´inclusion des personnes avec un handicap dans les stratégies d´intervention du Gouvernement." 322557,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,50,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported areas in the community where boys or men do not feel safe were On the way to markets (73%), In the market (70%) and When leaving settlement/town (28%)" 290875,52212.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=227498,"[25 March 2021, GoS] Health Ministry announced that 153 new coronaviruses were registered in Syria, 113 cases recovered, 12 others passed away." 111905,29953.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Una porción de inmigrantes ha conseguido asentarse en localidades como Santa Fe, La Candelaria, San Cristóbal y Los Mártires. En general, se dedican a las ventas ambulantes, el comercio y la venta de alimentos, sobre todo de manera informal (Organización Internacional para las Migraciones y Secretaría de Integración Social, 2018)." 301216,52845.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Cases', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,205,['Impact'],"['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"14th March 2021, Cox's BAzar − Police have arrested a Bangladeshi person from Teknaf for cheque forgery. Coxsbazar News (Bang.) − At least five people were injured in a crash between a UNHCR mini-bus and a truck in Ramu. Dainik Coxsbazar (Bang.) − Two members of Salman Shah gang in Jadimura Camp 27 have been arrested by RAB with 1 shotgun and a local one shooter gun. Teknaf Today (Bang.) − A fugitive Bangladeshi man, involved in an abduction, has been arrested in Garjania, Ramu. Coxsbazar News (Bang.) − Six stores and houses have burned down in Pekua after a gas cylinder explosion. Coxsbazar News (Bang.), Parbatta News (Bang.) − 16 innocent Jummas beaten by army in Ruma of Bandarban! Hill Voice (Eng.) − In Cox's Bazar District, the number of patients infected with corona virus is increasing again. On 14 March, 16 patients were found positive out of 465 samples tested in the lab of Cox's Bazar Medical College. Coxsbazar News (Bang.)" 273770,50128.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,44,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,"[commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] Bien que le taux de scolarisation enregistré soit de 75% avec un ratio de 55 élèves par professeur, les matériels scolaires demeurent un besoin important pour les enfants sinistrés de la communauté d’accueil." 113112,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Se realiza la articulación con la Secretaría de Bienestar Social de Cali para la atención de casos positivos de COVID-19, así como seguimiento a las ayudas humanitarias brindadas." 358562,58464.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,68,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] 27% of assessed communities KIs reported infrastructure as a priority need. HSOS findings show that from March to May, the proportion of communities where infrastructure was reported as a priority need for residents went from 0% to 27%, with expansion of main network access in May reported as a need in 48% of assessed locations" 265698,49620.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Economy']",fr,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Les hausses de prix semblent relever des trois facteurs précédemment détaillés : la baisse de la production agricole, l’insécurité et le ralentissement de l’économie liés aux mesures prises dans le cadre du COVID-19 (fermeture des frontières, couvre-feu, limitation des activités commerciales)" 298954,51152.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"In December 2020, some 316,599 people were reached with emergency food assistance against a target of 536,555 people by Food Security and Livelihood Cluster." 307763,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Funding for critical protection case management and referral services, including child protection and GBV, as current funding ends soon." 190524,39000.0,1188.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Panama%20FactSheet%20ENG%208.2020%20final.pdf,"The refugee population is mainly composed of persons from Colombia, El Salvador, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Especially during the last two years the asylum claims form Venezuela and, in particular, Nicaragua, have dramatically increased. At the same time mixed movements entering through Darien (border with Colombia) increased during 2019 (more than 23,000 people1 ) with small numbers requesting international protection in Panama, whilst most others transiting northward through Panama. During the COVID-19 pandemic, over 2,000 persons remain in the Reception Centers in Darien and Chiriquí since March due to border closures to prevent the spread of the virus." 172881,40676.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,89,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"De plus, 5,5 millions de personnes, dont une majorité d’enfants, ont besoin d’une prise en charge nutritionnelle à cause de la dégradation de la situation nutritionnelle du pays au cours des derniers mois, détérioration qui risque de continuer du fait de l’impact négatif du COVID-19 sur les revenus des ménages et l’adoption de stratégies négatives de survie telles que la réduction du nombre de repas par jour ou de la taille et qualité nutritive des rations." 224253,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Recommandations : Faire le plaidoyer auprès du Gouvernement pour l’aménagement /renforcement des digues rompues pour les rendre plus durables 286523,51252.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,178,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"Current situation overview: According to Nutrition and Food Security Surveillance data (Round 9) used for the current analysis, the acute malnutrition prevalence (GAM based on WHZ) was at IPC AMN Phase 4 (Critical) in Northern Yobe domain (15.8%), at IPC AMN Phase 3 (Serious) in Central Borno (10.7%), Northern Borno (14.0%), Southern Yobe (10.2%), and Central Yobe (14.7) domains, at IPC Phase 2 (Alert) in Northern Adamawa (7.5) Southern Borno (8.8%), Eastern Borno (9.6%) and MMC/Jere (9.9%) domains, and at IPC Phase 1 (Acceptable) in Southern Adamawa (4.7%). The overall acute malnutrition prevalence at state level was 6.2% in Adamawa (IPC AMN Phase 2), 10% in Borno (IPC AMN Phase 3) and 12.3% in Yobe (IPC AMN Phase 3" 124324,30176.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"Un 72.7% afirmó que sus ingresos provienen de trabajos informales (por ejemplo, venta de comida, dulces o artesanías en las calles) y debido a las restricciones de movimiento impuestas por el gobierno sus capacidades de generar ingresos se han perjudicado notoriamente. Esto ha provocado dificultades inmediatas para adquirir alimentos y cubrir otras necesidades básicas como medicamentos, artículos higiénicos y agua, entre otros." 265680,49620.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"En 2020, le contexte lié au COVID-19 est venu accentuer davantage la vulnérabilité des populations déplacées et des communautés hôtes, créant des besoins dans l’ensemble des secteurs d’intervention humanitaires3" 326644,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,114,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 26% of households were found to have at least one Protection Living Standard Gaps (LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 21% of households were found to have a Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in protection but no Capacity Gap (CG) in protection, 5% of households were found to have both a Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in protection and a Capacity Gap (CG) in protection, 74% of households were found to have no protection Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a Capacity Gap (CG) in protection." 134192,34849.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En cuanto a la situación de vivienda, la DTM arrojó que el 35,6% de las personas encuestadas convive con dos a tres personas por habitación, mientras que un 11,2% se encuentra en situación de hacinamiento crítico (más de tres personas por habitación)." 384871,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Dans le DS de Sebba, la fermeture de certaines FS et le déplacement massif des populations vers la ville contraignent les agents de santé à une intensification des sorties en CPN avancées. Sous la supervision de MdME, 177 CPN ont été réalisées dans les aires sanitaires de 5 FS du DS de Sebba." 265738,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,58,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"La fourniture de l’assistance humanitaire est par ailleurs soumise à de multiples aléas. En premier lieu, la situation sécuritaire représente une contrainte à l'accès aux populations par les acteurs humanitaires. Les conditions climatiques difficiles (inondations) ainsi que le mauvais état des infrastructures et des routes contribuent à le compliquer davantage." 168461,40262.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,104,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AUG_Sitrep%20Plataforma%20Nacional_2_AB_ZH2.pdf,"• Regarding the new migration bill, President Piñera assured that he will ""veto"" the indications proposed by the opposition if adopted by the Congress. The most controversial measures are the following two: the creation of a new category for those seeking job opportunities in the country after having entered as tourists and the implementation of an extraordinary regularization for those who have pending applications or have irregular migratory status, allowing them to request a temporary residence visa, without being administratively sanctioned, within a period of 90 days from the entry into force of the law." 338663,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,111,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Mujeres y Niñas ante la discriminación y violencia basada en género (VBG): Los primeros meses de 2020 se caracterizaron por la crisis derivada del COVID-19 y las medidas de aislamiento preventivo obligatorio, generando un incremento sustancial en los casos de violencia hacia las mujeres. Las medidas de prevención y de mitigación de la propagación del virus (el aislamiento o distanciamiento social) y las restricciones de movilidad, han exacerbado la violencia contra las mujeres y niñas que ocurre en los hogares porque las víctimas/sobrevivientes se encuentran encerradas con los perpetradores con oportunidades muy limitadas de salir de sus hogares o de buscar ayuda." 134139,34837.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,16,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El 50% de las personas entrevistadas manifestó tener la intención de quedarse en Chile," 131808,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Realizar estudios sobre las barreras en la educación, y en el desempeño de los estudiantes refugiados y migrantes." 322712,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Education LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 89% for severe and lowest was 4% for stress. Similarly highest percentage of households per Education LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 85% for severe and lowest was 0% for stress." 227489,46488.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Concernant la disponibilité et l’accès aux centres de santé, tous les IC ont rapporté les structures de santé comme étant le principal lieu de soin disponible pour les ménages ainsi que pour les femmes lors de l’accouchement. Tous les IC ont rapporté qu’une structure de santé se situait entre 45 minutes et 2 heures de marche pour la majorité des ménages de la localité." 333654,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,88,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Site : Kollom / Zone de responsabilité : Nguélia / Problèmes en Nutrition : Malnutrition / Problèmes en Santé : Eloignement du centre de santé le plus proche, environ 25 Km de Bol Faible pouvoir d’achat, maladies de la peau Pathologies dominantes: la diarrhée, la dermatose, la malnutrition, les infections respiratoires aigües (IRA) et la conjonctivite. 90% des enfants observés : la dermatose et la parasitose intestinale. Accouchements à domicile et les complications de grossesse" 173014,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,45,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Sur les 17 maladies à potentiel épidémique et sous surveillance, trois affectent particulièrement la RDC le choléra, la rougeole et le paludisme auxquelles s’ajoute l’épidémie de COVID-19, dans un contexte de système de santé déjà très fragile." 304787,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,The majority of schools in refugee camps are in urgent need of rehabilitation to accommodate refugee students and support quality education access 48892,12663.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Maternal and Infant Health According to a 2018 report by the government of Colombia, more than 8,000 pregnant Venezuelan women had entered Colombia who were expected to give birth in the country; the majority of this population did not have any type of prenatal care in Venezuela.73 Among all pregnancies recorded in 2018, 673 were among children aged 13-17, 57 of them members of indigenous groups.74" 244253,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,The national independent electoral commission (CENI) officially launched the revision of the electoral roll on 1 October in N’Djamena. The operation will take place across the country until 20 October 2020. 295061,52363.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"The main source of water for human consumption in homes is water from the aqueduct or sewerage system, at 75% of households reporting. However, 9% of households surveyed do not have access to a standard source of drinking water, but use water from tank cars, water tanks or bottled water. It was also found that 10% of the population uses alternative water sources such as public fountains, rivers, streams, or springs" 162926,39647.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,36,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"Rohingya Community Outreach Members (COMs) conducted 753 household visits, reaching 3,481 refugees; and conducted 2,433 COVID-19 awareness sessions reaching 6,166 refugees, including 1,936 older persons and 120 persons with disabilities." 247990,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Site Dilkori, Court terme = Construire 40 latrines / Moyen terme = Installer 2 forages et réhabiliter le forage en panne" 212991,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,112,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"It is also important to document lessons and success stories in education as we collectively take on the daunting challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. There are already two important take-aways: First, Afghanistan needs to focus on the expanded role of ICT in education and to accelerate efforts to develop quality interactive audiovisual content based on the national curriculum; schools need to be equipped with ICT infrastructure and internet access to improve the quality of education and learning. Second, we have to ensure system resilience and build back better especially in a context such as Afghanistan, which unfortunately, is plagued by enduring crises." 163458,30943.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En términos geográficos, el noroeste, especialmente los departamentos fronterizos con Venezuela exhiben altas tasas de crecimiento esta semana en comparación con la semana anterior. El departamento de Cesar más que triplicó su cantidad de casos en 7 días. Además, las zonas urbanas siguen siendo los focos de la pandemia ya que Cartagena (294), Buenaventura (201), Barranquilla (189) y Bogotá (144) presentan la mayor proporción de casos confirmados por cada 100.000 habitantes." 357950,58540.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],fr,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/a-la-une/rdc-covid-19-14-nouveaux-cas-de-deces-364-nouveaux-cas-positifs-et-68-gueris-enregistres-le-vendredi-25-juin-2021/,"Pour la même journée, 14 nouveaux cas de décès ont été enregistrés parmi les cas confirmés à Kinshasa dont 12 décès dans les Centres de traitement et 2 décès communautaires." 202105,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,56,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Recent interviews with IDPs found that beyond the continued threat of conflict, potential barriers to return included a lack of safety, services and livelihood opportunities in areas of return; the destruction or occupation of former homes; and lack of accountability for human rights violations committed during the war, including sexual violence" 205797,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The needs of the population in terms of access to identity and civil status documents are also to be noted: while progress has been made with the finalisation of biometric registration of out-of-camp refugees in Logone-et-Chari, Mayo-Sava and Mayo-Tsanaga in 2019, the lack of documentation among internally displaced persons and refugees and inadequate recognition of refugee identity documents expose them to the risk of statelessness, denial of access to basic services and arbitrary arrest and detention." 189738,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,41,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le taux de croissance du PIB a chuté à 2,5% en 2015 contre 6,9% en 2014 pour arriver à 2,6 au premier semestre 2018. Le PIB du Tchad devrait augmenter d´environ 3,6% entre 2019 et 2020." 384814,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Au mois de juin deux incidents ont été rapporté et ont entrainés la fermeture de deux formations sanitaires, la perte des biens et stocks des médicaments qui ont été rapporté par les groupes armés non identifié, mais aussi le décès d’un auxiliaire de santé." 18170,7262.0,321.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,55,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000101571.pdf," Crude oil production pushed the Libyan economy up in 2017-2018, with a revival in oil output and a pick-up in global oil prices. This led to a tripling of public revenues and a trade surplus in 2017 (after 3 years of deficit) with a relatively small increase in imports." 340948,56209.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Economy']",fr,65,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2021/05/11/comite-de-conjoncture-economique-constate-la-hausse-des-reserves-de-change-a-la-banque-centrale-congo/,"Le Chef du Gouvernement central s’inscrit dans la logique de diversifier l’économie du pays pour parvenir à l’autosuffisance alimentaire. Le Premier Ministre, Jean Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge, a rappelé cet engagement contenu dans son programme d’actions, ce mardi 11 mai 2021 au cours de la réunion hebdomadaire du Comité de Conjoncture Économique." 223608,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Non-renewal of the humanitarian exemption would result in donor reluctance to fund humanitarian operations, and even incremental increases in donor risk aversion would have a significant adverse impact on the ability to deliver assistance." 344263,56790.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] In April, 10 out of 1,909 surveyed vendors across NWS reported having closed their shops. 1 of these surveyed shops were in NW Aleppo, and the remaining 9 were reported in Idleb." 204299,43976.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Le taux de prévalence de la malnutrition aigue globale s’élève à 6,5% sur l’ensemble de la région [de Niamey]." 177561,41673.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/World/covid-19-global-caseload-approaching-near-39mn/59038,"[16th October 2020, Bangladesh] The daily infection rate for Thursday was recorded at 11.34 percent upon testing 14,104 samples during the period. During the same period, 15 more patients died from Covid-19, raising the death toll to 5,608." 236001,46890.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In addition to the partner’s efforts, the two regional Delegations of public health organized activities in non-covered health facilities which is a new approach supported by UNICEF and WFP, as this increases the sustainability of the interventions." 453779,64224.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,44,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Otro tipo de violencia recurrente que hacen mención los entrevistados es la violencia económica, en la cual se puede observar el poder, manejo y toma de decisiones respecto a los ingresos del hogar, este tipo de violencia proviene mayormente del hombre" 221771,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Abductions of humanitarian workers remain a concerning trend. With the exception of the kidnapping and murder of the seven health-care workers in Hirshabelle, all of the other kidnappings were verified as having been carried out by Al-Shabaab, which considers kidnapping to be a source of income." 386432,60870.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Actualmente no se desarrollan actividades académicas ni de uso de tiempo libre con los 250 NNAJ (comunidades indígenas) y 30 NNAJ (comunidad campesina) que hacen parte de la emergencia humanitaria. 166613,40055.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,105,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_as_of_20_september_ne_nigeria.pdf,"In Adamawa State, 234 out of 1,836 samples tested are positive, giving a positivity rate of 12.7%. Also, 48.7% of confirmed cases are known contacts of previously confirmed cases. 13.7% of confirmed cases in Adamawa State are health workers. Contact to case ration in Adamawa State is 5:4. 14 out of 21 LGAs (67%) have reported at least one confirmed case in Adamawa State. Community case search is ongoing in all locations reporting cases in Borno State, in all high-burden LGAs in Yobe State as well as in Adamawa Stat" 223925,46071.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],fr,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est un vaste pays de 2.345.409 Km² qui compte plus de 85 millions d’habitants, partageant ses 9.000 Km de frontière avec 9 pays limitrophes. Kinshasa, la capitale, a une population estimée à 12 millions d’habitants, soit 15% de la population nationale. Parmi la population de la RDC on estime avoir 50,8% des femmes, 58,2% d’enfant et 15% des personnes en situation d’handicap." 132489,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Incrementar el cumplimiento de los derechos laborales y socioeconómicos: los socios en la respuesta promoverán la defensa conjunta y la asistencia técnica a las instituciones públicas y privadas con el fin de introducir los derechos de refugiados y migrantes en los protocolos de inspección laboral, marcos normativos y de gestión y las políticas y programas nacionales y subnacionales. Esto enfocará el fortalecimiento de la capacidad para la inclusión de los derechos socioeconómicos de refugiados y migrantes en los marcos de políticas y estructuras de gestión y normativas del sector público y privado." 496334,60048.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,38,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Las anteriores cifras revelan, por un lado, que viajar solas es peligroso para las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas de Venezuela y lo que explica en parte por qué hay más hombres que mujeres viajando solos." 277280,50610.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] In light of the increased reported numbers of COVID-19 in recent months, the RCCE Group is currently focused on strengthening coverage and effectiveness of public engagement on the ongoing risks of COVID-19, with interventions emphasizing preventive measures and health-seeking behaviors and supporting linkages between community and health systems." 177275,41744.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,18,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Sur les 10 points d’eau évalués, 10 sont fonctionnels et conformes aux standards SPHERE." 289367,51168.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Measles outbreaks took place in Tonj East, Tonj South, and Pibor counties in 2020, emphasizing need to strengthen routine immunization." 283908,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The Cash Working Group also compiled and shared best practices from partners on Cash and Voucher Assistance adaptations to COVID-19 to promote learning across the different partners. 153850,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Así mismo se obtuvo información relacionada a amenazas y desalojos de venezolanos en condición de calle en los departamentos de Arauca y Casanare, que durante su tránsito ocupan espacios públicos como parques, vías, andenes, puentes, etc., por parte de grupos armados ilegales, sin que se conozca su destino." 220004,45769.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Economy']",fr,42,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"La population n’a pas les moyens financiers pour se faire soigner et ne bénéficie pas de la gratuité des soins. Vu les conditions d’hébergement et d’hygiène malpropre, elle est exposée à plusieurs maladies." 106491,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Les genera especial temor y desconfianza el paso de los camiones en sus caminatas por las carreteras, los policías y los ladrones porque, dicen, también se roban a los niños (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo La Guajira, 2019)." 228649,46627.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,13,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,Addressing false information & misconceptions: The need for gendered awareness raising. 501304,69057.0,2074.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,57,[],['Context'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe-situacion-migrantes-refugiados-venezolanos-en-Bolivia.pdf,"Resolución 242: permite la permanencia transitoria durante 60 días sin costo. Hay un plazo inicial para encontrar trabajo y demostrar que la persona no es carga social para el Estado. Posteriormente se puede optar a la permanencia con visas por estudio, trabajo, familia, o visas humanitarias (un año)." 328540,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[Displacement] Top three reported reasons for leaving previous location were conflict in surrounding area, but not in my community (25%), drought (20%) and Lack of livelihood opportunities/job (13%)" 237707,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Se identifica que en la semana epidemiológica 53, los eventos de malaria, mortalidad perinatal y neonatal tardía, leishmaniasis cutánea, bajo peso al nacer y varicela se encuentran por debajo de lo esperado, mientras que el evento de infección respiratoria aguda grave IRAG se encuentra por encima de los valores esperados, los demás eventos están dentro del comportamiento histórico de la notificación" 204253,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the Far North, IDPs are integrating with the host community, inter alia through marriage, and by participating in local committees for the management of natural resources. Out-of-camp refugees are also participating in social and community development activities." 163768,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"El Atlántico superó las 1.600 muertes por coronavirus, el 7 y 8 de julio se superó el máximo de 800 contagios por día." 475383,63997.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En Perú o Colombia recientemente han comenzado a recibir grandes cantidades de solicitudes de reconocimiento de la condición de refugiado. Por otro lado, el acceso a la justicia de personas solicitantes y refugiadas es limitado debido al desconocimiento del sistema de justicia y a la falta de asesoramiento legal. La mayoría de los casos están relacionados con los procedimientos de determinación de la condición de refugiado y con el derecho a la no devolución." 134722,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Entonces, el porcentaje de subsidios correspondientes a vivienda definitiva (DS 49) adjudicado por personas migrantes se han mantenido bajos entre 2015 y 2019, en cambio los relativos a arriendo (DS 52) han ido en aumento" 307736,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,102,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Security incidents remain a key constraint impacting the scale-up of humanitarian services, especially in Gumuruk Payam. Community fighting among age-set groups in Gumuruk Payam was reported on 9 and 14 March, and impacted nutrition services, for children under 5 and pregnant and lactating women during the reporting period in Gumuruk Payam, including Gumuruk, Lawlor, Vuveth, Lothila, Molokthoch and Manyabol nutrition sites. Authorities have engaged communities in Gumuruk to calm tensions in the area, and activities recommenced. On 14 March, insecurity was reported in Manyireng Village, Vertet Payam." 338558,56250.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,52,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Tanganyika - pluies abondantes abattues entre février et avril 2021, dans les zones bordant le fleuve Congo, le Lac Tanganyika et leurs affluents] [Footnote] (ces chiffres sont partiels car d’autres zones bordant le lac restent inaccessibles ; les évaluations sont en cours)" 399009,61829.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.publimetro.cl/cl/noticias/2021/02/15/encuestas-pandemia-migracion.html,"Respecto a la pregunta: “¿Usted cree que la llegada de inmigrantes extranjeros a Chile es bueno o malo para el país?”, un 60% se inclinó por la segunda opción. Según el analista político y académico de la Universidad Mayor, Germán Silva, “estar en contra de la migración es una tendencia mundial”." 356133,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,27,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Este mes la inflación mensual fue de 0,59%, superior a las expectativas de la Encuesta de Opinión Financiera de Fedesarrollo (0,35%)." 328772,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] The highest percentage of households per MSNI severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 57% for extreme and lowest was 0% for stress and no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 51% for stress and lowest was 0% for stress and no or minimal" 163855,39094.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20East%20Nigeria%20-%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Update%20%28As%20of%2023rd%20August%202020%29.pdf,"Over 24,150 caregivers were sensitized with messages on COVID-19 by UNICEF VCMs in 20 LGAs in Borno State. Messages focus on voluntary sample testing, timely reporting of cases and de-stigmatization." 224221,45763.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Cette situation [écoles fermées] n’est pas seulement liée aux inondations, elle y va au-delà. De plus, les élèves résidant dans les villages ne peuvent accéder à leurs écoles du fait de l’impraticabilité des axes routiers." 160578,38373.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Otro tipo de violencia, que ha sido más invisibilizada, es la negación en el acceso a servicios de salud a mujeres gestantes y lactantes por parte de funcionarios de salud, alegando la falta de documentación." 171491,40704.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] World Vision Rohingya Refugee Response integrated this objective throughout its five sectors, including Protection (Child Protection, GBV prevention), Nutrition, WASH and Cash, Food Security and Livelihoods (CFSL), mainstreaming awareness raising on COVID-19 and providing psychosocial support to children and adults. Our awareness raising and promotion of preventive behaviours sessions, which reached 221,001 people, were based on standardised messages developed by the Communications with Communities (CWC) Working Group in keeping with Ministry of Health and WHO guidelines, and were endorsed by all response sectors." 203598,43976.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,84% des ménages [ a Diffa] ont rapporté avoir consommé des céréales chaque jour de la semaine précédant l’enquête et 62% des ménages ont consommé des légumineuses au moins 3 jours au cours de la semaine. 41% n’avaient pas consommé de viande du tout au cours de cette semaine. 346885,56987.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Even under normal circumstances, access to education for Rohingya children was constrained and since the pandemic, children have faced many additional challenges regarding distance learning and home-schooling. Prior to the pandemic, 29% of adolescents were enrolled in learning centres." 277294,50610.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March, 2021, NES] To date in NES, 67 confirmed cases have been reported in camps and IDP sites. Overall there have been 1,540 samples taken from IDPs and refugees out of camp settings, and 224 samples from camps. Among IDPs outside of camps 503 confirmed cases have been identified and registered." 294824,52363.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"Of the 3,111 households surveyed, 64% state that no member of their household is currently affiliated to any of the health regimes in Colombia (contributory, subsidized or special). In general, 80% of the population are not affiliated. This low coverage is associated with the difficulties of access to regularization as in Colombia regular status, verified by means of a series of documents, is a requirement for affiliation to the General System of Social Security in Health (SGSSS)." 321992,54699.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,91,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.diariodelnorte.net/noticias/caribe/cartagena-ocupacion-de-camas-uci-llego-al-80/,"Gran preocupación en Cartagena debido al aumento en la ocupación de camas UCI y los contagios por coronavirus en estos últimos días en la ciudad.De acuerdo a la Alcaldía Distrital, el 80% de las camas UCI se encuentran ocupadas. De esta manera, de las 368 camas UCI que hay en la ciudad, 295 están ocupadas y 73 disponibles. Del total de camas ocupadas, 109 están siendo utilizadas por pacientes Covid, 17 por sospechosos de tener el virus y 169 de otras patologías." 111945,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,48,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La población indígena sufre especialmente los impactos de la migración: comparte las mismas vulnerabilidades que el resto de los migrantes, pero se intensifican dadas las diferencias culturales y lingüísticas que existen con la comunidad de acogida (como es el caso de los yukpa15)." 146586,36058.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-aid-agencies-raise-alarm-over-veto-cross-border-aid,"Additionally, through Bab al Salam, half a million people were supported with food and livelihoods assistance -- but this vital crossing point is now at risk of being cut." 177259,41744.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,55,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Le score moyen NFI est de 4 donc supérieur au seuil de vulnérabilité de 3,8. Les ménages possèdent des couvertures, supports de couchage et des bidons avec une capacité suffisante en quantité acceptable. Les besoins des ménages en termes d’articles sont les casseroles et marmites ainsi que les moustiquaires." 111716,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,125,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La migración representa para las familias rupturas de los vínculos con las personas más allegadas. Algunos relatan incluso no haberse separado nunca antes de sus madres. Por esto, la falta de comunicación debido a los costos de las llamadas telefónicas les afecta profundamente. Mantener el contacto familiar como primer paso para la búsqueda y reunificación de las familias resulta ser una acción esencial en todos los servicios de prevención y protección a niños, niñas y adolescentes. Con este fin, el ICBF cuenta con un convenio con el CICR, el cual requiere ser complementado en las acciones de respuesta de otras agencias de Naciones Unidas y ONG (Subdirección General del ICBF, entrevista, 2019)." 414073,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,161,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Many pregnant women also self-excluded to get necessary health services, especially regular check-up, which is inescapable during pregnancy. On the other side of the coin, it was found that there was negligence from the supply side to provide services during pregnancy. More than half of the pregnant women stated that no family planning or health workers visited them to check their health condition during their pregnancy in times of the pandemic situation. This is also alarming that many of the delivery was executed at home and by untrained midwives. This is more alarming that many of the new mothers did not receive any postnatal service and get their 0-28 day-babies vaccinated in seven days. Moreover, many of the under-five children were not vaccinated during the pandemic, from April to August. This will have a potential long-term impact if measures are not taken." 338566,56250.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,[43 915 DPI à Kalemie] Un seul des 11 sites est appuyé pour la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe modérée (MAM) 184784,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,99,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] As well as indicating continued under-testing (the WHO advises that a case positive rate above 5% is an indicator of possible undertesting i.e. not enough people are being sampled to adequately reflect the prevalence of infection among the community), the increase in the positivity rate as the number of tests increase is a strong indicator of heightened transmission among the community. In this context, widespread community transmission and exponential growth are inevitable without the implementation of measures to prevent the spread of the infection" 145399,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,90,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As indicated in previous reports, in June, approximately 2,985 students crossed into GoS-controlled areas to sit their high school certificate and were accommodated in 23 centres located in Aleppo (1,020), Ar-Raqqa (1,621), Hama (205), DeirEz-Zor (35), Damascus and Rural Damascus governorates (104). At the time of writing, around 100 ninth grade students had already returned, with a little under 2,900 12th grade students preparing to depart in the coming days." 225047,45275.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,30,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"While school reopening is starting, the economic impacts of Covid-19 and the strain on family incomes is likely to make it more difficult for children to return to school" 303520,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"L'importation de produits alimentaires de base comme les huiles végétales et le riz, les intrants agricoles et d'autres biens de consommation reste limitée en raison des perturbations de la chaîne d'approvisionnement globale. Jusqu'à présent, le gouvernement n'a annoncé aucun plan visant à alléger davantage les restrictions ou à rouvrir complètement le pays." 286922,51627.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Psychological distress. Some reported emotional signs of stress, including increased fear and worry, insomnia, nightmares, and sadness. “Even though the disease has not reached the area yet, we are living in fear and terror… because we are living in camps” Stress responses varied, however, with one participant articulating the implicitly pragmatic risk prioritisation common within camps. “Ten years of war! You expect people to fear a germ? Everything became acceptable. Even death is acceptable”" 279349,50900.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | There is availability of isolation area but no Sufficient hand-washing facilities. Of the 15% of households that reported experiencing difficulties in obtaining hand/body soap, the following issues were reported most frequently: 14% said Soap is too expensive and 2% said Soap is distributed infrequently." 386437,60870.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Es necesario atención en salud física ya que se están presentando enfermedades relacionadas con EDA, desnutrición, casos de COVID, posible caso de tuberculosis." 356674,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,186,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Recomendaciones Al Congreso de Colombia: -Iniciar un proceso con amplia participación de grupos de la sociedad civil y agencias internacionales que operan en Colombia para reformar la Policía, adoptando las siguientes medidas, entre otras: -Transferir la Policía del Ministerio de Defensa al Ministerio del Interior o a un nuevo Ministerio de Seguridad, a fin de asegurar que el rol y las funciones de los policías estén claramente separados de los de los militares. -Establecer salvaguardas sólidas que aseguren que los “traslados por protección” no se usen de modo arbitrario. -Reformar el sistema disciplinario de la Policía para asegurar su independencia. -Garantizar que el sistema de justicia militar no adelante investigaciones sobre violaciones de derechos humanos cometidas por policías. -Revisar los protocolos policiales sobre uso de la fuerza a fin de asegurar que existan mecanismos sólidos para prevenir el uso excesivo de la fuerza por parte de policías. -Establecer mecanismos independientes de supervisión y control sobre la policía. -Fortalecer los mecanismos para prevenir y sancionar actos de violencia de género perpetrados por policías." 386514,60787.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3758808,"Renacer, con activistas como Mayerlin Vergara, merecedora en 2020 del premio anual Nansen que otorga Acnur a socorristas destacados, rescata niñas y jóvenes incluso de prostíbulos y bares donde son forzadas a explotación, sexual o laboral, a menudo por redes de trata que capturan a las migrantes más vulnerables." 289350,51168.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"An estimated 870,000 people are facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or higher levels of food insecurity in the six counties. [as of 29 January 2021]" 155668,38514.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"Terms of Reference for Child Protection volunteers assigned to quarantine centres were finalised. GBV SS partners provided psychosocial support to 8,161 individuals (3,323 males, 4,838 females) and rolled out a booklet on “Self-Care and Coping Skills in Stressful Situations” to support community members with coping skills." 472816,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,108,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"L’insécurité a entrainé un disfonctionnement du système sanitaire dans les cinq régions les plus affectées. Des menaces et assassinats des agents de santé, les vols ou destruction des ambulances, les vols des médicaments, ... ont conduit à la fermeture de 99 formations sanitaires, soit 9% des formations sanitaires de cinq régions les plus affectées par l’insécurité, privant environ 1,3 millions de personnes de soins de santé et 201 autres, soit 19%, ont réduit leurs services à minima, selon le rapport du Ministère de la santé à la date du 14 juillet 2020." 189693,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"En dépit des initiatives entreprises dans le cadre de la stabilisation du bassin du lac Tchad, les activités des groupes armés demeurent intenses, affectant la stabilité des pays de la région." 191637,43409.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.afro.who.int/fr/news/burkina-faso-les-tradipraticiens-de-sante-de-la-region-du-sud-ouest-lecole-de-la-surveillance,"Ainsi, des actions telles que la création d’une direction de la médecine traditionnelle, l’institutionnalisation de la médecine traditionnelle, la mise en place d’un cadre règlementaire, l’adoption d’une stratégie nationale, la codification des conditions d’exercice, la réglementation de la vente des médicaments ont été réalisées.La médecine traditionnelle fait partie du code de santé publique depuis 1994." 198676,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"A Kinshasa, les ZS hot spots, pour les 7 244 cas dont l’information a été communiquée, sont celles de Gombe (879/7244 ; 12,1%), Binza Ozone (818/7244 ; 11,3%), Limete (749/7244 ; 10,3%), Kokolo (671/7244 ; 9,3%), Lemba (529/7244 ; 7,3%), Binza Météo (481/7244 ; 6,6%) et Kasa Vubu (287/7244 ; 4,0%) (Figure 3)." 82585,22770.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,64,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"The largest proportion of the 3,845 recently displaced Libyan households reportedly came from conflict-affected areas of Ain Zara, with the next largest proportions coming from Mashroua Al Hadhba and Salaheddin. According to IOM, roughly half of these households traveled to other cities to the south and east, while at least 1,950 households were displaced within the city of Tripoli." 115254,30828.0,1620.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_may_2020_report.pdf,"85% of the total showers are functional while 15% need to be repaired. • 12 sites in 4 LGAs (Girei, Adamawa state, Jere, Maiduguri and Dikwa in Borno state) do not have shower on site. • 1,638 showers needs to be repaired across 70 sites in 15 LGAs (" 341768,56181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"Le 19 avril, le Gouvernement a lancé la campagne de vaccination contre la COVID-19 avec 1,7 million de vaccins déjà dans le pays. Au 2 mai, 4 331 personnes avaient reçu la première dose du vaccin." 322187,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]97% of IDP settlement and 89% of non-IDP settlement households found with a WASH Living Standard Gaps (LSG)." 274126,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,75,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Consommation Alimentaire] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages monoparentaux dont les chefs de famille sont soit veuf(ve)s ou divorcé(e)s sont plus souvent caractérisés par une consommation alimentaire pauvre que les ménages avec un chef marié ou célibataire (respectivement 50 %, 55 % et 39 %, 43 %)." 207121,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,The malnutrition rate is also high with an estimated 1.3 million children aged 6–59 months being acutely malnourished and requiring treatment for medical complications of SAM. 328673,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 21% of IDP settlement and 39% of non- IDP settlement were with a protection LSG 393172,62158.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,155,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above chart 7.4 explains other problems mentioned by the community that most affects them in the community. 20% of the total discussants indicated displacement as the problem that most affects the community, another 20% also indicate lack of adequate shelter as the problem that most affects their communities, 14% said insecurity is the problem that most affects their community, 13% also said over population, Another 13% further mentioned insufficient of adequate Non – food Items (NFIs) as the problems that most affects the community. 13% mentioned Lack of facemasks, hand sanitizers, soap and adequate water supplies as the problem that most affects the community while another 7% demonstrates that restrictions of movement and school closure as a result of COVID 19 are the problems that most affects the community." 192550,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In addition, the labour market remains stagnant due to COVID-19 restrictions, especially for the most vulnerable, including IDPs. Residents living in cities already isolated by the presence of Al Shabab (AS) have been particularly affected by the suspension of internal flights; with no choice but to transport goods by road, they have often been forced to give up their goods when attacked by AS." 17187,7079.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20EXTERNAL%20Operational%20Update%207%20DEC.PDF,"On-going cash distributions are reaching over 320,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs). Designed to respond to the protection, shelter and winterization needs of over 45,000 IDP families, this is the largest round of cash distributions to date in 2018. Rental subsidies are being disbursed to 26,000 households – more than half of the cash beneficiaries. While 11,000 families will receive cash for winterization, the remaining 9,000 families will receive cash to help them to address protection issues." 147185,36458.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Syria%20HSOS%20Zoom-in%2C%20IDPs%20in%20Host%20communities%20-%20Hasakeh%2C%20Ar-Raqqa%2C%20Aleppo%2C%20Deir-ez-Zor%20Governorates%2C%20May%202020.pdf,"In line with these measures, reported barriers to accessing education relate to COVID-19 restrictions. In addition, KIs in 27 assessed locations, including 11 in Deir-ez-Zor governorate and 16 in Hasakeh governorate, reported the inability for IDP families to prioritise sending children to school over work as a barrier to access education in the absence of COVID-19 restrictions." 280791,50914.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Chad emergency: Estimated 14,078 Sudanese refugees newly arrived in Chad." 331071,44828.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported that half or more than half of the population consists of IDPs that have arrived within the last three months were Panyijiar (22%), Rumbek North (20%), Leer (15%), Rumbek East (13%) and Magwi (13%)." 16807,7075.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,156,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"One the demand side, despite relatively functional markets, financial access to food remains of great concern, as the prices of basic commodities continue to increase due to depreciation of the national currency, high import taxes, double taxation and increased transport and storage costs. The economic access to food remained the main constraint for most of the population including civil servants who are normally better off. A great portion of the population, even in the more stable areas, cannot access basic food commodities as the cost of the Minimum/Survival Food Basket continues to increase on monthly basis. Currently, the cost of the Minimum/Survival Food Basket is about 150% compared to pre-crisis levels. Prices of fuel products such as petrol, diesel and cooking gas cylinders have increased since escalation of conflict compared to the pre-crisis era and is expected to increase further." 273766,50128.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,[commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] Les sinistrés n’ont plus accès aux soins de santé dans la mesure où la majorité des centres et postes de santé ont été endommagés par la catastrophe. 145437,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"UNFPA also continues to provide maternal and neonatal health services and GBV prevention and response services, with 222,668 people receiving reproductive health, awareness raising, MHPSS since March." 129442,32894.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,52,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Hinchas: ""fenómeno que todos conocen y nadie atiende"". Grupos de más de cinco personas que visten indumentaria de equipos de fútbol. Atacan migrantes venezolanos en su trayecto, principalmente con armas blancas, los hieren y les roban sus pertenencias; violentan a mujeres y niñas." 74626,21263.0,1184.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,143,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"El 16% de las personas encuestadas se encuentra en edad escolar, pero el 55% no asiste a la escuela, ni está inscrito. Las principales razones por las cuales los NNA no asisten al colegio es: 59% falta de cupos, 18% costos educativos muy altos, 14% porque necesitan trabajar y 9% porque no está interesada en estudiar Los ciudadanos venezolanos se enfrentan a la limitada disponibilidad de recursos, la documentación y la falta de conocimiento sobre los procedimientos para la inscripción. 60,2% mencionan que asisten con regularidad a la escuela mientras que el 39,3% menciona que no. De los cuales 75,3% menciona que la razón para no asistir es por falta de recursos económicos, 3,9% por discriminación y 15,6% por otros motivos." 359827,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,129,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Boys along with their fathers work outside the homes in choosing a safe place for evacuation, boat riding, shelter management, and other activities. The girls and boys who are in schools and participated in the Plan project confirmed both girls and boys engaged in the disaster preparedness activities in the preparation phase. Despite this, out-of-school girls mentioned that girls do not often get the opportunity to receive training on disaster preparedness and response, and as a result when they face any disaster, they become nervous and do not know what to do. Some girls explained that they even freeze during disasters which causes them and their family members more difficulties." 226625,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"COVID-19 is proving to be a serious exacerbating factor in further limiting girls from possible social support, services or information which could address longstanding gender discrimination." 229674,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Need for sensitization about routine EPI services and possible outreach to support maximum coverage of the IDPs and the host community. 328611,54713.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 100% of IDP settlement and 76% of non-IDP settlement households found with a nutrition Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 248819,48322.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,62,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/noticias/comunicado-oficial-202101271943,"Aperturar la frontera o permitir el libre tránsito de migrantes por la región, sería poner en riesgo no solo a los habitantes de la zona, sino también a ellos mismos y a los países vecinos, dada la condición irregular de estos extranjeros, quienes, en muchas ocasiones, se movilizan sin acatar las medidas de bioseguridad establecidas." 210087,44790.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,84,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Several critical problems have been identified in achieving protection of affected populations. Safety and security is a significant concern, as a result of armed conflict and violence, and substandard living conditions in IDP sites. People are exposed to risk of violence, as well as loss of property due to theft, accidental fire or flash floods and lack of security of tenure. Distance to communal services and livelihoods aggravates the risk of GBV for women and girls." 473205,67204.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,93,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"El panorama no es alentador, advierten los expertos, dado que se cree que esta situación causaría un serio impacto en la vulneración de los derechos de la niñez, en especial en países con altos índices de desigualdad, como Colombia. “Las amenazas de la pobreza, la malnutrición, el desplazamiento y la separación de los hermanos u otros miembros de la familia, la deserción escolar, la violencia y el matrimonio infantil pueden surgir repentinamente de la caja de Pandora”, explica la investigadora." 393193,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,129,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above chart shows that 48% think the elderly are the group the community think are likely to be susceptible to COVID 19, 19% indicates youths are also likely to be susceptible to COVID 19, 14% indicates that adult men are the group the community think are likely to be susceptible to COVID 19 virus, 12% think children are the group that are likely, while 7% said adult women are the group the community think are likely to be vulnerable to COVID 19. The discussants across different age, gender and groups including the vulnerable below shows who are the groups they think are likely to be susceptible to COVID 19." 227482,46488.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"De plus, une vaste majorité des IC (14/15) ont rapporté qu’à minima, un peu plus de la moitié de la population pratiquait l’agriculture au moment de la collecte de données, indiquant que l’agriculture était un moyen de subsistance clé pour la population de la localité évaluée." 240717,47367.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ 8 - 14 January 2021] Self-Administration-held areas of Deir-ez-Zor are witnessing popular discontent due to the fuel crisis in the region, with fuel prices increasing by more than 50% from just two months ago." 125289,32569.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"The highest syndromic selfreported illnesses were acute watery diarrhoea reported by half of those suffering from acute illnesses, followed by acute respiratory conditions such as flu or cough (34%)" 221670,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Through the plan, $527 million was sought: $256 million for the humanitarian component and $271 million for the socioeconomic one. As at 11 September, $56.6 million (25 per cent) had been received to support humanitarian interventions related to the pandemic." 21465,8858.0,730.0,"['Logistics', 'Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WASH%20Needs%20Assessment_Shibam%20Kawkaban%20District_RRD.pdf,"Restrictions on fuel imports have sparked critical shortages and price hikes across the country, severely impacting access to safe water and other services, including health care and sanitation. The cost of fuel has more than doubled, jeopardizing the provision of water, particularly for the most impoverished. Water pumping stations serving over 3 million people via public networks in 14 cities are running out of fuel." 144525,34804.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,61,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Most land borders into Syria remain closed, with some limited exemptions (from Jordan, Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon), including commercial and relief shipments, and movement of personnel from humanitarian and international organizations. Borders with Lebanon and Jordan remain closed to civilians; humanitarian workers have been able to move between Lebanon and Syria." 276093,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"La persistance des inégalités de sexe et les pratiques, croyances et perceptions socio-culturelles favorisent certaines pratiques néfastes avec des risques sanitaires, notamment chez les femmes et les enfants." 418849,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,94,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"L’étude révèle que les effets de la COVID-19 ont entrainé une perte de croissance de l’économie nationale (-4,21%) en 2020, un repli des recettes fiscales (-9,87 %), un creusement du déficit budgétaire (-5,03%), une aggravation du taux d’endettement (+11,4%) et une baisse des investissements de 107,7 milliards de FCFA en 2020. Toutefois, l’évolution du niveau général des prix à la consommation a été contenue en dessous de 3%." 490043,67394.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,153,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Refugee and Host: Currently, 641 beds are functional in 13 Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Isolation and Treatment Centers (SARI ITCs) in the camps with provision of oxygen to assist both the Rohingya refugee population and the nearby host communities of Cox’s Bazar. The bed occupancy of these SARI ITCs is 54% at the end of the reporting period. Moreover, the capacity of general isolation beds in the district is 517. The Intensive Care Unit/High Dependency Unit (ICU/HDU) at the Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital has a capacity of 43 beds for severe and critical patients. During the past weeks, an increase in the bed occupancy at the ICU has been observed, indicating the increased demand of hospitalization due to severe disease presentation at admission." 169554,40463.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,29,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In Burkina Faso, the government declared on September 09, 2020 a state of natural disaster throughout the national territory after the heavy rains of early September." 188579,43180.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,30,['At Risk'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Par ailleurs, 23,4% (272/1164) des cas présentaient au moins une comorbidité au moment du diagnostic, en majorité l’hypertension artérielle et le diabète." 16477,6352.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,78,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"The major health care needs are life-saving minimum service package at all level of health care, capacity for prevention , detection and control of epidemics and outbreaks, and operational costs including incentives for health staff to ensure continuous functioning of health facilities at a desirable capacity. There is also need to sustain delivery of medicines, medical supplies and equipment with reliable pipelines, support to declining vaccination coverage and maintenance of epidemiologic surveillance." 197529,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The Humanitarian Country Team adopted a revised version of the Centrality of Protection strategy for 2021-2022, which now includes an additional annex highlighting the relevance of the strategy’s priorities in the response to COVID-19 in Somalia." 328621,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The most commonly reported types of education facilities attended were Primary mixed school for boys and girls (31%), Quranic school for boys (29%), Quranic school for girls (23%) and Secondary mixed school for boy and girls (14%)." 305785,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,30,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"Currently, the goat-to sorghum terms of trade (ToT) are 25-50 percent lower than of same period last year and 20-35 percent lower than the three-year average." 392315,61160.0,1186.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.gob.cl/noticias/congreso-aprobo-la-ley-de-migracion-y-extranjeria-y-quedo-en-condiciones-de-ser-promulgada/,"En concreto el proyecto crea el Servicio Nacional de Migraciones, organismo que tendrá a su cargo los procedimientos que este cuerpo legal implementará tras 8 años de discusión parlamentaria y que actualiza la actual ley que data de 1975. Esta nueva institucionalidad avanza en el control, puesto que regula el ingreso de extranjeros a través de sistema flexible de visas. Además promueve derechos, deberes y obligaciones de los extranjeros. Finalmente, agiliza procedimiento de expulsión, desincentivando ingresos irregulares al país." 17104,7092.0,322.0,['Logistics'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster supports an efficient logistics response through coordination and information management. The Logistics Cluster facilitates access to common services for humanitarian organisations and includes: cargo transport from Djibouti to Sana’a by air, and to Aden and Al Hudaydah by sea; overland cargo transport and cargo storage across Yemen; fuel distribution in Sana’a, Al Hudaydah and Aden; and sea passenger transport from Djibouti to Aden and Al Hudaydah. In addition, UNHAS connects Amman to Sana’a, and Djibouti to both Sana’a and Aden." 261685,49223.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",es,93,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/al-menos-25-mil-migrantes-ingresaron-en-enero-por-trochas-de-norte-de-santander/2446,"Desde octubre del año pasado, las autoridades instauraron la ‘Operación Muralla’ para frenar el ingreso de migrantes a territorio nacional por la frontera en Norte de Santander. Sin embargo, por los 39 pasos irregulares identificados por la Policía de Cúcuta y distribuidos entre Puerto Santander, Cúcuta y Villa del Rosario, no ha disminuido el ingreso de migrantes que huyen de Venezuela. De hecho, se estima que en enero de 2021, al menos 25 mil venezolanos cruzaron la frontera por Norte de Santander." 114157,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Los medios de vida más impactados y vulnerables son los pequeños productores y jornaleros de café, granos básicos, acuicultores y pescadores. La población en inseguridad alimentaria (INSAN) representa 126.000 hogares, que dependen del consumo de maíz y frijol y, por tanto, son mucho más vulnerables al impacto negativo y a las fluctuaciones del mercado, ocasionados por las restricciones económicas impuestas por la pandemia." 408437,63583.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,21,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/co/pdf/2021/08/kpmg-co-boletin-informativo-edicion-50-digital.pdf,Fue sancionado la Ley 2101 del 15 de julio a través de la cual se reduce la jornada laboral semanal. 198331,44278.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.dw.com/fr/la-vie-reprend-aux-fronti%C3%A8res-entre-la-rdc-et-le-rwanda/a-55551822,"""Aux cours des échanges entre les autorités de nos deux pays, elles ont convenu de faciliter l’entrée sur leurs territoires respectifs des élèves, étudiants, enseignants et médecins résidants et seuls les petits commerçants regroupés dans les associations agréées sont éligibles à la traversée par la petite barrière »,a expliqué Jean-Paul Maregane, le directeur de cabinet du gouverneur du Nord-Kivu en RDC." 276241,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les normes socio-culturelles accentuent les inégalités et affectent négativement le bien-être des enfants. Les filles sont exposées aux risques de mariages forcés, grossesses précoces, exploitation sexuelle et violences basées sur le genre tandis que les garçons sont plus enclins à être associés aux groupes armés, de s’impliquer dans la criminalité et de s’intéresser à la drogue." 271896,50217.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Ces contraintes [d'accès pour les organisations humanitaires] sont liées à l’environnement sécuritaire, à certaines mesures imposées par l’état d’urgence en vigueur dans certaines régions, à l’état des routes et à l’imposition d’escortes militaires pour les acteurs humanitaires souhaitant emprunter certains axes afin de porter assistance aux populations, mais également à l’état d’urgence sanitaire due à la pandémie de la COVID 19." 156607,35848.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,78,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"Over 57,000 young people were benefited from online and offline skills development programmes, including life skills and citizenship education, entrepreneurship and vocational training (29 per cent of the annual target). Following participation in the programme, young people were provided with opportunities for engaging with their communities, including COVID-19 response, hygiene promotion, polio vaccine campaign in cooperation with health section, initiating youth platforms for social discussions like debates." 195716,43088.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,33,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/emisora/2020/10/26/cucuta/1603716032_227604.html,"A esto se le suma la intimidación de colectivos armados que fue denunciada por FedeTachira, quebuscan evitar que estas personas caminen por las vías de diferentes estados y salgan del país." 189226,42868.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,75% (►0%) de lo/as ICs reportaron que ello/as o su grupo de viaje han tenido que pagar por el medio de transporte en el que han viajado16 280792,50914.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Since December 2019, inter-communal tensions in El Geneina, in Sudan’s West Darfur have triggered a refugee influx to Eastern Chad with over 14,000 arrivals as of end of January 2020." 306551,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is continuing efforts to reduce crowding at reception centers by transporting new arrivals from Kassala’s Hamdayet and Gedaref’s Abderafi border entry points to Gedaref’s Tunaydbah and Um Rakuba refugee camps, located further from the Ethiopia–Sudan border." 171406,40771.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,Le rapport formule les recommandations suivantes qui devront être intégrées dans le plan d’action du sous-cluster VBG de la région du Sahel : -Supporter les acteurs VBG à mettre en place des espaces sûrs pour les femmes et les filles afin de leur offrir un accès confidentiel et anonyme aux services et leur permettre de se rencontrer pour partager leurs expériences ; - Accentuer les séances de sensibilisation auprès des communautés pour prévenir les risques de VBG 113120,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Se ha realizado la entrega de kits de higiene, kits de bebés y kits escolares en los municipios de Cali y Palmira." 126333,34397.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,24,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,El acceso a servicios de salud o medicamentos fueron identificados para los hogares migrantes y de acogida como la tercera necesidad más urgente. 244254,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"This revision is addressed to Chadians who, since 2016, have become of age and are now eligible to vote, those who were not able to be registered in 2016 and those who moved to a new voting district." 339332,56115.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Esta situación ha significado una afectación hacia la población en términos de Protección, debido a las amenazas de los grupos armados ilegales y la presencia de MAP en el territorio; Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (SAN), a causa de la contaminación por MAP de los cultivos y rutas de las comunidades y Salud, ya que el confinamiento impide a las comunidades acceder a estos servicios." 149253,37832.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"• WFP continues to facilitate mask production in skills development centres across nine camps with 110 Rohingya women. They have produced 143,500 masks so far, including over 55,000 child size masks, of which 80 percent have been handed over for distribution in coordination with FSS." 453780,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,35,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,En importante señalar que en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana predomina la xenofobia (13.4%) frente a la percepción de las personas de nacionalidad peruana (3.9%). 63153,18817.0,1386.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"According to the 2019 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report published by FAO,3 the prevalence of undernourishment in Venezuela increased from 6.4 per cent of the population between 2012 and 2014 to 21.2 per cent between 2016 and 2018." 306556,53161.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"The UN agency is prioritizing funding for health, nutrition, protection, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) support and for the establishment of up to 10 new resettlement sites in Sudan to accommodate new arrivals." 149549,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,39,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"Esa parte de la frontera, la de Roraima, ya estuvo cerrada a principios de agosto durante unas 20 horas tras una sentencia de una juez federal, que fue revocada poco después por un tribunal superior." 219238,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"The Galmudug State Ministry of Health in Galmudug has appealed for assistance to curb COVID-19, noting that isolation centres in the state lack adequate facilities like ICU beds and ventilators. The ministry also appealed for support to establish local testing capacity." 228167,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"From 1 January to 30 September, UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] documented 584 civilian casualties (323 killed and 261 injured) from pressure-plate IEDs, of which 12 per cent were women and 31 per cent were children. This is a 44 per cent increase in civilian casualties from these devices compared with the first nine months of 2019 and more than double the number of civilians killed. UNAMA attributed 99 per cent of civilian casualties from these devices to the Taliban." 158069,38779.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,8,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,30 # Collective shelters supported with renovation/ rehabilitation 144469,34804.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,42,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"COVID-19 related restrictions and lockdowns have spurred the further loss of job opportunities, particularly for those reliant on daily wage labor or seasonal work, increasing the likelihood of more people being pushed into food insecurity in the coming months." 199199,44310.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,58,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Toujours à Lubutu, plus de 6 écoles sur 10 ont été partiellement ou entièrement détruites par les pluies torrentielles depuis près de deux ans exposant les enfants à des risques d’interruption des activités scolaires pendant la saison pluvieuse, voire d’écroulement des salles de salles à cause de la précarité des bâtiments." 278748,45721.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,35,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,The lack of funding has resulted in a scenario in which only 8 per cent of sites for internally displaced persons in Banaadir are currently being covered by camp coordination and camp management partners. 189438,42879.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/agosto2020_analisisdenecesidadesmensual_mire_0.pdf,"Además, la crisis sanitaria asociada a la COVID-19, en un contexto de baja cobertura de los centros regionales de salud, junto con la desaceleración económica generan una coyuntura nada alentadora para las comunidades." 203863,43347.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Up to 900,000 children are afflicted with psychological trauma as a result of witnessing violence or experiencing it directly during attacks on schools or similar violent incidents." 208211,44900.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,101,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"Sensibilisation sur les thématiques de VBG au profit de 597 participants dont 35 hommes, 487 femmes, 28 garçons et 47 filles. -Trente-six (36) cas enregistrés de VBG dont 12 cas d’agression physique, 10 cas de viol, 6 cas de déni de ressources, 6 cas de violence psychologique et émotionnelle et 2 cas de mariage forcé. -Information et sensibilisation des policiers et gendarmes sur les VBG. 8 PF de la police et 5 Gendarmes ont été formés sur l'identification des cas et la collecte des données VBG à Zinder." 244260,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"As per Chadian and Nigerien health rules, all the travelers were tested – negative – for COVID-19 and provided personal hygiene kits prior to boarding." 223275,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Parties to the conflict have damaged telecommunications service by ordering service providers to terminate service or by attacking, destroying or damaging telecommunications installations." 145419,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,69,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"On 17 June, the Central Bank of Syria devalued the official exchange rate for the second time in six months – most recently from SYP 704 to SYP 1,256 to US$ 1. In some areas, local authorities recently announced local adoption of the Turkish Lira as an accepted currency, including to purchase groceries and pay salaries, in light of the weakening SYP." 63531,18852.0,1386.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,73,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://www.periodicolaguajira.com/index.php/la-guajira/82-peninsula/72268-indigenas-venezolanos-denuncian-haber-sido-sacados-de-valledupar-con-enganos,"Esto es una situación que se repite a menudo en Cúcuta, Maicao, Riohacha y casi todas las ciudades con frontera venezolana. Cuando llegaron al territorio guajiro exigieron más apoyo económico y mercados para seguir el trayecto del retorno voluntario, se les brindó lo necesario y ya están en territorio venezolano con sus seres queridos y todo el paquete de ayudas"", dijo el mandatario del vecino departamento." 204257,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Moins de 30% des ménages [de Dosso] ont consommé des légumineuses ou du lait 3 jours par semaine ou plus au cours de la semaine précédant l’enquête et 15% des ménages ont consommé de la viande 3 jours par semaine. 224700,44702.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"• In a longer term, provide a BH to Chiec Teng primaryschool in Cueibet to avert movement of children to Achol Malek for water" 282717,51294.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-no-o-level-a-level-exams-in-2020-21-session/66178,"[16th March 2021, Bangladesh] By Monday, 4,485,954 people received the first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. The second dose has to be taken between 8 and 12 weeks of the first one." 302655,52890.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,94,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"La informalidad en ocasiones es un espacio de clandestinidad, al que se llega ante la ausencia de documentos legales, y se expresa en espacios donde se comparte con diversos actores generando tensiones y luchas por la perma- nencia. Ello es una característica que alimenta la invisibilidad y naturaliza- ción de violencias y además trae consigo una impunidad frente a las viola- ciones de derechos. En este sentido, también es clave señalar que el 85 % de las personas entrevistadas no se encuentra afiliada a los sistemas de salud." 133946,35165.0,1188.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,419,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Según el estudio, un 58% de los NNA han sufrido cambios fuertes en su humor o actitudes o síntomas tales como: no pierde de vista al progenitor o miembros de la familia, cambios de apetito o hábitos alimenticios, miedos, estallidos agresivos, dolores de cabeza, pesadillas o alteraciones del sueño, llanto excesivo, entre otros. Un 30% manifiesta que los NNA no han experimentado ninguna de las anteriores, y solamente un 11% expresan que no saben o no han experimentado ningún cambio de humor o actitud. Se identifica por tanto una necesidad en la atención de salud mental de NNA venezolanos por tratarse de un grupo poblacional más sensible a los cambios (atención psicosocial para personas migrantes) y a la adaptación en el proceso de integración (sobre todo en casos de discriminación o acoso escolar). En este sentido las personas venezolanas no cuentan con información de servicios para la atención psicológica o psiquiátrica de las personas menores de edad. Por otra parte, no se detecta que se esté brindando esos espacios/tratamiento de salud mental, sostenidos en el tiempo y con la regularidad requerida, ni por parte de los centros escolares ni en centros de salud pública. Se reportan 10 casos de personas menores de edad en riesgo social atendidos por la SENNIAF desde el 2016, referidos por: dos por SENAFRONT en caso de personas menores de edad en frontera con necesidad de atención, dos por ONPAR en caso de NNA solicitantes de la condición de refugiado, uno por la Policía en caso de situación de riesgo social identificada en la calle uno por el hospital en caso de riesgo social por situación familiar y cuatro por los propios familiares por situación de necesidad de atención. En estos casos la SENNIAF coordina la atención y realiza una valoración del caso en función del interés superior del niño, donde prima la reunificación familiar. De los casos atendidos, solo una persona regresó a Venezuela apoyada por SENNIAF. Cabe destacar el riesgo que enfrentan las personas menores de edad ante la dificultad de sus familias para la gestión de su cuidado mientras trabajan o buscan trabajo: varias organizaciones entrevistadas refieren casos de abuso sexual a personas menores de edad por parte de cuidadores temporales. Gráfico 16: Hogares encuestados con personas menores de edad, según tipo de vivienda" 13936,5539.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/record-update-situation-hodeidah-yemen,"Ongoing engagement from parties to the conflict in UN-led talks has helped sustain calm on the ground in Hodeidah city, but civilians report ongoing hovering and strikes from fighter jets over the city and strikes on some central locations." 160505,38373.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 39.8% paga por el alquiler entre 200.000 y 400.000 COP (50-100 euros aproximadamente); el 22% paga como máximo 200.000 COP, pero en Cundinamarca este porcentaje llega al 50%; el 17.5% no paga nada y 17.1% paga entre 400.000 y 600.000 COP (de 100 a 150 euros en promedio). El resto de la población paga más de 600.000 COP." 206751,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The ratio of skilled health personnel to people who need services stands at 1:65,574." 221380,45721.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Environment'],en,45,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Seventeen persons were killed in October 2019 owing to the flooding.Farmland, infrastructure and roads were destroyed, and livelihoods was disrupted in some of the worst-hit areas, including Beledweyne in Hirshabelle State, Baardheere in Gedo region and Bardaale, South-West State." 72486,20768.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,26,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"La mayoría de los venezolanos que llegaron a Barranquilla eran comerciantes y estudiantes. 36,1 % se dedicaban al comercio y 22,7 % eran estudiantes." 271921,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,23,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,La crainte de stigmatisation empêche les victimes de VBG de bénéficier d’une assistance en vue de leur réintégration socio- économique. 490609,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Fortified Soybean Oil price did not show significant changes from June to July but continue to be 27-30% higher than the same time last year. By July, a liter of bottled soybean oil reached a maximum retail price of BDT 150, BDT 3 less than June 2021. The effect of Bangladesh Vegetable Oil Refiners and Bonospoti Manufacturers Association fixing oil price at 149 BDT/liter was somewhat visible in July." 223003,45471.0,2170.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,25,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]The coronavirus pandemic has hampered humanitarian organisations’ efforts to reach affected communities with lifesaving risk education." 308268,53353.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,35,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[13 APR 2021, GOS] % of SDs with majority of population in need of; - 38 % Soap or Water, - 44% masks and - 47% disinfectant." 228613,46627.0,2336.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,54,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Households interviewed reported higher than usual rates of school attendance, in non-COVID-19 times, of schoolaged boys than girls. 76% of report that all school-aged boys go to school, and 10%, some. For households with school-aged girls, these numbers stand at 66% and 13%" 18171,7262.0,321.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,146,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000101571.pdf,"Libya recorded a trade surplus of LYD 6.7 billion in 2017 after 3 years of negative balance (Graph 3).6 The country runs trade surpluses as a result of significant exports of oil. Export levels more than doubled in 2017 when compared to 2016, while imports increased only slightly by 9.3%. Increase of export and trade balance could have positive effects on the exchange rate. On the other hand, Libya is highly dependent on the import of food and other consumption commodities. The imports indicator is one of the key indicators used to estimate consumption in the country. Despite the increase in the amount of imports in 2017 to LYD 13.2 billion, it is much less than what it was in 2015 (LYD 22.7 billion) or 2014 (LYD 38.6 billion)." 195965,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 375 770 voyageurs internationaux et de 3 772 739 voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter 63 et 351 alertes et de confirmer 22 et 22 d’entre elles, respectivement." 795,156.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"a higher proportion of households in Benghazi reported barriers to accessing education services, in particular IDP households (33.3%) – quite higher than the overall percentage in Benghazi or in other mantikas. In Sebha in particular, 2.6% of households reported that they considered the route to educational facilities unsafe." 293970,51273.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"However, because of the high wheat flour prices, the purchasing power of casual labors in November was 12 percent lower than last year and 21 percent below average at the national level, and below average in nearly all provinces." 132495,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Evitar la discriminación, xenofobia y otras formas de violencia hacia los migrantes y refugiados. Esto se logrará a través de campañas de comunicación masiva, estrategias de comunicación con las comunidades y charlas informativas." 347992,56800.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,55,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Not washing hands before food preparation, insufficiently cooked food, improperly reheated, leftover food, dishes washed in contaminated water, and the presence of flies in large numbers can all contribute to the risk of a person ingesting bacteria and becoming infected." 147885,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To date, WHO has delivered two shipment of PPEs and six thermal screening devices to Al-Hol Camp (four for the main gate, two for the Annex); with two devices delivered in the reporting period; and has trained personnel in thermal screening" 308226,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of rice in Jalalabad was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020. 126138,34397.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"para hacer frente a la falta de alimentos o dinero para comprarlos, los hogares migrantes y de acogida tuvieron que cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios a través del uso de estrategias negativas de supervivencia entre las que se encuentran: i) consumir alimentos menos preferidos o más economicos (89% y 80% respectivamente), ii) reducir el tamaño de las porciones de comida (82% y 72% respectivamente), y iii) reducir el consumo de alimentos de los adultos para que niños y niñas puedan alimentarse (49% y 44% respectivamente)." 315237,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[afrique] Le secteur de l’aviation a également souffert de la pandémie. D’après les estimations de l’IAtA (l’Association internationale du transport aérien), le secteur de l’aviation de l’Afrique a perdu 2 milliards d’USD en 2020. La demande de transport aérien ne devrait pas reve- nir à ses niveaux d’avant la pandémie avant 2023." 276112,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",fr,61,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Le manque de données biographiques et biométriques sur les personnes déplacées internes et retournées dans la province du Lac ainsi que les retournés du sud, constitue un défi majeur de protection, d’accès à l’assistance humanitaire et de recherche de solutions durables pour ces personnes. Ce défi s’étend aussi au domaine du handicap" 212301,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"En particulier, le BCNUDH a documenté une baisse importante du nombre violations commises par des militaires des FARDC dans la province du Nord-Kivu et du nombre d’atteintes par des combattants des Forces démocratiques alliées (ADF) dans le territoire de Beni." 408631,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,The increase in forced recruitment of minors during 2020 is very likely linked to the closure of schools in many rural areas 187953,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,14,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,The penetration level of information and communications technology stands at only 30%. 347884,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Women still face insecurity in using latrines given the lack of lighting or clear gender segregation. Women and girls in various studies have noted feeling uncomfortable standing in queues together with men to go to the toilet or bathing cubicles and they are ashamed to go to the toilet and take a bath during the daytime." 163868,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,32,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En Santander: Apoyar el equipamiento de instituciones de salud y secretaria para reforzar el diagnóstico, entrega de equipos de protección personal, e insumos de salud para alojamientos temporales." 131801,34344.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,208,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Más específicamente, como parte de los esfuerzos para impulsar la integración social y la cohesión intercultural, las municipalidades jugarán un papel importante incluyendo la participación de refugiados y migrantes en los concejos municipales, así como facilitando el diálogo constructivo entre las comunidades de acogida, y las comunidades de refugiados y migrantes. Los comedores populares administrados por el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP) y las municipalidades han sido identificados como una potencial iniciativa para realzar la coexistencia pacífica en áreas complejas que acogen a refugiados y migrantes donde podrían surgir tensiones. La campaña “#TuCausaEsMiCausa” continuará promoviendo un medio favorable mediante iniciativas comunitarias, tales como micro teatros, brigadas de solidaridad, e integración a través del deporte, incluyendo a venezolanos y peruanos, mientras que apoyan las intervenciones para mejorar los espacios públicos y las actividades recreativas que generan actitudes positivas hacia los refugiados y migrantes mientras mejoran las condiciones locales de las comunidades de acogida. La cooperación estrecha con el MIMP, el Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo y el Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS) será sostenida para aumentar las redes de servicios sociales." 111919,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"la migración ha implicado para las familias cambios en sus roles de trabajo y cuidado de los niños. Esto porque en ocasiones es más sencillo para las mujeres conseguir trabajo (en oficios domésticos, cuidando niños, trabajando en restaurantes, etc.). Esto pone a los hombres en situación de cuidado de los niños, sin contar con mayores conocimientos para hacerlo, alejándolos de su rol de proveedores de dinero en el hogar (Plan Internacional, entrevista, 2019). Según el ICBF, se ha identificado en los padres jóvenes la necesidad de recibir un acompañamiento en pautas de cuidado y crianza y en el fortalecimiento familiar." 338561,56250.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[43 915 déplacés en Kalemie] Les déplacés vivent difficilement, faute d’assistance humanitaire, selon une récente évaluation de Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) effectuée en mars 2021." 157304,38925.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La direction de la communication et de la presse ministérielle de la Santé, en collaboration avec USAID et HP+, a organisé un atelier de révision de la feuille de route de la communication sur les risques et l’engagement communautaire (CREC), en fonction de l’évolution de la COVID-19. Les travaux se sont déroulés du 9 au 12 juillet 2020 à Ziniaré, dans le plateau central." 335277,55819.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,(Sahel) Le manque de revenu disponible et suffisant qui en découle a engendré la détérioration de la sécurité alimentaire et de la situation nutritionnelle des ménages. 206554,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,162,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]” A surprising finding in the JMCNA data was the source for primary source of water. A plurality of households nationally reported using a piped system (30%), while it is general believed that wells (10%) and boreholes (3%) are the most common sources. This may be a result of the survey design which includes responses for water kiosks (15%), vendors (9%), and trucks (3%) which may source their water from wells and boreholes, making their total up to 40%. Similarly, such systems are classified as unimproved as the quality of the original source cannot be confirmed. Additionally, the use of these third-party suppliers could represent a financial burden, though also a mean of mitigating stress when other sources become unavailable." 245339,47945.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,73,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] In November, 7 families had their tents destroyed in 5 fire and weather-related incidents. Some of the reasons behind the high number of incidents recorded in the past few months relate to an increased reporting capacity of Cluster member, but also overcrowding in IDPs sites, lack of awareness of risks, bad use of gas and electric cooking or heating equipment." 165640,39645.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,43,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"Top 10 immediate shelter needs (1,345 responses)† Tarpaulin 88% Muli bamboo 82% Rope 75% Barok bamboo 72% Wire 42% Cement 31% Sand 15% Tools 13% Empty bags 12% Wood 8%" 190035,43443.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,47,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Par ailleurs, les mesures sanitaires préventives mises en place pour limiter la propagation de l’épidémie de COVID-19 ont affecté l’accès physique des acteurs humanitaires aux populations dans le besoin et ont également un impact sur la chaine d’approvisionnement humanitaire." 173308,41067.0,2098.0,['Logistics'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/1-in-3-mfs-accounts-received-covid-19-financial-support/58471,"[4 October, Bangladesh] Nearly 33 percent or one-third of country's Mobile Financial Service (MFS) account owners received some form of government financial support within June 20, according to a recent study." 144449,34804.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"According to the World Food Programme (WFP), the price of an average food basket in early June stood at SYP 76,327, approximately 35 per cent higher when compared to the previous month – and over 200 per cent higher when compared to the same period in 2019. All 14 governorates reported average food basket price increases. Locally produced and procured relief items, notably WASH, sanitation supplies, and medicines, have also been affected by these price hikes, increasing humanitarian response costs and affecting the implementation of key humanitarian activities." 164227,39644.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"SMSD teams also organized 14 prevention against sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) trainings for 223 new Rohingya and host community volunteers, including 48 women. SMSD Sector partners collaborated with the Registration Team to organize meetings with representatives from diverse committees including imams, older persons, women, and youth to discuss and receive community feedback on the reopening of registration sites in the camps, registration procedures, and new schedules." 155083,34182.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Las necesidades fisiológicas suelen hacerse en la tierra o ríos y para la limpieza en su mayoría utilizan sólo agua o la misma ropa que tienen de uso. 163541,30906.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,251,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Decreto 0111 del 13 de marzo de 2020: Se declara calamidad pública en el departamento de Putumayo. Decreto 0118 del 19 de marzo de 2020: Se adoptan medidas transitorias preventivas y de contención contra el COVID-19. Decreto 0143 del 8 de abril de 2020: Se decreta toque de queda en todo el departamento entre las 6:00 pm y las 5:00 am de lunes a sábado, y los domingos de 1:00 pm a 5:00 am del día siguiente. Decreto 0144 del 11 de abril de 2020: Se decreta toque de queda en todo el departamento entre las 6:00 pm y las 5:00 am de lunes a viernes, y los sábados y domingo las 24 horas. Decreto 0158 del 25 de abril de 2020: El departamento de Putumayo, se acoge al decreto 593, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. Decreto 00245 del 4 de mayo de 2020: Se crea el consejo territorial de salud mental del departamento de Putumayo, el cual está integrado por el gobernador, el secretario de salud departamental, el secretario de desarrollo social, el secretario de educación, el gerente del instituto de cultura, deporte, recreación y educación física, el defensor del pueblo, el director del ICBF regional Putumayo, un representante de cada EAPB, un representante de cada hospital del departamento, un representante de la OZIP y un representante de FEDECAP" 276087,50671.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"La situation sanitaire est caractérisée par la prévalence de maladies à potentiel épidémique, telles que l’hépatite E, le choléra, la rougeole et la méningite. Le paludisme reste la cause principale de mortalité des enfants de moins de cinq ans et affecte la majorité des régions (provinces) du Tchad." 274125,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,[Consommation Alimentaire] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages des déplacés et des réfugiés ont plus de difficulté d’accès à la nourriture : seuls 10 % et 2 % d’entre eux bénéficient d’une consommation alimentaire acceptable. 457512,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des incidents de protection graves ont été rapportés dans les villages d’origine avant le déplacement (85% des répondants). Il s’agit notamment des assassinats (85% des répondants et 6/9 groupes), des pillages/vols (73% des répondants et 4/9 groupes), des cas d’atteinte à l’intégrité physique (69% des répondants et 2/9 groupes), des enlèvements/kidnappings/ disparitions forcées (27% des répondants et 2/9 groupes), des violences psychologiques (19% des répondants) et des destructions de biens (8/9 groupes)." 483247,67232.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De acuerdo al monto de envío el 74,5% envía como máximo 100.00 soles, el 20,8% entre más de 100 soles a menos de 200,00 soles y el 4,7% más de 200,0 soles. Según sexo, hombres como mujeres en su gran mayoría envían a lo más 100 soles, sin embargo, proporcionalmente el 76,7% de mujeres envían dicho monto, 3,8 puntos porcentuales más que los hombres (72,9%). Entre más de 100 a menos de 200 soles envían el 22,4% de hombres, 3,6 puntos porcentuales más que las mujeres." 155157,34182.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['Displacement->Intentions'],es,58,['Priority Needs'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"En cuanto a los caminantes, indicaron que tienen un mayor interés en realizar el tránsito a sus lugares de destino en el menor tiempo posible por lo que no priorizan el acceso a albergues como una acción requerida. No obstante, manifiestan que se requiere espacios seguros para el aseo personal y el descanso temporal." 260925,48984.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,100,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[1stJan 2019-1st Jul,2020, North east Nigeria]Since January 2019 humanitarian workers and the aid they deliver have become the direct target of attacks by Non-State Armed Actors (NSAGs). Most recently, in July 2020, five humanitarian workers were killed and another was abducted in December in Borno State. One female employee of a European NGO has been captive of NSAGs since July 2019. More efforts are needed to ensure the safety and security of aid workers, and thus the continued, safe delivery of humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable" 190026,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,91,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Plus de 14 000 réfugiés et environ 22 000 demandeurs d'asile en provenance de la République Centrafricaine (RCA) sont présents dans le Bas- Uele dans les zones de santé de Bondo, Monga et Ango ; plus de 34 000 dans les zones de santé de Doruma, Dungu et Aba dans le Haut- Uele et plus de 21 000299 en Ituri dans le territoire d’Aru. Des réfugiés du Soudan du Sud sont également présents dans les territoires d’Aru, Faradje et Dungu." 495964,68456.0,1187.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,22,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520Junio%25202021%2520Cono%2520Sur.pdf,Cualquier situación excepcional deberá ser resuelta en el consulado argentino más cercano y será tratada como una entrada por motivos humanitarios. 106507,29953.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Las familias locales que han recibido a los inmigrantes sufren el impacto económico de sostener varias personas más con los mismos ingresos. Así, reciben una carga económica sin tener ayuda del Estado, especialmente en un departamento golpeado por la pobreza." 735,156.0,321.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,186,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"IDP households were found to have worse FCSs across all locations, with 12.5% scoring ‘borderline’ and 7.9% ‘poor’ compared to respectively 3.8% and 0.8% for non-displaced households, and 1.9% and 1.3% for returnee households. In addition, IDP households’ food consumption levels were generally lower than those of both other population groups, meaning they were consuming both a quantitatively smaller and less nutritionally valuable diet over the previous seven-day period.While the food security situation for IDP households was comparable to those of other population groups in Al Jabal Al Gharbi and Derna city, much higher proportion of households with ‘poor’ and ‘borderline’ FCSs were identified in Sebha (21.3%), Tripoli (37.8%) and Al Margab (41.8%) compared to the overall 5.0%. Additionally, returnee households scored significantly lower FCS than non-displaced households in Al Jabal Al Gharbi (average score of 79.2 vs. 95.6) and in Ghat (average score of 72.7 vs. 82.1)" 336110,43604.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Overcrowded latrines: Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported that overcrowding prevents people from using latrines are Raja 53%, Nyirol 46%, Uror 38%, Bor South 35%, Luakpiny/Nasir 33%." 39204,13752.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,44,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_RapidAssessment-Tripoli_2019-05-21-FINAL.pdf,"With regards to Non-Food Items, the commodities most in need were reported to be fuel, mattresses, and diapers. In addition, baby milk / formula, and essential medicines were also reported to be in need due to their scarcity" 192810,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy']",en,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The year-on-year annual Consumer Price Index, which measures inflation, increased by 89 per cent between June 2017 and June 2018. Resulting high food prices erode income and purchasing power for the urban population who depend on imported food. More people are slipping into poverty. Over 80 per cent of the population currently lives below the absolute poverty line. Although poverty is higher in rural than urban areas, it has grown faster in urban areas since 2009." 187022,42483.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%20-%20GTRM%20Tulc%C3%A1n%20-%20Informe%20Operacional%20-%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"Se ha observado una disminución de personas con vocación de retorno, pero incrementándose la población venezolana ingresando al país por pasos informales, lo que aumenta el riesgo de esta población a multas migratorias, de deportación y otros temas de protección. Según monitoreos de frontera, diariamente ingresan al Ecuador entre 80 a 120 personas en su mayoría en tránsito a terceros países." 62072,18564.0,1386.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"Food is scarce and prohibitively expensive. As a result, Venezuelans are eating worse and less often, leading to alarming rates of undernourishment." 359437,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] When it comes to gender-based violence, social norms prescribe domestic violence and intimate partner violence as exclusively private matters; as a result, the actual number of cases are never known; 25.4 per cent of women think partner (husband) violence is justified (MICS 2019). Within this context, violence against women and girls in Bangladesh appears to have further increased during the COVID-19 pandemic." 385624,60457.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"En outre, plus de 980 ménages ont bénéficié d’activités d’espèces contre leur permettant de tirer un revenu." 345191,56855.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] With UNHCR support, 3,738 urban Rwandan and Burundian refugees in Goma and Bukavu were enrolled in medical insurance plans. Having access to basic health care improves the overall quality of life of refugees and prevents refugees from being pushed into extreme poverty. For 2021, an additional 158 urban refugees are awaiting enrolment in the medical insurance scheme in Goma." 190975,42037.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,70,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state]KIs from 13 settlements reported that misinformation (at least one rumor) on COVID-19 was prevalent amongst residents. According to these KIs, COVID-19 cannot survive in the heat (12), COVID-19 cannot infect Africans (10), and COVID-19 is a divine punishment (9) were the most common." 243449,47668.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,40,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"Vaccination activities were suspended in March 2020 following the adoption of COVID-19 restrictive measures in Chad, which had an impact on the roll out of humanitarian operations across provinces. Vaccination campaigns are due to resume this week." 141898,34876.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Recommendation: Targeted messaging about the most common myths, drinking boiled herbs and exposing oneself to the sun, could benefit rural populations. The proportion of respondents who reported hearing any myths about COVID-19 was no greater than 53% for any myth." 130925,33838.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,15,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Dificultades de acceso humanitario y de transporte de insumos y personal critico a territorio. 292336,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,122,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"La transferencia equivale a dos salarios mínimos durante un periodo de tres meses. Sin embargo, dado que el seguro de desempleo está financiado con fondos privados, descentralizado y con recursos y alcance limitados, resultó insuficiente para compensar las pérdidas de ingresos durante la pandemia. A finales de junio, se habían recibido cerca de 800.000 solicitudes de seguro de desempleo, pero solo 109.000 personas habían obtenido el seguro. Dado el alto número de nuevos trabajadores desempleados en la lista de espera, el gobierno actuó a principios de junio para autorizar a algunas de estas personas a ser incluidas en la transferencia no contributiva de Ingreso Solidario (que se describe a continuación)." 337494,45087.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,10,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,85.6% of the respondents reported to have contracted debts 221880,45558.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,84,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRF14-2020-COL-Dabeiba-LandSlide.pdf,"As a result of the intense rainfall caused by the last 2 hurricanes (ETA and IOTA) that hit the Colombian Caribbean and the La Niña phenomenon from the Pacific Ocean: The rural area of the Antioqueño municipality of Dabeiba, in 4 of its villages: Dabeiba Vieja, Botón, Mohán and El Cajón,suffered a landslide of large proportions leaving more than 200 families without their homes, their belongings, their crops and their farmyard animals." 142130,35314.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The UN Development Programme (UNDP) continues to support municipalities in solid waste collection and removal activities, with 342 workers recruited in Al-Hasakeh to support solid waste removal and collection, and support to rehabilitation of wells and pumping stations also continues." 175448,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,44,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Depuis 2015, le Burkina Faso est confronté à la présence des groupes armés avec des incidents sécuritaires répétitifs. Toutes les régions sont désormais affectées par les déplacements et le dernier rapport fait état de 1,034,609 population déplacées internes (PDIs)." 141896,34876.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,103,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Recommendation: Messaging should focus on preventive measures even as people move about and should target men (e.g. wear a mask when you leave, maintain distance with other people even when out), as social distancing practices are unlikely to change unless there is a spike in COVID-19 cases. Significant changes in social distancing practices were observed more frequently among women than men, likely because women were observing social distancing practices more strictly than men from the beginning of the epidemic. Even so, women are still more likely to practice social distancing than men." 125066,30176.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,180,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"Debido a las dificultades de vivir dignamente en Colombia durante el aislamiento hay personas que están tomando iniciativas para retornar a Venezuela y el 46% manifestó que algún miembro de su familia había considerado retornar por las dificultades que enfrentan actualmente.En Bogotá ha circulado información sobre buses con destino a la frontera en Cúcuta, y las personas han hecho largas filas esperando obtener un cupo. En Riohacha, según la información recolectada durante los tres meses anteriores al COVID-19 la vocación de permanencia de las familias refugiadas y migrantes era del 80%, en contraposición a un 44% actual. En Barranquilla el 17.6% de la población encuestada reportó que tiene casa propia en Venezuela y no tendrían que pagar el arriendo además de que tendrían una red de apoyo familiar y social. La población también expresó mayor preocupación por contraer el COVID-19 en un país extranjero donde se dificulta el acceso a salud, y estos son elementos que se toman en cuenta para decidir si retornar a Venezuela o no." 204242,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In an assessment covering over 60 counties, all assessed settlements without access to assistance reported that they were in need. Of the settlements reporting dissatisfaction with assistance received, 30 per cent stated insufficiency, 23 per cent reported that the assistance period was too short and 10 per cent reported that the physical distance to the distribution point was too far." 78262,21790.0,1233.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Regional%20SitRep%20MayJune%202019.pdf,"In the area of food and nutrition, partners in the Caribbean (Guyana, Aruba, Curacao and Trinidad and Tobago) reached approximately 1,300 refugees and migrants from Venezuela with basic food and/or water. T" 272738,50256.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 20% (65) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population se rendait ailleurs que dans une structure de santé pour obtenir des soins au cours du mois précédent" 328784,54763.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,147,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf.fr/decryptages/republique-democratique-du-congo-l-urgence-permanente,"Depuis des décennies, le pays est également touché par des épidémies de rougeole et la maladie connaît des résurgences majeures depuis 2010. La rougeole est particulièrement dangereuse pour les enfants de moins de cinq ans, alors qu’elle est facilement évitable grâce à la vaccination, pouvant réduire la mortalité infantile de 50 %. [...] L'épidémie de rougeole est officiellement déclarée par les autorités du pays en juin 2019, s'avérant la plus meurtrière depuis des dizaines d'années. Présente dans les 26 provinces de la RDC, son taux de létalité se révèle très élevé par rapport aux précédentes. [..] Cette épidémie est reconnue par l'OMS comme étant la plus grande épidémie de rougeole sévissant actuellement dans le monde. En l'espace de deux ans, elle a fait 6 600 victimes dans le pays." 290312,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Young men and men are more likely to face arbitrary arrests, forced recruitment and extrajudicial executions and are more at risk of injury or death directly related to the conflict" 237992,47357.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20Country%20Brief%2C%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020, Nigeria]In cooperation with the Government of Nigeria, WFP has expanded operations beyond northeast Nigeria to serve families affected by the socio-economic impacts of COVID19 in urban hotspots of Abuja, Kano and Lagos. Nigerian media recently ran an article about vulnerable families of the Karmajiji community, Federal Capital Territory, receiving food assistance from Government representatives, donor partners and WFP" 227340,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,24,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,257 musulmans du Mosquée de la Rue TUDU ont été sensibilisés sur la COVID-19 par la CREC dans la ZS GBADOLITE au NORD-UBANGI. 356574,58364.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Environment'],es,145,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia/mas-regiones/jornada-de-protesta-en-providencia-ante-retrasos-en-la-reconstruccion/,"La marcha es porque nos han abandonado, no tenemos agua. Una parte fundamental de esta protesta también son nuestros pescadores. Los guardacostas hace años presentaron un proyecto al pueblo raizal del cual no estuvimos de acuerdo. Por el huracán llegaron con el presidente y se plantaron para hacerlo. El huracán se llevó el muelle de los pescadores y lo que hicieron fue construir otro y le están bloqueando la entrada a la cooperativa. Han pasado por encima de la comunidad y del alcalde. Ellos han estado rellenando un humedal en Pueblo Viejo para construir, sabiendo que eso es un arroyo que viene desde las montañas más altas de Providencia y desemboca en el mar y lo están tapando. Esto puede causar que se desborde más arriba y se lleve todas las casas de los raizales." 289365,51168.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,Physical access constraints in Pibor limit tracing of beneficiaries in the program and increases program costs due to increased use of more porters to deliver supplies. (Nutrition) 296934,52264.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_n22_mve_nord-kivu_drc_01_03_2021.pdf,[MVE] DEFIS Faible adhésion des contacts à la vaccination dans les ZS ciblées en dépit de la disponibilité du vaccin ; Faible remontée des alertes dans les autres zones de santé à risque ; Insuffisance des ressources financières pour appuyer tous les piliers de la riposte ; Faible capacité d’accueil dans les CTE et autres structures normées pour l’isolement des suspects Transmission tardive des données dans les zones avec connexion internet à faible débit. 299315,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 2020, the HAG recorded 67 access constraints relating to physical environment and lack of infrastructure, of which 14 were due to natural disasters, including flooding or heavy snowfall blocking roads." 166379,39992.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:q54CBLzNy3AJ:https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syria-coronavirus-outbreak-doctors/2020/09/24/95d9323a-fcea-11ea-b0e4-350e4e60cc91_story.html+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=jo,"Since mid-August, the official count of all corona virus infections has increased dramatically with 3,800 reported cases and about 180 deaths." 283128,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The ongoing distance learning programme cannot be accessed by all children because the technology used by the radio and TV stations do not reach to most rural areas. And moreover, the poor and marginalized children do not have access to such technology platforms." 130816,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Impacto en las cadenas de valor por fluctuación de precios, escasez por demanda global y nacional de productos básicos y enseres de primera necesidad y dificultades en la distribución y comercialización de los productos." 180574,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"La communauté joue un rôle important dans la réalisation des activités de protection comme l’identification des personnes à besoins spécifiques, le relai des informations en cas d’incidents et le référencement des cas, la prévention des violences basées sur le genre." 356597,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,Entre los heridos hay periodistas y defensores de derechos humanos que estaban cubriendo las protestas. Muchos de ellos estaban usando chalecos que los identificaban como miembros de la prensa o de organizaciones de derechos humanos. 236039,46890.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The total number of individuals reached [by WASH services] in August was 72.55 percent of the number of people reached in July 2020. 166417,40065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,162,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fewer-fatalities-more-recoveries-recorded-last-week/,"But on Sunday, September 20, recoveries were higher than new cases confirmed. Ninety-seven confirmed cases were reported in 12 states: Lagos (46), Kwara (12), Rivers (11), Adamawa (4), Niger (4), Ogun (4), Osun (4), Ekiti (3), Imo (3), Kaduna (3), Plateau (2) and FCT (1). One hundred and thirty-eight discharges were reported in eight states. Recoveries took place in Plateau (75), Kwara (23), Benue (12), Ekiti (10), Kaduna (7), FCT (5), Rivers (4) and Adamawa (2). Three deaths were reported in three states – Adamawa (1), Benue (1) and Kaduna (1)." 394989,61910.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography']",es,98,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.ciperchile.cl/2021/05/08/inmigracion-delincuencia-y-las-erroneas-percepciones-sobre-el-delito/,"El fenómeno migratorio es uno de los principales cambios que ha experimentado la sociedad chilena en los últimos 10 años. Para dimensionar la magnitud del cambio, considere los siguientes datos: mientras en el período 2002-2012 la proporción de migrantes creció del 1% al 2% de la población, en 2017 el mismo indicador representaba cerca del 5%. Asimismo, la composición de inmigrantes cambió fuertemente entre 2016-2017 con la llegada de personas procedentes de Venezuela y Haití, en consonancia con lo que sucedió en otros países de América Latina." 248944,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,108,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Outre l’activisme de ces groupes, milices et bandits armés, on notera aussi que certains éléments des Forces Armées de la RDC (FARDC), y compris de la Police Nationale Congolaise (PNC), confrontés à de sérieuses difficultés de fonctionnement, au mauvais encadrement – surtout en matière de respect des droits de l’homme –, au manque d’équipements et à un niveau dérisoire des salaires, sans guère ignorer que plusieurs sont des ex-combattants, issus des groupes et milices armés, sont aussi désignés comme présumés auteurs de nombreuses exactions contre les populations civiles." 198764,43659.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/centro-de-salud-la-victoria-en-valledupar-reabre-sus-puertas/,"Para los migrantes venezolanos y los colombianos retornados, la salud se convierte en uno de los principales retos, pues no todos logran vincularse al sistema colombiano. En Valledupar, los migrantes recibieron la noticia de que se habilitó el centro de salud La Victoria, para atender a esa población que no cuentan con ningún tipo de servicio médico. El centro fue habilitado después de permanecer ocho años cerrado." 166410,40065.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,125,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fewer-fatalities-more-recoveries-recorded-last-week/,"on Saturday, September 26, a total of 7,968 samples across the country were tested in Nigeria, according to NCDC. Last week (from Sunday September 20 to Saturday September 26), recoveries stood at 1,288, while 1,053 new cases and 12 deaths were recorded in the country – the fewest weekly fatalities in recent times. To date, 58,198 cases have been confirmed in Nigeria; 49,722 patients have recovered and discharged and 1,106 deaths recorded in 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Since the virus crept into Nigeria on February 27, a total of 502,545 tests have been carried out in the country (as of Saturday September 26)." 223513,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The United Nations and its agencies, funds and programmes have continued to strengthen and enhance risk management and control measures to ensure full accountability for their activities and funds channelled towards the humanitarian response in the challenging operational environment in Somalia. This becomes even more essential and challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic, when most programmes and activities required remote management with limited monitoring capability." 328977,54201.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://flip.org.co/index.php/es/informacion/pronunciamientos/item/2701-violaciones-de-derechos-humanos-a-periodistas-en-la-frontera-colombo-venezolana,La Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP) expresa su preocupación por lasviolaciones a la libertad de prensa en el departamento de Arauca.En menos de una semanala FLIP registró que dos periodistas fueron detenidos ilegalmente y uno más fue amenazadomientras cubría el conflicto que se vive en la frontera con Venezuela en el municipio de Arauquita. 179498,42080.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=207207,"[23rd October 2020, Overall Syria] The ministry indicated, in a statement to SANA, that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 5319, out of which 1692 ones have recovered while 264 others have passed away." 241479,47384.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],en,71,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) Moreover, the sharp depreciation in SYP and the subsequent surge in domestic prices will continue to lower living standards, resulting in a decrease in household spending. Moreover, the rapid fluctuation of the SYP-USD exchange rate and increased fuel prices will continue to affect market functionality, in addition to impact of Covid.19 restrictions through supply and access costs." 285130,50884.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,17,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,Food insecurity levels are high after more than a year of continuous price rises and reduced harvests 224572,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Strengthen Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP), which will target all modalities" 410442,63076.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,126,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCD031dfr.pdf,"On 1 October 2020, the city of Saké and its surroundings in the Masisi Territory, North Kivu Province, experienced flooding following heavy rains, causing material damage and loss of life. The city of Saké is located about 25 km from the city of Goma, with a population of 108,249. At least ten people were reported dead as a result of the floods and three people were reported missing. The rainfall caused erosion, resulting in enormous damage with the bridge over the Kihira River linking the SakéMasisi road and Saké-Minova road washed away. This also led to a breakdown in communications between Goma-Masisi on the one hand and between Goma and South Kivu on the other." 147723,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,50,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"On 20 April, NGOs opened a first phase (60 beds) of a 120-bed hospital in a repurposed factory building outside Al-Hasakeh; however, due to lack of demand, the hospital has been placed on standby, and can be reinstated quickly should circumstances necessitate." 21212,8725.0,786.0,[],[],[],es,126,[],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"Las primeras cajas llegadas de Estados Unidos contienen medicamentos, suministros quirúrgicos y suplementos nutricionales. Productos prioritarios destinados a ""atender una emergencia sanitaria compleja dirigida a quienes hoy corren riesgo de vida o muerte"". “Hay entre 250.000 y 300.000 venezolanos en riesgo de muerte”, aseguró el sábado, durante la última movilización masiva de la oposición, el presidente interino. La encuesta sobre condiciones de vida en Venezuela (Encovi) elaborada por Universidad Católica Andrés Bello y otros organismos señala que ya en 2017, cuando la situación económica no era tan grave y la hiperinflación estaba algo más contenida, casi el 90% de la población vivía por debajo del umbral de la pobreza." 189659,43300.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Cette situation [épidémie de Méningite province du Mandoul avec une létalité de 8,9 en 2019] est justifiée par des causes structurelles et conjoncturelles dont la faiblesse du système sanitaire, la faible couverture vaccinale, les pratiques culturelles néfastes, le faible pouvoir d´achat dû à la situation économique difficile, les déplacements de longue durée des populations réfugiées, retournées et déplacées internes, etc." 221648,45323.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,87,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/calls-to-shut-schools-of-syrias-as-suwayda-temporarily-for-fear-of-coronavirus-spread/,"[December 10, As-Suwayda] Via a Facebook post, Martyre Sulieman Ashti Primary School announced on 26 November that the closure of the third section of the fifth grade, for five days, after a student tested positive for COVID-19. The school denied the news spread about the school’s complete closure, saying, “ We ask the students’ families not to spread rumors and false news.” The school’s decision was supported by school health education." 293991,50852.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"Among surveyed refugee [households] HHs with problems related to access to or quality of water, top 7 problems were: water is too expensive (42%), Insufficient water points/waiting time too long (40%), Water points are too far (37%), water points are not functioning (31%), cannot get enough water to meet all needs (26%), water points are difficult to reach (not distance) (12%), do not enough containers to store the water (11%)." 125071,30176.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"La evaluación muestra que uno de los problemas de convivencia más frecuentes es la relación con la pareja y el 13% de los encuestados que reportaron problemas de convivencia indicaron que habían tenido problemas con su pareja durante el confinamiento y que as veces esta situación se había vuelto violenta. Por lo que, la medida de aislamiento obligatorio representa un riesgo de aumento de casos de VBG, siendo el principal riesgo el confinamiento de víctima/s y agresor es en el mismo espacio." 126332,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,13,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,El empleo fue seleccionado como la segunda necesidad más importante en ambos grupos 304792,50889.0,2466.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Refugee girls are in most need of support as they have higher drop-out rate than boys, which is likely linked to early marriages and domestic support at home, among other causes." 276099,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Pour faire face à ces problématiques [vulnérabilité des personnes en situation de handicap et autres groupes] , on constate le recours par les populations affectées, aux stratégies de survie néfastes, dont le recours au sexe de survie et les mariages forcés qui sont récurrents au Tchad." 390777,60404.0,1186.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,189,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En la misma línea de los costos, el gasto en salud y educación de migrantes ha aumentado considerablemente de acuerdo con las estimaciones de Maire (2019). Por el lado de la educación, esta alza está directamente vinculada, al aumento de la matrícula de estudiantes y el monto de los beneficios que reciben (Maire & Tessada, 2019). Si se analiza de manera estática, este gasto en educación es un costo para el Estado. Sin embargo, desde una perspectiva dinámica, es una inversión en capital humano que tiene retornos para el país a nivel social y económico. Además, el Estado chileno se ahorra alrededor de 1.200 dólares anuales en subvenciones escolares por cada año de educación media que tenga la persona migrante que llegue al país , sin considerar educación superior o básica. Por el lado de los gastos en salud, estos aumentan por la ampliación de cobertura y es necesario precisar que el gasto promedio per cápita entre nativos y migrantes es el mismo (Maire & Tessada, 2019)." 326580,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 23% of IDP settlement and 21% of non- IDP settlement were with a protection LSG 275481,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,74,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"La vaste étendue du territoire nigérien, l’impraticabilité de certains axes, l’insécurité dans plusieurs régions où les besoins humanitaires sont les plus conséquents et l’inexistence d’un service aérien national répondant aux normes établies par l’IATA (International Air Transport Association) et par l’aviation des Nations Unies (UNAVSTAD), rendent l’accès difficile à certaines parties du pays" 64788,19061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,129,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"A los venezolanos que deciden retornar los llevan en un camión hacia el río Orinoco, en el casco urbano de Puerto Carreño, donde los embarcan en lanchas hasta Puerto Páez, en el país vecino, con un mercado. Ese retorno a esa nación no le sienta bien a comunidades como la de Yuliana, quien es enfática que en el basurero está mucho mejor.“Aquí yo como bien. Yo me quedo acá, yo no me voy más para Venezuela. Volver allá es perder el tiempo”. El alcalde Pérez manifiesta que en el municipio son pocos los recursos y que hay cientos de indígenas flotantes en el caso urbano, de los cuales el 50 por ciento son venezolanos." 204371,43976.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Le taux de prévalence de la malnutrition aigue globale s’élève à 10,9% sur l’ensemble de la région [de Zinder]." 323848,54845.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,191,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3733696,"La Comisión ha venido monitoreando las vulneraciones a los derechos humanos vinculadas con la violencia en el país y en dicho marco ha tomado nota de la información de la Defensoría del Pueblo de Colombia donde se señala que, como consecuencia de las confrontaciones entre grupos armados ilícitos, el 26 de marzo más de2 mil personas fueron desplazadas desde el corregimiento del Plateado hacia la zona urbana de Argelia, Puerto Rico y El Mango. El 17 de abril, como resultado de los enfrentamientos entre grupos armados ilícitos y entre éstos y el Ejército Nacional de Colombia, aproximadamente250 personas fueron desplazadas en esta región. En conexión con estos hechos, al menos9 personas civiles habrían resultado gravemente heridas por la explosión de una mina antipersonal. En estos enfrentamientos también habrían fallecido un miembro del Ejército Nacional de Colombia y varios integrantes de los grupos armados ilícitos, además de varias personas heridas. Entre el 24 y 25 de abril, se repitieron estos enfrentamientos en el municipio de Timbiquí, donde al menos 5 mil personas se encuentran en riesgo de desplazamiento." 393187,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,102,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Below chart 9.1 shows that 7 out of the total children, adolescents and youths said cholera is the most relevant health conditions that affects the community, 1 person said COVID 19 is the most relevant, 1 person also said diabetes, 1 person said heart disease, 1 mentioned kidney problems, 172 indicates Malaria as the most relevant health conditions, none of the children, adolescents and youths mentioned malnutrition, neurological mental health problems such as epilepsy and seizure, mental health problems associated with use of substance/drugs ." 474726,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,62,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"En termes de mouvements de population, il faudrait noter que malgré la poursuite des mouvements pendulaires et de retour de certaines PDI dans leurs zones d’origine pour les travaux champêtres, des cas de déplacement primaire et secondaire ont également été enregistrés soit à titre préventif ou à la suite d’incidents liés aux actions des GANE." 291414,51191.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,And almost half of all children will be acutely malnourished this year 475573,63776.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,93,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,L’effectif des personnes déplacées internes (PDI) au Burkina Faso est estimé à 1 218 754 individus selon les données d’enregistrement du 30 avril 2021 du Conseil National de Secours d’Urgence et de Réhabilitation (CONASUR). 33% de ces PDIs sont du Sahel faisant de cette région l’une des plus touchées. Le nombre de PDI enregistrés a connu une augmentation de 55 627 personnes passant de 347 159 le 31 mars 2021 à 402 786 le 30 avril 2021. 356606,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,27,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Casos de abusos cometidos durante protestasocurridas en 2019y 2020motivaron peticiones, incluyendo por parte de Human Rights Watch, de que se realizara una reforma policial." 268470,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] As for the target groups, the office said that “microplans will equally cover the population of camps across NES and NW. The first batch of vaccines will target eligible high-risk health workforce and frontline humanitarian workers, regardless of the location.”" 489257,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Aleppo, Idleb, NWS] Of the 15 percent of households across NWS who reported living in tents, only 15 percent reported that their tent was less than one year old, leaving a significant 85 percent of households in a vulnerable situation where their tent is more likely to be damaged, less resistant to weather conditions and prone to leakage. Households in Idleb had a higher aggregated rate of living in tents over one year old (87 percent, compared to 79 percent in Aleppo); however, households in Aleppo had higher rates of living in tents that were over two years old (48 percent compared to 30 percent in Idleb)." 225048,45275.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,Girls have been particularly affected by more limited access to smartphones and internet at home and freedom of movement limitations meaning they are not able to travel to provincial or district centres to access the internet and download materials. 414082,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Medical products: Ensure modern diagnostic equipment: Public and private health facilities with modern diagnostic equipment needs to be ensured." 16780,6342.0,322.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"Other FSAC partners reached a total of 70,678 individuals with cash and voucher transfers in Al Marawi’ah, Bura, Al Mighlaf, Az Zaydiyah and Bajil districts. FAO and its implementing partners distributed emergency agricultural and livestock kits to 74,830 individuals in six districts of Al Hudaydah Governorate (Ad Dahi, At Tuhayat, Bayt Al Faqiah, Zabid, Az Zaydiyah and As Suknah) in August." 171397,40771.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,"Trois formations sanitaires sur huit ont déclaré ne pas avoir des kits post viols à leurs dispositions. Celles qui en disposent l’ont eu grâce à la Direction de la Santé de la Famille à travers la Direction Régionale de la Santé du Sahel. Il n’y a pas de frais institués pour la prise en charge médicale. Aussi, sur les huit formations sanitaires, trois ne possèdent pas d’espaces confidentiels dédiés à la prise en charges des survivant-e-s." 492665,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] Wheat production has been hard hit by droughts across the middle east, “as rainfall received from the beginning of 2021 onwards did not compensate for the delayed onset and previously recorded deficits”, according to the World Food Programme." 457508,65405.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,46,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Sécurité et protection] Les sites des déplacés sont accessibles en saison pluvieuse comme en saison sèche. Cette observation a été confirmée par 58% des répondants. Seul 15% des répondants soutiennent que les sites sont difficilement accessibles en saison pluvieuse. 307602,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Humanitarian organizations continued to scale up operations across South Sudan, intensifying efforts for people in Priority 1 counties." 153833,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,49,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"De acuerdo al Registro Administrativo de Migrantes Venezolanos (RAMV) aplicado entre abril y junio de 2018, se encontraban las siguientes personas provenientes de Venezuela por departamento: Arauca 26.261; Casanare 4.547; Meta 3.092; Boyacá 3.822; Cundinamarca 11.517; y Bogotá 43.483." 197609,43603.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The distribution of emergency shelter and NFI kits has continued and been prioritised as life-saving activities in the current context. Funding constraints have also affected this activity however, and partners who have not received funding yet have reduced their target during HRP revision." 53733,16820.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,168,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"Como se observó anteriormente, las niñas y los niños migrantes venezolanos en el Catatumbo que no van a la escuela enfrentan mayores riesgos de reclutamientos por parte de grupos armados. Varias fuentes dijeron a Human Rights Watch que menores de edad venezolanos habrían sido reclutados por grupos armados, y la Defensoría del Pueblo informó sobre el caso de una niña venezolana de 14 años en las filas del EPL161. En abril de 2019, la Fiscalía General de la Nación estaba investigando un caso sobre el reclutamiento de un menor de edad venezolano162. En el Catatumbo, menores de edad venezolanos y colombianos trabajan en plantaciones de coca, lo cual puede ser un obstáculo para que asistan a la escuela. Los venezolanos que desean estudiar enfrentan, además, otras dificultades, como la falta de cupo en las escuelas, la falta de dinero para comprar materiales escolares y las enormes distancias para llegar a las escuelas en zonas rurales" 144547,34804.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,73,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Increasing capacity of rapid response teams and for sample collection also remain priorities to improve case detection. More than 3,600 humanitarian personnel, particularly health care workers, have been trained in infection, prevention and control, and 1,180 health care workers have been trained in case management. Twenty-four (out of 54 planned) isolation centers have been set up at governorate level, equipped with life-saving essentials." 217447,45271.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Continued violence is now seen as a threat not, only to the immediate safety and well-being of community, but also to overall public health as it may hinder the diseases detection and the delivery of life-saving medical care." 145471,35868.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Al%20Hol%20Snapshot_26Jul2020.pdf,"Since WHO officially declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on 11 March, humanitarian actors have implemented a wide range of activities at the camp aimed at reducing the risks of transmission." 202613,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The number of people displaced within the two regions remained at around 450,000 according to the August 2019 MSNA." 158975,39161.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,49,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,Aid workers are working closely with Borno State authorities to swiftly implement a camp decongestion plan that prioritises the safe and voluntary relocation of IDPs living in most critical situations. Safe access to more land and available resources will be crucial for the expansion of IDP camps. 195947,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Près de 66,0% (2563/3883) des cas étaient symptomatiques à la notification, parmi ceux pour lesquels l’information a pu être fièvre collectée." 185897,42499.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3681063,"Desde el 21 de septiembre y con el apoyo financiero de USAID por 3 millones de dólares, los beneficiarios están recibiendo transferencias de efectivo para comprar sus alimentos en comercios locales. El estipendio será entregado durante tres meses, por medio de dos entregas de efectivo realizadas por el WFP, a través de la red de socios proveedores de servicios financieros a escala nacional. Dichas entregas son realizadas respetando medidas de bioseguridad para reducir la posibilidad de contagio del COVID-19." 328054,55074.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,132,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Communication sur les risques et engagement communautaire • Diffusion journalière d’un communiqué de presse • Couverture de l’atelier de Validation du plan national de déploiement et de vaccination contre la COVID-19 (sous la présidence du Ministre de la Santé) • Couverture de la rencontre d’échanges entre le Ministère de la Santé, le Ministère de l’Administration territoriale et de la Décentralisation, et les communautés religieuses sur le Plan national de vaccination contre la COVID- 19, • Couverture de la rencontre de plaidoyer sur la vaccination contre la COVID-19 entre le Ministre de la Santé et les différents syndicats du secteur de la Santé. • Diffusion des messages de sensibilisation sur le respect des mesures barrières sur des médias audiovisuels" 205249,44636.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/challenges-faced-in-control-of-covid-19-pandemic-in-idlib-80-of-icu-beds-are-occupied-explanatory-data/,"[December 2, Idleb] The opposition’s Syrian Civil Defence (SCD) teams buried the dead bodies of 111 people who have died from COVID-19 disease after being transported from medical centers and hospitals between 21 and 29 November. Last Friday recorded the highest daily death toll in the area, as the number reached 32 death cases, including 18 men and 14 women." 310561,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Between January and September 2020, humanitarian organizations delivered assistance and services to nearly 6.1 million people across South Sudan. This represents 80 per cent of the revised target of 7.6 million people." 114792,32234.0,1898.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,39,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3646679,"Georgiana Braga residente en El Salvador y representante para el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), habló sobre lo que considera “barreras estructurales”, que intensifican aún más el fenómeno." 180640,42337.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sana.sy/en/?p=208090,"[31st Oct 2020, Overall Syria] The ministry indicated, in a statement to SANA, that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 5683, out of which 1937 ones have recovered while 285 others have passed away." 300686,51152.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Some 521,000 people were reached across eight states with WASH assistance including household water treatment products, hygiene promotion and soap distribution by WASH Cluster." 153992,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,26,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Todos los entrevistados aseguraron que han sido víctimas de alguna manifestación de discriminación y rechazo incluso por parte de otros venezolanos que han llegado anteriormente. 70718,20012.0,729.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,46,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"In Tajoura, near the outer perimeter of a military camp, an LNA air strike on the morning of 15 June 2019 damaged two nearby houses and injured two young women from the Msallem family, Marwa, 24, and Dhikra, 21." 495963,68456.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,18,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520Junio%25202021%2520Cono%2520Sur.pdf,La entrada de extranjeros por reagrupación familiar está suspendida al menos hasta el 9 de julio inclusive. 147890,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,30,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Due to the prolonged crisis in Syria, the public health system is fragile and requires considerable support to reinforce its capacity to support a potential outbreak of COVID-19." 483306,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"10.2.4 Combustible que usan para cocinar los alimentos El 84,0% de los hogares de la población venezolana utilizan gas (balón GLP) para cocinar los alimentos; el 4,9% cocina con energía eléctrica; el 3,6% con gas natural (a través de un sistema de tuberías). En el 7,5% de los hogares de personas venezolanas no cocinan." 322598,54747.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] Among the 100% households found to have an overall MSNI of 3 and above, this score was most commonly driven by extreme LSGs in WASH, Education and SNFI (11%), followed by WASH, Education, SNFI and Nutrition (11%), or WASH and Education (8%)" 242550,47761.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_Informal-Settlement-Profile_Al-Hasakeh_November-2020.pdf,"[November 2020, Al-Hasakeh NES] Top three reported livelihoods-related coping strategies over the last 30 days prior to assessment by % of assessed settlements: Borrowing money 85% , Reduce spending on NFIs 43% and Support from friends/family 36%." 221305,45880.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les fermetures d'écoles font peser une charge supplémentaire sur les femmes, qui assument les responsabilités de la garde des enfants, notamment pour leur assurer une alimenta�on suffisante." 495138,67230.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Se presentan dificultades de acceso a alimentos, incluyendo la calidad de estos. Las raciones y porciones son inadecuadas en hogares, centros de atención a migrantes (CEBAF) y centros educativos." 194950,43590.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Since the start of 2020, at least 1,213 civilians were killed and 1,744 injured across Afghanistan because of security incidents (AIHRC 14/07/2020)." 270109,49922.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-colombia-recibe-lunes-primer-lote-vacunas-contra-covid-19-pfizer-20210215150601.html,"El mandatario colombiano ha señalado que el Ejecutivo pretende vacunar a un millón de colombianos en los 30 primeros días del proceso de vacunación. El objetivo es que, al terminar 2021, 35 millones de ciudadanos, alrededor del 70 por ciento de la población, esté inmunizada. Esto, según Duque, permitirá a Colombia ""estar cerca de la inmunidad de rebaño y poder afrontar el 2022 dejando atrás los miedos de la pandemia""." 347692,56800.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Total 5 suspected measles cases were reported in EWARS in week 5 of 2021." 196121,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"There are two healthcare workers per 100,000 people, compared to the global standard of 4.28 per 10,000-. Disease outbreaks such as the current AWD/Cholera outbreak, measles, and malaria strain the country’s health systems. Significant gaps remain in the health sector, particularly in terms of surveillance, laboratory testing, to enable quick identification, diagnosis and tracing of all suspected cases." 310892,53068.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"NUTRITION : 831,000 boys and girls aged 0-59 months, children aged 5 and above, and pregnant and lactating women with severe and moderate acute malnutrition admitted for treatment" 240867,47106.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/89966/file/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Sitrep%2030%20Nov%202020.pdf,"[26 November 2020, NES] A full lockdown came into effect on 26 November covering Qamishli, Al-Hassakeh, At-Tabqah and Ar-Raqqah districts, for ten days." 328650,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] The highest percentage of households per MSNI severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 58% for extreme and lowest was 0% for stress and no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 45% for Severe and lowest was 0% for no or minimal." 132496,34344.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,40,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Promover políticas públicas locales que incluyen a los refugiados y migrantes como parte de su población objetivo entre otras actividades; esto se centrará en dar capacitación para los funcionarios públicos y asistencia técnica para las autoridades locales. 187622,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"In all five FMS and Banadir region, burial teams have received online training on safe burials for COVID-19 victims provided jointly by religious authorities and healthcare professionals" 207160,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,95,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the Far North, North West and South West regions, insecurity has reduced access to basic health services for almost 2.5 million people, 1.3 million of whom are women and 415,075 children under the age of 5. Nearly 300 health facilities, mainly in the North West and South West, are no longer functional (destroyed by conflict or abandoned by health personnel) while population movements, epidemics and the massive influx of wounded people following the different armed conflicts increase the complexity of providing quality health care." 80046,22055.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,Nalut: Approximately 8 individuals were reportedly displaced to Nalut from Tripoli due to the unstable security situation in the area; the IDPs are renting houses and their reported needs were food and NFI. 223152,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In March, a military operation including AMISOM forces and led by the Somali national armed forces was conducted in Shabelle Hoose to remove Al-Shabaab and stabilize the area around Jannaale, resulting in the temporary displacement of 23,000 persons." 326619,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 9% households with at least one person with a chronic illness which lasted 3 months or longer at the time of the data collection 414085,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Financing: Invest in health and improve utilisation efficiency: The health budget needs to be increased up to WHO recommended 5% of the total GDP gradually while the capacity of the health administration to utilise the budget properly also needs to be improved. To utilise the resources optimally, technical and allocative efficiency should be ensured" 386516,60787.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3758808,"Colombia sigue asaeteada por dramas sociales, como mostraron las protestas callejeras escenificadas desde abril, “y por ello el estatuto, una medida generosa del gobierno del presidente Iván Duque, no garantiza que los migrantes venezolanos accedan a los servicios sociales que puedan demandar”, afirmó Briscoe." 361341,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,166,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Findings: In total, twenty child drowning fatalities were recorded in 2019 and 2020. Nine of these deaths occurred in 2019, whilst eleven took place in 2020. The ages of the victims ranged from 2 to 17 years old. Among the overall drowning fatalities, there were six (30%) fatalities to children 1-4, six (30%) fatalities to children 5-9, five fatalities (25%) to children 10-14, and one (5%) to children 15-17. (Figure 2). It is important to note that for two (10%) of the fatalities, key informants did not provide specific ages of the victims and were only able to confirm that they attended school. Fourteen (70%) of the victims were male and six (30%) were female (Figure 3)." 189743,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Cette dégradation se présente sous forme d´ensablement dans le Kanem, le Lac et le nord du Batha et sous forme de glacis communément appelés (Naga) dans le sud du Batha, le Ouaddaï et le Chari-Baguirmi." 19501,7910.0,730.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,58,[],['Displacement'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"Authorities in Sana’a report that 81,209 families, who fled from different conflict-affected governorates are staying in Amanat Al Asimah while 10,101 families are staying in Al Bayda Governorate. On 8 January, IOM delivered 32 MT of medicine, medical supplies and hygiene kits to health facilities in several districts of Dhamar Governorate." 339510,49486.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En San Andrés y Providencia: se hace necesaria realizar campañas de concientización sobre el correcto uso del tapabocas, particularmente la población turista que llega a San Andrés no acata las recomendaciones y esto podría significar un aumento de casos en la isla. En Providencia se requieren actividades de sensibilización sobre el uso del tapabocas a los pobladores de la isla." 359084,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,150,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Bangladesh] Over the last three decades, Bangladesh has been affected by over 200 natural disasters. Low-lying terrain, monsoons, and significant rivers have left it highly vulnerable to natural hazards. From 1970 to 2019, storms have been the most frequent disaster to affect Bangladesh at 52 per cent, followed by floods at 31 per cent, with the remaining disasters being epidemics, earthquakes, droughts, and landslides. During a normal monsoon, floods can cover about 20 per cent of the country, disrupting life and causing deaths. When monsoon flooding is severe, over 60 per cent of Bangladesh gets inundated (EM-DAT-2020). IFRC World Disaster Report 2020 reports that in 2019, Bangladesh ranked as the 6th worst-hit country in the world in terms of climate and weather-related disaster." 207179,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,94,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] The WASH sector PIN for 2019 found a total of 2.7 million people in need (PIN), representing 1.8 million non-displaced and 0.8 million displaced. A total of 9.3 million were found to be affected and at risk of need if conditions deteriorate. The table below shows the estimated number of people (in million) and share of the population for each severity phase and aggregate groupings such as affected, in need, and in urgent need." 385594,60457.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"1 975 140 personnes projetées en CH Phase 3+ (juin- août 2021), dont 33 pour cent dans le Centre-Nord." 238910,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,72,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state] Yobe SMOH team, in collaboration with WHO HTR teams and AVADAR informants, UNICEF VCMs, and CGPP volunteers, conducted mass community sensitization, reaching 13,711 people with COVID19 prevention messages. The SPHCMB, with support from WHO ACS teams, conducted COVID-19 active case search and house-to-house sensitization in 5 high-burden LGAs, reaching 14,530 people with COVID-19 prevention messages" 188176,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,19,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,También se ha reportado la muerte de 2 mujeres en puerperio y de 2 mujeres del personal médico. 142139,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"WHO, in coordination with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the WHO implementing partners agreed to reassess the triage system in health facilities, particularly those located in red zone western areas of rural Aleppo, Dana, and Idleb districts." 272643,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"La saison pluvieuse de 2020 a été particulièrement illustratrice de ces contraintes [d'accès aux zones les plus reculées] , avec des inondations suite à la crue du fleuve Niger ainsi que l’apparition imprévisible des koris bloquant certains axes de manière périodique et dégradant les routes de manière générale" 328618,54713.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]The main drivers of shelter & NFI LSGs were found to be Households without access to a safe and healthy housing enclosure unit (8%), Households whose shelter solutions do not meet agreed technical and performance standards (47%), Households without access to vital household NFIs (78%)." 315329,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,130,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[monde] La pandémie a gravement touché les secteurs où l’emploi féminin est disproportionnellement élevé, tels que l’hôtellerie et la restauration [...] elles représentent 39 % des emplois mondiaux et environ 54 % des pertes d’emploi totales durant la pandémie21. Le risque de perte d’emploi due à la COVID-19 est beaucoup plus élevé chez les femmes que chez les hommes, en partie parce que la pandémie a touché des secteurs où l’emploi fémi- nin est élevé. La perte de revenu chez les femmes a souvent des effets à long terme tels que des niveaux accrus de malnutrition infantile, l’abandon scolaire, la mauvaise santé et le travail des enfants." 74095,21139.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,120,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72308.pdf,"A nivel nacional y subregional, la Plataforma Regional se complementa con mecanismos locales de coordinación (Plataformas Nacionales y Subregionales) y en estrecha colaboración con los gobiernos anfitriones. Existen plataformas de coordinación interagencial dedicadas, encargadas de la coordinación operativa, y la implementación del RMRP en Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, a nivel nacional, y en el Caribe, América Central y México, y el Cono Sur a nivel subregional. La forma en la que cada plataforma está organizada se basa en el contexto de cada país y las capacidades operativas de los gobiernos y los actores del RMRP, teniendo en cuenta las estructuras de coordinación existentes" 131829,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,103,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En el contexto de un enfoque multisectorial, se hará esfuerzos por aumentar las asociaciones con otros sectores, por lo tanto, fortalecer las sinergias multisectoriales, particularmente con Integración (medios de vida) con el fin de enfrentar el acceso limitado a la alimentación debido a razones económicas, y con Salud y Nutrición para abordar la anemia y la desnutrición. Los socios del GTRM coordinarán con actores del gobierno, particularmente con MIDIS, MINSA, el Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo, Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, y los gobiernos locales." 64643,19295.0,1386.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,40,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.panorama.com.ve/politicayeconomia/Zulianos-reclaman-a-la-AN-abocarse-al-consenso-y-buscar-recursos-para-emergencia-electrica-20191003-0004.html,"Pero más allá de los históricos desencuentros entre unos y otros, está la crisis de electricidad del Zulia que ""devora"" todo a su paso y que ha ""echado"" a miles de zulianos de su tierra" 188223,31146.0,1900.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,51,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"En el año han sido retornados más de 21.000, y solo entre marzo a mayo alrededor de 7.500. Los centros temporales de alojamiento (CAT) han atendido alrededor de 18.000 personas, entre viajeros y retornados, de los cuales actualmente mantienen un promedio de 600 personas." 257073,48773.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,66,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.thedailystar.net/editorial/news/bangladesh-begins-covid-19-inoculation-2035265,"[28th January 2021, Bangladesh] We understand that the vaccination programme will take some time, and it is best for the government to proceed keeping safety in mind first. However, because of the great challenges that are associated with such a largescale programme, we once again urge the government to plan ahead of time every step of the way." 275506,50217.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"De plus, le manque d’assistance risquerait d’accélérer la liquidation des avoirs relatifs aux moyens d’existence des populations en insécurité alimentaire, ce qui engendrerait une augmentation de la vulnérabilité structurelle et chronique." 230304,46585.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,24,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,We do not know how many people in Latin America and Caribbean do not have a handwashing facility with soap and water on premises 490618,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Other commodities: The effect of Eid was not observed in July for some spices, but a rising trend was observed for garlic, ginger etc." 155093,34182.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,30,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Para la población que ha decidido permanecer en la zona la principal necesidad del sector WASH está relacionada con el acceso a artículos de higiene personal y del hogar. 265705,49620.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,86,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Mali, BF, Niger) Depuis la fin du mois de mars 2020, le Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Niger ont tous trois adopté des mesures préventives dans le cadre de la pandémie du COVID-19. Ces mesures ont inclus, selon les périodes, un couvre- feu, la fermeture des marchés et des commerces, la fermeture des frontières, un confinement et des restrictions de mouvements, la fermeture des écoles et celles de certains lieux de rassemblement" 131821,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los socios en la Respuesta buscarán mejorar la capacidad de los refugiados y migrantes al acceso a la comida nutritiva, especialmente para aquellos que viven en albergues. Igualmente, en coordinación con el Ministerio de Salud y universidades, fomentarán evaluaciones rápidas con el fin de aumentar el conocimiento y monitoreo de la situación, incidencia y prevalencia de seguridad alimentaria. La asistencia alimentaria directa será dada principalmente en Tacna y Tumbes, así como (sobre una base más limitada) en las regiones de Arequipa, Cusco, La Libertad, Lambayeque y Lima." 358561,58464.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Barriers to accessing electricity (by % of communities): - 67%: Rationing electricity by local authorities - 58%: Solar panels too expensive - 48%: Fuel for generators too expensive - 47%: Batteries too expensive" 237832,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Se notificaron 51 218 hospitalizaciones por IRAG en unidad de cuidados intensivos - UCI e Se notificaron 51 218 hospitalizaciones por IRAG en unidad de cuidados intermedios, presentando incremento frente a lo notificado a la misma semana de los tres años anteriores con el 144,5 % frente a 2019, 133,7 % comparado con 2018 y 155,4 % frente a 2017." 222992,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,24,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Mine clearance is not yet an option in north-east Nigeria due to the ongoing conflict and insecurity" 155657,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"A significant increase in the number of COVID-19 samples collected in the refugee camps was reported during the week (some 357 tests recorded compared to 43 tests recorded in the last week of June). The increase is due to comprehensive efforts led by the Health Sector, with close support from CWC WG and other Sectors to increase awareness and understanding of COVID-19 testing and treatment options" 425357,64291.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,40,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Violence basée sur les genres : Tous les groupes annoncent que le risque principal auquel les femmes et les filles sont exposées est le viol, La plupart des femmes ne disposent de kits permettant de préserver leur dignité." 223009,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,70,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Recommendations: Nigeria should re-establish and resource a national mine action centre with a foundation in the principle of national ownership. The Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Mine Ban Treaty should grant the centre sufficient authority to coordinate demining operations and deliver the national mine action strategy. It should also welcome support to the centre from partner nations and specialist organisations." 64625,18828.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,111,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/tarjeta-de-vacunacion-para-migrantes-venezolanos/1441,"Además, Uribe anunció que el Ministerio de Salud Pública de República Dominicana ""elaborará un plan estratégico regional de fronteras contra la malaria, que evite la mortalidad en población migrante y desarrolle iniciativas clave de promoción de la salud"". La propuesta surge luego de que se reportaran nuevos casos de malaria en Venezuela a raíz de la crisis sanitaria que vive ese país. Las delegaciones también acordaron la creación de un fondo común, liderado por Perú, ""que apoye el financiamiento de acciones para la prevención, detección y atención temprana de enfermedades no transmisibles"", como el cáncer y la diabetes." 285204,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,37,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Darfur region have also been looted. Furthermore, due to the strikes humanitarian organizations are facing increased administrative burdens when importing goods from Port Sudan, due to long customs clearance and obtaining correct documentation." 328319,55008.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,19,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Hay necesidad en alimentos perecederos como carnes, verduras y frutas en la mayoría de los puntos de concentración" 228107,46471.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-global-cases-near-78-million/62354,"[23rd Dec 2020, Bangladesh] Until now, 3,106,494 tests have been carried out, including 15,145 new ones. And the overall infection rate stood at 16.21 percent." 319102,54500.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3732596,"Las vacunas subestándares, falsificadas y no registradas favorecen la mayor prevalencia de la COVID-19, la ocurrencia de potenciales eventos adversos e incluso tóxicos o mortales, la pérdida de la confianza en el sistema de salud, así como una serie de consecuencias sociales y económicas de magnitud impredecible." 359905,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,144,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In the research target areas, researchers observed that due to the prevailing cultural norms, LGBTIQ+ issues were not broached, nor raised by any stakeholders. In general, transgender children are hidden, highly stigmatized and face a myriad of sexuality and rights issues. They do not come out about their sex to the family and the society as transgender people are at risk of discrimination and isolation. Already living at high risk during normal situations, LGBTIQ+ persons face more struggles during any emergency. Due to prejudice, LGBTQ+ people are often excluded from disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and relief efforts in the short- and long-term, including their access to emergency shelters, medical care, and food (Dominey-Howes, 2014)." 229652,44602.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Need to resettle this displaced population and supply them with vegetable seeds and other fast maturing crops that can timely offer them food for consumption and the surplus for sale. 155150,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"En su mayoría reportan como enfermedades que presentan en el momento gripa, dolores en el cuerpo, asma, problemas en el pecho, fiebre por el cambio de temperaturas y exposición al sol por largas horas, dolores en los oídos, llagas en la cabeza, asma, falta de respiración, problemas de vesícula, ulcera gástrica, soplo en el corazón, infecciones por bañarse en los ríos, insuficiencia renal." 126442,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Los gastos varían drásticamente según el departamento, con Nariño reportando el gasto per cápita más alto 207,690 COP (61.9 USD) y Arauca el más bajo, 109,014 COP (32.5 USD)." 180543,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,24,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,La situation en termes de mouvement au cours de ce mois de septembre n’a pas varié par rapport au moi passée. 199193,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,28,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,Une évaluation rapide multisectorielle conduite par OCHA en juillet a conclu que 94% de la population de Salamabila en déplacement sont retournés entre février et juin. 188582,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,93,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Dans le Haut-Katanga la 4ème province la plus affectée de la RDC, les ZS hot spots, pour les 291 cas dont l’information a été renseignée, sont celles de Lubumbashi (133/291 ; 45,7%), Mumbunda (48/291 ; 16,5%), Tshamilemba (33/291 ; 11,3%), Kampemba (18/291 ; 6,2%), Ruashi (13/291 ; 4,5%), Kipushi (9/291 ; 3,1%) et Likasi (9/291 ; 3,1%) (Figure 3)." 172415,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,48,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les agents de santé, particulièrement à risque, pourraient tomber malades ou décéder, réduisant l’offre de soins. Le nombre de respirateurs artificiels disponibles dans le pays pour la prise en charge des cas sévères de COVID-19 est extrêmement limité et largement insuffisant." 177257,41744.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,32,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,La totalité de ces déplacés sont dans une incertitude quant à une perspective de retour dans leur localité d'origine ou de séjour prolongé dans la zone d'accueil (100%). 218414,45693.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,40,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"A new Ebola outbreak was declared on 1 June 2020 in the Equateur province, with 119 confirmed cases as of 25 October and a mortality rate of 42.3 percent.13 Over 14,400 suspected cholera cases have also been recorded." 240720,47367.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ 8 - 14 January 2021] Meanwhile, fuel smuggling has increased between the northeast and Syrian government held areas as well as territories under the control of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA). Fuel demand is, of course, higher at present because of wintry conditions." 306548,53161.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"Below-average household purchasing power and extremely high prices for staple foods are the primary drivers of ongoing acute food insecurity; prices for sorghum and millet continued to increase in November and December and reached 240–300 percent higher than their respective 2019 prices and seven times higher than the five-year average, reports FEWS NET." 322967,54542.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-88-deaths-3629-new-cases/67989,"[23rd April 2021, Bangladesh] A countrywide vaccination drive, launched on Feb 7, is underway. So far, 5,778,686 people have received the first dose and 1,967,975 have got their second jab, according to official figures." 248991,47559.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Dans la région du Nord on note une difficulté générale des PDIs à accéder aux documents d’état civil. Cette situation concerne aussi bien les adultes que les enfants. L’absence des services de l’état civil à Koumbri, Banh, Tangaye, Thiou et Sollé aggrave la situation." 244248,47682.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,55,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"Despite these orders, illegal goldmining has been ongoing in the northern provinces of Chad (Tibesti, Borkou, Ennedi), resulting in frequent clashes between goldminers and rebel groups. Back in June, miners and bandits clashed near the border with Libya, resulting in 24 dead and several wounded." 90150,25620.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Missing']",en,67,[],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/74328.pdf,"As of 29 February 2020, the Libyan Coast Guard rescued/intercepted a total of 2,043 people in different locations along the Libyan coast. Over the same period last year, the LCG rescued/intercepted a total of 778 refugees and migrants at sea. So far in 2020, Libyan local authorities have reported missing of 2 people while attempting to cross the Mediterranean towards Europe." 286961,51529.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,72,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3721824,"The Mothers of Soacha discovered their sons were being extra judicially executed by the Colombian Army to boost their combat killings. This practice is known as ‘Falsos Positivos’ (false positives). Their work has created awareness around the world of this horrendous practice in Colombia. In February 2021, the true extent of this practice began to be revealed by the Colombian Transitional Justice Tribunal." 457606,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,35,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"les violences conjugales (5/9 groupes), les grossesses non désirées (5/9 groupes) et le lévirats (1/9 groupes) sont également des violences que subissent les femmes et les filles." 245807,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,150,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"El 46.77% de las familias consideran que en sus entornos no existen espacios seguros o recreativos para los niños, niñas y adolescentes y el 4.06% afirma que si existen, pero hay pocos cupos. Con respecto a los riesgos asociados encontramos que continúan siendo los principales el consumo de estupefacientes (36.9%) y el entorno de vulnerabilidad donde se encuentran (21.9%). No obstante, asociando estos datos con los factores de riesgo que generan inseguridad en la percepción de la población monitoreada, es posible inferir que el peligro en que se encuentran los NNA es considerablemente alto por la alta presencia de delincuencia, pandillas y actores armados en las comunidades donde habitan. En particular, en Medellín y Barranquilla, los NNA enfrentan un alto riesgo de reclutamiento o de vinculación de NNA a economías ilegales." 192391,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"With a population of over 12.3 million people , Somalia has 18 isolation facilities with 376 functional beds. While the utilization rate of isolation beds is approximately 17 per cent, individual centers may experience spikes in cases that overwhelm their capacity." 125360,32569.0,1621.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Furthermore, the general economic situation of the municipality was also reported to have deteriorated and migrants were affected by the increase in the prices of food items and intermittent power cuts." 223950,46071.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"L’accès aux masques, désinfectants et savons liquides restent réservé aux ménages nantis parce que les prix ont augmenté, ce qui rend les ménages plus pauvres plus vulnérable" 196123,43603.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) and inadequate water and sanitation in healthcare facilities (HCF) creates unsafe conditions for HCWs and patients; contributing to disruptions in essential services: acute and primary care; child health and vaccination; reproductive health, as well as GBV services and mental health services." 114158,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Impacto en la protección y derechos: El país registra unos 71.500 desplazamientos internos causados por la violencia24. El impacto de la pandemia tiene el potencial de retrasar avances que se han logrado en materia de protección y soluciones para los desplazados internos. Además, las medidas extraordinarias de prevención y contención de casos de COVID-19 que llevaron al Gobierno a cerrar fronteras, tanto aéreas como terrestres y la implementación de centros de cuarentena (CC) para la cuarentena obligatoria de todos los y las salvadoreño/as que regresan al país, están afectando la capacidad de asistencia del país." 189258,42868.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,Proporción de ICs que reportaron que él/ella o algún miembro de su grupo han enfrentado dificultades durante su viaje: 81% (▼4%) 219203,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,64,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"In Somaliland, the isolation centre in Hargyeisa had admitted ten patients as of 15 May, of whom three were discharged. Currently 64 people are in quarantine in a hotel, but the authorities have prepared a quarantine centre in an empty school outside Hargyeisa. As of 18 May, 121 cases and nine deaths have been reported in Somaliland." 310562,53068.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,Response achievements include more than 4.7 million people reached with food assistance and livelihoods support; 356594,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Human Rights Watch obtuvo evidencias creíbles que indican que la policía mató al menos a 16 manifestantes o transeúntes con municiones letales disparadas con armas de fuego. En la gran mayoría de estos casos, las víctimas tenían heridas de bala en órganos vitales, como el tórax o la cabeza, lo cual, según aseguraron autoridades judiciales a Human Rights Watch, es consistente con que hayan sido causadas con la intención de matar." 14827,5489.0,322.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,90,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180719_Humanitarian_Update_Draft_3.pdf,"As of 17 July, 30 displaced households from Al Hudaydah Governorate have been verified in Sa’ada and Al Jawf governorates and 17 of them have received assistance. WFP is supporting treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) cases in 114 health facilities in Sa’ada Governorate, in addition to 23 health facilities in Bart Al Anan and Rajuzah districts in Al Jawf Governorate. UNICEF has signed agreements to implement five water projects in al Jawf Governorate, benefiting some 58,000 people." 386515,60787.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,57,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3758808,"En el caso de Colombia “ha sido impresionante recibir a casi dos millones de venezolanos, en un país de 50 millones de habitantes de los cuales 40 por ciento vive en la pobreza”, observó a IPS Iván Briscoe, responsable regional del observatorio de conflictos International Crisis Group, basado en Bruselas." 238241,47281.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://newspaper.albaathmedia.sy/2021/01/04/%d9%85%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%b1%d8%b3-%d8%b3%d9%84%d9%85%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d8%a7%d9%87%d8%b2%d8%a9-%d9%84%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%85%d8%aa%d8%ad%d8%a7%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%86%d8%aa%d9%82%d8%a7/,"[January 4, GoS] Salamiyah schools have started preparing for the first semester exams for the transitional classes. On the precautionary measures taken by schools, Habib indicated that there is strictness in terms of cleaning, sterilization and equipping the examination halls during this week, under the supervision of the school directors, in a manner that guarantees the health and safety of students." 194136,42943.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"En junio del 2020, el índice de empleo era del 46.1 porciento, abajo del 57.5 porciento de junio del 2019, y el índice de desempleo era del 19.8 porciento, un incremento del 0.5 porciento con respecto al año anterior. Estas son por mucho las peores consecuencias que el mercado laboral ha visto en la última década, al menos." 437211,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Au quatrième trimestre, sa valeur exportée a représenté 87,1% des exportations totales. Les autres principaux produits exportés au cours de ce trimestre sont le Coton avec 3,1%, les Graines et fruits oléagineux représentant 1,5%. Ces quatre produits constituent 93,2% des exportations totales du pays au quatrième trimestre." 159645,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,Seventy one per cent of respondents residing with host communities said they were not taking any mitigation measures to prevent infection by the highly contagious COVID-19 while 29 per cent of respondents were taking measures to prevent COVID-19 infection. 298681,52740.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/rohingya-refugee-camps-cox-s-bazar-rise-ashes,"[31st March 2021, Cox's Bazar] In the immediate aftermath, IOM deployed ambulances, mobile medical teams and mental health and psychosocial support staff. The teams set up an emergency health post in place of IOM’s 24/7 Primary Health Centre in Camp 9, which was obliterated in the fire." 241470,47384.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Economy'],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) As a result of the high inflation prices and low wage rates, many households have adopted various coping strategies, most commonly buying smaller quantities of goods, buying cheaper priced foods, cutting meat from their diet, and borrowing money/debts to store. The wide gap between the prices of items given by vendors in most of the assessed areas is a continued trend. These findings highlight the continuation of new economic difficulties that face the population across NES." 165677,39662.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,141,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Following set of measures are recommended for action plan on safety and well-being of the Sanitation and Waste workers: Employers to ensure adequate and regular supply of quality safety gear. This should be added in the labour law as the responsibility of employer and enforce it properly.  Serious knowledge gap persists among the sanitation and waste workers about safe use and management of different types of safety gear. Therefore, in addition to ensure adequate supply of safety gear, it is extremely important to orient the waste workers about how to handle them properly. This can also be part of the training programme.  Provide financial support and incentives to compensate the workers for the heightened risks they face.  Government to provide insurance packages and special safety net measures provided." 21278,8743.0,730.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/yem_wash_factsheet_wash_cluster_assessment_november_2018_en.pdf,"Yemen is facing one of the world’s worst Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) crises, as deteriorating WASH infrastructure contributes to a cholera outbreak, and represents one of the underlying causes of malnutrition in the country. On behalf of the Yemen WASH Cluster, REACH coordinated a household-level assessment to provide an understanding of WASH needs, gaps, and priorities in 38 districts prioritized for famine and/or cholera interventions that also host a high concentration of Internally Displaced People (IDPs - 8% or more of the total district population)." 326179,55014.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,107,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria] Fifty per cent of IDP households in the BAY States had not been displaced before and are currently displaced for the first time. Knowing that the great majority of IDPs was displaced before 2017, it can be concluded that many households were residing in the location where the assessment took place for several years. Thirty-five per cent of the respondents reported that they have been displaced twice, while 12 per cent stated to have been displaced three times. Three per cent of the IDP households in north-east Nigeria have been displaced four times." 132616,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La respuesta del Subsector se centrará en cuatro principales puntos básicos: prevención, tratamiento del derecho penal, protección e integración de víctimas de tráfico, y capacidad de los actores relevantes. La respuesta involucrará y fortalecerá las capacidades del gobierno local, regional y nacional, así como a los actores clave en áreas con alta presencia de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela" 294014,50852.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"Among [households] HHs that attempted to access health care in the 3 months prior to data collection, 74% of surveyed refugee HHs had to pay for it, IDP (97%), Non-displaced (97%)." 228390,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Nearly all respondents were aware of COVID-19 – only three (3) knew nothing about it; women are more concerned about its potential impact on their lives, in line with worldwide concerns around gendered impacts of COVID-19" 155159,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Los migrantes en tránsito duermen directamente en el suelo cubriéndose con la misma ropa que usan a diario. No tienen privacidad al momento de dormir y comparten los espacios públicos con grupos entre 4 y 10 personas. 294050,51273.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,93,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"However, an increasing number of rural households are likely to be exhausting food stocks with the progression of the lean season, particularly in areas that harvested less. At the area level, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes are currently expected in some central highland areas that typically harvest lower amounts, including Ghor (where production was also significantly below average), Daykundi (where terms of trade also remain below average), and Uruzgan (which is being impacted by conflict-related access constraints)." 307753,53292.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,60,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Insufficient potable water supply to meet people’s needs continues to be highlighted as a critical gap across Pibor County. Longer-term funding is urgency needed to ensure continuous WASH service provision, including the provision of the full sanitation and hygiene promotion package, especially for people in areas that are at high risk of disease outbreaks." 39174,13749.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,117,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Information And Communication'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"More information is required about child protection needs and awareness raising given the majority of the respondents stated that the main child protection risks are unknown; only 10 (16%) of respondents reported knowing of children experiencing trauma due to the exposure to violence while 8 or 13% of informants indicated knowledge of children who have been seriously injured due to the conflict. 69% of the respondents reported that the presence of unaccompanied and separated children hasn’t been noticed since the onset of the conflict, while 16% were aware of an increase in the number of unaccompanied and separated children since the onset of the crisis." 229773,44602.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"There is urgent need for multi-sectoral intervention to this community. (GBV and protection, child protection, WASH, Health, NFI, FSL)" 198156,44148.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100295,"Contre toute attente, le 11 Septembre 2020, la Cellule de Coordination de la lutte contre la COVID-19 annonçait 193 nouvelles contaminations, toutes survenues le même jour à Bobo Dioulasso où quelques centaines d’élèves de l’Ecole Nationale d’Administration s’étaient retirés pour y subir leur formation militaire. Malgré les précautions prises avant la mise en route des élèves, le Coronavirus, intrus invisible, s’était invité à la formation." 345192,56855.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] Hygiene and sanitation promotion activities were carried out during the month of April by a team of 6 hygiene and sanitation promoters targeting 2,827 refugees residing in the Bele site, Haut-Uele Province." 457418,61091.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20%C3%89valuation%20des%20besoins%20en%20abris%2C%20articles%20m%C3%A9nagers%20essentiels%20%28AME%29%20et%20logement%2C%20terre%20et%20biens%20%28LTB%29%20-%20Ville%20de%20Yalgo%2C%20Commune%20de%20Yalgo%2C%20Province%20de%20Namtenga%2C%20R%C3%A9gion%20Centre-Nord%20%28juin%202021%29.pdf,"La majorité des IC (15/22) a également rapporté que moins de la moitié des ménages avaient bénéficié d'une assistance humanitaire en AME au cours des trois mois précédant la collecte de données. L'assistance semble avoir été principalement reçue au niveau du site de Yassou, ce qui contribue à expliquer les besoins moins apportant exprimés dans la partie AME." 10517,2965.0,322.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800409_Humanitarian_Update_Final_1.pdf,"The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases reported since April 2011 has reached 1,087,495 with 2,272 associated deaths across the country. Some 17 Health Cluster partners are operating 141 Diarrheal Treatment Centres and 241 Oral Rehydration Corners. Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) campaigns are planned for early May with 1.3 million doses of OCV arriving late April. WHO recently warned that a new wave of cholera outbreak may happen in vulnerable districts in the southern governorates." 286515,51252.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,98,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"However, the situation is expected to significantly deteriorate during the projection period of May - August 2021 (lean season) with 11 LGAs expected to be in IPC AMN Phase 4 (Critical) and 34 LGAs in IPC AMN Phase 3 (Serious). Around 1.15 million children aged 6-59 months are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition during the course of 2021, with more than half of them (605,000) expected to be severely malnourished. Over 123,000 pregnant or lactating women are also expected to suffer from acute malnutrition." 346578,56939.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/eu-allocates-2-million-emergency-humanitarian-funding-victims-drc,"The European Commission has allocated emergency humanitarian funding of €2 million for those affected by the eruption of Mount Nyiragongo [...] Priority sectors to be covered include emergency water supply and rehabilitation of water supply (the latter in Goma), sanitation and hygiene measures, first aid/health services (including support to health facilities), psychosocial support, child protection and family reunion. This funding is in addition to the €160,000 allocated last week in support of the Congolese Red Cross society." 498759,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,82,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Argentine Red Cross has been developing articulated actions to support the response to COVID-19 with the aim of reducing infections, alleviating the suffering of affected people and their families, and contributing to reduce the impact of the emergency in the country. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the volunteers of the Argentine Red Cross have carried out more than 9,500 social and health actions in response to the emergency." 291633,52152.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Las dificultades para la adquisición de alimentos está dada porque los proveedores no cuentan con los insumos o materias primas, no se podía acceder al mercado a comprar los agroinsumos o problemas asociados a ingresos de los productores y precios de mercado. Las problemáticas relacionadas al acceso a servicios veterinarios estaban dados principalmente por la falta de recursos para tomar el servicio y la imposibilidad de acceder al proveedor del servicio veterinario." 161729,34176.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"Cuatro comedores comunitarios de Cali (dos en el barrio Siloé, uno en El Piloto y uno en Olaya Herrera) y uno en Palmira" 225062,45275.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,20,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,Caregivers have reported to Norwegian Refugee Council losing interest in education and having to send their children to work. 228392,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,45,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Another rapid assessment conducted by Samuel Hall on child returnees confirms this [view that COVID-19 is being spread by foreigners], as minors pushed by fear of COVID-19 return from Iran, and on return they and their communities fear they are carriers" 316640,54353.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,74,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dw.com/en/bangladesh-rohingya-refugees-fire/a-57120531,"[7th April 2021, Cox's Bazar]Refugees: Mohammad Zubair, a Rohingya refugee at a camp, thinks that at least one deep motor tube well with long pipes needs to be set up in each block of the camps for use during an emergency. ""Housing for refugees in the camps should be made with less flammable objects like bricks and tin,"" he told DW." 143013,35989.0,2074.0,[],[],[],es,86,[],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"Por muchos años, bajo el gobierno de Evo Morales, los migrantes y refugiados venezolanos habían estado totalmente invisibilizados, a tal punto que no se procesaban solicitudes de refugio de acuerdo con los datos que maneja la Comisión Nacional del Refugiado (CONARE). Con la nueva dirección, se está realizando una serie de reformas para la modernización y flexibilización del sistema migratorio, de manera que se pueda facilitar la regularización de los ciudadanos extranjeros, entre ellos los venezolanos." 416199,63984.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,26,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sante.gov.bf/detail?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=657&cHash=3a6ad4db4aa0fbcb532b5ce09717bdec,Le ministre de la Santé a révélé qu’à ce jour [10 juin 2021] près de huit mille personnes ont été vaccinées. 356645,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,215,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La policía también privó de la libertad a más de5.500 personasutilizando una figura legal que permite que los agentes “trasladen” a una persona a un “centro asistencial o de protección” para su propia “protección” o la de terceros. Human Rights Watch documentó varios casos en los cuales la policía parece haber usado esta disposición de forma abusiva.Lanormapermite dicho “traslado” solo cuando sea el “único medio disponible para evitar el riesgo a la vida o integridad” y exige que el policía primero contacte a familiares para que “asuma[n] la protección”; si eso no es posible, deben llevar a la persona a un “centro asistencial”, un centro de salud, un hospital o un “lugar especialmente destinado para tal fin”, o a sus hogares de ser posible. La legislación colombiana establece que la persona trasladada no puede ser enviada a un centro de detención bajo ningún motivo. Sin embargo, en los casos documentados por Human Rights Watch la policía llevó a los privados de libertad a estaciones de policía, en lugar de a centros de salud o sitios de detención administrativa, y no llamó a sus familiares." 304093,50891.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"A key achievement for 2018 was the support UNICEF and partners provided to conflict-affected children in hard to reach areas. One example was when UNICEF and its partners negotiated access to 1300 children from non-government controlled areas in Jebel Marra to receive educational support and sit for their Grade 8 exams in government controlled territory, thus permitting children to continue to higher education. UNICEF support also included school supplies, transportation, and access to safe water and sanitation facilities." 271262,50338.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,184,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sfcg.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Trust-in-Authorities-to-Support-COVID-19-Vaccine-Roll-Out.pdf,"(Not on Syria but LL from conflict affected areas) Across all six of our intervention countries, respondents tended to trust the government more when they requested COVID-19 related services and were satisfied with the services received, while trust decreased when respondents felt unsatisfied with the requested services or did not get a response at all, demonstrating that citizens place greater value on quality of response over responsiveness in general. There is a risk that growing dissatisfaction with the government’s provision of COVID-19 related services (or the lack thereof) could lead to further protest movements in conflict-affected countries, where discontent with the authorities may already be high and further negatively affect the credibility and legitimacy of the government. This in turn could hamper the vaccine roll-out efforts of the government and its national and international partners. It begs the question whether the national government is the best placed to champion the vaccine roll-out in settings where trust levels are low, or whether other actors would be better placed for that." 346846,56987.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,69,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The implementation of even more restrictive measures coupled with the inability to address the secondary impacts of the last lockdown will lead to the long-term deterioration of living conditions for Rohingya refugees. The need for improved communication has been consistently stressed by the Rohingya, who have also expressed a desire to be engaged in decision-making." 328643,54710.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 86% households reporting not having any working household members 223930,46071.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,48,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon les résultats des groupes de discussion, les idées sur le contrôle des ressources pendant cette période de COVID 19 ont été différentes. Pour les jeunes garçons, celui qui rapporte un bien ou un revenu au ménage a une certaine autorité sur son apport." 200433,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Élaborer et réaliser des programmes de sensibilisation sur les enjeux de l’endettement dans le cadre migratoire et sur les impacts psychosociaux de l’échec d’un projet migratoire, aussi bien pour les candidats à la migration que pour la société d’origine." 489154,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Aleppo, Idleb, NWS] A higher rate of households in north-west Syria report renting their current shelter (27 percent compared to 17 percent, at the national level) and being hosted for free (18 percent compared to 10 percent, at the national level). Households in Aleppo report lower rates of renting than households in Idleb (by 7 percentage points); conversely, they report higher rates of squatting for free (7 percent), compared to less than 1 percent percent of households in Idleb." 308349,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Nutrition services continue in most of the nutrition centres in Tonj North, but with limited capacity and resources. Nutrition Cluster partners in Tonj North provided nutritional assistance to 1,230 under-five children and 1,052 pregnant and lactating women through 13 static nutritional facilities and 1 stabilization centre." 106074,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,136,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Dada la condición de irregularidad en la que se encuentran muchas personas en tránsito, se han presentado varios casos de deportaciones cuando son detectados por los controles migratorios que realiza Migración Colombia. Esta situación, además de generar una afectación en las familias, requiere de una importante inversión por parte del Gobierno dada la logística que implica un proceso de deportación. En respuesta a lo anterior, con el fin de motivar el ingreso de migrantes en tránsito por puntos de control, desde el 27 de diciembre del 2018 Migración Colombia comenzó a expedir el permiso de tránsito temporal (PTT), el cual les otorga a las personas un tiempo de permanencia hasta de 15 días para llegar a la frontera y continuar su paso hacia otros países." 125355,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Reportedly, the extended lockdown measures, coupled with the food price spike, negatively affected transiting migrants who had not planned to stay in Algatroun; some of them reportedly spending their savings during the lockdown period. Consequently, increasing requests for food assistance were reported by field observers." 41079,11894.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Access to core food and non-food items was reportedly more difficult in Al Aziziya, Swani Bin Adam, and Ain Zara due to the unavailability of many items, particularly bread, flour, vegetables, fruits, and baby milk. Diapers, detergent, and vehicle fuel were among the core non-food items that were most difficult to access." 388901,60849.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Parte importante de las personas entrevistadas no conocía los requisitos ni procedimientos del proceso de migración/refugio. Quienes sí se habían informado, utilizaron como fuente principal de información para conocer las características y requisitos del proceso, la asistencia de otras personas extranjeras de sus mismas nacionalidades ya instaladas en el país. Internet aparece en segundo lugar." 134717,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,". En las regiones de Los Ríos (54%), La Araucanía (46%) y Los Lagos (41%), aunque no alcanza el porcentaje de la población local en la misma región, serían los territorios donde más personas extranjeras vivirían en una vivienda propia. Ello se relaciona, con que según datos del Observatorio Urbano del Minvu25, desde el primer trimestre de 2012 hasta segundo trimestre de 2018, el índice de precio de vivienda en zona sur de Chile era menor que en el resto del país, siendo permanentemente más elevado el precio en la Región Metropolitana26, lo que también refleja menor porcentaje de propietarios al menos hasta junio 2019." 326618,54734.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 5% households reporting having at least one member facing discrimination due to age, disability, or heritage." 217928,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,The government must facilitate a smooth flow of food supply chain during the lockdown. Crop pest and disease monitoring and control should continue to avoid losses. 16506,6352.0,322.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,69,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"As of August 2018, all of UNHCR’s persons of concern in Northern Yemen hold expired documentation as registration and refugee status determination have been suspended by the de-facto authorities since August 2016. Thus, in the North newly arrived individuals unable to register and lodge an asylum claim, which makes them at increased risk of arrest and detention, as well as refoulement." 196233,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Cash and Voucher Assitance using mobile money platforms has become more common in Somalia and is now considered a preferred method for money transfer, allowing for humanitarian intervention to use this system for cash and voucher programming. A number of partners, such as IOM , UNHCR and COOPI, have re-purposed funding to respond to COVID-19 by taking this paperless approach and one which requires less face-to-face contact, to mitigate potential exposure to the virus. Some partners like WFP, have front loaded payments for 2 months in advance, for those most vulnerable, in order for people to stock up on essential items." 194901,43776.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] For Syrians who have survived so much adversity, the virus seems to be the least of their worries. Social distancing is nearly impossible, with a single tent or temporary shelter housing between nine to two dozen people, some who have been repeatedly displaced." 222794,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Two incidents involving aircraft delivering humanitarian aid occurred during the reporting period. On 4 May, an NGO-chartered cargo plane carrying mosquito nets for internally displaced persons in the town of Bardaale, Bay region, was shot down while landing in that town, killing all six persons on board." 359829,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The research team found that SBDRM activities were normally conducted on Thursdays, and other days after school hours with permission from teachers. In school, teachers would encourage boys and girls to participate in the SBDRM activities equally, therefore if the boys and girls were present in school they had equal opportunity to participate in these activities. However, if the SBDRM activities were implemented late after the school hours, parents would not always allow their children, especially girls to participate in the SBDRM activities, due to the distance of the school from their home. They were particularly concerned about the difficulties for the girl child to return home alone." 245775,47762.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"47,3 billones de pesos de presupuesto para el sector educación en 2021" 189740,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,111,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Tchad est découpé en trois zones climatiques. Le Nord est une zone saharienne vaste (60% du territoire national) avec un climat désertique et une pluviométrie inférieure à 200 mm par an. Le Sud est une zone soudanienne (10% du territoire national) avec une forte pluviométrie entre 800 et 1200 mm par an rendant quasiment inaccessibles certaines régions pendant la saison des pluies. On trouve entre les deux, une zone sahélienne (30% du territoire national) avec une pluviométrie comprise entre 200 et 800 mm par an. N´Djamena, la capitale, est située dans cette zone." 134134,34837.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,El 80% se encontraba alquilando departamentos o casas. El costo medio de la vivienda fue de USD 382 y un 56% de los entrevistados manifestó que se encontraba compartiendo baños con otras familias. 130826,33838.0,1183.0,"['Education', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Interrupción de los servicios de educación en todo el territorio nacional, con impacto significativo en la seguridad alimentaria de niños, niñas y adolescentes en condiciones de vulnerabilidad, pertenecientes a programas de alimentación escolar." 188164,31146.0,1900.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Los datos disponibles y usados por planificación indican que el desplazamiento interno en los tres paises pueden ser significativo. En El Salvador, la cifra de desplazamientos internos causados por la violencia es 71.500; en Honduras, la cifra es 247.000;" 489119,65385.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Aleppo, Idleb, NWS] Hazards are much more frequently encountered by households living in Idleb, of whom 53 percent reported having faced some kind of hazard in their shelter, as compared to a much lower 10 percent of households in Aleppo. 45 percent of households in Idleb reported having experienced wind damage (compared to just 7 percent in Aleppo) and 20 percent reported experiencing dust or sandstorms (compared to just 5 percent in Aleppo)." 16496,6352.0,322.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,78,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"Disruption to the payments of salaries to teachers in 13 governorates continues to jeopardise the provision of education. Displacement is also affecting education systems as teachers and students are displaced and schools are often used by IDPs as shelter. There is an urgent need to support schools in districts with high severity of needs, through school repairs, provision of essential learning supplies, hygiene education, school feeding and other education related support." 163829,34549.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Both markets and input dealers closed at times due to COVID-19 control measures, which has also reduced the sale of animals, which would normally take place at this time of year." 175450,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,51,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"6 régions sont particulièrement plus affectées (Sahel, Centre Nord, Boucle du Mouhoun, Nord, Est et Centre Est). Les différents évènements ont un fort impact, sur le contexte politique qui sera marqué par des élections présidentielle et législative au mois de novembre 2020." 388982,60849.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],es,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Respecto de cuáles podrían ser acciones concretas que ACNUR realizara en el 2021, las personas manifestaron interés en responder y en general dichas sugerencias estaban orientadas a que se les pueda apoyar en la consecución de soluciones para los problemas materiales que les atañen así como con profundizar el trabajo que actualmente realiza ACNUR-Chile:" 160512,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Antioquia existe un vínculo entre las dinámicas de desalojo y los grupos armados, en algunos casos estos últimos se convirtieron en intermediarios para la resolución de conflictos por medio de amenazas o expresiones de violencia. Las presiones y amenazas produjeron situaciones de desplazamiento forzado intraurbano, especialmente en los territorios de Granizal, Santo Domingo y Manrique." 206700,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,88,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] Purchasing water was mentioned by about a sixth of participants and from all strata without any significant group differences. FGD participants mentioned that when their primary water source became unavailable they would have to resort to purchasing water from private companies often through water trucks and at a higher price. Spending more time traveling can increase protection-related risks and the resource burden on households, while having to purchase water can be a financial burden." 319655,54195.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.radionacional.co/noticia/regiones/reportan-enfrentamientos-entre-grupos-ilegales-frontera-venezuela,"Autoridades confirmaron los enfrentamientos entre grupos armados ilegales registrados en la medianoche del martes, a pocos metros del Templo Histórico de Villa del Rosario, en Norte de Santander, en zona de frontera con Venezuela. Los hechos dejaron una persona muerta y una más herida. “Las investigaciones de policía judicial nos han podido llevar a establecer que son dos ciudadanos venezolanos”, dijo sobre las víctimas el comandante de la Policía Metropolitana de Cúcuta, general Oscar Moreno." 17097,7092.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"Disruption to payments of salaries to teachers in 13 governorates continues to jeopardise the provision of education. Displacement affects the education system, as teachers and students are displaced, and schools are used by IDPs as shelter. There is an urgent need to support schools in districts with high severity of needs, through school repairs, provision of essential learning supplies, hygiene education, school feeding and other education related support." 205639,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,58,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In total, from January to September 2019, the protection monitoring network recorded 4,949 protection incidents against civilians in the Far North, including killings, kidnappings and armed incursions of Boko Haram as well as physical violence, extortion, arbitrary arrests and threats against persons and property perpetrated by a series of alleged perpetrators." 270245,49921.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/viviendas-permanecen-seis-meses-vacias-en-el-mercado-549077,"Según el empresario, el tiempo de vacancia también puede variar de acuerdo al estrato que tenga el inmueble, y los datos del portal muestran que en estrato 4, en promedio se puede demorar 138 días, es decir 4,6 meses, mientras que en estrato 6 pueden ser hasta 176 días (5,8 meses)." 412781,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Complications created to pregnant women because of not getting delivery support from trained doctors or health workers: In eight cases out of 19 delivery by untrained midwives, the pregnant women experienced some problems. Three women experienced delivery complications, five women faced short term and one woman faced long term difficulties" 248781,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"L’accès à la justice reste un grand défi. A défaut des institutions judiciaires et/ou leurs démembrements dans ces localités, les conflits sont réglés par les membres de la communauté" 114122,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"En los tres países el desempleo ha aumentado, generando grandes pérdidas de ingresos y afectando los ya limitados medios de vida de muchas personas. Al mismo tiempo que los precios de los alimentos han subido en varios lugares, las restricciones de movimiento de COVID-19 además dificultan el acceso a los alimentos tanto en las zonas urbanas como rurales" 81888,22512.0,1183.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",[],[],es,172,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"Área de Intervención 1: Asistencia directa de emergencia Teniendo en cuenta la magnitud de la situación de población venezolana en Colombia, es crucial actuar rápido y de una manera eficiente con asistencia inmediata. Para lograr eso, el GIFMM complementa las acciones por parte del gobierno colombiano a fin de cubrir las brechas en atención y satisfacer las necesidades de la población objetivo. En 10 departamentos, los miembros del GIFMM aseguraron que la población objetivo accediera a instalaciones adecuadas de agua, saneamiento e higiene (WASH por sus siglas en inglés), además de formación en el tema. En esta línea, se beneficiaron casi 1.500 personas en Norte de Santander del acceso a una fuente de agua potable (conforme con los Estándares Esfera); más de 25.200 individuos recibieron varios kits para distintos perfiles, incluyendo kits de dignidad, familiares, escolares, para mujeres gestantes, entre otros; y se capacitaron aproximadamente 1.500 personas en saneamiento e higiene" 173281,41071.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-20-more-die-1441-new-cases-detected/58652,"[8 October, Bangladesh]Across the country, 13,794 people are now in isolation and 41,353 in quarantine." 173029,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Malgré l’existence d’un cadre juridique leur permettant de vivre où ils le souhaitent et de circuler et travailler librement, l’accès des réfugiés aux services de base ainsi qu’au système judiciaire demeure limité." 198675,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Kinshasa reste le foyer principal de l’épidémie, ayant rapporté 75,0% (8936/11918) des cas, suivie du Nord-Kivu et du Kongo-Central avec 9,8% (1165/11918) et 4,5% (539/11918) des cas, respectivement (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 205549,43347.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,An estimated 1.6 million people will need Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) services in 2020. This includes 1.28 million IDPs in the PoC and collective sites as well as in spontaneous and camp-like settlements who will continue relying on humanitarian assistance throughout 2020 despite significant efforts by the humanitarian community to address their needs. 166585,40075.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/36_September_2020.pdf,"Given the novelty of the virus, one of the key priority areas of response is to improve knowledge through research activities and epidemiological studies. This is in addition to other key areas such as surveillance, laboratory, case management, risk communication, point of entry, infection prevention and control etc" 166603,39056.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/270_1597244175_0.pdf,"In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns and heavy restrictions on social and economic activities have been instituted by several countries. In Nigeria, on the 29th of March 2020, President Muhammadu Buhari announced the lockdown of activities in the FCT, Lagos and Ogun States as part of efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19. Subsequently, many other states adopted this measure, given the public health benefits. While this has limited the spread of the virus, the associated socio-economic disruption cannot be over-emphasised." 204337,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Selon le suivi de la situation humanitaire à Tillabéri et Tahoua (REACH, avril-juin 2020), les populations dans ces zones sont fortement dépendantes de l’accès aux marchés nationaux et transfrontaliers pour s’approvisionner et pour vendre leur production et ont donc été fragilisées par les mesures liées à l’épidémie COVID-19" 155152,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"De los migrantes asentados el 56% viven en habitación arrendada en condición de hacinamiento (entre 10 y 15 personas por habitación). Algunos son desalojados por falta de capacidad de pago. Este pago por lo general se requiere por anticipado, diario, semanal, quincenal o mensual." 20559,8024.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"Children represent a small but particularly vulnerable part of the migrant population in Libya, in detention centers, and on the sea crossing. A UNICEF survey among children along the Mediterranean migration route through Libya found that 75 percent reported experiencing violence, harassment, or aggression by adults. Most reported verbal and emotional abuse; half reported physical abuse.145 Almost 20 percent of those who reached Europe by sea from Libya in the first nine months of 2018 were children under the age of 18.14" 247911,48250.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],es,130,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Eta_Iota_Esp.pdf,"En Colombia, hasta el 5 de diciembre, OCHA informó de que 305.796 personas se habían visto afectadas por los huracanes ETA e Iota en 13 departamentos. Los departamentos más afectados en términos de población fueron: Bolívar (156.200), Chocó (62.677), La Guajira (36.771), Norte de Santander (11.872) y el Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia (9.100). Otros departamentos en los que se reportó que parte de l a población había sido afectada fueron Antioquia (6.030), Córdoba (7.532), Magdalena (2.000), Sucre (7.600), Atlántico (4.180), Caquetá (229), Arauca (1.000) y Meta (205)." 454519,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,100,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• El 66% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana considera que redes de apoyo relacionadas a las organizaciones sociales de base (comedores, club de madres, etc.) brindan buen soporte en la actual situación de pandemia. Este porcentaje es del 51.5% en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana. Expresa que la percepción es bastante positiva por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana y un poco menos en la peruana. Un 30.3% y 23.6% de personas de nacionalidad peruana y venezolana respectivamente no tiene una posición." 228419,46627.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"IDPs were slightly more likely than others to report buying less food (54%, compared to 49% overall)." 472847,64952.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"[District sanitaire de Yako] Le district accueille plus de 2,101 PDIs." 244072,47369.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ NES, DEC-Jan] During December and the beginning of January there have been multiple movements of individuals reported. This includes: • Displacement from Ein Issa town and surrounding villages. Around 600 - 900 HHs have reportedly been displaced to villages and towns south of Ein Issa as far as Raqqa City. However multiple sources have reported that only 10 HHs have moved into an informal settlement with the majority being hosted by communities." 394863,61933.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,860,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.pauta.cl/nacional/corte-suprema-fallos-migrantes-expulsiones-ministerio-del-interior,"La reunificación familiar, es decir, no separar familias. La expulsión tras ""un procedimiento contencioso administrativo insuficiente, que no le permita al ciudadano extranjero ejercer sus derechos""; la no perseverancia o el desestimiento del Ministerio Público en las causas que inicia, y la demora en el procedimiento de expulsión -a veces años- son los argumentos principales que la Corte Suprema ocupa para rechazar expulsiones de migrantes. Pero, a partir de 2020, se ha agregado otro motivo:la emergencia sanitaria por el covid-19. Es un argumento en el que la Corte Suprema se ha referido por la situación de otros países, como Venezuela. Uno de estos fallos es el que la Sala Penalemitió el 7 de junioal rechazar la expulsión de un ciudadano venezolano, quien ingresó ilegalmente a Chile. Si bien el motivo principal -que la Suprema ya ha argumentado en otras resoluciones- fue que la expulsión se adoptó después de un procedimiento insuficiente, ""por cuanto la parte recurrente no fue oída ni pudo presentar las pruebas que estimare del caso"", la Corte también habló del contexto de su país. Al respecto, el fallo dice que en este caso debía tenerse en cuentala epidemia del coronavirus. Es una enfermedad ""que amenaza la vida y salud individual de la totalidad de la población mundial, misma que no ha sido controlada"", plantea. A eso se agregan ""las persecuciones políticas y dificultades económicas, más las carencias sanitarias que padecen en sus paísesde origenquienes ingresan irregularmente a Chile, las que son de público conocimiento y que incluso, como es sabido, han llevado a naciones, a autorizar, recientemente, visas temporarias a cientos de ciudadanos extranjeros que han acudido hasta sus respectivas fronteras"", por lo que, ""de mantenerse el decreto de expulsión del territorio nacional de un ciudadano extranjero bajo tales circunstancias, implicaría necesariamente una afectación de la integridad física, síquica y seguridad personal de los mismos"". Es la Segunda Sala Penal de la Corte Suprema, que preside el ministroHaroldo Brito, la que al menos desde hace tres años ha ido razonando en base de estos criterios en los casos de migrantes que presentan recursos de amparo después de sus expulsiones administrativas. El tribunal también está integrado por Manuel Valderrama,Leopoldo Llanos,Jorge Dahmy, desde este 8 de junio, porMaría Teresa Letelier, la primera mujer que se suma a esta sala. Uno de los varios ejemplos en que ha anulado las expulsiones por el principio constitucional de reunificación familiar puede leerse enun fallo de la Sala Penal de 31 de mayo pasado. Allí se impidió la deportación de una ciudadana haitiana, que entró en forma ilegal desde Brasil, y cuya familia reside en Valparaíso. Al respecto, la Sala Penal señaló que, debido alprincipio de reunificación familiar, ""de mantenerse la decisión de la autoridad administrativa ocasionará la separación de ella, al residir parte de la familia de la amparada en Chile, por lo que la concurrencia de tal supuesto implica que la medida de expulsión infrinja lo dispuesto por el artículo 1° de la Constitución Política de la República, en sus incisos primero y último, en cuanto establecen quela familia es el núcleo fundamental de la sociedad, siendo deber del Estado darle protección"". En sus resoluciones, la Sala Penal además ha invocado tratados internacionales. Entre ellos, laResolución 2/18 de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sobre Migración Forzada de Personas VenezolanasylaDeclaración de Cartagena de 1984, que recoge las Recomendaciones de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. En el caso dela declaración de Cartagena, el fallo del 7 de junio recuerda que esta precisa elconcepto de refugiado ""al incluir en él a las personas que han huido de sus países porque su vida, seguridad o libertad han sido amenazadas por la violencia generalizada, la agresión extranjera, los conflictos internos, la violación masiva de los derechos humanos u otras circunstancias que hayan perturbado gravemente el orden público; lo que es recogido posteriormente en laDeclaración de San José de 1994"". Y añade que, ""por consiguiente, resultan aplicables en la especie, esta vez como principios propios del derecho humanitario internacional, el de defensa, revisión de la medida y decisión judicial previa, de la no devolución y no rechazo en frontera, haya sido o no reconocida la condición de refugiados, hayan ingresado o no regularmente al territorio nacional, normas del derecho internacional reconocidas a partir de laConvención de 1951, y artículo VII delProtocolo de 1967y que proviene de la condición de aquellos. Esto ha sido reconocido, asimismo, de acuerdo alius cogensen forma expresa en laDeclaración y Plan de acción de México, para fortalecer la protección internacional en favor de las personas en América Latina""." 272645,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,On note une diminution des ONG nationales (de 98 à 66) tandis que les ONG internationales ont vu leur nombre augmenté (respectivement de 63 à 68) 292261,52161.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,47,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202103230144.html,"There are also the issues of stigma and discrimination that they have to deal with, sometimes even among those providing the services or within the community. Raising awareness of disabilities is crucial, he said. [Charles Zoueke Makouaka a UNHCR protection officer ]" 333753,46627.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,59,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"How, if at all, have you changed your shopping behaviour compared to normal times? No changes made: 12%, Going to different stores: 2%, Buying cheaper food than usual: 33%, Buying less food than usual: 49%, Buying more food than usual: 22%." 214528,45420.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gado_Sept2020.pdf,"[SITE DE GADO] 3 992 personnes ont des besoins spéciaux, soit 14,88% de la population totale." 328049,55074.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Testing', 'Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Deux cent-quarante-sept (247) nouveaux cas confirmés du 04 au 14/04/2021, tous à transmission communautaire répartis comme suit : 128 dépistages pour voyage; 71 personnes contacts ; 46 cas suspects et 02 agents de première ligne. Toutes les treize (13) régions et 68/70 districts sanitaires sont touchés par l’épidémie." 14242,5504.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302700739,"Al Kaabi added that such relief airdrops will continue over hard-to-reach remote areas of Hodeidah, while stressing that the UAE is providing urgent humanitarian and food aid to the governorate following its liberation from Houthi rebels, by implementing developmental and services projects as part of its long-term plan to support the Yemeni people and meet their immediate needs." 328551,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Proportion of households of IDP settlements reporting not having sufficient water for the following purposes were Not enough water for cooking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses (17%), Not enough water for domestic purposes only (11%),Not enough water for personal hygiene only (53%)." 280520,51090.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] Between weeks 07-08, ten (10) new confirmed cases were detected from 1603 samples tested, the test positivity was therefore 0.6%. As of 28 February 2021, the cumulative incidence is 47.2 per 100 000 people. The overall positivity of samples tested is 1.3%. Among the cases, 6.7% showed severe symptoms at the time of admission while 6.2% reported at least one co-morbidity." 247695,48228.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Dans tous ces sites, il y’a lieu de constater des abris de fortunes. Les conditions de vie y sont très difficiles." 128901,34596.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Humanitarian agencies should disseminate frequently updated, tailored information based on regional needs, capacity, and trust. They should emphasise that such advice is based on health professionals’ recommendations, so communities know they are receiving information from the source they trust the most." 295510,52400.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] According to the Flash Update issued by the ISCG Secretariat, among the essential facilities impacted by the fire are the IOM primary healthcare clinic, MSF clinic, Turkish hospital and LPG distribution points. No BDRCS facility or infrastructure has been affected as a relatively small amount of programming is undertaken in the affected areas." 281326,51097.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb3507en.pdf,Situation analysis: 1.2 million people food insecure. 341762,56181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,40,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"Le nouveau Gouvernement de 57 membres de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), dirigé par le Premier Ministre Sama Lukonde Kyenge, a été approuvé par l'Assemblée Nationale et a prêté serment le lundi 26 avril." 273758,50128.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],fr,61,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,"[commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] Du 17 au 20 Décembre 2020, de fortes pluies accompagnées de vents violents ont causé d’importantes crues des rivières Mulongwe et Kanvinvira, dans la ville d’UVIRA en territoire d’UVIRA. Ces crues ont provoqué l’inondation de plusieurs avenues dans la ville (...)." 202651,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"An estimated 5.7 million people cannot attain a minimum standard of living in Cameroon. This is an increase of 1.9 million, compared to the 3.8 million people in need of living standard assistance before the COVID-19 outbreak. The regions affected by the different crises are chronically and structurally underdeveloped: symptoms are the poor infrastructure and the lack of basic services." 390768,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,60,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"4. El crecimiento de los salarios en los sectores donde más se concentran los trabajadores migrantes puede explicarse por su baja participación relativa con respecto a los chilenos, no llegando todavía a saturar estas ocupaciones. Aunque, de igual manera, se observa un rápido crecimiento de la participación relativa de personas migrantes en estos sectores." 176540,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,87,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Les PDI à Djibo ont évoqué une variété de préoccupations telles que l'augmentation du prix des denrées alimentaires, le confinement, l’impossibilité de faire leurs petits commerces dans les lieux publics (écoles, lycées, marché), la fermeture des écoles, le manque de personnel soignant et ambulance, la peur de la contamination, un remède à la maladie et les mesures de protection pour un plus grand nombre de groupes et le manque de route pour les évacuations." 194374,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"la Surveillance à Base Communautaire, la Communication de Risque et Engagement Communautaire a été organisé à l’intention des membres de la Task Force Communication, des AC des Zones de Santé et les membres de la CREC dans la ZS IBANDA au SUD-KIV" 323649,54087.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/POL1032022021ENGLISH.PDF,"[Rapport annuel 2020/21, RDC] The government’s focus on controlling COVID-19 and other diseases diverted its attention from disarmament, demobilization and reintegration efforts." 392648,60861.0,1186.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,57,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Acerca de la categoría de información, se expresó la necesidad de acceso y disponibilidad de información sobre la situación actual y futura, aludiéndose a la calidad y veracidad de la información. Asimismo, los participantes evocaron la necesidad de más información sobre los pasos a seguir en caso de posible contagio de COVID-19." 356101,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Por su parte, para el total nacional, el indicador de pobreza monetaria extrema se ubicó en 15,1% en 2020, mostrando un incremento de 5,5 pps frente al resultado de 2019 (9,6%)" 227519,46488.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Toutefois, un peu plus de la moitié des IC (6/10) ont rapporté l’ocurrence d’incidents de protection et un peu moins de la moitié (4/10) ont rapporté l’occurence de violences sexuelles." 126583,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,52,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Migrants were identified in all 100 Libyan municipalities, within 568 communities (muhallas). The largest migrant populations were identified in the Tripoli region (West), Ejdabia region (East) and Murzuq region (South), a trend which has been consistent in the last year" 299129,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Engagement with NSAG-TB at a national level is slow and replies can take several weeks. While some partners have become skilled in operating in a void, using the absence of a definitive reply to continue their implementation, others require more certainty for their operations, with slow replies or lack of clarity from the NSAG-TB Commissioner resulting in sometimes month-long suspensions of activities with devastating impacts for beneficiaries" 227339,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"25 personnes (CAC, PRECODESA) ont été sensibilisées par les membres de la Task force Communication sur la Covid-19 sur les mesures de prévention dans la grande salle de la Zone de Santé et de l’Hôpital Général d’UVIRA avec l’appui d’UNICEF dans la ZS UVIRA au SUD-KIVU." 113327,32328.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Revisar y adaptar las regulaciones de inmigración, proporcionando respuestas adecuadas a las necesidades de protección de la población venezolana, especialmente a las personas más vulnerables. Los países anfitriones deberían revisar las políticas restrictivas de migración y las prácticas xenófobas desde una perspectiva de género, priorizando las estrategias destinadas a proporcionar protección a las poblaciones más vulnerables." 70796,20130.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,140,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3370349,"Los participantes pusieron de relieve la necesidad de un mecanismo de cooperación que involucre a los Estados donantes, instituciones internacionales financieras y a otros actores relevantes. Reafirmaron el rol de la Plataforma Regional de Coordinación liderada por el ACNUR y la OIM como el mecanismo de coordinación para responder a la crisis de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. Como próximos pasos a seguir la Conferencia expresó su apoyo a la decisión de organizar en los próximos meses una primera reunión del Grupo de Amigos del Proceso de Quito, a ser presidida por la Unión Europea. Las autoridades que auspiciaron la Conferencia destacaron los compromisos adicionales asumidos en ocasión de la misma y remarcaron la importancia para el año próximo de un proceso permanente para movilizar fondos sustanciales adicionales incluyendo una conferencia sobre promesas de contribuciones" 173881,41033.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[26 October 2020, Borno] Borno State Government has announced that state schools will reopen on 26 October, following reopening of schools in other parts of the country, including Abuja Federal Capital Territory. The Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19 has reiterated warnings of a second wave of widespread COVID-19 infections." 115250,30828.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Context->Demography'],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_may_2020_report.pdf,"A total of 73,784HH need complete NFI kits. This include 13,524HH in Monguno, 11,516HH in Maiduguri, 9,556HH in Ngala, 8,984HH in Dikwa, 8,9633HH in Jere, 4,215HH in Bama, 4,066HH in Gwoza, 3,513HH in Konduga, 3,474HH in Damboa, 5,973HH in Magumeri, Yola North, Yola South, Girei, Fufore, Kaga, Mafa LGA. 45% of the sites reported that blankets/mats are the most needed NFIs while Kitchen sets are the second most needed NFIs in ." 183649,43041.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=208985,"[6th October 2020, Overall Syria] The ministry added in a statement to SANA that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 6102, out of which 2254 ones have recovered while 309 others have passed away." 221787,44697.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpais.com.co/colombia/expiden-decreto-que-regula-regreso-a-clases-presenciales-en-conozca-las-medidas.html,El aforo máximo será el que permita garantizar la distancia establecida y depende también del área de cada institución. 272656,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,¾ des ménages interrogés (75%) ayant reçue de l’assistance ont déclaré ne pas avoir été consultés sur le type d’assistance qu’ils souhaitaient recevoir. 279854,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"People with disabilities face physical, communication, attitudinal and policy barriers which mean they can be inadvertently excluded from receiving appropriate humanitarian assistance or being able to engage in decision-making or accountability processes." 390726,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,86,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"según la Encuesta Nacional de Empleo del trimestre julio-septiembre 2019, un 78% de los migrantes haitianos ocupados trabaja en la construcción, comercio, manufactura o agricultura, pesca y ganadería (Figura 8). A pesar de que esta especialización relaja las presiones sobre salarios y empleo en el equilibrio general del mercado laboral, se pueden crear ineficiencias en términos productivos si las diferencias de idioma impiden que los trabajadores se integren laboralmente en ocupaciones en línea con sus capacidades." 73251,21154.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",en,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"The receiving communities of the four countries have shown a positive attitude towards the arrival and stay of the refugee and migrant population from Venezuela. Xenophobic or discriminatory attitudes have been the exception, both in the concrete interaction of populations in daily life and in the majority public discourse. However, the continuity or even the proportional increase in the numbers of people arriving in these countries, together with national socio-economic difficulties that some countries are experiencing, could lead for 2020 to increased xenophobic attitudes and discrimination towards Venezuelans and a deterioration of the integration capacities and the overall positive narrative" 164846,39753.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"UNICEF continues to provide coordination and technical support to state and LGAs’ COVID-19 EOCs, Task Force and Prevention Campaign committees in identifying WASH gaps and implementing appropriate WASH interventions across all WASH project states. Government partners (RUWASSAs) in Ekiti, Ondo, Osun were supported to update the functionality status of water facilities in health care facilities (HCF), communities and public places, in preparation for government interventions to rehabilitate non-functional facilities in those states which will ensure safe IPC in HCFs and access to WASH services in communities and public plac" 326544,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,45,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 53% and 30% of households of IDP settlement and Non-IDP settlement reported all school-aged children in their household who were previously attending school are continuing learning activities remotely since schools have been closed. 163463,30943.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,151,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Aún con las advertencias generadas por el Sistema de Alertas Tempranas de la Defensoría del Pueblo se siguen presentados hechos victimizantes en el marco del COVID. La mayoría por la persistencia de confrontaciones armadas entre actores armados no estatales, que aprovechan la limitada presencia de Instituciones para generar afectaciones a las comunidades. Se destacan confinamientos que se imponen a las comunidades limitando su movilidad y acceso a bienes y servicios, haciendo uso incluso de la normativa nacional asociada al aislamiento obligatorio; desplazamientos forzados en comunidades étnicas, reclutamientos forzados, instalación de minas antipersonal y amenazas entre otros. Las regiones de principal preocupación en este periodo de reporte Chocó (Alto Baudó y Bojayá); Timbiquí y López de Micay en el Cauca, Roberto Payan en Nariño, Ituango, Urrao, y Murindó en Antioquia y Sardinata en Norte de Santander." 134171,34849.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter']",[],[],es,49,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El Programa Nacional de Rescate asiste a las víctimas desde el momento inmediatamente posterior al allanamiento, cualquiera fuera el tipo de explotación al que sea sometida. Se les brinda alojamiento y asistencia médica, psicológica y jurídica, hasta la corrrespondiente declaración testimonial en sede judicial." 48985,16177.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"Asimismo, puede que evidenciarse el aumento de los empleos informales y de la contratación ilegal de migrantes que en muchas oportunidades ofrecen mano de obra a un costo menor. Por otro lado, también en el corto plazo se evidenciarían presiones a nivel fiscal, pues un porcentaje del PIB debe ser destinado para proporcionar acceso a los servicios a la población migrante y retornada (Banco Mundial, 2018)." 111927,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,71,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Quienes laboran en el albergue visitado señalan que han presenciado una tensión entre los inmigrantes y las comunidades locales. Señalan que la “personalidad” de los venezolanos entra en contradicción con los modales de los habitantes locales: “No saludan, ni agradecen, parece que todo fuera una obligación: darles es una obligación” (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Bogotá, 2019)." 189700,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Au nord, l´interdiction d´accès aux zones aurifères dans le Tibesti depuis le début de l´année 2019 a conduit des milliers d´orpailleurs à quitter ces zones pour se diriger vers les villes principales dont Faya, Zouarké et Zouar. La majorité de ces personnes sont bloquées dans ces villes par manque de moyens de retour vers leurs zones d´origines et n´ont pas des moyens de subsistance et d´accès aux services de base." 322006,54318.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,98,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"En este apartado la DTM indagó a los NNA sobre el consumo de sustancias, es importante considerar que los factores de riesgo relacio- nados a las SPA por parte de los NNA migrantes con alta permanencia o situación de vida en calle, pueden obedecer a la falta de super- visión de los padres o cuidadores(as), violencia intrafamiliar, no contar con redes de apoyo, la disponibilidad de las sustancias en el entor- no donde residen o frecuentan y el uso de sustancias psicoactivas por parte de amigos, entre otros." 111691,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A pesar de ello, en espacios como la ludoteca se pudo ver que los niños juegan en cuanto pueden: juegan a pelear con muñecos, se trepan a los árboles para bajar frutas, cuentan que les gustan los animales y, de Colombia, las montañas, las casas grandes y los colegios. Les gusta correr y jugar a esconderse, al burro, a la lleva, a la serpiente y al monstruo. Al invitarlos a crear poderes hablan del amor y de abrazarse, de la velocidad y de los truenos, de la capacidad de nadar y de la fuerza física (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Norte de Santander, 2019)." 201110,43280.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"Sexual and gender-based violence (GBV) remained a principle threat for children in Somalia with 237 people being supported with GBV services that range from safe houses, counselling, medical and legal support and psychological first aid." 285235,50884.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Sudan has faced an economic crisis since the beginning of 2018, resulting in continuously rising prices and shortages of essential items including cash, medicines, fuel, and flour." 204146,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,La caractère récent du déplacement pourrait être considéré comme facteur de l’insécurité alimentaire : 90% des ménages réfugiés ont déclaré être déplacés depuis plus de 2 ans contre 71% des ménages déplacés internes. A l’inverse 23% des ménages déplacés internes sont déplacés depuis moins de 1 an contre 5% des ménages réfugiés. [a Diffa] 483345,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A lo largo de 2018, un promedio mensual de 60,000 refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela ingresaron a Perú a través de puntos de entrada oficiales. Casi el 90 por ciento llegó a través del punto de entrada de la frontera norte de Tumbes. Además, en 2018, unas 151,000 personas abandonaron el Perú a través de los puntos fronterizos oficiales, incluida Tacna, que es el principal punto de salida para los venezolanos que viajan hacia el sur a otros países. Sin embargo, a los que llegaron después del 31 de octubre no pueden solicitar el PTP, dejando a los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela con menos opciones para regularizar su estadía" 305821,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"[The Decline... ]Among these returnees, an estimated 16,760 people (3452 households) returned from Al Buram, 9,414 people (1414 households) returned from Um Dorain, and 3,563 people (788 households) returned from Heiban. [Specific location assessed - Um Dorain]" 323230,53353.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,18,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[13 APR 2021, GOS] 53% of sub-districts have sufficient knowledge of COVID-19 risk." 160435,38373.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,29,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Riohacha, también el uso de internet y WhatsApp se convirtió en la principal herramienta para mandar el material educativo por parte de los docentes y alumnos." 16918,6332.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,123,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%201-21%20September%202018.pdf,"Responding to the growing needs, UNHCR distributed much needed cash assistance to some 22,000 families (140,000 individuals) in August alone. The value of the cash assistance disbursed totalled over two billion Yemeni Riyals (some four million US Dollars). Given their pressing shelter needs, some 73 percent of the cash assistance was disbursed for use by IDPs as rental subsidies. In September, UNHCR also started cash distribution activities for CRIs, targeting nearly 1,800 displaced families in Aden and Lahj Governorates. Some 600 families already received the ‘Cash for CRIs’ and another 927 families in Aden, Lahj and Al Hudaydah Governorates have been referred to UNHCR for similar assistance." 213147,45257.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=213734,"[13th December 2020, NES]The terrible deteriorated situation at the camp caused the death of dozens of children in addition to the spread of chaos and the increase of crimes and murder inside the camp which is encircled by the militants of the US occupation forces-backed-QSD militia." 189677,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les provinces du Salamat, du Borkou, du Tibesti et de l´Ennedi Ouest, le département de Biltine dans la province du Wadi Fira, le département de Ngourkousso dans le Logone Occidental et le département de la Nya Pendé, dans le Logone Oriental sont dans la sévérité très élevée." 307812,52942.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,136,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Tomato: The average price increased by 9.5% compared to third week of November. The increase occurred in: Farah (60%), Takhar (46%), Samangan (43%), Hirat (33%), Badakhshan (30%), Urozgan (29%), Baghlan and Faryab (25%), Balkh, Jawzjan, Kunduz and Sari Pul(20%), Zabul (14%) and Ghor (9%). The main reasons for the increase were supply shortfalls. Meanwhile prices decreased only in Nimroz (20%) and Nangarhar (16%), due to more availability in the market. Prices did not change in other provinces of the country." 155354,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],[],[],es,52,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Programa de refuerzo de capacidades de comunicación para siguientes brotes e interacciones con otros eventos (inundaciones, dengue, epidemias.) incluyendo (al menos) la actualización de 275 voluntarios/as de todo el país (destrezas de comunicación en emergencia y crisis/lenguaje de señas, entre otros.)" 319691,54530.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://observatoriofeminicidioscolombia.org/attachments/article/457/Bolet%C3%ADn%20Vivas%20nos%20queremos%20Colombia%20marzo%202021.pdf,". En el mes de febrero (20) feminicidios fueron cometidos por 1 sujeto feminicida, (7) fueron cometidos por 2, (15) la fuente señaló la participación de varios sujetos, y en (10) feminicidios no se cuenta con la información del número de sujetos feminicidas." 355072,58066.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://diariodelosandes.com/site/javier-tarazona-vemos-con-preocupacion-este-acto-terrorista-por-donde-circulan-miles-de-venezolanos/,"Javier Tarazona, representante de la organización no gubernamenal Fundaredes, expresó su preocupación por el acto terrorista ocurrido en Cúcuta, Colombia, ciudad fronteriza con Táchira, por donde circulan miles de venezolanos, a diario. Tarazona recordó que constantemente estas organizaciones subversivas delinquen en territorio colombiano con atentados como el ocurrido en la Brigada 30 del Ejército Colombiano en Cúcuta, para luego resguardarse en territorio venezolano." 224242,45763.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Il faut noter que des petites réponses en articles ménagers essenteils NFI et vivres ont été faites dans quelques villages par les autorités administratives aux plus vulnérables (personnes âgées et personnes handicapées). En revanche, ces réponses fournies ne sont pas vraiment significatives selon la communauté. En plus, les critères utilisés pour identifier les vrais bénéficiaires affectés ne sont pas cohérents et sont incompris par la communauté en particulier les femmes." 290030,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"While 39% of the national population lives below the poverty line, this rate rises to 51.5% for women. 79.2% of them are underemployed." 295069,52363.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"75% of the households are connected to the sewage while 15% having a toilet connected to a septic tank. The remaining 10% of the population does not have a sanitary service that allows for the efficient management of excreta, which includes 7% of the population that does not have any sanitary service system, as well as households that dispose of their excreta by means of toilets not connected to a septic tank, latrines, or low tide (see Graph 56). It should be noted that having access to an adequate sanitation system is one of the most effective measures in terms of public health and disease prevention." 172403,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"A ce jour, 11 provinces (Kinshasa, Sud-Kivu, Nord-Kivu, Ituri, Kwilu, Kongo-Central, Kwango, Equateur, Haut-Lomami, Tshopo et Haut- Katanga) et un total de 292 zones de santé sont affectées. Kinshasa constitue, à ce stade, l’épicentre de l’épidémie avec 90,5 pour cent des cas confirmés (3715 cas) suivi d’un second foyer épidémique au Kongo-Central (212 cas). Toutefois, les capacités de dépistage et de laboratoire étant limitées, le nombre de cas et de provinces touchées pourrait être plus important." 236023,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,There is a critical need to scale up lifesaving GBV services and advocate for access to affected communities in hard to reach areas. 204311,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,80% de la population sont considérés en insécurité alimentaire chronique dans le nord de la région de Tahoua contre 60% dans le centre et le sud. 191323,43417.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/toxic-brew-instability-armed-violence-extreme-poverty-hunger-and-covid-19-putting,"We need our development partners to work with us to build stronger systems across the region. Including expanding the availability of safe, nutritious and affordable foods and malnutrition treatment. And increased support for psychosocial support to help children cope with the trauma they’ve endured." 224250,45763.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,122,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Recommandations : Réhabiliter ou Réaliser les forages / La distribution des produits de traitement de l’eau à domicile (PUR sachets, aquatab) (action à court terme / Mettre en place ou redynamisation des Comite des gestions des points d’eau / Faire la promotion à l’assainissement et a l’Hygiène (ATPC [Assainissement Total Piloté par la Communauté], lavage des mains, gestions des ordures…) / Dans le cadre du nexus humanitaire développement donner un appui pour construction latrines adaptées à la zone /Préparer en amont les villages en les dotant des produits de traitement de l’eau avant l’arrivée de la saison de pluie." 164086,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"A ‘COVID-19 Talk’ radio talk show was aired for a reporting period with the stations providing 270 minutes of free airtime in Enugu State. The key issue covered by the programmes during the week is fear and stigma. In Akure, 21 radio stations aired jingles on COVID-19 free of cost." 78389,21716.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,38,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,"En el país los ingenieros venezolanos cubren determinadas capacidades que son requeridas, como la ingeniería en petróleo, en perforación, eléctrica, y en áreas relacionadas con las geociencias como la geofísica y el petrofísica." 220935,45369.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/stop-aux-mutilations-g-nitales-f-minines-faire-ensemble-du-burkina-faso-un,"Le gouvernement du Burkina Faso, en collaboration avec plusieurs partenaires de développement, a déployé des efforts pour mettre en place des campagnes de sensibilisation, qui ont produit des résultats positifs prudents. La prévalence chez les filles âgées de 15 à 19 ans est de 42,4 %, alors qu’elle est de 87,4 % pour celles âgées de 45 à 49 ans.* [mutilations génitales féminines (MGF)]" 123770,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"COVID-19 testing is still unavailable at primary level. Community reporting app Speetar which is a Libya based telehealth platform where self-reporting patients can be triaged by doctors is still not linked to surveillance system. Similarly, WFP led Emergency Telecom Sector Hotline Tawasul 1404 used as National COVID Hotline has referred 97 cases who had symptoms to NCDC. Daily zero reporting at all primary sites to surveillance administration is activated. There is another NCDC toll free number 195 for reporting any suspected cases" 193750,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,50,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le taux de mariage précoce est élevé (72%) et une fécondité précoce élevée chez les jeunes de 15 à 19 ans. A 19 ans, 62% des jeunes filles ont déjà eu au moins un enfant augmentant le risque de décès chez les adolescentes." 308045,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There is a critical lack of functional health facilities for people across the district, with only 22 per cent of health facilities operating currently. The Health Cluster scale-up includes re-establishing functionality of PHCU, PHCCs and mobile health services" 188597,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,194 élèves et 11 enseignants du Complexe Scolaire OMEGA LA MERVEILLE ont été sensibilisés sur la Covid-19 dans l’Aire de Santé de BEROYA dans la ZS BAGIRA au SUD-KIVU ; 149543,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,90,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"Los ataques de brasileños contra campamentos de inmigrantes venezolanos en la ciudad fronteriza de Pacaraima han hecho que 1.200 personas abandonen el país y han elevado la tensión en una región que pide auxilio al Gobierno. Por otro lado, una inédita y violenta manifestación xenófoba en contra de los nicaragüenses ha encendido las alarmas en Costa Rica, un país en el que al menos el 8 por ciento de su población es inmigrantes y que históricamente ha dado asistencia a personas que huyen de sus países." 192699,43347.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,The combined allocations on health and education made up 6 per cent of the total 2019–2020 national budget. 69727,19997.0,1534.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,http://www.tribune242.com/news/2019/oct/18/bpl-spends-16m-equipment-restore-abaco-electricity/?news,"“BPL currently has a 17-man team in the North working to restore the infrastructure, from Cooper’s Town to Crown Haven, ahead of re-powering." 214531,45420.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,151,"['Priority Interventions', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gado_Sept2020.pdf,[SITE DE GADO] PRINCIPAUX DEFIS - Protection: Difficulté à poursuivre l’enregistrement continu sur le site en raison du COVID 19 ; Accumulation des documents des PoCs arrivés à expiration et risques de tracasseries policières ; Persistance des mariages forcés dans les sites avec la complicité des leaders communautaires ; Gestion extra-judiciaires des cas de GBV dans la communauté au mépris de la loi et au détriment des survivantes même mineures ; Stigmatisation des réfugiés par la communauté hôte en raison des actes de violences qui sont recensés sur le site ; Prise en charge des personnes à besoins spécifiques ; Le besoin urgent de renforcer les mécanismes communautaires d’alertes des cas de protection et la prise en charge alternative en ce contexte de COVID -19 ; Stigmatisation des cas exposés ou infectés au COVID19 dans les communautés. Persistance des accouchements à domicile. 284650,50884.0,2466.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"On 3 June, at least 118 people were killed, more than 780 people injured and at least 70 rape cases reported." 19507,7910.0,730.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],en,98,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"In the last four years, the Yemeni economy contracted by nearly 50 per cent, with about 600,000 jobs lost. The conflict also is taking a heavy toll on local businesses. Preliminary findings of a World Bank survey in October 2018, show that about 35 per cent of businesses across the country have closed, and over half of the surviving firms have experienced shrinkage in size and a scaling down of operations. About 73 per cent of firms that closed cited security and financial constraints as the main reason for closure." 314809,54184.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/covid-19-en-rdc-debut-de-la-vaccination-lundi-allegement-du-couvre-feu-404666,"Après étude, l'équipe d'experts congolais ""a rassuré que le vaccin AstraZaneca déjà disponible en RDC ne présente aucun inconvénient sur la population"", a affirmé M. Kankonde." 133879,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,52,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"INTENCIONES DE RESIDENCIA Según la encuesta, tan sólo un 4% de las personas encuestadas piensan quedarse en Panamá por menos de un año, mientras que un 44% expresa desear quedarse en Panamá entre un año o indefinidamente, y un 52% expresa no haberlo decidido aún." 67769,19750.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,8,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71782.pdf,124.123 Servicios de restablecimiento de contactos familiares. 172873,40676.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],fr,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Ainsi, une réponse humanitaire urgente est nécessaire à la fois en matière de renforcement des capacités des structures de santé (notamment en prévention et contrôle des infections) et de sensibilisation des populations sur les risques de transmission mais également en protection et prise en charge médicale et psychosociale des malades du COVID-19." 328583,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 67% of Households of IDP settlements have not been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection while 29% of Households of IDP settlements have been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection. 356649,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"En algunos casos, agentes de policía no reaccionaron debidamente cuando personas de civil atacaron a manifestantes. Human Rights Watch corroboró videos que muestran cómo hombres armados que en las imágenes se encuentran junto a la policía dispararon a manifestantes en Cali el 28 de mayo. Los policías no parecen haber tomado acciones para prevenir o frenar estos ataques. El día siguiente, un comandante de la policíareconocióque los agentes “omitieron su deber” y dijo que serían investigados." 495132,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,42,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,A partir de los datos y cifras anteriores se pueden concluir que el comportamiento y tipología de los flujos migratorios en Perú tiene tres tendencias/dinámicas principales con zonas geográficas determinadas: Entrada -Tránsito; Asentamiento con permanencia; y Tránsito-Sur). 268472,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] The government of the Syrian regime has repeatedly either withheld or delayed such permissions, preventing the delivery of medical and other supplies to areas outside its control. The regime’s government has also hampered several UN agencies from implementing essential projects in the said areas. For instance, the regime’s government has refused to “allow UN agencies to establish Covid-19 testing labs in northeast Syria,” Human Rights Watch added." 346940,56987.0,2098.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both host and Refugees: Tensions remained high after the first lockdown was lifted and only started to decline recently. This second lockdown, along with the complete lockdown of Teknaf upazila and predicted lockdown of Ukhia upazila, will likely result in another increase in tensions." 272616,50217.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,plus d’un tiers des populations non déplacées de Diffa doit marcher entre 1h et 3h pour atteindre une structure sanitaire tandis que 30% des populations non déplacées de Maradi sont à une distance de plus de 30 minutes d’une source d’eau (MSNA 2020). 161748,34176.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,19,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,Sigue la identificación de beneficiarios con necesidades alimentarias para la entrega de kits alimentarios familiares y bonos alimentarios. 208649,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The cumulative severity of the protection situation is especially prominent in Akobo, Awerial, Canal/Pigi, Bor South, Duk, Jur River, Lainya, Luakpiny/Nasir, Maiwut, Mundri East, Panyijiar, Pibor, Rubkona, Ulang and Wau counties with more than 50 per cent of their total population in need of protection." 356142,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,30,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En abril, la cartera total mostró una variación nominal anual de 0,2%, 11,6 pps por debajo del crecimiento anual observado en el mismo mes de 2020." 278628,50856.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The observations noticed that four out of fifteen food items’ prices has generally increased in January 2021 in variable proportions. Potato recorded the highest price value within the changing ratio comparing to the prices in December 2020. sunflower oil comes second ." 176642,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']","['Displacement->Intentions', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",fr,139,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Une grande partie des communautés hôtes aussi estime que contrairement à ce que l’on croit, elles ont des besoins spécifiques parce que l’accueil des PDI a impacté négativement sur leur environnement, les rendant plus vulnérables. Les PDI estiment avoir des besoins en eau, en assainissement (toilettes-douches), et en matériel de prévention de la COVID-19. Certains estiment que les besoins ont été pris en compte mais pas suffisamment tandis que les hommes âgés PDI estiment que non puisqu’ils veulent simplement retourner chez eux et demandent de quoi se protéger. Les femmes âgées PDI s’estiment particulièrement lésées. Les populations hôtes ne se sont pas prononcées sur la prise en compte ou pas de leurs besoins puisqu’elles disent ne rien recevoir." 489259,65385.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Aleppo, Idleb, NWS] 67% of HHs across north-west Syria report meaningful access to markets. SEX OF HOH BREAKDOWN (% OF HHS): FHH-61% and MHH-68%. GOVERNORATE BREAKDOWN (% OF HHS): Idleb-65% and Aleppo-71%." 150727,32327.0,1184.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,85,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En Ecuador, las mujeres con DGF expresaron su preocupación por el uso tanto de toallas reutilizables (debido a las dificultades para manejarlas y lavarlas en condiciones de hacinamiento y con acceso limitado al agua) y/o copas menstruales (que se consideran incómodas y difíciles de usar, lavar y esterilizar). Las mujeres informan haber sido obligadas a pagar por el acceso al agua y los servicios sanitarios, lo que es sumamente complicado dada la precariedad económica que viven." 227497,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,27,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Cela se reflète par le fait que tous les IC ont rapporté qu’au moins la moitié de la communauté hôte accueillait des ménages déplacés. 208688,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,54,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Boys and girls continue to endure multiple protection risks and rights violations, including family separation, widespread recruitment and use of children by armed forces and groups, psychosocial distress, GBV and exploitation. This situation is exacerbated by limited availability of basic services, weak governance and negative social norms." 307721,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"In the reporting period, 1,921 under-five children and over 802 pregnant and lactating women were reached with nutritional assistance through 24 static nutritional facilities, 8 outreach sites and 2 stabilization centres in Likuangole, Gumuruk, Vertet, Boma, Maruwo Kassengor and Pibor payams in Pibor County" 239750,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Government of Afghanistan, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and US government committed to support Afghanistan financially to fight against COVID-19. The last key measure taken by the government is announcement and implementation of partial lockdown in key provinces such as Kabul and Hirat which is replicated to other provinces spontaneously. In an effort to manage the outbreak appropriately all three deputy ministers and following the minister himself were replaced recently." 80044,22055.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,21,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,Janoub Azzawya: An estimated 300 migrants arrived to Janoub Azzwya and are planning to continue their journey to other destinations 266808,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average retail price of wheat flour throughout Syria increased in January 2021 by five percent reaching SYP 1,317/kg. The wheat flour price has also increased by 232 percent y-o-y. As-Sweida recorded the highest wheat flour price at SYP 1,600/kg (up two percent m-o-m), while Ar-Raqqa recorded the lowest price of SYP 1,017/kg (unchanged m-o-m)." 390906,61222.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,61,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.diarioantofagasta.cl/el-pais/129651/fuerzas-armadas-se-suman-a-control-migratorio-ilegal-al-norte-del-pais-antofagasta-y-tarapaca-presentan-mas-de-32-pasos-no-habilitados/,"En cuanto a la modificación al decreto, no implica la intervención de las Fuerzas Armadas en procedimientos operativos para ejercer funciones que competen privativamente a PDI, Carabineros y otras instituciones, sino que estas desplegarán sus unidades aéreas, terrestres o marítimas, para prestar apoyo logístico, de transporte y tecnológico en zonas fronterizas del territorio nacional." 80045,22055.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,15,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,Khaleej Assidra: estimated 93 migrants arrived to Khaleed Assidra looking for job opportunities. 297364,51172.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"Interagency assessment teams identified 16,427 people to receive immediate humanitarian assistance. During the reporting period, 16,639 people received humanitarian assistance — among them are 2,541 newly displaced people, 196 people affected by natural disasters, 175 IDPs in prolonged displacement, 4,508 vulnerable people in host communities and 9,219 people who receive seasonal support and food aid in response to the COVID-19 pandemic." 19513,7910.0,730.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,['Impact'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,Commercial food imports in December 2018 were the lowest ever since the UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM) started in July 2016. UNVIM facilitates the unimpeded flow of commercial items on vessels sailing to Yemen ports. The decrease in food imports led to a 2 per cent drop in the average monthly percentage of food requirements met. Fuel imports reached their highest levels since August 2017. 205877,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"LGBTIQ+ individuals, sex workers and homeless people, for instance, are likely to experience additional barriers to accessing humanitarian aid and health care services due to discrimination, unwelcoming attitudes, and a lack of understanding from providers." 389290,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,93,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"El impacto humanitario sobre la población de los departamentos de la región Pacífica y Noroccidente es preocupante, ante la multiplicidad de emergencias que se presentan allí y que además desbordan la capacidad de respuesta de las administraciones locales y de los socios locales de los ELC. Las zonas concentran el 86% de los eventos de desplazamiento masivo reportadas en el primer semestre del año. Nariño, Valle del Cauca y Cauca, lideran con el mayor número de personas desplazadas, seguidas por Antioquia, Córdoba y Chocó." 295057,52363.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"According to the research ""Health Venezuelan migrant and refugee population in Colombia""31 carried out by Profamilia Association, two out of every ten refugees and migrants have attended health services in Colombia in the last year. Likewise, between 2018 and 2019, the use of contraceptive services by the Venezuelan refugee and migrant population increased by 96% and prenatal care by 80%. In this fourth round of needs assessment, 24% of the people interviewed said that at least one member of the household had a need for sexual and reproductive health during the 30 days prior to the survey." 347882,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] At the moment, there are around 64022 latrines cubicles in the camps. Access, design, risks of GBV and poor maintenance seems to be the main factors that make using latrines still a challenging experience for Rohingya communities, 3 years after the influx" 206729,43347.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Major health system gaps have resulted in persistent weak facility and community disease surveillance, low immunization coverage and weak referral pathways for maternal and child health emergency including sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) survivors. The facility surveillance gap is at 40 per cent. WASH infection prevention and control is at 7 per cent. With only 14 per cent of pharmaceutical commodities available, the already insufficient essential medicine supply chain is ineffective in the face of preventable disease outbreaks." 305784,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The retail price of locally-produced wheat is similarly high, at 135 percent above 2017 prices and 210 percent above the five-year average." 347778,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: There is a reported increase in violence among polygamous families in both refugee and the host communities." 237790,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Hasta la semana epidemiológica analizada la razón preliminar nacional de mortalidad perinatal y neonatal tardía es de 14,1 muertes por cada 1 000 nacidos vivos, en la tabla 8 se observa que en 19 entidades territoriales la razón es superior a la del país. Las 5 entidades territoriales con las razones más altas son Chocó (34,9), Vaupés (33,7), Vichada (32,0), Buenaventura (24,1) y San Andrés y Providencia (22,1" 150810,37921.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,57,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au niveau des points d’entrée évalués (deux aéroports et 9 points d’entrée terrestres), la distanciation physique n’est pas totalement respectée et le port des masques par le personnel n’est pas totalement effectif du fait qu’ils n’en disposent pas en quantité suffisante." 295697,52365.0,2311.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,151,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"Information gaps ● Other municipalities in Arauca: Early warnings have been raised in municipalities such as Tame and Saravena regarding the possible arrival of population from Venezuela affected by the armed actions in La Victoria. Data from secondary reports are available, but situation should be monitored in case of a significant increase in the affected population. ● Disaggregation: There is no disaggregated data on the the Colombian and Venezuelan population, which makes it difficult to have a much more accurate picture of the proportion and characteristics of the population. ● Protection risks: Several participants expressed fear or mistrust when answering the survey questions. As such, protection concerns are likely to be underreported. ● There is a need to identify unaccompanied or separated children and adolescents, as well as to identify the risks and effects associated with forced recruitment." 326245,54734.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[Accountability to Affected Populations] 8% of households reported having experienced barriers in accessing aid in the 30 days prior to data collection. Among those households, the most commonly reported barriers were lack of information (62%),exclusion by camp managers/gatekeepers(25%), insecurity at site of aid distribution(16%)." 196122,43590.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Commercial international flight schedules are still unreliable, and some carriers require a negative COVID-19 test. These factors may reduce INGOs’ capacities to send international staff, increasing the burden on national and locally based staff (OCHA C-19 Report 25/08/2020)." 192702,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,23,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Due to the spread of COVID-19 all the schools across Somalia were closed in mid-March by the government as a precautionary measure. 248557,46458.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In terms of emergency response, items such as hygiene kits and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to limit transmission are urgently required." 492760,68126.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/20210921_fss_coordination_meeting_0.pdf,"[21st September 2021, Cox's Bazar] Food assistance : • Relocation is continuing through the camp, Total 147 HHs relocated before 21 September, It will continue until targeted reached • 3 new Fresh Food Corners at Camp 8W, Camp 17 and Camp KMS EV outlet. Total 19 FFCs, including live chicken and fish, at 17 locations were operational to provide fresh food items to all beneficiaries" 344138,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"Pour Christophe Joseph Marie Dabiré, le gouvernement n’a cependant pas misé que sur le volet militaire pour faire face à l’insécurité dans notre pays, convaincu que la lutte contre le terrorisme ne saurait être exclusivement militaire. Il faut surtout gagner la bataille du développement économique et social dans ces zones sous défis sécuritaires, pour renforcer le ciment de notre vivre-ensemble, a-t-il soutenu." 311478,53762.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,122,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Centre-Nord) UNHCR has been working closely with the GIZ in the process of identifying and preparing a new project to support and strengthen the capacities of the communes in the Centre Nord region most affected by the displacement crisis. The project will aim to support the resilience of the most affected communes, through two areas of intervention, namely: i) an axis based on strengthening access to basic public services, through capacity building of communal actors, and ii) an axis based on support to social cohesion. This project will be start in the fall of 2021 and will be implemented for a two-and-a-half-year period. Its budget totals 3.5 million Euros." 127666,34498.0,1620.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,37,[],['Shock/Event'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cccm_shelter_nfi_june_2020_factsheet.pdf,"Acknowledging the current destructive effects of rains and windstorms experienced in BAY states, the sector has developed a flood response strategy, accompanied with a contingency plan and projected analysis on flooding and the effects." 205864,43347.0,2335.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"An estimated 2.3 million people are in need of emergency shelter and non-food items (NFIs) in 2020. These include IDPs, returnees and host communities, as well as an estimated 300,000 refugees in South Sudan. People in need are found in three different contexts: in camps, including PoC sites and other collective centres, outside of camps, including host communities who share scarce resources, and in relatively stable locations where people are returning to their places of origin." 342380,56634.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En Bogotá, el gasto en vestuario, restaurantes y combustible casi que recupera el nivel que tenía antes de los confinamientos de abril ." 297685,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 2020, the HAG (Humanitarian Access Group) recorded 1095 access constraints, compared to 444 in 2019 and 339 in 2018. While the significant increase in the number of access impediments is partially attributable to an improved reporting process, it also highlights an increasingly challenging access environment." 322397,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,88,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 40% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest education facility while 20% and 11% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest education facility respectively. Only 1% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes 1-3 hours and more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest education facility. 414080,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,70,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Existing telemedicine platforms and mechanisms require strengthening for institutionalising these services into the government and private healthcare sphere. Sustained campaigning and campaigning need to be carried out to inform communities on a spectrum of issues and topics related to availing telemedicine services for instance, on how to access these services or on what specific services can be provided in teleconsultation." 283272,51140.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/INFORMEbaja_DTM_GENERAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10918,"El 26% de cuidadores y cuidadoras mencionan que obtienen los alimentos por sobras de las casas o mendigando, lo que corresponde a una estrategia de afrontamiento de emergencia empleada por las familias para mitigar los efectos negativos del hambre." 267328,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The coastal region reported the highest average bulgur price by region at SYP 1,681/ kg (up ten percent m-o-m), followed by the middle region at SYP 1,533/kg (up two percent m-o-m). On the other hand, the cross border region reported the lowest average bulgur price at SYP 1,290/kg (up seven percent m-o-m), followed by northwest Syria at SYP 1,440/kg (up two percent m-o-m) ." 356604,58359.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,68,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Grupos de manifestantes bloquearon calles y vías por períodos prolongados, lo cual en algunos casos restringió o impidió la distribución de alimentos o la circulación de ambulancias, sobre todo en los departamentos de Valle del Cauca y Cundinamarca. En ocasiones, estas restricciones dificultaron el acceso a insumos de salud, incluido el oxígeno para pacientes con Covid-19, indicó el Ministerio de Salud." 125296,32569.0,1621.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Furthermore, 11% of the migrants (68,318 individuals) were reported to be living in other collective accommodations with other migrants. A significant number of migrants (51,577 individuals; 8%) were reported to be living at their workplaces" 243457,47668.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,23,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,Floods caused the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people as well as the loss of food stocks (especially cereals). 498752,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,182,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"The camp is located in the heart of the communities, in the middle of nowhere, and through its 10 tanks and a water treatment plant it is able to provide between 45,000 and 60,000 liters of water daily to the indigenous families of the area. Survival in Salta is very difficult, the temperature can reach 45º, the area is very arid and deserted. “Access to the communities is very complicated, there are no roads, we had to create them ourselves in order to be able to get there with our vehicles and bring water every two or three days. The children are waiting for us very excited, with the little cups ready… I have learned to value water very much, you realize how important it is when you don’t have it. Since we brought them the water, we have managed to reduce diarrhea and improve the children’s size, because before they took water from contaminated rivers, putting their health at risk." 272829,50353.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"The Child Protection Area of Responsibility also conducted five training sessions on child protection case management. This included three sessions in Bamenda for Child Protection actors implementing in the NW and two in Buea for Child Protection actors based in the SW, strengthening the technical capacities of Child Protection partners. Every training session included 25 participants from different national and international NGOs and respected the COVID-19 mitigation." 304249,53037.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,36,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Le camp de réfugiés de Minawao, dans l'Extrême-Nord, continuera de recevoir un afflux de réfugiés du Nord-est du Nigéria alors que la crise de Boko Haram persiste dans le bassin du lac Tchad." 132637,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El Sector Refugio garantizará la coordinación y el trabajo entre las necesidades básicas relevantes, los socios de salud y protección para mejorar la calidad de alojamiento regular y especializado. Adicionalmente, los socios del Sector trabajarán conjuntamente con las autoridades nacionales y locales que implementan las regulaciones del sector, tales como el Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento, los gobiernos locales y regionales, el Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (INDECI), el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones vulnerables (MIMP), que administra los Centros de Acogida Residencial (CAR) y los albergues para poblaciones vulnerables, tales como niños, niñas y adolescentes." 244249,47682.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'WASH', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"The North of Chad, remote and difficult to control, has also recorded a surge in deportations of Chadians from Libya, arriving in dire conditions and in urgent need of food, water and shelter. During the month of September alone, 129 cases of deportation were reported, bringing the total recorded since April 2020 to 802. (press and IOM)" 172320,40929.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],['Context->Demography'],en,113,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,BAY states] A total 155, 730 of children, women and men were reached with integrated primary health care services in all UNICEF supported health facilities in IDP camps and host communities in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe States, out of which 76.416 (49%) were children below five years. Out of these, 74,172 consultations were conducted by UNICEF and partners, with malaria being the major cause of morbidity with 25,365 consultations, followed by 11,228 for acute respiratory infection, 8,540 for acute watery diarrhoea, 87 for measles and 28,952 for other medical conditions." 328605,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 16% and 22% of Households IDP and non-IDP settlements respectively reported education of their children had been disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. 195970,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 76 250 échantillons à la recherche du SARS- CoV-2, prélevés chez 72 039 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 11 838 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,4%." 311007,53170.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/gwc_annual_report_2019_sudan.pdf,"Access to WASH in institutions (schools and primary health centres) is also limited. fifty percent of the existing schools do not have improved sanitation facilities and half of them do not have access to clean water, this is further compounded by the lack of gender - segregated sanitation facilities, including for menstrual hygiene management; and ease of access to physically disabled children." 111861,31304.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,124,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El país ha recibido 1.800.000 migrantes procedentes de Venezuela según cifras oficiales, entre 2017-2020, sumado a 4.400.000 migrantes pendulares, de los cuales una proporción importante demandan servicios de salud incluyendo atención de urgencias, que especialmente en los departamentos fronterizos ha implicado el uso de la mitad de la capacidad instalada de la red pública. En la actual contingencia se vería más presionada esta suficiencia de la red dada la posibilidad de contagio de la población migrante que vive en condiciones de hacinamiento y de limitado acceso a servicios básicos para la contención, como el acceso a agua en cantidad y calidad, un manejo inadecuado de heces fecales y la falta de elementos básicos para la higiene." 64634,18830.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,103,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/venezolanos-en-hospitales-de-colombia-el-agravante-de-la-desnutricion/1444,"Cada mes, el hospital atiende a unos dos mil venezolanos, lo cual representa un 30% del total de pacientes que llegan al centro. Para atender la contingencia, y contando con el financiamiento de USAID, en los espacios aledaños al Erasmo Meoz se instaló una carpa de emergencia. Tiene capacidad para veinte personas, y aunque está concebida para atender casos puntuales de urgencias, aquí los migrantes llegan con cáncer avanzado, tuberculosis, VIH e insuficiencias renales. Pero más allá de los distintos cuadros de salud, la mayoría presenta condiciones de desnutrición." 262186,49486.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"• Sigue preocupando la situación del flujo de migrantes y refugiados quienes están expuesto a riegos de protección, niños y niñas no acompañados, VBG y contagio por covid-19" 163872,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,33,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Apoyar las acciones de control sanitario, promoción y prevención, apoyar la contratación de personal y la entrega de equipos de protección personal en Puerto Carreño y zonas rurales de Vichada." 304254,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,30,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,La période de soudure qui s'étend typiquement de Mars à Mai commencera probablement dès Février pour la plupart des ménages pauvres en raison de l'épuisement précoce des réserves alimentaires. 356642,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,303,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Marta Alejandra Aguilar (seudónimo), una estudiante de 18 años, estaba caminando hacia su casa junto con amigos luego de haber estado en una protesta en la ciudad de Palmira, aproximadamente a las 4:30 a.m. del 3 de mayo, cuando un policía pidió requisar a uno de los amigos de Aguilar. El agente no dijo por qué, contó Aguilar. Su amigo se negó y los agentes se llevaron a cuatro de ellos a una estación de policía; el quinto amigo logró escapar. Una policía llevó a Aguilar a un baño, la obligó a hacer sentadillas desnuda y la requisó. Un agente de sexo masculino entró al baño mientras seguía desnuda y le pidió a la policía mujer que se fuera, contó Aguilar. Entonces el policía empezó a manosear a Aguilar. “Me decía que me iban a desaparecer, que me iban a llevar a la parte de atrás y que me iban a violar hasta que no pudiera más... que era una puta”, relató. El agente quiso llevarla a la parte trasera de la estación de policía, pero otro policía lo detuvo y llevó a Aguilar donde estaban sus otros amigos. Los agentes los esposaron y los fotografiaron junto con leche y solución fisiológica que habían llevado a las protestas para aliviar los efectos de los gases lacrimógenos. Los agentes les permitieron irse luego de siete horas, después de firmar una declaración en la cual indicaban que no los habían acosado, maltratado ni golpeado durante la detención, contó Aguilar. La policía no les entregó una copia del documento. Nunca se les acusó de ningún delito, ni fueron llevados ante un fiscal o juez." 155364,36610.0,1231.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Cruz Roja Dominicana está comprometida en la protección de sus miembros porque:  Las personas son nuestra prioridad, y nuestros miembros son personas comprometidas y solidarias cuya labor debe desarrollarse con seguridad y eficiencia.  Debemos mantener la capacidad de continuar y sostener las actividades y servicios que brindamos a la población dominicana, más aún en estos momentos.  La población recibe una atención más humana y de mejor calidad cuando nuestros miembros (voluntarios y trabajadores) pueden brindarla con seguridad para ambos.  La población puede sentirse segura cuando los miembros de la Institución saben protegerse y protegerlos adecuadamente." 219212,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"In Puntland State, a weekly meeting of the COVID-19 UN task force on 14 May discussed the level of preparedness capacity to respond to the increasing number of cases. WHO reports that 20 rapid response teams have been trained and deployed in Garowe, Gardo, Galkayo and Garowe to investigate suspected cases and contacts. As of 17 May, Puntland has confirmed 136 cases – the second highest after Banadir region." 457608,65405.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,l’insuffisance de logement et la promiscuité dans les ménages constituent des obstacles à l’intimité et contribuent à accroitre le risque de violence. 171493,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] 221,001 new people reached through promotion of preventive behaviors (e.g. hand and respiratory hygiene; isolation; WASH behaviors) . 2,315 new community members , including caregivers , provided essential materials (e.g. hand sanitizer, soap, masks) . 60 community-level public handwashing stations established or maintained." 315461,54311.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,53,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Argelia, de al menos 255 personas refugiadas y migrantes y 23 colombianos; con base en lo anterior, hay una necesidad para garantizar la seguridad y protección de estos grupos vulnerables, que está expuesto a riesgos por las amenazas y presencia de grupos armados no estatales en el territorio." 180559,42290.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les formes de violences les plus fréquentes sont entre autres les violences sexuelles, les violences psychologiques et aussi les pratiques traditionnelles néfastes telles que l’excision, le lévirat. D’autres personnes sont victimes de violences basées sur le genre par ignorance de leur droit dont ils doivent en jouir." 219995,45769.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,55,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Ces enfants sont à risque d’être exposés au travail des enfants, du fait de la pauvreté de leurs mères/tuteurs et de la vulnérabilité généralisée affectant la communauté, au risque d’abus et d’exploitation, au risque de ne pas être scolarises, de ne pas fréquenter etc." 271689,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Les communautés ainsi touchées [par les conséquences des restrictions lié au COVID] ont besoin d’une assistance humanitaire vitale mise en place rapidement et s’étalant sur le long terme. 320131,53234.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: The total number of cases reported so far is twelve in 2021: five (05) from the refugee camps and seven (07) from host communities. Out of these, two (02) were culture confirmed and ten (10) tested negative by culture. In 2020, a total of 28 RDT positive cases for Cholera were detected through sentinel testing, five (05) of which were confirmed by culture - two from Ukhiya host community, one from Teknaf host community and two from the refugee camps." 199195,44310.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,{Province du Maniema} Une évaluation rapide multisectorielle conduite par OCHA en juillet a conclu que 94% de la population de Salamabila en déplacement sont retournés entre février et juin. Il s’agit d’environ 37 000 personnes retournées dont la quasi-totalité sont sans vivres et près de 80 pour cent n’ont pas accès à leurs champs. 155665,38514.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"Shelter/NFI Sector partners continued to provide NFI packages, including blankets, floor mats, mosquito nets, tarpaulins, rope, and some solar lamps, to households with older persons. Out of 28,325 households with older persons, Shelter/NFI Sector provided 1,233 households with NFIs at distribution points and made home deliveries of NFIs to 40 households without caretakers." 21213,8725.0,786.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,57,[],['Information And Communication'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"Estados Unidos ha puesto en marcha una gran operación, coordinada con Colombia y Brasil, los aliados más beligerantes del presidente interino, para que la ayuda llegue cuanto antes, aunque aún no han especificado los puntos por los que tratarán de hacerla llegar ni la forma, cómo la entregarán ni a quién." 174639,41383.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=206238,"[13th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Tuesday that 52 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 33 patients have recovered while 3 others have passed away." 418627,64217.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A pesar de que la gran mayoría de las niñas y adolescentes encuestadas identifican su hogar como un lugar seguro, las entrevistas muestran que los lugares donde se encuentra la vivienda son espacios en los que enfrentan violencia sexual y VBG de manera recurrente." 298955,51152.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"In December 2020 and January 2021, some 88,928 people were reached with livelihood support consisting mainly of fishing kits and vegetables kits Food Security and Livelihood Cluster." 199004,44191.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,108,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/campagne-electorale-2020-au-burkina-le-renlac-fustige-des-actes-de-corruption/,"Le MPP, le CDP, le NTD, la NAFA, le Soleil levant, l’UPC, l’ADF/RDA, le Mouvement agir ensemble, le RPI, l’UNIR/PS, sans être exhaustif, ne s’embarrassent plus de ces mauvaises pratiques dans leur course pour la conquête et l’exercice du pouvoir d’Etat. De sorte que l’utilisation des engins fond rouge pour battre campagne, les dons de vivres, de motocyclettes, de carburants, des cadeaux à des chefs coutumiers et religieux, ainsi que autres distributions de T-shirts ou de pagnesFaso" 200033,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans les 20 communes accueillant le plus de déplacées, le taux moyen d’accès à l’eau est de 44% selon les données du Cluster WASH. Il était de 63% avant la crise (données du Ministère de l’eau et de l’assainissement, MEA). Pour l’assainissement, dans ces mêmes communes le taux moyen d’accès à l’assainissement est de 14% selon les données du Cluster WASH. Il était de 23% avant l’arrivée des personnes déplacées (données du MEA)." 204295,43256.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Although less severe, this [adapting negative coping strategies] remains true in the South West also with almost a quarter of IDP households reverting to emergency strategies to cope with food insecurity, compared to 16% of the host population." 222989,45471.0,2170.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,38,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]The conflict in Nigeria is expected to continue to escalate while civilians suffer some of the worst conflict-related food insecurity, socioeconomic vulnerability, and inequality issues in the world." 220495,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Cumulatively 9566 contacts have been registered of which 8922 have completed the 14-day quarantine. Currently, 644 contacts are being followed; of these 55 percent (n=355) contacts were reached. 722 contacts have converted to cases thus far; accounting for 25.0 percent of all confirmed cases." 342755,56014.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,147,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.sosmediasburundi.org/2021/05/04/rdc-details-sur-letat-de-siege-au-nord-kivu-et-en-ituri/,"Les décisions prises résultent d’une concertation entre Félix Tshisekedi, son premier ministre et les présidents des deux chambres du parlement. « (…), l’État de siège est proclamé sur toute l’étendue de la province de l’Ituri et de la province du Nord-Kivu pour une durée de 30 jours à dater du jeudi 6 mai 2021. Pour faire face à la situation pendant l’État de siège, les autorités civiles des gouvernements provinciaux de l’Ituri et du Nord-Kivu, celles des entités territoriales décentralisées et déconcentrées des dites provinces seront remplacées par les officiers des forces armées de la RDC et/ou de la police nationale congolaise désignés à cet effet », détaille le communiqué qui a été lu par le directeur de cabinet du président congolais, Guylain Nyembo." 123718,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,94,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"Attacks on health care are continuing. Thus far this year, there have been more confirmed attacks on health care in Libya than in any other country worldwide. The resulting closure of health facilities has an obvious immediate impact: people who need health care, including some who may be infected by COVID, are no longer able to obtain it and some of them may die. In the longer-term, the cost of rebuilding hospitals and clinics and retraining health staff can run into hundreds of millions of dollars" 415549,63975.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,32,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/sahel-amnesty-identifies-serbian-weapons-stockpiles-brutal-armed-groups,"According to official EU annual report data, since 2013, EU states have issued 506 licences, worth 205 million euros, of military equipment to Mali and Burkina Faso." 451687,64967.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,121,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://drc.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/pub-pdf/bulletin_juillet_2.pdf,"2494 Survivants des viols pris en charge dans les formations sanitaires des Hub humanitaires de Kananga (192) , Kalemie (200) , Goma (1 687) et Bukavu (415). / 55,9% des Cas des viols pris en charge dans les 72 heures dans les Hub humanitaires de Kananga (53,1%), Kalemie (33,6%) , Goma (72,9%) et Bukavu (63,7%). / 2988 Survivants des violences basées sur le genre ont bénéficié de l’accompagnement psychosocial dans les Hub humanitaires de Kananga (266), Kalemie (564) , Goma (1 928) et Bukavu (230)." 305610,50889.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Refugees access primary health services through public health facilities, where language barriers and fee coverage remain challenging." 155355,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,26,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,Promover y Garantizar el acceso a los servicios Restablecimiento de Contacto Familiar entre afectados del COVID-19 y sus familiares en RD y de forma internacional. 472857,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,13,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,Former les agents de santé sur les principes humanitaires et premiers secours psychologiques 160511,38373.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,29,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,Las familias encuestadas evaluaron el tema de los ingresos económicos como su tercera prioridad (12.3%) en comparación con el 21.5% en el primer trimestre. 128908,34596.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,82,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Half of the focal points in NSAG/TBAF and 21% in SDF areas report that their communities are not following any of the precautionary measures. There are very few reports of protocols in these areas of control that require community participation (i.e., less than 10% report a partial curfew, community lockdown, requirements for symptomatic people to isolate at home, quarantining diagnosed cases, testing for the virus, or distributing personal protective equipment).9" 293539,51569.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Host communities are overcrowded in some locations such as Noor, Kuerjial, Kuong, Tambuong, Wicmoun, Koatnyakoang, Kuernyang, Juaibor center, Phom center, and Bilnyang" 229671,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Mangalla PHCC health facilities IS functional but have inadequate technical staff the only staff are as follows: one Nurse, one Medical assistance, one midwife, two Community Midwife; one Laboratory technician, three Community Health workers and one Vaccinator." 272619,50217.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Rien qu’au premier trimestre 2020, 277 444 ménages ont béné- ficié d’interventions en cash pour un montant de 10,2 millions de dollars américains2. Les secteurs ayant les plus utilisé le transfert monétaire sont la sécurité alimentaire, l’éducation, les moyens de subsistance, la protection et les abris." 192214,42050.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Mairi-Mashamari-Maimusari-ward-Jere-LGA_July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Jere LGA, Borno state] KIs from 10 assessed settlements reported that most residents do not have enough water to meet their daily drinking, cooking, and cleaning needs." 173260,41066.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-total-cases-reach-368690/58442,"So far, 2,692 people have died in Dhaka division, 1,088 in Chattogram, 354 in Rajshahi, 437 in Khulna, 188 in Barishal, 233 in Sylhet, 244 in Rangpur and 112 in Mymensingh." 188051,42884.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,108,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200815-rdc-coronavirus-reouverture-frontieres-aeriennes-maritimes,"La réouverture des frontières aériennes et maritimes ainsi que cette reprise des liaisons par air et par le fleuve, à l’intérieur de la RDC, font craindre une propagation du Covid-19. Aussi, le gouvernement a précisé, vendredi, que les mouvements migratoires inter-provinciaux sont assujettis à l’obligation de détention d’une attestation médicale, confirmant le résultat du test Covid-19 négatif, réalisé trois jours avant le voyage au sein des instances médicales agréées. Le gouvernement a également décidé de doter tous les aéroports et ports de la logistique sanitaire suffisante pour limiter la circulation du coronavirus." 163773,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,69,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Por otro lado, se ha identificado un aumento en el uso de trochas o pasos ilegales en la frontera colombo-venezolana en Arauca y Norte de Santander. Dichas trochas permiten el paso internacional evadiendo los controles sanitarios por COVID- 19, por ello en Arauca hay preocupación por el aumento de casos en el Estado Apure en Venezuela, (1.361 con corte 9 de julio)." 361350,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,102,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Two of the fatalities occurred at what was described by key informants as a pond, but upon examination by our field team, it was a deep hole that local people had dug for work uses. The hole had then accumulated a large amount of water during heavy rainfall and looked like a typical pond found in the camps but was much deeper. Canals were the second most common type of water body of where fatalities the took place. These fatalities were all school age children and adolescents." 132512,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los permisos temporales de permanencia (PTP) que han permitido a los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela permanecer regularmente en el Perú fueron suspendidos en octubre de 2018. La introducción de más políticas restrictivas en el acceso a una condición regular y refugio, al mes de junio de 2019 y el incremento de personas en situación irregular presentan retos importantes para mantener un acceso seguro al territorio, registros y documentación." 273695,50217.0,2333.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Le cluster a utilisé le coût moyen par bénéficiaire du plan de réponse révisé de 2020 qui représentait 20 USD par bénéficiaire auquel ont été ajoutés les coûts des activités de suivi et de contrôle au niveau sectoriel [méthodologie de calcul des coûts] 389453,61310.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,89,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/30/bangladesh-dengue-outbreak-covid-crisis,"[30 July 2021, Bangladesh] The dengue outbreak has put further pressure on Bangladesh’s healthcare, which is already on the brink of a collapse due to a vicious third wave of the coronavirus. On Thursday evening, 239 COVID-19 related deaths were reported across the country in the past 24 hours, raising the death toll to 20,255. During the same period, 15,271 new coronavirus cases were reported, taking the total caseload to 1,226,253, according to the DGHS." 235982,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,"['Capacities & Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,All health districts in the NWSW regions have started testing for COVID-19. 28 out of the 37 health districts in the NWSW have confirmed at least one case of COVID-19. 495394,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,, Familias indocumentadas  Padres y madres que vienen con hijos menores de edad sin documentos que acrediten la filiación. 80042,22055.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,31,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,Emsaed: An estimated 60 to 85 migrants per day were observed arriving to Emsaed from Egypt; primary migration reasons were reported to be commerce and other economic drivers. 384821,60456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,Le problème majeur demeure la saison pluvieuse avec le déficit de tentes pour abriter nos patients qui sont obligés de s’abriter sous la même tente que nous en attendant leur tour de consultation limitant ainsi l’intimité des consultant. En plus de cela la fatigue de travail de l’équipe (UNE SEULE) qui travail cinq jours dans la semaine en effectuant la navette Dédougou TOUGAN Dédougou Nouna. 304379,50889.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The findings [of the SENS (Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey)] also point to the wider effects of chronic underfunding for the response, especially in WASH, health and livelihoods sectors." 276104,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,53,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Le Tchad a ratifié la plupart des instruments juridiques internationaux relatifs à la protection des enfants et au genre, y compris la Convention sur l’élimination de la discrimination à l’égard de la femme en 1995 et la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant en 1990." 257028,48672.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,10 GBV survivors living at Abala have received income generating activity kits to start a business and empower themselves. 223007,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,43,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]1,052 people have been reported to be killed or injured by explosive ordnance since 2016 in Borno, Adamaway, and Yobe states, although this number is likely to be higher due to underreporting." 285818,51532.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,70,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3722005,"“Con esta capacitación dirigida a todos los municipios se garantiza la adecuada articulación de los procesos de planeación, gestión y seguimiento a la política pública de víctimas por parte de las alcaldías y el manejo de las herramientas con las que se manejan las bases de datos y la información que se requiere”, explicó Wilson Córdoba, director de la Unidad para las Víctimas en Antioquia" 134397,34825.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,72,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Existe un incremento de la población de Venezuela. Entre 2018 y 2019, el colectivo proveniente de Venezuela creció en valores absolutos en 166.554 personas, lo que representa una variación relativa de 57,6%. Además, del cambio absoluto entre 2018 y 2019 respecto del total de la población extranjera (242.157 personas), el incremento de los venezolanos representa el 68,8% del total de las diferencias" 300675,51152.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Of the initial $4.7 million required for nutrition response in all the flood affected areas, only $1.8 million was received by 31January 2021." 389308,61217.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Los departamentos con el mayor número de personas afectadas son: Putumayo (43.188 damnificados) Magdalena (40.097), Chocó y Bolívar (con más de 31.000 cada uno)." 221044,45806.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/una-educacion-inclusiva-para-los-ninos-migrantes-venezolanos-206819,Otra de las estrategias de permanencia que se ha desarrollado desde Colombia para atender a esta población está en la creación del Corredor Humanitario Escolar con el cual se benefician al año cerca de 4.000 alumnos que viven en los municipios fronterizos del lado venezolano de la frontera y toman sus clases en los municipios de Cúcuta y Villa del Rosario. 145862,35819.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNHCR has provided more than 43,300 medical consultations across Syria." 303525,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"le prix du riz importé est resté stable dans le Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest par rapport à Mars à Juin lorsque les prix augmentent, celui des autres céréales (maïs), et des haricots et de la pomme de terre a connu une hausse légère de 10 à 15 pour cent entre Novembre et Décembre, en particulier dans les centres urbains de la région." 113110,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,• Continúa la atención en salud a población en tránsito en diferentes puntos de Bucaramanga y a través de unidades móviles. 328979,54201.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://flip.org.co/index.php/es/informacion/pronunciamientos/item/2701-violaciones-de-derechos-humanos-a-periodistas-en-la-frontera-colombo-venezolana,"En el 2020 se registraron 13 agresiones y nueve amenazas, lo que lo convirtió en el cuarto departamento con mayor número de amenazas.En lo corrido del 2021, la FLIP ha registrado nueve agresiones contra periodistas en el departamento, de las cuales cinco han sido amenazas." 321872,54318.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,35,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"En lo que respecta a las y los cuidadores de estos menores se precisa que el 93,2% son de nacionalidad venezolana y el 13,4% no cuenta con ningún documento de tipo migratorio." 495425,67230.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Los Centros Binacionales de Atención Fronteriza (CEBAF) cuentan con un centro de vacunas y los hospitales aseguran Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS) a las mujeres gestantes y niños menores de 5 años. Pero muchos migrantes a su llegada no cuentan con la información sobre los lugares de atención de salud y no tienen acceso al servicio 209746,44790.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Moreover, prolonged conflict and instability have hugely impacted on the mental and psychological well-being of the Somali people, compounded by limited mental health resources to address the needs of the population." 133574,35119.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Las demoras en los turnos llevaron a muchas personas a recurrir a la tramitación urgente de residencia permanente o temporaria (también denominada trámite preferencial) que mediante un pago extra aseguraba un turno en un plazo más breve. En 2014, el costo del turno prefe- rencial equivalía a ARS $ 1.500 (Dec. 1431/2014). En 2016 el monto fue elevado a ARS $ 2.000 (Dec. 959/2016). En mayo de 2018, cuando las demoras en los turnos comenzaban a alcanzar el año, el costo del turno urgente o preferencial fue fijado en ARS $ 10.000 (Dec. 475/2018).17" 173929,41033.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, Nigeria]The total number of severely malnourished children admitted so far in 2020 is approximately 50 per cent of the annual target. Over 90 per cent of all children in the OTPs and SCs have been discharged as cured; however, the mortality rate significantly increased by 50% compared to the previous months. This is mostly due to late reporting of medical complications by caregivers and is attributed to the initial COVID-19 movement restrictions and caregivers’ fear of contracting COVID-19 if they attend health facilities" 235592,46890.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Attacks on education actors have been reported in the North-West and South-West regions by non-state armed groups (NSAGs). 390774,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,117,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La gran mayoría de los migrantes que llegan a Chile son personas en edad de trabajar (81,8% en mayo del 2018) por lo que el pago de impuestos es mayor, así como el gasto en salud y educación no es tan alto. Adicionalmente, el salario promedio de los migrantes para ese periodo (2014-2017) seguía siendo más alto que el de los chilenos, lo que también produce un mayor pago de impuestos. Sin embargo, hay que tener cautela en este último punto ya que, como ya fue explicado, en los últimos años la brecha de salario entre migrantes y chilenos se ha reducido considerablemente." 356666,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,21,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El 27 de mayo, la Corte Suprema abrió unprocedimientoformal para determinar si el gobierno había incurrido en un desacato." 492600,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] Highest % of surveyed vendors reporting a SMEB food item as unavailable in their community/neighbourhood: 3% for chicken. Highest % of surveyed vendors reporting SMEB food item as unavailable in their community/neighbourhood for previous month: 2% for chicken," 298861,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Levy requests were reported across the country, with the Southern and Western regions logging most requests (10 and 11 respectively)." 17065,7092.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,149,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Approximately 22.2 million people - 75 per cent of the population - are in need of humanitarian assistance. A total of 17.8 million people are food insecure and 8.4 million people do not know how they will obtain their next meal. Conflict, protracted displacement, disease and deprivation continue to inflict suffering on the country’s population. Disruption to commercial imports, inflation, lack of salary payment to civil servants and rising prices of basic commodities exacerbate people’s vulnerability. Despite a difficult operating environment 234 international and national partners in January through October were actively coordinating to assist people with the most acute needs in priority districts across Yemen’s 22 governorates. Together they have assisted over 7.8 million people monthly with some form of humanitarian assistance." 191243,43567.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_september_2020.pdf,"[Sept 2020, Cox's Bazar] IOM’s GBV teams disseminated lifesaving information at the community level, but also via its 10 Women and Girls Safe Spaces. Community mobilizers and volunteers sensitized communities on COVID-19 prevention and response measures, embedded with protection and GBV-related messages. To ensure a harmonized approached in GBV prevention and male engagement efforts, and as part of its Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) activities, IOM organized the session “More Equal Gender Roles During COVID-19”. With its partner IP PULSE, IOM reached 10,004 individuals." 472850,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,28,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"[Titao, Thiou, Gourcy, Yako,] Organiser des campagnes de vaccination de rattrapage en faveur des enfants PDI pour la reconstitution du statut vaccinal" 490621,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] By the end of June and throughout July, the decrease in prices for different commodities in the basket, especially rice, led to a reduction in the food basket value down to BDT 960. Still the cost of the food basket in July was 8% higher than July last year." 134124,34849.0,1187.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,143,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El primer Plan Nacional Bienal (2018–2020) de Lucha contra la Trata y Explotación de Personas y para la Protección y Asistencia a las Víctimas, contiene 35 medidas, 111 acciones y el involucramiento de más de 50 actores y/o instancias estatales o de la sociedad civil. Entre las acciones principales se encuentran el diseño y desarrollo de campañas masivas de información, capacitación permanente de miembros y funcionarios de los tres poderes del Estado, así como de organizaciones de la sociedad civil; la facilitación para el acceso a las víctimas en planes de empleo, formación y capacitación; el acceso a un alojamiento adecuado para la víctima; la modernización y ampliación de herramientas y dispositivos para la detección de tránsito de personas en pasos fronterizos; y el fortalecimiento de las divisiones federales especializadas." 271512,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au niveau national, il ressort une prévalence de la malnutrition aiguë globale de 9,1% dont 1,0% de forme sévère. A l’image des années antérieures on constate une disparité au niveau régional et provincial." 223789,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"De plus en plus, les données soulignent que l'argent est le principal facteur limitant l'accès et l'u�lisa�on des services par les femmes, car l'impact financier de l'épidémie prolongée les oblige à modifier leurs priorités en ma�ère de dépenses." 483295,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"a) Material predominante en las paredes exteriores En el 97,2% de las viviendas particulares ocupadas por población venezolana, las paredes exteriores están construidas con material noble (ladrillo, bloque de cemento); solo en el 2,2% predomina la madera; en menores proporciones las viviendas tienen como material predominante, piedra sillar con cal o cemento (0,1%); estera, triplay o calamina (0,1%); adobe (0,1%) y otros materiales como drywall o caña de Guayaquil (0,4%)." 326472,54734.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 100% of IDP settlement and 67% of non-IDP settlement households found with a nutrition Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 173024,40676.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,79,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"En raison des conséquences du COVID-19 sur les moyens d’existence des populations les plus vulnérables, il est estimé qu’au moins 10 pour cent des personnes en phase de stress (IPC 2) pourraient tomber dans une condition de crise (IPC 3) et que les besoins vitaux des populations habitant dans les villes les plus peuplées risquent d’empirer (dont 10 pour cent de la population de Kinshasa)." 291953,51985.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/pais/colegios-de-la-guerra-otras-victimas-del-conflicto/,"Hace tan sólo dos semanas, el 27 de febrero, se hizo pública una denuncia por parte de la comunidad de Ovejas, Sucre. Pues tanto Andrés Narváez como Argemiro Lara, ambos líderes en el proceso de restitución de La Europa, recibieron amenazas de las Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia, señalados como responsables de desestabilizar la región de Montes de María. Agresiones que se suman al panfleto que circuló a principios de enero contra los liderazgos sociales de El Salado, en el vecino municipio de El Carmen de Bolívar." 257045,48672.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"As of December 2020, UNHCR and its partners have given land plots to 511 households in Ayorou and 598 households in Ouallam as well as to 50 host households in Ayorou and 2 in Ouallam." 298859,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Interference with recruitment by both parties to the conflict is reported throughout the country, but also significantly underreported as these incidents rarely cause a serious threat or lead to suspensions of project activities." 205240,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"On average, vulnerable households in South Sudan need support to fill the hunger gap– defined as the period when households run out of stored food and the next harvest–typically between March and August." 24187,9393.0,788.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,180,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2019/02/kaduna-policeman-28-others-killed-in-fresh-kajuru-attack-houses-razed/,"Kaduna—No fewer than 29 persons, including a policemen, were, yesterday, killed by gunmen suspected to be herdsmen at communities in Kajuru and Kachia Local Government Areas of Kaduna State, in an apparent reprisal attack, following killings in the area two weeks ago. Sources in the communities as well as military men deployed in the area after the attack, said among the dead was a policeman and 28 others, while two police inspectors have also been declared missing. It was gathered that the 27 bodies have been recovered by security men deployed to the area. It was learnt from another source that over 40 houses were burnt in the affected communities. Another source in the village said the armed men of about 400 attacked the village early in the morning with different weapons. The four communities, which suffered the attack, include Karamai, Gidan Gajere, Gidan Auta and Chibiya, all under Maro, a border town between Kajuru and Kachia Local Government Areas." 224252,45763.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,124,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Recommandations : Appuyer les APE [Associations de Parents d’Elèves] à assurer la prise en charge des maitres communautaires (MC) / Distribuer les fournitures scolaires aux élèves / Faire le plaidoyer auprès de MENPC [Ministre de l'Éducation nationale et de la Promotion Civique] pour l’affectation des enseignants qualifiés dans les écoles communautaires / Appuyer les APE à construire les espaces d’apprentissage temporaires et de protection / Faire le plaidoyer auprès de MENPC pour officialiser les écoles communautaires / Faire le plaidoyer auprès de l’APICED [Agence pour la Promotion des Initiatives Communautaires en Education] et de la Banque mondiale pour enrôler les MC de ces écoles dans la subvention. 215124,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,173,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[13thDec2020,Nigeria]A breakdown of the confirmed cases shows that Lagos State has so far reported 24,839 cases, followed by FCT – 8,338, Plateau — 3,997, Oyo — 3,747, Kaduna — 3,828, Rivers — 3, 124, Edo — 2,730, Ogun — 2,322, Delta — 1,829, Kano — 1,892, Ondo — 1,751, Enugu — 1,351, Kwara — 1,226, Ebonyi — 1,055, Katsina — 1, 171, Osun — 962, Gombe — 1069, Abia — 926, Bauchi — 802, Borno — 758, Imo — 681, Benue — 501, Nasarawa — 561, Bayelsa — 469, Ekiti — 395, Jigawa — 340, Akwa Ibom — 364, Anambra — 290, Niger — 298, Adamawa — 329, Sokoto — 192, Taraba — 196, Kebbi — 138, Zamfara — 79, Cross River— 90, Yobe — 108 and Kogi — 5." 293883,52076.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Because of the beliefs about the use of contraceptive methods, girls have very little access to them. In the South West and North West, the male condom remains the most common method of preventing STDs and unwanted pregnancies ." 180639,42337.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://sana.sy/en/?p=208090,"[31st Oct 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Friday that 50 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, and that 39 patients have recovered while 4 others have passed away." 206683,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"However, acute food insecurity persists, driven by localized conflict, climatic shocks, pests and diseases, slow recovery from prolonged asset depletion, poor macroeconomic conditions and suboptimal market functionality." 314778,54247.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,100,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/20/covid-19-91-die-4-559-infected-in-24-hours,"[20th April 2021,Bangladesh] Of the 91 deceased – 58 men and 33 women – 60 were from Dhaka division, 17 from Chittagong, five from Khulna, four from Barisal, three from Rajshahi and two from Rangpur division. Of them, 52 patients died in government hospitals, 36 in private hospitals, two at home and one was pronounced dead on arrival when brought to a hospital. So far, 7,827 men (73.92%) and 2,261 women (26.08%) have died from Covid-19 across the country." 245752,47833.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,126,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"El riesgo de desalojos ha aumentado en las ciudades monitoreadas en el trimestre analizado tras el vencimiento de los términos de vigencia de las normas que suspendían la ejecución de estos procedimientos durante la emergencia COVID – 19 (Decreto 579 de 2020). Es importante resaltar que tras el aumento de desalojos se han identificado casos donde actores armados no estatales han intervenido en los procedimientos. Estos pueden ser clasificados como desalojos forzados en virtud del daño sufrido por las personas a raíz de acciones realizadas por actores armados que podrían constituir infracciones al derecho internacional humanitario y eventualmente generar desplazamientos internos. Además, según la legislación colombiana, a partir de estos hechos las personas podrían ser consideradas como víctimas." 172372,40929.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[26/08/2020-28/08/2020, Nigeria] A training on community based mental health and psychosocial support (CBMHPSS) was conducted on 26-28 August 2020 for UNICEF partners with the aim of providing up-to-date practical information and tools on MHPSS amidst COVID-19. A total of 29 (10 women, 19 men) were reached." 194447,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Une réunion préparatoire a été tenue avec les PROVED de Kinshasa, la PCI et la CREC, logistique et un délégué de la COFED) relative à l'activités de la distribution des kits de prévention et réduction de risque de contamination à la Covid-19 dans le milieu scolaire et universitaire." 204179,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,27,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The potential for seeking recourse through the justice system for this, both through government and customary structures, is limited, and disproportionately affects women." 291077,52224.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] In the Syrian Arab Republic, the economy has been rapidly deteriorating in 2020 due to multiple shocks including mass population displacement, damage to infrastructure ad services and a shortage of foreign-exchange reserves. This led to a rise in the number of food insecure people to 12.4 million, including 1.3 million severely food insecure. Among the 12.4 million, there are also 1.7 million people residing in camps, who are considered highly food insecure." 248779,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,99,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Cependant beaucoup de facteurs exposent les femmes et filles aux risques de VBG : absence de force de l’ordre sur les sites, l’éloignement des filles et femmes des sites pour la recherche de bois de chauffe… Par ailleurs, les conditions d’hébergement précaires, l’absence des latrines douches…sont des facteurs qui exposent les femmes et les enfants aux risques de violences basés sur le genre. Au niveau du site évalué, les femmes ont signifié qu’elles vont hors du site pour se laver et faire leurs besoins" 70954,20191.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"Gender Based Violence (GBV): GBV is rampant. 90 per cent of reported cases involved intimate partner abuse, including denial of resources for sustenance, 6 per cent rape and 4 per cent forced marriage. The main cross-cutting challenge to the implementation of GBV programming in the State is inadequate funding for logistics and referrals to provide access to justice and health services to GBV survivors coming from the LGAs to Damaturu." 219412,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"On 15 May, the World Bank approved a $137.5 million grant to help Somalia respond to and recover from drought and flooding, but has made amendments to support current shocks such as COVID-19." 180551,42290.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Education']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,61,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les groupes à risque sont les femmes et les enfants qui ont particulièrement des problèmes de protection spécifique (VBG, accès à l’école, stresse psychosocial, exposé au recrutement et l’enrôlement par les groupes armés) en plus des besoins en vivres, en matériels hygiéniques, en abris et en soins de santé." 359768,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,124,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Impact on continuation of higher education: In Bangladesh, the majority of respondents from the FGDs with parents confirmed that when families face financial challenges, most of the parents in this community prioritize the education of the boy child over the girl as they do not believe that their girls can get a good job and contribute to the family. Parents are not motivated to continue the education of the girl child. In all the studied schools, the number of woman teachers is lower than man teachers, and most of the village leaders are man, which illustrates the gendered education and employment trajectory and reinforces gender inequality." 244073,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,96,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[NES, Dec] Movement of IDPs from collective centres in Hasakeh City to Serekaniye camp is ongoing with the total population of Serekaniye camp now at 8,513 individuals (1,680 HHs). • Displacement to Deir-ez-Zor is ongoing with OCHA indicating continued movement including arrivals to the governorate, departures from the governorate and displacement within the governorate. IDP population figures of individuals in informal settlements and collective centres in the SSWG sites list indicates that, as with previous months, the largest number of individuals are in Ar-Raqqa sub-district." 389297,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Otros departamentos que reportaron confinamientos entre enero y junio de 2021 son Cauca, Córdoba, Valle del Cauca, Putumayo y Risaralda. En los casos particulares de Córdoba y Risaralda, cabe resaltar que primero se generó un desplazamiento y posteriormente la comunidad desplazada y receptora tuvieron que confinarse ante amenazas de grupos armados no estatales y/u operaciones militares que tuvieron lugar dentro de resguardos indígenas y comunidades rurales" 190003,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,100,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"La zone de santé de Kibua est touchée par des mouvements de population liés à des conflits de pouvoir dans les groupements Ufamandu I et II (en territoire de Masisi) orchestrés par des milices armées. Ceci crée des déplacements récurrents de populations de la partie sud-ouest du territoire de Masisi vers les zones de santé de Kibua et d’Itebero dans les groupements Waloa Luanda, Waloa Uroba et Waloa Yungu. Des luttes de pouvoir et communautaires dans la localité Tanganyika/Buhoye au sein du groupement Walowa Uroba opposent les communautés hôtes aux personnes retournées." 394694,61223.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,46,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.infogate.cl/2021/01/12/tc-admitio-a-tramitacion-requerimiento-de-diputados-de-oposicion-sobre-ley-migratoria-aprobada-en-el-congreso/,"Este martes,el Pleno del Tribunal Constitucional (TC) acogió a tramitación y declaró admisible el requerimiento presentado por un grupo de diputados de oposición sobre diversas disposiciones contenidas en el proyecto de Ley de Migración y Extranjería, aprobado en el Congreso." 495125,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,22,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Aunque un alto porcentaje son profesionales, no pueden o tienen grandes dificultades para acceder a puestos acordes con dichas calificaciones." 161730,34176.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,77,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"En los alojamientos temporales de Cali se mantienen las acciones de sensibilización y educación sobre el COVID-19, así como los de lavado de manos, limpieza y desinfección. Sigue la entrega directa de kits de higiene a población refugiada, migrante, colombianos retornados y comunidades de acogida en condición de vulnerabilidad e indirecta a través de la Alcaldía de Jamundí, Programa Colombia Nos Une, Pastoral Social de Palmira y organizaciones venezolanas." 161846,39575.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,76,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/410147-covid-19-who-recommends-masks-for-children-older-than-11-years.html,"The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF did not generally recommend children between ages six and 11 wear masks, but that they should be considered in areas with intense virus transmission or in special settings such as schools. However, there are situations when masks “can significantly interfere with the learning process and have a negative impact on critical school activities,” said international experts who drafted the guidance." 179119,41967.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,22,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"[NWS, September] Trade and manufacturing were the most heavily affected sectors of the economy due to the pandemic." 316643,54353.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,71,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dw.com/en/bangladesh-rohingya-refugees-fire/a-57120531,"[7th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The deadly fire incidents occur at a time when Bangladesh has been relocating thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers to a remote island named Bhasan Char, prone to cyclones and floods. Bangladeshi authorities have sent about 13,000 refugees to the island despite opposition from international aid agencies and rights groups due to concerns over the island's habitability." 489950,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,66,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Minors are significantly impacted by sexual assault: in 2020, nearly one in five (19%) victims treated by MSF was under the age of 18. There are significant variations between the different areas where MSF works, including the average age of child survivors. In Walikale territory, in North-Kivu, the average age of child survivors was 13." 237883,47119.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,99,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Durante el periodo analizado (SE 50 – 53) fallecieron 245 personas entre los 15 y 44 años y 4 573 personas mayores de 60 años, que corresponden al 4,4 % y 81,5 % de las muertes del periodo; las entidades territoriales que reportaron el mayor número de casos fatales por COVID-19 en el grupo de 15 a 44 años durante el periodo estudiado fueron Bogotá y Nor- te de Santander con 14,7 % (36 casos cada uno), Antioquia con 10,6 % (26) y Santander con 6,9 % (17)" 223779,45880.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"D'autres rapports de la CASS suggèrent qu'un nombre croissant de filles s'engagent dans des rela�ons sexuelles transac�onnelles, car les familles ont une capacité réduite à les soutenir financièrement, et elles n'ont pas la structure et la sécurité fournies par les écoles, ainsi qu'une augmenta�on du nombre d'enfants, y compris des filles, vivant dans les rues." 264369,49222.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,102,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,"Grupo Armado Organizado Residual (GAO-R) A partir del 01 de septiembre del 2017 desaparecen las FARC como grupo subversivo y se configura como partido político. Aquellas estructuras de las FARC que no se acogieron al proceso de negociación para la finalización del conflicto entre el Gobierno Nacional y las FARC se denominaran Grupo Armado Organizado Residual GAO-R. (Consejo de Seguridad Nacional, 13 de octubre del 2017)⁵. De modo idéntico, Instituto de estudios para el desarrollo y la paz (Indepaz) clasifica a la La Nueva Marquetalia en un grupo armado residual⁶." 305816,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The relatively improved security situation and the favourable rains in 2018 has encouraged some IDPs to return to their areas of origin in Darfur and government-controlled areas of South Kordofan and Blue Nile states for cultivation. IOM reported the return of about 108,450 IDPs to their areas of origin in 2018." 495961,68456.0,1187.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,57,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520Junio%25202021%2520Cono%2520Sur.pdf,"En este contexto, el 28 de junio el gobierno limitó a 600 personas el número de ciudadanos y extranjeros residentes que puedan ingresar al país por día cada día. Las fronteras permanecerán cerradas para los extranjeros no residentes en el país a través de cualquier aeropuerto, puerto, cruce internacional o centro fronterizo." 230306,46585.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,28,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,We do not know the proportion of health care facilities in Latin America and Caribbean that have functional hand hygiene facilities with soap and water or hand sanitizer 203599,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Evaluation de l’insécurité alimentaire chronique au Niger FEWS NET, mars 2019 Entre 60 et 70% de la population se trouve en situation d’insécurité alimentaire chronique sur l’ensemble de la région de Diffa." 291671,52152.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 49% no tuvo que adoptar estrategias de sobrevivencia; el 14% adoptó estrategias de estrés, el 32% de crisis y el 8% de emergencia. La región con la mayor proporción de respuestas en seguridad alimentaria es la Central (56%); al contrario, las regiones con frecuencia particularmente alta de hogares adoptando estrategias de crisis y emergencia son Amazonia (38 y 4%, respectivamente), Caribe (38 y 9%), Gran Santander (51 y 9%) y Orinoquía (24 y 31%)." 47476,16249.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"Protección, ya que el 79 por ciento expresó haber sufrido discriminación y alrededor del 40 por ciento reconoció a los actores armados como un factor de riesgo29." 237791,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Según el momento de ocurrencia de la muerte, la mayor proporción son muertes perinatales anteparto con 48,6 % (4 339), seguido de neonatales tempranas con 27,1 % (1 226) y perinatales intraparto con 10,5 % (937), placentarios seguido por prematuridad-in- 21,6 % (figura 6). maturidad 22,6 % y asfixia y causas relacionadas 21,6 %" 304908,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,The majority of refugee camps are located in areas of Kassala and Gedaref with IPC Level 2 (stressed) or 3 (crisis) acute food insecurity. 322348,54747.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Among households of IDP settlements with children, 23% household reported their child(ren) having been enrolled in a nutritional centre/therapeutic feeding centre in the 6 months prior to data collection while 15% household of non-IDP settlements with children reported their child(ren) having been enrolled in a nutritional centre/therapeutic feeding centre in the 6 months prior to data collection." 294760,52363.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,162,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"The departments of Santander and Bogotá have the highest number of households with at least one person working with 94% and 91% respectively, while in Cesar (13%), Atlántico (11%) and La Guajira (11%) households are more often dependent on debt or loans. It is worth noting that in Cesar, 42% of households report humanitarian assistance as one of their three main sources of income, 24% above the national average. Norte de Santander (75%), Arauca (73%) and La Guajira (70%) have the lowest level of households that report formal or informal work as one of their main sources; these departments have the highest number of households without a source of income (see Graph 29). In Valle del Cauca and La Guajira 22% of households depend on community support." 358429,58464.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,56,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, Overall Syria] Given the economic crisis facing Syria as a whole, the reality is many households will simply go without sufficient water for all their needs if their current source is cut off/ reduced. Strategies used by households in this situation point towards more acute risks to health." 359783,58464.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] % of communities where households did not have access to a healthcare service in the location nor in nearby locations: 77% Paediatric consultations." 262253,49498.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/443530-covid-19-nigeria-records-869-new-cases-eight-more-deaths.html,"[17th Feb 2020,Nigeria] Meanwhile, there are nearly 24,000 patients still receiving treatments in isolation centers. Since the pandemic broke out in February last year, the country has carried out over 1.3 million tests." 262188,49486.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Caquetá: El recorte de presupuesto por parte del ministerio de educación afectará de manera negativa a los estudiantes de las zonas rurales, y a quienes tienen necesidades especiales, poniendo en riesgo su continuidad en los colegios." 322394,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 32% and 44% of Households IDP and non-IDP settlements respectively reported education of their children had been disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. 248782,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,73,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations : Court terme = Identification des ENA/ES pour la recherche familiale et documentation des enfants à l’état civil / Distribution des kits de dignité / Prise en charge psycho-sociale des personnes déplacées surtout enfants / Mise en place d’un mécanisme de protection communautaire prenant en compte les aspects VGB et protection de l’enfant / Renforcer le monitoring des cas individuels de protection dans les sites. 245792,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"En Riohacha, la percepción de inseguridad es alta y los factores de riesgo enunciados por la población continúan siendo la delincuencia (79.7%) y la presencia de pandillas (12.2%). Un porcentaje muy bajo de la población refirió a la presencia de actores armados como un factor de riesgo (3.7%), diferente a la situación descripta en ciudades como Medellín y Barranquilla." 193820,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Ces déplacements [province du lac dus à l'insécurité] ont fragilisé la situation des communautés hôtes estimées à 690 000 personnes ayant besoin d´un appui multisectoriel au niveau de la réponse immédiate et d´un accompagnement pour accéder à des opportunités économiques afin d´assurer une pérennité socio-économique. 158066,38779.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"92,912 # of surgical masks distributed in Community Centers ,distribution points,emergency team, health facilities and to ORVs" 179540,42177.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%B7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D8%A5%D8%AF%D9%84%D8%A8-%D9%8A%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%88%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%8A-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B8%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D9%82%D8%B1-%D9%88%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%88%D9%82%D9%84%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D8%B9%D9%85,"[29 Oct 2020] [Idleb] The constant displacement and poverty, and the trend of youth and children towards the labor market to secure a source of livelihood for them, are all reasons that fueled the dropout of many Idlib students from their schools" 191120,43282.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"In Bay, Bakool, Bari, Gedo and Lower Juba regions, Cluster partners installed hand-washing stations at heath care facilities and IDP settlements enabling 31,889 people improve personal hygiene." 112297,29953.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En Colombia, a junio de 2019, solo el 25,6 % de los refugiados y migrantes con PEP se encontraban afiliados al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud, lo que se traduce en una barrera importante para que los refugiados y migrantes accedan a los servicios de salud del Estado de complejidad baja y media. Adicionalmente, en la medida que la población no se encuentre afiliada, el sistema no contará con los recursos financieros necesarios para dar respuesta a las necesidades de salud, en especial las de enfermedades crónicas, que representan un alto costo para el sistema (Plataforma de Coordinación para Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela, 2020)." 197777,43603.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The overall requirements of WASH cluster have increased from US$90 million to US$111 million, due to COVID-19 related WASH lifesaving activities which had to be scaled-up to prevent COVID19 transmission and mitigate its impact on vulnerable populations already facing multi-faceted crisis." 223572,45273.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,We cannot forget the children of Afghanistan because a Coronavirus epidemic in the country could pale in comparison to decades of war.” 297339,51172.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"In Takhar province, illegal check points are hindering civilian movements on the main roads connecting Taloqan to Baharak, Fayzabad, Khanabad and Baharak to Dashti Asrchi. Two civilians were reportedly killed in Takhar province as a result of the illegal checkpoints. In Badakhshan province, fighting continued in Baharak, Raghestan and Yaftal-e-Sufla districts." 219350,45753.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,206,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"“People might be exploited to get food aid.” (Woman from Atareb sub district, Aleppo governorate). “There are difficulties in reaching food relief services because of sexual and economic exploitation, as well as not allowing women to go out unescorted.” (Adolescent boy from Ar Raqqa sub district Ar Raqqa governorate). “Sexual harassment occurs when bread is distributed within heavy crowds, while the beneficiaries are insulted by the distributors. There is also harassment, especially for kids.” (Man from Salqin sub district, Idleb governorate) Sexual and economic exploitation at food distribution sites are risks associated with receiving food aid. Some respondents noted that the contents of food aid are sold, the food provided was of low quality or food aid was not available, all of which places women and girls at risk of exploitation, as women and girls may participate in transactional sex in order to receive food. Divorced and widowed women as well as persons with disabilities often have their food aid stolen. Meeting the requirements in receiving food aid is sometimes difficult, thus some GBV survivors may be excluded." 133867,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,87,[],['Context'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En la encuesta realizada en Panamá se observa que la mayor parte de las personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas son adultas (91%). Se aprecia una migración concurrente con edades económicamente activas, toda vez que el 83% se encuentra en el rango de edad de 18 a 45 años, con una concentración mayor en las edades de 26 a 35 años. Existe una ligera mayor proporción de hombres (53%) que de mujeres (47%)." 173614,34288.0,1899.0,"['Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",[],[],es,158,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3653231,"Asimismo, en apoyo a la Fundación Castillo Córdova y junto al Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social (MSPAS), se benefició a 22 familias con dotaciones alimentarias y kits de higiene y limpieza, para familias de niños con Desnutrición Aguda (DA) de San Cristóbal y San Agustín Acasaguastlán. La familia obtiene una Caja Nutritiva, que contiene: 5 paquetes de 450 gramos de Incaparina; 2 bolsas de 1.15 kilogramos de cereal; 11 paquetes de 120 gramos de proteína de soya fortificada; 14 paquetes de 35 onzas de frijoles y 3 paquetes de 200 gramos de pasta, además, una ración adicional especial para el niño, que consta de: 3 paquetes de 450 gramos de Incaparina; 4 paquetes de leche de 110 gramos, 1 unidad de aceite vegetal de 450 mililitros, alcohol en gel y mascarillas para adultos y niños." 275478,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Les 4 537 ES/ENA ciblés ont bénéficié d'une prise en charge transitoire et/ou d'un suivi individuel avec possible réintégration communautaire 248936,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,88,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Des efforts importants ont été fournis par les autorités militaires pour renforcer le dispositif sécuritaire dans ce secteur. Néanmoins, il nous semble que beaucoup reste à faire, en particulier autour des carrés miniers et des zones forestières qui servent de refuge aux miliciens. En effet, la lecture des alertes du monitoring de protection atteste du fait que c’est précisément autour des carrés miniers et des axes proches des zones forestières que les cas de viol sont le plus souvent rapportés." 382892,60300.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_situacional_local_Costa_Caribe_-_Enero_a_marzo_2021.pdf,"Se han identificado como principales necesidades en la Costa Caribe, el acceso a medios de vida, acceso a salud en sus diferentes especializaciones y el acceso a la educación de niños, niñas y adolescentes." 95220,26755.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,Minimum response is in place with rehabilitation/refurbishment of health facilities as only 2 health facilities were supported (Aljafra and Almargeb). 145436,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In May, the Health sector reported supporting 759,802 medical procedures, including outpatient, trauma and mental consultations, and 262,015 treatment courses. UNRWA has reported resuming health services in recent weeks including some limited mental health/psychosocial support (MHPSS) cases" 398695,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Actualmente existe un límite -en términos porcentuales- a la contratación de extranjeros en las empresas respecto de la dotación total, según lo estipula el Código del Trabajo, libro I, capítulo III: “De la nacionalidad de los Trabajadores”. Según esta norma, el límite rige sólo para las empresas que superan los veinticinco trabajadores y no se considera para este conteo ni a técnicos especialistas -con la debida autorización ante la Dirección del Trabajo- ni a extranjeros que cumplan los requisitos estipulados en los números 3 y 4 del artículo 20 ya citado. En empresas con un número menor de trabajadores no hay límites porcentuales para contratar extranjeros" 294710,52363.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"FOOD SECURITY Most households are unable to meet their food needs. A calculation of the Food Consumption Score, which measures the quantity and quality of the diet, indicates 25% of households have ¨poor¨ or ¨borderline¨ food consumption. 64% of households consume only two meals a day or less, indicating that they are not able to access the recommended minimum daily consumption of three meals. Despite the increase in access to work as a source of income, there was only a 4-percentage point increase in households having three meals a day. 71% of the households surveyed continued to be deprived of at least one meal per day." 346844,56987.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,53,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Prolonged lack of access to education increases vulnerability to protection risks, such as children dropping out due to child marriage or labour. Suspension of all activities prior to the monsoon and cyclone seasons will result in extensive shelter and infrastructural damage." 200469,44300.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,48,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Concernant la zone de résidence habituelle des migrants de retour endettés, 59% des hommes habitaient dans une zone rurale au moment de l’enquête, contre 41% en zone urbaine. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 304898,50889.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The most vulnerable refugees in need are children under 5 years of age due to high malnutrition rates and lack of vaccine coverage, pregnant women and girls due to reproductive health service gaps, chronically ill persons and elderly people." 192455,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Without sustained humanitarian assistance, 3.5 million people are projected to fall into Crisis or emergency food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or higher), during the third quarter of the year" 125941,31192.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,101,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"Protection monitoring activities carried out by partners highlighted the need for additional dissemination activities in order to reach marginalized communities, provide relevant information in different languages and formats, as well as counter rumors and misinformation. Protection monitoring indicates additional concerns as a result of COVID-19, which require attention and ongoing monitoring. These include, for example, increase in petty crimes within IDP camps as people are unable to access food and livelihood, as well as violence and hostile attitudes towards individuals who are, or perceived to be, infected by the virus." 489954,67662.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,121,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"At the same time, the deteriorating security situation in the East of the country and the increase in attacks on humanitarian organisations have hampered their access, including in areas where there is significant need. According to the International NGO Safety Organisation, NGO fatalities in DRC tripled in 2020, and the number of abducted staff increased by 35% compared to the previous year, a situation linked to the spike in opportunistic banditry and the resurgence of armed conflict in the eastern regions. MSF has not been spared by this wave of violence and is regularly forced to reduce its areas of intervention, with an impact on its ability to reach vulnerable populations." 388594,61080.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,61,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la ville de Dori, un nombre de 78 ménages de 785 personnes a été estimé par les moniteurs dont 108 hommes, 117 femmes, 260 garçons et 300 filles. A Sampelga, l’estimation donne un nombre de 50 ménages de 740 personnes dont 90 hommes, 130 femmes, 240 garçons et 280 filles." 221586,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In March, large-scale clashes occurred between the Somali National Army and Jubbaland forces in Beled Xaawo town, Gedo region, that reportedly resulted in the deaths of five civilians and the displacement of nearly 50,000 persons." 199006,44191.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,80,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/campagne-electorale-2020-au-burkina-le-renlac-fustige-des-actes-de-corruption/,"Ces pratiques malsaines, voilées ou ouvertes, tombent sous le coup de la corruption et de la fraude électorales punies par la loi. La corruption électorale désigne toute action de la part des autorités administratives ou des partis politiques ayant pour objectif d’orienter le choix des citoyens à travers des moyens divers et variés tels que la diffusion de fausses informations, les dons en espèces ou en nature et les pressions de toutes sortes." 302656,52890.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Algunas personas entrevistadas reconocen que han tenido accidentes de trabajo como cortaduras, quemaduras en la piel por exposición al sol, atro- pellamiento de vehículos, enfermedades de tipo respiratorio y muscular, entre otras. La falta de acciones de promoción de la salud, el desconoci- miento de enfermedades y la ausencia de atención médica son las causas que identifican al respecto." 187313,43340.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20-%20Camp%20Management%20Bi-weekly%20Tracker%20Report%2C%20Report%20No.%2024%2C%2016%20-%2031%20October%202020.pdf,"[16th -31st Oct 2020,BAY states] The main source of drinking and non-drinking water at displacement sites is the borehole (81%). Other sources of water supply include hand pumps, wells, water vendors and water trucking." 136840,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"A total of 159 hospitals and primary health centres (PHC) have been equipped with COVID- 19 triage systems, and four community-based treatment centres (CCTC) have been operationalized to treat patients with mild-to-moderate cases of COVID-19." 292329,51796.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,22,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,El cuidado no remunerado sigue siendo el impuesto oculto y más alto de las mujeres en términos económicos y de tiempo. 486404,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] BREAKDOWN BY SEX OF HOH (TOP 3 REPORTED ISSUES): FHHs: Cold and damp-60%, Lack of heating-44% and Lack of lighting-32%. MHHs: Cold and Damp-53%, Lack of Heating-37% and Lack of space-34%." 195982,43071.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,32,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/han-devuelto-a-5-mil-migrantes-por-intentar-pasar-trochas/2236,"Según estimaciones de la institución, cerca de 200 venezolanos ingresan todos los días por el departamento de Norte de Santander, seguido por 50 venezolanos en La Guajira y Arauca." 272732,50256.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Les IC ont rapporté la présence de programmes nutritionnels à distance de marche au cours du mois précédent dans 38% (123) des localités évaluées. 220557,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,A total of 166 cases reported by week 44. Over 80 percent of reported cases are under 5 years old and the majority were not vaccinated against measles. 271908,50217.0,2333.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Au 20 octobre, plus de 632,000 personnes (trois fois plus que les prévisions du gouvernement pour 2020) étaient sinistrées, 50 000 maisons détruites, plus de 18 200 hectares de terres agricoles détruits ainsi que plus de 19 000 têtes de bétail tués" 164503,32981.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,"6.347 Beneficiarios 185 Kits viajeros para población en tránsito entregados. 6.088 Elementos de aseo, dormida y climáticos entregados" 195942,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Ce 15/11/2020, 50 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés à Kinshasa (Annexe 1). Aussi, 1 nouveau décès a été enregistré parmi les cas confirmés actifs" 384184,60408.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,48,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El 71% de los migrantes que ingresan a Chile y Ecuador son relativamente jóvenes, debido a que están en un rango de edad entre 26 y 35 años, lo que indica que la migración venezolana se genera en las edades donde existe madurez laboral." 270244,49921.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/viviendas-permanecen-seis-meses-vacias-en-el-mercado-549077,"“Cabe anotar que el tiempo de vacancia depende del tipo del inmueble. Por ejemplo, un apartamento en promedio puede durar vacío 150 días, es decir cuatro meses, mientras que una casa se demora el doble, 268 días aproximadamente, lo equivalente a 9 meses”, asegura Juan Martín Delgado, cofundador de Aptuno." 308683,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Akobo County remains inaccessible for road transportation, even during the dry season, and supplies must be pre-positioned via air. Construction works are ongoing from Bor-ManyabolPajut-Pathai-Walgak (Akobo County), allowing for the pre-positioning efforts ahead of the rainy season." 229616,44602.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Nutrition partner mainly screened children, pregnant and lactating mothers and as well interacted with displaced people that came from Bor in order to understand how they are coping with the current food challenges in regard to nutrition." 172923,40676.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],fr,53,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Actuellement 31 pour cent de ces 25,6 millions de personnes dans le besoin ont des besoins sévères (soit 11,4 millions de personnes), 12 pour cent des besoins critiques (soit 4,4 millions de personnes) et 1 pour cent des besoins catastrophiques (soit 1,3 million de personnes)." 314206,54230.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/19/covid-19-advisory-panel-recommends-strict-lockdown-for-another-week,"[19th April 2021, Bangladesh] As the price of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test kits has come down significantly, NTAC suggested reassessing the price of sample tests in private laboratories. This will increase the number of tests, bring it within the reach of the general public and ensure that tests can be done at an affordable price. The pressure on the government laboratories will be reduced a bit." 274188,49666.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,Pendant les années ‘90 les institutions de micro finance florissaient dans la RDC. Cependant elles ont commencé à sombrer entre 2000 et 2010 fautes d’une gouvernance rigoureuse et à cause de la crise financière qui a secoué le monde à cette période. 236413,47180.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,114,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/bangladesh-halt-relocation-rohingya-refugees-remote-island-immediately,"Refugee: [11th December 2020, Cox's Bazar] In response to the relocation of hundreds of Rohingya refugees to the Bhashan Char, a remote island in the Bay of Bengal, Saad Hammadi, Amnesty International’s South Asia Campaigner, said: “The authorities should immediately halt relocation of more refugees to Bhashan Char, return those on the island to their families and community in mainland Bangladesh. “The relocation of so many Rohingya refugees to a remote island, which is still off limits to everyone including rights groups and journalists without prior permission, poses grave concerns about independent human rights monitoring." 489781,67725.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"The Dominican Republic stood out at 170,785 total confirmed cases, 37,186 active cases with 2,414 deaths." 223971,46071.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,23,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon un informateur clé, les Viols des enfants ont augmenté surtout à Kinshasa à cause de la promiscuité pendant le confinement." 202017,44071.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,78,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Mostly people who have fled to shelters who need the most pressing assistance. Some 11 shelters, with 1,900 people, will remain open for families who lost their houses and means of livelihood. Hot meals, hygiene and sanitation supplies, safe water, restoration of health services capacities, nutrition services, EPP items, as well as protection mechanisms are urgently needed in 4 shelters to support around 1,000 people in Izabal." 200154,43256.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"People in rural or hard-to-reach areas are most affected due to limited or no access to basic medical services. This population is mainly composed of women and children. In terms of access to WASH infrastructure, it should be noted that IDPs often share shelters, water points, latrines and showers with host populations. The increased proximity increases the risks of COVID-19 transmission and does not give girls and women the necessary privacy, exposing them to the risk of violence." 310070,53753.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_25_february_2021_final.pdf,"(25 February 2021) Afghanistan now has a test-positivity-rate – positive tests as a percentage of total tests – of close to 17 per cent, suggesting overall under-testing of potential cases" 274191,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Education', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"Selon les focus groups avec la population, la pauvreté qui cause le manque d’intrants agricoles et le manque d’infrastructures à plusieurs niveaux (routes impraticables, infrastructures scolaires et sanitaires délabrées, manque d’entrepôts villageois) est la principale cause sous-jacente de l’insécurité alimentaire en RDC." 238467,47405.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"Según datos de la ECV de 2019, se esti- ma que cerca del 40 % de esta población en edad de estudiar (5 a 17 años) no asiste a un plantel educativo. Entre las principales ra- zones de esta desescolarización se encuen- tran el abandono de su lugar de residencia (45,2 %) o la falta de cupos en instituciones educativas (21,5 %), situación que agrava condiciones preexistentes de bajos niveles educativos, en la medida en que, según da- tos de la misma encuesta, cerca del 15,2 % de los niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes venezolanos presentan analfabetismo, cifra que duplica lo registrado para niños, niñas y adolescentes colombianos (8,2 %)." 41077,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Trade was deeply impacted by the conflict, especially in Al Aziziya, Swani bin Adam and Wadi Rabia. In these baladiyas, only 0-25% of the usual local traders were reportedly operating during the period of data collection." 219996,45769.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,31,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"La seule école existante est de l’autre cote du bras du lac ce qui nécessite une traversée en pirogue qui, elle expose les enfants au risque de noyade" 496337,60048.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,70,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Por otra parte, la precariedad económica, expresada en las dificultades reseñadas, y la abrumadora carga de tareas de cuidado de las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas, aumenta exponencialmente su riesgo a sufrir diversos tipos de violencia. Vale la pena recordar que dentro de las principales necesidades de las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas está la de acceder a ingresos y empleo, dada su precariedad económica." 237880,47119.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,96,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Durante este periodo el 88,2 % (978) de los municipios con confirmación de COVID-19 tiene casos activos, el 27,2 % (263) de los municipios con casos activos presenta un incremento significativo de la incidencia con respecto al periodo anterior, observándose las mayores variaciones en: Aratoca – Santander (Δ 27,5), Villanueva – Bolívar (Δ 22,0), La Jagua del Pilar – La Guajira (Δ 16,5), Tipacoque – Boyacá (Δ 12,0) y San Antero – Córdoba (Δ 12,0)." 234153,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,72,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] As on 20 December 2020, overall attack rate (AR) in Bangladesh is 294 per 100,000 population and 100% (64/64) of districts with the estimated total population of 170,306,468 have reported confirmed COVID-19 cases. In the reported week (week 51), COVID-19 weekly average AR (294/100,000) increased by 2.1% from the previous week." 147656,35134.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The new exchange rate is closer to its black market equivalent of 1,200-1,300 pounds. By doing this, the Central Bank is trying to attract more dollars through official means, reduce downward pressure on the pound, and limit the rise in the cost of imported goods as much as possible. Following the decision, the dollar weakened slightly from a peak of 1,360 pounds on March 26 to 1,220 on March 30. Following the decision, the dollar weakened slightly from a peak of 1,360 pounds on March 26 to 1,220 on March 30." 196180,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,".Vulnerabilities in some areas have been further exacerbated due to the triple threat of COVID-19, locusts and floods. IDPs, the elderly, people with disabilities and women and girls remain the most exposed to risks, due to a lack of social support systems, inadequate housing and multiple other barriers faced. UNHCR has recognised that people movements have been suspended." 35499,13103.0,788.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,42,['At Risk'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"This is validated by more recent WHO data showing that more than 3000 adolescents die every day from largely preventable causes and that exposure to many key risk factors for future adult disease starts, or is consolidated, in adolescence." 52127,16699.0,1184.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"Similarly, obstacles to obtaining regular status undercut the potential for Ecuador to benefit from the arrival of displaced Venezuelans who may stay for a longer period of time. A Venezuelan woman in Quito who had been a nurse before migrating explained that high fees and documentation requirements kept her from securing professional certification in Ecuador.51 Furthermore, the additional steps that employers must take to register foreign" 301223,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,138,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"18 March 2021, Cox's BAzar − A Bangladeshi youth named Rohmot Ullah died in a road accident in Ramu. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − A college student (Abdul Aziz, 17) was kidnapped for the second time in 15 days. He was kidnapped on 18 March from Ukhiya and found in a critical health condition in Naikkhongchhari, Bandarban. Coxsbazar News (Bang.) − Police arrested two burglar and recovered stolen cows in Eidgaon area of Cox’s Bazar. Coxsbazar News (Bang.) − Coast Guard arrested three Myanmar nationals with 252 bottles of foreign whiskey in Teknaf, Cox's Bazar. The incident took place near Naf river in the upazila on Thursday morning. Daily Bangladesh (Eng.)" 136805,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Since mid-April, there have been 34 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in NES, resulting in one death and five recoveries as of 4 August. To date, there has been one confirmed cluster of COVID-19 cases, centered on the Al Amran neighborhood of Al-Hasakeh. There has been no confirmed community-level transmission reported." 202023,44071.0,2330.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"In addition, continuity of local health and nutrition services is needed to guarantee the provision of critical services for children, women and girls, individuals with chronic diseases, and the elderly." 191129,43282.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 700 households from Jowhar District received agricultural seed inputs to help them switch to staples in forth coming deyr season, in addition to unconditional cash transfers." 287087,51631.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"(Est) La prévalence de la MAG en 2020 est de 8.9% (contre 9.1% au niveau national) et est en hausse comparativement à 2019 (7.5%), avec une tendance globale en dents de scie de 2010 (9.8%) à 2020. La prévalence de la MC dans la région en 2020 quant à elle est de 25.4% (contre 24.9% au niveau national) soit une baisse significative 2019 (31.6%), avec une tendance globale à la baisse de 2010 (39.6%) à 2020." 38765,13690.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,http://www.emro.who.int/lby/libya-news/who-libya-teams-saving-lives-on-tripolis-front-lines.html,"Fighting broke out in Tripoli in early April 2019, and by the second week of the month, casualties were in the hundreds. By late April, more than 300 people were dead and more than 1600 wounded. An estimated 40 000 people fled their homes and now live with relatives or in centres for the displaced." 265669,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Environment']",fr,39,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Au cours des 30 jours ayant précédé la collecte de données de novembre, les IC ont rapporté de nouvelles destructions d’abris dans 9% des localités évaluées, essentiellement liées aux intempéries et aux inondations." 261662,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,59,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"frente a la identificación de la variación P1 linaje B.1.1.28 de COVID-19 en Leticia (Amazonas), el gobierno nacional tomó la decisión de suspender los vuelos nacionales hacia y desde Leticia (Amazonas) durante al menos 15 días, con el fin de prevenir el contagio de esta variante hacía el resto del territorio colombiano4;" 179491,42075.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=207783,"[27th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Tuesday that 67 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, and that 33 patients have recovered while 3 others have passed away." 164600,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"The public information vans broadcasting COVID-19 information in selected communities and neighbourhoods reached 98,000 community members (48,290 women and 49,710 men) respectively. 1,691 religious leaders were sensitized on COVID-19 and with easing of lockdown, 5,907 children were reached in 85 Tsangaya schools and announcements were made during prayers at 361 mosques and churches." 338753,56193.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,79,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"All of this has fed a deep culture of mistrust of government institutions and outside actors that focus on emergency assistance over longer-term development and do not adequately engage local people and institutions. For example, conflict between Bantu and indigenous communities, between Mbororos (nomadic cattle herders) and local communities in the north and east, and with armed groups from neighboring countries operating in DRC underscore the importance of better understanding intergroup dynamics." 144668,34804.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Since March, NES NGOs have conducted COVID-19 risk awareness/ communication activities in at least 30 sub districts out of 35 under the control of SA (i.e. 86 per cent of sub-districts in NES) reaching 51 communities and 20 IDP last resort sites" 328609,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 16% and 8% of households of IDP settlement and Non-IDP settlement reported all school-aged children in their household who were previously attending school are continuing learning activities remotely since schools have been closed. 281878,51173.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF also supported MoPH’s Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health programme with development of key messages and financially on printing of messages to include COVID-19 key messages in the existing guides and tools." 247463,46458.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"According to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix, there are around 4.2 million IDPs in Afghanistan, the majority displaced by conflict; in addition, there are a further 4 million returnees, repatriated mainly from Iran and Pakistan (IOM 2020)." 229341,44602.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"No housing, IDPs rely on the host community who are equally vulnerable and have as well been affected by flood as most of their farmlands, the host community highly depends on Juba markets to sell their vegetables and other farm produce. These crops have been destroyed and their livelihood disrupted. Their incomes have greatly dropped." 304576,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Refugee community schools are over capacity and lack facility maintenance, teaching and curriculum support." 359775,58464.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,119,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Among the 123 public health centres that were functioning in NES at the end of 2020, 75% relied on the main pipeline as the main source of water. Public health centres in NES were also ill-equipped for electricity shortages, which would inhibit the provision of health services depending on a steady supply of electricity. In fact, 76% of the functioning public health centres did not have a generator as of the end of 2020. Moreover, 28% of them did not have refrigerators for vaccines, and reportedly sought support of a nearby municipality, school or house to store vaccines and medicines." 457531,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Certains enfants ont également subi des violences physiques (7% des répondants) et psychologiques (23% des répondants) dans les villages d’origine. Ils ont été témoins des assassinats et des menaces verbales et certains adolescents ont même été enlevés (4% des répondants). 12% contre 58% des répondants soutiennent qu’il y a des enfants qui ont été recrutés par les groupes armés. 191042,42042.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Bolori-12-wards-Maiduguri-LGA_-July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 19 settlements reported that schools attended by children had been closed due to COVID-19 in the 30 days prior to data collection." 497799,60072.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,60,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Mid%20Year%20Report%20RMRP%202020%20ENG%20FINAL.pdf,"A rise in xenophobic incidents was noted in the sub-region whereby Venezuelans were scapegoated for socioeconomic problems faced by host communities, as well as for the propagation of the virus linked to perceptions relating to the living conditions of refugees and migrants. The Platform has strengthened Communicating with Communities initiatives to counter this trend with antixenophobia messages." 125065,30176.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,56,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"Muchas familias han quedado separadas, teniendo sus familiares del otro lado de la frontera. Además, un 21.1% de los encuestados afirma que no todas las personas de su núcleo familiar se encuentran con ellos. Entre los grupos más afectados se encuentran las comunidades indígenas que tradicionalmente viajan entre ambos territorios." 272847,50256.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"Le gouvernement a imposé, à partir du 18 décembre 2020, un couvre-feu à l’ensemble de la population qui s’est accompagné de la fermeture des écoles." 190977,42037.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state]KIs in 5 settlements reported that residents lived in overcrowded spaces that did not allow for physical distancing, that residents did not view physical distancing as important, that residents needed access to public spaces, and that residents continued to attend crowded relgious gatherings. In 2 settlements, KIs reported that people continued to greet one another with close physical contact." 356601,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Human Rights Watch también documentó 17 golpizas violentas cometidas por la policía, en muchos casos con bastones. Una víctima, Elvis Vivas, de 24 años, murió en un hospital después de recibir una golpiza brutal por parte de policías." 197640,43603.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"COVID-19 restrictions have had a severe impact on the implementation of sustainable WASH interventions, obliging partners to re-programme or delay resilience-focused activities, such as construction of new water infrastructures which had to be suspended or delayed as supply of construction items are delayed because of the current COVID-19 restrictions. Alternative options are being explored, to get materials locally and prioritise impactful activities which address chronic needs in highly vulnerable locations." 311450,53762.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,47,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Nord) In early January, following several attacks by armed groups in and around the town of Koumbri in the North region, 11,400 individuals (both from Mossi and Fulanis communities) fled to Ouahigouya, where most were hosted by local communities." 133913,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En este sentido, también se detecta desconocimiento por parte de las personas venezolanas de instituciones de protección, como la Secretaría Nacional de Discapacidad (SENADIS), de la posibilidad de obtención de un certificado de discapacidad y de los beneficios asociados al mismo. Del mismo modo, también se desconocen institutos de inclusión educativa como el Instituto Panameño de Habilitación Especial (IPHE) para niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNA)." 267904,49804.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,79,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The coastal region reported the highest price of vegetable oil at SYP 5,166/litre (up ten percent m-o-m), followed by the middle region at SYP 5,131/litre (up 11 percent m-o-m). Conversely, the cross border region reported the lowest price of vegetable oil at SYP 3,749 (up five percent m-o-m), followed by northeast Syria at SYP 4,046 (up nine percent m-o-m)." 266719,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Compared to last year, the price of the reference food basket has significantly increased across all 14 governorates. Homs recorded the highest increase (up 288 percent), while Deir-ez-Zor recorded the lowest increase (up 173 percent)." 245129,47833.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,103,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Otra población muy afectada por la falta de acceso a salud son los NNA. En muchas oportunidades, no se realiza proceso de afiliación a EPS en el momento del nacimiento, y, como se ha evidenciado en meses anteriores, cuando se hacen las afiliaciones, no se informa a los padres. Además, los trámites de traslado de EPS cuando hay cambio de ciudad de residencia son complejos y demorados. Casos de fiebres altas y otros síntomas graves no son atendidos por urgencias, y por falta de afiliación a EPS, no pueden agendar citas." 163863,39666.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=203584,"Health Ministry on Friday evening announced that 40 new Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been registered in Syria, and that 15 patients infected with the virus have recovered, while 3 patients have passed away." 200432,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Élaborer une campagne de sensibilisation et d’information nationale sur les risques de l’endettement et du surendettement, en particulier dans le cadre des dettes initiales, et en mettant à profit l’expérience des migrants retournés." 346484,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"De acuerdo con la evidencia recopilada en el Llamado a la acción de UNICEF (2020), en comparación con los estudiantes de zonas urbanas, la brecha digital es significativamente mayor para los niños, niñas y adolescentes indígenas y afrodescendientes: en Colombia solo 34 por ciento de los estudiantes en zonas rurales tiene servicio de internet, comparado con el 66 por ciento en áreas urbanas;" 105594,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En su conjunto, los ambientes en los que tiene lugar la vida de las niñas y los niños refugiados y migrantes, no propician su desarrollo al no garantizar su protección, participación y juego. Por el contrario, las niñas, los niños sufren estrés tóxico por la migración, lo que les significa afectaciones en la salud y el crecimiento, la degradación del desarrollo cognitivo, además de otras afecciones asociadas a la salud mental." 165411,33751.0,1234.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-07-06%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2029%20de%20junio%20-%205%20de%20julio%202020%20%281%29.pdf,"Los fondos apoyarán medidas de las políticas para asegurar la disponibilidad y la ejecución eficiente de los recursos, apoyar los ingresos de los hogares y fortalecer la capacidad del Gobierno para identificar adecuadamente a los beneficiarios de los programas sociales. Además, los fondos se destinarán a la compra de equipo médico y a la contratación de personal médico" 130822,33838.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Afectación en empresas, negocios, comercios que se relacionan con el empleo y el emprendimiento y afectación en mercados locales con consecuencias directas en abastecimiento, producción, distribución, comercialización, precios." 240709,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,112,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"The Taliban made public statements on 16 and 18 March indicating that they would work with international organizations in combatting COVID-19, and would facilitate the movement of medical equipment, medicine and aid to areas under its control.14 However, after these statements were made, UNAMA documented two incidents impacting healthcare, both of which involved the Taliban. On 22 March 2020, in Kunar province, Chapadara district, a group of Taliban fighters abducted five health workers and their driver who were in the area to evaluate a health facility, holding them for two days until they were released through the mediation of tribal elders." 193821,43300.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le faible développement structurel dans les zones d´accueil marquées par l´insuffisance des services de base (école, centres de santé, infrastructures d´eau, d´hygiène et d´assainissement) accroît la vulnérabilité des populations en déplacement et celle des populations hôtes." 134708,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,133,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"De acuerdo a la encuesta CASEN 2017, el déficit habitacional en Chile alcanza 497.615 requerimientos de vivienda. Este déficit cuantitativo se compone de la suma de: i) 42.677 viviendas irrecuperables9; ii) 300.158 hogares que se encuentran en situación de allegamiento10; y iii) 154.780 núcleos familiares que se encuentran allegados y hacinados11. Del total del déficit habitacional, el 14% corresponde a hogares con una jefatura migrante, porcentaje compuesto por 3.260 hogares que viven en viviendas irrecuperables, 39.385 hogares allegados y 21.629 núcleos allegados y hacinados. Según la misma CASEN 2017 el 5% del total de hogares en Chile son migrantes, por ende el déficit habitacional afecta en mayor proporción a hogares extranjeros, exponiéndolos a condiciones de vulnerabilidad" 206819,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,53,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"At the individual level, many boys and girls are separated from their parents and are cared for by other members of their community or left alone as child heads of household, especially in urban and peri-urban areas, including neighbouring areas such as the Littoral, the West and even Adamawa" 248017,48228.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,89,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Parmi les préoccupations principales soulevées par les déplacés au cours de cette évaluation ; on peut noter la précarité des abris (abris de fortune), le manque des matériaux, le surpeuplement dans les abris. Par ailleurs, le besoin en articles ménagers essentiels tel que les nattes, couverture, les articles de stockage d’eau a été souligné. Les déplacés de Koudou Kolé dans le Mamdi ont déclaré avoir tous leurs articles suite aux inondations dans les villages d’origine." 191114,43282.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,The Cluster is targeting 2.7 million people at risk of COVID-19 with emergency WASH assistance as partners continue to carry out life-saving interventions. 194430,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Parmi ceux dont l’information a pu être collectée, 64,3% (2111/3281) des cas étaient symptomatiques à la notification. Par ailleurs, 60,4% (1435/2374) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec au moins un cas confirmé ou probable de COVID-19." 495446,67230.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,56,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De acuerdo con los resultados del DTM-Perú (tercera ronda), al menos el 35 por ciento de los migrantes entrevistados en Lima, Perú, creen que han sido discriminados por su nacionalidad41 y el 20% de las personas entrevistadas en Tumbes habían experimentado riesgos durante su viaje, incluida la discriminación." 356679,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,Investigar de oficio todos los casos en los cuales los jueces hayan concluido que miembros de la Policía violaron derechos de los detenidos cuando esas acciones constituyan un delito con arreglo al derecho colombiano. 147715,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To date, humanitarian partners have been informed by local authorities of 34 identified quarantine facilities and 50 isolation spaces in 13 governorates. At the central level, the MoH has announced 17 isolation centres are currently running, with a cumulative capacity of 681 beds, including 555 isolation beds, 129 ICU beds, and 100 ventilators. The 37 quarantine centres are reported to have 4,865 beds" 214670,45417.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 50% (190) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que le temps nécessaire pour atteindre la structure de santé fonctionnelle la plus proche était de 45 minutes ou plus" 196106,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The desert locust control operation is still on going by federal and state ministries of agriculture with financial and technical/ financial support of FAO in Puntland, Somaliland and Galmudug. About 21, 800 Hectares have been treated with bio pesticides on the ground and aerial control operation so far. FAO is procuring additional bio pesticide to further support control operation targeting 230,000 Ha. The survey and control operation is supported by 40 vehicles and two helicopters." 165648,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Problems respondents faced accessing WASH facilities (1056 responses)† reported issues with hygiene  62% of respondents reported issues with water  65% of respondents reported issues with sanitation 359451,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Reported agricultural operational costs perceived to be highest (reported by % assessed communities): -38%: Fertilizers -36%: Harvesting costs -32%: Fuel prices -18%: Engine maintenance service -18%: Insecticides, pesticides, and fungicides" 273697,50217.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Le coût par activité est obtenu à partir de la multipli- cation de coût du kit par le nombre de bénéficiaires ciblés auquel 45%, correspondant au coût consensuel de réalisation (staff, logistique, main d’œuvres pour la distribution etc.) ont été ajoutés. [méthodologie de calcul des coûts]" 208212,44900.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,-Appui à la prise en charge médicale des viols en kit post viols dans les DS de Maïné Soroa 199887,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"It is estimated that in October 2019, 30,000 pupils were integrated into primary schools in neighboring regions (Littoral and Ouest), which resulted in an overload of the existing educational capacity in these regions, with classrooms of up to 200 children." 338727,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,63,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Refugee, asylum-seeking, displaced, and migrant children often face unequal access to education compared to other children, due to factors including discriminatory barriers, economic inequality, social isolation, and language differences—barriers that were often only exacerbated during school lockdowns. Around half of all school age refugee children, were already excluded from education before the pandemic." 320140,53234.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,46,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] The fire incident on 22nd March also caused loss of official medical records and other documents, including on child and maternal vaccination, stored in the health care facilities that were affected by the fire." 85592,20173.0,1233.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,19,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,https://www.dw.com/es/migraci%C3%B3n-venezolana-en-aruba-estamos-a-punto-de-oprimir-el-bot%C3%B3n-rojo/a-51039637,"Aruba, país autónomo que forma parte de los Países Bajos, en este momento registra 16.000 venezolanos." 200044,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"“93% des ménages déplacés à Kaya rapportent n’avoir pas accès à suffisamment d’eau pour combler les besoins essentiels du ménage : boire, cuisiner et se laver les mains régulièrement.” (REACH, mai 2020)" 319541,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"1,544 asylum seekers and refugees, mostly Sudanese, are based in Agadez since 2018." 205251,44636.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/challenges-faced-in-control-of-covid-19-pandemic-in-idlib-80-of-icu-beds-are-occupied-explanatory-data/,"[December 2, Idleb] On 6 November, the head of the primary health care department in Idlib’s health directorate, Dr. Anas al-Daghim, in an interview withEnab Baladi,warnedof the decline in the number of ICU beds in the Ziraat Hospital in Idlib city. He pointed out that the isolation center in the city is full of cases." 495440,67230.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,43,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Mejorar la periódicamente las reuniones de coordinación con instituciones responsables del sector educación ( DREs, Directores de UGELs) con el objetivo de conocer el proceso de matrícula de los niños y niñas venezolanos/as y su situación en los establecimientos educativos." 25011,9618.0,788.0,['Cross'],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,81,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/04032019_nga_ocha_humanitarian_situation_update.pdf,"Furthermore, Rann town in Kala/Balge LGA, just 8 kilometres from the border with Cameroon, suffered from a series of clashes between non-state armed groups and the Nigerian military throughout the month of January, forcing tens of thousands of civilians to flee into neighbouring Cameroon and prompting the immediate relocation of humanitarian personnel from the area. Humanitarian assets were reportedly destroyed in one of the attacks, including property and assistance meant for people in need." 217541,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The overall number of people facing acute food insecurity is on the rise in urban settlements, and the upheaval set in motion by the COVID-19 pandemic will push even more families and communities into more vulnerable conditions in the projection period." 164223,39644.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"cAs a key measure for preventing the transmission of COVID-19, 713,088 Rohingya refugees and 489,135 vulnerable Bangladeshi individuals were provided with a total of 2,404,446 reusable masks (2 per person) as of 10 September." 220498,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Cumulatively 43 241 laboratory tests have been performed with 6.9 percent positivity rate. There was cumulative total of 1 454 alerts of which 86.9 percent (n=1, 265) have been verified and sampled; Most alerts have come from Central Equatorial (75.1%), Eastern Equatoria (4.3%); Upper Nile State (3.3%) and the remaining 17.3 Percent from the other states and administrative areas." 183584,42413.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,58,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/polio-certification-sustaining-victory-increased-vaccination-and-surveillance,"[3rd Nov 2020,Nigeria] However, the battle against all forms of polioviruses in the country is yet to be over as Nigeria is still battling with the circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Virus type 2 (cVDPV2) and there is need to sustain the immunization coverage all over the country to halt transmission." 484209,67399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://mcusercontent.com/c520ee8fbad80f8ae80410aa9/files/450238d1-e1c7-198a-bad9-f5d26e9663c1/CXB_Weekly_report_21.36_5_11_Sep_21_Final.pdf,"[05 – 11 September 2021, Cox's Bazar]This week 28 Rohingya have been detained while fleeing from the Bhashan Char camp. On 8 September, 19 Rohingya (including four women and seven children) were detained in Sitakundu Upazila of Chattogram after they fled from Bhashan Char. The next day, the police detained another nine Rohingya at Mirsharai in Chattogram, who had also left Bhashan Char." 260936,48984.0,2170.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,89,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria]Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting people’s livelihoods and deepening hunger across Nigeria’s northeast, with lockdowns and movement restrictions limiting livelihood opportunities, hindering access to farmlands and reducing the amount of food available in markets across conflict-affected Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states. Without sustained humanitarian assistance, more than 5.1 million people will struggle to meet their basic food needs in the coming June to August lean season in 2021." 220651,45748.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Supportive case management, testing and line listing, community education, and WASH interventions are ongoing." 282244,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,33,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Disease outbreaks such as cholera – with a current outbreak ongoing since December 2017— strain the country’s health systems (which worsens the situation at the time of the pandemic) 300891,51949.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Total personnes déplacées = 631,803 Réfugiés (d'origines étrangères réfugiés au Tchad) = 442,672 (La majorité des réfugiés au Tchad viennent du Soudan et de la RCA) Réfugiés (d'origine Tchadienne réfugiés à l'étranger) = 10,363 Demandeurs d'asile (à l'intérieur du Tchad, d'origine étrangère) = 3,759 Demandeurs d'asile (d'origine Tchadienne, demande à l'étranger) = 4,731 PDIs = 170,278" 174449,40839.0,2170.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Host communities In sharp contrast to IDPs living in displacement camps, the majority of IDPs living with host communities engaged in farming. In a high of 60 per cent (down by 1% since the last round of assessment) of sites, IDPs engaged in farming." 22964,9328.0,730.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.unfpa.org/news/worlds-worst-humanitarian-crisis-miracle-safe-birth#,"But the health system has been devastated by the crisis.Fewer than halfof health facilities across the country are fully functional. And due to staff shortages, lack of supplies and damage,only about a thirdof functioning health facilities are providingreproductive health care." 356637,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,176,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La policía golpeó a Elvis Vivas López, de 24 años, la noche del 1 de mayo, en Madrid, Cundinamarca, según se observa en varios videos que corroboró Human Rights Watch. Los agentes lo arrastraron de pies y brazos hasta una estación de policía cercana, conforme se ve en los videos. Dos testigos dijeron a Human Rights Watch que vieron a Vivas salir de la estación de policía esa noche. Dijeron que Vivas tenía una herida grave en la cabeza y que estaba desorientado. Lo llevaron a un hospital, donde Vivas dijo a los médicos que lo habían golpeado policías, según consta en un registro médico al que tuvo acceso Human Rights Watch. Los médicos lo sometieron a una cirugía y a coma inducido debido a las heridas en la cabeza, contaron sus familiares. Vivas murió el 7 de mayo. Una autoridad judicial con conocimiento del caso confirmó que las evidencias apuntan a la responsabilidad de miembros de la policía." 204162,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"A survey conducted in four locations across South Sudan found that only 31 per cent of women victims of land grabbing were able to even attempt to negotiate with the occupier, compared to 58 per cent of men in a similar situation. This demonstrates women’s increased vulnerability in trying to advocate for their rights with perpetrators. Overall, only 8 per cent of the total surveyed population who had experienced land grabbing were able to successfully negotiate directly with the occupier" 223785,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Des recherches qualita�ves menées pour comprendre les tendances différen�elles dans les données DHIS2 ont montré que les craintes liées à la réponse COVID-19, y compris la quarantaine forcée, étaient plus souvent citées par les femmes de Goma qui avaient récemment été exposées à des interven�ons similaires durant la réponse à l'épidémie d'Ebola de 2018-20." 473925,67199.0,2311.0,['Education'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,76,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"En la encuesta realizada por la Fundación Empresarios Educación (FExE), en colaboración con el BM (2021),12 el 84% de los rectores reportó preocupación por no poder dar el apoyo necesario a familias para que puedan acompañar a sus hijos en los procesos de aprendizaje en casa. Tanto los rectores de instituciones educativas urbanas como rurales manifestaron dificultad para dar continuidad a los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes" 273691,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Barrières socio-culturelles qui impactent le partage des informations [entrave la réponse aux besoins des communautés, tiré de l'évaluation rapide à Niamey du 27 septembre 2020]" 275497,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Le manque d’appui à la documentation civile et juridique, compromettrait la liberté de mouvement des populations déplacées et la jouissance de leurs droits (Mouvement limité, accès restreint et privation aux moyens de subsistances et services sociaux de base, accès à la terre et à la propriété etc.)." 337277,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Key Figure (October 2020): 7.5 M People in need of Humanitarian assistance, 1.67M internally displaced, 188K persons living in PoC, 2.24M South Sudanese Refugees" 297808,51194.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,There is a continued perception of NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) that health services in their areas of control are not sufficient to meet the needs of beneficiaries. 126660,34323.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,49,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/secretary-general-strongly-condemns-killing-5-civilians-including-3-aid-workers-borno,"The Secretary-General strongly condemns the killing, on 22 July, of five civilians, including three aid workers from the Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development, the International Rescue Committee and Action Against Hunger, by an armed group in northern Borno State, north-eastern Nigeria." 116000,30124.0,1386.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,319,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Respuesta Con el objetivo de mejorar las condiciones para el acceso y la permanencia de NNAs en las escuelas, durante el primer trimestre del año, se continuó la distribución de materiales educativos (kits que contienen recursos para el aprendizaje, la enseñanza y la recreación) alcanzando un total de 118.087 NNAs (60 por ciento niñas y 40 por ciento niños), espacialmente en Táchira y Miranda. Así mismo, se logró atender a 19.696 NNA (65 por ciento niñas y 35 por ciento niños) con el programa de alimentación escolar beneficiando mayoritariamente NNAs de Miranda y Bolívar. 4.844 NNAs fuera de la escuela participaron de iniciativas orientadas a la reinserción educativa (54 por ciento niñas y 46 por ciento niños), concentrándo las acciones en Zulia. Además, 1.955 adolescentes y jóvenes (58 por ciento niñas y 42 por ciento niños) participaron de iniciativas orientadas a fomentar la nivelación educativa, las habilidades para la vida y la capacitación técnica, gran parte en Zulia. Se realizaron campañas para fomentar la asistencia y permanencia escolar con impacto en 98.531 NNAs (64 por ciento niñas y 26 por ciento niños) y 26.567 personas participaron de actividades de promoción de higiene en instituciones educativas (51 por ciento niñas y 49 por ciento niños) en Bolívar, Zulia y Distrito Capital. Se atendieron 69.6890 NNAs mediante la implementación de actividades de apoyo psicoeducativo (67 por ciento niñas y 33 por ciento niños) en los espacios educativos en Distrito capital, Miranda y Zulia. Se capacitaron 15.833 docentes (67 por ciento mujeres y 33 por ciento hombres) en el uso didáctico de los kits educativos desde el enfoque de educación en emergencia en 5 estados: Bolívar, Distrito Capital, Miranda, Táchira y Zulia." 196044,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,155,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The most significant change for Enabling Programmes was the re-activation of the Logistics Cluster in April 2020 to respond to the new needs arising from the COVID-19 outbreak in Somalia, as well as locust response and flooding. WFP, through the joint efforts of the Logistics Cluster and the Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS), has been supporting the air transportation of key health partners including the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and the WHO; facilitating the delivery of medical supplies and personnel to locations throughout Somalia, inaccessible by road. The Logistics Cluster installed a mobile storage unit in Mogadishu on behalf of the FMoH to accommodate medical supplies . While items such as PPE kits and medicines were delivered, the response teams also collected testing samples and trained key medical personnel in 22 locations." 173888,41033.0,2170.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,42,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020,Nigeria]The rainy season also poses additional risks for the outbreak of endemic diseases like malaria and cholera, and humanitarian organizations combined awareness-raising and prevention with continued efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19." 183260,41882.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",[],[],en,82,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Argentine Red Cross has been developing articulated actions to support the response to COVID-19 with the aim of reducing infections, alleviating the suffering of affected people and their families, and contributing to reduce the impact of the emergency in the country. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the volunteers of the Argentine Red Cross have carried out more than 9,500 social and health actions in response to the emergency." 266720,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The gap between the highest and lowest average food basket prices widened by four percent from SYP 40,661 in December 2020 to SYP 42,109 in January 2021. Moreover, the gap increased by 117 percent since January 2020, highlighting continued supply chain disruptions across the country since last year." 280526,51090.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] During the reporting period CHWs conducted 306 574 household visits in which 6 012 patients were identified with mild respiratory symptoms (fever, sore throat, cough) and 33 patients with moderate/severe symptoms. The cumulative number of mild patients is 107 714, and 403 moderate/ severe patients. To date, 48 973 persons with COVID-19 like symptoms have been referred to health facilities, 3 986 of which during the reporting period." 148222,35830.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,43,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Response%20COVID-19%20Sit%20Rep%20%234%20-%20External%20use.pdf,"Gaps and constrains in the country include, inadequate supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the need to enhance laboratory and case investigations, and safe guarding of public health; preventing cross infections within and out of health facilities" 187902,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In March 2020, a fourth crisis occurred; the COVID-19 pandemic. An additional 2.3 million people are estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance due to the impact of COVID-19, bring the total number of people in need from 3.9 million prior to the COVID-19 outbreak to 6.2 million." 126129,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"La inseguridad alimentaria severa entre la población migrante alcanza sus niveles más altos durante los primeros seis meses y requiere asistencia de emergencia, con rangos que van del 38% en los primeros tres meses al 27% entre los tres meses y los seis meses de su llegada." 219274,45750.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,14,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"In addition, the Ministry of Health has reported limited availability of PPEs." 169314,40031.0,1185.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,157,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"The National Institute of Civil Defence (INDECI) approved a “Monitoring, Follow-up and Evaluation Plan” that will guide the monitoring and evaluation of the National Risk Management Plan (PLANAGERD 2014- 2021). WFP provided direct technical support to adapt the Emergency Preparedness Capacity Index (EPCI) to the national context. This tool allows to assess national and local emergency response capabilities providing valuable inputs for decision makers. As EPCI is now officially part of INDECI’s evaluation tools, WFP will continue providing support for its annual update in direct coordination with INDECI. Due to COVID-19, the methodology to update EPCI has been adapted to virtual settings. So far, virtual workshops have been organized with the municipality of Lima and Carayballo. Additional virtual workshops are planned with national and local stakeholders from the regions of Tumbes, La Libertad and Lambayeque." 132502,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Prestación de esta asistencia a los refugiados y migrantes vulnerables. Incluido en esta respuesta está el mantenimiento de un stock de contingencia adecuado para responder a los casos de que incremente el ingreso i. Los socios continuarán brindando soporte de preparación para el invierno, especialmente frazadas para los refugiados y migrantes y para miembros de la comunidad de acogida afectados. Los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en el destino y las personas de la comunidad de acogida afectadas también recibirán los ítems del hogar tales como vestimenta y equipos para cocinar." 472887,63331.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,117,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Cluster%20de%20Protection%20de%20l%27Enfance%2C%20Bilan%20de%20la%20r%C3%A9ponse%20-%20R%C3%A9ponse%20li%C3%A9e%20%C3%A0%20la%20crise%20s%C3%A9curitaire%2C%20janvier%20-%20juin%202021.pdf,"Les trois derniers mois de l’année 2021 ont été caractérisés par une dégradation continue du tissu social et la mise en branle de l’environnement protecteur de l’enfant. La multiplication des attaques violentes contre les civils par les groupes armés non étatiques dans les différentes localités des régions du Nord, du Centre Nord, de l’Est et du Sahel souvent avec l’utilisation des enfants et obligeant des villages entiers de se vider de leurs populations illustre la gravité de la situation. Face à une telle brutalité, la vulnérabilité des enfants ne cesse d'accroître et leur état émotionnel est de plus en plus impacté." 340758,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,103,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Recursos y medios tecnológicos y audiovisuales utilizados: Emisora comunitaria Coreguaje Estéreo, en el programa radial La chagra educativa. Materiales educativos utilizados: Guías académicas. En esta iniciativa se reconoce la realidad concreta de los estudiantes y a partir de ella se diseñan las experiencias de aprendizaje –plan de estudio– vinculadas a la actividad de la chagra, comprendiendo su importancia simbólica y física. Durante la pandemia, el municipio, la radio y los caciques han cumplido el rol de intermediarios –cada quien con una función específica–, permitiendo que continúe funcionado el Modelo Pedagógico Coreguaje creado." 219439,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"The project [The Somalia Crisis Response Project ] will also support national capacity for severe case management, enhanced laboratory testing capacity, and an integrated disease surveillance and response system." 291643,52152.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,55,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La principal problemática que viven los productores al momento de comercializar sus productos es la restricción para acceder a los mercados. Las regiones más afectadas por las restricciones a la movilidad son la Orinoquía y Pacífico, mientras que la menos afectada por la disminución de la demanda es la región Gran Santander." 208202,44900.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"La question des escortes résultant de la note verbale du Ministre des affaires étrangères a fortement impacté sur les activités des agences des Nations Unies qui ont dû suspendre leurs activités en attendant d’avoir plus de clarification des hautes autorités par rapport à cette note verbale. Toutefois, les ONGs Internationales ont continué leurs activités sur le terrain sans aucun obstacle." 248024,48228.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Lors des entretiens, les enfants ont exprimé le besoin d’aller à l’école. La nonscolarisation d’un si grand nombre d’enfants dans les communautés pourrait augmenter les risques de protection dans la communauté." 124315,30176.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"El 78.9 % de los encuestados afirmó que ha tenido dificultades para acceder a alimentos desde que empezó el aislamiento, y un 89.9% considera que la razón principal es la reducción en su capacidad para generar ingresos. Antes de la emergencia, 72% afirma que consumía tres comidas al día, pero ahora sólo un 18% logra consumir tres comidas por día." 322109,54688.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,33,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/el-reto-de-atender-a-los-mas-de-2000-desplazados-que-deja-la-ola-de-violencia-en-el-cauca/,"Las familias necesitan tapabocas, gel antibacterial, alcohol, para toda la población en los alojamientos temporales. Asimismo, se hace necesario entregar kits de higiene para todas las familias." 152703,38098.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Quelques 80 millions F CFA, soit plus de 160.000 USD, telle est la somme déboursée par l’OMS pour l’appui au Ministère de la Santé pour la construction des centres de triage dans des structures sanitaires à forte affluence du pays. A ce jour, les Centres Médicaux avec Antenne chirurgicale (CMA) de Nouna et Kossodo ; les Centres Hospitaliers Régionaux (CHR) de Dédougou, Banfora, Gaoua et Dori ; le CHR, ainsi que le CHU de Bogodogo, ont déjà été réceptionnés." 164634,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"In Bauchi state, the reference laboratory was activated this week, with UNICEF actively supporting the preparatory activities, training and inspection of the facility by NCDC. In Ondo state, UNICEF supported the training of 40 DSNOs and 82 community volunteers on active surveillance, case definition, referral and contact tracing to support detection and referrals of COVID-19 cases in the State. In Lagos, UNICEF is working closely with the IPC pillar of the State EOC to support the private sector and airlines with IPC training as the Country restarts the economy gradually." 196017,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The cost of response has gone down due to the closure of schools and modified activities due to COVID-19. The cost per child reduced from $120 to $40 because there will be no construction of classrooms hence the response focuses on utilizing the existing school structures. 162736,32313.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"Hemos hecho una pequeña encuesta que realmente muestra que antes, tal vez, un gran número de la población venezolana sí tenía un empleo. Aunque muchos tenían un empleo informal o en un sector informal, tenían un ingreso." 245106,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Las barreras administrativas que impiden el ingreso al registro civil y la nacionalidad se agudizaron con las medidas de restricción de movilidad para mitigar la propagación del COVID – 19 son la falta de atención presencial y la dificultad para acceder a citas online, dado que los cupos para citas se encuentran agotados y gran parte de la población venezolana monitoreada se encuentra en condiciones que les impiden un ingreso fácil y rápido a realizar los trámites vía internet." 184768,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,[November 3 2020 Syria] Areesha: 4 cases: 2 currently in the isolation area (1 male and 1 female) and 2 recoveries. At present no suspect cases have been recorded 126329,34397.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"más de uno en tres hogares (38%) no tiene acceso a agua potable en el lugar donde habita: 41% de los hogares migrantes y 26% en hogares de acogida. Este porcentaje es aún más elevado entre los hogares migrantes que viven en La Guajira, donde el 80% no tiene acceso a agua potable en su vivienda." 271916,50217.0,2333.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,36,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les barrières d’accès et culturelles réduisent les chances des filles et des garçons d’Agadez d’aller à l’école, l’avenir de ces derniers est alors fortement handicapé" 219196,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Oral cholera vaccination campaigns are planned to target 72 329 individuals in Bor and 95 838 individuals in Pibor – all aged one year and above that have been displaced by floods. 195952,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"On remarque une recrudescence de cas confirmés de COVID-19 à Kinshasa où 206 nouveaux cas confirmés ont été rapportés à la fin de la semaine 46, contre 151 cas à la semaine 45 (Figure 3)" 198857,44266.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,94,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20201124-burkina-faso-apr%C3%A8s-une-suspension-la-c%C3%A9ni-reprend-la-proclamation-des-r%C3%A9sultats,"Dans une déclaration à la presse, Newton Ahmed Barry, le président de la Céni, s’est expliqué. Ce lundi, la Commission avait fait le constat quecertains centres communaux de compilation, CCCR, n’avaient pas fait la compilation manuelle, comme le prévoit la loi, se limitant à une compilation dite électronique, via un logiciel. La Céni leur a donc demandé de le faire au plus vite et ainsi de pouvoir remonter au niveau national les résultats issus de ces compilations manuelles." 160516,38373.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Entre las personas con PEP, sólo el 8.7% de los venezolanos que fueron monitoreados tienen un trabajo formal. El 95.9% de quienes trabajan lo hacen de manera informal y cabe resaltar que para la población venezolana no se observa un mayor acceso al trabajo para los que tiene un PEP en comparación con los que no lo tienen." 439357,63592.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 33% (109) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait accès qu’à de l’eau de surface à distance de marche au cours du mois précédent. Dans 55% (181) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’utilisait pas de latrines au cours du mois précédent" 62074,18564.0,1386.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"In June 2018, the Ministry of Food (Ministerio de Alimentación) reported that 84 percent of items in the basic food basket were not available in supermarkets." 343898,56754.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,69,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/25-de-mayo-d-nacional-por-la-dignidad-de-las-mujeres-v-ctimas-de-violencia-sexual-en,"Por otra parte, en el conflicto armado, las mujeres con discapacidad son más susceptibles de sufrir violencias, abusos y tratos denigrantes, dado que tradicionalmente son consideradas una población en situación de vulnerabilidad y marginalidad. Según el Registro Único de Víctimas, a corte 30 de abril del 2021, se han registrado 3.210 mujeres con discapacidad víctimas de violencia sexual en este contexto." 191160,43282.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Employment created through two critical infrastructure projects in Awdheegle, Lower Shabelle (police station and health center): 45 unskilled; 50 skilled." 803,156.0,321.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Throughout the assessed mantikas, 23.3% of IDP households reported having received assistance in the six months prior to the assessment, compared to 18.4% of returnee and 3.6% of non-displaced households. In particular, high rates of IDP households reported having received assistance in Misrata (57.5%), Sebha (67.5%) and Al Margab (77.4%). Similarly, a majority of returnee households mentioned having received assistance in Al Jabal Al Gharbi (77.6%)." 235149,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,126,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Based on partial and preliminary data at least half of the performance criteria and indicative targets for end-December 2019 (test date) have been missed. Given that it is not feasible to complete the last (sixth) review by the expiration of the current arrangement on June 25, 2020, the authorities are requesting that the ECF [Extended Credit Facility] arrangement be extended to end-September 2020, and the availability date for the sixth review (seventh disbursement) under the ECF arrangement be moved from May 31, 2020 to July 25, 2020. This would allow for an RCF [Rapid Credit Facility] request of 60 percent of quota within the normal PRGT access limits." 203592,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les options de réponses « retirer les enfants de l’école », « se séparer d’un enfant le confiant à quelqu’un d’autre », « se séparer d’un enfant en le mariant », « vendre la maison », « mendier » ont été sélectionnées par moins de 1% des ménages [de Agadez] interrogés." 156002,38388.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,Fondo Solidario para la Salud (FOSALUD): brinda servicios durante los fines de semana y en horarios extendidos y es responsable de la financiación de campañas de promoción de la salud. 240710,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,90,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"On 24 March 2020, in Takhar province, Dasht-e-Qala district, fighting erupted be tween Taliban and Afghan national security forces in the area. The firefight started near a hospital and continued for three hours with Taliban and Afghan national security forces using indirect fire. One rocket fired by the Taliban impacted a bazaar in the district center, killing a 14-year old boy and injuring three other civilians including two boys. The local hospital sustained damage due to the close proximity of the fighting." 193852,43300.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,67,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les personnes âgées et celles vivant avec un handicap sont parmi les plus vulnérables et dépendent de la solidarité communautaire. Leur accès aux aliments est le plus risqué une fois que les rations commencent à diminuer. Il en est de même des enfants, des survivantes de violences basées sur le genre, des familles d´accueil dirigées par des femmes seules et des veuves..." 472852,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,31,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"[Thiou]Renforcer les compétences des 300 accoucheuses villageoises des zones d’insécurité sur le suivi de la grossesse, les accouchements sécurisés et les soins aux nouveaux nés" 200503,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"D’après les données, 40% des prêts effectués au retour sont réalisés uniquement auprès des amis ou des proches, et 36% uniquement auprès de la famille. Seulement 1% des emprunts sont réalisés auprès de leaders spirituels ou religieux, et 1% auprès d’organismes de prêt informel. Aucun des migrants endettés de retour n’indique avoir emprunté auprès de passeurs ou de facilitateurs de voyage, ni auprès d’institutions financières formelles. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 492561,67939.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,29,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-sees-spike-covid-19-cases-fears-grow-new-wave-2021-09-22/,"[September 23, NWS]Official figures say there have been 31,148 infections and 2,146 coronavirus-related deaths reported in the country since the pandemic began last year." 491763,67956.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20External%20Situation%20Report%20-%20July%202021.pdf,"[1st Jul 2021, BAY states]Incidents of criminal activity and inter-communal clashes impacting food, crops, and health facilities in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States increased 122 percent during June-July as compared with the same period last year. Severe food insecurity in northeast Nigeria and Government resettlement plans in Borno State are likely to increase risks to civilians in unreached and hard-toreach areas, while disrupting food assistance and facilities provided by WFP and cooperating partners." 293681,51569.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Priorities on Immediate humanitarian response • Rapid nutrition assessment still to confirm more information. • Startup of SAM & MAM interventions inform of outreaches to locations that not being served through the current static nutrition sites, since access to these static sites with children and by pregnant mothers have been hampered by swamps in between the new settlements and these static nutrition sites. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 303893,50891.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"In 2018, Sudan continued to face protracted, complex and overlapping humanitarian challenges, driven by internal and external conflicts and large-scale displacements, climatic and socioeconomic conditions that led to natural disasters, epidemics, food insecurity and malnutrition." 199867,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"IDPs are seeking safety and assistance in all the 78 counties, with more than half hosted in Unity (some 247,000 IDPs), Central Equatoria (210,000), Jonglei (185,000) and Upper Nile (181,000)." 294040,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In the South-West, some young boys who no longer go to school are using alcohol and drugs (Tramadol, etc.), which seriously affects their physical and mental health. Their enforced idleness also increases the risk of being recruited by armed groups." 500706,60136.0,2074.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,Muchos migrantes son abordados por chamberos una vez que llegan a la parada de transporte de Pisiga. Posteriormente se concentran en casetas abandonadas y hostales alrededor de la plaza de Pisiga y tratan de cruzar la frontera principalmente en la noche y en la madrugada. Cuando no logran cruzar la frontera buscan hospedaje o esperan en la plaza o calles cercanas. 411358,63501.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/vacunan-contra-la-covid19-a-migrantes-vulnerables-en-asentamiento-villa-caracas/2794,"La jornada, que se extenderá hasta este viernes en el sitio conocido como Villa Caracas, atenderá a migrantes venezolanos y retornados colombianos cuya situación migratoria sea regular. Mujeres en estado de embarazo serán vacunadas sin importar su estatus migratorio." 417558,64197.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Environment'],es,49,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"En Riohacha lluvias torrenciales afectaron a más de 115 familias en por lo menos 9 barrios (Cooperativo, Nuevo Horizonte, San Judas, Quince de Mayo, Esperanza, La Loma, Las Villas e Iguaraya) y la vereda Mundo Nuevo en el corregimiento de Tigreras" 328659,54713.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types shelter damage or defects reported by households were broken or cracked windows 28%, roof partially collapsed 28% and some cracked in some walls 18%" 199562,43347.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Environment'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In fast-growing urban areas, waste management has become an increasing strain on infrastructure and treatment facilities, and can directly impact the environment and subsequently human health." 347785,56800.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,97,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Regarding COVID-19, people with disabilities, older adults, and older adults with disabilities, particularly those with underlying health conditions, are at a higher risk of dying from COVID-19. One in three older people in camps have a disability; people with disabilities are more likely to have other pre-existing health conditions (such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension and chronic pulmonary obstructive disease), which put them in higher risk categories for developing serious COVID-19 symptoms should they become infected." 393169,62158.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,105,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Below chart 7.2 indicates that 89 of the total vulnerable groups indicates that domestic and community violence, 6 said family separation is the most problem affecting the community, 43 indicates that lack of livelihood opportunities, 2 persons said problems related to food and water as a basic needs are the problems affecting the community, 16 indicates that problems related to health as the basic services are the problems, 2 people said security problems are the main problems affecting the community while 7 people said shelter problems are the most affecting the community." 457481,65405.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,42,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Résumé des problèmes rapportés] Besoins primaires -Manque de nourriture - Manque d’abris -Manque d’eau - Manque de vêtements et NFI -Personnes vivants avec un handicap -Personnes âgées sans soutien Femmes/Filles enceintes et/ ou allaitantes sans soutien 328309,55008.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,79,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Sobre la situación de seguridad en Apure (lado venezolano de la frontera), la percepción de bombardeos desde el lado colombiano ha disminuido desde el pasado domingo 4 de abril, y esta semana se conoció sobre algunas acciones de asistencia humanitaria en La Victoria1, lo cual indicaría que hay una leve mejora en términos de acceso humanitario. No obstante, fuentes abiertas continúan reportando diversos despliegues militares para hacer frente a los actores armados" 156605,35848.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"As schools were closed in March as part of the COVID-19 preventive measures and education activities were also heavily impacted by price volatility and increased cost of supplies and construction materials. 97,000 out-of-school children (48 per cent girls) were reached with non-formal education through Curriculum B (an accelerated learning programme) and self-learning activities (24 per cent of the annual target)." 193067,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,90,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La dynamique de retour observée en 2017 s´est estompée à cause du contexte sécuritaire fragile et en raison de l´accès limité aux services sociaux de base dans les zones de retour. La majorité de 51 000 déplacés retournés vers fin 2017 et en 2018 s´est à nouveau déplacée à la suite des attaques sporadiques des villages par les groupes armés. Cette situation d´insécurité a provoqué une forte dégradation du tissu socio-économique de la zone, avec une perte de capacité de production ou de résistance aux chocs." 299317,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In five instances, access was impeded by the lack of road infrastructure following NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban)attacks on key infrastructure." 269992,49930.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,22,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,"https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56019820#:~:text=Seg%C3%BAn%20el%20plan%20del%20gobierno,y%20sujeta%20a%20algunos%20derechos.","Según el plan del gobierno, los migrantes venezolanos que entren al esquema transitorio tendrán 10 años para normalizar su estatus." 328641,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 98% households reporting having been displaced for longer than one year 214663,45417.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 26% (99) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à ses moyens de subsistance habituels au cours du mois précédent." 294718,52363.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,169,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION Only 1% of 2,289 children under age 5 included in the survey are attending a community home, kindergarten, child development center or school. This is a reflection of the suspension of initial education services by the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF for its Spanish acronym) and authorities. Seven per cent of children are cared for by their parents at their workplace, two per cent are cared for by a relative or person under 18, and 0.31% are left at home alone during the day. 15% of children aged 5 to 11 and 23% of children aged 12 to 17 did not have access to education before COVID-19. Access to education has decreased during the COVID-19 restrictions: at the time of the assessment, 46% of children aged 5 to 11 and 48% of children aged 12 to 17 reported not having access to virtual sessions." 495415,67230.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En relación con la vivienda familiar, la mayoría de venezolanos busca viviendas económicas cerca a los centros de trabajo alquilando habitaciones por una familia, con más de 3 familias en la misma vivienda. El costo del alquiler varía entre S/ 200 (54 eur) a S/ 550 (145 eur) mensuales. La mayoría de las viviendas alquiladas cuentan con servicios limitados (agua, luz)." 111683,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Antes de la crisis migratoria, la frontera entre Colombia y Venezuela presentaba una intensa dinámica de intercambio comercial y de flujo de estudiantes que travesaban libremente la frontera para acceder al servicio educativo. De igual manera, ha sido un territorio marcado por la presencia de grupos armados que se disputan el control de los territorios. Los niños en migración pendular que la atraviesan día a día para acceder a los servicios educativos en territorio colombiano viven en carne propia los riesgos de esta situación y se exponen frecuentemente a los robos, extorsiones y trabajos forzosos para pasar de un lado al otro" 205230,43256.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The limited humanitarian assistance, coupled with highly reduced availability of and access to basic health and WASH services and the poor vaccination coverage, are likely to lead to outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases, water borne diseases and an increase in malaria cases and make the regions particularly vulnerable to the COVID-19 outbreak." 223819,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les données qualita�ves recueillies auprès des professionnel.le.s de la santé et des communautés de Kinshasa et de Goma indiquent une augmenta�on du nombre de femmes et de jeunes filles qui souhaitent avorter, et faute d'op�ons disponibles, se tournent vers des pra�ques clandes�nes ou cherchent à se faire avorter elles-mêmes en u�lisant des médicaments achetés en pharmacie." 196100,43590.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,9,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,IDPs need food aid (OCHA 27/08/2020). 157259,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 96.7% de las familias monitoreadas no realizó la solicitud del reconocimiento de la condición de refugiado, sin embargo, el 32.3% manifiesta tener la intención de solicitarlo. De las personas que sí tienen la intención de hacer la solicitud, el 94.5% no lo ha hecho por desconocer el proceso. Se evidencia entonces la necesidad de mejorar el acceso de la población a información sobre protección internacional y el procedimiento que se debe seguir en Colombia para acceder a este derecho." 229403,46461.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Accessibility survey in Norwegian Refugee Council coverage Area focused on three main components- access to electricity and television; access to alternative education programmes through Television and access to technological equipment. 63148,18817.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Through the establishment of two community centres in Tachira and Caracas and several mobile information desks in Apure, Bolivar, Caracas, Táchira and Zulia, 5,200 vulnerable men, women, boys and girls were provided with individual counselling and referred to appropriate services. Most beneficiaries were persons in transit and persons displaced from other areas" 304194,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"There are nearly 205,000 refugees living across nine camps in White Nile, amongst whom refugee women represent the 55 per cent, and two camps in East Darfur with 49 per cent of women refugees out of the total population" 134391,34825.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,87,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Sobre este conjunto de personas se aplicaron otros ajustes, a través de la integración de información sobre el proceso migratorio. En el caso de la PDI, a partir de la información registrada en el Sistema de Control Fronterizo que administra esta institución, se procedió a vincularla con los registros administrativos del DEM (mediante datos de número de pasaporte, rut, nombres, apellidos, sexo, fecha de nacimiento y nacionalidad) enviados mediante oficio por el DEM a PDI." 17082,7092.0,322.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"WASH partners continued to scale up the response and reached over 10.8 million people through some form of assistance. Support to operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of public water systems, including Rapid Response Teams (RRT) for emergency repairs, provision of fuel, and water treatment, reached an estimated 5.2 million people. WASH partners provided emergency and life-saving assistance through scaling up the cholera prevention and response, including deployment of RRT, distribution of Cholera kits and WASH interventions in priority areas." 62962,18399.0,1386.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,44,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elsiglo.com.ve/2019/09/29/guaido-rechaza-actos-xenofobicos-contra-venezolanos-en-peru/,"The continuing exodus of Venezuelans surpasses and exceeds the capacities and resources of governments in the region. This implies an urgent challenge for the countries hosting them,” said Eduardo Stein, Joint UNHCR-IOM Special Representative for Venezuelan refugees and migrants." 237746,47119.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Esta semana se notificaron 11 muertes en menores de 5 años: 4 probablemente asociadas a infección respiratoria aguda, 5 a desnutrición y 2 a enfermedad diarreica aguda" 155195,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"El 79% de la población encuestada no conoce de centros de acogida, albergues o casas de paso a los cuales puedan acceder." 490676,67388.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] The already limited access to income generating activities was further constrained due to the movement restriction leading to a progressive reduction of purchasing power. To cope with the situation households sell assistance to access cash to meet essential needs and adopt other coping strategies like seeking credit, borrowing money, etc. The top 4 most reported commodities sold from assistance were oil, lentil, sugar, and rice, in decreasing order" 243501,47668.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,51,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"A joint mission comprising UN agencies, NGOs, the Governor of N’Djaména and SPONGAH visited the flooded areas on 30 October to rapidly assess the damage. Hundreds of people have been left homeless, with important needs in food, NFI, WASH, and shelter." 349940,57380.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,43,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2021/06/07/earthquake-felt-in-sylhet-again,"[ 7th June 2021, Bangladesh] Due to the earthquake, several rooms of Raja GC School’s science building developed cracks. Headmaster of the school Abdul Mumin confirmed the matter, and added that the building also tilted." 219807,45784.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,57,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/en_-_understanding_the_sahel_through_its_history_geography_and_socio-demographic_challenges_-_white_paper.pdf,"The average standard of living among people in the Sahel thus remains low. With per capita Gross National Income (GNI) varying roughly between $800 and $1,500, four of the eight countries considered here are classified as low per capita income countries (Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso and Mali)" 298849,51194.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In at least nine instances, NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) requested partners to register with them, often asking for sensitive documents, including budget details or donor contracts. These registration requests continued to put partners in a difficult situation and while engagement with NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) is recommended, the HAG advises against the sharing of sensitive documents such as budgets as these are likely to lead to levy requests" 205208,44693.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,50,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Les départements frontaliers Niger-Burkina Faso, Torodi, Téra, Gothèye ont été particulièrement touchés par des incidents allant d’enlèvements et d’assassinats de personnes, menaces, et les agressions physiques à l’encontre des femmes/filles qui sont rapportées par les points focaux communautaires." 285210,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,19,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,Cash and fuel shortages attributed to the economic crisis as well as general strikes are hindering. humanitarian operations 8446,1458.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,137,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2018%2BLibya%2BReport%2BPDF.pdf,"Medical care is mainly limited to what is provided by international NGOs. Some NGOs maintain clinics in a limited number of centers, but otherwise provide health care through site visits by their staff. One NGO representative told RI that the main health issues his staff members observe are “scabies and other skin diseases, pregnancies, and the lack of variety and the lack of frequency of meals.” NGO representatives also told RI that they were often forced to take patients requiring more intensive treatment to private clinics and had to cover the costs because public hospitals refuse to treat people from Sub-Saharan Africa. “We don’t go to government hospitals because they don’t accept [refugees and migrants],” the NGO representative observed." 169194,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"In light of the limited capacity of the health system in the northwest Syria to deal with a possible expansion of cases, the focus has been on preventative measures that contain and delay the spread of the virus." 145421,36039.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,102,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"According to WFP VAM data, the price of an average food basket in June was the highest on record, on average costing 48 per cent more compared to May, and 240 per cent more when compared to the same time in 2019. In June, all 14 governorates reported monthly price increases of 40 per cent or more, with the highest rises recorded in Quneitra (up 78 per cent), Rural Damascus (62 per cent), and Deir-Ez-Zor (61 per cent). Shortages of some commodities have also been reported." 223544,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Langdit PHCU: has run out of drugs for two weeks, (no Anti malaria, Antibiotic, no dressing Materials, no antidiarrheal." 276265,50677.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"A la suite de la violente attaque subie par les communautés hôtes et PDIs à Nguetchewe le 1er août, le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM) a procédé au mois d’août à la distribution de ration alimentaire familiale à 700 ménages." 230386,46719.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/12/31/covid-19-28-die-1-014-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[31st December 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh has registered 1,014 new Covid-19 cases, taking the tally so far to 513,510. The death toll climbed to 7,559 after 28 fatalities were recorded in a 24-hour time frame until Thursday morning, the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said in a press release. Another 1,389 patients recovered from Covid-19 through treatment at home and in hospital care; it brought the total recovery count to 457,459." 203601,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,82,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In Eastern and Northern regions, the influx of refugees is exerting significant pressure on already limited natural resources and basic social services in host areas, exacerbating pre-existing vulnerabilities. The number of CAR refugees has increased from 217,000 in 2017 to 245,000 in 2018 and to 270,000 in 2019 and 272,000 in March 2020. The gradual decrease of humanitarian assistance and the insufficient level of funding for development projects negatively impacts access to basic services by vulnerable populations." 185931,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,68,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Dans le reste de la RDC, les provinces de l'Est : Ituri, Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu et le Tanganyika se démarquent par la stabilité du prix médian de leur PMA depuis les mesures gouvernementales de mars-avril, avec un panier médian situé entre 150 et 160 000 FC, sans toutefois revenir à des prix de début d'année (aux alentours de 120 000 FC)." 163865,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,76,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Salud Necesidades: • El cuidado y protección del personal sanitario en el país, el cual se encuentra expuesto a diversas amenazas y riesgos, adicionalmente vienen presentando incremento en el contagio de la Covid-19 y sumado a esto el incremento de acciones de discriminación y agresiones en el marco de la pandemia. Situación que puede ser crítica ante el aumento en la ocupación de UCI y el déficit de personal de salud." 439663,64653.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.saludcapital.gov.co/Paginas2/Noticia_Portal_Detalle.aspx?IP=1710,"Las personas que deseen vacunarse pueden asistir a los 25 puntos de la ciudad en los que se ha concentrado la vacunación, sin embargo, la entidad hace un llamado a la ciudadanía para que acepte las vacunas que se encuentran disponibles y no acuda buscando una marca específica de biológico. Todas las vacunas son seguras, efectivas y previenen las complicaciones por Covid-19 y la muerte." 167000,40133.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/417749-coronavirus-nigeria-records-201-new-infections.html,"(30/09/2020) Nigeria on Wednesday recorded 201 new coronavirus infections, taking its total to 58,848. Over 50,000 of those infected have recovered and have been discharged but about 7,000 active cases remain in the country. One death was also recorded from the virus on Wednesday, taking total fatalities to 1,112." 272641,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Par ailleurs, la stratégie d’accès de l’EHP, validée en septembre 2020, fournit également des orientations en vue d’assurer un accès sûr, digne, inclusif et équitable à la protection et à l’assistance pour les personnes affectées et permettre aux acteurs humanitaires d’apporter cette assistance de manière sécurisée, rapide et sans entrave et dans le respect des principes humanitaires." 164498,32981.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,21,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,"170 Padres capacitados en la estrategia aprendiendo desde casa, para reforzar las actividades escolares con sus hijos e hijas." 240899,47553.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/30-11-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education_final%20%281%29.pdf,"Après la rentrée administrative, la situation à la date du 21 septembre 2020 est de 2 398 écoles fermées. On enregistre 132 nouvelles fermetures et 274 réouvertures." 289618,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"To provide physical access to the six counties, three roads in Jonglei are currently being repaired (Bor to Ayod; Duk Padiet to Nyirol and Walgak to Akobo), while efforts to rehabilitate the Bor-Pibor road are ongoing. Completion dates vary between now and April 2021." 207185,43256.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,97,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"For the North West and South West regions nutrition indicators have been integrated into the emergency food security assessment (EFSA) conducted in October 2019 and revealed proxy Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rates of 5.1% and 7.4% for the North West and the South West regions, respectively. Prior to the crisis, the two regions were already facing high levels of stunting and poor infant and young children feeding indicators. The proportion of children who meet their minimum acceptable diet remains extremely low at less than 30%." 160536,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,52,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"La delincuencia común, frecuentemente asociada a estos grupos, es el riesgo más latente con un 52.4%. Otro factor de riesgo identificado con un 24.3% corresponde a la presencia de pandillas y de actores armados, así como el enfrentamiento entre estos grupos en las zonas monitoreadas." 346134,56949.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afro.who.int/news/africa-urgently-needs-20-million-second-doses-covid-19-vaccine,another 200 million doses of any WHO Emergency Use Listed COVID-19 vaccine are needed so that the continent can vaccinate 10% of its population by September 2021 276971,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] 46% [des entreprises] pensent encore qu’il leur faudra plus de six mois pour se remettre des effets de la Covid-19 321739,54318.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Demography'],es,20,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"Para el caso de las y los cuidadores el 86,2% fueron mujeres y solo un 13,8% hombres." 112524,29953.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,149,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Por sus condiciones de habitabilidad en calle o de altísima pobreza, el operador ofrece a los niños una ducha y les ha entregado un uniforme. Así mismo, cubre la compra de pañales, cremas para la pañalitis y paños húmedos, necesarios para el aseo de los niños. Se menciona que, ante la falta de recursos para cambiar los pañales, los niños permanecen largas jornadas con el mismo pañal, lo que implica serios casos de pañalitis e infecciones en la piel. Con las precarias condiciones de aseo y de acceso a agua potable, los niños sufren constantemente de daños estomacales, con lo que la compra de pañales tiene un peso importante en los presupuestos del operador. En ocasiones, este gasto llega a ser cubierto por las agentes educativas (Fundación Cenabastos, entrevista, 2019)." 161847,39575.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/410147-covid-19-who-recommends-masks-for-children-older-than-11-years.html,"According to data from around the world, only around one to seven per cent of all COVID-19 cases are children and youths below age 18." 106501,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En general, las familias refugiadas y migrantes son numerosas: las madres juegan un rol vital en la articulación de las familias, compuestas en muchas ocasiones por hijos de distintas parejas. Con la migración, la reconfiguración de núcleos familiares en torno a nuevas parejas se intensifica, dado que hay altos niveles de separación familiar y presión por constituir una nueva pareja en Colombia10." 320939,54668.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,94,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Le temps nécessaire pour accéder à la source d’eau la plus proche, varie entre 20 et 30 minutes pour 39 pour cent de la population, et entre 0 et 20 minutes pour 33 pourcents de la population des villages enquêtés. Les femmes et les enfants sont particulièrement impactées par le manque d’accès en eau." 245114,47833.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"El 57.5% de la población monitoreada ha enfrentado barreras que impiden el acceso al derecho a la salud. Este porcentaje ha sido constante desde enero 2020. La zona más afectada es Medellín con un 73.6%. Entre las barreas identificadas, la documentación (43.54%) constituye el principal obstáculo para el acceso al derecho, seguido de la distancia entre los hogares y los centros de salud (10.26%)." 285460,50884.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,WASH: 4.9 million people across Sudan do not have access to adequate drinking water and safe access to latrines. 153944,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,16,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Debilidad estatal para la atención de las personas con vocación de permanencia y en tránsito. 293534,51569.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"# Locations: Households/ Population 1 Noor 832/ 5,009 2 Kuerjial 823/ 4,938 3 Phom 1,907 /11,223 4 Wicmoun 455/ 2,687 5 Kuernyang 1,005/ 6,290 6 Bilnyang 539/ 3,342 7 Tamboung 217/ 1,357 8 Koatnyakoang 107/ 654 9 Kuong 691/ 4,293 10 Bei 786/ 4,811 11 Juaibor 582/ 3,499 Total 7,944/ 48,103" 126324,34397.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,Uno de cada cuatro hogares no tiene acceso a una cocina. Esto prevalece más entre la población migrante (30%) en comparación con los hogares de acogida (10%). 328581,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Five most commonly reported illnesses or injuries household members of IDP settlements had in the past two weeks prior to data collection were fever(8%), Diarrhea (3%), Cough with fast or difficult breathing (2%), skin infections (1%), eye infections (1%)." 101246,29236.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Covid-19_MT_Impact_1_20200516.pdf,In 90% of assessed location all residents including IDPs were reported to have been negatively affected to some extent (due to the mobility restrictions / curfew) 238603,47236.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,Les ménages déplacés ont peu de moyens pour s'approvisionner en nourriture ainsi une majorité des déplacés est amenée à emprunter de la nourriture ou de l’argent pour acheter de la nourriture. 271685,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Comme les autres pays du Sahel, le Niger continue d’être touché par l'insécurité alimentaire chronique et la malnutrition, les épidémies saison- nières auxquelles s’est ajoutée cette année l’épidémie de la COVID19, la sécheresse, les inondations ainsi que l’impact des activités des groupes armés et ses conséquences dans plusieurs régions du pays." 168284,40395.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,90,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic-republic-congo/health,"Tandis que les cas de Covid-19 ne cessent de croître en RDC, avec 6212 cas confirmés depuis le début de l’épidémie ,142 décès, 12 provinces et 82 ZS avec une létalité de 2,3% et pour épicentre la province de Kinshasa, suivi du Kongo central, L’OMS continu a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec d’autres agences des Nations Unies et des partenaires humanitaires pour prévenir la propagation de la maladie au sein des populations de réfugiés et de déplacés internes." 40202,13777.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,24,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/press/2019/5/5ceff1144/unhcr-evacuates-hundreds-vulnerable-refugees-libya-safety.html,"Amid violent clashes and a deteriorating security situation in Tripoli, 149 vulnerable refugees and asylum-seekers were today evacuated to safety in Rome." 193817,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La distribution de moustiquaires aux enfants de moins de cinq ans, aux femmes, filles enceintes et allaitantes doit se poursuivre. Au vu de la récurrence des cas de paludisme, il est essentiel d´étendre à toutes les couches de la population l´accès aux moustiquaires imprégnées à la chimio prophylaxie saisonnière." 204739,44631.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202020%20-%202021.pdf,"With some exceptions, the ceasefire has been tenuously holding in many parts of the country, enabling the emergence of areas of return and stability. While many individuals have returned to their areas of origin since the signing of the R- ARCSS [Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan] in 2018, humanitarian needs for internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and host communities remain high in South Sudan." 134713,34828.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,63,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Estudios recientes han expuesto al arriendo como modo de ocupación de vivienda mayoritario en personas migrantes, sobre todo para quienes llevan menos tiempo en Chile (Atisba, 2018; Razmilic, 2019); aunque de igual modo, la intención de adquirir una vivienda propia en el futuro está presente como expectativa (Troncoso et al., 2018)." 316782,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,48,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"les mesures prises pour conte- nir la COVID-19, telles que la fermeture des frontières et les res- trictions de transport, ont nui aux activités non extractives dont la contribution à la croissance s’est effondrée de 4,1 % en 2019 à –1,87 % en 2020" 242485,47618.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,135,"['Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] In 2020, teachers have faced unprecedented challenges head on -- they have adapted, innovated, and reimagined teaching and learning in more ways than one. While many have pivoted to different mediums, methods, and modes of teaching and staying connected with students, others have struggled to cope. Overall, it has affected their well-being. However, the essentiality of adaptability and lifelong learning has been accentuated in the current scenario. Unlearning and relearning has emerged as the key skill for survival. Teachers not only need to be supported to ensure their psychological well-being, they also need professional development to leverage technology to meet the widening learning gaps, student dropouts, and deliver effective futuristic pedagogy." 389286,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Esto se debe en parte al incremento en los ataques contra la población civil que han aumentado en un 42% en comparación con el mismo periodo de 2020. • De las más de 44.000 personas desplazadas, hasta la fecha, los reportes indican que, sólo el 14% de las víctimas de desplazamiento han regresado a sus hogares." 357136,58234.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security-wheat/syrian-drought-puts-assads-year-of-wheat-in-peril-idUSKCN2DX0JB,"[21 June 2021, GoS] The “year of wheat” campaign pushed by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is in jeopardy after low rainfall risked leaving an import gap of at least 1.5 million tonnes, according to preliminary estimates by officials and experts. The agricultural blow and lack of funds to finance the imports will add to pressure on a Syrian economy already reeling from ten years of conflict and buckling under the pressure of U.S. sanctions, neighbouring Lebanon's financial collapse and the COVID-19 pandemic." 221623,45721.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Humanitarian partners continued to deliver critical support to vulnerable populations throughout the country. During the reporting period, a monthly average of 1.6 million beneficiaries were provided with food assistance and safety net support, with up to 2.3 million persons out of the 3 million targeted assisted in May 2020" 67766,19750.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71782.pdf,"Intervenciones de emergencia (por ejemplo, distribución de agua y acceso de migrantes a sanitarios y duchas). 13.900 beneficiarios." 308046,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Flooding in Alali Payam has impacted access to the area. A recent assessment found that while most people fled to Ethiopia during recent flooding episodes, 130 HHs remain in Alali Payam with limited access to basic services and in need of support. Some 3,000 returnees – both from within and outside the country – were reported through 2020. These people are reported to need assistance." 304842,53078.0,2333.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"A Diffa, les autorités ont mis en place un système grâce auquel 239 enseignants font la navette quotidienne entre leurs postes de travail et les grands centres pour assurer la continuité des enseignements." 230076,46700.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=215496,"[30th December 2020, Syria] The Health Ministry on Wednesday announced that 105 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 56 coronavirus patients recovered and 10 others passed away." 163550,30906.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,Cerca de 200 mil familias se han declarado en crisis humanitaria por la carencia de alimentos a razón el confinamiento y de no tener medios de subsistencia por las erradicaciones forzosas que se presentan en la zona 328674,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 6% and 19% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported gender-based violence (GBV)-related incidents against anybody in their community in the 30 days prior to data collection. 95218,26755.0,1621.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,37,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"Situation with support of secondary health facilities is of concern as only 13 hospitals received assistance in Al Jabal Al Gharbi, Aljufra, Almargeb, Azzawiya, Ejdabia, Misrata, Wadia Ashshati and Zwara." 359941,58399.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,116,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Promote continuity of boys and girls in education while tackling poverty reduction interventions  Provide income generation skills training to needy parents to improve their livelihood prospects (e.g., climate smart farming, entrepreneurship training)  Support in creating employment opportunities for poor and marginalised families so they can afford their children's education (e.g., introduce subsidies, loans, support business start-up, marketing, and value chain linkage)  Improve women’s economic empowerment in the face of climate change through token support in saving and credit initiatives, access to credit, information, training and outreach." 195048,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The Education Cluster saw a decline in the number of People in Need because of the changed focus, from children in and out of school in need of Education in Emergencies (EiE) assistance (based on multi-facetted needs analysis from the JMCNA), to only focusing on children who were enrolled prior to school closure." 357849,58554.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_por_inundaciones_puerto_arica_vf.pdf,"Recuperación temprana: debido a la perdida parcial y total de cultivos en las diferentes comunidades, junto animales de corral (gallinas y cerdos) se requieren acciones de recuperación temprana de los medios de vida de la población afectada." 235628,46890.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Attacks on education continued this month as NSAGs attempted to prevent teachers and students taking part in the general certificate education examination (GCE). 169834,40564.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,84,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_4th_october_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[04/10/2020,Adamawa state] In Adamawa State, 248 out of 2,223 samples tested are positive, giving a positivity rate of 11.2%. Also, 46% of confirmed cases are known contacts of previously confirmed cases. 13.3% of confirmed cases in Adamawa State are health workers. Contact to case ration in Adamawa State is 5:2. 14 out of 21 LGAs (67%) have reported at least one confirmed case in Adamawa State." 175483,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Les attaques, qui entrainent le déplacement de la population et la fermeture des formations sanitaires, occasionnent une forte pression sur l’offre des soins de santé pour certaines zones et une absence des services des soins pour certaines zones." 345204,56855.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,51,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[IDP] In Masisi territory, North Kivu, about 26,574 people (4,647 households) have reportedly fled during April, finding refuge in IDP sites (323 households) and hosts families (4321 households). They fled clashes between armed forces and non-state armed groups." 126767,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,Casi uno de cada tres hogares (32%) está actualmente endeudado por el pago del alquiler (32% de los hogares migrantes y 29% de hogares de acogida). 495441,67230.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,57,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Disponer el inicio de la recopilación de datos sobre personas venezolanas en unidades educativas, información clara del material que se tiene en almacén de cada UGEL (Materia educativo – Mobiliario), cantidad de docentes con los que se cuenta en las Unidades educativas y formalización de Plan de contingencia para ingreso a clases." 358369,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] The decrease in sufficient access to water is also attributable to the low water levels, with 20% of communities regionally reporting a non-functioning main water network as a barrier to sufficient water, but other factors such as lack of electricity could contribute as well." 212867,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"Face-to face lessons in small groups adhering to the health safety measures are being conducted in rural areas, where populations do not have access to TV or the internet. The Ministry of Education is working closely with the private sector so that students in private schools also continue their education through distance learning and online platforms." 172504,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,62,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Impact indirect sur la protection : Les risques de protection sont accrus en raison de l’épidémie ainsi que des mesures qui ont dû être prises pour limiter la propagation du COVID-19. Les personnes qui y sont les plus vulnérables, sont notamment les personnes en situation de handicap, les personnes âgées et celles vivant avec des maladies chroniques" 155051,34182.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Los mayores problemas que afectan el suministro de agua son acceso y calidad. En todos los grupos focales se reportaron casos de enfermedades relacionadas con el consumo de agua de mala calidad como brotes en la piel y diarrea. 175455,41213.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,36,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,La variabilité météorologique a été marqué par des fortes pluies qui ont entrainées des inondations avec des pertes en vies humaines et la limitation d’accès aux services sociaux de base dont la santé. 48901,12663.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"the government has the capacity to address Venezuelan health needs, sustainability is a concern; both WHO and UNHCR are currently providing support to public facilities, but the Colombian government bears most of the cost. In July 2018, Colombian officials said the government had provided Venezuelan immigrants 2,200 million Colombian pesos (about US$730,660) in non-emergency care owing to judicial rulings entitling the Venezuelans such care, and that does not include vaccinations, which are offered free to all comers." 391278,61470.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Average monthly household expenditure: 173,944 SYP (58 USD). Top three reported expenditure categories: -Food 100% -Communication (e.g. phone, internet) 75% -Transportation 71%" 285636,51627.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Participants reported boiling water before drinking it, while one described having to buy expensive filtered drinking water as she suffered from kidney problems." 153847,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,35,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Existe un alto riesgo por el paso a través de trochas y cruces fluviales informales, en algunos casos debido a la presencia de grupos armados al margen de la ley y delincuencia común." 241764,47117.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,71,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] With limited health supplies, COVID-19 infection prevention and control campaigns were mostly carried out by Daraa people. These campaigns have not yet succeeded in raising people’s awareness or interest in the coronavirus pandemic and its dangers. Like the remaining Syrians living in Assad-held areas, Daraa residents believe that the government figures of the coronavirus cases are suspiciously low." 287396,51747.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,45,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COD_13.pdf,"[outlook] However, shortages of food supplies are likely to occur in some markets where local crop production has been disrupted by pandemic-related movement restrictions and insecurity, especially in Kasai, Ituri, North Kivu, South Kivu and Tanganyika provinces." 194929,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Moreover, joint coordination (of CCCM cluster) with WASH and Health partners have allowed for enhanced hygiene promotion and sanitation activities in sites with high-risk of COVID-19 transmission (amongst IDP population)" 229397,46461.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In addition to increasing teaching and physical-space capacity of targeted schools, Norwegian Refugee Council sensitizes local authorities and raise awareness of targeted communities to ensure higher rates of enrolment and retention of out of school children." 180563,42290.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"La question de logement, des terres devient un problème crucial pour les personnes déplacées internes en cette période hivernale dans une région où la population est à 85% agriculteurs." 160530,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,Un 38.2% de los encuestados recibió información sobre los servicios sociales disponibles en Colombia. El 74.5% de ellos expresa que la información fue suficiente para lograr el acceso a dichos servicios. 305688,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"There are 3,065 Chadian refugees living in Um Shalaya camp in Azum locality, with at least 2,500 waiting to return." 291583,51191.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,64,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Everywhere I (Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator a.i., Ramesh Rajasingham) went during my visit, people had a very simple message: we want peace and we want security. The people desperately hope that the intra-Afghan negotiations result in a credible peace that is inclusive of all people, especially women and girls." 293563,51569.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"The affected communities confirmed (as per the assessment) that previously World Relief, Finn Church Aid, and Nile Hope assisted them with agricultural inputs, but unfortunately most of them confirmed their farms were affected by the flood while some confirmed that they could not plant due to heavy rainfall." 457511,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’observation directe nous montre que les sites ne sont pas suffisamment éclairés la nuit ; par conséquent, les femmes et les filles se sentent peu en sécurité (46% des répondants). Il n’existe pas suffisamment d’espaces sécurisés où les enfants peuvent jouer." 179472,42115.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,52,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/storage/Mecanisme_FRE_COVID_19_VF.pdf,La mise en œuvre du FRE COVID-19 va s’appuyer sur les expériences des différentes structures existantes en l’occurrence les établissements de crédit et les Fonds Nationaux de Financement (FNF) dans la gestion administrative et financière de la mise en œuvre des financements au profit des entreprises 9967,3795.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,136,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2021%20June%202018.pdf,"As of 21 June, the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG) rescued/intercepted a total of 8,144 refugees and migrants. Between 19 and 21 June, more than 220 individuals lost their lives at sea while attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea on their way to Europe. On 19 June, a wooden boat carrying an unknown number of refugees and migrants capsized off the Libyan coast. Out of the estimated 100 passengers, only five survived. The authorities took the survivors to a local hospital for medical treatment. The same day, a rubber dinghy with some 130 people on board sunk at a different location off the Libyan coast. Sixty survivors were rescued by local fisherman while seventy people are believed to have drowned in this incident." 391210,61470.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 99% of households reported having hand/body soap available at the time of data collection." 361437,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,137,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Therefore, increasing the skills and knowledge of safe water rescue and resuscitation techniques should also be a focus of community-based awareness expansion and a key part of a drowning prevention programme designed for the camps. Enhancing the education of safe water rescue skills among the community is a measure currently being implemented in the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar through the ongoing Flood and Water Safety Training initiative, which is being supported by MOAS in coordination with the national Cyclone Preparedness Programme. Through the training, Rohingya refugees, as well as host community members are trained to function as first responders in the event of a water-related emergency and are provided with a throw bag to undertake first response water rescues" 311456,53762.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,33,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Centre-Nord, Sahel) As part of the protection monitoring, a total of 116 protection incidents were recorded during the month of February in the region of Center-North and Sahel." 187662,43282.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"A complementary COVID-19 response, through Joint Program for Local Governance (JPLG), is ongoing in identified districts in Somaliland, providing IPC materials to health facilities and rehabilitating their toilets. Out of 88 planned rehabilitation, 45 toilets are rehabilitated, and the remaining will be completed by October." 328576,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,115,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The main drivers of health LSGs were found to be Households with at least one member who had been ill in the two weeks prior to data collection and it taking more than one hour to reach the nearest healthcare facility by foot (0%) ,Households with women of reproductive age (15-49 years old) who had given a life birth in the two years prior to data collection without having been attended by skilled health personnel (6%) , Households that do not have access to a functional healthcare facility within 1-hour walking distance (5%)." 155254,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Generalmente estas familias no acceden a orientaciones sobre prevención en relación al virus tales como: comportamientos seguros, factores que aumentan el riesgo, medidas para prevenirlo y/o información sobre los pasos a seguir en caso de ser afectados por éste." 496249,68470.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20-%20Cono%20Sur.pdf,"Ampliar los servicios para aumentar el acceso a bienes básicos y servicios esenciales, centrándose en las personas más vulnerables, como las mujeres, las niñas, las personas mayores, las personas LGBTQI+ y las personas con necesidades específicas, utilizando asistencia en efectivo y cupones cuando proceda." 225676,46393.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201222-syria-russia-discuss-obtaining-covid-vaccine/,"[22nd December 2020, Syria] Speaking to Sputniknews agency, Mekdad said he hoped the Syrians would receive this vaccine, along with other Russian vaccines, because their confidence in the Russian vaccines is greater" 153989,34182.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,El 89% notificó que los niños y/o niñas no están asistiendo a algún centro educativo en Colombia. 117537,32494.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/el-mundo/el-preocupante-aumento-de-la-violencia-contra-mujeres-ninos-y-ninas-venezolanas-durante-la-pandemia/,Según un informe de la organización Save The Children casi un tercio de los hogares venezolanos que fueron consultados aseguraron que las medidas de aislamiento han generado un aumento de agresiones contra los niños y niñas. Lo mismo ocurre con las mujeres 133570,35119.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,170,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En 2016 se cerró el Programa de Abordaje Territorial, que descentralizaba los trámites de regularización y documentación llevando equipos de trabajo de la DNM a zonas con significativa presencia de personas migrantes. También en 2016 la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones comenzó a recortar personal y horas, restringiendo los horarios de atención al público y afectando especialmente a las delegaciones más concurridas. Los turnos de la Sede Central y de la Delegación CABA Oeste, que se ofrecían entre las 7:30 y las 19:30 horas13 pasaron a estar disponibles desde las 8:00 hasta las 13:00 únicamente. Si bien entre 2016 y 2018 se cerraron algunas delegaciones y se abrieron otras,14 es posible argumentar que la restricción en los horarios de atención jugó un papel preponderante en las demo- ras que comenzaron a verificarse entre fines de 2017 y 2018 (especialmente para quienes solicitaban turnos en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires), que difícilmente puedan atribuirse a los mayores arribos de personas venezolanas." 224241,45763.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"En termes de réponse, des moustiquaires imprégnées ont été distribuées par l’UNICEF à travers la Croix rouge du Tchad de Mayo-Kebbi Est. ECHO, à travers la Croix rouge du Tchad, a fourni une pirogue motorisée et un appui a également été apporté pour la fabrication de deux autres pirogues pour les villages Golong-Happa et Dougoul." 173936,41033.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, Nigeria]Community-based GBV prevention activities have also been limited due to physical distancing measures during the COVID19 pandemic. These are avenues through which communities are engaged on GBV awareness and avenues for seeking help for survivors" 13198,5573.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_cluster_snapshot_january_to_may_2018_20180717.pdf,3.1 million people have been reached with health assistance out of 12.3 million people targeted. Ten million people live in 100 districts prioritized for cholera response. The provision of health assistance continues to be challenged by the fact that only 50 per cent of health facilities are fully functional and the non-payments of salaries to health staff. 276243,50671.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"En 2018, des accidents d’enfants impliquant les restes d’explosifs de guerre ont été rapportés dans la province du Lac. Compte tenu de la militarisation de la zone, ce risque est plus élevé surtout lorsque les enfants sont à la recherche de bois de chauffe ou encore lorsqu’ils vont jouer dans des camps militaires abandonnés. Il en va de même pour les femmes allant chercher de l’eau au puits." 254225,48624.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/ampere-prices-draining-the-life-out-of-aleppos-residents/,"[February 9, Aleppo] The high subscription fee urged many families in the region to find alternative solutions. They are using kerosene lanterns to rid themselves of the financial burdens of generators." 267907,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The middle region reported the highest price of eggs at SYP 6,185/carton (up 20 percent m-o-m), followed by northeast Syria at SYP 5,960/carton (up ten percent m-o-m). Conversely, the crossborder region reported the lowest price at SYP 5,375/kg (down two percent m-o-m), followed by the southern region at SYP 5,870 (up 17 percent m-o-m)." 272621,50217.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,45,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Au niveau régional, la provision directe de nourriture est la modalité prioritaire identifiée à Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri et l’assistance monétaire est la modalité d’assistance prioritaire dans les régions d’Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Niamey." 472846,64952.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,[District sanitaire de Séguenega] Le district a enregistré près de 11.408 personnes déplacées internes. 61685,18349.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20sitrep%20-%20Aug%202019.pdf,"Venezuelans who meet the Government of Peru established priority criteria and whose cases are in line with regulations that impact onward movements, were provided with humanitarian transportation from the northern to the southern border. For Venezuelans, whose final destination was Ecuador, national transport support was also organized to reduce pressure caused by concentration of population in border cities and areas." 172883,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,23,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"En raison du ralentissement des retours, on dénombre 947 000 personnes retournées (comparé à 1,2 million dans le HNO)." 308163,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There are 10 partners including 5 INGOs, 1 NNGO and 4 UN agencies operating in Aweil South." 186965,43300.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Près de 4,6 millions personnes sont affectées par l´insécurité alimentaire parmi lesquelles 1,8 million sont dans la phase sévère et nécessite une assistance alimentaire d´urgence et le renforcement des moyens d´existence." 489949,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,26,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Women and girls remain by far the most affected group. In 2020, they represented 98% of the survivors treated with MSF support." 326773,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,72,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Ce 11/04/2021, aucune nouvelle guérison n’a été rapportées sur l’étendue du territoire national. A la fin de S14/2021, aucune nouvelle guérison n’a été rapportée, contre 395 guéris dénombrés au terme de S13/2021. Le cumul des guéris est maintenu à 25 714 guéris de la COVID-19, ce qui correspond à un taux de guérison de 90,0% (25714/28608)." 237849,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Por procedencia, Chocó (27,6 %), Nariño (21,5 %), Antioquia (9,5 %), Córdoba (9,2 %) y Norte de Santander (6,4 %), aportan el 74,2 % de los casos de malaria no complicada." 40923,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Movement out of the frontline areas was heavily restricted, with nearly all main roads reportedly blocked by checkpoints and dirt barriers. Movement via both main roads and informal routes was difficult due to the widespread risk of shelling and gunfire. Residents were reportedly able to leave only during lulls in the fighting." 248091,48330.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46620/1/S2000729_es.pdf,"En Colombia, el porcentaje de personas afrodescendientes sin acceso al agua potable es tres veces superior al de las no afrodescendientes." 262176,49486.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,En Chocó: la respuesta en WASH ha sido lenta o nula por dificultades en el acceso al territorio. 63137,18817.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,38,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"The UN and its partners launched an appeal to support the Venezuela Humanitarian Response Plan, which aims to provide assistance to 2.6 million people and requires US$223 million until the end of the year." 217571,45271.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Additionally, households in urban areas are more reliant on markets for food and, therefore, do not have sufficient stocks from their own agricultural production to cover consumption needs." 112303,29953.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Según datos del GIFMM, durante el 2019, 58.165 personas accedieron a fuentes de agua segura de acuerdo con los Estándares Esfera20." 384796,60456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,81,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"La dernière attaque la plus meurtrière depuis le début de l’année s’est produite le 5 juin 2021 avec un massacre dans la ville de Solhan, région du Sahel qui a fait environ 160 morts, plusieurs blésés grave et la destruction et pillage d’une formation sanitaire CSPS qui reste en ce jour fermée et ne pouvant pas plus assurer l’offre des soins de santé aux personnes restées dans les zones affectées." 222844,45953.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,49,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]All the camps has established health structures, COVID-19 sensitization, response pathway and access to mobile clinics where vaccination activities and essential medicine distribution services are provided by health partners. 16% of camps reported cases of malaria." 164488,32981.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,80,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,"4 Flyers con información de líneas telefónicas activadas para servicios en atención psicosocial, orientación psico jurídica y prevención frente al COVID-19, entre otros. 100 Piezas comunicativas sobre prevención y etiqueta de los entregados en los puntos de atención a refugiados y migrantes. 1.435 Beneficiarios provistos de servicios de telecomunicaciones; servicios de restablecimiento de contactos familiares en albergues de Ipiales y Espacios de Apoyo en el Pedregal (Imués) y Remolino (Taminango)." 473893,67199.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"En la encuesta que realizó Save The Children en Colombia para un estudio global sobre Covid-1911 encontró que los estudiantes están teniendo dificultades de aprendizaje que pueden impactar la asistencia a clases. El 20,81% de los padres, madres y cuidadores afirmó que niñas/os y adolescentes aprenden un poco de manera virtual y solo 7,29% aseguró que aprendían tanto como en la escuela (ver figura 12)." 495398,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,28,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Niños y niñas de meses de vida nacidos en Venezuela, Colombia o Ecuador que llegan a Perú sin inscripción de nacimiento ni certificado de nacido vivo." 358519,58562.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]“The bandits kidnap boys and refuse to return (them) to use them as bandits. They train them and convert them to bandits. They sometimes recruit forcefully by kidnapping those who are able to pay ransom for the release of their relative who has been a hostage. They’ll collect the money from them, and exchange them with the first hostage. They also kidnap women to use as their cook for them and pay the husbands some huge amounts of money as payment for keeping the women with them.”" 150802,37921.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,53,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des informations générales sur la COVID-19 sont fournies au niveau de neuf points d’entrée (82% des points). Ces informations sont le plus souvent partagées au travers d’annonces sur la prévention et les risques du virus, et dans une moindre mesure via des affiches." 124317,30176.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"Además, cabe resaltar que no sólo la limitación para generar ingresos ha disminuido el acceso a alimentos sino también el aumento de precios, y en las cuatro regiones donde se realizaron entrevistas se ha complicado aún más el acceso a los mismos. En Riohacha y Barranquilla, por ejemplo, alrededor del 80% de las familias considera que los alimentos de la canasta básica han subido de precio, pero el alcance de esta evaluación rápida no permitió tener más información para comprobar si realmente existe un aumento real o no de los precios en estas zonas." 169303,40031.0,1185.0,['Nutrition'],[],[],en,25,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"The Government, the private sector, academia and civil society in Peru are mobilized to jointly contribute to eradicating hunger and malnutrition by 2030" 275477,50217.0,2333.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Les 212 823 enfants dans le besoin ciblés pour les activités PSS ont eu accès à au moins un type de service PSS 308175,53292.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Due to the shortage of funding, food security and livelihoods partners highlight that additional resources are needed for dry season livestock support in Nyocawany, Ayai, Gakorl/Gakrol, Nyieth, NyocawanyII, Panthou and Tar-weng payams" 130808,33838.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,53,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El 77% de los hogares indígenas y 68,8% de los hogares afrodescendientes tienen una mayor prevalencia de inseguridad alimentaria respecto a los hogares sin pertenecía étnica (ENSIN, 2015). Estos indicadores, pueden aumentarse ante la falta de ingresos o acceso físico a alimentos ante la emergencia." 202456,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"As of July 2019, South Sudan hosted about 297,000 refugees, primarily in Upper Nile and Unity. Women and children represent 83 per cent of the total refugee population. More than 90 per cent are from Sudan, followed by the DRC, Ethiopia and Central African Republic. In addition, the number of asylum-seekers stood at some 3,000." 89846,25499.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,89,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/northeast_nigeria_ipc_acute_malnutrition_analysis_27feb2020.pdf,"The major contributing factors of acute malnutrition in all the analysed domains include very poor food consumption (both quantity and quality) and the high prevalence of diarrhoea and malaria among the targeted populations. Other factors include insecurity, which has displaced many people and prevented the delivery of and access to humanitarian aid. The major contributing factor in the projected period is the expected further deteriorating security situation, decreased food accessibility, possible outbreaks of measles and high incidences of Acute Respiratory Infections." 174429,40839.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Camps and camp-like settings presented a variety of shelter conditions, with the most common type of shelter being selfmade/makeshift shelters at 37 per cent, followed by emergency shelters at 35 per cent (down from 38% in the last round of assessment)." 356571,58364.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],es,129,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia/mas-regiones/jornada-de-protesta-en-providencia-ante-retrasos-en-la-reconstruccion/,"Que están abandonados por el Gobierno Nacional, que la crisis es insostenible, que ha habido muy pocos avances en la reconstrucción y que no les han cumplido con las promesas hechas tras la tragedia. Estos son varios de los reclamos que llevaron a que el pueblo raizal de Providencia convocara este miércoles a una jornada de movilización en señal de protesta por los retrasos en la atención a los habitantes siete meses después de que el huracán Iota golpeara el archipiélago. Aunque el presidente Iván Duque dijo que a partir de enero de 2021 el proceso iba a tardar solo 100 días, hoy se cumplen 174 y solo han sido entregadas dos casas de las 1.134 que quedaron destruidas tras el fenómeno natural." 388905,60849.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,93,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Parte importante de las personas entrevistadas manifestaron que el consejo que le podrían dar a algún compatriota que estuviese iniciando el proceso migratorio/refugio que vivieron, es que vengan con los papeles regularizados y que eviten entrar falseando la información. Ello, porque se percibe muy burocrático y engorroso poder regularizar sus papeles una vez estando en Chile, en particular si se ha entrado de forma irregular. En este sentido, la auto- denuncia en PDI es vista como la mejor opción para poder optar a regularizar los papeles." 197532,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Limited access aggravated by the health-related restrictions on movements for humanitarian personnel, can leave communities exposed to exclusion from humanitarian assistance, sexual exploitation and abuse." 237262,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]The SMOH and Lafiya project, in collaboration with WHO and partners, supported the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) under the National Home Grown School Feeding Program (NHGSFP), conducted sensitization training for 811 Cooks on food safety and hygiene in the midst of COVID-19" 204353,43976.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Cette situation [score de consommation alimentaire pauvre] peut s’expliquer par des difficultés accrues d’accès aux moyens de subsistance pour les populations déplacées, notamment les populations forcées à se déplacer de manière répétée, dans une région marquée[Tillabérie] par l’insécurité et les mesures liées à l’état d’urgence." 492564,67939.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-sees-spike-covid-19-cases-fears-grow-new-wave-2021-09-22/,"[September 23, NWS]In that area, infections have doubled within a month to around a total of 63,000 cases, according to Western aid groups working in the area. ""In this current wave there have been more daily cases confirmed than we have ever seen before,"" Tanya Evans, the International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) Country Director for Syria, said in a statement to Reuters." 197533,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In their response to COVID-19, protection partners suspended in-person training and capacity building and moved to virtual options or smaller groups, where possible." 167052,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"( 17/09/2020)On Thursday, 131 new cases were reported in Nigeria, hence bringing the tally of confirmed cases to 56, 735. ( 18/09/2020)On Friday, 221 new cases of the pandemic were recorded." 147695,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Further, Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) has now completed rehabilitation of the quarantine centre in Deir-Ez-Zor, and light rehabilitation of WASH systems at Dar'a (Al Bassel Education Centre) and at the Health Institute in Deir-Ez-Zor." 113067,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"• Continua la atención en salud virtual y presencial cumpliendo con las normas de bioseguridad establecidas por las autoridades sanitarias competentes. Se realizan actividades de sensibilización en COVID-19 a líderes de asentamientos informales, así como educación comunitaria sobre el mismo tema en el municipio de Saravena y Arauquita." 307765,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Advocate for funding and resources to urgently re-establish health service provision across the county, including through mobile services in areas that are hard-to-reach in the rainy season." 473880,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,77,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"La crisis suscitada por la pandemia ha impactado los diferentes entornos en los que transcurre la vida de niñas/os y adolescentes. El primero y más próximo para ellos, su familia, hoy está en grave peligro. Las situaciones amenazantes de tiempo atrás se han exacerbado dejándola en unos niveles altos de vulnerabilidad sobre los cuales aún no se tiene certeza. De lo que sí se tiene conocimiento es del punto de partida." 224176,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Depuis le mois de juillet 2020, la province du Mayo-Kebbi Est, à l’instar de 20 autres provinces du Tchad, a été durement touchée par des pluies diluviennes provoquant d’importantes inondations dans les villages riverains, mais également dans d’autres villages situés à l’intérieur des terres fermes. Comme en 2019, les départements les plus touchés sont le Mayo- Boneye, le Mayo-Lémié, Kabia et le Mont-Illi." 295582,52400.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Casualties->Missing'],en,83,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] Situation background; A fire has swept through a sprawling camp community in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, destroying shelters, facilities and endangering lives. So far, 12 casualties have been reported. So far, a total of 2,803 families (11,624 individuals) have been relocated to other camps. A total of 142 children and 36 adults are reported missing from the affected camps." 189734,43300.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le sous- investissement dans les services d´éducation résulte en un taux de scolarité de 43,7%, accompagné d´une faible scolarisation des filles et des femmes (1,7% des femmes adultes ont atteint un niveau d´étude secondaire contre 9,9% des hommes). L´accès aux soins de santé reste limité." 301218,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Injured'],en,168,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"15 March 2021, Cox's Bazar: − Police arrested a Bangladeshi drug smuggler from Teknaf with 1960 yaba tablets. Coxsbazar News (Bang.) − Police arrested a Bangladeshi man who was pretending to be a police officer in Nhilla, Teknaf. Ukhiya News Today (Bang.) − Four people are injured in a road accident in Bangla Bazar, Cox's Bazar Sadar. A bus hit a tomtom. Coxbazar World (Bang.) − The Malaysian field hospital in Cox’s Bazar is handed over to the government. Daily Star (Eng.) − Rohingya face new challenges. Mnnonline Org (Eng.) − Myanmar declares martial law in Yangon townships. New Age (Eng.) − UN envoy calls united action for Myanmar. New Age (Eng.) − Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the SecretaryGeneral - on Myanmar. UN Org (Eng.)" 39175,13749.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,200,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"The respondents were asked about the situation of women and girls in light of the ongoing crisis. They have highlighted that the problems that women and girls face are the following: no safe place and privacy (21), general fear and insecurity (12) and harassment (11). Access to assistance also seems to be a significant challenge to ensure their protection and needs. Non-Libyan women (68%) reported higher insecurity due to lack of safe spaces and privacy than Libyan women do (40%). This is also because of limited options for alternative accommodation as they flee the conflict. They usually end up sharing overcrowded shelters with both family and non-relatives which limits their privacy and can lead to conflicts between families, general harassment and intimidation. Also, 45% of non-Libyan women KIs reported that women are experiencing harassment in their community while 20% of Libyan women KIs reported women facing trauma due to exposure to violence. The general feeling of insecurity is prevalent especially amongst Libyan women KIs: 27% of them mentioned women face general insecurity." 221656,45323.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/calls-to-shut-schools-of-syrias-as-suwayda-temporarily-for-fear-of-coronavirus-spread/,"[December 10, As-Suwayda]Teacher Maher al-Halabi toldEnab Baladithat distance education requires effective educational videos prepared by specialists. In turn, students need to have a high-speed Internet connection at home to access educational videos. Teachers should encourage their students to be engaged in video materials." 126771,34397.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Los principales problemas que ambos tipos de hogar enfrentan para conseguir vivienda son, para los hogares de acogida, la falta de recursos, y para los migrantes, el rechazo por ser extranjeros." 56043,17094.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,224,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"A partir de la información recogida en el marco del trámite migratorio,22 sabemos que del total de trámites iniciados por personas venezolanas 49% correspondieron a mujeres y 51% a varones. En cuanto a sus niveles educativos, el gráfico a continuación muestra que las personas con estudios universitarios (completos o incompletos) ha oscilado entre el 48% y el 56% de quienes solicitaron la residencia, seguidos por quienes cuentan con estudios terciarios. Las profesiones más mencionadas refieren a diversas ramas de la ingeniería (esa formación fue indicada en aproximadamente 13.000 trámites iniciados), la administración (5.000 menciones), la contaduría (3.000 menciones), el derecho (3.000 menciones), la docencia (3.000 menciones), el periodismo (2.000 menciones), diversas ramas de la medicina (1.000 menciones) y la enfermería (1.000) menciones. Esta gran presencia de profesionales de diversas ramas del conocimiento ha tenido su correlato en los procesos organizativos y asociativos de la comunidad venezolana en Argentina: efectivamente, en el transcurso del trabajo de campo en que se basa este informe hemos tenido noticias de por lo menos 14 asociaciones profesionales (con diverso grado de formalización) y hemos entrevistado a referentes de varias de ellas." 129460,32894.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,Los migrantes de las primeras fases de movilización se encuentran mejor preparados para integrarse a las dinámicas económicas del país. 150579,34590.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,32,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Coverage: most food security activities are ongoing, and the agriculture response has largely resumed following the Syrian Authorities’ decision to waive curfew restrictions on farmers and agricultural workers." 291581,51191.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Despite the increased need for health services due to COVID-19, health facilities and workers continue to suffer harm from attacks, as well as acts of intimidation by parties to the conflict." 473945,67199.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Unir esfuerzos entre gobiernos locales y nacional, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y cooperación internacional para atender los desafíos sociales y económicos de la pandemia en niñas/os y adolescentes, como los que se mencionan en este documento." 205248,44636.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,73,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/challenges-faced-in-control-of-covid-19-pandemic-in-idlib-80-of-icu-beds-are-occupied-explanatory-data/,"[December 2, Idleb] The number of death cases due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has increased in the opposition-controlled areas in northwestern Syria, with repeated warnings made by the medical institutions and authorities to take further precautionary measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 infection and with 80 percent of occupied intensive care unit (ICU) beds and mechanical ventilators in Idlib’s hospitals." 163759,34165.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,156,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En Colombia, el impacto socioeconómico de la pandemia se hace más notorio con el paso de los días, los últimos reportes del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE), reportó que la tasa de desempleo pasó de 10,5 por ciento en mayo de 2019 a 21,4 por ciento en mayo de 20208. Además, durante marzo y mayo de 2020, cerca de dos millones de mujeres perdieron su empleo, situación que profundiza la brecha de género en el país, y siendo un punto por el cual se asume que la situación laboral y social de las mujeres ha sido más golpeada que la de los hombres durante la pandemia; la mayoría de las mujeres estaban empleadas en los sectores más afectados por los cierres como el comercio y reparación de vehículos, administración pública, educación, salud, actividades artísticas, los hoteles y restaurantes9." 408626,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Between 2017–2020, more than 3,100 indigenous people in Cauca were forcibly displaced, 747 received death threats, 116 were wounded as a result of the fighting, and 71 were killed by armed groups. About 50.9% of the human rights defenders killed in the region between 2016–2021 were indigenous. Some armed groups have attacked indigenous guards because they do not recognise their legitimacy in the territories" 150711,32327.0,1184.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,70,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"el 55% de los venezolanos que ingresaron al Ecuador registrados en 2019 son mujeres: el 29% son menores de 18 años, el 65% tiene entre 18 y 55 años, y el 4% son ancianas.20 Esto no incluye a las personas que ingresaron al país por cruces fronterizos ilegales, los cuales se estima ser el 80% del flujo migratorio hacia Ecuador." 224924,45951.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Economy']",es,44,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.vanguardia.com/colombia/celebremossinfronteras-la-campana-colombiana-que-invita-a-disfrutar-una-navidad-sin-discriminacion-JC3217209,"desde el Programa de Alianzas para la Reconciliación, estarán lanzando el ABC de la Integración económica para la población venezolana como una forma de sensibilizar ciudadanía en general y especialmente al sector empresarial sobre las oportunidades de la migración para el país." 113087,29959.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,GIFMM Cesar Se está articulando con las autoridades locales y Gerencia de Frontera de Presidencia para hacer frente a la alerta por la ola invernal que afecta a la población refugiada y migrante en la ciudad de Valledupar. Se ha ampliado la respuesta en bonos alimentario en el municipio de la Paz. 199178,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],fr,34,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Attaques contre les humanitaires dans le Sud-Kivu Entre le 15 octobre et le 3 novembre 2020, il y a eu trois cas d’attaques contre les travailleurs humanitaires dans le Sud-Kivu." 342456,56601.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.defensoria.gov.co/es/nube/comunicados/10146/Alerta-humanitaria-por-colapso-en-seguridad-alimentaria-en-el-pa%C3%ADs-defensor%C3%ADa-Carlos-Negret.htm,"Según Fedeacua, 3,214 toneladas de pescado están en riesgo de perderse, poniendo en riesgo 200 mil empleos directos de pescadores y criaderos artesanales de todo el país. La Gobernación de Boyacá anunció la pérdida de 85 toneladas de trucha." 204082,43347.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Some 60 per cent of the total population either rely on unimproved or surface water sources, take more than 30 minutes to reach the improved water sources or face protection risks if they could access the sources in less than 30 minutes." 160436,38373.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,30,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Atlántico, además de internet, algunos docentes reparten semanalmente las guías de estudio en físico, que los padres deben recoger en las instalaciones de los colegios." 160255,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 64.1% de los entrevistados entró al territorio colombiano de manera irregular, lo que representa un aumento del 5.1% con respecto al trimestre anterior (enero-marzo)." 489955,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Due to the many obstacles and risks faced by patients, as well as to reduced humanitarian space, access to care within 72 hours of an assault, in order to prevent HIV transmission, is a challenge for many victims of sexual violence. In 2020, only 62% of survivors who came to MSF-supported health facilities were able to access medical treatment within 72 hours. This proportion is lower in some regions, such as Kananga (Kasai-Central) and Walikale territory (North-Kivu), where respectively 28% and 38% of patients received treatment within 72 hours." 202024,44071.0,2330.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Mental health and psychosocial support are also needed as well as sexual and reproductive health actions and immediate measures for the care and prevention of gender-based violence. COVID-19 is still a major risk and monitoring, prevention, and containment measures are required. Some 829,181 persons received medical services" 80039,22055.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,35,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,Bani Waleed: Approximately 170 individuals were displaced to Bani Waleed from Tripoli; Tarhuna and Suq Alkhamees due to the bad security situation in them. The IDPs reported needs are food and blankets 18888,7294.0,730.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/news-stories/news/yemen-land-mines-take-heavy-toll-civilians,"The area has become largely devoid of medical care because of the war, with the next closest medical facilities in Aden, six to eight hours' drive away. Many local people cannot afford transportation to Aden or the costs of treatment there." 235086,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,19,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"On the expenditure side, savings from lower oil import prices partly offset an increase in crisis-related costs." 410860,63078.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20Update_June%202021.pdf,"The Ituri Provincial Health Division launched a vaccination campaign against COVID-19 in the Aba and Biringi health zones with the support of NGO MALTESER. As of 27 June, 656 people have been vaccinated including 115 health workers, 454 host community members and 87 South Sudanese refugees living in the sites of Biringi, Bele and Meri as part of the campaign" 207250,44693.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,123,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Région de Tillabéri : L’ONG CADEV Niger a procédé à la distribution de 32.500 FCFA par ménage sous forme de cash transfert à l’endroit de 335 ménages IDP vivant sur le site de Ouallam afin de leur permettre d’avoir accès aux produits alimentaires sur le marché. Par ailleurs, des distributions mensuelles de vivres ont été faites par l’ONG Karakara sur les sites de Ouallam, Abala et Banibangou. À Abala, l’ONG IRC a procédé à une distribution ciblée de pâtes alimentaires, de l’huile et du sel à l’endroit de 60 ménages PDI ciblés, originaires de Ikarfan, Chinegoder, Tamalolo et Agaziney." 328552,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Proportion of households of non-IDP settlements reporting not having sufficient water for the following purposes were Not enough water for cooking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses(29%), Not enough water for domestic purposes only (6%),Not enough water for personal hygiene only (74%)." 142159,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"During this reporting period, both hospitals received a total of 14 COVID-19 suspected cases. All results were determined to be negative and patients were discharged or referred to non-COVID-29 facilities for further treatment." 74089,21139.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72308.pdf,"El objetivo de este Plan de respuesta es complementar las intervenciones de las autoridades gubernamentales nacionales y locales, ayudándoles a cumplir con sus responsabilidades, invirtiendo en áreas donde se requiere asistencia y experiencia específicas, o donde las capacidades de respuesta de los gobiernos se ven desbordadas." 294015,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In the Far North, adolescent girls report a wide variety of violence, including conflict-related violence, communal violence, and domestic violence. They are confronted with sexual harassment and sexual violence as well as kidnappings and forced marriages perpetrated by armed groups. Adolescent survivors of sexual assault face stigma and are sometimes forced to marry their abusers." 328623,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The main driver of protection LSGs was found to be*: • Households reporting having experienced movement restrictions in the 30 days prior to data collection (8%). 300772,51194.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Most of the incidents affecting Afghanistan's humanitarian community were opportunistic in nature, and there are currently no indications that humanitarians were targeted due to their occupation. However, at least four NGO casualties were reported in Q4 as a result of criminal activity." 384797,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Le système de surveillance des attaques contre les soins de santé signale en juin deux incidents qui ont causées la destruction, fermeture de la formation sanitaire CSPS de Solhan et une ambulance d’un partenaire, une ONG internationale qui a été brulée à Gorom gorom et la mort d’un auxiliaire de santé." 477145,67232.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,88,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"3.1 Año de ingreso al Perú Según resultados de la ENPOVE, la gran mayoría (76,8%) de población venezolana residente en el país ingresó en el año 2018, principalmente en el período febrero a octubre. El 19,6% lo hizo en el año 2017; el 2,7% en el 2016 y el 1,0% entre los años 2011-2015. Según sexo, más mujeres (77,6%) que hombres (76,0%) ingresaron al Perú en el año 2018." 188031,42200.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,115,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2020/07/09/haut-katanga-le-confinement-est-suspendu-pour-la-journee-de-vendredi-et-reprendra-samedi,"Jacques Kyabula Katwe, gouverneur du Haut-Katanga a annoncé dans la soirée de ce jeudi 9 juillet à Lubumbashi, l'arrêt momentané du confinement des grandes agglomérations de sa province alors que celui-ci n’en était qu'au premier jour. Selon le gouvernement provincial, le déconfinement devra permettre aux populations de s'approvisionner en biens avant sa reprise samedi prochain. « Le confinement est suspendu pour la journée du vendredi 10 juillet 2020 et reprendra samedi 11 juillet 2020 comme au départ. Le déconfinement de 24 heures va permettre aux populations de s'approvisionner en biens de première nécessité et aux équipes de riposte de tester toutes les 267 personnes listées »," 215519,45277.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"By mid-June, over 80 tons of essential supplies, including personal protective equipment (PPE) for medical workers, had been airfreighted by UNICEF to Kabul, as part of this grant." 190029,43443.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,20,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Toutes les zones sont en sévérité 4 de malnutrition, en raison notamment de la faiblesse du système sanitaire." 282409,51159.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/medic-frontline-syria-s-coronavirus-battle-speaks-out,"[16th March, 2021, Northern Syria] Like many hospitals in Syria, there are no facilities for Covid-19 patients at the hospital where Dr. Ihsan, a cardiologist works. Many medical centres in the area lack the vital equipment, such as x-ray machines, CT scanners, and laboratories needed to treat patients with Covid-19. He adds, “At the hospital, we are taking precautionary measures and wearing masks and gloves. All patients have their temperature checked before entering the hospital and are asked if they have symptoms of coronavirus. If they are symptomatic, they are sent to the quarantine centre.”" 347786,56800.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] As recommendation that applies for all hygiene promotion activities, older groups and persons with disabilities need to be provided with targeted information campaigns tailored to the communication capacities and differential access to public spaces." 167036,40139.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/401008-covid-19-ogun-extends-restrictions-for-two-weeks.html,(03/07/2020)He said there will be “observation of dusk-to-dawn curfew as directed by the Presidential Task Force (PTF) i.e. between 10.00 pm and 4.00 am daily.” 319789,54628.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,62,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Participants expressed their wishes and shared their needs for the immediate future. They said they want to receive shelter and food support immediately because they need to pray and prepare for Ramadan. They also said they urgently need safe drinking water as well as water for shower and latrine use." 241774,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] The lack of government support for public hospitals in the governorate led to their lack of basic medical supplies, including medicines, gauze, cotton, and sterilizers. Patients have to purchase medical supplies (such as oxygen ventilators and medicines) at their own expense, the nurse and a twenty-year-old patient toldEnab Baladi. The patient added that he had to pay for saline and other medicines out of pocket." 275483,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"En 2020, la pandémie de COVID-19 a impacté les vols UNHAS, qui ont été annulés du 30 Mars au 20 Juillet 2020. Durant cette période, aucun vol UNHAS n’a pu être organisé sur la surface du territoire Nigérien" 153995,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Algunos pocos venezolanos cuentan con alguna red de apoyo que son otros venezolanos que se encuentran en diferentes lugares del país. En especial en las ciudades como Bogotá, Cali, Barranquilla y Villavicencio. La gran mayoría no tienen contacto con una red de apoyo de venezolanos en Colombia, ni orientación de una ruta segura para llegar a sus destinos." 338769,56193.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"While the DRC has approximately 80 million hectares of arable land, only 10 percent is cultivated. This land could potentially be used to grow food that would feed 2 billion people. However, the DRC is currently facing the second-largest hunger crisis after Yemen, with 13 million people classified as food insecure. In terms of subsistence farming, families produce approximately 42 percent of the food they consume." 228618,46627.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,22,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Only 22% of children are following classes broadcast on TV, and 7% following classes broadcast on the radio." 78385,21716.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",es,96,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,"Independientemente de su formación académica o experiencia, el 39,02% manifestó que se desempeña en tareas relacionadas con el comercio, retail y servicios (repositor/a, cajero/a, vendedor/a, encargado/a o mozo/a). El 13,28% dijo ser independiente (consultor, cuidado de personas, trabajo en casas particulares, chofer de Uber y cadetería). El 12,14% indicó que se incorporó a algún trabajo vinculado con la industria (ingeniería, control de producción, construcción, jefe de depósito) y 35,55% manifestó estar desempleado." 285035,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Since the 3 June events, a drastic increase of cases of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) has been reported. Around 70 cases were reported in the immediate aftermath of the violent events in Khartoum." 73322,21154.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",en,72,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"the creation of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy in Argentina, which, among other things, aims to improve access to savings accounts and credits, with an emphasis on vulnerable populations such as refugees and migrants180; collaboration programs between agencies with competence in labour, social, educational and sanitary matters, in order to direct the outflows of Venezuelans to cities or regions where their capacities are required" 290311,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,42,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"43.2% of women in union face domestic violence. 39.8% and 14.5% respectively face emotional and sexual violence. In all, 56.4% of women in union were confronted with at least one of these forms of violence" 359828,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In Bangladesh, geographically, each school is located some distance from the houses of local girls and boys and the roads can be muddy or dusty. The alternative way to commute to school is by river, but this is dangerous as the quality of boats is often poor." 160475,38373.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Por otro lado, el aislamiento preventivo ha impactado la salud mental de las personas, el 73.3% de los encuestados manifestaron que sienten ansiedad a diario o semanalmente, asociada especialmente a la falta de recursos económicos." 155674,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"In addition to dissemination of audio messages, partners used 13 handheld microphones to share instructions on home-based learning for parents and caregivers across several camps; this approach helped to reach a larger audience than the traditional outreach via telephone." 200492,44300.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],fr,84,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"De plus, 55% des migrants ayant contracté une dette initiale indiquent que cette dette constitue l’un des motifs ayant incité à la migration irrégulière. Le fait d’avoir une dette initiale constitue donc un facteur à prendre en compte dans la décision de réaliser une migration en dehors du pays de résidence, et le projet migratoire constituerait une stratégie pour parvenir au remboursement. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 130824,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Dificultad en los procesos de atención institucional a adultos mayores, personas en situación de discapacidad." 173937,41033.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, Nigeria]Moreover, families directly affected by COVID-19 face serious stigma from community members especially when a family has been confirmed to be positive or is suspected. Additional efforts, including raising awareness to counter stigmatization, need to be undertaken to ensure the protection of people affected by COVID-19." 154886,38099.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",fr,33,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En outre, l’incidence socio-économique de la covid-19 risque de compromettre l’équilibre macroéconomique et les ambitions du Gouvernement à financer le Plan national de développement économique et social." 270140,49360.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,98,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-gender-demografia.pdf,"Si bien el porcentaje de mujeres que están embarazadas es tan solo del 6 por ciento, en algunos lugares se ha encontrado una percepción discriminatoria en contra de las mujeres gestantes de Venezuela dónde prestadores de salud “[l]as maltratan con frases como ‘vienen a aprovecharse de nuestros recursos y después se devuelven11” y dónde se ha generado opinión pública que las identifica con la idea de que vienen a tener hijos, como por ejemplo el discurso discriminatorio que se ha generado en Colombia con la frase ""Paren de parir" 165605,39662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Although a high percentage of workers mentioned using hand sanitizer or soap after removing any of their safety gear for any purpose when at work, almost 22% do not do so. However, cleaners working at medical centers seems to be more aware about this practice than the other groups." 227486,46488.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Tous les IC ont rapporté que la faim est importante pour la plupart des ménages vivant dans la localité, et que la plupart des ménages mangeaient un seul repas par jour (15/15)." 194361,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Parmi ceux dont l’information a pu être collectée, 35,3% (1180/3346) des cas étaient asymptomatiques à la notification. Par ailleurs, 23,3% (272/1167) des cas présentaient au moins une comorbidité au moment du diagnostic, en majorité l’hypertension artérielle et le diabète." 323650,54087.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,141,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/POL1032022021ENGLISH.PDF,"[Rapport annuel 2020/21, RDC] Overcrowding continued to be one of the biggest concerns in prisons and was worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. DRC prisons were among the most overcrowded in the world, with some facilities holding more than 300% over their intended capacity. Some prisoners went for days without food and others did not receive necessary medical attention, resulting in dozens of deaths. Twenty-five inmates died in Makala prison in the capital, Kinshasa, from starvation and lack of medicine at the beginning of the year. In April [2020], the government addressed the risk of COVID-19 infection in prisons by releasing at least 2,000 inmates. At the end of that month, 43 prisoners tested positive for COVID-19 at the Ndolo military prison in Kinshasa." 163903,39669.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=203770,"Health Ministry announced on Sunday that 35 new Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been registered in Syria, and that 14 patients have recovered while 2 others have passed away." 392066,62154.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/millions-children-going-hungry-north-east-nigeria-attacks-devastate-lives-save,"[5th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Save the Children is deeply concerned to find that an estimated 2.3 million children and youth, including some 700,000 children under five [1], are going hungry in North-East Nigeria. A recent UN report found that 4.4 million people in the area are facing food shortages as attacks by militants are forcing farmers from their lands. Save the Children strongly condemns the reported attacks and displacement of farmers and other civilians." 240517,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"Anti-Government Elements continued to be responsible for the majority of civilian casualties – 55 per cent - during the first quarter, causing 710 civilian casualties (282 killed and 428 injured). UNAMA attributed 39 per cent to Taliban, 13 per cent to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province (ISIL-KP) and the remainder to undetermined Anti-Government Elements." 274192,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,58,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"En outre, la saison agricole a été perturbée à cause des fortes pluies qui ont endommagé les cultures du haricot, réduisant ainsi les sources de revenu des ménages agricoles. Les données font ressortir une situation plus difficile pour les ménages ayant des chefs femmes, veuves, de taille petite et réfugiés ou déplacés." 412927,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,109,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The most common services sought by them include regular counselling (48.6%), psychotherapy (35.1%), telemedicine treatment (29.7%), etc. However, a good number of households reported that they did not seek treatment during the pandemic through some of their family members needed the services. The reasons behind not taking the services include the risks associated with COVID-19 (55.81%), financial crisis (63.26%), unavailability of doctors (20.93%), closure of nearest health clinics (18.14%), etc." 195602,43987.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/opinion/editorial/abrir-los-colegios-editorial-el-tiempo-550352,"Y no se puede ignorar la deserción. Ante la imposibilidad de continuar el aprendizaje de manera remota, muchos optan por la desescolarización. Un informe reciente de este diario habla de 13.000 menores que ya habrían tomado este camino en las principales ciudades." 168278,40395.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic-republic-congo/health,"L’offre de services est susceptible de diminuer sensiblement dans le domaine de la sante préventive, des soins prénataux et postnataux ou encore de prise en charge de la rougeole, du cholera ou des personnes souffrant de complications liées à la malnutrition ou aux violences basées sur le genre, mettant particulièrement en danger les femmes et les enfants." 184783,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"However, the positivity rate (i.e the proportion of samples tested which returns positive) has also increased from 35% on 3 October (with a 7-day average of 40%) to 42% as of 3 November (with a 7-day average of 44%)" 278648,50723.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,108,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_unrwa_syria_regional_crisis_emergency_appeal_.pdf,"[2020, Overall Syria] According to UNRWA’s survey on the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on Palestine refugees in Syria, 94 per cent of Palestine refugee households surveyed stated they face additional challenges since 15 March 2020, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. That survey also found nearly 50 per cent of Palestine refugee households indicated an increasing level of Gender Based Violence (GBV). In GBV cases reported to UNRWA from quarter one to quarter three 2020, 87 per cent were women and girls with numbers rising in quarter two and quarter three as COVID-19 spread." 229414,46461.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The findings indicate that none of the children have access to smart phones or laptops through which NRC could think of approaching them with recorded and available educational videos. Because these children mostly belong to IDPs residing in camps or most vulnerable host communities who currently are struggling for their routine expenses and cannot afford these devices. 223242,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The “Somaliland”-United Nations area security management team has suspended United Nations missions to areas within both districts, including to Laascaanood in Sool between March and August, for extended periods owing to prevailing insecurity and with missions to Badhan and Dhardhaar in Sanaag still under restriction." 387364,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"aunque en el período 2006-2011 mostró un incremento de los contratos de carácter indefinido. No obstante, desde ese año hasta 2019, se retomó el descenso de este tipo de contratos en el país, llegando hasta algo menos de dos tercios de los contratos de los trabajadores de las empresas de cinco o más trabajadores, que forman parte del universo de empresas de la encuesta." 188129,43352.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,25,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"06 September 2020: In Youloupo village, Didyr commune, Sanguie province, Centre-Ouest region, a school director was killed by gunmen." 184640,42263.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRSY005do.pdf,"[23rd October 2020,Overall Syria] To date, the following measures have been taken to curb the spread of the disease: mandatory mask wearing, closing of borders; set up of proximity screening sites, set up of treatment centers; risk communication and community engagement, providing updated information on the COVID-19 situation." 190992,42037.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 3 settlements reported that gender based violence (GBV) is a prevalent issue facing residents.Rape and sexual violence were reported by KIs as a prevalent form of GBV in 3 settlements. In 2 settlements, KIs reported that intimate partner violence was a prevalent form of GBV, and in 1 settlement KIs reported forced marriage or domestic abuse as prevalent forms of GBV." 280108,50900.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | Household income, Average monthly household income: 395,777 SYP (138 USD)" 144636,34804.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"National laboratory testing capacity for COVID-19 diagnosis has been expanded from one location – Damascus – to four (Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, and Lattakia);" 201205,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,56,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Communal clashes, including those related to cattle raiding, were increasingly prominent in 2018 and early 2019. In 2018, Jonglei and Lakes saw especially high numbers of individuals having moved due to communal violence. For the first quarter of 2019, the proportion was especially high for Western Bahr el Ghazal." 360961,58841.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/30/rohingya-refugees-facing-medical-crisis-bhasan-char,"[30th June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: But Bangladesh could have avoided such an outbreak if the government, as previously planned, had allowed technical and humanitarian experts to visit Bhasan Char to determine safety and protection needs. Instead, the authorities relocated thousands of refugees to the remote island without first ensuring that it had adequate health care and access to resources on the mainland." 328622,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 13% of the households found with Protection living Standard Gap (LSG). 1% found to be extreme+, 5% extreme, 7% severe, 80% stress, 7% no or minimal." 308169,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Sample collection kits for cholera, measles, meningitis and COVID-19 have been distributed to all health centres and time spent to send samples to Juba or elsewhere for analyses has reduced." 226897,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"From 1 January to 30 September, the use of suicide and non-suicide IEDs [Improvised Explosive Devices] by Anti-Government Elements was leading cause of civilian casualties, the second representing 29 per cent of the overall total." 267342,49804.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The informal national average price of transport diesel continued to rise, increasing by 12 percent since December 2020 and by 139 percent since July 2020 (six months ago), reaching SYP 1,134/litre. Moreover, the informal price remains five times higher than the formal price (SYP 174/litre)." 275503,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"sans réponse aux besoins de la protection de l’enfance, les enfants les plus vulnérables du Niger ne seront pas protégés des risques majeurs décrits dans le HNO." 308230,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of cooking oil in Kabul was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020 126594,32569.0,1621.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"The cost migrants reported to be paying for self-paid rented accommodation differed substantially between different regions in Libya, with the highest average cost reported in southern and western Libya at 60 USD and 59 USD per month respectively compared to 34 USD in eastern Libya. The cost has reportedly increased in all the regions compared to the previous reporting period." 226914,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] also remains concerned about the high levels of harm experienced by women and children in Afghanistan. More than four out of every 10 civilian casualties were children or women. 207075,44768.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],en,28,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://rojavainformationcenter.com/2020/12/update-coronavirus-crisis-in-north-and-east-syria-november-2020/,"[30 Nov 2020, NES] NES faces worst economic hardship in Syria as a result of coronavirus, 48% of families experiencing significant hardship." 233453,46998.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"Refugee: [31st October 2020, Cox's Bazar] An estimated 500 HHs are expected to be relocated due to the upcoming ADB and WB road expansions. However, there is not enough shelter or space to accommodate all displaced families." 571,156.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,131,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"IDP households were found to be a particularly vulnerable population group, with almost half of them affected by multiple displacement. Their main push and pull factors revolved around fleeing from and/or looking for security, in areas generally contaminated by explosive hazards. IDPs also faced higher barriers to accessing income and saw their consumption pattern distorted due to the higher costs they have to put into their housing. Provision of basic services to IDP households often fell short of their actual needs: in some areas such as Al Margab, Derna and Ghat, more than 80.0% of IDP households, in which a member had needed healthcare in the 15 days prior to the assessment, did not get access to adequate care." 145408,36039.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Students receive pre-departure care packages consisting of a hygiene kit and two masks, in addition to an education cash subsidy of SYP 30,000 provided by UNICEF to cover the cost of transportation to their homes. Currently, exams for ninth grade students living in cross-line areas are expected to go ahead later this month with planning underway for up to 15,000 arrivals." 623,156.0,321.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,123,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Displacement']",Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"A majority of IDP households in Benghazi (81.7%), Derna city (56.1%) and Al Jabal Al Gharbi (52.9%) were displaced within the same mantika. This could be explained in two mantikas by difficulties of movements, either physical (the mantika of Al Jabal Al Gharbi is characterised by highly mountainous zones that can be hard to reach) or artificially-created (movement into and out of Derna was affected by a loose encirclement implemented two years prior to the assessment). In Benghazi, displaced households fled clashes either to go to Misrata or to other locations within the Benghazi mantika, both destinations chosen due to strong community links." 210425,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,56,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The absence of a centralised and enabling regulatory framework continues to pose extensive bureaucratic and administrative impediments to timely and efficient operational implementation. Counter-terrorism measures imposed by some donors further constrain many partners’ ability to respond to people in need in areas held by non-state armed actors, even once access is negotiated." 187751,43282.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,Limited programs to improve access to learning opportunities by children in Early Childhood Education. 358508,58562.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]In Nigeria, after rumors of the government’s mismanagement of COVID-19 relief spread on social media, looting of relief supply warehouses ensued." 160589,32149.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,98,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3646379,"La Misión reconoce los esfuerzos institucionales desplegados para adecuar y reforzar las medidas de atención a la violencia contra las mujeres durante la pandemia, al igual que la voluntad de sumarse a las estrategias hemisféricas de visibilización y respuesta. No obstante, hace un llamado a fortalecer el enfoque de género en los análisis, decisiones y acciones que den respuesta a la pandemia, con el fin de abordar las afectaciones generadas a los derechos de las mujeres al trabajo, la seguridad alimentaria, la participación política y a una vida libre de violencias" 155210,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,72,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"19% obtienen sus ingresos a partir de ayudas y donaciones de otras personas, algunas de las cuales se obtiene por medio de la mendicidad, 4% ha recibido alguna ayuda humanitaria identificando que los que notifican este tipo de ingresos son personas en tránsito. Por otro lado, 48% informan el rebusque diario como tipo de ingreso, un 29% con empleo informal pero estable." 155621,38099.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,139,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La pandémie de la covid-19 a impacté et continue de nuire aux sources de revenus des ménages, à leurs moyens d’existence et à leurs pouvoirs d’achat, entraînant notamment: La réduction considérable des revenus ainsi que de la production agropastorale, en raison des opportunités d’emploi limitées et de l’accès réduit aux champs et aux intrants agropastoraux. La perturbation du transport et de l’approvisionnement des marchés en denrées alimentaires. La volatilité potentielle des prix des denrées alimentaires. La réduction de la disponibilité et de l’accessibilité des denrées alimentaires en raison de la perturbation des activités et des marchés agricoles. La dégradation des petits commerces informels des femmes en raison des mesures de distanciation physique et de la fermeture des marchés." 475618,63776.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Le monitoring de protection du mois d’avril 2021 indique une baisse des cas d’incidents de protection par rapport au mois précèdent. 34 cas d’incidents de protection ont été identifiés par le MBDHP contre 41 cas le mois de mars passé dans la région du Sahel. 37177,11044.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"Shelter in most of the locations visited, did not have sufficient protection against cold, heat, wind and rain. They lacked proper cover space for essential household activities. In Ajassor specifically, lots of the asylum seekers numbering over 500 occupy a small uncompleted building donated to them by a member of the community." 305603,50889.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Over 90 per cent of CAR refugees living outside of Nyala have not received shelter support since their arrival, and are living in makeshift temporary shelters that offer little to no protection from the elements." 328593,54710.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of nutrition barriers reported by households with children were: Unaware that supplements are available (43%), Difficulty in enrolling children in (32%), Facilities too far to travel to(29%)." 164988,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"UNICEF also supported the training of 39 volunteers trained in Ebonyi state on interpersonal communication on EndFGM, EndVAC, EndVAWG, accessing birth registration services as well as COVID-19 prevention and risk management." 337724,55829.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],es,13,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://forbes.co/2021/05/01/economia-y-finanzas/venezolanos-en-colombia-pagan-mas-de-400-000-millones-en-impuestos-al-ano/,Venezolanos en Colombia pagan más de $400.000 millones en impuestos al año 193841,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La malnutrition aiguë sévère (MAS) oscille à 2,9% [en 2019] contre 4% en 2018 et 3,9% en 2017." 346015,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"En la semana epidemiológica 18 se notificaron 1 107 casos de malaria, teniendo un acumulado de 22 764 casos, de los cuales 22 312 son de malaria no complicada y 452 de malaria complicada." 238597,47236.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,38,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,Ces personnes nouvellement déplacées sont venus s’ajouter aux 80 individus qui vivaient dans le village de Madala avant la crise et qui n’ont reçu aucune aide humanitaire depuis le début de ces crises. 162921,39647.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"The July cycle of monthly general food assistance for the Rohingya refugees began on 1 July, with the addition of dried fish and lemon to the e-voucher food basket, distributed jointly with 25 packets of high-energy biscuits per household from the school feeding programme. FSS expanded the pilot initiative to protect older persons in the camps from COVID-19 by extending home deliveries of food rations to Chakmarkul (Camp 21) and TV Tower outlets (Camp 7)" 274157,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages éprouvent énormément de difficultés à se procurer de la nourriture. Pour ce faire, ils utilisent différentes stratégies de survie. Dans la province de l’Ituri, la proportion des ménages concernés par cette stratégie d’urgence s’élève à 29 %, contre 19 % dans celle du Haut-Uélé et 8 % dans celle de Tshopo." 126655,32569.0,1621.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,Migrants in Swani Bin Adam have been affected by the armed conflicts in the municipality during the reporting period. Explosions near migrants’ workplacesas well as lockdown procedures during the month of April further worsened their living conditions as food and Non-Food Items price spikes were recorded 226851,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Of additional concern is the increase in civilians killed and injured attributed to the Afghan National Army during this period. Civil- ian casualties and the number of incidents attributed to also undetermined Anti-Government Elements increased significantly, indicating that there are more incidents, especially in relation to the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and targeted killings, in which UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] could not determine which Anti-Government Element group was responsible. This trend corresponds with a decrease in the number of incidents for which the Taliban or ISIL-KP [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Khorosan Province] claimed responsibility." 136353,35143.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Meanwhile, in northeastern Syria, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) confirmed on April 29 that two people, a husband and wife residing in the province of Hassakeh, tested positive for the virus." 222935,45721.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Farming communities reportedly continue to be obliged by Al-Shabaab to pay “taxes” to tend to their fields after good rains, with both money and livestock being provided as zakat or a “voluntary jihad” contribution." 308582,53292.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There are over 50,000 people displaced in 3 payams in Tonj North, according to the RRC. Displaced people are sheltering in collective sites including schools, churches and other public buildings." 160531,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,Las medidas de aislamiento limitaron el acceso a la información ya que las organizaciones humanitarias e instituciones nacionales trabajan de forma remota. 132628,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"c) El mejoramiento de la capacidad de manejo de alojamiento temporal, incluyendo la integración de la edad, género y diversidad, así como la protección de personas con necesidades específicas." 131805,34344.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En ciertos lugares, las vacantes disponibles en las escuelas públicas son limitadas. Más aún, algunos de los inscritos enfrentan dificultades para permanecer en el sistema educativo debido a su situación precaria, discriminación y xenofobia en las escuelas, en algunos casos, un currículo que no toma en cuenta el conocimiento previo de las y los estudiantes venezolanos." 235658,46890.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In preparation of schools reopening, education cluster partners were able to support learning of 32,222 conflict and COVID-19 affected children (15,545 boys and 16,677 girls) in the NWSW through distance learning, provision of psychosocial support and provision of water and sanitation in schools and learning centres." 237828,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"se presenta disminución en 19 entidades territoriales, entre las cuales resaltan Vaupés, Chocó, Guaviare, Quindío, San Andrés, Córdoba, Guainía y Caquetá e incremento en 6 entidades territoriales resaltando Meta, Tolima y Cundinamarca; no presentan comportamientos inusuales 13 entidades territoriales." 341765,56181.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,60,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"La seconde moitié du mois d'avril a vu la poursuite des manifestations et des activités anti-ONU dans tout le Nord-Kivu (Beni, Butembo, Goma). Il y a eu également un arrêt des opérations à Bunia au cours de la seconde quinzaine d'avril en raison d'une manifestation de Ville Morte contre l'insécurité endémique dans toute la région" 194881,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic has had negative implications on household income and human development for IDPs. Certain access restrictions have depressed employment opportunities for IDPs. 222991,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Intense fighting between Nigerian security forces and Boko Haram has left widespread contamination of explosive ordnance throughout the region." 234151,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] While, 54.3% of the reported death were from Dhaka division, 18.7% from Chattogram, Khulna – 7.2%, Rajshahi – 5.8%, Sylhet – 4.5%, Rangpur – 3.9%, Barishal – 3.3% and the lowest 2.2% from Mymensingh division." 278614,50856.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] In January 2021, the volatility in the exchange market continued to raise most prices of agricultural inputs, making it out of the vulnerable farmers’ reach in some governorates. Especially barley seed, herbicide, poultry feed, diesel fuel. There is still a need to address the prevailing economic hardships and limited access to agricultural inputs by most Syrian families across the country in a holistic and multipronged approach." 226200,44606.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,32,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"La grève des agents de la riposte se poursuit dans la ville de Kinshasa pour la 109ème journée consécutive, ce qui y explique la faible performance du suivi des voyageurs." 63205,18419.0,1386.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.acnur.org/noticias/noticia/2019/4/5ca7819b4/las-personas-venezolanas-arriesgan-sus-vidas-y-sus-extremidades-por-buscar.html,"En medio de la hiperinflación en espiral, la escasez, la agitación política, la violencia y la persecución, más de 2,7 millones de venezolanos han abandonado el país como refugiados o migrantes desde 2015 para buscar seguridad o una mejor vida en el extranjero. La cocina, llamada acertadamente La Divina Providencia, sirve hasta 8.000 comidas al día y es un salvavidas para los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos que atraviesan Cúcuta pero también para personas como José Luis, que continúan viviendo en Venezuela pero cruzan la frontera para Colombia todos los días. Las duchas, consultas médicas y asistencia legal también están disponibles allí. Para ganar unos pocos pesos colombianos, lleva pesadas cargas para otros venezolanos que viajan a Cúcuta para comprar alimentos, medicinas u otros bienes que son escasos o imposibles de encontrar en su país." 63190,18464.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,118,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.diariodelnorte.net/caribe/99-la-guajira/5338-frontera-colombo-venezolana-por-paraguachon-no-esta-militarizada-y-fluye-con-total-normalidad.html,"Amenaza de bombardeo El funcionario de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente –ANC– de Venezuela, Pedro Carreño, amenazó con bombardear Colombia en caso de que la República Bolivariana sea “agredida militarmente”. El constituyente afirmó que “el país estaría en su derecho de responder al ataque”, y aseveró que el primer paso sería “derribar los siete puentes del río Magdalena que atraviesan de norte a sur a Colombia para dividirla en dos”. Carreño acusó al presidente saliente, Juan Manuel Santos, de no tener “cojones para cumplir la misión que le dieron”, y añadió que “salió dando lástima como (Álvaro) Uribe”." 472863,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,14,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"Doter le CHR de Ouahigouya en respirateur, en équipements de laboratoire et réactifs" 385617,60457.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Enfin, dans la région du Sahel, 410 ha ont été emblavés, toutes spéculations confondues. La production attendue est estimée à près de 8 042 tonnes. Les producteurs sont cependant confrontés au problème de conservation de produits hautement périssables, comme la tomate, en raison notamment du manque d’infrastructures et de technologies adéquates pour la transformation et la conservation." 219158,45271.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The flow of returns remained highest during March and April 2020 in comparison with previous trends because of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially from Iran. High rate of return and decrease in remittances should be monitored, as these will affect food access and further saturate an already stressed urban labour market." 490048,67394.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Since 1 May 2021, there have been 150 cases (123 from Rohingya refugees and 27 from host community) of Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) that have tested positive by Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs)/bacteriological culture confirmed cases for cholera (data as of 29 August 2021) bringing the total to 170 (130 from Rohingya refugees and 40 from host community) in 2021. Of the 170 cases, 63 (51 from Rohingya refugees and 12 from host community) have been culture confirmed. In the past three weeks (week 32-34) the total number of culture confirmed cases was 3." 177245,41744.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,92,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Dans la nuit du jeudi 10 septembre 2020, aux environs de 22 heures sur l'axe Djibo-Namsiguiya à hauteur de Mentao, un Groupe Armé Non Identifié (GANI) a attaqué un convoi militaire du Groupement des Forces Armées anti Terroristes (GFAT)qui procédait à un ravitaillement du nouveau détachement installé à Gaskindé. Au cours de cette attaque, 4 FDS sont tués et 3 blessés, les échanges de tirs se sont poursuivis jusqu'au matin du Vendredi 11 septembre 2020 dans la zone de Koubel Alpha." 185935,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Economy']",fr,86,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Le Sud-Kivu s'est moins stabilisé que ces 3 provinces, avec une majorité de prix médians du PMA qui sont supérieurs à 200 000 FC. Plusieurs facteurs en provenance du rapport de FEWS NET9 peuvent expliquer cette tendance : tout d'abord les fortes intempéries de mars- avril ont détruit les récoltes prévues pour la période de juin à septembre dans la plaine du Ruzizi (Sud-Kivu)7, les répercussions de cet évènement devraient se faire sentir jusqu'aux prochaines récoltes de janvier 2021." 126755,34397.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,Dos de cada cinco hogares (42.2%) están sujetos a condiciones de hacinamiento26 (45% entre los hogares migrantes y 34% en los hogares de acogida). 316644,54353.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,86,['Priority Interventions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dw.com/en/bangladesh-rohingya-refugees-fire/a-57120531,"[7th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The South Asian nation wants to relocate 100,000 refugees in total to the island from Cox's Bazar's overcrowded camps in the coming months. Nay San Lwin fears that over 45,000 Rohingya affected by the recent fires could eventually be relocated to the island. ""They shouldn't be relocated to Bhasan Char or repatriated to Myanmar. They should be resettled back in their original shelters,"" he urged." 389655,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"La de La Chorrera en Amazonas; la de Santiago, San Miguel, Puerto Asís, Puerto Guzmán y Valle del Guamuez en Putumayo; y la de Morelia y Currillo en Caquetá, superan en más de dos veces el promedio nacional." 270010,49930.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,"https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56019820#:~:text=Seg%C3%BAn%20el%20plan%20del%20gobierno,y%20sujeta%20a%20algunos%20derechos.","Lucas Gómez García, gerente de Fronteras de la Presidencia de la República, le dijo a La Silla Vacía: ""No vamos a nacionalizar a nadie. Justamente un Estatuto Nacional de Protección permite una permanencia en el territorio durante un periodo de diez años, pero no le da la nacionalidad a esa población"". De hecho, en esa entrevista con el portal político el funcionario ofreció quizá la descripción más específica que se ha dado sobre los derechos a los que accederán los venezolanos regularizados: ingresar al sistema de salud, tener acceso a educación y ser contratado de manera formal." 174665,41366.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.legit.ng/1375169-breaking-fg-finally-orders-civil-servants-resume-october-19.html,"[19th Oct 2020, Nigeria]In another report, the PTF on COVID-19 warned Nigerians against complacency despite that the country has been reporting fewer cases of the virus in recent months." 248994,47559.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Sur le plan de la libre circulation des personnes et de leurs biens, les VDP font, en plus des FDS des contrôles réguliers sur certains axes comme Ouahigouya-Koumbri-Banh, Ouahigouya-Titao, Titao- Posso-Banh, Titao-Ouindigui pour ne donner que ces exemples. Cependant, des participants peulhs à des focus groups de Titao ont dit ne pas être rassurés des actions de ces derniers. Ces derniers estiment être persécutés et victimes de suspicions sans fondement aucun." 268465,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] According to the COVAX Facility: Interim Distribution Forecast, published on 3 February, Syria is listed as one of the countries to be allocated doses of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine. The forecast contains an indicative distribution of 240 million doses of the vaccines, with Syria’s share amounting to 1,20,000 doses." 241386,47124.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,59,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/243299,"[January 14, Damascus] A member of the provincial council, Yusef Qusaibati, stressed that private hospitals do not announce the pricing, in addition to the fact that there are many doctors in these hospitals who receive high wages, calling for a representative from the private hospitals to come to discuss this issue." 284652,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,21,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Protection concerns in Khartoum and elsewhere remain extremely high, as continue and security forces continue to violently repress protestors." 198479,43256.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The crisis in the North West and South West has had a major impact on the Education Sector. Over the past three years, insecurity, displacement of teachers, threats and attacks on infrastructure and education personnel have left 850,000 school-aged children out of school." 292260,52161.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202103230144.html,"Charles Zoueke Makouaka is a UNHCR protection officer and said the organization is especially focused on accessibility to services, how people living with a disability can get that little bit of extra help getting to services." 48986,16177.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,35,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"De hecho, los datos presentados en el informe del Banco Mundial muestran que la tasa de desempleo de los migrantes es de 22 %, frente a 9 % de la población colombiana." 412521,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh]The uptake of maternal and newborn health services also reduced, approximately 19 percent. Essential maternal health services such as antenatal care visits and postnatal check-ups in health facilities declined extensively, and deliveries in facilities declined by 21 percent for the period of January to March 2020, compared with October to December 20194 ." 425351,64291.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Nutrition']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,86,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’accès à la nourriture constitue leur besoin prioritaire, suivis par les besoins en santé et en abris. Les données d’un repas par jour pour les ménages déplacés indiquent une vulnérabilité en sécurité alimentaire. Cette situation expose les ménages déplacés au risque de malnutrition notamment les enfants de moins de 5 ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes. Malgré cette situation critique, aucune assistance n’a été annoncée ni constaté au cours de l’évaluation." 172434,40676.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Le repli attendu de la croissance économique en 2020 devrait conduire à une baisse et une précarisation des emplois ainsi qu’à une réduction des revenus dans les secteurs formel et informel dans un contexte d’absence de filet de sécurité sociale, ce qui réduira le pouvoir d’achat des ménages et leurs capacités à subvenir à leurs besoins de base." 126540,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,89,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Para el Plan de Respuesta de 2020, los socios planifican dar soporte a más de 235,000 refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que viven en el Perú y casi 125,000 miembros de la comunidad de acogida. Una parte importante de la respuesta se enfocará en la integración, protección y asistencia de albergue. Se debe poner énfasis en que la respuesta en agua, saneamiento e higiene, nutrición y seguridad alimentaria se limita actualmente debido al número reducido de actores que trabajan en estos sectores." 203558,44071.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,45,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,En la comunidad de Cojac hay un albergue en escuela pública sobre la carretera aproximadamente kilómetro 250; 250 personas albergadas; no permanecen en el lugar sino solo llegan a comer;g son personas con pérdida total de vivienda y objetos personales. 215508,45277.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"Despite continued robust growth in agriculture following the recovery from the 2018 drought, lower outputs in industry and services, as well as declining revenues due to trade disruptions and weaker tax compliance have put government finances under pressure" 145864,35819.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"USAID/BHA is supporting UNICEF and three NGOs to bolster COVID-19 health response capacity in Syria by establishing primary health care services in areas with limited health infrastructure, providing equipment to intensive care units and isolation facilities, and assisting effective infection and control practices." 2553,516.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,47,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-2017-humanitarian-situation-report,"During 2017, the UNICEF and partners provided 30,394 children (16,607 girls) with community and school-based psychosocial support in the East, West and South of Libya while 1,393 children survivors of Gender-based Violence (726 girls, 667 boys) received specialized services." 172513,40701.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,97,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_6_october_2020.pdf,"[6 October, Bangladesh Overall ]Hygiene: WASH cluster members constantly working on hygiene promotion and behaviour change communication to improve the hand hygiene practices through using different online medium. They installed 395 hand washing devices at the common places like markets, bus stops to improve hand hygiene practices. They installed Foot operated hand washing stations reduced risk of contamination/transmission risk for COVID-19 due to contactless operation modalities. It also appreciated by the community stakeholder and created a positive change towards hand washing.Cluster member also instated 407 household Handwashing devices." 340745,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,115,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"En la actualidad, el complejo proceso de consolidación de propuestas de atención a los estudiantes de pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes con una EIB o etnoeducación, se ha visto frustrado a raíz de la pandemia por el COVID-19. En este sentido, el 2020 ha marcado un retroceso en la atención pertinente a los estudiantes indígenas (López, 2020) y puede paralizar los pocos avances en el caso de los estudiantes afrodescendientes. No obstante, esta situación compleja derivada de la pandemia también puede ser una oportunidad para que los estados prioricen sus políticas de equidad y, en particular, las orientadas a estas poblaciones indígenas y afrodescendientes." 160521,38373.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 96.8% accede al agua a través del acueducto y la mayoría de la población (75.4%) tiene acceso a agua potable, a excepción de La Guajira, donde únicamente el 22.7% reporta tener acceso." 155013,34182.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,En su mayoría los alimentos que obtienen no están protegidos contra vectores como moscas e insectos. 322313,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported problems encountered when accessing health services or treatment: Cost of services and/or medicine was too high (26%), Have not tried to access medical services (22%) and the treatment centre was too far away(11%)." 357949,58540.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/a-la-une/rdc-covid-19-14-nouveaux-cas-de-deces-364-nouveaux-cas-positifs-et-68-gueris-enregistres-le-vendredi-25-juin-2021/,"Ces cas sont répartis surt l’ensemble du territoire national de la manière suivante : 226 à Kinshasa, 48 au Nord-Kivu, 33 au Kongo Central, 29 au Lualaba, 11 au Nord-Ubangi, 9 dans le Haut-Katanga, 7 en Ituri et 1 au Sud-Kivu. Au total, 2 011 échantillons ont été testés." 218412,45693.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,17,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,The high prevalence of diseases with epidemic potential is deepening the complexity of the humanitarian situation. 244231,47682.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"As of 7 October, there have been 1,262 reported cases and 89 deaths in 17 provinces. Between 4 and 7 October, there have been 36 new cases in N’Djamena and in the southern provinces of Moyen-Chari, Mayo-Kebbi ouest and Logone occidental" 141902,34876.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,17,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Recommendation: Young, rural men could be targeted with messaging about asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19." 152455,37831.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"This past year has been on one of remarkable achievement in our work with both the refugees and vulnerable Bangladeshi host communities. I would like to commend our outstanding, dedicated team of more than 600 full-time response staff, 1,100 field facilitators and volunteers. They have consistently delivered quality, life-sustaining assistance despite unprecedented challenges, including the COVID-19 crisis." 320928,54668.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Bétail Il a été indiqué que la plupart des individus habitent dans un village où les habitants possèdent du bétail : 80 pour cent des PDIs, 78 pour cent des retournés des déplacements internes et 75 pour cent des retournés d’Angola possèdent du bétail dans les villages d’accueil. Presque tous les individus de ces trois groupes habitent dans des villages où les habitants vendent un produit dérivé de leur bétail (93%, 95% et 95%, respectivement)." 17191,7079.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20EXTERNAL%20Operational%20Update%207%20DEC.PDF,"In Al Hudaydah Governorate itself, UNHCR has distributed over 1000 CRI kits and 500 ESKs. These distributions were in Az Zuhrah and Alluhayah districts, in the north of the governorate, responding to the needs of IDP families who recently fled fighting in Al Hudaydah city and elsewhere." 226617,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,Girls and boys interviewed during the assessment said that a pandemic like this presents unique challenges that can increase the number of child marriages. 487799,67501.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,25,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/searo-weekly-situation-report-34-2021.pdf,"[23-29 August 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh received around 1 million doses of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines through COVAX facility on 31 August 2021." 141899,34876.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Recommendation: Current messaging strategies for the elderly should be maintained to increase knowledge even more in this vulnerable group. Knowledge of transmission routes and atrisk groups to COVID-19 was greater than 75% by round 2, and increasing substantially among older populations." 334916,55852.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,33,[],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/more-than-dozen-people-killed-by-islamist-militants-northeast-nigeria-sources-2021-05-03/,"[4th May 2021, Northeast Nigeria]Attacks by Islamist militants have been intensifying in northeast Nigeria in recent months, with dozens of soldiers killed and thousands of Nigerians displaced." 204278,43976.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,59% des ménages [de Maradi] rapportent avoir réduit la consommation des adultes pour permettre aux plus jeunes de manger davantage. 125968,31192.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,40,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,Transitioning to Remote Service Provision: The COVID-19 pandemic heightens the already existing vulnerabilities for gender-based violence and affects the ability of survivors not only to report or seek help but also affects their access to quality response services. 393222,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,169,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The below chart describes the common ideas in the community on how to prevent COVID 19 virus. 56% indicates “adhering to preventive measures by health professionals like use of face masks, avoiding crowded areas, frequent washing of hands and use of hand sanitizers if available” as the most common ideas in the community on how to prevent COVID 19. 31% mentioned avoiding crowded area as common ideas, 6% indicates distribution and use of face masks in the community as the most common ideas, 3% said prayers and supporting each other through encouragement are the common ideas, another 3% said creating awareness on COVID 19 and the use of preventive measures are the common ideas. 1% said community praying for the pandemic and the preventive measures observed are the common ideas while 0.3% said isolation of people with COVID 19 symptoms as the common ideas." 310583,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Logistics Cluster : 36% that is 84m required, 30m funded, 54m unmet. [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 385603,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,78,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région de l’Est, ces deux derniers mois ont été marqués par une détérioration significative de l’insécurité avec des violences ciblant les populations et des affrontements entre groupes armés non étatiques et les Forces de défense et de sécurité, ce qui a provoqué des déplacements massifs de population avec la plupart des villages situés à la périphérie de la ville de Fada N’gourma qui ont été complètement désertés." 37181,11044.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,48,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"There are separate facilities for defecating for girls and women at the transit shelter in Ikom LGA Council. However, the facilities are in very close proximity to each other hence there is increased risk of SGBV. There is inadequate lighting around the toilet areas." 160433,38373.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Las barreras principales referidas por la población son la documentación que les exigen en las instituciones educativas (11.8%), la falta de cupos en las escuelas (9.7%) y la falta de uniformes o útiles escolares (5.8%)." 242554,47761.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_Informal-Settlement-Profile_Al-Hasakeh_November-2020.pdf,"[November 2020, Al-Hasakeh NES] Reported proportion of residents engaging in social distancing ; Everyone 2% , Most 28% , About half 11% , A few 38% and Nobody 21%" 185933,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,67,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Enfin, les provinces du Nord-Ouest, le Sud et Nord-Ubangi, malgré des fluctuations marquées d'un mois à l'autre, arrivent à maintenir un prix médian du PMA inférieur à 200 000 FC, marquant tout de même une importante augmentation du prix médian depuis le début de l'année, où les prix des PMA calculés se situaient entre 75 000 et 105 000 FC6." 179085,41951.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/index.php/2020/09/24/rdccovid-19-nouvelle-manifestation-de-colere-des-agents-de-la-riposte-kinshasa-pour,"Pour rappel, l’Inspection générale des finances (IGF) avait initié un audit sur les fonds alloués à la riposte contre le coronavirus. Il avait conclu qu’il y a eu mégestion au ministère de la santé. Il avait alors saisi la justice. Cette dernière, à travers le Conseil d’Etat a saisi à son tour l’Assemblée nationale pour obtenir la poursuite contre le ministre de la santé Eteni Longondo." 320936,54668.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Il a été rapporté que 61 pour cent des villages évalués n’ont pas de centre de santé, 85 pour cent n’ont aucun service de dépistage (dans 13% le gouvernement fournit les services/assistance de dépistage). De même, 83 pour cent de la population ne disposent pas de service de dépistage, plus précisément 86 pour cent sont des retournés et 85 pour cent sont des retournés d’Angola." 193764,43300.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´accès est aussi compliqué pour les femmes, à cause de barrières coutumières, du manque de pouvoir décisionnel, d´une situation de dépendance économique ou de barrières liées au manque de soins appropriés (exemple : manque de kits PEP) et de confidentialité." 224213,45763.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,La mauvaise pratique de lavage des mains et de gestion des ordures est ressortie dans tous les focus group tenus au cours de cette évaluation. 188577,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Ce 27/10/2020, 20 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 16 à Kinshasa, 2 dans le Haut-Katanga, 1 dans la Tshopo et 1 au Bas-Uélé - la 22ème province affectée en RDC (Annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." 204256,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,87% des ménages [de Dosso] ont rapporté avoir consommé des céréales chaque jour de la semaine précédant l’enquête. 486214,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Over half of households across NWS (57 percent) report living in finished houses or apartments, 15 percent report living in tents, 12 percent in makeshift shelters, 9 percent in unfinished houses or apartments, 4 percent in concrete block shelters (of which 85 percent are self-constructed), 2 percent in containers and less than 1 percent in other shelter types." 150581,34590.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,33,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Northeast Syria: total funding gap is USD 6.7 million (HRP non-COVID-19 related is USD 1 950 105 and COVID-19 related critical funding is USD 5 097 193 for 4 months. 154889,38099.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,16,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’agriculture vivrière enregistrerait une contre-performance de 1,2 pour cent contre 4 pour cent." 388609,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Missing'],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le 26 juin 2021, des membres d’un GANE ont enlevé six personnes à Niapsi dans la commune de Solhan. Parmi ces six personnes, il y a un agent de santé à base communautaire (ASBC) de Habanga et cinq cultivateurs. Ils reprochent aux cultivateurs d’avoir dérogé à leur règle en coupant les arbres pour en faire des champs." 126551,34397.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"En el 10% de los hogares encuestados hay un menor que tiene de 0 a 6 meses de edad: 10% para los hogares migrantes y 7% para los hogares de acogida. • En el 8% de estos hogares, los bebes menores de 6 meses no reciben leche materna: 8% para los hogares migrantes y 6% para los hogares de acogida." 126485,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La República del Perú es el segundo país de llegada de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en todo el mundo después de Colombia, y es el país que posee la más alta demanda de refugio por parte de los ciudadanos venezolanos. Hasta el mes de setiembre de 2019, más de 866,000 refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela residían en el país, casi 290,000 de estos habían solicitado asilo." 286918,51627.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,60,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Approximately half indicated that they had not changed their behaviour because there was no point. “Do you know why? Because we left the most precious things in life, our homes. We were evicted from our homes. We don't have anything left. Nothing matters anymore”" 160587,32149.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,72,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3646379,"Bogotá, 22 de junio de 2019. La Misión de Apoyo al Proceso de Paz en Colombia de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (MAPP/OEA) expresa su preocupación por el aumento de las violencias basadas en género en contra de jóvenes, mujeres, lideresas y defensoras de derechos humanos en el marco de la crisis sanitaria, social y económica que supone el Covid-19 en el país." 266929,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,129,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"The last few years have seen a striking rise in rural insurgency in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.[fn]Escalating tensions pitting communities against both one another and the state relate not only to the recent tumult but also to longstanding disputes in these countries. Rural dwellers in each of the three central Sahel states have struggled for decades with rising competition over access to natural resources, including land and water, and a crisis of pastoralism. These underlying circumstances facilitated the spread of violence as more weapons circulated and more young men came to live by the gun [Crisis Group Africa Briefing N°154, The Central Sahel: Scene of New Climate Wars?, 24 April 2020]." 389294,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"En el primer semestre de 2021, al menos 39.902 personas han sido confinadas en Colombia. El 56% de las 27 emergencias por confinamiento reportadas por los Equipos Locales de Coordinación, fueron causadas por amenazas directas contra las comunidades, un 30% fueron causados por enfrentamientos entre grupos armados no estatales (GANE) y al menos un 11% se asocian a la contaminación por Minas Antipersonal (MAP) y Municiones sin Explotar (MSE)." 62961,18399.0,1386.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elsiglo.com.ve/2019/09/29/guaido-rechaza-actos-xenofobicos-contra-venezolanos-en-peru/,"Geneva, July 8th, 2019 – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and IOM, the International Organization for Migration, welcome the adoption by Latin American and Caribbean countries of a road map to facilitate integration in the region of refugees and migrants from Venezuela." 81886,22512.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,111,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"El 20 de octubre, el Gerente Frontera con Venezuela, Felipe Muñoz, anunció la formación de una Mesa Migratoria liderada por el gobierno en el territorio de Putumayo, para la respuesta gubernamental a favor de la población venezolana en el departamento.4 En esta línea, la declaración de Muñoz es un avance importante porque, aunque Putumayo tiene un número significativo de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos debido a las características geográficas de frontera con Ecuador, la invisibilidad de esta población, en su mayoría irregular y muy vulnerable, se ha traducido en asistencia extremadamente limitada y la presencia de muy pocos actores humanitarios en el departamento" 326764,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"De surcroît, la moyenne de la proportion quotidienne de suivi des contacts est en nette amélioration entre S13/2021 et S14/2021, passant ainsi de 55,9% à 71,4%" 10451,2965.0,322.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Demography'],en,173,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800409_Humanitarian_Update_Final_1.pdf,"Queues have been witnessed at private fuel stations in the governorate, while government-run fuel stations are not functioning. Fuel is available in the unofficial market at a higher price. In nearby governorates, however, fuel is available with no change in price. Cut-off hours of electricity have increased during the reporting period to 6-8 hours a day, compared to two hours a day in the previous weeks. According to a displacement tracking exercise, 305 new IDP households were reported in Aden in the past week. Reportedly, 244 other new IDP families have been displaced in the districts of Khanfir, Lawdar and UPDATES FROM THE HUMANITARIAN HUBS Zingibar in Abyan governorate and 61 in Tuban and Al Had districts in Lahj governorate. 299 suspected diphtheria cases were reported in the hub as of 8 April, including 141 cases in Al Dhale’e, 67 in Aden, 12 in Lahj, seven in Abyan and one case in Shabwah." 356602,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Missing'],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Se ha informado que al menos 419 personas han desaparecido durante las protestas. El 4 de junio, la Fiscalía indicó que había localizado a 304 de esas personas. En algunos casos, quienes las reportaron como desaparecidas no sabían que estas personas habían sido detenidas." 199237,43086.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],es,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200909_Respuesta_COVID_Norte_de_Santander_Julio_VF.pdf,"Durante el mes de julio, debido a que Norte de Santander fue el departamento con mayor retraso en la entrega de resultados de las pruebas COVID-192 . Dado el aumento de casos positivos, además de una ocupación del 98% en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, se declaró la alerta roja hospitalaria en el departamento3 ." 648,156.0,321.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,63,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Overall, 4.9% of households reported the presence of explosives hazards and unexploded ordnances (UXOs) in their areas with relative differences across mantikas. Higher percentages of households reported the presence of UXOs in Derna (12.7%), Al Margab (10.6%) and Benghazi (8.6%) - areas which witnessed intense active conflict." 388939,60849.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,85,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"A su vez, en contexto de cuarentena producto de la pandemia por COVID19, las personas entrevistadas señalan que sus situaciones de precariedad laboral se han recrudecido. Ya sea porque han perdido su trabajo por despidos o porque se dificulta aún más la realización de trabajos informales, lo que, como señalamos, incide fuertemente en sus posibilidades de mantener una vivienda (que en todos los casos correspondía a una pieza arrendada bajo sistema colectivo de baño y cocina)." 279146,50217.0,2333.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,23,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,L’analyse de l’évolution du contexte ne laisse aucunement présager une amélioration de la situation au Niger en 2021. 491555,67919.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021%2008%20Syria%20Country%20Brief.pdf,"[July 2021, Overall Syria] Food prices remained relatively stable across Syria in July 2021, according to the latest WFP data, with just a one percent increase from June. The relative stability is primary linked to government’s increased efforts in controlling market prices and exchange rates. However, food prices in July remain 93 percent higher than one year ago." 388611,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Missing'],fr,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La première typologie de violation des droits humains constatée est celle du droit à la liberté et à la sécurité avec 11 cas dont 04 cas d’enlèvement, 03 cas d’ultimatum, 01 cas de séquestration et 03 cas de menaces." 408614,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"In Cauca, armed groups are fighting for control of natural resources and illicit economies. They also seek to exert territorial control and establish armed orders that allow them to extort money from and regulate the behaviour of local civilians" 261459,49211.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"En El Tigre 2 (Caucasia) la escuela se encuentra en construcción y en Las Malvinas (Caucasia) la escuela que presta servicio para NNAJ de otras comunidades al mismo tiempo, se presenta hacinamiento en las aulas." 393231,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the community trusts Health care workers, organizations (INGOs, CSOs, UN) and the community based structures like Bulamas, as the most reliable source of information about any health issues in their communities" 217583,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Kunduz and Taluqan (Takhar province) show a slightly better food security situation, as both have flat lands with high agricultural production. The favourable precipitation last year boosted their local agricultural production, so both provinces have surplus wheat production. Good local production has positively impacted the overall situation not only in rural but also in the urban markets; therefore both areas are classified in IPC Phase 2 (Stress)." 290947,51607.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2224-4220-2021-1405-eng.pdf,"Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) trends in Afghanistan have been steadily increasing since 2013 (when 45 cases were reported), with upsurges in 2018 (483 cases) and 2019 (583 cases), partly explained by the enhancement of surveillance systems and improved reporting. A sharp drop followed in 2020 when 184 cases were reported including 15 deaths." 291632,52152.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,102,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 13,3% de los hogares encuestados se dedicaban a la producción de ganadería bovina o especies menores como aves de corral o porcicultura. De la muestra, el 16% de los hogares con ganadería (correspondiente al 2% de la muestra total) ha mencionado dificultades menores, y un 33% (4% de la muestra) dificultades mayores. El principal inconveniente que afecta a los productores es la falta de alimento y pastos para el ganado, y en algunas zonas se presentan dificultades para acceder a agua (Cafetera y Caribe)." 161746,34176.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,5,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,4.169 transferencias monetarias multipropósito. 492761,68126.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,28,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/20210921_fss_coordination_meeting_0.pdf,"[21st September 2021, Cox's Bazar] Food assistance: • Due to Covid-19 restrictions beneficiaries are allowed to visit e-voucher outlets 1 time per month" 293851,52365.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,97,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"In 49 of the 50 community discussion groups, around 98%, access to FOOD is mentioned as a priority need. According to key informants, the main barrier to accessing food is the lack of resources. Communities in the affected municipality access food and sources of income through subsistence farming and raising livestock. According to those interviewed, in general, there is sufficient food available in the markets. However, in six concentration points in rural areas, key informants mentioned difficulties in accessing markets due to their distance." 306767,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"On December 4, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and UNHCR announced that the GoS and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan (GoRSS) had agreed to a series of steps towards medium- and long-term solutions for the approximately 7 million displaced people originating from and hosted by the two countries, as well as Sudanese and South Sudanese refugees residing in other states." 273690,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Accessibilité à certaines zones et donc aux populations affectées [entrave la réponse aux besoins des communautés, tiré de l'évaluation rapide à Niamey du 27 septembre 2020]" 491557,67919.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021%2008%20Syria%20Country%20Brief.pdf,"[July 2021, Overall Syria] Food insecurity persisted across the country, according to the latest WFP data. In July 2021, close to half of households surveyed reported inadequate food consumption. The national average rate of inadequate food consumption increased by three percentage points from June 2021 and up by 15 percent compared to July 2020." 326474,54734.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Among households of IDP settlements with children , 19% households reporting having access to mobile nutrition team able to assess for malnutrition in the 6 months prior to data collection . While among households of non-IDP settlements with children , 13% households reporting having access to mobile nutrition team able to assess for malnutrition in the 6 months prior to data collection." 162623,39587.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Demography'],es,170,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Datos%20VBG%20Cartagena%20incluyendo%20migrantes_0.pdf,"Teniendo en cuenta la llegada progresiva de migrantes venezolanos al distrito de Cartagena en los últimos años, se puede precisar que un hecho indiscutible es que todos los fenómenos migratorios impactan de manera distinta en hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas, incluyendo a los distintos grupos de edad, estos hechos sin lugar a duda afectan a todos los eventos de interés en Salud Pública, siendo uno de estos, La Violencia Basada en Género, la cual ha reportado en el distrito un total de 233 (86,6%) casos correspondientes a población colombiana y un total de 23 (8,6%) casos correspondientes a la población venezolana. Dentro de este reporte, es importante evidenciar los casos de Violencia Sexual según la Nacionalidad, puesto que, para la población colombiana se presentó un total de 88 (88%) casos, y un total de 10 (10%), para la población venezolana que reside en Cartagena" 265732,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,56,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Quelques sites de PDI seraient également restés inaccessibles pendant plusieurs semaines dans les régions de Tahoua et de Tillaberi à cause des inondations152. Enfin, les incidents ciblant les acteurs humanitaires continuent d’entraver la bonne mise en œuvre des activités, dans des zones où le contexte sécuritaire rendrait parfois possible les activités" 439198,63585.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,131,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000131067.pdf,"Comparativement au mois de juin 2021, le prix de la farine de maïs est resté stable en termes de prix nominal. La moyenne des marchés de la ville de Goma est passée de 920FC/Kg à 882FC/Kg soit (-3%) comme taux de variation. Cette stabilité de prix se justifie par la disponibilité du produit avec le début des récoltes de la saison B qui pourrait poursuivre une tendance à la baisse au cours du mois de Août 2021. La moyenne des prix pour ce produit en ce mois de juillet reste aussi stable à celle de la moyenne pour la même période de l'année passée: 891FC/Kg à 889FC/Kg soit (0%) comme taux de variation de juillet 2020 à juillet 2021." 248537,46458.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In addition, 82 per cent of patients testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 are between 20-59 years of age (OCHA 2020); hence, those suffering with symptoms are likely to be household earners, exerting further pressure on vulnerable residents. Female-headed households are most at risk because they suffer lower incomes than their male counterparts." 113315,32328.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"• Los venezolanos enfrentan una variedad de riesgos de protección, mismos que aumentan significativamente una vez que comienzan su viaje migratorio. Muchos viajan por medios irregulares y experimentan prácticas de explotación en la mayoría d ocasiones en relación con su falta de documentación migratoria." 358615,58464.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] There was a sharp decrease in access to electricity from January 2021 and May 2021 in communities around the Euphrates. The proportion of communities where electricity access through the main network was reported across NES is 81%, but over 99% of assessed communities in Ar-Raqqa and Aleppo governorates are relying on the main network, which is mainly supplied by Tishreen’s hydroelectric power. Al-Hasakeh governorate experiences extremely low reports of electricity more consistently, so little change is seen, while the access is still low." 234681,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,The Covid-19 pandemic creates urgent BOP [Balance of Payement] and fiscal needs and the authorities have requested the Fund’s financial assistance through the RCF [Rapid Credit Facility] 295333,51569.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Specific needs identified were provision of structures for meetings, complaints and feedback mechanism, and capacity building training (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 15078,6310.0,321.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,33,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/25.10.18%20EN%20UNICEF%20Airlifts%204.7%20Million%20Doses%20of%20Measles%2C%20Rubella%20and%20Polio%20Vaccines%20for%20Children%20in%20Libya.pdf,"Evidence shows that a number of boys and girls, particularly among the migration communities and those living in hard-to-reach and conflict affected areas of the country, have not been vaccinated." 226898,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Targeted killings caused 16 per cent of civilian casualties from 1 January to 30 September 2020, a 39 per cent increase in the number of civilian casualties in comparison to the same period last year." 205054,43256.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Needs in Logone-et-Chari and Mayo Tsanaga relate predominantly to a limited access to health services, water and hygiene and sanitation services and a lack of economic capacity to meet essential needs." 291579,51191.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"During the first nine months of 2020, almost 6,000 civilians were killed and injured, including 2,400 women and children." 132641,34344.0,1185.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,10,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Disponibilidad y capacidad de almacenamiento de recursos de agua 227526,46488.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Tous les IC ont rapporté la présence d’obstacles pour les personnes de la localité souhaitant accéder à des soins de santé et que ces problèmes d’accès étaient principalement d’ordre financier. 151321,38020.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/180397/,This brings the number of infected people in the past 24 hours to seven. 17778,6969.0,321.0,['Education'],[],[],en,72,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_factsheet_msna_education_november2018_0_0.pdf,"Overall, 13% of all households across Libya were found to have an unmet education need, with IDP households the most likely to have an unmet education need (17%). Education needs were highest in Wadi Ashshati, where almost half (46%) of all households had challenges accessing educational services. One-third of households in Alkufra and Azzawya had an unmet education need." 322885,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 3% households with at least one member having lost employment in the three months prior to data collection 226630,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,Poverty and household vulnerability leading to increased early child forced marriage will inevitably lead to further intergenerational cycles of poverty and violence. 220000,45769.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Les enfants sont affectés émotionnellement, psychologiquement et montrent des signes de peur et d’inquiétude dans leurs regards a cause des violences pour lesquelles ils ont été témoins." 72501,20768.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"ACCESO A VIVIENDA Y ARRIENDO La mayoría de venezolanos encuestados que llegaron a Barranquilla (72 %) consideró difícil o muy difícil acceder a la vivienda. A las mujeres se les dificulta más buscar un lugar dónde vivir; en consecuencia, el 76 % de ellas manifestó tener impedimentos para acceder a una vivienda y solo al 10 % le resultó fácil. Por el contrario, para los hombres es más sencillo: el 21 % no tuvo inconvenientes en encontrar un lugar para habitar" 70790,20130.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3370349,"Asistieron 120 delegaciones, entre ellas instituciones de la UE y Estados Miembros, los países de América Latina y del Caribe más afectados, países donantes, agencias de Naciones Unidas, sector privado, ONG, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y actores de desarrollo incluyendo instituciones financieras internacionales" 330760,53078.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"FINANCEMENT 2018 = 338 millions Financement requis (US$) / 165 millions Soit 48,8% Financement mobilisé (US$)" 174463,40839.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, BAY states] EDUCATION FACILITIES FOR RETURNEES In contrast with facilities at locations hosting displaced persons, educational facilities were present in 49 per cent (down from 51%) of locations where returnees were residing. Fifty-one per cent of locations had no education facilities. Availability of education services was 51 per cent (down by 4%) for Borno, 53 per cent (down by 3%) in Yobe and 46 per cent (down by 1%) in Adamawa." 398734,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Otro dato interesante a destacar es que tres de cada cuatro empresas con 25 o más trabajadores cuentan con el 15% o menos de trabajadores extranjeros en su dotación, que es el porcentaje establecido por la norma vigente. Mientras el 27,1% de los empleadores cree que el límite actual es adecuado, el 44,7% opina que no debiese ponerse límites a la contratación de personal extranjero." 332754,46468.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,30,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Ninety per cent of victims [civilians injured in attacks] suffered financial loss, usually due to the death of a family breadwinner, and expensive medical bills." 158062,38779.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"127,916 # of PoCs benefited from CLIs. (Only On-going and Completed Projects is being represented. Exclusion of Assessed." 276337,50677.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,176,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Selon l’enquête relaissée par le Système national de surveillance d'alerte précoce (PRESNAP), l’accès à l’eau potable dans la région pendant la saison des pluies est majoritairement (64%) possible grâce aux nombreux puits à motricité manuel. Pendant cette saison, 91% des personnes ont accès à un point d’eau à moins d’un kilomètre (15 minutes de marche en moyenne). Ces données relativement satisfaisantes en termes d’accès physique à l’eau potable ne reflètent cependant pas la situation réelle. En termes de quantité, 105 litres d’eau - potable ou non - sont disponibles par jour et par ménage, soit un peu moins de 15 litres par personne et par jour, standard minimum de référence utilisés par les organisations humanitaires. Les quantités les plus faibles affectent les ménages des départements du Diamare et du Mayo-Danay, qui ne sont pourtant pas directement affectés par le conflit armé." 291399,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"So far, India has pledged to donate 500,000 doses (one person requires two doses to have a complete course) of its domestically-produced COVID-19 vaccine to Afghanistan which may arrive to the country as soon as the first half of this month. This vaccine is in the process of approval by WHO." 411429,63733.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,26,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2ca3af14/REACH_BFA2106_presentation_Cluster-Abris-National_juillet-2021.pdf,"Les villes de Pouytenga, Bourzanga et Titao avaient des besoins urgents en AME au moment de la collecte de données, selon les IC." 473197,67204.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"Así lo explica un informe publicado en las últimas semanas por la revista médica británicaThe Lancet, el cual fue elaborado por académicos de la Universidad de Harvard, el Imperial College de Londres, la Universidad de Oxford, el University College de Londres y la Universidad de Ciudad del Cabo, e instituciones como el Banco Mundial y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS).El análisis se hizo con base en datos sobre covid-19 proporcionados por la Johns Hopkins University." 284608,43603.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,21,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,This increase in cholera cases is attributed to lack of safe water and sanitation services faced by the affected populations. 304456,50891.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"UNICEF and partners also responded to several disease outbreaks, including Chikungunya, Dengue and Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD), mobilizing resources accordingly as part of an integrated response" 677,156.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,141,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"IDP accommodation arrangements highlighted some specific vulnerabilities compared to non-displaced populations given their higher dependency on rented accommodation or relying on free housing provided by extended kin, family and friends. The majority of IDP households were living in rented accommodation, having to pay rent on a monthly basis which was taking up a large share of expenditure at time when a lack of cash was reported as one of the most pressing constraints in Libya (see expenditure section below). When renting their housing, 29 31.0% of IDP households mentioned that renting costs had increased in the six months prior to the assessment. Lack of property and housing ownership for IDP households means that they are reliant upon more insecure shelter arrangements than non-displaced and returnee households, necessitating regular monthly income." 274208,49666.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"La prévalence de l’insécurité alimentaire dans la province de l’Ituri et dans les territoires de Faradje et Bafwasenda demeure inquiétante. Elle est supérieure à 70 %, suggérant que 1/3 des ménages dans cette zone fait face à l’insécurité alimentaire. La situation de Faradje, Bafwasenda et Djugu, demeure encore plus alarmante avec un taux d’insécurité alimentaire sévère qui est respectivement de 76 %, 66 % et 61 %. La consommation des aliments riches en fer d’origine animale est extrêmement faible dans tous les territoires enquêtés." 385984,60796.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,102,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/improving-testing-rate-who-supports-ondo-state-integrate-covid-19-sample-collection,"[26th July 2021, Ondo State, Nigeria] The intervention was informed following a decline in most of the COVID-19 monitoring indices in the state. The number of samples tested decreased from 1080 in epidemiological week 05 (01-07 February 2021) to 225 samples in week 11 (15 -21 March), 2021. Also, the case to contact ratio during this period remained consistently low at 1:1, and 69% (73/105) of the active cases were under home-based care (HBC) in week 11 (15-21 March), 2021." 152500,37831.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"Communicating effectively with communities during the COVID-19 crisis was especially important this year. Our accountability team shared timely, appropriate materials in Rohingya and Bangla on COVID-19 prevention that helped slow the spread of the virus and save lives." 82594,22770.0,729.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,33,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"KIs in 12 assessed mahallas, as well as in the Al Fallah 2 camp for Tawerghan IDPs, reported that shelters in their mahallas had been recently damaged since 26 August." 223457,44702.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Some of the displaced households are surviving by gathering what they can salvage from the gardens. The rains coincided with the harvesting of the groundnut crop and the fast-growing sorghum. Other households have received some assistance from nearby communities not affected by flooding 132485,34344.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los refugiados y migrantes enfrentan niveles de informalidad muy elevados (90 por ciento aproximadamente), violación de los derechos laborales, incluyendo la discriminación (casi el 36%10) y tienen un mayor riesgo de ser víctimas de delitos incluyendo la trata de personas y la explotación." 229226,46495.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,113,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"De los 274 niños y niñas encuestados (130 niños y 144 niñas), 183 (88 niños y 95 niñas se encontraban en edad escolar. Sin embargo, solo el 47.5% (44 niños, 52 niñas) estaban inscritos en una institución educativa. Las barreras de acceso a la educación más reportadas son la falta de medios virtuales (26.8%), la documentación (16.9%), la falta de cupos en instituciones educativas (10.9%), la distancia (2.7%), la necesidad de educación especial (2.2%) o el embarazo temprano (2.2%)." 69506,19860.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://cronica.uno/programa-de-alimentacion-escolar-en-sucre-es-insuficiente-y-carece-de-proteinas/,"Pretender iniciar el año escolar en estas condiciones en las que ni siquiera se garantiza la comida a los chamos, es temerario. Los niños se desmayan y ya los maestros no tienen para comprarles un desayuno" 285631,51627.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS]Camp conditions that participants described as particularly detrimental to an effective COVID-19 response were household crowding, inadequate sewerage and waste management, insufficient and poor-quality water, and lack of cleaning supplies." 241963,47791.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,52,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"La stigmatisation et la discrimination liées au COVID-19 peuvent exposer davantage les enfants à la violence et à la détresse psychologique, et notamment les enfants à risque et particulièrement vulnérables, comme les enfants hors cadre familial, les enfants vivant dans la rue, les enfants handicapés, etc." 293210,43280.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"Meanwhile, first curative out-patient clinic (OPD) consultations increased by 9 per cent in comparison to August. This data is a good sign that utilization and therefore, trust is increasing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic via infection prevention control (IPC) measures." 339537,56373.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/mundo/8/colombia-confirma-la-apertura-de-la-frontera-con-venezuela-el-1-de-junio,"Serrano ha explicado en Caracol Radio que la reapertura tiene lugar en el marco de la ""reactivación económica biosegura"" de la frontera y ha especificado que el Ministerio de la Protección Social colombiano colaborará para garantizar que se cumplan todos los protocolos de seguridad en el ingreso de ciudadanos venezolanos y colombianos a Colombia." 202084,43280.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,53,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"In line with the 2020 Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), as well as the Centrality of Protection Strategy, UNICEF’s priorities are to provide life-saving services to address critical malnutrition and excess mortality, effectively respond to mounting protection threats and support resilience building and early recovery." 79315,21909.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,75,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dw.com/es/crisis-en-am%C3%A9rica-latina-migrantes-venezolanos-y-cubanos-bajo-sospecha/a-51457689,"El catedrático de la Universidad de Giessen agrega que ""es un error creer que el gobierno venezolano o el cubano sean tan fuertes como para dirigir movimientos en otros países, cuando los dos están bastante debilitados. Pero el error principal es cerrar los ojos a las causas de los problemas sociales internos en países como Chile o Colombia, principalmente las desigualdades. Todo lo demás es desviar la discusión”." 206538,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Counties with IPC Phase 3 classification remain widespread and the numbers have increased to 4.65 million in 2019 as compared to 4.32 million in 2018. 287388,51747.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,58,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COD_13.pdf,"Planting of the 2021 secondary season maize crop, to be harvested from June, is underway in the bi-modal northern provinces, under overall conducive weather conditions. In central provinces, harvesting of the secondary season maize crop will begin in March and crop conditions are generally good following adequate and well-distributed precipitations during the season" 147876,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,27,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Three NFI partners have also reallocated funds for hygiene kits. While NFI partners are resuming distributions, there is a shortage of PPE in the market" 340765,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Lecciones aprendidas: Es innegable el compromiso de los líderes comunales por garantizar la educación de los estudiantes del pueblo Awa, pero lo que permitió lograr los objetivos fue la coordinación con los docentes, dinamizadores, padres y madres de familia y los responsables de las transmisiones radiales." 168287,40395.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic-republic-congo/health,"Les réfugiés et les personnes déplacées expriment souvent des craintes au sujet du virus, principalement dues à de mauvaises informations. Même si la distanciation physique peut être difficile à mettre en œuvre dans les camps et sites d’installation surpeuplés, le lavage des mains est dans l’ensemble rigoureusement appliqué." 392173,62160.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,88,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/478260-covid-19-nigeria-postpones-second-batch-of-vaccination.html,"[7th August 2021, Nigeria]As of Saturday, Nigeria has recorded 177,615 coronavirus cases and 2,185 fatalities, data from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) shows. Although the country commenced inoculation of its citizens against COVID-19 in early March, only 3,938,945 eligible persons across 36 states and FCT have so far been vaccinated. Out of the figure, 2,534,205 people have been vaccinated for the first dose and 1,404,205 have received their second dose of the vaccine." 172313,40929.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Nigeria] Heavy rainfall continues to affect IDPs in camps and conflict-affected host communities in the north-east and north-west. Shelters in makeshift locations were destroyed in the north-east and over 5,000 households were affected by flooding in the north-west. In addition to the direct impact on immediate needs, flooding of farmlands will have a negative impact on food availability and nutrition status in the short-medium term." 245837,47702.0,2425.0,['Logistics'],[],[],en,61,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Loss of equipment and supplies. Even if the building is not totally damaged, the loss of equipment prevents businesses from reopening immediately following the explosion. Most business owners have lost their equipment: restaurants lost their kitchen equipment and furniture, small markets lost their supplies and fixtures, and pharmacies lost some of their stock of medication" 70946,20191.0,788.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,This situation urgently calls for more investment in recovery and development programs. The destruction of basic social infrastructure in hard-to-reach areas coupled with lack of basic service delivery is further perpetuating the crisis. The suspension of activities by Action Against Hunger (AAH/ACF) and Mercy Corps (MC) has left significant gaps in the delivery of critical services to vulnerable people. 79303,21909.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,80,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dw.com/es/crisis-en-am%C3%A9rica-latina-migrantes-venezolanos-y-cubanos-bajo-sospecha/a-51457689,"Según datos de la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados (ACNUR), hay más de cuatro millones y medio de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela - más exactamente 4.626.969 según datos de ACNUR del 5 de noviembre de 2019 - repartidos por la región. La gran mayoría está en Colombia (1,4 millones), pero también en Perú (768 mil), Chile (288 mil) y Ecuador (263 mil)." 205835,43347.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The education system and infrastructure in South Sudan are fragile, with limited equitable access to quality education for children and youth (aged 3–17), who represent 45 per cent of the population. This has major negative consequences on people’s living conditions and mental well-being." 193823,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les zones frontalières avec le Nigéria et le Niger restent instables et des incursions de membres de groupes armés non-étatiques sont toujours signalées, occasionnant des incidents de protection. Cela réduit la capacité des personnes en déplacement à restaurer leurs moyens de subsistance et pourvoir à leurs besoins vitaux." 205558,43347.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The population in PoC sites has slightly decreased by 16,000 individuals compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, IDPs in the sites continue to rely on humanitarian assistance for several reasons, including limited access to livelihood opportunities and basic services, which have consequently forced them to adopt negative coping mechanisms like suicide and early marriage, that have exacerbated their vulnerability." 158070,38779.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,947 # of disinfectants for interior of buildings (hydrogen peroxide ) or chlorine 2% 271508,49808.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"En effet, selon le rapport bilan annuel du Programme national d’approvisonnement en eau potable, le taux d’accès à l’eau potable est de 75,4% au niveau national, 68,4% en milieu rural et 92,9% en milieu urbain [MEA, 2019. Programme national d’approvisionnement en eau potable (pn-aep), Rapport national bilan annuel 2019, 102 p]." 245751,47833.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,186,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"La mayoría de las personas monitoreadas viven bajo la modalidad de arriendo (78.3%), dentro de las cuales el 79.3% vive en casas y un 12% en inquilinatos. El 41.5 % de la población monitoreada paga un alquiler de 200-400.000 COP; el 26.8% entre 0 y 200.000 COP, el 15.4% entre 400 y 600.000 COP, el 14.2 % no paga nada y el 2.0% paga más de 600.000 COP mensuales. Sin embargo, existen variaciones en el precio según la zona geográfica y los arriendos más caros se pagan en Bogotá donde el 32.6 % de la población paga entre 400 y 600.000 COP comparado con Riohacha donde el 30% de la población no paga nada porque viven en asentamientos informales. En Riohacha el 35.1% de la población monitoreada vive en asentamientos informales y la mayoría de estas construcciones utilizan el plástico como principal material de construcción (36.4%). La mayoría de las personas no cuenta con un baño en su vivienda (46.6%)." 75214,21304.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://www.rcnradio.com/internacional/onu-lanza-programa-de-formacion-para-migrantes-venezolanos-en-colombia-y-peru,"El programa tiene el objetivo deofrecer formación vocacional y titulaciones a 400 jóvenes venezolanos, además de facilitar la creación de nuevas empresas que integren a estos migrantes con las comunidades de acogida, según señaló el portavoz de la OIM,Joel Millmanal anunciar esta nueva iniciativa. La fundación queCitigroupmantiene para financiar este tipo de proyectos humanitarios, invertirá en este en concreto alrededor deun millón de dólares, equivalentes a lo que ha gastado en el resto de colaboraciones que ha mantenido con la OIM desde 2015." 217440,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,16,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Recently, there have been sporadic openings to allow commercial vehicles to pass into Afghanistan." 61679,18349.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20sitrep%20-%20Aug%202019.pdf,"Protection monitoring activities are ongoing to better analyse the profile, needs and intentions of those arriving at the border. Information has been provided across Colombia over the weekend to ensure that refugees and migrants are informed about the entry requirements to Ecuador before making the journey to Rumichaca." 241474,47384.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,154,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) Prices of fuels have increased by 4%, that was notable in the prices of manually refined diesel and petrol (local refined) due to high demand. While government petrol ""high quality petrol"" prices have remained the same as it is pegged to USD ($0.62 per liter). Moreover, High quality diesel prices has remained unchanged; as it is controlled and regulated by the self-administration. But it is worth noting that locally refined Fuel, with diesel in particular, are less available in the market due to a large increase in demand during this period (Winter season). 27% of vendors reported that shortage of fuel sources and 32% of vendors citied dollar exchange rates as the main challenges, 14% mentioned transportation costs and issues with supply." 346685,57050.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_145_20210525.pdf,"Au Kongo-Central – la 4ème province la plus touchée du pays – les principaux foyers épidémiques, pour les 1 733 cas dont l’information a été récoltée, sont les ZS de Matadi (502/1 733 ; 29,0%), Muanda (249/1 733 ; 14,4%), Mbanza-Ngungu (188/1 733 ; 10,8%), Boma (137/1 733 ; 7,9%), Nzanza (129/1 733 ; 7,4%) et Kimpese (115/1 733 ; 6,6%)" 123720,32567.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"Yet, for several reasons including collapsing revenue and in-fighting between different government departments, Libya has not replenished stocks of any of the vaccines that are critical to tackle childhood diseases such as measles and polio. Stocks of all vaccines are forecast to run out some time in the next two weeks. Again, at WHO’s repeated urging, the national authorities finally placed an order for some of these critical vaccines. However, no one knows when they will be received." 356599,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"A su vez, la policía ha privado de la libertad a más de5.500personas sobre la base de una disposición legal que le permite “trasladar” a una persona a un “centro asistencial o de protección” para “su protección” o la de terceros. Human Rights Watch documentó múltiples casos de detenciones arbitrarias, incluyendo varios en los que la policía empleó la figura de “traslado por protección”." 223254,44702.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,A lot of destruction took place during the onset of flooding. The impacts have drastically interrupted the livelihood of the affected population. 271538,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au niveau régional, la prévalence la plus élevée est enregistrée dans la région du Sahel avec 32,9% contre 25,3% [22,2-28,7] en 2019 pour la même région et la plus faible dans la région du Centre avec 11,1% en augmentation par rapport à 2019 (9,6%) [6,8-13,5] pour la même région [insuffisance pondérale]." 235150,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,62,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Cameroon is assessed at high risk of debt distress; however debt remains sustainable. The DSA, dated February 2020, showed debt to be sustainable and the updated DSA, incorporating the Covid-19 pandemic shock, suggests that while risks have increased it continues to remain sustainable conditioned on the availability of concessional resources and avoidance of additional NCB." 490547,67789.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Despite the large civilian population including recent influx of new arrivals, only six partner-run health facilities are operational in the LGA with no capacity for secondary health care services. The General Hospital which could potentially provide health care services is non-functional and is currently occupied by IDPs facing shelter shortages." 235995,46890.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In August, 26,521 children under 5 years of age were screened for acute malnutrition with 110 (0.4 percent) identified with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 323 (1.2 percent) children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM)." 166421,40068.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/covid-19-526-active-cases-on-admission-in-fct-says-ncdc/,"Also, based on our finding and in line with the NCDC guideline for community discharge, the FCT has actually discharged 2967 cases (2958 alive & well + 9 Deaths) from the community. Therefore, as of 13th September 2020, FCT has only 495 active cases of COVID-19”" 456881,64224.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,10,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Más del 90% tiene educación secundaria o superior. 391234,61119.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.24horas.cl/tendencias/ciencia-tecnologia/app-de-pago-actualiza-sus-servicios-con-version-especial-para-migrantes-en-chile--4564424,"Con el fin de agilizar los pagos y el envío de remesas al extranjero -de una forma rápida y segura-,Vita Wallet, pasarela de pago con dos años de existencia en el mercado, acaba de lanzar una actualización a sus servicios y app móvil, orientada particularmente a los migrantes que viven en nuestro país y quienes envían regularmente dinero a sus familiares." 385986,60796.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,94,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/improving-testing-rate-who-supports-ondo-state-integrate-covid-19-sample-collection,"[26th July 2021, Ondo State, Nigeria] With this in mind, WHO supported the state in the decentralization and integration of COVID-19 sample collections into the essential health care system. This involved identification and training of 103 laboratorians/sample collectors (1 per health facility) across the three LGAs. These health facility staff, based within the facilities were trained on how to conduct daily screening, triaging and collection of samples from all identified suspected cases that either visited or were referred to the health facility." 289360,51168.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,On-going response by 9 partners in 117 Outpatient Therapeutic Program (OTP) and Target Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) and 6 Nutrition Stabilization Centres (SC) in 46 payams in the six counties. 48851,12663.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Women’s Health and Gender-Based Violence There are at least 454,000 Venezuelan women migrants in Colombia.71 Many of them face challenges accessing health care as well as threats of sexual exploitation and abuse, trafficking, and sexual and reproductive rights violations. Over 12 percent of reported public health events in 2018 were categorized as gender-based violence, and some evidence suggests indigenous women face even greater threats." 209884,45114.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,http://saharareporters.com/2020/12/09/nigeria%E2%80%99s-covid-19-cases-rise-70195-550-fresh-infections,"[8thDec2020,Nigeria] The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control has recorded 550 new infections of the COVID-19 in the country. The NCDC disclosed this via its verified website on Tuesday. It said that the 550 new cases had taken the total number of infections in the country to 70,195." 221025,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,Armed groups circulate pamphlets and messages on social media platforms outlining measures and threatening violence to those who do not obey them (FIP 2020; Insight Crime 03/09/2020) 385590,60457.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région [Est], la baisse de la production et la hausse des prix entraîneront une dégradation de l’accès alimentaire, en particulier pour les PDI et les communautés d’accueil pauvres qui seront touchées par l’insécurité alimentaire jusqu’en septembre 2021." 61677,18349.0,1184.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20sitrep%20-%20Aug%202019.pdf,"As part of the contingency response, blankets, gloves, hats, scarfs and pairs of socks were distributed to children on both sides of the border as Rumichaca registers very low temperatures, especially at night. Cold is still a challenge as many Venezuelans arrive in clothing that is not sufficient for such weather conditions. Shelter continues to be provided on both sides of the border, especially to children and single mothers, as well as food assistance, emergency health response, humanitarian transportation and hygiene kits, depending on identified needs." 17475,5431.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,43,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"WHO has prepositioned 12 Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) kits, each to benefit 50 malnourished children over a 3-month period in the districts of Bait Al Faqiah, Bajil, Al Thawra, Al Masouria and Al Marawi’ah." 304090,50891.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"UNICEF’s Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) messages reached 818,823 mothers and caregivers (145% of the target for 2018) through health facilities and the 3,000 UNICEF-supported mother support groups across Sudan." 204237,43976.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Selon le rapport d’étude sur les moyens de subsistance à Diffa (REACH, août 2020), l’agriculture pour l’autoconsommation a été fortement impactée par l’insécurité ainsi que par les restrictions liées au COVID-19 qui ont notamment limité les migrations saisonnières pour le travail dans les champs à Maine Soroa." 308287,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Armed crime and cattle raids were reported in Lolith, Romich and Kacuat bomas and Ngabagok Payam. Insecurity and lack of access has affected resupply of facilities and pre-positioning efforts in field locations that will soon be cut off ahead of the rainy season. Distribution activities continue to be impacted by insecurity, including for critical time-sensitive agricultural inputs." 188595,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Près de 93475 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 33 ZS." 235636,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The Humanitarian Coordinator called all armed actors to refrain from any attacks or obstruction of aid workers and humanitarian agencies on whose assistance so many lives depend. OCHA has continued to advocate for humanitarian access. 322129,54747.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[Displacement] Top three reported reasons for leaving previous location were Drought (56%), Eviction(17%) and Lack of water(not drought related) (16%)" 487814,67654.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247409,"[September 2, GoS] In a statement, the Ministry noted that the total number of the coronavirus cases reported in Syria has amounted to 28,045 till now, of which 22,491 have recovered, while 2018 have passed away." 106493,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Algunos de los niños con los que se conversó vienen de contextos marcados por la violencia y la pobreza en Venezuela. Sus figuras de admiración, aquellos modelos a seguir están representados por los malandros9 que aparecen en ocasiones en videos musicales, especialmente de reguetón. Estos niños compiten repitiendo sus letras de memoria, buscando demostrar su habilidad cantando letras de canciones del género de reguetón, asociadas siempre al consumo de drogas, los asesinatos y el sexo." 229412,46461.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"As Ministry of Education is intended to reach out children through TV programmes and keeping in mind its accessibility concerns in remotes areas, NRC also wanted to utilize this opportunity and gather information from communities to see the possibility of reaching out these children through provision of educational videos produced by partners and MoE." 247431,46458.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"A key concern in Afghanistan is food insecurity: the WFP reports surging food prices as supply chains are disrupted due to the pandemic, placing severe pressure on the most vulnerable (OCHA 2020)." 238438,47405.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"En particular, algunos PDT de ciudades como Cúcuta y Rio- hacha relacionan la llegada de población mi- grante con el incremento de la inseguridad por hurtos, afectaciones en la movilidad vehicular y acceso a otros servicios básicos en la ciudad" 159022,37971.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,"Diffusion journalière d’un communiqué de presse • Diffusion des programmes habituels (Coronavirus Mag sur RTB radio rurale ; émission spéciale/JT de 20h sur RTB ; Allo Docteur sur Omega ; COVID Actu," 194268,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"La proportion de suivi des contacts était spécifiquement de 97,4% au Nord-Kivu, 64,2% à Kinshasa, 97,8% dans le Haut-Katanga, 100% au Kongo-Central, 100% au Haut-Uélé, 100% dans la Tshopo, 100% au Sud-Kivu, 100% au Bas-Uélé, 100% au Lualaba et 100% au Kasaï-Oriental." 384887,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,143,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Dans la région du nord, afin de renforcer les compétences des acteurs communautaires pour la réalisation des accouchements hygiéniques à domicile et la référence des cas compliqués et les VBG dans le District sanitaires de Titao, Tdh-L a procédé au renforcement de capacités de 40 accoucheuses villageoises avec l’appui du District sanitaire ; elles seront dotées de kits d’accouchement par le DS. Par ailleurs, 40 ASBC provenant des formations fermées et/ou fonctionnant à minima ont été formés sur la PCIME Communautaire; ils auront donc pour taches de dépister et traiter les cas de paludisme, d’IRA et de diarrhée au sein de leurs communautés respectives et aussi d’identifier les signes de danger et référer les cas graves afin de réduire la létalité et les incapacités dues à ces pathologies." 388340,60981.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,32,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Se requiere seguir apoyando la realización del censo de la población afectada, con el fin de tener información que ayude a formular respuestas afines a las necesidades de la población." 326225,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[Accountability to Affected Populations] 51% of households reported having at least one member who could not read or write. 150725,32327.0,1184.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En los países de acogida, el acceso al agua varía, en Ecuador y Perú el 70% dice tener acceso a la red pública de agua, mientras que en Colombia, el acceso al agua potable se ha deteriorado en los últimos años, especialmente en áreas fronterizas" 134715,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El Gráfico 9 expone que en la población no migrante el 67% de personas mayores de 18 años, habitaría en una vivienda propia (tanto pagada como pagándose, y también considerando copropietarios), lo que sería solo un 15% en la población migrante, en la cual el arriendo predomina como modalidad de ocupación" 308167,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Health partners rehabilitated and restocked PHCUs in Makuei Alel, Nyieth, Akec and Ayai, in addition to rehabilitation of two cold chain facilities was completed. Health Cluster partners reached more than 966 people with PHCU and mobile outreach support in Nayacawany and Wathmuok Payam in Aweil South County." 486170,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] 46% of HHs in NWS have been unable to afford shelter repairs." 183257,41882.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,215,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"With the arrival of the pandemic, the volunteers of the camp had to work to adapt to the isolated conditions and decided to increase the distribution of drinking water, with the intention of generating more hygienic habits in the families. Besides that, they started to collaborate with the San Victoria Hospital in the “Plan Detectar”. Their work consists of visiting the communities to evaluate symptoms and respiratory problems, with the objective of verifying the need for PCR tests if the established criteria are met. For severe cases they coordinate the transfer to the hospital and for mild ones, they follow up on their health status at home and distribute masks and hygienic disinfection kits. According to Maximiliano, “the use of masks has been complicated for them, because they had never worn any before. We had to hold workshops and give guidelines through community radio to advise, for example, to avoid crowds. Now, almost 75% wear masks and follow the prevention measures, which has been a success and has compensated for all the effort. So far, we have had 18 positive cases and 16 are already recovered,” he says proudly." 266809,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The middle region of Syria reported the highest retail price of wheat flour at SYP 1,391/kg (up six percent m-o-m), followed by northwest Syria at SYP 1,334/kg (up four percent m-o-m), while the cross-border region continued to report the lowest retail price at SYP 1,175/kg (up eight percent m-o-m), followed by northeast Syria at SYP 1,210/kg (up one percent m-o-m.)" 219146,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,103,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Continued bureaucratic access impediments hamper humanitarian operations in Renk, Renk County. The stand-off and protests by youth group continues to impede humanitarian response in Renk County. The youth protest over employment issues deteriorated on 22 October, when they issued new threats to humanitarian partners in Renk and this will have negative impact on vulnerable people. All international humanitarian agency staff were evacuated from Renk and humanitarian assets left behind worth $400 000 were destroyed by the youth in Renk. Similar threats have been registered in Bentiu, Malakal, Pibor, Torit, and Yambio." 296933,52264.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_n22_mve_nord-kivu_drc_01_03_2021.pdf,"[MVE] Le vaccin rVSV-ZEBOV-GP a été administré à 17 nouvelles personnes toutes dans la ZS de Biena ; Depuis le début de la vaccination, 816 personnes ont déjà été vaccinées dont 450 à Biena, 207 à Katwa, 147 à Butembo et 12 à Musienene. Parmi ces personnes vaccinées, 28 sont prestataires de première ligne (PPL)." 240898,47553.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/30-11-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education_final%20%281%29.pdf,"Le niveau de financement actuel est d’environ US$ 15,2 M soit seulement 45,84 % des besoins financiers globaux identifiés par le Cluster dans le HRP 2020. [réponse cluster education]" 799,156.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"IDP households indicated shelter, food and cash/income support as their top three priority needs, with 71.6%, 58.6% and 47.5% of IDP households giving these responses. This ranking of needs, particularly the high proportion of IDP households reporting needing shelter assistance, was coherent with the combination of needs and vulnerabilities noted throughout this report. Similarly, the financial pressure caused by higher housing costs and constrained access to livelihoods, combined with the overarching liquidity crisis, placed additional strain on the food security of IDP households compared to other population groups." 224688,46162.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"In Abéché, however, the return of Tibesti gold miners coupled with the pandemic-related measures is creating an oversupply of labor during the off-season growing period. The daily cost here is XAF 1,250 as opposed to XAF 2,000 in a normal year. Some payments are made in kind." 495448,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,92,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Artículo 7.- Condiciones para obtener el PTP. Para tramitar el PTP, la persona solicitante debe cumplir de manera conjunta o concurrente, con las siguientes condiciones: - Haber ingresado al territorio nacional hasta el 31 de octubre de 2018. - Encontrarse en el país en situación migratoria irregular como consecuencia del vencimiento de su autorización de permanencia o residencia; o que estando en situación migratoria regular opten por el referido permiso. - No tener antecedentes policiales, penales y/o judiciales a nivel nacional e internacional." 326309,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Proportion of households of non-IDP settlements reporting not having sufficient water for the following purposes were Not enough water for cooking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses(34%), Not enough water for domestic purposes only (10%),Not enough water for personal hygiene only (79%)." 266801,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, GoS] In January 2021, price of meat products have also increased in Mzeireb. M-o-m, minced beef price increased by seven percent reaching SYP 13,750/kg, a whole clean chicken price soared by 35 percent reaching SYP 5,575/kg, and the price of a carton of eggs increased by 18 percent reaching SYP 5,842/30 pieces. Y-o-y, the price of protein products have significantly increased by 116 percent for minced beef, 323 percent for a whole cleaned chicken and by 258 percent for eggs." 328781,54713.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,23,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 4% households with at least one member having lost employment in the three months prior to data collection 226961,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,11 children were recruited by a pro-Government armed group and the Afghan National Army-Territorial Force for combat purposes. 359779,58399.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] On the positive side, during the FGDs and KIIs, girls in the communities and girls out of schools mentioned that this practice of keeping girls at home despite the dangers during flooding improved during the 2020 flood, whereas it was widely observed during the 2017 flood. This was considered to be because of many interventions undertaken by NGOs, including Plan International Bangladesh and partners, in the research target locations which including equipping schools with separate toilet facilities for girls, which girls can also use during flood situations." 390765,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,129,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Analizando el mercado laboral chileno de los últimos 10 años frente al proceso migratorio que ha experimentado el país, se puede afirmar lo siguiente: 1. La evolución del desempleo desde el año 2010 hasta mediados del 2019 no entrega evidencia que vincule la llegada de personas extranjeras en esa década (cerca de un millón de personas en total) con un crecimiento del desempleo. En efecto, la tasa de desocupación se mantuvo estable en torno a un 7%-8% durante el periodo. Es más, de acuerdo con las cifras de creación de empleos y de desocupación de chilenos y extranjeros, el mercado laboral chileno tuvo la capacidad de absorber esta nueva oferta laboral que llegó al país." 180557,42290.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,105,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"La région de l’Est enregistre selon la direction régionale de l’action sociale 82.026 enfants déplacés dont 36.046 garçons et 42.160 filles. Ces enfants déplacés sont repartis entre les cinq provinces de la région de l’Est dont la Tapoa, le Gourma, la Gnagna, la Komondjari et la Kompienga. La situation des enfants dans les zones couvertes par le Monitoring de protection n’a pas connu de changement. Les problèmes sont entre autres le stress psychosocial, la déscolarisation, le travail des enfants pour contribuer à supporter les charges de la famille." 207164,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,97,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Four main needs identified: preparation and response to epidemics, mental health support, safe delivery for vulnerable women of reproductive age and assuring equitable access to essential quality health care which takes into account the specificities of the different sexes and age groups. The organization of communities (men have a dominant role in families and minor children have difficulty reaching health facilities) makes women and children under 14 more vulnerable with regards to access to health care, making specific means (mobile clinics, preferential rates, etc.) necessary" 202088,43280.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,24,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,UNICEF and partners engage with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MoHADM) on strengthening collaboration mechanisms for humanitarian response. 218111,45612.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,50,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.agronet.gov.co/Noticias/Paginas/Lo-rural-no-es-solo-lo-agropecuario.aspx,"La exportación se ha centrado en el café o las flores, ya que a raíz de los tratados de libre comercio se han incrementado las importaciones agropecuarias, advirtió el académico, quien también cuestionó el olvido estatal de los pequeños productores que poseen menos de 50 hectáreas." 389622,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"En contraste, Colombia ocupa el puesto 21 entre los países que más vacunas han aplicado, y el puesto 87 con relación a la proporción de habitantes completamente vacunados." 304385,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,17,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Refugee households are often required to travel far distances of 3-5 km to collect firewood for cooking 147038,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, UNICEF supported a mine risk education and COVID-19 campaign in Areesha camp, including the training of 12 community volunteers. Technical support and follow up was also further provided to RCCE committees at Mahmoudli, Al-Hol and Areesha camps. At Al-Hol, 44 community leaders attended three workshops as a part of community mobilization and community engagement activities. Action Against Hunger further reported conducting awareness sessions on IYCF best practices during COVID-19 in Al-Hasakeh." 289354,51168.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"In January 2021, livestock support on-going across the six counties with FSL cluster members reached: 339,216 animals vaccinated, 87,365 animals treated, and a total of 10,857 households directly benefited." 1551,291.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,154,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2016%20February%202018.pdf,"UNHCR continues to support the internally displaced Tawerghan community stranded in Qararat al Qataf (east of Bani Walid) and in Harawa (east of Sirte) in conjunction with its partner LibAid. Despite an initial agreement by the parties involved, internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Tawergha are still being prevented from returning to their hometown (40 km southeast of Misrata). In Qararat al Qataf, UNHCR is actively distributing nonfood items such as blankets, winter clothing, hygiene kits, sleeping mats, solar lamps and tents. In addition, UNHCR led a rapid inter-agency needs assessment exercise in coordination with UN agencies, authorities, and local partners. The most urgent needs identified were shelter, food, primary healthcare, specific support for children and babies, and basic household items, to ensure shelter from the cold temperatures." 306813,53161.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"State/PRM and USAID/BHA support efforts to provide the most vulnerable households in Sudan with emergency relief supplies, such as shelter materials and basic household items." 123721,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"As of 29 June: 802 confirmed cases. 206 recovered cases. 573 active cases. 23 deaths. Transmission scenario classification of Libya remains as cluster of cases. Total number of tests in 13 labs (in 7 municipalities) is 30,707 (including 16,769 in Tripoli, 10,577 in Benghazi, 1,432 in Misurata, 1,739 in Sabha, 149 in Zliten and 41 in Gharyan)." 221757,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,All stakeholders should renew their attention to the safety and security of national and local actors by implementing tailored risk mitigation measures and appropriate training 318009,54145.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fundacionamigosdemonkole.org/projets/covid-19-monkole/?lang=fr,"Selon les experts, les pays africains en général, et la République démocratique du Congo en particulier, sont menacés par la précarité de leur système de santé et la situation économique du pays." 414008,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Inappropriate infrastructure: The infrastructure of the hospitals is often too old, not well designed for a hospital. There is a shortage of space for the service providers, very often the environment is unfavourable (hot, humid, and small space) to provide quality service. There was no isolation ward at the Upazila level, when they tried to establish an isolation ward, the shortage of room became more prominent." 114142,31147.0,1898.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"la situación de los pueblos indígenas en la mayoría de los aspectos es mucho peor que la de personas no indígenas con características similares, como el mismo nivel de educación, edad, lugar de residencia rural o urbana, tipo de trabajo y las tipologías de hogar. Tener poco acceso a medios de sanitización, hacinamiento entre otros factores aumentan la morbilidad y las malas condiciones de salud los vuelve una población de alto riesgo de mortalidad por epidemias15." 498758,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,131,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"Now begins the second stage of the project for the development of these communities and improvement of their quality of life, through a plan of crops and gardens, training in the use of recycling, waste collection, construction and access to latrines, among others. “Sometimes we get frustrated when we think about all the work we have ahead of us to support the development of these communities, we feel like ants, but then I always think: if we weren’t here, how would they be now? And then I see the progress we made together with the families, I realize the great value we bring and how important it is for the communities,” concludes Maximiliano." 237839,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"La incidencia nacional de dengue es de 295,2 casos por cada 100 000 habitantes en riesgo. Para los departamentos de Valle del Cauca, Huila, Cundinamarca, Putumayo, Tolima, Amazonas, Boyacá, Caquetá, y Cali, se estiman tasas de incidencia superiores a 500 casos por 100 000 habitantes" 386946,60761.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/radio/2021/07/22/politica/1626981275_103460.html,"“El gobierno está trabajando en elmarco de vacunación para migrantesvenezolanos, lo importante es que nuestros hermanos venezolanos deben hacerse parte del Estatuto Temporal de protección para efectos de determinar la fase de vacunación aplicable. Como ha sucedido con los colombianos tienenprioridad los adultos mayorescon comorbilidades e iremosdescendiendo en las etapas”, señaló." 56063,17094.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Entre quienes migraron en 2016, 2017 o 2018, apenas 5 personas sobre 60 mencionaron los estudios entre los motivos de su viaje. Para estas fechas, casi todas las razones combinan cuestiones económicas, de inseguridad y de escasez de alimentos o medicamentos. Varias de las personas que llegaron en esos años habían estado previamente en Argentina —la mayoría como turistas, algunas como estudiantes— y prácticamente todas tenían amigos cercanos o parientes (hermanos/as, primos/as, cuñados/as e incluso tías) que ya residían en el país. Ellos les brindaron información sobre oportunidades laborales, vivienda y documentación, incluso sacándoles con antelación el turno para el trámite de radicación y ofreciendo su domicilio como referencia" 408630,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"The closure of schools during the pandemic and the lack of internet connectivity for some families prevented many children from continuing their studies. Poverty affected 55.6% of the department's population in 2020, worsening the situation and putting many more children at risk of forced recruitment" 61684,18349.0,1184.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,95,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20sitrep%20-%20Aug%202019.pdf,"Partners continue providing safe rest spaces in Refugee Housing Units (RHU) at the border, offering areas where people can sleep. Approximately 200 vulnerable families on daily basis use the facilities. Additionally, a tent was installed behind the border centre building (CENAF) to increase rest space capacity to meet the needs of Venezuelans processing their entry. The temporary accommodation capacity was increased to host 150 people, by relying on hotels in the city of Tulcán, to provide accommodation for Venezuelans with specific protection needs." 162731,32313.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"ozef Merkx: En Colombia, estamos hablando de más de 1.8 millones de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. En muchos años ya habían llegado personas de Venezuela, pero ahora estamos obviamente con la crisis de COVID-19 y muchos refugiados y migrantes han perdido sus trabajos, ya no tienen ingresos, están sin medios de vida y eso ha causado una situación muy crítica para la gran parte de la población migrante y refugiada, hasta el punto que algunos han decidido también retornar a Venezuela." 285638,51627.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Insufficient cleaning supplies: All participants highlighted that they could not get sufficient cleaning materials as they were too expensive. Some reported receiving NGO hygiene kits in a one-time distribution. Participants said they bought only basic cleaning products, such as soap and shampoo, and much less than they bought before displacement so they sometimes ran out of cleaning supplies." 172895,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,76,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"L’analyse démontre que la sévérité des besoins humanitaires s’est détériorée en matière de répartition géographique. Sur un total de 519 zones de santé dans les 26 provinces du pays, 203 ont maintenant un score de sévérité intersectorielle supérieure ou égale à 3, c’est-à-dire de niveau sévère, critique ou catastrophique - soit 13 zones de santé supplémentaires par rapport au HNO qui en comptait 190)." 291385,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,Stigma is considered a major factor in people choosing not to get tests and risk communications work is critical to turning this around. 290461,51817.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,94,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"[Nyunzu] Grâce à l’amélioration de la situation sécuritaire, en avril 2020, plusieurs déplacés ont amorcé des mouvements de retour dès mai 2020, vers leurs milieux de provenance. Ayant perdu la majorité de leurs moyens d’existence, leurs besoins étaient nombreux, entre autres les abris, les vivres et l’accès aux soins de santé. Actuellement, elles ont besoin d’une assistance urgente en vue de leur réintégration locale à court terme et de leur autonomisation à moyen terme." 187796,43282.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"A Child Protection COVID-19 Survey conducted from 9 to 15 April, reported an increase in sexual and gender-based violence, including rape, and physical and emotional abuse during the COVID19 period. One protection partner has responded to at least 13 survivors of rape. This is reportedly due to the restrictions on movement, as well as economic and social stresses induced by the COVID-19 pandemic" 132504,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Incrementar y concentrar el apoyo de artículos nos alimentarios en las principales áreas de asentamiento. Hay un aumento progresivo en la vulnerabilidad de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que ya se encuentran en el país y que requieren un mayor enfoque y mayor apoyo en asistencia de artículos no alimentarios 240767,47591.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,44,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20West%20Syria%20-%20Severe%20floods%20kill%20a%20child%20and%20force%20at%20least%2020%2C000%20from%20their%20homes.pdf,"[19th Jan, NWS] With more than 1.5 million displaced people across North West Syria, extreme weather this winter has wreaked havoc on families already reeling from ten years of conflict, displacement and Covid-19 spreading uncontrolled across the region." 111923,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A pesar de las dificultades, las familias esperan poder salir adelante, estabilizarse o mejorar sus condiciones de vida. Los padres participantes del grupo focal de Bogotá mencionaron desarrollar actividades en casa con sus hijos: leer, jugar cartas, armar rompecabezas. El acceso a celulares y a datos o minutos de celular es difícil y se requieren préstamos para poder pagarlos." 202034,44071.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,86,['At Risk'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"A partir de los totales de población reportados por la Secretaría de Obras Sociales de la Esposa del Presidente (SOSEP), que es la institución responsable del manejo de albergues, se estima que la población albergada en Morales y Puerto Barrios es la siguiente: Niños y niñas adolescentes menores de 18 años: 882 Hombres adultos de 18 a 59 años: 543 Mujeres adultas de 18 a 59 años: 502 Personas adultas mayores de 60 años o más: 191" 195924,43071.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/han-devuelto-a-5-mil-migrantes-por-intentar-pasar-trochas/2236,"Alrededor de 5.000 migrantes venezolanos han sido devueltos a su país por intentar entrar a Colombia por los pasos ilegales. Este dato fue compartido por Juan Francisco Espinosa, director de Migración Colombia, quien además informó que cerca de 300 migrantes entran diariamente al país a pesar de que se reforzó el control en las trochas con 900 uniformados desde el miércoles pasado." 125056,30176.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,162,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"Las medidas de prevención ante el COVID-19 comenzaron a tener efecto en la población proveniente de Venezuela con el cierre de frontera del 14 de marzo 2020 y desde tal fecha no hay un acceso al territorio para personas con necesidades de protección internacional. Esto implica que estas personas tienen que cruzar por los puntos fronterizos informales (trochas) de manera irregular, a veces pagando altas sumas de dinero y exponiéndose a riesgos adicionales debidos a la presencia de actores armados o de redes de explotación. Antes del cierre de la frontera, los cruces de refugiados y migrantes por pasos irregulares, tradicionalmente destinados al contrabando, eran menores de lo que se registra desde el comienzo de la emergencia COVID-19. Además, existen dudas en cuanto a la renovación de salvoconductos para solicitantes de refugio por el cierre de las instituciones gubernamentales pertinentes y esto expone a los solicitantes a riesgos adicionales de protección." 437553,64217.0,1185.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"las entrevistadas se han encontrado con diferentes barreras de acceso, permanencia, culminación de procesos y tránsito efectivo a la educación superior. De allí que el 28% de niñas y adolescentes encuestadas reportaron no estar estudiando." 341021,56436.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-whole-of-syria-appeal.pdf,"[11 March 2021, Overall Syria] 2,286 confirmed cases were reported from schools in both teachers (1,391) and students (895) with 21 related deaths." 145442,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO is the lead agency and is working to support the MoH in enhancing health preparedness and response to COVID-19, in accordance with the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005)." 165645,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"In round 2 of the NPM-IVR needs assessment, negative coping mechanisms were reported for insufficient water. Of the respondents (650) who reported facing issues with water, 31% reported relying on less preferred (unimproved) sources of water sources for drinking. In addition, 38% reported reducing hygiene practices such a bathing and washing. Coping mechanisms such as a reduction in hygiene practices like bathing and handwashing are concerning as they could prevent the ability to undertake basic hygiene measures for the prevention of COVID-19." 272045,50380.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,63,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.udea.edu.co/wps/portal/udea/web/inicio/udea-noticias/udea-noticia/!ut/p/z0/fY-9DsIwDIRfhaVjlPSHFMaKAQkxMCDUZkGmCWBo4zYNFY9PAwNiYbF8p893Mle85MrCiBfwSBaaSVdKHhfLVRIXmdgKmUlRyF02z5N1uj8IvuHqPzAl4K3vVcFVTdabp-dlR85D89AGIgHDr7pSaz57mDNLHmuEIRLva4uaAvW1O-OQNNYETQsteOMCOqJm8ZJBTc5BA2yihvAQG0IT66BlRuciZWdzSkQS8-6uqhfoBSiZ/,"De acuerdo con el decano de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia, Carlos Alberto Palacio Acosta, estas escenas de incertidumbre para el personal médico se repiten en centros asistenciales de grandes ciudades (Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla) y en municipios más pequeños donde los trabajadores de la salud tienen condiciones precarias de bioseguridad." 131809,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Brindar apoyo a niños, niñas y adolescentes refugiados y migrantes y a sus familias para acceder al sistema educativo formal y lograr sus objetivos de educación." 218995,45705.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/node/18588/pdf/reversing_gains.pdf,"Moreover, 57 per cent of children surveyed in North West Syria reported being affected by school closure, and a striking 84 per cent of respondents in North East Syria reported being affected by the closure of schools according to a recent survey conducted by Save the Children." 126631,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,49,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"In terms of motivations for migration, the majority of migrants interviewed (67%) reported that their families and friends in their country of origin had encouraged them to migrate to Libya; another 15% reported having been encouraged by their families and friends abroad." 82591,22770.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,28,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,A majority of women and children temporarily left the Tawerghan IDP camp Al Fallah 2 after shelters in the camp were struck by mortar fire in early September 145429,36039.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In this regard, life-saving food assistance to 3.5 million people has continued with adjusted distribution modalities, as has agricultural and livelihoods programs." 489959,67662.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"The psychological, social and economic impact of sexual violence is often long-lasting and affects survivors’ ability to resume a normal life. Anxiety, fear, isolation, shame and avoidance strategies are among the main problems observed in psychological counselling. It is also common for survivors to feel guilt and believe that they could have prevented the incident. Many experience nightmares and disturbing flashbacks. They may feel that they have lost control of their lives and are no longer able to carry out everyday tasks. These feelings are often accompanied by clinical consequences such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety." 82584,22770.0,729.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography']",en,60,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Three weeks later, despite a period of relative calm following a ceasefire brokered on 4 September, fighting and shelling continued, and the situation remained tense. According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), at least 3,845 Libyan households and an unknown number of migrants remained displaced by the fighting as of 18 September" 299314,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"NSAG-TB members manning the checkpoints seem to closely verify the authenticity of these letters which sometimes can take up to 24 hours during which trucks are prevented from continuing. There is also one incident on record, where the license plate indicated in the permission letter did not match with the license plate of the truck which resulted in NSAGTB withholding the trucks for weeks and launching an investigation into the contracted driver." 218112,45612.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,83,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.agronet.gov.co/Noticias/Paginas/Lo-rural-no-es-solo-lo-agropecuario.aspx,"""Se necesitan políticas diferenciadas: lo rural es heterogéneo, hay ventajas cuando un municipio se vincula a centros urbanos, pero también hay población rural en las grandes ciudades; esa dicotomía de lo rural y urbano es cada vez más dudosa, la población rural del país va del 18,9 al 30,4 %, es decir que cuando se habla de desarrollo rural se habla de políticas para el 30 % de los colombianos"", señaló el docente." 180561,42290.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Le besoin en assistance alimentaire est ressenti beaucoup plus dans les communes de Diapangou, Yamba, Tibga et Diabo ou aucune assistance alimentaire n’a été faite." 192449,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,60,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Although the proportion of assessed settlements across more than 50 counties reporting incidents of fatal conflict reduced from 22 per cent in July 2018 to 8 per cent in July 2019, the proportion reporting that residents felt safe most of the time remained relatively low at 47 per cent, similar to 43 per cent in July 2019." 411428,63733.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2ca3af14/REACH_BFA2106_presentation_Cluster-Abris-National_juillet-2021.pdf,"A Dablo, bien que les abris n’aient pas été endommagés au cours des trois mois précédant la collecte de données, leur usure graduelle nécessiterait un remplacement selon les IC." 326769,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Des 1 187 alertes remontées ce 04/04/2021 (dont 1 185 nouvelles), 99,8% (n=1 185) ont été investiguées dont 115 (9,7%) ont été validées comme cas suspects de COVID-19 et dont 63,5% (n=73) d’entre eux ont été prélevées" 287392,51747.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],en,103,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COD_13.pdf,"Inflation spiked in 2020 Since mid-March 2020, reduced cash crop exports, due to low demand by importing countries and the slowdown of trade flows due to COVID-19, resulted in a significant decrease of foreign exchange earnings, causing the depreciation of the Franc Congolais and triggering price increases. As a result, the average annual inflation, which amounted to about 5 percent in 2019, spiked to 17 percent in 2020. According to the International Monetary Fund, in 2021, inflation is expected to decline, but to remain high, at about 8 percent." 388886,61130.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,36,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.diarioconcepcion.cl/ciudad/2021/01/29/un-71-de-las-visas-otorgadas-el-2020-corresponden-a-venezolanos.html,"Información entregada por el departamento de Extranjería, dependiente de la gobernación provincial de Concepción,dan cuenta que durante el 2020 se realizaron 5.103 trámites, de ellas 2.290 asociadas a otorgamiento de visas." 388604,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,55,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans l’après-midi du 05 juin 2021, une attaque d’un GANE a eu lieu sur l’axe Markoye - Gorom-Gorom. Cet incident a fait 02 morts dont un élève de terminale D au Lycée de Gorom-Gorom et un agent technique d’élevage qui réside aussi à Gorom-Gorom." 223126,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Al-Shabaab continues to maintain control of key areas and to take control of towns after the withdrawal of the Somali national armed forces and other governmentaffiliated forces, resulting in the disruption of humanitarian operations and, in some cases, the complete suspension of programmes" 171510,40704.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] 648 new children supported with child protection programming (e.g. engagement of CP/social workers in coordination and awareness-raising). 5,487 new individuals who received food assistance." 319615,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,33,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"Ante el contagio de la Covid-19, las comunidades afrodescendientes tienen alto riesgo, puesto que tienen principalmente hipertensión arterial y/o diabetes, lo que les hace propensos a mayores complicaciones médicas." 247943,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,La situation en matière d’hygiène est aussi préoccupante car la plupart des gens méconnaissent les bonnes pratiques d’hygiène. Le lavage des mains se fait uniquement que lorsque les gens veulent manger et sans savon car les moyens ne leur permettent pas de d’acheter. 332560,45763.0,2332.0,['Education'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,29,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Les écoles étaient fermées depuis l’apparition du premier cas de COVID 19 au Tchad en mars dernier. Elles sont officiellement rouvertes depuis le 1er octobre. 425356,64291.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Protection de l’enfance : 65 cas d’enfants séparés/non accompagnés/orphelins ont été dénombrés, 10 enfants parmi les 65 sont des personnes a besoin spécifique (PBS) ; Les risques plus remarquables auxquels les enfants sont exposés sont la violence et abus sexuelle, 1 cas de mariage d’enfant signalé." 487797,67501.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,129,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/searo-weekly-situation-report-34-2021.pdf,"[23-29 August 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh continues to report the declining trend in new cases. In the week 34, the decrease in new cases was 27% (n=31 539) compared to the previous week. All divisions in the country reported a decrease in new cases. Seventy-two percent of the new cases in week 34 were reported from only two divisions, namely, Dhaka (58.7%) and Chattogram (15.4%). The number of daily tests has continued to decline across all divisions; the TPR has also decreased to 14.7% nationally. While TPR has decreased in all divisions, the reported TPR in Munshiganj, Jhenaidah and Kushtia was more than 20%." 56528,17094.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,248,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Casi todas las personas entrevistadas consiguieron un primer empleo dentro del mes de su arribo. Independientemente de las calificaciones laborales y educativas previas, la ocupación inicial de 70% de ellas fue en alguno de los rubros que históricamente se nutren de trabajo migrante: comercio (en locales instalados o ambulante, recorriendo las calles de la ciudad), gastronomía, cuidado, limpieza, construcción o mantenimiento. Las mujeres fueron meseras o recepcionistas en restaurantes, pizzerías y cafeterías; vendedoras en locales de ropa, accesorios de moda, artesanías o artículos electrónicos; repartieron comida y volantes publicitarios; cuidaron ancianos y niños en sus domicilios particulares y limpiaron casas y oficinas. Los varones fueron camareros, recepcionistas, lavacopas y ayudantes de cocina en restaurantes; hicieron delivery de comida (algunos través de plataformas y apps telefónicas); repartieron volantes y ofrecieron paquetes turísticos y cambio de moneda a los transeúntes que circulaban por el microcentro porteño; vendieron chocolates y pañuelos de papel en la vía pública; bañaron mascotas en veterinarias; fueron serenos en obras en construcción e hicieron tareas de pintura y carpintería. El primer empleo del 30% restante —más varones que mujeres— estuvo ligado a su formación previa y a conocimientos técnicos específicos en áreas de contaduría, telefonía y comunicaciones, tecnología, comercialización, educación especial, docencia universitaria, apoyo psicosocial y distribución de medicamentos." 328629,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 4% and 5% of households IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported areas in their community where girls or women do not feel safe. 389620,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Los departamentos que están arriba en cada región son los que tienen un desempeño más deficiente haciendo un balance de seis indicadores (más muertes por habitante y por caso, más casos acumulados, menos pruebas diagnósticas, menos vacunas y más casos activos por habitante)." 294672,52363.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,113,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"88% of respondents indicate there is no one within their household that has the intention to return to Venezuela in the month after the data collection. However, in 7% of the households surveyed, there is at least one member that has the intention to return to Venezuela. For the first time during the fourth round, family reunification is mentioned most often as the main reason for return, followed by economic reasons, either due to lack of income (25%), lack of food (8%) or an increase in the price of goods and services (5%)." 142158,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,WHO continues to support two COVID-19 designated hospitals to include Alza’a Hospital in Idelb city with a capacity of 10 intensive care unit (ICU) beds and 15 hospital beds and Dana hospital with 20 ICU beds and 20 hospital beds. 188769,42878.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",[],[],es,67,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200903_evaluaciondenecesidades_narino_policarpa_mire.pdf,"El municipio de Policarpa se encuentra a 122 kilómetros de Pasto, capital de departamento de Nariño, se accede por la vía panamericana hasta el punto de Puerto Remolino, municipio de Taminango, luego por vía destapada sobre la cordillera occidental. No cuentan con servicios públicos ni privados, en algunos lugares cuentan con luz de forma intermitente por medio de plantas por combustible" 291578,51191.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"In February 2020, UNAMA reported that Afghanistan passed a grim milestone with over 100,000 civilians killed or injured since 2010." 244259,47682.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,105 Nigeriens who had been left stranded in Chad for six months since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic have safely returned home on 1 October on a special flight chartered by IOM with the support of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration. 393204,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,82,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The below graph 12.2 demonstrates that 37 out of the total vulnerable groups said it would be very serious and severe if COVID 19 spreads in their community, 63 said it would be serious if COVID 19 spreads, 31 indicates that it would be mild if COVID spreads, 11 said it would be very mild if COVID 19 spreads in the community. 23 indicates they don’t have an idea" 205861,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"When determining the number of learners in need of education services, IDPs, IDP returnees, refugee returnees and host communities are the most vulnerable groups with the greatest needs. In addition, an estimated 18,000 refugee children are out of school. The total number of school-aged refugee children is 98,500." 159562,39410.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2017%20%285%20-%2011%20September%202020%29.pdf,"During the period 5 - 11 September 2020, 120 movements were observed at Twenty Two Points of Entries in Adamawa and Borno states. Of the total movements recorded, 14 from Extreme Nord, 8 from Nord and 1 from Center in Cameroon." 165639,39645.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"Reported current problems with shelter (1,345 responses)†Water leakage 72% Bamboos used in construction are damaged and/ or poor quality 55% Shelter is damaged and/or of poor quality 53% Need shelter material to upgrade shelter 39% Shelter is at risk of slope failure 37% Wet flooor 20% Difficult to access shelter during monsoon 19% Too small a space 10%" 64760,19061.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,118,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"Al relleno sanitario hay quienes lo buscan como medio de sustento poniendo en riesgo la vida de sus hijos y esposa El alcalde Pérez cuenta que la situuación con los indígenas venezolanos es gravísima. Revela que hay cabildos y capitanes que no quieren recibir a otros en sus territorios, por lo que muchos están cayendo en la mendicidad, prostitución infantil, drogadicción y alcoholismo. Detalla, además, que los indígenas venezolanos son rechazados por las comunidades colombianas, pues argumentan que“no los reciben por ser de ese país y que no tienen la misma compatibilidad”, razón por la que buscan el relleno, un lugar apartado y escondido." 115253,30828.0,1620.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_may_2020_report.pdf,"88% of latrines in Borno are functional while 12% are damaged. • 4 sites in 3 LGAs (Girei, Adamawa state, Jere and Konduga in Borno state) do not have latrines on site." 81879,22512.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,186,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"El número de refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela en Colombia alcanzó los 1.6 millones para finales de octubre, según cifras oficiales de Migración Colombia. La población ha requerido y sigue necesitando de acciones humanitarias de doble enfoque: por un lado, el abordaje de las necesidades inmediatas de esta población en el corto plazo y, por otro lado, la implementación de iniciativas duraderas como una estrategia del largo plazo. En este contexto, se conformó el Grupo Interagencial sobre Flujos Migratorios Mixtos (GIFMM), el cual está compuesto a la fecha por 61 miembros a nivel nacional, coordina la respuesta humanitaria a favor de los refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela, los retornados colombianos y las comunidades de acogida. A su vez, como plataforma nacional, cuenta con ocho GIFMM locales que abarcan 11 departamentos, desde los cuales también se proporciona asistencia a las poblaciones objetivo en complemento a la respuesta del Estado colombiano, y se emplea un sistema back to back en estrecha coordinación con el Equipo Humanitario País." 337312,55936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,103,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/preocupa-que-estas-declaraciones-sean-antesala-de-nuevas-expulsiones-masivas/2656,"Sobre esto último, Thailer Fiorillo, presidente de la Fundación De Pana Que Sí, en la Costa Caribe, expresó que, a su parecer,las afirmaciones del Ministro de Defensa deben hacerse con pruebas previas o de lo contrario se seguirá fomentando la xenofobia. ""Creo que esas apreciaciones deben hacerse ya con alguna sentencia o con judicialización en mano, para que no cree actos xenofóbicos, pensando que nosotros queremos afectar o desestabilizar al pueblo, a las normativas o al buen desarrollo de las políticas que se implementan en Colombia”, indica Fiorillo." 226850,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,48,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Afghan national security forces caused similar levels of civilian harm in comparison to the first nine months of 2019, mainly during ground engagements, in which the number of civilians killed and injured remained high, and through increased civilian casualties as a result of airstrikes." 303485,52890.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,También se evidencian problemas de nutrición debido a la falta de alimentación y una necesidad de conseguir trabajo para poder sobrevivir y ayudar a los parientes que dejaron en Venezuela. 271686,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,L’intensification des opérations militaires réduit l’accès des humanitaires aux populations vulnérables 322513,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 76% and 77% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported no child-friendly spaces in their community. 413147,60898.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,20,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"Continued attacks in Serou, Kassoum et Boussom forced teachers to close schools and flee to Tougan for safety." 223687,44702.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,IDPs’ period of stay at the sites where they were displaced range between 3 days to 2 weeks 359938,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,65,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Recommendations to the national governments of Bangladesh and Nepal to address disaster and gendered impact in a changing climate: Integrate gender transformative approach into existing CSS national policies and frameworks  In Bangladesh, the DRR and EiE Framework should be updated to be gender transformative with technical support from the relevant key stakeholders." 243889,47865.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/relocations-reduced-services-leave-rohingya-communities-breaking-point-bangladesh,"[21st Jan 2021, Cox's Bazar] In early December, they were joined by more than 1,600 people from the camps in Cox’s Bazar. To date, it’s estimated over 3,000 people have now been relocated to Bhasan Char. It's likely that more Rohingya will face relocation soon; authorities claim the island has an estimated capacity to house 100,000 people." 197591,43603.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,96,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In over 80 per cent of IDP sites, Buul (makeshift shelter) is a common shelter type that does not provide protection against weather elements, does not offer privacy and adequate space to live in. Decongestion at shelter and settlement level can help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission and improve overall living conditions. Expansion of existing sites where additional land is available, re-arranging shelters where feasible, construction of emergency shelters and provision of NFI kits help to decongest sites and shelters thus reducing the risk of transmission." 494223,68123.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] In August 2021, the formal national average price of diesel increased by 18 percent compared to July 2021 and by 155 percent y-o-y, reaching SYP 443/litre." 387370,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,65,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Al revisar la distribución porcentual de empresas por existencia de prácticas antisindicales o desleales según el tamaño de la empresa, se observa que existe un porcentaje mayor de medianas empresas que han incurrido en prácticas antisindicales o desleales (48,4%), comparado con las pequeñas y microempresas (40,3%), y con las grandes empresas (36%)." 323729,54087.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,155,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/POL1032022021ENGLISH.PDF,"[Rapport annuel 2020/21, RDC] Extrajudicial executions remained prevalent across the country. While armed groups were responsible in the majority of cases, state agents also carried out such killings, particularly in conflict-affected areas. The UNJHRO reported that state agents were responsible for extrajudicially executing at least 225 people, including 33 women and 18 children, in the first half of the year. In July alone, there were at least 55 extrajudicial executions at the hands of the security forces, around 11 of whom were women and two children. In the same period, armed groups summarily executed 248 people, including 34 women and 11 children. State agents and armed group combatants were rarely prosecuted for these and other human rights violations and abuses. A lack of funding and judicial independence continued to pose major barriers to the achievement of accountability." 211295,45193.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=213352,"[10th Dec 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Thursday that 112 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 60 patients have recovered while 11 others have passed away." 260924,48984.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,102,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, Nigeria]Moreover, Nigeria is the third most affected country by COVID-19 in Africa. The substantial impacts of the pandemic led to a 40 percent increase of the Humanitarian Response Plan 2021 to USD 1.17 billion. Of particular importance, public health monitoring and mitigation measures must be strenghthened in IDP camps. 400 000 IDPs are at risk of infection due to camp overcrowding, and the number of food insecure people is expected to double. Due to the lockdown, protection risks have increased, particularly for women and children." 359424,58399.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar]The DRR and EiE framework should have indicators and interventions to strengthen girls’ and young women’s agency over the decisions that affect them, by building their knowledge, confidence, skills and access to and control over resources on school-based disaster risk management." 285053,50884.0,2466.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"On 3 June, ambulances and wounded people were prevented from reaching hospitals. Hospitals have been looted and health personnel have been receiving threats by security forces." 163904,39669.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=203770,"Health Ministry said in a statement that the total number of Coronavirus cases in Syria reached 3800, of which 946 patients have recovered while 172 have passed away." 393160,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,137,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The graph below 6.1 illustrates that 17 out of 72 youths indicated very likely that COVID 19 will spread in their community. 27 youths said it is like that COVID 19 will spread in their community, 21 youths demonstrates unlikely that COVID 19 will spread in their community, 2 mentioned very unlikely that COVID 19 will spread while 5 don’t have an idea whether COVID 19 will spread or not in their community. 39 children and adolescents out of 114 demonstrates that it is very likely for COVID 19 to spread in their community, 24 said very likely, 21 said unlikely, 16 said very unlikely while 14 don’t have an idea whether COVID will spread in their community." 189061,42301.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B7%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%B9%D9%81%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%A1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3-%D9%84%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%81%D9%88%D9%81,"[1 Nov 2020] [Afrin] The local council of Afrin has announced that the educational process for the academic year 2020/2021 was launched for students of several classes, starting 1st of November." 106357,31126.0,1860.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",es,205,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,," Se han llevado a cabo dos tipos de encuestas. Una por medio de formularios web y otra por medio de call centers (CATI). Se recopilan datos como área donde viven las personas (rural, urbano), con quién viven, estado de los mercados (urbano y rural), cambios en actividad económica, consumo de alimentos (hay dificultades o no), precio de alimentos, preocupaciones en cuanto a la ingesta de alimentos y temas de salud como: qué medidas están tomando para no contraer la enfermedad (distanciamiento, guantes, mascarillas, etc.). También lo relacionado a las escuelas, cambios en medios de vida y cuáles son los principales. Se incluyeron aspectos de migración, para países que están recibiendo migrantes de Venezuela, por ejemplo.  Se ha estimado un número de personas en inseguridad alimentaria severa. Para algunos países se estimaron dos cifras, una para los nacionales de eso países y otra para migrantes.  Antes de Covid-19 se estimaban 3.4 millones de personas en Inseguridad alimentaria severa; después de Covid-19, se estima en 13.7 millones de personas." 194773,43580.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/covid-syria-idlib-northwest-doctors,"[13th nov 2020,Overall Syria] Salem Abdan, director of Idlib’s health directorate, said the enclave has been recording around 400 new coronavirus cases on a daily basis in Idlib and northern Aleppo." 147052,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To enhance diagnosis and prioritize increased testing capacity, WHO continues to support the CPHL in Damascus. Rehabilitation of the CPHL to establish a designated laboratory for COVID-19 was completed in June; in addition two airconditioners and two refrigerators were procured; two air-conditioners and four refrigerators were fixed; and the laboratory generator repaired. On-site training for 24 CPHL laboratory technicians has also been completed." 163462,30943.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,201,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Según FAO, preocupa la convergencia entre la pandemia y las emergencias humanitarias que continúan afectando a comunidades afrocolombianas e indígenas, líderes comunitarios y sociales, entre otros. El reporte del 20 de mayo de la Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia evidencia que por el COVID-19 hay 13 pueblos indígenas afectados. Las comunidades tanto indígenas como afrodescendientes presentan problemas de acceso a alimentos, dificultades para abastecerse de sus alimentos tradicionales, y no cuentan con redes de equipamientos, personal e insumos. En lo que respecta a las comunidades afrocolombianas, los sectores de la agricultura, la pesca y la acuicultura se han visto afectados por las restricciones al turismo, el cierre de restaurantes y cafeterías, y la suspensión de los almuerzos escolares. Los segmentos más pobres y vulnerables de la población siguen siendo los más afectados (migrantes, desplazados, pueblos étnicos y, en general, comunidades afectadas también por el conflicto armado). Los pequeños agricultores, ganaderos y pescadores podrían verse impedidos para trabajar en sus tierras, cuidar a su ganado o pescar. Y se espera mayor impacto al llegar la temporada de sequía" 325658,53068.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,9,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,Response achievementsaround 1.1 people who received protection services. 223778,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,22,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,L'analyse d'avril et mai a montré une diminu�on de la fréquenta�on des structures de santé publiques et privées (DHIS2). 206868,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the Far North, from January to October 2019, a total of 2,622 GBV cases were reported to GBVIMS users. The data analyzed revealed significant gaps in the provision of essential GBV services. On average, only 7% of rape survivors received clinical management within 72 hours of the incident, due to delays in reporting and sometimes the unavailability of care, only 4% received legal aid and security services, and 20% received safe space accommodation services." 338763,56193.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Economy']",en,61,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"The DRC's private sector is characterized by a major paradox: an abundance of international businesses (e.g. Google, Nespresso, General Electric, etc.) in an economic terrain otherwise populated by a plethora of small businesses, many of which operate informally due to insufficient rule of law and unpredictable business policies and regulations." 249069,48421.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20RDC%2C%2030%20janvier%202021.pdf,"Données non encore actualisées concernant les patients devant sortir comme guéris dans la journée du 30 janvier 2021. Total de personnes guéries du nouveau coronavirus, COVID-19 en RDC : 15 031. Taux de guérison : 66 %. Total de cas actifs : 7 069;" 215561,45277.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"While COVID-19 cases spread across the country, misinformation about the disease spread even faster. Social media played an important role in promoting precautionary measures but was also pervaded with misconceptions and unfounded evidence. Some in rural communities resorted to taking antibiotics. At the same time, many young people in urban centers denied being infected - both because of the stigma surrounding the disease and fear of going into quarantine." 193073,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,107,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Nord reste confronté à des mouvements migratoires et aux mouvements de population y compris ceux des orpailleurs déguerpis des zones aurifères suite aux affrontements entre les groupes armés et l´armée tchadienne autour de Miski et de Kouri-Bougoudi. Du fait de l´inaccessibilité de la zone, peu d´informations sont disponibles sur la zone. Près de 94 000 personnes en provenance de Kouri-Bougoudi sont accueillies dans les sites de transit situés à Faya et à Zouarké avant de continuer vers leurs zones de provenance. La plupart de ces personnes sont bloquées dans ces localités par manque de moyens de retour vers leurs zones d´origine." 234624,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],['Context->Economy'],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Given limited buffers and urgent balance of payments needs due to the pandemic, the authorities are requesting financial assistance under the “exogenous shocks window” of the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) equivalent to 60 percent of quota (SDR 165.6 million), provided that the Executive Board also approves the request for an extension of the ECF [Extended Credit Facility] arrangement, due to expire on June 25, 2020, to September 30, 2020 with a rephasing of access." 237785,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"En cuanto a las causas de muerte materna temprana el 38,9 % corresponde a causas directas y el 34,7 % a causas indirectas. Las principales causas de muerte son la hemorragia obstétrica con el 15,9 % y el trastorno hipertensivo asociado al embarazo con 13,7 %, seguido por neumonía por COVID 19 con el 12,0 %" 325943,54937.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Minsalud-asigno-este-domingo-las-912.000-dosis-de-AstraZeneca.aspx,"De igual manera, puso algunos ejemplos de asignación por territorios. En el caso de Antioquia son 134.380, para Bogotá son 155.540 y, en el caso del Valle del Cauca, se distribuirán 94.060 dosis de este laboratorio" 289366,51168.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,61,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Out of 88 reporting health facilities in the six counties, four are fully functional, 58 are partially functional, and eight are not functional when measured against the Basic Package of Health and Nutrition Services (BPHNS) defined by Ministry of Health. Reports on functionality status of health facilities are not available from 18 health facilities." 188202,31146.0,1900.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,96,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Uno de los retos importantes con la pandemia de la COVID-19 son las restricciones de movilidad y de horario que el Gobierno está imponiendo como medida para contener la propagación del virus. Estas restricciones están siendo un obstáculo para los actores humanitarios ya que buena parte de las acciones de respuesta se implementan en las zonas rurales y remotas del país. La movilización y compra de insumos, principalmente equipos de protección personal y medicamentos, se están viendo afectadas por la reducción del transporte aéreo de carga y el cierre de fronteras." 196093,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"A number of activities needed to be modified or suspended due to COVID-19, such as Cash-forWork and vocational trainings, due to the gatherings of people involved with such activities. In exceptional cases, including when partners put in place safety measures (such as PPEs) to mitigate the risks, these activities are being continued." 298944,51152.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"South Sudan reopened schools in November 2020 for the first time since April 2020 due to COVID-19 preventive measures. However, many schools remained closed due to flooding. As of 31 January 2020, the risk of school dropout was much higher in flood affected counties and children particularly girls may not return to schools." 358515,58562.0,2170.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,168,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Further, Mercy Corps’ COVID-19 Rapid Assessment conducted by the Rural Resilience Activity in 2020 found that many households experienced large decreases in their income. For instance, on average, in Adamawa state, weekly household income reduced by more than half (N9,400 or USD 23.80), and average household debt increased by roughly a quarter (N5,800 or USD14.70).Similarly, in The World Bank’s National Longitudinal Phone Survey, 67 percent of households reported a decrease in their income and 69 percent of households have been affected by food insecurity (World Bank 2020). The combination of income loss and decreased access to food and consumer goods — driven by decreased trade due to insecurity and border restrictions, and the lockdown’s effect on production — has led to substantial price inflation and increased household food insecurity (Ohuocha 2021, Osae-Brown & Olurounbi 2021)." 308160,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Based on the IPC projections for December to March 2021, an estimated 104,000 people faced crisis (IPC Phase 3) or higher levels of food insecurity (or 75 per cent of the population of Akobo County) with an estimated 14,000 people likely to face catastrophe levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 5) in Aweil South County between December and March." 276277,50677.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,L’ONG IEDA développe des activités de prévention [de la malnutrition] auprès des communautés de Kousseri et de Goulfey dans le Logone et Chari. 406301,63610.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,94,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19082021_alerta_de_situacion_por_desastre_natural_en_bajo_cauca_antioquia._rv2.pdf,"Se requiere un tamizaje de la población afectada con el fin de determinar las necesidades en salud, para así brindarles la atención requerida. Debido a la temporada de lluvias, se aumenta la posibilidad de los casos de infección respiratoria aguda (IRA), en particular para los menores de cinco años, por lo cual se requiere dar atención preventiva a la población. También, es necesario brindar kits de aseo a las familias, así como kits de bioseguridad para la prevención del contagio por la COVID-19." 144179,35197.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/argentina/unicef-actualiza-la-estimaci-n-de-pobreza-infantil-alcanzar-m-s-de-8-millones-de,"UNICEF Argentina presentó hoy una nueva estimación de la pobreza infantil en el país y adelantó los resultados de la segunda encuesta nacional de impacto del COVID-19 en familias con niñas, niños y adolescentes. Las nuevas estimaciones del organismo alertan que, entre diciembre de 2019 y diciembre de 2020, la cantidad chicas y chicos pobres pasaría de 7 a 8,3 millones. La segunda encuesta nacional genera datos actualizados sobre la ocupación de los jefes y jefas de hogar, el acceso a alimentos y la percepción de programas de transferencias sociales." 188826,43386.0,1900.0,['Protection'],[],['Casualties->Dead'],es,49,[],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"La región de ALC tiene una de las tasas de homicidios intencionales más altas del mundo, que representa el 37%194 de los homicidios registrados a nivel mundial durante 2019, con El Salvador, Venezuela, Honduras y Brasil registrando algunas de las tasas más altas" 48910,12663.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"In an April 2018 survey conducted by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), food was the priority need for those living in Venezuela and the second most-often reported need for Venezuelans in Cúcuta (80 percent); as of April 2018, an estimated 611,000 food insecure Venezuelans and returnees were in Colombia. Cases of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) among Venezuelan children under age 5, according to Colombian official data, increased since 2015 when no cases were reported to 2, 13, and 360 in 2016, 2017, and 2018, respectively. Three Venezuelans died due to malnutrition in 2017, and 11 did so in 2018.8" 198834,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,14,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Aussi, 1 nouveau décès a été enregistré parmi les cas confirmés actifs." 498761,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,152,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"Maximiliano is 24 years old, a senior nursing student at the Argentine Red Cross Superior Institute in Salta, a province located in the northwest of Argentina that borders Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay. He is also responsible for the humanitarian camp of the Argentine Red Cross in Salta, where he and his colleagues support 800 indigenous families of Wichis, Toba and Chorote ethnicities every day. The project started at the beginning of the year due to the declaration of an emergency following the death of 10 indigenous children from malnutrition and lack of access to water. According to Maximiliano, “it was at this time when the Argentine Red Cross decided to implement a humanitarian camp to provide health care, food and drinking water to indigenous families affected by malnutrition and drought, and to support the development of their capacities”." 261650,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Covid-19->Cases'],es,94,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En enero, Colombia registró el récord nacional de casos reportados en un solo día alcanzando 21.078 nuevos casos el 15 de enero (sobrepasando el último récord de diciembre 2020). Los casos reportados en población en condición de vulnerabilidad en el país son en adultos mayores de 60 años (15,7%), población indígena (1,7%), afrodescendientes (3,1%), trabajadores de la salud (1,7%), refugiados y migrantes (1,1%) y madres gestantes (0,3%)." 359693,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,134,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Impact on participation in extra-curricular activities: In Bangladesh, teachers encourage both boys and girls to participate in these group activities equally and provide support to ensure they receive adequate life skills training. From FGDs with school boys and girls, it was found that student boys and girls who are members of these groups do not face objections from families to participate in these activities. However, the majority of respondents from the girl drop-out FGD group shared that while they expressed to their parents they wanted to study and participate in the extra-curricular activities their request was denied. Instead, now mothers teach them household chores and the family is waiting to find a suitable husband for them." 279900,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Many households were yet to recover from the severe 2016-17 drought, an incident that had displaced 2.6 million Somalis." 322509,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,41,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The main driver of protection LSGs was found to be*: • Households reporting having experienced movement restrictions in the 30 days prior to data collection (8%). 310571,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"281 organizations responded between January and September ; 186 LNGOs (66%), 89 INGOs (32%), 6 UN (2%)" 161651,35766.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,18,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78017.pdf,1.788.380* Venezolanos en Colombia 156.424 Venezolanos en Antioquia 8.75% del total de venezolanos en el país 289613,51168.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Lack of partner presence in the hard-to-reach areas of Warrap and Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA). In GPAA the areas identified with no partner presence are Manyabol, Gumuruk, Boma, Mewun and Labarab. In Tonj East county, there is no presence of static partners or Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) partners.( WASH Cluster Partners)" 184771,42710.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,81,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] Under this curfew all major markets/ public facilities have been ordered to close for the duration of the ban, excluding shops selling food and restaurants (for takeaway orders only provided they close by 3pm in the afternoon); places of worship must close except for Friday prayers and Sunday mass and; mass gatherings (wedding halls, condolence tents and conference meetings all specifically mentioned) are prohibited." 279882,51050.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,29,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/syr_spontaneous_idp_returnee_movements_overview_jan_to_dec_2020_final.pdf,"(Jan-Dec 2020, overall Syria) 448,000 IDP return movements in 2020, most of which occurred in Idlib and Aleppo governorates. 75% within governorate." 239747,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,78,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"After WHO declaration of COVID-19 as a PHEIC [Public Health Emergency of International Concern], the MoPH [Ministry of Public Health] in Afghanistan get preparation and start taking actions. The key measures were activating and updating the national emergency plan, establishment of entry fever screening in key airports and land crossings, allocation of certain hospitals in Hirat, Kabul and few hospitals in other provinces for isolation of confirmed cases." 417563,64197.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,57,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"Se requiere asegurar el acceso a agua apta para el consumo humano a las familias afectadas. Se necesitan kits de higiene con enfoque diferencial. Se requieren jornadas de prevención y gestión del riesgo en comunidades rurales y urbanas afectadas, teniendo en cuenta el apoyo y acompañamiento de intérpretes que garanticen el enfoque diferencial." 412950,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The households that failed to seek health services for the adolescents reported some reasons, which include risk of getting the coronavirus (60.00%), difficult financial situation (43.33%), unavailability of healthcare providers (14.44%), closure of the nearest clinics (11.11%), transportation problem (7.78%), etc." 186243,43272.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"As of September 21, relief actors had responded to humanitarian needs in 29 flood-affected counties, prioritizing areas with populations experiencing Crisis—IPC 3—and Emergency—IPC 4—levels of acute food insecurity." 172450,40701.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_6_october_2020.pdf,"[6 October, Bangladesh Overall ] Whereas violence against women, children including adolescents has exponentially increased due to COVID-19, Cyclone Amphan has made it a more challenging to reach vulnerable populations." 390905,61222.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,138,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.diarioantofagasta.cl/el-pais/129651/fuerzas-armadas-se-suman-a-control-migratorio-ilegal-al-norte-del-pais-antofagasta-y-tarapaca-presentan-mas-de-32-pasos-no-habilitados/,"LEY MIGRACIONES Referente a la modificación de la Ley Migraciones presentada por el Presidente el 2018, el Gobernador agregó“la nueva Ley de Migraciones, junto a la creación del nuevo servicio nacional de migrantes y el concejo nacional de migraciones, va a apoyar la dictación de políticas y la vinculación de la sociedad chilena con los migrantes, por lo tanto, es muy buena noticia, quenos va a favorecer en el control de esta migración ilegal, el tráfico ilegal de personas y obviamente el narcotráficoque lamentablemente en nuestra zona ha tenido un aumento“. Una vez que se promulgue la nueva ley de Migraciones,el Estado contará con nuevas herramientas para enfrentar el ingreso clandestino, facilitando la expulsión administrativa para desincentivar el uso de pasos no habilitados." 153924,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,14,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Se identificaron gran cantidad de casos de adolescentes jóvenes en estado de gestación. 155209,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,El 52% de los encuestados aseguraron que sus estados de medios de vida son malos debido a que se trata de economías informales como venta de dulces y bolsas de basura que no generan estabilidad ni el suficiente recurso para cubrir las necesidades básicas. El restante 48% asegura que no cuenta con ningún tipo de medio de subsistencia. 187757,43282.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster facilitates dedicated cargo airlifts on behalf of the Government and key humanitarian partners, upon request. This includes transportation of passengers, medical teams and supplies, samples and provision of storage facilities." 215612,45277.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"In rural areas:As of May 15, 2020, over 11,400 new CDCs were elected, more than 2,100 Cluster CDCs were registered, and almost 11,800 CDCs completed Community Development Plans (CDPs)." 289621,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"The initial South Sudan Humanitarian Fund Reserve Allocation enables both the Logistics Cluster and United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) to provide additional helicopter rotations to the six counties; however, it is insufficient to provide dedicated aircrafts for cargo and passenger transportation." 187306,43204.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,98,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/425238-coronavirus-nigeria-records-highest-daily-tally-since-august.html,"[8th Nov 2020, Nigeria] With the latest update, the total tally of infected people in the country rose to 64,090. The new cases were reported from just six states with Lagos bearing the brunt with 255 confirmed cases. The commercial city is Nigeria’s coronavirus hotspot with nearly 22,000 infections, about a third of the country’s total. The remaining five states are FCT (27), Oyo (10), Kaduna (5), Ondo (2), Kano (1)." 219405,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"So far, using funds received from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) at the global level, WHO, UNICEF and IOM have allocated $1 million, $1.145 million and $0.45 million respectively, to support COVID-19 responses in Somalia." 492651,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] Manually Refined Kerosene: 2,043 SYP per litre (0.64 USD) One month price change: decrease of 7% Six month price change: increase of 10% % of surveyed vendors reporting manually refined kerosene as unavailable in their community/neighbourhood: 73%" 16785,6342.0,322.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"The response for IDPs in Haradh, Hayran and Mustaba districts of Hajjah has been scaled up but gaps remain in Khayran Al Muharraq. A total of 910 individuals and 162 IDP households in Sana’a received 96,533 litres of water in hosting sites through water trucking." 162614,39587.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,128,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Datos%20VBG%20Cartagena%20incluyendo%20migrantes_0.pdf,"Cartagena - Bolívar Comportamiento de la VBG en el distrito de Cartagena Hasta la semana 20 del año 2020, el distrito de Cartagena ha presentado un total de 269 casos sospechosos de Violencia Basada en Género. Presentando una diferencia de 235 casos respecto al año 2019, el cual había reportado un total de 476 casos a corte de la misma semana. La Institucionalidad en Cartagena refiere lo siguiente: “Es de anotar que la disminución en la notificación de este evento durante las últimas semanas puede obedecer a que las victimas probablemente no están consultando por agresiones físicas, psicológicas o sexuales debido al temor de contraer infección por COVID-19 durante consultas en las diferentes IPS y EPS del distrito de Cartagena”" 13904,5542.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"The number of people receiving health services has risen by 50 per cent. Overall, the cluster has reached 3.1 million people out of 12.3 million people targeted. The provision of health assistance continues to be challenged by the lack of salary payments to health staff and the fact that only 50 per cent of health facilities are fully functional." 412907,63488.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,106,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Another reason for the self-exclusion from seeking healthcare services was the financial crisis that accounted for 54.51% of the responses. Due to the ongoing health pandemic, people suffered from economic and financial loss that includes joblessness, business closure, and reduction in income. In addition, the cost of healthcare services increased during this time frame that includes the cost of treatment, cost of diagnosis, and cost of medicines. The financial crisis was more mentioned by rural level respondents than the urban ones (62.5% vs. 45.2%)." 245086,47833.0,2311.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Demography'],es,120,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"De los respondientes el 7.41% presentan alguna discapacidad, y la prevalencia más alta es en Medellín (10.9%) y la más baja en Bogotá (2.3%). El grupo poblacional más afectado es el compuesto por mayores de edad (22.8%). Las discapacidades más frecuentes están relacionadas con discapacidades físicas y sensoriales: para caminar un 22.9%, visual 21.4%, física para vestirse 19.8%, para levantar objetos 15.4%, para usar las manos 11% y auditiva 5.6%. Las mujeres son quienes más presentan discapacidades (7.69% sobre el total de encuestados) frente a los hombres (6.14%)." 143562,36172.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/statement-who-regional-director-eastern-mediterranean-deaths-children,"We are also concerned that some health facilities have had to temporarily close within the camp, following a surge in COVID-19 cases in northeast Syria, including confirmed cases among health workers in Al-Hol. This is due in part to the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE), as well as the partial suspension and disruption of medical services in parts of the camp." 384855,60456.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,64,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"le RRM a émis 16 alertes de mouvements de population entre le 1er janvier 2021 et le 30 juin 2021 dans la seule région de l’Est. Sur ces 16 alertes, 5 ont été émises au cours du 1er trimestre et les 11 autres au cours du 2ème trimestre, augmentant de façon ostentatoire les besoins en terme d’assistance" 174664,41366.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.legit.ng/1375169-breaking-fg-finally-orders-civil-servants-resume-october-19.html,"[19th Oct 2020, Nigeria]After spending almost seven months at home, all the federal civil servants have been ordered to resume their duties on Monday, October 19. The SGF said the civil servants were asked to stay at home since March when the lockdown was declared to curtail the spread of COVID-19." 303967,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"In Darfur, an ongoing influx of CAR (Central African Republic) refugees into remote parts of South and Central Darfur States has seen the population swell from nearly 7,800 refugees by the end of August, to nearly 17,000 in just two months to the end of November 2019. There are also nearly 3,100 Chadian refugees living in Central Darfur waiting to return to Chad in 2020." 200463,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Plus précisément, 56% des dettes sont liées à un projet migratoire, viennent ensuite les dettes cumulées de type 2 et 3 (14%) puis celles de types 1 et 2 cumulées (12%). [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM] [type 1 : contractée avant et indépendamment du projet migratoire, type 2 une dette liée au projet migratoire, type 3 : contractée avant ou pendant le voyage, et/ou une dette liée au retour]" 309033,53636.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[MAR 2021, Overall Syria] In overall population of SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC, the top three type of shelter are 89% - finished buildings, 4% - tents and 3% - unfinished building." 223823,45880.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,85,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"La principale raison invoquée par les filles âgées de 12 à 17 ans pour qui�er l'école est qu'elles ont été mariées pendant la période de fermeture de l'école. Les adolescent.e.s qui ne disposent pas de la structure et de l'espace de sécurité qu'offre l'école sont plus suscep�bles de se livrer à des ac�vités sexuelles, notamment des rapports sexuels transac�onnels et relevant de l’exploita�on, ce qui augmente le risque de violences, de grossesse et de transmission d'infec�ons sexuellement transmissibles." 177267,41744.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Les principales sources de nourritures citées par les ménages sont la propre production (cité comme source principale par 76% des ménages), les économies des ménages (citée par 10% comme source principale, et par cité par 66% des ménages comme étant une des sources). Par ailleurs, 58% des ménages affirment emprunter de l’argent pour subvenir à leurs besoins alimentaires." 261771,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Caquetá: Las principales necesidades se relacionan con la seguridad alimentaria y el alojamiento, ya que las medidas para evitar los contagios continúan impactando de manera negativa la economía informal, de la cual depende la mayor parte de la población." 219270,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,The Jubaland healthcare system is facing further strain after 20 health workers tested positive for COVID-19. 300892,51949.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,124,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[Dialogue régional de protection à Bamako les 11 et 12 septembre 2019, signature à Genève le 9 octobre 2019 de la déclaration ministérielle de Bamako] Les conclusions s'organisent autour de cinq domaines d'intervention : 1. Accès humanitaire et coordination civilo-militaire ; 2. Protection dans le cadre du plan d’action des Nations unies pour la prévention de l’extrémisme violent ; 3. Accès à l’asile dans le cadre de déplacements massifs de réfugiés et de mouvements mixtes ; 4. Solutions aux problèmes des réfugiés, des PDI et des autres populations civiles ; 5. Accès aux actes d’état civil, aux documents d’identité et à la nationalité." 475461,64944.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"le harcèlement des populations civiles par les GANE dans le cadre de leur croisade pour imposer l’islam et décourager toute forme de collaboration avec les FDS s’est poursuivi au cours de ce mois, dans les communes de Barani et de Nouna dans la Kossi et celles de Toéni, de Gomboro et de Di dans le Sourou." 133892,35165.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,177,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"De los grupos focales con población venezolana y de las entrevistas a organizaciones se reporta que, en muchas ocasiones, hay un choque entre las expectativas traídas y la realidad experimentada, que obliga a las personas venezolanas a ajustar su presupuesto reduciendo los gastos en vivienda y alimentación, de tal forma que puedan subsistir en Panamá y a la vez enviar remesas a sus familiares en Venezuela. Las personas venezolanas expresan que la dependencia de las remesas que ellos envían es muy alta. Es común que prioricen el pago del alquiler de alojamiento por encima de una alimentación equilibrada. Por lo general, expresan que tienen un mayor acceso a la alimentación en Panamá que en Venezuela, pero que han llegado a pasar períodos puntuales en Panamá en los que se alimentaban una o dos veces al día, o desequilibradamente con alimentos más económicos. En este sentido, la encuesta refleja un 15% de personas que expresan haber tenido dificultades para alimentarse en el último mes." 336107,43604.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,45,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Handwashing: Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported most people do not wash their hand with soap are Kapoeta North 100%, Mundri West 100%, Nagero 100%, Ibba 95%, Mvolo 89%." 300673,51152.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"In 82 nutrition sites with structures damaged and the 47 nutrition sites made inaccessible by the floods, services were continued through mobile teams where boats and porters were used to the affected people. Some nutrition sites with structures affected by floods were relocated to higher ground to enable continuity of nutrition service provision." 78540,21795.0,1234.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,54,[],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72609.pdf,"In Trinidad and Tobago, the government began with the issuance of registration cards after the process that took place between May and June, allowing the holders to regularly work for six months (with the possibility of another 6 month extension) and, in some cases, access banking services." 490555,67789.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] FSS partners have commenced emergency food assistance across hard-to-reach locations for the month of August, while plans are being finalized to also preposition food supplies to cover the month of September in high-risk areas such as Rann and Damasak towns, which may become more difficult to reach due to flooding along major roads during the peak of the rainy season." 486279,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] # of HHs with whom shelter is shared (% of HHs): - No other HHs: 95% - One other HHs: 3% - Two other HHs: 1% - Three or more other HHs: 1%" 113100,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"• Continúan los apoyos con alimentación y kits de aseo a la población en la Terminal de transporte de Ipiales y la adecuación del lugar con la instalación de baterías sanitarias, lavamanos y carpas." 453743,64075.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-57657546,"With many children missing out on measles vaccines because of disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, fears are growing that there could be an outbreak of the disease in the Democratic Republic of Congo" 196046,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Activities related to needs assessments both sector specific or inter-sectorial such as the JMCNA and FSNAU have required a revised approach this year due to COVID-19. The JMCNA will predominately be conducted through remote phone calls by enumerators working at home, ensuring also that new and extensive data quality control procedures are put in place. FSNAU is currently reviewing the best modality to carry out the post-Gu’ assessment." 147691,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, in the reporting period UNICEF completed an assessment to rehabilitate a new isolation centre in Damascus. Additional light rehabilitation of WASH facilities were also completed in the Dweir quarantine centre, with plans underway to expand capacity at the facility to 2,800 beds (from the existing 1,500) with the installation of 21 additional rub-halls to be provided by WFP and UNHCR." 337276,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,WHE operations appealed 22 million of which only 2 million was secured. There was a gap of $20 million. 62107,18564.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,108,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"While the government has not published data on new HIV infections and HIV-related mortality for several years, there are indicators that both have been sharply increasing. According to the Human Rights Watch/Johns Hopkins University report, Venezuela is the only country in the world where large numbers of people living with HIV have been forced to discontinue their treatment because antiretroviral medicines (ARV) are not available. In 2018, the government reported that 69,308 of the 79,467 patients registered for ARV treatment–9 out of every 10–were not receiving it. The actual number of people in need of treatment is probably greater." 224673,44702.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,There should be more awareness about GBV to be carried out around Cueibet County. 265567,49620.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,31,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,Ce manque d’accès a incité les populations à utiliser les eaux de surface (8% des localités évaluées) dont la consommation les expose aux maladies hydriques. 341834,56181.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,Il a également été indiqué qu'une alimentation nutritive est inabordable pour la moitié de la population en raison du coût élevé des aliments nutritifs et de la faible disponibilité des aliments dans certaines provinces. 257042,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"In the Tillabery region, awareness sessions against sexual violence and other harmful practices have been carried out and reached 230 persons, including 128 women, 63 men, 25 girls and 14 boys." 224232,46162.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"Following the appearance of COVID-19 in March 2020, the government of Chad initiated countermeasures, including the closure of borders and non-food businesses and restrictions on transport" 200444,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Parmi les 388 migrants de retour enquêtés, 79% indiquent avoir contracté au moins un type de dette, à savoir une dette initiale (type 1), contractée avant et indépendamment du projet migratoire, une dette liée au projet migratoire (type 2), qui peut être contractée avant ou pendant le voyage, et/ou une dette liée au retour (type 3), c’est-à-dire celle qui est contractée après le retour du migrant dans son pays d’origine." 183256,41882.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,162,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"Given the scarcity of medical care in the area, the camp also has a first aid tent and a mobile team to be able to move patients from the most remote villages. All camp volunteers are trained in first aid and provide support to families with a protection, gender and inclusion perspective. When COVID-19 arrived in the area, Maximiliano thought that if there were a high number of infections, the pandemic could wreak havoc, because it would be very difficult to control it. Indigenous families are very vulnerable and their houses, which are barely 8 square meters, with mud walls and plastic roofs, are home to families of more than 8 people, in conditions of great poverty and overcrowding. “The first thing I thought was: how are we going to teach them to wash their hands to avoid infection, if they barely have water?." 193074,43300.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Près de 4,6 millions de personnes (51% de femmes) sont affectées par l´insécurité alimentaire, dont près de 1,8 million en insécurité alimentaire sévère dans 68 départements des provinces du Tchad. 25% de la population est en insécurité alimentaire." 202507,44558.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] Many widespread social beliefs consider some diseases as “shameful.” Some individuals prefer not to tell people when infected by a disease. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 worldwide, some people have added it to the list of “shameful diseases.” They unwillingly gasp whenever they hear that someone gets infected with the coronavirus, although the psychological factor plays an essential role in the treatment phase." 326904,54895.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D9%85%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%B9%D8%A7-%D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%A1-%D8%AA%D8%B7%D8%B9%D9%8A%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%83%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%AD-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7,"[April 26, Dar'a] A medical source confirmed that the occupancy rate at Busra Al-Sham Hospital has reached 100% and that the medical staff announced the emptying of a number of its personnel to visit patients in their homes, while the oxygen bottling plant, which was established with the support of residents and local donations, has raised its production capacity to the maximum due to the seriousness of the cases that need For oxygen." 168286,40395.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,41,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic-republic-congo/health,"Les mesures actuelles de prévention du COVID-19 consistent notamment à relever les températures aux points d’entrée dans les provinces et ZS ou se trouve les sites [de réfugiés], sites et centres points de lavage des mains" 40947,11894.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"According to refugee and migrant KIs, around 55% of refugees and migrants in assessed baladiyas were being hosted by friends or acquaintances. An additional 20% were sheltering at their workplaces, and 10% rented their own accommodation." 223256,45721.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"On occasion, local humanitarian staff belonging to warring clans have been victimized or caught up in the conflict. Clan-related conflicts are mainly recorded in areas where pastoralist communities reside owing to competition for scarce resources such as water and pasture, or in areas where farmers clash with nomads or over farmland." 272823,50353.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,102,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"During protection monitoring activities in November population movements were reported in many localities in the two regions, especially Menchum, Mezam, Boyo and Bui divisions of the NW region where close to 3,000 persons were forced to flee their homes. 585 protection incident reports were collected during November by protection partners. The main types of protection incidents reported include destruction of houses and properties, threats to life and personal security, killing/murder, looting, extortion, torture, SGBV, arrest and detention, arson. The most affected populations are IDPs followed by returnees." 226856,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The Afghan national security forces and the Taliban demonstrated their respective abilities to cease hostilities three times during the first nine months of 2020, protecting many civilians from harm; first observed during the week leading up to the signing of the 29 February US- Taliban agreement, and subsequently during the three-day ceasefires for both Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha." 200259,44361.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],fr,19,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,4/11 communes présentent des prévalences supérieurs au seuil d’alerte de l’OMS (10%) 358531,58562.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,106,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]The lockdown eroded social cohesion and increased conflict within identity groups, as well as within other small, homogeneous groups such as villages and families. These smaller groups were most likely to be confined together in lockdown, increasing the frequency of interactions and tensions between a more limited set of social contacts. In the case of families, this density of interactions within close quarters often increased substantially due to multiple members of the household being out of work, schools being closed, and other family members returning from work in other states." 273871,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,There is risk of water borne diseases such as Cholera and other diseases due to open defecation and lack of safe drinking water. 94032,26519.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200302_Nextier-SPD_Policy-Brief-_Entrenching-Peace-1-2.pdf,The forced displacement and influx of people resulted in internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities having to share public spaces and facilities. This has resulted in increased competition over scarce resources and social services. This development has intensified conflicts between the host community and displaced persons. 319532,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"Today, there are almost 269,589 displaced persons in the region (including 127,233 refugees, 104,588 IDPs, 35,659 returnees and 2109 asylum seekers), many of them in secondary movement." 240430,47354.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,66,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] An unexploded ordnance was discovered in Wege Extension IDP camp in Pulka, Gwoza LGA during protection monitoring. Fires broke out in Monguno, Pulka, Gwoza, Dikwa, Ngala, Rann camps and destroyed the humble belongings of IDPs, increasing their need for shelter, food and non-food items (NFIs)." 171513,40704.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] During April, May and June, we provided fresh food vouchers to 36,742 households in Camps 1W, 1E, 2W, 3,4, 4E, 5, 8W,14, 15, 16, 21 and 22 as part of the essential life-saving assistance, having rapidly resumed by the end of March" 173028,40676.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,51,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Dans ces différents milieux, les réfugiés sont particulièrement à risque d’infection par le COVID-19 du fait des conditions de vie précaires (promiscuité, manque de distance minimale entre les habitations, faible accès aux services d’eau, hygiène et assainissement et de santé)." 244241,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"Despite the unstable security situation in the Lake Chad region, President Deby sees this new deployment as a way to coordinate efforts in the fight against terrorism in the region." 388303,60981.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Environment'],es,28,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"un vendaval afectó la infraestructura de los albergues donde se estaban ubicando las personas desplazadas, por lo cual, muchas de ellas tuvieron que ser reubicadas." 411430,63733.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,40,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2ca3af14/REACH_BFA2106_presentation_Cluster-Abris-National_juillet-2021.pdf,"Les sites de Bisnogho (Boussouma), Singuinvoussé (Yalgo), les quartiers de Yargo et Ramessen (Pouytenga) et le secteur 3 de Tougouri ont des situations critiques en abris d’après les IC." 205214,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"They have mobilized around 1 million people through household and community meetings and broadcasted 23,300 radio spots with public messaging, and generated evidence through two EVD research studies on communities’ knowledge, attitudes and practices." 213567,44892.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CCCM%20and%20SNFI_Fire%20Prevention%20and%20Response%20Guidance%20Note_NWS.pdf,"The majority of IDP sites in NWS are self-settled (over 90% according to the sites listed in the CCCM database) and often lack proper infrastructure, site planning and camp management systems; which increases potential fire hazards and creates particular challenges in responding to incidents, such as access in an emergency situation." 240436,47354.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,75,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] Other movements: These same factors along with the need for family reunification and socio-economic difficulties triggered the displacement of 66 men from Konduga and Baga LGAs in Borno State into the IDP camp in Kukareta, Yobe State. Over 1,700 people in Rann, Kala Balge LGA, mainly women, moved to Cameroon to search for menial jobs to sustain their families." 292335,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,52,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"Al inicio de la pandemia, Colombia contaba con un programa de seguro de desempleo basado en cuentas individualizadas para el 39% de los trabajadores que estaban empleados formalmente y cumplieran con ciertos requisitos de elegibilidad (al menos 12 contribuciones a la seguridad social en los últimos cinco años)" 217441,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Kazakhstan, being an important supplier of wheat and wheat flour to Afghanistan, had also imposed restrictions that resulted in an abrupt price hike of wheat flour and oil." 154004,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,63,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Las madres manifestaron que tienen gran preocupación de ser separadas de sus hijos, debido a las prohibiciones de permanecer con ellos en actividades económicas informales como la venta en semáforos, esta situación ha generado que deban dejar solos a niños, niñas y jóvenes por largas horas del día en lugares donde habitan para poder trabajar para el sustento diario." 340794,56216.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,43,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://linterview.cd/lac-edouard-26-pecheurs-congolais-arretes-en-lespace-de-deux-semaines/,"Il [Aimé Mukanda Mbusa, l’un des notables de Rutshuru] fustige également la pêche clandestine qui s’observe sur les eaux du lac Edouard qui est favorisée par les éléments qui sont sensés rétablir l’ordre." 228652,46627.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Those ‘on the edge’– who cannot study at home, due to inability to access means of continued education or lack of support, and already likely struggle further to remain in school – are likely to fall further behind during COVID-19, increasing dropout risks" 173019,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,49,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"L’épidémie de COVID-19 crée de nouveaux besoins, notamment en matière de renforcement des structures de santé pour la prévention, la détection et le suivi des cas suspects, ainsi que la prise en charge médicale, nutritionnelle et psychosociale des personnes malades du COVID-19." 299521,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 57 abductions, out of which 55 were initiated by NSAG-TB, 110 humanitarians were abducted in 2020, compared to 22 abductions impacting 49 humanitarians in 2019." 308369,53292.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Significant inter-communal violence was reported in Manalor and Kriek payams, resulting in a reported 33 people killed and 800 cattle raided. Insecurity has affected the ability for partners to access facilities and monitor ongoing delivery. Supplies are running low in facilities across the county and there is a limited window before the rainy season period to ensure they are resupplied before physical access becomes a challenge." 149552,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,53,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"Por otro lado, una inédita y violenta manifestación xenófoba en contra de los nicaragüenses ha encendido las alarmas en Costa Rica, un país en el que al menos el 8 por ciento de su población es inmigrantes y que históricamente ha dado asistencia a personas que huyen de sus países." 41086,11894.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Migrant KIs reported decreased access to healthcare in many areas, due to heavy fighting, restrictions on movement, and the closure of local private health facilities, which are the type of facility most commonly accessed by non-Libyans." 177557,41672.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-reports-1600-new-cases-15-new-deaths/59001,"[15th October 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh is seeing 2,258.04 infections, 1,757 recoveries and 32.93 deaths per million. Of the total victims, 4,314 are men and 1,294 are women. Of the latest 15 victims, 13 are aged above 50 years." 473932,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,108,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Una de esas tensiones es el reclutamiento de niñas/os y adolescentes. Según el Observatorio de Niñez y Conflicto Armado de la Coalico (2020), entre enero y diciembre de 2020 se registraron 79 eventos que afectaron a por lo menos a 222 niñas/os y adolescentes. Al revisar el mismo periodo de tiempo en 2019 se evidencia un aumento de 12 eventos y 22 víctimas más por este delito. Los departamentos con el mayor número de eventos fueron Antioquia (16), Chocó (9), Nariño (7) y Valle del Cauca (7) (ver figura 32)" 265723,49620.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Environment'],fr,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso et au Niger, les inondations et les vents ont détruit de nombreux abris sur la seconde partie de l’année, notamment dans les régions du Centre-Nord, du Sahel, de Tahoua et de Tillaberi133 134, et dans une moindre mesure, de Mopti et de Menaka135." 156647,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,Distribution of COVID-19 related items are continuing to be conducted daily to both government agencies and implementing partners. 272649,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Un effort de mise à jour du nombre d’ONG locales a été fait avec la mise en place du forum des ONG nationales qui a permis d’avoir une estimation du nombre d’organisations locales qui existent dans le pays en général mais dans les régions les plus affectées par la crise en particulier en vue du développement d’un plan de renforcement des capacités de ces organisations. 2555,516.0,321.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-2017-humanitarian-situation-report,"Through the installation and rehabilitation of latrines, drainage networks and fumigation campaigns, a total of 100,450 people gained access to improved sanitation facilities." 186309,43272.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,The UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) withdrew its peacekeeping troops and security personnel from Protection of Civilian (PoC) sites in Jonglei’s Bor town and Western Bahr el Ghazal State’s Wau town in early September as part of UNMISS’ continued effort to transition South Sudan PoC sites to conventional internally displaced person (IDP) camps. 437561,64217.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,56,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En términos de su salud mental, el 13% de las encuestadas manifiesta que presentan cuadros de tristeza, generados principalmente por la fragmentación de su grupo familiar, las condiciones socioeconómicas que afrontan, la limitación al derecho a la educación, y la condición de vulnerabilidad frente a diferentes formas de violencia." 452583,63185.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,42,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/atrocity-alert-no-263-burkina-faso-ethiopia-and-syria,"At least 178 civilians, including children, were killed in June alone. Those forced to flee recount killings, torture, kidnappings, looting, extortion and attacks on markets, health centers, schools and places of worship." 326483,54734.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of nutrition barriers reported by households with children were: Unaware that supplements are available (51%), Unaware that services are available (51%), Facilities too far to travel to(35%)." 293964,51273.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock (MAIL), wheat flour prices at the national level have been generally stable from July to November 2020, at 34-35 AFN/kg on average. However, prices in November 2020 were 10 percent higher than the same time last year and 24 percent above the three-year average." 169302,40031.0,1185.0,"['Education', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,WFP started implementing virtual learning groups in three schools in Ventanilla as part of its strategy to promote healthy nutrition at schools. An additional eight schools in Sechura will also take part in this initiative. 326584,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 65% and 63% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported no awareness of medical, legal, or psychological services to address incidents of GBV." 193845,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La situation s´est améliorée dans le Ouaddaï et le Wadi Fira avec respectivement 12,1% et 12,6% de prévalence de la MAG [en 2019] contre 17,8% et 20,3% en 2018." 221299,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Quant aux analyses concernant les impacts plus larges de la pandémie et des mesures de santé publique mises en place pour contrôler sa propaga�on sur les femmes et les filles, elles demeurent trop rares." 346848,56987.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Since the start of the pandemic, there has been an overall increase in reports of gender based violence (GBV) as levels of frustration have increased due to a reduction in assistance and livelihood opportunities. There has also been an increase in reports of community-level child protection issues, most notably in children experiencing psychosocial distress, child labour, children going missing, child marriage, and violence against children." 221302,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les appren�ssages �rés des crises sanitaires passées nous éclairent sur les conséquences poten�elles des épidémies, non seulement sur la santé des femmes et des filles, mais sur tous les aspects de leur vie." 291660,51191.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,IOM’s post-arrival humanitarian assistance was provided to 554 (3%) undocumented Afghans at the IOM Transit Centers in Hirat and Nimroz during the reporting period and some 222 households were reached through Protection assistance since the start of the year. 193407,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Households able to access a borehole or tapstand in under 30 minutes, without facing protection concerns, is very low, at 34 per cent coverage. This is a condition which affects the safety of women and girls disproportionately, as they are called upon uniquely to source water for the family." 205210,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"As of 25 May [2020], 4,800 cases of COVID-19 are confirmed, with 177 deaths (case fatality rate 3.7%). All ten regions of the country are affected: on 29 April, the first case was confirmed in the Far North region." 347760,56800.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Because there is a disproportionate ratio between young women and men with a higher number of women, dowry paid to men’s families has become a common practice and women are unable to find or pay for marriages in the camps. Many families reported distress and anxiety over younger, unmarried daughters in their families." 401749,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Report any cluster of illnesses, deaths and or unusual events to the community health workers, Majhis and CiCs, or nearest health facilities to support early detection of outbreaks of gastrointestinal, respiratory, and other syndromes as early as possible." 204400,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,4% des ménages dirigés par des femmes interrogés ont cité le don / la zakaat comme source de nourriture principale contre moins de 1% des ménages dirigés par des hommes 175459,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"La COVID-19 continue sa progression dans le pays avec des cas rapportés dans toutes les13 régions sanitaires. La capitale, Ouagadougou qui à elle seule regroupe 60 % des cas confirmé du pays avec 80% des décès rapportés." 68836,19724.0,1386.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.laprensalara.com.ve/nota/6712/19/10/onu-tiene-la-lupa-en-venezuela-por-la-crisis-alimentaria,Mientras que laFAOeste año incluyó al país por cuarto año consecutivo en la lista de países que necesitan asistencia humanitaria en materia de alimentos. 274110,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,111,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages monoparentaux dont les chefs sont soit veufs/ves, divorcés ou de sexe féminin constituent une proportion significative des ménages ayant une consommation alimentaire pauvre (respectivement 50 %, 55 % et 49 %). Les ménages de déplacés et réfugiés ont plus de difficultés d’accès à la nourriture : respectivement 56 % et 80 % d’entre eux se procurent suffisamment d’aliments et ont une consommation alimentaire pauvre. Presque la moitié de ces ménages ont dû faire recours aux stratégies d’urgence." 278593,50677.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Dans le Mayo-Sava, seuls 18,7% des enfants de moins de cinq ans bénéficient d’une diversité alimentaire minimale." 183586,42413.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/polio-certification-sustaining-victory-increased-vaccination-and-surveillance,"[3rd Nov 2020,Borno] To sustain the gains of polio eradication in the country, WHO has been working with Borno State Government in implementing vaccination and surveillance activities in hard to access, security-compromised areas of the state. The effort is to sustain the momentum gained from the polio eradication programme and maintain vaccine availability to the children in the area as vaccination and surveillance accessibility was the main issue in 2016 when the wild polio cases were detected in the state." 113113,29959.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Sigue la identificación de potenciales beneficiarios de transferencias monetarias y bonos alimentarios en los municipios de Palmira y Jamundí, así como proceso de identificación de potenciales beneficiaron de bonos alimentarios en otros municipios del Valle." 319796,54628.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,87,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] In preparation for the possibility of future fires in the camps, the community requires clear, understandable and actionable instructions on how to reduce the risk of fires and how to respond quickly when they do occur. When there is a fire, responders should make use of existing and proven communication channels, such as loudspeakers and miking, to pass on key information and, where needed, to dispel rumours or misinformation." 173259,41066.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-total-cases-reach-368690/58442,"Bangladesh is seeing 2164.86 infections, 1,653.82 recoveries per million while 31.40 are dying against the same number. Of the total victims, 4,138 are men and 1,210 are women. Of the 23 latest victims, 17 are above 50 years." 328326,55008.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,86,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Con ocasión de la temporada de lluvias, el terreno en la zona de carpas de la cancha Ceballos se está deteriorando (se inunda); de igual manera, la unidad de vivienda (RHU) disponible para servicios de salud también se ve perjudicada en sus alrededores por la proliferación de vectores en áreas aledañas donde se acumula agua lluvia. Por tanto, se requiere evacuación de aguas sobrantes y relleno del terreno, con el fin de evitar nuevas inundaciones." 174381,40125.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-leaked-letter-says-over-200-un-staff-syria-have-contracted-covid-19,"[6th september,Overall Syria] Independent medics and relief workers say scores of doctors and medical workers have died in recent weeks." 78116,21279.0,788.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/11/12/nigerian-state-pushes-keep-pregnant-girls-school,"Nigeria’s Child Rights Act protects the rights of girls to education during and after pregnancy, many continue to face expulsion because there is a lack of awareness and no policies in place to ensure their continuation in school." 797,156.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,37,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Among households in the eight assessed mantikas, the top three most reported needs were cash/income support, healthcare and food, which were highlighted by 53.0%, 51.9% and 47.0% of households respectively" 39168,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,142,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Both Libyan and non-Libyan displaced people face increased restrictions on their movement to safety. In comparison, non-Libyan informants were more likely to report restrictions (85.7%) than Libyan informants (59%). These Libyan respondents express that these restrictions mainly happen because of the following: road blocks and checkpoints (89%), risk of ongoing fighting (78%), risk of arrest and kidnapping (78%). Non-Libyan respondents experience the same restrictions at similar levels, reported restrictions due to ongoing fighting (80%), road blocks (56%), and arrest/detention (56%). Across the board, risk of ongoing fighting, shelling and fear of kidnapping were the most frequently reported reasons for restrictions by all key informants." 192627,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Harmful traditional practices are present across the country. They include early and forced marriage, including marriage following cattle raids or age set fights; wife inheritance; abduction of girls for household chores; polygamy; and denial of education for girls due to societal expectations" 222834,45953.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]CAMP COORDINATION AND CAMP MANAGEMENT: There are 46 formal and 235 informal camps in the BAY states. 58% of these sites has dedicated or mobile site facilitation. Management of COVID-19 quarantine shelters and information centres in camps and host communities." 201096,43280.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"For the month of September, UNICEF implementing partners recorded a general increase in health service utilisation with an uptake of first out-patient clinic (OPD) consultations increased by 9 per cent in comparison to August (80,286 vs 73,340) consultations. Antenatal care (ANC) 1 consultations increased by 16 per cent, ANC4 by 3 per cent, deliveries by 12 per cent and Penta 1 vaccinations by 8 per cent in September compared to August." 390961,60861.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,113,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El 62,8% de los participantes llegó a Chile entre 1 y 5 años atrás, seguido por el 16,8% que declara haber llegado entre hace 6 meses y un año y el 8,9% que indica haber llegado a Chile hace entre 6 años y 10 años (Figura 4 y Tabla 2). La mayoría reside en la región metropolitana (67,5%), luego la región de los Lagos (7,6%), de Valparaíso (5,0%), Bío Bío (4,0%), Coquimbo (3,3%) y Antofagasta (3,2%) (Figura 5 y Tabla 3)." 190016,43443.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"La zone est affectée par l’épidémie de COVID-19, totalisant 97 cas et 15 décès de COVID-19 en date du 19 juillet 2020. Les mouvements migratoires entre Goma et les autres territoires et entre Goma et la province voisine du Sud Kivu ainsi qu’avec le Rwanda représentent des risques de transmission et de propagation de l’épidémie. La forte densité de population et la promiscuité dans les maisons et les marchés et le manque d’accès aux services d’eau, d'hygiène et d'assainissement sont également des facteurs de transmission." 326145,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[General household information]Two most commonly reported preferred sources through to receive information about COVID-19 were SMS(53%) and Radio classes (56%). 275495,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"De plus, dans le contexte d’insécurité persistant, l’absence d’activités de prévention, de protection et d’assistance à certains groupes vulnérables pourrait les exposer davantage aux risques de protection y compris la traite des personnes ou un autre départ vers une zone moins sécurisée" 356682,58359.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,Convocar el comité creado para verificar detenciones y “traslados por protección” durante las manifestaciones y reformar el protocolo que creó este comité para garantizar la participación de representantes de la sociedad civil. 228545,46627.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,30,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Decreasing remittance flows will only further exacerbate “economic, fiscal, and social pressures on governments of these countries already struggling to cope even in normal times.”" 492384,67938.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/logcluster-production-files/public/2021-09/Logistics%20Cluster_Syria_Aleppo_Meeting_Minutes_210901.pdf,"[Aleppo, Syria] National Formal Market Average up to July 2021 stood at SYP 376 per Litre." 186411,43272.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"On September 29, humanitarian agencies suspended operations in western Kajo-Keji following armed clashes between SPLA-IO factions in several locations in the area, according to the UN. Moreover, international NGOs in Kajo-Keji evacuated staff members to Uganda following the clashes." 143062,35989.0,2074.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"Las mesas de trabajo son audiencias públicas en las que se registra de manera más eficiente y sistematizada los testimonios de la migración forzosa. Éstas se llevan a cabo con la participación y colaboración de organizaciones de la sociedad civil y autoridades del país de acogida, en un espacio que albergue entre 50 y 100 personas. Los participantes se dividen en grupos de discusión de 6 a 10 personas que son dirigidos por la Oficina. Cada sesión dura un máximo de tres horas son documentados de forma escrita y audiovisual con previa autorización de los participantes." 338545,56250.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Tanganyika - pluies abondantes abattues entre février et avril 2021, dans les zones bordant le fleuve Congo, le Lac Tanganyika et leurs affluents] ont affecté environ 13 600 ménages1, dont plus de 8 750 ménages sinistrés se trouvent dans le territoire de Kalemie. Les autres sinistrés sont répartis dans les cinq autres territoires de Tanganyika." 489961,67662.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Funding for holistic care of survivors of sexual violence in DRC remains far below the needs. In 2020, the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) aimed to cover 36% of humanitarian health needs and 32% of humanitarian protection needs – including barely 8% of the needs of the 10.9 million victims of GBV20. In the end, less than 6% of the sum requested by the Health Cluster and 18% of the sum requested by the Protection Cluster were funded." 63088,18763.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/venezuela/2019/08/20/solo-el-18-de-la-poblacion-venezolana-tiene-acceso-a-agua-potable-de-calidad/,"la embajada de Gran Bretaña en Venezuela prometió la donación dedos millones de dólarespara sanear algunos embalses de Caracas, en el marco de la propuesta de ayuda humanitaria al pueblo de Venezuela. Hasta el presente, la propuesta no ha sido materializada." 4629,626.0,322.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,59,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/daesh-claimed-suicide-attacks-kill-5-in-yemen-s-aden-1.2178768,"Aden has been the base of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s government since it was forced out of the capital Sana’a in 2014 by Iran-backed Al Houthi militants. During the chaos in Yemen over the past few years Daesh has repeatedly attacked Aden, claiming hundreds of victims and mainly targeting government forces." 322347,54747.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 100% of IDP settlement and 48% of non-IDP settlement households found with a nutrition Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 240595,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,50,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,Targeted killings of civilians by the Taliban included the killing of a health worker in Zazi Aryoub district of Paktya province on 20 January; a judge in Injil district of Herat province on 17 February; and a teacher in Khogyani district of Nangarhar province on 13 March. 26316,10754.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/spain-makes-contribution-idb-s-migration-initiative,Spain has made a $5 million contribution to help the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) tackle urgent development challenges posed by the rise of transborder migrations in Latin America and the Caribbean. 189440,42879.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/agosto2020_analisisdenecesidadesmensual_mire_0.pdf,"A través de sus intervenciones, el MIRE ha logrado establecer alianzas con entidades territoriales que han contribuido significativamente en la comprensión socioeconómica de las emergencias. La coordinación con la UARIV, las alcaldías locales, así como con líderes comunitarios y religiosos, han facilitado la realización de las ERN y las actividades de respuesta multisectorial." 228340,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Victim interviews have revealed a significant failure of the parties to the conflict to acknowledge harm, to seek to reconcile the damage done, or even to make contact with victims and their families." 271703,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"En 2019, cette variation [le nombre moyen de groupes d'aliments consommés par les FAP] allait de 3,86 au Centre à 2,90 à l’Est." 37180,11044.0,788.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"Most asylum seekers reported that they were drinking water from streams, ponds and other unsafe sources around the host communities due to inadequate and dysfunctional borehole facilities.  There is a complete absence of public sanitation facilities with significant presence of Open Defecation sites and absence of Hand washing facilities near any existing toilets;" 155366,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],[],[],es,151,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Cruz Roja Dominicana entiende de pandemias y conoce a la sociedad dominicana. Las consecuencias de esta crisis van más allá de los plazos de la propia respuesta del sector salud, y más allá de la respuesta de la sociedad. Cruz Roja Dominicana está comprometida con aprender y trasladar el aprendizaje a nuestros canales de capacitación, estructura operacional de respuesta, medios y métodos de trabajo, y pautas de preparación. Cruz Roja Dominicana nunca dejara atrás esta respuesta. No obstante, con el fin de acotar plazos, este Plan va a tener una duración de tres años (hasta abril 2023) en el que la respuesta va a integrar las diferentes situaciones (temporada ciclónica, inundaciones, otros brotes, situación económica, entre otras) que van a interactuar con la COVID-19 y nuestras capacidades de atención a la población." 222780,46090.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431838-covid-19-ncdc-confirms-1145-new-infections-1-additional-death-335-recoveries.html,"[17thDec2020,Nigeria] Cumulatively, since the Covid-19 outbreak began in Week 9, there have been 1,197 deaths reported with a case fatality rate (CFR) of 1.6 per cent . The number of reported deaths in the last one week in states, including FCT, is 17." 206800,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]Access is likely the driving factor explaining these differences in handwashing practices as a majority of households (79%) reported having a handwashing facility within 15 minutes’ travel time and less than a third of households (30%) reported a functional handwashing facility at their latrine. Non-displaced households (34%) were reportedly much more likely to have access to a facility than displaced households (20%)." 275884,50688.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MHPSS%20Factsheet%20-%202020.pdf,"[4th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Individual psychosocial support is provided through two modalities: psychologist and para-counsellors. Psychologist/counsellors have extensive training in MHPSS if not formal training in psychology. Para counsellors are from the refugee community and are trained in specific modules to provide individual level MHPSS support within their own communities. The need to increase capacity in community based MHPSS interventions became clear during the pandemic. Individual services are offered by multiple sectors through counsellors and para-counsellors." 173146,39593.0,1899.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,81,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-09-14%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%207-13%20de%20sep%202020.pdf,"A COPRECOVID le preocupa que la demanda de pruebas esté disminuyendo en el departamento y el distrito central de Guatemala, donde las pruebas diarias han bajado de 2.800 a 1.400 en las últimas semanas. En cambio, otras zonas con bajas tasas de pruebas están mostrando ligeras tendencias ascendentes, especialmente en el noroeste; COPRECOVID indica que este cambio de tendencia es una señal alentadora de que la estrategia del organismo de descentralizar las pruebas está funcionando." 149545,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,36,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"La ola de violencia ya ha provocado que al menos 1.200 venezolanos hayan decidido recoger sus pertenencias y abandonar Brasil para poner rumbo al lugar del que se fueron, según confirmó el Ejército brasileño." 291384,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Due to limited public health resources and testing capacity, lack of people coming forward for testing, as well as the absence of a national death register, confirmed cases of and deaths from COVID-19 are likely to be under-reported." 328052,55074.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,93,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Surveillance épidémiologique • 4 304 voyageurs enregistrés • 0 alerte enregistrée à l’aéroport de Ouagadougou et Bobo • Persistance des difficultés dans le suivi du dépistage des contacts au J0 (72,19%), J8 (43,32 %) et J14 (28,03 %). • Poursuite de la recherche, listage et suivi de 215 contacts de nouveaux cas dépistés dans les DS ayant des cas actifs • Formation des EIR sur la surveillance de la COVID-19 dans les régions des cascades du Centre Nord et du sahel" 328598,54710.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of housing, land and property (HLP) dispute reported by households were :Disputes about rent (including payment) (13%), rules and processes on HLP not clear (9%), secondary occupation (19%)." 401732,62965.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,85,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Keep food preparation areas and utensils clean. Discard food that has come in contact with flood waters and any food that is perished. Cook food well and dispose of waste properly. • Eat only food that has not been in contact with floodwater or surfaces that have been in touch with floodwater. When in doubt, throw away any food and water that may have come into contact with flood water." 348001,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Access to latrines increased significantly by 36%. Increase of 21% of people cleaning their latrines on a regular basis. Increase in access to private spaces for menstrual hygiene management. 15% increase in regular handwashing and strong increase in frequency of handwashing with soap. 45% increase of participants using chlorinated water." 222838,45953.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]The main source of drinking and non-drinking water at displacement sites is the borehole (77%). Other sources of water supply include hand pumps, wells, water vendors and water trucking." 194888,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[ November 19, Idlib] The pace is dizzying at the largest isolation hospital in Syria’s northwestern city of Idlib. There are no bombs falling outside and the wounded don’t crowd bloodstained corridors amid a shaky cease-fire in the country’s decade old civil war. Still, the intensive care unit staff is overwhelmed with beds full of elderly patients gasping for air." 177558,41672.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-reports-1600-new-cases-15-new-deaths/59001,"[15th October 2020, Bangladesh] So far, 2,863 people have died in Dhaka division, 1,128 in Chattogram, 360 in Rajshahi, 453 in Khulna, 193 in Barishal, 239 in Sylhet, 254 in Rangpur and 118 in Mymensingh. Across the country, 12,329 people are now in isolation and 40,087 in quarantine." 223692,44702.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Grass thatching cannot be found at the site immediately or at the current time; except for the dry season in December 216992,45551.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/431083-how-covid-19-lockdown-fuelled-gender-based-violence-csos.html,"[14thDec2020,Nigeria]The Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Pauline Tallen, had in June said over 3,600 rape cases were recorded across Nigeria during the lockdown. The perpetrators in these cases have included family members, neighbours, landlords, the police and other security forces." 174553,41246.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,168,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000118469.pdf,"[ 1st July 2020, Borno, Yobe states] The Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) outlines the minimum food items needed for survival of a household in a month. The basket comprises basic energy food requirements of 2,100 kilocalories per person per day and include food items like rice, maize, red beans, palm oil, vegetable oil, salt and sugar, consumed by the majority of households in the Northeast. Between June and July, the cost of 70% of the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) for a family of five increased slightly from 19,072 Naira to 19,345 Naira in Maiduguri and Jere. In Geidam, the SMEB (100%) increased by ten (10) percent between June and July (from 18,411 Naira to 20,228 Naira). In the same vein, an increase of the SMEB by 10 and 15 percent was recorded in Gulani and Nguru respectively." 358784,58665.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/High%2520Frequency%2520Survey%2520Report_Round1_2021_Final_Espa%25C3%25B1ol.pdf,"Otra situación para destacar es que, en la presente ronda de enero a marzo 2021, hubo un aumento significativo estadísticamente en personas entrevistadas que señalaban que miembros de su familiar eran sobrevivientes de violencia o abuso físico, psicológico y/o sexual, desde 4% en la ronda de octubre a diciembre 2020 hasta 7% en la ronda de enero a marzo 2021, con el porcentaje más alto se refleja en las familias radicadas en la frontera con Venezuela, seguida de la región Suroccidente del país." 228666,46627.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Beyond continuing education, stakeholders can focus on keeping children learning and intellectually engaged. This could be inked to child protection programming, with integrated efforts focused on for example promoting psycho-social wellbeing." 322207,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,115,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The main drivers of health LSGs were found to be Households with at least one member who had been ill in the two weeks prior to data collection and it taking more than one hour to reach the nearest healthcare facility by foot (1%) ,Households with women of reproductive age (15-49 years old) who had given a life birth in the two years prior to data collection without having been attended by skilled health personnel (12%) , Households that do not have access to a functional healthcare facility within 1-hour walking distance (8%)." 169307,40031.0,1185.0,[],[],[],en,25,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"National and subnational institutions have strengthened capacities to manage food security, disaster preparedness and response and social protection policies and programmes by 2022." 147708,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Training in IPC and use of PPE also continued in the reporting period. WHO supported four workshops on IPC measures in Damascus, with 100 healthcare workers trained on patient safety, IPC measures, use of PPE and case management" 208198,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"With a prevalence of GAM at 16.2 per cent, the country has crossed the emergency threshold of 15 per cent. The highest nutrition needs are observed in Jonglei, Unity, Upper Nile and Warrap. Five of the 10 states show a prevalence of 15 per cent or more." 408431,63572.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,50,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flujo%20migratorio%20MAYO%202021_0.pdf,"Con respecto a abril del presente año, disminuye en 1% la intención de los migrantes encuestados de permanecer en el país, aumenta un 2% la intención de dirigirse hacia Ecuador, mientras que para el caso de Venezuela la intención aumenta en un 3%." 340951,56209.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,30,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2021/05/11/comite-de-conjoncture-economique-constate-la-hausse-des-reserves-de-change-a-la-banque-centrale-congo/,Le CCE se dit satisfait de la stabilité de la monnaie nationale. La Banque Centrale du Congo (BCC) a enregistrée une augmentation des réserves de changes. 4628,626.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,32,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/daesh-claimed-suicide-attacks-kill-5-in-yemen-s-aden-1.2178768,"Daesh propaganda arm Amaq claimed the attack in a message on the Telegram messaging app, saying two of the group’s fighters carried out the “martyrdom-seeking” operation." 390743,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,140,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Precipitation: In Nigeria, precipitation trends have a high degree of variability and the last several decades have observed a decrease in the predictability for seasonal rains across the country. Overall, rainfall has decreased incrementally across the country since the 1960s. Rainfall for the country varies from a very wet coastal area with annual rainfall greater than 3,500 mm to the Sahel region in the northwest and north-eastern parts, which receive an annual rainfall less than 600 mm. The annual variation of rainfall, particularly in the northern parts, is large. This has resulted in climatic hazards, especially floods and droughts.26 Observed rainfall patterns indicate that rainfall for the country over the past century declined by approximately 80 centimeters (cm).27" 224187,45763.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"La majorité des villages n’ayant pas de centre de santé, les malades sont contraints de se rendre dans les centres de santé les plus proches des villages voisins qui se trouvent en moyenne à 5 km." 194899,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[ November 19, Idlib] Seven of eight hospitals in northwestern Syria that are equipped to treat the virus are already overwhelmed. “The increase in COVID infections, cases of hospitalization and nearing full occupancy of ICUs, brings us closer to a state of emergency,” said Salem Abdan, head of Idlib’s health directorate." 356143,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,36,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Por otra parte, la producción promedio de petróleo durante el mes de abril fue de 745,5 mil barriles diarios, que representa una disminución de 6,3% frente a lo observado un año atrás." 130810,33838.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Incremento de la desnutrición aguda, secundario al aumento de la inseguridad alimentaria que se genera por el proceso de cuarentena." 490550,67789.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,108,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] (AWD) As of 27 August, some 32 suspected cases were on admission while 79 have been treated and discharged. Field partners had in recent weeks raised concerns about the deteriorating conditions, particularly relating to health services in Pulka town, Gwoza LGA, hosting some 60,000 people including IDPs, returnees and the host community population. The withdrawal of MSF, the only agency providing secondary health care services, from Pulka in July continues to pose major concerns and gaps in health services particularly the management of chronic diseases such as diabetes." 272819,50353.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"A total of 40,594 children (21,109 girls and 19,485 boys) were screened for acute malnutrition during the month of November, among whom 178 (0.4%) were identified with SAM. 160 children (90%) of the 178 were referred for SAM treatment. Logistic and financial constraints were reported to be the two major challenges limiting access to SAM treatment." 41085,11894.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Due to restricted access to hospitals, both frontline and referral hospitals inside and outside Tripoli were reportedly receiving casualties on a daily basis. The Tarhouna and Ghiryan hospitals had been converted into trauma centres by the World Health Organisation (WHO" 272723,50256.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 30% (98) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté qu’une grande majorité de la population (entre 75% et 99%) ou toute la population (100%) avait accès à la terre (sans nécessairement la cultiver) au cours du mois précédent." 202691,43256.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"While 1 million people were in need of living standard assistance in the Far North prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, this number rose to 1.6 million. This increase is mostly due to an increase in education (from 400,000 children in need pre-COVID-19 to 1 million) and WASH needs (from 670,000 people prior to COVID-19 to 1.2 million people)." 66314,19459.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Politics'],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/09/09/destruido-el-sistema-de-salud-741-mil-casos-de-malaria-y-350-mil-de-sarampion-9sep/,"El informe de la doctora Michelle Bachelet, alta comisionada de las Naciones para los Derechos Humanos, se queda corto para revelarle al mundo la grave situación de pobreza, enfermedad y muerte que se registra en Venezuela. Al hacer tal declaración el Dr. William Barrientos, vicepresidente de la Comisión de Ayuda Humanitaria de la Asamblea Nacional, dice que no solamente el 35 por ciento de la población infantil (como lo señala dicho informe) sufre desnutrición, sino que hay 7 millones de venezolanos que se encuentran en condición de pobreza extrema." 106078,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En total, 595.834 han gestionado el PEP a la fecha, de los cuales 568.330 lo tienen aprobado" 204413,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,19,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,La préférence pour la modalité en cash est visible dans les départements accueillant les chefs lieux de régions. 346842,56987.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] The combination of economic loss and challenges accessing assistance during lockdown, both last year and this year, will negatively impact the food security status of households and there may be an increase in the use of emergency and crisis negative coping strategies." 223534,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Common health problems repeatedly reported included Malaria, Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI)." 220001,45769.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,Les fournitures scolaires données par UNICEF sont revendues par les enseignants aux parents des enfants. 147720,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, AAH supported case management training for 250 frontline health workers in Rural Damascus and Aleppo, and an additional 60 in Al-Hasakeh through 12 workshops. AAH further provided supplies to support 22 ambulances in Rural Damascus during the COVID-19 response." 326186,55014.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,136,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]Seventy-one per cent of the heads of IDP households that wished to remain in displacement mentioned that they feel more secure in the environment in which they were living at that moment. Thirteen per cent of respondents cited the lack of security in their location of origin as their primary reason not to return to their location of origin. Ten per cent of respondents mentioned the better infrastructure in the camp as their main reason to remain in displacement while 3 per cent declared to stay because of the humanitarian assistance they are receiving while in displacement. Another 3 per cent reported that they do not wish to return to their locations of origin because they have found better employment opportunities while in displacement." 16590,6344.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"On September 16, UNHCR distributed relief commodities to more than 4,600 new IDPs and provided emergency shelter to approximately 2,100 IDPs in Al Hudaydah’s Ad Dali’ District through a local NGO. The UN agency also provided emergency cash assistance, totaling more than $4 million, to approximately 140,000 individuals across Yemen in August; due to acute shelter needs, the UN agency disbursed more than 70 percent of the cash assistance in the form of rental subsidies." 114790,32234.0,1898.0,['Protection'],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,51,[],['Casualties'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3646679,y El Salvador destacan negativamente como los países con más altos índices de feminicidios y abuso sexual en Latinoamérica. Un grupo de cinco investigadoras abordó este lunes el tema en el panel “Acceso a la justicia: el feminicidio y el estado de derecho en América Latina”. 200250,44361.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les cause [de la malnutrition] sont multiples et sont entre autre, l’insécurité alimentaire, les pratiques inadéquates et la crise humanitaire sans précédent que connait le pays, engendrant des déplacements massifs de populations, la baisse de l’offre des services de base aux populations qui les expose à une vulnérabilité accrue à la malnutrition." 72209,20768.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"Barranquilla se ha convertido en la tercera ciudad receptora de migrantes provenientes de Venezuela. La búsqueda de oportunidades y recursos es una de las razones por las que los venezolanos y colombo-venezolanos se concentran en la ciudad caribeña. Identificar cómo va la integración de los migrantes es fundamental, porque permite mejorar las políticas públicas para toda la población." 40044,11719.0,729.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,56,['Impact'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-14_ENGLISH%20%281%29.pdf,"Clashes continued in conflict-affected neighborhoods Khalla al Furjan, Qasr Ben Gashir, Ain Zara, Wadi Rabea and Swani, reportedly with increased use of airstrikes. Prolonged outages of electricity, telecommunications and water networks, as well as reported closure of many markets in conflict-areas further add to the hardship of local populations" 298760,52631.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"En date du 27 mars, le Gouverneur de Kinshasa, Gentiny Ngobila décide finalement de reporter le confinement de la capitale à une date ultérieure, invoquant un problème de flambée des prix des biens de première nécessité, ainsi que le risque d’insécurité." 237851,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"De los casos de malaria complicada, 62,8 % (717) corresponde a hombres. El 41,1 % (470) se presenta en personas de 15 a 29 años, y 18,1 % (207) ocurrió en indígenas. Por lugar de procedencia, 51,3 % (586) proviene de rural disperso. Por régimen de afiliación, 65,3 % (746) pertenece al régimen subsidiado." 501302,69057.0,2074.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe-situacion-migrantes-refugiados-venezolanos-en-Bolivia.pdf,"Resolución 148/2020: se reconoce la identidad de los niños venezolanos con la presentación de documentos supletorios como una fotocopia simple de su certificado de nacimiento o el documento vencido, la cual también contempla a sus padres o tutores legales. Garantiza permanencia o tránsito de menores y sus padres/tutores. Aprobado." 285814,51534.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],es,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3722013,"CAUCA›ARGELIA En desarrollo del compromiso para cumplir con los objetivos trazados desde la Unidad para las Víctimas en Cauca, la entidad realizó la entrega de materiales para la construcción de un espacio multifuncional en beneficio de la población afectada por el conflicto residente en corregimiento El Plateado, municipio de Argelia, en el marco de la caravana humanitaria de atención que se realizó el fin de semana pasado" 193400,43347.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The protracted humanitarian and political crisis has negatively affected the already poor access to basic water, sanitation and hygiene services." 307768,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"FSL partners plan to reach over 80,500 people with general food assistance (including 74,500 with general food distributions and 6,000 with food for assets). During 1-5 March, FSL partners completed distributions for 2,648 people in Nyandit Payam." 186268,43272.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"In Jonglei and Unity states, RRF NGO partners are providing emergency health services and interventions to protect against malaria and other vector-borne diseases, as well as responding to acute WASH needs by providing buckets, safe waste disposal, soap, and water purification tablets.However, the continued rainfall and resultant damage to airstrips, roads, and other infrastructure assets have hindered the transportation of relief supplies and limited humanitarian access to some populations." 194240,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,72,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,685 élèves et 42 Enseignants ont participés à 3 émissions jeux publics animés dans 3 écoles (EP BONSOBU Institut BONSAMBI 182 élèves et maternelle LEBENGE 37 élèves) sur le lavage correct des mains et les lauréats de 3 écoles ont reçus des kits de lavage de mains dotés par PCI/WASH avec l’appui de l’UNICEF dans la ZS de BOMONGO et MBANDAKA à l’EQUATEUR : 126595,32569.0,1621.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,39,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"A larger proportion of migrants in the urban locations (muhallas) were living in rented accommodations in comparison to rural locations, whereas the proportion of migrants in collective accommodations was higher for migrants reported in rural location" 165118,39657.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000117581.pdf,"Anecdotally, reduced income earning opportunities could be driving up sell and/or exchange of portions of assistance, to support access to other food and non-food items. • There’s an increased demand on the local markets for fresh food items, mainly fruits, vegetables, fish, and chicken, following suspension of WFP’s farmers markets and fresh food corners in the retail outlets. However, supply remains low, as local producers struggle to keep up with the demand." 320935,54668.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,125,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Selon les réponses fournies par les informateurs clés, le paludisme (1), la diarrhée (2) et la malnutrition (3) ont été classés comme les trois principaux problèmes de santé dans les villages. Néanmoins, d’après les réponses des informateurs clés, les principaux problèmes de santé varient légèrement d’une zone de santé (ZS) à l’autre, en particulier dans les ZS de Katoka et de Lukonga où la typhoïde est le deuxième principal problème de santé." 184763,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] Key challenges include low levels of compliance with personal preventative measures including improper use of PPE and lack of distancing among staff, inadequate screening/ triage at the entrance to health facilities, self-referral of suspect cases to health facilities (instead of reporting symptoms remotely via the OD), movement of health workers between multiple facilities and, in some cases, reported shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)." 303528,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,les prix actuels des céréales à Maroua ont augmenté de 25 pour cent par rapport à la même période l’année dernière en raison de nonravitaillement des bassins de production du Nord à cause de la mauvaise récolte cette année liée à l’arrêt précoce des pluies et aussi les flux transfrontaliers illégal vers le Nigeria. 151879,38243.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-08-31%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2024-30%20de%20agosto%202020.pdf,"El conteo de muertes por COVID-19 de SINADEF desde marzo de 2020 ya supera el número de muertes registradas durante el conflicto armado interno de Perú entre 1980 y 1990, que fue el período más mortal de la historia de Perú." 188594,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 72 024 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 67 970 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 11 211 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,5%." 174467,40839.0,2170.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria] LIVELIHOOD MEANS FOR RETURNEESThe most common livelihood activity was farming at 97 per cent of sites, with only 1 per cent engaging in cattle rearing, fishing and petty trade, respectively. Access to farmland showed a drop and was 94 per cent (down from 95% in the last round of assessment)." 134723,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"para el acceso a la vivienda propia en la población migrante predomina el uso de recursos particulares para su adquisición, esto es, sin subsidios habitacionales. En el Gráfico 11 se observa que el 64% del total de personas migrantes propietarias no contó con subsidios, accediendo a la vivienda solo con recursos particulares, lo cual alcanza solo un 44% en el caso de la población local. En tanto, un 14% accedió a vivienda propia con subsidio habitacional sin crédito, mientras que la cifra aumenta a un 25% en el caso de los chilenos" 235659,46890.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"This also includes access to education for 3,894 children (1,716 boys and 2,178 girls) affected by the dual emergencies of conflict and COVID-19 through e-learning and radio programme in both regions." 346872,56987.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,55,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] The enforcement of more stringent lockdown measures does little to assuage these feelings and will likely result in people not only avoiding testing, but also waiting longer before coming forward for healthcare for COVID-19 and non-COVID related issues, including non-COVID related respiratory illnesses." 160468,38373.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Existen variaciones en el acceso entre las zonas monitoreadas: en Riohacha, 82.3% reportó tener acceso a un centro de salud, mientas que en Bogotá 68.7% reportó no tener acceso." 219490,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"A donation of oxygen concentrators from UNICEF and ICRC was handed over to Garowe and Galkaacyo north isolation centre as well as Baidoa district hospital isolation centre during the week of 15 May. WHO provided enough medical supplies to Marino hospital to treat 10,000 patients for three months and trained 21 doctors." 338554,56250.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,[Outlook] [Tanganyika] Les inondations actuelles pourraient affecter les prochaines récoltes et la situation nutritionnelle (dans le moyen terme) à Kabalo. 237267,47095.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,56,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state] CHALLENGES: Insecurity and military operations (Operation Fire Ball) are limiting contact tracing, active case search, and community sensitization in security-compromised LGAs Bad geographical is limiting access to remote communities to sustain COVID-19 prevention activities Fear of stigmatization leading to non-disclosure and refusal of sample collection" 384861,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,13,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,30 ASBC et 20 AV ont bénéficié de primes mensuelles de 20 000/personne 229410,46461.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The findings of Accessibility survey in Norwegian Refugee Council coverage Area reveals that children in remotes areas specifically in hard to reach areas do not have access to any other alternative education pathways since the closure of schools. They are eagerly waiting for start of their schools/classes or other education opportunities during the lockdown period. 388621,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des cas de violences physiques et morales ont été répertoriées. Les violences physiques sur les populations féminines et masculines par des GANE, lorsque ces populations ne respectent pas les règles imposées." 276114,50677.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,Les membres du groupe de coordination intersectorielle à Maroua ont lancé un processus de collecte d’informations sur l’impact des inondations. Ces informations permettront de mobiliser des ressources spécifiques pour une réponse coordonnée aux besoins des ménages sinistrés par les inondations. 35781,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,49,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,The Survey also reported that 87.7% of females who had home deliveries had received no education at all. Adolescent girls living in rural communities are less likely to come for the required four antenatal visits when compared to their counterparts in urban areas (7). 156633,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"WHO is supporting the expansion of the district laboratory for increased testing for Rohingya refugees and host community. The current daily sampling capacity is around 1,000 samples with a target of 2000 in the coming weeks. The laboratory is supporting Chittagong and Bandarban district besides Cox’s Bazar. In total 24 188 tests have been conducted." 285174,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"There are reports of children being detained, recruited to fight and being exposed to sexual abuse in relation to the events of 3 June." 218376,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,La recommandation a été faite de poursuivre le test obligatoire de Covid-19 pour les voyageurs internes et ceux en provenance de l’étranger ainsi que ceux en partance pour l’étranger. 147726,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,28,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO has established the Supply Chain Coordination Cell to improve information management and coordination to support strategic guidance, operational decision-making, and overall Supply Chain monitoring." 303894,50891.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,28,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,An economic crisis has triggered a rise in the cost of living and eroded household purchasing power (annual inflation reached almost 70 percent by November). 217641,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Rural communities mainly migrated to nearby urban or semi-urban settlements where security is relatively better, and land is still affordable, though necessities are often unavailable." 322879,54747.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 11% households with a vulnerable primary income earner 244246,47682.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,Such measures include the ousting of all goldminers from illegally occupied sites and the transfer of all illegal foreigners back to their countries of origin. 492251,17259.0,1384.0,[],[],[],en,100,[],[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"In Curaçao, there is no effective asylum system and no real access to residence permits for recent arrivals from Venezuela. As a result, the vast majority of Venezuelans in the country are undocumented. Best estimates put their number somewhere between 10,000 and 13,000. This population is in an extremely vulnerable situation. Curaçao has enforced an “active removal strategy,” under which it detains and deports these Venezuelans. Refugees International interviewed many on the island who described a life of hiding behind closed doors, in constant fear of the authorities." 359091,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,158,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Bangladesh] Climate change is likely to contribute to the increased frequency and impacts of hydro meteorological hazards, and Bangladesh is considered among the most vulnerable countries to such adverse effects (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2018). For example, it is expected that Bangladesh will be four per cent wetter by 2050 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2018), which could lead to worsened impacts of flooding and storms, and increase the prevalence of vector-borne diseases. Sea-level rise could also further disrupt the ecological systems, credibly threaten food security and the availability of fresh water. This is a significant issue given that Bangladesh gets over 90 per cent of its water beyond its geographical boundaries, which requires the country to cooperate on upstreamdownstream linkages to guarantee equity in water distribution (Scott, et al., 2019)." 164085,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"UNICEF Akure office worked with the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) and risk communication pillar to conduct trainings for health educators and Community Mobilization Officers in Ondo and Ogun States. Additionally, media personnel were also trained on symptoms, prevention and objective reporting on COVID-19." 196102,43590.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"People in Kunduz province face Stressed (IPC-2) food security conditions as of August-September, and 14.2% of children under five face some form of malnutrition in the province (Nutrition Cluster 2019).People are projected to face these levels into next year, which will likely make recovery difficult (FEWS Net 08/2020)." 195962,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Au sujet du trafic national, 1 706 personnes ont franchi les différents PoC et ont toutes été screenées. Heureusement, aucune alerte n’a été décelée." 293971,52076.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Recent data on the nutritional situation in the South West and North West indicate that boys are generally more affected by moderate chronic malnutrition (MAM) and severe chronic malnutrition. Only in the North-West is there a higher rate of MAM among girls (1.8% vs. 1.5% of boys). However, they remain significantly more affected by severe malnutrition (3.6% vs. 1.8% for girls)." 151367,37912.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_10_august_2020.pdf,"Considering the COVID-19 pandemic situation, partners have been implementing their activities by adopting necessary precautions measures e.g. social distancing, wearing mask, hand washing etc. for the communities and staff safety." 145867,35819.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"In northern Syria, USAID/BHA partners increase access to safe drinking water through emergency water trucking and the distribution of water 5 Million Number of People Reached by USAID/BHASupported Health Assistance during FY 2019 KEY FIGURES 5.5 Million Number of People USAID/BHA Reaches with Monthly Food Assistance in Syria and Neighboring Countries 14 Number of USAID/BHA partners providing critical WASH assistance in Syria 5 storage tanks and water treatment devices. Further, USAID/BHA is supporting UNICEF and four NGOs to bolster COVID-19 response capacity in Syria by increasing water trucking frequency to provide additional water for handwashing and cleaning and distributing additional soap and other WASH commodities to beneficiaries." 194433,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 395 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 52 ZS réparties dans 11 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 248940,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,18,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Sur les axes proches des zones forestières, de nombreux cas de viol sont aussi souvent rapportés." 248023,48228.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Les trois sites des déplacés se trouvent à 2km et 5 km des écoles des villages de Kollom et Darkani qui ont des salles de classe multigrades. L’école de Kollom n’est pas fonctionnelle à cause de manque d’enseignants. 285208,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,26,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Since the 3 June events, access to telecommunication has been severely limited with a complete Internet blackout since 10 June, hampering humanitarian response." 219808,45784.0,2333.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,22,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/en_-_understanding_the_sahel_through_its_history_geography_and_socio-demographic_challenges_-_white_paper.pdf,"Gross secondary school enrolment rates of around 20 per cent in Niger, Chad, Nigeria and Cameroon are clearly inadequate." 144180,35197.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/argentina/unicef-actualiza-la-estimaci-n-de-pobreza-infantil-alcanzar-m-s-de-8-millones-de,"Las nuevas proyecciones alertan que, en diciembre de este año, elporcentaje de niños y niñas pobres alcanzaría el 62,9%. UNICEF basa sus cálculos en datos oficiales del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INDEC) y pronósticos del Producto Bruto Interno (PIB), provenientes del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI). El 24 de junio el FMI presentó las nuevas proyecciones por países y, en consecuencia, la actualización muestra un incremento de casi 5 puntos respecto a los niveles de pobreza infantil estimados en mayo de 2020 (58,6%) al 62,9% actual" 155670,38514.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"Nutrition Sector partners trained 7,970 mothers on Measuring Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) and how to refer their children to an integrated nutrition facility. A total of 21,385 children (94% of targeted children) were reached through Vitamin A supplementation during the reporting period." 356665,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Del mismo modo, la corte ordenó que la Defensoría del Pueblo realizara un seguimiento estricto a los abusos del ESMAD en contra de manifestantes. Los funcionarios de la Defensoría del Pueblo han estado monitoreando la respuesta a las protestas y buscando mecanismos de diálogo con manifestantes para levantar bloqueos. Sin embargo, el número de funcionarios asignados a esta tarea ha sido insuficiente y no han dado abasto con la labor. El defensor del pueblo no ha reportado periódicamente sobre los abusos ni los ha condenado de forma inequívoca." 156645,38709.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,Immunizations are an essential health service to protect individuals from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD). WHO continues to provide guidance regarding the operation and sustaining of immunization programs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic 328589,54710.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Among households of IDP settlements with children, 7% household reported their child(ren) having been enrolled in a nutritional centre/therapeutic feeding centre in the 6 months prior to data collection while 11% household of non-IDP settlements with children reported their child(ren) having been enrolled in a nutritional centre/therapeutic feeding centre in the 6 months prior to data collection." 236038,46890.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In August 408,230 individuals received various WASH services including COVID-19 prevention activities implemented by seven WASH partners (H4BF, Plan International, NRC, SUDAHSER, CHAMEG, and EPDA and COMINSUD supported by UNICEF) in the NWSW." 112493,29953.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,108,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Por otra parte, debido a la vulnerabilidad a la que estaban sometidas las poblaciones locales antes de la migración, la respuesta a la población venezolana ha generado críticas tensiones. Un caso que ejemplifica esta situación es la tensión que ha generado la extensión del Plan de Alimentación Escolar (PAE) a la población refugiada y migrante. En un departamento con altos índices de desnutrición, el imaginario según el cual ahora se les da comida a los venezolanos y no a los colombianos genera fracturas profundas en la población (Consejo Noruego de Refugiados, La Guajira, entrevista, 2019)." 308682,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster is working with humanitarian organizations to urgently utilize the dry season to pre-position supplies in hard-to-reach locations in Priority 1 counties ahead of the rainy season. In support of these efforts, the Logistics Cluster facilitated the transport of over 26 MT of relief items including food, nutrition, shelter and WASH items for partners working in Akobo County, during the reporting period." 356137,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,55,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En el trimestre móvil enero – marzo, las exportaciones totales aumentaron 0,8% frente al mismo periodo un año atrás. Este resultado obedece a un incremento de las exportaciones diferentes de commodities (12,6%). Por otro lado, las exportaciones de commodities registraron una variación anual de -5,5%." 224653,44702.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"A cluster specific assessment may be recommended immediately following the flood to ascertain the needed repairs & quantify the necessary spare parts thereafter provide spare parts to rehabilitate broken BHs in areas where assessment was conducted. The required parts include; GI pipes, cylinders, connecting rods, first moving kits." 326651,54734.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per SNFI LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 57% for extreme and lowest was 0% for no or minimal and extreme+. Similarly highest percentage of households per SNFI LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 40% for severe and lowest was 0% for no or minimal and extreme+." 221655,45323.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/calls-to-shut-schools-of-syrias-as-suwayda-temporarily-for-fear-of-coronavirus-spread/,"[December 10, As-Suwayda] However, the students’ families do not have suitable alternatives for adopting remote education, as Enab Baladi monitored. People must have sufficient access to virtual reality suitable for remote education, including active internet connection and electric power, which are not available in the province." 308586,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Health Cluster partners provided 4,589 consultations in health facilities, of which 2,706 were curative. Health Cluster partners received 7 IEHK (Interagency Emergency Health Kit ) kits and 15 pneumonia kits since the beginning of the response." 136346,35143.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Meanwhile, data issued by the Ministry of Health indicates only a very small increase in the number of infected people to 45 from 43 last week, while the number of deaths remained unchanged at three and those healed increased to 27 from 19 a week ago. On May 05, 1,140 people were still in quarantine out of 3,773 who were quarantined since the virus was first reported in the country" 112317,29953.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,Se desarrollan también actividades de WASH en asentamientos informales; se han instalado baterías sanitarias y se ha divulgado información sobre higiene. 185925,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,52,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Après l'augmentation du prix médian du PMA observée entre mars et avril (+15%) qui correspondait à la mise en place des mesures gouvernmentales pour endiguer la propagation du COVID-19, le prix est redescendu en mai (-7%) pour atteindre les 174 422 FC en juin." 16547,6344.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"Ongoing insecurity in Al Hudaydah continues to complicate relief operations. The UN warns that damage to Al Hudaydah’s Red Sea Mills facilities—which currently stores 51,000 metric tons (MT) of food commodities, sufficient to feed 3.5 million people for one month—could exacerbate the already dire food security situation in Yemen. UN agencies are appealing to parties to the conflict to protect humanitarian staff and critical infrastructure." 224488,46147.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://tishreen.news.sy/?p=599768,"[December 21, As-Suwayda] Fear of the Coronavirus has prompted more than two thousand teachers in As-Suwayda to request referrals and sick leave. A number of teachers requesting leave indicated that their request for sick referral is out of concern for themselves and their children, especially after the governorate recorded many infections with the Coronavirus, and for students as well." 240881,47673.0,2330.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2021/01/21/world-bank-supports-first-covid-19-vaccine-rollout-in-lebanon,"The country’s health sector is severely overstretched. As of January 17, 2021, the country had a total of 252,812 confirmed cases and 1,865 deaths. Test positivity rate for the last 14 days is high at 17 percent (compared to the WHO suggested maximum rate of 5 percent)." 35502,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Haemoglobinopathies (such as sickle cell anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia) figure prominently within chronic physical illnesses, and rates of obesity are rising in both sexes." 326581,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 15% and 12% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported gender-based violence (GBV)-related incidents against anybody in their community in the 30 days prior to data collection. 208936,43347.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Poor access to WASH services and goods combined with high levels of food insecurity has a detrimental impact on the health of the most vulnerable, as seen through the high prevalence of malnutrition and water-borne diseases, with 74 per cent of households reporting members affected by a water or vector-borne disease." 228420,46627.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"About half are buying less food than usual, and 34% buying cheaper food than usual" 358783,58665.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/High%2520Frequency%2520Survey%2520Report_Round1_2021_Final_Espa%25C3%25B1ol.pdf,"En esta ronda, se desglosó la necesidad específica de personas con una condición médica crítica o crónica para alcanzar mayor entendimiento del impacto de este riesgo de protección. Como resultado, la mayoría de las personas venezolanas que mencionaron esta vulnerabilidad dentro de sus familias indicaron no tener acceso a medicinas (16% de 27%)" 248026,48228.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,99,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Le site de Kollom a dans le temps eu une salle de classe qui se trouve totalement délabrée et hors usage. A ce jour, les enseignements se donnent sur un espace réduit pour un effectif de 800 élèves encadrés par un enseignant sur base d’une rotation des groupe d’élèves. Pendant cette évaluation, il a été rapporté que l’enseignant est en grève car il n’a pas reçu ses subsides depuis plus de 2 mois. L’école ne dispose pas de forage, ni de latrines." 299158,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Even in the best-case scenario of a reduction in conflict activity in the area, the presence of IEDs will continue to impede humanitarian movements over the months to come. In two incidents, humanitarians were wounded in IED detonations in Hilmand and Khost provinces, bringing the total number of casualties of humanitarian aid workers in 2020 due to IEDs to eight wounded and three killed." 112265,29953.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Los entornos en los que más transitan los niños y cuidadores son las calles, parqueaderos con condiciones insalubres, muchos peligros, lugares no amigables, saturación auditiva e inclusive olores pútridos." 128070,34134.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/royal-actors-peacebuilding,Nigeria should integrate informal structures in peacebuilding processes. Nigeria must re-establish the role of traditional institutions as local peacebuilders. 70953,20191.0,788.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,147,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"The lack of qualified teachers, overcrowded classrooms, limited WASH facilities, limited supervision, lack of textbooks and learning materials, and limited public funding to support the Sector remains a challenge. In response to concerns raised by key stakeholders over the budget allocation for education which is reported to be inadequate, the new State authorities have declared a state of emergency in the Education Sector. A technical committee was instituted and its recommendations have been submitted to the Governor who directed that critical components of these recommendations be implemented urgently. This includes teacher audit and verification to identify the number of teachers in the State, their qualifications, the immediate training they require for optimum performance, as well as specific challenges facing teachers. A teacher training and development centre in Damaturu was amongst the key recommendations." 39079,13749.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,147,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Libyan (10) and non-Libyan women (14) share the same main concern in their decisionmaking to flee, that being lack of safe routes. However, for non-Libyan women key informants, shelter is a higher need and concern than for Libyan women informants. Even when provided with safe routes and shelter, nonLibyan male and female face another challenge: the lack of transportation. According to the findings, only 10% of the interviewed key informants state that Libyans face challenges with transportation to safety while 31% of nonLibyans face the same challenge. Also, Eastern African non-Libyan women are facing increased fear of harassment as they try to seek shelter and safety (5). Generally, both Libyan and non-Libyan females fear harassment with 50% more than male Libyan and non-Libyan do." 211096,44790.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The already-disrupted healthcare system is overburdened, fragmented, under-resourced and ill-equipped to provide lifesaving or preventive services. Those who are displaced or marginalized face high barriers to healthcare access and, consequently, high exposure to disease" 497617,60046.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2-gender-educacion.pdf,"Solo un 2 por ciento de las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas reportaron no tener un nivel educativo, seguido de un 15 por ciento que tenían un nivel de educación primaria, 48 por ciento un nivel de bachillerato y 13 por ciento un nivel técnico." 198157,44148.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100295,"Au Burkina aussi, l’assouplissement du confinement a été suivi d’une résurgence de la maladie à partir du mois de juillet." 192933,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"There are limited provisions for and access to mental health and psychosocial support, to address emotional and social suffering and prevent long term burden on health, social and economic systems." 47478,16249.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"• Con respecto a las personas retornadas colombianas, una de sus principales necesidades es el acceso a información sobre vías ya establecidas por el gobierno para el acceso a derechos, nacionalidad y documentación, así como una mayor asistencia en el procedimiento para acceder a estos derechos y en la reintegración en su país de origen. Dentro de este grupo, existe una especial preocupación por las personas refugiadas colombianas y las víctimas del conflicto armado retornadas. Si bien no hay cifras disponibles, existen personas colombianas con necesidades de protección internacional entre aquellas retornadas. Estas personas necesitarán apoyo para prevenir su re-victimización y para acceder a vías de atención institucional para las víctimas del conflicto armado, con el objetivo de garantizar, según corresponda, la asistencia humanitaria, compensación y/o reparación para las víctimas de violaciones de derechos humanos." 302477,52890.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,105,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En el caso de las mujeres trans, sus condiciones de acceso al trabajo y ge- neración de recursos para vivir las excluye de muchos escenarios sociales, “muchas viven de la noche” para hacer referencia al trabajo sexual y du- rante el día duermen. Incluso en algunos lugares, se generan fronteras in- visibles entre las mujeres trans colombianas y venezolanas que ejercen sexo por supervivencia y esto genera conflictos y otros riesgos como amenazas, al punto que deban irse de la zona hacia otro espacio.(Grupo de discusión, Cúcuta, Colombia, diciembre de 2019)" 473938,67199.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,71,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"• Reconocer la importancia de contar con espacios destinados únicamente para el disfrute del juego, como parques públicos y ludotecas, los cuales deben contar con condiciones de seguridad y condiciones físicas apropiadas, esto incluye sin riesgos ambientales o sociales. Deben tenerse en cuenta aspectos diferenciales como el género, la pertenencia étnica, la ubicación geográfica y la condición de discapacidad, entre otras situaciones y/o condiciones" 48785,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"In Colombia—the country that has received the largest influx of Venezuelans—the North Santander border area has seen a sharp rise in the number of reported cases of Venezuelans seeking medical care, from 182 in 2015 to 5,094 in 2018. Venezuelans have sought care for acute, chronic, and infectious diseases, as well as access to reproductive health and prenatal and maternal care." 220009,45769.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"La majorité des femmes n’a pas d’abris adéquats. Ceux-ci sont confectionnés à partir des feuilles de rôniers, de tissu et de vieilles couvertures" 133945,35165.0,1188.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,216,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Por otro lado, y comentado anteriormente, a través de la información recabada en los grupos focales y entrevistas a varios actores claves, los NNA presentan obstáculos en el acceso a la educación. Igualmente se identifican varios desafios para su permanencia: • Necesidad de apoyo para uniformes, materiales escolares, alimentación y transporte. Las personas extranjeras con menos de 10 años de residencia en el país no acceden a la Beca Universal otorgada por el IFARHU. limitada en esta atención; tanto por otros escolares, padres/madres, personal docente y/o directivo; • Casos de acoso escolar hacia población venezolana, con mayor incidencia en niñas, realizado • Falta de orientación y atención psicológica en muchos centros escolares, o con capacidad • Temas de sobre edad, que en algunos casos les obligan a trasladarse a la escuela nocturna o a • Adaptación al sistema educativo panameño: normas escolares estrictas, símbolos patrios, • Barreras para la participación de la población extranjera en algunos concursos escolares (únicamente dirigidos para nacionales) o en el acceso a puestos de honor por su nacionalidad. materias patrias obligatorias, que muchas veces generan frustración entre los escolares; y abandonar sus estudios de media;" 383045,60359.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,92,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.sunnewsonline.com/strengthening-the-war-against-insurgency/,"[21st July 2021, Nigeria] The recommendations are apt considering the general insecurity in the country and the need to curb its further spread. We hope that the government is aware of a recent United Nations (UN) report, which linked the 12-year-old insurgency in the North East with deaths of some 324,000 children under five, mostly from disease and hunger. It also predicted that the casualty rate in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe might hit 1.1 million in 2030 if the crisis continues." 126310,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Los hogares migrantes son más propensos a utilizar estrategias de emergencia que los hogares de acogida. Casi la mitad de los hogares migrantes (49%) utilizó estrategias de supervivencia de emergencia para hacer frente a la falta de alimentos, mientras que esto se observó en una menor proporción en hogares de acogida (23%)." 261763,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En estas zonas se evidencia principalmente una afectación en la salud mental de la población, de acuerdo con el último Flash Update del departamento del Chocó, algunos indígenas presentaban alto riesgo asociado con intento de suicidio." 168714,39944.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,85,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,May 21_NWS: Factors that put the estimated 3.5 million population at a higher risk include (i) the presence of >2.8 million internally displaced persons; (ii) overcrowding in all urban and rural areas as well as in the 500+ arbitrary camps in the region;(iii) the extreme poverty rate with ~83% of Syrians living below the poverty line; (iv) the intense social mixing and (v) the large average household size 186555,43272.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Cross', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"With $26.4 million in FY 2020 funding, USAID/BHA provides countrywide support to the humanitarian response through the WFP-managed UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) and Logistics Cluster for South Sudan. UNHAS offers air transportation to relief actors throughout the country,while the Logistics Cluster provides coordination and information management services for humanitarian workers, delivery of essential humanitarian relief items, common warehousing of basic relief commodities, and geographical information system mapping. Additionally, USAID/BHA partner IOM supports fellow humanitarian partners' responses across South Sudan by procuring, storing, and transporting critical relief supplies, including emergency shelter and WASH commodities." 234145,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,86,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] In the reported week (epidemiological week 51), in comparison to the previous epidemiological week, the number of new weekly COVID-19 cases decreased by 21.6%(10,180 in week 50 and 12,988 in the previous week) while the number of COVID-19 new weekly deaths increased by 13.5% (235 and 207 respectively); overall Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) increase to 1.45 which was 1.44 for in the last week." 149504,30766.0,1184.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,116,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/minuta_vi_reunion_cluster_sa-_kits_28052020_-_copia_1.pdf,"Se han identificado que hay 5 situaciones que ponen a los pueblos indígenas en especial vulnerabilidad:  Pueblos indígenas en aislamiento voluntario: el virus podría causar mayor afectación en su población;  Sistema inmunológico tiene una menor respuesta en relación con el de mestizos ante enfermedades respiratorias;  Debilidad sistemas de salud pública en las zonas cercanas a los territorios indígenas;  Falta de insumos, prevención y atención temprana a la emergencia;  Exposición de pueblos indígenas, en especial de la Sierra, que dependen de vender sus productos a la ciudad;  Actividades extractivas no se han parado y siguen ingresando personas a esos territorios." 199864,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"At a varying rate, South Sudanese continue to flee to neighbouring countries seeking asylum. Between January and July 2019, some 54,000 South Sudanese individuals arrived and sought asylum in other countries in the region, mostly in Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya, followed by the DRC and CAR. Another 1.5 million South Sudanese remain displaced internally." 204254,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Due to the impact of COVID-19, many of the people previously estimated to be in need of resilience and recovery assistance to be able to withstand further shock fell back into needing living standard assistance, wherefore 703,000 people are now in need of resilience and recovery assistance in comparison to 942,000 before the outbreak." 321461,54522.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,40,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://habarirdc.net/covid-experience-enfants-rue/,Jean-Marie Mbolela de la division des affaires sociales nous a dit :« Le constat sur le terrain révèle que les enfants de rue sont loin de comprendre que la maladie à coronavirus existe et qu’elle tue. 276363,50671.0,2332.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"La majorité des populations vivant dans la province du Lac utilise l’eau de surface (du lac) comme source de boisson principale et pratique la défécation à l’aire libre, ce qui génère des problèmes de santé. Cette pratique était également courante avant la crise" 177289,41744.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Suite aux enquêtes réalisées auprès des ménages, il ressort que le taux de scolarisation des enfants de 6 à 17 ans parmi la population déplacée est de 1% et qu’au total 13,9% des enfants ont été déscolarisés en raison du déplacement. 85% de enfants n’étaient déjà pas scolarisés avant le déplacement." 186617,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,The most effective way people can assist relief efforts is by making cash contributions to humanitarian organizations that are conducting relief operations. 388608,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la matinée du jeudi 24 juin 2021, quatre femmes qui s’étaient rendue au marché de Tchela localité située à 5km de Mansila pour l’achat de vivres, ont été victime de viol de la part d'un GANE." 202193,44560.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/burkina-faso-l%C3%A9gislatives-le-parti-de-kabor%C3%A9-obtient-56-si%C3%A8ges-sur-127-ceni/2059487,"Le Mouvement du peuple pour le progrès (MPP), parti du présidentRoch Marc Christian Kaboré(réélu jeudi avec 57,87% des suffrages pour un second mandat de cinq ans) est arrivé en tête deslégislativesdu 22 novembre dernier, avec 56 sièges, selon les résultats provisoires communiqués dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche par la commission électorale nationale indépendante (Ceni). [scrutin législatif]" 198327,44278.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.dw.com/fr/la-vie-reprend-aux-fronti%C3%A8res-entre-la-rdc-et-le-rwanda/a-55551822,"Jusque-là, les autorités des deux pays se sont misesd'accord sur des résolutionsqui privilégient d'abord les élèves, étudiants, enseignants et médecins résidants, sous des mesures strictes de surveillance sanitaire." 145445,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"A WHO multi-disciplinary team is also on stand-by to be deployed. On 31 March, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres launched a report Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, which forms the basis of incorporating socio-economic impacts as the ninth pillar of the response." 204304,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,La proportion de ménages [de Niamey] avec un rCSI faible au cours des 7 jours précédant l’enquête est la plus élevée sur l’ensemble du pays. 205239,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Preliminary forecasts show that large areas of cultivated land have been damaged due to the flooding and waterlogging, which is expected to significantly reduce food production in the affected areas. Livestock health has also been affected." 276256,50671.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,43,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Plusieurs femmes se trouvent souvent en position de chef de famille, du fait de la séparation ou de la perte des membres masculins du foyer ou encore de l’incapacité de leurs conjoints à subvenir aux besoins de la famille." 439178,64616.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/hay-mas-de-1000-estudios-webcam-donde-explotan-a-menores-migrantes-icbf/2811,"La institución reportó 285 procesos administrativos de restablecimiento de derechos abiertos en todo el país. De ellos, el 35,8 por ciento corresponde a casos de violencia sexual y un dos por ciento a explotación sexual, según precisó Lina Arbeláez. También, la lupa está puesta en Arauca, La Guajira, Amazonas y otras zonas fronterizas." 203587,44071.0,2330.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,37,['At Risk'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"En el Departamento de Huehuetenango se mantiene una transmisión continua de casos de COVID-19, con una media en los últimos 14 días de 21 casos diarios. Aun no se reporta un incremento de casos." 272777,50353.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"333,864 people in the North-West and South-West (NWSW) regions benefited from food assistance, agriculture and livelihood-based activities during November." 60701,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Poor households with few assets tend to be more food insecure than better off household. In the face of shock and threats, households with lower levels of income and fewer assets are more likely to deploy extreme coping strategies to meet their basic food needs. The persistent use of such coping strategies might have severe, and oftentimes, irreversible impacts on food insecurity within the affected households." 385988,60796.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/improving-testing-rate-who-supports-ondo-state-integrate-covid-19-sample-collection,"[26th July 2021, Ondo State, Nigeria] WHO equally supported monitoring of HBC and contact tracing through training of members of the Nigeria Red Cross Society residing across all wards on HBC monitoring and contact tracing. Selected LGAs and state level teams were supported to conduct supportive supervision at the LGA and health facility level to ascertain the status of the response activities." 201314,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Humanitarian partners - mainly UN agencies - use government armed escorts in areas of particularly high danger in accordance with the principle of last resort. In addition, the poor conditions of the road network worsened during the rainy season, which is often severe in Cameroon, particularly so in 2019. In some cases, authorities required humanitarian actors to obtain written authorizations from the Governor for the implementation of humanitarian activities." 134390,34825.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,33,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Tras la aplicación de este procedimiento, se observa la siguiente composición: un total de 796.761 extranjeros han ingresado al país y realizado un trámite migratorio posterior al día del censo." 304466,50891.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,UNICEF’s revised 2018 Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal for Sudan amounted to US$115.14 million with a 44 per cent funding gap at end of the year. 162613,39587.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Datos%20VBG%20Cartagena%20incluyendo%20migrantes_0.pdf,"El Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses reportó un total de 1.211 casos de VBG en el departamento de Bolívar durante el 25 de marzo al 2 de junio del año 2019, en cambio para el 2020 durante esas mismas fechas en el aislamiento social, se reportaron un total de 242 casos de VBG en el departamento. Del 2019 al 2020 se presentó una disminución de 969 casos de VBG en el departamento de Bolívar." 240437,47354.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,114,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] The Borno State Government continued to facilitate the return of IDPs to their areas of origin as planned. In November, 500 households were returned to Marte LGA. IDP returnees have fled insecurity in 2014 into the camps of Farm Center, Muna El-Badawee, Madinatu and Bakassi. A few of the IDPs that the government has returned into Ngoshe and Kukawa, Baga LGA, have gone back to Monguno, Teacher Village Camp and Pulka indicating limited access to livelihoods, NFIs and absence of local integration programmes at the places of return as their reasons for this movement." 147882,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As reported previously, construction of the planned isolation area at Al-Hol is complete, with capacity for 60 individuals, including two rub-halls, two large tents and three family-size tents." 291404,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,The health and socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have seen the number of people in need almost double in the past year alone. 303987,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Refugees in Sudan are living in camps, rural out-of-camp settlements and urban areas in 104 localities across 18 States. About 70 per cent live outside of camps in more than 100 settlements across the country, including large collective self-settlements where thousands of refugees live in “camp-like” areas adjacent to reception centres, as well as smaller dispersed self-settlements where refugees live in a more integrated manner with host communities." 195967,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Des 1 711 alertes comptabilisées ce 15/11/2020 (dont 1 707 nouvelles), 1 707 (99,8%) ont été investiguées, 37 (2,2%) ont été validées comme cas suspects, lesquels ont tous été prélevés." 39181,13749.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,127,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"In addition to IDPs from Benghazi, these areas also host IDPs from Benghazi. While most Derna IDPs have returned home in the last six months, approximately 1,200 families continue to be displaced in several areas in Libya (including 600 families within Derna). The main reasons of displacement are linked to political opinions, perceptions of supporting the Darna Security Force, or families originating from West Libya. According to several IDPs previously interviewed, the families originating from West Libya were targeted and forcibly displaced, “ethnic cleansing” reasons. The main areas of displacement for the aforementioned families are Tripoli, Misrata, Azzawya, and Zliten, in addition to other scattered areas inside Libya." 457460,65405.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,42,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le mercredi 16 /06/ 2021, les individus armés non identifiés ont fait irruption dans les villages de Yirvouya-Tenga et Songtaba et ont procédé à des tirs de sommation sans faire de victime. Ils ont emporté avec eux du bétail." 172884,40676.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Enfin, 538 000 réfugiés ont actuellement des besoins humanitaires (identiques aux besoins identifiés dans le HNO)." 474177,67247.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,53,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210719_acaps_humanitarian_access_overview_july_2021.pdf,"Armed attacks, especially in Ituri province, often lead to the temporary relocation of staff and suspension of humanitarian operations, leaving displaced people and host communities without the basic services these organisations provide. Attacks targeting humanitarian personnel and their convoys are often reported, mainly in the eastern provinces." 291442,52152.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los cultivos que más se vieron afectados fueron café (Gran Santander y Región Central), yuca (regiones Caribe, Cafetera y Amazonía), plátano (en todas las regiones) y maíz (Regiones Caribe, Orinoquía y Amazonía)." 248996,47559.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"La plupart des PDIs vivent dans des quartiers précaires, dans des maisons d’emprunt, ou inhabitées ou en location" 211063,44790.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Vulnerable children enrolled in schools are continualy at risk of dropping out due to the impact of emergencies on the families, with girls facing a higher risk of being exposed to early marriage and violence." 95209,26755.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,34,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"14 March, Mr Sarraj, the Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya and prime minister of the Government of National Accord (GNA) announced a state of emergency in Libya." 235115,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Following the Covid-19 shock, Cameroon has accumulated a small amount of arrears to official and private creditors. The authorities have cleared these arrears." 209878,44790.0,2331.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The majority of households with severe or extreme needs are located in the southern and central regions (Gedo, Bay, Bakool, Lower Juba). Comparing the current situation to last year, Gedo and Lower Juba still present some of the poorest humanitarian indicators, particularly in terms of low water and sanitation access, high proportions of households experiencing water-borne diseases, and high proportions of households living in emergency or temporary shelter." 150912,36670.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,71,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"El turismo en El Salvador perderá este año 1,8 millones de visitantes y un total de $1.145 millones en divisas, debido a la pandemia del COVID-19, informó la ministra de Turismo, Morena Valdez. Según cálculos de la Organización Internacional de Turismo (OIT), las pérdidas en el turismo en el mundo rondarán el 80 % y El Salvador no escapará a esa realidad." 287888,51841.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The counties with the highest numbers of IDPs in new locations are Tonj South (27,887), Uror (24,000), Juba (13,512), Bor South (13,100) and Raja (8,981)." 389645,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"En junio continúa la tendencia creciente en Caquetá (1.6 veces más casos que en mayo), mientras que se redujo en, Caquetá (1.6) y Vaupés (74%), Amazonas (53%), Guainía (52%), Putumayo (27%) y Guaviare (6%)." 201599,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,50,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Populations affected by violence in the Far North and the North West and South West regions and the 272,000 Central African refugees in the eastern regions are particularly vulnerable to COVID19. In addition, they have limited capacity to socially distance due to overcrowding in often temporary shelters." 212310,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"En ce qui concerne les combattants des groupes armés, les combattants Maï-Maï et FDLR sont responsables de la majorité des atteintes (quatre et trois victimes respectivement), suivis principalement par des combattants Raïa Mutomboki, Nyatura et des divers groupes armés (une victime chacun). Divers agents de l’Etat sont responsables de la majorité des violations (22 victimes), suivis par des militaires des FARDC (huit victimes) et des agents de la PNC (six victimes)." 411427,63733.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,26,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2ca3af14/REACH_BFA2106_presentation_Cluster-Abris-National_juillet-2021.pdf,Les villes de Bourzanga et Pensa présentaient des besoins importants de rénovation et de remplacement d’abris au moment de la collecte de données. 202102,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Environment']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"While returns are reported in various parts of the country, the geographical scope has not increased significantly since September 2018, suggesting that many locations that are receiving returnees were already seeing returns prior to the revitalized peace agreement. The trend in overall numbers of returns has also tapered in relative terms since the start of 2019 and following the peace agreement and the dry season, indicating an increase that is sustained but very gradual to date." 224256,45763.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Recommandations : Organiser des rencontres inclusives pour le renforcement de la cohabitation pacifique / Promouvoir une bonne gouvernance foncière locale en faveur des femmes. 155365,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Los responsables de los servicios y áreas de acción señaladas en este plan velan por realizar actividades que disminuyan el riesgo de contagio y dotados de los hábitos, prácticas y materiales oportunos para llevarse a cabo en un entorno de seguridad. Esta situación será clave en el diseño de las diferentes actualizaciones del Plan, según los esfuerzos de cada momento vayan dirigidos a las diferentes fases de la pandemia." 248949,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,157,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"▪ La banalisation des cas de viol (stigmatisation de la part de la communauté), engendrant chez les survivant(e)s un sentiment de culpabilité. ▪ La crainte de représailles, du rejet et de la stigmatisation de la part de la communauté, engendrant une « culture du silence » autour du viol. ▪ L’achat du silence des personnes ayant l’autorité parentale pour qu’elles ne dénoncent pas les présumés auteurs de viol sur mineur(e)s. ▪ La détérioration du contexte de sécurité et de protection, y compris la hausse de la criminalité urbaine, générant une recrudescence des cas de viol. ▪ La propagation de croyances superstitieuses, favorisant une augmentation des cas de viol et autres violences sexuelles et basées sur le genre (VBG), surtout contre les enfants, les rendant ainsi plus vulnérables." 223684,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Intensify Risk Communication and Community engagement activities to create awareness among IDPS on danger of water prone epidemic/diseases in Wulu & Cueibet 391201,61470.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 7% of school-aged children in the households were reported to receive education. Additionally, 0% of households reported that their schoolaged children receive education through remote learning." 191088,43282.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 620 people accessed material assistance (dignity kit, solar lanterns) from Bossaso, Baidoa, Cadaado, Belet Weyne, Garowe and Afgooye; 64 women and girls in Kismayo received livelihoods training and support." 308347,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There are 15 humanitarian organizations including 4 INGOs, 6 NNGOs and 5 UN operating in Tonj North." 199190,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,33,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Par ailleurs, le territoire de Lubutu connaît des inondations cycliques à cause des crues de la rivière Osso qui baigne le territoire, obligeant les populations riveraines à de fréquents déplacements." 457027,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Este alto porcentaje de mujeres tiene que afrontar su vida diaria con difcultades en el de sueño, ansiedad, tristeza, cansancio, desesperanza, irritabilidad, dolores de cabeza, limitándose así, de manera destacada, sus capacidades de ajuste al entorno de acogida." 70686,20012.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,55,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"Militias on both sides continue to launch indiscriminate strikes, often using inherently inaccurate weapons, which they know are likely to harm civilians and damage civilian property. Both sides have shown utter disregard for the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law (the laws of war), which forbid such attacks." 326347,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,91,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 25% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot while 44%, 28%of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot respectively. Only 1% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot ." 304468,50891.0,2466.0,"['Education', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"Without adequate and timely funding, UNICEF was not able to respond to the ongoing disease outbreaks, the nutrition crisis or to reach the most vulnerable children in need of education, health, child protection and WASH services." 492597,67931.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,36,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] Informal USD/TRY regional median exchange rate: 8.675 TRY to 1 USD One month rate change: increase of 0.3% Six month rate change: increase of 16%" 391284,61470.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Most commonly reported ways money from sales of assistance items was used: -Spent the money on food 100% -Spent the money on health expenses 50%" 179467,42115.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,51,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/storage/Mecanisme_FRE_COVID_19_VF.pdf,"L’objectif global du mécanisme est de disposer d’un cadre structuré de financement et d’appui aux entreprises en activité (personnes physiques ou morales) intervenant dans des secteurs fortement affectés, ayant besoin d’accompagnement pour préserver les emplois et surmonter leurs difficultés." 384802,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Pour la polio, il s’agit des cas de Polio virus dérivé du vaccin qui ont été confirmé dans la Région du Centre-Est. Le 1er janvier 2020, un cas de poliomyélite (cVDPV2) a été détecté dans le District Sanitaire de Ouargaye, Région du Centre Est. La réponse est en cours." 212312,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Les principaux auteurs présumés de ces violations sont les agents de la PNC avec 21 violations (proche des 22 documentés en septembre 2020), suivis des militaires des FARDC, qui sont responsables de 16 violations contre 18 en septembre 2020 et de divers agents de l’Etat, responsables de 16 violations, soit près du double de violations documentées le mois dernier (neuf violations)." 190979,42037.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 16 assessed settlements reported that movement restrictions were in place for residents at the time of data collection." 150728,32327.0,1184.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,87,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Algunas adolescentes venezolanas en DGF en Ecuador informaron haber sentido miedo al inicio de su menstruación debido a la falta de información sobre el proceso menstrual. Esta falta de información, combinada con acceso limitado al agua y lugares seguros para mantener su higiene durante su período, puede hacerlas propensas a enfermedades e infecciones. Algunas de las mujeres entrevistadas en Ecuador informaron que es posible que durante su período menstrual no tengan acceso a duchas o lugares para bañarse por hasta cuatro días." 238424,47405.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"Según cifras de Migración Colombia con cor- te a septiembre de 2020, se encuentran ra- dicados en Colombia 1.715.831 migrantes venezolanos. Dicha cifra corresponde a un incremento de más del 325 % de la mi- gración venezolana en el país en menos de 3 años" 186535,43272.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,145,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"With $22 million in FY 2020 funding, USAID/BHA supports multi-sector protection interventions that ensure the safety and dignity of more than 5 million people—including approximately 200,000 IDPs—in South Sudan. Protection activities include assistance to GBV survivors through case management, emergency protection-led assessments, mobile emergency response teams, psychosocial support, and referrals to health specialists. Additionally, State/PRM partners provide protection services to meet the needs of IDPs, refugees, and conflict-affected communities countrywide, including through GBV prevention and response programs, mental health and psychosocial support activities, family reunification, and legal assistance to facilitate access to identity documentation. USAID/BHA is also working to strengthen protection coordination and capacity-building by funding the GBV Sub-Cluster—the coordinating body for humanitarian GBV response activities, comprising UN agencies, NGOs, and other stakeholders—in South Sudan." 293974,52076.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Given the demographic pressure that displacement has created in the various affected regions, the water supply remains insufficient. This implies, for girls, boys and women in charge of collecting water, to walk long distances." 222837,45953.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,30,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]70% of the sites reported that blankets/mats are the most needed NFIs while Kitchen sets are the second most needed NFIs" 19499,7910.0,730.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"The Protection Cluster reported a decrease in hostilities in Sana’a Governorate. There was comparative calm in Nihm District until early January, when fighting erupted again. In Al Bayda, there was an increase in hostilities in Radman Al Awad District." 200478,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Une part importante des migrants de retour endettés avaient une activité génératrice de revenu au moment de l’enquête, puisque 36% déclarent être employés et 36% sont entrepreneurs indépendants. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 473202,67204.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,Estos mismos números suben a 55.000 si se suman los casos de pérdida de los abuelos que tenían la custodia o ejercían como cuidadores primarios de los niños. 203837,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Every other child is sick with fever or malaria, and every fourth child with diarrhoea. Around 75 per cent of all child deaths in South Sudan are due to preventable diseases." 115978,30124.0,1386.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,279,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"El fortalecimiento de la vigilancia epidemiológica y la documentación del cierre de brote de sarampión se llevó a cabo el trabajo conjunto de 10 Consultores Nacionales contratados por OPS (NPC) y las autoridades sanitarias, los servicios de epidemiología y los establecimientos de salud de los territorios, poniendo especial énfasis en municipios con silencio epidemiológico y en aquellos donde se continúan notificando casos sospechosos. Diversas actividades de fortalecimiento a la respuesta del manejo clínico de violencia sexual se están poniendo en práctica en cuatro hospitales de los estados fronterizos de Zulia y Táchira. Las acciones incluyen apoyo para la adecuación de cuatro espacios para la atención de mujeres y la dotación de equipos, insumos, medicamentos. Además, del componente de protección de UNFPA, que incluye el fortalecimiento del conocimiento sobre el tema de los proveedores de salud y demás funcionarios involucrados, así como el fortalecimiento de la ruta de atención. El Clúster de Salud, liderado por la OPS, tiene un Coordinador dedicado exclusivamente a ese rol desde enero y cuenta con 65 socios de los cuales 39 son ONG nacionales, 11 ONG internacionales, 9 organismos del Naciones Unidas, 1 MPPS y 4 organizaciones que tienen el rol de observadores. Desde noviembre de 2019 se trabaja con los socios en la preparación del panorama de necesidades humanitarias, definición de la población con necesidades y el Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria 2020. El clúster subnacional de salud en Maracaibo, Zulia se activó el 11 de febrero –además de los clústeres subnacionales en San Cristóbal, Táchira y Ciudad Guayana, Bolívar." 182776,31589.0,1900.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-03-30%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2023-29%20marzo%202020.pdf,"HONDURAS (110 casos) El Gobierno entregará 800.000 raciones de alimentos a 3,2 millones de personas en todo el país para mitigar las vulnerabilidades durante la pandemia, la mayor operación de entrega de alimentos jamás realizada en Honduras." 174558,41246.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,180,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000118469.pdf,"[ 1st July 2020, Borno, Yobe states] Over the last three months, the price of red beans did show a significant increase in some of the markets. In Borno, prices increased in Budum (20%), Kasuwan Shanu (26%), Bullumkutu (27%) and Baga (29%) markets. Also in Yobe, the retail price of red beans increased in Gashua (28%), Nguru (35%), Potiskum (38%) and Bursari (76%) markets. Furthermore, the prices of maize increased in Custom (13%), Tashan Bama (14%), Budum (25%) and Kasuwan Shanu (36%). In Yobe, maize prices increased in Bursari (25%), Gujba (29%), Geidam (33%), Gulani (47%), Potiskum (83%), Gashua and Nguru (85%) markets" 359940,58399.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,176,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,".[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Mainstream gender equality into education policies and systems to support educational continuity of adolescent girls  Ensure greater representation of woman teachers in schools, in line with the gender ratio, with teachers that have roles and responsibilites to support adolescent girls to remove gender barriers that impacts on their educational continuity and attainment.  Mainstream gender transformative DRM and CCA, GBV and inclusion issues into education curriculums at all levels.  Modify existing curriculums through a gender lens to ensure that they do not perpetuate gender stereotyping (e.g. depicting mothers as women working in the kitchen) in coordination with Curriculum Development Centre of Ministry of Education.  Organise campaigns to influence social attitudes towards gender roles - girls and women as leaders and agents of change; against negative cultural practices - such as CEFM; continuing to invest in girls education - with further attention to adolescent girls, considering the higher risk of dropping out" 129428,32894.0,1184.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Intentions', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Población con vocación de permanencia Población predominantemente joven, entre 18 y 39 años principalmente Tiempo de permanencia en Ecuador superior a los 6 meses Intención de permanecer en Ecuador de forma indefinida Sus actividades económicas se ubican en el sector informal y de cuidado De las personas que indican mantener una relación de dependencia, sus condiciones laborales no les garantizan estabilidad, siendo trabajos esporádicos y/o ocasionales Manifiestan un limitado acceso a servicios Son un grupo que cuenta con competencias profesionales, estudios superiores y de bachillerato." 155145,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"99% no tiene acceso a servicios de salud como: promoción de higiene, consultas ambulatorias, vacunación de rutinas, atención obstétrica, profilaxis posterior a exposición a infecciones de transmisión sexual, hospitalización, cirugía." 226618,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,31,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"They said that with more exacerbated poverty, families are more likely to marry off daughters in times of economic stress to alleviate the perceived burden of caring for them." 475378,63997.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,96,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"el Perú experimentó un considerable incremento de personas extranjeras debido al desplazamiento de población venezolana. Entre 2014 y 2016 ingresaron aproximadamente 50 000 personas venezolanas cada año, en comparación con las más de 223 000 personas en 2017 (Blouin & Freler, 2019, p. 160). Actualmente, el Perú es el segundo país que más acoge a población venezolana en la región, con 829 677 personas30 y es el primer país de acogida de solicitantes de la condición de refugiado de nacionalidad venezolana (ACNUR, 2019)." 223800,45880.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,". Le personnel de santé a signalé une augmenta�on du nombre d'adolescentes cherchant à avoir accès à des contracep�fs, et pensent généralement que cela reflète l'augmenta�on de l'ac�vité sexuelle - une conséquence des fermetures d'écoles selon eux." 144669,34804.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,46,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Overall, gaps remain most extensive in informal settlements, informal camps as well as in collective centres outside Al-Hasakeh city. In Deir-Ez-Zor alone, almost 3,000 HHs living in these last resort sites are currently not being covered with any COVID-19 related assistance." 292314,52305.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,118,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://dotnews.org/2021/03/08/eln-lanza-amenazas-a-civiles-en-narino/,"La Fundación Desarrollo y Paz (Fundepaz) hizo pública este domingo, la amenaza que recibió el municipio de Cumbales, departamento de Nariño, por un supuesto panfleto atribuido al ELN en el que lanzan varias amenazas en contra de la población civil y ordenan restricciones a la movilidad. Según el papel arrojado en las vías, el grupo ilegal recomienda a los habitantes a no transitar por las calles entre las 8:00 de la noche y las 5:00 de la mañana. “No queremos ver gente en motos, carros o cualquier otro medio de transporte. El que miremos en las calles se declara objetivo militar”, cita el volante." 330963,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"As with well-being consequences, IDPs have higher protection-related living standard needs. Poor access to child protection services explains the number of IDPs in need in 45 per cent of counties (34 counties). Although the availability of child protection services is low for everyone in South Sudan, the analysis suggests that IDP children are more in need of such services than non-displaced boys and girls." 344223,56790.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,104,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] Bulk food prices also decreased by 7% overall since March, again attributed to the appreciation of the SYP. Salt decreased by 17%, tomato paste decreased by 13%, bulgur and red lentils both decreased by 8%, rice decreased by 2%, sugar decreased by 2%, all attributed to the recent appreciation of the SYP. However, bulk foods have increased by 61% overall since October 2020. They are rarely produced locally, subjecting them to import fees and fluctuations of the SYP." 418542,63160.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],fr,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NEW%20UPDATE%20COVID-19%20DRC%2C%20JULY%2001%2C%202021%20-%20Nouvelle%20mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20COVID-19%20en%20RDC%20-%20Avec%20les%20donn%C3%A9es%20fournies%20jusqu%27au%20jeudi%201er%20juillet%202021%20%20-%20wf%20-.pdf,"Neuf (9) patients sortis guéris (des centres de traitement de COVID-19, incluant ceux qui étaient également soignés à domicile dans les zones de santé), dont 8 à Kinshasa et 1 au Kasaï Oriental. Le cumul de personnes guéries en RDC est de 28 431. Le taux de guérison est de 68%. Le total de cas actifs est de 12 403" 388640,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des sensibilisations sur la coexistence pacifique et sur la covid-19 ont été réalisées au cours de ce mois. Celles sur la coexistence pacifique avec 04 séances ont permis de toucher 40 personnes dont 10 hommes, 12 femmes, 07 garçons et 11 filles." 271265,50338.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,316,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sfcg.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Trust-in-Authorities-to-Support-COVID-19-Vaccine-Roll-Out.pdf,"(Not on Syria but LL from conflict affected areas) The lack of trust in the government response system has affected trust in COVID-19 related information shared through different media channels, and in several cases, the information coming directly from the government was perceived to be inaccurate or (purposefully or not) incomplete. There were several instances where misinformation contributed to the belief that certain groups were being disproportionately targeted by heavy-handed response measures and restrictions in general, or that those who caught COVID-19 were exceptional in their behavior.14 These are concerning trends, particularly when we consider the potential for general mistrust and dissatisfaction to devolve into acute mistrust associated with specific narratives that drive fear. During the Ebola crisis in West Africa and more recently in the DR Congo, for example, similar trends blocked health workers from being able to operate, and in several cases they were attacked by community members. In several countries, the importance of local language and having involvement of local actors was highlighted as a key strength and opportunity to build on to ensure greater confidence in the COVID-19 response, and this will be particularly important for the vaccine roll-out. The lack of inclusive, participatory processes to inform government-led pandemic response strategies not only diminishes trust in the government, but also leaves strategies that inadequately meet the needs of all. Respondents regularly cited the need to feel included and engaged alongside government and other response providers in order to feel confidence and trust that their needs are being considered and met. Lessons from Ebola show that women are less likely to be reached by vaccination information campaigns due to gender barriers, and even when women can access accurate information, they may be less likely or able to follow recommendations." 390213,61000.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_28_29_2021.pdf,"[12th -25th July 2021, Borno State] Case Management: • No case in isolation center at the end of epi-week 28/29. • No patient discharged at the end of the week • Total discharges –1,306, No death reported for the week." 474178,67247.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,45,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210719_acaps_humanitarian_access_overview_july_2021.pdf,"Schools were destroyed in Ituri, North Kivu, Tanganyika, and South Kivu. Poor road and airport infrastructure creates a major logistic problem for the delivery of aid. Humanitarian access is restricted in certain areas, especially during the rainy season." 226937,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Ground engagements remained the leading cause of child casualties, followed by non-suicide IEDs [Improvised Explosive Devices], especially pressure-plate IEDs, explosive remnants of war and airstrikes." 223924,46071.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Certaines normes religieuses exposent les femmes enceintes à des exploitations sexuelles et psychologiques par certains responsables de certaines églises pour leur faire échapper aux mauvais sorts de la pandémie. 177562,41677.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/global-deaths-from-covid-19-crosses-1108-607/59106,"[18th October 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh on Saturday saw another spike in Covid-19 patients as health authorities confirmed the detection of 1,209 new cases across the country in 24 hours, taking the caseload to 3,87,295. During the period, 23 more patients died from Covid-19, raising the death toll to 5,646." 16481,6352.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"The major health care needs are life-saving minimum service package at all level of health care, capacity for prevention , detection and control of epidemics and outbreaks, and operational costs including incentives for health staff to ensure continuous functioning of health facilities at a desirable capacity. There is also need to sustain delivery of medicines, medical supplies and equipment with reliable pipelines, support to declining vaccination coverage and maintenance of epidemiologic surveillance." 215065,45448.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://voces365.com/migrantes-venezolanos-y-retornados-colombianos-podran-acceder-a-formacion-y-empleo-en-sena-atlantico/,"Durante el 2019, según registro nacional 1.441 migrantes certificaron sus competencias laborales en áreas como: acuicultura, agua potable y saneamiento básico, artes escénicas, artesanías y automatización. Y en 2020, alrededor de 726 migrantes se han certificado en temas como: business process outsourcing-bpo-kto–ito, floricultura, gestión administrativa, minería y procesamiento de alimentos." 72480,20768.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,58,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"ación local. Para ello, es necesario caracterizar a los migrantes, señalar sus necesidades y analizar el estado de su integración. Lo anterior es importante en vista de los 665.665 (47,3 %) venezolanos que están en situación migratoria irregular, lo que implica vulnerabilidades y riesgos de que sus derechos sean violados." 217573,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,26,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Moreover, 70% of urban households reported a decrease in income. Around two thirds of them attributed the reduction to decreasing employment opportunities." 40648,14338.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2017/11/three-soldiers-killed-boko-haram-raid-borno-army/,"Violence linked to the insurgency has left at least 20,000 dead and made more than 2.6 million people homeless since 2009. But a military counter-insurgency, begun in early 2015, has left Boko Haram largely reliant on smash-and-grab raids for food and supplies, and now lacks the resources or manpower to hold any substantial territory" 678,156.0,321.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,84,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Furthermore, IDPs’ accommodation arrangements rendered them more vulnerable to evictions compared to nondisplaced communities. 6.5% of IDP households reported having been either threatened with eviction or recently evicted (5.4% threatened with eviction and 1.1% recently evicted), a much higher rate than the 1.4% of households overall. This trend was noticed especially in three mantikas: Benghazi (11.2%), Misrata (14.5%) and Al Margab (25.2%)" 126323,34397.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,Dos de cada cinco hogares (42.2%) están sujetos a condiciones de hacinamiento: 45% entre los hogares migrantes y 34% de acogida. 183674,43048.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/with-drastic-increase-in-covid-19-cases-northwest-syria-languishes-under-health-humanitarian-crises/,"[November 5 ,2020 Northwest Syria] Water, sanitation and hygiene are the pillars of COVID-19 prevention, but northwest Syria already lacked these services prior to the pandemic." 154001,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Los venezolanos entrevistados han experimentado una movilización restringida durante el transcurso de recorrido en Colombia por la falta de medios de transporte. 248029,48228.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,77,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Le site Darkani se situe à environ 2km du village qui a une école de 05 salles de classe dont 02 TLS avec un effectif de 195 enfants encadrés par 02 enseignants contractuels qui fonctionnent avec des salles de classe multigrades. Une dizaine d’enfants des déplacés sont inscrits à l’école de Darkani village. L’école dispose d’un (01) forage et 0 bloc de 0 latrines. 190000,43443.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"L’épidémie de choléra est périodique dans ces zones de santé, voire même endémique à Binza, du fait du manque de sources d’eau aménagées qui poussent les populations à consommer les eaux de rivières et de la promiscuité dans les zones de déplacement." 8445,1458.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,120,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2018%2BLibya%2BReport%2BPDF.pdf,"Physical abuse inside the detention centers appears to remain pervasive. One NGO representative reported that, in the centers to which his organization has access, violence by guards had declined in the fourth quarter of 2017, along with the overall number of detainees. But those interviewed by RI described widespread beatings and abuse in DCIM centers, which remained overcrowded. Asylum seekers and refugees said that guards beat them randomly or when they protested their treatment or conditions. A UN official informed RI that “we still get information that, in DCIM detention centers, there is sexual violence, forced labor; there is still torture and there are still beatings." 227478,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Au niveau sécuritaire, la localité de Salamabila est aussi affectée par des conflits liés à l’exploitation des ressources minières. Le Plan de Réponse Humanitaire de 2020 rapporte une continuelle dégradation de la situation humanitaire dans la ZS." 163632,32454.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,36,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77357.pdf,"Entrega de filtros, tanques de almacenamiento de agua y purificadoras de agua. Continúa la distribución de agua, kits de higiene y promoción y prevención del lavado de manos en comunidades y alojamientos." 297686,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,The threefold increase of the number of access constraints related to the physical environment can be attributed to heavy snowfall and flooding occurring in 2020. 217578,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Hirat, in particular, is at the centre of the crisis, with an escalating flux of returnees from Iran fleeing the outbreak in the country." 295544,52365.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"Several key informants indicated that people crossing the river into Colombia during the night, despite the physical risks involved. According to some interviewees, the border crossing is sometimes restricted due to the scarcity of gasoline in the area, and some families have even managed to obtain fuel as a means of ""payment"" for transportation." 63152,18817.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Water shortages are also impacting the provision of critical services such as health and education. Access to safe water is the biggest challenge, with many communities receiving water less than once every eight days, affecting disproportionately the most vulnerable populations, such as children, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly." 273769,50128.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,[commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] La majorité des écoles ont été détruites. Les salles de classe mises à disposition des enfants de cette population déplacée ont été principalement installées dans les églises. 289908,51980.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bfa_fsc_cr_reun_coord_03.03.2021_vf.pdf,"Les GAP d’analyse des nouveaux déplacés sont signalés et partagés par le groupe de coordination de la réponse rapide (GCORR). Ainsi durant le mois de janvier 2021 aucun GAP significatif n’est remonté au niveau du cluster sécurité alimentaire. Cependant sous la demande du GCORR, le partenaire PAM est appelé à renforcer la réponse à Koumbri (Yatenga, Nord)." 223154,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Al-Shabaab continues to attack some of the newly recovered area in an attempt to regain control. In some cases, civilians have reported abuses and human rights violations by the Somali national armed forces in the newly recovered areas." 126753,34397.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Entre los hogares migrantes que mencionaron problemas de seguridad para las mujeres y/o niñas que usan los servicios sanitarios, los hogares migrantes en tránsito fueron los más afectados (33%), seguidos por los pendulares (28%) y hogares migrantes con vocación de permanencia (19%). • Los hogares migrantes en Arauca tuvieron más eventos de inseguridad para las mujeres y/o niñas (30%) que usan los servicios sanitarios." 276113,50677.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Les voies d’accès terrestres dans ces arrondissements [Zina, Logone Birni, Wasa, Makary et Fotokol] sont déjà impraticables, empêchant dès lors la continuité des programmes d’assistance humanitaire." 333655,48228.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,51,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Site : Dar al kheir / Problèmes en Nutrition : Malnutrition / Problèmes en Santé : Pas de structure de santé proche en dehors du CS dar es salam déjà saturé par les consultations externes. La clinique mobile qui était appuyée par IMC à Dar al naim est fermée. 157528,35305.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,44,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Gaps and constrains in the country include, inadequate supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the need to enhance laboratory and case investigations, and safe guarding of public health; preventing cross infections within and out of health facilities." 149255,37832.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"Cox’s Bazar municipality is still experiencing high rates of COVID-19. As of 29 July, Cox’s Bazar had 3,290 cases in the host community. In the camps, there were 71 confirmed cases and six deaths." 314529,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,95,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook afrique] Les inégalités devraient également aug- menter, en raison de l’impact disproportionné de la pandémie sur les groupes les plus vulnérables tels que les femmes, les jeunes et les travailleurs peu qualifiés du secteur informel. Ces groupes sont particulièrement exposés, car ils exercent souvent des métiers où le contact physique est important, avec assez peu de possibilités de distanciation sociale et de travail à domicile. Les femmes et les ménages dirigés par des femmes pourraient représenter une grande partie de ces nouveaux pauvres." 126484,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El perfil de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que llegan al país han variado de adultos solos mayormente a familias con hijos pequeños, con recursos económicos muy limitados, así como un alto nivel de menores no acompañados y separados. Después de haber caminado, en algunos casos después de caminar semanas para llegar al Perú, los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela llegan con necesidad de agua potable, ducha, comida, asistencia médica, transporte humanitario, refugio, información sobre una estadía regular y documentación de carácter civil, artículos no alimenticios, especialmente para bebés y otros grupos vulnerables, como para personas mayores, mujeres embarazadas y personas con discapacidades1." 16697,7075.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,182,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"Food insecurity is more severe in the areas with active fighting, and is particularly affecting IDPs and host families, marginalized groups, as well as landless wage labourers facing difficulties in accessing basic services and conducting livelihood activities. Overall, there are more than 3 million IDPs in Yemen who face comparatively worse food security outcomes. In terms of severity (areas in IPC Phase 3+),the worst affected areas are located inAlHudaydah, Amran, Hajjah, Taiz and Saada Governorates. In terms of magnitude (population in IPC Phase 3+), each of the governorates of Al Hudaydah, Amanat Al Asimah, Dhamar, Hajjah, Ibb and Taiz have more than one million people in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and above, while 13 governorates without HFA would have populations experiencing catastrophic food gaps. They include; Abyan, Aden, Al Bayda, Al Dhaleé, Al Hudaydah, Al Mahwit, Amran, Hadramout, Hajjah, Ibb, Lahj, Saada and Taiz." 115974,30124.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,110,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades El brote de sarampión fue declarado bajo control en Venezuela siguiendo las acciones conjuntas de la OPS/OMS, UNICEF, socios humanitarios y el MPPS, incluyendo la campaña de vacunación que alcanzó a casi 9 millones de niños y niñas de seis meses a 15 años en todo el país. Hasta el 28 de marzo se notificaron tres casos sospechosos de sarampión, todos descartados. Es necesario seguir fortaleciendo el programa regular de inmunizaciones del país para mantener las coberturas de vacunación por encima de 95 por ciento en todo el territorio y un buen sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica para prevenir la reintroducción del virus.," 272635,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,81,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"la Note Verbale du MAE du 2 septembre 2020, imposant aux acteurs consu- laires et organisations internationales de recourir aux escortes armées pour tout déplacement en dehors des villes suite à l’attaque de Kouré envers 7 acteurs humanitaires, le 9 août 2020, témoigne d’un manque de concertation au niveau approprié, et de mécanismes efficaces de résolution des questions d’accès, qui affecte considérablement l’accès et la réponse humanitaire." 412755,63085.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,93,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_4_kananga_juin2021_final.pdf,"Plus de 8 000 ménages dans les zones de santé de Kakenge et de Bena Leka ont besoin d’un appui en relance agricole, selon le Cluster sécurité alimentaire. Ces ménages avaient perdu leurs moyens de subsistance, leurs semences et outils agricoles à la suite de conflits intercommunautaires. Plusieurs ménages des localités généralement pourvoyeuses de denrées alimentaires dans la zone ont perdu au moins une saison culturale, avec comme conséquence la raréfaction de la nourriture de base et une hausse sensible des prix sur les marchés." 221709,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The presence of non-State armed groups across parts of Jubbaland, South-West State, Hirshabelle and Galmudug, as well as a high number of incidents of violence and conflict in Shabelle Hoose and Lower Juba, limits the ability of humanitarian partners to assess needs and deliver assistance in rural areas and likewise restric ts the ability of civilians to safely seek assistance. In the disputed areas of Sool and Sanaag, local militias continue to engage in armed clashes, hindering humanitarian movement and operations." 237701,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"El 89,5 % (913) de los casos presentan quemaduras, el 69,8 % (712) laceración y el 32,6 % (333) contusiones." 346248,56852.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bfa_apercu_de_la_situation_humanitaire_25052021.pdf,"L'insécurité et le déplacement, ainsi que les chocs climatiques, perturbent gravement les moyens de subsistance de la population. Les projections du Cadre Harmonisé (mars 2021) indiquent que près de 2,9 millions de personnes auront besoin d’assistance alimentaire dans les mois à venir, dont 344 000 de manière urgente, contre 2 millions actuellement." 293864,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,The displaced and refugee population is young: Nearly 55 per cent of CAR refugees are children under 18 years of age. This rate is respectively 60% and 62% in the Far North among refugees and among the displaced people under 18 years. 200431,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,Renforcer les moyens de production dans le pays d’origine afin d’assurer la création d’activités génératrices de revenus durables et dissuader les candidats à la migration irrégulière à travers la valorisation du travail local. 70532,20137.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Economy'],es,34,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/10/30/pompeo-hemos-otorgado-mas-de-650-millones-de-dolares-para-apoyar-a-venezuela-30oct/,"Ante esto, Pompeo aseguró que la región está trabajando en conjunto para lograr aliviar el “injusto sufrimiento del pueblo venezolano”, el cual es causado por el régimen de Maduro." 401736,62965.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Drink only clean, safe water. Do not use floodwater or water that has been in touch with floodwater for personal hygiene (e.g. washing or brushing teeth);to wash dishes wash vegetables or fruits, cook food or prepare baby food." 357142,58234.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security-wheat/syrian-drought-puts-assads-year-of-wheat-in-peril-idUSKCN2DX0JB,"[21 June 2021, Overall Syria] About 70% of wheat production still lies outside of government control and its more aggressive position as sole buyer, forcing it to compete with other bidders by doubling the buying price this season to 900 Syrian pounds a kilo, or around $300-$320 per tonne." 261774,49486.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,107,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Norte de Santander, Chocó y Nariño: Las comunidades de los municipios del Catatumbo (Norte de Santander) así como las comunidades del Chocó y Nariño carecen de centros de salud con suficiente capacidad instalada en los servicios WASH, que logren garantizar la atención de salud segura y de calidad y procesos de IPC, así como de instituciones educativas en las que se pueda realizar un retorno a clases seguro para la comunidad educativa. Para poder coordinar una respuesta pertinente en estos centros de salud e instituciones educativas, se requiere en una primera fase contar con recursos humanos y técnicos" 328564,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of non- IDP settlement were Lack of sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) / facilities too crowded (29%),Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (20%)." 137464,35305.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In May and June 2020, WV distributed 8,102 consumable hygiene kits to internally displaced persons in northwest Syria. 39,117 individuals benefited from this activity. WV provided additional hand soap in each kit to encourage hand-washing. In total, 15 bars of soap were provided with each kit." 196115,43590.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,24,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"COVID19 is a threat to responders and people in need, it does also strain already limited healthcare resources (OCHA 25/08/2020)." 428828,64543.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"En el departamento de Guainía se han registrado 2.254 casos, 29 fallecidos, 2.220 recuperados y 25 casos activos." 346682,57050.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_145_20210525.pdf,"Un total de 1 200 alertes dont 1 190 nouvelles ont été enregistrées ce 25/05/2021. De toutes ces alertes, 1 190 (99,2%) ont été investiguées ; 211 d’entre elles (17,7%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19 dont 208 (98, 6%) ont été prélevés." 194956,43603.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"CCCM cluster remains chronically underfunded, with around 10percent of its HRP requirements funded, which hasn’t allowed partners to implement some other priority activities such as enhancing site maintenance and improvement activities in priority sites that are vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19, and support Camp Management Committees (CMCs) to promote priority messaging. Low funding level has created a scenario where only 8percent of IDP sites in Banadir are currently being covered by CCCM partners." 413156,60898.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"On 9 March 2020 , the Government of Burkina Faso declared the COVID-19 epidemic. As of 14 April 2021, the Ministry of Health (MoH) confirmed 13,064 cases (4,903 females), 12,730 recoveries and 154 deaths, with 180 active cases spread across the 7 regions." 425349,64291.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les populations concernées par cette évaluation fréquentent les foires de Bouroum et/ou de Pensa situées environ plus de 45 km du village de Silmagué. 347772,56800.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: The HH survey showed that 3% of refugee women in comparison to 42% of refugee men, and 7% of host community women compared to 35% of host community men had control over decision-making on household expenditure." 111723,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,46,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A pesar de ello, las redes de venezolanos que han llegado previamente a la ciudad, incluso los retornados que tienen conocimiento sobre las alternativas de consecución de recursos en el país, van configurando poco a poco relaciones comunitarias en un nuevo contexto." 165556,39662.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,87,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Vulnerable groups, especially people living in poverty, from lower caste and religious minorities are more likely to engage in these types of work and are discriminated and stigmatized because of their profession. Sanitation workers face greater risk of infection, injury and death than do average workers, and rarely have insurance or access to health services. Given the nature of their work and their living conditions, they are at higher risk than the general population of becoming infected by COVID-19." 200034,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans les zones les plus touchées par la crise, le taux d’accès à l’eau a subi une dégradation moyenne de -20% dans l’espace d’un an. (source : Cluster WASH/ données MEA)." 10514,2965.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Demography', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,107,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800409_Humanitarian_Update_Final_1.pdf,"Clashes continued along the frontlines in Taizz governorate, including in Salah, Dimnat Khadir and Hayfan districts. On 10 April, at least 15 people, including children, were reportedly killed when an airstrike hit their house in Dimnat Khadir district. Around 50 families have been displaced from As Silw district in Taizz governorate to Dimnat Khadir district in the same governorate and Dhi As Sufal district in Ibb governorate. Following the closure of the dialysis department of the AlThawrah Hospital in Taizz city, Al-Jamhoury hospital may also be forced to close its dialysis department due to lack of supplies." 177270,41744.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"21% des ménages déplacés interrogés ont un cheptel. Pour les ménages déclarant avoir un cheptel, le nombre moyen de petits ruminants par ménage est de 3, et celui de grands ruminants est de 0." 415547,63975.0,2099.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,63,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/sahel-amnesty-identifies-serbian-weapons-stockpiles-brutal-armed-groups,"So-called ‘self-defence’ groups, established in opposition to JNIM and ISGS, have also carried out massacres of civilians, leading to a bloody cycle of reprisals. In March 2020, one such ‘self-defence’ group,the Koglweogo, launched a series of appalling attacks on villages in Burkina Faso which left at least 43 people dead." 273704,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Le MAH/GC a renforcé sa présence dans les régions notamment à Tahoua et Tillabéri pour le suivi et la coordination des actions des partenaires sur le terrain. 245845,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,18,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,Salaries are withheld until further notice and the future is uncertain especially for migrant workers and refugees. 345211,56855.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[IDP] 1,017 internally displaced households residing in the area of Aungba, Mahagi territory, (Ituri Province) have received 250 USD per household as a cash assistance to be used for the construction, rehabilitation of their homes and the realisation of their own latrines." 389654,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,En 32 de los 59 municipios y áreas no municipalizadas de la región (55%) la letalidad es superior al promedio nacional. La letalidad en Puerto Santander y Puerto Leguízamo supera en más de 4 veces el promedio nacional. 95215,26755.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"No trauma response is provided in Al Jabal Al Akhdar, Almarj, Derna, Ejdabia, Ghat, Murzug, Nalut, Sirt, Tobruk, Ubari, Wadi Ashshati, Zwara" 144188,35197.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,138,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/argentina/unicef-actualiza-la-estimaci-n-de-pobreza-infantil-alcanzar-m-s-de-8-millones-de,"Finalmente, la encuesta consultó sobre la reacción de los niños y las niñas frente a lassalidas recreativasy lacontinuidad de atendimiento de salud en la infancia. Hay un 61% de chicos y chicas que disfrutaron de las salidas, luego del período inicial de encierro, un 38% que reaccionó “con atención y asombro”, un 7% que se mostró “atemorizado” y un 3% que no quiso salir. En cuanto los controles de salud y vacunación, el 28% de las familias encuestadas señaló que desde que se implementó la cuarentena “tuvo que dejar de asistir”. Un 40% de los hogares pudo retomar los controles de salud y de vacunación en las regiones del país donde se flexibilizó las medidas de aislamiento." 276273,50677.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,94,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Le taux de malnutrition parmi les enfants de moins de cinq ans dans la région de l’Extrême- Nord est toujours préoccupant. La malnutrition aigüe globale (MAG) touche 6% d’entre eux, dont 2,4% sont en état de malnutrition aigüe sévère (MAS). Cela représente une détérioration relative par rapport au mois de juin où le taux de MAS s’élevait à 1,84%. Cette détérioration est liée à plusieurs facteurs, dont la période de soudure (juin -août)." 494209,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The gap between the highest and lowest average food basket prices increased by 10 percent from SYP 60,107 in July 2021 to SYP 66,360 in August 2021. The gap increased by 45 percent since August 2020" 267896,49804.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,101,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The price of all monitored COVID19 items have increased except for hand gel that remained unchanged at SYP 967/50 ml and plastic gloves that decreased by one percent m-o-m reaching SYP 352/pair. The national average price of soap reached SYP 390/bar (up four percent m-o-m) and the price of bleach reached SYP 1,178/litre (up five percent m-o-m). Moreover, the price of alcohol spray reached SYP 1,765/200 ml (up three percent m-o-m) and of surgical masks reached SYP 347/mask (up two percent m-o-m)." 388616,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,39,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les populations civiles sont les plus touchées surtout les hommes en ce qui concerne les cas de violation du droit à la vie et les femmes sont touchées par les cas d’atteinte à l’intégrité physique 205810,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,There is a growing need for safe spaces to shelter not only women and girls at risk but also those who have been subjected to GBV. 302664,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,114,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Como puede verse en el Gráfico 8, en los tres países abordados el 51% de las personas LGBTI+ entrevistadas se encuentra en situación irregular, sin ningún tipo de documentación o permiso de permanencia regular en di- chos países. Esta situación, conduce a la imposibilidad de acceso formal a derechos sociales y servicios básicos debido al poco acceso a información confiable y veraz y al miedo de ser revictimizados; ello les expone a riesgos de infraprotección, como ser instrumentalizados/as en la explotación labo- ral y sexual, en el tráfico y trata de personas y ser víctimas de algún tipo de violencia, la cual termina invisibilizada." 274112,49666.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,106,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"Au cours du premier semestre de l’année 2020 la province de l’Ituri reste marquée par la recrudescence de l’activisme des groupes armés, particulièrement dans les territoires de Djugu, Mahagi et Irumu, exacerbant une situation humanitaire déjà précaire. L’apparition des nouveaux groupes armés tels que la Coopérative pour le Développement du Congo (CODECO), Zaire, FPIC (Chini ya kilima) a augmenté les tensions interethniques et ruiné les efforts du Gouvernement de négociations pour la démobilisation des éléments de ces groupes armés afin de restaurer la paix dans la province." 228391,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,32,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"24% of respondents have ‘heard’ that COVID-19 is being spread by foreigners, with one respondent claiming it had been made in “laboratories in foreign countries”." 241981,47791.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,15,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Augmentation des abus et exploitation/travail des enfants, et de la violence domestique, avec" 303529,53037.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,72,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"La plus forte augmentation des attaques de Boko Haram de l’année, avec plus de 400 incidents sécuritaires enregistrée par ACLED, continue de perturber les moyens d’existence et d'exposer les ménages pauvres du Logone et Chari, Mayo Sava et Mayo Tsanaga à l'insécurité alimentaire aiguë Stress (Phase 2 de l'IPC) malgré les récoltes moyennes qui viennent de s'achever dans cette partie du pays." 390959,61168.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://gestion.pe/mundo/congreso-chileno-aprueba-dilatada-ley-de-migracion-noticia/?ref=gesr,"Los extranjeros en situación irregular que ingresaron por pasos habilitados antes del 18 de marzo, tendrán 180 días para solicitar su visado sin ser sancionados, según el proyecto aprobado." 111943,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"el desarraigo continúa para los niños, y la garantía del derecho a la educación permanece en entredicho. Por esta razón resulta de vital importancia el acceso de los niños y adolescentes a los servicios de educación inicial, básica y media, el cual en algunos lugares del país resulta restringido por falta de cupos o por la discriminación y la ausencia de un acompañamiento para su integración." 160502,38373.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,74,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El acceso a vivienda es la segunda prioridad en términos de necesidades básicas de las familias entrevistadas después del acceso a alimentación. El porcentaje de familias que indicó la vivienda como una necesidad urgente no subió mucho durante el segundo trimestre del 2020 en comparación con los primeros tres meses del año (22% contra el 19.2%), pero el dato muestra un empeoramiento de una situación ya crítica." 291403,51191.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,28,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,Approximately six times the number of people are in need of humanitarian assistance in 2021 compared to four years ago when the multi-year HRP was first developed. 145420,36039.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Due to the exchange rate, regional banking crisis and other factors, including knock-on effects of the preventive measures of COVID-19 on the economy, dramatic price rises have been recorded in many basic commodities." 182716,42826.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/nma-confirms-death-of-16-doctors-warns-of-covid-19-spike/,"[20th Oct 2020,Nigeria] President, NMA, Prof. Innocent Ujah said COVID-19 had revealed acute shortages of critical and lifesaving equipment such as ventilators and intensive care beds in hospitals nationwide, adding that shortages of medical capacity had further put a spotlight on the poor state of the Nigerian health sector." 383061,60048.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,47,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas reportaron sobre sus necesidades de mayor prioridad de la siguiente manera: ingresos/empleo (28%), apoyo jurídico (19%), asistencia en trámites documentales (16%) y ayuda médica (16%)." 383048,60359.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,142,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.sunnewsonline.com/strengthening-the-war-against-insurgency/,"[21st July 2021, Nigeria] The government should listen to them and do whatever is within its powers to rein in the general insecurity in the country. There is no doubt that our security personnel might have been overwhelmed by the enormity of the challenge. To augment their efforts, it would not be a bad idea to engage foreigners with technical know-how and experience on targeted operations against the insurgents, so long as it does not undermine our sovereignty. The government can also engage the services of retired service personnel in the war against the insurgents, bandits and terrorists. Soldiers and other security operatives engaged in the war against the insurgents must be adequately motivated and equipped. There is need for intelligence gathering and sharing among security agencies in the country." 304153,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,36,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"New arrivals are granted refugee status, as per the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between UNHCR and the Government of Sudan’s Commission for Refugees (COR) in September 2016." 489783,67725.0,1231.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,22,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"In the Dominican Republic, stricter COVID related curfew measures were enforced for the holiday period, especially within major cities." 111889,31304.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,151,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"PLAN DE RESPUESTA DE EMERGENCIA COVID-19 Por el momento los elementos que pueden potencialmente agudizar el impacto humanitario son 3: El cierre de frontera con Venezuela (paso por trochas no autorizadas y un limitado control sanitario de la situación). El cierre de actividades del Instituto colombiano de Bienestar Familiar en los CDI (centros de Desarrollo Infantil), Hogares infantiles, Madres comunitarias, entre otros de los que dependen muchas familias para los alimentos de los niños y niñas menores de 5 años. Posibles medidas más restrictivas en nivel de alerta III y IV por parte de autoridades nacionales y locales que restrinjan la movilidad o decreten cuarentena, y la afectación de estas medidas a personas con bajos ingresos que pierden capacidad adquisitiva o adultos mayores y que tendrán que tomar medidas de afrontamiento negativas y entraran en riesgo de inseguridad alimentaria." 241974,47791.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,37,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"De plus, selon les analyses, les enfants handicapés qui n’ont pas un soutien adéquat sont encore plus vulnérables à la situation, et présentent notamment des niveaux plus élevés de signes de détresse" 172425,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,117,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les banques congolaises sont déjà affectées par des pénuries de devises en dollars US ; moins de liquidités sont disponibles car les dépôts sont inférieurs aux retraits, la population ayant préféré retirer des dollars US face à la perception de la crise et au dollar comme une monnaie refuge et plus stable. La monnaie s’est dépréciée par rapport au US$, passant de 1 695 francs congolais pour 1 US$ au 3 mars 2020 à 1 828 francs congolais pour 1 US$ au 3 juin 2020. Le taux d’inflation s’élevait à 13 pour cent en glissement annuel à la fin du mois de mai 2020.20" 151323,38020.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/180397/,"On August 18, health authorities documented the death of an elderly woman infected with the coronavirus in al-Dana town in Idlib countryside, the first coronavirus death in north-western Syria." 123945,32567.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",en,72,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"At this stage Libya (over 660,000 migrants and refugees are estimated to live in Libya, including over 48,000 refugees registered with UNHCR) does not have an integrated surveillance system to capture and report separately on nonLibyans (migrants, refugees, etc.) on COVID-10 and non-COVID-19 related morbidities. There is no possibility to report with this kind of data on a weekly or monthly basis." 197785,43603.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Furthermore, many refugees and asylum seekers are neglected, stigmatised, and face difficulties in accessing health services, social protection and other services that are otherwise available to the general population." 211049,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,91,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The crisis in Somalia has two primary drivers: conflict and natural disasters. According to the Protection Return Monitoring Network (PRMN), 270,000 people were displaced in Somalia between January and August 2019, of which 141,000 were displaced due to conflict and 112,000 due to drought6². Of those displaced this year, an estimated 40 per cent (108,000) are school-aged children. In total, there is about 2.6 million displaced people in Somalia and an estimated 1 million of these are school-aged children" 220940,45369.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/stop-aux-mutilations-g-nitales-f-minines-faire-ensemble-du-burkina-faso-un,"Dans ce pays, cette pratique [mutilations génitales féminines (MGF)] a diminué chez les filles de moins de 15 ans. Elle est ainsi passée de 13,3 % en 2010 à 11,3 % en 2015.**" 274204,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,104,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Bunia Ville/ZS] Ici la prévalence de l’insécurité alimentaire est passée de 57 % en 2019 à 64 %. Environ 18 % des ménages sont en insécurité alimentaire sévère. Cette détérioration est probablement due à l’insécurité qui s’est fortement accrue dans la ville. Les prix de certaines denrées de base comme le haricot et le maïs sont en hausse par rapport à la période avant l’épidémie de COVID-19. En outre, plusieurs quartiers de la ville ont accueilli des ménages déplacés ce qui augmente la pression sur les ressources disponibles." 174938,40889.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/04102020_informe_de_situacion_no1_impacto_humantario_por_covid_en_amazonas_vf.pdf,"La falta de pruebas y jornadas de tamizaje sigue siendo el principal obstáculo para ejecutar planes de atención específicos en las comunidades indígenas, quienes además de tener un acceso limitado a los servicios de salud los lleva a situaciones extremas con el fin de salvaguardar la vida de las personas enfermas. Una de estas situaciones ocurrió en la zona no municipalizada de Puerto Santander (Amazonas, Colombia), en donde ante la falta de oxígeno en el puesto de salud, una familia recurrió a la utilización de una máquina de ventilación minera para poder suministrar oxígeno y mantener con vida a un hombre de 58 años, mientras esperaban la remisión médica aérea hacia el interior del país." 732,156.0,321.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The majority of households had access to basic sanitation facilities41 including flush or pour toilets. A total of 97% of households overall reported the presence of flush toilet in their dwelling. IDP households reported less access to flush toilets (83.5%) compared to other population groups. Households in Ghat too seemed less likely to have access to flush toilets (62.5%) and 37.2% accessing pour toilets, while at least 85.0% of households in all other locations assessed had access to flush toilets." 293933,51273.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"The start of the 2020/21 wet season in October and early November was drier than typical across most of Afghanistan, largely due to persistent La Niña conditions which are associated with lower precipitation for Central Asia. This delayed winter wheat cultivation—which typically starts in October—in some provinces." 338734,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,23,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"[DRC] Some students had access to capable devices and internet, but their school did not provide distance learning online." 323652,54087.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,55,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/POL1032022021ENGLISH.PDF,"[Rapport annuel 2020/21, RDC] According to the UN Joint Human Rights Office (UNJHRO), in the first half of the year [2020?], combatants from all armed groups carried out summary executions in which around 1,315 people, including 267 women and 165 children, were killed" 456886,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,36,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las mujeres venezolanas se están quedando en sus casas dependiendo económicamente de las parejas, lo que agudiza sentimientos de fragilidad, tristeza, dependencia emocional, emociones agresivas y exposición a la violencia intradoméstica." 218375,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,"Dans les écoles, les vacances de fin d’année débuteront de façon anticipée, le vendredi 18 décembre 2020, tandis que la reprise des cours dans l’enseignement supérieur est reportée à une date ultérieure." 495434,67230.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Durante el año escolar del 2018, aproximadamente 23,000 NN venezolanos pudieron inscribirse en el sistema educativo peruano, sin contar a los NNA que asistieron a la escuela sin estar inscritos formalmente. Por lo tanto, muchos se encuentran con problemas de la validación de sus certificados debido a la falta de documentación adecuada." 217680,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"According to OCHA’s IDP tracking data, a total of 65,000 IDPs fled their homes from January to mid-April 2020." 176423,41731.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Au niveau des PDI de Dori, le respect des mesures barrières constitue la première préoccupation pour une petite majorité car ils estiment que dans leur contexte de déplacement, il est difficile de les respecter. Au niveau des populations hôtes, la majorité s’inquiète du respect des mesures barrières à cause de la surpopulation." 194444,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,28,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Près de110890 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que leaders communautaires dans 25 ZS." 126654,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,66,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"The vast majority of migrants (81%) departing from Algeria entered Libya directly. Their average cost of journey was estimated at 626 UD dollars. Only 9% of Algerian migrants have reached the country while transiting through Tunisia, spending around 480 USD. 79% of the interviewed Algerian migrants indicated that they travelled in groups comprised of fellow migrants." 203563,43976.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"A Dosso et Tahoua, 11% des ménages dépendent de l’envoi d’argent par des proches comme principale source de revenus." 53457,16820.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,93,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"Human Rights Watch ha tenido acceso a testimonios sobre una decena de casos en los cuales las familias huyeron de sus pueblos después de que se produjera una amenaza o intento de reclutamiento de un niño o niña de la familia. Este reclutamiento se suma a otras violaciones de derechos humanos sufridos por menores de edad tanto colombianos como venezolanos, incluidas limitaciones al acceso a la educación de aquellos que trabajan en plantaciones de coca. Asimismo, los grupos armados han utilizado minas antipersonales en zonas rurales del Catatumbo." 240947,47675.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"Round 13 of the IOM-led Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has revealed that the number of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in the Lac increased by 13 per cent as compared to round 12: the total number of IDPs in the Lac province is 336,124, which represents approximately half of the entire lac population. The results take into account data collected between 11 September and 5 October 2020 in 218 displacement locations." 211201,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Environment']",en,27,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Drought, the unavailability of water and poor pasture continue to provoke protection concerns, as conflict for resources leads to inter-communal fighting and subsequent displacement." 158984,39161.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,42,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Without significant and accelerated efforts to meet both underlying humanitarian needs and those generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we risk seeing a major deterioration of the humanitarian and socioeconomic situation in the north-east and especially for the most vulnerable people." 221706,45721.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,Insecurity continues to hamper the ability of humanitarian workers to reach persons in need and sustain operations for the delivery of much-needed humanitarian assistance and protection services. 328610,54713.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 75% of the households found with nutrition living Standard Gap (LSG). 20% found to be extreme severe, 55% severe, 25% stress." 297807,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Discussions about a revision to the NGO law containing problematical new language created confusion among NGO partners, with some provincial GOA (Government of Afghanistan)members commencing implementation of the revised law despite it not having been approved by parliament yet." 322103,54688.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,104,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/el-reto-de-atender-a-los-mas-de-2000-desplazados-que-deja-la-ola-de-violencia-en-el-cauca/,"Las 949 familias desplazadas comenzaron a salir el 26 de marzo, desplazamiento que se extendió hasta el 29 de ese mismo mes, generando afectación a más de 6.000 personas del área urbana y rural que quedaron en medio del fuego cruzado, según informó la Defensoría del Pueblo. Las víctimas se han desplazado de manera dispersa hacia ocho lugares de Argelia (cabecera municipal y veredas): Puerto Rico, El Mango, Tambolargo, San Juan de La Guadua, El Limoncito, al Centro de Integración Ciudadana en El Plateado y Popayán (Casa del Abuelo)." 190018,43443.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,87,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Dans de nombreux cas, la taxation illégale mais aussi l’ethnicisation de l’accès aux services a entraîné une moindre fréquentation des services de base tels que la santé et les écoles et la population vivant dans les zones contrôlées par les parties au conflit est devenue dans certains cas encore plus vulnérable. Les cas signalés de problèmes d’accès aux champs de la population et aux marchés sont un autre facteur qui accroît la vulnérabilité des populations déjà très exposées." 177554,41672.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-reports-1600-new-cases-15-new-deaths/59001,"[15th October 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh on Thursday saw another spike in Covid-19 patients as health authorities confirmed the detection of 1,600 new cases across the country in 24 hours, taking the caseload to 3,84,559. During the same period, 15 more patients died from Covid-19, raising the death toll to 5,608." 304203,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Over 25,000 refugees are estimated to have returned to South Sudan from 1 June – 31 July. A July 2019 survey of returnees to Bentiu (South Sudan) showed that 75 per cent cited “insecurity in Sudan” as a reason for their return." 293950,51273.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"In August and September 2020, monthly displacement figures were around 63,000 and 68,000 people, respectively; in only five months since the beginning of 2017 were equal or higher totals recorded. In November and early December, most conflict induced displacement occurred in Takhar, Nangarhar, and Badakhshan provinces." 328563,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of IDP settlement were Lack of sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) / facilities too crowded (50%),Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (20%)." 337727,55931.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/hoy-inicia-el-registro-unico-de-migrantes-venezolanos-en-colombia/2648,"Este es un procedimiento virtual y gratuito, el cual deben realizar todos los ciudadanos venezolanos que se encuentren en territorio nacional, salvo aquellos que ya tienen una visa." 216995,45551.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/431083-how-covid-19-lockdown-fuelled-gender-based-violence-csos.html,"[14thDec2020,Nigeria] Strict restrictions placed on women rights organisations during the COVID-19 lockdown led to an increase in sexual and gender-based violence." 152457,37831.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance programme to improve the food security and nutrition of 74,736 Rohingya refugees and 5,229 vulnerable host community members affected by the influx." 261767,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Testing']",es,99,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Vichada: El laboratorio de salud pública cuenta con la capacidad para realizar pruebas antígenos, pero no se tienen los recursos para adquirirlas; las muestras se deben enviar a la ciudad de Bogotá y cada vez son más demorados los resultados. En este momento es la mayor preocupación teniendo en cuenta que entre más se demoren los resultados es más complicado realizar cercos epidemiológicos, También es muy costoso el traslado por vía aérea de las muestras y cada día es más difícil la financiación, cada vuelo cuesta entre 8 y 10 millones16." 386449,60772.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,110,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En Chile, un 63,5% de la población inmigrante vive en la Región Metropolitana (RM), seguido de un 9% en la Región de Antofagasta. Dentro de la RM, se concentran en las comunas de Huechuraba, Puente Alto, San Bernardo, El Bosque y La Pintana5 . Al caracterizar la población inmigrante en Chile, encontramos que provienen desde Venezuela (24,2%), Perú (22,2%), Colombia (14,9%), Haití (9,8%), Bolivia (6,8%), Argentina (5,5%) y Ecuador (3,6%)9 ." 330136,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,99,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"La movilidad de las comunidades indígenas por el territorio fue una de las principales advertencias que los expertos de la región hicieron antes de que llegaran las primeras dosis al país. “Habrá territorios en los que es imposible hacerlo por fases, por tema de costos operativos y por tema de probabilidades de no encontrar a la población en una segunda visita, porque hay zonas con comunidades dispersas en la Amazonia”, explicó en febrero Pablo Martínez, médico y salubrista de la ONG Sinergias, que trabaja por la salud de la región." 161892,39571.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/410839-covid-19-could-worsen-tb-cases-by-2021-foundation.html,"Mr Mustapha, who spoke at a virtual media briefing on Monday, noted that with the impact of COVID-19 on health services, over 6.5 million TB cases could be recorded in the near future. He said it is crucial to challenge the status quo and bring new innovations to address the overall impact of COVID-19 on tuberculosis response and other health services." 361356,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,172,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The fatal drowning cases that were investigated occurred in fifteen different camps in Cox’s Bazar (Figure 6). The camp with the highest number of fatalities was Camp 24, where four fatalities were recorded. All the fatalities that occurred in Camp 24 were children under 5 and involved a child being unsupervised as their parents were busy doing essential tasks and falling into ponds near their homes. Three of the fatalities in Camp 24 occurred in 2019, and one in 2020. A notable finding from the field accounts is that the family of the 2020 Camp 24 victim stated that prior to the incident they had asked the manager of the pond several times to build a fence around it, due to the drowning fatalities that occurred during the previous year. However, these requests were unanswered and the drowning risk for children in the vicinity of the pond remained high." 388889,61130.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,38,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.diarioconcepcion.cl/ciudad/2021/01/29/un-71-de-las-visas-otorgadas-el-2020-corresponden-a-venezolanos.html,"No obstante, estas cifras sólo reflejan la realidad legal,puesto que la tasa de venezolanos es aún mayor en la provincia,detalló la vocera de la comunidad venezolana en el Biobío, Francia Campos." 114115,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El Salvador y Guatemala, las personas desplazadas y los líderes comunitarios informan que los grupos criminales están utilizando el confinamiento para fortalecer su control sobre las comunidades, intensificando la extorsión, el tráfico de drogas y la violencia de género, y usando las desapariciones forzadas, los asesinatos y las amenazas de muerte contra quienes no cumplen4." 111916,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,109,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Desde la perspectiva de algunas de las personas encargadas de la operación de OIM en el terminal y del Albergue La Maloka (Albergue La Maloka, entrevista, 2019), los niños no tienen claro qué les está pasando. Van acompañando a sus familias sin saber dónde están o por qué salieron. Identifican que, a pesar de esto, los niños buscan las formas de jugar en cualquier espacio, por lo que encuentran que la atención, así sea de emergencia, debe considerar la adecuación de espacios o de kits que contribuyan a la garantía de este derecho de los niños." 339365,55942.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/bogota/la-campana-que-busca-eliminar-los-prejuicios-contra-las-venezolanas-article/,"Una encuesta de percepción, realizada por Usaid, identificó que se asocia a los migrantes con el aumento de la inseguridad, como competencia laboral que cobra menos, son definidas como personas que no logran adaptarse a las normas y costumbre del país, así como se cree que las mujeres venezolanas usan sus cuerpos para conseguir dinero fácil y que son promiscuas y madres irresponsables." 163831,34549.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,54,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The control measures in place to curb the spread of COVID-19 were loosened in May. There is a high risk that this could result in an increase in COVID-19 cases, leading to tighter restrictions being imposed from July 2020 until the epidemic curve flattens (estimated to be around October 2020)" 214673,45417.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 29% (110) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté une augmentation du nombre de personnes décédées par rapport au mois précédent. La cause de décès la plus souvent citée par les IC pour expliquer cette augmentation était le paludisme dans 83% (91) de ces localités, tandis que la deuxième la plus souvent citée était la rougeole et le cholera/ la diarrhée dans 5% (5) de ces localités respectivement pour chaque cause de décès." 161793,39563.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,83,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/412358-covid-19-how-third-phase-of-eased-lockdown-will-be-implemented-official.html,"[03/09/2020, Nigeria] The first phase of the relaxed lockdown was extended by two weeks and elapsed midnight June 1. The second phase which commenced on June 2 and elapsed on June 29 was extended by four weeks. The additional four weeks elapsed midnight July 29 but was extended by one week due to the Sallah celebrations and elapsed midnight, August 6. It was further extended by four weeks and elapses midnight today, September 3." 287479,51785.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,33,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.radionacional.co/noticia/actualidad/pandemia-impacto-economia-micronegocios-colombia,"Los micronegocios son en su mayoría de una sola persona, que habitualmente labora en su hogar -propio o en arriendo-, o prestando sus servicios en la calle o mediante domicilios." 228422,46627.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Food insecurity is increasing nationwide: although 90% of respondents still find all basic commodities in stores," 126387,34397.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,51,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,Los datos recolectados reflejan una correlación directa entre los riesgos de protección que experimentan los migrantes que ingresaron a Arauca a través de un paso informal y sus niveles de inseguridad alimentaria. Los resultados muestran que estos hogares migrantes son más propensos a estar en situación de inseguridad alimentaria. 37169,11044.0,788.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"On delivery of assistance, according to asylum seekers in locations where distributions have taken place, those without UNHCR registration tokens and a few others registered could not receive food and NFIs, some reported inadequate information about distribution date and time which prevented them from receiving assistance." 160470,38373.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 63.5% reportó tener un centro de salud cerca de su vivienda, pero el 6.1% expresa que la distancia es una de las principales barreras." 490553,67789.0,2170.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,100,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Food Security/Livelihoods Needs: Ongoing insecurity marked by clashes, attacks and illegal vehicle checkpoints along major supply routes continue to impede scale-up plans, including food deliveries especially in hard-to-reach and unreached locations. Access to land including for farming is also limited, especially in hard-to-reach areas. Although the FSS is working with other sectors and LGA authorities to explore access options in some locations such as Gubio and Nganzai LGAs, it is unlikely that many of such unreached locations will be covered during the lean season." 417567,64197.0,2311.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,56,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"Existen restricciones de acceso (por daños en vías) para la identificación de afectados y para la entrega de ayuda humanitaria en zonas rurales de Uribia, y en los asentamientos informales Arroyo la Voz que Clama, Belén de Judea, Cristo Vive, Luisa Pérez y La Gloria de Dios en Maicao." 299160,51194.0,2336.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,117,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"During the last month of Q4, the overall conflict dynamic saw a gradual decrease, which can be predominately attributed to the weather conditions. It is expected that in the absence of an agreement on reduction of violence coming out of Doha, kinetic activity will remain high in Q1 and Q 2021. Limited ANSF capacity as well as the withdrawal of US Forces even raise concerns that the level of hostility might surpass 2020 levels. While it is not expected that humanitarians will become a target in 2021, the continuing high level of conflict activity makes it extremely challenging for humanitarian organizations to operate in a safe and secure manner." 388590,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,37,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Également une présence de demandeurs d’asiles venus du Niger précisément des ressortissants des villages (Fantio, Sekey et Tamgissi) suite aux attaques perpétrées par des GANE dans leurs villages aurait été constatée." 218418,45693.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,29,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"More than a quarter of a million people, the majority of them children, have fled intensifying violence in Ituri Province since the beginning of the year." 194276,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"Au cours de ces activités ,67 rumeurs ont été gérées et 315 alertes ont été remontées 220 dépliants covid-19 ont été distribués aux vendeurs du Marché de KARAWA dans la ZS GBADOLITE au Nord Ubangi" 196037,43590.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"IDPs are also likely to be exposed to COVID-19, as many are living in unsuitable conditions. IDPs may be exposed to food insecurity and suffer malnutrition." 300838,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"While local implementing partners and community elders can play an important role in facilitating engagement with NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) , the HAG cautions against attempts to fully outsource outreach to external partners and advises to consider direct engagement at a local level;" 223460,44702.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Livelihood sources have been devastated. Chickens and shoats die as a result of wall collapsing and there are stories of sickness of some of the domesticated animals such as foot &mouth disease (Due to heavy rains) 158063,38779.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"195,267 # of examination gloves(Latex and sterile) distributed in Community Centers ,distribution points,emergency team, health facilities and to ORVs." 272057,50213.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,52,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/9c032c38/REACH_SYR_Northeast_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_January_2021.pdf,"[Jan 2021, NES] In January, the value of the regional SMEB reached 270,105 Syrian pounds (SYP), a 6% increase compared to December and 38% increase since July 2020, setting the highest ever recorded price in the Market Monitoring exercise in NES." 184775,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,67,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] Under this lockdown, schools (excluding shops selling food between 6am and 1pm), places of worship, shops, restaurants, playgrounds and private clinics will be closed, while movements in and out of Derik city will be prohibited (excluding emergency cases and food shipments).Humanitarian actors are exempted from these restrictions." 16558,6344.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,Health actors report that almost 30 of the nearly 400 health facilities that provide nutrition services in eight Al Hudaydah districts were temporarily closed due to insecurity from September 11–18. UNICEF and the Al Hudaydah GHO are working to provide services to people affected by the health facility closures. 327995,55044.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/la-rdc-sappr-te-vacciner-plus-de-16-millions-de-personnes-contre-la,"La République démocratique du Congo a lancé aujourd’hui une campagne de vaccination préventive contre la fièvre jaune, qui cible plus de 16,3 millions de personnes – une première contre cette maladie en Afrique en 2021." 278636,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Overall, around 685,000 persons have been affected by desert locusts." 439366,63592.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,117,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Le gouvernement a décrété la réouverture des écoles en RDC le 22 février 202118 suite à leur fermeture le 18 décembre 2020 dans le cadre de la lutte contre la COVID-19. Parmi les 79 IC enseignants ou directeurs d’école enquêtés durant le mois de juillet, 59% (47) ont rapporté qu’une partie des enfants qui fréquentaient leur école avant la fermeture ne la fréquentait plus depuis la réouverture. Parmi les IC ayant indiqué une fréquentation inhabituelle en primaire et en secondaire, 82% (17) et 61% (17) respectivement ont rapporté la baisse de la fréquentation des filles, comme des garçons." 359830,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] As most children, especially girls, did not go to school during the flood, it is challenging to implement any SBDRM activities during the flood season. Teachers in focus groups shared that schools and/or their surrounding areas are flooded two to three times each year, and teachers are forced to stop normal activities including SBDRM activities at this time because it is risky for students to come to school. Teachers also mentioned that the school attendance decreases during times of flooding by about 70 per cent." 291652,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"To Member States and partners, thank you for your generous donations towards the humanitarian response plan in Afghanistan, some $555 million; and thank you to those who have contributed to the Central Emergency Response Fund and the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund, which together provided $104 million to aid operations in 2020." 454175,63078.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20Update_June%202021.pdf,"In June, UNHCR’s protection monitoring partner INTERSOS, recorded 101 protection incidents in Manono, Nyunzu and Kalemie territories, Tanganyika and Haut Katanga Provinces. Violations documented were mainly related to forced labor, extortion of property, assault and battery, homicide, rape, sexual and physical assaults, forced marriage, torture/inhumane treatment, psychological violence and murder" 428852,64543.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",es,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Según los últimos datos desagregados por municipio, a junio de 2021, Inírida había presentado 1.328 casos confirmados, Barranco Minas 66, Mapiripana 20, Pana Pana (Campo Alegre) 13, San Felipe 9 y Puerto Colombia 4. Sin embargo, esto está relacionado con el bajo nivel de toma de pruebas diagnósticas en las zonas rurales y, en general, fuera de la capital departamental." 356570,58364.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia/mas-regiones/jornada-de-protesta-en-providencia-ante-retrasos-en-la-reconstruccion/,"Los habitantes del Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia aseguran que el Gobierno Nacional los ha abandonado y que esto se refleja en que solo han entregado dos de las 1.134 casas que quedaron destruidas. La música, los bailes y la comida tradicionales se tomarán las calles en movilización ciudadana." 162967,39111.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/265_1594211243.pdf,"To date, NCDC has supported the training of over 17,000 health workers in IPC and has established a network of IPC focal persons/experts nationwide. Furthermore, we have been deploying IPC experts as parts of our rapid response teams (RRTs), to support states’ response activities and strengthen the IPC capacity of state healthcare workers. These efforts have aided in the reduction of recently reported number of HCWs infection." 412824,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,128,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.7 Experience in seeking health services for chronic diseases A considerable number of patients with chronic diseases needed emergency treatment during the pandemic: Among the surveyed households 22.1% of households’ members took treatment for chronic diseases. People from urban areas got more services for chronic diseases, compared to rural level people (23.8% vs. 20.9%). The most common types of health services taken by the patients with chronic diseases were conducting regular check-ups (69.3%), conducting the diagnostic test (54.2%) and 15.3% of them sought emergency treatment. The remaining patients with chronic diseases sought healthcare services including therapy, surgery, post-operative check-up etc" 411357,63501.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/vacunan-contra-la-covid19-a-migrantes-vulnerables-en-asentamiento-villa-caracas/2794,"El lugar exacto de la jornada es en el sector La Ceiba, esquina de la calle 63 con cra 10B, cerca del comedor. Swuinne precisó que tienen una unidad móvil para la vacunación, y una carpa para espera y reposo después de la colocación del fármaco. Además se les ofrece a las personas refrigerios e hidratación. Esperan repetir la jornada en 28 días y se fijaron la meta de vacunar contra la covid -19 a 500 personas." 223128,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In some areas, Al-Shabaab carries out retaliatory attacks on civilians whom it deems to be government supporters or collaborators, while in other towns it only talks or preaches to local populations without harming anyone" 160520,38373.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El porcentaje de hogares que envió dinero a familiares en Venezuela se redujo de un 49.9% en el trimestre anterior (enero-marzo de 2020) a un 36.7% en el trimestre actual (abril-junio). En abril, el 42.9% envió dinero a Venezuela; en mayo el 31.9%, y en junio un 35.8%. Esto claramente muestra cómo las familias debieron priorizar el uso de sus recursos financieros para suplir sus necesidades básicas durante la pandemia." 297678,52576.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn1.internationalmedicalcorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IntlMedCorps-Ebola_in_DRC_Situation-Report-39.pdf,"To strengthen COVID-19 barrier measures in schools, International Medical made a donation of hard and soft copies of a picture book on how to prevent further spread of COVID-19 and what to do when encountering symptoms. This donation is being distributed thanks to the reopening of schools in the DRC in February. Schools had been closed since November as part of measures employed to control the second wave of the pandemic in the DRC" 131810,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Sensibilizar a los actores de la educación. Esto incluirá capacitación para profesores y asistentes educativos, con el fin de hacer que el personal escolar conozca la creciente demanda para la inscripción de refugiados y migrantes. Además, se fortalecerán las capacidades para responder a la diversidad dentro de los salones, considerando la recurrencia de alumnos con discapacidades y otras necesidades educativas particulares. Se considerará la implementación de espacios alternativos para atender las necesidades educativas de los niños refugiados y migrantes y prepararlos para acceder al sistema educativo formal." 40043,11719.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-14_ENGLISH%20%281%29.pdf,"Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 3,650 families (approximately 18,250 individuals) have been displaced from their homes. Since DTM’s last update on 12 April, another 925 displaced families (approximately 4,625 individuals) were identified." 304959,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,19,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Refugees in camps are heavily reliant on biomass energy in form of firewood, charcoal and plant residues." 495431,67230.0,1185.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,32,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las principales necesidades vinculadas a agua, saneamiento e higiene están vinculadas a las propias condiciones de habitabilidad y alojamiento de las personas y familias migrantes como se ha visto anteriormente." 326218,54734.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[Displacement]Top three reported reasons for coming to current location were: Presence of education services (16%), availability of work/income opportunities(33%), no conflict (77%)." 454267,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La violencia que sufren estas personas tiene consecuencias en su desarrollo integral y emocional, muchos se sienten limitados y temerosos de expresarse y relacionarse con otras personas, en caso de sufrir violencia muchas veces no son atendidos ni escuchados por las autoridades" 217445,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The global impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have also seen the flow of remittances impacted, as many Afghans abroad faced unemployment and reduced incomes. Moreover, these issues are compounded with years of conflict and instability that have caused livelihood disruption and displacements." 705,156.0,321.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,92,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The main issue with water quality was bad taste, reported by 32.4% of households. Out of the 2.1% of households using unprotected wells as their main source of water, 74.0% indicated that it ‘tasted bad’, even leading to reports of health issues for 8.4% of households, and that it smelt bad (0.5%). IDP households most often reported the use of those unprotected wells (5.9%), likely leaving them more exposed to potential water-borne diseases" 308162,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,The hospital in Panthou currently functions as a PHCU and requires additional resources and support to restore to be fully operational as a hospital. 361401,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,137,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In addition, children within this age group often have difficulties getting up upon falling, including into shallow water, because their centre of gravity is closer to their head (Zori and Schnaiderman, 2002). These developmental and behavioural factors are especially important to consider in an environment with many unprotected, open water bodies like the camps. A further key influence is suggested to be a lack of adequate supervision. Inadequate supervision was an underlying factor in each of the fatalities to children under 5. In these cases, caregivers were undertaking essential activities that caused distractions from direct child supervision, which led to an increased risk of the child drowning (Borse et al, 2011)." 338733,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"the pandemic reinforced the greatest barrier to access: affordability. Before the pandemic, at least 63 countries had not met the UN’s threshold for internet affordability, defined as less than 2 percent of monthly gross income per capita. In some countries like Congo, the Central African Republic, and Chad, 1GB of data costs more than 20 percent of the average monthly income, rendering internet access unaffordable for all but the wealthy." 219489,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Information on locations of suspected cases is automatically relayed to the district rapid response team using Open Data Kit – an open source software for collecting, managing and using data in resource-constrained environments. The teams investigate and take appropriate action to test, isolate and quarantine, as needed." 8450,1458.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2018%2BLibya%2BReport%2BPDF.pdf,"Of the estimated 700,000 to one million migrants and refugees in Libya, UNHCR has registered 51,519 refugees and asylum seekers, including nearly 2,300 asylum seekers and refugees held in detention centers to which UNHCR or its partners have access. Refugees and asylum seekers fleeing other conflict-ridden countries are beyond UNHCR’s reach. So too are people who face persecution on other grounds—such as their sexual orientation—but who are not members of one of the seven nationalities that UNHCR is permitted to assist." 500713,60136.0,2074.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,89,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"Se identificaron varios casos de niños y niñas indocumentados. Las personas acompañantes mencionan ser sus familiares. Se considera importante reforzar el funcionamiento de la ruta de protección de niños y adolescentes. La Defensoría de la Niñez y Adolescencia del municipio monitorea la situación, sin embargo, no tiene presencia en Pisiga y depende únicamente de los reportes de la policía fronteriza. En general, existe mucha desconfianza de las autoridades locales y miedo a reportar situaciones de desprotección por parte de los migrantes." 328357,54948.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,54,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Lactancia-materna-segura-durante-la-pandemia-y-la-vacunaci%C3%B3n.aspx,"Explicó que en la situación de que la niña o niño se encuentre enfermo, incluso si contrae la covid-19, es importante que continúe alimentándose con leche materna. ""La lactancia fortalece el sistema inmunológico del bebé y además se pasan anticuerpos, ayudándolo a combatir cualquier infección"", puntualizó." 281578,51173.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, cumulative precipitation has been below average in most provinces from mid-November to early January 2021 and it shows a worrying La Nina climate outlook." 261661,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,83,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"debido a que Colombia hace parte de esta triple frontera, el INS ha realizado monitoreo permanente de los linajes de los virus y el 31 de enero confirmó la circulación de la esta variante en dos personas de nacionalidad colombiana. Esta situación impulsó medidas de restricciones en la movilidad de pasajeros (aérea y fluvial) en toda la región de la Triple Frontera, junto con acciones de vigilancia y control más estrictas por parte de los gobiernos regionales." 289536,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,Three Women and Girls’ Friendly Spaces (WGFS) have been established in Tonj North (2) and Tonj South (1) with 962 women and girls having accessed frontline GBV services by GBV partners. 106499,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Algunos de los niños que han nacido en este contexto son dejados abandonados en los servicios del ICBF. Debido a esto, no tienen ninguna documentación, quedando así en riesgo de apatridia y sin posibilidad de ser adoptados." 134712,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"3,49 personas por habitación). Si lo comparamos con los datos de la población nacida en Chile, sólo un 7% reside en una vivienda hacinada. De este modo comenzamos a vislumbrar mayores grados de hacinamiento en población migrante que local (Razmilic, 2019). Ahora bien, también es importante conocer cómo se manifiesta la presencia de hacinamiento considerando la diversidad que existe en la comunidad migrante, al no ser ésta una comunidad uniforme como vimos en Informe N° 1 (SJM y CFV, 2019)" 308590,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Insecurity in two payams in Tonj South, Manyang-ngok and Wanhalel, limited the accessibility and pre-positioning efforts for partners. In Wanhalel Payam, insecurity contributed to a reduction in people appearing to nutrition services. Longdistance travel to nutrition facilities has resulted in some targeted people defaulting or being absent from the programme." 223935,46071.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,37,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Dans les Zones urbaines frontalières comme Goma et Beni, les femmes qui dépendaient du petit commerce transfrontalier sont restées sans ressources à cause de la fermeture des barrières et les rotations des vendeurs/-euses au marché." 1282,186.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,120,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://www.msf.org/en/article/yemen-crisis-update-january-2018,"The escalation in fighting in Yemen has created a large-scale humanitarian emergency, with the war and blockade taking a heavy toll on civilians. The collapse of the health system and the deterioration of living conditions are having tangible and devastating effects on the population. The blockade, still in place for commercial goods and some humanitarian aid since 2015, was strengthened in November 2017. It has a deep impact on access to food, water and healthcare for Yemenis and on the economic situation in the country. Limiting imports to “emergency and relief” items as designated by the Saudi-led coalition is not enough to sustain the needs of the Yemeni population." 204282,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Il est possible que la réponse humanitaire en sécurité alimentaire ne soit pas encore complètement déployée pour ce groupe. Seulement 4% des ménages PDI citent l’assistance alimentaire comme source de nourriture contre 28% des ménages réfugiés [a Maradi]. 128829,34596.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Humanitarian agencies must consider how communities can continue accessing aid/services while also adhering to key precautionary measures. Information on how aid is accessible in line with the necessary precautionary measures should be communicated alongside the suggested information campaigns mentioned above. 454411,64535.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,10% de las familias no ha logrado conseguir ninguna fuente de ingresos 236000,46890.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"10,841 persons were reached with information, education and communication (IEC) materials with COVID- 19 messages specific on infant and young child feeding." 245072,47833.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,22,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"» Las prioridades identificadas por la población monitoreada durante el tercer trimestre de 2020 fueron alimentación, vivienda e ingresos económicos." 165794,39943.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-85.pdf,"8 New cases from the HCWs (1 doctor, 1 pharmacist, 1 nurse, 3 CHWs, 1 lab technician, 1 clean worker) 2 New cases from IDP in camps (Aleppo: Zugura camp – Al Jabal camp in Rural of Jarablus). 12 Cases are symptomatic contacts of previous cases. 1 Case in isolation center, 1 hospitalized case with a moderate disease" 474715,64944.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,85,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Dans les deux provinces couvertes par le monitoring, le besoin en terres cultivables reste une préoccupation majeure pour de nombreuses personnes déplacées sur les sites d’accueil en raison de l’insuffisance de surfaces exploitables à laquelle sont confrontées les communautés hôtes elles-mêmes. Cette situation constitue le motif d’importants mouvements pendulaires ou de retour effectués par des PDI vers les localités d’origine pour exploiter leurs champs en dépit des risques de protection liés à ces déplacements." 647,156.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,224,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The main issue encountered – damaged or destroyed housing – was particularly prevalent in Al Jabal Al Gharbi (reported by 90.5% of returnee households), Benghazi (65.0%) and Derna city (63.6%). The high rates of returnee households reporting damaged or destruction to their housing related to the severe destruction level in Benghazi and Derna – areas affected by heavy fighting in 2016. Most areas within Benghazi and Derna where households have returned to suffered some form of medium to heavy damage. 20 Although Al Jabal Al Gharbi did not witness the level of destruction of Benghazi and Derna, most returnee households in Al Jabal Al Gharbi were especially concentrated in Kikkla baladiya, which had previously witnessed intense fighting. 21 With the exception of Al Jabal Al Gharbi, damaged or destroyed housing did not seem to be a major issue in the West or South of Libya (Tripoli with 16.5%, Ghat with 15.4%). Although most mantikas in the West of the country – Al Margab, Misrata, Tripoli – did not witness high level of damage due to conflict, 45.2% of returnee households have reported primarily looted housing with valuables missing in property as one of their main issues." 155995,38388.0,1898.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,"En un fin de semana en abril (viernes 24 y el lunes 27) se re- gistraron 74 homicidios.² En respuesta, el Gobierno también ordenó medidas extremas (criticadas por organizaciones de derechos humanos) en las cárceles.³" 40203,13777.0,729.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/press/2019/5/5ceff1144/unhcr-evacuates-hundreds-vulnerable-refugees-libya-safety.html,Many of the evacuees need medical treatment and are suffering from malnourishment. 126530,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Alimentación y nutrición: el acceso al apoyo de alimento y nutrición es fundamental para salvar vidas. La información existente en estos sectores es limitada y requiere la generación de mayores evidencias para orientar la respuesta sobre el terreno y brindar asistencia de alimentación adecuada, en particular para las poblaciones vulnerables (mujeres embarazadas y en etapa de lactancia, menores jóvenes, enfermos crónicos) durante los primeros días en el país, y resultados del monitoreo en seguridad nutricional y alimentación." 337729,55931.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/hoy-inicia-el-registro-unico-de-migrantes-venezolanos-en-colombia/2648,"Para la inscripción en el RUMV, los migrantes deben crear previamente un correo electrónico con usuario y clave (en caso de no tenerlo), a fin de usarlo durante todo el proceso de implementación del Estatuto. Lo recomendable es que sea un correo personal y que no se comparta la clave con nadie, igualmente hay que aportar una foto digital, la cual puede tomarse con su celular." 302476,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,168,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Retomando los planteamientos de Inmaculada Mujica (2007), podría afir- marse que la heteronormatividad por siglos ha sido la expresión de una sexualidad hegemónica que ha definido y normalizado la heterosexualidad como la norma y, a pesar de cambios fundamentales en las luchas feminis- tas, nuestras sociedades siguen siendo profundamente sexistas, negando tradicionalmente la capacidad y autonomía sexual de las mujeres. Esta ideología sexual provoca la estigmatización de las personas cuyos com- portamientos no son heterosexuales y la subordinación de la sexualidad femenina a la masculina. Esto podría llevar, en este contexto de movilidad humana, a plantear que la invisibilidad de las mujeres lesbianas, bisexuales y en general de los cuerpos atribuidos socialmente a lo femenino, puede ser resultado de unas ideas acerca de la sexualidad que han negado o instru- mentalizado la sexualidad de las mujeres y como consecuencia no han dado crédito de su existencia por fuera de la heterosexualidad y de la procreación." 188821,43386.0,1900.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"Aun cuando más del 67% de los habitantes de la región hacían uso de Internet en el 2017, esta proporción variaba de manera significativa entre países, localidades urbanas-rurales, grupos étnicos y sectores de ingresos; el 80% de la población en Chile, Brasil, Costa Rica y Uruguay tiene conexión a Internet móvil, pero únicamente el 30% la tiene en Guatemala, Honduras, Haití y Nicaragua (las cifras entre estos países varían de manera exagerada)." 164226,39644.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"In order to promote Rohingya community engagement in the COVID-19 response, SMSD Sector partners organized two meetings with 12 women committee members and eight youth committee members in Camp 8E to discuss the risks of human trafficking during the COVID-19 pandemic" 164845,39753.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"In Ogbadibo LGA of Benue state, UNICEF WASH Facilitators, in collaboration with LGA WASH units trained 102 persons drawn from PHCs personnel and households in 13 council wards on the modalities COVID -19 prevention and basic hygiene." 307807,52942.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,126,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Rice (Low Quality): The average price increased by 0.9% compared to the third week of November, but remained 22% higher than 14 March. The increase occurred in Nuristan(50%) and Ghor (4%), mainly due to seasonally increase demand (coming winter) . Meanwhile, prices decreased only in Urozgan (4%), due to improved supply. Prices were highest in Bamyan, Wardak, Badghis and Daykundi (AFN 80, 72, 70, 70 Per kg, respectively). Prices were lowest in Kunar, Panjsher, Hirat and Laghman (AFN 35, 36, 38 and 39 per kg, respectively)." 218417,45693.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,43,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"COVID-19-related restrictions have limited livelihood opportunities and undermined access to markets, adding to humanitarian needs across the country. The pandemic has disrupted children's development, learning and well-being; and violence against women and girls is on the rise." 165644,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"A study conducted by the IOM WASH unit, IOM SMSD and NPM found that nearly two-thirds of households had reported having a private bathing space in their shelter. Women and girls are the primary users of these facilities. Safety and security and cultural and religious values were the predominant reasons why women and girls prefer to use and bathe in private makeshift bathing facilities." 356631,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Human Rights Watch documentó 17 casos de golpizas a manifestantes o transeúntes cometidas por la policía, a menudo con bastones. Algunas de estas personas fueron luego detenidas. Una murió a causa de las heridas." 495141,67230.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los resultados mostraron que el 3.2% de los niños que pasan por la atención de Unicef presentan desnutrición aguda, en grupos de niños entre 2 y 4 años el porcentaje supera el 5%, el límite para considerarla un problema de salud pública." 203561,43976.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"[Principales sources de subsistance au Niger Niger livelihoods zoning report (2011)] Prédominance des pratiques agricoles, agropastorales et du pastoralisme transhumant. Population dépendente de l’achat de nourriture pendant une partie de l’année (période de soudure). D’après le calendrier saisonnier pour une année typique, la période (juillet-septembre) correspond à la soudure agricole." 71090,20087.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,127,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"ESPACIOS DE APOYO Se proporcionó una descripción general de la situación de los espacios de apoyo en toda la región, destacando lo siguiente: a. Hay 92 Espacios de Apoyo en países piloto (Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Brasil) b. Se desarrollaron módulos de información para que los implementadores conozcan los procedimientos. Habrá capacitaciones en octubre y noviembre. c. Visita a Chile para ver cuáles son las necesidades. Se identificaron 25 posibles nuevos Espacios de Apoyo. d. Habrá una reunión técnica para el proceso de Quito para intercambiar experiencias. e. Articulación de esfuerzos con las diferentes organizaciones que integran esta red. f. Se invita a otras agencias a sumarse para agregarlas al plan de acción." 335274,55819.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,69,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel) (l'insécurité) Cela a mené au déplacement massif des populations vers le chef-lieu de province (Gorom-Gorom). Ainsi, on dénombrait 1 121 960 personnes déplacées internes (PDI) au Burkina Faso fin mars 2021, parmi lesquels 347 159 se trouvaient dans la région du Sahel. En particulier, la province de l’Oudalan accueillait 47 670 PDI." 390767,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,54,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"3. Si bien se observa una especialización de los migrantes en ciertas ocupaciones de menor calificación, estos no han saturado dichos rubros, cuyos salarios reales promedio han aumentado durante el periodo a una tasa promedio del 2% anual, superior también a la tasa de crecimiento de la productividad." 495960,68456.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520Junio%25202021%2520Cono%2520Sur.pdf,"Argentina siguió atravesando la segunda ola de la pandemia COVID-19 y se ubicó entre los países con mayor número de casos y muertes diarias en el mundo. Si bien los nuevos casos comenzaron a disminuir, existen temores sobre la inminente llegada de la cepa Delta, que se considera aún más contagiosa." 291078,52224.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,148,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] Among the hotspot countries, the Syrian Arab Republic is one of the countries of absolute urgent and imminent concern, as they have large numbers of people or prevalence of people in Emergency (IPC Phase 4). Further intensification of conflict, deepening economic crises and weather extremes, combined with varied restrictions to humanitarian access, are likely to further aggravate critical food insecurity levels in the next six months. In these countries, life-threatening conditions are expected to escalate further. Households are experiencing critical hunger, with extreme depletion of livelihoods, insufficient food consumption and high acute malnutrition, Excess deaths due to hunger are taking place. In these countries, households are resorting to emergency coping strategies and selling their assets in order to secure adequate access to food." 193831,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La situation nutritionnelle est préoccupante dans l´ensemble du pays, avec une prévalence supérieure au seuil d´urgence de la malnutrition aigüe globale de 15% dans 18 des 23 provinces. Cette situation affecte 3,9 millions de personnes, soit une augmentation de 80,3% par rapport à 2019 à la même période. Parmi elles, près de 461 000 enfants sont à risque de malnutrition aiguë sévère, soit une augmentation de 31,7%." 358613,58464.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Reduction of electricity access has already been reported in the northeast, likely due to rationing of electricity by the NES Self Administration (SA), and conflict affecting electricity networks this winter in the Tel Tamer area." 80894,22140.0,1224.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72828.pdf,"As part of their emergency support, partners provided different forms of temporary accommodations and emergency shelter to a total of 648 individuals in Curaçao, the Dominican Republic, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago as of September 2019." 383049,60359.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,76,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.sunnewsonline.com/strengthening-the-war-against-insurgency/,"[21st July 2021, Nigeria] It is generally believed that the proliferation of illegal arms and ammunition is one of the triggers of the nation’s insecurity. Let government map out measures to ensure adequate security of all our borders, especially the porous land borders. The law enforcement agencies should also be encouraged to arrest and prosecute any person associated with the circulation of illegal arms in the country." 21206,8725.0,786.0,[],[],[],es,125,[],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"La Asamblea Nacional anunció este domingo la inminente llegada de la ayuda con el apoyo de la Administración de Donald Trump y el Ejecutivo colombiano de Iván Duque. Tras pasar este lunes por Bogotá, será almacenada en un centro de acopio de la ciudad fronteriza de Cúcuta,principal vía de entrada de los venezolanos que migran a Colombiaen busca de oportunidades. Una vez allí, previsiblemente entre mañana martes y el miércoles, se producirá el primer intento de abrir un canal humanitario. El diputado opositor José Manuel Olivares adelantó que ""en pocas horas"" ya estará coordinando la recepción de esa ayuda con USAID, la agencia de cooperación estadounidense, y las autoridades del país vecino." 209733,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Prioritised problems and response approach: Climatic shocks, armed conflict and violence, as well as protracted and continued displacement, compounded by inequality, marginalisation and poverty have left 5.2 million Somalis in need of humanitarian assistance. This includes 3.5 million non-displaced people, 1.7 million people displaced by conflict, insecurity, droughts, and floods, 108,000 refugees/returnees and 42,000 refugees and asylum seekers" 389626,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"La línea verde continua, de la Amazonía, corresponde a 0.56% del promedio nacional y se encuentra por debajo de todas las demás curvas actualmente, e indica que cerca de cinco de cada 100 personas de la región han sido diagnosticadas. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta que hay tantas comunidades sin acceso a pruebas diagnósticas y que los casos informados en ran parte de este territorio es una “ oto ra a” de momento en el que se hayan tomado las pruebas." 356659,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El director de la Policía Nacional afirmó que el sistema disciplinario se encuentra desbordado por procedimientos relacionados con cuestiones menores que, según señaló, retrasan el avance de las investigaciones por infracciones graves. El director afirmó que estaba trabajando en una reforma orientada a mejorar los procesos por infracciones graves y transferir los casos sobre “graves violaciones de derechos humanos” a la Procuraduría, un organismo que debe ser independiente." 82599,22770.0,729.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"All assessed mahallas had functioning markets. However, a majority of KIs in 5 mahallas (Ain Zara, Mashroua Al Hadhba, Salaheddin, Al Wadi Al Gharbi, and Al Minshiyah), as well as in Suq Aljumaa baladiya, reported that recently displaced IDPs were unable to consistently access these markets" 319539,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"On 15th February 2021, 3,361 persons have been evacuated to Niger through the Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM); 645 are still in Niamey while 2,790 have already left Niger, and 116 departures are pending." 307774,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Nutrition services are provided in 17 facilities across Akobo County. During the reporting period, 3,262 under-five children and 2,200 pregnant and lactating women received nutritional support through 23 static nutritional facilities, 6 outreach sites and 3 stabilization centres." 199649,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The conflict is estimated to have led to nearly 400,000 excess deaths in South Sudan’s population between late 2013 and 2018, with around half of the lives lost estimated to be through violence." 67761,19750.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71782.pdf,"Condiciones de vida: apoyo para vivienda, hospedaje, implementos de higiene y elementos básicos como colchones, sábanas, etc. 42.418 beneficiarios." 155673,38514.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"Burmese Language Instructors visited 41,651 households to meet learners and caregivers and provide support for home-based learning. Education Sector partners shared audio awareness messages on COVID-19 and instructions for home-based learning to 21 language instructors, parents and community members in 28 camps." 224246,45763.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,57,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Il y a également [besoins les plus urgents à court terme] les articles ménagers essentiels tels que les moustiquaires, nattes, matelas, couvertures et ustensiles de cuisine ; soutien pour la réhabilitation des habitations endommagées et la construction d’abris temporaires pour les familles dont les habitations ont été complètement détruites." 298757,52631.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"Pour faire face à la pandémie, le gouvernement congolais par l’entremise du Président Félix Tshisekedi avait, en date du 23 mars 2020 décrété l’état d’urgence sanitaire qui sera par la suite renouvelé six fois, avec l’aval du Parlement." 192415,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Health partners have deployed over 1,000 rapid response teams (RRTs) in areas with a high concentration of IDPs , reaching over 4,000 IDP settlements by the third week of June." 162597,35727.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,65,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"Las consecuencias humanitarias de la violencia armada en el departamento se reflejan en limitaciones a la movilidad, restricciones al acceso de bienes y servicios, confinamiento y desplazamiento forzado individual y masivo, además de las víctimas por accidentes con artefactos explosivos, reclutamiento, utilización y vinculaciones de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA), y la explotación sexual laboral." 229606,44602.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Children are observed being covered with piece of clothes during sleeping. With the heavy rain now days and the coldness children are expose to other sickness that are friendly to cold weather. 166382,39992.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:q54CBLzNy3AJ:https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syria-coronavirus-outbreak-doctors/2020/09/24/95d9323a-fcea-11ea-b0e4-350e4e60cc91_story.html+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=jo,"Many cases need respirators, but there are no respirators. Many need oxygen [tanks]; there are none. They need to be admitted to the hospital, but there’s no beds,” he said in a telephone interview. “The hospital has been transformed: They stopped the other wings of the hospital, and the hospital’s entire energies have focused on corona and isolation. And still, it cannot handle this pandemic." 131840,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Los sistemas de atención de salud local tendrán el soporte para el tratamiento de aquellas condiciones médicas crónicas y para evitar el brote de enfermedades infecciosas. 130825,33838.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Las poblaciones en condiciones de vulnerabilidad no cuentan con la infraestructura mínima que les garantice permanecer en cuarentena (barrios informales, población rural dispersa sin acceso a servicios en los hogares)." 185015,40867.0,1900.0,['Education'],[],[],es,23,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/publicacion-covid-19-y-educacion-primaria-y-secundaria-alc.pdf,La cobertura de educación preprimaria es bastante heterogénea en la región. La cobertura en prescolar en Honduras es menor al 50% 406303,63610.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19082021_alerta_de_situacion_por_desastre_natural_en_bajo_cauca_antioquia._rv2.pdf,"Se requiere asegurar el acceso a agua para consumo humano suficiente en los albergues, así como sanitarios." 352587,57636.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,51,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3745773,"According to the latest report by the Tolima Department of Environment and Risk Management (CDGRD), one person died and approximately 250 people have been affected by floods that occurred in Guamo Municipality. A landslide event was reported in San Luis Municipality, damaging the road network." 338556,56250.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'WASH', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],fr,42,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Kabalo, Tanganyika] 29 130 sont en situation d’urgence ont besoin d’une assistance d’urgence pour couvrir leurs besoins essentiels en nourriture, eau, médicaments, logement et production agricole d’urgence." 198836,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Kinshasa reste l’épicentre de l’épidémie, avec 75,3% (9227/12239) des cas. Ensuite arrivent le Nord-Kivu et le Kongo-Central avec 9,6% (1174/12239) et 4,4% (542/12239) des cas, respectivement (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 358675,58655.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/economia/finanzas-personales/los-arriendos-ya-estarian-superando-el-covid-19/,"Y respecto a las casas, tanto en 2020 como en 2021 las más ofertadas fueron aquellas cuyo arriendo oscila entre los $3 y $4 millones, pero este año registra una caída del 3 % en el número de avisos publicados." 408615,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"The total number of homicides grew from 470 in 2013 to 792 in 2020, despite a national reduction in cases caused by the COVID-19 pandemic" 16520,6350.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Cross', 'Nutrition']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,125,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302710581,"DHALE, Yemen, 27th September 2018 (WAM) -- The Emirates Res Crescent, ERC, yesterday dispatched the first relief and food aid convoy to rescue the residents of Al Azariq District, Dhale Governorate, in Yemen. The urgent aid convoy, which was received by Major General Ali Muqbel, Governor of Dhale, included 1,500 food parcels and similar number of food supplements for children, and a medical team. The ERC was the first to respond to the calls of humanitarian organisations to rescue thousands of residents and children in Al Azariq, who are suffering from malnutrition, a lack of healthcare services and famine, and threaten their lives and require urgent intervention." 215223,45149.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/south-sudan/save-children-commends-government-s-decision-reopen-schools-south-sudan,"Attention should also be paid in rebuilding schools as 1 in 3 schools have been damaged, destroyed, occupied or closed and only 3.5% of girls are enrolled in secondary schools." 114114,31147.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Impacto sobre seguridad alimentaria y nutrición La inseguridad alimentaria es un área crítica ya que, según los datos recopilados hasta febrero de 2020, unas 600.000 personas se encontraban en inseguridad alimentaria en El Salvador," 494247,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, GoS, NWS & NES] Red Split Lentils: Broken down by region, Northwest Syria recorded the highest price at SYP 3,173/kg (up five percent m-o-m), followed by the Coastal region at SYP 2,922/kg (up six percent m-o-m). The Cross-border region recorded the lowest price of red split lentils at SYP 2,550/kg (up nine percent m-o-m), followed by Northeast Syria at SYP 2,631/kg (up six percent m-o-m)" 486401,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021,Aleppo, Idleb, NWS] The extent of shelter damages across NWS is significant. 27 percent of households report moderate damages and 2 percent report severe damages, as compared to the national average, where 17 percent report moderate damages and 1 percent report severe damages. More critical levels of shelter damage are reported in Aleppo (36 percent report moderate damages and 3 percent report severe damages) than in Idleb (19 percent report moderate damages and 2 percent report severe damages." 274156,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,[Vulnérabilité Économique] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages ayant un chef femme ont des dépenses alimentaires majeures de 75 % plus fréquemment par rapport aux ménages dirigés par les hommes (56 % contre 48 %). 287390,51747.0,2225.0,[],[],[],en,26,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COD_13.pdf,"According to the International Monetary Fund, in 2021, inflation is expected to decline, but to remain high, at about 8 percent." 221654,45323.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,62,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/calls-to-shut-schools-of-syrias-as-suwayda-temporarily-for-fear-of-coronavirus-spread/,"[December 10, As-Suwayda] More families have undertaken to prevent their children from going to schools. A student’s father told Enab Baladi that some parents stopped sending their children to receive education in the overcrowded traditional classes, with no less than 30 students, given the Syrian government’s recklessness to impose preventive measures." 495413,67230.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El principal centro de acogida temporal organizado es el CEBAF-Tumbes en la frontera norte de Perú con Ecuador situado muy cerca de Tumbes ( a 22 km). Este centro tiene capacidad para albergar un flujo de entrada constante de 1500 a 2000 personas por día sin embargo su infraestructura y servicios de agua, saneamiento e higiene es muy básica y precaria. Si hubiera un incremento significativo de llegadas su capacidad ser vería colapsada a pesar de que se cuenta con un plan de contingencia multi-agencial y multi-sectorial." 314806,54184.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/covid-19-en-rdc-debut-de-la-vaccination-lundi-allegement-du-couvre-feu-404666,"La vaccination contre le coronavirus est un sujet très délicat en RDC, où la méfiance envers le vaccin est répandue. Des nombreux messages évoquant des théories du complot sont régulièrement partagés dans les réseaux sociaux." 191321,43417.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],en,24,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/toxic-brew-instability-armed-violence-extreme-poverty-hunger-and-covid-19-putting,"It’s an economic crisis, as social spending decreases, inflation increases, and households struggle to pay for basic needs." 411359,63501.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/vacunan-contra-la-covid19-a-migrantes-vulnerables-en-asentamiento-villa-caracas/2794,"Los beneficiarios son migrantes venezolanos, retornados colombianos y población de acogida, mayores de 25 años. Los extranjeros deben tener situación migratoria regular, es decir, contar con Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP), salvocunducto o carnet diplomático, no importa que no esté afiliado a una EPS." 177566,41675.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/world-food-day-women-farmers-most-at-risk-from-covid-19-food-crisis/59065,"[16th October 2020, Bangladesh] Women already on the frontlines of the climate crisis are bearing the brunt of rising hunger due to Covid-19 as they skip meals so that their children can eat and face rising levels of gender-based violence." 257019,48672.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'WASH', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"UNHCR and its partners are providing assistance including emergency shelters, food, water supplies and protection services." 208170,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The needs are greatest in Jonglei, Unity, Upper Nile, Western Bahr el Ghazal and Warrap, with the prevalence of GAM passing the emergency threshold of 15 per cent. Young children, adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, older people, people who are ill or immuno-compromised, indigenous people and people in poverty are among the most vulnerable groups." 248543,46458.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In this context, the WFP reports that COVID-19 pandemic has caused price surges for staple foods such as oils and cereals of up to 20 per cent (OCHA 2020). Increasing food prices synergise with disruption to informal livelihoods to present severe risks for residents’ health: as nutrition is a key determinant of health, there is the risk that worsening food security will negatively impact the mortality rates of COVID-19." 234154,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] Out of the total 500,713 COVID-19 cases registered as of 20 December 2020, 87.4% (437,527) recovered, 1.45%(7,280) died and 11.17%(55,906) are active cases. In the epidemiological week 51, weekly average number of COVID-19 active cases decreased by 15%, in comparison to the previous week (58,485 and 62,592 respectively); during the same time, weekly recovery has decreased by 33.3% (16,631 and 24,936 respectively)." 384832,60266.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,38,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/pager_cifras_marzo_2021_nari%25C3%25B1o_revVF_LG.pdf,"Desplazamiento de población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela en el municipio de Argelia (Cauca), identificando aproximadamente 255 personas, 85 familias, quienes tras el hecho se desplazaron principalmente hacia Cali, Popayán e Ipiales" 339331,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Desde mediados de marzo de 2020 se registra el confinamiento de 11 comunidades Emberá Eyábida de los resguardos Río Murindó y Río Chageradó en Murindó. Según el censo actualizado en este momento se encuentran 2.179 personas confinadas, entre ellas 1.267 niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes20. Además, en septiembre se registró el desplazamiento de la una comunidad indígena Senú en el municipio de Caucasia21 donde resultaron afectadas 198 personas" 101242,29236.0,1621.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Covid-19_MT_Impact_1_20200516.pdf,"24% of migrants reported being unemployed during April 2020, an increase of 7% over Jan-Feb 2020 data3" 194428,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Ce 05/11/2020, 31 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 25 à Kinshasa, 5 au Nord-Kivu et 1 dans le Haut-Katanga (Annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." 492563,67939.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-sees-spike-covid-19-cases-fears-grow-new-wave-2021-09-22/,"[September 23, NWS]Many hospitals were already stretched to the limit of their capacity even though many cases were less severe than previous waves, officials say. ""The occupancy of intensive care units (ICU) for COVID-19 patients have reached close to 100%,"" said Issam al-Amin, the head of Mouwasat University Hospital, one of the largest public hospitals in the capital city of Damascus, with over 800 beds." 202196,44560.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,52,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/burkina-faso-l%C3%A9gislatives-le-parti-de-kabor%C3%A9-obtient-56-si%C3%A8ges-sur-127-ceni/2059487,"Au total, 96 partis, 5 formations politiques et 25 regroupements d’indépendants, soit un total de 10.652 candidats se disputaient les 127 sièges du Parlement. A l’arrivée, ce sont quinze partis politiques qui siégeront à l’Assemblée nationale. [scrutin législatif]" 197624,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Some media outlets, including Sudan Tribune, United Nations-run Radio Miraya, and Radio Tamazuj, have been blocked from time to time. Radio has long been a popular source of information for people across the country, including South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation, Eye Radio and Radio Miraya." 112065,29855.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography']",en,91,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201804%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report_WCA_v1.pdf,"The main nationalities observed were Nigerian (51%), Nigerien (37%) and Chadian (4%) nationals. The majority of travellers were travelling to Niger (64%, 3 p.p. less than I the previous reporting period), while 32 per cent were headed to Nigeria and 3 per cent to Chad (a 2 p.p. increase). The majority of travellers (68%) were coming from Nigeria, while 31 per cent were travelling from Niger" 286915,51627.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] While effects of school closures were not discussed separately from other forms of lockdown, as children in camps either attended unofficial camp ‘schools,’ formal schools in nearby villages, or worked to help their families survive without any additional education. Given existing educational constraints, only one participant highlighted the detrimental effects of school closures on children and young people in camps and that online education was not readily accessible, as worsened access was largely hypothetical." 328587,54710.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 56% of the households found with nutrition living Standard Gap (LSG). 14% was found to be extreme, 42% severe, 43% stress, 1% No or minimal." 113106,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Se ha realizado la entrega de dos módulos de lavamanos portátiles con sistemas de válvula de pie con una capacidad instalada para 200 personas/día por módulo, en el espacio amigable del sector La Parada en Villa del Rosario." 220467,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"A cumulative total of 2 933 cases have been confirmed and 59 deaths with case fatality rate (CFR) of 2.1 percent have been recorded, including 217 imported cases as of 1 November 2020." 276149,50671.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"la préférence donnée à l’éducation des garçons, les mariages forcés, la lourde charge des travaux domestiques et le risque de violence sexuelle constituent un frein à l’éducation des filles. Près de 19% des filles sont scolarisées au niveau moyen contre 41% des garçons. De cet effectif, le taux d’achèvement scolaire des filles au niveau moyen est de 9% tandis que celui des garçons est de 25%." 328758,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] 100% of the households found with Multi-sectoral needs. 18% found to be extreme+ severe, 52% extreme and 30% severe." 272832,50353.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,There is a critical need to scale up lifesaving GBV services and advocate for access to affected communities in hard-to-reach areas. 69523,19863.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/10/15/el-50-de-la-poblacion-infantil-en-venezuela-esta-en-riesgo-de-desnutricion-15oct/,"Durante una entrevista con el periodista Carlos Croes, el presidente de la Sociedad Venezolana de Puericultura y Pediatría (Svpp), Huníades Urbina, señaló que solo el 50 y 65% de la población infantil esta vacunada en el país. “Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud y OPS el ideal es mantener entre el 90 y 95% de la población infantil vacunada. Entonces si en Venezuela solo entre 50 y 65% de la población infantil está vacunada, imagínese que le está haciendo esto a la población”, explicó Urbina" 307814,52942.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,Onion: The average price increased by 0.7% compared to the third week of November. The increase occurred in: Nuristan (14%) and Nimroz (5%). The main reasons for the increase were higher seasonal demand and its export to Pakistan. Meanwhile price decreased in Takhar and Kandahar (5%). The main reason for the decrease was improved supply. 226698,45087.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"The interruption of agricultural income generating activities threatens not only income but food insecurity as crop cycles are missed, yields are low, supply systems are interrupted and inflation occurs." 147028,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"UNICEF have also expanded awareness volunteer campaigns to reach university campuses as they have reopened, and during national exams, supported awareness campaigns at 5,000 exam and accommodation centers hosting students." 162929,39647.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"Nutrition Sector partners provided Vitamin A supplements to 57,158 Rohingya children under five, reaching almost 39% of its targeted children. In the camps, Nutrition Sector partners trained 18,663 mothers on measuring Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) and referring children to the nearest integrated nutrition facilities; and trained 277 frontline workers on mobile nutrition, as part of emergency nutrition support provided in the host community and camps" 385115,60408.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En Chile, las ramas de actividad económica donde más ocupación de venezolanos existen son: la industria manufacturera, comercio, alojamiento; y las que ocupan los chilenos son: construcción, comercio, industria manufacturera, administración pública, y agricultura. Sin duda, existe una diversificación de sectores ocupados por los chilenos y pocos sectores donde se concentran los venezolanos, esto permite apreciar que la ocupación chilena es mayor a la venezolana, sin embargo es necesario obtener datos más concluyentes." 184758,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] Of these, 167 (34% of all cases among health workers) have been recorded in Hassakeh city. Transmission continues to be reported at health facilities across NES" 322137,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information]Two most common behaviours adapted to prevent COVID-19 spreading, as reported by households Stopping handshakes or physical contact (48%), Keeping distance from people (42%)." 303483,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Las acciones violentas responden a una amalgama de tramas que se ajustan y cambian según el género o la expresión de género de la persona; como se ha venido planteando, en el caso de de mujeres lesbianas, bisexuales y trans, están en un alto riesgo de enfrentarse a acoso, violaciones y vincu- lación a redes de trata de personas. En algunos casos, aseguran que también fueron víctimas de violencia sexual por parte de conductores y transeuntes, quienes aprovechan su estado de indefensión para cometer el delito." 63133,18817.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"HIGHLIGHTS  The United Nations continues to expand the delivery of humanitarian assistance, and to date has, among other achievements, vaccinated over 8.5 million children against measles; imported and distributed almost 350 tons of medicine and medical supplies to 41 hospitals and 23 health centers in 18 states; administered close to 85,000 preventative and curative treatments for acute malnutrition; and provided safe drinking water to over 185,000 people." 206832,44579.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,58,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] Very few households reported using severe coping strategies that affect the household’s future productivity and are dramatic or difficult to reverse. For example, selling productive assets, child labour, begging, and sexual exploitation are all self reported at less than 1%" 106434,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para los niños que pudieron observarse, la calle es el lugar de juego y exploración, es el espacio donde se desenvuelve su vida: en la calle se consigue el alimento, se relacionan con sus pares, acompañan a sus padres o cuidadores a trabajar, encuentran recursos para jugar (generalmente basura) y, en caso de cansancio, es el lugar donde hacen pequeñas siestas." 308165,53292.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Partners have pre-positioned food, nutrition and medical supplies in hard to reach areas of Aweil South in field locations for rainy season response." 339363,55942.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/bogota/la-campana-que-busca-eliminar-los-prejuicios-contra-las-venezolanas-article/,"Una encuesta de percepción realizada por Usaid demuestra que en Bogotá se cree que las mujeres migrantes abaratan el mercado laboral, pero lo que se evidencia es que reciben pagos injustos por su condición en el país." 63089,18663.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"The ICRC has ongoing activities, which include support to 28 health public hospitals and 8 primary health care structures and other projects in partnership with the VRC." 223268,44702.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,52,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"The crops planted this year have been submerged in water, e.g. groundnuts, sorghum, sesame, pumpkins, green gram/beans and other short-term crops that help during this hunger season. Most of the groundnuts have rotten since the ground has been waterlogged for nearly a month now." 274114,49666.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,98,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"D’autres facteurs perturbent la sécurité dans l’Ituri sont les suivants : 1) L’instabilité dans la partie Nord de la province du Nord Kivu qui affecte celle de l’Ituri en lui apportant son lot des déplacés qui fuient les tueries perpétrées par les Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) Nalu. 2) Les effets de la crise politico-militaires de ce pays, notamment l’afflux sporadique de réfugiés sud soudanais dans les localités proches de la frontière telles que Meri et Biringi (territoire de Aru)." 500703,60136.0,2074.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,55,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"- El 8 de febrero de 2020 se estimaba que 300 migrantes se encontraban en Pisiga con la intención de cruzar la frontera. En una visita a terreno realizada el 9 de febrero, la OIM identificó que la mayor parte de estos migrantes ya había logrado cruzar la frontera de manera irregular." 163677,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,"UNHCR’s four quarantine facilities (1,915 person capacity) also continue to host persons who have had close contact with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. Currently, 39 refugees are confined under quarantine measures." 194371,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Au total, 1 134 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 06/11/2020 dont 1 132 nouvelles ; 1 131 (99,7%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 121 (10,7%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." 41080,11894.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"The most commonly used means of payment across all baladiyas was cash. However, to cope with severe liquidity shortages, reported mainly in Al Aziziya and Swani Bin Adam, people also bought food on credit in marketplaces and, less frequently, used prepaid cards." 299132,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 2020, the HAG recorded 200 access constraints stemming from military operations and kinetic activity, compared to 93 incidents in 2019" 483343,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,61,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Desde mediados de agosto 2018, la exigencia del pasaporte como documento de ingreso al país y la anticipación de la fecha limite de entrada para el Permiso Temporal de Permanencia, a finales de octubre, intensificaron por varios días la llegada de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos, pasando de un promedio diario de 2,000 personas a 7,000 respectivamente." 222728,45949.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/noticias/luego-de-6-meses-numero-de-venezolanos-radicados-en-colombia-vuelve-a-aumentar,"De acuerdo con el jefe de la autoridad migratoria colombiana, del total de venezolanos radicados en el territorio nacional, el 51% serían hombres, mientras que el 49% restante, serían mujeres. Respecto al rango de edad de esta población, Espinosa Palacios afirmó que sigue siendo población joven, la cual se ubica, principalmente, entre los 18 y los 39 años de edad." 64733,18975.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,41,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/musicos-venezolanos-hacen-parte-de-orquestas-en-colombia/1514,"Los músicos y coralistas venezolanos y colombianos ultiman detalles. Algunos tocan de día en el transporte público o en las calles de Bogotá; otros son repartidores, vendedores de comida o estudiantes. En horas todos serán artistas." 233394,46495.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"La falta de documentación es una de las barreras más relevantes en el acceso al mercado laboral formal. Se considera fundamental apoyar a las instituciones en la promoción del Permiso Especial de Fomento y Formalización (PEPFF) con las empresas, así como orientación con el apoyo legal para su trámite." 304259,53037.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,64,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Il est probable que la situation de la sécurité alimentaire de l'environ 0,5 pour cent des ménages pauvres, dont la plupart vivent dans des endroits insécurisés et inaccessibles, qui n'ont pas cultivés au cours de la saison 2019/2020 et n'ont pas accès à l'aide humanitaire ni aux marchés, se dégrade davantage en situation d'Urgence (Phase 4 de l'IPC)." 275408,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les attaques des rebelles continuent sur les forces tchadiennes au nord du Tchad où les flux migratoires s’intensifient avec une estimation de près de 11, 561 migrants au Nord, à N’Djamena et au Lac. Le risque majeur reste les dommages collatéraux sur les migrants, voire les réfugiés en mouvements vers la Libye." 181013,42216.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/who-maintains-grade-3-health-emergency-north-east-nigeria,"Maiduguri, 30 October, 2020- Health emergency expert at WHO headquarters, Dr Jorge Castilla explained that the protracted nature of the crisis in the north-east Nigeria and continued attacks on healthcare facilities and workers continue to decrease access to healthcare service. “The eleven-year old insurgency in north-east Nigeria has resulted in deterioration of healthcare services, malnutrition and reduced coping mechanism for even populations in relatively more secure locations.”" 338564,56250.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,[43 915 DPI à Kalemie] Le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) offre une assistance cash en sécurité alimentaire à six des onze sites de déplacés situés en dehors de la ville de Kalemie. Les cinq autres sites situés dans la ville n’ont pas reçu d’assistance depuis mi-2019. 58252,17094.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,La institución asiste a las personas en las búsquedas laborales y deriva a la Fundación Mirares (ver más abajo) a quienes tienen interés en poner en marcha un micro-emprendimiento. 274127,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Consommation Alimentaire] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages dirigés par les femmes présentent des proportions des ménages en insécurité alimentaire plus élevées comparativement aux ménages dirigés par les hommes, suggérant que les ménages qui ont la femme comme chef, sont plus affectés par l’ insécurité alimentaire par rapport à ceux dirigés par les hommes, respectivement 85 % et 90 %." 208156,43347.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The FSNMS round 24 conducted in the lean season of 2019 reported that among under-five children the prevalence of GAM was 16.2 per cent, increasing from the 13.3 per cent reported in FSNMS round 22 conducted at the peak of the 2018 lean season." 35769,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,62,['At Risk'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Early marriage often goes together with early childbearing: 20% of women in Nigeria (45.7% in the North West and 8% in the South West) have had a live birth before the age of 18, with higher rates found among rural (38.2%) than urban (17.3%) adolescent girls (48)" 265727,49620.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,23,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Les professeurs continuent en effet d’être la cible de groupes armés au Burkina Faso, au Mali et au Niger." 314776,54247.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/20/covid-19-91-die-4-559-infected-in-24-hours,"[20th April 2021,Bangladesh] DGHS records 91 deaths between April 19 and April 20 across Bangladesh; death toll now stands at 10,588 Bangladesh has logged another 91 deaths and 4,559 new infections in the 24 hours to Tuesday morning. With the latest development, the death toll in the country stands at 10,588 and the total number of infections stands at 727,78." 197915,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"UNHCR enhanced risk communication to promote community engagement with emphasis on hygiene promotion, hand washing with soap, respiratory hygiene, care seeking and physical social distancing using preferred and accessible communication channels with emphasis on two-way communication and also ensured continued access to essential health services, through improving health infrastructure and provision of health services through building or re-purposing health, isolation and quarantine facilities, especially in high-density living conditions most at risk of spread and infection with COVID-19" 156013,37795.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,37,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Putumayo%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%2009%20%281%20al%2020%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Decreto 417 del 2020: Se declara Estado de Emergencia económica, social y ecológica en todo el territorio Nacional. Decreto 457 del 2020: Se decreta aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en todo el territorio Nacional." 334803,55843.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,66,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/05/17/shahriar-bangladesh-focusing-on-repatriation-bhasan-char-temporary-arrangement,"[17th May 2021, Bangladesh] Refugees: So far, around 20,000 Rohingyas have been relocated to Bhasan Chan under the government arrangement, said the state minister while talking to a small group of journalists, including the UNB correspondent, at his office. Most Rohingya refugees, some 740,000, fled violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State in 2017." 227502,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,29,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Cette stratégie de survie ne peut s’inscrire sur le long terme et pourrait se révéler d’autant plus dommageable en cas de nouvelle catastrophe naturelle. 136354,35143.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"AANES extended its 3:00 pm – 6:00 am curfew until May 11. Businesses and shops can open without restriction every day until 3:00 pm, except for restaurants, cafés, schools, universities, and houses of worship, which remain locked. Travel between towns and cities remains banned, except for farmers and vehicles transporting milk, medicines, food, sanitation goods, and oil products. Land crossings with areas outside AANES control remained closed." 198844,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Au total, 880 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 21/11/2020 dont 872 nouvelles ; 869 (98,8%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 163 (18,8%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." 209959,44790.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']",[],['Context->Economy'],en,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Attributed to food scarcity and chronic issues such as disease and inadequate access to health and nutrition services, malnutrition rates are high" 237248,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]The total number of samples collected is four thousand, seven hundred, and forty (4,740). One hundred and eighty (180) results are positive, four thousand, three hundred and seven (4,307) are negative, forty-two (42) for a repeat test and two hundred and eleven (211) remaining sample results are pending." 338672,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,123,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"School closures due to the pandemic all too frequently resulted in alternatives that were not accessible for children with disabilities, risking their exclusion from education. In at least half of the 147 countries surveyed by UNICEF in September 2020, governments failed to adopt measures to facilitate learning for children with disabilities, such as providing accessible instruction, devices, and materials. Even before the pandemic, children with a sensory, physical, or intellectual disability were 2.5 times more likely to have never been to school than their peers, according to UNESCO. The switch to learning using internet-connected devices often created access issues for children if the technology was not suited to their disability." 149558,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,79,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"Costa Rica, que no tiene ejército desde 1948, ha sido históricamente un sitio de refugio y asistencia a inmigrantes, como los chilenos durante la dictadura de Augusto Pinochet y los colombianos durante el conflicto armado interno. Más recientemente Costa Rica ha recibido flujos de venezolanos, cubanos, haitianos, africanos y centroamericanos que huyen de las pandillas. En total, en este país hay al menos 4.500 personas con estatus de refugiado." 385595,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,21,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Près d’1 million de personnes déplacées dans les quatre régions, dont 46,3 pour cent dans le Centre-Nord." 310804,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"ES/NFI Cluster : 0.8m reached out of targeted 1.2m, male 0.37m and female 0.41m that is 64%" 147871,36039.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Development has commenced in most camps with the tender process completed. During the reporting period, UNICEF continued support of construction of WASH facilities at the designated isolation centres in Areesha and Mahmoudli camps, in addition to their regular support to camps and collective shelters" 197870,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"These emergencies (poor health services, stigmatisation of refugees) coupled with the increasing impact of COVID-19 may result into higher case-fatalities and heightened protection risks amongst refugees and asylum seekers due to extreme poverty, congestion, overcrowded living conditions and limited health and WASH infrastructure." 302471,52890.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],es,55,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Según el estudio de Mazuera, Albornoz, Superlano y Morffe (2019), este proceso de movilidad humana está siendo facilitado, en parte, por las redes de movimientos mixtos que se han venido tejiendo, lo cual disminuye los costos del desplazamiento, así como los riesgos durante el tránsito." 147718,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As outlined in previous reports, UNDP is supporting rehabilitation at three hospitals. PUI has completed light rehabilitation of WASH systems at isolation centres in Dar'a and Deir-Ez-Zor. In addition in the report period, WHO further provided 16 ICU beds to the MoH, and delivered 85 tons of medical supplies by road from Damascus to Qamishili, to be distributed to various health facilities and health authorities for health partners in NES." 162603,35727.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",es,230,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"2. Restricciones al acceso y confinamiento. Se han identificado situaciones crónicas que afectan en particular a las poblaciones de los municipios del sur del departamento y la zona costanera. Según información y análisis del Equipo Local de Coordinación (ELC), en el transcurso de 2019 la población indígena en particular ha visto limitada su movilidad por el riesgo que representa la contaminación con minas antipersonal (MAP) y presencia permanente de GAO, situaciones que intimidan e imponen a la población restricciones al acceso de bienes e insumos en horarios específicos, especialmente entre corregimientos o veredas. Las consecuencias humanitarias de estas acciones se reflejan significativamente en la afectación de la seguridad alimentaria y los medios de vida de las comunidades, además de los retrasos en las intervenciones humanitarias. Por las mismas causas persiste un temor generalizado en la población rural, donde la AT 054-19 manifiesta un riesgo inminente de confinamiento para los habitantes de San José de Uré, tanto en zona urbana como rural, debido a los continuos enfrentamientos entre los Caparrapos y el “Clan del Golfo”. Las comunidades del sur de Córdoba, especialmente del municipio de Puerto Libertador, manifiestan control absoluto por parte de los grupos armados, lo que sin duda condiciona la dinámica social y las relaciones comunitarias." 64752,19061.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,64,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"Los indígenas saben que pueden estar viviendo en el mismísimo infierno y cruzan sus manos en ese relleno sanitario a la espera de que el paludismo, el dengue hemorrágico o la desnutrición los lleve a otra vida. Niños con la barriga hinchada por los parásitos, madres embarazadas, jóvenes, adultos y abuelos, todos están metidos entre los desechos." 320129,53234.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Testing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,128,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] The median age of tested and confirmed cases was 10 (0-120) & 18 (0-90) years, respectively and ratio of females among tested and confirmed cases was 55% and 53%, respectively. Though the median age of tested samples remained below 10 years, a significant proportion has been tested among 50+ years: 473 per 10 000 population, following that of 0-9 years with 603 tests per 10 000 population as highest number. The test positivity was highest 1.7% in 20-29 years age cohort followed by 1.6% in 30-39 and the age specific mortality 0.99 per 10 000 population observed among 50+ years during the period." 359770,58399.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In Kurigram district of Bangladesh, this trend has been highlighted during the KIIs with school head teachers, whereby the 2017 flood and the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously impacted on children’s education, especially girls. . It was identified that during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, 20 per cent of adolescent girls’ students of one head teacher’s school were married off." 176711,41684.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,47,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Protection%20Factsheet%20and%20Dashboard_Sep_2020.pdf,"[September 2020, Bangladesh] In light of the security environment and efforts to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, restrictions on movement have increased, which has impacted negatively on the well-being and livelihoods of refugees and members of host communities alike." 305822,50894.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"According to the preliminary findings of the state level post-harvest assessment carried out in November in South Kordofan, 2018/19 cereal production is estimated at 392,508 MT, near average but down from 483,399 MT for the 2017/18 season." 495129,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,53,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 25% de los migrantes que entran a Perú continuaran su viaje a Chile (90% desea establecerse allí) y Argentina (10%). Se prevé que para el año 2019 el flujo migratorio sea similar al del año 2018, en un contexto de reunificación familiar." 439195,63585.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000131067.pdf,"De juin 2021 à juillet 2021, le haricot a gardé sa stabilité en terme de prix nominal. La moyenne des marchés de la ville de Goma a basculé de 1213FC/Kg à 1217FC/Kg, avec un taux de variation de 0%. La principale causse pour cette stabilité se justifie par la disponibilité du produit sur les marchés locaux issus du début des récoltes de la saison B sur l'axe Masisi. La tendance reste à la baisse en comparaison avec la même période de l'année passée, le prix moyen passant de 1545FC/Kg à 1217FC/Kg, soit (-21%) comme taux de variation pour la période de juillet 2020 à juillet 2021." 180549,42290.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,84,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Victimes d’inondation : Dans la nuit du 04 au 05 septembre 2020, la région de l’Est dans l’ensemble de ses provinces a connu une forte pluviométrie qui a causé des dégâts matériels sur l’étendue de la région. Cette pluviométrie a provoqué des inondations avec la chute de 522 maisons désormais inhabitables. Au total 341 ménages dont 3013 personnes en sont victimes (sinistrées) reparties sur les 05 provinces de la région." 285009,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,33,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Between December 2018 and 13 June 2019, at least 208 protestors were killed, and over 2,000 protestors arbitrarily arrested and detained by the National Intelligence Security Service (NISS)." 207216,44693.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Tillabéri : Au total 144 enfants en besoin de protection ont été identifiés et référés dont 109 ont été directement pris en charge. 35 n’ont pas été pris en charge. Il s’agit des enfants à risque de ne pas aller à l’école. Il faut attendre la rentrée scolaire pour confirmer l’effectivité de leur prise en charge, c’est-à-dire lorsqu’ils seront inscrits à l’école." 199186,44310.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Dans le territoire de Lubutu, au Nord Maniema, une mission d’évaluation conduite par OCHA à fin octobre a conclu que plus de 50% des déplacés de 2018 et 2019 sont restés et tentent de s’intégrer localement. C’est plus de 37 000 personnes contraintes à la survie grâce à des activités précaires et dans des minerais artisanaux." 304058,50891.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"At the end of 2017, an interagency assessment led by UNHCR found that 78 percent of South Sudanese refugees resided out of camps, increasing the number of children that fell under UNICEF’s child protection responsibility." 293965,51273.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,87,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"[According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock (MAIL),] Meanwhile, casual labor wages have decreased by around 4 percent from July to November 2020 at the national level, in line with seasonal trends. However, wages were generally stable (decreased by 1 percent) between October and November 2020, at levels similar to the same time last year (3 percent below) and average levels (1 percent below)." 453866,64996.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_ICSM_Factsheet_Juin2021.pdf,"Comme dans les précédents COVID-19 bulletins conjoints des marchés, le prix du PMA est le plus élevé dans la région du Sud-Est (provinces du Haut-Lomami, HautKatanga, Lomami et Lulaba) du pays, son coût médian atteignant 211,167 FC14. Il y est supérieur à la médiane nationale dans 15 des 19 territoires de cette région où des données sont disponibles, et dépasse 300,000 FC dans deux territoires." 113013,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",[],[],es,34,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"o o Estructuras temporales para ampliar capacidad en alojamientos y aislamiento para casos positivos de COVID-19, según las normas de bioseguridad decretadas por las autoridades competentes y la OPS/OMS (Nariño)." 388258,60983.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3760201,"Durante la realización de este subcomité también se informó, por parte del municipio, del asesinato de Oswaldo Pérez, presidente de la junta de acción comunal de la vereda Mina Piojo, quien además ejercía desde hacía varios años como líder de la Federación Agrominera del Sur de Bolívar. Ante este hecho, la Unidad para las Víctimas rechaza los hechos ocurridos en la vereda Mina Piojo que han provocado el desplazamiento de su población y lamenta profundamente la perdida de este líder social que con su trabajo luchaba de manera pacífica por su comunidad." 413961,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The telemedicine service lies at the middle of the satisfaction level of the users. 13.2% of users were found to be satisfied with telemedicine service while half of the users expressed their dissatisfaction. Respondents from rural areas expressed more dissatisfaction over the telemedicine services than the urban level respondents (60.3% vs. 35.9%). Interestingly, 72.9% of the respondents wish to use telemedicine services in the future." 157261,38373.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,124,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"La resolución 918 del 19 de marzo de 2020, emitida a causa de la pandemia, suspende los términos de vigencia de los salvoconductos SC-2, pero excluye a los salvoconductos para los solicitantes de refugio12, lo cual expone a los solicitantes a riesgos de deportación y otros abusos por no contar con un salvoconducto al día. En algunos casos, en vez de entregar el salvoconducto para solicitudes nuevas de refugio, se han entregado constancias, que no son un documento válido para afiliarse al sistema de salud. Por lo que, recibir la documentación adecuada para inscribirse al mismo continúa siendo una prioridad para los solicitantes, más aún en el contexto actual de crisis sanitaria." 309059,53636.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[MAR 2021, NSAG] The top three type of shelter for returnees are 90% - finished buildings and 10% damaged buildings." 346871,56987.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Although regular health programming has since resumed and continues under the current guidelines, there was an immense breakdown in trust between the refugees and health providers due to issues around quality of services, staff behaviour at health facilities, patient confidentiality, and contact tracing." 203457,44605.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2019_Syr_HNO_Full.pdf,"[Syria] Up to 41% of the adult Syrian population has a non-communicable disease e.g. hypertension, diabetes, cancer" 272821,50353.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"Under the preventive programme for undernutrition in food insecure areas, 12,780 children (6,002 boys and 6,778 girls) between 6 and 23 months and 8,053 pregnant and lactating women (PLW) were reached under the blanket supplementary feeding program (BSFP) implemented by WFP partners. Two-month rations (November and December 2020) were provided to the beneficiaries under the BSFP programme. Nutrition inputs (ready-to-use therapeutic food, drugs & therapeutic milk) for SAM management for three months were prepositioned at regional headquarters in Bamenda and Buea to ease access by partners and avert any shortages." 94029,26519.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200302_Nextier-SPD_Policy-Brief-_Entrenching-Peace-1-2.pdf,"Another report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)2 shows that the insurgency, which has spilt into the Lake Chad region, has left about 7.1 million people in need of humanitarian support and about 1.8 million people from the Borno., Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states internally displaced." 358673,58655.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/economia/finanzas-personales/los-arriendos-ya-estarian-superando-el-covid-19/,"Por su parte, la mayor oferta de apartaestudios en arriendo en 2020 era de entre $500.000 y $600.000, y para 2021 era de $600.000 a $700.000. Pero se destaca que el rango que más crece es el de entre 1,9 y $2 millones, con un incremento del 67 %." 206635,43347.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Concurrently, 1.7 million people are experiencing large consumption gaps, reflected by malnutrition and excess mortality, or are able to mitigate these but only through emergency livelihood coping and asset liquidation (IPC Phase 4)." 304465,50891.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"On the 18th of December, UNICEF sponsored the Children’s Filmmaking Initiative Festival to show twelve short films about the rights of the children produced by 20 children from Kassala, North Darfur, River Nile state and Khartoum." 210338,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"However, owing to persistent challenges, including insufficient numbers of female teachers, deepening poverty and debilitating conflict and insecurity, 3.5 million children, most of them girls, are still out of school (UNICEF, 2018), and consistent systemic quality remains elusive." 159367,36576.0,1900.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,34,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Honduras%20-%20COVID-19%20Informe%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20No.%2013%20%28al%2011%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"54.000 familias atendidas por el PMA a través de asistencia alimentaria mediante entrega de alimentos, transferencias de efectivo y tarjetas de regalo, ubicadas en zonas rurales y urbanas de 9 departamentos." 237705,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"El artefacto pirotécnico involucrado con mayor frecuencia en las lesiones es el tote con el 29,0 % (296) seguido de cohete con el 12,9 % (132) y volador con el 12,1 % (123). El 69,0 % (704) de los casos corresponde a lesiones ocasionadas durante la manipulación del artefacto pirotécnico y un importante porcentaje de las lesiones se presenta en observadores con un 17,4 %" 173027,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,66,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La majorité d’entre eux (73,7 pour cent) vivent hors des camps ou sites et vivent notamment dans des familles d’accueil. 25,1 pour cent vivent dans des camps (six au total dans le pays) ou sites (une quinzaine sous coordination HCR et de nombreux sites spontanés). Enfin 1,2 pour cent habitent des zones urbaines." 126653,32569.0,1621.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,67,['Impact'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"By the end of April, authorities reduced lockdown hours. Consequently, numbers of observed migrant flows at flow monitoring points gradually returned to the same level as before the lockdown period. Overall, a slight decrease in the number of migrants present in Misrata was reported during the reporting period from 57.630 migrants in Round 29 to 56.947 migrants in the present round." 345440,56718.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,50,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.congodurable.net/2021/05/16/etat-de-siege-un-regain-de-soutien-aux-fardc/,"Sur les réseaux sociaux, par ailleurs, ils sont nombreux les Congolais qui appellent à l’action en faveur de l’armée. Certains ne manquent pas de critiquer des effets d’annonce, avec photos et simples paroles où ils veulent des actions concrètes." 181011,42216.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,105,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/who-maintains-grade-3-health-emergency-north-east-nigeria,"Maiduguri, 30 October, 2020 - The resolution to maintain the grading came out of a three-day Joint Operations Review of WHO’s health emergency response programmes in the north-east Nigeria conducted from the 26th – 28th October, 2020 in Maidguri, Borno State. The review concluded that risks for negative impact on health remained very high and have been further compounded by the country-wide ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. The capacity of the State Governments and supporting partners to mitigate the risks or respond to the health emergencies has been affected by recent reduction in national and foreign assistance funding." 219201,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) in partnership with Nomad Innovation laboratory has set up a COVID-19 dashboard for real data monitoring. Since March, the Federal Government and members states have initiated a number of responses to coronavirus." 197770,43603.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,114,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"While ensuring the continuity of critical WASH interventions to respond to the COVID-19 crisis and mitigate post-floods and cholera impact, putting in place preparedness measures for the next deyr season remains a priority for WASH partners, targeting in particular displaced populations in urban/periurban and at points of entry.. It is also important to continue implementing integrated WASH/health interventions, to jointly respond to COVID-19 and prevent a further increase in AWD/ cholera cases, as well as further raise awareness to prevent the spread of COVID19 through risk communication and community engagement, and support compliance to recommended measures through hygiene promotion, hygiene kit distribution and access to water." 188156,43352.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"18 October 2020: In Tin-Akoff, Oudalan province, Sahel region. the pharmacy at a health centre was looted and vandalized by suspected ISGS militants who also attempted to abduct a civilian." 189332,42844.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Solidar-COVID-Andean-ES2020-vv5.pdf,"Obviamente la situación descrita genera graves consecuencias para el ejercicio de los liderazgos sociales en el país, incrementando aún más el peligro en el que se encuentran las personas defensoras de derechos humanos, especialmente en las comunidades rurales, en territorios indígenas y territorios colectivos de comunidades afrodescendientes, ya que significa que las personas amenazadas quedan sin protección internacional y sin vigilancia social." 483292,67232.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"8.2.1 Decisiones tomadas acerca del cuidado de su salud Respecto a los aspectos relacionados a la salud del entrevistado, el 62,1% de los hombres toma la decisión consultado con su pareja, mientras que el 27,6% lo decide sólo y el 9,3% manifiesta que la decisión la toma su cónyuge; en las mujeres el 61% toma la decisión consultado con su pareja, el 35,2% decide sola y el 2,5% manifiesta que la decisión la toma su cónyuge." 74093,21139.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,108,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72308.pdf,"El mecanismo de coordinación para una respuesta a gran escala combina las respectivas responsabilidades obligatorias y la experiencia de los gobiernos locales, las agencias de la ONU, las ONGs internacionales y nacionales, la sociedad civil y las organizaciones religiosas para garantizar respuestas humanitarias, de protección e integración sólidas a las necesidades de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, así como de las comunidades de acogida afectadas. El mecanismo también garantiza que todos los actores respeten los principios humanitarios, las convenciones y leyes sobre refugiados, los derechos humanos de los migrantes y el principio de “no hacer daño”." 240700,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"Pro-Government Forces were responsible for 32 per cent of all civilian casualties during the first quarter of 2020, causing 412 civilian casualties (198 killed and 214 injured). Of concern, Pro-Government Forces were responsible for more child casualties than Anti-Government Elements during the first three months of the year and over twice as many child deaths7, mainly due to airstrikes and indirect fire during ground engagements" 61680,18349.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20sitrep%20-%20Aug%202019.pdf,"The presence in the information/orientation points in Rumichaca was reinforced, extending opening hours from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. Information was provided on migration processes and access to the asylum system. For people in need of international protection, identification and case receipt was carried out regularly. A basic life support ambulance for emergency cases was allocated to be in used at Rumichaca International Bridge for medical emergencies." 243453,47668.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,Moyen-Chari and Mayo-Kebbi est are the most affected provinces in the country with respectively 196 and 127 reported cases since the beginning of the pandemic. 85635,23447.0,1231.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,45,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"Priority areas of intervention identified for the platform in 2019 include health care, livelihood opportunities, information sharing and legal assistance. Respondents suggested the inclusion of the private sector and civil society organizations that engage with persons of concern in the platform." 383044,60359.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,157,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.sunnewsonline.com/strengthening-the-war-against-insurgency/,"[21st July 2021, Nigeria] As part of its contribution to curb the rising insurgency and general insecurity in the country, the House of Representatives has listed some far-reaching measures for President Muhammadu Buhari to tackle the menace. The recommendations, 19 in all, were made by the Special Committee on National Security, which was constituted following a summit by the House on insecurity, in June. The House, among others, urged the President to consider the use of private defence contractors for targeted security operations, especially to combat insurgency and terrorism. It also recommended a special training for 40,000 mobile police officers to improve their capacity to combat insecurity. It enjoined the Federal Government to deploy early warning systems nationwide, including installation of CCTV cameras and other surveillance equipment along major highways, public places, and major cities and the borders." 241978,47791.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,72,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Une étude de REACH menée au Sud Kivu et Tanganyika sur la fréquentation scolaire, montre une baisse des effectifs, notamment des filles, dans les écoles lors de leur réouverture au début de l’année scolaire 2020-2021 (confirmé par la CASS : 60% d’écoles privées 31% d’écoles publiques et ont rapporté une baisse des effectifs chez les filles lors de la rentrée" 240865,47106.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,27,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/89966/file/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Sitrep%2030%20Nov%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, Whole of Syria] November witnessed the first total closure of a school in Syria since the resumption of schools in September." 295301,51569.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,There’s a need to strengthen and establish of community-based protection mechanism and referral pathways in all the locations mentioned. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted) 221674,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,40,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,A cumulative total of $116 million was requested to boost the response and provide critical life-saving assistance to 1.6 million flood-affected persons in Somalia. Floodrelated requirements for 2020 have been incorporated into the revised Humanitarian Response Plan. 54066,16882.0,1378.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],Central America - Dengue Outbreak 2019,2019-08-09 22:51:53.645619+00,https://www.laprensa.hn/honduras/1307104-410/piden-mecanismos-prevencion-control-contra-dengue-honduras-,"Los ministros deSaludde Centroamérica deben establecer mecanismos de prevención y control del mosquito Aedes aegypti, responsable de la transmisión deldengue, que ha causado decenas demuertosen la región, dijo este sábado el Comisionado de los DerechosHumanosen Honduras, Roberto Herrera. Señaló que los responsables de laSaluden la región deben reunirse y plantear ante la comunidad internacional ""la necesidad de cooperación complementaria a los esfuerzos"" que los gobiernos realizan para enfrentar el brote de dengue en los países centroamericanos." 294067,51273.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,100,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"PROJECTED OUTLOOK THROUGH MAY 2021: In rural areas, most households will likely continue to rely on their food stocks throughout the majority of the lean season. Given average to above-average production and favorable livestock body conditions and livestock prices in most areas, most rural households are expected to meet minimum food consumption needs throughout the projection period. However, given expectations for below-average income, many poor households will likely be unable to meet their essential non-food needs, with Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes likely to persist throughout the projection period." 223016,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,74,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Recommendations: Donor countries and the United Nations should assist and encourage humanitarian mine action in Nigeria. This should include technical and financial assistance to Nigeria’s proposed mine action centre, as well as funding for civil society-led clearance, risk education, and victim assistance. Mine action should also remain a protection priority within the UN’s humanitarian response plan." 475477,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,95,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"les échanges avec les PDI ont permis d’identifier certaines conditions au retour, en toute quiétude, des populations déplacées dans les localités d’origine. Ces préalables se résument à la réouverture des services sociaux de base (36 %), au retour ou à la présence des agents de l’Etat ou FDS (29 %), à la reconstruction des habitats (14 %), au retour de la paix (14 %), et à un appui financier (07 %)." 55958,17094.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Más contemporáneamente, desde 2018, CAREF es nuevamente agencia socia de ACNUR en lo que respecta a la atención de personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas a través de su Servicio Social. En el marco de esta tarea, de las casi 800 personas que acudieron al Servicio Social en 2018, 51% provenían de Venezuela." 193830,43300.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Près de 4,6 millions de personnes souffrent d´insécurité alimentaire au Tchad, dont 1,8 million se trouvent en situation d´insécurité alimentaire sévère (phase 3 et plus) soit une augmentation de plus de 50% par rapport à celle de l´année 2018. Le niveau d´insécurité alimentaire est critique dans 68 départements y compris ceux des provinces du Lac et du Tibesti." 315245,53670.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,159,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Presque tous les pays africains ont fermé les écoles pendant une période prolongée à cause de la COVID-19 [...] La fermeture des écoles a des effets négatifs sur les résultats éducatifs, tels que les scores aux tests, l’apprentissage ajusté aux tests et le taux d’abandon. On estime qu’environ 6,8 millions d’élèves sont susceptibles d’abandonner l’école dans le monde et qu’un élève typique pourrait perdre jusqu’à 16 points au test du Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des élèves (PISA), l’équivalent de 6 mois d’apprentissage15. La perte de résultats de l’apprentissage devrait être pire dans les pays à faible revenu, pour les filles et pour les élèves des communautés plus pauvres, ce qui aggravera l’inégalité d’apprentissage liée au genre et au revenu" 155212,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"La mayoría cuentan con formación y experiencia en ventas, preparación de alimentos, culinaria, conocimientos y experiencia en panadería y en restaurantes." 106426,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,97,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Finalmente, en este territorio Colombia y Venezuela comparten acentos, climas, paisajes, rasgos culturales y económicos que han establecido una zona que más que ser una frontera cerrada, es un punto de confluencia de poblaciones similares. Esto, aunado a la extensión de la frontera, hace de La Guajira uno de los principales receptores de población migrante. Sin embargo, lo hace también uno de los receptores más vulnerables, dado que, además de sus condiciones de fragilidad estatal, recibe población migrante en condiciones de alta vulnerabilidad." 173022,40676.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,63,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les populations les plus affectées et les plus à risque sont : les populations urbaines des villes densément peuplées qui souffriront d’une détérioration de la sécurité alimentaire, de même que les ménages vulnérables ayant des membres affectés ou décédés du COVID-19, et ceux déjà vulnérables car affectés par l’insécurité alimentaire aigüe préexistante à l’épidémie." 228550,46627.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"One more positive alternative came from Balkh, where savings schemes are coming to support, underlining these as initiatives to continue to support in the future as a means of contributing to household resilience:" 16553,6344.0,322.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,45,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"Ongoing fighting in Yemen continues to place civilians, civilian infrastructure, and humanitarian operations at risk. The Protection Cluster recorded more than 240 security incidents that resulted in an estimated 300 civilian casualties in August, primarily in Al Hudaydah and Hajjah." 356651,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Las autoridades colombianas, incluida la Fiscalía General de la Nación, que adelanta investigaciones penales, y la Policía y la Procuraduría General de la Nación, que pueden impulsar procedimientos disciplinarios, han logrado avances limitados en relación con los abusos policiales contra manifestantes." 194705,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"On 21 June, convoys carrying supplies of food and non-food commodities to Gedo region could not be delivered, because of armed clashes between an Ethiopian convoy and AS militants. On 23 June, a suicide bomb exploded outside the Turkish-Somalia military training camp, in Wadajir district." 186641,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,7.5 MILLION Estimated Population in South Sudan Requiring Humanitarian Assistance UN – Nov. 2020 155215,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Un gran número de las mujeres entrevistadas ha recurrido al sexo por supervivencia, incluyendo menores de edad, resultado de lo cual algunas están embarazadas." 342106,55979.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/profil_zone_nord_kivu_mars_2021_vf_28_04_2021_v2.pdf,"2245 incidents de protection ont été enregistrés au Nord-Kivu, contre 1.243 en février 2021, soit 1002 incidents de plus. Les plus nombreux sont : Les extorsions de biens (535), les coups et blessures (412), les pillages (374), les travaux forcés (206), les viols (76), etc. 1019 incidents ont été commis à Masisi, 599 à Beni, 289 à Lubero, 169 à Rutshuru et 169 à Walikale." 141659,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,117,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 24 July, the Syrian MoH reported that 12,416 cases have been tested, with a current average of 226 tests performed per day. As detailed above, the GoS committed to establish laboratories in all 14 governorates. The increased capacity and decentralization of testing, including in NES, continues to be a priority for WHO to support. In NWS (as of 3 August), a total of 3,543 samples were collected from NWS, including 1,509 from Aleppo and 2,034 from Idleb. Some 1,551 samples have been tested since reporting of the first case from NWS, with a test positivity rate of 2.3 per cent." 386513,60787.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,42,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3758808,"De la acogida y auxilio a los desplazados es ejemplo la colombiana Fundación Renacer, que ha asistido a miles de niños, niñas y adolescentes sobrevivientes de explotación sexual comercial y de otros tipos de violencia sexual y de género." 188052,42884.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200815-rdc-coronavirus-reouverture-frontieres-aeriennes-maritimes,"Les autorités de la République démocratique du Congo ont officiellement rouvert, ce samedi 15 août, les frontières aériennes et maritimes du pays. Elles étaient fermées, depuis mars dernier, pour contenir la propagation du Covid-19." 57109,17184.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,42,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,Se presentó a la Trabajadora Social designada y se discutió un convenio de colaboración entre CAREF y la IELU. La reunión finalizó con la firma del convenio por parte de la Coordinadora de CAREF y el Presidente de dicha congregación. 197435,43603.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Accordingly, 88,613 children under the age of 5 years were admitted for severe acute malnutrition treatment." 223174,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Conflict between “Somaliland” and Puntland over control of parts of Sool and Sanaag regions continues, with hostilities around Tukaraq in Sool region. Both sides maintain troops deployed against the other along the front line." 190028,43443.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,125,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"{Provinces Bas-Uele, Haut-Uele, Ituri, Nord-Kivu, Tshopo} Les zones de santé de Monga, Bondo, Doruma, Dungu, Adi et Bitima qui accueillent des réfugiés sont en insécurité alimentaire aigüe. Ces zones sont difficilement accessibles du fait du mauvais état des routes et de l’insécurité liée à la présence d’éléments armés. L’accès et la disponibilité des vivres est limité du fait de l’enclavement de la région et les inondations détruisent fréquemment les cultures. L’approvisionnement de la province en produits de base est également limitée par les mesures sanitaires préventives de l’épidémie de COVID-19 et leurs impacts sur la chaine d’approvisionnement." 161662,39366.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/%d8%ba%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8%d9%8a%d8%aa%d9%87%d9%85-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%b1%d9%8a%d9%81-%d8%ad%d9%84%d8%a8-19-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a9-%d8%a8%d9%81%d9%8a%d8%b1%d9%88/395856/,"According to the statistics of SOHR, the number of positive cases have increased, since 9 of July until today, to 170 cases." 124311,30176.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,51,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"En medio de la emergencia del COVID-19, se han generado riesgos adicionales para las personas venezolanas, pues, aunque existe un conocimiento generalizado sobre lo que es el COVID-19 y las formas de transmisión, no hay claridad sobre los pasos a seguir en caso de presentar síntomas." 215614,45277.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"In urban areas:Implementation has been rolled out in over 850 communities. A total of 850 CPs were completed; 850 CDCs elected, 850 CDPs completed, and 944 sub-project proposals approved." 257070,48773.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.thedailystar.net/editorial/news/bangladesh-begins-covid-19-inoculation-2035265,"[28th January 2021, Bangladesh] The vaccination campaign against Covid-19 in Bangladesh began on Wednesday. It is an incredibly important task and we wish the government the best of luck in this undertaking. Bangladesh now has 70 lakh vaccine doses at hand, of which 20 given as a gift from the Indian government. In total, Bangladesh has purchased 3 crore doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine from Serum Institute of India, which will arrive in several phases." 172373,40929.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Borno and Yobe state]In August 2020, UNICEF and partners improved access to education for an estimated 35,369 conflicted-affected children (17,118 girls and 18,251 boys) through the provision of essential teaching and learning materials and training of teachers in Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Borno and Yobe states." 321054,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,106,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Les retournés s’installent principalement avec leurs amis/familles (63% pour les PDIs retournées et 76% pour les personnes retournées d’Angola). Au total, 13% des individus retournés d’Angola et 30% des PDIs retournées d’un déplacement à l’intérieur de la RDC s’installent chez eux (dans leur maison ou parcelle d’avant le déplacement)." 290909,51607.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2224-4220-2021-1405-eng.pdf,"As of epidemiological week 53 of 2020, a total 184 cases of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF), including 15 deaths (CFR 8.2%) were reported by the National Disease Surveillance and Response (NDSR) system of Afghanistan. Of all reported cases, 81 were clinically diagnosed while 103 tested positive for Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) by PCR testing." 340920,56137.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://minvivienda.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/recuperacion-del-sector-vivienda-se-mantiene-en-medio-de-la-pandemia,"Luego de conocer el resultado del PIB de edificaciones para el primer trimestre del año reportado por el Dane, el Ministerio de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio prevé un repunte para los próximos trimestres de 2021, teniendo en cuenta las medidas adoptadas por el Gobierno Nacional para enfrentar el COVID- 19 y los buenos resultados de los indicadores líderes." 345976,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"Para la semana epidemiológica 17 de 2021 se observó un aumento significativo en las muertes maternas tempranas comparado con el promedio histórico en las entidades territoriales de Antioquia, Arauca, Guaviare, Magdalena, Santa Marta, Valle del Cauca y Cali y disminución en la entidad territorial de Cauca" 141386,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,69,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Other priorities include the training and fast track appointment of new CHWs, the scale up of the provision of personal protection equipment (PPE) for CHWs, and the expansion of call centre capacity from three call centres to nine. The WHO mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) helpline established in April 2020 is currently receiving an average of 133 calls per month." 134112,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,33,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,Argentina también cuenta con un Protocolo Único de Articulación elaborado por el Comité Ejecutivo para la Lucha contra la Trata y Explotación de Personas y para la Protección y Asistencia a las Víctimas 165115,39657.0,2098.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000117581.pdf,"Movement restrictions threatens to disrupt agricultural activities, through labour shortages and high input costs, which could lead to acreage contractions and low yields in future, exacerbating vulnerabilities." 388622,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Il a été constaté également des cas de violences sexuelles dans la matinée du jeudi 24 juin 2021 sur quatre femmes à la recherche de vivres à Tchéla à 5 Km de Mansila qui ont été interceptées et violées par quatre membres d’un GANE. 206753,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]During the JMCNA assessment, three quarters (74%) of households reported primary barriers to accessing sanitation facilities. The two most commonly reported barriers being access (27%) and waiting time (16%). Waiting time was also the largest secondary barrier (18%) followed by latrines not being accessible to disabled persons (14%) and quality (13%)" 149594,31163.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,28,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/II%20Annual%20Report%20of%20the%20Regional%20Comprehensive%20Protection%20%26%20Solutions%20Framework%20%28MIRPS%292019.pdf,"Despite the changes in the context of forced displacement in the region, Costa Rica maintains its tradition of respecting human rights and of providing safety to refugees" 150575,34590.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"There are over 225 000 IDPs and refugees living in last resort sites, without reliable or sufficient access to essential services such as health, WASH and shelter. This comprises 118 879 people in 10 formal/ informal camps, 41 165 people in over 200 collective centres and 65 264 people in 142 informal settlements. Inadequate services limit the impact of population-level prevention measures, such as hand washing, and are likely to contribute to high infection rates if the virus is introduced to these settings." 261509,49211.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"Es de resaltar que en la vereda El Tigre II (Caucasia) y La Maturana (Zaragoza) no cuentan con acueducto o lo tienen parcial (media hora al día todos los días), y la comunidad accede al agua a través de nacederos sin aplicar tratamientos para garantizar su potabilidad" 149544,19030.0,1388.0,['Shelter'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,69,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"Vecinos de esta pequeña localidad de 12.000 habitantes, en el empobrecido estado de Roraima (norte), expulsaron a venezolanos de las tiendas de campaña donde sobreviven y las prendieron fuego junto con sus objetos personales. También cortaron durante cinco horas la principal vía de acceso al municipio a grito de ""fuera venezolanos"", según vídeos de las protestas divulgados por redes sociales." 386434,60870.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,42,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se identifican 6 docentes y 15 agentes educativos comunitarios que solicitan implementos o materiales para continuar las actividades escolares, elementos deportivos, etc. Los docentes muestran interés por acompañar procesos de atención a NNAJ en el lugar de alojamiento." 388850,61191.0,2098.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,44,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iscg_monsoon_response_flash_update_1_29_july_2021.pdf,"[29thJuly, Cox's Bazar] Road access blockages from landslides and flooding plus limitations on humanitarian staff entering the camps due to nationwide COVID-19 restriction measures have impacted aid agencies assessments, repair work of damaged infrastructure, and overall response." 149538,31674.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Environment'],es,56,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://www.acnur.org/noticias/briefing/2020/5/5ed0fac60/el-invierno-en-el-hemisferio-sur-agrava-las-dificultades-para-los-venezolanos.html#_ga=2.125053002.1141264734.1592514345-1359921981.1592514345,"En Perú, donde se esperan lluvias torrenciales y nieve durante el invierno, ACNUR ha priorizado su apoyo en las regiones de acogida de refugiados, como Cusco, que se encuentra a 3.400 metros sobre el nivel del mar y donde las temperaturas pueden caer muy por debajo de los cero grados centígrados." 82593,22770.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",[],[],en,31,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Food and sanitation were the top reported needs in these ad hoc shelters; local authorities had been able to fill some, but not all, of the stated needs" 295546,52365.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"Key informants reported that, due to the unprecedented nature of the current crisis, the community was not prepared for this crisis. However, community group participants and key informants underlined the widespread solidarity of the Colombian communities in the municipality. 43 of the 50 groups, or 86%, described the relationship between the host community and population from Venezuela with international protection needs as 'good' or 'very good'. Only at the Casa Campesina data collection point did participants mention that children have felt discriminated against." 299130,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"NSAG-TB started expanding towards the mains roads to disrupt the main supply chains, thereby limiting ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) capacity to support their personnel in remote areas." 172876,40676.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],fr,86,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Par ailleurs, l’épidémie de COVID-19 a un impact sévère en termes d’éducation d’urgence suite à la fermeture des écoles dans le cadre des mesures de prévention, avec des besoins pour 18 millions d’enfants de 6 à 17 ans en âge d’être scolarisés dans les zones affectées par l’épidémie (sur un total de 40,9 millions d’enfants en âge d’être scolarisés en RDC, soit 44 pour cent)" 358677,58655.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/economia/finanzas-personales/los-arriendos-ya-estarian-superando-el-covid-19/,"De hecho, uno de los lugares donde más crecen las búsquedas es Cundinamarca, con un alza del 38 % entre enero y abril de 2021 respecto al mismo período de 2020; le siguen Armenia (36 %), Bucaramanga (26 %), Cali (14 %), Santa Marta (12 %) y Bogotá (10 %, pero es donde más se publican avisos). Y las viviendas de estratos 3 y 4 fueron las más buscadas, al igual que las de 51 a 60 m2 de área." 125364,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,99,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Bangladeshi migrants reported reaching Libya through three main routes. More than a third (39%) travelled to Turkey first before entering Libya and reported spending on average 3,345 USD per person. A smaller proportion (17%) reported coming to Libya via the UAE and then Egypt and spending on average 4,200 USD per person. A minority (9%) travelled to Libya by air and their journey cost on average 2,640 USD per person. The rest (35%) reported having reached Libya through a variety of routes." 490037,67394.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,108,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: 36 943 people received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine during the first round of COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the Rohingya refugee camps, which reached 86% of the target population. • WHO Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) team provided support to Immunization and Vaccine Development (IVD) team for the documentation of COVID-19 vaccination program in the refugee camps. • The Government of Bangladesh has received approval from the International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision to launch an OCV vaccination campaign for Rohingya refugees." 308292,53353.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[13 APR 2021, GOS] As-Sweda, Aleppo, Dar'a, Hama, Homs governorate and its subdistricts had little to no communities implementing COVID-19 mitigation measures such as closure of public spaces, social distancing, lockdown, prohibition of gatherings, etc." 219999,45769.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"De même, vue la distance entre le site et l’ecole, les enfants arrivent souvent en retard et sont battus mais malgré cela, ils ne sont pas autorisés à suivre les cours." 300898,51949.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Environment']",fr,84,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"Le Sahel est la région du monde la plus touchée par le changement climatique avec un scénario d'augmentation de la température de 3 degrés par rapport à la moyenne mondiale de 1,5 degrés d’augmentation d'ici 2050. Environ 80% des terres agricoles du Sahel sont dégradées en raison du réchauffement climatique. Il en résulte une concurrence locale accrue pour les ressources naturelles, en particulier pour la nourriture et l'eau. C'est l'une des causes profondes directes du conflit." 172891,40676.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,78,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"[4] Les groupes de population les plus à risque face à l’épidémie de COVID-19 en raison de leurs vulnérabilités et leurs capacités d’adaptation sont les suivants : • Les personnes à faible revenu (en particulier les travailleurs journaliers, petits producteurs agricoles, petits commerçants et des groupes similaires du secteur informel)• Les personnes ayant des contacts sociaux fréquents et effectuant des mouvements pour leur travail/ activités de subsistance" 220932,45369.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,50,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/stop-aux-mutilations-g-nitales-f-minines-faire-ensemble-du-burkina-faso-un,"Au Burkina Faso, cette pratique [mutilations génitales féminines (MGF)] est illégale. Et pourtant, elle fait encore chaque jour des victimes parmi les femmes et les filles. Les normes sociales et la pression des pairs jouent un rôle majeur à cet égard." 224178,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Face à l’ampleur des dégâts [pluies diluviennes provoquant d’importantes inondations depuis le mois de juillet 2020], la coordination inter cluster (ICC), lors de sa réunion du 23 septembre, a recommandé le déploiement rapide d’une mission conjointe d’évaluations multisectorielles (agences et services techniques étatiques)." 197434,43603.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The continued provision of treatment and preventive nutrition services is still taking place: 296,387 mothers and caretakers of children 6 to 23 months received individual infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counselling." 205802,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,17,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Financial stress among IDP families can increase exposure to protection risks, particularly for women and girls" 24795,9808.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/03/1034301,"This year, the UN agency is appealing for more than $730 million to help more than nearly three million Venezuelans and host communities in 16 countries." 579,156.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,111,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"One of the most widespread issues affecting households was housing damage, with 18.2% reporting living in a shelter with some form of damage, and returnee and IDP households being more affected (respectively 73.6% and 54.0%). The most affected locations were Benghazi, Derna city and Ghat. In the two former locations, returnee households were particularly affected, coming back to areas having witnessed intense fighting. Irregular access to electricity was a challenge for many households (74.9%), with average daily electricity cuts of 4 hours, rising as high as 7 hours per day in Tripoli." 264358,49222.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,84,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,"Las dinámicas de los grupos armados cambian según la zona geográfica en la que se encuentran, espacialmente si no existe otro grupo armado organizado en el territorio las acciones violentas disminuyen, como sucede en el Caquetá; la región del Catatumbo donde al parecer existe un cese al fuego entre el EPL y el ELN no se ven constantes acciones armadas, caso contrario sucede en el Chocó, Nariño como lo afirma la Fundación Paz y Reconciliación (Pares)." 248942,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,163,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Au courant du mois de décembre, entre le 2 et le 22, à la veille des fêtes de fin d’année, sur la route les menant au marché de Salamabila, ce sont au total 26 femmes et jeunes filles qui ont ainsi été surprises puis violées. Mais lorsque l’on sait que dans la plupart des cas, les survivantes, craignant la stigmatisation et/ou le rejet, gardent le silence sur ce qui leur est arrivé, l’on ne peut que simplement avancer l’hypothèse que beaucoup plus de femmes ont pu être violées dans ce laps de temps. D’ailleurs, des sources sur place signalent plus de 200 cas de viol enregistrés entre octobre et décembre 2020 et 56 entre le 1er et le 19 janvier 2021 qui mériteraient de diligenter une mission d’évaluation rapide à Kabambare, dans le secteur de Bangubangu / Salamabila." 304483,50889.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"In Khartoum’s ‘Open Areas’, successive distributions of NFIs in 2018 and 2019 to refugees and host communities has addressed some NFI gaps; however, restrictions on shelter provision there means most refugees are living without adequate shelter" 221738,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Those seeking to leave Al-Shabaab-controlled territories and those who have fled to government-controlled areas are often subjected to retaliatory attacks. Information on the humanitarian situation in those areas, as well as in areas controlled by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), is difficult to verify." 240554,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,106,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"Throughout the first quarter, ground engagements were the leading cause of civilian casualties causing almost one-third of the overall total, followed by targeted killings and non-suicide IEDs. Targeted killings were the leading cause of civilian deaths. Civilians living in Kabul, Balkh and Faryab provinces were most affected (in that order). The number of civilian deaths attributed to Anti-Government Elements – particularly the Taliban – increased by 22 per cent in the first quarter of 2020 as compared to the same time period in 2019, mainly due to a disturbing increase in targeted killings and summary executions." 740,156.0,321.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,42,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Across all assessed mantikas, 47.5% of adults were employed in some capacity. This proportion encompassed the 38.0% of adults employed in a permanent job, 6.3% in a temporary job and 3.2% in daily labour." 340714,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"La atención diferenciada a estudiantes de comunidades afrodescendientes es mucho más reciente y tiene un desarrollo aún incipiente en la región. Solo algunos países como Colombia, Ecuador y, en menor medida, Guatemala, han desarrollado algunas experiencias educativas orientadas a estudiantes de este grupo poblacional, pero que están todavía en fase experimental, por lo que no se han convertido en políticas educativas permanentes que lleguen a todos." 437167,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso connait, depuis quelques années, une croissance du volume de ses échanges extérieurs. Les importations et les exportations de marchandises se sont accrues respectivement de 19,0% et 17,3%, au quatrième trimestre 2020." 328656,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per WASH LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 43% for severe and lowest was 1% for no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per WASH LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 49% for severe and lowest was 3% for no or minimal." 211281,44790.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",en,63,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Lack of education and skills for many RAS (Refugee and Asylum seekers) reduces the chances for economic opportunities. As a result, they engage in informal manual labour, that further exposes them to abuses from the host community. Military operations by security forces, inter-clan clashes and natural disasters may worsen the protection environment in return areas." 330786,53078.0,2333.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"La région [Tillabéri] a encore besoin de 86 salles de classes (en raison de 35 élèves par classe), 302 dortoirs (10 élèves par dortoir), 70 bornes fontaines (soit 1 borne fontaine par classe) et 70 latrines (soit 1 latrines par classe). Des besoins en biens non alimentaires et en nourriture (ration d’un trimestre) ont été également exprimés pour ces écoles." 278629,50856.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021, GoS & NE Syria] The average selling price of bread increased in Tartous at 150 SYP per pack (20 percent m-o-m increase), the highest selling price was recorded in Hasakeh governorate at 320 SYP per pack." 339507,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Se requieren pruebas de antígeno para COVID-19, 2.000 tapabocas en tela antifluido para comunidades vulnerables, kits de alimentos no precederos para personas en aislamiento, alcohol, gel antibacterial, jabón antibacterial, lavamos portátiles11. Apoyo por parte del EHL para retomar actividades de sensibilización y educativas en temas de prevención y mitigación del riesgo frente al COVID-1912." 311483,53762.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"In parallel, UNHCR will provide a technical assistance to the PACT in the acquisition and provision of NFIs to more than 400,000 beneficiaries among the most vulnerable IDPs and host communities in the regions targeted by the HRP 2021 regions." 357900,58570.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/N2111312.pdf,"Un total de 69 niños y niñas (48 niños y 21 niñas) fueron asesinados (48) y mutilados (21) por autores no identificados (36), grupos disidentes de las FARC -EP (18), las AGC (7), las Fuerzas Armadas de Colombia (4), Los Caparrapos (3) y el ELN (1). Las muertes y las mutilaciones fueron provocadas por disparos de armas de fuego (49), minas terrestres (12) y artefactos explosivos improvisados (8)." 207248,44693.0,2333.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,25,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"À Abala et Banibangou, sur les sites de PDI, l’insuffisance de l’eau et le manque de latrines persistent." 276989,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,[impact de la fermeture des écoles] Les personnes ayant des enfants qui ne peuvent plus aller à l’école ont du mal à trouver des moyens de s’occuper d’eux tout en allant travailler ou en faisant leur travail à distance. 473209,67204.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,98,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"En marzo, cuando se cumplió un año de la pandemia, desde NiñezYA informamos sobre el aumento del 47 por ciento del maltrato infantil así como el incremento en un 24,1 por ciento de los hogares que consumen menos de tres comidas al día. A esto se suman los problemas para estudiar por falta de conectividad, el estrés familiar, el riesgo de matrimonios infantiles y de incremento del trabajo infantil. También alertamos sobre los casos de orfandad. Nuestra conclusión fue: la pandemia tiene en crisis los derechos de la niñez." 306180,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,56,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The goat-to-sorghum ToT have declined 10 to 15 percent between June and November 2018, and currently the sale of a goat can purchase around 100 kg of sorghum, compared to 110 kg in June This ToT is almost 45 percent lower than last year and 55 percent lower than the recent five-year average." 494237,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Homs & Deir-ez-Zor] Homs recorded the highest average price of a two-year old alive male sheep at SYP 627,429/head (up three percent m-o-m), while Deir-ez-Zor recorded the lowest price at SYP 433,333/head (down three percent m-o-m)." 269687,49808.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,46,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"La population burkinabè est caractérisée par sa forte croissance et sa jeunesse. En effet, elle est passée de de 5,6 millions d’habitants au recensement de 1975 à 14 millions d’habitants au recensement de 2006 (INSD, 2006)." 175454,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,53,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"La COVID-19 n’a épargnée aucune de 13 régions du pays. Le Burkina Faso est de plus en plus exposé aux effets des changements climatiques mondiaux. A ce jour, le pays occupe la 22e place sur 234 pays,11em dans le classement selon l’Indice de vulnérabilité environnementale." 147865,36039.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Through funds received by the OCHA COVID-19 reserve SHF allocation, WFP, as lead agency of the Logistics Cluster, is now providing access to an UNHAS service, including air cargo transport, from Damascus to Qamishli." 238909,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]Four hundred and sixty-five (465) samples were collected in week 49. This represents a consistent increase in sample collection and testing over the past few weeks. Eight (8) samples tested positive, three hundred and forty-four (344) are negative, and the results of the remaining one hundred and thirteen (113) samples are pending." 238923,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,56,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]The percentage of contacts that were confirmed positive is 13.0%. Ten (10) contacts have completed 14 days of monitoring without symptoms in week 49 Fifty-three (53) additional contacts were line-listed by the contact tracing teams in Fika, and Nguru LGAs." 283059,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The school closure has disrupted the learning of over 1.1 million children. This will have a negative impact not only on children’s right to education but also on other human rights including the right to food and nutrition 219981,45769.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"La détérioration de la situation sécuritaire dans les iles du Lac Tchad a entrainé le déplacement de plus de 3500 déplacés internes et des demandeurs d’asile composés en majorité des femmes et des enfants, en provenance des villages insulaires du Tchad à savoir : Dabantchali, Tetewa, Kinasserom, Bikerom et Koulfoua et du Cameroun (Kofia, ile de Darak et Bolorom) dans le département de Mamdi Sous-préfecture de Bol entre aout 2019 et janvier 2020." 238428,47405.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"Otra de las características de esta migra- ción reciente es que, el 55,2 % (i.e. 946.624) de los migrantes venezolanos radicados en el país se encuentra en condición irregular, al haber ingresado al país por pasos no permitidos, no haber realizado control migratorio, superar el tiempo de permanencia en el país o no contar con la documentación o visado requerido para permanecer en el país2" 356889,58097.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,28,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210430_drc_factsheet_avril_2021_fr.pdf,"Depuis le début de l’année 2021, près de 307 000 personnes en situation de déplacement interne ont été recensées en République Démocratique du Congo." 304343,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Just 69 per cent of school-aged children are enrolled in school, and retention rates are low" 227055,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] attributed 392 civilian casualties (132 killed and 260 injured) to ISIL-KP [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Khorosan Province], seven per cent of the total civilian casualties. This represents a drop of 61 per cent in civilian casualties attributed to ISIL-KP in comparison to the first nine months of 2019, mostly due to fewer civilian casualties from ISIL-KP suicide and non-suicide IEDs and ground engagements." 114713,29972.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77048,"CAI (Centro de Atención Integral) organizado por ACNUR, en donde se proveía a migrantes albergue temporal y asistencia de diversas organizaciones. Fueron por información y días después se les concedió acceso para un espacio con techo, tres comidas al día, asistencia a salud, educación para sus hijos y atención médica para su embarazo." 194366,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 355 776 voyageurs internationaux et 3 575 321 voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter 60 et 350 alertes et de confirmer 21 et 20 d’entre elles, respectivement." 293907,52076.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Economic activity has been heavily impacted by the conflict. Displacement meant a loss of resources for food self-reliance. It primarily affects the access to a land to cultivate, the loss of livestock and of the family’s productive assets." 134120,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,95,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"La SENAF brinda atención directa en la restitución de derechos. Sus acciones están dirigidas a proteger los derechos de niños y niñas que atraviesen situaciones críticas a nivel familiar, social, jurídico o económico (víctimas de violencia, trata de personas, tráfico y trabajo infantil), promoviendo y fortaleciendo la permanencia en su ámbito familiar y comunitario. También brinda apoyo a las víctimas migrantes de trata de personas que deseen retornar a sus países de origen (en algunas ocasiones, con el apoyo de la OIM)." 164633,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"In Cross River state, UNICEF supported the training of 180 LGA and state PHC health care workers on vaccine security and infection prevention and control. In Enugu state, UNICEF supported the second batch of integrated training on case management, IPC and surveillance for 40 frontline health care workers, bringing the total number of trained health care workers to 100. In Kebbi state, UNICEF supported the training of 300 community volunteers on contact tracing and 312 Community Health Extension workers on infection prevention and contro" 114153,31147.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,42,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El impacto económico por la paralización de la actividad empresarial en el país debido a la COVID-19 podría rondar los $100 millones diarios, según estimaciones hechas por la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de El Salvador (Camarasal)." 194823,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,33,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In addition to still facing the needs identified in the original 2020 HRP, Somalis are experiencing new challenges and constraints related to the triple threat, for which funding is urgently required" 437210,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Le pays a enregistré un excédent commercial amorcé depuis le 2è trimestre 2020. Au quatrième trimestre, le Burkina Faso a importé des marchandises d’une valeur de 645,5 milliards de FCFA et en a exporté pour un montant de 718,1 milliards de FCFA. Par rapport au troisième trimestre, cela correspond à une augmentation de 19,0% et 17,3% respectivement pour les importations et les exportations." 175056,40904.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,43,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep_Antioquia_Junio_V2_%282%29_VF.pdf,"La Alcaldía de Medellín ha atendido a más de 2.500 personas, 61% de los cuales correspondía a personas con nacionalidad venezolana en tres alojamientos temporales, y ha facilitado el transporte humanitario de 1.413 refugiados y migrantes a la frontera colombo-venezolana" 217563,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"For the first time, 11 major towns of selected provinces were also analyzed, to assess the specific vulnerabilities of urban households. Across the urban areas, around 2.48 million people (34%) are classified in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and above, of which 834,000 people (11%) are classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency)." 247985,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Site Darkani, Court terme = Construire 3 forages équipés de pompes à motricité humaine ; Restructurer et renforcer les capacités du comité de gestion des points d’eau existant / Moyen terme = Construire 3 forages à motricité humaine ; Mettre en place de nouveau comite de gestion des points d’eau et renforcer leurs capacités / Long terme = Faire la promotion de construction de 1000 latrines (un ménage-une latrine)" 163120,35785.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,76,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20r%C3%A1pida%20de%20mercado%20%E2%80%93%20Junio%202020%20%28segunda%20ronda%29%2C%20Subgrupo%20an%C3%A1lisis%20de%20mercados%20y%20necesidades.pdf,"• El acceso a la tienda continúa siendo percibido como limitado, pues el 49% de los consumidores reportó haber experimentado falta de acceso a la tienda o mercado habitual en los 7 días previos a la recolección de datos. Tanto para acceder a la tienda o mercado, como para comprar alimentos, la principal barrera informada fue la falta de recursos financieros (62% y 79%, respectivamente)." 318938,54628.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Some male participants think they are being provided with an inadequate quantity of medicine and that their health concerns are not being met. Participants said they get paracetamol and oral rehydration salts (ORS) which do not solve gastric problems, blood pressure and diabetes, and that people with chronic conditions are struggling to get proper treatment. Additionally, they said that these general medications are being given to burn victims as well." 202035,44071.0,2330.0,[],[],[],es,112,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"OIM realizó un barrido en 23 albergues en Izabal (17 en Morales y 6 en Puerto Barrios) de un total de 36 existentes (19 en Morales y 17 en Puerto Barrios) – datos de 13 y 14 de noviembre. Se realizaron entrevistas presenciales con la persona o el grupo encargado de la gestión del albergue. Los datos preliminares de 14 albergues son: Niños, niñas y adolescentes menores de 18 años: 42% Hombres adultos de 18 a 59 años: 26% Mujeres adultas de 18 a 59 años: 24% Personas adultas mayores de 60 años o más: 9%" 304823,53078.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Selon les résultats de l’enquête [SMART 2018], deux départements affichent des prévalences de MAG au-delà du seuil critique de 15%, soit 20,7% à Mainé Soroa et 16,6% à N’Gourti alors que la MAS se situe à 4,3% et 1,7% respectivement." 796,156.0,321.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,110,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The highest drop-out rates were found among school-aged children from IDP households in Benghazi (5.3%), Misrata (6%), Tripoli (6.4%), Sebha (6.6%) and Al Margab (8.9%). For those IDP households, the main reasons cited were inability to afford educational services (42.2%) and inability to continue their children’s education due to displacement (24%). 66 This could highlight particular economic vulnerabilities faced by IDP households, who tend to be in more precarious economic situations and may be unable to afford educational services." 388592,61080.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,62,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Il y a aussi des PDI venus de Takatami dans la commune de Boundoré au nombre de 45 personnes dont 09 femmes, 17 filles, 14 garçons et 05 hommes et de Niatana et Kirgou au nombre de 57 personnes dont 16 femmes, 11 filles, 19 garçons et 11 hommes qui ont accueillies dans la commune de sebba." 163561,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,21,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Promoción de retornos voluntarios de la población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela por la Gobernación, Alcaldías y Migración Colombia." 305069,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Over 90 per cent of CAR refugee children are out of school due to lack of schools in areas where they have settled and families’ inability for families to pay for school fees. 238835,47327.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,27,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/politica/los-paises-donde-estan-los-migrantes-venezolanos-en-america-latina-2021-560544,"Así está la distribución de los migrantes venezolanos en la región, en enero de 2021, según ACNUR: 1. Colombia (1.7 millones)" 345207,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[IDP] A Kananga, Kasai Central, UNHCR organized a capacity building session on international protection targeting 20 police officers. The aim of this activity was to prepare them for deployment to assist UNHCR operations (cash and core relief items distributions, awareness raising activities etc)." 134114,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,137,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Otra normativa relevante en el país es la Ley Nº 27.508, sancionada en junio de 2019, que crea el Fondo Fiduciario para Asistencia Directa a Víctimas de Trata de Personas. Esta iniciativa instrumenta el artículo 27 de la Ley Nº 26.842, que establece el destino exclusivo de los decomisos del delito de trata de personas para el resarcimiento a las víctimas. El fondo permite que el dinero en efectivo y el producido de la venta de bienes decomisados en procesos judiciales por el delito de trata de personas, incluso aquellos formalizados por medio del delito de lavado de activos, sean destinados exclusivamente a restituir los derechos de las víctimas. Fuentes gubernamentales entrevistadas afirman que, pese a su reciente sanción, la ley ya ha comenzado a implementarse." 134721,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Ahora bien al analizar los subsidios entre 2015 y 2019, tanto del Fondo Solidario de Elección de Vivienda (vivienda definitiva) como de Arriendo que han sido entregados, encontramos particularidades. En lo que respecta al primero (Tabla 5), un porcentaje mínimo ha sido adjudicado por parte de familias migrantes. Del total de subsidios adjudicados (110.930) solo 2,2% se destinó a población migrante (" 322183,54747.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[Accountability to Affected Populations] 8% of households reported having experienced barriers in accessing aid in the 30 days prior to data collection. Among those households, the most commonly reported barriers were lack of information (60%), physically unable to access points of aid distribution (47%), physically unable to access points of aid distribution (24%)." 199189,44310.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,Les maladies hydriques et la fièvre typhoïde y sont fréquentes [provinces du Sud-Kivu et Maniema] à cause de la mauvaise qualité de l’eau de consommation. 226190,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Parmi ceux dont l’information a pu être collectée, 36,3% (1719/4741) des cas étaient asymptomatiques à la notification. Par ailleurs, 23,0% (276/1202) des cas présentaient au moins une comorbidité au moment du diagnostic, en majorité l’hypertension artérielle et le diabète." 335526,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Despite of low infection in higher age groups the case fatality ratios are getting increased. Almost 22% of deaths is recorded in age group of >70 years. 209945,44790.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The non-IDP population (due to lack of services) are also affected by drought and chronic food insecurity, leading to malnutrition, which is a pre-disposing factor to medical diseases and complications" 276978,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,55,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"La Covid-19 a eu des répercussions économiques dans toute la RDC. Les restrictions sur les opérations commerciales, frontières internationales et la baisse de la demande des principales exportations au cours du premier semestre 2020 ont eu un impact négatif sur la croissance, l’emploi et les niveaux d’endettement." 235587,43400.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,84,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"To cope with the pandemic, the government has intensified the tightening of controls over spending and initiated a reassessment of its investment program to reprioritize projects and free up room for the funding of expenditures related to COVID-19 and support hard-hit private-sector enterprises and vulnerable groups. Despite these measures and the automatic drop in budgeted pump price subsidies, the pandemic shock has generated immediate fiscal needs close to CFAF 400 milliards for 2020 (about US$700 million)." 282533,51173.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the deteriorating socio-economic situation in Afghanistan in 2020, UNICEF reached 33,698 people (including 24,070 children) with cash-based assistance (CBA) using a ‘cash plus’ approach combining cash transfers with other modalities or activities." 316792,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,26,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook RDC] le compte courant risque de demeurer structurellement déficitaire, avec une moyenne de 4,0 % du PIB sur la période 2021–2022." 314777,54247.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,101,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/20/covid-19-91-die-4-559-infected-in-24-hours,"[20th April 2021,Bangladesh] From Friday to Monday, Bangladesh witnessed the highest ever single-day deaths in the country. On Friday and Saturday, 101 people had died each day. On Sunday, the day’s death toll was 102, and on Monday, it was 112. On average, 99.5 deaths were logged per day over the last one week. And over the last five days, the average was 101 deaths per day, taking the country's death toll from 10,000-mark to over 10,500 in only five days." 40920,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"As of 16 April, 14 civilians had been killed and 40 wounded in the fighting,2 and increasing numbers of civilians were reportedly trapped in conflict-affected areas in the outskirts of the city, along with 2,700 refugees and migrants in detention centres near the frontline.3 Several attacks on medical workers, ambulances, and field hospitals had taken place, hampering the treatment of the wounded and the evacuation of those in distress" 384891,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"2852 kits de dignité distribués à Tougouri (1825), Sebba (1000) et Barsalogho (27)" 271893,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Ainsi, entre 2019 et 2020, le nombre de personnes dans le besoin est passé de 2,3 millions à 3,7 millions après une révision du nombre de personnes dans le besoin intervenue en juillet 2020 pour prendre en compte l’impact de la COVID-19" 247825,48228.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,39,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Les focus groupes de déplacés interrogés affirment que leur principale préoccupation liée à la nourriture est l’insuffisance de la nourriture et classent par conséquent le besoin en alimentation en première position sur les 3 besoins prioritaires. 418541,63160.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],fr,56,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NEW%20UPDATE%20COVID-19%20DRC%2C%20JULY%2001%2C%202021%20-%20Nouvelle%20mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20COVID-19%20en%20RDC%20-%20Avec%20les%20donn%C3%A9es%20fournies%20jusqu%27au%20jeudi%201er%20juillet%202021%20%20-%20wf%20-.pdf,"❖Quatre (4) nouveaux décès enregistrés parmi les cas confirmés de COVID-19 dans les centres de traitement de COVID-19 ainsi qu’à domicile, dans les zones de santé de Kinshasa. Le total de cas mortels à la date du 1er juillet 2021 est de 937 décès. Létalité : 2,3% ;" 276980,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,La deuxième pratique la plus courante [ dans les entreprises ] consiste à faire travailler les employés en équipes. 328569,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 18% of IDP settlement and 18% of non-IDP settlement households found with a health Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 223816,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,113,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Certains prestataires de soins de santé considèrent que la pandémie est responsable de l'aggravation de la stigmatisation des adolescentes, car la demande et l'utilisation accrues des services augmentent le risque que les femmes et les filles rencontrent des personnes qu'elles connaissent. Cependant, les analyses qualitatives de mois d’octobre 2020 suggèrent que les femmes sont moins nombreuses à fréquenter les séances de CPN à Kinshasa ou à Goma. Plusieurs femmes primipares ont indiqué qu'elles préféreraient recevoir le soutien de parentes expérimentées ou d'autres femmes de leur communauté, tandis que d'autres qui avaient déjà accouché ont estimé qu'elles ne pouvaient rien apprendre de nouveau pendant les CPN." 132521,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,143,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Hay una gran necesidad de fortalecer los mecanismos de protección de la INFANCIA tanto para refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela como para los menores peruanos afectados. De acuerdo con el análisis conjunto de necesidades del GTRM, la llegada de menores refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela al Perú con problemas de protección específica, incluyendo documentación, así como aquellos niños y niñas no acompañados o separados han planteado retos específicos al sistema nacional de protección de la infancia que ya lucha por la falta de recursos, infraestructura y capacidades. Con miras a responder a las necesidades más específicas de menores refugiados y migrantes hay una necesidad adicional de esclarecer los procedimientos, responsabilidades y vías de referencia entre las diferentes instituciones para garantizar respuestas de protección eficiente y efectiva. Los menores en situación irregular son particularmente vulnerables." 276118,50677.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Suite à la visite du Gouverneur de la région de l’Extrême-Nord le 3 août, une unité de gendarmes supplémentaire a été déployée pour renforcer la sécurité à Nguetchewe, et prévenir ainsi un nouveau mouvement massif de population [suite à l'attaque suicide du 1er août]." 228338,46468.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,62,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Sixty-eight per cent of those interviewed reported that, as a result of the incident [attack], their social and cultural life was affected. For example, many victims or relatives felt they could no longer participate in weddings, visit family or friends, worship at the mosque, or attend school because of their traumatic experience." 172995,40676.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La RDC compte déjà plus de 4 millions d’enfants malnutris aigus et plus de 6 millions d’enfants avec un retard de croissance. Selon les projections, il est estimé que l’épidémie de COVID-19 pourrait causer une augmentation de l’incidence des cas de malnutrition aigüe et que celle-ci passerait de 2,6 avant l’épidémie à 2,8." 82597,22770.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Among both IDP and refugee/migrant populations, KIs reported that across Tripoli, the most needed health service was treatment for chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and kidney problems, and the like. Refugees and migrants were also reported to lack access to common antibiotics." 388318,60981.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,Es de resaltar que ha habido al menos dos (2) víctimas por minas antipersonal en 2021 registradas. 176714,41684.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,86,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Protection%20Factsheet%20and%20Dashboard_Sep_2020.pdf,"[September 2020, Bangladesh] Alongside development actors, UNHCR is addressing drivers of tension between host and refugee communities, exacerbated due to COVID 19, through enhanced inter-community engagement and effective and targeted support to host communities in the areas of livelihoods, education, and meeting the basic needs of vulnerable families. In several camps, relations between refugees and host communities have deteriorated in the first half of 2020, and UNHCR continues to monitor hostile behavior against refugees." 194061,42945.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,70,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/ong-denuncia-agresiones-a-migrantes-que-cruzan-las-trochas/2230,"“La mayor cantidad de caminantes son mujeres con niños, grupos de mayor riesgo, que se desplazan hacia la frontera en condiciones precarias para intentar sobrevivir en Colombia”, añadió Tarazona en medio de su denuncia, en la que además aseguró que las personas y las comunidades que se organizan para ayudar a los migrantes están recibiendo amenazas por parte de colectivos y grupos armados." 63151,18817.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"ome 185,000 people have been provided with access to safe water between January and June 2019. This was achieved through water chlorination and the distribution of aqua tabs, the repair and rehabilitation to the water network and direct water trucking in the states of Zulia, Bolivar, Tachira and Miranda." 346009,56894.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,A nivel nacional se identifica disminución en la notificación para la morbilidad por infección respiratoria aguda (IRA) en los servicios de consulta externa y urgencias; se presenta incremento en las hospitalizaciones por IRAG en sala general y en unidad de cuidados intensivos e intermedios 472845,64952.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"[District sanitaire de Ouahigouya] Le district accueille plus de 24.697 PDI dispersées dans des familles d’accueil. Sur 51 formations sanitaires que compte le district, une formation sanitaire est totalement fermée et 6 fonctionnent à minima privant plus de 8.926 personnes de services de santé." 104838,30139.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,65,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Global banking on the eve of COVID-19: potential risks The short-term share of credit by foreign banks, a key indicator of external vulnerability, is high for some emerging market and developing economy (EMDE) borrowers. In addition, substantial variations could be expected among national banking systems in their reactions to a global financial shock triggered by the pandemic." 495156,67230.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,29,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Poca capacidad de respuesta con respecto a las derivaciones para atenciones más especializadas (nutrición, enfermedades crónicas, embarazos en riesgo, salud mental, etc.)" 204212,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In a study conducted on violence against women and girls in three geographical areas of South Sudan that have known war and conflict for many years, the findings indicated that violence against women and girls is pervasive in these conflict zones, with up to 65 per cent of women and girls experiencing physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime." 322909,54542.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-88-deaths-3629-new-cases/67989,"[23rd April 2021, Bangladesh]Bangladesh recorded 88 coronavirus-related deaths in the last 24 hours until 23rd April 2021 morning as the country grapples to tackle the second wave of the virus. The health authorities also reported 3,629 new cases, said the Directorate General of Health Services in a handout." 261445,49211.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,154,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"La subregión del Bajo Cauca está conformada por comunidades campesinas, indígenas, afrocolombianas y mestizas. La economía de la zona está compuesta por la ganadería, la minería y la agricultura. Es un espacio geoestratégico por ser la conexión entre la costa norte y el centro de Antioquia, además de tener límites con el departamento Córdoba, lo cual facilita la salida al mar y la articulación al mercado internacional. Por lo anterior, se propician las economías ilícitas donde convergen el comercio de coca y oro, factor que se posiciona como uno de los motivos de las disputas en el territorio entre grupos armados organizados (GAO) y grupos armados delictivos (GAD). Luego de la salida de las extintas FARC-EP del territorio, otros GAO-GDO1 se reconfiguraron, expandieron y accedieron al control de cadenas productivas de economías ilícitas de la zona." 190012,43443.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,70,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Les besoins en soins médicaux d’urgence des personnes affectées par les déplacements concernent la mise en œuvre d’activités fixes (appui aux formations sanitaires) et flexibles et de campagnes de vaccination d’urgence, la prise en charge des cas de malnutrition et l’utilisation du système voucher pour faciliter l’accès gratuit aux soins des patients référés au niveau secondaire." 195601,43987.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/opinion/editorial/abrir-los-colegios-editorial-el-tiempo-550352,No solo se ve en riesgo la salud mental. Peligra también la nutrición. Son muchos los hogares que no están en capacidad de brindarles a los más pequeños la misma alimentación balanceada que recibían en las instituciones a las que acudían. 17473,5431.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"Lifesaving multi sectorial GBV services are ongoing, 122 cases identified last week have received services including legal assistance (17), psychosocial support (68), medical assistance (22), cash assistance (15) and safe shelter (18). • UNFPA has four focal points operating in four service centers to identify people with specific needs for referral. So far, 197 vulnerable women and mean have been provided with psychosocial support" 234876,47044.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=217045,"[9th January 2021, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced that 95 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria and that 64 patients infected with the virus have recovered while 5 others have passed away." 173276,41071.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-20-more-die-1441-new-cases-detected/58652,"[8 October, Bangladesh]So far, 3,74,592 patients have been detected in the country after testing 20,39,413 samples and 18.37 percent of them have turned out to be Covid-19 positive." 261751,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Se requiere atención a grupos poblacionales vulnerables que presentan casos positivos de COVID-19 y que requieren atención diferencial, como comunidades indígenas en el Meta (2.407 casos confirmados) y Guaviare (394)" 187921,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Cameroon is affected by four, concurrent, complex humanitarian situations: Boko Haram violence in the Far North region; growing humanitarian needs resulting from hostilities in the North West and South West regions with spillover effects in the West and Littoral regions; consequences of the influx of refugees from the Central African Republic into the eastern regions (Adamawa, North and East) and the COVID-19 outbreak affecting the entire territory of Cameroon." 391245,61470.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 9% of households reported that some members could not access latrines, with persons with disabilities (100%) being most frequently reported by households." 223454,42179.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/education-in-afrin-is-at-stake-kurdish-students-face-additional-challenges/,"the lack of human resources represented by specialized teachers. Many villages have schools and are fully ready and equipped, but lack educational staff in the village and surroundings." 208728,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,27,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The breakdown of traditional protection mechanisms due to conflict related violence and displacement has significantly increased their vulnerability to various forms of GBV, including rape." 408438,63583.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/co/pdf/2021/08/kpmg-co-boletin-informativo-edicion-50-digital.pdf,"Con el Decreto 744 del 2 de julio, el Ministerio de Salud modificó el Decreto 109 de 2021, en cuanto a la identificación de la población a vacunar, agendamiento de citas y aplicación de la vacuna contra el COVID-19." 186506,43272.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"USAID/BHA prioritized nearly $33 million in FY 2020 funding for WASH programming in South Sudan to provide access to safe drinking water, handwashing facilities, sanitation services, and solid waste disposal to more than 3 million people—including more than 1 million IDPs. WASH programming includes interventions to help prevent cholera outbreaks among vulnerable populations as well as mitigate gender-based violence (GBV) risks by providing safe access to latrines, sanitation services, and other WASH assets. USAID/BHA also supports hygiene promotion activities through public health campaigns and the distribution of essential supplies, such as buckets, soap, and dignity and hygiene kits." 134150,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,90,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,El Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación elaboró y puso en marcha una serie de Protocolos y Guías de Actuación que regulan la modalidad de abordaje del delito: el Protocolo para la detección temprana de situaciones de Trata de Personas en pasos fronterizos; el Protocolo para la detección temprana de situaciones de Trata de Personas en controles vehiculares en rutas; y la Guía orientativa para la recepción de denuncias sobre el delito de Trata de Personas en dependencias de las Fuerzas de Seguridad y Cuerpos Policiales. 340851,56389.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/La-reactivacion-del-pais-desde-el-sector-salud.aspx,"Para el ministro ahora hay una coyuntura con un nuevo reto: vacunar contra el covid-19 a 35 millones de colombianos, pero que convertirse, perfectamente, en la misión de inmunizar a los 50 millones de ciudadanos en el territorio nacional." 295335,51569.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Priorities for Immediate Humanitarian response Establishing Complaints and Feedback Mechanisms, governance structures, and community structures at displacement sites  Communication within communities to ease tensions between the host community and IDPs  Distribute NFIs to returnees and IDPs/Host community (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 188596,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,18,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Au cours de ces activités, 63 rumeurs ont été gérées et 222 alertes ont été remontées." 203309,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"As of October 2019, an estimated 30,000 students have been integrated in the primary schools of neighboring regions (Littoral and West), leading to an overstress of the existing education capacity in these regions, with reports of school classes of 200 children." 240664,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"Furthermore, UNAMA documented an increase in civilian deaths from pressure-plate IEDs, which function as improvised anti-personnel landmines. During the first quarter, UNAMA documented 100 civilian casualties (47 killed and 53 injured) from pressure-plate IEDs, all of which were attributed to the Taliban." 317465,54216.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,48,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://ecupunto.com/2021/04/14/mas-de-4-500-venezolanas-dado-a-luz-cucuta/,"más de 4.500 madres venezolanas han llegado al Hospital de Cúcuta a tener a sus bebés. De hecho, los índices de cesáreas de urgencias en el Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz de Cúcuta tienen un promedio muy por encima de las cifras registradas a nivel nacional." 245075,47833.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,107,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Continúa siendo muy alto el porcentaje de personas de nacionalidad venezolana que no ha solicitado refugio en Colombia (98.4%) y la razón principal es la falta de conocimiento sobre el procedimiento para ser reconocido como refugiado (91.6%). Por otro lado, muchas de las personas monitoreadas decidieron salir de Colombia dado que muchas de sus necesidades básicas de protección no fueron satisfechas como lo son: la falta de servicios (7.2%), falta acceso a educación (3.3%), y otro grupo por violencia (2.5%) y persecución (1.6%)." 143014,35989.0,2074.0,[],[],[],es,53,[],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"Los representantes de la DIGEMIG afirmaron que anteriormente la Dirección estaba envuelta en prácticas irregulares con inspectores de migración extorsionaban a ciudadanos que entraban y salían del territorio boliviano. Actualmente, se trabaja en una serie de reformas en las que se han incorporado organizaciones como ACNUR, OIM y UNICEF." 243455,47668.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"Such deportations - the majority from north-east Libya - have been reported since mid-April 2020. These people arrive in a state of extreme vulnerability. IOM provides them with food, water and NFIs and helps them go back to their original area after quarantine." 169299,40031.0,1185.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",[],[],en,32,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,WFP participated in a national dialogue organized by the National Round Table for the Fight Against Poverty to discuss the impact of the current COVID-19 context on food security and nutrition. 224916,46164.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,12,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Plusieurs hectares de champs inondés [inondations et aux vents violents] 489775,67740.0,1231.0,[],[],[],en,25,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"Aruba, Curaçao and the Dominican Republic (DR) opened more routes via air borders to travellers and tourists to boost their economies." 207220,44693.0,2333.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,67,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Selon les résultats des discussions de groupes et les observations directes, le paludisme, la diarrhée, les infections respirations, la bilharziose et plusieurs cas de problèmes urinaires sont actuellement les maladies les plus fréquentes dans la commune. Au 30 septembre 2020, au moins 20 cas de décès d'enfants et adultes liés à ces maladies sont rapportés par les points focaux communautaires." 198833,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 12 238 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 329 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." 338369,55877.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,Girls who are out of school are also at a greater risk than out- of-school boys of facing abuses such as child marriage and other forms of gender-based violence. 184110,42108.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,96,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IB26102020.pdf,"Since the beginning of the pandemic, Argentina's borders have been closed; only a few migrant families have regularly entered Argentine territory in recent months, exceptionally with international agencies' support. There have been some cases of irregular entries both in Misiones (border with Brazil) and in Jujuy (border with Bolivia) in which the Argentine Red Cross has intervened. There are also reports of people stranded on the borders with Peru and Brazil, who intend to mobilize to Argentina when the pandemic's situation improves." 131813,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Se han planeado capacitaciones para maestros, y actividades de sensibilización que involucren a las familias, sobre la inserción en el sistema educativo de niños refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela y en estrategias para mejorar el aprendizaje" 261669,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,113,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"A raíz del impacto de la pandemia, desde marzo de 2020 la Fundación para la Educación Superior y Desarrollo - FEDESARROLLO- realizó estimaciones sobre la proyección del PIB para Colombia, estimando que la economía disminuyó en un siete (7) por ciento (y no en un 6,5% como fue proyectado inicialmente) durante 2020; lo anterior resultado de la desaceleración de la demanda en los hogares colombianos. Contrario a esto, la misma entidad refiere que la proyección del PIB durante 2021 será del 4,8 por ciento, gracias al levantamiento de la medida de aislamiento preventivo obligatorio y la implementación del Plan Nacional de Vacunación" 359628,58464.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[April 2021, NES] While markets remain the primary source of food for families across NES, KIs in 38% of communities reported in May that households could not access food markets within the community in the previous month." 290595,51817.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"2,9 M personnes dans le besoin pour les provinces du HautKatanga, HautLomami, du Lualaba et du Tanganyika (HRP 2021)" 8951,2667.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,43,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/21052018_Attacks_on_Health_Care_EN.pdf,"Contrary to the prohibition of attacks against health care workers exclusively engaged in medical tasks, armed groups, including those affiliated to the State, have targeted health care providers in Libya with physical and verbal assaults, threats and intimidation." 326650,54734.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Nutrition LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 50% for severe and lowest was 0% for no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per Nutrition LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 55% for severe and lowest was 0% for no or minimal." 335294,55819.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Dans seulement 5% des localités, les IC ont rapporté les mauvaises conditions climatiques comme principal facteur de perturbation de l’accès aux moyens de subsistance de la majorité des ménages au cours du mois précédant la collecte de données." 385993,60796.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/improving-testing-rate-who-supports-ondo-state-integrate-covid-19-sample-collection,"[26th July 2021, Ondo State, Nigeria] Ondo State recorded its first confirmed case of COVID-19 on 3rd April 2020. Since then, the state has documented a total of 3500 confirmed cases including 65 deaths as of 19 July 2021 in two waves of the pandemic." 437165,63582.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"On note une forte disparité des prévalences de la malnutrition sous toutes ses formes au niveau régional et provincial. Ces prévalences montrent l’ampleur de la tâche quand on connait l’impact de la malnutrition maternelle sur le développement du futur bébé. Ces prévalences élevées sont principalement dues aux mauvaises pratiques alimentaires et aux maladies. Moins d’un enfant burkinabè sur trois et seulement 17,5% de FAP avaient une bonne diversité alimentaire." 494216,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, NWS, GoS] Wheat Flour: Broken down by regions, Northwest Syria recorded the highest retail price at SYP 2,141/kg (down one percent m-o-m), followed by the Southern region at SYP 2,019/kg (up three percent m-om). While the Cross-border region recorded the lowest retail price at SYP 1,606/kg (up five percent m-o-m), followed by the Coastal region at SYP 1,852/kg (up five percent m-o-m)." 495112,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,51,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Las continuas alzas en los flujos de llegada ya mencionadas han dado lugar a un aumento de las necesidades humanitarias poniendo presión sobre las estructuras y acciones desarrolladas habiendo una necesidad imperiosa de incrementar exponencialmente la prestación de servicios y las medidas de protección de la población migrante y refugiada venezolana 390742,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,107,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Analysis of data from the World Bank Group’s Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) (Table 2) shows information for the latest climatology, 1991–2020. Mean annual temperature for Nigeria is 27.2°C, with average monthly temperatures ranging between 24°C (December, January) and 30°C (April). Mean annual precipitation is 1,162.8 mm. Rainfall is experienced throughout the year in Nigeria, with most significant rainfall occurring from April to October and with minimal rainfall occurring November to March, as shown for the latest climatology, 1991–2020 (" 293869,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,Girls and boys aged 0 to 17 account for 44 per cent of the displaced population and almost 40 per cent of refugees in the crisis in the Northwest and Southwest. 281554,51010.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-fatalities-climb-to-8476/65791,"[8th March 2021, Bangladesh] Fourteen Covid-19 related deaths reported during this period pushed up the local fatalities to 8,476. At the same time, 1,117 people recovered from the virus infections, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). So far, 504,120 patients (91.46 percent) have recovered." 270274,49936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El derecho a la socialización de niños y niñas para jugar y hablar con otros niños y niñas puede estar obstaculizado por las restricciones del confinamiento que existe en los países debido al brote de COVID-19. Aunque la virtualidad permite algún grado de contacto con pares, muchos niños y niñas no tienen acceso material a estas posibilidades o, aun teniéndolo, no están familiarizadas con esta modalidad, lo que impacta en el derecho de asociación." 205720,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"IDP families are using negative coping mechanisms to address their most basic needs, including forcing their young children into early/child marriage." 319787,54628.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Women in general are facing many difficulties. They cannot sleep properly and are in fear of being kidnapped as there are rumours that three women were kidnapped, although it is not clear who carried out the kidnapping. Male participants said that during the fire there was a huge rush and, amidst the crowd, many people with disabilities and elder people got burnt and some lost their lives." 95219,26755.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"Standard health kits were only provided in Ejdabia, Misrata, Tripoli, Ubari, Wadi Ascshati and Zwara districts." 160581,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En entrevistas con actores clave en Antioquia, se identificó que las mujeres migrantes no siempre denuncian los hechos de VBG por temor de ser deportadas o separadas de sus hijos, o de ser sancionadas por parte de la institucionalidad colombiana." 163774,34165.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,146,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"ACCESO HUMANITARIO: • Ante el temor por el aumento de contagio en territorios con débil capacidad de respuesta institucional, las comunidades continúan restringiendo el acceso de personal externo a los territorios o inclusive exigiendo la certificación de la prueba rápida para autorizar ingresos. • Persiste la restricción al acceso humanitario hacia el municipio de Tibú (Norte de Santander) debido a la injerencia, coacción y amenazas de los GAO en los controles entre Tibú - Tarra y Cúcuta – Tibú; se está pidiendo a las personas que ingresan al municipio la prueba rápida de la COVID-19 con resultado negativo y sólo se permite la salida del municipio con regreso en la noche del mismo día. En los municipios del Catatumbo se está solicitando a la población que llega hacer cuarentena obligatoria de 15 días como medida de prevención." 281573,51173.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"Women, children and people with disabilities are especially vulnerable in the current health, economic, social and security context and an estimated 30.5 million people (>75 per cent of population) need targeted social assistance." 131424,34649.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,17,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,The increased threat of COVID-19 contagion has significantly limited the provision of basic services and education. 293903,52076.0,2334.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,56,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Beyond the costs associated with schooling, adolescent girls face additional barriers, particularly in secondary school, mainly because of the burden of household chores. The safety conditions and distances to go to school are also important barriers to education. Poverty and displacement have caused many girls to never go to school ." 322097,54688.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/el-reto-de-atender-a-los-mas-de-2000-desplazados-que-deja-la-ola-de-violencia-en-el-cauca/,"Mientras que en Corintio un carro bomba explotó contra la alcaldía el pasado 26 de marzo, ese mismo día en el corregimiento El Plateado, en Argelia (Cauca), 2.185 personas salieron desplazadas por cuenta de los combates entre los dos grupos armados ilegales." 394746,61264.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,21,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/autoridades-llaman-al-gobierno-a-dar-soluciones-concretas-ante-crisis-migratoria-en-colchane.shtml,"Señaló, además, que se está evaluando repatriar a extranjeros, después que cumplan su estadía en residencias sanitarias." 155197,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,45,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Los lugares donde duerme la población en tránsito no tienen protección contra el clima y no garantiza ningún tipo de seguridad ni privacidad. Algunos migrantes asentados tienen dificultades de este tipo debido a la precariedad de los materiales de sus lugares de hospedaje. 223786,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les données qualita�ves de Goma ont montré que davantage de femmes ont déclaré avoir une compréhension limitée des mesures qui seraient prises si une personne était testée posi�ve au COVID-19, ce qui a également accru les craintes liées aux visites médicales." 150905,36670.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,53,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"También, se informó de otra entrega de bono de $150 a policías, Fuerza Armada y personal de salud. Otra medida que se dio a conocer fue la entrega de un subsidio equivalente al 50% de la planilla de febrero para la micro, pequeña y mediana empresa." 152454,37831.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"Education: In partnership with UNICEF, we constructed 18 learning centres, providing daily informal education sessions for up to 3,356 children and 3,503 adolescents." 210252,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,43,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Exclusion and marginalisation of individuals and groups traditionally discriminated against further contribute to heightened risks and denial of humanitarian assistance, requiring a stronger focus on protection mainstreaming and concrete efforts to ensure equal access to safe, dignified and accountable assistance." 225410,45087.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Close to 80% of respondents reported that COVID-19 measures have had a negative effect on their ability to earn income, with a further 48% confirming they have lost their jobs entirely." 145847,35819.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"In addition, State/PRM partners are protecting IDPs and host community members in Syria from the direct and indirect impacts of COVID-19 by supporting community-led heath and protection initiatives; undertaking awareness campaigns on risk, prevention, and hygiene promotion; providing medical consultations and distributing information at community clinics; scaling up life-saving protection activities; and distributing relief, shelter, and WASH items" 223792,45880.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"En août, le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) a es�mé que plus de 40 millions de personnes en RDC avaient une consomma�on alimentaire insuffisante - une augmenta�on de près de six millions par rapport aux chiffres de mai" 153990,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,En general los venezolanos entrevistados no se sienten seguros ni protegidos en los lugares donde transitan o habitan. 163874,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,25,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En Chocó: Se requiere contratación de personal de salud, apoyo con equipos de protección personal, insumos para atención médica y diagnóstico." 111929,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'Education']",[],[],es,77,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Los niños, niñas y sus familias viven la migración en una crítica condición de vulnerabilidad: la pobreza y el deterioro en la prestación de servicios de salud y educación en Venezuela significa para muchos niños un estado de desescolarización y desnutrición avanzado. En medio de la migración están expuestos además a múltiples riesgos de vulneración a causa de la explotación sexual, el trabajo infantil y la exposición a condiciones de vivienda imprevisibles." 8949,2667.0,321.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,119,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/21052018_Attacks_on_Health_Care_EN.pdf,"For instance, in the context of armed clashes in the southwestern city of Sabha between Awlad Sleiman and Tabu tribal armed groups and their allies, the Sabha Medical Centre, the largest and best equipped hospital in the region, was shelled or hit by stray bullets on at least 15 occasions between 6 February 2018 and 1 May 2018. The hospital is located in the area of Qurda, about three kilometres away from the base of the 6th Brigade armed group (mainly composed of fighters from the Awlad Sleiman tribe), which exposes it to crossfire between armed groups, when they use unguided weapons including mortars in densely populated areas." 406289,63610.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Environment'],es,67,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19082021_alerta_de_situacion_por_desastre_natural_en_bajo_cauca_antioquia._rv2.pdf,"Desde el 16 de agosto se conoció sobre la emergencia causada por el desbordamiento de los ríos Nechí y Tarazá que resultó en inundaciones que dejaron al menos a 7.240 personas (1.810 familias) damnificadas en los municipios de Tarazá (aproximadamente 1000 familias), El Bagre (700 familias) y Zaragoza (110 familias) ubicados en la subregión del Bajo Cauca." 261760,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,61,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"• Nariño y Chocó: a partir del diálogo con los pobladores e institucionalidad local es necesario aumentar la cobertura de los programas de salud y protección social. Existe un temor generalizado frente al rezago que puede existir en la implementación del plan de vacunación, para prevenir casos de COVID-19 en los lugares más retirados o confinados geográficamente." 192379,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"On 26 May, the Humanitarian Country Teams endorsed the comprehensive reprioritization exercise and the revised HRP (Humanitarian Response Plan) financial requirements of $1.01 billion, which is a four per cent decrease compared to the original 2020 HRP ask of $1.05 billion. This is approximately 19 per cent less than the $1.25 billion requirements published in the GHRP May update and in the GHO Monthly Update" 153997,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Durante la evaluación se observó que la gran mayoría de venezolanos se apoyan en movilización mediante transporte como camiones y mulas, para lo cual se dividen los grupos familiares y se exponen a accidentes." 322265,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,95,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 27% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot while 30%, 22%,15% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes and 1-3hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot respectively. Only 3% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot ." 386466,60772.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,163,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En relación a su escolaridad, se ordenan según la siguiente frecuencia: educación media completa (18%), educación superior completa (7%), educación básica (7%), educación básica completa (5%), educación media incompleta (4%), educación básica incompleta (4%), cursando educación media (3%), técnica completa (2%), sin escolaridad (2%), superior incompleta (1%) y cursando educación superior (1%). Al filtrar a la población inscrita según edad, en la población de 25 años o más se obtuvo que el 15% tiene educación básica completa, 28% educación media completa y 11% educación superior completa. Del total de inmigrantes, sólo se analizó al 61% de ellos, ya que el 39% restante no cuenta con esta información." 483287,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.4.1 Frecuencia de situaciones de mal comportamiento de la población venezolana menor de 18 años de edad También se incluyó una pregunta para conocer la frecuencia con que se produce los episodios de mal comportamiento de la población venezolana menor de 18 años de edad en comparación a lo observado en su país de nacimiento. El 51,5% de ellos presentan episodios de mal comportamiento más frecuentes que cuando vivían en Venezuela, el 36,9% igual de frecuentes como en Venezuela y solo 10,7% indica que las situaciones del mal comportamiento disminuyeron en comparación de que cuando vivía en Venezuela." 328607,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,74,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 38% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest education facility while 27% and 10% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest education facility respectively. 1% and 1% reported it takes 1-3hours and more than 3hours respectively 347698,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,73,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Vulnerable children such as unaccompanied, children with mental or physical disabilities, from poor families, experience even more challenges to access services, including WASH ones. For children, there are risks associated as well with what concerns access to water: children are often seen carrying heavy water containers as they are sent to fetch water by their families." 278637,50723.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_unrwa_syria_regional_crisis_emergency_appeal_.pdf,"[2020, Overall Syria] According to an assessment conducted by UNRWA in July 2020 on the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on Palestine refugees in Syria, close to 80 per cent of the surveyed persons stated that the number of meals or quantity of food consumed had reduced since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020." 125311,32569.0,1621.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Overall, migrants who have recently arrived in Libya (less than one year) and those who are reliant on casual labour with informal arrangements consistently reported worse food security outcomes." 167043,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"A total of 31,943 samples were collected for testing last week as against the 16,035 tested the previous week, a 50 per cent increase. Also, Nigeria has recorded less than 2,000 new cases in each of the past four weeks." 70948,20191.0,788.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,95,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"The security situation in Yobe State has gradually improved, after months of insecurity before and after the general elections in February 2019. However, new factors are evolving which pose challenges to the security and access environment. These include the new military “super camp” strategy through which smaller military units will be withdrawn and concentrated into larger bases. Security gaps have been seen and are anticipated as a result of the strategy, especially in areas where people are returning to and are starting to rebuild their lives." 282227,43256.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,• 82% (9/11) of the sites for refugees and displaced persons do not have adequate basic drinking water and sanitation services at the minimum level required by the reference standards. 227477,46488.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Ce phénomène, récurrent dans la ZS, entraîne une dégradation continuelle des conditions de vie des ménages." 173935,41033.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, Nigeria]The COVID-19 pandemic is heightening already existing vulnerabilities for gender-based violence, reducing survivors access to report, seek help or receive quality response services. In some situations, there has been an increase in the incidents of GBV; however, in north-east Nigeria, restrictions and lockdown measures have presented barriers for survivors who are seeking help and service provision." 112299,29953.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,21,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Según datos del GIFMM, en 2019 403.734 personas recibieron atención médica, incluyendo la vacunación de niños y niñas." 188163,31146.0,1900.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,22,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,962.000 personas estaban con inseguridad alimentaria aguda y severa en Honduras (el equivalente al 18 por ciento de la población) 224593,46162.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"In Lac Province there are 272,478 displaced persons, 208,382 of whom are internally displaced persons (IDPs). These movements of displaced persons put pressure on the livelihoods of host households. Thanks to humanitarian assistance, their food consumption is minimally adequate, and they cannot spend on non-food items. As a result, these households are Stressed (IPC Phase 2!)." 414090,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,87,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Establish an effective referral system: According to the study findings, people suffered more because of the almost non-functional referral system. So, the referral system needs to be established where it is non-existent; and the existing referral system needs to be strengthened and modified to make it effective. This might be done through digitisation (like “COVID-Contact Tracing mobile app”12) to ensure quick and hassle-free access to essential health services." 240592,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,90,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA is specifically concerned about an increase in civilian deaths from intentional targeting of civilians during the first quarter of 2020, as compared to 2019. Two of the most egregious incidents were mass shootings claimed by ISIL-KP in March: an attack on 6 March at a commemoration for a Hazara leader in Kabul, which killed 34 civilians and injured 78 more, and an attack on 25 March on worshippers at a Sikh-Hindu temple in Kabul, which killed 26 civilians and injured 11 more." 477250,67232.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,212,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"4.2 Padecimiento de problemas de salud en Perú En la ENPOVE se indagó acerca del padecimiento de algún síntoma, malestar, enfermedad, recaída de enfermedad o accidente de la población venezolana en el territorio nacional. El 44,2% informó haber sufrido algún problema o eventos de salud; las mujeres padecieron en mayor proporción de estos problemas de salud (47,2%), siendo 5,7 puntos porcentuales más que los hombres (41,5%). Según el tipo de problema de salud, el 21,7% reportó alguna enfermedad como gripe, colitis, entre otros; seguido por 10,1% de personas venezolanas que padecieron dos eventos de salud, sea síntomas recaída de enfermedad o accidentes y el 7,0% que sufrió de síntomas o malestares, entre los principales. Según sexo, mayor proporción de mujeres que hombres, padecen dos o más problemas o eventos de salud; así, el 11,9% de ellas padecieron de dos problemas de salud (síntoma y recaída de enfermedad), en tanto los hombres solo el 8,5%. De tres a más problemas o eventos de salud, el 2,3% de las mujeres y el 1,2% de los hombres." 328608,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,91,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 43% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest education facility while 28% and 11% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest education facility respectively. Only 2% and 3% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes 1-3 hours and more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest education facility. 742,156.0,321.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Economy', 'Context->Economy']",en,225,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The public sector in Libya was by far the largest income-generating sector, with 57.1% of households overall deriving part of their income from government salary. This proportion ranged from 80.1% among households in Al Margab to just 36.5% in Sebha. It could not be verified what percentage of public-sector workers were actively employed and what percentage remained on the government payroll without working. Reportedly, even those who actively worked in public-sector positions tended to receive their salaries irregularly due to the Libyan government’s chronic cash flow issues. After public-sector salaries, 12% of households in assessed mantikas reported deriving most of their income from national benefits, followed by business and trade (9.6%). Households indicated being most reliant on private-sector employment in Tripoli (36.7%), Ghat (28.0%) and Misrata (22.6%). This reflects the status of Tripoli and Misrata as important hubs for Libyan economic activity; as for Ghat, its remote, peripheral location both places it at a great distance from centres of government and limits local economic opportunity, with a proportion of households reporting deriving their income from daily labour twice the average across assessed mantikas (9.9% compared to 4.6%)." 227506,46488.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"De plus, une part importante des IC (13/15) ont rapporté qu’un peu plus de la moitié des ménages (entre 51% et 75%) n’avait pas accès à assez d’eau pour boire." 293561,51569.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,25,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"During this assessment, food was consistently reported as the priority and immediate need although all other sectors were also cited, particularly shelters-NFIs." 223937,46071.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Au-delà des responsabilités des champs, elles doivent aussi surveiller les enfants qui ne vont plus à l’école. Les filles aident leurs mamans dans leurs tâches quotidiennes. Dans les milieux urbains, certains salariés informels en majorité des femmes et filles de ménage dans les maisons privées et les hôtels - restaurants (secteur informel) sont dans le chômage sans aucune couverture sociale et aucun espoir de reprise de travail du fait que le contrat qui le lie à leur travail est en majorité verbal." 163540,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,125,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Decreto 417 de 2020: Se declara Estado de Emergencia económica, social y ecológica en todo el territorio Nacional. Decreto 457 de 2020: Se decreta aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en todo el territorio Nacional. Decreto 593 del 24 de abril de 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 11 de mayo del 2020. Decreto 636 del 6 de mayo del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 25 de mayo del 2020. Decreto 749 del 28 de mayo del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 1 de julio del 2020, incluyendo 43 excepciones." 190030,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,121,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"A la date du 18 juillet, la province du Haut-Uele a enregistré 16 cas de COVID-19 notamment dans la zone de santé de Watsa; ce qui nécessite de déployer des mesures de prévention, d’atténuation et de prise en charge dans une zone enclavée et dépourvue de dispositif sanitaire viable. Le manque d'infrastructures sanitaires, d’intrants, équipements et de personnel de santé, la porosité des frontières ne permettant pas un contrôle sanitaire renforcé des entrées entre la RDC et le Soudan du Sud et la République Centrafricaine. Les incursions et mouvements de population entre le Soudan du Sud et la RDC augmentent le risque de transmission de l’épidémie." 187722,43282.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"CCCM teams have reached 921 out of 1,000 IDP sites through small group discussion sessions and shelter-level the key message on COVID-19 prevention and trained more than 1000 community members on prevention. The CCCM cluster is targeting 40 IDP sites in Daynile and Hodan districts with a new COVID-19 response project focused on incorporating stakeholders such as WASH and Radio Ergo to support RCCE, WASH activities, and inclusive community-led radio sessions." 237744,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"El evento de sífilis congénita se encuentra por encima de los valores esperados, mientras que los eventos de sarampión y rubeola presentan una disminución significativa relacionada con el comportamiento de notifica- ción histórico. Los demás eventos se encuentran dentro del comporta- miento histórico" 228606,46627.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,45,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Stigma around mental health issues in Afghanistan may contribute to lower reporting numbers for men in particular, but many women will face additional challenges such as an increase in gender-based violence while at home with limited ability to access remote forms of support." 35767,13103.0,788.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Demography'],en,44,['At Risk'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"According to the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2013, adolescent girls (particularly those aged under 15) are at risk for early marriage (7), with a high rate of child marriage in northern Nigeria (46, 47)" 162891,37895.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/177845/,"Health authorities in areas held by the “Self-Administration” have recorded five coronavirus cases, one of which is a woman." 388980,60849.0,1186.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],es,34,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En general hay un conocimiento previo de ACNUR por las oficinas en otros países y una opinión positiva de la oficina Acnur-Chile, enfatizando la importancia de que otorgue ayuda ""concreta""." 175473,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"A la date du 30 septembre 2020, selon le rapport reçu du Ministère de la santé, 95 formations sanitaires étaient fermées soit 7,5% des formations sanitaires de six régions affectées par l’insécurité, et 199 autres formations sanitaires fonctionnant partiellement privant environs 1 171 907 personnes d’accès aux soins suite à ce dysfonctionnement." 429723,64543.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,30,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Esto puede generar un riesgo de aumento en los niveles de desnutrición, en particular, en el caso de niños, niñas, y madres gestantes y lactantes." 223553,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Akuoc-chok and Yith Magok has no BHI nor nearby Health Facility, they move to Abiriu or Abyeicok." 225413,45087.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"With agriculture playing a crucial role for the national economy in Afghanistan, accounting for about a quarter of GDP and the agriculturally-dependent population constituting 60 percent of the total population4, the lack of access to sustainable agricultural opportunities is detrimental to survival." 304575,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"There are some 40,000 refugee children living in Khartoum who are in need education assistance of some kind, including nearly 30,000 basic-school aged children and over 10,000 secondary-school aged children, and 50 per cent are girls" 486278,65385.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Of households with access to a toilet, around one in six (17 percent) report that they are sharing their toilet with other households. Rates of sharing toilets are much higher in containers (74 percent) and tents (50 percent); they are also higher than average in makeshift shelters (26 percent)." 386448,60870.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La gobernación entrego 3 lavamanos, pero estos no están siendo utilizados, no tienen agua ni jabón, las familias requieren capacitación en el manejo de estos. Se requieren EPP, toallas higiénicas y pañales." 189668,43300.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Environment', 'Context->Economy']",fr,90,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´insécurité alimentaire affecte près de 4,6 millions de personnes parmi lesquelles 1,8 million sont dans la phase sévère nécessitant une assistance alimentaire d´urgence. L´insécurité alimentaire résulte de la faible production alimentaire exacerbée par les facteurs conjoncturels et structurels, dont les changements climatiques, le contexte socio-économique difficile que traverse le pays depuis 2015, le faible investissement dans le secteur agricole, les maigres ressources disponibles (terre, fourrage, eau, etc.) dans les zones ayant connu des afflux de personnes en déplacement." 228159,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Of specific concern is the continued increase in the number of civilian casualties from pressure-plate IEDs, used by the Taliban, which function in Afghanistan as anti-personnel landmines; are indiscriminate by nature and therefore considered to be unlawful at all times." 276255,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,106,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Selon le sous cluster VBG, 3 596 incidents ont été rapportés dans les provinces du Lac, du Moyen Chari et Logone oriental entre janvier et décembre 2018. Parmi les cas déclarés, 9% sont de violences sexuelles, 24% sont de dénis de ressources, d’opportunités et de services, 7% sont des cas de mariages forcés, 26% sont des cas de violences psychologiques, les agressions physiques représentent 32%. Les VSBG sont répandues dans toutes les couches sociales. Elles affectent plus les adolescentes, les femmes adultes et les femmes handicapées." 287634,51799.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,102,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_and_food_security_monitoring_system_afsms_bulletin_jan_feb_2021.pdf,"[Jan-Feb, 2021, Overall Syria] The high exchange rate of the dollar versus the Syrian pound (SYP), coupled with energy shortages and scarcity or limited availability and supply of electricity, gasoline, diesel and gas, continues to be a factor affecting the food and agriculture sector. This is having knock-on effects on mechanized agricultural operations, high transportation costs for agricultural inputs and agricultural production and this is resulting in an increase in the prices of most food commodities, including bread, rice, eggs, chicken meat and vegetable oil." 200286,44372.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,36,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://mailchi.mp/5f51b89f1ece/situationdes-pdi-au-burkina-faso-147-au-10112020?e=f4c196d358,"Le nombre de personnes déplacées internes à la date du 10 novembre 2020 est de 1 049 767 soit une augmentation d’environ 1,47% par rapport à la publication du 08 septembre 2020." 386423,60870.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Consumos de agua sin ningún tipo de tratamiento por parte de la población desplazada, como también disposición de excretas directamente en el río Sinú generando contaminación de las aguas de dicho afluente." 392643,60861.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,80,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"(ENCUESTA SOBRE COVID-19 A POBLACIONES MIGRANTES INTERNACIONALES EN CHILE , 1690 encuestados) Sobre situación económica individual, destacó la preocupación en cuanto a la situación económica propia, a nivel individual o del hogar. Apareció como tema central la insuficiencia o pérdida total del ingreso, preocupación acerca de ahorros, inversiones y fondos de pensiones y, finalmente, la situación de dueños de empresas y trabajadores independientes en cuanto a pagos y continuidad del negocio" 224655,44702.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"In the FGDs, the communities reported that most of threat they encounter is wilds animals that are also being displaced by the floods" 268461,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] On 4 February, the Chinese Ambassador to Syria, Feng Biao, stated that 150,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been delivered to Syria in aid to the regime’s government, the pro-regimeal-Watannewspaper reported. The Chinese ambassador did not name the vaccine type delivered to Syria, given that two local formulas are in use in Chania— Sinopharm, approved in December 2020, and CoronaVac, approved on 6 February 2021." 293862,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,89,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Although women and youth have networks (women's tontine groups, young men's association), they have little or no involvement in decision-making at the community level. Decisions are made by the village chief, surrounded by his council and village notables (usually exclusively men). Thus, despite the predominant role of women in agricultural production and in the domestic economy, men have a privileged access to public community meetings and often take the decisions that affect the entire community." 358556,58562.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,192,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]At the same time, the economic hardship caused by losses in jobs and incomes created intensified scarcity within groups and communities in a number of ways. Loss of sources of incomes during the pandemic period put additional pressure on obligations of economic support based on social connections within tight-knit groups, particularly in the absence of effective government social safety nets, which members may turn to for the purposes of extracting resources via social ties (family, tribe, ethnicity, religion). This led to increased within-group demands for sharing, increasing internal strain at the level of identity groups and families. These requests were also more likely to be denied due to widespread scarcity (nearly everyone in a given social network was impacted in some way) alongside an unpredictable economic outlook (even relatively less-impacted individuals were uncertain about the duration of the lockdown and its impacts). In addition, the lockdown also interrupted many within-group bonding opportunities, such as religious services and general socializing, which further strained intra-group relationships." 498753,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,162,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"Given the scarcity of medical care in the area, the camp also has a first aid tent and a mobile team to be able to move patients from the most remote villages. All camp volunteers are trained in first aid and provide support to families with a protection, gender and inclusion perspective. When COVID-19 arrived in the area, Maximiliano thought that if there were a high number of infections, the pandemic could wreak havoc, because it would be very difficult to control it. Indigenous families are very vulnerable and their houses, which are barely 8 square meters, with mud walls and plastic roofs, are home to families of more than 8 people, in conditions of great poverty and overcrowding. “The first thing I thought was: how are we going to teach them to wash their hands to avoid infection, if they barely have water?." 408616,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"This represents 11% of the total hectares planted with coca in Colombia. Armed groups are also fighting over alluvial gold mining (2,697 hectares, equivalent to 3% of the national total) and the areas where marijuana is planted (Cauca has more hectares of marijuana planted than any other" 220650,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The persistent transmission of HEV in Bentiu POC continues with 409 cases reported since beginning of 2019 with no new cases reported in in week 39, 2020. 72% of cases are in children aged 15+years old." 274209,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"Outre que la pauvreté et le manque de moyens et d’infrastructures qui sont les causes sous-jacentes de l’insécurité alimentaire, les facteurs déterminants qui ont contribué à cette haute prévalence sont le climat d’insécurité et les perturbations climatiques qui ont endommagé les cultures et réduit la production agricole des saisons A et B." 308176,53292.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There is a lack of safe water at RRM nutrition sites including Alueel, Thuryeth and Mayomlach sites. People collecting water crowd at the hand pumps, which increases the risk of infection transmission for some pathogens such as COVID19. People must travel long distances from the Panthou PHCC Stabilization Center to collect clean water, adding to the difficulties for patient caretakers." 204186,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Physically, mines and explosive remnants of war also inhibit people from returning to their areas of origin, especially in the Equatorias." 205196,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Ebola prevention and preparedness work in South Sudan since the onset of the outbreak in the DRC in August 2018 has been organized under two successive National Ebola Preparedness Plans. Activities are focused in seven highest risk locations along the borders with the DRC and Uganda with an estimated 2.9 million inhabitants. 334804,55843.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,69,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/05/17/shahriar-bangladesh-focusing-on-repatriation-bhasan-char-temporary-arrangement,"[17th May 2021, Bangladesh] Refugees: With the refugee crisis in its fourth year, Bangladesh needs robust and sustained international support to ensure the safety and wellbeing of stateless Rohingya refugees, said Mahecic. However, it is critical to ensure the continued delivery of all humanitarian assistance and protection services. The needs of Rohingya refugees reach beyond subsistence and physical safety." 304494,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,70,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The September 2016 UNHCR-COR [Sudanese Commissioner of Refugees] MOU [Memorandum of Understanding] outlines COR’s role in coordinating the South Sudanese refugee response on behalf of the Government. Coordination with the authorities continues to take place at federal and state levels, with extensive support from COR. Government line ministries also engage in sector-level coordination mechanisms at the national and state levels." 159017,37971.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,7,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,Nombre de contacts non vus : 03 190989,42037.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state]KIs from all 17 settlements reported that approximately half or more residents did not have enough food to meet the needs of their household in the 30 days prior to data collection." 304199,50889.0,2466.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"In East Darfur, after a year of negotiations, additional land has been secured for Kario camp, while for Al Nimir camp negotiations with private landowners and host communities are still ongoing." 193161,42643.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticias.canal1.com.co/nacional/duque-advierte-a-venezolanos-que-seran-deportados-si-delinquen/,Duque también anunció que por razones sanitarias será reforzada la vigilancia en la frontera con Venezuela. 162609,35727.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,487,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"8. Desastres naturales: Según cifras reportadas por la oficina departamental de gestión de riesgos y desastres, durante el primer semestre de 2020 han resultado afectadas 4 familias y 20 personas por erosión costera en el municipio de Moñitos, se han reportado eventos de incendios en los municipios de Chinú, Ciénaga de Oro, Ayapel, Cereté, Tierralta y San Antero, de los cuales han sido afectadas 441 hectáreas de cobertura vegetal. Además, 3 familias para un total de 15 personas han sido afectadas en los municipios de San Pelayo, Ayapel y Canalete, producto de incendios estructurales. La Unidad Nacional para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (UNGRD) en su Boletín Externo de reporte al día a mayo de 2020, aseguró que la temporada seca del presente año ha afectado a los municipios Ayapel, Buenavista, Canalete, Chima, Ciénaga de Oro, Cotorra, Lorica, Los Córdobas, Momil, Montelíbano, Montería, Moñitos, Planeta Rica, Pueblo Nuevo, Puerto Escondido, San Andres Sotavento, San Antero, San Bernardo del viento, San Carlos y San Pelayo. Esta condición de sequía ha ocasionado el desabastecimiento de agua en algunos municipios del departamento: Cereté, San Carlos, Ciénaga de Oro y Sahagún13. En la temporada de lluvias del año 2019, el Consejo Extraordinario de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastre declaró la calamidad pública luego de que 16 municipios14 comenzaran a reportar inundaciones por causa del desbordamiento de las aguas de los ríos Sinú y el San Jorge. Los municipios priorizados por esta causa fueron San Pelayo, Valencia, Cereté, Cotorra, Lorica, Tierralta, Montería, y San Bernardo del Viento, afectados por el río Sinú; los municipios de Buenavista y La Apartada también tuvieron impacto debido a que las poblaciones se encuentran bajo las aguas del río San Jorge; finalmente, Ayapel está expuesto a riesgos por el río Cauca. En 2019 se emitió decreto de calamidad pública15para 9 municipios por afectación en cultivos (Arroz, Ahuyama, Maíz, Plátano, Yuca, Berenjena Ají), dada la pérdida de más de 400 hectáreas inundadas; algunas instituciones educativas también fueron afectadas en los municipios de Buenavista, La Apartada, Lorica y Moñitos. La gobernación entrego algunas ayudas donadas por el grupo de EPM (colchonetas, frazadas, carpas, kit de aseo, almohadas) y la Corporación del Valle del Sinú - CVS- (Madera)16. Contrario a la temporada de lluvia, el intenso verano que azotó el departamento por la sequía afectó a cerca de 16.000 familias en el primer trimestre del año, las regiones con mayor impacto fueron la zona costanera, el medio y bajo Sinú17" 332753,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Although civilian casualties from suicide and complex attacks, as well as the overall civilian casualties from non-suicide IEDs [Improvised Explosive Devices], decreased in comparison to the first nine months of 2019, UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] documented a 43 per cent increase of civilian casualties from pressure-plate IEDs, almost all attributed to the Taliban." 202464,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,55,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Administrative restrictions are the most prevalent access difficulties faced by humanitarian actors. Operational interference, movement restrictions, extortion at checkpoints, and violence against humanitarian personnel and assets continue. In addition, active hostilities, criminality and overall insecurity affect the ability of all humanitarian actors to reach people in need." 198845,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Au total, 185 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 21/11/2020. Au terme de la journée, 416 échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 59 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, en l’occurrence ceux des 59 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." 193079,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le dysfonctionnement des structures sanitaires, exacerbé par le faible développement du pays, les faibles ressources financières des populations et la faible couverture vaccinale (variant entre 10 et 37%), limite l´accès aux soins de santé pour plus de 3,2 millions de personnes vulnérables y compris les enfants de moins de cinq ans, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes et les populations déplacées et nomades." 392172,62160.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,120,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/478260-covid-19-nigeria-postpones-second-batch-of-vaccination.html,"[8th August 2021, Nigeria]The Nigerian government has announced the postponement of the second phase of vaccination against the rampaging coronavirus disease. This was contained in a short statement issued by the director of press at the office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Willie Bassey. The SGF, Boss Mustapha, doubles as the chairman of the Presidential Steering Committee (PSC) who has been in charge of COVID-19 issues since the outset of the pandemic in the country. The government, however, failed to give a specific reason for the postponement, but said the decision was due to some unforeseen circumstances." 219317,45753.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,185,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"Economic violence and denial of resources, opportunities or services was raised as a concern more frequently this year. The adolescent girl’s statement below highlights that women and girls are in some instances forced by their husbands and or male family members to work to generate revenue: “At work, girls and women are subject to violence by men, forcing them to work hard on farmland, taking away the money they earn by force and prioritising hard labour over education.” (Adolescent girl from Tell Abiad sub district, Ar Raqqa governorate). In some circumstances, women and adolescent girls who earn an income are denied their right to manage household income and resources: “Men are entitled to everything, even their wives’ salaries.” (Woman from As Sweida sub district, As Sweida governorate). Other women and girls, especially widowed and divorced, are denied inheritance, property or alimony; while girls are sometimes denied access to school or to recreational or other social activities." 319527,54426.0,2333.0,"['Education', 'Shelter', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"With the support of the EU Trust Fund and GIZ, as well as development partners such as the World Bank and ILO, Malian refugees and their host communities have access to land, housing and livelihood opportunities, while national health, education and water infrastructure is being reinforced." 236195,47104.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020,NES] Between November and December 2020, the national average reduced Coping Strategy Index (rCSI) increased from 17.9 to 18.5, with a peak recorded in Al-Hasakeh (22.1). Hereby marking the highest national average level since the beginning of 2020. mVAM December data outlined that around 85 percent of the surveyed households mentioned applying at least one foodbased coping strategy, with the highest level recorded among female-headed households (92 percent)." 492592,67931.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] High Quality Diesel: 2,481 SYP per litre One month price change: increase of 3% Six month price change: increase of 33% % of surveyed vendors reporting high quality diesel as unavailable in their community/ neighbourhood: 3%" 307746,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Critical gaps in child protection and GBV services, including case management and referral networks for protection services is foreseen as funding for many interventions finishes at the end of March 2021" 187034,41081.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,39,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119147.pdf,"• The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has newly presented its economic forecast that Ecuador may become the second worst-hit country in the region after Peru, with a 10.9 percent drop in its GDP in 2020." 78388,21716.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,34,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,"Según datos de la Dirección de Migraciones, más de 16.000 ingenieros venezolanos, con distintas especializaciones, se radicaron en Salta y otras provincias argentinas entre principios 2016 y fines de 2018." 229725,44602.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,9,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,No women and girls friendly space available and women 338563,56250.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,[43 915 DPI à Kalemie] Aucun acteur n’est positionné en moyens de subsistance. 117543,32494.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,100,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/el-mundo/el-preocupante-aumento-de-la-violencia-contra-mujeres-ninos-y-ninas-venezolanas-durante-la-pandemia/,"Además, agregó: “Es inaceptable que muchos niños y niñas venezolanos no tengan refugio en esta crisis. Si siguen las reglas y se quedan adentro, enfrentan abusos. El hogar debe ser el lugar donde los niños y niñas se sientan más seguros. Si no respondemos urgentemente a esta violencia, los niños y niñas pueden enfrentar consecuencias inmediatas y de por vida para su salud, desarrollo y perspectivas de futuro. No podemos permitir que la vida de estos niños y niñas se convierta en el costo oculto de esta pandemia”." 214690,45417.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,33,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 87% (330) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la nourriture était le besoin prioritaire pour la majorité de la population au cours du mois précédent." 307755,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Based on the IPC projections for December to March 2021, an estimated 187,000 people face crisis (IPC Phase 3) or higher levels of food insecurity (or 85 per cent of the population of Akobo County) with an estimated 11,000 people likely to face catastrophe levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 5) in Akobo County." 173013,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,43,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les activités de sensibilisation de masse ont été suspendues et des nouvelles approches ont été priorisées pour la sensibilisation sur les VBG et le COVID-19 à travers les médias, les nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication (NTIC)." 210298,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Peoples’ ability to submit complains and concerns to formal and informal authorities as well as to agencies delivering assistance, is limited." 16698,7075.0,322.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],en,165,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"The Humanitarian Food Assistance alone will not prevent further deterioration if not accompanied by actions addressing the key drivers of food insecurity. It is imperative that there is a halt to the violence, the full engagement into the peace talks, the re-establishment of humanitarian and commercial imports flows into all ports and onwards to their final destinations, facilitating delivery of assistance, addressing the macroeconomic crisis such as the currency depreciation and the liquidity crisis in the Yemeni economy, as well as regular of payments of pensioners and civil servants. Due to the severity of the food insecurity and nutrition situation, special attention should be given to those districts where the active fighting is taking place in particular to districts of Hodaidah, Hajjah, Saadah, Taiz, Al Dhale, Al Baidhaa and Aljawf. Special focus should be given to those districts with households in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe) food insecurity status." 217554,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Skilled and unskilled wage labour, small businesses and remittances are among the main income sources for household, both in urban and rural areas, which are highly affected by the impacts of COVID-19 and will continue to be affected in the projection period." 147023,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Working closely with WHO and MoH, the RCCE Group has developed and widely disseminated a multi-component package, including a toolkit of key messages covering a wide range of issues related to COVID-19. The Group has also finalized online training materials in Arabic and trained several partners in NES and other parts of the country." 326454,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 16% of Households of non-IDP settlements have not been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection while 42% of Households of non-IDP settlements have been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection. 360963,58841.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/30/rohingya-refugees-facing-medical-crisis-bhasan-char,"[30th June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Refugees whom Human Rights Watch (HRW) spoke with on the island confirmed this, saying that as people experiencing other illnesses were turned away from the health-care facilities, health workers told them that they just didn’t have enough capacity. Furthermore, emergency supplies from the mainland have been delayed because of monsoon-season rain." 184756,42710.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] The high risk of undetected transmission is compounded by the limited adherence to preventative measures (and limited enforcement of these measures) which makes transmission more likely, low case management capacity and continued high levels of transmission among health workers" 24799,9912.0,786.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/oas-report-venezuelan-migrants-and-refugees-unprecedented,"Thereportalso predicts that, if the situation does not change in Venezuela, by the year 2020 between 7.5 and 8.2 million Venezuelans could be part of the forced migration." 293639,51569.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Communities reported use of herbs (leaves and roots of trees/plants) as a cure to some of the sickness in the absence of health care. There were no cases of reported unique infections, however, there are high risks of snake bites, skin infections, and other water-born infections which requires urgent medical attention. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 244069,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ NES, JAn 12] Al Hole camp: Cases: No new cases confirmed as of 12 January . Update: Camp management increased the temperature screening points by adding screenings at the gates and reception area specifically for the departure trips. The health focal points and the RCCE focal points are finalizing a joint analysis of the rapid RCCE assessment that was conducted in September 2020." 161893,39571.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,21,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/410839-covid-19-could-worsen-tb-cases-by-2021-foundation.html,"The impact of COVID-19 on tuberculosis is overwhelming. The pandemic has adversely affected tuberculosis control, management and treatment." 219351,45753.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,380,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"“Violence occurs in gathering and dark places, water distribution points and the reception section, especially during access to water, where some receive large quantities of water without restrictions, leading to increased problems that amount to beatings in front of water tanks. Women are insulted and beaten.” (Adolescent boy from Al Hool sub district Al Hasakah governorate)The violence that women and girls experience at water distribution points is mostly verbal and physical violence. While lack of water has forced some camp residents in north-east Syria to bathe in dams, where numerous GBV risks are posed for women and girls, such as mixing with men and boys as they bathe. If men and boys know when they bathe, they can be assaulted on the way, during bathing or upon their return from the dams. Many participants noted the distance from water tanks that they must walk in order to obtain water. Water must be obtained several times a day for drinking, cooking and bathing, with women and girls being the primary household members to secure water for family needs. Thus, women and girls are placed at risk of sexual and physical violence while walking such long distances, as water is needed in the early morning as well as in the evening, when it is often dark. There is a perceived lack of standards for hygiene distribution, as vulnerable persons, such as children, older people and persons with disabilities do not receive adequate distributions. Respondents also noted that women and girls experience sexual harassment when they fetch water. Furthermore, the gender disaggregated WASH overview shows that 45% of all assessed households reported that toilets shared by four or more households were not segregated by sex, with higher percentages for Al Hasakeh (74%), Ar Raqqa (59%) and Deir ez Zor (51%), while 54% of all assessed households reported at least one protection issue related to toilet facilities available in camps and sites, such as harassment due to lack of privacy, poor lighting and lack of locks." 165633,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three issues using porter services (53 responses)† They demand a lot of money (89%) They only carry the food half way (15%) They demand portion of food in return for service (44%) 198688,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,17,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,120 dépliants Covid-19 ont été distribués au Marché de MOLEGBE dans la ZS GBADOLITE au NORD-UBANGI. 322708,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per WASH LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 56% for severe and lowest was 1% for no or minimal. Similary highest percentage of households per WASH LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 46% for severe and lowest was 2% for extreme+." 198343,44281.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.dw.com/fr/des-parents-inquiets-face-%C3%A0-la-gr%C3%A8ve-dans-les-%C3%A9coles-en-rdc/a-55430715,Ils sont en grève depuis maintenant trois semaines. Les enseignants congolais réclament une amélioration de leurs conditions salariales. Mais cette grève qui dure et s'étend à tout le territoire pose un problème aux parents qui s'inquiètent du fait que leurs enfants ne vont plus à l'école. 346247,56852.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,152,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bfa_apercu_de_la_situation_humanitaire_25052021.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso, le conflit et la violence continuent à provoquer de nouveaux déplacements, avec des afflux importants de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) enregistrés dans les régions du Sahel et du Centre-Nord depuis le début de l’année. Au mois d’avril les affrontements entre groupes armés et forces de sécurité, ainsi que les attaques contre la population civile et le pillage de leurs biens ont également touché les régions du Nord et de l’Est, entrainant de nouveaux mouvements de population. Plus de 71 000 nouvelles PDI ont été enregistrées au cours du seul mois d’avril, selon les dernières données du CONASUR. Les mouvements récents ne font que confirmer la tendance qui, depuis 2020, fait du Burkina Faso un des pays connaissant la plus forte croissance au monde du nombre de personnes déplacées." 52086,16699.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,41,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"The situation for Venezuelans in Ecuador has reached a critical juncture. As the government faces growing strains on its institutional capacity, it must choose to stand by its constitution, which protects the rights of migrants and refugees." 304843,53078.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"D’après les résultats préliminaires de cette analyse, les acteurs humanitaires estiment que 2,3 millions de personnes ont des besoins humanitaires au Niger dont 469,000 personnes à Diffa, 308 000 à Tahoua et 367 000 à Tillaberi. Ces trois régions comptent pour 50% des personnes dans le besoin au Niger. Au total, les acteurs humanitaires ciblent 1,7 million de personnes pour un coût de l’ordre de 383 millions USD." 144600,34804.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,99,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The GoS continues to maintain a widespread easing of preventive measures introduced throughout May. However, in recent weeks, as additional clusters of reported cases have emerged, lockdowns have been imposed on Ras al-Ma’ara town and Jdaidit al-Fadel town in Rural Damascus. Between 29 April - 13 May, eleven incoming repatriation flights holding some 2,270 Syrian nationals arrived in the country; 78 passengers on these flights were later confirmed as having COVID-19 cases (mainly from Kuwait, UAE and Sudan), prompting the suspension of all such flights." 175238,40880.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,92,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3673559,"La Unidad para las Víctimas también participó en los Comités Municipales de Justicia Transicional junto con la Personería, Defensoría del Pueblo, Gobernación de Antioquia, Alcaldía de Cáceres, Ejército y Policía Nacional, para hacer seguimiento y definir medidas para responder a este hecho victimizante. Desde el año pasado, la Unidad destinó más de $5.000 millones para garantizar alojamiento, alimentación y ayuda humanitaria inmediata a las familias desplazadas en Antioquia, la mayoría procedentes de las subregiones del Bajo Cauca y Norte del departamento." 202591,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Most counties in Unity, Upper Nile, Jonglei and Warrap and parts of Eastern Equatoria and Lakes faced critical malnutrition. This signals a worsening of the nutrition situation across the country. In 2020, more than 1.3 million under-five children are projected to be acutely malnourished, per the IPC." 389637,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,65,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Los cerca de 19 millones de dosis aplicadas a 2/07/2021 se han usado para vacunar con el esquema de inmunización completo a casi 7.1 millones de personas, lo que corresponde a 13.9% de la población. Los cerca de 4.7 millones de vacunas adicionales que han sido aplicadas corresponden a primeras dosis, que han cubierto otro 9.1% de la población." 198842,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Par conséquent, 2 563 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 21/11/2020, tous à Kinshasa ; 781 (30,5%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h." 285463,50884.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Demography', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Health: 3.66 million people are in need of health assistance. Maternal mortality rate currently stands at 311 of 100,000 live births." 388638,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les volontaires pour la défense de la patrie (VDP) sont également à Boundoré, à Sebba, à Solhan, à Mansila, à Gorgadji et à Bani." 132486,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,133,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Las necesidades prioritarias giran en torno a temas estructurales en el Perú. Las necesidades requieren un enfoque multisectorial tanto de la estrategia que involucra la articulación entre empresas, instituciones públicas, agencias internacionales y organismos no gubernamentales. Esto permitirá a los socios y autoridades locales crear estrategias comunes de intervención para la inclusión de refugiados y migrantes en los mercados laborales locales a través del trabajo dependiente, empresariado y auto empleo a través generando empleo conjunto y rutas de emprendimiento. A su vez, estas rutas fortalecerán los servicios locales de empleo, el entorno general del mercado y las funciones de soporte relacionadas, de manera que se facilite el acceso a los refugiados y migrantes a los Servicios de Desarrollo Empresarial (SDE)." 286912,51627.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,95,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Participants expressed particular concern about potential loss of already limited incomes and food aid in the case of lockdown. As work could not be done remotely, food aid required queuing, and food storage was not feasible in camp shelters. “[Lockdown] would be difficult. I mean, if it is applied to all people and people have to do it, then they will. But then how will people eat? How will they get money to survive?”" 152709,37924.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 06 au 12 juillet 2020, environ 1594 voyageurs ont été observés traversant la frontière Burkina Faso – Niger, sur l’axe reliant Kantchari (Burkina Faso) à Kankani (Niger), en contournant les voies officielles fermées du fait des mesures prises dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." 133573,35119.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Entre 2014 y 2018, el valor de las tasas Mercosur y extra – Mercosur se quintuplicó: de ARS $ 600 y ARS $1.200 respectivamente, a ARS $ 3.000 y ARS $ 6.000.15 Más allá de la variación en los valores absolutos (vinculada también a la inflación)," 413165,60898.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,53,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"From March to April 2021, 12,319 severely acute malnourished children aged 6 to 59 months were admitted to nutrition services in the country, bringing the total number of severe acute malnourished children treated since the beginning of 2021 to 28,163. This represents an indirect coverage of 18.64 per cent." 399705,62971.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: There is a request from the Government of Bangladesh to support the host communities including food assistance to approximately 2,400 individuals displaced to seven evacuation centres, and safe water and sanitation services for emergency cyclone centre locations. Assistance to host communities has begun." 187633,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"In Lower Juba, health authorities distributed rapid diagnostic tests to public and private clinics to scale up active case detection." 345195,56855.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] In April, UNHCR and its partner AIDES delivered 340 emergency shelters to displaced households in the Busumba displacement site in Masisi territory, North Kivu Province. This intervention was aimed at improving the living conditions of the displaced and protect them from meteorological hazards." 222993,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,50,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]A staggering 1,052 people have been reported to be killed or injured by explosive ordnance since 2016 across the most afflicted north-eastern states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe, although this number is estimated to be even higher due to underreporting." 391128,61177.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,104,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] While Nigeria is making progress towards the achievement of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals, the country still has significant challenges for public health regarding access to and availability of quality health care services and continues to have one of the highest burdens of disease globally. The prevalence of infectious and parasitic diseases such as, malaria (141 in 100,000), tuberculosis (282 in 100,000), HIV/AIDS (3.9% of the population) and Schistosomiasis remains high. Additionally, diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases are becoming significant health problems." 132618,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Generar conciencia en la prevalencia de trata y tráfico de personas hacia la población objetivo a través de estudios o evaluaciones en la materia. Los indicadores de riesgo estarán incluidos en los informes realizados por los socios 204279,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les options de réponses « retirer les enfants de l’école », « se séparer d’un enfant le confiant à quelqu’un d’autre », « se séparer d’un enfant en le mariant », « vendre la maison » ont été sélectionnées par moins de 1% des ménages [de Maradi] interrogés." 114711,29972.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,40,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77048,"De acuerdo con la Coordinación para Refugiados y Migrantes, el departamento de La Guajira, límite septentrional de Sudamérica, albergaba al mes de abril de 2020 165.475 migrantes de los 1.8 millones que actualmente viven en Colombia." 224682,44702.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Langdit primary school was occupied by IDPs as it was the only safe place for people whose houses collapsed. More families were observed moving into the school from the time of this assessment 473933,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,100,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"La organización señala que en el primer semestre de 2020 fue considerable el incremento de casos de reclutamiento en comparación con 2019, debido al control territorial que ejercen los diferentes actores armados y a asuntos asociados a la pandemia como son el cierre de las instituciones educativas, el aumento de casos de violencia intrafamiliar y la falta de ingresos. Por esta razón, la Defensoría del Pueblo emitió cerca de 54 Alertas Tempranas durante el 2020, y por lo menos 23 estaban destinadas a alertar sobre riesgo de reclutamiento en 20 departamentos del territorio nacional." 157248,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,32,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,Se observa un mayor porcentaje de personas con necesidades específicas en Riohacha (14.1% de los hombres y 32.9% de las mujeres) que en las otras zonas monitoreadas. 386512,60787.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3758808,"Colombia, el vecino con una histórica relación más intensa, destaca por recibir flujos diarios de centenares e incluso miles de venezolanos, que ya suman casi 1,8 millones en su territorio, y por disponer para ellos un Estatuto de Protección Temporal que les otorga documentación y acceso a empleos, servicios y disfrute de otros derechos." 115998,30124.0,1386.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],es,194,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades no cubiertas Se requiere fortalecer la capacidad de respuesta del Clúster y movilizar más recursos para responder a la escala de las necesidades. Es necesario apoyar la producción de alimentos entre los agricultores del país para compensar los déficits alimentarios y evitar un mayor deterioro de la seguridad alimentaria. Es necesario distribuir semillas de arroz y maíz de alto rendimiento y maduración temprana, así como semillas de hortalizas antes de la temporada de siembra principal, apuntando a los hogares agrícolas más vulnerables en los estados de Lara, Trujillo, Portuguesa y Mérida. Se requiere establecer granjas escolares en áreas urbanas, periurbanas y rurales, enfocándose en la producción de hortalizas de ciclo corto, cereales y jardinería doméstica. Implementar modalidades de asistencia de transferencias en efectivo para apoyar la producción de semillas y los mercados locales de semillas antes de la temporada de siembra. Continuar apoyando a los migrantes venezolanos y las comunidades de acogida dentro del país, así como en las zonas rurales limítrofes de los países vecinos, impulsando la producción local de alimentos y aumentando las oportunidades de ingresos." 298854,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"While disagreement over the beneficiary selection led to the temporary suspension of humanitarian activities in seven cases, it was comparatively easy for partners to resolve these issues through dialogue and engagement." 163634,32454.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,9,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77357.pdf,Unidades sanitarias y puntos de hidratación en Paraguachón. 163556,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,406,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Decretos Departamentales. Decreto 0111 del 13 de marzo de 2020: Se declara calamidad pública en el departamento de Putumayo. Decreto 0118 del 19 de marzo de 2020: Se adoptan medidas transitorias preventivas y de contención contra el COVID-19. Decreto 0143 del 8 de abril de 2020: Se decreta toque de queda en todo el departamento entre las 6:00 pm y las 5:00 am de lunes a sábado, y los domingos de 1:00 pm a 5:00 am del día siguiente. Decreto 0144 del 11 de abril de 2020: Se decreta toque de queda en todo el departamento entre las 6:00 pm y las 5:00 am de lunes a viernes, y los sábados y domingo las 24 horas. Decreto 0158 del 25 de abril de 2020: El departamento de Putumayo, se acoge al decreto 593, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. Decreto 00245 del 4 de mayo de 2020: Se crea el consejo territorial de salud mental del departamento de Putumayo, el cual está integrado por el gobernador, el secretario de salud departamental, el secretario de desarrollo social, el secretario de educación, el gerente del instituto de cultura, deporte, recreación y educación física, el defensor del pueblo, el director del ICBF regional Putumayo, un representante de cada EAPB, un representante de cada hospital del departamento, un representante de la OZIP y un representante de FEDECAP. Decreto 0166 del 10 de mayo del 2020: El departamento del Putumayo se acoge al decreto 636, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. Y se mantiene el toque de queda de lunes a viernes de 6:00 pm a 5:00 am y 24 horas sábados y domingos. Decreto 174 del 23 de mayo del 2020: Se prorroga el Decreto 166 del 10 de mayo del 2020, extendiendo las medidas de aislamiento, hasta el 1 de junio de 2020. Decreto 177 del 29 de mayo del 2020: El departamento del Putumayo se acoge al decreto 749, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. También se mantiene el toque de queda de lunes a viernes de 7:00 pm a 5:00 am y 24 horas sábados y domingos. Adicionalmente se mantienen las medidas de pico y cédula." 233393,46495.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"La vulnerabilidad económica que reporta la comunidad de La Loma es una de las principales causas de su desprotección y limitado acceso a servicios básicos. Por esta razón, se consideran urgentes la implementación de programas de medios de vida que incluyan cursos de formación y empoderamiento, con prioridad a padres/madres solteras y jóvenes." 248533,46458.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,22,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,Households also have limited resources to meet the costs associated with healthcare and lost income if a family member becomes ill. 310565,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"The number of people reached with humanitarian assistance and services varied by geographical location. In Unity and Western Bahr el Ghazal, the number of people reached with some type of humanitarian assistance exceeded the targeted population." 310846,53068.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"EDUCATION : 242,000 children accessing Education in Emergencies through learning spaces." 472894,63331.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Cluster%20de%20Protection%20de%20l%27Enfance%2C%20Bilan%20de%20la%20r%C3%A9ponse%20-%20R%C3%A9ponse%20li%C3%A9e%20%C3%A0%20la%20crise%20s%C3%A9curitaire%2C%20janvier%20-%20juin%202021.pdf,"Au 30 juin, la réponse des partenaires CPAoR estime à 5,345 adolescents, soit 5,3% par rapport à la cible (99, 680) qui ont bénéficiés des activités de compétence de vie courante." 106432,29953.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Dejando atrás sus viviendas en Venezuela, los migrantes llegan a La Guajira a casas de familiares o a vivir en la calle mientras reúnen el dinero necesario para alquilar una habitación. Para los padres y cuidadores la búsqueda de subsistencia es una fuente de constante preocupación, por lo que, al llegar a La Guajira, la cotidianidad de los niños se estructura en torno a la búsqueda de dinero, alimento y de un lugar para dormir." 322390,54747.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,123,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Four most common types of occupancy status reported by households of IDP settlements were: Hosted without rent (by family, friends, institution) (13%), Ownership (74%), No occupancy agreement / squatting (3%), rented (10%). Similarly, Four most common types of occupancy status reported by households of non-IDP settlements were: Hosted without rent (by family, friends, institution) (7%), Ownership (80%), No occupancy agreement / squatting (1%), rented (12%)." 339340,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"La personería de Medellín recibió 23 declaraciones por amenaza, desplazamiento e intento de reclutamiento, uso y utilización de sus menores de edad, entre enero y octubre del 2020, lo que denota un alto subregistro al parecer por el desconocimiento de la normatividad y las rutas de atención39" 355508,58182.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/02062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundacion_en_mitu_vaupes_vf1.pdf,"Al menos 132 familias requieren respuesta humanitaria con alimentación incluyendo el enfoque diferencial, ya que en el área rural hubo pérdida de cultivos, base de la alimentación de los pueblos indígenas del Vaupés y de plantas medicinales. Además, los desbordamientos causaron escasez en la pesca, la cual es para el sustento." 315471,54311.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,138,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Dado el contexto y las actuales condiciones de seguridad, en razón a la persistencia de las acciones de violencia y conflicto armado, es requiere la presencia de instituciones del Estado para brindar información sobre el acceso efectivo a los derechos a la población de manera individual, tanto para colombianos como para refugiados y migrantes. Es necesario garantizar la seguridad e implementar medidas de prevención, protección y atención de manera urgente para la población del municipio de Argelia, que están en constante riesgo y amenazas por el accionar de los grupos armados no estatales, en especial el reclutamiento, utilización y vinculación de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Se requiere con urgencia actividades de desminado humanitario y hacer prevención a través de educación en riesgo de minas (ERM)." 223931,46071.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,91,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon les femmes et les filles, du fait que l’accès au travail est réduit pendant la pandémie et que la plupart des hommes vivent d’un travail journalier (maçonnerie, manutentionnaire, transport par moto etc.) ; les femmes accèdent aux ressources plus que les hommes par le petit commerce ; mais comme d’habitude ce sont les hommes qui ont le contrôle des ressources cela est perçu comme une baisse de pouvoir et entraine des menaces de la part des hommes." 229416,46461.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Children are deprived of learning opportunities since March 2020 which is putting most of the children at risk of dropping out from schools; child marriage; child labour (as in village level lock down is not that much strict as cities level); mental torture and being victims of physical punishment at home. 175480,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,19,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,L’accès aux services des soins de santé offerts aux populations vulnérables devient difficile dans ce contexte. 224243,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Les inondations n’ont fait qu’aggraver une situation déjà précaire. Parmi les familles les plus touchées, le nombre de femmes enceintes et allaitantes est estimé à 3 672. Les personnes âgées sont estimées à 1 381 personnes, 1 653 chefs de familles femmes et 392 vivant avec handicap et le nombre de filles et garçons est estimé à 15 000." 389641,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,75,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,Esto representa una reducción de 7.2% en el número de casos nuevos y de 3.1% en el número de muertes con respecto al mes de mayo. Caquetá fue el único departamento de la región donde aumentaron los casos nuevos reportados entre mayo y junio (1.62 veces). Caquetá y Putumayo fueron los únicos que aumentaron el número de muertes en dicho periodo (2.7 y 1.4 veces respectivamente). 86577,23946.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,35,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/three-children-killed-others-injured-artillery-shelling-haftars-forces-southern-tripoli,The third child died after he was lodged at the intensive care unit at the hospital. The first two children died on the spot as Haftar's forces shell fell on them directly. 393192,62158.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Chart 9.3 below shows that 156 out of the total Caregivers, Health workers and Key community Leaders mentioned that Malaria is most relevant health conditions that affects the community, 6 said Kidney problems, 8 said Cholera, 2 said malnutrition while 1 person said heart disease. None of the health workers, community leaders or caregivers mentioned diabetes, mental health or drug abuse." 236020,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,22,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Sexual violence represents 38 percent of the reported cases while survivors’ access to multi- sectoral response services remains a challenge. 356110,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Asimismo, se evidencia el deterioro del mercado laboral y la pérdida de empleos, que dieron como resultado una tasa de desempleo de 15,9% y una disminución de 2,4 millones en el número de ocupados del país." 155250,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,47,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Debido a los controles en las carreteras, las personas que se encuentran retornando tienen menor posibilidad de acceder a transporte o de caminar por las vías, por esta razón optan por tomar desvíos por potreros y trochas, incrementando los riesgos en su tránsito." 207154,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,80,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Health sector partners estimate at 2.7 million the number of people needing emergency health humanitarian assistance in 2020, 51% of them women. The health situation in priority areas is characterized by a significant reduction in the number of functional health facilities and service delivery by qualified health personnel, difficult access to essential health care and low immunization coverage of affected populations which favor a resurgence of epidemics including measles, cholera, monkey pox and COVID-19" 1283,186.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://www.msf.org/en/article/yemen-crisis-update-january-2018,"Over the past six months, the administrative procedures for visas, travel authorisations and imports to Yemen have increased considerably. The rules required by different authorities change frequently and hamper our capacity to deliver aid." 360964,58841.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/30/rohingya-refugees-facing-medical-crisis-bhasan-char,"[30th June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: A recent HRW report found that health-care facilities on the island are gravely inadequate and that there is no capacity for emergency medical care. Fourteen people who had sought medical treatment on the island told us they received inadequate care. In four cases, when following up with their families, we learned that the patients had died. In each of these cases the families believed their relative’s death was due to grossly inadequate emergency medical care on the island." 166612,40055.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,117,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_as_of_20_september_ne_nigeria.pdf,"In Borno State, 1 confirmed case was reported for week 38. A total of 31 contacts are being closely monitored in Borno State. In Yobe State, case fatality rate amongst confirmed cases is 10.7% and positivity rate of 9.7% of the 773 samples tested. Case to contact ratio is 1:10 and percentage of LGAs that reported at least one confirmed case in the state is 76.1%. The percentage of confirmed cases amongst healthcare workers is 18.7% and the positivity rate for week 38 is 4.8% while the positivity rate for the preceding week was 8%. 23 contacts of newly confirmed cases were line listed" 37185,11044.0,788.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,35,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"The asylum seekers rely heavily on food assistance donated randomly by humanitarian organizations, host community members, support by Nigerian relatives, food in exchange for menial works and occasional open market purchase." 235638,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The regional supervisory body COBAC is closely monitoring the impactof the dual shock on the quality of portfolios and the profitability of financial institutions in CEMAC as borrowers face weaker repayment capacity. Moreover, COBAC has issued recommendations to financial institutions on prudent and transparent loan restructuring." 7414,1561.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MMWG%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%20-%20Zwara%20-%201%20May%202018.pdf,"In response, online consular services for Nigerians commenced on 29 April, and on 30 April, IOM organized a visit for representatives from the embassies of Cameroon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal) who registered 355 migrants interested in the Voluntary Humanitarian Returns (VHR) program (186 remain to be registered by their home authorities). Upon issuance of their travel documents and the VHR screening process, their departure from Zwara to countries of origin will be organized next week." 314764,54183.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,133,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-covid-19-lhopital-monkole-debute-la-campagne-de-vaccination-en-faveur-de-son-personnel-ce-lundi-19-avril/,"Dans un communiqué signé par son médecin Directeur [Hôpital Monkole], il est souligné que la vaccination est libre et volontaire. Cette campagne de vaccination concerne le personnel œuvrant au sein de cet hôpital à savoir les soignants, les administratifs, les paramédicaux, les techniciens, les personnes ayant plus de 55 ans d’âge et toutes celles présentant des comorbidités ( hypertension artérielle, diabète sucré, ou asthme bronchique). Par ailleurs, la Direction générale du Centre hospitalier Monkole, indique que toutes les dispositions sont prises en vue d’un déroulement dans la sérénité. Aussi, les personnes intéressées sont priées de s’enregistrer au préalable auprès de chefs de services en vue d’une bonne planification." 218413,45693.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,Less than half of all households have access to primary health care and only half of the children in these households have received the pentavalent vaccine. 205217,44635.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] Al-Qabalawi spoke of taking “full precautions” when going back home, such as washing all his clothes, taking a full shower after transporting bodies, and burning burial clothes. Despite these measures, al-Qabalawi highlighted that he is still terrified, talking about the procedures followed if any symptoms appear, “When we feel unwell, we take a swab directly, isolate ourselves and do not go home, for fear that we have been infected with the disease." 247689,48228.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Actions prioritaires, SECAL = Fournir une assistance alimentaire inconditionnelle à 6845 ménages pour une période minimum de trois à quatre mois / Réaliser une enquête de référence en sécurité alimentaire / Renforcer la résilience des ménages en soutenant les activités génératrices des revenus" 79824,21919.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,330,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are hosting over 3.7 million Venezuelan migrants and refugees out of the 4.5 million Venezuelans migrating worldwide. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is the country of origin for the second largest number of people displaced across international borders. Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Trinidad and Tobago are hosting at least 2.8 million people – 77 percent of all migrants and refugees in the region. The projection for 2020 is that 6.5 million people will need assistance, including 1.9 million children, compared with 1.18 million children in 2019. The most disadvantaged indigenous populations are among those in need. The tighter immigration policies adopted by several countries in 2019 established requirements that often cannot be met. This new development has increasingly led migrants to consider irregular routes and has hampered the monitoring of children on the move, ultimately depriving these children of access to regular status and basic social services and preventing the integration of the most vulnerable, including indigenous people. Children and adolescents are at risk of family separation, insecurity, trafficking, exploitation, child recruitment and gender-based violence. The scale and urgency of the needs have strained limited capacities to absorb additional demand, and prevented children from accessing child protection, education, health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and social protection services. The migration flows include an increased number of families and young children hoping to reunite with their relatives. While humanitarian needs vary from country to country, it is clear that the crisis is evolving and more people are looking for opportunities in the main cities. This requires enhanced efforts to foster integration and build the long-term resilience of both migrants and host communities. Humanitarian and development partners must strengthen joint efforts with governments to respond to this crisis" 245836,47702.0,2425.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,78,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Employers who had already been facing serious economic challenges are now grappling with additional loss of income and over indebtedness. Most businesses are forced to shut down due to physical destruction, while most small business have no businesses insurance. Even undamaged businesses are reluctant to reopen because their neighbourhood is entirely destroyed. Other businesses mentioned the traumatic experience during the explosion and its aftermath will deter clients from coming back to the area." 358672,58655.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/economia/finanzas-personales/los-arriendos-ya-estarian-superando-el-covid-19/,"El Espectador tuvo acceso a los datos del portal Fincaraíz.com.co, que cuenta con siete millones de visitas mensuales y 4,4 millones de usuarios. Esta información sirve para entender cómo se comporta tanto la oferta como la demanda de este mercado. Y a nivel general se aprecia una mejora de los precios de los arriendos." 248018,48228.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"L’ensemble des sites évalués présente des abris temporaires, fragiles et précaires. Le site de Dar al Kheir 2 se trouve particulièrement dans une situation critique en matière d’abris. Les nouveaux déplacés tout récemment arrivés sur ce site sont exposés aux intempéries : les pluies, le vent, le froid, les insectes… Cette situation est plus préoccupante pour les groupes vulnérables : les enfants et les personnes âgées." 19290,7910.0,730.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"Most people assisted by RRM partners are displaced within Al Hudaydah Governorate. Even before the recent escalation of conflict, needs across the governorate were significant with 60 per cent of the population requiring humanitarian assistance. Findings of the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) published on 7 December show that 17 out of the 26 districts in the Governorate are in an emergency food security situation." 342500,56610.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Alimentación y transporte siguen siendo las principales necesidades para los dos �pos de tránsito2. Otras necesidades priorizadas son alojamiento, señalada con más frecuencia por quienes (re)ingresan, y agua limpia, más comúnmente priorizada por quienes retornan." 153906,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,67,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"En cuanto a los pasos utilizados para entrar a Colombia el 50% ingresó a por río en Arauca Capital, 25% por río en Arauquita; 10% por río en Puerto Contreras (Saravena); 7% por Cúcuta a través del Puente Francisco de Paula Santander; 2% Puente José Antonio Páez en Arauca; y 6% otras trochas." 386456,60772.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"A pesar de contar con indicadores favorables, existen otros que sitúan a la población extranjera en una situación de riesgo y vulnerabilidad. La pobreza por ingresos está presente en 10,8% entre población extranjera, en contraste con 8,5% entre los chilenos. Cuando se estudia la pobreza multidimensional, estos porcentajes aumentan a 24,6% y 20,5%, respectivamente9 . Respecto a su condición de vivienda, un 21,4% de los inmigrantes viven en condición de hacinamiento (bajo, medio y crítico), en comparación a un 6,7% de la población nacional6" 326503,54734.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of shelter enclosure issues reported by households were Leaks during heavy rain (46%), Leaks during light rain (27%), Lack of insulation from cold (20%)." 425358,64291.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,90,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"98% des groupes de personnes enquêtées déclarent d’être venus avec des enfants, 70% des groupes de déplacés enquêtés ont dit avoir des enfants qui fréquentaient l’école avant le déplacement, Environ 25% de ménages déplaces affirment d’être venu avec des enfants non scolarisés, 50% des groupes de discussion affirment que le mariage des enfants est un practice habituel en les communes d´origine. 80% des personnes rencontrées annoncent un besoin de soutien psycho social aux enfants." 226962,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,Children comprise almost eight out of every 10 civilian casualties from explosive remnants of war. 274108,49666.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,137,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"Globalement 86 % de la population dans les territoires enquêtés est en insécurité alimentaire pour l’ensemble de la zone qui a fait l’objet de l’évaluation. Ceci représente environ 4 933 900 personnes qui sont en insécurité alimentaire globale (sévère + modérée), dont 2 401 561 personnes qui sont en insécurité alimentaire sévère. [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Dans la zone enquêtée, moins d’1 % de la population a accès à une consommation journalière suffisante riche en fer d’origine animale et moins d’un ménage sur dix consacre moins de 50 % de ses dépenses mensuelles à l’alimentation, suggérant une forte vulnérabilité économique des ménages." 483290,67232.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,133,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Ante la pregunta: Diría que el dinero que usted gana, ¿Es más, menos o igual de lo que gana su esposo/a o compañero/a?, el 60,0% de las mujeres venezolanas que tienen ingresos por trabajo y tienen pareja (esposo o compañero) respondieron que ganan menos que ellos, del 20,1% de ellas sus ingresos por trabajo son superiores al de su cónyuge; el 19,5% gana igual que su pareja y el 0,4% indicaron que su cónyuge no tiene ingresos. En el caso de los hombres, el 65,8% indicaron que ganan más que su pareja, el 15,8% igual, el 12,8% menos que su pareja y el 5,7% su esposa o compañera no tiene ingresos." 357273,58307.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,86,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/congo-faces-third-wave-coronavirus-says-health-minister-2021-06-03/,"""I officially announce the onset of the third wave of the COVID-10 pandemic in our country, with Kinshasa as its epicentre,"" Mbungani told reporters. A low vaccination rate and haphazard observance of recommended hygiene practices were among the reasons for the rising infection rate, he said. On Wednesday, the World Health Organization said it was concerned about the spread in Kinshasa of the Delta variant first identified in India, which is thought to be more transmissible." 274203,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Bafwasende] Dans le territoire de Bafwasende/Tshopo, environ 98 % des ménages vivent en insécurité alimentaire. Cette situation semble un peu surprenante compte tenu de l’environnement de la zone qui est favorable à l’agriculture. Le riz, culture de rente, se pratique deux fois par an, mais dans la plupart des cas la vente se fait avant la récolte, ce qui ne favorise pas les agriculteurs. Par ailleurs, la qualité des semences et le manque assistance technique semblent avoir eu un impact négatif sur la disponibilité alimentaire des ménages de la zone. Il a été également signalé le manque d’assistance humanitaire pendant les six mois précédant l’enquête." 220005,45769.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Aussi, la distance entre l’hôpital provincial de Bol et le situe a 22 km ; ce qui ne permet pas a la population de s’y rendre pour les soins" 414015,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Coordination gap with other stakeholders: Severe lack of coordination among different departments was observed and experienced by the key informants which delayed the response during the pandemic. Therefore, they suggested establishing a better coordination mechanism within the different departments of the government and other external stakeholders." 452952,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,61,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Respecto al estado civil de los encuestados, se halló que el 46.3% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana encuestada es soltera, el 51.5% es casada o conviviente. Esto quiere decir que hay cierta homogeneidad proporcional entre solteras y casadas/convivientes. En el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana encuestadas el 75.8% son solteras." 359619,58464.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[April - May 2021, NES] While the cost for one kilo of bread has seen an overall decline in the past six months, the price increased by 38% from April to May." 192739,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The longer marginalized children are out of school, the less likely they are to return resulting in drop out in the long run. Children from the poorest households are already almost five times more likely to be out of primary school than those from the richest." 179201,41967.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"(NW 09/2020) Most commonly reported coping strategies for a lack of healthcare services: 1) going to the pharmacy instead of a clinic (86%), 2) seeking non-professional care (37%), taking lower than the recommended dosage of medication (26%)" 187321,43340.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20-%20Camp%20Management%20Bi-weekly%20Tracker%20Report%2C%20Report%20No.%2024%2C%2016%20-%2031%20October%202020.pdf,"[16th -31st Oct 2020,BAY states]45% of the camps in the displaced LGAs currently have access to vocational trainings. 55% do not have access to any form of vocational training within the site or nearby. IDPs in all the camps have access to market on site or nearby" 158964,39161.0,2170.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,51,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"The humanitarian situation in north-east Nigeria poses particular challenges for COVID-19 infection prevention and control. Access constraints, congestion in IDP camps, and poor health and sanitation infrastructure are obstacles to disease prevention and treatment under the best of circumstances, making the public health response even more complex" 48783,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"According to a 2018 report by the Colombian government, more than 8,000 pregnant Venezuelan women who had entered Colombia were expected to give birth in the country; the majority of this population did not have access to any type of prenatal care in Venezuela." 162892,37895.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/177845/,"This brings the number of infected people in SDF-controlled areas to 30, all of whom are under quarantine." 40937,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,66,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"• Narrow passages between houses, as well as agricultural roads, provided alternate ways of getting in and out of certain areas. Movement via both main roads and informal routes was difficult, primarily because of the widespread risk of shelling and gunfire. Explosive hazards were also reported as a risk in Ain Zara, Qasr bin Ghasheer, and Wadi Rabia." 308179,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Based on the IPC projections for December to March 2021, an estimated 108,000 people faced crisis (IPC Phase 3) or higher levels of food insecurity (or 60 per cent of the population of Tonj East County) with an estimated 9,000 people were likely to face catastrophe levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 5) in Tonj East County between December and March" 147047,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As outlined in previous reports, samples continue to be collected by RRTs and sent to the CPHL or regional laboratories in Aleppo, Homs and Lattakia with WHO support. In July at the time of writing, 1,586 samples had been collected from 10 governorates, including one case from Al-Hasakeh." 215115,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[13thDec2020,Nigeria]According to data from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), the last time such a high figure was reported was between July 19-25 when a total of 3,870 new cases were recorded. That was at a time the country’s public health agency was concerned about flattening the curve of the pandemic in Nigeria." 302648,52890.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,91,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En este escenario de informalidad y rebusque las mujeres trans son el co- lectivo que más asimetrías enfrenta; si bien para todos y todas la mayoría de ocupaciones se encuentran en el plano de la economía informal y de subsis-Red de Movilidad Humana LGBTI+ tencia, muchas de las acciones de emprendimiento, o aquellas relacionadas con ventas en espacios públicos, no las contemplan a ellas, quienes en su mayoría hacen parte de redes de trata con fines de explotación sexual donde se les vulneran múltiples derechos." 173258,41066.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-total-cases-reach-368690/58442,"Currently, there are 81,686 active cases in the country." 307610,53292.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There is a need to ensure continued provision of health, WASH and critical protection services including child protection and gender-based violence (GBV) services." 359840,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Promote girls to be leaders in the student taskforces and other school based disaster risk management activities to be agents of change for supporting other girls to fulfil their rights." 206861,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,63,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"It is estimated that a total of 2,2063,753 people are in need of GBV assistance in all regions of the country: 465,271 people in the Far North region, 375,087 people affected by the CAR refugee crisis and 915,425 people affected by the crisis in the North West and South West fall under the ""physical and mental wellbeing"" consequence." 161727,34176.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,24,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"Alojamiento temporal en el Hogar de paso Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, Arquidiócesis de Cali, cumpliendo con las medidas de bioseguridad." 300676,51152.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"A total of 53,658 people were in need of general protection response. A total of 150,400 children were in need of critical child protection response." 291387,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,WHO Afghanistan remains concerned about mutations of the virus. WHO has sent recent COVID-19 samples for genomic sequencing to track for variants and confirm if the mutation is currently present in Afghanistan 211255,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,13,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,The absence of a federal legal framework for refugee protection increases their vulnerability 144602,34804.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"A number of traders are reported to be experiencing a notable drop in stock levels, with some commodities not available, including vegetable oil and sugar, due to wholesalers waiting for the stability of the informal exchange rate. Shortages of other essential commodities, such as medicine, have also been reported in recent weeks" 194135,42943.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Con una alta demanda de cuidados por el COVID-19 y recursos limitados, los doctores en Bogotá comenzaron a negar el acceso a las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCIs) para los pacientes mayores con COVID-19, para poder dar prioridad al cuidado de los pacientes más jóvenes." 227480,46488.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Cela se reflète dans les sources d’acquisition de nourriture, avec tous les IC (15/15) rapportant le petit commerce (y compris la vente de braises/charbon, etc.) comme étant l’une des principales sources, et presque tous les IC rapportant la production personnelle (14/15)." 330139,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"Según Martha Bibiana Velasco, las primeras dosis de Janssen llegarían en mayo, pero ahora la espera podría tardarse hasta junio. Lo cierto es que la fecha de entrega de las dosis no es el único problema." 241985,47791.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,48,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Selon les besoins et en fonction d’une enquête sociale, prise en charge psychosociale et/ou psychologique aux adultes et enfants affectées (cas et entourage familial) par le COVID et en particulier soutien pour les ménages les plus vulnérables ayant perdus leurs revenus économiques ;" 47468,16249.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"Los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que han elegido a Colombia como su país de destino, enfrentan grandes necesidades que se exponen a continuación en orden de prioridad: ◦ Acceso a medios de vida, imprescindibles para su integración y autosuficiencia. Se requieren esfuerzos para asegurar que las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela que están en situación regular tengan acceso efectivo a los mercados laborales, reduciendo su dependencia en la asistencia y aprovechando su potencial económico. Casi el 55 por ciento de las personas adultas venezolanas que se encontraban en situación irregular y se registraron durante el RAMV estaban desempleadas o trabajan de manera informal." 285484,50884.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,On 7 June OCHA established an emergency operation centers in Khartoum. WHO and ICRC have been providing emergency care kits and necessary medicines and supplies to help the wounded in Khartoum and Omdurman. The Ministry of Health and WHO are coordinating the health response. WHO is providing meals to civilian supporters to attract more volunteers and health personnel. 167089,40233.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(Overall Syria, March-August,2020) Additionally, access to elective surgeries and medical interventions was virtually blocked due to a suspension of service at many public hospitals." 278093,50830.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D9%84%D9%80-%D8%B9%D8%AF%D9%85-%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%81%D9%91%D8%B1%D9%87-%D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%AA%D8%B7%D9%84%D9%82-%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%AF%D9%91%D9%8A-%D8%A3%D8%B3%D8%A8%D9%88%D8%B9-%D8%A8%D9%84%D8%A7-%D8%B3%D9%83%D9%91%D8%B1,"[March 9, GoS] The Ministry of Health in the Assad regime’s government announced the launch of the “Sugar Free Week” challenge, in light of the unavailability of basic materials and their high prices in the regime-controlled areas, including sugar." 167042,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"Between Sunday and Saturday (September 13 to 19), the country reported 968 new cases, which is a 23 per cent reduction from the 1,272 recorded the previous week, the 38th week of the pandemic in Nigeria." 228249,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"From 1 January to 30 September, Pro-Government Forces caused 806 civilian casualties (205 killed and 601 injured) with the Afghan National Army responsible for more than three-quarters of these civilian casualties. Women and children comprise almost three out of every four civilian casualties from the use of these weapons [howitzers and mortars] by Pro-Government Forces, as civilian casualties are often caused when these projectiles land near or on civilian homes." 115979,30124.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],es,255,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades no cubiertas Es necesario mantener los esfuerzos para el control de casos de difteria en los estados priorizados y la prevención de la reintroducción del virus de sarampión en Venezuela. Hay que aumentar los esfuerzos para recaudar fondos con el fin de adquirir y distribuir vacunas para garantizar la continuidad del programa de vacunación de rutina. Es necesario continuar apoyando a los establecimientos de salud con suministros continuos de medicamentos e insumos. También, la provisión de servicios esenciales, como agua, electricidad, eliminación de residuos sanitario son fundamentales para mantener su capacidad operativa. Se requiere fortalecer las acciones de detección temprana, atención oportuna y vigilancia epidemiológica de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, especialmente en grupos vulnerables (gestantes, población indígena.). La salida de personal sanitario continúa siendo un reto, por lo que se necesitan procesos de educación continua para transferir conocimiento y asegurar el fortalecimiento de capacidades de los recursos humanos disponibles en salud. Hay que mantener la gestión de la información y los datos sanitarios clave, para facilitar evaluaciones adecuadas y que sirvan para orientar la toma de decisiones respecto al apoyo que se brinda a los establecimientos de salud de todo el país. Se detecta una brecha de datos estadísticos para establecer una línea base de atención en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (SRS). La continua escasez de combustible en muchas áreas del país está afectando directamente la logística de la respuesta de salud." 221042,45806.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/una-educacion-inclusiva-para-los-ninos-migrantes-venezolanos-206819,"Con la expedición del Decreto 1288 de 2018 se estableció que los niños y jóvenes venezolanos pueden continuar sus estudios, validando los grados cursados en Venezuela, mediante la presentación de evaluaciones o actividades académicas en los colegios donde han sido ubicados, las cuales no tienen costo." 388583,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,93,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La province du Yagha est celle la plus éprouvée par les incidents sécuritaires avec 46% des incidents du fait de l’activisme accru des GANE dans la zone. En effet, dans la nuit du 4 au 5 juin 2021, plus d’une centaine de personnes ont été tuées, plusieurs blessées, des boutiques et cars de transport incendiés lors d’une incursion d’un GANE lourdement armé (Lance rocket, AK-47…) dans la commune de Solhan dans la province du YAGHA." 164598,39753.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"Polio VCMs in Borno and Yobe continue to disseminate information to small groups on COVID-19. VCMs continue to combine the use of the telephone tree and house to house for COVID-19 surveillance; and follow-ups with caregivers on routine immunization with RI intensification while observing physical distance. In six LGAs in Borno (Bayo, Biu, Kwaya Kusar, Askira/Uba, Gubio and Hawul), mobilizers continued sensitizing caregivers on COVID-19 who are further cascading the awareness in the community." 304853,53078.0,2333.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,156,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Pour endiguer l’épidémie [Poliovirus], les autorités sanitaires avec l’appui des partenaires ont conduit une campagne de vaccination d’octobre à novembre 2018 en vue de renforcer l’immunité des enfants de moins de 5 ans contre le poliovirus. Au total, 1 514 108 enfants ont été vaccinés contre le poliovirus pour une cible de 1 459 447 enfants, soit un taux de réalisation de 104% au niveau régional. Cette campagne visait aussi à administrer le vaccin antipoliomyélitique oral (VPO) à 100% des enfants de 0 à 59 mois dans les onze districts sanitaires de la région de Zinder, à informer davantage plus de 90% des parents dans ces districts, à réduire à moins de 2% la proportion d’enfants non vaccinés et à conduire le monitorage dans tous les districts de la région." 500715,60136.0,2074.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,54,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"Salud - El centro de salud de Pisiga reporta que brinda atención a migrantes en necesidad, aunque existen limitaciones porque no forman parte del Seguro Universal de Salud (SUS). Sin embargo, ante la existencia de varios casos que requieren atención médica, se la brinda con las capacidades locales" 63139,18817.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,75,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"A total of 63 operational partners (based on reporting to the 3W - Who does What Where – tool), including UN agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), are scaling up their capacity and presence. These includes the 10 states prioritized for the humanitarian response. Funding to maintain and expand the response is urgently needed, with UN agencies and NGOs reporting a limited amount of available resources." 196178,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance continues to be an effective conduit to aid displaced populations, supporting dignified assistance and value for money" 331414,44828.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,42,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported that IDPs are unable to access local authorities for support were Magwi 50%, Wau 27%, Kajo-keji 20%, Nagero 20%, Ezo 19%." 272647,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Depuis plusieurs années, la présence humanitaire est concentrée dans les zones les plus vulnérables du pays exposé aux conflits armés et à la récurrence des mouvements de population avec des conséquences humanitaires sérieuses, il s’agit des régions de Tillaberi, Tahoua, de Diffa, et Maradi" 154008,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Durante este tiempo se han sentido afligido/as, preocupados por llevar largos días caminando sin un rumbo o destino fijo, preocupados por la salud y seguridad de los niños y niñas, con tristeza, depresión, desmotivados, desorientados, extrañan a sus seres queridos en Venezuela." 328535,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[Accountability to Affected Populations] 8% of households reported having experienced barriers in accessing aid in the 30 days prior to data collection Among those households, the most commonly reported barriers were lack of information (78%), physically unable to access points of aid distribution (31%), exclusion by camp managers/ gatekeepers(5%)." 248810,48322.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,68,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/noticias/comunicado-oficial-202101271943,"De acuerdo con la información suministrada por la Regional Antioquia de esta entidad, en el municipio antioqueño permanecen asentados grupos de ciudadanos nacionales de Haití, Cuba, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ghana, Camerún, Congo, Guinea y Somalia, quienes exigen se abran las fronteras tanto de Colombia como de Panamá, para que ellos puedan continuar con su tránsito hacia Centroamérica." 222730,45949.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/noticias/luego-de-6-meses-numero-de-venezolanos-radicados-en-colombia-vuelve-a-aumentar,"Así mismo, indicó, que la gran mayoría de estos migrantes se siguen radicando en las principales ciudades del país o ciudades capitales, gracias, en buena parte, a las posibilidades económicas que representan. De acuerdo con este reporte, en Bogotá se concentrarían más de 333 mil venezolanos, seguido por Cúcuta con más de 100 mil, Barranquilla con un poco más de 94 mil, Medellín con más de 88 mil y Cali con más de 59 mil." 326509,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported reasons why children stopped attending school since the outbreak were: Schools have closed (87%), Lack transportation to schools due to COVID-19 (7%), Parents prefer that children stay home (14%)." 127310,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,74,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los socios buscan implementar actividades concretas hacia la integración mientras asesoran y dan soporte a la estrategia del gobierno para alcanzar un camino legal alternativo al PTP y facilitar el reconocimiento de los grados académicos y profesionales. Los socios también darán asistencia a través de intervenciones de efectivo para dar apoyo al emprendimiento y generación de ingreso, que a su vez permitirá la cohesión social y evitará la discriminación y xenofobia." 163455,30943.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,223,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Evolución sanitaria:Hasta el 31 de mayo el aislamiento preventivo a nivel nacional se mantuvo con excepciones a algunos sectores de la economía en coherencia con los anuncios de “Emergencia sanitaria1 y el “Estado de Emergencia”2 en Colombia. A partir del 1 de junio de 2020 comienza a regir el nuevo Aislamiento Preventivo con Sentido de Colaboración e Inteligencia que decreta 43 excepciones para la activación de las actividades de la vida productiva más no de la vida social3. Hasta el 1 de Junio, en Colombia se han confirmado 30.493 casos con 1.110 casos nuevos en las últimas 24 horas y 969 defunciones 9.661 casos recuperados (231.7% del total de casos), Se destaca que, el 55.8 por ciento de los casos reportados son hombres; en cuanto a grupos de edad, se reportaron el 6.1 por ciento de los casos en menores de nueve años (1.857 casos), 79,6 por ciento de los casos en población entre los 10 a los 59 años (24.066) y el 14.9 por ciento son de 60 años y más (4.525 casos). Hasta la fecha al menos 415 municipios de los 1.122 están reportando casos en 31 de los 32 departamentos (ver mapas anexos)." 159012,37971.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,Contacts confirmés COVID-19 depuis le début : 493/903 (55%) 56515,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,180,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En términos generales, el pasaporte es el documento de viaje válido y exigible para el cruce de fronteras internacionales. No obstante, diversos países han establecido convenios o acuerdos mutuos por los cuales autorizan movimientos a través de sus fronteras con la presentación de los documentos de identidad nacionales. De este modo, los nacionales de los países de América del Sur que integran el Mercosur pueden entrar y salir de Argentina (y de otros países de la región) con su documento de identidad de país de origen vigente y en buenas condiciones de conservación. Si bien esta disposición incluye a las personas venezolanas, el 97% de quienes fueron entrevistados contaba con pasaporte venezolano y utilizó ese documento en su traslado. Todos lo habían obtenido antes de decidir el viaje a Argentina y muchos ya lo habían utilizado con fines turísticos. Con este documento, las personas adultas realizaron sin mayores inconvenientes los diversos cruces de frontera, ya sea a pie o en transportes aéreos o terrestres internacionales." 173018,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,63,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"L’offre de services est susceptible de diminuer sensiblement dans le domaine de la santé préventive, des soins prénataux et postnataux ou encore de prise en charge de la rougeole, du choléra ou des personnes souffrant de complications liées à la malnutrition ou aux violences basées sur le genre, mettant particulièrement en danger les femmes et les enfants." 224728,45275.0,2336.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"The loss of livelihoods and a dire food security and nutrition situation has left people to use up their savings and take on debt, cut meals and medical expenses, and risk being evicted from their homes." 182296,42516.0,1900.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,141,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen%20Respuesta%20Humanitaria%20COVID19%20Oct%202020.pdf,"El país contaba previo a la pandemia, con 1,3 millones de personas con necesidades humanitarias en uno u otro sector. El impacto socio económico de la pandemia de la COVID-19 ha incrementado la preocupación sobre la exacerbación de las necesidades humanitarias en el país, principalmente por los efectos de las medidas de restricción de movilidad sobre la actividad económica y la reducción en la demanda de los hogares por la pérdida de ingresos, con una contracción esperada del PIB en hasta un -6.1 por ciento. A pesar de la pandemia, a principios de octubre se produjo una primera movilización masiva de personas “las caravanas”, la cual más del 83 por ciento fue retornada desde Guatemala. Un 8 por ciento de la población estudiantil no han tenido acceso a clases virtuales." 323860,54898.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/economia/adaptacion-digital-formula-para-proteger-a-las-empresas-colombianas-en-la-pandemia/20000011-4510822,"Interactuar desarrolló durante la pandemia una ""ruta digital"" para capacitar desde pequeños hasta grandes empresarios con el objetivo de prepararlos para responder al mercado y sortear los periodos de incertidumbre por las restricciones. Asimismo, ha promovido conceptos como el ""emprendiendo de emergencia"" y el ""autoempleo"" para la población cesante del país" 242524,47618.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,97,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] As the schools reopen, the biggest challenge would be helping the students come out of the trauma of isolation and meeting different students at different levels of knowledge, understanding, and skills. To cope with this situation, tremendous empathy and understanding needs to be manifested by all the stakeholders of the system. Instead of cramming students with volumes of knowledge that might quickly dissipate from their minds, it is important to not treat them as empty buckets and rather as co-creators of knowledge." 211058,44790.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Despite political progress and ongoing efforts to strengthen government institutions, the Ministry of Education (MoE) continues to lack the capacity to deliver basic education services for IDPs, children living in areas with ongoing conflict and marginalized groups living under the most challenging circumstances" 338737,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"When children break from studying, or study less, their skills and knowledge acquisition not only halt, but tend to regress." 112522,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,79,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Se suma a esto la difícil situación de orden público del departamento, que incide, por una parte, en el difícil acceso a zonas que están en medio de disputas territoriales o bajo el control de grupos armados. Por la otra, existe un temor de la población de enviar a los niños, niñas y adolescentes a los colegios, por considerar que pueden quedar atrapados en medio de un enfrentamiento o ser reclutados." 81815,22508.0,1387.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,49,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Mexico,2019-08-18 18:54:16.373564+00,https://es.panampost.com/sabrina-martin/2019/10/03/venezolanos-sin-derecho-a-viajar-victimas-de-xenofobia-robos-y-vejaciones/,"Tal es el caso de Carlos Sánchez quien denunció robo, amenazas y torturas en el aeropuerto de Cancún, en Quintana Roo, cuando viajaba de vacaciones por primera vez a México. Dijo ser testigo además de vejaciones contra grupos de venezolanos que se encontraban retenidos." 298927,51152.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,127,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"The Inter-Cluster Coordination Group launched a three-phased approach to respond to the needs of the flood affected populations. In the first phase, launched in August 2020 for an initial period of 3 months, partners delivered life-saving emergency assistance including ES/NFIs (mosquito nets, plastic sheets, rubber ropes, and face masks), WASH (aqua tabs, PUR sachets, collapsible jerry cans, filter cloth and soap), FSL (fishing kits and emergency food), health (replenishment of emergency health kits) and Protection (dignity kits for women and girls). Additional support was directed towards emergency repair and rehabilitation of dykes along densely populated areas in Bor South and Twic East counties." 276095,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les personnes déplacées au Tchad sont pour la plupart victimes des conflits armés, durant lesquels elles ont subi des violences, des abus et des privations ainsi que le manque d’accès aux moyens de subsistance. Il est à noter que ces crises affectent de façon disproportionnée les filles, les garçons, les femmes et les hommes." 235656,46890.0,2334.0,['Education'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,16,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Schools have been closed since 18 March to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. 356668,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,49,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Llevar a cabo una revisión exhaustiva de los protocolos, las prácticas y los equipos de control de multitudes de la policía, y de la capacitación de los agentes sobre el uso de la fuerza, el derecho a reunirse en forma pacífica y otros derechos humanos." 322881,54747.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 23% households with at least one pregnant and/or lactating woman. 328341,54954.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Del total de 45.334 camas hospitalarias para adultos, el 66,9% (30.330) se encuentran ocupadas, con una disponibilidad del 33,1% (15.004), en comparación con las últimas 24 horas el porcentaje de disponibilidad se ha disminución en un 0,06% y el número de camas disponibles aumenta en un 0,07%." 204125,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les options de réponses « retirer les enfants de l’école », « se séparer d’un enfant le confiant à quelqu’un d’autre », « se séparer d’un enfant en le mariant », « vendre la maison » ont été sélectionnées par moins de 1% des ménages interrogés [a Diffa]" 228421,46627.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,the cost of food is becoming an issue and most respondents are reducing quantity and / or quality of their food 63994,18842.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,93,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71444.pdf,"Another tendency of NSAG is to resort to retaliatory actions and exemplary punishments against population opposing them or cooperating with the government as witnessed in Ngazai LGA on 27 July, when NSAG, approached village Badu Kuluwu (80 km North of Maiduguri), Borno state, and opened fire against civilians, who reportly were returning to the village after funerals. As reported over 60 civilians were killed, and many were wounded while whereabouts of an unspecified number of civilians have not been established after the attack." 159650,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"When asked if respondents had heard about how the virus spreads and preventive measures that could be taken (such as proper and frequent handwashing, avoid touching your face with hands, physical distancing, etc.,) 78 per cent of respondents responded in the affirmative. 22 per cent of respondents said they have not received regular communication about the disease or preventive measures. A high of 66 per cent of respondents in Benue said that they have not received routine communication about COVID-19 spread and preventive measures." 302666,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,131,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Es importante analizar el caso de las personas LGBTI+ solicitantes de la condición de refugiado o refugiados/as, un porcentaje por debajo del 10% en los tres países, y ello se puede interpretar a partir de sus relatos, donde puntualizan que, a pesar de salir de su país por situaciones de persecución, violencia o violación de derechos humanos que llevarían a cumplir con los criterios para ser reconocidas/os con la condición de refugiado, no solicitan la protección internacional porque sienten que esa es una condición que les impide regresar a su país o movilizarse a otro destino. Algunas personas han optado por otras formas de regularización como permisos es- peciales de permanencia que les permiten tener acceso a trabajos y algunos servicios sociales." 233381,46495.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,70,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"Las necesidades urgentes de la población, particularmente las de arriendo y alimentación, pueden ser abordadas en el corto plazo a través la entrega de efectivo multipropósito. Es importante considerar el bajo nivel de sostenibilidad de los programas de efectivo multipropósito, y la necesidad de complementar este tipo de intervenciones, con programas orientados a fortalecer las capacidades de los beneficiarios para asegurar un impacto duradero." 359454,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Most commonly reported strategies to cope with a lack of agricultural resources during the last season (reported by % assessed communities): -76%: Get the land rented to others before planting season -58%: Sell livestock assets -58%: Access to cash by going into debt to cover operational costs -13%: Change crop type" 275412,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"From the very first case identified in March 2020, the total number of Covid-19 patient is 535,139 among which 8,127 persons died and 479,744 persons recovered up to January 31, 2020. Though government has taken steps to minimize movement of people the situation may become worsen if health guidelines by the Director General of Health Services (DGHS) are not maintained properly" 328633,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] 99% of the households found with Multi-sectoral needs. 27% found to be extreme+ severe, 34% extreme, 38% severe and 1% stress and 0% No and minimal." 264619,49750.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,32,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.burkina24.com/2021/02/22/burkina-faso-325-patrouilles-et-escortes-realisees-dans-la-semaine-du-15-au-21-fevrier/,Les FAN ont également aidé à la réinstallation de personnes déplacées internes dans certaines localités et escorté le ravitaillement au profit de structures privées dans la région de l’Est. 176662,41731.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,120,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"L’information reçue, comme dans les autres régions, a été jugée appropriée et à travers plusieurs formats. Dans la Région de l’Est l’information est véhiculée par l’hôpital ou par les agents de Médecin Sans Frontières qui font des séances de sensibilisations à l’endroit des populations. Des informations sont aussi reçues à l’école à travers les maitres, les parents, ainsi que dans la rue. On souligne que dans le milieu rural, les informations sont insuffisantes et pas pratiques avec une démonstration visuelle ce qui fait que certains ne croient même pas à l’existence de la maladie dans le Pays." 163869,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,36,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Arauca: no hay cumplimiento de las condiciones de bioseguridad por parte de la población en el municipio de Arauca y zonas como Puerto Jordán, por ello se requieren campañas de concientización." 388852,61191.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iscg_monsoon_response_flash_update_1_29_july_2021.pdf,"[29thJuly, Cox's Bazar] Men, women and children need additional non-food items such as clothing, and women and girls are in need of menstrual hygiene kits." 248507,46458.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In addition to issues with wastewater, the settlement is not served by municipal solid waste disposal services. In this context, low capacity solid waste management has been shown to pose an increased risk to COVID-19 transmission associated with the incorrect disposal of infected material (Mol and Caldas 2020)." 342107,55979.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/profil_zone_nord_kivu_mars_2021_vf_28_04_2021_v2.pdf,"L’analyse des statistiques montre qu’en mars 2021, les tendances de violations sont croissantes avec une hausse de 1002 cas par rapport au mois de février 2021. Cette hausse est due à plusieurs incursions des présumés ADF dans le territoire de Beni, de l’activisme des groupes armés dans les territoires de Masisi et Walikale et le déploiement des moniteurs dans certaines zones de Walikale et Lubero jadis faiblement couvert." 244247,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,Illegal goldmining has been formally forbidden across the country since 2016. The Government recalled that the decision to ban illegal gold mining activities had been issued to the illegal miners in the Tibesti province in the aftermath of the attacks by the CCMSR rebel movement in 2018. 328533,54710.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[Accountability to Affected Populations] 50% of households reported having at least one member who could not read or write. 132497,34344.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,60,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Promover la integración de la comunidad con participación activa de migrantes, refugiados y la población de acogida. La integración de la comunidad será promocionada a través de la organización de eventos diseñados que congreguen a las comunidades venezolanas y peruanas, incluyendo ferias, así como eventos de la comunidad, deportes y otros eventos culturales." 205555,43347.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Approximately 80 per cent of the IDP population living in camp-like settings or informal settlements are in critical need of humanitarian assistance. 112516,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,66,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La oferta en educación por parte de la cooperación internacional está principalmente a cargo del Consejo Noruego para Refugiados, que a través del Programa Puente realiza censos escolares y encuentros de motivación para el ingreso y la permanencia en la escuela. Gracias a los censos, se han identificado en Fonseca 200 niños de 5 a 16 años por fuera del sistema escolar." 181855,42443.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/143_covid_snapshot_WA.pdf,"Testing levels vary by country. Out of 1,396 respondents, 78 respondents reported having been tested for coronavirus, with one positive result reported. Niger’s testing proportion of 10% was notably higher than Burkina Faso (5%) or Mali (2%). The proportion of men and women being tested for coronavirus was quite similar." 8447,1458.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,97,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2018%2BLibya%2BReport%2BPDF.pdf,"One of the main obstacles to reducing abuses by DCIM staff in the detention facilities remains the lack of oversight or accountability. There are no internal reporting mechanisms in detention centers that detainees can use to report physical or other forms of abuse by guards and other DCIM staff. Asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants also lack access to legal assistance in the detention facilities. And conditions are not conducive to open and frank conversations with UN and NGO workers during visits, due to the lack of privacy in detention centers." 204027,43347.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Sixty-six counties have a high convergence of high WASH, protection and education-related needs. Of these, 19 (29 per cent) are in Greater Equatoria, 26 (40 per cent) in Greater Upper Nile and 21 (31 per cent) in Greater Bahr el Ghazal." 277002,50764.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,87,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"À la suite en République démocratique de la visite de Wang Yi, le ministre chinois des affaires étrangères, du Congo (RDC) début janvier, la RDC a obtenu de la Chine un allègement de sa dette d’environ 28 millions de dollars en janvier 2021. Selon une déclaration du bureau du président congolais, Félix Tshisekedi, la Chine a également promis un soutien financier de 17 millions de dollars US pour aider à lutter contre la pandémie de Covid-19." 495118,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,65,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En cuanto a su caracterización demográfica, según la Superintendencia de Migraciones, en 2018 el 56.8% de los migrantes eran hombres y el 43.2% mujeres. El 43.1% de los ciudadanos venezolanos registrados están entre los 20 y 29 años; el 28.8% entre los 30 y 39 años. Los menores de edad según OIM son el 23%" 356647,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,86,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El gobierno de Colombia señaló que varios grupos armados, incluido el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) y grupos que surgieron de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), se habían “infiltrado” en las protestas para cometer actos de vandalismo y atacar a la policía. El fiscal general indicó a Human Rights Watch el 4 de junio que las autoridades habían detenido a 11 presuntos miembros de grupos armados en relación con actos violentos durante las manifestaciones." 248983,47559.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"il ressort clairement que le mariage précoce et les Mutilations Génitales Féminines sont de loin les typologies de VBG rencontrées dans pratiquement toutes les localités. Ces pratiques bien que relevant des Pratiques Traditionnelles Néfastes (PTN) sont entretenues de génération à génération. Le mariage précoce par exemple a été accentué avec la crise dans des localités comme Ouahigouya, Titao et Thiou." 150860,36671.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3662145,"Mientras tanto, el titular de la Dirección de Tejido Social, Carlos Marroquín, participó también en la distribución de esta ayuda gubernamental en los alrededores del centro de San Salvador, junto al presidente de la empresa pública ETESAL, Edwin Núñez." 293535,51569.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"The situation has exacerbated from mid-July up caused by continued over flow of water from river that has caused displacements, hindering accessibility to some locations, destruction of community infrastructure including agricultural farms." 319778,54388.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://ouruba.alwehda.gov.sy/homs-news/85681-%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D9%80-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%B5-%D8%A8%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A9-30-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B4%D9%87%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%82%D8%A9.html,"[April 15, Homs] Head of the Hospitals Department in the Homs Health Directorate, Dr.Muhammad Al-Rais said that the percentage of family and competitor occupancy allocated to the Corona epidemic varies from one hospital to another, but in general the occupancy rate ranges from 20 to 30%, indicating that there is currently no increase in the number of beds and competitors allocated to confront Coronavirus, but the Health Directorate is ready at any moment to move to Plan B and increase the number of beds and competitors when needed." 197493,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"South Sudan’s road networks are among the most underdeveloped in the world, although the United Nations and private sector actors have made gains in the past year to improve road movement, enabled by greater security" 342505,56610.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"2.3 personas por grupo de viaje 89% menciona ingresar a Colombia a través de pasos irregulares (en La Guajira hay al menos 217), tan solo un grupo de viaje entrevistado manifiesta contar con Tarjeta de Movilidad Fronteriza" 356592,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"En reiteradas ocasiones los policías han dispersado manifestaciones pacíficas de manera arbitraria y empleado la fuerza de forma excesiva, y a menudo brutal, incluso mediante el uso de municiones letales. Human Rights Watch ha documentado numerosas muertes cometidas directamente por policías, así como violentas golpizas, abusos sexuales y detenciones arbitrarias de manifestantes y transeúntes." 260927,48984.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria]In Northeast Nigeria, the overall humanitarian situation has worsened on multiple fronts since July 2020. The unprecedented challenge of COVID-19 comes at a time of worsening humanitarian needs, with 10.6 million people in need of life-saving assistance and 1.9 million IDPs across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states (2.1 million IDPs in wider northeast Nigeria)." 270269,49936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En el gráfico 1 se observa que el 62,2% de los cuidadores refieren hablar frecuentemente con los niños/as sobre la COVID-19. El 27,8% hablan a veces, el 6% hablaron una o dos veces y sólo el 4,1% no hablan del tema con sus niños/as. La misma tendencia se observó por país, siendo más alta la proporción de padres, madres o cuidadores que hablan con sus hijos/as sobre COVID-19 en Brasil (79,7%) y en Colombia (74%)." 82598,22770.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Public and private health facilities had closed due to insecurity throughout the area of heaviest conflict, particularly in Ain Zara, Mashroua Al Hadhba, and Salaheddin, though most facilities remained undamaged. The Abusliem Health Complex and facilities in the Al Fallah 1 camp were also reportedly affected by conflict." 342100,55979.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,48,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/profil_zone_nord_kivu_mars_2021_vf_28_04_2021_v2.pdf,"En mars 2021, l’environnement de protection a été marqué par plusieurs incursions des présumés éléments de l’Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) dans le territoire de Beni et un activisme des groupes armés devenu accru dans les territoires de Masisi et de Walikale" 197449,43603.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,103,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Partners reported no closure of nutrition facilities due to the impact of COVID-19. Mothers have also been provided with MUAC tapes and simplified guidance to measure their nutrition status in the household reducing community workers contact, exposure, and spread of COVID-19. Cluster partners have been trained to monitor the bi-weekly admission trends in the nutrition sites. The purpose is to respond quickly to a sudden increase in cases and also to ensure bi-weekly reporting. This will further boost the rapid response and early warning mechanism and will also show the trends in the wasting admission rates." 327792,54375.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syria/who-representative/opening-remarks-by-akjemal-magtymova-head-of-office-and-who-representative-syria.html,"[14 April 2021, Overall Syria] The fewer number of COVID-19 cases detected and announced so far is mainly a result of inadequate laboratory testing and local surveillance capacities, lack of equipment, supplies and reagents." 326505,54734.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 96% of households found with an education LSG. 96% found to be severe, 1% stress, 3% no or minimal." 69983,20048.0,1386.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,72,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3361413,"Las situaciones de emergencia con mayor déficit de financiación son las del Pakistán (83%), el Camerún (80%), Burkina Faso (76%) y Venezuela (73%). Las emergencias a gran escala en Siria y los países vecinos, así como en el Yemen, la República Democrática del Congo y Bangladesh, también sufren un déficit considerable de financiación." 228359,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"While government and non-government organisations’ mechanisms for providing compensation or aid to victims of the conflict do exist, over 75 per cent of victims who stated that they applied for assistance reported that they are still awaiting their compensation, did not receive the full amount, or were unsuccessful in their application. One victim reported being told he would need to pay bribes to apply for compensation with the Government of Afghanistan." 275351,50611.0,2331.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,59,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://globalriskinsights.com/2021/01/somalia-a-triple-threat-to-instability/,"With internal tensions coming to a boil over the upcoming elections, this is the worst possible moment for international actors to compromise Somalia’s stability. The undermining of stability by these actors, alongside growing domestic friction, will likely result in a resurgence of instability and violence, particularly in Mogadishu and South-Central Somalia." 339339,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Sobre el tema de violencia basada en género, 177 personas de nacionalidad venezolana fueron víctimas de violencia sexual o violencia de pareja durante el año 2020 en Antioquia38." 309057,53636.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[MAR 2021, TBAF] The top three type of shelter for returnees are 69% - finished buildings and 31% damaged buildings." 162605,35727.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,303,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"3. Minas Antipersonal (MAP) y Munición Sin Explotar (MUSE). Se evidencia un incremento en el número de víctimas de accidentes MAP/MSE en el departamento, pasando de ninguna en 2017, a tres en 2018 y seis en 2019. El departamento tiene una estimación de contaminación de 1.257.528,72 m2, siendo los municipios de Puerto Libertador, Tierralta y Montelíbano los que agrupan principalmente la afectación7. Tierralta concentra el 47% de todas las víctimas desde 199445; indicador que evidencia riesgos de protección para la población que habita territorios contaminados con estos artefactos. Sumado a lo anterior, las nuevas contaminaciones también son la causa de las restricciones a la movilidad y acceso de comunidades en la zona rural. Aunque las restricciones autoimpuestas como mecanismo de protección en algunos casos evitan accidentes; existe un alto riesgo principalmente en la comunidad indígena Emberá Katíos del Alto Sinú, ubicada en zona rural del municipio de Tierralta, quienes han sido una de las comunidades más afectadas por la presencia de explosivos. Las limitaciones para realizar sus actividades de pesca, siembra o caza, pone en riesgo la seguridad física y el acceso a fuentes de alimentos y medios de vida46. En abril de 2018 el municipio de Valencia fue declarado el primer municipio de Córdoba libre de minas antipersonal8. El 13 de abril de 2019, después de su intervención, la Brigada de desminado humanitario declaró los municipios de Ciénaga de Oro y Montería como libres de sospecha de minas antipersonal9. A pesar de esta positiva declaración y según la última AT, continúa la instalación de MAP en caminos y trochas por donde circula la población civil, incluso algunas que conducen a escuelas." 223517,44702.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Others rely on borrowing or remittances from their relatives who are in the highland or less flooded 320917,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,82,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] La pression des PDIs dans les communautés d’accueil par rapport à la population totale est relativement élevée. Cette pression est observée principalement dans les zones de Kalomba (17%), Mikalayi (16%) et Tshibala (16%) (C5)." 229692,44602.0,2335.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,11,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,There is no support for the people with special needs. 81885,22512.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"El 27 de octubre, se convocaron las elecciones regionales en Colombia, se observó que en algunas áreas se utilizaron en campañas percepciones negativas de venezolanos, en ocasiones alcanzando el nivel de xenofobia." 308342,53292.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,Partners in Tonj North reported the need for capacity-building training on vaccination and treatment of livestock. The shortage of vaccination equipment delayed the response activities 276090,50671.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"La faiblesse des structures sanitaires constituent des obstacles à l’accès aux services de santé. Les systèmes sanitaires disposent de 1652 zones de responsabilité dont 1334 sont fonctionnelles pour une population de 14,7 millions d’habitants. Le système de référencement reste en général faible dans l’ensemble du pays et prive des millions de malades de soins secondaires." 293930,52076.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,60,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"in the Northwest and South West, many women working as tailors and sewers had to leave behind their sewing machine, plunging them into a very precarious economic situation. The men, who were wage earners, gave up their jobs or left the city because they could not continue their work due to the prevailing insecurity ." 208196,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Groups that are displaced or migrate to other locations due to conflicts, droughts, floods and other natural disasters, famines or land tenure issues are also at acute risk and are vulnerable to malnutrition." 14832,5489.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,91,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180719_Humanitarian_Update_Draft_3.pdf,"IOM provides vulnerable migrants with essential life-saving humanitarian assistance, including food and water, medical assistance and hygiene items. In addition, IOM also provides shelter, medical referrals to local hospitals and psychosocial support to migrants who experienced abuse at the hands of smugglers. IOM also supports migrants with its assisted voluntary return programme and reintegration support at home. To date, IOM has assisted over 483 Ethiopian migrants with return assistance out of Al Hudaydah, and 1,205 Somali refugees out of Aden Seaport." 285595,51501.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A3%D8%B2%D9%85%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D8%A8%D8%B2-%D8%AA%D8%AA%D8%AC%D8%AF%D8%AF-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B3%D9%83%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%8A%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B9-%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%AD%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86,"[March 7, Al Hassakeh] Abd al-Khaliq, a resident in Qamishli, said that the government of the regime hastened to take revenge on the “SDF” and the “Autonomous Administration,” as it stopped distributing flour to bakeries, and that caused the price of a bag of flour to rise to 63,000 Syrian pounds, from 23 thousand." 391299,61123.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2020/12/10/negativa-de-chile-vamos-a-incluir-afrodescendientes-entrampa-discusion-de-escanos-reservados.shtml,"(acceso a tener una representación) Son horas claves para determinar la presencia de los pueblos originarios en la convención constitucional, ya que la comisión mixta que tiene que determinar los escaños reservados debería terminar hoy de revisar la iniciativa." 125970,31192.0,1620.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"GBV Helpline Assessment was conducted and the report establishes that there are some existing initiatives that can support remote service provision; however, these need to be strengthened to provide ethical access to services without compromising the safety of survivors and service providers. The report also underscores the need to support the establishment of a state level infrastructure for GBV helpline that is sustainable and supports confidential and ethical incident data management at state level." 243888,47865.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,101,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/relocations-reduced-services-leave-rohingya-communities-breaking-point-bangladesh,"[21st Jan 2021, Cox's Bazar] Rumours of the relocations to Bhasan Char, a mass of sediment which has formed an ‘island’ 30 kilometres from the mainland, date back as far as 2015, but turned into reality in December 2020. Prior to that, in May of the same year, around 300 Rohingya refugees who had been rescued at sea were transferred to the island for quarantine as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. They never left and little is known about the conditions they have faced while detained." 162917,39647.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"In the camps, WASH Sector partners provided soap to 63,474 households and family hygiene kits to 19,231 households; and installed 3,215 hand-washing stations in public places, households and near toilets and 2,021 tippy taps (a cost-effective hands-free device for handwashing) and 13,037 stools (with bucket and tap) at household-level" 223776,45880.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Les impacts socio-économiques ayant un impact sur la protec�on et la santé La réduc�on des revenus des ménages combinée avec la fermeture des écoles eu un impact supplémentaire sur la protec�on et la santé des enfants et des adolescentes. 453778,64224.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,73,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Algunas entrevistadas hacen referencia que en esta situación de emergencia por el COVID – 19 su situación es mucho más difícil que antes y hoy en día sufren de violencia laboral, manifiestan que: “…cómo se ha puesto tan difícil el conseguir un trabajo en tiempos aún de cuarentena… sí antes era difícil ahora es más y estos señores dueños de negocios abusan de las personas por la necesidad.”" 295305,51569.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Women and girls reported having to walk long distances thus exposing them to risks of GBV. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted) 208648,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,95,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"People who are lacking or unable to access services are vulnerable to various forms of violence, including SGBV, human rights violations, displacement and erosion of coping mechanisms and social cohesion. Women, children, the elderly, youth and persons with disabilities are among the most vulnerable groups, facing even higher risks. They are exposed to SGBV, child recruitment, psychosocial distress, targeted and indiscriminate killings, mines and explosive remnants of war and denial of basic housing, land and property rights, amongst others." 36941,13321.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,64,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"Based on sector data, 801,653 children are out of school in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states of which more than 50 per cent are girls. The sector is still underfunded, based on the Financial Tracking Service (FTS) data, and the Education Sector is in need of an additional $30 million funding to cover the gap." 412617,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,176,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.3 Experience of seeking regular healthcare services during the pandemic: More than half of the households reported sickness of their family members during the pandemic: Among all the respondents, about 60.8% reported that they or their family members fell into sickness at least once from April to August. The most common diseases or sickness experienced by the respondents and their family members during the lockdown period are common cold (72.4%), common fever (71.8%), high blood pressure (14.8%), diabetes (12.9%) and hypertension (8.0%). This is to mention that 2.1% of households had coronavirus infected patients. Among the family members who fell into sickness during the lockdown were mostly aged between 20 and 60. Within this age group, female household members were more affected by different diseases than their male counterparts—male in 55.1% households compared to female in 64.6% households." 130794,33838.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Incentivo económico para los trabajadores y productores del campo y se adoptan otras medidas para garantizar el permanente funcionamiento del sistema de abastecimiento de productos agropecuarios y seguridad alimentaria en todo el territorio nacional. 299429,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The 12 incidents recorded in Q4 are on par with the 15 incidents each logged in Q2 and Q3. In four instances, roads were blocked due to heavy snowfall. Another three incidents related to the lack of road infrastructure, out of which two were authored by NSAG-TB attacking critical infrastructure." 133569,35119.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En diversas oportunidades (especialmente durante 2017 y 2018) funcionarios de la Direc- ción Nacional de Migraciones hicieron referencias a estas demoras y ofrecieron una expli- cación: se debían al súbito y creciente arribo de venezolanos y venezolanas, que estaban tomando gran cantidad de los turnos disponibles para regularización, especialmente en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Es decir que las demoras eran el resultado de una situación ex- cepcional, que había desbordado la capacidad de respuesta institucional." 185032,40867.0,1900.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/publicacion-covid-19-y-educacion-primaria-y-secundaria-alc.pdf,"Esta cobertura incluye el acceso mediante dispositivos móviles. Si se tiene en cuenta que para hacer un uso adecuado de los recursos educativos digitales es preferible tener un computador o tableta, el acceso a internet mediante estos dispositivos es aún menor (39% en promedio), y en ningún país de la región supera el 55%." 130811,33838.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Sobrecarga de las actividades de cuidado en las mujeres que ejercen actividades del hogar, pero como las relacionadas a servicios de salud, cuidado de otros y servicios operarios que siguen funcionando, lo que conlleva a reforzar roles y estereotipos relacionados con lo femenino." 241765,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,123,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] The General Authority of Daraa National Hospital, al-Basil Medical Training Center, Izra National Hospital, the Suburban Health Center, and Khirbet Ghazaleh Isolation Center are not sufficiently qualified to stem the spread of the virus, according to areport by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR)issued on 8 December. According to the report, Daraa suffers from an acute shortage of hospital beds. Additionally, health care facilities are not well equipped to confront the coronavirus. The governorate has no more than 1.1 doctors per 10,000 people. Together these factors continue to stand in the way of providing the necessary health services to Daraa’s residents." 298942,51152.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"The floods were an extra barrier to education on top of COVID-19 restrictions which affected children’s learning. Worse still, Education partners were unable to respond due to lack of funding." 206783,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,78,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]While 1% of the households self-report that they never wash their hands, handwashing appears not to be a common practice at all key moments. For instance, 89% of households reportedly wash their hands before eating, but only 45% of the households reported doing so after defecation. There was a slight difference regarding handwashing times between displaced and non-displaced households." 334913,55852.0,2170.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,35,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/more-than-dozen-people-killed-by-islamist-militants-northeast-nigeria-sources-2021-05-03/,"[4th May 2021, Northeast Nigeria]More than a dozen people, including seven soldiers, were killed by Islamist militants in an attack in northeast Nigeria, four sources told Reuters." 403686,63170.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/24_June_2021.pdf,"[14th - 20th Jun 2021, Nigeria] National Cholera Multi-Sectoral Technical Working Group (TWG) is monitoring all states and supporting affected states. National Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) with response commodities were deployed to support the response in four states – Benue, Kano, Kaduna and Zamfara States. Cholera jingles being aired in English and local languages across the country." 472815,64952.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"Les régions en sécurité précaire regorgent un nombre élevé de PDIs avec le Centre nord (39,8%) et le Sahel (35,2%) soit 70% de tous les PDIs sur le territoire national. Ces populations sont majoritairement constituées de femmes (23%) et d’enfants (60%)." 247983,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Site Koudou Kolé, Moyen terme = Construire 2 forages équipés de pompe a motricité humaine ; Mise en place et formation de 6 comités de gestion de points d’eau ; Mise en place et formation d’un réseau des relais communautaire pour assurer la sensibilisation de la communauté sur les bonnes pratiques de l’hygiène." 291391,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,Almost eight per cent of the total confirmed COVID-19 cases are among healthcare staff and they will be the highest priority when vaccines are available. 162234,38967.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BGD2002-COVID-19-Market-Monitoring-Initiative-%E2%80%93-Factsheet_round_5V1.pdf,"Prices of tracked commodities have remained consistent with the previous round. Stocks of all commodities remained available, and all 16 key informants (KIs) reported that all items could be restocked within three days. • Only one KI reported facing restocking issues, including a shortage of carriers to transport supplies in the immediate camp area, commercial agents and wholesalers no longer visiting the camps, and suppliers no longer giving access to credit." 224486,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"There are no specific nutrition stores in majority of the sites, one site is storing nutrition supplies in a metallic container and others in the same stores used for storing drugs." 134178,34849.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,53,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Fuentes gubernamentales consultadas también mencionan un fuerte trabajo de capacitación del personal aeroportuario y de frontera (más de 3.000 personas capacitadas), con énfasis en las fronteras con mayor identificación de casos de trata de personas, como en Orán (Argentina-Bolivia) y la Triple Frontera (Argentina-Paraguay-Brasil)." 326759,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"A la clôture de S14/2021, consécutivement à S13/2021, les nombres des provinces et ZS ayant rapporté des cas confirmés de COVID-19 n’ont pas changé et étaient respectivement 9 et 51. Par ailleurs, la courbe épidémique accuse une tendance descendante. A titre d’exemple, entre S12/2021 et S14/2021, une diminution du nombre de cas confirmés allant jusqu’à 41,6% a été enregistré" 163983,34165.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,33,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Aumento de población desplazada en Montería que llegan a la ciudad por temor a denunciar en los lugares de donde provienen, generalmente de San José de Uré y Puerto Libertador." 271500,49808.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"La situation de la santé de la femme reste marquée par une morbidité et une mortalité maternelles élevées. Le paludisme, l’anémie, le VIH, le Sida et les hémoglobinopathies sont responsables de 20% des décès maternels tandis que les causes obstétricales directes sont responsables d’environ 80% de ces décès [INSD, 1998. Enquete demographique et de santé; INSD, 2006. Recensement général de la population et de l'habitation]." 384171,60408.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,97,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Según las estadísticas del Banco Mundial (2018), Chile y Ecuador son países donde existe una gran afluencia de migrantes venezolanos. Los datos procesados muestran una gran divergencia entre los aspectos sociales y económicos en los tres países. En aspecto de crecimiento económico, Venezuela ha decrecido en el último año en un 14%, lo que no ha ocurrido en Chile y Ecuador que ha crecido en 1.47% y 2.73%, respectivamente, lo cual evidencia un incentivo para los venezolanos en trasladarse a otros países más desarrollados." 164017,34165.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,83,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Se ha ralentizado la ejecución de recursos para la sustitución voluntaria de cultivos ilícitos y para los proyectos sociales y productivos priorizados del posconflicto, y se ha dificultado la presencia en terreno de la institucionalidad y de la cooperación internacional para asesorar los proyectos que están en desarrollo en zonas PDET. Esto sumado, a la informalidad y a la inseguridad rural está generando espacios de oportunidad para que grupos al margen de la ley ocupen el espacio institucional." 293638,51569.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"One health facility managed by World Relief (Buom) was affected and it was relocated to Noor village where most families have relocated, other PHCUs affected were Tiep, Wicmoun where most of the families accessing the facilities were displaced hence reducing the number of consultations since movements are restricted by the flood (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 412791,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,131,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.6 Experience in seeking health services for new-born babies (age 0-28 days) One-fourth of newborn babies were not vaccinated during the pandemic: The Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) is a priority programme for the government of Bangladesh. According to the Bangladesh Immunisation Guidelines which is based on the international guidelines recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), children are supposed to receive one dose of the vaccine against tuberculosis (BCG), three doses of pentavalent (DPT, Hib, and HepB), three doses of polio vaccine (excluding polio vaccine given at birth), and one dose of measles and rubella vaccine to be considered as fully vaccinated." 150859,36671.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,28,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3662145,"La indicación que dio el Presidente Nayib Bukele fue continuar con la entrega de los paquetes, con una meta de llegar a 3.4 millones de hogares." 4631,626.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,34,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/daesh-claimed-suicide-attacks-kill-5-in-yemen-s-aden-1.2178768,"The UAE and Saudi Arabia lead a military coalition that has fought to restore the internationally-recognised government of Hadi since 2015. The war has claimed the lives of more than 9,200 people." 324396,54836.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afdb.org/en/news-and-events/press-releases/african-union-holds-global-conference-accelerate-african-vaccine-development-and-manufacturing-capacity-43140,"[Africa] Although Africa consumes approximately one-quarter of global vaccines by volume, it manufactures less than 1% of its routine vaccines, with almost no outbreak vaccine manufacturing in place. The region lags behind in procuring vaccines amid a global scramble for the medicines among wealthier nations. Thus far, only around 2% of the world’s vaccination against Covid-19 has taken place in Africa." 326646,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per WASH LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 43% for extreme and lowest was 1% for no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per WASH LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 56% for severe and lowest was 1% for no or minimal." 385989,60796.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,147,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/improving-testing-rate-who-supports-ondo-state-integrate-covid-19-sample-collection,"[26th July 2021, Ondo State, Nigeria] Due to the inadequate availability of giostyles at the facilities, except for those in use for immunization, temporary sample storage coolers were procured to ensure proper storage of collected samples before collation and transport to the laboratory. To underscore the significance of the strategy, State Epidemiologist, Dr Stephen Fagbemi said that, “People at the local government level have capacity to response to the outbreak and there was no justification to over centralize the response. With the intervention at the local government level, more COVID-19 cases have been detected as we have taken testing closer to the people… we commend this initiative as it is something that needs to be sustained and scaled up so we can find out what is happening in other LGAs,” he said" 356621,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,250,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Kevin Agudelo, un almacenista de 22 años, recibió un disparo a las 10:15 p.m. del 3 de mayo en Cali, departamento de Valle del Cauca. Agudelo había estado participando en un “velatón”, una vigilia con velas, por las personas heridas en protestas anteriores, según dijeron dos testigos a Human Rights Watch. Los manifestantes estaban bloqueando el tránsito pacíficamente en una rotonda cuando agentes del ESMAD empezaron a disparar aturdidoras y gases lacrimógenos, según tres testigos. Varios manifestantes respondieron arrojando piedras. Uno contó que escuchó disparos que sonaban como municiones letales. Señaló que Agudelo, quien se había escondido detrás de un poste, corrió hacia el testigo junto con otro manifestante. El testigo vio a un policía disparar a Agudelo desde corta distancia. El otro manifestante también resultó herido, dijo el testigo. Human Rights Watch tuvo acceso a tres videos que parecen coincidir con lo relatado por el testigo, en los cuales se ve que Agudelo yace junto al otro manifestante herido. Human Rights Watch también tuvo acceso a una fotografía del cuerpo de Agudelo. La fotografía muestra heridas en el pecho y los brazos que,según señalaron los peritos forenses del IFEG, son consistentes con heridas causadas por disparos de municiones letales. Una autoridad judicial con conocimiento del caso manifestó que las evidencias preliminares indican que la policía habría sido responsable de los disparos." 236192,47104.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, Syria] Close to half of the surveyed households (44 percent) reported poor and borderline food consumption in December 2020, with the highest levels recorded among female-headed households (54 percent). Although the national average rate of inadequate food consumption (poor and borderline combined) remained steady at the same critical level reached in November 2020, it witnessed a 38 percent increase above the level recorded in December 2019" 155148,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Es difícil acceder a la atención médica debido a los costos y transporte para llegar al hospital o centro médico. 290694,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,179,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"el trabajo doméstico remunerado aún se desarrolla en su gran mayoría fuera de la economía formal, con todas las vulnerabilidades que ello implica. En América Latina, el 77,5% del trabajo doméstico empleado está en informalidad; en América Central esta cifra se eleva a entre el 80 y 90%35. La falta de protección social que la informalidad conlleva afecta por tanto a una gran parte de los 11 a 18 millones de las personas trabajadoras domésticas que se calcula hay en la región, de las cuales el 93% son mujeres. Se estima que al menos un 70,4% de ellas se han visto afectadas por las medidas de cuarentena debido a la disminución de la actividad económica, el aumento del desempleo, la reducción de las horas de trabajo o la falta de pago de los salarios. Esta situación ha implicado que muchas mujeres se hayan quedado sin ningún tipo de ingreso o con ingresos insuficientes para sostener sus necesidades básicas y las de su familia." 172428,40676.0,2225.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,46,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Une hausse des prix des denrées de base a déjà été rapportée sur le marché local à certains endroits, à laquelle s’ajoute une réduction du pouvoir d’achat des ménages (liée au ralentissement économique et diminution des revenus générés)." 384793,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,48,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,Les attaques perpétrées par les groupes armés au Burkina Faso se sont multipliées et ont affectées plusieurs régions. Les incidents sécuritaires ont sensiblement augmenté pendant le mois de juin causant la mort des plusieurs personnes y compris les personnels de santé sur leurs lieux de travail. 303468,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En los grupos de discusión y concretamente en Colombia, comentan los participantes que miembros del ejército venezolano les piden prebendas y dinero para poder permitirles la movilización a través de la fronteras (Gru- po focal, Riohacha, Colombia, diciembre de 2019), acciones que coinciden con lo planteado por Bula y Cuello (2019), quienes encontraron que estas acciones corresponden a una práctica normalizada por parte de integran- tes del ejército venezolano." 126533,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Educación: a pesar de prever el acceso universal gratuito a la educación básica para todos los niños y adolescentes sin considerar la nacionalidad, el sistema educativo peruano carece de infraestructura educativa adecuada y posee recursos limitados y plazas disponibles, lo cual impide la educación de los menores en edad escolar refugiados y migrantes. En muchos casos, los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela enfrentan obstáculos debido a estar en situación irregular. Las barreras para obtener certificados, y los casos de discriminación y xenofobia en la escuela se encuentran también entre los obstáculos que enfrentan los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela." 328638,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 95% of households were found to have at least one Education Living Standard Gaps(LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 94% of households were found to have an Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in education but no capacity gap in education. 1% of households were found to have both an Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in education and a capacity gap in education. 5% of households were found to have no education Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a capacity gap in education. 292338,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,27,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,El Gobierno colombiano creó un nuevo programa de transferencia monetaria -Ingreso Solidario- para tres millones de familias del sector informal no incluidas en los programas existentes. 224214,45763.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Bien que non inhérente aux inondations, mais plutôt le fait de problèmes structurels, l’échelle de sévérité et d’urgence dans le domaine de l’eau, hygiène et assainissement (WASH) se situe entre 4 et 5 sur 5 dans la majorité des localités visitées et concerne surtout des questions d’assainissement." 272646,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,En plus des régions de Diffa et Tillaberi/Tahoua (frontière avec le Mali) les organisations humanitaires se sont étendues à la frontière avec le Burkina Faso et dans la région de Maradi dans les zones frontières avec le Nigeria. 248132,48330.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,99,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46620/1/S2000729_es.pdf,"En el caso de Colombia, la Conferencia Nacional de Organizaciones Afrocolombianas (CNOA) publicó en marzo, en su página web, directrices sobre cómo responder al COVID-19, por considerar que el racismo también incidía en la pandemia y que en la respuesta del Gobierno no había ningún enfoque diferencial. Se destaca que la población afrodescendiente corre un riesgo elevado, y que en los territorios mayoritariamente afrodescendientes no se cuenta con una red de equipos y personal que permita atender como es debido a las personas que pueden resultar afectadas por la enfermedad." 171492,40704.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,56,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] Audio materials must be produced (e.g. radio broadcasts, audio text messages) by professional interpreters working with the CwC group. Disseminating life-saving information was further hindered by the lack of internet access in the camps, which has been restricted since September 2019 for security reasons." 228670,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,The consideration of women’s access in particular [for mental health and psychosocial support] – as they are more likely to not have access to the internet or phones – must be prioritised. 326308,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Proportion of households of IDP settlements reporting not having sufficient water for the following purposes were Not enough water for cooking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses (17%), Not enough water for domestic purposes only (41%),Not enough water for personal hygiene only (51%)." 14240,5504.0,322.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302700739,"The delivery of the food parcels follows the success of the first airdrop of the ERC’s humanitarian operations, which included the provision of basic supplies, such as flour, children’s milk and mineral water." 194221,43811.0,2330.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,51,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/mundo/devasta-huracan-iota-isla-caribena-deja-un-muerto,Es por ello que las autoridades buscan llegar mañana hasta allí con barcos de la Armada o por vía aérea para atender la emergencia y así tener un panorama más claro de los estragos causados por el primer huracán categoría 5 que azota a Colombia desde que existen registros oficiales. 219191,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Treatment and isolation facilities have been expanded, COVID-19 restrictions and measures instituted such as closing educational insitutions, community health and rapid response teams trained and deployed, health equipment delivered to various locations, and three laboratories capable of detecting COVID-19 are now functional at Mogadishu, Garowe and Hargyeisa." 316789,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook RDC] Les perspectives économiques de la RDC pour 2021 et 2022 sont favorables si la pandémie est maîtrisée et si la demande mondiale se redresse. Le PIB réel devrait croître de 3,3 % en 2021 et de 4,5 % en 2022, grâce à la hausse des prix des principaux produits miniers, tels que le cuivre, et à la reprise de la consommation et des investissements" 58218,17094.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,138,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Entre las y los enfermeros, algunos han revalidado sus títulos a través de una universidad privada que cuenta con una Licenciatura en Enfermería. Esta universidad les reconoció una parte significativa de las materias aprobadas en Venezuela y les permitió cursar las restantes, de modo que obtuvieran un diploma emitido por una institución argentina, habilitante para el ejercicio profesional. En principio, esta vía de obtención del título habría dejado de estar disponible a partir de febrero de 2018, cuando Venezuela fue incluida en el procedimiento de convalidación que rige para los países con convenio bilateral. Quienes cuentan con diploma argentino están trabajando en clínicas y hospitales, en tanto que quienes aún no tienen convalidado su título suelen desempeñarse de manera privada, generalmente en el cuidado de personas ancianas." 165442,39911.0,1388.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,70,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3665683,"Agosto, 2020. 30 jóvenes de entre los 14 y los 25 años de Desamparados, La Unión y Curridabat fueron seleccionados para ser parte del programa “Hacete sentir” – Paz y Educación, para participar en un curso de formación virtual intensivo sobre empoderamiento juvenil, liderazgo colaborativo, comunicación y participación ciudadana, apegado a los valores de nuestro Estado de derecho y democracia." 248972,47559.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,106,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Dans la région du Nord, durant le mois de novembre une accalmie relative de la situation sécuritaire a été observée. Selon les informations relayées par les informateurs clés, il n’y a pas eu d’incidents majeurs au niveau de la région. Cette accalmie serait probablement due aux nombreuses négociations entre les Groupes d’Opposition Armés radicaux (GOA), et les Volontaires pour la Défense de la Patrie (VDP). Ces négociations pour un retour de la paix ont eu lieu dans les communes de Koumbri, Tangaye, Thiou, Banh et Sollé." 328594,54710.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 91% of the household found with Shelter and Non-food items(SNFI) living Standard Gap (LSG). 5% found to be extreme+, 20% extreme, 66% severe and 9% stress and 0% No or minimal." 391277,61470.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Household debt: 66% of households reported that they had borrowed money in the 30 days prior to data collection; on average, these households had a debt load amounting to 314,250 SYP (104 USD). Top three reported reasons for taking on debt: -Food 94% -Healthcare 32% -Clothing/non-food items (NFI) 26%" 114709,29972.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77048,"las ciudades como Barranquilla han ralentizado su ritmo con motivo al virus, afectando a miles de familias que basan su economía familiar en trabajos informales que les dan el sustento diario." 189437,42879.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,57,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/agosto2020_analisisdenecesidadesmensual_mire_0.pdf,"Los enfrentamientos entre Grupos Armados por el dominio de los territorios han tenido una gran diversidad de impactos negativos en el bienestar de los colombianos. Las regiones han sido víctimas de eventos de conflicto armado, asesinato a líderes sociales, masacres, desplazamientos, homicidios selectivos y reclutamiento de niños, niñas y jóvenes." 132529,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• La respuesta de los socios en relación con el VBG también se centrará en la defensa para dar acceso a los servicios en forma equitativa con los sobrevivientes nacionales de VBG y la capacitación para las instituciones públicas y las comunidades en derechos y normas. 125949,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,42,[],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Furthermore, the number of reported fatalities remains extremely worrying. At least 146 individuals were reported to have died this year as of the 29th of April 2020 while attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea via the Central Mediterranean Route." 347552,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,61,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] WASH partners have also expressed the need to better cooperate with relevant sectors such as Nutrition, CWC, Education, to enhance the impact of hygiene promotion activities towards behavior change. For communities to be able to practice correct hygiene behavior, availability of basic hygiene items should be granted" 164088,39753.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,67,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"A group of 90 representatives in Enigu drawn from the community, representatives of traditional leaders, religious leaders and professional associations led by the Nigeria Medical Association in Ebonyi, Anambra and Imo states committed to provide COVID-19 awareness and prevention messages to the community. In Kaduna 22 Temporary Market Sites (Kaduna, Kafanchan and Zaria) people were sensitized on COVID-19 prevention." 204411,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,38,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Les ménages réfugiés et retournés ont une préférence visible pour la modalité cash (49% et 40% des ménages) et les ménages non déplacés pour la provision directe de nourriture (47%). 223807,45863.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2020/12/11/covid-19-la-rdc-depasse-la-barre-de-14-000-cas-confirmes,"Depuis le début de l’épidémie déclarée le 10 mars 2020, le cumul des cas est de 14.170, dont 14.169 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable. Au total, il y a eu 350 décès (349 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable) et 12.208 personnes guéries. Kinshasa a connu le plus grand nombre de cas (10.686)." 267339,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The national average price of subsidized bread in January 2021 reached SYP 109/ bundle (up one percent m-o-m and 139 percent y-o-y). Commercial bread price increased by seven percent m-o-m and by 374 percent y-o-y to reach SYP 481/bundle. Idleb reported the highest commercial bread price of SYP 1,238/bundle (up five percent m-o-m), while Ar-Raqqa reported the lowest price of SYP 130/bundle (down four percent m-o-m)." 388632,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,14,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,11 personnes avec des besoins primaires non satisfaits dont 07 hommes et 03 femmes 247709,48228.0,2332.0,[],[],[],fr,54,[],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Les violences basées sur le genre sont relevées dans les communautés de ces sites. En effet le mariage précoce ainsi que les mutilations génitales féminines ont été confirmés par la communauté des arabes du site de Nima. Sur les autres sites on remarque une réticence à répondre aux questions de VBG. 134392,34825.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Cabe mencionar que tanto a la PDI como al SRCeI les correspondió aplicar este procedimiento en sus propias bases de datos, haciendo entrega de una información procesada al DEM. Esta información luego fue compilada y agregada por el DEM para proceder posteriormente en conjunto con el INE, a los cálculos de la estimación final presentada en este documento." 393156,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,69,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Graph 5.3 above shows that 26 out of 101 caregivers/health workers indicated very likely they will get COVID 19 virus, 43 indicated Likely they will get COVID, 14 mentioned they are unlikely to get COVID 19 virus, 6 shows that they are very unlikely to get COVID 19 while 12 said they don’t have an idea." 412508,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,107,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Health systems around the world are in jeopardy with accumulative demand for care of people with COVID-19, intensified by stigma, misperception and restrictions on movement that mess up the health care services (WHO, 2020). ). In this context, weaknesses of the health care sector have been exposed to a great extent. Bangladesh is no exception in this respect. The ongoing health pandemic triggered by COVID-19 has challenged the country’s overall health care system resulting in mobilisation of health-specific resources and diverting to combat the COVID-19 affected patients." 492822,67928.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,204,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acef26fb390180b7519ebcce0fba8637.pdf,"[30th Aug - 5th Sept 2021, Nigeria] Bauchi (566), Katsina (282) and Sokoto (258) account for 66.3% of 1,667 suspected cases reported in week 35. During the reporting week, 195 Cholera Rapid Diagnostic Tests were conducted. RDT tests conducted were from Borno (179, results pending), Kaduna (8, 4 positive) and Adamawa (8, 6 positive). A total of 12 Culture tests were conducted in Adamawa (8, 4 positive) and Kaduna (4, 4 positive). Of the cases reported, there were 46 deaths from Borno (13), Sokoto (12), Katsina (8), Bauchi (6), Niger (3), Kaduna (2), Adamawa (1) and Kano (1) states with a weekly case fatality ratio (CFR) of 2.7%. Two new states (Osun and Ekiti) reported cases though with dates of onset in weeks prior to week 35. The national multi-sectoral EOC activated at level 02 continues to coordinate the national response." 495124,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,48,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Mientras que el 37.2% alcanzó los estudios secundarios, el 33.2% alcanzó los estudios superiores. El 59.2% de los que tienen estudios superiores ha obtenido licenciatura, el 13.1% bachiller. El 6.3% son de profesión ingenieros, el 5.7% técnicos" 150723,32327.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En Ecuador, solo el 28% de los refugiados y migrantes encuestados informaron tener suficiente comida." 144717,34877.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,• Insufficient availability of vital supplies – procurement of additional PPE funded by Syria Cross-Border Humanitarian Fund. 359149,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES]Reported challenges to accessing livelihoods from agriculture (reported by % assessed communities): -70%: Lack of access to fertilizers -50%: High operational costs -42%: Lack of fuel for irrigation -39%: Lack of irrigation water" 304458,50891.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"Increases in inflation, customs levies and transport prices raised the cost of private water delivery, water and sanitation facilities, rehabilitation and construction, operation and maintenance, spare parts, chemicals and fuel procurement, and transportation of supplies such as chlorine from Khartoum to the States." 130510,34596.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Most community focal points (85%) report that living conditions have worsened for their communities since the beginning of the pandemic. An overwhelming majority in SDF (98%) and GoS (96%) areas say this, but in NSAG/TBAF areas, 59% report little change in their ability to meet their needs, with only 36% noting any deterioration at all." 223928,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,16,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,La ville province de Kinshasa est la plus touchée suivie de celle du Nord Kivu. 473940,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,Garantizar la seguridad física y la protección de los derechos de niñas/os y adolescentes en contextos bélicos con medidas efectivas para prevenir el reclutamiento forzado y desvincular del conflicto a niñas/os reclutados siendo. 113549,32328.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],es,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Ofrecer refugios seguros y programas e intervenciones de vivienda alineando estas definiciones a los criterios de las poblaciones venezolanas que no tienen acceso vivienda propia, como las mujeres con niños, las mujeres mayores y las poblaciones LGBTIQ+. Esto puede incluir el acceso a refugios designados como espacios seguros para mujeres y niñas, intervenciones para apoyar el acceso a alojamientos de alquiler, contratos con propietarios en áreas seguras o apoyo financiero a través de bancos locales u otros actores financieros. Asegúrese de que sigan las medidas de control seguro de infecciones y distanciamiento físico según lo requerido por las pautas de COVID- 19 IPC, pero de tal manera no que no instrumentalizen y sí reconozcan el trabajo de cuidado no remunerado que asumen las mujeres para adherirse a estas medidas." 356675,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Reformar el Código Penal para asegurar que los fiscales tengan la obligación de investigar de oficio cualquier lesión que haya sufrido una persona, incluidas las lesiones causadas por policías, con independencia de si se ha realizado una denuncia penal por el hecho." 191091,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"190 Government social workers played key role in reaching with community based mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), COVID-19 prevention awareness and distribution of protective materials." 239730,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Hirat (59), Balkh (44), Kabul (39), Kandahar (22), Ghazni (16), Baghlan (13) and Panjshir (10) are the provinces with highest number of deaths." 126131,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,En Arauca y Nariño los niveles de inseguridad alimentaria severa son más altos para los hogares migrantes (25% y 24% respectivamente) comparados con los otros departamentos evaluados. 338732,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Where governments turned to low-tech solutions such as radio and television to deliver learning, some children were unable to access these solutions because their families could not afford these devices, or because they lived in places too remote for a signal. No single delivery channel for remote learning is sufficient to reach all children. [..] Before the pandemic, only 9 percent of Congolese [DRC] children from the poorest households had radios at home, and none had television." 163669,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,76,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,"As of 30 June, WHO reported over 2,623 cases of COVID-19 in Cox’s Bazar, including a number of front-line healthcare staff and humanitarian staff. As of 30 June, 50 refugees have tested positive for COVID-19. Five refugees have sadly died. Some 39 refugees are currently undergoing quarantine in facilities run by UNHCR. Cox’s Bazar District continues to see an increase in COVID-19 positive cases." 219182,45748.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"At least 620,000 people have been reached with food assistance and 350,000 people reached with livelihood support." 191021,42042.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Bolori-12-wards-Maiduguri-LGA_-July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] Of these 22 assessed settlements where KIs reported active movement restrictions, KIs from all 22 settlements reported that actors or groups are actively enforcing them." 187591,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,166,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Somalia has reported 125 new COVID-19 cases and five deaths since 21 August, bringing the total number of cases confirmed since the first case was reported in March to 3,390 with 98 deaths, as of 21 September. At least 14 per cent (250 cases) of the total confirmed cases were reported among health workers, negatively impacting response, amid limited health-care services in the country. All the seven states have confirmed COVID-19 infections, with Banadir State having more than 44 per cent (1,535 cases and 55 deaths) of the reported cases, followed by Somaliland (934 cases and 31 deaths) and Puntland (496 cases and nine deaths) by midSeptember. While the number of new reported daily COVID-19 infections has declined, it is too early to predict whether Somalia has flattened the curve as the response is challenged by various factors including limited testing capacity, access and operational challenges." 483294,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"10.1.1. Tipo de vivienda La vivienda se define como un lugar cerrado construido para que pueda ser habitado por personas o grupo de personas, un hogar o varios hogares. Del total de viviendas en las que residen personas venezolanas, el 81,2% son casas independientes, es decir tienen salida directa a la calle, camino, carretera u otra forma, (para su clasificación no se considera el tamaño, número de habitaciones o cantidad de ocupantes), el 18,0% son departamentos en edificios, el 0,5% viviendas en quinta y el 0,3% casa de vecindad." 131436,33838.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Se dispone actualmente con una capacidad de 87.588 camas en hospitales y 8.081 son de cuidado intensivos. Ningún departamento tiene más de dos camas de UCI para adulto por cada 10.000 habitantes y de hecho algunos del sur oriente del país y de los territorios más afectados por la violencia armada, no cuentan con ninguna para atender casos críticos." 2552,516.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Economy']",en,93,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-2017-humanitarian-situation-report,"In 2017, an estimated 1.3 million people including 439,000 children were in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in Libya due to the continued conflict, insecurity, and the collapsing economy. The periodic escalations of armed conflict that took place in 2017 further aggravated the humanitarian needs especially for the most vulnerable people including children. In addition, towards the end of 2017, an estimated 400,000 migrants and refugees were estimated to be in Libya including over 33,000 children exposed to huge protection risks and human rights violations." 490623,67388.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Household purchasing power started increasing by the end of June and throughout July up to 10 kg of rice per daily wage rate. Still, household purchasing power is lower than July last year, when households were able to purchase 11 kg of rice with a day wage." 341500,56608.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,35,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25 MAY 2021, NES] % of SDs with majority of population in need of; - 53 % Soap or Water, - 74% masks and - 83% disinfectant." 347763,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] As a result, the body becomes the site of social control of women and water comes to play a role in whether, how often and for how long female bodies are ‘out of place’ in fetching safe water, and thus subject to social norms, gazes, policing and punishment. In this respect, fetching water is a particularized burden for women, as notions of honor, shame and decorum affect quite literally their access to water." 210310,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Direct threats to life and physical integrity of civilians continue to undermine protection of affected populations, with reported impact of armed violence and conflict increasing in 2019." 291440,52152.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,15,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"30,5% de los encuestados sufrieron afectaciones que los llevó a cultivar cantidades menores." 388347,60981.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,73,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Debido a la pandemia por la COVID-19 es necesario garantizar la provisión de elementos de bioseguridad y protocolos para la prevención del contagio de las comunidades afectadas. También se requiere realizar un tamizaje de la población desplazada para determinar qué personas pueden requerir atención médica, especialmente para mujeres gestantes, niños, niñas, adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos mayores. Se requiere brindar atención psicosocial a la población desplazada." 53458,16820.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,175,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"Muchos venezolanos huyen de la devastadora crisis humanitaria, política, económica y de derechos humanos que afecta a su país. Los limitados controles migratorios por parte de las autoridades colombianas en áreas donde los grupos armados manejan los cruces ilegales (llamados “trochas” en Colombia), así como la posibilidad de encontrar trabajos mejor pagados que en Venezuela, atraen a muchos de ellos a Catatumbo. Varios venezolanos han sido víctimas de desplazamiento forzado, homicidio y reclutamiento infantil cometidos por grupos armados. Algunos venezolanos han desaparecido y algunas mujeres y niñas han sido víctimas de violencia sexual. Es difícil medir la magnitud de los abusos sufridos por los venezolanos afectados por el conflicto armado en el Catatumbo, debido a que muchos desconocen los procedimientos para reportar lo ocurrido o temen ser deportados si presentan denuncias ante autoridades colombianas. En la práctica, los venezolanos han tenido un acceso limitado a los servicios de asistencia del gobierno colombiano para las víctimas del conflicto armado." 261457,49211.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"En las comunidades visitadas de los municipios de Zaragoza y Caucasia, se encuentra que las niñas y niños entre los 0 y los 5 años carecen de instituciones que les garanticen su protección y el cumplimiento de sus derechos. No existen instituciones recreativas para el uso del tiempo libre de los menores, lo cual implica que se encuentren en particular vulnerabilidad respecto a las dinámicas de conflicto en el territorio. En Saltillo (Zaragoza) no cuentan con centros culturales, parques o biblioteca." 337709,55928.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/judicial/dejan-en-firme-ley-de-nacionalidad-colombiana-hijos-de-migrantes-venezolanos,"En ese sentido, la Corte Constitucional señaló que en el país existen otros caminos para que los hijos de extranjeros accedan a la nacionalidad colombiana y que es una medida excepcional y transitoria “relacionada con la grave crisis humanitaria que padece la población venezolana”." 177534,41674.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-over-300000-recoveries/59058,"[16th October 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh is seeing 2,267.01 infections, 1,765.86 recoveries per million while 33.02 are dying against the same number. Of the total victims, 4,327 are men and 1,296 are women. Among the latest victims, 14 are above 50 years of age and one other is aged between 31 and 40 years." 293637,51569.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"During the visit, the team recorded 38 suspected cases of malaria, 72 suspected cases of diarrheal disease, 31 suspected cases of ARI, 23 injury cases, and eight cases of pregnancy-related conditions, and eight live births managed by skilled birth attendants in the communities without the help of specialized treatment from the locations visited (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 279141,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Le plan de réponse humanitaire 2021 pour le Niger vise à apporter l’assistance à 2,1 millions de personnes sur les 3,8 millions de personnes ayant besoin d’as- sistance humanitaire, soit 57% des personnes dans le besoin" 126544,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Fortalecer y, de ser aplicable, brindar acceso efectivo a los bienes y servicios básicos, incluyendo salud y educación, en forma complementaria y coordinada con la respuesta del Gobierno, apoyando a las autoridades nacionales y locales." 194437,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 353 196 voyageurs internationaux et 3 532 890 voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter Page 3 60 et 350 alertes et de confirmer 21 et 20 d’entre elles, respectivement." 272793,50353.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"On 3 November at least 11 students were abducted by suspected NSAGs from a Presbyterian school in Kumbo (NW region). They were released some days later. On 4 November suspected NSAGs stormed Kulu Memorial College in mile 4 Limbe, assaulting several students and staff, forcing them out of their classrooms and setting fire to school property. The Humanitarian Coordinator in Cameroon released a statement on 5 November condemning the continuous attacks against education." 163838,34549.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Cash+ in the form of cash transfers and provision of inputs for household gardening and small stock rearing (vegetable and poultry) The focus of this intervention is to support vulnerable households during the critical times in which COVID-19 mitigation measures are in place, especially labourers who lost their jobs, female-headed households and people with disabilities; and to minimize post-harvest losses following the main wheat harvest from August onward" 454279,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"para los actores claves, las instituciones del gobierno generan desconfianza ante la población, estos actores manifiestan que orientan a mujeres a que denuncien ante actos de violencia, pero las mujeres desconocen y desconfían de acudir a las autoridades, el temor es mayor si es migrante ya que tienen temor a ser deportadas o que su situación se complique" 306549,53161.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"Similarly, a recent IPC analysis, released in November, indicated atypically widespread acute food insecurity in Sudan, estimating that 7.1 million people were facing Crisis—IPC 3—or worse acute food insecurity between October and December, including nearly 1.3 million people likely facing Emergency— IPC 4—conditions. The analysis cited inflation and resultant high prices of food and agricultural inputs, as well as the impact of flooding and displacement, as key drivers of acute food insecurity in Sudan." 155238,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"El desalojo y la imposibilidad de generación de ingresos ha motivado el retorno de gran cantidad de venezolanos a su país de origen, quienes en la mayoría de los casos realizan el tránsito hasta la frontera caminando. Algunos pocos acceden a buses que proceden de otras ciudades principales del país como Cali y Bogotá." 137396,35305.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,21,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,The increase in COVID-19 cases in Government of Syria (GoS) areas has overwhelmed the capacity of local hospitals. 328652,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Education LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 89% for severe and lowest was 0% for stress. Similarly highest percentage of households per Education LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 95% for severe and lowest was 1% for stress." 328620,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,50,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The most commonly reported preferred types of remote learning modalities were: school textbooks (88%) and reading materials(storybooks) (40%) and Basic writing materials (pen, paper, (81%)" 388576,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,51,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La Région du Sahel durant cette période sous revue a été lourdement éprouvée du fait des attaques et des actes de violences orchestrés par des groupes armés non étatiques (GANE) avec pour corolaire des violations graves des droits humains dont des tueries massives de populations civiles dont des enfants 338547,56250.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Tanganyika - pluies abondantes abattues entre février et avril 2021, dans les zones bordant le fleuve Congo, le Lac Tanganyika et leurs affluents] environ 4 240 maisons détruites" 155260,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Se tienen reportes de medidas ejercidas por grupos al margen de la ley justificados como control de la pandemia que afecta a la población migrante y de comunidades receptoras, éstas incluyen amenazas, toques de queda, prohibición de circulación entre veredas y municipios, entre otras." 247876,48228.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,106,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations (Long terme): Renforcement de la production agricole des ménages à travers la dotation des équipements et intrants pour permettre aux ménages de couvrir leurs besoins alimentaires avec leurs propres productions / Appuyer la relance pastorale à travers la distribution des petits ruminants aux ménages très pauvres et pauvres / Développer les activités génératrices des revenus pour une relance économique des femmes / Mettre en place les associations villageoises d’épargne et de crédit pour favoriser le leadership économique des femmes à travers la cohésion sociale grâce au fond de solidarité et l’accès aux crédits grâce à l’épargne 234493,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The IMF also approved the authorities’ request for an extension of the ECF [Extended Credit Facility] arrangement, due to expire on June 25, 2020, to September 30, 2020 with a rephasing of access." 227498,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Environment']",fr,61,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Une majorité d’IC (12/15) ont rapporté qu’un peu moins de la moitié (entre 25% et 49%) de la population se logeait dans des abris d’urgence, et qu’une minorité (moins de 25%) se logeait dans des abris collectifs suite à la catastrophe naturelle." 63671,18726.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_august_edition.pdf,"The deteriorating security environment also adversely affected food security in the month of July and impeded farmers’ access to farmland, preventing them from producing rainy season crops. For example, up to 60 per cent of beneficiaries in Monguno, Borno State, were unable to plant the seeds they received, according to a partner’s post-distribution monitoring. Fertilizer distribution remains a challenge due to restrictions from authorities. This is especially worrying as the window for fertilizer distribution during this current rainy season is very narrow, if not already too late." 391209,61470.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Proportion of households that reported using negative strategies to cope with a lack of water in the two weeks prior to data collection: Yes 41% and No 59%. Most commonly reported strategies: -Rely on stored drinking water (38%) -Modify hygiene practices (22%) -Reduce drinking water consumption (4%)" 328541,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"Top three reported reasons for coming to current location were: no conflict (34%), availability of work/ income opportunities (31%) and Presence of food distribution/ food aid (21%)" 498755,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,215,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"With the arrival of the pandemic, the volunteers of the camp had to work to adapt to the isolated conditions and decided to increase the distribution of drinking water, with the intention of generating more hygienic habits in the families. Besides that, they started to collaborate with the San Victoria Hospital in the “Plan Detectar”. Their work consists of visiting the communities to evaluate symptoms and respiratory problems, with the objective of verifying the need for PCR tests if the established criteria are met. For severe cases they coordinate the transfer to the hospital and for mild ones, they follow up on their health status at home and distribute masks and hygienic disinfection kits. According to Maximiliano, “the use of masks has been complicated for them, because they had never worn any before. We had to hold workshops and give guidelines through community radio to advise, for example, to avoid crowds. Now, almost 75% wear masks and follow the prevention measures, which has been a success and has compensated for all the effort. So far, we have had 18 positive cases and 16 are already recovered,” he says proudly." 224255,45763.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,72,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Recommandations : Continuer à renforcer les capacités des autorités les droits et provinciales et départementales sur protection des femmes, enfants et la lutte contre l’impunité par la Direction de l’enfance et la Direction du Genre avec l’appui des partenaires financiers / Promouvoir l´autonomisation des villages à travers l´alphabétisation des femmes et filles et l´octroi du Cash transfert pour le relèvement économique des femmes et filles" 272623,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"En effet, plus de 30% des ménages s’étant déplacés au cours des 12 derniers mois ont rapporté que le marché le plus proche se situait à une heure de marche ou plus contre moins de 20% des ménages déplacés depuis un an ou plus" 483280,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers'],es,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.2.7 Razones para no solicitar ayuda contra el maltrato físico Del total de personas que habrían padecido maltrato físico y no pidieron ayuda en una institución o persona, el 23,8% no lo hizo porque no sabía a donde ir o desconoce la existencia de estos servicios, 15,8% piensa que de nada sirve pedir ayuda, 15,3% tiene miedo a las consecuencias, el 13,1% tiene vergüenza, el 5,7% tiene miedo de ser enviado de vuelta a Venezuela, 4,5% por falta de tiempo, el 4,1% no tenía acceso por ser venezolano, solo el 0,8% manifiesta que fue por falta de recursos económicos. El 12,8% mencionaron dos motivos y el 4,1% más de dos." 289533,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"CP partners have also trained 52 frontline workers (25 women, 27 men) on Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) in Likuangole in Pibor and Bilkey in Akobo counties." 218372,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,7,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,La poursuite des compétitions sportives à huis-clos 439613,64653.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.saludcapital.gov.co/Paginas2/Noticia_Portal_Detalle.aspx?IP=1710,"La Secretaría Distrital de Salud informa a la ciudadanía que cuenta con baja disponibilidad de vacunas para comenzar esquemas de inmunización contra el Covid-19 en la ciudad, la vacuna disponible alcanza para aproximadamente 1 día más" 391211,61470.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Proportion of households that were able to access all assessed hygiene items in the last two weeks prior to data collection: Yes 65% and No 35%. The most commonly inaccessible items included washing powder, and shampoo. Hygiene items were most commonly inaccessible because households couldn’t afford it." 492814,67928.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,147,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/acef26fb390180b7519ebcce0fba8637.pdf,"[30th Aug - 5th Sept 2021, Nigeria] Cumulative Epi-Summary: As at 5 th September 2021, a total of 69,925 suspected cases including 2,323 deaths (CFR 3.3%) have been reported from 25 states and FCT in 2021. Of the suspected cases since the beginning of the year, age group 5 - 14 years is the most affected age group for both male and female. Of all suspected cases, 50% are males and 50% are females. Three states of Bauchi (18,132 cases), Kano (10,187 cases) and Jigawa (8,911 cases) account for 53% of all cumulative cases. 9 LGAs across 4 states (Bauchi 3, Jigawa 2, Zamfara 2, Kano 1 and Katsina 1) have reported more than 1,000 cases each." 235993,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Some 2,419 households received mosquito nets and 998 pregnant women received tetanus and diphtheria vaccines, out of which 812 received iron supplementation, and 144 received intermittent preventive treatment for malaria prevention." 203843,43347.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Although the ceasefire has largely held across the country in 2019, the number of patients with injuries from violence admitted to the International Committee of the Red Cross surgical units has increased since the signing of the R-ARCSS." 143016,35989.0,2074.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,65,[],['Context'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"La mayoría de los ciudadanos venezolanos que ingresan a territorio boliviano exponen como motivo de entrada el turismo (8.540 en 2018, 13.002 en 2019 y 804 a febrero de 2020). La mayoría de quienes ingresan como turistas, permanecen en el país. Los venezolanos no requieren visa para ingresar a Bolivia y pueden hacerlo con su cédula de identidad venezolana" 305831,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The majority of IDPs are located in displacement camps, though some are displaced in rural highlands. As of November 2018, an estimated 75,000- 100,000 people are displaced in Jebel Marra, though this number is unverified given limited access to the area. [Specific location assessed - Jebel Marra]" 114080,29962.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,103,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76902,"During the first 6 months of operation, we have delivered, in Colombian pesos (COP), the equivalent to 1.3 million United States Dollars (USD) to highly vulnerable individuals. According to the household composition and after a detailed selection process based on clearly defined vulnerability criteria, the beneficiaries received monthly between 126.250 and 252.500 COP (between 35 and 70 USD) during 6 months, giving priority to women, children, elderly persons and persons with disabilities. The amounts follow the National Government guidelines for the distribution of MPCA in the country." 176458,41731.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,99,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Les femmes hôtes s’inquiètent de ne plus pouvoir mener des activités économiques tandis que les hommes hôtes se préoccupent en plus de la fermeture des frontières, de la disponibilité des services de base et de l’accessibilité aux lieux de culte. La totalité des PDI estime recevoir l’information sur la manière de se protéger de façon appropriée, de manière verbale ou sous forme de débats, des discussions, des sensibilisations/démonstrations et des mesures de protection dans une langue locale pertinente pour eux. Idem aussi pour les populations hôtes." 345973,56893.0,2311.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"Mortalidad por desnutrición Se notificaron 4 muertes por desnutrición en menores de 5 años, todas correspondientes a esta semana. Para la misma semana epidemiológica de 2020 se notificaron 5 casos." 209624,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The Somalia 2020 HRP targets 3 million people out of a total of 5.2 million people in need (PiN). The total number of people in need has increased by 19 per cent (one million people), from 4.2 million in 2019 to 5.2 million in 2020, while people targeted for assistance has decreased by 12 per cent ( 400,000 people), from 3.4 million people in 2019 to 3 million in 2020." 417566,64197.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,43,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"Se requieren espacios de recuperación psico-emocional con niños, niñas, adolescentes y familias afectadas por la emergencia, en los municipios más afectados. Este trabajo puede incluir metodologías como ¨Retorno a la Alegría¨ y espacios protectores para niños y niñas." 221585,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Ongoing armed conflict and insecurity continue to drive displacement, compounding the humanitarian situation and elevating protection concerns. More than 16 per cent of those displaced cited conflict and insecurity as the main reasons for their displacement." 163882,34165.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• El suministro de raciones de alimentos para las familias sigue siendo fundamental ante las dificultades que se han presentado en los territorios en el marco de la pandemia, y especialmente para las comunidades que están expuestas a múltiples afectaciones." 221744,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Subjected to violence and volatile security conditions, such populations (living in ISIL or insurgent-controlled areas) are often more vulnerable and in greater need of assistance. Humanitarian workers’ access in such areas is hampered by ongoing hostilities, movement and security restrictions and poor infrastructure." 156593,35848.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"UNICEF also continued to support preventative nutrition interventions, reaching some 390,000 caregivers with awareness on appropriate infant and young child feeding practices (IYCF). COVID-19 -related messages were also included in IYCF messages since the beginning of COVID-19 response." 40924,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,58,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"There is particular concern for the estimated 2,700 migrants being held in detention centres (DCs) near the frontline, in particular Qasr bin Ghasheer, Abusliem, Al Sabaa, and Tajoura. Reports have emerged of these migrants being transported from the centres to armed group bases throughout the city to perform forced labour." 130511,34596.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,96,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"These findings must be placed in the wider context of economic deterioration in Syria. Data collected in January shows that over 50% of households in all three areas of control were income insufficient.15 People’s diminished ability to meet their needs cannot be attributed solely to the impact of COVID-19, but income (in)security influences people’s ability to adopt precautionary measures. This coincides with the fact that the depletion of resources resulting from the Caesar Syria Civil Protection Act has exacerbated the May economic crisis." 163818,34549.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,26,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,The spread of COVID-19 is further exacerbating the impacts of the crisis. The average number of new cases has been increasing daily since 23 May 13900,5542.0,322.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,158,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"Aden: After the recent escalation of fighting in Al Thuhayat damaged the water network system and tanks, a local NGO was deployed to do repairs and deliver 10 water tankers to the city. On 25 July, a medical organization opened a field hospital in Al Mokha with 25 beds and an intensive care unit with six beds. The General Electric Company has signed a memorandum of understanding with a Yemeni oil company to establish two new power stations in Aden and Hadramaut governorates with a capacity of 264 megawatts and 100 megawatts respectively. Electricity cut-offs in Aden Governorate average12-14 hours a day. As of 29 July, 2,799 displaced HHs have been assisted through the rapid response mechanism (RRM) out of a total of 3,599 HHs registered. An attack was reported on 29 July in Al Rebat IDP informal settlement in Lahj Governorate with one casualty confirmed." 188825,43386.0,1900.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,42,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"Al menos 3,529 mujeres fueron víctimas de feminicidio en 25 países en ALC en el 2018,163 con las tasas más altas reportadas en El Salvador, Honduras, Santa Lucía, Trinidad y Tobago, Bolivia, Guatemala y la República Dominicana" 316253,54178.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,103,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/anthony-kergosien-la-rougeole-est-une-maladie-10-fois-plus-contagieuse-que-le-covid-19-qui-tue-les-enfants-en-rdc/,"La rougeole est à nouveau en hausse en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), les équipes MSF ayant répondu à une forte augmentation de plus de 13000 cas depuis le début de 2021. Cela survient moins d’un an après la fin de la pire épidémie de rougeole jamais enregistrée en RDC, qui a déchiré le pays entre 2018 et 2020. En seulement deux ans, plus de 460 000 enfants ont contracté la maladie et près de 8 000 en sont décédées. Les trois quarts d’entre eux avaient moins de cinq ans." 393167,62158.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,135,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The below graph 7.1 demonstrates that 110 of the total discussants across the above target groups said the problems that most affects community is domestic violence and community violence, 7 said family separation is the most problem affecting the community, 46 indicates that lack of livelihood opportunities, 13 indicates that problems related to Education as a basic needs as the problems affecting the community, 1 person said problems related to food and water as a basic needs are the problems affecting the community, 4 indicates that problems related to health as the basic services are the problems, 2 people said security problems are the main problems affecting the community while 3 people said shelter problems are the most affecting the community." 281328,51097.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,16,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb3507en.pdf,Situation analysis: 93% of households reporting diminished income due to the impact of COVID-19 285384,50884.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Nutrition levels: Malnutrition is widespread in Sudan, with 11 out of 18 states experiencing lobal acute malnutrition rates at or above the emergency threshold. The GAM caseload stands at 2.47 Million and the SAM Caseload at 694,000" 338407,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Children who were the least likely to have access―those from low-income families, marginalized communities, living in rural areas, with disabilities, or due to their gender―were more likely to be shut out of learning during this time, further widening the deep educational inequalities they already faced." 391183,61470.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Top measures reportedly taken by households in response to the pandemic: -Wash hands more regularly: 68% -Wear masks when going outside: 61% -Avoid touching other people: 59%" 260929,48984.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[6th Nov 2020, North east Nigeria]According to a report published on 6 November 2020 by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP), areas in Northeast Nigeria that are cut off from humanitarian assistance have reached a critical hunger situation following years of conflict and other shocks. In these areas, any further deterioration over the coming months could lead to a famine." 179118,41967.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"[NWS (Idleb & Aleppo)] As of 12 September, 213 COVID-19 cases had been identified in the region. Of these, 69 were diagnosed in Idleb and 144 in Aleppo, with two each in Sarmada and Bab Alsalameh IDP camps." 322391,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 86% of households found with an education LSG. 86% found to be severe, 1% stress, 13% no or minimal." 298857,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The monitoring of humanitarian activities by GOA officials also created challenges for partners, with GOA members sometimes unable to travel to NSAG-TB controlled areas but refusing to sign off on activities without a monitoring visit." 347867,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: FGDs with Hijras in both Refugee and host communities suggest that they often experience psychological, physical and sexual abuse by the public, including verbal harassment, physical assault, humiliation and rape. This finding is in line with the existing report that discrimination, harassment, and violence against hijras are reportedly prevalent in both Myanmar and Bangladesh." 193763,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les personnes en situation de handicap, les personnes âgées et les enfants ont un accès limité aux soins de santé du fait de l´absence de services adaptés à cette catégorie de vulnérabilité." 412598,63488.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,162,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The average income of the surveyed households decreased by 37.3% in April 2020, compared to the average income in January 2020 (from BDT 16,594 to BDT 10,407), which increased slightly in July (BDT 10,442). However, the change did not equally happen among the groups such as female-headed households, rural households, the households having less educated heads (below SSC) or the heads involved in small business or skilled or unskilled labours or who were under unemployment. They did not show the sign of recovery in average monthly income in July whereas the households from City Corporations had more average income in July 2020 compared to April 2020. As most of the health expenditure in Bangladesh is spent from own pocket, so there is a significant impact of changing in household financial condition on the capacity to bear health expenses." 235607,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,73,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"As previously, thresholds are breached for the two external debt service indicators, due to the fragile liquidity situation. The Covid-19 shock aggravates these breaches in the short-term and raises debt stock projections. In addition, the PV of debt-to-exports ratio now breaches its threshold in 2020 due to the severe drop in exports and market financing risks have increased to moderate with a recent jump in EMBI spreads." 326187,55014.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,159,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]The return process does not end in the act of arriving back home. Multiple needs that are linked to the displacement situation and the conflict continue to persist in locations of origin. Thirty-eight per cent of the heads of IDP households that intend to return to locations of origin in the near future have indicated that they foresee food as their primary concern in their area of origin. Food is followed by shelter needs, as reported by 32 per cent of the respondents, and security, reported by 19 per cent of the respondents. Other reported needs were employment (4%), Non-food items (NFIs) (3%), health (1%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) (1%), transportation (1%) and education (1%)." 615,156.0,321.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The proportion of school-aged children (from 4 to 17 years old) enrolled in formal education was 69.5%, with nearly all enrolled children attending. When asked about barriers to accessing education, those households with schoolaged children reported facing no barrier in 87.3% of cases; 5.8% reported the distance to educational facilities and 1.9% reported the inability to afford educational services. The proportion of households not reporting any educational barriers was 80.2% for IDP households, shedding light on a higher prevalence of barriers to accessing education for this group in particular due to their displacement." 183587,42413.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/polio-certification-sustaining-victory-increased-vaccination-and-surveillance,"[3rd Nov 2020,Borno] The inability to access some settlements in Borno state due to the conflict had presented a challenge to the immunization programme." 207197,44693.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,132,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Le lundi 14-09-2020, 129 ménages de 582 personnes ont quitté les localités de Aboyak, Tawinass, Sounkourou et Miel dans le département d’Abala pour s’installer à Abala chef-lieu du département aux motifs que les GANES sont en permanence dans leur zone, leurs champs détruits volontairement par les animaux appartenant aux parents des GANE, des menaces de mort proférées à l’endroit des leaders communautaires, etc. La situation de ces déplacés est telle qu’ils ne sont pas reconnus par les autorités administratives (la préfecture et la Mairie) comme étant des vrais déplacés internes. Le Préfet aurait même refusé d’autoriser aux agents de l’ONG IRC de procéder à une évaluation rapide de protection." 214532,45420.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,161,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gado_Sept2020.pdf,"[SITE DE GADO] PRINCIPAUX DEFIS - Education: Faible capacité d’accueil des établissements scolaires existants, déficit/ insuffisance d’enseignants, pesanteurs culturelles défavorables à l’éducation en général et à celle de la jeune fille en particulier, mobilité des réfugiés, source des déperditions et abandons scolaires ; insuffisance des frais pour payement des fournitures scolaires ; question de payement des APE ; Le défis d’assurer une éducation de qualité malgré la pandémie du COVID-19. Accès limité des ménages réfugiés à accéder à des plateformes d’enseignements à distance mis en place par le MINSEC et le MINEDUB en raison de la pandémie du COVID-19. Préparatifs de la rentrée scolaire 2020-2021 à travers les sensibilisations et les VAD par les partenaires humanitaires et par la communauté ; Moyens financiers limités ne permettant pas de couvrir les besoins de tous les élèves pour l’année académique 2020-2021." 326315,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of non- IDP settlement were Lack of sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) / facilities too crowded (35%),Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (28%)." 209774,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,81,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The most vulnerable groups for the well-being category are women of childbearing age, children under five, elderly, women and girls, men and boys, displaced people, pregnant and lactating women, young children, single-headed households and people with disabilities including psychosocial disabilities. Among this group of people, an estimated 242,000 people are exposed to severe protection risks in districts under the control of armed groups or are directly affected by armed operations." 191750,42638.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,27,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redmas.com.co/w/aproximadamente-500-venezolanos-ingresan-a-colombia-por-dia-gerente-de-fronteras?redirect=%2Finicio?color=,“Lo primero que tenemos que decir es que las fronteras se mantienen cerradas y estamos reforzando los controles en cada uno de los puntos”. 268468,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,65,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] Over the course of several health-related crises, the Syrian regime has denied populations in opposition-held areas access to food, medications, and vital assistance, using these as a “weapon of war,” Human Rights Watchsaid. “But playing this game with the vaccine undermines the global effort to control the pandemic.”" 292334,51796.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,29,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,". En Colombia, la cobertura es solo alrededor del 20% de la población de trabajadores informales, lo que deja a una gran parte de estos desprotegidos" 172499,40701.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,74,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_6_october_2020.pdf,"[6 October, Bangladesh Overall ]The destruction of the Amphan cyclone in coastal belt is severe, Due to COVID situation; response is difficult due to safety of staffs and beneficiary. Very low commitment from Humanitarian donors so far. In many areas, physical access is challenged or limited. Very few partners followed the standard response package according to the HCTT contingency plan to bring response harmonization." 299523,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The increase in the number of threats and intimidation attempts, up from 22 in 2019 to 46 incidents in 2020, can equally be explained by financial motivation. While the majority of threats (32) was attributed to NSAG-TB, they were mostly driven by financial motivation rather than by ideology." 290568,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,39,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In the Far North, some men, confronted to a declining domination power due to their decreasing economic role, confiscated the official documents of their wives, such documents often being required to access humanitarian aid." 223783,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,52,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Malgré une reprise par�elle du nombre de visiteurs, qui a coïncidé avec la fin de la période de confinement de trois mois et avec la reprise des ac�vités dans la Gombe, la moyenne mensuelle enregistrée en octobre était encore inférieure de 50 % aux chiffres communiqués avant le confinement." 286919,51627.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Administrators in one camp banned travelling salespeople as a potential source of infection from outside the camp and between multiple camps and villages. They similarly tried to limit social contacts by advising people to reduce movement inside and outside camps. A few participants indicated they had not noticed any COVID-19 related changes. “We did not feel any change, as our camp is isolated and we have no contact outside the camp”" 314204,54230.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,73,['Priority Interventions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/19/covid-19-advisory-panel-recommends-strict-lockdown-for-another-week,"[19th April 2021, Bangladesh] NTAC advised keeping everything closed except for health, fire service, and other emergency services. The committee then recommended a strict lockdown for one more week. It said the decision can be taken by considering the rate of infection before the end of the week. It is advisable to prepare and pre-plan to gradually end the lockdown, the committee added." 319597,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,199,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"La atención en Amazonas estuvo enfocada en comunidades indígenas más afectadas por Covid-19 y se realizaron un total de 484 atenciones, encontrado como principales causas de atención: 1) Micosis/Infecciones de la piel represento el 17,9% (87 casos) de las atenciones, predomino en el grupo etario de los 5 a 17 años, debidas a que esta región es conocida como el bosque húmedo tropical que permite el crecimiento de hongos; 2) Parasitosis intestinal 15,9% (77casos), en el grupo etario de 5 a 17 años, siendo endémica las parasitosis de origen helmíntico; 3) Trastornos osteomusculares 13,8% (67 casos) de las atenciones, en el grupo etario de 18 a 49 años, debido a los trabajos propios de la chagra y actividades de pesca y caza; 4) Rinofaringitis siendo el 4,5% (22 casos) de las atenciones, con la resiliencia de las comunidades indígenas con el uso de plantas medicinales para contrarrestar los efectos del virus Covid-19, los casos que se observaron a nivel respiratorio solo 2 de ellos presentaron sintomatología sospechosa de la enfermedad" 156595,35848.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,67,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"UNICEF also supported 190,000 children with DPT3 through routine immunization and special campaigns (33 per cent of the target), while over 2.6 million children were reached with polio vaccine (91 per cent of the target). However, the limited operating hours of health clinics and reduced capacity due to COVID-19 restrictions resulted in a lower than planned routine immunization reach." 356573,58364.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,118,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia/mas-regiones/jornada-de-protesta-en-providencia-ante-retrasos-en-la-reconstruccion/,"Estaban haciendo unas cinco casas más, aparte de las dos que ya entregaron, pero esto es desde hace unos dos o tres meses. Cuando el presidente llega acá a Providencia ellos solo van a las pocas viviendas que han pintado y maquillado. Al lado de donde vivo hay una señora de 74 años, a la que supuestamente le arreglaron la casa. Cuando llueve tiene que correr con vasijas para sacar el agua y arrinconar todo para que no se le moje. Así está la mayoría de las personas. Lo que están haciendo es maquillar las casas, hay unas a las que la pintura ya se les está pelando." 224202,45763.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Les pâturages sont inondés dans la plupart des villages visités et les animaux vivent actuellement autour des cases et sont actuellement nourris aux fourrages récoltés dans les zones inondées. Certains éleveurs ont également déplacé en partie leur cheptel vers les provinces non inondées. 328351,54933.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Gobierno-Nacional-establece-meta-de-8-millones-de-vacunados-al-final-de-mayo.aspx,"Una nueva meta se ha establecido el Gobierno Nacional en el Plan Nacional de Vacunación contra el Covid-19 para lograr 8 millones de vacunas aplicadas al final de mes de mayo, con el concurso de todos los actores involucrados en esta misión de inmunización." 157255,38373.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,38,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,Los datos recolectados evidencian que el 1.6% de la población abandonó su país de origen por temor de persecución y podrían tener fundamento jurídico para ser reconocidos como refugiados en el marco de la Convención de 1951 186779,41402.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,116,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"Ecuador also has several non-contributory cash transfer programs. The human development grant (Bono de Desarrollo Humano), directed at families in extreme poverty, with an additional transfer based on number of children, reached 16% of all children.134 Other transfers targeted the elderly not included in social security and/or in extreme poverty, and the disabled.135 It is also worth noting that to a greater extent than other countries, Ecuador entered the crisis fiscally constrained. With a dollarized economy, severe foreign debt and inability to borrow on the bond market, combined with a drop in oil prices, the government had little money at its disposal." 180577,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les leaders communautaires et les autorités locales au cours de ce mois de septembre ont contribué à la mobilisation communautaire pour la participation aux activités du monitoring de protection par la motivation à la participation. Ils relayent les informations de cohésion sociale, les vertus de solidarité et la responsabilité des communautés dans la protection humanitaire." 193085,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,99,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les marchés ont été perturbés en raison de la crise économique, la baisse du pouvoir d´achat des ménages due à la faible productivité dans certaines régions et la fermeture temporaire ou sur le plus long terme dans certaines zones des frontières conduisant à la hausse de prix des produits manufacturés et à la réduction de la demande en céréale. Les provinces au nord du pays sont particulièrement concernées par cette baisse de la demande telles que le Borkou, l´Ennedi Est, l´Ennedi Ouest, le Batha, le Kanem ainsi que le Sila à l´Est." 131803,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,136,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en edad escolar tienen dificultades para acceder a la educación básica en el sistema educativo peruano debido en gran parte a sus vulnerabilidades de pobreza y otras relacionadas. Los costos asociados, tales como uniforme escolar, suministros escolares o los pagos a la asociación de padres, que son requeridos por las instituciones educativas, impiden aún más el acceso. En el 2019, aunque más de 42,000 menores refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela fueron inscritos en escuelas públicas del Perú5, el 75 por ciento de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela entre 3 y 5 años, el 54 por ciento de aquellos entre 6 y 11, y el 60 por ciento entre 12 y 16 años de edad no asisten a escuelas públicas6." 187635,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,115,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Partners have reported inadequate capacity and support, including incentives for frontline health workers and screening officers who are reportedly not able to handle the increased demands at POEs. Additional PPEs and infection, prevention, and control (IPC) materials are needed at the POEs. Additional funding support needed at federal and state levels for reinforcement of POEs support and activities. A technical working group is needed to bring together the different agencies working at POEs beyond COVID-19. Overall additional support and funding to support procurement and transportation of the COVID-19 response supplies, training and reinforcement of capacity, incentive payment to health screeners, and coordination." 142162,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"WHO has established the Supply Chain Coordination Cell to improve information management and coordination to support strategic guidance, operational decision-making, and overall Supply Chain monitoring. WHO has also established three buyers’ consortia – a PPE Consortium, a Diagnostics Consortium, and a Clinical Care Consortium – to ensure that some critical supplies are reserved to meet the requests of countries most in need." 392633,60861.0,1186.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,209,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Del total de participantes que respondieron esta encuesta on line, el 1,3% (n=22) indicó haber tenido fiebre mayor a 38,5C y dificultad respiratoria (al mismo tiempo) en los últimos 30 días. El promedio de edad de este subgrupo es de 40,22 años (mínimo 23 máximo 85), ligeramente más alto que el promedio de la muestra. Doce eran mujeres y 10 eran varones, lo que corresponde a una sobrerrepresentación de hombres con síntomas sugerentes de COVID-19 (45,5%) respecto de la proporción total de la muestra que reportó ser masculina (33%). Del total de casos, 10 provenían de Venezuela, 3 de Perú, 3 de Haití y los restantes de diversos países Latinoamericanos. De los 22 casos auto reportados, solo dos sí se hicieron examen (ambos hombres venezolanos) y solo seis consultaron a algún centro asistencial (3 hombres y tres mujeres, tres de Venezuela, uno de Perú, uno de Ecuador y uno de Colombia). De todos los casos, solo uno indicó haber sido diagnosticado de COVID-19 (hombre venezolano), junto a un familiar con quien vivía." 179362,42034.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,57,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/northeast-nigeria-increased-violence-and-protection-risks-dg-echo-ingo-partners-echo,"On 25 October non state armed groups (NSAG) attacked a government military camp (“super camp”) in the town of Damboa, Borno State, northeast Nigeria. At least 4 civilians died and 15 others sustained injuries as a result of the crossfire between the NSAG and the government forces." 58971,17679.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El Plan Nacional de Acción contra la violencia de género 2017-2019 recientemente emitido por este ente menciona vagamente a las mujeres migrantes y plantea solo algunas pocas medidas específicas en el abordaje para nuestro grupo poblacional. Cabe señalar, que en el diagnóstico del referido Plan Nacional, la única mención a las mujeres migrantes señala a las mujeres en situación de cárcel, estigmatizándonos e invisibilizándonos. Incluso, las mujeres refugiadas no han sido mencionadas." 322189,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Proportion of households of non-IDP settlements reporting not having sufficient water for the following purposes were Not enough water for cooking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses(50%), Not enough water for domestic purposes only (7%),Not enough water for personal hygiene only (86%)." 275482,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Un service aérien fiable et sûr est donc nécessaire pour permettre à quelques 132 organisations dépendant de UNHAS d'atteindre la population affectée par différentes crises. 414087,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,137,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Ensure health protection: During emergency or crises, an increase in expenditure to avail health services coupled with decreases in income highlights the urgent need for social safety net programmes and primary health care based insurance schemes. This will strengthen financial protection and extend health services and population coverage, especially to the poorer and vulnerable segments, with the long-term aim to achieve universal coverage. To address inequalities in access to health services, reduce reliance on OOP payments and protect people (especially the marginalised people) from catastrophic health expenditure, a health protection package must be introduced. It can be introduced in the form of health insurance, health card/voucher, providing free of cost service at the point of entry." 472864,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,10,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,Accompagner le CHR pour élaborer et tester le plan blanc 341836,56181.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415," Dans le cadre du Plan Stratégique Pays 2021 - 2024, le PAM poursuit son assistance à grande échelle, ciblant 8,7 millions de personnes avec une assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle tout au long de l’année 2021." 282027,51173.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF developed the RCCE strategy and plan, package of key COVID-19 messages, Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) package (poster, flyer, billboards, TV and radio spots) myths and rumours response guide in order to increase awareness of the communities on proper preventive practice." 175490,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,Les principaux besoins sont : 9 L’appui au maintien du fonctionnement des formations sanitaires dans les zones affectées par la crise sécuritaire ; 9 L’appui à l’ouverture des postes médicaux avancés dans les zones d’accueil des PDI ; 145479,35868.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Al%20Hol%20Snapshot_26Jul2020.pdf,"Dedicated case management capacity inside the camp remains extremely limited, including due to a reported decrease in available health services in recent weeks due to issues with the contract renewal of several health partners." 7411,1561.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MMWG%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%20-%20Zwara%20-%201%20May%202018.pdf,"So far in 2018, 5,1091 refugees and migrants have been intercepted/rescued at sea by the LCG and disembarked in Libya (Tripoli: 3,961 individuals; Zwara: 611 individuals; Al Khums: 278 individuals; and Azzawya: 259 individuals." 265730,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Si des conditions sécuritaires entravent probablement la diffusion de l’information, l’accès semblait plus problématique dans les régions où le réseau téléphonique était moins accessible (voir carte 9 et graphique 8)." 192601,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,36,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Household chores are near exclusively the woman’s responsibility. Women fetch water in 86 per cent of households, followed by any daughters below 15 years. Children generally assist their same-gendered parent." 202030,44071.0,2330.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,47,['Impact'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"La muerte de animales, los sedimentos dejados por la inundación y otros escombros, y algunas áreas que aún continúan bajo el agua, suponen un alto riesgo de brotes de enfermedades en la piel, diarreas, complicaciones respiratorias y las transmitidas por vectores." 274165,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,79,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Indice de Stratégie de Survie-réduit (ISS-r)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Au niveau des provinces, le ISS-r moyen du Haut Uélé, zone d’accueil des populations réfugiées est plus haut que celui des autres provinces (ISS-r=26,4), ce qui traduit une forte vulnérabilité de cette province, probablement à cause des populations réfugiées qu’elles accueillent." 439196,63585.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000131067.pdf,"Le mois de Juillet 2021 correspond à la commercialisation des récoltes des certains produits issus de la saison B ainsi que la préparation des terres pour la grande saison A, sans ignorer le début des récoltes de haricot sur l’axe Masisi et le maïs grain sur l’axe Rutshuru issus de la saison B. Tout au long du mois, il s'est observé une stabilité des prix des denrées alimentaires de base sur les marchés de la ville de Goma en termes de produits agricoles (haricot, huile de palme et maïs) et une baisse de prix de la farine de manioc" 346941,56987.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,65,['At Risk'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both host and Refugees: Without the provision of protection and social cohesion programming, there may be an increase in tensions between both communities residing within camp boundaries. At the time of writing, it remains unclear how host community households living within camp boundaries will be able to access food and other services" 145474,35868.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Al%20Hol%20Snapshot_26Jul2020.pdf,"Infection prevention and control measures have also been enhanced, including rehabilitation of WASH facilities, and disinfection of communal kitchens, latrines and showers." 147025,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,53,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As detailed in previous reports, development, printing and distribution of information, education and communication (IEC) materials in addition to awareness raising on social media, WhatsApp, radio and television channels, and direct community engagement/person-to-person, including during distributions and in mosques and churches is ongoing." 204219,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Regarding well-being consequences, the graphs reveal that acute food insecurity is the most common explanation for the number of people in need for both IDPs and non-displaced people. In 77 per cent of the counties (60 counties), acute food insecurity is the most common need for the non-displaced, while the same is true for IDPs in 45 per cent of South Sudan’s counties (35 counties). This can be explained by drivers of food insecurity–explained earlier in the HNO–affecting most people, indifferent of their displacement status." 153836,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,19,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Y finalmente se identificaron personas retornando hacia Venezuela provenientes de Perú, Ecuador y ciudades principales de Colombia." 228148,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Non-suicide IEDs [Improvised Explosive Devices] caused 1,274 civilian casualties (456 killed and 818 injured), a decrease of 23 per cent in comparison to the first nine months of 2019." 439201,63585.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000131067.pdf,"En comparaison au mois de juin 2021, l'huile de palme a gardé sa stabilité en terme de prix nominal sur les marchés de la ville de Goma. La moyenne des marchés est passée de 2554FC/l à 2624FC/l soit un taux de variation de 3%. Les principales causes pour cette stabilité seraient la disponibilité du produit sur les marchés pendant cette période de sécheresse qui a facilité le transport routier sur l'axe Walikale via Masisi, une deuxième source d'approvisionnement suivi de Beni avant les deux dernières semaines où l'on a observé l'insécurité avec les attaques des présumés ADF déstabilisant la population agriculteurs de vaquer librement à leurs occupations." 96411,26814.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,95,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Update-Abusliem_2020-04-09_0%20%281%29.pdf,"Reportedly, these internally displaced moved to safer areas within Abusliem municipality and adjacent Hai Al Andalus (1,250 new IDPs), as well as to surrounding areas, including Tajoura (825 new IDPs), Suq Al Jumaa (675 new IDPs) and Janzour (425 new IDPs). Arrivals were also reported in locations along the coast further away such as Azzawya (375 new IDPs) and Al Khums (175 new IDPs). Please refer to the map below for more details on displacement locations." 358559,58562.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,93,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]This growth in mistrust and erosion of social cohesion was particularly pronounced with respect to youth. Adult community members highlighted narratives that attributed the rise in crime during the pandemic to a combination of “youth idleness”, “immorality”, and “social vices” such as drinking, drug use, gambling, and promiscuous sexual activity. Similarly, in Adamawa, youth who were demobilized AOG members were viewed with mistrust as potential informants for insurgents and kidnappers." 16561,6344.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"Twenty-three mobile teams supported by UNICEF and implementing partners continue to provide integrated health and nutrition services in 14 Al Hudaydah districts, the Nutrition Cluster reports. Since January, the mobile teams have provided nutrition services to more than 10,600 children ages five years and younger and nearly 5,000 pregnant and lactating women." 384885,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Poursuite de la coordination de la réponse humanitaire des partenaires santé sous le leadership de l’OMS : organisation des rencontres bimensuelles, coordination des groupes thématiques santé (Santé mentale, Santé sexuelle et reproductive, Cash en santé, WASH en santé)." 273700,50217.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,101,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les coûts ont été calculés de manière estimative, sur la base des coûts connus des programmes, concernant les intrants divers (intrants nutritionnels et alimentaires, médicaments pour traiter les complications de la MAS, matériels et petits équipements - par exemple les rubans de périmètre brachial etc.), leur achemine- ment, les coûts d’enquête, de supervision, de suivi et d’évaluation des programmes, des activités de formation et de promotion, ainsi que les coûts de ressources humaines et de coordination sectorielle [méthodologie de calcul des coûts]" 280019,50900.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | 81% of 0-5 year olds who have received polio vaccinations and there was a Presence of health services within the camp." 127667,34498.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,22,['Impact'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cccm_shelter_nfi_june_2020_factsheet.pdf,"Within the reporting period, 3,965 shelters and 36 latrines were damaged, affecting 9,061 IDPs in 65 camps in BAY states" 131828,34344.0,1185.0,"['Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La respuesta del sector utilizará la asistencia humanitaria directa para las familias de los refugiados y migrantes más vulnerables que viven en albergues. Se evaluará la asistencia a través de intervenciones en efectivo con el fin de apoyar directamente a refugiados y migrantes vulnerables. Adicionalmente, los socios trabajarán para incrementar y mejorar la información sobre la situación nutricional en el país a través de mecanismos de monitoreo." 265682,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,52,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"assistance humanitaire est soumise à de multiples aléas et l’accessibilité aux populations affectées reste difficile dans certaines localités, avec notamment d’importantes lacunes d’informations sur la nature et la sévérité des besoins des populations affectées entravent la réponse à la crise humanitaire qui affecte la région3" 153828,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,105,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"El recorrido inició en el municipio fronterizo de Arauquita del lado colombiano, que limita con la comunidad de La Victoria del Estado Apure del lado venezolano, separadas por el río Arauca. Este corresponde a uno de los pasos informales más utilizados recientemente, incluso por migrantes que provienen de estados del norte y occidente de Venezuela, y que han optado por esta ruta debido a que la Guardia Bolivariana realiza operativos en los Estados venezolanos Zulia y Táchira para evitar la migración por los pasos por La Guajira y Norte de Santander, según los reportes de los mismos migrantes." 149339,37832.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,28,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"FSS partners provided 14 food items to complement food distributed through general food distribution, in camps where Rohingya are yet to receive monthly food entitlements through e-voucher" 2708,529.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,60,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-unhcr-saddened-about-tragic-truck-accident-and-rushes-help-survivors,The smuggler's truck reportedly drove into a large hole in the road and lost its balance being heavily overloaded with 180 people on board. The smugglers were transporting the group from As Saddadah to Tarhuna. Many of the surviving refugees and migrants were recaptured by the smugglers after the accident and remain in an unknown location. 221755,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Risk transfer to national staff, as well as to national NGOs and civil society, who are most frequently frontline implementers, must also be considered." 163461,30943.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,196,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"De acuerdo con el DANE, en abril, el desempleo en Colombia se ubicó en 19,6 por ciento, frente a un 10,3 por ciento en abril de 2019. En las 13 principales ciudades fue de 23,5 por ciento, mientras en abril del 2019 era de 11,1 por ciento. La cifra de ocupados solo fue de 16,5 millones, es decir, una reducción de 5,3 millones. La mayor parte de la reducción de ocupados se concentra en los sectores de industria manufacturera, comercio y entretenimiento7. Según estimaciones del Banco de la República, el desempleo para el 2020 podría registrar un crecimiento de niveles entre 15 y 17 por ciento8. Además, indicó que se espera una inflación entre 1 y 3 por ciento. Igualmente, las exportaciones colombianas, correspondientes al mes de abril, registraron una disminución de 52,3 por ciento en relación con el mismo mes del año anterior9. En la más reciente encuesta de Fenalco se evidenció que unos 80.000 establecimientos de comercio formales tuvieron que cerrar sus actividades de manera definitiva por la falta de liquidez y acceso al crédito" 160256,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"La dificultad de obtener pasaportes en Venezuela, dado su alto coste y demoras en el trámite, sigue siendo el principal obstáculo para que los venezolanos entren a Colombia de manera regular." 429722,64543.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,98,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Debido a la ola invernal del 2018 las familias no han logrado recuperar algunas semillas para conservar los cultivos en la chagra y si poder generar algún tipo de sustento. Esta necesidad en Seguridad Alimentaria y Medios de Vida ha incrementado por las dificultades causadas por las medidas de distanciamiento físico decretadas durante la pandemia: pérdida de empleos, incapacidad de desplazarse hacia zonas de cultivo, e impedimentos para realizar actividades de comercio agrícola. Por esto, las familias han recortado el número de comidas por día y la cantidad de sus porciones." 193564,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The police, prosecutors, courts and prisons are under-resourced in terms of national spending and capacity. The absence of accountability is both a root cause of and a factor in prolonging insecurity and violence." 305781,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The cost of transportation, which has increased 80 to 90 percent from last year, is contributing to higher commodity prices." 114079,29962.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,20,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76902,21.723 Individuals have received (benefited from) the Multi Pupose Cash Transfers and services offered by ADN Dignidad. 275355,50611.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://globalriskinsights.com/2021/01/somalia-a-triple-threat-to-instability/,"Recent violent anti-government protests have already resulted in civilian deaths, and the run-up to the 2021 elections will likely see more protest and violence. Political controversies, such as the government’s recent decision to go ahead with unilateral elections, will undeniably galvanise further political and civilian resistance." 208802,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Children make up 80 per cent of the people in need in 12 counties of Juba, Wau, Rubkona, Bor South, Jur River, Luakpiny/Nasir, Tonj North, Pibor, Aweil East, Yei, Awerial and Ayod. Similarly, children from displaced communities and those from conflict-affected areas are particularly vulnerable as they are exposed to multiple protection risks including violence, recruitment, family separation, psychosocial distress, and exploitation" 172509,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,64,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,Les femmes et filles sont également plus à risque de subir des violences basées sur le genre et de ne pas avoir accès aux services de prise en charge du fait de la promiscuité causée par les restrictions de mouvement et le confinement ou d’exploitation par les agents de santé qui pourraient échanger des faveurs contre des médicaments (PSEA). 191167,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 150 women from different groups in Abudwaq and Jowhar (60 IDPs, 40 host communities, 10 youth, 35 returnees, and five religious leaders) worked in small groups in IDP camps and host communities to raise awareness on safety measures and prevention of stigmatization. They also distributed handwashing facilities, soap, and posters." 205221,44635.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] And about the burial operations, volunteer Yahya al-Qabalawi indicated, “After the medical authorities inform us about the death of a person, we bring the body to the burial site.” He added that burial operations ramp up in the last month in the city of al-Bab; SCD elements bury an average of “five cases of infected or suspected coronavirus infection per day.”" 273696,50217.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Les coûts pour la population cible de 2021 sont basés sur la moyenne des coûts du cluster sur les trois dernières années. Le coût par bénéficiaire est estimé à 178 USD. [méthodologie de calcul des coûts] 126321,34397.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,55,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"la violencia económica (robo y/o estafa) fue el tipo de inseguridad reportado con mayor frecuencia tanto para hogares migrantes (51%) como para hogares de acogida (77%), seguido por violencia psicológica (discriminación y actos de xenofobia) en el 29% de los hogares migrantes." 165560,39662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"As presented in the chart below, almost 87% respondents mentioned that use of masks can keep them protected followed by 69% mentioning frequent washing of hands with soap. Maintaining social distance was mentioned by 41% and maintaining distance with a COVID-19 patient by 14% respondents. However, 37% workers do not know where to go for testing if they have symptoms, or how to access treatment if they show symptoms or test positive." 295303,51569.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"However, no responses were received from the IDP’s about intimate partner violence including sexual assault, a physical assault was reported but the technical team recommends investigation thorough assessment be conducted to ascertain the facts on the ground since it was reported on average five to eight people sleep in one single room (Tukul). (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 344146,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,87,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"C’est conscient de cette situation que notre pays entretient une coopération dans le cadre du G5-Sahel et de la Coalition pour le Sahel, ainsi que du déploiement du Programme de sécurisation et de stabilisation du Sahel. Ces différents programmes, ajoutés à l’opération Barkhane (opération militaire initiée dans le Sahel et le Sahara par la France et ses alliés pour combattre les terroristes), sont de nature à consolider les résultats des efforts fournis par les forces intérieures." 439194,63585.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000131067.pdf,"Comparativement au mois de juin 2021, le prix de la farine de maïs est resté stable en terme de prix nominal. La moyenne des prix sur les marchés de la ville de Goma est passée de 920FC/Kg à 882FC/Kg soit (-3%) comme taux de variation. Cette stabilité de prix se justifie par la disponibilité du produit avec le début des récoltes de la saison B qui pourrait poursuivre une tendance à la baisse au cours du mois d’août 2021. La moyenne des prix pour ce produit en ce mois de juillet reste aussi stable à celle de la moyenne pour la même période de l'année passée: 891FC/Kg à 889FC/Kg soit (0%) comme taux de variation de juillet 2020 à juillet 2021." 385610,60457.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"L’insécurité la production agricole, notamment au Centre-Nord avec une baisse de près de 40 pour cent des superficies emblavées en culture maraîchère et un accès difficile aux champs, ce qui aggrave significativement l’insécurité alimentaire des populations." 155256,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,La incertidumbre sobre el futuro cercano ha aumentado los niveles de afectación psicosocial en la población. 285251,50884.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,27,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"On 4 June in Tawilla, North Darfur, rain and flooding destroyed at minimum of 485 homes affecting 2,470 IDPs and further damaging 760 houses." 392067,62154.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,41,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/millions-children-going-hungry-north-east-nigeria-attacks-devastate-lives-save,"[5th Aug 2021, Nigeria] An estimated 2.2 million people have fled their homes because of the violence, leaving families and children wanting food, a safe place to live and, for many children, education." 293538,51569.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,46,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Houses were destroyed with properties including animals, health/nutrition facilities were destroyed, clean water points are immersed in water, the sick, elderly, women, girls and men were displaced to locations where they not comfortable. (Destruction because of floods)" 176956,41737.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf-azg.be/fr/news/rdc-r%C3%A9pondre-au-double-fardeau-du-covid19-%C3%A0-kinshasa,"Le pays ne disposant que d’un seul laboratoire pour réaliser les tests COVID-19, beaucoup de patients doivent attendre longtemps les résultats avant de pouvoir sortir des structures de santé. A l'hôpital Saint-Joseph, dans la zone de santé de Limete, plus de 10% des patients ont attendu leurs résultats biologiques pendant plus de deux semaines, ne permettant pas de statuer sur leur sortie." 490612,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Vegetables price spike continues in July all over Cox’s Bazar due to continued heavy downpour. Although traders expected the prices to go down in July when the effect of Eid is not prevailing in the markets anymore, prices for most fresh commodities like potato, egg plant, tomato, green chilly and cucumber were rising due to continued rainfall and high transportation cost." 144655,34804.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,111,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Local supply chains in NES have been affected by disruptions to cross-border and cross-line commercial activity and the overall economic crisis, while partners also face restrictions on procuring and importing items from KRI, including restricted humanitarian supply movement across the border. Over the past weeks there have been widespread reports of shortages in basic medicines at pharmacies in NES, with over 80 per cent of all pharmaceuticals in NES manufactured within Syria. This has contributed to an increase in prices at both public and private facilities, already contributing to an increase of admissions at ‘free’ healthcare points, including NGO supported facilities." 388352,60981.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,39,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Al menos 47 miembros de la comunidad Jaidukamá que se encontraban en la comunidad de Quebrada del medio requieren tela para confección de su ropa, debido a que solo se desplazaron con los vestidos que traían puestos." 13938,5539.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,73,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']","['Context', 'Shock/Event']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/record-update-situation-hodeidah-yemen,"Hodeidah's daily temperatures are currently reaching into the high thirties (upward of 100 degrees Fahrenheit), placing people at increased risk of dehydration, or communicable diseases caused by unclean water. Heavy ground clashes and strikes are continuing across southern areas of Hodeidah governorate. Humanitarian organisations are reaching some areas with aid but maintain serious concerns about people trapped between frontlines or otherwise unable to access help." 223942,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,28,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Et les parents craignent pour la stigmatisation de leurs enfants. Par contre pour les filles, les parents interdisent pour leur éviter des grossesses non désirées." 274113,49666.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,84,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"Ces groupes armés font des incursions dans des villages, incendient les maisons, pillent les biens et tuent les habitants ; une situation qui oblige les populations à se déplacer vers des localités un peu plus stables. Selon la Commission Mouvement de Population, au 1er Juin 2020, la province de l’Ituri compterait environ 1 678 000 personnes déplacées, mais rien que pour le premier semestre de 2020, environ 761 000 nouveaux déplacés ont été enregistrés." 63102,18663.0,1386.0,['Logistics'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"The Regional Logistics Unit have already established a platform of communications with the MedLog and logistics coordinator, already on site, to provide information regarding the evolution of the situation, the operation's unmet needs, changes, and achievements through the actions implemented." 221057,44617.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,79,[],"['Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Social leaders and human rights defenders are frequently killed in targeted assassinations (Insight Crime 03/09/2020). Armed groups target these leaders for opposing illicit economic activity on their land and for promoting the implementation of the Peace Agreement, which includes illicit crop substitution and land redistribution programmes (Insight Crime 18/02/2020). By 25 November, 259 social leaders and 12 family members had been murdered this year (Indepaz last accessed 25/11/2020)." 283250,51140.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/INFORMEbaja_DTM_GENERAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10918,"Adultos o NNA que presentaron problemas de salud y pudieron ir al médico: 82,8%" 203580,44071.0,2330.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,77,['Impact'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"- Se reportan 32 sistemas de abastecimiento de agua dañados. - De los 100 albergues reportados por CONRED en Alta Verapaz, 67 albergues son no oficiales. - La Dirección de área de salud ha logrado visitar 43 albergues, 30 de los cuales están ubicados en el Distrito de Cobán, 10 de ellos en San Pedro Carchá, y el resto se ubican en Teleman, Tucuru, Senahú y la Tinta." 136877,35314.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,86,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"International commercial passenger flights remain suspended, but international repatriation flights landing in Damascus and Lattakia airports are ongoing. About 2,950 people have been repatriated out of some 10,000 who are reportedly registered. Meanwhile, domestic cargo and passenger flights continue to operate, including by the UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS). At port facilities at Tartous and Lattakia, precautionary measures, including mandatory sterilization procedures and the maintaining of minimum staff have resulted in a slowdown in operations." 198848,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Près de 64060 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 11 ZS." 245778,47833.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,40,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"No obstante, existe la necesidad de fortalecer la difusión de información para acceder a rutas de derechos en las zonas monitoreadas, especialmente sobre temas relacionados al acceso a la solicitud de refugio, empleabilidad y asistencia legal." 182345,42467.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],en,47,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRI%20%281%29.pdf,"Harvesting of the 2020 predominantly rainfed main season paddy crop was completed in September. Production is expected to remain at a below-average level due to the continuous contraction in plantings over the past ten years, following farmers’ shift to more remunerative horticulture crops." 191089,43282.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Nearly 4,600 people received multi-sectoral GBV services (clinical management of rape, psycho-social support, legal, safety and security) in 22 locations." 328528,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[General household information]Two most commonly reported preferred sources through to receive information about COVID-19 were SMS (38%) and Radio classes (41%). 390778,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,41,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"1. La población migrante en los últimos años ha aumentado la capacidad fiscal del Estado al generar más ingresos que gastos para el fisco del orden de un 0,5% del PIB anual promedio entre el 2014 y el 2017" 16519,6350.0,322.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302710581,"Commenting on the aid, Muqbel said, ""The ERC - as we have said - was the fastest response to the relief of the affected and the support of the vulnerable. Today, we receive the first convoy of relief aid and food supplements for children arrived from Aden to Al Azariq as a first stage to save its people He added that the ERC sent a medical team to assess the local health sector, provide residents with the necessary healthcare requirements, and implement initiatives that will immediately improve their situation." 322346,54747.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 49% of the households found with nutrition living Standard Gap (LSG). 11% found to be extreme severe, 38% severe, 49% stress, 2% no or minimal." 106506,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,39,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para los niños, el contacto con los migrantes se da en los colegios en condiciones de hacinamiento, lo que alimenta las presiones por el acceso a los servicios educativos y, por tanto, la xenofobia." 289362,51168.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Mid Upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening conducted in January in Pibor and reached 1,488 beneficiaries including 1,106 children and 382 pregnant and lactating women." 184759,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] Transmission continues to be reported at health facilities across NES. In recent weeks a significant number of cases have been linked to Derik National Hospital. Transmission among health workers / at health facilities continues to have a very determinantal impact on health service continuity." 224563,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Nutrition Officers to train the Nutrition assistants and CNVs on how to use MUAC by the mothers to lower risk of COV19 in the community 272626,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les principales contraintes qui affectent l’accès humanitaire au Niger sont d’ordre sécuritaire, physique et logistique." 411361,63501.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/vacunan-contra-la-covid19-a-migrantes-vulnerables-en-asentamiento-villa-caracas/2794,"Vale aclarar que no se está vacunando a la demás población migrante venezolana en condición migratoria irregular, tal como se ha difundido en varios medios de comunicación." 281572,51173.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,The new Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for 2021 reflects a significant increase in the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance – now 18.4m people up from 14m in mid-2020. This includes 1.5 million people with disabilities and 9.7 million children with acute needs. 326300,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]97% of IDP settlement and 86% of non-IDP settlement households found with a WASH Living Standard Gaps (LSG)." 187815,43282.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"At least 21,000 women, boys, girls and men benefitted from GBV services and information, while another 15,760 people gained knowledge on GBV prevention and response and linkages with COVID-19 prevention in 15 locations. Some 365 individuals trained on GBV risk mitigation and referrals for survivors, bringing the total of trainees to 2,096 since March." 212300,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Cette diminution reflète la baisse de 19% du nombre de violations attribuables à des agents de l’Etat, ainsi que d’une diminution de 13% d’atteintes commises par des combattants de groupes armés." 208825,44854.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000121574.pdf,"[October, overall syria] Between September and October 2020, the prices of all monitored items decreased except for bleach that increased by two percent m-o-m to reach SYP 1,074/litre and hand gel that increase by one percent to reach SYP 936/50 m" 174167,41097.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],es,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_11_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"CHOCÓ: SITUACIÓN SANITARIA COVID-19 Al 09 de septiembre del 2020, el Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) reportó 894.300 casos confirmados de COVID-19 en Colombia. En Chocó, la Gobernación reportó para el 08 de septiembre 4.053 casos positivos, de los cuales 26 se encuentran activos. Los casos se han registrado en 28 de los 30 municipios del departamento, 157 muertes, 3.847 recuperados (94% del total de casos). Del total de casos confirmados, el 48% son mujeres, el 52% hombres y 12% menores de 19 años; y la ocupación de UCI en el departamento es del 25%." 490049,67394.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,231,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] In week 34, 4 Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) positive cases were reported, (all 4 awaiting for culture, in addition 1 case was culture confirmed from RDT negative sample. In week 33 (16-22 August), 2 RDT positive cases were reported 1 was culture confirmed and 1 was awaiting for culture result. In week 32 (9-15 August) 9 RDT positive cases were reported (1 was culture positive and 8 were discarded). In line with the Multisectoral AWD response plan, a joint Health and WASH Sector investigation takes place for each case, followed by the implementation of household and sub block level measures. Areas of focused intervention have been identified based on at least one culture confirmed case in camp in last 30 days and/or 2 or more RDT positive cases from same sub-block in last 14 days, where WASH, health and community engagement activities are undertaken/intensified at sub block/camp level as appropriate. In 2021, at least one confirmed cholera case was reported in last 30 days, from camps 1E, 6, 8E,13 and 15. Out of these camps with culture confirmed cases, two camps have reported more than one case namely: 1E and 13." 384808,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,A cela s’ajoute les 230 formations sanitaires qui ont accueilli les PDIs dans leurs aires de santé respectives 204164,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,• 66% des ménages [a Diffa] ont rapporté avoir consommé des aliments moins préférés ou moins chers 164484,32981.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,2.300 Unidades de tapabocas. 430 Unidades de gel antibacterial. 41 Kits de higiene menstrual 2.000 Kits de protección para el personal del IDSN. 213146,45257.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=213734,"[13th December 2020, NES] The detainees in al-Hawl camp, the majority of whom are women and children, live in catastrophic conditions at all levels, as diseases and epidemics are spread due to the lack of health care." 133909,35165.0,1188.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,145,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"GRUPOS EN CONDICIONES DE VULNERABILIDAD Personas con discapacidad. En la encuesta se detectan pocos casos de personas con discapacidad que hayan migrando (0,3%), debido a que su motivación principal es trabajar y generar ingresos en Panamá. En los grupos focales también se identificaron unas pocas personas venezolanas con discapacidad dependientes que migraron con el grupo familiar. Estas personas con discapacidad no estaban incluidas adecuadamente en el sistema social/educativo, permaneciendo relegadas en sus hogares. Esta situación se debe, en parte, al desconocimiento de las instancias de protección panameñas en esta materia. Por otro lado, hay riesgo de discapacidades sobrevenidas en Panamá en las personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas, asociadas a su situación de vulnerabilidad tanto por condiciones laborales con baja seguridad, así como por su bajo acceso a salud preventiva." 328566,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported barriers to accessing water were: Water points are too far (22%), Water points are difficult to reach (especially for people with disabilities) (18%), Fetching water is a dangerous activity (25%)." 298960,51152.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Immediate needs included health awareness to prevent water-borne diseases, prepositioning of medical supplies in readiness to increased needs of flood affected population and strengthening of health outreach services." 153993,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"En Arauca y Casanare se reportaron casos de intento de reclutamiento de jóvenes por parte de grupos armados y bandas delincuenciales, que ofrecen remuneración a cambio de labores de microtráfico." 217576,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The most vulnerable urban centres in the current period are in Hirat and Kandahar, which are the hardest hit by the impacts of COVID-19." 328666,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 29% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest education facility while 25% and 18% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest education facility respectively. Only 2% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes 1-3 hours to reach to the nearest education facility. 221701,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Aid agencies are ready to scale up operations, drawing on lessons recently learned to ensure that response efforts prevent a major humanitarian catastrophe that could jeopardize gains made in recent years. Mechanisms, including significant cash programming, expanded partnerships with already vetted local implementing partners and improved engagement with authorities and affected populations, are in place for a rapid scale-up and a sustained response." 201999,43115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://periodismopublico.com/el-48-de-los-hurtos-en-transmilenio-son-de-migrantes-claudia-lopez,"Según la alcaldesa de Bogotá, prácticamentela mitad de los robos perpetrados en el sistema son cometidos por migrantes venezolanos." 281045,51117.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,104,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/drug-prices-vary-in-pharmacies-across-syrias-al-hasakeh/,"[February 18, NWS]Medicine prices in the al-Hasakeh governorate are generally among the highest in Syria.The increase of drug prices in al-Hasakeh amounted to roughly 30-40 percent more than those sold in Damascus, a pharmacist, who spoke on condition of anonymity, toldEnab Baladi. The pharmacist, who owns a medicine warehouse in Qamishli, said that several factors contribute to the increase in medicine prices. The first is the transportation fees of medicines paid to the Syrian regime forces-held checkpoints, which amount to 1,500 USD per cubic meter of the volume of medicine cargo." 266805,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, GoS] In Mzeireb, other main food-items prices like sugar and vegetable oil have also increased by nine and ten percent reaching SYP 1,621/kg and SYP 4,992/litre, respectively. Y-o-y, the price of vegetable oil has increased by 286 percent and sugar has increased by 208 percent." 289353,51168.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"A total of 5,340 people supported with livelihood kits in Aweil South and Tonj North counties in January 2021. However, the major planned scale-up is pending support for projects submitted for funding." 63112,18763.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,241,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/venezuela/2019/08/20/solo-el-18-de-la-poblacion-venezolana-tiene-acceso-a-agua-potable-de-calidad/,"Y no solo en Caracas profieran los suministros poco convencionales. En estados como Falcón y Zulia (occidente) la distribución de luz y agua sigue intermitente. ParaLuis Urbano, residente en Paraguaná, Falcón: ""Tenemos varios meses sin agua y hemos resuelto a los golpes. Rompemos los tubos de agua que van hacia la refinería de Pdvsa y hacia otros sitios. Pegamos una manguera y le ponemos llave. Abrimos y cerramos el chorro según sea nuestra conveniencia. Los vecinos estamos organizados no solo en mi sector, en muchos"", dice vía telefónica aInfobae. Está consciente de que no es la mejor forma de surtirse ""pero ninguna autoridad nos apoya y eso que en Falcón manda el madurismo. El gobernador Víctor Clark dice que si la guerra económica, que si los gringos. Nosotros queremos agua y queremos luz y que cambien las cosas con o sin los gringos.La última vez que me bañé con regadera fue hace cinco meses cuando fui a Caracas a casa de mi hermana. Vamos a seguir rompiendo tubos, acá hace demasiado calor para estar como camellos en el desierto"", dice. Reportes de la prensa del estado Zulia señalan que las autoridadesabrieron una investigaciónen varios sectores de Maracaibo, la capital. Se han reportado laapertura de pozos clandestinos de aguaen varias urbanizaciones de alto target." 126313,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Las comunidades de acogida son más propensas a endeudarse, probablemente debido a una mejor red de acceso para préstamos en la comunidad. Particularmente para los hogares que viven por debajo de la línea de pobreza, el endeudamiento y la compra a crédito es un mecanismo para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas." 309056,53636.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,34,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[MAR 2021, TBAF] In total population 1,500,349 less than 1% are returnees, 40% are residents, 20% are IDPs in-camp and 40% are IDPs our-of-camp." 412942,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,95,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The persons/children with disabilities who sought healthcare services during the pandemic failed to avail services due to some reasons. The prominent reasons include fear of COVID-19 (45.25%), financial stress (69.05%), unavailability of doctors (19.05%), transportation problem (19.05%), etc. The risk of the corona, financial problem, far distance, transport problem were more felt among the rural level households than the urban ones (see Figure 15)." 134111,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,78,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Por su parte, la Ley de Migraciones Nº 25.871, explicita la pena de prisión para quienes promuevan o faciliten el tráfico ilegal de personas (artículos 116 a 121). El artículo 23 de esta ley, en su inciso m), establece que se podrá otorgar la residencia temporaria por razones humanitarias a extranjeros que lo invoquen y justifiquen, incluyendo a víctimas de trata de personas y tráfico ilícito de migrantes." 86124,23802.0,1620.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,52,[],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nigeria_2020-01-24.pdf,"Humanitarian aid workers in north-east Nigeria continue to put their life on the line to deliver life-saving assistance to those who need it, in keeping with the humanitarian principles. In 2019, 12 humanitarian workers were executed by nonstate armed groups and there were frequent security incidents against humanitarians." 144369,35824.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/first-case-coronavirus-appears-among-residents-syrian-al-hol-camp,We need to act quickly to make sure we can limit the outbreak while minimizing the negative impact of the control measures on the children as well – such as isolation measures or the closure of education facilities. 190007,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,35,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Au Nord-Kivu, il n’existe pas de sites de déplacement et 90 pour cent des personnes déplacées vivent dans des familles d’accueil où les conditions de vie sont déjà précaires." 211039,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Environment']",en,19,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Populations in Somalia continue to be affected by climatic shocks and insecurity, often leading to their displacement." 188177,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Durante el 2019 se reportaron más de 112.000 casos, causando la muerte de 180 personas. Esa emergencia desveló la baja capacidad de respuesta de las Redes Integradas de Atención Médica, causada por el número insuficiente de recursos humanos (médicos, enfermeras y promotores de salud), una distribución deficiente e inadecuada de los mismos en atención primaria, bajo porcentaje de medicamentos y suministros en establecimientos de salud, poca disponibilidad de herramientas y equipos para diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos." 413065,63969.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,99,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.saludcapital.gov.co/Paginas2/Noticia_Portal_Detalle.aspx?IP=1705,"Agosto 24,2021 Bogotá cuenta con dosis limitadas de vacunas marca Sinovac ​Frente a la disponibilidad del biológico producido por el laboratorio Sinovac, para la aplicación de segundas dosis de vacuna contra el Covid-19, la Secretaría Distrital de Salud se permite informar a la ciudadanía, que: ● Se está a la espera de la entrega de vacunas del laboratorio Sinovac por parte del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, por lo que actualmente hay una baja disponibilidad de esta vacuna en Bogotá. En el momento el biológico disponible se estará aplicando mediante agendamiento." 207137,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"A total of 2.1 million people, including an estimated 300,000 refugees in South Sudan, are in need of nutrition services." 133872,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,61,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Tanto en los casos de personas migrantes y refugiadas solas como en los casos de parejas que migran sin sus hijos, la reunificación familiar se da en cuanto consiguen las condiciones mínimas para realizarla en Panamá. En este sentido, un 82% de las personas encuestadas con hijos/as en Venezuela aspiran a lograr su reunificación en Panamá." 492079,67724.0,1224.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,13,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,On 5 December the Health Ministry sets protocols for Guyana-Suriname border areas. 290692,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,122,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"Antes de esta crisis, las mujeres dedicaban en promedio tres veces más tiempo que los hombres a los cuidados no remunerados y al trabajo doméstico. Además de las cuarentenas obligatorias, la saturación de los sistemas de salud, junto al cierre de escuelas y residencias de ancianos, sin duda han aumentado esta carga aún más sobre las mujeres. En esta ecuación, las normas sociales que atribuyen estas responsabilidades a las mujeres corren el riesgo de interactuar con las desigualdades laborales de género ya descritas, haciendo que las mujeres sean más propensas a dejar sus trabajos durante y después de las fases de confinamiento para ocuparse del cuidado de los niños y otras responsabilidades domésticas." 175903,39526.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,61,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/%d8%a5%d8%b1%d8%aa%d9%81%d8%a7%d8%b9-%d8%b9%d8%af%d8%af-%d8%ad%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%88%d9%81%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a8%d9%81%d9%8a%d8%b1%d9%88%d8%b3-%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86/396519/,"(16/09/2020, Aleppo/Idlib) 20 cases in the countryside of the Aleppo governorate, and 9 in the Idlib governorate have been recorded as of 16 September. According to the statistics of the Syrian Observatory, the number of positive cases since the 9th of July until today has risen to 451 people, including doctors and medical personnel" 215504,45277.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Environment']",en,39,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"Insecurity continues to affect livelihoods and economic activity, curtailing private investment, and consumer demand. At the same time, rugged topography, vulnerability to climate change, and growing population impose additional constraints on development." 193089,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´acheminement de l'aide humanitaire reste un défi face à l´état des infrastructures routières et aéroportuaires du pays. La mauvaise qualité du réseau routier est une contrainte particulièrement exacerbée durant la saison des pluies entre juillet et octobre. Ceci complique l´organisation des évaluations et l´acheminement des intrants nutritionnels, des médicaments essentiels et des vivres ainsi que les activités de supervision et de référencement des malades aussi bien au Sud, au Nord et à l´Est du pays." 227507,46488.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Cela semble être lié à un manque d’aménagement. En effet, la quasi-totalité des IC (14/15) interrogés ont rapporté le nombre insuffisant de points d’eau ou le temps d’attente aux points d’eau comme étant l’un des principaux problèmes d’accès à l’eau." 131799,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,88,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Además, los socios de respuesta planifican realizar actividades que pretendan mitigar los impactos negativos causados por los flujos de refugiados y migrantes, y por la respuesta en sí que puede afectar, entre otros, a la salud pública, la relación con las comunidades de acogida y la resiliencia a largo plazo. Un enfoque intersectorial que beneficiará a las comunidades de acogida y facilitará la relación con el sector público, permitiendo una mayor integración social y económica de la población de Venezuela." 116007,30124.0,1386.0,['Logistics'],[],[],es,68,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades Los actores humanitarios siguen reportando retos logísticos y de acceso en implementar sus programas debidos a problemas infraestructurales, la falta de combustible, la disponibilidad y alto costo de los servicios logísticos, sobre todo en zonas más remotas del país, problemas con los términos de pago y transferencias para los proveedores a nivel local, y limitaciones con las importaciones de insumos humanitarios." 173674,32492.0,1899.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200622%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2015-21%20de%20junio%202020.pdf,"GUATEMALA A solicitud del Gobierno, el Programa Mundial de Alimentos compró por 100 millones de dólares en suministros alimentarios, incluidos maíz, frijoles y arroz, para que sean distribuidos a través de los programas nacionales de gobierno a las personas vulnerables afectadas por el impacto de la pandemia, principalmente en las zonas rurales." 236033,46890.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In the SW, UNHCR and its partner Plan International assisted 536 households in Buea and Tiko (Fako division)." 385609,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,24,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région de l’Est, le nombre de PDI a augmenté de 4 pour cent, avec 89 889 PDI." 393233,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,94,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] To understand the most reliable sources of information related to COVID 19 in the communities, the above chart shows that 72% illustrates that Radio jingles and programs are the most reliable sources related to COVID 19 in their community, 10% mentioned TV news as the most reliable source related to COVID 19 virus, 5% shows that social media are the sources of information related to COVID 19 virus in the community, 4% said internet, 0.4 said newspapers." 475474,64944.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Dans les communes de Gomboro, de Toéni, de Barani et de Kombori, il a été signalé des cas d’occupation des champs des ménages par les GANE qui auraient installé leurs bases logistiques sur ces sites interdit d’accès à toute personne." 492476,67933.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,81,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Operational%20Update%20August%202021.pdf,"In August, UNHCR verified the return to Syria of 2,951 individual refugees from neighbouring asylum countries, bringing the total number of refugee returnees from these countries since January to 25,485 individuals. Most returns in 2021 took place from Turkey, followed by Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon. In 2020, UNHCR verified the return of 38,235 individual refugees from neighbouring asylum countries, with most returns taking place from Turkey, Iraq, and Lebanon." 155235,34182.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"La interrupción de las actividades económicas a su vez, ha comprometido la capacidad de esta población para la adquisición de alimentos y el pago de arriendo de sus lugares de alojamiento, por lo que muchas familias están siendo desalojadas quedando en condición de calle." 328980,54201.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://flip.org.co/index.php/es/informacion/pronunciamientos/item/2701-violaciones-de-derechos-humanos-a-periodistas-en-la-frontera-colombo-venezolana,"Resulta preocupante que las autoridades que debían respaldar a los periodistas y garantizar las condiciones de seguridad para que pudieran realizar su oficio,ejercieran un abuso de poder que terminara en una violación a los derechos humanos de los comunicadores." 304135,50889.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,95,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"East Sudan and Central Darfur camp locations, large collective out of camp settlements with over 1,000 people, key reception areas for new arrivals, and the majority of Khartoum State refugee areas, including Khartoum’s ‘Open Areas’. These locations typically have ‘critical’ or ‘serious’ malnutrition rates, poor WASH and health infrastructure and service availability, acute food insecurity and protection gaps. These locations have good registration coverage and on-going multisector response, unmet assistance needs and high reliance on humanitarian assistance." 386947,60761.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/radio/2021/07/22/politica/1626981275_103460.html,"“El estatuto es la llave de entrada para la posibilidad de la vacunación, por eso, quienes tengan la posibilidad de hacer parte de el, deben surtir este proceso para determinar su fase de vacunación”, añadió. Espinosa precisó que durante los dos primeros meses de este programa ya se tienen1.800.000 venezolanos registrados." 307810,52942.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,116,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Fertilizer (DAP): The average price decreased by 0.1% compared to the third week of November. The decrease occurred in Urozgan (7%) and Takhar (1%), due to improved supply. Meanwhile prices increased in Badakhshan (3%), Ghazni and Zabul (1%), due to increased demand. Prices were highest in Takhar followed by Badakhshan, Zabul and Paktya (3,033, 3,000, 2,920 and 2,917 per 50 kg, respectively), while prices were lowest in Nimroz, Parwan and Ghazni (AFN 2,000, 2,023 and 2,200 per 50 kg bag, respectively)." 191406,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"With the transitional government yet to form and positions not assigned, some political leaders are reported to instigate inter-communal violence and mobilize armed herders to destabilize potential appointees in favour of others. (2019)" 345194,56855.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] In addition, 148 of these recently relocated Burundian refugee households have benefited from a distribution of construction kits and technical support which will allow them to build their individual houses and latrines." 345210,56855.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[IDP] In Haut Uélé and Ituri Provinces, UNHCR, the World Food Programme and partner ADSSE assisted 30,572 South Sudanese refugees including 23,875 at the Meri site and 6,697 in Biringi with cash for food assistance. The cash distribution activities were implemented in strict respect of Covid-19 preventive measure, including physical distancing, temperature measurement and compulsory hand washing." 412584,63488.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.2 Change in the financial condition during the pandemic: During the pandemic, the economic conditions of the households changed dramatically. Among the surveyed households, 43.6% households had an income lower than BDT 10,000 in January 2020, which increased to 69% in July. This change means that around a quarter of the surveyed households entered into the lower category of income threshold." 201208,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Out of the over 12,000 individuals who fled conflict to Wau Protection of Civilians site and collective sites in 2019, 65 per cent were children, 24 per cent were women and only 11 per cent were men." 328658,54713.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of housing, land and property (HLP) dispute reported by households were :Disputes about rent (including payment) (13%), Rules and processes on HLP not clear (23% ), secondary occupation (5%)" 177253,41744.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,Education: Apporter une assistance adaptée pour permettre aux familles pouvoir envoyer leurs enfants aux écoles dans les zones hôtes (moyen terme). 358513,58562.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,177,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]In Nigeria, the end of lockdown immediately reversed the factors that had been dampening intergroup conflict, both by permitting free movement and by sending the message that the threat of COVID-19 had diminished. Since the lifting of pandemic restrictions did not necessarily alleviate their political and economic consequences, it meant that different groups and communities were starting to interact again at a time of heightened scarcity and competition. Some conflicts erupted over disputes that started during lockdown (pastoralists taking advantage of lockdown to graze their cattle on farmland) or narratives about identity-based favoritism in government responses (such as targeting relief assistance on ethnic or religious lines). According to a Afghan respondent in Kandahar, “in the aid distribution, people were selected through favoritism...People were asked which ethnic group they were from during aid distribution, and help was provided on an ethnic basis. Those people got aid who did not need aid at all." 413148,60898.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"As of 23 April, 2021, 2,215 schools remained closed, affecting 301,638 students (146,616 girls) and 10,971 teachers (3,793 women)" 149546,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,43,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,Pacaraima se ha convertido en la principal puerta de entrada de los 50.000 venezolanos que en el último año y medio han llegado a Brasil para intentar rehacer sus vidas. Se estima además que cerca de 400 cruzan diariamente la frontera. 328678,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 8% and 26% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported areas in their community where girls or women do not feel safe. 205197,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"JANUARY 2019: More than 35,000 Nigerians cross the border to seek refuge in Goura, in Cameroon's Far North. They fled repeated Boko Haram attacks in and around the northeastern Nigerian town of Rann." 205037,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"15% of the people affected by the well-being consequence in the Logone-et-Chari and Mayo Tsanaga divisions are refugees, 26% are IDPs, and 47% are host community members." 328661,54713.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 95% of households found with an education LSG. 95% found to be severe, 2% stress, 3% no or minimal." 204376,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,78% des ménages [de Zinder] rapportent avoir consommé des aliments moins préférés ou moins chers. 16813,7075.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"At least 8.4 million people are currently targeted for food assistance with a food basket covering 80% of the households Kilocalories needs. However, the assistance provided is not sufficient to cover the huge gaps largely due to limited funding and access issues in the areas most affected by the conflict." 172321,40929.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Borno and Yobe state]Renewed access to safe sanitation facilities was provided for 204,000 beneficiaries through the desludging of 4,080 latrines in 28 IDP camps in Borno. To support hygiene promotion practices, UNICEF constructed 100 pieces of foot operated handwashing stations in nine camps and public institutions in Benue and 80 foot-operated handwashing stations to nine isolation centres and 71 health facilities in Borno and Yobe state, benefitting at least 18,000 people." 393166,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the higher percentage of the discussants across different target groups believed COVID 19 is very likely and likely to spread the community while few believed COVID is unlikely to spreads in the community." 388578,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,27,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,L’ensemble des provinces est touché par la crise mais à différent degré occasionnant ainsi des situations de précarité et de vulnérabilité extrême des populations. 112276,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Otros aspectos como el conocimiento matemático y la ciencia también pueden verse afectados, pero paradójicamente, ya que muchos niños se inician extremadamente temprano en el trabajo infantil y deben manejar dinero, pueden desarrollar algunas notorias operaciones numéricas y un fuerte sentido espacial." 70719,20012.0,729.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,70,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"On the morning of 22 July 2019, four GNA air strikes, on the outskirts of Qasr Bin Ghashir and more than five kilometres from the front lines, completely destroyed one house and damaged another one nearby which belonged to the members of the same family, without causing any casualties among the members of the family, but reportedly killing four civilians in a passing car." 357898,58570.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/N2111312.pdf,Colombia . Las Naciones Unidas verificaron 210 violaciones graves contra 184 niños y niñas (123 niños y 61 niñas). 274184,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,85,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] La possession d’animaux d’élevage, en général, n’est pas importante dans les zones enquêtées. La proportion la plus petite est observée à Djugu, où seulement 8 % des ménages possèdent des animaux. Ici, comme à Mahagi, le besoin de restaurer le petit élevage s’avère fondamental pour diversifier les sources de revenu des ménages." 219353,45753.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,357,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"Many children have been left as unaccompanied and separated children throughout nine years of crisis. In 2019, FGD participants noted, as in previous years, that children have become unaccompanied, separated and/or head of households, due to the death of one parent and remarriage of another where the child is not wanted in the new household, (notably the remarriage of the mother). Other causes include divorce, displacement and detention or disappearance of a parent, usually the father. Unaccompanied/separated children and/or child-headed households are at risk of various forms of violence. They experience verbal and physical violence by other children within their host families and are marginalised from community structures. In other instances children will isolate unaccompanied/separated children from play groups because of their status of being with-out parents. Some respondents noted the exploitation they experience by their caretakers, such as being forced to work or beg. Another noted the violence they experience, especially sexual violence and the potential marginalisation they experience when they survive such violence: “unaccompanied children are ex-posed to community neglect, organ trade, child labour, sexual abuse, and mistreatment. Girls that have suffered rape or sexual abuse become outcasts.” (Woman from Daret Azza sub district, Aleppo governorate). The psychological and emotional distress that children experience due to witnessing the violence against their family members, such as the killing of their parent or caregivers was also underlined. They are then further victimised by violence through exploitation and maltreatment by other caregivers and/or community members. Child labour was identified again as one of the many child rights' violations that children face, especially girls. Children may be at risk of being forced to work when they are within the vicinity of restaurants and cafes. Boys are particularly vulnerable to the worst forms of child labour and abuse, while girls were noted to be at extreme risk of exploitation, verbal and sexual harassment when forced to work or beg." 195968,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Le nombre de nouvelles alertes est, globalement, en décroissance depuis la semaine 33 au terme de laquelle 10 069 nouvelles alertes avaient été dénombrées, soit près de 1 438 nouvelles alertes/jr. Le résultat obtenu au terme de S46, soit en moyenne 942 alertes/jr, fait espérer que la performance de S33 sera bientôt rattrapée (Figure 9)." 194772,43580.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/covid-syria-idlib-northwest-doctors,"[13th nov 2020,Overall Syria] The health system in Syria’s northwest is on the verge of collapse, doctors have warned, as the opposition-held region sees a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases in overcrowded camps." 388618,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Ensuite, vient la province du Soum avec 23% des cas, la province du Seno avec 20% et en dernière position la province de l’Oudalan avec 11%." 314209,54230.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/19/covid-19-advisory-panel-recommends-strict-lockdown-for-another-week,"[19th April 2021, Bangladesh] On Sunday, Bangladesh registered 3,698 new Covid-19 cases and 102 deaths in 24 hours. With the updated data, the death toll in the country stands at 10,385, and the total cases at 718,950." 223944,46071.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Par contre, les femmes membres des VSLA ont adopté des stratégies pour continuer l’épargne et le crédit dans le respect des mesures d’hygiène. Elles arrivent pour épargner à tour de rôle par groupe restreint. Etant donné que les activités génératrices de revenu qui nourrissent l’épargne ont baissé à cause des rotations au marché et des fluctuations des prix et de la situation générale du COVID 19 ; certaines femmes membres des VSLA ont commencé à produire des masques pour vendre en tissus." 483286,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,195,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.4 Violencia contra niños, niñas y adolescentes La violencia contra niños, niñas y adolescentes puede afectar su salud física y mental, perjudicar su habilidad para aprender y socializar, y más adelante socavar su desarrollo. La vida en un país extranjero implica importantes riesgos, algunos de los cuales pueden tener un efecto perjudicial sobre la salud mental. Se produce un cambio que afecta todos los aspectos de la vida personal: perspectivas profesionales presentes y futuras, cambios sociales, culturales, financieros, separación de la familia y de los amigos, etc. En la ENPOVE 2018, se incluyeron preguntas dirigidas a hogares con población venezolana menor de 18 años de edad residente en el país. Ante la pregunta; en el último mes ¿Alguno de los menores que viven en el hogar fue castigado por su mal comportamiento?; el 10,0% respondió que sí castigaron al menor de edad por su mal comportamiento. Según sexo de la persona informante, el 10,9% de las mujeres informó haber castigado al menor, siendo 2,0 puntos porcentuales más que los hombres." 358736,58517.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/regreso-a-clases-presenciales-asi-sera-el-regreso-a-colegios-en-colombia-593328,"El modelo de alternancia se mantiene, dado que hay niños, niñas y adolescentes con comorbilidades que no están cubiertos por las primeras fases del Plan Nacional de Vacunación. Por su condición de salud podrán quedarse en casa y seguir recibiendo clases a través de herramientas virtuales." 157263,38373.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Según reportes de la prensa, unas 70,000 personas retornaron entre finales de marzo y junio 2020.13 Esto se debe a la dificultad que tiene la población migrante y refugiada para generar ingresos y cubrir sus necesidades básicas." 265726,49620.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Mali, BF, Niger) En dehors de la fermeture liée au COVID-19, le manque d’enseignants a semblé être le frein le plus important à l’accès à l’éducation (59% des localités évaluées)" 188132,43352.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,51,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"30 May 2020: Near Barsalogho commune, Sanmatenga province, Centre-Nord region, suspected jihadist militants ambushed a gendarmerie aid convoy after delivering food to IDPs in the area, killing at least 10 people, including an ambulance driver and a nurse, and injuring about 20 more." 425350,64291.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours de cette évaluation, toutes les personnes déplaces enquêtes affirment avoir consommé 3 repas par jour avant les derniers déplacements, actuellement 65% des ménages mangent une seule fois par jour et 27% deux fois par jour." 287954,51841.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"DTM teams faced several logistical and access challenges during data collection for round 9, including a delay due to COVID-19 travel restrictions within the country, bureaucratic impediments and insecurity at local level, and widespread flooding. (Mobility Tracking Round 9 )." 114144,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Economy'],es,76,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), por ejemplo, proyecta que de ser más severa la prolongación de los efectos de la pandemia en El Salvador, la contracción económica en el país podría llegar a hasta un -3.9%18. Además del aumento de la pobreza y la pobreza extrema en varios puntos porcentuales, la CEPAL prevé que también crecerá la desigualdad en todos los países de la región." 325501,54763.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf.fr/decryptages/republique-democratique-du-congo-l-urgence-permanente,"La récurrence des conflits armés n'est pas le seul obstacle limitant l'accès aux soins de santé en RDC : le manque d’infrastructures, de personnel médical et les dysfonctionnements du système de santé rendent également difficile la réponse aux besoins des populations." 167106,40135.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,42,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416748-ncdc-warns-of-second-wave-of-coronavirus.html,The Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has warned that there is likely to be an even more devastating second wave of coronavirus in Adamawa and other states in the country due to the non-compliance to COVID-19 health guidelines. 501310,69057.0,2074.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,121,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe-situacion-migrantes-refugiados-venezolanos-en-Bolivia.pdf,"Actualmente hay 57 venezolanos en Bolivia con estatus de refugiado (27 mujeres y 30 hombres). En el 2018, 334 venezolanos realizaron solicitudes y en 2019 un total de 405. Entre enero y febrero de 2020, 182 venezolanos han hecho solicitudes de refugio. Los venezolanos han sido los principales solicitantes de refugio desde 2018. La CONARE se encuentra procesando solicitudes actuales y acumuladas que no se procesaron durante años. Se espera que sigan aumentando el número de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos y, por lo tanto, el número de solicitudes. La mayoría de los venezolanos que solicitan refugio no vienen de Venezuela, sino de Perú, Ecuador o Colombia." 265706,49620.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,42,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Trois Frontieres) Si ces mesures ont été assouplies vers la fin du mois de mai, elles ont eu un impact important sur le fonctionnement de l’économie des pays et les revenus des ménages. (Nov.2020)" 271534,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au niveau provincial, le Seno affiche la prévalence la plus elevée (43,2%) de malnutrition chronique, un niveau en baisse par rapport à 2019 (45,7%). La province du Kadiogo affiche la plus faible prévalence avec 12,5% contre 10,7% (7,5-15,0) en 2019. En plus du Seno qui presente une situation critique de malnutrition chronique, le Sanmatenga (30%), le Namentenga (32,2%) et la Gnagna (36,4) présentent une prévalence de malnutrition chronique au-delà du seuil d’alerte de l’OMS." 338750,56193.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"Malaria is among the country’s principal causes of morbidity and mortality, accounting for 44 percent of all outpatient visits and 22 percent of deaths in 2018." 233452,46998.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"Refugee: [31st October 2020, Cox's Bazar] Covid-19 continued to pose challenges. Camp coordination activities and community consultations could only be held on a limited scale. Given the camp population, maintaining physical distance in distribution sites is an on-going challenge, especially during power/network downtimes and heavy rain during monsoon. CSI and LPG both had to be postposed and only resumed in late October." 240440,47354.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,193,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] UNHCR also conducted 2,152 key informant interviews (KII) using the community protection monitoring tool. The data analysed helped to provide direct strategic approach, advocacy and real-time response to protection issues in the Adamawa, Bay and Yobe states. In November, the 81 major incidents reported by KII were recorded and analysed with protection monitoring tools. They included Gender-Based Violence (GBV, 48%), NSAG attacks (12.8%) abduction of civilians (10.4%), physical assault (9.6%), destruction of properties (3.2%), robbery (2.4%), family separation, fire outbreak, forced eviction, return of persons formerly associated with NSAG, and witchcraft (1.6%), and land dispute, looting, presence of improvised explosive devices/explosive remnants of war and presence of NSAG. The LGAs most affected were Bama, Dikwa, Mobbar, Kala-Balge and Jere. The identified incidents were referred for appropriated services, while some of the cases are undergoing follow-up." 315485,54311.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,156,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Es necesario apoyar con dotación y elementos de agua, saneamiento e higiene a las familias que acogen en sus casas a personas desplazadas, con el fin de mantener el apoyo en alojamiento y alimentación, sin afectarse ellas mismas. Se requiere asistencia para las personas en los alojamientos temporales, mediante entrega de artículos para la prevención de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores (mosquiteros, repelentes, entre otros). Es necesario brindar información para garantizar una adecuada gestión de residuos sólidos en alojamientos temporales colectivos, con el fin de mitigar riesgos de salud pública. Es necesario la construcción de un albergue humanitario en el casco urbano de Argelia, para tener espacios disponibles y alojar a la población afectada por situaciones de violencia, e incluso eventos de desastres naturales. Se requiere iluminación exterior en los alojamientos, como medida de protección pasiva, control y vigilancia." 131825,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,42,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Desarrollar la capacidad de las instituciones gubernamentales relacionadas con el Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS) y el Ministerio de Salud, que implementa programas sociales y el Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS), respectivamente." 204316,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,53% des ménages [de Tahoua] ont rapporté avoir diminué le nombre de repas par jour 163985,34165.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,51,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Arauca: En la actualidad hay siete casos positivos de COVID-19, en zona rural de un municipio del Departamento, a quienes los GAO están buscando. En razón a ello, las autoridades han tenido que referenciarlos como casos del casco urbano, para proteger sus vidas" 24905,9949.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,99,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68227.pdf,"Total resettlement processing in Libya and Niger (Groups 1, 2, 3, 4) Since 1 September 2017, a total of 4,047 individuals have been submitted for resettlement from Libya and Niger to 12 resettlement States. A total of 1,961 individuals have departed on resettlement from Libya and Niger. A total of 419 individuals have been accepted for resettlement and are pending departure from Libya and Niger. A total of 1,274 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement State in Libya or Niger." 85240,23613.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,113,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_16_january_2020.pdf,"Askira/Uba, Monguno, Maiduguri and Ngala LGAs have been the hot spot locations for this reporting period with violent attacks affecting 628 HH in Moguno alone. Conversely, there is a spike in new and secondary displacement with a record of 1,248ind in Askira/Uba, 1,660ind in Ngala, 818ind in Michika, 560ind in Gwoza, 352ind in Maiduguri (NYSC camp), and 327ind in Konduga. Fire outbreaks affecting 359HH across camps in Dikwa, Ngala and Monguno were also recorded. Furthermore, there is a gap of 11% of latrines in need of dislodgement while 21% of showers needs to be repaired." 144183,35197.0,1187.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,130,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/argentina/unicef-actualiza-la-estimaci-n-de-pobreza-infantil-alcanzar-m-s-de-8-millones-de,"Una de las variables en las que impacta con más fuerza la disminución de los ingresos en los sectores vulnerables, es en elconsumo de alimentos. Los programas alimentarios como la tarjeta ALIMENTAR entre otros alcanzan al 36% de los hogares (frente al 19% en abril); el porcentaje de hogares encuestados que dejó de comprar algún alimento por no tener dinero disminuyó levemente del 28 al 26%. No obstante, la concurrencia a comedores populares aumentó (pasó del 8% al 10%) y mejoró notablemente el acceso: en abril el 8% de las personas que concurrieron a un comedor reportaron problemas para acceder o retirar viandas; en julio este porcentaje se redujo al 1%." 229315,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,100,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"With ongoing floods in Bor South, Duk and Twic East, population from the affected location are currently displaced into Mangalla Payam – Juba County. The Executive Director Mangalla Payam called OCHA CES Focal Point on 27 th August 2020 reporting that his Payam has received over 400 HH displaced community from Bor following floods in Jonglei (mainly from Bor, Twic East and Duk), initially the IDPs were reported to be on transit to Juba; however some of them decided to settle in Mangalla center where they have erected some makeshift shelters." 273699,50217.0,2333.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Le budget a été construit sur base d’une approche de coût par activité (qui revient à 81 USD par enfant) multiplié par le nombre de bénéficiaires. [méthodologie de calcul des coûts] 172994,40676.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,72,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"De plus, les données récentes montrent une sévérité des besoins liés à la malnutrition aigüe dégradée dans plusieurs régions. En effet, 409 zones de santé au lieu de 384 dans le PRH originel ont un niveau de sévérité supérieur à 3. Ce contexte contribue à la détérioration de la situation nutritionnelle déjà très préoccupante du pays, compromettant ainsi la survie de plusieurs milliers d’enfants." 193753,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le nombre de personnes vivant avec le VIH est estimé à 110 000 en 2018 dont 12 000 enfants âgés de 0 à 14 ans. Parmi les 110 000 personnes vivant avec le VIH, 61 402 sont sous traitement antirétroviral, soit une couverture de 55,8%." 80891,22140.0,1224.0,[],[],[],en,62,[],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72828.pdf,"In August, partners organized a regional course in Costa Rica on International Refugee Law and Statelessness, which was attended by 19 officials from various Caribbean countries, including Aruba, Curacao, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago. The training provided an opportunity for States to exchange good practices on refugee protection and statelessness." 196135,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Several planned activities were suspended e.g. construction and rehabilitation work, group counseling and expansion into new districts, while reducing others: capacity building and training, routine project monitoring and vaccination campaigns. These will negatively affect the delivery of an effective essential health services package, increasing the risk for poor health outcomes due to a wide range of hazards including malnutrition, reproductive health and vaccine preventable illness." 95211,26755.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"30 March, 8 confirmed cases of COVID-19 are reported in Libya. Until present, a total of 120 cases were tested for COVID-19 with 125 people on quarantine" 224473,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Total of 197 under five were screened in the week ending on 28th August to 6 September in Wulu and Cueibet counties respectively. 19267,8024.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,112,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"Clashes in Tripoli between competing armed groups in August-September 2018, which lasted for a month, presented further problems and risks for detained migrants. During the clashes—which illustrated the Government of National Accord’s fragile hold on power and caused civilian deaths and destruction to civilian structures—guards abandoned at least two detention centers as fighting drew near, leaving detainees unprotected inside. Authorities eventually transferred hundreds to other detention centers in the capital, contributing to even greater overcrowding in those centers. The fighting also temporarily interrupted EU-funded humanitarian aid to the detention centers and United Nations programs to evacuate vulnerable asylum seekers and repatriate migrants." 261758,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,62,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Se requieren pruebas de antígeno para COVID-19, 2.000 tapabocas en tela antifluido para comunidades vulnerables, kits de alimentos no precederos para personas en aislamiento, alcohol, gel antibacterial, jabón antibacterial, lavamos portátiles11. Apoyo por parte del EHL para retomar actividades de sensibilización y educativas en temas de prevención y mitigación del riesgo frente al COVID-1912." 281089,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Lack of access to contraceptive methods, combined with poor coverage of sexual and reproductive health services, lead to early pregnancy, unsafe abortion and sexually transmitted diseases." 174438,40839.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, Borno] Camps and camp-like settings In 88 per cent of displacement sites (down from 91%), toilets were described as not hygienic, while toilets were reported to be in hygienic conditions in 11 per cent of sites (up from 8% in the last round of assessment and this figure was only 3% in the previous round of assessment). In the State of Borno, respondents said 90 per cent of sites had unhygienic toilets (down from 93%) and 9 per cent had hygienic (up from 6%). In Bauchi, all toilets were reportedly unhygienic." 408636,63559.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"In 2020, there were 23 attacks on medical missions in Cauca – the highest number of attacks in the last 24 years. Between January–May 2021, there were 13 attacks against medical missions in Cauca" 271505,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,122,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"De 2009 à 2019, la prévalence de la malnutrition aiguë, est passée de 11,3 à 8,1%, celle de la malnutrition chronique de 35,1 à 25,4% et celle de l’insuffisance pondérale étaient derespectivement de 8,1%, 25,4% et 26 à 17,3% chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans. En 2019, la MAG était touchait 4 % des femmes en âge de procréer. Malgré cette tendance à la baisse, il n’en demeure pas moins que rapporté à la croissance de la population globale, ce niveau de regression reste faible [ENN, 2019. Rapport enquête nutritionnelle nationale selon la méthodologie SMART, 106p]." 147033,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"UNICEF supported 29 awareness sessions in nine accommodation centers for students in Ar-Raqqa, and in Homs, UNICEF further supported a five-day training for 74 health workers on COVID-19-related risk communication principles" 293850,52365.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,196,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"● Access to WATER, SANITATION SERVICES and/or HYGIENE was prioritized by 39 groups, or 78%. Almost all key informants, 17 out of 18, mentioned access to hygiene services and items as a major concern, especially due to the lack of infrastructure such as showers and sinks. In 42 of the 50 community groups, 85%, participants highlighted access to sanitation and hygiene products as top priorities for girls and women. Illustratively, there are more groups that prioritized hygiene items (29 groups) for girls, than groups prioritizing food (24). Key informants in seven data collection points highlighted that access to potable water is of major concern as there is no aqueduct, the water is of low quality or there is not enough water. In addition, access to hygiene products is limited due to lack of economic resources and, in some cases, due to the distance between the community and markets. Key informants and data collection teams report a lack of biosecurity items, such as masks, alcohol, gel and soap." 174977,40888.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,129,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3675651,"María Paula Martínez, Directora de País de Save the Children en Colombia: “Hemos convivido con grupos armados ilegales durante más de 60 años en Colombia, y tenemos la obligación de proteger a nuestros niños, niñas y jóvenes de los flagelos de la guerra. Los niños y niñas no deben ser testigos de ningún tipo de violencia y, ciertamente, no deben ser obligados a participar activamente en ella. Las masacres y el reclutamiento de niños y niñas reflejan una grave violación de los derechos de la niñez y la juventud en Colombia. Una respuesta rápida y concertada de las autoridades, la sociedad civil y las comunidades es fundamental para detener esta guerra contra los niños y niñas”." 193068,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,76,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"A l´Est du Tchad, les conflits intercommunautaires, qui ont atteint leur paroxysme en juillet et août 2019, ont fait plus de 100 morts. Ces conflits ont provoqué le déplacement de 5 500 personnes à Chokoyane et Kongour en provenance des villages de Hadjar Icheguie, Galgasse, Khara, dans la province du Ouaddaï. Ces déplacés se rajoutent à 345 579 réfugiés soudanais présents à l´Est du Tchad depuis 2003." 240868,47106.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,27,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/89966/file/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Sitrep%2030%20Nov%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, NES] As a result of clashes between armed forces, some 130 families were displaced towards the northern countryside of Ar-Raqqa." 293501,51589.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,"What was striking is that many interviewees had never given any thought as to whether interventions they implement are conflict sensitive. However, differences in attitude were noticed: some interviewees seemed unwilling to even acknowledge that a humanitarian intervention could lead to tensions or conflict, while others claimed that it is a very common occurrence. Naturally, staff whose responsibilities included conducting context analyses had a better understanding of conflict sensitivity than those whose focus was on technical issues" 156606,35848.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"to ensure that children continued to access learning and recreational materials during COVID-19, over 46,000 children (50 per cent girls) benefitted from non-formal educational supplies. UNICEF plans to increase support to non-formal education activities in the coming months as formal and non-formal learning centres are scheduled to re-open" 133885,35165.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,180,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"SITUACIÓN LABORAL De acuerdo con la encuesta, la situación laboral previa en Venezuela de las personas encuestadas era mayoritariamente: empleado/a (58%), trabajaba por cuenta propia (19%), estaba buscando trabajo (13%) o estudiaba (7%). En contraste, la situación laboral en Panamá es de: empleado/a (47%), por cuenta propia (43%), estudiando (4%) y solo un 3% está buscando trabajo. Si bien la mayor parte de las personas venezolanas migrantes/refugiadas encuestadas contaban con algún tipo de trabajo, el 85% de las personas encuestadas afirman no haber firmado un contrato laboral, o no brindar algún tipo de comprobante por los servicios prestados, de lo que se deduce que están trabajando en una situación de informalidad. En la misma línea, solamente un 3% de las personas encuestadas afirmaron tener seguro social público. Gráfico 6: Situación laboral de la población encuestada: Venezuela vs. Panamá" 73235,21154.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Politics']",en,63,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"The four countries of the Southern Cone174 chapter in the Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) are characterized by maintaining open-door policies towards the reception and permanence of refugees and migrants from Venezuela in their territories, particularly in Argentina, that concentrates more than 85 per cent of the refugees and migrants from Venezuela in the Southern Cone chapter." 133893,35165.0,1188.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,98,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"• Los hombres migrantes solos tienen mayores riesgos de descuidar su alimentación y salud por ser proveedores principales de remesas y acceder a varios empleos y estar explotados laboralmente (doblar turnos, trabajar de noche y acceder a empleos de mayores riesgos laborales con poca seguridad preventiva). • Las mujeres migrantes solas llevan asociados mayores riesgos de padecer violencia contra la mujer (abuso sexual en alojamientos compartidos, acoso sexual en el trabajo, explotación laboral en el trabajo doméstico, violencia doméstica si se unen a una pareja, entre otras)." 195956,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,81,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Le nombre de nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 à la semaine 46 est resté dans l’ordre de celui des semaines 44 et 45. Alors qu’il a substantiellement cru à Kinshasa comme indiqué ci-dessus (de l’ordre de 36,4%), il a continué de diminuer dans la province du Nord-Kivu : 51 cas à S44, 34 cas à S45 et 0 cas à S46 (Tableau II ; Figure 6)." 257049,48672.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,UNHCR has rehabilitated 25 toilet blocs and 33 latrines in Intikane. More than 500 residents of the camp have been reached by sensitizations activities on themes such as the prevention against COVID-19 and WASH infrastructures maintenance. 223788,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,54,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Depuis août 2020, les men�ons de la COVID-19 et des risques associés sont devenues moins fréquentes chaque mois dans les données de la CASS, ce qui suggère que la peur de la maladie ou des facteurs associés n'est plus une considéra�on importante, ni le principal obstacle à l'accès aux soins." 265681,49620.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,25,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Cette augmentation des besoins intervient dans un contexte où les acteurs humanitaires sont confrontés à de nombreux défis logistiques, géographiques et sécuritaires. L" 384875,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Les prestataires des MS BF (MS Ladies et l’équipe Mobile) ont presté dans les localités et sites de PDI suivantes : Kaya et environnants, Kongoussi. Prestation des deux vacataires recrutés par l’UNFPA qui accompagnent les deux MS Ladies/Men de Kaya sur les sites des PDI du Centre-Nord (Kaya). 9 1868 couples années protection (CAPs) ont été obtenue pour le mois de juin 2021 contre 1659 pour le mois précédent soit une progression de 13%" 289543,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"While dignity kits have been reprioritized to the six counties from other sources, a significant gap remains. An additional 11,139 Dignity Kits are required through the core pipeline in the six counties.(Protection Cluster Partners)" 179470,42115.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/storage/Mecanisme_FRE_COVID_19_VF.pdf,Le montant de cent (100) milliards F CFA alloué est programmé sur la période 2020-2021 à raison de soixant-dix (70) milliards FCFA en 2020 et 30 milliards FCFA en 2021. 306808,53161.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"USAID/BHA supports UNICEF, WFP, and three other partners to provide emergency food assistance to people experiencing acute food insecurity in Sudan, primarily through cash transfers for food and U.S.-sourced cereals, pulses, and vegetable oil. With U.S. Government (USG) and other donor support, WFP reached more than 2.6 million people in Sudan with humanitarian food assistance between October and December 2020." 245847,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,19,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"The needs of affected salary earners include: salary adjustment, new job opportunities; and specialized training." 326765,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"A la fin de la semaine S14/2021 (données disponibles uniquement pour le 11/04/2021), 459 nouveaux voyageurs ont été enregistrés ; aucun d’entre eux n’est devenu symptomatique et aucun voyageur n’était sorti de suivi. Pour comparaison, ces chiffres étaient respectivement de 810, 0 et 0 à la fin de la semaine 13/2021." 226920,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,Governments and donors must prioritise funding for quality and sustainable livelihood opportunities and social protection programming in order to support vulnerable families to reduce negative coping mechanisms such as child marriage and child labor; 284991,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Human rights violations are frequent in Sudan with unknown numbers of protestors facing excessive violence and being exposed to arbitrary arrest, detention, torture, and killings." 359769,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,157,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] a. Impacts of disasters on girls’ education: Based on the findings, even in normal situations outside of a disaster, CEFM has directly contributed to the increased drop-out rate and/or ceasing of education of children especially girls in the research locations in both countries. The situation worsens when families face financial crisis, disasters, or shocks which increases difficulties for girls to access education. Poor families have been shown to be the most affected by floods and other shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and marry off their daughters before they complete secondary school as one way to cope with these shocks. In Nepal and Bangladesh, research found that young girls may be pulled out of school and into a marriage to alleviate financial hardship caused by extreme weather events (Women Deliver Research, January 2021)." 223796,45880.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Les données de DHIS2 de la province d'Ituri montrent une augmenta�on du nombre d'enfants de moins de cinq ans souffrant de malnutri�on modérée et sévère dans les structures sanitaires depuis l'épidémie de COVID-19. Ce�e augmenta�on est par�culièrement marquée chez les nourrissons de 2 à 5 ans. 18168,7262.0,321.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000101571.pdf," Food prices continuously increased in the last year: the cost of main food commodities increased on average by 15 percent in October 2018 when compared to the same month in 2017. However, recent economic reforms already show signs of having a positive impact on imports and food prices." 134132,34837.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Un 34% manifestó encontrarse en el país sin ningún tipo de visa o permiso de residencia, un 22% con un permiso o visa temporal" 41076,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"All assessed baladiyas except Wadi Rabia were reported to have at least one still-functional marketplace. However, access to these few functioning marketplaces was reportedly impeded by heavy fighting." 19266,8024.0,729.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,53,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"Legal and bureaucratic obstacles have blocked most nongovernmental rescue operations in the central Mediterranean. While Mediterranean departures have decreased since mid2017, the chances of dying in waters off the coast of Libya significantly increased from 1 in 42 in 2017 to 1 in 18 in 2018, according to UNHCR." 62964,18399.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elsiglo.com.ve/2019/09/29/guaido-rechaza-actos-xenofobicos-contra-venezolanos-en-peru/,"In a joint declaration, the governments agreed to reinforce cooperation, communication and coordination between the countries of transit and destination of Venezuelans, strengthening measures against transnational crimes, such as people smuggling and trafficking, as well as against sexual and gender-based violence and different forms of discrimination and xenophobia to ensure the protection of the most vulnerable." 330134,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,77,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"Son noticias con las que Héctor Jaime Hernández Betancour, secretario de salud del Amazonas, celebra una posible inmunidad de rebaño: “Esta área urbana corresponde al 70 % de la población, por eso podemos hablar de que en Leticia y Puerto Nariño ya tenemos una inmunidad de rebaño. De hecho, el levantamiento de las restricciones de los vuelos comerciales se espera a partir de la primera semana de mayo”." 226906,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"In contrast to the national trend of an overall reduction in civilian casualties, there were nine provinces where civilian casualties increased. From 1 January to 30 September 2020 more civilian casualties occurred in Balkh, Samangan, Jawzjan, Badakhshan, Ghor, Kapisa, Logar, Khost and Bamyan provinces in comparison to the same period last year." 309045,53636.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,27,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[MAR 2021, GoS] In total population 13,976,477 less than 1% are returnees, 26% are residents and 24% are IDPs." 289912,51870.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,158,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Colombia-recibe-774320-dosis-de-vacunas-de-Sinovac.aspx,"Bogotá D.C, 20 de marzo de 2021.En la tarde de este sábado llegó al país otro lote de vacunas del laboratorio Sinovac. En total, fueron ingresadas a los inventarios del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, ubicados en la Zona Franca, 774.320 dosis de esta casa farmacéutica. Al respecto, el viceministro de Salud Pública y Prestación de Servicios, Luis Alexander Moscoso Osorio, destacó que estas dosis entran a reforzar el Plan Nacional de Vacunación contra el Covid-19, que hasta las 11:59 p.m. del 19 de marzo, ya ha alcanzado 1.131.999 dosis de vacunas aplicadas en todo el país. De igual manera, el viceministro precisó que estas dosis irán dirigidas a la inmunización de la población de 75 a 79 años, etapa que se abrió esta semana, inicialmente en centros de larga estancia de adultos mayores y para población privada de la libertad." 457519,65405.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"23% des répondants et 4/9 groupes disent que les rapports sont tendus [entre les deux communautés (PDI et hôte)]. De plus, certaines informations laisseraient entendre que les communautés hôtes ne souhaitent plus recevoir des PDI dans leur localité." 236004,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"The protection environment in the NWSW continued to deteriorate in August due to increasing insecurity with attacks on humanitarian workers, frequent clashes between NSAGs and government security forces as well as destruction of properties, killing and threats against the civilian population" 223805,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,34,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,D'autres soignant.e.s ont reçu des filles qui craignaient de croiser lors de leurs visites dans les cliniques de planning familial des femmes qu'elles connaissent et qui pourraient faire un rapport à leurs parents. 275382,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,52,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] A mild cold wave is blowing over Rangpur division, Naogaon, Mymensingh, Tangail, Faridpur, Gopalganj, Kushtia, Khulna, Barisal, Bhola, Jashore, Panchagarh, Nilphamari, Kurigram, Chuadanga, Pabna and Srimongol from January 15." 457520,65405.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Certains membres des communautés d’accueil se plaignent que les PDI ne savent pas utiliser ou utilisent mal les toilettes. 54% des répondants et 4/9 groupes affirment que les conflits autour des ressources (points d’eau, espaces de pâtures, champs) ont augmenté et des incidents en rapport avec ces ressources ont été observés le mois passé (19% des répondants)." 229235,46495.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,71,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"El 39% de las personas compraba el agua a un miembro de la comunidad con acceso a un pozo bomba de un agricultor cercano. El 23% de las familias no tenía baño, mientras que el 24% tenía un baño compartido, y otro 15% de las familias afirmó hacer sus necesidades al aire libre. El 26% de las familias reportó tener enfermedades gastrointestinales" 345190,56855.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] UNHCR continues to promote refugees’ access to life-saving and essential healthcare. During April, 5,911 consultations were carried out by UNHCR’s medical partners for Burundian refugees and host community members." 267866,49804.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, NWS] Ar-Raqqa reported the highest price of a two-year old alive male sheep at SYP 459,444/head (up two percent m-o-m), while Aleppo reported the lowest price at SYP 345,946/head (up two percent m-o-m)." 234152,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,110,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] The highest number of weekly cases (25,481) reported in epi–week 26 (22 – 28 JUN 2020) while the highest weekly death (314) recorded in the following week 27 (29 JUN – 05 JUL 2020). During the last week cases increased in Rajshahi division by 20.1%, followed by Rangpur – 14.2% and Chattogram – 11.3%; while cases reduced in Barishal division by 34.5% followed by Sylhet – 13.2%, Khulna – 10.8%, Mymensingh – 8.4% and Dhaka – 1% than the last week." 162916,39647.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"WASH Sector partners reached 442,886 individuals with COVID-19 awareness messages through a neighbourhood-based approach in host and Rohingya communities." 199201,44310.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],fr,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"2,7 MILLIONS personnes en phase 3 et 4 d’insécurité alimentaire au Sud- Kivu et au Maniema (IPC 18)" 247706,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"En WASH, l’insuffisance des points d’eau, la très faible couverture d’eau et l’éloignement des points d’approvisionnement en eau potable ont été relevés." 306810,53161.0,2466.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"State/PRM and USAID/BHA support WASH programming throughout Sudan to prevent and contain communicable disease outbreaks, including COVID19, as well as to prevent acute malnutrition in children, pregnant and lactating women, and other vulnerable people. State/PRM and USAID/BHA funding supports partners to provide emergency WASH support for conflict-affected populations, as well as hygiene awareness sessions and safe drinking water to other populations in need." 125362,32569.0,1621.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,Migrants in Swani Bin Adam have been affected by the armed conflicts in the municipality during the reporting period. Explosions near migrants’ workplacesas well as lockdown procedures during the month of April further worsened their living conditions as food and Non-Food Items price spikes were recorded. 172998,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Parallèlement [à l'augmentation des risques associés à la protection pour les personnes vulnérables du fait de la pandémie], la situation sécuritaire et de protection s’est dégradée au premier trimestre 2020 entraînant de nouveaux mouvements de population dans certaines zones géographiques." 111722,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,74,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Las comunidades de acogida construyen una imagen de los migrantes al verlos en cantidades caminando por las carreteras, encontrándolos en las calles y semáforos pidiendo dinero o al frente de los Pagatodo recibiendo y enviando algún dinero. Así mismo, escuchan rumores sobre el aumento de la prostitución de venezolanas en la ciudad, sobre el incremento del VIH y sobre el “alquiler” de niños para ejercer la mendicidad." 291968,52132.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sig.gov.bf/actualites/details?tx_news_pi1[action]=detail&tx_news_pi1[controller]=News&tx_news_pi1[news]=1065&cHash=9ede61c776fcfcdd51d33b8617a8e025&fbclid=IwAR16aflyr-tuzNcbeDu-VExsqQN1zhXHyOBgpUK_pelCiuiZC6DNYnmad_s,"Le Ministre de l’Industrie, du Commerce et de l’Artisanat porte à la connaissance des consommateurs, des marketers et des gérants de stations-services que conformément aux décisions du Comté interministériel de détermination des prix des hydrocarbures (CIDPH) et pour compter de la date du 23 mars 2021, les prix des produits des hydrocarbures vendus à la pompe sur le territoire national vont connaître une augmentation de : • 10 FCFA par litre pour le prix du Super 91, • 10 FCFA par litre pour le prix du Gasoil, • 10FCFA par litre pour le prix du pétrole, • 500 FCFA sur la bouteille de Gaz butane de 12,5 kg." 298959,51152.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,11,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"More than 600,000 people were in need of health support." 162739,32313.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"Nosotros trabajamos mucho con fondos de donantes internacionales, como Estados Unidos como la Unión Europea y siempre estamos hablando con el gobierno, pero también con sus donantes para ojalá recibir más recursos, aunque siempre los recursos son limitados y un monto puede ser 270.000 pesos (un poco más de 70 dólares) por una pequeña familia, por mes, pero es una ayuda, no es un monto que resuelve todas las necesidades que tienen las personas." 301225,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Injured'],en,122,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"19 March 2021, Cox's BAzar − A male hospital staff member committed suicide inside the operation theatre of Lama Health Complex. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − Mother and the elder brother’s wife were stabbed and injured by a miscreant in Natun Gona village of Pekua Upazila in Cox’s Bazar. Coxbangla (Bang.) − A farmer has been stabbed by miscreants in Nyakata area of Barbakia UP, Pekua. Pekua News (Bang.) − Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) arrested four drug dealers with 1 780 pcs of Yaba tablets in Rejukhal of Ukhia upazila in Cox’s Bazar. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.)" 155146,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"97 % de los encuestados expresan no tener satisfechas las necesidades a medicinas y suministros médicos, exámenes de laboratorio, etc." 224188,45763.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"L'augmentation des cas de paludisme s’explique par le manque de moustiquaires et par le fait que la plupart des habitations sont soit dans l’eau ou entourées de hautes herbes propices aux moustiques qui piquent même dans la journée. Cette situation constitue un facteur aggravant pour le paludisme et facteur sous-jacent au choléra. Toutefois, aucun cas de choléra n’a été signalé pendant la mission." 64734,18975.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,79,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/musicos-venezolanos-hacen-parte-de-orquestas-en-colombia/1514,La iniciativa surgió el 17 de septiembre y ya cuenta con donaciones de empresas colombianas. En solamente diez días logró fijar su primer concierto en un auditorio del centro de Bogotá y espera seguir creciendo con aportes de particulares y de gobierno. El director Ortiz asegura que no solamente busca impulsar un proyecto musical sino que quiere que su fundación trascienda y sea ejemplo de la integración de diferentes nacionalidades en tiempos de brotes de xenofobia. 151319,38020.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/180397/,"According to Observatory statistics, the number of confirmed cases, since July 9 to date, rose to 58, including two doctors were residing in Turkey." 219097,45748.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"IDPs complain of harassment by armed groups in Lobonok, Juba County. On 23 October, a partner reported that an unknown number of people were displaced in Lobonok following clashes between South Sudan People’s Defense Force (SSPDF) and National Salvation (NAS) forces in Karpeto, Pagar and Sindru in July and August." 189689,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La fragilité du contexte politique et sécuritaire des pays voisins (Soudan, Libye, Nigéria, Niger et République centrafricaine) continue d´avoir un impact significatif sur la stabilité des régions frontalières du Tchad avec ces pays." 70956,20191.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"A total of 1.05 million people are in need of life-saving and essential health services. Approximately nineteen percent (19 per cent) of health facilities are fully damaged and fourteen percent (14 per cent) partially damaged by the ongoing conflict . A significant proportion of women and children, particularly girls who are living in security-compromised communities do not have adequate access to quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH), basic emergency obstetric care, immunization and child health services" 236021,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Survivors of GBV incidents are mostly women (78 percent). 4 percent of them are women with disabilities, and 25 percent are children." 307727,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Child Protection Sub-Cluster partners reached 285 individuals (189 children and 96 adults) with services, including 32 people (8 girls, 16 boys, 6 women, and 2 men) with capacity-building on community-based child protection in an emergency support in Pibor Payam." 16462,6352.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,81,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"Disruption to commercial imports, inflation, lack of salary payments to civil servants and rising prices of basic commodities are further exacerbating people’s vulnerability. Despite a difficult operating environment, some 204 international and national partners in January through August were actively coordinating to deliver assistance to people in need in priority districts across Yemen’s 22 governorates. Together, they have assisted over 7.8 million people monthly with some form of humanitarian assistance." 359649,58464.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Disruptions in water and electricity provision through the networks put at risk the functioning of health facilities that could not rely on alternative sources." 452549,63185.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,61,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/atrocity-alert-no-263-burkina-faso-ethiopia-and-syria,"Burkina Faso is the fastest growing displacement and protection crisis in the world according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), with 237,000 people forcibly displaced in the first half of 2021 alone. More than 17,500 people have also fled to neighboring countries, almost doubling the total number of Burkinabé refugees in the past six months." 160474,38373.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Atlántico la tercera barrera más referida es el cobro irregular de citas (9.6%), siendo que los servicios de salud por urgencias están garantizados, por orden del Ministerio de Salud, a todas las personas sin importar su estatus migratorio." 393170,62158.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,130,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The below chart 7.3 show that 62 of the total health workers, caregivers and community leaders indicates that domestic and community violence, 6 said family separation is the most problem affecting the community, 42 indicates that lack of livelihood opportunities, 11 indicates problems related to access to basic services – health as the problems affecting the community, 27 persons said problems related to food and water as a basic needs are the problems affecting the community, 1 person indicates that problems related to education as the basic services are the problems, 2 people said security problems are the main problems affecting the community while 23 people said shelter problems are the most affecting the community." 310890,53068.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,8,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"HEALTH : 2,482,0005 people reached through medical consultations" 37173,11044.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,95,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"Risk of SGBV was reported high for women and girls especially at night and during the process of fetching water and firewood in the surrounding bushes. Almost all the locations assessed do not have formal toilets or bathrooms, women and girls go out in the bush to defecate, except in a few urban locations like Ikom where formal toilets and bathrooms do exist, even though female and male toilets are in very close proximity and lack proper lighting, thereby exposing women and girls to risk of SGBV at night." 164365,39786.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/unicef-provides-health-and-nutrition-children-and-mothers-rural-hama,"In 2020, thanks to a generous funding from Japan, UNICEF through its clinic in Suran, has reached 51,000 children under the age of 15 with immunization, consultations and medicines. It also reached 1,800 pregnant and lactating women with consultations and much needed medicines." 389250,61098.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SurveyAnalisis_%20INPLACE_%20Latin%20America3b_vertical.pdf,"4. Agua, saneamiento e higiene: el 36% de las familias no tiene acceso a agua potable" 279348,50900.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | Main information sources about COVID-19 as reported by households: NGOs or charities 99%, Friends/family 42% and Posters/flyers in the street 36%." 129452,32894.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,22,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,Necesidad de fortalecer estructuras de cuidado y protección la capacitación a personal migratorio a especialmente en ámbitos como tráfico de personas. 317469,54216.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://ecupunto.com/2021/04/14/mas-de-4-500-venezolanas-dado-a-luz-cucuta/,"La pandemia, dijo, ha sido otro de los retos para este hospital: «Hemos tenido pacientes venezolanas positivas a COVID-19 (…) al hecho de que la paciente no tiene una buena atención en Venezuela de su control de natal, se vienen en grandes masas para Cúcuta, también le estamos sumando el problema de la pandemia, que es una situación muy compleja porque es el contagio de la paciente y comprometiendo la seguridad no solo del personal médico y paramédico de la institución, sino de otros pacientes«." 155352,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,155,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Metas Específicas:  100 medios de comunicación nacional y/o local reciben una Nota de Prensa mensual difundiendo el accionar de Cruz Roja Dominicana.  250 Materiales audiovisuales y de comunicación/sensibilización/información son preparados y/o adaptados en apoyo a la comunicación de mensajes de las áreas de CRD (Salud, WASH, Juventud, etc…) Apoyar al área de salud Comunitaria de la Cruz Roja Dominicana con la realización de campañas informativas sobre el lavado de manos, el uso adecuado del agua, que es el COVID-19, como se contagia y como evitar su propagación, manejo de estrés y recomendaciones de actividades para hacer en casa.  500.000 personas reciben semanalmente píldoras informativas de actividad de CRD a través de las redes (web, FB, twitter, instagram, mailing, whatsapp, entre otros) semanales Elaborar informes de situación para el público en general." 175379,41303.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99977,"Bonne nouvelle pour le Burkina qui enregistre toujours à la date du 12 octobre, 33 guérisons et zéro décès." 199879,43347.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"About 214,000 of them–less than 15 per cent of all IDPs–are in Protection of Civilians (PoC) sites in, Bentiu, Bor, Juba, Malakal and Wau. The sites are protected by UNMISS per its Security Council mandate and serviced by humanitarian organizations." 179197,41967.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,46,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"(NW 09/2020) Lack of transportation to markets was cited as primary barrier to food markets among resident and IDP populations (62% and 59% respectively), along with unaffordability (78% for residents and 81% for IDPs)." 384859,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,9,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,124 femmes enceintes ont été accompagnées par 20 accoucheuses 163836,34549.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,23,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Anticipatory action is critical to safeguard the livelihoods of vulnerable farmers and herders affected by movement restrictions and other COVID-19 control measures. 335519,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Top six provinces with total number of COVID-19 cases in Afghanistan - Kabul: 7,556; Hirat: 3;428; Balkh: 1,329; Nangarhar: 901; Kandahar: 776; Paktya: 659" 399016,61837.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://chile.as.com/chile/2021/02/16/actualidad/1613508382_569063.html,"Ollagüe es la nueva comuna donde se centra el foco migratorio. Por esa localidad, muchos migrantes están tratando de ingresar por uno de los más de 70 pasos no habilitados." 299128,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"While it is not uncommon for implementing partners of IO agencies to be approached for taxation, with seven such incidents on record for Q4, HAG logged the first incident of an IO directly approached for taxation in December 2020. When the IO operating in a Southern Province rejected the levy payment, the NSAG-TB NGO Commissioner ordered the suspension of their activities, with negotiations continuing in January 2021." 160293,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Muchas personas enfrentan dificultades para acceder a una cita dado que no tienen conexión a internet. Además, hubo otro tipo de inconvenientes: en Antioquia, se encontraron personas que recibieron las citas en otros municipios distintos al de su residencia habitual, y en Atlántico había 14 casos identificados en mayo que intentaron obtener una cita con la Registraduría, pero nunca lo lograron." 303522,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,102,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Les prix du riz importé sont restés 40 à 42 pour cent plus élevés par rapport à la même période de l'année dernière et à leur moyenne quinquennale après une forte hausse en Mai 2020 causée par une baisse des importations en raison de la fermeture des frontières terrestres liées au COVID-19. Les prix des bananes plantains, des taro et du poisson sont supérieurs de 10-15 pour cent à leur niveau saisonnier, en raison d'un approvisionnement du marché inférieur à la moyenne et aussi à cause de la spéculation et de la pénurie artificielle créées par certains grossistes." 204342,43976.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Moins de 30% des ménages [de Tillabéri] ont consommé du lait ou de la viande plus de 2 fois au cours de la semaine précédente. 237782,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"La razón nacional preliminar de mortalidad materna a semana epidemiológica 53 es de 65,6 muertes por cada 100 000 nacidos vivos. La razón de mortalidad materna superior a 100 muertes por cada 100 000 nacidos vivos se observó en las entidades territoriales de Guainía, Chocó, Amazonas, Vichada, Vaupés, La Guajira, Magdalena, Putumayo y Caquetá" 204214,43347.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Despite the peace deal and ceasefire, continued localized violence and perceived insecurity has been restricting mobility and the movement of populations, which limits access to food, water, life-saving goods and services, and livelihoods." 276341,50677.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,120,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Lors de la réunion mensuelle du groupe des points focaux pour la Protection contre l’Exploitation et les Abus Sexuels (PEAS) le 26 août, les organisations membres ont été formées à l’utilisation de la « ligne verte » du PAM comme outil commun pour la réception et le suivi des plaintes liées à des cas d’exploitation et d’abus sexuels. L’élargissement de l’utilisation de cette ligne verte aux communautés ciblées par les programmes de toute les organisations humanitaires opérationnelles dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord contribue à la mise en place du mécanisme national de plaintes communautaires (Community-based complaint mechanism / CBCM)." 37172,11044.0,788.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"Most of the locations visited, there were reports of sexual abuse of women and girls during the course of flight perpetuated by Cameroonian soldiers. Some allegations of rape were also reported in some host communities, particularly in Ekang, Agbokim waterfalls and Amana allegedly perpetuated by host community members. In Agbokim, a 13-year old was specifically reported to have been raped by a community member, the perpetrator was caught in the act by the girl’s mother. There were few cases of transactional sex reported in communities assessed, especially Akor, Amana, Ajassor, and Ikom" 415366,64087.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Colombia-sigue-aumentando-el-porcentaje-de-disponibilidad-UCI.aspx,"Esto nos lleva a analizar también que, en términos de hechos concretos, las medidas farmacológicas como vacunación y no farmacológicas como uso de tapabocas, lavado de manos y distanciamiento físico, así como el índice de resiliencia, que es tenido en cuenta para la reactivación de cada territorio, han mostrado efectos que hoy se valoran sobre disponibilidad en ocupación y disponibilidad UCI." 340923,56137.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,152,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://minvivienda.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/recuperacion-del-sector-vivienda-se-mantiene-en-medio-de-la-pandemia,"Estos resultados se suman a la buena dinámica ya observada en los otros indicadores líderes del sector, particularmente el empleo y las ventas. El empleo en la construcción de edificaciones se mantiene por encima del millón de ocupados, alcanzando un nivel que no se observaba hace 5 años. Además, de acuerdo con cifras de Galería Inmobiliaria en lo corrido del 2021 con corte a abril, se han comercializado 76.635 viviendas nuevas, siendo el mejor primer cuatrimestre en ventas del que se tenga registro. En el segmento de vivienda de interés social (VIS) se vendieron 53.451 unidades, lo que también fue un récord histórico, y superó en 54,1 % las ventas del mismo periodo del 2020. Por su parte, en el segmento No VIS se comercializaron 23.184, superando en 50,1 % las ventas del segmento en 2020." 322389,54747.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of shelter enclosure issues reported by households were Leaks during heavy rain (42%), Leaks during light rain (33%), Lack of insulation from cold (25%)." 7416,1561.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MMWG%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%20-%20Zwara%20-%201%20May%202018.pdf,"On 30 April, UNHCR airlifted all 88 persons in need of international protection (from Eritrea, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan) to Tripoli, where they receive ongoing assistance at the Tariq al Sika detention centre, and where UNHCR will identify the most vulnerable cases for evacuation abroad." 298852,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In Q4, the HAG recorded 11 instances of interference with the beneficiary selection of partner organizations, compared to 12 such incidents in Q3Most of these interferences were initiated by NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) and community members with the objective to shift assistance to different locations and/or add additional beneficiaries to the lists." 39191,13749.0,729.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,52,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Many of individuals in vulnerable situations have been detained in these centres, including children, in particular those are unaccompanied or separated families; pregnant and nursing women; survivors of trafficking, torture and rape; person with particular physical or mental needs; and person living with disabilities." 173012,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"L’épidémie de COVID-19 a eu des effets négatifs sur la situation de protection, causant notamment la recrudescence des VBG, y compris les violences sexuelles à domicile." 52123,16699.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"Specifically, the government “demanded that all Venezuelans who wish to enter Ecuador show their passports or ID cards with an authenticated certificate of validity, as well as a record of past criminal activity—or lack thereof—from their home country or the country where they have spent the past five years" 389285,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Durante enero y junio de 2021, el número de víctimas por desplazamiento masivo ha aumentado en un 191% en comparación con el mismo periodo de 2020. Es preocupante que, en el primer semestre de 2021, ya se sobrepasó la cifra total de desplazados en eventos masivos, reportados en todo el año 2020." 227512,46488.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,42,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Au moment de la collecte de données, les écoles de Salamabila étaient de nouveau ouvertes (ces dernières étaient restées fermées jusqu’à la mi-octobre, dans le cadres des mesures de prévention contre la propagation du COVID-19)." 500705,60136.0,2074.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,29,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"La mayor parte de los migrantes que utilizan esta ruta migratoria son venezolanos, pero también se han podido identificar grupos de migrantes colombianos, haitianos y ecuatorianos." 222842,45953.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]80% of the total showers are functional while 20% need to be repaired. 24 sites in 5 LGAs (Girei in Adamawa state, Konduga, Jere, Maiduguri and Dikwa in Borno state) do not have shower on site. 2,219 showers needs to be repaired across 76 sites in 17 LGAs (table 2)." 165080,39656.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,67,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/early-action-save-lives-bangladesh-amid-severe-flood-forecast,Urgent early action is being taken to protect lives in Bangladesh as floods threaten 4.1 million people in large areas across the country that are already grappling with COVID-19. The Global Flood Awareness System (GLOFAS) has issued a flood forecast with a more than 50 per cent probability of a severe 1-in-10-year flood submerging some areas of Bangladesh for at least three days. 153929,34182.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,15,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Alta vulnerabilidad de mujeres lactantes y gestantes asociada a problemas de desnutrición y deshidratación. 66316,19459.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/09/09/destruido-el-sistema-de-salud-741-mil-casos-de-malaria-y-350-mil-de-sarampion-9sep/,"– Las cifras más alarmantes y preocupantes son las referidas a difteria. De 39 casos registrados en el continente, 38 fueron en Venezuela y el otro en Haití. La malaria (erradicada por el ministro Arnoldo Gabaldón a mediados de los años 30, cuando en Venezuela esa enfermedad causaba diez mil muertes por año) ha presentado más de 741 mil casos. 350 mil niños han enfermado de sarampión en 12 estados. La mortalidad infantil está por el orden del 30 por ciento. 25 niños mueren de hambre a diario, cuatro o cinco de ellos en la Guajira venezolana." 271692,50217.0,2333.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Sur l’ensemble du pays, au 30 novembre 2020, plus de 564 000 personnes étaient en situation de déplacement forcé et vivaient dans des conditions de grande précarité." 302479,52890.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Al momento de aplicar la entrevista en los tres países priorizados, sólo siete personas (cinco hombres gays y dos mujeres bisexuales) de 136 se encon- traban estudiando en los países de destino. Dos participantes, bachillerato y cinco una carrera técnica o tecnológica." 16556,6344.0,322.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"A USAID/FFP NGO partner delivered food vouchers to more than 46,000 individuals in Abyan, Ad Dali’, and Lahij governorates from July 1–August 31. The partner also conducted health and nutrition awareness campaigns for nearly 58,800 people during the same period." 403687,63170.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/24_June_2021.pdf,"[14th - 20th Jun 2021, Nigeria] There were 2008 suspected cases of cholera reported from 49 LGAs in five states (Bauchi – 1269, Bayelsa – 3, FCT – 1, Kano – 639 & Plateau – 96). 149 cases were laboratory confirmed and 15 deaths were recorded" 326224,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,41,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information] The most commonly reported reasons for not taking action on COVID-19 were COVID-19 is not prevalent in the area (66%), not at high risk of getting COVID-19 (33%)." 208206,44900.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"Distribution de 624 Kits abris, 300 kits NFI et 50 refugee habit unite (RHU) au Camp de Sayam Forage." 204251,43256.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,100,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In October 2019, over 4 million people were estimated to be in food insecurity phase 2 in June to August 2020. Taking into account the impact of COVID-19, in March 2020, Cadre Harmonisé estimated 4.8 million people to be in food insecurity phase 2 in Avril to December 2020. Out of the 4.8 million people in phase 2, almost half, 2.2. million people are living in the Center, Littoral and South regions of Cameroon – three regions which before COVID-19 had not even been included in the analysis of Cadre Harmonisé." 294142,52253.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,120,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://7sur7.cd/2021/03/11/sud-ubangi-lepidemie-de-la-rougeole-maitrisee-bogoso-nubea,"L'épidémie de la rougeole a été maîtrisée dans la zone de santé de Bogose-Nubea, située dans le secteur de Nguya en territoire de Gemena à plus de 40 kilomètres du chef-lieu du Sud-Ubangi. C'est ce qu'a déclaré le ministre provincial de la santé du Sud-Ubangi dans une interview accordée à 7SUR7.CD, le mercredi 10 mars 2021. ""Dans la zone de santé de Bogose-Nubea, la rougeole est complètement maîtrisée. On a mené des activités de prise en charge d'abord mais aussi les activités de vaccination. Donc dans toutes les zones de santé de Bogose-Nubea les enfants ont été vaccinés. C'est maintenant calme"", a fait savoir Malachie Adudgia." 185927,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,45,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,Le prix médian du PMA est reparti à la hausse en juillet et en août (malgré l'annonce de la fin de l'état d'urgence national3) pour atteindre à nouveau un prix du PMA médian au niveau d'avril à près de 200 000 FC. 358521,58562.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]These patterns of rising armed group attacks and kidnappings have contributed to a growing sense of insecurity and fear, which community members generally described as worsening since the beginning of the pandemic (Figure 4).There was a 69% increase in the number of violent events nationwide (including attacks, abductions and forced disappearance, sexual violence, explosions and remote violence, and mob violence) in 2020 compared to 2019 (ACLED 2021). Cases of kidnapping more than doubled in 2020, with more than half of recorded cases taking place in northern and central Nigeria (Ayandele and Goos 2021)." 132624,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,165,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Al mismo tiempo, el alojamiento representa una importante demanda en el Perú. De acuerdo con ENPOVE, casi el 95 por ciento de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en el Perú alquilan el alojamiento. Para esta población, las soluciones de alojamiento de calidad están no disponibles con frecuencia: los resultados del ENPOVE indican que más del 62 por ciento de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela viven en una habitación en casas privadas, casi el 28 por ciento de las familias están conformadas por tres miembros, y más del 27 por ciento por cuatro o más personas. Además, el 26 por ciento de las personas venezolanas indican que no tienen acceso al agua en sus hogares y casi el 29 por ciento indican que no cuentan con instalaciones de higiene. Esto da como resultado que se instalen en lugares inseguros, sujeto a un hacinamiento con acceso limitado a servicios de agua e higiene dignos." 145861,35819.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,USAID/BHA partners have also adapted programming to incorporate social distancing and are disseminating public health and prevention messaging as part of COVID-19 mitigation efforts 338749,56193.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,34,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"DRC is also characterized by a high fertility rate, and the population is expected to grow from 89 million to 120 million by 2030 according to the 2017-18 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey." 322395,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported reasons why children stopped attending school since the outbreak were: Schools have closed (94%), Lack transportation to schools due to COVID-19 (5%), Parents prefer that children stay home (7%)." 106089,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,108,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La figura anterior muestra los departamentos con mayor número de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos. Bogotá tiene el 19,90% del total, con 352.431 venezolanos, seguido por Norte de Santander (11,45%), Atlántico (9,46%), La Guajira (9,34%) y Antioquia (8,44%), todos ellos con más de 100.000 venezolanos, población que equivale al 58,59% del total de la población refugiada y migrante. Es importante resaltar las cifras del Valle del Cauca, con 92.530 migrantes, que reflejan un asentamiento de quienes iniciaron su camino hacia la frontera con Ecuador." 245285,47945.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] In November, 54 new sites were added to the ISIMM (IDP Sites Integrated Monitoring Matrix) and 12 sites were inactivated for reasons such as depopulation of sites and their subsequent closure." 188180,31146.0,1900.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El confinamiento social decretado por las instituciones gubernamentales tiene un impacto importante en la microeconomía y en la disponibilidad de efectivo, sobre todo de la población viviendo en las zonas urbanas y periurbanas que en su gran mayoría dependen de ingresos diarios para satisfacer sus necesidades, que en su mayoría se resumen al contexto alimentario." 300677,51152.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"A total of 170,066 people were in need of critical gender-based violence (GBV) response." 303513,53037.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,86,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Les ménages pauvres et les personnes déplacés du Logone et Chari, Mayo Sava et Mayo Tsanaga exposés aux attaques répétées de Boko Haram ont continué à faire face à des moyens de subsistance détériorés. Une production inférieure à la moyenne pour ces départements, les enlèvement et pillages qui perturbent les moyens d’existence , le financement humanitaire insuffisant et un accès restreint en raison de routes impraticables exposent ces ménages à l'insécurité alimentaire aiguë Stress (Phase 2 de l'IPC)." 345186,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",en,62,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] UNHCR and CNR facilitated the voluntary repatriation of 822 Burundian refugees from Kavimvira transit center in Uvira, DRC to Burundi. Due to the heavily damaged roads in South Kivu, refugees had to be relocated by boat from Lusenda Camp to Uvira. In addition, 221 Rwandan refugees were repatriated from North Kivu to Rwanda." 271683,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Le contexte politique, sécuritaire et humanitaire du Niger continue d'être marqué par une multitude de chocs liés au changement climatique, à la croissance démographique et aux conflits armés contribuant de fait à une pauvreté persistante et à des crises humanitaires récurrentes." 196091,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"To mitigate the food security implications resulting from the COVID-19 impact and restrictions, humanitarian partners have proactively adapted food security support in line with COVID-19 measures, by providing combined two-month food rations and scaling up food assistance." 207062,43256.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,109,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"According to the March 2020 assessment of food security monitoring system (FSMS), 38% of households in the North West and 31% in the South West are female-headed. 60% of the food insecure population are living in the North West, while 40% are in the South West. Due to the difficult food security situation, the population has turned to adopting emergency strategies to survive, with about 40% of the IDPs in the North West and nearly a quarter of the IDPs in the South West engaging in such activities as selling land, livestock and houses." 141380,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In NES, awareness campaigns and trainings of partner staff, including in camps, IDP settlements and collective shelters are ongoing. Over the reporting period, UNICEF supported 15 focus group discussions, in addition to awareness sessions and hygiene promotion for 200 community leaders in Al-Hol. Interactive and edutainment activities were also conducted for 350 children. In addition, UNICEF supported a mine risk education and COVID-19 campaign in Areesha camp, including the training of 65 community volunteers." 123716,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Politics'],en,68,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"The severity of the impact of COVID-19 on Libya will be heavily influenced by progress (or lack of progress) dealing with the political crisis. The failure of political rivals to reach a sustained peace agreement has taken a heavy toll on the economy, which the pandemic is exacerbating. The rival governments in the east and west have introduced separate measures to combat COVID-19" 394992,61910.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,67,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.ciperchile.cl/2021/05/08/inmigracion-delincuencia-y-las-erroneas-percepciones-sobre-el-delito/,"También documentamos algunas respuestas asociadas con las conductas de prevención de la delincuencia. Una vez más,en lugares donde la inmigración ha sido más intensa durante este período, las personas reportan un aumento de la seguridad personal (por ejemplo, instalar una alarma en la vivienda) así como es más probable que reporten coordinarse con vecinos para adoptar medidas de seguridad." 306389,53170.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/gwc_annual_report_2019_sudan.pdf,"Sudan remains a massive protracted humanitarian crisis with an increase in WASH needs exacerbating by a deteriorating economy, episodes of localized conflict large internally displaced and refugee population, civil unrest, flooding, food insecurity, undernutrition situation, and disease outbreaks." 175452,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,12,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Le taux de chômage est élevé, surtout chez les jeunes." 199735,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Every third school has been damaged, destroyed, occupied or closed since the conflict broke out in 2013." 286908,51627.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Perceptions of isolating high-risk or infected individuals: Participants suggested isolating high-risk household members would be challenging due to camp overcrowding, small shelters, and communal living. “If someone in the camp gets infected, we either isolate them in collaboration with the camp community, or I would move our tent to a distant place in the mountain.”" 302652,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Los ingresos por el trabajo son de máximo dos salarios mínimos mensuales vigentes, aunque sólo el 35% de las personas entrevistadas alcanzan este nivel. En el Gráfico 6, se ve que el 65% recibe máximo un (1) salario míni- mo. De esta cifra el 40% recibe entre el 50% y 75% de un salario mínimo. Esta condición genera que los ingresos sean insuficientes para cubrir gastos de vivienda, alimentación y enviar dinero a sus familias en Venezuela, y les ha obligado a realizar actividades complementarias que, en ocasiones, se vinculan a actividades de comercio sexual (modelos web cam, trabajo se- xual, acompañantes sexuales, etc.)" 358520,58562.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,90,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]In Adamawa, respondents described a reduction in AOG attacks on villages and a shift towards kidnappings and targeted attacks on security forces. Workshop participants in Adamawa described how intelligence from informants facilitated attacks on security forces, saying: “During the pandemic, Boko Haram intelligence on our community facilitated the attacks on security personnel while they were out socializing. Their ammunition was collected in the process. This follows their pattern of disarming our security personnel.”" 163467,30943.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/03062020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_7_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,En Norte de Santander persisten las limitaciones de acceso a la subregión del Catatumbo debido a los múltiples puestos de control impuestos por la comunidad como medida preventiva al contagio. Los ingresos a la zona solo se están permitiendo con previa articulación con las alcaldías y líderes sociales. 198647,44327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100789,"De 3 849 cas enregistrés dans les centres de santé en 2013, le pays comptait 13 780 cas en 2018. Une triste progression, alors même que ces chiffres sont en deçà de la réalité à en croire Dr Marie Emmanuelle Zouré, directrice de la prévention et du contrôle des maladies non transmissibles." 198858,44266.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,61,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20201124-burkina-faso-apr%C3%A8s-une-suspension-la-c%C3%A9ni-reprend-la-proclamation-des-r%C3%A9sultats,"«C’est ainsi que de façon unanime nous avons commencé la proclamation des premiers résultats des communes. » Selon Newton Ahmed Barry,les cinq commissaires de l’oppositionont ensuite demandé la suspension de cette proclamation le temps que ces compilations manuelles parviennent à la Céni. Ce que cette dernière a finalement fait lundi après-midi." 209737,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Persons with disabilities in Somalia face additional barriers and risks and are often excluded from humanitarian assistance either due to lack of exploitation, pre-existing discrimination and stigma or due to lack of adequate consideration, ." 240766,47591.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20West%20Syria%20-%20Severe%20floods%20kill%20a%20child%20and%20force%20at%20least%2020%2C000%20from%20their%20homes.pdf,"[19th Jan, NWS] The storm has also caused damage to two schools, adding to fears for education in an area where Save the Children’s partners have reported losing access to nearly 50% of students since the Covid-19 outbreak in March last year." 359914,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,82,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Conclusions: Gender stereotypes are deeply ingrained in the society, in social norms, and in traditions. The ""patriarchal"", “patrilineal”, and “patrilocal” male-dominated concepts largely shape the perceptions and practices within Bangladeshi and Nepalese societies. The scale and magnitude of gender stereotypes and discrimination is even more in these two research areas in both countries as compared to the national context." 483272,67232.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,158,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Según grupos de edad, la discriminación lo padecieron todos los grupos de edad. Así, el 20,4% de los niños (as) y adolescentes habrían padecido de discriminación, el 37,4% de los jóvenes de 18 a 29 años de edad, el 39,6% de los adultos de 30 a 49 años y el 30,4% de las personas de 50 a más años de edad. Según sexo, más niñas y adolescentes mujeres que niños y adolescentes varones padecieron discriminación con 23,1% y 17,8%, respectivamente. También entre la población adulta de 30 a 49 años la discriminación fue mayor en las mujeres con 42,9%, siendo 5,9 puntos porcentuales más que los hombres (37,0%). En tanto, entre la población mayor de 50 años, los hombres padecieron más discriminación (36,4%) que las mujeres (26,6%)" 390751,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,46,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] The northern areas of the country face chronic aridity and riverine flooding along the Sokoto River in the northwest and the Komadugu River system in the northeast,36 as well as transboundary flooding along Niger and Benue rivers." 394990,61910.0,1186.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,49,['Priority Needs'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.ciperchile.cl/2021/05/08/inmigracion-delincuencia-y-las-erroneas-percepciones-sobre-el-delito/,"Por ejemplo, unaencuesta sobre las percepcionesurbanas observó que la principal preocupación de los chilenos en relación con la migración es la seguridad ciudadana (59%) y que las preocupaciones económicas se situaban en tercer lugar (46%) (Espacio Público, 2018)." 134133,34837.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Sólo un 5% de las personas entrevistadas reportó haber solicitado la condición de refugiado, de las cuales un 3% reportó que su solicitud fue denegada." 189710,43300.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",fr,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,La polygamie est acceptée par la loi tandis que des lois spécifiques contre les violences familiales et le harcèlement sexuel sont inexistantes. 145433,36039.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,58,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Nevertheless, as the economic situation has worsened, some humanitarian partners report that the volatility of the informal exchange rate had forced temporary suspension of local procurement. Some partners also report that redesign of budgets in light of inflation and the exchange rate volatility was being considered, and programme delivery would likely be delayed." 359780,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,121,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Protection: In Bangladesh, in Kachakata Union there is a common area of land that can be accessed by both Indians and Bangladeshis, with no strict boundary and a porous border crossing. FGDs with the PTAs confirmed that at the time of flooding and river erosion girls are at risk of trafficking across the Indian border which is very near to this area. As a result, during emergency periods when there are greater risks for girls and their vulnerability is increased, there is a tendency for girls to remain at home for their ‘safety and protection’, and this includes not attending school." 186820,41402.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,25,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"The numbers of unemployed continued to increase; for April and May, the Social Security Institute reported the loss of 240 000 contributing workers.160" 192708,43603.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Interrupting education services has serious, long-term consequences for economies and societies such as increased inequality, poorer nutrition and health, including mental health, outcomes, increased protection risks such as gender-based violence, abuse and exploitation, early marriage, child labour, and recruitment into armed groups, and overall reduced social cohesion." 495438,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,16,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,En algunos centros de formación técnica también pueden inscribirse sin discriminar por documentación o nacionalidad. 149556,19030.0,1388.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"El único dato tangible es el trámite de al menos 20.000 solicitudes de refugio, aunque el Gobierno costarricense afirma que el 80 por ciento corresponde a nicaragüenses que vivían en Costa Rica de manera irregular desde antes de la crisis y que pretenden regularizar su situación migratoria." 70530,20137.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Economy'],es,30,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/10/30/pompeo-hemos-otorgado-mas-de-650-millones-de-dolares-para-apoyar-a-venezuela-30oct/,"Pompeo indicó que el gobierno estadounidense continúa comprometido con la lucha venezolana,por lo cual se asignó 10 millones de dólares más para combatir la crisis del país." 454181,65007.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC%20RRRP%202020%20Report%20.pdf,"To adapt to COVID-19 restrictions, weekly remote classes were conducted for students in 3rd to 7th grade in groups of five to ten students. During this time, improved interest and learning was observed among pupils, with a nearly 100 per cent attendance rate. Face-to-face classes resumed for 6th and 7th grade in October, with face masks and COVID-19 prevention training provided for students and staff" 223828,45880.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les femmes peuvent également avoir recours à des rela�ons sexuelles transac�onelles pour augmenter leurs revenus, ce qui les expose davantage à la VSS." 241775,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] Daraa has no specialized laboratory to detect coronavirus cases as the swabs samples of patients with suspected novel coronavirus are sent to Damascus to be tested. Then, the result is provided to the patient. The swab covid test costs around 80 USD, according to the nurse." 204421,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Le score rCSI apparaît particulièrement élevé dans la région de Maradi ce qui peut être lié à un impact précoce des inondations dans cette zone. 180946,42079.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=207404,"[25th October 2020, Overall Syria] In a similar statement, al-Manzari said that that the return of students to schools is one of the challenges that the world faced in light of the spread of the Corona epidemic." 272835,50353.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"During the reporting period 2,827 households were assisted; 1,827 in the NW and 1,000 in the SW." 165490,39645.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Type of health-related issues faced by respondent or respondents household in their camp (286 responses)† Services in the health facilities 71 Unable to seek treatment for non-COVID 19 issues 29 Do not have enough masks or PPE22% No health facility inside the camp16% Unable to seek assistance for coronavirus symptoms7% Movement restrictions between camps stopping2% 305825,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,77,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"Staple cereal prices have seasonally decreased in main markets in SPLM-N areas between September and October, and the retail price of sorghum decreased between roughly 10 and 30 percent in Thobo, Um Dorain Dallami, Western Kadugli and Heiban markets. This is mainly attributed to the increased market supplies from the new harvest both locally and from adjacent government-controlled areas. [Specific location assessed -Thodo, Um Dorain Dallami, Western Kadugli]" 304386,50889.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Only 5 per cent of refugee households are able to purchase firewood on local markets, with the majority of these households only able to do so by selling food rations." 266807,49804.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, GoS] The price of informal diesel for transport in Mzeireb increased by three percent m-o-m reaching SYP 1,200/litre in January 2021. The informal diesel price in Mzeireb was six percent higher than the national average price. Even though the informal butane gas price decreased by 25 percent m-o-m reaching SYP 30,000/refill, the price in Mzeireb remained higher than the national average by 57 percent." 202583,44558.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,109,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] Besides, people hold COVID-19 patients responsible for their infections because they neglected following main personal protective measures against the COVID-19. This gives the impression that this person is irresponsible for his daily behavior, making him vulnerable to infection. However, this is not fully true because being infected with the coronavirus does not mean that this person has neglected to take care of his health or is not responsible in the social sense of responsibility, because every person could be infected, regardless of the individual’s social awareness, according to Salloum." 172395,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,78,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La situation sécuritaire reste volatile, en particulier dans l’est du pays, affectant l’environnement opérationnel des acteurs humanitaires sur le terrain, de même que les contraintes d’accès physiques. Les mouvements de population, l’insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition aigüe, les épidémies et les problématiques de protection sont toujours les principaux moteurs de la crise en RDC et ont un impact majeur sur les besoins humanitaires." 238087,45629.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"[South Sudan, 2019]Deterioration in food security was also reported as one of the main reasons for children dropping out of, or missing school as families preferred to keep them at home to seek livelihoods" 132524,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• La asistencia psicosocial también está asegurada, especialmente para los menores expuestos a la violencia, o en riesgo de violencia." 215127,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]On Wednesday, 474 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the country. [10thDec2020,Nigeria]On Thursday, 675 new cases were reported in Nigeria, hence bringing the tally of confirmed cases to 71, 344." 344143,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,102,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"L’autre dimension de la stratégie de lutte contre le terrorisme, a trait à l’implication des mécanismes traditionnels et endogènes de prévention et de gestion des conflits. OCes mécanismes ont été fortement encouragés, conformément aux orientations du Président du Faso. Il s’agit de la sensibilisation pour freiner l’enrôlement par les groupes armés terroristes des fils et des filles de notre pays. Il n’est un secret pour personne que parmi les terroristes, figurent aujourd’hui des jeunes burkinabè qui ont pris les armes contre leur patrie." 243891,47865.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/relocations-reduced-services-leave-rohingya-communities-breaking-point-bangladesh,"[21st Jan 2021, Cox's Bazar] Prior to this, services in the camps including medical care, and food and water distributions, provided primarily by humanitarian organisations, was reduced by 80 per cent to help reduce movements to counter the spread of COVID-19." 492073,67749.0,1224.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"In Aruba and Curacao, schools re-opened on a shiF system basis, observing hygiene protocols, while classes in Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana resumed via remote modalities." 82586,22770.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,Recent damage to the water network was reported in all assessed baladiyas. Disruptions to the electrical grid had also become much more frequent. 123677,32567.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,73,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"23 June, statement by UNSMIL welcoming the establishing of Fact-Finding Mission to Libya (FFML). UNSMIL anticipates that the creation of this investigative mechanism will reinforce the work of the United Nations, Panel of Experts, and International Criminal Court in Libya, and also strengthen the capacity of national courts and other relevant entities in Libya to ensure that perpetrators of human rights violations are held accountable." 247929,48228.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations : Moyen Terme = Organiser des campagnes et les stratégies avancées de Santé Sexuelle de la Reproduction et VBG / Recruter et former les relais communautaires en surveillances épidémiologiques / Déployer les sages-femmes afin qu’elles offrent les soins de santé maternels aux femmes enceintes et organisent leur référence vers les formations sanitaires 305536,50889.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"While SENS [Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey] data is not available, initial MUAC [Mid-upper arm circumference] screenings of new arrivals in Um Dafoug and Um Dukhun indicate prevalence of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) and at-risk children." 35770,13103.0,788.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],en,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"The compounding factors of an underdeveloped body (girls under the age of 15 are especially at risk of dying during childbirth) (50), the absence of skilled personnel at birth and not being the primary decisionmaker concerning her own health put pregnant rural adolescent girls in northern Nigeria at significant risk." 328542,54713.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information]Two most common behaviours adapted to prevent COVID-19 spreading, as reported by households Stopping handshakes or physical contact (48%), Keeping distance from people (42%)." 303511,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Dans l’Extrême Nord, les prix des denrées de base sur le marché ont connu une tendance à la baisse après les récoltes entre Octobre et Novembre, contrairement à Juillet, Aout et Septembre où les prix ont augmenté jusqu'à 60 pour cent pour la plupart des céréales." 148226,35830.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Response%20COVID-19%20Sit%20Rep%20%234%20-%20External%20use.pdf,"In May and June 2020, WV distributed 8,102 consumable hygiene kits to internally displaced persons in northwest Syria. 39,117 individuals benefited from this activity. WV provided additional hand soap in each kit to encourage hand-washing. In total, 15 bars of soap were provided with each kit." 357847,58554.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,122,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_por_inundaciones_puerto_arica_vf.pdf,"Es importante resaltar que durante los meses de mayo, junio y julio los ríos Igaraparaná y Putumayo registran los niveles más altos de caudal (aguas altas), pero este año se ha superado el promedio histórico, debido a un fenómeno que se presenta en la región cada 6 o 7 años conocido como “La Conejera” en el cual el nivel del río supera la cota de inundación. Además, aún existe el riesgo de que el nivel río continúe aumentando y se presenten inundaciones en otros lugares y así mismo, se incrementen las necesidades reportadas en esta alerta teniendo en cuenta las fuertes lluvias que se vienen presentando en los últimos dos días." 359952,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,180,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Promote knowledge management, and build capacity of national governments for ensuring the continuity of adolescent girls’ education by assuring their contribution to, and participation in the DRM, CCA and CSS program interventions and activities.  Develop educational and campaign materials to raise public awareness around harmful gender norms and stereotypes that deepen the impact of disasters and climate crisis on children, especially girls.  Continue to develop and roll out training manuals/tools/guidelines on gender transformative DRM, CCA and CSS that build capacity of government responsible stakeholders at all levels.  Facilitate learning and sharing of best practices and lessons learnt on gender transformative DRM, CCA and CSS as platforms for leadership for girls, with opportunity to share their experiences in DRM, CCA and CSS initiatives.  Work in collaboration with NGOs and UN agencies to remove gender barriers that deny girls (especially marginalised girls) from accessing schooling and participating in school-based disaster risk management activities." 58201,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Si bien varias de estas situaciones son idénticas de las que han vivido migrantes de otras nacionalidades en infinitas oportunidades, vale destacar que en algunas de ellas se han hecho referencias a cuestiones políticas nacionales. En síntesis, las 90 entrevistas en profundidad que constituyen la base de este capítulo muestran algunos aspectos generales de la reciente migración venezolana a Argentina. Entre ellos, se destacan la compleja logística de los viajes y ciertas singularidades relativas a la documentación de país de origen, la importante proporción de personas con formación terciaria y universitaria, y los acelerados procesos de reunificación familiar, que en muchos casos han convocado a tres generaciones de una misma familia." 111668,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La migración, especialmente la irregular, ha significado la vinculación de niños, niñas y familias a los grupos armados en distintas actividades (cocina, raspando hoja de coca, haciendo mandados), en zonas como El Catatumbo, en municipios como Tibú y El Tarra, en los que las fuentes ilegales de ingresos (más altos, además) han jalonado el asentamiento de inmigrantes venezolanos." 276145,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,93,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Depuis la fin de 2018, la situation sécuritaire s’est dégradée dans le nord du pays vers le Tibesti, où l’armée tchadienne mène des opérations pour stopper les orpailleurs illégaux et prévenir des incursions de rebelles tchadiens venus de la Libye. Tandis que le suivi de la situation de protection dans la zone de Tibesti vient d’être renforcé, selon les sources de sécurité des nations unies, des affrontements intertribaux et entre groupes d’orpailleurs ont causé plusieurs morts ces derniers temps." 306779,53161.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"To inform future interventions, WFP is conducting post-floods emergency food security assessments in the capital city of Khartoum, as well as in North Kordofan and Central Darfur, North Darfur, and West Darfur states." 228611,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"28% [of respondents] reported at least one negative symptom among the household’s children, with women more likely than men to report these (31% vs. 21%). The most common symptoms are similarly feeling worry (11%) and feeling depressed (9%)." 390963,60861.0,1186.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,", la mayoría declaró tener previsión de salud pública (62,7%), seguido de no tener ninguna previsión (18,5%), tener previsión privada de salud (15,4%), no saber si tiene o no previsión de salud (2,4%) y un porcentaje menor de personas con otro tipo de seguro, por ejemplo, de carácter internacional (0.8%) (Figura 8 y Tabla 5)." 137463,35305.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,13,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"3,466 activities in total were conducted on the prevention of COVID-19 spread." 275377,50660.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,60,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] In January 2021, Covid-19 affected a total of 21,723 persons across the country among which 568 persons died and 22,285 persons recovered. From March 08, 2020 to November 30, 2020, the total number of Covid-19 patient is 535,139 among which 8,127 persons died and 479,744 persons recovered." 144651,34804.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Low surveillance capacity and inconsistent application of quarantine and screening procedures compounds these risks, limiting the ability to detect cases early and break-up transmission chains." 304121,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"South Sudanese refugee locations with approximately 20,000 refugees or more in camps or large camp-like settlements (i.e., El Leri West settlements in Talodi, South Kordofan). These locations include key reception points high rates of new arrivals, with high reliance on humanitarian assistance delivered through parallel service systems that need to be sustained and/or scaled-up to accommodate increasing numbers of people." 275683,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,44,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] 3 persons were killed by bailey bridge collpase in Naniarchor, Rangamati on 12 January 2021 which was the only incident of bridge collapse in January 2021. (Source: www.prothomalo.com, 13 January 2021)" 187309,43204.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/425238-coronavirus-nigeria-records-highest-daily-tally-since-august.html,"Last week (November 1-7), the country recorded 937 new cases, a two per cent increase from the previous week’s record of 923 cases which was a 32 per cent an increase from the preceding week." 263975,48991.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,67,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[15th Feb, GoS areas] In the GoS region, POPULATION AT HIGH RISK TO COVID was found to be highest in Jebel Saman subdistrict in Aleppo governorate with 1,299,616 at high-risk to COVId-19 followed by Hama subdistrict of Hama governorate WITH 748,668 individuals at risk. Also, the lowest risk was seen amongst Kansaba sub-district of Lattakia governorate with 167 at risk." 149591,31163.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,30,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/II%20Annual%20Report%20of%20the%20Regional%20Comprehensive%20Protection%20%26%20Solutions%20Framework%20%28MIRPS%292019.pdf,"In the last five years, the country has registered a sustained increase in the total number of claims, particularly from people from Latin America and the Caribbean." 295088,52363.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,81,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"7% of households are in possession of their shelter, but do not have documentation to prove this. This informal tenure situation is of concern due to the risk of eviction which is compounded by the irregular status of refugees and migrants. Without regular status, households are unable to provide documents that allow them to formalize contracts, which diminishes the possibility to have a written guarantee that could help them negotiate a securer housing situation." 215799,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,One out of four households (25%) have adopted Emergency livelihood coping strategies and nearly the same proportion of households (23%) have adopted Crisis livelihood coping strategies to mitigate their food consumption gaps. 227711,46239.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,44,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"• 5 398 305 habitants vivent en ville, soit 26,3 % de la population o Ouagadougou : 2 453 496 habitants, soit 45,4 % de la population urbaine o Bobo-Dioulasso : 903 887 habitants, soit 16,7 % de la population urbaine" 224702,46162.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,70,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"[Market and prices] In Bahr-el-Ghazel and Kanem, the availability of manufactured products from Libya is poor, due to the disruption of trade flows (particularly as a result of the conflict), pushing households toward other food items such as millet, the prices of which are above the five-year average. This is having an impact on food access for the poorest households." 245780,47762.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Economy']",es,33,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"400.000 millones de pesos para realizar asignaciones a las entidades territoriales para la adquisición de elementos de protección y adecuaciones para el regreso gradual, progresi- vo y seguro a las aulas." 228617,46627.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,70,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"While in most households (70%), all the children who normally go to school reportedly study (and in an additional 2%, just the girls, and 8%, just the boys), the focus has been on self-study with materials, and studying supported by household members – which may be limiting in a context where overall educational levels are low." 73256,21154.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"Scope of the response The partners of the Sub-regional Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for the Southern Cone will work together with governments to respond to the needs of refugees and migrants from Venezuela in terms of humanitarian, protection and shortand medium-term development assistance in the four below sectors identified as priorities in the undertaken needs analysis: • Education and Integration • Health: including sexual and reproductive health and mental health • Humanitarian emergency assistance: Food security / Nutrition / Shelter / Humanitarian transportation / Non-food items (NFI) / Water hygiene and sanitation (WASH) • Protection: including child protection, gender-based violence (GBV) and human trafficking and smuggling" 322392,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Education LSGs were found to be primarily driven by Households with school-aged children who reported barriers to accessing education for boys (74%) , Households with school-aged children who reported barriers to accessing education for girls (69%)." 73336,21154.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,139,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"The growing vulnerability observed among refugees and migrants from Venezuela who arrived in Southern Cone countries during 2019 is estimated to continue in 2020, leading to greater risks of GBV, sexual and labour exploitation, survival sex and human trafficking. Additionally, there is the risk of refugees and migrants falling into trafficking networks to overcome the growing difficulties and restrictions on the routes to the Southern Cone, and therefore, to strengthen the articulation and cooperation between partners of National Platforms and national authorities, as well as networking at the sub-regional level to efficiently address transnational crimes is needed. In this regard, there is also a need to strengthen and/or establish referral and/or response mechanisms for the protection of girls, boys, adolescents, women and the LGBTI community." 391198,61470.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 26% of households reported that they were aware of child labour occuring among children under the age of 11, most commonly reporting work for others (16%) and domestic labour (5%)." 112067,29855.0,1620.0,[],[],[],en,148,[],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201804%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report_WCA_v1.pdf,"Alongside Round 31 assessments, DTM Nigeria conducted COVID-19 Situational Analysis assessments (SAA) between 16 April and 6 May 2020, whose purpose was to assess the knowledge of, impact on and practice by IDPs with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. The SAA found that 99 per cent of IDPs in North East Nigeria knew about the coronavirus pandemic. However less than half (47%) of respondents believed that the wider communities were aware of the virus. Three-quarters of IDPs (74%) were not taking any mitigation or precautionary measures, and a vast majority of respondents (87%) believed that health centres were not prepared to face the threat of the COVID-19. Notably, only 2 per cent of respondents said there had been threats of eviction made against IDPs amid the pandemic." 45359,15596.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/inbrief/sharara-oil-field-denies-closure-field-protesters,"For his part, spokesman for Fezzan Rage movement denied that they had closed the field, noting that the threat nevertheless persists, especially that there has been no improvement in living conditions, nor the availability of liquidity in banks, in addition to the electricity and water problem, which has been cut off for three consecutive days, as well as the high rate of crime in the south, as he put it." 311466,53762.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Sahel) UNHCR, through its partner AIRD, distributed soap to 5,250 refugees in Goudoubo camp, 30 hand-washing devices and soap have been distributed in the camp school to mitigate the spread of the virus (Covid-19)." 393201,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,71,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the community think it would be very serious if they get COVID 19 virus, the vulnerable groups including the elderly, persons living with disabilities also think it would be severe and serious if they get COVID 19, while caregivers and also health workers also think it would be very serious and severe if they contact COVID 19 virus." 342373,56634.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El consumo total se ubica ligeramente por encima de lo registrado en el mismo periodo un año atrás (+0,5 puntos porcentuales). El consumo de bienes repunta ligeramente en la última semana mientras el de servicios continúa en niveles bajos." 322135,54720.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-97-deaths/68132,"[26 April, 2021, Bangladesh] The number of recoveries now stands at 661,693 including 4,241 new cases. This means, 88.39 percent of the patients have recovered." 222866,45709.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=213902,"[20th December, 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Monday that 136 new coronaviruses were registered in Syria and 56 cases recovered while 12 patients passed away." 330149,55167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,140,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elperiodico.com/es/internacional/20210502/represion-policial-marca-mayo-colombia-11695827,"Las manifestaciones más multitudinarias del día volvieron a darse en Cali, capital del departamento del Valle del Cauca y tercera ciudad del país, donde decenas de miles de personas se reunieron en el sector conocido como Loma de la Cruz y en otro llamado Puerto Rellena, que a raíz de las protestas es llamado ahora Puerto Resistencia. Según dijo hoy el Defensor del Pueblo, Carlos Camargo, tres personas murieron en Cali en los últimos días en situaciones vinculadas con las protestas y otros tres decesos están en verificación. Por su parte, la Fiscalía en Cali ha confirmado la muerte de nueve personasen el marco de las manifestaciones. No obstante, según los datos de la Red de Derechos Humanos Francisco Isaías Cifuentes, hay por lo menos 14 personas muertas." 224224,45763.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Les pailles et les tiges n’étant pas encore matures et se trouvant sous l’eau, aucune autre alternative n’est possible pour les parents de construire quoique ce soit pour servir d’espace d’apprentissage pour les enfants." 240985,47675.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"The chikungunya epidemic is in sharp decline with a daily average of 10 cases in Abéché, five cases in Biltine and zero cases in other districts. From 14 August to 1 November, 38,280 cases were recorded with one death." 330165,55165.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/salud/colombia-alcanza-5-millones-de-dosis-administradas/,"Este número se logra justo cuando llegan al país un millón de dosis de la vacuna de Sinovac, que serán destinadas a quienes tienen entre 60 y 64 años de edad." 16814,7075.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,47,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"From an estimation conducted by the analysts on the situation in absence of Humanitarian Food Assistance, 151 districts out of 333 would likely be in a more severe phase, which is the primary source of food for over 30% of the Yemenis households." 452580,63185.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/atrocity-alert-no-263-burkina-faso-ethiopia-and-syria,"the speed of displacement shows no signs of slowing as attacks by Islamist armed groups “continue unabated” and have become “more frequent and increasingly violent.” Targeted attacks against civilian populations have escalated in recent months in the North, Center-North, East and Sahel regions." 161653,35766.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,84,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78017.pdf,"• Antioquia es el quinto departamento con mayor número de Venezolanos en Colombia. • El 80% de los Venezolanos en Antioquia se concentran en el Área Metropolitana de Medellín y sus municipios aledaños. La ciudad de Medellín es la cuarta ciudad principal con el mayor número de Venezolanos,solo por debajo de Bogotá, Cúcuta y Barranquilla. • El municipio de Bello es el 20º municipio en Colombia con mayor concentración de Venezolanos por encima de algunas ciudades principale" 191040,42042.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Bolori-12-wards-Maiduguri-LGA_-July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 1 settlement indicated that at least one protection issue is at risk of worsening due to COVID-19." 63142,18817.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"On 22 July, a nationwide blackout compounded the challenges to essential service delivery, although contingencies were in place to minimize the humanitarian impact, especially in health centres. Electricity and water provision are still limited in many states, especially outside of the Capital District, with rationing impacting the functioning of health and education facilities." 328324,55008.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,84,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se requiere mayor refuerzo de los mensajes sobre protocolos de bioseguridad para la prevención de COVID-19 en toda la población. De igual manera, se requiere reforzar actividades de transporte a fin de mejorar la capacidad de toma de muestras COVID-19, así como priorizar la atención de los casos existentes de COVID-19; además, es clave fortalecer el hospital San Lorenzo en caso de atender una emergencia en el marco de un brote por ETA, EDA o por COVID-19." 112298,29953.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"De acuerdo con el RMRP 2020, de acuerdo con datos del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE), uno de cada cinco refugiados y migrantes económicamente activos estuvieron sin empleo entre el segundo semestre del 2019 y el 2020." 229415,46461.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The findings of Accessibility survey in NRC coverage Area reveal that following distance learning through televisions and radio programmes are not applicable in NRC target locations due to lack of electricity and access to TV at household level as well as unavailability of smart phones and laptops 291580,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,9,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,The conflict also impacts access to vital services. 269683,49808.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Cette situation nutritionnelle est due aux effets de la sécheresse chronique, à des phénomènes météorologiques irréguliers liés aux changements climatiques et à un accès limité aux services sociaux de base de qualité." 328660,54713.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of shelter enclosure issues reported by households were Leaks during heavy rain (48%), Leaks during light rain (38%), Lack of insulation from cold (24%)." 328776,54713.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,13,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 7% households with a vulnerable primary income earner 149335,37832.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"In the camps, the first round of high energy biscuit distribution through GFA sites was completed among 183,637 households on 29 July. WFP is providing all Rohingya households with 25 packets of 50 g high energy biscuits" 454513,64224.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,144,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 49.8% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana a(cid:31)rmó que están de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo que las instituciones públicas encargadas de proteger los derechos de las niñas y adolescente (Comisaría, Centro de Emergencia Mujer -CEM, Fiscalía, DEMUNA), son e(cid:31)cientes en el contexto de la pandemia. Este porcentaje se reduce al 9.1% en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana (solamente de acuerdo). Expresa que la percepción es más bastante positiva por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana. Cabe precisar que el 60.6% de las personas de nacionalidad peruana expresa estar en desacuerdo o muy en desacuerdo. En este punto, la percepción de las personas de nacionalidad peruana es bastante cuestionadora frente a las instituciones públicas." 9971,3795.0,321.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2021%20June%202018.pdf,"At the CDCs in Tripoli, UNHCR and its partners International Medical Corps and CESVI continue to register refugees and asylum-seekers and to provide them with primary health care, psychological support and cash assistance. So far in 2018, more than 4,800 medical consultations and 700 medical referrals were provided to persons of concern." 129453,32894.0,1184.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,Estándares de calidad en el servicio a población migrante: se evidencias quejas en relación a los tiempos de respuesta; el índice de resolución de requerimientos al primer contacto; tiempo de espera para atención; trabas en procesos de contacto y estándares de amabilidad. 95206,26755.0,1621.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"12 March, A doctor affiliated to the Tajoura field hospital was killed, as a result of shooting on his car at the Garabolli coastal road. His companion was injured." 133886,35165.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,192,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"De la información obtenida en los grupos focales de personas venezolanas y entrevistas con Organizaciones, se desprende que la mayor parte de las personas migrantes/refugiadas venezolanas padecen de una alta inestabilidad laboral, con ingresos asociados a actividades/servicios prestados y no a salarios mensuales, así como a grandes riesgos de ser explotados laboralmente: los salarios que reciben suelen ser menores de los que reciben los nacionales en puestos similares; sin contrato ni ingreso a la Caja del Seguro Social; en horarios extendidos, o en turnos nocturnos para evadir las inspecciones laborales; sin cobrar horas extras u otros beneficios; con menor protección en riesgos laborales que al nacional, entre otros aspectos. 17 Septiembre 2019 En este sentido, un 22% de las personas encuestadas afirma haber trabajado o desempeñado una actividad por la que no recibió pago o recibió menos de lo acordado. Las mujeres, además, tienen un mayor riesgo de ser víctimas de violencia sexual en el trabajo, reportándose en los grupos focales situaciones de acoso sexual en el trabajo, u ofrecimientos de índole sexual." 297738,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The increase in bureaucratic impediments, from one recorded incident in 2019 to 40 such incidents in 2020, is indicative of a more tense relationship between the GOA (Government of Afghanistan) and the humanitarian community." 198383,44154.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,28,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/neuf-mois-apr-s-l-apparition-des-premiers-cas-de-covid-19-en-afrique-quelle-est,"En avril 2020, le nombre de personnes déplacées s’élevait à près de 848 000, dont 84 % de femmes et d’enfants." 346686,57050.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_145_20210525.pdf,"En date du 25/05/2021, 1 266 contacts (aucun nouveau contact) étaient en cours de suivi dont 417 à Kinshasa, 331 au Nord-Kivu, 177 au Kongo-Central, 142 dans le Haut-Uélé, 58 en Ituri, 53 au Kasaï, 48 Kasaï-Oriental et 32 au Sud-Kivu. Notons que 1 130 (89,3%) contacts ont été effectivement vus au cours des dernières 24 heures" 222987,45471.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,25,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria] Borno state remains the epicentre of the crisis, where over 1.5 million people have been displaced." 495173,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,17,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Población migrante tiene muchas dificultades/limitaciones para inserción en el mercado laboral y la consecución de ingresos. 164338,38056.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200554,"Assistant Health Minister Ahmad Khalifawi indicated that the Iranian aid constitute a support for the health sector, particularly after the difficulties Syria is facing due to the long years of war and the economic blockade and unilateral coercive measures imposed on Syrian people." 236197,47104.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, Syria] According to residency status, the main deterioration of inadequate food consumption was reported among returnee households (55 percent) in December, marking a 40 percent increase since July 2020, with a two-fold rise of the poor food consumption level recorded a month earlier. Moreover, the total share of displaced and resident households with poor and borderline food consumption hiked up to 47 and 41 percent, respectively, in December 2020." 303382,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En lo social, los temas relacionados con la inseguridad en las calles, el incremento de las alteraciones del orden público y las violaciones constantes y sistemáticas a los derechos por parte de actores estatales y de la población civil que vulneraron la integridad y libertades de muchas de las personas entrevistadas." 197783,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The majority of refugees, asylum seekers and returnees live in poor urban areas with limited public health facilities, poor water and sanitation, inadequate housing, as well as limited social protection systems and face specific barriers and vulnerabilities that have been further stretched due to the COVID-19 situation increasing their vulnerability to protection risks (including risks of gender-based violence)." 156017,37795.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,194,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Putumayo%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%2009%20%281%20al%2020%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Decreto 183 del 9 de junio del 2020: Se mantiene el pico y cédula de lunes a viernes, los sábados podrán salir las mujeres y los domingos los hombres. Se mantiene el toque de queda entre 7:00 pm y 5:00 am. Decreto 203 del 27 de junio del 2020: El departamento del Putumayo se acoge al decreto 828, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. Se mantiene el toque de queda entre 7:00 pm y 5:00 am. Se mantiene el pico y cédula de la misma forma como venía funcionando. Decreto 212 del 9 de julio del 2020: El departamento del Putumayo se acoge al decreto 990, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. Se retoma el toque de queda entre las 6:00 pm y las 5:00 am y 24 horas sábados y domingos. Se mantienen las medidas de pico y cédula. Decreto 214 del 24 de julio del 2020: Se ordena el cierre temporal preventivo de las instalaciones administrativas de la Gobernación, retomando las actividades presenciales el 3 de agosto del 2020." 194439,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Dans les détails, la proportion de suivi était de 20,9% à Kinshasa et 100% dans le Haut-Katanga." 212869,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"Despite limited resources and the sudden onset of the emergency, the Ministry of Education has made good progress in setting up and providing alternative education services. It is also committed to developing tools and capacities to monitor the reach and effect of self-learning, distance learning and face-to-face education in small groups, while mobilizing additional resources and existing capacities to expand the reach of alternative education delivery." 238608,47236.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,Les personnels de santé ont signalé des cas de malnutrition aiguë sérère (MAS) parmi les 345 enfants âgés de moins de cinq (5) ans. 200482,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,64,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Au vu de la structure patriarcale de la société burkinabè et des discriminations de genre qui peuvent exister vis-à-vis des femmes migrantes de retour, le faible taux d’employabilité pourrait ainsi être lié à la perte du lien social, conséquence de l’échec du projet migratoire. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 492253,17259.0,1384.0,[],[],[],en,120,[],[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"These policies put Venezuelan women and girls in Curaçao at serious risk of abuse or exploitation. Refugees International also interviewed women who had been brought from Venezuela and forced to work in “snack bars” to repay the costs of the journey. These women were reportedly told they would serve drinks but actually are required to engage in sex work. As a social worker who focuses on women’s health explained to Refugees International, “Many Venezuelan women are now arriving with a debt to pay back, so they often have to get their earnings with sex work as trago meisjes50 (drink girls)—a situation that is immediately exploitative.”" 186247,43272.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,109,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"In particular, USAID/BHA partner the UN World Food Program (WFP) reached more than 500,000 people with food assistance in September, including flood-affected populations in Jonglei and Lakes states. To reach populations in heavily flooded areas, WFP delivered nearly 90 percent of food assistance allocated for delivery by air in September. Additionally, USAID/BHA is supporting the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Rapid Response Fund (RRF)—a flexible funding mechanism that enables rapid responses to humanitarian crises through grants to international and national non-governmental organizations (NGOs)—to provide multi-sector assistance to flood-affected populations across South Sudan." 338665,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"En Medellín se ha reportado un aumento en las denuncias durante la cuarentena cercano al 10 por ciento en comparación con el año anterior14, pero se sabe que muchas mujeres no están accediendo a los mecanismos oficiales de denuncia aún." 205780,44643.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://damascusv.com/archives/32747,"[October 29, GoS] Tawashi assured that there will be no change to the study plan this year, noting that the Ministry of Education “gave flexibility to education directors to make any decision regarding the virus in their governorates.” Tawashi considered that the rate of spread of the virus does not require stopping working hours at this time, comparing it to universities and restaurants." 255280,48580.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/no-flour-for-days-in-al-rukban-residents-fear-famine-amid-growing-food-shortages-in-syria/,"[Feb 4th, 2021, Al-Rukban camp, NWS] So far, the shortage has been mitigated by the fact that several camp residents store flour at home and bake their own bread due to the limited capacity of the camp’s bakeries. In addition, alternatives (such as rice and bulgur) remained available." 63673,18726.0,788.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,70,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_august_edition.pdf,"The increase in violence also directly affected humanitarian actors who have increasingly become targets of attack. On 18 July, six humanitarians were abducted and one driver lost his life after an attack by armed groups near Damasak, Borno state. The Humanitarian Country Team renewed its calls on all parties to the conflict to ensure the protection of aid workers and unimpeded access for humanitarian assistance." 73331,21154.0,1187.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"The governments of the Southern Cone have generally been forthcoming in responding to the humanitarian needs of refugees and migrants from Venezuela. However, the lack of data to determine the magnitude of the needs and their differentiation by affected populations; the limited infrastructure in border areas that cannot cope with the growing influx; and, the strained national capacities to respond to short- and longterm needs, especially in terms of food and shelter, require the support of RMRP partners." 238423,47405.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Context->Economy']",es,46,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"Aunque la cifra representa una disminución de 6,4 % del flujo migrante de febrero a septiembre de 20201, se espera que una vez se abran las fron- teras y continúe la reactivación gradual de la economía colombiana se presente una nueva ola migratoria desde Venezuela" 70889,20163.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,199,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/ecuador-inicia-proceso-de-visas-humanitarias-para-migrantes-venezolanos/5138056.html,"Según el viceministro, entre el 17 de agosto y el 23 de octubre de este año, se hicieron 16.000 solicitudes de visa, de todas las distintas categorías de que ofrece el país, y un poco más de 9.500 son para Visas de Excepción por Razones Humanitarias. Indicó que este nuevo paso se realizará en la página, a través delconsulado virtual, donde los migrantes podrán registrar los datos y seguir con el proceso. Velástegui detalló que el mecanismo tiene como objetivo “facilitar el acceso a los ciudadanos venezolanos una regularización dentro del país”. La idea, agregó, es que ellos cuenten con las herramientas para integrarse social y económicamente, y además brindar “bienestar y seguridad a la comunidad de acogida”. El formulario de solicitud de visa tiene un costo de 50 dólares, pero la visa como tal es gratuita y podrá ser renovada. De los poco más de 4,6 millones de venezolanos que la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) calcula que han salido de su país en los últimos años, al menos 350 mil están en Ecuador." 123952,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"A total of 1712 travelers were screened by checking temperature and general condition, while samples for PCR tests were collected. The travelers were also provided health awareness sessions at the airport." 265720,49620.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,36,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,Ce manque d’accès à l’eau exacerbe la vulnérabilité des ménages face aux maladies hydriques et à la malnutrition dans un contexte où l’accès aux infrastructures de santé reste difficile. 414083,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,131,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Health information system Strengthen health information system: The collection of quality data/information from grass root level should be ensured to identify and analyse the level of emergency situation. Furthermore, data integration among different streams of health service providers can be highly useful for targeted inventions in situations as such the current pandemic. Moreover, uninterrupted time data flow needs to be ensured from local to central level. Proper communication from the central level to the grassroots level will minimise the gaps in fighting any future pandemic while continuing the essential services should also need to be ensured. At present there is no alternative of investing in digitalisation of health records and quality health data integration and management." 245846,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,51,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Discrimination against migrant workers and refugees is noticeable. This group, which tends to be the most vulnerable at the legal, economic, social, and sometimes linguistic levels, is experiencing greater deprivation, vulnerability and exclusion from ad hoc assistance as a result of the explosion." 190522,39000.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,21,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Panama%20FactSheet%20ENG%208.2020%20final.pdf,"Panama is home to +19,000 refugees and asylum-seekers. 115,768 Venezuelans displaced abroad are estimated to be living in the country" 265678,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,104,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"La zone frontalière entre le Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Niger est caractérisée depuis quelques années par un climat d’insécurité lié à la présence de groupes armés, à la criminalité et à la montée des tensions entre les communautés25. À la suite de la crise sécuritaire au Mali en 2012, le contexte sécuritaire s’est progressivement dégradé d'abord au Niger en 2018, et par la suite au Burkina Faso en 2019 du fait de la recrudescence des affrontements entre groupes armés26, de la criminalité et des pics de violence liés aux conflits intercommunautaires27." 202584,44558.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] Mark Lowcock, said that “The cases of COVID-19 that were confirmed in Syria were mostly the result of a community transmission,” noting that it is difficult to trace 92 percent of officially confirmed infections." 356136,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,55,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En marzo, el recaudo tributario fue de 13,5 billones de pesos, que representa un incremento de 7,3% respecto al mismo mes de 2020. Esta variación se explica principalmente por el aumento en el recaudo de IVA y consumo (4,7%) y renta y CREE (5,1%)." 193066,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Dans la province du Lac, les attaques des villages par les groupes armés et les opérations militaires qui ont eu lieu au premier semestre 2019 ont occasionné de nouveaux déplacements de plus de 47 000 personnes des zones insulaires et des axes Kaiga-Kindjiria et Ngouboua vers la terre ferme. D´autres déplacements, d´environ 4 500 réfugiés, ont été notifiés en janvier 2019, fuyant les attaques des groupes armés au Nigéria. L´insécurité qui sévit dans la province pérennise le déplacement de plus de 90 338 personnes qui se sont déplacées depuis le début de la crise en 2015 sans perspectives de retour durable." 412367,63914.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/bangladesh-fleeing-rohingya-die-sea,"[24th August 2021, Bangladesh] Refugees: On August 18, Bangladesh police allegedly arrested nine Rohingya refugees who had fled from Bhasan Char. Refugees said that after the recent capsize and arrests, the authorities ordered camp leaders to guard the island at night to prevent people from escaping. Camp leaders allegedly issued a warning that anyone caught trying to escape would be falsely accused of smuggling recreational drugs, which can lead to indefinite detention without bail." 186778,41402.0,1184.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,219,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"In Ecuador, the first case was detected on February 29th, and the first death recorded on March 13th. On March 11th, the Ministry of Health declared a health emergency throughout the territory, mandating 14-day isolation for those who arrived from Spain, Italy, Iran, France, South Korea, and China. On March 16th, the government declar. d a state of emergency due to public calamity throughout the national territory. Due to the health emergency, classes in schools, colleges, and universities were suspended; businesses that do not offer essential products, medicines, or medical supplies had to close too. Mobility was restricted, and a general toque de queda applied every night from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. This measure also empowered the military to safeguard control in cities and restrict some rights, such as assembly. Since March 25th, circulation from 14:00 and until 05:00 was prohibited, and failure to comply with the curfew was declared to be punishable by up to one to three years' imprisonment. Guayaquil, on the pacific coast fo Ecuador, experienced a dramatic spike in COVID- cases and deaths starting in late March, peaking in early April." 164502,32981.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,101,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,"155 Colchonetas y 255 Cobijas entregadas a población refugiada, migrante y población de acogida. 225 Kits de dormida/hábitat para dotación de alojamientos. 270 Beneficiarios Para dar respuesta a la emergencia, los miembros de GIFMM local han trabajado con las autoridades para ampliar el numero de alojamientos temporales que garanticen el autoaislamiento de la población. Actualmente Nariño cuenta con 8 alojamientos temporales y red de hoteles. 5 hoteles en modalidad de alojamiento temporal para la atención a población refugiada y migrante, beneficiando a más de 140 personas. Dotación de menaje a alojamiento temporal." 303470,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"A su vez, las personas entrevistadas consideran que los funcionarios/as públicos de los tres países también han ejercido un papel fundamental en la facilitación de información sobre migración, aunque desconocen mecanismos de protección y derechos para personas refugiadas y migrantes LGBTI+. Sin embargo, también han descrito eventos de extorsiones por parte de funcionarios públicos para facilitar la movilidad humana de personas venezolanas al territorio colombiano y el tránsito por Ecuador y Perú." 276269,50677.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,A la fin du mois d’août un cumul de 60 533 tests – essentiellement des test rapides TDR – avaient été effectués. 133900,35165.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En entrevistas con organizaciones se reportaron que en ocasiones se detectan problemas de acceso de las personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas al tratamiento de enfermedades crónicas como VIH y cáncer (por tiempo y/o actitudes discriminatorias), asociados también a una deficitaria planificación de medicamentos por parte de las instituciones sanitarias." 58962,17679.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,69,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"AMUMRA es una asociación civil de Derechos Humanos sin fines de lucro y apartidaria, conformada por mujeres migrantes y refugiadas de distintas nacionalidades, unidas para el cambio social a favor de nuestras comunidades en la Argentina y Latinoamérica. Buscamos la integración social, económica y cultural de las mujeres migrantes, refugiadas y nuestras familias, así como el respeto irrestricto de nuestra ciudadanía global." 160469,38373.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Las barreras más frecuentes siguen siendo la falta de documentación para afiliarse al sistema de seguridad social (22.8%), el costo de los medicamentos que son formulados (6.4%) o el costo del transporte para dirigirse a los centros hospitalarios (6.4%)." 308346,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Reports of increasing GBV in areas of displacement, including in collective locations is being reported. Protection partners, funding and access remain critical challenges to scaling up the protection response." 268912,49935.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En general, existe una percepción positiva de las consecuencias de la pandemia de COVID-19 y el confinamiento por parte de los niños y niñas. Las medidas de higiene son conocidas y puestas en práctica por ellos e incitan a otros a cumplirlas y a mantener la calma." 183673,43048.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,21,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/with-drastic-increase-in-covid-19-cases-northwest-syria-languishes-under-health-humanitarian-crises/,"[November 5 ,2020 Northwest Syria] COVID-19 is an additional burden in northwest Syria’s dire humanitarian situation." 69504,19860.0,1386.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://cronica.uno/programa-de-alimentacion-escolar-en-sucre-es-insuficiente-y-carece-de-proteinas/,"El drama que viven los docentes en Venezuela no se limita solo a los bajos sueldos que devengan estos profesionales; la tragedia se traslada a las condiciones en las que los maestros deben laborar en los centros educativos y a la situación que deben enfrentar a diario ante la imposibilidad de “auxiliar” a algún alumno con déficit alimenticio debido a que el Programa de Alimentación Escolar,PAE, es insuficiente y carece de proteínas." 472851,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"Renforcer la stratégie d’intervention communautaire pour suppléer la fermeture et/ou le fonctionnement a minima des formations sanitaires et autres difficultés d’accès aux soins (formation de 500 ASBC sur la surveillance à base communautaire, la PCIMAS, la PCIME et dotation en kits PCIME)." 326547,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,51,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The most commonly reported preferred types of remote learning modalities were: Basic writing materials(pen, paper) (62%), school textbooks (74%) and other paper based learning materials(22%)." 236016,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"During the reporting period, Child Protection actors were able to reach more than 9,200 children and caregivers via PSS" 304140,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"An estimated 15 per cent of refugees (nearly 136,000 individuals) targeted for assistance in Sudan are living with disabilities." 346874,56987.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,32,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Anticipated economic loss and reduced access to overall assistance and services may increase food insecurity and the use of negative coping strategies." 337496,45087.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,50.9% of the households do not have food stock 223540,45273.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,Save the Children is deeply concerned for millions of children and their families who are already in a precarious situation and urgently calls for the government to step up prevention and containment measures. 194435,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"La proportion de suivi des contacts était spécifiquement de 97,6% au Nord-Kivu, 77,9% à Kinshasa, 93,3% dans le Haut-Katanga, 100% au Kongo-Central, 100% au Haut-Uélé, 100% dans la Tshopo, 100% au Bas-Uélé," 276264,50677.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Dans les départements du Mayo-Sava et du Logone et Chari, les violences des groupes armés provoquent des déplacements de populations, privant de nombreux ménages de l’accès à leurs champs, donc à leur récolte." 305054,50889.0,2466.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Individual case management systems gaps for child protection, family poverty and lack of livelihoods results in high rates of child labour and of out-of-school refugee children across all settlement locations." 248558,46458.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"Other priority housing, WASH and infrastructure investments include the construction of public toilets to meet the need of those currently practicing open defecation and improving water supply for residents promote hygienic practices that limit transmission. These interventions should be coupled with public health messaging, which provide residents with clear guidance on limiting transmission in the context of overcrowding and low-capacity WASH, and that is tailored to the needs of women." 358526,58562.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,136,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Several key elements of the pandemic period in Nigeria shaped and intensified these dynamics around ICTs, youth political grievances, and protests/social unrest . During the COVID-19 lockdown and movement restrictions, use of smartphones, text messaging, and social media all increased. Market analysis finds mobile phone users increased by 10.0% during 2020, internet users by 22.1%, and social media users by 22.2%, comparing January 2021 and January 2020. This rate was substantially higher than the previous year-on-year increase between 2019 and 2020, especially for internet users, which grew only 2.6% during 2019 compared to 22.1% during 2020 (Hootsuite & We Are Social 2020; Hootsuite & We Are Social 2021)." 155672,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,44 suspected COVID-19 cases were referred to health facilities from nutrition facilities in the camps. 91 COVID-19 samples from the host community were transported for COVID-19 testing by Nutrition Sector partners in Moheskhali. 189985,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,38,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"L’activité des miliciens affecte également quatre zones de santé (Vuhovi, Kalunguta, Mabalako et Kyondo) du territoire de Beni qui accueillent plus de 138 200 personnes déplacées arrivées au premier semestre 2020." 241984,47791.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,63,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Mobilisation et formation d’équipes de psychologues cliniciens (via le Ministère de la Sante) qui seront en charge du suivi psychologique des cas et de leurs familles dans les structures sante COVID et en communauté (pour des raisons de biosécurité, certains suivis seront assurés par téléphone, la création d’une ligne verte peut être envisagée)" 304497,53106.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,135,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-6000-cases-for-2nd-straight-day/67005,"[April 2, 2021, Bangladesh] The country has so far tested 4,728,113 samples, including 29,339 in the last 24 hours, the DGHS said. Meanwhile, the fatalities reached 9,155 with 50 new deaths. The mortality rate now stands at 1.47 percent. Among the latest victims, 36 died in Dhaka division, seven in Chattogram, two each in Rajshahi and Sylhet, and Three in Khulna division. So far, 5,228 coronavirus patients died in Dhaka division, 1,652 in Chattogram, 508 in Rajshahi, 589 in Khulna, 274 in Barishal, 327 in Sylhet, 376 in Rangpur and 201 in Mymensingh divisions. So far 6,887 men (75.23) and 2,268 women (24.77) died of the virus." 238596,47236.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,20,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,"La majorité des déplacés ont trouvé refuge dans les villages de LUZIRHU, NYARUBUYE, MADAKE CENTRE et ISHUNGU." 192482,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Latest population estimates suggest that more than 53 per cent of the 11.7 million people in South Sudan are under 18 years old. 287094,51631.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,48,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,(Est) Les couvertures de prise en charge des enfants MAS et MAM dans la région de l’Est sont respectivement de 76.3% et 86.9%. Ce résultat pourrait s’expliquer par la présence opérationnelle des acteurs en nutrition dans la région. 112330,29953.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection']",[],[],es,71,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"a noviembre 31 de 2019 Primera Infancia atendía a 90.198 niños y niñas refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. Las modalidades que más atienden niños refugiados y migrantes son la institucional y la comunitaria. Estas dos modalidades se caracterizan por brindar atención todos los días de la semana y ofrecer un complemento nutricional, condiciones que pueden resultar ser más pertinentes para los niños y niñas refugiados y migrantes." 158982,39161.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Despite challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and growing insecurity in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states, humanitarian organisations have already reached 2.6 million people during the first half of the year" 358238,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Most commonly reported barriers to accessing water (by % of communities): - 43% : High price of water trucking - 24% : Not enough containers to store water - 22% : Not enough pressure to pump water - 21% : Water pumps only function a few hours - 21% : Alternative sources too expensive" 293860,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Mirroring national indicators [little proportion of women in the government], the social status of women in the community is unenviable, with little participation in community decisions." 165363,32691.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/77415,"El Ministerio de Salud de Colombia confirmó 73.572 casos de COVID-19 a corte del 23 de junio, siendo Bogotá la ciudad que concentra el mayor número (22.409 casos confirmados). Un total de 2.404 personas han muerto a causa de COVID-19 y se han recuperado 30.459 casos." 495436,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,26,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Se ha trabajado con las instituciones educativas para sensibilizarles para la aceptación de los niños migrantes, pero en algunos casos no hay suficientes cupos." 278613,50856.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The electricity and fuel shortage is persisting in most governorates. This challenge contributes in raising the agricultural production costs, especially transportation, which limits the farmer’s capacity regarding mitigating climate shocks and other challenges." 172984,40676.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"L’épidémie de COVID-19 est un facteur aggravant de la crise humanitaire préexistante en RDC, particulièrement pour les enfants déplacés, retournés, réfugiés, les communautés hôtes et le personnel éducatif." 473204,67204.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"De acuerdo con Hillis, “los impactos económicos, de desarrollo y psicológicos en estos niños tendrán repercusiones en distintas generaciones, un trágico legado de lamortalidad relacionada con el covid-19”." 194431,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Kinshasa reste le foyer principal de l’épidémie, ayant rapporté 74,6% (8591/11518) des cas, et suivie du Nord-Kivu et du Kongo-Central avec 10,1% (1162/11518) et 4,6% (535/11518) des cas, respectivement (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 194667,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Engagement with and support to local organisations is key to ensuring delivery of the humanitarian response, with due acknowledgment of the limited mobility and access constraints facing international actors, due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, the locust infestation and the impact of flooding." 244230,47682.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"According to the local press, universities in N’Djamena are experiencing difficulty in upholding barrier measures among students: only two out of 10 students comply with them." 393178,62158.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above charts 8.2 shows that 30 of the vulnerable groups mentioned Cultural acceptability and societal reliefs as some of the problems faced by the community in accessing basic services during COVID 19 outbreak, 39 said physical, financial, procedures, social and information accessibility, 64 said availability in terms of existence of services, sufficient in terms of quality and type, 31 said quality in terms of adequate supplies, skilled staff and services points are some of the problems faced by the communities in accessing basic services during COVID 19 outbreak." 173879,41033.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,92,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, BAY states]The impact of the pandemic and of restrictions enforced to curtail the spread of the virus in the BAY states, especially in overcrowded areas such as congested IDP camps and host communities, are exacerbating vulnerabilities. Aid actors have raised concerns over rising food insecurity, malnutrition and protection risks. Urgent assistance is required and adequate resources will be essential in coming months to cushion the impact of the pandemic on the 10.6 million people in need of humanitarian assistance." 406304,63610.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19082021_alerta_de_situacion_por_desastre_natural_en_bajo_cauca_antioquia._rv2.pdf,Se requiere brindar kits de aseo con enfoque diferencial para garantizar el acceso de mujeres y niñas a elementos de higiene para su uso personal. 234877,47044.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=217045,"[9th January 2021, Overall Syria] In a statement on Saturday evening, the Ministry said that the total number of Coronavirus cases in the country up till now reached 12274, of which 5953 cases recovered and 768 passed away." 318930,54628.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both male and female participants said they are currently living in temporary settings. They said they initially found shelter with neighbours. However, the participants said there is not enough space for their families to live in these temporary settings and it is difficult to share space. Female participants said they feel unsafe sleeping in temporary shelters at night." 347881,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,95,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Maximum of importance should be given to encourage partners engagement in promotion handwashing after cleaning children bottom, before breastfeeding and before feeding a child. Handwashing should be intended as handwashing with soap and clean water (drinking water quality is not needed for hand washing). Hand washing with ash, despite being a valuable substitute of soap, is not recommended in this contest as soap is regularly distributed. Handwashing with soil is not recommended and should not be promoted." 390756,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,113,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Climate change, deforestation, watershed degradation, land use, urbanization and widespread settlements into floodprone areas have exacerbated issues and impacts from flooding and droughts and have also increased the risk of wildfires. Fires in Nigeria generally emanate from human activities and serve as a land clearing approach for agricultural purposes, disposal of waste, pasture management, animal tracking and hunting. The majority of damaging fires are observed from January onwards, due to high temperature (above 35°C) and also influenced by the hot and dry harmattan winds flowing from North to South between December and March.4" 86578,23946.0,1621.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography']",en,33,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/three-children-killed-others-injured-artillery-shelling-haftars-forces-southern-tripoli,"Eyewitnesses confirmed Tuesday morning that random shells fell on different areas like Salah Al-Deen and Al-Hadba, leading to material damages to cars and houses as well as massacring the three children." 328050,55074.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Suivi des contacts  Cumul personnes contacts listées depuis le 09 mars 2020 : 25568  Contacts confirmés COVID-19 depuis le début : 4 814/ 13 064 (36,84%)  Cumul de contacts sortis après 14 jours de suivis : 25 240  Nombre de contacts à suivre : 700  Nombre de contacts vus : 661 (94,42%)  Nombre de contacts non vus : 39  Nombre de contacts restant : 328" 113099,29959.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Se realiza la focalización de familias en riesgo de desalojo para la entrega de transferencias monetarias en los municipios de Ipiales y Tumaco. 339364,55942.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/bogota/la-campana-que-busca-eliminar-los-prejuicios-contra-las-venezolanas-article/,"Para nadie es un secreto que las condiciones de los venezolanos no son fáciles en la ciudad, no solamente por las condiciones legales de su permanencia sino además por las opciones laborales con las que cuentan." 356622,58359.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,126,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Conforme a los estándares internacionales de derechos humanos, las armas letales solo pueden emplearse cuando resulte estrictamente necesario para abordar un riesgo inminente para la vida o la integridad física. El uso de armas letales para dispersar reuniones o manifestaciones es siempre ilícito. Conforme al derecho colombiano, la policía puede usar armas de fuego en defensa propia o para proteger a personas de un “peligro inminente de muerte o lesiones graves, o con el propósito de evitar la comisión de un delito particularmente grave que entrañe una seria amenaza para la vida”. La Policía colombiana indicó a Human Rights Watch que la policía regular y los miembros del ESMAD no han usado armas letales durante las manifestaciones." 187956,43256.0,2334.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",en,28,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,The inter-relation between COVID-19 and the environment is not well known. The only certainty is the negative impact of pollution on the severity of the disease. 145409,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Tartous and Lattakia ports remain operational, with precautionary measures which have slowed down operations, including mandatory sterilization procedures, and minimum staff." 298958,51152.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"• Physical access challenges including flooded airstrips, damaged roads and bridges delayed delivery of food security and livelihood response." 156614,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"WHO has supported Ukhia Upazilla Heath Complex with equipment for screening and diagnosis of Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) (including Digital blood pressure machine, weight machine, height scale, stethoscope, glucometer). The equipment will also benefit 17 community clinics and four union subcenters, in addition to the UHC." 166387,39992.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:q54CBLzNy3AJ:https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syria-coronavirus-outbreak-doctors/2020/09/24/95d9323a-fcea-11ea-b0e4-350e4e60cc91_story.html+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=jo,"A spokesperson for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said that there have been 42 positive tests among the 8,185 U.N. employees and their dependents in Syria and that “just over 200 staff and dependents have reported symptoms of covid-19, and have self-isolated under medical guidance until they completed the quarantine period." 206797,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Reports from the field indicate that young boys, but also young girls, have joined non-state armed groups, some in search of revenge or livelihoods, while others have been abducted and forcibly recruited." 113107,29959.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Sigue la respuesta a través de transferencias monetarias multipropósito a aquellas familias con dificultades para generar ingresos 310570,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Of 7.6m people targeted, 6.1m people were reached that is 80% of target." 393147,62158.0,2170.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,42,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the community believed the elderly withing the age of 50 years above and people with preexisting medical conditions are the most at risk of being infected with COVID 19 in the community." 187552,38355.0,1184.0,['Health'],[],[],en,59,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in the health sys- tem and responding to the crisis has exacerbated the challenges it faces in delivering essential health and nutrition services. UNICEF Ecuador is concerned that the interruption of services including maternity, child health, and vaccination programmes, among others, will affect the healthy growth of children." 131832,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Entre los grupos en situaciones vulnerables (particularmente mujeres embarazadas, niños y niñas menores de cinco años, personas que viven con VIH/SIDA y planificación familiar para mujeres en edad fértil) que tienen acceso temporal o limitado a los servicios de salud en el sistema nacional de salud, sólo los titulares de un documento de identidad extranjero tienen acceso al sistema público de salud – esto aplica al 10 por ciento de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en el Perú." 223571,45273.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,The severe economic consequences of the virus globally also carries further risks for a country like Afghanistan whose economy is almost completely donor-dependent. 85595,20173.0,1233.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",[],[],es,49,[],[],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,https://www.dw.com/es/migraci%C3%B3n-venezolana-en-aruba-estamos-a-punto-de-oprimir-el-bot%C3%B3n-rojo/a-51039637,"¿Problemas? ""Sí. En la construcción de viviendas, por ejemplo. Somos una isla, estamos rodeados de agua, no podemos sacar más terrenos. Tenemos un solo centro médico, no podemos asegurar el cuidado médico de más población”, responde Besaril." 356626,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Human Rights Watch documentó casos de siete personas heridas y tres fallecidas, al parecer como resultado del impacto de cartuchos de gases lacrimógenos." 297279,51172.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"In Hilmand province, fighting between Afghan National Security Forces(ANSF) and an non-state armed group(NSAG) intensified with airstrikes reported in Nahr-e-Saraj and Nawa-e-Barakzaiy districts. According to initial report, approximately 2,100 people were displaced to Lashkargah city from insecure districts across Hilmand province. The needs of newly displaced people are being assessed by interagency assessment teams in Lashkargah district." 280021,50901.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] % of 0-5 years old who have received polio vaccinations is 98% and there is presence of health services within the camp." 272803,50353.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to make the delivery of live-saving assistance challenging due to the importance of respecting distancing guidelines .The restrictions on public gatherings in particular, made it difficult for partners to reach their targets, especially those carrying out distributions and sensitization activities." 359453,58464.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,18,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] 83% of households reported to receive insufficient income from livestock." 163901,39668.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=203669,Health Ministry announced on Saturday that 34 new Coronavirus cases were registered in the country and 14 cases have recovered while 2 ones have passed away. 338659,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,83,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"De acuerdo con cifras de Migración Colombia, al 31 de diciembre de 2020 en Antioquia hay 156.163 personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas, lo que representa el 9% del total de esta población en Colombia, siendo el cuarto departamento con mayor concentración en el país, de los cuales 68.836 se encuentran de manera regular y los 89.113 restantes son irregulares. Estas personas ingresan a las dinámicas de violencia armada propias del departamento, con sus respectivos riesgos." 385630,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,45,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Cette situation humanitaire limite et contraint certains acteurs à suspendre leurs activités. Dans la région du Sahel, la situation humanitaire de la province du Yagha se dégrade significativement depuis le début de l’année avec une forte augmentation des besoins humanitaires." 165510,39645.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three coping strategies to remain in good health and compensate for a lack of good facilities nearby (286 responses)†1 Prayers (64%) 2 Isolate within shelter (47%) 3 Cutting down on other household necessities to buy medicine (34%) 172420,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"De même, les restrictions de mouvements et les mesures de confinement réduisent la possibilité des populations à se rendre dans des structures de santé." 328667,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 31% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest education facility while 34% and 13% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest education facility respectively. Only 1% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes 1-3 hours and more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest education facility. 304751,50889.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Asylum-seekers are received and assisted by COR [Sudanese Commissioner of Refugees] at the Sudanese border where they are temporarily housed in reception centres before being transferred to the Shagarab camps where they undergo health and nutrition screening, registration and are able to initiate Refugee Status Determination (RSD) procedures." 340760,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,145,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Descripción de la buena práctica: Del esfuerzo de las autoridades Awá, mayores, consejeros, madres y padres, docentes, niños, niñas y adolescentes del pueblo ɨnkal Awá por desarrollar el PEC ɨnkal Awá UNIPA (Riveros y Marroquín, 2020), surgió de la necesidad de contar con una etnoeducación que respondiera a las demandas y características de los estudiantes, dando continuidad a los conocimientos y valores del pueblo Awa, para mantener su identidad y garantizar su pervivencia. Se asume que la educación propia abarca todo el ciclo de vida del ser humano, por lo que va más allá de la escolaridad. Desde esta perspectiva se han desarrollado lineamientos educativos para una formación integral de los educandos, permitiendo que adquieran las habilidades necesarias para desenvolverse en su medio y en diversos contextos." 682,156.0,321.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The proportion of households reporting ‘irregular access’ to electricity at the time of the assessment was highest in Ghat (96.8%), Misrata (94.4%) and Derna city (93.9%) while it was lowest (although still reported by a majority of households) in Benghazi (50.5%)" 64735,18975.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,47,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/musicos-venezolanos-hacen-parte-de-orquestas-en-colombia/1514,"Para los migrantes venezolanos, el primer concierto de la recién fundada Orquesta Sinfónica de la Juventud es una oportunidad de reconectarse con la melodía que dejaron al escapar de un país en crisis. Para los colombianos, una ocasión para aprender de músicos fogueados." 587,156.0,321.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,72,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The main sources of food were predominantly purchasing on markets with cash (95.3% of households) followed by purchasing on credit (25.4%), as Libya remains a heavily cash-based economy. 2 IDP households were also reportedly more reliant on external assistance - 19.5% of households indicated food assistance as a main source of food, highlighting a higher vulnerability and dependency on external support." 131843,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Trabajar estrechamente con el Ministerio de Salud permitirá al Sector de Salud del GTRM coordinar hacia un acceso más fuerte y más efectivo en la atención de salud básica para refugiados y migrantes, y reforzar la promoción con las entidades relevantes de salud, es decir, SIS y SUSALUD. Además, el Sector Salud coordinará con el Grupo de Trabajo de Comunicaciones del GTRM para más campañas de sensibilización y difusión mejoradas en línea con las oficinas de comunicación institucionales y con los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela." 54294,17002.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,47,[],"['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.extra.ec/actualidad/venezolana-apunalamiento-vendedordeagua-guayaquil-GX3044668,"Lo apuñaló porque comentó que losvenezolanosson chantajistas y solo piden dinero. Una joven de 19 años de nacionalidad venezolana, que responde a los nombres deDariannaAnyemarPazReyes, hirió con un puñal a un vendedor de agua por unos comentarios que habría realizado el comerciante informal." 241773,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] One patient in the Daraa National Hospital said that she is worried about contracting the virus in light of this “recklessness” and lack of safety measures. She also fears that her mother, a heart disease patient, may get infected with the virus." 241772,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] Neither the residents of Daraa nor the medical staff within the hospital follow precautionary measures to prevent coronavirus spread. Enab Baladimonitored the opinions of several patients who unanimously agreed that health workers do not fully adhere to wearing medical face masks. Besides, patients’ wards, especially toilets, are not being sterilized." 276267,50677.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Le 30 juillet, le CICR [Comité Internationale de la Croix Rouge] a apporté une aide alimentaire familiale (50kg de riz et / 5l d’huile) à 416 familles (2 496 personnes) déplacées à Tilde dans le département du Logone et Chari." 82596,22770.0,729.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Disruptions to the electrical grid had become much more frequent, with daily power cuts lasting for long periods of time. Official sources from the General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL) stated that the grid had been damaged by conflict and was close to collapse, which had led to multiple blackouts affecting most of west and south Libya." 116966,32230.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,105,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://efectococuyo.com/venezuela-migrante/ligia-bolivar-acnur-niega-base-legal-para-que-venezolanos-reciban-proteccion-como-refugiados/,"Para Ligia Bolívar, socióloga e investigadora del Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Ucab), esta calificación es inexistente en el derecho internacional y no amplía derechos sino los quita. “Con esta barbaridad están negando la base legal que ellos mismos (Acnur) dieron en 2018 para que se reconociera a los venezolanos como refugiados, de acuerdo con la Declaración de Cartagena, y lo están haciendo por presión de la OIM (Organización Internacional de Migraciones). Esto en el fondo es un tema político y de recursos”, cuestiona." 58257,17094.0,1187.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,208,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"La Comisión Episcopal de la Pastoral para migrantes e itinerantes (CEMI) se aboca a promover y garantizar la dignidad y los derechos humanos de las personas en situación de movilidad humana, de modo de contribuir a su inserción y participación en el tejido social argentino. Para quienes se acercan por motivos laborales, la institución analiza el perfil de la persona y ofrece asesoramiento en el armado del CV, acceso a bolsas de trabajo, páginas web de búsqueda laboral y orientación para que se familiaricen con la estructura y la dinámica del mercado ocupacional en el Área Metropolitana. En ocasiones, envían los CVs a la cartera de contactos propia de la institución o a búsquedas laborales específicas. Además, les sugieren a quienes consultan que se inscriban en alguno de los cursos de capacitación gratuitos que ofrece el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (electricidad, higiene y seguridad, manipulación de alimentos, etcétera). En la experiencia de la persona entrevistada, estos cursos resultaban útiles “tanto por la formación en sí y las oportunidades laborales que puedan surgir como para que se vayan familiarizando con otros códigos y formas de trabajar." 308946,53619.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nutrition_sector_dashboard_2020_0.pdf,"ACHIVEMENT IN 2020: The nutrition sector partners are grateful to the donors for their support in 2020. This support enabled the sector to surpass its targets for 2020 in most of the indicators, following the scale up of Nutrition response (treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition). This was enabled following the successful call for action on integrated famine prevention undertaken by the global nutrition and food security clusters with the support from UNICEF, WFP and global nutrition partners. This increased the attention of nutrition and food security situation following the October 2018 outcome of the Cadre Harmonise, food and nutrition analysis framework which indicated about 2.45 million people in a combined critical food insecurity situations of crisis and emergency" 347596,56800.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Regarding the seasonality of AWD in Cox’s Bazar, it looks like there’s a peak happening at the end of the dry season, from June to August, and another one from September to November. Specifically, 5 became confirmed by culture - 2 from Ukhiya Host, 1 from Teknaf host and 2 from Refugees." 291665,52152.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,93,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,El 25% de los entrevistados ha afirmado que los ingresos del hogar se han reducido significativamente (entre el 20-50% de sus ingresos) o drásticamente (superior al 50% de sus ingresos) durante los tres meses anteriores. La reducción de ingresos drástica o significativa (mayor del 20% comparando con el año pasado) es más marcada entre los hogares agrícolas (incluso los trabajadores): esta asociación (estadísticamente representativa) sugiere una mayor afectación de los hogares que están desarrollando esta actividad. 276142,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Au total, les hommes représentent 61% des survivants des abus des droits humains et les femmes 23%. Par ailleurs, sur l’ensemble de la population, 16% des survivants sont des enfants. Les membres des forces de l’ordre constituent 17% des présumés auteurs des incidents de protection." 215789,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Across all areas only a very small proportion of households reported having cereal stocks from their own production that would last till the next harvest. These vulnerable conditions are further aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has seen a surge in food prices." 221672,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In addition, the United Nations and its partners continue to support the Federal Government of Somalia to deliver urgent assistance to persons who have been displaced or otherwise affected by floods." 189660,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Environs 761 000 personnes sont en déplacement au Tchad dont 468 047 réfugiés, 170 803 déplacés internes et 116 707 retournés nécessitant l´assistance humanitaire multisectorielle et des solutions durables pour leur intégration socio-économique." 305029,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,27,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Renewed inter-tribal violence in areas of Birao locality in north-eastern CAR continue to force people to flee their homes and seek safety in Darfur, Sudan." 192218,42050.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Mairi-Mashamari-Maimusari-ward-Jere-LGA_July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Jere LGA, Borno state] KIs from 22 settlements reported that approximately half or more residents did not have enough food to meet the needs of their household in the 30 days prior to data collection." 303998,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Many out-of-camp settlements are in remote and underdeveloped areas, where resources, infrastructure and basic services are extremely limited. Some 30 per cent of refugees in Sudan live in one of 21 camps, and over half of those living in camps were born there." 226922,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,Governments and donors must significantly increase and maintain funding for child protection programming and child protection systems to prevent long-term irreversible consequences for children as a result of both COVID-19 and pre-existing risks. 475463,64944.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"En qui concerne les types de VBG rencontrés, il s’agit d’un (01) cas de viol sur mineure, de 02 cas d’agression physique, de 05 cas de mariage forcé, de 03 cas d’agression sexuelle, 02 cas de violence psychologique et d’un (01) cas de déni de ressources ou services." 150480,38003.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200817-syria-issues-new-travel-regulations-during-covid-19/,The ministry’s regulations stipulate that travellers coming from Lebanon should present test results confirming that they are free of coronavirus and that the test must be taken less than 96 hours before their time of arrival from an accredited Lebanese lab. 147688,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To date, WHO has delivered more than 2.5 million PPE items, including surgical masks, gloves, reusable heavy-duty aprons, gowns, headcovers, alcohol hand-rubs, medical masks, goggles and coveralls, and alcohol hand-rubs. Shipments of PPE and sterilization items have also been dispatched to Qamishli National Hospital, the DoH in Al-Hasakeh, and in Deir-Ez-Zor" 190973,42037.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state]KIs from all 17 assessed settlements reported that most residents’ knowledge of COVID-19 was sufficient to protect themselves and their families from the virus." 399685,62971.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,113,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Four health facilities impacted by the rains remained closed, and there are reports of fully/partially damaged facilities across the camps as well as facilities difficult to access/contaminated due to floods and poor road access including 10 e-voucher outlets, 11 water networks, 1,300 latrines, 414 bathing cubicles, 425 tube wells, 84 tap stands, 14 faecal sludge management sites, 5 nutrition facilities, 342 learning facilities, the women’s market and multipurpose women’s centres across the camps. Mapping of damaged facilities is ongoing and numbers of affected facilities is expected to increase." 491753,67948.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69611/petroleum-minister-arab-gas-pipeline-ready-syria-gets-quantities-of-egyptian-gas.html,"[13 September 2021, GoS] Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Bassam Touma, affirmed that the Arab gas pipeline is ready inside Syria to transport Egyptian gas to Lebanon, and Syria will get quantities of gas in exchange for the pipeline passing through Syrian territories upon the signed agreements." 272046,50380.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,73,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.udea.edu.co/wps/portal/udea/web/inicio/udea-noticias/udea-noticia/!ut/p/z0/fY-9DsIwDIRfhaVjlPSHFMaKAQkxMCDUZkGmCWBo4zYNFY9PAwNiYbF8p893Mle85MrCiBfwSBaaSVdKHhfLVRIXmdgKmUlRyF02z5N1uj8IvuHqPzAl4K3vVcFVTdabp-dlR85D89AGIgHDr7pSaz57mDNLHmuEIRLva4uaAvW1O-OQNNYETQsteOMCOqJm8ZJBTc5BA2yihvAQG0IT66BlRuciZWdzSkQS8-6uqhfoBSiZ/,"Afectaciones en la salud mental Médicos y enfermeras, entre otros servidores de salud que están en la primera línea, «experimentan a diario el miedo al contagio, la incógnita de cómo responderá su cuerpo si contraen el virus y, además, cargan con la responsabilidad de no exponer a sus familiares y otros pacientes», explicó la psicóloga clínica de la Universidad de Antioquia, Johana Londoño." 22020,8963.0,786.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,56,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-47166680?ocid=global_bbccom_email_08022019_top+news+stories,"The first lorries with US humanitarian aid for Venezuela have arrived in the Colombian border city of Cúcuta. The vehicles are currently parked near the Tienditas bridge, which remains blocked by Venezuelan troops. President Nicolás Maduro, who has the support of the army, has rejected letting it into the country." 194686,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"agencies and partners have ensured the continuity of critical interventions in the 2020 HRP using modified modalities, leading to adjustments in programmes, presence and activities." 390727,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Estas diferencias pueden deberse a diversas barreras tales como el idioma, la inexistencia de redes de contactos o la invalidez de los títulos profesionales o académicos para ejercer la profesión. Esta última ha sido identificada como una de las principales por la literatura nacional (Bravo & Urzúa, 2018; Comisión Nacional de Productividad, 2018)." 390770,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,72,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"7. Se observa también un proceso de especialización en ocupaciones de tipo manual (vs las de comunicación) por parte de aquellos migrantes que hablan otro idioma ya que las habilidades de comunicación no son tan fácilmente transferibles. Esto también diluye la competencia entre migrantes y locales debido al bajo grado de sustitución entre estos dos tipos de tareas, reduciendo el impacto negativo sobre empleo y salarios." 204741,44631.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202020%20-%202021.pdf,"Although the implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS) has been slow, the peace deal creates some room for cautious optimism about an end to the conflict and violence, and over 500,000 people have returned to their homes since its signing." 200574,44388.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Minsalud-explica-proceso-para-adquisicion-de-vacuna-contra-covid-19.aspx,"El Gobierno Nacional ha apoyado la iniciativa del Congreso para una ley específica de vacunas contra el covid-19, en la cual se prevén mecanismos para la definición de este biológico como de interés general y, adicionalmente, mecanismos para fortalecer las garantías y las inversiones de riesgo que sean necesarias." 157571,38422.0,2098.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,72,['Priority Needs'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/30072020_BDRCS_SitRep4_Flood2020.pdf,"Although the flood situation at northern region remains relatively unchanged, but many areas in the central region of the country getting severely affected by water flowing towards downstream partnered by consistent weeklong heavy rainfall. The highest rainfall recorded 180 mm at Lallakhal water station in last 24 hours. An acute shortage of drinking water, food and toilet facilities have been reported as immediate needs by different study." 137451,35305.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The Socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, notably in food security and livelihoods, are likely to exacerbate existing substantial humanitarian needs across the country. On 17 June, the U.S. Caesar sanctions went into effect and throughout the month the informal SYP/USD exchange rate has experienced extreme volatility, at one point rising to the highest rate on record – approximately SYP 3,200 to $USD 1 on 8 June. The cost of the survival minimum expenditure basket (SMEB) has increased by 68 percent." 359920,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,153,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Male domination is deeply rooted in the mindset of parents and the wider community in the research areas, with parents of the view that their sons will take care of them into their old age, and as such should be given opportunities for education and learning to support them to find a well-paid job in the future. Girls on the other hand are perceived as weak (physically and in their decision making) and in need of protection, and more suited to managing the household. Therefore, investing in girls' education is not considered to be very important. Thus, discrimination between boys and girls begins right from the start when the baby is in the womb and continues throughout life in the way parents take care of a child, provide food and education." 186616,43272.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"On October 3, 2019, U.S. Ambassador Thomas J. Hushek redeclared a disaster in South Sudan for FY 2020 due to ongoing conflict, population displacement, restricted humanitarian access, and disruption of cultivation activities, markets, and trade, all of which have significantly exacerbated food insecurity and humanitarian needs." 209111,44852.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,29,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/nigeria-records-highest-daily-virus-cases-since-august/2065674,"[4th Dec 2020, Nigeria]With latest additions, the total number of cases in the country reached 68,303, according to Premium Times online newspaper." 290714,51796.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"Las mujeres están encontrando también limitaciones en el acceso a los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva, con riesgos claros sobre el aumento de la mortalidad materna. En América Latina y el Caribe, se estima que 18 millones de mujeres adicionales perderán su acceso a anticonceptivos modernos, dado el contexto actual generado por la pandemia de COVID-19, tal y como advierte la Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres OEA-CIM. Un impacto sobre la salud sexual y reproductiva que ya habíamos analizado en anteriores brotes epidémicos como los del ébola o el zika." 164466,37613.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Centro%20de%20Atenci%C3%B3n%20Integral%20Maicao%20-%20junio%2C%202020.pdf,ACNUR apoyó la construcción del Centro de Atención Integral en Maicao por la solicitud del gobierno Colombiano. 186643,43272.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,11,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,6.5 MILLION Estimated Acutely Food Insecure Population IPC – Feb. 2020 342240,56647.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],fr,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF_note_presse_volcano_Goma_230521.pdf,"Goma, 23 mai 2021 - L'UNICEF a signalé que plus de 150 enfants ont été séparés de leurs familles et que l'on craint que plus de 170 d’autres ne soient disparus alors que les gens ont fui la ville de Goma, dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo, suite à l'éruption du Mont Nyiragongo la nuit dernière." 486276,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Urban (top 3 shelter types): Nearly all households in urban areas live in finished or unfinished houses or apartments (83 percent and 14 percent, respectively); only 2 percent live in tents." 145462,36039.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Multi-sectoral support included temperature checks at crossing points, IPC measures such as sterilization of accommodation and examination centers and the provision of PPE to teachers, invigilators and observers; as well as the provision of meals, NFIs and dignity kits." 223799,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,51,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les mesures de confinement, les licenciements et les restric�ons de mouvement ont été cités comme les principales explica�ons à l'augmenta�on des grossesses, car ils signifient que les hommes et les femmes passent beaucoup de temps ensemble à la maison, ce qui entraîne une augmenta�on de l'ac�vité sexuelle." 261512,49211.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,16,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"Además de lo anterior, el 80% de la población no tiene pozo séptico." 272048,50380.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,92,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.udea.edu.co/wps/portal/udea/web/inicio/udea-noticias/udea-noticia/!ut/p/z0/fY-9DsIwDIRfhaVjlPSHFMaKAQkxMCDUZkGmCWBo4zYNFY9PAwNiYbF8p893Mle85MrCiBfwSBaaSVdKHhfLVRIXmdgKmUlRyF02z5N1uj8IvuHqPzAl4K3vVcFVTdabp-dlR85D89AGIgHDr7pSaz57mDNLHmuEIRLva4uaAvW1O-OQNNYETQsteOMCOqJm8ZJBTc5BA2yihvAQG0IT66BlRuciZWdzSkQS8-6uqhfoBSiZ/,"Los médicos y quienes los asisten tienen que seguir dando respuestas a los pacientes y sus familiares, en muchos casos dejando atrás sus propias emociones, sentimientos y afectos, dijo Londoño. Ello se ve reflejado, por ejemplo, en experiencias como las del intensivista Hernando Luis Castillo, que a pesar de sentir los rigores de la ansiedad, solo tiene vida laboral: «De la casa al trabajo y del trabajo a la casa. No hay ningún otro tipo de escenario», manifestó." 326837,48409.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,137,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/humanitarian-situation-overview-syria-hsos-northeast-syria-december-2020,"(NES, December 2020) COVID-19 continues to negatively impact the health and economic situationin NES. As of 6 December, 7,256 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in NES.c In 91% of communities, livelihoods sectors were reportedly affected by the pandemic, with manufacturing the most commonly impacted. Furthermore, the pandemic prompted markets to reduce opening hours and days in nearly 70% of communities. Access to education was also disrupted; schools were not functioning in nearly 70% of communities, mostly due to local regulations. Online education was available in only one assessed community. Despite the risk posed by the virus, soap was unaffordable in 75% of communities. Health facilities in about a third of communities lacked sufficient equipment and medicines" 308231,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of cooking oil in Mazar-e-sharif was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020 17476,5431.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,WHO continues to strengthen the capacity of the health system to conduct mass casualty management and health response in Hudaydah through the prepositioning of trauma kits in hospitals and health facilities. Mobile teams are also being supported to ensure that health assistance is provided to people who cannot travel to medical facilities. 207327,43256.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,111,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The main sanitation challenges are the unsanitary situation of latrines, the non-separation of latrines by sex in the sites of displacement of people in the bush, the lack of privacy, the large number of users per latrine, the insecurity in using latrines at night and open defecation. At least 90% of the populations surveyed in the two regions (except for the populations of the Fako, Kupe Manengouba and Ngo Ketunjia Divisions) are confronted with one of these challenges. The most affected divisions are Lebialem, Ndian and Meme in the South West and Boyo and Mezam in the North West." 173886,41033.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,112,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020,Borno]Insecurity along roads is a grave concern for the safety of aid workers and civilians, particularly as non-state armed groups increasingly set up illegal vehicular checkpoints (ICVPs) along main supply routes. In July, a total of 14 ICVP incidents were recorded, mainly in Borno State, up from a five such incidents in June. In August, the trend increased even further with 16 incidents recorded over the month. This concerning trend not only presents risks for aid workers and other civilians of being abducted or killed, but also impedes the delivery of life-saving assistance." 212302,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"A l’instar du mois précédent, les combattants des groupes armés sont les principaux responsables des violations commises dans ces provinces (54%). La majorité des violations et atteintes a de nouveau été enregistrée dans la province du Nord-Kivu (286 violations, soit 51% des violations), suivie notamment de l’Ituri (89 violations), du Tanganyika (67 violations) et du Sud-Kivu (42 violations)." 172843,39110.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,90,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_15_aug_2020_report.pdf,"During the reporting period 01-15 August 2020, Borno, Adamawa & Yobe (BAY) states witnessed an increase in the downpour and subsequent flooding in camps, shelter damage, loss of Non-Food Items (NFIs) and further displacement of families into neighbouring host communities and other families in camps. The CCCM, Shelter & NFI sector rapidly responded by mobilizing 974 shelter kits in response to the 21,094 damaged shelters across both formal and informal camps in Maiduguri and Jere LGA of Borno state." 155084,34182.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los caminantes pueden demorar varias horas y hasta un día para acceder a agua. Mientras que la población asentada tarda menos de 15 minutos en el desplazamiento a la recolección del agua, sin embargo, lo hacen de fuentes no manejadas ni tratadas." 132518,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela recibirán asistencia en los puntos fronterizos para apoyarlos en el acceso a la condición regular o de refugio. Esto incluirá servicios de orientación para personas con necesidades específicas directamente implementados en centros en todo el país, particularmente en Lima. Los socios trabajarán en la identificación de puntos focales de la comunidad para difundir la información importante a los refugiados y migrantes en asistencia legal." 340950,56209.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],fr,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2021/05/11/comite-de-conjoncture-economique-constate-la-hausse-des-reserves-de-change-a-la-banque-centrale-congo/,"Pour le Premier Ministre, il est urgent de diversifier l’économie de la RDC dans le contexte national actuel marqué par la hausse des prix des produits de première nécessité. Son Gouvernement va multiplier les efforts pour mettre fin à l’insuffisance alimentaire." 192322,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,21,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,All signatory parties have agreed to commence cantonment of opposition forces in 25 sites and SSPDF in 10 major barracks. 304383,50889.0,2466.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Both refugees and host communities are dependent on firewood for cooking, housing and lighting, with no alternative cooking fuel or energy sources available on local markers." 272810,50256.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 69% (223) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que des abris avaient été détruits ou partiellement détruits au cours du mois précédent." 272625,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,29,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,L’étude de faisabilité a permis de noter que le mauvais état des infrastructures routières constituait la principale difficulté quand bien même tous les marchés étaient accessibles. 279621,50901.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] In COVID 19 response infrastructure, there is availability of both isolation area and handwashing facilities. Of the 63% of households, in Mahmoudli Camp, reported experiencing difficulties in obtaining hand/body soap; the following issues were reported most frequently: • 45 % said soap is too expensive • 20% said soap is distributed infrequently" 163761,34165.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,30,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"También se siguen presentando afectaciones a infraestructuras comunitarias, reclutamiento, homicidios selectivos, secuestros riesgos y accidentes por minas antipersonal y municiones sin explotar (MAP/MSE). C" 227479,46488.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Tous les IC ont rapporté que l’agriculture de subsistance était l’une des principales activités de subsistance des ménages de la localité évaluée, suivi du travail journalier (11/15) et de l’exploitation minière artisanale (9/15)." 173797,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,64,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, BAY states]Eighty-two per cent of IDPs cited the most-affected state of Borno as their place of origin (up 1% from the last two rounds of assessments). After Borno, Adamawa is the place of origin for the second largest number of IDPs (7%), followed by Yobe at 5 per cent." 271125,50301.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/64163/health-minister-covid-19-vaccine-to-be-given-to-most-vulnerable-health-cadres-as-of-next-week.html,"[26th Feb 2021, Overall Syria] Health Minister Dr. Hassan al-Ghobash, announced on Thursday that the Ministry of Health will start giving coronavirus vaccines to frontline health workers who are treating patients infected with the virus as of next week in different provinces." 310114,53753.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_25_february_2021_final.pdf,"On 13-14 February, a devastating fire led to the explosion of hundreds of fuel tankers at the Islam Qala customs depot in Hirat province, resulting in 17 injuries according to the Government of Afghanistan. All humanitarian workers, including IOM’s field team, were unharmed in the incident. However, the nearby International Organization for Migration (IOM) reception centre facility was partially damaged and assessments are ongoing." 265721,49620.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"En outre, certaines évaluations mettent en évidence un niveau de connaissance des pratiques d’hygiène faible, des infrastructures insuffisantes dans les zones à forte pression démographique et qui ne sont pas toujours adaptées pour couvrir les besoins des populations, notamment vis-à- vis des thématiques de genre et de handicap (Burkina Faso)" 161725,34176.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,39,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"Atención del bienestar de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) que se encuentran alojados en Aldeas Infantiles; Gestión de casos de protección de la infancia; Restablecimiento de contacto entre familiares por medio de llamadas telefónicas" 472853,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,59,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"Doter en kits d’urgence sanitaire et traumatologique, en kits SAM, en matériels médicotechniques (table d’accouchement, concentrateurs d’oxygène, aspirateurs électriques, chariots de soins), en intrants de laboratoire, pour assurer la gratuité des soins de santé aux PDIs au niveau des formations sanitaires et du CHR" 221748,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Although local partners have been more successful in securing access in conflict-affected areas on the basis of their lower security profiles, much more needs to be done to ensure the safe, timely, unimpeded and predictable passage of humanitarian assistance, goods and personnel to affected zones." 10515,2965.0,322.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800409_Humanitarian_Update_Final_1.pdf,"So far in 2018, WFP has received in-kind fuel supplies from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, totaling 716,000 litres. To date, WFP has delivered 302,000 litres to sites identified by WHO and UNICEF for the continuation of key health and wash facilities." 206498,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,21,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Humanitarians should work quickly to support local authorities on resolving outstanding land issues since they are key drivers of conflict. 73334,21154.0,1187.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,48,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"Water, sanitation and hygiene Services will be provided in shelters, orientation spaces and more remote places where refugees and migrants reside through the establishment of laundry and bathing services. This will improve the sanitation conditions of refugees, migrants and members of the host community" 150578,34590.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In addition to the long-term economic impacts of COVID-19 on income rates, lower capacity to secure basic food security at household level has been reported as exchange rate fluctuations have impacted food availability in some areas, with traders closing their shops to avoid losing profits. In other areas more people are unable to afford food, such as in Hasskaeh and Raqqa. In Kobani, Jawadieh the countryside of Hassakeh and in Raqqa FSS partners have reported closures of an estimated 90 percent of food shops, making it very difficult to find food at all." 179497,42080.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=207207,"[23rd October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Friday that 52 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, and that 37 patients have recovered while 4 others have passed away." 492676,67931.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] MEDIAN TRANSPORT FUEL PRICE (High Quality and Manually Refined Diesel and Petrol, 1L): 2,267 SYP One month change: 5% Six months change: 35%" 303531,53037.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"L'aide humanitaire reste limitée en raison d'un financement insuffisant, mais aussi en raison de contraintes d'accès, liées aux fortes pluies des mois précédents qui ont dégradé les routes, empêchant l'accès a d'environ 16 500 PDI à Fotokol (OCHA, décembre 2020)" 171404,40771.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,85,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,"Le rapport formule les recommandations suivantes qui devront être intégrées dans le plan d’action du sous-cluster VBG de la région du Sahel : - Mettre à la disposition des acteurs des outils de collecte et renforcer leurs capacités pour permettre d’avoir un meilleur aperçu de la situation des VBG dans la région. -Renforcer les capacités des membres du sous-cluster VBG de Dori sur les VBG en situation d’urgence, le référencement et la gestion des cas de VBG" 199005,44191.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,70,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/campagne-electorale-2020-au-burkina-le-renlac-fustige-des-actes-de-corruption/,"Comme en témoigne cette journée du lundi 2 novembre où la station OTAM du secteur 3 de la ville de Koudougou était devenue la propriété du Parti d’Eddie Komboïgo qui y distribuait de l’essence à gogo. Pendant ce temps, le bureau UPC de Foungou, village natal de Zéphirin Diabré, offrait du poisson à des fonctionnaires pour dérouler le programme du candidat." 161891,39571.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,34,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/410839-covid-19-could-worsen-tb-cases-by-2021-foundation.html,"One of Nigeria’s major partners in the fight against tuberculosis, KNVC Tuberculosis Foundation, has expressed fears over worsening cases of tuberculosis (TB) due to the COVID-19 pandemic." 489964,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,94,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Impunity and gaps in protection mechanisms expose survivors (and sometimes their families) to further violence and threats. In 2020, none of the patients treated by MSF in Goma asked to receive a medical certificate proving that they had been raped, because the high level of impunity has made them lose confidence in the judicial system. Lack of access to support programmes sometimes leads survivors to ‘normalise’ what happened to them, which is the only coping mechanism available to them after surviving such a traumatic experience" 187618,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Partners have identified the non-availability of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), delays in transporting COVID-19 samples and challenges of enforcing social distance as key challenges in the response." 347915,56800.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Hence, it is clear that for many Rohingya women, the experiences of puberty coincide with the immediate cessation of access to public spaces. Many families reported distress and anxiety over younger, unmarried daughters in their families. Here, it is apparent that menstruation is considered something that makes women vulnerable to possession by djinn who might make them go mad and force them to “do things” that might compromise their honor." 147716,36039.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Since 28 April, repatriation flights for Syrian nationals have progressively arrived, with approximately 2,690 nationals – out of around 10,000 who registered – repatriated from various locations to date. During the reporting period, a second repatriation flight from India arrived, carrying approximately 250 Syrian nationals, who remain in quarantine." 16722,6342.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"As of 24 September, 78,400 households (HHs) have been displaced by the conflict in Al Hudaydah Governorate since June, both within the governorate as well as in areas covered by humanitarian partners based in Sana’a, Ibb and Sa’ada. Some 85,300 displaced HHs in these four hubs have received assistance through the rapid response mechanism (RRM). Overall, 16,550 HHs have been assisted with cash to meet their basic needs while a total of 27,500 HHs have been provided with NFIs and emergency shelter kits." 164228,39644.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,102,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"Nutrition Sector partners trained around 4,599 Rohingya mothers and 612 Rohingya pregnant women on measuring Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) and referring children to the nearest integrated nutrition facilities. In the host community, Nutrition Sector partners reached 11,500 caregivers with COVID-19 awareness messages. Partners also counselled around 1,621 Rohingya and 3,927 Bangladeshi mothers and caregivers on infant and young child feeding practices in emergencies, particularly in the COVID-19 context.Nutrition Sector identified 42 children and 4 pregnant and lactating women with suspected COVID-19 cases at nutrition facilities in the camps and referred them to health facilities." 63101,18663.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,40,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"Solid waste and proliferation of breeding sites have increased population of vectors (mosquitoes, rodents, flies) responsible for the appearance of different disease outbreaks (malaria, dengue, chikungunya, zika, etc.)." 308587,53292.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"WASH assessments for new drilling, rehabilitation of hand pumps, and beneficiaries’ registration for distribution of hygiene kit items are underway across Tonj South County. To fast-track the process, the WASH Cluster is working closely with the Logistics Cluster to pre-position the items in Tonj areas to avoid any delays and ensure safety of delivery and pre-positioning of supplies in critical locations." 356672,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Ampliar significativamente la capacitación sobre control de multitudes que se brinda a policías, incluso para aquellos que no forman parte del ESMAD." 113063,29959.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,• Continúa la atención a la población a través de las líneas de atención y orientación de las organizaciones del GIFMM 272867,50256.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 18% (59) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population ne se sentait pas en sécurité la majorité du temps au cours du mois précédent" 247425,46458.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"At the time of writing, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has reported 10,582 confirmed cases. However with limited testing capacity, true numbers are likely to be far higher." 228619,46627.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,23,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Human Rights Watch notes that due to cultural expectations around housework and other limitations, girls’ education is particularly at risk." 189335,42844.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Solidar-COVID-Andean-ES2020-vv5.pdf,"En Colombia, ONU Mujeres señala que el 77% de la violencia sexual que se denuncia ocurre en la vivienda y normalmente el agresor es una persona cercana." 289540,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,Previously existing resource constraints for Protection have led to relatively low partner presence in four of the six counties. Additional funding will be required to effectively re-establish protection presence in these areas 205913,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,49,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Due to insecurity and population movements, many children have been forced to flee, leaving their homes and villages, sometimes witnesses or victims of violence; involving high levels of stress and, thus, potentially, significant negative consequences for their cognitive and emotional development." 123714,32567.0,1621.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,91,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"At the same time, the worldwide production of goods and services has been drastically reduced because of COVID-19. This has left Libya’s health system extremely vulnerable, since it is heavily dependent on both imported medicines, supplies and equipment, and imported services provided by international medical experts). Internally, the country is facing a perfect storm of vanishing revenues, divided governance, widespread corruption, the near collapse of the health system and other basic services, and the escalating fighting." 436857,64543.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,31,['Priority Interventions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Fortalecer herramientas para el transporte fluvial o apoyo en transporte para movilidad de las vacunas a las zonas rurales, así como apoyo logístico y de personal para este propósito." 302640,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En este campo es clave señalar que presentan una constante rotación en las actividades realizadas, la lucha por la supervivencia los lleva a asumir actividades de diversa índole, y algunas personas entrevistadas afirman que “toca aprovechar las oportunidades”." 237695,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"El 75,8 % (773) de los casos se presentó en las semanas epidemiologias 1, 49, 50, 51 y 52, correspondientes a los meses de enero y diciembre, siendo diciembre el que presenta la frecuencia más alta de lesionados con 406 casos" 166385,39992.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:q54CBLzNy3AJ:https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syria-coronavirus-outbreak-doctors/2020/09/24/95d9323a-fcea-11ea-b0e4-350e4e60cc91_story.html+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=jo,Reusable masks now cost more than two days of salary for average government employees. One Damascus resident recalled in an interview watching a man bending over in the street and picking up a used mask from the ground to reuse. 270273,49936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En las preguntas cualitativas, los niños y niñas enfatizan la necesidad de ser escuchados por parte de los gobernantes y que se respeten sus derechos. En especial, muchos niños y niñas sufren las consecuencias del brote sobre todo en sus necesidades materiales y las de sus familias. En muchos casos manifiestan estar preocupados sobre la situación de las personas que más sufren, los pobres, las personas mayores, los enfermos. También destacan en algunos casos disconformidad con las autoridades y denuncian corrupción." 300688,51152.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"The COVID-19 emergency response depleted WASH core pipeline stocks in the middle of response, resulting in delayed flood response." 142143,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"At the central level, the MoH has announced 23 isolation centres are currently running, with a cumulative capacity of 1,018 beds, including 841 isolation beds, 177 ICU beds, and 149 ventilators." 188199,31146.0,1900.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Aunque la extorsión disminuyó casi un 80 por ciento en el país en marzo de 2020 en comparación con 2019, los informes sugieren que las bandas han amenazado a las empresas de transporte, advirtiendo que los pagos por extorsión se cobrarán con carácter retroactivo después de que se levanten las restricciones de COVID-19." 276239,50677.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,41,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Des évaluations des besoins humanitaires conduites par les ONG et les agences des Nations Unies à partir du 18 août mettent en exergue des besoins urgents en termes d’abris, de protection et de biens de première nécessité." 194923,43603.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,140,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,". CCCM Cluster suspended safety audits, as well as converting trainings and workshops into ‘Communicating with Communities’ activities aimed at spreading COVID-19 awareness CCCM team continued to disseminate information to ensure IDPs are aware of the risks, signs and symptoms and mode of transmissions of COVID-19 and know the appropriate mitigation measure to reduce the risks. Awareness raising sessions were conducted at the information centres, marketplaces or during community meetings, focusing on how to practice social distancing. CCCM partners have reached a total of 881 IDP sites with Risk Communication Awareness session on COVID-19 and Community Engagement (RCCE) activities, with a bulk of these activities conducted in joint collaboration with WASH, Health and local authority stakeholders, ensuring that site focal points and leaders are heavily involved." 173793,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,68,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, North East Nigeria]Reasons for displacement remained unchanged since the last round of assessment conducted in June 2020. The ongoing conflict in north-eastern Nigeria continued to be the main reason for displacement (92% - same as in the lastassessment), followed by communal clashes for 7 per cent of IDPs and natural disasters in 1 per cent of cases." 113083,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,88,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"• Durante la semana se han realizado entregas de kits alimentarios, kits de lavado de manos y kits escolares a población refugiada y migrante en vulnerabilidad en la ciudad de Arauca, así como kits de higiene a la Secretaría de Gobierno departamental para su distribución a la población. 120 nuevas familias han sido vinculadas en los programas de transferencias monetarias y 84 familias han recibido efectivo de emergencia, mientras que 36 nuevas familias recibirán apoyo para el pago del arriendo por 3 meses." 275508,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Une nouvelle réduction des financements pour la région de Diffa ramènerait à la situation humanitaire du début de la crise, il y a sept ans" 158977,39161.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,80,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"The risks of exploitation and abuse are higher than ever, for boys and girls. They face increasing risks of child labor, neglect, sexual abuse, early marriage and teenage pregnancies. There is a heightened risk for girls from lower income families to be forced into early child marriage as their families try to reduce the number of mouths to feed in their homes. This will likely prevent many girls from returning to school." 52093,16699.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,11,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,Ecuador implemented more restrictive policies toward Venezuelans in 2018 and 2019 63978,18967.0,788.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,59,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_FAONigeriasitrep_September%202019.pdf,"Among conflict-affected households in northeastern Nigeria, including IDPs and returnees, the demand for food and livelihood support is still high. The region hosts more than 1.6 million returnees, who are eager to resume their livelihood activities and who face agricultural production challenges owing to a loss of assets and income in the last decade." 199574,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,63,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The seasonal forecast of the National Meteorological Department of South Sudan reported above normal rainfall in 2019. Heavy rains and flooding since June 2019 have affected large areas of South Sudan, leaving the people more vulnerable with increased humanitarian needs. Some 908,000 people in some 30 counties are estimated to have been affected by floods, according to authorities." 163751,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,62,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Actualmente, Colombia reporta un aumento en su capacidad de procesar pruebas hasta llegar a 23.225 pruebas diarias, sin embargo, la tasa de positividad de dichas pruebas ha sido hasta del 30 por ciento, dificultando el rastreo efectivo del desarrollo del contagio y con ello el desarrollo de medidas de contención o disminución del virus en el país." 384788,60456.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,L’insécurité reste croissante au Burkina Faso et les déplacements qui en résultent limitent l’accès humanitaire et surtout l’accès de la population aux services sociaux de base. On rapporte un cumul de 1 816 incidents de janvier à Juin 2021. 294716,52363.0,2311.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"Only 51% of children under 6 months of age are exclusively breastfed. In 46% of households, children under 6 months received some type of bottle feeding. Exclusive breastfeeding reduces as the child grows older: at month 0, nine out of ten children are exclusively breastfed, while at month 5, only four out of ten children continue to be exclusively breastfed." 219193,45748.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The 12 priority counties were identified according to rapid needs assessments conducted; high numbers of flood-affected people and severe food insecurity; recent outbreaks of violence and displacement; destroyed water sources, and health and nutrition facilities; and counties where water levels are forecasted to remain high, leading to potential disease outbreaks." 155092,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Algunas mujeres manifestaron alteraciones de su periodo menstrual que asocian a las pocas prácticas de higiene, así como a la falta de buena alimentación, largas jornadas de caminatas, entre otras condiciones en que se realiza la migración." 221374,45721.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"While cases of COVID-19 have been on a downward trend for several weeks, given testing limitations, it is too early to predict how the pandemic will evolve in the coming months." 85596,20173.0,1233.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,https://www.dw.com/es/migraci%C3%B3n-venezolana-en-aruba-estamos-a-punto-de-oprimir-el-bot%C3%B3n-rojo/a-51039637,"""El primer flujo migratorio de la gente más preparada lo han recibido los países vecinos, muy en especial, Colombia, Panamá, Miami, y Nueva York y Texas en EE. UU. A nosotros nos ha tocado la segunda fase: estamos ante gente desesperada –no necesariamente no preparada- que pide ayuda a gritos. Y hasta ahora los hemos acogido, pero estamos llegando a un punto en que no podemos más”, apunta." 413196,63670.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20210820-rdc-150-d%C3%A9tenus-morts-en-6-mois-l-acaj-s-insurge-contre-les-conditions-de-vie-carc%C3%A9rale,"L’Acaj s’inquiète en particulier des conditions de détention des femmes. Elles sont actuellement 186 à être détenues à Makala. Quatre d’entre elles sont accompagnées de leurs nourrissons. L’Acaj en appelle aux autorités. La surpopulation carcérale, les cellules vétustes et l’absence des installations sanitaires devraient, estime l’association, inciter le gouvernement à construire des nouvelles prisons aux standards internationaux afin de désengorger les anciennes." 186819,41402.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,271,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"In mid-May, among other loans, the Inter-American Development Bank extended Ecuador US $94 million to help keep micro -and small enterprises afloat and maintain employment.155 Due to congressional opposition, the executive finally eliminated both the solidarity taxes and the establishment of the humanitarian assistance fund from the so-called Humanitarian Assistance Accord, to get it approved. Congress voted on a revised version on May 15th, right before the deadline, with 74 votes in favor and 59 votes against.156 The revised version allowed for flexibilization of labor contracts, including salary and work hour reductions, even below minimum wage, and the creation of more flexible temporary emergency labor contracts. At the same time, it had less social protection measures, for example, only a 10% discount in electricity payments for the most needy households, and a temporary prohibition of suspension of basic services. Both labor unions and the major indigenous organization, CONAIE, criticized the reform as benefiting employers and hurting workers.157 The next days saw street protests against the reform, despite social distancing measures in effect. Five days later, on May 20th, and under pressure from foreign lenders, the government announced a plan to cut US$ 4 billion from public expenditures, through executive decrees, including one-quarter of this from temporary reductions in work hours and salaries of public sector employees (with some exceptions),158 as well as selling off public enterprises, reductions in investment, and US$ 1.3 billion through restructuring foreign debt.159" 235903,46890.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"The education cluster, with the support of OCHA, is scaling up efforts in advance of the start of the school year to depoliticize education and ensure that all sides in the crisis refrain from using learning as a political tool in the crisis." 358368,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] The proportion of communities where sufficient access to water was reported fell 6% across NES (70.25% in January 2021 vs. 66.19% in May) but the drop was more significant in certain areas. Decreased community access to sufficient water can particularly be seen in Ar-Raqqa governorate (17% decrease). Three sub-districts in particular are experiencing a dramatic decrease in water access (Ain al Arab, Ar-Raqqa, and Sur) whose water is supplied by the Euphrates and surrounding bodies." 347761,56800.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,75,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Some women reported clear boundaries lines such as crossing the road or travelling outside the majhi block in discussions on what demarcated “public space”, which required them to wear veils and carry umbrellas when they go out. Others reported that they only travelled at night to public spaces where they were less likely to be “seen” by male gazes." 125962,31192.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,77,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"Following the decision by the Northern Governors Forum to ban the almajiri system as part of the state governments’ response to mitigating the risks to COVID-19 pandemic, 186 almajiri children (all boys) were relocated to Borno and Yobe states during the reporting period.These relocation movements put the health and protection of children at risk given the ongoing pandemic and highlighted the need to address care and protection for children without parental care." 212990,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"The Ministry of Education is reviewing the existing projects to adjust activities and resources in line with the needs identified in the COVID-19 education response plan. Applications are also being submitted to GPE and other donors to secure additional funding to address the immediate, medium and longer-term recovery." 495134,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,28,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Las diferencias de contexto, socio-culturales , climáticas, étnicas y de costumbres hace mucho más difícil su adaptación e integración en los entornos donde se asientan." 234146,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,128,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] As of 20 December 2020, among the reported cases 26.4% cases were confirmed in people between 31 and 40 years old, 19.3% - in the age group of 21 to 30, 19.3% - 41 to 50 years and 16.0% in the age group between 51 and 60 years old. The highest death rate (31.5%) was reported in the age group of 61 to 70 years old, 30.5% in the older age group of 71 and above and 21.9% in the age group between 51 and 60 years. Male represented 71% and 76% of the of total reported confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths respectively." 173798,40839.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,95,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, North East Nigeria]Once again, the percentage of people who were in need for food remained high. Seventy-six per cent of IDPs cited food as their main unmet need (no change from the last round of assessment). Non-food items (NFIs) were cited as the second highest unfulfilled need by 12 per cent (same as the last round of assessment). Six per cent cited shelter as their main unmet need. The results were consistent with the trend observed in previous assessments" 233375,46495.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,115,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"El acceso a empleo es reportado como la segunda prioridad para la población encuestada con un 24%, y el 48% de las personas mencionó la necesidad de más información acerca del acceso a medios de vida. De hecho, el 85% de la población reportó el trabajo como su fuente de ingreso más relevante, seguido por el apoyo de la comunidad (15%). El 8% de las familias encuestadas reporta no tener ningún miembro con un empleo, y el 98.2% trabaja en el mercado informal. La discriminación juega un rol importante en la búsqueda de un trabajo (9%)." 359785,58464.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Most commonly reported barriers to healthcare access (by % of communities): -86%: Cost of health services -72%: Lack of transportation to health facilities -68%: Cost of transportation to health facilities" 162733,32313.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"El impacto de la pandemia no tiene nacionalidad ni fronteras. Una situación que bien reflejan los migrantes venezolanos que, en los últimos años, se han asentado en Colombia, en la búsqueda de ingresos y una mejor calidad de vida." 58255,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,204,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En 2016, mediante un acuerdo de asociación con ACNUR, la Agencia Adventista de Desarrollo y Recursos Asistenciales (ADRA) puso en marcha el Centro de Apoyo al Refugiado (CAR), que trabaja en articulación con la Comisión Nacional para los Refugiados (CONARE) en la asistencia e integración de la población refugiada y solicitante de asilo. 2 Efectivamente, gran parte de las personas que llegan al CAR lo hacen por derivación directa de la CONARE en los inicios de su solicitud de reconocimiento del estatuto del refugiado. El CAR cuenta con un equipo de trabajo interdisciplinario que evalúa las distintas situaciones que atraviesan las personas y las familias y asiste y acompaña mediante distintos recursos y estrategias. El coordinador del Centro de Apoyo al Refugiado3 indicó que en 2016 recibieron menos de media docena de personas venezolanas, en 2017 atendieron a 21 y entre enero y septiembre de 2018 habían recibido a 79 —en todos los casos se trataba de solicitantes de asilo—. Este incremento de consultas convirtió a la población venezolana en la segunda nacionalidad de atención del CAR y representa aproximadamente el 20% de los casos asistidos. 4" 174623,41382.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=206391,"[14th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Wednesday that 57 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, and that 25 patients have recovered while 3 others have passed away." 237846,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Durante el 2020 se han notificado 179 muertes probables por dengue, de las cuales 55 han sido confirmadas procedentes de: Valle del Cauca, con 12 casos; Huila, con 6 casos, Bolívar, Santander y Tolima, con 4 casos cada uno; Atlántico, Cali, Cesar y Córdoba, con 3 casos cada uno; Cauca, Cundinamarca y Magdalena, con 2 casos cada uno; Caldas, Caquetá, Cartagena, Meta, Norte de Santander, Santa Marta y Sucre, con 1 caso cada uno." 195715,43088.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,36,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/emisora/2020/10/26/cucuta/1603716032_227604.html,"Una dramática situación se está presentando con los caminantes en Venezuela que buscan llegar a la frontera colombiana, al estar expuestos a condiciones precarias y ser objeto de múltiples peligros que amenazan sus vidas." 328675,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 849% and 68% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported no awareness of medical, legal, or psychological services to address incidents of GBV." 210343,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"Accordingly, based on the instructions of His Excellency the President of Afghanistan and mandate of the Ministry of Education, a COVID-19 education response plan was developed to provide strategic direction on the use of existing resources and capacities of the ministry and development partners, and to secure the additional resources needed given the scale of the crisis. GPE contributed US$70,000 to support the plan development." 300835,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In five instances, ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) members occupied humanitarian health facilities, including in Sar-e Pul and Hilmand provinces where they used them as firing positions." 237984,47357.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20Country%20Brief%2C%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Nigeria]The spread of COVID-19 in Nigeria has imposed challenges for WFP food assistance operations, including accessing urban populations in need, and restrictions on movement of WFP and cooperating partner staff, transporters and financial service providers." 205205,44693.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Dans les départements de Tillia et Tahoua (communes rurales de Tebaram et Takanamat), on constate de plus en plus une expansion territoriale des opérations des GANE. En effet les incursions suivies de menaces, d’enlèvements de personnes et de prélèvements de ZAKAT à grande échelle ont été signalées." 290342,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,61,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In Cameroon, the responsibility for the various daily activities - preparing meals, fetching and storing water, taking care of the children's hygiene and household hygiene, taking care of dependent people in the family and community (people in a situation of disability, older or sick people orphans) primarily relies on women and girls." 248261,48236.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"The governor disclosed that as of January 29, Lagos State has recorded 47,871 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 34,094 have recovered in community, while 9,856 are currently active in the community." 203364,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Men, who are overwhelmingly the titled landowners, are affected by the spoliation of their property or by the fact that it has become inaccessible. Women are also heavily affected: The rural sector is mainly driven by women who represent 71.6% in the informal agricultural sector. The men, who were wage earners, gave up their jobs or left the villages because they could not continue their work due to the prevailing insecurity." 111946,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Los niños y sus cuidadores están principalmente rodeados de factores contextuales que lejos de crear un sentido de pertenencia en ellos, motivan el perjuicio, la segregación y la xenofobia. Esto se suma a la extrañeza que algunos niños pueden sentir cuando, por ejemplo, las personas en las calles de Bogotá se detienen y toman fotos de ellos como algo raro o un souvenir." 134170,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Por otra parte, cabe resaltar que, con el fin de fortalecer los esfuerzos de persecución, el Estado Argentino ha firmado acuerdos bilaterales con otros países de la región, como Bolivia, Perú, Paraguay y Colombia." 303484,52890.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Se identifica que en el acceso a derechos, lo que más demandan las personas LGBTI+ al llegar al país es el acceso a la salud, particularmente en el acceso a tratamiento del VIH y el acceso a medicamentos para tratar diversas enfer- medades crónicas." 412200,63914.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Missing'],en,66,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/bangladesh-fleeing-rohingya-die-sea,"[24th August 2021, Bangladesh]Refugees: Only 15 people are known to have survived the August 14 capsize; 11 bodies were recovered and 16 people remain missing. At least 200 refugees attempting to escape dire conditions on Bhasan Char have been arrested since May, although aid workers suspect the actual number is much higher, and the arrests continue." 411067,63506.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ficha_cierre_emergencias_roberto_payan_narino_mire.pdf,"Durante el 2021 se han presentado enfrentamientos por el territorio y hasta la fecha ningún GAO se ha consolidado con la hegemonía en los territorios. Por lo tanto, las continuas y progresivas acciones armadas contra la población que siguen sucediendo, hacen prever que durante el 2021 se presentarán múltiples hechos contra la población, de forma individual y masiva. A fecha 3 de agosto de 2021, los desplazamientos siguen persistiendo y se estiman repercusiones en seguridad alimentaria, protección, agua y saneamiento y en salud de mujeres, hombres, niños, niñas y adolescentes afectados." 297365,51172.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"Some 11,605 returnees, IDPs, and people from host communities were reached with emergency outpatient health services; and 14,069 children were vaccinated to protect them against polio and measles. This week, 16 mobile health teams provided nutrition support to people affected by conflict and natural disasters in Nangarhar and Kunar provinces. Among 4,633 children under five screened, 113 children suffered from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 355 children suffered from moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). The severe cases were admitted to the therapeutic feeding centres for treatment" 206579,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,58,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]Over half of the households (52%) reportedly engage in negative coping strategies to access water. There are clear differences between population groups, with 54% of non-displaced households resorting to negative coping strategies and 29% of displaced households reportedly doing so." 189735,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,41,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Le Tchad dispose des taux de mortalité maternelle et infantile parmi les plus élevés au monde (860 décès pour 100 000 naissances vivantes pour la mortalité maternelle et 72 pour 1 000 naissances vivantes pour la mortalité infantile). 346861,56987.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] However, the 19 May directive puts a complete stop to protection activities in all camps. The lack of a regular protection presence in the camps and the inability to implement protection programming has a negative impact on overall protection and on camp governance and access to justice." 356610,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,118,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El Presidente Duqueha reconocidoque la policía cometió algunos abusos y manifestado que los agentes implicados serían procesados y castigados. En el pasado, Duque ha rechazado otras propuestas de reformas policiales mayores, y ha señalado que su gobierno tiene “tolerancia cero” frente a abusos de la policía. Sin embargo, el sistema disciplinario interno de la Policía, que no es suficientemente independiente, no ha castigado a los agentes responsables por abusos durante protestas en 2019 y 2020, conforme indican datos oficiales obtenidos por Human Rights Watch. La Fiscalía, que adelanta investigaciones penales, tampoco ha logrado avances suficientes en sus investigaciones sobre abusos cometidos durante esas protestas." 572,156.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Economy']",en,105,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"in Derna city, a loose encirclement at the time of assessment already placed constraints of access to services and posed protection concerns. Benghazi appears as a vulnerable location due to the high damage inflicted by recent clashes – with housing and infrastructure greatly affected, and an important explosive contamination remaining while important waves of returns are already ongoing. Other localised geographical vulnerabilities noted during the assessment included a particularly harsh strain on water and electricity infrastructure in the mantika of Tripoli; in addition to the southern assessed mantika of Ghat, where the economic crisis appeared to be exacerbated." 40787,11840.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,92,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-16.pdf,"In contrast, the situation in conflict-affected neighborhoods was different. In Ain Zara, markets were reported to be mostly closed during the assessment period and, thus, residents were unable to buy required food items in their area of residence; some reportedly were able to commute to the center of Tripoli to purchase needed goods. In Khallat al Furjan and Qasr Bin Gashir it was reported that most people were unable to buy necessary items on local markets. Furthermore, significant fuel shortages were reported." 223533,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,There are no health services due to distance and access to Motoronyo village. A total of 4500 displaced persons access health services in Gulmar PHCU at distance of 26 KM/12 hours walks. No EPI activities in the area 203553,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Due to transportation challenges, destruction of facilities and insecurity, IDPs and rural host communities are turning to alternative healthcare in the form of traditional healers. In combination with lack of documentation, loss of income, and reduced numbers of health practitioners, this has led to the use of unqualified or underqualified health practitioners" 307742,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,86,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Funding to run the PHCCs in Gumuruk and Likuangole expires at the end of March. There is no PHCC in Vertet, and currently, patients are referred to the hospital in Pibor Town. A major gap is the lack of support for critical services such as surgical interventions. Mobile health services are needed to ensure that people in hard-to-reach areas have access to critical health services, especially for those in remote areas which are cut off during the rainy season." 195975,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Près de 23341 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 7 ZS." 130799,33838.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,93,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Adicionalmente se han debilitado los sistemas de vigilancia en salud pública de eventos como la morbilidad materna extrema, mortalidad materna, mortalidad perinatal, sífilis gestacional, sífilis congénita, mortalidad por desnutrición y desnutrición aguda en menores de 5 años; puesto que los equipos territoriales han centrado sus esfuerzos en la búsqueda, diagnóstico y seguimiento de los casos por la COVID 19. Siendo posible un incremento en los eventos como morbimortalidad materna, sífilis gestacional y congénita en algunos territorios, principalmente en población con mayor vulnerabilidad." 243454,47668.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"Ennedi-ouest: Additional deportation of 54 people from Libya: On 9 November, 54 people including eight women, two girls and two boys, arrived in the town of Ounianga Kebir, located near the Libyan border. Upon arrival, these individuals were placed in quarantine, in accordance with measures taken by the Chadian authorities to prevent and contain the spread of COVID-19." 193454,43347.0,2335.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,30,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"However, customary practices associated with defecation vary from region to region, with many areas traditionally actively discouraging the use of improved sanitation facilities and promoting open defecation." 394652,61218.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,72,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.gob.cl/noticias/presidente-firma-decreto-que-permite-a-las-fuerzas-armadas-apoyar-el-control-del-trafico-ilicito-de-personas-estamos-comprometidos-con-poner-orden-en-nuestra-casa-proteger-mejor-nuestras-fronteras-y-combatir-la-inmigracion-ilegal/,"Se trata de la modificación del decreto 265 firmado por el Jefe de Estado en 2019, que permite el apoyo de las Fuerzas Armadas en el control de la frontera en materia de narcotráfico y crimen organizado y que, a partir de ahora, amplía su objeto y permite el control del ingreso ilegal por pasos no habilitados en las regiones de Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá y Antofagasta." 156015,37795.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,84,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Equipo%20Local%20de%20Coordinaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Putumayo%20Flash%20Update%20COVID-19%2009%20%281%20al%2020%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"Decreto 0111 del 13 de marzo de 2020: Se declara calamidad pública en el departamento de Putumayo. Decreto 0118 del 19 de marzo de 2020: Se adoptan medidas transitorias preventivas y de contención contra el COVID-19. Decreto 0143 del 8 de abril de 2020: Se decreta toque de queda en todo el departamento entre las 6:00 pm y las 5:00 am de lunes a sábado, y los domingos de 1:00 pm a 5:00 am del día siguiente." 69716,19997.0,1534.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,http://www.tribune242.com/news/2019/oct/18/bpl-spends-16m-equipment-restore-abaco-electricity/?news,BAHAMAS Power and Light has spent just over $1.6m on equipment and materials as teams work to fully restore electricity in Abaco and its cays following Hurricane Dorian. 196173,43590.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,105,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Over the period of 2010 – 2018, there has been a notable increase in deaths and injuries in Kunduz Province (The Johanniter 11/2019). Civilians across Afghanistan are frequently killed or injured as a consequence of military ground operations; however, the primary cause of civilian casualties in Afghanistan remains exposure to mines and IEDs, which accounts for 42% of the overall total (UNAMA 02/2020). These are frequently places in areas with concentrations of civilians and civilian infrastructure; they frequently result in child casualties as well (AOAV 01/04/2020) (UNAMA 02/2020)." 358782,58665.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,57,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/High%2520Frequency%2520Survey%2520Report_Round1_2021_Final_Espa%25C3%25B1ol.pdf,"El 87% de la población encuestada tiene vocación de permanencia en el país en el mediano plazo, mientras que el resto aún no sabe por cuánto tiempo permanecerá en Colombia (9%), planea moverse dentro de Colombia (2%), o viajar a otro país (1%)." 164410,37613.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,52,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Centro%20de%20Atenci%C3%B3n%20Integral%20Maicao%20-%20junio%2C%202020.pdf,"De acuerdo con Migración Colombia, 366,321 venezolanos entraron a Colombia por el departamento de La Guajira desde enero de 2018 hasta junio de 2020. • 158,708 refugiados y migrantes venezolanos viviendo en el departamento de La Guajira, sumando a un número creciente de colombianos retornados y población Wayuú." 113060,29959.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,Sigue la respuesta a través de transferencias monetarias multipropósito a población refugiada y migrante en condición de vulnerabilidad para garantizar el autoaislamiento. 72216,20768.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"La población migrante en Colombia se ha venido desplazando más allá de la zona de frontera, llegando a los principales departamentos y ciudades del país. Migración Colombia, en su reporte del 30 de junio de 2019, advierte la presencia de 1.408.055 venezolanos en el territorio nacional. La mayoría se ubicó en Bogotá (22,3 %), seguido de Cúcuta (7,9 %), Barranquilla (6,4 %), Medellín (5,3 %), Maicao (4,2 %), Riohacha (4 %) y Cali (3,5 %). La llegada de migrantes a las principales ciudades obedece a que la población migrante considera que tiene mayores probabilidades de emplearse y acceder a servicios en estos lugares." 64761,19061.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,99,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"El capitán Alfonso reconoce que sí les han hablado de dejar vivir a los indígenas venezolanos en sus resguardos y bastas tierras, pues en Puerto Carreño hay seis de estos cuya extensión mínima es de unas 5.000 hectáreas,pero dice que es complicado permitirlo al ser una decisión que se debe consultar y considera que hay muchos que ya tienen la cultura desarraigada. Las autoridades del municipio afirman que tras retornar a los indígenas colombianos a sus resguardos se les ayuda con herramientas para trabajar con proyectos productivos, pero estos terminan vendiendo las colaboraciones." 163864,39666.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=203584,"The Ministry said in a statement that the total number of Coronavirus cases registered in Syria has reached3731, of which 918patients have recovered and 168 have passed away." 114712,29972.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/77048,"Barranquillla, la cuarta ciudad más grande en el país, en donde las personas luchan por hacer ingresos diarios en medio de un 54.9% de informalidad laboral, y más de 167.604 venezolanos." 224723,45275.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,Almost the entire population of Afghanistan needs a social safety net with an estimated 14 million people in acute humanitarian need. 496245,68470.0,1187.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],es,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20-%20Cono%20Sur.pdf,"Las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela siguen teniendo necesidades críticas de servicios básicos, en particular alimentos y alojamiento. Para 2021, se prevé que seguirán enfrentándose a dificultades en el acceso a medios de vida y al trabajo decente en el mercado laboral estructurado. Se estima que alrededor del 84 % del total de la población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela proyectada en la subregión del Cono Sur (integrada por Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay y Uruguay) necesitará asistencia en 2021, lo que representa un aumento del 21 % en comparación con 2020." 389648,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Leticia y Florencia tienen tasas de incidencia acumulada superiores al promedio nacional, sin embargo el subregistro de casos y muertes en muchas de estas entidades territoriales desdibuja la magnitud del problema al interior de estos territorios." 496236,68462.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,59,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520July%25202021%2520SouthernCone.pdf,"During July, R4V partners reported 150 refugees and migrants having entered Argentina via La Quiaca (Jujuy), border with Bolivia (over 100 on the first ten days of July), with many of them facing homelessness and serious health risks, as temperatures in the area dropped to –10 °C during the night." 305708,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Lack of school supplies, furniture and textbooks also affect the quality of the education." 81820,22508.0,1387.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,48,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Mexico,2019-08-18 18:54:16.373564+00,https://es.panampost.com/sabrina-martin/2019/10/03/venezolanos-sin-derecho-a-viajar-victimas-de-xenofobia-robos-y-vejaciones/,"Estas son algunas de las Fotos que me llegan de las condiciones en las que mantienen a venezolanos en el Aeropuerto de Cancún, México, donde los dejan por horas desasistidos, para luego deportarlos sin explicación y muchas veces quitándoles algunas de sus pertenencias y dinerop" 224229,45763.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,93,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Dans la plupart des échanges, presque toutes les femmes révèlent vivre la même situation [violences conjugales/domestiques de la part de leurs partenaires intimes ou autres membres (hommes) de la famille], mais à des degrés différents. Cette situation est exacerbée par la présence quasi permanente des hommes à la maison qui, par manque d'occupation et de moyens de subsistance, se livrent à la consommation abusive d'alcool et laissent la prise en charge des enfants aux femmes qui font des travaux temporaires pour les nourrir." 16705,6342.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"Al Hudaydah port and Saleef port, north of the city, remain open and operational. They are critical to the supply of food and other humanitarian assistance to the capital, Sana’a, and other regions in northern Yemen; most commercial food imports are shipped through the ports." 207328,43256.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Around 880,000 people (mostly host communities and IDPs) in the North West and South West need humanitarian assistance for the provision of drinking water, basic sanitation and hygiene because of this crisis." 204737,44631.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202020%20-%202021.pdf,"In August 2019, over half of the population were considered to be facing ‘Crisis’ levels or worse acute food insecurity (IPC Acute Food Security Snapshot, 11 September 2019)." 229676,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Intensifying the operation of the BHI program within the settlement of the IDPs to help in creating awareness. 304245,53037.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,27,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,Le conflit causera surtout une autre année [2021] consécutive de production [agricole] inférieure à la moyenne dans le Nord-ouest et le Sud-ouest. 194267,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"En date du 07/11/2020, 2 329 contacts (incluant 40 nouveaux contacts) étaient en cours de suivi dont 1 562 au Nord-Kivu, 193 à Kinshasa, 179 dans le Haut-Katanga, 122 au Kongo-Central, 74 au Haut-Uélé, 61 dans la Tshopo, 59 au Sud-Kivu, 55 au Bas-Uélé, 14 au Lualaba et 10 au Kasaï-Oriental. Parmi eux, 2 216 contacts (95,1%) ont effectivement été vus au cours des dernières 24 heures." 212305,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"La totalité de ces violations est attribuable à des agents de l’Etat, dont 41% à des agents de la PNC (21 violations), 29%" 270243,49921.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/viviendas-permanecen-seis-meses-vacias-en-el-mercado-549077,"De acuerdo con datos del portal inmobiliario Aptuno, se ha incrementado el tiempo que dura vacante un inmueble en el mercado. En el caso de Bogotá, mientras que antes de la pandemia un apartamento en estratos 4, 5 y 6 duraba vacante 4,5 meses en promedio, la plataforma asegura que ahora puede durar alrededor de 6 meses en promedio disponible." 17125,7092.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,131,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"The RMMS population of concern remains in need of multi-sectoral assistance, due to: the shrinking protection space in Yemen for refugees and asylum-seekers, the rapid economic deterioration with devaluation of the local currency coupled with a deteriorating security situation in areas such as Al Hudaydah and Shabwah where refugees and migrants disembark. In the northern governorates, the continued suspension of registration activities put persons of concern at risk of arrest, detention and forced deportation. In the southern governorates, Somali refugees from other governorates travel to Aden seeking financial support while they await inclusion in the Assisted Spontaneous Return (ASR) programme. This adds pressure on the ASR procedure, which continues to face logistical difficulties such as delayed boat departures." 169224,40258.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Politics'],en,120,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Peru%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"However, the ILO reports a 10.5 per cent fall in the average actual income over the last year and predicts 1.5 million jobs lost by December, while the Central Reserve Bank of Peru predicts a 12.7 per cent GDP contraction for 2020. This increases the risks faced by the most vulnerable, especially women and girls, families living in poverty whose livelihoods have been impacted by the quarantine, indigenous communities with limited access to health services, and migrants and displaced people in overcrowded living conditions with limited local support networks. The harsh economic impact and some discontent with the response have led to two cabinet changes in a context of political turmoil." 261782,49486.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,107,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En La Guajira: En la zona Alta y Media tienen se ve amenazado el acceso al servicio a agua por la llegada de la temporada de sequía, lo cual demanda un proceso de preparación y de respuesta ante los efectos que esta temporada pueda causar en los diferentes territorios, que ponga en peligro el acceso a agua para consumo humano y realizar el correcto lavado de manos. Ante el aumento de casos y la alta ocupación de UCI el sector debe adecuar su respuesta para realizar acciones preventivas con las comunidades que se han visto más afectadas por el contagio del virus." 298946,51152.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Education Cluster will continue advocating with CCCM and ES/Shelter Clusters to provide ES/Shelter materials to enable flood affected displaced populations vacate schools in preparation for the 2021 school season 308688,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,The UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) allocated a further $10 million to enhance the scale-up and meet the needs of the most vulnerable. A package of projects is under discussion with the CERF Secretariat. Sustaining the response through the lean season is vital. 175251,40903.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,139,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3676795,"De Venezuela a Colombia Pero darles a los niños la ayuda que necesitan no es trabajo fácil. Maye y su equipo se enfrentan a las organizaciones criminales y con ayuda de la comunidad logran identificar a las víctimas. “Si ha habido situaciones de amenaza, claro que sí, porque de alguna manera estamos enfrentados a delincuentes. Pero cuando entramos a las comunidades no entramos con miedo y creo que la tranquilidad nos la da la convicción de que estamos haciendo algo bueno”, señala. Maye explica que hay muchas niñas y jóvenes que migran solas desde Venezuela hasta la Guajira y una vez en la calle son alcanzadas por proxenetas y explotadores. Otras, son abducidas por delincuentes en su país y trasladadas a través de la frontera a municipios cercanos" 146590,36058.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-aid-agencies-raise-alarm-over-veto-cross-border-aid,Access through both Bab al-Hawa and Bab al-Salam in the northwest must be re-authorised -- and life-saving cross-border aid into the northeast from Iraq must be also be permitted once again. 164019,34165.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• ONU Mujeres detecta brechas en la respuesta estatal de proyectos de apoyo a la reactivación económica de las mujeres, y se ve necesario incluir las trabajadoras domésticas remuneradas en las medidas de especial protección." 41084,11894.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,81,['Impact'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"• Except in Wadi Rabia, where KIs reported healthcare to be wholly unavailable, KIs in all assessed baladiyas reported that hospitals, primary health centres, and/or private clinics remained operational, as did public clinics in Qasr bin Ghasheer and Al Aziziya and mobile clinics in Al Aziziya and Swani bin Adam. Access to the health facilities in Swani bin Adam and Al Aziziya, however, depended on the intensity of fighting in the area." 168799,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,44,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"May 21_NWS: The resilience of local communities and the health system in the northwest Syria has weakened considerably during the last few months with the relentless military offensive by the Government of Syria and its allies, which began in December 2019." 182317,39591.0,1900.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,105,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200911_Respuesta%20Humanitaria%20COVID19%20HSept%202020%20%282%29.pdf,"El país declaró la emergencia por la COVID-19 el 16 de marzo de 2020. Desde ese momento el país se encuentra con medidas de confinamiento. Esta semana, el Sistema Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos (SINAGER) determinó extender hasta el 13 de septiembre la alerta roja para los 18 departamentos de Honduras como medida de prevención para evitar el contagio de la COVID-19. Se mantienen las regulaciones de circulación de acuerdo al último dígito de tarjeta de identidad para permitir la circulación y el abastecimiento de los ciudadanos bajo el horario de circulación de 6:00 am a 8:00 pm." 301227,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,123,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"20 March 2021, Cox's Bazar − Police arrested three in Chattogram while they were transporting 30,000 yaba tablets in a poultry-carrying van from Cox's Bazar. BD Praditin (Bang.) − India not a dharamshala; information about Rohingyas is being gathered: Haryana minister. Deccan Herald (Eng.) − Information being gathered on Rohingyas in Haryana: Anil Vij. The Hindu (Eng.) − Myanmar junta crackdown triggers Yangon exodus; BBC journalist missing. New Age (Eng.) RAB arrested a Rohingya man with two locally made guns (1 shotgun and 1 single-shot gun) in Muchni in Teknaf. RAB-15 Facebook page , 15 March 2021" 144446,34804.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Just over 12,100 tests have been conducted so far across the country , in six operational laboratories and one testing site." 172429,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,27,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les analyses disponibles font état d’une inflation projetée à 14,1 pour cent fin 2020 contre une prévision initiale de moins de 7 pour cent." 293884,52076.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In South West and North West, people living with HIV who were on ARVs [antiretrovirals] can no longer access drugs when they are in the bush, increasing the risk of contamination." 244827,47945.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] It is estimated that 80 per cent of the population in these sites is comprised of women and children; over 22,000 IDPs are persons with specific needs." 225478,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,46,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Before COVID-19, four decades of conflict had impoverished families to the point that child labour in Afghanistan is part of the livelihood coping strategy for many families, with income from a child’s work considered crucial to survival for thousands of households." 192815,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,The Government’s ability to provide basic services to its people is low and inconsistent across the country. 160568,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Sin embargo, el 30.9 % de los encuestados sí la perciben como un problema en su comunidad. Durante la pandemia del COVID-19 y las medidas de aislamiento preventivo aumentaron los incidentes de VBG." 358479,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Rapid Assessment Findings (by % of 237 KIs in communities affected by water station functionality): Most commonly reported secondary source for drinking water: - 93%: Tanker Trucks - 16%: Surface water - 4%: Protected Wells" 322160,54720.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-97-deaths/68132,"[26 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Recorded number of daily cases put unprecedented pressure on the hospitals and drained the oxygen supply, leading to many preventable deaths." 200558,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,147,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Les difficultés liées à la réintégration sont d’autant plus importantes lorsque la situation familiale au retour est celle d’une décapitalisation. Comme l’explique le Professeur Dime, le déstockage et la décapitalisation impliquent la vente de biens de production de la famille afin de financer le projet migratoire d’une personne du foyer. Au retour, le migrant se retrouve dans une situation de précarité financière accentuée, car il n’a plus accès à son matériel de production, ce qui a des conséquences tant au niveau individuel que familial. Certains choisissent alors de faire des reconversions professionnelles, de se lancer dans d’autres activités, ou tentent de travailler dans d’autres secteurs. D’autres se tournent vers les réseaux de solidarité familiales pour emprunter de l’argent." 47469,16249.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"Protección, en particular contra la violencia, trata de personas, y riesgos relacionados con el género y la edad, así como el acceso a documentación y la regularización de las personas en situación irregular, y el acceso a los procedimientos de asilo" 272638,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"l’utilisation des escortes armée/ militaires en dernier recours et sous des circonstances exceptionnelles, dans des zones bien définies et pour une durée limitée" 229599,46650.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nws_newly_displaced_idps_assessment_23122020.pdf,"[23rd December 2020, NW Syria]There is a distinct lack of, and unreliability, of income sources and a heavy reliance on debt and credit. Alongside this, the deteriorating SYP and COVID-19 context create further instability." 219316,45753.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,sexual violence of both males and females is still perceived to happen within detention facilities. 298855,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The HAG HAG (Humanitarian Access Group) recorded seven bureaucratic impediments in Q4, compared to 21 in Q3, with GOA and ANSF initiating all of them. Four out of seven instances were recorded in the Western Region, in Hirat and Ghor provinces in particular." 333656,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Site : Nima / Zone de responsabilité : Kiskira / Problèmes en Nutrition : Malnutrition / Problèmes en Santé : Faible capacité logistique du centre de santé, Faible pouvoir d’achat des ménages, Accouchements non assistés" 145461,36039.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In the reporting period, sectors provided ongoing support to students sitting national exams, including humanitarian support to students who travelled cross-line to GoS-controlled areas." 326440,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported problems encountered when accessing health services or treatment: Cost of services and/or medicine was too high (54%), Have not tried to access medical services (16%), did not get qualified health staff at the health facility(24%)." 311444,53762.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"UNHCR and CONAREF facilitated the relocation of 1,211 refugees and asylum-seekers from the town of Djibo to Goudoubo refugee camp. These returns come in addition to the 5,250 refugees relocated last December from Dori." 224212,45763.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,67,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"En hygiène et assainissement, la situation est très critique. La défécation à l’air libre est pratiquée dans tous les ménages des villages visités non seulement par manque ou effondrement de latrines et de douches dans les foyers, mais aussi par manque d’espace à cause de la montée des eaux qui ne permet pas de construire des latrines ou douches." 408633,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,93,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"The department of Cauca has one of the highest incidences of monetary poverty in Colombia. In 2020, more than 55% of its population suffered from monetary poverty, and more than 23% suffered from extreme monetary poverty (DANE 29/04/2021). In 2018, 18% of the population of Cauca had unsatisfied basic needs;5 in rural areas, this figure reached 22% (DANE accessed 24/07/2021). In contexts of armed conflict, poverty increases the risk of forced recruitment by armed groups" 187789,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,10,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"527,000 persons are displaced and face significant protection risks." 391116,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,95,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Figure 10 shows the projected change in average daily max-temperature across the seasonal cycle. Temperature thresholds for agriculture and livestock are important as temperature changes, and in particular extreme heat, it can cause damage to plants and affect the health of livestock as well as farm workers. Crops are known to have specific temperature windows for optimal growth and yield. While cold temperatures and frost can affect the early growth, but high temperatures above crop-specific thresholds rapidly reduce the yield." 174468,40839.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria] WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE FACILITIES FOR RETURNEES WASH facilities were provided in 74 per cent of sites where returnees were residing (down 1% since the last round of assessment). No WASH facilities were present in 26 per cent of sites. Hand pumps were the most common WASH facility in areas of returns at 31 per cent (up from 27% in the last round of assessment), followed by communal boreholes at 29 per cent (down from 32%). The next most common WASH facility were communal wells at 11 per cent of sites." 189250,42868.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,14,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,La siguiente parada pretendida más frecuentemente reportada: Bogotá D.C. (22%) 155224,37857.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,103,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Sur l’axe Niangoloko – Badara – Kaouara, 445 voyageurs dont 343 hommes et 102 femmes ont été observés se rendant en Côte d’Ivoire. Parmi ces voyageurs, faisaient partie 37 enfants de moins de 5 ans. Aussi 36 Nigériens, 12 Ivoiriens, 390 Burkinabés, 5 Maliens et 2 Nigérians ont également été observés sur ce point. Sur ce même point, 252 voyageurs (203 hommes et 49 femmes) ont été observés, entrant au Burkina Faso par les voies de contournement. Ce sont: 204 Burkinabés et 48 Nigériens." 328323,55008.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,60,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En cuanto a ítems de bioseguridad y gestión de residuos, se requieren 1.176 unidades de jabón líquido de 500 ml, 718 litros de alcohol al 70%, 173 galones de hipoclorito de sodio al 5%, 113 bolsas de jabón detergente en polvo x5kg, 9 recipientes para residuos sólidos de 1 m3 con ruedas." 194674,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"At least 294,300 people have received essential health assistance and 33,260 people received case management services, while at least 690,000 people have benefitted from infection prevention and control activities. Over 40 metric tonnes (MT) of essential medical supplies and hospital beds have been airlifted to various states, 2,000 PPEs distributed, 20 ventilators delivered to Martino hospital in Mogadishu and 3,346 community health workers trained." 137452,35305.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,36,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Immediate gaps for 143,000 internally displaced persons in northwest Syria are as follows: water trucking, recurrent solid waste management, and public latrines rehabilitation/construction. Adding up, 171,520 people need hygiene kits." 295304,51569.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"The flood affected livelihood activities causing devastating hunger. Shortage of locally produced food is observed as many farms, and gardens are submerged in water, women forced to go to bushes to collect wild food are likely exposed to rape. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 171512,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] Our staff and facilitators continued to provide psychosocial support at our centres and at household level. We also provided case management and referral services to 2,265 refugees in Camps 13, 15 and 19 as needed. Teams were oriented on COVID-19 and equipped with masks and gloves." 268464,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] Syria is expecting an allocation of the AstraZeneca vaccine, developed by Oxford University, because it does not have the facilities to keep Pfizer vaccines in the deep freeze necessary to preserve them." 277179,50610.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,39,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March,2021, Overall Syria] Most land borders into Syria remain closed, with some limited exemptions. International commercial passenger flights are ongoing, and Tartous and Lattakia ports remain operational, with precautionary measures." 126652,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"In Derna, a decrease in incoming migration flows from Egypt and Sudan was reported in the month of March in fear of the spread of Covid-19 in the area." 319533,54426.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"The majority live in spontaneous sites or with the local population, while UNHCR manages the Sayam Forage refugee camp, with over 25,117 people." 276146,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les déplacements forcés des populations pendant les crises représentent un risque de séparation des enfants. La Délégation Régional de l’Action Sociale (DRAS) du gouvernement Tchadien, avec l’appui de l’UNICEF, assure l’identification et la prise en charge des enfants considérés enfants non accompagnés (ENA) et enfants séparés (ES), dans les provinces du Lac et du sud." 70888,20163.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,179,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/ecuador-inicia-proceso-de-visas-humanitarias-para-migrantes-venezolanos/5138056.html,"Las autoridades ecuatorianas presentaron detalles este jueves de la Visa de Excepción por Razones Humanitarias (VERHU) para los migrantes venezolanos, en busca de la regularización de su estadía en el país. El viceministro ecuatoriano de Movilidad Humana, Carlos Alberto Velástegui, explicó que el proceso inicia el lunes 28 de octubre y finalizará el 31 de marzo de 2020. Este paso es para los venezolanos que ya completaron un registro migratorio inicial y optaron aplicar a esta visa humanitaria, anunciada por el gobierno ecuatoriano, a finales del mes de julio. Según el viceministro, entre el 17 de agosto y el 23 de octubre de este año, se hicieron 16.000 solicitudes de visa, de todas las distintas categorías de que ofrece el país, y un poco más de 9.500 son para Visas de Excepción por Razones Humanitarias. Indicó que este nuevo paso se realizará en la página, a través delconsulado virtual, donde los migrantes podrán registrar los datos y seguir con el proceso." 201105,43280.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,The CECs and teachers trained on COVID-19 preventive measures have been critical in supporting the re-opening of schools by ensuring preventive measures are in place. UNICEF supported schools have staggered class routines for different grades and some schools have adopted double shifts to observe social distancing to mitigate transmission. Awareness on COVID-19 preventive measures have been ongoing among the learners. 391285,61470.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Average number of people reported per household: 6" 206435,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"It is estimated that more than 70 per cent of the newly displaced population outside PoC sites and other collective centres are unable to meet their basic household needs and will require interventions. Additionally, more than 50 per cent of the returnees (returnees from within South Sudan and refugee returnees) are in need due to the limited access to services." 200729,43060.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,197,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En Colombia, durante los últimos meses, las detecciones de influenza fueron casi nulas sin detecciones en la SE 43, con detecciones de los virus influenza B reportadas en junio (Gráfico 1). No se informaron detecciones de virus respiratorio sincitial (VRS); el porcentaje de positividad para VRS disminuyó al 0% (Gráfico 2). El porcentaje de positivos para SARS-CoV-2 aumentó levemente y se ubicó en 13,0% esta semana (Gráfico 2). A nivel nacional, de las 161 594 muestras analizadas para SARS-CoV-2, 20 453 (12,7%) dieron positivo. Los casos compuestos de IRA x el porcentaje de positividad para la influenza se mantuvieron en los niveles iniciales (Gráfico 3). El recuento de casos de IRAG en la sala general ha fluctuado en las últimas semanas para disminuir levemente en la SE43 y estuvo por debajo del umbral estacional con bajo nivel de actividad (Gráfico 4). El número de consultas por neumonía e infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA) continuó por debajo del nivel promedio estacional (Gráficos 5 y 6)." 104836,30139.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,125,[],['Context'],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"COVID-19 has turned the world upside down. Everything has been impacted. How we live and interact with each other, how we work and communicate, how we move around and travel. Every aspect of our lives has been affected. Although the world is in lockdown, governments, epidemiologists, school principals, entrepreneurs and families around the world are already planning the next steps: how to safely reopen schools and businesses, how to commute and travel without transmitting or contracting infection, how to support those most affected by the crisis – the millions who have lost their livelihoods or their loved ones, how to ensure the already serious inequalities don’t deteriorate further." 156757,32098.0,1898.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,38,"['At Risk', 'Impact']","['Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-02.pdf,"Entre el 1 de enero de 2019 y el 28 de diciembre de 2019, El Salvador registró 2.374 homicidios, un descenso relativo a los 3.316 homicidios registrados durante el mismo período de referencia en 2018." 171497,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] Awareness messages were shared with 51,020 households before distributions in line with national guidelines. This included advice for at-risk groups and extremely vulnerable individuals (the elderly and persons with pre-existing health conditions). World Vision provided personal protective equipment (PPE) for our 120 distribution staff members, including face masks, gloves, soap and hand sanitizer to protect both staff and refugees." 168496,40099.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99598,"Au même moment, trois cas de guérison ont été enregistrés portant à 1279 le nombre total des personnes guéries de la maladie." 268460,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,119,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria]As soon as the Chinese ambassador to Syria announced his country’s intention to deliver the regime’s government doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, Syrian social media users started posting photos of the “appointment card for the second dose.” The card, bearing the name of the regime’s Ministry of Health, demonstrates that the holder has received the first dose on 6 February, with the second dose scheduled for the 27th of the same month. However, the regime’s officials have not announced the arrival of any COVID-19 vaccines into regime-held areas, nor the start of the vaccination process." 589,156.0,321.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,174,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The ongoing liquidity crisis – a financial situation characterised by a lack of cash flow – impacted most Libyan households: 18.0% of households across all assessed mantikas were reportedly unable to withdraw hard currency during the previous month. Among those that could, 38.4% could only access less than 600 Libyan dinars (LYD). Limits on withdrawals were especially acute in Ghat, Al Margab and Al Jabal Al Gharbi. While most households reported having access to banks (66.0%) and informal financial service providers (43.3%), queuing for hours in front of financial service providers was common, and many respondents reported feeling insecure while waiting. Across all locations and population groups, the most reported coping mechanisms used in the 30 days prior to data collection to cope with lack of cash or income/resources were spending savings (reported by 56.5% of households), selling gold (36.2%) and borrowing money (21.9%)" 71102,20216.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,108,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/tarjeta-unificada-de-vacunacion-para-migrantes-venezolanos-entra-en-marcha-MB11765801,"Este martes comenzó la puesta en marcha de la Tarjeta Unificada de Vacunación para diez países de la región, que tiene el objetivo de agrupar el sistema de inmunización para los migrantes venezolanos que están atravesando el continente en busca de un lugar de destino en el que se puedan asentar. Los países que se unieron son Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, Guatemala, Haití, Panamá, Perú y República Dominicana. Entre tanto, Brasil Canadá, Chile, Guyana, México y Santa Lucía están en una fase de consultas internas para evaluar su implementación." 172397,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,101,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La RDC abrite aujourd’hui la plus grande population de déplacés internes en Afrique avec 5,5 millions de personnes déplacées selon les données confirmées au cours des deux dernière années (mars 2018 à février 2020), soit environ 400 000 de plus qu’en septembre 2019. Les mouvements de retour ont ralenti, avec près de 1,9 million de personnes retournées selon les données confirmées au cours des 18 derniers mois (septembre 2018 – février 2020) contre 2,1 millions en septembre 2019. Le pays accueille également 538 000 réfugiés des pays voisins." 209887,45114.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,http://saharareporters.com/2020/12/09/nigeria%E2%80%99s-covid-19-cases-rise-70195-550-fresh-infections,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]“Limit all non-essential travel, especially from high-risk countries. Limit person-to-person contact and always wear a face mask,” it advised. Nigeria has so far tested 817, 913 persons since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 was announced on February 27,” the centre said." 230388,46719.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/12/31/covid-19-28-die-1-014-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[31st December 2020, Bangladesh] The DGHS said 13,204 samples were collected from suspected Covid-19 patients in the 24-hour time frame. As many as 13,254 samples, including some pending ones, were tested at the 180 authorized labs — government and private — across the country and 1,014 new patients were confirmed. The latest figures showed an infection rate of 7.65%." 248256,48236.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"The Lagos state government had earlier approved private laboratories for COVID-19 testing where non-essential COVID-19 tests can be carried out. The test costs about N50, 000 at the private laboratories." 483279,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,136,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.2.6 Persona o lugar de pedido de ayuda contra el maltrato físico Del total de personas que informaron conocer situaciones de violencia física y que conocen a personas violentadas físicamente y solicitaron ayuda, mencionaron que el 72,5% fue en una comisaría; el 9,4% con amigo (a) o vecino; el 3,6% en un establecimiento de salud, el 2,9% con familiar, el 1,4% en juzgado o fiscalía, el 1,1% en el Centro de Emergencia Mujer; 0,2% en la iglesia y el 7,0% mencionaron otros lugares como la dirección de un centro educativo, interpol o no conocen el lugar o persona que a la cual acudieron a solicitar ayuda. El 1,8% solicitaron ayuda en dos lugares o personas." 207224,44693.0,2333.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,52,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Les PDI adultes ne bénéficient pas de gratuité, ils doivent payer alors que les moyens leur font défaut. Dans ce contexte, les référencements des PDI adultes malades vers le CSI ne sont pas faits à cause de l’absence de prise en charge médicale gratuite pour les adultes" 223772,45880.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,70% des ménages interrogés dans le cadre d’une enquête du Partnership for Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (PERC) à travers la RDC en août (n=1351) ont déclaré avoir des revenus inférieurs par rapport à la même période en 2019. 235493,43400.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Since the first case of infected person were uncovered in Cameroon, the negative economic impact of the pandemic has accelerated as the number of cases started to climb." 130792,33838.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,14,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Medidas para garantizar el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio (Decreto 457 de 2020). 150778,37921.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,105,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le Gouvernement a en effet successivement pris des mesures afin de limiter et de contenir la propagation du virus – notamment la fermeture de toutes les frontières aériennes et terrestres, des limitations de mouvements strictes à l’intérieur du pays (telles que l’interdiction de se déplacer entre régions, un couvre-feu sur toute l’étendue du territoire national, l’interdiction des entrées et sorties de personnes dans tous les chefs-lieux de provinces, ou la limitation du nombre de passagers dans les véhicules), ou encore la fermeture des écoles et des lieux de culte." 496248,68470.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RMRP%202021%20-%20Cono%20Sur.pdf,"Apoyar a los gobiernos de la subregión en el fortalecimiento de los mecanismos que aseguren el acceso al territorio, la protección internacional, los procesos de regularización, la documentación y el disfrute de los derechos humanos." 301212,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Injured'],en,191,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Other security incidents: There were two incidents of firearm seizures during the week both by members of the RAB in Teknaf. In one case two Rohingya members of Salman Shah gang were arrested in Jadimura Camp 27 with two locally made guns. In the second incident, a Rohingya was arrested in possession of another two localmade firearms in Muchni. There have been a number of election-related violent incidents during the week. Seven people were injured when masked men attacked an opposition Bangladesh national party meeting in Pekua on 15 March. On 17 March one person was injured when a meeting organised by an Awami League candidate in Hoanak, Moheshkhali was attacked by opponents. In Ukhiya a teenage boy was kidnapped for the second time in 15 days on 18 March he was rescued in Naikkhongchhari, Bandarban District. A total of 19 people, including 7 women, suffered from injuries after assaults in the district during the week. Most of the disputes were either domestic or over the property." 217918,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Food insecurity can further deteriorate both during the current and projected periods, due to possible economic impacts of COVID-19 on production and markets." 291685,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,41,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Only 4.21% of the population would perceive women as actresses in conflict management. Most of the peace mechanisms and processes in Cameroon do not include women and, in addition, relegate them to the status of victims." 154887,38099.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",fr,41,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La prise en charge de la pandémie et les mesures de mitigation vont impacter les allocations budgétaires avec des effets d’éviction au détriment des secteurs porteurs de croissance, déjà considérablement perturbés par les défis sécuritaires et humanitaires." 111932,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para los niños cuyas familias migran en tránsito hacia otros países, el impacto del desplazamiento es importante, especialmente para aquellos que se movilizan caminando. La duración del recorrido, las condiciones en que este se da (largas distancias, cambios de clima, riesgos de seguridad en el camino) y la incertidumbre marcan la memoria de los niños, e implican afectaciones de diferentes tipos" 187308,43204.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/425238-coronavirus-nigeria-records-highest-daily-tally-since-august.html,"[8th Nov 2020, Nigeria] Nigeria has reopened schools which further increases social activities as the country tries to live with the disease and manage the damage it is causing to her economy" 272652,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"La communauté humanitaire a opté le 16 septembre dernier, pour la mise en place d’un mécanisme collectif de feedback et de plainte. Le groupe de travail sur la redevabilité envers les personnes affectées (AAP) a donc était mis en place et s’attèlera à cette tâche." 215120,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[13thDec2020,Nigeria]The increase in new cases has been attributed to the flagrant abuse of the COVID-19 safety protocols by many Nigerians but may also be as a result of the increase in the number of tests carried out. A total of 53,919 samples were collected for testing last week as against the 35, 302 tested the previous week. Since the pandemic broke out in February, a total of 845,458 samples have been collected for testing." 384863,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Formation de trente (30) ASBC des CSPS de Ouindigui, Hitté et Doussaré sur l’ANJE-U, la PCIME-C, la PCIMA/PB à domicile et la surveillance épidémiologique à base communautaire" 477151,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"3.4 Documento usado para ingresar al Perú El 74,8% de las personas venezolanas que ingresaron al Perú usaron como documento de entrada el pasaporte vigente, el 19,3% cédula de identidad o DNI, el 4,6% certificado o partida de nacimiento, el 0,8% mencionó haber utilizado su pasaporte vencido de fecha y el 0,5% ingresaron sin documento alguno. Según sexo, el 75,1% de hombres y el 74,4% de mujeres ingresaron con pasaporte vigente, el 18,6% de hombres utilizaron cédula de identidad, 1,4 puntos porcentuales menos que las mujeres (20,0%). El 5,0% de los hombres y el 4,1% de mujeres utilizaron partida de nacimiento." 235111,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,63,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The CPM [Monetary Policy Committee] also encouraged BEAC’s [Bank of the Central African States] management to propose to its Board a reduction in haircuts applicable to public securities and private instruments accepted as collateral for refinancing operations, and to postpone by one year principal repayment of consolidated central bank’s credits to member states." 205193,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"First wave of 100,000 Central African refugees in 2004. The second wave of 150,000 new refugees in 2013, 35% of them settled on sites in the East and Adamawa." 198672,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Ce 17/11/2020, 52 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 44 à Kinshasa, 3 au Nord-Kivu, 3 à la Tshopo et 2 dans le Haut-Katanga (annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." 412817,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,164,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] In around one-third of cases, vaccination points were not placed at the right places: There were some reasons behind depriving the under-five children of regular vaccination. In 42.6% of cases, it was unknown to the households about vaccination timings, which was more prevalent among the rural households (48.4% vs. 38.5%). In around onethird of cases (31.9%), it was discovered that the vaccination points were not installed at the right place, which was informed more by urban level households (46.2% vs. 29%). The other reasons include the households having underfive children were not informed about the vaccination point (21.3%), they did not give due importance to the vaccination (10.6%), etc. Service providers also acknowledged that in many places they could not run the satellite centre due to corona" 316254,54178.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,70,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/anthony-kergosien-la-rougeole-est-une-maladie-10-fois-plus-contagieuse-que-le-covid-19-qui-tue-les-enfants-en-rdc/,"Ces interventions d’urgence ont été suivies d’une campagne de vaccination mise en place par les autorités pour atteindre des millions d’enfants. Cela a considérablement réduit le nombre de patients mais n’a malheureusement pas coupé la chaîne de transmission. Malgré ce danger, en août 2020, le ministre de la Santé a déclaré la fin de l’épidémie." 152458,37831.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"Host communities: In close collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh, we expanded our two new long-term development programmes in Teknaf and Ukhiya. More than 200,000 Bangladeshis in eight villages in Ukhiya, including 1,030 sponsored children, are already benefitting from these multi-sector programmes. This year, we also provided 16,887 community members affected by the refugee influx with periodic cash assistance to improve their social welfare" 235977,46890.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Around 90 percent of the total beneficiaries received food assistance either through in-kind or cash/voucher modalities. 66 percent of beneficiaries were in the NW. 338388,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Even for the students who have returned, or who will return, to their classrooms, the evidence suggests that for years to come they will continue to feel the consequences of lost learning during the Covid-19 pandemic." 358733,58517.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/regreso-a-clases-presenciales-asi-sera-el-regreso-a-colegios-en-colombia-593328,"Lo que establece la resolución es que todas las actividades, incluidas las educativas, podrán reactivarse en los municipios en los que la fase 1 de vacunación tenga una cobertura mínima del 69 por ciento, lo cual para la fecha estimada se espera que se haya cumplido en todo el país." 160342,38795.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,10,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/transcript-press-remarks-geir-o-pedersen-united-nations-special-envoy,>>This lead has no tag-able entries.<< 188221,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,12,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,Alrededor de 2.600 personas de colectivos LGBTIQ+ han solicitado apoyo humanitario. 196197,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"According to the CWG, the total reported cash distributed in Somalia in the second quarter of 2020 increased from US$9.2 million in March to approximately US$16.3 million and US$28.2 million in April and May, respectively. This is expected to increase as the response continues ." 245076,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"» Desde enero 2020 hasta septiembre 2020 el monitoreo DRC ha identificado 103 casos representando a 351 personas que han presentado una solicitud de refugio; de estas, únicamente el 5.8% fueron reconocidos como refugiados, el 88.4 % está en proceso y 5.8% fueron rechazados." 205600,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"An estimated 59,000 IDPs remain in collective sites and are severely underserved." 224693,46162.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,38,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"[Markets and prices] Market supply is declining due to high transport costs resulting from government measures. Supply on the markets is being provided solely by traders’ stocks, with supplies almost at zero." 189984,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,67,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Sur les neuf zones de santé que comptent le territoire de Lubero et la ville de Butembo, quatre zones de santé (Musienene, Kayna, Alimbongo et Masereka) abritent près de 100 000 personnes déplacées qui ont fui leurs habitations entre janvier et juin 2020, à la suite des violences causées par les groupes armés présents dans ce territoire depuis plusieurs années." 223959,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Les jeunes garçons accèdent aux informations sur la pandémie par la radio et les téléphones. Pour les filles, les messages aux téléphones sont dans un langage compliqué et difficile à comprendre.." 390766,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,59,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"2. Contrario a lo que se podría temer, la llegada de personas migrantes no está correlacionada con una disminución de los salarios. Es más, durante toda la última década, los salarios reales promedio han crecido junto con la llegada de personas extranjeras al país, inclusive por sobre el crecimiento de la productividad." 311462,53762.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,63,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Sahel) There has been a slight decrease in the number of incidents in the Sahel region. Due to the overall improvement of the security situation across the country, almost 7,000 IDP returns were observed. Nevertheless, persisting insecurity in some parts of the Sahel region has resulted in IDPs crossing into Cote d’Ivoire and Mali." 215616,45277.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"With the support of the Sehatmandi project and its predecessor project in the health section, the System Enhancement for Health Action in Transition Program (SEHAT), health indicators have seen significant improvement." 173941,41033.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, BAY states]COVID-19 posed a serious challenge to implementing resilience and recovery activities across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states due to government-imposed travel restrictions." 188203,31146.0,1900.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,24,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"No hay suministros disponibles localmente, las existencias regionales están agotadas y no se han recibido existencias de la disponibilidad a nivel mundial." 300774,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In Q4, the HAG logged 13 threats issued against members of the humanitarian community, bringing the number of threats and intimidation attempts in 2020 to 46, compared to 22 in 2019. 11 of the threats were assessed to be issued by NSAG-TB members, with community and GOA members initiating another threat each. National staff of IOs were targeted in five of these incidents, with NSAG-TB attempting to extort money from them." 295334,51569.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Priorities for Immediate Humanitarian response  Strengthening community structure governance through capacity building training on CCCM.  Provide communication equipment to help community leader coordinate their activities.  Support community leaders with infrastructures such as offices (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted) 287635,51799.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_and_food_security_monitoring_system_afsms_bulletin_jan_feb_2021.pdf,"[Jan-Feb, 2021, Overall Syria] Most employees’ salaries range from 60,000 Syrian Pounds to 80,240 Syrian Pounds, which is lower than the average price of the food basket. The national average food basket in Syria now exceeds the highest-paid official government monthly salary." 79856,21919.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,38,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"Child protection 38,700 children accessing mental health and psychosocial support 150,900 children and women accessing gender-based violence risk mitigation, prevention or response interventions 136,700 children accessing interventions to prevent and respond to violence, abuse and exploitation" 300840,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,13,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,Humanitarian negotiations should be guided by the Humanitarian and Joint Operating Principles; 452550,63185.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,35,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/atrocity-alert-no-263-burkina-faso-ethiopia-and-syria,"In total, more than 1.3 million people in Burkina Faso – primarily children (60.5 percent) and women (23.4 percent) – have been internally displaced since the start of 2019." 41092,11894.0,729.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,57,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"KIs reported an increase in safety and security incidents linked to intensifying clashes, with frequent shelling, gunfire, and airstrikes leading to shelter damage and casualties in the assessed areas nearest the frontline. As of 15 April, there had been at least 12 reported airstrikes throughout the city that led to civilian deaths" 391121,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,127,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Figure 12 shows the projected annual Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) the end of the century. SPEI is an index which represents the measure of the given water deficit in a specific location (−2 indicates severe drought); accounting for contributions of temperature-dependent evapotranspiration. As seen in the figure, Nigeria’s aggregate national SPEI by end of the century is −0.7, however the northern and northeastern areas of the country (already very arid) will experience greater degrees of drought. This is an important understanding for the water sector (as well as energy) as it provides insight into increasing or decreasing pressure on water resources." 136352,35143.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On May 02, the Central Bank of Syria allowed all financial institutions to reopen gradually, including banks, foreign exchange companies and insurance companies." 126398,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"En los dos departamentos (Arauca, La Guajira), los hogares migrantes consumen alimentos menos preferidos y más económicos, 89% y 93% respectivamente. Adicionalmente más del 63% en estos departmentos pidieron alimentos fiados o regalados por parte de amigos y/o familiares." 173133,40863.0,1899.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GT%20Flash%20Update%20Caravana%20migrantes%20CA%20INTERCLUSTER%2020201001%20FINAL%20VD.pdf,"Se reporta que posiblemente otros grupos de personas lograron ingresar a territorio guatemalteco a través de puntos no oficiales. No hay claridad en torno a la ruta que las personas seguirán. Podrían dirigirse directamente hacia Petén (frontera con México) o a la ciudad de Guatemala, posiblemente de allí hacía Tecún Umán, frontera sur con México." 58682,17259.0,1384.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,100,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Venezuela%2BTrafficking%2BReport%2B-%2BAugust%2B2019%2B-%2BFINAL%20%281%29.pdf,"In Curaçao, there is no effective asylum system and no real access to residence permits for recent arrivals from Venezuela. As a result, the vast majority of Venezuelans in the country are undocumented. Best estimates put their number somewhere between 10,000 and 13,000. This population is in an extremely vulnerable situation. Curaçao has enforced an “active removal strategy,” under which it detains and deports these Venezuelans. Refugees International interviewed many on the island who described a life of hiding behind closed doors, in constant fear of the authorities." 136347,35143.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,43,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The Ministry of Endowments allowed mosques to open for Friday prayers, starting from May 08, while the Ministry of Higher Education announced that it was preparing a plan to hold university exams while maintaining social distancing and other precautionary measures." 40932,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,127,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Meanwhile, residents of affected baladiyas who chose to remain mostly did so to protect their assets, or because they reportedly had no family or friends outside the conflict-affected area with whom they could stay. • Local authorities and community groups in Tajoura, Ain Zara, and Al Aziziya, among other areas, had repurposed community buildings as collective shelters to house about 1,500 incoming IDPs.8 However, not all of these collective shelters were located in safe locations; on 11 April, 167 IDPs had to be evacuated from the Al-Asma school in Ain Zara due to shifting frontlines.9 • Further displacement was expected from all five assessed baladiyas due to fears that the current clashes would continue or intensify." 162600,35727.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"Una de las mayores preocupaciones en el territorio son las amenazas y otros ataques ejercidos contra líderes y lideresas sociales involucrados en procesos de restitución de tierras, defensores de derechos humanos (DD.HH.) y sus familiares quienes han sido víctimas de diversos ataques por parte de grupos al margen de la ley." 240438,47354.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,180,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] UNHCR, partners and humanitarian actors continued to engage stakeholders, IDPs and returnees on COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) including during border monitoring, temperature screening and other preventive measures at the entry points; Damasak, Gamboru Ngala, Pulka (Gwoza) and Banki (Bama) in Borno State and Mubi in Adamawa State. The objective is to curb the spread of COVID-19 amidst scepticism by IDPs, returnees and host community members about the existence of the pandemic. In November, UNHCR covered 29 locations in 24 LGAs including in Borno State (Bama, Damboa, Dikwa, Gamboru-Ngala, Gwoza, Jere, Kala-Balge, Konduga, MMC, Mobbar, and Mungono); in Adamawa State (Fufore, Madagali, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South, Yola North, and Yola South); and in Yobe State (Damaturu, Bade, Machina, Geidam, and Gujba)." 229751,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,4,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Establish community service structures 492559,67939.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-sees-spike-covid-19-cases-fears-grow-new-wave-2021-09-22/,"[September 23, NWS]Syria is facing a new surge in COVID-19 infections in both government-held areas and territory outside state control that could overwhelm the war-ravaged country's fragile health system, aid workers, officials and medical sources said on Wednesday." 342376,56634.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El gasto en combustible no muestra señales de recuperación y se mantiene 20% por debajo de lo registrado previo a la pandemia, similar al registro de agosto 2020." 151369,37912.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_10_august_2020.pdf,Service providers of CCs are refused to provide services from nearby residence due to fear associated with COVID-19 (source: CS office) 345276,56073.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,202,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.financialafrik.com/2021/04/26/rdc-sama-lukonde-presente-un-programme-gouvernemental-de-36-milliards-usd-pour-la-periode-2021-2023/,"[En parlant de l’objectif de porter le budget annuel de l’Etat à une moyenne de 12 Milliards jusqu’en 2023] pour l’exercice en cours, étant donné que son Budget déjà promulgué s’élève à 6,6 milliards USD, la réalisation des objectifs d’accroissement des recettes et les exigences liées à la cohérence et à la conformité de la Loi relative aux finances publiques conduiront à terme à l’élaboration d’une Loi de finances rectificative. Le financement du gap s’opérera grâce aux mesures d’accroissement des recettes renforcées par la meilleure perspective de la conjoncture économique qui ramène la croissance à 0.8% en 2020, sur base des réalisations à fin septembre de la même année, contre des prévisions initiales à fin 2020 de -1.7 %. Cette amélioration des prévisions conjoncturelles pour 2021 est notamment liée à la hausse des prix du cuivre, de l’étain et du cobalt actuellement enregistrée sur le marché mondial», a conclu Sama Lukonde dont le gouvernement a été investi par l’Assemblée nationale qui a adopté ce programme." 315455,54311.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,81,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Por esta causa, al menos 2.185 personas se han desplazado de manera dispersa hacia ocho lugares de Argelia (cabecera municipal y veredas): Puerto Rico, El Mango, Tambolargo, San Juan de La Gudua, El Limoncito, al Centro de Integración Ciudadana en El Plateado y Popayán (Casa del Abuelo)1. Se conoce que hay restricciones en la movilidad de manera intermitente, y se alerta sobre restricciones de acceso humanitario." 163770,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En Medellín se declaró el Estado de cuidado total, y entre las medidas anunciadas está la cuarentena total durante varios fines de semana, hasta terminar la primera etapa del ascenso del pico." 308218,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of wheat grain in kabul was maximum in September 2020 and was minimum in October 2020. 164508,32981.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,"1.868 Beneficiarios 17 Líneas telefónicas activas para información, atención y orientación psicosocial y jurídica a la población refugiada, migrante y comunidad de acogida. Acogimiento temporal a niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) refugiados y migrantes no acompañados, y familias con NNA Desarrollo de procesos de restablecimiento de contactos familiares para población refugiada y migrante Asistencia técnica para la apertura de líneas de atención de emergencia a violencia contra las mujeres y la inclusión del enfoque de género en la respuesta a la emergencia del COVID-19, en el departamento de Nariño." 16781,6342.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"In August, WFP and its partners provided one-off general food assistance (GFA) to approx. 50,000 IDP beneficiaries (8,327 HHs) across the country who had been provided with RRM kits. In Al Hudaydah, 78,828 IDPs were provided with commodity vouchers through the CV-TN programme. In addition, WFP and its partners continued to provide food assistance to beneficiaries in Al Hudaydah Governorate through the regular GFA programme." 359676,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, Deir-ez-Zor , GoS & NES] Deir-ez-Zor was the governorate with the highest proportion of communities where KIs reported that some community members experienced water-related illnesses (58%)." 330135,55164.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,131,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"En medio de un respiro para los cascos urbanos que hoy ven los efectos de la vacunación, pues el Instituto Nacional de Salud solo reporta 35 casos activos en Amazonas, tres en Vaupés y ocho en Guainía, la advertencia de Rincón agudiza una vieja pregunta aún sin respuesta: ¿Qué va a pasar con las comunidades rurales? Una preocupación que las mismas secretarías departamentales, en medio del avance del PNV, ya han podido evidenciar. “En el área rural vamos en un 50 % o 60 %. No tuvimos mayor cobertura, porque las comunidades indígenas del río no están siempre, entonces estamos supeditados a que ellos se encuentren en un sitio”, señaló Hernández. (Le puede interesar:" 248999,47559.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,67,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"D’une manière générale, les PDIs rencontrées sur les sites (Ouahigouya, Titao, Ouindigui, Séguénéga) dans le cadre du monitoring communautaire souhaitent un jour regagner leurs villages d’origine. Cependant, le retour de la paix, la présence des services sociaux de base, la reconstitution de leurs habitats sont entre autres facteurs à prendre en compte." 19268,8024.0,729.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,141,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"Fighting broke out in Tripoli in late August 2018 between armed groups linked to the interior and defense ministries of the GNA. They were competing for control of territory and access to income from vital institutions in the capital. A UN-brokered cease-fire on September 26, 2018, ended the clashes, which claimed the lives of at least 100 people and wounded at least 500, the majority of them civilians.8 Migrants in at least two detention centers were transferred to other facilities, still in Tripoli, while several hundred were reportedly released from a third. The fighting severely disrupted services provided by NGOs and UN agencies. Because of the insecurity, the humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) temporarily reduced its staff and medical activities in DCIM centers in Tripoli" 192826,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Poor urban and IDP households are among those most affected, as they depend on daily wages and rely directly or indirectly on remittances to fill critical gaps in income and food sources. Moreover, urban and remote IDP sites are high-risk, as overcrowded, dense living conditions create an environment conducive to COVID-19 transmission." 136898,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Moreover, WHO shared with the MOH, MOI, MOE and other health partners the Arabic version of the educational materials of the Safe Eid al Adha practices in the context of COVID-19 to be widely disseminated before and during the Eid period." 160573,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Las mujeres señalan ser víctimas también de violencia física y psicológica. En Medellín se realizó una entrevista con una funcionaria de la Agencia Mujer (123 Módulo Mujeres) y se conoció que existe un incremento en el número de casos de mujeres víctimas de violencia psicológica. Según la Consejería Presidencial para la Equidad de la Mujer, durante la cuarentena, han aumentado en un 150% los reportes y denuncias de VBG a través de la línea nacional 155." 245842,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,35,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"The needs of self-employed persons and employers to revive businesses as the most urgent need, financial support to replace inventory and equipment, and strategic business plans that offer long-term support to businesses." 188137,43352.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,25,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"10 August 2020: In the Sahel region, an unidentified armed group hijacked a truck carrying food aid en route to Djibo town." 194432,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"A Kinshasa, les ZS hot spots, pour les 6 962 cas dont l’information a été renseignée, sont celles de Gombe (814/6962 ; 11,7%), Binza Ozone (742/6962 ; 10,7%), Limete (727/6962 ; 10,4%), Kokolo (668/6962 ; 9,6%), Lemba (521/6962 ; 7,5%), Binza Météo (473/6962 ; 6,8%) et Kasa Vubu (279/6962 ; 4,0%) (Figure 3)." 388624,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,52,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les enfants sont très souvent délaissés à eux même, les conduisant ainsi à s’adonner à la mendicité mais aussi à des activités telles que les travaux dans les ménages, au marché, chantier et se déplacent souvent loin de leurs familles à la recherche d’argent." 197586,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"High population density as is the case in most of the IDP sites in Somalia, is a key factor for transmission pathways." 291325,52152.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La producción de algunos cereales como arroz y trigo presentan una tendencia al alza, mientras que otros renglones como el maíz presenta una tendencia a la baja. Existe una presión en el mercado de cereales por las eliminación de aranceles a las importaciones, derivado de la crisis sanitaria por Covid-19. La balanza comercial agrícola ha presentado una tendencia positiva desde el año 2015, sin embargo, para el año 2020 presentó una disminución del 77% con respecto al año 2019" 173010,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,61,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les mesures sanitaires préventives mises en place par les autorités, notamment le confinement et l’interruption des activités économiques, exacerbent la vulnérabilité des femmes et des filles face aux risques de protection, particulièrement les risques de violences conjugales, violences psychologiques et émotionnelles, et dénis de ressources en particulier dans les contextes de crise humanitaire." 358789,58665.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/High%2520Frequency%2520Survey%2520Report_Round1_2021_Final_Espa%25C3%25B1ol.pdf,"Los resultados indican que se mantiene la tendencia entre la ronda de octubre a diciembre 2020 y la ronda de enero a marzo 2021, sin una diferencia significativa estadísticamente: el 79% de los venezolanos identificaron necesidades incluyendo la seguridad relacionadas con alimentaria, vivienda y ropa, entre otras; el 17% tenía como prioridad urgente conseguir empleo, salud o educación; seguido por el 3% que señalaron como lo más importante obtener documentación o regularizar su situación en Colombia. Sólo el 1% de los venezolanos declaró haber podido satisfacer las necesidades de su familia en Colombia durante el último mes." 235978,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,A total of 5 partners reported having implemented COVID-19 support activities. 174397,41257.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-5593-dead-total-cases-hit-382959/58946,"[14th October 2020 , Bangladesh] Of the total victims [COVID Death], 4,305 are men and 1,288 are women. Of the latest 16 victims, 11 are aged above 50 and five others are aged between 41 and 50." 71044,20258.0,1186.0,[],[],[],en,94,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://weblog.iom.int/joint-op-ed-venezuelan-displacement-demands-coordinated-international-response%E2%80%AF?utm_source=IOM+External+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=10041abef2-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_10_25_09_00&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9968056566-10041abef2-43608941,"Venezuelan men, women and children are leaving, a massive population movement that includes vulnerable people, many in need of international protection, many others seeking access to basic services and employment opportunities. They are often traveling on foot for days and weeks to destinations as far away as Santiago in Chile, Sao Paulo in Brazil and Buenos Aires in Argentina – all several thousand miles from their homeland. They are searching for safety, basic services, work, or to join family members already established abroad." 115361,30876.0,1621.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MSNI_brief_LBY-1.pdf,"7% of interviewed respondents with severe or extreme sectoral needs and/or extreme use of negative coping strategies to cover basic needs, were found to have severe or extreme sectoral needs in education alone." 414104,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,129,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Ensure incentives or risk allowance for the frontline health workers: The declared health emergency stimulus package (incentives) has not yet given to the frontline health workers. Incentives/risk allowance for the frontline health workers should have been ensured so that they were more motivated to work for continuing essential services. In any pandemic, the incentives should be ensured immediately. A performance-based incentive can be a good alternative in this respect. Health emergency stimulus packages (incentives) should be appropriately targeted and reached to the frontline health workers including doctors, nurses, paramedics, cleaners, health technicians, ambulance drivers, and other administrative staff of both public and private health facilities." 398657,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,126,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En 2019 la Encla incluyó por primera vez preguntas para estimar la participación de personas extranjeras en las organizaciones sindicales de base. Ellas constituyen el 4,8% de quienes integran los sindicatos mayoritarios. Su participación en las directivas de estos sindicatos se hace presente en el 3,3% de las empresas y en el 6,1% de aquellas cuyo sindicato mayoritario afilia tanto a chilenos como a personas de otra nacionalidad. Para dimensionar mejor su incipiente incorporación en estas organizaciones cabe señalar que, al 30 de noviembre de 2018, el porcentaje de personas de nacionalidad extranjera contratadas directamente por las empresas ascendía a 6,4% y que tres de cada cuatro empresas con sindicato activo contrataban directamente a personas extranjeras." 391288,61470.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Most commonly reported sources of light inside shelters: -Powered by public network 99% -Powered by solar panels 14%" 187626,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"To strengthen case detection and management capacity, Health Cluster partners are training health care providers, establishing and providing medical supplies to rapid response teams in various locations." 217458,45271.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Internal displacement is not only limited to new IDPs displaced in the first quarter of 2020, there are also IDPs from previous years who are unable to return to their places of origin mainly because of continued conflict, loss of livelihoods and lack of economic opportunities." 342318,56651.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,31,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.reporteconfidencial.info/2021/05/24/se-agudiza-la-migracion-de-indigenas-desde-amazonas-hacia-colombia/,"Datos recogidos por el GRIAM en la Dirección de Asuntos Indígenas de Puerto Carreño, señalan que en esa región hay 1.000 indígenas y 3.000 no indígenas procedentes de Venezuela." 236187,47104.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,50,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, Syria] Additionally, since reopening schools in September 2020, sharp rises of COVID-19 cases in schools have been recorded, reaching 1,540 cases in 10 December. Highlighting challenges in preventing COVID-19 transmission in schools, given overcrowded classrooms, and damaged infrastructure." 224249,45763.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,63,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Recommandations : Apporter une assistance alimentaire d’urgence aux ménages affectées par les inondations (par ordre de sévérité) / Appuyer la relance de la culture de contre saison et maraichage par distribution des intrants (semences et outils) aux ménages ayant perdu leurs champs et encadrement agricole / Appui à la reconstitution du cheptel et le traitement des animales 63995,18842.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71444.pdf,"In Adamawa State, other security challenges like kidnappings, inter-communal farmers-herders conflicts, and Communal clashes have sprung up in recent times. Joint security operations, the state, and local government have taken decisive measures to establish a secure environment in the affected areas." 112062,29855.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,90,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201804%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report_WCA_v1.pdf,"The number of individuals observed at the Kano and Sokoto FMPs in April 2020 (705) witnessed a large, 34 per cent decrease from the previous month (1,069). This increase may be attributed to the closure of borders between Niger and Nigeria, government-mandated travel bans and spontaneous reductions in travel amodst the COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, flows saw an increase between 11 and 16 April 2020, as the Nigerian government eased restriction measures ahead of prayers marking the start of Ramadan." 239131,46379.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Afghanistan is still endemic for emerging infectious diseases such as poliomyelitis and measles. 271513,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"En effet, cette prévalence varie de 5,5% dans les Cascades à 15,1% dans le Sahel contrairement à l’édition 2019 où les résultats avaient montré une variation de 5,5% (4,3-6,9) dans la région du Centre Sud à 9,7% (8,0-11,9) dans la région du Sahel25, soit une augmentation de plus de 5 % dans le Sahel comparativement à l’année dernière, plaçant le sahel au dessus du seuil critque." 271540,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,143,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au niveau provincial, le Seno affiche la prévalence la plus élevée avec 36,6%en augmentation par rapport à 2019 (32,2 %) alors que la plus faible prevalence est enregistrée dans la province du Kadiogo (11,1%) en augmentation par rapport à 2019 (9,6). En plus du Seno qui presente une prévalence au delà du seuil d’urgence, cinq (5) provinces (Gnanan 23,5%, Namentenga 23,0%, Bam 21,5%, Passoré 20,9%, Zandoma 20,3%,) présentent des prévalences au dessus du seuil d’alerte. Pour l’insuffisance pondérale sévère, la prévalence la plus élévée a été notifiée dans la province du Seno (12,9%) et la plus faible dans l’Oubritenga (0,9%)." 155237,34182.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,41,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Algunas madres cabeza de hogar que tienen dificultades para el pago de arriendos reciben presiones para el pago de éste con sexo, o la sugerencia del ejercicio del comercio sexual para la generación de ingresos para cubrir sus necesidades." 8987,2876.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unhcr-helps-survivors-after-traffickers-kill-12-libya,"The local Libyan authorities have transferred 140 people who managed to escape from the traffickers to an official detention centre in Gaser Ben Gashir, 28 kilometres south of Tripoli." 205167,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Environment']",en,103,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In terms of natural hazards such as floods or droughts, the INFORM 2019 risk index shows that the Far North (5.8), the East (5.2) and the North West (5) have a level of risk far above the average. The occurrence of a natural disaster (floods or drought) in 2020 is likely in these regions, although the impact is predicted to remain moderate. The combination of such a crisis with the current humanitarian situation and persistent insecurity would further affect the quality of life of the people in these regions." 334915,55852.0,2170.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],en,43,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/more-than-dozen-people-killed-by-islamist-militants-northeast-nigeria-sources-2021-05-03/,"[2nd May 2021, Northeast Nigeria]The militants arrived in the Ajiri community in the Mafa local government area of Borno state on motorcycles early on Sunday, killing an army commanding officer and six soldiers, the sources said." 205194,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"DECEMBER 2014: Cross-border attacks by suspected Boko Haram members provoke the displacement of more than 60,000 Cameroonians within the Far North." 323849,54845.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,92,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3733696,"La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) expresa su preocupación por la violencia en el Cauca, especialmente, por el desplazamiento forzado de la población y por el asesinato de personas con liderazgo social. La CIDH exhorta al Estado de Colombia a redoblar sus esfuerzos para desarrollar políticas públicas que aborden las causas estructurales de la violencia en el país y que garanticen el accionar de las personas con liderazgo social con enfoque étnico diferenciado, así como fortalecer las medidas de atención a las personas desplazadas." 194889,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] “There are many patients, most in very bad condition. We have no time to give them all they need,” said Aref Shabib, one of over 95 nurses and technicians in the 70-bed isolation hospital, one of two in the city of Idlib, now a virus hot spot." 71082,20270.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,67,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/activan-registro-consular-de-venezolanos-en-argentina/5126693.html,"De los 4,6 millones de venezolanos que la Organización de los Estados Americanos estiman que han salido de su país en los últimos años, al menos unos 150 mil se encuentran en Argentina. Argentina se convierte así en el segundo país, con representación de Guaidó, en tener este tipo de registro. El primero fue EE.UU. en mayo de este año." 113008,29959.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Dentro de la población refugiada y migrante los grupos más vulnerables, se destacan: o Personas en tránsito. o Personas en situación de calle. o Personas con condición médica crítica o crónica. o Familias cuya generación de ingresos ha sido afectada por el cese de actividades y/o la limitación de la libertad de movimiento. o Hombres y mujeres solos/as no priorizados. o Grupos indígenas en zonas fronterizas." 158073,38779.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,22,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"1,062,690 Total payment(in $) for refugees benefitting from Multi-Purpose Cash Grant(MPCG) in response to COVID- 19" 219982,45769.0,2332.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,36,[],['Information And Communication'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Il existe cependant, peu d'informations sur cette crise ayant occasionné ce mouvement de personnes et pouvant permettre une intervention à caractère humanitaire dans les différents secteurs cités ci-dessus dans le site d’accueil." 224738,45275.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"In addition to the 4.1 million people displaced since 2012 who remain in some form of protracted displacement, more than 155,000 people have been displaced by conflict since the onset of the pandemic in mid-March.6" 221603,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Displaced women and children face greater protection challenges, including family separation, exposure to gender-based violence, disruptions to education and the forced recruitment of children." 236676,47174.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Adamawa%20and%20Borno%20-%20Education%20-%20Assessment%20of%20Hard-to-Reach%20Areas%20in%20Northeast%20Nigeria%20%28October%202020%29.pdf,"Access to education services was reported for 42% of assessed settlements, In 5% of those assessed settlements, at least one child reportedly attended formal schooling." 226923,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Governments and donors must prioritize gender-sensitive programming and investments including in the prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence surging as a consequence of COVID-19, women’s quality income generation opportunities, and women’s leadership programmes;" 285047,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,57,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Members of the host community attacked South Sudanese refugees in and around Khartoum and Omdurman on 6 and 7 June, causing secondary displacement for some refugees as their homes were looted. The two separate attacks on South Sudanese refugees in Khartoum caused at least three deaths and 64 injuries, including cases of SGBV." 222727,45949.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/noticias/luego-de-6-meses-numero-de-venezolanos-radicados-en-colombia-vuelve-a-aumentar,"Más de 1 millón 717 mil venezolanos estarían radicados en Colombia, según las últimas cifras entregadas por Migración Colombia con corte al 31 de octubre de 2020. La cifra, que muestra un incremento del 0,1% respecto al mes de septiembre, daría cuenta que cerca del 55% de los venezolanos que se encuentran en el territorio nacional estarían en condición irregular, mientras que el 45% restante, tendría definida su situación migratoria." 472860,64952.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,37,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,Doter le CMA de Gourcy en incinérateur pour renforcer la gestion des déchets médicaux. Mener des activités de supplémentation en micronutriments pour compenser à l’insuffisance dans la prise en charge nutritionnelle des enfants malnutris 359834,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,72,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In Kurigram district of Bangladesh, the majority of respondents from parents, community leaders, woman community members, woman NGO staff, and school teachers identified religious beliefs, employment inequality, inherent beliefs about job segregation between boys and girls, cultural practices, and poor medical care as the major societal factors that are shaping the gendered barriers." 272613,50217.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les situations d’urgence alimentaire et nutritionnelle, aggravées par la COVID-19, touchent plus de 2 millions de personnes." 217953,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,59,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The recent lockdown in major urban centres of the country as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly damaged the urban wage sector. Afghan urban communities are highly dependent on these opportunities, so measures should be taken to monitor the performance of the urban wage sector and its impact on food security of the urban poor." 223822,45880.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,93,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Plus des deux �ers (67 %) des enseignant.e.s interrogé.e.s au Sud-Kivu ont signalé une réduc�on de la fréquenta�on scolaire (n=99), contre 39 % au Tanganyika (n=76). Au Sud-Kivu, parmi les enseignant.e.s dans le secondaire, 35 % ont déclaré que le nombre de filles de 12 à 17 ans fréquentant l'école avait diminué, contre 13 % qui ont déclaré que le nombre de garçons de 12 à 17 ans fréquentant l'école était inférieur à ce qu'il était avant la fermeture des écoles." 219315,45753.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"In north-west Syria, reported incidents of rape are on the increase, which does not necessarily mean an increase in prevalence but signifies an improvement in the quality of services. GBV experts in north-west Syria noted the increase in males, especially boys, disclosing and seeking care through GBV specialised services." 69719,19997.0,1534.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,http://www.tribune242.com/news/2019/oct/18/bpl-spends-16m-equipment-restore-abaco-electricity/?news,"“The challenges that are attendant in restoring power on Abaco relate to the complete destruction of the infrastructure in Marsh Harbour, which utilised most of the power load from Wilson City. “Today Abaco is on its way back. BPL along with members of CARILEC are working together to quickly rebuild Abaco’s infrastructure and restore power in microgrid fashion until BPL is capable of rebuilding its entire network. “To date, BPL has spent just over $1.6m in equipment and materials.”" 244823,47945.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] Of a total population of 4 million people in north-west Syria, there around 2.7 million IDPs, who are considered to be in need of humanitarian assistance." 256985,48672.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,10,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,373 Durable houses built and finalized in the Tillabery region 163879,34165.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,60,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Desde el inicio de la crisis, WFP ha recibido solicitudes de atención temporal para más de 1.2 millones de personas en estado de vulnerabilidad en 13 departamentos del país. Se requiere urgentemente financiamiento adicional para atender las necesidades alimentarias más apremiantes de unas 550.000 personas en Colombia, en estrecha coordinación con autoridades nacionales y locales." 169208,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,49,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"NWS May 21: Despite lacking capacity and resources, the health system in the northwest Syria is using innovative approaches for the containment of COVID-19. These efforts should be supported to scale up the capacity of the health system shall the virus spread in this region." 172982,40676.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,48,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,La propagation de l’épidémie de COVID-19 dans le pays a modifié le contexte opérationnel de la réponse EHA et accentué la vulnérabilité des personnes déplacées dans les sites et dans les zones affectées par le choléra et les crises nutritionnelles jusqu’ici non résolues. 346568,56941.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cerf_communique_de_presse_eruption_nyiragongo_mai_2021_final.pdf,"Kinshasa, 28 mai 2021 – Le Secrétaire général adjoint des Nations Unies chargé des affaires humanitaires et Coordonnateur des secours d’urgence, Mark Lowcock a validé aujourd’hui l’octroi d’une contribution financière du Fonds central de réponse d’urgence (CERF) de 1,2 million de dollars pour répondre aux besoins urgents des personnes affectées par l’éruption du Nyiragongo à Goma, au nordest de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC)." 35734,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"As a result, many of these remote health facilities are poorly staffed and services are unavailable." 189741,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,41,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Du fait de cette répartition climatique, on trouve au sud une végétation abondante avec des savanes arborées diminuant graduellement en allant vers le nord pour laisser la place à la savane puis au désert (avec quelques oueds)." 134730,34828.0,1186.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,36,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Asimismo, del total de hogares migrantes, el 71,6% se encuentra en situación deficitaria de uno o más servicios básicos, lo cual es un 66,7% en el caso de los locales." 320916,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,89,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Depuis 2018, les déplacements dans les zones évaluées sont principalement occasionnés par les attaques des groupes armés (44%), le conflit intercommunautaire (37%), la crise alimentaire (16%) et d’autres raisons (3%, en particulier l’épidemie) (F2)." 201916,44489.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,55,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/poblacion-venezolana-en-colombia-cayo-por-primera-vez-desde-2015-546997,"Colombia es el principal país de acogida de los casi cinco millones de venezolanos que han salido de su país desde 2015, según la ONU.Bogotá y Caracas no mantienen relaciones diplomáticas desde febrero de 2019, pero coordinan la atención sanitaria a los migrantes a través de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud." 159016,37971.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,6,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,Nombre de contacts restant : 58 211296,45193.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=213352,"[10th Dec 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 8787, out of which 4174 ones have recovered while 476 others have passed away." 268463,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] “The health ministry has been registering the names of the health staffers, working within its departments, who are to be immunized. These were told that immunization is optional, not obligatory. The immunization will take place at the al-Fayhaa Sporting City,” the nurse added." 392055,62153.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20-%20Cameroonian%20Refugees%20Operational%20Update%20June%202021_0.pdf,"[5th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Hygiene promoters/volunteers reached some 3,000 refugees with awareness sessions on COVID-19 prevention and personal/environmental hygiene through door-to-door approach, while 24 latrines were decommissioned in Adagom, Ukende and Ikyogen settlements in Benue and CRS." 265675,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"[absence de réseau téléphonique stable] Cette absence représente un facteur d’isolement des localités, et empêche les échanges réguliers d’informations entre localités." 22175,9074.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.justiceinfo.net/en/live-feed/40268-venezuela-opposition-plans-aid-hub-in-brazil-mobilizes-volunteers.html,"Guaido's envoys, meanwhile, met with Brazilian officials in Brasilia and announced plans to establish a second aid storage center in the state of Roraima, on Venezuela's southeastern border." 356550,58354.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Environment'],es,56,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/06/22/una-persona-desaparecida-y-89-damnificadas-por-las-lluvias-en-medellin/,"Según detalló el comandante, en total fueron54 personas las que se vieron afectadas a causa del desbordamiento, puesto que aunque no hubo lesionados, sí se reportó la pérdida de víveres y enseres. Las familias afectadas fueron atendidas por personal técnico y social del Dagrd quienes les brindaron ayudas humanitarias y albergue." 254224,48624.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/ampere-prices-draining-the-life-out-of-aleppos-residents/,"[February 9, Aleppo] The price of the ampere subscription is subject to the whims of the private generators’ owners, as Amer pays 6,500 SYP— 500 SYP more than the subscription fee that Said pays. The high cost of the ampere subscriptions prompted Rabia, a resident of Tariq al-Bab neighborhood, to unsubscribe from the service. This she was coerced to do because she had no one to make her a living, while unable to afford the costs herself." 204290,43256.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the North West, almost 40% of IDP households adopt potentially irreversible emergency food-based coping strategies, compromising their productivity and future ability to cope with shocks. Methods of coping include relying on less preferred, less expensive food, borrowing food, reducing portion size or number of meals and reduced adult consumption to prioritize children to eat." 63098,18663.0,1386.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"Services of solid waste collection, adequate treatment of water, wastewater and sewage removal have been discontinued" 195953,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Approximativement 36,5% (2890/7928) des cas de Kinshasa étaient âgés entre 20-27 ans et 9,1% (724/7928) des cas avaient au moins 65 ans (Figure 4)." 495428,67230.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,16,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Asegurar el abastecimiento suficiente de vacunas en los centros de salud de zonas de recepción. 187769,43282.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"FSC partners have redesigned distribution centers in line with hygiene and social distancing guidelines and introduced provision of multiple rations, starting April to minimize infection and reduce travel to distribution points" 145866,35819.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"USAID/BHA supports 12 partners, IOM, and UNICEF, to provide WASH assistance in Syria. USAID/BHA partners distribute essential hygiene items to vulnerable populations and enhance WASH facilities by rehabilitating small-scale sanitation and water systems, such as the construction of latrines and handwashing stations, in displacement camps and informal settlements." 226189,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Ce 27/11/2020, 67 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 63 à Kinshasa, 3 au Nord-Kivu et 1 au Maniema (annexe 1 ; Figure 1). Tout de même, aucun nouveau décès n’a été enregistré parmi les cas confirmés actifs." 195974,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,49,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Page 7 297 Fidèles (108 H et 189 F) de l’Eglise NYCI TABERNACLE ont été persuadés sur les mesures préventives contre la COVID-19, l’importance de l’EDS et d’aller tôt à un Centre de Santé dans la ZS INGENDE" 248257,48236.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"“Testing at our public health facilities cannot be used for travel purposes. Anyone wishing to test as a requirement for travel or other work-related requirements must do so at any of the 21 private laboratories accredited by Lagos State for COVID testing,” Mr Sanwo-Olu said." 136839,35314.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"NWS COVID-19 taskforce members have expressed their concerns over violations of coronavirus preventive measures during the Eid al-Adha holiday. The NWS might face a growing number of clusters of COVID-19 cases in two weeks time, given an incubation period of up to 14 days for the disease after exposure. Precautions against a potential spread of the virus have been scaled up in response to identified cases, including restrictions on movements, gatherings, commercial activities, and in-person education services." 218366,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],fr,21,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,"La RDC fait face, comme d’autres pays, à la deuxième vague de la maladie à Coronavirus." 207223,44693.0,2333.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,83,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"À Abala, les conditions sanitaires n’ont pas connu une amélioration auprès des communautés en général et des déplacés en particulier. En effet, seuls les enfants de 0 à 5 ans et les femmes enceintes sont pris en charge au niveau du CSI et même à ce niveau, il existe toujours un problème de disponibilité de médicaments, ce qui amène les agents de santé à prescrire une ordonnance aux patients afin d'éviter d'attendre l'arrivée incertaine des médicaments" 73246,21154.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"Similarly, despite the fact that, in general terms, the legislations of the Southern Cone countries provide for universal and free access to public health and education services (with greater scope and coverage in the cases of Argentina and Uruguay)," 236041,46890.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In terms of COVID-19 prevention, 200 handwashing stations were installed in strategic public areas like markets and bus stations in seven locations of Bamenda." 173811,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,84,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, North East Nigeria] Most IDPs have been displaced twice (48%), while 27 per cent have been displaced three times, 21 per cent have been displaced once and 4 per cent have been displaced more than three times. In Borno, 91 per cent of displaced persons said they have been displaced more than once. Nine per cent of IDPs in the most affected State of Borno said they were displaced only once." 209906,44790.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"In 2019, health and education needs remained unmet due to inadequate health facilities, access barriers for healthcare providers (with only 38 per cent of targeted people having received a medical consultation) and barriers to learning opportunities (with only 24 per cent of targeted school-age children reached) contributing to risks of forced recruitment, abuse, child labour and early marriage for children who are not in school." 206710,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] Access to basic sanitation remains a major issue for the country. According to JMCNA data, half of the households (49%) nationally reported having access to an improved latrine, while a third (34%) reported using an unimproved latrine, and the remainder (17%) had no access." 185013,40867.0,1900.0,['Education'],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/publicacion-covid-19-y-educacion-primaria-y-secundaria-alc.pdf,"índice de pobreza en el aprendizaje varía entre países, con valores menores al 36.8% en Chile y Costa Rica, pero superior a 74.4% en República Dominicana, Honduras y Paraguay." 163852,39094.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20East%20Nigeria%20-%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Update%20%28As%20of%2023rd%20August%202020%29.pdf,A total of 45 cases are on admission in various isolation centres in Borno State. They are all in stable condition and those in self-isolation are asymptomatic and stable. 16920,6332.0,322.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%201-21%20September%202018.pdf,"UNHCR through its partner Yemen Al Khair for Relief and Development commenced the implementation of two Quick Impact Projects in Al Jawf Governorate, north of Yemen. The projects will train women, both displaced and from the host community who are supporting displaced families, on sewing and on making handmade accessories and ornaments. The courses, expected to last for a month, aim to strengthen ties between the displaced and host communities, and to increase women’s skills and provide a means for generating income. Once completed, the project participants will receive basic tools and materials to help them start a micro-business." 71051,20260.0,1186.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.rescue.org/report/venezuelan-displacement-crisis-test-global-commitments-and-solidarity,"In the absence of greater support for host countries, the Venezuelan displacement crisis is certain to beget more crises—humanitarian and political—across the region and threaten remarkable gains made in regional development and stability over the last two decades." 316788,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,87,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Pour lutter contre l’inflation et la dépréciation du franc congolais par rapport au dollar américain, la Banque centrale a relevé le taux directeur de 7,8 % à 18,5 %. Pourtant, l’inflation est passée de 4,5 % en 2019 à 13 % en 2020 en raison des mesures d’en- diguement et de la monétisation du déficit budgétaire. Le franc congolais s’est déprécié de 12,4 % par rapport au dollar améri- cain entre 2019 et 2020." 207180,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,109,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"• Number of epidemics declared in 2019 and of high potential threat (Lake Chad Basin crisis: 4; Central African refugee crisis: 3; North West South West crisis: 3) • Cholera fatality rate in 2019 (Far North: 4.6%; North: 3.8%; South West: 4.6%) WHO standard (<1%). • Percentage of births attended by qualified personnel, as of week 49 (2019): Lake Chad Basin crisis: 15.2%; Central African refugee crisis: 37%; North West South West crisis: 14%." 269852,49918.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.iagua.es/noticias/universidad-nacional-colombia/aguas-contaminadas-caldo-cultivo-bacterias-toxicas,"Un punto que ella estudia es que en Colombia la pérdida de la calidad de agua se presenta por factores como el mal manejo de los desechos de la agroindustria –que suelen terminar en cuerpos de agua y son una de las causas de eutrofización–, y que además los florecimientos de algas tóxicas no se han reconocido en el país como un problema, y por lo tanto no existe regulación ni programas de monitoreo." 244237,47682.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"On 1 October, IOM assessed the situation of 200 households (710 individuals) who moved to distance themselves from the risk of NSAG attacks from Ngouboua Fourkoulom to the site of Fourkoulom. They are in urgent need of food, shelter and water." 390739,61177.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,44,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] In Nigeria, the high levels of poverty and low-degree of development and dependence on rainfed agriculture limits the capacity of poor households and communities to manage climate risk, increasing their vulnerability to climate-related shocks.10" 224257,45763.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Recommandation logistique : Organiser des séances de sensibilisation sur la pandémie de COVID 19 319603,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,136,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"En el departamento del Chocó encontramos que el diagnóstico que más se identificó fue el de ansiedad, con un 37,07% de prevalencia, seguido por otros problemas de atención clínica ( 21,5%). Este diagnóstico está asociado a problemas en las relaciones paternofiliales, dificultades en la pareja, necesidades especiales escolares, y orientación asociada a embarazos no deseados. El tercer diagnóstico que se atendió con más frecuencia fue el de depresión, que estuvo presente en el 12,93% de los casos, seguido por la atención a duelos y trastornos de estrés agudo con el 9,48% cada uno respectivamente. Otros diagnósticos que se presentaron tuvieron que ver con trastorno de estrés postraumático, discapacidad cognitiva, trastornos de psicosis no especificados, psicosomatizaciones y trastornos mixtos" 453830,64997.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,153,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cp_bcnudh_note_mensuelle_violations_des_droits_de_lhomme_et_infographies_juillet_2021_fr_eng.pdf,"Les cas de violences sexuelles liées au conflit, documentés en juillet 2021 sur des victimes adultes ont été en baisse de 25% par rapport au mois précédent. Le BCNUDH a documenté au moins 44 victimes au cours du mois en revue. Les membres des groupes armés continuent de commettre le plus de violences sexuelles sur les civils avec 33 femmes victimes en juillet 2021. Parmi les agents de l’Etat, les militaires des FARDC ont fait le plus grand nombre de victimes (avec neuf femmes), suivis des agents de la PNC (deux femmes), pour un total de 11 victimes pour le mois. Trois provinces continuent à enregistrer le plus grand nombre de victimes de violences sexuelles. Il s’agit des provinces du Nord-Kivu (18), du Maniema et du Sud-Kivu (10 chacune)." 189886,42519.0,1188.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Environment'],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3678840,"En conmemoración del Día Mundial de la Salud Mental y del Día Internacional de la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres, el Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) realizó el simposio virtual denominado, Integración de la Salud Mental en la Gestión de Riesgos de Desastres y Otras Emergencias." 326343,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,115,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The main drivers of health LSGs were found to be Households with at least one member who had been ill in the two weeks prior to data collection and it taking more than one hour to reach the nearest healthcare facility by foot (0%) ,Households with women of reproductive age (15-49 years old) who had given a life birth in the two years prior to data collection without having been attended by skilled health personnel (10%) , Households that do not have access to a functional healthcare facility within 1-hour walking distance (1%)." 172506,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,35,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Le contexte de confinement, de restrictions de mouvements et d’état d’urgence sanitaire présente des risques d’abus commis par les forces de sécurité ou par les groupes armés." 227464,46523.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elvenezolanocolombia.com/2020/12/migracion-forzada-mantiene-a-839-059-ninos-venezolanos-alejados-de-sus-padres-en-2020/,"Es un cambio considerable en la dinámica familiar frente a la migración de uno de los padres. Los hombres tienden en mayor medida a la migración y las madres ejercen un rol más activo en el cuidado de los niños y adolescentes. Los abuelos siguen teniendo un papel clave; pues 41,7% de los niños quedan a su cargo." 192503,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,25,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"South Sudan has 99 under-five child deaths per 1,000 live births,21 higher than the Sub Saharan regional rate of 78 per 1,000 live births." 275668,50677.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Avec l’intensification des précipitations en juillet et août, l’accès humanitaire devient presque impossible dans le département du Logone et Chari." 229664,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Generally, Mangalla Centre where the IDPS have settled has a PHCC operated by HLSS with support from HPF and OTP and TSFP by ART with support from UNICEF and WFP. however, these sites are all closed due the insecurity and the health facility is operating within Payam Office giving basic services within the barracks which is about 1km away from the IDP settlement." 163769,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Hay preocupación por brote de COVID-19 en unidades militares de Santander, en los batallones de Bucaramanga y Barrancabermeja se han detectado más de 200 casos." 294649,52361.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,39,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3724860,"More than3,000 peoplehave been displaced by heavy clashes between Colombian non-state armed groups and the Venezuelan army in La Victoria and rural surroundings in Venezuela. Displaced communities are fleeing into Colombia, many in need of aid." 187934,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,111,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"On 23 March, the UN Secretary-General urged warring parties across the world to lay down their weapons in support of the bigger battle against COVID-19. He highlighted that the ceasefire would allow humanitarians to reach populations that are most vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19. In the North West and South West regions, one non-state armed group declared its adherence to the Secretary-General’s call. Other non-state armed groups rejected a unilateral ceasefire, demanding a negotiated ceasefire also applicable to the Cameroon defense forces. Meanwhile, in the Far North, Boko Haram violence intensified, leading to an increase in displacement." 343862,56755.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PROTECTION%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf,"The increasing use of dangerous routes and inadequate means of transportation, risks related to lack of regular status or access to regularization, lack of information, loss of income, increase of risks of GBV and discrimination, and limited access to rights and basic services all compound these situations of vulnerability" 276252,50671.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Éducation : 78% des femmes contre 46% des hommes restent analphabètes, l’indice de parité fille et garçons dans l’enseignement primaire est de 0,89%, dans le secondaire on ne trouve que 26,9% des filles contre 57,5% des garçons ce qui représente un écart de 30,6 point, dans le supérieur 13,9% des filles contre 37,5 % de garçons soit 23,6 point d’écart" 318929,54628.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,72,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] A major concern highlighted by the participants was the condition of their shelters, some of which were reduced to ashes. Some have lost all their household belongings to the fire: money, beds, blankets, pillows, cooking utensils, relief items, solar batteries, lights, fans, gas cylinders, clothes, and SIM cards." 237243,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]The SMOH and Lafiya project, in collaboration with WHO and partners, supported the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) under the National Home Grown School Feeding Program (NHGSFP), conducted sensitization training for 811 Cooks on food safety and hygiene in the midst of COVID-19." 276143,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"L’augmentation du nombre de ces incidents [de protection] affecte la stabilité des zones d’accueil et de retour et ne facilite pas la reprise des activités agricoles, de pêche ou d’élevage." 265711,49620.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"L’accès à la santé est resté limité en 2020. Les dernières données disponibles indiquent que 146 centres de santé étaient complètement fermés sur l’ensemble des trois pays. De plus, d’après les IC, la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à des infrastructures à distance de marche dans 15% des localités évaluées au cours des 30 jours précédant la collecte de données de novembre 2020." 209885,45114.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,101,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,http://saharareporters.com/2020/12/09/nigeria%E2%80%99s-covid-19-cases-rise-70195-550-fresh-infections,"[9thDec2020,Nigeria]The new cases, it said, were recorded in 16 states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, with Lagos retaining the highest figure of 219 cases. Other states were Kaduna, 52 cases; Kwara, 19; Kano and Rivers, 15 each; Sokoto, 10; Enugu, 9; and Gombe, 8. Plateau and Osun recorded seven each; Anambra and Oyo, five each; Jigawa and Ogun, four each; Bauchi 2; Edo, 1; and the FCT, 168." 457479,65405.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Résumé des problèmes rapportés] Violences sexuelles et basées sur le genre -Viols -Agressions sexuelles -Violences psychologiques -Mariages forcés -Grossesses non désirées - Prostitution / sexe de survie 276262,50677.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,109,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Le niveau d’insécurité alimentaire qui prévaut dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord reste préoccupant. Alors que les ménages traversent la période de soudure (juin- septembre) ou les stocks alimentaires diminuent – dans le Mayo-Danay et le Logone et Chari, 57% des ménages ont épuisé leur stock - et les prix du marché croissent fortement, le Projet de renforcement du système national de surveillance et d’alerte précoce (PRESNAP) relève que 33% des ménages de la région se trouvent en situation d’insécurité alimentaire, dont 3% en situation d’insécurité alimentaire sévère." 169923,39044.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,146,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Windstorm%20and%20Rainfall%20Damages%20to%20IDP%20Sites%20Flash%20Report%2013%20%2806%20September%202020%29.pdf,"[06/09/2020, Gwoza, Monguno, Maiduguri and Konduga LGAs] On 06 September 2020, IOM’s DTM program carried out an assessment to ascertain the level of damage sustained in camps and camp-like settings due to heavy windstorm and rainfall between the 1st - 6th of September 2020. Overall, 7 camps were affected in Gwoza, Monguno, Maiduguri and Konduga LGAs. The worst-hit of the camps assessed was the GGSS camp in Monguno LGA where a heavy rainfall left 1,140 makeshift shelters damaged and an estimated 3,764 individuals without shelter due to flooding.Other affected camps are: Suleimanti Camp, Musune Camp in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Wakane Host Community in Gwoza LGA, Gardener Low Cost Camp, NRC 1 & 2 in Monguno LGA and 400 Housing Estate (Gubio Camp) in Konduga LGA." 187664,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Puntland Ministry of Health, supported by the University of Oslo, have started the District Health Information System indicator review process with stakeholders and partners to improve monitoring of essential services and COVID-19 related disruption in 2021." 454511,64224.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,136,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 49.8% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana afirmó que están de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo que las instituciones públicas encargadas de proteger los derechos de las niñas y adolescente (Comisaría, Centro de Emergencia Mujer -CEM, Fiscalía, DEMUNA), son eficientes en el contexto de la pandemia. Este porcentaje se reduce al 9.1% en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana (solamente de acuerdo). Expresa que la percepción es más bastante positiva por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana. Cabe precisar que el 60.6% de las personas de nacionalidad peruana expresa estar en desacuerdo o muy en desacuerdo. En este punto, la percepción de las personas de nacionalidad peruana es bastante cuestionadora frente a las instituciones públicas." 282459,51159.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/medic-frontline-syria-s-coronavirus-battle-speaks-out,"[16th March, 2021, Northern Syria] Due to communal bathrooms, clean water is not available all the time. People are unable to regularly wash their hands, as they do not have water or soap. If someone gets coronavirus, it is impossible for them to quarantine as they are living in a tent with six other people." 193827,43300.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,74,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Au Lac, les enfants séparés, surtout les adolescents, et notamment les filles, constituent une catégorie à risque en termes de recrutement dans des réseaux de pratiques illégales ou des acteurs armés non-étatiques. Ces enfants, comme les autres membres de la communauté, sont également exposés aux dangers des mines et des engins non-explosés, notamment lorsqu´ils aident dans la collecte du bois de chauffe et de l´eau." 169924,39044.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,59,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Windstorm%20and%20Rainfall%20Damages%20to%20IDP%20Sites%20Flash%20Report%2013%20%2806%20September%202020%29.pdf,"[06/09/2020, Gwoza, Monguno, Maiduguri and Konduga LGAs] There is a major need of sand bags, shelter, shelter repair kits, construction and sanitation materials as a preparedness measure in all camps, provision of basic NFI as well as reconstruction of damaged toilets and shower areas. No casualty was reported." 151189,34293.0,1898.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Environment'],es,83,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-07-20%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%2013-19%20de%20julio%202020.pdf,"Más de 500 personas permanecen refugiadas después de sufrir daños o la pérdida total de sus hogares, muchos de ellos en refugios que no están equipados para estadías a largo plazo. Socios de albergues informan de la falta de agua, alimentos y suministros sanitarios básicos, así como de información sobre la reubicación. Los efectos combinados de las tormentas y la crisis de COVID-19 en 162.000 familias con gran inseguridad alimentaria están creando una mayor necesidad de financiación." 213245,45314.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/world/2020/12/08/twice-trafficked-covid-19-fuels-fears-for-survivors-in-bangladesh,"[8th December 2020, Bangladesh] To address these issues, advocates have urged the government to make a list of trafficking survivors and give them priority to obtain jobs abroad through legal channels." 245130,47833.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Las condiciones psicológicas graves y los diagnósticos de NNA con discapacidad psicosocial se ven perjudicados cuando no hay afiliación a la EPS, pues estos síntomas no suelen ser atendidos por urgencias médicas. También en relación con la situación de las personas con discapacidad psicosocial, se observa que pacientes que seguían tratamiento psiquiátrico en Venezuela no pueden acceder a medicamentos porque las fórmulas fueron suscritas en Venezuela." 388944,60849.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,71,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Todas las personas entrevistadas viven, junto a su grupo familiar, en piezas, siendo el frío y los efectos en la salud que ello conlleva, su principal problema. A ello se añade los efectos psicológicos y emocionales que tendría en niños, niñas y adolescentes los espacios ""feos"" y chicos. Dicha situación también se manifiesta como recrudecida en el contexto de la cuarentena." 299313,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"A number of partners started to only transport goods with a permission letter issued by NSAG-TB in order not to be stopped at checkpoints. While this system indeed seems to facilitate movement, it is no guarantee for not being stopped at checkpoints" 384794,60456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,68,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"354 incidents ont été rapporté sur l’ensemble du pays pendant ce mois de juin dont plus de 60% rapportés dans 6 régions (Sahel, Centre Nord, Boucle du Mouhoun, Nord, Est et Centre Est) qui sont plus affectées par la crise humanitaire et ont fait plusieurs centaines de morts et de blessés, dont la plupart sont des civils." 361413,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,175,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] For older children and adolescents, interventions should focus on the children themselves, as most drowning incidents to children within this age range are associated with increased independence, low supervision, and risk-taking behaviours. Therefore, preventative strategies for older children and adolescents should focus on increasing a child’s personal cognitive skills around water including better recognition of hazards, recognition of personal limits, and to the ability to resist peer pressure to take part in activities for which skills are lacking (Peden et al, 2008). This can be realised through teaching children within this age group basic swimming, water safety and safe rescue skills. This is a key drowning prevention strategy advocated by WHO (2014), and its effectiveness is supported by studies of programmes conducted in Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Grenada (Solomon et al, 2012; Rahman et al, 2012)." 271919,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les sinistrés et les populations en déplacement dans toutes les régions dans lesquelles ils se retrouvent mais plus particulièrement à Maradi, Tahoua, Diffa et Tillabéri, sont contraints de développer des stratégies négatives d’adaptation à cause de la réduction du pouvoir d’achat suite à la perte de leurs biens (champs, petit commerce, AGR, emploi)." 384872,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Briefing des personnels soignants du District Sanitaire de Djibo sur le dispositif minimum en situation d’urgence pour la santé sexuelle et reproductive, tenu dans le cadre du projet : « Offre des soins de santé d’urgences aux personnes déplacées internes et leurs communautés hôtes dans la région du Sahel », au total 18 personnes dont 06 hommes" 147689,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"UNFPA also provided PPE to partners in the reporting period, including 500,000 medical masks, 7,500 boxes of latex gloves, 5,000 disposable gloves, 5,000 liters of alcohol. 5,000 hand gels, and 1,000 bottle surface sanitizers, in addition to 130,600 antiseptic soap bars and 15,000 PPE kits to SARC." 384799,60456.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"De plus, la capacité de stockage dans les régions touchées par le conflit reste incertaine, en particulier en cette période où les services médicaux ont besoin de ressources logistiques supplémentaires pour accompagner les activités de la réponse à la pandémie de la Covid-19." 136842,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The current key priorities in Syria are: Enhancing surveillance capacity, including active surveillance, with a critical need to expand laboratory capacity at the national and sub-national level to test for timely detection; Protecting health care workers by training and providing additional PPE; Ensuring proper case management, isolation and contact tracing; and Raising awareness and risk communication." 130818,33838.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,39,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"• Las necesarias medidas de aislamiento social obligatorio han generado aumento en los riesgos de violencia basada en género contra mujeres y NNA, sobre todo para las que están aisladas en sus hogares junto con sus abusadores." 322193,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of non- IDP settlement were Lack of sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) / facilities too crowded (24%),Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (18%)." 209015,43347.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Without adequate WASH infrastructure, the potential presence of water or vector-borne diseases as well as the ability to contain them may impact the well-being of the local populations at risk of disease outbreaks in the increasingly congested urban setting." 224185,45763.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,31,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Les besoins prioritaires exprimés par les ménages sont les bâches, couvertures, nattes, moustiquaires, savon, jerrycans et kits de dignité pour les femmes et jeunes filles." 160291,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Cabe mencionar que entre el 29 de enero y el 29 de mayo de 2020, el Gobierno colombiano lanzó una nueva ronda para obtener el PEP. Al 2 de julio de 2020 había 1,024,836 venezolanos en condición irregular en el país14, y según Migración Colombia la medida podía beneficiar a 200,000 personas aproximadamente.15 Sin embargo, según los datos de DRC, el nuevo PEP fue inaccesible para la mayoría de la población." 437163,63582.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,134,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Malgré les progrès réalisés au cours de ces dix dernières années, les prévalences de la malnutrition sous toutes ses formes restent élevées. En effet, en 2020, 9,1% des enfants burkinabè de moins de 5 ans souffraient de malnutrition aigüe soit un enfant sur 10. Aussi, 1 enfant sur 4 souffrait de retard de croissance et plus de 17% souffraient d’insuffisance pondérale. Cette malnutrition par carence cohabite avec la malnutrition par excès puisque 2,8% des enfants de moins de 5 ans étaient en surcharge pondérale dont 1,9% souffrait d’obésité. Cette situation moins reluisante chez les enfants est constatée chez les femmes en âges de procréer (FAP) car 1 femme sur 10 souffrait de maigreur en 2020." 125940,31192.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"As of 2 nd June 2020, there are 10,819 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported in Nigeria, increased by over 10,000 cases since the last NPSWG meeting which was replaced with information note on 7 th April 2020." 356131,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,55,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En marzo, las ventas reales del comercio minorista registraron una variación de 20,1% respecto al mismo mes de 2020. Excluyendo las ventas de combustibles el crecimiento real del comercio minorista se ubicó en 9,7%, mientras que la variación anual de las ventas excluyendo vehículos se ubicó en 15,7%." 287636,51799.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,202,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_and_food_security_monitoring_system_afsms_bulletin_jan_feb_2021.pdf,"[Jan-Feb, 2021, Overall Syria] Most food items namely legumes, vegetables, chicken meat, rice, eggs, sugar and vegetable oil were generally available but most households in the community are facing challenges in terms of accessing the available food items mentioned. The major reason is that the food items are available but expensive. There was general limited availability of bread and wheat flour observed in Aleppo, Dara and Hasakeh governorates. From the monitored locations and during this current January – February 2021 AFSMS reporting period, FAO observed that most families were facing significant challenges in securing or accessing bread, which is the staple food in Syria. Most families are unable to access or meet their daily requirements of bread in addition to the fact that bread deliveries and supply is now erratic across most governorates compared to same period last year. The Agriculture and Food Security Monitoring System for January – February 2021 concludes that food availability is not the major concern but rather food access since most vulnerable families do not have adequate financial resources to buy the food that is available in the market." 341833,56181.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"Deuxièmement, la productivité agricole en RDC est faible. L'amélioration des techniques agricoles pourrait augmenter les rendements, ce qui permettrait d'accroître la disponibilité d'aliments nutritifs et de renforcer les moyens de subsistance." 154813,38099.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,88,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Suite à une relative stabilité des cas d’infection, confirmée par les services techniques du Ministère de la santé, le Gouvernement a progressivement levé certaines restrictions et révisé certaines mesures afin de réduire leurs impacts sur les populations (réduction des heures de couvre-feu de 21h à 4h du matin, reprise progressive du travail au bureau, ouverture des marchés et de centre de culte religieuse), en instaurant cependant une forte sensibilisation sur la distanciation et le port obligatoire de masque." 384868,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Donation de MEG, de matériel WASH et de hangars pour les PSA ; 9 Formations de l’ensemble des agents de santé et ASBC de la commune sur un certain nombre de thématique de santé en lien avec la santé reproductive et celle de enfants de moins de cinq ans." 191751,42638.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redmas.com.co/w/aproximadamente-500-venezolanos-ingresan-a-colombia-por-dia-gerente-de-fronteras?redirect=%2Finicio?color=,"Lucas Gómez,gerente de Fronteras, en diálogo este viernes enRed+ Noticias,habló sobre el retorno masivo de ciudadanos venezolanos a Colombia, luego de que habían migrado a su país, a causa de la pandemia porCOVID-19." 276247,50671.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"La situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle affecte les enfants, les filles et les femmes enceintes et allaitantes dans les 12 provinces où la prévalence de la malnutrition aigüe dépasse le seuil critique de 15%." 236012,46890.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"About 40 humanitarian workers were trained on human rights/protection thematic areas and mainstreaming of protection while 2,327 persons were reached through sensitization and awareness raising on numerous themes including legal issues, social cohesion, GBV key concepts, protection and humanitarian principles, COVID-19 prevention and protective measures." 202021,44071.0,2330.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,28,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Although the Red Cross is supporting in those areas, there are still important gaps. Food and kitchen supplies are also needed where people are returning." 330130,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,122,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"Hace un año, por esta misma fecha, la Amazonia fue la primera región de Colombia en desbordarse debido al COVID-19. En ese territorio, que ha padecido deudas históricas en materia de salud, había un escenario perfecto para la emergencia sanitaria. La falta de unidades de cuidados intensivos, de personal capacitado y de información epidemiológica fueron algunas de las fallas dentro de una zona en constante riesgo, que meses después tendría un elemento más para alarmarse: la variante brasilera (P1). La preocupación se hizo realidad el pasado enero con la confirmación de la circulación del linaje en Leticia. (Puede leer:Colombia alcanza 5 millones de dosis administradas)" 165518,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three challenges transporting food back (88 responses)†Issues with porter service (60%) Unable to carry items home (53%) Roads are inaccesible during monsoon (44%) 187554,38355.0,1184.0,"['Education', 'WASH']",[],[],en,42,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"According to an analysis made with the support of the Ministry of Education, around 4,600 schools (42 per cent of public schools nationwide) lack access to decent water, handwashing stations and toilets, especially in rural areas." 281944,51173.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,100,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"Despite various COVID-19 related challenges in 2020, UNICEF supported the Ministry of Education (MoE) through the implementation of Community-Based Education (CBE) in response to the immediate needs of emergency-affected children, including returnees, refugees, internally displaced, and vulnerable host community children, who were unable to access public schooling due to insecurity, inadequate school infrastructure and capacity, poverty, and far distances between communities and school buildings. 157,342 children (90,428 girls, representing 57 per cent of the total) were enrolled in 4,300 CBE learning spaces." 185896,42499.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,89,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3681063,"Treinta y dos mil 300 personas que viven en 21 municipios del Corredor Seco que fueron afectados por la pandemia de la COVID-19 y por los daños causados por las tormentas tropicales Amanda y Cristóbal están recibiendo asistencia alimentaria del Gobierno de El Salvador, el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, a través de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), y el Programa Mundial de Alimentos de las Naciones Unidas (WFP, por sus siglas en inglés)." 235113,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,The banking association of Cameroon has also taken the initiative for banks to maintain short term credits to the real economy but expects that the government will not increase domestic arrears. 283245,51140.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/INFORMEbaja_DTM_GENERAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10918,"El 1,8% de las y los NNA encuestados no cuenta con ningún tipo de formación académica. En este grupo se concentran los menores de 6 años." 356627,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,99,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Human Rights Watch pudo corroborar videos de un vehículo blindado que disparaba lo que parecen ser gases lacrimógenos a los manifestantes esa noche. Autoridades judiciales con conocimiento del caso señalaron que el impacto que recibió Niño en el ojo le provocó la muerte. El 6 de mayo, las autoridades de la justicia militar detuvieron a un policía por cargos de homicidio en relación con este caso. El 13 de mayo, la Fiscalía solicitó que el caso sea conocido únicamente por la justicia ordinaria. La Corte Constitucional aún no ha dictado una decisión." 205847,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Some 60 per cent of primary and secondary schools and classrooms are either partially or completely damaged 196256,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Access to sufficient amounts of personal protective equipment has been a challenge 142181,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In NWS, WHO has delivered a total of 300 infection prevention and control kits (including disinfectants, chlorine solution, liquid soap, etc.) to cover a three-month supply for 120 health facilities in NWS, as well as 40,000 surgical masks, 79,000 pairs of examination gloves, 1,000 face shields and 400 protective goggles." 73240,21154.0,1187.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,113,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"As for the population profiles, the situation faced by refugees and migrants before leaving Venezuela and throughout their journey across the region has led the Southern Cone countries to face an increase in the number of arrivals by land. Therefore, it has been identified that by 2020, this population will require an increase in the response of emergency assistance, including humanitarian transport, especially from border areas to urban areas, temporary accommodation for the groups in most vulnerable situations, food assistance, non-food items for new arrivals, basic healthcare, and assistance to ensure access to water and sanitation systems in the peripheral areas." 268838,49931.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/newsroom/news/presidente-duque-anuncia-decision-historica-crear-estatuto-proteccion-temporal,"Bogotá (feb. 8/21). Canciller Claudia Blum acompañó al Presidente de la República, Iván Duque Márquez, durante el anunció de la creación de un Estatuto de Protección Temporal para los migrantes venezolanos, con el fin de regularizar la situación de casi un millón de migrantes en situación irregular, del total de 1,8 millones de ciudadanos de Venezuela que se encuentran en el país." 244068,47369.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,63,['Priority Interventions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ NES, Dec] Areesha camp: Cases: 2 confirmed cases in December. One case was transferred to the COVID-19 clinic outside Washokani camp, and the second case self-isolated within their tent. Update: Health or WASH partner needs to be identified for hazardous waste management for the isolation area. CM continues to cover contact tracing." 492562,67939.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,45,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-sees-spike-covid-19-cases-fears-grow-new-wave-2021-09-22/,"[September 23, NWS]The spike in cases and deaths was more alarming in the country's heavily populated opposition held northwest near the Turkish border where over four million live, among them nearly half a million alone in makeshift tents." 393175,62158.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the community indicates that domestic, community violence, and lack of livelihood opportunities are the problems that most affects the community, others includes over population and over crowded in the camps and host communities, lack of sufficient NFIs, hygiene kits and displacements as other problems that affects the communities." 174169,41097.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,113,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_11_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"NECESIDADES ASOCIADAS A LA SALUD Se ha observado por parte de las instituciones departamentales, un menor número de muestras tomadas, lo cual podría generar subregistro y limitaciones en la atención oportuna a pacientes ubicados en municipios donde hasta ahora se empiezan a registrar casos positivos y vacíos a la hora de generar estrategias en caso de que se generen rebrotes. Persiste la necesidad de fortalecer las estrategias de control de casos a través de acciones de salud comunitaria para la efectiva atención por parte de las entidades de salud en materia de prevención y mitigación en zonas rurales del departamento, donde persisten dificultades en la movilización de pacientes." 357143,58234.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security-wheat/syrian-drought-puts-assads-year-of-wheat-in-peril-idUSKCN2DX0JB,"[21 June 2021, Overall Syria] Along with higher prices to farmers that are denominated in dollars to deter them from selling to Damascus, the self administration has so far banned any sale outside its territory. The 1,150 pounds a kilo purchase price was set substantially higher than the Damascus level to ensure the northeast administration gets the largest possible quantity to enable self sufficiency, Kurdish officials say." 228671,46627.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,40,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Households may turn to internal and external migration as a solution to economic problems. In the current context, these pose a health risk as well as a safety risk – in particular given perceptions around migrants spreading COVID-19" 278630,50856.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021] Generally, flour prices decreased in Aleppo and Deir-ez-Zor governorates (12 and 21 percent m-o-m decrease respectively), the average selling prices was 950 SYP per kg. The average recorded price for flour across all monitored governorates was 1 062 per kg. In Dará, the average selling price increased to 1 250 SYP per kg while it reached 1 263 SYP per Kg in Hama governorate. The price remained generally constant in Rural Damascus and Homs governorates." 235994,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"A total of 170 healthcare facility staff and community health workers were trained on infection prevention and control (IPC), 172 handwashing equipment stations were installed in the community and immunization centers and 121 people (leaders of the women group, religious, opinion, etc.) were engaged on COVID- 19 through risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) actions." 172422,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,66,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Impact indirect sur l’économie : Avec son économie extravertie, tributaire du secteur minier (qui constitue 30 pour cent des recettes budgétaires du pays), et fortement dépendante des intrants et des produits de première nécessité et des denrées de base importés, la RDC devrait voir sa croissance baisser sensiblement et ses comptes macroéconomiques se détériorer en profondeur en 2020." 477244,67232.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,153,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"4.1.1 Principales enfermedades o malestares crónicos Del total de población que informó padecer enfermedad o malestar crónico, los más comunes son asma que afectó al 39,0%, seguida por hipertensión con 18,4%, artritis con 4,8%, diabetes con 4,6%, enfermedades del corazón con 3,6%, cáncer con 2,1%, entre las principales. Según sexo, se observa diferencias, asma afecta más a los hombres (43,8%) que a las mujeres (35,2%); hipertensión la padecen más las mujeres (19,2 %) que los hombres (17,5%), artritis más mujeres (8,1%) que hombres (0,6%), diabetes más mujeres (5,3%) que hombres (3,7%); enfermedades del corazón el 5,2% de mujeres frente al 1,5% de hombres, entre los principales." 112494,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Desde 2019, ha aumentado la necesidad de atención ya que, en su mayoría, los niños y niñas refugiados y migrantes están en condición de amenaza de sus derechos (a la educación, al registro). Desafortunadamente, la labor de los defensores de familia del ICBF en el PARD se dificulta dada la insuficiencia en la oferta de servicios en salud y educación, la cual impide la garantía de estos derechos. En las unidades de servicio de modalidades de protección del ICBF se encuentra una dificultad similar, porque no pueden realizarse procesos de reunificación familiar ni de adoptabilidad (Equipo de Asistencia Técnica, ICBF La Guajira, entrevista, 2019)" 206737,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]Sanitation surrounding the household was found to be of concern as three quarters of households (75%) reported environmental sanitation problems around their homes. The most commonly reported issues were solid waste (43%) followed by fecal matter (25%), stagnant water (24%), decaying organic matter (15%), and rodents (7%)." 391191,61470.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Households reporting barriers when leaving the camp in the two weeks prior to data collection: Yes 52% and No 48%. Most commonly reported barriers to movement: -Transportation available but too expensive (32%) -Insufficient transportation (20%) -Site departure conditions (need approval) (16%)" 173011,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Il est estimé que près de 10,9 millions de personnes ont désormais des besoins liés aux violences basées sur le genre, soit une augmentation de 43 pour cent par rapport au PRH originel" 58258,17094.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En general, vemos que las mujeres que aún no tienen residencia precaria realizan tareas de limpieza, cuidan enfermos o personas mayores o venden distintos productos en lugares de gran circulación, tales como las estaciones de trenes. Algunas de las que tienen documento comienzan trabajando como «franqueras» en tiendas de ropa. De los varones, unos cuantos empezaron haciendo delivery [a través de plataformas], los que trabajan como choferes es porque ya tienen DNI y registro de conducir”." 235155,43400.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Efforts to prevent a collapse in revenue collection through various measures should be scaled up and measures to mitigate the negative financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the private sector, which could include strengthening social safety nets, subsidizing basic medications, and providing support to affected companies should be effectively implemented." 483284,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.2.10 Frecuencia de la violencia sexual En la encuesta se indagó acerca de la percepción de la frecuencia de la violencia sexual vivida en el Perú comparada a lo vivido en Venezuela. Del total que respondió conocer casos de violencia sexual, el 63,9% declara que es más frecuente en el Perú que en su propio país, el 24,4% considera que la violencia sexual es menos frecuente y el 11,7% que es igual de frecuente como en Venezuela. Según sexo, el 74,1% de las mujeres que conocen personas violentadas sexualmente consideran que en el Perú la violencia sexual es más frecuente que cuando vivía en Venezuela." 345198,56855.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] Between 5 and 20 April 2020, UNHCR continued the distribution of cash assistance to 19,303 Central African refugees and local community members (5,681 households) in the area of Ndu (Bas Uélé province) and surrounding villages. The cash distribution was restricted to the purchase of core relief items (CRIs) and the amount of money received was based on the family size of the refugees and host communities benefiting from the distribution. An additional amount of 15 USD has been given to women and girls of reproductive age for the purchase of hygiene kits." 321052,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,67,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] En ce qui concerne les problèmes abris dans les villages, la plupart ont cité comme problème principal, la qualité (68%), le suivi du coût (26%)." 165365,32691.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,77,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/77415,"El 5 de junio las autoridades migratorias colombianas emitieron la Resolución No. 1265, en la que se describe el protocolo para el retorno de los venezolanos y se detallan las medidas de coordinación entre las autoridades locales, Migración Colombia, las instituciones sanitarias y la policía. Según esta resolución, los venezolanos que decidan regresar corren el riesgo de perder su condición de refugiados o que su solicitud de asilo sea rechazada." 235151,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,11,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,Cameroon’s capacity to repay the Fund remains strong. 310564,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"In Jonglei, Upper Nile and Warrap, more than 80 per cent of the targeted people were reached with assistance and services." 16700,6342.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,89,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,The devaluation of the currency and the general security situation have affected the nominal price of basic food commodities in Al Hudaydah. FAO reports that a price trend analysis of diesel and fuel in markets in Al Hudaydah Governorate indicate significant price increases. Diesel increased by 48 per cent and petrol by 42 per cent between August and the third week of September. The price of wheat grains has increased by 22 per cent while sugar has increased by 10 per cent across the governorate. 333659,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],fr,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Site : Yakirom / Zone de responsabilité : Kiskira / Problèmes en Santé : Faible capacité logistique du centre de santé ; Présence des pathologies récurrentes comme paludisme, diarrhée aigue, parasitose, dermatose, stress-post traumatique, infection respiratoire" 17477,5431.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"UNICEF has shipped over 50 MT of medical supplies from Djibouti to Hudaydah. The shipment will benefit 250,000 children and mothers and tops up existing items that were placed in the port city before the current fighting started. • In Amanat Al Asimah, UNICEF has deployed a mobile team to Abu Bakr School to provide full-package health and nutrition activities to the IDPs." 196150,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The Cluster partners continue to work in close collaboration with the FMoH and State Health Authorities through joint planning, meetings (IMS) and capacity building to address the pressing need to scale-up core essential services in the face of COVID-19: provision of acute and essential services with a much greater focus on provider and patient safety; infection prevention and control (IPC) in HCFs with WASH; improvement in case management capacity for most common health threats and emergencies and maternal and child health services, including vaccination." 248726,48228.0,2332.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,53,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations : Promouvoir de l’éducation d’urgence dans les sites de déplacés / Identifier les enfants en âge scolaire dans les sites des déplacés de Kudou-kolé site et Dar El kher site / Sensibiliser les parents pour l’envoi des enfants à l’école en particulier les filles 157326,38466.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,151,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"A la date du 23 août 2020. la situation de la maladie à Coronavirus au Burkina Faso se presente comme suit : 509 échantillons analysés, répartis en : - 301 tests de dépistages volontaires ; - 144 tests de voyageurs ; - 62 tests de cas contacts ; - 02 tests de cas suspects ; Nombre de nouveaux cas confirmés 14, dont 02 cas importés et 12 a transmissions communautaires (07 à Ouagadougou, 01 à Bobo-Dioulasso, 01 à Banfora, 01 à Garango, 01 à Kombissiri et 01 à Ouahigouya) ; Nombre de guérisons : 00, portant à 1058, le total des guérisons ; Nombre de décès : 00, total des déces, 55 ; Nombre de cas actifs : 239 ; Nombre de cas confirmés depuis le 09 mars 2020 : 1 352 dont 466 femmes et 886 hommes." 473948,67199.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,17,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"• Diseñar una canasta digital para la educación, que incluya a toda la comunidad educativa." 39077,13749.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,95,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"As mentioned above, the surge in conflict has led to some high levels of displacement. However, despite the difficult circumstances, people in conflict affected areas do not always decide to move either because they are afraid of looting or because roads are blocked or generally unsafe. For all the interviewed Libyan and non-Libyan male and female key informants, the main barriers to safety were: no safe routes, no options for shelter, and fear to move out of their housing because of looting in their absence." 358779,58534.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,83,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.invima.gov.co/web/guest/informacion-importante-acerca-de-la-inclusion-de-mujeres-embarazadas-en-las-asue-de-vacunas-contra-covid-19?redirect=%2Farticulos-de-interes-coronavirus-covid-19,"El Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos- Invima, informa que a la fecha no ha sido radicada solicitud alguna por parte de los titulares de las Autorizaciones Sanitarias de Uso de Emergencia de las vacunas contra covid-19, ni de otras autoridades, para incluir a las mujeres embarazadas de manera expresa, como destinatarias de la inmunización con estos biológicos, con sus respectivas indicaciones, contraindicaciones, eventos adversos, precauciones y advertencias, interacciones y dosificación." 265672,49620.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,32,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Mali, BF, Niger) La plupart des écoles sont restées fermées jusqu’à fin août, avec une reprise progressive des cours depuis septembre. (Nov.2020)" 220934,45369.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/stop-aux-mutilations-g-nitales-f-minines-faire-ensemble-du-burkina-faso-un,"En 1996, le Burkina Faso a adopté une loi sanctionnant cette pratique [mutilations génitales féminines (MGF)]. Révisée en 2018, ladite loi prévoit désormais des peines de prison et des amendes supplémentaires." 36932,13321.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,54,['At Risk'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"To prepare for the upcoming rainy season, the sector worked on a Rainy Season Contingency Plan with an assessment of flood-prone camps and host communities, which identified 71 camps to be at a high risk of flooding and a population of 300,000 individuals likely to be affected during the rainy season." 223771,45880.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,63,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les analyses intégrées en cours depuis le début de l'épidémie de la COVID-19 en RDC me�ent en évidence l'augmenta�on des prix du marché, la baisse des revenus, la réduc�on de l'accessibilité des transports et la détériora�on du taux de change entre le franc congolais et le dollar américain comme étant les principaux facteurs ayant un impact sur la sécurité socio-économique." 16521,6348.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302711100,"SHABWA, 30th September, 2018 (WAM) -- The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, intensified its ongoing efforts in Yemen yesterday, when it began distributing 1,000 food parcels to poor families in Mukalla District, Hadramaut, which will benefit 7,000 people living in remote mountain areas. The ERC also distributed 155 food parcels to patients and employees of the cancer treatment department in Ateeq City, Shabwa Governorate." 475619,63776.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les principaux auteurs présumés des incidents sont les GANE avec 23 cas, les FDS avec 05 cas, les VDP avec 02, les membres de la communauté avec 02 cas et les bandits armés avec 02 cas. Les incidents ont provoqué des mouvements de population dans la région du Sahel." 218991,45705.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,26,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/node/18588/pdf/reversing_gains.pdf,Children are disproportionately affected by the hidden impacts of COVID-19 and may be dealing with the conse - quences of this for years to come. 349939,57380.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,60,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2021/06/07/earthquake-felt-in-sylhet-again,"[ 7th June 2021, Bangladesh] A mild tremor of 3.8 magnitude on the Richter Scale was felt in Sylhet city on Monday evening, causing panic among residents as they have experienced several earthquakes in the last 10 days. The epicenter of the earthquake was near the West Khasi Hills in the Indian state of Meghalaya." 241971,47791.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"D'autres rapports de la CASS suggèrent qu'un nombre croissant de filles s'engagent dans des relations sexuelles transactionnelles, car les familles ont une capacité réduite à les soutenir financièrement, et elles n'ont pas la structure et la sécurité fournies par les écoles, ainsi qu'une augmentation du nombre d'enfants, y compris des filles, vivant dans les rues." 145863,35819.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"WFP and USAID/BHA-funded NGO partners provide monthly food assistance to more than 5.5 million Syrians, including more than 4.5 million beneficiaries inside Syria and 1.1 million refugees across Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey" 418540,63160.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NEW%20UPDATE%20COVID-19%20DRC%2C%20JULY%2001%2C%202021%20-%20Nouvelle%20mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20COVID-19%20en%20RDC%20-%20Avec%20les%20donn%C3%A9es%20fournies%20jusqu%27au%20jeudi%201er%20juillet%202021%20%20-%20wf%20-.pdf,Les tests ont été réalisés sur un total de 4 841 échantillons reçus pour l’analyse biologique à l’INRB. Le nombre total de cas positifs au nouveau coronavirus en RDC est de 41 771 (41 770 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable) 265731,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,32,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"En effet, la dangerosité et / ou l’impraticabilité de certains axes dans le nord du pays freinent l’accès à certaines zones ayant besoin d’assistance." 388628,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,71,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Selon les informateurs clés, il a été constaté dans la province du Soum, la présence de beaucoup d’enfants associés aux groupes armés dans les mines d’or de Tchimbolo (commune de Tongomayel) et de Souma (commune de Koutougou). Ces enfants sont utilisés par ces groupes armés en tant qu’informateurs et d’autres parmi eux détiennent des armes." 217954,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,53,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Afghanistan is highly dependent on the import of staple food; recent border closures significantly impacted food availability and prices in the country. Though we are at the beginning of the harvest, close monitoring of the harvest and borders are required to predict the food availability situation in the country." 16503,6352.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"The humanitarian community faces a number of critical logistics challenges hampering the delivery of relief items in and across the country, including damaged road infrastructure; access disruptions to many parts of the country for both staff and cargo; congestion at main entry points; unreliable and unpredictable access to fuel; heavy bureaucracy; and limited international shipping options both by sea and air." 228399,46627.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,64,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"When it comes to health precautions, respondents were well aware of the need to wash hands (88%), wear masks (73%) and minimise leaving the household (76%), but only 56% noted physical distancing of two meters and 18%, avoiding touching one’s face, as measures to take." 328355,54948.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Lactancia-materna-segura-durante-la-pandemia-y-la-vacunaci%C3%B3n.aspx,"Con relación a la vacunación, la subdirectora refirió que la vacuna por covid-19 puede ofrecerse a una mujer que amamanta y que es parte de un grupo recomendado para la vacunación (por ejemplo, trabajadoras de la salud). Asimismo, no se recomienda suspender la lactancia después de la vacunación ""sigue siendo una de las mejores formas de proteger a tu hijo de enfermedades y ayudarlo a mantenerse saludable"", añadió." 304328,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Despite the lower arrival rates in 2019, the capacity of inter-agency partners to respond continues to be stretched, exacerbated by a critical funding gap as well as Sudan’s ongoing economic crisis. The South Sudanese refugee population in Sudan have an exceptionally heightened vulnerability, with women and children comprising 82 per cent of the population." 194052,43318.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,17,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Decreto 1109 de 2020 Se creó el Programa de Pruebas, Rastreo y Aislamiento Selectivo Sostenible –PRASS-" 191322,43417.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,34,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/toxic-brew-instability-armed-violence-extreme-poverty-hunger-and-covid-19-putting,"And for the humanitarian family, the Central Sahel is a crisis of access. These children urgently need our support, but reaching them is more difficult and dangerous by the day." 60715,17936.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,118,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"This finding was consistent across the three states where year-on-year comparison of April 2019 and February 2018 shows an increase of 2.3 percent, 0.4 percent and 0.3 percent in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States respectively.16 However, there was a seasonal decrease of 9.1 percent compared to October 2018, which was due to the impact of the harvest at the time. The reduction was slightly more pronounced in Yobe (- 12.0 percent) and Adamawa (-15.3 percent) compared to Borno, where a marginal reduction of 0.9 percent was recorded, largely due to the relapse in the security situation which has led into fresh waves of displacements most recently." 437212,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,45,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Au quatrième trimestre 2020, l’économie enregistre, un excédent commercial de 72,6 milliards de FCFA et une couverture des importations par les exportations de 111,2%. Les exportations de marchandises restent marquées par une domination nette de l’Or." 474725,64944.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Missing'],fr,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Quant à la typologie des incidents enregistrés, les menaces et intimidations demeurent les cas les plus récurrents (08), suivis des cas d’enlèvement (05) et de deux autres types d’incidents à savoir un (01) cas d’atteinte à la propriété et un (01) cas d’atteinte à l’intégrité physique." 265729,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,64,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"L’accès à l’information humanitaire ne présentait aucune difficulté pour 79% des localités évaluées selon les IC. Cette proportion était beaucoup plus faible au sein des admin 2 d’Anderamboukane, de Goundam, du Loroum, de l’Oudalan, du Soum ou encore de Tidermene (moins de 40% des localités évaluées)." 311470,53762.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,47,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Nord) Following the movements of 11,400 new IDPs in the North region, regional authorities estimate that the most pressing needs include 600 shelters and 600 CRIs kits, UNHCR provided 108 refugees housing unit (RHU) to cover the urgent shelter needs." 101243,29236.0,1621.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Covid-19_MT_Impact_1_20200516.pdf,32% of migrants in Libya reported inadequate food consumption during the month of April 2020 391155,61470.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,35,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479]Immunization services for childen was reported by 19% of households as a priority health need." 389454,61310.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/30/bangladesh-dengue-outbreak-covid-crisis,"[30 July 2021, Bangladesh] This year, however, the situation is complicated by the fact that COVID-19 and dengue present similar symptoms, making their illnesses more difficult to diagnose. And most hospital beds and Intensive Care Units (ICUs) have been taken up by coronavirus patients, making it difficult for patients with a severe case of dengue to get admitted to a facility." 194429,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 517 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 316 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." 159368,36576.0,1900.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Honduras%20-%20COVID-19%20Informe%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20No.%2013%20%28al%2011%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"30.000 mascarillas entregadas a poblaciones indígenas Garífunas, Pech, Miskitos, Tolupanes, Tawakas y Lencas, además de 5.000 insumos para su elaboración a grupos de mujeres indígenas por Ayuda en Acción." 328615,54713.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,53,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 26% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility while 56% and 15% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes respectively. 175248,40903.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,93,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3676795,"Mayerlín Vergara, defensora de los derechos de la niñez por más de 20 años, ha sido testigo de desgarradoras historias de niños colombianos maltratados, ha visto pequeños de cinco años consumir pegamento para calmar el hambre, ha conocido a otros que sufren maltrato y abuso diario en sus hogares y a algunos que le piden comida o un refrigerador a Santa Claus como regalo de navidad, pero nunca había visto tanto dolor como el que actualmente viven los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos en el norte de Colombia." 300894,51949.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,HCR considère le Tchad comme pays avec un impact moyen / HCR adopte une réponse avec le Tchad pays considéré comme affecté 155211,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"El dinero se gasta principalmente en alimentación, arriendo, transporte, pañales para los niños si es el caso. En todos los casos se indica que no es suficiente para cubrir las necesidades básicas. •" 193076,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Près de 2 millions de personnes (51% de femmes) sont affectées par les problèmes d´accès aux soins de santé primaire dans l´ensemble du pays. 175487,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,23,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,Les recrudescences des attaques entraînant la fuite des personnels soignants et la fermeture des formations sanitaires dépassants les projections du premier trimestre 2020 221028,44617.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"These rules have further constrained communities’ access to livelihoods and food, which had already been limited by the government’s nationwide lockdown measures. At least 5.1 million Colombians depend on informal work to meet their basic needs and have suffered significant or complete income loss (OCHA 17/06/2020)." 387369,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La encuesta muestra que la mayoría de los contratos temporales en las empresas han sido renovados como tales. No obstante, cuatro de cada diez efectuados a plazo fijo fueron cambiados a contratos indefinidos. En el caso de los por obra o faena, en su gran mayoría son renovados en alguna forma de contrato temporal y tan sólo uno de cada diez, aproximadamente, se modifica a contrato indefinido." 338550,56250.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Tanganyika - pluies abondantes abattues entre février et avril 2021, dans les zones bordant le fleuve Congo, le Lac Tanganyika et leurs affluents] Actuellement, des milliers de familles sont sans-abris, certaines occupent des lieux publics (églises, écoles), les autres sont logés dans des familles d’accueil" 272837,50353.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"Plan international distributed 827 shelter/NFI kits in Kumbo, reaching 4,135 individuals (2,026 males and 2,109 females)." 145388,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Displacement->Intentions', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Of the new cases, UNRWA reported that five Palestine refugees had tested positive for COVID-19 in Damascus and Rural Damascus, including one man who sadly died on 6 July. In addition, on 7 July, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) reported one of its volunteers working in Dar’a, had tested positive for COVID-19." 338728,55877.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,91,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Armed conflict is a major factor driving many children out of school. School drop-outs have been compounded by the double threat of conflict, attacks against students, teachers and schools, and now, pandemic-related school closures. (...) Interviewees in North Kivu, Congo, expressed concerns during school closures in June that, as one father put it, “Children feel unoccupied… they are going to look for a job, which could be to join the armed groups in the forest.”" 177007,41740.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://amp.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200817-rdc-nouvelles-informations-gestion-fonds-covid-suspicions-detournements,"L'établissement hospitalier renseigne qu'il a interné et soigné 268 malades atteints du Covid-19, pour un coût de 12 000 dollars par personne et une hospitalisation de plus ou moins vingt jours chacun." 219983,45769.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Selon les estimations des autorités rencontrées (Préfet de Bol), et des leaders communautaires sur le site [Ngorerom], la population est estimée à 4000. L’équipe a eu a identifier/dénombrer sur le site, (en vue d’avoir un chiffre provisoire de la population) 3444 individus de 1367 Hommes et 2077 Femmes pour 689 ménages dont 433 ménages des personnes déplacées internes et 256 ménages de demandeurs d’asile." 272610,50217.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Sans une prise en charge et une assistance adéquate, de nombreuses personnes risquent de mourir ou seront contraintes de recourir à des stratégies d'adaptation négatives qui pourraient, à la longue, avoir une incidence sur le développement de leurs enfants. [situation d'urgence alimentaire et nutritionnelle touchant 2 millions de personnes]" 316781,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,95,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"La république démocratique du Congo (rDC) a connu en 2020 sa première récession en 18 ans en raison des effets néfastes de la pandémie de COVID-19 dans le monde. Le PIB réel de la rDC s’est contracté de 1,7 % en 2020 après avoir augmenté de 4,4 % en 2019 et de 5,8 % en 2018. Cela reflète d’abord le ralentissement des industries extractives avec une baisse de leur contribution à la croissance, qui est passée de 0,28 % en 2019 à 0,17 % en 2020" 223681,45880.0,2225.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,13,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Accès réduit aux transports en raison d'une disponibilité réduite et d'un coût accru 326609,54734.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] 100% of both IDP settlement and non-IDP settlement households found with multi-sectoral needs. 326226,54734.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[Accountability to Affected Populations] 10% of households reported having received aid in the 30 days prior to data collection. 322194,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported barriers to accessing water were water points are too far (11%), Water points are difficult to reach (especially for people with disabilities) (11%), insufficient number of water points / waiting time at water points(9%)." 342104,55979.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,25,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/profil_zone_nord_kivu_mars_2021_vf_28_04_2021_v2.pdf,"Dans le territoire de Beni, les violences armées attribuées aux groupes armés ADF et Maï-Maï se multiplient dans la majorité du territoire de Beni" 159510,34150.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3651862,"Además de esto, Angie señala que son varias las necesidades, temores o miedos que expresan las excomabientes al momento de comenzar una convivencia con personas que no tienen sus dinámicas de vida. Necesidades y temores que van desde la participación en proyectos productivos, los problemas económicos y la estigmatización por ser exguerrilleras." 169196,39944.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,102,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"NWS: protective measures Measure: Social distancing What have been done so far: All health actors have been asking people to stay at home, where possible, and reduce social gatherings and events. All schools were closed. However, this measure has been challenging considering the high poverty rate, high population and household density, some social and cultural practices that involve high number of people such as funerals and congregational prayer. Engaging with various local actors including the local councils, community and religious leaders was key to overcome some of these challenges." 198847,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,18,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Au cours de ces activités, 13 rumeurs ont été gérées et 249 alertes ont été remontées." 300674,51152.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Due to limited physical access to some nutrition facilities in particular in Jonglei and Upper Nile, beneficiaries have been unable to cross seasonal rivers to reach the nutrition facilities. Similarly, Community Nutrition Volunteers (CNVs) have been unable to conduct active case finding and defaulter tracing activities to some villages. Where canoes are available, transporters have taken advantage and charged exorbitant transport costs." 385992,60796.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,53,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/improving-testing-rate-who-supports-ondo-state-integrate-covid-19-sample-collection,"[26th July 2021, Ondo State, Nigeria] However, support is required to strengthen risk communication and community engagement, support Infection Prevention and Control among frontline workers, strengthen surveillance at points of entry and support integration of Covid-19 response activities in the other 15 LGAs in the state" 290459,51817.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"[Nyunzu] [Des hommes armés continuent de mener des attaques contre les populations.] En effet, environ 570 ménages provenant de plusieurs localités dont Kilwa 2, Kalowe, Kalombola, Muhuya et Kabeya- Mukena ont été contraints d’abandonner leurs habitations par peur des représailles. Certains se trouvent en brousse tandis que d’autres se sont dirigés vers les villages de Kibungo, Kabeya-Mayi et de Majengo-Mapya, toujours, à Nyunzu." 412977,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The households that failed to seek physiotherapy service for the household members who required physiotherapy mentioned some reasons, which include financial stress (58.82%), fear of coronavirus infection (43.28%), increased cost of transportation (6.30%), transportation problem (6.30%), unknown physiotherapy centres (5.46%), absence of physiotherapists (5.04%), far distance of physiotherapy centres (4.62%) and closure of nearest physiotherapy centres (3.78%)." 289610,51168.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"• Initial needs assessments are being carried out in Tonj East, Tonj North and Tonj South counties of Warrap. [under topic WASH] • Response activities include distribution of WASH Famine Prevention kits, rehabilitation of hand pumps and hygiene promotion.(WASH Cluster)" 248030,48228.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,119,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Les enfants sur les sites de Nima, Tateverom, Yakirom et Daboua Ecole ne vont pas à l’école puisqu’ils viennent des villages où il n’y a pas d’école. Cependant, sur les sites d’accueil, les enfants enquêtés expriment le besoin d’aller à l’école. Les enfants du site de Dilkori issus de la communauté venant du Niger sont scolarisés et pensent entrer dans le programme scolaire du Tchad à l’école de Daboua à environ deux (2) Kilomètres du site. Ils sont 30 élevés dont les plus avancés sont au Cours moyen 2e année (CM2)." 125288,32569.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"In response to the question on syndromic self-reported acute illnesses, also 3% of the sample reported suffering from acute illnesses at the time of the interview." 111671,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Del total de población con vocación de permanencia del país, 177.000 están en Norte de Santander. Cúcuta aloja cerca del 26 % de los migrantes regulares que hay en el país. De estos, 32.441 están en edad escolar, pero el 41 % de ellos está desescolarizado. Del total de migrantes en el departamento, se estima que el 37 % son NNA." 187942,43256.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Significant job losses, particularly in the informal sector where job protection is weaker, can be expected. Cameroon has high levels of inequalities, with poverty rates as high as 74% in some regions, and this is likely to increase." 194369,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,23,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Dans les détails, la proportion de suivi était de 30,0% à Kinshasa et de 100% dans le Haut- Katanga." 158065,38779.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,9,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,51 # of professional trainings on COVID- 19 conducted 347993,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,116,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] The following challenges have been identified by UNDP when it comes to challenges in SWM at community level: • Access to communal pits (or shared bins) is a concern in hilly areas • Difficulty to reach the communal bins or pits if they are far Women may not go to the communal bins when men are around • Women may prefer to dispose sanitary pads/diapers into drains or alternative places • If the organic and non-organic communal bins are not in the same location, people tent to put all the garbage in the same/nearest Lack of understanding why waste needs to be segregated" 454528,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Demography'],es,43,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Del 6% (21) de entrevistados que sí han tenido ideas suicidas, 02 encuestados son de nacionalidad peruana y 19 son venezolanas. Si diferenciamos por género, 20 entrevistados son mujeres y 1 pertenece a la comunidad LGTBIQ" 437138,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,65,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"La baisse de la pauvreté s’est faite dans un contexte d’une augmentation des inégalités. En effet, l’indice de GINI1 qui mesure ses inégalités est passé de 0,355 en 2014 à 0,377 en 2018 selon les résultats de l’EMC. Cela indique une distribution plus inégalitaire des dépenses de consommation en 2018 comparée à 2014." 452950,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,23,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,La mayoría de los encuestados son de nacionalidad venezolana (90%) y en menor cantidad peruana (10%). 183669,43048.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/with-drastic-increase-in-covid-19-cases-northwest-syria-languishes-under-health-humanitarian-crises/,"[November 5 ,2020 Northwest Syria] These include 2,729 recoveries and 42 deaths. The figures are probably higher, given the limited testing capacities, now at around 500 tests per day, according to the latest situation report on northwest Syria from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)." 237986,47357.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20Country%20Brief%2C%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020, North east Nigeria]WFP undertook a fact-finding mission to conflictaffected areas of northeast Nigeria with representatives of United Nations organisations and the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development. The mission found high levels of food insecurity and associated negative coping strategies among affected people. In line with mission findings, WFP is seeking stakeholder consensus in support of a Government-led shockresponsive social protection framework to address these urgent needs." 276238,50677.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,133,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Ces retraits soudains [démantèlement de 2 petits postes avancés de l'arrondissement de Kolofata à Kordo et Gederou par le Bataillon d'Intervention Rapide (BIR)] ont provoqué une panique parmi les communautés des villages de ces zones. Dès le 12 août, 775 ménages (5 950 personnes) venant de Kordo sont arrivés dans la ville de Kolofata. Trois jours plus tard, 435 ménages (3 045 personnes) venant de Gederou et de ses environs se sont déplacés à Gance à la recherche de la sécurité. Selon les autorités civiles et militaires, ces déplacements de courtes distances (moins de 10 kilomètres) seront aussi de courte durée avec l’amélioration de la situation sécuritaire à partir du mois de septembre 2020." 249070,48421.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,224,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20RDC%2C%2030%20janvier%202021.pdf,"Vingt-deux (22) provinces (84,6%) sur les 26 que compte la RDC sont actuellement touchées : Bas-Uélé (6 cas & 1 décès), Equateur (48 cas & 1 décès), Ituri (224 cas & 8 décès), Haut-Katanga (753 cas & 12 décès), Haut-Lomami (1 cas & 0 décès), Haut-Uélé (94 cas & 5 décès), Kasaï (2 cas & 0 décès), Kasaï Central (17 cas & 0 décès), Kasaï Oriental (9 cas & 2 décès), Kinshasa (18 002 cas & 359 décès), Kongo Central (1 405 cas & 51 décès), Kwango (4 cas & 0 décès), Kwilu (9 cas & 2 décès), Lualaba (176 cas & 7 décès), Maniema (19 cas & 1 décès), Nord-Kivu (1 319 cas & 163 décès), Nord-Ubangi (40 cas & 3 décès), Sud-Kivu (526 cas & 50 décès), Sud-Ubangi (7 cas & 0 décès), Tanganyika (6 cas & 0 décès), Tshopo (102 cas & 6 décès) et Tshuapa (2 cas & 0 décès) ;" 150724,32327.0,1184.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],es,203,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Casi la mitad de los entrevistados en Ecuador y Perú se vieron obligados a pasar al menos una noche durmiendo en la calle durante su viaje desde Venezuela (en Ecuador, 42% de las mujeres y 52% de los hombres; en Perú, 41.8% de las mujeres y 49.1% de hombres). Si bien todos los que duermen en la calle están expuestos a peligros, la amenaza de asaltos sexuales es más prevalentes para mujeres y menores. Algunos refugios temporales, donde los migrantes y refugiados pueden permanecer por períodos cortos, están disponibles a lo largo de las rutas de migración. Las personas alojadas en refugios temporales informaron que accedieron a servicios como agua potable, alimentos y artículos de higiene. Los participantes en Ecuador también dan cuenta de la presencia de espacios seguros para las mujeres. Sin embargo, estos refugios son insuficientes para la demanda y no se encuentran en todas las ciudades. Se conoce que existen algunos refugios informales en varias ciudades del Ecuador, algunos operados por organizaciones de la sociedad civil y otros por familias. Las condiciones en estos refugios informales y," 179466,42115.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,31,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/storage/Mecanisme_FRE_COVID_19_VF.pdf,L’une des mesures pour soutenir la résilience de l’économie et favoriser sa relance est la mise en place d’un fonds de 100 milliards FCFA. 159013,37971.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,12,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,Cumul de contacts sortis après 14 jours de suivis : 7 003 210386,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,43,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The legal and policy framework in Somalia, including the NDP , accentuates poverty reduction through inclusivity and aims to simplify and consolidate existing frameworks and mechanisms (including RRF, roadmaps, aid policy and architecture and the National Reconciliation Framework)" 187310,43204.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/425238-coronavirus-nigeria-records-highest-daily-tally-since-august.html,"[8th Nov 2020, Nigeria] Meanwhile, no deaths were recorded as a result of complications from the coronavirus in the last 24 hours meaning that the fatality stays at 1,154." 186235,43272.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,74,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Additionally, high water levels have negatively affected more than 70 percent of the total livestock population in Jonglei’s Bor South, Canal/Pigi, Duk, and Twic East counties, resulting in more than 47,500 livestock deaths as of August, FAO reports. High water levels have also exacerbated the spread of water-borne livestock diseases and limited the availability of foraging areas, reducing livestock productivity and milk production." 219365,45753.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,The continued poverty and pressures linked to poor finances as well as the stresses of living life during crisis are also risk factors for women and girls who experience violence. 384860,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"30 ASBC et 20 AV du DS de Djibo ont été dotés en matériel de travail et de protection : 50 paires de bottes, 50 lampes torche, 50 imperméables, 50 sacs en bandoulière avec logo IRC, 20 tabliers de protection réutilisables, 100 bouilloires familiales, 50 dispositifs de lavage des mains familiales, 50 poubelles en plastique avec couvercle, 2000 gants d’examen ;" 200488,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,194,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Les emprunts réalisés dans le pays d’origine atteignent des montants peu élevés, même si le montant maximum est de 1 million CFA (1 805 USD). En, effet les emprunts les plus fréquents se situent entre 1 et 50 000 CFA (90 USD) (29%), suivis de montants compris entre 51 001 CFA (92 USD) et 100 000 CFA (181 USD)(23%), puis enfin entre 100 001 CFA (181 USD) et 150 000 CFA (271 USD) (18%). À noter qu’une part non négligeable d’emprunts (13%) se situent entre 200 001 CFA (361 USD) et 300 000 CFA (542 USD). Il s’agit d’emprunts réalisés dans le cadre de projets individuels (mariage, achat de moyens de production), excepté pour l’un d’entre eux qui est destiné au voyage d’un proche. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 47472,16249.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,82,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"Más de 838.000 personas venezolanas salieron de Colombia en 2018, más del 70 por ciento que ingresó a Ecuador a través del Puente Internacional Rumichaca, se dirigía hacia países más al sur, incluyendo Ecuador, Perú y Chile. Las personas en tránsito, particularmente aquellas que cruzan el país a pie, enfrentan riesgos distintos y tienen necesidades críticas que incluyen: ◦ Transporte seguro, identificado como una necesidad principal por las personas refugiadas y migrantes27." 228424,46627.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"This immediate reaction [buying less food] suggests low levels of resilience for households to the effects of COVID-19, in particular among vulnerable groups such as IDPs who often lack strong support networks." 473913,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,72,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Crear los mecanismos que sean necesarios para asumir los retos de prevención, atención y protección que tienen el Estado, la familia y la sociedad en relación con niñas/os y adolescentes vulnerados (género, migrantes, grupos étnicos y personas con discapacidad, entre otros) y articular los mecanismos existentes para su acción efectiva, por ejemplo, el Subsistema de Protección planteado en el Plan de Desarrollo Nacional" 270246,49952.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/portal/salaprensa/Noticias/403551:Gobierno-nacional-abre-nueva-convocatoria-para-apoyar-a-las-familias-con-pago-de-pension-de-jardines-y-colegios-privados-en-2021,"Con el fin de brindar apoyo a las familias que presenten dificultades y atrasos en el pago de las pensiones en establecimientos educativos privados, el Gobierno del presidente Iván Duque, a través del Ministerio de Educación Nacional e ICETEX, abre nueva convocatoria del Fondo Solidario para la Educación, Línea de Crédito Educativo para el Pago de Pensiones de Jardines y Colegios Privados para el año 2021." 385598,60457.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"[Centre-Nord] La détérioration de l’insécurité dans le pays provoque des déplacements massifs de population, un accès limité à certaines communes et entrave l’accès aux marchés et aux champs." 204127,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,50,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"IDP families have to borrow cumulative amounts of money to meet their basic needs due to lack of service provision. This could lead families to adapt negative coping mechanisms, and expose women, children, older persons, youth and persons with disabilities to increased protection risks." 192520,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,72,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The rate in South Sudan translates to 1 in 10 children dying before his or her fifth birthday and is among the highest under-five mortality rates in the world. The majority are among infants aged under 1 year (infant mortality rate of 64 deaths per 1,000 live births under 1 year), with most dying from common but preventable childhood conditions such as malaria, pneumonia or diarrhoea." 278635,50723.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,37,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_unrwa_syria_regional_crisis_emergency_appeal_.pdf,"[2021, Overall Syria] As Syria’s SYP/US$ informal exchange rate is closely linked to the Lebanese exchange rate, the sharp depreciation of the Lebanese Pound also weakened the Syrian Pound." 173145,39593.0,1899.0,['Health'],[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-09-14%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situacio%CC%81n%207-13%20de%20sep%202020.pdf,"El lider de la Comisión Presidencial de Atención a la Emergencia COVID-19 (COPRECOVID) dice que el país sigue trabajando para ampliar las pruebas desde su actual tasa nacional diaria de 3.500 pruebas, señalando que la reciente adquisición de equipos de pruebas y la apertura de más centros de pruebas, si bien son útiles, siguen siendo insuficientes." 147872,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"At Washokani, partners have agreed on protocol and procedures of case management, and a partner confirmed isolation centre management. At Abu Khashab, Shelter and WASH works for the isolation centre are ongoing. At Roj, isolation works are expected to commence soon, with UNICEF covering WASH facilities." 40897,11857.0,729.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,50,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-thousands-people-risk-fighting-escalates-tripoli,"The fighting has also had a detrimental impact on the mental health of people in detention, with MSF teams observing a heightened sense of anxiety and fear among many patients, some of whom have reported hearing gunfire and airstrikes close by while trapped in the detention centers." 156510,38023.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,26,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/181325/,The talks resumed Monday after a nine-month break due to disagreements over the agenda and then restrictions imposed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. 112106,30834.0,1620.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FAO%20NE%20Nigeria%20sit%20rep_June%202020.pdf,"Livelihoods have been disrupted by the armed conflict in the North-East and both production systems and households in the region remain fragile to external shocks. Although the entire northeastern region has paid the price of conflict, the worst affected states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe have experienced the highest displacement, immense human, social and economic losses, and severe levels of food insecurity and malnutrition." 149539,31674.0,1185.0,[],[],[],es,49,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://www.acnur.org/noticias/briefing/2020/5/5ed0fac60/el-invierno-en-el-hemisferio-sur-agrava-las-dificultades-para-los-venezolanos.html#_ga=2.125053002.1141264734.1592514345-1359921981.1592514345,"Hasta el momento, se han distribuido más de 2.000 paquetes para cubrir necesidades básicas y 4.700 mantas a venezolanos vulnerables y a sus comunidades de acogida, al tiempo que se siguen realizando transferencias de dinero para aquellas personas que se encuentran en situación de mayor riesgo." 204672,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Through 1,289 meetings between communities and health committees in 2019, the Health Cluster identified three key needs for in-kind assistance." 272675,50256.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,107,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 82% (265) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté la présence de PDI au cours du mois précédent. 100% (134) des localités évaluées ont rapporté ceci dans les ZS de Kalehe (21), Itombwe (19), Mubumbano (18), Bunyakiri (15), Kalole (12), Uvira (12), Mulung (11), Minembwe (10), Kaniola (9) et Nundu (7)." 297684,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 2020, NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) not only significantly expanded their range of operations, including fortification of their influence along major supply roads, but also attempted to establish centralized structures to control operations of humanitarians, manifesting in repeated requests to humanitarian partners for registration and sharing of information." 36930,13321.0,788.0,['WASH'],[],[],en,43,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"In Teachers Village IDP Camp, the number of people per latrine remains at 68. This implies that there is still need for additional latrines to further close the gap and meet the current Nigerian standard of 50 people per latrine stance" 150781,37921.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,14,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,11 Points d’entrée 0 totalement ouverts 11 partiellement ouverts 0 totalement fermés 180586,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,91,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"La situation sécuritaire de la région de l’Est au cours du mois de septembre 2020 a été stable dans les différentes provinces couvertes par les activités de protection comparativement au mois d’Aout passé. Cependant, des trois provinces, la province du Gourma spécifiquement, depuis 04 mois devenu le terrain des exactions des groupes armés non identifiés (GANI), a encore au cours de ce mois enregistré des incidents tant sécuritaire qui ont eu des conséquences sur l’environnement de protection." 359880,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Encourage and promote the participation of both girls and boys in life skills training and capacity building such as separate swimming lessons for girls and boys with adequate gender sensitive swimming and life safety equipment" 73237,21154.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"In the Southern Cone, refugees and migrants from Venezuela have benefited from public policies and agreements allowing them to regularize their situation. Until August 2019, more than 188,000 residence permits176 were granted to refugees and migrants from Venezuela and approximately 2,647 asylum applications177 were submitted." 106090,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,76,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Los casos más críticos se encuentran en departamentos fronterizos como Arauca, en donde por cada 100 habitantes colombianos hay 17 venezolanos, La Guajira (16 de cada 100), Guainía (15 de cada 100) y Norte de Santander (14 de cada 100). Por su parte, en Bogotá, que recibe la mayor cantidad de migrantes, estos representan 4 de cada 100 habitantes de la ciudad." 70792,20130.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,127,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3370349,"La Conferencia fue auspiciada por Federica Mogherini, Alta Representante/Vicepresidenta de la Comisión Europea, Filippo Grandi, Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados y António Vitorino, Director General de la OIM. El objetivo del evento fue crear conciencia acerca de la crisis de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos y de los esfuerzos de los países y comunidades que los acogen. También se analizaron las buenas prácticas y los logros de los países de acogida, se confirmó el apoyo internacional para una respuesta regional coordinada y se hizo un llamado a una alianza global e inclusiva en donde la solidaridad y la responsabilidad sean compartidas por la comunidad internacional en su totalidad pero también entre los sectores público y privado." 389656,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,80,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"De los 59 municipios y áreas no municipalizadas de la región, 31 (53%) están por debajo del promedio nacional. Más aún, 16 (37%) están por debajo de la décima parte del promedio nacional y 6 (10%) áreas no municipalizadas no registran ninguna persona vacunada, entre ellas, varias zonas de frontera. Únicamente 8 de estas entidades territoriales superan el promedio nacional (14%)." 261644,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Colombia registra a la fecha 2.202.598 casos positivos de COVID-19, de los cuales 42.991 se mantienen activos. A la fecha un total de 57.949 personas han fallecido como consecuencia del virus." 330759,53078.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,Chiffres clés = Personnes dans le besoin au Niger (HNO 2018) : 2 300 000 / Personnes ciblées au Niger (HRP 2018) : 1 800 000 / Nb. de personnes dans le besoin dans la région de Diffa (HNO 2018) : 419 405 / Nb. de personnes ciblées pour l’assistance humanitaire à Diffa (HRP 2018) : 419 405 180589,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,51,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,Ce dynamisme d’auto-défense et d’engagement serait à la base de la réduction des incidents de protection autour du mois de septembre qui a connu 09 incidents contre 21 le mois passé. Cette analyse des échanges avec les informateurs clés et les différents communautaires de protection. 176954,41737.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],fr,36,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf-azg.be/fr/news/rdc-r%C3%A9pondre-au-double-fardeau-du-covid19-%C3%A0-kinshasa,"Déjà aux prises avec des épidémies de rougeole et d’Ebola, la RDC fait face depuis le 10 mars à la pandémie de COVID-19, qui s’étend progressivement sur tout le territoire" 262249,49498.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/443530-covid-19-nigeria-records-869-new-cases-eight-more-deaths.html,"[16th-17th Feb 2020,Nigeria] Nigeria on Wednesday recorded 869 new COVID-19 cases in 24 states, according to health authorities. The latest figure, which indicated a significant decrease from 1,368 new cases recorded on Tuesday, raised the total coronavirus infections in Nigeria to 149,369." 204359,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Résultats plus mitigés dans d’autres départements concernés par les déplacements et l’insécurité, tels qu’Abala et Oualam, ce qui peut être lié à un meilleur accès humanitaire et au fait que ces régions ont été moins affectées par les inondations." 17158,5458.0,322.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.iom.int/news/solar-power-delivers-water-tens-thousands-yemenis,"Sana'a – IOM, the UN Migration Agency, yesterday (10/07) handed over a large-scale solar power water project to the Government of Yemen that is helping to deliver approximately one million litres of water daily to 55,000 people in a country facing chronic water shortages." 330140,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,124,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"Preocupación que comparten expertos que han trabajado en la zona, como Pablo Montoya, médico y director de Sinergias. “Una de las preocupaciones que tenemos es el débil acercamiento con las organizaciones indígenas a pesar de las discusiones y las recomendaciones que se han dado”, señaló. Pero la comunicación, agrega Pablo Martínez, no solo es fundamental para el éxito de la acogida de las vacunas, sino también para la logística de las jornadas de inmunización. “Para llegar a vacunar se necesita lo que ya hay en territorios: canoas o lanchas y motores. Pero si no hablan con organizaciones indígenas, es muy difícil desarrollar logísticamente las cosas”, agregó." 137397,35305.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,27,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In June, approximately 2,985 students crossed into government-controlled areas to sit their high school certificate and were accommodated in 25 centres located in six governorates." 123953,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"Various alerts from different sources on possible stock outs of certain vaccines, absence of procurement of vaccines for 2020 were received. Various health needs remain unmet in 29 municipalities." 230387,46719.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2020/12/31/covid-19-28-die-1-014-new-cases-in-24hrs,"[31st December 2020, Bangladesh] Of the 28 deceased — 21 men and seven women — 22 were from Dhaka Division, three from Chittagong and one each from Barisal, Mymensingh and Rangpur. Twenty-six of them died at different hospitals in the country while two died at home. So far, 5,754 men (76.12%) and 1,805 women (23.88%) have died of Covid-19 across the country. The mortality rate against the total number of cases detected stood at 1.47%." 198775,43659.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/centro-de-salud-la-victoria-en-valledupar-reabre-sus-puertas/,"La reapertura se dio gracias a un convenio de cooperación con la Fundación Americares y el hospital Eduardo Arredondo Daza de Valledupar. Desde abril, el Hospital de la capital de Cesar ha brindado 7.930 atenciones a 4.586 migrantes. En el centro de salud La Victoria se brindaran los servicios de medicina general, psicología y entrega de medicamentos." 182316,40864.0,1900.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%201%20Movimientos%20Masivos%20Honduras.pdf,"A la fecha se registra el retorno de al menos 2.000 personas y se espera el aumento de esta cifra durante los próximos días y grupos más pequeños durante la semana, razón por la cual se requiere fortalecer las capacidades en los lugares de recepción de la población tanto en frontera como en los Centros de Recepción de Migrantes Retornados (CAMR)." 295562,52400.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] Shelter and non-food items; A large number of shelters have been destroyed (11,000), with people evacuated to neighboring camps. As such, emergency shelter assistance (household shelter items such as tarpaulins, mats, tents and clothes) is needed" 191123,43282.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Due to ongoing seasonal rains, some locations remain inaccessible thus hindering effective response and humanitarian access." 176573,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,136,"['Priority Interventions', 'Priority Needs', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"{À Djibo (Sahel)} Certains PDI estiment avoir des besoins spécifiques car n’ayant pas les moyens pour payer le matériel de protection, problème d'eau et de stockage, manquer de postes récepteurs pour les enfants ou avoir de la difficulté à respecter l’ensemble des règles barrières au vu de leur statut de PDI et de leurs conditions actuelles de logement. Une petite partie estime que les besoins ne sont pas pris en compte ou partiellement. La majorité des populations hôtes estime avoir des besoins différents tandis que les avis sont partagés quant à la prise en compte des besoins. Du matériel de prévention, des séances de sensibilisation ainsi que l’évaluation des besoins réels de chaque groupe de population ont été demandés." 187940,43256.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,38,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"As Cameroon’s main trading partners – China and countries from the European Union - are most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely to suffer from falling prices for its main export products." 413145,60898.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,29,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"As of 31 March 2021, the number of internally displaced persons (IDP) reached 1,147,699 ( CONASUR) out of which over 61 per cent are children" 220568,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,35,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The immediate recommendation entails assessment and strengthening routine immunization. Consequently, the State RRT has been deployed to conduct further investigations in the event and the status of routine immunization services in Ibba." 289358,51168.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"A total of 52,716 people in need of nutrition support. (as of 29 January 2021)" 198841,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Deux-cent-quarante-trois nouveaux voyageurs en provenance des pays affectés par la COVID-19 ont été enregistrés à Kinshasa ce 18/11/2020, ce 19/11/2020 et ce 20/11/2020 parmi lesquels 132 (54,3%) n’avaient pas d’adresses." 319535,54426.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"The Maradi region witnessed an influx of refugees since May 2019, fleeing gruesome killings, rape, kidnappings for ransom and pillaging of property by armed groups in North Western Nigeria" 215121,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[13thDec2020,Nigeria]Further analysis also showed that the number of COVID-19 patients discharged dropped by 34 per cent while the fatalities increased last week. A total of 1,200 persons recovered and were discharged last week as opposed to the previous week’s record of 1,831." 311695,54011.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,82,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.care-international.org/news/press-releases/venezuela-women-and-girls-at-greatest-risk-as-thousands-escape-violence-due-to-military-operations-in-the-border-zone-with-colombia,"“Un nuevo grupo de personas llegó a la localidad colombiana de Saravena el miércoles 31 de marzo y si la situación actual continúa podemos esperar más arribos. Las personas que huyen de la violencia han llegado a lugares mal equipado para recibirlos, y muchos duermen en campamentos improvisados en una escuela y un campo público de baloncesto en la ciudad de Arauquita”, dice Tatiana Bertolucci, Directora Regional de CARE para América Latina y el Caribe." 347695,56800.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] During COVID-19, protection partners have witnessed increased violence against children (including notable rise violence in the home and SGBV), increase child marriage, lost and missing children, dangers and injuries, increase exposure to trafficking and smuggling, psychosocial distress and anxiety." 132480,34344.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Desarrollar campañas para la prevención de riesgos relacionados con el transporte informal, incluyendo la trata de personas." 126768,34397.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Los datos muestran que comparten los gastos de alquiler y servicios como una estrategia negativa de afrontamiento para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas, utilizada por el 54% de los hogares migrantes en Nariño, el porcentaje más alto, y el 36% de los hogares migrantes en La Guajira, siendo este el porcentaje más bajo entre los departamentos evaluados." 81894,22512.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,132,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"Fomentar las estrategias y el aprendizaje para las instituciones gubernamentales colombianas, en temas relacionados en la atención a población venezolana y de comunidades de acogida, permite que tengan mejores herramientas al momento de atender a la población que necesite de sus servicios. Con este propósito en mente, se capacitaron a 282 funcionarios en ocho departamentos en mecanismos de protección internacional y acceso a derechos de refugiados y migrantes, y se socializaron 85 recomendaciones con las autoridades en Norte de Santander y Vichada que promueven una mejor respuesta en protección de la población. Además, en Nariño, 67 miembros de autoridades territoriales y/o instituciones de salud recibieron apoyo con asistencia técnica, insumos, talento humano, logística o infraestructura para la atención en salud." 125961,31192.0,1620.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,56,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"While parents believe they are fulfilling their obligation to provide religious and moral education to their children free of charge, almajiri children are often sent by their teachers (mallams) to beg in the streets and form a significant portion of children without parental care at risk of abuse, exploitation and neglect." 172374,40929.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Borno and Yobe state]This achievement includes 35,369 children (17,118 girls and 18,251 boys) who benefited from the distribution of radios, face masks, school mats, hand washing stations, hand sanitisers and bars of soap to communities in Jere and Maiduguri of Borno state and Bade, Damaturu, Fika, Fune, Gujba and Potiskum LGAs of Yobe State." 208764,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The continued provision of comprehensive child protection services including family tracing and reunification, reintegration support, case management and psychosocial support is critical for the most vulnerable children, including unaccompanied and separated children and those associated with armed forces and groups." 45362,15594.0,729.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,31,['Impact'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/protesters-of-fizzan-movement-shut-down-largest-libya-oilfield-sharara/,The Fizzan Rage Movement in southern Libya has announced that its protesters have shut down Libya’s largest oilfield “Sharara” and will shut down Al-Feel oilfield afterwards. 236314,45629.0,2335.0,['Education'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,52,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"[South Sudan, 2019] South Sudan has a dynamic context, the nature of conflict is not only political but has several layers i.e. ethnic, inter-communal, natural disasters etc. All these combined cause displacements, violence, and significant impact on the fragile education system." 491206,67726.0,1233.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,21,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,,"Restrictions to stay in regular status remained linked to work availability, but jobs continued to be prioritized for Arubans." 359835,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,147,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The overall mindset of this society has a significant impact on gender inequality. Children identify their parents as the main actors shaping these gender barriers. Neighbours, especially elderly persons who believe in old norms which considers the contribution of girls to be less significant, influence the decisions of others that limit and restricts equity in girl’s participation and opportunity. From this research location in Bangladesh, it was identified that girls who have dropped out of school think the marriage registrar (Kaji23), birth certificate provider, and Union Chairman are also to be blamed for child marriages as the marriage registrar does not check whether the birth certificate is true or false and they register those marriages which were done secretly with girls under 18 years old." 16485,6352.0,322.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,108,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"WASH partners continued to scale up the response reaching over 10.6 million individuals through some form of assistance. Operational support to water systems, including through rapid response teams for emergency repairs, reached an estimated 5.2 million people. WASH Emergency response activities have been scaled up to prevent the further spread of cholera in cholera priority areas and to respond to the new displacement crisis following the escalation of hostilities in Al Hudaydah. Some 7.4 million individuals have been reached through the provision of one or a combination of emergency water supply, emergency sanitation and basic hygiene items and hygiene awareness activities." 190032,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Selon les acteurs sur place, il est estimé que plus de 200 000 personnes sont déplacées dans la Tshopo depuis début 2019 en raison de différents facteurs tels que des tensions intercommunautaires dans la localité de Lindi sur l'axe Kisangani-Buta lié aux problématiques foncières." 226924,45087.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"The Support Platform for the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees must prioritize childfocused durable solutions that protect the rights of all children regardless of status including access to education, health care, access to clean drinking water and other essential services;" 198843,44345.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"La grève des agents de la riposte se poursuit dans la ville de Kinshasa pour la 103ème journée consécutive, ce qui y explique faible performance du suivi des voyageurs." 194890,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] The pandemic, which has severely tested even developed countries, is the biggest challenge yet for Syria’s health sector, already depleted by years of conflict. Authorities are pacing themselves, deploying equipment and supplies where needed in war-scarred areas." 163542,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,151,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Decreto 0166 del 10 de mayo del 2020: El departamento del Putumayo se acoge al decreto 636, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. Y se mantiene el toque de queda de lunes a viernes de 6:00 pm a 5:00 am y 24 horas sábados y domingos. Decreto 174 del 23 de mayo del 2020: Se prorroga el Decreto 166 del 10 de mayo del 2020, extendiendo las medidas de aislamiento, hasta el 1 de junio de 2020. Decreto 177 del 29 de mayo del 2020: El departamento del Putumayo se acoge al decreto 749, mediante el cual se extienden las medidas de aislamiento. También se mantiene el toque de queda de lunes a viernes de 7:00 pm a 5:00 am y 24 horas sábados y domingos. Adicionalmente se mantienen las medidas de pico y cédula." 319596,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,57,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"Un grupo importante en las atenciones correspondió a mujeres en estado de embarazo que representaron el 27,4% (61 casos) de atenciones, de ellas el 88,5% (54 casos) no contaban con controles prenatales previos y el 11,4% (7 casos) fueron captados en la consulta de primera vez." 155015,34182.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Las comunidades asentadas por su parte manifiestan que no se tiene acceso a programas de nutrición y los ingresos que obtienen en la actualidad son mediante donaciones en especie y efectivo. Por otro lado, notifican que el hombre es quien se hacer cargo del dinero en el hogar y lo gastan en alimentación." 132642,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Baños accesibles, suficientes y limpios separados por género y tomar en consideración las necesidades de las personas con discapacidad. En el caso de albergues temporales, también las duchas." 223163,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,18,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Vaccine preventable diseases outbreak is likely in Motoronyo village because of lack of EPI services in the area 265684,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,30,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Dans les provinces de Seno, du Soum, du Loroum et de Sanmatenga, plus d’une localité évaluée sur huit serait principalement composée de populations retournées." 276242,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Aussi, lorsque les moyens de subsistance disparaissent en même temps que les soutiens familiaux et que les familles sont séparées et déplacées, les enfants risquent particulièrement d’être impliqués dans les pires formes de travail et de subir de graves incidents de protection au vu de leur vulnérabilité." 326653,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 62% for stress and lowest was 0% for extreme+. Similarly highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 45% for no or minimal and lowest was 0% for extreme." 304091,50891.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"In December, UNICEF continued to focus on School Improvement Plans (SIP) and managed to reach 450 school clubs in 30 different schools with SIP training in Central Darfur State. The rehabilitation of seven permanent classrooms has benefited 560 children that now have access to quality education. UNICEF also managed to distribute supplies reaching 26,000 IDPs children in Golo and Tuhur Schools in Central Darfur state." 335284,55819.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel) Dans la commune de Markoye, le petit commerce et l’orpaillage ont été rapportés comme une source de revenus dans 50% des localités couvertes." 276728,50610.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,92,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March,2021, GoS] The MoH has also reported 604 healthcare workers have tested positive for COVID-19, an increase of 105 cases since our last report, including 25 who have sadly died. This underscores not only the particular and ongoing risks to healthcare workers, but – given Syria’s fragile healthcare system with already insufficient personnel – the potential for its overstretched capacity to be further compromised. Humanitarian actors continue to receive reports healthcare workers in some areas do not have sufficient PPE." 165638,39645.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,57,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"For NFI’s, a major decrease in umbrellas as an immediate need was reported., This was probably due to the time of the assessment and a decrease in rainfall. Similarly, need for fan increased in round 2 by 14% (R1: 27%; R2: 41%)." 328051,55074.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care']",fr,86,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Prise en charge des cas  Dix-neuf (19) Patients hospitalisés du 04 au 14 Avril 2021 : 11 au CHU_YO, 02 au CHU de Bogodogo, 06 au CHUSS de Bobo-Dioulasso,  Cas suivis à domicile/Hôtel : 224  04 décès notifié du 26 Mars au 03 Avril 2021 portant le total des décès à 154  263 cas guéris du 04 au 14 Avril 2021 portant le total des guérisons à Douze mille sept cent trente (12 730) patients" 8449,1458.0,321.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,47,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2018%2BLibya%2BReport%2BPDF.pdf,"As mentioned above, UN agencies and NGOs do not have systematic access to detainees, and the conditions of detention are not conducive to private and confidential meetings where asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants can report abuses freely and without fear of reprisal." 489174,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Difficulties in finding a place to rent were more frequently faced by female-headed households, especially when relating to accomodations being too expensive - as reported by 85 percent of female-headed households, compared to 63 percent of maleheaded households." 284669,50884.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Health']",[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,27,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"The economic crisis that began early 2018, is drastically worsening, and further exacerbating humanitarian need including access and availability of health care and food." 328630,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,52,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported areas in the community where girls and/or women do not feel safe were: On the way to markets (73%), when leaving settlement/town (65%), At water points (27%)." 321994,54318.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"El 7% de NNA entre 15 y 17 años afirmaron no saber leer (5% son niños y 2% niñas) y el 6,1% de los entrevistados en este mismo rango de edad, indicó no saber escribir (4,4% niños y 1,7% niñas)." 164601,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"UNICEF support to the COVID-19 health response continues under the different functional areas lead by the Presidential Task Force. In the Epidemiology and Surveillance pillar, UNICEF, along with partners, is supporting communitybased surveillance for COVID-19 to improve active case finding and sample collection; strengthening data management across all levels by implementing Data Quality Improvement Plan, and conducting routine data validation at state and LGA levels, to improve on quality." 339334,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Los principales retos para brindar respuesta en los eventos de confinamiento es la recurrencia del uso de MAP/AEI por parte de los GAO/GDO, lo cual implica falta de garantías de seguridad para las organizaciones tanto nacionales como de la cooperación internacional para brindar la respuesta requerida por las comunidades. También es de resaltar que debido a las amenazas de los grupos armados ilegales las comunidades no denuncian estos eventos por temor a las represalias que puedan sufrir." 291574,51191.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Almost 870,000 Afghans had to return from Iran and other neighbouring countries in 2020, having lost their jobs, thus shrinking remittances to the country by a staggering 40 per cent compared to 2019." 219418,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"The Somalia Crisis Response Project includes a $20.5 million emergency investment in COVID-19 response in immediate prevention and containment measures including risk communication, surveillance and contact tracing, together with the procurement of medical equipment and supplies." 13934,5539.0,322.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,75,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/record-update-situation-hodeidah-yemen,"Residents of Hodeidah city report that despite a lull in ground clashes, the city has become increasingly fortified in recent week. Civilians are able to move to, from and within the city but are navigating tighter security and remain · More than 300,000 people have been displaced from Al Hodeidah governorate since early June. This figure equates to more than 5,500 people each day and more than 40,000 each week." 134191,34849.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,130,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Durante agosto y septiembre de 2019, OIM Argentina realizó en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires una ronda de la DTM sobre la población venezolana arribada a Argentina. El 70.9% de las personas encuestadas manifestó que trabaja en la economía informal (48% en el rubro comercio y 35% en el de transporte), lo que aumenta las posibilidades de sufrir explotación laboral, por no contar con los derechos que tienen los y las trabajadoras que se encuentran insertas en la economía formal. Por su parte, un 15,6% manifestó encontrarse desempleado. Además, el 57,9% afirmó que en Argentina realiza una actividad laboral más riesgosa para su salud, respecto de la actividad que desarrollaba en Venezuela." 204250,43256.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Women are also primarily employed in informal, low-wage activities that are highly prone to disruption during public health emergencies. Earning less than their male counterparts, they are less likely to have assets and savings to fall back on." 281835,51173.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"From January to December, UNICEF and partners treated 310,470 children (138,047 boys, 172,423 girls) with SAM reaching 80 per cent of the target and only 40% of the total children in need. The treatment services achieved an acceptable level of performance during 2020, with cured, default, death and non-cured rates at 86.2%, 11.1%, 0.5% and 2.2%, respectively. The nutrition services are being delivered through Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) health facilities and integrated mobile health and nutrition approach." 105591,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,130,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Las familias con intención de permanecer en el país tienen un alto riesgo de vivir en las calles, verse sometidos a trabajos forzosos y riesgosos, y las niñas y los niños enfrentan alta probabilidad de abuso, explotación sexual, trabajo infantil y desescolarización. Aún cuando hay una decisión de establecerse en el país, las familias deben buscar permanentemente vivienda, trabajo o ingresos. De allí que se continúen moviendo dentro de los centros urbanos o entre diferentes municipios del país. En este sentido, el desarraigo se extiende para niñas y niños y la garantía del derecho a la educación, la salud y a la protección representa un desafío permanente para las entidades del Estado tanto a nivel nacional como territorial." 165210,38958.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,67,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Bangladesh%20-%20August_IM%20finck.pdf,"Routine immunization coverage in the camps has been low since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. There are challenges also in order to ensure prevention and control of transmission of COVID-19. The low coverage, however, poses its own risks to the health of refugees and public health at large, particularly for vaccine preventable diseases. This is a situation seen worldwide." 137467,35305.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"36,933 children have benefitted from WASH activities in northwest Syria camps." 144601,34804.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"However, on 22 June a repatriation flight brought 250 Syrian students who had been reportedly stranded in India to Damascus. Another repatriation flight for 250 Syrian nationals from India also arrived on 2 July. Up to 1,200 Syrian students are understood to still require repatriation in total." 215767,45271.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"In 2020, there have been an estimated 65,000 newly internally displaced people (IDPs) as a result of conflict." 275500,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"La non prise en charge des cas de viols et autres agressions sexuelles avec risques de grossesses non désirés, infanticides, homicides, contraction de maladies sexuellement transmissibles, VIH/sida [risques si il y a une faible capacité pour répondre aux besoins des survivantes de VBG]" 164853,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"Among the 29 Almajiri children relocated to Sokoto from Kaduna this week, one child was found to be COVID-19 positive and has been taken to the isolation centre. Of 143 Almajiri children relocated from Adamawa states to Borno (8) and Yobe (135) states, eight children tested negative for COVID-19 in Borno while 135 children tested and waiting for their test results." 235153,43400.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,79,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Externally, Cameroon is exposed to demand and supply shocks due to the slowdown of major trading partners (China and Europe) and falling commodity prices. Domestically, containment efforts to slow the number of Covid-19 cases, which have increased rapidly since March 6, 2020, are expected to further slow growth and widen the fiscal and balance of payment deficits. The health system is weak and unprepared to face a major outbreak." 114124,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,105,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Impacto en Educación A medida que la COVID-19 se ha expandido en la región de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC), los Ministerios de Educación han empezado a cerrar los centros educativos de todos los niveles. Hasta la fecha los países del triángulo Norte (El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras) son parte de los 23 países y 12 estados independientes de la región que han cerrado sus escuelas. Como consecuencia, se estima que más de 8 millones de niños y niñas de estos países han visto afectado su derecho a la educación como consecuencia de la pandemia." 156756,32098.0,1898.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,58,"['At Risk', 'Impact']","['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-02.pdf,"EL SALVADOR El 2 de enero, el presidente Nayib Bukele informó que diciembre 2019 cerró como el mes más pacífico de El Salvador desde 1992. Los 120 homicidios en diciembre representan un promedio diario de 3,87 muertes, por debajo de las 8,91 homicidios diarios en junio de 2019, cuando Bukele asumió el cargo." 401735,62965.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Do not eat fruits, vegetables or any other plants from gardens that have been flooded, unless they are well washed with clean water" 167048,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"Also a total of 472,191 samples have been collected for testing since the pandemic broke out in February." 385619,60457.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,69,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"La soudure pastorale (mars-avril 2021) a été rendue difficile pour les éleveurs, notamment à l’Est, en raison de l’interdiction de l’entrée des transhumants étrangers sur le territoire béninois et la fermeture récente de la frontière du Togo liée à la pandémie de covid-19, la fermeture de certains marchés à bétail et la perturbation des mouvements des animaux." 227460,46523.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,38,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elvenezolanocolombia.com/2020/12/migracion-forzada-mantiene-a-839-059-ninos-venezolanos-alejados-de-sus-padres-en-2020/,"La migración hoy día tiene que ver con la búsqueda de sobrevivir. Al día de hoy la incertidumbre sobre la realidad económica supone la principal motivación para la migración en un 22,4% de los casos." 261453,49211.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"Otros ataques contra civiles son ejercidos contra la población por parte de los GAO y GAD como masacres7, reclutamiento forzado de menores de edad, la violencia sexual8, la desaparición forzada y el secuestro, entre otros, tienen niveles históricos de subregistro, debido al temor de la comunidad sobre las consecuencias de denunciar estos eventos. Entre enero y diciembre de 2020 se reportaron 16 eventos de accidentes con minas antipersonales y otros artefactos explosivos improvisados (MAP/AEI), con un total de 25 víctimas: doce (12) en Caucasia, siete (7) en Cáceres, seis (6) en Tarazá9." 187322,43340.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20-%20Camp%20Management%20Bi-weekly%20Tracker%20Report%2C%20Report%20No.%2024%2C%2016%20-%2031%20October%202020.pdf,"[16th -31st Oct 2020,BAY states]18% of the total households are headed by vulnerable population with 17.6% being headed by women (>18 years) and 0.4% by children (<18 years)." 126674,29029.0,1620.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,58,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigeria-drives-routine-immunization-amid-covid-19,"The COVID-19 pandemic has posed new obstacles to vaccination in the country as well as to the surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases across much of Africa. As the continent responds to the novel coronavirus, there is a significant risk that more children will miss out on life-saving vaccines that can prevent diseases like measles and polio." 295331,51569.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Respondents reported feeling safe in their current location with no reported cases of insecurity tensions with the host community and all are sharing properties including natural resources (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted) 145460,36039.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Key activities have included developing sectoral-specific guidance on risk mitigation, information dissemination among partners, and development of sector-specific response plans incorporated in the operational response plan." 248981,47559.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Par ailleurs dans les communes telles que Kain et Banh, où les négociations ont abouti à un consensus, les populations se réjouissent de ce résultat. Cependant, elles font face à des difficultés liées à l’alimentation étant donné qu’elles n’ont pas pu cultiver pendant la saison hivernale." 222739,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"On 23 June, Puntland and Galmudug authorities successfully reopened the strategic main supply route connecting the two parts of Galkayo (the Puntland - controlled north and the Galmudug-controlled south)." 16695,7075.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,155,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"According to the latest IPC analysis, from December 2018 to January 2019, while accounting for the current levels of Humanitarian Food Assistance (HFA), 17% of the population analyzed (about 5 million people) are in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) and 36% (about 10.8 million people) in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis). Of greatest concern are the 65,000 people in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe). Overall, this constitutes 15.9 million or 53% of the total population. It is estimated that in the absence of HFA, about 20 million people or 67% of the total population (including Internally Displaced People - IDPs) would be in need of urgent action to save lives and livelihoods. This includes 240,000 people in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe), i.e. threefold the actual number." 358530,58562.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,182,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Lockdowns also did little to reduce disputes and tensions when one or more of the identity groups involved in a conflict refused to comply with the government’s movement restrictions. Low compliance with lockdowns was driven by a number of factors, including inconsistent enforcement of restrictions, a lack of trust in the government, and the necessity of movement as an economic survival strategy, and the existence of cultural norms challenging the legitimacy of restricting movement. This set of factors encouraging movement even in the midst of lockdown were particularly salient for pastoralists, and many reported cases of conflict during that period involved cases in which herders encroached onto farmland. Lockdowns also did little to reduce violence when conflicts were in the midst of recurring cycles of attacks and revenge killings at the time when movement restrictions went into effect. In these cases, the public health threat of COVID-19 was insufficient to create a sense of shared purpose that could overcome existing anger and fear" 359930,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,187,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Strengthen Plan International’s niche area of gender transformative DRM, CCA and CSS at the country level.  Design a comprehensive training manual on gender transformative DRM, CCA and CSS which can be used as the trainer guide to provide training to Plan International country office staff and its partners to improve their knowledge and understanding on how to implement gender transformative DRM, CCA and CSS interventions.  Build/strengthen partnerships with gender- working groups and/or UN women to strengthen the linkages between DRM, CCA, CSS and gender at all levels. 60  Produce and promote positive case studies that demonstrate how the DRM, CCA and CSS project interventions can contribute to improve gender equality of girls.  Bring together DRM, CCA, CSS and gender actors to better understand how gender norms and stereotypes deepen the impact of disasters and climate crisis on children especially girls, and work together to remove these gender barriers and support girls to build disaster resilient communities and schools." 359443,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,173,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Bangladesh ranked at 50 because the country has a strong performance on the Political Empowerment sub index (score of 54.5 per cent, ranking 7 th out of 153 countries worldwide) where women have had a longer tenure than men at the helm of the state over the past 50 years. Currently, the Speaker of the National Parliament, the Prime Minister, and Leader of the Opposition and the Deputy Leader of the House are all women (World Economic Forum, 2020). In the economic sphere, as of 2018, 38 per cent of adult women were part of the labour force (up from 34 per cent in 2017), compared with 84 per cent of men. Only one in 10 leadership roles is occupied by a woman, and the estimated average annual income of women is 40 per cent that of men (World Economic Forum, 2020)." 326295,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]The main drivers of WASH LSGs were found to be: Households without access to an improved water source (54%) , Households without access to sufficient quantity of drinking water (18%), Households without access to soap at home (42%) , Households without access to a functional and improved sanitation facility (46%)." 398578,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,158,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Uno de los indicadores en que Chile se encuentra peor posicionado en lo que respecta a brechas de género es la diferencia de ingresos entre hombres y mujeres. Según el Índice Global de Brecha de Género elaborado por el Foro Económico Mundial (2018), Chile se ubica en el lugar 128 (de 149 países) a nivel mundial en relación con el indicador de “igualdad de remuneración por igual trabajo”. Los datos de la Encuesta Suplementaria de Ingresos para 2018 indican que la brecha de ingresos entre hombres y mujeres es de 27,2%, pero como las mujeres a su vez tienen jornadas laborales más cortas –debido a la necesidad de conciliar el trabajo remunerado con el trabajo doméstico y de cuidados- un indicador más preciso es el de la brecha por hora de trabajo. Para la fuerza de trabajo asalariada privada esta brecha asciende a 14,1%." 339512,49486.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Caquetá: Las principales necesidades se relacionan con la seguridad alimentaria y el alojamiento, ya que las medidas para evitar los contagios continúan impactando de manera negativa la economía informal, de la cual depende la mayor parte de la población." 147692,36039.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As part of ensuring appropriate IPC measures during national examinations, WASH sector partners (UNDP, UNICEF, Syrian Arab Red Crescent, Rebuild and Relief International and UNHCR) supported light rehabilitation of WASH facilities at accommodation and examination centres; provision of liquid chlorine for disinfection, water storage tanks and sanitation kits; disinfection of centres; and emergency water trucking.This included UNICEF distribution of WASH items to all exam centers including 5,100 cleaning kits, 5,100 backpack sprayers and 20,400 liquid chlorine bottles." 207202,44693.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"L’inertie des FDS en cas de sollicitation des populations face aux exactions des GANE, fait naître un sentiment d’abandon de la population à leur propre sort. Face à cette situation, des jeunes seraient en train de s’organiser en groupe d’autodéfense face aux exactions des GANE par exemple dans certaines localités du département de Banibangou." 385117,60408.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Se evidenció que la migración a Chile no es un problema netamente laboral sino de cualificación, donde el mercado de trabajo chileno no se ve afectado ante la migración venezolana, sino que, por lo contrario, ocupa plazas de trabajo importantes en la sociedad chilena, esto se debe a una diversidad de empleabilidad de distintas ramas de actividad económica, y a la alta cualificación de los chilenos que cubre los impactos migratorios en las variables laborales." 245849,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Host communities are witnessing rising tension among residents, in addition to discrimination non-Lebanese. Host communities have expressed their frustration with the absence of State support while they see continuous assistance from UN agencies and CSOs funnelled to Syrian refugees." 345199,56855.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,95,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] In April, UNHCR and his partner ADSSE distributed school supplies to 490 primary school students in Aba and Bele sites targeting students who were absent during the March 2021 distribution. A total of 2,500 primary school students including 1,700 students in Aba (1,360 refugee students and 340 students from the host community) and 800 students in Bele (640 refugee students and 160 students from host community) were provided with school supplies in host elementary school in Aba and Bele since the beginning of the year." 72497,20768.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"Así mismo, la mayoría de venezolanos trabajó más de 10 horas al día. 41,6 % laboraron en jornadas superiores a las 10 horas y 33,5 % entre 8 y 10 horas. Aunque ambos sexos trabajaron una cantidad parecida de horas, 6 % de las mujeres laboraron entre 4 y 6 horas diarias, a diferencia del 2 % de los hombres. Además, más hombres (22 %) trabajaron entre 6 y 8 horas al día, en comparación con 6 el 17 % de las mujeres" 163559,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,24,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Negación de atención en salud de controles prenatales y registro civil de niños recién nacidos, por el cierre de notarias y registradurías." 155216,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Algunos migrantes que han estado en grandes ciudades han optado por volver a ciudades intermedias por los cotos de vida menor en estas últimas, aun cuando consideran que el acceso a medios de vida es más complejo." 164013,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,20,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,Recuperación Temprana Necesidades: • Continúa siendo necesario fortalecer la adaptación y funcionamiento de rutas remotas de atención para sobrevivientes 223934,46071.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon les femmes rencontrées, la responsabilité de la femme pour la prise en charge alimentaire du ménage pèse encore plus depuis la pandémie à cause de l’augmentation des prix sur le marché et les enfants qui ne vont plus à l’école réclament plus à manger que d’habitude." 130798,33838.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,67,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"La pandemia de la COVID-19 representa altos riesgos sobre la sobre la salud materna y salud nutricional de mujeres y niños, debido a la reducción en el acceso oportuno a servicios esenciales de atención en salud sexual y reproductiva y salud infantil, dado que los esfuerzos y recursos nacionales, departamentales, territoriales e institucionales se han centrado en la contención de la pandemia." 211293,45192.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,35,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=213244,"[9th Dec 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry on Wednesday announced that 95 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, and 55 patients have recovered while 7 others have passed away." 337495,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,48.7% of the families have sent their children to work 282716,51294.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-no-o-level-a-level-exams-in-2020-21-session/66178,"[16th March 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh has been seeing a surge in the number of new coronavirus cases and deaths. On Tuesday, it recorded 26 deaths for a second consecutive day and 1,719 new cases. So far, the health authorities have confirmed 560,887 cases and 8,597 fatalities. The daily infection rate slightly fell to 8.29 percent from 9.48 percent on Monday, according to a handout of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)." 205855,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,It is estimated that only 17 per cent of teachers currently teaching in primary schools are trained. 223951,46071.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,L’accès aux biens non alimentaires devient encore plus difficile pour les populations déplacées pendant cette période du fait de la fermeture de certaines églises qui organisaient des collectes en faveur des déplacés. 359090,58399.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,92,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Bangladesh] Cyclone Fani (2019) alone affected over 20 million people across parts of India and Bangladesh. Presently, Bangladesh is also facing the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO reported that as of 4 May 2021, there have been 763,682 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 11,644 deaths in the country (WHO, 4 th May 2021). During the COVID-19 pandemic, Bangladesh also faced cyclone Amphan in May 2020, and flooding in June 2020 (IFRC, 2020)." 187652,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,Nearly 700 frontline health workers received masks and gloves and 490 received gowns and face shields for case management 105603,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,75,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Según cifras de la Plataforma Regional de Coordinación Interagencial para Refugiados y Migrantes1 Venezolanos, hasta febrero de 2020 habían salido de ese país 4.810.443 personas, lo que lo convierte en el éxodo de mayor magnitud en la historia contemporánea de América Latina y el Caribe. La salida de venezolanos involucra tanto a migrantes como a refugiados, quienes tienen como destino países fronterizos y otros más lejanos en el continente americano." 390730,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El proceso de convalidación de títulos es lento y engorroso, exigiendo una inversión de tiempo y recursos que muchos migrantes recién llegados no tienen, lo que los obliga a trabajar en ocupaciones que no les exigen esas credenciales para poder subsistir y cumplir con los requisitos legales para su estadía. Lograr que esta similación económica y laboral se agilice es parte central del proceso de acogida de personas migrantes." 384790,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,42,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,L’arrivée de la population nouvellement déplacée a engendré une forte pression sur les services sociaux de base dont la santé. Certaines formations sanitaires ont rapporté une augmentation des taux de fréquentation due à l’afflux des PDIs. 361359,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,143,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Pre-existing medical conditions: An important finding is that three of the fatalities in 2020 involved children that had epilepsy. Each of these victims were children over 5 years old. Two of these fatalities occurred as the victims had previously been playing with friends but had then gone alone to a pond described as far away. The remaining fatality to a child with epilepsy occurred as a school age child was playing with friends in a canal, and the key informants described of the victim ‘failing in the water suddenly and her friends got very frightened’. These cases suggest that the victims may have had epileptic seizures that led to their drowning. However, without medical confirmation of a seizure, this is an assumption." 223966,46071.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,57,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon un prestataire de santé, certaines femmes enceintes à terme subissent des morsures aux parties intimes causées par certains guérisseurs et/ou pères spirituels qui prétendent que c’est une prévention contre les mauvais sorts causés par le COVID 19 pendant l’accouchement ; elles arrivent au centre de santé dans un état alarmant." 190013,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,176,['Impact'],"['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"En date du 02 avril 2020, la zone de santé de Beni, déjà affectée par la maladie à virus Ebola, a enregistré son tout premier cas de COVID-19. Le cumul des cas est de 41 patients dont six confirmés et 35 suspects en date du 25 juin 2020. Trois cas suspects étaient en surveillance hospitalière. Cette maladie vient exacerber les défis dans une région déjà confrontée à une longue crise humanitaire, impliquant un nombre important de personnes déplacées. La désactivation des points de contrôle aux frontières entre le Nord-Kivu et l’Ituri a affaibli le dispositif de surveillance dans la zone de santé de Beni qui enregistre des cas de COVID-19, celle-ci étant frontalière à la zone de santé de Komanda qui accueille 13 sites de déplacés, lieux de forte promiscuité des populations. Elle a entrainé la fermeture des frontières, limité les mouvements des habitants suite aux mesures de restriction et ajouté une pression accrue sur le système sanitaire et social fragile." 319794,54628.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] In the 3 days immediately following the fires, interviewees reported receiving information and support from different sources. This included information on emergency medical support, advice on finding lost children and instructions on erecting temporary shelters, as well as advice on accessing essentials such as food, clothes, and water. With the exception of two male interviewees, all respondents indicated that they received information regarding support available to them in the days following the fires." 302668,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Se puede observar que, tanto en Colombia como Ecuador, un número menor al 15% se reconoce como pendular, de ellos y ellas la ma- yoría son hijos de personas que anteriormente habían sido refugiados/as o migrantes en Venezuela y que por la crisis retornaron a sus países. En este aspecto, tienen la ventaja de poder gestionar su documentación y legalizar su nacionalidad, sin embargo, manifiestan que son procesos burocráticos y muchas veces existe desconocimiento sobre los mismos." 271597,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Cette proportion [d'enfants âgés de 6 à 8 mois qui ont reçu un aliment de complément en 2020] est supérieure à celle de l’année 2019 qui était de 61,6%." 411074,63409.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/especial--la-trata-sigue-acechando-a-los-migrantes-y-refugiados/2768,"Según este ministerio, desde el año 2016 al 2020, el número de víctimas de trata de nacionales venezolanos para fines de explotación sexual/prostitución forzada pasó del 2 % a 25 % del total de los casos reportados en el país.En el 2020, el 39% de las víctimas de trata reportadas en Colombia eran de nacionalidad venezolana, por lo cual se registró un incremento del 50% con respecto al año anterior. De 104 casos reportados el año pasado en territorio colombiano, 41 eran personas migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas." 237258,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,63,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]The percentage of contacts that were confirmed positive is 8.9% . Seventy-nine (74) contacts have completed 14 days of monitoring without symptoms in week 52 One hundred and two (102) additional contacts were line-listed by the contact tracing teams in Bade, Fika, Damaturu, Nguru, and Potiskum LGAs." 198570,44103.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,55,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/dos-reinas-suman-hermandad-entre-colombianos-y-venezolanos/2301,"En el año 2013 creó la Fundación Casa en el Árbol, que impulsa programas de educación y deporte con los residentes de Ciudad Equidad, el barrio más grande de Santa Marta donde habitan 24 mil personas, entre ellos víctimas del conflicto armado, refugiados, migrantes y colombianos retornados de Venezuela." 271561,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Bien que les cibles ne soient pas identiques, l’enquête STEPS en 2014 avait trouvé des tendances similaires au niveau régional et provincial pour ce qui concerne le surpoids et l’obésité. En effet, les prévalences les plus élevées du surpoids et de l’obésité ont été observées dans les provinces du Kadiogo, du Houet et du Kourwéogo (STEPS 2014)." 271601,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Cette région [Centre] demeure à la traîne avec toutefois une amélioration de l’indicateur [proportion d'enfants âgés de 6 à 23 mois ayant consommés au moins 4 groupes d'aliments] comparativement à la situation de 2019 (15,1%)." 184764,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,26,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] As of 3 November, there have been a total of 20 confirmed COVID-19 cases in camps." 16917,6332.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,93,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%201-21%20September%202018.pdf,"In preparation for the 2018/19 school year, UNHCR, in cooperation with local authorities, progressed with vacating nine schools in Sana’a that used to host some 300 displaced families from Al Hudaydah. Six of the nine schools were vacated, and protection assessments were conducted to assess the IDPs’ imminent needs. So far, UNHCR provided 280 affected families with cash grants for rental subsidies. UNHCR and its partner ADRA are now managing the refurbishment of the vacated schools for the impending school year." 501297,69057.0,2074.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,86,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe-situacion-migrantes-refugiados-venezolanos-en-Bolivia.pdf,"Por muchos años, bajo el gobierno de Evo Morales, los migrantes y refugiados venezolanos habían estado totalmente invisibilizados, a tal punto que no se procesaban solicitudes de refugio de acuerdo con los datos que maneja la Comisión Nacional del Refugiado (CONARE). Con la nueva dirección, se está realizando una serie de reformas para la modernización y flexibilización del sistema migratorio, de manera que se pueda facilitar la regularización de los ciudadanos extranjeros, entre ellos los venezolanos." 205640,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,68,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"There is a continuing need to strengthen monitoring and referral mechanisms and holistic care for survivors. Gender-based violence, such as intimate partner violence, rape, child marriage and sexual exploitation, is perpetrated overwhelmingly against women, and adolescent girls. Children are highly affected by conflict, exposed to violence, abuse and exploitation, family separation issues and have significant psychosocial needs." 199648,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Years of conflict, violence and human rights violations have taken an enormous toll on the country’s people. Women and girls have been raped, children separated from their families, homes destroyed and property looted." 483307,67232.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],es,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"10.3 Acceso a las tecnologías de información y comunicaciones Las tecnologías de información y comunicaciones (TICs) además de mantener comunicados son el conjunto de tecnologías desarrolladas para gestionar información y enviarla de un lugar a otro. En la ENPOVE se incluyeron preguntas acerca de la tenencia de televisor a color, computadora, tablet y celular. Los resultados revelan que en el 55,4% de los hogares venezolanos existe al menos un equipo de TV a color y en el 44,6% no tienen. Solo el 15,9% tienen computadora o Tablet y el 90,3% tiene al menos un miembro con teléfono celular." 304469,50891.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"In 2018 the emergency response was supported by the EU, the United States, Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), the Sudan Humanitarian Fund SHF, as well as UNICEF resources, pooled from public and private donors around the world" 291582,51191.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,Targeted attacks on schools and educational facilities also demand a renewed commitment by all parties to the conflict to uphold international humanitarian law and adopt measures to safeguard learning spaces for the next generation 359648,58464.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,47,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES]Given the decreased quality of water from existing sources and the necessity to gather water from less safe sources, people were increasingly exposed to waterborne diseases. Accessing health facilities to treat such diseases did not come without challenges." 241387,47124.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/243299,"[January 14, Damascus] A member of the provincial council, Yusef Qusaibati pointed out that there are contradictions regarding the application of precautionary measures to prevent corona virus, explaining that at a time when hookahs are prevented in restaurants and that there is physical distancing as a precautionary measure for the Corona virus epidemic, we find that there is great congestion in the buses inside the city." 146591,36058.0,2028.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,40,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-aid-agencies-raise-alarm-over-veto-cross-border-aid,The limited recent permissions and deliveries by Damascus-based agencies have not had sufficient reach to fill the gap left by the removal of the Yarubiyah crossing and there is yet to be a successful crossline delivery into northwest Syria. 63530,18852.0,1386.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://www.periodicolaguajira.com/index.php/la-guajira/82-peninsula/72268-indigenas-venezolanos-denuncian-haber-sido-sacados-de-valledupar-con-enganos,"Miembros del grupo indígena Yukpa, provenientes de Venezuela pero asentados en la capital del Cesar, entablaron una denuncia al haber sido engañados por una persona quien decía trabajar para la Alcaldía de Valledupar, con el fin de trasladarlos hasta Maicao." 186818,41402.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,146,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"Meanwhile, through April, an increasing number of laid-off workers waited for access to unemployment insurance. A survey of 473 companies, by the Quito Chamber of Commerce, found that over 80% of companies were operating at between 0 and 30% of their capacity, 84% reported a reduction in sales compared to the previous year, and 35% had already reduced their labor force. Another survey of 129 companies found that 37% of companies were planning lay-offs due to the crisis.152 The Social Security Institute reported a reduction of almost 112,000 affiliates during March and April, due to job loss.153 People in precarious employment such as paid domestic workers, were especially vulnerable to the effects of the economic crisis and employers’ sometimes arbitrary decisions on reducing pay or simply not paying at all.154" 196060,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,65,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"More way stations along the migratory routes should be established to provide basic assistance and awareness raising to the migrants and host communities. Recognising that mobility is a determinant of health and risk exposure, there is a need to urgently adopt innovative, systematic, multi-sectoral and inclusive responses to mitigate, prepare for and respond to COVID-19 amongst the migrant population." 111858,31304.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,231,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"RESUMEN El 11 de marzo de 2020 la OMS (Organización Mundial de la salud) ha declarado el CORONAVIRUS - COVID 19 como una pandemia mundial después que el número de afectados fuera de China se haya multiplicado por 13 en dos semanas y el de los demás países se haya triplicado en este mismo periodo El 26/02/2020 se ha identificado el primer caso de coronavirus en Colombia de una paciente de 19 años proveniente de Milán, Italia y desde la fecha hasta hoy el número de casos se ha multiplicado exponencialmente en el país. Esta situación, sin duda, ha impactado en la economía del país, viéndose reflejado más claramente en la subida del dólar, que a 12 de marzo superó la barrera de los 4.000 COP a 1 enero 2020 la TRM estaba en 3.277 COP. Esta situación tiene altos impactos en sector de servicios, como también en el empleo informal que es la fuente principal de trabajo y del cual dependen de acuerdo con cifras del DANE, aproximadamente 5.600.000 personas en todo el país. Esta es por tanto, la población más vulnerable debido al limitado acceso de servicios básicos esenciales que verán afectados sus fuentes principales de ingresos debido a la baja demanda de sus productos ligado a las medidas de distanciamiento social y aislamiento voluntario." 111721,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A pesar de que sus condiciones de vida no son mejores en Colombia y que reconocen algunas formas de discriminación, sienten que pueden transitar libremente y sin temores por violencia política. En Colombia, las redes de apoyo que han encontrado están conformadas por otros migrantes que han logrado establecerse en la ciudad, en organizaciones de ayuda humanitaria (incluidas congregaciones religiosas) y por funcionarios de organizaciones que les han prestado orientación psicosocial." 271909,50217.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"La perte des moyens de subsistance, et les bouleversements climatiques vont certainement contribuer à exacerber la situation alimentaire des populations." 197460,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,81,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The United Nations Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan noted in August 2019 the lack of progress in establishing transitional justice mechanisms, including the Hybrid Court; the commission for truth, reconciliation and healing; and the compensation and reparation authority, which are to be complemented by customary and other community-centred mechanisms. It argued that this would delay accountability and reparation for crimes, including those related to conflict-related sexual violence and sexual and gender-based crimes" 341022,56436.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-whole-of-syria-appeal.pdf,"[11 March 2021, NWS, NES, Overall Syria] Of particular concern is the high number of health workers affected by the disease, with 4,088 reported cases among health staff in whole of Syria as of 11 March 2012 of them 2,692 in northwest and 792 in the northeast." 192935,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"There are underlying issues on social stigma brought about by misinformation and can potentially target vulnerable groups including migrants, displaced communities, people who were affected by COVID-19, especially those with increased protection risks." 67762,19750.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71782.pdf,"Generación de ingresos: capacitaciones, fortalecimiento de unidades productivas, empleabilidad. 422 beneficiarios." 204378,43976.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,70% des ménages [de Zinder] rapportent avoir diminué la quantité consommée durant les repas 384805,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,97,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"La rougeole fait surface aussi dans plusieurs régions surtout dans les régions du Sahel et de l’Est. Toutes les régions en sécurité précaire ont rapporté des cas confirmés au laboratoire avec le dosage des IgM spécifiques à la rougeole. Au total, depuis le début de l’année en ce jour, on a rapporté 2 739 cas avec 6 décès soit un taux de létalité de 0.2%. Le taux de positivité de l’IgM rougeole est de 71,83% (soit 278 sur 387 échantillons analysés)." 61682,18349.0,1184.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20sitrep%20-%20Aug%202019.pdf,"Food kits and hot meals distribution was also reinforced over the weekend at the borders providing more than 1,191 food kits for families travelling with children and pregnant women, according to the needs observed." 188104,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,48,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Además, ya se encontraban bajo presión a causa de la epidemia de dengue que se acentuó en el 2019. Debido a las medidas de confinamiento y restricción de movimientos, los servicios de inmunizaciones se están viendo interrupidos, lo que puede provocar brotes epidémicos." 321048,54668.0,2225.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Réseau téléphonique Le réseau téléphonique est disponible dans 77% des villages évalués. Le réseau le plus accessible dans la province est Airtel (55% des villages évalués) suivi par Tigo (29%)." 290556,52076.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",en,59,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"to earn a living, women take on new responsibilities while continuing to care for the home. In the Northwest and South West, for example, men report having lower incomes than those reported by women. The growing economic role of women gives them greater decision-making power over domestic and educational issues within their homes." 172402,40676.0,2225.0,"['WASH', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,61,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"L’épidémie engendre une pression supplémentaire importante sur des infrastructures et services sociaux de base déjà très limités, exacerbant les vulnérabilités des populations affectées et aggravant les conditions de vie déjà très précaires de la population (pauvreté chronique, manque d’accès à l’hygiène et l’assainissement, promiscuité, etc.)." 205603,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Women and girls continue to be amongst the most vulnerable groups, which also include people living with disabilities." 188131,43352.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,25,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"16 October 2020: Between Gorom-Gorom commune and Markoye town, Oudalan province, Sahel region, a primary school principal was found dead." 279902,44790.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Access to other basic services, such as healthcare and sanitation, is compromised by a fragmented health system that is ill equipped and understaffed, insufficient sanitation facilities and inadequate access to water, all of which predispose the population to higher malnutrition rates." 204306,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,52% des ménages [ de Niamey] rapportent avoir diminué la quantité consommée pendant les repas au cours des 7 derniers jours. 131815,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Los socios realizarán actividades educativas no formales y brindarán también apoyo psicosocial a niños que no asisten a la escuela para facilitar su inserción y permanencia en escuelas públicas. El sector Educación requiere un enlace estrecho con el subsector de Protección a la niñez, particularmente considerando a los niños, niñas y adolescentes en situación irregular. Además, dado que la educación superior (reconocimiento y validación de grados académicos) está relacionada con la empleabilidad, se asegurará la coordinación conjunta con el Sector Integración." 293948,51273.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"According to UNOCHA, around 332,255 individuals were forced to flee their homes due to conflict from January through early December 2020. This is 28 percent fewer people than during the same time period of 2019, when 460,603 individuals were displaced due to conflict. This is the result of a pattern of reduced conflict in 2020 relative to previous years (though levels of conflict are still high overall) according to data from ACLED." 358427,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[May 2021, NES] In May, the most commonly reported coping strategy for lack of water was spending money on water usually used for other things (54%), meaning households are choosing between water and things like diverse foods, agricultural inputs, and healthcare." 161905,39570.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,61,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/411129-covid-19-why-nigeria-postponed-resumption-of-international-flights-official.html,"The Nigerian government said it postponed the resumption of international flights to ensure all essential things were put in place. International flights, earlier scheduled to resume on August 29, will not commence on September 5.President Muhammadu Buhari had in March ordered the suspension of international flights to stop further the spread of COVID-19 virus into the country." 229426,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,13,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Major trade roads to Mori and Mangalla remained fairly motorable and accessible. 229386,44602.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,11,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,There is need to provide some health and nutrition intervention. 154000,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,68,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"La estigmatización hacia los venezolanos ha ido en aumento, regularmente los hombres están siendo señalados de pertenecer a bandas de delincuencia común, venta y consumo de drogas, mientras que las mujeres son vistas como objeto sexual, señaladas de ser “quitan los maridos”. Esta situación ha generado que la sociedad cierre puertas ante posibilidades de ayuda, empleo, entre otros." 241965,47791.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,32,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,Les enfants et les familles qui sont déjà vulnérables en raison des conditions socioéconomiques précaires ou vivant dans des zones des conflits ou en situation de crise humanitaire sont particulièrement exposés. 489966,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"There is a need for more effective, long-term socioeconomic support focused on survivors’ needs to help them recover and cope with adversity, social exclusion and family abandonment. Such support is essential in the most affected areas of DRC, including the health zones of Salamabila, Kananga, Masisi, Walikale, Goma, Mweso, Kimbi and Baraka." 298833,52629.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-14-zones-de-sante-ciblees-par-une-campagne-de-vaccination-contre-le-cholera-au-haut-katanga/,"Le ministre provincial de la santé a indiqué que cette première phase de vaccination concerne 14 zones de santé dans le Haut-Katanga. Il s’agit de Kampemba, Lubumbashi, Kenya, Vangu, Tshamilemba, Kisanga, Kasenga, Kafubu, Kashobwe, Kilwa, Mufunga Sampwe, Pweto, Sakania et Lukafu. Pour montrer l’exemple, le ministre Bulanda et ses collaborateurs se sont faits vacciner en présence de la population de ce coin de la ville de Lubumbashi. La campagne prendra fin le vendredi 2 avril prochain." 151392,38048.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200852,A Syrian Airlines plane arrived on Sunday at Damascus International Airport transporting 249 Syrians from Doha Airport in the framework of the government’s efforts to return Syrians stranded abroad. 199007,44191.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,32,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/campagne-electorale-2020-au-burkina-le-renlac-fustige-des-actes-de-corruption/,La persistance de telles pratiques (punies ou non) en période électorale traduit l’approfondissement de la crise morale au sein de la classe politique institutionnelle dans son ensemble. 273698,50217.0,2333.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,L’estimation du coût des interventions EHA est basé sur un coût moyen par bénéficiaire de 22 USD par personne. [méthodologie de calcul des coûts] 2559,516.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,79,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unicef-libya-2017-humanitarian-situation-report,"Libya remains the “gatekeeper” for the migration crisis in the region, IOM1 estimates that there are 621,706 migrants in Libya, 9 percent of whom are minors (out of these minors, 59 percent were reported as accompanied and 41 percent as unaccompanied). UNHCR had registered 45,129 refugees and asylum seekers as per December 20172, many of these people are reported to be victims of discrimination, arbitrary arrest and detention." 168277,40395.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic-republic-congo/health,"La réponse sanitaire au COVID-19 pourrait surcharger les structures de soins et réduire la prévention et la gestion des autres pathologies, étant donne que seulement 27 pour cent des établissements de sante ont des capacités opérationnelles pour assurer la prise en charge médicale." 155220,37857.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,101,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En outre, 362 voyageurs (336 hommes et 26 femmes) ont ainsi été observés en train de traverser la frontière pour se rendre au Niger. Parmi ces voyageurs se trouvaient 9 mineurs de moins de 5 ans. Ainsi, 342 Nigériens et 20 Burkinabés ont été observés sur ce point de contournement. Par contre, sur ce même point, 190 voyageurs dont 164 hommes et 26 femmes ont été observés entrant au Burkina Faso par le contournement des vois officielles; Ce sont 117 Burkinabés, 62 Nigériens, 8 Maliens et 3 Ivoiriens." 189707,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",fr,28,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Malgré la prise récente d´instruments juridiques nationaux5, les facteurs socio-culturels font que la femme tchadienne n´est pas respectée dans ses droits et demeure sujette aux discriminations." 131814,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Los niños matriculados, tanto refugiados y migrantes como de la comunidad de acogida, serán asistidos a través de actividades pedagógicas y la distribución de kits escolares." 386464,60772.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,106,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Este desfavorable escenario también se observa en indicadores de salud. Un 15,8% de la población migrante no presenta adscripción al sistema previsional de salud, a diferencia de un 2,2% de la población nacional6,9. Así mismo, un 63,1% de las gestantes inmigrantes ingresa de manera tardía al control prenatal, lo cual ocurre solo en un 33,4% de las mujeres chilenas6 . Por último, un 25% de los inmigrantes no accede a los beneficios de patologías contempladas en las Garantías Explícitas en Salud (GES), en comparación a un 14,7% de la población chilena6" 16703,6342.0,322.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"Food security and agricultural partners have facilitated the relocation of 3,000 heads of cattle from active frontlines near Kilo 16 to safer areas to prevent the loss of livelihoods which would have damaged the dairy industry and the supply of dairy products across the governorate." 322877,54747.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 96% households reporting having been displaced for longer than one year 311694,54011.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,68,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.care-international.org/news/press-releases/venezuela-women-and-girls-at-greatest-risk-as-thousands-escape-violence-due-to-military-operations-in-the-border-zone-with-colombia,Al menos 5.500 personas de Venezuela han cruzado la frontera entre Apure y el departamento colombiano de Arauca en las últimas dos semanas. Están escapando de los violentos enfrentamientos entre el ejército venezolano y grupos armados irregulares colombianos que operan en su territorio. Las mujeres y niñas que cruzan están en riesgo de sufrir violencia de género o abuso sexual mientras intentan llegar a Colombia. 191246,43567.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_september_2020.pdf,"[Sept 2020, Cox's Bazar] During the reporting period, a total of 77,694 individuals were screened, including humanitarian workers, Rohingya and host community members. Among those screened, 42 individuals from five camps had high temperatures and they were referred to health centers." 194227,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Des informations disponibles, près de 88,1% des cas étaient âgés entre 20-69 ans (9760/11076) et 5,0% (557/11076) d’entre eux avaient au moins 70 ans. L’âge médian était de 41 ans, avec des extrêmes allant de 2 mois à 100 ans." 247712,48228.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'WASH', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,26,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Les besoins prioritaires exprimés par les enquêtés sont la nourriture, kits abri, les soins de santé et la fourniture en eau et assainissement." 149333,37832.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"In mid-July distribution of monthly subsistence allowance (MSA) resumed among for 9,425 training participants and volunteers" 286916,51627.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,78,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Several participants reported they had adopted COVID-19 prevention measures, including handwashing, physical distancing, staying home as much as possible, avoiding crowds, and avoiding shaking hands. One participant reported replacing home visits with internet communications and another reduced shopping. “We don't go to the market unless it is exceptionally necessary. We limit our market visits to once or twice per week”" 240986,47675.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"Four provinces have been affected [by chikungunya epidemic]: Ouaddaï, Wadi Fira, Sila and Guéra, all located in the Center-East of the country. The majority of affected people are female (54%), and people whose age group is 15 years and over (59%)." 40895,11857.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,84,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-thousands-people-risk-fighting-escalates-tripoli,"As of April 16, there have been 1,005 casualties—including 189 people dead and 816 wounded—according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Health workers and services have been affected by indiscriminate shelling and daily airstrikes, which have increased in densely populated areas over the past several days. Since the start of the conflict, two doctors and one ambulance driver have been killed, another doctor injured, and nine ambulances damaged or destroyed, according to WHO." 222850,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Trucks using the main supply routes in Hiraan continue to be subjected to Al-Shabaab attacks, a longstanding situation resulting from the group’s enforcement of its economic blockade of government-controlled towns." 187320,43340.0,2170.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20-%20Camp%20Management%20Bi-weekly%20Tracker%20Report%2C%20Report%20No.%2024%2C%2016%20-%2031%20October%202020.pdf,"[16th -31st Oct 2020,BAY states]68% of camps has access to a form of education in the camp or nearby. Over 60% of the camps need instructional and writing materials. 50% of the camps do not have access to a functional secondary school while 32% of the camps do not have access to alternative basic education" 126560,34397.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,En la vivienda del 35% de los hogares no hay agua suficiente (37% de los hogares migrantes y 25% de los hogares acogida). 204360,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Ayerou et Tera sont aussi directement affectés par les inondations tout comme Balleyara qui présente aussi des résultats critiques. 194841,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Donors have provided so far, USD 625 million to Somalia, of which 71 per cent (US$442 million) funded through the HRP, which has been 44 per cent funded to date." 223679,45880.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Accroissement de la charge de travail en tant que soignantes primaires et collectrices d'eau : augmenta�on de l'exposi�on à la COVID-19 et à la VSS. 322369,54747.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]The main drivers of shelter & NFI LSGs were found to be Households without access to a safe and healthy housing enclosure unit (9%), Households whose shelter solutions do not meet agreed technical and performance standards (36%), Households without access to vital household NFIs (67%)." 495178,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,14,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Competencia con población anfitriona por los mismos empleos con rechazo y brotes de xenofobia 385615,60457.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région du Centre-Nord, les prix des céréales sont stables par rapport à l’année passée à la même période, sauf pour le niébé qui est en hausse. Pour la région de l’Est, 3 568 ha ont été emblavés en production maraîchère, fruitière et en culture de contre-saison pour une production totale de 30 614 tonnes." 290910,51607.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2224-4220-2021-1405-eng.pdf,"Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is an acute zoonotic disease caused by a tickborne virus (Nairovirus) transmitted through contact with infected ticks or animal blood, human-to-human contact (through infectious blood or body fluids), or the use of improperly sterilized medical equipment and supplies. The disease has haemorrhagic manifestations with considerable mortality in humans. Major complications of CCHF include hepatitis, rapid kidney deterioration, sudden liver failure or pulmonary failure which may lead to death (CFR up to 30%)." 228342,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Eighty-three per cent of victims interviewed indicated that they did not receive information from a party to the conflict after the incident, and over half of the interviewees stated that they were not contacted by the parties after their loss or injury." 187731,43282.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"In August, education partners reached at least 96,473 children (45,916 girls) with Education in Emergency (EiE) assistance, bringing the total number of children reached with EiE from 1 April to 341,918 (156,581 girls). Of those reached in August, at least 46,902 (22,338 girls) learners received teaching and learning materials, while 29,819 (14,575 girls) were supported with access to the emergency school feeding programme." 200030,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[L’impact de la crise sur l’accès aux services d’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement : Pour les zones dans l’insécurité] Perturbation des mécanismes de gestion maintenance ; et dégradation des difficulté équipements ; d’approvisionnement des nombreux réseaux d’eau sont à l’arrêt à cause de faute d’approvisionnement en carburant. (37 au Sahel, 22 dans le Nord, 9 dans l’Est). Suspension des programmes/ activités/ contrôles des services techniques de l’Etat." 189223,42868.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,24,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,18% de lo/as ICs reportaron que ello/as o su grupo de viaje han cruzado por un paso oficial fronterizo al llegar a Colombia 244242,47682.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"This deployment will be the first for the Chadian army since the Bohoma attack last March, after which all deployments abroad had been suspended." 200254,44361.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],fr,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"De manière globale, les performances de la prise en charge de la MAS est acceptable selon les normes sphères et les objectifs du pays ( >= 90% guérison et de Décès< 3% )." 187773,43282.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,106,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"WFP has further introduced a home delivery feature (eShop) on the WFP online mobile shopping application, now operational across Somalia, to enable WFP beneficiaries, registered to eShop to order items online. Due to movement restrictions, WFP is shifting to remote monitoring mechanism for food security and markets monitoring to cover areas where physical or on-site monitoring is not currently feasible. WFP is currently conducting real-time food security monitoring via computer-assisted telephone interviewing. Near real-time information enables WFP to obtain a representative snapshot of the current food security situation at any given time and quickly identify changes." 304454,50891.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"These [Outpatient Therapeutic Programmes and Supplementary feeding Programmes for children under 5] were delivered in an integrated manner alongside health measures resulting in an additional 3,068 children receiving measles immunizations, 514 children receiving treatment for diarrhoea and 984 pregnant mothers enrolled in antenatal care." 408640,63559.0,2311.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,52,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Armed groups often set up blockades in which they decide who can enter certain territories. When fighting is underway, these armed groups sometimes prevent members of humanitarian organisations from entering, as they are considered allies of their enemies. Some humanitarian missions have even been attacked during these blockades" 344229,56790.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] [Retrieved from table] MEDIAN SMEB COST: FOOD ITEMS - 283,725 Syrian Pounds; One month change: -3% and Six month change: 66%." 292256,52161.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,36,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202103230144.html,"The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) calls Burkina Faso the world's fastest-growing displacement and protection crisis, with more than 1 million internally displaced people (IDPs) and counting." 388629,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans le domaine de la documentation bien que les services de la Préfecture et de la mairie soient fonctionnels dans la ville de Sebba, les parents ont des difficultés pour avoir les extraits de naissance de leurs enfants." 207029,43256.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In October 2019, the analysis of the Cadre Harmonisé estimated the number of food and nutritionally insecure people at 5,220,000. Of these, 1,370,000 people have immediate survival needs and require emergency food assistance (phases 3 to 5) and 3,850,000 people need livelihood protection (phase 2)." 221032,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Both before and during the government’s nationwide lockdown, armed groups have submitted communities to forced confinement, not allowing them to move outside a specified area, or even leave their houses. They enforce these restrictions through threats and violence, including burning vehicles and killing people who disobey (Pacifista 26/02/2020). This tactic is used by armed groups to control the movement of people in areas where they are present." 266928,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,86,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"Seven years after French forces deployed to the Sahel to battle jihadists in Mali, the region faces a profound crisis. France’s early operations in 2013 played a critical role, halting the jihadist advance toward the country’s centre that had captured much of northern Mali and driving fighters out of northern towns. Since then, however, militants have swept from the north into the centre and across borders into south-western Niger and northern and eastern Burkina Faso." 276280,50677.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,Les attaques incessantes des groupes armés contre les villages frontaliers isolés du Mayo- Sava combinées au redéploiement des effectifs du Bataillon d’Intervention Rapide (BIR) dans l’arrondissement de Kolofata ont déclenché le déplacement préventif de plus de 8 995 personnes à la recherche de sécurité. 193748,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La saison pluvieuse, plus propice au développement des moustiques, est la période de pic pour cette maladie [paludisme] qui fragilise également la situation socio-économique des populations." 219181,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Two months after Somalia reported the first confirmed COVID-19 case on 16 March, the numbers have surged to 1,421 cases (72 per cent male, 28 per cent female), 56 deaths and 152 recoveries as of 17 May, Somalia now has one of the highest numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases in east Africa region." 330741,45629.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"[South Sudan, 2019] 165,743 People in need in Central Equatoria, 288,514 People in need in Eastern Equatoria, 191,692 People in need in Western Equatoria, 442,651 People in need in Jonglei, 372,753 people in need in Unity, 362,386 people in need in Upper Nile, 344,019 people in need in Warrap, 128, 721 people in need in Wbeg, 292,255 people in need in NBeG, 219,565 people in need in Lakes." 202578,44558.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] In some situations, war-related injuries and illnesses or other situations that confer hero status can also bring social respect and moral prestige to the disabled person. However, the vast majority of dangerous patients are simultaneously stigmatized by some people. The stigmatization and consequent discrimination of patients often restrict the possibility of their participation in everyday social life, especially if they have contagious diseases" 71045,20258.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,48,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://weblog.iom.int/joint-op-ed-venezuelan-displacement-demands-coordinated-international-response%E2%80%AF?utm_source=IOM+External+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=10041abef2-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_10_25_09_00&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9968056566-10041abef2-43608941,"More than 80 percent of the 4.5 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants have remained in the region, hosted by Latin American and Caribbean countries. These migrants and refugees are not confined to camps but are in towns and cities where they live together with local people" 40896,11857.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-thousands-people-risk-fighting-escalates-tripoli,"Medical facilities both in and outside of Tripoli have reported limited capacity and less than two weeks of medical supplies remaining. Some civilians in the city have been without water and electricity for several days. For the more than 3,000 refugees and migrants currently trapped in detention centers in or near the conflict areas, the provision of basic services including food and water remains extremely limited, with reports of many not eating for several days at a time." 268462,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] Requesting that her name be withheld for security concerns, a nurse from the Damascus-based Assad University Hospital ensured that the inoculation card is not fake. The government of the Syrian regime has been delivered 60 doses, the nurse toldEnab Baladi. But she could not tell for sure which of the vaccine formulas these doses were, “because the health professionals at the hospital were quite discreet about the matter.”" 340766,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Institución: Centro etnoeducativo # 13 Denominación: Trabajo cooperativo entre docentes. Pueblo indígena: Pueblo Wayúu. Ubicación: Departamento de La Guajira (Martínez, 2020). Estudiantes y escuelas que atiende: Centro etnoeducativo # 13. 911 estudiantes de educación primaria." 111908,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],[],es,102,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Los relatos de su salida de Venezuela tienen presente la zozobra o la percepción del riesgo que podían sentir ellos o sus familias antes de migrar. Uno de los niños participantes del taller de Bogotá, por ejemplo, al hacer su dibujo decía que habían salido de su país porque allí “están echando a los venezolanos a la cárcel”. El mismo niño señalaba la existencia de hombres malos que se llevan a las niñas (Niño participante del taller en Bogotá, 4 años [Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Bogotá, 2019])." 315484,54311.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,111,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Es necesario ampliar y adecuar los lugares definidos como alojamientos temporales colectivos para garantizar las condiciones dignas. Adicionalmente, es importante asegurar que no se configuren situaciones de hacinamiento que propicien el contagio de la COVID-19 Se requieren carpas de lona grandes/tiendas de campaña con capacidad de 10 personas, aproximadamente 50 carpas, requerimiento para poder tener mejores adecuaciones para atender la emergencia, y con relación a la falta de albergues en el municipio Se requiere proveer dotación como: colchonetas, frazadas, toallas para el cuerpo, al igual que ropa y zapatos, dado que la mayoría de las personas han salido sin ninguna pertenencia" 498764,42108.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IB26102020.pdf,"The Argentine Red Cross is constantly monitoring the borders (at Puerto Iguazú and La Quiaca) through its two border coordinators. The National Society provides shelter, food, psychosocial support, RFL, and information services to migrants entering the country through its northern borders. A mobile humanitarian service point will soon be deployed to the border area in the province of Jujuy." 200055,44386.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],es,96,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Para el total nacional, la tasa de desempleo de los hombres en el trimestre julio - septiembre 2020 se ubicó en 13,9%, para las mujeres fue 22,8%. En el trimestre julio - septiembre 2019 estas tasas se ubicaron en 8,3% y 13,7%, respectivamente. Para el trimestre julio - septiembre 2020, la tasa de desempleo de los hombres fue menor en 8,9 puntos porcentuales respecto a la de las mujeres. En el trimestre julio – septiembre 2019, esta diferencia fue de 5,4 puntos porcentuales." 202040,44071.0,2330.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,63,['At Risk'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Algunas instalaciones dan posibilidades mayores de acoso y/o violencia sexual, pues hay ausencia de privacidad en las duchas (en algunos no hay candados). Las mujeres además señalaron que las duchas son muy pocas para la cantidad de población albergada y que además no hay higiene, lo que es un riesgo para ellas y especialmente para las niñas." 272839,50353.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"In November, 45,700 individuals received various WASH services including COVID-19 prevention interventions implemented by twelve WASH partners in the NW and SW regions. WASH partners AFRINET, EPDA and IRC constructed 129 emergency latrines to be used by at least 6,400 people in Buea, Ekondo Titi, Kombo Itindi, Konye, Kumba 1, Kumba 3 and Mbonge subdivisions of Fako, Ndian and Meme divisions respectively." 344225,56790.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] Ongoing high prices were also recorded for other SMEB food items such as chicken, the price of which decreased slightly by 3% since March yet has increased by 92% since October 2020, due to a combination of factors including SYP fluctuations, the general high costs of transportation and poultry feed. For similar reasons, eggs decreased by 3% in price since March but have increased by 37% since October 2020." 150479,38003.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200817-syria-issues-new-travel-regulations-during-covid-19/,The Syrian Ministry of Interior yesterday issued new travel regulations for those wishing to go from Lebanon to Syria or vice versa as part of efforts to confront the coronavirus. 35737,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,22,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,Rural areas experience workforce shortages due to the reluctance of health workers to work in places where social amenities are limited. 189681,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,37,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,L´impact de l´insurrection de groupes armés et ses conséquences sécuritaires dans la région du bassin du lac Tchad ainsi qu´un environnement fragile au sein des pays limitrophes continue d´affecter le contexte politique et sécuritaire du Tchad. 174168,41097.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_11_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Especial preocupación por la atención a grupos poblacionales vulnerables que presentan casos positivos y que requieren atención diferencial como comunidades indígenas (239 casos), afrodescendientes (3.069 casos), personal médico (248 casos), mujeres gestantes (33 casos) y recién nacidos (4 casos)." 198674,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Parmi ceux dont l’information a pu être collectée, 34,7% (1360/3924) des cas étaient asymptomatiques à la notification. Par ailleurs, 23,3% (273/1174) des cas présentaient au moins une comorbidité au moment du diagnostic, en majorité l’hypertension artérielle et le diabète." 241976,47791.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Les enquêtes ont révélé des différences significatives dans l’attribution des rôles de genre, affectant l’utilisation du temps et la capacité des filles à étudier. Près des deux tiers des filles ont signalé une augmentation des tâches ménagères, contre moins de la moitié des garçons, et 1 fille sur 5 a déclaré avoir trop de tâches à accomplir pour pouvoir apprendre à la maison, contre 1 garçon sur 1013." 169308,40031.0,1185.0,['Cross'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,40,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,Provide capacity strengthening and technical assistance at the policy and operational levels for national and subnational authorities to improve the integration and efficiency of social protection and disaster risk management programmes geared towards the needs of the most vulnerable populations 134125,34837.0,1186.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],es,27,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Del total de 70 personas adultas mayores alcanzadas por la encuesta, un 20% se encontraba en alguna situación de riesgo vinculada a su edad." 308168,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,13,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"A polio vaccination campaign reached 31,603 children between ages of 0-59 months." 388854,61191.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iscg_monsoon_response_flash_update_1_29_july_2021.pdf,"[29thJuly, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Specialized protection interventions are needed to ensure appropriate support for extremely vulnerable refugees such as persons with disabilities, female-headed households, and pregnant and lactating women." 136790,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"To date, the Syrian MoH has reported 847 people with COVID-19. Of these, Damascus reported the highest number of cases (463), followed by Rural Damascus (181); Aleppo Governorate (41); Quneitra Governorate (40); Lattakia (36); As- Sweida Governorate (28); Homs Governorate (25); Dar’a Governorate (12); Tartous Governorate (11); as well as Hama Governorate (10)." 165554,39662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,73,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"All available predictions indicate that the situation is going to deteriorate further if no serious measures are taken. Like other developed and developing countries, one of the key tactics applied by governments to break the chain of infection was to restrict the movement of people out of their homes barring people delivering essential services. One of the categories of workers covered under essential services are sanitation and waste workers." 265676,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,48,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"D’après les IC, les localités évaluées avaient globalement accès à l’information sur l’assistance humanitaire, exception faite de la région de Menaka et de certaines provinces de la région du Nord (Loroum) et du Sahel (Soum)." 202070,43280.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"In addition, 468 radio and TV spots were broadcast and 66 sound trucks were deployed to 1,095 villages with low radio and TV coverage. Challenges through refusals to participate were experienced as part of the campaign with the main reason cited being people’s fear of the process due to misconceptions related to the wearing of face masks by frontline workers during the campai" 187004,42490.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/%5BCLEAN%5D%20Reporte%20operacional%20GTRM%20Guayaquil%20-%20Agosto%202020.pdf,"Se han identificado brechas dentro del procedimiento como: incapacidad de pago del valor para tramitar la Visa de Exccepción por Razones Humanitarias (VERHU), dificultades para movilizarse a citas, problemas técnicos con códigos asignados." 308350,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"All 14 health facilities are functioning in Tonj North, but with limited capacity and resources. Some 4,093 consultations were reported, of which 1,508 were curative. To date, since the start of the response 7 IEHK kits and 15 pneumonia kits have been distributed to partners. Additional supplies to run the hospital are transported from Juba, via Wau. Marial Lou Hospital provides monthly services to an average of 50,000 people living in Tonj North and Tonj East living in the catchment area." 113114,29959.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,29,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,• Continúa la articulación con las organizaciones de base comunitaria venezolanas para la identificación de las necesidades y el monitoreo de la población venezolana en riesgo de desalojo. 339342,56115.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"El primer pico de la pandemia en Antioquia se dio entre julio y agosto de 2020, con una mortalidad de 4 personas por millón de habitantes y una ocupación de UCI de aproximadamente el 80 por ciento que se sostuvo hasta el mes de diciembre de 2020" 266730,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[24 Jan 2021, GoS] On the 24th of January 2021, tensions in Tafas town in western Dar’a between government forces and non-armed state groups worsened while on the same day, a ceasefire was able to be achieved de-escalating the worsening context. Nonetheless, this short worsening of the situation led to significant food price increases." 176644,41731.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,65,['Priority Interventions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Tous les PDI s’entendent à dire qu’ils reçoivent des informations sur la manière de se protéger verbalement dans les langues locales grâce aux agents de santé, les radios, la télévision, le porte à porte et les sensibilisations. Idem pour les populations hôtes qui demandent toutefois à ce que le matériel de protection soit distribué à tous." 305605,50889.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Some NFI assistance has been delivered; however gaps in jerry can provision persist. 145444,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,80,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In particular, WHO, acting on the eight pillars of the global WHO Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan, continues engaging the MoH and health partners to enhance technical capacity and awareness, including on rational use of PPEs, case management, infection prevention and control, environmental disinfection, and risk communication; and is focused on procuring and enhancing integral medical supplies including in laboratory testing and PPE, for case management and healthcare facilities." 80050,22055.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,"Suq Aljumaa: Approximately 350 individuals have been displaced to Suq Aljumaa from Suq Alkhamees and Abusliem due to the continued hostilities. Some of the IDPs were reported to be staying with relatives and friends while others were reported to be renting houses. The IPD needs are food, NFIs, mattresses and blankets.An estimated 300 migrants arrived to Suq Aljumaa from areas of conflict." 304899,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Just 44 per cent of households in Abuda, Um Gargour and Fau-5 camps report that their monthly food rations or cash/voucher amounts cover food needs for a full 30 days, while less than 3 per cent of households in Kilo 26, Girba, Wad Sharifie and Shagarab camps have enough food for the 30 day period." 286904,51627.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,66,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Approximately half of participants reported accurate information on COVID-19 prevention, isolation, hygiene practices, and shielding high-risk people. Investigators noted a correlation between gender and information provided, with men having access to more accurate and comprehensive information. This was potentially due to awareness campaigns being directed towards men and gender-differentiated Syrian socialisation norms." 239749,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,115,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"At higher level, the President chairs COVID-19 related response meetings with provincial governors through video conferences and virtual meetings. The Second Vice President is chairing Emergency and Disaster Response High Level Committee, which is the highest decision-making body for COVID-19 response. The key committees functionalized at MoPH [Ministry of Public Health] level were high coordination committee headed by minister of public health while a series of subcommittee such as case management, surveillance and laboratory, risk communication, infection prevention and control, logistic and operation were functional occasionally. Although the committees were not fully coordinated, however the emergency is being well managed until now." 437562,64217.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,44,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Datos consolidados para los tres países indican que el 10% de las niñas han experimentado embarazos tempranos. En Perú, es el 13%, en comparación con el 8% de las niñas y adolescentes asentadas en Colombia y Ecuador." 330151,55167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elperiodico.com/es/internacional/20210502/represion-policial-marca-mayo-colombia-11695827,"Esta semana también se informó de un fallecimiento en Neiva, capital del departamento del Huila, mientras que en Soacha, localidad aledaña a Bogotá, fue asesinado a cuchilladas el capitán de la Policía Jesús Alberto Solano." 217564,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Of these 11 cities, two were classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency), namely Hirat and Kandahar urban centres, and seven were classified in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis), namely Mazar (in Balkh Province), Pul e Khumri (Baghlan), Kabul, Jalalabad (Nangarhar), Shibirghan (Jawzjan), Lashkargah (Hilmand) and Maimana (Faryab). Two towns were classified in IPC Phase 2 (Stressed), Kunduz, and Taluqan (Takhar)." 160326,38479.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Surveillance épidémiologique et le contrôle sanitaire aux points d’entrées • Poursuite du dépistage systématique des voyageurs entrants et sortants • Supervisions intégrées des acteurs sur la surveillance de la COVID-19 dans les régions du Centre, des Hauts Bassins et des Cascades • Poursuite des sessions de formation en cascade des acteurs sur la surveillance communautaire de la COVID 19 et la recherche active • Réception de 6 244 appels parmi lesquels 06 alertes sur le 3535 • Investigation de 02 alertes par les EIR" 326768,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,91,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Au sujet du trafic national, 28 585 personnes ont franchi les différents PoC ce même 11/04/2021 et ont toutes été screenées ; aucune alerte n’a été décelée. A la fin de S14/2021, 167 685 mouvements ont été enrôlés et screenés ; aucune alerte n’a été répertoriée (complétude de 67,3%). Ceci est largement au-dessus du bilan de S13/2021 au terme de laquelle 162 709 passants avaient été enregistrés et screenés et dont aucune alerte détectée (complétude de 71,6%)" 150804,37921.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Par ailleurs, au niveau des deux aéroports et des points terrestres de Faramana, Galgouli, Koloko et Seytenga (soit 55% des points) des formulaires de santé sont complétés." 75116,21143.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,121,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72308.pdf,"A nivel nacional y subregional, la Plataforma Regional se complementa con mecanismos locales de coordinación (Plataformas Nacionales y Subregionales) y en estrecha colaboración con los gobiernos anfitriones. Existen plataformas de coordinación interagencial dedicadas, encargadas de la coordinación operativa, y la implementación del RMRP en Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, a nivel nacional, y en el Caribe, América Central y México, y el Cono Sur a nivel subregional. La forma en la que cada plataforma está organizada se basa en el contexto de cada país y las capacidades operativas de los gobiernos y los actores del RMRP, teniendo en cuenta las estructuras de coordinación existentes." 208195,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"While anyone can experience malnutrition, people who are particularly vulnerable include young children, adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, older people, people who are ill or immuno-compromised, indigenous people and people in extreme poverty." 209696,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,38,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"People with disabilities, estimated as 15 per cent of the population, are at heightened risk of violence and abuse, a situation that is worsened by pre-existing social stigma associated with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities." 245105,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,Cabe resaltar que el estatus migratorio que se concede a los beneficiarios de permisos especiales es temporal y no permite la contabilización de tiempo de permanencia en el país para efectos de acceder a visas de residencia u otro documento que permita la regularización permanente de la población con nacionalidad venezolana en Colombia. Esto también constituye una barrera jurídica para aquellas personas que aspiran acceder a la nacionalidad colombiana por adopción de los permisos de permanencia. 621,156.0,321.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,95,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Across all locations and population groups, 38.2% of households reported at least one member suffering from chronic disease. IDP and returnee households were more likely to have chronically ill members (41.2% and 50.4%, respectively), compared to non-displaced households (37.6%). These percentages were affected by higher reported proportions in the eastern assessed locations with 47.1% in Derna, and 55.6% of households in Benghazi including members suffering from chronic diseases compared to only 18.2% in Al Jabal Al Gharbi." 275485,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Concernant la région de Diffa, une attention particulière devra également être portée sur les capacités du camp de Sayam Forage dont le nombre de réfugiés, souvent particulièrement vulnérables, ne cesse de croitre." 126309,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Durante los primeros tres meses, el 44% de los hogares migrantes utilizó más frecuentemente una estrategia negativa de supervivencia severa de pasar un día entero sin comer. El uso de esta estrategia negativa se reduce con el tiempo entre los hogares migrantes, hasta llegar al 25% después de más de un año y medio de permanencia." 284989,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"In East Kassala State, several inter-tribal clashes between refugees in different refugee camps were reported on 5 and 6 June, killing at least 5 people and injuring at least of 31." 280017,50900.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | 45% of children aged 6-17 are accessing education services." 274132,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,[Household Hunger Scale (HHS)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages enquêtés n’arrivent pas à maintenir un régime alimentaire constant en temps de difficultés financières. Le manque de stocks alimentaires et/ou de ressources des ménages serait la raison de sauter un ou plusieurs repas ou de passer une journée entière sans manger. 272636,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"L’imposition des escortes militaires aux missions humanitaires, dans plusieurs régions du pays, a fortement impacté les opérations humanitaires, empêchant près de 1 258 500 personnes, au 30 Septembre 2020 d’avoir accès à l’assistance humanitaire." 390757,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,81,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Heavy rainfall can also trigger riverine and flash floods; these are common in the country’s hill areas and can also trigger landslides and mudslides and consequently gully erosion in sedimentary terrains. Additionally, water stress during dry periods is likely to be further exacerbated with competing demands from household, industrial consumption and agriculture. Increased heat will further strain existing water resources and impacts from changing rainfall patterns.47" 491762,67956.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,96,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20External%20Situation%20Report%20-%20July%202021.pdf,"COVID-19 affected people continued to increase in number with 171,097 cumulative cases for July. The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control reported 497 new cases on 31 July, compared to 392 on 30 June (27 percent increase). Lagos remains the most affected location with 62,155 confirmed cases (36 percent of the national total), while 2,977 confirmed cases were recorded in northeast Nigeria, including 1,344 in Borno State; 1,134 in Adamawa State; and 499 in Yobe State. Zamfara State of northwest Nigeria reported 244 cases." 227089,46392.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201222-displaced-syrians-face-twin-threats-of-covid-winter-cold/,"[22nd Dec 2020, Syria] cases have increased steadily in northwest Syria since July, says French medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and, with tents overcrowded and basic health services and sanitation lacking, it believes the risks of a significant outbreak at the camp and others like it are high." 391154,61470.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 75% of children under five years old were reported to be vaccinated against polio. 56% of children under two years old were reported to have received the DTP vaccine and 75% to have received the MMR vaccine." 279142,50217.0,2333.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,38,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Tant que les conflits armés au Mali, au Burkina Faso et au Nigéria continueront d'instaurer une instabilité dans les zones frontalières du Niger, les déficiences structurelles au Niger persisteront et ne devraient pas s'améliorer en 2021" 114156,31147.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,83,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Este impacto afecta más a los hogares en pobreza, que en su mayoría desempeñan actividades de subsistencia ganando el ingreso que necesitan para vivir el día. A nivel nacional, el 26.3 por ciento de los hogares están en condición de pobreza por ingresos. Está cifra alcanza el 30 por ciento en el área rural y el 24.1 por ciento en el área urbana (Digestyc, 2019), por un total de 491.396 hogares a nivel nacional." 290985,51608.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afg_humanitarian_access_snapshot_feb_20210314.pdf,"In the Western Region, two partners shared concerns about interference by government officials in their operations. In one case, government officials temporarily stopped a distribution requesting to add names to the beneficiary list and in another case, the partner was concerned that government officials partaking in distributions were taking pictures and using them for political purposes." 199341,43120.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],es,81,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://forbes.co/2020/11/06/actualidad/migracion-las-claves-para-que-se-sume-a-la-reactivacion-del-pais/,"Otro de los puntos que dejó ver el estudio es que el costo fiscal de los migrantes estaría entre 0,19 % y el 0,26 % del PIB.“La no integración de la población venezolana afectaría el gasto del Gobierno en la medida en que se reducen sus aportes a los ingresos de la nación y aumentan los costos de atención. Bajo un contexto de crisis sanitaria estos costos de la no integración se intensifican”, señala Raddar." 200048,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Aux partenaires techniques et financiers nous demandons : • Augmenter les financements alloués au domaine de l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement; • Etre flexible dans le financement (géographiquement, temporellement) en intégrant une approche nexus • Accroitre le financement pour les études/évaluations et stock de contingence et la préparation à l’urgence, • Renforcer les capacités du gouvernement dans la préparation et la réponse d’urgence." 206720,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"There is also a high disease burden resulting from communicable, non-communicable and neglected diseases, as well as diseases with epidemic and pandemic potential. Multiple outbreaks prevail in 20 counties with the cases of measles, hepatitis E and yellow fever increasing, while malaria, acute respiratory infection and acute watery diarrhoea sporadically exceed thresholds." 200559,44300.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,99,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Parmi les migrants endettés, 71% ont déclaré que leurs dettes ont un impact négatif sur leur situation personnelle, tant au niveau social que psychologique. Pour ces migrants de retour, les dettes constituent un frein pour trouver un emploi et retrouver l’autonomie financière à hauteur de 61%. Cela affecte l’aide qu’ils peuvent apporter à leur famille dans 41% des cas, et 12% avouent que leur situation affecte leur sécurité alimentaire.[échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 314446,54329.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,114,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/65614/uae-plane-loaded-with-coronavirus-vaccines-arrives-in-damascus.html,"[21 APR 2021, GoS] A UAE aid plane loaded with large quantities of coronavirus vaccines has landed in Damascus airport. The shipment was coordinated by the Syrian Red Crescent Organization and comes as part of the UAE’s global response to combat the spread of the virus and strengthen prevention measures. It aims to assist frontline medical workers, the elderly, people with chronic diseases, as well as displaced people, and those living in refugee camps. This is the second Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) aid plane to arrive in Damascus loaded with coronavirus vaccine doses to help Syria fight the pandemic." 21250,8826.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.geo.tv/latest/227179-spain-uk-recognise-guaido-as-venezuela-leader,"After announcing the Spanish government´s official recognition of Guaido, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez urged the 35-year-old National Assembly head to ""call elections as soon as possible, elections that have to be free and democratic"". Sanchez added he wanted to spearhead a plan of humanitarian aid for Venezuela in the European Union and United Nations." 495392,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,27,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Aumento del uso de trochas y pasos irregulares, tanto en Perú, Ecuador y Colombia, incrementando el riesgo de trata, extorsión y explotación." 217654,45271.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,50,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Most of the IDPs bring agriculture-based livelihoods skills to these urban areas where there is no market for their skills. Their arrival increases the pressure on the local job market, reducing wages and adding strain on infrastructure, ultimately fuelling tensions and conflict with the local population." 204327,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Les données MSNA montrent que les ménages [de Tahoua] réfugiés semblent être dans une situation plus critique que les autres groupes de population. 414081,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,185,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Health workforce Ensure availability of health workforce and proper skill mix: WHO recommended ratio of doctors, nurses, and technologists which is 1:3:5 needs to be ensured. So, recruitment of the workforce against the vacant position is necessary. Furthermore, Bangladesh is still far from achieving WHO recommended doctor to patient ratio. Given the size of the population, and the low number of facilities it is crucial that an added emphasis is given to recruiting and capacitating allied workforce at the community level so that hospitals are not overburdened and many of the primary health complications can be addressed at the community level. Immediate recruitment of necessary supporting workforce is extremely necessary as the lack of third and fourth-class staff along with the cleaners was the main concern during the pandemic. Besides, regular capacity-building training according to the need of the health system also needs to be ensured. The competency of health care providers on patient-centric care to treat patients more sensibly needs to be emphasised." 58216,17094.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Atentos a la brecha entre la formación terciaria o universitaria de muchos migrantes venezolanos y los precarios y escasamente calificados puestos de trabajo a los que efectivamente logran acceder, la Asociación “U” también se involucró en el proceso de convalidación de títulos universitarios. En diálogo conjunto con el Ministerio de Educación, con otros sectores del gobierno nacional y con otras organizaciones —entre las que mencionaron a la OIM—, comenzaron a trabajar en la identificación de jurisdicciones (provincias y municipios) que tuvieran déficit de determinados profesionales con la expectativa que la migración venezolana pudiera atender esas áreas de vacancia." 39180,13749.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,116,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Due to the fighting in 2014, the region of Benghazi witnessed multiple waves of displacement with hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) seeking safety in the urban centre of Tripoli and its surroundings. While a large number of IDPs have returned home, approximately 27,000 people are continue to be displaced in several areas in Libya. The main reasons for displacement is linked to political opinion or perceptions of supporting a specific group. The main areas of displacements from Benghazi are in West Libya, in particular, Tripoli, Misrata, Az- Zawya, Sibrata, Al Khums, Zlita and other scattered areas inside Libya." 188183,31146.0,1900.0,[],[],[],es,99,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"La restricción a la movilización por el Estado de excepción tanto en las fronteras como en las ciudades tiene efectos directos y negativos en la generación de ingreso y oportunidades de vida de un segmento importante de la población. Asimismo, el nivel de subempleo es elevado generando una disminución de los ingresos debido a la pérdida de oportunidades de trabajo, movilidad restringida (interna e internacional), pérdida de acceso a insumos productivos, pérdida de acceso a los mercados, disminución de la productividad por enfermedad, aumento de los gastos en salud." 171445,40448.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185217/,"[22nd September 2020, North Syria] The minister said that reports indicate that citizens are not responding to the awareness campaigns and were not wearing masks or following other safety measures, but that the SIG were unable to impose a curfew due to widespread poverty, which means people need to go to work to make a living." 490543,67789.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,77,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Increasing influx of new arrivals and flash flooding trigger shelter shortages in Bama LGA: The shelter situation is further aggravated by recent flash flooding incidents from heavy downpours, which damaged or destroyed several shelters and critical WASH facilities affecting hundreds of IDP families. In Banki town, one person was killed and four others injured in heavy rainfalls that destroyed 91 shelters during the week." 240433,47354.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,86,[],"['Context', 'Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] The security environment in North-East Nigeria remained volatile as a result of violence and insecurity caused by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAG) and counter-insurgency operation by the security forces. In Borno State, security incidents affecting areas where UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency operates, included NSAG gruesome slaughtering of dozens of civilians including IDPs in Jere Local Government Area (LGA) on 29 November, which was condemned by the Humanitarian Coordinator" 188086,43366.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,161,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/rdc-covid-19-le-d%C3%A9pistage-d%C3%A9centralis%C3%A9-dans-la-capitale-et-5-provinces-/1879179,"« Il s’agit notamment de la Clinique Ngaliema, des Cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa, de l’Hôpital Saint Joseph, de l’Hôpital de l’Amitié sino-congolaise, de HJ Hospitals et du Centre hospitalier Monkole », précise le communiqué. Les cinq provinces bénéficiaires de ce diagnostic sont le Kongo Central ( Sud - Ouest ), le Haut-Katanga ( Sud - est), le Nord-Kivu ( Est) l’Ituri ( Nord - est) et le Sud-Kivu (Est). Ces cinq provinces et les six structures de santé de Kinshasa, épicentre de la pandémie, ont été dotées du matériel nécessaires pour effectuer les tests, précise le même communiqué. Selon les autorités sanitaires, la stratégie est de faire le dépistage massif, « mais faute de moyens, on priorise les prélèvements des Hôpitaux », explique le comité de la riposte." 205233,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The floods affected areas already experiencing high levels of vulnerability due to the legacy of years of conflict and access constraints, placing affected people at a greater humanitarian risk." 320932,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,118,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Plus de la moitié des retournés et des PDIs résident dans un village où aucun soutien n’est proposé pour les propriétaires de bétails (61% et 51%, respectivement). Selon les réponses fournies par les informateurs clés, les maladies du bétail (1), la pénurie de terres (2) et le manque de marché (3) ont été classés comme les trois principaux problèmes qui affectent les éleveurs de bétail dans les villages évalués." 237654,47303.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,57,['At Risk'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/mas-de-3000-personas-han-perdido-la-vida-durante-viajes-migratorios-en-2020/2395,"De las 104 muertes, alrededor de 34 decesos ocurrieron en Colombia en 2020, la mayoría de casos en Norte de Santander, Santander y Bogotá. Esto significa un aumento respecto de las 25 muertes de migrantes en 2019; muchos de estos casos están relacionadas con homicidios, accidentes de tráfico y enfermedades." 193848,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La malnutrition chronique est restée stationnaire avec une prévalence de 32% pour 31,9% en 2018. Elle dépasse le seuil critique de 30% fixé par l´OMS dans 12 provinces (Ouaddaï, Tandjilé, Chari-Baguirmi, Mayo- Kebbi Est, Hadjer-Lamis, Logone Oriental, Lac, Salamat, Sila, Logone Occidental, Mayo-Kebbi Ouest et Kanem) dont 8 provinces en situation préoccupante avec des taux situés entre 20 et 30%" 359774,58464.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,92,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] In 85% of the communities affected by waterborne diseases according to REACH’s RNA, community members reportedly visited a health facility to seek treatment. In particular, pharmacies were the most commonly cited facility where people sought treatment, followed by private clinics and primary care facilities. In the remaining communities where people reportedly did not seek treatment, problems with access to healthcare, including the lack of nearby hospitals and the high cost of healthcare, were mentioned." 384822,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,AIHC poursuit ses activités de sensibilisations dans la boucle du Mouhoun sur le COVID 19. Le constat sur le terrain est positif notamment sur les mesures barrières le lavage des mains et le port du cache nez. AIHC également encourent les populations à se faire vacciner contre le COVID 19. 35774,13103.0,788.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Certain adolescent populations were found to be more at risk, as came out of the qualitative study where street boys were said to be denied access to clinics by workers because of drug and substance abuse issues" 165119,39657.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,42,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000117581.pdf,"As lockdown measures and effects continue to permeate daily lives and livelihoods of the local population, the need for strengthening social protection programs remains high. • Support for income and food access remains priority needs of the affected populations." 385608,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,80,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Selon les dernières données du Conseil national de secours d’urgence et de réhabilitation, du Ministère en charge de l’action humanitaire (30 avril 2021), le nombre de PDI dans la région du Centre-Nord est estimé à 467 738 personnes, représentant plus de 40 pour cent des PDI au niveau national, avec une augmentation de l’ordre de plus de 5,2 pour cent par rapport à la situation en février." 322602,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 92% of households were found to have at least one Education Living Standard Gaps(LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 85% of households were found to have an Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in education but no capacity gap in education. 7% of households were found to have both an Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in education and a capacity gap in education. 8% of households were found to have no education Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a capacity gap in education. 204401,43976.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,6% des ménages dirigés par des femmes ont cité l’aide humanitaire comme source de revenu principale contre moins de 1% des ménages dirigés par des hommes. 238598,47236.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,52,['Priority Needs'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,Les déplacés ont confirmé la destruction et le pillage des biens des villages [suite aux affrontements entre les FARDCs et la milice RAIYA MUTOMBOKI (RM)] avant leurs arrivées dans les villages d’accueil. Les déplacés sont dans le besoin d’une assistance en AME. 328356,54948.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,42,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Lactancia-materna-segura-durante-la-pandemia-y-la-vacunaci%C3%B3n.aspx,"Para el caso de las lactantes que estén en sospecha de padecer del virus o no se encuentren en un estado óptimo al momento de amamantar, Cadena instó a las madres a intentar proporcionarle la leche materna por medios seguros." 203570,43256.0,2334.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,93,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"A shortage of safe drinking water in rural areas leads to gathering water for drinking and domestic use from streams, rivers and unprotected wells. Open defecation or construction of unsafe latrines is a common practice in most rural settings. Waste is not being collected in rural areas and is mostly thrown into streams (reducing water quality), bushes or burnt. The number of people in need of WASH assistance almost doubled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, from 870,000 people to 1.5 million people in need." 473661,67211.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colaboracion.dnp.gov.co/CDT/Sinergia/Documentos/Notas_politica_publica_SEGURIDAD%20ALIMENTARIA_14_04_21_v5.pdf,"La cuarentena nacional afectó el empleo y por lo tanto los ingresos, sobre todo de los más vulnerables (estratos bajos), generando cambios en la salud alimentaria de esta población." 198689,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,27,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,66 prestataires des PoE/PoC ont été formés sur la CREC avec l’appui de l’OIM dans la ZS BOLENGE à l’EQUATEUR. 236044,46890.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"OCHA continued to provide leadership in the response in the NWSW through the organization of regular meetings of the Inter-Cluster, Humanitarian Coordination Forum (HCF), Access Working Group and Information Management Working Group." 357903,58570.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/N2111312.pdf,"Dos niños (1 niño y 1 niña) fueron secuestrados por grupos disidentes de las FARC-EP, uno de ellos para ser reclutado. Se desconoce el paradero de ambos." 315488,54311.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,41,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Ante la probabilidad alta de ocurrencia de nuevas emergencias, es urgente el apoyo en gestión de albergues. Adicionalmente, los lugares habilitados para este fin no garantizan la seguridad y dignidad a las personas en situación de desplazamiento." 188165,31146.0,1900.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,81,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Desde principios de marzo, al menos 1.000 niños migrantes no acompañados han sido obligados a retornar desde Estados Unidos a México y a los países del norte de América Central (El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras), a pesar de que sus comunidades de origen presentan graves riesgos para su protección, agravados ahora por la COVID-19. Durante el mismo período, al menos 447 niños migrantes han sido devueltos de México a Guatemala y Honduras." 193083,43300.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Environment']",fr,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La faible disponibilité d´eau pour le pâturage suite à de fréquentes sécheresses dans la bande sahélienne affecte la transhumance. Les nomades doivent faire face aux effets du réchauffement climatique et protéger à la fois le cheptel et leur famille des conséquences néfastes (manque d´eau, baisse de la productivité…)" 346569,56941.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cerf_communique_de_presse_eruption_nyiragongo_mai_2021_final.pdf,"Suite à l’ordre d’évacuation de plusieurs quartiers de la ville de Goma le 27 mai, des milliers de personnes se sont déplacées vers Sake et le territoire de Rutshuru au Nord-Kivu, vers Minova et Bukavu au Sud-Kivu et le Rwanda" 63677,18726.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Demography'],en,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_august_edition.pdf,"The Nutrition Sector is facing increasing challenges as ongoing rains are causing disease rates to rise, especially diarrhoea, measles and malaria, which are underlying causes of malnutrition. The number of admitted SAM cases increased significantly in July; some 33,040 severely malnourished children (SAM) were admitted for treatment across the BAY states. The total number of SAM cases admitted since January has now reached 161,809 children, approximately 60 per cent of all cases expected for 2019." 276098,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les personnes handicapées sont rendues d’autant plus vulnérables que les structures de réadaptation/de santé et d’éducation inclusive sont rares, voire inexistantes dans plusieurs régions, leurs droits sont bafoués et leur représentation civile est très faible." 219192,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"With widespread flooding across the country and a resurgence of the locust infestation already in parts of Somalia, and the existing humanitarian and socio-economic needs before the COVID-19 crisis started, Somalia is facing a triple threat for which urgent support and assistance is required to ensure gains made over the past decade do not unravel." 219352,45753.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,97,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"Living in shelters and mixing with different people.” A woman from Idlib sub-district sharing a violence risk factor for women and girls.Living with strangers and having minimal support for shelter poses a risk for GBV, hence why some respondents suggested that camps be eliminated and houses that are habitable and regulated be identified. Some women and girls noted that they experience emotional violence through insults when they receive aid in the form of non-food items. Others also noted that ethnic minorities mixing with local residents can also be a violence risk factor." 8947,2667.0,321.0,['Health'],[],[],en,137,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/21052018_Attacks_on_Health_Care_EN.pdf,"Hospitals and other health care facilities in Libya have been bombed, shelled and hit by stray bullets during armed violence. Parties to the conflict have routinely failed to take all feasible precautions to distinguish between legitimate military objectives and civilians and civilian objects. They have used indiscriminate fire and weapons with wide area effects (including unguided indirect fire weapons such as mortars) in densely populated areas, including in proximity to medical facilities. Parties to the conflict routinely failed to take all feasible precautions to avoid, or in any event minimize, incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects, including medical facilities and personnel. Such attacks have led to civilian casualties, material damage and temporary closures of medical facilities." 401754,62965.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] During return to shelters and or facilities, be aware of any risk of snakes, and snake bites and therefore should; • Use rods and sticks to sift through their belongings and create vibrations." 157570,38422.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,142,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/30072020_BDRCS_SitRep4_Flood2020.pdf,"The on going flood in Northern, central and North-eastern Bangladesh due to heavy rainfall at the upstream since end of June. The latest river water level report (29 July 2020, BST 09:00hrs) from Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC) 27 major points of Brahmaputra basin (Dharla, Ghagot, Karatoa, Brahmaputra, Jamuna, Gur, Atrai, Dhaleshwari, Balu, Kaliganga rivers), Ganges Basin (Padma, Arialkhan rivers) and Meghna Basin (Surma, Old Surma – Derai, Titas, Meghna rivers) are flowing at minimum 1cm to maximum 111cm above danger level throughout 18 districts. Water level of the rivers around the capital may rise today, while that of the Teesta and Dharala in the northern region may increase till tomorrow." 240894,47549.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/deadly-start-2021-children-sahel-save-children-calls-their-protection,"But even if children are not directly harmed by the violence, they are losing their parents, their family members, their teachers. They are driven from their homes and schools; they have to leave friends behind. All these things have a deep and possibly long lasting impact on children." 173279,41071.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-20-more-die-1441-new-cases-detected/58652,"[8 October, Bangladesh]Bangladesh is seeing 2,199.52 infections, 1,692.92 recoveries per million while 32.06 are dying against the same number. Of the total victims, 4,213 are men and 1,247 are women. Among the latest victims, 30 are above 50 years old." 290593,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"[North West & South West] Almost 680,000 Cameroonians are now internally displaced. An additional 58,000 people have sought refuge in neighboring Nigeria. IDPs and host communities, particularly in rural areas, need immediate protection, food, shelter/NFI, water and sanitation assistance." 159011,37971.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_ndeg_114.pdf,"Cumul des cas confirmés : 903 dont 327 femmes et 576 hommes avec un sexe ratio de 1,76" 388304,60981.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,28,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,Algunas de las familias se han auto albergado y otras se han ubicado en Instituciones Educativas del casco urbano como parte del plan de contingencia del municipio. 205876,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,29,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"At-risk groups—such as female-headed households, people with disabilities or LGBTIQ+ individuals—who are struggling financially, may be forced or coerced to provide sex in exchange for assistance." 346014,56894.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,25,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"Según el análisis del último periodo epidemiológico, el país se encuentra en situación de seguridad para malaria, como lo muestra el canal endémico" 228752,44877.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,173,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/238268,"In As-Suwayda, dozens of male and female teachers who went to school health building to request referrals and sick leave. Al-Watan found that the number of sick leaves registered during the month of November reached 2,000. In an interview with ""Al-Watan"" teachers confirmed that the spread of Corona has become a reality and out of concern for themselves, their families and their students in schools, they ask for sick leave, even if they were only suspicious cases. One of the nurses also indicated that the large number of requests for sick leave from the teaching staff is due to their fear of the spread of disease in schools that is associated with the lack of precaution within schools, and that they have students in schools demanding that the teaching process be suspended to cut off a chain of infection, especially as many schools are witnessing significant number of students getting sick without an official decision by their administrations to close classrooms." 132510,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,58,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Los socios considerarán el fortalecimiento de los centros de atención de salud para desarrollar campañas de nutrición entre refugiados y migrantes, y abogar por las políticas públicas de salud. El sector nutrición requiere una acción integral y conjunta con el sector público, agencias internacionales, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y refugiados y migrantes" 293976,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,the presence of Boko Haram in the forests or bush of the Far North is an unprecedented danger for women in search of natural resources [such as water collection]. These tasks also represent a time investment that affects their ability to study or to engage in income-generating activities. 332567,45763.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Former les RCS [Relai Communautaire santé] et ASC [agents de santé communautaire] sur le protocole nationale de prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe afin d’assurer la surveillance nutritionnelle / Mettre en place des plates formes communautaire dans les zones pour traiter les maladies de l’enfant (paludisme, diarrhée, malnutrition…)" 202643,43256.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Food insecurity previously affecting 240,000 is now leading 392,000 people in need of live-saving Food Security assistance, and Child Protection needs have more than doubled. A large increase can also be observed with regards to Health needs related to physical and mental wellbeing, affecting newly over half a million people in comparison to 190,000 before the disease outbreak." 278219,50828.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,82,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d9%84%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%88%d9%85-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ab%d8%a7%d9%86%d9%8a-%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%89-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%aa%d9%88%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b5%d8%ad%d8%a9-%d8%aa%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%b5%d9%84-%d8%a5/,"[March 1, GoS] For the second consecutive day, the Ministry of Health continues to provide the Covid-19 vaccine to health personnel working on front lines within isolation centers designated for treating Covid-19 patients in various governorates. The Minister of Health, Dr. Hassan Muhammad Al-Ghobash, stated that the most vulnerable groups, who work in isolation centers, are currently vaccinated, and the priority for the older age group is due to limited supplies." 134169,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,73,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El Ministerio de Seguridad puso en funcionamiento distintas dependencias especializadas en la detección, persecución y desarticulación del delito de trata de personas: División de Trata de Personas de la Policía Federal Argentina, Departamento Anti Trata de Personas de la Gendarmería Nacional Argentina, Unidad Operacional del Control de Narcotráfico y Delitos Complejos de la Policía de Seguridad Aeroportuaria, y el Departamento Investigaciones de Trata de la Prefectura Naval Argentina" 291678,52152.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,126,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Recomendaciones Fortalecer las cadenas de suministro de insumos en regiones con mayores dificultades logísticas (Orinoquía y Amazonía). Facilitar el acceso a la semilla y otros insumos priorizando los productores de las regiones Caribe y Pacifico. Facilitar el acceso alimentos animales y servicios veterinarios (incluso con medios remotos) priorizando los productores de las regiones Orinoquía y Cafetera. Apoyar a los productores para la diversificación de los canales comerciales incluso adoptando herramientas de virtualidad. Llevar a cabo actividades de apoyo a los medios de vida rural con enfoque en los pequeños agricultores de las regiones Amazonia, Caribe, Gran Santander y Orinoquia. Promoción de viveros priorizando los hogares pobres de las regiones Central, Cafetera y Caribe." 85625,23702.0,1384.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,73,[],[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,,"Priority areas of intervention identified for the platform in 2019 include the creation of a safe and effective space for dialogue; set up clear objectives for the workgroup; provide services to refugees and migrants, including shelter solutions for those at risk and provision of psychosocial support; establish a system for vulnerability identification, case management and referrals; conduct capacity building; and prepare a joint communication strategy." 132615,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,214,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De acuerdo con la Fiscalía del Perú, no hay refugiados ni migrantes de Venezuela identificados como víctimas de trata hasta el 2018, en que más de 70 casos han sido reportados (incluyendo casos de explotación sexual, explotación laboral, y explotación doméstica). Existe información limitada disponible en tráfico de refugiados y migrantes. De acuerdo con la Defensoría del Pueblo, esto se debe a grandes dificultades durante el proceso de investigación, incluyendo una débil asistencia y falta de protocolos. La alta movilidad, restricciones de ingreso al país y la vulnerabilidad de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, son factores que aumentan el riesgo de trata humana o recurren a traficantes para posterior movimiento. En este contexto, las necesidades de prioridad son: brindar información oportuna, así como una pronta identificación de las víctimas de trata para evitar las transgresiones. Además, es importante mejorar la capacidad de los actores claves en relación con los procesos penales de trata y tráfico de personas a nivel local, regional y nacional, respecto del enfoque de protección para refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. Finalmente, se requiere fomentar la protección y asistencia de integración a las víctimas de tráfico." 145865,35819.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"State/PRM partner the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) provides medical consultations and facilitates community-based health programming at 11 community center clinics and 14 UNHCR-run primary health care facilities in Aleppo, Damascus, Hamah, Al Hasakah, Homs, and Rif Damascus governorates." 162945,39539.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,54,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.channelstv.com/2020/09/17/covid-19-vaccines-will-not-be-available-until-next-year-fg/,"The Minister of Health, Osagie Ehanire, also appealed to Nigerians to adhere to the protocols aimed at reducing the spread of the virus in the country. Compliance with all the recommended measures like wearing your masks, social distancing, avoiding gatherings etc will go a long way to help." 491754,67948.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69611/petroleum-minister-arab-gas-pipeline-ready-syria-gets-quantities-of-egyptian-gas.html,"[13 September 2021, GoS] According to the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Bassam Touma, the length of the Arab Gas pipeline is 320 km from the Jordanian borders into al-Rayan in central Syria, with a diameter of 36 inches and a capacity of 10 billion cubic meters per year. “The pipeline which goes into Lebanon from al-Rayan to Dabousya is 65 km in length, with a 24-inch diameter, and 36 km inside the Lebanese territories into the Deir Ammar station,” the Minister added." 40936,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,52,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Libyan KIs who remained in assessed baladiyas reported that movement out of frontline areas was heavily restricted. Aside from ongoing armed group activity and a lack of personal safety, KIs noted that nearly all main roads out of the conflict-affected areas had been blocked by checkpoints and dirt barriers." 192381,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Although the HRP (Humanitarian Response Plan) is currently 41 percent funded (as of 19 June), aside from the Food Security Cluster, which is 76 percent funded, almost all other clusters are less than 20 percent funded. Additional funding is urgently required to continue to deliver prioritized humanitarian assistance in one of the most complex, protracted humanitarian crises in the world" 267876,49804.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Northeast Syria reported the highest average price across between sheep and wheat flour Syria at SYP 435,964/sheep (unchanged m-o-m), followed by the middle region at SYP 405,308 (up nine percent m-o-m). On the other hand, northwest Syria reported the lowest price at SYP 331,458/sheep (up four percent m-o-m), followed by the southern region at SYP 382,798/sheep (up six percent m-o-m)." 165514,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three issues with the food being distributed (178 responses)† Quantity of food is not sufficient (84%) Missing food items (46%) Received less than supposed to (food items are now pre-packaged) (42%) 346010,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,En la semana epidemiológica 18 de 2021 se notificaron 562 casos probables de dengue: 299 casos de esta semana y 263 casos de semanas anteriores. 271550,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Comparativement à 2019, les prévalences de la surcharge pondérale et de l’obésité infantile ont augmenté passant de 1,3% (1,0-1,5) en 2019 à 2,8 (2,4-3,2) en 2020 pour la surcharge pondérale et de 0,2% (0,2-0,3) en 2019 à 1,9% (1,5-2,2) en 2020 pour l’obésité. Toute chose qui attire l’attention sur une éventuelle augmentation progressive de la surcharge pondérale et de l’obésité infantile dans la population." 495145,67230.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,17,['Priority Needs'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Acceso a alimentos de calidad en general con énfasis en personas en tránsito hacia el sur. 12388,5591.0,322.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302704653,"HODEIDAH, 21st August, 2018 (WAM) -- The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, continued its campaign of distributing sacrificial meat in the liberated areas of Yemen on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. The ERC distributed meat to the residents of Ad Durayhimi and Al Munthar in the governorate of Hodeidah." 221016,44617.0,2311.0,[],[],[],en,64,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,Venezuelan refugee and migrant households are also at risk due to economic vulnerabilities and lack of access to support services (FAO-WFP 10/2020). Women and girls are also at an increased risk of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the context of increased conflict. COVID-19 contain-ment measures leave many of them isolated and cut off from protection services. 149248,37832.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"In July, WFP again provided the entire refugee population with food assistance through evouchers (88 percent) at 17 outlets and in-kind (12 percent) at six distribution points. The monthly entitlement was BDT 1,013 (USD 12) per person." 126312,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Una mayor proporción de hogares de acogida reportó tener más deudas que los hogares migrantes (46% y 33% respectivamente), y la razón principal de esta deuda fue para adquirir alimentos." 338664,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Entre enero y noviembre de 2020 se presentaron 5.122 casos de Violencia Basada en Género (VBG): feminicidios (12 casos), delitos sexuales (1.857 casos) y violencia de pareja (3,253 casos)" 475467,64944.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"En raison des attaques ciblées contre les symboles et les agents de l’Etat, la crise sécuritaire a fortement fragilisé le fonctionnement de l’Etat, de ses structures dans certaines localités de la Boucle du Mouhoun. Dans les communes de Barani, de Sono et de Kombori dans la Kossi et celles de Di, de Gomboro et de Toéni dans le Sourou, les services étatiques et communaux sont soit fermés ou fonctionnent au minima." 293633,51569.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Displaced families are conjected and living in the absence of access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation facilities and health facilities. Waterborne and vectorborne diseases have been increasing as confirmed during the assessment. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 220938,45369.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,58,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/stop-aux-mutilations-g-nitales-f-minines-faire-ensemble-du-burkina-faso-un,"La culture et la tradition, des raisons d’ordre social comme la possibilité de se marier, des avantages perçus pour la santé, la pression des ancien·nes, la régulation du désir sexuel des femmes, et certaines répercussions comme l’aliénation au sein de la communauté et de son réseau de référence." 157526,38133.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,95,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/ambassador-miller-visits-flood-affected-gaibandha-observe-us-assistance,"The U.S. government, through USAID, has provided more than $7 billion in development assistance to Bangladesh since 1971. Additionally, to date, the U.S. government has contributed over $56.5 million from multiple agencies to support COVID-19 response efforts. In 2019, USAID alone provided over $200 million to improve the lives of people in Bangladesh through programs that expand food security and economic opportunity, improve health and education, promote democratic institutions and practices, protect the environment, and increase resilience to climate change." 206699,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,60,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] Participants were much less likely to report reducing drinking or domestic water consumption as a coping strategy. Instead, the leading responses were: spending more time travelling to fetch water, relying on humanitarian assistance, purchasing water, and notifying their community leader or relevant authority." 204368,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,66% des ménages [de Zinder] ont rapporté n’avoir jamais consommé de viande et 55% ont consommé des légumineuses 2 jours dans la semaine seulement. 198856,44266.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,61,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20201124-burkina-faso-apr%C3%A8s-une-suspension-la-c%C3%A9ni-reprend-la-proclamation-des-r%C3%A9sultats,"Après une journée de suspension, la Commission électorale nationale indépendante a décidé de reprendre la publication des résultats commune par commune. Une décision prise en l’absence des cinq commissaires de l’opposition qui ont suspendu leur participation aux travaux. En cause : la manière dont se déroule la compilation au niveau des centres communaux." 393238,62158.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,109,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Create more awareness in the community about COVID 19 to change their understanding and believes about COVID 19. • Provide face masks, hand sanitizers and more Hand washing points in the community. • To decongest the camp and give more information about the covid19 pandemic. • More health workers in the community to sensitize the community. • Improve access to water supply and hygiene kits. • More jingles in local languages to help create awareness • Community leaders should be involved in creating awareness in the community to foster trust and more understanding and believes." 223683,44702.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Boma Health workers need boots and plastic clear bag to keep the data collecting tools while walking in water and when raining in Cueibet & Wulu County. 425346,64291.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les déplacés ont accès à un marché fonctionnel environ 45km du village de Silmagué en les centres de commune de Bourum et Pensa, car le marché du village d’accueil de ces PDI n’est bien approvisionné dû à cette période des pluies qui n’est pas favorable aux transports des marchandises et commerçants." 152717,37924.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,77,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Sur l’axe Koundougou – Faramana – Sona, 167 voyageurs (129 hommes et 38 femmes) ont été observés sortant du Burkina Faso. Parmi eux, 5 mineurs de moins de 5 ans ces 167 voyageurs ont été observés. y’avait 131 Burkinabés et 36 observés, Maliens. Par contre 636 voyageurs dont 612 hommes et 24 femmes sont entrés au Burkina Faso avec 611 Burkinabés et 25 Maliens." 197514,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Urban centres which were already isolated through the presence of Al Shabab, were particularly affected by the suspension of internal flights, their only safe ways to bring commodities from outside." 287096,51631.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"(Est) Au total 12 organisations interviennent en nutrition dans la région de l’Est, dont 03 agences du système des nations unies (UNICEF, PAM et OMS), 08 ONG internationales (ACF, Children Believe, GRET, INTERSOS, MSF Espagne, PUI, TDH et WHH), et le CICR." 144670,34804.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,87,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"A key priority is to finalize initial construction and preparation work for all COVID-19 referral facilities for moderate and severe cases to meet minimum standards. Out of the 103 intensive care unit (ICU) beds for critical cases none are fully operational (only 1 mixed ward, also supporting non-COVID cases, is available to receive patients), while only 309 of 975 beds planned for moderate-severe cases are currently online (with no beds currently available in non-GoS controlled areas Deir-ez-Zor." 228388,46627.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"To address this [gaps in knowledge of COVID-19 among the population], Samuel Hall launched a call-centre in Kabul to collect information from 401 randomly selected Afghan households (333 men and 68 women were interviewed) across 33 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces, in June 2020." 304907,50889.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Approximately 56 – 70 per cent of refugees living in camps are reportedly engaged in risky or harmful coping strategies (including alcohol production, child labour, sex work and others) to mitigate household food insecurity." 217448,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,16,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,Returnees from Iran and Pakistan also continue to add stress to the livelihoods of households. 217925,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Livelihood assets creation programmes should be considered where possible, while providing cash or in-kind assistance to construct and rehabilitate water infrastructure for agriculture and livestock such as tube-wells, water channels and reservoirs for better conservation and management." 17479,5431.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"In Bait Al Faqiah District, IOM has 400 NFIs in stock and expect more next week to cover the needs of 1,100 households. The Shelter/NFI sub-cluster in Aden has distributed 500 NFI kits in Al Khawkha and Hays, and pre-positioned 1,000 more in Al Khawkha." 309003,53636.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,30,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[MAR 2021, Overall Syria] In total population 20,721,671 less than 1% are returnees, 26% are IDPs out-of-camp and 6% are IDPs in-camp." 235610,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,17,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,The debt-service-to-revenue ratio is on a clear downward trajectory and falls below the threshold after 2023. 456883,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,7,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"16.9% ha recibido violencia psicológica," 184774,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On 3 November, following a surge in case in Malakiyeh (Derik) in recent weeks, the Executive Council of Jazeera Canton announced a full 14-day lockdown in ‘Derik city and its countryside’ (understood as the whole of Malakiyeh District) which will come into effect on 6 November (until 19 November) ." 412809,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,159,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Vaccination of under-five children was not ensured properly during the pandemic: This is widely claimed that child mortality has decreased in Bangladesh as it has ensured almost 100% coverage in some basic vaccinations such as BCG (99.5%), DTP1 (99.3%), DTP3 (97.9%), Pol1 (99.3%), Pl3 (97.3%), MCV1 (95.3%) in 2015 (WHO and Unicef, 2019)11. The surveyed households have 794 under-five children (32% of total household members). Of them, 5.91% of children (47) were not vaccinated during the pandemic, from April to August—this is more in rural areas compared to the urban level households (6.8% vs. 4.5%). The service providers also acknowledged the initial halting of the EPI campaign." 359939,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,157,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Work with sub-national level authorities to make children's commute safe  Addressing the safety issues of adolescent girls during their commute from home to school in relevant sub-national plans.  Make children's route to school safe by managing culverts, maintaining bridges, and improving trail roads, cutting old trees and branches at the edge of roads, managing electric lines, prohibiting cattle grazing on the road, and other relevant needed support to make children’s school commute safe.  Conduct campaigns to eliminate the culture of violence and sexual harassment through (i) mobilization of children’s clubs, youth clubs and networks, (ii) building linkages among SMCs/PTAs, local police cells and women/children’s desk of the local government authorities, and (iii) managing help lines and toll-free numbers." 304375,50889.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"SENS (Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey) conducted in White Nile and South Kordofan indicate ‘critical’ rates (>15 per cent) of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) and Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) (>3 per cent) among children 6 to 59 months of age. Food insecurity remains a key driver of poor nutrition status across the camps," 200052,44386.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,99,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La tasa de desempleo nacional del trimestre julio - septiembre 2020 fue 17,5%, lo que significó un aumento de 6,9 puntos porcentuales comparado con el trimestre julio - septiembre 2019 (10,6%). La tasa global de participación fue 58,6%, lo que representó una disminución de 4,3 puntos porcentuales frente al mismo trimestre del 2019 (62,9%). Finalmente, la tasa de ocupación se ubicó en 48,4%, lo que significó una reducción de 7,8 puntos porcentuales respecto al mismo periodo en el 2019 (56,2%)." 189690,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,57,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La situation politique suite à la chute du président Omar el Bashir au Soudan, l´activisme des groupes armés en République centrafricaine, en dépit de l´accord de paix signé le 6 février 2019 et le conflit politique en Libye ne sont pas sans conséquences sur la situation politique, sécuritaire et économique de la sous-région." 163826,34549.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Fisheries on the internal rivers (mainly in Al-Ghab and Deir-ez-Zor) were already severely damaged due to the conflict, and are essentially out of operation now due to the added restrictions" 131811,34344.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Dar apoyo al Ministerio de Educación a través de la asistencia técnica para fortalecer el programa “SíSeVe” contra la violencia escolar. 238609,47236.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,Les résidents des sites mettent entre 45 minutes et deux (2) heures pour se rendre à la structure de santé la plus proche. 136897,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In addition to support detailed in previous reports, WHO continues to provide technical support for the MoH COVID-19. WHO and UNICEF are incorporating RCCE sessions in all COVID- 19 trainings for frontline workers. Also during the reporting period, UNICEF supported newborn care at home workshops in five northern governorates, including COVID-19 awareness, in addition to four group awareness sessions and door-to-door visits on COVID-19 and nutrition." 359097,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,93,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Farmers and livestock breeders in NES experience a wide-range of challenges affecting access to livelihoods. Lack of rainfall and lowering water levels in rivers have resulted in significant levels of crop failure, loss of livestock and a shortage of animal feed. Rain fed crops are particularly hit this season but irrigated crops are also impacted by reduced electricity access and damaged infrastructure. Rising operational costs following market volatility exacerbates the situation with an increasing number of farmers unable to make ends meet." 21467,8858.0,730.0,[],[],[],en,71,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WASH%20Needs%20Assessment_Shibam%20Kawkaban%20District_RRD.pdf,"Since 2015, RRD has operated in governorates including Sana'a, Al-Mahwit, Hodeidah, and Hajjah governorates to provide humanitarian assistance in the Health and Nutrition sectors as well as Water, Sanitation and Hygiene projects. RRD works and coordinates with local authorities and stakeholders to conduct need assessments, presenting key findings to donors seeking to fund interventions aimed at meeting needs of conflict-affected communities." 227459,46523.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,49,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elvenezolanocolombia.com/2020/12/migracion-forzada-mantiene-a-839-059-ninos-venezolanos-alejados-de-sus-padres-en-2020/,"De acuerdo con la Plataforma de Coordinación para Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela (R4V), al 5 de noviembre 2020 hay 5.448.441 personas migrantes venezolanos, de los cuales solamente 2.486.222 se encuentran con un estatus regular en los países de destino en los que habitan." 706,156.0,321.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,121,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"IDP households were reportedly less likely to use any water treatment (83.2% of IDP households) compared to non-displaced and returnee households (respectively 66.5% and 62.7%). A much higher proportion of households reported not using any water treatment, in particular in the mantikas of Ghat and Al Jabal Al Gharbi (respectively 92.9% and 90.0%), while the use of water filters was most reported in Al Margab (39.4%) and Misrata (37.3%). Households using unprotected wells did not use any treatment in 41.5% of cases; this proportion reached 80.0% for IDP households, likely leading to potential health risks." 169558,40463.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"In the low connectivity areas where most refugees and IDPs live, very few households have access to electricity, TV or internet. In these contexts, radio education is one of the few ways children have to receive information and access learning content." 64736,18975.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,96,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/musicos-venezolanos-hacen-parte-de-orquestas-en-colombia/1514,"""Hemos decidido hacer esta fundación por la fomentación musical de todos los jóvenes migrantes de Venezuela y por todos los estudiantes colombianos que están acá, que de una manera u otra no contaban con un espacio para hacer una práctica musical"", explica Eduardo Ortiz, presidente de la Fundación para la Integración Musical de Colombia. Sordo de nacimiento y destacado violinista, este venezolano de 29 años es la cabeza visible del incipiente proyecto que busca brindar una nueva vida musical a los inmigrantes e integrarlos con sus pares colombianos." 190002,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,89,"['At Risk', 'Priority Interventions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Dans tout le territoire de Walikale, six cas de COVID-19 ont été confirmés au 20 juillet 2020, uniquement dans la ZS de Walikale. Les personnes les plus à risque face au COVID-19 dans ce territoire sont les enfants de la rue, les femmes et les filles, ainsi que le personnel soignant. Aux vues du risque de propagation de la maladie, la surveillance de la pandémie, le renforcement des laboratoires, et la prise en charge médical des cas demeurent primordiales." 187462,43198.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,47,['Impact'],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/strengthening-recovery-and-peacebuilding-north-east-nigeria,"[10th Nov 2020,NorthEast Nigeria] Violent activities of Boko Haram and the armed conflict since 2009 have deeply affected North-East Nigeria and the lives of 15 million people across the region. Over 20,000 people were killed and 2.2 million were forcibly displaced." 347913,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: In Rohingya community, menstrual hygiene is a personal topic and often women and girls do not want others to know when they are menstruating, thus limiting their ability to access information on MHM from others. Taboos and stigma regarding menstruation are reportedly widespread with a substantial impact on how daily life is structured." 299522,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Abductions seem to have become a tool for NSAG-TB members to pressure humanitarians into agreeing to their demands, with some of the abductions likely also financially motivated." 132629,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Para enfrentar los retos que surgen del alojamiento temporal limitado y las opciones de alejamiento disponibles para refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en tránsito, así como en destino, se considerará los siguientes elementos:" 195976,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,39,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,Des causeries éducatives sur le respect des gestes barrières de covid-19 ont été organisées à l’intention de 157 élèves du Complexe Scolaire Belge qui fêtent leur réussite aux Examens d'État dans la ZS GBADOLITE au NORD-UBANGI : 189691,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",fr,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Tchad a engagé, au premier semestre 2019, des affrontements contre un groupe armé autour des zones aurifères au Nord et la circulation à grande échelle d´armes à l´Est serait tributaire de l´instabilité sécuritaire dans les pays voisins . Les frontières du Tchad avec ces pays restent fermées affectant les échanges commerciaux et entravant le retour volontaire des réfugiés soudanais et centrafricains." 149547,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],[],es,77,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"Por su parte, el presidente brasileño, Michel Temer, se reunió este domingo con varios de sus ministros, entre ellos el de Defensa, general Joaquim Silva e Luna, y Seguridad, Raul Jungmann, para tratar el asunto. El Ministerio de Seguridad informó el sábado de que enviará un efectivo extra de la Fuerza Nacional a Pacaraima con previsión de que llegue este lunes, aunque no ofreció más detalles." 241777,47117.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,106,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] Even the fighters of the Eighth Brigade, which is affiliated with the Fifth Corps—one of the military parties in the governorate who were previously in the ranks of “the Free Syrian Army” before the 2018 settlement agreement —are working to raise awareness about preventive measures against COVID-19. On 13 December, a patrol belonging to the Russian-backed faction in the city of Busra, east of Daraa, circulated to shop owners, via loudspeakers, the necessity to wear masks and gloves. Those in violation face the threat of shutting down their business." 206695,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,103,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"This situation [lack of birth certificate] also raises the issue of their protection in the event of abuse, violence or exploitation, where the issue of age determination is crucial for better protection and adequate and adequate psychosocial and medical services. It also exposes them to the practice of child marriage, which is a major problem in the region, aggravated by the crisis since 2013 and which is equivalent for some parents to a means of survival in a context where access to an income-generating activity or to land for agricultural activities is limited and limiting." 271690,50217.0,2333.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,33,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Or, l’accès aux populations dans le besoin ainsi que l’accès de ces dernières aux services sociaux de base et aux moyens de subsistance se trouvent parallèlement limité." 300841,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Humanitarian negotiations, including on levy exemptions, are more likely to succeed when carried by a collective of humanitarian partners, as we are stronger when we speak in a joint and unified voice rather than trying to resolve issues on our own;" 228254,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The total number of civilian casualties from all airstrikes decreased by 46 per cent in the first nine months of 2020 in comparison to the same period in 2019, this was mainly due to fewer civilian casualties caused by airstrikes conducted by international military forces." 336152,43604.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"WASH based health concerns: Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported diarrheal diseases is the main health problem are Nzara 38%, Aweil North 32%, Yambio 29%, Ezo 28%, Aweil South 28%." 111888,31304.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,42,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Esto disminuye los riesgos de contagio entre los equipos, pero además que no seamos portadores de virus en zonas rurales o apartadas donde tenemos operaciones, los servicios básicos son precarios, y podemos generar una grave situación de salud." 494236,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The national average price of a two-year old alive male sheep increased by less than one percent m-o-m (up by 0.3 percent) and by 36 percent since August 2020, reaching SYP 515,448/sheep in August 2021." 190024,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,161,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Sur les deux cas de COVID-19 notifiés en Ituri le 27 mars et 1er avril 2020, un l’a été dans la zone de santé de Bunia. Certains cas positifs non confirmés dans les statistiques officielles ont été suivis et pris en charge dans la province, notamment des voyageurs rentrés de l’Ouganda par Mahagi par le point d'entrée d'Anzida Goli et par la zone de santé d'Adja à Aru. Du fait de la proximité avec le Soudan du Sud (qui enregistre des cas dans la province limitrophe de Yei), de la forte concentration de population due aux déplacements, du peu de structures de santé fonctionnelles et du faible taux d’utilisation des services curatifs, notamment dans les zones de santé de Aungba, Kilo, Jiba et Damas, certaines zones de santé sont particulièrement à risque en termes de propagation de l’épidémie de COVID-19." 221753,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The heavy influence of gatekeepers, landowners and land brokers, and their role in addressing the impact and risk of forced eviction, continues to be a limiting factor for beneficiaries to gain access to services." 195944,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Ainsi, 11 838 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés depuis le début de l’épidémie dont 322 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7%." 111686,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Tenemos niños pasando por trochas donde pasan unas situaciones de violencia muy complicadas: asesinatos, masacres, violaciones. Tenemos evidencias de niños que antes estaban en la escuela o que están en la escuela y que desde hace un año o desde este año empiezan a trabajar en la trocha. (Gerente de Frontera, Presidencia de la República, entrevista, 2019)" 132506,34344.0,1185.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,186,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los recursos financieros limitados impactan negativamente los niveles de nutrición de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en el Perú, particularmente a los niños y niñas. De acuerdo con los socios del GTRM, los niños y niñas menores de cinco años en el CEBAF en Tumbes han presentado desnutrición aguda (3%), desnutrición crónica (18%), y anemia (30%). Sólo el 14 por ciento de los niños y niñas menores de dos años de refugiados y migrantes registrados consumieron raciones de alimento adecuadas11. En general, los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela muestran una baja educación nutricional. Aunque hay datos actuales que indican que los niveles de anemia son más bajos que el promedio nacional, los refugiados y migrantes están expuestos a una mayor vulnerabilidad a la anemia debido a recursos y acceso limitados a los servicios sociales. En relación con las prácticas de alimentación infantil, estas presentan un nivel reducido de ingesta alimentaria y hábitos de la dieta, y del consumo de suplementos de hierro." 388613,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,L’atteinte au droit à l’intégrité physique avec 08 cas de coups et blessures et 01 cas de torture est le troisième type de violation des droits humains. 358507,58562.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,218,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]In Nigeria, pandemic movement restrictions have forced herders to change their migration patterns. With fewer grazing routes, herders have sometimes encroached on farmland, which has become more valuable in light of COVID-related food insecurity. The resulting disputes have sparked cycles of violence between farmers and herders, deepening conflicts that have plagued Nigeria for years, particularly in the Middle Belt. In Afghanistan, too, shifting migration patterns due to the pandemic have increased the number of individuals and groups vying for access to the same resources. People described more frequent clashes between returnees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and host communities over land and water. As one workshop participant in Herat explained, “since the start of the pandemic, conflicts around [land] have increased. When the migrants came to this area, they grabbed the government lands. And the government couldn’t prevent them.” A respondent in Kandahar concurred: “people started selling their lands and occupying other tribes’ lands...which created so many tensions in this village. The disputes started a long time ago, but since the pandemic it has been worse.”" 221732,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Obtaining access to areas under the control of the Federal Government of Somalia and allied non-State armed groups remains largely possible. Gaining access to areas recaptured by the Government and its allies is hampered by ongoing insecurity, including the presence of improvised explosive devices along key supply routes, a lack of State authority beyond major population centres and bureaucratic impediments, including interference by authorities in the selection of beneficiaries and the distribution of assistance." 240984,47675.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"In addition to population displacements caused by the worsening security situation, 1 per cent of the identified IDPs (4,419 individuals) were displaced by floods caused by heavy rainfall in the Lac province." 222725,45952.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://elsolweb.tv/decretan-alerta-sanitaria-en-la-frontera-entre-colombia-y-venezuela-en-cucuta-estan-abarrotados-de-pacientes-con-covid-19/,"Una ocupación del 94 por ciento para el norte de Santander y un 98 de ocupación en las unidades de cuidados intensivos nos ha llevado a declarar la Alerta Roja hospitalaria”, explicó el gobernador del departamento de Norte de Santander, Silvano Serrano." 274162,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Tous les ménages ont eu recours aux diverses stratégies par manque des moyens suffisant pour survivre. La moyenne de l’ISS-r varie entre 16,6 et 27,1, ce qui est en hausse par rapport à l’année précédente (ISS-r moyen compris entre 9 et 12)." 111712,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A pesar de que muchos son profesionales (ingenieros, docentes), la irregularidad y la poca oferta laboral dificultan la consecución de un trabajo. Incluso quienes cuentan con familia en Colombia han decidido resolver sus dificultades sin contar con ellos, por problemas de convivencia y acusaciones de robos (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Norte de Santander, 2019)." 179267,42001.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A5%D9%87%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%B4%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%AF-%D9%88%D9%83%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AB-%D9%85%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%82%D8%B9%D8%A9-%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%B5-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%8A-%D8%B6%D8%AD%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B3%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%A9,"[October 27, Homs, infections among student and teachers] The northern countryside of Homs is considered an appropriate environment for the spread of the Coronavirus, due to the local population's lack of commitment to precautionary measures and the absence of any awareness campaigns. Not to mention the absence of adequate health care." 215731,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Food security remains alarmingly high in Afghanistan with continuing conflict, widespread unemployment, and price hikes, all exacerbated by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic." 271503,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Par ailleurs, la situation des femmes en âge de procréer n’est pas aussi reluisante car en 2019 seulement 13,8% des FAP avaient une diversité alimentaire minimum avec une alimentation constituée a majorité de céréales (98,5%), de légumineuses, de noix et de graines (57,2%)." 169212,39944.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,May 21 NWS: Protection of health workers should be a core principle in designing the COVID response in the northwest Syria. Any loss for any medical human resources is irreversible. 164987,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"In Kebbi state, UNICEF organized a virtual coordination meeting for health development partners with the Commissioner of Health, Sokoto and his team to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on essential health services. It was agreed to intensify active case search and restore essential health care services in all health facilities." 279147,50217.0,2333.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,17,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,la situation en 2021 devrait voir augmenter le nombre de personnes ayant besoin d'une aide humanitaire. 265699,49620.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Les activités agropastorales, qui demeurent les principales activités des ménages dans la plupart des localités de la zone frontalière, ont été fortement perturbées en 2020." 495414,67230.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En grandes núcleos urbanos como Callao y Lima, en los últimos meses ACNUR y sus contrapartes han venido trabajando en el mapeo de los refugios/albergues temporales para fortalecer la red de protección. Hasta el momento de presente informe se habían identificado 17 solo en Lima, de los cuales la mayoría están a cargo de organizaciones religiosas y / o iniciativas privadas espontáneas. Por lo general, estos alojamientos tienen una capacidad limitada, ya que reciben de ocho a quince personas, y solo tres albergan 50 o más." 275883,50688.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MHPSS%20Factsheet%20-%202020.pdf,"[4th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] The health care providers are trained by mental health professionals to provide specialized services for mental health cases. The services cover identification of symptoms, psychoeducation, and medication management as needed." 328582,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported illnesses or injuries household members of non-IDP settlements had in the past two weeks prior to data collection were fever(8%), Diarrhea (2%), Cough with fast or difficult breathing (1%), skin infections (4%), eye infections (2%)." 311475,53762.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,67,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Sahel) In addition, following the massive arrival of 2,652 new IDPs fleeing violence in the town of Sebba in the Sahel region, different humanitarian actors including UNHCR, mobilized assistance to support local authorities with the provision of 337 CRIs kits composed of 500 mats, 500 blankets, 500 jerrycans, 500 blankets, and 500 solar lamps to 337 families." 224651,44702.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Distribution of chlorine for use by the communities displaced by floods but drinking from open water source. Specific focus to Motoronyo, Panakol, Langdit, and Yith magok" 223690,44702.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"In all the sampled households, there were no mats and water containers available" 159370,36576.0,1900.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,152,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Honduras%20-%20COVID-19%20Informe%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20No.%2013%20%28al%2011%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"El Sistema Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos (SINAGER) determinó extender hasta el 23 de agosto la alerta roja para los 18 departamentos de Honduras como medida de prevención para evitar el contagio de la COVID-19. Se mantienen las regulaciones de circulación de acuerdo al último dígito de tarjeta de identidad para permitir la circulación y el abastecimiento de los ciudadanos, sin embargo se h a ampliado el horario de circulación de 6:00 am a 8:00 pm. Además, se continúa con la Fase 1 del Proceso de Apertura Gradual y Responsable, en la cual se permite la operación de negocios con 20% de su personal. Sin embargo, se exceptúan 34 municipios del país que se mantienen en Fase 0, es decir, donde solo están autorizados los supermercados, farmacias, sistema financiero, gasolineras, ferreterías, mercados autorizados y restaurantes" 150715,32327.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,231,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Violencia de Género Los cambios sociales y económicos relacionados con la crisis han provocado modificaciones a la dinámica familiar, incluidos casos de hombres que abandonan a sus familias y un aumento de la violencia de pareja (VP) muchas veces normalizada y justificada. La violencia sexual y la explotación son comunes, en Venezuela, se observó que buena parte de quienes controlan los cruces fronterizos informales consideran que la violencia sexual es una forma estándar de pago de tarifas. En Ecuador, los DGF evidenciaron que la mayoría de las mujeres que ingresaron al país por rutas irregulares sufrieron agresión sexual y otras formas de VG. Se ha informado sobre hombres colombianos que ofrecen amparo a las mujeres en Colombia, quienes en ocasiones tienen hijos pequeños a cambio de situaciones que implican servidumbre doméstica y esclavitud sexual. En los cuatro países, las mujeres venezolanas en busca de empleo informaron haber sido objeto de acoso, o recibir ofertas de empleo a cambio de favores sexuales. En Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, un gran número de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos son presionados o directamente obligados a tener relaciones sexuales transaccionales o de supervivencia. Por ejemplo, en Ocaña, Norte de Santander (Colombia), una encuesta mostró que el 90% de las trabajadoras sexuales eran venezolanas29." 106096,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,51,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Según la Medición de Desempeño Municipal, los municipios fronterizos que reciben mayor cantidad de migrantes son los que tienen menor puntaje a nivel nacional. Esto significa que son los que tienen mayores limitaciones financieras con poca capacidad de generar recursos ni acciones complementarias para atender a esta población." 293560,51589.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,71,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,"RECOMMENDATIONS: Donors should require a conflict analysis to be conducted before project implementation, as well as integration of conflict sensitivity measures into project design, which should go beyond merely collecting data on access and security. It is also recommended that donors allow for the use of ‘crisis modifiers’. Without a change in funding policies, NGOs will struggle to become more conflict sensitive." 308223,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of wheat flour in Kandahar was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020. 143061,35989.0,2074.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,48,[],['Context'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"La Mesa de Trabajo con migrantes y refugiados venezolanos en Bolivia, programada para el 12 de marzo de 2020 en la ciudad de Santa Cruz, debió ser cancelada ante el decreto de emergencia nacional emitido por el gobierno de Bolivia por la pandemia de Covid-19." 81887,22512.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,98,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"A través de una presentación sobre contexto de la situación humanitaria en Colombia6 , se evidencia que, para el periodo comprendido de enero a octubre 2019, según cifras de Unidad para las Víctimas (UARIV) se reportaron 60.832 personas desplazadas (52.4% son mujeres y niñas) siendo los departamentos más afectados Norte de Santander, Córdoba, Chocó, Valle del Cauca y Nariño. Por otra parte, se vieron afectados aproximadamente 152 mil personas por inundaciones, estas situaciones aseveran la doble y triple afectación en varias zonas de Colombia." 276985,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,56,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"En réponse à la deuxième vague, le gouvernement a imposé un couvre-feu, mais a permis aux magasins et aux marchés de rester ouverts. Cette mesure est susceptible de nuire au secteur de l’hospitalité, mais a un impact limité sur le commerce de détail ou l’agriculture en général." 229778,44602.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,16,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Establish CFS and Child protection services including recreational items and activities to keep them busy. 17089,7092.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Demography'],en,97,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"An estimated 7.5 million people need nutrition assistance, of whom 2.9 million people will require treatment for acute malnutrition in 2018. This includes 1.8 million children under age 5 and 1.1 million pregnant and lactating women (PLW). Approximately 2.3 million PLW and caretakers of children aged 0-23 months will require infant and young child-feeding (IYCF) counselling. Main challenges faced by nutrition partners include bureaucratic and administrative impediments, non-payment of salaries to health workers, access constraints and the limited number of community health workers in the country." 224225,45763.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Sur 7 215 enfants scolarisés sur les deux axes de la mission dont 1 300 filles dans 16 villages en 2019-2020 avant la reprise d’octobre 2020, seule l’école de Domo Dombali a repris les cours avec un effectif de 370 élèves. Les salles de classe de cette école sont construites en matériaux durables et les APE ont engagé les enseignants à prêt." 22022,8963.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-47166680?ocid=global_bbccom_email_08022019_top+news+stories,"Mr Guaidó does not control any territory in Venezuela so, instead, he is planning to set up collection centres in neighbouring countries to which Venezuelans have fled." 316796,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,87,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Avec un ratio dette/PIB de 21,2 % en 2020, soit 10 175 mil- liards de USD, la RDC fait partie des pays les moins endet- tés d’Afrique. Elle a néanmoins des besoins de financement importants. La dette extérieure qui représente les deux tiers de la dette publique est principalement contractée auprès de donateurs multilatéraux. La part intérieure est principalement constituée d’arriérés budgétaires. Le déficit de financement a été estimé à 631 millions de USD en 2020." 193760,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les filles, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes sont également vulnérables et exposés au risque de mortalité maternelle. Cela s´explique par l´exposition au paludisme, le faible accès aux soins obstétricaux, à l´accouchement assisté, le faible taux de prévalence contraceptive auxquels s´ajoutent les structures sanitaires inadéquates, sous-équipées et en sous-effectif, le manque de personnel médical qualifié et les mariages précoces." 173007,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,96,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les enfants/adolescents les plus affectés et les plus à risque sont : les enfants des familles qui sont déjà vulnérables en raison des conditions socioéconomiques précaires ; les enfants en situation de handicap ; les enfants hors cadre familial (dont les enfants en situation de rue et en détention ou en institution et les enfants associés aux groupes armés) ; les enfants souffrant de maladies chroniques et immunodépressives ; les enfants réfugiés et déplacés ; les enfants issus des minorités, vivant dans des zones de conflits ou en situation de crise humanitaire." 261446,49211.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,33,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"Este escenario desencadena diferentes acciones de violencia armada como el asesinato de líderes sociales, amenazas, enfrentamientos y/o combates, las cuales resultan en emergencias como los desplazamientos forzados y confinamientos." 335307,55819.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) En outre, une nouvelle stratégie mise en œuvre selon le groupe de discussion des PDI a été la pratique de la mendicité par les adolescents et certains chefs de familles pour nourrir les enfants." 206721,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]While facilities were found to be basic, households or communities reportedly work to ensure that they are well cared for. A majority of households (70%) reported considering the latrines they use to be hygienic or very hygienic. Non-displaced households (76%) were reportedly more likely to consider the latrines they use to be hygienic compared to displaced households (52%)" 192519,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Movement restrictions and other COVID-19-related Government directives, disruptions to imports and domestic supply chains, and access challenges due to flooding have impacted the availability of basic commodities, as well as an increase in prices." 337313,55936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,84,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/preocupa-que-estas-declaraciones-sean-antesala-de-nuevas-expulsiones-masivas/2656,"Frente al riesgo de expresiones de xenofobia, Lucía Ramírez, investigadora y Coordinadora de Investigaciones en los temas de Migración y Venezuela en De Justicia, concuerda con Fiorillo pues, en su opinión,“este tipo de afirmaciones, en un medio de comunicación y en un contexto de tensión social, exacerban estos picos de discriminación.Lo vimos en el paro del 2019, lo vimos durante la pandemia y lo vemos ahora nuevamente en este contexto del paro”." 280018,50900.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | Average number of individuals per shelter 5.4" 67760,19750.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71782.pdf,Seguridad Económica y Alimentaria: 92.711 beneficiarios. Alimentación: donaciones de alimentos para albergues. kits para caminantes. 49.871 beneficiarios. 117586,33071.0,1898.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3650764,"El Gobierno recibió hoy un donativo de la Embajada de Catar en el país, consistente en equipo de protección biomédico para el personal de salud que batalla contra el COVID-19. El material fue entregado por personal de la embajada catarí." 298940,51152.0,2335.0,"['Education', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,39,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Heavy floods destroyed classrooms and education supplies and interrupted the learning of an estimated 170,000 children across eight states. Some 410 schools were either damaged by the floods or used as shelter by the flood displaced families." 429729,64543.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,58,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"En zonas rurales de Inírida, Barranco Minas y en las áreas no municipalizadas se requieren: o Kits alimentarios para dar respuesta a las necesidades inmediatas alimentarias de las comunidades. o Kits de producción alimentaria para apoyar la capacidad de producción y sostenimiento propio de las comunidades. o Veedurías del Programa de Alimentación Escolar." 293088,51965.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,67,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://monusco.unmissions.org/sud-kivu%C2%A0%C2%A0la-monusco-facilite-un-atelier-sur-la-probl%C3%A9matique-des-enfants-dans-les-conflits-arm%C3%A9s,"Le chef de Bureau de la MONUSCO a par ailleurs salué les efforts fournis par les autorités congolaises, qui ont permis de sortir les Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC), en 2017, de la liste noire des Nations Unies reprenant «les acteurs étatiques qui utilisent les enfants ou qui participent aux violations des droits des enfants»." 388348,60981.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,41,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"La alcaldía municipal de Ituango manifiesta que las unidades sanitarias disponibles no son suficientes para el número de personas desplazadas, así como la necesidad de kits de aseo e higiene. También se requieren pañales de todas las etapas." 223125,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Drug supplies in most of the facilities in Wulu and Cueibet were dwindling, this coupled with increasing levels of malaria and other water born illnesses requires urgent replenishment" 285596,51501.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A3%D8%B2%D9%85%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AE%D8%A8%D8%B2-%D8%AA%D8%AA%D8%AC%D8%AF%D8%AF-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B3%D9%83%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%8A%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B9-%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%AD%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86,"[March 7, Al Hassakeh] Abd al-Khaleq confirms that more than 40 bakeries were closed in the city of Qamishli, al-Jawadiyah and al-Qahtaniyah, and as a result, a kilo of flour increased from 1,300 SYP to 2,700 SYP, and it is possible that the price of a bundle of bread will rise to 3,000 SYP." 216993,45551.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/431083-how-covid-19-lockdown-fuelled-gender-based-violence-csos.html,"[14thDec2020,Nigeria]As everyone retreated to their homes due to the lockdown measures introduced to limit the COVID-19 pandemic, reports showed an increase in violence against women, especially in rural communities." 159639,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"When asked about level of awareness about the diseases among their community residing in camp and camp-like settings, 38 per cent of respondents felt that everyone knew about COVID-19, 33 per cent said most people knew about it, while 22 per cent said a few of the people knew about the disease" 217837,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"This report also urges partners to include prolonged IDPs in the response, as their situation is not very different from that of new IDPs, since they became more vulnerable because of the COVID-19 pandemic as they were relying on unsustainable sources of income." 218416,45693.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,11,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"More than 11,000 cases have been reported since March 2020." 188133,43352.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,54,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"24 June 2020: Between Gaskinde and Mentao, Pobe-Mengao department, Soum province, Sahel region, an INGO truck loaded with intended for IDPs was ambushed by JNIM militant. The Togolese driver and his apprentice were detained and released, along with the vehicle after supplies were stolen from inside." 194912,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"CCCM partners have recognized the need to change suspend or postpone some of their activities as a result of the pandemic locust upsurge and flooding, as well as modifying the modes of delivery" 622,156.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,92,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Almost half of the IDP households surveyed (46.9%) reported having been displaced more than once, including 21.6% having been displaced at least three times across all assessed locations. The proportion of IDP households’ displaced more than once was most prominent in Western locations - Al Margab (42.6%), Tripoli (41.7%) and Al Jabal Al Gharbi (41.6%). The proportion of IDP households displaced more than once was the lowest in Ghat with only 13.2%." 495443,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Haciendo un esfuerzo para garantizar el acceso al territorio para quienes no tienen pasaporte, la Comisión Especial para Refugiados ahora está presente en el CEBAF de Tumbes, en la frontera con Ecuador para asegurar acceder al sistema de asilo a las personas que necesitan protección internacional. Esta situación causa que un mayor número de venezolanos están buscando asilo en ausencia de la posibilidad de solicitar el PTP." 1548,291.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,2,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2016%20February%202018.pdf,Excerpt 1 193081,43300.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,22% des enfants sont vaccinés. L´accès aux services d´eau et d´assainissement reste limité (43% pour l´accès à l'eau potable et 10% pour l´assainissement35) affecte la situation sanitaire et nutritionnelle dans le pays. 204339,43976.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,25% des ménages à Tchintabaraden ont un score de consommation alimentaire pauvre. 173026,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,38,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La RDC accueille environ 538 000 personnes réfugiées sur son territoire, principalement en provenance du Rwanda, de la Centrafrique, du Sud-Soudan, du Burundi, du Congo Brazzaville, et de l’Angola." 19512,7910.0,730.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"From 1 January to 23 December 2018, the cumulative number of suspected cholera cases recorded across the country reached 359,425 with 488 associated deaths. Cholera was reported in 22 of Yemen’s 23 governorates, and 306 out of the country’s 333 districts." 157254,38373.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En el monitoreo realizado en Manrique y Robledo, Medellín, se identificaron algunos casos donde la condición de discapacidad fue uno de los factores que motivaron la migración desde Venezuela, dado que enfrentan barreras adicionales para acceder a sus derechos y servicios." 144637,34804.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"PPE available on the local market is a further constraining factor, with it currently extremely difficult to source N95 masks, face shields and goggles. Currently, there is also a gap of $1.1 million for PPE" 229759,44602.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,11,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Clothing for women and girls, children, elderly and PSN" 454445,64535.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Intentions', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,53,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Cualitativamente, los entrevistados señalaron que los actos de discriminación no son generalizados De hecho, más de 50% señaló que su interacción con los peruanos es positiva Además, 80% de entrevistados señaló que se sienten seguros donde viven y cerca del 75% tiene intenciones de quedarse en Perú" 201480,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"COVID-19 prevention and response activities were mainstreamed into all activities still carried out. Mitigation measures, such as the respect of social distancing during distributions, are rendering humanitarian operations more costly." 202587,44558.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] When people deal with a disease as a “shame” in front of children, this affects their vision of the patient himself, as explained by researcher Sallum. Children mistreat their sick fellow because he has the coronavirus, according to their simple classification of people. This subsequently affects their relationship with their family if one of his parents, a brother, or a sister, a classmate or a teacher, for example, gets infected." 328634,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] 100% and 99% of IDP settlement and non-IDP settlement households respectively found with multi-sectoral needs. 186491,43272.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"USAID/BHA supports four UN agencies and nine NGOs to bolster food security, livelihoods, and early recovery efforts in South Sudan. With more than $396.8 million in FY 2020 funding, USAID/BHA partners provide emergency food assistance, agricultural inputs, fishing kits, and livelihoods trainings to support vulnerable populations across the country. Emergency food assistance includes U.S.-sourced commodities, locally and regionally procured commodities, and cash-based resource transfers, where feasible. USAID/BHA partners reached approximately 1.3 million beneficiaries with food assistance monthly in FY 2020." 328048,55074.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],fr,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au total 154 décès notifiés à ce jour ; âge moyen 65,15 ans (écart type : 16, 97ans) avec un minimum à 26 ans et un maximum à 93 ans La majorité des décès (70%) est observée chez les personnes de 60 ans et plus" 275327,50611.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://globalriskinsights.com/2021/01/somalia-a-triple-threat-to-instability/,"The next few months, therefore, will likely see a marked uptick in violence in Somalia, which will likely come to a head around the time of Presidential Elections" 20557,8024.0,729.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"In Misrata, Tajoura, and Zuwara we heard disturbing accounts from both adults and children of violence by guards, including beatings, whippings and use of electric shocks. Detainees in all centers said that guards treated them roughly and insulted them." 189704,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,42,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Tchad compte 256 ethnies, regroupées en douze principaux groupes linguistiques inégalement répartis sur l´ensemble du territoire. Le français et l´arabe sont les deux langues officielles. Les religions pratiquées au Tchad sont l´islam, le christianisme et l´animisme." 171446,40448.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185217/,"[22nd September 2020, North Syria] However, civilians are increasingly concerned about the inability of local and medical authorities to take preventive measures to limit the spread of the disease, especially with the lack of medical facilities in the are due to regime bombing that destroyed dozens of hospitals." 181041,42291.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,39,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2024%20%2824%20-%2030%20October%202020%29.pdf,"During the period 24 - 30 October 2020, 100 movements were observed at Seven Points of Entries in Adamawa and Borno states. Of the total movements recorded, 49 were incoming from Extreme Nord in Cameroon." 130804,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,84,['At Risk'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"• Riesgos adicionales de salud por causa de la COVID-19 en territorios con presencia de grupos armados, particularmente, para comunidades confinadas o desplazadas, quienes son víctimas de estigma y discriminación por casos confirmados, sospechoso, por vinculación con personal de salud. También riesgos de salud para excombatientes en los antiguos espacios territoriales de capacitación y reincorporación (AETCR) donde comparten áreas comunes y puede haber una posible estigmatización por considerarse un foco de transmisión para comunidades aledañas." 133907,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,72,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Un avance en la protección de los derechos, en este caso de las personas menores de edad, ha sido la firma del “Protocolo para la Identificación, Referencia y Atención de las Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes en busca de la condición de refugiado que requieren Protección Internacional” entre la Secretaría Nacional de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia (SENNIAF) y ONPAR en el año 2018." 132643,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El sector coordinará de cerca con agencias de gobierno y con sectores de Albergue, Salud y Educación. Un enfoque ascendente en intervención fomentará el empoderamiento de las instituciones, comités y empleados igualmente, incrementando junto con la adopción de soluciones duraderas y sostenibles (por ej. en términos de agua potable segura, instalación de filtros en lugar de proveer agua embotellada)" 205227,44635.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] The media office added that the SDF team in every center takes all precautionary measures such as wearing personal protective equipment and others, in coordination with the health directorates when they bury all coronavirus victims’ bodies." 297407,51172.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"Armed clashes between Afghan National Security Forces(ANSF) and an non-state armed group(NSAG) continued in Balkh, Faryab, Sar-e-Pul, Jawzjan and Samangan provinces. Interagency assessment teams identified 2,625 people affected by conflict to receive humanitarian assistance in the coming days in Faryab and Jawzjan provinces. A total of 1,904 people affected by conflict received humanitarian assistance in Balkh, Samangan, Sar-e-Pul Jawzjan and Faryab provinces." 144526,34804.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"International flights remain limited, while Damascus, Aleppo and Qamishli airports are still operating domestic and cargo flights. The border with Jordan remains completely closed. Access to Rukban from within Syria remains under discussion with the various parties while individual departures are being catered to, notably emergency medical cases. There are still no qualified medical personnel inside the camp and only a few commercial trucks recently managed to reach the camp (five trucks in May)." 453825,64997.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,77,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cp_bcnudh_note_mensuelle_violations_des_droits_de_lhomme_et_infographies_juillet_2021_fr_eng.pdf,"Durant le mois de juillet 2021, le BCNUDH a documenté 492 violations des droits de l’homme sur tout le territoire de la République démocratique du Congo, soit une diminution de 21% par rapport au mois de juin (624 violations). Cette baisse réflète un recul de 32% du nombre d’atteintes attribuables aux groupes armés documentées au mois de juillet par rapport au mois de juin 2021." 225397,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"With the addition of COVID-19 and its immediate and secondary impacts, children are now more anxious and worried than ever before and at greater risk of facing physical, sexual and emotional violence, especially as the economic impacts of the crisis set in with poverty rates and hunger in the country rising." 91999,26119.0,1621.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/daouda-s-journey-libya-back-home-niger,"IOM’s outreach teams in Libya regularly visit migrant neighborhoods to inform them of the assistance available, including the Voluntary Humanitarian Return (VHR) programme. Several of Daouda’s friends used the services and go back to their families in Niger with IOM’s support. They got in touch with him, and Daouda was persuaded to return as well." 310765,53068.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"WASH Cluster : 1.4m reached out of targeted 3.0m, male 0.65m and female 0.78m that is 48%" 342101,55979.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/profil_zone_nord_kivu_mars_2021_vf_28_04_2021_v2.pdf,"Dans le territoire de Masisi, les activités croissantes des groupes armés, les opérations FARDC et la crise de con ance entre les éléments FARDC et les populations civiles ont un impact négatif sur la protection des civils dans plusieurs localités de ce territoire." 496339,60048.0,1187.0,[],[],[],es,117,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Este análisis debe tener en cuenta que el limitado o nulo acceso a servicios como salud, protección o justicia para las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas durante el trayecto, aumenta la posibilidad de sufrir un continuum de violencias,11 es decir, los tipos de violencia que mencionan las mujeres, unidos a la alta presencia de discriminación xenófoba y a la hiper-sexualización de sus cuerpos,12 son una continuación de factores que normalizan esas formas de violencia, impidiendo no solo la denuncia, pero sobre todo exacerbando el riesgo de vivir diversas formas de violencia sexual (acoso sexual extendido, sexo por supervivencia, violación y explotación sexual), e incluso violencia feminicida." 64757,19061.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"José Landaeta, un mestizo venezolano de 50 años, llegó con su hermano Jorge hace más de tres meses buscando el basurero desde San Fernando, en el estado Apure, enVenezuela, para sacar no solo comida sino algunos pesos que mandar a su país, a donde deben enviar dinero a sus familias por la crisis económica que viven. Al basurero llegan los carros que compran el reciclaje cada sábado, pagando 700 pesos por kilo de plástico; 2.000 pesos por el de aluminio y 1.000 pesos por el de cobre,por lo que una semana buscando cosas en el relleno equivale para cada grupo familiar entre 50.000 a 90.000 pesos." 345184,56855.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,70,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] During the month under review, 15,189 households were forced to flee their homes in Kalehe Territory (South Kivu Province) because of violent clashes between Hutu and Tembo militias caused by inter- communal land conflict. The families are scattered in nearly 25 neighbouring villages. UNHCR and partners are identifying the most urgent needs to coordinate the appropriate response through the Protection Cluster." 304108,50889.0,2466.0,"['Education', 'Shelter', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,97,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The Refugee Consultation Forum (RCF) has developed a multi-sectoral severity ranking consolidating data on protection, health, nutrition, water supply, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), education, shelter, non-food items (NFIs), food security and livelihoods for refugees living across 104 refugee-hosting localities in Sudan. This was done in collaboration with inter-agency partners and COR (Sudanese Commissioner of Refugees) and is used to identify needs, response gaps and priorities in specific refugee locations to inform response planning and resource allocation." 221789,44697.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpais.com.co/colombia/expiden-decreto-que-regula-regreso-a-clases-presenciales-en-conozca-las-medidas.html,"Todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa deben conocer a fondo los protocolos de lavado de manos, higiene, distancia social, entre otras medidas. Para esto, se deben establecer canales de comunicación por redes sociales o cualquier medio de difusión. Las instituciones también deben contar con infografías o material gráfico que explique los protocolos a la comunidad." 276248,50671.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"La malnutrition infantile et infanto-juvénile est associée avec des taux élevés de traumatisme psychologique qui impactent les capacités sensorielle et de motricité, cognitives et socio-émotionnelles de l’enfant. Le manque de stimulation sociale / affective parent-enfant, le détachement émotionnel et la négligence aggravent davantage les effets des déficits chroniques nutritionnels." 185823,42472.0,1898.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Americas%20COVID-19%20Update%20-%2016OCT20.pdf,"In El Salvador, educational materials were distributed under the Familia Activa project, which supports e orts to prevent violence, forced displacement and gang retruitment" 272541,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,39,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"En 2020, l’insuffisance d’une coordination étroite entre les niveaux national et régional de l’ICCG n’a pas garanti le suivi effectif des interventions conjointes multisectorielles mises en œuvre par les partenaires" 338546,56250.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Tanganyika - pluies abondantes abattues entre février et avril 2021, dans les zones bordant le fleuve Congo, le Lac Tanganyika et leurs affluents] 112 écoles ont été complètement détruites affectant près de 39 600 élèves" 361402,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,155,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The cases of drowning among older children in this study demonstrated an association with risky behaviour, such as the child swimming in water alone, children going into deeper water, children going into larger and more dangerous water bodies, and going into water bodies that they have been forbidden from going to. This association resembles prior research which identified risky behaviour around water as an important risk factor that makes older children and teenagers, particularly teenage boys, especially vulnerable to drowning (Carl et al, 2001). Peden et al (2008) have suggested that older children who are comfortable in water or who perceive themselves to be good swimmers tend to seek out water-related activities, which might occur in more risky settings, such as in deeper water or at locations without appropriate supervision." 174624,41382.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=206391,"[14th October 2020, Overall Syria] The ministry added in a statement that the total number of coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 4883, out of which 1389 ones have recovered while 234 others have passed away." 247692,48228.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,98,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Actions prioritaires, Santé = Organiser des activités mobiles, y compris des activités de promotions de la santé et de la nutrition accès sur les pratiques familiales essentielles et l’alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant Identifier, former et équiper des relais communautaires pour la promotion des activités de santé communautaire / Identifier, former et équiper des relais communautaires pour la promotion des activités de santé communautaire / Planifier dans tous les sites et en priorité celui de Koudou Kolé les activités avancées de routine en vaccination des enfants et des femmes enceintes" 71087,20087.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,188,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"Se resaltan tres retos frente a los cambios de la población refugiada y migrante venezolana, que marcan la dinámica de movilidad: 1. Frente a las personas que aún no han salido de Venezuela: la mayoría no tiene documentos, por lo que se prevén problemas de irregularidad y mayores necesidades humanitarias y de protección. En este sentido, la respuesta operativa debe ser complementaria, aunque diversa. 2. Se debe aprovechar las oportunidades de regularización para quienes ya se encuentren dentro de los países receptores. Por parte de la Plataforma Regional, se debe fortalecer el monitoreo en frontera para medir la incidencia. Las Defensorías del Pueblo, pueden jugar un papel fundamental en todas las fronteras de la región, realizando un monitoreo con enfoque binacional, y muchas veces regional. 3. Así mismo, debe estar presente en la planificación el apoyo a las comunidades locales. En Colombia, por ejemplo, el porcentaje de aceptación a la población venezolana ha disminuido. Se deben difundir mensajes positivos sobre la llegada de venezolanos." 354378,57964.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/opinion/columnistas/arturo-charria/tres-propuestas-para-salvar-el-ano-escolar/?cx_testId=30&cx_testVariant=cx_1&cx_artPos=1#cxrecs_s,"Las alcaldías y gobernaciones deben iniciar campañas que muestren los colegios como lugares seguros. Uno de los costos más altos a los que actualmente nos enfrentamos como sociedad es la percepción de los colegios son lugares de peligro y de contagio. Esto no solo es errado, sino que tiene una consecuencia a largo plazo y es la idea de que las niñas, niños y adolescentes pueden tener una vida “normal” sin ir a los colegios." 228615,46627.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,14,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"At the current point in time, most schools in Afghanistan are closed." 174462,40839.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria] SHELTER CONDITIONS FOR RETURNEES Seventy-seven per cent (no change since the last round of assessment) of returnees resided in households with walls. This percentage was 82 per cent in Borno. Eighteen per cent were residing in traditional shelters and 5 per cent (no change) in emergency/makeshift shelters. Nine per cent (no change) of returnees in Borno were living in emergency/makeshift shelters and another 9 per cent living in traditional shelters." 115977,30124.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Respuesta Durante el primer trimestre 2020, se distribuyeron 368 toneladas de medicamentos, insumos y equipos médicos, beneficiando un estimado de 296.400 personas y facilitando el trabajo de 13 ONGs y 139 establecimientos de salud en 24 estados del país. En febrero 2020, la Cruz Roja Venezolana recibió 42 toneladas de insumos médicos y medicamentos que se distribuyeron en hospitales públicos y mediante jornadas de salud comunitarias en todo el país." 328654,54710.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Nutrition LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 48% for severe and lowest was 1% for no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per Nutrition LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 45% for stress and lowest was 1% for no or minimal." 494248,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, GoS, NWS & NES] Sugar: Broken down by region, Northwest Syria recorded the highest price of SYP 2,492/kg (up 17 percent m-o-m), followed by the Southern region at SYP 2,370/kg (up 14 percent m-o-m). The Cross-border region recorded the lowest price at SYP 2,131/kg (up seven percent m-o-m), followed by Northeast Syria at SYP 2,272/kg (up 15 percent m-o-m)" 224656,44702.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,32,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Secondly, there were reports of fear resulting from criminal or local arms group in the area whenever they are accessing health facility or market, they used to fell in ambushes" 306852,53161.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"Fighting among the Sudanese Armed Forces, armed opposition groups, militias, and ethnic groups in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states, Darfur, and Abyei Area has resulted in food, health, nutrition, protection, shelter, and WASH needs. [Specific location assessed - Darfur and Abyei ]" 293980,52076.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,59,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Menstrual hygiene remains a sensitive topic that is difficult for young girls to approach in the family setting. They are unprepared and, in some cases, do not know what happens to them when their first period occurs. Since menstruation is commonly considered dirty, girls and women are excluded from certain activities during menstruation." 278616,50856.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The observations showed a shortage of fertilizers and pesticides in addition to its high prices, making it almost impossible to be purchased by the farmers. This has resulted in limited access to agro-chemicals and it will continue to affect the agricultural production activities for most smallholder farmers in negative manners." 37179,11044.0,788.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"In all communities assessed, there is currently no agency implementing ‘WASH’ activities, very few pipe borne water, no functional borehole available. There is the existence of surface water in all communities visited which serves as major source of drinking water." 104844,30139.0,1860.0,"['Nutrition', 'Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy']",en,35,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Agriculture & food Low-income countries prone to rises in the triple burden of malnutrition due to pandemic-induced income shocks, while disruptions to global supply chains and labour shortages pose uncertainties for agricultural production." 492478,67933.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Operational%20Update%20August%202021.pdf,"End-August, about 78 refugees mainly Iraqis, received the COVID-19 vaccine as part of the national vaccination programme. UNHCR trained its medical volunteers in all governorates to assist refugees to electronically register themselves on the Ministry of Health COVID-19 vaccination portal." 190986,42037.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 5 assessed settlements reported that most residents did not have enough water to meet their daily drinking, cooking, and cleaning needs at the time of data collection." 326188,55014.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Education', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]The main concern for 65 per cent of IDP households that wish to remain in displacement was food. Eleven per cent of respondents indicated that NFIs were their primary needs and 10 per cent of respondents were mainly concerned about livelihood opportunities. Shelter was reported by 9 per cent of the respondents as their primary need, followed by security (1%), transport (1%), medical kits (1%), education (1%) and WASH (1%)." 272898,49659.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,146,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/202012_rdc_nord-kivu_alertes_humanitaire.pdf,"Etant donné le nombre important mais aussi le degré variable des alertes, les alertes existantes sont priorisées à des fins d’évaluations. Un certain nombre d’alertes ne sont pas évaluées ou ne le sont pas pas immédiatement. Cela s’explique par le degré de priorisation des alertes (par exemple priorité à une alerte de déplacement important de populations), le nécessaire échelonnement des évaluations face au nombre d’alertes, la fin d’une alerte (par exemple si les personnes déplacées préventivement sont rentrées très vite dans leurs foyers) mais aussi de difficultés d’accès dans certains cas. Aux au 2ème et 3ème trimestres, cela a pu s’expliquer également par l’impact de l’épidémie de Covid-19 avec une réduction des mouvements des personnels humanitaires." 173880,41033.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"As of 13 October, out of 558,313 samples tested, 60,430 cases were confirmed throughout the country, according to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). These include 7,372 active cases, 51,943 discharged patients and 1,115 fatalities." 265712,49620.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,24,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso, les considérations sécuritaires expliquent principalement le manque d’accès aux services de santé (voir graphique 4)." 310582,53068.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Protection Cluster : 24% that is 96m required, 23m funded, 73m unmet. [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 24446,9755.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/venezuela-health-care-core-expanded-humanitarian-operation,"There are critical gaps that, through this plan, we aim to address by leveraging the Venezuelan Red Cross’ network of eight hospitals and 33 clinics across the country, as well as its thousands of community volunteers and trained first aiders." 265677,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,52,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"[Nord (Loroum) et Sahel (Soum)] Ces zones demeurent particulièrement difficiles d’accès pour les humanitaires, du fait de la dangerosité des axes (braquages, présence d’engins explosifs improvisés (IED)) et de la présence aléatoire des groupes armés24." 338739,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"School shutdowns had negative psychosocial consequences for many children, in part caused by the interruption of the daily routine of school, and the support of seeing friends there." 172987,40676.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,54,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Parmi les enfants affectés, 50,8 pour cent sont des filles, pour lesquelles les risque de mariages et grossesses précoces sont accrus, et 15 pour cent sont des enfants en situation de handicap qui peuvent être victimes de stigmatisation, de discrimination et du manque de programmes éducatifs accessibles et inclusifs." 223431,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"To address those issues, the humanitarian country team endorsed a revised COVID-19 response focused access strategy in April. The strategy provides guidance for the effective coordination of humanitarian access issues and access-related activities in the context of COVID-19-related restrictions; for strengthening a common analysis of information, challenges and opportunities related to access; and for the preservation of humanitarian access and principles as a shared responsibility among humanitarian actors, Member States and all parties to the conflict." 58968,17679.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Abordaje de la violencia basada en género . Los organismos gubernamentales reconocen la violencia basada en género como una problemática de relevancia entre las mujeres migrantes: El 27% del total de los casos atendidos por la Oficina de Violencia Doméstica de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación en el período 2012-2013 corresponde a mujeres procedentes principalmente de Bolivia, Paraguay, Perú y Colombia; y en CABA, desde el 2006 hasta septiembre del 2013 la Dirección General de la Mujer asistió a aproximadamente 6.000 mujeres migrantes (casi el 24% del total de víctimas)[2]. La cantidad de mujeres migrantes atendidas (en su mayoría de Paraguay, Bolivia y Perú) incrementó del 19,4% en el 2006 al 25,5% en el 2013." 361366,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Demography'],en,75,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The findings revealed a wide age range of drowning victims, with the youngest victim only 2 years old and the oldest victim 17 years old, demonstrating that fatal childhood drowning occurs throughout early childhood and into adolescence in the camps. The findings also revealed that the nature of fatal drowning incidents and influencing factors vary between children under 5 and older children." 326608,54734.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] 100% of the households found with Multi-sectoral needs. 26% found to be extreme+ severe, 34% extreme and 40% severe." 326345,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,78,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 23% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot while 56% and 20% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot respectively. 1% reported to reach nearest health facility by foot in 1-3 hours. 304149,50889.0,2466.0,"['Shelter', 'Nutrition', 'Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"As of 30 November 2019, the majority of refugees are women and children representing the 79 per cent of the total refugee population. Refugees arrive in poor health after traveling many days to reach Sudan, often by foot, and are in urgent need of protection, nutrition, shelter and health support." 223916,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Les hommes ont souvent le contrôle sur les radios et autres médias dans les ménages comprennent mieux les messages et possèdent des téléphones plus fréquemment que les femmes. 204910,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,27,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"528,000 people were estimated to be in need prior to COVID-19 in comparison to 386,000 currently estimated to be in need of resilience and recovery assistance." 40946,11894.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"In Al Aziziya and Swani bin Adam, the situation was reversed, as only an estimated 15-20% of remaining Libyan residents continued to rely on owned or rented accommodation. Residents of these mahallas were more likely to be hosted by friends or family (an estimated 25-35%) or to have moved to informal collective shelters (25-30%)." 189673,43300.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,L´accès à l´eau potable (43%) et à l´assainissement (10%) affecte la situation sanitaire et nutritionnelle. Près de 19 000 personnes décèdent chaque année de maladies liées au manque d´accès à l´eau potable et aux mauvaises conditions d´hygiène et assainissement. 40940,11894.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"As of 16 April, humanitarian actors had only been able to reach 60% of the 1,400 households who had requested evacuation from conflict-affected baladiyas, with thousands of civilians remaining trapped in conflict-affected areas. Low evacuation rates were attributed to ongoing clashes, indiscriminate use of weaponry, and reports of both accidental and deliberate attacks on ambulances" 472854,64952.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,38,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/rapport_evaluation_zasp_pdis_drs-nord_juillet_2020.pdf,"[DS Ouahigouya] Renforcer les activités de sensibilisation, de recherche active et référencement sur les VIH/SIDA, la TBC, parmi les personnes déplacées internes ainsi que le soutien alimentaire aux patients TBC au CM Lazaret" 160566,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Se identificó que algunas mujeres han sido explotadas sexualmente y otras han sido desalojadas de sus viviendas por parte de sus agresores, de acuerdo con una entrevista a un actor clave en Medellín." 220006,45769.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Pour ce qui est des latrines, il n’y a aucune latrine sur ce site. Les défécations se font à l’air libre. Le groupe de discussion hommes a rapporté que la nuit, les adultes font la défécation un peu loin du site et les enfants quant a eux, défèquent près des eaux du Lac et autour des installations. Ce qui les expose aux maladies liées à l’hygiène." 190006,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,31,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,La CMP du 08 Juin 2020 à Bunia a validé un effectif d'environ 226 000 personnes déplacées dans l’ensemble de ces ZS de cette zone prioritaire en Ituri. 235112,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,79,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Likewise, the CPM [Monetary Policy Committee] recalled that the BEAC made available to the Development Bank of the Central African States (BDEAC) a financing line of FCFA 90 billion to finance public investment projects and invited the latter to make use of it. The CPM also recommended that banks ensure continuity of financial services, including provision of cash through ATMs, strengthen operations of remote banking and reduce banking services costs." 70692,20012.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,81,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"By far the deadliest air strike to occur during the current fighting in Tripoli hit a detention centre housing migrants and refugees, killing and injuring dozens of detainees, on 2 July 2019 at about 11.40 pm. 9 The detention centre belongs to the Directorate for Combating Illegal Migration (DCIM) and is located in Tajoura, on the eastern outskirts of Tripoli, inside a large military base which also houses various militias and security forces." 46793,16191.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,81,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/avoiding-next-tragedy-libya,"Since fighting began in Tripoli in April, the EU-supported Libyan Coastguard has returned four times as many people to Libya than have been evacuated or resettled to safe countries, according to UN figures. [On July 9], 90 people intercepted at sea were forcibly returned to Tajoura. British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt denounced the airstrike on Twitter, but his words mean little while the EU governments continue to prop up the Libyan Coastguard." 385628,60457.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Des assistances d’urgence en vivres, transferts monétaires et aliments pour bétail environ 2 856 nouveaux PDI enregistrés à Ouahigouya, ainsi que pour les nouveaux PDI de Seytenga dans la région du Sahel (1 000 nouveaux PDI et les 53 000 PDI de la commune d’Arbinda)." 313501,53893.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,127,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.neoafricanews.com/rdc-les-usa-injectent-38-millions-usd-dans-le-projet-elimu-ni-jibu-ya-usaid/,"Lancé le mercredi 4 avril par Mike Hammer, ambassadeur US en République Démocratique du Congo dans la province du Sud-Kivu, le projet «Elimu ni jibu ya USAID» est dote de 38 millions USD. D’une durée de 5 ans, ce projet s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un contrat « cooperative agreement », visant à améliorer le bien-être des populations affectées par des conflits et des crises à travers un accroissement de l’accès aux services d’éducation inclusive de qualité et sensible au genre, au renforcement de la résilience des personnes et des communautés par l’éducation et l’amélioration de la collaboration entre les acteurs de l’éducation." 328606,54710.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported reasons why children stopped attending school since the outbreak were: Schools have closed (67%), Lack transportation to schools due to COVID-19 (35%), Parents prefer that children stay home (22%)." 388585,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,82,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la Région du Sahel, les provinces qui accueillent le plus de personnes déplacées internes sont celles du Soum notamment la ville de Djibo, du Seno avec les villes de Dori et de Gorgadji ainsi que l’Oudalan notamment la ville de Gorom-Gorom. Cependant, la province du Seno qui était plus ou moins calme avant, est régulièrement touchée par les incidents et demeure toujours une zone à risque où la situation sécuritaire reste précaire et volatile" 457528,65405.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Intentions', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",fr,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les PDI ne reçoivent pas de pression à retourner chez eux mais euxmêmes indiquent ne pas vouloir rester dans la zone d’accueil selon 92% des répondants. Les raisons avancées sont qu’ils manquent d’opportunité et de ressources, la vie est chère et ils désirent retourner chez eux pour retrouver leurs activités d’élevage et de culture. Seuls 8% des répondants soutiennent que les PDI veulent rester dans la localité d’accueil à cause de la meilleure situation sécuritaire." 280099,50900.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,101,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | At the time of data collection, there was 1 open educational facility in the camp. Barriers to education: 31% of households reported that their children are receiving no education, and 12% reported that they faced barriers to education. The most commonly reported barriers were: • Child does not want to attend (58%) • Education is not considered important (17%) • Fear of COVID-19 (17%)" 223795,45880.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"55% des femmes de l'enquête ménage d’ELAN en octobre ont également déclaré avoir réduit la consomma�on d'eau embouteillée et de nourriture du ménage (n=2200). Une étude de l'Ins�tut Na�onal de Sta�s�que (INS) et de la Banque Mondiale réalisée en juin et juillet 2020 à Kinshasa a révélé que 87,8 % des ménages s'inquiètent de ne pas avoir assez de nourriture et que 80,4 % ont déclaré avoir réduit le nombre de repas par jour (n=1596)." 241471,47384.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,116,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) Dry Food : JRAM findings show a slight increase in food items prices by 1% as a result of increased transportation prices despite SYP regaining its value by 2%. This has been a continuation of the trend from early October. Surging food prices in recent periods have raised concerns about food security; indicative of food items being linked to many factors such as fluctuating of currency, availability of items, transportation costs and Corona restrictions, with 47% of the vendors citing fluctuating exchanging rate (USD_SYP) as the main challenge they face and 28% mentioning transportation costs." 174334,36580.0,1899.0,"['Education', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,58,[],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3657401,"El delegado departamental, César Quemé, se reunió con personal de la Dirección General de Fortalecimiento de la Comunidad Educativa (DIGEFOCE) del Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC) para reactivar la Mesa Técnica de la Ley de Alimentación Escolar departamental. Participó también el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación (MAGA)." 165362,32691.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,20,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/77415,"Entre el 4 de abril y el 22 de junio, 43.787 venezolanos han regresado a Venezuela desde Colombia." 298957,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Disbursement of funds for flood response was slow to address the immediate lifesaving needs of the affected people. 359669,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,38,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, Deir-Ez-Zor, NES & GoS] In 53% of assessed communities across NES and 68% in Deir-Ez-Zor, KIs reported drinking water to be among the three most important WASH needs." 145410,36039.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,75,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']","['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In NES local authorities continue to provide exemptions for humanitarian goods and personnel at the Fishkabour/Semalka informal border crossing. While in May to mid-June, Fishkabour/Semalka had been opened periodically for returns of Syrian nationals, with an estimated 1,216 Syrian refugees returning from Iraq to Syria during that time, local authorities recently announced that from 13 July, all border crossing points to NES will close as a precautionary measure against COVID-19" 304612,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,113,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The RWG [Refugee Working Group] reports to the RCF [Refugee Consultation Forum] and facilitates inter-agency information sharing between field partners in order to support the delivery of a targeted response that is informed by needs assessments and monitoring to address urgent response gaps and mitigate duplication. The Khartoum RWG is co-chaired and coordinated jointly by UNHCR and COR [Sudanese Commissioner of Refugees]. RWG membership includes representatives of over 20 UN, INGO, NGO and government partner organizations involved the planning and implementation of refugee response activities in the field. Technical experts and donor representatives participate in the RWG on a periodic basis." 320016,53234.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,123,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: On 22 March 2021 afternoon a massive fire spread through camps 8E, 8W and 9 in the Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, resulting in eleven deaths confirmed by government authorities and a significant number of injured reported. Six health facilities were damaged or destroyed by the fire: one specialized clinic, one Primary Health Care (PHC) facility, and one Health Post (HP) were destroyed while another PHC and HP were partially damaged. In addition, a secondary health center (Turkish Field Hospital) which played a key role as a referral facility in the camps was destroyed." 207243,44693.0,2333.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,Les PDI malades n’ont d’autres choix que de parcourir les longues distances vers le CSI de Tassara chef-lieu du département ou le CSI d’Intamat. 297380,51172.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,82,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"The security situation remained unstable with continued military operations in Badghis, Hirat, Farah and Ghor provinces. On 7 February, a child was reportedly killed by crossfire in Bala Buluk district, Farah province. On 8 February, another child reportedly was wounded by a mortar in Chaghcharan district, Ghor province. On 6 February, a woman and a child were reportedly wounded by a mortar in a residential area in Qala-e-Naw city, Badghis province" 212308,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Au mois d’octobre 2020, les cas de violences sexuelles liées au conflit documentés en octobre 2020 concernent 47 victimes adultes, parmi lesquelles un homme, soit une réduction par rapport au mois précédent (53 victimes). Ceci reflète une réduction du nombre de cas documentés dans la province de l’Ituri." 457521,65405.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Certains comportements tels que l’occupation anarchique des terres, les paroles vexantes sont identifiés comme des facteurs pouvant constituer une entrave à la coexistence pacifique entre ces deux communautés [PDI et hôte]. Les suspicions envers certaines ethnies qui sont qualifiées de « HANI » pourraient aussi renforcer les tensions entre ces communautés." 282719,51294.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-no-o-level-a-level-exams-in-2020-21-session/66178,"[16th March 2021, Bangladesh] The government on Tuesday directed to cancel ‘O’ level and ‘A’ level examinations under the Cambridge system for 2020-21 session citing the worsening Covid-19 situation in the country.‘O’ level and ‘A’ level examinations were scheduled to begin in April this year." 16482,6352.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,89,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"The Health Custer is operational in 22 Governorates in Yemen. Over the reporting period, Health Cluster partners conducted over 8 million out patient consultations of which 5.1 million were for children under 18 years of age. About 170,000 children received treatment for severe acute malnutrition. Approximately 22,200 trauma patients were received and managed by the hospitals. Some 136,000 normal deliveries were conducted by skilled birth attendants and 32,300 mothers had cesarean sections along with 694,000 antenatal care visits and 249,000 postnatal care visits." 211247,44790.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,More than 9 million people are affected by prevalent poor WASH conditions in Somalia. The methodology used for the PiN calculation estimated that 2.7 million people are in severe (2.5M) and extreme (0.2M) need of humanitarian WASH assistance. 17840,7208.0,321.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,81,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67474.pdf,"UNHCR continued to register persons in need of international protection in Libya. 57,667 refugees and asylum-seekers are now registered with UNHCR. This year, UNHCR registered 12,834 individuals (an average of 35 individuals registered per day). The majority of those registered are Syrian (41 per cent), followed by Sudanese (18 per cent) and Eritrean (13 per cent) nationals. This includes over 2,790 individuals registered in detention centres." 229731,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,16,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"No formal and informal community services and structures (CMR, PSS and Legal services)" 204730,44631.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,39,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Response%20Plan%202020%20-%202021.pdf,"Although there has been a lull in large-scale hostilities since the signing of the Revitalized Agreement for the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan in September 2018, localized violence has persisted in many pockets of the country" 386439,60870.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,49,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Las familias de las diferentes comunidades indígenas como las campesinas vienen siento atendidas con entrega de alimentos y bonos para la compra de productos alimenticios, sin embargo, es necesario aplicar el enfoque diferencial en la entrega de paquetes alimentarios. Se manifiestan casos de desnutrición infantil." 335283,55819.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Selon les participants aux groupes de discussion, les pasteurs et agropasteurs exerçaient des activités annexes pour compléter leur revenu, notamment l’orpaillage (dans 34% des localités selon les IC), le commerce (24%), le tourisme et la migration." 342498,56610.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,60,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La alta proporción de tránsito a pie (55%) ● implica una exposición elevada a diversos riesgos en la ruta. El 13% de quienes (re)ingresan y el 13% de quienes retornan declararon haber corrido riesgos para su seguridad durante su viaje en Colombia, principalmente robos, violencia �sica y amenazas." 136886,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In NWS, individual crossing to and from Turkey remains restricted while humanitarian and commercial deliveries are authorized. On 9 July, the first positive COVID-19 result was recorded in Bab Al-Hawa. Since then, precautions have been scaled up in response to the identified cases to contain COVID-19 transmissions, including restrictions on movements, gatherings, commercial activities, and in-person education services. On 11 July, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2533, extending cross-border UN assistance from Turkey to NWS through the Bab Al-Hawa border crossing for another 12 months." 359879,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Develop educational and campaign materials to raise public awareness around harmful gender norms and stereotypes that deepen the impact of disasters and climate crisis on children, especially girls." 425353,64291.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,62,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,L’accès aux abris est cité comme l’un des trois besoins prioritaires dans les différents groupes de discussion ; 1/3 des groupes de discussion vivent dans les abris collectifs (écoles et églises) et les autres dans les abris de fortunes ou familles d’accueil. 85% des personnes enquêtées sont arrivées sans kits essentiels. 493808,68147.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/adamawa_state_2021_cholera_situation_report_no_3-restricted_sitrep.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Adamawa State] (Cholera) The total number of cases reported as at 31st July 2021, stands at 15 cases with 0 deaths (CFR=0%), Girei has reported 5 cases with 0 deaths (CFR= 0%); Yola North has reported 6 suspected case with 0 death (CFR= 0%) while Yola South reported 4 suspected cases with 0 deaths (CFR= 0%). One of the 5 suspected cases from Girei has been confirmed positive for cholera by the reference lab Abuja. So far, only two samples tested positive by RDT and yielded growth suggestive of Vibrio cholerae on culture while the result of 1 isolate (Girei LGA) from the reference laboratory revealed 01 serotype." 62099,18564.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,78,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"The economic and political crisis has also led to the collapse of the national healthcare system, where conditions had been deteriorating for years. Medicine imports decreased by 70 percent between 2012 and 2016 due to price controls, a dysfunctional currency exchange system, and rising debt. Only 15 of the 56 pharmaceutical companies that used to exist in the country are still operational, and more than 150 pharmacies have closed since 2016." 223676,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Augmenta�on de l'u�lisa�on des services de planning familial par les femmes (depuis juin) : peur de tomber enceinte liée au coût de l'éduca�on d'un enfant ; augmenta�on de l'ac�vité sexuelle chez les adolescent.e.s. • Réduc�on des visites de soins prénatals (CPN) : elles ne sont pas considérées comme urgentes, en par�culier par les femmes qui ont déjà accouché. • Augmenta�on du nombre de grossesses et du nombre de femmes et d'adolescentes cherchant à se faire avorter." 328580,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported problems encountered when accessing health services or treatment: Cost of services and/or medicine was too high (56%), did not get qualified health staff at the health facility (25%) and have not tried to access medical services (19%)." 454183,65007.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,108,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC%20RRRP%202020%20Report%20.pdf,"Although the rate of outflows from the DRC was lower in 2020 than in previous years, tens of thousands of people still fled across borders and joined refugees from previous waves of violence and insecurity. In 2020, refugees fled mostly from eastern areas of North and South Kivu and Ituri Provinces to Uganda, as well as from Haut Katanga and Tanganyika Provinces to Zambia and other countries in Southern Africa. At the same time, some countries reported a net reduction in the Congolese refugee population attributed to spontaneous returns to the DRC, suggesting a general stability in some areas of origin" 473207,67204.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"El informe sugiere que se deben sumar las graves afectaciones en el desarrollo socioemocional, debido a que cuando muere uno de los padres, los hijos a menudo experimentan problemas de salud mental como depresión, ansiedad y síntomas de estrés postraumático, así como el abandono escolar, baja autoestima y aumento de las conductas sexuales de riesgo." 285817,51532.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],es,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3722005,ANTIOQUIA›MEDELLÍN Durante tres días los funcionarios que ejercen como enlaces de víctimas en 112 municipios de Antioquia asistieron virtualmente a la jornada de asistencia técnica en la que en la que recibieron información actualizada sobre la implementación de la política pública de víctimas. 62078,18564.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,156,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"A 2018 study by the nongovernmental organization Caritas found that 65 percent of children in poor neighborhoods were malnourished or at risk of becoming so, and more than 13 percent suffered from moderate or severe acute malnutrition. The incidence was even higher among pregnant women, 28 percent of whom had moderate acute malnutrition and 21 percent of whom had severe acute malnutrition. Not having access to enough nutrients during the prenatal stage can lead to growth retardation in children, which carries increased risk for the development of chronic diseases, cognitive retardation, nervous system damage, gastrointestinal disorders, and even early death. According to the OVS, a third of children younger than two in poor sectors have growth retardation by height for their age group, which indicates chronic malnutrition. In this context, Venezuelans have become increasingly dependent on the state to obtain food." 341004,56436.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-whole-of-syria-appeal.pdf,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] Up to ninety per cent of the population is estimated to live under the poverty line, largely due to the recent severe economic decline. This is a 10% increase compared to previous years." 329082,55067.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,17,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2021/04/12/na041521-six-charts-show-the-challenges-faced-by-sub-saharan-africa,"[SubSaharian Africa] In terms of livelihoods, per capita income has returned to 2013 levels" 174170,41097.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,61,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_11_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,Decreto 0088 (29.08.20): Se declara aislamiento selectivo y distanciamiento individual en la ciudad de Quibdó hasta el primero de octubre. Decreto 0222 (30.09.20): Se levantan restricciones como el pico y cédula en la ciudad de Quibdó y se reestablece el funcionamiento del comercio los fines de semana como estrategia para la reactivación económica. 215849,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,31,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"A quarter of the labour force is unemployed, and 37%of employment is ‘vulnerable’ and insecure, comprising self-employment, day labour, or unpaid work." 326453,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 24% of Households of IDP settlements have not been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection while 29% of Households of IDP settlements have been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection. 265704,49620.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Trois Frontieres) La volatilité du contexte sécuritaire a eu un impact plus global sur les activités économiques, en tant que facteur de restriction des déplacements, réduisant les opportunités d’emplois et les activités commerciales dont peuvent bénéficier les ménages (travail saisonnier aux champs, activités d’orpaillage, migrations saisonnières, commerce, possibilité de développer des activités génératrices de revenus, etc.). (Nov.2020)" 750,156.0,321.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,113,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Out of the overall 37.2% of households aforementioned, 44.0% reported that they were unable to access the necessary treatment. In Al Margab (65.0%), Derna (62.0%), Ghat (60.2%) and Benghazi (57.8%), households were more likely than average to report not having access to the healthcare they needed, 58 illustrating a lack of functional and well-equipped facilities in locations affected by conflict or geographic isolation. The gap was even larger for IDP households in Derna city (88.9%), Al Margab (82.1%) and Ghat (81.7%)." 73333,21154.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,35,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,Shelter Partners will provide support to refugees and migrants from Venezuela with two types of temporary accommodation: individual short-term accommodation in hostels or hotels and collective housing in strengthened or newly established centres. 490608,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Rice BR29 price decreased from June to July by 10-12% in Cox’s Bazar Sadar and Ukhia, whereas a 5% increase observed in Chattogram markets reflected a continuation of price increases for the period of May-June. Rice price of July was still 17-26% higher than the same time last year in Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar Sadar. Traders expected prices to reduce in the coming days." 326441,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Five most commonly reported illnesses or injuries household members of IDP settlements had in the past two weeks prior to data collection were fever(12%), Diarrhea (6%), skin infections (2%), eye infections (1%)." 234492,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,The IMF approved a disbursement under the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) of US$ 226 million to support the authorities’ efforts in addressing Cameroon’s urgent balance of payment needs stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and the terms of trade shocks from the sharp fall in oil prices. 206831,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,79,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] The three most commonly reported coping strategies involved using soap substitutes: washing clothes with soap substitutes (18%), washing hands with soap substitutes (14%), and washing menstrual materials with soap substitutes (8%). Also reported was to not wash hands with soap (10%) and wash hands or menstrual materials less frequently (9%)" 171027,40062.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,9,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/29/global-coronavirus-deaths-pass-1m-with-no-sign-rate-slowing,[Lead has no entries to be tagged] 147875,36039.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To date, work has been completed in 21 shelters, covering approximately 2,331 people, with further approvals pending. In Aleppo, AlHasakeh, Homs and As-Sweida, 804 shelter kits have been provided. Further, in Al-Hasakeh, 75 shelters were assessed, and shelter kits for 100 families were provided to quickly improve privacy and complete basic repairs, however, partitioning for shelters in schools was not approved. Sanitation campaigns are ongoing." 229054,46541.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,60,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Infograf%C3%ADa_VBG_Medell%C3%ADn_Enero_Septiembre_2020_VF.pdf,Sexo y rango etario de víctimas de VBG 81% de las víctimas de violencia sexual son menores de 18 años. 69% de las víctimas de violencia sexual son niñas y adolescentes. 85% de las víctimas de violencia de pareja son mujeres. 2% de las víctimas de VBG son personas de la comunidad LBGTI 202199,44560.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,31,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/burkina-faso-l%C3%A9gislatives-le-parti-de-kabor%C3%A9-obtient-56-si%C3%A8ges-sur-127-ceni/2059487,"Suite à la proclamation des résultats provisoires, les candidats peuvent saisir le Conseil constitutionnel qui dispose de 15 jours maximum pour proclamer les résultats définitifs. [scrutin législatif]" 290559,52076.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",en,41,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"While men seek to replicate the masculine ideals of support and head of household, the current political and economic context puts them under increasing pressure. The possession of economic power as an instrument of male domination is undermined." 174380,40125.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-leaked-letter-says-over-200-un-staff-syria-have-contracted-covid-19,"[6th september,Overall Syria] Riza said there had been a 10-fold spike in infections in Syria in the two months since he had last briefed staff, referring to health ministry figures that said there had been 3,171 cases and 134 deaths since the first case had been reported on 23 March." 314780,54247.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/20/covid-19-91-die-4-559-infected-in-24-hours,"[20th April 2021,Bangladesh] The health authorities said 6,811 people recovered from the disease over the preceding 24 hours. So far, 628,111 patients – 86.31% – have made full recovery across the country." 240441,47354.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,121,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] Awareness-raising sessions and sensitization: A total of 49,401 IDPs, returnees, and host community members participated in 1,098 awareness-raising sessions organized in the Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States (Men: 12,993 Male; Women: 17,298 Women; Boys: 8347 Boys and Girls: 10,763). The theme covered issues identified during protection monitoring, Focus Group Discussions and community engagement meetings and included security and safety, referral pathway, and peaceful coexistence, and GBV prevention and response and risk mitigation, as well as COVID-19 risk communication, and community engagement. All activities were conducted in compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures." 328651,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 84% for Stress and lowest was 1% for extreme. Similarly highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 79% for stress and lowest was 1% for extreme+." 273703,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,la coordination du GTABNA et le MAH/GC font le suivi des réalisations des activités de partenaires sur le terrain 389292,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Durante el primer semestre del año, se recibieron reportes de acciones armadas dentro de los resguardos indígenas y consejos comunitarios, cerca de escuelas, caminos y cultivos de pancoger utilizados por la población civil en sus actividades diarias" 132644,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Debido al número limitado de actores activos en agua, saneamiento e higiene, la respuesta se enfocará principalmente en el área costeña del norte entre Tumbes y La Libertad, y en Lima. En todas las regiones, el apoyo de agua, saneamiento e higiene se enfocará en asegurar la provisión de agua y duchas en estructuras públicas. Se debería mencionar también que, mientras que la respuesta agua, saneamiento e higiene es limitada, la distribución de agua potable es, en muchos casos, conducida a través de kits compuestos tanto de alimentos como de ítems no alimentarios. En este caso, los kits se agrupan en el sector de Artículos No Alimentarios" 229678,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,19,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,More medical supplies to be source to support what HLSS through HPF is providing for the routine services. 189698,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,89,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le mois d´août a été marqué par une escalade de ces conflits intercommunautaires qui ont atteint leur paroxysme, principalement dans le Ouaddaï et le Sila. Face à cette situation à l´Est, le Gouvernement tchadien a instauré l´état d´urgence dans les provinces du Ouaddaï, du Sila et du Tibesti depuis le 20 août 2019 pour une période initiale de trois semaines au lendemain de la visite du Chef de l´Etat dans ces provinces, puis prorogé de trois mois à compter du 11 septembre 2019." 293541,51569.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,All locations hosting displaced communities were observed with poor sanitation and no access to clean and safe water. 289346,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"An estimated US$68.5 million is required to scale up response operations to meet the urgent needs of the 104,000 most vulnerable people targeted in the six Priority 1 countries" 162612,35727.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",es,502,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']","['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"9. Emergencia Sanitaria por COVID-19: diferentes medidas han sido tomadas por la gobernación de Córdoba y los alcaldes de los 30 municipios para prevenir la propagación exponencial y reducir la curva de contagio por COVID-19, para aliviar la carga de los diferentes centros de salud garantizando la debida atención a las personas contagiadas. Lo anterior, en el marco de una emergencia sanitaria decretada por el gobierno nacional, que terminó por definir el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en el departamento de Córdoba (a 02 de julio de 2020 el departamento reportó 57 muertes y 893 contagiados por el virus). La primera medida adoptada en el departamento fue el toque de queda de 7:00pm a 6:00am desde el 16 de marzo hasta el 31 de mayo. Desde el 25 de marzo el departamento entró en aislamiento obligatorio, atendiendo la directriz presidencial. Otras medidas como el pico y cédula para evitar aglomeración de personas en supermercados y bancos. De acuerdo a la información obtenida por el ELC, la situación de confinamiento está generando inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional, a pesar de las ayudas del gobierno, debido a que muchas personas han visto afectada su economía y no cuenta con recursos para comprar los alimentos ya que más de la mitad de la población genera sus ingresos de actividades informales, como ventas ambulantes, trabajadores sexuales, mototaxismo, jornaleo, etc., labores que están suspendidas por el aislamiento o confinamiento. Tanto en centros urbanos y zona rural se sufrido impactos negativos, provocando manifestaciones en varios en municipios como Tierralta, Buenavista, Valencia, Sahagún, Monteria18. Por otro lado, comunidades rurales y en urbanizaciones han bloqueado las vías de acceso o instalando puestos de control para regalar el tráfico entre veredas y personas foráneas. En medio de este escenario persisten las acciones violentas no han cesado, por ejemplo, la circulación de un panfleto en el sur de Córdoba donde se amenazaba de muerte a quienes no cumplieran con el confinamiento obligatorio. Este tipo de situaciones agudizan las ya precarias condiciones de existencia de muchos pobladores. Obligando a las familias a padecer un doble confinamiento, uno para prevenir el contagio y otro por el hostigamiento de grupos armados. En zonas como el sur de Córdoba, a pesar del confinamiento, se siguen presentando desplazamientos forzado, reclutamiento de menores, interposición de la población civil en el conflicto y amenazas líderes sociales. Por otra parte, el gobierno inició la erradicación forzada de cultivos de uso lícito, lo cual ha generado presiones por parte de grupos armados a la población civil para que impidan el ingreso de los erradicadores, y amenazas de bloqueos de vías por parte de los cultivadores, quienes argumentan que el gobierno no ha cumplido con lo establecido en el plan nacional de sustitución de cultivos de uso ilícito." 221301,45880.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Partout dans le monde, les données indiquent que les femmes sont touchées de manière dispropor�onnée par les impacts sanitaires et socio-économiques des mesures d'interven�on appliquées pour contrôler la COVID-19." 134106,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,69,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El Trafficking in Persons Report de 2019 otorga la calificación más alta a Argentina en materia de esfuerzos y estándares mínimos para la eliminación de la trata de personas. Sin embargo, el estudio alerta que no se han destinado fondos suficientes para el Plan de Acción Nacional, ni se ha provisto de asistencia integral y especializada a las víctimas, a mediano y largo plazo." 162738,32313.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,50,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"Junto con el gobierno, somos 68 organizaciones que estamos aquí para complementar lo que ya está haciendo el gobierno, pero el mensaje es el de adoptar medidas inclusivas para que la población venezolana pueda estar en lugares seguros tener el mínimo apoyo para parar esta situación tan complicada" 187636,43282.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"WASH cluster partners reached more than 87,500 people (30,627 girls, 26,252 boys, 14,876 women and 15,751 men) with hygiene promotion and distribution of hygiene kits. Partners supported construction of handwashing stations in 19 health and nutrition facilities benefiting 41,014 people and reached over 60,000 people with improved access to safe water supply to increase water availability for hand hygiene" 335304,55819.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel) Dans les localités de la commune de Markoye, la réduction du nombre de repas, la réduction des portions alimentaires ainsi que la restriction de la consommation des adultes ont également fait partie des principales stratégies d’adaptation de la majorité de la population mises en place dans plus de la moitié des localités selon les IC." 221731,45721.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Retaliatory violence, reports of harassment and extortion at checkpoints, restrictions on the movement of goods and people, forced taxation and child recruitment are among the severe challenges and difficulties faced by affected persons in gaining access to safety and assistance in a secure, timely and unimpeded manner." 322961,54542.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-88-deaths-3629-new-cases/67989,"[23rd April 2021, Bangladesh] The coronavirus death toll now stands at 10,869 with the mortality rate slightly rising to 1.47 percent after staying at 1.46 for the last two days. Meanwhile, the daily infection rate fell to 14 percent from Thursday’s 14.63 percent." 194131,42943.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Comenzando en marzo y continuando al menos hasta agosto, el gobierno colombiano ha mantenido uno de los cierres más estrictos en el mundo. El 16 de marzo, el gobierno cerró sus fronteras a los migrantes, venezolanos incluidos. Mantuvo las escuelas cerradas, clausuró ciertos sectores de la economía, restringió los eventos públicos y las reuniones, implementó toques de queda, y limitó los viajes internacionales." 126092,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,El estudio evidencia que el 55% de los hogares migrantes están en situación de inseguridad alimentaria severa o moderada. 187790,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In 2020, 6.2 million people in Cameroon need humanitarian assistance." 304749,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"New arrivals to camps in Kassala and Gedaref are ongoing, 8,514 new arrivals in 2019 so far (as of 30 November). The majority of new arrivals are from Eritrea." 228394,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,28,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Conspiracy theories about the polio vaccine, for example, have led to households refusing to have their children vaccinated in Afghanistan and continued cases as a result" 295306,51569.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Women and girls were reported to be having hard times in the absence of dignity kits and shelter NFIs as most of their properties were washed away by the flood. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted) 163885,34165.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,35,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Nariño y Chocó las fuertes inundaciones han sido un factor amenazante que afecta la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de la población, sumado a los brotes de paludismo reportados por las familias." 126314,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"La tasa de participación laboral (formal e informal) es del 83% para los hogares migrantes y 86% para los hogares de acogida. El trabajo irregular remunerado a diario es la fuente principal de ingresos para los hogares migrantes (59%) y de acogida (52%), seguido de trabajo en ventas callejeras y ventas ambulantes (ej. alimentos, artesanías, objetos, etc.), observado en el 12% de los hogares migrantes y 11% de los hogares de acogida." 194770,43603.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"(According to Humanitarian Response Plan) In addition to the constraints imposed by COVID-19, most clusters are underfunded, requiring partners to further reduce activities." 193729,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,55,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Au lac, les zones insulaires sont difficiles à atteindre en raison notamment de l´imprévisibilité des mouvements des herbes flottantes ainsi que de la montée des eaux entre novembre et avril. Dans ces conditions, le transport aérien reste le moyen le plus sûr pour les travailleurs humanitaires d´accéder à ces zones enclavées." 297736,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 2020, the HAG (Humanitarian Access Group) recorded 293 interference attempts, compared to 70 such incidents in 2019. While this significant increase is partially attributable to an improved reporting process and partners more open to discuss and share their challenges, it also highlights an increasingly challenging access environment." 244261,47682.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"This is the first assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) operation by charter from Chad since 2012. Following the assistance given to a group of Chadian students stranded in Cameroon last May, this is the second time that the European Union, at the request of IOM Joint Initiative to help a group of people, including women and children, left stranded by the pandemic" 437166,63582.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,105,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"L’impact négatif de la situation sécuritaire sur le fonctionnement du système de santé combiné au déplacement de population pourrait avoir une répercussion sur les progrès réalisés par le Burkina Faso dans la lutte contre la malnutrition. Cependant, de nombreuses initiatives de résilience telles que la mise en œuvre du protocole simplifié, l’ANJE en situation d’urgence, le dépistage de la malnutrition à domicile (PB mère) et la prise en charge communautaire de la malnutrition mises en œuvre par le Gouvernement et ses partenaires permettent de juguler l’impact de la crise sécuritaire." 276961,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] 19% des entreprises déclarent que leur situation s’est détériorée au cours du dernier mois, contre 14% en décembre" 94034,26519.0,1620.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200302_Nextier-SPD_Policy-Brief-_Entrenching-Peace-1-2.pdf,"• The insurgency has exacerbated the precarious situation of communities caused by inability of the government to provide security, lack of access of community members to farmlands, lack of access of community members to markets (local and international), reported extortion by security agents, poor coordination among security agencies, lack of capital for business start-ups, and lack of formal training for vigilante and local hunters." 152935,32913.0,1188.0,['Health'],[],[],es,66,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/panama/nicarag-enses-reciben-atenci-n-del-minsa,"La mañana de este jueves y como parte del apoyo humanitario, a más de 1,000 extranjeros nicaragüenses que se encuentran varados en Panamá por el COVID-19, el Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) con funcionarios de Promoción de la Salud de la región Metropolitana, realizaron entrega de mascarillas reutilizables, gel alcoholado y folletos con información sobre la normativa para evitar contagios." 307720,53292.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Registration teams commenced the process to register vulnerable people to be added to the caseload. To date, livelihoods support was provided to over 7600 HH in Pibor, Vertet, Gumuruk and Likuangole payams in Pibor county. Over 74,000 animals have been vaccinated and over 46,000 livestock treated, protecting these livelihoods of more than 1,900 HHs." 346016,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"Por procedencia, Chocó (30,7 %), Nariño (24,3 %), Córdoba (12,7 %), Antioquia (9,7 %) y Guainía (4,5 %) aportan el 81,9 % de los casos de malaria no complicada" 183259,41882.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],en,131,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"Now begins the second stage of the project for the development of these communities and improvement of their quality of life, through a plan of crops and gardens, training in the use of recycling, waste collection, construction and access to latrines, among others. “Sometimes we get frustrated when we think about all the work we have ahead of us to support the development of these communities, we feel like ants, but then I always think: if we weren’t here, how would they be now? And then I see the progress we made together with the families, I realize the great value we bring and how important it is for the communities,” concludes Maximiliano." 147693,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WASH partners further supported health awareness teams to conduct orientation sessions at the accommodation centres and provided relevant IEC materials. WHO provided sanitizers, PPE, and 92 infrared thermometers, while UNFPA provided dignity kits." 425348,64291.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la zone il n’existe pas d’institutions financières, mais les opérations d’orange money sont réalisées par quelques commerçants locaux." 322601,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,114,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 13% of households were found to have at least one Protection Living Standard Gaps (LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 12% of households were found to have a Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in protection but no Capacity Gap (CG) in protection, 1% of households were found to have both a Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in protection and a Capacity Gap (CG) in protection, 87% of households were found to have no protection Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a Capacity Gap (CG) in protection." 296931,52264.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,22,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_n22_mve_nord-kivu_drc_01_03_2021.pdf,[MVE] Cumul des cas confirmés : 8 cas dont 4 décès (02 décès en dehors du CTE). 286525,51252.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,143,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"Trend analysis: Since the establishment of surveillance in 2016, and the scale-up of the nutrition response in North-East Nigeria, data from assessments and programmes show acute malnutrition levels have remained persistently high in Yobe (above 10%), while in Borno the acute malnutrition prevalence tends to vary according to seasonality (i.e. high during both the rainy and lean seasons) and the scale of response (influenced by number of partners and access). The acute malnutrition prevalence in Adamawa state has remained relatively stable, with little variation over the seasons. Similar trends are expected in the projection period in all areas, compared to historical data used for analysis using the same time period, factoring in the possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the escalation of armed conflict." 172432,40676.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Impact indirect sur les moyens d’existence et les conditions de vie : Les restrictions de mouvements et le ralentissement économique entraînent des pertes de revenus, avec des conséquences majeures pour les personnes ayant des revenus faibles." 239133,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,48,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Afghanistan is particularly vulnerable due to limited availability of properly equipped medical facilities, inadequate numbers of trained medical staff, a large influx of returnees neighbouring countries during recent weeks, and lack of technical and financial resources to support local government in tackling the pandemic." 36918,13321.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,44,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"Data collection for the Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) was completed on 17 April across the BAY states. A total of 9,166 households (6,454 from the host communities and 2,712 from IDP camps) were interviewed across Borno State." 222933,44702.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"In Motoronyo village of Wulu County where there were no sufficient amenities, families were displaced into open locations under trees. Uneven rains pattern in previous years has made communities to resort into cultivation in lowlands which had capability of retention of water to ensure better harvest. These locations proved disastrous when flooding occurred." 322158,54720.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-97-deaths/68132,"[26 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh shuts border with India: Bangladesh has closed its border with India for any kind of movement except that of cargoes for the next 14 days from Monday as the coronavirus situation in the neighboring country goes out of control." 22388,9130.0,786.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.americasquarterly.org/content/180-day-plan-venezuela,Aid and investment directed to short life cycle cropscan yield a harvest within three to six months; restoring reliable meat and poultry production will take at least a year. Fully rebuilding agricultural production will take a decade or more and cost some $10 billion to $15 billion. 359916,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,61,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Kurigram district of Bangladesh faces the same child trafficking risk, also located in a remote area close to the Indian border. The local population in the research areas of these two countries are living in very remote areas, and the traditional gender norms and stereotypes are strongly entrenched." 245827,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Residents’ injuries have sometimes led to a job loss. This “double loss” conflates several layers of hardship. While people are generally grappling with a severe economic crisis, healthcare expenses to treat injuries constitute a burden heavier than usual, on top of difficult living conditions. The problem is exacerbated when those injured victims are additionally penalized with job loss due to their temporary incapacity to work, and their recovery from this double loss seems unmanageable." 412925,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.9 Experience in seeking mental health services: More than half of patients bearing mental illness could not seek treatment due to the fear of corona infection during the pandemic: A total of 37 households (1.5%) reported that some of their family members took mental health-related treatment during the pandemic—slightly more in the urban level households than the rural ones (1.7% vs. 1.4%)." 158978,39161.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Adapted education and protection activities are essential to mitigate the negative impact of school closures on children’s learning, wellbeing and future. Coordinated actions and financial support will be needed to ensure continued and inclusive learning and, whenever possible, a safe return to education in emergencies for learners and teachers, particularly for those most vulnerable" 188143,43352.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Population To Relief'],en,56,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"28 April 2020: In Kaya city, Sanmatenga province, Centre-Nord region, IDPs, mostly women and children, organised a demonstration in front of the town hall to show their discontent with the Social Action department food distribution which, according to them, has repeatedly benefited some IDPs while neglecting others." 300769,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In Q4, the HAG recorded 68 incidents stemming from violence against humanitarians, a decrease compared to the 86 recorded in Q3 but nonetheless above Q1 and Q2 numbers. The drop can be predominantly attributed to a decrease in the number of incidents initiated by criminal elements." 358471,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Coping strategies reported in communities connected to affected water stations included reducing water consumption (57%) and relying on less preferred sources of water (43%), which have the potential to contribute to disease and illness. If the usage of untreated water increases, methods for improving water quality are reportedly not in the routine of most households." 305728,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,While Azum locality where the camp is located is in ‘crisis’ phase acute food insecurity (Level 3) according to IPC data from August 2019. food assistance eligibility is limited to persons with specific needs and assessed vulnerability. 223694,44702.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"As the floods are increasing, swiftness of the response is highly required to target the affected people as no other sources of livelihood are present." 111715,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,97,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para los niños, ser indagados sobre su lugar de origen, su estado migratorio, su estado de salud se convierte en una fuente de temor. Dada la desconfianza que genera en los adultos dar respuesta sobre estos asuntos (por los riesgos de la xenofobia, por ejemplo), los niños prefieren guardar silencio y hablar sobre otros asuntos. La percepción de sí mismos como venezolanos y de los colombianos como receptores está cargada de desconfianza y temor (por ejemplo, cómo se ven a sí mismos, culpables)." 268467,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] This indicates that the COVAX allocations’ will not be affected by doses donated by other suppliers and that the WHO will meet the regime’s requirements in line with its own protocols and regulations." 279148,50217.0,2333.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,23,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,il est estimé que près de 2 millions de personnes seront en insécurité alimentaire en 2021 dans toutes les régions du pays. 230383,46716.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2020/12/31/in-pictures-rohingya-refugees-sent-to-remote-bangladeshi-island,"[31st December 2020, Cox's Bazar] The Bangladeshi government has relocated more than 3,000 Rohingya to a remote island in the Bay of Bengal, despite concerns from rights groups that many of the persecuted refugees might have beencoerced intomoving to the flood-prone island. At least 1,800 refugees were shipped to the Bhashan Char island on Tuesday, weeks after the first batch of 1,600 Rohingya were transferred. The government plans to eventually move 100,000 Rohingya to the remote island as it aims to decongest refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, which shelter approximately one million Rohingya." 206827,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"With already high levels of poverty in the region (41.7% in Adamawa and 30% in the East), the influx of Central African refugees has overburdened the already limited basic services to meet the needs of the original population." 204315,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,64% des ménages [de Tahoua] ont rapporté avoir consommé des aliments moins préférés ou moins chers. 670,156.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Higher percentage of returnee and IDP households reported members with at least two or more signs of psychological distress compared to non-displaced households - 46.7% of IDP households and 39.0% of returnee households reported the following compared to only 23.5% of non-displaced households, possibly linked to the displacement dynamics faced by these population groups." 114195,31147.0,1898.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,El cierre de los sistemas educativos ha impactado directamente en la población estudiantil de El Salvador (aproximadamente 1.1 millón de personas). La COVID-19 224200,45763.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,28,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,L’impact des inondations sur les stocks de céréales des ménages est important en raison de l’épuisement des stocks pendant cette période de soudure. 207331,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Population movement has resulted in an increased demand on basic social services and sustainable livelihoods. Returning populations require economic assistance to facilitate their reintegration. More than 800 former members of Boko Haram recently interviewed express a considerable need for psychosocial care, socio-professional capacity building and support for economic recovery." 225394,45087.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"A significant number of returnees have also come back to Afghanistan since the outbreak started. According to the International Organization of Migration (IOM), over 597,000 Afghans have deported or returned voluntarily to home both due to the impacts of COVID-19 as well as the deteriorating status of economy of Iran. In an October 2020 Situation report1, IOM noted that due to coronavirus transmission fears in Iran, spontaneous returns continue, with a total of 25,917 undocumented Afghans returned from Iran through the Milak (Nimroz) and Herat (Islam Qala) borders between 27 Sep – 03 Oct 2020." 303521,53037.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Les ménages urbains pauvres, dont les réfugiés urbains, les déplacés internes et la population hôte vivant sous le seuil de pauvreté, restent les plus touchés par le ralentissement de l'économie et la perte d'activités génératrices de revenus." 133884,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,201,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"DOCUMENTACIÓN En los grupos focales con población venezolana y entrevistas a actores claves también se resaltaron los problemas que les afectan debido a la falta de documentación adecuada en Panamá. Las personas solicitantes de la condición de refugiado que aún no han sido admitidas a trámite presentan serios problemas para su identificación en Panamá ante la variabilidad de documentación que la ONPAR ha entregado (según el periodo en que solicitaron, las personas pueden tener un post-it con número de registro y fecha de cita, una hoja con nombre y código QR pero sin firma ni sello, o un carnet blanco de ONPAR). Esta circunstancia les pone en una situación de riesgo ante posibles abusos policiales y de agentes de migración en la calle, ya que no Para el desarrollo de ciertas actividades económicas, el Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) además requiere de un carnet blanco y/o un carnet verde (carnets sanitarios y de manejo de alimentos), que se otorgan a través de un proceso de solicitud y criterios (capacitación, revisión odontológica y médica, documentación), una vez se cuente con permiso de trabajo." 290545,51817.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,85,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"[Nyunzu] Parmi les défis dans les zones de retour, il y a notamment l’occupation illégale des habitations. En effet, sur l’axe Muhuya – Mokimbo - Katemwe, situé au sud de Nyunzu, sur près 1 200 ménages retournés, environ 890, soit 74% occupent illégalement des maisons appartenant à des familles en déplacement. Cette situation est susceptible de créer des tensions entre les occupants actuels des maisons et les vrais propriétaires." 17090,7092.0,322.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],en,63,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"To date, 229,912 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition, 295,026 children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition and 220,799 PLW with acute malnutrition, were admitted for treatment. In addition, 512,033 children received micronutrient powders, while over 1.2 million women received IYCF counselling. Approximately 207,403 children aged 6-23 months and 251,977 PLW were reached through Blanket Supplementary Feeding programmes." 289615,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster is supporting partners with life-saving humanitarian cargo to scale up logistic service provision in the six counties. Pibor and Akobo airstrips recently became accessible for fixed-wings aircrafts and are now served from Juba, while previously served with helicopters from Bor." 293635,51569.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,23,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,The flood continues to exert pressure on already fragile health systems in the county (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted) 276375,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,59,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"En principe la constitution de la quatrième république, stipule dans son article 37 que: «Jusqu’à leur codification, les règles coutumières et traditionnelles ne s'appliquent que dans les communautés ou elles sont reconnues. Toutefois, les coutumes contraires à l'ordre public ou celles qui prônent l'inégalité entre les citoyens sont interdites»." 151032,38086.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"le secteur privé africain regroupé dans AFRO CHAMPION, a initié la riposte des africains face à la pandémie du Coronavirus en Afrique à travers la plateforme COVAR COVID-19 en Afrique. « COVAR est la réponse de l’Afrique au COVID-19. Il s’inscrit dans l’initiative de l’Union Africain et a pour objectif de mobiliser le secteur privé africain pour apporter une réponse coordonnée et soutenir les Etats africains dans la lutte contre la COVID-19 »" 328768,54713.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Nutrition LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 71% for no or mininal and lowest was 1% for extreme+. Similarly highest percentage of households per Nutrition LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 68% for no or minimal and lowest was 2% for extreme+." 223791,45880.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,La majorité des femmes interrogées à Goma et à Kinshasa ont déclaré que la nourriture et la capacité à nourrir leurs enfants étaient leur priorité et qu'elles avaient des préoccupa�ons pour les mois à venir concernant l'accessibilité de la nourriture. 291684,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Politics']",en,30,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Although women are numerically the majority of Cameroon's young and adult population, they are largely excluded from security operations, conflict resolution processes and peace-building in general." 355451,58196.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Apoyo%20al%20ETPV_17062021_VFajustada_ESP%20%281%29.pdf,"Los refugiados reconocidos pueden acceder a una Visa de residente temporal, en este sen�do, no es necesario solicitar el PPT. Los solicitantes de la condición de refugiado en trámite que cuenten con el Salvoconducto de Permanencia SC-2 pueden optar por solicitar el PPT." 197914,43603.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Despite restrictions on movement in the COVID-19 context, UNHCR continues to provide life-saving assistance to refugees and asylum seekers, in a complex humanitarian situation, compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, armed conflict, floods and an infestation of desert locusts." 185953,43194.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,73,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,La province de Tshuapa enregistre en août 2020 les prix du panier alimentaire les plus élevés : pour tous les territoires étudiés (6 sur 7) le PMA dépasse les 250 000 et même les 300 000 FC pour deux d'entre eux. Le seuil des 3 marchés n'est pas atteint pour l'analyse de la province mais on observe à l'échelle des marchés une augmentation des prix médians du PMA généralisée. 188182,31146.0,1900.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,La situación se agrava debido a que estas zonas son de alta vulnerabilidad social y carecen de servicios básicos. 235975,46890.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"This figure [245,911 people assisted as of august 2020] represents an 8 percent decrease compared to the 269,179 people assisted in July. The decrease is mainly due to the end of projects of two key partners." 295060,52363.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"41% of the people interviewed mentioned that at least one member of their household had experienced symptoms mental health concerns, including anxiety, reduced sleep or crying episodes during the seven days prior to data collection. Twenty- seven percent of all respondents reported that he/she or a member of the household had reduced hours of sleep, 24% reported symptoms of anxiety and 16% reported crying episodes. At the departmental level, households residing in the departments of Nariño, Atlántico and Valle del Cauca are those that present a higher proportion of households with members that have present some type of symptom (see Graph 50). Only 30% of households who self-identified as being part of the indigenous community expressed affection in at least one symptom." 153928,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,35,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Existe un riesgo inminente de desalojo de las personas en tránsito debido a la no aceptación y xenofobia por parte de las comunidades receptoras en las diferentes regiones y por los mismos entes gubernamentales. 358737,58517.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/regreso-a-clases-presenciales-asi-sera-el-regreso-a-colegios-en-colombia-593328,"Una novedad es que no es necesario el cierre del establecimiento educativo si se presenta un contagio en las aulas. En cambio, se debe evaluar si es necesario aislar el grupo fijo de trabajo del estudiante infectado." 245782,47762.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,60,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"262.986 millones de pesos para atender la educación durante la pandemia, distribuidos así: - Montos girados a los Fondos de Servicios Educativos de los colegios oficiales para la adquisición de elementos para el aprendizaje en casa. $187.976 millones - Valor de la financiación del Programa de Alimentación Escolar - PAE en casa. $75.000 millones" 158074,38779.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"12,271 # of refugees benefitting from Multi - Purpose Cash Grant(MPCG) in response to COVID-19." 224220,45763.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"de nombreuses écoles, sinon la totalité, restent fermées faute d’enseignants en raison non seulement du manque de pouvoir d’achat des Associations de Parents d’Elèves (APE) pour leur assurer une prise en charge, mais également de la vétusté des infrastructures scolaires très affectées par les pluies torrentielles." 163840,34549.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Awareness-raising campaigns on methods and practices to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the livestock supply chain. 228672,46627.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"As borders have closed completely, desperate migrants may turn to even more dangerous means of crossing" 247802,48085.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,101,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"On 18 December, South Africa announced the detection of a new variant of COVID-19, termed 501Y.V2. The variant has the same N501Y mutation found in the UK variant (termed B.1.1.7), which may make it more transmissible, but it is different from the UK variant in that it has two other spike protein mutations. On 24 December, it was announced that a new variant— different from the variant found in South Africa and UK —was detected in Nigeria, with researchers still in the early process of conducting studies to understand it." 573,156.0,321.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,59,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"IDP households were affected by ongoing and multiple displacements, with 46.9% of IDP households having been displaced more than once. Their most reported push and pull factors revolved mainly around security – leaving because of insecurity/conflict in an area (78.8%), choosing another location for its perceived security (47.7%)." 272628,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Le contexte actuel est en évolution rapide et requiert une analyse objective conjointe et dynamique par les services de l’Etat et les partenaires afin de prendre en compte les nuances de contexte des différentes zones dans le temps, dans les mesures à apporter pour garantir l’accès des acteurs humanitaires." 308277,53353.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,18,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[13 APR 2021, GOS] 53% of sub-districts have sufficient knowledge of COVID-19 risk." 295560,52400.0,2098.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,93,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] A brief description of sectoral needs follows: Livelihoods and basic needs; There is an immediate need for food and water to be provided to the displaced communities (hence the inclusion of the provision of food and bottled water as part of this DREF operation). It should be noted however that the longer-term need for food and water continues to be met by relevant agencies, particularly WFP, as part of the ongoing population movement operation" 223964,46071.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Il est estimé que près de 10,9 millions de personnes ont désormais des 12 besoins liés aux violences basées sur le genre, soit une augmentation de 43 pour cent par rapport au PRH originel" 159637,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"From the assessment that was done in the eight northcentral and northwest states of Nigeria, it was observed that almost all the internally displaced persons (IDPs) knew about a new disease called COVID-19.Awareness campaigns were the most common means of getting information on COVID-19 at 35 per cent, followed closely by news at 34 per cent and word of mouth at 29 per cent. When comparing the level of awareness by states, awareness campaigns in Katsina were the highest among the assessed states at 61 per cent, 53 per cent in Plateau, 40 per cent in Kano, 39 per cent in Zamfara and 35 per cent in Benue state" 291389,51191.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,35,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Hospitals and clinics continue to report challenges maintaining or expanding their facilities’ capacity to treat patients with COVID-19, as well as maintaining essential health services, especially in areas of active conflict." 293566,51589.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,"RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider longer-term implications of humanitarian interventions and programming, not just for one’s own organisation, but for all other organisations working in Afghanistan. Likewise, consider how our interventions over time could empower unintended actors." 243456,47668.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"The record rainfall in 2020 has impacted 20 out of 23 provinces in Chad, mostly the central, eastern and southern provinces. Some 64,670 households (or 388,000 people) have been affected in one way or another by the floods across the country this year." 150726,32327.0,1184.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"más del 90% de los encuestados en Venezuela, Ecuador y Perú informan que pueden acceder a inodoros y baños" 116967,32230.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,88,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://efectococuyo.com/venezuela-migrante/ligia-bolivar-acnur-niega-base-legal-para-que-venezolanos-reciban-proteccion-como-refugiados/,"Los refugiados son personas que huyen de conflictos armados o de la persecución, según el concepto clásico y más limitado. La Convención sobre el Estatuto de los Refugiados de 1951 y su Protocolo de 1967 define quién es un refugiado y establece los derechos básicos que los estados deben brindarles. Uno de los principios fundamentales establecidos en el derecho internacional es que los refugiados no deben ser expulsados o devueltos a las situaciones en las que sus vidas y su libertad puedan verse amenazadas." 206549,44553.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=211260,"[24th November, 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 7369, out of which 3213 ones have recovered while 385 others have passed away." 319540,54426.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,10,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"To date, UNHCR has biometrically registered 44,470 refugees." 189744,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,91,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"En dépit des initiatives de lutte contre la désertification et d´amélioration des revenus et des conditions de vie des populations entreprises par le Tchad, les défis restent énormes au vu de la complexité de la problématique. Des fortes pluviométries enregistrées dans la zone sud et au Nord occasionnent des inondations qui provoquent des pertes en vies humaines et des destructions des habitations et des cultures. En 2019, plus de 170 000 personnes ont perdu leurs habitations et cultures au Nord, à l´Est et au Sud." 67763,19750.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,61,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71782.pdf,"Salud: 7.957 beneficiarios. Acceso a salud (atención en salas de emergencia, orientación y apoyo en costos médicos, atención prenatal). 3.752 beneficiarios. Atención psicosocial en centros de escucha. 4.079 beneficiarios. Atención a personas con discapacidad: entrega de órtesis, prótesis, terapias físicas, sillas de ruedas. 126 beneficiarios." 304258,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,88,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"La plupart des ménages pauvres dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest en conflit étant déjà confrontés à des menaces de l’insécurité alimentaire suit à l'épuisement rapide et précoce des réserves alimentaires, de l'augmentation des prix des denrées de base dans un contexte de faible pouvoir d'achat et d'assistance humanitaire insuffisante, le nombre de personnes confrontées à la Crise (Phase 3 de l'IPC) de l'insécurité alimentaire aiguë continuera d'augmenter et culminera pendant la période de soudure à partir de Février." 219209,45748.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In week 44, 2020 IDSR reporting completeness and Timeliness were at 75% at health facility level. EWARN reporting completeness and timeliness were 57%." 192770,43603.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,30,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Due to fear of COVID-19 transmission and increased stigmatization, host communities are less willing to support migrant population, further exposing them to heightened vulnerabilities to protection risks." 70687,20012.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,71,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"Militias’ shifting alliances have added fluidity to battle lines and an overall complexity to the conflict, with each group fighting alongside and against each other at different times. Over the past eight years, armed clashes of varying intensity between rival militias have been a regular feature in and around the capital and in other parts of the country, with disastrous consequences for the civilian population." 356103,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Al analizar los resultados para las 23 principales ciudades del país se observa que, en 2020, las ciudades con una mayor tasa de pobreza monetaria fueron Quibdó (66,1%), Riohacha (57,1%) y Santa Marta (55,1%), mientras que las ciudades con una menor tasa de pobreza monetaria fueron Manizales (32,4%), Medellín (32,9%) y Cali (36,7%)." 126122,34397.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,17,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,el 45% de los hogares de acogida tiene un hogar mediano. (4-6 miembros) 160054,37891.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=200072,"In a statement, the Ministry said that the total number of patients infected with the Coronavirus reached 1593, and the total number of recoveries is 408 while the total number of deaths reached 60." 180569,42290.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les biens des personnes déplacées sont restés dans les zones de provenances ; du bétail, des greniers, des terrains, la volaille, les infrastructures d’entreprise. Tous ces biens sont accaparés, pillés, incendiés ou détruits par les hommes armés non identifiés." 297672,52576.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://cdn1.internationalmedicalcorps.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/IntlMedCorps-Ebola_in_DRC_Situation-Report-39.pdf,"1,083 people have been vaccinated against Ebola since this new outbreak started" 398828,62614.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/20210727_fsl_coordination_meeting.pdf,"[27 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] The most vulnerable people in Cox’s Bazar district - marginalized and low-income households - have been seriously affected by the widespread effects of COVID-19 transmission, the strict countrywide lock down, restrictions." 186646,43272.0,2335.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,1.6 MILLION Estimated Number of IDPs in South Sudan UN – July 2020 148452,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"SARC has also prepared a four-month plan to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, covering a range of preparedness, containment and mitigation measures, totaling $10.4 million. On 8 May, UNRWA launched an updated $93.4 million Flash Appeal to expand their humanitarian response to the pandemic, over the next three months. As of end May, the appeal was 57 per cent funded." 322764,54779.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",fr,77,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2021/04/27/election-du-secretaire-executif-de-la-sadc-le-botswana-prend-une-longueur-davance-sur-la,"En mars dernier, a eu lieu la présélection de deux candidats en lice, à savoir le Congolais Faustin Luanga et le Botswanais Elias Magosi. La planification de la SADC prévoit la tenue des interviews de deux candidats en mai 2021, ainsi que la sélection et la nomination du prochain Secrétaire exécutif de la SADC en août 2021, au cours du sommet des chefs d'État et de gouvernement de cette organisation sous-régionale." 157002,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],es,46,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 76.1% de las personas monitoreadas tienen nacionalidad venezolana. A esta cifra le sigue un 12.8% de colombianos, un 9.8% de personas con doble nacionalidad (colombiana y venezolana) y un 1.2% de personas en riesgo de apatridia." 328644,54710.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 7% households with a vulnerable primary income earner 223919,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Les jeunes filles et les femmes considèrent les messages sur la pandémie difficile à comprendre parque ils sont soit en français soit en variation de swahili qui n’est pas bien compris. 291406,51191.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Concurrently, cold winter conditions continue to cause suffering for Afghans in inadequate shelter and millions are struggling to keep themselves warm amid soaring poverty driven by the economic shock of COVID-19." 425352,64291.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,100,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’accès à la santé est cité comme l’un des trois besoins prioritaires pendant l’évaluation, 93% des personnes touchées par cette enquête ont affirmé avoir des difficultés d’accès aux soins de santé, Les maladies fréquentes évoquées sont le paludisme, la malnutrition et la diarrhée. Plus de 11% des femmes/filles enquêtées sont en état de grossesse et n’ont pas eu de soins ni de formation sanitaire depuis leur arrivée à Silmagué, Lors du déplacement 2 femmes enceintes ont eu de problèmes comme fausse couche." 346886,56987.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Since 2020, perceptions of an increase in children dropping out from learning opportunities due to child marriage and labour have been reported and financial challenges were frequently cited as a barrier to accessing distance learning. 14% of households with children previously in education said they do not plan to send all their children back to TLCs when education resumes. This was most prevalent in households with high dependency ratios." 322884,54747.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 43% households reporting relying on unstable income sources to meet basic needs. 63095,18663.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,241,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"WASH According to the evaluations conducted in projects implemented together by the IFRC and VRC (Strengthening Lifestyles and Strengthening Community Resilience), water service is the most deteriorated public service in the country. The scarcity and low quality of water is common throughout the country, and authorities are implementing an alternate distribution of the water supply depending on local capacities. A lack of maintenance to the water and sewage systems has resulted in poor quality water supplies, multiple malfunctions and inconsistent repairs in areas that have remained without water for more than 15 continuous days on occasions. Currently, the population is struggling to cope with this complicated situation. Some households have purchased water tanks and are buying water from private trucks, but many other communities do not have this financial capacity. The low level of water potability makes safe consumption of this water almost impossible. In fact, there has been an increased number of water-borne diseases, such as the recent outbreak of hepatitis A, mainly in the states of Capital District, Falcón, Zulia and Apure. The lack of sanitation has generated a scenario with multiple diseases in the population, such as intestinal and skin infections among others. Open defecation is practiced by the 29% of rural population in Venezuela, third worst in Latin America after Bolivia and Haiti." 150481,38003.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,26,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200817-syria-issues-new-travel-regulations-during-covid-19/,The new regulations also stipulate that travellers to Lebanon should also take the test no later than 24 hours before the time of their flight. 206551,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]” A significant share of the population of Somalia reportedly does not have reliable access to safe drinking water: over four million people were reportedly found to be without a sufficient quantity of water." 346186,56953.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,60,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/colombia-responding-conflict-and-displacement-nari-o,"Escalating conflict between armed groups in the rural Roberto Payán municipality, in western Colombia’s Nariño department, has forced more than 1,500 people to flee their homes. People from the Unión de Cuenca community council area are now living in unacceptable conditions in schools and other buildings, which are not equipped to safely house them" 229389,46461.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Norwegian Refugee Council currently maintains presence in 18 provinces, with five key area offices in Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, and Mazar-e-Sharif, as well as field offices in hard-to-reach provinces of Nangarhar, Faryab, Khost, Kunduz, Nimroz, Sar-e-Pul, Zabul, Nimroz, Kunar, Badghisand Uruzgan. Field offices serve as a base from which mobile teams access neighbouring provinces and districts within provinces, giving NRC wider coverage." 291394,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"While 15 laboratories are now operating in Afghanistan, the capacity of these facilities remains limited and stocks of supplies have periodically run out" 344137,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,118,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"Depuisle début de l’année 2016, le Burkina Faso est confronté au phénomène des attaques terroristes qui sévit dans plusieurs régions du pays. Poury faire face, le gouvernement met en oœuvre des actions, sous la houlette du Chef de l’Etat, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, qui intègrent aussi bien la prévention que la lutte. A cet effet, une stratégie centrée sur les actions militaires, le développement socio-économique, la dimension sociologique et de coopération internationale est mise en œuvre. Dans son Discours sur la situation de la nation prononcé le 20 mai 2021, le Premier ministre a déroulé les grands axes de cette politique." 303487,52890.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],es,70,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"La mayoría de las personas que deciden quedarse en Cúcuta, o en otras par- tes de Colombia, lo hacen por las siguientes razones: * Es lo más cercano que pueden estar de sus familiares. * Es el destino donde se necesita menos dinero para llegar. * Aún no se necesita visado para acceder a él. * Facilidad de ir y venir por trochas." 356607,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,115,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La Policía colombiana depende del Ministerio de Defensa y con frecuencia ha sido desplegada para combatir a grupos armados junto con las Fuerzas Armadas, lo cual ha hecho que no exista una separación clara sobre las diferentes funciones de estas dos fuerzas. En situaciones de conflicto armado, el uso de la fuerza se rige por el derecho internacional humanitario, y las reglas son muy distintas a las de contextos civiles, tales como en protestas. Asimismo, los policías implicados en abusos a menudoson juzgados en tribunales militares, donde hay pocas probabilidades de que los agentes respondan por esos abusos dada su tradicional opacidad y falta de independencia." 437751,64217.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,93,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Si bien, el 95% de encuestadas tenía información sobre la pandemia por COVID-19, cuentan con poca información precisa sobre cómo se transmite y se previene el contagio del virus. Algunas niñas y adolescentes reportan prácticas preventivas de bioseguridad, especialmente el lavado de manos y el uso de mascarillas. Las condiciones sanitarias de algunas de sus viviendas dificultan las prácticas de prevención del contagio. Esta condición se incrementa, especialmente, porque comparten la misma vivienda con otras familias, en espacios pequeños y densamente poblados." 164020,34165.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,79,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Educación Necesidades: • En Córdoba: existen pocas garantías para el acceso a la educación de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Dentro del ELC de Córdoba, Tierra de Hombres ha conversado con algunos rectores de los colegios de la zona, con el fin de tomar acciones para garantizar el segundo semestre del año escolar en Puerto Libertador y Tierralta, ya que, por razones asociadas a la pandemia no es un hecho seguro." 304046,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"While refugees often benefit from generous support provided by host communities, local resources remain scarce and local service systems are often unable to keep up with increased demand for services." 169206,39944.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,May 21 NWS: Social media and communication tools have been recruited effectively in collecting health information and communicating health messaging. IHD has dedicated a WhatsApp number to respond to queries from public on COVID-19. Diaspora networks have also been involved in providing remote consultations and support to members of the public as well as to their medical colleagues on the ground. Facebook has been used to organize the volunteer campaigns and to convey messages considering the wide use of Facebook in the northwest Syria. 425354,64291.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"35% des groupes de personnes enquêtées consomment des eaux provenant des sources non protégées (Puits non aménagés), Les points d’eau les plus ou moins distants sont à 4 km du site des déplacés, 81% des groupes de personnes visitées affirment n’avoir pas suffisamment de matériels pour le transport et le stockage d’eau. Le site des déplacés ne dispose pas de suffisamment de latrines ce qui réduit les déplacés à recourir à la Défécation à l’Air Libre (DAL) aux alentours du site." 130793,33838.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,25,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Congelamiento de tarifas del servicio de agua y reconexión de servicio de agua en personas de ingresos bajos que no han pagado el servicio. 286914,51627.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Several participants indicated the possible positive prevention effects of lockdown, if implemented correctly by allowing essential services such as food aid for those in need. However, even these participants indicated this would be difficult in camps. “The curfew might be good to solve and overcome the coronavirus problem, but it has a strong negative impact in terms of poverty and hunger. If we stay home we're not relieved, and if we go out to work we're not relieved.”" 228104,46471.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,25,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-global-cases-near-78-million/62354,"The government has been warning of a second Covid-19 infection wave and has been strictly implementing ‘no mask, no service’ policy." 185894,40859.0,1898.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,105,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-09-21%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2014-20%20de%20sep%202020.pdf,"EL SALVADOR ACNUR firmó un acuerdo con el Gobierno para abrir oficinas en El Salvador con el fin de ampliar la protección y la asistencia a miles de desplazados internos. Una de las primeras prioridades de la nueva oficina es ayudar al Gobierno a reunir información actualizada sobre los desplazados internos, ya que el último estudio de este tipo publicado en 2018 utiliza la información de 2006 a 2016, donde se contabilizan 71.500 desplazados internos. De acuerdo con ACNUR en El Salvador, la operación también está dando prioridad a un marco jurídico para la protección de los desplazados internos." 132494,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,171,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Con el fin de abordar las necesidades existentes, la estrategia de la respuesta se enfocará en desarrollar una relación estrecha entre las comunidades peruana y venezolana. Esto incluye el fortalecimiento de Comunicación con las Comunidades (CcC), estrategias de comunicación masiva, redes de la comunidad, empoderamiento en derechos humanos y promoción activa de la ciudadanía. En este marco, el GTRM ha implementado una campaña de comunicación común llamada #TuCausaEsMiCausa, que comprende a las organizaciones nacionales, internacionales y venezolanas en actividades conjuntas con las comunidades locales. Los socios asegurarán una amplia gama de actividades que promuevan la integración entre refugiados y migrantes y la comunidad de acogida, especialmente en relación con la campaña #TuCausaEsMiCausa. Estas incluirán la toma de conciencia acerca de la diversidad, complementariedad y prevención de la xenofobia y la discriminación. Las actividades culturales entre las comunidades incluirán los deportes, arte, gastronomía, música y el mejoramiento de espacios públicos." 322026,54318.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,27,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"El 64,8% de los NNA acompañados se quedó al menos una vez sin alimentación durante los últimos 3 meses por falta de dinero o recursos." 202690,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Insecurity in the Far North is disrupting the health and education system and further exacerbating the already limited access to basic social services. Health epidemics such as cholera, poliomyelitis and measles are recurrent." 391246,61470.0,2028.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Percentage of households consuming iron, protein and vitamin A-rich foods by frequency: Iron: Daily 0%, Sometimes 24% and Never 76%. Protein: Daily 26%, Sometimes 61% and Never 12%. Vitamin A: Daily 32%, Sometimes 52% and Never 15%." 291397,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"The Government of Afghanistan and the UN have initiated a number of steps to prepare for the rollout of a COVID-19 vaccine across the country, including the development of a National Vaccine Deployment Plan (NVDP)." 14215,5505.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302700718,"ADEN, 25th July, 2018 (WAM) -- The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, has said that it will continue to provide humanitarian aid to all Yemenis, particularly those with special needs, because they were the most affected people during the war started by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias. The ERC added that it is keen to support the ""Hayat Society for Early Intervention Association,"" through organising a training course for people with disabilities and improving the skills of teachers to deal such children and develop their cognitive behaviour." 194805,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic is generating new humanitarian needs, especially as compelled by the impact of the locust infestation as well as Gu’ flooding. At the same time, the impact of this pandemic has the potential to affect the humanitarian outcomes of people already targeted in the HRP, particularly the 2.6 million people living in highly congested IDP sites, by exposing them to additional risk and exhausting coping capacities." 144451,34804.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Consultations with reproductive health actors reveal that mothers’ access to antenatal care (ANC) and post-natal care (PNC) has declined, with more than 50 percent of mothers not utilizing ANC/PNC services. Chronic malnutrition is rapidly increasing, with rates at 29% compared to 19% last year at the same time" 304463,50891.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"Discussions with the Local, State and Federal Ministries have advocated for a more engaged response to the Chikungunya outbreak in the Red Sea State and resulted in greater urgency from mobilized officials and improved access to resources. With outbreaks in Kassala and West Darfur subsiding, activities have shifted to post-emergency and long-term prevention measures including a causation and mitigation study and community discussions involving 697 community members." 266933,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,52,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"The ranks of Koglweogo vigilante groups have swollen since the organisation was formed in 2015. There are now as many as 4,500 self-defence militias counting between 20,000 and 45,000 members [Rémi Carayol, “Les milices prolifèrent au Burkina Faso”,Le Monde Diplomatique, May 2020]." 229658,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Strengthening MIYCN messaging to ensure that best childcare practices are adhered to by the mother 196089,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Partners have, however, quickly adapted to the situation and increased levels of response significantly in April and May 2020 (70 per cent of the target) to mitigate impact of the triple threat shocks to acute food insecurity. In addition, FSC partners have secured funds to reach 2.3 million people between July and September 2020. Resources are being mobilised to extend coverage to reach 3.1 million people through September (ongoing discussion with donors)" 204272,43976.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,95% des ménages [de Maradi] ont rapporté avoir consommé des céréales chaque jour de la semaine précédant l’enquête mais 60% des ménages n’ont pas consommé de viandes du tout. 192416,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Somalia is experiencing a triple threat: COVID-19-related humanitarian consequences, flooding and the worst Desert Locust upsurge in decades." 356589,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"“Las violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas por la policía en Colombia no son incidentes aislados de agentes indisciplinados, sino el resultado de fallas estructurales profundas”, señalóJosé Miguel Vivanco, director para las Américas de Human Rights Watch. “Se necesita una reforma seria que permita separar claramente a la Policía de las Fuerzas Militares y asegurar una supervisión y rendición de cuentas adecuada para impedir que estos abusos vuelvan a ocurrir o queden impunes”." 177559,41673.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/World/covid-19-global-caseload-approaching-near-39mn/59038,"[16th October 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh on Thursday saw another spike in Covid-19 patients as health authorities confirmed the detection of 1,600 new cases across the country in 24 hours, taking the caseload to 3,84,559." 168459,40262.0,1186.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AUG_Sitrep%20Plataforma%20Nacional_2_AB_ZH2.pdf,"• Given a drop in new cases with 1,556 (the lowest rate in three months), the Chilean Government has begun to gradually lift restrictions in the country in an attempt to reactivate the economy, though areas with a high level of new cases remain under quarantine." 123671,32567.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,71,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"1 June, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) welcomes the acceptance by the Government of National Accord and the “Libyan National Army” of the resumption of talks on the ceasefire and associated security arrangements based on the draft agreement submitted by UNSMIL to the parties during the Joint Military Commission talks (5 + 5) (JMC) on 23 February 2020." 111907,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,96,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"El SuperCADE es un sistema integrado de servicios donde se realizan bajo un mismo techo distintos trámites y se suministra información de entidades distritales, nacionales y privadas que ejercen funciones públicas para asegurar un servicio más efectivo, óptimo y oportuno. Su ubicación geográfica está ligada con el sistema de transporte masivo para garantizar el acceso a la población. El SuperCADE Social hace parte de esta misma red, pero se diseñó específicamente para la atención de la población migrante venezolana (Secretaría General Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá, s. f.)." 202033,44071.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,112,['Capacities & Response'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"OIM realizó un barrido en 23 albergues en Izabal (17 en Morales y 6 en Puerto Barrios) de un total de 36 existentes (19 en Morales y 17 en Puerto Barrios) – datos de 13 y 14 de noviembre. Se realizaron entrevistas presenciales con la persona o el grupo encargado de la gestión del albergue. Los datos preliminares de 14 albergues son: Niños, niñas y adolescentes menores de 18 años: 42% Hombres adultos de 18 a 59 años: 26% Mujeres adultas de 18 a 59 años: 24% Personas adultas mayores de 60 años o más: 9%" 236025,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"To support timely access of GBV survivors to multi-sector services, 15 organizations from the WASH cluster and 35 DTM focal points received an orientation and 95 copies of the GBV referral pathways." 171506,40704.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] EFSP staff rapidly reorganized the programmes in our three MTC by training Rohingya and host-community women to produce reusable cloth face masks. This equipped the women with livelihood skills while making masks to protect their own communities. This innovation aligned with the ISCG/Livelihood Working Group’s plan for blanket mask coverage in the camps." 733,156.0,321.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The highest proportion of households reporting negative waste management practices was in Derna city (10.5% buried or burned; 19.3% left in inappropriate location), Misrata (15% buried or burned; 5.2% left in inappropriate location) and Al Margab (14.4% buried or burned; 3.3% left in inappropriate location)" 473855,67199.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"El estudio RECOVR evidenció que más del 40% de niñas/os entre 6 y 18 años han desarrollado síntomas de ansiedad o preocupación adicional desde el inicio de la cuarentena (ver figura 9). La investigación del Centro Nacional de Consultoría, Universidad de los Andes y Probogotá (2021)10, por su parte, mostró que para el 35% de las personas con rol de cuidado consultadas, los estudiantes se sienten más ansiosos respecto al periodo previo de clases no presenciales y el 29% dijo que estos tienen problemas para concentrarse. Estos datos anticipan lo que puede estar pasando en un país en el que sus habitantes ya enfrentaban múltiples factores que afectaban su salud mental." 215116,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[13thDec2020,Nigeria] Nigeria recorded 3,820 fresh COVID-19 cases last week, the highest in over four months, PREMIUM TIMES’ review of official data shows." 304055,50891.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"Much of this [improved] funding is dedicated to addressing the protection needs of South Sudanese out-of-camp refugee children and children on the move which resulted in 113,753 (58,359 boys, 55,364 girls) receiving support services." 210307,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,26,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Displacement further disrupts existing socio-economic networks. In areas where climatic shocks reduce already limited resources, violent intergroup conflict over access to resources increases." 64630,18830.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/venezolanos-en-hospitales-de-colombia-el-agravante-de-la-desnutricion/1444,"Una instantánea del Puente Simón Bolívar, en la frontera entre Venezuela y Colombia, resume fielmente la desproporción de la crisis que atraviesa la otrora potencia petrolera. Por ese lugar transitan a diario unas 35 mil personas, según cifras oficiales. La gran mayoría va a Colombia en busca de aquello que no logra conseguir en su país: principalmente, alimentos y medicinas. De hecho, en La Parada, una suerte de mercado popular fronterizo, es posible comprar medicamentos ilegalmente sin prescripción médica. Pero lo cierto es que algunas enfermedades requieren mucho más que unas pastillas de contrabando." 173801,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,136,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, North East Nigeria]The continuing trend of increasing returns continued in this round of assessment with 1,714,682 (276,479 households) returnees recorded in the DTM Round 33 assessment, an increment of 9,115 (less than 1%) from the number (1,705,567) recorded in the last round of assessment that was conducted in June 2020. The increase is lower than the 31,705 or 2 per cent increment that was recorded between Round 31 (conducted in February 2020) and Round 32 assessments. Forty LGAs (670 sites) were assessed for returnees in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe during this round of assessment which is same as the number assessed in the last three rounds of assessments. In Borno, Nganzai remained inaccessible." 145395,36039.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,50,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Border crossings remain impacted as Syria and neighboring countries continue implementation of precautionary measures. Most land borders into Syria remain closed, with some limited exemptions (from Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon) including commercial and relief shipments, and movement of humanitarian and international organization personnel." 359438,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The Need Assessment Working Group’s Anticipatory Assessment Report reveals 49.2 per cent of women and girls feel safety and security is an issue in the current lockdown. The Human Rights Watch Report October 2020, Gender Monitoring Network consultation and BRAC study on COVID-19 in the slums, support the assumption of increased domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh." 215608,45277.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"Considering the important role businesses play, the World Bank also provided a$200 million grant in July to help provide relief to vulnerable people and businesses. This package supports the government’s effort to strengthen policies that promote faster recovery and keep basic infrastructure such as water, electricity, and telecommunications afloat and running." 105235,30545.0,1860.0,[],[],[],en,56,[],[],COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,https://www.who.int/hac/techguidance/tools/disrupted_sectors/adhsm_en.pdf?ua=1,"Anthropometric data are a static prevalence measure of the present nutritional situation. Weight for height (wasting) is used to assess and monitor nutritional status (acute malnutrition) in emergencies, whereas weight for age and height for age (stunting) are used to assess the long-term nutritional status of children." 185898,42499.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,111,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3681063,"Desde marzo, el WFP junto con sus socios y donantes de la cooperación internacional, sector privado y Sistema de Naciones Unidas han apoyado al Gobierno de El Salvador con la asistencia alimentaria a 149,300 personas vulnerables afectadas por la doble emergencia a través de transferencias de efectivo y entrega de alimentos. El WFP ha brindado asistencia a poblaciones vulnerables: las familias que viven en situación de pobreza impactadas por la pandemia de la COVID-19, personas con discapacidad, mujeres jefas de hogar, desplazados internos, jóvenes y personas que viven al día de empleos no formales y no cuentan con recursos para comprar alimentos." 150857,36671.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3662145,"El puerto de Acajutla, en Sonsonate, recibió la primera de dos embarcaciones que contienen los alimentos que el Gobierno distribuirá entre más de tres millones de hogares, como parte del Programa de Emergencia Sanitaria (PES)." 295302,51569.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"The following protection risks were confirmed, these including; separation of children, the orphans, elders from families, early/forced marriage, recruitment of child soldiers, rape, snake bites, wild animals, and different unidentified waterborne diseases (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 248943,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Dans le territoire de Fizi : les viols ont été commis dans le secteur de Ngandja, respectivement dans les groupements de Babungwe Sud, de Basikalangwa et de Basikasilu. Ces viols ont été commis, soit par des hommes armés non identifiés, soit par des hommes issus de la communauté." 189674,43300.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Les enfants ont un accès limité à la scolarité aussi bien au niveau préscolaire que primaire. Près de 78% de la population âgé de 15 ans et plus n´est pas scolarisée. La situation est plus alarmante dans les milieux de déplacement où l´absence des enseignants qualifiés et les infrastructures scolaires obligent plusieurs enfants à interrompre la scolarité. 326313,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of Non- IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (30%), Rely on surface water for drinking water (18%)." 408627,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Between 1985– 2020, more than 64,000 people identifying as indigenous in Cauca registered as victims4 of the conflict with the Unidad para las Víctimas, the Colombian office in charge of keeping this registry." 223957,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,54,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon les entrevues avec les prestataires de santé, certains hommes, affectés dans leur bienêtre, courent le risque de développer des problèmes de santé mentale du fait qu’ils ne se sentent plus à la hauteur pour subvenir aux besoins de leurs familles à cause de la baisse de revenu." 194265,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"A Kinshasa, les ZS hot spots, pour les 7 012 cas dont l’information a été communiquée, sont celles de Gombe (830/7012 ; 11,8%), Binza Ozone (751/7012 ; 10,7%), Limete (731/7012 ; 10,4%), Kokolo (670/7012 ; 9,6%), Lemba (522/7012 ; 7,4%), Binza Météo (476/7012 ; 6,8%) et Kasa Vubu (282/7012 ; 4,0%) (Figure 3)." 330137,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Covid-19->Vaccination']",es,93,[],"['Covid-19', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"Aunque durante unas semanas se unificaron las fases en las prin cipales ciudades del Vaupés Amazonas y Guainía, aún no se ha resuelto qué pasará con el resto de población que vive en municipios y corregimientos a lo largo del río. Gerson Bermont, director de Promoción y Prevención del Ministerio de Salud, le dijo aEl Espectadoren febrero que los biológicos de Janssen eran los más indicados para estas zonas, porque son de una sola dosis y su cadena de frío requiere temperaturas entre 2 y 8 °C." 261778,49486.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Chocó, Valle del Cauca, Nariño y Cauca: Las comunidades de los municipios del Alto Baudó, Bojayá, Bahía Solano (Chocó), Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca), Roberto Payan, Barbacoas (Nariño) y Argelia (Cauca) las cuales han sido víctimas de confinamiento y desplazamiento, requieren una fuerte respuesta en WASH con el fin de garantizar el acceso con calidad a estos servicios que los protejan de adquirir enfermedades prevenible, dentro de las cuales se encuentra la COVID-19." 324007,52224.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,71,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] The factors that contributed to a stiff economic deterioration in 2020 are likely to persist well into 2021, leading to additional weakening of the Syrian pound on the informal market, which currently stands at a 74-percent depreciation year-on-year. This will have a significant effect on consumer prices, purchasing power and livelihoods and further worsen the food security situation." 224479,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Nutrition supplies at the program sites were available for 2 weeks except in Motoronyo and Aguod which have no sites. 202618,43256.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,60,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The nutritional status of children is deteriorating due to multiple issues related to health and food insecurity. There has also been an increase in early pregnancy, forced marriages, survival sex, child labor, forced recruitment of young men into non-state armed groups, and sexual and gender-based violence, including an increase of domestic violence." 322560,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] 100% of both IDP settlement and non-IDP settlement households found with multi-sectoral needs. 224227,45763.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,58,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,La promiscuité due au manque d’espace entrave le droit à l’intimité et à la dignité des femmes. Les violences basées sur le genre sont récurrentes sur fond de pesanteurs socio-culturelles et religieuses en vertu desquelles c’est l’homme qui commande tandis que la femme est reléguée au second plan. 340922,56137.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://minvivienda.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/recuperacion-del-sector-vivienda-se-mantiene-en-medio-de-la-pandemia,"Así mismo, la recuperación económica del sector se ha venido consolidando. Por ejemplo, según los resultados del Censo de Edificaciones revelados por el Dane, el área nueva iniciada crece 36,3%, jalonada también por el aumento en el área para edificaciones residenciales, que alcanza un incremento de 46,4% frente al 2020-I. Así mismo, el área paralizada se redujo -5,5%." 261783,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,Providencia y Santa Catalina: Continua la distribución de agua por medio de la UNGRD y la Cruz Roja Colombiana en algunas zonas de la isla. La acumulación de algunos pozos sépticos y aguas estancadas podrían aumentar el riesgo de proliferación de enfermedades transmisibles por vectores (al menos 1 caso de dengue ha sido identificado en la zona durante las últimas semanas). 490559,67789.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Education Needs: • Ongoing insecurity especially in hard-to-reach and high-risk LGAs continues to impact education services, especially the limited availability of teachers, who often cite risks of attacks and clashes." 494208,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,108,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] In August 2021, the national average price of a standard reference food basket increased by four percent compared to July 2021, reaching SYP 173,634. The national average food basket price was 28 percent higher than that of February 2021 (six months ago) and 107 percent higher compared to August 2020. This is the second consecutive month-on-month (m-o-m) increase in the food basket price since April 2021. This increase is mainly attributed to the ongoing fuel shortage countrywide and the increase in the informal price of diesel between July and August 2021." 322710,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Health LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 74% for no or minimal and lowest was 4% for extreme. Similary highest percentage of households per Health LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 78% for no or minimal and lowest was 0% for stress." 275492,50217.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Le non-financement de la réponse mettra la vie en danger de plus d’un million d’enfants. En plus, si les interventions de prévention de la malnutrition ne sont pas financées, les enfants du Niger ne pourront pas atteindre leur plein potentiel pour leur développement physique et cognitif. Ceci aura un impact négatif sur la résilience des populations et sur le développement économique du pays." 322960,54542.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-88-deaths-3629-new-cases/67989,"[23rd April 2021, Bangladesh] Health authorities have so far confirmed 739,703 cases. Among them, 647,674 people - 87.56 percent of all patients – have recovered." 72498,20768.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"EL ACCESO A LA EDUCACIÓN PARA LOS VENEZOLANOS Y SUS HIJOS El 70,9 % de los venezolanos encuentra difícil acceder a educación para ellos y sus hijos. Al observar por sexo, se determina que las mujeres perciben mayores dificultades para ingresar al sistema educativo: 72 % lo considera difícil y 14 % lo estima fácil. Por el contrario, el 69 % de los hombres lo considera difícil y el 14 % fácil" 192413,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The situation is critical considering that Somalia has a total displacement population of 2.6 million, including more than 632,000 people displaced in 2020 due to insecurity and flooding." 475813,65033.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Public mental health and psychosocial services are not free and require a substantial waiting time for appointments. All vulnerable groups are likely to require mental health and/or psychosocial services at varying degrees. 326642,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,111,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 94% of households were found to have at least one WASH Living Standard Gap (LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 89% of households were found to have a WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but no Capacity Gap (CG) in WASH, 5% of households were found to have both a WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) and a Capacity Gap (CG) in WASH. 6% of households were found to have no WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a Capacity Gap (CG)in WASH." 111693,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para las familias con las que se conversó, la migración es un intento por mejorar su calidad de vida, pero en muchas ocasiones es también un encuentro con una realidad que no esperaban. Los planes que construyen al salir de Venezuela se transforman en el camino. Son víctimas de robos y engaños en los cruces de frontera, por lo que el dinero con el que presupuestaban llegar hasta otras ciudades (Bogotá, Cartagena, Medellín) solo les alcanza para quedarse en Cúcuta y ver la forma de sobrevivir." 385600,60457.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"[risque] Dans la région du Sahel, la situation alimentaire risque de se dégrader, notamment en raison de la hausse du nombre de PDI, des incidents sécuritaires accrus et de la baisse des revenus, entraînant la diminution du nombre de repas consommé et le risque de recourir davantage à la vente des animaux pour faire face à cette situation" 171407,40771.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Logistics']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,117,"['At Risk', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,"Le rapport formule les recommandations suivantes qui devront être intégrées dans le plan d’action du sous-cluster VBG de la région du Sahel : -Renforcer le système de collecte de données, en collaboration avec les acteurs étatiques. - Elaborer un circuit de référencement pour chaque commune de la région ; - Mettre à la disposition de tous les centres de santé des kits post-viol ; - Former les acteurs de santé de toutes les formations sanitaires de la région sur la gestion clinique du viol et sur la prise en charge des enfants survivant-e-s de viol ; - Trouver des autorisations auprès des autorités pour les prochaines évaluations afin de faciliter leur déroulement." 328613,54713.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Among households of IDP settlements with children , 9% households reporting having access to mobile nutrition team able to assess for malnutrition in the 6 months prior to data collection . While among households of non-IDP settlements with children , 11% households reporting having access to mobile nutrition team able to assess for malnutrition in the 6 months prior to data collection." 295090,52363.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"38% of Venezuelan households are living in overcrowded conditions, meaning that, on average, more than three people sleep by room or bedroom. Now, in 35% of the households surveyed, an average of four to seven persons per room slept in the seven days prior to data collection, and in 3% of the households eight or more persons per room slept. This indicates that even households that currently have access to housing are generally in poor living conditions and at risk of COVID-19 transmission." 473198,67204.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,75,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"Al respecto, la investigadora Susan Hillis, que estuvo al frente de este estudio, dijo: “Nuestras estimaciones del número de niños afectados, que se acaban de publicar, indican que por cada dos personas que mueren por covid-19, un niño queda huérfano tras enfrentar la muerte del padre o la madre, o del abuelo o la abuela que lo cuidaba y que vivía en su casa”." 130806,33838.0,1183.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,24,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"En niños menores de cinco años, el 10,8% presenta desnutrición crónica y el 3,7% desnutrición global (ENSIN, 2015)" 275369,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,94,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"L’économie nationale est dominée depuis son indépendance (1960) par l’agriculture et l’élevage. Même si près de 80% de la population tchadienne exerce dans le secteur agropastoral, l’exploitation du pétrole amorcée en 2003 a permis au Tchad de connaitre un essor économique remarquable. Toutefois, le Tchad reste aujourd’hui tributaire de l'aide et des capitaux internationaux pour la plupart de ses investissements publics et privés. Le faible taux de développement affecte les capacités de résilience des populations." 245835,47702.0,2425.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,Self-employed residents whose workplace is severely damaged have their livelihoods and can no longer support their households. This category of the workforce and dependents lack any social protection as they operate in the informal sector. 389301,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Los departamentos que lamentablemente concentran el mayor número de afectados son: Norte de Santander con 17 víctimas y Nariño con 13 que a su vez albergan dos de los principales enclaves productivos de cultivos de uso ilícito en el país, Catatumbo (Norte de Santander) y Tumaco (Nariño)." 245367,47945.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,75,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] Dynamics around housing, land, and property rights remain of concern, with local authorities reportedly increasingly expropriating property from absent landowners who are known to be out of Syria or in territories under the control of the Government of Syria. Forced evictions of displaced persons from residential, commercial and public properties such as schools are being increasingly reported, suggesting a concerning upward trend" 189731,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Tchad est classé à la 186ème place sur 189 sur l´Indice de Développement Humain de 2018, présentant un niveau de pauvreté élevé (46,7%) et de fortes inégalités persistantes." 236024,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,106,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In August, the GBV AoR members were able to reach 37,969 people with GBV prevention and response interventions including: GBV and COVID-19 awareness raising and information on available services (12,088); dignity kits distribution (8,401); women and girl safe space activities (7,185); psychosocial support and psychological first aid (PFA) (4,057); men and boys engagement activities (2,409); youth and adolescent program (1,059); life skill development for women (994); capacity building for community members and frontline workers on GBV concepts (682)." 491297,67727.0,1384.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,,"Curaçao COVID-19 infections reached a total of 4,260 cases including 1,321 active cases and the death toll moved to 14." 326620,54734.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 60% households reporting relying on unstable income sources to meet basic needs. 226864,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,"['Capacities & Response', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"On 12 September, the opening ceremony was held to mark the start of Afghanistan Peace Negotiations between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Taliban in Doha, Qatar." 86121,23802.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Health']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,95,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nigeria_2020-01-24.pdf,"In Africa's most populous country, more than 47% of the population lives in extreme poverty. In Borno state in the northeast, the conflict continues to uproot civilians. The majority of people who had to flee for safety live in makeshift settlements or highly congested camps and rely mostly on the support of local communities, authorities, and humanitarian organisations. Overcrowding brings with it lack of access to basic services, cyclical epidemic outbreaks, rampant fires, and an increased risk of sexual and gender-based violence." 194217,43811.0,2330.0,[],[],[],es,38,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/mundo/devasta-huracan-iota-isla-caribena-deja-un-muerto,"La isla caribeña de Providencia, que es parte del archipiélago colombiano de San Andrés, fue arrasada por el paso del huracán Iota, de categoría 5, que hasta el momento ha dejado una persona muerta" 276275,50677.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"En juillet 2020, les Centres Nutritionnel Ambulatoire Sévère (CNAS) du Ministère de la Santé soutenus par UNICEF et les ONG ont accueillis 2 841 cas. En outre 298 enfants ont été referrés pour traitement adapté dans les Centres Nutritionnels Thérapeutiques Internes (CNTI) de la région." 62079,18564.0,1386.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,236,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"The government distributes boxes of subsidized food through the Local Committees for Supply and Production (CLAP), which are operated by organizations linked to the ruling party. According ENCOVI, 16.3 million Venezuelans received CLAP boxes in 2018, representing more than half of the population. However, the boxes are not distributed frequently or regularly, and their prices have risen exponentially since the creation of the program in 2016. Even though the contents of a box last an average of eight days, the majority of households receive them only once a month or every two months, and the rest receive them at irregular intervals. Moreover, the price of the box increased by 53 million percent between May 2016 and June 2019. That means the program is unable to compensate for the high prices and scarce supplies of food, providing only temporary relief from hunger. The OVS has also denounced that CLAP boxes do not comply with nutritional and food standards. The CLAP program suffers from an additional problem. Instead of being administered by a non-partisan institution, it is managed by the local structures of the ruling party, which tend to monitor the political activities of beneficiaries. People who do not support the government are often denied access to the boxes, regardless of their nutritional needs." 125305,32569.0,1621.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"A total of 1,350 surveys were conducted with migrants in 21 different regions in Libya. The results confirmed that food security, which was already a challenge for migrants, is being compromised by a deteriorating security situation and the threat of COVID-19 and its socioeconomic impact" 248982,47559.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Les causes de ces différentes violences sont entre autres la pauvreté, l’ignorance et le déplacement forcé de la personne selon les personnes interviewées. Cependant, les survivants sont confrontés à de multiples difficultés comme la pauvreté, la perte de l’estime de soi etc. [SGBV]" 166614,40055.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_as_of_20_september_ne_nigeria.pdf,"A total of 10,748 COVID-19 test has been conducted in Borno State, initial test stands at 10,420 while follow up test Stands at 327. In Adamawa State, 1,836 samples have been tested, 234 are positive and 3 results are pending. In week 38 in Yobe State, 63 additional samples were collected for testing in the Yobe Molecular Laboratory." 327793,54375.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,60,[],"['Covid-19', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syria/who-representative/opening-remarks-by-akjemal-magtymova-head-of-office-and-who-representative-syria.html,"[14 April 2021, Overall Syria] The wrong impression of food insecure people in Syria may also be due to the fewer number of COVID-19 cases detected and announced so far. As of 14 April 2021, there are 54,308 confirmed cases and 2,451 deaths. It is in no way the real state of affairs." 198685,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 76 778 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 72 527 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 11 917 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,4%." 357240,58301.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/06/19/rdc-pres-80-000-personnes-sont-desormais-privees-de-soins-suite-a-l-attaque-d-un-hopital-en-ituri_6084827_3212.html,"Un hôpital de la zone de santé de Boga, dans la province de l’Ituri, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), a été incendié par un groupe armé, lundi 7 juin. Depuis, des milliers de personnes se retrouvent privées de soins médicaux." 281656,51173.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF in consultation with the Government and nutrition cluster members decreased the frequency of visits for outpatient SAM treatment services from weekly to bi-weekly in all health facilities and increased the bed space to a minimum of 1.5 meters between beds in inpatient SAM services, where applicable. The required programmatic adaptations were also applied on Community Based Nutrition Programme (CBNP), from a weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS), and Maternal and Infant & Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) activities to biweekly basis." 322600,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,111,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 96% of households were found to have at least one WASH Living Standard Gap (LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 91% of households were found to have a WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but no Capacity Gap (CG) in WASH, 5% of households were found to have both a WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) and a Capacity Gap (CG) in WASH. 4% of households were found to have no WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a Capacity Gap (CG)in WASH." 204260,43976.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Le taux de prévalence de la malnutrition aigue globale s’élève à 8,8% sur l’ensemble de la région [de Dosso]." 271564,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Le tableau XIII montre que 80,3 % des enfants de 6-59 mois ont été supplémentés en vitamine A au cours des six (6) derniers mois qui ont precedé l’enquête contre 74, 2 % en 2019." 172654,40940.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=205685,"[9th October 2020, Overall Syria] The Ministry added in a statement to SANA on Friday evening that this brings the total number of Coronavirus cases registered in Syria to 4616 ,of which 1235 patients were recovered while 218 others passed away." 347535,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Analyzing the water quality results from 2020, the 88% of sampled water sources (including production boreholes, tap stands and tube wells) are free from contamination. At HH level, however, 20% of the sampled water shows some form of bacteriological contamination." 474739,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,66,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"les retours de PDI se sont également poursuivis au cours de ce mois avec pour principal motif le besoin d’exploitation agricole dans les localités d’origine des personnes retournées, face à l’insuffisance de terres cultivables sur les sites d’accueil. Ainsi, 05 cas de retour ont été enregistrés dont 04 à Barani et 01 à Toéni." 191107,43282.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"WASH partners continued to provide life-saving interventions to prevent further spread of COVID-19 and reduce the impact of floods and disease outbreaks, mainly acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) and cholera" 173131,40863.0,1899.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GT%20Flash%20Update%20Caravana%20migrantes%20CA%20INTERCLUSTER%2020201001%20FINAL%20VD.pdf,"El jueves 1 de octubre el grupo de personas hondureñas llegó a la frontera El Florido entre Guatemala y Honduras con el objetivo de cruzar la misma y llegar a México hacia los Estados Unidos, según algunos informes. Las autoridades migratorias en Guatemala reforzaron las fronteras con personal y presencia de fuerzas de seguridad armadas" 172514,40701.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_6_october_2020.pdf,"[6 October, Bangladesh Overall ]Under the COVID-19 situation, maintaining social distance at field level was very challenging and required additional space and time at distribution point." 223537,45273.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,Several border crossings remain open and thousands of Afghans on average are crossing every day. 265683,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,67,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"[concernant les retournés] Au Burkina Faso, ces mouvements semblent avoir été d’une plus grande ampleur qu’ailleurs : en effet, les retournés représentent plus de la moitié de la population actuelle dans 19% des localités évaluées du Centre-Nord, dans 27% des localités évaluées du Sahel et dans 48% des localités du Nord selon les IC." 303523,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest, où la production agricole 2019/2020 est 40 pour cent inférieure à la moyenne, les réserves alimentaires de la plupart des ménages pauvres ont commencé à s'épuiser dès Novembre, 3 à 5 mois plus tôt qu'une année normale" 492537,68124.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,36,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/270921ocha_syria_situation_report_dara_02_final.pdf,[1 to 21 September 2021] Schools in Dar’a which were utilized as collective shelters reopened for students for the new academic year on 12 September following COVID19 measures and some maintenance. 323126,54884.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2021/4/60633e4d4/chad-central-african-refugee-keeps-hope-alive.html,"UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency is working with the government and partners to relocate thousands of refugees to safer, better equipped sites further from the border [CAR border]. UNHCR also provides refugees with core relief items, such as mats, mosquito nets and kitchen utensils, and helps refugee children enroll in schools." 248937,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Dans le territoire de Kabambare : les viols ont été commis dans le secteur de Bangubangu / Salamabila, notamment dans les groupements de Kitababeya et de Muhiya. Les miliciens Maï-Maï Malaika sont les principaux présumés auteurs de ces viols. Seulement dans un cas exceptionnel, des hommes armés (en tenue militaire) ont été désignés comme présumés auteurs." 302644,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,95,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Se menciona en los grupos focales y entrevistas realizadas, un abanico de oficios precarizados, donde se vive en una economía de subsistencia y re- busque diario. Algunos hombres gays, mujeres trans y bisexuales trabajan como modelos webcam, mientras que algunos hombres trabajan en cons- trucción de obras, y algunas mujeres lesbianas comentan que se dedican a oficios vinculados con la economía del hogar y del cuidado. En este contexto de informalidad hay una precarización laboral donde reciben incluso menos del salario minímo legal vigente en cada país." 307808,52942.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,127,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Cooking Oil: The average price increased by 2.1% compared to the to third week of November, but remained 35% higher than 14 March. The increase occurred in: Takhar and Farah(12%), Baghlan and Kunduz (10%), Nimroz (7%), Kunar and Ghor (6%), Faryab(5%), Nangarhar (4%), Badghis and Zabul (3%), Balkh(2%) and Hirat (1%). The main reasons for the increase were temporary supply shortage and high demand. Meanwhile prices decreased in: Kandahar and Hilmand (2%), due to sustained supply." 150916,36670.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,165,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"Empleo juvenil será de los más afectados por pandemia. Los jóvenes, con edades entre los 15 y 29 años, representan uno de los sectores que será más afectado en términos de empleo y en otras áreas, a consecuencia de las medidas adoptadas para enfrentar la pandemia, según estimaciones de la Fundación Salvadoreña para el Desarrollo Económico y Social (FUSADES). FUSADES no tiene una cifra precisa de cuántos empleos juveniles se han perdido en El Salvador a consecuencia de la pandemia; sin embargo, basados en crisis anteriores, prevén que dicho segmento será uno de los particularmente afectados. Eso coincide con datos de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT). De acuerdo con un estudio de dicha entidad, publicado el 27 de mayo, más del 16 % de los jóvenes del mundo ha perdido sus puestos de trabajo desde que comenzó la pandemia, es decir uno de cada seis." 192762,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,74,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The projection for total expenditure of the proposed 2019–2020 national budget is 155 per cent higher than the previous year, with total revenues up by 59 per cent, partly on the back of assumed higher oil production and lower payments to Sudan. South Sudan’s economy is projected to grow by 1.8 per cent in 2019 if peace holds and by 0.3 per cent if the peace agreement falters." 237770,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Mortalidad por infección respiratoria aguda notificaron 6 casos. Se notificaron 4 muertes por infección respiratoria aguda en menores de 5 años, 1 del periodo correspondiente a esta semana y 3 de periodos anteriores." 19511,7910.0,730.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"According to WHO, 225 districts reported suspected cholera cases in the first three weeks of December, but the overall trend remained stable. Children continue to make up 32 per cent of the total number of suspected cases. The highest number of suspected cases were reported in Monabbih District in Sa’ada Governorate, Maghirib Ans District in Dhamar Govenorate and As Sabain districts in Amanat Al Asimah Governorate and Bani Al Harith District in Sana’a Governorate." 134189,34849.0,1187.0,['Education'],[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"A comienzos de 2018, el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación resolvió simplificar los trámites para convalidar los estudios universitarios cursados en instituciones venezolanas." 229224,46495.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,58,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"El 90% de los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos encuestados afirmaron no poseer ningún Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP) en Colombia, por tal razón se encuentran en estatus migratorio irregular. Fueron identificadas 38 personas en riesgo de apatridia, de las cuales 6 personas pertenecían a población Wayuu y 5 a población Yukpa." 276361,50671.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les incendies involontaires sont récurrents surtout dans la période de fraicheurs entre novembre et janvier. Les incendies sont généralement causés par les braises, les bougies et les lampes à gaz et dans des cas rares par une surcharge électrique qui fait se consumer les fils électriques. Les conséquences enregistrées incluent les pertes d’abris, de biens et de bétails." 245850,47702.0,2425.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Heroic volunteering efforts are devoted to clearing the area and making limited and temporary repairs such as installing plastic windows. Several associations and professional orders and syndicates are providing damage assessment and reconstruction plans and have pledged reconstruction support. On the other hand, there is a saturation of food assistance. CSOs and the Lebanese Army are mostly helping in providing and distributing food parcels. Many suppliers have also shown support to their affected clients by suggesting the replacement of damaged goods, or by distributing supplies on a long-term loan basis with preferential pricing." 216994,45551.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/431083-how-covid-19-lockdown-fuelled-gender-based-violence-csos.html,"[14thDec2020,Nigeria]The Chief Executive Officer, Comfort Literacy Interventions and Capacity Enhancement (CLICE) Foundation, Comfort Onyaga, also said the lockdown prevented them from assisting victims of abuse." 204213,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The research results of a study, showed that up to 33 per cent of women in these areas experienced sexual violence from a non-partner and many of the incidents were directly related to a raid, displacement or abduction." 147710,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"UNICEF supported training for 72 health workers from a partner NGO in Aleppo, and training for a new partner in Ar-Raqqa, with 36 health workers in total trained. INTERSOS further supported training for 51 health care workers from SARC in June" 155230,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,33,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Para finales de mayo de 2020, Migración Colombia reportó 11.850 personas retornadas voluntariamente por el departamento de Arauca, que han llegado hasta allí por la ruta presentada en este documento." 247946,48228.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,75,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"[Site de Koudou Kolé dans lequel il n'existe aucun point d'eau réalisé et la seule et principale source d'eau est celle de l'eau de surface du lac] L’accès au bras du lac la nuit est une véritable préoccupation d’insécurité soulignée par les femmes. Les berges de ce bras du lac sont englouties par des herbes qui cachent des serpents, autres reptiles venimeux et des hippopotames agressifs." 194691,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Despite the pandemic, 558 teachers (25 per cent females) have continued to be supported through monthly emergency incentives, and the Ministries of Education organized under strict COVID-19 protocols the final examinations for grade 8 and/or 12 students, ensuring these children can graduate from their respective level, and consequently proceed to secondary school or university." 285813,51534.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],es,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3722013,"Estas acciones, con una inversión de más de $200 millones, se enfocan en la línea de atención y prevención de emergencias de la entidad en ese municipio del departamento" 97963,27426.0,1621.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,26,[],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-call-urgent-humanitarian-pause-hostilities,A humanitarian pause in hostilities in Libya is urgently required as civilian casualties continue to mount in a country which is also grappling with COVID-19. 406306,63610.0,2311.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],es,38,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19082021_alerta_de_situacion_por_desastre_natural_en_bajo_cauca_antioquia._rv2.pdf,"Existen vacíos de información sobre cultivos afectados, viviendas averiadas y otras afectaciones sectoriales, debido a que no se han realizado lasEvaluaciones de Daños y Necesidades (EDAN) de los municipios afectados por la inundación." 64787,19061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,119,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"Homero Ramírez, un capitán amorua del resguardo Maraquita que lleva más de ocho meses viviendo allí, dice que cuando hay un retorno les dan mercado, además les prometen que habrá herramientas, comida y remesas,pero cuando se montan en el camión dan algo que no “alcanza ni para la semana ni para el mes, por eso uno se viene acá a rebuscarse”. Según Homero, quien vive con su primo en una casa de plástico y es vecino de Yuliana, en diciembre pasado se les prometió semillas para cultivar en sus tierras, pero solo se quedó en las palabras y se termina siempre volviendo a la basura." 305787,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"Given relatively higher cereal prices, though, the labor wage-to-sorghum ToT across key markets are either similar to, or 25-30 percent lower than, last year and three-year average. Furthermore, the high cost of labor is expected to increase the cost of wheat production during this season." 180576,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"En résumé, les symptômes de la maladie, les mesures à tenir en cas de suspections, les mesures barrières comme la distanciation, le port de masque, le lavage des mains, l’utilisation du gel hydroalcoolique sont encouragées lors des sensibilisations." 490051,67394.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,128,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] In response to the surge of Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) cases in Cox’s Bazar, a rapid mapping conducted by WHO and partners in line with the Multisectoral Acute Watery Diarrhea Response Plan (August 2020) has identified 72 isolation beds for AWD are functional at this time, with additional 400 beds on stand-by that could be activated on short notice. Out of these standby beds, 160 are SARI ITC standby capacity beds that could be repurposed for AWD if the epidemiological situation required. Diarrhea Treatment Centers (DTC) in Leda remain open for strengthened case management of AWD patients and are ready to expand the capacity." 391158,61470.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Percentage of households reporting that communal latrines have handwashing facilities: None 4%, Yes - some 6% and Yes - all 90%." 202506,44558.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] “I quarantined myself at home throughout my coronavirus infection(officially known as COVID-19); However, when I actively recovered, in the first demonstration, I went out, my friends avoided contact with me; they stayed away from me. Actually, I did not get annoyed because I know how dangerous this disease is, and I do not blame them for their behavior.”" 285307,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Population of Sudan: 43.7 Million. Around 70% of Sudan’s population is rural. The urban population is spread amongst a few cities and towns, almost all of which lie along the River Nile or one of its tributaries, or along the Red Sea coast. Sudan has a young population with 40% under 14 years of age." 191319,43417.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,38,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/toxic-brew-instability-armed-violence-extreme-poverty-hunger-and-covid-19-putting,"These countries are plagued by a toxic brew of instability, armed violence, extreme poverty, hunger and now, COVID-19 — putting the future of an entire generation of children and young people at risk." 276374,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,33,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Les croyances traditionnelles sont souvent particulièrement dangereuses pour les personnes en situation de handicap (ex : le cas des enfants serpents, où le handicap est vu comme une malédiction)." 345977,56893.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,A nivel nacional se identifica disminución en la notificación para la morbilidad por infección respiratoria aguda (IRA) en los servicios de consulta externa y urgencias; se presenta incremento en las hospitalizaciones por IRAG en sala general y en unidad de cuidados intensivos e intermedios 359903,58399.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,172,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Persons from the LGBTIQ+ are largely hidden. If the transgender people reveal their identity, they cannot study in schools as fellow students and even teachers do not treat them well; they do not get good jobs because of the lack of education, even the jobs that do not require literacy are not offered to “hijras” as the employers and other workers do not approve of their presence in the workplaces. They are denied medical treatment by the doctors and health staff because they are uncomfortable to serve them and sometimes maltreat them. Even within their own 53 families, persons identifying as LGBTQ+ often do not have the option to live with their families. The parents, siblings and other relatives are not comfortable to disclose their identity. So, they must either hide their sexuality and/or gender identity and assimilate - or leave the family (Researchgate, 2015)." 239830,47273.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Economy']",en,96,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/242943,"[January 12, GoS] In a statement to Al-Watan, the head of the Milk and Cheese Association, Abdul Rahman Al-Saidi, expected that a significant decrease will occur within a month of this date, to reach 25 percent very soon for the various types of cheese and milk. This is due to the current suspension of exports to Lebanon due to the current situation and the repercussions of Corona, not to mention the weak current purchasing power and the noticeable rise in prices of various goods and materials." 401727,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host/Refugee: Major outbreaks of waterborne infections are possible, and people in the most affected camps and others downstream; affected by disruptions of fecal and sludge management systems remain at risk of increased direct or indirect transmission of several gastrointestinal infections, which would exacerbate the already existing AWD situation in the camps and host community." 342504,56610.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,74,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En comparación con las personas iden�ficadas en el total de grupos de viaje, se evidencia una mayor proporción de personas adultas, par�cularmente mujeres (17 puntos porcentuales mayor), en contraste con una menor incidencia de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Además, el porcentaje de mujeres gestantes y/o lactantes es menor, y no se iden�fica ninguna persona mayor de 60 años dentro de las personas pendulares entrevistadas." 194367,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Deux-cent-soixante-douze nouveaux voyageurs ont été enregistrés à Kinshasa, en provenance de différents pays affectés par la COVID-19 ; 172 (63,2%) d’entre eux n’avaient pas d’adresses." 359778,58399.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,288,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] b. Experiences of girls and boys about recurrent climate and disaster risks: Safety and security: In Bangladesh, according to the FGDs with community members and KIIs with woman members of the SDMC, it was revealed that parents are less inclined to send their daughters to shelters during disasters due to concerns about the lack of security. In addition, in the shelter, there are no separate toilets for girls, and girls face many difficulties maintaining their personal hygiene in these places. For example: during floods in 2017, parents were too scared to send their girl child on a rescue boat as the girls didn’t know how to swim or out of fear of harassment. For boys, they can move around easily to take shelter at the bazaar as there are concrete shops in the highland areas. Girls were not allowed to do so. They were mostly asked to remain at home no matter how bad the situation was. This is a general trend for all girls in the research communities. Practices that limit girls’ participation outside of the home, are not only dangerous during any emergency but can create obstacles for girls in the time of disaster when they are compelled to go outside of their home to meet their daily necessities or in an emergency. In the case of boys, they are more likely to migrate to other areas of the country in the search of work to support their families in the post disaster phase which expose them to risks including child labour." 319617,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"Las comunidades indígenas ante casos de contagio de la Covid-19 no pueden acceder a atención médica a tiempo en su territorio. Esta situación es un agravante más, cuando en los resguardos existe presencia de grupos armados, dejando en alto riesgo de extinción física y cultural a esta población. La presencia de casos de la Covid-19 fue identificada por el Consorcio MIRE en las comunidades indígenas Azcaita, Emberá Chami, Emberá Eyabida y Nukak." 359446,58464.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] KIs in over half of communities cited the lack of available ways to access financial resources as a barrier to meeting basic needs" 494217,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The national average retail price of Egyptian white rice increased by two percent compared to July 2021 and by 66 percent y-o-y, reaching SYP 2,519/kg in August 2021. Quneitra recorded the highest price at SYP 2,973/kg (almost unchanged m-o-m), followed by Aleppo at SYP 2,801/kg (up seven percent m-o-m). However, Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price at SYP 2,150/kg (up two percent m-o-m), followed by Ar-Raqqa at SYP 2,172 (up three percent m-o-m)." 316255,54178.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/anthony-kergosien-la-rougeole-est-une-maladie-10-fois-plus-contagieuse-que-le-covid-19-qui-tue-les-enfants-en-rdc/,"En décembre, MSF a envoyé une équipe dans la zone de santé de Bogose-Nubea dans le sud de l’Ubangi. Les besoins qu’ils y ont trouvés étaient énormes. En quelques semaines seulement, MSF a traité près de 5 000 patients atteints de rougeole, dont la grande majorité étaient des enfants. Nous avons également vacciné 70 000 enfants, stoppant rapidement la propagation de la maladie." 290706,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"La pandemia y las medidas para mitigarla no solo tienen efectos sobre el trabajo no remunerado dentro de los hogares, sino que además impactan otras esferas del sistema de cuidados tales como el cuidado remunerado, específicamente las trabajadoras de la salud y trabajadoras domésticas" 307781,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,Child protection partners provided life-skills and resilience support to 52 adolescent girls and boys (27 girls and 25 boys). Capacity-building was provided to 55 caretakers (25 women and 30 men) who were reached with child protection in emergencies interventions 272683,50256.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 100% (322) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à suffisamment de nourriture au cours du mois précédent." 116002,30124.0,1386.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],es,126,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades no cubiertas Se requiere un fortalecimiento de las organizaciones que forman parte del clúster, de los procesos de monitoreo y gestión de información, así como la sistematización e intercambio de buenas prácticas, que contribuyan a la toma de decisiones basada en la evidencia y la calidad pedagógica del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Es necesario promover el trabajo intersectorial del sector educativo para garantizar atención de manera integral y eficaz a las poblaciones más vulnerables, es especial en materia de protección, salud y agua, saneamiento e higiene. La falta de financiamiento internacional al sector educativo está afectando el desarrollo integral de los programas, así como el despliegue de las actividades en zonas remotas y alejadas." 276977,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] En janvier 2021, 88 % des grandes entreprises (100 employés et plus) avaient encore des mesures importantes en place pour aider à protéger le personnel et les clients contre la Covid-19, contre 76 % des moyennes entreprises (5 à 99 employés) et 67 % des petites entreprises." 223952,46071.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,La pandémie a réduit la fréquentation dans les structures sanitaires malgré la gratuité des soins à cause de peur de la contamination ; surtout pour les malades chroniques ; les personnes de 3e âge et les déplacés. 144700,34804.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,45,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 27 June, of samples from patients collected in NWS four samples tested positive, while all other cases tested negative. The COVID-19 taskforce continues to coordinate the application of relevant IPC measures across NWS including Points of Entry (PoEs)" 16492,6352.0,322.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"An estimated 7.5 million people need nutrition assistance, of whom 2.9 million people will require treatment for acute malnutrition in 2018. This includes 1.8 million children under the age of five and 1.1 million pregnant and lactating women (PLW). Some 2.3 million PLW and caretakers of children aged 0-23 months will require infant and young child feeding counselling. Main challenges faced by nutrition partners include bureaucratic and administrative impediments, non-payment of salaries to health workers, access constraints and a limited number of community health workers in the country" 176716,41684.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,54,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Protection%20Factsheet%20and%20Dashboard_Sep_2020.pdf,"[September 2020, Bangladesh] In some instances, children and adolescents have also become involved in the drug trade and petty crime, such as theft. Most of the reported child protection cases have been categorized as high risk, including SGBV, child marriage, violence, and child labour" 588,156.0,321.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"With rates of private-sector employment generally low across mantikas assessed, government jobs were reported as the main source of income (by 57.0% of households), a potential issue given the reported irregularity of government salary payments. Displaced populations were more likely to have a low salary (19.5% of IDP and 20.3% of returnee households), and 15.6% of IDP households reported facing a lack of work opportunity." 14833,5489.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180719_Humanitarian_Update_Draft_3.pdf,"From January to June 2018, UNHAS has operated 177 flights and transported 4,837 passengers. A total of 42 cargo flights were operated and some 2,404 tons of cargo were airlifted. In January, UNHAS operated its first direct flight between Aden and Sana’a, without the usual stop-over in Djibouti. Starting from August 2018, the direct flight will be operated as a regular route." 16868,6332.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%201-21%20September%202018.pdf,"UNHCR is dismayed by the recent escalation of hostilities in Al Hudaydah Governorate. UNHCR is following with concern the unfolding of events and the resulting surge in humanitarian and protection needs. While UNHCR continues to advocate for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and for all parties to adhere to their obligations under International Humanitarian Law, the UNHCR-led Protection Cluster’s Civilian Impact Monitoring Project reported two incidents in September, targeting a fishing community and which resulted in 22 civilian casualties." 235117,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The authorities have identified so far about CFAF229 billion of expected financing from development partners (World Bank, AfDB, France, and BDEAC [Bank of the Central African States]). Efforts to accelerate export diversification while maintaining debt sustainability are also being continued through a range of initiatives with financial and technical support from the World Bank and the EU." 221785,44697.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,37,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpais.com.co/colombia/expiden-decreto-que-regula-regreso-a-clases-presenciales-en-conozca-las-medidas.html,"Esta martes el Ministerio de Salud publicó la Resolución 1721 del 2020 que regula las condiciones para el regreso seguro a clases presenciales en Colombia, durante la fase de aislamiento selectivo por la pandemia del covid-19" 472893,63331.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Cluster%20de%20Protection%20de%20l%27Enfance%2C%20Bilan%20de%20la%20r%C3%A9ponse%20-%20R%C3%A9ponse%20li%C3%A9e%20%C3%A0%20la%20crise%20s%C3%A9curitaire%2C%20janvier%20-%20juin%202021.pdf,"Pour ce qui est des activités de compétence de vie courante, 2,733 adolescents dont 2,613 filles ont été atteints comparés à 2,612 (2,612 filles) au trimestre premier, soit une augmentation de 121 adolescents." 500718,60136.0,2074.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"En Pisiga existen restaurantes y puestos de comida, pero pocos migrantes tienen los recursos para cubrir los costos de los alimentos que venden." 490556,67789.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Nutrition Needs: • The withdrawal of operations by MSF (a major health sector partner) in Gwoza and Pulka towns is impacting access to timely medical services for over 150,000 civilians in the areas and is expected to trigger an increase in malnutrition." 238927,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]Yobe SMOH team, in collaboration with WHO HTR teams and AVADAR informants, UNICEF VCMs, and CGPP volunteers, conducted mass community sensitization, reaching 13,711 people with COVID19 prevention messages." 307730,53292.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"GBV Sub-Cluster partners provided comprehensive case management, psychosocial support and dignity kits distribution to 40 abductees." 310113,53753.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_25_february_2021_final.pdf,"In 2020, humanitarians in Afghanistan reached 11.75 million people with some form of assistance across all 401 districts, exceeding planned reach. Of those reached, 4.68 million people were provided with COVID-19 specific assistance." 342496,56610.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,62,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Las razones de los movimientos varían según ● el �po de tránsito: para quienes (re)ingresan a Colombia se relacionan con las restricciones en medios de vida, alimentos, salud y educación en Venezuela. Los retornos son mo�vados principalmente por reunificación familiar y, de manera secundaria, por falta de empleo o vivienda en Colombia." 316773,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,33,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,[afrique] La Banque estime que les gouvernements africains ont besoin d’un financement brut supplémentaire d’environ 154 milliards d’USD en 2020/2021 pour répondre à la crise 224759,45275.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"As these multiple crises continue, protection issues are likely to worsen as families adopt negative coping strategies, including child labour, early marriage and decreased food consumption." 205602,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"A further 1.07 million IDPs are in spontaneous settlements or with host communities, mainly located in hard-to-reach areas." 290715,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"Impacto psicológico Las medidas de confinamiento en viviendas familiares precarias en cuanto a espacio y condiciones, junto con el aumento de la tensión intrafamiliar, y el desigual reparto de las cargas de trabajo, han agravado los problemas de salud mental de las mujeres, en un contexto donde los sistemas de salud públicos están fuertemente saturados, y vienen arrastrando una debilidad en estos servicios de atención. En este periodo de especial incidencia en la desigualdad de las mujeres, es imprescindible poner el foco en las más vulnerables, como las mujeres migrantes, las trabajadoras domésticas, las mujeres privadas de libertad, las familias monomarentales, el colectivo LGTBI y las mujeres de las zonas rurales." 125971,31192.0,1620.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,25,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"36,469 Nigerian Refugees have been registered in the Diffa region of Niger Republic, while an estimated 26,953 are unregistered as of April 2020." 343047,56257.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,48,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://ouaga24.com/terrorisme-le-premier-ministre-appelle-a-ramener-les-combattants-burkinabe-a-la-maison/,"(Est, Nord, Centre-Nord) Après une relative accalmie ces derniers mois, la situation est redevenue préoccupante ces dernières semaines car des assaillants ont ouvert le feu à plusieurs reprises contre des citoyens désarmés à l’Est, au Nord et au Centre-nord." 189695,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"De nouveaux déplacements de populations, des attaques ciblées sur les populations civiles, la pérennisation de l´état de déplacement des personnes qui avaient fui leurs villages au début de la crise en 2017, la destruction des infrastructures (centres de santé et habitations), traduisent une aggravation de la situation humanitaire et un besoin croissant de protection des populations." 357242,58301.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/06/19/rdc-pres-80-000-personnes-sont-desormais-privees-de-soins-suite-a-l-attaque-d-un-hopital-en-ituri_6084827_3212.html,"""Nous avions terminé de construire cet hôpital en septembre 2020, après trois ans de travaux. Il comptait soixante lits et représentait la seule structure opérationnelle dans cette zone de santé. Nous sommes très inquiets car les 80 000 personnes qui en dépendent se retrouvent aujourd’hui privées de soins. Nous sommes également atterrés par le non-respect du droit humanitaire, international et par la violation de la neutralité d’une structure sanitaire."" Frédérick Lai Manantsoa, chef de mission pour Médecin sans frontières à Boga" 347594,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,68,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] The result is that various surveys conducted in camps report of serious concerns from women and girls regarding their safety, security, dignity while using WASH facilities, especially related to latrines and bathing spaces. Women report substantial risks of being harassed while using WASH facilities, including the risk of gender and sexual based violence." 204341,43976.0,2333.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,88% des ménages [de Tillabéri] ont rapporté avoir consommé des céréales chaque jour de la semaine précédant l’enquête et 62% des légumes 489928,67790.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,58,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.237%20%2816%20%20-%2022%20August%202021%29.pdf,"[16th-22 Aug 2021, Borno and Adamawa] ETT assessments identified the following movement triggers: voluntary relocation (819 individuals or 32%), flood (700 individuals or 28%), poor living conditions (674 individuals or 27%), and improved security (346 individuals or 14%)." 208824,44854.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000121574.pdf,"[October, overall syria] Between September and October 2020, the government of Syria introduced changes to the fuel and bread subsidy. On 12 September 2020, the petrol allocation for vehicles was reduced from 40 liters to 30 liters per vehicle every four to seven days depending on whether the vehicle is for private or commercial use (i.e. taxis), while keeping the 100 liters entitlement per vehicle per month in place" 300681,51152.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"In total, the Protection Cluster reached 105,778 people with protection response against target of 374,124 people." 245802,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"La violencia basada en género se constituye como un factor de riesgo menor en la percepción de seguridad del total de la población monitoreada. Solo el 2% de la muestra total manifestó que es un elemento que genera riesgos en sus entornos como un factor de inseguridad. Este dato se encuentra relacionado directamente con el desconocimiento de la población sobre lo que es la VBG, porque la mayoría de las personas monitoreadas (52.91%) no sabe lo que significa y cómo afecta a sus comunidades. De este porcentaje, un 44.24% considera que este tipo de violencia no afecta sus entornos y la mayoría (57.02%) afirma que no existen servicios de atención." 328653,54710.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per SNFI LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 70% for extreme and lowest was 0% for no or minimal and stress. Similarly highest percentage of households per SNFI LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 76% for severe and lowest was 0% for no or minimal." 417568,64197.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"Se prevé que hay daños en las instituciones educativas que podrían afectar el regreso a clases o la continuidad del modelo de alternancia/presencialidad. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no hay información disponible sobre instituciones educativas afectadas en el departamento para identificar necesidades y riesgos." 240435,47354.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,124,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] Cross-border movements: In November, 1,888 individuals (662 families) crossed the Niger, Cameroon and Chad borders into Nigeria, of which 82% (1,548) were Nigerians while 18% (340) were Cameroonians. These cross-border movements were triggered by insecurity in the country of asylum as a result NSAG attacks, fear of attacks or military operation. The Nigeria Immigration Services (NIS) in partnership with UNHCR also recorded 390 refugee returnees from 155 households that spontaneously returned to Nigeria:169 individuals from Cameroon, 209 from Niger and 12 from Chad. Damasak saw the largest number of entries, by Banki and Ngala." 219179,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Thirty-nine counties have been affected by the floods according to rapid needs assessments. Twelve counties are identified as the highest priority. 159371,36576.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,111,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Honduras%20-%20COVID-19%20Informe%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20No.%2013%20%28al%2011%20de%20agosto%20de%202020%29.pdf,"El Programa Fuerza Honduras, a través del cual el gobierno movilizará $18 millones para 296 municipalidades para la atención a la COVID- 19, ya ha entregado recursos a 282 municipalidades para la instalación de centros de triaje, compra de insumos médicos y conformación de brigadas sanitarias para atender a sus comunidades a tiempo. A la fecha se reporta que se han contratado 1,532 profesionales de salud para la lucha de la pandemia a través de este programa. Por otro lado, los triajes en la capital del país ya han atendido a 33.000 personas, atendiendo durante la semana un promedio de 200 personas diarias" 64755,19061.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Displacement', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"El último informe de la Alcaldía de Puerto Carreño detalla que en el relleno hay personas de las etnias Amorua, Sikuani o Jivi.Allí han sido reportados cinco casos de muertes por desnutrición y seis situaciones de mortalidad perinatal. Además, hay 10 personas en estado de desnutrición." 411186,63402.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,17,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://noticias.caracoltv.com/antioquia/a-la-intemperie-asi-pasan-la-noche-cientos-de-migrantes-en-necocli,Durante la noche y la madrugada pueden ingresar al Urabá antioqueño unos mil doscientos migrantes aproximadamente. 219994,45769.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,42,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Cependant, certaines femmes ont confié qu’il y a un risque élevé de SGBV car étant en majorité des femmes seules, elles sont des potentielles victimes pendant la nuit et lors de la recherche du bois de chauffe." 224601,44702.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Generally, hygiene and sanitation remained very poor in the 13 locations visited by the assessment team." 257044,48672.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"During the last week of the year 2020, 230 emergency shelter kits have been distributed in Abala and 122 in Ouallam." 111687,29953.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En Villa del Rosario, sin embargo, el panorama es diferente. En las cercanías a La Parada (zona cercana al punto de control migratorio) se encuentran migrantes en las calles, caminando o en pequeñas habitaciones, hechas con plástico y cartón. Los niños habitan allí junto a sus familiares, bañándose en un caño y esperando recibir alimentación ofrecida en un comedor cercano. Fue mencionado incluso que se han alquilado bodegas en las que duermen numerosos migrantes, separando espacios con cartones y material reciclado (Fundación Cenabastos, entrevista, 2019)." 335288,55819.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Sur le secteur de l’élevage, l’insécurité a entrainé la perte par vol ou par abandon des animaux selon les participants aux groupes de discussion. En effet, bon nombre de pasteurs se sont vu dérober leurs animaux par des groupes armés et d’autres ont été contraints d’abandonner leurs animaux pour pouvoir fuir. Selon les IC, les activités de transhumance et le commerce de bétail ont par conséquent connu un ralentissement voire l’arrêt total dans beaucoup de localités de la province." 335524,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The average age of affected subjects was 37.3 years with minimum of one year and maximum of 011 years. 473892,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,99,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"El incremento de los casos en los últimos meses de 2020 se dio de manera particular en maltrato infantil (13.266 durante todo el 2020 en comparación con 9.011 en el 2019, lo que corresponde a un aumento de 47%) y en violencia sexual (14.225 en 2020, mientras en 2019 fueron 14.032). En 2020, en total, 39.982 niñas/os y adolescentes ingresaron a un Proceso Administrativo de Derecho de Restablecimiento de Derechos (PARD), lo que representa un leve incremento de 0,5% con respecto al año inmediatamente anterior" 188593,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Pour cette date du 27/10/2020, 211 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire. Au terme de la journée, 98,6% (n=208) échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 25 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, y compris ceux des 20 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." 199880,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"According to protection profiling exercises conducted in 2018 and 2019, an average of 63 per cent of the IDPs living inside PoC sites did not consider or even discuss leaving the sites and returning home. The vast majority cite security concerns as the main reason for not considering or discussing leaving the displacement sites, followed by scarcity of food (Bentiu, Bor and Juba PoC site populations) and houses having been destroyed (particularly IDPs in Wau PoC site)." 81891,22512.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,178,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"En el transcurso de octubre, los miembros de GIFMM asistieron tanto a la población refugiada y migrante venezolana, como los retornados colombianos y la comunidad acogida a través de varias acciones en el marco de protección y en coordinación estrecha con las entidades gubernamentales. Aproximadamente 12.000 personas recibieron orientación legal y jurídica, así como más de 18.000 aprendieron sobre sus derechos, procesos de regularización, documentación y asilo, incluyendo casi 600 individuos que solicitaron a la condición de refugio – la mayoría de las cuales estaba en Arauca y Valle de Cauca – con el acompañamiento de miembros del GIFMM. Para utilizar diferentes estrategias para difundir mensajes e información para la promoción de derechos, se llevaron a cabo actividades a través del deporte, arte, cultura y comunicación, las cuales obtuvieron la participación de aproximadamente 1.400 individuos en los departamentos de Atlántico y Bolívar ubicados en la costa caribe, los departamentos fronterizos de La Guajira, Nariño y Norte de Santander y la capital de Bogotá." 390754,61177.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,96,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Some of the highest overall exposure is concentrated in the coastal states, including the coastal areas of Lagos, Delta and Rivers states, where large population concentrations live in the cities of Lagos, Warri and Port Harcourt, where poorer households and slum areas are at risk from flooding and storm surges.41 An estimated 27 to 53 million people may need to be relocated due to a 0.5 meter increase in sea level, which is projected for Nigeria by end of the century." 276097,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Au Tchad, environ 3,5% de la population des ménages présentent un handicap, les femmes sont plus touchées (100 hommes pour 115 femmes) et les déficiences sont variables." 755,156.0,321.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,135,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"To better understand assessed households’ health-related priorities, they were asked about the strategies they used to cope with a lack of resources to afford healthcare. The concerned households (24%)60 tended to deprioritise all but emergency care (reported by 68% of those households) or rely on alternative or traditional medicine (57.6%); a substantial minority sought out conventional medical treatment provided by untrained staff (25%). The most reported coping strategy to prioritise emergencies underlined that basic health needs or even chronic disease treatment might be overlooked, raising major health concerns; additionally, the fact that a fourth of households might seek treatment by untrained staff in light of the health system shortages is a worrying trend." 155347,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],[],[],es,19,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,Los riesgos sanitarios inmediatos en las comunidades seleccionadas se reducen mediante medidas de prevención y control de epidemias. 321121,54668.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,132,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Dans les villages où la sécurité n’est pas assurée, la population fait relativement moins recours aux comités traditionnels (38% comparé à 54% en générale) et se tourne vers l’administration (24% comparé à 12%), la religion (7% comparé à 4%) et les tribunaux (3% comparé à 1%). Cela suggère que les problèmes sécuritaires sont concentrés en milieux urbains ou que les conflits dans les milieux ruraux sont d’avantage des conflits intercommunautaires que des comités traditionnels." 198492,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In November 2019, 90% of public primary schools and 77% of public secondary schools remained closed or ceased to operate." 162730,32313.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,73,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"Según las cifras de Migración Colombia, estamos hablando de 75.000 venezolanos que ya han retornado a Venezuela en los últimos dos, tres meses. Pero comparado con el gran número que ya están aquí, es un porcentaje relativamente pequeño. Son 4 – 5% por ciento y justamente estamos, entre varias agencias, trabajando aquí también para abordar las necesidades que tiene el otro 95 por ciento." 267704,49804.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Broken down by regions, the cross-border region reported the highest price of diseal at SYP 1,811/litre (up ten percent m-o-m), while northeast Syria reported the lowest price at SYP 436/litre (up four percent m-o-m)." 217550,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,23,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Lockdowns instituted to limit the exposure of residents to COVID-19 continue throughout the country, resulting in closures of these main cities." 298755,52631.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,129,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"D’abord, la confusion dans la communication du Ministre de la Santé Eteni Longondo. Ce dernier annonce que le cas importé est un sujet belge. Dans les heures qui suivent, il revient pour annoncer qu’il s’agit d’un sujet français. Puis, l’on apprendra ensuite qu’il s’agit en effet d’un ressortissant congolais ayant acquis la nationalité française. Toutes ces corrections ont été apportées en moins de 48 heures, entraînant avec elles des vagues de réactions qui ont fait planer le doute sur le sérieux de l’annonce. Pour beaucoup en ce moment là, il ne s’agissait que d’une vaste blague." 229440,44602.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,69,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Currently there is no ongoing livelihood activities however IDPs suggested if they can be supported with fishing and Farming tools; so form to engage in livelihood support since comfortably r co-existence with the host community. they are not sure if they can be given a piece of land to enable them do farming. The IDPs also indicate that they are willing to return to home. 131817,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,49,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Por último, los socios darán apoyo a los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que viven en el Perú en el proceso de validación de sus grados académicos. Esto incluirá trabajar con el Ministerio de Educación y brindar información, así como seguimiento en todo el proceso." 307760,53292.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,12,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Address additional gaps in service provision, especially in WASH and health" 189725,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,67,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Gouvernement a fait des efforts en matière de législation afin d´encadrer et de relever le niveau de parité. L´ordonnance n°12/ PR/2018 du 22 mai 2018 institue cette parité dans les fonctions nominatives et électives au Tchad. Un quota d´au moins 30% est attribué aux femmes dans toutes ces fonctions. Selon cette ordonnance, ce quota devrait évoluer progressivement vers la parité." 227462,46523.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,85,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elvenezolanocolombia.com/2020/12/migracion-forzada-mantiene-a-839-059-ninos-venezolanos-alejados-de-sus-padres-en-2020/,"El nuevo informe de Cecodap muestra que la intención de migrar bajó porcentualmente: pasa de 38,6% en 2019 a un 29,4% en 2020. «Este dato debe ser interpretado de forma prudente, puesto que estimamos que de continuar el deterioro de las condiciones de vida la intención puede cambiar nuevamente, con riesgo a profundizarse de forma marcada en 2021», advierte Abel Saraiba, coordinador adjunto de Cecodap y del Servicio de Atención Psicológica Crecer Sin Violencia." 330167,55165.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/salud/colombia-alcanza-5-millones-de-dosis-administradas/,"Este fin de semana se aplicó la dosis número 5 millones, es decir que ha administrado el 7,6% del total que compró: 66,5 millones. Hasta ahora, han sido vacunadas 1.700.471 personas. eso quiere decir que hasta el momento se ha aplicado 7,6%, aproximadamente, del total de dosis." 235596,46890.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,94 children were treated for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in the North-West and South-West regions in August 2020. 736,156.0,321.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"In a context of liquidity constraints and increasing food prices, 19.5% of IDP households were relying on food assistance as one of their three most common food sources, underlining external dependency. As IDP households generally had to devote a much higher proportion of their expenditures to housing, it is likely that they were often unable to set aside as much money for food." 274193,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,120,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Dans toutes les provinces, 44 % des ménages enquêtés ont déclaré avoir subi des chocs au cours des trois mois précédant l’enquête. Les principaux chocs subis par les ménages dans la province de l’Ituri sont l’insécurité, les exactions et violences commises par les hommes armés et le COVID-19, tandis qu’en provinces de Haut Uélé et de la Tshopo, le principal choc subit par les ménages est lié aux maladies graves qui ont affecté un ou plusieurs membres du ménage (respectivement 42 % et 60 % des cas)." 115973,30124.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,123,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Financiamiento Según datos del Financial Tracking Service (FTS), hasta el 7 de junio se recibieron $115,7 millones de dólares para la implementación actividades humanitarias incluyendo fondos para las Naciones Unidas, ONG internacionales y nacionales y el Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja. Del total recibido, $36,1 millones están destinados a actividades dentro del Plan Intersectorial de Preparación y Atención COVID-19. Los organismos y países contribuyentes que han reportado su financiamiento en el FTS son los siguientes: Unión Europea, Estados Unidos, Suecia, Fondo Central de Emergencias de las Naciones Unidas (CERF), Suiza, Canadá, Reino Unido, Alemania y Luxemburgo." 163823,34549.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,26,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The prices of agricultural inputs (including seeds and fertilizers) and raw materials have increased, ultimately resulting in high retail prices of products." 620,156.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,54,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Overall, 10.6% of households reported including one or more pregnant women. 12 Proportions of households comprising of at least one pregnant woman were highest in Al Margab, Sebha and Misrata at respectively 16.8%, 16.4% and 16.0%. Very little variation was noted across population groups." 276338,50677.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Les multiples afflux de personnes déplacées dans la ville de Kolofata au mois de juillet puis au mois d’août ont accentué les besoins en matière d’accès à l’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement dans des quartiers surpeuplés de la ville." 219503,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"The Cluster is facilitating airlifts of COVID-19 supplies on a full-cost recovery basis on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), the Office of the Prime Minister, WHO and other key health partners - from Nairobi (Kenya) and Mogadishu to locations throughout Somalia, as well as facilitating the transport of cargo arriving in Mogadishu and the COVID-19 regional hub in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) upon request." 324407,54838.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,175,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.nrc.no/news/2021/april/reaction-to-uk-announcement-of-cuts-to-foreign-aid/,"Today the UK Government confirmed the drastic extent of its aid cuts to global humanitarian operations, which have been a lifeline to millions of vulnerable people around the world. In the coming year, the UK will spend £906m to support to humanitarian preparedness and response. This represents a more than 40 per cent drop compared to the 2019. [...] The UK Government said it will focus its work on those countries most affected by risk of famine, including Yemen, Syria, Somalia and South Sudan. While no funding cuts breakdown for specific countries has been released other than for Syria and Yemen, below is what we know so far in terms of their potential impact: [...] DR Congo was not specifically mentioned in the Government’s statement as a focus crisis, despite being home to the highest number of food insecure people on the planet. Funding cuts will hit communities already facing record levels of hunger hardest." 126331,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,21,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Para ambos grupos, hoagres migrantes y de acogida, la primera necesidad y la más urgente es su alimentación." 145793,35848.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,26,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,The humanitarian situation remains critical as COVID-19 mitigation measures further contributed to a negative economic impact on the most vulnerable population as a driver for unemployment 223550,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Stocking of vaccines like Penta, Td and BCG reported in Langdit and Bargel PHCU." 317474,54319.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,32,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_ene_mar_2021.pdf,"Preocupa Murindó, ya que desde 2020 presenta paralelamente una situación de confinamiento en comunidades indígenas, además de ser uno de los confinamientos con más duración registrado hasta el momento." 153927,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,36,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"El mayor riesgo encontrado se relaciona a sistematicidad de la violencia sexual, trata de personas, explotación laboral y reclutamiento de niños y jóvenes por parte de grupos armados al margen de la ley." 111719,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,107,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En medio de la angustia generada por no tener recursos para garantizar a los niños la vida (alimentación, vestido, vivienda) y la conjunción de situaciones adversas (separación de las familias, abandono de las parejas), algunas madres consideran la entrega en adopción de sus hijos (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Norte de Santander, 2019). En estos casos, el apoyo económico y emocional de las redes de apoyo, conformadas por las maestras de los centros de atención de los niños, resulta vital para ayudar a las familias a encontrar alternativas para sobrevivir." 188191,31146.0,1900.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Gastan más del 75 por ciento de sus ingresos en la compra exclusiva de alimentos, disminuyendo su inversión en otras áreas de necesidad básicas como salud, educación, vivienda, agua e higiene" 290937,51607.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2224-4220-2021-1405-eng.pdf,"WHO recommends implementing leadership, coordination and joint national planning using the ‘One-health’ approach where multiple sectors such as animal health, agriculture, environment, veterinary services, and researchers actively collaborate to enhance long-term efforts to control Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) as well as other zoonotic diseases." 220689,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Six Counties are above the threshold: Rubkona, Pariang, Wau, Renk, Melut, and Aweil South." 322763,54779.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",fr,48,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2021/04/27/election-du-secretaire-executif-de-la-sadc-le-botswana-prend-une-longueur-davance-sur-la,La République Démocratique du Congo accuse un inquiétant déficit d’organisation de la campagne de mobilisation des pays membres de la SADC (Communauté de développement de l’Afrique australe) en faveur de son candidat au poste de secrétaire exécutif de cette communauté sous-régionale. 197599,43603.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Due to lack of funding, some partners will not be able to implement planned emergency shelter and NFI activities." 152456,37831.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"Food assistance: In partnership with WFP, we distributed food rations to 10,176 refugee households monthly, and managed WFP food stores where 217,999 refugees exchange e-vouchers each month. We also successfully completed the first phase of a two-year" 297277,51172.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,88,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"Fighting between Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and a non-state armed group (NSAG) continued in Hilmand, Kandahar and Uruzgan provinces. In Kandahar province, fighting was reported in the Arghandab district, Charkhab, Zalakhan and Shekh Qalandar areas in Panjwayi district and the Pashmol and Ashoghi areas in Zheray districts. Ongoing fighting and the presence of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) affected farmers’ access to their land, adversely affecting the livelihoods of people in agricultural areas." 117542,32494.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,35,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/el-mundo/el-preocupante-aumento-de-la-violencia-contra-mujeres-ninos-y-ninas-venezolanas-durante-la-pandemia/,El aumento de la violencia está directamente relacionado con la profundización de la crisis humanitaria y la disminución de las opciones disponibles para familias cada vez más desesperadas debido al brote de coronavirus”. 326507,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 98% of IDP settlement and 96% of non-IDP settlement households found with a Education Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 291575,51191.0,2336.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"These were farmers who previously were able to support themselves and their families, who fled from the violence and left behind their homes, land and livelihoods. Now they are internally displaced and living in tents on the side of a mountain with relief assistance as their only support. Similarly, almost 394,000 people across the country were forced to flee conflict in 2020." 315482,54311.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,24,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Hay necesidad de proveer asistencia médica para minimizar los riesgos de enfermedades respiratorias agudas, debido al incremento de lluvias y ola invernal." 454532,64224.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,65,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Temas de interés para los espacios grupales de recuperación emocional. • Los temas más solicitados por las personas encuestadas, son autoestima de la mujer (15.2%), apoyo emocional y orientación psicológica (15.8%), emprendimiento y actividades productivas (12.9%) y cómo manejar el estrés, la depresión y la ansiedad (14.0%)." 214534,45420.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gado_Sept2020.pdf,[SITE DE GADO] PRINCIPAUX DEFIS - WASH : Améliorer le niveau des indicateurs d’accès aux installations sanitaires et le suivi de la qualité de l’eau potable ; Renforcement de la maintenance et sécurisation des installations ; Renforcement des capacités d’autogestion et d’appropriation des services WASH par les réfugiés. Garantir le respect continu des mesures barrières et précautions d’hygiène contre la COVID 19 133758,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Argentina se caracteriza por ser un país de origen, tránsito y destino de víctimas de trata de personas. Según las estadísticas del Comité Ejecutivo para la Lucha contra la Trata y Explotación de Personas y para la Protección y Asistencia a las Víctimas, aproximadamente la mitad de las víctimas son de nacionalidad argentina (trata interna), mientras que la otra mitad son extranjeras (trata internacional). Entre 2008 y mediados de 2019, el 49% de las víctimas fueron argentinas (7.151 personas), mientras que el otro 51% fueron extranjeras (7.354 personas)." 319590,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,47,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"4) Micosis/ Infecciones de la piel con el 4,9% (11 casos) de atenciones, en el grupo etario de 0 a 5 años predominantemente debido a condiciones insalubres de sus viviendas y el poco ingreso familiar para acceder a un tratamiento médico." 457509,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],fr,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,la situation sécuritaire de la zone est peu sûre (54% des répondants et 6/9 groupes). Cette situation est ainsi dépeinte parce qu’il existe des groupes armés actifs dans la zone (88% des répondants). Des incidents d’attaque perpétrés par les GANI ont été observés dans la ville. Ils représenteraient une menace à l’organisation d’une intervention humanitaire selon 73% des répondants par ce qu’ils peuvent piller ou bloquer l’assistance (4% des répondants). 293087,51965.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,125,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://monusco.unmissions.org/sud-kivu%C2%A0%C2%A0la-monusco-facilite-un-atelier-sur-la-probl%C3%A9matique-des-enfants-dans-les-conflits-arm%C3%A9s,"Dans la province du Sud-Kivu, en République démocratique du Congo, «de nombreux enfants continuent à être arrachés à l’affection de leurs familles, de leurs écoles et de leurs amis pour être utilisés comme des machines à tuer, des relais du mal, quand ils ne sont pas tués eux-mêmes ou mortifiés à jamais par les affres de leur utilisation comme soldats ou comme objets sexuels, et j’en passe » :C’est le tableau sombredépeint parle Ministre provincial de l’Intérieur, Lwabanji Kasi Ngabo, lors d’un atelier facilité par la MONUSCO à Bukavu, le 11 mars dernier, sur la problématique des enfants et les conflits armés." 163762,34165.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,63,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"el fortalecimiento de grupos armados organizados en la subregión del Catatumbo y área metropolitana de Cúcuta en medio de la crisis sanitaria por COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto en cuanto al aumento de reclutamientos forzados, desplazamientos transfronterizos, restricciones de acceso, y contaminación por MAP. Preocupan los eventos de intolerancia e intimidación a los ciudadanos y al personal médico." 272800,50353.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,109,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"An increase in the targeting of traditional and religious leaders was also observed in November. On 5 November Emeritus Archbishop of the Douala Archdiocese, Christian Cardinal Tumi, alongside the Fon of Nso (Bui division), Sehm Mbinglo, were abducted by NSAGs while on their way to Kumbo. The Cardinal was released the following day while the Fon spent several days in captivity before being released on 10 November. On 6 November, Chief Molinga Francis Nangoh of Liwola Malale village of the SW region was murdered and his palace burnt down by unidentified gunmen suspected to belong to a NSAG." 188178,31146.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,50,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El país se mantiene en alerta roja desde el 14 de marzo del 2020 y desde el 20 de marzo hay un toque de queda en todo el territorio nacional. De igual forma las fronteras aéreas, marítimas y terrestres han sido suspendidas para el movimiento de personas." 173135,40863.0,1899.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,93,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GT%20Flash%20Update%20Caravana%20migrantes%20CA%20INTERCLUSTER%2020201001%20FINAL%20VD.pdf,"En la tarde de hoy el Presidente de la República, Alejandro Giammattei, decretó el estado de prevención en los departamentos donde se movilizan miles de hondureños en caravana, considerando que en el contexto de la actual pandemia es un riesgo para la salud. La disposición estará vigente por 15 días en los departamentos de Petén, Izabal, Zacapa, Chiquimula, Jutiapa y El Progreso efectivo a partir del 2 de octubre. Los ministerios de Defensa, Gobernación, Salud y Relaciones Exteriores tendrán parte activa." 219354,45753.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,102,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"lack of civil documentation was noted by FGD participants. FGD participants identified some of the challenges linked to lack of civil documentation such as inability to access aid and registering children for school. FGD participants also cited an inability to travel or secure employment without the required civil documentation. Other respondents noted that lack of civil documentation is due to the expense, coupled with fear of travelling to insecure locations to obtain documents. Another woman in northeast Syria confirms the cost burden in obtaining necessary civil documentation. Meanwhile, complicated procedures impede securing civil documentation." 257035,48672.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"During the month of December, the mobile clinic in Tahoua has identified 91 cases of GBV. These cases have been sensitized about their rights and informed about the services available to them." 130796,33838.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,17,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,En Caldas de establece el primer hospital adecuado específicamente con unidad para pacientes con la COVID-19. 248022,48228.0,2332.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,54,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Sur l’ensemble des sites visités, il n’existe pas d’écoles. . Les enfants en âge scolaire sont estimés comme suit : 2000 enfants à Koudou-kolé, 1200 enfants à Kollom village, 1600 enfants à Darkani village et 400 enfants dans le site Dar El kher 2." 284825,50884.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"In Darfur, in particular there has been a spike in violent incidents. At least 4,000 people (900 families) have been displaced in violent attacks and burning of houses in Darfur." 63993,18842.0,788.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71444.pdf,"The incident was preceded by a raid of a community defense group, notably local hunters, who following a tip-off about NSAG gathering in a certain village went to the area and killed 12 NSAG elements. As such, instances of deliberate killings of civilians in areas under control of both Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) and Jama’atu Ahlus-Sunnah Lidda’Awati Wal Jihad (JAS) is expected to persist. Humanitarian Staff from ACF who were abducted are still being held captive." 361406,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,86,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: Implications: The findings demonstrate that childhood drowning is a grave issue in the refugee camps that requires urgent intervention. Many cases of fatal drowning among children can be prevented through sustained and comprehensive efforts to implement safety intervention (Peden et al, 2008). Although there are many proven drowning prevention strategies, several factors must be considered for the suitability and feasibility of their implementation in the refugee camps." 359954,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,152,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Facilitate to design practice based hands-on training curricula and impart life skills trainings to boys and girls based on their group-specific vulnerabilities, local needs, context and priority of the local governments in coordination with the Government of Bangladesh and Nepal and other development partners.  Conduct life skills training to children based on their group-specific vulnerabilities, local needs, and context, e.g. swimming skills for girls living in flood risk areas, self-defence training, positive thinking, and life motivation training for children with disability in coordination with women/children desk of local government through mobilization of print and electronic media in local language.  Impart education, training, awareness raising and information programs to address the vulnerability and risk of gender-based violence, sexual abuse and trafficking in the context of disaster-prone areas." 288315,50610.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March, 2021, Overall Syria] On isolation areas at camps and informal sites, most camps areas are completed or nearing completion." 496329,60048.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,43,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"Los tipos de violencia sufridos por las mujeres entrevistadas más mencionados fueron los siguientes: violencia física (35%), violencia verbal (25%), violencia psicológica (11%) y violencia sexual (10%)." 172237,40826.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_239_20200925.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 66 394 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 62 638 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 10 592 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,9%" 184772,42710.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] Education facilities and administrative buildings are permitted to remain open,but are encouraged to implement basic preventative measures" 274180,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Possession de terre] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Environ 80 % de la population de la province de l’Ituri accèdent à la terre en tant que propriété familiale, contre 87 % des ménages de Bafwasende (Tshopo) et seulement 38 % de ceux de Faradje et Dungu (Haut Uélé), qui l’ont reçue sous forme de cadeau (52 % des cas)." 203552,44071.0,2330.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,134,['Impact'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Las comunidades más afectadas fueron Panzós y La Tinta. La primera reportó un máximo de 310 familias afectadas por inundación y 8 albergues, 5 aún activos. La segunda reportó un máximo de 159 familias afectadas por inundación y 5 albergues, ninguno activo al momento de la misión. Ahora, con el impacto de Iota, las condiciones se han agravado y nuevamente se reportan personas evacuadas y albergadas. Los municipios de Senahú, Tamahú y Tucurú sufrieron impacto por deslizamientos y reportaron 29, 49 y 5 familias afectadas, respectivamente. En todos los casos se reportó pérdida de cultivos (maíz, frijol y chile), calles y caminos totalmente inundados y afectación en infraestructuras de servicios básicos, principalmente ligados al sector WASH." 156639,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"As part of the operational capacity building preparedness for COVID-19 response in Cox’s Bazar, WHO conducted a prime 4-day training for Infection Prevention and Control of COVID-19. The multiple modular training has supported trainees from Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) ITC partners and Government to roll out different modules for their staff; with ongoing direct and indirect support from WHO. So far, 494 and 1320 government and humanitarian health care workers have been trained respectively." 343897,56754.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],es,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/25-de-mayo-d-nacional-por-la-dignidad-de-las-mujeres-v-ctimas-de-violencia-sexual-en,"Las mujeres indígenas y afrodescendientes son gravemente afectadas, pues adicionalmente sufren de discriminaciones por raza, etnia y sexo. En el país, el 26% de mujeres víctimas de esta violencia registra una pertenencia étnica: 20% son negras, afrodescendientes, raizales o palenqueras, y el 6% son indígenas." 208748,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Due to the crisis and underdevelopment, communities’ capacities to protect themselves are eroded, leading to multi-layered consequences, including exposure to SGBV and other protection risks." 160535,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,48,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 41.2 % de la población percibe sus entornos como inseguros, aunque en La Guajira (47.4%) y en Atlántico (50%) la percepción de inseguridad (muy inseguro, inseguro o algo inseguro) es mayor que en las otras zonas." 192614,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Closure of schools has left over 1.1 million students without a physical classroom. While some states have shifted learning to radio, TV and internet, which is only accessible to 12 percent (132,000 children, of which 48,218 girls) of all the students, the vast majority of registered students are currently at home" 305835,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,67,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The mountainous area of Jebel Marra spans South, Central, and North Darfur and is controlled primarily by the Sudan Liberation Army led by-Abdelwahid el Nur (SLAAW), the most active rebel group in the area. Persistent fighting between the SAF and the SLA/AW since midJanuary 2016 has caused large-scale displacement within Jebel Mara. [Specific location assessed - Jebel Marra]" 346676,57050.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_145_20210525.pdf,"Au total, 31 242 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été enregistrés depuis le début de l’épidémie y compris 780 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,5% . Parmi ceux dont l’information a pu être collectée, 41,3% (3 714/8 984) des cas étaient symptomatiques à la notification." 386427,60870.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,121,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se requiere espacios de información en ley 1448 de 2011 con énfasis en recursos que proceden ante posible negación de inclusión en el RUV, rutas de atención y componentes de la AHI. Se evidencia desconocimiento de la normatividad y falta de claridad en afectaciones derivadas del conflicto, las comunidades hablan de necesidades estructurales de manera simultánea a eventos asociados al conflicto armado, sin hacer distinción: solicitan espacios de información dirigido a mujeres de las comunidades con énfasis en las afectaciones diferenciales por género, adicionalmente muestran interés por conocer de cerca los derechos como población víctima de conflicto armado y muestran un posible apoyo al ministerio público para verificar y organizar censos de sus comunidades." 276136,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Afin de répondre à leurs besoins, le Gouvernement a adopté un plan de réponse globale (2015-2019) pour leur enregistrement et réinsertion mais jusqu’à ce jour, ce plan n’a pas été réalisé par manque de financement. Depuis 2016, au total 6,321 personnes âgées de 15 ans, y compris des retournés tchadiens, ont reçu des récépissés de cartes d’identités." 189679,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"les provinces du Lac, les départements de Oum-Hadjer dans le Batha, de Dar-Tama dans le Wadi Fira et de Wadi Hawar dans l´Ennedi Est reflètent de sévérités catastrophiques. Les sévérités très élevées sont notifiées dans le Logone Occidental, le Tibesti, le Borkou, Kanem et le Wadi Fira à l´exception du département de Dar-Tama." 328668,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 79% and 17% of households of IDP settlement and Non-IDP settlement reported all school-aged children in their household who were previously attending school are continuing learning activities remotely since schools have been closed. 194235,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Au total, 357 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 11/11/2020. Au terme de la journée, 82,9% (n=296) échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 36 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, en l’occurrence ceux des 36 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." 134733,34828.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Se observan factores que marcan diferencias importantes respecto de la situación en que se puedan encontrar los hogares migrantes; tales como el país de origen, la condición migratoria (situación regular o irregular y el tipo de visa que se posee), el grupo socioeconómico de pertenencia y las redes de apoyo disponibles. A medida que aumenta el tiempo viviendo en Chile, varios de estos elementos presentan una evolución positiva que incide en mejores condiciones de habitabilidad y modalidad de ocupación de vivienda" 401753,62965.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,59,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Persons who have died due to drowning do not pose a significant public health risk for disease outbreaks unless it contaminates the community water source because most pathogens can no longer survive in a dead body, and microorganisms involved in putrefaction(decay processing) are not pathogenic." 274138,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Household Hunger Scale (HHS)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Si en moyenne 36% de ménages sont confrontés à ce problème, cette proportion est de 65 % chez les réfugiés, de 56 % chez les déplacés, et de 50 % chez les retournés, encore une fois les catégories les plus vulnérables à l’insécurité alimentaire." 305788,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The exception is Jebel Mara in Darfur where fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Sudan Liberation Army – Abdel Wahid (SLAAW) persists and some 15,000 to 20,000 people have been newly displaced during the first half of 2018. [Specific Locations assessed - Jebel Mara, and Darfur]" 453831,64997.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,167,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cp_bcnudh_note_mensuelle_violations_des_droits_de_lhomme_et_infographies_juillet_2021_fr_eng.pdf,"Au cours du mois de juillet 2021, la Section de la protection de l’enfant de la MONUSCO a documenté et vérifié 174 violations graves des droits de l’enfant dans le cadre des conflits armés en République démocratique du Congo, ce qui représente une diminution de 2% du nombre de violations documentées en juin 2021 (178 violations). Le recrutement et l'utilisation d'enfants a continué d'être la violation la plus fréquente (130), suivie par les meurtres et les mutilations (18), les violences sexuelles (11), les enlèvements (11) et les attaques contre les écoles et les hôpitaux (quatre). Globalement, 41% des violations ont été vérifiées au Nord-Kivu (72), 29% au Sud-Kivu (51), 17% en Ituri (30), 7% au Tanganyika (12), et 5% au Maniema (9)." 314808,54184.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/covid-19-en-rdc-debut-de-la-vaccination-lundi-allegement-du-couvre-feu-404666,"Dans le cadre du dispositif Covax, qui vise à fournir cette année des vaccins anti-Covid à 20% de la population de près de 200 pays, la RDC a reçu 1,7 million de doses du vaccin AstraZeneca début mars. La vaccination qui devait commencer le 15 mars avait été reportée ""par mesure de précaution"" après la suspension par d'autres pays d'utilisation du vaccin AstraZeneca." 155662,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"CwC WG partners reached 212,693 people in the camps and host community with key COVID-19 messages through community engagement activities, including 49,421 neighbourhood-based sessions, 16 sessions on home-based health care for older persons, 14,593 community consultation meetings, 1,491 radio group listening sessions, 389 video/film viewings, and an additional 4,070 sessions led by religious leaders. For community feedback and complaints, 80 information service centres in the camps and 3 information service centres in the host community were operational." 217922,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,76,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Immediate action is required to contain the high rate of asset depletion and food consumption gaps through food assistance for the population classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) and IPC Phase 3 (Crisis). The modality (cash or in-kind) of the food assistance should be considered based on proper market analysis, as prices of food commodities are significantly high and border closures can further disrupt economical food access." 172233,40826.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_239_20200925.pdf,"La grève des agents de la riposte se poursuit dans la ville de Kinshasa pour la 47ème journée consécutive, ce qui explique la faible performance de suivi des voyageurs à Kinshasa." 189723,43300.0,2332.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"En conséquence, le poids des charges pendant les déplacements journaliers à pieds occupe plus le temps des femmes ainsi que celui des filles, fragilisant leur santé et leur accès à l´éducation." 90739,25656.0,1620.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,54,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/202001%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report%20-%20WCA_FINAL.pdf,"The number of individuals observed at the Kano and Sokoto FMPs in January 2020 (1,208) witnessed a 5 per cent decrease from the previous month (1,269). This trend may possibly be a result of tigter security and stricter controls linked to insecurity in the border area with Niger." 386440,60870.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Infecciones cutáneas por utilización de agua del río para bañarse. 210078,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,19,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,Recurrent climate and non-climatic shocks undermine efforts to improve living conditions and achieve resilience (in the country) 293994,50852.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,22,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,93% Of surveyed refugee [households] HHs can access primary health care from their dwellings in ≤ 1 hour. 172430,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,85,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"D’après le bulletin conjoint des marchés produit en avril 2020, les tendances du marché en RDC montre qu’un mois après l’adoption des mesures sanitaires préventives liées au COVID-19, la grande majorité des commerçants de produits et non alimentaires ainsi que d’eau et de carburant interrogés à Goma, Bukavu, Uvira et Beni (Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu Ituri), ont signalé une baisse de la demande du fait de la hausse des prix." 164177,32983.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,53,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3650226,"La población carcelariadel país es una de las más expuestas al virus por los altos niveles de hacinamiento. En consecuencia, hemos brindado apoyo técnico a las autoridades penitenciarias sobre el manejo de contagios por COVID-19, el cumplimiento de medidas de libertad de forma segura y el manejo de cadáveres." 157268,38373.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,46,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Bogotá, los venezolanos trataron de viajar en bus, pero debido a la falta de recursos económicos no pudieron pagar el transporte hacia la frontera. Otras personas retornaron caminando, lo cual ha implicado mayores riesgos para la salud e integridad física." 209865,44790.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Most Somali households live on less than US$2 a day. Poverty remains a key barrier for both non-displaced and displaced population groups. An inability to afford basic services is frequently reported as a main concern across clusters, while requests for cash assistance are common" 317473,54319.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,65,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/emergencias_humanitarias_reportadas_elc_ene_mar_2021.pdf,"Las acciones armadas (enfrentamientos entre grupos armados no estatales, hostigamientos, combates, incursiones, entre otras) han causado el 80% de los desplazamientos masivos entre enero y marzo de 2021. Así mismo, acciones individuales y directas contra población civil como amenazas, atentados y homicidios causaron el 20% de los desplazamientos masivos en este mismo período." 145467,35868.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Al%20Hol%20Snapshot_26Jul2020.pdf,"There has been little change in the camp population in recent months, largely due to authorities and departures from the camp as part of COVID-19 precautionary measures implemented in late March." 163881,34165.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En el Amazonas se han verificado condiciones severas de inseguridad alimentaria que afectan a gran parte de la población, en su mayoría miembros de comunidades indígenas, que ya enfrentaban altos niveles de inseguridad alimentaria antes de la pandemia (59%)." 275682,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Environment']",en,128,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] A mild cold wave is blowing over Rangpur division, Naogaon, Mymensingh, Tangail, Faridpur, Gopalganj, Kushtia, Khulna, Barisal, Bhola, Jashore, Panchagarh, Nilphamari, Kurigram, Chuadanga, Pabna and Srimongol from January 15. The lowest temperature was 6.5 °C in Bdalgachi, 7.6°C in Tetulia. The mild cold wave has transformed into intense cold wave in Rajshahi and Rangpur region which is blowing from 31 January. The notable temperatures of January 31 was 5.5°C in Kurigram, 5.7°C in Rajshahi, 6.2°C Chuadanga and Ishwardi, 6.5°C in Badalgachi and Saidpur. This cold wave may remain for 4-5 more days. (Source: bangla.bdnews24.com)" 147048,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"At all points of entry (PoE), the MoH has stationed at least one ambulance with medical personnel. To date, WHO has supported screening efforts by providing PPEs, infrared thermometers, guidance notes, registration forms and one thermal scanner camera" 189699,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,54,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les mesures de l´état d´urgence ont trait, entre autres, à la perquisition de domiciles, fouille de véhicules par les Forces de défense et de sécurité, interdiction de circuler des engins à deux roues en dehors du périmètre urbain des provinces concernées, le couvre-feu à partir de 22 heures." 19256,7830.0,730.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/01/1030462,"Last month, WFP scaled up the delivery of food and food vouchers to around nine million people in Yemen, up from seven to eight million in November. The aim in coming weeks is to reach 12 million people to help avert famine in the country, which was already one of the poorest countries in the world before conflict escalated in March 2015." 304457,50891.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"This year, funding only reached 27 percent of the 2018 Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) estimated requirements, hampering the reach of UNICEF’s WASH programme" 134193,34849.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,143,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Un estudio acerca de la inserción laboral de profesionales de la salud venezolanos en Argentina21 afirma que en el país, si bien se cuenta con una dotación satisfactoria de profesionales de la salud, la distribución podría mejorarse. Sin embargo, y a pesar del contexto de severa restricción financiera, son varias las provincias que están tomando iniciativas destinadas a la incorporación de profesionales de la salud de nacionalidad venezolana. En este sentido, el estudio subraya el activo rol que juegan las asociaciones de profesionales de la salud venezolanos, quienes han tejido una eficiente red de comunicaciones que nuclea a cientos de profesionales, demostrando su capacidad de gestión al elaborar instructivos para facilitar la consecución de trámites ante diversas instancias ministeriales, establecer contactos con autoridades provinciales, directores de hospitales y asociaciones profesionales locales." 322559,54747.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] 100% of the households found with Multi-sectoral needs. 22% found to be extreme+ severe, 42% extreme and 36% severe." 335299,55819.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) les participants ont rapporté que les restrictions de mouvement causées par les mesures de lutte contre la COVID-19 ont affecté les moyens de subsistance des éleveurs des cinq communes. En effet, une bonne partie d’entre eux ont éprouvé des difficultés à pratiquer la transhumance, résultat de la fermeture des frontières." 174171,41097.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,131,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_11_covid-19_choco_vf.pdf,"Preocupa la atención precaria a mujeres gestantes y lactantes durante el periodo de cuarentena. Para el periodo que comprende este informe, el Boletín Epidemiológico #40 del INS resalta a Chocó como el segundo departamento con mayor razón de mortalidad materna (227,9) por cada 100.000 nacidos vivos) y el primer departamento con mayor razón de mortalidad perinatal y neonatal (32,5 2 por cada 1.000 nacimientos). Persistencia en falta de atención a casos de enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA), infección respiratoria aguda (IRA), y malaria (Chocó tiene el 27,60% de los casos a nivel nacional) que han visto poco abordaje por cuenta de la saturación del sistema de salud en el marco de la pandemia." 202617,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"There has been an increase in maternal mortality rates, as well as infant mortality, and in some areas only 12% of women are giving birth in health centers." 272717,50256.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 39% (126) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté qu’un peu plus de la moitié de la population (entre 51% et 75%) avait accès à la terre (sans nécessairement la cultiver) au cours du mois précédent." 387374,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"parece haber una cierta desaceleración en el incremento de la fuerza de trabajo femenina, especialmente si se considera que sólo entre los años 2008 y 2011 la Encla arroja un incremento de 4 puntos porcentuales en la proporción que representan las mujeres sobre el total del empleo de las empresas de cinco o más trabajadores, incremento refrendado por el aumento sustantivo que para el mismo período arroja la tasa de participación laboral de las mujeres -según los datos de INE- desde un 41,6% en 2008 (octubre-diciembre) a 49,1% en 2011 (noviembre-enero)." 417559,64197.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Environment'],es,26,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"En Manaure resultaron afectadas 48 familias por inundaciones y vendavales en 4 barrios (Berlín, Arroyo Limón, La Unión y Crispín López)." 295307,51569.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Priorities on humanitarian response  Establish/strengthen of community-based protection mechanism  Provision of psychosocial support systems including women and girls’ friendly spaces and child-friendly spaces  Distribution of dignity kits and shelter NFIs to vulnerable women and girls (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted) 111884,31304.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,112,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"A este paso de frontera se suma los múltiples pasos irregulares “o trochas” por los cuales pasa la población que no tiene documentos legales de viaje y que se ve obligada a moverse de manera forzada, por lo tanto, es este un espacio de bajo control por parte del estado donde el control sanitario es imposible y que será establecido como el único filtro posible de movilización hacia el país por las miles de personas que pasan a diario. (y que genera altos riesgos para la población colombiana o binacional también ya instalada en frontera que pasa a ser la población de recepción principal)." 111912,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,144,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"ante la angustia que genera en las familias no saber cómo suplir las necesidades básicas, las relaciones e interacciones con los niños pasan a un segundo lugar. Así, los niños quedan invisibilizados, lejanos de los padres y extrañando todo lo que ha quedado atrás. El afecto, el juego y la atención de sus cuidadores son para los niños fuentes de vitalidad en este contexto. Esto pudo observarse en el terminal cuando, entre la tristeza y las lágrimas de varias personas que esperaban la salida de un bus, un hombre jugaba con un niño (su hijo o nieto quizás). En un juego de cosquillas que duró casi 15 minutos, el niño y cuidador se reían a carcajadas y se abrazaban (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Bogotá, 2019)." 411075,63409.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/especial--la-trata-sigue-acechando-a-los-migrantes-y-refugiados/2768,"En lo que va de 2021, la Cruz Roja seccional Cundinamarca y Bogotá ha brindado asistencia humanitaria y acompañamiento psicosocial a 79 personas provenientes de Venezuela que han sido víctimas de este delito durante su trayecto migratorio." 237987,47357.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20Country%20Brief%2C%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Northeast Nigeria]The October 2020 Cadre Harmonisé (CH) highlighted that 3.4 million people in the BAY states are food insecure (CH Phase 3 and 4) in the October-December 2020 post-harvest period, an increase of 16 percent compared to the same period in 2019. CH projects this figure will increase to 5.1 million food insecure people during the June-August 2021 lean season." 164015,34165.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,52,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Cauca, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Antioquia son los territorios más afectados por la amenaza y riesgos a líderes sociales, especialmente localizados en subregiones PDET, ETCR y territorios donde predominan cultivos ilícitos, en una situación de inseguridad que afecta sus oportunidades de resiliencia y recuperación." 281091,43256.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"[Due to Chronic vulnerabilities, diminished coping capacities and a lack of access to basic services] 5.7 million people are affected by problems related to living standards, and 4.8 million people by problems related to resilience in Cameron" 209697,44790.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Somalia remains one of the poorest countries in the world. More than half of the population lives below the poverty line, surviving on less than $2 per day." 204358,43976.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Ayerou, Gotheye et Tera : situation particulièrement inquiétante, départements situés de la zone des 3 frontières, marquée par l’insécurité. La diminution des échanges transfrontaliers dans le cadre de la lutte contre l’épidémie COVID-19 a pu avoir un impact important sur la sécurité alimentaire des ménages dans ces zones." 217449,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,Overall food insecurity is estimated to be higher in urban areas with the price hike and economic downturn caused by COVID-19. 101241,29236.0,1621.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,22,['At Risk'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_Covid-19_MT_Impact_1_20200516.pdf,UNEMPLOYMENT is one of the major risk factors that increases vulnerability of migrants in Libya to harm and creates negative humanitarian consequences2 387372,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"De acuerdo con los datos de la tabla 1, el trabajo remunerado en las empresas del país sigue siendo un ámbito preferentemente masculino, con escasa o nula variación en el período 2011-2018." 194771,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"This unprecedented closure of schools has long-lasting implications in the lives of girls and boys, depriving them of learning and social engagement, impacting the mental health and risk of disengagement with school system resulting in drop out in the long run. Disruptions to instructional time in the classroom can have a severe impact on a child’s ability to learn." 335522,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In Ghazni and Panjshir provinces each reported 16 and 10 cases of death which shows almost 6% case fatality ratios. Following that Faryab (5.8%), Khost (4.2%), Baghlan (3.8%), Parwan (3.7%), Kunduz (3.7%), Logar (3.5%), Dykundi (3.5%), Jawzjan (3.3%) are the top ten provinces with highest case fatality ratio including Ghazni and Panjsher. The national CFR recorded on June, 04 is 1.6%." 341841,56181.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"En Ituri, Les distributions alimentaires d'avril 2021 ont été affectées par l'insécurité dans le territoire de Djugu, où la circulation des véhicules n'était pas autorisée sur la RN 27 pendant la majeure partie du mois" 271532,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au niveau national, la prévalence de la malnutrition chronique est de 24,9% dont 8% de forme sevère avec à l’image des années antérieures d’énormes disparités régionales et provinciales. Comparativement à 2019, on remarque une baisse de 0,5% pour la malnutrition chronique et une augmentation de 0,6% pour la forme sevère au niveau national." 229672,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Structurally, the health facility has permanent structurers which is less than 1km from the IDP which is partially Functional health facility (Mangalla PHCC) and can run both inpatient and outpatient services" 179541,42177.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%B7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D8%A5%D8%AF%D9%84%D8%A8-%D9%8A%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%82%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%88%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%8A-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B8%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D9%82%D8%B1-%D9%88%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%88%D9%82%D9%84%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D8%B9%D9%85,"[29 Oct 2020] [Idleb] According to the Supervisor of the Idleb Education Complex, one of the barriers facing the educational process in Idleb is the stopping of European support for the education sector in the liberated north of Syria a year ago." 330148,55167.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elperiodico.com/es/internacional/20210502/represion-policial-marca-mayo-colombia-11695827,"La tensión en Cali es muy elevada después detres días de manifestaciones y violencia que han dejado 120 heridos, según las autoridades, mientras que ONG denuncian entre siete y ocho fallecidos, en un contexto de represión policial indiscriminada, según el Movimiento Social de Mujeres de Cali." 161813,39298.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,16,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_Northeast-HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_July2020.pdf,Local supply chains were negatively affected by COVID-19 preventive restrictions to cross-border and cross-line commercial activity 386431,60870.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"La educación para estas 33 comunidades está a cargo de dos organizaciones indígenas (Kamainka y Karagabi) y IE Crucito para la comunidad campesina de Nain. Cabe mencionar que, de manera previa al desplazamiento, y en el marco de las medidas decretadas por el Gobierno ante la pandemia, la actividad escolar en el territorio no fue suspendido, los NNAJ continuaban asistiendo a la escuela y por ello extrañan tanto la actividad escolar." 307734,53292.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"A total of 700 people (552 women, 148 men) were supported with cash for protection, designed to reduce and mitigate exposure to risks, as well as enabling meaningful access to essential services" 133901,35165.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En entrevista con organizaciones, se detecta que están llegando personas menores de edad venezolanas con esquemas de vacunación retrasados. Del mismo modo, hay algunas personas con enfermedades crónicas que están migrando por esta condición para tener acceso a medicamento en Panamá que no logran conseguir en Venezuela. Sin embargo, por lo general, los medicamentos en Panamá resultan onerosos a las personas venezolanas." 248492,46458.0,2336.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"On average, over 15 people reside in each dwelling, with the majority of households (92 per cent) living in single roomed mud-brick dwellings. There is also a highly vulnerable five per cent of households residing in tents, accounting for a total of 30 families and over 150 people." 356134,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,37,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En abril, la inflación de alimentos, servicios SAR, bienes SAR y regulados disminuyó 4,2 pps, 1,4 pps, 0,9 pps y 0,4 pps, respectivamente, frente al mismo mes del 2020." 222849,44702.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,38,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"This year’s torrential rains have caused flood which have devastated livelihoods by way of crops failure, live stocks death in big numbers and houses destroyed in most of the flooded counties in Lakes state." 184643,42263.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRSY005do.pdf,"[23rd October 2020,Overall Syria] In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic that has increased the burden on the communities under the impact of the economic crisis (rise in exchange rate and economic sanctions by several geopolitical actors)." 298765,52631.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"Le 22 juillet, le Président de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, annonce la levée progressive de l’état d’urgence sanitaire avec une reprise des activités en trois étapes, dont la réouverture des frontières à partir du 15 août." 205237,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,Hostage taking for ransom or extortion of money are a growing phenomenon and humanitarian staff and assets are increasingly targeted. 160571,38373.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En una entrevista con un actor clave en La Guajira, se conoció que en la Comuna 10 de Riohacha hay mujeres venezolanas que se dedican al trabajo sexual como último recurso" 356658,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El sistema disciplinario policial carece de la independencia necesaria, concluyó Human Rights Watch. El director de la Policía Nacional señaló que no existe una carrera profesional separada para los agentes que realizan las investigaciones por asuntos disciplinarios. Esto significa que no existen salvaguardas para asegurar que los investigadores no acaben trabajando junto con policías a quienes hayan investigado previamente, o bajo su mando. La legislación colombiana también permite que el director de la Policía Nacional revoque cualquier decisión disciplinaria." 49438,16177.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"En el desarrollo de los grupos focales con migrantes, hombres y mujeres, en Bogotá y Barranquilla se mencionó el acoso sexual hacia las mujeres como un factor que puede obstaculizar su permanencia en un trabajo. Esta barrera fue mencionada con mayor incidencia por los hombres, lo que puede ser un indicio de cierto temor entre las mujeres, de denunciar este tipo de comportamientos en el ámbito laboral." 301226,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,135,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"19 March 2021, Cox's Bazar −− RAB arrested a man (Sayed Hossain, 47) from Moulvipara area of Teknaf Sadar and seized 5,000 yaba tablets and BDT 3.7 million from his possession. BD Pratidin (Bang.) − Police arrested three in Chattogram while they were transporting 30,000 yaba tablets in a poultry-carrying van from Cox's Bazar. BD Praditin (Bang.) − A Rohingya man has returned to Chakmarkul Camp 21 after imprisonment. Coxsbazar News (Bang.) − Accidental fire in Camp 17 gutted the former Save the Children's Hospital (currently run by PHD). BD Today24 (Bang.) − Rohingya repatriation: Bangladesh seeks Sri Lanka’s support. Dhaka Tribune (Eng.)" 85627,23702.0,1384.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,16,[],[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,,Sectors of intervention include food assistance; health care; legal assistance; and others. 166013,39963.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000118292.pdf,"Preliminary WFP estimates indicate that 10 million people could be at risk of food insecurity in Colombia, of which 3 million are projected to be severely food insecure. It is estimated that 84 percent of Venezuelan migrants in the country are at risk of food insecurity, up from the 55 percent pre-crisis levels." 270083,49930.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,76,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,"https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56019820#:~:text=Seg%C3%BAn%20el%20plan%20del%20gobierno,y%20sujeta%20a%20algunos%20derechos.","Este nuevo registro de migrantes ha sido celebrado por decenas de entidades en todo el mundo, pero aún está por verse lo más complejo: su implementación. Por ahora, los colombianos conocen el anuncio y la hoja de ruta, pero los entes especializados aún deben analizar y concertar el contenido del decreto. Una vez cerrado el decreto, la Cancillería emitirá las resoluciones que detallen cómo será exactamente el esquema." 163543,30906.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,103,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Hay poca capacidad de toma de pruebas, hasta el momento solo se han tomado 490 pruebas para una población de 359.127 habitantes. • Los hospitales del departamento son de mediana y baja complejidad, y presentan poca capacidad de atención a posibles casos COVID-19 (i.e. Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo). • Pacientes que son transferidos a otros departamentos para cuidados médicos de mayor nivel, no reciben de manera oportuna el apoyo en sus necesidades básicas para poder cumplir con la cuarentena; quedando bloqueadas en condiciones precarias, sin poder regresar a sus hogares en otras ciudades" 235154,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Urgent financing needs are emerging as a consequence of the pandemic and the deterioration of terms of trade. The Covid-19-related financing needs in 2020 are estimated at CFAF 497 billion (2.2 percent of GDP). After taking into account already secured financing and some drawdown of government deposits at the BEAC, the residual needs should reach CFAF 410 billion (1.8 percent of GDP) [Gross domestic product]" 223962,46071.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"La sévérité des besoins en matière de violences basées sur le genre s’est détériorée, passant de de 189 zones prioritaires à 369 notamment en raison de récents mouvements de population et facteurs aggravants liés à l’épidémie de COVID-19." 356603,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Aunque la mayoría de las manifestaciones se desarrollaron de manera pacífica, algunos individuos cometieron actos graves de violencia, incluidas agresiones violentas contra policías y ataques a estaciones de policía con piedras y cócteles Molotov, saqueos e incendios de bienes públicos y privados. Al 2 de junio, más de 1.200 policías habían sido lesionados, al menos 192 de gravedad, dos agentes habían muerto y siete seguían hospitalizados, según el Ministerio de Defensa. Veinte policías fueron heridos por armas de fuego, según el director general de la Policía. El29 de abril, varios individuos golpearon y abusaron sexualmente de una mujer policía mientras atacaban una estación policial en Cali." 359098,58464.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,83,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Barriers to electricity include the rationing of electricity by authorities, but also the high cost of any alternatives, like generators and solar panels. According to REACH Market Monitoring data, the median diesel fuel price in Ar-Raqqa is currently more than 3 times higher than in Al-Hasakeh (488 Syrian Pound [SYP] per liter vs 150 SYP), meaning pivoting to generators in Ar-Raqqa will be that much more challenging." 272614,50217.0,2333.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,78,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Ainsi, suites aux inondations consécutives aux fortes pluies qui se sont abattues sur le Niger entre juillet et septembre 2020, plus de 632 000 personnes ont subi des dommages liés à la perte de leurs habi- tats (plus de 50 000 maisons détruites), de leurs champs (plus de 18 200 hectares de terres agricoles détruits) ou encore de leurs bétails (plus de 19 000 têtes de bétail tués)." 295634,52400.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Education', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,166,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] The fire originated from block D in Camp 8W at about 3pm on 22 March 2021. The frequent wind flow made the fire spread quickly to other camps comprising camps 8E, 9, and 10, completely razing a huge amount of infrastructure – these included shelters, mosques, community centres, learning centres, service centres, learning facilities, shops, LPG storage sheds and Camp-in-Charge (CiC) offices. The fire was put out in three camps (8E, 8W & 9) around 9.45 PM the same day (22 March 2021), and at 1:00 AM on 23rd March in Camp 10, by the Fire Service and Civil Defense (FSCD) teams with support from CPP volunteers and BDRCS staff (Population Movement Operation and Myanmar Refugee Relief Operation) and fully controlled in after 1:00 AM on 23rd March." 274196,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,96,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"Mahagi: Dans le territoire de Mahagi la sécurité alimentaire s’est aussi dégradée. Elle est passée de 82 % en 2019 à 88 % en 2020, probablement à cause de l’activisme des groupes armés qui s’est étendu sur plusieurs ZS du territoire (telles que Rimba, Logo, Aungba et Kambala) avec comme conséquence les déplacements massifs de la population vers les ZS de Mahagi, Nyarambe et Angumu. Et cela, sans compter les vagues de déplacés venus du territoire voisin de Djugu." 197204,43114.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.dinero.com/opinion/columnistas/articulo/los-derechos-de-los-venezolanos-por-miguel-angel-herrera/305669,"La absurda y polémica propuesta de Claudia López de deportar a los venezolanos que cometan crímenes solamente tiene un aspecto positivo: abrir con fuerza el debate acerca del impacto de esta población migrante en nuestro país con más de 2 millones de personas, de las cuales más del 50% vive ilegalmente en Colombia, más del 25% no tiene empleo y alrededor del 60% que está empleada gana menos de un salario mínimo." 221662,45721.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In the same period, close to 648,000 persons were provided with access to sustainable, safe water, health services were provided to close to 1.7 million persons, 246,000 persons benefited from shelter interventions and 413,000 persons received non-food items." 386445,60870.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,21,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Las personas no cuentan con recipientes de almacenamiento para los alimentos, lo cual genera presencia de roedores y vectores." 56064,17094.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,164,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Aparte de las cuestiones documentarias, casi todos dedicaron largas horas a navegar por Internet para averiguar acerca de los trámites de radicación, las oportunidades laborales, las opciones de vivienda y los itinerarios y pasajes posibles. Puesto que no todas las personas tenían decidido dónde se dirigirían, en varios casos la elección de Argentina fue resultado de estas indagaciones. Diversas personas mencionaron la posibilidad de residir regularmente (en comparación con Chile, donde percibían que la documentación sería incierta), que sus hijos pudieran asistir a la escuela pública y la factibilidad de poder convalidar sus títulos universitarios y ejercer su profesión. Como expresó una médica arribada en 2018: ""Este es el sexto país donde intento ir, me parecía que acá podía ser más sencillo. Digo por la convalidación, yo he tratado de no perder la profesión, por eso no me fui para EEUU, allá es imposible""." 161726,34176.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,Lavamanos portátiles ubicados en dos comedores de la comuna 20 de Cali (Siloé/Belén) y uno en comedor de la Pastoral Social de Palmira. 330138,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"La falta de confianza de los indígenas en la vacunación es otro obstáculo que aún hay que superar. “Estamos esperando completar el esquema y terminar con la meta propuesta, pero por ejemplo, dependemos de 1.200 personas que todavía se resisten a vacunarse. Nosotros hicimos pedagogía en por lo menos 30 comunidades y solo hubo una que definitivamente se resistió a la vacunación”, dice." 163890,34165.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Brechas y limitaciones • WFP requiere financiamiento urgente para dar incrementar los niveles de asistencia de acuerdo con las necesidades más urgentes, particularmente a la población colombiana más afectada por el impacto socioeconómico del COVID19." 176630,41731.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'Health']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,110,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,{À Tougouri (Centre-Nord)} Les hommes âgés PDI ont affirmé avoir des besoins en matière de santé et les jeunes garçons des logements (car il y a la surpopulation dans leurs maisons). Ils disent que ces besoins ont été pris en compte très faiblement car la majorité ne possède pas de logement pour s’abriter. Ce qui devrait être fait pour eux c’est de trouver et aménager des sites pour l’ensemble des déplacés et pour les hommes âgées PDI et que les consultations et les médicaments soient gratuits pour tous les PDI (hommes âgées PDI). 280101,50901.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] 32% of households reported that their children are receiving no education, and 12% reported that they faced barriers to education. The most commonly reported barriers were: • Education is not considered important (57%) • No education for children of a certain age (43%) • Children have to work (14%)" 97964,27426.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,51,[],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-call-urgent-humanitarian-pause-hostilities,The UN Support Mission in Libya reports that at least 131 civilian casualties (64 deaths and 67 people injured) were documented in the first three months of 2020. Civilian casualties have increased by 45 per cent the first quarter of 2020 compared to the last quarter of 2019 235609,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,24,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Debt indicators remain on non-explosive paths and debt stock indicators remain below their thresholds under the baseline, except for a one-off breach." 111714,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"existen espacios como la ludoteca y otros lugares de atención donde los niños consiguen generar confianza en las personas encargadas de la atención, al ser escuchados y tener espacios de juego y bienestar, que les permiten crear defensas para protegerse (como cuernos y dientes) y escapar a la soledad y los riesgos que viven en sus casas." 162966,39111.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/265_1594211243.pdf,"Given the high susceptibility of HCWs to this virus, the safety of health workers has been at the forefront of Nigeria’s response strategy to COVID-19. NCDC has continued to train the critical mass of its health workforce across the country on the principles of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for COVID-19. In addition to this, NCDC has ensured country-wide distribution of necessary personal protective equipment (PPEs) and other medical consumables to health facilities in all the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory to ensure the safety of HCWs and the public at large." 228546,46627.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Initiatives are ongoing to address these economic impacts. For example, the UN is working with Da Afghanistan Bank to allow for cash transfers to address the impacts of COVID-19 through mobile wallets." 255378,48593.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,112,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/203262/,"[Feb 1st, 2021, NES] According to SOHR sources, there are several factors behind the worsening bread crisis, including the following: -Suspension of providing state-subsidized high quality bread to the city. -Flour shortage, as the Syrian regime does not provide flour to the three automated bread bakeries. - The increasing price of bread baked in the stone bread bakeries, which many of residents relied on. - Administrative corruption. -Looting of bread bakeries’ allocations of flour and yeast. -The increasing population of the city, as several people has been displaced from Ras Al-Ain and Abu Rasin to Al-Darbasiyyah" 56520,17094.0,1187.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,134,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Más allá de cuál haya sido la estrategia, en numerosas oportunidades las personas entrevistadas dejaron entrever o mencionaron explícitamente convivencias próximas al hacinamiento, tales como las que se detallan a continuación:  12 personas en un departamento con un solo baño,  10 personas (5 de ellas niños y niñas) en un departamento de 3 ambientes,  6 personas (entre ellas 2 niños) en un departamento de 3 ambientes,  10 personas (niños y adultos) en una casa antigua de 5 ambientes,  11 personas adultas en una casa antigua, sin detalle sobre la cantidad de ambientes,  4 personas adultas en un monoambiente,  4 personas (2 adultos y 2 niños) en un monoambiente." 319777,54388.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://ouruba.alwehda.gov.sy/homs-news/85681-%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D9%80-%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%B5-%D8%A8%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A9-30-%D8%B9%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B4%D9%87%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%82%D8%A9.html,"[April 15, Homs] The director of the Communicable Diseases Department in Homs, Dr. Ghadeer Al-Salibi, confirmed that the number of injuries started to increase since mid-March, where 10 to 15 infections are recorded daily, an estimated increase of between 20 to 30% over the previous months, noting that these numbers and rates are only for patients who visited Hospitals, there are those who contracted the disease with mild symptoms, and their health condition only required home isolation." 223948,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,70,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Selon les projections, il est estimé que l’épidémie de COVID-19 pourrait causer une augmentation de l’incidence des cas de malnutrition aigüe et que celle-ci passerait de 2,6 avant l’épidémie à 2,8. Ainsi, le nombre de personnes dans le besoin en Nutrition s’élève maintenant à 5,5millions, soit une augmentation de 17,8 pour cent par rapport au PRH originel." 175997,35297.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,330,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/105869/2/COVID_19_Forcasting_Syr4.pdf,"(Syria, August 2020) Currently, a very limited number of containment mitigation measures are in place in Syria. Should this continue to be the case and with low improvement of public commitment, our modelling predicts around 2 millionCOVID-19 active cases by end of August 2020. If effective measures were introduced and were accompanied by public commitment, this would take the number of active cases down to about 100,000. n our first scenario, we assume a severe outbreak, with an averageR0of 3 during August, which we believe is close to actual current value of R0in Syria. This assumes the government does not introduce strict measures and the level of public and individual commitment and adherence to protective measures only improves slowly. Under such a scenario, we forecast that by the end of August, the total number of active COVID-19 cases would be 1.982 million and the total related deaths to be around 119,000. In the second scenario, we assume an increased awareness and adherence to measures but with limited improvement on the measures introduced by the authorities which would take the R0 value down to 2. We forecast that by the end of August, the total number of active COVID-19 cases would be 289,500 and the total related death to be around 17,400. In the third scenario, we assume the introduction of effective measures and increased awareness. We project that by the end of August, the total number of active COVID-19 cases would be 101,000 and the total related death to be around 6,100. In the final scenario, we assume a phased approach and a gradual decrease of R0 from 3 to 1.5. Under this scenario, we forecast that by the end of August, the total number of active COVID-19 cases would be 400,000 and the total related deaths to be around 24,100." 343868,56767.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,104,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Asi-avanzan-los-pilotos-de-vacunacion-contra-covid-19-.aspx,"""Con estos pilotos pudimos controlar las bases de datos y la logística en territorio para poder llegar a estas poblaciones tan importantes. Las Fuerzas Militares fueron muy eficientes, aplicando las 10.000 dosis que les asignamos para este piloto"", indicó el funcionario. En el caso de la Policía, de las 10.000 dosis asignadas ya se aplicaron 9.255; a la Fiscalía se le asignaron 2.280 para el pilotaje y llevan 2.227 aplicadas y, finalmente, al Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF) se le asignaron 10.000 dosis, de las cuales han aplicado 7.964." 207156,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,174,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The cholera epidemic declared in 2018, which affected the regions of the North (58% of cases), the Far North (31% of cases), the Center (3.5% of cases), the Littoral (0.5% of cases) and the South West (7% of cases), continues in the two northern regions (North & Far North) as well as in the South West. As of 8 December 2019, 2,064 cases of cholera (51% of these cases are women, 12% are under 5 years of age, 27% are women of reproductive age and 9% are people over the age of 60) with 111 deaths (47% of these deaths are women, 6% are less than 5 years old, 35% are women of reproductive age and 35% are people over the age of 60) were recorded for a lethality rate of 5.4%." 171507,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] The 55 CCLC re-opened in July, providing women from 2,750 households with a safe place to cook while participating in learning sessions on COVID-19 awareness, WASH and other important issues, such as disaster risk reduction. The CCLCs deployed 126 lead mothers who reached 1,391 individuals on COVID-19 prevention and awareness messaging during the closure of the centres." 287389,51747.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COD_13.pdf,"Persisting conflicts in eastern areas, population displacements and movement restrictions related to COVID-19 prevention measures continue to limit farmers’ access to crop growing areas and agricultural inputs." 276968,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] 82% de ceux [des entreprises] qui ont des mesures de protection en place les ont renforcées suite a la deuxième vague 126656,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,73,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"The majority (93%) of Egyptian migrants travelled to Libya directly while a minority (3%) reported travelling through Sudan or Tunisia (1%) before entering Libya. The remaining (3%) reported using other routes. Nearly a third of Egyptian migrants (30%) mentioned that they entered Libya through unofficial border-crossing points, whereas 68% entered through official ones." 160465,38373.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Como antes mencionado, el alcance de estas iniciativas de educación virtual es limitado, ya que la mayoría de las familias no cuentan con acceso a internet y no poseen los dispositivos electrónicos. Por otro lado, en Atlántico, con el cierre de las autoridades locales, las remisiones a la Secretaría de Educación para los niños y niñas en búsqueda de un cupo escolar quedaron pendientes." 223965,46071.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Les femmes ont perdu confiance au processus de recrutement dans certaines zones suite à la mauvaise expérience de la riposte à la MVE à l’Est de la RDC. Selon le rapport de l’analyse genre dans la riposte MVE, les filles déclaraient qu’elles étaient obligées d’avoir des relations sexuelles avec certains agents travaillant sur la réponse Ebola, même si elles ont un diplôme." 238607,47236.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,"Les informations recueillies indiquent que le taux d’inscription a connu une augmentation après la crise, bien qu'une majorité des enfants déplacés entre six (6) à 11 ans ne soit pas scolarisés en raison du manque de moyens financiers et de matériels scolaires." 256988,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Politics']",en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,A state of emergency was first introduced in 2017 and is still in place. 223359,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"As a secondary impact, aerial attacks have reportedly made Al-Shabaab more suspicious of humanitarian organizations, on the basis that they could be collecting information to be used for air strikes." 230115,46696.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Operational%20Dashboard%20November.pdf,"[30th November 2020, Bangladesh] 54,656 primary health care consultations were provided in health facilities. 671 mental health consultations were conducted and 23,115 refugees participated in group psycho-social activities. 1,667 new admissions to community management of acute malnutrition programmes reported." 248977,47559.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,116,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Pour le mois de novembre 2020, aucun mouvement n’a été enregistré dans la région. Cependant certaines PDIs dans la commune de Ouahigouya expriment le besoin de retour dans leurs différentes zones d’origine, et d’autres le besoin de relocalisation. La précarité des conditions de vie dans la zone de déplacement et l’impossibilité de pratiquer certaines activités telles que l’agriculture et l’élevage ont été quelques raisons avancées. Par ailleurs, selon ces populations qui envisagent les retours, elles identifieront à travers les VDP, des stratégies de sécurité afin de faire face à d’éventuelles attaques des GOA." 187546,38355.0,1184.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,38,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"Food insecurity and job loss were the two biggest wor- ries, while 11.5 per cent of women surveyed said violence and conflict had increased in their home, which is double of the reported by men." 338765,56193.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,66,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"DRC ranks at the bottom on measures of health, political violence, and civil conflict; its people suffer from high rates of food insecurity, extreme poverty, and displacement. Chronic conflict and neglect have stripped many communities of their security, livelihoods, and social safety nets, leaving them ill-equipped to cope with shock and in persistent need of HA." 150708,32327.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,351,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"El COVID-19 y las medidas de salud pública relacionadas afectan desproporcionadamente a los refugiados y migrantes en la región, especialmente a mujeres y niñas. Si bien los datos específicos sobre roles y relaciones de género apenas están surgiendo, la exacerbación del trabajo de cuidado no remunerado del hogar entre mujeres y niñas. En la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), las mujeres en promedio destinan cada día tres veces más tiempo que los hombres a labores domésticas y de cuidado no remuneradas. Antes de la crisis, esto significaba que las mujeres en América Latina destinaran un total de 22 a 42 horas a la semana al trabajo doméstico no remunerado.21 Si bien no hay datos recientes para Venezuela, según la CEPAL, las mujeres en Perú destinan aproximadamente 39.9 horas a la semana a trabajos de cuidado no remunerados (24 horas más que los hombres peruanos), mientras que las mujeres en Ecuador asignan 37 horas (27 horas más que los hombres), y las mujeres colombianas 32.9 horas a la semana (casi 20 horas más que los hombres). No existe razón para suponer que esta tendencia sea diferente para las mujeres y los hombres venezolanos, considerando el acceso limitado a la atención infantil o a otros servicios de atención en sus países de acogida. Las mujeres que habitan en hogares con acceso limitado al agua potable, como los asentamientos en condiciones de hacinamiento, destinan entre 5 y 12 horas más por semana a trabajos domésticos y de cuidado no remunerados que las mujeres que viven en hogares sin tales privaciones.22 Las medidas de cuarentena y las normas de distanciamiento social, como el cierre de escuelas y el tránsito limitado, se combinaron con las desigualdades preexistentes para aumentar extraordinariamente la carga de atención de las mujeres ante la crisis del COVID-19; este factor ha impactando negativamente la salud física y emocional, así como su capacidad de acceder a oportunidades de generación de ingresos." 113551,32328.0,1185.0,[],[],[],es,177,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Abordar los desafíos de seguridad alimentaria y nutrición para las mujeres y las niñas: aumente de inmediato la acción humanitaria que promueva una nutrición adecuada, especialmente para las mujeres embarazadas y las adolescentes. Combine esta estrategia con actividades que permitan a las niñas, incluidas las embarazadas, permanecer en la escuela. Esto puede incluir: políticas y apoyo financiero para madres jóvenes, cuidado de niños, transferencias de efectivo para satisfacer necesidades nutricionales y médicas, y actividades de generación de ingresos o desarrollo de habilidades. Asegúrese de que los programas estén diseñados en función de la composición del hogar, en lugar de imponer una idea estándar del mismo. Por ejemplo, puede ser que en los hogares encabezados por mujeres, incluidas las mujeres mayores, se cuide a más niños y por ello existan mayores necesidades nutricionales. Para obtener ejemplos de cómo se ha implementado estas estrategias, mire las innovadoras medidas de apoyo a los hogares durante COVID-19 en diferentes países de ALC." 483342,67230.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,95,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Desde principios de 2017, 600,000 refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela llegaron al Perú, el segundo país de destino en la región. En septiembre de 2018, Perú ha recibido más de 150,000 solicitantes de asilo de Venezuela. Durante el año pasado, según la Autoridad Nacional de Migración, más de 220,000 de Venezolanos se asentaron en las áreas metropolitanas de Lima y Callao, con un número significativo de personas que se mudan a otras regiones del país, como oportunidades de subsistencia en Lima se están volviendo escasos." 388631,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,39,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,12 personnes âgées dans l’incapacité de prendre soin d’elles même dont 04 hommes et 08 femmes 02 hommes vivants avec un handicap 15 personnes avec des conditions médicales importantes dont 05 femmes et 10 hommes 284751,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,66,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Access is very limited in Sudan. Many humanitarian workers were evacuated from Khartoum and elsewhere following the escalation of violence at the beginning of June. Humanitarian operations, especially in Darfur, have been suspended until security improves. Road blocks, strikes at ports and administrative burdens challenge the delivery of aid. The Internet has been shut down since 10 June." 221372,45721.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"While the prevalence of the disease is lower than in neighbouring countries, Somalia has extremely limited testing facilities, and where testing is available, stigma often prevents people from obtaining access to it" 164081,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,110,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"The Federal government of Nigeria commenced phase two of easing the lockdown with relaxing the nationwide curfew to 10:00 PM – 4:00 AM daily, however, healthcare workers and journalists are exempted from this curfew. Banks have resumed normal working hours, while government offices will be open 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Monday to Friday. The ban on interstate movement remains in effect except for agricultural produce, petroleum products, manufactured goods, and essential services. Face masks or coverings are mandatory in public settings and handwashing/sanitizing practices must continue to be followed, though observations have shown high levels of non-compliance." 223821,45880.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,59,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Une étude menée en octobre 2020 par REACH a examiné les changements dans la fréquenta�on scolaire par le biais d'entre�ens avec des informateurs clés au début de la nouvelle année scolaire dans les provinces du Sud-Kivu et du Tanganyika, après la fermeture de sept mois imposée dans le cadre de la stratégie na�onale de la réponse COVID-19." 399414,62971.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Health: All 12 Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Isolation and Treatment Centres are still functional." 190971,42037.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs in 15 assessed settlements reported that certain items had become more expensive or difficult to find at their nearest market in the 30 days prior to data collection, including food, soap, and personal protective equipment like masks and gloves, and KIs in all 17 assessed settlements reported that food was the highest priority area of assistance needed." 126137,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"En lo que respecta a los hogares de acogida, aproximadamente el 13% tiene una diversidad de dieta baja (7.2%) o mediana (5.6%)." 104840,30139.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy']",en,54,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,Timely indicators signal a marked decline in global trade UNCTAD trade nowcasts and free market commodity price index indicate that global trade values and prices have been negatively impacted since the first quarter of 2020 by the COVID-19 outbreak. The downturn is expected to accelerate during the second quarter of the year. 162355,35725.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,69,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3656183,"los habitantes de la vereda, perteneciente al corregimiento La Caucana, se desplazaron por la amenaza de un grupo armado ilegal a principios del mes de junio. Desde el año pasado, se destinaron más de 5.000 millones de pesos para garantizar alojamiento, alimentación y ayuda humanitaria inmediata a las familias desplazadas en Antioquia, la mayoría procedentes del Bajo Cauca y Norte del departamento." 176538,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,67,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Tous les groupes de populations hôtes affirment aussi avoir des besoins différents en tant que communautés d’accueil parce qu’ils ont accueilli les PDI et ont partagé leurs ressources déjà maigres avec eux, ce qui les a rendus plus vulnérables. Une partie estime que leurs besoins ne sont pas pris en compte et demande l’assistance en matériel de protection." 281579,51173.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"Additionally, findings of the most recent nutrition surveys show that 27 out of 34 provinces are now within the emergency threshold for acute malnutrition. Almost one in two children under five is expected to face acute malnutrition as well as a quarter of pregnant and lactating women in 2021." 94035,26519.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200302_Nextier-SPD_Policy-Brief-_Entrenching-Peace-1-2.pdf,"The insurgency has led to worsening of social problems including a high rate of sexual abuse, theft of all kinds, teenage pregnancy, gender violence, high rate of communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS and cholera, high rate of drug abuse in the communities." 359929,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,155,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Design gender transformative CSS project interventions. The following points can be considered in the gender transformative CSS project design:  Understand and address how gender norms influence children throughout the DRM cycle.  Include indicators to measure the knowledge and skills of girls and young women in leadership positions for building disaster and climate resilient schools and communities.  Define indicators that measure positive behaviour changes of target boys, and young men to promote gender equality in building disaster resilience schools and communities.  Contribute to improving the conditions (daily needs) and social position (value or status) of girls and young women in building disaster resilience schools and communities.  Foster an enabling environment where all stakeholders work together to support children and youth on their journey in building disaster resilient schools and communities." 330131,55164.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"En medio de la desconexión por el cierre del aeropuerto de esa ciudad por la nueva variante , el Plan Nacional de Vacunación (PNV) empezó en la región con una excepción que permitió la unificación de fases en los principales cascos urbanos del Amazonas, Vaupés y Guainía. Una decisión de Minsalud que respondió, al menos temporalmente, a una de las primeras preocupaciones frente a la inmunización: la dificultad de acceso al territorio. Para Martha Bibiana Velasco, secretaria de Salud del Vaupés, fue una estrategia que ya mostró resultados positivos. “Fuimos muy afortunados con la unificación de las etapas y, para este momento de aumento de casos, hemos visto los efectos de la vacunación”." 175060,40904.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,26,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep_Antioquia_Junio_V2_%282%29_VF.pdf,"La Gobernación de An�oquia mantuvo un estricto control sanitario en las carreteras del departamento, como medida para reducir el número de contagios del COVID-194." 267703,49804.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Idleb continued to report the highest informal price at SYP 1,919/litre (up 11 percent m-o-m), followed by Aleppo at SYP 1,424/litre (up five percent m-o-m). On the other hand, Al-Hasakeh reported the lowest price at SYP 150/litre (unchanged m-o-m), followed by Ar-Raqqa at SYP 396/litre (unchanged m-o-m)." 386948,60761.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/radio/2021/07/22/politica/1626981275_103460.html,"“Día a día en promedio14.398 familiasse unen al Estatuto Temporal de Protección, como el mecanismo de oportunidad. A la fecha ya han contestado su encuesta socioeconómica, 963 mil 083, hermanos venezolanos.Lo que quiere decir que ya pasamos la mitad, con tan solo dos meses de puesta en marcha de este proyecto”, aseguró." 357948,58540.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,27,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/a-la-une/rdc-covid-19-14-nouveaux-cas-de-deces-364-nouveaux-cas-positifs-et-68-gueris-enregistres-le-vendredi-25-juin-2021/,Le Secrétariat technique du Comité multisectoriel de lutte contre le coronavirus a notifié 364 nouveaux cas de contaminations à la Covid-19 le vendredi 25 juin 2021. 241968,47791.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"La diminution de revenue des ménages due à la pandémie a été aussi associée à une augmentation de la violence domestique, de la séparation familiale, du travail des enfants et à une majeure présence de sentiments négatifs chez les enfants" 194059,42945.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,87,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/ong-denuncia-agresiones-a-migrantes-que-cruzan-las-trochas/2230,"Como los migrante siguen intentando cruzar, del lado venezolano los cuerpos policiales, la Guardia Nacional y el Ejército les solicitan la prueba PCR que compruebe resultados negativos para la covid-19 como requisito para permitirles continuar su recorrido. Sin embargo, según las denuncias de FundaRedes, esta petición la hacen “sabiendo que en este país no hay insumos médicos, y como no las tienen, les exigen que paguen en dólares o a las mujeres que paguen con el cuerpo”." 185929,43194.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,33,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,{Entre mai et août 2020} Le prix du manioc a plus que doublé sur la province {de Tshuapa} (passant de 487 FC le kg à 1098). 265566,49620.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"À l’image du secteur de la santé, les IC ont rapporté que l’accès à l’eau, bien qu’en amélioration par rapport à juin, était insuffisant dans 40% des localités de la zone. Outre des conditions climatiques difficiles, l’insécurité a empêché les populations d’accéder à leurs sources d’eau habituelles dans de nombreuses localités des régions de l’Est, de Menaka, de Gao et de Tombouctou." 172647,40992.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3677790,"The United States Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has donated a second shipment of 250 brand-new, state-of-the-art ventilators to Peru to assist its fight against COVID-19." 291646,52152.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,109,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Cruzando las respuestas de los hogares productores frente a los precios que son pagados por los comerciantes, se logra identificar que para ellos, si se ha presentado un incremento de los precios de compra, lo que permitiría suponer que el fenómeno de incremento de precios está dado por la acción especulativa de los intermediarios y dado a que los costos logísticos se han incrementado en la coyuntura de pandemia. Aunque sea difícil establecer con rigor una relación de causalidad, los precios al consumidor, y en particular los precios alimentarios, han subido considerablemente entre marzo y abril, probablemente por efectos especulativos." 275673,50677.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Le nombre d’enfants souffrant de malnutrition aigüe sévère (MAS) est passé de 1,84% en mai 2020 à 2,4% en août 2020." 328597,54710.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 13% of Households of IDP settlements reported a lack of documentation proving their occupancy status while 26% of Households of non-IDP settlements reported a lack of documentation proving their occupancy status. 322314,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Five most commonly reported illnesses or injuries household members of IDP settlements had in the past two weeks prior to data collection were fever(8%), Diarrhea (6%), Cough with fast or difficult breathing (4%), skin infections (1%), eye infections (1%)." 221022,44617.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,25,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,Levels of food insecurity have significantly increased as a result of income losses linked to official COVID-19 containment measures and restrictions imposed by armed groups 290460,51817.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,56,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"[Nyunzu] Au 31 janvier 2021, le territoire de Nyunzu enregistrait plus de 126 700 personnes (chiffres de la Commission Mouvements de Population) en déplacement. Plus de la moitié se sont déplacées au 1er trimestre 2020, à la suite des violences communautaires qui avaient éclaté au sud de Nyunzu." 495161,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,69,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Una de las inquietudes centrales del gobierno en Perú es que el incremento de la oferta laboral asociado a la inmigración, con lleve a una reducción de salarios y a un mayor desempleo, especialmente en el sector comercial. Una forma de resolver este impacto es aprovechar las habilidades de los migrantes en ocupaciones en las que tienen más experiencia, como se ha mencionado anteriormente." 319604,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"En Antioquia, donde se atendió a comunidades en Murindó, se encontró que el 36% de la población consultante presentaba sintomatología depresiva, un 21% fueron consultantes por otros problemas psicosociales un 18% de la población manifestó síntomas de Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático y un 13% de ansiedad y duelo respectivamente." 356654,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"El director de la Policía manifestó el 14 de mayo que habían iniciado investigaciones disciplinarias contra 117 agentes por posibles conductas indebidas durante la actual ola de protestas. De esos agentes, cinco habían sido suspendidos temporalmente, incluidos tres que se encontraban bajo investigación disciplinaria por homicidio. El resto seguía desempeñando sus funciones. La Procuraduría, que también adelanta investigaciones disciplinarias, señaló el31 de mayo que había iniciado 78 investigaciones de posibles abusos de poder y uso excesivo de la fuerza por parte de policías;la gran mayoría se encontraba en etapas preliminares." 454468,64224.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Context->Politics'],es,106,['Priority Needs'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 40.1% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana afirmó que están de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo que el gobierno ha realizado acciones en la lucha contra la violencia hacia la población Lesbiana, gay, transexual, bisexual, etc. la pandemia. Este porcentaje se reduce al 18% en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana. Nuevamente expresa que la percepción es más positiva frente al gobierno por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana. Cabe precisar que el 42% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana no expresa una posición ni a favor o en contra." 147219,36458.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,39,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Syria%20HSOS%20Zoom-in%2C%20IDPs%20in%20Host%20communities%20-%20Hasakeh%2C%20Ar-Raqqa%2C%20Aleppo%2C%20Deir-ez-Zor%20Governorates%2C%20May%202020.pdf,Child labour was selected by KIs as a protection risk in 82% of the assessed communities in Deir- ez-Zor governorate. This is of particular concern in a context of school closures due to COVID-19 restrictive measures. 393154,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,82,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Graph 5.2 above shows a total of 43 out of 165 discussants across different vulnerable groups, age and gender indicated very likely to contact COVID 19 virus, 49 mentioned likely to get the virus, 32 indicated that they are unlikely to get infect by COVID, 19 mention very unlikely while 22 out of the total 165 discussants don’t have an idea of either getting COVID 19 or not." 169223,40258.0,1185.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,75,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Peru%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%207%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"In response to the pandemic, on 16 March the Government of Peru declared a national state of emergency, extended to 31 October, closed borders, and imposed a mandatory national quarantine that has been gradually lifted as of July. These actions have been complemented by various health regulations, the “I Learn at Home” remote mass public education strategy, social protection measures and an economic stimulus package." 144187,35197.0,1187.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,75,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/argentina/unicef-actualiza-la-estimaci-n-de-pobreza-infantil-alcanzar-m-s-de-8-millones-de,"Sobre este punto, el equipo UNICEF destaca la necesidad de que el Estado brinde apoyo psicológico, en las familias y en la comunidad, para que los chicos y chicas retomen la seguridad y la confianza en sí mismos, y fortalezcan sus procesos de socialización. Y en la medida en que las condiciones epidemiológicas lo permitan, cumpliendo estrictamente los protocolos de bioseguridad, garantizar el retorno a la escuela." 256983,48672.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"40,000* Number of refugees in Niger who will have access to land according to the Government's pledge during the Global Refugee Forum." 206618,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,96,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"communication between adolescent girls/youth and adults is a serious and profound problem but not very noticeable due to the customs and habits of the region. The desires of adolescents and young people are not always understood by adults who impose their vision on them. Thus, adolescent girls in particular are largely excluded from family and community decision-making and have little recourse to be heard. The accumulation of these frustrations can lead adolescents and young people to believe in rhetoric used by non-state armed groups, which sometimes can lead to radicalization." 233380,46495.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,45,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"Para abordar las necesidades alimentarias inmediatas de la población en La Loma, se recomienda la distribución de kits alimentarios y transferencias monetarias condicionadas a alimentación, para facilitar el acceso a alimentos para la población que se encuentra en condiciones de inseguridad alimentaria." 172996,40676.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Ainsi, le nombre de personnes dans le besoin en Nutrition s’élève maintenant à 5,5 millions, soit une augmentation de 17,8 pour cent par rapport au PRH originel." 287905,51841.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Current Returnees (Returned between 2016 and September 2020): 1,674,688 Current Returnees from South Sudan (Returned between 2016 and September 2020): 1,135,894 (68%) Current Returnees from abroad (Returned between 2016 and September 2020): 538,774 (32%)" 247984,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Site Koudou Kolé, Long terme = Former 2 artisans réparateurs pour la prise en charge des éventuelles pannes de forage ; Renforcer les capacités de 6 comités de gestion des points d’eau ; Faire la promotion de construction de 2000 latrines (un ménage-une latrine)" 148587,36030.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/aid-agencies-condemn-lapse-syria-cross-border-resolution,"For the people of northwest Syria, after more than nine years of conflict, multiple displacements and as they brace for the COVID-19 pandemic with the first case confirmed this week, the prospect of the departure of the UN’s humanitarian agencies must be truly terrifying." 205124,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Some 5.2 million of the people in need are host community members or people who are otherwise affected but not displaced, while 1.4 million are IDPs, some 560,000 are IDP and refugee returnees, and about 300,000 are refugees in South Sudan. Within these population groups, some of the vulnerable groups that may have specific needs include children, women at risk, the elderly, people with disabilities, single-headed household members, and the extremely poor." 326598,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 23% and 21% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement respectively reported areas in their community where boys or men do not feel safe. 490617,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Tilapia fish: Trendline shows the sudden price spike at the beginning of fishing ban and gradually coming down while the fishing band ends. The rate of reduction may have been slowed down due to weather-driven inability or reduced ability to fish in the sea." 359671,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[May 2021, NES] Reduced access to filtered water and reliance on alternative sources likely impacted the quality of drinking water. In May, KIs in a third of the assessed communities indicated problems with drinking water, including a bad taste (21%) and bad colour (9%)." 223921,46071.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Les violences basées sur le genre sous leurs différentes formes auraient augmenté. Les femmes sont victimes des violences conjugales autour de la gestion de revenu. 162352,35725.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,108,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3656183,"ANTIOQUIA›TARAZÁ La Unidad para la Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas continúa con la atención a las 18 familias tras su desplazamiento forzado de la vereda La Esperanza, de Tarazá, por amenazas de un grupo armado ilegal. “Las 77 personas declararon su hecho victimizante, que fue valorado con estado de inclusión en el Registro Único de Víctimas y que da acceso a la ayuda humanitaria de emergencia e incluye un recurso económico para alojamiento y alimentación de cada familia”, indicó el director de la Unidad en Antioquia, Wilson Córdoba Mena durante una visita de seguimiento al albergue temporal." 384867,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,Recrutement de huit (08) staff additionnel de santé au profit du CM de Déou et des deux PS 384813,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,72,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"De janvier à juin 2021, 7 attaques sur l’offre de service de santé ont été notifiées dans 3 régions affectées par l’insécurité ayant limité l’accès aux soins de santé. Ces attaques ont affecté le personnel de santé, les stocks des médicaments et aussi les patients. Ces incidents ont entrainé 13 décès dont 2 patients, 6 personnels de santé et 5 accompagnants" 228290,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] also brings the issue of victims’ rights to the attention of the parties to the conflict, with suggestions on mechanisms to address them." 436859,64543.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Se identificaron riesgos, principalmente en internados, de deserción escolar tras el cierre de las escuelas durante la contingencia por COVID-19 en 2020. Muchos niños, niñas y adolescentes fueron vinculados a actividades económicas, legales e ilegales, por lo que su retorno al proceso escolar puede ser lento o puede no darse." 134188,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,98,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Sin embargo, un reciente estudio (ACNUR, CAREF, OIM, 2019) señala que las personas venezolanas enfrentan dificultades para regularizar su situación migratoria en Argentina. Entre éstas, mencionan las demoras para obtener o apostillar documentos en país de origen, el importante aumento en el costo de la tasa de radicación y la demora en la obtención de los turnos para inicio de trámite. Estas situaciones han llevado a la irregularidad migratoria a miles de personas que no logran reunir los requisitos para su radicación, aumentando así su vulnerabilidad." 266932,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"According to the Armed Conflit Location & Event Data project (ACLED)’s data, there were 85 protests in 2018 in Burkina Faso compared to 68 in 2017. The number grew to 136 in 2019, and, since 1 January 2020, 75 protests have been recorded in the country." 173796,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,41,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020,Taraba]Map 3 provides an overview of the reasons for displacement by state. Once again, the State of Taraba showed the highest number of displacements due to communal clashes during the Round 33 assessments." 225399,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Due to the negative impact of the outbreak, the vulnerability of the households further increased and already existing dangerous coping strategies such as child labor, child marriage and decrease of food consumption have been worsened by financial insecurity for families and losses of household income." 342506,56610.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,64,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"A pesar de la fuerte tradición de tránsito pendular en la región, el hecho de que una alta proporción de estos movimientos se dé por ‘trochas’ y las restricciones a la movilidad por la emergencia sanitaria implican una mayor exposición a riesgos en la ruta, aun cuando la movilidad en vehículos puede ser menos arriesgada que el tránsito caminando." 158974,39161.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"In some camps, per capita space is less than 1m2 . An additional 12.5 million m2 (1,259 hectares) of land would be required to transform highly congested camps, to allow for per capita space of 3.5m2 – the acceptable minimum space prescribed by Sphere standards." 346012,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"La incidencia nacional de dengue es de 38,8 casos por cada 100 000 habitantes en riesgo. En las entidades de Amazonas, Putumayo, Cali, Cundinamarca, Cartagena, Caquetá y Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia se estiman tasas de incidencia superiores a 62,1 casos por 100 000 habitantes" 141387,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"WHO continues to engage closely with the Syrian MoH with technical teams meeting daily. Severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), one of the case definitions of COVID-19, is covered by the early warning alert and response system (EWARS) in Syria. Currently, 1,271 sentinel sites report cases through the EWARS system across all 14 governorates." 165209,38958.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Bangladesh%20-%20August_IM%20finck.pdf,"The RRRC and the Deputy Commissioner of Cox’s Bazar have approved further monsoon activities with rafts in Cox’s Bazar, including Disaster Reduction and Relief training focusing on flood safety awareness in Teknaf. One activity was a training for refugee and host community areas respectively. In collaboration with UNHCR and BDRCS, MOAS trained 865 volunteers working with the Bangladeshi national Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP). The training was conducted safely in line with COVID-19 requirements." 219988,45769.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",fr,47,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"En effet, avec l’activisme des GANE, ces populations se sont déplacées vers le territoire tchadien notamment dans le village de NGorerom qui est relativement favorable à la pratique de leurs activités socio-économiques à savoir la pêche mais aussi plus pour leur securite." 155349,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,249,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"10.000 enfermos de la COVID-19 reciben información básica de protección.  2.500 personas de más de 60 años con limitados recursos recibirán apoyo de información de salud y alimentación.  2.500 personas con diabetes, hipertensión, patologías respiratorias, inmunodeprimidos, y que han perdido y ven amenazados sus medios de obtener ingresos, reciben información sobre el COVID-19, apoyo para la adquisición de su medicacióny alimentación.  10 centros de privación de libertad recibirán apoyo con material educativo de salud COVID19 e insumos para personal sanitario.  30000 personas por mes son atendidas en servicios seguros a través de 4 Bancos de Sangre (Santo Domingo, La romana, Santiago, San Francisco de Macorís), dos Laboratorio Clínicos (Moca y Santo Domingo), red de atención pre hospitalaria 911 (Gran Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, San Pedro, Romana, Higuey, Monte Plata, Samaná, San Francisco de Macorís, Bonao, La Vega, Moca, Santiago, Puerto Plata, San Cristóbal, Bani, Azua, Barahona, San Juan).  1000 personas con discapacidad motora reciben apoyo en información y materiales educativos de COVID19 a través de sus Asociaciones.  36 meses de mantener la vigilancia epidemiológica comunitaria, la coordinación con el Ministerio de Salud, la coordinación con actores del sector salud, y estudiar el impacto de otras enfermedades estacionales a futuro." 306770,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,96,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"Representatives of the armed opposition group coalition the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF)—comprising the Justice and Equality Movement, the Minni Minawi faction of the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA), and the Malik Agar faction of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North (SPLA-N)—signed a peace agreement with the GoS in Juba on October 3, officially ending years of conflict in specific areas of Blue Nile, South Kordofan State, and Darfur Region, according to international media. [specific locations assessed - Darfur Region ]" 200562,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,99,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Les résultats quantitatifs indiquent aussi que 15% des migrants endettés ont subi des menaces, des abus ou des violences pour le remboursement de leurs emprunts. Parmi ces derniers, ils sont 65% à indiquer avoir vécu au moins des humiliations ou des injures, et 70% à mentionner la violence psychologique. Qui plus est, ces violences sont vécues principalement au Burkina Faso (91%), et non pas dans un pays de transit ou de destination. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 237784,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Para la semana epidemiológica 53 de 2020 se observó un aumento significativo en las muertes maternas tempranas comparado con el promedio histórico en las entidades territoriales de Antioquia, Atlántico, Barranquilla, Cali, Caquetá, Casanare, Cundinamarca, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Norte de Santander y Santa Marta y disminución en la entidad territorial de Tolima" 389246,61098.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,132,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SurveyAnalisis_%20INPLACE_%20Latin%20America3b_vertical.pdf,"Colombia es actualmente el principal país receptor de población venezolana en el mundo: al 30 de junio de 2020, hospedaba más de 1.74 millones de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos (eran 25.000 en el 2014, y en el 2018 se pasa el millón)21; se calcula que alrededor de un millón son irregulares. Los departamentos donde viven más venezolanos son: Bogotá (29%), Antioquia (14%) y Norte Santander (9%). Al mismo tiempo, es un país de tránsito hacia otros destinos y 4,8 millones cuentan con Tarjeta de Movilidad Fronteriza (TMF) aprobada, y pueden entrar y salir constantemente del país en la zona fronteriza con Venezuela buscando insumos y asistencia humanitaria." 495390,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,36,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Población joven (adolescentes no acompañados y separados) y madres con niños y niñas que viajan sin documentación, que manifiestan haber sido víctimas de la delincuencia y de xenofobia en Ecuador y Colombia." 240498,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"Of specific concern is the continued impact the conflict has on women and children, with UNAMA having documented 417 child casualties (152 killed and 265 injured) and 168 women casualties (60 killed 108 injured). The overall number of civilian casualties in the first quarter, however, represents a 29 per cent decrease as compared to the first quarter of 2019 and is the lowest figure for a first quarter since 2012." 472891,63331.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Cluster%20de%20Protection%20de%20l%27Enfance%2C%20Bilan%20de%20la%20r%C3%A9ponse%20-%20R%C3%A9ponse%20li%C3%A9e%20%C3%A0%20la%20crise%20s%C3%A9curitaire%2C%20janvier%20-%20juin%202021.pdf,"Entre avril et juin 2021, la réponse de protection de l’enfant n’a pas connu d’importante progression par rapport à la cible annuelle. Sur les 19 indicateurs PESU dans le cadre du HRP2021, seuls sept ont été légèrement renseignés pendant la période sous examen sur 6 indicateurs rapportés au premier trimestre." 205860,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,25,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,A study found that girls do not feel safe going to latrines in schools as many lack doors and are not segregated by sex. 237247,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]The total number of patients who recovered from COVID-19 is one hundred and thirty-seven (137). The total number of contacts who completed 14 days of monitoring without symptoms is one thousand, one hundred and sixty-seven (1,167)." 326185,55014.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,149,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]The disaggregated data per state of assessment demonstrates that, in all of the assessed states, the improvement of the security situation in locations of origin plays a major role in the decision making process of IDPs to return home. Furthermore, a higher percentage of IDPs in Adamawa State is returning to their locations of origin to join family members compared to Borno and Yobe (32% in Adamawa against 15% in Borno and Yobe States). Also, 22 per cent of IDPs in Yobe State indicated that they intend to return to their locations of origin because of a lack of employment opportunities in the location where they are displaced. Compared to Adamawa (5%) and Borno (9%) States, this is a relative high number." 320940,54668.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,97,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] L’éducation est classée quatrième en ordre de priorité des besoins perçus par les informateurs clés dans la province (F7). Plus de la moitié des villages a indiqué connaître un établissement scolaire (6-17 ans) dans le village (65%, F15) et parmi eux, 83% ont affirmé que l’école est aussi accessible." 196257,43603.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,(According to Humanitarian Response Plan)The distribution days at the nutrition sites is staggered in order to prevent the spread of the virus by minimising social contacts and ensuring social distancing. The modified service delivery guidelines have been agreed and shared with all partners and trainings have been provided to the frontline workers. 339387,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Los niños, niñas y adolescentes de pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes están entre los estudiantes que han visto más afectados sus derechos de acceso a la educación, así como también a recibir una educación acorde con su cultura y en su lengua materna indígena." 70793,20130.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3370349,La Conferencia también expresó su agradecimiento por la respuesta coordinada de los países de América Latina y el Caribe. El Proceso de Quito constituye un paso muy significativo hacia la armonización de prácticas y políticas y por consiguiente para aumentar la respuesta humanitaria e integrar a los refugiados y migrantes en toda la región 207141,43256.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,105,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The economic effect of COVID-19 on household’s food security are felt on both demand and supply sides. The loss of households’ purchasing power leads to a change in food consumption habits as a coping mechanism by reducing quantity and number of meals per day and consuming low-quality food. Meanwhile on the supply side, households could get affected through shortages of labor thus reduction of food production and processing, transport interruptions and quarantine measures limiting farmers’ access to farms and markets; and an increase in food loss and food wastage resulting from food supply chain disruptions." 147509,35128.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,25,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"At the same time, testing in northwest Syria is limited, and there have only been 3,071 tests conducted thus far in the area" 276367,50671.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,les retournés tchadiens continuent de vivre dans des sites de retournés et en milieu villageois/urbain et bénéficient ponctuellement d’assistances humanitaires (vivres mensuels et autres interventions via fonds CERF compte tenu du contexte actuel). 79858,21919.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,7,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"Social inclusion 6,700 households receiving cash transfers" 21210,8725.0,786.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,70,[],['Context'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"En este contexto, y mientras varios países se han organizado en grupos para debatir propuestas que desatasquen la crisis, el secretario general de la ONU, Antonio Guterres, ha aclarado este lunes que Naciones Unidas “no formará parte” de iniciativas grupales, a fin de mantener la “credibilidad” de cara a “ayudar a encontrar una solución política a la crisis”." 328574,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Five most commonly reported illnesses or injuries household members of non-IDP settlements had in the past two weeks prior to data collection were fever(7%), Diarrhea (2%), Cough with fast or difficult breathing (3%), skin infections(1%), eye infections (0%)." 307806,52942.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,155,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Rice (High Quality): The average price increased by 0.2% compared to the third week of November, and remained 9% higher than 14 March. The increase occurred in: Baghlan and Kunduz (6%), Kandahar and Paktika (3%), Ghazni and Ghor (1%), due to high demand and decreased supply. Meanwhile the price decreased in Wardak(8%) and Urozgan (3%), due to sustained supply . Prices where highest in Bamyan, Daykundi, Badakhshan and Panjsher (AFN 105, 100, 98 and 98 per kg, respectively), as all of them are most remote areas with high transportation cost. Meanwhile prices were lowest in Urozgan, Kandahar, Ghazni and Hirat (AFN 72, 77, 77 and 78 per kg, respectively)." 167001,40133.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/417749-coronavirus-nigeria-records-201-new-infections.html,"(01/10/2020) Rivers and Plateau followed with 27 and 25 new infections each. More than 510, 000 of Nigeria’s 200 million population have been tested." 201108,43280.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,School reopening contributed to the increase in the number of children reached this month. Children released from armed groups and forces remained a major priority for UNICEF. There were 717 children who continued to receive reintegration support such as vocational training and shelter. 195948,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Eu égard à l’exposition, 27,4% (269/981) des cas auraient visité une structure sanitaire dans les 14 jours précédant la maladie et 36,0% (328/911) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec un sujet présentant les symptômes d’une infection respiratoire aigüe." 159652,39109.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"In respect to respondents who said that services had been affected, 32 per cent said the interrupted services were onsite and 17 per cent said they were offsite. In Zamfara, none of the respondents interviewed said there was any disruption in services, followed by Benue at 71 per cent and Nasarawa at 50 per cent." 70173,20062.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Politics'],es,66,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/la-gasolina-escasea-en-la-cuna-petrolera-de-venezuela-/5111760.html,"La Cámara de Comercio de Maracaibo estima que la escasez de gasolina ha contribuido al cierre progresivo de empresas, junto a otras razones como los frecuentes cortes eléctricos y los altos impuestos municipales. Su presidente, Ezio Angelini, advierte que la insuficiencia del combustible afecta el transporte público y privado, e incluso perjudica la generación eléctrica en el estado del Zulia." 489784,67725.0,1231.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,30,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,Venezuelans’ livelihoods and access to basic needs continued to be negatively affected. All fuel prices dramatically increased on 5 December adding to economic difficulties and prompting protests. 312405,53353.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[13 APR 2021, GOS] Availability of education services (% of sub-districts): - 2% available - 95% partially available - 3% not available" 155021,34182.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,25% de las madres de niños entre 0-5 meses de edad reportaron que éstos no son alimentados exclusivamente con leche materna y ante la escasez de alimentos han tenido que dejar el alimento a los niños como miembros primordiales en el hogar. Las madres son las que principalmente ceden los alimentos. 163545,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,73,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Se identifica un aumento significativo en riesgos de desalojo y personas que han quedado en situación de calle por la falta de recursos para cubrir sus necesidades básicas de vivienda, por el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en Desacato del Decreto 579 del 15 de abril de 2020 que suspende los desalojos. Promoción de retornos voluntarios de la población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela por la Gobernación, Alcaldías y Migración Colombia." 82601,22770.0,729.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,17,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,Six of the 13 basic market items assessed have reportedly become more expensive since 26 August. 202635,43256.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"an increase of food insecurity and malnutrition among the refugees and host community members is observed since the arrival of the refugees and the reduction of food rations. Statistics available reveal chronic malnutrition rates of 41% in the North and 37% in the East. Pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly are most affected by malnutrition." 305783,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The retail price of locally-produced main staples, namely sorghum and millet, are upwards of 160-230 percent above average as a result of the currency devaluation and high transport costs." 293880,52076.0,2334.0,['Health'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,5% of women and 2.3% of men aged 15 to 64 live with HIV / AIDS. Women are less knowledgeable than men about how to prevent the sexual transmission of STDs and HIV / AIDS. 235974,46890.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The cluster is prioritizing resource mobilization and a modality shift from in-kind to cash programming where possible. 224595,46162.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,64,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"In Tibesti, a fall in supply as a result of transport restrictions coupled with border closures has led to a moderate rise in market prices. Faced with this trend, low income levels are limiting household access to markets. Their food consumption is minimally adequate, and they are experiencing Stressed (IPC Phase 2) levels of food insecurity." 221311,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Délai accru dans l'accès aux services de santé : les femmes craignent l'infec�on par la COVID-19 et le risque d'être mises en quarantaine (et séparées de leurs enfants). 189990,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,51,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Pour rappel, toutes ces zones de santé ont récemment fait face à la crise de santé publique liée à la maladie à virus Ebola (MVE). Le risque de réapparition de nouveaux cas de MVE demeure, notamment avec la présence des personnes guerries dans ces zones." 145426,36039.0,2028.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Initial findings indicate a major economic downturn and significant social impacts, all amplified by the ongoing financial crisis in Lebanon. Early analysis points to a major loss of livelihoods as well as remittances, particularly in view of Syria diaspora in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. The informal sector has also been particularly impacted, where incomes are close to the poverty line and where there is no social protection safety net." 207215,44693.0,2333.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Sur la situation sanitaire des enfants, 11 cas de décès liés au paludisme, 2 cas de morsures de serpents et 1 cas de viols sur mineur(e) (Ayérou), ont été rapportés par les points focaux de protection au cours de ce mois de septembre. Sur le travail des enfants, les points focaux, les informateurs-clés et les leaders communautaires estiment qu’au moins 4 enfants sur 5 exercent des activités (les travaux champêtres, le pâturage des animaux, le travail sur les sites aurifères)." 240703,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"The vast majority of civilian casualties caused by Afghan national security forces during the first quarter of 2020 occurred during ground engagements, particularly as a result of the use of indirect fire. For example, on 7 February, in Zari district of Balkh province, the Afghan National Army fired approximately a dozen mortars in a residential area, resulting in the deaths of two civilians (a woman and a 14-year-old girl) and the injury of nine others, mostly women and children." 206954,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,65,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the North West and South West, all 6,379 schools (3,692 in the North West and 2,687 in the South West) and about 4,200 community learning centers (2,436 in the North West and 1,764 in the South West) have been, temporarily closed since 18 of March 2020 in an attempt to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic." 183258,41882.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"According to Maximiliano, these are nomadic communities that are deeply rooted in their culture, religion, and language, and it is not easy to establish relationships. “I have been in the camp for 250 days and now everyone knows us, several volunteers are learning their language, some even speak it already, and wichi language is very complicated! For the children of the indigenous families, the camp is a fun place with trailers, motorcycles, lights, vehicles… they find it very appealing and love to come visit us”." 161740,34176.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,95,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"Se mantiene el apoyo a la Empresa Social del Estado Prestadora de Servicios de Salud (E.S.E) Norte y Suroriente para la atención en salud a población venezolana sin aseguramiento y donación de materiales de limpieza, higiene y bioseguridad al Hospital Carlos Carmona y San Juan de Dios de Cali, y al Hospital Piloto de Jamundí. Estrategia educativa sobre salud sexual y reproductiva en los hospitales Carmona y San Juan de Dios; Tratamiento de la tos y detección de sintomáticos respiratorios en diferentes comunas y alojamientos temporales de Cali." 217823,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"According to the findings of the assessment on the newly displaced in 2019, 76% of the IDPs have an either poor or borderline food consumption score, whereas surprisingly, in prolonged IDPs, this is even higher, with 79% IDPs having a poor or borderline food consumption score." 290705,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"Debido al cierre de colegios y centros de cuidados, la carga de trabajo no remunerado que recae sobre los hogares se ha incrementado durante el confinamiento, siendo las mujeres las más afectadas por esta situación." 244065,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ NES, Dec] Newroz camp : Cases: No cases reported in December. Updates: A NES NGO finalized an isolation area, and another NES NGO distributed COVID-19 kits for all site residents and new arrivals." 319588,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,57,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"2) Trastornos osteomusculares con el 7,6% (17 casos) de atenciones, en el grupo etario de 18 a 49 años, población que debido a las restricciones de movilidad por la pandemia se convirtió en una barrera para la búsqueda de medios de sustento generando estrés y somatización representado en dolores musculares;" 294723,52363.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,Between July and November there was a slight reduction in the number of households that adopt emergency coping strategies such as asking for food or money on the street (from 39% of households in round 3 to 37% in round 4) and engaging in activities that put them at risk of which they prefer not to talk about (17% in round 3 vs. 16% in round 4). 356105,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Para las cabeceras y los centros poblados y rurales, el indicador de pobreza monetaria extrema se ubicó en 14,2% y 18,2%, respectivamente." 322005,54318.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"Al cuestionarle a los cuidadores o cuidadoras entrevistados sobre dónde pasaron el período de aislamiento obligatorio, más de la mitad de ellos indicó la opción de respuesta “otro”, en la cual se incluyen cambuches, ranchos, construcciones improvisadas con latas y tablas, cuartos en arriendo, paga diarios, que como se ha podido evidenciar de acuerdo con noticias y otras fuentes de información, tienen alto riesgo de desalojo por no tener con que pagarlos8." 172979,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Il est estimé que près de 5,1 millions de personnes ont désormais des besoins en Abris, soit une augmentation de 27 pour cent par rapport au PRH originel." 295311,51569.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"However, it should also be noted that this IDPs are accommodated temporarily and with time their host will be uncomfortable, so shelter materials for IDPs are highly recommended. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 189889,42519.0,1188.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Environment'],es,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3678840,Los expositores dejaron claro que es necesario incorporar de manera permanente en la gestión de riesgo de desastres en un enfoque que apunte hacia el desarrollo de la resiliencia y la protección de la salud mental de la población ante las diversas emergencias como la que actualmente vivimos frente al COVID-19. 153926,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,33,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Riesgo de hipotermia o muerte de personas en tránsito debido a los condiciones geográficas y climáticas de la ruta de Arauca a Cundinamarca especialmente en los puntos críticos del páramo de Pisba. 223967,46071.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,31,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Depuis le 19 mars 2020, les écoles sont fermées dans tout le pays, interrompant la scolarité de 18 millions d’enfants âgés de 3 à 17 ans." 293893,50852.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"84% Of surveyed refugee Households [HHs] faced challenges in obtaining enough money to meet their needs in the 30 days prior to data collection, IDP (98%), Non-displaced (80%)." 235611,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The breach of the debt-service-to-exports ratio has become more severe but remains largely due to the inclusion of SONARA’s short-term supplier debt (text figure 1), which is backed by imported oil and is sensitive to rollover and reprofiling assumptions" 204081,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Despite recent progress on mass vaccination campaigns, vaccination coverage remains low." 300682,51152.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,56,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of 31 January 2021, funding constraints continued to pose significant obstacles to fully meet protection needs in the flood affected areas especially with regard to case management. The dual challenge of responding both to flood affected and high food insecure populations in areas such as Pibor further highlights the need for additional resources" 188590,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Dans les détails, la proportion de suivi était de 20,6% à Kinshasa et 97,2% dans le Haut-Katanga." 209673,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,40,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Individuals and social groups such as women, children, people with disabilities, older persons and people from marginalised communities are at heightened risk of violence, exploitation, exclusion and discrimination. ( Because of ongoing conflict)" 390688,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,197,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Sin embargo, hay que ser cautos en cualquier proyección a futuro ya que todavía no hay claridad sobre la destrucción de empleos total que ha provocado la crisis del COVID. A pesar de esto, se puede afirmar que los sectores más golpeados por la crisis han sido en gran parte aquellos donde se concentra gran parte de los trabajadores migrantes. En efecto, durante el trimestre abril-junio 2020, se observó una importante caída de los ocupados en los sectores del comercio (-24%), construcción (-30,6%) y alojamiento y servicio de comidas (-48,5%) (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, 2020). En la misma línea, según una encuesta del Observatorio Laboral del Centro de Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Católica, un 60% de las empresas del sector de Alojamiento y Hoteles ha cerrado entre abril y mayo del 2020 y un 28% lo ha hecho en el sector de restaurantes. Esta evidencia explicaría por qué la tasa de desocupación de la población migrante ha aumentado en mayor medida que la de los chilenos durante la crisis actual." 104853,30139.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy']",en,99,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Diving into more detail on the effect of COVID-19 on economic growth and quality of life, we note that the well-being of people living in different countries around the world will be affected by the pandemic. The comparison of real well-being measures can only be performed using Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs). However, the use of PPPs with reference year 2017 or 2011 would not provide accurate comparisons as the purchasing power of different currencies would have changed and rankings would have shifted as a result of the economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic." 175460,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,31,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,L’épidémie de la COVID-19 a encore des zones d’ombres sur lesquelles les scientifiques travaillent pour apporter des solutions y inclut la vaccination et un traitement efficace. 346677,57050.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_145_20210525.pdf,"A la date du 25/05/2021, 190 ZS ont recensé au moins un cas confirmé ou probable de COVID-19, lesquelles se trouvent dans 23 des 26 provinces du pays." 411612,63816.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,65,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2066%20%2814-20%20August%202021%29.pdf,"[14th - 20th Aug 2021, North East Nigeria] During the period 14 - 20 August 2021, 164 movements were observed at three Points of Entry in Borno State. Of the total movements recorded, 108 were incoming from Cameroon’s Far North Region, while 56 were outgoing from Borno State to Cameroon‘s Far North Region." 272642,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Le Niger dispose d’une communauté d’acteurs humanitaires expérimentés et forte de 151 ONG dont 68 inter- nationales et 66 nationales. Celles-ci-travaillent pour la plupart en partenariat avec les 11 Agences humanitaires des Nations Unies présentes dans le pays. 297809,51194.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Health partners continued to be particularly vulnerable to interference attempts, with 69 interference attempts directed against them, out of which 63 were initiated by NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban)." 159208,39376.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,67,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les données actuelles du SP/CONASUR indiquent 21 nouvelles communes touchées par le déplacement de population dans les régions suivantes : Centre Ouest, Centre Nord, Est, Hauts Bassins, Plateau Central, Sud-Ouest, Nord. Cette situation s’explique par les vagues successives de déplacés à cause de la détérioration de la situation sécuritaire du pays depuis le mois de juin 2019." 168712,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"Currently, the health system of the northwest Syria has around 1.4 doctors per 10 000 people, ~0.625 hospital beds per 1000 people, ~5.7 intensive care unit (ICU) beds per 100 000 people—but with only 47 functioning adults-ventilators for the whole region. As a result, the health system is neither prepared nor capable to deal with the current increasing health needs, let alone the predicted spread of the COVID-19." 272724,50256.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 15% (48) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population ne cultivait pas la terre au cours du mois précédent." 265713,49620.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Les capacités de prise en charge semblent avoir été majoritairement limitées par l’insécurité, qui a entraîné la fermeture ou la destruction des infrastructures dans 51% des localités évaluées d’après les IC." 304151,50889.0,2466.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Many new arrivals have arrived from parts of South Sudan experiencing high rates of food insecurity and malnutrition. 221386,45721.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,58,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"An estimated 3.5 million persons in rural livelihood zones, urban areas and settlements for internally displaced persons needed food assistance. Huge food and nutrition gaps remained, largely among poor agropastoral, marginalized, and displaced communities, where many vulnerable persons had been pushed into the most severe phases of food and nutrition insecurity." 227336,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,18,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Au cours de ces activités, 61 rumeurs ont été gérées et 347 alertes ont été remontées." 147009,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The UN RC/HC and WHO Country Representative continue to engage senior officials on the COVID-19 response, including with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister and Deputy Ministers of Health, the Ministers of MoSAL, MoLAE and Ministry of Education, as well as ICRC and SARC." 134725,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"De esta población extranjera la mayoría (54,3%) serían mujeres. Viendo la Tabla 7 la distribución de la población migrante según edad se concentra en el grupo adulto-joven; donde un 59,1% de hombres y 61,8% de las mujeres tiene entre 18 y 44 años, lo que sería solamente 36,8% y 41,3% respectivamente en no migrantes (quienes en más de ⅓ serían menores de 18 años)." 172411,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les études sur le COVID-19 au niveau global se poursuivent. D’après les données disponibles, plus de 80 pour cent des patients atteints souffrent d’une maladie bénigne ou asymptomatique et se rétabliront. Cependant, environ 15 pour cent peuvent développer une maladie grave et 3 à 5 pour cent peuvent devenir gravement malades." 206654,43347.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Jonglei has the highest number of people estimated to be in crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity, with 1.25 million people, followed by Upper Nile with 845,000 people. Twenty-eight counties are classified as being in emergency (IPC Phase 4)." 199553,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Other environmental problems affecting the population include soil degradation, pollution environment due to oil drilling and other mining activities, over-exploitation of fisheries, and conflicts over diminishing resources such as rangelands and water sources for livestock." 188121,43352.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"29 April 2020: In Logobou town, Logobou commune, Tapoa province, Est region, the communal General Education College (CEG) was set on fire by suspected JNIM or ISGS militants." 290981,51608.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afg_humanitarian_access_snapshot_feb_20210314.pdf,"During February, the Humanitarian Access Group (HAG) recorded at least 25 incidents involving interference in the implementation of humanitarian activities. NSAG-TB continued to author most incidents (20), followed by GOA (3) and ANSF (1), with one incident being authored by ACG." 40649,14338.0,788.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,44,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2017/11/three-soldiers-killed-boko-haram-raid-borno-army/,"Yet civilians remain vulnerable from hit-and-run raids and an increased use of suicide bombers: this week, at least 50 people were killed in Adamawa, when a teenage boy set off his explosives at a mosque in the town of Mubi." 224654,44702.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"In the long term, training of pump mechanics to help in the maintenance of BH (Boma Health services) is recommended" 155214,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Los medios de subsistencia de los venezolanos y venezolanas con vocación de permanencia son malos y los ingresos los obtienen del empleo informal en general mediante la venta de bolsa plástica y dulces. 159384,35776.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,41,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Flash%20Update%20Colombia%20-%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20refugiados%20y%20migrantes%20provenientes%20de%20Venezuela%20ante%20COVID-19%2C%20Julio%2015%20al%2028%2C%202020.pdf,"El Gobierno Nacional anunció el martes 28 de julio la extensión del Aislamiento Preventivo Obligatorio hasta el 30 de agosto; esta nueva extensión tendrá nuevas condiciones y características según los municipios con baja, mediana y/o alta afectación del COVID-19" 220015,45769.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Dans les ménages, ils manquent de tout, nattes, couverture, matelas, des moustiquaires et de kit cuisine." 290578,51925.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/03/03/alternancia-educativa-avanza-con-paso-de-tortuga-en-colombia/,"Se calcula que 13 mil menores habrían dejado su escolaridad; también ha tenido impacto en términos de desempleo femenino, en cuanto al incremento del reclutamiento forzado de menores, el embarazo adolescente y la violencia intrafamiliar" 326139,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information] Two most common sources of COVID- 19 information, as reported by households were Health worker at health facility (75%) and Settlement leaders (31%)." 437743,64217.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,60,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A la pregunta ¿qué haces en casa? El 98% de las niñas y adolescentes manifiesta realizar actividades de trabajo no remunerado en sus hogares. De quienes realizan trabajo no remunerado, el 98% reportó hacer labores de limpieza, el 52% manifiesta que cocina y el 19% dijo que cuidaba de otras personas." 16549,6344.0,322.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,79,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"As of September 24, heavy fighting had rendered the Al Hudaydah–Sana’a road inaccessible to relief actors, according to the UN; however, the northern route from Al Hudaydah city through Hajjah Governorate to Sana’a remains open for humanitarian movements. More than 60 international and national UN staff and more than 560 non-governmental organization (NGO) staff were working in Al Hudaydah city as of September 18, the UN reports" 393228,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,132,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The above chart 19.2 demonstrates that 67 of the total vulnerable groups indicates that health care workers as the reliable source of information about health issues in their communities, 57 said organizations (INGOs, CSOs, UN) are the reliable source of information about health issues in the community, 19 said religious leaders are the reliable source of information, 1 indicates teachers as the reliable source, 1 indicates elderly people as the reliable source, 1 person mentioned camp managers as the source of information about health issues in the community, none of the vulnerable groups mentioned neighbors, and community based structures (community leaders, Bulamas and committees) as the reliable source of information." 228608,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,26,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"The WHO explains that nationwide, “only 320 hospital beds in the public and private sector are available for people suffering from mental health problems" 111859,31304.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,301,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Acceso y capacidad del Sistema de Salud en Colombia (Urbano y rural) Si bien la cobertura de aseguramiento en salud es casi universal (Mayor a 91%) de los nacionales colombianos y alrededor del 40% de los migrantes regulares procedentes de Venezuela tienen este aseguramiento, la atención a la demanda potencial de atención hospitalaria que podría generar la pandemia por COVID-19 en el país está condicionada a la capacidad instalada con la que cuenta la red de prestación de servicios de cada EPS en cada territorio. Así se debe tener en cuenta que Colombia cuenta con una razón de camas hospitalarias de 1,7 por cada 1000 habitantes (Aproximadamente 68.000 camas para 40 millones de habitantes) y un total de 5.349 camas de cuidado intensivo estas últimas ubicadas principalmente en las ciudades capitales más grandes. De esta forma si llegáramos a tener hipotéticamente el mismo número de personas contagiadas de Italia o España diagnosticadas de y su tasa de letalidad, tendríamos que ocupar la mitad de la capacidad instalada de cuidado intensivo, considerando que hoy esta ocupación es casi total con la demanda usual de servicios. Lo anterior también tiene el reto de hacer disponible esta oferta independiente de la contratación del modelo de aseguramiento, porque de lo contrario se correría el riesgo de generar barreras de acceso de tipo económico para el acceso a la misma. En las zonas rurales, el acceso a un cuidado de alta complejidad se vería más limitado teniendo en cuenta la precaria disponibilidad de oferta de servicios de baja complejidad que serían la puerta de entrada a éste y dadas las barreras de accesibilidad geográfica. la población Este acceso también sería muy migrante procedente de Venezuela en irregular." 188585,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"La proportion de suivi des contacts était spécifiquement de 97,0% au Nord-Kivu, 100% au Kongo-Central, 87,2% au Sud-Kivu, 100% en Ituri, 100% à Kinshasa, 100% au Kasaï- Oriental et 100% au Nord-Ubangi." 204239,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Spontaneous refugee returnees can face additional challenges when returning to their places of origin, due to their prolonged absence from their homesteads. Women-, elderly- and childheaded households, as well as persons with disabilities, in IDP and spontaneous refugee returnee communities are in many cases especially vulnerable and less resilient." 245779,47762.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,67,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"$1 billón en el programa ""unidos por Colombia"" para crear la línea especial de colegios y jardines privados. $1,5 billones para la línea de instit. de educación superior. Inclusión del sector educación en el Programa de Apoyo al Empleo Formal (PAEF), el cual permite cubrir hasta un 40% de un salario mínimo mensual legal vigente." 345978,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,En la semana epidemiológica 17 de 2021 se notificaron 439 casos probables de dengue: 202 casos de esta semana y 237 casos de semanas anteriores. 201086,43280.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,69,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"In 2020, UNICEF is appealing for US$ 129.1 million to sustain the provision of life-saving services including critical nutrition, health, WASH, child protection and education in emergency interventions, as well as cash-based assistance for women and children in Somalia. Continued predictable, flexible and timely donor support is critical to sustaining vital response activities and preventing further deterioration of the situation." 483285,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,139,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.3 Mujeres que padecieron de acoso En la ENPOVE 2018, se incluyó una pregunta dirigida a las mujeres de 12 a 49 años para conocer el padecimiento de situaciones de acoso desde su llegada al Perú; sea por personas peruanas o venezolanas u otra nacionalidad; ¿Ha vivido situaciones de acoso sexual, laboral, escolar, ciberacoso?; el 17,8% respondió que sí han vivido situaciones de acoso de algún tipo. Según grupos de edad se observa que el grupo de las adolescentes de 12 a 17 años de edad son las que en mayor proporción sufrieron de acoso (20,8%), seguido por las jóvenes de 18 a 29 años de edad con 19,6% y por las del grupo de edad de 30 a 49 con 14,9%." 7159,1505.0,321.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,95,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2020%20April%202018.pdf,"Since the beginning of the year, UNHCR has directly implemented quickimpact projects in 16 cities and municipalities throughout Libya. UNHCR supported local authorities, hospitals and schools that are hosting IDPs, returnees and refugees. UNHCR distributed water tanks, solar street lights, medical assistive devices, computers, and waste management items in order to support the peaceful coexistence and integration between communities. Projects were implemented in cities such as Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte, Azzawya, Sabratha, Ubari and to communities in the Nafusa Mountains." 272544,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Ainsi, une première mission organisée dans la région de Diffa en décembre 2019– janvier 2020 a permis de sensi- biliser les acteurs sur l’approche Nexus Humanitaire Développement et Paix mais également d’identifier les problématiques centrales et les contraintes auxquelles sont confrontés les acteurs pour renforcer le dialogue ainsi que leurs collaborations à court, moyen et long terme" 289535,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Child Protection (CP) partners have reached 11,099 individuals with CP services. This includes case management provided for 43 children (25 girls and 18 boys) in Verteth and Pibor in GPAA; awareness raising for 5,884 individuals in Pibor; and individual, group, or specialized mental health psychosocial and support (MHPSS) provided to 5,007 individuals in Pibor and Gumuruk in Pibor, Denjok and Bilkey in Akobo county" 294717,52363.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"HOUSING 80% of households surveyed are renting the place where they are residing. Half (49%) of the households surveyed indicate they are not sure if they are able to stay in their current house during the month after the data collection, mainly due the inability to pay rent. 38% of those interviewed are living in overcrowded conditions (more than three people per room)." 152460,37831.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"This year, World Vision’s WASH team preserved through innumerable challenges to deliver clean water and sanitation services to a record-breaking 34,325 refugees. They constructed hundreds of latrines and bathing spaces during extreme heat and monsoon rains. And even before the first COVID-19 cases were reported in Bangladesh in March 2020, our WASH team acted swiftly to get life-saving prevention information out to refugees and host communities." 63143,18817.0,1386.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Between April 2018 and May 2019, 8.5 million children between 6 months and 15 years of age, and 460,844 individuals over the age of 15, were vaccinated against measles in all states. The campaign achieved 97 per cent coverage nationwide. As of May 2019, 4.7 million children between 7 and 15 years of age had been vaccinated against diphtheria and most states have achieved a vaccination coverage above 95 per cent." 26317,10754.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/spain-makes-contribution-idb-s-migration-initiative,"Spain’s contribution will support the implementation and consolidation of IDB’s migration-related activities such as the design and execution of operations in fields like migrants’ registration and documentation; access to quality basic services, including drinking water, sanitation and solid waste management; education, health and other social activities; and employment and economic opportunities." 337523,55883.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,78,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.mesrsi.gov.bf/informations/actualites/details?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=502&cHash=7be908f8d6bf434b3771de9f8e809e4e,"Selon le Pr Halidou TINTO, à l’étape actuelle, aucun vaccin contre la COVID-19 n’est en essai au Burkina Faso. La mission du projet PATH-COVID 19 consiste pour le moment à renforcer les capacités infrastructurelles, techniques et en ressources humaines de deux sites dont le CHU de Bogodogo et le Centre Muraz de Bobo Dioulasso pour d’éventuels essais cliniques en phase 3 de candidats vaccins contre la covid-19." 133905,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"ACCESO A LA JUSTICIA Dentro de los grupos focales se detectó que las personas venezolanas en Panamá expresan temor en denunciar violencia padecida, sobre todo cuando están en situación de irregularidad o son solicitantes de la condición de refugiado. En este sentido, como se ha comentado anteriormente, se informa sobre abusos policiales asociados a que no se respetan/conocen/tardan en verificar las identificaciones brindadas por ONPAR a los solicitantes de la condición de refugiado no admitidos a trámite. También se reporta pago de sobornos y detenciones arbitrarias por este aspecto." 310874,53170.0,2466.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/gwc_annual_report_2019_sudan.pdf,"There are wide disparities between states, between urban-rural and between the richest and poorest (96%, 81% and 49% have access to basic water, sanitation and hygiene services in case of richest whereas only 35%, 7% and 16% have access to basic water, sanitation and hygiene services in case of the poorest)." 215518,45277.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"Aware of the threats of the coronavirus outbreak on the fragile health system and the economy, the World Bank moved quickly, fast-tracking a$100 million emergency grant on April 2, 2020, to help Afghanistan strengthen its public health preparedness.This support enabled the Afghan government to reinforce healthcare services, to detect and isolate COVID-19 cases and to improve testing capabilities, and for hospitals and other medical facilities to stock up on critical medical supplies and equipment." 41096,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],[],en,55,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Across all assessed baladiyas, the top reported need for non-displaced Libyans was safety and security. In particular, KIs highlighted the need for a secure humanitarian corridor to allow people to leave frontline areas, or at minimum to be able to transit in and out of conflictaffected baladiyas to access markets." 241469,47384.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) Fuel has shown a shortage in supply during last period especially diesel due to the high demand during this period. This strained economy has greatly diminished the already tenuous purchasing power of many populations." 114141,31147.0,1898.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Para las persones desplazadas, el reto para protegerse del virus es mayor por tener menor acceso a insumos, instalaciones sanitarias o simplemente una vivienda decente. Además, corren más riesgos de ver atropellados sus derechos y encuentran mayor dificultad para acceder a servicios de protección y regularizacion migratoria, incluida la posibilidad de acceder a la protección internacional." 301217,52845.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,154,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"15 March 2021, Cox's Bazar: − A Bangladeshi woman's body is found in Cox’s Bazar Sadar. Signs of injury are found on her body. Coxsbazar News (Bang.) , Dhaka Times24 (Bang.) − Three siblings in a family (Two girls and a boy) have been killed in a fire incident in Herbang, Chakaria. Dainik Coxsbazar (Bang.) , Daily Sun (Eng.) , Dhaka Tribune (Eng.) − A group of masked miscreants attacked on a political gathering/assembly of BNP in Barbakia UP, Pekua; seven people injured. Inqilab (Bang.) − A Rohingya teenage couple eloped on 15 March from Unchiprang Camp 22. The APBn has detained them and handed the girl to her family on 18 March. Teknaf Today (Bang.)" 495401,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,10,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,NNAJ en situación de calle sin protección ni seguimiento. 326774,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,81,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Près de 93251 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 20 ZS. Un briefing a été organisé à l’intention des leaders des groupes spécifiques en appui à la communication des AS ANUARITE et BIAMBWE pour la remontée des alertes et la Surveillance à Base Communautaire en ZS de BIENA dans le Nord Kivu." 279853,50901.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] The number of healthcare facilities available is 2, of the 60% of households who required treatment in the 30 days prior to data collection, 100% reported that they had faced barriers to accessing medical care. Of those that faced barriers, the most commonly reported barriers to accessing medical care were: • Cannot afford to pay for health services (71%) • Lack of medicines at the health facilities (71%)" 207130,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Health facilities are inadequate to provide quality basic emergency obstetric and newborn care (BeMonc), comprehensive emergency obstetric, neonatal care (CeMonc) per 50,000 people, clinical management of rape survivors and emergency contraceptive services.With a significant under-five mortality rate and maternal mortality rate all these factors depict the suboptimal performance of primary health care services." 497619,60046.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2-gender-educacion.pdf,"Setenta y tres por ciento de las mujeres entrevistadas reportaron trabajar en el sector informal. De este grupo, el 54 por ciento no tenían un estatus migratorio regular, el 24 por ciento tenía un título universitario, el 4 por ciento reportó no haber recibido salario absoluto por su empleador y el 12 por ciento confirmó no haber sido tratadas bien." 386443,60870.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se evidencia acceso al agua a través de 4 plumas en el parque principal donde consumen directamente, generando problemas en la salud. Se observan 2 tanques para el almacenamiento de agua (1.000 y 5.000) litros, los cuales no están siendo utilizados correctamente y presentan sedimentos en el fondo." 360969,58841.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,74,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/30/rohingya-refugees-facing-medical-crisis-bhasan-char,"[30th June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The government should follow through on its promises for an independent assessment of the habitability and emergency preparedness of the island and make any necessary adjustments, including returning refugees to Cox’s Bazar if it is deemed unsafe or unsustainable. Otherwise, the current health crisis is only a foreshadowing of the preventable loss of life that could come." 197519,43603.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Various guidance documents were developed by Cluster partners to support partners to adapt delivery modalities, including on remote case management, on disability inclusion in the COVID response and on child protection prevention and child friendly risk communications." 16721,6342.0,322.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"Authorities in Sana’a report that there are 24,918 HHs originating from Al Hudaydah Governorate that are currently staying in Sana’a City. Thirty-four HHs (approx. 240 people) are currently hosted in public schools in the capital." 333657,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Site : Dilkori / Zone de responsabilité : Daboua / Problèmes en Santé : Pas de cliniques mobiles, Présence des cas paludisme, la diarrhée aigue, les parasitoses, malnutrition, les maladies de la peau, les infections respiratoires et stress post-traumatique, Accouchement à domicile avec les complications de grossesses" 492595,67931.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] Manually Refined Petrol: 1,800 SYP per litre One month price change: increase of 20% Six month price change: increase of 33% % of surveyed vendors reporting manually refined petrol as unavailable in their community/neighbourhood: 77%" 339336,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"En Antioquia, según Indepaz, se registraron 27 homicidios a líderes y lideresas, siendo el municipio de Tarazá, en la subregión del Bajo Cauca, la más afectada con el 25.9 por ciento31; adicionalmente los liderazgos de las juntas de acción comunal fueron los más afectados, concentrando un 45 por ciento de los líderes asesinados en Antioquia32." 757,156.0,321.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The most reported chronic diseases by households with at least one member with a chronic disease were diabetes (57%) and high blood pressure (42.9%), followed by arthritis (13.0%) and heart disease (10.7%). Diabetes was most frequently cited as a chronic disease in the three main urban centres of Libya: Tripoli (68.3%), Benghazi (54.9%) and Misrata (50.0%)." 388947,60849.0,1186.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Las personas entrevistadas manifestaron que, luego del ámbito laboral, la salud es donde más se ha notado el efecto de la pandemia. En dicho contexto se habrían producido suspensión de horas y restricciones de ingreso, salvo para vacunas de niñes. Además, les provoca mucho miedo asistir a algún establecimiento de salud por temor a contagiarse de COVID19." 208217,44900.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"Les prix des céréales et du niébé ont connu une hausse par rapport à la même période de l’année passée. A titre illustratif, le prix du mil a augmenté de 31%, sorgho 29%, maïs 30%, riz 2%et niébé 34%." 137395,35305.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,The Ministry of Health (MoH) reported 608 COVID-19 confirmed cases as of 24 July with 35 fatalities and 184 recovered. 44 of the total cases are reported to be healthcare workers. 310575,53068.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Health Cluster : 15% that is 214m required, 31m funded, 183m unmet. [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 495143,67230.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La desnutrición crónica estuvo presente en el 16.5% de los niños menores de 5 años y la anemia en el 34.8%, alcanzando el 49.2% en niños menores de 2 años." 294049,52076.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"The lack of a formal referral mechanism to guide survivors greatly limits their access to appropriate holistic services. Health centers, while more accessible, do not offer the privacy and confidentiality that is recommended for the treatment of such cases. Information about cases of violence is also not stored safely. Lack of support to cover medical costs as well as the lack of complete PEP kits undermine the quality of care." 207074,44768.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,22,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://rojavainformationcenter.com/2020/12/update-coronavirus-crisis-in-north-and-east-syria-november-2020/,"[30 Nov 2020, NES] Overall cases: 7031, Overall deaths: 195, Overall recoveries: 1032." 241436,47744.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,134,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/01/25/government-launches-registration-for-covid-19-vaccine,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] ICT Minister Palak said: “The website for the system iswww.shurokkha.gov.bd. Although we have not given permission till now, the android app for the registration has been developed. However, the app for IOS users is still under development.” The app would have two versions – one for vaccine takers and one for vaccinators. The state minister said to protect the system from unwanted tricks, the authorities had taken a three-way verification measure. “Only NID confirmation would not work. The date of birth in the birth certificate and NID need to match to start the process. Then OTP (One time password) generated by the system has to be confirmed,” Palak added." 241964,47791.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,45,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"De plus, certaines mesures de contrôle de la maladie qui ne tiennent pas compte des besoins spécifiques des genres et des vulnérabilités des femmes et des filles peuvent également accroître les risques pour leur protection et entraîner des stratégies d’adaptation négatives." 316797,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,59,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook] la participation de la rDC au moratoire sur la dette du G20, l’appui budgétaire de la BAD et les ressources d’autres donateurs devraient le réduire et fournir une alternative à la monétisation du déficit public, qui est interdite conformément à la décision prise par les autorités le 18 août 2020" 457618,65405.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,32,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La prise en charge psychosociale et psychologique demeure un besoin capital dans l’assistance de ces communautés PDI, avec une attention particulière à apporter aux besoins psychologiques des enfants." 115358,30876.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MSNI_brief_LBY-1.pdf,"9%of interviewed respondents with severe or extreme sectoral needs and/or extreme use of negative coping strategies to cover basic needs, were found to have co-occurring severe or extreme sectoral needs in protection and health." 247754,48228.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"En ce qui concerne les inondations, c’est à partir de ce mois d’août ou les fortes pluies diluviennes ont envahi les champs de cultures voire des habitations. En plus des départements de Fouli et Kaya, il a été signalé aussi à Mamdi. Les populations ont été contraintes de se déplacer afin d’être à l’abris de ces intempéries." 344262,56790.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] [Retrieved from table] MEDIAN SMEB TRANSPORT FUEL PRICE - 2,433 Syrian Pounds; One month change: 0% and Six month change: 87%." 113108,29959.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Santander Se mantienen los servicios a través de las líneas de atención y con cita previa, con el fin de garantizar las medidas de bioseguridad impartidas por las autoridades competentes." 16508,6352.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"In August 2018, 5,000 food baskets were distributed to refugees and the host community in Basateen settlement, targeting vulnerable persons, and sponsored by the Emirati Red Crescent. 423 households received cash grants to cover their basic needs, while 251 individuals benefitted from safe and dignified transportation to return to Somalia under the UNHCR Assisted Spontaneous Return programme with the logistical support of IOM." 209919,44790.0,2331.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Across targeted districts, IDP households are consistently the most vulnerable, both in terms of lower access to services and greater reported needs. Shelter and WASH remain key concerns for IDP households, with a significantly higher proportion of households reporting poor shelter conditions and inadequate access to water and sanitation facilities than non-displaced households, and minority clan households having more pronounced vulnerabilities, especially regarding child labour practices and shelter conditions." 17474,5431.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,WHO has repurposed its incident management system and all emergency operation centers at central level to focus on the Al Hudaydah emergency operations. A concept of operations was developed to ensure that the minimum service package aligns with the established humanitarian service points in priority. • The Swiss Government has donated surgical supplies to cover the upsurge in conflict-related trauma for two referral hospitals (Al Thawra and Al Olifi) and two inter-district hospitals (Bait Al Faqiah and Zabid). 141388,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Within Syria, including NES, all relevant stakeholders have agreed to collect samples through 112 RRTs for referral to the CPHL for testing (in line with similar established mechanisms for sample testing). To date, 432 rapid response team (RRT) personnel in 13 governorates have received dedicated training, including refresher training, on COVID-19 case investigation, sample collection and referral, with further trainings planned at the governorate level in July." 248544,46458.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In addition, lower incomes and increased expenditure will present additional transmission and socioeconomic risks to households, with low-income and female-handed families most affected." 281829,51173.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"1200 oxygen concentrators were provided to 81 district hospitals allowing them to manage more than 1,200 confirmed COVID-19 cases per month by UNICEF." 347996,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] During floods or tidal surges inundate tube-wells, ponds and water bodies and contaminate the natural sources of fresh water. People in the affected communities are often forced use unsafe water. Also, latrines are, if set up on low grounds, easily collapse or get heavily damaged, leaving people no other options but to go for open defecation. Such crisis in safe water supply and sanitation service severely disrupts hygiene practices." 391133,61177.0,2170.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,185,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Additionally, flooding due to sea level rise is estimated to affect approximately 550,000 people by 2070. This could also result in food and water contamination and the increased risk of water and vector borne diseases. Nigeria’s water and sanitation infrastructure is not well prepared to handle the projected increase in intense precipitation. Climate change will also likely exacerbate health issues related to respiratory infections (already responsible for 19% of deaths in Nigeria) as air pollution is expected to worsen with rising temperatures.92 Almost 130,000 deaths per year are attributed to household air pollution from indoor burning of cooking fuel. Extreme heat intensifies ground-level ozone, which combines with fine particulate pollutants (soot and dirt from coal combustion, diesel engines, or fires) and chemicals like carbon monoxide or sulfur dioxide to reduce air quality, especially in urban areas. Malaria, the number one cause of death for children under 5 in Nigeria, is sensitive to changes in temperature and rainfall." 200441,44300.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],fr,52,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Face aux difficultés rencontrées dans les pays de transit, principalement en Libye, au Niger et au Maroc, de nombreux migrants décident de retourner sur leurs pas et ce malgré les ressources importantes mobilisées pour le projet migratoire ainsi que les obstacles à leur intégration économique et psycho-sociale au retour" 226871,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,Civilian casualties have slightly increased between 12 and 30 September to what they were in the weeks prior to the start of the talks. 17077,7092.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,108,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"The health care system is strained and overwhelmed due to inadequate financial and human resources. To secure access by people in need of primary and secondary health care, there is a need to ensure the availability of medicine and medical supplies as well as support operations by providing health staff incentives. There is a need to support surveillance systems and improve capacities to prevent, detect and control epidemic prone diseases and outbreaks. Health staff require training and refresher courses to build their capacity, and in frontline districts, such as Al Hudaydah, there is an augmented need for trauma care." 492593,67931.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] High Quality Petrol: 2,650 SYP per litre One month price change: increase of 6% Six month price change: increase of 47% % of surveyed vendors reporting high quality petrol as unavailable in their community/ neighbourhood: 3%" 163546,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,109,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"ACNUR busca informar a los ciudadanos venezolanos de las implicaciones que tienen los retornos en un contexto de pandemia y frente a la crisis sanitaria de su país de origen. En un contexto de presencia de grupos armados, sobre todo en el Bajo Putumayo, amenazas presentes contra las personas que contraigan COVID-19 en el departamento. Temor por parte de las comunidades de zonas rurales a denunciar posibles sintomatologías relacionadas con el COVID-19 por las amenazas presentes de los grupos armados. Persisten los procesos de erradicación forzosa de cultivos de coca, en los cuales no se están tomando las medidas de protección necesarias." 172322,40929.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,116,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Borno and Yobe state]A total of 7,068 households (42,408 persons) benefited from distribution of hygiene replenishment kits comprising of soaps and information, education, and communication (IEC) materials in Borno, while 27,957 people were reached with hygiene messages in Borno and Yobe. Regular hygiene messages along with COVID-19 prevention messaging was provided to 16,685 persons and WASH Kits were distributed to 5,000 households in IDP camps in Benue state. Meanwhile, UNICEF allocated 510,648 bars of soaps through the sector common supply pipeline for COVID-19/Cholera prevention and response activities in high-risk areas of Borno and Yobe states." 187632,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Health partners distributed 1,450 sample collection kits and transported more than 650 samples from inaccessible areas. At least 20 new health care facilities (HCFs) were added to the Early Warning and Response Network (EWARN) and 73 rapid response teams deployed for field investigation and sample collection." 208845,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Women and girls, particularly those who are internally displaced and living near cantonment sites, are most at risk to GBV. A breakdown of traditional protection mechanisms coupled with changing roles within the family and the increased exposure to groups with differential power to commit violence have made these groups more vulnerable." 294819,52363.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,89,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"Reviewing both daily food consumption and the use of livelihood-based survival strategies, no significant differences were found between households with pregnant/lactating women and those without. However, the results in both aspects are worrying, as two out of three households consume two or less meals per day, and also two out of three households have used some kind of stress, crisis, or emergency survival strategies to access food, which impacts food consumption of the pregnant and lactating women in these households." 281833,51173.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,1200 oxygen concentrators and medical oxygen through oxygen balloons were also procured and distributed by UNICEF to all COVID-19 centres(centres with inpatient and outpatient services) at the initial stage of the pandemic which was required for critical treatment in the major cities where the high COVID-19 caseload existed at the initial stage. 181191,42443.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/143_covid_snapshot_WA.pdf,"Testing was reportedly quite varied: 10% of respondents in Niger said they had been tested, 5% in Burkina Faso and only 2% in Mali." 72487,20768.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,132,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"¿POR QUÉ MIGRAN LOS VENEZOLANOS A BARRANQUILLA? La mayoría de venezolanos encuestados manifestó que las razones por las que migran de Venezuela son la escasez de alimentos (84,7 %), las necesidades médicas (52,5 %), buscar recursos para sostener a la familia (41,4 %), la inseguridad (34,5 %), los altos costos de bienes y servicios (13 %), la falta de educación y futuro para los niños (5,7 %), el costo de la vivienda (3,8 %), las amenazas (1,9 %) y la búsqueda de oportunidades para estudiar (0,4 %). Sin embargo, existen contrastes en relación al peso de los motivos que dan hombres y mujeres." 284639,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,59,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,Since President Al-Bashir was overthrown in early April a transitional military council (TMC) has been in place. Talks between members of military and civil society with the stated intention of forming an interim government seem unlikely to progress. Demonstrations against military rule are ongoing as people call for a transfer of power to civilians. 398664,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,89,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Como referencia, en la Encuesta CASEN 2017 se calcula que las personas nacidas fuera de Chile tuvieron una mayor participación laboral en sectores de comercio al por mayor y al por menor (21,9%), hoteles y restaurantes (14,4%), actividades inmobiliarias, empresariales y de alquiler (12,3%), hogares privados con servicio doméstico (10,2%), industrias manufactureras (9,4%) y construcción (9,3%) (Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, 2017)." 187946,43256.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The loss of jobs and income due to Government measures taken to combat COVID-19 poses an additional security threat, especially in major towns and cities, as it could encourage banditry in the absence of mitigation measures." 322184,54747.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[Accountability to Affected Populations] Top three most commonly reported priority needs: Shelter (49%), Food (30%), Healthcare (29%)." 223686,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,21,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Intensify disease surveillance in the flood affected areas to detect and report any new epidemic prone disease outbreak in the areas 266927,49807.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,96,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/sahel/299-course-correction-sahel-stabilisation-strategy,"Interventions by France and its partners have struggled to keep up with dramatic changes to the nature and geographic scope of the Sahel crisis. Violence has spread from Mali’s north into rural stretches of central Mali, south-western Niger and northern Burkina Faso. Groups under the banner of the al-Qaeda-linked Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM) and the Islamic State (ISIS)’s local branch have recruited disgruntled youths, picked up the pace of their attacks on national security forces and tightened their territorial grip." 276092,50671.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"le faible accès à l’eau potable, l’hygiène et l’assainissement est l’un des facteurs qui favorise la survenance des maladies diarrhéiques et affecte l’état nutritionnel des enfants." 131841,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• En albergues y en las fronteras, se dará soporte a la atención de salud sexual y reproductiva, incluyendo atención clínica a los casos de violación. Los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, tanto las personas recién llegadas como las residentes recibirán información sobre los servicios disponibles." 61683,18349.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20sitrep%20-%20Aug%202019.pdf,"To ensure the protection of the most vulnerable cases, additional funds were allocated to expand cash-based assistance." 173939,41033.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, Nigeria]It is still very difficult to reach many children through radio and TV programmes following the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Sector needs funding to develop alternative program and strategies. Radio stations’ broadcast coverage is very weak and poor. Solar-powered radios and pre-recorded lessons need to be distributed to reach more children and scale-up the response." 163592,39454.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_9_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Aun se observa baja capacidad de atención y protección de las instituciones departamentales y municipales a víctimas de VBG y violencia intrafamiliar, limitaciones en el acceso a derechos reproductivos y medicamentos de personas que viven con VIH y discriminación de población LGTBI" 179474,42115.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,70,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/storage/Mecanisme_FRE_COVID_19_VF.pdf,"Il est prévu un accompagnement aux sociétés fortement impactées par la crise à Corona virus sous forme de compte courant d’associés (Air Burkina) pour 3,5 milliards F CFA et de prise en charge à hauteur de 70% de salaires et cotisations sociales des sociétés des sous-secteurs du transport-voyageur, de l’hôtellerie-restauration et des médias privés à hauteur de 1,5 milliard F CFA." 227461,46523.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elvenezolanocolombia.com/2020/12/migracion-forzada-mantiene-a-839-059-ninos-venezolanos-alejados-de-sus-padres-en-2020/,"Decir que 15,4% de los migrantes se separa de sus hijos quiere decir que hay una población estimada de entre 793.451 y 839.059 niños, niñas y adolescentes que permanecieron durante 2020 sin el cuidado de uno o ambos padres, debido a la migración forzada. Niñez dejada atrás. Sin embargo, hay una disminución porcentual del fenómeno. En 2019, Cecodap reportó que 20,1% de las personas que se fueron del país dejó al menos un hijo o hija menor de edad." 193837,43300.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´analyse de consommation alimentaire indique que 8,1% des ménages tchadiens ont une consommation alimentaire pauvre et 19,3% une consommation alimentaire limite du fait d´une consommation alimentaire insuffisante, très peu variée et moins riche." 384896,60456.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Aussi, en réponse à la crise de Sholan, 2 000 moustiquaires, 1 000 flacons de gels hydroalcooliques, 50 cartons de savons entre autres ont été distribués aux populations déplacées" 413970,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,136,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 4.2 Limitations and challenges of the health service providing authorities Panic of getting the virus: Initially the service providers were in great fear. Many of them denied providing services to patients. Many of the senior doctors did not provide services out of their age-related fear (age 60+, had co-morbidity). The lack of PPE at the initial stage was one of the reasons for this fear. Moreover, the news of service providers affecting by the virus at a mass scale and the death of fellow colleagues made the service providers stressed and panicked. However, many of the providers did not care about their own protection or safety and served patients taking a risk on their health and life." 356648,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Por otra parte, personas armadas vestidas de civil participaron en actos violentos contra manifestantes. En Pereira, departamento de Risaralda, un grupo de personas de civil atacaron al manifestante y líder social Lucas Villa cuando estaba haciendo declaraciones contra el gobierno durante una protesta el 5 de mayo. Uno de ellos le disparó y lo mató, un testigo que resultó herido le dijo a Human Rights Watch. Autoridades judiciales con conocimiento del caso señalaron que las evidencias indican que bandas locales de narcotráfico podrían estar involucradas." 321876,54318.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"De acuerdo con el mapa anterior, se observa que el 48% de los NNA provienen del estado de Zulia en Venezuela, y que, en línea con su composición familiar analizada previamente, más de la mitad viene acompañado de su familia (al menos mamá y hermanos) y un porcentaje menor de su padre. El ingreso a Colombia lo realizaron mayoritariamente por cruces informales." 229417,46461.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Therefore, Norwegian Refugee Council in close coordination with Ministry of Education and other partner needs to speed up the process of finalizing production of Self- Learning materials and start its implementation in order to decrease the above mentioned risks and reduce disruption to children’s learning and schooling." 80043,22055.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,"Hrawa: Approximately 15 individuals arrived to Hrawa from Murzuq due to the unstable security situation. Some of the IDPs were reported to be staying with host families while others are renting, and their reported needs included food. An estimated 80 to 120 migrants arrived to Hrawa from Ejdabia, Aljufra and Sebha and are reportedly planning to continue their journey elsewhere." 328764,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,105,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 98% of households were found to have at least one Education Living Standard Gaps(LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 95% of households were found to have an Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in education but no capacity gap in education. 3% of households were found to have both an Living Standard Gaps(LSG) in education and a capacity gap in education. 2% of households were found to have no education Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a capacity gap in education. 197736,43603.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The WASH cluster has also worked on the installation/rehabilitation of WASH infrastructures in health and nutrition facilities, as well as delivering basic WASH services at health centres and COVID-19 isolation/quarantine centres." 169556,40463.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"UNHCR continues to support distance learning through various initiatives including the distribution of solar-powered radio sets, accompanied by school kits, to help refugee children follow school programmes broadcasted through national and community radios. So far, 456 sets were distributed in Burkina Faso (out of 3,190 planned)" 191326,43417.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/toxic-brew-instability-armed-violence-extreme-poverty-hunger-and-covid-19-putting,"Work with us and line ministries to increase the coverage of water and sanitation across all three countries — a chronically underfunded need. Not only to address COVID-19, but to support a region prone to acute water scarcity and climate shocks." 326457,54734.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 68% of the households found with nutrition living Standard Gap (LSG). 14% found to be extreme severe, 54% severe, 32% stress." 391126,61177.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,148,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Increased evaporation, more extreme heavy rainfall events, and increased river flows in some areas, are projected to increase flood damage to dams and turbines, while reservoir evaporation, siltation, and increased rainfall and river flow variability will pose a challenge for hydropower development due to the drying up of water resources. In addition, reduced rainfall and higher temperatures in the north could reduce the availability of biomass, an important energy source for rural households. s. Energy demand in Nigeria will increase due to rising temperatures and due to evaporation rates a reduced supply of biomass may be available for fuel. An increased frequency of heavy rainfall events may increase the frequency and intensity of flooding and storm surges, consequently damaging and disrupting energy production infrastructures, including generation transmission" 228668,46627.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"The CPAN [Child protection Action Network] must have active referrals option ready, and efforts to raise awareness around child marriage and other negative economic coping mechanisms should be intensified. More support and funding for social workers is needed, with additional social workers recruited locally." 491711,65437.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/wos_attacks_on_health_care_q2_2021_final.pdf,"[1 April - 30 June 2021, Overall Syria] [from diagram] Health care infrastructure affected: 2 secondary, 1 primary and 2 other infrastructures were affected in May. 1 secondary infrastructure was affected in June" 237983,47357.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20Country%20Brief%2C%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Northeast Nigeria]There are currently over two million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Nigeria (IOM/DTM Round 32), most of them in the BAY States, where the October 2020 Cadre Harmonisé (CH) finds 3.4 million people require food assistance (IPC/CH Phase 3 & 4)." 161797,39563.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/412358-covid-19-how-third-phase-of-eased-lockdown-will-be-implemented-official.html,"It is mandatory for persons coming into the country to have valid negative COVID PCR test results before boarding and this needs to be valid within 96 hours from accredited laboratories, preferably 72 hours before boarding." 123950,32567.0,1621.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,67,[],['Information And Communication'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"In continuation with efforts to support municipalities in controlling crowds at the banks which remains an issue in Libya during COVID-19, UNICEF supported “Ratib” app was launched on the 17th June at Al-Jumhuriya Bank in Tripoli. So far, the app has been used by at least 3,000 individuals, while a total of 1,500 attendees were reached with IEC key messages." 352588,57636.0,2311.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,23,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3745773,"Recent heavy rain has caused floods and a landslide in Tolima Department (central-western Colombia), which have resulted in casualties." 412772,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Delivery done by untrained midwives in one in five cases: Although the trained health workers or doctors were involved in delivery in most of the cases, 18% of the birth was attended by untrained midwives. Nationally, almost 41.0% of birth is assisted by an unskilled birth attendant (Unicef, 2019). This was much higher than the study findings. The difference might be a result of a very small sample size." 76916,21582.0,729.0,['Health'],[],[],en,46,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unhcr-expands-help-refugees-urban-areas-libya-reassesses-role-gathering-and-departure,"Humanitarian assistance to refugees and asylum seekers is available at our Community Day Centre (CDC) in Gurji, district of Tripoli, where those in need can access primary health care, registration and cash assistance to help meet food and accommodation needs." 187544,38355.0,1184.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,27,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,"With schools closed, strict lockdown measures in place and stress from confinement, boys and girls are at greater risk in their own homes. I" 344357,56790.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,81,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] In April, 83% of vendors reported supply challenges. The primary supply challenge cited remained price inflation, reported by 81% of vendors across NWS. As a seemingly widespread supply challenge, price inflation issues may also impact vendors’ abilities to keep markets stocked with essential items. The second issue cited was that supply had been affected by border closures, reported by 5% of surveyed vendors" 196235,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Recent months have seen the expansion of safety nets programming in Somalia with the roll-out of the Government-led safety net for human capital (e.g. World Bank supported Baxnaano social safety net program) and planned shock (locusts and other shocks) responsive safety nets from different development partners. The Cash Working Group is working with the Donor Working Group – Technical Assistance Facility to map and overlay safety nets with ongoing multi-purpose cash assistance to improve coordination and avoid overlaps. 221024,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,92,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Armed groups have taken advantage of the pandemic to consolidate or expand control over territories and communities, committing human rights violations and targeting opponents (FIP 2020; Semana 13/05/2020; Insight Crime 03/09/2020). Under the pretext of containing the spread of the virus, they have imposed highly restrictive, illegal COVID-19 prevention measures such as business closures, roadblocks, checkpoints, curfews, and quarantines in at least 11 of Colombia’s 32 departments (ACAPS 09/09/2020; HRW 15/07/2020; UNVMC 26/06/2020)." 339366,55942.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/bogota/la-campana-que-busca-eliminar-los-prejuicios-contra-las-venezolanas-article/,"Además, el 63% de los encuestados señaló que cree que la mayoría de ellas realizan trabajos informales, otro 15% dijo que con la mendicidad y un 13% señaló que se dedican a la prostitución, mientras que en general identificaron que estos prejuicios refuerzan imaginarios como que las mujeres venezolanas abaratan el mercado laboral cuando, indican, la realidad demuestra que por estos reciben ofertas injustas por su condición migratoria" 223958,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,62,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Les réponses ont été différentes pour les femmes, les garçons et les jeunes filles. Pour les filles, elles ont du mal à accéder aux radios ; c’est un outil propre aux hommes et garçons. Les femmes ne suivent la radio que quand il s’agit les prédications dès qu’elles sont à la maison" 81989,22790.0,1183.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72867.pdf,"Las actividades, exposiciones e intercambios del taller ayudaron a repensar y desafiar la forma en la que los/las trabajadores/as humanitarios/as proporcionan información regularmente y participan de un diálogo sostenido con las comunidades. Asimismo, los representantes de cada país tuvieron la oportunidad de compartir anécdotas y ejemplos sobre cómo garantizan que la planificación y el diseño de sus acciones de respuesta contemplan el punto de vista de las comunidades; y sobre los mecanismos de evaluación y retroalimentación que les permiten a esas comunidades evaluar el trabajo humanitario." 192531,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,47,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Despite the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) suspension of taxes on basic commodities from April-June to mitigate possible shortages of and price surges on food items, the purchasing power of many Somalis, especially daily-wage workers and casual labourers, is significantly reduced." 22385,9130.0,786.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,45,[],['Context'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.americasquarterly.org/content/180-day-plan-venezuela,"The democratically elected legislature,the National Assembly, regains authority. The substitute body created by Maduro is invalidated. New Supreme Court judges,already chosen by the National Assembly in the event of a transition, replace the current partisan court." 206644,43347.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Ten thousand people are in catastrophe (IPC Phase 5), 8,000 of whom are in Yirol County in Lakes. These households have an extreme lack of food (or other basic needs) after exhausting all coping strategies, which can result in starvation, death, destitution extremely critical levels of acute malnutrition." 157251,38373.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Asimismo, esto es menor en Bogotá y Cundinamarca (3.1%), Barranquilla (6.7%) y Medellín (8.0%), donde la población tiene mayor acceso a documentación y servicios, comparado con Riohacha, donde llega a un 14.8%." 191324,43417.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/toxic-brew-instability-armed-violence-extreme-poverty-hunger-and-covid-19-putting,"Work with us to expand national social protection systems, like cash transfers, to help families pay for basic needs like food, education and health care." 142121,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In addition, WHO further supported one-day workshops on triage, IPC/PPE, case definition and referral pathways at 226 primary health care centres in 13 governorates, and a further 50 healthcare providers at isolation hospitals on IPC and waste management." 385987,60796.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/improving-testing-rate-who-supports-ondo-state-integrate-covid-19-sample-collection,"[26th July 2021, Ondo State, Nigeria] Akure, 26 July, 2021 - The World Health Organization (WHO) has supported Ondo State to integrate COVID-19 sample collection into the essential health care services. The intervention has led to an increase in the number of samples tested from an average of 70 to 321 per week, since the integration." 328530,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[Displacement] 18% of the households stated that the reason for coming to current location was no conflict, 45% of the households stated the availability of work/income opportunities was the reason for coming to current location where as 34% of the households stated that presence of food distribution/food aid was the main reason for coming to the current location." 276334,50677.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,158,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Faisant suite à l’évaluation multisectorielle conduite auprès des populations retournées à Gorétal Goutoum, (arrondissement de Hile Alifa – département du Logone et Chari) du 11 au 13 juillet 2020, l’équipe du mécanisme de réponse rapide (RRM)- Première Urgence a répondu aux besoins immédiats des familles les plus vulnérables. 98 d’entre elles (674 personnes) ont ainsi reçu chacune des kit « abri » (bâches, cordes ...), un lot de biens de premières nécessité (seaux, bassines, nattes, pagnes, savons, bidons, etc), et un kit « hygiène/dignité » délivré spécifiquement pour les femmes. La distribution a été exécutée le 8 août, malgré le très mauvais état des voies d’accès et malgré les réticences des autorités à autoriser les appuis matériels dans un contexte sécuritaire toujours très fragile." 399010,61829.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.publimetro.cl/cl/noticias/2021/02/15/encuestas-pandemia-migracion.html,"60%considera que la llegada de migrantes es mala para el país, según la encuesta Plaza Pública de Cadem." 114196,31147.0,1898.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"La Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) estima que la crisis económica asociada a la pandemia del COVID-19 impactará a 1,3 millones de empleos en El Salvador lo cual equivale al 46.6 por ciento del total de los trabajadores en el país." 224683,44702.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Chiec Teng primary school in Cueibet had no BH for the learners. It was reported that pupils move to Achol Malek which is few kilometers from the school for water 161723,34176.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,48,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"Se observa un incremento en el flujo población venezolana en tránsito en las vías Puerto Tejada-Jamundí, Candelaria-Palmira y Palmira-Cerrito. Se ha identificado población en riesgo de desalojos en los municipios de Jamundí, Palmira, Yumbo, Cerrito, Vijes, Dagua, Yotoco y Pradera" 326173,55014.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]Ninety-one per cent of the heads of the surveyed households in north-east Nigeria stated that they owned the house in which they resided before they were displaced. Five per cent of respondents lived in a house that was owned by a relative or a family member and four per cent of the respondents said that they were tenants." 134720,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,109,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Acceso a subsidios de vivienda propia y arriendo27 Siguiendo a Correa y Flores (2019), un bajo porcentaje del total de subsidios habitacionales entregados entre 2002 y 2018 fueron adjudicados por personas migrantes (0,8%), siendo levemente mayor en los relativos a arriendos (3,8%). Además serían más altos en las regiones del norte, como Tarapacá, donde el 5,7% de los subsidios han sido adjudicados por población extranjera, seguido por Arica y Parinacota (3,2%), y Antofagasta (3,1%), en tanto que en Región Metropolitana ha sido un 1,5%." 345206,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,79,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[IDP] In Kitshanga, Masisi territory (North Kivu) 91 men members of the local communities actively participated in two group discussions about SGBV prevention and the negative social norms that encourage harmful practices. These discussions were organised by UNHCR and partner AIDPROFEN and were facilitated by the male ambassadors of positive masculinity, who have previously received training on the subject and are now sharing their knowledge with men living in their community." 163539,30906.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"El departamento de Putumayo tiene fronteras con el departamento de Nariño, el cual registra 1.383 casos, el departamento de Cauca registra 125 casos, el departamento de Caquetá, 24 casos, el departamento de Amazonas 1.900 casos, la provincia de Nueva Loja o Lago Agrio (Ecuador), la cual registra 455 casos y Loreto (Perú) que registra 5.757 casos" 233376,46495.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"El 70% de las familias afirmó haber enfrentado el periodo del Aislamiento Selectivo Obligatorio, decretado por el Gobierno Nacional, con reducción de los gastos para poder subsanar sus necesidades básicas." 198158,44148.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100295,"La décroissance due au confinement s’est arrêtée en juin à 96 nouveaux cas ; et la remontée en « V » a immédiatement commencé en juillet (171 cas), s’est poursuivie en août (228 cas), avant de culminer en septembre avec plus de 740 cas." 457633,65405.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des risques accrus de VBG tels que les violences conjugales résultant du COVID-19 ont été soulignés par seulement 4% des répondants contre 96% qui affirment le contraire. Cela peut s’expliquer par le fait que la restriction des mouvements amène les hommes à passer plus de temps à la maison et cela, ajouté au stress de l’aspect sécuritaire, et du manque d’activité de subsistance, ces derniers deviennent facilement irritables et susceptibles d’exercer des violences sur les femmes et les enfants." 146588,36058.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-aid-agencies-raise-alarm-over-veto-cross-border-aid,"If shipments from Bab al Salam are to be diverted through Bab al Hawa, it will not be possible to scale-up the COVID-19 response. As the cost of food has increased over 200 percent in the last year, and the country is faced with a global pandemic, it is unthinkable that any access routes could be cut." 161216,37888.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=199768,"It noted that two flights will be run weekly after two weeks in coordination with the governmental specialised team, clarifying that there will be an announcement for each flight and its destination as happened to the last flights." 185945,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,73,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Au Sud et Nord-Ubangi, les variations d'un mois à l'autre observées sont importantes (+52% de juin à août pour Kungu, - 34% à Yakoma) sans que le prix du PMA ne dépasse les 200 000 FC. Avant que les mesures pour limiter la propagation du COVID-19 ne soient mises en place, le prix médian du PMA évoluait entre 75 000 et 105 000 FC." 276329,50677.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,157,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Le système de suivi de la protection (protection monitoring) assuré par l’ONG Intersos dans toute la région de l’Extrême- Nord a enregistré 452 nouveaux incidents de protection au mois d’août, représentant une légère baisse par rapport au mois de juillet (547 incidents). La majorité des incidents concernent la spoliation de biens et de terres. Si les hommes paraissent représenter une grande majorité des victimes, c’est parce qu’ils sont les principaux rapporteurs pour l’ensemble du ménage dont les membres ne sont alors pas enregistrés comme victime. Toutes catégories de violations confondues, les GANEs sont tenus responsables de 39% des incidents, les civils (communautés) arrivent en deuxième position avec 35% des incidents, les 26% restant étant répartis entre les Forces Armées, et les membres des Comités de vigilance." 194232,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 366 621 voyageurs internationaux et 3 715 066 voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter 63 et 350 alertes et de confirmer 22 et 22 d’entre elles, respectivement." 205243,43347.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Environment'],en,82,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The increased food production gap in heavily flooded areas could increase needs throughout the year and thus require more food commodities to be delivered, just-in-time before the rains begin again after the first quarter of 2020. Additionally, as the scale and extent of the flooding has critically impacted physical access across the country, and the water is likely to take months to disperse, the window for prepositioning of food commodities throughout the country will drastically shorten." 207066,44711.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://newspaper.albaathmedia.sy/2020/12/03/%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d9%8a%d8%a4%d8%ab%d8%b1-%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%89-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ae%d8%af%d9%85%d8%a9-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%b3%d8%a7%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84/,"[December 3, Damascus] The assistant director of the hospital for medical affairs, Dr. Hussam Berdan, explained in his interview with the “Baath” that the burden is now on the public care that has come to bear emergency matters, in addition to its work in serving the people’s patients, which led to overcrowding and the inability to serve all patients" 389635,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,67,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"En la región amazónica, que comparativamente tiene menos casos activos que gran parte del país, Putumayo y Caquetá son los departamentos con más transmisión en este momento. Amazonas, San Andrés, Quindío y Risaralda tienen la mayor cantidad de dosis de vacuna aplicada por habitante. Vichada, Chocó, Putumayo y Cauca tienen el menor número de dosis aplicadas por habitante." 194264,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"Kinshasa reste le foyer principal de l’épidémie, ayant rapporté 74,6% (8648/11592) des cas, suivie du Nord-Kivu et du Kongo-Central avec 10,0% (1162/11592) et 4,6% (535/11592) des cas, respectivement (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 49439,16177.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,101,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"Las plataformas de la Red del SPE no están unificadas y tampoco comparten información entre ellas. Por un lado, está la base de datos de la Agencia Pública de Empleo del SENA, mientras que la información de las agencias de gestión y colocación de las cajas de compensación familiar y de las entidades territoriales es reportada en el Sistema de Información del Servicio de Empleo (SISE). Esta separación entre las bases de datos hace que la información de los migrantes se duplique, pues un mismo perfil puede estar registra- do en ambas redes." 66426,19482.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,51,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.perfil.com/noticias/internacional/en-argentina-se-refugiaron-150000-venezolanos-segun-la-oea.phtml,"David Smolansky, coordinador de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) para la crisis de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos, informó que150.000 venezolanos llegaron a la Argentina en los últimos años, de los 4,6 millones que abandonaron su país a causa de la grave crisis que atraviesa." 221308,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,43,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Ce�e insuffisance de données et d’analyses sexospécifiques signifie que ces impacts ne peuvent être mesurés correctement. En conséquence, les interven�ons spécifiques visant à a�énuer et répondre à ces impacts ne peuvent pas être développées ni mises en œuvre." 492557,67931.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,38,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] SMEB July value: 368,856 SYP One month change (compared to June): increase of 3% Six month change (compared to January): increase of 16%" 391185,61470.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Awareness of social distancing: About half (around 50%) People engaging in social distancing: About half (around 50%)." 194140,42943.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,54,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Mientras que algunos están optando a migrar dentro de Colombia o incluso hacia un nuevo país, la mayoría están volviendo a Venezuela. De hecho, de acuerdo con las autoridades colombianas de migración, desde el 14 de marzo al 3 de agosto, más de 95,000 venezolanos regresaron a Venezuela." 289345,51168.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"While the scale up targets the most vulnerable and acutely food insecure, there are an estimated 870,000 people are facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or higher levels of food insecurity in the six counties" 183670,43048.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/with-drastic-increase-in-covid-19-cases-northwest-syria-languishes-under-health-humanitarian-crises/,"[November 5 ,2020 Northwest Syria] Further, in addition to one testing lab in the city of Idlib that contains two polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machines, two other testing labs with PCR machines became operational in October, according to OCHA, in the cities of Jarablus and Afrin in the northern countryside of Aleppo province." 300689,51152.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Implementation of more permanent WASH response solutions to avoid further degradation of WASH conditions in the flood affected locations. 224731,45275.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,25,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,IDPs have told Norwegian Refugee Council staff that they are more concerned about the lack of livelihood opportunities and lack of food than Covid-19. 343327,56750.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AE%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B6-%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%A8-%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%87-%D8%A8%D8%AD%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%B3%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A5%D9%84%D9%89-%D9%85%D8%A7-%D9%8A%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%80-6-%D8%A3%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%B1,"[May 27, NES] Jihad Bayram, head of the operations department of the Tishreen dam, which is controlled by the SDF, said that the water level of the Euphrates Dam Lake (Assad) has dropped to about 6 meters. Hawar news agency, which is close to the Autonomous Administration, quoted Bayram as saying that the water supply from the Euphrates River has decreased to a quarter of the agreed amount, with about 200 cubic meters per second reaching them since late last January." 8988,2876.0,321.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,56,[],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unhcr-helps-survivors-after-traffickers-kill-12-libya,"Human traffickers in Libya reportedly killed more than a dozen people and wounded many others after a group of some 200 Eritreans, Ethiopians and Somalis, being held captive, attempted to escape. The incident happened on Wednesday, 23 May in Bani Walid, approximately 180 kilometres southeast of the capital Tripoli." 16805,7075.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,156,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"One the demand side, despite relatively functional markets, financial access to food remains of great concern, as the prices of basic commodities continue to increase due to depreciation of the national currency, high import taxes, double taxation and increased transport and storage costs. The economic access to food remained the main constraint for most of the population including civil servants who are normally better off. A great portion of the population, even in the more stable areas, cannot access basic food commodities as the cost of the Minimum/Survival Food Basket continues to increase on monthly basis. Currently, the cost of the Minimum/Survival Food Basket is about 150% compared to pre-crisis levels. Prices of fuel products such as petrol, diesel and cooking gas cylinders have increased since escalation of conflict compared to the pre-crisis era and is expected to increase further." 81884,22512.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,101,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895," El 15 de octubre, 11 países de América del Sur, Central, Norte como el Caribe pusieron en marcha la implementación de la Tarjeta Unificada de Vacunación, la cual fue propuesta y fomentada por el gobierno del Colombia. Esta tarjeta es destinada al uso de la población venezolana como un registro universal de vacunas, con el objetivo de proteger la salud de los que mantienen las tarjetas y brindarles servicios más eficientes, así como apoyar los esfuerzos de salud pública en las regiones por donde transitan o se asientan los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos.3" 111880,31304.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Colombia tiene una alta densidad de población indígena, afro, raizal y Rom, se estima que son al menos 87 pueblos indígenas en todo el territorio nacional según el DANE (Departamento Nacional de Estadística) plenamente identificados, que se ubican en zonas apartadas, comunidades aisladas, con acceso precario a sistemas de salud, y su población tiene una resistencia muy baja a enfermedades o epidemias (gripe, influenza, entre otros). La presencia de casos infectados en estas comunidades por agentes externos será alarmante y puede generar afectaciones bastante altas en la pervivencia de estos pueblos." 143565,36172.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/statement-who-regional-director-eastern-mediterranean-deaths-children,It is paramount that we identify gaps when health facilities are temporarily closed to ensure continuity of services and avoid any further deaths. This is important given the extraordinary circumstances of COVID-19 and PPE and human resource shortages. 167053,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"( 19/09/2020)On Saturday, 189 new cases were reported in Nigeria, hence bringing the tally of confirmed cases to 57,145 as of 11:55 p.m. on September 19." 361312,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,119,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In 2005, the first Bangladesh Health and Injury Survey (BHIS) was conducted, and the findings identified drowning as the leading cause of deaths among children aged 1-17 years old, with approximately 17,000 children losing their lives each year (Rahman et al, 2005). The BHIS was undertaken again in 2016, and the survey found drowning to be the main cause of injury deaths among children aged 1-4 and 5-9 years old (Rahman et al, 2016). According to the 2016 BHIS, 40 children (age 0-17) die due to drowning each day in the country." 132617,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Desarrollo y soporte de las campañas de prevención contra la trata. Incluirán la distribución de material de información, así como talleres y mesas redondas con el fin de fortalecer las capacidades técnicas en estos delitos. Los socios también brindarán capacitación, fortalecimiento de las capacidades y equipos para el personal y albergues, especializados en la prevención de la trata y tráfico de personas, e implementarán campañas de prevención. Las campañas de desarrollo de las capacidades se enfocarán también en las autoridades públicas, tanto a nivel nacional y local, para fortalecer los mecanismos de protección existentes." 165642,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"Top three difficulties when collecting LPG (1,345 responses)† 1 LPG is not sufficient for my family (30%) 2 Difficult to carry back to shelter (19%) 3 Distribution point is very far (17%)" 169300,40031.0,1185.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"Through its Wiñantsik Project, WFP distributed hygiene kits to 17 health centres in the Ancash region" 172890,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,76,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"[3] Les groupes de population les plus à risque face à l’épidémie de COVID-19 en raison de leurs vulnérabilités et leurs capacités d’adaptation sont les suivants : • Les femmes et les enfants (les femmes enceintes et allaitantes, enfants séparés et non accompagnés, enfants en situation de rue, enfants privés de liberté) • Les survivants de violences • Les personnels de soins ou travailleurs sociaux" 293211,43280.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"In September the measles and polio vaccination campaign, which was started in August continued, targeting children under 5 years of age. The campaign aims to reduce the occurrence of measles outbreaks in Somalia." 180568,42290.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"L’accès aux terres que ce soit pour l’agriculture ou l’élevage est difficile ; les personnes déplacées internes dans d’autres localités comme Yamba, Tibga et Diabo ont eu une portion de terre pour la reprise les activités agricoles pour la survie. Mais à Fada, Diapangou, Matiacoali, la règle est le prêt ou la location de terrain cultivable soit à 20 000F/Ha." 41087,11894.0,729.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Water from the public network was reportedly only available 1-3 days per week in Al Aziziya and Swani bin Adam. The water in these areas was reported to have a bad taste and, according to one KI, was undrinkable without purification. Residents of Al Aziziya and Swani bin Adam were reportedly unable to access enough water to meet their needs." 490060,67394.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,167,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Refugee and Host:As part of the Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) program, during the reporting period, a total of 10 554 patients (host community and Rohingya refugees) from Ukhiya and Teknaf were reported in DHIS-2 to have sought care with noncommunicable diseases. Hypertension was reported with the highest percentage of 35% followed by Diabetes Mellitus with 31% of all NCD patients. The NCD Core Group conducted supportive supervision visits on implementation of the national protocol on hypertension and diabetes mellitus in camps 8W and 18 to identify opportunities for improved NCD service delivery. Regarding communicable diseases, a total of 11 872 patients from the host community and the Rohingya refugee camps from Ukhiya and Teknaf were reported through DHIS-2. Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) was reported with highest proportion of 46% followed by unexplained fever which was about 22%." 245790,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"En Bogotá, el 47.8% de la población monitoreada considera que su comunidad o barrio es seguro comparado con el 5.16% que considera sus entornos como inseguros. Sin embargo, hay factores de riesgo para la población que no afectan tan abruptamente la percepción de inseguridad. Dentro de los principales factores, los datos recogidos muestran que la delincuencia (75.3%) y la presencia de pandillas en sus entornos (20.4%) son elementos que significan riesgos para la población monitoreada, pero que al parecer no cambian significativamente la percepción de si su comunidad es seguro o no." 412547,63488.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,78,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] FINDINGS OF THE STUDY:3.1 Background characteristics A total of 2,483 households were randomly selected for the sample survey. The average family members of the households were 4.89, which means that this study represents a total of 12,142 population from 16 selected districts from all eight divisions. The average number of female members of the selected households was 2.40 and the average number of male members was 2.48." 290690,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,124,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"los impactos desproporcionados de esta pandemia sobre las mujeres podrían revertir muchos de los logros alcanzados en materia de igualdad de género en el mercado laboral, así como exacerbar las disparidades existentes. La pérdida de empleos durante la fase de confinamientos itinerantes, estimada por la OIT en 34 millones para el primer semestre de 2020 en América Latina, junto a la escasez de puestos de trabajo durante la reactivación económica, amenazan con lastrar aún más la recuperación de la participación laboral femenina. Esta situación se agrava aún más si consideramos el mayor impacto de la pandemia sobre las pymes, que emplean al 72,6% de las mujeres asalariadas y autónomas en la fuerza laboral de la región" 186400,43272.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Armed clashes between Sudan People’s Liberation Army-In Opposition (SPLA-IO) loyalists and a SPLAIO breakaway faction in Central Equatoria State’s Kajo-Keji County prompted civilian displacement on September 28, the UN reports. Following the fighting, an unknown number of civilians crossed the South Sudan border to seek shelter in Uganda, while others fled from the nearby Korijo IDP settlement due to rising tensions within the camp and fear of additional clashes, USG partners report." 149338,37832.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"WFP conducted market monitoring in July to assess retail price conditions in Cox’s Bazar. Findings included mixed price trends of different commodities, stable food availability with some commodities disrupted by flooding (rice and potatoes), unfavorable local market conditions in the camps with egg and oil received as assistance sold at a lower price, and an increase in credit purchase." 223360,44702.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Numerous homesteads have been flooded and some houses have collapsed as a result of the damage of the flood water. This has resulted in the households abandoning these homes and seeking dry ground. 223536,45273.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,"Despite a city-wide lockdown in Kabul, the threat of a COVID-19 outbreak combined with Afghanistan’s weak health system, widespread corruption, decades-old conflict and ongoing political crisis, is turning the situation in the country into a perfect storm for children, Save the Children said today." 271533,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"La région du Sahel se distingue particulièrement avec une prévalence au dessus du seuil critique de l’OMS avec 43,1% de malnutrition chronique soit une hausse de 6,4% par rapport à 2019 qui était de 25,3% (22,2-28,7). Quant à la région du Centre, elle affiche une prévalence de 12,5% (la plus faible) contre 10,7% (7,5-15,0) en 2019 [malnutrition chronique ou retard de croissance]." 115981,30124.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],[],[],es,69,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades Los socios del Clúster reportaron que niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) de hogares vulnerables han vuelto a sufrir de desnutrición después de haber recibido tratamiento en ambulatorios o en los centros de atención que se han apoyados. Por lo que es necesaria una respuesta integral con actividades de nutrición y de seguridad alimentaria para evitar que la población recaiga en cuadros de desnutrición." 494219,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,99,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average retail price of bulgur increased by five percent at SYP 2,103/kg in August 2021, whereas y-o-y, the price of bulgur increased by 72 percent. Homs recorded the highest bulgur retail price at SYP 2,467/kg (up six percent m-o-m), followed by As-Sweida at SYP 2,410/kg (up five percent m-o-m). However, Idleb recorded the lowest price at SYP 1,679/kg (up nine percent m-o-m), followed by Al-Hasakeh at SYP 1,715/kg (down two percent m-o-m)." 73335,21154.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,82,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"Priority needs The countries of the Southern Cone are characterized by having flexible and continuous regularization and asylum policies in response to the refugee and migrant flows that have reached the sub-region, despite the escalation of the number of arrivals. However, this increase has generated challenges in the response, both in terms of regular access to the territory, as well as in the processing and regularization procedures and asylum applications and the consequent provision of documentation." 439625,63257.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans 33% des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à suffisamment de nourriture au cours des 30 derniers jours." 237884,47119.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,147,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Al comparar la tasa de mortalidad y letalidad entre la semana epidemioló- gica 50 a 53 con respecto al periodo anterior (SE 46 a 49), se observó que de los 486 municipios que reportaron muertes por COVID-19 durante el periodo analizado, el 43,0 % (209) presentó incremento significativo en la tasa de mortalidad y letalidad. Peñol y Retiro en Antioquia, Baranoa y Sabanalarga en Atlántico, Guaduas y Ricaurte en Cundinamarca, Cumbal e Ipiales en Nariño, Flandes – Tolima, Caicedonia y La Unión en Valle del Cauca; los municipios que presentaron mayor variación (aumento) en la tasa de letalidad fueron La Pintada – Antioquia, Sabanalarga – Atlántico, Monguí – Boyacá, Marquetalia – Caldas, Lebrija – Santander, Sabana de Torres – Santander, La Unión – Valle del Cauca" 229729,44602.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,8,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"No partner supporting women with dignity kits," 322115,54688.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,59,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/el-reto-de-atender-a-los-mas-de-2000-desplazados-que-deja-la-ola-de-violencia-en-el-cauca/,"Se requiere personal médico de apoyo y enfermera para la atención de personas en cabecera municipal y en corregimiento del Plateado. Además, se necesitan con urgencia medicamentos para las personas que padecen de enfermedades crónicas como diabetes, hipertensión o asma, y que requieren algún tratamiento médico, en especial a población de adultos mayores." 356628,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,111,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"En 2019, la policía colombiana disparó cartuchos de perdigones con escopetas de calibre 12 contra los manifestantes. Un manifestantemuriódebido a esta arma. En enero de 2020, la Procuraduría General de la Nación, un órgano independiente,concluyóque los policías tenían formación limitada o nula en el uso de esta escopeta. En septiembre de 2020, la Corte Supremasuspendióel uso de estas armas por parte de la policía. El director de la Policía indicó a Human Rights Watch que los policías no están usando ningún tipo de escopetas de perdigones actualmente, y que las escopetas calibre 12 están almacenadas en las estaciones policiales." 37182,11044.0,788.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,32,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,The need for access to food and nutrition assistance to asylum seekers and especially children under-five is of utmost immediate need and tops the priorities as expressed by most respondents interviewed. 326344,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 26% of IDP settlement and 23% of non-IDP settlement households found with a health Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 199197,44310.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Par ailleurs, l’évaluation indique que dans les ménages de retournés, 7 enfants sur 10 âgés de moins de cinq ans sont atteints de malnutrition aigüe sévère. L’hôpital général de référence de Salamabila ne dispose pas de capacités de prise en charge de ce type d’affection. Des sources hospitalières rapportent que 50% des décès enregistrés aux urgences dans la semaine du 9 au 14 novembre sont des enfants de moins de 5 ans." 281880,51173.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF, in collaboration with WASH cluster partners, including government counterparts at national and provincial levels and civil society organisations (CSO), delivered essential life-saving WASH services to affected people across Afghanistan." 197416,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Awareness raising of mothers, caregivers and community on how to protect themselves, others and children from COVID-19 has also taken place; there is a recognition that further social mobilisation is required." 133881,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,258,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"SITUACIÓN MIGRATORIA De acuerdo con estadísticas proporcionadas por el Servicio Nacional de Migración (SNM), la población estimada de nacionales venezolanos en Panamá ascendía a 94,596 personas a octubre de 2018. De estas, 7,497 correspondían a personas venezolanas identificadas en el Censo de 2010, un total de 50,068 a personas que han sido regularizadas entre 2010-2018 bajo distintos procesos ordinarios y extraordinarios establecidos en el país, y 37,031 se encontraban con una cita pendiente para su regularización migratoria mediante el proceso de regularización extraordinaria. Adicionalmente, datos proporcionados por la Oficina Nacional para la Atención a Refugiados (ONPAR) al ACNUR reflejan que entre los años 2014 y 2018 cerca de 10,200 personas venezolanas solicitaron la condición de refugiado en el país. No obstante, cerca de la mitad desistió o no fue admitida a trámite, y sólo unas 5,070 personas estaban aún pendientes de la definición de su solicitud a finales del 2018. A finales del 2018 existían tan sólo 46 personas venezolanas reconocidas como refugiadas en el país. En la población encuestada se evidencia también una variada situación migratoria: un 29% se encuentra sin un estatus migratorio regular, un 57% se encuentra con algún tipo de visa o en trámite, un 8% es solicitante de la condición de refugiado o ha sido reconocido como tal, y un 6% ha obtenido la residencia permanente. Gráfico 5: Estatus de residencia en Panamá de la población encuestada" 58966,17679.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,84,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En ese sentido, las mujeres migrantes estudiantes en las universidades e institutos locales sienten la discriminación de parte de sus compañeros y compañeras y de la comunidad en general, reforzada por el relato de los medios. Por otro lado, las compañeras migrantes trabajadoras de casas particulares, se sienten profundamente ofendidas por su retrato de parte de los medios de comunicación, donde son estigmatizadas como torpes, ignorantes, sumisas o hipersexualizadas y dispuestas sexualmente a sus empleadores." 163866,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,23,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Sensibilización de la población en general en el cumplimiento de las medidas de prevención, aún ante la apertura económica escalonada." 276237,50677.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,160,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Plus de 70 incidents contre les civils ont été attribués aux GANEs durant le mois de d’août 2020 dans les trois départements : Mayo-Tsanaga, Mayo-Sava et Logone et Chari. La majorité de ces incidents ont frappé des villages dépourvus de système de défense, militaire ou civil (Comités de vigilance) et dont l’accès est rendu difficile à tout véhicule, notamment des forces de sécurité, en raison de l’état des routes. Dans le cadre d’un redéploiement tactique visant à mettre un frein à ces mouvements continus des populations qui désertent les villages isolés pour se réfugier dans les localités plus importantes dotées de bases militaires robustes, le Bataillon d’Intervention Rapide (BIR) a démantelé les 11 et 13 août deux petits postes avancés de l’arrondissement de Kolofata à Kordo et Gederou pour établir une base plus solide à Gréa." 150582,34590.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,60,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Damascus: The HRP funding gap for partners operating from the Damascus hub including key UN agencies, FAO, WFP and UNRWA is USD 389 million. Of this, the WFP funding gap is USD 288 million while FAO and UNRWA have a funding gap of about USD 9 million and local NGOs a gap of USD 3million" 162896,37895.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,26,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/177845/,"Gatherings were also generally banned in places such as sports centres, public places, swimming pools and cafés, during the Eid al-Adha period." 410907,63871.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,32,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,Africa CDC a organisé une formation sur le test d'antigène pour 51 participants en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et 68 participants au Nigeria du 19 au 22 juillet 2021 112496,29953.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,150,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A raíz de esta situación se ha iniciado desde 2019, con apoyo de la cooperación, la ejecución de modalidades de protección como la operada por la Fundación Renacer para víctimas de violencia sexual en Riohacha, espacios de cuidado y albergue en Riohacha y Maicao, así como equipos móviles con un lugar para no acompañados, con quienes se adelantan procesos de restablecimiento de contacto familiar, búsqueda y eventual reunificación en el marco del convenio con el CICR. Si bien esta oferta es importante, la mayor parte se concentra en el CAI, que de forma progresiva alberga a cerca de 1.200 personas, de los cuales la mitad son niños, niñas y adolescentes. Este espacio requiere de un continuo fortalecimiento como parte de la estrategia de la salida de esos niños, adolescentes y familias que deciden permanecer en Colombia." 206685,44770.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=212700,"[5th December, 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 8320, out of which 3879 ones have recovered while 442 others have passed away." 322561,54747.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,51,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] Among households with multi-sectoral needs, highest need was of WASH (92%), followed by Education(86%), Shelter(74%), Nutrition(49%), Health(21%) and Protection(13%)" 58972,17679.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Es lamentable, que la creación de un área interinstitucional contra la violencia institucional que promueve el Plan Nacional (Medida N°21), toma en cuenta a diversos grupos de mujeres, pero omite a las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas." 58203,17094.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,107,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En este contexto, una de las singularidades de la dinámica del proceso venezolano radica en la conformación simultánea de numerosas asociaciones (formales e informales) estructuradas a partir de los campos profesionales y enfocadas en la convalidación de los títulos universitarios como vía de acceso a puestos de trabajo vinculados a la formación y experiencia previas. Así, de manera incipiente durante 2016 y 2017 y con intensidad a partir de 2018, se han conformado asociaciones de médicos, enfermeros, ingenieros, odontólogos, docentes, psicólogos, arquitectos, comunicadores sociales, contadores, abogados y farmacéuticos, entre otras." 134383,34825.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,103,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Para el año 2019, el procesamiento del stock censal consistió en obtener la cifra de personas nacidas en el extranjero por comuna de residencia habitual7 de la base de datos del Censo 2017 para 21 categorías de país, a las que se envejeció en dos años de edad, agrupándolas posteriormente en quinquenios. Una vez obtenida la población censal envejecida, se aplicó el ajuste por omisión censal comunal según sexo y a esta se aplicó la estructura envejecida dos años. Finalmente, mediante la suma de los totales comunales por cada país, se obtiene el total nacional" 185903,42497.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-10-19%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2012-18%20de%20oct%202020.pdf,"Las muertes han aumentado de 20 por semana a 32 desde la semana epidemiológica 38 (13 a 19 de septiembre), mientras que los casos recuperados han disminuido de 1.756 por semana a 979 durante el mismo período" 208197,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Additionally, households and communities that host returnees are also exposed to malnutrition aggravating factors including food insecurity, lack or limited access to WASH services, and morbidity due to overstretching of basic services." 308351,53292.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Some 13,000 individuals have received WASH hygiene kit items and hygiene messages for safe water treatment and handwashing purposes. Assessments for new drilling and borehole rehabilitation are in progress. Protection partners carried out awareness-raising activities in Tonj North, reaching a total of 956 individuals (162 women, 436 men, 143 girls, 215 boys)." 247811,48085.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"According to a research paper published in The Lancet, maternal mortalities are anticipated to rise this year, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. The study’s most severe estimate puts the anticipated number of additional global maternal deaths due to both the direct and indirect effects of COVID-19 at 113,400 over a period of 12 months. The true number of maternal deaths caused by the virus will likely not be known for years." 10442,2965.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,176,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800409_Humanitarian_Update_Final_1.pdf,"WFP reported that the estimated value of the assistance destroyed in the fire that occurred in its warehouse in Al Hudaydah city on 31 March amounts to US$5 million. The lost supplies were meant to contribute to the rations of at least 1.8 million beneficiaries for a month’s period. WFP is using reserves to partially cover the gap and prevent any disruption to the monthly distribution process. A new fire broke out on 16 April in a WFP mobile storage unit for non-food items in Al Hudaydah city, no significant damage was reported. At least two humanitarian organisations reached and responded in Al Khawkhah district during the reporting period. However, access to the eastern part of Hays district remains challenging due to continued shelling. In Al Hudaydah city, humanitarian partners have provided NFI, cash and hygiene assistance to some 1,500 families, including IDPs. In Hajjah governorate, 158 families among the most vulnerable in Abs district received cash assistance." 291656,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,50,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,The Milak (Nimroz) and Islam Qala-Dogharoon (Hirat) crossings with Iran are officially open to commercial traffic and movement of documented Afghanistan nationals. Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan at Spin Boldak officially opened on 21 August 2020 and at Torkham on 28 September 2020. 202455,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,34,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In many households, men or boys have joined armed groups and forces, adding to protection concerns they face, while forcing women take on additional responsibilities in looking after the family." 236010,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Among those assisted with protection services 79 percent were women and girls, while 30 percent were children and 26 percent were 60-year-old and above." 145438,36039.0,2028.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition, UNICEF report that nutrition activities are ongoing, including group and individual counselling sessions, and nutrition surveillance activities. Education activities has also increased in recent weeks, including with partially opened schools reported across most sub-districts where functioning schools existed prior to COVID-19, in light of national exams." 202371,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Between January and March 2019, 64 per cent of people who were displaced internally were displaced within same state and same county" 276982,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] Ce mois-ci, un pourcentage plus élevé de petites entreprises en RDC déclarent s’être déjà remises des effets de la Covid-19 que les grandes entreprises (11% contre 8% des moyennes et 2% des grandes entreprises) ; cependant, un pourcentage plus important de chefs d’entreprise de petites entreprises déclare que leurs entreprises pourraient ne jamais se remettre (25% contre 5% des moyennes et 12% des grandes entreprises)." 112510,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,121,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Por otra parte, se cuenta con la Casa de Acogimiento Familiar, en la que se reciben niños no acompañados o en situación de riesgo. Aldeas Infantiles trabaja por un proceso de reunificación y fortalecimiento familiar para garantizar la transformación del nicho afectivo de los niños al salir de esta modalidad. En esta casa, los niños permanecen mientras se resuelve su PARD. Aldeas Infantiles ofrece algunas actividades pedagógicas durante el día asociadas a actividades lúdicas y artísticas (pintura, dibujo). Con las familias, trabajan temas asociados a pautas de crianza, emprendimiento, cuidado, en el marco del fortalecimiento familiar (Aldeas Infantiles La Guajira, entrevista, 2019)." 266718,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Month-on-month (m-o-m), all 14 governorates reported an increasing average reference food basket price in January 2021. The highest m-o-m increase of 13 percent was reported in Ar-Raqqa reaching SYP 123,123, while the lowest increase of four percent was reported in Aleppo and Tartous, reaching SYP 124,600 and SYP 125,343, respectively. Idleb reported the highest average food basket price at SYP 151,048." 199342,43120.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://forbes.co/2020/11/06/actualidad/migracion-las-claves-para-que-se-sume-a-la-reactivacion-del-pais/,"Como ya se mencionó, existe evidencia de que un gran porcentaje de migrantes se inclina al emprendimiento. Esto último puede ser beneficiosa para impulsar el mercado laboral en los venezolanos e incluso en población colombiana." 158963,39161.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"The pandemic, movement restrictions, and loss of livelihoods have raised tensions in households and led to an increase in sexual and gender-based violence. Women from most vulnerable households have had to resort to harmful coping mechanisms, among them transactional sex." 182718,42826.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://guardian.ng/news/nma-confirms-death-of-16-doctors-warns-of-covid-19-spike/,"[20th Oct 2020,Nigeria]President, NMA, Prof. Innocent Ujah noted that the health systems face inadequate emergency preparedness and response due to inadequate human resources, infrastructural deficit and medical consumables." 204267,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les options de réponses « retirer les enfants de l’école », « se séparer d’un enfant le confiant à quelqu’un d’autre », « se séparer d’un enfant en le mariant », « vendre la maison » ont été sélectionnées par moins de 1% des ménages interrogés [a Dosso]." 290307,52076.0,2334.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,12,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"The maternal mortality rate is of 782 per 100,000 live births." 221303,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,43,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les femmes représentent la majeure par�e du secteur du travail informel et sont plus suscep�bles de perdre leur emploi ou de subir des baisses de revenus en raison de la fermeture des fron�ères, des marchés et de la limita�on des mouvements." 271498,49808.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,95,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Le profil épidémiologique du pays est marqué par la persistance d’une forte charge de morbidité due aux endémo-épidémies y compris l’infection à VIH et par l’augmentation progressive du fardeau des maladies non transmissibles (les maladies métaboliques comme la malnutrition, l’anémie, le diabète et autres carences nutritionnelles, les affections cardiovasculaires, les troubles et maladies mentales, les maladies génétiques, les traumatismes dus aux accidents de la route, etc [MS, 2020. Plan national de développement sanitaire 2011-2020]." 205226,44635.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] Many places are available to bury coronavirus victims’ bodies in several areas, and “ even in areas where there are no burial places for the bodies of COVID-19 patients, we take full measures in terms of the grave depth and method of burial to avoid any potential effects,” according to the media office." 310893,53068.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Protection : 1,062,000 499,000 children received child protection services 245,000 people received GBV services 115,000 people received mine awareness education 199,000 people provided with general protection 3,000 people received housing, land & property services" 321049,54668.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,95,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Les articles ménagers essentiels (AMEs) Les AMEs sont classés septième en ordre de priorité des besoins notés par les informateurs clés dans la province (F7). Il est estimé que 15% des PDIs retournées, 12% des PDIs et 11% des personnes retournées d’Angola ont reçu une assistance en AME depuis leur départ." 289356,51168.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"The delivery of humanitarian assistance in Tonj, East, Tonj North and Tonj South counties in Warrap is challenging due to the renewal of sub-national violence in the area. [under the topic Food Security and Livelihood]" 187726,43282.0,2331.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Education Cluster partners are providing technical support to the Ministry of Education in the implementation of the safe re-opening of schools. The partners are targeting at least 900,000 children countrywide with various education interventions under the COVID-19 response, for the period April to December 2020." 385604,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région du Nord, l’insécurité reste préoccupante, notamment dans les communes de Koumbri (province du Yatenga et de Banh (province du Loroum), ainsi que sur toute les localités situées le long de la frontière avec le Mali." 388630,61080.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,102,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le droit à la santé est mis à rude épreuve dans la Région notamment dans la province du Yagha. On y constate le non-fonctionnement de beaucoup de CSPS dans les localités sous contrôle des GANE et même pour les formations sanitaires encore fonctionnelles dans les zones à risque, le personnel est en sous-effectif. Les dépôts des médicaments essentiels génériques (MEG) sont fréquemment vides soit du fait du non-approvisionnement soit à cause des actes de pillages des GANE. La situation sécuritaire expose les enfants à la maltraitance, aux abus de tous genres et aux maladies." 105584,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Education']",[],[],es,111,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Al hacer un análisis de la respuesta institucional a la crisis migratoria se encuentra que, en educación y en los servicios de atención integral para la primera infancia, el Estado ha abierto su oferta a los niños y niñas que deseen estudiar, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. El 52,60% son atendidos por el Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, el 43,98% por el sector educativo y 3,42% por la Secretaría de Integración Social de Bogotá. Quienes tienen mayor acceso son las niñas y niños de 3 y 4 años de edad y quienes tienen menor acceso son los menores de 1 año." 52188,16699.0,1184.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,50,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,the difficulties Ecuador faces in responding to the crisis may soon worsen. Austerity measures introduced by the More- no administration’s economic “Prosperity Plan” for 2018–2021 will increase under a new agreement reached with the Internation- al Monetary Fund (IMF) in February 2019. 200546,44300.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Cependant, bien que de nombreux migrants de retour jouissaient d’une activité génératrice de revenu au moment de l’enquête, la fréquence du remboursement est irrégulière pour 87% d’entre eux. Cela est révélateur de l’instabilité et de la précarité de l’activité et des revenus des migrants de retour, mais aussi du caractère informel et flexible du remboursement des sommes empruntées, variant en fonction de la capacité financière de la personne. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 201098,43280.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,60,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"This (increase in health service utilisation) is mirrored by an overall uptake in service utilisation throughout the year (OPD 2 per cent, ANC1 4 per cent, ANC4 3 per cent, assisted deliveries 2 per cent, post-natal care 5 per cent, expanded programme on immunisation (EPI) 5 per cent)." 197456,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The number of women and girls facing abuse, including sexual violence, has significantly increased due to the movement restrictions, as well as economic and social stresses induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Intimate partner violence (IPV) cases remained the highest GBV type reported across the country." 172989,40676.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La réponse humanitaire à l’impact indirect du COVID-19 sur l’éducation nécessite l’adoption de nouvelles approches, notamment l’enseignement à distance afin d’assurer la continuité de l’éducation, la diffusion de messages sur la prévention du COVID-19 et le bien- être psychosocial des enfants." 133906,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Cuando están en trámite de regularización, tampoco denuncian situaciones de victimización, por miedo a que esto les afecte en su trámite. Se detecta violencia doméstica y violencia sexual no denunciada por esta cuestión. Las personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas desconocen instancias de protección como la Defensoría del Pueblo en Panamá, el Instituto Nacional de la Mujer (INAMU) o las Secretarías de Género de los Municipios. Desconfían a su vez de poner en conocimiento del MITRADEL situaciones de explotación laboral. No obstante, se tienen experiencias positivas en la defensa de los derechos laborales de los migrantes en situación irregular con esta institución." 494235,68123.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, NWS] ToT between wage labour and wheat flour: Broken down by region, the Cross-border region recorded the highest ToT at 4.9 kgs (down one percent m-o-m), while Northwest Syria recorded the lowest ToT at 2.6 kgs (down five percent m-o-m)." 489967,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Sexual assaults are often accompanied by other types of violence. Many victims report being kidnapped, beaten, subjected to ill-treatment , witnessing their homes or villages being looted, and even having their relatives killed while they were raped. In some areas, extreme violence sometimes takes the form of gang rapes committed by up to 15 perpetrators at a time. Tragically, such situations of extreme violence are common." 223688,44702.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Average households cooking pots observed during the assessment was 1 per household which was not enough 194372,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Près de 69326 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 23 ZS." 81821,22508.0,1387.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,48,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Mexico,2019-08-18 18:54:16.373564+00,https://es.panampost.com/sabrina-martin/2019/10/03/venezolanos-sin-derecho-a-viajar-victimas-de-xenofobia-robos-y-vejaciones/,"Además de las penurias que tienen los venezolanos para poder viajar como la dificultad que tienen de adquirir sus pasaportes, casos de xenofobia y acoso en aeropuertos, ahora tienen la obligación de solicitar visa para ingresar a al menos a 16 países de la región." 205096,43256.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The population of the Bénoué and Mayo-Rey divisions in the North and the Diamaré division in the Far North, are also in need of food, livelihood and early recovery support to be able to withstand future stresses and shocks on the short and longer term." 198342,44281.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.dw.com/fr/des-parents-inquiets-face-%C3%A0-la-gr%C3%A8ve-dans-les-%C3%A9coles-en-rdc/a-55430715,"Mais la prolongation de la grève préoccupe les parents qui doivent s'occuper des enfants, bloqués à la maison et dont l'enseignement est pour l'instant suspendu." 335292,55819.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) En outre, les participants ont rapporté que bon nombre de marchés n’étaient plus fonctionnels, notamment dans deux des cinq communes de la province. La fermeture des marchés est principalement due aux attaques répétées au sein des marchés ou sur les axes reliant les marchés. Selon les participants aux groupes de discussion, l’insécurité a également causé des retards d’avancement des travaux de réfection de certaines routes ce qui a entrainé l’augmentation des coûts de transports, comme pour celle menant au chef-lieu de province (Gorom)." 248090,48330.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46620/1/S2000729_es.pdf,"Saneamiento Los datos censales e intercensales más recientes muestran que Colombia es el país en que las brechas relacionadas con este indicador son más contundentes. En ese país, la proporción de afrodescendientes que no tienen acceso a este servicio triplica con creces la de los no afrodescendientes, lo que deja en evidencia las inmensas desventajas que sufre el primero de estos grupos." 399690,62971.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,67,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: Refugees have highlighted the need for more clear information on access to assistance, hesitancy to relocate to safe shelters due to concerns such as lack of privacy in new living space and fear of losing their shelter plot, as well as worries about the spread of COVID-19, AWD and other water-borne diseases." 248733,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,107,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Dans le domaine de la protection de l’enfant, une présence des enfants non accompagnés et séparés parmi les personnes déplacées a été signalée par les différents groupes de discussion. En effet, au cours de l’entretien avec le focus groupes des enfants au nombre de 19 sur le site de Koudou-kolé, il a été distingué 10 enfants sont portés disparus, 09 Enfants Non Accompagnés et Enfants Séparés (5 filles et 4 garçons). En outre la quasi-totalité des enfants ne sont pas enregistrés à la naissance et n’ont pas d’acte de naissance." 223552,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Alel villages get their consultations in Cueibet hospital. BHW has shown report of July were 110 under five were treated for Malaria, ARI, and AWD (44 Malaria, 40 AWD, and 26 ARI)" 408621,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"In the first quarter of 2021, Cauca was third among Colombian departments most affected by forced displacement. During this time, eight mass displacements3 occurred, affecting 1,397 families (approximately 3,600 individuals) in the municipalities of Argelia, Caloto, Corinto, El Tambo, Guapi, and Timbiquí. Argelia was the most affected municipality, with 2,185 displaced people" 291654,51191.0,2336.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"However, I (Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator a.i., Ramesh Rajasingham) do stress that the 2020 response plan was only 49 per cent funded; which is a far lower funding rate than most years. Unmet needs are a major driver of the worsening situation in 2021." 319608,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"Falta de acceso a información relacionada con derechos y salud sexual y reproductiva, lo cual incluye la planificación familiar." 319790,54628.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,96,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Female participants want to cook their own food and need kitchen items such as gas burners and cooking utensils. They also expressed the need for clothes, burqas, sanitary pads, undergarments, hijabs and shoes. Most male participants expressed the need for a package of necessary commodities in order to survive and start fresh including shelter kits, raw/uncooked food, LPG cylinders, lights, fans solar batteries, water reservoirs such as big jars/pots, radios, and financial support." 390209,61000.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_28_29_2021.pdf,"[12th -25th July 2021, Borno State] Surveillance: • No new confirmed case reported for week 28/29, total confirmed cases stand at 1,344. • No contacts on monitoring. • Intra/inter country border screening continues across the state." 183671,43048.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/with-drastic-increase-in-covid-19-cases-northwest-syria-languishes-under-health-humanitarian-crises/,"[November 5 ,2020 Northwest Syria] Today, “suspected cases are reported by doctors in health facilities and then transferred through the referral system to community isolation centers, where samples are collected, and a PCR analysis is performed to determine the result" 72500,20768.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"Los migrantes que llegaron con sus hijos también necesitan ser atendidos. Únicamente el 37,6 % de los hijos de los migrantes encuestados que llegaron a Barranquilla están estudiando. En contraste, el 65 % de las madres venezolanas expresó que sus hijos no estaban matriculados en un colegio" 437143,63582.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,136,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"En milieu rural une personne sur deux (51,1%) vit en dessous du seuil de pauvreté contre seulement 13,1% en milieu urbain. De plus, neuf pauvres sur dix (92%) vivent en milieu rural. La pauvreté est très inégalement répartie entre les régions du Burkina. En effet, l’incidence de la pauvreté est de 5% dans la région du Centre alors qu’elle atteint 70,9% dans la région du Nord. La région du Sahel, qui était la deuxième région la moins pauvre en 2014 se situe au sixième rang en 2018. Ce recul du rang de cette région dans le classement est en partie dû à l’impact du terrorisme sur l’économie de la région." 328646,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,24,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 12% households reporting having at least one member facing discrimination due to age, disability, or heritage." 276362,50671.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Selon une évaluation menée dans la cuvette Sud du Lac Tchad ou 51,000 personnes déplacées internes sont retournées depuis 2017, 17 infrastructures sociocommunautaires ont été classifiées comme fonctionnelles (dont deux latrines, six écoles ou espaces réservés à l’enseignement, deux centres de santé, trois marchés, et quatre points d’eau). On estime que la majorité des iles dans la cuvette Sud du Lac n’ont pas d’infrastructures." 214535,45420.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,71,"['Capacities & Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gado_Sept2020.pdf,"[SITE DE GADO] PRINCIPAUX DEFIS - Abris: Améliorer le taux de couverture en abris décents dans les sites aménagés et Renforcer la durabilité des abris, Faible niveau d’autonomisation des réfugiés pour participer efficacement à la stratégie d’auto-construction des abris ; Absence d’assistance en abris aux réfugiés en hors site. Mauvaise occupation de l’espace aménagé et forte promiscuité." 226193,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Kinshasa reste l’épicentre de l’épidémie, avec 75,9% (9567/12609) des cas. Ensuite arrivent le Nord-Kivu et le Kongo-Central avec 9,3% (1178/12609) et 4,3% (548/12609) des cas, respectivement (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 211082,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Recent flooding, which started in October 2019, will only exacerbate the situation, as over 540,000 people have been affected and some 370,000 people displaced." 304051,50891.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"In 2018, Sudan’s deteriorating economic conditions have coupled with the ongoing conflict in Darfur and Kordofan regions. This has significantly hindered the delivery and quality of basic services such as health, WASH, education and other social services to an increasingly vulnerable population." 173934,41033.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, Nigeria]With the June 2020 Cadre Harmonise (CH) update indicating an increase in number of people in need from 3.7 to 4.3 million as a result of COVID-19 pandemic and related effects, partners started the scale-up to meet the needs of additional food insecure people. The Food Security Sector continued to advocate in order to fill these gaps." 299133,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Q4 saw most conflict activity, with the number of access incidents gradually increasing throughout the year from 27 incidents in Q1, 34 in Q2, 52 in Q3 to 93 in Q4." 296407,52103.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%b9%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%a3%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84/#.YFxzT2Qzb0o,"[March 14, GoS]In another aspect of its activity, the Med Dose platform publishes posts about cases that need financial assistance to secure the cost of treatment, such as cancer patients or Corona patients, with the aim of collecting the necessary donations to provide patients in need with medicines and medical equipment in difficult circumstances from the high prices that affected oxygen cylinders and medical materials and led to Some exploited people's need to increase monopoly and profits." 276133,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,91,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Dans le cadre du projet d‘Appui à la citoyenneté et prévention de l’apatridie mis en œuvre par la Direction des Affaires Politiques et de l’Etat Civil (DAPEC)’, plus de 2,500 personnes déplacées internes dans la zone de Bagasola ont obtenu un acte de naissance en 2018. Malheureusement, pour beaucoup de personnes handicapées, ce droit aux documents d’état civil est difficilement mis en application par manque d’accessibilité (géographique, financière, physique)." 126371,34397.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"En promedio, solo 16% de los hogares migrantes encuestados tiene un Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP). Este porcentaje sube a 31% en el departamento de Nariño, y a 24% en Arauca." 17192,7079.0,322.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20EXTERNAL%20Operational%20Update%207%20DEC.PDF,"UNHCR Yemen is marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (GBV). During the period leading up to Human Rights Day on 10 December, the Sana’a and Aden offices are organising activities such as awareness raising, roundtable discussions, painting competitions, interactive theatre, music, and screening of short films. Activities are linked to the global theme of ending GBV in the world of work, but also aim to raise general awareness of the campaign against GBV among refugees and IDPs of all ages." 356596,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Más de 1.100 manifestantes y transeúntes han sufrido lesiones desde el 28 de abril, según datos delMinisteriodeDefensa, aunque es probable que la cifra total sea mayor, dado que muchos casos no se han denunciado ante las autoridades.Human Rights Watch documentó los casos de nueve personas que sufrieron lesiones oculares graves, al parecer como resultado de cartuchos de gases lacrimógenos o proyectiles de impacto cinético disparados con fusiles antidisturbios. Siete de estas personas probablemente perderán la visión en un ojo." 66784,19578.0,1386.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://caritasvenezuela.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/BOLETIN-XI-SAMAN-JUNIO-2019.pdf,"Situación nutricional Mujeres Embarazadas • 40% de las embarazadas evaluadas a Junio 2019, mostraba desnutrición aguda. • La edad promedio de las mujeres embarazadas con desnutrición aguda es de 21 años. • La edad promedio de las embarazadas sin desnutrición es de 24 años" 155090,34182.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,• Las mujeres en tránsito tienen graves dificultades para acceder a artículos de higiene menstrual que en algún caso desencadena en infecciones genitales. 304191,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,17,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Refugee populations living in North Darfur are also living in remote and difficult to access areas. 279368,50980.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,67,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=226276,"[14th March 2021, GoS] Health Ministry announced that 77 new coronavirus cases were registered in the country, 85 patients infected with the virus have recovered while 5 others have passed away. In a statement on Sunday, the Ministry said that the total number of Coronavirus cases in the country reached 16478 of which 10970 cases recovered and 1099 passed away." 126636,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,37,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Most of the migrants present in Aljufra are intending to continue their journey towards other regions to seek better job opportunities, to have access to medical facilities and to improve their living conditions in general." 321056,54668.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,132,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] De ceux qui ont indiqué il y a des maisons et propriétés qui sont abandonnées dans le village (70% des retournés), les deux principaux obstacles pour recouvrer les maisons et propriétés abandonnés dans le village sont les dommages et la destruction (80% pour les PDIs retournées et 61% pour les retournés d’Angola), suivi du manque de services de base et d’infrastructures (61 et 44%, respectivement) et l’appropriation ou la vente illégale des maisons (55 et 46%, respectivement)" 263030,49318.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,163,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/emisora/2021/02/07/manizales/1612729978_952781.html,"En medio de un operativo que contó con la seccional de Protección de Servicios Especiales de La Policía de Caldas, unidades de la Policía de Neira y Migración Colombia, realizado en el sector de Bohío en la vereda Tapias de Neira, hicieron la verificación de la documentación de más de 100 personas reconocidas como migrantes venezolanos que estaban en el lugar. De acuerdo con las autoridades, los ciudadanos asentados en el sitio, se han convertido en población flotante y teniendo incidencia en el comportamiento social de la región y no portaban constancias de registro de la tarjeta de movilidad fronteriza que expide Migración Colombia, ni pasaporte u otro documento que legalizara su ingreso al país. Indicaron además que algunas de las personas relacionadas estaban afectando la convivencia y seguridad ciudadana, participaban de la comercialización de estupefacientes en menores cantidades e impactaban en el medio ambiente a través de la práctica de minería ilegal." 219275,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"According to the Ministry of Health, four patients died due to COVID-19 during the week of 14 May. Total confirmed cases in Jubaland stand at 52." 299155,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In two instances, humanitarian partners were collaterally impacted by inaccurate ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) fire." 105614,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,73,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Dentro del grupo de población retornada también hay personas víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano, que al regresar al país se encuentran con serias dificultades de acceso a bienes y servicios del Estado y barreras de acceso a las medidas de restablecimiento de derechos. De acuerdo con el Conpes, hay 161 víctimas reportadas que son atendidas por la Unidad de Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas (UARIV)." 317468,54216.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://ecupunto.com/2021/04/14/mas-de-4-500-venezolanas-dado-a-luz-cucuta/,"Las cifras son alarmantes. El Hospital de Cúcuta está recibiendo cerca de 4.500 recién nacidos de madres venezolanas al año, lo que corresponde al “25 o 30% de todos los nacidos de madres venezolanas en Colombia”, comentó el doctor Galvis." 308178,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There is a lack of protection partners, funding and resources, including for Child Protection and GBV activities." 169838,40564.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_4th_october_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[04/10/2020, Yobe, Adamawa states] In Yobe State, 3 patients were discharged from the isolation centre, and the 3 active confirmed cases are in stable condition. In Adamawa State, 12% of deaths occurred in the community (2/17). CFR=6.9%." 490637,67924.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,76,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%20%28August%202021%29.pdf,"[1st - 31st Aug 2021, North-East Nigeria] (Covid-19) During the period 01 - 31 August 2021, 805 movements were observed at four Points of Entry in Borno state. Of the total movements recorded, 472 were incoming from the Far North Region in Cameroon and 4 from Ndjamena in Chad. Additionally, 329 outgoing movements were recorded from Borno State to the Far North Region in Cameroon." 134176,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Entre las iniciativas de prevención, se puede mencionar campañas, edición de publicaciones, y capacitaciones15. Por ejemplo, la campaña de difusión y prevención “Se trata de vos” se propuso unificar un mensaje para todo el país, que se replicó en aeropuertos, afiches, pasos de frontera y con la participación de ONGs en el Consejo Federal." 225677,46393.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201222-syria-russia-discuss-obtaining-covid-vaccine/,"[22nd December 2020, Syria] Last October, Syrian regime President Bashar Al-Assad said his country intends to discuss obtaining the Russian vaccine when it becomes available on the international market." 272634,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,55,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"ce risque [de confusion des mandats des différents acteurs] se présente de manière plus prononcée à deux niveaux, à savoir, l’imposition d’escortes armées et les projets d’assistance civilo-militaire mis en œuvre par les FDS avec l’appui du gouvernement nigérien et/ou des forces étrangères" 328561,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (41%), Rely on surface water for drinking water (26%)." 126120,34397.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,40,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Por el contrario, los hogares de acogida tienen un nivel de distribución de edad casi igual entre los grupos de edad de 30-40, 40-50 y 50-60 años, con una proporción de 23-24% en cada grupo." 111915,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Según la Secretaría de Integración Social, se han identificado modalidades de alquiler de niños para la mendicidad: se considera que pedir dinero con niños hace más efectiva la recolección (Secretaría de Integración Social, entrevista, 2019)." 311458,53762.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Context->Environment', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Nord) The current heat wave and related increased water scarcity has generated conflicts around water points between IDPs and host populations near some sites in the North region. In addition, the competition for accessing plots of land has resulted in an increase of cost, mostly fuelling conflicts between herders and farmers (80%)." 388900,60849.0,1186.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,177,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En varias entrevistas, en la mayoría de mujeres, las personas se quebraron o se pusieron a llorar mientras compartían sus experiencias, vivencias y dificultades. En dicho sentido resulta evidente la fragilidad emocional y afectiva en la que se encuentran, lo que por cierto afecta en mayor medida a las mujeres (la mitad de las mujeres entrevistadas lloró en algún minuto de la entrevista) dadas las discriminaciones que sufren asociadas a los roles culturales que se les imponen de prestación de cuidados y crianza, la mayor dificultad para encontrar trabajo remunerado, la poca valoración del trabajo no remunerado que realizan en sus casas, la mayor cantidad de horas que trabajan (remuneradamente o no), por nombrar solo algunas de las discriminaciones que, por el solo hecho de ser mujer, han debido experimentar, lo que en el caso de ellas se suma al resto de discriminaciones que han vivido en razón de su nacionalidad (distinta a la chilena) y situación migratoria." 281882,51173.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"In addition, over 125,000 people affected by conflict and natural disasters were reached with hygiene promotion activities including over 10,000 families with hygiene kits by UNICEF, in collaboration with WASH cluster partners." 76915,21582.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,26,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unhcr-expands-help-refugees-urban-areas-libya-reassesses-role-gathering-and-departure,"There are already some 40,000 refugees and asylum-seekers living in urban areas, some of whom are extremely vulnerable and in desperate need of support." 193077,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,144,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Tchad est touché, depuis mai 2018, par l´épidémie de rougeole qui a affecté 119 districts sanitaires sur les 126 que compte le pays ; actuellement 15 districts demeurent en épidémie. La population est exposée également à d´autres maladies épidémiques comme le choléra et l´hépatite E qui avaient affecté les provinces du Sila et du Salamat en 2017, l´épidémie de choléra a récemment touché les provinces du Mayo-Kebbi Est et du Mayo-Kebbi Ouest avec 97 cas dont 12 décès. L´épidémie de méningite a touché la province du Mandoul, dans le district de Goundi avec une létalité de 8,930. La prévalence d´autres pathologies (paludisme, tétanos néo natal, les infections respiratoires aiguës, …) est élevée et le taux de mortalité (133 pour 1 00031) reste parmi les plus élevés au monde." 82589,22770.0,729.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,101,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Roughly half of these households were displaced to other cities to the south and east, with the largest numbers heading to Bani Waleed, Tarhuna, and Garabolli. Meanwhile, at least 1,950 households were displaced within the city of Tripoli.3 Those from Ain Zara were likely to travel to the city centre or Qasr Bin Ghasher, but those from Mashroua Al Hadhba and Salaheddin generally travelled to Abusliem baladiya, itself a site of heavy clashes—suggesting that some of these households may have lacked access to resources that would have enabled them to reach safer areas." 338445,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Over 767 million girls and young women were out of school at the peak of the pandemic. In some countries, girls face unique barriers to continuing formal education from a distance: out-of-school girls face greater housework burdens, social isolation, and less internet access." 323367,54373.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D9%88%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A8-%D9%86%D9%82%D8%B5-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D9%83%D8%B3%D8%AC%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%B7%D9%82-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B0%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B2%D9%88%D8%B1,"[April 20, Deir Ez Zor] And in the ""Qaisum"" Hospital in the town of Hajin, east of Deir Ezzor, a medical source said, ""Due to the great shortage of oxygen cylinders and in the face of the Autonomous Administration's silence about what is going on, some traders in the region donated a sum of money to buy oxygen cylinders and their accessories. Indeed, 20 cylinders were received in principle in addition to a payment. Others come from regime-held areas through the well-known smuggling crossings. """ 180540,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,17,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Au cours du mois de septembre, aucun incident de déplacement n’a été observé." 298680,52740.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,89,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/rohingya-refugee-camps-cox-s-bazar-rise-ashes,"[31st March 2021, Cox's Bazar] With the fire having completely destroyed Camp 9, the camp should be completely redesigned in coordination with the community and government, to ensure everyone’s safety. Three of the 34 camps were affected, including Camp 9, which turned to ashes in a matter of hours. With it, over 1,600 facilities were damaged, including health centres, women friendly spaces, learning centres, food distribution points, markets and offices." 453770,64224.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,46,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Por otro lado, los tipos de violencia menos frecuente que consideran los encuestados son la trata de personas con 5.1%, explotación sexual con 6.8%, la mala atención en las Instituciones públicas con 7.1% y acoso laboral con 8.1%." 456882,64224.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Estas condiciones sociodemográficas se asocian a que 48% de las participantes del estudio son “amas de casa”, 76% no tiene trabajo," 406305,63610.0,2311.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],es,81,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19082021_alerta_de_situacion_por_desastre_natural_en_bajo_cauca_antioquia._rv2.pdf,"La Alcaldía municipal expresa que se requiere ayuda humanitaria para las personas afectadas por la ola invernal, debido a que los recursos del municipio no logran cubrir la totalidad de las necesidades. Se requiere kits de alimentos, kits de aseo e higiene, elementos de albergue (frazadas, colchonetas, almohadas), capacitación a niños, niñas y adolescentes en actividades de uso del tiempo libre, así como kits de uso del tiempo libre." 235637,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"As regards monetary and macro-financial policies, the regional central bank BEAC has announced measures to prevent liquidity tensions, with a view to preserving financial stability while also safeguarding the external stability of the monetary union. These measures include the suspension of liquidity absorption operations; monetary policy easing with a reduction of the policy rate while narrowing the interest rate corridor; increased liquidity provision; and expansion of the set of private financial instruments accepted as collateral for central bank refinancing." 163833,34549.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Shortage of labour for the summer harvest : Although COVID-19 has had a relatively limited impact on the ongoing agricultural season, labour shortages could continue throughout the harvest, which typically ends in July." 248527,46458.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"The majority of households work in the informal sector as unskilled labourers (around 80 per cent), with the remainder earning a living as street vendors. The majority (over 87 per cent) of respondents report a family income of less than 5,000 AFG on average per month (around 64 USD), which equates to around 1,000 AFG per month (around 13 USD), or less than 0.5 USD per person per day; these figures are significantly below the average for Afghanistan." 115357,30876.0,1621.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MSNI_brief_LBY-1.pdf,"24% of interviewed respondents with severe or extreme sectoral needs and/or extreme use of negative coping strategies to cover basic needs, were found to have severe or extreme sectoral needs in protection alone." 356588,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,74,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Miembros de la Policía Nacional deColombiahan cometido abusos gravísimos en contra de manifestantes en su mayoría pacíficos durante las protestas que empezaron en abril de 2021, señaló hoy Human Rights Watch. El gobierno de Colombia debería tomar medidas urgentes para proteger los derechos humanos e iniciar una reforma policial profunda para garantizar que los agentes respeten el derecho de reunión pacífica y los responsables de abusos sean llevados ante la justicia." 247753,48228.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Notons également le problème d’accès physique sur le site de Yakirom à cause du mauvais état de la route pendant cette période des pluies. 265690,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,59,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Les incidents liés aux attaques des groupes armés et aux tensions intercommunautaires ont affecté les régions de la bande frontalière tout au long de l’année 2020. Les groupes armés ont continué d’étendre leur influence de part et d’autre des frontières, dans un contexte de grande difficulté pour les autorités politiques." 391275,61470.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Type of food assistance received, by % of households reporting: Bread distribution 99% and Food basket(s) 14%. 14% of households had received a food basket, bread distribution, cash, or vouchers in the 30 days prior to data collection." 281891,51173.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"Of the total reached (230,000 people) with water supply services in 2020 by UNICEF in collaboration with WASH cluster partners, about 224,000 (97%) people benefited from sustainable and climate resilience water supply systems equipped with renewable energy (solar- power). This is a solid achievement and display good example of humanitarian- development linkages in water supply provision." 149597,31163.0,1388.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,108,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/II%20Annual%20Report%20of%20the%20Regional%20Comprehensive%20Protection%20%26%20Solutions%20Framework%20%28MIRPS%292019.pdf,"The Costa Rican government has reiterated its commitment with ensuring assistance, response and integration of asylum seekers through the implementation of the Protection and Solutions Response to Refugees in Costa Rica (MINARE – MIRPS national plan). The country makes these efforts with the strong conviction that the protection and integration of refugees is a responsibility shared with the international community, and that the efforts made by the Costa Rica will be rewarded with a robust and predictable technical and financial assistance. This will enable the country to enhance best practices and offer solutions that will benefit both refugees and their hosts." 63979,18967.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,115,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_FAONigeriasitrep_September%202019.pdf,"While humanitarian efforts have bolstered food production, crisis-affected households are yet to return to pre-conflict levels. This is largely due to limited access to land, assets and capital to invest in agricultural inputs. The success of the current 2019 rainy season will determine the food security and income needs of about 80 percent of the people in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states. In addition, livestock rearing is essential and mitigates the risk of seasonal crop failure and other climate-related shocks through diversification of production and income, representing liquid assets, which can be realized at any time, providing cash to households in times of need." 115993,30124.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],es,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades no cubiertas Aunque la cobertura es casi total relativa a insumos en los hospitales centinelas respecto a la respuesta COVID-19, para intervenciones en referencia al Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria la brecha sigue siendo importante ya que la cobertura de actividades es alrededor del 25 por ciento respecto a las previstas. Los socios del clúster están formulando proyectos y buscando fondos para poder implementar las actividades previstas en el Plan de respuesta." 280045,50901.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] In response infrastructure, there is availability of both isolation area and handwashing facilities." 296404,52103.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%b9%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%a3%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84/#.YFxzT2Qzb0o,"[March 14, GoS]A group of doctors decided to create a group ""Your Health is a blessing"", which is a closed group that includes about 46 thousand followers and a large group of supervising doctors from various medical specialties, ""dermatology, digestive, thoracic, ophthalmic, children, urology, gynecology, surgical and other specialties."" The group aims to provide medical advice through social media, free of charge." 56079,17094.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Además, gran parte de las personas entrevistadas llegó a Argentina con una cantidad variable de ahorros (entre US$ 500 y US$ 3.000, aproximadamente) que les permitió alojarse temporariamente y mantenerse hasta que consiguieran empleo. Es decir que se trata un viaje costoso para el que hay que disponer de sumas respetables." 194053,43318.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,24,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Decreto 1374 del 19 de octubre de 2020 Por el cual se optimiza el Programa de Pruebas, Rastreo y Aislamiento Selectivo Sostenible –PRASS-" 197559,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The Protection Cluster observed a decrease in the number of people reached in April, going down from 100,000 to 62,000. During May 2020, protection partners reached a total of 72,284 individuals (45 per cent children, 55 per cent women and girls) with protection information and services. This represents a significant increase (16 per cent) compared to April 2020, reflecting a gradually restored ability to reach people in need of services in the COVID-19 context, as well as strengthened awareness raising efforts (regarding risk communication)." 498767,68460.0,1232.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,76,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%2520Junio%25202021%2520Cono%2520Sur.pdf,"Uruguay reforzó los requisitos de ingreso a su territorio ante la amenaza que representa la variante Delta del nuevo coronavirus, del cual aún no se han registrado casos en el país. Todas las personas que ingresen deben someterse a una prueba de PCR 72 horas antes y luego otra al séptimo día desde la primera prueba o, si la prueba resulta positiva, pasar por un período de aislamiento de 14 días." 347757,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,87,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: While safe from the violence they were subjected to in Myanmar, Rohingya women now living as refugees in the sprawling camps in Cox’s Bazar face huge protection risks and challenges. Humanitarian crises often exacerbate pre-existing gender inequalities and discriminations, which lead to different and often disproportionate risks, vulnerabilities and impacts on women and girls. Yet, these crises can disrupt gender inequalities and result in shifts in power relations" 39189,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"This assessment was not conducted in detention settings, however, the protection sector would like to flag that detained migrants and refugees remain a group of particular concern within the current context. As of 8 May, more than 6,000 migrants and refugees are estimated remain arbitrarily detained in 37 detention centres (DC) across Libya, including some 3,380 in DCs located in conflict-affected areas around Tripoli." 388853,61191.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iscg_monsoon_response_flash_update_1_29_july_2021.pdf,"[29thJuly, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Refugees have highlighted the need for more clear information on access to assistance, hesitancy to relocate to safe shelters due to concerns such as lack of privacy in new living space and fear of losing their shelter plot, as well as worries about the spread of COVID-19, AWD and other water-borne diseases." 187775,43282.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Operational challenges pertaining to partnership and registration of beneficiaries have contributed to low coverage in some regions. Lack of access and insufficient funding have resulted in low coverage of response in some area. As of 21 September, the Cluster was less than six per cent funded under the COVID-19 response." 238432,47405.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"Hay que recordar que solo las personas que tienen condición migratoria regular pue- den afiliarse al sistema de salud, es decir el 44,8 % de la población migrante proveniente de Venezuela. Sin embargo, de la población que tiene PEP, y que por ende podría afiliar- se a salud, solo el 41 % se encuentra afiliada," 192626,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"This is on top of over three million out-of-school children even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of June, Education Cluster Partners provided 201,375 (95,129 girls) children with prevention and control messages through printed materials, Radio, and Online platform." 205234,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The education system is unable to function in a context of high insecurity, and teachers and school aged children need psychosocial support." 237823,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Por grupos de edad, los adultos de 20 a 39 años representan el 31,4 % (1 366 840), seguido por el de 40 a 59 años con el 20,7 % (900 137). La mayor proporción de consultas externas y de urgencias por IRA sobre el total de consultas por todas las causas se presenta en los niños de 1 año con el 10,5 %, seguido por los menores de 1 año con el 9,5 %" 341839,56181.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"Au Kasai Central and Oriental, au cours de la dernière semaine d'avril et de la première semaine de mai, les livraisons et la distribution de vivres se sont poursuivies dans la zone de santé de Dibaya au Kasaï Central, où 7500 bénéficiaires ont reçu 57MT de nourriture, et à Cilundu dans le Kasai Oriental, où 13300 bénéficiaires ont reçu 160 MT de nourriture." 127665,34498.0,1620.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,21,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cccm_shelter_nfi_june_2020_factsheet.pdf,"The reporting month of June, saw movement of 8,581 persons of which 6,680 were arrivals and 1,901 were departures." 272820,50353.0,2334.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"469 (1.2%) children were identified with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), 51,940 persons (20,723 males and 31,217 females) were sensitized on key messages on infant and young child feeding practices, integrating COVID-19 specific messages, while 2,012 caregivers were trained to detect and refer children with SAM to treatment services." 304195,50889.0,2466.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,It remains difficult to ensure that adequate space and basic services are available to absorb new arrivals while sustaining service provision to the existing caseloads in the camps. 244284,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"• [NEs, Dec] Access to the Annexes remain limited especially in the ability to conduct referrals to health facilities." 204424,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,69,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,L’accès à la nourriture est le besoin prioritaire le plus communément cité par les ménages à l’échelle nationale. Les modalités préférées en terme d’assistance en sécurité alimentaire varient toutefois d’une zone à une autre et semblent corollaires de plusieurs facteurs parmi lesquels on peut compter l’insécurité et les défis d’accès aux marchés nationaux et transfrontaliers. 111664,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Intentions', 'Context->Economy', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,60,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Como La Guajira, Norte de Santander es uno de los departamentos con la frontera más extensa con Venezuela. Por este atributo, ha tenido una historia de intercambios económicos y culturales, razón por la cual es uno de los departamentos de mayor entrada de migrantes y uno de los territorios donde los venezolanos más desean asentarse." 260930,48984.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,62,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria]The security situation remains very unstable, with a very high level of active hostilities between the Nigerian army forces and the NSAGs. Increased informal checkpoints by NSAGs pose an additional threat to civilians, who are regularly abducted or killed during such incidents, in both Borno and Yobe States." 219997,45769.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,22,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,Les enfants nouvellement arrivés qui fréquentent cette école se disent discriminés parcequ’ils ne sont pas d’ethnie boudouma. 57102,17184.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Con respecto a la nueva disposición sobre población venezolana, que regula el ingreso y la radicación sin pasaportes o con pasaporte vencido (Disp 520/2019), refirieron no haber recibido aún inicio de trámite de radicación de niños/as pero estiman que se resolverá de la misma manera que cualquier otra radicación. Respecto al protocolo que menciona la disposición cuentan que hay un instructivo, sobre todo para el ingreso, y hubo recientemente ciertas directrices que proveyó DNM central, luego de algunas dificultades que surgieron en el paso fronterizo de Foz/ Puerto Iguazú. Roxana Velazquez refiere que estará viajando a Buenos Aires a una reunión entre delegados de todo el país." 207196,44693.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,53,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,119 ménages de 429 personnes ont quitté le site temporaire de Télemcès pour retourner à Intikane grâce à l’appui de l’UNHCR et ses partenaires. Il faut rappeler que ces personnes avaient quitté la ZAR d’Intikane suite à l’attaque meurtrière des GANE le 31/05/2020. 229607,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"IDPs are sleeping without mosquito net and there is high rate of malaria among the three affected community who are displaced and taking refuge in Mangalla. With the displaced population being women and children, their situation will get worst if not assisted in the next week." 203556,44071.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,85,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"En la aldea Campur se visitaron 2 comunidades (Vista Hermosa y Cojac), así también el sitio de coordinación en Tonichaj. Es bien conocido el grave impacto que las lluvias extremas causaron en Campur dejando el centro urbano totalmente inundado y forzando a las personas a albergarse en comunidades aledañas en partes mas altas. Se inundó completamente el Centro de Atención Permanente (CAP) por lo que las acciones de salud y WASH deberán apoyarse con recursos totalmente externos." 223591,45721.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network outlook report of August 2020, the below-average 2020 gu cereal harvest, the economic impacts of COVID-19 and the forecast of below-average deyr rainfall from October to December drive a worsening food security outlook through at least early 2021." 338770,56193.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Economy']",en,82,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"The DRC ranks 180 out of 190 in the World Bank’s Doing Business paying taxes indicator due to the multiplicity of taxes, a lack of coordination between the different tax agencies, the high cost of tax compliance to business operations, and the onerous requirement for newly-minted businesses to pay taxes even when they are not profitable. High taxes have caused companies like Nestle, Chevron, and others to close their businesses in the DRC." 185937,43194.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],fr,187,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Le Sud-Est fait toujours face à un prix du panier alimentaire élevé, le deuxième plus important après Kinshasa, principalement causé par le prix du haricots (voir page 5) et la faiblesse de la récolte du début d'année qui fait perdurer la situation de cette région. Cette tendance englobe non seulement les provinces du Haut-Katanga {entre 100 000 et plus de 200 000FC pour 32,4kg de haricots}, Haut-Lomami {entre 100 000 et 200 000FC pour 32,4kg de haricots} et Lomami {entre 100 000 et 150 000FC pour 32,4kg de haricots} mais aussi le Kasaï-Oriental {entre 100 000 et plus de 200 000FC pour 32,4kg de haricots}, le Kasaï-Central {entre 100 000 et 200 000FC pour 32,4kg de haricots} et la partie ouest du Tanganyika (territoire de Manono) {entre 100 000 et 150 000FC pour 32,4kg de haricots}. Elle peut aussi s'expliquer par le fait que cette région n'a qu'une récolte agricole par an, au lieu de deux dans le reste du pays." 319525,54426.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"Prevention is paramount and carried out through communication campaigns, distribution of hygiene kits to the Government and refugees and site planning." 155996,38388.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,Desde el inicio de la cuarentena se han registrado por lo menos 13 feminicidios y han aumentado las denuncias por violencia de género un 70%.5 156632,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,Twenty-five health care workers were trained on COVID-19 sample collection and transportation. This is part of the weekly training to support efforts to increase capacity of sample collection in the camps. A total of 40 people been trained in the last two weeks. 16714,7075.0,322.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"The drivers of food insecurity and malnutrition are multi-faceted -the Humanitarian response has to be integrated with livelihoods restoration to revitalize livelihoods and support basic services. The four-year protracted conflict has continued damaging the lives and livelihoods of the population. The humanitarian community, donors and partners should continue advocating for and implement the twin-track approach of providing humanitarian assistance, and side by side implementing activities that enhance resilience of livelihoods." 248562,46458.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,36,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In response, gender inclusion should be mainstreamed across all aspects of COVID-19 related interventions, from the provision of public health advice, to gender-inclusive participatory site planning and training programmes for livelihood support." 342499,56610.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,43,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Se iden�ficaron 951 grupos de viaje (re)ingresando a Colombia, y 324 con des�no a Venezuela (retornos) y 131 grupos de viaje en tránsito pendular, de los cuales se analizan 108 en La Guajira. 47%" 123957,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,67,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"National measles and rubella elimination program inform about a direct impact of COVID19 resulted in a decrease of reporting rates due to movement restrictions, imposed curfew, reduction of functioning health facilities and number of health workers. This was influenced also by the unstable security situation, displacement, closure of health facilities in the area of military clashes and displacement of surveillance officers." 132614,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Trabajar con las instituciones locales dará soporte a los Centros de Emergencia Mujer (CEM), incluyendo a través de la preparación de Procedimientos operativos normalizados (SOPs) y la provisión de equipos. Los socios también asistirán a las instituciones educativas y otras entidades de gobierno para crear conciencia sobre la importancia de la VBG y de las vulnerabilidades causadas por el desplazamiento." 308580,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Based on the IPC projections for December to March 2021, an estimated 70,000 people faced crisis (IPC Phase 3) or higher levels of food insecurity (or 60 per cent of the population of Tonj South County) with an estimated 12,000 people likely to face catastrophe levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 5) in Tonj South County between December and March" 187729,43282.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Partners have reported a lack of PPEs for school children, following the sudden re-opening of schools in mid-August by the Government. Under the COVID-19 response, Education partners had reprogrammed their projects with the understanding that the school closure would continue until December, while from August to December, children would receive alternative learning (home schooling)." 308047,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"At the time of writing, road access to Akobo Town remains impassable. Humanitarians are completely reliant on air asset support for the delivery of critical supplies during the dry season and to support pre-positioning efforts ahead of the rainy season. Work along the Bor-Manyabol-Pajut-Pathai-Walgak road route is ongoing to access Akobo West. Roads between Walgak in Akobo West and Akobo town remain impassable." 361412,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,80,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Enhancing adult supervision through providing children with capable childcare is also advocated for preventing drowning among children under 5 in LMICs (WHO, 2014). In Bangladesh, the use of community crèches to heighten adequate supervision has been reported to be an effective drowning prevention measure among preschool children in low resource rural areas (Alonge et al, 2020; Rahman et al, 2012)." 258092,48883.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/63787/100-thousand-russian-sputnik-vaccines-arrive-in-syria.html,"[12th Feb 2021, Syria]The head of the Syrian Doctors Syndicate, Kamal Asad Amer, revealed the date of arrival of the Chinese and Russian vaccines next April, as part of a plan drawn up by the government team, aiming to draw two million doses of vaccines and give priority to receiving them in the first phase for doctors and medical personnel." 228356,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Only 15 per cent of victims indicated receiving any kind of acknowledgement of harm by a party to the conflict, and only approximately 12 per cent of victims were aware of any investigation into the incident." 286661,50969.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,19,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb3476en.pdf,"+5.13 million people projected to be in high acute food insecurity in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe States." 41078,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Physical barriers, widespread business closures, safety and security concerns on the main roads, and a lack of fuel for personal transportation were the most reported barriers which prevented residents from accessing markets." 176715,41684.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Protection%20Factsheet%20and%20Dashboard_Sep_2020.pdf,"[September 2020, Bangladesh] Some of the incidents reported include arbitrary increase in rents for land on which refugees have built shelters, threats and harassment of refugees to forcibly vacate the land they occupy, physical violence, robbery and extortion." 205207,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"SEPTEMBER 2019: Multi-sectorial assessment mission to the Littoral and Western regions. Protection, education, food, access to income-generating activities, and access to shelters and NFI identified as key priorities. 200,000 people are estimated to be displaced -this figure is three times higher than in September 2018. As a result of the ""No School Policy"" introduced by non-state armed groups, 850,000 children are out of school." 80041,22055.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Cross']",[],[],en,44,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,"Derna: As the security situation reportedly remained stable, people continued to return. In September, at least 70 individuals were reported to have returned to Derna, and their reported needs included food, NFIs, medicines, and protection.." 391148,61470.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Of the 53% of households who required treatment in the 30 days prior to the assessment, 52% reported that they had faced barriers to accessing medical care. Of those that faced barriers, the most commonly reported barriers to accessing medical care were: -Cannot afford to pay for health services (77%) -High cost of transportation to health facilities (50%) -Lack of medicines at the health facilities (41%)" 347864,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,73,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] It seems also likely that intersex people face many similar problems to transgender individuals in regard to public toilets. Lesbian and bisexual women might experience greater vulnerability to gender-based violence and sexual violence than heterosexual women, because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation, and also be at greater risk of being rejected by their families for the same reasons." 154820,38099.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,35,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Face à cette situation, des mesures sociales estimées à 76 milliards de XOF ont été prises par le Gouvernement du Burkina Faso pour soulager la population des difficultés qu’impose cette pandémie." 343849,56755.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,53,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PROTECTION%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf,"As host countries grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, reports of GBV have risen across the region. The risk of experiencing GBV is higher for refugees and migrants, including domestic violence/intimate partner violence (DV/IPV), sexual violence, early and forced marriage, survival sex and sexual exploitation." 150712,32327.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,69,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En el caso de Ecuador, el 63% de los refugiados, migrantes, y comunidades de acogida encuestados mencionaron no tener trabajo durante la cuarentena.24 Si bien de momento no ha sido posible realizar una evaluación sobre el impacto de la pandemia con respecto al género en migrantes y refugiados, podemos suponer que afectará a las mujeres de manera desproporcionada, y por más tiempo." 226868,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"As fighting continued, civilian casualties slightly increased in September 2020 as compared to the prior month." 271895,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Après avoir fortement diminué entre 2015 et 2016 (de 3,4 millions à 2 millions, soit une diminution de 41%), le nombre de personnes dans le besoin a légèrement évolué entre 2016 et 2019 variant entre -4% (entre 2018 et 2019) et 10% (entre 2016 et 2017) à cause notamment de la détérioration de la situation sécuritaire dans plusieurs zones mais également aux effets du changement climatique" 20553,8024.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"While women are accommodated separately from men in all four centers, none of the facilities conformed with international guidelines on conditions and treatment of women in detention. All guards are male. NGOs are able to provide only limited prenatal and maternal healthcare, menstrual hygiene supplies are insufficient. Survivors of sexual violence before or during detention have extremely limited options for physical and psychological care. Accounts collected by human rights organizations and UN agencies indicate that sexual violence is a widespread phenomenon along the migration journey, in Libya, and in detention centers." 333653,48228.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Site : Darkani / Zone de responsabilité : Nguélia / Problèmes en Nutrition : Suspension d'activités du paquet communautaire de la prévention de la malnutrition suite à l'insécurité, malnutrition" 454410,64535.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,87,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En 29% de las familias hay mujeres embarazadas o lactantes En 17% de las familias hay personas con condiciones médicas críticas o crónicas, sin acceso a tratamiento 16% las familias son hogares monoparentales • En 8% de las familias hay personas con discapacidad física o mental. De éstos, 60% tiene dificultades para acceder a opciones laborales, servicios públicos, transporte y documentación • En 2% de las familias hay sobrevivientes de violencia/abuso físico, psicológico o sexua" 328635,54710.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] Among households with multi-sectoral needs, highest need was of Education (94%), followed by WASH(87%), Shelter(91%), Nutrition(56%), Health(18%) and Protection(13%)" 198427,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The lack of health facilities promotes the spread of epidemics such as cholera, polio and measles which are recurrent , and of COVID-19, and particularly affect the weakest, children and the elderly." 156620,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"Within the host community, 10 200 people were reached through 2734 community awareness session on COVID 19." 304255,53037.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,41,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,Les ménages pauvres de tout le pays en dehors des zones affectées par les conflits resteront en insécurité alimentaire Minimale (Phase 1 de l'IPC) tout au long de la période de projection [jusqu'à mai2021]. 294024,52076.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,60,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In the Far North, as well as in the Northwest and South West, teenage girls separated from their parents are more likely to engage in small-scale subsistence activities as salespeople, tailors and domestic worker, allowing them to earn money and thus support themselves. Girls who work as maids are particularly vulnerable to sexual assault." 104841,30139.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,66,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Tourism facing an unprecedented challenge In an unprecedented crisis to the tourism sector, possible scenarios point to declines of 60% to 80% in international tourist arrivals for the year, depending on the speed of the containment and the duration of travel restrictions and shutdown of borders. Additionally, the availability of tourism-related statistical data for 2020 will likely be impacted." 163830,34549.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,56,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"On 31 May 2020, the recent sharp depreciation of the country’s currency led to the Government raising the 2020 purchasing price of wheat from SYP 225 to SYP 400 (around USD 0.44 to USD 0.77) per kg to support farmer’s incomes and increase the stock of domestically procured wheat" 413416,60898.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,105,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"IDPs living in unsafe areas experience more difficulties in accessing food and addressing their critical needs. This trend confirms the results of the SMART survey conducted in December 2020 by the health ministry with support of its partners which showed that the prevalence of global acute malnutrition was much higher among IDPs and host households living in the most difficult to access areas. It as also reechoes the information communicated by CONASUR related to the priority needs expressed by the internal displaced households at the time of their registration. Indeed, food and cash are classified among the four top priorities." 160517,38373.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Se puede, entonces, concluir que las otras barreras identificadas por la población también afectan de manera significativa en el acceso al trabajo, como la falta de oportunidades laborales (16.3%), xenofobia (8.4%), la falta de referencias laborales (6.7%) y la discriminación (6.7 %)." 359882,58399.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Build separate WASH facilities for girls in schools and in emergency shelters which can be used in normal periods and in emergencies" 174398,41257.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-5593-dead-total-cases-hit-382959/58946,"[14th October 2020 , Bangladesh] So far, 2,854 people have died [COVID death]in Dhaka division, 1,124 in Chattogram, 360 in Rajshahi, 452 in Khulna, 193 in Barishal, 238 in Sylhet, 254 in Rangpur and 118 in Mymensingh divisions." 385592,60457.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Au Centre-Nord, le nombre de communes en insécurité alimentaire augmente et la situation risque de s’aggraver notamment en raison de l’accroissement des personnes déplacées internes (PDI)." 207178,43256.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,73,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The risk of cholera transmission remains very high due to poor access to drinking water, non-existent sanitation as well as poor hygiene practices. With the risks of hemorrhagic fevers, it is important to strengthen epidemiological surveillance along the border in order to detect epidemics early and conduct a prompt and adequate response if needed. There is also an urgent need to strengthen emergency vaccination against measles and polio." 155088,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"La mayoría de entrevistados han presentado brotes de piel en diferentes partes del cuerpo. Como dermatitis y hongos. Por otro lado, infecciones urinarias al consumir y/o tener contacto con el agua de los ríos. El 91% de los encuestados han presentado enfermedades relacionadas con el agua y saneamiento." 235987,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,69,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Mobile clinics operated by Reach Out and CARITAS, partners of WHO, have been the main source of primary health care in most of the affected communities in 10 divisions where they have been operating since 1 July 2019 The 16 mobile clinic teams will conclude operations in these communities at the end of September 2020 due to the exhaustion of CERF funds despite the continuing needs." 356661,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,122,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La corte también ordenó que las organizaciones de derechos humanos y las agencias de la ONU fueran autorizadas para “verificar” las detenciones y los traslados por “protección” durante las protestas. En octubre de 2020, después de las protestas de ese año, la Procuraduría General de la Nación y la Policía crearon un comité para ese fin, el cual incluía a la Oficina de la Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH), pero no a las organizaciones locales de derechos humanos. Human Rights Watch recibió información que indica que la Policía y la Procuraduría en numerosas ocasiones no han convocado el comité durante las protestas actuales." 240009,46627.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,29,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"60% of respondents expect a high impact from COVID-19 on the household’s economic situation, and another 25% expect a little or some impact." 221019,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,39,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,Women and girls are also at an increased risk of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the context of increased conflict. COVID-19 contain-ment measures leave many of them isolated and cut off from protection services. 271567,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,22,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"En 2019, la région du Centre avait affiché le plus faible taux de couverture (41,8%) du déparasitage." 359672,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] While the direct impact of the decreased water levels of the Euphrates on water quality is not clear, there are reports of decreased river flows affecting water pollution levels. Moreover, local sources in Al-Hasakeh and Deir-ez-Zor Governorates reported that water shortages and unaffordable water trucking have prompted households to drill artesian wells, whose water is often unclean." 412720,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The pregnant women did not get the full healthcare support they needed during their pregnancy: Around 70% of pregnant women needed to take healthcare support more than three times during their pregnancy period. However, 54% of pregnant women could not get the services according to their needs. The pregnant women went to the hospitals for various reasons such as regular check-up (76.5%) and tests (61.7%), vaccination (43.0%) and emergency service (23.5%)." 323727,54037.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sig.gov.bf/actualites/details?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=1120&cHash=dce0d469a5c3ea83740ac96f2d0216e0,"Cet appui va, sans doute, contribuer à améliorer les résultats pour une mise en œuvre réussie du PADEL, a affirmé la directrice générale du FAARF qui, par ailleurs précise que la composante 4 a déjà octroyé 650 millions de francs CFA à près de 4 000 promoteurs au niveau de 8 régions. Dori et Falangoutou ont bénéficié de plus 77 millions de francs CFA et enregistrent un taux de recouvrement de 92%, a-t-elle souligné." 201203,43280.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"During September the C4D section supported the first round of the mOPV2 Campaign for south central areas which was held from 20-23rd September 2020. Over 1,036,090 people were reached via 170,000 house-to-house visits, 769 mosque announcements and 3,374 Madrasa preaching sessions. Furthermore, a total of 1,695 community mobilizers, 80 Social Mobilization Network (SOMNET), 30 National Islamic Advisory Group (NIAG) and 240 nomadic elders were deployed to support the mOPV2 campaign awareness activities." 161652,35766.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,13,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/78017.pdf,1.156 Venezolanos han retornado a su país de origendesde el departamento de Antioquia 159643,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"Given that living conditions are cramped and mitigation measures to COVID-19 are all the more necessary, a high of 65 per cent of respondents living in camps and camps-like settings were not taking mitigation measures to COVID-19. 35 per cent were taking mitigation measures" 265565,49620.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Trois Frontieres) La malnutrition est aussi demeurée l’un des principaux problèmes de santé publique, en lien avec la dégradation de la situation alimentaire des ménages en 2020, notamment en raison des perturbations associées à la pandémie du COVID-19 (restrictions d’accès aux marchés, baisse des revenus des ménages). (Nov.2020)" 129451,32894.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,41,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Hipersexualización de niñas y adolescentes migrantes: imaginario de una sexualidad adulta en las niñas y adolescentes migrantes, lo que las hace mas vulnerables a ser victimas de violencia basada en género y a prácticas inseguras como sexo por supervivencia" 203586,44071.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,62,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Actualmente se habilitaron 4 albergues en San Pedro Soloma y Santa Eulalia, con un total de 123 personas albergadas. En relación con las condiciones sanitarias de los albergues 3 con agua suficiente (75%), 2 con agua clorada (50%), ningún albergue cuenta con disposición adecuada de aguas residuales, así como hacinamiento." 234618,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Cameroon is facing serious challenges from the twin Covid-19 pandemic and terms of trade shocks. Weak global demand, depressed commodity prices, and domestic containment measures weigh on the outlook, and are causing significant adverse economic and social effects. The shocks have given rise to substantial fiscal pressures and an urgent balance of payments need." 319589,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,56,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"3) Hipertensión Arterial con el 5,4% (12 casos) de atenciones, en el grupo etario de 50 y mayores de 50 años, patología que se vio fracturada por la falta de acceso a controles para valoración médica, entrega de medicamentos para su control, poca o nula alimentación adecuada;" 18887,7294.0,730.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,73,['At Risk'],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/news-stories/news/yemen-land-mines-take-heavy-toll-civilians,"Thousands of explosive devices will endanger the lives of people in Yemen for decades to come. The UK-based organization Conflict Armament Research pointed in arecent reportto Ansar Allah's mass production of mines and improvised explosive devices, as well as its use of anti-personnel, vehicle, and naval mines. According to the Yemen Executive Mine Action Center, the Yemeni army cleared 300,000 mines between 2016 and 2018." 341003,56436.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,69,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-whole-of-syria-appeal.pdf,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] 6.7 million people are internally displaced since the onset of the crisis; 5.6 million people have fled the country as refugees, the vast majority to neighboring countries. Displacement continues to be heavily concentrated in urban centres – where more than 87 per cent of IDPs now reside, compounding the stress on overstretched resources, infrastructure and services." 162918,39647.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"As part of COVID-19 risk prevention measures and IPC compliance in the host communities and camps, WASH Sector partners disinfected 47,053 WASH facilities and 2,733 public buildings. 3 handwashing stations have also been installed at main camp entry points, reaching a total of 102 handwashing stations at camp entry points." 494207,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,98,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, 11 governorates recorded an increasing average reference food basket price in August 2021. The highest m-o-m increase of 12 percent was reported in Deir-ez-Zor where the cost of the basket reached SYP 162,698, while the lowest m-om increase (one percent) was reported in Ar-Raqqa where the price rose to SYP 179,889. The reference food basket price in Homs, Lattakia and As-Sweida remained unchanged m-o-m. Idleb and Quneitra reported the highest average food basket price at SYP 197,087 and SYP 182,784, respectively." 219178,45748.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,20,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Some 380 schools have been affected by the floods and a third of them are now occupied by IDPs. 223781,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,59,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"La forte baisse du nombre de visites des hommes et des femmes est en corréla�on avec le début d'une période de confinement de trois mois, ce qui suggère que la principale raison des retards et de la réduc�on des demandes de soins de santé était la restric�on des déplacements, empêchant les personnes d'accéder physiquement aux services." 328770,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Education LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 93% for severe and lowest was 1% for stress. Similarly highest percentage of households per Education LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 96% for severe and lowest was 1% for stress." 257023,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Monitoring allows for the identification of survivors, their referral to service providers and the follow-up of cases linked to child protection, SGBV and other persons with specific needs." 194908,43603.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Both urban and remote IDP sites remain invariably at-risk to COVID19 transmission as overcrowding, dense living conditions create an environment conducive to the spread of COVID-19. The situation remains one of high concern as more displaced people are arriving in camps, moved by both flooding and continuous conflict." 290596,51817.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,19,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"385 827 déplacés internes au 31 janvier 2021, dans le Tanganyika (36 derniers mois - CMP)" 228306,46468.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"All surviving victims or relatives interviewed attest that the incident [any incident that caused injury] had led to emotional and mental distress, many with manifestations such as nightmares or trouble sleeping." 322880,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,14,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 80% households reporting not having any working household members 227505,46488.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,La quasi-totalité des IC (14/15) ont rapporté qu’au moins la moitié de la population avait seulement accès à une source d’eau non améliorée. 14829,5489.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,101,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180719_Humanitarian_Update_Draft_3.pdf,"As of 17 July, 2,360 displaced households from Al Hudaydah Governorate have been verified and some 2,075 have been assisted. Displaced households located in areas between Lahj and Taizz governorates have been difficult to reach due to the proximity to an active front line. An earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale hit the coast of Hadramaut and Al Mahrah Governorates in the early hours of 15 July. The quake occurred 213 kilometres northwest of the island of Socotra, at a depth of 10 km. No reports of any damage or injuries were reported." 221023,44617.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Massacres and targeted killings persist in high numbers, particularly in areas with weak state presence, illicit economic activity, and armed group presence." 163558,30906.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Los hospitales del departamento son de mediana y baja complejidad, y presentan poca capacidad de atención a posibles casos COVID-19 (i.e. Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo). Pacientes que son transferidos a otros departamentos para cuidados médicos de mayor nivel, no reciben de manera oportuna el apoyo en sus necesidades básicas para poder cumplir con la cuarentena;" 391157,61470.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Main information sources about COVID-19 as reported by households: -NGOs or charities 89% -Camp management 60% -Friends/family 36%" 269684,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],fr,88,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,La situation économique du pays est en partie tributaire de l’état nutritionnel de sa population capable de contribuer à la dynamique de développement de sa communauté. Une étude sur le coût de la faim en 2012 a révélé que le Burkina Faso perd en moyenne 409 milliards de FCFA soit plus de 7% de son PIB dû fait de la sous nutrition. Ce coût est essentiellement dû à la perte des capacités productives du fait de la mortalité supplémentaire induite par la malnutrition 356676,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,94,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"A la Fiscalía General de la Nación: Priorizar los procesos por abusos policiales realizando investigaciones sobre los agentes que hayan estado directamente involucrados en abusos cometidos en el contexto de protestas, al menos desde el año 2019, así como sobre los comandantes a cargo de unidades y operativos que puedan haber ordenado la comisión de tales abusos o que puedan tener responsabilidad, conforme al derecho colombiano, por no haber adoptado las medidas adecuadas a efectos de prevenir delitos o hacer que los responsables rindan cuentas por su actuación." 495426,67230.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Hay alta tensión psicológica y emocional por la inseguridad que viven y la presión por los ahorros para la familia que dejaron en Venezuela y necesitan atención de salud mental 359953,58399.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,119,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Carry out further research on the hidden struggles of LGBTQ+ children in accessing education and how their identity increase their vulnerability in a changing climate and disaster context in collaboration with Government of Bangladesh and Nepal and other development partners.  Due to the absence of relevant studies in Nepal and Bangladesh, the factors that affect the education of LGBTQ+, and associated issues such as dropout, poor performance, absenteeism etc. are poorly understood. A study to understand the experiences of LGBTQ+ children/students, especially in the context of disaster and climate change would be helpful to identify and appropriately address these hidden concerns" 204412,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,50% des ménages non déplacés n’ont pas accès à un marché à moins d’une heure de marche. 345201,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Statelessness] In Nyunzu territory, Tanganyika Province, UNHCR conducted a training on birth registration and the importance of birth declarations within legal timeframe. The training gathered 29 participants and aimed to strengthen the technical and operational capacities of local and customary authorities and to improve the mechanisms for collecting data on birth. In addition, two motorcycles, 200 official books and office equipment were delivered to local authorities in various nearby villages, with the aim to facilitate birth registrations." 163832,34549.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,64,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Breeders could continue to have limited or no access to necessary feed to maintain milk production during the critical July to September period, which could result in below-average body conditions and reduced milk production. Such conditions will further aggravate the challenges faced by the most vulnerable livestock keepers to sustain their livelihoods and access to food over the coming six months." 37171,11044.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",[],[],en,38,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,Families/children lost birth registration and other identities as some were unable to return home to collect their documents before displacement and others reported their IDs were reportedly destroyed when their homes were burnt allegedly by Cameroonian gendarmes. 339330,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,144,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Entre enero y diciembre de 2020 se registraron 2.388 personas afectadas por confinamientos en Antioquia24. Esta dinámica va en aumento cada vez más desde 2020; la población campesina, indígena y afrocolombiana ha sido principalmente la más afectada por las continuas restricciones a la movilidad con imposiciones de horarios, como mecanismo de control social por parte de los grupos armados. Es el caso de las comunidades indígenas del municipio de Murindó, especialmente en los resguardos Rio Murindó y Chageradó, que según el censo realizado por la Unidad para las Víctimas (UARIV), a diciembre de 2020 se identificaron al menos 492 familias (2.179) personas confinadas, considerando las 1.900 personas que ya se habían reportado con restricciones a la movilidad desde marzo del 2020, y siendo uno de los confinamientos más prolongados." 391193,61470.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479]16% of households reported gender-based protection issues with early marriage (girls below 18 years old) being the most commonly reported (10%)." 112322,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,154,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En desarrollo de lo anterior, el Ministerio ha adelantado una serie de acciones para incluir a la población refugiada y migrante venezolana en el sistema educativo en los niveles de preescolar, básica y media. Con la oleada más grande del flujo migratorio en el 2018, el Ministerio identifica que una de las barreras de acceso al sistema educativo era la falta de documentos de identificación válidos en el país. De allí que, de la mano de Migración Colombia, se materializó la Circular Conjunta 16 del 10 de abril de 2018 que brinda las orientaciones a los gobernadores, alcaldes, rectores y directivos docentes para la atención a la población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela en los establecimientos educativos. Esta circular facilita el acceso de los niños, niñas y adolescentes al sistema educativo sin importar si tienen un número de identificación válido en Colombia." 141412,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In NWS (as of 3 August), the first laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19 from NWS, involving a 39-year old male physician working in Idleb Governorate, was reported on 9 July. To date, a total 36 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported, including 19 from Idleb and 17 from Aleppo governorates. No deaths have been reported. Of these, most cases developed mild symptoms while others have remained asymptomatic. None of the cases required hospitalization and 23 cases of the cases have since recovered." 343854,56755.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PROTECTION%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf,"Accessible, ageappropriate, multi-sectoral services adapted to the COVID-19 context are urgently required, including health, sexual & reproductive health (SRH), case management, livelihoods, legal, safety/ security and psychosocial support." 187771,43282.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Cooperating partner staff has been provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) and hygiene materials. FSC partners have maximized the use of mobile money transfers to reduce travel distances and associated risks for people receiving cash-based assistance. At least 27 percent of the assistance provided in August was in kind while 73 percent was cash-based transfers, including vouchers and cash." 326322,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 24% of the household found with health living Standard Gap (LSG). 6% found to be very extremely+ severe, 1% extreme severe, 17% severe, 6% stress, 70% no or minimal." 227493,46488.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Concernant la disponibilité du matériel et des médicaments, les deux IC santé ont rapporté une disponibilité en suffisance de médicaments dans la localité" 293859,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,15,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"From 2013 to 2018, the proportion of female mayors is of 8,3% ." 236035,46890.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,IOM assisted 85 households in Kumba (SW) with shelter kits while 184 were assisted in the NW 155997,38388.0,1898.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,En el primer cuatrimestre de 2020 se han reportado tres crí- menes de odio hacia personas LGTBQI. 328681,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported areas in the community where boys or men do not feel safe were On the way to markets (71%), In the market (70%) and schools (26%)" 265733,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,51,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Selon les IC, les régions qui ont accueilli le plus de PDI au cours du dernier mois sont les régions du Centre-Nord et de l’Est (Burkina Faso). Le nombre d’arrivées récentes de PDI semblent cependant avoir diminué en fin d’année." 276371,50671.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,84,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Seulement 34 Organisations des Personnes Handicapées (OPH) existent dans les provinces et 27 à N’Ndjamena. A Bol, une seule OPH est répertoriée par exemple, alors que la situation de la région du Lac Tchad est critique. Le manque d’accès aux informations sur l’aide humanitaire est une problématique identifiée à travers l’enquête de perception de Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) et Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) en 2018." 304256,53037.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Les régions de l'Est et de l’Adamawa hébergent 314,780 (UNHCR Novembre 2020) réfugiés de la République Centrafricaine, dont 30 pour cent vivent dans des sites aménagés. La présence de ces réfugiés augmente la demande du marché dans les communautés d'accueil, faisant grimper les prix des denrées de base de 25 à 50 pour cent par rapport à la même période dans une année normale" 295463,52400.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Missing']",en,99,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bangladesh%20-%20Cox%E2%80%99s%20Bazar%20Camp%20Settlement%20Fire%20-%20Emergency%20Plan%20of%20Action%20%28EPoA%29%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0MDRBD026.pdf,"[26 March 2021, Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar] Situation analysis; On 22 March 2021, a massive fire swept through the camp settlement in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, destroying shelters and facilities and endangering lives across four camps. So far, 11 casualties have been reported, and 55,000 people have been displaced. According to data shared by the camp authority, a total of 563 people from the affected camps have been injured and 339 are missing. It is understood that there are approximately 10,000 damaged shelters." 194864,43603.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"(According to the Humanitarian Response Plan) In total, US$186.2 million is still required to meet the immediate health and humanitarian needs of people in Somalia affected by COVID-19." 194263,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,41,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 591 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 316 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." 187919,42376.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-125.pdf,[28 Oct 2020] [NWS] New cases: 301 | Total cases: 4738 | New tests: 760 | Total tests: 23233 | New recoveries: 126 | Total recoveries: 2096 | Total active cases: 2591 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 42 155993,38388.0,1898.0,[],[],['Casualties->Missing'],es,29,[],['Casualties'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,"Desde el 1 de enero hasta el 14 de mayo de 2020 se han reportado 733 desapariciones, de las cuales 332 personas aún no han sido halladas." 248559,46458.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In the medium to longer term, upgrading housing, WASH and local infrastructure will strengthen the resilience of the community to COVID-19 and other shocks. These investments can be facilitated through community-based organisations, using a cash for-work modality that draws on labour from the settlement. This will improve living conditions, support local livelihoods and contribute to upskilling the local workforce, reducing COVID-19 transmission risk and strengthening community resilience to the disease." 155223,37857.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,77,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 13 au 19 juillet 2020, environs 697 individus en partance pour la Côte d’Ivoire ou en entrant de nationalités burkinabé, nigérienne et ivoirienne ont été observés en train de contourner les voies officielles le long de la frontière entre le Burkina Faso et la Côte d’Ivoire suite à la fermeture des frontières ordonnée par les autorités burkinabés dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." 358735,58517.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/regreso-a-clases-presenciales-asi-sera-el-regreso-a-colegios-en-colombia-593328,"Eso sí, la idea es que todos los colegios ya cuenten con presencialidad para el mes de julio." 299135,51194.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"2020 saw another significant increase in IED (Improvised Explosive Device) attacks, with INSO recording 6877 incidents, compared to 5568 in 2019 and 4405 in 2018. 1680 or nearly 25 per cent of all IED (Improvised Explosive Device) recorded in 2020 occurred in the Southern Region which saw a flare of conflict activity in the last four months of 2020, which NSAG-TB mining whole road sections, thereby significantly impeding humanitarian movement over months to come" 654,156.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,105,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Information And Communication'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Of all the households who reported having lost documentation, 71.2% re-applied for the documentation they had lost while 28.3% did not. 26 The main reported reasons for not re-applying were i) the process taking too much time and being too complicated, ii) the households not being familiar with the procedures; and finally iii) households not having access to a functioning civil registry nearby. This last reason reported seemed to be especially problematic in the Eastern regions, with 22.0% of households in Benghazi and up to 38.3% in Derna city reporting it." 193854,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les populations des îles du lac Tchad sont affectées par l´insécurité liée à la crise du bassin du lac Tchad depuis son début en fin 2014. Quelques 169 003 personnes déplacées internes vivent dans 202 sites et lieux de déplacement, dans des conditions difficiles et avec un accès limité à la terre et à d´autres moyens d´existence." 390904,61222.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,134,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.diarioantofagasta.cl/el-pais/129651/fuerzas-armadas-se-suman-a-control-migratorio-ilegal-al-norte-del-pais-antofagasta-y-tarapaca-presentan-mas-de-32-pasos-no-habilitados/,"De acuerdo a la modificación del Decreto 265 que permite el apoyo de las Fuerzas Armadas en el control de la frontera en materia de narcotráfico y crimen organizado, el Presidente Sebastián Piñera dio a conocer quela institución se sumará para colaborar en el control migratorio ilegal, realizado en pasos no habilitados en el norte de Chile. Ante este anuncio, el Gobernador de Antofagasta, Nalto Espinoza, explicó“El haber firmado este decreto que permite a nuestras fuerzas armadas, colaborar en el control ilegal de migrantes.Este control es muy necesario dado que desde el año 2019 al 2020, de 8 mil ingresos clandestinos, pasamos a 13 mil. Es una cifra y un aumento muy importante, que requería una medida como esta”." 145842,35819.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"As of August 11, the SARG Ministry of Health had confirmed 1,327 cases, including 53 resultant deaths, in SARG-held areas. Additionally, as of August 12, health actors had confirmed 47 COVID-19 cases in opposition-held areas of Aleppo and Idlib, following the northwest region’s first reported case on July 9, according to the Early Warning, Alert, and Response Network, a disease surveillance system comprising local health authorities, the UN World Health Organization (WHO), and other health stakeholders." 390744,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,124,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Temperature According to analysis from the German Climate Service Center (GERICS) of 32 Global Climate Models (GCMs), temperatures across Nigeria are expected to increase by 2.9°C to as much as 5.7°C by end of the century.29 Nighttime temperatures are expected to increase by as much as 4.7°C. An increase in the duration of heat waves by a range of an additional 8 to 55 days are expected by the end of the century.30 Temperature increases are expected to be lower in the southern areas of the country, but will increase much more rapidly in the interior and northern areas in comparison. Low temperatures are also expected to increase.31" 58620,17454.0,788.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,153,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,http://www.fao.org/emergencies/fao-in-action/stories/stories-detail/en/c/1205370/,"A decade of conflict has severely affected food production systems in northeastern Nigeria, with the worst affected states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe experiencing high displacement, enormous human, social and economic losses and severe levels of food insecurity and malnutrition. While humanitarian access is improving, most displaced families still rely on vulnerable host communities for basic needs, including food. This has put already impoverished host communities under extreme pressure, leading to increased exposure to food insecurity. Moreover, lootings and fear of attacks, in particular by the Boko Haram insurgency, have prevented many farmers from working in their fields, leading to the loss of harvests and productive assets, and extremely reduced purchasing power. In August 2019, 2.7 million people are projected to be severely food insecure and 1.9 million internally displaced people due to the crisis." 392642,60861.0,1186.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,90,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Sobre situación del país, se expresaron preocupaciones en cuanto a la situación política y social, económica y de desempleo en el futuro post-COVID 19. Los participantes mostraron incertidumbre en cuanto a la situación general a nivel nacional, con una anticipación de consecuencias negativas tales como un aumento de la inseguridad, aumento de los precios, disminución de la calidad de vida y desempleo tanto para la población general como para la población migrante específicamente. Asimismo, algunas respuestas aludieron al estallido social de 2019" 219242,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Currently, samples are transported to Mogadishu for testing. The isolation center in Galkaacyo is under construction and is due for completion next week, but lacks equipment and staff. So far, WHO has supported the recruitment of 42 staff for the Dhuusamarreeb isolation centre." 338418,55877.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,76,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Without quality education, children do not gain the skills they need to fully participate in society and exercise their rights. When children are not in school, societies lose the protective benefits that quality education brings: lost education opportunities lower economic prospects later in life and children become more vulnerable to exploitation, including child labor, child marriage, sexual violence, trafficking, and recruitment into armed groups and forces." 173794,40839.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,42,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[01/08/2020, North East Nigeria]The estimated number of IDPs identified during Round 33 of DTM assessments in conflict-affected north-eastern states of Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe was 2,118,550 IDPs or 436,058 households." 318937,54628.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,57,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'At Risk', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] People have no choice but to eat the food provided because they don’t have any other options. Some participants raised concerns about their children getting diarrhoea because of the food. They are requesting cooking facilities and food so that they can cook themselves." 287959,51841.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The reasons for inaccessibility included flooding on the road or at the location (33%), military presence (31%), long distance (18%), hard-to-access locations with no presence of IDPs (11%) and insecurity (7%). (Mobility Tracking Round 9)" 196009,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Significant changes from Education Cluster have included the development of distance learning programs (Radio, online, TV), remote PSS through head teachers’ network, increased focus on WASH rehabilitation (for school re-opening in August) and less focus on general TLS construction" 238912,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,114,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is one hundred and eight (108). Thirty (30) cases from Nguru, twenty-four (24) cases from Damaturu, twenty (20) cases from Bade, seven (7) cases each from Potiskum, and Fika, four (4) cases from Karasuwa, three (3) cases each from Bursari and Gulani, Fune, Nangere, and Yusufari have two (2) cases each, and 4 other LGAs (Geidam, Tarmuwa, Gujba, and Machina) have one (1) case each" 182295,42516.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,181,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen%20Respuesta%20Humanitaria%20COVID19%20Oct%202020.pdf,"Al 22 de octubre se contabilizan 92 mil personas contagiadas, 2.604 muertes, 37 mil recuperados, 215 mil pruebas realizadas y una tasa de incidencia de 968.6 por cada cien mil habitantes. El Gobierno reporta una ejecución presupuestaria de US$225,1 millones en respuesta a la pandemia de la COVID-192. A través de la activación de diversos centros de triaje en el territorio nacional y brigadas médicas, se ha disminuido la saturación en hospitales nacionales por pacientes COVID-19 los cuales reportan una bajada en la ocupación de aprox. 10%, respecto al mes anterior, actualmente en 34%, sin embargo, se ha tenido una tasa de positividad de las pruebas PCR y tamizajes en los últimos meses de más del 40% y se reportan más de 20.000 casos de dengue en el país, donde el departamento de Olancho se ha declarado epidemia por dengue y sus niveles de saturación hospitalaria por COVID-19 están al máximo. En cuanto al sector económico, la reactivación económica continúa progresivamente." 271587,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Au niveau national, 63,4 % des enfants de 0 à 23 mois ont bénéficié d’une mise au sein précoce. Cette proportion de nourrissons ayant bénéficié de la mise au sein précoce a sensiblement augmenté comparativement à celle de l’année 2019 qui était de 59,1%." 236196,47104.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, Syria] In line with the deterioration of the food consumption trend, the adoption of food-based coping strategies among vulnerable groups continued to worsen in December 2020. The rCSI average was much higher among IDPs and returnees, with around 88 percent for each group indicating relying on at least one food-based coping mechanism, compared to 83 percent from resident households in December. Nonetheless, suggesting dire and difficult living conditions for all Syrians notwithstanding their residency status (IDP, returnee or resident)." 304783,50889.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Child protection is of particular concern in East Sudan, where there are over 1,000 UASC (Unaccompanied and separated children) among new arrivals to the camps. All UASC (Unaccompanied and separated children) are in need of appropriate alternative care arrangements, targeted assistance, facilitated access to basic services and family reunification and resettlement support, where possible." 473713,67199.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,141,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"La Fundación Éxito (2021) asegura que se ha identificado un repunte importante en muertes maternas durante la pandemia, que supera el acumulado de las que se presentaron en 2018 y 2019. “Mientras que en 2020 antes de la cuarentena el número de muertes maternas era menor al que se había registrado en 2019, aproximadamente dos meses después de iniciada la cuarentena el número de muertes en 2020 sobrepasó el que se había registrado en cada semana epidemiológica de 2019”, sostiene. Aunque aclara que no se puede afirmar que el incremento de las muertes maternas en el periodo analizado se deba a la pandemia, la situación actual lleva a pensar que los servicios hospitalarios están dando prioridad a la atención del Covid-19 y limitando frentes como el cuidado materno e infantil." 390962,60861.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La mayoría de los participantes reportan nivel educacional universitario, correspondiente al 74% de la muestra, seguido del nivel secundario con un 24% y nivel primario con un 2% (Figura 6 y Tabla 4). Respecto a la situación laboral sea esta formal o informal, el 58,5% de la muestra indicó estar trabajando el día en que respondieron la encuesta, el 40,1% indicó no estar trabajando, pero querer trabajar, y tan solo el 1,3% señaló no estar trabajando y no estar interesado en trabajar (Figura 7)." 290589,51817.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],fr,104,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"L’UNICEF a lancé, depuis février 2021, les travaux de construction de 100 écoles, soit 700 salles de classe, à travers la province du Tanganyika. Cela, grâce au financement d’un montant de 22 millions de dollars du partenariat mondial de l’éducation « Education Cannot Wait ». Selon l’UNICEF, ce projet permet de mettre en œuvre un programme pluriannuel de résilience de trois ans dont l’objectif principal est de fournir un accès à une éducation de qualité dans un environnement sûr et protecteur dans le Tanganyika." 206698,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Out of approximately 2,300 health facilities that provide health care services to the entire population of 11.7 million, more than 1,300 facilities are non-functional." 223604,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,Respect for international humanitarian law and the onus on parties to the conflict to allow and facilitate access to those in need remain critical for the delivery of aid. 321050,54668.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Cependant, dans plus de la moitié des villages d’accueil, aucune assistance AME n’a été fournie ni aux PDIs ni aux retournés dans le village. La plupart des villages (73%) ont rapportés qu’aucun marché est accessible pour la vente d’articles non alimentaires." 64790,19061.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,106,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"Yuliana también tiene miedo de volver al casco urbano, pues en las pocas oportunidades que ha salido a Puerto Carreño algunos hombres le han insinuado cosas que la dejan aterrada. “A mí no me gusta salir al pueblo porque hay gente que se quiere aprovechar de uno, le quieren dar 2.000 pesos para que uno esté con ellos. Por ser venezolana no me voy a estar vendiendo para llevar algo a la casa”, dice. Aquí yo como bien. Yo me quedo acá, yo no me voy más para Venezuela. Volver allá es perder el tiempo" 359444,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,154,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In Bangladesh, the majority of research participants from teachers, boys and girls (both in and out of schools) and members from the gender working group shared that parents do not consider their girl child to be an independent individual. Parents in the community still believe that the girl child needs to assist their mother with household work (unpaid work) such as taking care of younger siblings and they believe that the girls cannot get a good job. They believe that the boy child can take care of the cow for grazing, and boys can engage in different income earning activities at an early age to benefit the family. Boys are given more priority at home and in the community and their decisions are valued more than girls as girls are viewed as weak." 184766,42710.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] These challenges are compounded by the reluctance of people to move to the designated camp-level isolation areas if they are considered suspect, underreporting of symptoms and lack of adherence to basic preventative measures (including use of face masks)." 186967,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Le pays fait face aux maladies épidémiques dont celle de rougeole depuis mai 2018 affectant 119 districts sanitaires sur les 126 que compte le pays ; le choléra a été déclarée dans les provinces de Mayo-Kebbi Est et Mayo-Kebbi Ouest avec 97 cas dont 4 décès notifiés au 17 novembre 2019. 201093,43280.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"Notwithstanding improvements made over the past decade, nearly 1 in 5 children show signs of chronic malnutrition in Somalia, and 1 in 10 are acutely malnourished." 223551,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Panakol: is village under Aguod Boma and it is cut off by waters from Bargel where PHCU exist, and no Boma health worker in the area." 294055,50852.0,2466.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,63,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"Among the 85% of refugee [households] HHs with children aged 4-16 years, 49% Of surveyed refugee HHs have children who were attending school regularly (≥4 days/week) during the 2019-2020 school year before the schools were closed on 15 March 2020 due to COVID-19, IDP (62%), Non-displaced (77%)." 194358,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Ce 05/11/2020, 33 nouveaux cas confirmés de COVID-19 ont été rapportés dont 30 à Kinshasa, 2 au Sud-Kivu et 1 en Ituri (Annexe 1 ; Figure 1)." 322368,54747.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 74% of the household found with Shelter and Non-food items(SNFI) living Standard Gap (LSG). 13% found to be very extreme, 61% severe and 26% stress." 237780,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Mortalidad materna A semana epidemiológica 53 del 2020 se notificaron 577 muertes ma- ternas: 409 tempranas (ocurridas durante el embarazo, parto y hasta los 42 días de terminada la gestación), 140 tardías (ocurridas desde el día 43 hasta un año de terminada la gestación) y 28 por causas coinci- dentes (lesiones de causa externa); se presenta un aumento del 36,3 % en el número de muertes maternas respecto al 2019" 473662,67211.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,249,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colaboracion.dnp.gov.co/CDT/Sinergia/Documentos/Notas_politica_publica_SEGURIDAD%20ALIMENTARIA_14_04_21_v5.pdf,"Aunque el acceso a los alimentos debería ser equitativo a lo largo del país, incluso en noviembre, los hogares encuestados de áreas rurales fueron más probables que los de áreas urbanas en reducir porciones en la última semana (46% vs. 34%), ver Gráfica 2. Las brechas entre los dos grupos aumentaron a través de las rondas para los dos indicadores, empeorando la situación del sector rural (una diferencia entre grupos de 12 pp en reducción de comidas y de 8 pp en número de comidas). Esto muestra una recuperación más acelerada del área urbana que la rural. Adicional a las diferencias estructurales de ambas zonas8 , este hallazgo puede estar relacionado con que los encuestados rurales son más probables en vender sus activos para cubrir sus necesidades comparados con los encuestados urbanos (16% vs. 7%), entre los cuales están el ganado y otros animales de producción alimenticia para venta, pero también para consumo propio. También, un porcentaje mayor de los encuestados rurales indicaron que los precios de los alimentos eran demasiado altos para poder comprar la misma cantidad de alimentos que antes compraban (67% vs. 54%). Dado que la inflación en el país ha sido muy baja desde que inició la pandemia9 , lo anterior se debe muy probablemente a la pérdida de poder adquisitivo de los hogares debido a menores ingresos." 190020,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,101,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"En février 2020, la présence de criquets pélerins a été signalée dans le territoire d’Aru en Ituri et s’est répandu dans le territoire de Mahagi avec des observations signalées près de Bunia. Il est également possible qu’ils soient présents dans le territoire de Djugu. Pour l’instant, il n’y a pas eu de destruction de cultures mais des inquiétudes subsistent pour la fin de la période d’incubation. Une invasion de criquets pèlerins actifs et matures aurait des conséquences catastrophiques sur l’insécurité alimentaire." 345200,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Statelessness] On 21 April, birth certificates were issued to minors by the local civil registry, with the support of UNHCR Kananga office in Kananga, Kasai Central Province. As part of its efforts to prevent and mitigate statelessness, UNHCR is reinforcing its partnership with representatives from the Ministry of Interior with the aim to secure further 35.000 birth certificates for internally displaced children, returnee children and children from host communities." 208160,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Coverage of vitamin A supplementation is reported at 76.5 per cent. 205218,44635.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,106,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Jabal Al Zawieh] Hussam Muderati, an SCD volunteer, and his colleagues at the center of “Billion” in Jabal al-Zawiya, south of Idlib, live in “a tough situation and have a mixed bag of contradictory feelings every day” when dealing with patients and victims of the coronavirus disease. Muderati explained that “ The coronavirus disease is no less dangerous than bombings and airstrikes, but it is more dangerous, given the possibility of infection being transmitted to us as people working on the ground and in direct contact with patients.”" 196267,43849.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.jeuneafrique.com/mag/1061775/societe/le-professeur-michel-ekwalanga-latout-anti-coronavirus-de-la-rdc/,"L’explication ? Outre la jeunesse de la population, « nous avons la chance d’avoir une immunité collective efficace, comme partout en Afrique subsaharienne », explique le professeur Michel Balaka Ekwalanga. L’immunologiste, enseignant-chercheur à l’Université de Lubumbashi (Unilu), a développé avec son équipe un protocole de traitement du ­Covid-19 utilisant trois molécules : Bela-Unilu-20." 220725,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Limited resources to cover all the affected counties. Weak coordination mechanisms at the sub-national level. Insecurity and inaccessibility in conflict-affected counties. Huge operational costs measured against available donor funds. Inadequate human resources for health at subnational levels. 241473,47384.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,96,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) Fresh Vegetables and Fruit : Overall, prices of fresh vegetables and fruit has increased by 6%. This increase is due to most of fruit and vegetables coming from GoS held areas areas, which means high costs for transportations as the local production in winter season is low compared with the high demand in North-East Syria. 43% of vendors cited that the increasing dollar exchange is main challenge and 16% of vendors mentioned high transportation costs have affected the prices directly." 297547,51955.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"CHAD: According to mixed movement monitoring conducted in 2018, the majority of people on the move in Chad are young Chadian men. The top three reported intended destinations include Libya (36%), Chad (30% notably the goldmines in north Chad) and Europe (13%). Of the almost 20,000 persons interviewed through 198 relays in Chad, over 30% could be in need of international protection: 5% were registered refugees; 18% asylum-seekers and 8% expressed the wish to seek asylum." 194891,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib]Ambulance driver Rami Khalaf ferried a patient and a nurse for three hours from the city of Idlib to a southern town for a breathing machine. By the time they arrived, they found there was no oxygen available, so they headed to a third location, another three-hour drive." 187036,41081.0,1184.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],en,37,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119147.pdf,"• The nationwide underemployment and unemployment rates have soared while the adequate employment rate has plunged by half, which could possibly trigger a great increase in food insecurity countrywide and further raise the poverty level." 489948,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,90,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"While the phenomenon of sexual violence committed against men and boys remains largely unexplored, men (194 male patients in 2020) state that they were sometimes forced by armed perpetrators to rape women and sometimes sexually assaulted by women. As in many other countries, the stigma of sexual violence seems to be particularly pronounced when it affects men, to the extent that it is often taboo to talk about “rape” in these cases. This affects access to care for male victims." 291388,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,WHO suspects this to be the case and reiterates that vigilance should be maintained. 276336,50677.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"A Nguetchewe, NRC a distribué des kits « hygiène/ dignité » à 100 femmes parmi la population déplacée qui a subi l’attaque meurtrière du 1er août. En outres 100 ménages déplacés (976 personnes) ont chacun reçu un kit abri et un lot de biens de première nécessité. Au-delà de l’impact direct de l’attaque du début du mois, les PDIs de Nguetchewe n’avaient reçu aucune assistance depuis 2018." 310071,53753.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_25_february_2021_final.pdf,"The newly revised Afghanistan Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for 2018- 2021 identifies 18.4 million people in humanitarian need in 2021, as a result of COVID-19, ongoing conflict and natural disasters" 172507,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,32,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,Les risques de restriction du droit d’accès à l’asile pour les demandeurs d’asile du fait de la fermeture des frontières sont également présents en RDC. 346011,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"En Colombia, los casos de dengue proceden de 32 departamentos, 5 distritos, 604 municipios. Las entidades territoriales de Cali, Valle del Cauca, Cartagena, Putumayo, Tolima, Huila, Norte de Santander, Meta, Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Cesar, Barranquilla, Santander, Atlántico y Bolívar aportan el 78,8 % (9 451) de los casos a nivel nacional" 166542,40078.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/33_August_2020.pdf,"The severe impacts of the ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on the global socio-economic, educational and political structures cannot be over-emphasised. One key area of concern has been the disruption to local and international trade resulting from the global ban on international air travels at the initial stage of the pandemic. Nigeria is also one of the countriesthat implemented this ban to prevent further importation of the virus particularly from countries categorised as high risk." 325839,54826.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],en,181,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO018ou1.pdf,"Projections suggest that the first rainy season in Colombia will likely affect many people in April and May. During this period, population centres in La Guajira, Magdalena, Norte de Santander departments, and many others across the country are affected by increases in rainfall, mainly because they are located in areas at risk of flooding or landslides. There is a risk that homes will be destroyed, which generates the need for sites to accommodate or shelter people, and that people's ability to move will be restricted because of the damage to highways, bridges, and roads. Flooding directly affects food security, as it affects the crops that provide food to the areas affected and reduces food availability both in markets and for households. The floods also disrupt work activities in communities within affected areas, cutting off families' income. Communities are exposed to hazards associated with decreased access to safe water, which can cause illnesses and an increase in insects that are vectors for diseas" 273702,50217.0,2333.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Une bonne planification de site s’accompagne normalement d’un plan d’assainissement adéquat et des solutions d’accès à l’eau potable. C’est pourquoi, les partenaires du groupe mettant en œuvre des réponses en abris devront s’assurer que ce volet est garanti" 194868,43590.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Since 16 August, fighting between the Taliban and Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in villages of Khanabad district along the Kunduz-Khanabad highway, Imam Sahib district, and Kunduz city, all in Kunduz province (OCHA 27/08/2020), displaced approximately 64,000 people within these areas; approximately 28,000 were identified in assessments as requiring immediate lifesaving assistance." 78117,21279.0,788.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/11/12/nigerian-state-pushes-keep-pregnant-girls-school,"Most of Nigeria’s staggering 10.5 million out-of-school children are girls. Girls face unique challenges in getting an education, including economic barriers and sociocultural norms and practices that discourage attendance in school." 248938,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,117,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"Il faut signaler ici que le secteur de Bangubangu / Salamabila compte plusieurs gisements miniers, dont l’exploitation, peut-être du plus grand, celui de Namoya, par la société Namoya Mining, a engendré de vives revendications de la communauté ; revendications reprises à leur compte par les miliciens, particulièrement les Maï-Maï Malaika. Depuis lors, la situation sécuritaire dans le secteur s’est fortement dégradée, en raison de la présence et de l’activisme accru de ces miliciens, exposant les populations à de nombreux abus et violations de leurs droits et les femmes et les filles à des risques beaucoup plus élevés de violences sexuelles." 260935,48984.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,94,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria]887 740 IDPs are living in camps or camp-like settings in the BAY states. Four out of five IDPs are living in overcrowded conditions with makeshift and temporary shelters built in close proximity to each other. In some camps, per capita space is less than 1m2 . Overcrowding exacerbates the risk of disease outbreaks and makes it nearly impossible to enforce physical distancing. An additional 1 259 hectares of land are required to provide more space for highly congested camps." 225409,45087.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,The findings of the recent assessment suggest that people are severely struggling to meet basic household needs. 126532,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Salud: el marco legal del sistema de salud actual y la falta de infraestructura de salud pública adecuada y suficiente afecta el acceso a la atención de salud. Se requiere más esfuerzos y recursos para que la atención de salud esté a disposición de todos los refugiados y migrantes. 247880,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Plusieurs personnes déplacées, faute d’accès aux soins font recours au traitement à base des produits indigènes de toutes sortes de décoctions. Des accouchements non assistés sont plus courants." 82583,22770.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,57,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"On 26 August 2018, clashes broke out between rival armed groups in southern Tripoli, particularly in Salaheddin, Ain Zara, Mashroua Al Hadhba, and points south. These clashes quickly escalated and spread throughout Tripoli, with active fighting throughout the southern mahallas and shells falling on wide swaths of the city." 193815,43300.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,41,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Le même risque [d'apparition de maladies à potentiel épidémique] est encouru dans les provinces frontalières avec le Cameroun où l´épidémie de choléra est en cours et affecte déjà les provinces de Mayo-Kebbi Est et Mayo-Kebbi Ouest au Tchad. 237827,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"l Se notificaron 202 604 hospitalizaciones por IRAG en sala general, presentando disminución frente a lo notificado a la misma semana de los tres años anteriores con el 7,0 % frente a 2019, 15,4 % comparado con 2018 y 15,8 % frente a 2017." 320026,53234.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,206,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: As of 28 March 2021, a total of 438 COVID-19 cases have been reported among Rohingya/FDMN. With a total of 62 cases, Camp 24 has the highest number of cases to date further ahead from Camp 2W with 43 and Camps 3 and 15 with 33 and 28 cases, respectively. To date, 25 cases were reported from Camp 6, 22 from Camp 2E and 19 from Camp 4. Camps 5 and Camp 1W had 17 and 14 cases, respectively, and camp 22 had 13 cases. Camps 7, 9, 10, 17, 20 Extension and Camp 26 had twelve cases each. Camp 1E registered 11 cases. As for Camps 16 and 18, ten and nine cases were reported to date. Camp 8W reported eight cases. Camps 12 registered 7 cases while Camps 11, 19, and Nayapara RC have recorded 5 cases. The remainder Camps (Kutupalong RC, 4 Extension, 8E, 14, 20, 21, 23, 25 and 27) have so far had less than 5 cases." 241970,47791.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"la réduction des revenus des ménages, combinée avec la fermeture des écoles eu un impact supplémentaire sur la protection et la santé des enfants et des adolescentes. Les femmes interrogées dans le cadre des recherches de la CASS ont fait état de difficultés à fournir une alimentation suffisante à leurs enfants." 223767,45880.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les fermetures des fron�ères et des marchés mises en œuvre dans le cadre de la réponse à la COVID-19 ont limité les possibilités commerciales des femmes, dont beaucoup ont perdu l'accès à leur lieu de travail, à leurs clients et à leurs marchandises." 165189,38958.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Bangladesh%20-%20August_IM%20finck.pdf,"91,371 Number of refugee households who are being supported with cooking kits and Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders in the camps; 10,716 families in host communities were also being supported with cooking kits and LPG." 500707,60136.0,2074.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,29,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"Las autoridades chilenas transportan a los migrantes hasta Iquique, donde cumplen una cuarentena preventiva por COVID-19 durante 14 días en residencias sanitarias con capacidad para 1.600 personas." 388300,60981.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,77,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"El municipio de Ituango comprende el 54 por ciento del territorio del Nudo de Paramillo (Ituango y Peque en Antioquia y Montelíbano, Puerto Libertador y Tierralta en Córdoba). Es un lugar estratégico por su ubicación que comparte con las subregiones Norte, Bajo Cauca y Occidente antioqueño y Sur de Córdoba y por ello es objeto de disputa histórica por el control territorial de diversos grupos armados no estatales (GANE)." 186619,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,72,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"USAID encourages cash donations because they allow aid professionals to procure the exact items needed (often in the affected region); reduce the burden on scarce resources (such as transportation routes, staff time, and warehouse space); can be transferred very quickly and without transportation costs; support the economy of the disaster-stricken region; and ensure culturally, dietarily, and environmentally appropriate assistance." 211059,44790.0,2331.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Children with disabilities face additional challenges related to cultural stigmas, limited capacity (teachers and schools) to respond to their needs, and lacking targeted/specialized support." 155357,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],[],[],es,80,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,Las 128 ambulancias operadas por CRD cuentan con equipamiento de protección adecuado a los procedimientos adoptados. Las dotaciones de las 128 ambulancias cuentan con acceso a los procedimientos aplicables en cada fase de la dispersión del COVID19.  El personal sanitario cuenta con los medios para pasar aislamiento y/o confinamiento preventivo con garantías para su integridad y los de su entorno.  El sistema de ambulancias cuenta con personal que pueda suplir rotaciones sometidas a aislamiento/confinamiento. 338667,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,109,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"En el contexto de la pandemia, la demanda de los cuidados en el hogar se incrementa, incluido el de las personas con Covid-19. Estos escenarios demográficos y epidemiológicos alertan sobre cómo la actual organización social del cuidado centrada mayoritariamente en el trabajo no remunerado de las mujeres debe replantearse. Por lo anterior, es importante que las actividades para responder a estos desafíos incentiven e incluyan una mayor participación de los hombres en los roles de cuidado familiar, y del Estado para desarrollar el sistema nacional de cuidados, a fin de lograr la igualdad de género y una Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible16." 39184,13749.0,729.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,152,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Interview results from Tawargha IDP key informants indicate their perception that the situation is not safe and suitable for them to flee: 60% of Tawerghan key informants who live in Hai Alandalus reported that there has been no population movement in their area since the beginning of the conflict. In addition to this, 80% of Tawerghan key informants reported that there is no departure from Tripoli City Center. It is worth to mention that Tawerghan key informants also reported that Tawerghan IDPs do not leave their houses because the road is not safe for them to move and even though they manage to safely pass the road, they do not have any shelter to go. Furthermore, harassment or extortion, arrest and detention, and ongoing fighting have been reported by the key informants as the main risks to accessing to safety." 215514,45277.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Politics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,18,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"Impacted by mounting political and security uncertainties even before the pandemic, COVID-19 has hit Afghanistan hard." 262189,49486.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"• En Caquetá: La caída en los ingresos de la población afecta la posibilidad de pagar arriendos; a pesar de que se han entregado subsidios por parte de algunas organizaciones, estos no son garantía para cubrir por largo tiempo el arriendo de los beneficiarios." 69512,19860.0,1386.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,http://cronica.uno/programa-de-alimentacion-escolar-en-sucre-es-insuficiente-y-carece-de-proteinas/,"La realidad de las escuelas visitadas porCrónica.Unoestá reñida de alguna manera con la información de los entes oficiales, porque aun cuando en las dos primeras semanas del inicio del año escolar recibieron alguna dotación de alimentos, no fue satisfactoria ni suficiente. No alcanzaba para toda la matrícula y menos, para asegurar 15 días de abastecimiento." 199575,43347.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,47,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Affected areas include Jonglei, Upper Nile, Warrap, Eastern Equatoria, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Unity and Lakes, where flooding displaced people and damaged crops, livestock, houses, bridges and airstrips, affecting people’s movement and living conditions." 215774,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Of the 45 areas analysed, 4 areas were classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency), (Badakshan and Daykundi, and Urban areas of Hirat and Kandahar), 35 areas in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis), and 6 areas in Phase 2 (Stress)." 161747,34176.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,95,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"Se mantiene el apoyo a la Empresa Social del Estado Prestadora de Servicios de Salud (E.S.E) Norte y Suroriente para la atención en salud a población venezolana sin aseguramiento y donación de materiales de limpieza, higiene y bioseguridad al Hospital Carlos Carmona y San Juan de Dios de Cali, y al Hospital Piloto de Jamundí. Estrategia educativa sobre salud sexual y reproductiva en los hospitales Carmona y San Juan de Dios; Tratamiento de la tos y detección de sintomáticos respiratorios en diferentes comunas y alojamientos temporales de Cali." 60713,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Overall, more than one in every four households (28.9 percent) in BAY States were food insecure with more of such households situated in Borno (41.8 percent) compared to Yobe (25.6 percent) and Adamawa (13.8 percent). This marks a slight increase of 2.4 percent in the proportion of food insecure households compared to February 2018." 346190,56953.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/colombia-responding-conflict-and-displacement-nari-o,"On May 13, MSF launched a project in Roberto Payán to address some of the needs of the community. Our team found that many of those displaced were experiencing mental health issues. The trauma of their displacement has been compounded by food shortages; a lack of personal hygiene items; and overcrowded, unsanitary living conditions in makeshift shelters." 177555,41672.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-reports-1600-new-cases-15-new-deaths/59001,"[15th October 2020, Bangladesh] Besides, 1,780 patients recovered from the disease, and the total recoveries from coronavirus have jumped to 299,229. The fatality rate in Bangladesh is still 1.46 percent, a handout of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) said." 188823,43386.0,1900.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,256,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"En 2015, el uso de la Internet por las mujeres era menor en comparación con los hombres en casi todos los países de ALC en los que se realizaron encuestas. En aquellos hogares que cuentan con acceso a Internet, las mujeres mostraron un uso de Internet ligeramente mayor que el de los hombres (en el mismo hogar). Sin embargo, el acceso a Internet en los hogares varía notablemente entre países: apenas 2% de las mujeres y los hombres en Nicaragua tienen acceso, en comparación con un 9% en Guatemala y un 17% en Bolivia.155 Estas diferencias de género varían aún más dependiendo de si los hombres y las mujeres trabajan por su cuenta, son asalariados, o patrones; las mujeres empleadas como trabajadoras asalariadas tienen la tasa de acceso y uso de Internet más alta, mientras que las mujeres que trabajan por su cuenta registran las tasas más bajas. Obviamente, las personas pertenecientes al quintil más bajo tenían el menor nivel de acceso, particularmente en el caso de las mujeres; por ejemplo, únicamente un 14.1% (Bolivia), un 8% (El Salvador), un 9.5% (Honduras) y un 9% (Perú) de las mujeres en el quintil más bajo tenían acceso a la Internet y, en todos los casos, este porcentaje de acceso fue menor que la tasa de acceso entre los hombres." 253151,48625.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/syrias-al-bab-teachers-renew-cry-over-low-pay-and-absence-of-teachers-union/,"[February 5, Al bab, Northern Syria] The teacher in the Operation Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch regions under the Turkish administration typically earns around 750 Turkish Liras (TL-104.9 USD) per month." 221760,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,62,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Because of security incidents, 14 humanitarian workers were killed, 28 were injured, 25 were abducted, 17 were arbitrarily arrested and temporarily detained and 2 were expelled by authorities for alleged infractions. The most significant incident was the kidnapping and subsequent execution of seven NGO health workers and one other health worker in Hirshabelle on 27 May." 185880,42506.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/El_Salvador_2020_10_PB_EN.pdf,"Maize, beans, and rice are the main source of calories and protein in the diet in El Salvador.In times of acute stress, sorghum may also be consumed. Maize, beans, and sorghum are produced by smallholders and larger farmers in the country, but rice is almost entirely imported. Central Market at Gerardo Barrios in San Salvador," 298966,51152.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Heavy flooding submerged 3 storage warehouses in Ayod and Twic East in Jonglei and Pibor and destroyed large quantities of medical supplies and drugs that had been prepositioned in those health facilities. 314807,54184.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/covid-19-en-rdc-debut-de-la-vaccination-lundi-allegement-du-couvre-feu-404666,"""La vaccination sera volontaire et la priorité sera accordée au personnel soignant, aux personnes vulnérables souffrant des maladies chroniques et à toutes les personnes exposées à un flux important dans l'exercice de leur travail"", a rassuré M. Kankonde." 206791,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The situation is exacerbated by attacks on health facilities, with the closure of 20 per cent of them." 357141,58234.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security-wheat/syrian-drought-puts-assads-year-of-wheat-in-peril-idUSKCN2DX0JB,"[21 June 2021, Overall Syria] But Damascus is unlikely to get any supplies from farmers under the Kurdish-led administration in the northeast, where over 60% of the country's wheat is grown." 169305,40031.0,1185.0,['Nutrition'],[],[],en,28,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"Vulnerable groups most at risk of prevalent forms of malnutrition in Peru – stunting, anaemia, overweight and obesity – have improved nutrition status by 2022." 162495,34181.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,111,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77792.pdf,"Gobierno Nacional emitió el Decreto 990 del 09 de julio 2020, a través del cual se extiende el concepto de Aislamiento Preventivo Obligatorio hasta el 01 de agosto, y establece medidas diferenciadas para la recuperación de actividades productivas en algunos municipios con baja afectación o sin esta. Dentro del decreto se evidencia que continúa la restricción para eventos públicos o privados que generen aglomeraciones, para los municipios con bajo número de casos positivos de COVID-19 y en acompañamiento del Ministerio de Salud y del Interior darán inicio a los pilotos para la activación de establecimientos comerciales guardando las medidas de bioseguridad como distanciamiento y uso de tapabocas" 304061,50891.0,2466.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"During the year, 82,810 emergency affected children (52% girls) have been provided with access to safe learning spaces, despite an overall funding gap of 44 percent. This represents an 83.5 percent achievement of UNICEF’s Education humanitarian response plan in terms of the provision of access to education for children." 257059,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"[In order to lend support to protection clusters at national level] A task force composed of UNICEF, UNFPA, OCHA, UNWOMEN, IOM, OHCHR, UNHCR and SOS has been established to draft the strategy as well as the TORs which are being commented on and will be further adopted." 172657,40938.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=205978,"[11th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced that 45 new Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been registered in Syria ,and that 25 patients infected with the virus have been recovered while 3 others have passed away." 388615,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],fr,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la matinée du mardi 22 juin 2021, des membres d'un GANE ont violenté des femmes entre Mansila et Babonga localité située à 7km de Mansila dans la province du Yagha. Dans la matinée du mercredi 23 juin 2021, des femmes de Mansila qui s’étaient rendues dans le village de Teparé située à 15 km de Mansila pour s’approvisionner en vivres ont été victime d’exaction de la part d’un GANE qui les a dépossédés de leurs achats." 307719,53292.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"A one-month food distribution for March is ongoing in Maruwo for 4,969 people. During the remainder of March, distributions are ongoing targeting the remaining households in Pibor" 152482,37831.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"A UN Development Programme study1 published in 2018 estimated that prices for essential goods skyrocketed by 50 percent, while daily wages dropped by at least 15 percent. This year, the COVID-19 crisis exacerbated the already critical situation." 16475,6352.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,81,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"17.8 million Yemenis are food insecure, with 8.4 million on the brink of starvation and needing emergency humanitarian assistance to stay alive. Needs are driven by the reduced level of commercial imports, increased hostilities, displacement, disrupted incomes and livelihoods, and alarming depreciation of the Yemeni Rial. Moreover, high prices of fuel ad diesel coupled with insecurity are affecting transportation and restricting movement of commodities leading to rising prices of basic food commodities." 388350,60981.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,20,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Se requieren capacitaciones y kits de uso de tiempo libre para 1.300 niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes." 125934,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,44,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"During round 30 DTM Mobility Tracking data collection (March - April 2020), 625,638 migrants were identified in Libya. 93% of the migrants in Libya were reported to be adults, whereas 7% were reported to be children." 16803,7075.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,136,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"The ongoing conflict and the resultant economic crisis are the main drivers of food insecurity in Yemen. Four years of protracted conflict have left the country’s critical economic and civil infrastructure in ruins, displaced more than three million people, led to significant loss of income and livelihoods, increased prices of basic foods up to double pre-crisis levels and pushed the economy close to a downfall. The liquidity crisis and the hard currency scarcity from commercial banks in the entire country affect the overall economic system, on both supply and demand sides. On the supply side, imports of essential commodities continue to suffer from lack of foreign currencies as a result of continued depreciation of Yemen Riyal (YER) against US Dollar (USD)." 286911,51627.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,169,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Perceptions of lockdown and curfews: Participants discussed the possibility of lockdown (i.e. a broad emergency measure, closing private and public spaces and keeping people home as much as possible but maintaining essential services) or curfew (i.e. a narrower administrative order, imposed frequently such as during riots or violence in specified hours and areas, to keep people home and public spaces and essential services such as markets and schools closed for a set number of hours). Participants did not distinguish between lockdown and curfew in their responses, instead highlighting challenges related to implementation of either measure and questioned their feasibility in camps given existing overcrowding, shared toilets and showers, and the crucial absence of enforcement bodies. “Two or three members of each household go out to work daily to provide for their families. How would you impose curfew? It would be a crime!”" 308288,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Resupply of health and nutrition facilities were impacted. There is a lack of nutritional supplies (Ready-to-Use Food and Corn and Soya Blend++) at some nutrition sites, including Paliang, Wuncuei, Rumabuth, Kuel-chuk, Makuac and Paweng. As a result, 230 pregnant and lactating women identified as acutely malnourished were not admitted to the nutritional programmes in the 6 facilities mentioned above. Nutrition Cluster partners with support from the logs cluster is exploring ways to improve storage capacity for repositioning, including mobile storage units." 281090,43256.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"[Due to Chronic vulnerabilities, diminished coping capacities and a lack of access to basic services] 6.2 million people are affected by problems related to physical and mental wellbeing in Cameron" 207281,44693.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,86,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Région de Tillabéri : À Ouallam, le mardi 22 septembre, l’ONG APBE a procédé à la distribution de 200 kits abris à l’endroit des déplacés internes et 50 Kits aux autochtones vulnérables. À Abala, la situation des abris est acceptable. À Banibangou, la plupart des abris des PDI sur les sites de Hamataye et Kabebangou sont en état de délabrement. Les PDI essaient de construire des abris de fortune avec les tiges de mil." 257027,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"To strengthen the GBV response, 300 dignity kits have been distributed to 300 girls and women on the IDP site of Tadress near the city of Tillbéri. 700 other kits have been distributed to 350 refuges and 350 IDPs at Abala." 205200,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"MARCH 2020: Despite the deployment of large security forces along the border since 2015, Boko Haram's cross-border attacks continue to be violent, particularly in the departments of Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga. As a result, the number of IDPs continues to increase in the Far North region. The region is now home to 527,000 people living in forced displacement (297,500 IDPs, 112,500 Nigerian refugees and 117,000 returnees without sustainable solutions)." 19257,7830.0,730.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,45,['At Risk'],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/01/1030462,"Hudaydah carries more than 70 per cent of all humanitarian aid and commercial goods into the war-ravaged nation, and future talks towards a listing peace settlement for Yemen, rely on a ceasefire holding, in line with the agreement made in Sweden." 60702,17936.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Insecurity and communal conflict between farmers and herders: Insecurity continues to restrict livelihood activities including functionality of markets and optimal recovery of economic activities, which underscores pronounced levels and, in some cases, deterioration of food insecurity in the most affected areas. The already fragile security situation in the northeast is further exacerbated by communal conflicts between farmers and pastoralists, particularly in some areas of Adamawa State, most notably Numan, Demsa and Lamurde, where a correlation was seen between high incidence of these communal conflicts and food security situation in such areas" 200164,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the east, basic social services do not have the capacity to meet the demand of the entire population, including that of Central African refugees. Since the refugee’s arrival, the existing centers, already few, have been overcrowded and are experiencing insufficient human and material resources." 187619,43282.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Partners continued to raise awareness and disseminate COVID-19 information on prevention, reaching more than 786,740 people through house-to-house visits, health facility awareness sessions, community meetings, SMS messages, mosque announcements, and sound truck announcements. In addition, at least 10 million continued to be reached across Somalia through radio spot programs." 126385,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,Los datos evidencian que los hogares unipersonales o de tamaño pequeño son más propensos a estar en inseguridad alimentaria. 492582,67931.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] SMEB Water Trucking Price Increase NWS average: 13,725 SYP per 4,500 litres One month price change: increase of 3% Six month price change: increase of 22%" 206522,44551.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=210921,"[22nd November, 2020, Overall Syia] Health Ministry announced on Sunday that 71 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 54 patients have recovered while 4 others have passed away." 133578,35119.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Según informara oportunamente la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones,26 entre noviembre de 2018 y el 30 de septiembre de 2019 se iniciaron 196.200 trámites de radicación por el sistema RADEX —un número casi equivalente a los turnos cancelados para 2019—. Un tercio de los trámites fueron iniciados por personas venezolanas, seguidos por personas provenientes de Paraguay y de Bolivia." 391122,61177.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Oil and natural gas, and biomass constitute the main sources of energy for Nigeria; however, there are significant efforts to harness the high potentials available from solar and wind. Currently, the majority of rural communities remain off the grid, and approximately 60% of the population lack access to electricity. At the current rate of grid expansion, they will largely remain under-served.83 Nigeria has the second largest proven crude oil reserves in Africa with oil fields located in the south, specifically in the Niger Delta and offshore in the Gulf of Guinea. Current exploration activities are mostly focused in the deep and ultra-deep offshore, with some activities in the Chad Basin in the northeast of the country." 67767,19750.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71782.pdf,"Protección: 8.745 beneficiarios. Servicios de prevención de riesgos a través de transporte, viáticos y otras ayudas ad hoc. 8.745 beneficiarios." 225544,45087.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Equally concerning is that as the lockdown continues and families become increasingly poorer, there is a risk that some of the children who were going to school prior to the pandemic will be unable to continue to pursue an education. This increase in the probability of permanent drop-outs will significantly affect children’s wellbeing and future." 401776,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,87,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Do not waste time seeking advice of traditional healer. The only proven therapy for snakebite envenomation is antivenom and supportive treatment at a health facility depending on the toxicity of the snake and the symptoms developed by the patient. During transfer the affected part must be immobilized and the victim must be encouraged to stay still. Do not apply tourniquets/ligature in the bitten limb as inappropriate application could lead to loss of limbs too." 439426,63592.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 24% (79) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population ne se sentait pas en sécurité la majorité du temps au cours du mois précédent. Dans 86% (49) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que les attaques armées/combats étaient le principal type d'incident dans lesquel plusieurs civils ont été tués ou gravement blessés au cours du mois précédent" 257055,48672.0,2333.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,3 sanitation sessions were conducted with the support of 81 community structures members in Abala and Ouallam. 193846,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Certaines provinces du sud qui avaient une faible prévalence de MAS en 2018 ont connu une dégradation de la situation avec des taux plus élevée dépassant le seuil critique de 2%. Il s´agit principalement de Logone Occidental (2,3%), Tandjilé (2,2%), Chari-Baguirmi (2,3%) et Salamat (4,2%)." 35503,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,145,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"There was very limited time to fully explore the extent to which humanitarian crises had an effect on adolescent malnutrition including wasting, underweight or micronutrient deficiencies; inadequate assistance, treatment and care of adolescents with disabilities or injuries; violence, such as that as experienced by child soldiers who are primarily boys, and survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse (including early or forced marriage, and female genital mutilation) who are primarily girls and women; HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, early pregnancy, maternal conditions, unsafe abortion, and general sexual and reproductive health needs such as access to condoms and other forms of contraception; water, sanitation and hygiene needs, including materials and facilities for menstrual hygiene management; and mental health problems such as anxiety or trauma (14)." 174663,41366.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.legit.ng/1375169-breaking-fg-finally-orders-civil-servants-resume-october-19.html,"[19th Oct 2020, Nigeria]The federal government has asked all the workers in its employ to resume work on Monday, October 19 - The order was given on Thursday, October 15, by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Boss Mustapha, during a briefing on COVID-19 - Mustapha said that the civil servants were asked to stay at home in March to contain the spread of COVID-19." 175451,41213.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Le contexte économique reste difficile. Le Burkina Faso est l’un des pays les plus pauvres du monde, classé 183e sur 188 pays selon l’indice de développement humain des Nations Unies (2016). Près de 40 % de Burkinabè vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvreté (moins de 2 dollars par jour) selon la banque mondiale." 358477,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Rapid Assessment Findings (by % of 237 KIs in communities affected by water station functionality): Most commonly reported coping strategies used to deal with insufficient water: - 57%: Reduce water consumption (non-drinking) - 43%: Rely on less preferred water sources (non-drinking) - 41%: Spend money on water that would be used for other things - 25%: Rely on less preferred water sources for drinking" 492594,67931.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] Manually Refined Diesel: 1,675 SYP per litre One month price change: increase of 2% Six month price change: increase of 17% % of surveyed vendors reporting manually refined diesel as unavailable in their community/neighbourhood: 7%" 229609,44602.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Immediate verification and registration of the affected population for S-NFI items. Only people whom their houses were collapsed submerged by water and lost NFIs in the process of escaping flood would be the targeted beneficiaries for S/NFI cluster response. 226629,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Things may never return to ‘normal’, and millions of girls and boys will stay trapped in cycles of violence and stressful lives, limiting their potential." 86125,23802.0,1620.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nigeria_2020-01-24.pdf,"Communities in north-west Nigeria face dire living conditions due to a surge in attacks in 2019 from groups in the region. It drove 42,000 Nigerians to seek refuge in Niger and a further 200,000 to look for safety elsewhere in Nigeria. The level of severe child malnutrition in the area is at emergency levels." 112495,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,89,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Las medidas tomadas por el ICBF en este sentido son paliativas y temporales. Se centran especialmente en ofrecer un espacio de cuidado y albergue para niños y niñas cuyas madres o familias trabajan en calle. Sin embargo, las condiciones de vulnerabilidad y habitación en calle han llevado al aumento de índices de niños, niñas y adolescentes abusados, explotados sexualmente, consumidores de drogas u ofrecidos para la prostitución inclusive por sus cuidadores, lo cual desborda la capacidad de respuesta de la organización." 203576,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,70% de la population dans l’ouest de la région d’Agadez et 60% de la population dans le centre de la région sont considérés en insécurité alimentaire chronique. 128830,34596.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"When humanitarian agencies disseminate information on COVID-19, they should clearly emphasise that the recommendations come directly from healthcare professionals (where applicable), thus highlighting that this information has been verified by the source communities trust the most." 155153,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,31,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,El 77% de la población encuestada refirió la necesidad de alojamiento permanente ante la no posibilidad de retornar en los próximos meses a sus lugares de origen en Venezuela. 489254,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Difficulties faced when trying to find a place to rent (% of HHs who are renting): 65% Accommodations too expensive, 23% Large first deposit, 21% Accommodations not close to basic services or livelihoods, 13% Accommodations too small, 8% Landlord refusing to rent to IDPs and 2% Inadequate documentation." 236031,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"It is important to note that these services [psychosocial support, safe shelter, access to justice, empowerment] are not always free for all the survivors in the conflict affected NWSW regions, discouraging most of the victims and their families from seeking support exacerbating the consequences of GBV on survivors and their families, and jeopardizing their resilience." 301215,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Injured'],en,183,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[14th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] 14 March 2021 − A Rohingya man, allegedly a member of the Salman Shah gang, has been shot dead during a confrontation with other rival gangs in Nayapara Camp. A second man was stabbed and injured. Amader Shomoy (Bang.) , Channel i Online (Bang.) , Dhaka Tribune (Eng.) − A Bangladeshi teenager named Mosharrof died after falling from tree in Pekua. Coxbangla (Bang.) − Miscreants have assaulted a college girl in Ukhiya. Dainik Coxsbazar (Bang.) − On 14 March, Police conducted an operation and arrested a youth with 1000 pieces of yaba in the Vend Bazar area under Fashiakhali Union of Chakoria Upazila in Cox’s Bazar. Coxbangla (Bang.) − RAB arrested a Bangladeshi man with 10,000 yaba tablets in Ramu. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − Police have arrested a Bangladeshi person from Teknaf for cheque forgery. Coxsbazar News (Bang.)" 174975,40888.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,105,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3675651,"El aumento de la violencia coincide con un marcado aumento en el reclutamiento y la utilización de niños y niñas por parte de grupos armados, situación que los pone en peligro directo. El primer semestre de 2020 hubo un aumento decinco veces en el número de niños y niñas reclutados en comparación con el mismo período del año pasado. Esta tendencia preocupante se debe en parte a la pandemia del coronavirus: a medida que las escuelas y otros servicios de protección han cerrado, los niños y niñas se han convertido en un objetivo más fácil para los grupos armados." 224194,45763.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,93,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Au niveau de l’axe Gounougaya- Fianga, aucun cas de malnutrition n’a été rapporté au niveau des centres de santé visités. Il faut noter que les agents de santé de cet axe n’ont pas reçu de formation sur le protocole national de prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe. Les enfants âgés de moins de cinq ans référés vers l’hôpital de district sont ceux qui ont des complications médicales nécessitant un plateau technique conséquent (anémie, détresse respiratoire etc.)." 216996,45551.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/431083-how-covid-19-lockdown-fuelled-gender-based-violence-csos.html,"[14thDec2020,Nigeria]The Chief Executive Officer, Comfort Literacy Interventions and Capacity Enhancement (CLICE) Foundation, Comfort Onyaga, said lots of people in Rivers state reached out to her foundation during the period of restricted movement in the state. She also noted that the economic impact of the pandemic led to severe violence in some homes." 142122,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"UNICEF supported training for 86 NGO health workers and programme volunteers on IPC measures and rational use of PPE in Homs. As detailed in previous reports, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East UNRWA continues to support increased sanitation activities through 120 sanitation labourers (18 recently recruited) at the nine official and accessible Palestine refugee camps (and one informal camp). In cooperation with General Administration for Palestine Arab Refugees (GAPAR), water provision is currently being enhanced at the camps." 188592,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Au total, 1 195 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 27/10/2020 dont 1 144 nouvelles ; 1 143 (95,6%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 93 (8,1%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." 346888,56987.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,66,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Education has also been closely linked with social cohesion among the Rohingya, and lack of education may result in increased stigma towards those who are uneducated. The overall decrease in safety and security and increased protection issues faced by children may prevent parents from sending their children to TLCs once they reopen." 188049,42884.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200815-rdc-coronavirus-reouverture-frontieres-aeriennes-maritimes,"Les liaisons aériennes et maritimes intérieures en RDC, également suspendues depuis mars dernier, ont à nouveau été autorisées. Ainsi, ce samedi matin, a eu lieu le premier vol de reprise pour Congo Airways, la compagnie nationale. Une centaine de personnes s’étaient présentées à l’embarquement de Kinshasa, mais toutes les liaisons et toutes les compagnies n’ont pas encore repris." 475617,63776.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Plusieurs violations des droits humains ont été identifiées notamment des cas de meurtre, de restriction de liberté, d’enlèvements, d’arrestations, de vols et pillages et de coups et blessures. 16 cas d’incidents se sont produits dans la province du Yagha faisant d’elle la plus touchée de la région. Viennent ensuite les provinces du Séno avec 7 cas, du Soum avec 6 cas et en dernière position la province de l’Oudalan qui enregistre 5 cas. Ces incidents ont fait un total de 116 victimes dont 96 hommes, 17 femmes et 3 enfants." 126435,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"En total, la tasa de participación laboral formal e informal es del 84% (83% para los hogares migrantes y 86% para los hogares de acogida)" 227042,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The Taliban caused 45 per cent of all civilian casualties in the first nine months of 2020 (2,643 civilian casualties 1,021 killed and 1,622 injured). This constitutes a reduction of 32 per cent in comparison to the same period last year; mostly due to fewer civilian injuries from suicide attacks and ground engagements, although this was partially offset by an increase in civilian casualties from pressure-plate IEDs and targeted killings." 292257,52161.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,20,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202103230144.html,"Among the displaced are an estimated 140,000 disabled people who struggle with discrimination, exploitation, and accessing aid." 197516,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"As of May 2020, a total of 380,000 people has been reached with protection services and information, including 155,000 people by GBV partners, and about 28,000 by HLP partners. Child Protection partners reached a total 156,911 people including 91,191 children, with child protection services (child protection messaging, information sharing, PSS and case management) across Somalia." 132631,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Desarrollo de procedimientos de orientación para el cumplimiento de los estándares mínimos para albergues temporales 160437,38373.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,46,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Antioquia, aunque también han recurrido a la estrategia virtual para continuar con las clases, se identificaron fallas en el acompañamiento por parte de las instituciones educativas en algunos barrios como La Iguaná, Manrique, Popular 1 y en la vereda Granizal." 163892,34165.0,1183.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,27,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Eventos climáticos extremos y crisis sociales agravan el panorama en diversos sectores, con alto impacto en la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de la población." 136884,35314.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Between 13 and 22 July, several new restrictions were announced by ministries to limit the spread of COVID-19, including inter alia a reduction on daily court sessions, the closure of in-door weddings and condolence gatherings, and the announced suspension of Eid Al Adha prayers and all religious teaching seminars in Damascus and Rural Damascus governorates." 18169,7262.0,321.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],en,48,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000101571.pdf,"Following four years of economic recession, in 2017 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Libya was estimated at 55 percent growth compared to the previous year.1 The improved performance was driven by a revival in oil output and a pick-up in global oil prices." 150913,36670.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,155,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"La Asociación de Restaurantes de El Salvador (ARES) ha informado que, desde el inicio de la pandemia hasta el 10 de agosto, un 30 % del sector de restaurantes cerró operaciones definitivamente por la falta de recursos económicos para cancelar salarios de empleados, pagar el alquiler de locales y recibos de luz y agua. Según Leo Guzmán, presidente de ARES, otro 20 % de restaurantes clausuró sus servicios temporalmente y advirtió que, si se continúa postergando la reapertura de la fase II, la cantidad de recintos que venden comida cerrados podría incrementar hasta un 50% porque están al borde del colapso. La Fase I de la reapertura tendrá vigencia hasta el 23 de agosto del corriente año, y es en la segunda etapa que se permitiría que los restaurantes y cafetines abran en espacios más libres para atender a grupos pequeños." 217944,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Livestock support, poultry and kitchen gardening are potential activities to enhance food security, nutrition and income of vulnerable communities." 204271,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"68% des ménages [de Maradi] ont consommé des légumes tous les jours, proportion la plus élevée à l’échelle nationale." 224181,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,37,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,les populations riveraines du fleuve Logone ont exprimé le besoin pressant de construire des digues en matériaux durables le long du fleuve pour éviter que la situation [problèmes d'accès] se répète dans le futur. 204307,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les options de réponses « retirer les enfants de l’école », « se séparer d’un enfant le confiant à quelqu’un d’autre », « se séparer d’un enfant en le mariant », ont été sélectionnées par moins de 1% des ménages [de Niamey] interrogés" 182571,42364.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/nigeria-virus-cases-top-62-500-as-infections-surge/2024419,"[30thOct 2020, FCT, Lagos, Plateau states] Till date, 62,521 cases have been confirmed, 58,249 cases have been discharged and 1,141 deaths have been recorded in 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, NCDC said. With over 21,000 infections, Lagos remained Nigeria’s worst-hit city. It is followed by the Federal Capital Territory, which includes the capital Abuja, with more than 6,000 cases, and the southwestern Plateau State, where more than 3,600 cases have been confirmed." 738,156.0,321.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,145,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The most regularly adopted food coping strategy was to rely on less preferred and less expensive foods, used on average two days out of the previous seven. On an average of one day per week, households reported reducing the quantity of food they ate, either by limiting portion sizes or by reducing the number of meals eaten per day. On the positive side, a far lower proportion of households reported relying on the more heavily weighted and therefore more negative coping strategies (restricting consumption by adults – average of 0.3 days in the week prior to data collection; and borrowing food or relying on help from friends or relatives – average of 0.1 day). Overall, 42.3% reported not resorting to any food-related coping strategy at all (rCSI score of 0)." 305739,50889.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"While CMAM (Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition) programming is in place, funding gaps and lack of staffing undermine coverage of routine MUAC [Mid-upper arm circumference] screenings, nutrition outreach and IYCF (Infant and young child feeding) activities." 355509,58182.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/02062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundacion_en_mitu_vaupes_vf1.pdf,"l menos 35 viviendas (35 familias, >150 personas) requieren respuesta humanitaria con kits de hábitat, debido a que las viviendas resultaron averiadas y con pérdida de enseres. 15 de estas familias se desplazaron por la inundación total de sus viviendas y se encuentran alojadas en sus redes de apoyo con amigos y familiares." 181194,42443.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/143_covid_snapshot_WA.pdf,"Additionally, although all respondents have heard of COVID-19, information on access to services is lacking: not knowing where to go for healthcare or having clarity on what is advised for testing or treatment are among the top obstacles to accessing healthcare." 226935,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,Pro-Government Forces and Anti-Government Elements caused a similarly high number of child casualties during the reporting period. 152697,38098.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’OMS renforce la capacité et la biosécurité des laboratoires 83 043 600 millions CFA (environ 140 751 USD), telle est la valeur d’un lot de réactifs, consommables et équipements de laboratoire remis par l’OMS au Ministère de la santé pour renforcer la riposte à la pandémie du COVID-19 au Burkina Faso, le 27 mai 2020." 286905,51627.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,118,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Several participants provided some misinformation when asked about COVID-19 transmission, prevention, and high-risk people. Examples included expecting certain and rapid death after infection, all ages being affected similarly, and inaccurate hygiene techniques such as only washing with water (without soap). Several were unable to identify high-risk household members. Many stated that they would seek immediate help from health facilities if they contracted the virus, which contradicted local guidelines advising symptomatic patients to self-isolate if able to cope. “The first thing I would do is take them [infected people] to the hospital where they can be treated”" 165515,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three issues accessing distribution points (107responses)† Takes long time to reach the distribution point (89%) Longer waiting time than usual (65%) Discrimination at distribution center (8%) 147684,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO, UNICEF, Health and WASH partners are working closely with relevant authorities to enhance IPC measures across public spaces, support health facilities, and to integrate measures across humanitarian programmes." 283242,51140.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,52,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/INFORMEbaja_DTM_GENERAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10918,"El 7% de NNA entre 15 y 17 años afirmaron no saber leer (5% son niños y 2% niñas) y el 6,1% de los entrevistados en este mismo rango de edad, indicó no saber escribir (4,4% niños y 1,7% niñas)." 248973,47559.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,68,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Il faut noter que dans lesdites communes, un consensus n’a toujours pas été trouvé entre les GOA et populations hôtes. Selon les informations recueillies du monitoring, les GOA auraient imposé leurs lois ; une imposition que les leaders communautaires n’ont pas acceptée. Des cadres de négociations sont prévues en décembre 2020 en vue d’aboutir à un consensus." 185959,43194.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,37,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Enfin, le prix du kilogramme de sel évolue entre 1 600 et 2 100 FC depuis le début de l'année. On peut noter que son prix a doublé entre juin et août à Kinshasa." 196038,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Enabling Programmes has recognised the need to increase their coordinated efforts due to the stretched capacity in country and the shifting need to provide an alternate delivery model due to COVID-19. 219527,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"As of 13 May, almost 10 MT have been dispatched to Dhuusamareeb, Kismayo, Baidoa, Jowhar, Hargyeisa, Garowe and Baraawe on behalf of the FMoH. The Cluster has facilitated the delivery on loan of one Mobile Storage Unit to the FMoH for storing medical equipment." 345196,56855.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] UNHCR through his partner AIRD has assisted 87 South Sudanese households recently relocated in Bele site (Haut Uélé Province) with construction kits consisting of hoe, shovel, metal bucket and hammer to help them build their shelters." 35766,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Ujoh and Kwaghsende (2014), in their analysis of the spatial distribution of health facilities in Benue State, concluded that maldistribution of health facilities resulted in overcrowding and consequent lack of proper attention to patients (43)" 393216,62158.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the community feels social isolation, lose of livelihood and stigmatization are the most challenges faced by the families after losing a family member in their communities because of COVID 19." 180596,42290.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,120,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"La situation de logement pour les personnes déplacées internes est devenue critique avec les inondations qui ont causé la chute de plusieurs maisons dans les périphéries des zones d’accueil. À défaut d’être logées dans une famille d’accueil, les PDIs prennent un loyer où elles peinent à payer à la fin du mois. Ceux qui sont logés dans les maisons d’accueil sont confrontés au manque de matériel de couchage tels que les nattes, les moustiquaires, les couvertures. L’accès au logement dépend des moyens financiers que l’on dispose soit pour construire, acheter une maison prête à y habiter ou prendre en location." 111930,29953.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Afecciones físicas causadas por estar inmóviles en el cuerpo de sus madres o padres durante el recorrido (para niños de brazos) o por las largas caminatas y los cambios de altura que causan afecciones respiratorias, nutricionales, musculares y en la piel." 217955,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Food price monitoring should also continue in the major markets of the country and measures should be taken to expand food price monitoring, as most of the communities are relying on the purchase of food from local markets." 205216,44635.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] Al-Qabalawi added, “I feel worried and nervous, starting from receiving the body until burying and throwing dirt over it. I am afraid of transmitting the infection to my old parents, whom I live with at the same house because I am in constant complete contact with the coronavirus victims during the burial process. We transferred and buried the bodies of the deceased persons with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.”" 166544,40078.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/33_August_2020.pdf,"(4 sep,2020) Passengers must test negative by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from country of exit 96 hours before departure and preferably within 72 hours pre-boarding." 81890,22512.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,181,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"Los miembros del GIFMM también se ocuparon de las necesidades humanitarias específicas a las niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNA). En lo que respecta al sector de educación, 17.900 NNA – la mitad de los cuales se encontraron en Nariño – accedieron a espacios educativos construidos/mejorados/dotados o apoyados, y otros 4.200 recibieron servicios de educación de emergencias. Además, se atendieron casi 31.600 NNA menores de cinco años con desnutrición aguda. Por otro lado, los miembros del GIFMM complementaron las acciones antes mencionadas con la prestación de alojamiento de emergencia adecuado y seguro a aproximadamente a 1.800 personas y de subsidios de arriendo a más de 280 personas; la ayuda con el transporte humanitario llegó a 2.750 individuos; la entrega de elementos no alimentarias (NFI por sus siglas en inglés) a unas 4.500 personas; y la distribución de transferencias monetarias multipropósito a más de 1.000 individuos. Finalmente, alrededor de 12.700 beneficiarios recibieron un producto informativo sobre acceso a mecanismos de satisfacción de necesidades humanitarias básicas." 22174,9074.0,786.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,23,[],['Context'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.justiceinfo.net/en/live-feed/40268-venezuela-opposition-plans-aid-hub-in-brazil-mobilizes-volunteers.html,Humanitarian aid has emerged as a central challenge to Maduro since Guaido declared him illegitimate and proclaimed himself interim president last month. 60719,17936.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,130,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Moreover, a pronounced level of food insecurity was recorded in Yunusari LGA (55.0 percent) in Yobe State compared to other LGAs within the same state, which was partly due to the impact of the conflict in adjoining LGAs such as Geidam and prolonged dry spells which affected the yield from the planting season. In Adamawa State, Guyuk, Yola South, Gombi, Demsa, Madagali, Michika and Numan LGAs had the highest food insecurity prevalence of 37.3 percent, 27.6 percent, 25.5 percent, 25.4 percent, 21.0 percent, 19.5 percent and 18.9 percent respectively due to pockets of communal clashes between pastoralists and farmers and increased dependency from IDPs due to displacement into capital cities like Yola South." 276246,50677.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,115,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Le Conseil Norvégien pour les Réfugiés (NRC) continue de développer ses programmes de soutien à l’éducation primaire dans les départements du Mayo-Sava et du Mayo-Tsanaga. NRC apporte une assistance pour favoriser l’égalité d’accès à l’éducation pour les enfants des familles les plus vulnérables, notamment parmi les ménages déplacés internes dans les deux départements. NRC apporte par exemple, un appui aux établissements primaires de Nguetchewe (Mayo Tsanaga), violemment frappé par une attaque de groupes armés le 1er août, sous forme de dotation en matériels didactiques, kits récréatifs et par la redynamisation des structures de gouvernance scolaires." 132487,34344.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Incrementar el acceso a la información y documentación: esto involucrará la sistematización de la información en los mecanismos de regularización y cumplimiento de los derechos nacionales para refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela para incrementar los sistemas de información nacional con información actualizada y precisa en los Centros de Información dirigidos por los socios del GTRM. Con el fin de alcanzar esto, será necesario fortalecer el trabajo de las instituciones públicas tanto a nivel local como nacional, mejorar las capacidades del socio para entregar datos actualizados y exactos, así como promover los espacios conjuntos del gobierno para servicios integrales para integración de los refugiados y migrantes en el país" 94028,26519.0,1620.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,57,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200302_Nextier-SPD_Policy-Brief-_Entrenching-Peace-1-2.pdf,Insurgency and terrorism-related violence associated with Boko Haram and ISWAP remain the driver of extreme insecurity across the North East of Nigeria and parts of the Sahel. A report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) reveals that 14 million people across the six states in the region have been affected by the conflict 132508,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La respuesta del sector se enfocará en generar información actualizada y verificada con el fin de ayudar en la toma de decisiones, pero también incluirán a los beneficiarios en el manejo de su propio conocimiento en nutrición y salud nutricional. Asimismo, los sectores de gobierno y salud adoptarán estrategias para mejorar el acceso adecuado a suplementos de hierro y alimentos nutritivos, prácticas esenciales en alimentación, higiene y atención de la salud materna e infantil, y acceso a los servicios de salud y programas sociales." 248258,48236.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"Lagos State has 21 private and 4 public health laboratories accredited forCOVID-19testing. So far, a total of 316,801 samples have been tested, with 47,871 diagnosed as Positive." 269689,49808.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,91,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Malgré l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre par les gouvernements successifs de nombreux politiques et programmes en matière de population et développement (CSLP, SCADD, PNDES, etc.), la population reste caractérisée par un niveau élevé de pauvreté. En effet, la proportion des pauvres dans la population globale est passée de 48,6% à 40,1% entre 2003 à 2014 [INSD, 2014. Enquête multisectorielle continue (EMC) 2014 Profil de pauvreté et d’inégalités 90p]." 144715,34877.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,The health assessment mission to Rukban with SARC did not take place. Active engagement ongoing with all relevant parties to obtain the needed approval and agreement from all parties on the distribution modality to proceed with the mission to Rukban as soon as possible. The situation is dire following the closure of border access to the clinic in Jordan and the interruption of commercial traffic. 457615,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,80,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les personnes à besoins spécifiques rencontrent des problèmes spécifiques de protection selon 58% des répondants. Ce sont entre autres l’incapacité de se déplacer en cas de besoins (35% des répondants), les violences psychologiques (35% des répondants), les dénis d’accès à l’aide humanitaire (15% des répondants). Les hommes sont des cibles pour les IANI (4% des répondants)." 134137,34837.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El 31% de los entrevistados reportó encontrarse en una situación de precariedad laboral, por no contar con un contrato de trabajo" 276108,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,105,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"[2] [ Transposition des instruments juridiques internationaux relatifs à la protection des enfants et au genre à la législation tchadienne] Ils se transcrivent dans : - La loi N°28/PR/2018 du 22 novembre 2018 portant attribution, organisation et fonctionnement de la commission nationale des droits de homme dont l’une des missions est de formuler des avis sur la condition de la femme et de lutter contre les viols, les mariages forcés et les VBG conformément aux normes internationales par la sensibilisation sur des mesures préventives ou des recommandations de sanctions appropriées contre les auteurs, co-auteurs et complices." 292315,52305.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,93,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://dotnews.org/2021/03/08/eln-lanza-amenazas-a-civiles-en-narino/,"En sus últimos dos puntos, el documento revela queserán objetivo militar los establecimientos comerciales que permitan la presencia de “damas de compañía”y aquellos que andan solicitando una contribución a los comerciantes y lecheros de la zona en nombre del ELN. “Estamos logrando una limpieza democrática a nivel de localidades, ya que nos reconocerán que lo que hacemos, lo hacemos por amor al país (…) juramos por la patria que aniquilaremos a cada líder y colaborador del Gobierno”, añadió el volante." 226918,45087.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,32,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,Reaching the most vulnerable with adequate funding is essential for all girls and boys to ensure their families are able to engage in sustainable income generating activities in these devastating times. 164603,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,47,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"6 Rohingya refugee fatalities due to COVID-19, and 42 host community members. 34 Rohingya refugees in isolation who are suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, and 1,032 host community members. 331,000 Rohingya refugees and host community members reached with 662,000 reusable cloth masks" 127676,34498.0,1620.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cccm_shelter_nfi_june_2020_factsheet.pdf,"As the challenges of congestion continue, eviction notifications were received in Dikwa LGA of Borno state in a self-settled camp in a location that used to be a concrete block-making industry before displacement" 304529,53106.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Vaccination']",en,66,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-6000-cases-for-2nd-straight-day/67005,"[April 2, 2021, Bangladesh] The government launched a countrywide vaccination campaign on February 7 with doses received from the Serum Institute of India. Bangladesh inked an agreement with Serum in December last year for 30 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. Serum is supposed to supply the doses between January and June this year – 5 million each month." 222995,45471.0,2170.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Borno state, with a population of 5.6 million, relies heavily on rural livelihoods: agriculture, pastoralism, and fisheries management. Explosive ordnance contamination continues to hamper the ability of affected populations to access basic services, sources of livelihoods, and land for farming and grazing." 393212,62158.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] 34% mentioned other factors which includes, marketplaces and not adhering to the preventive measures can also increase the severity of COVID 19 outbreak in their communities, 33% said cultural practices of hand shacking, praying and eating together can also increase, another 33% mentioned not adhering to preventive measures and guidelines put in place." 299311,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 14 instances, humanitarian partners were directly impacted by a checkpoint." 304826,53078.0,2333.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,30,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,L’assistance humanitaire reste très difficile à cause de l’insécurité et des limitations liées aux opérations militaires en cours dans la zone [zone de Tahoua] 198684,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Au total, 233 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 17/11/2020. Au terme de la journée, 323 échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 53 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, y compris ceux des 52 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." 304451,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"According to WFP, over 90 per cent of refugees are cannot afford the local food basket" 386446,60870.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,24,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Se evidencian larvas de vectores en canales que quedan alrededor de los cambuches y moho en algunos lugares debido al exceso de agua estancada 7154,1505.0,321.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2020%20April%202018.pdf,"In Libya, UNHCR continues to respond to the needs of internally displaced Libyans (IDPs), including through its leadership of the Protection Sector. This week, UNHCR is providing assistance to families who were recently displaced in the southern region. For the first time since the intensification of clashes in the South, UNHCR and LibAid are distributing solar lamps, sleeping mats, kitchen sets, hygiene kits, and additional non-food items (NFIs) in Murzuq to respond to the most urgent humanitarian needs." 206894,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"More than 9,350 pre-primary schools, mostly run by communities (64%), have shut down and almost 550,000 children (51% girls) aged 3 to 5 are missing out on formal early stimulation and early learning which is very important in creating a solid foundation for life-long learning and useful citizenship." 145476,35868.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Al%20Hol%20Snapshot_26Jul2020.pdf,"An eighty-bed isolation area has been constructed two rub-halls, two large tents and three family-size tents." 388321,60981.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"En enero se registraron enfrentamientos entre GANE y combates entre éstos con el Ejército en la vereda Las Cuatro, que se extendieron durante varios días; como consecuencia, la infraestructura de la escuela de la vereda se vio afectada por impactos de bala." 176621,41731.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,53,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Les jeunes filles, les femmes âgées PDI et les jeunes garçons n’ont pas le sentiment d’avoir des besoins spécifiques tandis que les femmes hôtes âgées, les hommes âgées PDI et hôtes, les hommes PDI et hôtes ont besoin des dotations pour les mesures anti- COVID-19." 320922,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,103,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Les personnes retournées de l’Angola depuis 2018 représentent actuellement une proportion relativement importante de la population des zones de Kalomba (28%), Tshibala (26%), Bilomba (18%) et Ndekesha (18%) (C5). Cependant, la majorité (75%) des personnes retournées de l’Angola ont regagné leur territoire d’origine." 359434,58399.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] From childhood to adulthood, young girls to adolescents and adult women, face more limitations on their access to education, employment, health care, and other domains, than men. Women are only entitled to reproductive purposes and bound to do their household works, and they are not allowed to work outside of the home." 247810,48085.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,87,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"The continuation of vaccination campaigns is also vital. Immunization campaigns covering yellow fever, polio and other diseases were delayed in many AU Member States this year. While there have been promising reports of vaccination campaigns picking up again (Ethiopia and Chad conducted major polio vaccination campaigns in November), yellow fever outbreaks have occurred in Guinea, Nigeria and Senegal. All three countries have acted quickly to contain the outbreaks but are also managing a record rise in COVID-19 cases." 171504,40704.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] A total of 45 World Vision WASH staff and 155 volunteers (from the both the Rohingya and host community) were trained and involved in awareness raising. We targeted Camps 7, 8E, 8W, 13 and 15, while Camp19 was covered by World Vision’s partner agency Bangla German Sampretee (BGS). A total of 54,900 people at household level were reached with COVID-19 messaging, which focused on handwashing, cough etiquette, isolation, social distancing and the importance of wearing masks." 346870,56987.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,72,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] The diversion of resources from non-COVID-19 health services to the COVID-19 response and the global border closures in 2020 resulted in a shortage of medical personnel and resources, negatively impacting the delivery of regular health services such as routine immunization (RI), sexual and reproductive health (SRH), psychosocial support, and the treatment of non-communicable diseases." 386430,60870.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,53,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En el lugar receptor los NNAJ se encuentran altamente expuestos a violencia sexual, utilización en actos delictivos, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y riesgos por inmersión en el rio Sinú. Todo ello debido a que no cuentan con actividades dirigidas, ni espacios protectores en el lugar de alojamiento temporal." 191320,43417.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,40,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/toxic-brew-instability-armed-violence-extreme-poverty-hunger-and-covid-19-putting,"Adolescent girls, in particular, are increasingly vulnerable to sexual abuse or child marriage or pregnancy. And armed attacks on communities, schools, health centres and homes has made daily life in these communities a nightmare." 261776,49486.0,2311.0,"['Education', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Los niños, niñas y adolescentes del país principalmente aquellos que tienen limitado acceso a internet y a dispositivos tecnológicos y que no acceden a educación, ya que los centros educativos carecen de servicios WASH de calidad que permitan la realización de los protocolos de bioseguridad mínimos para protegerse del virus que causa la COVID- 19, y así poder volver a clases de manera presencial." 189736,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´espérance de vie est de 53,2 ans (54,5 pour les femmes et 52 pour les hommes), bien inférieure à la moyenne pour l´Afrique sub-saharienne (58,5 ans)." 177282,41744.0,2099.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,78,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Les bonnes pratiques d’hygiène qui sont essentielles, particulièrement en cette période de COVID19 ne sont pas appliquées par les PDI. 93% des personnes interrogées {au sein des 105 ménages enquêtés} ne se lavent pas les mains de manière non hygiénique (seulement avec de l’eau). 79% des ménages {sur les 105 ménages enquêtés} ne connaissent pas les moments clés de lavage des mains." 71046,20258.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://weblog.iom.int/joint-op-ed-venezuelan-displacement-demands-coordinated-international-response%E2%80%AF?utm_source=IOM+External+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=10041abef2-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_10_25_09_00&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9968056566-10041abef2-43608941,"Nonetheless, many of these host communities, especially in remote border areas, are facing immense pressures as a result of the new arrivals. National capacities and host communities are being stretched to breaking point. Classrooms are overflowing, and health facilities or the housing market are under intense pressure. The irresponsible use of social media and radical statements by some politicians are fueling xenophobic reflexes. Regional solidarity and political will are rapidly eroding in the face of insufficient international support." 276744,50610.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,66,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March,2021, GoS] Since reopening in September, 2,221 cases have also been reported in schools; including at least 21 reported deaths. Of these, 1,343 were reported to be teachers/administrative staff. These cases also highlight the challenges of preventing transmission in schools, particularly given the overall context of overcrowded classrooms, teacher shortfalls, and poor/damaged infrastructure." 384874,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Séances de sensibilisations communautaires pour améliorer les connaissances des communautés sur les causes des décès maternels dont les consultations prénatales précoces, les avantages des accouchements assistés, l’importance de l’utilisation des MII (Moustiquaires Imprégnées d’Insecticides) et l’importance de la nutrition. Au cours du mois de juin 1261 personnes ont été touchées par ces sensibilisations dans les DS de Sebba et de Dori." 389646,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"La incidencia acumulada de COVID-19 en el departamento de Amazonas (línea punteada azul oscura), donde hay 8 casos confirmados por cada 100 habitantes y que fuera la más alta del país la mayor parte de la pandemia, fue rebasada por promedio nacional." 293605,51569.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Summary of findings; • The community lacks water purifiers for water treatments • There are no water points in where IDPs had settled • There is a lack of Hygiene kits, soaps, and water containers" 495157,67230.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Aunque según la Superintendente Nacional de Migraciones, una gran cantidad de venezolanos son profesionales que podrían contribuir con la economía en el Perú19, la principal dificultad para desarrollar una actividad económica es obtener PTP, lo cual es un requisito para poder trabajar formalmente." 276328,50677.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,73,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"L’inaccessibilité de la zone [Mogogné, Ayouri2, Gadalayo dans le canton de Kossa, arrondissement de Mora dans le Mayo-Sava] pendant la saison des pluies n’a pas permis de conduire une évaluation plus approfondie des besoins pour ces localités. Toutes ces populations sont en situation de vulnérabilité et les besoins ne sont pas encore couverts, faute d’accès et de ressources disponibles." 236032,46890.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In the two regions 18,979 individuals (11,242 in the NW and 7,736 in the SW) from 1,805 households benefited from shelter cluster support in August 2020." 158969,39161.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,45,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"In an area where famine was averted only a few years ago and where millions are still struggling day by day to find their next meal, the steep rise in prices and movement restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic are an insufferable shock." 297688,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Meanwhile, the number of levy requests as well as access constraints stemming from kinetic activity doubled in 2020. Levies thereby continued to be one of the major challenges for humanitarian partners." 22398,9159.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/espa-destinar-un-m-nimo-de-2-millones-de-euros-en-ayuda,"La Oficina de Acción Humanitaria da respuesta a las diversas necesidades humanitarias en Venezuela, especialmente en dos sectores humanitarios clave: la seguridad alimentaria, atendiendo a los más de 4 millones de personas en situación de subnutrición en el país; y la protección de la salud, en un contexto en el que entre el 70% y 90% de medicinas y material hospitalario necesario no está disponible, según organizaciones humanitarias que trabajan en el país." 192592,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,98,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Traditional gender norms guide everyday life for most South Sudanese. Men are responsible for providing financially for their families, and for assets such as cattle and land. Women control the homestead and household items, as well as small animals. Conflict has changed some practices, and in many cases, women have had to take care of their families alone. Inheritance rights are largely clan specific, and most women are not able to inherit the land and other significant assets of their deceased husbands unless they have a male child." 486174,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] 32% of HHs in NWS living in IDP settlements are obliged to pay rent." 126444,34397.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"En Arauca, los hogares migrantes gastan mensualmente un promedio de 43,256 COP (12.9 USD) en alimentos per cápita, es decir menos de 0.5 USD por día; y el promedio de sus gastos mensuales no alimentarios es de 68,837 COP (20.5 USD). El promedio y la mediana para ambos gastos mensuales alimentarios y no alimentarios son más altos para los hogares de acogida que para los hogares migrantes. Esta misma tendencia también prevalece para los gastos mensuales totales y per cápita." 347693,56800.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Moreover, Rohingya perceive them as a “problem” after they moved to the camps. Every day since they are here they have received messages implying that everything they do is wrong, and they don’t belong here. This brings a lot of hopelessness and depression. During COVID-19 they had strong feelings that their religion was a problem, which humanitarian community wanted to change their religious practices, including burials." 321118,54668.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,77,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Sur les huit villages où les relations entre les PDIs et la communauté d’accueil sont explicitement mauvaises, les raisons évoquées sont liées aux moyens de subsistance et aux ressources naturelles (75% et 50% des villages, respectivement)." 22878,9312.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,51,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-civilians-caught-tightening-siege,"LNA forces deployed there have severely restricted movement of people and goods, preventing the delivery of food, water, fuel, and medical care to those inside, according to sources and UN reporting. The Hiftar forces are known to have allowed aid distribution elsewhere in Derna." 347880,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] The recently concluded MSNA study has reported that 98% of the respondents reported having increased their handwashing practices since COVID-19. 73% of the respondent HH are practicing handwashing before eating, 69% after defecation" 276699,50610.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,107,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March,2021, GoS] In Syria, 15,696 laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported by the MoH to date: 7 in Ar-Raqqa; 35 in Al-Hasakeh; 62 in Deir-Ez-Zor; 261 in Quneitra; 716 in Hama; 853 in As-Sweida; 945 in Dar’a; 1,177 in Tartous; 1,518 in Rural Damascus; 2,267 in Homs; 2,305 in Aleppo; 2,409 in Lattakia; and 3,141 in Damascus. Since the last report, 1,648 new cases have been announced. The MoH also announced 1,008 fatalities, an increase of 137, in addition to 9,961 recoveries." 452584,63185.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/atrocity-alert-no-263-burkina-faso-ethiopia-and-syria,"Extremist violence has also led to an increase in sexual assault and the exploitation of women and girls. According to reports, women have suffered from harassment while registering for humanitarian aid at some displacement sites. They have also allegedly been asked for cash in exchange for adding their names to government-controlled aid eligibility lists." 36919,13321.0,788.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"In total, 21,149 children under the age of five were admitted for the management of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) without medical complications across out-patient therapeutic (OTP) sites. Some 1,332 children were treated for SAM with medical complications in 33 in-patient stabilisation centres, while management of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) reached 1,517 children between the ages of 24 and 59 months." 17469,5431.0,322.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"In terms of stocks, 76,000 MT of wheat grain are prepositioned in silos in Al Hudaydah and Saleef sufficient for 988,000 households for one month. Other prepositioned stocks in Al Hudaydah include 60,000 basic hygiene kits sufficient for 20,000 families; 30,000 transit kits with implementing partners sufficient for 30,000 households; 3,370 NFI kits sufficient for 3,370 families; and 4,440 emergency shelter kits sufficient for 4,440 families. More stocks are being prepositioned across Yemen." 194443,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Depuis le début des opérations, le laboratoire a analysé 73 763 échantillons à la recherche du SARS-CoV-2, prélevés chez 69 638 cas suspects de COVID-19. Un cumul de 11 517 cas étaient positifs, soit une proportion de cas positifs autour de 16,5%." 163670,39493.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,49,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,FUNDING: UNHCR’s global additional funding requirement to support the prevention and response efforts for COVID-19 was revised to US$745 million on May 11. Bangladesh is one of the priority countries. US$25.5 million is required until the end of 2020. 323859,54898.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/economia/adaptacion-digital-formula-para-proteger-a-las-empresas-colombianas-en-la-pandemia/20000011-4510822,"ABRIRSE A LA ADAPTACIÓN DIGITAL Bajo estas nuevas condiciones, la tecnología juega un papel fundamental para que los emprendimientos puedan seguir prestando sus servicios o comercializando sus productos" 293606,51569.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Summary of findings; • There are no proper hygiene practices observed during the assessment as all the people do not have household latrines • Women and girls lack female dignity kits • Lack of handwashing facilities at homes 328676,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 92% and 77% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported no child-friendly spaces in their community. 36943,13321.0,788.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"As at 10 April, the reception centre in Bama was hosting 6,861 new arrivals, who are mostly sleeping out in the open without shelter. The military in Bama agreed to an extension of the IDP camp and partners have conducted an inspection visit for site planning purposes." 17841,7208.0,321.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67474.pdf,"UNHCR’s Community Day Centres in Tripoli provided more than 26,870 refugees and asylum-seekers with psychosocial support, medical assistance, cash and NFIs. UNHCR and partners conducted over 1,374 monitoring visits to Libyan detention centres and advocated for the release of POCs. As a result, in 2018, 2,709 persons in need of international protection were released from detention following UNHCR’s intervention" 347777,56800.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,88,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Like the Rohingya community, gendered divisions of labor are evident in the host community where it is predominantly women who are responsible for childcare, collecting water and firewood, cooking, cleaning, and overseeing the health care of family and relatives over long hours. Unlike in the refugee community where men are engaged to some extent in non-traditional roles, men in the host community maintain rigid gender roles." 154891,38099.0,2099.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,102,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Ainsi, l’impact de la covid-19 et des mesures prises pourraient engendrer: • Une baisse de l’offre globale sur les marchés des denrées alimentaires et une pression inflationniste sur les prix. • Une augmentation du chômage et une baisse du revenu monétaire des ménages. • Une augmentation des dépenses des sociales de base (sante, hygiène et assainissement). • Une baisse de la production nationale et une capacité d’assistance étatique réduite. • Une grande partie de la population à fort risque d’insécurité alimentaire et de malnutrition." 199188,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,17,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,Ces personnes n’ont pas bénéficié d’assistance depuis leur arrivée dans la zone. 347779,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,49,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] The report further shows that people with disabilities are more likely to be at risk of sexual abuse and exploitation. Women and girls living with disabilities, particularly those with intellectual disabilities, are vulnerable to sexual violence." 385614,60457.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région du Nord, les résultats de production sont en baisse pour les différents produits maraîchers (oignon, pomme de terre et tomate) par rapport à l’année passée, notamment en raison des attaques de nuisibles, ce qui a occasionné une hausse des prix de plus de 15 pour cent pour des denrées de base." 276130,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,149,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"L’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) et le Programme Alimentaire Mondiale (PAM) font l’enregistrement des personnes déplacées internes et retournés Tchadiens dans la province du Lac. Aussi, le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unis pour les Réfugiés (HCR) et plusieurs acteurs humanitaires ont enregistré des données biométriques des retournés tchadiens du site de Dar el Kheir en 2017. Toutefois les outils actuellement utilisés par ces agences ont des limites du fait qu’ils ne permettent pas d’une part d’avoir des données biométriques (empreintes digitales et / ou balayage de l’iris) pour une meilleure vérification de l’identité de la personne, ou ne facilitent pas la prévention de la fraude en temps réel sur le terrain, et sont non-accessible aux autres acteurs d’autre part." 152713,37924.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,64,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 06 au 12 juillet 2020, environ 373 individus en partance soit au Niger soit au Burkina Faso ont contourné les voies officielles sur l’axe Dori – Seytenga (Burkina Faso) – Petelkolé (Niger), en conséquence de la frontières imposée par les autorités burkinabè dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." 492080,67724.0,1224.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,52,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"On 11 December, an enabling environment and political stability in the country encouraged the European Union to disburse €19.8 billion (approximately US$92 million) to Guyana, to aid in inclusive and sustainable development as the country moved to create a “better life for all”." 322709,54747.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Nutrition LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 43% for stress and lowest was 3% for no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per Nutrition LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 50% for stress and lowest was 2% for no or minimal." 340752,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Lecciones aprendidas: Esta experiencia es relevante porque no solo abarca el desarrollo de herramientas para el docente, sino que también plantea el acompañamiento centrado en el etnoeducador y su trabajo con los estudiantes. La mochila de aprendizajes aporta los lineamientos para el trabajo pedagógico intercultural, pero son los docentes los que enriquecen la experiencia de enseñanza-aprendizaje con su práctica." 130926,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Imposibilidad de orientación familiar cara a cara a poblaciones en necesidad dada la orden de cuarentena, aumentando el riesgo de desinformación y rumores en la población en mayores condiciones de vulnerabilidad." 298753,52631.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"C’était le doute au départ. Puis, la panique. Ensuite, des protestations contre l’idée de la vaccination contre le Coronavirus. Et maintenant que le vaccin est bel et bien arrivé en RDC, la population est plutôt calme." 274198,49666.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,75,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Mahagi] Par ailleurs, bien qu’il est encore difficile d’évaluer l’impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur l’économie et la sécurité alimentaire des ménages dans la zone enquêtée, les restrictions en vue de contenir la propagation de cette pandémie, ont négativement influencé les revenus de la population du territoire de Mahagi dans la mesure où les échanges transfrontaliers ont été sensiblement réduits." 294051,51273.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,105,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"Most households in rural areas now relying on food stocks and income from their average to above-average first and second season crop production. Pastoralists and agro-pastoralists are also consuming the food stocks they procured for winter after selling livestock. However, income from remittances is likely below average, affecting many poor households across Afghanistan. Overall, given this and given the impacts of protracted conflict on the labor market, many poor households likely do not have sufficient income to meet all essential non-food needs, with Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes expected across most of the country." 498760,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,152,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"Maximiliano is 24 years old, a senior nursing student at the Argentine Red Cross Superior Institute in Salta, a province located in the northwest of Argentina that borders Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay. He is also responsible for the humanitarian camp of the Argentine Red Cross in Salta, where he and his colleagues support 800 indigenous families of Wichis, Toba and Chorote ethnicities every day. The project started at the beginning of the year due to the declaration of an emergency following the death of 10 indigenous children from malnutrition and lack of access to water. According to Maximiliano, “it was at this time when the Argentine Red Cross decided to implement a humanitarian camp to provide health care, food and drinking water to indigenous families affected by malnutrition and drought, and to support the development of their capacities”." 184754,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] While there has been an increase in testing, under-testing due to limited testing capacity and low detection/ surveillance capacity remains a challenge" 180541,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,89,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Pour les chiffres en termes de personnes déplacées internes en attendant une mise à jour, on peut retenir ce qui suit selon les échanges avec l’action sociale dans le cadre du monitoring de protection : 130 213 pour toute la région de l’Est avec 101 769 pour la province du Gourma, 5 013 pour la Gnagna, 12.047 pour la Komondjari, 6 267 et 5 117 pour la Kompienga selon les chiffres de l’action sociale de l’Est." 171224,40771.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,Les PDI dans la région du Sahel sont répartis dans des familles d’accueil et sur des sites d’accueil officiels et temporaires. 164843,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"In the north-east, UNICEF trained 392 frontline health workers and 1001 community resource persons from the three states on case identification, referral and Infection Prevention and Control including standard precautionary measures such as environmental cleanliness & disinfection, donning and doffing of PPEs, etc. UNICEF also distributed 100 pieces of disposable aprons, 30 packs (3,000 pcs) of hand gloves and 756 pieces of facemasks to UNICEF supported health facilities in Borno and Yobe States" 227463,46523.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elvenezolanocolombia.com/2020/12/migracion-forzada-mantiene-a-839-059-ninos-venezolanos-alejados-de-sus-padres-en-2020/,"Un dato que diferencia la niñez dejada atrás reportada en 2019 de la actual es que ahora hay un porcentaje mayor de niños, niñas o adolescentes que permanecen bajo el cuidado de sus mamás. Hoy las principales cuidadoras son las madres 50%." 226633,45087.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,The most recent nutrition surveys in Afghanistan show that an estimated two million children under five will suffer from the most life-threatening form of extreme hunger annually. 475465,64944.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,74,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"les cas d’enfants séparés et d’enfants non accompagnés seraient estimés, selon un échantillon de 42 participants aux focus groups réalisés au cours de ce mois, à 36% pour chacune des problématiques. Les autres problématiques qui concernent les cas d’enfants associés aux groupes armés et d’enfants en situation d’exploitation représenteraient respectivement selon les mêmes acteurs 7% et 21%." 490053,67394.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,160,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] A total of 741 refugee cases were admitted to DTC and other health facilities with AWD isolation capacity. Out of the cases, 21% were severely dehydrated, 29% had some dehydration and 49% showed no sign of dehydration at the time of admission among refugees. As of 11 August 2021, around 1400 Community Health Workers (CHWs) have been trained on key messages on health/hygiene promotion and prevention of acute watery diarrhea, following a training of 120 CHW supervisors and managers in previous weeks. UNHCR, as chair of the Community Health Working Group (CHWG), has organized and facilitated the training. UNHCR is also supporting with printing and distribution of hygiene promotion and AWD prevention IEC materials to help enhance awareness and prevention measures in the camps, other agencies are providing support as well." 240941,47675.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"In order to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, on 1 November, the Government of Chad extended by two weeks the curfew in the most affected provinces (Guéra, Kanem, Logone Occidental, Logone Oriental, Mayo-Kebbi Ouest, Mayo-Kebbi Est, the city of N'Djamena, Mandelia, Lougoun-Gana, and N'Djamena-Farah)." 343858,56755.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,98,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PROTECTION%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf,"Refugee and migrant children and adolescents from Venezuela face challenges in transit and destination, due to the lack of safe pathways for them and their families. Based on the high prevalence of irregular status across the region, which may be aggravated by factors such as ethnicity, gender and disability, they are highly vulnerable and often encounter forms of violence, abuse, and neglect, including recruitment by irregular armed groups, labour and sexual exploitation, and are at heightened risk of GBV, human trafficking, smuggling, and discrimination." 304829,53078.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,102,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Une évaluation récente conduite par les acteurs humanitaires du 1er au 13 octobre 2018 dans la région de Tillabéri a révélé que 6783 personnes restent encore dans le besoin en biens non alimentaires (BNAs) et en vivres au niveau des villages de Tinagar, Tarhabout, Tissohe situés dans la commune d’Ayorou et le village de Talatatat (40 km de Tangshman). D’autres zones dans les départements d’Abala, d’Ayorou, de Banibangou, de Tilia et de Tassara restent encore inaccessibles alors que les besoins se font pressants." 228387,46627.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],['Information And Communication'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Conversations with protection actors in Afghanistan identified gaps in information around knowledge of, attitudes towards and impacts of COVID-19." 224233,46162.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"As a result [of government measures against covid 19] , the income of very poor and poor households is declining in most parts of the country due to reduced employment opportunities, especially in urban areas." 286907,51627.0,2028.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Several participants indicated that coronavirus itself was not their main concern. Their main concerns were having better infrastructures, particularly improved sewerage and waste management, access to clean water, and private toilets and bathing facilities. Most stressed that facilitating livelihoods and better economic opportunities were crucial for people in the camps." 291398,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"A technical working group comprised of government and UN organisations and chaired by the Ministry of Public Health has developed plans for vaccine operations, cold chain management, communication, surveillance, training and monitoring and evaluation/data, and will complement the existing Vice Presidential COVID-19 Task Force." 163887,34165.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,111,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• La FAO ha mantenido comunicación y acompañamiento a las comunidades de los departamentos de Nariño, Chocó, La Guajira y Putumayo; de esta manera, se ha identificado entre el mes de mayo y junio de 2020, que las familias aún presentan dificultades para la adquisición y comercialización de alimentos e insumos agropecuarios, así como variación en sus precios. Esta situación la asocian a las restricciones para movilizarse derivadas de las medidas de aislamiento preventivas frente al COVID-19. En términos generales se ha percibido desabastecimiento de cereales como la pasta, maíz, harinas y arroz, así como algunas verduras y huevos." 186563,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"The January 2005 signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the southern-based Sudan People’s Liberation Army officially ended more than two decades of north–south conflict during which famine, fighting, and disease killed an estimated 2 million people and displaced at least 4.5 million others within Sudan. In July 2011, South Sudan became an independent state following a referendum earlier in the year." 244245,47682.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"The Ministers of Public security, Territorial administration, Armed forces, and Oil and Mines, have been instructed to take all necessary measures to ensure “the immediate closure of all illegal goldmining sites across national territory”, except for those already approved and certified by the mining sector." 17053,7145.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography']",en,27,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/libya-repatriates-12-children-of-isis-fighters-to-egypt/,"Libyan authorities repatriated last Thursday 12 Egyptian minors, whose fathers were killed in the fighting between Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous Operation forces and ISIS militants in Sirte." 439640,63257.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les IC ont rapporté la présence de programmes nutritionnels à distance de marche dans 96% des localités évaluées au cours des 30 derniers jours. 172879,40676.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Cette augmentation [du nombre de personne ayant besoin d'une assistance alimentaire et d'un soutien pour le maintien de leurs moyens d'existence] est due à l’épidémie de COVID-19 qui affecte la disponibilité et l’accès aux vivres des personnes vulnérables, particulièrement celles étant déjà affectés par l’insécurité alimentaire aigüe, celles vivant dans des zones urbaines densément peuplées ou encore les ménages ayant un membre malade ou décédé des suites du virus." 293894,50852.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"Percentage of Households in each Food Consumption Score category, by population group: Refugee: Acceptable (46%), Borderline (35%), Poor (19%). IDP: Acceptable (40%), Borderline (39%), Poor (21%). Non- Displaced: Acceptable (79%), Borderline (16%), Poor (5%)." 89852,25499.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,70,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/northeast_nigeria_ipc_acute_malnutrition_analysis_27feb2020.pdf,"The major contributing factors of acute malnutrition, particularly in Northern Borno, Central Borno and Southern Borno, are: seasonality changes in food production such as the lean season when food is less available, an increase in food prices, unavailability of diverse food groups, an increased prevalence of some diseases such as measles and Acute Respiratory Infections, and insufficient access to potable water." 272618,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Les Transferts Monétaires (TM) sont utilisés comme modalité de réponse au Niger depuis 2017 Conformément à l’engagement du Grand Bargain de 2016 298831,52629.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-14-zones-de-sante-ciblees-par-une-campagne-de-vaccination-contre-le-cholera-au-haut-katanga/,"C’est le ministre provincial de la Santé, le docteur Joseph Nsambi, qui a donné le go de cette campagne de vaccination au marché Moïse situé au quartier Kasapa, dans la commune Annexe. C’était en présence de plusieurs personnalités politiques et sanitaires de la province. D’après le docteur Nsambi Bulanda, sur 27 zones de santé concernées par cette première phase, 14 zones ont enregistré durant les trois dernières années plusieurs cas de décès dus au choléra." 153942,34182.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,15,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Inexistencia de una ruta de atención en salud mental a las personas en tránsito. 221664,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The humanitarian crisis in Somalia continues to deepen and spread, while the aid operation remains woefully underfunded. As at 11 September, the 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan for Somalia, through which $1.01 billion had been sought to deliver aid and protection to 3 million people out of 5.2 million persons in need, was 56 per cent funded ($568 million), the lowest level of funding received by that time of year since 2016." 221759,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The safety of humanitarian operations remains a key concern. At least 249 humanitarian personnel were directly affected by security incidents, the majority in southern and central Somalia." 57871,16848.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,59,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.hart-uk.org/news/august-2019-update-the-situation-in-north-and-central-belt-nigeria/,"In northern and central Nigeria, Fulani militants continue to engage in an aggressive land-grabbing policy. They seek to replace diversity and difference with a monochrome ideology (similar to Boko Haram’s) that is imposed with violence on those who refuse to comply. Thousands of Christians have been killed since the insurgency began." 293086,51965.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,47,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://monusco.unmissions.org/sud-kivu%C2%A0%C2%A0la-monusco-facilite-un-atelier-sur-la-probl%C3%A9matique-des-enfants-dans-les-conflits-arm%C3%A9s,"L’atelier avait pour objectif la réactivation du Groupe de Travail Technique Conjoint (GTTC) sur les Enfants et les Conflits Armés, après l’interruption en 2017 des travaux de ce groupe, à la suite des développements politiques au niveau national." 156623,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"The number of tests conducted among the FDMN/Rohingya refugees has improved. In week 29, number of tests/1million population was 357 compared to 43 in week 25." 190972,42037.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs in all 17 assessed settlements said there was no isolation centre on site, and KIs in 15 assessed settlements said there was no COVID-19 information centre on site" 226202,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Au total, 611 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 27/11/2020. Au terme de la journée, 67,9% (n=415) échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 68 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2 et incluant ceux des 67 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." 298963,51152.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"A pre-emptive oral cholera campaign (OCV) was concluded in Bor. During the first round of OCV campaign in December 2020, a total of 63, 280 people were vaccinated representing coverage of 88 per cent. During the second round of the campaign ended on 14 January 2021, a total of 56,615 people were vaccinated against a target of 71,852 people representing 78.8 per cent coverage." 234155,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] As of 06 December 2020, according to the DGHS Press Release 3,075,680 COVID-19 tests were conducted in Bangladesh with the overall positivity rate of 16.28% (8.7% in last 24 hours) by 160 laboratories. As of 20 December 2020, test per case is 6.14 which indicates the number of tests required to identify 1 case." 355050,57984.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://diariodelsur.com.co/noticias/local/dotaran-mas-de-300-instituciones-educativas-en-putumayo-691933,"En total serán 350 instituciones educativas las que resulten beneficiadas con la entrega de mobiliario, que incluye comedores, cocina, menaje y dotación general para residencias estudiantiles de algunos internados en el departamento del Putumayo. La entrega se inició en la ciudad de Mocoa y a medida que la situación de movilidad en el departamento lo permita, seguirá desarrollándose en Puerto Asís, Puerto Caicedo, Orito, Valle del Guamuez, San Miguel y Puerto Leguízamo." 382891,60300.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_situacional_local_Costa_Caribe_-_Enero_a_marzo_2021.pdf,"Del total de la población refugiada y migrante que se encontraba en la Costa Caribe, solo el 30% contaba con su Permiso Especial de Permanencia, según informó Migración Colombia." 78890,19604.0,1234.0,[],[],[],en,43,[],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/trinidad-and-tobago/national-security-agencies-ground-response-piparo-mud-volcano-activity,"To maintain public safety and security, officers from the Princes Town Fire Station, the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) and Municipal Police have cordoned off the area to prevent members of the public from entering the space." 272834,50353.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,76,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"In order to manage survivor data with survivor’s full informed consent for the purpose of improving service delivery, and ensure that the collection, storing, analyses and sharing of GBV reported cases is done safely and ethically, the GBV AoR under the leadership of UNFPA trained 27 frontline GBV actors in the NW region, from 26 to 28 November on the GenderBased Violence Information Management Systems (GBVIMS)." 240701,45197.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,85,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA attributed 21 per cent of overall civilian casualties to Afghan national security forces, eight per cent to international military forces and the remainder to pro-government armed groups and undetermined Pro-Government Forces. The last civilian casualty incident of the quarter attributed to international military forces occurred on 17 February, before the ‘reduction in violence’ week, when an airstrike in Kushk district of Herat province resulted in the deaths of eight civilians (three women and five children)." 202626,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"People with disabilities are more likely to be exposed to danger from attacks, including because of barriers to escaping and staying out of harm’s way, and because of the degradation of the support systems which existed before the crisis." 245830,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"PAGEPAGE Some residents who have lost their homes, had also lost their jobs prior to the explosion due to the economic meltdown, or they have lost their jobs and source of income after the explosion. Consequently, these people are facing high levels of hardship" 494246,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] In August 2021, the national average retail price of sugar increased by 13 percent m-o-m, reaching SYP 2,318/kg. Moreover, the national average price has increased by 21 percent since February 2021 (six months ago) and by 95 percent since August 2020. Dar’a recorded the highest sugar price at SYP 2,446/kg (up 16 percent m-o-m), while Al-Hasakeh recorded the lowest price of SYP 1,852/kg (up five percent m-o-m)" 340756,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,170,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"El Instituto de Estudios Rurales Mama Bwe Reojachó, dirigido por la Misioneras Lauras, tiene la misión de brindar procesos etnoeducativos, estableciendo alianzas con otras Instituciones que favorezcan la formación integral de los estudiantes a partir del ejercicio de prácticas agropecuarias y organizacionales con miras a fomentar el derecho a la vida, pensamiento diferente, territorio y sentido de pertenencia. Esta institución, junto con los líderes del pueblo Coreguaje ha trabajado varios años para crear el Modelo Pedagógico Coreguaje, único en el país. El Instituto de Estudios Rurales Indígenas creó su modelo pedagógico a partir de la chagra que es la forma como los pueblos amazónicos cultivan su alimento, lo que favorece el policultivo –siembra de diferentes alimentos en el mismo terreno–. Teniendo como centro esta actividad, desarrollan las clases de matemáticas, física o química, al tiempo aprenden a cultivar la tierra para abastecer a las familias de alimentos, preservar sus conocimientos y fortalecer su identidad." 136791,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Of the total cases, 104 cases were reportedly imported as of 24 July, with 203 reported as secondary cases (exposure/contact with a known case).According to available MoH data, nearly 28 per cent of cases required hospitalization, including, in some cases, oxygenation or mechanical ventilation in ICU units." 157573,38422.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,18,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/30072020_BDRCS_SitRep4_Flood2020.pdf,BDRCS continues sharing flood and concurrent COVID-19 awareness messages through RCY volunteers and its social media platform. 219180,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Response operations are being scaled up to meet the needs of the most vulnerable, with funding from the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund and the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund, among other sources." 289403,51168.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"A total of 15,593 dignity kits are needed for distribution in the six counties." 144181,35197.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,68,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/argentina/unicef-actualiza-la-estimaci-n-de-pobreza-infantil-alcanzar-m-s-de-8-millones-de,"La encuesta UNICEF muestra que, más allá de la apertura de actividades, de la flexibilización de la cuarentena en parte del país y del programa de asistencia al trabajo y a la producción, hay 2,6 millones de hogares que tienen susingresos laborales reducidos. Es el 45% del total de los hogares encuestados: en abril, las reducciones afectaban al 60%." 272818,50353.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"In the framework of the COVID-19 response, WHO provided four vehicles to the RDPH in the NW and three in the SW to support field activities of the response teams. Assessments were carried out in the regional hospitals of Bamenda, Buea, Limbe and the Tiko district hospital, to seek ways of improving the existing intensive care units and water supply in these facilities." 226933,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The frequent fighting in populated areas had a particular impact on women and children, who made up more than two-thirds of civilian casualties from indirect fire, including mortars, rockets, and grenades during ground engagements between the Taliban and the Afghan national security forces." 206580,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,53,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]The most commonly reported coping strategy for insufficient access to water was reducing domestic water consumption (32%) and this also varied across population groups with 28% of non-displaced and 48% of displaced households reducing domestic water consumption." 307723,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Health Cluster partners conducted 3,333 consultations in Pibor, of which 2,037 were curative consultations. Cluster partners received 57 Interagency Emergency Health Kits (IEHK), 2 severe acute malnutrition (SAM) for medical complications kits and 6 pneumonia kits." 177287,41744.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,35,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Cette évaluation révèle que 6% des femmes déplacées sont enceintes/allaitantes. Leur vulnérabilité et celle des nourrissons peut être accrue par la situation d'insécurité alimentaire, et les nouvelles conditions de vie précaires." 495114,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"De ellos 495 mil lograron acceder al Permiso Temporal de Permanencia (PTP). El 41.2% tiene carnet PTP, el 58.8% ha iniciado trámite PTP." 165511,39645.0,2098.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,71,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"The 2019 Joint Multi Sector Needs Assessment (J-MSNA) found at least one-third of households reporting “selling, sharing and/or exchanging food ration in the 30 days prior to data collection.16 Households selling or exchanging food rations is likely to have been exacerbated due to the decrease in income generating activities, such as cash for work, since the COVID-19 containment measures were introduced in March 2020." 492536,68124.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,116,['Impact'],"['Covid-19', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/270921ocha_syria_situation_report_dara_02_final.pdf,"[1 to 21 September 2021] As of 21 September, approximately 28,000 of the 36,000 people displaced from Dar’a Al-Balad and other areas have returned to their places of origin. This includes the estimated 1,400 IDPs in shelters in Dar’a AlMahatta and 2,000 residents of the camps in Dar’a Al-Balad. Movement restrictions on civilians have largely eased within Dar’a Al-Balad, the Nassib crossing to Jordan has reopened for civilian and commercial movement. The Sijneh and Saraya crossings were reopened on 6 September resulting in steady returns. Civilian movement is reportedly back to normal although explosive hazard contamination is hampering returns." 328595,54710.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,72,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]The main drivers of shelter & NFI LSGs were found to be Households without access to a safe and healthy housing enclosure unit (16%), Households whose shelter solutions do not meet agreed technical and performance standards (47%), Households without access to vital household NFIs (85%)." 408612,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"Between 2012 (when the peace negotiations started) and 2020, there were at least 1,457 cases of attacks against the civilian population1 and 433 civilian homicides in the region. Of these, 72% (1,050) and 79% (345), respectively, occurred in 2016 after the signing of the peace agreement" 187311,43204.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/425238-coronavirus-nigeria-records-highest-daily-tally-since-august.html,"[8th Nov 2020, Nigeria] Of the over 64,000 cases so far, 59,910 cases have been discharged in the 36 states across the country and the Federal Capital Territory. A total of 686,395 tests have been carried out across Nigeria" 280528,51090.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,75,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] Through coordination by the CHWG, COVID-19 messages reached 594 756 persons between 16-28 February 2021. Since the beginning of the response, CHWs have conducted more than 6 million household visits and had contacts with a cumulative number of more than 16.3 million adult household members. Through the CwC WG, 71 638 people were engaged in 21 961 small group sessions." 211246,44790.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The main drivers of shelter needs in Somalia are conflict, drought, flooding and evictions. 2.2 million people are in need of shelter and non-food item (NFI) assistance." 338368,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,79,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"For example, in some countries, girls faced multiple forms of discrimination in accessing education before the Covid-19 pandemic, and then faced additional discriminatory barriers to continuing formal education from a distance. Girls were far more likely to be expected to take on greater housework burdens, were less likely to have access to the internet than boys, and due to societal or familial restraints sometimes faced greater constraints on their interactions with others." 393207,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,87,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Chart 12.3 below shows that 55 out of the total health workers, caregivers and community leaders said it would be very serious and severe if COVID 19 spreads in the community, 75 said it would be serious if COVID 19 spreads, 18 indicates that it would be mild if COVID spreads, 9 said it would be very mild if COVID 19 spreads in the community. 17 indicates they don’t have an idea." 223939,46071.0,2225.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Les écoliers filles et garçons qui ne vont plus à l’école appuient les parents par le petit commerce ambulants (fruits, biens de 1ère nécessité), par conséquent seraient plus exposés à la pandémie à cause de cette mobilité." 328318,55008.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,81,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Aún preocupa la situación de la cocina comunitaria del CIC, debido a restricciones de espacio y capacidad de bodegaje. La ubicación de la olla no es del todo adecuada (cerca de zona de baños) y no hay zona exclusiva de alimentación, dadas las limitaciones de espacio. Las personas se alimentan, la mayor parte del tiempo, en las mismas carpas. Persisten necesidades en leña y alimentos perecederos (verduras y carnes)." 104839,30139.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy']",en,51,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Unprecedented shock to labour markets with biggest employment decline since WWII Halt in activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic had an immediate and sweeping impact on employment. Global hours worked could drop by 10.5 per cent this quarter, equivalent to 305 million full-time workers with a 48-hour workweek." 317524,54450.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Injured']",en,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/04/23/2-killed-in-chemical-warehouse-fire-in-old-dhaka,"[23rd April 2021, Bangladesh] The four burn victims sustained highest 35% burn injuries and receiving treatment at the ICU unit. The rest of the injured were kept in the post-operative ward as they sustained damage to their respiratory system, Dr Partho said. While visiting the hospital, Dhaka Deputy Commissioner (DC) Md Shahidul Islam said it is a very sad and unfortunate incident." 235904,46890.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Cluster partners are also exploring safer learning modalities that reduce the exposure of children and teachers to the risk of attacks. 322063,54362.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://ibague.extra.com.co/noticias/nacional/politecnico-grancolombiano-fundo-centro-para-migrantes-que-s-677686,"Paola Zuluaga, directora de la Escuela de Derecho y Gobierno, comentó que: “El centro de Investigación y Asesoramiento a migrantes del Polies una iniciativa que conducente hacia los estudios de la problemática que viven los migrantesy su nacionalidad en colombiana, orientado además a difundir informaciones relevantes, transparentes y estrictamente provenientes de evidencias estadísticas acreditadas, sobre las dinámicas migratorias en Colombia”." 155258,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,44,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Existe una absoluta concentración de las autoridades locales en la respuesta a la emergencia por COVID-19, por lo que la situación particular de migración ha sido invisibilizada en algunas zonas no fronterizas de la ruta y su atención es cada vez menor." 195963,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Au terme de la semaine 46, les bilans sont de 142 853 mouvements enrôlés et 142 618 (99,8%) screenés ; une alerte a été répertoriée et validée." 113003,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,79,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Posterior a la emisión del Decreto 749, el Ministerio de Salud ha entregado un conjunto de recomendaciones a Alcaldías y Gobernaciones de acuerdo con las condiciones específicas de cada territorio y según las cifras de contagio reportadas, identificando tres grupos de ciudades4: ciudades no COVID-19: se puede realizar una mayor apertura del comercio o o Ciudades ubicadas en el promedio nacional de contagio. o Ciudades con nivel de contagio superior al promedio nacional." 489951,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Survivors share on a daily basis the obstacles they face accessing care, such as: considerable distances between the place of assault and the first health centre offering quality treatment, extortion of money during the journey, the poor state of the roads, lack of money to pay for transport, and lack of awareness that sexual violence is a medical emergency for which there are services available." 167032,40141.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/411828-covid-19-nigerian-govt-warns-against-hasty-reopening-of-schools.html,"The Federal Government has called for caution as some state governments announce reopening of schools, saying that COVID-19 remains potent and very dangerous." 239132,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The first COVID-19 case in Afghanistan was confirmed on February 24, 2020 in one of the returnees from Iran in Herat province (COVID-19 Update: Ministry of Public Health - Afghanistan). Since then, many cases and clusters have been confirmed in various provinces." 452948,64224.0,1185.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,38,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Después del confinamiento por la crisis sanitaria generada por la pandemia de la COVID – 19 sus niveles de pobreza se han agravado y no han sido beneficiados con las medidas aplicadas por el gobierno peruano. 457614,65405.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,73,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Certains interrogés pensent que ce sont les hommes qui sont les plus vulnérables parce qu’ils ont la charge de la famille (3/9 groupes et 15% des répondants). Les enfants sont également mentionnés comme particulièrement vulnérables par 3/9 groupes et 31% des répondants parce qu’ils ne peuvent pas se défendre seuls, et dépendent de leur famille ou communauté pour subvenir à leurs besoins." 741,156.0,321.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Economy'],en,81,['At Risk'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"IDP adults were less likely to hold permanent jobs (30.1%, roughly 8 points lower than the overall rate), and 7.1% of IDP adults were engaged in daily labour compared to 3.2% overall, reflecting their higher level of economic vulnerability. Adult employment rates showed notable variation across mantikas, with the highest rates of employment (57.2%) found in Derna and the lowest (24.2%) found in Tripoli." 142184,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"One CCTC and one isolation hospital have been provided with PPE and IPC materials for one month. Also PoEs have been received a two-week supply of PPE. Under the COVID-19 taskforce, a survey was developed to track the gaps in PPE and IPC materials." 205229,44635.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,64,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] The SCD stressed that it is constantly following developments related to the virus and the ways of its spread and prevention, “to be fully informed of developments and transmit them immediately to the volunteers who have become one of the most important sources of awareness for civilians in northern Syria about the virus.”" 218377,45691.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,L’édiction de ces nouvelles mesures intervient à un moment où un relâchement général dans le respect des gestes barrières est observé au sein de la population congolaise. 36913,13321.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']",[],[],en,82,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"The Inter-Sector Working Group continued to develop and strongly advocate for resources for the Rainy Season Contingency Plan and new displacements as a result of ongoing military operations. Ahead of the rainy season, key priorities include: prepositioning food assistance, mitigating potential health risks and disease outbreaks, reducing flooding and water build-up in camps with proper drainage systems, and the provision of shelter assistance especially for internally displaced people who are sleeping out in the opening." 412758,63085.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,49,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_4_kananga_juin2021_final.pdf,"Grâce à l’appui de plusieurs bailleurs, la DPS continue à renforcer la prise en charge des malades malgré les multiples défis liés notamment au mauvais état des routes et aux ruptures récurrentes des stocks de médicaments dans les structures de santé difficiles d’accès." 111913,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Sin embargo, en el albergue que pudo observarse también se identificó que los niños pasan largos tiempos encerrados, por el temor que tienen sus madres de ser robadas o de que les roben a los niños." 144638,34804.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 12 July, local authorities have confirmed a total of six cases of COVID-19 in NES, all from the same cluster in Al-Hasakeh city. Even though the number of suspected and confirmed cases is lower than initially expected, the risk of transmission remains high due to pre-exiting vulnerabilities amongst internally displaced people (IDPs), overcrowded last-resort sites, dense urban centres and limited health system capacity." 308232,52938.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,20,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of diesel in hirat was maximum in September 2020 and was minimun in October 2020. 224234,45763.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"De jeunes enfants (âgés entre 6 et 10 ans) sont utilisés par les parents pour des tâches domestiques, champêtres ou encore l’élevage pour la survie du foyer. Aussi, font-ils l’objet de violences de la part des parents qui ne supportent pas leur réclamation de nourritures à laquelle ils ne peuvent répondre parfois." 165608,39662.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,50,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,Most workers (80%) we interviewed think that their job put them at risk of being affected by coronavirus. The fear feeling is higher among the cleaning workers at hospitals where all the respondents we interviewed mentioned that possibility for them being affected is very high. 200047,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,54,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Difficultés d’accès en raison des contraintes sécuritaires ( le Cluster WASH estime que dans les 4 régions les plus touchées par la crise, 52% des communes sont inaccessibles ou ont un accès difficile, représentant environ 64 % du PIN) [Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, Sahel]" 111690,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,53,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Al llegar a los asentamientos informales, los niños terminan asumiendo la vulnerabilidad propia de las condiciones de vida en la pobreza: trabajo doméstico, desescolarización, riesgos de abuso (especialmente en las niñas), soledad, desnutrición, falta de espacios de cuidado y juego, entre otros." 219000,45705.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/node/18588/pdf/reversing_gains.pdf,Child labour is particularly a concern in North East Syria as nearly 71 per cent of teachers reported child labour as one of the main reasons leading children to drop out of school. 388627,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au cours de l’attaque de Solhan dans la nuit du 04 au 04 juin 2021 dans la province du Yagha, il y a eu des mouvements de populations en majorité des enfants et un nombre important d’enfants y ont perdus la vie." 261764,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,64,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En San Andrés y Providencia: se hace necesaria realizar campañas de concientización sobre el correcto uso del tapabocas, particularmente la población turista que llega a San Andrés no acata las recomendaciones y esto podría significar un aumento de casos en la isla. En Providencia se requieren actividades de sensibilización sobre el uso del tapabocas a los pobladores de la isla." 115988,30124.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],es,631,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Un total de 18.047 mujeres, hombres y NNAs se beneficiaron de servicios de protección especializados (incluyendo atención legal) para prevenir, mitigar y responder a los riesgos de protección, de dotaciones de asistencia material e informaciones de protección a través de capacitaciones, incluyendo temas de protección y derechos humanos a las instituciones del Estado y a personas de las comunidades. De estas personas, 7.262 (40 por ciento) eran NNAs (42 por ciento género femenino y 58 por ciento género masculino), 9.453 adultos (52 por ciento) de entre 18 y 59 años (72 por ciento género femenino y 28 por ciento género masculino) y 1.332 (7 por ciento) adultos mayores de 59 años (55 por ciento género femenino y 45 por ciento género masculino. Por otro lado, un total 118.523 mujeres, hombres y NNAs se beneficiaron de actividades para prevenir, mitigar y responder a la violencia, abuso, negligencia y explotación de NNAs, incluyendo el acceso de adolescentes con necesidades de protección al sistema de justicia juvenil, servicios y programas especializados de protección a NNA (como la gestión de casos y capacitaciones y sensibilizaciones sobre protección de NNA, crianza positiva y/o separación familiar). De estos, 81,974 eran NNAs (50 por ciento género femenino y 50 por ciento género masculino), 33,077 eran adultos de entre 18 y 59 años (70 por ciento género femenino y 30 por ciento género masculino) y 7 (1 por ciento) eran adultos mayores de 59 años (71 por ciento género femenino y 29 por ciento género masculino). Un total de 1,394 personas, la mayoría mujeres adolescentes de entre 15 y 19 años (63 por ciento) y mujeres adultas (33 por ciento), se beneficiaron de servicios de respuesta a la VbG, incluyendo orientación legal, gestión de casos de VbG y apoyo psicosocial. Por otra parte, un total de 6,108 personas, la mayoría de las cuales fueron mujeres (51 por ciento), seguido de mujeres adolescentes (14 por ciento), vieron fortalecida su resiliencia para prevenir y responder a la VbG a través de su participación en diferentes actividades de sensibilización en materia de VbG y nuevas masculinidades, además de capacitaciones sobre cómo acceder a servicios de respuesta a la VbG, actividades de empoderamiento a través de espacios seguros y sensibilizaciones en materia de Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos (DSSR). Un total de 338 empleados de instituciones públicas, sociedad civil y personal humanitario (50 por ciento mujeres y 50 por ciento hombres) vieron fortalecidas sus capacidades para prevenir y responder a la VbG a través de formaciones en género, derechos de las mujeres y las niñas, violencia de género, respuesta segura a incidentes de VbG o rutas de remisiones. Esta cifra corresponde a la sumatoria de beneficiarios alcanzados en las diferentes actividades reportadas como finalizadas y en ejecución por los socios del Clúster de Protección, incluyendo ambas Áreas de Responsabilidad (AdR) desde enero hasta marzo de 2020. Si un individuo (beneficiario) participa en más de una de estas actividades, existe la posibilidad de que se informe varias veces bajo el mismo o diferentes indicadores. Durante los próximos meses se estaría desarrollando una estrategia de cálculo de beneficiarios más elaborada, por lo que el número final alcanzado podría ajustarse tras aplicarse la nueva metodología, o tras procesos de limpieza de datos adicionales por parte de las organizaciones y agencias que reportan al Clúster." 219002,45705.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/node/18588/pdf/reversing_gains.pdf,"Historically, the education sector in Syria has been underfunded and the COVID-19 pandemic made challenges related to the lack of classrooms, supplies and teachers more pronounced." 391184,61470.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,49,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Attitudes and behaviours of camp population: Awareness of COVID-19: Everyone (around 100%) and COVID-19 perceived as important issue: About half (around 50%)" 80893,22140.0,1224.0,[],[],[],en,83,[],[],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72828.pdf,"R4V partners continued to provide direct emergency assistance in Aruba, Curaçao, the Dominican Republic, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago to Venezuelans already present in these countries and to new arrivals, reaching 10,739 individuals since the beginning of the year. The type of direct emergency assistance provided to those in vulnerable conditions included shelter, food and non-food items (NFIs), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), emergency medical assistance and cash-based interventions." 125306,32569.0,1621.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,80,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Nearly a third of migrants (32%) were classified as severely or moderately food insecure according to food security indicators used to assess their current status (food consumption score) and their coping capacity (livelihood strategies indicators).). An additional third (34%) are considered marginally food insecure and at risk of food insecurity, meaning that they have achieved minimally adequate food consumption without engaging in irreversible coping strategies." 147034,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The trainees subsequently have commenced leading smallgroup sessions at health centers and schools, as well as home visits. INTERSOS are also supporting a training for SARC volunteers in Hama and Tartous to conduct focus group discussions on COVID-19 awareness in targeted communities." 265686,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,80,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Les ateliers de cartographie participative ont mis en évidence des mouvements de populations du Soum et du Seno (Sahel) vers la région du Centre-Nord. Cette dynamique semble confirmée par une évaluation territoriale de la ville de Kaya49 (Centre-Nord). La ville accueillerait de nombreuses PDI arrivant des provinces du Soum (95%) et de Seno (5%) (Sahel), fuyant les violences dans les localités d’origine." 173196,32091.0,1388.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],en,119,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRI_6.pdf,"COVID-19 and measures adopted by the Government In an effort to secure domestic food supplies and stabilize market prices amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government temporarily lowered the tariff of imports of 50 000 tonnes of rice (one-third of the average imports in the previous five years) from 35 percent to 6.5 percent in 2020. The Government also increased its social spending by distributing food kits to 850 000 students in the absence of school meals and allocating a monthly subsidy worth CRC 200 000 (about USD 350 at the exchange rate of 21 May 2020) for three months to about 375 000 households that have been economically affected by the crisis." 228385,46627.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Key actors – the Government of Afghanistan, United Nations Agencies, (I)NGOs and others – have been racing to provide support, through a countrywide ‘Master Plan’ to address the virus combined with a 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan revised to take into account COVID-19." 64624,18828.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,46,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/tarjeta-de-vacunacion-para-migrantes-venezolanos/1441,"Uribe aseguró que la primera medida, una tarjeta única de vacunación regional, contará con el apoyo de agencias internacionales""para su impresión, difusión y capacitación en diligenciamiento"". Los ciudadanos venezolanos podrán acceder a la tarjeta desde mediados de octubre." 39185,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,84,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Regarding protection incidents, 40% of interviewed Tawerghan key informants reported that protection incidents have slightly increased since the beginning of the conflict. The rapid protection assessment results have shown that the main protection risks for Tawerghan IDPs have been arbitrary or unlawful arrest and detention, death of civilians because of indiscriminate attacks, and restriction of internal movements. All Tawergha key informants reported that nobody in Tawergha community has received eviction threat since the beginning of the conflict." 173319,41069.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/household-incomes-fell-by-20pc-due-to-covid-19-bbs-survey/58560,"[6 October, Bangladesh]After Bangladesh reported its first coronavirus cases on March 7, the government took prompt measures to contain the virus’ spread by imposing restrictions on movement and shut down all non-essential businesses. This put millions out of job." 388301,60981.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,231,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Desde el 19 de julio se presentaron amenazas por parte de los GANE en contra de comunidades campesinas de las veredas Quebrada del Medio (294 personas), San Isidro (55), Alto del Limón (101), Los Sauces (117), Las Brisas (117), El Quindío (218), Arañas (87), El Chuscal (68), Santa Lucía (300), Cedral (292), Chontaduro (128), Palmitas (114), El Herrero (83), Cenizas (63), Murrapal (119), Mandarino (212), El Yolombo (1), La Granja (364), La Miranda (205), Monte Alto (149), El Rio (101), Bajo Inglés (145), Quebradoncita (116), La Georgia (201), San Luis Chispas (116), San Agustín (28), El Capote (1), Reventón (4), El Llanón (84), Santa Ana (79), El Amparo (137) (ver Tabla No. 1), pertenecientes al municipio de Ituango (Antioquia), generando el desplazamiento masivo de aproximadamente 4.099 personas (1.687 familias)." 113104,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"En el Espacio de Apoyo del Puente Internacional Simón Bolívar siguen activos las atenciones en primeros auxilios, servicios de acceso a baterías sanitarias, puntos de hidratación y tamizajes a la población refugiada y migrante, así como la entrega de comida caliente." 70791,20130.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3370349,La Conferencia Internacional de Solidaridad sobre la Crisis de Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela que tuvo lugar en Bruselas el 28 y 29 de octubre de 2019 envió un fuerte mensaje de apoyo a los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela así como a sus países y comunidades de acogida en América Latina y el Caribe. 155085,34182.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,11,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Existen dificultades para el acceso a artículos de higiene. • 223671,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,The risk of airborne/air droplets diseases such as COVID-19 among other diseases due to overcrowding and congestion in the schools and churches. 323123,54884.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2021/4/60633e4d4/chad-central-african-refugee-keeps-hope-alive.html,"[Violence in CAR since 2013 ] The latest violence came after last December’s presidential and parliamentary elections and displaced 250,000, many within their own country." 116004,30124.0,1386.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,60,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades La escasez de gas y electricidad persisten en la mayoría de los municipios fronterizos. En algunos alojamientos temporales los socios han tenido que paralizar la distribución de alimentos, incluyendo a adultos mayores, por falta de provisiones. Se identifican falta de espacios de alojamiento temporales para el flujo de migrantes, especialmente en zonas fronterizas." 247812,48085.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"The Southern African Development Community published a December report which noted that though the pandemic has had a limited impact on food production, it has had major effects on food distribution—particularly to the most vulnerable populations. While COVID-19 and PHSMs have negatively affected the urban economy in a clear way, many living in more rural areas rely on the urban economy for their source of income." 145840,35819.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"As of August 12, the Syria-based Kurdish Self Administration had confirmed 144 cases in northeast Syria’s Aleppo, Dayr az Zawr, Al Hasakah, and Ar Raqqah governorates, including seven deaths. Several confirmed cases are medical staff in Al Hasakah’s Al Hol camp, which hosted approximately 64,700 people as of early August, more than 50 percent of whom are children younger than 12 years of age." 194766,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Additional isolation centers are required, while systematic and structural changes to healthcare facilities for triage and infection prevention and control (IPC) are critical to maintain service provision." 247927,48228.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Recommandations : Moyen Terme = Renforcer le centre de santé de Kiskira en ressources humaines, médicaments et moyens logistiques selon les besoins et moyens disponibles (Ambulance/véhicule) pour transport malades/référencements / Assurer la vaccination et la supplémentation en vitamine A et déparasitage de tous les enfants ciblés et la distribution systématique des moustiquaires" 200152,43256.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,Children's nutritional status is deteriorating due to multiple health and food insecurity issues. Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) in the South West is 7.3% and in North West 5%. Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) is 2.7% in the South West and 2.1% in the North West. 172882,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,59,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Du fait de la détérioration de la situation sécuritaire et des mouvements de population dans plusieurs régions au cours du premier trimestre de l’année 2020, on compte 1,8 million de personnes déplacées (contre 1,1 million dans le HNO) et 358 000 familles d’accueil (contre 214 000 dans le HNO)." 387368,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,76,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En cuanto a la rotación laboral, los datos corroboran el alto dinamismo del empleo, expresado aquí en el alto número de contratos que han sido celebrados y aquellos a los que se les ha puesto término. De todos modos, son más los celebrados que los contratos a los que se les ha puesto término, lo que implica un saldo positivo desde el punto de vista de la creación de empleos." 153291,31607.0,1185.0,['Health'],[],[],es,15,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3588563,El gobernador Luis Hidalgo entregó instrumental e insumos médicos y ambulancia para hospital de Iñapari 358557,58562.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]Within families, the convergence of movement restrictions, scarcity, and escalating tensions led to rising conflicts. This set of dynamics challenged gender norms and roles within the household and was linked to rising rates of divorce and domestic violence against women and youth. Reported domestic violence spiked 56% nationwide in just the first two weeks of lockdown, reflecting an increase across all 24 states reporting (UN Women 2020)." 289872,51859.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,236,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.fao.org/colombia/noticias/detail-events/es/c/1382766/,"Infortunadamente, y pese a que cuenta con una alta disponibilidad de recursos hídricos (ríos, lagos y lagunas) y una precipitación media multianual de 2 800 a 3 200 mm, el departamento del Amazonas no goza de un suministro adecuado y suficiente de agua potable. El bajo rendimiento de su acueducto y el alto costo que representa el poder contar con dicho servicio son las mayores limitantes para que sus habitantes tengan la posibilidad de abrir el grifo y recibir agua de calidad para su consumo y las labores domésticas. Las nueve áreas no municipales cuentan con acueductos viejos y obsoletos, condiciones a las que se suma el hecho de tener las bocatomas en ríos donde se presenta minería ilegal, lo cual expone a estas comunidades a la contaminación por mercurio. Su capital, Leticia, ha tenido que atravesar por una crisis de agua. El acueducto, que se surte de la microcuenca del Yahuarcaca, resulta insuficiente para suministrar este líquido a los más 42 mil leticences y en la actualidad solo abastece al 30 por ciento de su población. Esta presenta problemas en épocas de estiaje y disminuye la calidad de agua en la fuente por aumento en la cantidad de sólidos, lo que además ocasiona problemas como la parasitosis, detectada en altos niveles especialmente en la población infantil." 113103,29959.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Norte de Santander • Continúa la atención y orientación a población refugiada y migrante a través de las líneas telefónicas para casos de protección, violencia basad en género, protección a la niñez, entre otros." 160314,38477.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Surveillance épidémiologique et le contrôle sanitaire aux points d’entrées • Poursuite du dépistage systématique des voyageurs entrants et sortants • Réception de 4 339 appels parmi lesquels 04 alertes sur le 3535 • Investigation de 02 alertes par les EIR 187651,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"During the reporting period, more than 65,8310 women and children under-5 years received essential healthcare services, bringing the total number of people supported since March to nearly 479,000 (136,902 girls / 127,495 boys / 220,734 women)." 491779,67945.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69871/regime-increases-internet-and-telecommunications-prices-by-100.html,"[22 September 2021, GoS]The decision also provided for raising the cost of fixed telephone services, to 10,000 Syrian pounds instead of 4,500 Syrian pounds, and the monthly home subscription cost to 500 Syrian pounds instead of 200 Syrian pounds." 82595,22770.0,729.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Recent damage to the water network was reported in all assessed baladiyas. Disruptions to Ain Zara’s water supply were reported in early September, but by the time of data collection, KIs reported that the network was again functioning." 221403,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"A total of 2.6 million internally displaced persons in Somalia continue to face serious risks of marginalization, forced eviction and exclusion." 276085,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"l’attaque de groupes armés dans la zone de Baga-Kawa au Nigeria fin décembre 2018, et les opérations militaires en cours en réponse auraient engendré le déplacement d’environ 20 000 personnes à l’intérieur du Nigeria et un afflux de plus de 6 357 de réfugiés (jusqu’au 11 janvier 2019) vers le Tchad." 301211,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,121,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[20th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] This week the number of yaba seizures have again been higher than average with a total of 412,575 tablets being seized by law enforcement. The largest seizure of the week was by the Coast Guard who captured 280,000 pills in Teknaf although nobody was arrested. The second-largest haul was by the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) which captured 90,000 tablets in a raid in Teknaf on 17 March which resulted in six arrests including a woman. There was less diversity in the range of contraband seized this week with only alcohol being seized from Rohingya smugglers (again by the Coast Guard) in addition to yaba." 347999,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] This is a serious concern and highlights the need to promote good and safe sanitation for all, including all the vulnerable groups that have access issues due to a variety of reasons." 388610,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,50,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En effet, 48 incidents sécuritaires ont été enregistrés en mai contre 35 pour le mois de juin. Cependant, le nombre de perte en vies humaines enregistré est énorme comparativement au mois passé car 153 pertes en vies humaines ont été enregistrées contre 65 le mois passé." 187891,42381.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-120.pdf,[23 Oct 2020] [NWS] New cases: 214 | Total cases: 3975 | New tests: 531 | Total tests: 21138 | New recoveries: 58 | Total recoveries: 1546 | Total active cases: 2395 | New deaths: 0 | Total deaths: 21 261675,49486.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,49,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Preocupa el incremento de acciones por parte de grupos armados con atentados en lugares públicos que ponen en riesgo la vida de personas civiles; así mismo estas acciones no permiten desarrollar intervenciones en algunos territorios, ya que ponen en riegos la seguridad del personal que realiza intervenciones" 233377,46495.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,115,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"La percepción de la seguridad por parte de la población es muy mala (24%), mala (41%) y algo mala (12%), dejando entrever un posible contexto particularmente vulnerable respecto a otras áreas de Barranquilla, donde la percepción de la seguridad resulta mejor. Los factores de inseguridad más mencionados fueron la presencia de delincuencia común (57%), la presencia de pandillas (25%), el tráfico/consumo de alcohol (21%) y la presencia de actores armados (20%) que resulta muy alta en comparación a otros barrios vulnerables de Barranquilla (6%)." 261648,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"El Plan Nacional de Vacunación fue publicado por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, y contempla cinco fases de vacunación que inicia el 17 de febrero en ciudades principales e intermedias. Durante la primera fase se priorizarán adultos mayores y personal de servicio de salud de primera línea de respuesta." 388936,60849.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,105,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Derecho al trabajo Se percibe como el ámbito de mayor abuso y donde se generan las mayores discriminaciones basadas en la nacionalidad y/o estatus migratorio. En este sentido, la falta de protección que se sienten las personas entrevistadas es total y generalizada. En concreto, perciben que no pueden ejercer su derecho a un trabajo digno ya sea porque no son valoradas sus capacidades, herramientas u oficios de origen ; porque los hace trabajar más tiempo y con mayores exigencias que a las personas chilenas o; porque los sueldos son mucho menores que los pagados a las personas locales." 224692,46162.0,2332.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"[Household cereal stock] Household cereal stocks have been depleted in western Sahel areas and households in Bahr-el- Ghazel and Kanem are dependent on the market for their food consumption. In Guéra and in Berber and rice-growing areas such as Mayo-Kebbi, recent harvests have increased household stocks. In the Sudan region, stock levels are average and cover household consumption needs." 155218,37857.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,62,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 13 au 19 juillet 2020, environ 1 685 voyageurs ont été observés traversant la frontière Burkina Faso – Niger, sur l’axe reliant Kantchari (Burkina Faso) à Kankani (Niger), en contournant les voies officielles fermées du fait des mesures prises dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." 270250,49921.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,139,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/viviendas-permanecen-seis-meses-vacias-en-el-mercado-549077,"Alberto Rodríguez Moreno, CEO para Colombia de Century 21, la franquicia inmobiliaria estadounidense que cuenta 40 sedes en el país, el estrato 3 se arrienda en promedio en dos meses, el 4 en tres meses, el estrato 5 en 3,5 meses y el estrato 6 en cuatro meses. Sin embargo, el ejecutivo asegura que si un precio está por encima del mercado sí puede demorar hasta seis meses. “Con la pandemia los arrendamientos están muy activos, las personas cambian porque donde estaban él área no se ajusta a sus necesidades y están migrando a áreas mayores, y otros, porque desafortunadamente tuvieron un revés económico, y se están yendo a áreas más pequeñas. Estamos viendo una actividad de arrendamiento muy alta”, asegura Rodríguez." 298523,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,102,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"An estimated 1,066,000 people were affected by the flooding in eight of ten states and one administrative area in South Sudan between July 2020 and January 2021. Of the people affected, an estimated 504,000 were displaced. Jonglei and Greater Pibor Administrative Area have been the worst affected (495,000 people), followed by Lakes (147,000 people), Unity (126,000 people), Upper Nile (100,000 people), Warrap (60,000 people), Western Equatoria (53,000 people), Central Equatoria (40,000 people) and Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal (15,000 people)" 303896,50891.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,28,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"Faced with this situation [economic crisis], Sudan witnessed multiple civil demonstrations that in some instances have necessitated deferment of UNICEF activities in the field." 158979,39161.0,2170.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,43,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Amidst the growing threat of COVID-19 affecting remote and underserved communities in north-east Nigeria, humanitarians face severe challenges in reaching people who are most in need. With increasing humanitarian needs, greater demand is exerted on humanitarian staff and cargo." 335523,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Of total cases, 79.3% were male and 26.1% were female" 272650,50217.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"La mise en place du mécanisme de réponse rapide (RRM) au niveau des quatre régions Diffa, Tillaberi, Tahoua et Maradi permet aux acteurs humanitaires de répondre rapidement aux besoins les plus urgents à chaque mouvement de population au sein de ces trois régions à travers des évaluations multisectorielles et la mise en œuvre de réponses conjointes." 113316,32328.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Los migrantes y refugiados venezolanos experimentan xenofobia en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. La xenofobia también limita el acceso a los servicios básicos, incluidos la vivienda y el empleo. La percepción híper sexualizada de las mujeres y adolescentes venezolanas las hace particularmente vulnerables a la violencia sexual y a la explotación." 156613,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"A total of 3188 COVID-19 positive cases have been reported in Cox’s Bazar district (including Rohingya camps) as of 19 July 2020 as per Civil Surgeon Office, Cox’s Bazar." 265559,49620.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,60,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"La rareté des structures opérationnelles, combinée à une faible disponibilité des services d’urgence, n’ont pas permis la prise en charge rapide des patients, avec des risques de mortalité élevés pour les personnes vulnérables (femmes enceintes, personnes âgées, personnes vivant avec un handicap ou souffrant de maladies chroniques)17." 391130,61177.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,82,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Nigeria is highly vulnerable to the adverse health implications from projected future climates for the country, including increased temperatures, more intense and frequent extreme weather events and heavy rainfall, and increased duration and severity of aridity and drought. These trends are likely to result in increased water and food insecurity, higher exposure to heat stress and ultraviolet radiation, changes in infectious and vector borne disease transmission patterns." 274202,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Mambasa] La prévalence des ménages en insécurité alimentaire y est en légère diminution par rapport à 2019, passant de 85 % à 82 %. Cette légère amélioration est probablement due à une majeure stabilité de la sécurité mais également à la fin de l’épidémie de la Maladie à Virus Ébola (MVE) en avril 2020. En outre, la période de l’enquête a coïncidé avec la période de fin de récolte et le début de commercialisation des produits agricoles, donc à une meilleure disponibilité de nourriture. Cependant il été signalé un manque d’assistance humanitaire pendant les six mois précédant l’enquête." 165114,39657.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,81,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000117581.pdf,"While food availability in the markets remains stable, economic access by households is the major concern. Purchasing power dropped by 42 percent in June compared to pre-crisis period. As household incomes continue to fall, or unavailable altogether for some, a shift in dietary patterns is evident with many households favouring less preferred or cheaper foods, with low nutritional value. A compromise on healthy diets makes the population more vulnerable to the current pandemic." 254226,48624.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,76,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/ampere-prices-draining-the-life-out-of-aleppos-residents/,"[February 9, Aleppo] The owners of generators, met byEnab Baladicorrespondent in the al-Haidariya neighborhood, attributed the high price to the fact that that they are buying the black-market barrel of fuel for 130,000 SYP (over $ 40). Because it is winter, the price of fuel is constantly rising, due to the increase in demand for fuel, bought for heating purposes and other household uses." 452594,63185.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,60,['Priority Interventions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/atrocity-alert-no-263-burkina-faso-ethiopia-and-syria,Burkina Faso is one of the world’s most neglected and under-reported humanitarian and human rights crises. Efforts to prevent further violations at displacement sites – including establishing credible complaint mechanisms and providing psychosocial support – must be prioritized. Protective services should also be increased while ensuring that security patrols do not lead to further abuses. 202027,44071.0,2330.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,86,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Un 47% de los daños evaluados se concentran en los departamentos de Alta Verapaz, Izabal y Quiché. Los deslizamientos y flujos de lodo provocaron la muerte de 53 personas y la desaparición de otras 96 en Alta Verapaz. El desbordamiento de ríos provocó impacto directo en viviendas destruyendo sus contenidos, enseres y artículos personales, así también se reportan daños a cultivos, ganado y aves de corral, infraestructura vial y del sistema de salud, edificios y escuelas." 245368,47945.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] These forced evictions of IDPs are assessed to be linked to a consistent increase in rental prices due to the Syrian Pound devaluation as well as the intention to revert to the original use of schools and other public buildings." 353488,57851.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpaisvallenato.com/2021/05/31/reactivan-en-valledupar-toma-de-muestras-covid-19-a-poblacion-migrante/,"Lina De Armas, secretaria de Salud en Valledupar, aclaró que desde el año pasado este servicio ha estado activado para los venezolanos, “ha sido una población de muy alto impacto para nosotros y de mucha importancia para el municipio no solo con pruebas Covid, sino con las afiliaciones al sistema de salud, que el año pasado alcanzaron asegurar a más de 3.000 personas en condiciones regulares”." 150710,32327.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,32,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"en Ecuador, el 40% de las mujeres y el 38% de las personas LGBTIQ + encuestadas dicen estar desempleadas, en comparación con el 29% de hombres." 306547,53161.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"Although the ongoing harvest is improving food security outcomes among poor rural households, the number of households facing Crisis—IPC 3—or worse levels of acute food insecurity will remain greater than is typical through at least May 2021, particularly among internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and poor urban households." 298761,52631.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,122,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"Entre-temps, l’on enregistrait des morts, presque tous les jours. Et la population avait la peur au ventre. C’était le sauve-qui-peut. Certains s’en sont remis à la médecine traditionnelle, concoctant des recettes de feuilles, des branches et racines de diverses plantes. Un produit fait maison dans le but de prévenir une éventuelle contamination au Coronavirus a entraîné la mort de trois enfants issus d’une même famille. Le produit a été administré par la mère, elle-même. La nouvelle du décès brusque des trois enfants s’est répandue sur la toile, provoquant des sentiments à la fois de compassion et d’étonnement." 70794,20130.0,1386.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3370349,"Al tiempo que reconocieron el derecho soberano de los Estados para gestionar sus fronteras, quienes presidieron la Conferencia destacaron la importancia de preservar el acceso al asilo, fortalecer los mecanismos que permiten la identificación de las personas en necesidad de protección internacional, mantener políticas de ingreso flexibles, continuar regularizando y brindando documentación a los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos, además de facilitar la reunificación familiar. Actos de odio, intolerancia y xenofobia, por más que ocurran de forma aislada o parezcan tener una importancia menor, necesitan ser rechazados con firmeza." 236014,46890.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In response to COVID-19, Child Protection actors have sensitized more than 10,000 children and caregivers on the ways COVID-19 spreads and the related child protection risks and concerns." 388935,60849.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Conseguir en empleo es visto por las personas entrevistadas como la puerta de entrada a todo el resto de derechos, en la medida que les permite tener algún ingreso en una sociedad y economía extremadamente neoliberales. Ello es particularmente sensible en relación al derecho a la vivienda." 189701,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,135,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"De janvier à août 2019, l´Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) a enregistré 116 235 personnes au nord (Faya, Zouarke, Kalait), à l´ouest (Rig-Rig) et au sud (Sarh) en provenance essentiellement du Tchad (83%), de la Libye (7%), du Niger (4%) et d´autres pays de la région dont le Nigeria et le Soudan. Ces personnes étaient principalement de nationalité tchadienne (83%), soudanaise (4%), nigériane (3%), nigérienne (3%) et centrafricaine (3%). D´ici, mars 2020, près de 30 000 personnes pourraient encore quitter ces zones minières pour se diriger principalement vers Faya" 392424,61904.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography']",es,55,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-56999711,"En Chile habitan 1.492.522 personas extranjeras, lo que representa un 7.5% de la población en ese país. Estimaciones del INE, señalan que hoy los venezolanos son el grupo más grande en Chile (30,5%), seguido de peruanos (15,8%) y haitianos (12,5%)." 184778,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,70,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] These include increasing the use of face coverings (through a combination of enforcement and increasing access to face masks), a night-time curfew (to reduce social interactions and inter household mixing), a ban on mass gatherings and the implementation of entry controls (temperature screening, hand disinfection and face mask compliance) at public buildings/ facilities" 322138,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[Accountability to Affected Populations] 51% of households reported having at least one member who could not read or write. 347743,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: A research done by UN Women, consolidated few months after the influx, reported that, according to community leaders and interviews with refugees, almost every woman and girl in the Balukhali makeshift settlements in Cox’s Bazar is either a survivor of or a witness to multiple incidences of sexual assault, rape, gang-rape, murder through mutilation or burning alive of a close family member or neighbor." 194218,43811.0,2330.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],es,60,['Impact'],['Information And Communication'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/mundo/devasta-huracan-iota-isla-caribena-deja-un-muerto,"Tras unas 14 horas de zozobra en las que no hubo información sobre lo que ocurrió en Providencia, golpeada de frente por Iota esta madrugada y donde las comunicaciones se cortaron a las tres de la madrugada, el presidente colombiano, Iván Duque, afirmó al atardecer que logró comunicarse con el alcalde Jorge Norberto Gari Hooker." 319529,54426.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"Protection monitoring, especially in the border areas, and an adequate protection response for identified cases is ongoing." 306178,50894.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,30,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The retail price of a kilogram of sorghum in Zalengi was 16 SDG in November, almost 160 percent above last year and 290 percent above the five-year average." 112519,29953.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"El Programa de Alimentación Escolar cubre la totalidad de los niños que estudian en Cúcuta, gracias a un apoyo del WFP, que provee 7.811 raciones diarias. Este es uno de los alicientes más importantes para la retención de los estudiantes en el sistema educativo, dadas las condiciones de inseguridad alimentaria en el vecino país." 261749,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"La comunidad del corregimiento de Charras – Boquerón en el municipio de San José del Guaviare, denuncian la falta de personal médico en el centro asistencial del corregimiento que tiene más de 1.200 habitantes. En la zona hay un enfermero, pero no hay médicos que atiendan a la población cuando presenten síntomas o enfermedades de gravedad8." 184109,42108.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,35,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IB26102020.pdf,"The National Society reports people at the border with Brazil, including single women with small children. Some people were stranded at other borders, and others have already intended to reach Argentina." 172238,40826.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_239_20200925.pdf,"Fort revigorant, 23 nouvelles guérisons ont été rapportées, ce qui porte à 10 093 le nombre de guéris de COVID-19 dans le pays, soit un taux de Page 3 guérison de 95,3% (10093/10592)." 239733,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The highest recovery rate is reported in Nimroz province (37%) and lowest in Badakhshan province (3.6%) while the national recovery is 9.3%. 219998,45769.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Il est ressorti des discussions que cette école disposait d’une cantine scolaire qui ne fonctionne plus depuis quelques mois et lorsqu’elle fonctionnait, le riz ou lentille préparé n’était pas lavé et préparé sans huile ; Les enfants ont beaucoup insisté sur le manque d’hygiène à la cuisine ;" 306555,53161.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In November, UNHCR called for approximately $147 million in donor support to provide assistance through June 2021 for up to 100,000 Ethiopian refugees who may seek shelter in Sudan." 281920,51173.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"In addition to the COVID-19 response, around 910,000 people were supported with essential WASH supplies and services by UNICEF in collaboration with WASH cluster partners,. Key interventions included upgrading of WASH facilities/services at 365 COVID-19 treatment hospitals/ isolation centres and four border crossing points with Iran and Pakistan." 238606,47236.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,Ces villages ont accès à une école se trouvant à moins d’une heure de marche. 221015,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,34,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, who often live in these conflict-affected areas, are especially vulnerable to this violence and are targeted by armed groups for opposing their activities (IACHR 14/10/2020)." 340750,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,187,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Descripción de la buena práctica: Los etnoeducadores del pueblo Wayuu han desarrollado procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través de visitas casa por casa. Estos docentes reciben materiales y apoyo de las Secretarías de Educación Departamental (SED) y Municipal de La Guajira y Uribia las cuales han desarrollado estrategias de acompañamiento y también crearon la Mochila de herramientas e ideas para el docente dinamizador, que aborda contenidos propios del pueblo indígena, enmarcados en áreas del currículo desde un enfoque intercultural. Igualmente, se proponen estrategias metodológicas para el trabajo con estudiantes y familias en los niveles de educación inicial y primaria, organizadas en los siguientes ejes temáticos: • Eje 1: Cuidado del ser Wayuu, Wiwa o Kogi y bienestar comunitario. • Eje 2: Prácticas culturales y de sustento. • Eje 3: Territorialidad y buen vivir. A partir de estos hilos conductores los etnoeducadores desarrollan las áreas curriculares de matemática, lengua, arte, ciencias sociales y naturales de manera intercultural y focalizada. Asimismo, aplican estrategias de evaluación de los aprendizajes" 172653,40940.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=205685,"[9th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced that 50 new coronavirus cases have been registered in the country, and that 23 patients infected with the virus have been recovered while 3 others have passed away." 227521,46488.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Le vol de biens et les cambriolages étaient le deuxième incident de protection le communément rapporté par les IC (4/10). 393184,62158.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,114,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, 25% of the total discussants across different target groups, age and gender demonstrates that cultural accessibility and social beliefs are some of the problems faced by the community in accessing services during COVID 19 outbreak, 23% physical access, financial access, procedures, social and information accessibility, 37% said availability in terms of existence of services, sufficient in terms of quality and type while 15% said quality in terms of adequate supplies, skilled staff and services points are some of the problems faced by the communities in accessing basic services during COVID 19 outbreak." 201917,44489.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,41,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/poblacion-venezolana-en-colombia-cayo-por-primera-vez-desde-2015-546997,"La pandemia de coronavirus hizo que la población de venezolanos en Colombia se redujera por primera vez desde 2015, cuando se agravó el éxodo, y la cifra ronda ahora los 1,7 millones, informó este jueves el gobierno." 221300,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)'],fr,31,[],['Information And Communication'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Aujourd’hui, confrontés à la COVID-19, seuls 52 % des pays fournissent des données ven�lées par sexe sur la morbidité et la mortalité liées à la COVID-19." 229687,44602.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"There is no latrine hence exposing them to sickness/diseases which puts the life of children, elderly and pregnant women at great risk." 116008,30124.0,1386.0,['Logistics'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,272,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Respuesta La segunda capacitación nacional de 4 días en logística humanitaria fue facilitada en Caracas, del 28 al 31 de enero, para 42 participantes de la Protección Civil. Los temas prioritarios fueron la cadena de suministro humanitaria y gestión de almacenes, logística de emergencia, manejo de carga, gestión de inventario y tipos de transporte y contratación. En enero se mantuvieron discusiones con las contrapartes nacionales para explorar opciones y mecanismos de apoyo a las actividades humanitarias, incluyendo el suministro de gasolina para los vehículos oficiales y el fortalecimiento de la coordinación para asegurar el acceso a las zonas de implementación y operación. Una ronda de seguimiento ha continuado durante el mes de marzo, en el marco de la pandemia de la COVID-19. En enero se realizaron tres misiones a los Centros de Coordinación de Terreno (CCTs) en Bolívar, Maracaibo y Táchira para discutir con los actores los retos a nivel de cada estado, las principales brechas y posibles soluciones. El Clúster sigue su actividad de coordinación y apoyo con el manejo de la información para apoyar a los socios con la implementación de proyectos. Estas incluyen reuniones de coordinación mensual, mantenimiento de plataformas de comunicación, desarrollo de plantillas para recogida de datos de proveedores de servicios logísticos e información sobre los stocks disponibles en el país. Además, se ha creado una herramienta para el reporte de incidentes de acceso y seguridad, principios operativos conjuntos y otras líneas directrices de referencia para la planificación de actividades logísticas de cada socio." 255180,48606.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,28,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian%20Arab%20Republic%20-%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Reach%20and%20Activities%20from%20Turkey%20%28November%202020%29.pdf,"[08/02/2021, NWS] Fewer displacements were recorded in northwest Syria in November than in recent months, with 29,785 displacements reported by the CCCM Cluster." 204236,43976.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Maine Soroa est une région bien desservie avec un grand marché - les mesures liées au COVID-19, notamment la fermeture des frontières, peuvent avoir constitué un choc important pour la sécurité alimentaire des ménages." 171405,40771.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,61,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,Le rapport formule les recommandations suivantes qui devront être intégrées dans le plan d’action du sous-cluster VBG de la région du Sahel : -Renforcer la coordination des interventions humanitaires VBG en impliquant davantage les différents les acteurs ; - Appuyer les intervenants à identifier en leur sein des points focaux VBG et les former sur la gestion des cas 204310,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,40% des ménages [de Tahoua] ont rapporté ne pas avoir consommé de viandes du tout au cours des 7 derniers jours. 199194,44310.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,52,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"En outre, 65% d’entre eux ont perdu leurs maisons, ainsi que leurs articles ménagers essentiels. Par ailleurs, l’évaluation indique que dans les ménages de retournés, 7 enfants sur 10 âgés de moins de cinq ans sont atteints de malnutrition aigüe sévère." 189711,43300.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Près de trois femmes sur dix (29%) âgées de 15 à 49 ans ont subi des violences physiques et 12% des violences sexuelles au cours de leur vie. 237774,47119.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"DESNUTRICIÓN: Para esta semana se observó un aumento en el número de casos en comparación con el histórico notificado en el mismo periodo 2014 a 2019 en las entidades territoriales de Atlántico, Barranquilla y La Guajira, mientras que, en las entidades de Bogotá, Caquetá, Cartagena, Córdoba, Guaviare, Magdalena y Vichada, se observó una disminución. En las entidades territoriales restantes no se observaron variaciones." 453798,64224.0,1185.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Otro tipo de violencia presente en los niños es el bullying, violencia ejercida entre estudiantes y que hoy en día toma importancia por las consecuencias que esto tiene en los niños." 167051,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"( 14/09/2020) On Monday, 132 new cases of the pandemic were reported in the country. ( 15/09/2020)On Tuesday, 90 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded. ( 16/09/2020)On Wednesday, 126 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the country." 131802,34344.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A pesar de que será necesario mantener, en muchos casos, y expandir el alcance y la escala de respuestas en áreas fronterizas importantes, incluyendo Madre de dios, Puno, Tacna y Tumbes, los miembros de GTRM están también tratando de expandir la prestación de servicios y asistencia en contextos urbanos que actualmente alojan el mayor porcentaje de población de refugiados y migrantes, tales como Arequipa, Callao, Cusco, La Libertad, Lima y Piura." 111885,31304.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"El cierre de frontera, además del impacto social tiene un impacto económico importante en los dos países sobre los pobladores históricos que habitan la zona de frontera y viven específicamente del flujo transfronterizo tanto informal como formal." 217679,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"According to the internal displacement monitoring centre (iDMC) there were 2,993,000 IDPs in Afghanistan in December 2019." 316636,54353.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,85,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Information And Communication', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dw.com/en/bangladesh-rohingya-refugees-fire/a-57120531,"[7th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: While the reason behind the fire is yet to be known, it is the latest incident to cost lives of the refugees, who have been living in the Muslim-majority country for decades. The refugees have witnessed several other fire incidents in recent weeks, including the most devastating one on March 22 that killed at least 11 people, burned over 10,000 shanties and left more than 45,000 others homeless." 40921,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,66,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Starting on 3 April 2019, as a result of rapid military advances from the south, Tripoli’s southern suburbs began to see levels of conflict they had not experienced since 2011. The deteriorating security situation pushed 4,870 households (approximately 24,350 individuals) from affected baladiyas in the Tripoli area to leave their homes, becoming displaced throughout Tripoli and west Libya" 133938,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,99,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"No obstante, las personas panameñas tienen una sensación de que la población venezolana migrante y refugiada actual viene con una vocación lucrativa pero no de integración (consideran que su motivación principal es conseguir dinero y enviar remesas para Venezuela, pero que no invierten en el país, ni generan empleo, ni generan consumo, ni se involucran en actividades sociales). Además, les perciben como una rivalidad añadida en el acceso al empleo, percibiéndoles por lo general como una población más cualificada, con una oferta laboral nacional que perciben escasa." 210337,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"School enrollment increased almost ten-fold from less than a million in 2001 to 9.6 million in 2018, with the establishment and construction of new schools and the deployment of thousands of new teachers." 173023,40676.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Selon les résultats du 17ème cycle de l’outil cadre intégré de classification de la sécurité alimentaire (IPC juillet 2019), près de 15,6 millions de personnes ont des besoins vitaux liés à l’insécurité alimentaire aigüe (phase crise IPC 3 et phase urgence IPC 4)." 173887,41033.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,76,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020,BAY states]The ongoing rainy season is also constraining the transport of relief items, as heavy rains and subsequent flooding across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states are exacerbating road conditions and key supply routes are nearly impassable. Furthermore, heavy rainfalls have affected tens of thousands of civilians, mostly internally displaced persons, living in camps and camp-like settings across the BAY states" 326775,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Une FOSA où est passé des cas confirmés, notamment dans les ZS de province de Kinshasa (2 ZS) et trois lieux publics ont été décontaminés. Trois corps ont été sécurisés dont 2 à Kinshasa à l’hôpital Saint Joseph et 1 au Nord Kivu" 37514,11902.0,788.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,99,[],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_nga_lga_profiling_bama_jan2019.pdf,"Since the conflict between Nigerian security forces and armed opposition groups (AOGs) escalated in 2013, more than two million individuals have been displaced. Most were displaced within Borno State, particularly to urban centres in accessible Local Government Areas (LGAs). The humanitarian response is challenged by information gaps including, but not limited to, a lack of clarity on the security environment in inaccessible areas outside of urban centres, clarity on the availablility of services and persons’ access to services in accessible locations and the varying vulnerabilites of beneficiaries" 310577,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"RR Cluster : 4% that is 150m required, 6m funded, 144m unmet. [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 188200,31146.0,1900.0,"['Cross', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,83,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"En Honduras, el sector educativo es uno de los sectores más afectados por la pandemia, la suspensión de clases presenciales ha dado lugar al confinamiento, la falta de acceso a servicios complementarios como alimentación escolar, apoyo psicosocial, servicios de salud, sumado a la falta de acceso a recursos económicos que impiden el acceso a internet (solo el 42% de la población) y por ende a la continuidad educativa propuesta a través de plataformas digitales" 126326,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Una mayor proporción de hogares migrantes (29%) tiene un niño o niña entre los seis meses y los 2 años, en comparación con los hogares de acogida (21%). En más de dos de cada cinco de estos hogares, los niños y niñas no reciben leche materna: 45% entre los hogares migrantes y 39% en los hogares de acogida." 242555,47761.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,21,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_Informal-Settlement-Profile_Al-Hasakeh_November-2020.pdf,"[November 2020, Al-Hasakeh NES] Reported reasons for difficulties in understanding COVID-19 information : Not enough materials 100%" 181896,42271.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"[17 Sept, 2Aug, NWS, # of cases] A total of 213 coronavirus cases were recorded in northwest Syria. Of these, 69 were diagnosed in Idleb and 144 in Aleppo between 9 July and 12 September,a with two each in Sarmada and Bab Alsalamehc IDP camps." 205552,43347.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In addition, more than 300,000 refugees do not have sufficient CCCM support." 227485,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,78,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Outre l’insécurité, les intempéries ont aussi eu un impact négatif sur les récoltes. En effet, la majorité des IC (11/15) ont rapporté qu’une grande majorité (plus de 75%) des cultures avaient été endommagées et tous les IC (15/15) ont rapporté qu’une grande majorité (plus de 75%) des champs ont été détruits suite aux pluies diluviennes et vents violents." 179196,41967.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"(NW 09/2020) Child labour was utilized to cope with a lack of sufficient household income, and this coping strategy was most commonly reported in Daret Azza and northern Idleb." 226926,45087.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"The Government of Afghanistan and the international community must support and realise increased and sustained representation and participation of women and girls in decision making processes including ongoing peace negotiations, and the 2020 Afghan Conference." 248255,48236.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"Although COVID-19 testing is free at public facilities, the governor said it is only for those ”who have symptoms such as fever, cough, cold, inability to smell or taste, headaches or general body weakness—or those who have come into close contact with anyone with the symptoms”." 306945,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,58,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"Insecurity, access restrictions, limited funding, and bureaucratic impediments limit relief agencies’ ability to respond to humanitarian and recovery needs in Sudan. Despite humanitarian access improvements since 2016, particularly in Jebel Marra, relief agencies continue to face a challenging operational environment in Sudan. [Specific location assessed - Jebel Marra]" 193412,43347.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Across the country, while access to improved sanitation infrastructure has improved slightly since 2013, an estimated 13 per cent in 2013, around 80 per cent of the country did not have access to any kind of sanitation facility in 2018" 388977,60849.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En cuanto a la violencia de género, las mujeres entrevistadas en general, salvo un caso, señalan no haberla experimentado. Sin embargo, manifiestan mayor temor relativo a caminar por las calles que los entrevistados; les asustan las noticias de femicidios y; desconocen dónde acudir si requieren apoyo en esta materia." 63136,18817.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,24,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Funding to maintain and expand the response is urgently needed, with UN agencies and NGOs reporting a limited amount of available resources." 194365,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Un total de 2 580 voyageurs en trafic international ont été screenés ce 06/11/2020 ; aucune alerte n’a été identifiée. Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 42 479 voyageurs ont été recensés, parmi lesquels 99,9% (n=42 431) ont été screenés. Pareillement, aucune alerte n’a été décelée, non plus." 155353,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,138,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Coordinar las acciones de divulgación y distribución oportuna y eficiente de la información a través de audiovisuales, materiales de visibilidad.  1 plan de comunicación para los servicios (Banco de Sangre, 911, Salud, WASH, voluntariado, etc..), revisados trimestralmente es elaborado, monitoreado y seguido por toda la red de CRD. De este modo toda la red de CRD es más efectiva en la comunicación.  Asesorar y apoyar con imágenes y cifras del accionar de CRD a los miembros de la Institución en el manejo de los medios de comunicación con respecto al COVID-19.  1 informe quincenal del monitoreo del impacto de la comunicación en las redes, de rumores detectados y de la respuesta para fomentar el uso de fuentes contrastadas." 22879,9312.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,82,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-civilians-caught-tightening-siege,"At least four women and three infants in the Old City have been reported killed during fighting there since February 2, 2019, according to a February 10 statement by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The Libyan Red Crescent’s Derna branch has said via its Facebook page that it has removed 59 bodies from the Old City since February 2, without detailing their identities or the time and manner of their deaths." 207217,44693.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Tahoua : Au total 243 enfants, tous des PDI, ayant un besoin de protection ont été identifiés au cours du monitoring de protection du mois de septembre. 227 cas ont été référés vers les structures de prise en charge. 16 cas n’ont pas fait objet de référencement faute de structure de prise en charge" 47466,16249.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,204,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"Sin embargo, se requieren mayores esfuerzos en las áreas relacionadas con la protección, que incluyen garantizar el acceso al territorio y la protección contra la devolución (refoulement), asegurando que existan garantías adecuadas en los procedimientos de deportación y expulsión. También se requieren mayores esfuerzos para fortalecer el proceso de asilo, en particular, para garantizar el acceso a procedimientos eficientes y oportunos y asegurar la satisfacción de necesidades básicas durante el proceso, incluso a través del derecho al trabajo. Asimismo, deben abordarse riesgos de protección relacionados con la presencia de grupos armados no estatales – incluyendo desplazamientos secundarios, reclutamiento forzado, violencia, trata de personas, tráfico, explotación laboral, abusos, violencia basada en género (VBG), y la utilización de personas en la cadena de producción de drogas. Además, se necesitarán más esfuerzos para combatir la discriminación y xenofobia. Finalmente, la regularización masiva de personas venezolanas también requerirá esfuerzos coordinados para asegurar el acceso efectivo a derechos y servicios, así como al empleo, para promover la autosuficiencia y la capacidad de las personas venezolanas para contribuir al desarrollo en Colombia." 82592,22770.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"All operations at Tripoli’s Mitiga International Airport were suspended between 1 and 7 September, and again from 12 September onwards, due to armed group activity and shelling in the vicinity of the airport. During these periods of suspension, all operating flights have been diverted to Misrata, 200 kilometres to the east. At the time of publication, the coastal road to both Misrata and Tunis remained accessible; however, major routes to Qasr Ben Ghasher and points south were blocked by armed group activity." 315483,54311.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"No existe capacidad en el municipio para dar atenciones diferenciales en salud, en particular en salud sexual y reproductiva y pediatría. 600 personas colombianas no se encuentran aseguradas al sistema de salud ni registradas en el SISBEN, la alcaldía municipal Secretaría de Salud se encuentra haciendo el trámite, se desconoce el estado de afiliación para los migrantes y refugiados" 229406,46461.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"In none of the target locations educational programmes are provided through National or private channels. In some areas where children have access to TV and electricity, they do not have access to the TV channels providing educational programmes or even they do not have awareness about any kind of such initiations in their respective provinces; neither children nor parents/teachers have any information as well." 228235,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] attributed 113 civilian casualties (83 killed and 30 injured) to international military forces, representing two per cent of all civilian casualties. Since the United States-Taliban Agreement of 29 February, civilian casualties caused by international military forces have all but ceased." 78391,21716.0,1187.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy']",es,39,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.eltribuno.com/salta/nota/2019-11-3-0-0-0-casi-la-mitad-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-elige-argentina,"En el Noroeste Argentino, Cuyo y la Patagonia la industria del gas y el petróleo paga salarios sensiblemente mayores a los de otros sectores industriales. Esto funciona como un imán para ingenieros extranjeros, principalmente, venezolanos" 197843,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic has therefore became an “emergency on top of an emergency”, risking lives and putting pressure on already fragile health systems, poor housing conditions and limited livelihood opportunities and socioeconomic welfare with extreme impact on the most vulnerable including the elderly, children, women, girls and people with disabilities. These have been further worsened by other emergencies including floods and infestation of desert locusts in the country" 299518,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 2020, the HAG (Humanitarian Advisory Group) recorded 252 instances of violence and threats against humanitarian personnel, assets or facilities, compared to 188 such incidents in 2019." 315487,54311.0,2311.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,45,['At Risk'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Debido al incremento de lluvias y ola invernal se puede presentar la proliferación de enfermedades respiratorias en todos los grupos vulnerables. Por tal motivo, se debe garantizar la protección de las personas afectadas con la adecuación e instalación de nuevos alojamientos temporales colectivos" 347920,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Women and children as stakeholders in the host community have more freedom of choice when they interact with their surroundings. Rohingya women and children on the other hand move within a constrained environment and are limited in their movements and living patterns" 229775,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,14,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"An urgent service for children, women and girls, PSNs is needed." 394838,61263.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,58,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2021/02/05/diputados-udi-piden-interrumpir-receso-legislativo-por-crisis-migratoria-en-zona-norta.shtml,"“Durante los últimos días hemos sido testigos de duros testimonios por parte de las autoridades locales y de vecinos que ven con temor cómo la llegada masiva y descontrolada de migrantes ha desbordado las capacidades de control, transformándose en un foco grave de peligro para la seguridad de los connacionales”, advirtieron los gremialistas." 272825,50353.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"IRC trained 50 community leaders in Fako division on humanitarian principles, protection principles, protection risks, and sensitized 3,384 persons (796 boys, 770 girls, 785 men, 1033 women) on protection risks, humanitarian principles, human rights, civil status documentations including disability cards, and the available services." 226620,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Being a young girl in Afghanistan is especially hard as girls and young women face numerous challenges and have restricted access to essential services, information, support and safety8" 198835,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Des informations disponibles, 35,0% (1518/4336) des cas étaient asymptomatiques à la notification. En outre, 26,9% (277/1032) des cas auraient visité une structure sanitaire dans les 14 jours précédant la maladie et 35,7% (347/972) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec un sujet présentant les symptômes d’une infection respiratoire aigüe" 224215,45763.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,54,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"La construction de latrines, la promotion de l’hygiène et l’assainissement (ATPC, lavage des mains, gestion des ordures), la réhabilitation et réalisation de forages ainsi que le traitement des eaux sont ressortis comme besoins prioritaires exprimés par les ménages lors des entretiens de groupes." 13905,5542.0,322.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,40,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"A monthly average of 7.1 million people were reached with emergency food assistance through in kind, cash transfers and vouchers. In addition, approx. 871,000 individuals received livelihoods assistance including agricultural, livestock and fisheries inputs." 221786,44697.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elpais.com.co/colombia/expiden-decreto-que-regula-regreso-a-clases-presenciales-en-conozca-las-medidas.html,"Durante las jornadas se debe garantizar el uso constante del tapabocas, establecer horarios de lavado de manos mínimo cada 3 horas y se debe, preferiblemente, conformar grupos de estudiantes que compartan la misma jornada, evitando que los círculos de contactos sean muy amplios." 328677,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 4% and 14% of households of both IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement respectively reported their property or possessions were damaged or stolen in the 30 days prior to data collection. 457417,61091.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20%C3%89valuation%20des%20besoins%20en%20abris%2C%20articles%20m%C3%A9nagers%20essentiels%20%28AME%29%20et%20logement%2C%20terre%20et%20biens%20%28LTB%29%20-%20Ville%20de%20Yalgo%2C%20Commune%20de%20Yalgo%2C%20Province%20de%20Namtenga%2C%20R%C3%A9gion%20Centre-Nord%20%28juin%202021%29.pdf,La majorité des IC (14/22) a rapporté que moins de la moitié des ménages avaient bénéficié d'une assistance humanitaire en abri eau cours des trois mois précédant la collecte de données. Les ménages assistés en abris auraient principalement bénéficié de constructions d'abris et de distributions d'abris et de matériels. L'organisation non gouvernementale (ONG) Catholic Relief Services (CRS) aurait mis en oeuvre dans la localité des distributions d'abris d'urgence et du transfert monétaire en mars et en avril 2021 217681,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Various assessments conducted on IDPs by IPC partners show worse food security scores on indicators compared to any other population’s category in Afghanistan. According to these assessments, more than 90% of the IDPs have an either poor or borderline food consumption score; none to one-week food stock maximum; very low level of income, far below the cost of a basic food basket; and a high level of debts." 238405,47405.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,21,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"Según Migración Colombia, en el país hay un poco más de 1,7 millones de migrantes venezolanos a septiembre de 2020" 492383,67938.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/logcluster-production-files/public/2021-09/Logistics%20Cluster_Syria_Aleppo_Meeting_Minutes_210901.pdf,"[Aleppo, Syria] On 11 July, the Government of Syria announced an increase in the price of subsidised diesel for transporters from SYP 200 to SYP 500." 160503,38373.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 71.7% de las familias encuestadas vive en casas, 16.6% en inquilinatos, 8.9% en asentamientos informales, 0.9% se encuentra en situación de calle, 1.5% habita en otros tipos de vivienda y 0.4% no responde." 278632,50856.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,375,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] In regards of rice prices, it remained the highest in Aleppo governorate at 3 050 SYP per kg and there was no change from December 2020 to January 2021. The prices were steady in Deir-ez-Zor, while a 33 percent m-o-m increase was recorded in Rural Damascus. As for eggs, the selling prices were increased in the local markets across the monitored governorates. The highest increase was recorded in both Tartous and Homs governorates (17 percent m-o-m increase) with a selling price of 6167 for thirty eggs, and 6 200 SYP being recoded respectively in the afore-mentioned locations. The highest selling price was recorded in Rural Damascus, reaching 6 700 SYP for a pack of 30 eggs. The cow milk’s selling price increased in Dará, Aleppo and Homs governorates and decreased in Hasakeh (10 percent m-o-m decrease). The average selling price reached 845 SYP per litre and the highest price recorded a 900 SYP per litre in Dará. For chicken meat, the prices in Aleppo continued to raise high at 7 150 per kg since December 2020, despite a 13 percent m-o-m decrease observed. An average selling price of 5 035 SYP per kg was recorded across the monitored locations (figure 24). Sheep and cow meat average prices reached 15 466 SYP per kg and 13 817 SYP per kg respectively, indicating 6 and 3 percent m-o-m decrease observed for both food commodities. Olive oil prices remained generally constant from December 2020 to January 2021. Tomato average selling prices have slightly increased across the monitored locations and markets. The average selling price reached 1 050 SYP per Kg. The tomato selling prices in Aleppo reached 1 275 SYP per kg (31 percent m-o-m increase). Potatoes average selling price increased by 22 percent m-o-m increase. A significant price raise was noticed in Rural Damascus, reaching 1 200 SYP per kg in January 2021 comparing to the recorded price back in December 2020 (600 SYP per kg) (100 percent m-o-m increase)." 35941,13226.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000105584.pdf,"Both global and severe food insecurity highest in Northern and central parts of Borno due to conflict, displacement and influx of new arrivals. Displacement from these northern areas into capital cities like Maiduguri, Jere and Monguno continues to put pressure on already stretched resources within such areas;" 155362,36610.0,1231.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Metas Específicas:  10.000 familias afectadas por las consecuencias del aislamiento (cese de empleos, cese de actividades económicas informales, entre otros.) reciben ayuda alimentaria, no alimentaria, o de efectivo.  1000 Pequeños negocios e 10 provincias son apoyados en su reactivación.  Apoyar el retorno a la actividad agrícola de cultivos de ciclo corto de pequeños productores" 281652,51173.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF in partnership with Nutrition Cluster partners including Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), UN agencies, national and international NGOs applied necessary programmatic adaptations in order to continue nutrition programming during COVID-19 in a manner to minimize the risk of transmission of virus for both health workers and beneficiaries." 112302,29953.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",[],[],es,33,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Según datos del GIFMM, durante el 2019, 54.656 personas accedieron a alojamientos de emergencia de acuerdo con los Estándares Esfera y 21.244 personas accedieron a la asistencia de transporte humanitario." 338365,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,17,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"[Global] Lack of access to affordable, reliable internet connection was another key problem." 492646,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] BREAD: 925 SYP PER 8 PIECE BUNDLE (0.29 USD) One month price change: increase of 1% Six month price change: increase of 23%" 274182,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Possession de terre] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] En moyenne, dans la province de l’Ituri, un ménage peut avoir accès à 1,94 ha de terre disponible, contre 1,3 ha de Bafwasende et seulement 0,3 ha à Faradje et Dungu (Haut Uélé)." 74802,21257.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,156,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"El 72% de la población encuestada en ciudades indico que durante el último año ha sufrido estrés o malestar emocional. 10,0% sufren de alguna enfermedad crónica, quienes requieren atención médica diaria o recurrente. 7,4% manifestó haber tenido una enfermedad infectocontagiosa por lo cual en el último año requirió algún tipo de tratamiento. Entre el 6% y 7% de las mujeres que entran al país se encuentran embarazadas o en período de lactancia. De estas, 40,4% manifestó no haber recibido atención prenatal. 3,0% tienen algún tipo de discapacidad Según varias encuestas realizadas en fronteras y en ciudades, el 26,5% de los hombres y el 31,2% de las mujeres ha tenido acceso a servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva durante el último año, siendo los principales servicios: pruebas de enfermedades de transmisión sexual, métodos anticonceptivos y educación." 328570,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,104,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 33% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot while 40% and 18% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot respectively. 4% reported to reach nearest health facility by foot in 1-3 hours. 2% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot . 279833,50901.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,59,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] Attitudes and behaviors of camp population in Mahmoudli Camp, - Awareness of COVID-19: Everyone - COVID-19 perceived as important issue: Most - Awareness of social distancing: Everyone - People engaging in social distancing: About half" 149553,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",es,89,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"La manifestación, que pocos esperaban tuviera el apoyo de los cientos de personas que se sumaron, acabó en disturbios, insultos y agresiones hacia los nicaragüenses, además de dejar un saldo de 44 detenidos y el decomiso de bombas molotov, machetes y cuchillos. Entre los detenidos hay personas que profesan la ideología nazi, anarquistas y miembros de las violentas hinchadas de fútbol, pero no se ha identificado a algún grupo o persona en particular a la que se atribuya la organización." 359822,58399.0,2098.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,103,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Food and nutrition: Gender norms impact on how food is distributed in the family during emergencies/ disasters. Research participants from the FGDs with out-of-school girls shared that parents in the target communities give nutritious food to boys and men during and after disasters because they believe that they are hard workers who go around in the flood waters to source food and manage shelters. The girls and women eat less nutritious food which affects their health especially during and after disasters, and they frequently fall ill due to weakness." 144531,34804.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,97,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In north-west Syria (NWS), individual crossings to and from Turkey remain restricted while humanitarian and commercial deliveries are authorized. UN cross-border shipments continue and have in fact increased since early March while commercial trucks (used by most NGOs) were partially impacted. Humanitarian and commercial shipments, and NGO staff movements, continue from Turkey to Syria. Restrictions at the two crossing points of Deir Ballut and Ghazzawiyeh linking Idleb and north Aleppo areas, continue, however creating a limited impact on humanitarian shipments and crossings of staff." 204349,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,63% des ménages [de Tillabérie] ont rapporté avoir diminué la quantité consommée durant les repas. 417564,64197.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,38,['Priority Needs'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"Se requiere apoyo técnico en planes de contingencia para minimizar el impacto de las restricciones de acceso físico en el Plan Nacional de Vacunación contra el COVID-19, en especial en zonas rurales de la Alta Guajira." 69984,20048.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],es,53,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3361413,"En Venezuela, UNICEF necesita al menos 6 millones de dólares para financiar programas de alimentación escolar que ayudan a 60.000 niños a matricularse y permanecer en la escuela. UNICEF también necesita al menos 3 millones de dólares para vacunar en los próximos tres meses a casi 400.000 niños contra enfermedades prevenibles" 194233,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Au total, 2 470 voyageurs étaient en cours de suivi ce 11/11/2020, tous à Kinshasa ; 713 (28,9%) d’entre eux ont été vus au cours de ces dernières 24h." 418275,64214.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,22,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En su mayoría, las familias en tránsito se encuentran caminando o pidiendo autostop y cruzan las fronteras por pasos irregulares." 62753,18396.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3267163,"UNICEF está haciendo un llamado de fondos por más de 70 millones de dólares para prestar asistencia humanitaria a 900.000 niños en toda Venezuela hasta finales de año. Para que UNICEF y sus aliados puedan atender las necesidades humanitarias fundamentales de los niños y familias del país, es esencial que en las próximas semanas reciba estos nuevos fondos." 136876,35314.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,76,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 26 July, there has been a general easing of preventive measures introduced in May 2020 to avoid the spread of COVID-19 despite the institution of several new restrictions. Most land borders into Syria remain closed, with some limited exemptions. Access through crossing points inside Syria also continue to be largely restricted, with some exceptions for humanitarian and commercial cargo, humanitarian personnel, students, and medical cases." 223549,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Bargel PHCU: there is increase in Malaria cases and consumption is high due to convergence of the flood villages to this site,44 cases of malaria (26<5y &18 >5y) were diagnosed in the week ending on 28th August, no reported disease outbreak like cholera or jaundice." 358474,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] 92% of assessed communities in which KIs reported that households do not use any methods to make water safer." 208200,44900.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,108,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"Les réponses de l’Etat et des partenaires au 28 Septembre 2020 comprennent : -300 kits NFI distribués par Save the Children aux sinistrés de la ville de Diffa. -89 kits NFI distribués par le Ministère de l’Action Humanitaire et de gestion des catastrophes pour les sinistrés de la ville de Diffa. -400 kits abris distribués par l’OIM. -336 kits NFI distribués par IRC aux sinistrés de Dassa (Chétimari), Maîné Soroa et Abadjiadjiri. -15,4 tonnes de vivres distribués par l’Etat aux sinistrés des villes de Diffa, Bosso et Dassa (Chétimari)." 126135,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"casi uno de cada cinco hogares migrantes tiene una baja diversidad de dieta (18.4%). Esto se debe en gran medida a una alta proporción de hogares migrantes que no consume ciertos grupos de alimentos como frutas, verduras o lácteos (56%, 44% y 43%, respectivamente) en la semana anterior a la evaluación." 195951,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,76,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Les professionnels de santé infectés représentaient 15,5% (n=307) des 1 984 cas pour lesquels la profession a été renseignée, avec une fourchette d’âge allant de 22 à 88 ans. Parmi les prestataires de santé infectés dont le corps de métier était connu, les médecins s’avèrent être les plus touchés (95/210 ; 45,2%), suivis des infirmiers (84/210 ; 40,0%)." 265708,49620.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"[restrictions mises en place afin de contrer la propagation de COVID-19] Ces restrictions ont particulièrement affecté les migrants transfrontaliers, qui ont mis en place des stratégies d’adaptation à court terme telles que l’emprunt d’argent et / ou la dépense des économies, qui pourront avoir des répercussions plus durables sur leur capacité de résilience. (Nov.2020)" 398584,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,149,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Por otro lado, aunque un 71% de las empresas declara haber tomado medidas de igualdad salarial, en sólo una minoría de las empresas (19%) los trabajadores entrevistados indican que existe un procedimiento de denuncia por discriminación salarial entre hombres y mujeres. Es decir, aunque un 41% de las empresas declaran haber ingresado la igualdad salarial en la política interna de la empresa, sólo en un 19% se habría implementado un mecanismo explícito para hacerla valer en caso de detectarse una desigualdad arbitraria. Y ello a pesar de la obligación legal que existe para las empresas de diez o más trabajadores permanentes, de consignar en el reglamento interno el procedimiento al que se someterán los reclamos de los trabajadores que se deduzcan por infracción al artículo 62 bis (igualdad de remuneraciones entre hombres y mujeres)" 338767,56193.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Economy']",en,52,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"Corruption is a significant challenge which limits investment. For example, government officials charged with licensing private businesses often expect bribes. Companies that refuse to pay bribes face retaliatory measures, such as deliberate delays in licensing and permitting, which prevent start-up and create severe disincentives to investment." 391151,61470.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 78% of households with a pregnant or lactating woman while living in the camp had reportedly been able to access obsteric or, antenatal care." 182572,42364.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/nigeria-virus-cases-top-62-500-as-infections-surge/2024419,"[29th Oct2020, Nigeria] Nigeria recorded 150 new confirmed cases and two deaths on Thursday, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) said in the latest daily update." 193734,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,49,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,L´imposition de l´état d´urgence à l´Est en août 2019 a impacté l´accès humanitaire en termes de mobilité du personnel du fait de l´interdiction de la circulation des motos et de la mise sur pied de l´autorisation de circuler pour les véhicules des particuliers loués par les acteurs humanitaires. 305600,50889.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,43,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"CAR refugees in Dimsu, El Radom and Um Dafoug have agricultural skills that are willing to use but language barriers make it difficult for them to access local job markets and agricultural extension opportunities live through land/crop sharing with host communities." 354599,58015.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,95,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2021/06/16/9-more-covid-patients-die-in-khulna,"[16th June 2021, Bangladesh] Khulna division in a 24-hour span till Wednesday morning registered its highest ever daily count of Covid-19 cases with the figure crossing the grim 800-mark for the second consecutive day. On Tuesday, the division for the first time recorded 818 cases, followed by 614 cases on Monday and 606 cases on Sunday. Rasheda Sultana, director of the Khulna Divisional Health Office, confirmed the latest caseload, saying that 41,846 cases had been detected in 10 districts under the division till now." 237881,47119.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,107,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Se han reportado hasta este corte 45 067 muertes por COVID-19, noti- ficadas en 38 entidades territoriales (departamentos y distritos). El 72,6 % (32 734) de las muertes se registró en: Bogotá (10 286), Antioquia (5 004), Valle del Cauca (4 481), Santander (2 483), Norte de Santander (2 157), Barranquilla (1 932), Cundinamarca (1 783), Córdoba (1 682), At- lántico (1 572), Tolima (1 354) y Huila (1 159" 58259,17094.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,130,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Durante 2017, el Servicio Social atendió consultas de 35 personas venezolanas. En 2018, las personas venezolanas asistidas por el Servicio Social fueron 235. De ellas, 41% eran mujeres y 59% varones. Entre los principales motivos de consulta se destacan la radicación, el refugio, el empleo, el acceso a programas sociales y la educación. Un tema recurrente durante 2018 fue la demora en la asignación de los turnos para iniciar el trámite de residencia, así como las dificultades para apostillar los antecedentes penales de país de origen. Si bien hacia mediados de 2018 el Consulado de Venezuela en Argentina comenzó a realizar este trámite, unas cuantas personas expresaron sus temores o desconfianza para acudir allí." 221740,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,80,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Alongside areas controlled by Al-Shabaab or ISIL, there are areas that are contested and where civilian movement is nearly impossible as a result of regular and active hostilities or military operations. In such areas, which are often rural, civilian populations remain despite active hostilities or heightened insecurity owing to a lack of resources and a fear of being discriminated against or even prosecuted for trying to reach safer areas because of clan or other presumed affiliations" 359188,58399.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],en,169,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The DRR status report 2019 that reports progress against the SFDRR global targets, notes that there are still over 1.2 million Rohingya refugees in need of humanitarian assistance: a situation at that time estimated to require over US$920 million in funding to maintain priority response efforts (such as food security, WASH and shelter) (UNHCR, 2019). In 2021, Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh continue to require humanitarian assistance as the crisis marks its fourth year. Alongside the social challenges, issues related to financing, capacity, coordination and accountability are also prevalent in the country (UNDRR, 2020). For example: financing for all DRM and CCA efforts requires massive investment. As of the 2020 reporting, severe funding gaps were noted in the post-disaster phases, with the implications likely to carry on into the long-term future (UNDRR, 2020)." 153292,31607.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3588563,"Como parte de la ayuda humanitaria en las fronteras del Perú, en Iñapari, región Madre de Dios, se instaló un refugio para personas que se encuentran varadas, sin la posibilidad de retornar a sus domicilios, desde el inicio del estado de emergencia nacional decretado para evitar el avance del coronavirus." 202504,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,10,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Communal violence and cattle raiding also interrupt relief operations. 185946,43194.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Les prix du maïs, manioc, et des haricots conservent une augmentation de 50% par rapport au mois de mars. La frontière entre la RDC et le Congo-Brazzaville est toujours fermée depuis le 31 mars 2020. Même si des échanges ont repris partiellement, le rythme n'est pas revenu au niveau d'avant les mesures gouvernementales" 225061,45275.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,33,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"As children and teachers return to school it is even more urgent to implement protective measures such as physical distancing, reduced class sizes and teaching hours, and improving WASH facilities." 163849,39094.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,158,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20East%20Nigeria%20-%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Update%20%28As%20of%2023rd%20August%202020%29.pdf,"In Borno State, MMC has 74.8% of total confirmed cases while Jere LGA has 17.5%. A total of 219 contacts are being closely monitored in Borno State and 1,857 Households with 11,442 persons were reached. In Yobe State, case fatality rate amongst confirmed cases is 11.9% and positivity rate of 13.7% of the 490 samples tested. Case to contact ratio is 1:10 and percentage of LGAs that reported at least one confirmed case in the state is 76.1%. The percentage of confirmed cases amongst healthcare workers is 20%. In Adamawa State, a total of 17 contacts are being monitored. 217 out of 1,633 samples tested are positive, giving a positivity rate of 13.3%. Also, 48.4% of confirmed cases are known contacts of previously confirmed cases. 14.3% of confirmed cases in Adamawa State are health workers." 155014,34182.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"El acceso a alimentos por parte de la población en tránsito es aún más complejo, ya que no cuentan con recursos para comprar, algún recurso lo obtienen pidiendo dinero en las calles y carreteras, lo poco que obtienen lo utilizan para comprar alguna sopa, pan o bebida que generalmente comparten en grupos." 186425,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"The Yei–Lasu road remains closed to humanitarian agencies following an August 10 attack on a humanitarian convoy, disrupting humanitarian assistance to more than 11,000 refugees and host community members in the area." 166380,39992.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,41,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:q54CBLzNy3AJ:https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/syria-coronavirus-outbreak-doctors/2020/09/24/95d9323a-fcea-11ea-b0e4-350e4e60cc91_story.html+&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=jo,"In the absence of sufficient testing, doctors are trying to diagnose cases based on chest X-rays and other symptoms, sending patients home to quarantine and care for themselves, according to the medical students and patients’ relatives." 261779,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Chocó: La comunidad del municipio de Tadó no accede al servicio de Salud, debido a que las inundaciones afectaron el sistema de suministro de agua del Hospital de este municipio." 271920,50217.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les enfants sont contraints de travailler ou de se marier très tôt pour pallier l’insuffisance des revenus au sein de la famille et ainsi, contribuer aux revenus du ménage." 151782,36070.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Qatar%20Charity%20inks%20QR1mn%20WASH%20agreement%20with%20OCHA%20for%20northern%20Syria.pdf,"The project, which is implemented in two parts, includes nine different activities. The first part of the project targets 21 squatter camps in Idlib and Aleppo with supplying safe drinking water, providing 25 IDP camps with 2000-liter water tanks, and repairing 100 toilets and 60 water points. It also includes raising health awareness in camps to reduce the outbreak of diseases and epidemics, particularly the coronavirus (COVID-19). These activities will continue 3 months for the benefit of 13,380 people." 117538,32494.0,1386.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,64,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/el-mundo/el-preocupante-aumento-de-la-violencia-contra-mujeres-ninos-y-ninas-venezolanas-durante-la-pandemia/,"Es claro que en épocas de pandemia los países en crisis y la población migrante es de las que más sufre. Solo la semana pasada, que se celebró el día del refugiado, el coordinador general de operaciones de Médicos sin Fronteras en América Latina, Marc Bosch, afirmaba que la situación de los migrantes venezolanos en la región es terrible" 175493,41213.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,Le renforcement du fonctionnement des groupes de travail qui interagissent directement ou indirectement avec le Cluster Santé; 160570,38373.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En grupos focales realizados en Bogotá, las mujeres migrantes expresaron que, al no contar con una red de apoyo en el país y al no tener los recursos necesarios, se ven forzadas al sexo por supervivencia para cubrir sus necesidades básicas, esto incrementa los riesgos de ser víctimas de redes de trata de personas." 176717,41684.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Protection%20Factsheet%20and%20Dashboard_Sep_2020.pdf,"[September 2020, Bangladesh] Child trafficking in particular continues to be a major concern in a number of camps, mostly involving girls and often relating to child marriage, with the promise of economic stability through marriage being used to lure victims into trafficking and smuggling schemes." 303514,53037.0,2334.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Le nombre de cas actifs de COVID-19 continue d'augmenter, mais à un rythme plus lent par rapport aux mois précédents, avec un total de 1176 cas actifs au 10 Décembre." 283261,51140.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/INFORMEbaja_DTM_GENERAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10918,"El 90,7% de los NNA entrevistados le dan importancia o priorizan estudiar y tener buenas notas mientras que un 4,9%, le dan poca o nada de importancia. De ese grupo de NNA que no priorizan el estudio, el 54,8% no se encuentran estudiando actualmente a pesar de estar en edad escolar con una edad promedio de 13 años. Lo anterior, evidencia que NNA desean continuar con sus estudios y reconocen el valor de la educación en su desarrollo y bienestar." 315243,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,176,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[afrique] Même si les mesures de confinement ont permis de réduire les taux d’infection, elles semblent l’avoir fait à un taux plus faible que dans d’autres régions du monde. {...} {possibles facteurs] la structure des économies et des marchés du travail africains est dominée par les travailleurs informels — constituant près de 90 % de l’ensemble des emplois, ou 77 % si l’on exclut l’agriculture — qui ne peuvent pas travailler à domicile12. Dans ce contexte, l’impact marginal de l’imposition de mesures de confine- ment plus restrictives est faible parce qu’elles sont difficiles à appliquer. Pour les travailleurs du secteur informel, rester à la maison signifie potentiellement perdre leur emploi et leurs moyens de subsistance, ce qui les confronte au dilemme de choisir entre souffrir de la faim à la maison ou aller travailler et risquer ainsi d’être exposés au coronavirus." 291651,51191.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Afghanistan continues to be one of the most difficult and deadly operating environments for aid workers. In 2020, 23 6 aid workers were killed, 53 injured and 111 abducted." 37186,11044.0,788.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,27,['Impact'],['Displacement'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,Although source of livelihood has been disrupted for asylum seekers who had to flee to Nigeria with no belongings because of the ongoing conflict in Cameroon. 208208,44900.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,Suivi et prise en charge de 103 enfants séparés et non accompagnés (dont 43 filles) dans les familles d’accueils transitoires et appui en kits alimentaires et NFI pour 20 enfants séparés et non accompagnés avec l’appui de IRC. -Réinsertion socioéconomique de 161 enfants vulnérables dont 43 sortis des groupes armés. -Appui a 25 familles d’accueil en kits alimentaires par COOPI 114368,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En total, se han expedido desde su creación hasta febrero del presente año 4.880.528 de TMV, de las cuales 715.047 fueron aprobadas para niños, niñas y adolescentes menores de 18 años." 271591,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Cette proportion [d'allaitement exclusif des enfants de 0 à 5 mois en 2020] est à la hausse comparée à celle de l’année 2019 (59,0%), soit un gain de 5,3 points." 222839,45953.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]76% of the displacement sites has an average waiting time at water points less than 30minutes while 21% is between 30minutes and an hour and 3% is above one hour (figure 8)" 267856,49804.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The national average price of a two-year old alive male sheep increased by six percent m-o-m and increased by 105 percent y-o-y, reaching SYP 395,569/sheep in January 2021 ." 260923,48984.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,67,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria] Given the shrinking humanitarian space in the Northeast — largely due to deteriorating security but also to restrictions imposed by the government and mistrust towards humanitarian actors — it is crucial to strengthen civil-military coordination under the lead of OCHA: the lives of up to 1.2 million people cut off from humanitarian assistance are at stake." 299310,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The number of incidents relating to movement restrictions remained relatively stable over the year. In Q4, the HAG recorded 52 movement restrictions, of which 43 related to humanitarian movement being impeded through the presence of checkpoints, with all except one established by NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban)." 310587,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"CCS Cluster : 26% that is 25m required, 6m funded, 18m unmet. [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 81992,22790.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72867.pdf,"El Taller Regional de AAP, liderado por UNICEF con el apoyo de la OIM, ACNUR y PMA, fue el punto de partida inicial para seguir reforzando los principios clave de AAP: garantizar que las comunidades estén en el centro e impulsen la acción humanitaria para brindar una asistencia adecuada y oportuna, así como también efectiva y ética." 197515,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"During May 2020, protection partners reached a total of 72,284 individuals (45 per cent children, 55 per cent women and girls) with protection information and services. This represents a significant increase (16 per cent) compared to April 2020, reflecting a gradually restored ability to reach out to people in need of services in the COVID-19 context, as well as strengthened awareness raising efforts (regarding risk communication)." 293936,52076.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,55,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Men working in transport between the economic capital and the villages of the South-West region, see their activity slowed down by insecurity and restricted movement of people and goods. The recurrent blockades that impede cross-border trade with Nigeria would particularly affect the commercial activity of women, who marketed food from there." 21463,8858.0,730.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,89,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WASH%20Needs%20Assessment_Shibam%20Kawkaban%20District_RRD.pdf,"In Yemen, one of the world’s most water-scarce countries, the ongoing war continues to exasperate the dire humanitarian situation particularly for children and women who depend on clean drinking water and sanitation for good health and survival. According to the UN OCHA’s 2018 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO), an estimated 16 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian assistance to access safe water, basic sanitation and hygiene facilities, out of which 11.6 million are in acute need." 157029,38912.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99163,"A la même date, neuf cas de guérison ont été enregistrés. Ce qui porte à 1112 le nombre des guérisons. On a enregistré un décès portant à 56 le nombre des personnes décédées de la maladie." 21208,8725.0,786.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],es,70,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"Este proceso se ha acelerado en los últimos días. Nadie duda de la necesidad de la ayuda humanitaria desde hace meses. La urgencia de la oposición para que llegue en este momento busca, no obstante, aumentar la presión sobre los militares, que son quienes controlan las fronteras del país y de quienes, en definitiva, dependerá que la ayuda entre o no a Venezuela" 302654,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,129,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Sumado a lo anterior, en entrevistas y grupos focales las personas LGBTI+ refugiadas y migrantes afirmaron desconocer los derechos laborales en los países de acogida y los procedimientos para organizarse y defender sus de- rechos. En algunos casos, afirmaron que se han sentido discriminados/as en los lugares de trabajo, por otros/as compañeros/as, transeúntes o entes del Estado. Esta discriminación parte de una actitud xenófoba frente a su país de origen y, en algunos casos, discriminación por su OSIGEG, sobre todo a quienes en la expresión de género “se les nota”. En la gran mayoría, personas gays, bisexuales y lesbianas entrevistadas dijeron que para evitar sentirse y ser discriminados/as han decidido ocultar su orientación sexual." 340755,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,162,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Durante la pandemia el Instituto de Estudios Rurales Mama Bwe Reojachó estableció una alianza con el municipio de Puerto Milán para lograr una comunicación entre los docentes y estudiantes por medio de la entrega de guías académicas que las familias reciben con el reparto de alimentos a cargo del municipio en el marco del PAE del MEN. Esta estrategia del MEN promueve el acceso y la permanencia de los estudiantes a través de la entrega de un complemento alimentario El programa cuenta con varios actores articulados entre sí: i) el MEN como ente rector, ii) la entidad territorial certificada, que actúa en cada provincia y distrito donde existen instituciones educativas, iii) los docentes encargados de organizar la entrega de alimentos y iv) los padres de familia quienes supervisan la calidad de los alimentos. Durante la pandemia el PAE fue el nexo que permitió la entrega de materiales directamente a cada familia." 223010,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,75,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Recommendations: Mine action must be a cornerstone of Nigeria’s return and recovery strategy:.Displaced families must be assured that their homes and lands are safe before being encouraged to return home. Mine action must therefore be incorporated in the government’s plans for return, and mine action organisations must be allowed to conduct survey and clearance wherever it is needed." 223001,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,81,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]According to MAG’s analysis of the available data, of the 412 civilians who were killed or injured, 72 were under the age of 18. However, limited and incomplete reporting mechanisms mean that the age of at least 222 casualties is not known. It is almost certain that the real number of girls, boys and teenagers killed or injured by landmines and unexploded bombs is higher." 189264,42868.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,15% (▲1%) de lo/as ICs reportaron que ello/as o los miembros de su grupo se habían sentido enfermos durante su viaje. 74803,21257.0,1184.0,['Health'],[],[],es,93,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"La mayoría del apoyo en de la cooperación de salud se hace a través del Ministerio de Salud Pública (capacitación, entrega de insumos y equipamientos) Cooperación (en apoyo al MSP) Entrega de insumos de salud y suplementos nutricionales para NNAs Entrega de insumos de salud Intervenciones de salud Desarrollo de herramientas y distribución de insumos para el manejo de emergencias obstétrica y neonatal, y otros problemas SSR Fortalecimiento de la capacidad de alerta/vigilancia para identificar y responder a enfermedades transmisibles, no transmisibles y inmunoprevenibles Apoyo psicosocial" 193065,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,35,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´interdiction des activités de pêche, d´agriculture et d´élevage dans les zones qualifiées d´insécurité a réduit les moyens de subsistance des populations, réduisant leurs capacités de subvenir à leurs besoins de première nécessité." 307740,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Insecurity on roads continues to disrupt critical life-saving service provision in Gumuruk and Mewun. On 15 March, an incident along the Pibor-Gumuruk road prompted a temporary suspension of movement for humanitarians. Tensions calmed and movements restarted. Reports of community fighting in Mewun Payam impacted the delivery of services and supplies." 294759,52363.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,9% of the population surveyed have a Border Mobility Card. This card grants the permission to stay for (seven to nine days) in the departments bordering Colombia and Venezuela. It is therefore it is not considered a valid document for the population with an intention to stay and/or residing in municipalities outside that region. 41081,11894.0,729.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"According to KIs, the worsening access to cash was explained by the closure of banks and financial institutions in Al Aziziya, Qasr bin Ghasheer, and Swani Bin Adam, as well as damage to some banks and the inability of people to reach banks or ATMs." 166546,40078.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,36,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/33_August_2020.pdf,"(4 sep,2020) Passengers who test negative after 7 days will end self- isolation on the 8th day. 6. Return passengers with symptoms of COVID-19 on arrival will be placed in institutional quarantine" 304897,50889.0,2466.0,"['Health', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Camp clinics are in urgent need of rehabilitation and operational support, including supplies, staffing and capacity building to ensure sufficient coverage of qualified staff. Refugees living in Kassala Town are often charged higher fees for accessing primary health services and medicines through public health facilities because of their refugee status." 229346,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Lack of shelter and NFIs IDPs were observed under trees with ongoing rain season the population are at high risk 222870,45721.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],en,38,['Impact'],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"throughout southern and central Somalia, civilians continue to face more rigorous taxation by Al-Shabaab, forcing many into displacement and causing the loss of productive assets, thus rendering those civilians more vulnerable to food insecurity." 82603,22770.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']",[],[],en,42,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"KIs reported that refugees and migrants’ most essential need was cash, followed by food (particularly bread and flour) and shelter. Safety/security, access to water, and access to healthcare were also cited as important needs." 188219,31146.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,78,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Entre las personas más afectadas están aquellas que viven en condiciones de marginalidad y pobreza extrema en el área urbana y que se dedican a empleos no formales con pago de jornal diario (no agrícola), no percibiendo ingresos y gastando sus limitados ahorros tales como rubros de: construcción, transporte, textil entre otros; los agricultores de subsistencia afectados por la sequía, que se encuentran más expuestos a contraer el coronavirus." 274167,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,71,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Indice de Stratégie de Survie-réduit (ISS-r)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages qui réduisent leur consommation alimentaire par manque de moyen sont typiquement ceux ayant des chefs avec un niveau d’éducation bas ou nul, ceux ayant un chef célibataire (25) par rapport à ceux mariés (21)." 165651,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three sanitation issues (681 responses)† 1 No separation between men and women’s latrines (61%) 2 Latrines are full (61%) 3 Latrines don’t have sufficient lights (52%) 310568,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,60,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"By September, 281 humanitarian organizations contributed towards the achievements presented in the dashboard. Of those, 66 per cent were local NGOs (LNGOs). At the end of September, funding for the HRP stood at 37 per cent2 with the United States of America, the United Kingdom and ECHO being the top funders." 299126,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In Q4, 17 levy requests were reported to the HAG, nearly on par with the 19 requests recorded in Q3. In 15 incidents, NSAG-TB directly requested levies from humanitarian partners, while two incidents related to indirect taxation, with NSAG-TB requesting payment from private contractors hired by humanitarian partners." 162895,37895.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/177845/,"The “Self-Administration” has imposed a curfew on al-Jazeera region, banning the traffic of buses inside the cities and the entire movement of traffic between al-Jazeera region and other departments, except commercial vehicles." 295308,51569.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Priorities on humanitarian response  Provision of livelihood support including general food distribution  Awareness-raising on GBV prevention  Establishment of health facilities and system that can respond to CMR  Advocacy for the integration of protection components into other sectors (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted) 290580,51925.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,193,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/03/03/alternancia-educativa-avanza-con-paso-de-tortuga-en-colombia/,"De acuerdo con lacircular 003 del 2021, estos serán los siguientes grupos que volverán a las aulas: Tercer grupo tendrá retorno a clases será el 15 de marzo.Para este caso, serán los colegios oficiales que adelantaron su proceso de registro en la plataforma con corte al 05 de febrero de 2021, priorizando también la presencialidad escolar de los grados de pre-jardín, jardín y transición, y de manera progresiva continuarán con el regreso de los grados de primaria y posteriormente secundaria y media. Cuarto grupo iniciará clases a partir del 05 de abril de 2021,los colegios oficiales que hayan adelantado su proceso de registro en la plataforma corte al 19 de febrero de 2021. Por último, el quinto grupo grupo comenzará las lecciones académicas a partir del 12 de abril de 2021,los colegios oficiales que hayan adelantado su proceso de registro en la plataforma con corte al 19 de febrero de 2021. Según los cálculos del Distrito,para el 12 de abril se espera el retorno total de los 400 colegios oficiales de Bogotá al modelo de alternancia." 71047,20258.0,1186.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://weblog.iom.int/joint-op-ed-venezuelan-displacement-demands-coordinated-international-response%E2%80%AF?utm_source=IOM+External+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=10041abef2-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_10_25_09_00&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9968056566-10041abef2-43608941,"In recent decades, Latin America and the Caribbean have enjoyed remarkable economic growth and political stability. In times when inequalities have grown worldwide, this continent has become more equal and fair. But this progress could be reversed. This crisis is already having destabilizing consequences across the region, and any major upheaval anywhere in Latin America would reverberate well beyond the regional borders. Latin America can’t be left alone to face this crisis. Certainly not by Europe which has strong and deep links with Venezuela, nor by the United Nations. We joined forces because nobody can address the crisis alone." 293929,52076.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Men, who are overwhelmingly the titled landowners, are affected by the spoliation of their property or by the fact that it has become inaccessible [due to conflict crisis]." 429728,64543.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,73,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Las necesidades de alimentación también incrementaron durante la pandemia por el cierre de escuelas y la falta de acceso a la comida escolar de niños, niñas y adolescentes. El Programa de Alimentación Escolar entrega raciones para preparar en el hogar. Sin embargo, las comunidades han manifestado que las cantidades son insuficientes, las entregas no son periódicas y los alimentos, en algunos casos, están en mal estado" 160471,38373.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En La Guajira, la barrera más comentada por las personas fue el costo del transporte (21.8%), sumado a la distancia entre los lugares de residencia y el hospital 15.4%)." 344144,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,65,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"Pour atteindre cet objectif qui est de travailler à ramener à la maison nos compatriotes qui ont pris les armes contre leur pays et favoriser la réconciliation, le gouvernement compte sur l’action patriotique des leaders d’opinion, des religieux, des coutumiers et autres personnes de ressources de leurs communautés d’origine, a précisé le Premier ministre." 219349,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Banadir region remains the epicentre of the epidemic with 1,036 confirmed cases as of 17 May. To minimise further spread of the virus, authorities have imposed a curfew, closed schools and restricted large gatherings." 276135,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Cette situation [pas de documentation civile et risque d'apatridie] affecte également les 45,710 retournés tchadiens de retour de la RCA dans le sud du pays revenus sans documents d’identité/état civil" 177255,41744.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,11,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"Les populations déplacées parlent fulfuldé, mooré, tamachèque, français" 299156,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,104,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Out of the 95 security incidents recorded in Q4, 58 incidents were related to ongoing fighting in areas with humanitarian operations. While humanitarians were not a direct target of conflict parties, 90 per cent of these incidents resulted in the temporary suspension or halt in programming activity, with humanitarians unable to continue programming in a safe and secure manner during ongoing fighting. The predominant number of these incidents was concentrated around Kandahar (23 incidents) and Hilmand (10 incidents) provinces, with the Southern Region seeing a number of NSAG-TB offensives in Q3 and Q4." 452949,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,64,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Sobre el lugar de residencia de los encuestados, encontramos que el 36% (122) respondieron que viven en el distrito de Carabayllo, 20% (68) viven el Independencia, 17% (59) viven en Carmen de la Legua en el Callao y 24% (83) respondieron que viven en otros distritos no identificados." 344139,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,68,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"Le gouvernement a, de ce fait, actionné le levier du développement de ces zones, en intensifiant les réalisations d’infrastructures sociales, économiques et sécuritaires. Ces actions ont été menées dans le cadre du Programme d’Urgence pour le Sahel (PUS) élargi et du Programme de développement des économies locales (PADEL), a relevé le Premier ministre." 185028,40867.0,1900.0,['Education'],[],[],es,19,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/publicacion-covid-19-y-educacion-primaria-y-secundaria-alc.pdf,"menos del 40.92% de los estudiantes en Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua terminan el nivel educativo de secundaria" 306182,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"As of November 2018, most IDPs have missed cultivation while access to agricultural labor, collection and sales of forest products remained limited due to the continued insecurity situation." 359910,58399.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The research findings are aligned with the Women Deliver research (January 2021) that explored the link between climate change and sexual and reproductive health and rights. This research found that girls and women living with disabilities also experience compounded impacts of climate change, as they face stigma, discrimination, and environmental barriers that limit their access to education, employment, healthcare, food security and other important services including emergency response and disaster preparedness support. Community leaders reported during KIIs that access to any kind of services post-disaster is difficult for disabled girls and boys, as they are dependent on others and require constant support." 220011,45769.0,2332.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Ainsi, le manque des abris adaptés et le manque des latrines sont autant de problème qui portent non seulement préjudice à la préservation de la dignité de ces femmes et filles mais aussi les expose aux risques d’agressions sexuelles. Il a été mentionné que les femmes et filles auraient été victimes de violences sexuelles." 193088,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,41,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´accès humanitaire sur l´ensemble du territoire a été perturbé par les contraintes physiques, l´insécurité, les tracasseries et ingérences administratives qui représentent des obstacles majeurs auxquels les acteurs humanitaires ont été confrontés dans l´acheminement de l´assistance aux communautés affectées." 308370,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Shortage of nutritional supplies was reported from nutrition facilities in Kirrik and Rualbet. Due to security incidents, nutritional facilities in Alabek and Aliek were non-operational, during the reporting period. Low stock of health supplies was reported by partners who were unable to access facilities since December 2020." 359127,58464.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES]Crop failures and poor livestock health are critically impacting farmers' and livestock breeders' access to livelihoods." 219318,45753.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/voices_from_syria_2020_final_draft.pdf,"New GBV trends identified this year, especially in areas of north-west Syria, are sex-selected abortion to ensure having sons, forced pregnancy to bridge a perceived demographic gap and forced puberty of girls, the process of giving girls hormones so that they reach puberty earlier and get married earlier." 163980,34165.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,69,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Protección Necesidades: • Durante los meses de aislamiento preventivo a nivel nacional se ha presentado un incremento en la actividad de GAOs, quienes buscan control del territorio para llevar controlar cultivos y otras economías ilícitas; existe riesgo en las comunidades, quienes temen por posibles enfrentamientos, además diferentes GAOs han amenazado a las comunidades y a las personas que sean diagnosticados con COVID-19 positivo." 221734,45721.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In many areas, serious protection concerns remain, including about unexploded ordnance, ongoing and renewed fighting and retaliatory violence by non-State armed groups, such as interference with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the ground and the forced recruitment of adults and children. In some areas, such as Shabelle Dhexe and Galmudug and parts of Kismaayo, assistance continues to be limited, including for marginalized communities, even where access is possible." 175453,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,76,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"En 2020, la population du Burkina Faso sera estimée à 21 968 200 selon les projections de l’INSD. Cette population extrêmement jeune augmente de 3,1% par an. Si l’année 2019 a connu plusieurs incidents liés aux engins explosifs réduisant la mobilité de plusieurs partenaires, l’année 2020 est une année particulière en termes d’attaques mais aussi les épidémies dont la pandémie à COVID-19." 339386,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,45,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Pese a los importantes esfuerzos desplegados por los estados, la situación de la mayoría de estudiantes de pueblos indígenas es doblemente crítica, pues se requiere que el acceso a la educación vaya de la mano de un servicio pertinente y de calidad." 153919,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,Tipo de permanencia en Colombia: el 87% está en estado de irregularidad; 4% tienen Permiso Especial de Tránsito (PET); 6% tarjeta de movilidad fronteriza; 2% Permiso especial de permanencia (PEP); 1% ciudadanía colombiana. * Algunos de estos permisos o tarjetas no están actualmente vigentes. 189216,42868.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,20,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,6% de ICs reportaron que dentro de su grupo había menores de edad viajando sin su acudiente legal6. 189996,43443.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,113,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Les épidémies subsistent dans les zones de santé de Mweso, Masisi, Birambizo, Bambo, Kibirizi et Pinga avec à la semaine 28 épidémiologique 2 598 cas sur les 4 599 de cas de rougeole de toute la province, 1 095 cas sur 3 825 de cas de choléra de toute la province et 188 188 cas de malaria sur les 684 218 cas de paludisme confirmés au cours du premier semestre 2020. Celles-ci sont favorisées par le manque d'accès à l'eau potable, de nombreuses sources existantes n'étant pas protégées ou réhabilitées, et aux systèmes d’hygiène et d’assainissement, dont les latrines." 116005,30124.0,1386.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,606,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Respuesta Durante el primer trimestre, 20.402 personas recibieron asistencia para mejorar su acceso a un alojamiento seguro, energía y/o enseres básicos en seis estados: Táchira (10.104), Apure (5.787), Zulia (4.169), Miranda (149), Amazonas (100), Distrito Capital (63) y Bolívar (30). El grupo de edad que más beneficiarios registró fueron adultos entre 18 y 59 años, con un total de 11.891 beneficiarios (58 por ciento), incluyendo un 60 por ciento femenino y un 40 por ciento masculino. El siguiente grupo que más beneficiarios registró fueron NNA, con un total de 6.986 personas beneficiadas (34 por ciento), de los cuales un 52 por ciento fueron femenino y 48 por ciento masculino. 1.525 adultos mayores de 59 años (8 por ciento) (57 por ciento femenino y 43 por ciento masculino). 117 personas con discapacidad fueron atendidas. La mayor parte de la población alcanzada se benefició de un mejor acceso a un alojamiento digno y seguro (84 por ciento del total de beneficiarios), producto de la rehabilitación, ampliación y mejora de espacios de alojamiento temporal colectivo (52 por ciento de las intervenciones de alojamiento), la construcción de espacios y centros comunitarios y/o instituciones (16 por ciento de las intervenciones de alojamiento) con un alcance total de 17.052 personas. Del total, 124 personas se beneficiaron de capacitaciones y sesiones informativas en espacios y centros comunitarios y comunidades indígenas sobre construcción segura, normas de convivencia y/o energías limpias. Del total de personas que se beneficiaron de un mejor acceso a un alojamiento digno y seguro 6.043, 35 por ciento fueron NNA, 53 por ciento mujeres y 47 por ciento hombres. Del total, 9.850 adultos de entre 18 y 59 años (61 por ciento mujeres y 39 por ciento hombres) y 1,159 adultos mayores de 59 años (57 por ciento mujeres y 43 por ciento hombres. Estos espacios se encuentran principalmente en estados y municipios fronterizos, Táchira y Zulia. Un total de 3.096 personas recibieron asistencia material a través de enseres (15 por ciento total de beneficiarios). De los cuales 1.232 recibieron kits de enseres básicos (mosquiteros, cocinas portátiles y baldes), 1.111 recibieron kits destinados a personas en movilidad o en riesgo de movilidad con necesidades específicas, 603 recibieron lámparas solares y 150 recibieron enseres y equipamiento para centros comunitarios e instituciones. Del total de beneficiarios de enseres, el grupo de edad que más beneficiarios registró fue el de adultos entre 18 y 59 años, con un total de 1.826 beneficiarios (59 por ciento). De estos, un 58 por ciento fueron beneficiarios femeninos, y un 42 por ciento masculinos. El siguiente grupo más beneficiado fue el de NNA (29 por ciento), con un total de 904 beneficiarios (54 por ciento niñas y 46 por ciento niños). 366 adultos mayores de 59 años (55 por ciento mujeres y 45 por ciento hombres) también recibieron enseres. Un total de 194 persona mejoraron su acceso a energía y electricidad mediante la dotación e instalación de generadores eléctricos a instituciones y organizaciones, De estas personas 155 eran adultos entre 18 y 59 años (44 por ciento mujeres y 56 por ciento hombres) y 39 NNAs." 307772,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Lack of functioning health facilities across Akobo County remains critical, with only 5 of 23 facilities functioning at present, predominantly due to the lack of resources. To address existing gaps in service provision, two partners are scaling up services in the primary health care unit (PHCU) in Nyandit Payam and through mobile medical teams in Bileky, Denjok and Gakdong payams in Akobo East. However, critical gaps remain for in health services for people in Akobo West." 208213,44900.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"Réponses : -Distribution de 353 abris d'urgence et 369 kits NFI au profit des victimes des inondations de Diffa ville. -700 Kits abris transitionnels et 300 kits hygiène distribués par le groupe sectoriel au profit des déplacés installés sur les sites de Kabléwa, Toumour, Djolori Koulo et N'Guel Madou Mai." 47465,16249.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",[],[],es,112,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"En 2018, las personas refugiadas y migrantes de Venezuela y las comunidades de acogida recibieron ayuda esencial, incluida la asistencia alimentaria y recuperación de la producción agrícola, kits de higiene, vacunación, transporte humanitario y asistencia en los centros de tránsito. Decenas de miles de venezolanos han recibido orientación individual durante y después del RAMV y la emisión del PEP. Se establecieron puntos de atención y orientación, clínicas legales, espacios amigables para las niñas y los niños e instalaciones de educación temporal en todo el país. Por último, las campañas contra la discriminación y xenofobia han alcanzado a millones de colombianos." 187543,38355.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Ecuador%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20%20%28Response%20to%20COVID-19%20%29%20reporting%20period%20March%20-%20June%202020%20.pdf,Six out of 10 women have been victims of some form of gender-based violence 271901,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"L’insécurité présente dans les régions frontalières avec le Nigéria, le Burkina Faso et le Mali continuent de provoquer des mouvements de population." 134095,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,72,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En septiembre de 2019, la SENAF y la OIM presentaron el Registro Nacional de Asistencia a Víctimas de Trata (REDAVIT), a la red nacional de puntos focales de asistencia, con el objetivo de fortalecer la articulación federal para la asistencia a víctimas de trata. Mediante este dispositivo, los responsables y puntos focales provinciales, registrarán todos los casos que asisten en un mismo sistema." 112064,29855.0,1620.0,[],[],[],en,124,[],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201804%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report_WCA_v1.pdf,"The majority of observed individuals (71%, a 6 p.p. increase) were adult men, while 16 per cent (a 3 p.p. decrease) were adult women and 12 per cent were children, including 4 per cent of children under five years old. An additional 4 per cent of travellers were elderdly (aged 60 years oild or older), representing a 8 p.p. decrease from the previous month. Travellers were primarily carrying out shortterm local movements (44%), long-term economic migration (35%) or seasonal migration (16%, a 6 p.p. increase). Notably, 5 per cent of individuals were tourists." 207132,43347.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Acute malnutrition has been a protracted problem in South Sudan with the death of some 17,000 under-five children in 2018 attributable to undernutrition." 399017,61837.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,65,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://chile.as.com/chile/2021/02/16/actualidad/1613508382_569063.html,"Ollagüe cuenta con escasos servicios y un solo consultorio, atendido por dos paramédicos.Los extranjeros llegan a la localidad luego de caminar más de 15 horas soportando temperaturas muy altas durante el día y muy bajas en la noche. Los migrantes llegan al lugar deshidratados y sin alimentos, por lo que en el consultorio de la comuna deben reunir alimentos para abastecerlos." 166412,40065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,212,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fewer-fatalities-more-recoveries-recorded-last-week/,"It was a reverse case scenario that played out on Friday September 25, as recoveries more than doubled new infections that were confirmed; besides the fact that the day witnessed the biggest daily recoveries of the week. On that day, 508 discharges were reported in 10 states: Katsina (364), Oyo (57), Kwara (30), FCT (23), Plateau (17), Rivers (7), Kaduna (4), Ogun (3), Delta (2) and Osun (1); 213 confirmed cases were reported in 17 states. New cases took place in Lagos (51), Plateau (51), FCT (29), Rivers (18), Ondo (12), Oyo (9), Osun (8), Gombe (7), Ogun (7), Kaduna (5), Enugu (4), Edo (3), Jigawa (3), Kano (3), Benue (1), Delta (1), and Sokoto (1). Two deaths were reported in one state – Kaduna." 418544,63160.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,144,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NEW%20UPDATE%20COVID-19%20DRC%2C%20JULY%2001%2C%202021%20-%20Nouvelle%20mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20COVID-19%20en%20RDC%20-%20Avec%20les%20donn%C3%A9es%20fournies%20jusqu%27au%20jeudi%201er%20juillet%202021%20%20-%20wf%20-.pdf,"En semaine 25 (du 21 au 27 juin 2021), une forte augmentation de la circulation du SARS-CoV-2 était observée dans la capitale Kinshasa et les provinces connues comme les plus actives du pays (Nord-Kivu, Haut-Katanga, Kongo Central, Sud-Kivu, Lualaba, Tshopo, Haut-Uélé, Ituri etc.) ainsi qu’une détection élevée du variant Delta (B.1.617.2) parmi les patients diagnostiqués, selon les données de l’INRB. Le nombre de cas actifs, depuis les 6 dernières semaines épidémiologiques a fortement augmenté aussi, passant de 2 000 à plus de 11 000, témoignant d’une progression inquiétante de l’épidémie dans les villes des provinces susmentionnées, ainsi que de la détérioration de l’ensemble des indicateurs épidémiologiques liés au coronavirus dans le pays." 194932,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,43,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Continued tightening of health referral pathways and collaborative activities with health Rapid Response Teams (RRTs), such as augmenting trainings for camp management committees (CMCs) and other site-level governance structures, is a synergy that is still required." 473914,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,Facilitar métodos de denuncia viables y accesibles para reportar casos de violencia y en los que se dé prioridad a la investigación y crear planes de rápida respuesta para el restablecimiento de derechos de niñas/os y adolescentes. 183666,43048.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/with-drastic-increase-in-covid-19-cases-northwest-syria-languishes-under-health-humanitarian-crises/,"[November 5 ,2020 Northwest Syria] northwest Syria has five testing labs, 34 community-based treatment centers and nine hospitals with 645 available beds, 142 intensive care unit (ICU) beds and 155 ventilators. Six hospitals are dedicated to COVID-19 patients in Idlib, Dr. Yahya Nami from the Health Directorate in Idlib, told Syria Direct." 60708,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Dependency of IDPs on household communities: continues to put pressure on limited and oftentimes, overstretched resources in such communities as seen in the cases of Monguno, Maiduguri, Ngala, Damboa and Gwoza where host community households were found to be more food insecure compared to IDP households in camps. This can be further explained by the targeted systematic humanitarian assistance that IDP households in camps receive from government and partners, the scale of which is often more significant compared to host community counterparts." 390772,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,66,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La estimación más acabada y detallada que existe para Chile es la que realizó Maire (2019) para el periodo 2014-2017 . Siguiendo la metodología propuesta por Dustmann y Frattini (2014), el autor encuentra que los migrantes contribuyeron en promedio un 0,5% del PIB entre el 2014 y el 2017, lo que está en línea con la literatura internacional." 320924,54668.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,75,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Selon les réponses fournies par les informateurs clés, les Graines (1) et les Outils (2) ont été classés comme les intrants les plus nécessaires à l’augmentation de la production des cultures vivrières dans les villages." 48977,16177.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,129,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"El acceso al Sistema de Protección Social, a través de la Resolución 3015 del 18 de agosto de 2017, permite a la población migrante venezolana acceder a los mismos derechos que un trabajador formal colombiano; en otras palabras, todas las organizaciones que pertenecen al sistema tienen el deber de atender a los migrantes en caso de ser contratados. Por otra parte, la carta circular 68 del 18 de agosto de 2017 informa al sector financiero que el PEP, junto con el pasaporte o documento de identificación venezolano, sirve como identificación para la apertura y el uso de pro- ductos financieros. Con estos dos documentos, el país abrió la puerta al mercado laboral formal para la población migrante venezolana." 1550,291.0,321.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Food Security', 'Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,113,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2016%20February%202018.pdf,"In addition, on 14 February, a plane took 150 refugees from Tripoli to Rome, bringing the total number of refugees evacuated since the beginning of UNHCR’s humanitarian evacuation operation to 1,084 (770 to Niger, 312 to Italy, and two to Romania). The second direct evacuation from Libya to Italy was only made possible through the strong commitment of the Italian authorities and the support of the Libyan Government. Upon arrival in Rome, refugees went through medical checks and were provided with warm clothing and a hot meal before undergoing identification procedures. The refugees were then transferred to various reception facilities" 399340,62971.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: Families from flooded shelters have been relocated to temporary facilities (36 facilities are hosting 451 households) or are staying with friends and relatives. A learning facility in one camp is being used as a temporary shelter for displaced Rohingya families." 245840,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,39,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,Businesses tend to lay off their staff to cut down on costs. Several interviewed businesses across the damaged areas reported that they had laid off their staff after the explosion as they were incapable of paying salaries. 494234,68123.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] The national average ToT between wheat flour and wage labour increased by 10 percent compared to February 2021 (six months ago), while it decreased by nine percent compared to August 2020. In other words, the national average daily wage of a non-skilled labourer could buy 3.8 kgs of wheat flour in August 2021 compared to 3.5 kgs in February 2021, and 4.2 kgs in August 2020." 391117,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,137,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Nigeria has a large amount of fresh water capable of yielding more than 214 km3 of fresh water and covering a surface area of over 20 million hectares. The country’s water resources include 200 dams storing more than 31 billion m3, however the country remains highly vulnerable as recent water supply is unable to meet demands for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes. The vulnerability in the water sector is affected by declining trends in the in-flow of water into dams due to lengthening dry seasons, increase in flooding incidences especially along the Niger and Benue rivers and the country’s limited rural water distribution infrastructure which is hampering efficient community level access to and use of its water resources for irrigation" 136351,35143.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,65,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The past week saw some banks announce a cut in their staff’s salaries. The International Bank for Trade and Finance, for instance, deducted 50 percent of the April pay for employees who could not come to work because of movement restrictions, while Bank of Syria and Overseas deducted 30 percent from salaries, according to reports on social media" 272784,50353.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"The humanitarian situation in the NWSW regions remained dire during the month of November, marked by continued violent attacks on schools and children and overall insecurity linked to the approaching first ever regional elections announced for 6 December. Incidents reported within the month include killing, torture, abduction of students and teachers, as well as arson against education facilities." 228237,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"For Pro-Government Forces, ground engagements remain the incident-type causing the majority of civilian casualties, amounting to 986 civilian casualties (270 killed and 716 injured) in the first nine months of 2020, similar to the same period of the year prior. Of specific concern is the detrimental harm that is caused by the use of indirect fire, including through howitzers and mortars, especially in civilian-populated areas." 86579,23946.0,1621.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,41,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/three-children-killed-others-injured-artillery-shelling-haftars-forces-southern-tripoli,"Haftar's forces are still breaching the ceasefire on different frontlines in southern Tripoli, attempting to advance on new positions on a daily basis by firing rockets and shells on civilian neighborhoods leaving a number of deaths and injuries." 176627,41731.0,2099.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,120,"['Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"{À Kongoussi Centre-Nord)} Toutes les PDI sont d’accords sur les besoins spécifiques qu’ils ont du fait de la difficulté de respecter les mesures barrières dans les sites et parce qu’ils sont démunis. Ces besoins n’ayant pas été pris en compte, ils recommandent plus d’espaces et de tentes et la dotation en matériel de protection. Les populations hôtes disent aussi avoir été impactées par la situation sécuritaire. Par ailleurs leurs conditions de logement ne permettent pas le respect de la distanciation sociale. Il faudrait un appui en matériel de prévention et des appuis en AGR pour leur permettre de pouvoir faire face." 22963,9328.0,730.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,28,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.unfpa.org/news/worlds-worst-humanitarian-crisis-miracle-safe-birth#,"JARDAN, Yemen –Over a million pregnant women and new mothers require urgent aid in Yemen, the site of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis." 242495,47618.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Education']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,57,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] When the teachers were asked what kind of assistance they needed in order to continue with the teaching-learning activities, 38.81% of the teachers mentioned that they need better functioning electronic devices and equipment and 24.63% mentioned that they need training in order to develop their skills." 152479,37831.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Health', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,86,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"With 40,000 people per square kilometre, the Rohingya refugee camp is one of the most densely populated places on Earth. Practicing social distancing and other COVID-19 prevention measures is extremely difficult. Refugees come in close contact when they queue for food assistance or fill buckets at the community water point. Most families share a latrine with up to 20 people. They need masks to protect themselves, but sufficient quantities to cover almost 1 million people are in short supply." 190022,43443.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,111,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Les principaux besoins en protection dans les deux territoires de Djugu et Mahagi sont principalement liés aux violences basées sur le genre (sexe de survie, mariage précoce, déni de ressources, etc.), à la séparation familiale liée aux conflits (présences d’enfants non accompagnés) et aux restrictions de mouvements. Les enfants non accompagnés sont généralement pris en charge par des familles d’accueil. Les personnes déplacées sont parfois victimes d’extorsion de leurs récoltes ou de leurs produits de pêche. Plusieurs cas d’agressions physiques, viols ou assassinats ont été enregistrés lors des déplacements." 61209,17745.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/08.23.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Success%20Story%20-%20Supporting%20Health%20Care%20Access%20for%20Vulnerable%20Venezuelans.pdf,"While the nearly 666,000 Venezuelans without formal migration status are able to access emergency health care services in Colombia, many individuals with chronic illnesses are unable to afford essential medicines and services." 308173,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"An additional four rapid response teams were deployed in hard to reach areas, including in one team to Mabior, Manyiel, of Gakrol Payam, a second team in Alueel and Thuryeth of Tiar Aliet Payam, a third team providing services in Amacrol, Mocdit of Wathmuok Payam and fourth team in Mayomlac, Dokul of Nyoc Awany Payam to provide rapid nutrition scale up response. More than 1,500 vulnerable families were supported with kitchen gardening and demonstration farm with an aim to improve their diet diversification." 224600,44702.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"In Motoronyo, there existed only one BH (Boma Health ) which was cut off by the floods from the use of the community. Displaced population were using surface water in the area." 188171,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El 11 de marzo del 2020 se confirmaron los dos primeros casos de COVID-19 en Honduras. Al 31 de mayo se registraron 5.094 casos confirmados y 201 personas fallecidas, las cifras más altas del NCA." 358781,58534.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.invima.gov.co/web/guest/informacion-importante-acerca-de-la-inclusion-de-mujeres-embarazadas-en-las-asue-de-vacunas-contra-covid-19?redirect=%2Farticulos-de-interes-coronavirus-covid-19,"Agencias regulatorias de referencia como la FDA (Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos) y la EMA (Agencia Europea de Medicamentos) han manifestado que las mujeres embarazadas deben analizar con sus médicos tratantes, de acuerdo con su estado de salud y los factores de riesgo particulares, para tomar una decisión en relación con su inmunización con las vacunas disponibles contra covid-19" 486213,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Across the north-west, host population and returnees are only represented in residential areas, whereas IDPs live in residential areas (46 percent), informal IDP settlements (46 percent), and planned IDP settlements (8 percent)." 223955,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,46,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Pour la Santé sexuelle et reproductive, il y a un risque élevé des grossesses non désirées étant donné que certaines structures qui s’occupent des CPN et CPS ont suspendu les activités et celles qui continuent à travailler reçoivent un nombre très limité." 237982,47357.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,50,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria%20Country%20Brief%2C%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov2020,Nigeria] The crisis induced by non-state armed groups remains the principal driving factor of instability in northeast Nigeria. In May 2013, the Government declared a state of emergency in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States (BAY states) of northeast Nigeria." 298935,51152.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of 31 January 2021, some 35,000 people mainly displaced from flooding in Jonglei received CCCM services in Mangalla in Central Equatoria" 185950,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,22,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,"Concernant la farine de maïs, à l'échelle nationale, le prix médian varie entre 40 000 et 53 000 FC." 174643,41385.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=205359,"[6th October 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Tuesday that 46 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 15 patients have recovered while 2 others have passed away ." 265718,49620.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"L’accès à l’eau y serait en effet insuffisant pour plus d’un tiers des ménages de la zone, avec un manque plus marqué pour les ménages déplacés ainsi que pour les provinces du Soum, de l’Oudalan, de Yagha, de Gourma et de Tapoa selon les données de la MSNA 2020 du Burkina Faso." 168285,40395.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic-republic-congo/health,"A ce jour, aucun cas de contamination par le COVID-19 n’a été circonscrit dans les camps des réfugiés et camps de déplacés." 16783,6342.0,322.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,84,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"The September GFA distribution is ongoing in Al Hudaydah Governorate, where the target is 465,504 beneficiaries. This includes a blanket food distribution in At Tuhayat for 99,642 beneficiaries, access permitting. WFP is also planning to reach another 354,042 beneficiaries in September through the CV-TN programme. In addition, WFP and its partners will provide another round of one-off food assistance to 20,000 IDP households through the CV-TN programme and an estimated 40,000 IDP households through the GFA programme." 244287,47369.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[NES, Dec] Movement restrictions at the main gate of the camp are not respected – CA has refused to apply it as it limits livelihoods activities especially for those population who already have jobs outside the camp." 112110,30834.0,1620.0,"['Health', 'Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FAO%20NE%20Nigeria%20sit%20rep_June%202020.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a slowdown in production and intra- and inter-regional agricultural trade in the NorthEast, including of the movement of key agricultural commodities. The region’s food supply chains were affected, with the closure of wet markets and retail stores in densely populated urban areas for significant periods of time during AprilMay. In addition, the surge in attacks which began at the start of the year were sustained throughout May, preventing farming households from accessing food and livelihood support in some areas." 166605,39056.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/270_1597244175_0.pdf,"On the 5th of August 2020, the PTF-COVID-19 announced further easing of the second phase of the lockdown, with recommendations in line with the three thematic areas below: 1. General Movement: While restrictions on interstate travels and other movement limitations have been relaxed, Nigerians are henceforth urged to comply with mandatory use of face masks and avoid unnecessary contact with people" 147506,35128.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The current testing rate in Syria is 1027 tests per million people, according to the Syrian Ministry of Health and local authorities in north Syria, which puts Syria in eighth from last place for COVID-19 testing globally, just above Mali." 272648,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,De multiples mécanismes de coordination aussi bien des acteurs humanitaires que ceux de développement ont été mis en place pour répondre aux alertes récurrentes et aux besoins humanitaires considérables. 248990,47559.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,50,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Il faut noter que les enfants à bas âges n’ont pas d’espace de distraction et d’occupation. Cependant, ils suivent leurs parents sur les sites d’orpaillage ; toutes choses qui les exposent à de multiples risques et aux maladies respiratoires." 207067,44711.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,112,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://newspaper.albaathmedia.sy/2020/12/03/%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d9%8a%d8%a4%d8%ab%d8%b1-%d8%b9%d9%84%d9%89-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ae%d8%af%d9%85%d8%a9-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%b3%d8%a7%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84/,"[December 3, Damascus] The assistant director indicated that the country witnessed in the summer months a clear peak of the spread of Corona, and its peak was within the city of Damascus, as for the other governorates, the spread was less, and after that the cases began to decrease, but now the cases have increased, but they are not similar to the peak that occurred in the seventh month or Eighth, but the possibility of spreading and reaching the peak is very likely, especially since the ambulance cases that were referred to the hospital increased significantly during the month of November" 335282,55819.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Les participants aux groupes de discussion ont aussi spécifié que bon nombre d’habitants de localités rurales récoltent le fonio dans la forêt pour compléter leurs récoltes agricoles de la saison." 221370,45721.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The first case of COVID-19 in Somalia was confirmed on 16 March, and there were 3,310 cases and 97 deaths as at 31 August." 129443,32894.0,1184.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,87,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Muertes en el camino: la falta de opciones para una migración segura y legal, lleva a que los migrantes tomen rutas alternativas donde su vida corre peligro. Ante la imposibilidad de continuar el viaje trasladando un cadáver el mismo es abandonado en áreas de difícil acceso o en servicios de salud. Así mismo no se observan precauciones de bioseguridad para quienes manipulan los cuerpos en trochas o pasos irregulares. Se realizan sepulturas en el trayecto. NNA expuestos a esta problemática." 62104,18564.0,1386.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],en,28,['At Risk'],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"Data about health conditions in Venezuela at the national level is difficult to obtain, because the government stopped publishing information concerning most indicators in July 2015." 293981,52076.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,80,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In the south-west and north-west, displaced girls have the greatest difficulty in accessing the necessary sanitary materials, using toilet paper, tree leaves, sponges or pieces of cloth, which they clean with soap when it is available. Survival sex is sometimes motivated by obtaining the money needed for hygienic material. The lack of personal hygiene equipment, combined with limited access to adequate sanitation facilities, is also a barrier to their education." 224180,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,131,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Faute d’accès physique, la mission [mission conjointe d’évaluations multisectorielles (agences et services techniques étatiques)] n’a pas pu se rendre dans certains villages où l’accès n’était possible que par pirogue ou à pied avec des eaux d’une hauteur d’un mètre au moins. Toutefois, des informations fiables ont pu être recueillies auprès d’informateurs clés des localités concernées (chefs de villages, populations etc.). A titre d’exemple, il faut compter 7 heures en pirogue motorisée pour effectuer un aller/retour de 166 km entre Bongor, chef-lieu de la province et le village Davouloum, situé dans la sous-préfecture de Katoa, département de Mayo-Lémié." 306776,53161.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In collaboration with the GoS and implementing partners, WFP provided food assistance to more than 250,000 flood-affected people in ten states between September and November 2020, the UN agency reports." 70172,20062.0,1386.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/la-gasolina-escasea-en-la-cuna-petrolera-de-venezuela-/5111760.html,"La escasez de gasolina en la ciudad es tan notable que la espera para llenar los tanques puede tomar varias horas, sino días." 235626,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"The NW region has been more affected with over 10,200 displaced people. These movements are often temporary and the displaced return to their homes once the security situation allows." 194803,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,158,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"WHO is leading the health response, including support to the national plans of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS). A UN-wide technical task force has been formed from the Agencies, Funds and Programmes (AFP), to support the Government. The Health and WASH Clusters are working closely with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), along with WHO in support of COVID-19 preparedness, planning and response and is focusing on the following 10 strategic response areas: 1. Country-level coordination,planning and monitoring; 2. Risk Communication and Community Engagement; 3. Surveillance, rapid response teams and case investigation; 4. Points of Entry; 5. National laboratories; 6. Infection, prevention and control; 7. Case management; 8. Operational Support and Logistics; 9. Essential health services; 10. Psychological care." 165516,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top five challenges while collecting food assistance (371 responses)† Issues with the food being distributed (59%) Issues accessing distribution points (35%) Issues with transporting the food back to shelter (29%) Issues with the frequency of distribution (22%) Issues with SCOPE card/documentation (8%) 347547,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Despite 84% of households reporting using pit latrines in the camps 9 and acceptable quantitative standards reached (18 persons per latrine and 37 persons per bathing cubicle), many qualitative challenges remain with 22%11 of sanitation infrastructures requiring O&M. Sanitation coverage remains challenging due to lack of space in the camps with the highest density (e.g.: 1E, 1W, 2E, 2W, 3, 9, 10)." 358527,58562.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,151,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/A%20clash%20of%20contagions%20-%20the%20impact%20of%20COVID-19%20on%20conflict%20in%20Nigeria%2C%20Colombia%2C%20and%20Afghanistan%20%28June%202021%29.pdf,"[27th June 2021, Nigeria]In addition, community members reported substantial shortages and delays in the government’s planned distribution of palliative food aid to individuals adversely impacted by COVID-19. Community members attributed gaps in palliative distribution as evidence of partisan politics, ethno-religious favoritism, or self-interest by state and local government officials. A group of female youth workshop participants summarized this type of narrative around palliative distribution, saying: “The greed of government officials led to the hoarding of palliatives which were distributed to every state by the federal government to reduce the sufferings of the masses during the lockdown. However, the state government officials saw it as an opportunity to reserve food items to use during their political campaigns and rallies and to sell a part of it and distribute it to only their close friends and families" 168460,40262.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,95,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/AUG_Sitrep%20Plataforma%20Nacional_2_AB_ZH2.pdf,"• According to the latest study published by the Catholic University of Chile, in one year 1.8 million jobs have been lost (between the civil unrest and the pandemic), and the unemployment has reached an historical rate of 12% from March to date. The COVID-19 has left almost 100,000 refugees and migrants without work. The employment rate of Chileans decreased by 20%, for Peruvians and Colombians were 22.9% and 35% respectively; however, the employment rate in Venezuelans increased by 15%." 271828,50148.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d9%88%d8%b2%d9%8a%d8%b1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b5%d8%ad%d8%a9-%d8%a8%d8%af%d8%a1%d8%a7%d9%8b-%d9%85%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a3%d8%b3%d8%a8%d9%88%d8%b9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%82%d8%a7%d8%af%d9%85-%d8%a5%d8%b9%d8%b7/,"[February 25, Syria] The studies conducted by the Ministry showed that 6.7 percent of the confirmed injuries are non-accidental, and that the rate of proven infection among health workers is about 3.6 percent, which indicates the prevalence of injuries among workers involved in providing health services, especially frontline workers who care for Covid-19 patients." 358149,58622.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,32,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/dhaka/2021/06/28/moghbazar-explosion-igp-smells-gas-refuses-to-draw-conclusion,"[28th June 2021, Bangladesh] A part of the Malibagh-Mouchak flyover, which connected Rajarbagh, Shantinagar and Rampura with Malibagh, was shut down due to the explosion." 221783,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Notwithstanding milestone commitments made by the Federal Government of Somalia and some regional states, including Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Puntland and South-West State, humanitarian organizations and the general civilian population continue to experience severe logistical challenges in an estimated 42 districts in southern and central Somalia and in Bari, Puntland." 495389,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,61,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La falta de oportunidades incrementó el número de mujeres migrantes trabajando en centros nocturnos. En cuanto a los niños, muchos de ellos pasan su día en la calle realizando la venta de golosinas con sus padres hasta altas horas. Además muchas mujeres tienen que llevar sus hijos a sus trabajos por no tener alguien quien los cuide." 130813,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Restricciones a la movilidad humana y bloqueo de la actividad comercial por cierre fronterizo, reducción de transporte, y suspensión de líneas aéreas y servicios portuarios." 162353,35725.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,93,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3656183,"Entre tanto, el alcalde de Tarazá, Miguel Ángel Gómez, valoró como “oportunos la atención y los acompañamientos que nos ha hecho la Unidad para las Víctimas con estos desplazamientos con los profesionales de prevención de emergencias y siempre han estado atentos y le han dicho a Tarazá no están solos”. El funcionario también resaltó la entrega de “kits alimentarios, ayuda humanitaria e indemnizaciones que han llegado a nuestras comunidades más vulnerables para mitigar las necesidades que están pasando en estos momentos de pandemia”." 414645,63626.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,122,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-les-bars-terrasses-boites-de-nuit-et-salles-de-fete-autorises-a-reouvrir-a-kinshasa-officiel/,"Après plusieurs mois d’interdiction d’activités suite aux mesures de riposte contre la pandémie de Covid-19, les bars, terrasses, boîtes de nuit et salles de fête sont de nouveau autorisés à réouvrir leurs portes à Kinshasa. Le Gouvernement congolais vient ainsi d’alléger, ce samedi 14 août 2021, les mesures décidées au début de la troisième vague de la pandémie de coronavirus. Il faut noter que la mesure de couvre-feu est maintenue mais elle est, cette fois-ci, décalée à 23 heures pour prendre fin à 4 heures du matin. Aussi, il est indiqué que les rassemblements festifs sont autorisés jusqu’à 50% de capacité." 191020,42042.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,69,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Bolori-12-wards-Maiduguri-LGA_-July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state]KIs from 15 settlements reported that misinformation (at least one rumor) on COVID-19 was prevalent amongst residents. According to these KIs, COVID-19 is not real (12), COVID-19 cannot survive in the heat (11), and COVID-19 cannot infect Africans (9) were the most common." 388949,60849.0,1186.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Derechos Sexuales y reproductivos En general hay una muy buena opinión del trato e información recibida, no percibiéndose trabas de acceso, si bien señalan que no se les atiende sin carnet. Las mujeres entrevistadas manifestaron conformidad con el enfoque que no las infantiliza y con las orientaciones recibidas. Asimismo, se señala conformidad con las órdenes médicas para la realización de exámenes y orientaciones en materia de planificación familiar." 24793,9808.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/03/1034301,"The new facility in the border city of Maicao, in La Guajira region, has space for 350 people, with room for expansion if necessary, the UNHCR official explained." 287095,51631.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,60,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"(Est) La couverture des FEFA (Femmes Enceintes Femmes Allaitantes) bénéficiant d’activités ANJE (Alimentation du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant) à travers les GASPA par contre est faible (35.9%), corrélé au fait que peu d’acteurs interviennent dans le domaine de l’ANJE au niveau communautaire." 785,156.0,321.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Overall, 2.9% of households reported that at least one member had been medically diagnosed with a mental disorder. This figure varied from 1.1% of returnee households to 3.0% of non-displaced households and 4.7% of IDP households. The proportion of households with at least one member medically diagnosed with a mental disorder was highest in Al Jabal Al Gharbi (6.0%) and Sebha (5.5%)." 141657,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"WHO has provided testing kits to the MoH since 12 February. To date, WHO has provided enzyme kits (31,240 reactions), extraction kits (27,250 reactions), screening kits (57,792 reactions) and confirmatory testing kits (1,920 tests), 52,000 swabs and viral transport medium for sample collection, and five polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machines, in addition to 5,000 waste bags and 21,000 bags for samples, and PPE for staff. WHO has further supplies and equipment in the pipeline, including four GeneXpert machines." 218103,45612.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.agronet.gov.co/Noticias/Paginas/Lo-rural-no-es-solo-lo-agropecuario.aspx,"""Según el índice de pobreza marginal del DANE, que tiene en cuenta salud, educación y nivel de vida, la zona rural está en bastante desventaja: el analfabetismo es el triple en la zona rural que en la urbana y apenas el 5,1 % de los mayores de 17 años tienen un título de educación superior"", destacó el docente." 247708,48228.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,93,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"En protection, aucun incident majeur n’a été enregistré sur les sites évalués néanmoins aucun ne possède un de poste de police ou de gendarmerie. A Koudou Kolé, il a été signalé une présence des enfants non accompagnés et séparés. 10 enfants seraient portés disparus, 09 Enfants Non Accompagnés et Enfants Séparés (5 filles et 4 garçons) et 01 séparé. En outre la quasi-totalité des enfants ne sont pas enregistrés à la naissance et n’ont pas d’acte de naissance." 275669,50677.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,La Croix Rouge Camerounaise (CRC) dénombre 5 553 personnes sinistrées par les inondations dans le département du Mayo-Danay au début d’août. 393214,62158.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,130,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Below chart explains the understanding of the community on some challenges faced by families after losing a family member because of COVID 19. 74% of the total discussants illustrates that social isolation is one of the challenges faced by families after losing a family member because of COVID 19 virus, 12% demonstrates that loss of livelihood is another challenge faced by the families after loosing a family member because of COVID, 7% mentioned death as a challenge most families face after losing a family member because of COVID 19 virus, 7% mentioned other factors including stigmatization as one of the challenges faced by most families after losing a family members because of COVID 19." 383046,60359.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,52,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.sunnewsonline.com/strengthening-the-war-against-insurgency/,"[21st July 2021, Nigeria] Within the same period, more than 1.8 million Nigerians were displaced in Adamawa, Yobe and Borno, with Borno mostly bearing the brunt of the war. The war led to the destruction of many schools and even forced them to close." 389304,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"En Valle del Cauca, Chocó, Guaviare, Norte de Santander, Antioquia y Nariño, se han reportado al menos 15 niños y niñas víctimas de MAP y MSE. De éstos, 13 resultaron heridos con secuelas físicas y psicológicas, mientras que 2 fallecieron tras la activación de municiones sin explotar (MSE) en Nariño." 223569,45273.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,Preventative measures such as social distancing and more wide-spread lockdowns must also be practiced. 287093,51631.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,160,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"(Est) Le cluster nutrition national a mené un exercice de priorisation des districts sanitaire en mars 2020. Cette analyse est reprise en septembre, puis en janvier 2021 avec les données actualisées. Les critères considérés sont les suivants: ❑ Malnutrition aigue sévère (MAS) avec les données de l’enquête SMART 2020 et SMART rapide 2020 ❑ IPC: Analyse IPC malnutrition aiguë, période projetée de février à avril 2021 ❑ La fonctionnalité de formations sanitaires ❑ Mouvements de populations en utilisant la proportion des PDI par rapport à la population la priorisation des districts sanitaires se Dans la région de l’Est, présente en janvier 2021 se présente comme suit: ❖ DS de Fada N’Gourma classé en priorité #1 ❖ Les DS de Gayéri, Diapaga et Pama classés en priorité #2 ❖ Les DS de Manni et Bogandé classés en priorité #3" 164602,38514.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,53,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"59 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Rohingya refugee camps, and 3,045 cases in the host community . 13 Rohingya refugees in quarantine who were in contact with a COVID-19 suspect or confirmed case, and 1,214 host community members. 1,273 Rohingya refugee households with older persons provided with NonFood Items." 388582,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,66,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"En effet, Dans la nuit du 04 juin 2021 aux environs de 20 heures, des GANE lourdement armé et se déplaçant à moto ont fait irruption dans le village de Tadrayate dans la province de l’Oudalan. Cette attaque a fait un bilan de 12 morts dont 10 civils parmi lesquels se trouvaient 2 femmes et 3 enfants de sexe masculin." 188192,31146.0,1900.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El 89 por ciento de los encuestados no cuentan con reservas alimentarias, llevando a más del 79 por ciento de los encuestados a depender totalmente de las compras en mercados como única fuente de obtención de recursos alimentarios." 489956,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Barriers to healthcare not only reduce access to quality care immediately after a sexual assault, but also reduce access to medical and psychological follow-up." 202509,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,58,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Communal clashes continue to create insecurity in affected areas, and have been the main cause of aid worker relocations in 2019. Some 110 humanitarians were relocated due to insecurity between January and September 2019, primarily in opposition-controlled areas, including Maiwut and Ulang, both in Upper Nile, and Fangak in northern Jonglei." 158960,39161.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,48,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Despite these considerable achievements, the humanitarian situation in Nigeria remains one of the largest crises in the world today. Urgent assistance is needed to curtail the spread of COVID-19 in the most populous country in Africa, especially in overcrowded camps for internally displaced persons." 199187,44310.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Selon le cluster logistique, les travaux ont suffisamment avancé et sont à quelques kilomètres de Point Zéro, qui est le point nodal de l’accès vers Fizi, Mikenge et Minembwe. Au moins 76 000 personnes déplacées installées sur cet axe, y compris Bijombo, attendent l’aide humanitaire depuis 11 mois." 194903,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,41,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[ November 19, Idlib] With fighting threatening to resume and bring a new wave of displacement, Buswell fears a “perfect storm” could be gathering, especially if infections rise like in Europe and the U.S." 207204,44693.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Par-delà, il est également signalé les risques importants de VBG notamment, le sexe de survie, agression sexuelle, viol et les femmes/filles veuves sont en première ligne vu le peu ou pas d’assistances humanitaires et moyens de subsistance" 356141,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,39,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En el trimestre móvil enero – marzo, el déficit comercial fue de USD 1.003 millones FOB, lo que representó un incremento en el déficit de USD 172 millones respecto al mismo trimestre móvil del año pasado." 388342,60981.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,35,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Se requieren kits de albergue (Colchonetas cobijas, sabanas). El gas se está acabando y esto llevaría que se deba utilizar leña, lo cual trae riesgos de salud y seguridad," 193826,43300.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,64,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La séparation des enfants représente un autre risque, surtout durant les déplacements de populations. Leur prise en charge par les communautés locales, elles-mêmes vivant dans une précarité chronique, n´est pas toujours garantie et doit être soutenue afin de leur permettre de protéger au mieux ces enfants (sans pour autant créer une situation encourageant la séparation des enfants)." 328616,54713.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of nutrition barriers reported by households with children were: Unaware that supplements are available (39%),difficulty in enrolling children in (42%), Facilities too far to travel to(31%)." 39081,13749.0,729.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,72,[],['Information And Communication'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"The three main information providers for non-Libyan people who decide to move to safety are: family and friends (40), social media (34) and CSOs/NGOs (19) while the UN hotline and worship places such as churches, mosques rank last. Libyans rely on the same channels for information, but also rely more on the crisis committees and local authorities than on NGOs." 327806,54375.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,37,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syria/who-representative/opening-remarks-by-akjemal-magtymova-head-of-office-and-who-representative-syria.html,"[14 April 2021, Overall Syria] The Syrian pound is in virtual freefall having lost 78% of its value in a year, accompanied with 236% price increase of average food basket." 163854,39094.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20East%20Nigeria%20-%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Update%20%28As%20of%2023rd%20August%202020%29.pdf,"In Borno State IPC members visited 3 schools to assess the level of readiness and preparedness of the schools in the state for reopening after COVID-19 pandemic with regards IPC measures. In Yobe State, decontamination of high-risk areas across the state was conducted. FMC Nguru & SSH Damaturu Isolation Centres were also disinfected." 39178,13749.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",[],[],en,108,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"When asked to prioritize the three most urgent needs for their communities, food, cash assistance and cash to pay rent where the most frequently selected priorities in the top 3 by all population groups. Health and shelter closely followed cash for rent (however, if one considers cash for rent and shelter together as one priority, shelter is the top priority after food. However, looking at the charts to select the first priority need only, it was reported as food (39%), cash to pay rent (17%) and shelter (15%)." 157250,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 9.9% de los hombres (10% de los colombianos y 14.1% de los venezolanos), y el 26.1% de las mujeres (18.8% de las colombianas y 27.3% de las venezolanas) tienen una necesidad específica." 160506,38373.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"A pesar de que el Gobierno colombiano prohibió los desalojos a través del decreto 579 del 15 de abril de 2020, esta medida no impidió que se registraran múltiples casos por falta de pago, en algunas ocasiones estos fueron causados por grupos armados." 200249,44361.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],fr,90,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le taux d’admission des enfants de moins de 5 ans soufrant de MAM est de 17% en septembre 2020 au niveau national. Cette performance est loin de l’objectif minimal national qui est de 70%. Cependant, il convient de noter que cette performance est relativement meilleure dans les zones qui bénéficient d’appui alimentaire notamment les régions du Nord (38%), Sahel (30%), Centre-Nord(28), Est (27%)." 221020,44617.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,33,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Armed groups have taken advantage of the pandemic to consolidate or expand control over territories and communities, which has resulted in increased levels of conflict between groups and violence against civilians." 286970,51529.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,35,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3721824,"On 18 February 2021, the Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), announced they had documented at least 6,402 people illegally executed by the Colombian Security Forces between 2002 and 2008." 174979,40888.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,109,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3675651,"La organización brinda soporte psicológico a niños, niñas y jóvenes desplazados y difunde mensajes de protección a través de canales virtuales, promoviendo la prevención de la violencia y otros temas clave. Para apoyar a los niños y niñas que no asisten a la escuela debido a COVID-19, Save the Children también ha desarrollado programas de aprendizaje virtual, ha distribuido 10,000 kits escolares y 4,500 kits de 'quedarse en casa' que contienen materiales educativos y recreativos, y lanzó un programa de radio educativo semanal para ayudar a los niños y niñas a aprender desde casa y reducir el riesgo de deserción escolar." 126492,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que viven el Perú tienen acceso limitado a los servicios sociales puesto que se requiere que posean un documento de identidad o se encuentren en una categoría de vulnerabilidad especial brindada por las autoridades de migraciones, con el fin de beneficiarse de los servicios. Con respecto a la salud, sólo las mujeres embarazadas y los niños menores de cinco años tienen acceso a los servicios de salud pública. Esto afecta a personas particulares con enfermedades crónicas, así como a los ancianos y padres solteros con menores hijos. Los casos de salud mental han aumentado, y muchas regiones no tienen las facilidades médicas adecuadas y médicos especializados para darles asistencia." 248995,47559.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,75,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Il faut noter que la communauté peulh de Barga est également confrontée à cette même situation. En effet, le 04 novembre dernier, lors d’une patrouille 04 jeunes peulhs furent enlevés par les VDP. Fort heureusement ils ont été libérés par une patrouille des Force de défenses et de Sécurité (FDS). Cette situation amène cette communauté à se replier sur elle-même et à restreindre ses mouvements." 281993,51173.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"In partnership with 15 national and international NGOs, 18,839 (6,140 girls) children at risk were provided with integrated case management services including 5,916 (14 girls) Unaccompanied and Separated Minors (UASM) predominantly returning from Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Europe and Gulf States." 150861,36671.0,1898.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3662145,"El Presidente Nayib Bukele ejecuta un plan con siete componentes, que incluye mantener la entrega de alimentos del PES. Dicho plan está diseñado para prevenir que ocurra una crisis en los próximos días, debido a que la Sala de lo Constitucional quitó el respaldo legal del plan que el Gobierno y los empresarios habían elaborado para una reactivación ordenada de la economía. Sin embargo, el nuevo plan permitirá cumplir con las disposiciones de la Sala, al mismo tiempo que se protege la vida de los salvadoreños, que es la prioridad del Gobierno." 113322,32328.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,387,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Perú acogía oficialmente a más de 850,000 en septiembre de 2019, la mayoría de los cuales ingresó al país en 2018. El gobierno peruano inicialmente siguió una política de migración abierta para la población venezolana; sin embargo, este marco de políticas cambió gradualmente a medida que la opinión pública se tornó menos hospitalaria, limitando la migración desde Venezuela. Este marco normativo más estricto impone requisitos migratorios que son imposibles de cumplir, lo que provoca que muchos de ellos ahora utilicen pasos irregulares. A su llegada al país, la integración en la sociedad peruana resulta difícil y lenta. Perú tiene altos niveles de informalidad (en comercio y trabajo, entre otras áreas)7, fuertes grupos sociales religiosos y conservadores,8 altos niveles de VG9, racismo y discriminación social contra grupos vulnerables. Venezuela presenta fuertes caídas en los indicadores de salud, seguridad, y calidad de vida como resultado de la crisis. Los niveles de pobreza en el país pasaron del 41% de hogares en 2015, al 52% en 2018, evidente en las tasas de mortalidad materna que aumentaron de 68.66 muertes por cada 100,000 nacimientos en 2013 a 112.29 mujeres fallecidas en julio de 2016 (las cifras más recientes disponibles)10 mientras que la mortalidad de neonatos aumentó en al menos un 30% desde el comienzo de la crisis.11 Para 2018, el porcentaje de jóvenes de 12 a 17 años que asistían a la escuela disminuyó al 70%, además, el 94% de los hogares encuestados indicaron que sus ingresos eran insuficientes para satisfacer todas sus necesidades. El 80% de los hogares encuestados informaron inseguridad alimentaria.12 Muchos venezolanos enfrentan desafíos significativos para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas mientras están en tránsito o al llegar a sus países de acogida. A menudo tienen que lidiar con altos niveles de xenofobia y violencia, al tiempo que se ven imposibilitados de acceder a servicios básicos y de protección. Los riesgos de protección, como la trata (para explotación laboral y sexual) y otras formas de VG, son particularmente graves para un gran número de niños no acompañados, y mujeres que viajan solas con niños pequeños." 210342,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,59,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"Education facilities are not realistically expected to reopen before September, and even then, presumably gradually, assuming there is evidence of reduced infection rates and increased capacity for testing and treatment. Ensuring some degree of continuity of teaching and learning for millions of students and the timely and safe reopening of schools require innovative solutions." 162598,35727.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,145,['At Risk'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"El departamento de Córdoba presenta diferentes situaciones humanitarias relacionadas con el conflicto armado y con la violencia generalizada que afectan a la población civil, tales como: amenazas y homicidios contra líderes y defensores de derechos humanos, control social y violencia sexual basada en género (VBG). Actualmente, la dinámica de la violencia armada en la región se atribuye a la disputa territorial a través del control social por parte de los Grupos Armados Organizados (GAO)5; así mismo, la relación con los intereses de estos en los corredores estratégicos para el desarrollo de sus economías ilícitas (extorsiones, minería ilegal, cultivos ilícitos), principalmente en los lugares que dejaron las FARC-EP, luego de su proceso de agrupamiento y desmovilización en el marco del Acuerdo de Paz con el Gobierno Nacional." 179533,42143.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/people-of-jabal-al-zawiya-suffer-lack-of-medical-services/,"[October 28, Jabal Al Zawieh, Access to medical care] “ If the degree of his injury is very severe, maybe he can make it, maybe not to the hospital,” this is how Sakhr Badran described the danger of having to help the injured and sick travel tens of miles to get medical care." 223246,44702.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"13 villages were accessible with extreme difficulties because of bad road. However, a number of villages were not reachable in Cueibet were: Citcok, Pagor, Tiabtiab and some areas in Pokic. In Wulu: villages near Motoronyo were completely out of reach as they were cut off by a stream." 163555,30906.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,125,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Decreto 417 de 2020: Se declara Estado de Emergencia económica, social y ecológica en todo el territorio Nacional. Decreto 457 de 2020: Se decreta aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en todo el territorio Nacional. Decreto 593 del 24 de abril de 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 11 de mayo del 2020. Decreto 636 del 6 de mayo del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 25 de mayo del 2020. Decreto 749 del 28 de mayo del 2020: Se extienden las medidas de aislamiento en todo el territorio nacional hasta el 1 de julio del 2020, incluyendo 43 excepciones." 62066,18564.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],en,71,['Impact'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the economy contracted 45 percent between 2013 and 2018, and GDP is expected to decrease an additional 25 percent in 2019. The loss of income earning opportunities, combined with an inflation rate that is predicted to reach 10 million percent this year, has made daily life a struggle for survival for the majority of the population." 173280,41071.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-20-more-die-1441-new-cases-detected/58652,"[8 October, Bangladesh]So far, 2,759 people have died in Dhaka division, 1,106 in Chattogram, 359 in Rajshahi, 445 in Khulna, 193 in Barishal, 235 in Sylhet, 249 in Rangpur and 114 in Mymensingh division." 172399,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,142,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Par ailleurs les épidémies continuent d’entrainer une morbidité et une mortalité accrues chez les populations vulnérables ayant un faible accès aux soins ou affectées par des mouvements de population. L’épidémie de rougeole, la pire de l’histoire de la RDC, a déjà causé le décès de plus de 6 700 enfants sur 370 000 cas enregistrés depuis janvier 2019, dont 59 370 cas et 781 décès entre janvier et mai 2020. Le nombre de cas de choléra reste également élevé et largement au-delà du seuil épidémique, avec près de 31 000 cas rapportés en 2019 et 9 581 cas (dont 143 décès) comptabilisés entre janvier et mai 2020. Le paludisme persiste avec près de 17 000 décès en 2019 et 6 008 entre janvier et mai 2020." 16494,6352.0,322.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"Displacement continued to be generated from the frontline governorates such as Sa’ada, Al Jawf and Al Bayda as well as by the renewed hostilities in Al Hudaydah Governorate. As the coping mechanisms of the families continue to be eroded by the conflict, the vulnerability of people has increased. Lack of access due to security constraints continue to challenge the humanitarian response." 62103,18564.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"the responsibility of providing supplies, including medicine, equipment, and clean water, often falls to patients and their families. Because supplies are expensive and hard to find, many patients die from preventable causes. In the 40 hospitals covered by the survey, 1,557 patients died between November 2018 and February 2019 because supplies were lacking" 341520,56608.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,18,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[25 MAY 2021, NES] 60% of sub-districts have sufficient knowledge of COVID-19 risk." 223177,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Politicians on both sides have been fuelling the conflict with inflammatory statements. The heightened tensions and the level of preparedness demonstrated by both parties have elevated the risk of a full-fledged escalation of armed hostilities and continue to restrict safe, timely and unimpeded humanitarian access to the area." 58974,17679.0,1187.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El Plan impulsa la Ley de Parto Humanizado (Ley 25.929), cuya mención de “consideración de pautas culturales” resulta vaga e insuficiente. Las mujeres migrantes y refugiadas, especialmente provenientes de países andinos, somos usualmente discriminadas y satirizadas por los profesionales de la salud cuando comentamos nuestras prácticas sanitarias u obstétricas." 203577,44071.0,2330.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,104,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"En conclusión, las necesidades más relevantes del sector WASH, informadas por la población son: Distribución de medios para el almacenamiento, tratamiento y provisionamiento del agua, así como para la vigilancia de la calidad del agua. Agua para las necesidades básicas que incluye agua para higiene personal y agua para cocinar. Instalaciones dignas y apropiadas para necesidades básicas, incluye sanitarios, letrinas y duchas, que estén diferenciadas por género y grupo etáreo. Provisión de productos de higiene básicos a niños y niñas y sus familias. Insumos de Equipo de Protección Personal (mascarillas)" 160292,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,77,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Se identificaron 180 niños y niñas nacidos en Colombia desde 2015 de padres venezolanos que podrían obtener la nacionalidad colombiana según la medida Primero la Niñez. De estos, 13 (7.2%) no han registrado sus niños y niñas y el 71.4% alega que experimentó barreras para realizar el trámite, como lo fue el cierre de atención al público de la Registraduría por la pandemia del COVID-19 (26.7%)." 189724,43300.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",fr,73,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le faible accès des femmes tchadiennes aux ressources et le contrôle sur ces dernières sont grandement influencés par les rôles de genre traditionnellement acceptables et les divisions sexuelles du travail établis. En 2011, 12% des ménages étaient dirigés par des femmes. Cependant, ce taux était beaucoup plus élevé dans certaines provinces, plus spécifiquement au Kanem et au Guéra (23,4% et 22% respectivement)." 495140,67230.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La seguridad alimentaria se ha convertido en un tema urgente en los últimos meses, debido a los altos índices de desnutrición crónica y aguda de la población proveniente de Venezuela." 494227,68123.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] In August 2021, the formal butane gas cylinder price (25,000 L) slightly increased by one percent m-o-m reaching SYP 4,114/refill. However, compared to August 2020, the price has increased by 50 percent." 333755,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,87,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Which, if any, of the following symptoms have you experienced in the last two weeks? Bad dreams: Male-4%, Female-7%; Difficulty sleeping: Male-12%, Female-19%; Frightening thoughts: Male-10%, Female-10%, Getting angry easily: Male-21%, Female-32%; Feeling worry: Male-55%, Female-66%; Feeling depressed: Male-33%, Female-51%; Losing interest in activities they normally enjoy: Male-15%, Female-12%." 172222,40826.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_239_20200925.pdf,"Kinshasa reste l’épicentre de l’épidémie avec 77,0% (8127/10593) de l’ensemble des cas, suivie de la province du Nord-Kivu avec 8,8% (936/10593) des cas ; le Kongo-Central pointe en 3ème position avec 4,4% (467/10593) des cas (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 70708,20012.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"One of the rockets struck the entrance of a three-storey building in Hay al-Intissar, killing a 68-year-old woman, Aziza Omar Ghuma, and her two daughters, Karima Abu Qse’aa, 51, and Mufida Abu Qse’aa, 54." 16806,7075.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,136,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"The ongoing conflict and the resultant economic crisis are the main drivers of food insecurity in Yemen. Four years of protracted conflict have left the country’s critical economic and civil infrastructure in ruins, displaced more than three million people, led to significant loss of income and livelihoods, increased prices of basic foods up to double pre-crisis levels and pushed the economy close to a downfall. The liquidity crisis and the hard currency scarcity from commercial banks in the entire country affect the overall economic system, on both supply and demand sides. On the supply side, imports of essential commodities continue to suffer from lack of foreign currencies as a result of continued depreciation of Yemen Riyal (YER) against US Dollar (USD)." 126121,34397.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,61,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Entre los encuestados, el tamaño promedio de un hogar es de cinco miembros para los hogares migrantes y de seis miembros para los hogares de acogida. El 83% de los hogares migrantes en Colombia, es decir, cuatro de cada cinco, tiene un hogar pequeño (1-3 miembros) o mediano (4-6 miembros)," 408635,63559.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"In Cauca, FARC-EP factions have taken advantage of the local poverty rates and school closures during the pandemic to increase their membership with indigenous people, farmers, and Afro-Colombian children and youth" 386444,60870.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"No hay manejo adecuado a los residuos sólidos, a pesar de que la ciudad cuenta con servicio de aseo, adicionalmente se evidencia la no utilización de canecas dispuestas para tal fin. Las familias disponen de las basuras cerca de los cambuches o sitios donde se alojan, generando problemas de vectores y malos olores." 418539,63160.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,93,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NEW%20UPDATE%20COVID-19%20DRC%2C%20JULY%2001%2C%202021%20-%20Nouvelle%20mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20COVID-19%20en%20RDC%20-%20Avec%20les%20donn%C3%A9es%20fournies%20jusqu%27au%20jeudi%201er%20juillet%202021%20%20-%20wf%20-.pdf,"Chiffres clés en RDC, avec les données rapportées jusqu’au jeudi 1er juillet 2021. La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) enregistre 418 nouveaux cas de contamination par le coronavirus, COVID-19 dont 315 à Kinshasa, 48 au Kongo Central, 21 dans la Tshopo, 12 au Nord-Kivu, 10 dans le Haut-Uélé, 9 au Lualaba et 3 en Ituri (source : données issues des laboratoires de l’INRB et validées par le Comité multisectoriel de la riposte COVID-19 de la RDC)." 80038,22055.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,68,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,Azzintan: Approximately 20 individuals have been displaced to Azzintan from Swani Bin Adam due to the ongoing conflict in South Tripoli. The IDPs are staying with relatives and their needs were reported to be food and NFIs. An estimated 35 migrants arrived to Azzintan from neighbouring municipalities; some are looking for work while others are planning to continue their journey to other destinations. 161744,34176.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"3.567 entregas de elementos de aseo, dormida, viaje, climáticos, salud, kits energéticos, higiene personal, menaje y cocina. 149 entregas de elementos no alimentarios en alojamientos temporales." 180936,42076.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=207774,"[27th October 2020, Overall Syria] The Prime Minister pointed out that the unjust economic blockade imposed on the Syrian citizens has also caused difficulties in terms of securing some basic requirements for the health sector and supplying necessary equipment and some medicines for chronic diseases." 244272,47682.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,57,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"Since 2017, IOM has been supporting the Government of Chad in providing critical protection and assistance to stranded migrants, particularly survivors of trafficking and exploitation, including through direct assistance such as shelter, food, psychosocial support, and AVRR through the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for migrant protection and reintegration. (IOM)" 194676,43603.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The Protection and CCCM clusters have worked jointly to reinforce the referral systems for protection cases identified 166617,40055.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_as_of_20_september_ne_nigeria.pdf,"In Borno State, fumigation of public schools in MMC and Jere LGAs continues. In Yobe State, The SPHCMB, with support from NCDC, WHO, and partners, conducted sensitization training for 60 Ambulance Drivers, Burial Teams, and Environmental Health Officers, on COVID-19 IPC" 220684,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In week 44, malaria remains the top cause of morbidity and mortality across the country. Cumulative cases reported are 354 572 and with 28 deaths. A total of 87,862 cases have been reported within week 44." 63991,18842.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,76,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71444.pdf,"The general security situation in the Northeast of Nigeria remains largely volatile and prone to rapid deterioration. A significant number of local clashes between government forces and Non-State Armed Group (NSAG) were observed this month in settlements around Maiduguri, Bama, Konduga and Nganzai LGAs. Although NSAG did not attempt to infiltrate the city of Maiduguri, their actions were seemingly aimed at looting logistics from private dwellings and camps." 307605,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"In the six Priority 1 locations, 810,000 people are deemed to be in Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity (IPC Phase 3+) according to the IPC projections. This includes over 300,000 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition and some 480,000 pregnant and lactating women who are acutely malnourished and in need of treatment." 346891,56987.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,68,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] In 2021, heavy rainfall and slope failure is likely to increase damage to bridges and pathways due to the suspension of monsoon preparedness activities. Heavy rainfall during the monsoon season can make it difficult for households to access WASH facilities due to muddy and slippery pathways, waterlogging, etc. Flooding can also contaminate water sources" 388351,60981.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,44,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Socios del ELC Antioquia e instituciones del gobierno local y departamental han manifestado requerir apoyo para el ingreso de ayudas humanitarias a través de helicóptero, debido a las restricciones de acceso que se presentan por el deslizamiento y vendavales en la zona." 128072,34134.0,1620.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/royal-actors-peacebuilding,States experiencing inter-communal conflicts are better positioned to achieve peace by recognising the role traditional actors can play in mobilising their subjects towards peace and not violence. Government must invest in a community-based approach to solving numerous violent conflicts in the country. 165646,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Respondents were also asked about measures they use to cope when they have problems Accessing latrines. Negative coping mechanisms that have severe health risks were reported such as delaying relief (13%) and practicing open defecation (11%). Another concerning issue reported in both rounds is related to the small proportion of respondents who reported that it takes them 30 minutes or more to access a functional source of wate 326314,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of IDP settlement were Lack of sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) / facilities too crowded (65%),Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (42%)." 235997,46890.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The existing referral system [for SAM management] still needs to be strengthened. 273694,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,37,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Absence ou insuffisance de structures de prise en charge pour les groupes spécifiques affectés par des chocs [entrave la réponse aux besoins des communautés, tiré de l'évaluation rapide à Niamey du 27 septembre 2020]" 356625,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,156,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La policía colombiana también usó un sistema de lanzamiento de proyectiles múltiples, conocido como Venom, que permite disparar hasta 30 cartuchos de gas lacrimógeno, humo o aturdidoras por vez. Human Rights Watch corroboró videos de su uso en varias ciudades, incluidas Bogotá y Popayán (departamento de Cauca). Se supone que el sistema lanza los proyectiles con una trayectoria “parabólica” —es decir, hacia el cielo— para evitar que haya un “impacto directo” contra los manifestantes, según indicó la Policía a Human Rights Watchen una carta. Sin embargo, la carta también indica que el Venom puede disparar desde un ángulo de apenas 10 grados, lo cual no permitiría que sea “parabólico”. Human Rights Watch también corroboró varios videos de la policía utilizando el Venom desde el suelo y disparando de forma directa contra los manifestantes en Popayán." 128904,34596.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,96,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Adherence to hygiene practices remains high in GoS (86%) and SDF (75%) areas. Yet awareness-raising campaigns are not always reaching the communities. Various campaigns were implemented in June, but only 18% of the focal points in GoS areas were aware of them.7 They appear to have been more successful in SDF areas, with 44% of respondents noting awareness campaigns and 33% mentioning disinfection campaigns.8 Thus continued adherence to hygiene practices clearly cannot be directly attributed to awareness or disinfection campaigns alone." 35733,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"In Sokoto State, the majority of respondents reported that although health facilities are available to cater to the general populace, there is a lack of manpower, equipment and commodities" 186570,41082.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,34,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/ecuador/ecuador-covid-19-could-cause-11-percent-dive-gdp-year,"Ecuador, the first Latin American country hit by COVID-19, was already struggling as a result of the global oil crisis and could now see GDP plunge 11 percent in this year," 339329,56115.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,104,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"el accionar de los grupos armados no estatales tanto en contextos rurales como urbanos de Antioquia, ha desencadenado en afectaciones y vulneraciones continuas a los derechos de la población civil, con especial impacto en los derechos a libre movilidad y el consecuente acceso a bienes y servicios que garantizan la supervivencia de las comunidades. Las disputas por el posicionamiento de unos GDO23 y la llegada de otro GAO a territorios donde históricamente no habían tenido presencia, ha generado un ambiente de zozobra y temor en zonas rurales del Norte, Bajo Cauca, Urabá, Occidente y Nordeste del departamento" 347599,57141.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,149,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/formation-des-jeunes-pour-la-pr-vention-gestion-des-conflits,"Dans le cadre de ses activités, le Bureau des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest et le Sahel (UNOWAS), a apporté un soutien financier et technique à la section burkinabè du Réseau Ouest Africain des Jeunes Femmes Leaders (ROAJELF-Burkina) pour l’organisation, d’un atelier de réflexion et de formation des jeunes pour la prévention/gestion des conflits, la paix et le renforcement de la cohésion sociale au Burkina Faso. L’atelier qui s’est tenu du 26 au 28 mai 2021 à Ouagadougou, avait pour objectif de renforcer la contribution des jeunes femmes et hommes aux efforts de paix et de consolidation de la cohésion sociale au sein des communautés, et de mettre en place un plan d’action pour la consolidation de la paix au Burkina Faso." 125936,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,49,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Geographic analysis of the migrant population identified in Libya during round 30 data collection shows that 46% of the migrants in Libya were present in the western regions of Libya, while 29% were present in the eastern and 25% in the southern regions of Libya" 149250,37832.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"As of 30 July, WFP supported over 100,000 host community households (500,000 individuals) across Cox’s Bazar’s eight sub-districts with cash and food distributions through the Special Support to Host Community (SSHC) programme" 225476,45087.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,84,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"At the start of 2020, it was estimated that about a quarter of Afghan children between the ages of five and 14 were engaged in work and some 3.7 million children were already out of school. These numbers have now peaked6 with more children being forced into daily labour or begging on the streets to supplement household income and if that fails, with 49 % of interviewed households reporting that they deal with reduced income by sending children to work." 193007,43316.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,88,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"PRASS es la Estrategia Nacional para romper la cadena de transmisión del COVID-19 en un con- texto de apertura gradual de la economía; diseñada sobre la base de las recomendaciones emitidas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, El Centro para Control de Enfermedades (CDC por su sigla en inglés) y el Centro Europeo para la Prevención y Control de Enfermedades (ECDC por su sigla en inglés); así como diferentes experiencias internacionales exitosas en relación con la contención del virus;" 112318,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"las estrategias de educación en casa en estos asentamientos resultan de gran interés para Save the Children. En estos asentamientos los niños están agrupados por tiempos más o menos prolongados y se encuentran niños en extraedad. Las acciones desarrolladas con estos niños permiten su nivelación, lo que contribuye a su posterior acceso al sistema educativo, mientras que las instituciones educativas cuentan con cupos y modelos adecuados para su atención." 221663,45721.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,31,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Nutrition partners treated 218,364 new cases of severe malnutrition and provided treatment for moderately acute malnutrition to 386,820 children under 5 years of age and 118,525 pregnant and lactating women." 326594,54734.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,42,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 2% and 4% of households of both IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement respectively reported their property or possessions were damaged or stolen in the 30 days prior to data collection. 359082,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,132,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh is a low-lying country in South Asia, sharing its borders with India and Myanmar. Located next to the Bay of Bengal, its river systems drain excess monsoonal rainfall into the bayand this location renders the region among the most fertile globally (UNDRR, 2020). The country experiences frequent impacts of cyclones, flooding, including flash flooding, storms and periodic droughts depending on the season. Other hazards include earthquakes, landslides, lightning strikes, possible tsunamis, epidemics and ongoing riverbank erosion which contributes to the high flood risks and increasing vulnerabilities across the settlements in the coast’s vicinity and river catchments (Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, 2010)." 186290,43272.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"According to a September Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) update, Emergency acute food insecurity outcomes were likely in 35 counties during the month, with areas of greatest concern concentrated in Jonglei, Unity, Lakes, Warrap, and Upper Nile states. Moreover, Catastrophe—IPC 5— conditions remained likely at the household level in Jonglei, particularly in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, where recent conflict and two consecutive years of severe flooding are straining household coping capacity." 245828,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Residents’ injuries have sometimes led to a job loss. This “double loss” conflates several layers of hardship. While people are generally grappling with a severe economic crisis, healthcare expenses to treat injuries constitute a burden heavier than usual, on top of difficult living conditions. The problem is exacerbated when those injured victims are additionally penalized with job loss due to their temporary incapacity to work, and their recovery from this double loss seems unmanageable." 145418,36039.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,65,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Throughout June, the informal SYP/USD exchange rate has experienced extreme volatility, at one point rising to the highest rate on record – approximately SYP 3,200 to US$ 1 on 8 June. In early July, the informal exchange rate has continued to fluctuate, albeit at more moderate levels, and at the time of writing was approximately SYP 2,400." 300640,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Since July 2020, a total of 3,182 metric tons of assorted humanitarian cargo have been transported by air, road and river to more than 100 locations on behalf of over 80 partners. This included 814 metric tons of cargo transported by air to Inter Cluster Co-ordination Group priority locations." 207052,43256.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",[],"['Context->Economy', 'Context->Environment']",en,57,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Acute food insecurity (stress) persists in these divisions [Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga]. Furthermore, in October 2019, heavy rains caused flooding in the Logone-et-Chari and Mayo Danay divisions which led to losses in the cereal production and other productive assets of the population, affecting food availability." 193747,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,95,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le paludisme est la principale cause de mortalité des enfants de moins de cinq ans et affecte la majorité des provinces du Tchad. Près de 1,7 millions de cas suspects de paludisme dont 1 million de cas confirmés avec 2 059 personnes décédées (soit une létalité de 0,2%) ont été notifiés entre janvier et mi-novembre 2019. Le nombre de cas pourrait atteindre plus de 1,8 million d´ici la fin 2019 sur l´ensemble du territoire national, avec un nombre plus élevé dans les provinces du sud et à N´Djaména." 171401,40771.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,"Quant aux informateurs clés, les leaders religieux et coutumiers ont affirmé que la fermeture des mosquées à un moment donné due à la COVID19 a eu un impact sur leurs activités de sensibilisation contre les VBG lors des grandes prières hebdomadaires de vendredi et des autres évènements sociaux" 132484,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Falta de acceso a la documentación e información, incluyendo la información sobre los procesos legales y fiscales, derechos laborales y acceso a la atención de la salud. Solo el 2 por ciento de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela accedieron a la ayuda institucional" 240768,47591.0,2028.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,30,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20West%20Syria%20-%20Severe%20floods%20kill%20a%20child%20and%20force%20at%20least%2020%2C000%20from%20their%20homes.pdf,"[19th Jan, NWS] Hundreds of additional camps across the area have also become hard to access, cutting off thousands of families from life-saving humanitarian aid." 344140,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Economy']",fr,68,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"« A travers le PADEL, l’Etat a investi plus de 63 milliards de FCFA depuis 2017. Cette importante allocation budgétaire a permis de réaliser des infrastructures économiques, soutenir des promoteurs d’unités de production informelles et apporter des soutiens financiers pour l’inclusion des personnes vulnérables dans les régions à défis sécuritaires », a indiqué le Chef du gouvernement." 205443,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"However, the level of needs would remain similar as wild foods would not be seasonally available; market prices would remain high due to likely increases in demand linked to unavailability of seasonal food sources; and GAM would likely still remain at high levels as the reduction in morbidity would likely be countered by an even higher seasonal decrease in kilocalorie consumption." 221184,45804.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,65,['Priority Needs'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://llanera.com/gerente-de-fronteras-evaluo-situacion-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-en-arauca/24827,"El funcionario nacional resaltó la voluntad política de la administración departamental e hizo un reconocimiento al gobernador José Facundo Castillo, por el trabajo adelantado. “Aquí estamos trabajando todos juntos para hablar de integración, mirar cómo integrar de la mejor manera a los migrantes y mitigar aquellos efectos que no queremos ver, pensando desde el punto de vista humanitario”." 13937,5539.0,322.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/record-update-situation-hodeidah-yemen,"A third of those displaced by recent violence have fled to areas within Hodeidah governorate, while another third have reached Sana'a city (Amanat Al Asimah governorate), about six hours away by road. Together, these governorates account for 25 per cent of Yemen's 1.12 million suspected cholera cases, indicating an extremely high risk of another outbreak." 62756,18396.0,1386.0,"['Nutrition', 'Education', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,62,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3267163,"En lo que va de año, UNICEF y sus aliados sobre el terreno han ayudado a más de 180.000 personas a obtener acceso al agua potable, han proporcionado a más de 60.000 niños acceso a materiales de aprendizaje y han suministrado suplementos de micronutrientes a 76.000 niños menores de cinco años, así como a mujeres embarazadas y lactantes." 219068,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Flooding continues to displace and isolate people across Jonglei State. Flooding along the River Nile and its tributaries continue to force communities in eleven counties of Jonglei State and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) to move to higher ground. 173933,41033.0,2170.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, Nigeria]The sub-sector continues to identify eviction cases through field visits and referrals from community leaders, sector partners and NNGOs/CBOs for HLP legal assistance due to inability of IDPs to pay rent. Most of the eviction cases are from Borno and Adamawa states, and are largely attributed to the lack of livelihoods to generate income for rent, and the economic hardship exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. With limited donors funding “cash-for-rent” interventions, the existing gaps remain huge, leaving many IDPs at risk of forced evictions." 401775,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Patients of snake bite should be transferred to nearest health facility as quickly as possible." 143060,35989.0,2074.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"El 11 de marzo de 2020 se realizó un encuentro con los migrantes y refugiados venezolanos que residen en La Paz, el cual sirvió para comunicar las nuevas medidas a implementar por las autoridades bolivianas para la regularización de ciudadanos venezolanos y escuchar las inquietudes de los participantes." 359786,58464.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,34,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Most commonly reported healthcare needs (by % of communities): -65%: Treatment for chronic diseases -53%: Medicines -45%: Paediatric consultations" 78264,21790.0,1233.0,[],[],[],en,48,[],[],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Regional%20SitRep%20MayJune%202019.pdf,"In Aruba and Trinidad and Tobago, on the other hand, training has been provided for the outreach and counseling of persons in need of assistance. In Aruba, a mapping of 22 civil society organizations and a referral system for GBV survivors were developed." 295543,52365.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,11,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"• Additionally, key informants reported a high risk of xenophobia" 305036,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"There are also an additional 6,000 CAR refugees living in settlements in El Radom and Dimsu localities, who have arrived since 2016, and another 1,500 living in Nyala who arrived in 2014. CAR refugees in Darfur are living in extremely remote and underserved parts of both States." 280522,51090.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,141,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] A camp wise dedicated Contact Tracing (CT) network (34 supervisors and 311 volunteers) has been embedded in the Rapid Investigation and Response Team (RIRT) for COVID-19. A total of 404 confirmed cases (out of 406 to date) have been investigated by RIRTs by 28 February, with contact tracing activities being conducted and captured through Go.data, including the 1553 contacts to be followed up. Out of these, 1324 (85%) contacts have seen their follow up visits completed and were released from quarantine. Thirteen contacts (1%) became confirmed cases during the follow up period. WHO is closely supporting contact tracing activities through the Camp Health & Disease Surveillance Officers (CHDSOs)." 187312,43340.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20-%20Camp%20Management%20Bi-weekly%20Tracker%20Report%2C%20Report%20No.%2024%2C%2016%20-%2031%20October%202020.pdf,"[16th -31st Oct 2020,BAY states] 80% of the displacement sites has an average waiting time at water points less than 30minutes while 16% is between 30minutes and an hour and 4% is above one hour (figure 8). Figure 3: Total shelter and their status. Figure 5: % of sites by the second most needed NFI ." 240942,47675.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,40,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"In the provinces of Mayo-Kebbi-Ouest and Moyen-Chari, the curfew is in place from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. In N’Djamena and the other aforementioned provinces, curfew hours are from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m." 453781,64224.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,55,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Ambos grupos de mujeres enfrentan violencia callejera, pero las venezolanas refieren haber sido víctimas en lugares públicos y en los medios de transporte y que ellas perciben que el dominio lo tienen los hombres, han sentido como las han tratado como objeto sexual con las miradas y gestos que estos les hacen" 168282,40395.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,33,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/democratic-republic-congo/health,"Ces attaques font obstacle à l’accès humanitaire, empêchent de porter assistance à des déplacés désespérés et perturbent la coordination capitale des efforts de sensibilisation et de prévention du Covid-19." 328775,54713.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,14,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 74% households reporting not having any working household members 361327,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,120,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: Although there is not yet a national childhood drowning prevention scheme in Bangladesh (Rahman et al, 2017), various studies and interventions have been undertaken throughout the country, particularly focusing on rural areas and children under 5 years old (Alonge et al, 2020; Callaghan et al, 2010). However, such research and actions have so far largely neglected the refugee camps hosting Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, a region where drowning is the fourth highest cause of accidental death, according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bangladesh (2020)." 60721,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Demography'],en,167,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"3.0 percent of food insecure households were severely food insecure with more of such households found in Borno State (4.9 percent) compared to 1.7 percent and 1.2 percent in Adamawa and Yobe States respectively, which shows wide food consumption gaps and loss of productive assets within such households. Year-on-year comparison with February 2018 shows a marginal reduction 0.2 percent in the prevalence of severe food insecurity, albeit there was an increase of 1 percent and 0.2 percent in Borno and Adamawa States respectively. At the LGA level, more than one in every ten households were severely food insecure households in Gubio (14.5 percent), Nganzai (13.0 percent) and Magumeri (10.3 percent) LGAs in Borno State, whereas in Yobe and Adamawa States, severe food insecurity was most pronounced in Yunusari (5.3 percent), Numan (6.3 percent), Gombi (6.2 percent) and Madagali (4.0 percent)." 271905,50217.0,2333.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,12,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,La ville de Tillabéri seule a connu la fermeture de 312 écoles 189060,42301.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,64,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B7%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%B9%D9%81%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%A1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3-%D9%84%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%81%D9%88%D9%81,"[13 Sep 2020] [Afrin] ""The Olive Branch Education Directorate"" in Afrin region announced the start of the educational process for the rest of the classes that are delayed in schools, as the return to schools began gradually since September 13 due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus while ensuring that the necessary preventive measures are taken." 289303,52038.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/64879/no-oxygen-in-damascus.html,"[24 March 2021, GoS] The director of Al-Mujtahid Hospital in Damascus, Dr. Ahmed Abbas, said in statements last weekend that it has been two weeks that the isolation units are witnessing a doubling in the numbers of patients, indicating that the third wave is more challenging than the previous one. He added that the current situation in the capital calls for caution, noting that the elderly are the age group that is in the most danger." 248933,48004.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"L’activisme des Maï-Maï Malaika et surtout l’impunité des auteurs d’abus et de violations des droits de l’homme, ont engendré à la fin de l’année 2020 un nouvel accroissement des cas de viol dans le territoire de Kabambare, dans la province du Maniema, notamment dans le secteur de Bangubangu / Salamabila." 229401,46461.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,Norwegian Refugee Council is closely working with the Self- Learning Taskforce to develop learning materials to reach out children at household level. 358780,58534.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,83,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.invima.gov.co/web/guest/informacion-importante-acerca-de-la-inclusion-de-mujeres-embarazadas-en-las-asue-de-vacunas-contra-covid-19?redirect=%2Farticulos-de-interes-coronavirus-covid-19,"El Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos- Invima, informa que a la fecha no ha sido radicada solicitud alguna por parte de los titulares de las Autorizaciones Sanitarias de Uso de Emergencia de las vacunas contra covid-19, ni de otras autoridades, para incluir a las mujeres embarazadas de manera expresa, como destinatarias de la inmunización con estos biológicos, con sus respectivas indicaciones, contraindicaciones, eventos adversos, precauciones y advertencias, interacciones y dosificación." 228651,46627.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"The GoIRA [Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan], with the support of various actors including the World Bank, are “developing a social relief package – through cash transfers and, if impractical, in kind – to support food security among socially vulnerable households.”" 356624,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,125,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Uso indiscriminado e inapropiado de armas menos letales La policía utilizó gases lacrimógenos en varias oportunidades contra manifestantes pacíficos, según señalaron manifestantes y funcionarios de la Defensoría del Pueblo a Human Rights Watch. Asimismo, la policía parece haber disparado gases lacrimógenos con armas antidisturbios de forma imprudente y peligrosa en varias ocasiones. La policía debe disparar los cartuchos de gases lacrimógenos al cielo, a fin de reducir la velocidad de la trayectoria de los proyectiles, que son pesados, para que luego de un arco descendente caigan en el suelo. Sin embargo, a través de entrevistas con diversos manifestantes y videos, Human Rights Watch pudo corroborar que policías dispararon los cartuchos directamente hacia los manifestantes." 56592,17094.0,1187.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,73,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En términos generales, la población entrevistada era relativamente joven, y muchos de sus padres o madres tenían entre 45 y 65 años —y trabajaban, sea cual fuera su lugar de residencia—. Las razones por las cuales viajaron a Argentina son variadas: combinan el afecto y la necesidad de cercanía con las perspectivas a futuro y la angustia por el deterioro de las condiciones de vida en Venezuela." 235156,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Given limited buffers, staff supports the authorities’ request for financial assistance under the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) equivalent to 60 percent of quota (SDR 165.6 million or 0.6 percent of GDP), extension of the arrangement and rephasing of access." 39177,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,135,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Besides restrictive movement, fear of kidnapping and harassment, women and girls are also facing sexual abuse and exploitation. According to assessment findings, more than half of the Libyan and non-Libyan women KIs report women knowing about sexual violence in their community (57%). The main perpetrators are the militants (57%) who are perceived to be targeting non-Libyan women more than Libyan women. The most aware of militants’ sexual abuse, however, are non-Libyan females from Chad, Eritrea and Iraq. Military officials are also reportedly gravely abusing women and girls (23%). However, Libyan women are equally exposed to sexual abuse by militants as well as other civilians (42% of female KIs reported)." 304719,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"East Sudan hosts one of the most protracted refugee situations in the world, with the first influx of Eritrean refugees arriving over 50 years ago. Over 40 per cent of refugees in East Sudan have been in asylum for more than 20 years, and approximately 50 per cent of refugees living in the camps were born there." 14216,5505.0,322.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://wam.ae/en/details/1395302700718,"The association helps children with mental disabilities, speech difficulties, developmental disorders, learning difficulties and autism. Ibtihal Al Mahrouq, Chairwoman of the Association, said that the association wants to organise comprehensive early intervention programmes for these children especially aged two to sixteen." 240945,47675.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"The second inclusive national forum began on 29 October and ended on 1 November. [...] After the debate, 28 resolutions were adopted, the most notable of which include the establishment of the vice-presidency, the reduction of the age of presidential candidacy from 45 to 40, the creation of the senate, the abolition of the confessional oath, etc." 134107,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,94,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En Argentina, la Ley Nº 26.364, sancionada en 2008 y modificada en 2012 mediante la Ley Nº 26.8429 , de Prevención y Sanción de la Trata de Personas y Asistencia a sus Víctimas, define a la trata de personas como el ofrecimiento, la captación, el traslado, la recepción o acogida de personas con fines de explotación, ya sea dentro del territorio nacional, como desde o hacia otros países. La Ley prevé tanto los derechos de las víctimas como las disposiciones penales para los victimarios." 293993,50852.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"Among [households] HHs with shelter, 78% of surveyed refugee HHs were living in shelters that did not meet agreed technical and performance standards, IDP (90%), Non-displaced (61%)." 263978,48991.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[15th Feb, GoS areas] almost all the sub-districts in the GoS region mentioned SUFFICIENCY OF COVID-19 HEALTH SERVICES to be less sufficient and insufficient." 52117,16699.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Politics']",en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"in August 2018, Ecuador declared a state of emergency in response to a sudden, massive influx of Venezuelans. The government then immediately imposed new restrictions on arriving Venezuelans. Instead of simply presenting national ID cards, they now had to show valid passports." 495152,67230.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,14,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Limitaciones presupuestales para asumir intervenciones claves como vacunación o compra de suplementos nutricionales. 335280,55819.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,(Sahel) La province de l’Oudalan dans le Sahel fait partie d’une zone dite d’élevage transhumant et de mil. Elle était déjà l’une des zones les plus affectées par l’insécurité alimentaire chronique avant l’émergence de la crise sécuritaire 473895,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"La indagación de Save The Children también mostró importantes niveles de violencia: el 41,5% de las personas encuestadas manifestó haber vivido situaciones violentas en sus hogares, asociadas a momentos de estrés por desempleo o por el cambio abrupto en la rutina diaria del hogar" 489953,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Stigma, fear of social exclusion and fear of being abandoned by their relatives are factors that survivors take into account when deciding to seek treatment. For example, husbands often abandon wives who have been assaulted" 160290,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,54,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Asimismo, en las ciudades del interior hay una mayor cantidad de venezolanos que tienen PEP: 29% en Bogotá y 25.7% en Medellín. En ciudades más pequeñas y cercanas a la frontera el porcentaje es menor, con un 14.2% en Barranquilla y un 16% en Riohacha." 311461,53762.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Nord) To ensure appropriate care and support of survivors, the reception of five community centers in three communes of the North region has been finalized during the reporting period. These centers will allow, among other things, to provide psychological support through listening groups, to survivors of SGBV." 222996,45471.0,2170.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,44,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]These hazards also represent a substantial threat to the safety and security of humanitarian workers trying to mitigate the effects of the conflict for local populations, reducing their access and ability to support vulnerable communities." 265560,49620.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Sahel) Dans l’ensemble du Sahel, les cas de mariages forcés et précoces, ainsi que le nombre de violences basées sur le genre (VBG), ont été parmi les plus élevés au monde sur l’année" 281879,51173.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"A total of 50,000 new-born kits and clean delivery kits were distributed by UNICEF to pregnant women and new-borns mothers in hard to reach areas, which enabled more than 20,000 pregnant women to give birth safely." 291655,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,106,"['Priority Interventions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"This year, the need for timely funding at existing or higher levels is required to ensure 7 continued humanitarian operations. Almost 16 million people require assistance for which we need $1.3 billion. To date we have received $38 million. Ultimately of course, Afghanistan’s real hope for a safe, secure, sustainable future lies in a life free of conflict which can only be obtained through a successful peace negotiations process. Until that day becomes a reality, we must do all we can to provide a lifeline of support to the people of Afghanistan." 384820,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Deux régions ont bénéficié de l’activation officielle des Cluster Santé et Nutrition, il s’agit de la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun et la région du Centre Est. Au cours du mois de juin, les coordinateurs du Cluster santé et nutrition ont effectués une mission conjointe pour accompagner les équipes régionales dans la mise en place des cluster santé et nutrition. Le lancement officiel du Cluster Santé et Nutrition dans la région du Centre Est sera effective au mois de juillet 2021" 63155,18817.0,1386.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190823_VEN_SITREP2_ENG_FINAL_0.pdf,"Children living in the most vulnerable communities face challenges to access quality education. The capacities of the education system have been impacted by the crisis, in terms of the number of qualified personnel, the availability of teaching materials, the provision of school feeding and of psychosocial support and the functioning of water and sanitation services. As families struggle to maintain their livelihoods, many are unable to support their children to regularly attend school." 227520,46488.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Il est important de souligner que ces indications contredisent les données récoltées lorsque les IC ont été spécifiquement interrogés sur les femmes/filles et les hommes/garçons. En effet, ils ont alors majoritairement rapporté une détérioration de la situation. La moitié des IC (5/10) ont rapporté que le pillage des biens était l’un des principaux incidents de protection ayant affecté la localité durant les 30 jours précédant la collecte de données." 242490,47618.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] Fourth, students reported difficulties in getting further explanation from teachers outside of lessons when there was something they didn’t understand, saying the same content was often repeated back to them by teachers who were unwilling to spend unpaid time finding a different way to explain a concept. Consequently, many students in the public sector have resorted to private tutors for tailored tuition. However, students liked the idea of an online messaging platform they could use to message their teachers if they needed further help." 67765,19750.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71782.pdf,"Fortalecimiento de capacidades e infraestructura comunitaria (facilita el acceso a servicios como salud, alimentación y asistencia psicológica). 34.620 beneficiarios." 294076,51273.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"PROJECTED OUTLOOK THROUGH MAY 2021: In urban areas, poor households will likely continue to experience below-average purchasing power due to reduced income opportunities during the winter months, below-average remittances, and above-average food prices. Poor households who do not receive external assistance or who exhaust the assistance will likely face food consumption gaps and Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes throughout the projection period." 130787,33838.0,1183.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,20,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Declaración del Estado de Emergencia por parte del presidente de la República desde el 17 de marzo de 2020. 271501,49808.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,167,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Les taux de morbidité et de mortalité chez l’enfant sont également élevés. Les causes majeures de décès varient selon l’âge de l’enfant. Les causes de morbidité et mortalité néonatales sont essentiellement les infections sévères (32%), la prématurité/faible poids à la naissance (22%), l’asphyxie (21%) et le tétanos néonatal (12%). Les décès infanto-juvéniles sont dus à la pneumonie (24%), au paludisme (20%), à la diarrhée (19%), aux causes néonatales (18%), au VIH, au SIDA (4%) et à la rougeole (3%). Tous ces décès surviennent sur des terrains de malnutrition dans 54% des cas [INSD, 1998. Enquete demographique et de santé; INSD, 2006. Recensement général de la population et de l'habitation]." 141393,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Approximately 60 and 103 samples were randomly collected from these areas respectively. Following testing results, the lockdowns on both areas was eased. To enhance surveillance efforts, WHO is working with the Syrian MoH to simplify the case definition for COVID-19 as well as expand active surveillance beyond the existing 125 hospitals to all primary healthcare facilities. In the reporting period, WHO supported the 25 active surveillance teams to conduct 450 visits, in addition to active finding of suspected cases." 200479,44300.0,2099.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Ils sont 24% à rechercher un emploi, et seulement 1% à avoir repris des études. La situation des femmes migrantes de retour diffère de celle des hommes. En effet, 36% d’entre elles indiquent être sans emploi ou à la recherche d’un emploi et 29% des femmes indiquent être entrepreneuses indépendantes. [échantillonnage : 388 migrants de retour assistés par l’OIM]" 260926,48984.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,87,[],"['Covid-19', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[10th Jan 2021,Nigeria]As of 10 January 2021, across Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon, there are 130 158 confirmed cases (97 478; 3 322; 2 510; and 26 848, respectively) and 2 001 deaths (1 342; 104; 107; and 448, respectively) according to WHO. However, it should be noted, that underreporting, undertesting, and access difficulties are certainly influencing these figures." 345189,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] To strengthen the protection of South Sudanese refugee children at risk, two Best Interest Determination (BID) panel refresher workshops were held in Aru and Faradje territory in April, targeting 44 participants including 27 humanitarian actors from implementing partners and 17 officials from government structures (Peace Court, representatives from the Division of Social Affairs, Division of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education)." 272713,50256.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,88,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_janvier2021.pdf,"[768 enquêtes auprès d’IC dans 323 localités entre le 13 et le 29 janvier] Dans 16% (52) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que des attaques ou des pillages avaient eu lieu au cours du mois précédent. Dans 8% (4) de ces localités, les IC ont déclaré que ces derniers avaient eu un impact important sur l’accès à la nourriture pour la majorité de la population au cours du mois précédent." 281828,51173.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"In terms of Vitamin A supplementation for the emergency affected population, UNICEF and implementing partners reached a total of 22,058 children aged 6-59 months mainly through mobile teams which represent around 30% of total target (78,000) of 2020." 310584,53068.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Education Cluster : 22% that is 57m required, 13m funded, 44m unmet. [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 356663,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Asimismo, la corte resolvió que el gobierno debía expedir un acto administrativo, a más tardar en octubre de 2020, que ordenara que todos los funcionarios gubernamentales protegieran y respetaran todas las “manifestaciones no violentas”, incluso aquellas que se organizaran en contra del gobierno. El gobierno no ha dictado esa norma." 428817,63533.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,88,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_13_nord-kivu_18-08-2021.pdf,"La situation de protection des civils continue de se dégrader dans le secteur Osso Banyungu. Des hommes armés ont enlevé au moins cinq civils au village de Loashi lwa Bashia dans le groupement Biiri le 7 août. Une des personnes enlevées a été relâchée après avoir payé une rançon, tandis que les quatre autres sont toujours portées disparus. Le même jour, deux femmes qui revenaient des champs ont été violées par des éléments d’un groupe armé actif dans la zone." 205169,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Economy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,77,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Cameroon is also subject to recurrent epidemics, in particular cholera, which occur almost annually. In addition to the North and Far North regions which are affected since July 2018, a cholera outbreak was declared in November 2019 in the South West Bakassi area. Given the security situation, the deterioration of the health system and the lack of surveillance, this situation was likely to spread beyond the locality of Bakassi." 191161,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, with support from the UN, conducted a survey of 600 Somali MSMEs in June and July, to assess the impact of COVID-19. Results forthcoming." 300679,51152.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of 31 January 2021, Child Protection (CP) sub-cluster members reached 46,544 people including 22,766 children with child protection services. This included 18,168 children and caregivers reached with psychosocial support. It also included 910 children and 556 unaccompanied and separated children that were reached with case management. Of these, 14,042 people (4,015 girls, 4,621 boys & 5,406 adults) were reached in January 2021 in Ayod, Duk, Fangak, Pibor, Bor South, and Twic East in Jonglei, in Luakpiny/Nasir in Upper Nile and in Panyijar in Unity." 70741,20012.0,729.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"One of these attacks, on 1 September 2019, damaged a civilian plane as it landed full of pilgrims returning from Haj, injuring at least two crew members.44 The airport was closed soon after and remains shut down." 413957,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,156,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.13 Experience in seeking telemedicine services Telemedicine services did not come as a popular alternative during the pandemic: Nearly 6% of households obtained telemedicine services during the pandemic. Respondents from urban areas attained the service slightly more than those of rural areas (6.5% vs. 5.3%). The range of telemedicine services that were provided by healthcare service providers includes first-aid (52.8%), regular check-up (35.4%), advice on Covid-19 related symptoms (25%), family planning (15.3%), pregnancy-related treatment (12.5%), postnatal service (10.4%), treatment for special children (9%), etc. Of the households which reported that they used telemedicine services, 11.1% of them (16) stated that they encountered difficulty while getting telemedicine services." 340792,56216.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,83,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://linterview.cd/lac-edouard-26-pecheurs-congolais-arretes-en-lespace-de-deux-semaines/,"Depuis la proclamation de l’état de siège en province du Nord-Kivu et de l’ituri, 26 pêcheurs congolais ont été arrêtés en l’espace de deux semaines par les éléments des forces navales de l’Ouganda. Cette information est livré par la notabilité de Rutshuru qui indique parmi eux, 9 ont été libérés ce week-end moyennant une somme exorbitante chacun et faute de moyens 17 autres pêcheurs congolais restent dans les prisons en Ouganda." 473753,67199.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,116,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"En la población con discapacidad las cifras de inasistencia a centros de salud son mayores. Cepal (2020) realizó la encuesta ELIOS9 en la que más del 70% de los consultados valoró muy negativamente el acceso a consultas y atención de salud. “El acceso a los servicios de salud implica desafíos particularmente complejos en el caso de muchas personas con discapacidad y sus familias dadas las barreras en el transporte y la dificultad de obtener los apoyos, asistencia personal y cuidados que son imprescindibles en muchos casos”, asegura. Una situación que no solo afecta a niñas/os de primera infancia, también a la ciudadanía en general." 162931,39647.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"Across 20 camps and in the host community in Ukhiya and Teknaf, 6CiC) Gender Officers, 40 volunteers, and 42 women leaders of women’s and transgender civil society organisations continued to conduct awareness-raising sessions and consultations on COVID-19 and gender including using gender information, education and communication materials." 386436,60870.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,12,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,Se evidencian niños sin documentos por ende sin afiliación a salud. 328761,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,71,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] Among the 100% households found to have an overall MSNI of 3 and above, this score was most commonly driven by extreme LSGs in Education and SNFI, Nutrition and WASH (13%), followed by Education, SNFI and WASH (7%), or Education, SNFI, Nutrition, WASH, Food Security and Protection (7%)" 165254,38967.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BGD2002-COVID-19-Market-Monitoring-Initiative-%E2%80%93-Factsheet_round_5V1.pdf,"6% of vendors (1 KI) reported facing restocking issues in the 2 weeks prior to data collection, of which the most commonly reported were:There is a shortage of carriers to transport supplies 100%The commercial agents of the companies and wholesalers no longer visit the camps 100% My supplier no longer gives me access to credit 100% 500+ 0= 5" 152463,37831.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"They engaged more than 450 Rohingya faith leaders to help spread the word. The team trained hundreds of adults and children on proper handwashing, social distancing and correct mask usage. They dispelled rumours and myths about the virus, and equipped families with the knowledge and skills they needed to protect themselves" 10524,4765.0,321.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,71,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/wfp-meets-benghazi-mayor-it-expands-its-support-conflict-hit-libya,"Due to conflict and political instability, WFP, along with the entire Libya United Nations Country Team (UNCT), had been operating remotely from Tunisia since 2014. WFP was able to open an office in Tripoli in February after as the security situation improved. Last week’s meetings were greeted as a first step towards providing direct support to the eastern part of Libya." 321460,54522.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,46,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://habarirdc.net/covid-experience-enfants-rue/,"À Mbujimayi, les enfants de rue ou en conflits avec la loi sont parmi les oubliés des sensibilisations des masses sur le Covid-19. Le respect des gestes barrières n’existe pas chez les enfants de rue. Pourtant, ils sont exposés." 439636,63257.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans 4% des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population n’avait pas accès à des services de santé fonctionnels à distance de marche10 au cours des 30 derniers jours." 60692,17936.0,788.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,150,['Impact'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"The conflict in the northeast of Nigeria persists and continues to induce widespread displacement and disruption of livelihoods as well as optimal functionality of markets. The protracted nature of the ongoing conflict in the northeast, which is almost a decade long now, coupled with recent displacements attributed to attacks by Non State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in December 2018 and January 2019, continues to draw the attention of the humanitarian community, government and donors to the northeast states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) States, which remains epicenter of the ongoing crisis in the northeast. This recent renewed attacks by the NSAGs continues to intensify the already fragile situation as seen in the fresh waves of massive displacement of people with displacement metrics standing at about 1.75 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) as at January 2019." 8823,2888.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Demography'],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%201%20June%202018.pdf,"On 28 May, UNHCR coordinated the transfer of eight Eritrean nationals from Kufra detention centre (south of Libya) to Triq al Sikka detention centre in Tripoli. The individuals had been severely injured earlier near the Libyan boarder with Egypt. UNHCR and its partner IMC are monitoring their situation and providing them with humanitarian and medical assistance." 175485,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Le secteur de la santé est concerné par la question du risque d’inondation : prise en charge des victimes directes de ces événements, exposition des infrastructures à la submersion, accueil de patients de services en difficulté, indisponibilité du personnel, adaptation face aux éventuels effets domino, notamment les ruptures d’approvisionnement" 347691,56800.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: The first COVID- 19 confirmed case in Rohingya refugee camps was detected on the 14th of May. As of March 2021, every camp (34/34) has registered COVID-19 cases, 10 deaths have been registered due to COVID-19 among FDMN population and 73 host communities. 413 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in camps and 5553 in host. Overall positivity of tests is 2.0% in host and 0.9% in camps." 454182,65007.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,95,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC%20RRRP%202020%20Report%20.pdf,"As of 31 December 2020, 758,320 refugees and asylum-seekers from the DRC were hosted in the seven countries that are part of the DRC RRRP: Angola, Burundi, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, and Zambia. Thousands more are hosted further afield in Southern Africa and elsewhere on the continent. By the end of 2020, the number of refugees and asylum-seekers from the DRC hosted in the seven RRRP countries increased by 32,276, as compared to the previous year." 197420,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,46,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Additional priority area for consideration is to protect the infants of mothers that are COVID-19 positive and to ensure the continuity of breast feeding while adopting the safety measures and doing so, Community Health Worker and mobilizers have already been trained in this regard." 343855,56755.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,27,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PROTECTION%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf,Those most vulnerable to GBV lack economic support/safety nets. Difficulties in accessing formal labour markets have been compounded by loss of livelihoods due to COVID-19. 388942,60849.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,62,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Derecho a la vivienda La principal dificultad para conseguir una vivienda es la falta de empleo en primer lugar, y la falta de regularización de la situación migratoria en segundo lugar. Esto ultimo, los llevaría a tener que aceptar altos valores de arriendo (por ejemplo, $300.000 por una pieza con baño y cocina compartida)." 156005,38388.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,"El sistema salvadoreño de salud fue reformado a través de la creación de una Política Nacional de Salud en el período 2009-2014. Esta reforma permitió garantizar el derecho a la salud de toda la población a través de un Sistema Nacional de Salud Integrado con un enfoque de derechos humanos.81 La política también promueve un acceso equitativo y una atención integral con la ampliación de Unidades Comunitarias de Salud Familiar conformados por personal médico, enfermería, auxiliares de enfermería y promotores de salud, que realizan atención general y especializada" 185055,31163.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",[],[],en,191,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/II%20Annual%20Report%20of%20the%20Regional%20Comprehensive%20Protection%20%26%20Solutions%20Framework%20%28MIRPS%292019.pdf,"a. The strengthening of the structures of MINARE. The administration of Alvarado Quesada (2018 – 2022) entailed a period of appropriation of the implementation of MINARE. Even during the second year of the national chapter, which coincides with the second year of the administration, adjustments have been made to the structures that take part in the implementation of MINARE. This responds to the changes in focal points identified within the public administration. These changes have impacted both the technical team – which has been in charge in followingup with the implementation of the commitments – and the Executive Committee – which is comprised by five ministers involved in the response to refugees. This has required a period of familiarization with the processes and dynamics of the implementation of MINARE. During the reporting period, coordination and communication mechanisms for the technical team have been institutionalized, in a manner that ensures they are not dependent on the changes of the public administration. Similarly, the Executive Committee has met on several occasions to discuss political issues affecting MINARE." 55303,17037.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.soychile.cl/Santiago/Sociedad/2019/08/09/610070/Venezolanos-que-quieran-ingresar-a-Chile-podran-tramitar-su-visa-en-Tacna-hasta-el-16-de-agosto.aspx,"Memorándum de Entendimiento con la Oficina Mundial para las Migraciones (OIM) fue el documento que este viernes firmó el Presidente Sebastián Piñera. La medida establece que se instale un centro de procesamiento de visados en Lima, Perú, para prestar apoyo al consulado chileno. Según precisó el ministro Teodoro Ribera, de esta forma “las personas que hasta el 16 de agosto postulen a la inscripción online en el Consulado de Tacna serán atendidas por orden secuencial en los días siguientes, pero a partir de esa fecha la postulación deberá revisarse a través nuestro consulado en Lima”, dijo." 17464,5431.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,109,['Impact'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"In Al Hudaydah City, clashes were reported on 26 June in the proximity of the airport. Money exchange shops where people can access cash from remittances, remain closed. Limited access to cash and the reported increase of food prices may jeopardise the food security of an already vulnerable population. Displacement is affecting the capacity of institutions to provide basic social services due to absence of staff. Access to water in the city has improved following repairs to pipes that had been damaged by conflict. Many roads in the city remain blocked, but the city remains accessible from Sana’a." 173901,41033.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,90,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, BAY states]Sector partners also recorded an increased need for Food assistance which was cited as priority need for 72,064 households (HH) in comparison to 67,328 HH in July. Shelter reinforcement kits were mentioned by 41,362 HH and NFI Kits by 150,838 HH in August, which is a decrease in needs compared to July when 47,095 HH mentioned shelter kits and 160,565 HH NFI kits, as reported by the CCCM partners across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states." 200571,44388.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Minsalud-explica-proceso-para-adquisicion-de-vacuna-contra-covid-19.aspx,"Colombia tiene una estrategia definida desde hace varios meses para el acceso a la vacuna contra el covid-19, que incluye la participación del país con otros 180 en un mecanismo multilateral denominado Covax, bajo el cual se hace una adquisición conjunta de las vacunas líderes a nivel mundial para el covid-19." 57873,16848.0,788.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,71,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.hart-uk.org/news/august-2019-update-the-situation-in-north-and-central-belt-nigeria/,"Fulani-farmer clashes peaked in May-June in Jalingo, Taraba State. 65 were killed, 9,000 displaced, and 15 churches, two primary schools and a health centre destroyed during attacks on 18 predominantly Christian villages. Retaliatory assaults by Kona farmers on members of the Fulani ethnic group led to the torching of two mosques. 23 Fulani were also killed. (ACNUK, 19 July 2019)" 408638,63559.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20210806_acaps_briefing_note_colombia_violence_in_cauca_0.pdf,"In April 2021, medical staff in El Plateado of rural Argelia evacuated when members of an armed group entered the hospital, threatened medical staff, and removed and killed a man wounded in the fighting. Armed men took over the hospital for several hours" 240987,47675.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"Some districts of the 9th arrondissement (Dingangali, Gardolé, and Hadjaraï) have been affected by the flooding of the lower basin of the Chari River, after the dyke supporting the Chari river gave way in two places, causing water to flow into the neighborhoods." 279149,50217.0,2333.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,85,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les taux de morbidité et de mortalité excédentaires attribuables aux maladies à déclaration obligatoire évitables y compris les décès maternels, les complications de la malnutrition ainsi que les incidents de protection sont réduites à moins de 5% (méningite et COVID 19), moins de 1%(choléra), moins de 5%(rougeole), moins de 1% pour les complications de la malnutrition, moins de 1% pour les incidents de protection d'ici fin 2021" 202577,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In August 2019, nearly 6.4 million people or 54 per cent of the population were classified in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity. Among them, an estimated 1.7 million people faced Emergency (IPC Phase 4) acute food insecurity while 10,000 people were in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5)." 333754,46627.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Which of the following, if any, might your household do as a result? Put children under 15 in our household to work: 2%, Go/send a family member to another province: 3%, go/send a family member abroad: 5%, Borrow money from someone: 35%, Go begging myself: 1%, Sell household/personal assets (furniture, jewelry, etc.): 39%, Sell dairy products: 3%, Sell livestock: 11%." 473885,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"En los últimos seis años, datos del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal han mostrado de manera reiterada que los principales agresores de niñas/os y adolescentes son familiares que viven con ellos. Los golpean, los gritan, les imponen responsabilidades que no son propias para su edad y abusan sexualmente de ellos, entre otros tipos de violencia, causándoles hondas cicatrices. Por tanto, resultaba paradójica la disminución en las cifras de violencia reportadas por este instituto para los primeros meses de 202017 en comparación con 2019" 112327,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"el 16,44 % de los niños y niñas venezolanos de 8 años se encuentran en extraedad para el grado que cursan (prejardín, jardín, transición y primero), cuando deberían estar en tercer grado para su edad. Por su parte, el grado que presenta mayor extraedad es primero, con el 9,70 %. Finalmente, el 61,54 % de los niños de 3 a 8 años se encuentran cursando el grado para su edad, y el 33,69 % una diferencia de grado normal. Solo 4,04% de los niños y niñas de 3 a 8 años venezolanos se encuentran en extraedad." 290031,52076.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,Only 3% of women own a house without a property title and 1.6% own a property title in their name. 192526,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,21,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Maternal mortality has reached and sustained a high of 789 deaths per 100,000 live births, according to 2018 estimates." 201321,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Delays and demands for payment at roadblocks by both non-state armed groups and Government forces, despite having all required authorizations, cause needless delays and insecurity for the transport of aid goods." 388603,61080.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le 26 JUIN 2021, des GANE ont visité le village de Borguindé dans la commune de Djibo et fixé des conditions aux populations pour avoir accès aux terres cultivables." 336106,43604.0,2335.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Water access time: Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported that most people need more than 30 minutes to access and return from their preferred drinking water are Ibba 100%, Maridi 100%, Mundri East 100%, Mvolo 100%, Terekeka 100%." 141884,34876.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,106,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 7 July 2020, northwest Syria has still reported no confirmed cases of COVID-19. With no outbreak on the horizon and an ongoing humanitarian crisis only exacerbated by restrictions put in place to slow the spread of the impending epidemic, COVID-19 preventive measures were relaxed in the region. The risk of a COVID-19 outbreak continues to be a possibility, however, as cases in the rest of Syria continue to rise (as of 7 July 2020, 372 confirmed cases and 14 deaths2 ) and many experts predict a second wave of global infections in the fall/winter of 2020/2021" 62067,18564.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"In June 2019, the research center CENDA calculated that the minimum wage was worth $5.43 a month, which could only purchase 2.8 percent of the basic food basket for a family of five." 454529,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los síntomas más intensos son: se sienten tristes (65.2%), se asustan con facilidad (62.9%), duermen mal (59.9%), se sienten aburridos (59.4%), dolores frecuentes de cabeza (59.1%), se sientes nerviosos o tensos (56.1%), se sienten cansados todo el tiempo (55.8%)." 390214,61000.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_28_29_2021.pdf,"[12th -25th July 2021, Borno State] Infection Prevention and Control: • Monitoring of COVID-19 IPC implementation continues at health facilities across the state." 248260,48236.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/439828-covid-19-tests-in-govt-laboratories-not-for-travel-purposes-sanwo-olu.html,"“Considering that oxygen demand has spiked to between 300 and 400 cylinders per day across state-owned treatment facilities, the Government is working hard to ensure that availability and supply are very easily able to meet and even surpass this demand,” he said." 126554,34397.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,37,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,El 17% de los hogares tiene un miembro de su hogar con enfermedad crónica o en condición de discapacidad (16% de los hogares migrantes y 24% de los hogares de acogida). 245097,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"El porcentaje de población que no cuenta con ningún permiso migratorio ha sido constante durante los primeros nueve meses de 2020, con un promedio de 81.4%, eso en contraste con las cifras oficiales de Migración Colombia de 55%. Como en meses anteriores la población en Bogotá y Cundinamarca (27.7%) tuvieron más acceso a los permisos de regularización y Barranquilla (12%) fue la zona donde menor parte de la población tuvo acceso a un permiso migratorio." 285639,51627.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] “If I tell you we are getting enough [cleaning] material, I would be lying to you. We are barely able to get soap and in best cases a shampoo. It is difficult to get disinfectants like chlorine products, we are not even thinking of them because there are other things that we need like food”" 201076,43280.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"In September, 15,755 children were treated with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in UNICEF supported programmes." 163142,39065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_30_august_2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"In Borno State, a total of 19,903 individuals were screened at 23 Points of Entries locations. 7,683 surveillance cards were distributed at POEs and Car parks" 330962,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"According to the data provided for the analysis, IDPs face more violence than host community members. While general violence was the most common need for the non-displaced in only one county, it was the case for IDPs in 37 per cent of the counties (29 counties)." 195961,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"2 alertes ont été identifiées et validées (complétude de 87,5%). A S45, une alerte avait été détectée et validée parmi les 9 941 voyageurs enregistrés et screenés à ces différents PoE (complétude de transmission des données de 87,5%)." 176971,41737.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf-azg.be/fr/news/rdc-r%C3%A9pondre-au-double-fardeau-du-covid19-%C3%A0-kinshasa,"De nombreuses personnes redoutent d’être infectées par le virus en se rendant dans les structures de santé jugées sous-équipées en matériel de protection, ou d’y être isolées et stigmatisées longtemps du fait des délais pour obtenir les résultats des tests. Cette situation affecte la prise en charge des personnes malades et le suivi de leur traitement, notamment dans le cas de pathologies telles que le diabète, la tuberculose, le paludisme ou le VIH/Sida." 234621,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Cameroon is facing urgent financing needs driven by the twin Covid-19 pandemic and terms of trade shocks. Externally, Cameroon is exposed to demand and supply shocks due to the slowdown in major trading partners (China and Europe) and falling oil prices." 284766,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,62,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"On June 3 at around 6 am., the [Rapid Sudan Forces] RSF, stormed the peaceful sit-ins and violently dispersed unarmed protesters in front of the military headquarters in Khartoum, as well as in nine other provinces in Sudan. It is estimated that close to 10,000 RSF soldiers were involved in the violent events in Khartoum." 293551,51589.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,"RECOMMENDATIONS: Integrate conflict sensitivity in all stages of project management in a systematic manner. Include questions regarding conflict sensitivity in existing needs assessments, thus not increasing financial or human resources and not slowing down the pace of the response. Integrating conflict and political indicators into predictive analysis can help prevent crises." 180600,42293.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,80,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/%d8%ac%d8%a7%d8%a6%d8%ad%d8%a9-%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d8%b6%d9%85%d9%86-%d9%85%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%b7%d9%82-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%86%d8%b8%d8%a7%d9%85-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b3%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%8a-%d8%a3-8/404956/,"[31 Oct 2020] [GoS] Reliable medical sources have reported to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, within the areas of influence of the Syrian regime, that the GoS areas have recorded during the past days at least 6,200 new cases of COVID-19, amid recording 293 new deaths from the virus, thus summing to a total of 49700 confirmed cases, with 12400 recovered cases, and a total of 2671 deaths." 190988,42037.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 14 assessed settlements reported that no handwashing facilities were publicly available to residents at the time of data collection. In the remaining 3 settlements where KIs reported that handwashing stations were publicly available, 2 reportedly had stations with both soap and water." 194685,43603.0,2331.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Among the 10.9 million people reached through COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement, 1 million are IDPs in 881 sites" 205202,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"JULY 2019: Organization of a MultiSectorial-Needs-Assessment (MSNA) in the North West and South West regions. Protection, health and access to shelter and NFI are identified as key priorities with more than 485,784 IDPs and an estimated 40,000 refugees." 63092,18663.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,187,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"National Society Capacity The Venezuelan Red Cross (VRC) has provided humanitarian assistance in Venezuela for 124 years, with about 2,500 volunteers (500 first aiders) across the country, 24 branches, and 1,400 staff members, volunteers, doctors and nurses. Over the past decade, the VRC has worked with communities to jointly design and implement community resilience actions, including emergency response in coordination with local disaster management authorities. Working in partnership with local authorities and partners, based on the Red Cross principals of neutrality, impartiality, and independence, the National Society has played an important role in assisting communities as first responders in disasters. The trusted status of the Red Cross allows access to communities in need. The National Society has provided first aid services, pre-hospital care and psychosocial support in response to recent events in the country. Furthermore, the VRC has established a situation room at its headquarters (which is coordinating with situation rooms at branches level) and is issuing internal bulletins monitoring the situation." 311384,54006.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,220,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Proporción de UCI y cama hospitalaria adulto Al corte 6 de abril, del total de las 12.162 camas de UCI, el 67,1% (8.164) están ocupadas con una disponibilidad a nivel nacional del 32,9% (3.998), que en comparación con las últimas 24 horas el porcentaje de disponibilidad se ha disminuido en un 2,03% y el número de camas disponibles en un 1,96%, con una tendencia en la última semana a la disminución de la disponibilidad. Del total de las 8.164 camas de UCI ocupadas, se encuentran: 3.547 (43,5%) casos confirmados, 760 (9,3%) pacientes sospechosos y 3.857 (47,2%) casos no COVID-19. Del total de 44.550 camas hospitalarias para adultos, el 67,5% (30.171) se encuentran ocupadas, con una disponibilidad del 32,6% (14.489), en comparación con las últimas 24 horas el porcentaje de disponibilidad se ha disminución en un 4,12% y el número de camas disponibles en un 4,12%. Del total de las 30.171 camas hospitalarias ocupadas, se encuentran: 3.470 (11,5%) casos confirmados, 1.656 (5,5%) pacientes sospechosos y 25.045 (83,0%) casos no COVID-19." 219385,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"The CCCM Cluster has conducted RCCE sessions in 852 IDP sites out a total 2,134 IDP sites in Somalia, covering 999,206 individuals (38 per cent out of total IDP population of 2.6 million)." 322322,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 31% of Households of non-IDP settlements have not been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection while 69% of Households of non-IDP settlements have been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection. 284607,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"This (Floods) has triggered a sharp increase in the number of acute watery diarrhea and cholera cases in Somalia in which, as of mid- June, 4,437 confirmed cases have been reported. This year, the cases are significantly higher than the same period last year." 206625,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Approximately 4.65 million people are experiencing high food consumption gaps or are marginally able to meet food consumption needs through coping strategies (IPC Phase 3). 270275,49936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,116,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Además de los problemas para reunirse con amigos, el confinamiento debido al brote de COVID-19 puede provocar que niños y niñas vean vulnerado el derecho a jugar y esparcirse, debido a no contar con un espacio suficiente por las características materiales de sus hogares. Un indicador que analiza las condiciones materiales de vida en la que se desarrollan los niños y niñas es el hacinamiento. En el gráfico 5 se puede observar que un 43,4% de los hogares tienen hasta dos personas adultas por cuarto, un 48,3% de hogares entre 2 y 5 personas, y un 8,4% de los hogares más de 5 personas por cuarto." 296402,52103.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%b9%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%a3%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84/#.YFxzT2Qzb0o,"[March 14, GoS]Visiting a doctor has become a luxury that has no place at the time being due to the poor economic conditions that the country is going through; In conjunction with the doubling of the costs of diagnosing diseases and the wages of medical consultations, which reached by some doctors the equivalent of half the salary of a government employee, the prices of medicines have also increased in the recent period to nearly 500%." 346482,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Actores que participan: Dos maestros y un motorista –para el reparto de los materiales– y todos los docentes de las 22 escuelas para el trabajo con los estudiantes. Recursos y medios tecnológicos y audiovisuales utilizados: Bote de motor. Materiales educativos utilizados: Libros de texto del programa Todos a aprender sobre: matemáticas, sociales, lenguaje y ciencias naturales. Están disponibles en español, pero los profesores los explican en la lengua de los estudiantes, cuando son del pueblo y hablan la lengua." 271910,50217.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les inondations risquent également d'accroître l'incidence des maladies hydriques, d'avoir des répercussions sur l'hygiène et l'assainissement et de réduire la capacité à mettre en place des mesures préventives efficaces contre la COVID-19." 206552,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]” According to the JMCNA data, over six million people reportedly access water of insufficient quality. Indeed, just over half of households (51%) reported accessing an improved primary water source, while 43% reported using an unimproved source and 6% rely on surface water." 203562,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,L’assistance alimentaire est la 3ème source de nourriture principale la plus souvent citée par les ménages à Diffa (7%) et Tillabéri (2%) et le don ou zakaat à Maradi (1%). 311451,53762.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",en,37,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Nord) In February, with the progressive improvement of the security situation, 6,000 individuals mostly Mossi, are estimated to have returned to their villages according to information gathered through the protection monitoring." 316638,54353.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,69,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dw.com/en/bangladesh-rohingya-refugees-fire/a-57120531,"[7th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The fire service authority of Cox's Bazar has recorded 73 fire incidents in the Rohingya refugee camps since 2017, claiming the lives of at least 25 refugees. 2021 has been the deadliest year so far, with at least 14 refugees losing their lives to fires in the first three months of the year." 171443,40448.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185217/,"[22nd September 2020, North Syria] There are fears that that figure could rise significantly with people living in tightly packed communities of tents, with shared washing facilities and toilets and only one PCR testing facility." 40205,13777.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/press/2019/5/5ceff1144/unhcr-evacuates-hundreds-vulnerable-refugees-libya-safety.html,"More than 83,000 Libyans have been forced to flee their homes since early April, as rival forces continue to engage in fighting and heavy shelling. Local municipal governments and host communities have played a critical role in providing assistance to the displaced, many of whom are sheltered inside schools and other public buildings. Others have left to stay with friends and family in neighbouring towns and cities." 81991,22790.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,77,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72867.pdf,"Este encuentro fue convocado por el grupo de trabajo regional de Comunicación con Comunidades y Comunicación para el Desarrollo (CwC/C4D, por su sigla en inglés) de R4V, como parte del plan de trabajo 2019, que identifica la AAP como una de las áreas a fortalecer, en cumplimiento con el Gran Acuerdo, la Norma Humanitaria Esencial (CHS) sobre Calidad y Rendición de Cuentas y los Compromisos del IASC." 171514,40704.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] In the host community, we distributed 31,918,500 taka (USD379,982) in unconditional cash to 7,093 community members from May to July; 89,72,000 taka (USD100,495) in conditional cash was distributed to 2,542 beneficiaries in May." 162969,39111.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/265_1594211243.pdf,A total of 40 National Rapid Response Teams have been deployed to support affected states  Disseminated links for IPC training modules through various health care workers network  Deployment of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) commodities to the sample collection centres in FCT  Ongoing processing of PPE requests from states and treatment centres 272840,50353.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"IRC, NRC and SUDAHSER conducted sanitation and hygiene promotion trainings for 142 community health workers and hygiene promoters/volunteers in Bamenda 1, Bamenda 2, Bamenda 3, Buea, Ekondo Titi, Konye, Kumba 2, Kumbo, Mbonge and Muyuka sub-divisions while AFRINET and H4BF trained 120 girls and women In Nkum and Mamfe subdivisions on the use of dignity/hygiene kits." 457610,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,39,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les survivantes de VBG sont soit soutenues par la communauté (6/9 groupes, soit tout simplement écoutées sans suite (3/9 groupes), soit marginalisées ou font l’objet de moqueries (1/9 groupes)." 238091,47361.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Vaccination']",en,65,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/bangladesh-to-receive-20-lakh-covid-19-vaccines-from-india-as-gift-jan-21/63523,"[19th Jan 2021, Bangladesh] The government on December 13 signed an agreement with Serum Institute of India Pvt Limited for procuring the Covid-19 vaccine. Under the deal, Bangladesh will import three crore doses of SARS-Cov-2 AZD 1222 (Oxford/Astrazeneca Vaccine), (50 lakh in each month) from Serum Institute of India in the next six months." 186824,41402.0,1184.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],['Context->Economy'],en,59,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"The socio-economic effects in Ecuador have been devastating. One expert, the ex-Director of the National Statistics Institute, projected in early July that poverty in Ecuador would increase from 25% to 40%, due not just to the economic slowdown but also due to government policies of expenditure cuts and low levels of social assistance.196" 315462,54311.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['Casualties->Injured'],es,126,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Se alerta sobre el deterioro de la situación humanitaria y de seguridad en el departamento del Cauca, tras el accionar de los grupos armados no estatales. Entre el 26 y 28 de marzo se registraron hostigamientos en los municipios de Silvia (cabecera municipal), Jambaló (Cancha de futbol de la vereda el Trapiche) y Totoro (Cabecera municipal), eventos en los que la población civil quedó en medio del fuego cruzado. Sumado a ello, se registró la explosión de un carro bomba el 26 de marzo, dejando al menos 59 heridos. Ante estos hechos, se requiere fortalecer las medidas de prevención y protección de las comunidades expuestas a riesgos y hechos victimizantes." 343579,56184.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afro.who.int/news/risks-and-challenges-africas-covid-19-vaccine-rollout,The suspension of the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine among younger adults in Europe has also affected the uptake of the vaccine in younger health workers in some African countries. 215597,45277.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent containment measures have had a significant negative impact on the already fragile Afghan economy. 161745,34176.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,5,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,219 kits alimentarios familiares. 205247,44636.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,46,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/challenges-faced-in-control-of-covid-19-pandemic-in-idlib-80-of-icu-beds-are-occupied-explanatory-data/,"[December 2, Idleb] The SCD indicated that the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases is rising alarmingly because of people’s recklessness to coronavirus restrictions, coinciding with the medical sector’s depletion and its inability to receive all critical cases." 226934,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,94,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Between 1 January and 30 September 2020, UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] recorded 1,848 child casualties (553 killed and 1,295 injured). This marks an overall decrease of 47 per cent compared to the same period in 2019, and is the first time in five years that UNAMA has verified fewer than 2,000 child casualties during the first nine months of the year. Despite this decrease, however, Afghanistan continued to be one of the deadliest countries in the world for children in 2020." 261651,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,109,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Los departamentos con mayores porcentajes de incrementos en el número de casos reportados del 2 al 9 de febrero son: Amazonas (169 nuevos casos), Valle del Cauca (3.899), Vichada (22), Buenaventura (60), Barranquilla (1.102), Cundinamarca (1.497), Boyacá (632), Córdoba (479), Huila (574), Chocó (76). Mientras que los mayores incrementos de casos activos se presentaron en Cartagena 25,3 por ciento (166), Pereira 9,2 por ciento (64), Bogotá 7,5 por ciento (2.169)" 474727,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Quant à la situation sanitaire liée à la maladie à Coronavirus dans la région, elle est marquée par la poursuite de la campagne de vaccination initiée par les autorités burkinabè sur toute l’étendue du territoire national. Du point de vue de la couverture vaccinale à la date du mercredi 13 juillet 2021, la Boucle du Mouhoun vient en tête avec un taux de couverture régionale de 48% sur un taux moyen national de 32%." 40620,14315.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,28,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/noc-airstrike-hit-warehouse-operated-by-libyan-mellitah-and-italys-eni/,"“We are witnessing the destruction of the corporation’s facilities before our eyes,” NOC’s chairman Mustafa Sanallah said after the incident." 490590,67470.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Beyond_Refuge_FINAL.pdf,"[26 August 2021, Bangladesh] Although Bangladesh has not ratified the UN Refugee Conventions, it is a signatory to several other international law treaties and instruments that provide a framework for refugee protection. The Constitution of Bangladesh provides additional safeguards for the legal protection of non-citizens in Bangladesh." 356667,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,320,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"Recomendaciones Al gobierno del Presidente Iván Duque, incluido el director de la Policía Nacional: Tomar medidas inmediatas para garantizar el respeto y la protección de los derechos humanos y comenzar a reparar los daños, tales como: Condenar de forma inequívoca las violaciones de derechos humanos, incluyendo los casos de uso excesivo de la fuerza y de violencia sexual por parte de policías, así como los casos en los cuales miembros de la Policía no tomaron acciones para frenar ataques en contra de manifestantes. -Presentar una disculpa, en nombre del Estado colombiano, por abusos policiales cometidos durante las protestas. -Garantizar que todos los funcionarios de gobierno eviten utilizar lenguaje que pueda ser percibido como estigmatizante hacia los manifestantes. -Asegurar que la policía, incluyendo el ESMAD, proteja las protestas pacíficas, no las disperse y priorice mecanismos que no involucren el uso de la fuerza en todas sus acciones para levantar bloqueos. -Priorizar las investigaciones disciplinarias sobre abusos policiales, por lo menos los cometidos desde las protestas de 2019, y comprometerse a reportar de forma pública y periódica los avances en estas investigaciones. Las investigaciones disciplinarias deben garantizar la rendición de cuentas de los agentes que cometieron abusos durante las protestas, así como de los comandantes de las unidades y los comandantes de policía a cargo de los operativos que puedan haber ordenado la comisión de tales abusos o que puedan tener responsabilidad, conforme al derecho colombiano, por no haber adoptado las medidas adecuadas a efectos de prevenir delitos o hacer que los responsables rindan cuentas por su actuación. -Suspender el uso de proyectiles de impacto cinético y del Venom hasta que se realice un examen independiente sobre el riesgo de estas armas, los protocolos para su uso y la capacitación que han recibido los agentes policiales para utilizarlos." 391152,61470.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] Of the 29% of households with a member living with a chronic disease, 0% reported that required medicine was not available, and 33% reported that the medicine was available, but that they could not afford it." 217838,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"In many areas, these IDPs are unable to return to their places of origin, so appropriate measures should be taken to support them." 341832,56181.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"Malgré sa vaste superficie et son immense potentiel en matière d'approvisionnement alimentaire durable, la RDC ne produit pas assez de nourriture et dépend fortement d'importations coûteuses pour répondre aux besoins de sa population." 70693,20012.0,729.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,63,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"At the time of the strike, hundreds of migrants and refugees, most of them from sub-Saharan African countries, were held in disused warehouses. Shortly before the strike on the migrant detention facility, a militia’s vehicle repair workshop, approximately 100 metres away across an empty space, was also bombed, apparently causing no casualties." 486175,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Aleppo & Idleb, NWS] In Aleppo governorate, significantly higher rates of households live in residential areas (86 percent) compared to Idleb (53 percent). Conversely, a lower percentage in Aleppo live in informal or planned IDP settlements (14 percent) compared to Idleb (47 percent)." 17675,7050.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,18,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/unhcr-114-migrants-resettled-from-libya-to-canada-and-norway/,Migrant shelters in Libya are crowded with migrants rescued at sea or arrested by Libyan security services. 310563,53068.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'Education', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Some 778,000 people received essential household items and emergency shelter; more than 831,000 children, and pregnant and breastfeeding women were provided with emergency nutritional assistance; about 536,000 people were reached through camp coordination and camp management services; and over 242,000 children were supported with access to education in emergencies. The achievements listed include people who were reached through COVID-19 preparedness and response activities." 345024,56081.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,73,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2021/05/18/assemblee-nationale-les-deputes-duvira-alertent-sur-linsecurite-grandissante-dans-leur,"La province du Sud-Kivu fait partie des provinces de l'Est de la RDC où il y a également un fort activisme des groupes armés locaux et étrangers, mais aussi des conflits communautaires persistants notamment dans les hauts et moyens plateaux de Fizi, Uvira et Minembwe. Cette province n'est pas concernée par l'état de siège proclamé par le Chef de l'État afin de combattre l'insécurité au Nord-Kivu et en Ituri." 399018,61837.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,47,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://chile.as.com/chile/2021/02/16/actualidad/1613508382_569063.html,"Vemos con preocupación el aumento que hemos experimentado. Carabineros nos ha informado que han pasado 50 personas en total. Esperemos que esto no siga aumentando, porqueno queremos transformarnos en el Colchanede la segunda región"", señaló elalcalde de Ollagüe, Jorge Berríos." 223566,45273.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,98,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,"Timothy Bishop, Save the Children’s Afghanistan Country Director, said: “The border with Iran is porous and difficult to control, so it’s more than likely that many of the tens of thousands of returning Afghans are bringing the virus with them and spreading it far and wide without even knowing it. But in a matter of weeks, the epidemic will make itself known. The death toll could be unimaginable while the economic implications in a country where so many live in extreme poverty would be catastrophic." 164220,39644.0,2098.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"As part of the COVID-19 response, FSS partners distributed vegetable seeds for micro gardening to 5,533 Rohingya households in 25 camps and provided inputs for aquaculture to 2,000 Rohingya households in 3 camps. In the host communities in Ukhiya and Teknaf, FSS partners provided agricultural inputs and training for aquaculture and poultry raising to 1,925 Bangladeshi households whose socio-economic situation was affected by the pandemic." 70949,20191.0,788.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,55,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"Humanitarian partners have raised concern on the potential impact on humanitarian access to these remote areas and the fear of increased risk of exposure to road side improvised explosive devices (IEDs). In addition, cases of abduction and robbery have already been recorded in a few remote areas in Gujba LGA." 194445,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,35,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,Un entretien a été tenu avec les PROVED et le le Coordonnateur des Ecoles Catholiques sur problème des élèves de l’institut MWANGA dans la Zone de santé de Karisimbi au Nord Kivu. 147184,36458.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,20,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Syria%20HSOS%20Zoom-in%2C%20IDPs%20in%20Host%20communities%20-%20Hasakeh%2C%20Ar-Raqqa%2C%20Aleppo%2C%20Deir-ez-Zor%20Governorates%2C%20May%202020.pdf,"Curfews were extended several times throughout May, including the closure of cafes, cafeterias, schools and universities." 64631,18830.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/venezolanos-en-hospitales-de-colombia-el-agravante-de-la-desnutricion/1444,"Por esa razón, el hospital Erasmo Meoz, el principal centro de salud de Cúcuta, ha visto crecer de manera exponencial la llegada de pacientes venezolanos desde 2015, cuando, por diferencias políticas con Bogotá,Nicolás Maduro ordenó por primera vez el cierre de la frontera. En ese año, por ejemplo, el hospital atendió a 556 enfermos venezolanos." 305707,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Poverty among families, child labour and early marriage causes high dropout rates, particularly for girls." 330129,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",es,36,[],"['Covid-19', 'Information And Communication']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"Aunque la aplicación de dosis en los cascos urbanos avanza y ya se habla de una inmunidad de rebaño en Leticia, aún no se sabe cómo se realizará la inmunización en las comunidades rurales." 279831,50901.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,58,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] In Mahmoudli Camp, Top measures taken by households in response to the pandemic: • Washing hands more regularly 90% • Staying at home as much as possible 86% • Avoiding touching other people 36%" 149551,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,24,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"Hasta el momento unos 800 venezolanos ya han sido ubicados en diferentes ciudades brasileñas como Sao Paulo, Brasilia y Río de Janeiro." 294001,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Many women have become widowed as a result of the crisis [conflicts]. Thus, they represent 31% of households in the South-West and 38% of households in the North-West, which represents an increase of about 10% compared to 2017. They are at risk of gender-based violence, particularly the risk of sexual abuse and exploitation." 223542,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Motoronyo has one Boma Health Worker and three Traditional Birth Attendants. Boma Health Worker receives drugs from Gulmar PHCU and has drugs that will last for 2 weeks. Wako PHCU has drugs that can last for 3 weeks, Domoloto PHCC and Wulu PHCC has drugs that could last for 3 weeks. Wako PHCU has stock out of BCG, Td and IPV vaccines" 454515,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,67,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,El 70.9% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana considera que sus redes familiares le brindan buen soporte en la actual situación de pandemia (de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo). Este porcentaje se incrementa al 84.8% en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana. Expresa que la percepción es bastante positiva por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana y peruana 153840,34182.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"En todos los casos se identificó que puede existir un largo tránsito al interior de Venezuela que generalmente pueden realizar en bus, sin embargo, en Colombia optan por caminar o subir a las partes traseras de vehículos pesados exponiéndose a accidentes." 164216,39644.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"WASH Sector partners reached 300,791 individuals through a neighbourhoodbased approach and 147,928 individuals through mass media with COVID-19 awareness messages in host and Rohingya communities. In the camps, WASH Sector partners provided soap to 29,225 households and family hygiene kits to 676 households, and installed a total of 3,535 hand-washing stations (HWS), including 350 HWS with stools and buckets at household-level, 1,142 HWS in public spaces, and 2,043 tippy taps in public places and near toilet facilities" 129455,32894.0,1184.0,[],[],[],es,2,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,Dimensión Económica 126538,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,147,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"A pesar del incremento de las capacidades operativas del GTRM, en el 2020, la presión sobre los servicios públicos incrementará y las capacidades de la respuesta local por parte de las instituciones disminuirán. Una fuerte relación laboral con las autoridades peruanas es fundamental y se mantendrá, en particular en línea con ministerios tales como el Ministerio del Interior y el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, pero también con el Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (MIDIS), el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP), el Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo y las Municipalidades. Los socios en el Perú también continuarán fortaleciendo la Comisión Especial para Refugiados (CEPR) e incrementarán su el apoyo a aquellos que enfrentan grandes riesgos y vulnerabilidades, incluyendo los refugiados, migrantes o comunidades de acogida." 401730,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,92,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Various Government, sectors and partners efforts are ongoing to support quick recovery while aware the monsoon period is still ongoing. To reduce the risk of infections, the following public health recommendations are advised to be undertaken by the refugees in the camps: • Maintain COVID-19 prevention measures as much as possible, wear a face mask, sanitize or wash hands frequently with soap and clean water, keep a distance from others where possible and practice respiratory etiquette" 222740,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The reopening of the supply route connecting the two parts of Galkayo is expected to enhance socioeconomic development, security and humanitarian access in Gaalkacyo. Operations to remove unauthorized checkpoints along other main access roads continue; however, armed actors adjust by creating non-static checkpoints." 174640,41383.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=206238,"[13th October 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the total number of coronavirus infections registered in the country so far has reached at 4826, out of which 1364 ones have recovered while 231 others have passed away." 115963,30124.0,1386.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,17,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,Más de 675.000 personas recibieron algún tipo de asistencia humanitaria durante el primer trimestre de 2020. 156651,38705.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/world-bank-provides-support-unfpa-through-pandemic-emergency-financing-facility,"In addition to the CST, through the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility, the World Bank is also supporting UNFPA in strengthening the Government’s existing laboratories for COVID-19, increasing the capacity of midwives, nurses, medical doctors, critical care specialists and other healthcare professionals, as well as in procurement of PPE, in efforts to support in implementing the Bangladesh Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID-19." 134710,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"el 81% de la población migrante no estaría en situación de hacinamiento, mientras un 19% si lo estaría, con una mayoría en hacinamiento medio-bajo (donde viven entre 2,5 a 3,49 personas por habitación). Si lo comparamos con los datos de la población nacida en Chile, sólo un 7% reside en una vivienda hacinada. De este modo comenzamos a vislumbrar mayores grados de hacinamiento en población migrante que local (Razmilic, 2019). Ahora bien, también es importante conocer cómo se manifiesta la presencia de hacinamiento considerando la diversidad que existe en la comunidad migrante, al no ser ésta una comunidad uniforme como vimos en Informe N° 1 (SJM y CFV, 2019)" 201600,43256.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,34,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Hygiene conditions for many displaced persons are usually low with a lack of access to clean water, soap and masks, making it difficult for them to respect the Government prevention measures." 239111,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,45,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Afghanistan’s close proximity to the Iran, which was initially a global hotspot for the corona virus, has positioned the country at heightened risk, with tens of thousands of people and commercial movements across the border from Iran each day." 134129,34837.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Un 35% contaba con estudios secundarios, un 33% con título universitario, un 28% contaba con estudios técnicos y un 8% reportó que los niños/as de su grupo familiar no asistían a la escuela" 187319,43340.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20-%20Camp%20Management%20Bi-weekly%20Tracker%20Report%2C%20Report%20No.%2024%2C%2016%20-%2031%20October%202020.pdf,"[16th -31st Oct 2020,BAY states]All the camps has established health structures, COVID-19 sensitization, response pathway and access to mobile clinics where vaccination activities and essential medicine distribution services are provided by health partners. 16% of camps reported cases of malaria" 226204,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"Ce 27/11/2020, aucune nouvelle guérison n’a été rapportée. Ainsi, le nombre de guéris de COVID-19 dans le pays reste de 11 449, soit un taux de guérison de 90,8% (11449/12608)." 326508,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,37,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 44% and 61% of Households IDP and non-IDP settlements respectively reported education of their children had been disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. 16808,7075.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,105,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,"High food prices, contributed to households employing different food coping strategies like shifting to less preferred and cheaper food orreducing number of meals among others. Limited job opportunities and decreased wages and salaries of different segments of the society affected household income, diminishing purchasing power and added additional problem to food access. There was evidence of households adopting differentlivelihoods coping strategies to cope with difficulties in accessing food. Among these strategies were selling last female animal, begging, selling household assets, strategies that will compromise households’ ability to further cope with food gaps in the future." 166619,40055.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_as_of_20_september_ne_nigeria.pdf,"In Borno State, COVID-19 phone in live program supported by Lafiya project is ongoing on Television and Radio. In Yobe State, The SPHCMB, with support from the WHO AVADAR informants, conducted mass community sensitization on COVID-19 prevention in high-burden LGAs." 199347,43120.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://forbes.co/2020/11/06/actualidad/migracion-las-claves-para-que-se-sume-a-la-reactivacion-del-pais/,"Ocho de cada 10 contratos son verbales y los ingresos promedios para el extranjero están muy por debajo en comparación al colombiano.Por ejemplo, en el sector primario, el colombiano recibe 1’460.927 pesos y el venezolano, 879.099. Además, el 38,3 % trabaja más de 50 horas a la semana, en comparación con el 20,8 % de los colombianos." 359673,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[May 2021, NES]Water from the main drinking water station in Raqqa reportedly reached four nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) in May. This level of turbidity can be visible to the eye and thus affects the acceptability of drinking-water to consumers. In particular, water with turbidity above five NTU would not meet minimum water quality standards." 194904,43776.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,51,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[November 19, Idlib] “I don’t leave my house except to buy bread and food,” said Yasser Aboud, a father of three who has had seven relatives test positive. “I’m diabetic and worry I may get infected.”" 490042,67394.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,261,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: Among the Rohingya refugee population, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases has remained stable in the past weeks. In week 34, a total of 105 positive cases were registered in the Rohingya refugee camps with a test positivity rate of 7.0%, in comparation to the 100 confirmed cases in week 32, with a test positivity rate 7.6%. As of 29 August 2021, a total of 2 883 COVID-19 cases have been reported among Rohingya. With a total of 17 cases, Camp 3 has the highest number of cases to date ahead of Camp 24 and 2W with 174 and 160 cases, , Camp 15 with 154 cases, Camp 17 with 152 cases and Camp21 with 151 cases. To date, 150 cases have been reported from Camp 4, 132 cases have been reported from Camp 1W, 120 cases from Camp 20 extension and 111 cases from Camp 9. In Camp 5, 110 cases and camp 2E 100 cases have been registered. Camp 1E, 4 Ext, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, Kutupalong RC and Nayapara RC so far had less than 100 cases. 7 cases have been registered from Zero Point and 5 amongst new arrivals." 489153,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Around half of the households living across north-west Syria report that they own the shelter in which they live (51 percent), which is much lower than the national average of 72 percent." 398993,61497.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,http://www.diarioeldia.cl/region/crece-preocupacion-por-crisis-migratoria-entre-autoridades-residentes-extranjeros,"Pero esta problemática no sólo ha reportado novedades en el extremo norte, ya que en nuestra región de Coquimbo se han producido algunas situaciones irregulares, como la que tuvo lugar en el sector del peaje de Tongoy, donde el domingo se impidió el ingreso a siete ciudadanos venezolanos que se trasladaban en un camión de carga. Una vez que se dio cuenta de esta situación al Ministerio Público, se concretó la concurrencia de la PDI para efectuar las primeras diligencias." 489960,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,48,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"The figures speak for themselves: in the first half of 2020, it is estimated that barely one in four victims in DRC received medical care, 5% received psychosocial assistance, 15% received legal assistance and only 0.5% benefited from socioeconomic reintegration." 173008,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,35,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Il est estimé que près de 8,8 millions d’enfants ont désormais des besoins en Protection de l’Enfance, soit une augmentation de 132 pour cent par rapport au PRH originel." 194645,43660.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-60-de-los-migrantes-con-pep-no-estan-afiliados-a-una-eps/2292,"Según datos del Ministerio de Salud, de las 693.604 personas con PEP,407.407 no se encuentran afiliados a ningún tipo de entidad de salud.Esto deja solo 285.842 venezolanos afiliados a una EPS, es decir, el 40 por ciento. De la cifra anterior, 148.424 están en el régimen contributivo y 137.418 en el subsidiado." 130917,33838.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,30,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Dificultades en el acceso a las rutas de atención en salud, rehabilitación física y medios de vida para víctimas de MAP/MSE/AEI y de niños en riesgo de reclutamiento." 261665,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Mediante el mecanismo COVAX se vacunarían 10 millones de personas con 20 millones de dosis disponibles, y el inicio de la vacunación está estipulado para el 20 de febrero." 282438,51159.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/medic-frontline-syria-s-coronavirus-battle-speaks-out,"[16th March, 2021, Northern Syria] Dealing with the Coronavirus was easier during the summer, as people were able to practice social distancing by spending time outside. However, the freezing Syrian winter makes social distancing much more difficult, and with up to 10 people living in each tent, the virus can spread much faster." 293902,52076.0,2334.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Demography', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,115,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"In areas still offering schooling possibilities [in areas affected by the violent crisis], boys are in some cases privileged when school fees cannot be paid for all: While they go to class, girls are responsible for domestic chores and small trade to support their families. This tendency takes place in a national environment already favoring, before the crisis, the boys ‘education: In elementary school, 110% of girls against 125% of boys are enrolled (gross rate of schooling). In secondary school, the gap widens, with 53% of girls enrolled compared to 65% of boys ." 326473,54734.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Among households of IDP settlements with children, 19% household reported their child(ren) having been enrolled in a nutritional centre/therapeutic feeding centre in the 6 months prior to data collection while 13% household of non-IDP settlements with children reported their child(ren) having been enrolled in a nutritional centre/therapeutic feeding centre in the 6 months prior to data collection." 80571,22071.0,1388.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,33,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.elnacional.com/mundo/costa-rica-repatria-a-ocho-personas-debido-a-crisis-en-venezuela/,La repatriación de este jueves requirió una labor conjunta entre la Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería. También del Departamento Consular de la Dirección General del Servicio Exterior de la Cancillería. 283872,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Food security projections signify a dramatic deterioration with 2.7 million being in IPC 3 or worse (April to June) and then surging further to 3.5 million for the period July-September. 133947,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,192,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"NECESIDADES DE REUNIFICACIÓN FAMILIAR Según la información extraída del trabajo en grupos focales, las familias venezolanas muestran fuertes lazos de conexión entre sus miembros y sufren especialmente la separación de sus seres queridos. En este sentido, según el estudio, un 24% de los hogares encuestados tienen hijos/as menores de edad en Venezuela, siendo que el 82% de estos hogares consideran la reunificación familiar en Panamá. Los motivos por los que estos familiares en Venezuela no han migrado con ellos, según expresan en los grupos focales consultados, son que: que no quieren que padezcan el estrés de la situación de migración como ellos, aún no tienen la estabilidad en la estadía y/o no se encuentran en la situación financiera propicia para acogerlos, y se les dificulta la migración por los requisitos de entrada de la visa estampada. La reciente Oficina de Asuntos Humanitarios para residentes venezolanos en Migración, les ha supuesto una gran esperanza para esta opción, aunque con limitantes para hacer efectiva una verdadera reagrupación familiar, particularmente por el carácter temporal de la misma." 200245,44361.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,9,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"1,3M personnes dans le besoin [nutrition cluster]" 199182,44310.0,2225.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],fr,41,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,"Cela porte à dix- sept le nombre d’incidents ayant ciblé des organisations humanitaires au cours des dix derniers mois dans la Plaine de la Ruzizi, les Moyens Plateaux et Hauts Plateaux d’Uvira et à Fizi/Itombwe." 163572,39454.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_9_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Decreto 0136 (06.06.20): Modificación del decreto 0134. Se establecen medidas más estrictas relacionadas con toques de queda de 6:00p.m. a 05:00a.m., horario de atención de establecimientos comerciales de 07:00a.m. a 05:00p.m. y ley seca de jueves 06:00p.m. a martes 06:00a.m. Decreto 0088 (29.08.20): Se declara aislamiento selectivo y distanciamiento individual en la ciudad de Quibdó hasta el primero de octubre." 248493,46458.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,76,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"This high number of people living in close proximity is alarming because it has been known since January 2020 that the main spread of COVID-19 has occurred within households, driven by close contact and prolonged exposure to infected respiratory droplets. The ability for people to adhere to social distancing and to self-isolate, and thus protect others in their household when exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, is near impossible in such a context." 310805,53068.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"CCCM Cluster : 0.5m reached out of targeted 0.8m, male 0.27m and female 0.27m that is 67%" 22173,9074.0,786.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.justiceinfo.net/en/live-feed/40268-venezuela-opposition-plans-aid-hub-in-brazil-mobilizes-volunteers.html,Venezuela's opposition leader recruited volunteers Monday to distribute humanitarian aid as his envoys announced plans for a second hub on the country's borders for tons of supplies of food and medicine from the US and other donors. 229779,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,6,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Tracing and reunification of unaccompanied children 151365,37912.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,55,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_10_august_2020.pdf,"Whereas violence against women, children including adolescents has exponentially increased due to COVID-19, Cyclone Amphan has made it a challenge to reach vulnerable populations. There is need to upscale protection interventions and this requires resources to meet the needs of the vulnerable populations that have been affected by both Cyclone and COVID-19" 244244,47682.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,The G5 units deployed in this zone are to increase their activities to protect and secure civilian populations and their assets. The G5 Sahel covers a 5 million km² space with a population of 60 million. 412638,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,100,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] According to the information provided by the surveyed households, clinical cost increased in every category, from January to July. Doctors’ fee increased from 674 BDT to 1,148 BDT, from January to July on an average. Diagnostic cost also increased, from 1,165 BDT to 1,328 BDT, from January to July on an average. On average the medicine cost increased from 1,550 BDT to 2,209 BDT. The cost of the hospital increased from 610 BDT to 1,218 BDT on average from January to July." 206524,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In addition, an estimated 300,000 refugees in South Sudan are vulnerable and in need of assistance." 2257,484.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,46,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA_Yemen_-_Monthly_SitRep_1_January.pdf,"Almost three years into the conflict, Yemen remains the largest man-made humanitarian crisis globally. A staggering 22.2 million people – some 75 per cent of the population – need humanitarian assistance, including 11.3 million people who urgently require immediate assistance to survive." 326255,54734.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,32,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[Accountability to Affected Populations] Top three most commonly reported priority needs: Shelter (58%), Food (35%), Healthcare (30%)." 355450,58196.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Apoyo%20al%20ETPV_17062021_VFajustada_ESP%20%281%29.pdf,"Mediante el ETPV se crea el Permiso por Protección Temporal1 (PPT), siendo este el mecanismo de regularización migratoria contemplado para la implementación de la medida. En el corto plazo, el Gobierno colombiano �ene como obje�vo entregar alrededor de 800.000 permisos, a diciembre de 2021." 203327,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Lower educational levels are associated with high protection risks, increase in child pregnancies, higher child and maternal mortality rates, and reduced incomes." 290306,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,11,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"On average, every Cameroonian woman gives birth to 5.1 children" 307809,52942.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,170,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Pulses: The average price increased by 0.2% compared to the third week of November but remained 21% higher than 14 March. Prices increased in: Takhar (6%), Bamyan(3%), Zabul (2%), Badakhshan, Nangarhar and Urozgan (1%), due to a temporary supply shortfall. Meanwhile prices decreased in: Kandahar(3%), Hilmand (2%) and Nimroz (1%), Prices decreased due to the reduced level of pulses being used as a result of the availability of locally produced vegetables. Prices were highest in Hilmand, Nimroz, Kandahar, and Bamyan (AFN 122, 114, 106, and 105 per kg, respectively), due to the use of high quality red beans. Prices were lowest in Takhar, Sari Pul and Kunar (AFN 68, 72 and 72 per kg, respectively)." 229673,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Mangalla PHCC has have enough lifesaving medical supplies supplied by HLSS through HPF but with the influx of the IDPs more live saving drugs and equipment will be needed. 299312,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In addition to many temporary ad-hoc checkpoints, NSAG-TB also established permanent checkpoints to tax commercial vehicles as well as to search for GoA and ANSF personnel. One of these permanent checkpoints was located in Bala Buluk District along the Hirat-Farah Road and while humanitarian partners were not the main target, the HAG in December recorded two incidents of an IO convoy stopped at gunpoint at this checkpoint" 157003,38373.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,46,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Los cinco Estados de Venezuela de los que provienen la mayoría de las personas monitoreadas son Zulia (57.2%), Caracas (10%), Carabobo (7.8%), Lara (4.8%) y Aragua (4.7%)." 308166,53292.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Ten PHCUs are operational across Aweil South, providing essential health services and adequate essential drugs and health supplies/kits have been pre-positioned in all 9 health centres in Aweil South. During the reporting period, 3121 consultations were provided, including 1,883 that were curative. In addition, Health Cluster partners were provided 28 IEHK ( Interagency Emergency Health Kit ) , a Severe Acute Malnutrition for Medical Complication in Children kit (SAM-MC) and 15 pneumonia kits since the beginning of the response scale-up." 248524,46458.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,70,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"Given the importance of sanitary environments to prevent the spread of COVID-19, a key issue affecting all residents is access to clean water. Residents report that the water from available boreholes located in the settlement is dirty and unfit for consumption. As a result, residents purchase clean water from tankers, which has led to water rationing and associated hygiene risks that heighten COVID-19 transmission." 359832,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Low self-confidence: In both countries, around half of children from FGDs and IDIs identified low confidence as a major reason for not participating in school-based disaster risk management activities. Low confidence was particularly observed in girls, and children with disabilities. The scenario is such that both mothers and daughters are neglected at home and as the mother does not speak up the daughter too is not encouraged to assert her rights." 155010,34182.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,16,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,El 92% de personas en tránsito entrevistadas percibe que tiene problemas con la alimentación. 457028,64224.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,55,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El contexto de pandemia de la Covid-19, ha agudizado las dificultades para encontrar empleo y ganar el sustento económico, así como la discriminación, el abuso laboral, la xenofobia, el acoso callejero; difi)cultades que ya atravesaban como migrantes en la sociedad peruana antes de marzo de 2020." 296714,52521.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,114,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.alwatanonline.com/%d9%a2%d9%a8-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a9-%d9%83%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d8%a7-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b3%d9%88%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%a1-%d9%88%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b9%d8%af%d8%af-%d9%85%d8%b1%d8%b4/,"[March 22, As-Sweida]The Health Director of As-Suwayda governorate Dr. Nizar Muhanna stated that the cost of daily treatment for a Coronavirus patient in the intensive care bed is at least (750 thousand Syrian pounds), while the lowest is (250 thousand SYP) in a private hospital room, even the cost of a daily home treatment exceeds (20 thousand SYP), noting that the period of therapeutic stay in the hospital or home requires (3-13) days or more, not tom mention the cost of pain, suffocation, workless and the priceless ""consequences"" which requires awareness and prevention." 175461,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Le Burkina Faso continue à faire face à la COVID-19, à la poliomyélite de type 2 dérivée du vaccin (cVDPV2) mais aussi aux flambés des cas d’ictère dans la région du Centre Nord" 241771,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] Dr. Ashraf Bermo, the director of Daraa health, highlighted that the isolation centers in Daraa have no more than 250 beds. This number is “not sufficient” to receive the increasing numbers of coronavirus patients,according to the correspondent of Sama TV(a pro-government channel)." 192390,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,41,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Other security concerns affecting the civilian population include mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW), largely concentrated in the Equatorias and criminality, driven by challenges arising out of the fragile economy and fluctuating inflation over time." 617,156.0,321.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,110,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Across all surveyed areas, 7.8% of households were female headed. The proportion of female headed households was found to be 10.6% for IDP and 12.4% for returnee households, raising further concerns as to a potential higher vulnerability of those households. The rate was 7.6% in the case of non- displaced households. The proportion of female-headed households varied across mantikas. Female headed households represented less than 5% of assessed households in Tripoli and Misrata mantikas, while they represented 12.9% in Derna, 13.0% in Benghazi, 14.2% in Sebha and the highest 23.6% in Ghat" 241979,47791.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,24,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,les filles âgées de 12 à 17 ans pour quitter l'école est qu'elles ont été mariées pendant la période de fermeture de l'école. 132639,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,141,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Como resultado de ello, los refugiados y migrantes también tienen acceso limitado al agua y saneamiento, especialmente en áreas urbanas y en las afueras. Además, el perfil socioeconómico, los refugiados y migrantes que han llegado recientemente, y el acceso limitado a medios de vida sostenible afectan el acceso limitado al agua segura, saneamiento y servicios de higiene. La necesidad de dar acceso al agua y saneamiento en los albergues temporales y otras instalaciones públicas, tales como colegios o centros de salud que proveen a los refugiados y migrantes ha aumentado considerablemente. Los socios han enfatizado que muchos albergues no cuentan con sistemas de gestión de residuos sólidos eficiente o adecuados sistemas de monitoreo de calidad de agua. Finalmente, la educación en agua, saneamiento e higiene requiere ser fortalecida" 159507,34150.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,87,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3651862,"Y es que muchas mujeres encontraron en la reincorporación el momento y el lugar para ser madres, pues esta era una de las prohibiciones que tenían cuando estaban en armas. En el momento hay más de 2.200 niños y niñas registrados como hijos de excombatientes, de los cuales 900 aún viven en los antiguos Espacios Territoriales de Capacitación y Reincorporación (ETCR), según el informe presentado en marzo del 2020 por la Misión de Verificación de las Naciones Unidas en Colombia." 322192,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported problems related to accessing sanitation facilities by households of IDP settlement were Lack of sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) / facilities too crowded (25%),Sanitation facilities (latrines/toilets) are not functioning or full (14%)." 341034,56436.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-whole-of-syria-appeal.pdf,"[11 March 2021, NWS, NES & GoS] Considering the limited number of tests being performed the actual number of cases likely underestimated. As of 11 March 2021, the laboratories in Damascus, Rural Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Lattakia, Aleppo, Hama, and Al Hassaka, had conducted 180,735 (886/100,000)." 162620,39587.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Datos%20VBG%20Cartagena%20incluyendo%20migrantes_0.pdf,"La mayoría de casos de Violencia Basada en Género, incluyendo los casos de Violencia Sexual se presentaron en la cabecera municipal. Con relación a los grupos étnicos, el reporte indicó a nivel distrital un mayor número de casos en población afrocolombiana y palenquera; por último, el tipo de régimen que prevaleció fue el subsidiado seguido de la categoría No afiliado." 195600,43987.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/opinion/editorial/abrir-los-colegios-editorial-el-tiempo-550352,"un 19 por ciento de los encuestados dijeron sentir permanente angustia por el futuro. Así mismo, un 13 por ciento expresó desmotivación o aburrimiento todos los días, mientras que un 4 por ciento afirmó experimentar tristeza a diario. Por último, un 6 por ciento manifestaron sentir rabia incontrolable de forma constante." 175486,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,42,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"L’accès à certains districts reste toujours problématique surtout dans les régions de l’Est, Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre Nord, Nord et le Sahel où certaines localités sont restées enclavées et en proie aux forces armées négatives" 58202,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Tanto en el pasado como en el presente, las asociaciones y organizaciones de residentes extranjeros en Argentina se han abocado a cuestiones culturales, deportivas, económicas, políticas y de integración o asistencia mutua." 389647,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,67,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Estas cifras representan la situación de las capitales departamentales y municipios más poblados, muy poco la de los municipios más pequeños o la de las zonas rurales dispersas. Después de 15 meses poco ha cambiado para las comunidades rurales dispersas en la región, el acceso a servicios de salud sigue siendo una ilusión, al igual que las vacunas para las zonas rurales dispersas" 330142,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,90,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"Sánchez reiteró la importancia de que se cumpla con estos compromisos y se clarifique el panorama de las comunidades indígenas lo antes posible: “Le decimos al Gobierno que es necesario llevar la información con el dialecto propio de cada comunidad y que sea información clara. No estamos pidiendo favores, estamos exigiendo derechos fundamentales”. Por su parte, las secretarías de Salud también esperan respuestas lo antes posible para que pronto, y en la medida de lo posible, puedan empezar su recuperación." 293992,50852.0,2466.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,47,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eb6a73f5/REACH_SDN_Presentation_MSNA2020KeyFindingsRCF_December2020-1.pdf-1.pdf,"37% Of surveyed refugee [households] HHs rely on unimproved sanitation facilities: Open defecation (16%), Open hole (12%), Pit latrine without a slab platform (7%), hanging toilet/latrine (2%)." 207122,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Twenty-seven counties constitute the third-highest level of severity, mostly distributed in western and central regions, including Yirol East, a county with 10,000 individuals with catastrophic levels of food insecurity (IPC Phase 5)." 112514,29953.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,81,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Es importante señalar que, a pesar de no estar configurado como un servicio de cuidado y alojamiento, los niños y las familias pernoctan en el CAI y pueden quedarse en este hasta por 3 meses, con la posibilidad de salir durante el día y regresar en las tardes. Finalizado este tiempo, se les da la salida y un subsidio entregado por Save the Children que pueden cambiar por alimentos en la cadena de supermercados Éxito." 169311,40031.0,1185.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,23,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"The Government, humanitarian and development actors are reliably supported by efficient and effective supply chain and other services and expertise throughout crisis" 217456,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Although the IPC criteria for significant assistance to be mapped out was not met in any of the areas, the levels of assistance are relatively high in Badghis and Uruzgan." 205372,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In addition to the above mentioned factors related to the risk of Ebola and the effects of the 2019 floods, it is expected that 2020 will be characterized by a level of fluidity in the political and security environment, with uncertain impacts on the evolution of humanitarian needs." 161481,38373.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],[],es,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En La Guajira, los líderes comunitarios informaron que hay actividades de solidaridad en el marco de la pandemia, como la organización de ollas comunitarias y la resolución de conflictos de manera tranquila." 297301,51172.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"During the reporting period, 2,621 displaced people were identified by interagency assessment teams to receive humanitarian assistance in the coming days in Kandahar and Hilmand provinces. On 9 February, 1,837 internally displaced persons (IDPs) received food, household items, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and cash-based assistance in Kandahar province." 306803,53161.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"On November 30, the GoS Ministry of Health (MoH), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the World Health Organization (WHO) began the first round of a national polio vaccination campaign intended to curb the current outbreak of circulating vaccine-derived type 2 poliovirus in the country." 345193,56855.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,[Refugees] UNHCR implementing partner AIDES built 13 emergency shelters in the Mulongwe settlement for the benefit of Burundian refugee households who were relocated during the month of April. 110 additional shelters are currently being constructed. 217599,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,79,['Priority Interventions'],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Additionally, if movement restrictions are not lifted and livelihoods are not back to normal by June 2020, there would be large food consumption gaps and adoption of significant Emergency coping strategies. For this reason, an update to this IPC acute food insecurity analysis is strongly recommended by the first week of June 2020, in case the COVID-19 pandemic is not under control by then, and in case movement restrictions are not lifted." 221780,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Al-Shabaab continues to implement hostile policies against most humanitarian organizations, directing local populations to not accept assistance from some humanitarian organizations, further punishing communities that do not oblige and directly targeting the organizations’ personnel or assets, or directing local populations to do so." 343217,56752.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,123,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.lesechos.fr/monde/enjeux-internationaux/ces-pays-qui-nont-toujours-pas-vu-lombre-dun-vaccin-anti-covid-1314305,"« Les retards de livraisons et les pénuries de vaccins laissent les pays africains toujours plus en marge de la campagne vaccinale contre le Covid, et le continent ne représente désormais que 1 % des vaccins administrés dans le monde », a alerté l'Organisation mondiale de la santé. Et là où les vaccins sont absents, il y a aussi davantage de probabilité que de nouveaux variants apparaissent, a déclaré le coordinateur mondial duprogramme Covaxà l'Unicef. « Nous devrions donc tous nous inquiéter du manque de protection contre le Covid, où que ce soit dans le monde », a déclaré Gian Gandhi, exhortant les nations riches à faire don de doses aux pays concernés." 237264,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,71,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]The total number of samples collected is four thousand, seven hundred, and forty (4,740). One hundred and eighty (180) results are positive, four thousand and three hundred and seven (4,307) are negative, forty-two (42) for a repeat test and two hundred and eleven (211) remaining sample results are pending." 186575,41082.0,1184.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,38,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/ecuador/ecuador-covid-19-could-cause-11-percent-dive-gdp-year,"COVID-19 stretched an already underfunded health system, and lockdown measures to contain it could mean that, after growing just 0.1 percent in 2019, Ecuador's GDP could drop11 percentthis year, the report says." 217438,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,27,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The extended lockdown in Mazar affected flow of food items to the dependant rural areas challenged food availability, especially in remote districts of these provinces." 337711,55928.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.lafm.com.co/judicial/dejan-en-firme-ley-de-nacionalidad-colombiana-hijos-de-migrantes-venezolanos,"Más adelante, la Corte explicó que la medida es “necesaria no solo ante las restricciones desproporcionadas que enfrentan los padres y madres de estas niñas y niños para que en Venezuela se les reconozca la nacionalidad, sino ante la menor eficacia de los mecanismos previos a su adopción para regularizar la situación migratoria”." 207249,44693.0,2333.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,103,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Région de Tahoua : Les populations continuent d’utiliser les eaux stagnées après la pluie et l’eau des mares pour la consommation et à des fins domestiques dans plusieurs localités des départements de Tassara, Tahoua (commune rurale de Tebaram, commune rurale de Takanamat) et de Tillia. Or, les eaux de ruissellement emportent les saletés y compris les matières fécales vers les mares et autres points d’eau qu’utilisent les communautés. Il faut signaler que la défécation à l’air libre est toujours observée suite au manque de latrines." 215741,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Around 10.9 million people (35% of the population analysed) are estimated to be in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) or above in the current period (April-May 2020). These include around 7.38 million people in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and 3.47 million people in Emergency (IPC Phase 4). In total, four analysis areas were classified in IPC Phase 4 (Badakshan, Daykundi, Hirat Urban and Kandahar Urban)." 197397,43113.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,63,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/alcaldesa-denuncio-reclutamiento-de-migrantes-para-delinquir/2262,"A menos de una semana de las polémicas declaraciones de la alcaldesa Claudia López, donde relacionó los índices de criminalidad de la localidad de Kennedy con la población migrante venezolana, este miércoles, la mandataria se volvió a referir al tema al denunciar que bandas criminales en la ciudad “se aprovechan de condiciones de jóvenes migrantes para reclutarlos”." 183585,42413.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/polio-certification-sustaining-victory-increased-vaccination-and-surveillance,"[3rd Nov 2020,Borno] In Borno state, especially during the COVID-19 lockdown, the teams - comprising personnel from WHO as well as State and Community Informants in Inaccessible Areas - continued immunization and surveillance activities in the hard to access settlements in the state. Through these efforts, the teams have been able to ensure that AFP cases are identified and children vaccinated against polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases." 201919,44489.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,31,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/poblacion-venezolana-en-colombia-cayo-por-primera-vez-desde-2015-546997,"Esto quiere decir que casi ""110.000 venezolanos"" se fueron desde marzo, cuando había 1.825.000 de ellos en el país, indicó Juan Francisco Espinosa, director de Migración" 1286,186.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,98,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://www.msf.org/en/article/yemen-crisis-update-january-2018,"Civilians, medical personnel and health structures have been affected by warring parties in Yemen. MSF hospitals have been hit several times. All parties to the conflict must do all they can to reduce the disproportionate suffering of the people in Yemen: That means: respecting International Humanitarian Law; ensuring the protection of civilians and medical structures and personnel allowing the wounded and sick unhindered access to healthcare. Health personnel don’t dare to work in hospitals; patients don't dare to come as they think hospitals are a target." 302636,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En la economía de servicios se encuentra el trabajo sexual por supervivencia, el cual en muchas ocasiones y dadas las condiciones de subordinación y mercantilización de los cuerpos tiende a convertirse en formas de explotación sexual." 356678,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,37,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,Presentar escritos judiciales para solicitar que los jueces resuelvan que sea la Fiscalía —y no el sistema de justicia militar— la que se ocupe de los casos de violaciones de derechos humanos cometidos por la policía. 285371,50884.0,2466.0,"['Education', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Displacement in Sudan: Violence, food insecurity, malnutrition and lack of access to basic services have caused large-scale internal displacement of 1.9 million IDPs." 82588,22770.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Public and private health facilities, as well as pharmacies, had closed due to insecurity throughout the area of heaviest conflict, leaving residents with little access to medicines or healthcare. This access was further compromised as relief teams and paramedics in Tripoli were targeted by attacks, with ambulances looted for emergency medical supplies." 221668,45721.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"COVID-19 created new challenges, prompting agencies to develop strategies to mitigate the impact of the virus on refugees, internally displaced persons and other vulnerable populations. Together with the Federal Government, the United Nations and partners launched a COVID-19 preparedness and response plan on 23 April to respond to the humanitarian and socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic." 248532,46458.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"Low and insecure incomes constrain residents’ ability to take measures to prevent COVID-19 transmission, such as purchasing personal hygiene products or staying at home and self-isolating when COVID-19 symptomatic." 193515,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Girls are especially adversely affected by this situation and are less likely to be allowed return to school when the opportunity arises, particularly given the incidence of early marriage and the burden they bear of carrying out household duties. (Lack of schools)" 126388,34397.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"La misma tendencia se observa en La Guajira, el 79% de los migrantes ingresaron a través de un paso informal. Además, los hogares migrantes en La Guajira usan estrategias negativas de consumo y medios de vida más frecuentes: 93% consumen alimentos menos preferidos y más económicos; 59% reducen su consumo para que los niños y niñas puedan alimentarse; 71% han reportado trabajar solo por alimentos y el 36% reportaron pasar un día entero sin comer por falta de acceso a los alimentos o dinero para comprarlos." 201918,44489.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/poblacion-venezolana-en-colombia-cayo-por-primera-vez-desde-2015-546997,"El jefe de Migración Colombia espera que la cantidad de venezolanos en el país siga bajando en diciembre, de cara a las fiestas de fin de año y las elecciones parlamentarias convocadas por el gobierno chavista.El número, sin embargo, podría aumentar cuando se reabra la frontera, aunque todavía no hay una fecha definida para ello, comentó Espinosa." 294046,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"Gender-based violence has increased since the beginning of the crisis: A consultation in the South-West shows that 85% of respondents think that women and girls face violence, whether rape, sexual abuse, domestic violence, denial of resources or opportunity, psychological abuse, physical violence or early marriage. Young women, aged 15 to 35, would be most at risk." 169306,40031.0,1185.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"Provide capacity strengthening and technical assistance – including through South-south cooperation and technology transfer – to all three levels of government through research, evidence generation and assessments to implement innovative, inclusive nutrition intervention models adapted to the regional/cultural context." 473088,67196.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,41,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/dos-de-cada-1000-ninos-en-colombia-se-han-quedado-huerfanos-por-la-covid-19/202121/,"Colombia ha sido uno de los cinco países más afectados por esta situación, ya que los investigadores señalan que de cada 1.000 niños en el país, 2,3 han perdido a sus padres en medio de esta tragedia mundial." 326647,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Health LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 63% for no or minimal and lowest was 1% for extreme. Similarly highest percentage of households per Health LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 72% for no or minimal and lowest was 1% for extreme." 322357,54747.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,91,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 32% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility while 35%, 17% and 14% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes and 1-3 hours to reach to the nearest nutrition facility respectively. Only 2% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest nutrition facility." 388343,60981.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,24,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Es necesario analizar las condiciones de los albergues dispuestos, con el fin de garantizar el acceso a suficientes sanitarios y agua potable." 195603,43987.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,33,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/opinion/editorial/abrir-los-colegios-editorial-el-tiempo-550352,"La dura realidad del abuso sexual a menores que con tanta frecuencia tiene lugar en casa debe siempre contemplarse, así como cuánto afecta esta realidad a la llamada economía del cuidado." 156644,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,Twenty doctors completed a 3-day training on mhGAP. This is part of ongoing capacity building for mental health interventions pre COVID-19 and with attention to stress management during COVID-19 pandemic. 338783,56110.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/care-comment-colombia-crisis,"The Ombudsperson office reported 26 people killed due to police violence until May 9th, and human rights organizations reported 47 people killed until May 9th. Confrontations between police forces and protesters continue. President Ivan Duque is running a concertation table with different political, economic, and social representatives with no results, as he continues to support the actions of the national police. On May 10th, indigenous communities from the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC) joined the manifestations in Cali and were attacked by armed civilians, with dozens hurt." 235981,46890.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The government has emphasized the need for transparency and sharing of reports to ensure that cash is delivered to the targeted households and not diverted. 389249,61098.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,47,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SurveyAnalisis_%20INPLACE_%20Latin%20America3b_vertical.pdf,"3. Seguridad alimentaria y nutrición: El 69% de los encuestados han renunciado por lo menos a una comida diaria, y además han reducido la diversificación de los alimentos con mayor valor nutricional (frutas, verduras, carnes, etc.)." 172508,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,38,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les enfants vulnérables, particulièrement les enfants en situation de rue ou en situation de détention, sont particulièrement exposés aux risques de graves violations des droits des enfants, au travail et au sexe de survie." 176659,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,87,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"La majorité des groupes a estimé qu’ils ont le sentiment d’avoir des besoins spécifiques tels que recevoir régulièrement les kits COVID-19 pour mieux se protéger (les groupes de femmes). Les différentes sensibilisations sont faites par des Agents de santé communautaire de la communauté sur la COVID-19, mais il manque du matériel de lave-mains et ils ont de grands besoins car l’aide apportée reste insuffisante parce que des gens arrivent toujours (les femmes âgées hôtes)." 224575,44702.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Specific Nutrition assessment to be conducted by the IP in these locations and respond to the needs. 389455,61310.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,60,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/30/bangladesh-dengue-outbreak-covid-crisis,"[30 July 2021, Bangladesh] In Bangladesh, a large number of dengue patients this year are being infected with DEN-3, a variant of the dengue virus which can increase mortality risk, according to Dr Tahmina Shirin, director of the country’s Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR)." 160588,32149.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,69,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3646379,"En el marco de su monitoreo permanente, la MAPP/OEA ha constatado la profundización de las brechas, riesgos para el ejercicio de liderazgo de las mujeres y persistencia de afectaciones basadas en género en las zonas afectadas por el conflicto armado, específicamente en territorios como Antioquia, Arauca, Cauca, Córdoba, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Sur de Bolívar y Valle del Cauca." 162604,35727.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,354,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"5. Mujeres y Niñas ante la discriminación y Violencia Basada en Género (VBG). En el departamento se evidencian diferentes riesgos que afectan de manera particular a las mujeres de la zona rural y urbana. Según el Boletín Epidemiológico de Información Estadística “Violencia de Género en Colombia”, presentado por el Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses (INMLCF), En el primer semestre del presente año (a mayo de 2020) según reporte de medicina legal se han denunciado en Colombia 16.473 casos de violencia intrafamiliar. Así mismo la violencia entre parejas, que es la mayor fuente de agresiones en el país, aumentó en el semestre un 0,47 %, contabilizando12.071 casos. En cuanto a los menores de edad son 2.234 los que han sido víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar. En el 2019 Córdoba cerró el año con 16 feminicidios, y hasta mayo de 2020 se presentaron 5 feminicidios más. Es importante anotar que, en Montería, hasta abril de 2020 se habían presentado 108 casos de violencia intrafamiliar y han aumentado a 125 los casos a mayo de 2020. El subregistro es elevado por el temor a denunciar al agresor ante posibles represalias; en las zonas rurales, especialmente donde existe presencia de actores armados, las niñas y mujeres tienen mayor riesgo de ser víctimas de violencia y abuso sexual. La falta de servicios y presencia institucional en varias de estas zonas limitan el acceso a rutas de denuncia y atención, así como a sistemas de protección, lo cual es más delicado aún en este contexto de pandemia, dado que las mujeres no conocen la ruta de denuncia o como denunciar en las zonas rurales. De acuerdo con la Defensoría del Pueblo, los municipios de Tierralta, Montelíbano y Puerto Libertador presentan un alto riesgo de ocurrencia de casos de violencia sexual en el marco del conflicto armado. Hay alarma en el departamento por el aumento de las cifras de violencia contra la mujer." 201104,43280.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,86,"['Capacities & Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"Schools reopened in mid-August with approximately 5 per cent of children not re-enrolling in UNICEF-supported schools. Factors affecting re-enrolment to schools were observed with a 16.3 per cent increase in child labour endangering children’s lives and 14.7 per cent of all children forced to do hard work were observed in the previous five months of school closure. Community Education Committees (CECs), teachers and child to child clubs have conducted back to school campaigns to re-enrol children into schools." 489958,67662.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"Despite the clear link between armed violence, conflict and sexual violence, it is important to note that many survivors are assaulted by individuals who are not directly taking part in hostilities. In 2020, 30% of patients receiving care for sexual violence reported having been sexually assaulted by someone without a weapon. Domestic violence, intimate partner violence or, more generally, sexual violence as a non-conflict-related criminal act persists even in areas of intense fighting. Unfortunately, MSF notes that, in its areas of operation, immediate and long-term support programmes for survivors of non-conflict-related sexual violence are largely insufficient, and that the narrative of “rape as a weapon of war” remains predominant." 323861,54898.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.efe.com/efe/america/economia/adaptacion-digital-formula-para-proteger-a-las-empresas-colombianas-en-la-pandemia/20000011-4510822,"La covid-19 puso en evidencia en las empresas la necesidad de transformar su manera de relacionarse con clientes, proveedores y empleados, entre otros actores. Las expectativas del mercado muestran que los clientes seguirán evolucionando y obligan a diseñar fórmulas para llegarles de una manera dinámica e innovadora." 306554,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"However, many new arrivals (refugees)have expressed hesitancy about relocating to Tunaydbah and Um Rakuba camps, citing concerns about inadequate services and overcrowding, as well as a fear of being unable to return to Ethiopia when security conditions permit." 220937,45369.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/stop-aux-mutilations-g-nitales-f-minines-faire-ensemble-du-burkina-faso-un,"La mise en place de nouvelles mesures visant à renforcer la loi s’est accompagnée d’autres défis à relever. Parfois, les femmes excisées au Burkina Faso ne font pas appel à des soins médicaux appropriés précisément en raison de ces nouvelles mesures. Ainsi, elles n’osent souvent pas accoucher dans un hôpital de peur que la sage-femme ou le gynécologue n’avertisse la police comme l’exige la loi. Ou encore, des jeunes filles malades, ayant subi des MGF, ne sont pas emmenées chez un·e médecin, car celui ou celle-ci pourrait établir lors de la visite médicale que la jeune fille a été excisée. [mutilations génitales féminines (MGF)]" 429725,64543.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"El proceso de inmunización ha generado dificultades con algunos líderes, lideresas y miembros de las comunidades indígenas, dado que se niegan a recibir la vacuna. Es necesario realizar una campaña de concientización sobre mitos y verdades sobre las vacunas para derribar las noticias falsas que se han difundido." 199351,43120.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,54,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://forbes.co/2020/11/06/actualidad/migracion-las-claves-para-que-se-sume-a-la-reactivacion-del-pais/,"Así mismo, incorporar al sector privado en la ejecución de programas sociales para la integración de los migrantes. Se debería evaluar la posibilidad de que el empleador subsidie la convalidación de títulos a la hora de contratar un migrante venezolano.Esto permitirá que el empleador se asegure de la capacidad del empleado." 136835,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,105,['Priority Interventions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"To this effect, an emergency meeting of the NES Forum COVID-19 TF technical committee was convened on 23 July. A series of priority actions were identified focusing on the activation/reactivation of capacities (e.g. isolation facilities, community messaging, rapid response teams (RRTs), sample collection/transportation), aggressive isolation of cases and transmission prevention, implementation of rigorous controls/ restrictions at points of entries (PoEs) and enhanced diagnostic capacity. Recommended actions were shared with local authorities and humanitarian partners, with further discussions to be convened in the coming days to support local implementation." 303380,52890.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,116,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"La primera, y quizá más significativa, está asociada al contexto del país, al ámbito político, económico y social; un segundo motivo se relaciona con barreras para el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, inclui- do el acceso al tratamiento antirretroviral en el caso de las personas que viven con VIH/sida, y acceso a otras medicinas y servicios de salud para el tratamiento de enfermedades crónicas; y una tercera motivación está rela- cionada con la ausencia de un marco normativo que permita garantizar el ejercicio de derechos a las personas LGBTI+, lo que acrecienta los casos de violencia por prejuicio y la negación de derechos fundamentales." 273692,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Faible coordination entre les acteurs intervenant dans une même zone [entrave la réponse aux besoins des communautés, tiré de l'évaluation rapide à Niamey du 27 septembre 2020]" 207334,43256.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,49,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"the restriction and limitation of gatherings and intercommunity/region transport have critically affected local small scale and large-scale businesses among IDPs, refugees, returnees and host communities such as petty traders/retailers, hairdressers, bike riders and taxies, and the operation of open and closed local markets." 214671,45417.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Tanganyika_novembre2020.pdf,"Dans 64% (243) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la préoccupation principale de la population était le paludisme au cours du mois précédent." 417557,64197.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Context->Environment'],es,78,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,"En Uribia, los desbordamientos de diferentes arroyos e inundaciones por lluvias torrenciales afectaron a más de 680 familias en 67 barrios y 9 comunidades indígenas (dentro de los más afectados están las comunidades indígena de Jamuchen, Petsuapa, Amuchen, Warrutay, Kashaulechon, Talaulamana, y los barrios San José, 3 de Abril, Patio Bonito, Villa Fausta, Las Mercedes, Etnia Wayuu, Fuerza Wayuu y Villa Ramón)." 224685,46162.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"Insecurity in the Lac region is restricting access to pasture in island areas for animals in the regions of Lac and Kanem, which is leading to overgrazing on dry land" 293568,51589.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,RECOMMENDATIONS: All humanitarian actors should increase their focus on identifying evidence based lessons learned and information sharing regarding conflict sensitivity for the good of the entire humanitarian community. 207251,44693.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,65,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Région de Tahoua : Un ciblage post distribution RRM a été fait à Bilingué dans le département de Tahoua commune de Tebaram, en vue d’assister les ménages déplacés internes vulnérables. L’activité d’assistance qui était prévue courant ce mois de septembre passé n’a pas eu lieu pour des raisons d’insécurité dans la localité." 247420,46458.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"Since Iran’s outbreak began in January 2020, the IOM reports over 250,000 people have crossed the border from Iran into Afghanistan (IOM 2020), presenting severe transmission risks to the Afghan population (Mousavi et al. 2020)." 112266,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,23,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,No existe una evaluación precisa de las habilidades de aprendizaje y la prevalencia del retraso cognitivo en los niños migrantes de Venezuela. 188054,42884.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,77,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200815-rdc-coronavirus-reouverture-frontieres-aeriennes-maritimes,"Au niveau des aéroports, face à la difficulté de la mise en œuvre totale des dispositifs des tests au 15 août, les autorités recommandent de prendre en considération dans un premier temps des tests effectués dans les pays de provenance ou d’origine confirmant le résultat négatif réalisé sept jours avant l’entrée. Les dispositifs des tests à l’arrivée ne seront prêts qu’à partir du 1er septembre." 71085,20270.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,35,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/activan-registro-consular-de-venezolanos-en-argentina/5126693.html,"De los 4,6 millones de venezolanos que la Organización de los Estados Americanos estiman que han salido de su país en los últimos años, al menos unos 150 mil se encuentran en Argentina." 652,156.0,321.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,109,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Overall, only 4.2% of households reported missing documentation. However this figure is relatively higher amongst IDP and returnee communities with 22.9% IDP households and 18.0% of returnee households reporting having lost documentation. The proportions were affected by regional trends, with the highest percentage of IDP households reporting loss of documentation in Al Margab (54.8%), followed by Sebha (38.8%), Benghazi (28.4%) and finally Misrata (26.0%). For returnee households, loss of documentation was most reported in Misrata (22.5%), Benghazi (18.7%)." 112301,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"De acuerdo con datos del GIFMM, en el año 2019 158.976 personas recibieron orientación en procesos de regularización, documentación y asilo, 151.342 niños, niñas y adolescentes se beneficiaron de servicios de protección y de los espacios amigos de la infancia y 2.167 organizaciones y redes de base comunitaria fueron fortalecidos a través de mecanismos de protección comunitaria." 156003,38388.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/boletin-redlac-9---julio-2020---espanol.pdf,Instituto de Rehabilitación Integral (ISRI): cubre a toda la población que no dispone de seguro. Representa el único instituto público de rehabilitación 114120,31147.0,1898.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Violencia basada en género (VBG): La evidencia disponible acerca de otros brotes epidémicos y emergencias sanitarias muestra que la vulnerabilidad y el riesgo para las mujeres y las niñas aumentan en este tipo de escenarios, y el brote y la pandemia mundial de la COVID-19, sumados a las medidas de confinamiento, no son la excepción." 203554,44071.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"algunos albergues se quedarán habilitados a mediano plazo ya que las personas perdieron sus viviendas y enseres, sus comunidades siguen bajo el agua o están incomunicadas. Las necesidades en esos albergues ya se han descrito en las páginas anteriores (informe Mercy Corps/CENACIDE, data de Oxfam e informes OIM)" 323651,54087.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/POL1032022021ENGLISH.PDF,"[Rapport annuel 2020/21, RDC] The government continued in its failure to enforce environmental and labour protection regulations in the mining industry where many workers were exposed to toxic pollution which caused birth defects in the children of cobalt and copper miners.1 Men, women and children worked in some mines without basic protective equipment like gloves and face masks. They also complained of respiratory diseases and urinary tract infections, among other health problems. The use of child labour, forced evictions to make way for mining projects, a lack of transparency over how mining rights were awarded, corruption, tax evasion and abusive transfer pricing were widespread" 245832,47702.0,2425.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,77,['Impact'],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Tenants fear eviction which will drastically alter the social fabric of the affected areas. There is a high risk that tenants benefitting from controlled rent will be evicted: landlords are halting restoration works, which forces tenants to relocate at a time when they are unable to cope with unfavourable housing conditions. The relocation of residents and businesses from the areas surrounding the port will pose a serious threat to the recovery process." 112305,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",[],[],es,73,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"De otro lado, con el propósito de orientar el conteo y registro de los refugiados y migrantes, se generó un proceso de acompañamiento al Gobierno colombiano que derivó en la conformación del NES (Número Establecido por la Secretaría de Educación), que permite la identificación de los estudiantes inscritos en el sistema educativo, aun si no cuentan con documentos que evidencien su estatus migratorio en el país." 221306,45880.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les filles qui ne peuvent pas aller à l'école courent un risque accru de violence sexuelle, de grossesse et de mariage précoce - une tendance largement observée dans les zones touchées par le virus Ebola lors de l'épidémie de 2014-2016 en Afrique de l'Ouest." 141891,34876.0,2028.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,The Humanitarian Needs Assessment Programme's (HNAP) 18 May 2020 COVID-19 Rapid Assessment showed that all total curfews and all partial curfews except for one had ended in areas controlled by nonstate and Turkish-backed armed forces (NSAG & TBAF). 278661,45721.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In all of the reported cases of cholera, the individual did not receive the oral cholera vaccination." 164496,32981.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,9,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,Kits para el manejo de tiempo libre de NNA 393162,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,87,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] The graph 6,2 below shows that 41 of the total vulnerable groups feels it is very likely that COVID 19 will spreads in their community, 44 said COVID 19 is likely to spread in the community, 37 feels is unlikely to spread in their community, 20 feels COVID 19 is very unlikely to spreads in the community while 23 don’t have an idea on whether COVID 19 will spread in their community or not." 204303,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Central African refugees living in the East, Adamawa and North regions, face a situation of protracted displacement. Most refugees settled in host communities where social and community services have limited capacity to meet basic needs. The low return intentions expressed by the refugees confirm the trend towards local socio-economic integration. As a structural aggravating factor, the East, Adamawa and the North have some of the highest poverty rates in the country." 223920,46071.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Certains groupes d’enfants surtout dans les milieux ruraux courent le risque de ne pas reprendre les cours après la fermeture des écoles pendant le COVID 19 et certaines filles mineures sont exposées au mariage précoce. 276340,50677.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"A Nguetchewe, la communauté déplacée durement meurtrie par l’attaque du 1er août a reçu de NRC 100 kits d’hygiène (bidon, bouilloire, savons, seaux, gobelets). NRC a conduit des séances de sensibilisation communautaire pour accompagner ces distributions." 359907,58399.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,107,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Poverty: During the KIIs with the women NGO staff, it was shared that the poor families are the most affected by natural disasters such as floods. For example, the local boatmen community lost their income and were forced to take shelter in a nearby school building without any government aid. When the poor families were affected by flood, they could not continue their children’s education and girls especially were withdrawn from school. During the KIIs with out-of-school children, a girl shared experience of being withdrawn from school:" 236193,47104.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, Syria] In addition, around one out of four households who were interviewed in the previous rounds of the survey and who had reported borderline food consumption since July 2020, had poor food consumption in December 2020, highlighting a grave food security situation." 199667,43347.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Environment']",en,63,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Annual crop production has reduced during the conflict, with the 2018 deficit being the lowest since the conflict broke out in 2013. This is likely attributable to lower engagement by households in agriculture and reported erratic rain patterns, as well as continued disruption by insecurity of crop planting in the Equatorias, “bread basket” part of the country" 239727,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,The epicenter of the outbreak was Hirat province in west of the country having shared border with Iran in which the first case was imported and reported. 222782,46090.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,26,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431838-covid-19-ncdc-confirms-1145-new-infections-1-additional-death-335-recoveries.html,"[17thDec2020,Nigeria] The NCDC has conducted about 864,104 COVID-19 tests since the first confirmed case of the pandemic was announced in Nigeria." 203849,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The years of conflict, instability and lack of services has affected the population’s mental health. Applying the latest prevalence estimates of mental disorders in conflict settings to South Sudan, approximately 2.5 million people or every fifth South Sudanese might have a mental disorder at any point in time. This includes mild (4 per cent), moderate (13 per cent) and severe (5 per cent) mental disorders." 202198,44560.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,58,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/burkina-faso-l%C3%A9gislatives-le-parti-de-kabor%C3%A9-obtient-56-si%C3%A8ges-sur-127-ceni/2059487,"Les alliés du MPP sont, entre autres, l’Union pour la renaissance/Mouvement Sankariste (UNIR/PS), qui a obtenu cinq sièges, le Parti pour le développement et le changement (PDC), 3 sièges et le nouveau temps pour la démocratie (NDT), 13 sièges. [scrutin législatif]" 256980,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"The Sahel regions have been hosting some 60,000 Malian refugees since 2012. They live in 3 sites in the Tillabery region and a refugee hosting area in the Tahoua region." 56593,17094.0,1187.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,144,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En febrero de 2018, por iniciativa propia, el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación incorporó unilateralmente a la República Árabe – Siria y a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela al procedimiento unificado que rige para los países con convenio.26 El trámite de convalidación se inicia a través de la plataforma de trámites a distancia27 que exige contar con una clave fiscal específica. Una vez que la persona carga en la plataforma la totalidad de los documentos requeridos (entre ellos el escaneado del DNI de residente temporario o permanente), el Ministerio de Educación los controla o verifica y pone a su disposición un listado de universidades nacionales que cuentan con comités de expertos en condiciones de evaluar el diploma obtenido en país extranjero y decidir en relación a su equivalencia con el que emite esa casa de estudios." 205875,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Access to civil status documents remains a challenge, as does the need for continuous updating of registration data for a population scattered over a large area of land. Due to scarcity of resources and economic opportunities, promoting cohabitation between host populations and refugees is a continuing need for protection." 436853,64543.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,33,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Se requieren: o Campañas de prevención y autoprotección de VBG para niñas, adolescentes y mujeres como mecanismo ante el aumento de violencia intrafamiliar y explotación sexual de niñas y adolescentes." 276972,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] 12% [des entreprises] pensent aujourd’hui que leur entreprise ne se remettra pas, contre seulement 1% en octobre" 189728,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Ces personnes [en situation de handicap] sont souvent victimes de stigmatisation, d´exclusion et de maltraitance, et ont un accès moindre aux services de base qui sont souvent inadaptés à leurs besoins spécifiques malgré que certaines personnes vivant avec un handicap aient pu braver les barrières socio-culturelles, étudier, décrocher un emploi et même participer à la vie socio-économique et politique." 201479,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,Humanitarian operations needed to be drastically adjusted to avoid contributing to the transmission of COVID-19. Life-saving activities were prioritized while less urgent humanitarian action was put on hold. 71080,20270.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,34,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/activan-registro-consular-de-venezolanos-en-argentina/5126693.html,"La embajadora de Venezuela en Argentina nombrada por el presidente interno Juan Guaidó, Elisa Trotta Gamus, anunció este miércoles que abrieron un registro consular de los venezolanos en el país sudamericano." 457529,65405.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,122,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La déscolarisation dans le village d’accueil reste le problème majeur pour les enfants déplacés selon 73% des répondants. 42% des informateurs soutiennent que moins de 25% des enfants sont scolarisés. Les risques majeurs auxquels les filles font face sont les grossesses non désirées (6/9 groupes), les mariages forcés (3/9 groupes), la prostitution (4/9 groupes). 8% des répondants affirment l’existence de jeunes filles enceintes et/ou allaitantes. Les garçons quant à eux font face à la délinquance juvénile (5/9 groupes), les travaux dans les sites d’orpaillage (3/9groupes), la consommation des stupéfiants (1/9 groupes)." 204107,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,The education system and infrastructure in South Sudan are fragile. Some 60 per cent of primary and secondary schools and classrooms are either partially or completely damaged. 291390,51191.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"WHO stresses the need to balance the demands of responding directly to COVID-19, with simultaneously engaging in strategic planning and coordinated action to maintain essential health service delivery, mitigating against the risk of system collapse." 207246,44693.0,2333.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,99,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"À Ayerou, Les PDI sur les sites se ravitaillent toujours en eau du fleuve et des mares en cette saison pluvieuse (plusieurs cas de maladies hydriques rapportées), et cela en l’absence souvent de tout produit de traitement d’eau. Pour les mares, elles commenceront à se tarir progressivement dès l’arrêt prochain des pluies. Les populations sont en attentes d’une augmentation des capacités des sources d’eau dans les villages et une pression énorme s’exerce sur les points d’eau existants." 165410,33751.0,1234.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Trinidad and Tobago,2019-05-28 03:09:47.864552+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-07-06%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2029%20de%20junio%20-%205%20de%20julio%202020%20%281%29.pdf,TRINIDAD Y TOBAGO El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) ha aprobado un préstamo de 100 millones de dólares para apoyar la respuesta de salud pública a COVID-19 y aplicar medidas fiscales y financieras para mitigar los efectos negativos de la pandemia en la economía y los medios de vida. 245103,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Para acceder al PEPFF, las personas deben contar con una oferta laboral formal y en los contextos de restricciones de movilidad por COVID–19 esto resulta muy difícil. Además, muchas de las personas no pueden acceder a los trámites para permisos especiales en línea debido al acceso limitado o casi nulo que tienen a internet." 223529,44702.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,37,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"The community expressed three of their most immediate needs as food topping the list and NFI and emergency shelter and medication for common sicknesses (malaria, diarrhea, flue) coming afterwards in term of priorities" 224735,45275.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"The Covid-19 pandemic has compounded the already dire food security and nutrition situation and, although prices for basic food commodities have shown signs of stabilizing in recent months, prices continue to be higher than pre-crisis levels - with some goods now nearly 30 per cent more expensive. This has left the poorest households across Afghanistan now largely dependent on cheaper, nutrient-poor staple goods to meet their daily food needs." 161482,38373.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,80,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Medellín y en Riohacha se reportó que hay una percepción negativa sobre las personas venezolanas como una barrera para que la comunidad de acogida reciba la asistencia, sobre todo en alimentación y vivienda. Del mismo modo, la xenofobia y violencia aumentaron dado que la mayoría de los venezolanos no pueden acatar las normas de aislamiento y la población de acogida señala que ellos son los principales causantes de la diseminación del COVID-19 en algunas zonas." 398992,61497.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,74,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,http://www.diarioeldia.cl/region/crece-preocupacion-por-crisis-migratoria-entre-autoridades-residentes-extranjeros,"De esta manera, en el marco de la visita realizada a la Región de Tarapacá por los ministros del Interior, Rodrigo Delgado; de Defensa, Baldo Prokurica y de Relaciones Exteriores, Andrés Allamand, se determinó que Chile deportará hoy a Colombia y Venezuela a un grupo de 100 migrantes que ingresaron al país por un sector irregular, precisamente en una zona que vive una crisis sin precedentes." 172413,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,52,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Le COVID-19 a un impact direct plus important sur la morbidité et la mortalité des groupes vulnérables spécifiques tels que les personnes âgées, les malades chroniques, les personnes immunodéficientes/dépressives. Le virus influe également négativement sur le bien-être psychosocial, psychologique et émotionnel des personnes malades et leurs proches." 293636,51569.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"With already destroyed basic social facilities such as latrines, boreholes, health facilities, farms and nutrition centers, the affected population is in critical need of support. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 150720,32327.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Las encuestas en los países anfitriones muestran brechas importantes entre el conocimiento y el uso de métodos anticonceptivos, especialmente con respecto a los condones; tal es el caso de Ecuador, donde el 95% de las mujeres, el 90% de los hombres y el 100% personas LGBTIQ tienen conocimiento mientras que el 55%, el 58% y el 69% de los grupos respectivos dicen no tener acceso a métodos anticonceptivos." 22961,9328.0,730.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,41,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.unfpa.org/news/worlds-worst-humanitarian-crisis-miracle-safe-birth#,"Even before the conflict, Yemen faced one of thehighest maternal death ratesin the Arab region. Today, poverty, hunger and illness – including a deadly cholera outbreak – have greatly increased the risks to women and girls." 270107,49922.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,96,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.europapress.es/internacional/noticia-colombia-recibe-lunes-primer-lote-vacunas-contra-covid-19-pfizer-20210215150601.html,"Este lunes han llegado a Colombia las primeras 50.000 dosis de la vacuna contra el coronavirus de la farmacéutica estadounidense Pfizer en un vuelo procedente de Bélgica que ha aterrizado sobre las 13.00 horas en el Aeropuerto El Dorado de Bogotá. ""Estamos recibiendo hoy este primer lote de vacunas para ser dispersado y para salvar vidas"", ha destacado el presidente colombiano, Iván Duque, según recoge la prensa del país. Duque ha detallado que se trata del primer lote de un total de 1.650.000 dosis que Colombia ha comprometido." 304033,50889.0,2466.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"While some progress has been made on improving access to work permits and public education for refugees, refugees still face challenges when trying to access public services. Refugees often face higher fees and tariffs for public services compared to other populations." 149251,37832.0,2098.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"As of 30 July, WFP supported over 100,000 host community households (500,000 individuals) across Cox’s Bazar’s eight sub-districts with cash and food distributions through the Special Support to Host Community (SSHC) programme" 382897,60300.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_situacional_local_Costa_Caribe_-_Enero_a_marzo_2021.pdf,Dentro de las necesidades identificadas está el acceso a salud y medios de vida en el distrito de Cartagena. 219195,45748.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,The WHO Emergency Medical Mobile Team (eMMT) is currently responding in Pibor through the provision of mobile health and nutrition services to the affected population. 155086,34182.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los hombres son los que mayormente se encargan del acarreo de agua, en su mayoría usan las botellas como recipientes para almacenar el agua." 224696,46162.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/TD_FSOU_2020_04_EN_.pdf,"[Markets and prices] In most areas of the country, low household incomes are limiting households’ access to markets. This is in addition to the ban on gatherings, which is impacting demand and therefore prices. Livestock markets in the eastern part of the country, although still higher than the five-year average, are in decline compared with the beginning of the year due to falling demand as a result of the COVID-19 measures." 359926,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,157,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Plan International Bangladesh should work with other agencies in the country (including the EiE working group) to update the DRR and EiE Framework to be gender transformative. The following actions can be taken:  Develop a policy brief from the research and disseminate the policy brief to key UN agencies and INGOs, MoE, and NDMO as an entry point for further collaboration.  Identify the potential networks (e.g., EiE working group or National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiatives Consortium - NARRI) and garner support for this initiative.  Consult with the Ministry of Education (Primary and Secondary) and National Disaster Management Officials to get their commitment to this initiative.  Develop a joint work-plan with the identified network/working group to deliver this task.  Allocate budget to deliver this initiative." 228259,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"Civilian casualties of the Afghan Air Force are often caused when airstrikes hit civilian homes, causing, on average, more than five civilian casualties per civilian casualty incident. More than six out of 10 civilian casualties in such airstrikes are women and children." 144499,34804.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,87,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Markets, restaurants, cafes, gyms, public parks, theatres, cinemas and most leisure facilities are now allowed to open, so long as precautionary COVID-19 measures are adopted. Mosques and churches are also open, including for group prayers, provided physical distancing is observed. Public and private transportation services have also resumed, as have universities and institutions. However, a number of public areas in Aleppo remained closed following the death of a COVID-19 patient on 27 June" 457514,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,47,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Sur les sites d’accueil, les populations font également face à de sérieux risques de protection notamment aux assassinats, aux vols et menaces selon 5/9 groupes. Seul 4/9 groupes affirment n’avoir pas eu connaissance d’incidents sur les sites." 152937,38062.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200270,"In statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the infections’ toll registered in Syria have reached to 1764 so far, of which 425 cases have recovered while 68 ones have passed away." 174391,41256.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/global-covid-19-caseload-surges-past-38-mln/58933,"[14 October, Bangladesh ]Coronavirus caseload in Bangladesh stood at 381,275 on Tuesday with the detection of 1,537 new cases in 24 hours until Tuesday morning. The health authorities also announced 22 more deaths in the last 24 hours, taking total fatalities to 5,577. With 1,537 patients recovering during this period, the total recoveries from coronavirus rose to 295,873." 40647,14338.0,788.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,90,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2017/11/three-soldiers-killed-boko-haram-raid-borno-army/,"The attack happened on Saturday evening when a large number of jihadists stormed Magumeri, some 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of the Borno state capital, Maiduguri.The town and surrounding area have been attacked before by fighters from the Islamic State-group supported factional leader of Boko Haram, Abu Mus’ab al-Barnawi. In July, at least 69 people — most of them soldiers and civilian militia members — were killed in an ambush on a heavily armed convoy escorting an oil exploration team." 358239,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Reported coping strategies point to limiting water consumption and using lower quality water, which are particularly concerning with regard to health risks in the middle of summer." 115987,30124.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Context->Demography'],es,359,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Respuesta Durante el primer trimestre 2020, un total de 278.786 mujeres, hombres, niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNAs) recibieron servicios especializados de protección, acceso a documentación legal y/o informaciones sobre temas de protección. La asistencia tuvo una cobertura en todo el país, alcanzando los 23 estados y el Distrito Capital. Los estados con mayor alcance de beneficiarios de actividades del Clúster de Protección fueron Miranda (96.252 personas), Zulia (34.891 personas) y Bolívar (29.537 personas). Un total de 358 mujeres hombres y NNAs se beneficiaron de servicios especializados para la atención psicosocial, incluyendo personas con discapacidad, adultos mayores y población indígena. De estas personas, 110 (31 por ciento) eran NNAs (15 por ciento género femenino y 85 por ciento género masculino), 229 (64 por ciento) adultos de entre 18 y 59 años (86 por ciento género femenino y 14 por ciento género masculino) y 19 (5 por ciento) adultos mayores de 59 años (89 por ciento género femenino y 11 por ciento género masculino). Por otra parte, 6.244 NNAs y adultos cuidadores de NNAs se beneficiaron de servicios especializados de protección a través de sesiones de apoyo psicosocial individual y grupal dirigidas a estos grupos específicamente. De estas personas, 5.735 (92 por ciento) eran NNAs (51 por ciento género femenino y 49 por ciento género masculino) y 509 (8 por ciento) eran adultos cuidadores de NNAs de entre 18 y 59 años (67 por ciento género femenino y 33 por ciento género masculino). Por otra parte, un total de 127.767 NNAs en riesgo y con necesidades de protección se beneficiaron de asistencia para facilitar el acceso a certificados de nacimiento. Siete adultos en riesgo de entre 18 y 59 años (43 por ciento género femenino y 57 por ciento género masculino) se beneficiaron de acceso a documentación legal (incluyendo, por ejemplo, certificados de defunción)." 155663,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"CwC WG partners organised 36 cascade training sessions on COVID-19 with 370 staff and volunteers. CwC WG published its 14th COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement Update, which includes the latest 3 audio recordings, 2 printable resources and 2 video programs on COVID-19 developed by partners." 172658,40938.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=205978,"[11th October 2020, Overall Syria] The Ministry added in a statement to SANA that this brings the total number of Coronavirus cases in the country to 4718 , the number of recoveries to 1296 and the mortalities to 224." 304049,50891.0,2466.0,"['Education', 'Shelter', 'Nutrition', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"The number of registered refugees from South Sudan in Darfur currently stands at 150,326 as of December 2018 . The inter-agency assessments conducted in areas such as Mistariha, Otash and Hissahissa camps, Rokero, Thur, East Jebel Marra, and Golo uncovered massive humanitarian needs in health, nutrition, education, shelter, WASH, food and protection areas." 202636,43256.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,19,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,The increase in the vulnerability in the East is leading to child labor to the detriment of education. 295123,52363.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,112,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"Forty-four percent of respondents are incurring ""crisis"" survival strategies, that is, they are causing the reduction of future household productivity because they are reducing essential expenditures such as education and health, or selling productive goods or assets, while 38% are incurring ""emergency"" strategies such as begging (32%) or taking jobs that pose a risk to their integrity, health, safety or life (15%). Seventy-five percent of households reported spending the savings to meet food or other needs. Only 9% of households do not incur some sort of survival strategy based on LIVELIHOODS." 494239,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] In August 2021, the ToT between an alive two-year old male sheep and wheat flour was 269 kg/sheep (down two percent m-o-m). However, the ToT worsened by 28 percent since August 2020." 145394,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"The enhancement of laboratory and case investigation capacity across Syria remains a priority, as does the timely communication of all information relevant to the safeguarding of public health." 276974,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] Les entreprises qui emploient moins de cinq personnes (aujourd’hui appelées “petites entreprises”) semblent ressentir les pires effets de la deuxième vague de la pandémie. Un pourcentage plus élevé de chefs d’entreprise dans ce groupe - par rapport aux moyennes et grandes entreprises - déclarent que leur situation s’est “considérablement” détériorée en janvier 2021. 198690,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,38,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"124 personnes de l’ITM MAPENDO ont été sensibilisées sur les généralités de la Covid-19 et sur les mesures de prévention, à l’Aire de Santé de GYHAMBA. Dans la ZS IBANDA au SUD-KIVU" 17674,7050.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/unhcr-114-migrants-resettled-from-libya-to-canada-and-norway/,The United Nation Higher Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) said on Wednesday that it has helped resettle 114 immigrants from Libya to Norway and Canada in the first week of December. 111909,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,147,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En Bogotá, los niños pueden estar en el terminal, los albergues, jardines o en las calles, acompañando en los trabajos a sus cuidadores. Cada uno de estos lugares representa para los niños un conjunto de posibilidades o riesgos. En el terminal, en el que pueden pasar varias horas si están en espera de continuar el viaje, solo encuentran un pequeño espacio adecuado con juegos. Los baños no cuentan con adecuaciones para cambiar los pañales de los bebés y su uso es cobrado. A pesar de ello, al llegar, los niños que se observaron se deleitan observando los perros de los guardas de seguridad: los cuentan y comentan con sus acompañantes detalles sobre sus colores. Las pantallas informativas les causan curiosidad: las miran atentos al pasar, se devuelven y las tocan." 148062,37648.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3663529,"The delivered foodstuffs include noodles, rice, legumes, beans, milk, sugar, banana flour, kiwicha oats, and oil for a period of 30 days" 163144,39065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_30_august_2020_ne_nigeria.pdf,"A total of 10,437 COVID-19 test has been conducted in Borno State, initial test stands at 10,110 while follow up test Stands at 327. In Adamawa State, 1,756 samples have been tested, 57 results are pending, and 6 are inconclusive.In Yobe State, 553 samples have been tested with 67 positive results and 434 negative results." 130803,33838.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,121,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"• Riesgos sobre la salud y la supervivencia de las personas a razón de la disminución del tratamiento de otras patologías y disminución de la atención médica preventiva, la vigilancia basada en eventos, la atención de VIH/SIDA y otras enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como la iabetes, la hipertensión, enfermedades de vías respiratorias inferiores, problemas y trastornos mentales, el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, debido a la presión aguda sobre los sistemas de salud que cuenta con recursos insuficientes para aumentar el personal, el espacio de atención médica y los suministros esenciales. Eventos que podrían complicarse y demandar posteriormente mayor atención por parte de los servicios de salud." 133880,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,52,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"En los grupos focales, las personas venezolanas expresan su intención de permanecer en el país hasta la mejora de la situación en Venezuela, que proyectan a largo plazo. Sin embargo, manifiestan que si no consiguen regularizarse y/o estabilizar su situación socio-económica, considerarán migrar a otro país." 275504,50217.0,2333.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"En cas de non- financement du secteur de la santé, nous assisterons à une augmentation de la morbidité et de la mortalité globale et spécifique notamment la mortalité infantile, mortalité maternelle ainsi que la mortalité des personnes à besoins spécifiques et qui sont souvent marginalisées telles que les personnes du 3ème âge présentant de comorbidités et les enfants non accompagnés mais aussi les personnes handicapées." 401738,62965.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Do not allow children to wade/swim in flood waters to avoid drowning and diseases" 221035,44617.0,2311.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,68,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"With formal border crossings closed, they are forced to use trochas—unofficial crossing points on remote paths. These routes are controlled by armed groups who charge fees for passage (Insight Crime 24/07/2020; ACAPS 09/09/2020). Migrants using trochas are exposed to protection risks including human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Venezuelan women and girls are especially at risk (Protection Cluster 21/04/2020)." 193759,43300.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Demography', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,On estime qu´environ un enfant sur sept meurt avant d´atteindre cinq ans. Les enfants bouviers ont un accès limité à la santé et restent particulièrement vulnérables. 198837,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,84,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"A Kinshasa, les principaux foyers, pour les 7 500 cas dont l’information était connue, sont les ZS de Gombe (985/7500 ; 13,1%), Binza Ozone (856/7500 ; 11,4%), Limete (769/7500 ; 10,3%), Kokolo (672/7500 ; 9,0%), Lemba (538/7500 ; 7,2%), Binza Meteo (486/7500 ; 6,5%) et Mont Ngafula I (294/7500 ; 3,9%) (Figure" 125217,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,71,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"This report presents the findings of DTM Round 30 (March- April 2020) data collection, in which at least 625,638 migrants from over 44 countries of origin were identified in Libya. The majority of migrants (67%) were from neighbouring countries, especially Niger (128,953 migrants), Chad (102,725 migrants), Egypt (102,700 migrants) and Sudan (75,967 migrants)" 241972,47791.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Parallèlement les analyses montrent une diminution de fréquentation des structures de santé, mais également une augmentation de la demande de la part des adolescentes de services de planning familiale, contraceptifs d'urgence et des services de soins post- avortement." 316793,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,36,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook] Les élections de 2022 devraient entraîner une augmentation des dépenses publiques. En conséquence, le déficit budgétaire devrait se détériorer pour atteindre 1,4 % en 2021 et 2,5 % en 2022." 267845,49804.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The national average non-skilled labour wage, representing construction, offloading and agricultural labour, increased by two percent m-o-m reaching SYP 5,237/day in January 2021. Moreover, the wage rate was 96 percent above its y -o-y level and 30 percent above levels recorded in July 2020." 384853,60456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Mise en place «d’espaces mère-enfant» dans les centres de santé-Soutien psychosocial aux mères-Sensibilisation sur la santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs, la VBG, la santé mentale et le soutien psychosocial-Référencement des cas de VBG, etc." 473581,67211.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://colaboracion.dnp.gov.co/CDT/Sinergia/Documentos/Notas_politica_publica_SEGURIDAD%20ALIMENTARIA_14_04_21_v5.pdf,"En cuanto a grupos etáreos, los más afectados durante la cuarentena fueron los adultos, para quienes una mayor proporción de encuestados reportaron reducción de porciones y número de comidas al día en comparación con los cambios alimenticios para los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA). Una vez terminada la cuarentena nacional, la proporción de encuestados que reportó que en su hogar redujeron las porciones disminuyó para los dos grupos, observándose una disminución más acelerada para adultos en reducción de porciones y para NNA en el número de comidas (ver Gráf" 194819,43603.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Specifically, large-scale distributions and school feeding programmes have been suspended, face-to-face-services and in-person monitoring and trainings have been minimised or suspended." 346838,56987.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,94,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: On 19 May 2021, five camps with the highest number of cases were placed under complete lockdown while the remaining 34 camps were subject to heavier COVID-19 containment and risk mitigation measures. Under the new guidance, only health activities and food and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) distributions will be allowed. Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) activities but must be implemented by Rohingya volunteers under remote management or by staff adjacent to the camps" 174644,41385.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=205359,"[6th October 2020, Overall Syria] In a statement to SANA , the ministry indicated that the toll of coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 4457, out of which 1183 ones have recovered while 2 others have passed away." 346480,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,88,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Descripción de la buena práctica: El profesor Fausto Buinaje tuvo la iniciativa de transportar los libros y materiales del programa Todos a Aprender del MEN y repartirlos a las 22 comunidades para que los jóvenes y niños pudieran estudiar. Él traslada los materiales con el apoyo de otro colega y coordina con los demás docentes de las comunidades para que trabajen con sus respectivos estudiantes. En los encuentros, los profesores les ayudan con los ejercicios y tareas asignadas en las guías de trabajo." 346693,56946.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/341457/OEW21-1723052021.pdf,"[Africa] In the past seven days, the number of coronavirus (COVID-19) infections increased by 42 226 in the African Region in the past week (17 - 23 May 2021), a 7.5% increase compared to the previous week." 245826,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,50,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Refugees and migrant workers living in severely damaged areas have become homeless. Refugees are sleeping on the street, as their homes are uninhabitable and no other shelters are available to relocate to temporarily or permanently. They tend to be excluded from damage assessment and relief assistance." 153941,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,16,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Riesgo de los niños no acompañados con respecto a reclutamiento, trata y violencia sexual." 204352,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,La situation apparaît particulièrement critique pour les ménages réfugiés. 9% des ménages réfugiés avaient un score rCSI supérieur à 42 et 37% avaient un score de consommation alimentaire pauvre. 384864,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Formation de six (06) accoucheuses villageoises des CSPS de Ouindigui, Hitté et Doussaré sur l’assistance des femmes pendant la grossesse et l’accouchement" 175055,40904.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,41,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep_Antioquia_Junio_V2_%282%29_VF.pdf,"Entre enero y junio el 123 Social de Medellín recibió 374 casos por riesgo de desalojos para refugiados y migrantes, un incremento del 1.100% en comparación con el mismo periodo del año anterior, cuando se presentaron 31 casos" 179411,42044.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,140,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.193%20%20%2812%20-%2018%20October%202020%29.pdf,"[12-18th Oct 2020,Borno, Adamawa] A total of 1,162 movements were recorded, comprising 733 arrivals and 429 departures, between 12 and 18 October 2020. Arrivals were recorded at locations in Askira/Uba, Bama, Dikwa, Gwoza, Mobbar, Monguno and Ngala Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the most-affected Nigerian State of Borno. Arrivals were also recorded in Girei, Gombi, Lamurde, Madagali, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South, Numan, Song, Yola North and Yola South LGAs of the state of Adamawa. Departures were recorded in Askira/Uba and Kala/Balge LGAs of Borno; Fufore, Girei, Madagali, Maiha, Mayo-Belwa, Mubi North, Mubi South, Numan, Song and Yola North LGAs of Adamawa." 322349,54747.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Among households of IDP settlements with children , 25% households reporting having access to mobile nutrition team able to assess for malnutrition in the 6 months prior to data collection . While among households of non-IDP settlements with children , 15% households reporting having access to mobile nutrition team able to assess for malnutrition in the 6 months prior to data collection." 185031,40867.0,1900.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,45,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/publicacion-covid-19-y-educacion-primaria-y-secundaria-alc.pdf,"La cobertura promedio de internet en la región es de 68%, nuevamente con una gran heterogeneidad: desde coberturas menores a 50% en Haití (33%), Hon- duras (42%) y Nicaragua (47%)," 272814,50353.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,94,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"Cluster partners collectively assisted 333,864 people through food assistance and agriculture and livelihood-based activities. In the NW region, some urban and peri-urban areas have continued to receive food assistance through the “cash for food” modality (8 percent of total beneficiaries) while other areas with little or no market access received assistance in kind. 94% of the beneficiaries were supported with food assistance while only 6% received agriculture and/or livelihood support like grants for small businesses, farming, poultry and other income generating activities." 186782,41402.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,374,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"In Ecuador, with the suspension of presential labor activities from March 17th on, the government issued two ministerial directives in mid and late March, to allow for changes in working hours, as well as a reduction of weekly work hours down to 30, for six months (and renewable for another six months), with a corresponding salary reduction. A suspension of both work hours and salary payments was also allowed, but in both cases with an expectation of payment and recuperation of the hours worked at a later point.148 In early April, the government also announced a plan to reduce the waiting period for unemployment insurance from sixty to seven days, but this was finally only approved in a legal reform on June 19th (detailed below). On April 10th, the President called for a national Humanitarian Assistance Accord, to confront the crisis. With the fiscal constraints, the government sought funding from multilateral organizations and from high-income earners in his own country. He called for ‘solidarity contributions’, which involved a 5% contribution from companies with profits higher than one million US$, while workers with salaries above 500 US$ would over the next nine months contribute a progressively higher share of their income as their salaries increased, bringing in US$ 1.4 billion.149 With this financing, the government’s plan was to establish a humanitarian fund, led by representatives from civil society, that would provide health, social and labor assistance.150 The reform also reduced the waiting time for unemployment insurance, and broadened eligibility to affiliated independent workers, provided credit for small and medium enterprises to stay afloat and pay their workers, and finally, it provided for the flexibilization of labor contracts, with the stated aim of maintaining employment.151 The government sent its plan to Congress in mid-April, where it met opposition from legislators, labor unions and business. Labor unions objected to any reductions in labor rights, and business and politicians objected to tax increases. Congress had thirty days to vote on the reform." 412752,63085.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,58,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_4_kananga_juin2021_final.pdf,"Le 9 juin, plus de 2 000 personnes ont fui des affrontements entre les habitants des groupements Bakua Tshiya et Bakua Mayi dans la zone de santé de Lubunga (Territoire de Dimbelenge) selon des sources concordantes. Ces deux communautés se disputent depuis des années le contrôle du lac Fua, riche en poissons." 308289,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,Medical supplies were highlighted by partners as key needs to ensure there are no disruptions in service delivery as all six payams remain inaccessible due to insecurity. 346005,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"En la semana epidemiológica 18 de 2021 se notificaron 182 muertes maternas, 139 corresponden a mortalidad materna temprana (ocu- rridas durante el embarazo, parto y hasta los 42 días de terminada la gestación), 31 tardías (ocurridas desde el día 43 hasta un año de ter- minada la gestación) y 12 por causas coincidentes (lesiones de causa externa)." 330166,55165.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/salud/colombia-alcanza-5-millones-de-dosis-administradas/,"La siguiente gráfica muestra cómo va Colombia en comparación con algunos de los países de América Latina. Chile, Brasil y Argentina llevan la delantera. Mientras que el primero ha administrado 77,6 dosis por cada cien habitantes, Colombia ha aplicado 9,8 y Perú 5,04." 16921,6332.0,322.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%201-21%20September%202018.pdf,"In collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Population, a three day awarenessraising workshop on potential outbreaks of diseases during the rainy season was held in Aden by UNHCR’s partner CSSW. As fears of another outbreak prevail, some 20 participants from UNHCR-supported health clinics attended the session and discussed matters relating to diseases in Yemen (such as cholera)." 235612,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Context->Economy'],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"While SONARA [short-term supplier debt] does have external arrears, the authorities have only guaranteed one of SONARA’s loans which has no outstanding payments and has been discontinued." 196172,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,146,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Market monitoring to ascertain functionality of markets and appropriateness of cash and voucher assistance is being conducted by different partners including FSNAU, WFP –VAM, the Logistics Cluster, WASH and Shelter Clusters, among others. The Somalia Cash Working Group (CWG) using market data from these sources provides monthly monitoring updates looking at changes in the cost of the minimum expenditure baskets for both the full MEB and the food basket, people’s ability to access markets, in addition to an overview of market performance (supply chains and port data). The CWG is in discussion on triggers to inform use of cash as a viable response at scale. However, Cash Voucher Assistance (CVA) continues to be implemented in areas where partners are operational and using existing delivery mechanisms where possible." 174445,40839.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,101,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Host Communities In sites where IDPs were residing with host communities, no children were attending school in 1 per cent of sites, in 38 per cent of sites 25 to 50 per cent of children were attending school, in 38 per cent of sites 51 to 75 per cent of children were attending school, in 17 per cent of sites less than 25 per cent of children were attending school and in 6 per cent of sites more than 75 per cent of children were attending school." 338746,56193.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"Furthermore, the health of the Congolese people remains of paramount concern, as the GDRC struggles to provide equitable access to quality, essential health care. The DRC has faced eleven outbreaks of Ebola, and future outbreaks of infectious diseases must be anticipated." 215768,45271.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,77,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"As a consequence of the pandemic, complete or partial lockdown measures have been imposed in the country, the provinces of Hirat, Kabul, Kandahar, Hilmand, Farah, Badakhshan, Logar, Wardak, Ghazni, Khost, Paktya are in complete lockdown, whereas partial lock downs have been imposed on the entire or centers of other provinces, resulting in daily wage opportunities and small trader income to significantly decrease." 298851,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The HAG also reported at least five instances, where NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) opposed the presence of female staff members as well as at least three cases of opposition to the collection of beneficiary data." 294666,52363.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,77,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,The assessment identified several groups with specific needs. Individuals without regular status: 71% of respondents do not have a regular status. Households with no adult household members with regular status are more likely to adopt emergency survival strategies and have a lower frequency of food consumption. Households where all of its members are without regular status are more likely to intend to return to Venezuela in the month after data collection. 16589,6344.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,113,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"Between 2004 and early 2015, conflict between the Republic of Yemen Government (RoYG) and Al Houthi opposition forces in the north and between Al Qaeda affiliated groups and RoYG forces in the south affected more than 1 million people and repeatedly displaced populations in northern Yemen, resulting in humanitarian need. Fighting between RoYG forces and tribal and militant groups since 2011 limited the capacity of the RoYG to provide basic services, and humanitarian needs increased among impoverished populations. The advancement of Al Houthi forces in 2014 and 2015 resulted in the renewal and escalation of conflict and displacement, further exacerbating already deteriorated humanitarian conditions." 193843,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"2019 révèle des taux de prévalence élevés de mortalité chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans, dépassant le seuil d´urgence de 2 points selon la classification de l´OMS, dans 6 provinces, parmi lesquelles le Sila et le Salamat qui ont également une prévalence élevée de la MAG." 160584,38373.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,32,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,Los principales riesgos a los que está expuesta la niñez son el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (37.9%) y las condiciones adversas de los entornos (18%). 320941,54668.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,99,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] L’inaccessibilité de l’école s’explique par le coût (29%), la distance (28%) et l’insuffisance des infrastructures (22%). Au total, 75% des PDIs retournées, 71% des PDIs et 64% des personnes retournées d’Angola ont été accueillies dans un village ayant un établissement." 306676,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Sudan hosts around 1.2 million refugees, including 850,000 refugees from South Sudan and 120,000 refugees from Eritrea." 261646,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,79,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"A finales de enero de 2021 cinco departamentos -Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Tolima, Nariño y Bogotá- estuvieron en alerta por ocupación de Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo superior al 80 por ciento. Mientras que el departamento del Amazonas, según el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, a 10 de febrero, el departamento tiene adaptado ventilación mecánica a las 25 camas de cuidados intermedios para el manejo de pacientes con cuadros clínicos graves." 304821,53078.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Si à l’échelle de la région, la situation nutritionnelle de Diffa est comparable à celle de l’année précédente avec une prévalence de MAG égale à 12,6% et une prévalence de MAS à 2,4% en 2018 (contre respectivement 13,9% de MAG et 2,5% de MAS en 2017), une détérioration importante a touché les départements de Mainé Soroa et N’Gourti." 171511,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] World Vision continued to provide child protection and case management services, serving as focal lead in Camp 16. More than 1,000 children continue to receive COVID-19 related awareness services and follow up by Home based visits" 306772,53161.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,Thousands of IDPs from the Kalma IDP camp in South Darfur delivered a memorandum to UNAMID during the week of December 28 demanding a reversal of the decision to end the mission and withdraw peacekeeping forces. The IDPs also staged a week-long sit-in in front of the UNAMID office in Kalma. 229601,46650.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Context->Economy']",en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/nws_newly_displaced_idps_assessment_23122020.pdf,"[23rd December 2020, NW Syria] During KII interviews, many participants raised the problem of lack of medical facilities or distance to any existing facilities. In addition, the prohibitive costs of medicine particularly since the closure of crossings due to COVID-19 and by SYP fluctuations was raised by many KII participants" 342453,56601.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.defensoria.gov.co/es/nube/comunicados/10146/Alerta-humanitaria-por-colapso-en-seguridad-alimentaria-en-el-pa%C3%ADs-defensor%C3%ADa-Carlos-Negret.htm,"Las cadenas productivas campesinas al borde de la quiebra son 350 mil familias papeleras, 450 mil familias cafeteras, 52 mil familias cacaoteras, 29 mil familias paperas y 651 mil empleos directos en piscicultura, porcicultura y avicultura. Los departamentos más afectados son Valle del Cauca, Cundinamarca, Antioquia, Bolívar, Boyacá, Caldas, Santander, Tolima, Huila, Meta, Risaralda, Quindío, Nariño, Magdalena, Guajira, Córdoba, Norte de Santander y Caldas." 112508,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,112,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"El espacio amigable y protector ubicado en Villa del Sur, Riohacha, opera 3 días a la semana con grupos intercalados, de manera que un niño asiste una vez a la semana y dos viernes al mes. Cada día se reúnen 3 grupos, cada uno de 30 o 40 niños de 6 a 11 años aproximadamente. Las madres también asisten a talleres en los que, a través de actividades manuales y lúdicas, se trabajan temáticas similares a las de los niños, pero adecuadas a su edad. Algunos de los temas mencionados son: sexualidad, derechos humanos y violencia basada en género." 163565,30906.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,Abandono de los puestos de control por parte de autoridades y guardia indígena por la falta de elementos de bioseguridad (i.e. Puesto de Control Muelle “El Matadero” en Leguízamo). 162608,35727.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,340,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"Víctimas y salud mental. Según la OPS, en el departamento de Córdoba las víctimas del conflicto armado padecen o han padecido de, por lo menos, algún síntoma relacionado con la salud mental y asociado con algún hecho victimizante. Por cada cien mil habitantes la tasa de mortalidad de personas que se han autoinfligido intencionalmente (suicidio) es de 2,53 personas; Por intento de Intento de suicidio 3,04 (a la fecha el departamento de Córdoba ocupa el tercer lugar del país en la tasa de suicidio nacional); personas atendidas por Trastornos mentales y del comportamiento es de 1,69; la tasa ajustada de mortalidad por trastornos mentales y del comportamiento 0,63; y el número de personas hospitalizadas por trastornos mentales y del comportamiento 1,36. Según la atención psicosocial a víctimas, Heartland Alliance reporta que las personas que han atendido declaran tener uno o más síntomas asociados a algún hecho victimizaste y que se manifiestan como: i) Psicosomáticas: dolor corporal y otras quejas psicosomáticas (dolor de cabeza, palpitaciones, dificultad para respirar, problemas gastrointestinales, etc.); problemas de apetito; problemas de sueño; y problemas sexuales. ii) Relacionadas con la Ansiedad: ansiedad/Estrés; preocupación constante; miedo excesivo/fobia; sentimiento de amenaza; iii) Relacionadas con Depresión: humor triste; irritabilidad/Ira; pérdida de interés/anhedonia; desesperanza; sentimiento de inutilidad; baja autoestima; ideación e intención suicidas; y autolesión. iv) Asociadas con el vínculo afectivo: aislamiento Social; reducción de la cohesión familiar. v) Postraumáticas: Sentimientos y pensamientos intrusivos; flashbacks; evitación; hipervigilancia/respuesta de sobresalto exagerada; y disociación. vi) Relacionadas con la Cognición: dificultad para tomar decisiones. En cuanto a la presencia del estado es poca e insuficiente para abordar, tratar y mejorar las afectaciones relacionadas con la salud mental de las víctimas y sus familias." 258090,48883.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,83,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/63787/100-thousand-russian-sputnik-vaccines-arrive-in-syria.html,"[12th Feb 2021, Syria] Private sources revealed to Sowt al-Asimah that a batch of the Russian “Sputnik” Covid-19 vaccine had arrived in Syria. The sources said that the Ministry of Health received nearly 100 thousand doses of the Russian vaccine, indicating that the vaccination process will include medical personnel in the “governmental” hospitals in Damascus and its countryside, and another in Lattakia and Homs, in addition to military hospitals throughout Syria." 734,156.0,321.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,149,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"When asked about the hygiene items needed and not possessed, three main items needed were disinfectant (reported by 42.1% of households), soap (31.8%) and water containers (27.2%). These were followed by shampoo (24.3%) and dishwashing liquid (22.2%). Those three essential hygiene were also the three most needed for both non-displaced and IDP households, while the returnee households’ three most needed items were soap (45.5%), shampoo (39.8%) and dishwashing liquid (36.2%). Disinfectant, water containers and soap were also among the most reported needed hygiene items geographically although some variations could be noted across mantikas such as high proportions of hosueholds reporting needing shampoo in Al Margab and Benghazi, or sanitary pads in Misrata and Tripoli." 167047,40138.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/416109-weekly-review-nigerias-covid-19-infections-lowest-in-five-months.html,"As of the time of reporting, Nigeria has 57,145 confirmed COVID-19 cases. Of this figure, 48,431 have been discharged and 1,095 deaths have been recorded in the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory." 361328,58693.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,104,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: The Rohingya are a minority Muslim population from Myanmar that have faced statelessness and violence in the country’s Rakhine State for decades, which has led to several waves of Rohingya fleeing to Bangladesh (Banerjee, 2019). The largest exodus began in August 2017, as more than 742,000 Rohingya fled to Bangladesh, the majority of whom sought sanctuary in Cox’s Bazar District (Figure 1), the second poorest region in the country (Vince, 2020; UNHCR, 2019)." 234605,43400.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,72,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The authorities are taking several actions to contain the spread of the disease, boost health and social protection spending, and provide support to affected businesses and households. However, due to a significant deterioration of the macroeconomic outlook and weakening of fiscal situation, driven by the drop of revenue in combination with additional direct health and social expenditures, urgent external and fiscal financing needs have emerged." 199023,44190.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/presidentielle-et-legislatives-du-22-novembre-2020-au-burkina-ambiance-sereine-de-votes-avec-un-possible-embonpoint-pour-le-taux-de-participation/,"Après une campagne électorale apaisée, pleine de rivalités démocratiques et d’humour, les Burkinabè ont pris d’assaut les bureaux de votes le 22 novembre 2020 dans un climat et esprit de responsabilité et de maturité politiques qui tend à s’inscrire dans une tradition de renforcement de la démocratie." 290709,51796.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,33,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"Colombia ha promovido una Coalición Iberoamericana para el Empoderamiento Económico de la Mujer, pues consideramos indispensable tener a las mujeres participando de manera más activa en la recuperación económica pos pandemia." 276131,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",fr,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Information And Communication', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Il est à noter l’absence de données désagrégées par âge, genre et diversité permettant de comprendre et de répondre aux besoins spécifiques des différents groupes de personnes affectées. En outre, le risque d’infiltration des personnes non- affectées et le double enregistrement remettant en cause la fiabilité des données et informations collectées." 215851,45271.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The partial or complete lockdowns in major towns have led to a further decrease in employment opportunities, leading to additional strain on the most vulnerable households and further limiting their purchasing power." 276148,50671.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"L’insuffisance des structures scolaires au plan local et le surpeuplement des classes auxquels s’ajoutent les enfants en déplacement et à l’âge scolaire rendent difficile l’accès à l’éducation de ces derniers. En outre, certains enfants, du fait des déplacements forcés, interrompent leur cursus scolaire." 169837,40564.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_4th_october_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[04/10/2020,BAY states] As of 4th October 2020, a total of 1,069 confirmed cases have been recorded including 61 deaths, 33 active cases and 975 recoveries in the three states." 130923,33838.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,18,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Acceso limitado de la población refugiada y migrante a la ayuda humanitaria y los servicios de salud. 328549,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]The main drivers of WASH LSGs were found to be: • Households without access to an improved water source (17%) • Households without access to sufficient quantity of drinking water (12%) • Households without access to soap at home (45%) • Households without access to a functional and improved sanitation facility (38%)" 322095,54848.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/economia/el-consumo-en-pandemia-visto-desde-las-tiendas-de-barrio/,"Estos comercios tuvieron un crecimiento importante durante los primeros meses de la pandemia. Debido a las cuarentenas y restricciones, algunos consumidores optaron por mercar en grandes cadenas y dejaron las pequeñas tiendas para compras mínimas. Sin embargo, estos locales continúan teniendo un peso importante en el consumo de las familias y en las dinámicas de una vida que se ejerce ahora más de puertas para adentro." 223782,45880.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,53,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les données qualita�ves ont iden�fié comme obstacles principaux à l'accès aux soins pour les femmes les difficultés d'accès au transport pendant la période de confinement, la crainte d'être diagnos�quée à tord comme un cas de COVID-19, la crainte d'être mise en quarantaine forcée indéfiniment et le manque de moyens financiers." 240432,47354.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,43,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] Humanitarian access to Damasak, Mobbar LGA, was further compounded when the UN Humanitarian Air Services suspended their flight on 11 November 2020 following Small Arms Fire between security forces and NSAG." 326652,54734.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Education LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 98% for severe and lowest was 1% for stress. Similarly highest percentage of households per Education LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 96% for severe and lowest was 1% for stress." 495420,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,28,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La falta de una infraestructura adecuada expone a los hogares a las condiciones climáticas, mientras que su ubicación en zonas de riesgo genera amenazas a su seguridad" 267846,49804.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,115,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Tartous reported the highest daily wage rate at SYP 7,750/day (up four percent m-o-m), while Deir-ez-Zor reported the lowest daily wage rate at SYP 3,000/day (up two percent m-o-m). Broken down by regions, the coastal region reported the highest wage rate of SYP 7,500/day (up three percent m-o-m), followed by the crossborder region at SYP 6,265/day (up six percent m-o-m). On the other hand, northwest Syria reported the lowest wage rate of SYP 3,375/day (up two percent m-o-m), followed by northeast Syria at SYP 4,381/day (up one percent)." 346873,56987.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,90,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Unaddressed psychological distress over the long-term has been known to contribute to an increase in GBV, sexual and intimate partner violence, and child abuse. There is a risk that, if left unaddressed, deterioration in mental health will contribute to a cyclical chain of events in which the lockdown exacerbates tensions and mental health difficulties, which can result in an increase in violence, which results in further deterioration in mental health and psychological wellbeing." 239109,46379.0,2336.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,23,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Afghanistan is a south Asian country with a population of 31.6 million people, 71.5% of whom live in rural areas ." 189714,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Aujourd´hui au Tchad, une femme en âge de procréer sur 16 risque de mourir pendant l´accouchement. Malgré une amélioration, le taux d´accouchements assistés par du personnel qualifié restait à 34% en 2014 (par rapport à 20,7% en 2004)." 300893,51949.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],fr,79,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,,"[Dialogue régional de protection à Bamako les 11 et 12 septembre 2019, signature à Genève le 9 octobre 2019 de la déclaration ministérielle de Bamako] La Déclaration prévoit l’élaboration de plans d’action régionaux et nationaux mais n’a pas défini de mécanisme de suivi. En outre, bien que cette déclaration représente une première étape encourageante, les conclusions restent à opérationnaliser pour faciliter une mise en œuvre immédiate." 53475,16820.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Number Of People At Risk', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,119,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"Es imposible saber la cantidad exacta de venezolanos que viven en la región del Catatumbo porque la presencia del Estado es limitada y, en algunas partes de esa región, los grupos armados realizan controles en cruces ilegales141. En junio de 2018, las autoridades colombianas solo contabilizaron 9.106 venezolanos en el Catatumbo, pero no censaron todas las áreas rurales (donde vive la mayor parte de los venezolanos142) y además realizaron el censo durante un “paro armado” en el que el EPL ordenó un alto de todas las actividades en la zona143. Hasta abril de 2019, OCHA calculaba que vivían en el Catatumbo, por lo menos, 25.000 venezolanos144" 242494,47618.0,2098.0,"['Logistics', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] 34.33% of teachers said they needed better quality devices and equipment in order to take online classes. On the other hand, 43.28% of the teachers said they have trouble accessing better internet and network connectivity. Moreover, 16.79% of the teachers feel demotivated as they are overworked and under-appreciated for all the effort they put in during this difficult time." 151370,37912.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_10_august_2020.pdf,"WASH cluster members constantly working on hygiene promotion and behaviour change. They installed 58 hand washing devices at the common places like markets, bus stops to improve hand hygiene practices. Installed a 7-foot operated communal hand washing station at Shyamnagar upazilla for promoting and hand washing practices. Foot operated hand washing stations reduced risk of contamination/transmission risk for COVID-19 due to contactless operation modalities." 197502,43603.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"In a number of districts, the enforcement of COVID-19 prevention measures (such as curfew) was occasionally ensured through use of force by security forces. As a result of economic hardship, people, in particular women and girls, have to venture further away from their settlements and get exposed to risks of violence (including GBV), also when going through check points, or coming back after curfew." 311008,53170.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/gwc_annual_report_2019_sudan.pdf,"[Access to WASH in institutions (schools and primary health centres) is also limited...] This negatively impacts children's attendance and enrolment, especially girls. The impacts of poor WASH were also measurable through a multi-sector view. WASH has direct effect on the health and well-being of the people; poor WASH situation contributes to a very concerning public health situation often high GAM rates in sudanare attributed to pockets of poor WASH access." 276134,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Moins de 12% des enfants âgés de moins de 5 ans sont enregistrés à l’état civil et seulement 9% d’entre eux ont un acte de naissance, ce qui constitue un risque d’apatridie." 183255,41882.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],en,182,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"The camp is located in the heart of the communities, in the middle of nowhere, and through its 10 tanks and a water treatment plant it is able to provide between 45,000 and 60,000 liters of water daily to the indigenous families of the area. Survival in Salta is very difficult, the temperature can reach 45º, the area is very arid and deserted. “Access to the communities is very complicated, there are no roads, we had to create them ourselves in order to be able to get there with our vehicles and bring water every two or three days. The children are waiting for us very excited, with the little cups ready… I have learned to value water very much, you realize how important it is when you don’t have it. Since we brought them the water, we have managed to reduce diarrhea and improve the children’s size, because before they took water from contaminated rivers, putting their health at risk." 335275,55819.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel) L’accroissement continu de l’insécurité dans la région du Sahel au Burkina Faso depuis 2019 a engendré le ralentissement voire l’arrêt des activités économiques et agropastorales, ou encore de l’exploitation minière." 39076,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,127,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Since the escalation of hostilities in the outskirts of Tripoli on 4 April, over 60,000 people are estimated to have been displaced from conflict-affected neighbourhoods while thousands of others remain trapped in conflict-affected areas, unable to escape to safety. Most displaced families are staying in private accommodation in different neighbourhoods and suburbs of Tripoli, while hundreds of displaced families are also being hosted in 29 active collective centres. Some 3,000 refugees and migrants remain trapped in detention centers in Abusliem, Gharyan and Qasr bin Ghashir, in close proximity to ongoing hostilities. As indiscriminate shelling and the use of medium and heavy weapons in heavily populated areas continue unabated, the humanitarian impact is expected to continue to grow." 196076,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The level of acute food insecurity has increased significantly since the beginning of the year. The severely acute food insecure people were about 1.1 million by early 2020, as determined by the post Dyer seasonal assessment result. This figure increased and is projected to reach 3.5 million." 10403,4756.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,67,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/drownings-skyrocket-european-governments-block-humanitarian-assistance,"While NGO rescue ships operating in the international waters between Malta, Italy and Libya have been accused of being a pull factor by European politicians, recent events at sea show that desperate people continue to flee Libya regardless of whether or not there are rescue ships. Violence, poverty and conflict are pushing people to risk their lives and those of their children." 130791,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,25,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Cierre de fronteras terrestres, aéreas, marítimas y fluviales, preservando el transporte de carga y de bienes y enseres con estrictos controles." 134726,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En cuanto a la distribución por regiones, la población migrante que habita en campamentos se concentra en la macrozona Norte (89,0%), esto es, entre las regiones de Arica y Parinacota hasta Coquimbo, donde solo habita el 27,4% de la población no migrante que habita en campamentos." 326442,54734.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Five most commonly reported illnesses or injuries household members of non-IDP settlements had in the past two weeks prior to data collection were fever(4%), Diarrhea (2%), skin infections (1%)." 177276,41744.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,Il faut en moyenne 24 minutes à pied pour parvenir à un point d'eau (source améliorée). 7% des ménages sont proches d’un point d’eau. Le temps d’attente moyen au point d’eau est de 62 minutes. Les personnes interrogées estiment à 20 le nombre de personnes qui attendent au point d'eau lorsqu'elles atteignent celui- ci. 201387,44478.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,51,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/presidentielle-au-burkina-faso-roch-marc-christian-kabore-l-emporte-des-le-premier-tour,"Selon les chiffres donnés par la Céni, le Corps électoral a été ramené de 6.490.662 à 5.893.4000 en raison de la non-ouverture de quelque 1.300 bureaux de vote à cause de l'insécurité liée aux groupes jihadistes. Quelque 800 autres bureaux, qui auraient dû ouvrir, sont fermés." 266680,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The national average price of a standard reference food basket increased by eight percent in January 2021 compared to December 2020 and was at SYP 121,066." 224915,46164.0,2099.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,34,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,106 228 personnes sinistrée soit 17 705 ménages et dont 50 052 personnes sont très vulnérables et ont besoin d’une assistance d’urgence. [inondations et aux vents violents] 71083,20270.0,1187.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,26,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/activan-registro-consular-de-venezolanos-en-argentina/5126693.html,"La diplomática indicó que por esta vía otorgarán, entre otros: certificaciones de nacional, homologaciones de licencias de conducir y algunas notas consulares." 145435,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,44,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"However, at the same time, other humanitarian programs that were specifically impacted by precautionary COVID-19 measures, including essential health care and protection services, have resumed in recent weeks with implementation of measures to ensure safety of humanitarian staff and beneficiaries" 222781,46090.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431838-covid-19-ncdc-confirms-1145-new-infections-1-additional-death-335-recoveries.html,"[17thDec2020,Nigeria] In Week 50, the number of in-bound international travellers at Nigerian airports was 15,805 compared to 11,711 in Week 49.In Week 50, the number of international travellers with a positive result after the 7th day of arrival was 129 compared to 81 in week 49." 21203,8725.0,786.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,58,[],['Shock/Event'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"El primer envío de ayuda humanitaria a Venezuela, impulsado por el presidente interino, Juan Guaidó, con la ayuda de Estados Unidos y Colombia, pretende medir la fidelidad de los militares con Nicolás Maduro y ahondar en la presión para quebrar la cohesión en la cúpula chavista, hasta ahora infranqueable para la oposición." 162965,39111.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/265_1594211243.pdf,"The role of healthcare workers (HCWs) in the delivery of public health and clinical services since the beginning of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic cannot be over-emphasised. As at 5th July 2020, a total of 1540 HCWs have been infected in Nigeria. This is in the same vein as hundreds of thousands of HCWs that have been infected across the world." 307604,53292.0,2335.0,[],[],[],en,72,[],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"According to Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) projections, from December to March 2021, an estimated 5.8 million people (48 per cent of the population) faced Crisis levels of food insecurity (IPC Phase 3) or worse - a figure that is expected to increase to 7.2 million (60 per cent of the population) in the upcoming lean season of April-July 2021." 245772,47760.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/portal/salaprensa/Especiales-Prensa/402712:El-Pais-El-pais-se-prepara-para-el-regreso-a-clases,"A la fecha, 51 Entidades Territoriales Certificadas en educación del país avanzan en procesos de alternancia (53% de las 96 existentes). Es así como 23 departamentos y Bogotá ya cuentan con procesos de alternancia, lo que equivale al 73% del territorio nacional, y ya todas las Secretarías de Educación del país presentaron lo que será el Plan de Alternancia Educativa 2021 y cuentan con recursos para implementar protocolos de bioseguridad en las sedes educativas oficiales." 157301,38925.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,34,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La réponse à la COVID-19 connait des défis nouveaux tels que l’ouverture des frontières, le dépistage volontaire, la démobilisation des agents réquisitionnés pour la gestion de l’épidémie." 340932,56210.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,118,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.primature.cd/public/2021/05/10/nord-kivu-ituri-sama-lukonde-se-rassure-de-la-mise-en-oeuvre-effective-de-letat-de-siege/,"Le Premier Ministre, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge, a reçu en audience, ce lundi 10 mai 2021 à la Primature, le Ministre de la Défense Nationale, Gilbert Kabanda, accompagné du Chef d’Etat-Major Général des FARDC, Célestin Mbala. « Au cours de cet échange, il était question de rassurer le Chef de l’Exécutif Central, sur les modalités pratiques, essentiellement la logistique qui doit être urgemment débloquée pour que les Gouverneurs et tout le personnel affecté à l’état de siège puissent être opérationnels sans entrave », a déclaré le Ministre de la Défense à l’issue de la séance de travail." 192681,43347.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,59,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"However, despite its dominance in the economy, oil has not generated the jobs needed for social and political stability. Livelihoods are concentrated in low productivity, unpaid agriculture and pastoralist work. As much as 85 per cent of the working population are engaged in non-wage work, chiefly in subsistence agriculture and livestock rearing." 322510,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 17% of IDP settlement and 11% of non- IDP settlement were with a protection LSG 158059,38779.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,14,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"121,355 is the number of individuals reached through the 860 different WhatsApp groups." 111860,31304.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Aumento de población con un perfil alto de vulnerabilidad, que requiere acceso a servicios de salud en el país (flujos migratorios, pueblos indígenas, entre otros) La respuesta debe englobar la totalidad de la población que hoy tiene el país, en cantidad y en contextos diversos, como en las zonas con un alto índice de necesidades básicas insatisfechas o pobreza multidimensional que son hoy comunidades de acogida en zona urbana de un alto número de personas migrantes, como también a la población rural e indígena que tiene un precario acceso a sistemas de salud pública y se encuentra a riesgos muchos mayores frente a la amenaza de un contagio." 393202,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,84,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Graph 12.1 below shows that 49 out of the total children, adolescents and youths said it would be very serious and severe if COVID 19 spreads in their community, 51 said it would be serious if COVID 19 spreads, 38 indicates that it would be mild if COVID spreads, 9 said it would be very mild if COVID 19 spreads in the community. 26 indicates they don’t have an idea" 486277,65385.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Almost all households report having access to a functioning toilet (98 percent), with little variation between households living in different shelter types, apart from those living in tents, for whom rates of access to functional toilets are lowest (89 percent)." 223798,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Le personnel de santé et les membres des communautés interrogés dans le cadre des recherches de la CASS à Kinshasa et à Goma en octobre ont déclaré avoir observé davantage de femmes et de filles enceintes dans leurs quar�ers, leurs églises et leurs structures de santé." 240944,47675.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"The donation is particularly noteworthy since school environments are usually frequented by a significant number of young people who, due to their proximity to each other, are more exposed to COVID-19." 202430,43347.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection']",[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,43,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Some harmful cultural practices have intensified during the conflict and humanitarian crisis. For example, a recent study found that conflict-fuelled poverty and food insecurity were the most common reasons for early marriage, with girls displaced by conflict at particular risk" 299431,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,19,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Similarly, in Faryab Province, NSAG-TB used an excavator to damage the road to obstruct ANSF advancement." 194139,42943.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Pull Factors', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,43,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"Una encuesta reciente de venezolanos en tránsito indicó que la pérdida de trabajo y desalojamientos eran los motivos principales de la migración desde Colombia, jugando un papel importante al forzar al 77 y al 40 porciento, respectivamente, a reubicarse." 227069,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The use of suicide and non-suicide IEDs by Anti-Government Elements continued to cause significant levels of harm to civilians, resulting in 1,700 civilian casualties (525 killed and 1,175 injured), a reduction of 51 per cent compared with the first nine months of 2019." 191638,43409.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,89,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.afro.who.int/fr/news/burkina-faso-les-tradipraticiens-de-sante-de-la-region-du-sud-ouest-lecole-de-la-surveillance,"Ce temps d’échange fut également un moment de plaidoyer. En effet, le responsable de promotion de la santé du district de Gaoua a, au nom du Directeur Régional de la santé du Sud-Ouest, exhorté les tradipraticiens à « se protéger et à protéger leurs patients à travers le respect des gestes barrières sur les sites où ils reçoivent les malades ». Il a en outre encouragé les tradipraticiens de ne pas hésiter à référer les cas suspects aux centres de santé." 289617,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,21,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) provided humanitarian passenger movement services to ensure the deployment of rapid response teams 310066,53753.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_25_february_2021_final.pdf,"As of 25 February, MoPH data shows that 55,693 people across all 34 provinces in Afghanistan are confirmed to have had COVID-19.Some 49,281 people have recovered, and 2,441 people have died – at least 91 of whom are healthcare workers." 248534,46458.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In addition, the informal livelihood activities reported by residents (unskilled labourers and street vendors) are located in public space and involve travel, rendering residents’ income at-risk from government-enforced COVID-19 lockdowns. In this context, the precarcity of informal livelihoods means that the consequences of the health and economic shocks associated with COVID-19 are particularly severe." 207282,44693.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Région de Tahoua : 202 ménages réfugiés, 198 ménages PDI et 100 ménages autochtones vivants à Intikane et Eknewane ont bénéficié d’une distribution de kit abris au cours du mois de septembre de la part du HCR à travers le partenaire APBE. Le problème d’abris persiste cependant sur les autres sites du département de Tillia et dans le département de Tassara." 267783,49804.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,78,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The cross border region reported the highest informal refill price of butane gas at SYP 28,520/refill (up 13 percent m-o-m), followed by the coastal region at SYP 28,125/refill (up eight percent m-o-m), while northeast syria region reported the lowest price at SYP 14,393/refill (up 12 percent m-o-m), followed by the middle region at SYP 23,337/refill (up 113 percent m-o-m)." 311468,53762.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Sahel) In addition, awareness-raising activities on peaceful coexistence and COVID-19 in the Sahel region reached 791 people during the reported period." 270270,49936.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Desde la mirada de los niños y niñas, se puede observar en el gráfico 2 una alta proporción que considera que, en relación al COVID-19, pueden expresar sus preocupaciones (69,6%), pueden hacer preguntas (61,5%) y son escuchados (60,1%). Sin embargo, menos de un tercio (29,5%) ha indicado que se les ha pedido opinión sobre el tema. Según país, se puede identificar una tendencia similar en Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador y Perú." 163902,39668.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=203669,"In statement to SANA, the Health Ministry indicated that the infections’ toll registered in Syria have reached to 3765 so far, of which 932 cases have recovered while 170 ones have passed away." 47460,16249.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"A medida que aumenta el número de venezolanos, la población se asienta, no solo a lo largo de la frontera, sino también en todo el país, incluso en los grandes centros urbanos. Por lo tanto, los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, así como las personas retornadas colombianas, a menudo se encuentran en zonas donde aún se sienten los efectos del conflicto armado." 194225,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,41,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Ainsi depuis le début de l’épidémie, 11 692 cas confirmés et 1 cas probable ont été notifiés dont 319 décès, soit une létalité globale de 2,7% (Tableau I ; Figures 1 & 2)." 361357,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,144,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Social context: Half of the children died whilst with one or more friends of a similar age, whilst in nine (45%) cases of fatal drowning, the child was alone, and in an individual case of fatal drowning, the child was with an adult who was a relative. The social context in which the fatalities occurred varied between age groups. Amongst children under 5, the dominant theme was that the child was playing inside or around their family shelter. During this time, the victim’s parents were undertaking essential household tasks such as preparing food, work, and prayer, which meant that the child was unsupervised and fell into nearby water bodies, or water sources inside their shelter." 345022,56081.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,61,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2021/05/18/assemblee-nationale-les-deputes-duvira-alertent-sur-linsecurite-grandissante-dans-leur,"Les députés nationaux du territoire d'Uvira (Sud-Kivu) ont, dans une motion d'information ce mardi 18 mai, alerté sur l'insécurité grandissante dans cette partie de la République Démocratique du Congo. À en croire ces élus, cette insécurité est causée par des groupes armés mais aussi par d'autres éléments des forces de défense et de sécurité." 47459,16249.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,95,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"La llegada de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela a Colombia ha crecido exponencialmente en los últimos años. El número de personas que se estableció en el país aumentó de menos de 39.000 a finales de 2015 a 1.032.000 a finales de septiembre de 2018, un aumento de casi un 2.550 por ciento21. Del mismo modo, el número de venezolanos que transitan por Colombia hacia Ecuador y otros países, aumentó de 14.000 en 2015 a 511.000 en los primeros nueve meses de 2018, un aumento de un 3.550 por ciento" 155255,34182.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,24,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"El hacinamiento en lugares de alojamiento en condiciones de cuarentena incrementa los riesgos de conflicto, violencia intrafamiliar y violencia basada en género." 293543,51569.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Priorities for Immediate Humanitarian response • Set up Temporary Learning Spaces for the children displaced which will keep them busy in their temporary location • Distribution of learning materials, (NFI supplies) to the children in the TLSs • Provision of clean water points and gender sensitive toilets" 347701,56800.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,79,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Regarding distribution sites, concerns are there as well: children are often sent to distribution points and are carrying the relief items home, this representing a risk for them due to heavy weight and to the risks to be robbed on the way back to the shelter. Some children head of household/unaccompanied are not listed as beneficiaries and, as such, they miss humanitarian aid." 197732,43603.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"WASH response has been adapted to shift the focus on activities addressing the direct consequences of COVID-19 and floods. Sustainable access to safe water supply was reduced due to funding constraints and the need to focus the emergency response on key interventions, such as hygiene promotion and hygiene kits distribution, to reduce morbidity/mortality in IDP settlements and other crowded settings." 193738,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Suite au faible accès aux services sociaux de base et à l´apparition de maladies à potentiel épidémique, près de 2 millions des personnes sont affectées par les urgences sanitaires parmi lesquelles les enfants et les femmes enceintes et les femmes allaitantes." 63207,18420.0,1386.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,42,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.acnur.org/noticias/historia/2019/8/5d4d8aaf4/indigenas-de-venezuela-buscan-la-seguridad-a-traves-de-la-frontera-en-brasil.html,"Indígenas venezolanos buscan la seguridad a través de la frontera en Brasil Después de que estallara la violencia en su natal Venezuela, cientos de miembros del grupo indígena Pemón huyeron a una aldea al otro lado de la frontera en Brasil" 382894,60300.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen_situacional_local_Costa_Caribe_-_Enero_a_marzo_2021.pdf,"enero de 2021 en Atlántico, solo el 31,7% de las personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanos contaban con Permiso Especial de Permanencia, según Migración Colombia." 223817,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,59,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les données soulignent que, bien que les femmes considèrent les séances de CPN comme un service essen�el, à cause des ressources financières limitées, elles se sentent obligées d'ajuster leurs priorités, et beaucoup voient une op�on plus accessible au sein de la famille ou du quar�er pour recevoir ce qu'elles considèrent comme un sou�en suffisant." 316790,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook RDC] La poursuite des réformes des finances publiques et monétaires devrait per- mettre de réduire l’inflation à une moyenne de 11,7 % sur la période 2021–2022, grâce à la facilitation des importations et à un meilleur approvisionnement des centres urbains." 180556,42290.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,100,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les enfants sont une catégorie encore plus fragile au sein dans les PDI, il est fréquent de constater que les enfants sont exposés à des pratiques comme la mendicité, l’exploitation, la déscolarisation. On distingue entre autres les enfants non accompagnés, les enfants séparés de leur famille vivant dans la rue et aussi des enfants vivant avec un handicap avec un manque d’attention de la part des parents. Ces réalités sont constatées dans les zones d’accueil et nécessite une intervention en matière de protection de l’enfance." 294721,52363.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,41,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"11% of the population responded that they have had to carry out some kind of work or activity without being able to withdraw voluntarily would they have wanted to, which may indicate a risk of trafficking and smuggling." 172976,40676.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,51,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les populations déplacées et retournées vivant dans des abris d’urgence inadéquats, des centres collectifs ou des familles d’accueil se trouvent en situation de grande promiscuité et d’accès réduit aux installations sanitaires et à l’eau potable, qui augmentent les risques épidémiques." 162925,39647.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"Shelter/NFI Sector partners also distributed 57 NFI packages including blankets, floor mats, mosquito nets, solar lamps, and kitchen utensils, to quarantine centres." 223350,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Although the air strikes (during party conflicts) have had no direct impact on humanitarian operations to date, the risk to operations located in the affected regions remains, in particular for vehicles moving supplies and personnel, which might be targeted in error." 202370,43347.0,2335.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",[],['Context->Environment'],en,68,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In line with the annual patterns, it is expected that the upcoming late 2019–early 2020 dry season could see changes in the volume of returns, with mobility becoming more feasible as ground conditions improve. Each year, this has depended to a large extent on conditions and perceptions of security, and such considerations will remain paramount in people’s decisions to move." 457510,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],fr,73,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"les mouvements sont restreints à cause de la criminalité (73% des répondants), du couvre-feu (73% des répondants) et de certaines restriction culturelles (restrictions de mouvements suivant le veuvage, etc.) (4% des répondants). 4% des répondants stipulent qu’un groupe d’appartenance (les Peulhs) a été expulsé de Titao par les populations résidents." 274111,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,113,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"La pauvreté systémique qui corrode la population congolaise de manière générale, associée à l’insécurité qui dégrade les moyens d’existence, est la cause sous-jacente de l’insécurité alimentaire dans la zone enquêtée. Cependant, la saison agricole a été perturbée par des fortes pluies qui ont endommagé les cultures et l’épidémie de COVID-19 a ralenti le commerce et les mouvements transfrontaliers avec un impact négatif sur les économies des ménages les plus pauvres. Les chocs variés au niveau des ménages, principalement des maladies graves d’un ou plusieurs membres de la famille, qui érodent les revenus maigres des ménages." 359441,58399.0,2098.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,82,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In a 2018 study of midwifery quality care in Bangladesh (Bogrin et al.), young midwives highlight the challenges and cultural prejudice they face in the workforce due to the “cultural norms that have been shaped by beliefs associated with religion, society, and gender norms” and in turn how this affects quality of care in the country (BMC Health Service Research, 2018)." 209864,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,27,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Under-development, conflict, political instability, displacement and climate shocks continue to put pressure on IDPs and rural and urban households in accessing basic services." 172317,40929.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,146,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Nigeria] With the onset of the rainy season, varying degrees of damage have been recorded in camps and camp-like settings. Within the reporting period, six camps were affected in Dikwa, Jere, Maiduguri and Konduga LGAs. 2 In Muna Da’alti camp in Jere LGA, heavy rainfall and flooding left 72 makeshift shelters damaged and an estimated 360 individuals without shelter. Other affected camps include Yajiwa Camp, Shuwari 5 Camp in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Klagaru Camp in Dikwa LGA, and 400 Housing Estate (Gubio Camp) in Konduga LGA. Major needs for interventions included sandbags, shelter repair kits, construction materials, provision of basic non-food items (NFI) as well as reconstruction of damaged shelters, toilets and shower facilities." 130790,33838.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,19,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Suspensión de clases hasta el 20 de abril, implementación de material virtual para modelos flexibles y virtuales." 236026,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Enhancing GBV case management skills of frontline workers is key to the healing process of survivors of GBV as well as their recovery and empowerment. 249071,48421.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,201,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20RDC%2C%2030%20janvier%202021.pdf,"L’augmentation de la circulation du SARS-CoV-2 se poursuit de manière ascendante et préoccupante dans les principales provinces affectées. En semaine 4 (du 25 au 31 janvier 2021), l’épidémie a continué sa progression entre autres dans les 5 provinces les plus actives dont Kinshasa qui a franchi le cap de 18 000 cas, le Kongo Central, le Nord-Kivu, le Sud-Kivu et le Haut-Katanga. En termes de cumul de cas confirmés depuis la survenue du nouveau coronavirus en RDC, la ville-province de Kinshasa reste l’épicentre de la COVID-19 dans le pays (79 %), avec des nouvelles contaminations et hospitalisations en hausse. Derrière la capitale de la RDC, on note les provinces du Kongo Central (6,1%), du Nord-Kivu (6%), du Haut-Katanga (3,3%), du Sud-Kivu (2,3%), de l’Ituri (1%) et du Lualaba (0,8%). Il est essentiel de maintenir efficacement les mesures de prévention individuelles et collectives, même dans le cercle privé pour stopper la circulation du virus SARS-CoV-2 ;" 304824,53078.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Depuis le début de l’année 2018, Tahoua et Tillabéri, régions frontalières du Niger avec le Mali, font face à une constante détérioration de la situation sécuritaire, provoquant un accroissement du nombre de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) dans les deux régions. Selon le cluster protection, entre janvier et octobre 2018, ce nombre est passé de 540 à 48 732 personnes, dont 15 982 personnes seulement dans la région de Tahoua." 215119,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[13thDec2020,Nigeria]The Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, was among the 3,820 persons who tested positive last week while the Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El-Rufai, has gone into isolation after some of his close relatives and government officials contracted the virus." 191106,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,15,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,Service disruption and closure of services centres due to COVID-19 impacting overall reporting and response 198840,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,39,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Les cumuls sont de 388 726 voyageurs internationaux et de 3 921 743 voyageurs nationaux screenés ; ceci a permis de détecter 63 et 351 alertes et de confirmer 22 et 22 d’entre elles, respectivement." 359823,58399.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,195,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): During FGDs with girls (in school) at Indrogarh High School it was identified that girls face problems going to the bathroom, and in accessing food and clean water during disaster situations. Lack of clean water increases risk of illness, and water borne disease. As a result, it is often seen that girls are more likely to fall sick after a disaster than boys. During disasters, girls are under more pressure to work which causes both mental and physical stress for them. This results in girls and women in this community falling severely ill after disasters. Further, boys can go outside to meet their toilet needs anywhere, but girls can't. Girls face problems especially when they are menstruating and they need to maintain their personal hygiene. Taboos around menstruation make personal hygiene in disaster and flood contexts even more challenging, and increases the risk of infections and illness due to poor menstrual hygiene practices (UNICEF 2008)." 285637,51627.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Participants described water quality as a major concern, with some reporting dirt and debris in the water and others describing skin irritation, possibly from over-chlorination. “It comes out of the tap dirty and undrinkable. We use it for bathing and it causes us rashes...”" 177252,41744.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,45,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,Nutrition/santé: Réaliser des séances de sensibilisation nutrition et hygiène à l’égard des FEFA; Renforcer le suivi nutritionnel des enfants des moins de 5 ans et des FEFA ; Distribuier aliments de complément pour enfants de 6-23 mois et des FEFA. 271566,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"En 2019, le Centre Sud avait enregistré le plus fort taux (89,2%) et la région du Centre, la plus faible couverture en vitamine A avec 40,7%." 345438,56718.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,48,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.congodurable.net/2021/05/16/etat-de-siege-un-regain-de-soutien-aux-fardc/,"A la fin de la semaine dernière, les sénateurs ont annoncé leur soutien aux opérations militaires des FARDC au Nord-Kivu et en Ituri. Pour cela, ils ont décidé de contribuer avec 500 USD chacun pendant trois mois pour soutenir l’effort de guerre." 338660,56115.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,158,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Niños, Niñas, Adolescentes y Jóvenes en el conflicto armado. Según fuentes comunitarias, en la subregión del Bajo Cauca, Nordeste y área metropolitana, debido a las restricciones por el aislamiento selectivo obligatorio decretado por el Gobierno nacional por la pandemia de la COVID-19, se fortaleció indirectamente el posicionamiento de los actores armados, tanto en cascos urbanos como en zonas rurales, dado que estos grupos impusieron controles adicionales a los decretados a nivel nacional y departamental a las comunidades. En algunos casos aprovecharon para reclutar a niños, niñas y adolescentes, e incluso aún después de levantarse la cuarentena obligatoria por parte del gobierno nacional. Es de resaltar que persiste el reclutamiento y los intentos de éste en las regiones anteriormente mencionadas, para actividades propias del conflicto y la violencia armada, tales como narcotráfico, microtráfico, cultivos de uso ilícito e instalación de MAP." 388617,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Il a été constaté également au cours de ce mois la perte en vies humaines de nombreux enfants pendant de l’attaque de Solhan. La province du Yagha est la plus touchée dans la Région du Sahel du fait de l’activisme accru des GANE. Cette situation s’explique par le nombre élevé des cas d’incidents avec 16 cas soit 46% des cas survenus dans la Région. Dans cette province, on constate plus de cas d’enlèvement avec exécution que dans les autres provinces" 132500,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,137,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela requieren soporte adicional en términos de los ítems no alimentarios. Esto se aplica a aquellos que han llegado recientemente al Perú, personas de tránsito que requieren apoyo con el fin de cubrir sus necesidades básicas hasta que lleguen a su destino, y aquellos que desean permanecer en el Perú. En el ENPOVE, el 12 por ciento de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que viven en el Perú han reportado necesidades de ítems no alimentarios. Desde la perspectiva de desarrollo, también es relevante observar que una gran cantidad de personas de Venezuela no tienen acceso a los artículos básicos del hogar o cocina, tales como refrigerador (87%), plancha (82%) y licuadora (69%)." 184806,42710.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,83,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] Although the total number of cases in Districts outside Hassakeh remains relatively lower, October witnessed a notable increase in confirmed cases in Raqqa, Tabqa, Kobane and Menbij Districts. However, the level of testing continues to differ significantly by area. Of 5,858 samples tested between 8 October and 3 November, 3,528 (60%) were from just three districts in Hassakeh (Hassakeh, Qamishli, Derik)" 104848,30139.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",en,41,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Since the current outbreak of COVID-19 emerged, many individuals and households are using Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) to minimise the disruption and circumvent some of the obstacles they face in getting on with their daily lives." 105605,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,97,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Lo que está pasando acá (en Colombia) es muy grave en volumen y en velocidad. Turquía tiene 3,5 millones que ha asumido de sirios, pero durante seis años. Nosotros en Colombia hemos recibido 1,3 en dos años y medio. Es decir, en términos de rapidez de lo que está pasando y de volumen numérico, hoy el tema de Venezuela es el primero o segundo problema más complejo de migración que hay en el mundo. (Gerente de Frontera, Presidencia de la República, entrevista, 2019)" 136846,35314.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As part of its COVID-19 support, the Syria Humanitarian Fund has commenced disbursement of US$23 million for 32 approved project across the Health ($12.5 million) WASH ($4.3 million), Protection ($2.3 million), Food ($0.04 million) and Logistics sectors ($0.2 million), including $2.85 million), while the Syria Cross-Border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF) will allocate an additional US$6 million to procure essential PPE to support the continuation of non-health and health frontline activities." 186240,43272.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"These factors (high water level), combined with the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and deteriorating economic conditions, have negatively affected livelihoods and limited food production and availability in South Sudan, threatening to further increase humanitarian needs in the coming months, according to USAID/BHA partners." 193749,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Cette situation contribue à l´accroissement des taux de mortalité maternelle et infantile qui sont parmi plus élevés au monde (860 décès pour 100 000 naissances vivantes pour la mortalité maternelles et 72 pour 1 000 naissances vivantes pour la mortalité infantile). 219537,45750.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"IOM has reached 3,281 households with hygiene promotion activities in Jubaland and South West State and installed 12 handwashing points in Kismayo. UNICEF is distributing 20,000 hygiene kits in Lower Juba and Gedo. The Danish Refugee Council distributed 1,000 hygiene kits in Doolow IDP settlements on 13 May." 235591,46890.0,2334.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The education cluster and OCHA are advocating to ensure that learning is not used as a political tool in the crisis. 412540,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Some more solid strategic decisions and resources are required to minimise the weaknesses of the health sector exposed during the pandemic" 454469,64224.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Context->Politics'],es,64,['Priority Needs'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Para los actores claves el gobierno peruano no ha realizado acciones en la lucha contra la violencia hacia población LGTBIQ, en las instituciones del estado hay mucho prejuicio para atender a esta población, esto guarda relación con las creencias y costumbres de la sociedad conservadora que perjudica a las personas no solo en su integridad sino también en el aspecto laboral," 52071,16699.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",en,80,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"However, some policies have undermined the intent of the law, preventing Venezuelans from accessing their rights in practice. These policy changes appear politically motivated, coming in response to surges in arrivals, shifts in public opinion, or a spike in xenophobia. As a result, the UN recently warned that, despite the country’s legal framework, access to regular status is now one of the primary challenges facing Venezuelans in Ecuador.6" 186297,43272.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,65,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Despite the start of the harvest season, which typically enables marginal improvements in food security outcomes, staple food prices remained high in recent weeks due to conflict, low crop production, floods, poor road conditions, the continued depreciation of the South Sudanese Pound against the U.S. dollar, and elevated import and transportation costs associated with COVID-19 preventative measures." 192628,43603.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"With an estimated 232,000 people forcibly evicted in 2019 and 66,000 in 2020 (as of May) , humanitarians have advocated with national authorities for a nation-wide moratorium on evictions during the COVID-19 response. In April, a directive was issued in South West State to suspend evictions in Baidoa. Although advocacy continues for broader adoption of a moratorium, evictions are still on the rise, especially in Banadir and Jubaland." 494225,68123.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,50,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, NWS, NES] Broken down by regions, Northwest Syria recorded the highest price of informal transport diesel at SYP 2,737/litre (up three percent m-o-m), while Northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 905/litre (up two percent m-o-m)." 319587,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],es,73,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"s. De la población beneficiada en esta etapa (222 beneficiarios, mayoritariamente población venezolana), se identificaron como principales causas de atención: 1) Parasitosis intestinal con el 9,5% (21 casos) de atenciones, carga más representativa en el grupo etario de 5 a 17 años que debido a la pandemia tuvieron que permanecer en sus domicilios y no contaban con abastecimiento continuo de agua segura;" 186966,43300.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La malnutrition reste préoccupante et en stagnation avec une prévalence de 12,9% de malnutrition aigüe globale affectant près de 3,9 millions de personnes." 359881,58399.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Make children's route to school safe by developing boat safety management, improving roads, and maintaining bridges, etc" 197629,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,19,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The country’s climate is characterized by extremes with localized droughts, torrential rains and seasonal flooding." 191095,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Support provided to the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development to develop a COVID-19 monitoring framework focusing on the impact of the pandemic on women and the most marginalized, to inform future resilience work." 106436,29953.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Cerca del 50 % de los niños, niñas y adolescentes cuentan con un espacio amigable ofrecido por el ICBF, Aldeas Infantiles SOS y el Consejo Noruego para los Refugiados. Sin embargo, la oferta es insuficiente frente al crecimiento acelerado de la demanda (Subdirección General del ICBF, entrevista, 2019)." 229236,46495.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,79,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"La alimentación es reportada como la primera prioridad por el 36% de la población encuestada. Con base en el consumo semanal de alimentos y usando la metodología del Puntaje de Consumo de Alimentos, el 37% de los hogares consumían una dieta que es insuficiente en términos de la diversidad de los alimentos y la frecuencia del consumo, mientras que el 27% consumían una dieta limítrofe y el 10% una dieta pobre." 225398,45087.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,The findings of the assessment and consultations were concerning with both results highlighting that people are severely struggling to meet basic household needs. 227466,46523.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,40,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elvenezolanocolombia.com/2020/12/migracion-forzada-mantiene-a-839-059-ninos-venezolanos-alejados-de-sus-padres-en-2020/,"Otro factor que cambia la dinámica familiar en los migrantes es el retorno de sus miembros. Si bien es cierto que la pandemia y sus consecuencias impulsaron a los venezolanos a regresar, esta movilidad no fue masiva." 261511,49211.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/20012021_flash_mira_bajo_cauca_caucasia_y_zaragoza_vf.pdf,"Se observa que esta puede ser una causa de enfermedades, como brotes en la piel y diarrea, lo cual significa un riesgo para la población, teniendo en cuenta que no se accede fácilmente a la atención en salud, ante la lejanía de los centros existentes." 242489,47618.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,135,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] Third, students feel it’s vital that their teachers are enthusiastic about their subject, as this makes lessons more interesting and effective. However, there is concern that only one form of teaching is used. The current lecture-based approach doesn’t take adequate account of different learning types -- for example visual versus auditory learners -- meaning many students find it more difficult to take in the subject matter. Students suggested that lessons would be more engaging if there was more interaction between students and teachers, which could include more frequent discussions, debates, and project-based learning. The students supported the idea of continual professional development training for teachers, which could help expand their teaching techniques." 114155,31147.0,1898.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"El Salvador es un país con un sistema de salud que enfrenta desafíos y esta situación se agrava más frente a una pandemia como es la COVID-19. Solo el 2.5 por ciento del PIB se invierte en salud mientras que la OMS recomienda un 6 por ciento y las demandas a este sistema son grandes. El impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 también repercute en el estado nutricional y en la salud de las familias, en especial de los grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad como los menores de 5 años y las embarazadas." 132476,34344.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Además, los nuevos requisitos de ingreso al Perú han tenido un efecto directo en las necesidades y acceso al transporte humanitario. Este contexto actual expone a la población más vulnerable especialmente a aquellos que tratan de ingresar irregularmente al Perú, puesto que debido a la falta de situación regular no pueden tener acceso a un transporte seguro y formal. Muchas compañías de transporte formal requieren un sello de ingreso para poder transportar a los pasajeros. Sin dicho sello, los refugiados y migrantes están expuestos a formas de transporte informal y menos seguro frecuentemente, u optan por caminar por las carreteras, hacer autostop, que a su vez los expone a riesgos de protección y seguridad." 308048,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Communal fighting impacted nutrition services delivery, and community nutrition volunteers’ (CNVs) movements were hampered in Nyikaan and Wechgoak payams." 40646,14338.0,788.0,[],[],[],en,36,[],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.vanguardngr.com/2017/11/three-soldiers-killed-boko-haram-raid-borno-army/,"At least three soldiers were killed and another six others were wounded in a Boko Haram raid in northeast Nigeria, the military said on Sunday, in the latest attack in the restive region." 193084,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La crise alimentaire résulte en partie de la perte des moyens d´existence des communautés affectées par les effets du faible développement, la perturbation des marchés suite à la fermeture des frontières avec le Nigeria, le Niger, le Soudan et la Libye, la destruction des fourragers par les feux de brousse, le tarissement des marres et la rareté des pâturages." 268850,49931.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,88,['At Risk'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/newsroom/news/presidente-duque-anuncia-decision-historica-crear-estatuto-proteccion-temporal,"“Y esa circunstancia es muy adversa, porque no nos permite tener una política clara en materia social, no nos permite tener una política clara en materia de seguridad y no nos permite acompañarlos en las circunstancias que padecen”, dijo. Indicó que ante esas circunstancias y el hecho de que los migrantes irregulares acuden al sistema de salud, generando grandes costos, “tenemos que tomar acciones, pero no acciones ni basadas en el miedo ni en el rechazo”." 233389,46495.0,2311.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,87,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"La desnutrición es considerada uno de los mayores riesgos para los niños y niñas. Por esta razón se sugiere la implementación de sesiones informativas para promover la lactancia materna, dietas equilibradas como medida de prevención y mitigación. Además, se recomienda una evaluación de las necesidades de niños y niñas para identificar casos de desnutrición moderada y severa, y la implementación de sesiones informativas/grupos focales para hablar acerca de las personas con discapacidad para promover la inclusión y mejorar la respuesta humanitaria." 361330,58693.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,128,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: The majority of Rohingya refugees are residing in temporary shelters built with plastic sheeting and bamboo, located in low-lying areas vulnerable to flooding (UNHCR, 2020; Ahmed et al, 2018). Access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities is limited in the camps, which are served by few freshwater standpipes (Vince, 2020). Like for rural communities in Bangladesh, the bodies of water within and surrounding the camps such as ponds, canals and lakes are vital sources of water for daily household needs and bathing. They are also used for recreational activities by the camps’ large child population." 356680,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,109,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"A la Procuraduría General de la Nación: Garantizar una rendición de cuentas por los abusos policiales, lo cual incluye investigar disciplinariamente a los agentes que hayan estado directamente involucrados en abusos cometidos en el contexto de protestas, al menos desde el año 2019, así como a los comandantes de las unidades y a los comandantes de policía a cargo de los operativos que puedan haber ordenado la comisión de tales abusos o que puedan tener responsabilidad, conforme al derecho colombiano, por no haber adoptado las medidas adecuadas a efectos de prevenir delitos o hacer que los responsables rindan cuentas por su actuación." 343847,56755.0,2311.0,[],[],[],en,15,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PROTECTION%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf,Enhancing border monitoring activities to uphold access to / quality of asylum for Venezuelans. 161661,39366.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/%d8%ba%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8%d9%8a%d8%aa%d9%87%d9%85-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%b1%d9%8a%d9%81-%d8%ad%d9%84%d8%a8-19-%d8%a5%d8%b5%d8%a7%d8%a8%d8%a9-%d8%ac%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a9-%d8%a8%d9%81%d9%8a%d8%b1%d9%88/395856/,"The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) have documented the death of a doctor yesterday, who had COVID-19, in the northern Aleppo countryside. Which increases the number of deaths - due to COVID-19 - to 3 deaths." 495172,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,10,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Muchos no cuentan con el PTP para trabajar legalmente. 200031,44392.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,111,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"[L’impact de la crise sur l’accès aux services d’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement : Pour les communautés d’accueil] Diminution disponibilité d’eau par personne ; des surexploitation avec ouvrages augmentation des pannes ; Dégradation des infrastructures; augmentation de la défécation à l’air libre, difficultés à payer pour les services. Les femmes et les enfants sont parfois obligés de marcher jusqu’à 5-7 km pour chercher l’eau, et sont parfois obligés de passer la nuit au point d’eau, avec des risques accrus de protection." 189436,42879.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,85,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/agosto2020_analisisdenecesidadesmensual_mire_0.pdf,"Los cultivos de plantas de coca, el establecimiento de laboratorios de producción de cocaína y el tráfico de armas son las principales actividades que influencian a los Grupos Armados Ilegales (GAIs) para controlar territorios estratégicos a lo largo del país. Es de resaltar la importancia que representan algunos ríos para dichos grupos, pues a través de ellos se suele transportar la cocaína hasta las costas pacífica y atlántica, abriéndose paso para su posterior comercialización en los mercados internacionales." 413154,60898.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,38,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"As of 31 March 2021, 1,147,699 IDPs had been registered in the country (61.2 per cent children), an increase of 2.29 per cent compared to 1,121,960 IDPs registered as of 28 February 2021." 126325,34397.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,El 51% de los hogares migrantes no tiene una cama para dormir y el 80% no tiene acceso a un refrigerador. 182691,42813.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,31,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.today.ng/news/nigeria/report-22-nigerians-face-food-crisis-323876,"[1st Mar 2020,Nigeria]The report for March 2020 showed that about 5.06 million people required urgent assistance in the period (March to May 2020)." 211280,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,62,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"RAS (Regugees and Assylum seekers) face a range of protection problems, including xenophobia, risk of refoulement, arbitrary arrest, sexual violence, exploitation and abuse, and lack of clan affiliation. Many disputes in Somalia are settled through the clan system, and RAS accessing the formal legal system most of the time face retaliation." 346006,56894.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_18.pdf,"Se observa un aumento del 31,1 % en la mortalidad materna temprana respecto al 2020" 155219,37857.0,2099.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,66,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Du 13 au 19 juillet 2020, environ 552 individus en partance soit au Niger soit au Burkina Faso ont contourné les voies officielles sur l’axe Dori – Seytenga (Burkina Faso) – Petelkolé (Niger), en conséquence de la fermeture des frontières imposée par les autorités burkinabè dans le cadre de la réponse à l’épidémie du COVID-19." 303895,50891.0,2466.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"The situation [economic crisis] was aggravated by shortages of fuel, bread, medicines and cash, impacting vulnerable children and families, including 5.5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, and slowing humanitarian and development operations by all partners." 125973,31192.0,1620.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,46,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"In the middle belt there are estimated 303,844 IDPs in the three States of Benue, Nasarawa and Plateau (IOM DTM R3). In Benue, there are 180,258 IDPs, while there are also 7,531 Cameroonian refugees registered as of March 2020." 141901,34876.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"• Recommendation: Social media is widely used as a source of information, but is less trusted than health workers. As resources permit, increasing contact of populations with health workers may help to increase trust around COVID-19 messaging." 207329,43256.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,• About 18% of household do not have soap or disinfectant products anywhere at household premise. 52116,16699.0,1184.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],en,38,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"Ecuador’s response to the Venezuelan exodus over the last five years has been inconsistent, shifting between generous and restrictive, reflecting changes in domestic and regional politics as well as the size of the flow" 347782,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] According to REACH survey, a higher proportion of individuals with disabilities were reported to face difficulties accessing all WASH-related facilities - water points, latrines, and bathing facilities - compared to individuals without disabilities. More than half of individuals with a disability were reported to face difficulties related to water access. The most frequently reported challenges for all individuals - long waiting times, facilities being too far, overcrowding, or the path being too steep - may all have compounding effects for persons with disabilities." 280521,51090.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,166,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] The median age of tested and confirmed cases was 10 (0-120) and 18 (0-90) years, respectively and ratio of females among tested and confirmed cases was 55% and 53%, respectively. Though the median age of tested samples remained below 10 years, a significant proportion of people has been tested among those older than 40 years: 361 per 10 000 population, following that of 0-9 years with 517 tests per 10 000 population as highest number. The test positivity was highest (1.9%) in the 30-39 years age cohort followed by 1.6% in 40+years and the age specific mortality was 0.67 per 10 000 population observed among 40+ years during the period. In total, and since the outbreak began, ten deaths due to confirmed COVID-19 have been reported in the camps with a case fatality rate of 2.5%" 111692,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Los niños que no logran asistir al colegio pasan el tiempo en sus casas y en los barrios. Para las niñas mayores esto significa asumir labores del hogar como cocinar y cuidar a los hermanos menores, con los riesgos que esto implica." 197713,43603.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"WASH partners have not been able to achieve their mid-year targets population with basic WASH services and as of May 2020, have only reached 107,295 people with emergency sanitation services and 560,385 people with temporary water supply, representing 10 per cent and 25 per cent respectively of the total target population. This is due to funding gaps, limiting partner capacity to deliver lifesaving interventions." 335276,55819.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,(Sahel) Les populations déplacées (47 670 PDIs dans l'Oudalan) et non déplacées vivant dans la province se sont retrouvées dans une situation d’accès limité à leurs moyens de subsistance. 240499,45197.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Context']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"From 1 January to 31 March 2020, UNAMA documented 1,293 civilian casualties (533 killed and 760 injured), highlighting that the conflict in Afghanistan continues to be one of the deadliest in the world for civilians, at a time when the potential impact of COVID-19 poses a threat to all individuals in Afghanistan." 399011,61829.0,1186.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.publimetro.cl/cl/noticias/2021/02/15/encuestas-pandemia-migracion.html,"Según Roberto Munita, analista político y abogado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica, “esto no es tan reciente, ya en el 2017 se podía ver un fuerte rechazo a esta situación”. Incluso, Munita recuerda que una de las primeras propuestas del actual gobierno de Piñera era avanzar en la regulación de la migración" 390769,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,83,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"5. Esta especialización en ocupaciones de más baja calificación puede también estar vinculada al hecho de que son ocupaciones que no son deseadas por los chilenos debido a la falta de proyección laboral y el estatus social que entregan, mientras que para el trabajador migrante es una oportunidad de formalizar su situación en el país y de tener ingresos para subsistir y enviar a su país de origen. Esto también relaja la competencia laboral y las presiones sobre salarios." 356629,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La Policía indicó que están usando fusiles antidisturbios para disparar cartuchos que contienen entre 12 y 24 bolas que, según dijeron, son de plástico. Human Rights Watch documentó varios casos en los que los manifestantes parecen haber sido heridos por estos proyectiles de impacto cinético." 391297,61123.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,19,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/chile/2020/12/10/negativa-de-chile-vamos-a-incluir-afrodescendientes-entrampa-discusion-de-escanos-reservados.shtml,"Sumado a esto, este reconocimiento implica la aplicación del Convenio 169 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo." 388612,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Le deuxième type de violation des droits humains constatée est la violation du droit à la vie avec 09 cas dont 08 cas d’assassinats et 01 cas de meurtre. 300641,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of January 2021, United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS)supported 16 flights dedicated to the flood response which enabled the facilitation of 10 missions for the ICCG and 6 flood relocations and evacuations in Ayod, Duk, Jiech, Labrab, Pathai and Yuai." 279832,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,43,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The crisis is aggravated by climatic shocks, widespread poverty, and long-term vulnerability. Climate-related events, mainly drought and flooding, have increased in frequency and intensity, compounding humanitarian needs in the last three decades, and undermining community resilience" 257053,48672.0,2333.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"155 children among which 92 orphans and 19 children at risk were identified in Tadress, Sakoira and Balleyara. These children were referred to the school authorities of Ouallam for enrollment." 453969,64084.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/08/25/actualite/societe/kinshasa-le-taux-dacces-lelectricite-est-inferieur-10-regrette-le,"Le taux d’accès à l’électricité est inférieur à 10% dans la ville de Kinshasa, a déploré lundi 23 août, le chargé de suivi des politiques publiques au Centre national d'appui au développement et à la participation populaire (CENADEP), Justin Mobomi" 413152,60898.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"According to the revised Humanitarian Response Plan 2021 (HRP), an estimated 1.5 million people require protection and 3.5 million people are dependent on humanitarian assistance in Burkina Faso in 2021." 308431,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Nutritional supplies were not delivered to some facilities in Tonj East due to insecurity. The ready to eat food (RUTF) supply for Tonj East is stored in Tonj South. Until security normalizes, partners are not able to provide nutritional assistance in Alabek, Akob, Aliek, Kirrik and Rualbet sites, hence they were non-operational during the reporting period." 326615,54734.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,14,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 83% households reporting not having any working household members 338557,56250.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Agriculture', 'Education', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Tanganyika, l'année dernière!] En 2020, environ 52 200 personnes avaient perdu leurs abris, à la suite des inondations, dans la province du Tanganyika. Près de 1 140 hectares des champs avaient été inondés et 228 écoles détruites." 356673,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,Fortalecer los sistemas para prevenir y sancionar los actos de violencia basada en género perpetrados por policías. 270137,49360.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,45,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1-gender-demografia.pdf,"Según cifras oficiales de la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares en Colombia, el país que más población Venezolana recibe, en 2018 la población de mujeres migrantes y refugiadas era del 47.6 por ciento, en 2019 de 48.7 y en 2020 de 50.2" 223784,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"L'analyse de la CASS suggère que la réduc�on des visites cliniques constatée à nouveau à par�r du mois d'août, en dépit de la levée des restric�ons de mouvement dans la ville, s'explique principalement par une pression financière croissante sur les ménages, et par une réorienta�on des priorités." 302660,52890.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"De las personas entrevistadas, como se muestra en el Gráfico 7, el 37% ma- nifiesta no tener ninguna red de apoyo a quien acudir en cualquier momen- to de dificultad que requiera de acompañamiento. Afirman que esta soledad les vuelve más vulnerables frente situaciones de explotación o violencia, lo que representa grandes huellas en el bienestar y la salud mental. El senti- miento de soledad, de ir a la deriva, trae pensamientos suicidas y depresión en muchas de las personas LGBTI+ refugiadas y migrantes (Grupos focales en Cúcuta, Colombia, y Santiago de Chile, diciembre de 2019)." 228289,46468.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] has also used its good offices to connect some of the interviewed victims with service providers, has followed up on several occasions with relevant offices on the payment of compensation, and plans to do further work in this area in the coming months." 388596,61080.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Missing', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,85,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la matinée du 02 juin 2021, un véhicule de location de l’ONG Médecin sans Frontière (MSF) a été retiré à environ un KM du village de Goudoubou dans la province du Seno par un GANE. Selon les informations ce véhicule servait d’ambulance pour MSF entre Gorom-Gorom et Dori. Parmi les occupants, il y avait le chauffeur et son apprenti, une femme malade et ses deux accompagnants dont un homme et une femme." 40204,13777.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,53,['At Risk'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.unhcr.org/news/press/2019/5/5ceff1144/unhcr-evacuates-hundreds-vulnerable-refugees-libya-safety.html,"With the fighting in Tripoli showing no sign of stopping, the risks of detainees being caught up in the clashes are rising. UNHCR reiterates its call to States to urgently come forward with further offers of humanitarian corridors and evacuations in order to bring detained refugees in Libya to safety." 147887,36039.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In the reporting period, partners reported improvement in water supply in all phases of the camp. UNICEF has further continued IPC measures at the camp including disinfection of all communal kitchens, WASH facilities and the isolation area." 238593,47236.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,54,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,"Le 16 novembre 2020, des déplacements de populations ont été observés en provenance du village de CINDA, dans les sous villages de NABIRIJA, NYAKAGESHA, KAGUNDU et NSHENGA, situés dans la chefferie de NGWESHE, groupement de MULAMBA, dans le territoire de Walungu, province du Sud Kivu." 276274,50677.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Nutrition']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Les départements du Mayo- Sava et du Logone et Chari sont les plus touchés [par la malnutrition des enfants de moins de cinq ans], à cause notamment des attaques de prédations sur les ménages par les GANEs, et des mouvements de populations inhérents qui empêchent l’accès à la terre pour les personnes déplacées." 228401,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,30,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,Women are slightly more likely to mention handwashing (96% vs. 86%) and covering mouths for coughs and sneezes (54% vs. 41%). 291000,51608.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afg_humanitarian_access_snapshot_feb_20210314.pdf,Ongoing military activity in the Southern Region continued to impede humanitarian activities: One NGO was unable to deploy their mobile health teams to Panjwayi and Zheray districts due to IED presence along the roads and the closure of a health facility in Panjwayi due to ongoing fighting left 20’000 individuals without access to health services. 240897,47553.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],fr,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/30-11-20-buf-5w-dashboard_education_final%20%281%29.pdf,"A ce jour, la réponse a permis de couvrir 272 249 enfants dans le besoin, ce qui représente 43,87 % par rapport à la cible HRP 2020 de 620 600 enfants d'âge scolaire [réponse cluster education]" 204350,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les options de réponses « retirer les enfants de l’école », « se séparer d’un enfant le confiant à quelqu’un d’autre », « se séparer d’un enfant en le mariant », « vendre la maison » ont été sélectionnées par moins de 1% des ménages interrogés [a Tillabérie]" 346575,56939.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,52,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/eu-allocates-2-million-emergency-humanitarian-funding-victims-drc,"On 22 May this year, Mount Nyiragongo suddenly erupted, resulting in lava flows in several directions, including towards the city of Goma. This sudden volcanic eruption created panic within the population, leading to mass movements towards the towns of Sake, Bukavu and across the Rwandan border" 226848,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The reduction in civilian casualties as compared to the first nine months of 2019 is mainly due to fewer civilian casualties from suicide attacks by Anti-Government Elements and from the steep drop in airstrikes by international military forces since March 2020, resulting in significantly fewer civilian casualties attributed to the Taliban, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Khorasan Province (ISIL-KP) and international military forces respectively." 242525,47618.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,58,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] Therefore, teachers’ capacity development in these regards is essential to enable them to build empathetic relationships and collective capacities. Next, we should integrate more voices from all the stakeholders in the education system to co-design an education policy that can be beneficial and inclusive for all." 293680,51569.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Before the flood, nutrition facilities had been giving service for children, pregnant, and lactating mothers admitted with the existing nutrition centers. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 115994,30124.0,1386.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,53,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades El reto principal es la capacidad de las personas más vulnerables de acceder a alimentos. Una evaluación del Programa Mundial de Alimentos, llevado a cabo entre julio y septiembre de 2019, estimo que casi el 60 por ciento de los hogares no tenían ingresos suficientes para comprar alimentos." 48978,16177.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,154,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"Frente a esta situación, el gobierno colombiano ha respondido con medidas provisorias como la creación de la Tarjeta Migratoria Fronteriza (TMF) y el Permiso Especial de Permanencia2(PEP). La primera fue creada con el objetivo de identificar la migración pendular (Universidad del Rosario & Konrad Adenauer, 2018) y el segundo con el fin de solucionar la situación, en principio de los venezolanos que entraron de forma regular y, por último, los que entraron de forma irregular (Migración Colombia, 2018). Frente al PEP, hasta la fecha se han expedido cuatro resoluciones que han permitido a los venezolanos acceder a este documento; actualmente la Resolución 10677 de 2018 del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores permite acceder a este trámite hasta abril de 2019, siempre y cuando se cumplan las condiciones establecidas a la fecha de su publicación." 173903,41033.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, BAY states]WASH needs increased significantly across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states as a result of flooding incidents across camps and host communities as the rainy season approached its peak. The situation is further complicated by poor hygiene and sanitation practices including improper waste disposal, blocking water channels and increasing risks of flooding during heavy downpours." 111926,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,Los padres señalan que sus hijos han sido objeto del matoneo en los colegios y mencionan que son nombrados como “venecos” de manera peyorativa. 253692,48552.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,101,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=220333,"[1st Feb 2021, Overall Syria] For the sixth straight day, the number of the recoveries from the coronavirus has exceeded the number of the recorded infections as 82 coronavirus patients have recovered, while 48 new cases have been detected and five of the cases registered in Syria have passed away, according to the Health Ministry. In a statement, the Ministry said that the total number of coronavirus cases which have been recorded in Syria has reached 14,096 till now, of which 7,644 cases have recovered and 926 others have passed away." 85426,23663.0,1621.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,49,['Impact'],['Context'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/libyas-oil-production-cut-in-half-as-haftars-forces-blockade-ports-and-fields/,"Oil prices had fallen back in the last two weeks. After the outbreak of hostilities between the United States and Iran at the beginning of the year triggered a jump, both sides took steps to pull back from conflict, calming the market’s mood." 199236,43086.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,59,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200909_Respuesta_COVID_Norte_de_Santander_Julio_VF.pdf,"En Colombia, a corte del 30 de julio se han confirmado 286.020 casos de COVID-19, de los cuales, 2.141 están reportados en el departamento de Norte de Santander1 . Los municipios que se han visto mayor afectados por la contingencia sanitaria son Cúcuta, Los Patios, Villa del Rosario, Ocaña, Tibú y Pamplona" 228665,46627.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"At bare minimum, in addition to ongoing materials distribution, awareness-raising to promote the importance of study is needed, and the development of alternative means of education support targeting these at-risk children must be prioritised by education actors, for example through community based approaches to learning and small group learning when safe." 204020,43347.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"An estimated 5.2 million people are facing severe issues with their living conditions, according to intersectoral analysis conducted using 11 key indicators." 194446,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,Des causeries ont été tenues avec 4 équipes de football à GBADOLITE sur le respect des gestes barrières de covid-19dans la Zone de santé de GBADOLITE au NORD-UBANGI : 16554,6344.0,322.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['Context->Economy'],en,80,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"The continuing devaluation of the YER could render an additional 3.5 million people food insecure, according to the UN. The declining value of the YER has also effectively increased market prices of basic food commodities, negatively affecting food security. Basic food commodity prices increased up to 10 percent in local markets between August and early September, with the average cost of a minimum food basket nearly doubling since February 2015, the UN reports." 85241,23613.0,1620.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,71,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_16_january_2020.pdf,"There exist issues in Biafra, Shuwari 5 and Muna Da’alti camps where landowners are threatening evictions with ultimatum on the use of the land by Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), thus exacerbating their vulnerability and the need for NFIs and shelter. Congestion in camp sites and lack of land for expansion remain the main limiting factor for sector partners to properly implement humanitarian assistance." 163825,34549.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,38,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The livestock sector has been particularly affected by the COVID-19 control measures. The price of cattle and poultry feed, and day-old chicks has doubled, while sheep farmers are facing constraints in accessing grazing land." 199179,44310.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,19,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_sud-kivu_maniema_du_23_novembre_final.pdf,Maniema : plus de 37 000 retournés ont besoin d’une assistance alimentaire d’urgence à Salamabila 495175,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On People']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,15,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,, Títulos y cualificaciones no reconocidos o inexistentes limitan la inserción en la oferta. 172893,40676.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,84,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"[2] Ces groupes de population [Cf. doc origine] ont des vulnérabilités multiples, se superposant parfois face aux effets directs et indirects du COVID-19. Ces vulnérabilités incluent : • Un accès plus faible aux services de base tels que la santé ou encore l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement• Un travail/rôle social qui les exposent à la contamination ou qui rendent difficiles l’application de mesures de prévention et de distanciation sociale" 112306,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,109,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"De otra parte, UNICEF ha venido apoyando la implementación de los Círculos de Aprendizaje. Este es un modelo flexible de educación formal que ha utilizado el país para la atención a la población desplazada y que se ha adecuado para la población refugiada y migrante. El Círculo de Aprendizaje se concentra en primaria y busca restituir las condiciones de aprendizaje que luego les permitan a los niños transitar a una escuela regular. En este modelo, UNICEF ofrece el servicio de educación a 1.200 niños en zonas de frontera, en donde se detectó una menor capacidad de absorción por parte del sistema educativo." 47470,16249.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"◦ Salud, ya que la falta de acceso a servicios de salud adecuados en Venezuela ha generado necesidades que requieren una respuesta en Colombia, así como el vínculo entre el nivel de acceso a la atención médica y la situación migratoria. De las 396.000 personas venezolanas que expresaron su intención de permanecer en Colombia durante el RAMV, el 99 por ciento no estaba afiliada al sistema de seguridad social por motivo de su situación irregular." 188198,31146.0,1900.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Pero en Honduras, las presiones económicas han dado lugar a una mayor competencia, y las batallas entre las pandillas y las muertes registradas a causa de la violencia de las pandillas se han disparado, alcanzando sus niveles más altos del año47" 268474,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] In the second and third phases, the batches “adjusted as per quantities made available by COVAX,” will be administrated to high-risk populations, for example, the elderly population and those with co-morbidities, Magtymova added." 203585,44071.0,2330.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,29,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,En la aldea aldea Choczunil de San Pedro Solomá ocurrió un derrumbe que dejó viviendas soterradas y provocó 4 personas heridas que fueron trasladadas al Hospital de Huehuetenango. 305740,50889.0,2466.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The majority of remaining households in the camp lack sufficient shelter coverage, relying on old or broken materials." 208731,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,38,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"More than 23.1 million square metres, or 49 per cent of counties, are contaminated with landmines and ERW. These explosive hazards threaten the physical safety of the civilian population, regardless of demographic status." 145393,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As of 8 July, the MoH report around 9,331 tests have been conducted by the Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL) in Damascus and the public health laboratories in Aleppo, Lattakia and Homs, with an average of 288 tests performed per day in the reporting period" 8989,2876.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,83,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/unhcr-helps-survivors-after-traffickers-kill-12-libya,"In Gaser Ben Gashir, UNHCR has been distributing relief items, providing psychosocial support and undertaking protection screening to identify and register those in need of international protection. Following this, UNHCR has identified a large number of unaccompanied children among the group. We are currently identifying the most vulnerable cases in order to find appropriate solutions for them. UNHCR believes that many refugees and migrants may still be hiding or in captivity in or near Bani Walid." 72483,20768.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,76,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"LOS MIGRANTES VENEZOLANOS EN BARRANQUILLA En Barranquilla, el 55 % de los sondeados fueron mujeres y el 45 % hombres provenientes de Venezuela. El grupo de edad más representativo está entre los 18 y 25 años, equivalente al 36 % de los sondeados. En segundo y tercer lugar están los que tienen un rango de 30 a 40 años (24 %) y 25 a 30 años (23 %)" 322432,54747.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 13% of the households found with Protection Living Standard Gap (LSG). 5% found to be extreme+ severe, 3% extreme, 3% severe, 62% stress, 25% no or minimal." 274151,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Vulnérabilité Économique] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] La situation semble très préoccupante dans la zone d’accueil des populations réfugiées notamment à Dungu et Faradje où les proportions de ménages qui effectuent plus de trois quarts des dans dépenses l’alimentation sont respectivement de 69 % et 78 %. La plupart de ces ménages dépendent de l’assistance humanitaire, mais elle a connu une interruption pendant trois mois suite aux contraintes liées au COVID-19." 40785,11840.0,729.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,83,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-16.pdf,"Key informants in neighborhoods outside the conflict area, reported that bakeries and food markets were open during the last 7 days. The price of bread was consistently reported as 1 Libyan Dinar (LYD) for four regular size loafs. Availability of other staple food items like rice, pasta, couscous, beans, tomatoes, canned tuna, and milk was also confirmed, although displaced households were not always able to purchase all needed food items." 95222,26755.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"There is a national plan from NCDC costed at 10.5 million LYD which has not been funded. There a statement from the PM in Tripoli allocating 350 million LYD which has not been funded or expected to transliterate into the actual channelling of funds as there is no plan, transfer modality behind this allocation." 245116,47833.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Cabe destacar que gran parte de la población monitoreada (54.9%) tiene acceso al derecho a la salud a través de servicios de emergencia y otra porción menor, puede acceder a servicios primarios de salud (35.2%); sólo un pequeño porcentaje ha podido o tiene acceso a servicios médicos especializados (9.3%)." 439197,63585.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000131067.pdf,Cette stabilité généralisée des prix serait dû à la disponibilité des produits agricoles issus des récoltes de la saison B durant cette période de commercialisation. La grande disponibilité de la farine de manioc sur les marchés de la ville de Goma par suite de la saison sèche occasionnant un bon séchage des cosettes serait la principale cause pour cette baisse. 179469,42115.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,31,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/storage/Mecanisme_FRE_COVID_19_VF.pdf,"Les ressources du Fonds de financement de la relance économique (FRE) COVID19 proviennent du Budget de l’Etat, de financements des partenaires et de contributions diverses." 159656,39109.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"Benue again topped with 36 per cent of respondents reporting that nobody had access to soap/water. Besides Benue, all other states reported that they had access to soap/water" 390205,61000.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,151,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/borno_state_covid-19_weekly_sitrep_wk_28_29_2021.pdf,"[12th -25th July 2021, Borno State] No new case confirmed for the reported period • Total number of confirmed cases as at end of epi-week 28/29 stands at 1,344 • No active case receiving care. • No patient was discharged for the period of reporting. • Cumulative number discharged so far – 1,307 • No death recorded in the reporting period. • Total associated deaths – 38 (26 in Isolation facilities and 12 community death) • Distribution of confirmed cases by LGA - 256 from Jere, 946 from MMC, 16 from Gwoza, 3 from Damboa, 13 from Bayo, 12 from Biu, 1 from Gubio, 1 from Munguno, 1 from Kaga, 1 from Mobbar, 73 from Konduga, 2 from Nganzai, 2 from Shani, 7 from Hawul and 6 from Ngala LGAs" 192388,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"As of 7 July 2020 , there were 3,006 cases of COVID-19 in Somalia, including 133 health workers, with 1,051 recoveries and 92 fatalities." 347866,56800.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Individuals of diverse gender and sexual identity, including transgender persons, report difficulties in accessing health (SRHR as well as for general communicable diseases) and protection services of the humanitarian response in Cox’s Bazar, due to stigma and discrimination." 328665,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,55,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported reasons why children stopped attending school since the outbreak were: Schools have closed (80%), Lack transportation to schools due to COVID-19 (12%), Parents prefer that children stay home (21%)." 291081,52224.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,89,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] Mainly as a result of economic deterioration, 12.4 million people (59.5 percent of the overall population) are now food insecure, according to WFP’s CARI Scale – some 4.5 million more than in 2019, 1.3 million of them are severely food insecure.149 Among the 12.4 million, there are also 1.7 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in camps, which are considered highly food insecure and fully dependent on external assistance." 221707,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In addition, it impedes people’s ability to obtain access to basic services and assistance. Outside major urban centres, the accessibility of some districts, in particular in southern and central regions, remains limited owing in large part to insecurity along main supply routes." 1553,291.0,321.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2016%20February%202018.pdf,"UNHCR is providing winter relief to over 1,280 IDPs and returnees in Benghazi. Through its partner LibAid, UNHCR distributed heaters, blankets, hygiene kits, solar lamps, school bags, and kitchen sets for families living in areas north of Benghazi such as Al-Sabri, Sook Al Hoot and Sidi Khreibish. These distributions will continue over the next few days with a view to reaching 460 families. Benghazi currently hosts the largest number of IDPs in Libya (over 38,000 individuals)." 172221,40826.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_239_20200925.pdf,"Aucune nouvelle zone de santé (ZS) n’a rapporté des cas confirmés de COVID-19. Ainsi, le nombre de ZS affectées dans le pays reste égal à 139 (Tableau I)." 326841,37773.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,74,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"National average FB price for July increased by 3% m-o-m; increased by 131% since January2020 (6 months ago) and by 251% y-o-y;•7governorates saw FB price increases compared to June averages, five governorates reported decreases and two governorates reported constant national average FB prices. •FB average for July is 22.8 times (2,350%) higher than the 5 year pre-crisis average for June." 173001,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,39,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Parmi ces personnes, celles à besoins spécifiques, en situation de handicap, de maladie chronique et d’un âge avancé (plus de 65 ans) sont les plus à risque et les plus vulnérables." 158976,39161.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Children are facing the untold impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prevention measures, such as lockdowns, physical distancing, and school closures are impeding their education and destabilizing their mental health and jeopardizing their future. The closure of schools is affecting 4.2 million children in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states." 125294,32569.0,1621.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"DTM’s Mobility Tracking Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment found that 70% of the migrants (437,287 individuals) were reported to be living in rented accommodations of various types. Of those living in the rented accommodations, 57% of the migrants (371,309 individuals) were reported to be paying for their own accommodation, whereas 9% (55,576 individuals) were living in housing rented by their employers, and 2% (10,402 individuals) were living in rented accommodations paid for by other people who were not their employers" 327796,54375.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,27,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syria/who-representative/opening-remarks-by-akjemal-magtymova-head-of-office-and-who-representative-syria.html,"[14 April 2021, Overall Syria] Remittances, on which millions of Syrians rely, have halved due to global and regional economic contraction." 391389,61220.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,238,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.t13.cl/noticia/politica/presidente-pinera-decreto-fuerzas-armadas-control-migratorio-12-01-2021,"El PresidenteSebastián Piñerafirmó, durante la jornada de este martes, el decreto que permite que lasFuerzas Armadas apoyen al control de la migración ilegalpor medio de pasos no habilitados en el norte del país. Piñera recordó que ""uno de los principales compromisos de nuestro Gobierno esponer orden en nuestra casa, proteger mejor nuestras fronteras y combatir la inmigración ilegal"". ""Todos sabemos que Chile tiene una larga y porosa frontera en el norte, con más de32 pasos ilegales o clandestinos que están identificados en la frontera con Boliviaymás de 18 pasos en la frontera con Perú"", afirmó el Mandatario. Además afirmó que ""una vez que se promulgue la nuevaLey de Migraciónque presentamos en el Congreso durante nuestro primer Gobierno y que está a punto de ser promulgada -está en el Tribunal Constitucional- el Estado va a contar connuevas y mejores herramientas jurídicas para combatir la trata de personas y para combatir el tráfico ilícito de inmigrantes"". ""A través del nuevo Decreto 265, que firmaremos hoy,estamos ampliando la colaboración de nuestras Fuerzas Armadas con las autoridades civiles, con las Fuerzas de Orden y Seguridad no sólo para combatir el narcotráfico y el crimen organizado, sino que ahora también para combatir la trata de personas y el tráfico ilícito de migrantes que efectúan bandas de crimen organizado"", afirmó." 384816,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"La formulation du Plan d’Action Opérationnel du groupe de travail incluant les VBG pour le semestre deux de l’année 2021. Avec la coordination de l’agence lead, du groupe SSR UNFPA et le leadership de la Direction de la Santé et de la Famille, le groupe de travail santé sexuelle et reproductive au cours d’une session de deux jours a réussi à travailler pour proposer un plan d’action opérationnel qui va aider à la conduite des interventions SSR pour le semestre deux de l’année 2021." 56044,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Intentions', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,199,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"durante 2017 y 2018 se incrementaron de manera muy significativa las solicitudes de asilo interpuestas por personas de nacionalidad venezolana, al punto de convertirse en el mayor grupo de solicitantes en 2018. Dentro de este grupo, 30 % de las solicitudes corresponden a niños y niñas menores de 18 años que arribaron a Argentina en compañía de su padre, su madre o ambos; la información administrativa muestra que la población venezolana residente en Argentina presenta una proporción equilibrada entre mujeres y varones, se caracteriza por las edades jóvenes y por los elevados niveles educativos. Estas cifras permiten inferir que la población venezolana residente en Argentina ha pasado de menos de 10.000 personas en 2010 a cerca de 130.000 en 2018. Su crecimiento no ha sido gradual sino que ha ocurrido principalmente durante 2017 y 2018: en esos dos años se tramitaron más de 100.000 de las residencias temporarias solicitadas por personas venezolanas. Se trata de un incremento muy significativo para una sola nacionalidad en un período muy acotado,27 que además se estima ha resultado de una dinámica de movilidad con altas probabilidades de continuar en el futuro próximo." 221030,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,52,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"People cannot pursue their livelihoods as armed groups order businesses to close, impose movement restrictions, and enforce extensive curfews (HRW 15/07/2020). Road and river blocks have prevented isolated and indigenous rural communities from accessing essential food products and medicine (Semana 13/05/2020; Verdad Abierta 08/04/2020" 194275,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"Près de 93609 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 10 ZS." 90741,25656.0,1620.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,78,[],['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/202001%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report%20-%20WCA_FINAL.pdf,"The main nationalities observed were Nigerian (51%), Nigerien (34%) and Chadian (5%) nationals. The majority of travellers were travelling to Niger (62%), while 36 per cent were travelling to Nigeria and 1 per cent to Chad and Cameroon respectively. Similarly, the majority of travellers (64%) were coming from Nigeria, while 35 per cent were travelling from Niger" 288301,50610.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March 2021, GoS] COVID-19 testing continues at the Tishreen University Hospital in Lattakia, Zahi Azraq Hospital in Aleppo, Qamishli National Hospital and the public health laboratory in Homs. As of 20 February the MoH reported approximately 98,529 tests had been conducted across the laboratories." 192434,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Notwithstanding ongoing locust control efforts, preliminary estimates indicate that the overall 2020 Gu’ season crop harvest could be 15 to 25 per cent lower than the long-term average, due to the combined impacts of Desert Locusts and other pest infestation and flooding." 492560,67939.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,34,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-sees-spike-covid-19-cases-fears-grow-new-wave-2021-09-22/,"[September 23, NWS]Health workers say the country has administered only 440,000 doses of COVID vaccines so far, only a fraction of the country's over 18 million people." 174972,40888.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3675651,"Docenas de niños, niñas y jóvenes han sido asesinados, mutilados y reclutados por grupos armados en un reciente aumento de violencia y disturbios civiles en Colombia, advierte Save the Children. La violencia está destrozando familias y comunidades, dejando un impacto duradero en niños, niñas y jóvenes." 272629,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,90,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Au cours de ces dernières années, le contexte sécuritaire dans plusieurs régions du pays s’est détérioré et connait une augmentation des incursions des groupes armés non-étatiques (GANEs), avec des attaques récurrentes contre les postes des Forces de Défense et de Sécurité (FDS) ainsi que des exactions contre les populations civiles dont les besoins humanitaires augmentent considérablement. C’est le cas notamment dans les régions de Tillabéry, de Diffa, de Tahoua et dans une moindre mesure de Maradi." 295086,52363.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"80% of the households in the databases are in renting or sub-renting their house, a result which is in line with previous rounds of the assessment. 4% are residing in the home of someone else, such as family or friends. 3% have fully paid off their housing (see graph 70). A large proportion of households belonging to an ethnic community live in possession without title (i.e. are de facto occupants or reside in collective property) and only 4% live in rentals or sub-rents." 172975,40676.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les populations, déjà fragilisées par un contexte de conflits, d’épidémies et de catastrophes naturelles, doivent faire face d’une part à une dégradation de la situation sécuritaire qui a provoqué de nouveaux déplacements au premier trimestre de l’année 2020 et d’autre part à une aggravation de leur vulnérabilité liée à l’impact de l’épidémie de COVID-19, pouvant mener à l’adoption de stratégies négatives de survie comme la vente d’articles ménagers essentiels (AME)." 347995,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] WASH and nutrition field staffs also report poor hygiene practices during complimentary feeding or meal preparation. In areas where there’s not 100% coverage of water supply, utensils are often washed without soap and with water used for “domestic purposes”, such as water that might not be safe for drinking" 490549,67789.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Health partners rollout emergency response to suspected cases of AWD in Pulka town: Health sector partners over the weekend deployed vital cholera kits and over 30 cartons of other medical supplies to Pulka town following reports of suspected AWD cases in the area. Active case search, community mobilization/sensitization programmes and case management activities are also being scaled up across camps and communities in the town. An isolation/treatment facility has also been established to manage suspected cases." 125287,32569.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"In response to the question on diagnosed medical conditions,during the months of March - April 2020, 3% of the migrants assessed reported to have been diagnosed with chronic illnesses. Of these migrants who reported to have been diagnosed with chronic illnesses, 49% reported to have diabetes mellitus whereas 39% reported suffering from high blood pressure." 291979,51896.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,12,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,(GoS Feb 2021) 9.3 million people at high COVID risk 212311,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],fr,63,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"En octobre 2020, le BCNUDH a documenté 72 violations des droits de l'homme liées à l'espace démocratique, une légère augmentation par rapport aux 66 violations documentées au mois de septembre 2020. Cette augmentation s’est traduite principalement par un nombre plus important de violations commises par divers agents de l’état, par rapport au mois précédent." 389248,61098.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,40,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SurveyAnalisis_%20INPLACE_%20Latin%20America3b_vertical.pdf,2. Medios de vida: el 92% de las familias identifica en la disponibilidad de dinero un obstáculo para acceder a alimentos: el 19% de las familias no tienen integrantes que realizan actividad económica remunerada. 225408,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,39,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"National and international actors must prioritize a gender and protection focused response to the primary and secondary impact of COVID-19 including the prevention and response to all forms of GBV including child marriage, physical and sexual violence." 275501,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Absence de poursuite des agresseurs par manque de dispositifs et mécanismes juridiques et judiciaires pouvant les poursuivre et leur appliquer les peines nécessaires.[risques si il y a une faible capacité pour répondre aux besoins des survivantes de VBG] 495439,67230.0,1185.0,['Education'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,26,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Generar mecanismo para la regularización y reconocimiento de grados y títulos obtenidos en Venezuela que permita a NNA terminar estudios en Perú con garantías legales. 475579,63776.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,51,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La commune de Djibo avec ses 166 753 PDI reste la première commune d’accueil. Elle est suivie des communes de Dori (45 568), de Gorgadji (43 651), de Gorom-Gorom (30 960) et d’Arbinda (27 354)." 305045,50889.0,2466.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"According to the 2018 UNHCR Participatory Assessment, language barriers are a key concern to access health services, education and livelihood opportunities, as most newly arrived CAR refugees do not speak Arabic." 223969,46071.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,58,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"[Fermeture des écoles] Parmi les enfants affectés, 50,8 pour cent sont des filles pour lesquelles les risque de mariages et grossesses précoces sont accrus, et 15 pour cent sont des enfants en situation de handicap qui peuvent être victimes de stigmatisation, de discrimination et du manque de programmes éducatifs accessibles et inclusifsxiii." 162927,39647.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"With a continued positive response from refugees on mask-making, COMs conducted another training for the Rohingya community, resulting in the production of 3,206 masks. GBV SS partners distributed 340 solar lamps, 140 dignity kits, alongside ongoing cloth masks and soaps in one camp." 2709,529.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-unhcr-saddened-about-tragic-truck-accident-and-rushes-help-survivors,"Since the accident, UNHCR has been coordinating with authorities and local partners on the ground to ensure all necessary assistance is made available. Six individuals who are suffering from multiple injuries have been transferred to Tripoli, where UNHCR is supporting them with medical care in a private hospital. UNHCR and its partner International Medical Corps are responding to the critical health conditions of an additional 18 patients in hospitals." 257024,48672.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,24,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Most of the protection incidents reported where imposed zakat, cattle theft, physical aggressions including rape and conflicts between farmers and herders." 144481,34804.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Women, children and other vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities and the elderly are disproportionately affected by the overall deteriorating conditions, including with regard to protection issues and gender-based violence that have reportedly been on the rise in many parts of the country." 238926,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,108,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]Four hundred and sixty-five (465) samples were collected in week 49. This represents a sustained increase in sample collection and testing over the past few weeks. Following-up with the laboratory team to retrieve pending sample results The total number of samples collected is four thousand and sixty-seven (4,067). One hundred and eight (108) results are positive, three thousand eight hundred and four (3,804) are negative, forty-two (42) for a repeat test and one hundred and thirteen (113) remaining sample results are pending." 187913,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"On 05 March 2020, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Cameroon. Despite stringent measures taken by the Government so far, the epidemic continues to progress." 227515,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,46,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"De plus, certaines d’entre elles servaient également d’abris collectifs pour les ménages qui ont subi la perte de leurs abris, en effet tous les IC ont rapporté que les abris collectifs étaient composés d’au moins une école." 60695,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"A greater proportion of food insecure households were in Borno State (41.8 percent) as compared to Yobe (25.6 percent) and Adamawa (13.8 percent) States. Both global and severe food insecurity was most pervasive in Northern and central parts of Borno State, specifically Kaga (84.1 percent), Monguno (76.5 percent), Gubio (73.0 percent), Gwoza (70.2 percent), Magumeri (62.0 percent), Nganzai (56.8 percent) and Maiduguri (52.5 percent); Yunusari (55.0 percent) in Yobe State; and Guyuk (37.3 percent), Yola South (27.6 percent), Gombi (25.5 percent), Demsa (25.4 percent), Madagali (21.0 percent), Michika (19.5 percent) and Numan (18.9 percent) in Adamawa State." 398991,61497.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,http://www.diarioeldia.cl/region/crece-preocupacion-por-crisis-migratoria-entre-autoridades-residentes-extranjeros,"La situación migratoria es preocupante en el país, debido a las complicaciones que se han generado en puntos críticos utilizados como pasos de carácter ilegal para el ingreso de extranjeros. En efecto, las autoridades nacionales anunciaron el “Plan Colchane”, con la advertencia de expulsión para quienes entren por pasos no habilitados." 186354,43272.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,91,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"The UN reports UNMISS forces' withdrawal from the PoC sites will allow the peacekeeping mission to redeploy troops to other insecure areas in South Sudan. However, some IDPs have protested UNMISS’ withdrawal from the PoC sites, indicating that persistent insecurity and sub-national violence continue to pose protection risks to those sheltering at the sites, according to local media. USG partners are liaising with the GoRSS and UNMISS to ensure continued humanitarian assistance inside the sites during and after the transition to IDP camps." 197398,43113.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/alcaldesa-denuncio-reclutamiento-de-migrantes-para-delinquir/2262,"“La criminalidad en Colombia no surge con la migración venezolana”, dijo en ese momento el director del ente migratorio. Por el contrario, indicó que los problemas de seguridad en el país “vienen de muchísimo tiempo atrás”, dado que ""de los casi 100.000 detenidos, unos 2.700 son extranjeros y, de ellos, 1.500 son venezolanos. Esto significa que solo un 2,7 por ciento de las personas privadas de la libertad en Colombia son de ciudadanía extranjera y únicamente el 1,5 por ciento serían venezolanos." 453833,64997.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,80,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cp_bcnudh_note_mensuelle_violations_des_droits_de_lhomme_et_infographies_juillet_2021_fr_eng.pdf,"Durant le mois de juillet 2021, le BCNUDH a continué le soutien aux autorités dans leurs efforts dans le cadre de la lutte contre l’impunité des violations et des atteintes aux droits de l’homme. Au moins 35 militaires des FARDC, 6 agents de la PNC et 20 combattants des groupes armés ont été condamnés pour des violations et atteintes aux droits de l’homme sur l’ensemble du territoire congolais." 175250,40903.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,214,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3676795,"Lo que vimos aquí en La Guajira con los niños y niñas, principalmente con los refugiados y migrantes, era para ponerse a llorar. Una situación deplorable. No solo físicamente hablando, no solo porque no tenían dónde dormir, o donde vivir, o qué comer, sino era la desesperanza en sus ojitos, esos rostros tan apagados, esa tristeza tan profunda”, describe la coordinadora regional del departamento de La Guajira de la Fundación Renacer, una organización que ha asistido a más de 22.000 niños, niñas y adolescentes sobrevivientes de la trata y de otros tipos de violencia sexual y de género. “Maye”, como la llaman con cariño los niños que ayuda y sus compañeros, se ofreció voluntariamente para abrir y dirigir un hogar para menores en Riohacha, en la frontera oriental de Colombia con Venezuela, después de ser testigo de la terrible situación a la que se enfrentan miles de migrantes que han cruzado para huir de la situación socioeconómica del país vecino. Una de las grandes problemáticas, la que más duele, es la explotación sexual que sufren las niñas. La educadora ha tenido que presenciar situaciones extremadamente injustas y fuertes." 187791,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,21,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In November 2017, tensions in the North West and South West regions turned into violence with dramatic humanitarian consequences." 295056,52363.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"During the different stages of their movement, refugees and migrants, particularly women, do not have access to sufficient and equitable access to essential sexual and reproductive health services, which increases their vulnerability and exposes them to increased risks of sexual and gender-based violence," 457513,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,77,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"les populations ont noté des cas de VBG (4% des répondants), des accouchements sur la route (4% des répondants), des cas d’accidents de la circulation (4/9 groupes), des blessures (2/9 groupes) et des blessures par balles perdues (1/9 groupes). Les populations ne se sentaient pas en sécurité sur les trajets [ pendant les déplacements] selon 9/9 groupes." 264394,49222.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Context->Security & Stability'],es,52,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,"• El confinamiento ha aumentado en un 81% (29 casos) con respecto a 2018 (16 casos) y un 12% a 2019 (26 casos). las comunidades negras con 13.253 personas son las comunidades más afectadas, seguido de los resguardos indígenas con 9.679." 183668,43048.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syriadirect.org/news/with-drastic-increase-in-covid-19-cases-northwest-syria-languishes-under-health-humanitarian-crises/,"[November 5 ,2020 Northwest Syria] In two months, the number of COVID-19 cases in the opposition-held northwest Syria region increased fifty-fold, from 138 confirmed cases on September 8 to 7,500 on November 5." 328571,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,96,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 28% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot while 39%, 19%, 8% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes and 1-3hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot respectively. Only 2% of the households of non-IDP settlements reported that it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot ." 195985,43071.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/han-devuelto-a-5-mil-migrantes-por-intentar-pasar-trochas/2236,"Espinosa ofreció disculpas por las constantes fallas en la página web de Migración Colombia, para aquellos que buscan realizar el trámite del nuevo PEP y las prórrogas de permanencia de forma virtual. Van cerca de 500.000 visitas a la fecha para esos trámites." 115996,30124.0,1386.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,79,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"La cosecha de maíz de la temporada principal culminó con una producción total, en 2019, muy por debajo del promedio. La disminución se debió principalmente a una contracción significativa en el área sembrada, producto de los altos costos y una falta general de insumos agrícolas en los mercados internos, causada por una depreciación significativa de la moneda y dificultades para la importación. Estas condiciones han restringido las capacidades productivas de los agricultores." 294780,52363.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"64% of households consume two meals per day or less, indicating that they are not accessing the recommended three meals a day" 172649,40992.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3677790,"The ventilators, produced in the United States, reflect leading-edge and in-demand technology. They are compact, deployable, and provide Peru with flexibility in treating patients affected by the virus." 208947,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,26,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Women and girls face increased risk of harassment, assault and sexual violence when collecting water, using communal latrines and accessing menstrual hygiene products." 346942,56987.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,48,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Host: Host community households do not all receive blanket food assistance and rely on markets which are currently experiencing increased food prices due to increased transaction costs for transportation. Prolonged lockdown could further drive prices upwards." 160473,38373.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,88,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Con la pandemia COVID-19 se han agudizado algunos riesgos en términos de salud. En Riohacha, por ejemplo, varias comunidades dependen de los servicios de Médicos Sin Fronteras, que suspendió su atención directa a las personas. Otro riesgo refiere a la falta de información disponible sobre los derechos y el proceso para solicitar la encuesta del SISBEN, y así obtener la afiliación al régimen subsidiado de salud. Esta se debe realizar de forma virtual, generando dificultades adicionales para la población." 160514,38373.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,El 38.6% de los encuestados no tienen ningún miembro dentro de su núcleo familiar que realiza actividades económicas y el restante 61.4% tiene por lo menos un miembro de la familia trabajando. 208709,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"More than 3,200 released children have received support through a community-based reintegration programme." 160580,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,114,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"El 50% de la población encuestada percibe que no existe atención a los casos de VBG en sus comunidades y otro 42.7% reportó que no sabe si existe la atención o no. Esta situación se agravó con el cierre de las instituciones debido a la pandemia. De acuerdo con la Comisaría Primera de Familia en Barranquilla, las denuncias se están recibiendo por correo electrónico, lo cual no es viable para algunas personas ya que no tienen acceso a internet o a los equipos para hacerlo. Las Comisarías de Familia en Medellín, donde se pueden denunciar hechos de violencia intrafamiliar, cerraron debido a la pandemia." 281576,51173.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,The most recent Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis shows the food-security situation has further deteriorated during COVID-19 with an estimated 16.9 million people (42 per cent of the population) now assessed to be in crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity. 167035,40139.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/401008-covid-19-ogun-extends-restrictions-for-two-weeks.html,"(03/07/2020)Also, commercial activities are not permitted on weekends while churches and mosques activities will remain closed." 16869,6332.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Economy'],en,119,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%201-21%20September%202018.pdf,"The impact of the Yemeni Riyal’s rapid devaluation sparks civil unrest and compounds coping abilities of persons of concern. In a country where most food is imported, the population is losing its ability to purchase basic food items due to the steep devaluation of the currency. UNHCR’s multi-purpose cash distributions enable persons of concern to meet their families’ most basic needs during this time of crisis. Without adequate financial support, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees alike are exposed to increased protection risks (such as exploitation), and resort to negative coping mechanisms (such as begging, child labour and early marriage)." 322050,54318.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,75,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INFORME%20_DTM_GENERAL%20%28R%29.pdf,"De los NNA entre 10 y 17 años que afirman estar casados o viven con su pareja, el 37,3% no sabe que tiene derecho a utilizar méto- dos de planificación familiar. Adicionalmente, de las niñas que se encuentran casadas o viven en pareja, el 23,3% se encuentran en estado de embarazo, el 85,71% asisten a controles médicos, mientras que el 14,3% no lo hace." 454174,63078.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20Update_June%202021.pdf,"UNHCR and its partner AIDES also identified 12 incidents of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) including six cases committed against children, in Kalemie, Manono, Moba, Nyunzu and Pweto territories. Most rapes have been committed by community members known by survivors. The SGBV situation remains worrisome and it continues to be monitored by UNHCR and partners." 37175,11044.0,788.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68624.pdf,"In other locations, it was reported that children are not attending school due to lack of finances to pay school fees, school books and school uniforms. No shortage of trained teachers as result of the emergency in any of the locations, quality of learning has not changed, there is urgent need for hygiene education in all locations. Asylum seeker children can access education irrespective of status, ethnicity and gender." 156619,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"Between 9 and 15 July 2020 through CwC partners, 125 404 people in the FDMN/Rohingya camps were reached with COVID-19 messages through 37584 neighborhood-based sessions; 28920 people were consulted on COVID-19 key messages through 11 424 community meetings; 1286 listener group sessions were organized for 8250 people; and 350 video/film show sessions held on COVID-19" 454417,64535.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Cerca de 90% de entrevistados se encuentra desempleado o en condiciones laborales precarias 359841,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Organize awareness programs with parents, religious leaders, and local authorities including teachers, on gender norms and stereotypes and how these deepen the impact of disasters and climate crisis on children especially girls, toward working together to remove gender barriers and support girls to actively participate in the gender responsive DRM interventions" 413163,60898.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"As of 26 April 2021, 76 out of 1,269 health centers (6 per cent) in six emergency-affected regions were closed and 245 (19 per cent) offered reduced services. An estimated 809,608 people had no or limited access to nutrition and health services." 223933,46071.0,2225.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,77,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"Les mesures de préventions et contrôles des infections prescrites signifient une plus grande consommation d'eau à la maison, ce qui s’ajoute à travail quotidienne. Plus de temps consacré à la collecte de l'eau n'est pas négligeable pour les femmes et les filles ; c'est un travail fastidieux et peut signifier moins de temps disponible pour des activités génératrices de revenus, ainsi qu'une plus grande exposition aux violences à l'extérieur du domicile." 359343,58708.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,93,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/le-conseil-de-s-curit-proroge-jusqu-au-1er-juillet-2022-l-embargo,"Le Conseil de sécurité a adopté aujourd’hui à l’unanimité la résolution 2582 (2021) par laquelle il reconduit jusqu’au 1er juillet 2022 l’embargo sur les armes, l’interdiction de voyager et le gel des avoirs imposés en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). [ ... qui s'applique ] aux personnes et entités que le Comité des sanctions créé en vertu de la résolution 1533 (2044) aura désignées lesquelles sont également la cible des autres mesures de sanction." 163990,34165.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Agua, saneamiento e higiene Necesidades: • En Amazonas: las comunidades de las zonas no municipalizadas no acceden a servicios agua, saneamiento e higiene de calidad que les permitan realizar prácticas básicas para la prevención del virus, como es el caso del lavado de manos con agua y jabón, la desinfección de superficies y la gestión de los residuos sólidos." 289361,51168.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,Scaling up of Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) and outreach sites in the hard-to-reach areas in Warrap and Greater Pibor Administrative Area. [under the topic Nutrition] 158061,38779.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"93,765 # of individuals and Refugees reached by UNHCR Mass Communication Campaigns" 473898,67199.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,127,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"La investigación del Centro Nacional de Consultoría, la Universidad de los Andes y Probogotá (2021) alerta sobre un hecho preocupante para Bogotá: el 7,6% de los cuidadores considera que el estudiante abandonará el colegio en 2021, lo cual implicaría una deserción cercana al triple de la reportada en 2020. La intención de desertar es ligeramente mayor en los estratos más bajos (ver figura 13). Y aunque en 2020 la gran mayoría de estudiantes continuó matriculada; 2,5% de los cuidadores reportó que un estudiante de su hogar dejó de estudiar cuando comenzó la pandemia: 68,4% de ellos son mujeres y 77,8% vive en estratos 1 y 2 (ver figura 14)." 185901,42497.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-10-19%20Resumen%20Semanal%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%2012-18%20de%20oct%202020.pdf,"EL SALVADOR Después de un marcado aumento de los nuevos casos diarios desde un mínimo de 89 el 5 de octubre, El Salvador está viendo una segunda ola de infecciones que está impulsando la reimplementación de medidas localizadas de restricción" 325502,54763.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],fr,68,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf.fr/decryptages/republique-democratique-du-congo-l-urgence-permanente,"Le pays s'étend sur un vaste territoire et sa géographie impose des défis, notamment logistiques, à l’intervention des équipes humanitaires. Il faut en effet parfois plusieurs jours pour atteindre les villages reculés de certaines régions, avec dans le cas de campagnes de vaccination par exemple, l’obligation de respecter la chaîne du froid pour préserver la viabilité des vaccins." 200260,44361.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,92,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Recommandations  Renforcer la réflexion locale sur les stratégies d’accès aux populations des zones à défit sécuritaire ;  Intensifier les interventions pour sauver les vies des personnes vulnérables ;  Renforcer l’implication de la plateforme communautaire pour assurer la continuité des services de santé et de nutrition ;  Renforcer le dépistage actif et le référencement des cas de malnutrition dans les centres de santé pour une prise en charge adéquate ;  Poursuivre la mise en oeuvre des actions de prévention dans toutes les localités. 204347,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,62% des ménages [de Tillabérie] ont rapporté avoir emprunté de la nourriture ou eu recours à l’aide des proches. 238913,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,85,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]The total number of active confirmed cases in the state is fourteen (14). The total confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst Health Care Workers (HCWs) is fifteen (15). These include five (5) doctors, seven (7) nurses, one (1) physiotherapist, and two (2) laboratory scientist The total number of deaths from COVID-19 in the state is eight (8)" 226622,45087.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Only 16 per cent of Afghanistan’s schools were girls-only, and many of them lacking proper sanitation facilities, which further hindered attendance." 155356,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,238,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Metas Específicas:  70 voluntarios de la Red de RCF brindaran información sobre los riesgos y las medidas que deben observarse en todo momento para evitar la propagación del virus, así como formar en los protocolos de bioseguridad para los servicios de RCF proporcionados.  50,000 personas son informadas sobre las medidas tomadas, las actividades de RCF disponibles y cómo comunicarse con los servicios de RCF a través de medios de comunicación adaptados y apropiados (redes, radio, carteles, videos, gráficos sin lenguaje que puedan entender aquellos que no pueden leer, entre otros.), incluyendo personal SN y voluntarios de otras áreas.  500 personas del área de salud pública y privada, conocen sobre los servicios de RCF y como solicitarlos en caso de identificar la necesidad en las personas afectadas que están ingresadas por el COVID-19.  1000 familias, incluyendo personas afectadas por el COVID-19, son beneficiadas con los servicios de RCF (Llamadas telefónicas, Mensajes de Cruz Roja, Solicitud de Búsqueda, Solicitud de Búsqueda niños no acompañados/ Niños Separados, EMERCOM).  500 familias de personas extranjeras en dominicana como consecuencia de las medidas de aislamiento del COVID19, mantienen y restablecen los vínculos familiares a través de la provisión de los servicios diversos (Wifi, recargas de celulares, entre otras acciones)" 491299,67727.0,1384.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,61,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,,"The holiday season was celebrated with limited company as a maximum of three visitors per day could be received at homes. The food service industry remained closed. Individuals were advised to work from home if possible, and the Red Cross re started distribution of food vouchers for host community members and Venezuelans, coordinated by R4V partners." 165517,39645.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Top three issues with SCOPE card/ documentation (23 responses)† SCOPE card balance is not topped up (74%) SCPOPE card is not working (46%) Fingerprint is not working for SCOPE card (17%) 201204,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,38,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Insecurity remains a key concern for many displaced people. More than half of the IDP population in Eastern Equatoria, Lakes and Western Bahr el Ghazal live in settlements with reports of conflict-related incidents in 2019." 272654,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,104,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Parmi les ménages ayant déclaré être insatisfaits de l’aide reçue, 75% au niveau national ont rapporté que cela était lié à la quantité insuffisante de l’aide reçue et particulièrement parmi les ménages composés de plus de 12 membres (86%) tandis que 28% des ménages ont estimé que l’aide reçue n’était pas appropriée à leurs besoins, le pourcentage de ménages insatisfaits de l’aide reçue en raison de son caractère inapproprié vis-à-vis des besoins étant particulièrement élevé parmi les ménages hébergeant d’autres ménages (97%)" 63787,18898.0,788.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,93,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.who.int/health-cluster/news-and-events/news/Nigeria-Mobile-Health-Teams/en/,"September 2019 - Ten years after the onset of the crisis, north-east Nigeria still faces critical gaps in coverage of essential and primary health care services. The 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) estimated that 5.3 million people are in need of health interventions in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states. However, two major challenges currently reduce access to health care across these states: many health facilities are still non-functioning (41% in Borno state) and large sectors remain inaccessible to humanitarian aid altogether." 7158,1505.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2020%20April%202018.pdf,"So far in 2018, 4,500 refugees and migrants have been disembarked in Libya by the Libyan Coast Guard. On 12 and 17 April, 466 refugees and migrants were disembarked in Tripoli and Azzawya (40 km west of Tripoli). UNHCR and its partner International Medical Corps were present at disembarkation points and supported individuals with medical assistance." 144630,34804.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,42,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Many humanitarian partners have reported that the volatility of the informal exchange rate has forced a temporary suspension of local procurement, including vital COVID-19 related materials such as personal protection equipment (PPE), as suppliers have withdrawn tenders." 219395,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,International support is being mobilised for the Somalia COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan (CPRP) that was launched on 23 April. The plan seeks US$689 million to respond to the direct public health and indirect immediate humanitarian and socio-economic consequences of COVID-19. 16551,6344.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"From June 1–September 19, relief actors provided humanitarian assistance to nearly 89 percent of the more than 434,000 IDPs displaced within Al Hudaydah through the RRM, according to the UN." 20554,8024.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,73,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"In every center, staff complained of material shortages, security and health concerns for the guards, including lack of health insurance and vaccinations for staff, and disregard by international humanitarian organizations for the needs of staff. All said that the government was late in paying private contractors who provided food, water and cleaning material, which adversely affected the quantity and quality of food provided to detainees." 386418,60870.0,2311.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,82,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Enfoque Diferencial El evento afecta a comunidades indígenas del pueblo Embera Katio del Alto Sinú, pertenecientes a 3 cabildos (Kamainka, Karagaby, Iwagado) y a una comunidad campesina de la vereda de Nain. Se evidencia disputas entre las comunidades, relacionadas con dificultades de convivencia, liderazgos, representatividad ante instituciones, etc. La mayoría de la comunidad habla lengua Embera; las mujeres, de forma general, entienden y hablan con dificultad español." 494304,68271.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[20th-26th Sep 2021, Borno]Surveillance • 6 new confirmed case reported for week 38. • Total confirmed cases stand at 1,353. • 25 contacts on monitoring. • Data cleaning and management" 151322,38020.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,11,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/180397/,While recovery cases in north-western Syria have risen to 46. 194678,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"5,300 people have benefited from emergency shelter assistance and 32,152 people have benefited from NFI assistance aimed at decongestion of about 237 IDPs sites (hosting 590,000 individuals) at high-risk of COVID-19 transmission." 249068,48421.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],fr,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20RDC%2C%2030%20janvier%202021.pdf,Données non disponibles concernant les nouveaux décès des cas confirmés dans les centres de traitement de COVID-19 (CTCo). Total de cas mortels disponibles en RDC à la date du 30 janvier 2021 : 671 (670 cas mortels confirmés et un cas probable). Létalité : 3% ; 208215,44900.0,2333.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,103,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"Réponses : -Sensibilisation et dépistage du VIH dans les sites de déplacés en vue de renforcer les connaissances de la communauté en général sur les IST/VIH et réduire les nouvelles infections, assurer l’accès aux traitements au sein des déplacés et réfugiés. -10 764 personnes ont été référées dont 4 815 dépistées soit 45%. 2 patients sur 4 815 dépistés ont été confirmés positifs. -Surveillance des cas de rougeole : 32 cas suspects ont été enregistrés au niveau régional depuis le début de l’année dont 17 cas pour le seul district de Mainé Soroa." 123951,32567.0,1621.0,[],[],[],en,73,[],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"COVID-19 Response-Risk Communication and Community Engagement, Action plan for South, was launched on 30 June. Key activities planned with NCDC Tripoli + Sabha NCDC branch, Sabha Municipality media focal point and RCCE WG members. The campaign will be implemented in three phases staring 30th June and ending 31st July 2020. To achieve the desired results actions and implementation modalities will be modified as the campaign progresses." 86123,23802.0,1620.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,75,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nigeria_2020-01-24.pdf,"An increase in violence caused 160,000 people to flee their home in 2019. Food availability is deteriorating, with 50% of households in Borno state at risk of not having enough food to eat. Nutrition monitoring in Borno state shows that there has been a steady increase of acute malnutrition cases in children since 2017. The food and nutritional situation could potentially deteriorate if sustained humanitarian assistance is not provided." 322130,54747.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"Top three reported reasons for coming to current location were: Presence of food distribution/food aid (28%), Presence of water(27%) and Presence of shelter(22%)" 186301,43272.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"Although significant food assistance is preventing worse outcomes in some areas, food security conditions could deteriorate if flooding or insecurity impede humanitarian assistance deliveries; in a worst-case scenario, Famine—IPC 5—levels of acute food insecurity are possible if conflict or flooding isolates populations from accessing food sources or humanitarian assistance for an extended period, according to FEWS NET." 302662,52890.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"El 20% reconoce que el apoyo lo reciben de organizaciones sociales, quienes ofrecen, además de asistencia humanitaria, la posibilidad de hacer amigos/ as, generar vínculos de afecto y sentir protección en medio de las soledades. El 18% manifiesta que cuentan con amigos/as que tienden a estar en condi- ciones similares frente a lo económico y social." 223558,39506.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,20,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Al-Hol camp: 2 confirmed cases among the 64,626 residents Areesha camp: 1 confirmed case among the 12,875 residents" 439664,64653.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.saludcapital.gov.co/Paginas2/Noticia_Portal_Detalle.aspx?IP=1710,"Es importante mencionar que con respecto a segundas dosis, la ciudad cuenta con poca vacuna de Sinovac para aplicación de segundas dosis y no tiene vacunas de Moderna, debido a que no ha habido entregas de este biológico a la ciudad. La entidad sigue a la espera de nuevas entregas por parte del Gobierno Nacional para continuar con el proceso de vacunación contra el Covid-19." 384873,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Tenue le 23 juin 2021 à Sebba, en présence du MCD et des autres acteurs techniques. Elle a permis le lancement des activités en réponse à l’urgence dans le District sanitaire de Sebba qui se résument à la PEC médicale et psychosociale des PDIs, la Distribution de Kits d’hygiène et de moustiquaires, renforcement du plateau technique personnel." 228234,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"When looking at individual branches of the Afghan national security forces, UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] notes with concern that civilian casualties attributed to the Afghan National Army increased by 25 per cent due to higher numbers of civilians killed and injured as a result of airstrikes and ground engagements." 308227,52938.0,2336.0,[],[],[],en,19,[],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of rice in Kabul was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020 248065,48330.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,60,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46620/1/S2000729_es.pdf,"la población afrodescendiente representaría menos de un 5%. En lo que atañe al número, se estima que en Colombia hay 3,5 millones de personas afrodescendientes, y que en el Ecuador, México, el Perú, la República Dominicana y Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) hay alrededor de 1 millón (CEPAL, 2020b)" 275885,50688.0,2098.0,[],[],[],en,46,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MHPSS%20Factsheet%20-%202020.pdf,"[4th March 2021, Cox's Bazar] As MHPSS highlighted as essential service, the community-based activities shifted toward dissemination of key messaging about COVID-19. These activities worked on decreasing fear and stigma attached to COVID-19 and increasing self-care to ensure wellbeing." 191382,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,50,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The pre-transitional period leading to the formation of a three-year transitional government of unity and the return of opposition leader, Riek Machar, as the First Vice-President was first extended from May to November 2019, and again by 100 days into early 2020 following regional mediation efforts." 388950,60849.0,1186.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,79,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Niños, niñas y adolescentes Los NNA de las personas entrevistadas aparecen en los relatos únicamente a propósito de dificultades en el acceso a derechos asociados a elles. En general hay satisfacción con el acceso y atención en salud que reciben pero hay más preocupación e incertidumbre respecto su derecho a la educación, no obstante que se reconoce preocupación por parte de las ""tías"" de los establecimientos educacionales por saber cómo están les NNA." 204231,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Most IDPs are displaced within their counties of origin and some may therefore find it easier to resume their lives after return, while others may face inhibiting factors, for example, illegal occupation of property or their homes being located in areas of internal boundary disputes." 220694,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Following an investigation by the National RRTs the country secured 103 230 doses of yellow fever vaccines for an emergency campaign. 260932,48984.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,95,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[11th Feb 2021, North east Nigeria]Assessments of IDP camps in the BAY states conducted by the DMS/CCCM, Shelter and NFI sectors indicate that one in four camps, hosting a total of 430 000 IDPs, is highly congested with per capita space of less than 15 square metres. The fact that the populations in these camps are characterised by high prevalence of comorbidities, including high incidences of chronic malnutrition and endemic malaria, coupled with the current measles and expected cholera outbreaks will have serious implications." 176970,41737.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf-azg.be/fr/news/rdc-r%C3%A9pondre-au-double-fardeau-du-covid19-%C3%A0-kinshasa,Certaines structures privées comme le Mudishi Liboke notent aussi une chute du nombre de consultations depuis le début de la pandémie. Les consultations sont passées d'environ 250 à 100 patients par mois. Les malades rapportent qu'ils craignent de se faire contaminer en venant consulter. D'autres évoquent les difficultés de mouvement et l'impact économique des mesures de prévention. 106072,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La población que sale por el puesto de control de Rumichaca, en términos generales, se compone de personas que llegan caminando, en transporte público o en otro tipo de transportes organizados por personas que en muchas ocasiones se aprovechan de la condición de vulnerabilidad o irregularidad de los migrantes. Los caminantes en su mayoría ingresan al país de forma ilegal por trochas y pueden durar hasta 28 días cruzando el país hasta la frontera con Ecuador." 358679,58655.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/economia/finanzas-personales/los-arriendos-ya-estarian-superando-el-covid-19/,"Pero no todo es malo para los arriendos comerciales: hay ciertas ciudades en las que las búsquedas sí han crecido este año. El caso más destacado es Cali, con un alza de 85 % entre enero y abril de este año. Le siguen Armenia (36 %), Manizales (20 %) y Bucaramanga (1 %). Y hasta ahora la oferta de arriendos comerciales, es decir, el número de avisos publicados, se ha mantenido estable entre 2020 y 2021." 194237,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,"Près de 103937 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 33 ZS." 304257,53037.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,53,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"La perte de bétail et d'autres actifs de production par les réfugiés, des revenus agricoles faible due en raison d'un accès inadéquat aux terres et aux intrants, l'aide humanitaire limitée, et la pandémie COVID-19 continue à entraîner des conséquences négatives sur la consommation alimentaire et les moyens de subsistance." 256984,48672.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,+ 50% Increase of the number of internally displaced persons since last year. 147507,35128.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The densely populated Internally Displaced People (IDP) camps in northwest and northeast Syria present a frightening scenario for the coronavirus to spread unabated due to the lack of medical infrastructure and supplies. Similarly, the approximately 100,000 Syrians locked away in government prisons and detention centers are particularly vulnerable to the virus" 414088,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,103,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Leadership and governance: Separate public health track within the mainstream health service architecture: The gap in the strategy of the awareness campaign and disseminating the right information to the right people at right time has pointed out the need for proper public health wings within the mainstream health service architecture. So, the structure of the health system needs to be reformed. However, the model of reformation needs to be decided through a transparent and inclusive stakeholder consultation involving all relevant public health experts, clinicians, and other stakeholders." 36935,13321.0,788.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,66,[],['Shock/Event'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"Six fire incidents were reported in Damboa, Gajiganna and Monguno LGAs of Borno State where over 3,300 shelters were affected. Over 90 per cent of these shelters were completely burned down. Sector partners responded with emergency shelters, shelter and reinforcement kits, NFIs and core relief items. An estimated 800 families in Gajiganna still need both shelter and NFI support." 207129,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,The remaining five counties fall under stressed and minimum levels of severity but two of them are in the Ebola risk zone. Five counties that are at risk of Ebola are in the top three levels of severity in need of increased operational presence. 388938,60849.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,135,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Las personas entrevistadas tienen conciencia de que los abusos en el ámbito laboral se posibilitan más si su situación migratoria no está regularizada. Ello los deja en una posición extremadamente vulnerable, debiendo acceder a situaciones de explotación laboral (como por ejemplo, el pago de $2.500 pesos por jornada completa de trabajo en obras de construcción), llegando incluso a situaciones de extorsión donde luego de haber realizado un trabajo, no se les paga, amenazándoles con llamar a la policía si se quejan o hacen alguna denuncia. La situación que viven las personas en situación irregular entrevistadas es de tal angustia, que toda pregunta realizada en el marco de estas entrevistas, era llevada insistentemente al tema laboral aunque no tuviese relación directa con ello." 189992,43443.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,78,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,Le premier cas de COVID-19 a été diagnostiqué dans la province du Nord Kivu le 1er avril 2020 dans un contexte marqué par une épidémie de MVE gradée par l’OMS comme une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale. La Division provinciale de la santé (DPS) s’est appuyée sur les structures et l’organisation de la riposte contre la MVE pour initier la riposte contre la pandémie de COVID-19. 63097,18663.0,1386.0,['WASH'],[],[],en,25,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"The current situation requires to establish continuous and improved services of solid waste collection, adequate treatment of water, wastewater and sewage removal." 304460,50891.0,2466.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"In addition, 1,026,780 people (Male: 510,663, Female: 516,077, including 523,658 children) have been reached for improved access to water through the operation, maintenance and water chlorination services for their existing water sources, water transportation, and household water storage." 398672,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Los datos de la Encla muestran que durante 2018 poco más de la mitad de las empresas tuvo trabajadores extranjeros contratados directamente. Según tamaño de empresa, el mayor porcentaje lo exhibe la gran empresa (87%), mientras que el porcentaje disminuye a medida que el tamaño de las empresas es menor." 164229,39644.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"During the week, 1,068 Burmese Language Instructors (BLIs) and 773 educational facilitators disseminated COVID19 awareness messaging in the camps through audio clips to 60,768 children and 20,155 parents, community members and caregivers. 1,546 BLIs and facilitators provided at-home educational support, explaining learning materials and activities to 60,768 learners." 291920,51985.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/pais/colegios-de-la-guerra-otras-victimas-del-conflicto/,"La construcción de la base de datos partió de entender las tomas de espacios educativos por parte de actores armados como situaciones en las que utilizan escuelas y colegios para realizar sus operaciones. Esto comprende casos en los que los actores pernoctaron, es decir, pasaron la noche; utilizaron los espacios educativos para realizar operaciones como abastecimiento o acantonamiento; amenazaron a la población que acude a las instituciones, o hicieron uso de los espacios educativos como resguardo en medio de ataques entre actores armados." 176535,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,132,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Toutes les PDI à Dori s’entendent à dire qu’ils ont des besoins spécifiques en tant que PDI dans la mesure où le manque d’abris ne leur permet pas de respecter la distanciation sociale, qu’ils n’ont pas de matériel de protection et n’ont pas les moyens de s’en procurer. Pour une majorité, les besoins n’ont pas été suffisamment pris en compte. Il faudrait plus d’abris et de latrines, et du matériel de protection et de l’eau. {PDI faisant partie d'un échantillon d'un peu plus de 100 personnes réparties dans 141 focus groupes réalisés dans 12 localités des régions Centre-Nord, Est, Nord et Sahel}" 291079,52224.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Economy'],en,105,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] The foreign-exchange reserves, inflation, the socio-economic impact of COVID-19, international sanctions and the ongoing financial crisis in neighbouring Lebanon have been the main causes of economic decline and are likely to continue impacting the Syria’s economy throughout the first half of 2021. Between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2021, the Syrian pound lost two-thirds of its value while inflation rose by 200 percent. Shortages of primary goods have been constant over the past year, constraining households’ access to food and disrupting local production." 495162,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,50,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Otra posible solución sería descentralizar la oferta laboral calificada hacia otras regiones con alta demanda de profesionales. El Ministerio de Trabajo está realizando estudios de la viabilidad de lo mencionado con lo cual podrían diseñar campañas de difusión e incentivos para ‘regionalizar’ la oferta calificada de migrantes 276339,50677.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,139,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Plusieurs organisations se sont impliquées pour la couverture de ces besoins [d'eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement] au mois d’août. L’International Rescue Committee (IRC) a fourni des dalles et des paillottes pour l’aménagement de latrines familiales à 180 ménages déplacés et réalisé l’extension du réseau de trois bornes fontaines avec la pose de six robinets. L’IRC a également conduit des séances de sensibilisation à l’hygiène et aux risques liés à la COVID-19 parmi les communautés d’accueil et les familles déplacées qui y sont accueillies. L’organisation a distribué 110 kits complémentaires d’assainissement (bouilloires, bidons, comprimés « Aquatab » de purification de l’eau, etc.)." 155236,34182.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Las medidas de aislamiento preventivo establecidas han impactado principalmente la capacidad de generación de ingresos de las familias venezolanas asentadas, muchas de las cuales dependían de actividades económicas informales." 85593,20173.0,1233.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,33,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,https://www.dw.com/es/migraci%C3%B3n-venezolana-en-aruba-estamos-a-punto-de-oprimir-el-bot%C3%B3n-rojo/a-51039637,"No obstante, en una isla de 180 kilómetros cuadrados, con una población de 120.000 habitantes, ""esta inmigración pone una presión muy grande sobre Aruba”, sigue Besaril." 401740,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,60,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Consult the community health workers, Mobile Medical Teams, and or any other health workers or go to the nearest functioning health facility if you, or any household member develops any symptoms of infection which may include fever, diarrhea, vomiting, generalized weakness or loss of appetite" 106430,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,30,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Fonseca es uno de los municipios en los que la población migrante ha buscado asentarse, mientras que Maicao y Riohacha son lugares de tránsito o de migración pendular." 186781,41402.0,1184.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,173,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/46016/4/S2000593_en.pdf,"On April 24th, the arrival of a ""new normal"" in the country was announced, with the reactivation of some sectors of the economy starting on May 4th. The opening began with a system of traffic lights, with the aim of moving towards economic recovery. The ""epidemiological traffic light"" establishes differentiated restrictions on the mobility of people, the reopening of businesses and transport, according to the state of the situation in each area and the risk of contagion. On June 1st, the traffic light rules were updated, allowing new flexibilities for both the red and yellow zones. The state of exception has been extended until August 13th, continuing the traffic light system with updates. Starting on August 1st, a new Toque de queda was announced for Quito and the cantons of 18 provinces of Ecuador, as COVID-19 cases continued to rise; other less extensive movement restrictions were announced for those cantons in yellow." 236015,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Child Protection AoR members continue to provide psychosocial services (PSS) to children and caregivers affected by the conflict and COVID-19, through different forms of child friendly and other safe spaces." 283262,51140.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/INFORMEbaja_DTM_GENERAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10918,"Se destaca que para el 93% de los NNA entrevistados es extremadamente importante vivir cerca de sus padres y sus familias, esto implica que para aquellos separados del núcleo familiar, es decir, padres y madres que aún viven en Venezuela, que se encuentran en otras ciudades de Colombia o que han salido a otros países de la región, se considere necesario posibilitar a través de acciones humanitarias la reunificación familiar, ya que la separación prolongada de NNA de sus familias les puede afectar emocionalmente." 322127,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information] Two most common sources of COVID- 19 information, as reported by households were Health worker at health facility (84%) and Settlement leaders (37%)." 158970,39161.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,72,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Since March, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns interrupted food distributions in some Borno State local government areas (LGAs) where populations are already in ‘emergency’ phase and one step away from ‘famine’. With movement restrictions, supply chain disruptions and a steep increase in the food survival minimum expenditure basket2 , up to 4.3 million people could now be facing hunger." 346860,56987.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,59,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Men and boys are more susceptible to crime-related issues such as theft/robbery and, in some cases, murder (REVA 4 04/2021). There have also been increasing concerns of armed criminal activity such as abduction, assault, extortion, and ‘taxation’ of civilians." 747,156.0,321.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,117,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Returnee households’ main coping strategy, on the other hand, was to reduce expenses on basic services (health, education, etc.), as reported by 53.2% of households over the previous 30 days).This as well as another one of the three most reported strategies – taking on an additional job for one member in the household (30.6%, more than ten percentage points more than for other population groups) – revealed that returnee households’ coping mechanisms seemed to put less emphasis on depleting resources compared to those used by IDP households, and focused more on renouncing using or spending money on services." 271565,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Les resultats montrent que 77,3 % des enfants de 12-59 mois ont reçu le déparasitant au cours des six derniers mois en 2020 contre 73,5% en 2019." 219194,45750.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,56,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"Already, the outbreak of COVID-19 has had a significant economic impact. The Federal Government is projecting an 11 percent decline in nominal GDP for 2020, remittances that are received by an estimated 40 per cent of Somali households have dropped by as much as 50 per cent and revenue collection has dropped." 105585,29953.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,31,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La oferta de salud es limitada a los servicios de urgencias, siendo solamente los niños y niñas menores de 5 años quienes tienen acceso a servicios de salud complementarios." 224198,45763.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,54,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Selon les entretiens menés avec des responsables de l’agriculture et des paysans, sur 133 464 hectares emblavés, 22 455 hectares sont dévastés par les inondations entrainant une perte de production attendue estimée à 22% pour les céréales et 9% pour les autres cultures (légumineuses principalement)." 204120,43347.0,2335.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,IDPs and refugees living in overcrowded conditions in camps and spontaneous settlements frequently lack safe shelter and essential household items. 66778,19628.0,1386.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elperiodiquito.com/noticias/109213/Poca-demanda-disminuye-precio-de-algunos-alimentos--%C2%A0,"Los precios de algunos productos alimenticios como la carne, el pollo y el queso, han disminuido en las últimas semanas. Comerciantes manifiestan que ante la baja demanda “no ha quedado de otra” que sacrificar parte de la ganancia y comenzar a ofertar." 475468,64944.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,39,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Le retour des élèves, pour les vacances scolaires, dans les localités d’origine toujours sous menaces sécuritaires pourrait les exposer à des risques de protection tels que l’enrôlement, les mines et les GBV" 205081,43256.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,45,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Affected populations in Mayo Sava (Far North), and the Donga Mantung, Mezam (North West), Fako and Meme (South West) divisions are also struggling meet basic education, health, WASH, shelter/NFI and livelihood needs." 359922,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,177,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Recommendations: . Advocate for a gender transformative CSS Framework globally, and work alongside relevant actors to update the current framework  Identify allied agencies from among the UN agencies and INGOs, including in the Asia Pacific region, to get commitment for a common goal to leverage the global CSS Framework to be gender transformative and updated accordingly.  Together with allied agencies develop a clear action plan to update and leverage the global CSS Framework to be a gender transformative framework.  Develop an evidence brief from this research to use as an entry point to advocate with the Asia Pacific Coalition on School Safety (APCSS) and the Global Alliance on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Education (GADRRES) members for further action to update the global CSS Framework.  Use the guidelines on Gender Transformative Implementation of Safe Schools Programming of Plan International Asia Regional Hub as a guidance document to update the global CSS Framework." 144718,34877.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,48,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"• WHO supplies were delivered for COVID-19 response; severe difficulties remain to procure medical supplies. • The SSG agreed to support a more consistent approach to the COVID-19 response across camps (e.g. quarantine and isolations measures), involving cross-line and cross-border actors." 275507,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,La situation humanitaire est particulièrement inquiétante d’autant plus qu’elle est marquée par des mouvements secondaires massifs imposant constamment une réponse d’urgence colossale 197750,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"While the recent floods impact on WASH, the increasing number of cholera and acute watery diarrhea (AWD) and COVID-19 crisis remains a current threat in Somalia, the situation is unlikely to change for the better as the next deyr season ( Oct/Nov,2020) is likely to trigger floods and another spike in AWD/cholera cases is highly possible which will have severe impact on the population due to poor access to health care and sanitation service" 176588,41731.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,139,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"A Arbinda, dans un contexte plus précaire, les deux communautés soulignent que les principales préoccupations sont le manque des outils de détection, de prise en charge des malades et surtout le manque de personnel médical et d’ambulance. De la même manière, le reste des PDI et hôtes dans le milieu urbain, affirme qu’il reçoit l’information sur la manière de se protéger de façon appropriée, de manière verbale ou sous forme de débats, des discussions, des sensibilisations/démonstrations et des mesures de protection dans une langue locale pertinente pour eux. Pour ce qui concerne les besoins spécifiques, tous disent que vu la nature de la maladie, il faut plus de personnels soignants et un moyen d’évacuation approprié pour les malades." 345197,56855.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] Shelters and core relief items (CRIs) kits comprising of 87 mats, 87 blankets, 40 kitchen Set, 79 jerry cans, 39 buckets and 22.25 Kg of soap were distributed by UNHCR to 31 households (87 people) relocated from Meri to Bele site in April 2021." 202028,44071.0,2330.0,['Agriculture'],[],[],es,45,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"Reportes del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación (MAGA) indican que los cultivos básicos como el maíz, frijol, banano, plátano, cardamomo y hortalizas, así como el ganado menor y aves de corral, sufrieron pérdidas considerables." 202435,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,58,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The crisis has furthered entrenched many traditional gender roles, with a heightened impact on women in displaced and separated families. Displaced and returnee women bear greater responsibility for food collection and participation in food for assets programmes, compared to families in host communities where men and women divide food security related responsibilities more evenly." 265702,49620.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,34,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Cette réduction de la taille des surfaces agricoles n’est toutefois pas homogène, et touche plus particulièrement les provinces de Sanmatenga, du Loroum et du Soum, les cercles de Bandiagara" 208751,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"With compounded effects due to the lack of basic public services, people’s exposure to protection threats has increased as they seek limited resources and resort to negative coping mechanisms. This situation is exacerbated by a lack of resources for national NGOs, which are key to first-line response in hard-to-reach communities." 454256,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],[],es,35,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Respecto a la violencia que enfrentan los adolescentes, los entrevistados y participantes de los focus group, manifiestan que son de diferentes tipos, pero principalmente psicológico, acoso, bullying y xenofobia:" 283915,43603.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The need to provide life-saving nutrition services in a protective and safe environment has been underscored at times by the cluster and partners as well. 311485,53762.0,2099.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,137,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Centre-Nord) As part of the joint WFP / UNHCR project implemented funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation Agency (ADA), a mission by the Head of Cooperation, H.E.M Hauser Hannes, took place in Kaya on 26 February to review the results achieved. The project contributes to the humanitarian-development nexus through emergency food assistance provided by WFP to nearly 30,000 IDPs and members of the host community, including 600 vulnerable women whose livelihoods have been strengthened by UNHCR. Indeed, through its partner, UNHCR provided cash transfer to enable the beneficiaries to support an income generating activity, the technical and livelihood trainings enhanced their entrepreneurial skills and by facilitating their access to decentralized financial systems, UNHCR ensures their resilience and the sustainability of the project." 182690,42813.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.today.ng/news/nigeria/report-22-nigerians-face-food-crisis-323876,"[5th Nov 2020,Nigeria] According to the report, despite the relaxation of the COVID-19 lockdown measures, several households are still experiencing difficulties in accessing their basic food and non-food needs due to disrupted livelihoods. This has resulted in reduced opportunities for income, food and nutrition security." 125295,32569.0,1621.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"As per the findings of the Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS) conducted between March - April 2020, 14% of the migrants interviewed reported lack of access to sufficient drinking water" 17070,7092.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy']",en,84,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"An estimated 17.8 million Yemenis are food insecure, with 8.4 million on the brink of starvation and require emergency humanitarian assistance to stay alive. Needs are driven by the reduced level of commercial imports, increased hostilities, displacement, disrupted incomes and livelihoods, and alarming depreciation of the Yemeni Rial. The high price of fuel and diesel coupled with insecurity affects transportation and restricts movement of commodities, in turn leads to increased prices of basic food commodities." 158064,38779.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01.%20EXTERNAL%20-%20UNHCR%20Response%20Strategy%20Achievments%20%28COVID%20Online%20System%29%2024%20August%202020.pdf,"50,175 # of calls received by hotline (Child Protection(CP), Gender-Based Violence(GBV), Legal, Mental Health & Psychosocial Support(MHPSS), Health and other related issues)." 41090,11894.0,729.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,56,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Multiple schools in the conflict-affected baladiyas were reportedly being used for noneducational purposes. Among others, Al-Asma School in Ain Zara was briefly used as a collective shelter for IDPs before shifts in the frontlines rendered the area too dangerous. Another school in Wadi Rabia had reportedly been commandeered by an armed group." 172983,40676.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,107,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les conséquences humanitaires de l’épidémie de COVID-19 sont sévères pour ces populations déjà fragiles, et dont l’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement de base est faible. Le lavage des mains au savon constitue un réel défi pour les communautés et les structures de prises en charge qui ne disposent pas d’équipements EHA adéquats pour faire face aux multiples épidémies et à la malnutrition aigüe. Le nombre révisé de personnes dans le besoin s’élève à 11,5 millions de personnes, soit 43 pour cent de plus que dans le PRH originel." 310566,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,106,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Eastern, Central and Western Equatoria saw the lowest number of people reached, with some 40 per cent, 50 per cent and 49 per cent of the target population reached respectively. The low reach to people in these areas was due to a variety of issues including low operational partner presence, inadequate pre-positioning of relief supplies which limited the response in the dry season, and funding shortfalls. Poor road conditions during the rainy season, insecurity, bureaucratic access impediments and COVID-19 related restrictions also contributed to the relatively low number of people reached with assistance in the Equatorias." 16486,6352.0,322.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,78,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"The WASH Cluster supports the operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of affected WASH systems and directly provides WASH services to crisis-affected people. An estimated 11 million people in Yemen depend on piped water networks which are often disrupted by insecurity, and 4 million depend on the private water sector. Restoring, operating and maintaining existing water and sanitation systems and infrastructure is a key priority to fight cholera, acute watery diarrhoea and malnutrition." 166411,40065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fewer-fatalities-more-recoveries-recorded-last-week/,"On Saturday, September 26, new cases were higher than the number of those that recovered. A total of 136 new cases were reported in 16 states: Lagos (41), Ogun (27), Rivers (19), Abia (10), Oyo (6), Plateau (6), Bauchi (5), Ondo (5), Ekiti (4), Kaduna (4), Edo (3), Ebonyi (2), Bayelsa (1), Delta (1), Osun (1), and Yobe (1). Recoveries stood at 116 and three lives were lost." 490044,67394.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,226,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-17.pdf?sfvrsn=4be4220_13,"[26th- 29th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Between weeks 33-34, 206 new confirmed cases were detected from 2 546 samples tested, the test positivity was therefore 7.5%. As of 29 August 2021, the cumulative incidence is 122.1 per 100 000 people. The overall positivity of samples tested is 4.9%. Among the cases, 1.8% showed severe symptoms at the time of admission while 4.3% reported at least one co-morbidity. The median age of tested and confirmed cases was 11 (0-120) & 21 (0-100) years, respectively and ratio of females among tested and confirmed cases was 54% and 52%, respectively. Though the median age of tested samples remained below 10 years, a significant proportion has been tested among 50+ years: 706 per 10 000 population, following that of 0-9 years with 867 tests per 10 000 population as highest number. The test positivity was highest 7.7% in 30-39 years age cohort and the age specific mortality 2.6 per 10 000 population observed among 50+ years during the period. In total, and since the outbreak began, 30 deaths due to confirmed COVID-19 have been reported in the camps with a case fatality ratio of 1.0%." 198154,44148.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100295,"Le mois de Septembre 2020 a donc été marqué par une hausse extraordinaire des nouvelles contaminations. Le Comité de suivi a enregistré plus 740 nouveaux cas, soit un peu plus de la moitié des cas comptabilisés pendant les six mois précédents" 394651,61218.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,40,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.gob.cl/noticias/presidente-firma-decreto-que-permite-a-las-fuerzas-armadas-apoyar-el-control-del-trafico-ilicito-de-personas-estamos-comprometidos-con-poner-orden-en-nuestra-casa-proteger-mejor-nuestras-fronteras-y-combatir-la-inmigracion-ilegal/,"El Presidente de la República, Sebastián Piñera, firmó este martes un decreto que habilita a las Fuerzas Armadas a colaborar en el control del tráfico ilícito de migrantes y trata de personas en el norte del país." 189675,43300.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le faible niveau de scolarité exacerbé par les pratiques culturelles néfastes dont les mariages précoces, les inégalités liées au genre, se traduit au sein des familles par une faible adhésion à la santé de la reproduction, une faible connaissance et appropriation des techniques agricoles, de la gestion rationnelle des semences et des récoltes affectant les moyens d´existence des ménages. Cela contribue également à augmenter la mortalité maternelle et infantile." 281555,51010.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,38,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-fatalities-climb-to-8476/65791,"[8th March 2021, Bangladesh] By Sunday, 37,89,352 people received the first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. The second dose has to be taken between 8 and 12 weeks of the first one." 159207,39376.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,42,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le nombre de PDI est passé de 978 744 à 1 013 234, soit une augmentation de 3,5 % entre le 09 juillet et le 08 août 2020. Les régions du Sahel et du Centre-Nord sont les plus affectées." 79859,21919.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"Communication for development 77,200 people reached with messages on lifesaving skills and protective practices or information on uptake of services 52,000 affected populations in targeted areas actively participating in accountability mechanisms supported by UNICEF 513,000 people in host communities participating in community activities on the prevention of xenophobia, promotion of intercultural dialogue or inclusion in crisis-affected areas" 229950,46580.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://washdata.org/sites/default/files/2020-12/WHO-UNICEF-2020-wash-in-hcf.pdf,"Discussions focused on aligning regional WASH indicators with global ones and integrating those into national health systems monitoring to ensure harmonized data collection and comparability. UNICEF is supporting countries to establish a regional WASH observatory to assess national monitoring systems. Brazil, Colombia, Panama and Nicaragua are the first set of countries to focus on WASH in health care facilities in 2020–21." 240940,47675.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"The Government continues to invite the population in Chad, particularly the youth, to respect preventive measures in order to reduce the risk of contamination" 457480,65405.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,[Résumé des problèmes rapportés] Violation des droits des enfants -Enfants déscolarisés -Délinquance juvénile -ENA/ES - Enfants associés aux forces armés et groupes armés - Enfants négligés 388633,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,4,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,05 femmes à risque 153917,34182.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,50,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"En la priorización de acciones de atención los caminantes indicaron que requieren documentación, orientación, transporte y recursos económicos para llegar a su lugar de destino; dando prioridad en primera medida al transporte, en segunda medida recursos económicos, y en tercer lugar orientación y documentación." 299157,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In Q4, in at least 16 instances, humanitarian workers were unable to proceed with their operations due to presence of IEDs along main supply routes as well as in their areas of operation. This resulted in at least seven temporary suspensions and two relocations of project activities. Seven of these incidents occurred in the Southern Region, with NSAG-TB planting IEDs along the roads to obstruct ANSF movement." 393159,62158.0,2170.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,84,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the affected population of Borno state across Ngala, Gwoza and MMC agree that children, elderly and sickly especially those with respiratory related illness are very likely to get COVID 19 due to their exposure and risks associated with their health condition and immune system. Caregivers and health workers are also strong believed to be likely to get COVID 19 because they are frontline workers and mostly have contact with the sick." 271510,49808.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,116,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"A cela [accès WASH limité] s’ajoute les facteurs aggravants, entrainant ainsi la dégradation de la situation nutritionnelle des enfants. Ces situations sont liées principalement au déplacement des populations suite à l’insécurité, la réduction de l’accès aux moyens d’existence, aux soins de santé et de nutrition. En plus, la pandémie à coronavirus a considérablement impacté les ménages et leurs capacités à subvenir aux besoins de bases de leurs enfants. Les enfants paient le plus lourd tribut d’une triple crise : la sécurité alimentaire, l’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement." 226927,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Must prioritize a gender and protection focused response to the primary and secondary impact of COVID-19 including the prevention and response to all forms of GBV including child marriage, physical and sexual violence;" 247796,48228.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,109,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Le manque d’ouvrages WASH (l’absence des latrines, douches et points d’eau) sur le site de Koudou Kolé et les conditions d’hébergement précaires sont des facteurs qui exposent les femmes et les enfants aux risques de violences basées sur le genre. En effet, les femmes ont signifié qu’elles vont hors du site pour s’approvisionner en eau, se laver et faire leurs besoins. Implicitement, il a été signalé la présence des cas de VBG dans les sites et villages, mais personne n’a osé en parler en profondeur." 414103,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,101,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Formulate an “Emergency Task Force”: The delay in response was the result of a gap in decision making, bureaucracy, work division, and authoritative power which could have been solved by a special task force for health (Or any) emergency. The structure of the task force needs to be finalised through transparent and inclusive stakeholder consultation. The structure and guideline of response division might be adopted from other countries (e.g. The United kingdom) and contextualised according to the administrative structure of Bangladesh" 486171,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] 54% of HHs in NWS reported cold and damp conditions in their shelter as a primary issue." 415369,64087.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,183,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Colombia-sigue-aumentando-el-porcentaje-de-disponibilidad-UCI.aspx,"""Otro de los mensajes es que en los casos de hospitalización covid hoy en Colombia, podemos observar que el 79 % de los hospitalizados en UCI no estaban vacunados, además, la curva ha concentrado a los grupos de edad ubicados entre 40 y 55 años, es decir, el mayor porcentaje de ocupación en Cuidados Intensivos está en estas edades, a diferencia de lo que fue el inicio de año, que estaba concentrado en mayores de 60 años"", aseguró. Esto es un llamado a la población a vacunarse, a seguir cumpliendo las medidas de protección debido a que con esto evitamos enfermedad grave y muerte. Además de hacerle frente a variantes como la Delta que han demostrado mayor transmisibilidad. ""Ya está claro que hay variantes del virus que tienen un mayor nivel de transmisión y que por tanto pueden afectar a grupos poblacionales no inmunizados, lo que nos podría llevar a un nuevo pico de pandemia y a porcentajes altos de ocupación UCI"", finalizó Delgado." 495176,67230.0,1185.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,14,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,," Alto grado de empleo informal y mal remunerado, incluso en explotación." 144445,34804.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Reported figures represent a sharp increase over the past month and underline why the Syrian population continues to be considered at high risk, particularly when combined with relatively low levels of testing, recent relaxation of precautionary measures, the accelerating spread of COVID-19 in neighbouring countries, reported infections of several health workers, and the debilitated state of the health system." 191384,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Politics']",en,109,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The ceasefire has held in most parts of the country, with an overall reduction in political violence between the signatories to the R-ARCSS, particularly the South Sudan People’s Defence Force (SSPDF), formerly known as Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) loyal to President Kiir, and SPLA-in-Opposition loyal to Riek Machar. However, the revitalized agreement did not include every armed group and the non-signature from National Salvation Front (NAS), led by former military official Thomas Cirillo, has caused political unrest and localized conflict in Central Equatoria between NAS, SSPDF and SPLA-in-Opposition." 200435,44300.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM%20-%20RAPPORT%20-%20BURKINA%20FASO%20-%20FINAL.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10161,"Approfondir les recherches concernant les dettes contractées durant le parcours migratoire, notamment dans les pays de transit, et qui sont instrumentalisées au profit des acteurs de la traite humaine." 282245,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,13,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Testing and contact tracing are ongoing, including in overcrowded IDP settlements." 344222,56790.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] Prices for manually refined fuels showed different price developments between March and April. Manually refined diesel decreased by 5% since March, although this is an increase of 69% since October 2020. Conversely, manually refined petrol increased by 24% since March, an increase of 101% since October 2020." 281570,51173.0,2336.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"UNICEF appealed for USD70.05 million in 2020 to sustain the provision of life-saving services for children and women in Afghanistan. During 2020, UNICEF received USD27 million including USD14 million of carried-over funds from 2019." 63448,18762.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,271,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.noticiasbarquisimeto.com/2019/07/17/hidrocapital-suspendio-el-servicio-de-agua-temporalmente/,"Parroquia San Juan:Silencio, Quinta Crespo, San Juan. Parroquia 23 de Enero: Observatorio, San Succi. Parroquia La Pastora: Barrio el Cardón, Cotiza, Diego Lozada, Hijos de Dios, La Pastora, La Pastora (casco histórico), La Esperanza, Lídice, Los Mecedores, Manicomio, Puerta Caracas, Sabana del Blanco. Altamira (Parte alta y parte baja), Country Club, El Pedregal, La Castellana (Parte alta y parte baja), Los Palos Grandes(Parte alta), Bello Campo, Boleíta Sur, California Norte y Sur, Campo Alegre, Chacao, Country Club (parte baja), La Floresta, Los Palos Grandes (parte baja e intermedia), San Marino, Centro Comercial Ciudad Tamanaco, Chuao, El Rosal. Base Aérea Generalísimo Francisco de Miranda, Brisas de Petare, Buena Vista, El Llanito, La Urbina, Monseñor Lebrún, Montecristo, San Miguel, Campo Rico, El Marqués (Norte y Sur), Rosario, Los Chorros (parte alta), Los Dos Caminos (partes alta y baja), Santa Eduvigis (Parte alta), Sebucán (Parte intermedia), Boleíta Norte (parte alta) Campo Claro, Colinas de La California, California Norte y Sur, Horizonte, La Carlota, La Lucha, Los Chorros, Los Ruices, Macaracuay (parte baja), Montecristo, Parque Francisco de Miranda, San Miguel, Santa Cecilia." 149049,37814.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,65,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/bonded-crisis-adversity-and-hope-rohingya-influx-three-years,"Of the over 1 million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, almost 900,000 currently reside in 34 formally established camps within Cox's Bazar District. As of August 2020, 23 Women Friendly Spaces, 22 health facilities, 10 Women-Led Community Centres, 144 midwives and 594 community health workers are providing crucial, lifesaving services for women, girls and young persons." 205256,44637.0,2028.0,"['Shelter', 'Health']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,54,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/camp-residents-face-yet-another-winter-under-dilapidated-roofs/,"[November 28, Aleppo] With fragile solutions and rapidly perishable aid, winter brings along the formation of pools that damage properties and flood tents with mud. Furthermore, they are the source of various diseases and increase the risk of spreading COVID-19 through the population escalating during recent months." 322208,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 21% of IDP settlement and 22% of non-IDP settlement households found with a health Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 326271,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,57,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 88% of the household found with WASH living Standard Gap (LSG). 17% found to be very extremely+ severe, 20% extreme severe, 51% severe, 11% stress,1% no or minimal." 320014,53234.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,54,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf?sfvrsn=c6981de5_7,"[2nd April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: On 22 March 2021 afternoon a massive fire spread through camps 8E, 8W and 9 in the Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, resulting in eleven deaths confirmed by government authorities and a significant number of injuries reported." 304876,50889.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The SENS [Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey] also indicate high rates of anaemia (>40 per cent) among children (6-59 months) and women (aged 15-49 years). The average rate of diarrhea amongst children aged 6-59 months is 10.9 to 12 per cent across all camps, while enrolment coverage for children in malnutrition treatment programmes is below 90 per cent." 330968,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification analysis estimated that 6.35 million people faced crisis levels of food insecurity or worse in August, end of lean season" 240989,47675.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"Following the incident (floods in N'Djaména), on 30 October, an inter-agency assessment mission comprising Government representatives (SPONGAH, Ministry of Health) and humanitarian organizations (OCHA, IOM, WFP, UNICEF, UNHCR, and the national NGO Effective Solutions) has visited the flooded areas to assess the situation and determine the extent of the humanitarian response required. A census of the affected people is still ongoing." 276091,50671.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,La faible couverture vaccinale à l’échelle du pays reste un défi et l’accès aux soins de santé reste difficile pour une grande partie de la population du fait de l’insuffisance des structures sanitaires et du personnel soignant (1 médecin pour 77 856 habitants). 63788,18898.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,80,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.who.int/health-cluster/news-and-events/news/Nigeria-Mobile-Health-Teams/en/,"Communities without functioning health clinics and those living in hard-to-reach areas face serious challenges in accessing health services. In fact, active hostilities, threats of attacks by armed groups and restrictions of movements to remote areas have considerably hindered access to essential and primary health care services. Furthermore, as of 2019 the Humanitarian Response Strategy estimated that over 820,000 people still live in hard-to-reach areas, where communities receive no to little health care services." 149557,19030.0,1388.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,50,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"La manifestación xenofóbica de este sábado, en el que se escuchó a personas decir que no hay trabajo, ayudas sociales ni atención médica para los costarricenses por culpa de los nicaragüenses, ha encendido las alarmas de las autoridades y ha sido condenada por organizaciones como la ONU" 346847,56987.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,55,['Priority Interventions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Where services are being provided, humanitarians must rely on Rohingya volunteers, transferring the risk of contracting the virus from vaccinated humanitarians to unvaccinated refugees. The rollout of vaccines for Rohingya refugees is on hold pending the arrival of COVAX vaccines ." 189994,43443.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,32,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"L’insécurité restreint l’accès des populations aux champs, et les populations sont parfois contraintes de consommer leurs semences par manque de nourriture, limitant la production agricole." 175462,41213.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"Au 30 septembre le pays avait rapporté un cumul de 2088 cas actifs, 1063 cas guéris, 58 décès soit une létalité de 2,7% étant au-dessus de la létalité moyenne observée dans l’espace CEDEAO. Toutes les 6 régions en sécurité précaire ont été affectées et seul le Sahel et le Centre Nord n’avaient pas des cas actifs." 148061,37648.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],[],[],en,21,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3663529,Qali Warma explained that the delivery is made at the request of the Municipalities of Yavari and Teniente Manuel Clavero. 196104,43590.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,41,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"IDPs often are exposed to psychological trauma and may require special care. Civilians who are moving are exposed to IEDs and mines, along main throughways; children may be especially exposed to injury or death from explosive weapons." 483278,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"7.2.5 Solicitud de ayuda contra el maltrato físico Los datos de la encuesta revelan que del total de personas venezolanas de 18 y más años de edad que saben o conocen de alguna persona venezolana víctima de maltrato físico, el 31,9% tiene conocimiento que la víctima solicitó ayuda, mientras que el 68,1% no lo solicitó El 33,4% de las mujeres violentadas físicamente habrían solicitado ayuda, siendo 2,3 puntos porcentuales más que los hombres (31,1%)." 143019,35989.0,2074.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,16,[],['Context'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,Exención del pago de multas si se ingresa a territorio boliviano de manera irregular. Aprobado 196035,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"OCHA and partners continue to work on strengthening the coordination and the capacity of relevant Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) counterparts; national and subnational coordination forums and partners, in enabling effective humanitarian response and ensuring a coherent response to crises in Somalia. This was also seen in the joint response to COVID-19, where a new coordination structure under the UN Task Force focusing on key pillars has come into effect, seeing technical leads working with the Federal Ministry of Health, State Ministries and partners to implement a common strategy." 408423,63583.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,39,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/co/pdf/2021/08/kpmg-co-boletin-informativo-edicion-50-digital.pdf,Mediante Circular Externa 18617 del 2 de julio el Ministerio de Salud ordenó a nuevas reglas para los alcaldes y gobernadores de los departamentos en los que la ocupación de camas tiene niveles por encima del 85%. 202610,43256.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,65,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the Far North, 1.2 million people suffer from problems related to their physical and mental wellbeing. The violence experienced by the population in this region leads to high levels of physical and psychological trauma, family separations, loss of livelihoods leading to food insecurity and the use of negative coping mechanisms such as prostitution, early marriage and child labor." 305833,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"In May 2018, fighting in Sina, Karo, Sabun El Fagur, Gubo, Kor Alnaqi, and Feina led to the displacement of an estimated 16,000 people to various camps and settlements in South and Central Darfur. 12,000 of these individuals were already considered displaced and the fighting led to their re-displacement, while 4,000 where newly displaced in the May fighting." 293677,51569.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,57,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Priorities for humanitarian response • Provision of cholera kits for possible outbreaks, and distribution of impregnated bed nets • Daily health education sessions on various topics. • Mass distribution of Mosquito nets. Health facility abandoned due to flood • Provision of canoes to aid referrals (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 171292,40771.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,99,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_en_situation_de_la_covid-19_dans_la_region_du_sahel.pdf,"En termes de capacité humaine pour la prise en charge médicale des survivantes de VBG, nous pouvons noter une faiblesse à travers une analyse des effectifs des agents de santé présents dans ces formations sanitaires. De ces 8 structures sanitaires au total 409 agents ont été recensés avec une forte proportion des infirmiers (37,41%) et des agents communautaires (36,92%). Les médecins constituent seulement 3,91% du personnel sanitaire et il n’y’a qu’un seul gynécologue et trois chirurgiens seulement au Centre Médical de Djibo." 385618,60457.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans les quatre régions les agriculteurs ont commencé les travaux préparatoires de la campagne agricole de la saison humide avec la préparation des sols, la mise en place d’aménagements antiérosifs, l’épandage de la fumure organique et la réalisation des ouvrages de conservation des eaux et des sols." 289541,51168.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Priority Interventions']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Existing activities have been affected by flooding in Pibor including damage to Women and Girls Friendly Spaces(WGFS)and Child Friendly Spaces (CFS). This results in a further service deficit. At least six additional mobile CFSs are required in Pibor Town, Verteth, Gumuruk and Likuangole in Greater Pibor Administrative Area(GPAA) to reach children in deep field locations." 201095,43280.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,118,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%20%209%20-%201%20-%2030%20September%202020.pdf,"In September 2020, 15,755 children were treated with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in UNICEF supported programmes. Although in the third quarter it was observed that admissions had reduced, this was in line with the trend of 2019 cases. For September a slight increase was seen; however, this is also in line with the trends of previous years. The number of pregnant and lactating women reached with preventative services through supplementary nutrition services was 21,340 for September. The primary caregivers of children under two years receiving appropriate counselling on infant and young child feeding reached in September were 93,561 and surpassed the annual target by 13.4 per cent." 162993,39122.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,68,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/28_July_2020.pdf,Reviewed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for sample packaging and transport to enhance sample management  Supported Lagos with the establishment of five (5) walk-in sites to optimise sample collection  Produced and shared jingles on COVID-19 preventive messages with states and Federal Ministry of Information (FMOI)  Virtual Training of Trainer (TOT) on contact tracing and active case search ongoing 221784,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,78,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Extortion and other forms of violations are common occurrences at the numerous illegal checkpoints manned by both State and non-State-affiliated armed actors. An estimated 134 such security checkpoints, many of which are fee-bearing, hinder safe, timely and unimpeded access. Incidents continue to be reported at the authorized checkpoints along all major access roads in southern and central Somalia, with the following access roads most affected: Mogadishu-Afgooye-Baidoa, Mogadishu-Balcad-Jawhar and CadaadoGaalkacyo." 218371,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,14,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,L’interdiction des cérémonies festives et des réunions de plus de dix personnes 328545,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[Accountability to Affected Populations] 15% of households reported having received aid in the 30 days prior to data collection. 206566,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In August 2019, some 6.35 million people (54 per cent of the population) were estimated to be acutely food insecure (IPC Phase 3 or worse)." 247830,48228.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,60,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations (Court terme): Fournir une assistance alimentaire inconditionnelle couplée au cash transfert à 6 845 ménages pour une période minimum de trois à quatre mois afin de réduire la vulnérabilité due aux chocs / Sensibiliser les ménages sur les bonnes pratiques en matière d’alimentation et nutrition / Réaliser une enquête de référence en sécurité alimentaire 52124,16699.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,The UN warns that access to regular status is one of the primary challenges for Venezu- elans in Ecuador. 454521,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],es,80,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 24.9% venezolanas a rma tener entre 5 y 8 síntomas, mientras que los peruanos 33.3% tiene esta misma cantidad de síntomas. Lo signi cativo es que el 45% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana entrevistadas a rman tener más de 9 síntomas, en el caso de las peruanas 21.2% responde tener más de 9 síntomas. Es preciso señalar que las personas que se encuentran en este rango requieren atención prioritaria." 322316,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 35% of Households of IDP settlements have not been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection while 44% of Households of IDP settlements have been able to access healthcare facilities in the six months prior to data collection. 291080,52224.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Agriculture']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,47,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] Despite relatively favourable conditions for winter cereal growth, high prices of domestic and imported inputs are hampering agricultural activities. These are the result of the dramatic currency depreciation and high transportation costs stemming from fuel shortages." 24903,9949.0,729.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,143,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68227.pdf,"Resettlement processing in Libya (Group 1) Since 1 September 2017, 1,155 individuals have been submitted for resettlement to 7 States (Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland). A total of 383 individuals have departed on resettlement from Libya directly or through the ETC in Romania to Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. A total of 158 individuals have been accepted for resettlement and are pending departure from Libya directly or through the ETC Romania to Canada (38), France (4), the Netherlands (1), Norway (109) and Sweden (6). A total of 636 individuals have been submitted for resettlement and are pending interview or decision by a resettlement State in Libya." 134732,34828.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En síntesis, habitar en campamentos se torna una alternativa temporal para la población migrante, producto de diferentes factores -carencias económicas, de redes, y de situación migratoria regularque hemos visto a lo largo del documento que dificultan acceso a vivienda formal en el primer período en Chile (Razmilic, 2019; Troncoso et al., 2018). Ello los lleva a estar sobrerrepresentados en dichos asentamientos informales28, en los cuales se viven diferentes situaciones de habitabilidad críticas, intensificándose algunas (como hacinamiento, y acceso informal a agua y electricidad), en población migrante" 151371,37912.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/amphan_dashboard_monitoring_10_august_2020.pdf,"Under the COVID-19 situation, maintaining physical distance at field level was very challenging and required additional space and time at distribution point as well as additional human resources to do crowd control." 321055,54668.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,139,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Les principales raisons pour lesquelles la majorité des retournés ne s’installe pas dans leur ancienne propriété ou maison sont : un endommagement total (cité comme raison principale par 64% des PDIs retournés et 54% des retournés d’Angola), un endommagement partiel (cité comme raison secondaire par 31 et 23%, respectivement pour les PDIs retournés et les retournés d’Angola). La troisième raison évoquée est que les retournés ne possédaient pas de maison avant le déplacement (23% pour les PDIs retournées et 18% pour les retournés d’Angola)." 165553,39662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"The recent surge in confirmed cases in the country poses serious concerns. The first three known cases were reported on 8 March 2020 by the country’s epidemiology institute, Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR). Infections remained low until the end of March but saw a steep rise in April. As of 10 June 2020, there have been a total of 74,865 confirmed cases in the country, with 15,900 recoveries and 1,012 deaths." 275499,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"La non prise en charge psychosociale, médicale, socioéconomique et juridique des personnes à besoins spécifiques limiterait leur capacité à surmonter le traumatisme et faire face aux crises et chocs actuels et futurs." 132490,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Dentro del contexto de un enfoque multisectorial, los socios asegurarán en la respuesta un trabajo conjunto con otros sectores, especialmente protección, educación, salud y alojamiento en un marco de desarrollo. El GTRM también promoverá una respuesta conjunta entre socios que trabajan actualmente en integración, en base a un mapeo de áreas y tipos de intervenciones para generar las sinergias relevantes. Al mismo tiempo, los socios promocionarán la participación activa de las contrapartes del Estado en sesiones y actividades en el campo." 41089,11894.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"As a result of the ongoing conflict, most schools in conflict-affected baladiyas were reportedly closed. Several schools were damaged by shelling, and one was reportedly hit by an airstrike. All KIs reported that the security situation on the roads was too dangerous to consider sending children to school." 387246,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La mayoría de los trabajadores que cuentan con contrato de trabajo en Chile lo está bajo la modalidad indefinida. En efecto, el 69,8% de los trabajadores cuenta con dicho tipo de contrato laboral, lo que suele asociarse a condiciones de trabajo de mayor estabilidad y de mayor protección. Por su parte, las modalidades de contratos temporales constituyen el porcentaje restante, siendo los contratos por obra o faena más numerosos que los de plazo fijo." 297384,51172.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"The security situation remained unstable in the centre. Fighting and IED attacks were reported in Kabul, Logar, Maidan Wardak, Khost, Ghazni, Paktika and Paktya provinces. Interagency assessment teams identified 1,071 IDPs to receive humanitarian assistance in the coming days in Khost and Paktya provinces." 328578,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,105,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 26% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot while 28% and 30% of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes and 30-60minutes to reach to the nearest health facility by foot respectively. 9% reported to reach nearest health facility by foot in 1-3 hours. Only 1% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes more than 3 hours to reach to the nearest health facility by foot . 241967,47791.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"Une augmentation des cas de recrutement des enfants par les groupes armés, des violences sexuelles, des grossesses précoces, du nombre d’enfants exploités économiquement et impliqués dans le travail et d’enfants victimes de violence physique dans le cadre domestique, a été signalé dans différentes provinces de la RDC." 293537,51569.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,144,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Communities mainly affected live along Phow riverside and the most affected villages are Kuemduok, Kalpan, Buom, Kuerjiel, Nyalual One, Wangkoakni, Wicmoun, Karah, Kerial, Kuerkhan. From the other side of the White Nile are Wathkeech, Tambuong, Bap, Gerger, Dualdong, Kuerdap, Thomliech, Palei, Kuerkang, and Juaibor. The affected community members along Phow river are displaced to highland namely; Kuerthiangni, Thorwal, Part of Wicmoun, Lele, Wuntur, Kuerkan 2, Noor, Pawany, Pak, Chuek, Ridyier, and parts of Phom center, while the others along White Nile river are displaced to Kuerdap, Parts of Tiep, Bei, Parts of Tambuong, Bilnyan, Kuerthak, Biel, Pokbor, and also some parts of Juaibor" 314781,54247.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,69,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/20/covid-19-91-die-4-559-infected-in-24-hours,"[20th April 2021,Bangladesh] As many as 27,056 samples, including the pending ones, were tested in the 265 authorized labs -- government and private -- across the country. The latest figures show an infection rate of 16.85%. The overall infection rate of the country stands at 13.94%. Currently, 18,623 people are in isolation and 52,145 are quarantined." 290344,52076.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,29,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,women are particularly affected by lack of access to income-generating activities. It also means less resting time and a lower access to sparetime activities and decision-making forums. 136889,35314.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,94,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The Bab Al-Salam border crossing remains open for commercial traffic, while closed for UN transshipments. On 20 July, Bab Al Hawa in Idleb partially re-opened for humanitarian workers and emergency medical cases to cross to Turkey after a week’s closure following reported cases of COVID-19 in Idleb. On 27 July, the Ghazawiyet/Daret Azza – Deir Ballut/Atma internal crossings connecting the Idleb area and northern Aleppo Governorate were reportedly reopened. Both crossings had been closed on 17 July as a precaution against the spread of COVID-19." 275370,50671.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,8,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"452,966 Réfugiés / 208,465 PDIs et retournés tchadiens" 134151,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,96,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"El Ministerio de Seguridad identificó y derivó 49 casos de trata de personas (33 con fines de explotación laboral y 16 con fines de explotación sexual). Se procesó a 106 personas sospechosas de desempeñarse como tratantes (71 por trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual, 19 con fines de explotación laboral, 8 por ambas, y 8 por matrimonio forzado). Fueron condenados 71 tratantes en 48 casos (30 por trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual y 18 con fines de explotación laboral)13" 215510,45277.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,34,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"Poor nutrition, especially of children, threatens welfare and education gains. Despite a 2 percent annual reduction, 41 percent of Afghan children under the age of five are still stunted." 208771,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,81,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Similarly, over 300,000 refugees in South Sudan are in need of protection services. Counties hosting the highest numbers of people in need (over 100,000) include Wau, Rubkona, Bor South, Jur River, Aweil East, Luakpiny/Nasir, Akobo, Pibor Juba, Gogrial West, Awerial, Twic and Tonj North.These host communities experience high levels of violence in addition to other safety and security risks, including their proximity to cantonment sites." 126328,34397.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"El 58% de los hogares migrantes no tiene acceso a servicios médicos. Esta tendencia es más predominante en los departamentos de Cesar, La Guajira y Norte de Santander. La razón principal por la cual no tienen acceso es por falta de recursos" 173928,41033.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,94,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, BAY states]The nutrition situation across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY) states remains of great concern with increased rates of acute malnutrition attributed to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, poor sanitation conditions during the ongoing rainy season, and reduced access to adequate food during the lean season. The number of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) cases admitted to nutrition treatment programmes continues is higher than last year a 50-per-cent increase in mortality rate was reported in June and July." 223602,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,24,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,Humanitarian organizations in Somalia continue to strike a balance between addressing their security concerns and ensuring the effective and principled delivery of assistance. 281992,51173.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"In partnership with 15 national and international NGOs, a total of 137,583 children and adult (62,563 women/girls) benefitted from child protection services including community-based psychosocial support through door-to-door service provision." 132519,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Los voluntarios de la comunidad serán capacitados para este fin, es decir, en derechos humanos, asistencia psicosocial, necesidades, mecanismos de identificación y referencia. En este proceso, asegurar la participación de ambas comunidades será clave para desarrollar y fortalecer los mecanismos de la comunidad hacia la prevención de la violencia. Simultáneamente, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil estarán asistidas directamente a través de capacitación y talleres. Las reuniones nacionales de las organizaciones locales deberán armonizar los planes de acción hacia los refugiados y migrantes." 343860,56755.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,46,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/PROTECTION%20Fact%20Sheet%20FINAL.pdf,"Human trafficking (HT) and smuggling of migrants (SoM) 1 are crimes with serious human rights implications that are accentuated in times of crisis. With the outbreak of COVID-19, refugees and migrants from Venezuela face specific vulnerabilities to these crimes." 235996,46890.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,40,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"94 children with SAM (85 percent) were supported with treatment, however 15 percent were not able to receive treatment as coverage and availability of SAM treatment is still low compared to the number of cases identified." 344135,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,74,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"En effet, Christophe Joseph Marie Dabiré a présenté la stratégie multidimensionnelle de lutte mise en place pour combattre le terrorisme et qui a permis d’engranger des résultats forts appréciables en 2020, même si des difficultés demeurent.Cette stratégie, selon le Chef du gouvernement, repose dans un premier temps sur les opérations militaires, qui permettent de sécuriser les zones sous menace terroriste, et de rassurer les populations." 223806,45863.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://actualite.cd/2020/12/11/covid-19-la-rdc-depasse-la-barre-de-14-000-cas-confirmes,"L’équipe de la riposte contre le coronavirus a rapporté jeudi [10 décembre] 173 nouveaux cas confirmés, dont 128 à Kinshasa, 48 au Kongo-Central, 6 à la Tshopo et 1 en Ituri. La même source renseigne qu’aucune donnée n’est disponible que ce soit pour les cas de décès et des personnes guéries." 473200,67204.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"Precisamente, en este grupo de los países más afectados predomina la presencia de naciones latinoamericanas. Perú ocupa el primer lugar, con 10,2 huérfanos por cada 1.000 niños, seguido por Sudáfrica (5,1), México (3,5), Brasil (2,4), Colombia (2,3), Irán (1,7), Estados Unidos (1,5), Argentina (1,1), Rusia (1,0) y Polonia (1,0)" 349942,57380.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,52,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2021/06/07/earthquake-felt-in-sylhet-again,"[ 7th June 2021, Bangladesh] The next day another tremor of magnitude 2.8 shook the city. The back-to-back earthquakes have spread panic among locals, who are worried about a potential major quake. Many people living in high-rise buildings have left the city for their village homes." 473941,67199.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Implementar el protocolo de participación de niños, niñas y adolescentes víctimas del conflicto." 349941,57380.0,2098.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],en,59,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2021/06/07/earthquake-felt-in-sylhet-again,"[ 7th June 2021, Bangladesh] On May 29, the first tremor of magnitude 3 on the Richter scale was felt at 10:36am, followed by the aftershocks of 4.1 magnitude at 10:50am, 2.8 magnitude at 11:30am, and 4 magnitude at 1:58pm. Two buildings tilted in Sylhet city but no casualties were reported." 399338,62971.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Shelter/Non-Food Items: 3,851 shelters were damaged in the camps." 490564,67789.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,135,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Needs: There is an urgent need for the repair and re-construction of about 54 per cent of latrines that are partially functional or totally broken. Acute shortages, especially in locations like Damboa LGA, are a major concern as it exposes affected populations to safety hazards, especially women and girls who are at risk of abduction and sexual violence while venturing out of dwelling areas/safe zones in search of water. Although water trucking is being scaled up by sector partners, the approach is unsustainable and expensive. Resorting to unsafe sources for water has increased the risk of water-borne diseases including acute watery diarrhea (AWD), which has been reported across several LGAs." 160572,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Antioquia, la violencia sexual es perpetrada también por grupos armados de la Comuna 8 de Medellín, que, al hacer préstamos de dinero, presionan a las mujeres para saldar las deudas a cambio de tener relaciones sexuales" 172875,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,76,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La majorité des nouveaux besoins générés par le COVID-19 sont des besoins sanitaires liés à l’impact direct de l’épidémie. En comparaison avec l’analyse initiale du HNO 2020 selon laquelle 5,6 millions de personnes avaient des besoins liés à la santé, il est maintenant estimé que 25,6 millions de personnes sont dans le besoin car étant à risque d’être affectées par l’épidémie de COVID-19." 35739,13103.0,788.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,67,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Alawiye-Adams and Babatunde (2013) indicate that many of these adolescents live under very poor conditions, are not able to feed themselves, and often turn to street begging to survive (6). Such children cannot pay for the cost of transporting themselves to the primary health clinic or referral facilities; their severe poverty drives many to opt for traditional alternatives" 495388,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,23,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Las mujeres migrantes están en situaciones agravadas por la falta de protección en casos de denuncias de violencias por su estado migratorio. 457612,65405.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,92,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des personnes présentant des besoins spécifiques sont présentes sur les sites. Ce sont des personnes vivant avec un handicap (81% des répondants), des femmes cheffes de ménage sans revenus (77% des répondants), des femmes enceintes et/ou allaitantes (42% des répondants), des enfants chefs de ménage (35% des répondants), des personnes âgées sans soutien (31% des répondants) et des jeunes filles enceintes et/ou allaitantes sans soutien (8% des répondants)." 204240,43347.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Approximately 23 per cent of assessed settlements reported food as their most-needed form of assistance, followed by health (16 per cent), WASH (12 per cent), non-food items (NFIs) (11 per cent) and education (8 per cent)." 389628,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,150,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"La letalidad puede aumentar por varias razones: 1) cuando hay subregistro de las infecciones hay más muertes por cada caso (personas asintomáticas o con síntomas leves que no se diagnostican o no son detectados por las pruebas), 2) cuando las infecciones son agresivas, como podría ocurrir con diferentes variantes del virus, 3) cuando hay mucha población susceptible a complicaciones (enfermedades de base, edad), 4) cuando no se sabe manejar la enfermedad, 5) cuando no hay acceso a servicios (colapsa el sistema o no estos existen), o 6) cuando la gente no acude a los servicios por desconfianza, entre otras. ¿Cómo explicar la alta letalidad en Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Caquetá, Amazonas, Córdoba o Magdalena? Seguramente hay una mezcla de todas las anteriores." 198687,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,18,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Au cours de ces activités, 28 rumeurs ont été gérées et 134 alertes ont été remontées." 123670,32567.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"4 June 2020, two doctors of the FMSC (Field Medicine Support Center) were killed after UXB/ERW exploded while both were on their duty evacuating injured patient(s) in Ain Zara area. 6 June 2020, an ambulance point affiliated to the Field Medicine and Support Center (FMSC) was hit in the Abu Qurayn area, near Sirte. No injuries were reported. The facility incurred significant damage, including ambulance vehicle." 223678,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,28,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Risque accru de violence sexuelle et sexiste (VSS) à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du foyer (hommes et femmes sans travail; écoles fermées). 500802,30395.0,1232.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,66,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Uruguay,2019-05-28 02:56:46.441375+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/75390.pdf,"The Government of Uruguay declared a state of national health emergency, from March 13, 2020, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. From Tuesday, March 17, the Government decided to close the totality of land, waterways and air borders with Argentina. Citizens and residents of Uruguay, transport of goods to Argentina and humanitarian aid20 are exempt." 344205,56790.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] As in previous months, high quality transport fuels were reported as available (above 98%) by surveyed vendors. The significant unavailability of lower quality but less expensive fuels (largely European fuels imported via Turkey) forces prices for high quality diesel and petrol to remain high, driven both by increasing demand as well as by fluctuating exchange rates of both the SYP and the TRY against the USD." 125363,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,27,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,The vast majority of migrants (81%) departing from Algeria entered Libya directly. Their average cost of journey was estimated at 626 UD dollars 279901,44790.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The overall impact of the flooding in October 2019 has not yet been fully quantified, but farmland and infrastructures have been destroyed and livelihoods undoubtedly disrupted in the worst-hit areas." 223689,44702.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,26,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Families spend at least 2 – 5 hours trekking to access markets that have adequate NFIs, specially in Cueibet and areas west of Wulu County" 247827,48228.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,133,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"En rapport avec l’accès aux marchés, si les sites de Nima, Daboua Ecole, Djirkori, Tataferom 3 et de Yakirom se trouvent à une distance raisonnable des marchés principaux, celui de Koudou Kolé est éloigné des marchés qui se trouvent à Bol. Cependant, dans les deux cas, l’accès aux denrées est limité à cause du très faible pouvoir d’achat des ménages et de la hausse des prix des produits de base. Les principales denrées qu’on retrouve sur les marchés sont entre autres : le maïs, le sorgho, le mil pénicillaire et du riz. Les actions urgentes sont nécessaires pour ces nouveaux déplacés qui n’ont reçu aucune assistance humanitaire depuis leur arrivée." 323401,54372.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,85,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/3-%D9%88%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A8%D8%B5%D8%B1%D9%89-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%88%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A9-%D8%A5%D8%B4%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%B4%D9%81%D9%89-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86%D8%A9-100,"[April 18, Dar'a]The oxygen bottling plant, which was established with the support of the people and local donations amounting to 300 million Syrian pounds, announced that its production capacity has increased to the maximum due to the seriousness of cases that need oxygen cylinders on a daily basis, while one of the people in the city announced his donation of 50 oxygen cylinders for the oxygen production unit to meet the needs of the people ." 316779,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,95,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook, afique] La pandémie de la COVID-19 a donné lieu en Afrique à une augmentation du financement public riposter à la crise de la COVID-19 et à une détério- ration des notes de crédit de plusieurs pays sur un continent où le niveau de la dette publique aug- mente depuis une décennie. Le poids important et croissant de la dette souveraine pourrait donner lieu à des défauts de paiement désordonnés et à davantage de ces longues résolutions dont les pays débiteurs africains sont coutumiers, avec des conséquences économiques coûteuses." 141658,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"In addition, UNHCR is procuring one GeneXpert machine. Following WHO support for on-site training of laboratory technicians and delivery of essential supplies, COVID-19 testing is also ongoing at the Tishreen University Hospital in Lattakia, the Zahi Azraq Hospital in Aleppo, and at the public health laboratory in Homs." 311742,54013.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,394,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unidadvictimas.gov.co/es/prevencion-y-atencion-de-emergencias/la-unidad-para-las-victimas-ha-atendido-90-desplazamientos,"En el 2021, los eventos de desplazamientos forzados registrados son: • Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) - barrios Pampalinda, Antono Nariño y otros • Barbacoas (Nariño) - vereda Cocal • El Tambo (Cauca) - corregimiento San Juan de Micay • El Tambo (Cauca) - vereda Nayita • Tibú (Norte de Santander) - corregimiento La Silla, Vereda Abato • Litoral del San Juan (Chocó) - Charambira- Chupaba • Magüí Payán (Nariño) - vereda La Loma • Cáceres (Antioquia) - vereda Río Man • Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) - La Playita y Bello Horizonte • Santa Bárbara de Iscuandé (Nariño) - vereda La Buga • Ituango (Antioquia) - veredas Quindío, Alto del Limón, Sauces, Quebrada del Medio, El Zarzal. • Ituango (Antioquia) - vereda San Matías • Mosquera (Nariño) - vereda La Pampa • Hacarí (Norte de Santander) - vereda Monte Tarra • Dabeiba (Antioquia) - vereda Cañaveral • Alto Baudó (Chocó) - comunidades Mohamia • Peque (Antioquia) - vereda Nueva Granada • Amalfi (Antioquia) - vereda Naranjales • Guapi (Cauca) - veredas Santa María, Alto Napi- comunidad Belén • Cáceres (Antioquia) - vereda Quebradona • Argelia (Cauca) - Las Vegas • Murindo (Antioquia) - Turriquitadó Alto, del resguardo Chageradó, y Coredó, del Resguardo Río Murindó • Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) - vereda San Antoñito, Cuenca Yurumangui • Bagadó (Chocó) - comunidad Cevedé • Peque (Antioquia) - vereda Portachuelo, Los Chorros • Santa Bárbara de Iscuandé (Nariño) - veredas Chontaduro y Cucuragua • Cáceres (Antioquia) - vereda Santa Cruz • Tierralta (Córdoba) - Santa Isabel del Manso • La Tola (Nariño) - vereda Pueblito, San Pablo de la Mar, Pangamosa, Secadero y Las Delicias • Olaya Herrera (Nariño) - veredas Bocas del Barro, Bocas del Brazo, Alto San Antonio • Bajo Baudó – (Chocó) – Geandó • Timbiquí – (Cauca) - Comunidad Cupi, Los Brazos, consejo comunitario parte baja de Saija" 195717,43088.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,39,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://caracol.com.co/emisora/2020/10/26/cucuta/1603716032_227604.html,"Gustavo Delgado alcalde del municipio de San Cristóbal Capital del estado Táchira,le dijo a Caracol Radio que es respetable la decisión de migrar pero que muchos viajan con sus familiasy exponen a niños y adultos mayores." 222940,44702.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Because of unprecedented levels of flooding, crop failure is imminent which will result into lack of food for the affected communities." 104843,30139.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy']",en,63,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Overall, even if domestically the demand for deliveries and online sales has surged, international mail has been decreasing. Estimates gathered from high-frequency data indicate that the drop of international mail due to the emergence of the pandemic is 23%. This is just one of the symptoms of the extent to which COVID-19 has impacted international economic flows." 390640,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Según datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Empleo de julio-septiembre 2019 y la encuesta Voces Migrantes, realizada por el Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes, la tasa de ocupación de migrantes (77%) es mucho mayor a la de los chilenos (57%) (Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes, 2020)." 130789,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,25,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,Semana del 10 al 16 de marzo: Cierre de frontera con Venezuela refuerzo de las medidas de control en la frontera con Ecuador. 189666,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Près de 761 000 personnes en situation de déplacement nécessitent une assistance d´urgence et des solutions durables. 63091,18663.0,1386.0,['Health'],[],[],en,4,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"650,000 to be assisted" 413153,60898.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,44,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"The country is severely affected by a humanitarian crisis due to insecurity. Attacks by non-state armed groups (NSAG) persist in 2021, with many civilians being targeted or threatened. Consequently, new waves of displacements took place in several regions" 217952,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,32,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The complex context of Afghanistan, including ethnically diverse people, rugged terrain and continuing civil unrest, needs to be considered when developing strategies for food and livelihood security programming." 308583,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"There are 11 humanitarian organizations including 1 INGOs, 5 NNGOs and 5 UN operating in Tonj South." 81818,22508.0,1387.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,48,[],['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Mexico,2019-08-18 18:54:16.373564+00,https://es.panampost.com/sabrina-martin/2019/10/03/venezolanos-sin-derecho-a-viajar-victimas-de-xenofobia-robos-y-vejaciones/,"Añadió que pidió ser deportado, pero no a Venezuela, pues él llevaba dos años como residente en Chile y en sus pertenencias se encontraba su identificación; posteriormente los funcionarios le ofrecieron regresar a Santiago pero bajo la condición de que no denuncie lo sucedido." 357139,58234.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,124,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security-wheat/syrian-drought-puts-assads-year-of-wheat-in-peril-idUSKCN2DX0JB,"[21 June 2021, GoS] Minister of Agriculture Mohammed Hassan Qatana talked about the fate of the domestic crop during a tour with his team this week of the country's bread basket in the northeast Hasaka province, where much of the country's cereals crop is in the hands of breakaway Kurds. ""It's clear from the tour the huge impact of the climatic changes, that all rain-fed plantations have been taken out of investments and even the irrigated wheat areas production has gone down 50%,"" Qatana said. According to two U.N. experts, that could mean at least half of the planted acreage of 1.5 million hectares could be wiped out." 193512,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Forty-six per cent of schools in South Sudan are partially damaged and 13 per cent are fully damaged. At least 2.2 million school-aged girls and boys are estimated to be out of school, with thousands more at risk of dropping out." 303515,53037.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,36,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Les restrictions, y compris les mesures de distanciation sociale et la fermeture des frontières terrestres, restent en vigueur et continuent d'avoir un impact négatif sur le secteur informel urbaine et l'économie en général." 114160,31147.0,1898.0,[],[],[],es,69,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Entre los perfiles vulnerables bajo la COVID-19, se han identificado a los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA), mujeres, población LGBTIQ+, personas adultas mayores, sobrevivientes de violencia, con condiciones médicas precedentes, con discapacidad o diversidad funcional, deportadas en cuarentena, que salieron por motivos de violencia, privadas de libertad en centros penitenciarios y centros de detención juvenil." 113014,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"En articulación con la Secretaría de Salud, continúan las jornadas de salud, así como el acompañamiento en la implementación de las medidas de bioseguridad en los alojamientos temporales en la ciudad de Medellín." 196048,43590.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Due to insecurity, access constraints are high across Afghanistan, and NGOs are frequently targeted by insurgents (Aid Worker Security 04/05/2020). Flight irregularities and bureaucratic constraints have slowed down some operations, and interference with activities continues to be reported in Kunduz (OCHA 31/08/2020) (The Johanniter 11/2019) (OCHA C-19 Report 25/08/2020)." 208201,44900.0,2333.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"En termes de besoins non couverts, on note : 833 kits NFI, 1 726 kits abris et environ 93,2 tonnes de vivres à rechercher." 132613,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Las estrategias de comunicación, incluyendo los talleres, ferias y visitas al hogar se harán para compartir información sobre prevención, vías de referencia y servicios para responder al VBG, incluyendo la prevención y respuesta al acoso en las calles. Los espacios claves, tales como residencias, escuelas, vecindarios y comunidades, así como las ubicaciones de tránsito, serán también identificados para dichos fines. Los socios también harán las intervenciones sobre masculinidad con los adolescentes y adultos de ambos, las comunidades de refugiados y migrantes y las comunidades de acogida." 188586,43180.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,20,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_271_20201027.pdf,"Par ailleurs, 5 contacts (au Nord-Kivu) sont devenus symptomatiques et 85 autres sont sortis de suivi." 149548,19030.0,1388.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.republica.com/2018/08/19/brotes-de-xenofobia-en-brasil-y-costa-rica-contra-venezolanos-y-nicaraguenses/#,"No obstante, la gran mayoría de los inmigrantes venezolanos deciden instalarse a unos 200 kilómetros más al sur, en Boa Vista, la capital de Roraima, donde se encuentran casi todos los centros de acogida y se estima que hay unos 25.000, muchos de ellos en condiciones muy precarias." 225411,45087.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Results showed an increase in loans as an alternative source for compensating lost income, while 92% of the population has incurred significant debt." 275326,50611.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://globalriskinsights.com/2021/01/somalia-a-triple-threat-to-instability/,"Al-Shabaab, the radical Islamist movement which has terrorised Somalia and other nations in recent years, has been somewhat successfully restrained since the height of its power in 2011. This confluence of dynamics, however, could sow the seeds for a renewal of their violence, which would pose a significant threat to Somali stability, during what is a crucial moment for their fragile democracy." 285370,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,6,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,People in Need: 8 million 266798,49804.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, GoS] Food distributions in Tafas have been irregular in the past months, since then access has been problematic due to the heightened tensions. This shows how susceptible local market dynamics can be to even brief escalations of hostilities, translating into immediate repercussions on the local population’s purchasing power. This is particularly concerning in areas where the regular provision of assistance is curtailed by access issues." 390738,61177.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,110,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Nigeria continues to face massive developmental challenges, which include the need to reduce the dependency on oil and diversify the economy, address insufficient infrastructure, and build strong and effective institutions, as well as address its governance issues and public financial management systems. Inequality in terms of income and opportunities has been growing rapidly and has adversely affected poverty reduction. The country’s North-South divide has widened in recent years due to the Boko Haram insurgency, farmer-herder conflict, banditry, and a lack of economic development in the northern part of the country." 347863,56800.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Most of the publications focus on the challenges transgender people face when accessing public toilets or other communal facilities, which include verbal abuse, physical and sexual assault, denial of access, arrest and expulsion. Problems identified include being harassed and abused in men’s toilets, feared and ridiculed in women’s toilets, suspected of sex work when using public toilets or denied access to public toilets altogether." 229383,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,22,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,There is need to carry out a verification exercise to identify the exact and accurate number of IDPs that might need assistance 144702,34804.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"As of 11 June, six health cluster members reported utilizing 345 awareness workers to reach 19,853 beneficiaries with different awarenessraising activities, 459 NGO workers participated in related trainings. Clusters have collaboratively distributed 720,000 food parcels with soap, including 420,000 with COVID-19 stickers, instead of the in-person distribution of brochures." 194238,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,Un briefing a été organisé à l’intention des Représentants des CAC de l’AS TAMENDE sur les techniques de communication de risque en cette période de la pandémie de Covid-19 dans la ZS GOMA au NORD-KIVU ; 489255,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Aleppo, Idleb, NWS] 33 percent of households across NWS report that they live in formal or informal IDP settlements. The precarious and vulnerable nature of these households is exacerbated in situations where they are made to pay rent for their shelter. Overall 32 percent of households in IDP settlements across NWS pay money for their shelter (35 percent in Idleb and 17 percent in Aleppo)." 276990,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[impact de la fermeture des écoles] de nombreuses entreprises du secteur de l’éducation ont été gravement touchées. Par exemple, les sociétés de transport qui emmènent les enfants à l’école ou les dépenses de détail liées à l’éducation. Dans certaines communautés plus rurales, les écoles sont également le centre des économies locales." 293678,51569.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"As a follow-up, World Relief project staff conducted MUAC screening during the visit and from 187 U5s children (90 male; 97 female) and 21 children (11 male;10 female) had SAM case, 47 children (19 male; 28 female) had MAM case and the rest were normal. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 342454,56601.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.defensoria.gov.co/es/nube/comunicados/10146/Alerta-humanitaria-por-colapso-en-seguridad-alimentaria-en-el-pa%C3%ADs-defensor%C3%ADa-Carlos-Negret.htm,"Asegura, Camargo Assis que “los bloqueos y la obstrucción de las vías públicas no son expresión de protesta pacífica. Violan los derechos ciudadanos y están encaminados a generar en Colombia, una hambruna artificial entre la población”." 163851,39094.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,89,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20East%20Nigeria%20-%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Update%20%28As%20of%2023rd%20August%202020%29.pdf,"Cumulative Positivity rate is 8.1% in Borno State and Test per million of population is 1,372 while case per million Population is 111. A total of 9,722 COVID-19 test has been conducted in Borno State, initial test stands at 9,405 while follow up test Stands at 327. In Adamawa State, 1,629 samples have been tested, 89 results are pending, and 2 are indeterminate. In Yobe State, 490 samples have been tested with 67 positive results and 338 negative results." 144184,35197.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,122,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/argentina/unicef-actualiza-la-estimaci-n-de-pobreza-infantil-alcanzar-m-s-de-8-millones-de,"Las dos encuestas de UNICEF marcan una situación más crítica en losbarrios populares. “El coronavirus afecta la vida de los chicos y las chicas de todas las clases sociales, pero en las familias más pobres el impacto es mucho mayor”, afirmó Sebastián Waisgrais, Especialista en Inclusión Social de UNICEF. “En el 15% de los hogares encuestados se tuvo que recurrir a algún préstamo o fiado por parte de algún comercio para comprar alimentos *-explicó Waisgrais-. El porcentaje aumenta al 29% cuando el hogar no tiene ingresos laborales, al 25% en barrios populares y al 22% para los titulares de la Asignación Universal por Hijo*”." 150787,37921.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,95,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le personnel de santé est présent au niveau de toues les points d’entrée évalués et travaille en moyenne 12 heures par jour. Il s’agit d’un effectif de 12 agents en moyenne par point d’entrée. A la réouverture des frontières, les acteurs recommandent le maintien des agents de santé dans les points d’entrée ainsi que l’augmentation de leur effectif. Cependant, aucun des points d’entrée n’est doté de personnel formé sur les procédures opératoires normalisées." 47462,16249.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,169,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/68669_0.pdf,"El Gobierno de Colombia ha tomado medidas encomiables para responder a la situación y ha pedido a los socios humanitarios y a la comunidad internacional que apoyen sus esfuerzos. En 2017, Colombia creó un Permiso Especial de Permanencia (PEP), el cual beneficia a los venezolanos que ingresan a través de puntos fronterizos formales, con un total de 181.000 permisos emitidos hasta febrero de 2018. Entre abril y junio del mismo año, las autoridades registraron a más de 442.000 venezolanos que se encontraban en situación irregular en el país a través del proceso de registro más grande y rápido de su historia, denominado el Registro Administrativo de Migrantes Venezolanos (RAMV). Las personas registradas a través del RAMV tuvieron la oportunidad de regularizar su situación mediante la adquisición de un PEP23. El PEP les permite permanecer en Colombia por hasta dos años con acceso a derechos básicos, incluidos el empleo, la salud y la educación." 245851,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,29,[],['Humanitarian Access'],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,The recovery should rest on a participatory approach and be neighbourhood-centered rather than being a blanket recovery that overlooks the specificities and uniqueness of different neighbourhoods and areas. 196112,43590.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,40,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"38,243 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Afghanistan as of 02/09, with 29,315 recoveries and 1,409 deaths, though deaths are likely underreported (Afghan Ministry of Public Health last accessed 02/09/2020) (OCHA 31/08/2020)." 227494,46488.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"L’un des IC santé a rapporté que les équipements médicaux étaient disponibles en suffisance, tandis que le second IC santé a rapporté un manque modéré d’équipements médicaux." 163828,34549.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,26,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Transportation costs have generally increased by about 30 percent, and by even more in remote areas, affecting the delivery of produce to markets." 243925,47254.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,101,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/11/1077872,"[17th Nov 2020,Nigeria] The United Nations released $100 million of emergency funding on Tuesday to stave off the risk of famine in seven countries most at risk from a hunger epidemic fueled by conflict, economic decline, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.Mark Lowcock, head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, said $80 million would be split between Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen, which would get the biggest tranche of $30 million." 224612,44702.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"In Guba village near Wulu County, communities were found to be using a shallow well because of the distance of the community from functional BH." 326763,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Contact Tracing'],fr,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Au terme de S14/2021 (données disponibles pour les 06 et 08/04/2021), 1 040 nouveaux contacts ont été enregistrés, aucun contact n’est devenu symptomatique. Par contre, 1 351 contacts étaient sortis du suivi. Pour comparaison, ces chiffres étaient respectivement de 306, 0 et 228 au terme de S13/2021." 401726,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,75,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Documented in Humanitarian Coordination Task Team for Bangladesh Flood Response Preparedness Plan, Drowning and snakebite are the main causes of death during floods. Health risks also are associated with the inundation of health facilities by flood waters. Increased rates of Diarrhea, Respiratory infections, Hepatitis A and E, Typhoid fever, Skin-eye-ear infections, Snakebite, drowning are often noted." 346689,57050.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,36,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_145_20210525.pdf,"Près de 221315 personnes ont été sensibilisées et briefées sur la COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention, incluant hommes, femmes et enfants ainsi que des chefs de quartiers et leaders communautaires dans 16 ZS" 19504,7910.0,730.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,64,[],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"Armed clashes intensified in Taizz Governorate during the first week of January, with shelling reported in Maqbanah and Mawyiah districts. Partners reported the arrival of dozens of families displaced by conflict from Al Dhale’e Governorate to Ar Radmah (150 families), Yareem (25 families) and Al Saddah (15 families) districts in Ibb Governorate." 174442,40839.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,92,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Camps and camp-like settings In a significant increase, 67 per cent of sites assessed during Round 33 of DTM assessments (up from 53%) cited malaria as the most common health problem. Fever was next most common health issue in 20 per cent (up from 17%) of sites and cough was cited as third most common health issue in 10 per cent of sites (down from 26% from last round of assessment)." 159655,39109.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"In Benue, 20 per cent of respondents said nobody had access to soap/water. Among IDPs living in camps and camp-like settings, most sites reportedly had access to soap/water at (32%), 21 percent said everyone in the site had access to soap/water, 19 percent said a few people had access to soap/water while 13 percent said about half of the people had access to soap/water." 295312,51569.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Priorities for Immediate Humanitarian response  Registration and verification of both IDPs and host communities.  Distribution of NFIs (kitchen and shelter) to IDPs, returnees, and host.  Provision of canoes. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 492650,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] EGGS: 6,290 SYP FOR 30 EGGS (1.98 USD) One month price change: increase of 16% Six month price change: increase of 13%" 166423,40068.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/covid-19-526-active-cases-on-admission-in-fct-says-ncdc/,The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has announced that only 526 cases of COVID-19 are now on admission in the Federal Capital Territory. 167033,40141.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/411828-covid-19-nigerian-govt-warns-against-hasty-reopening-of-schools.html,"This is a trend that deserves a lot of attention and the PTF is doing that. For us in Nigeria, the last three weeks have shown a slowdown in the number of confirmed cases. “Indeed, in the last four months of testing, the lowest daily figure of confirmed cases, 138 was reported on 30th August 2020,” he added." 173927,41033.0,2170.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,89,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020,Nigeria]The socio-economic impacts of the crisis have become predominant for IDPs and are a factor for displacement. Movement and activity restrictions imposed to reduce COVID-19 propagation risks, have exacerbated the vulnerability of affected populations, making access to services more challenging. The reduced access to livelihoods impacts household dynamics and there were reports of resources being denied to family members and rising tensions, especially where men heading households find themselves enfeebled and unable to provide for families." 229435,44602.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The interviewed IDPs reported sharing of food with the host community, eating wild greens, consuming one meal a day. The reduction of meal is a key coping strategy currently used." 198839,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,49,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,"Un total de 2 506 voyageurs en trafic international a été screené ce 21/11/2020 ; aucune alerte n’a été identifiée. Au niveau des PoE/PoC nationaux, 28 926 voyageurs ont été recensés et ont screenés. Pareillement. aucune alerte n’a été décelée." 52085,16699.0,1184.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",en,79,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"Ecuador’s policy reversals also have undermined its credibility as a regional leader. Even as it abdicates its role as host of the Quito Process—a regional forum to address the humanitarian response to Venezuelan displacement—it must remain fully engaged and fulfill its Quito com- mitments. Ecuador must maintain open borders in policy and practice, guarantee protections to those seeking refuge, and continue to foster migrants’ access to social services and livelihoods opportunities." 161728,34176.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,82,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77781.pdf,"Atención de I nivel (medicina general, psicología, nutrición y odontología) en el Hospital Carlos Carmona. Atenciones de II nivel (obstetricia) en el Hospital San Juan de Dios. Atención en salud sexual y reproductiva, ginecología, anticoncepción y consulta externa en cinco Instituciones Prestadoras de Salud (IPS) en los municipios de Cali (Tequendama, Versalles y Aguablanca) Palmira y Tuluá; Atención psicosocial y primeros auxilios psicológicos vía telefónica." 161848,39575.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/410147-covid-19-who-recommends-masks-for-children-older-than-11-years.html,"(UNICEF) says children above 11 years should wear face masks wherever adults wear them, such as in crowded settings, as a tool against COVID-19. The UN health and children’s agencies say in a guidance document for decision-makers that was published Friday evening." 322358,54747.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,66,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 44% of the households of IDP settlements reported that it takes less than 15 minutes to reach to the nearest nutrition facility while 33%, 14% and 9%of the households of IDP settlements reported it takes 15-30 minutes, 30-60minutes and 1-3 hours to reach to the nearest nutrition facility respectively." 64754,19061.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Cross']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,11,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,Son alrededor de 150 personas quienes viven en esas condiciones. 200251,44361.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],fr,16,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Données générales nationale 21M habitants 1.2M Femmes enceintes 3.7M Enfants < 5 ans 0.5M Enfants MA 240863,47106.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,47,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.unicef.org/media/89966/file/Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Sitrep%2030%20Nov%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, Whole of Syria] Overall the Whole of Syria appeal faces a 35 per cent funding gap. Additional funding, especially flexible in nature, is urgently needed to ensure that children in Syria continue to receive the life-saving humanitarian assistance." 49433,16177.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,170,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"Otra gran dificultad que enfrenta esta población a la hora de acceder a un empleo es poder certificar sus estudios que, para los profesionales que desean ejercer, significa contar con sus títulos convalidados u homologados. Para llevar a cabo este proceso, por ley se requiere que el título se haya apostillado en el país de origen. El proceso de apostillar títulos en Venezuela, según lo mencionado por los participantes, es cada vez más difícil debido a que la asignación de la cita para iniciar este trámite requiere de mucho tiempo y largas filas. Adicionalmente, el trámite de la documentación puede durar meses o años, según el caso, y asimismo requiere de dinero si se hace por medio de tramitadores. Finalmente, una vez la per- sona logra tener sus títulos apostillados, debe iniciar el proceso de la convalidación en Colombia, lo cual significa otro trámite largo y costoso11 para la mayo- ría de esta población." 180590,42290.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,50,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Le couvre-feu dans le cadre de la lutte contre les actes de terrorisme a été prorogé jusqu’au 1er décembre de 00h à 4H00 pour la ville de Fada, de 22H00 à 04H00 dans les chefs-lieux des provinces et de 19H00 à 4H00 pour les communes rurales." 188029,32271.0,1900.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],es,60,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-06-21%20Panorama%20de%20Situaci%C3%B3n%20Mensual%20%28al%2022%20de%20junio%29-2.pdf,"Tras experimentar un aumento sostenido al principio de 2020, El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras presentan una disminución de las remesas desde marzo. Esas caídas tendrán un mayor efecto en zonas rurales que dependen más de las remesas para obtener ingresos, lo que supone el riesgo de que más personas caigan aún más en la pobreza." 197576,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"South Sudan counts more than 20 ports located along the Nile River between Bor and Renk. Waterways have become a more reliable means of transportation for commercial goods and humanitarian cargo along the Nile, El Zharaf and Sobat rivers." 204145,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,27,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Entre 13% et 16% des ménages déplacés [a Diffa] tous statuts confondus dépendent de l’assistance alimentaire comme principale source de nourriture 194863,43603.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"(According to the Humanitarian Response Plan) Protection is the best covered cluster, with a quarter of its funding needs met. Food security and health clusters have received minimum or no funding." 207158,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,Measles epidemics have also been declared in the Far North and North regions with a high risk of cross-border contamination. 194274,43461.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_282_20201107.pdf,"Au total, 1 224 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 07/11/2020 dont 1 219 nouvelles ; 1 217 (99,4%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 101 (8,3%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." 125935,32569.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,22,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,The majority of female migrants (58%) and migrant children (74%) were identified in the Western Libya 153311,31607.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']",[],[],es,52,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3588563,"Por otro lado, la autoridad amazónica entregó al centro hospitalario de Iñapari instrumental e insumos médicos, así como una ambulancia, como parte de las medidas de prevención contra el coronavirus, que permiten garantizar que los profesionales y técnicos cuenten con la vestimenta adecuada en esta crisis sanitaria." 10437,2965.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,96,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800409_Humanitarian_Update_Final_1.pdf,"According to the Protection Cluster, displaced people increasingly face protection risks, including those living in public buildings, collective centres or spontaneous settlements. Deteriorating shelter conditions, such as overcrowding and unsanitary IDP settlements, have led to increased spread and susceptibility to communicable diseases. Many IDPs are in need of shelter, food, water, sanitation and access to health services. They are vulnerable to exploitation, indebtedness, and negative coping mechanism, such as begging, child labour, recruitment by armed groups and early marriage." 297691,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The upsurge in conflict activity in 2020 did not lead to an increase in the number of humanitarians killed or wounded, with 23 humanitarians killed and 53 wounded in 2020, compared to 41 killed and 65 wounded in 2019. The number of fatalities as a result of kinetic activity remained unchanged at nine humanitarians killed in 2019 as well as 2020." 265679,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,45,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Cette situation a engendré de nombreux déplacements de populations : au 31 octobre 2020, près de 1,4 million de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) était recensé dans la zone frontalière située entre le Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Niger28. C" 270249,49921.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,59,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.portafolio.co/economia/viviendas-permanecen-seis-meses-vacias-en-el-mercado-549077,"De acuerdo con Fedelonjas, los hogares que viven en arriendo tienen una concentración del 87,7% en el estrato 1, 2 y 3.A pesar de la tendencia en las plataformas de ventas, en las inmobiliarias tradicionales se percibe una dinámica más rápida en la rotación de los inmuebles, y el estrato incide en ello." 247476,46458.0,2336.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Health']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In the capital, Kabul, a recent survey by UN-Habitat identified 54 settlements across the municipality. This group represents a significant public health risk in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic." 179468,42115.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,45,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.finances.gov.bf/fileadmin/user_upload/storage/Mecanisme_FRE_COVID_19_VF.pdf,"Les objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants : - sauvegarder les emplois menacés par la fermeture d’entreprises et/ou la restriction des activités ; - financer, par divers mécanismes, les besoins de relance d’activités des entreprises impactées par la COVID-19." 154005,34182.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"La población entrevistada insistió que casos de violaciones sexuales, personas asesinadas y/o heridas han sido reportados e informados a algunas organizaciones o entidades del Estado Colombiano, pero que éstas no han garantizado la protección ni derechos de los venezolanos." 345972,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"Así se identifica que en la semana epidemiológica 17 los eventos de infección respiratoria aguda grave (IRAG), morbilidad materna extrema (MME) y sífilis gestacional, se encuentran por encima de lo esperado." 160499,38373.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,43,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,El acceso a alimentación fue reportado como la primera necesidad (46.5% en promedio y más del 50% en abril) de la población monitoreada y tiene relación con la disminución de ingresos en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria. 194239,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,33,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,Un focus group sur les gestes barrières covid-19 a été organisé à l’intention de 8 associations féminines à NDUBULU par les membres de CREC dans la ZS GBADOLITE au NORD-UBANGI : 191122,43282.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,37,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"More than 1.4 million people in need are yet to be reached due to operational challenges and insufficient funding for the cluster. As of 21 September, the Cluster was only 48 per cent funded." 147026,36039.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"An estimated 12 million people have been reached by television and radio awareness campaigns, and printed IEC materials. More than six million people have been reached through social media." 392645,60861.0,1186.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,34,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"(ENCUESTA SOBRE COVID-19 A POBLACIONES MIGRANTES INTERNACIONALES EN CHILE , 1690 encuestados) Sobre educación, algunos participantes aludieron a su educación, expresando preocupaciones acerca de la continuidad de su carrera." 179538,42143.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/people-of-jabal-al-zawiya-suffer-lack-of-medical-services/,"[October 28, Jabal Al Zawieh, Access to medical care] Through his participation in Enab Baladi’s survey, Ahmad Rahal described the health services available in the area as “zero,” indicating that the health center only provides pills or injections; the very sick and injured people have to rent private cars to reach nearby hospitals." 17160,5458.0,322.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://www.iom.int/news/solar-power-delivers-water-tens-thousands-yemenis,"IOM’s solar power water project in Yemen, where 90 per cent of the population lacks access to sufficient water, aims to provide conflict-affected communities with alternative methods of accessing clean water. Many people are forced to use unsafe sources of water, which is a clear contributor to the recent cholera outbreak." 345437,56718.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,46,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.congodurable.net/2021/05/16/etat-de-siege-un-regain-de-soutien-aux-fardc/,"Surtout, Beni passe pour une ville qui abrite des complices des combattants ougandais ADF, auteurs présumés des massacres. Cette fois, la police parle des « éléments incontrôlés » de l’armée avec des effets militaires ainsi que des civils interpellés." 58256,17094.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Local Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,140,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"La Fundación Mirares (Migrantes, refugiados y argentinos emprendedores sociales) es una organización con fines solidarios que acompaña a la población refugiada, migrante y solicitante de asilo en la búsqueda e inserción laboral. 6 Como agencia socia de ACNUR en Argentina, Mirares lleva adelante proyectos de capital semilla para iniciar emprendimientos, provee microcréditos para emprendimientos en curso y fortalece la comercialización mediante el trabajo en red entre emprendedores y ferias. Las personas refugiadas o solicitantes de asilo llegan a Mirares por derivación de la CONARE, del Centro de Apoyo al Refugiado (CAR) o de la Secretaría de Niñez, adolescencia y Familia (SENAF). Si bien Mirares trabaja principalmente con personas provenientes de Haití, en los últimos dos años han incrementado las derivaciones de personas venezolanas." 156646,38709.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,WHO supported IOM with two rental cars (with drivers’ partition) and drivers for daily transport of COVID19 suspected cases as part of the Dispatch and Referral Unit (DRU). 236027,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,27,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,Service providers need to be trained on GBV case management to be able to support survivors in the process of identifying and addressing their holistic needs. 248506,46458.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In such conditions, anecdotal evidence suggests that women often limit water intake and limit the frequency of urination and defecation. These practices can lead to physical and psychological stress, leading to adverse health impacts that could complicate COVID-19 and result in worse health outcomes." 147657,35134.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,47,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Syria devalued the exchange rate it uses for a broad set of transactions and eased the sale of dollars used to fund key imports last week, as the government seeks to battle both the Covid-19 pandemic and the consequences of the collapse of its currency." 357243,58301.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,100,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2021/06/19/rdc-pres-80-000-personnes-sont-desormais-privees-de-soins-suite-a-l-attaque-d-un-hopital-en-ituri_6084827_3212.html,"""Il y a actuellement 1,5 million de déplacés en Ituri, 2,5 millions de personnes ont besoin d’une aide humanitaire selon un rapport du Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires[de l’ONU], soit un tiers de la population. Aujourd’hui, la RDC est le deuxième pays, après la Syrie, en matière de déplacés internes.[...] L’Ituri est aujourd’hui la première province en urgence humanitaire en RDC"" Frédérick Lai Manantsoa, chef de mission pour Médecin sans frontières à Boga" 174432,40839.0,2170.0,"['Food Security', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,84,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Host Communities Likewise in host communities, blankets/mats were the most needed non-food item (NFI) at 37 per cent (down from 42%) followed by mosquito nets (19% - no change since the last round of assessment), mattress at 17 per cent (represents a 3% increase) and kitchen sets (14% - down 1% from the last round of assessment)." 356671,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,Convocar el comité creado para verificar detenciones y “traslados por protección” durante las manifestaciones y reformar el protocolo que creó este comité para garantizar la participación de representantes de la sociedad civil. 492601,67931.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,80,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] SMEB BULK FOODS: 111,700 SYP (35 USD) One month price change: decrease of 0.3% Six month price change: increase of 12% • Bulgur: increased by 9% • Red lentils: increased by 5% • Salt: no change (0%) • Rice: decreased by 3% • Tomato paste: decreased by 3% • Sugar: decreased by 4%" 172423,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,73,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Compte tenu de l’élasticité de l’offre et des perspectives de croissance en Chine, premier partenaire commercial de la RDC, on s’attend à un ralentissement de l’activité minière en RDC de près de 20,6 pour cent. Ceci devrait déboucher sur une baisse de l’activité économique dans les autres segments de l’économie et un ralentissement majeur de la croissance." 116010,30124.0,1386.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],es,357,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Coordinación En el marco del Ciclo de Programación Humanitaria, el 27 de enero se llevó a cabo un taller para presentar los resultados preliminares del análisis de las necesidades humanitarias y de las prioridades de la respuesta. Más de 120 actores humanitarios participaron en el taller en Caracas. En el proceso de formulación y revisión de proyectos para el Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria 2020 se recibieron 180 propuestas por más de 120 actores humanitarios, incluyendo 50 proyectos multisectoriales. En paralelo, se fortalecieron los espacios de trabajo y diálogo entre los Clústeres y las contrapartes nacionales, para presentar el rol y funcionamiento y consultarles sobre sus marcos de acción. Del 13 al 21 de febrero, una misión de la sección de los Fondos Humanitarios de País de OCHA visitó Venezuela para explorar la posibilidad de establecer un fondo país que permita complementar las opciones de financiamiento humanitario. El reporte final de la misión recomienda el establecimiento de un fondo de país, en tanto se cumplan con los requerimientos mínimos financieros y se siga fortaleciendo el trabajo de la arquitectura humanitaria. Con el fin de fomentar la participación en el Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria 2020 y fortalecer la inclusión de temas transversales, se realizaron talleres de capacitación sobre arquitectura humanitaria y el ciclo de programación humanitaria a 150 participantes en los estados de Falcon, Trujillo, Táchira y Zulia. Igualmente se dictaron talleres sobre la transversalización de temas de género, rendición de cuentas a las poblaciones afectadas, protección contra la explotación y los abusos sexuales e inclusión de personas con discapacidad a 210 participantes en los estados de Bolívar, Táchira, Trujillo y Zulia. En el marco del plan de cooperación con el Viceministerio de Gestión Riesgo y Protección Civil, también se dictó el taller de Familiarización sobre la Arquitectura Internacional de Respuesta a Desastres en los Centros de Coordinación del Terreno de Caracas y Ciudad Guayana, los días 11, 12, 18 y 19 de febrero con la participación de 72 funcionarios de la Protección Civil" 106427,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,65,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La Guajira es un departamento que ha vivido en la pobreza causada, entre otros factores, por la corrupción, que ha tenido consecuencias sobre la prestación de servicios sociales como la atención en salud y educación6. Esta situación ha tenido como consecuencia una mayor pobreza y desigualdad en su población, que con la crisis migratoria se han profundizado aún más." 262181,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],es,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Se ha evidenciado en los territorios bajo uso de elementos de protección personal contra el COVID-19, y quienes lo usan lo hacen de manera inapropiada. Según información de personas que han viajo en los últimos días, indican disminución de las medidas de bioseguridad en el transporte público donde difícilmente se cumple con la medida de distanciamiento." 257046,48672.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"893 constructions of social houses are ongoing of which 373 have been built in the Tillabery region, more specifically 110 in Ouallam, 38 in Ayorou and 225 in Abala." 188448,42898.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],es,23,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_de_accion_triple_frontera_vf.pdf,"En el departamento de Amazonas en Colombia, se estima que el 59% de la población enfrenta inseguridad alimentaria moderada o severa" 452585,63185.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/burkina-faso/atrocity-alert-no-263-burkina-faso-ethiopia-and-syria,"In Kaya, Center-North region – where there are approximately 500,000 displaced people and 60,000 experiencing emergency hunger levels – displaced women were also reportedly asked to trade sex for access to food by local men, including community leaders, who claimed to be registering people in need of aid. Aid workers have suggested that similar abuses to those reported in Kaya are also prevalent at other government-managed displacement sites." 248735,48228.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,[les enfants non scolarisés] Aucun espace de jeu/d’épanouissement pour leur développement n’existe sur les sites. 13939,5539.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,57,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/record-update-situation-hodeidah-yemen,"Throughout the initial clashes around Hodeidah city and subsequent pause, Hodeidah Port has remained operational. 90 per cent of the food required has come through the port in July, while only 30 per cent of fuel has come through, sustaining inflation on the cost of transport and basic commodities across the country." 344100,56514.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,57,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/at-least-12-people-killed-in-attack-in-burkina-faso/2228628,"Gunmen killed at least two soldiers and more than 10 civilians in an attack on a village in eastern Burkina Faso, local news reports said Monday.Several homes and granaries were also set on fire in the attack on the village of Hantoukoura near the border with Niger.Many others were also wounded, said the reports." 154810,38099.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,71,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Par conséquent, certaines mesures mises en place ont impacté la vie économique, sociale et politique du pays, notamment l’interdiction de tout regroupement de plus de 50 personnes, l’instauration d’un couvre-feu de 19h à 5h du matin, la fermeture des frontières terrestres et ferroviaires, l’isolement de certaines villes et la fermeture de certains marchés dont à Ouagadougou." 187814,43282.0,2331.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Inadequate funding with 16.8 per cent funded out of $22 million needed, has affected the continuity of child protection services. At least $3.43 million (65 per cent) of funding ended in May 2020 as the projects were completed. Only projects totaling $1.79 million are continuing, which has already affected the quality and coverage of child protection responses." 172993,40676.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,47,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Les mesures sanitaires préventives mises en place pour contenir la propagation de l’épidémie de COVID-19 en RDC ont un impact socio-économique sur les populations les plus vulnérables (perte de revenus, réduction de la disponibilité et de l’accès aux vivres)." 194132,42943.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",es,66,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-LMA-Colombia-Espanol.pdf,"El gobierno colombiano ha abierto gradualmente la economía en los últimos meses, pero muchas de las medidas de confinamiento siguen en pie. Por ejemplo, aunque la cuarentena fue levantada parcialmente el 1 de septiembre, algunas actividades están restringidas a ciertos días, los bares permanecen cerrados, el número de vuelos está limitado, y las reuniones públicas siguen estando prohibidas." 330143,55164.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,103,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/ambiente/las-preguntas-de-la-vacunacion-en-la-amazonia-que-siguen-sin-respuesta/,"“Nosotros hemos sido estigmatizados en el interior del país por el tema variante brasilera. Pero hicimos un trabajo muy consciente para no propagarla. Estamos esperando que se abra el aeropuerto, que es la única vía de acceso e ingresos en un departamento netamente turístico. Y la verdad es que toda la vida vamos a tener 1.300 kilómetros de rio limítrofe con Brasil y 350 kilómetros de río con Perú. Con la pandemia quedamos entre la espada y la pared, por eso estamos muy pendientes de las medidas que nos permitan reactivarnos”, concluyó Hernández." 457613,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,96,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les groupes identifiés comme les plus vulnérables dans ce contexte sont en l’occurrence les femmes(6/9 groupes et 81% des répondants), les personnes âgées (42% des répondants et 4/9 groupes), les personnes vivantes avec un handicap (4/9 groupes et 35% des répondants) et les personnes blessées par IED (4% des répondants). Ces groupes sont particulièrement vulnérables parce qu’ils sont faibles physiquement, délaissées à elles-mêmes et n’ont que peu de capacité de protection individuelle." 174396,41257.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-5593-dead-total-cases-hit-382959/58946,"[14th October 2020 , Bangladesh The country’s health authorities detected 1,684 new cases[COVID] and confirmed the death of 16 new patients in 24 hours. The total fatalities in the country now stand at 5,593. Meanwhile, 1,536 patients recovered from the disease and the total recoveries from coronavirus have reached 297,449." 394995,61910.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,108,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.ciperchile.cl/2021/05/08/inmigracion-delincuencia-y-las-erroneas-percepciones-sobre-el-delito/,"En la parte final de nuestro trabajo, intentamos analizar, precisamente, algunos potenciales mecanismos que subyacen a nuestros resultados. Por ejemplo, observamos que la mayoría de nuestros hallazgos son más importantes en zonas donde los inmigrantes con niveles educativos más bajos tenían más probabilidades de asentarse. Esta conclusión es consistente con otros documentos de la literatura (por ejemplo, Maydaet al., 2016) y se podría explicar por la percepción de que los inmigrantes de baja cualificación tienen relativamente pocas probabilidades de integrarse en el mercado laboral y, por lo tanto, tienen más probabilidades de cometer delitos eventualmente." 295058,52363.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"Gynecology services were required by the 10% of the interviewed households, but of these households, 58% could not access the service; 7% of the households expressed needs related to contraceptive services, of these 35% could not access the service; 6% of the households required attention for pregnant women, of these 31% mentioned that they did not access the service; and finally 4% expressed needs in condoms or other actions in prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and/or HIV, of these households 25% could not access the service. Graph 49 details the gaps in access to these services at the departmental level." 194907,43603.0,2331.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,38,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Furthermore, misinformation and false notions of the virus have made it especially difficult for CCCM partners to ensure that behavioral changes are occurring in the aftermath of Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) exercises." 204369,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Evaluation de l’insécurité alimentaire chronique au Niger FEWS NET - mars 2019 70% à 75% de la population sont considérés en insécurité alimentaire chronique dans la région de Zinder. 273772,50128.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,22,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,"[commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA] Au total, 64 enfants non accompagnés ont été rapportés par les informateurs en protection." 155360,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",[],[],es,209,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf," 200.000 personas se lavarán las manos antes de acceder a espacios con personas con mayor vulnerabilidad al COVID19. (centros penitenciarios, asilos, centros de acogida, entre otros). Puede incluirse la dotación de agua para lavado de manos en caso de no tener acceso a la red o no ser constante/suficiente.  200.000 personas se lavarán las manos al entrar/salir de espacios con alto riesgo de contaminación (farmacias del pueblo, establecimientos de salud, orfanatos, escuelas, entre otros).  10.000 personas utilizan espacios más seguros gracias a la adopción de prácticas de limpieza intensiva y desinfección de superficies.  10.000 enfermos de la COVID19 reciben conocimiento e insumos de refuerzo higiene personal.  3.000 personas de más de 60 años reciben conocimiento e insumos de refuerzo higiene.  3.000 personas respiratorias, inmunodeprimidos, y que han perdido y ven amenazados sus medios de obtener ingresos, reciben insumos de higiene. hipertensión, patologías diabetes, con  Dotarse de recursos para una respuesta de higiene desplegable y más rápida.  1000 escuelas incrementan sus facilidades para el lavado de manos sanitario (sin llaves manuales y con jabón)." 237779,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"Para esta semana se observó una disminución en el número de casos, en comparación con el histórico notificado en el mismo periodo 2014 a 2019, en las entidades territoriales de Antioquia, Cartagena, Cesar, Chocó y Meta, mientras que, en La Guajira y el Valle del Cauca, se observó un aumento. En las entidades territoriales restantes no se observaron variaciones." 412839,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,145,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] More than half of the patients bearing chronic diseases could not continue to take regular treatment due to the fear of coronavirus infection: While responding about self-exclusion from taking healthcare services from any health facilities, the family members of the surveyed households having chronic diseases consciously opted out from taking healthcare services directly from any health facility which accounts for 56.32% due to risks associated with COVID-19. This was more in urban areas than in rural level households (61.3% vs. 52.6%). The high self-exclusion rate was because they were not comfortable taking healthcare services from any hospitals directly due to the ongoing health pandemic. The probable reason behind this was people suffering from chronic diseases were considered as having a higher propensity to be infected by COVID-19." 202686,43256.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Female-headed households are more likely to have inadequate housing compared to males, including in terms of water and sanitation facilities, which can increase health risks, especially in cases of overcrowding of shelters." 206367,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"In comparison to the 2019 analysis, the number of people in need is estimated to increase by 400,000 in 2020 because of increased mobility amongst IDPs and spontaneous return of refugees, creating more vulnerabilities for the affected populations. In addition, continued pockets of insecurity in Central Equatoria have led to new displacements in the Yei area, creating new vulnerabilities." 322190,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,64,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (22%), Rely on surface water for drinking water (17%)." 454415,64535.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Cerca de 70% de las familias tiene menos de 30 soles de ingresos diarios 393194,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,54,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the community thinks the elderly are the group that are most likely to be vulnerable to the COVID 19 virus. Although the children were mentioned, but the community also think the youths are also most likely to be vulnerable to COVID 19." 141895,34876.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,71,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Recommendation: Messaging around the importance of calling a healthcare professional as a first line of defense against suspected viral infection could target populations in Idleb. Knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms is high, and knowledge of even lesser-known symptoms is increasing. Most respondents said they would seek some form of medical care, whether in person or remote, if they or someone in their family contracted COVID-19." 174978,40888.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3675651,"Save the Children advirtió que los niños y niñas que viven en las áreas impactadas por el conflicto armado están en extrema necesidad de protección, y se deben tomar medidas para abordar y prevenir la violencia que ha azotado a Colombia durante décadas. La organización también insta al gobierno a investigar las masacres y pedir cuentas a los perpetradores." 299159,51194.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"At least 12 incidents involving the use of heavy-yield explosives were reported during Q4. In all 12 instances NSAG-TB members targeted ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) personnel and positions, collaterally impacting humanitarian facilities and residences of humanitarian personnel." 268475,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] The information presented by Magtymova was emphasized by the Regional Director of SAMS Turkey, Mazen Kewara, saying that the current scope of the COVAX vaccination plan covers only 20% of the population across Syrian areas and regardless of the armed groups in control." 64785,19061.0,1183.0,[],[],[],es,57,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"Para Luis Alfonso, capitán del resguardo Caña Mesetas Dagua, muchas veces la gente no tiene con qué comer en las comunidades y por eso terminan en el basurero, pero cada vez que los retornan hacen promesas que no se cumplen. “Estamos cansados de que nos anden metiendo embustes”, asegura." 187749,43282.0,2331.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,143,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Education partners have introduced shift learning, as the number of classrooms are insufficient. The programme will ensure a safe learning environment for learners and comply with the COVID-19 regulations, which require social distancing in school. In addition, education partners have constructed 529 learning centres to expand access to education for learners. Since all schools reopened mid-August, the construction of additional learning spaces will help those who have not yet re-enrolled to safely return to school as well as mitigate congestion in classrooms. The Ministry of Education, with support from the cluster partners has developed back to school messages for safe school reopening and for general information to the community on control and prevention measures of the COVID19. The messages were communicated through print, radio, television, and social media platforms." 148225,35830.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria%20Response%20COVID-19%20Sit%20Rep%20%234%20-%20External%20use.pdf,"World Vision’s response to COVID-19 in Syria: In May 2020, a total of 12 projects were fully operational despite COVID-19, and four projects partially. 3,466 activities in total were conducted on the prevention of COVID-19 spread." 272547,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,20,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"De janvier à novembre 2020, 2 266 incidents de protection et 3 261 cas de VBG ont été enregistrés" 274109,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"La province de l’Ituri présente la proportion des ménages la plus élevée, soit 83 % de la population qui est globalement en insécurité alimentaire, dont 40 % en insécurité alimentaire sévère. Cette prévalence est sensiblement en hausse par rapport à l’année 2019 où elle était de 29 %. Les territoires de Bafwasende et Faradje sont les plus affectés avec 98 % de ménages en insécurité alimentaire. La situation est aussi préoccupante dans les territoires de Djugu, Dungu et Mahagi où la prévalence de l’insécurité alimentaire est de 94 %, 88 % et 88 %, respectivement." 205858,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Much of the school infrastructure in the country has been damaged during the crises and conflicts endured over the years, or occupied by armed actors. Approximately 70 per cent of primary schools and 47 per cent of secondary schools are either partially or completely damaged." 132515,34344.0,1185.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,107,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La estrategia de respuesta se enfocará en apoyar medidas de inscripción y documentación, tanto a través de medidas migratorias disponibles como del proceso de refugio. Esto involucrará la abogacía, provisión de soporte técnico al Gobierno y la prestación de asesoría legal a la población de refugiados y migrantes. Los socios darán la orientación legal a través de diferentes centros de orientación y oficinas en Lima, Arequipa, Madre de Dios, Lambayeque, Piura, Tacna, La Libertad, Cusco, Puno e Ica. Al mismo tiempo, ellos continuarán orientación legal a las personas recién llegadas en Tumbes." 134115,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,100,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Por último, el marco legal nacional que se ocupa de las personas refugiadas está establecido en la Ley de refugiados N°26.165, aprobada en el año 2006. Esta Ley puso en marcha a la Comisión Nacional de Refugiados (CONARE), encargada de decidir sobre las solicitudes de asilo y encontrar soluciones duraderas para las personas refugiadas. La Ley se complementa, además, con un importante número de decretos y regulaciones administrativas que tratan con asuntos específicos —como permisos de residencia, documentación y extradición— en línea con los estándares internacionales en la materia." 35773,13103.0,788.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"The population of street boys was thought to be on the rise due to high unemployment rates for older adolescents in the current economic climate. According to focus group participants in Sokoto and Bayelsa, street boys are frequently recruited to carry out acts of violence or criminality" 229340,44602.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"The displaced population are now camping in Mangalla center over stretching some of essential services health facility and clean water sources. Mangalla has one health facility run by SMOH and supported by HLSS, meanwhile ART runs the nutrition program in the area" 132633,34344.0,1185.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Recopilación de la información sobre las condiciones de albergues temporales en tránsito y como destino final que apoyen con la respuesta de protección inmediata y cumplan con los estándares mínimos. 495117,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,48,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Casi el 90% de los que llegaron a Perú entraron por la frontera norte de Tumbes, cada mes 60,000 en promedio. En 2018, 151,000 personas salieron de Perú a través de los puntos fronterizos oficiales, por ejemplo el más frecuentado, Tacna." 389624,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],es,25,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,La línea roja continua indica que se ha confirmado la infección por COVID-19 en más de ocho personas por cada 100 habitantes en Colombia. 248528,46458.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,102,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"A large proportion of respondents suffer extremely low incomes. Around 30 per cent reported a family income of less than 1,000 AFG a month (13 USD), equating to less than 2.25 USD or around 0.08 USD per person per day. Female-headed households were most often in the lowest income bracket, with over 50 per cent reporting a family income of less than 1,000 AFG a month, and were least likely to be in the highest income bracket, with only four per cent (one family) reporting a monthly income over 5,000 AFG." 204330,43976.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,L’insécurité dans les zones principales de déplacement à Tahoua et la fermeture des frontières liée à l’épidémie COVID-19 peuvent être des facteurs importants de l’insécurité alimentaire. 326770,54678.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_101_20210411_hebdo_s14.pdf,"Au terme de S14/2021, 9 410 nouvelles alertes étaient remontées contre 9 971 à S13/2021, soit une décroissance de près de 5,6% ; au cours de la même période et après investigation (n=9 412), 12,8% (n=1 203) de ces alertes ont été validé et 81,9% (n=985) des suspects étaient prélevés" 286519,51252.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"LGAs in IPC AMN Phase 3 (Serious) during this period included all the seven LGAs in Central Borno, Askira/Uba, Bayo and Shani LGAs in Southern Borno, Bade, Bursari and Jakusko LGAs in Central Yobe; and Damaturu, Fika, Gujba, Gulani, and Nangere LGAs in Southern Yobe." 221377,45721.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In April and May alone, flooding inundated more than 54,000 hectares of farmland, equivalent to more than 20 per cent of the average planted area in 1995 to 2019." 201320,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Access constraints identified in both regions include insecurity, physical access challenges and bureaucratic impediments. Lockdown days, with associated movement restrictions by UN agencies and NGOs, have caused substantial interruptions in humanitarian operations." 152936,38062.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200270,"Damascus, SANA- Health Ministry announced on Monday that 87 new coronavirus cases were registered in the country and 8 cases have recovered while 4 ones have passed away." 275677,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Missing', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,42,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] 5 incidents of Wall Collpase took place in 5 districts, i.e. Feni, Dhaka, Jashore, Habiganj and Chattogram. Total 7 persons killed and 4 persons injured in these events." 322882,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 15% households reporting having at least one member facing discrimination due to age, disability, or heritage" 245833,47702.0,2425.0,[],[],[],en,41,[],[],Lebanon Situation Analysis,2021-01-25 12:39:46.093809+00,,"Inhabitants tend to suffer from post- traumatic stress disorder. Most interviews were marked by cries and tears whereby participants fears, bitterness, anger, and sadness for losing people, homes, belongings, and so many memories." 194058,42945.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/ong-denuncia-agresiones-a-migrantes-que-cruzan-las-trochas/2230,"Los cruces por las trochas se han intensificado en las últimas semanas, pues el Gobierno colombiano ha mantenido cerrada los pasos fronterizos formales buscando contener la propagación del coronavirus. De hecho, en los últimos días, intentando controlar la frontera y evitar que más personas ingresen de manera ilegal al país, el Gobierno desplegó a unos 900 uniformados de la Policía y el Ejército Nacional." 265693,49620.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,60,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"les restrictions de mouvements et la fermeture des frontières liée au contexte COVID-19 ont perturbé l’accès aux marchés sur l’année. Les régions du Sahel, de Mopti, de Tahoua et de Tillaberi ont été les plus affectées par ces perturbations : certains marchés ont été totalement fermés tout au long du second trimestre 2020" 163766,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,25,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"En Nariño se declaró alerta roja hospitalaria por ocupación 81.5 por ciento de las UCI, actualmente el porcentaje bajo a 75.8 por ciento." 291444,52152.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,66,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El 36% han tenido dificultades para acceder a semillas y el 6,6% a agroinsumos, principalmente por el incremento en los precios, insuficientes ingresos para su compra o debido a que no están disponibles en el mercado local. Las regiones más afectadas son la región Caribe y la región Pacífico, las cuales tienen mayores problemáticas para el acceso a semillas." 454530,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,27,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Tanto en las mujeres peruanas como venezolanas entrevistadas se presenta una condición de riesgo alto de contraer un trastorno ansioso-depresivo por la sintomatología que estas presentan. 279352,50900.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,53,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | Attitudes and behaviors of camp population Awareness of COVID-19: Everyone COVID-19 perceived as important issue: About half Awareness of social distancing: Most People engaging in social distancing: A few" 175475,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,68,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,"De janvier à fin septembre, 1850 incidents ont été rapportés avec plus de 950 personnes décédées et 468 blessées. Au mois de septembre, 216 incidents ont été rapporté ayant entrainés 210 blessures graves parmi les populations et 31 décès suite aux attaques des groupes armés non identifiés. Toujours dans le même mois de septembre, on a rapporté 2 incidents sur les humanitaires." 492581,67931.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,28,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_July_2021.pdf,"[7th-14th June, NWS] SMEB July value: 117 USD One month change: increase of 4% Six month change: increase of 5%" 63447,18762.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,112,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.noticiasbarquisimeto.com/2019/07/17/hidrocapital-suspendio-el-servicio-de-agua-temporalmente/,"Sectores afectados por avería en Sistema Tuy II Parroquia El Recreo:Maripérez (parte alta), Pedro Camejo, Pinto Salinas, Santa Rosa, Simón Rodríguez Parroquia San Bernardino: San Bernardino (parte intermedia y alta) Parroquia San Agustín: El Progreso, Hornos de Cal, Jardín Botánico, La Ceibita, La Charneca, Marín, Parte alta de Colinas de Las Acacias (Final de las calles Centro América, Costa Rica, Tamanaco y Yare), Res. Vuelta El Casquillo, San Agustín del Sur (parte alta), Televisora, Terrazas del Alba, Terrazas de Las Acacias." 272546,50217.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,51,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les exactions perpétrées par les groupes armés non étatiques sont de plus en plus nombreuses tant sur les populations civiles que les acteurs humanitaires et entravent la fourniture de l’assistance aux populations dans le besoin, réduisant également l’accès des populations aux services sociaux de base." 189663,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,21,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La situation épidémiologique des pays limitrophes dont le Cameroun, le Nigeria affecte également le profil sanitaire de la région." 155927,38373.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,43,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Las necesidades prioritarias de la población son: alimentación, vivienda e ingresos económicos. Esto se debe principalmente al impacto de las medidas de confinamiento obligatorio impuestas por el Gobierno de Colombia como medida de prevención para enfrentar la pandemia COVID-19." 298939,51152.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of 31 January 2021, partners estimate 29,000 flood displaced people remain squatting in informal areas, unfinished buildings and marginalized neighborhoods in Juba City. Resources were required to meet the priority needs of these affected people and to ensure continuous updates are made to the plan through regular safety audits." 275380,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,49,[],"['Covid-19', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] 37 incidents of fire took place which killed 17 persons and injured 54 persons. However NDRCC reported 691 incidents throughout the country in which Dhaka division faced 204 incidents and Chattogram division faced 130 incidents of fire in January 2021." 358425,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] In Aleppo, where water sources are more diverse, so too are the reported barriers, where lack of storage containers and high cost of water alternatives are reported along with insufficient water from boreholes" 229442,44602.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,10,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Livelihood partners to provide tools (mainly fishing kits) 192932,43347.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The first year since the signing of the R-ARCSS saw at least 24 incidents in which health facilities were looted or staff threatened, and this data may only reflect part of the incidents affecting health structures and workers." 338551,56250.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Tanganyika - pluies abondantes abattues entre février et avril 2021, dans les zones bordant le fleuve Congo, le Lac Tanganyika et leurs affluents] Ces ménages [milliers de menages sans abris] ont également perdu leurs articles essentiels." 237833,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"En la semana epidemiológica 53 de 2020 se notificaron 681 casos probables de dengue: 296 de esta semana y 385 de otras semanas. En el sistema hay 78 979 casos, 38 836 (49,2 %), sin signos de alarma, 39 246 (49,7 %) con signos de alarma y 897 (1,1 %) de dengue grave." 392651,60861.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,91,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En el ámbito económico y social a nivel nacional, los participantes hicieron sugerencias en cuanto a medidas frente a la contingencia para las PYMES y los hogares y cambios estructurales que personas 34 nacionales y extranjeras están hoy enfrentado. En el ámbito laboral, se expresó la necesidad de estabilidad y seguridad laboral: mantener el empleo, conseguir un empleo, volver a trabajar. También se mencionaron medidas de protección de los trabajadores y de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, incluso aquellas referidas al teletrabajo" 271688,50217.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,76,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"il ressort qu’au cours du 2ème trimestre 2020, la fermeture des frontières terrestres et aériennes, les quarantaines et les perturbations des marchés, de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et du commerce dus à la COVID-19 ont restreint l’accès des populations aux denrées nécessaires, diversifiées et nutritives, en particulier dans les zones fortement touchées par le virus ou marquées par des niveaux élevés d’insécurité alimentaire." 298956,51152.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,Insecurity and attacks on cargo barges on certain stretches of Nile river affected deliveries of Food security and livelihood supplies by river. 189224,42868.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,41,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,"Fecha media del inicio de viaje: 7 septiembre 2020 País de residencia antes de marzo 2020 de lo/as viajero/as, reportado por lo/as ICs: Colombia 50% Venezuela 19% Ecuador 18% Perú 11% Otro 2%" 176955,41737.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,40,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf-azg.be/fr/news/rdc-r%C3%A9pondre-au-double-fardeau-du-covid19-%C3%A0-kinshasa,"Les autorités ont rapidement dû mettre sur pied des mesures de prévention, telles que la limitation des mouvements, le confinement partiel de certains quartiers, le port obligatoire du masque et la sensibilisation de masse aux gestes barrières" 389618,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,60,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"De acuerdo con la mortalidad reportada, se estima que debería haber entre 9.5 y 19 millones de casos de COVID-19 en la región, lo que arroja un subregistro de casos cercano al 83%. En los 182 días de este año se han registrado el 50.2% de estos casos y 59.3% de estas muertes." 174973,40888.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,63,['Impact'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3675651,"Desde enero, el país ha sido testigo de65 masacres, en las que han muerto 260 personas. A pesar de luchar también contra la pandemia de coronavirus, el nivel de violencia ha aumentado rápidamente: el número promedio de masacres mensuales se ha duplicado de cinco en la primera mitad del año a 11 en los últimos tres meses." 407122,63699.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,58,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigerians-awaiting-second-dose-astrazeneca-vaccine-heave-sigh-relief-soon,"[19th August 2021, Nigeria]The Executive Director(ED) said the delivery was timely because Nigeria just launched the second phase of the vaccination campaign with the four million doses of Moderna vaccine donated by the United States Government and the 177,600 Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) procured through the African Union." 85628,23702.0,1384.0,['Protection'],[],[],en,21,[],[],UNHCR Curacao,2019-08-16 12:30:00.689288+00,,Partners also highlighted the need to provide services to children and youth and to refugees and migrants in detention facilities. 224914,46164.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"L’on note, également des pertes d’animaux (bovins, caprins, ovins, asins, volailles) dont le nombre est en cours d’évaluation, plus de 500 tonnes de vivres détruits ou emportées par les eaux. [inondations et aux vents violents]" 221651,45323.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,106,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/calls-to-shut-schools-of-syrias-as-suwayda-temporarily-for-fear-of-coronavirus-spread/,"[December 10, Dar'a]Two days later, the Emirate of Dar Ira, represented by Prince Loay al-Atrash, decided to close its schools in the southern countryside of Daraa. “After the severe outbreak of the coronavirus disease in the province of As-Suwayda, especially in schools and after isolation centers were filled with COVID-19 patients, schools will be shut down temporarily. Besides, both teachers and students are required to self-isolate for 15 days in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic,” as posted by Loay al-Atrash on his Facebook account." 84700,23480.0,1621.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/irc-warns-libya-breaking-point-ahead-sunday-s-berlin-conference-call-put-those-caught,"However, in the past weeks violence has forced us to temporarily suspend some of our operations, which provided life-saving protection and health services to those displaced by conflict." 359099,58464.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Roughly 40% of households depend on agriculture or livestock activities to make a living. While the agricultural sector remains an important economic driver, the proportion of households relying on agriculture decreased in recent years because of factors like high production costs, displacement, and loss of land." 492071,67754.0,1224.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,8,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Guyana,2019-05-21 13:55:25.257935+00,,"REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS IN THE SUBREGION* 150,000" 175482,41213.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,30,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_septembre.pdf,Les analyses du secteur de santé dégagent une augmentation des besoins des personnes déplacées et des communautés hôtes en ce qui concerne l’accès aux services de santé. 242466,47755.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,38,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Conflict_Report_20210101_Syrian_Arab_Republic.pdf,"[ Jan 2021, Syria] Overall, localized insecurity and post-conflict economic issues aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic remain significant drivers of production potential in Syria and are likely to impact the 2020/2021 agricultural season substantially." 223532,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,65,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"diligence activities implemented jointly include combined monitoring visits organized between the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Risk Management Unit, joint audits and capacity assessments – of UNICEF, the United Nations Population Fund and the United Nations Development Programme – and close collaboration between the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and UNICEF on common partners and information-sharing." 223913,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,23,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,L’accès à l’information sur le COVID 19 est inégal entre les hommes et les femmes pendant cette période. 296932,52264.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],fr,102,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_n22_mve_nord-kivu_drc_01_03_2021.pdf,"[MVE] Au cours des 21 derniers jours Sept (07) nouveaux cas confirmés ; Trois (03) ZS (Biena, Katwa et Musienene) ont notifié des cas ; et (05) AS touchées (Masoya et Kaheku pour ZS de Biena ; Muchanga et Tulizeni pour la ZS de Katwa et Nduko pour la ZS de Musienene. La létalité globale est de 50,0 % (n=8) parmi les cas confirmés. Deux personnels de santé ont déjà été infectés par la MVE, soit 25,0 % de l’ensemble des cas." 191385,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,36,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Civilian disarmament efforts in South Sudan over past years have been largely unsuccessful due to the lack of rule of law and social norms that normalize the use of weapons and violence to resolve disputes. 126561,34397.0,1183.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"Uno de los factores principales que más impacta el nivel de saneamiento en la casa es el acceso a un baño. En promedio, el 32% de hogares migrantes y el 19% de los hogares de acogida no tienen acceso a un baño seguro25. Para los hogares migrantes, los porcentajes son más altos en los departamentos de Arauca (38%) y La Guajira (36%)." 181893,42443.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/143_covid_snapshot_WA.pdf,"54% of people in Burkina Faso who were not taking measures said that one reason was a lack of access to protective gear (masks, gloves, sanitizer)" 328575,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 24% of the household found with health living Standard Gap (LSG). 2% found to be very extremely+ severe, 3% extreme severe, 19% severe, 8% stress, 68% no or minimal." 155664,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"As of 16 July, approximately 208,000 individuals in the camps and 123,000 individuals in the host community were reached with a total of 662,00 reusable cloth masks (two masks per person)." 235986,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Health cluster partners, despite the unpredictable and volatile atmosphere in August, were able to provide life-saving essential health services in Fako, Meme, Ndian, Kupe-Manenguba, Manyu, Mezam, Boyo, Ngoketunjia, Bui, and Momo divisions in NWSW." 176657,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,68,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Dans la Région du Nord, les principales préoccupations concernant la COVID-19 sont : contracter la maladie, l’insuffisance de moyens de protection, maximiser les sensibilisations, le fait que les déplacements soient limités par la fermeture de frontières, la distanciation sociale car c’est difficile entre eux et les hôpitaux qui ne sont pas suffisamment outillés pour faire face à la maladie" 189672,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Economy', 'Context->Environment']",fr,47,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"La faiblesse du développement et des investissements dans plusieurs secteurs y compris le secteur agricole et de l´élevage aggravée par le contexte de crise économique de 2017, les changements climatiques expliquent en partie la persistance des crises humanitaires affectant les conditions de vie des populations." 150809,37921.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,37,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Aussi, à l’aéroport de Ouagadougou, l’aérogare et les aéronefs sont désinfectés de manière ponctuelle, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour l’aéroport de Bobo Dioulasso." 203555,44071.0,2330.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,58,[],['Information And Communication'],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"muchas otras familias ya están saliendo y seguirán saliendo de los albergues y retornando a sus comunidades. No obstante, existe todavía una brecha de información entre la población albergada y las condiciones de retorno en las comunidades de origen, así como las necesidades de la población para un retorno informado, voluntario y consentido." 148449,36039.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Economy'],en,37,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"To date, sectors have identified approximately $59.9 million from either new contributions or existing funding reallocated or repurposed from programmes suspended due to COVID-19 mitigation measures, which can be used for immediate response." 205856,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,64,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Additionally, there is a significant gender gap: male teachers represent 86 per cent of the teaching workforce, while the representation of female teachers is extremely low. This can affect girl student participation and it is a significant factor in girls’ education, as female teachers increase perceptions of safety, raise expectations and provide role models for girls." 192775,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Migrants expressed concern over their capacity to support themselves during the journey as COVID-19 restrictions have reduced daily job opportunities, indicating longer stay in Somalia than usual." 197574,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"If the Government’s commitment to improve road infrastructure in 2019/2020 materializes, this could make a significant positive impact for people and humanitarian organizations serving them." 134185,34849.0,1187.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",[],[],es,114,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En el marco del proyecto “Apoyo al Plan Nacional de Lucha contra la Trata de Personas”, la OIM, junto al Comité Ejecutivo para la Lucha contra la Trata y Explotación de Personas y para la Protección y Asistencia a las Víctimas y la Cancillería, han diseñado una Guía para el abordaje del delito de trata de personas en el ámbito consular, para ser utilizada en capacitaciones en la materia. También se avanzó en conversaciones con el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación para incluir un módulo sobre trata de personas en los contenidos de Educación Sexual Integral que se imparten en escuelas primarias y secundarias del país" 346859,56987.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Although women and girls are disproportionately affected by GBV, there have been cases of men suffering psychological abuse but unaware of the proper channels to report such incidents. COVID-19 containment and risk mitigation measures have had a clear negative socioeconomic impact, with an increase in petty crimes, inter- and intra- communal disputes, and human trafficking" 145411,36039.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Humanitarian personnel, students and medical cases are reported to be exempt but subject to a 14-day quarantine on arrival. It was further reported that humanitarian personnel with a quarantine certificate issued in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) do not have to undergo quarantine upon entering NES, if entry is within 48 hours of leaving quarantine in KRI." 16488,6352.0,322.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"Widespread violations of IHL by parties to the conflict pose an ongoing threat to the life and safety of civilians, resulting in loss of life, displacement and destruction of infrastructure. The protracted nature of the conflict is particularly affecting women, children and persons with specific needs whose vulnerability is further exacerbated and resort to negative coping mechanisms as means of survival. As grave violations of children’s rights continue to occur, support for affected children is critical, as is mine risk education. GBV incidents have significantly risen requiring multi-sectoral responses." 300644,51152.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"A total of 76,225 people were in need of nutrition response- As of 31 January 2021" 128831,34596.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,54,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Since fear of losing employment is a key concern in both NSAG/TBAF and GoS areas of control, humanitarian agencies must prepare to provide temporary support to compensate for this potential loss of employment (where possible), whilst also actively linking the affected population with relevant and available social protection systems." 187945,43373.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,53,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.acu-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/COVID-19-Surveillance_NWS_EWARN_Daily-Sitrep_-136.pdf,[8 Nov 2020] [NWS] New cases: 489 | Total cases: 8877 | New tests: 1216 | Total tests: 34594 | New recoveries: 124 | Total recoveries: 3223 | Total active cases: 5569 | New deaths: 2 | Total deaths: 71 202036,44071.0,2330.0,['Nutrition'],[],[],es,63,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"En cuanto al acceso a alimentación, las mujeres señalaron que los alimentos han sido repartidos por igual para mujeres y hombres. Sin embargo, la dieta no es variada y no tienen acceso a alimentos específicos para problemas de salud crónica tales como diabetes, hipertensión, entre otras. Tampoco hay alimentos para recuperación nutricional para niñas y niños." 155351,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",[],[],es,24,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"Promover las medidas de prevención y para evitar la propagación del Coronavirus a nivel nacional, desarrollando campañas en medios y redes sociales." 289364,51168.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Limited warehousing capacity in Akobo West and Tonj East are limiting the quantities of supplies that can be delivered on the ground. WFP is considering installation of new mobile storage units (MSU) in Tonj East. Nutrition sites were damaged by floods in Pibor. As a result, four of nine nutrition sites remain suspended." 223787,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les femmes ont rapporté que, à cause de ces peurs, elles a�endaient plus longtemps avant de recourir aux soins lorsqu'elles présentaient des symptômes qu'elles associaient à la COVID-19, comme la fièvre et la toux., par exemple la fièvre ou la toux." 20556,8024.0,729.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"No detention center has healthcare professionals on staff. Humanitarian organizations, as well as UN agencies, provide some medical attention, including maternal and post-partum care, but their access is limited." 201555,43256.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Almost 4.9 million people are estimated to be food insecure, almost 1.5 million of them in the North West and South West regions (33% of the regional population)." 221758,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The continuing trend of increased air strikes, most notably in Juba Dhexe, Shabelle Hoose and Galguduud, with related damage to civilian property and infrastructure, remains a concern." 328639,54710.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,111,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 88% of households were found to have at least one WASH Living Standard Gap (LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 93% of households were found to have a WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but no Capacity Gap (CG) in WASH, 5% of households were found to have both a WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) and a Capacity Gap (CG) in WASH. 7% of households were found to have no WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a Capacity Gap (CG)in WASH." 305535,50889.0,2466.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"For those who can attend public schools, language barriers make educational attainment challenging. CAR refugee students lack textbooks, uniforms and school supplies." 286516,51252.0,2170.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,177,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IPC_Nigeria_Acute_Malnutrition_2020Sept2021Aug_Report.pdf,"Where – Acute malnutrition is a major public health problem in several LGAs. According to the IPC AMN current analysis, Karasuwa, Machina, Nguru, Yunusari, Yusufari, Geidam LGAs in Yobe state and Nganzai LGA in Borno state are in IPC AMN Phase 4 (Critical). Damboa, Gubio, Kaga, Konduga, Mafa, Magumeri, Monguno, Mobbar, Askira/Uba, Bayo and Shani LGAs in Borno state and Bade, Bursari, Jakusko, Damaturu, Fika, Gujba, Gulani and Nangere LGAs in Yobe are in IPC AMN Phase 3 (Serious). LGAs classified under IPC AMN Phase 2 (Alert) include those in Northern Adamawa, Eastern Borno, Biu, Chibok, Kwaya Kusar, MMC, Jere and Fune, Potiskum and Tarmua in Southern Yobe. According to the projection period of May – August 2021, the acute malnutrition levels are expected to worsen in 36 LGAs to reach IPC AMN Phase 3 or 4." 191383,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,47,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Lack of political consensus and resource constraints continue to undermine completion of critical tasks to stabilize the country. Political and technical negotiations are ongoing regarding the definition of state and county boundaries, the scale of federalism and the de-centralization of authority from national ministries." 293567,51589.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,24,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,RECOMMENDATIONS: Understand and take into consideration how aid is appropriated by armed opposition groups and how it might fuel and fund conflict. 356127,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,29,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Por su parte, el indicador de pedidos a proveedores se ubicó en -11,3%, con un incremento de 54,6 pps frente a abril del año pasado." 289386,51168.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,22,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Oral Cholera Vaccination Campaign (OCV) in Pibor targeting over 93,000 people one year of age and above is ongoing." 40369,14242.0,788.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,50,[],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Press%20Release%20-%20Nigeria%E2%80%99s%20Bankers%20unite%20in%20support%20of%20Nigeria%E2%80%99s%20most%20vulnerable%20in%20a%20visit%20to%20IDP%20camps%20in%20Maiduguri.pdf,"As the protracted crisis continues, Nigeria’s private sector is stepping into the realm of humanitarian response and has pledged to contribute resources and identify collaborative avenues to address the humanitarian needs of more the 7.1 million people in need across Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states." 241983,47791.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,35,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,Difficulté générale d'accès des acteurs de protection de l’enfance aux enfants bénéficiaires et à risque du fait de la restriction de mouvement et/ou de résistance de la communauté face à l'arrivée du COVID-19 328550,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)]91% of IDP settlement and 67% of non-IDP settlement households found with a WASH Living Standard Gaps (LSG)." 495174,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,16,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,, Limitado acceso a la oferta de empleo existente por no contar con situaciones regularizadas. 187416,43203.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,72,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/425366-north-east-nigeria-yemen-south-sudan-face-famine-threat-un.html,"[9th Nov 2020, Nigeria] Yemen, South Sudan, Northeastern Nigeria and Burkina Faso have areas of extreme concern whose populations partially or completely cut off from humanitarian assistance, have reached a critical hunger situation following years of conflict and other shocks. “In these areas, any further deterioration over the coming months could lead to a risk of famine,” the report said." 70721,20012.0,729.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,55,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDE1912012019ENGLISH.PDF,"In a residential area of Qasr Bin Ghashir, two consecutive air strikes destroyed two one-storey houses in the same area in the afternoon of 23 June 2019. One house was empty, but the other was occupied by the al-Dubi family. Twenty-eight-year-old Iman Ramadhan was severely injured and lost her foot." 494243,68123.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,79,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] Compared to February 2020 (prior to the COVID-19 outbreak in Syria), the price of all items in August 2021 increased. For example the price of hand gel, alcohol spray and plastic gloves increased by 364, 451 and 809 percent, respectively. Also, the price of soap bars, bleach and surgeon masks increased by 245, 248, and 371 percent, respectively." 495449,67230.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,71,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Según la Organización Internacional de Trabajo la discriminación contra jóvenes venezolanos que buscan empleo en la región ""es una amenaza latente"", porque los acusan de desplazar a la mano de obra local. Los mismos gobiernos han pedido ayuda para lanzar campañas contra la discriminación y la xenofobia. 44 Los medios de comunicación describen informan de casos de robos lo cual sube los indicen de xenofobia." 201601,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,15,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the country, 43.2% of women in union are confronted with domestic violence" 343046,56257.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,34,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://ouaga24.com/terrorisme-le-premier-ministre-appelle-a-ramener-les-combattants-burkinabe-a-la-maison/,"Le Burkina Faso essuie depuis avril 2015, des attaques meurtrières attribuées à des terroristes dans plusieurs de ses localités, provocant le déplacement de plus de 1, 2 millions de personnes." 264422,49222.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,63,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,"Los accidentes por MAP a corte de septiembre (78 casos) han aumentado en un 22% a comparación del total del 2019 (64 casos). Por el contrario, han disminuido las operaciones militares en un 28%, en septiembre 2020 se han realizado 333 operaciones de desminado humanitario, en el 2019 se realizaron 462 operaciones," 154812,38099.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Au 1er juin 2020, 883 cas ont été confirmés dont 322 femmes, enregistrés dans neuf régions du pays - le Centre, les Hauts Bassins, le Centre-Nord, la Boucle du Mouhoun, le Plateau Central, les Cascades, le Centre-Sud, le Sud-Ouest et le Sahel." 133883,35165.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,548,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"Según la información recolectada en los grupos focales de personas venezolanas y en las entrevistas con actores claves, los retos y desafíos que enfrentan las personas venezolanas en los procesos de regularización y solicitud de la condición de refugiado son: 14 Situación de la Población Refugiada y Migrante de Venezuela en Panamá. Vencimiento/robo/pérdida de pasaporte. Ante estas eventualidades las personas venezolanas no están accediendo a nuevos documentos (ni en el consulado, ni en Venezuela). Coyunturalmente el consulado brinda certificados consulares de prórroga de pasaporte para los trámites de regularización migratoria y laboral. Apostilla. En Venezuela es muy difícil acceder a una Apostilla de la Haya para los documentos oficiales requeridos en los procesos de tramitación. Antecedentes Penales. Las personas venezolanas encuentran dificultades para conseguirlos en Venezuela por el costo (en dólares) y en Panamá se requiere haber ingresado hace más de dos años para solicitarlos ante la Dirección de Investigación Judicial (DIJ). Según se comunicó en la página web, el Consulado de Venezuela está brindando una verificación de la certificación de antecedentes penales (emitido electrónicamente). Costo de regularización migratoria y representación jurídica. El costo de los procesos de regularización es oneroso para las personas migrantes venezolanas, a lo que se añade el salario de la representación legal requerida para algunas tramitaciones. En algunos casos se añaden otros costes como la tramitación y envío de documentos a Venezuela (también se identifican casos de estafa y falsificación de documentos), el pago a la persona responsable en Panamá, y viajes/estadía en la ciudad capital, en el caso de personas que viven en el interior del país. Carga probatoria para proceso ante ONPAR. Las personas tienen temor a que las autoridades policiales les retengan las pruebas en su salida de Venezuela, y luego sean difíciles de recuperar. En ocasiones, se les niega constancia o resguardo de presentación de denuncias o de procesos judiciales. Aunque tener esta documentación no es obligatoria para presentar su solicitud de asilo ante la Oficina Nacional para la Atención de Personas Refugiadas (ONPAR), las organizaciones que les apoyan consideran que la falta de pruebas debilita la evaluación de sus casos. Limitación en acceso a derechos. Las personas que están en proceso de solicitud de la condición de refugiado o en proceso de regularización migratoria no cuentan con la documentación necesaria para acceder de forma efectiva a derechos o servicios básicos. Falta de información. El SNM y la ONPAR brindan información básica sobre los requisitos de los procedimientos, pero las personas migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas requieren de una mayor orientación. Las personas están obteniendo la información de fuentes informales como redes sociales, que en ocasiones generan confusión. En octubre de 2018, se crea la Oficina de Asuntos Humanitarios en el SNM encargada de recibir las solicitudes de reagrupación por razones humanitarias para personas venezolanas con residencia en el país y la solicitud de visas estampadas desde Panamá.6 Desconfianza y/o miedo en las instituciones públicas. Las personas venezolanas muestran recelo hacia las instituciones públicas por desconfianza en su disposición para atenderles." 223568,45273.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,"Priority must be given to the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities, including people with pre-existing health conditions and malnourished children – of whom there are 2.5 million in Afghanistan." 289355,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,64,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,Funding gaps continue to limit the response. A total of $22.1 million is needed to meet the needs of people in the six counties for the period January to April. Resources are spread thin and are being diverted to the six counties from other parts of the country where needs exist. This may result in other locations becoming underserved. 196125,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"(As a response)Health services and capacity building activities were adjusted, providing new delivery modalities to maintain physical distancing and staff/public safety, along with a strategic shift to COVID-19 and flood response, while safely maintaining essential health services and targeted mobile outreach services." 345187,56855.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,122,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] 4,292 Central African refugees (978 households) have been verified and registered by UNHCR and its governmental partner the Commission National pour les Réfugiés (CNR) in Nzakara, 35 km from Gbadolite (North Ubangi Province). The majority of the refugees originate from the localities of Zangba and Mobaye Banga (Basse Kotto territory) and have arrived in DRC between January and March 2021. By the end of April, about 53,000 individuals had been registered by UNHCR in the three provinces of Bas Uele, North Ubangi and South Ubangi, with approximately 37% among those already present in UNHCR database and 63% registered for the first time." 72479,20768.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"Esta coyuntura migratoria plantea retos y oportunidades que requieren de un flujo de información constante que permita a los tomadores de decisiones acertar en la creación de políticas públicas para atender a los venezolanos, sin desconocer las necesidades de la población local" 291075,52224.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Context->Economy']",en,59,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Context']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] In the Middle East and North Africa, countries that were already facing significant conflict and/or socio-economic crises at the end of 2019, such as Yemen, the Syrian Arab Republic and Lebanon, are expected to see further economic deterioration driven by rapid currency depreciation and skyrocketing inflation." 490675,67388.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao-wfp_joint_market_monitor2_august_2021.pdf,"[25 June -31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] The increased prices forced customers to buy less quantity of goods to adjust their cash in hand which, together with the movement restriction and decreased customer footfall, led to reduced sale volumes." 191117,43282.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"WASH partners have reached 87,505 people (16,712 women, 15,893 men, 28,489 girls and 26,411 boys) with WASH services, including 9,983 people reached with emergency water supply, 77,522 people with hygiene supplies and hygiene promotion critical for COVID-19 prevention. With 95 per cent outreach, targeting hygiene promotion and supplies, access water supply and sanitation remains a critical gap." 156640,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,A quality assurance visit and dry run was conducted at SCI SARI ITC in camp 21. The facility is functional with 20 active beds and ready to receive COVID-19 patients 163893,34165.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,40,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,• Debido a los altos riesgos por la COVID-19 el desarrollo de actividades críticas como la entrega de insumos agropecuarios para facilitar la producción de alimentos para autoconsumo se han visto restringidas en algunas zonas como Chocó y Nariño. 173017,40676.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,45,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La réponse sanitaire au COVID-19 pourrait surcharger les structures de soins et réduire la prévention et la gestion des autres pathologies, étant donné que seulement 27 pour cent des établissements de santé ont des capacités opérationnelles pour assurer la prise en charge médicale." 288259,50610.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,61,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[March 2021, Overall Syria] With already limited livelihoods opportunities further diminished in the past year, in addition to the ramifications of insufficient, damaged, and destroyed infrastructure and basic services, it is likely many families, including those who have over time depleted savings and resources, will be pushed toward destitution in 2021." 131820,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,126,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Con el fin de acceder a los servicios sociales en el Perú, los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela requieren un documento de identidad y demostrar la falta de recursos a través del Sistema de Focalización de Hogares (SISFOH). Sin embargo, debido a la falta de documentación o a una entrada irregular, los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela no pueden acceder a estos servicios. Para aquellos que cumplen con estos requisitos, el acceso al Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS) se limita a mujeres embarazadas y niños y niñas menores de cinco años, mientras que los niños y niñas en edad escolar que obtienen una matrícula escolar pueden acceder también al programa nacional de comedores escolares." 152896,38062.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=200270,"In statement to SANA, the ministry indicated that the infections’ toll registered in Syria have reached to 1764 so far, of which 425 cases have recovered while 68 ones have passed away" 193741,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Tchad connaît une épidémie de rougeole depuis mai 2018 avec, entre janvier et novembre 2019, plus de 25 500 cas suspects, dont 255 décès (soit une létalité de 0,9%) dans 100 districts sanitaires sur les 126 que compte le pays. Pour la même période en 2018, on recensait 4 232 cas suspects de rougeole dont 92 décès, soit une létalité de 2,2%." 277259,50610.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,70,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March, 2021, Overall Syria] In past weeks, the SYP had steadily deteriorated, and at the time of writing, had sunk to a new record low (approximately SYP 4,000 to US$ 1 on 3 March). The Central Bank of Syria maintains an official exchange rate of SYP 1,256 to US$ 1, last revised in June 2020." 414802,63619.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,66,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://zoom-eco.net/developpement/rdc-la-province-du-kasai-oriental-aura-besoin-de-600-000-tonnes-de-mais-en-une-annee/,"Les besoins alimentaires du Kasaï Oriental ont été estimés à plus de 600 000 tonnes de maïs pour une population totale de 5 980 416 habitants entre 2021 et 2022. C’est du moins ce qui ressort de l’atelier axé sur l’élaboration du Plan stratégique de relance agricole 2021-2022, présenté par la Gouverneure intérimaire, Jeannette Longa Muswamba." 198330,44278.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,21,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.dw.com/fr/la-vie-reprend-aux-fronti%C3%A8res-entre-la-rdc-et-le-rwanda/a-55551822,"Aux frontières, seuls les passeports, et laissez-passer sont admis comme titres de voyage pendant ce moment de covid-19." 290916,51607.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2224-4220-2021-1405-eng.pdf,"Geographically, 27 out of 34 provinces in Afghanistan reported Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) cases in 2020, with the most affected provinces being Kabul (53 cases, 4 deaths), Herat (37 cases, 6 deaths) and Balkh (17 cases, no deaths)." 276263,50677.0,2334.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,48,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Les départements du Mayo-Danay, Mayo-Tsanaga et Logone et Chari sont les plus menacés par une dégradation de la situation en fonction de l’impact des aléas climatiques, des invasions de criquet et des inondations sur les récoltes à venir (septembre – novembre)." 328625,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Both 2% of households of IDP settlement and Non-IDP settlement reported gender-based violence (GBV)-related incidents against anybody in their community in the 30 days prior to data collection. 325840,54826.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Environment'],en,99,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRCO018ou1.pdf,"Livelihoods needs A participatory community assessment exercise was carried out to assess Livelihoods' needs, with a focus group integrated by community leaders from the three prioritized neighbourhoods in each department using the Vulnerability, Capacity, and Assessment tool (VCA). VCA results revealed high levels of physical, social, and economic vulnerability to risks of torrential rains and floods, a high historical recurrence of emergency events associated with the rainy season, and communities' lack of preparedness to deal with, respond to and recover from these types of events." 56038,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Demography'],es,103,[],['Context'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En este contexto de gran dinamismo, la población venezolana ha comenzado a adquirir creciente visibilidad, especialmente a partir 2015 y en relación con la agudización de la crisis política y económica en Venezuela. Tres fuentes permiten una primera descripción cuantitativa de esa población: los censos nacionales de 2001 y 2010, los registros administrativos de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones relativos a tránsitos (ingresos y egresos) y a trámites de radicación, y las estadísticas que elabora anualmente la Comisión Nacional de Refugiados (CONARE), que cubren los años comprendidos entre 2010 y 2018." 113064,29959.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"• Actividad de Integración a través de la construcción de chinchorro en el municipio de Arauca donde participan refugiados, migrantes y comunidad de acogida cumpliendo con todas las normas de bioseguridad. Se realiza la entrega de capital semilla e insumos a emprendimientos en el municipio de Arauca y se brinda apoyo con mercados a 110 emprendedores que debido a la contingencia COVID-19 han visto disminuido sus actividades económicas." 123948,32567.0,1621.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences'],en,65,[],['Information And Communication'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"UNDP- COVID-19 public awareness video production on hygiene and individual protection guidelines and measures during COVID-19 pandemic, published by the Municipality of Benghazi, on various social media platforms by the support of SLCRR project though the EUTF fund. During the reporting period, eight out of planned 12 videos were produced and disseminated which reached out to more than 200,500 viewers." 236034,46890.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,These overcrowded households visibly needed more assistance in NFIs and Plan International will add to the number of NFI kits provided. 126402,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"En Arauca, casi la mitad de los adultos migrantes reduce su consumo para que niños y niñas puedan alimentarse, mientras que en La Guajira este porcentaje sube a 59% (el más alto de todos los departamentos)." 495115,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,69,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Perú sigue siendo el segundo país con más migración Venezolana después de Colombia. De los más de 3.4 millones de venezolanos que han salido de su país, un total de 708 mil ciudadanos venezolanos han llegado al Perú según la Superintendencia de Migraciones, un aumento significativo a comparación del número registrado hasta el 31 de octubre de 2018, el cual fue de 558 mil." 225477,45087.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Impact->Impact On People'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,40,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Quarantine measures, school closures and restrictions on movement disrupt children’s routine and social support structures, while also placing new stressors on parents and caregivers who may have to find new childcare options or forgo work." 210340,44923.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"The COVID-19 pandemic poses one of the biggest threats to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 of quality education for all globally by 2030. This is also true for Afghanistan, as the pandemic and its impact exacerbate an already dire situation owing to the ongoing conflict." 293952,52076.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"The increase in food prices, as is the case in Buea, affects the entire population. However, adaptation strategies are distinct. Girls are the most vulnerable to sexual exploitation to meet their food needs. Pregnant and lactating girls and women, as well as young children, would be affected by an insufficient and insufficiently varied diet." 196078,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,The level of assistance has been significantly affected due to the pandemic. Delays in project approvals and changing priorities and availability of resources have contributed to an initial reduction in the response 293987,52076.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"for the two Southwestern and Northwestern regions, for the period from January to June 2019, 55.3% of the victims of violations of their rights were female, compared to 44.7% of boys and men." 155671,38514.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"In the host community, 1,791 caregivers received awareness messages on COVID-19, and 2,696 mothers and caregivers received counselling on infant and young child feeding practices in emergencies and COVID-19 key messages in nutrition facilities" 150899,36670.0,1898.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"• El promedio diario de muestras es de 2.467 • Se han producido 221 muertes, fallecen en promedio 10 personas diariamente • Del total de casos activos, se encuentran hospitalizados 1.711 (16%) pacientes" 310889,53068.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"EMERGENCY SHELTER & NFI : 778,000 people in need provided with emergency shelter and non-food items" 227052,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] also notes with concern that in contrast to the decrease in the number of civilians injured, the number of civilians killed attributed to the Taliban increased by six per cent in the first nine months of 2020." 171487,40704.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,49,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] Currently, more than 860,000 Rohingya reside in the world’s largest, most densely populated refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. With a population density of 40,000 people/square kilometre, the risk of COVID-19 infection is high." 176629,41731.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,94,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Tout le monde a dit qu’il reçoit des informations sur la manière dont ils peuvent se protéger contre la maladie et que l’information est appropriée car elle est transmise sur différents formats -débat, télé, radio et en plusieurs langues locales - moré, fulfulde, et français -, ainsi qu’à travers les églises et les mosquées, les sensibilisations et les réseaux sociaux, les affiches à la mairie, le bouche à oreille et les agents de santé communautaire (les hommes)." 494212,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,96,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, GoS, NWS & NES] The price of commercial bread increased by four percent m-o-m and by 88 percent y-o-y, reaching SYP 1,870/bundle. The Southern region recorded the highest price of SYP 2,054/bundle (up two percent m-o -m), followed by Northwest Syria at SYP 1,987/bundle (down one percent m-o-m). On the other hand, Northeast Syria recorded the lowest price at SYP 1,226/bundle (almost unchanged m-o-m), followed by the Cross-Border region at SYP 1,755/bundle (up six percent m-o-m)" 206511,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Some 6.35 million people, or 54 per cent of the total population, were severely food insecure (IPC Phases 3, 4 and 5) in August 2019. This included an estimated 1.7 million people who are facing emergency acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 4) and 10,000 people in a catastrophic situation (IPC Phase 5)." 104260,29924.0,1860.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Context->Economy']",en,485,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Food Security, Livelihoods and Nutrition  Provide food assistance (cash and vouchers) or food aid (in-kind). Make sure to include solutions that are inclusive to elderly, PWD, pregnant women, people with chronic disease, etc. and don’t expose them.  Support food production to increase availability and support income generation: provide seeds, tools, fertilisers, and focus on short cycle production. Local food production is essential for producers to ensure their food security, but also to facilitate access of other people to essential food.  Safety nets: provide assistance for basic needs and prevent assets depletion; consider top up/ expand existing social protection schemes, extend programme length to support through the crisis.  Support small businesses to adapt to digital transactions for business continuity e.g. facilitate access to digital payment mechanisms (mobile money, e-vouchers) and to include safe delivery services  Support saving groups to use digital transfers and explain how members can protect themselves during meetings; advise to adopt contingency measures to protect their activity and prevent exposure e.g. avoiding gatherings.  Support local markets value chain: promote buying local, the use of cash and vouchers help dynamize local economy, facilitate information and contact with other markets to avoid losses and waste of products.  Promote vegetable gardens, keyhole/ urban vertical garden to facilitate access to nutritious food. Dissemination can be done together with health messages and seeds and instructions can be made available in health centres, RC offices, through services accessible to the people.  Where markets are functional provide protection advice through CEA mechanisms and distribute protection items to market workers, traders and consumers; and hand washing facilities.  Advocacy with institutions and other organisations e.g. increasing transfer amount to people already benefiting from social assistance; update food basket; etc. Nutrition Sensitive Approach: common for all response phases Actions here are limited to the type of interventions that RCRC Movement could easily implement through FSL or other community-based programmes that are not focused on nutrition specific programming as health sector (Refer to Nutrition IASC for nutrition specific recommendations) Mainstream a nutrition sensitive approach: minimum level of intervention is start/ maintain nutrition awareness: Include nutrition criteria in the targeting selection criteria to prioritise those more at risk   Disseminate key messages for good nutrition, health and wash best practices: posters radio, TV. Community awareness to be avoided due to risk of infection.  Continue to encourage breastfeeding, as developing specific knowledge on linkages between nutrition and COVID-19 is still in process, but transmission between COVID- infected mother and infant has not been demonstrated." 322878,54747.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,15,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 76% households with an age dependency ratio greater than 0.8 247486,46458.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Shelter']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In this context, the key public health response to limit impact of COVID-19 is to limit transmission of the disease. However, the case of Surkh Dewall demonstrates the many challenges associated with stemming the spread of the disease among populations of informal settlements. Overcrowding, and multiple occupancy housing, is a key risk of COVID-19 transmission for the population of Surkh Dewall." 204338,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,30,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,Ces résultats [population affectée par les mesures liées au COVID19] sont corroborés par le recours généralisé à des stratégies d’adaptation négatives liées à la nourriture. 412648,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,213,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] One in ten households reported problems in accessing general healthcare services during the pandemic: The respondents were asked whether they faced any problem during the lockdown in accessing general healthcare services. One in ten households (9.9%) stated that they faced problems during getting treatment from hospitals. The problems include lack of sufficient doctors (70.2%), lack of sufficient nurse (39.6%), lack of medical equipment (38.8%), lack of medicine (38.0%), lack of beds (26.1%) and higher fees of doctors (20.4%). They also faced the unwillingness of doctors to provide treatment (23.3%), the unwillingness of hospitals to admit patients (20.0%) and bribery (13.9%). People from rural areas complained more about the lack of doctors (75.0% vs. 63.8%) and nurses (42.9% vs. 35.2%), adequate medical equipment (40.0% vs. 37.1%), beds (29.3% vs. 21.9%) and increase of doctor’s fees (23.6% vs.16.2%) compared to people from urban areas" 234143,47016.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",en,65,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/covid-19-who-bangladesh-situation-reports/who_covid-19-update_43_20201221.pdf?sfvrsn=30e72858_9,"[21st December 2020, Bangladesh] In the epidemiological week 51, number of new cases in Bangladesh is 10,180; case per 100,000 population per week is 6.0. New death is 235; death per 100,000 per week is 0.14. Weekly new test is 106,050; tests per 100,000 per week is 62.3; weekly test positivity is 9.6%." 41095,11894.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,36,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"KIs in Ain Zara, Al Aziziya, and Swani bin Adam reported that some residents of their baladiyas had been injured or killed by explosive hazards in the 7 days prior to data collection." 271536,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"La prévalence au niveau national de l’insuffisance pondérale est de 17,6% en augmentation par rapport à 2019 (17,3%) [16,6-18,1] dont 3,8% de forme sevère, également en augmentation par rapport à 2019 qui était de3,5% [3,1-3,8]. On note également pour l’insuffisance pondérale des disparités régionales et provinciales." 294068,51273.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"PROJECTED OUTLOOK THROUGH MAY 2021: In areas where production was below average or where production amounts are typically lower (such as in the highlands) and in areas severely affected by conflict, deterioration to Crisis (IPC Phase 3) is expected as the lean seasons progresses from February through May 2021." 359139,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],en,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Even if agricultural inputs were available, they were often unaffordable for farmers due to price increases following currency fluctuations. A lack of access to fertilisers due to limited cash availability was the most commonly reported challenge for farmers (cited in 70% of assessed communities)" 407123,63699.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigerians-awaiting-second-dose-astrazeneca-vaccine-heave-sigh-relief-soon,"[19th August 2021, Nigeria]Abuja, 19 August 2021 - Nigerians awaiting their second dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine can sigh of relief as the government on 17 August 2021 received additional 699,760 doses in Abuja. The vaccines, donated to COVAX by the United Kingdom (UK) will immensely support government’s response to the pandemic." 72481,20768.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,37,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"Con la finalidad de caracterizar y conocer el proceso de integración de la población migrante, Proyecto Migración Venezuela contrató una encuesta dirigida a 1500 migrantes venezolanos en Bogotá, Barranquilla, Cali, Cúcuta y Medellín" 328978,54201.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://flip.org.co/index.php/es/informacion/pronunciamientos/item/2701-violaciones-de-derechos-humanos-a-periodistas-en-la-frontera-colombo-venezolana,"Por un lado, el 31 de marzo de 2021 la FLIP conoció que Rafael Hernández y Luis Gonzalo Pérez, periodistas venezolanos y corresponsales del medio NTN24,fueron detenidos ilegalmente durante casi veinte horas por la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana. Allí, también fueron víctimas de amenazas y robo de sus equipos. Esto es una muestra de lo alarmante que es la situación de riesgo para la prensa en Arauca." 235601,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,32,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,The situation in the North-West and South-West (NWSW) regions of Cameroon deteriorated in August compared to the previous three months with an upsurge in violence and attacks against civilians. 227474,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Environment', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",fr,50,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Selon les autorités locales, six quartiers sur 11 de la commune auraient été particulièrement affectés. Les ménages qui ont été directement touchés par la catastrophe naturelle se sont déplacés au sein-même de la localité, majoritairement dans des familles d’accueil ou dans des abris collectifs." 384809,60456.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,64,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"L’insécurité a engendré des conséquences néfastes sur l’accessibilité aux structures sanitaires et l’offre de soins de qualité devient incertaine. En outre l’augmentation soudaine d’une demande de soins et de services d’urgences, les différentes morbidités causées par des traumatismes violents et l’insuffisance des plateaux techniques est très inquiétant." 293949,51273.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,59,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"Among those displaced due to conflict in 2020, only 177,954 (53 percent) were assisted with food security and agriculture packages. Overall, the majority of displacements thus far in 2020 have occurred in the northeastern, northern, and eastern regions. It should be noted that patterns of conflict and displacement remain volatile." 494221,68123.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,40,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] In August 2021, the informal SYP/USD exchange rate depreciated m-o-m by four percent, reaching SYP 3,358/USD. Compared to a year ago, the Syrian pound weakened by 36 percent." 276674,50717.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,48,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/3/8/syrias-president-assad-and-his-wife-test-positive-for-covid-19,"[8th March, 2021, Overall Syria] With a collapsed healthcare system, battered economy and a severe lack of doctors and nurses due to medical providers fleeing Syria’s brutal war, authorities face an uphill battle to control the spread of COVID-19." 280135,50901.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] 57% of households reported that they had borrowed money in the 30 days prior to data collection; on average, these households had a debt load amounting to 113,137 SYP (40 USD). Top three reported reasons for taking on debt: - Food: 99% - Healthcare: 83% - Clothing or NFIs: 26%" 388636,61080.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les problèmes majeurs de ces personnes sont généralement des besoins alimentaires, sanitaires et de logement. Au cours de ce mois de juin 2021, des PBS ont été assistées au nombre de 53 dans les provinces du soum et du Yagha à travers des transferts mobil_ money." 306181,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"IDPs and conflict-affected people in Jebel Mara continue facing very limited access to their normal income sources such as production, sale of fruits and vegetables, sale of livestock, and petty trade due to the prevailing insecurity which is causing displacement, and restricting population movement and trading activities." 190527,39000.0,1188.0,[],[],[],en,67,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Panama%20FactSheet%20ENG%208.2020%20final.pdf,"Main Activities COVID-19 response ■ More than 2,000 refugees and asylum seekers received cash assistance from partners Panamanian Red Cross and Norwegian Refugee Council for food supplies, medicine and rent. Panamanian Red Cross has also distributed more than 300 prevention kits (masks, gloves and alcohol gel) and hygiene kits (bars of soap) for refugee families, reaching 900 persons." 157270,38373.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,48,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Un actor clave en Bogotá comentó a DRC que existe un temor de la población venezolana de retornar, ya que las autoridades venezolanas redujeron el ingreso de sus connacionales hasta un máximo de 300 personas por día, incrementando los riesgos y vulnerabilidades para las personas." 281954,51173.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,Teachers were oriented by UNICEF on their tasks which included distribution of learning materials and monitoring of children’s engagement; support to COVID-19 prevention and protection measures’ awareness with community mobilizers and distribution of hygiene kits; basic psychosocial support to children and their families. 223814,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les entre�ens avec le personnel de santé de MSI ont mis en évidence une augmenta�on du nombre de femmes se rendant en consulta�on pour des méthodes contracep�ves accompagnées de leur mari, et certains ont également cité un changement général dans la préférence des femmes pour les méthodes de contracep�on à court terme au profit des méthodes à plus long terme (DIU ; implant)." 156815,30748.0,1898.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NCA%20Situation%20Funding%20Update.pdf,"In addition to this, UNHCR has also strengthened assistance to internally displaced people by reinforcing the protection capacity of host governments. For instance, in Honduras and El Salvador, UNHCR provides technical assistance and support to government institutions on how to respond to internal displacement and work with communities at high risk." 384857,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Le mois de juin a essentiellement été marqué par les activités de riposte face à la flambée des cas de rougeole en appui au district. Au total 40 615 personnes ont été sensibilisées sur les mesures de prévention et sur l’orientation des cas suspects vers les structures de santé, 2546 séances de visite à domicile réalisées et 220 animations en lieux publics ont été réalisées" 328769,54713.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per SNFI LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 47% for severe and lowest was 2% for no or minimal and extreme+. Similarly highest percentage of households per SNFI LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 65% for severe and lowest was 0% for no or minimal and extreme+." 202031,44071.0,2330.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"La respuesta del sistema CONRED, miembros del Equipo Humanitario de País, organizaciones de sociedad civil y sector privado se encuentra en marcha en todos los territorios afectados. El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (MINEX) emitió un llamamiento de ayuda a la cooperación internacional desde el 9 de noviembre ya que hay brechas humanitarias pendientes de cubrir. Ahora el impacto de la tormenta Iota se sobrepone a lo ya existente." 307725,53292.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"In Pibor town, 2 hand pumps (serving 1,000 people) and 2 latrine stances (serving 40 people) were repaired. In Likuangole, a hand pump serving 500 individuals was rehabilitated; and 480 HHs were reached through hygiene promotion messages in Gumuruk and Pibor town." 202588,44558.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,55,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/11/stigma-and-discrimination-against-covid-19-patients-in-syria/,"[November 13, Idleb, social stigma] Many health awareness campaigns and psychological support initiatives were widely carried out during the coronavirus lockdown. Still, many concerned organizations did not develop awareness within the population of not stigmatizing the COVID-19 patient with negative characteristics or blaming him for others’ infection." 344228,56790.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] [Retrieved from table] MEDIAN SMEB COST & CHANGES - 411,125 Syrian Pounds; One month change: -3% and Six month change: 74%." 387345,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,106,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Al observar la distribución de los tipos de contrato por agrupación de ramas de actividad económica, podemos constatar que es en los sectores de la construcción y la agricultura donde los contratos temporales son mayoritarios, en correspondencia con la naturaleza de las actividades que en dichos sectores se realizan. Por su parte, aunque se encuentren por sobre el porcentaje a nivel país, llama la atención que sectores como el de la enseñanza y el de las actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas, y las actividades de servicios administrativos y de apoyo presenten una alta incidencia de los contratos temporales." 163635,32454.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],[],[],es,28,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77357.pdf,"Distribución de kits alimentarios y mercados, así como el acompañamiento logístico para la entrega de mercados a población proveniente de Venezuela por parte de las alcaldías." 359934,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,259,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Design and conduct an awareness raising program on gender norms and stereotypes and how these deepen the impact of disasters and climate crisis on marginalised groups, especially girls  Conduct campaigns against discrimination, bullying, CEFM, child labour, domestic and gender-based violence through mobilizing media (radio, television, and other social media platforms) and community programs such as street drama.  Conduct awareness raising programs to reduce gender inequalities induced by disasters by (i) better understanding the differential impact, underpinned by gender inequality, informed by data (gender, class, age, marital status, caste/ethnicity, and profession), (ii) making proactive efforts to amplify the voices of marginalised populations, and (iii) building trust, and engaging with, and listening to the experiences of those most-at-risk.  Conduct community level awareness campaigns through a whole-of-community approach, with attention to parents of school aged children, to create dialogue and awareness about the impacts of gender norms and stereotypes, and promote the commitment to, and investment in girls ‘education.  Organize awareness programs with parents, religious leaders, and local authorities including teachers, on gender norms and stereotypes and how these deepen the impact of disasters and climate crisis on children especially girls, toward working together to remove gender barriers and support girls to build disaster resilience communities and schools." 361410,58693.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,94,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] According to site management sources and observational data, most buckets used in the camps are those designed by Oxfam, which are distributed with lids. However, the case investigated in this study suggests that these lids are not always used appropriately. Consequently, highlighting the significance of using lids and covering smaller water sources could be a key factor to incorporate into a drowning prevention programme for the camps, featuring as a component of strengthening public awareness of drowning." 306778,53161.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In addition, more than 3,000 flood-affected children ages five years and younger and pregnant and lactating women received nutrition support during the response." 234604,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the terms of trade shocks from the sharp fall in oil prices are having a significant impact on Cameroon’s economy, leading to a historic fall of real GDP growth [Gross domestic product]" 16870,6332.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,80,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Update%201-21%20September%202018.pdf,"Since the onset of the Al Hudaydah Offensive in June 2018, more than 76,500 households have been internally displaced. UNHCR assisted some 100,000 people as part of the Al Hudaydah response, and will continue to scale-up as more civilians flee their homes and humanitarian and protection needs grow. In parallel, strengthening the protection response for persons of concern, including through the expansion of UNHCR’s cash assistance programme, remains a priority." 243892,47865.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,89,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/relocations-reduced-services-leave-rohingya-communities-breaking-point-bangladesh,"[21st Jan 2021, Cox's Bazar] The mounting impact of many months of this reduced humanitarian support, especially on a community that is increasingly contained, restricted and put in a position where they are dependent on humanitarian assistance, has meant the daily struggle to meet even basic needs has heightened tensions.All these mounting factors have added to the mental health stress faced by Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, make their lives tougher, and this strain has more recently spilled into violence." 330967,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Review of needs found 7.2 million people in need of assistance or protection, upto from 7.1 million estimated in the 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview" 180591,42290.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,71,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Sur le plan sanitaire, la région a enregistré un cas de COVID 19 à le 30 septembre 2020 dans la ville de Fada ; prouvant ainsi le relâchement dans l’observation des mesures barrières telles que la distanciation sociale, le port de masque et le lavage des mains. Grand nombre dans les communautés pointent du doigt le manque de moyens pour disposer du matériel de protection." 40934,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,57,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"There is particular concern for the estimated 2,700 migrants being held in detention centres (DCs) near the frontlines, in particular Qasr bin Ghasheer, Abusliem, Al Sabaa, and Tajoura. Reports have emerged of these migrants being transported from the centres to armed group bases throughout the city to perform forced labour.10" 155154,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Intentions'],es,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"El 23% informó la posibilidad de retornar para la temporada decembrina, planeando volver a Colombia en el mes de febrero de 2020. Mientras que otros casos notifican regresar a Venezuela por motivos de protección y riesgos presentados en Colombia, así como amenazas de desalojo en algunas de las regiones en Colombia." 2258,484.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Food Security', 'Nutrition', 'Education']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,108,"['At Risk', 'Capacities & Response']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA_Yemen_-_Monthly_SitRep_1_January.pdf,"In January, the 2018 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) was launched, seeking US$2.96 billion to provide life-saving assistance to 13.1 million vulnerable people across the country. This is the largest consolidated humanitarian appeal for Yemen. If fully funded, the UN and its partners will provide, among other assistance, emergency food to more than 8.5 million Yemenis, nutritional services to 5.6 million children, pregnant women and mothers, and safe water to 5.4 million people. In addition, more than 1,400 schools and 650 health facilities destroyed by the ongoing conflict will be rehabilitated." 338747,56193.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic is currently severely affecting health—both directly and indirectly by disrupting life-saving health services and supply chains, increasing food insecurity, and increasing incidents of GBV." 242492,47618.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,131,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/op-ed/2021/01/25/op-ed-student-notebook-for-tomorrow-s-teachers,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] On the basis of these issues, Dr Marianne Juntunen expressed that the problems addressed by the students are quite universal in nature. According to her expertise, she feels that teachers should be kind and dynamic coaches for the students. She also put emphasis on how teachers should build a strong and empathetic relationship with the students in order to understand the mental health of the students.Sean Bellamy on the other hand truly appreciated how Sarah Carr and Sumaiya Binte Imad highlighted the drawbacks in the education sector that persist around the world. He believes that more voices from the stakeholders around the world will help make the education sector more responsive to the diverse needs of the students." 126541,34344.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Context->Politics']",es,78,[],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"La República del Perú ha mantenido una política generosa con los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. Sin embargo, debido al dramático incremento de refugiados y migrantes que llegan al Perú durante el primer semestre de 2019 (1,300 diarios en promedio), un cambio en la política entró en vigencia con la introducción de un sistema de visa humanitaria para los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela a partir del 15 de junio de 2019." 439344,63592.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 46% (151) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté une augmentation du prix des céréales au cours du mois précédent" 212992,44923.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,69,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"GPE, as part of its longstanding partnership with the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is supporting the implementation of the government’s respond plan. GPE has allocated a US$11 million COVID-19 accelerated grant to support to the government response plan, and contribute to maintaining the important gains achieved in recent years by the education sector in Afghanistan." 62112,18564.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Politics', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,356,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"Violations of Civil and Political Rights There are numerous reports of FAES targeting Venezuelans from poor neighborhoods who participate in demonstrations against the government. This practice is part of a larger pattern of government repression of civil and political rights, something documented extensively in the OHCHR report. Since May 2016 Venezuela has been governed under a state of exception, which gives the president wide, vague, and discretionary powers to preserve “internal order.” The police, armed forces, and intelligence agencies have been responsible for the excessive use of force during demonstrations and the arbitrary detention, ill-treatment, and torture of political opponents and their relatives, according to the OHCHR report. Government repression began to rise during the opposition protests of 2014. According to the Venezuelan Penal Forum, a leading human rights group, more than 15,000 people were detained for political reasons between January 2014 and May 2019, the majority of them in the context of demonstrations. As of May 2019, almost 800 people remained arbitrarily detained and close to 8,600 had been conditionally released but were facing lengthy criminal proceedings. In the majority of the cases analyzed by the OHCHR, detainees had been submitted to one or more forms of torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. The report also documented the use of excessive force during demonstrations by the National Police and National Guard, sometimes with fatal outcomes. Data from PROVEA and OVCS show that 35 people died as a result of attacks on demonstrators during 2014 and at least 238 were killed between 2017 and 2019. In addition to these abuses, the OHCHR reported that trade union leaders and workers have been fired and detained for demanding decent salaries and working conditions; health professionals for denouncing the state of the healthcare system; university faculty and staff for criticizing the government; and military and government officers for being perceived as opponents to the regime. Many of these individuals have been forced into exile." 189696,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,38,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´Est du Tchad est fortement marqué par des conflits intercommunautaires entre agriculteurs et éleveurs, le banditisme routier et les violences armées, ainsi que des cas de braquage très fréquents ciblant le plus souvent les humanitaires." 328352,54933.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Gobierno-Nacional-establece-meta-de-8-millones-de-vacunados-al-final-de-mayo.aspx,"Señaló al respecto el ministro de Salud y Protección Social, Fernando Ruiz Gómez, que esto ""representa un reto muy importante en el que tendremos que estar por encima de los 100 mil vacunados diarios, llegando a los 150 mil durante los próximos 30 días y avanzando de manera muy relevante en todo el transcurrir del mes de mayo""." 262180,49486.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,40,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Durante los meses de diciembre y enero se presentaron desplazamientos y confinamientos en Chocó, Cauca y Nariño: exponiendo nuevamente a las comunidades de los municipios a contextos de hacinamiento que aumentan el riesgo de contagio de COVID-19." 134116,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En Argentina viven cerca de 8.000 personas refugiadas y solicitantes de asilo, la mayoría de ellas, originarias de países de América Latina. Se han encontrado casos de personas refugiadas que han sido víctimas de trata de personas y tráfico ilícito de migrantes." 153904,34182.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,87,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,De acuerdo a la zona de procedencia: el 1% de Zulia; 1% Falcón; 31% de Carabobo; 3% Yaracuy; 3% de Caracas; 9% de Lara; 5% de Apure; 3% de Maracaibo; 9% de Aragua; 2% de Anzoátegui; 11% de Portuguesa; 3% de Valencia; 12% de Barinas; 1% de Táchira; 5% de Guárico; 1% de Amazonas. 192493,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,14,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Life expectancy stands at 57 years, well below regional and global averages." 338751,56193.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"In addition, there are an estimated 450,000 people living with HIV (UNAIDS 2018). Of these, 62 percent know their status; and 57 percent are on lifesaving antiretroviral therapy." 388639,61080.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,63,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Cependant, dans plusieurs localités de la Région, les administrations publiques et privées ne fonctionnent plus à cause des attaques perpétrées dans de nombreuses localités telles que Déou, Oursi, Tin-Akoff, Mansila, Boundoré, Tongomayel, Koutoukou et Baraboulé. Par conséquent, le problème d'accès à la documentation et à la justice se pose dans ces localités." 223149,44702.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'WASH', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Motoronyo village with the other 4 clusters of villages nearby had limited access to basic services viz, health, nutrition, food assistance, and WASH. This lack of basic services has worsened their level of vulnerabilities to the shocks of flooding." 248980,47559.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",fr,50,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Il faut mentionner que pendant les focus groups, il a été constaté que beaucoup de PDIs attendent encore d’être enregistrées ; ce qui pourrait faire augmenter ce chiffre. Ces PDIs n’ont enregistrées accèdent difficilement aux différentes assistances ; surtout en abris et vivres." 310572,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"2020 HRP Funding (end-September 2020)- $1.9B required where $704m funded, $1.2B unmet that is 37% funded." 291658,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,The number of returnees remains in line with the elevated scale seen in 2020 – the year with the highest number of returning undocumented Afghan migrants on record. 210344,44923.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.globalpartnership.org/blog/afghanistans-covid-19-education-response,"The plan includes various innovative measures to ensure continuity of education for students of general education, Islamic education and adult literacy. The plan encompasses two phases: first, an immediate emergency phase, and second, a recovery phase in order to allow stakeholders to coordinate and align both short and medium-term efforts." 194768,43603.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Continuity of critical WASH interventions to mitigate post-floods and cholera impact, especially in high-risk locations such as displaced sites and at points of entry, is critical" 391235,61119.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,82,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.24horas.cl/tendencias/ciencia-tecnologia/app-de-pago-actualiza-sus-servicios-con-version-especial-para-migrantes-en-chile--4564424,"de acuerdo a los datos de marzo de 2020 del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE) en nuestro país residen habitualmente más de 1,4 millones de extranjeros, colectivos que están compuestos por venezolanos (30,5%), peruanos( 15,8%), haitianos(12,5%), colombianos (10,8%) y bolivianos (8,0%), quienes constantemente requieren realizar trámites o transacciones financieras, muchas veces sin un gran soporte o atención." 310586,53068.0,2335.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"CCCM Cluster : 22% that is 18m required, 4m funded, 14m unmet. [2020 HRP FUNDING (end-September 2020)]" 239731,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"The positivity rate of samples is also increasing day-to-day. For instance, the positivity rate was around 20% nationally on 24 February but now it has raised to 42%. It seems that 38% of provinces has more positivity rate as compare to national average (42%). The highest positivity rate was recorded in Nangarhar (65.4%) and lowest in Nooristan (16%)" 342242,56647.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Casualties->Dead']",fr,61,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Information And Communication', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF_note_presse_volcano_Goma_230521.pdf,"On ne sait pas encore combien de foyers ont été touchés par l'éruption dans le territoire de Nyiragongo, au nord de Goma. Des dizaines d'enfants de la zone proche de l'aéroport de la ville se sont retrouvés sans abri et sans ressources. Au moins cinq décès sont directement liés à l'éruption à Buhene, Kibati et Kibumba." 388577,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,33,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,La période a été marquée par un activisme accru des GANE avec des impacts considérables sur la situation humanitaire surtout dans la province du Yagha et précisément dans la commune de Solhan. 13935,5539.0,322.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Shelter']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,86,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/yemen/record-update-situation-hodeidah-yemen,"""People fleeing now are utterly desperate - desperate for somewhere safe to sleep, desperate for something to eat, desperate for a situation that will allow them to go home."" People who have fled are taking shelter wherever they can - in highly-congested houses, repurposed schools, damaged buildings and empty markets. If we can't get enough food and clean water to these families each day, the risk of a major disease outbreak like cholera grows exponentially." 190999,42037.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 15 settlements reported that schools attended by children had been closed due to COVID-19 in the 30 days prior to data collection." 387367,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,48,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La Encla 2019 también ha mostrado la incidencia de los trabajadores que laboran bajo la modalidad a honorarios los que, aun siendo solamente unos trescientos mil trabajadores, representan un número significativo de quienes están al margen de la protección que ofrece el contrato de trabajo." 228544,46627.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Of the 26 households interviewed receiving remittances at the moment, only 6 have noted no impact from COVID-19. In the majority of cases (18), the impact has been a reduction in frequency and amount." 295085,52363.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"5% of households with girls and women do not have access to menstrual hygiene products. The lack of access to these products, combined with limited access to drinking water, soap, and other items, illustrates the difficult hygiene situation for women and girls." 338744,56193.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,62,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"Despite abundant natural and human resources, DRC has failed to realize its potential due to weak institutions, instability, and a government that is not sufficiently accountable nor responsive to its citizens. These governance failures have resulted in one of the world’s highest levels of corruption4 and the highest poverty rate5 in the Central Africa sub-region." 221653,45323.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,49,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/calls-to-shut-schools-of-syrias-as-suwayda-temporarily-for-fear-of-coronavirus-spread/,"[December 10, As-Suwayda] The province of As-Suwayda recorded new cases of the coronavirus daily during last November. However, government authorities’ absence of the prevention measures against COVID-19 prompted people to loud their angry voices, asking for the educational facilities’ closure." 74627,21263.0,1184.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Gobierno El porcentaje de niños venezolanos que asisten a la escuela de manera regular y se encuentran registrados formalmente en la ciudad de Quito es 21,2% y en Guayaquil de 38,7%. La cifra de niños que no van a la escuela es particularmente alto en Quito es del 78,2% y en Guayaquil de 60,4%. MIES menciona que hasta el 24 de abril del 2019 se han registrado de manera general en las provincias del Ecuador incluidas zonas delimitadas y Galápagos, un numero de 16.851 estudiantes de nacionalidad venezolana matriculados en el sistema de educación de educación." 323728,54037.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sig.gov.bf/actualites/details?tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=1120&cHash=dce0d469a5c3ea83740ac96f2d0216e0,Fonds d’appui aux activités rémunératrices des femmes : le PADEL (Programme d'Appui au Développement des Économies Locales) fait un don de matériels (véhicules) d’une valeur de 100 millions de francs CFA 206550,43347.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,35,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"People with intersectional needs are particularly vulnerable to food and nutritional issues. Households headed by women, children, older people or single males could be more vulnerable in severe food insecurity situations." 180571,42290.0,2099.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,60,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Les chefs-lieux des provinces de la région comme Diapaga, Fada, Pâma, Bogandé et Gayeri sont les localités ou la population peut accéder à minima aux services sociaux de base. L’acquisition de certains papiers comme la carte d’identité nationale, l’extrait d’acte n’est pas chose aisée." 314528,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,64,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"En 2020, la pandémie a poussé environ 30 mil- lions d’Africains dans l’extrême pauvreté, et on estime qu’environ 39 millions de personnes pour- raient y tomber en 2021. Les plus touchés sont ceux ayant de faibles niveaux d’éducation, dispo- sant de peu d’actifs et travaillant dans le secteur informel." 154966,38099.0,2099.0,"['WASH', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"D’autre part, une augmentation des dépenses sociales des ménages (savon, bouilloire, eau, médicaments, etc.) a été observée, dont une hausse de 40 pour cent selon l’analyse comparative des montants des dépenses essentielles (savon, eau) comparé au mois de décembre 2019 (moyenne de 5 200 XOF par mois contre 8 500 XOF en avril 2020)." 253111,48621.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],en,114,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/syrias-2021-budget-heralds-greater-austerity-for-syrian-citizens/,"[January 7, GoS] In an interview with Enab Baladi, political economist Yahya al-Sayed Omar explained that the 2021 budget will place additional austerity measures on Syrians in the regime-controlled areas: “the burden of living costs on Syrian people will increase by no less than 65% if the value of the SYP against the USD remains stable and does not deteriorate again,” according to the comparison between the 2020 and 2021 budget. The decline in government spending on individuals is close to 85%, as allocation of salaries, wages, social support allocations and subsidies are projected to significantly decrease in value." 457518,65405.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,129,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"La décision de quitter les localités d’origine est rapportée avoir été prise à l’improviste, de façon spontanée. Les communautés n’ont pas eu le temps de se concerter pour prendre une décision selon 9/9 groupes. Par conséquent, des personnes ont été séparées de leurs familles lors de la fuite selon 9/9 groupes. Quelques-uns se sont retrouvés par la suite. Les populations ont quitté les localités d’origine à pied pour la majorité (9/9 groupes), à charrette (3/9 groupes) et à tricycle (1/9 groupes). L’itinéraire le plus emprunté fut la brousse (3/9 groupes). Seulement quelques personnes sont passées par la route (2/9 groupes)" 491709,65437.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/wos_attacks_on_health_care_q2_2021_final.pdf,"[1 April - 30 June 2021, Overall Syria] [from table] 2 Health care providers were killed during the attacks and 14 were injured." 224210,45763.0,2332.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Dans le domaine de l’accès à l’eau potable, tous les villages visités sont dotés d’au moins un forage. Cependant, ces forages ne sont pas tous fonctionnels ou suffisants (si l’on se réfère au ratio d’un point d’eau pour 500 personnes)." 162737,32313.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Demography'],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://stereo100.com.gt/acnur-colombia-el-60-de-los-migrantes-venezolanos-no-tienen-ingresos/,"Las cifras de desempleo en Colombia casi llegan al 20 por ciento. Además de los venezolanos, la población colombiana también depende en gran parte del trabajo informal. ¿Ustedes creen que con esta reactivación también se puede ir mejorando la situación de los migrantes? O, al contrario, se incrementará la xenofobia, la pobreza y la mendicidad…" 388948,60849.0,1186.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La salud mental aparece como una de las dimensiones más preocupantes e inatendidas. Las personas entrevistadas manifiestan sentir miedo permanente, angustia, depresión o ansiedad, entre otras. Sin embargo, es visto como algo secundario respecto de las necesidades ""reales"" cotidianas que tendrían. Ello resulta preocupante también en relación a los efectos en NNA." 291666,52152.0,2311.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Diferencia entre cultivos de huerta y cultivos de renta: los agricultores que venden cultivos de renta son menos afectados, comparativamente con otras actividades. Pero el 61% de los que venden cultivos de huerta como fuente de ingreso principal ha mencionado una reducción de los ingresos drástica o significativa, mientras que en los ganaderos este porcentaje llega hasta 73%. Las proporciones más altas de respuestas con una reducción significativa (25-50%) o drástica (mayor de 50%) de ingresos se han registradas en Caribe y Central." 425344,64291.0,2099.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Bouroum est accessible à moto ou par véhicule de type 4x4. En cette saison des pluies l’axe Tougouri et Bouroum est très difficilement praticable surtout avec les engins de transport de marchandises qui s’embourbent facilement. Silmangué est accessible à moto ou par moto- tricycle depuis Bouroum et est inaccessible à camions ou véhicules 4x4 en cette période hivernale. L’axe entre Bouroum et Silmangué reste toujours inaccessible aux mouvements humanitaires. 280076,50900.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | Hygiene 99% of households reported that hand/body soap was available at the time of data collection. 57% Proportion of households that were able to access all assessed hygiene items in the two weeks prior to data collection. Hygiene items were most commonly inaccessible because households could not afford to buy them." 184760,42710.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,42,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"According to updates provided by 12 NES NGOs covering 92 health facilities as of 3 November, 3 health facilities were closed (1 of which was partially closed):1 in Kobane, 1 in Deirk and 1 in Menbij." 57112,17184.0,1187.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,63,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Se realizó una reunión con los y las integrantes de Arepa Viva, realizamos una jornada de capacitación y orientación e intercambio. Participamos también en la reunión que mantuvo AREPA VIVA con Karin de SEDi (Servicio Evangélico de Diaconía), quien se refirió a la cuestión laboral y la posibilidad de armar emprendimientos colectivos con subsidios de dicha organización." 393149,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,44,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the discussants feel cultural, traditional, and religious believes, lack of proper information and negligence of the preventive measure can generally make one to be vulnerable to the infection of COVID 19." 79302,21909.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,67,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dw.com/es/crisis-en-am%C3%A9rica-latina-migrantes-venezolanos-y-cubanos-bajo-sospecha/a-51457689,"Algunas de dichas protestas, las mayores en décadas, han sido empañadas por actos de cruda violencia, saqueos, incendios intencionales, destrucción de bienes patrimoniales y muertes. En este escenario, los migrantes venezolanos y cubanos se han convertido en sospechosos de promover el caos y sus gobiernos, y son incluso acusados de ""buscar desestabilizar las democracias de América Latina”" 227518,46488.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Le pillage du bétail a aussi été fréquemment rapportés par les IC (6/15 pour les hommes de plus de 18 ans, et 4/15 pour les hommes de moins de 18 ans)." 356662,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,68,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La Corte Suprema ordenó que el gobierno colombiano estableciera un nuevo protocolo sobre el “uso de la fuerza frente a manifestaciones pacíficas”. El gobierno efectivamente publicó unnuevo protocoloen enero de 2021, pero este no incluye ninguna nueva medida o mecanismo de supervisión serio para prevenir el uso excesivo de la fuerza durante manifestaciones o garantizar la rendición de cuentas cuando estos hechos ocurren." 133951,35165.0,1188.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,668,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"PROGRAMAS Y SERVICIOS EXISTENTES Los servicios existentes en Panamá para las personas venezolanas migrantes y refugiadas son escasos para las necesidades que se detectan y, además, de los grupos focales se desprende que se desconocen por parte de esta población. Entre las organizaciones de la sociedad civil hay una mayor oferta de servicios asociada al sistema de protección a personas refugiadas. Las personas solicitantes de la condición de refugiado pueden optar por orientación legal y representación legal totalmente gratuita (programa del Centro de Asistecia Legal Popular (CEALP), y programa del Consejo Noruego para los Refugiados -NRC en asociación con ACNUR); tienen acceso a asistencia humanitaria (programa de la Cruz Roja Panameña en asociación con ACNUR); y también son apoyados en el acceso al sistema educativo (RET Internacional). Para las personas migrantes, solo hay algunas organizaciones que brindan orientación legal gratuita, si bien la representación legal conlleva algún costo, aunque a un precio accesible después de una valoración socioeconómica previa (Pastoral Social Cáritas y Fundación Casa Latinoamericana - CASALAT). Además, recientemente se inició un programa de ayuda humanitaria a personas venezolanas migrantes, por un tiempo limitado (Cruz Roja Panameña en asociación con OIM). Desde enero de 2019, NRC en asociación con UNICEF brinda asesoría y orientación jurídica gratuita a familias y mantienen un programa de transferencias monetaria multipropósito para familias en situación de vulnerabilidad. En su mayor parte, las organizaciones brindan servicios o ayudas puntuales, dirigidas a paliar una necesidad durante un tiempo (alimentación, alojamiento, medicina), pero no son ayudas dirigidas a integrar a esta población a largo plazo. Es necesario visibilizar la importancia de incluir a los NNA migrantes y refugiados en estos programas, atendiendo a sus necesidades específicas. Hay algunas iniciativas para la integración local de solicitantes de la condición de refugiado, apoyando medios de vida/micro-emprendimientos y actividades de sensibilización con población local (programa HIAS-ACNUR), pero estas se enfrentan con el gran desafío de la documentación para una verdadera materialización de resultados. Las iniciativas de integración local a la persona venezolana migrante se reducen a actividades puntuales, como por ejemplo actividades de convivencia (entre población panameña y venezolana), o talleres de un día de duración sobre adaptación en la migración. Por otra parte, se adolece de atención en salud mental regular y sostenida a las personas venezolanas/ migrantes, incluyendo a los NNA. 35 Septiembre 2019 También existe un albergue de corta estancia (15 días a mes y medio) para personas migrantes o refugiadas gestionado por la Pastoral Social de Movilidad Humana de la Iglesia Católica con apoyo de ACNUR. Sin embargo, este recurso es desconocido por la población objetivo, y además, supone un período muy corto para conseguir cierta estabilidad para la persona migrante o refugiada. En las organizaciones dedicadas al colectivo LGBTI y al colectivo de personas trabajadoras sexuales, la atención a la persona venezolana migrante está sobretodo circunscrita al apoyo a las personas venezolanas con VIH. No se están cubriendo las necesidades de protección, apoyo y orientación para aquellas personas venezolanas que se han visto abocadas de manera no deseada al trabajo sexual. Adicionalmente, no se encuentran organizaciones de la sociedad civil que atiendan a víctimas de trata de personas, aspecto necesario dado el aumento del reconocimiento de víctimas de trata, especialmente de nacionalidad venezolana. Por último, como se ha comentado, hay un desconocimiento y desconfianza hacia servicios brindados por instituciones públicas, pero sí cuentan con programas a los que pueden acceder la población venezolana migrante y refugiada, como instancias de protección que son: el INAMU, SENNIAF, MINSA, MITRADEL, Defensoría del Pueblo, IPHE, por citar algunas." 155231,34182.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Por su parte el GIFMM de Arauca reporta que grupos represados en la frontera con intención de llegar a Venezuela se concentran así: 49% en Arauca, 27% en Saravena y 12% en Arauquita." 66318,19459.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Demography']",es,158,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.elimpulso.com/2019/09/09/destruido-el-sistema-de-salud-741-mil-casos-de-malaria-y-350-mil-de-sarampion-9sep/,"-Cada vez disminuye el presupuesto de la salud en el país… En el 2009 la reducción fue del 16 por ciento mientras que en el 2012 fue de 22,5 por ciento. En 20 años han sido designados 18 ministros de salud. Cada uno sabe menos que el anterior. 24 mil médicos especialistas han abandonado el país. -90 por ciento de los hospitales se encuentran con problemas de infraestructura. -Los CDI carecen hasta de Dipirona para calmar el dolor. -El régimen ha roto los convenios con instituciones del exterior. El caso más patético es el de la muerte de 7 niños por falta de trasplante de médula ósea, en el Hospital J. M. de los Ríos, de Caracas.En resumen, el régimen destruyó el sistema de salud en Venezuela y hemos regresado a cien años de atraso, declaró el diputado Barrientos, médico de larga trayectoria en el Zulia" 310895,53068.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,TOP 10 DONORS : US - $421 UK - $52 ECHO - $40 Germany - $36 CERF - $24 Norway - $19 Canada - $18 Sweden - $15 Japan - $7 297811,51194.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,41,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"It is common NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) practice to close all health facilities in a province operated by a partner they disagreed with, leaving potentially hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries without access to health services." 163682,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,"Since the end of March, the COMs conducted over 26,750 community awareness sessions reaching over 130,000 people. These sessions have placed a special focus on persons with disabilities and elderly. Approximately 18% of those reached were elderly and some 2% were persons with disabilities." 388940,60849.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Respecto del tipo de empleo al que acceden, este no dice relación con las capacidades, herramientas e intereses de origen, sino que con la posibilidad de acceder a un empleo, independiente de las características y condiciones laborales, lo que les genera profundas mermas en sus autoestimas. No obstante, todes señalan total disposición a trabajar en lo que sea y bajo las condiciones que sea." 228384,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Actual numbers are suspected to be much higher, as limitations on testing facilities give only a partial picture, and continuous migration flows from Iran (with 300,000 returns between 1 January and 30 May) increase community transmission" 204408,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,39,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les résultats [la nourriture en besoin prioritaire] les plus bas ont été relevés à Maradi, dans la ville de Maradi (57%) et dans le département d’Aguie (50%)." 217678,45271.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"On average, half a million people leave their homes every year because of the conflict. Most of these IDPs (75%) are found in need of urgent humanitarian assistance as per the historical trend data from FSAC Afghanistan." 274160,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,104,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Stratégies de survie] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Il ressort que l’adoption des stratégies pour faire face aux besoins alimentaires soit plus fréquente chez les ménages de grande taille. En effet, presque quatre ménages sur dix (39 %) composés d’un à trois membres ne font pas recours aux stratégies d’adaptation, contre 31 % parmi ceux ayant de 4-6 membres, 26 % parmi ceux ayant de 7-9 membres et 27 % parmi ceux ayant 10 personnes ou plus." 16507,6352.0,322.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,87,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"The ETC IMO travelled Sana’a to meet with partners, streamline reporting efforts, provide training to partners. A second IT assistant was recruited to respond to increased demands for support for ETC services at Sana’a hub. The ETC coordinator travelled to Aden to assess ICT needs of responders. The ETC/ICT Working Group convened to review priority activities in the workplan 2018. The ETC has completed the EOC project for WHO is waiting for confirmation of official handover." 406299,63610.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Environment'],es,55,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/19082021_alerta_de_situacion_por_desastre_natural_en_bajo_cauca_antioquia._rv2.pdf,"Las corrientes de agua arrastraron los enseres de las familias de Tarazá, Zaragoza y El Bagre. Los habitantes y familias evacuadas de las viviendas afectadas en Tarazá fueron llevados a los albergues Casa Diana y al Colegio Rafael Núñez. De igual manera se declaró calamidad pública en el municipio de Tarazá." 306815,53161.0,2466.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,45,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"Between September 19 and 21, USAID/BHA, in coordination with IOM, airlifted more than 155 MT of critical relief supplies—including blankets, water containers, and plastic sheeting sufficient to provide emergency shelter for 75,000 people—to Khartoum to support ongoing flood-response activities." 328642,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 86% households with an age dependency ratio greater than 0.8 282439,51159.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,71,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/medic-frontline-syria-s-coronavirus-battle-speaks-out,"[16th March, 2021, Northern Syria] Due to the deep poverty faced by people in the camps, not everyone can afford to buy masks and even with the knowledge of how to practice good hygiene, not everyone has the means to do so. This puts people living in the camps at very high risk of infection, with little means to control an outbreak." 347764,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,46,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both Host and Refugees: Nowadays, a significant number of both Rohingya and host community women did not consider the water points to be safe, due to distance, access and risks of GBV." 187573,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"The number of COVID-19 cases increased by 125 new cases and 5 deaths since August, to 3,390 confirmed cases and 98 deaths, as of 21 September" 271502,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,100,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"En effet, l’ENN de 2019 a montré que seulement 59% des enfants de moins de 6 mois étaient exclusivement allaités et 17,4% des enfants de 6 à 23 mois avaient une alimentation minimale acceptable15. Alors que dans une étude publiée dans The Lancet, il ressort que que les pratiques optimales de l’allaitement exclusif et de l’alimentation de complement réduisent le taux de décès infantils de 19% [ENN, 2019. Rapport enquête nutritionnelle nationale selon la méthodologie SMART, 106p.; Lancet, 2000451-455]." 191386,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,31,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Cattle raiding and related inter-communal violence is a deeply rooted widespread practice in South Sudan, but one that is increasingly politicized and linked to the broader conflict and insecurity." 437557,64217.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En este estudio se identificó que el 40% de las participantes, no cuentan con acceso y disponibilidad a los servicios de salud, estos son limitados y la calidad y aceptabilidad son deficientes. Si bien, el 33% reportó no haber necesitado servicio médico, las otras niñas señalaron que, cuando lo han requerido, han enfrentado muchas difi cultades para recibir la atención médica de manera oportuna." 229682,44602.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Need for WASH facilities within the IDP settlement especially Latrines and Water treatment tablets. 166414,40065.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,157,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/fewer-fatalities-more-recoveries-recorded-last-week/,"Recoveries were slightly higher than new cases on Wednesday, September 23. One hundred and eleven confirmed cases were reported in 12 states: Lagos (31), Gombe (18), Kaduna (18), FCT (15), Rivers (14), Imo (3), Kwara (3), Oyo (3), Bayelsa (2), Ogun (2), Edo (1) and Osun (1); while 149 discharges were announced in seven states. States where discharges were reported included: Edo (56), Gombe (32), Ondo (30), Rivers (15), Kaduna (7), FCT (5) and Akwa Ibom (4). Sadly, two deaths were reported in two states: Bayelsa (1) and FCT (1)." 226194,44606.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,87,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_302_20201127.pdf,"A Kinshasa, les principaux foyers, pour les 7 785 cas dont l’information était connue, sont les ZS de Gombe (1038/7785 ; 13,3%), Binza Ozone (906/7785 ; 11,6%), Limete (795/7785 ; 10,2%), Kokolo (675/7785 ; 8,7%), Lemba (580/7785 ; 7,5%), Binza Meteo (502/7785 ; 6,4%) et Mont Ngafula I (308/7785 ; 4,0%) (Figure 3)." 202459,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,43,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Similarly, humanitarian actors have managed to reach the majority of some 2 million people in 31 counties which were categorized as locations with medium-level access constraints due to bureaucratic impediments, operational interference, and violence against humanitarian personnel and assets." 86564,23939.0,1620.0,[],[],[],en,97,[],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/situation_report_of_lassa_fever_outbreak_in_borno_state_no4.pdf,"Seven (7) cases of Lassa fever reported as at 27th January 2020, with 2 associated deaths. The cases are from Bolori I (1), Wulari Jerusalem (1), Bakassi IDP camp (1), State specialist hospital Maiduguri (1) from MMC LGA, and 1 case from a new location in Bayo LGA of Borno state. Two (2) samples tested positive while, four (4) samples were negative. 1 suspected was reported from London ciki area of Jere LGA." 218404,45693.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,Four million children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are in urgent need of protection. 651,156.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Awareness campaigns on UXOs were reportedly not primarily conducted in areas where the highest proportions of households reported the presence of explosive hazards. While no household reported the presence of UXOs in their area in Ghat or Tripoli, awareness campaigns were reported by the highest proportions of households in these locations (34.7% and 27.5% respectively). On the other hand, households in Al Margab were among those who most reported the presence of UXOs in their vicinity while they least reported reception of awareness campaigns (8.9%)." 112274,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"La gran sorpresa y felicidad, pero al mismo tiempo falta de concentración y cuidado al manipular libros o cuando se les lee, muestra que la alfabetización está fuertemente comprometida también." 337281,45748.0,2335.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,17,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Floods Key figure (16-31 October,2020): 856K people affected, 400K displaced, 4 deaths" 361409,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,140,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar]Refugee: Interventions to prevent access to smaller water sources including buckets is also required, as a water bucket was a location of drowning to a 2-year-old child. Due to limitations in water accessibility in the camps, buckets are particularly important for the provision and storage of water. . Therefore, commonly advocated prevention measures such as promoting leaving buckets empty when not in use may not be applicable in the refugee camps where they are in constant use (Celis et al, 2017). A more suitable measure may be to cover open buckets with a lid, as this has been proven to be an effective measure to prevent children from falling and drowning in buckets (Celis et al, 2017)." 200057,44386.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Economy'],es,102,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"En el trimestre julio - septiembre 2020, la tasa de desempleo para las cabeceras fue 19,6%, lo que significó un aumento de 8,3 puntos porcentuales comparado con el trimestre julio - septiembre 2019 (11,3%). La tasa global de participación fue 59,9%, lo que representó una disminución de 4,6 puntos porcentuales frente al mismo trimestre de 2019 (64,5%). Finalmente, la tasa de ocupación se ubicó en 48,1%, lo que significó una reducción de 9,1 puntos porcentuales respecto al mismo periodo de 2019 (57,2%)." 354602,58015.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,32,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2021/06/16/9-more-covid-patients-die-in-khulna,"[16th June 2021, Bangladesh] Mehdi Newaz, Vice-Chancellor of Khulna Medical College, said the positivity rate was 37.31% as per total sample test on PCR machines." 20959,8619.0,729.0,['Health'],[],[],en,60,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/atia-kaseh-hospital-alkufra-operative-again,"The medical center was damaged by the various conflicts that the city witnessed in the recent years. From now on approximately 500 people will have daily access to pediatric, gynecological, surgical and emergency services in the rehabilitated hospital. The center counts now also with two operation rooms and one Intensive Care Unit (ICU)." 155011,34182.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Los alimentos que consumían antes de la crisis eran caraotas, queso, huevo, arepa, pollo, carne y cachapa. Sin embargo, después de la crisis condicionalmente pueden solo obtener pasta, lenteja, arroz y pan en general." 168713,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,This health system has survived nearly a decade of civil war but now faces a new kind of enemy as the impact of a possible spread of COVID-19 in the northwest Syria will be catastrophic. 327998,55044.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/la-rdc-sappr-te-vacciner-plus-de-16-millions-de-personnes-contre-la,"Bien que la République démocratique du Congo ait introduit la vaccination contre la fièvre jaune dans son programme national de vaccination de routine en 2003, la couverture vaccinale reste autour de 56 %, en-dessous du minimum recommandé de 80 %. La faible couverture vaccinale a mené à une résurgence de la maladie dans le pays, avec six épidémies entre 2010 et 2019." 175380,41303.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,29,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99977,"Depuis le 9 mars 2020, le pays a enregistré, 2 320 cas dont 779 femmes et 1 541 hommes, 1 614 guérisons et 63 décès." 257021,48672.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"In Tahoua, UNHCR organized a training on registration for the National Eligibility Commission, responsible for refugee matters. They have proceeded to the renewal of 5 622 refugee attestations and 3 633 refugee identity cards. Moreover, 640 refugee attestations have been renewed in Ayorou, 25 in Abala and 6 in Ouallam. Finally, 708 refugee identity cards and 8 birth certificates have been given to refugees living in the Tillabery region." 457026,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,82,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Perciben que no tienen muchas alternativas, el trabajo informal no alcanza para cubrir los gastos básicos, y a ello se le suma la amenaza constante de no tener los medios para adquirir alimentos o para pagar el alquiler de la vivienda. De esta manera, no sorprende que, en cuanto al funcionamiento psicológico, el 95% de las mujeres presentase más de 3 indicadores ansioso-depresivos y más de la mitad padeciera de un síndrome clínico depresivo-ansioso." 240718,47367.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],en,82,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ 8 - 14 January 2021] The price of a 220 liter barrel of diesel increased from 28,000 SYP to 73,000 SYP in Deir-ez-Zor and 85,000 SYP in Ar-Raqqa; meanwhile, the price of one liter of diesel fuel on local markets rose from between 180 and 220 SYP to between 410 and 450 SYP. One liter volumes of gasoline have also increased, as have the prices of a gas cylinder from 6,500 SYP to 14,500 SYP." 161477,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,49,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Atlántico, el ICBF reportó que entre enero y mayo se iniciaron 284 procesos administrativos de restablecimiento de derechos a menores en Barranquilla. Además, intervinieron en 291 casos de violencia sexual contra menores, de los cuales el 70.8% fue contra niñas y adolescentes23." 113092,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Siguen activos las unidades sanitarias y los puntos de hidratación en Paraguachón, así como el Centro de cuidado y albergue para niños, niñas y adolescentes Significarte y Renacer y la Casa de acogimiento temporal en Maicao." 439670,63257.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Les IC ont rapporté dans 44% de localités évaluées que la majorité de la population ne s’est pas sentie en sécurité au cours des 30 derniers jours. 265685,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,29,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Au Burkina Faso, si les déplacements intra régionaux ont été majoritaires, des déplacements couvrant de plus grandes distances déjà identifiés en 2019 se sont poursuivis en 2020" 82590,22770.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],en,52,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"Following the outbreak of clashes on August 26, at least 3,845 Libyan households were displaced from conflict-affected mahallas of southern Tripoli.3 The largest numbers of IDP households were reportedly displaced from conflict-affected areas of Ain Zara mahalla, with the mahallas of Mashroua Al Hadhba and Salaheddin not far behind." 60703,17936.0,788.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,112,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Displaced populations are more vulnerable to food insecurity as it results in the loss of livelihood as well as social and natural assets. IDPs are forced to rely on severe coping mechanisms in order to ensure that their basic food needs are met. Displacement primarily limits access to basic livelihood opportunities such as land and skilled employment and this is often compounded by lack of skills and low level of literacy, which limits the capacity of IDPs to connect with local opportunities within areas of new habitation, consequently forcing them to engage in jobs that require less level of skills such as land clearing and manual labor." 141897,34876.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,55,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Recommendation: Knowledge that COVID-19 can be transmitted from contact with an infected object does not substantially differ among populations, and knowledge about this is increasing. The transmission route of infected surfaces was still identified by less than 60% of respondents, so messaging on this should continue to all populations." 393213,62158.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, the communities feels their shelter conditions, religious practices and cultural believes can pose a thread to the increase in severity of the COVID 19 outbreak in their community, others feels going to the market, eating together and religious gathering would also increase the severity of the COVID 19 outbreak in their community." 16501,6352.0,322.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"Cluster partners reached 29,101 households (188,880 people) with emergency employment opportunities in 78 districts (16 Governorates); 1,794 households (12,272 individuals) had access to income generation opportunities through small and micro business recovery and creation in 37 districts (11 Governorates). Around 2,738 households (16,947 people) had at least a member who benefitted from vocational training to equip them with marketable skills for livelihoods and 1,079 individuals from 82 local NGOs received capacity development to enhance their preparedness and response capacities." 147054,36039.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,77,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"In addition to date, WHO has provided 94 enzyme kits, 177 extraction kits (26,250 reactions), 172 screening kits and 15 confirmatory testing kits, 18,000 swabs and viral transport medium for sample collection, and five polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machines, in addition to 5,000 waste bags and 21,000 bags for samples, and PPE for laboratory staff. WHO has further supplies and equipment in the pipeline." 229443,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,109,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"IDPs came with nothing at hand most of their NFIs have been washed away by water or get destroyed while escaping flood. They rely on the host community who help them with the little they have. The Condition for host community is deteriorating every day running out of the items to be shared with the IDPs. The few NFIs at hand shared among the IDPs for example cooking pot, 1 cooking pot is shared among 50 HH. Women are seen queuing up waiting for cooking pot as one finishes cooking the other one take’s over cooking using the same cooking pot." 154959,38099.0,2099.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,51,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Cette situation a ainsi entrainé une augmentation sensible du prix de transport des marchandises (camions et tricycles), en particulier au niveau des marchés des provinces de l’Est et du Centre-Nord. Ces augmentations sont également imputables aux restrictions au niveau des frontières béninoises et togolaises." 16562,6344.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,68,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"Community volunteers supported by a USAID partner conducted hygiene awareness sessions on proper handwashing, safe waste disposal, water-borne disease prevention, and water treatment for nearly 28,600 individuals in Hadramawt, Lahij, and Ta’izz governorates in August. The partner also provided nearly 3 million liters of safe drinking water to more than 31,500 people in Ta’izz during the month." 318010,54145.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,54,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://fundacionamigosdemonkole.org/projets/covid-19-monkole/?lang=fr,"En réponse à cette situation soudaine [épidémie de la COVID-19], Monkole a pris plusieurs mesures d’hygiène, (...) Elle a également décidé de transférer ses activités à Monkole 2 en tant que centre d’accueil pour les patients COVID-19 avec une capacité de 25 lits." 304244,53037.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,43,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Production agricole: En plus des conflits et de l’insécurité en cours, les perturbations des chaînes d'approvisionnement mondiales et la fermeture des frontières terrestres dues à la COVID-19 réduiront l'accès aux intrants agricoles lors de la prochaine saison agricole." 10436,2965.0,322.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800409_Humanitarian_Update_Final_1.pdf,"The Shelter/NFI/CCCM cluster reports that as of 12 April protracted violence in the Al Hudaydah and Taizz governorates has displaced 19,145 households of whom 9,838 have been assisted. This new wave of displacement further adds up to the three million Yemenis who have already faced the shock of having to flee their homes, two million of whom remain displaced across the country. 89 percent of IDPs in Yemen have been displaced for more than one year." 142140,35314.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Working closely with MoH technical teams, health and WASH partners, WHO continues to meet on a daily basis to monitor, plan and assess incident management system functions. To support the Syrian MoH’s plans to establish quarantine and isolation for treatment centres in all governorates, WHO completed inter-sectoral mapping in coordination with departments of health." 356684,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,41,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"A la Defensoría del Pueblo: -Asegurar un control “estricto, fuerte e intenso” sobre abusos cometidos por el ESMAD durante manifestaciones, tal y como lo ordenó la Corte Suprema en su sentencia de septiembre de 2020." 236206,47104.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, Syria] In December, more than a third of surveyed households (36 percent) indicated having lost at least half of their monthly salary, suggesting a further undermining of livelihoods in Syria. Moreover, according to displacement status, nearly half of returnee households (48 percent) reported job lay-offs in December, compared to 44 percent of IDPs and 45 percent of residents" 223685,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,20,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Delivery of Pentavalent, BCG, Td and IPV vaccines to Wako PHCU, Bhargel PHCU, Langdit PHCU." 304198,50889.0,2466.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"In addition to the establishment of a new camp at Al Jamey’a, land extensions have been secured for three other camps in White Nile State to accommodate an additional 5,000 households." 195949,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,26,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"De plus, 60,0% (1438/2396) des cas auraient été en contact étroit avec au moins un cas confirmé ou probable de COVID-19." 145413,36039.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,85,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Restrictions remain in place at most other crossing points inside Syria. Abu Zendin, Um Jloud and Awn Dadat in Aleppo remain closed, as does Akeirshi in Ar-Raqqa. Abu Assi in Ar-Raqqa is reported open for students crossing to sit national exams. Ghazawiyet Afrin and Al-Taiha in Aleppo are reported open for commercial traffic; the latter is also reported open for students. Bab Al Hawa in Idleb is partially open with restrictions. Deir Ballut in Aleppo is open" 412754,63085.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Pull Factors']",fr,55,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_4_kananga_juin2021_final.pdf,"Selon des sources locales, suite au déploiement des forces de sécurité, de timides mouvements de retour sont observés dans la zone. Aucune action de médiation pour la cohabitation pacifique n’a encore été menée dans la zone depuis la résurgence de ce conflit qui oppose ces deux communautés depuis novembre 2020" 328783,54763.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.msf.fr/decryptages/republique-democratique-du-congo-l-urgence-permanente,"La lutte contre le paludisme en RDC est souvent présentée comme un succès depuis le début des années 2000, avec une diminution générale du nombre de cas. Pourtant, la RDC concentre toujours 12 % des cas dans le monde (OMS, 2019), et touche particulièrement les enfants." 134384,34825.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,96,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Por su parte, la base de datos de flujos migratorios consolida la información generada durante el registro de permisos de residencia en Chile, sean a nivel consular por MINREL o dentro del territorio nacional, a través del DEM. En ese sentido, se dispone de datos acerca de los permisos de residencia solicitados u otorgados a personas extranjeras, que permiten determinar el conjunto de personas extranjeras con ánimo de residencia en Chile, que ingresaron al país desde el día posterior al Censo hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2019." 248988,47559.0,2099.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,22,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,Le problème d’accès aux actes de naissance demeure une difficulté pour les enfants surtout dans la commune de Séguénéga. 359950,58399.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,100,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Recommendations to the development partners: Advocate for DRM, CCA, and CSS policy improvement and implementation jointly by addressing contemporary issues in policies and engaging in regular advocacy for synergy.  Organise joint programs to review the efficacy of existing DRM, CCA and CSS policies, guidelines and frameworks in collaboration with the government; conduct studies to identify gaps and implementation challenges of existing guidelines, strategies and action plans, and provide technical support to the government for the amendment of existing policy documents." 495391,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,28,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Falta de rutas para casos de bebés con riesgo de apátrida y rutas de atención para casos de adolescentes con problemas conductuales o con problemas de adicciones. 325940,54937.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,56,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Minsalud-asigno-este-domingo-las-912.000-dosis-de-AstraZeneca.aspx,"El Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social recibió en la madrugada de este domingo 912.000 dosis de vacunas de AstraZeneca y, de inmediato, realizó el proceso de asignación para posteriormente enviarlas lo más pronto posible a los territorios, el cual quedó establecido en la Resolución 453 del 25 de abril de 2021." 338360,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,60,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"[Global] Decades of slow but steady progress in educating more children around the world abruptly ended in 2020. By April, an unprecedented 1.4 billion students were shut out of their pre- primary, primary, and secondary schools in more than 190 countries, in an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus." 194223,43811.0,2330.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Politics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,16,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/mundo/devasta-huracan-iota-isla-caribena-deja-un-muerto,"El gobierno exige compensación, al denunciar que estos fenómens son consecuencia del cambio climático." 175375,41211.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99909,"Douze guérisons ont été enregistrées à la même date. Malheureusement, la grande faucheuse a encore frappé en emportant avec elle deux patients. Notons que le pays a enregistré sept décès en l’espace d’un mois." 356132,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,47,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En abril, el Índice de Confianza Comercial (ICCO) se ubicó en 25,6% lo que representa un incremento de 51,1 pps frente al mismo mes en 2020. Adicionalmente, frente al mes anterior, el ICCO registró una reducción de 13,1 pps." 272062,50213.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/9c032c38/REACH_SYR_Northeast_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_January_2021.pdf,"[Jan 2021, NES] The cost of the SMEB hygiene component increased by 19% in January, reaching a median of 21,287 SYP. While median prices for many COVID-19 related items, such as facemasks and hand sanitizer, which are more frequently locally produced, decreased in January, by 13% and 6% respectively." 106498,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],es,99,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Una porción importante de los migrantes son mujeres con hijos, muchas de las cuales se ven forzadas a trabajar en la calle pidiendo dinero o ejerciendo algún tipo de trabajo sexual, en el que en ocasiones se ven involucrados los niños de forma directa o indirecta. Esto ha generado una crisis en la atención de niños, niñas y mujeres gestantes, con problemas asociados a enfermedades de transmisión sexual, enfermedades de la piel y desnutrición, entre muchas otras (Equipo de Asistencia Técnica, ICBF La Guajira, entrevista, 2019)." 152501,37831.0,2098.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,67,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"We joined fellow NGOs in calling for internet and phone service to be restored in the camps. In effect since September 2019, the shutdown is risking the health and lives of over 1 million people in the camps and host communities by hindering aid groups’ ability to provide emergency health services and rapidly coordinate essential preventive measures, especially during the COVID-19 crisis." 205238,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,Humanitarian actors are required to conduct extensive sensitization and deconfliction activities to gain and maintain access. This is particularly so for communities in rural and bush areas. 106082,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,104,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"754.085 personas tienen un estado migratorio regular, es decir, que cumplen con los requisitos de ley para estar en el territorio colombiano. Esta cifra la componen los portadores de visa o cédula de extranjería y los que se encuentran en Colombia dentro del tiempo establecido por ley, que incluye a los pendulares que, ingresando con la TMF, tienen hasta 8 días para permanecer en el territorio y a los que se encuentran en tránsito, que con el PTT tienen hasta 15 días para salir del país. También se incluyen las 568.330 personas portadoras del PEP." 483273,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En la encuesta se incorporó la pregunta ¿sabe o conoce de alguna persona venezolana que ha sido víctima de maltrato verbal?; el 26,8% declara que sí sabe o conoce de casos de maltrato verbal que recibió algún venezolano en el país, mientras que el 73,2% indica que no sabe o conoce. Según sexo, el 28,0% de hombres y el 25,4% de las mujeres informaron haber escuchado caso de violencia verbal infringida hacia los venezolanos." 79304,21909.0,1186.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,62,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.dw.com/es/crisis-en-am%C3%A9rica-latina-migrantes-venezolanos-y-cubanos-bajo-sospecha/a-51457689,"Hay muchos rumores sobre quiénes están detrás de los disturbios y hay que tener mucho cuidado, porque generalmente son sólo rumores. Que entre los disturbios haya ciudadanos venezolanos es muy probable, pero no necesariamente quiere decir que haya un plan detrás de eso”, dice a DW Stefan Peters, director del Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz." 293858,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Politics'],en,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"At the national level, the representation of women remains very low. Besides the National Assembly, where considerable progress has been made with 30.5% of women, other institutions lag behind: the government has 6% women, while they were 27.1% in parliament in 2017." 62073,18564.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,43,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"Medicines are similarly hard to obtain. Health providers around the country are struggling to operate in the context of service failures and scarce supplies, and the incidence of diseases that had disappeared or were under control is on the rise." 195971,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Au total, 57 échantillons ont été reçus au laboratoire ce 15/11/2020. Au journée, 147 échantillons ont été analysés, parmi lesquels 51 sont revenus positifs au SARS-CoV-2, y compris ceux des 50 nouveaux cas confirmés du jour." 141892,34876.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"A community lockdown was still in place in one sub-district and public spaces were still closed in fifteen sub-districts. Awareness campaigns were in place in 30 sub-districts (out of 42), while temperature checks were in place in 26 sub-districts and distribution of soap/disinfectant/masks were available in 7 sub-districts" 247483,46458.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,107,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"In the absence of effective treatments or a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, the global defence against the virus has centred on limiting transmission. This strategy is particularly applicable to Afghanistan, where there are very limited health facilities to treat COVID-19 patients. The country already suffers from some of the poorest doctor per capita statistics in the region, and healthcare facilities typically provide only basic care. For residents of Surkh Dewall, there is only one hospital with the capacity to treat critical COVID-19 patients in Jalalabad, and their facilities for critical care would likely be quickly overwhelmed in an outbreak." 626,156.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,125,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"The most important pull factors for IDP and returnee households were generally similar revolving around the presence of familiar people - the household’s family and/or friends, or their communities – and a more secure environment. For the vast majority of returnee households (72.7%), the presence of friends/family was the first pull factor as households were going back to their original area of origin, followed by the presence of their community (22.5%). On the other hand, for the majority of IDP households (47.7%), the most important pull factor was the secure environment, followed by the presence of family and friends for 44.4% of IDP households." 222990,45471.0,2170.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,47,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]The devastating impact of the conflict on the physical and mental wellbeing, living standards, and capacity for resilience and recovery of populations in north-east Nigeria is compounded by the dangers posed by landmines and other explosive ordnance." 177008,41740.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://amp.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200817-rdc-nouvelles-informations-gestion-fonds-covid-suspicions-detournements,"Selon le Premier ministre Ilunga Ilunkamba, plus de dix millions de dollars ont été débloqués depuis mars pour la riposte, mais le coordonnateur de la lutte contre la pandémie, le docteur Jean-Jacques Muyembe, assurait lui, la semaine dernière encore, n'avoir géré que 1,5 million de dollars" 161799,39497.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,85,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/australia-supports-covid-19-response-cox-s-bazar-bangladesh,"Australia’s humanitarian assistance delivers essential support for the Rohingya people and host community in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. This includes providing food, clean water, health and sanitation services, education, counselling and medical services for women and girls who have experienced violence, and nutritional support primarily for children under five. With Australia’s support, humanitarian agencies have been able to respond quickly to the impacts of COVID-19 in Cox’s Bazar." 177068,41740.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,28,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://amp.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200817-rdc-nouvelles-informations-gestion-fonds-covid-suspicions-detournements,"Parmi ces dépenses, l'achat d'ambulances pour 260 000 dollars dans le cadre du plan Covid, ambulances qui n'ont jamais été livrées, précise la source." 311743,54013.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,141,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unidadvictimas.gov.co/es/prevencion-y-atencion-de-emergencias/la-unidad-para-las-victimas-ha-atendido-90-desplazamientos,"Los eventos más recientes de confinamiento se registraron en: • Bojayá (Chocó) - Unión Cuity, Cuity Central - Cuenca Napipi • Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) - comunidad Mesetas • Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) - comunidad Nounam Nandurr • Bagadó (Chocó) - Conondo, Brisas, Piedra Honda y otros • Murindó (Antioquia) - Guagua, Isla, Coredó, Chimiadó, Bachidubí, Ñarangue, Chageradó, Chibugadó, Turriquitadó Alto, Turriquitadó Bajo, Turriquitadó Llano • Alto Baudó (Chocó) - comunidades indígenas de resguardo Jurubirá- Chori- Alto Baudó- Santa María de Condoto, Cristiano • Dabeiba (Antioquia) - Amparradó Alto, Amparradó Medio, Amoladora, Genaturadó • Bojayá (Chocó) - cuenca Río Alto Bojayá- comunidades Mojaudó y Playa Blanca- Chanú" 306775,53161.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,112,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"In response to ongoing acute food insecurity, USAID/BHA partner the UN World Food Program (WFP) and implementing partners provided nearly 79,000 metric tons (MT) of food assistance and $10 million in cash vouchers to more than 2.6 million beneficiaries between October and December 2020. Most beneficiaries reached with humanitarian food assistance were IDPs and conflict-affected people in Darfur, government-controlled areas of Blue Nile and South Kordofan, and chronically food-insecure. areas of eastern and western Sudan, as well as refugees from South Sudan, flood-affected households, and newly arrived Ethiopian refugees from Tigray. [Specific location assessed - Darfur]" 202039,44071.0,2330.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,36,['At Risk'],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"En lo referente a albergues seguros, por lo general no hay divisiones por familias, esto ocasiona aglomeraciones en las áreas comunes, provocando un alto riesgo de contagios por covid-19 y otras enfermedades." 203557,44071.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,45,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,En la comunidad de Vista Hermosa se tiene un albergue en Iglesia evangélica sobre la carretera aproximadamente kilómetro 260; 150 personas albergadas; no permanecen en el lugar; llegan a comer; son personas con pérdida total de vivienda y objetos personales. 356652,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,113,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"La Fiscalía informó a Human Rights Watch el 4 de junio que solo había imputado a un policía en relación con los abusos cometidos durante la reciente ola de protestas. Se trata de un agente que fue imputado el 13 de mayo por el homicidio del manifestante Marcelo Agredo Inchima. Miembros de la Delegada de Seguridad Ciudadana de la Fiscalía, que está adelantando todos los procesos por abusos policiales, dijeron que esa unidad había asignado a fiscales e investigadores adicionales para adelantar los casos de abusos policiales y que la directora de la unidad estaba realizando reuniones semanales con los fiscales para analizar los avances en cada caso." 227503,46488.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Environment'],fr,58,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Le second besoin prioritaire le plus fréquemment rapporté par les IC étaient le besoin en AME (12/15). Cela est corroboré par le fait que tous les IC ont indiqué qu’une grande majorité des ménages (plus de 75%) ont subis des pertes d’AME suite à la catastrophe naturelle. 304816,53078.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_bulletin_humanitaire_oct_nov_2018.pdf,"Selon les résultats de l'enquête nationale de Nutrition réalisée en Octobre 2018, la prévalence nationale de Malnutrition Aigüe Globale (MAG) est égale à 15.0% alors que celle de Malnutrition Aiguë Sévère (MAS) se situe à 3,2%. Trois régions, Maradi, Tahoua et Zinder, présentent une situation particulièrement préoccupante avec des prévalences de MAG au-delà du seuil de 15% défini par l’OMS comme seuil de sévérité critique et des prévalences de MAS égales ou au- delà de 3.5%." 328671,54713.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 37% of the households found with Protection Living Standard Gap (LSG). 4% found to be extreme+ severe, 8% extreme, 25% severe, 47% stress, 16% no or minimal." 359678,58399.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,125,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In both countries, the majority of respondents from FGDs and KIIs confirmed that long travel times and an unsafe commute to school are among the reasons children are missing school. Children from poor families tend to live in risky areas some distance from school. The need to spend long hours doing household chores coupled with long travel time to school makes children, especially girls, miss school. Distance is one of the determining factors for the discontinuation of school. Long travel distance to school and associated risk (teasing, bullying and other abuse) in between home and school sometimes raises high concerns about girls’ physical safety." 165636,39645.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,118,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"A major increase in shelter damages has been recorded this monsoon season compared to last year in the SMSD Daily Incident Reporting Mechanism.17 During June to 30 August, 1,236 monsoon related incidents were reported across all 34 camps affecting 25,631 households and 116,604 individuals. 23,023 shelters were partially damged and 1,854 shelters were totally damaged. The shelter damages reported this year have increased by 100% when compared to the same period in 2019. COVID-19 restrictions resulted in a reduction of shelter programming and monsoon preparedness activities. This, combined with the typical monsoon weather events and the continued use of lightweight and temporary materials has resulted in this significant increase in damages" 48984,16177.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,102,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.fupad.org/wp-content/uploads/Informe-completo-version-digital.pdf,"El Gobierno ha establecido programas para apoyar a los retornados como “Colombia nos une” que, según la Cancillería, para abril de 2018 había atendido 43.800 retornados 3 (téngase presente que no todos los retornados acuden al programa). Los retornados son aquellos colombianos que deciden volver al país luego de haber habitado en otro. Sin embargo, su situación jurídica es sencilla de resolver puesto que cuentan con la nacionalidad colombiana y por ende su permanencia regular en el país está garantizada, a diferencia de los venezolanos, bien sean refugiados o migrantes." 172319,40929.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Nigeria] UNCIEF distributed of 4,000 reusable face masks to Health workers, CNMs and their Supervisors in the field as part of COVID-19 infection prevention control." 113094,29959.0,1183.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Siguen las entregas de transferencias monetarias, bonos de alimentación, efectivo y e-vouchers." 111665,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,108,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En Colombia, estas redes de apoyo se hacen presentes a través de una continuidad de lazos familiares o de amistad: algunas personas que han llegado antes y han conseguido vivienda o trabajo acogen a familias que recién llegan y les ayudan a entender cómo desenvolverse en el nuevo contexto. Adicionalmente, los funcionarios de los albergues y otros centros de atención a los migrantes se convierten en referentes de gran importancia para las familias al comunicarles la oferta y posibles oportunidades para conseguir trabajo, alimentos o atención educativa para los niños (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo La Guajira, 2019)." 196108,43603.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The cost response for the Food Security Cluster has reduced to US$345.4M from US$383.8M. This is due to the removal of IPC 2 and below, as well as the consideration of hard-to-reach areas." 165443,39911.0,1388.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,114,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3665683,"El programa es liderado por la Fundación Parque La Libertad y el Viceministerio de Juventud con el apoyo técnico y financiero de la Fundación Costa Rica - Estados Unidos de América para la Cooperación (CRUSA) y el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF Costa Rica). El trabajo conjunto contribuye con los esfuerzos del país por impulsar el desarrollo integral de los jóvenes, algo que se vuelve aún más necesario en tiempos en que la pandemia del Covid-19 ha afectado los diferentes espacios de interacción entre las personas, siendo los jóvenes una de las poblaciones más afectadas por los cierres de los centros educativos." 392649,60861.0,1186.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Context->Politics'],es,88,['Priority Needs'],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En el ámbito político, los participantes expresaron necesidades en cuanto a la priorización del gobierno, indicando que se le debe dar más importancia al cuidado de la salud y también de las personas en general y migrantes internacionales en particular. También expresaron una necesidad de que se promuevan medidas generales suficientes y/o adecuadas de prevención y manejo de esta pandemia y medidas generales de apoyo y protección de la población migrante internacional por efectos asociados de esta pandemia en otras dimensiones de la vida." 80570,22071.0,1388.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,105,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.elnacional.com/mundo/costa-rica-repatria-a-ocho-personas-debido-a-crisis-en-venezuela/,"Este es el segundo grupo de personas que el gobierno de Costa Rica repatria este año debido a la crisis en Venezuela. El primero estaba compuesto por nueve personas y llegó a San José el pasado 31 de julio. «Para la Dirección de Migración y Extranjería es de suma importancia realizar este tipo de gestión, nos complace ayudar a nuestros compatriotas que están en una situación de vulnerabilidad fuera de nuestras fronteras y verlos hoy regresar a casa, a su patria, nos llena de mucho orgullo y satisfacción», dijo la directora de Migración, Raquel Vargas." 60948,18178.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],en,49,['Impact'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.libyaobserver.ly/inbrief/libya%E2%80%99s-interior-ministry-demands-un-sanction-attackers-civilian-facilities,"""Last Saturday's attack on Mitiga airport has left a number of injuries among the passengers and pilgrims and caused damage to airplanes and the airport's infrastructure, in addition to creating a state of panic and terror in the airport,"" the ministry stated." 361362,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,85,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: This suggests that an expansion of active supervision of children could be a prevention strategy to consider for drowning in the refugee camps (Hyder et al. 2008). However, this measure may not address all the known risk factors for childhood drowning (Alonge et al, 2020), and considering the limited resources and large families in the camps, constant adult supervision may not be feasible." 357850,58554.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/alerta_por_inundaciones_puerto_arica_vf.pdf,"Agua Saneamiento e higiene (WASH): las 12 comunidades indígenas se encuentran afectadas por el desbordamiento de los ríos generando problemas de salubridad y carecen de acceso de agua segura para el consumo. Es importante la entrega de kits de higiene y la implementación de acciones WASH ya que estas familias no contaban con acceso de agua segura para el consumo humano, inclusive antes de la emergencia. Además, la inundación ha deshabilitado las tazas sanitarias campesinas en las viviendas generando problemas de salud." 328670,54713.0,2331.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The most commonly reported types of education facilities attended were Primary mixed school for boys and girls (53%), Quranic school for boys (29%), Quranic school for girls (27%) and Secondary mixed school for boys and girls (23%)." 206971,43256.0,2334.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,59,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the East and Adamawa regions, all 2,966 schools (1,731 in the East and 1,235 in the Adamawa region) are temporarily closed. In the both regions, the hard-gained progress in access to learning, over the last year, has been reversed by the COVID-19 outbreak affecting 626,094 (288,720 girls) students." 474714,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,64,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"En cette période hivernale, le contexte sécuritaire de la Boucle du Mouhoun reste toujours marqué par une récurrence des menaces et autres actes d’intimidations suivis d’incidents ciblés contre les personnes ne se soumettant pas aux injonctions imposées aux populations civiles par les Groupes Armés Non Etatiques (GANE) dans les provinces de la Kossi et du Sourou." 188103,31146.0,1900.0,['Health'],[],[],es,37,[],[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"En 2018, fecha de los últimos datos disponibles, los países del NCA estaban dentro de los 9 países con el número más bajo de camas de hospital por cada 1.000 personas en el mundo," 279347,50900.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,40,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_AbuKhashab_January2021-1.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Deir-ez-Zor governorate] In Abu Khashab Camp, Camp Overview Number of individuals: 10,277 | Percentage of households reporting that communal latrines have hand washing facilities : None 81% and Some 9%." 229408,46461.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Enikaas TV (based in Nangarhar) is broadcasting Educational programmes only for 10th, 11th and 12th Grade students and around 10-15 % have access to it. In Kunar, Khokola Radio is broadcasting Educational programmes which is also for higher grades only." 62076,18564.0,1386.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Understanding%20the%20Venezuelan%20Refugee%20Crisis%20_%20Wilson%20Center.pdf,"When asked if their income was sufficient to buy food for the family, almost 90 percent of respondents answered negatively. Faced with this situation, four in every five adults reduced their food intake and three in every five skipped meals. The quality of people’s diets also worsened, with households reducing their consumption of meat and fresh produce in favor of more affordable carbohydrates like rice and root vegetables." 227088,46392.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,48,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20201222-displaced-syrians-face-twin-threats-of-covid-winter-cold/,"[22nd Dec 2020, Syria] So far, five COVID cases have been reported at the Zuhour camp outside the northwestern city of Idlib, run by the anti-government Free Syrian Army and where Al-Zeit and around 1,000 other Syrians are leading a hand-to-mouth existence." 150709,32327.0,1184.0,[],[],[],es,207,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Ecuador gradualmente se ha convertido en un destino para la población venezolana en lugar de una ruta de tránsito. A fines de marzo, 363.0186 venezolanos estaban registrados oficialmente como residentes en el país, o en tránsito hacia otros países. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de actores operativos consideran que esta cifra probablemente represente únicamente el 50% del número real, ya que muchas personas ingresan a través de cruces fronterizos informales, y, por lo tanto, no están registradas en el sistema. En promedio, 200 personas llegaban diariamente por cruces regulares, mientras que hasta 5,000 lo hacía por pasos irregulares. El gobierno ecuatoriano impuso en julio de 2019 una serie de medidas de migración para controlar la entrada de migrantes venezolanos, después de que Chile y Perú empezaran a exigir visas para entrar a sus territorios. Se reporta que los cruces ilegales están controlados por grupos ilegales como guerrillas, narcotraficantes, bandas de contrabandistas, y redes del crimen organizado. Ecuador está atravesando una aguda crisis económica y política, que crea tensiones entre las poblaciones locales de acogida y los migrantes / refugiados al competir por recursos y servicios." 228106,46471.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-global-cases-near-78-million/62354,"[23rd Dec 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh’s Covid-19 fatalities rose to 7,329 until early Tuesday with 17 more deaths in the past 24 hours." 57874,16848.0,788.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://www.hart-uk.org/news/august-2019-update-the-situation-in-north-and-central-belt-nigeria/,"Five pastors were reportedly abducted by Fulani on their way to attend an annual church conference in Ogun State. Police say they have rescued one of the five pastors, promising to rescue the others soon. (BBC Pidgin, 2 August 2019; Daily Post, 3 August 2019)" 274185,49666.0,2225.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,144,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] L’accès à l’eau diffère selon les milieux de résidence. L’accès à l’eau potable reste un problème si l’on considère les proportions de ménages qui accèdent à l’eau de façon rudimentaire. L’accès à l’eau montre de grandes inégalités entre les territoires enquêtés : dans la province de Tshop, à Bafwasende huit ménages sur 10 (82 %) n’ont pas accès à une source d’eau aménagée, avec des conséquences potentielles sur la santé. Dans le territoire de Faradje (Haut Uélé) cette proportion est très basse (7 %) probablement parce que la plupart des ménages interrogés sont des réfugiés." 134187,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,118,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En el marco de este programa, se autoriza el ingreso al territorio nacional de ciudadanos venezolanos que porten cédula de identidad o pasaporte vencidos emitidos por Venezuela cuyo, plazo de vencimiento no exceda los dos años. Para el caso de menores de nueve años de edad que ingresen vía terrestre con uno o ambos progenitores, se podrá aceptar excepcionalmente la partida de nacimiento, siempre que no portase cédula de identidad o pasaporte. También se podrán iniciar los trámites de residencia en la categoría temporaria en los casos que presenten documentación de viaje o de identidad vencida cuyo vencimiento no supere los dos años, para acreditar la identidad y la nacionalidad." 207333,43256.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,72,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the borders of Cameroon have officially closed. Commercial trade with foreign countries for consumer products and essential goods and materials are still possible. However, only trucks can pass the borders while small traders and breeders are not allowed to do so for their businesses. Thus, the livelihoods of people depending on cross-border trade have negatively been affected by the pandemic." 182315,40864.0,1900.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,62,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%201%20Movimientos%20Masivos%20Honduras.pdf,"A partir del 1 de octubre, la mayor parte de los integrantes de la movilización masiva cruzaron la frontera con Guatemala, lugar en el que las autoridades migratorias solicitaron la prueba PCR negativa para COVID-19, como requisito para ingresar al territorio guatemalteco. Ante la ausencia de la prueba, un primer grupo de 150 personas fueron deportadas." 8826,2888.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,124,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%201%20June%202018.pdf,"UNHCR continues to respond to the needs of internally displaced persons (IDP) in Libya. During the week, UNHCR distributed NFIs to displaced Tawerghans living in Benghazi. A total of 446 IDPs were provided with sanitary kits, blankets, sleeping mats and solar lamps. UNHCR has reached over 5,200 Tawerghan IDPs with humanitarian assistance since the beginning of this distribution campaign on 12 May. So far in 2018, UNHCR provided cash assistance to 12,320 IDPs (2,200 families) throughout Libya and distributed NFIs to 20,276 IDPs and returnees. In the coming weeks, UNHCR is planning to distribute more than 800 shelter kits to the returnee community of Awinia in the Nafusa Mountains." 297381,51172.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afghanistan_humanitarian_weekly_14_february_2021.pdf,"During the reporting period, 700 people displaced by conflict were assessed by interagency assessment teams and will receive humanitarian assistance in the coming days in Hirat province." 241952,47791.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,48,['Impact'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"En fin d’année 2020, la RDC a connu une deuxième vague de COVID-19, suite à laquelle le gouvernement a décidé de fermer les écoles plus tôt pour les vacances de Noël et de retarder la réouverture prévue initialement pour le 5 janvier 2021." 196266,43849.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,114,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.jeuneafrique.com/mag/1061775/societe/le-professeur-michel-ekwalanga-latout-anti-coronavirus-de-la-rdc/,"Certes, la gestion de la pandémie accuse des faiblesses ; il n’y a pas suffisamment de dépistages, de tests et de statistiques fiables ; la prise de décisions est très centralisée. Cependant, la RDC semble plutôt bien résister au coronavirus. En effet, pour un pays de quelque 80 millions d’âmes, le nombre cumulé de personnes affectées par la maladie reste faible, avec, au 15 octobre, 10 872 cas confirmés, 10 249 guéris et 276 décès depuis le début de la pandémie, déclarée le 10 mars. Et si les cas graves existent, ils sont très rares." 302472,52890.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],es,68,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Otro factor que motiva a las personas venezolanas a escoger como país de desti- no a cualquier otro de América del Sur son factores socioculturales compar- tidos en Latinoamérica, así como distintos factores de atracción que posee cada país de acogida como, por ejemplo, la existencia de leyes en favor de derechos de la diversidad sexual y de género y políticas migratorias inclu- sivas." 295545,52365.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"• Data collection teams report that it is likely that there are people who usually engage in pendular movements, moving between Venezuela and Colombia in search of sources of income and access to basic services, who have not been able to return to their homes." 169301,40031.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,WFP’s PROSAN Project supported the first Agro-ecological Fair in Sechura in coordination with the local municipality enabling smallholder farmers to directly market their products. 167034,40139.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/401008-covid-19-ogun-extends-restrictions-for-two-weeks.html,"(03/07/2020) The Ogun State government has extended the lockdown restrictions aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic for another two weeks. In his address of Friday, Governor Dapo Abiodun said the five working days in the week are still open for business with only Saturday and Sunday as lockdown days." 326182,55014.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,135,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]The intentions of IDPs to return to their locations of origin were motivated by a variety of different reasons. Sixty-two per cent of the respondents who intended to return home in the foreseeable future cited the improvement of the security situation in their location of origin as the main factor motivating their return intention. Eighteen per cent of respondents wished to join family members in their area of origin, while 11 per cent cited the lack of humanitarian assistance in the location where they are currently residing as the reason why they intended to return home. The remaining 9 per cent of respondents reported the absence of livelihood opportunities in their location of displacement as the main reason motivating their return intention." 203602,43256.0,2334.0,"['WASH', 'Education', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,95,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The number of people in need of living standard assistance doubled in the eastern regions due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Wile 521,000 people were affected by problems related to living standards prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, this number rose to 1.1 million. As in the in the other regions affected by humanitarian crisis, the rise is driven by an increase in needs in the education (from 180,000 children in need pre-COVID-19 to 479,000 people) and the WASH sectors (from 320,000 prior to COVID-19 to 911,000 people)." 308826,50891.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"The nutrition situation amongst vulnerable groups in Sudan remained critical, with a high number of reported cases of acute malnutrition among South Sudanese refugees in White Nile, and a high number of cases among populations of newly accessible areas in Jebel Marra and Blue Nile." 328628,54710.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 0% and 1% of households of IDP and Non-IDP settlement respectively reported their property or possessions were damaged or stolen in the 30 days prior to data collection. 144522,34804.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,79,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Moreover, funerals of people deceased due to COVID-19 will be halted and social distancing measures will be imposed during large gatherings, such as weddings, consolation tents and places of worship. These measures were to exclude students sitting exams in GoS-controlled areas. It is worth noting in this context that on 9 July, the Water Department of Al-Hasakeh city administration declared a state of emergency due to insufficient water provision from Alouk water station" 62965,18399.0,1386.0,[],[],[],en,27,[],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://elsiglo.com.ve/2019/09/29/guaido-rechaza-actos-xenofobicos-contra-venezolanos-en-peru/,"According to data from national immigration authorities and other sources, the number of refugees and migrants from Venezuela around the world has exceeded 4 million." 308264,53292.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Nutrition Cluster partners provided nutritional assistance for 317 under-five children and 196 pregnant and lactating women through 12 static nutritional facilities and 3 stabilization centres in Tonj East. All nutrition facilities are static and functional, despite the challenging security situation." 171505,40704.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,62,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rohingya%20Refugee%20Response%20COVID-19%20Report.pdf,"[September, Bangladesh] Furthermore, 5,792 IEC materials were distributed within target communities. A total of 12,015 households received handwashing supplies (soap, household-level handwashing devices). World Vision also installed 8,274 handwashing stations at community level and provided 460,870 pieces of soap to 38,406 households. In addition, 11,609 female refugees received menstrual hygiene materials" 276260,50671.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",fr,94,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Humanitarian Access', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Ces violences [GBV] prennent des formes multiples (mariages forcés, viols, agressions sexuelles, agressions physiques etc.). Dans un tel contexte de faible accès aux services essentiels de base, la majorité des survivantes de VSBG n’ont pas accès à l’assistance holistique. Le paquet de services essentiels n’existe que dans quelques sites. Les défis d’accès humanitaire limitent l’offre de service dans la plupart de sites ou le référencement vers les centres de prise en charge." 272806,50353.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,85,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"During the month of November, the security situation continued to remain volatile in the NWSW regions with a large amount of threats and attacks targeting education. A teacher was murdered in his house in mile 4 Bamenda, Bamenda 2 subdivision. A retired teacher was also kidnapped in Kikaikom, Kumbo subdivision, by unidentified armed men suspected to be members of a NSAG. Nevertheless, school activities continued and students started preparing for their end of first trimester examinations." 224223,45763.0,2332.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,61,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Les dégâts causés par les inondations sur les infrastructures scolaires ont posé de véritables difficultés aux associations de parents d’élèves et n’ont pas permis une reprise des cours. En effet, la plupart des écoles sont des écoles communautaires construites en paille (hangar), non résistantes aux pluies torrentielles qui entrainent leur destruction." 147687,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO continues to bolster PPE supplies in Syria, with a focus on protecting health workers. In the reporting period, WHO delivered more than 29,000 PPE to MoH hospitals and in NES. This included 438 coveralls, 500 N95 masks, 1,300 medical masks, 14,950 gloves, 470 gowns, 90 goggles, 439 coveralls and 2,980 alcohol hand rubs" 304152,50889.0,2466.0,[],[],[],en,31,[],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"The Government of Sudan has maintained an open border policy, allowing safe and unrestricted access to its territory for those fleeing conflict and conflict-related food insecurity in South Sudan." 105606,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,75,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Migración de colombianos retornados Esta migración tomó otra dimensión cuando en agosto de 2015 el gobierno de Venezuela realizó un cierre unilateral de la frontera y deportó a más de 22.000 colombianos, dando así origen al primer tipo de migración, denominado retornados. Según cifras de la Gerencia de Frontera, hasta la fecha han retornado cerca de 400.000 colombianos, de los cuales 231.842 corresponden a niños, niñas y adolescentes." 56518,17094.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,175,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Además del criterio de nacionalidad Mercosur como base para la solicitud de residencia temporaria (art. 23 inc. l),8 la ley establece que la migración es un derecho esencial e inalienable de la persona que la República Argentina garantiza sobre la base de la igualdad y la universalidad (art. 4). Asimismo, los artículos 6, 7 y 8 aseguran el acceso de las personas migrantes a la salud, educación, justicia, asistencia social y atención sanitaria cualquiera sea su situación migratoria. Mediante el criterio de nacionalidad Mercosur y al desligar el acceso a derechos de la regularidad migratoria, la ley mejoró la situación de las personas migrantes por dos vías complementarias. Por un lado, porque facilitó la regularización y el acceso a la documentación (esenciales para reducir la informalidad laboral y sus consecuencias) y por el otro porque buscó asegurar ciertos niveles mínimos de bienestar incluso para quienes, por diversas razones, no pudieran regularizar su residencia." 301219,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,162,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"16 March 2021, Cox's BAzar; − A Bangladeshi man has been killed in Hotel Sweet Home in Coxs Bazar Sadar. Coxsbazar News (Bang.) , Dhaka Tribune (Eng.) , Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − A 9 year old Bangladeshi boy has died in a road accident in Pekua . Coxsbazar News (Bang.) − In Pekua, two females have been beaten and injured by miscreants in a property dispute. Coxbangla (Bang.) − Both husband and wife have been beaten and injured by their family members due to property dispute in Cox's Bazar. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − RAB arrested two Bangladeshi drug smugglers from Patiya, Chattogram with 30000 Yaba pills. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − RAB arrested two Bangladeshi drug smugglers from Patiya, Chattogram with 30000 Yaba pills. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.)" 223941,46071.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,40,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"et pour certains jeunes garçons, les parents interdisent d’aller dans les réunions des activités de prévention à la pandémie parce que la pandémie est considérée comme une machination créée par les étrangers pour détruire les communautés." 188195,31146.0,1900.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,170,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"el contexto de la contención de la epidemia y de las medidas que se están tomando, existe una fuerte probabilidad de agravamiento de las desigualdades de género existentes, aumentando el daño y los riesgos para mujeres, niñas y personas de la diversidad sexual, tanto en el hogar como en la comunidad. Si bien se notó una baja en la tasa de homicidios en Honduras en las primeras 11 semanas del año en comparación con el 2019, hubo un aumento de la violencia doméstica y de género. Así en el mes de marzo de 2020 se han reportado 80 casos diarios, mientras que en marzo de 2019 los casos reportados era 59. Las medidas restrictivas impuestas por el Gobierno para hacer frente a la actual crisis de salud, obliga a las mujeres, niñas y niños a permanecer en sus hogares junto con sus agresores. Esta situación ha conducido a un aumento de violencia doméstica e intrafamiliar en el país" 473881,67199.0,2311.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Según el DANE (2021), antes de la pandemia el 14,8% de la población de Colombia tenía sus Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas y 3,80% estaba en la miseria, cifras que aumentan en los centros poblados y en la ruralidad dispersa al 30,48% y 10,64%, respectivamente. El 23,4% de los hogares no accede a alcantarillado; 13,6%, a acueducto; 31,2%, a gas y 3,7%, a energía (los porcentajes aumentan según la región). Muy probablemente todas estas cifras hayan incrementado después de la crisis, como lo auguran la Cepal y el BM, entre otros organismos." 95216,26755.0,1621.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_march_2020.pdf,"Mental health consultations are not provided in most of districts (with the exception of Al Jabal Al Gharbi, Misrata, Sebha, and Tripoli)." 229349,44602.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,9,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,No access for food feeding on wild Vegetables. 326641,54734.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,104,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 88% of households were found to have at least one Food Security Living Standard Gap(LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 33% of households were found to have a food security LSG but no Capacity Gap (CG) in food security, 55% of households were found to have both a food security LSG and a Capacity Gap (CG) in food security, 12% of households were found to have no food security LSG but a Capacity Gap (CG) in food security." 256990,48672.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"Moreover, the global sanitary crisis and the measures taken by the Government to limit the propagation of the virus has heavily impacted on the operational context, delaying assistance and limiting livelihood opportunities." 358793,58665.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/High%2520Frequency%2520Survey%2520Report_Round1_2021_Final_Espa%25C3%25B1ol.pdf,"Ahora bien, de los NNA que se encontraban matriculados en el colegio (68%) tan solo el 29% de ellos tenían los medios necesarios para continuar su educación virtualmente, mientras que el 71% no tenían dichos medios, ya sea por el acceso limitado a internet, o la falta de dispositivos tecnológicos para acceder a las clases virtuales" 193746,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les maladies liées au manque d´hygiène, d´assainissement et à la consommation d´eau non potable telles que la diarrhée, la fièvre typhoïde et les infections cutanées ont également une prévalence importante." 200050,44392.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,71,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Aux ONG et agences des Nations Unies nous demandons : • Prévoir des ressources humaines suffisantes et expérimentés pour parvenir à mettre à l’échelle la réponse humanitaire en matière d’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement en situation d’urgence ; • Faciliter la collecte de données et la coordination des interventions ; • Introduire une approche nexus dans les stratégies de réponse." 361349,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Demography', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,126,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Locations Twelve (60%) of the fatalities occurred in ponds, three (15%) in canals, two (10%) in a deep hole that had accumulated rain, and one (5%) each in a lake, reservoir, and water bucket (Figure 5). Ponds were the most frequent drowning location. All but one of the fatalities to children under 5 occurred in unfenced ponds close to the victims’ homes. Children over 5 years old and adolescents also drowned in ponds, yet these were commonly reported to be isolated or far away from the victim’s home or camp." 308052,53292.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,WASH Cluster partners are working closely with the Logistics Cluster to ensure the timely delivery of WASH items via land routes to Akobo East and West and pre-positioning ahead of rainy season. Funding for critical WASH interventions remains a significant challenge. 64407,18710.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Politics'],es,39,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/onu-pide-a-colombia-frenar-discursos-xenofobos-contra-migracion/1480,"La petición de la ONU va en la misma línea de laestrategia promovida por la Procuraduría General de la Nación, que la semana pasada anunció que sancionaría a los candidatos que promuevan el odio hacia los venezolanos." 327795,54375.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.emro.who.int/syria/who-representative/opening-remarks-by-akjemal-magtymova-head-of-office-and-who-representative-syria.html,"[14 April 2021, Overall Syria] Half of the work-age population is now unemployed; hundreds of thousands of jobs lost since the beginning of the pandemic." 202619,43256.0,2334.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,113,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"The increased recourse to domestic violence is explained by the fact that, while men seek to replicate the masculine ideals of protector and provider for the family, the current political and economic context puts them under increasing pressure. The crisis context, and the economic hardship it generates, is perceived by some as ""devirilizing"". Men's frustration at being unemployed, seeing their wife play an increased economic role to earn a living, combined with the fact that violence is considered as socially acceptable in some communities, leads to a recourse to domestic violence as a means of asserting their authority and domination." 36914,13321.0,788.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"However, overcrowding in camps continues to be a prevalent concern with over 40 per cent of camps in Borno State remaining overcongested. Moreover, more than 15,000 people who are living in makeshift shelters or sleeping out in the open are in urgent need of shelter assistance. Some progress has been made in Maiduguri, Monguno and Bama in Borno State with the allocation of additional land to build new shelters." 401741,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,58,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Wounds may be contaminated with sewage water or soil and wound infections are common if not managed appropriately. In case of any cut wounds, it is advisable to visit a health facility to be assessed for risk of Tetanus and to take necessary preventive and curative measures" 208766,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"An estimated 4.5 million South Sudanese people will be in need of protection from violence, displacement, and human rights violations in 2020." 241975,47791.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"En fin il est évident que la fermeture prolongée des écoles a des conséquences sur la protection des enfants tant sur le court que sur le long terme. D’une part, avec la fermeture des écoles une augmentation générale des actes de violence à la maison a été signalé par les enfants." 305779,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,86,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The Ministry of Agriculture has set a target of 700,000 feddans cultivated, to result in an estimated 947,000 MT of winter wheat production. Approximately 65 percent of the target is within government-irrigated schemes in Al Jazeira and Halfa, while the remaining 35 percent is small scale cultivation in Northern, River Nile, White Nile, and Sennar States. Given the above-mentioned macroeconomic concerns, it is unlikely this target is being met. [specific location assessed - Al Jazeira]" 173309,41069.0,2098.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,45,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/household-incomes-fell-by-20pc-due-to-covid-19-bbs-survey/58560,"[6 October, Bangladesh]Although the average household income declined by 20 percent due to Covid-19 fallout, the resumption of economic activities helped bring down the unemployment rate, according to a survey of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)." 483303,67232.0,1185.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,43,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"10.2.1 Abastecimiento de agua El 73,8% de la población venezolana reside en viviendas que tienen acceso a agua por red pública dentro de la vivienda y el 26,1% agua por red pública fuera de la vivienda pero dentro del edificio." 225069,45275.0,2336.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,74,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"To Humanitarian Actors: • provide livelihoods support to small, medium and micro businesses and utilise cash interventions, including cash for rent and protection • redouble efforts to understand and address the immediate and long-term challenges as a result of missed education due to the Covid-19 lockdown • prioritize ongoing monitoring of the secondary impacts of Covid-19 to ensure that new and emerging needs are identified, planned for, and addressed" 392644,60861.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,96,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"(ENCUESTA SOBRE COVID-19 A POBLACIONES MIGRANTES INTERNACIONALES EN CHILE , 1690 encuestados) Respecto de la situación laboral, se reporta el temor de perder el trabajo o no encontrar empleo y la anticipación de consecuencias negativas de ambas instancias. También se alude a la situación laboral del proveedor del hogar o de familiares, con anticipación de consecuencias negativas. Referido a condiciones de vida, se manifiestan preocupaciones acerca de la vivienda y servicios y del acceso a 32 alimentos, principalmente relacionados con la falta de ingresos y con desalojos." 347550,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: With 500 cubic meters of solid waste produce daily in the targeted area , SMW remains one of the main challenges as only 51% of the refugee households are disposing waste in designated area and 27% are reporting the presence of garbage near their houses." 189999,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,69,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Selon les données validées par la CMP du 25 juin 2020, environ 600 000 personnes déplacées en familles d’accueil ont été identifiées dans les territoires de Masisi et de Rutshuru avec une présence majoritairement dans les zones de santé de Masisi, Mweso, Birambizo, Bambo et Kibirizi. Environ 47 200 personnes déplacées ont été enregistrées dans les sites de déplacement à Masisi." 328636,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] The 99% households found to have an overall MSNI of 3 and above, this score was most commonly driven by extreme LSGs in WASH, Education, SNFI AND Nutrition (22%), followed by WASH, SNFI and education (11%), or WASH, Education, SNFI, Nutrition AND Food security (9%)." 193080,43300.0,2332.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,88,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´accès limité aux soins de santé, en général et l´accès aux soins en cas de survenue des complications obstétricales et néonatales y compris les difficultés des références, contribuent à maintenir élevées les mortalités maternelles et néonatales. La faible couverture vaccinale (22% d´enfants complétement vaccinés et 37% d´enfants ayant reçu le vaccin anti-rougeoleux) affecte la situation sanitaire des enfants qui sont exposés aux risques de maladies à potentiel épidémique, et dans une large mesure, le bien être des ménages." 333757,46627.0,2336.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,68,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"For those who have been studying, how have they done so? People in this household have been teaching them/helping them study: 56%, Using existing books/materials: 58%, With paper packets distributed by teachers/schools: 21%, Using online resources: 4%, Followed classes broadcast on TV: 22%, Followed classes broadcast on radio: 7%" 133568,35119.0,1187.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,20,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"el incremento de las residencias de venezolanos/as, cuyos arribos a Argentina han crecido significativamente a partir de 2016." 228669,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"In addition to the focus on children, broader support is needed within households. Work must be done to reduce stigma around psycho-social distress and build on initial efforts to keep MHPSS [Mental Health and Psychosocial Support] support available remotely." 218374,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,"Par ailleurs, en dehors des heures de couvre-feu où ils seront ouverts, les églises et les débits de boissons doivent respecter scrupuleusement les gestes barrières. Ces gestes sont également de mise dans tous les lieux publics et privés, à savoir les véhicules, les trains, les avions" 275670,50677.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,L’augmentation des agressions des Groupes armés non- étatiques (GANEs) contre les villages isolés dans les départements du Mayo-Sava et du Mayo-Tsanaga continuent de provoquer des mouvements de populations. 158981,39161.0,2170.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],en,73,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Humanitarians also face grave risks of abduction and or being killing if stopped or held at these checkpoints. Moreover, attacks against aid workers and the assistance they provide have increased over the past year. Over the past year, 15 aid workers were gruesomely killed by nonstate armed groups, greatly affecting the ability for international and Nigerian organisations to provide life-saving assistance to those who desperately need it." 308266,53292.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,40,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"WASH assessments were completed in the area with the aim to rehabilitate the borehole in the nutrition sites and within communities, the overall target for WASH support is 24,000 HHs. Pre-positioning of hygiene kit items is underway." 13902,5542.0,322.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,120,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Humanitarian_Update_20180731_.pdf,"Despite a difficult operating environment, between January and May 2018, some 169 international and national partners actively coordinated to assist people with the most acute needs in priority districts across Yemen’s 22 governorates. Together they have assisted over 7.5 million people monthly with some form of humanitarian assistance. In May, humanitarian organisations provided emergency food assistance to 7.5 million people — more than twice the number of people reached over a year ago. Water, sanitation and hygiene services that benefited 6.3 million people — a 60 per cent increase since January 2018. The number of people receiving health services has risen by 50 per cent during the same period." 164230,39644.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,75,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_27_4-10_september_2020_en.pdf,"An additional 1,079 BLI and facilitators provided remote guidance on COVID-19 prevention, wellbeing and self-care to 39,563 children, youth and adolescent. 50,123 parents, caregivers and community volunteers were trained on education in emergencies and child, adolescent, and youth-friendly messages. In the host communities, 95 volunteers distributed 1,241 COVID-19 awareness leaflets and 95 educational facilitators conducted COVID-19 awareness sessions for 1,426 parents, community members and caregivers." 203571,43976.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,51,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les marchés de Tillabéri et Tahoua sont « vulnérables au choc du fait de mauvaises infrastructures de transport, de l’éloignement des sources d’approvisionnement et des mesures d’état d’urgence. » Des problématiques d’accès similaires affectent les marchés de Diffa." 171441,40448.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,47,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/185217/,"[22nd September 2020, North Syria] – Displacement camps in northern Syria are in desperate need of more sanitation and testing facilities as the ‘invisible enemy’ of coronavirus spreads, threatening hundreds of thousands of people who already face dire living conditions." 113318,32328.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Incorporar enfoques clave de género y protección alineados con los principios de VG y las medidas de mitigación de riesgos en todos los sectores de respuesta, incluidos los Derechos de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (DSSR); Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene (WASH, por sus siglas en inglés); refugio, alimentación, nutrición y medios de vida, y modalidades de asistencia;" 124323,30176.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76051,"La mayoría de las personas que participó en la evaluación vive en condiciones precarias, y esta precariedad resulta aún más exacerbada por la emergencia del COVID-19." 293904,51273.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"Throughout the country, an increasing number of poor households—particularly those with below-average stocks or who are adversely affected by lower remittances—are expected to deteriorate to Crisis (IPC Phase 3) as the lean season progresses and stocks are exhausted." 275489,50217.0,2333.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Ne pas répondre aux besoins éducatifs des enfants en situation d’urgence consiste à exposer 230 403 enfants à toutes les formes de violence avec l’ultime et terrible choix d’hypothéquer l’avenir. Ils viendront grossir le rang des quelques 2,5 millions enfants hors système éducatif." 328539,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,36,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information] Two most common sources of COVID- 19 information, as reported by households were Health worker at health facility (80%) and Settlement leaders (40%)." 229737,44602.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,There are unaccompanied children who are surviving with the IDP. There are orphans within the IDP staying with the chief. There are report of child abuse as result of stress from the guidance/parents. 359138,58464.0,2028.0,"['Logistics', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,68,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Expensive fuel prices limited the access to the electricity needed for pumping irrigation water as well as for operating agricultural machinery. High fuel prices were reported as a challenge for farmers to accessing livelihoods in 32% of assessed communities, while a lack of sufficient quantities and quality of fuel for irrigation was reported in 42% of assessed communities" 226929,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Ensure social protection measures are in place for the most vulnerable, providing families with cash and food assistance to meet their children’s immediate basic needs, and supporting parents to identify positive coping mechanisms cognisant of protection risks for children;" 275484,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Interventions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Alors que des arrivées massives des réfugiés ne sont pas attendues pour les régions de Tillaberi, Tahoua et Diffa, la dégradation continue de la situation au nord-ouest du Nigeria pourrait provoquer de nouveaux mouvements vers le Niger nécessitant que les acteurs disposent de moyens financiers et de stocks prêts à être déployés pour répondre à toute contingence." 164367,39786.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,39,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/unicef-provides-health-and-nutrition-children-and-mothers-rural-hama,"To support and raise their awareness, over 250 pregnant and lactating women were reached with guidance on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) best practices and 200 children and caregivers were provided with mine-risk education." 389649,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Cases', 'Covid-19->Testing']",es,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Cacahual en Guainía es la entidad territorial de la región con transmisión más intensa, y supera el promedio nacional en 4 veces. A esta área no municipalizada le siguen Puerto Caicedo, Mocoa y Colón en Putumayo. Sin embargo, la falta de acceso a diagnóstico en muchas de estas entidades territoriales, en especial en zonas rurales dispersas, hacen que estas cifras subestimen la magnitud del problema." 359777,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Diarrhoea reported among health problems in the location (by % of communities where the interviewed KI was a medical/health professional): -30%: January 2021 -41%: May 2021" 10438,2965.0,322.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,73,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800409_Humanitarian_Update_Final_1.pdf,"As conditions deteriorate in Yemen, humanitarian partners have prioritised assistance for some of the most vulnerable communities, including IDPs, returnees and host communities. In 2018, a total of 266,000 IDP households are targeted to receive assistance as part of the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan, including rental subsidies, core relief items, emergency shelter and legal aid. USD 198.7 million and unimpeded access are required." 179418,42084.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,46,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=206668,"[18th October 2020, Overall Syria] The ministry added in a statement that the total number of Coronavirus infections registered in the country till now has reached at 5077, out of which 1528 ones have recovered while 248 others have passed away." 192630,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,89,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Men and women alike have been socialized to tolerate domestic violence and it is widely viewed as acceptable within families. Intimate partner violence regularly comprises at least half of all reported GBV incidents. Structural gender inequality and unequal power relations between men and women are the root cause of GBV. Retribution is a concept deeply engrained in the country’s culture and traditions. When individual suspects are not punished, their families or communities are left to blame—making them proxy targets for vengeance." 261780,49486.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,67,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Arauca y Nariño: Las comunidades de los municipios de Arauquita (Arauca), Samaniego, Roberto Payan y Magüí Payan (Nariño) han registrado inundaciones, deslizamientos con afectaciones propias de la temporada de lluvias, dejando a diferentes comunidades sin acceso a los servicios WASH y con necesidades en almacenamiento seguro, tratamiento de agua y acceso a elementos de higiene." 237685,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"En Colombia durante las celebraciones de Navidad y fin de año, las lesiones relacionadas con la fabricación, el almacenamiento, el transporte, la comercialización, la manipulación y el uso inadecuado de la pólvora pirotécnica aumentan considerablemente, afectando en un alto porcentaje a los niños, niñas y adolescentes; sumado a lo anterior se pueden presentar intoxicaciones por la ingesta de artefactos pirotécnicos que contengan fósforo blanco, especialmente en niños menores de dos años." 495400,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Ausencia de mecanismos de acompañamiento y seguimiento de NNA no acompañados.  Oferta pública en protección sobrepasada y no cualificada.  Mujeres en prestación de servicios sexuales sin protección ni garantías y en alto riesgo de VBG o VSCA 126366,34397.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Education', 'WASH']",[],[],es,42,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"algunas de las necesidades adicionales que se destacaron entre los hogares migrantes y de acogida en los cinco departamentos fronterizos, son: el acceso al alojamiento digno, la educación para niños y niñas y el acceso a agua potable." 359651,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[May 2021, NES] When unable to access sufficient drinking water, people had to decrease its consumption or rely on previously stored water. In 15% of assessed communities in May, people reportedly resorted to reducing their drinking water consumption." 190033,43443.0,2225.0,"['Nutrition', 'Livelihoods']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,77,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Les mesures actuelles de confinement dans une situation de précarité économique très prononcée pourraient aggraver la situation économique et surcroit nutritionnelle avec comme corollaires à court terme : l’augmentation des cas de malnutrition et la morbimortalité chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans toute l’ étendue de la province, ainsi que des faiblesses dans les pratiques de l'alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant dans les ménage, entre autres." 356551,58354.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Environment'],es,105,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.infobae.com/america/colombia/2021/06/22/una-persona-desaparecida-y-89-damnificadas-por-las-lluvias-en-medellin/,"A nivel regional, el Departamento Administrativo de Gestión del Riego de Antioquia (Dagran) informó que, durante el fin de semana,13 municipios del departamento reportaron eventos asociados a la temporada de lluvias como deslizamientos e inundaciones. “Se recomienda a los 125 concejos municipales de Gestión de Riesgo continuar alertas, y a las comunidades que viven en zonas de riesgo, ya sean en zonas de alta pendiente o en zonas aledañas a a quebradas, estar pendientes a los diferentes cambios en momentos de altas precipitaciones.”, indicó el director del Dagran, Jaime Enrique Gómez Zapata." 356122,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,52,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En abril, el Índice de Confianza Industrial (ICI) se ubicó en -5,1%, lo que representa un incremento de 30,7 puntos porcentuales (pps) frente al mismo mes de 2020. Al ajustar la serie por factores estacionales, el índice se ubicó en -3,4%." 335279,55819.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel) lors de l’évaluation multisectorielle des besoins REACH, 43% des ménages non déplacés et 40% des ménages PDI de la province de l’Oudalan ont rapporté s’être endormis affamés au moins une fois dans le mois précédant la collecte de données" 279140,50217.0,2333.0,[],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"En ce qui concerne les besoins financiers, nous aurons besoin de 523,2 millions USD pour mettre en œuvre 185 projets dans plusieurs secteurs de l’activité humanitaire," 415367,64087.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Colombia-sigue-aumentando-el-porcentaje-de-disponibilidad-UCI.aspx,"Sobre este análisis de disponibilidad, vale la pena hablar, por otro lado, de la ocupación de camas UCI, que se encuentra en 55 % de la capacidad del país; ""pero lo interesante es que esta ocupación tiene hoy la proporción más baja de pacientes confirmados por covid-19, de manera que estamos volviendo a las proporciones que teníamos cuando inició la pandemia, teniendo en cuenta que la principal razón de hospitalización UCI a la fecha en Colombia es por casos no covid"", dijo Delgado." 328649,54710.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,18,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 61% households reporting relying on unstable income sources to meet basic needs. 190995,42037.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 4 settlements reported that violence against children is a prevelant issue facing residents. Forced begging was reported by KIs as a prevalent form of violence against children in 4 settlements. In 3 settlements, KIs reported that either child labor or domestic abuse were prevalent forms of violence against children" 247752,48228.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,129,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Sur le plan sécuritaire, il a été observé les opérations kamikazes ou une femme s’est fait exploser à Kaiga Kindjiria en janvier, l’attaque des positions des forces de défenses de sécurité de Ngachia en janvier et Boma en mars. Des mesures de sécurité ont été prises dans les départements concernés tels Fouli et Kaya. Les populations civiles ont été instruits de quitter les îles vers les terres fermes. A cela, il faut ajouter une multitude d’incursions et d’infiltration aboutissant aux meurtres, assassinats et enlèvement. Les principales victimes sont les populations déplacées. Les zones les plus touchées de ces incidents sécuritaires sont l’ouest, le NordOuest et les zones insulaires." 81889,22512.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Food Security']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,193,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"En respuesta a las necesidades en alimentación y luchar contra la desnutrición de la población venezolana, alrededor de 178.800 individuos recibieron comida en los comedores comunitarios, así como unos 123.500 adicionales recibieron asistencia alimentaria en bonos y otros 1.500 en especie. Asimismo, más de 2.000 personas asistieron a programas de prevención y manejo nutricional, tres cuartos de las cuales residían en Norte de Santander, y 950 personas en La Guajira participaron en iniciativas para incrementar la producción para autoconsumo. Teniendo en cuenta el impacto en el sistema de salud colombiano, los miembros del GIFMM se han esforzado prestarles a los refugiados y migrantes provenientes de Venezuela apoyo en servicios de salud. Por ejemplo, se atendieron cerca de 24.000 personas en 16 departamentos con asistencia médica general, y se prestaron otros servicios como la atención prenatal a aproximadamente 250 mujeres; el apoyo referente a la planificación familiar y tratamiento de infecciones de transmisión sexual a 2.000 individuos; las acciones de detección temprana y tamizaje a 950 personas; y la atención en salud mental y apoyo psicosocial a 7.700 personas." 215596,45277.0,2336.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,51,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"To tackle this spread of misinformation, the Ministry of Public Health, with World Bank support,implemented awareness campaigns, disseminating life-saving messages, encouraging self-quarantine, social distancing, wearing face masks, frequent handwashing and advising against ineffective and harmful treatments to ward off the disease." 391149,61470.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,64,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 32% of households reported that the health sector is not meeting their minimum health needs. The most commonly reported health needs by households were naternal health services (62%) and child health and nutrition (including malnutrition) (35%)" 418848,63582.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Context->Economy'],fr,90,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.insd.bf/contenu/autres_publications/Journal/JBS%20001%20%20INSD.pdf,"Les mesures barrières ont affecté significativement les activités des entreprises aussi bien du secteur formel qu’informel. Toutefois, les résultats montrent un effet notable sur la valeur globale du commerce extérieur, qui s’est accrue de 12% passant de 4 350,4 milliards FCFA en 2019 à 4 872,3 milliards FCFA en 2020. Aussi, la production minière, première source de recettes d’exportation a augmenté de +22,9%, malgré la cessation des activités des sociétés en phases de recherche." 133763,34849.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,129,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"En 2018, el Programa de Rescate asistió a 1.531 víctimas de trata de personas (mayoritariamente con fines de explotación laboral, pero también sexual), 12 de ellas de nacionalidad venezolana. Por su parte, el Ministerio de Producción y Empleo identificó a 215 personas en áreas rurales, con evidencia de haber sido víctimas de trata de personas con fines de explotación laboral. El Ministerio de Seguridad identificó 786 víctimas de trata de personas (542 con fines de explotación laboral, 173 con fines de explotación sexual y el resto con fines no especificados), en su mayoría extranjeras. Por su parte, la Secretaría de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia (SENAF) asistió a 47 víctimas en 20187" 398733,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],es,36,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Según tipo de contrato, se reflejan algunas diferencias por nacionalidad. Mientras la mayor proporción de contratos indefinidos corresponden a venezolanos, los haitianos obtienen la más alta respecto de contratos por obra o faena" 384791,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,56,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,La détérioration de la situation sécuritaire sur l’ensemble du territoire national a occasionné une limitation d’accès aux services sociaux de base dont la santé entrainant la fermeture des formations sanitaires. 80% des formations sanitaires fermées sont dues aux attaques directes des groupes armés non identifiés sur les formations sanitaires. 494306,68271.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,,"[20th-26th Sep 2021, Borno]Case Management: • 2 case under home care and 4 patients at isolation center at the end of epi-week 38. • 1 patient discharged at the end of the week • Total discharges –1,309, No death reported for the week" 304054,50891.0,2466.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"In 2018, UNICEF and partners reached 194,551 Children (100,003 Boys, 94,548 girls) through Psychosocial Support Services (PSS), Child Friendly Spaces (CFSs), mobile teams and home visits. This total exceeded the target by 66,551 children (152%)." 304148,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Sudan shares a 2,000 km border with South Sudan, and refugees from South Sudan cross into White Nile, South Kordofan, West Kordofan, East Darfur and South Darfur states through at least 14 different entry points." 289368,51168.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,18,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"Some 29,000 people were reached with health services in January 2021 through static and mobile health services." 17676,7050.0,321.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/unhcr-114-migrants-resettled-from-libya-to-canada-and-norway/,"So far this year, 232 immigrants have been resettled from Libya, and more than 900 individuals were submitted for resettlement." 132503,34344.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Asegurar la asistencia de artículos no alimentarios a los refugiados y migrantes en tránsito. La limitación o la falta de recursos ya presente desde que salen de Venezuela es exacerbada aún más por el largo viaje para llegar al Perú y durante el tránsito. 283155,43603.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Many clusters have highlighted the need for frontloading of supplies in case access is further hampered and to ensure continuation of critical support to vulnerable populations. In addition, all clusters are intensifying RCCE activities to inform communities about risks and ways to prevent and control the spread of infection. Clusters like WASH and Health will be required to scale up the routine hygiene activities which they are already undertaking." 323731,54087.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,39,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/POL1032022021ENGLISH.PDF,"[Rapport annuel 2020/21, RDC] Human rights defenders and human rights organizations continued to be targeted by the authorities as a means to prevent them from carrying out their work. [exemples dans le texte]" 347551,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,83,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Recent MSNA study suggests that appropriated hygiene practices remain low even though progress has been observed partly due to fear from COVID-19 and focus on hand-washing promotion: indeed, 98% of the refugees increased handwashing practices since the COVID-19 outbreak. However, knowledge and practices like handwashing before feeding a child/breastfeeding or after scooping children feces appear to be still low. Similarly, menstrual hygiene awareness is poorly prioritized." 105551,29953.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,57,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"El fenómeno migratorio de personas venezolanas inició hace más de una década como resultado de la crisis económica y política de ese país. Se calcula que hoy existen 5 millones de venezolanos en condición de refugiados o migrantes, convirtiéndose en el segundo fenómeno migratorio más grande del mundo después de Siria con 6.5 millones." 285634,51627.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,65,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] “The toilets and showers are so dirty and not hygienic at all. We cannot shower there. I clean myself in my tent and so does the rest of my family… Some people are digging their own toilets, in a very bad manner, which makes all the sewage waste always overflow.”" 130924,33838.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",es,38,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Situación de violencia, desplazamiento y confinamiento, que se complejizan ante esta nueva coyuntura y que afectan también el trabajo en algunos territorios de la misión médica y humanitarias para las poblaciones afectadas por la violencia armada" 208216,44900.0,2333.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,132,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"Mise en place de 3 équipes de cliniques mobiles au niveau des districts sanitaires de Mainé, N’Guigmi et Diffa pour une durée de 20 jours par équipe ayant permis d’atteindre le résultat suivant : -427 nouvelles recrutées acceptrices en planification familiale et 277 visites retour servies en contraceptifs modernes (Planification Familiale). -118 femmes vues pour la première consultation prénatale et 165 femmes pour la 4ème consultation. -963 femmes et 149 hommes sensibilisés sur toutes les thématiques (avantages de l'accouchement assistées, les différentes molécules contraceptives modernes disponible, importance de la consultation prénatale, la fréquentation de service de santé). -Suivi des CSI urbains pour l'amélioration de la qualité des prestations, de collecte de données et de rapportage." 384852,60456.0,2099.0,['WASH'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Vulgarisation de l’approche Baby Wash-Réhabilitation des points d’eau et infrastructures d’hygiène et d’assainissement dans les FS-Renforcement des capacités sur l’EAH et la PCI, etc" 494210,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,149,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] As a result of limited wheat availability in Syria, on 15 August, the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection (MoITCP) announced a new mechanism for subsidised bread allocations through the smart card system. Quotas of subsidised bread bundles are to be provided by family size and not to exceed a specific amount per week. The distribution of bread bundles will take place during all days of the week except for Friday (bakery’s day off). Previously, bread bundles were distributed on a daily basis based on family size; one bundle per family of one or two people; two bundles per family of three or four people; three bundles per family of five or six people; and four bundles per family of seven people or more." 160518,38373.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,62,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Como fue mencionado, la pandemia del COVID-19 y la cuarentena obligatoria impactaron gravemente el acceso a medios de vida por parte de la población, ocasionando la pérdida de empleos y la imposibilidad de continuar con actividades económicas en el espacio público. En La Guajira, por ejemplo, la cuarentena impidió al pueblo Wayuu comercializar sus productos artesanales." 394745,61264.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,29,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-tarapaca/2021/02/04/autoridades-llaman-al-gobierno-a-dar-soluciones-concretas-ante-crisis-migratoria-en-colchane.shtml,"Según datos oficiales de la Policía de Investigaciones, sólo en enero de 2021 ingresaron más de 2 mil extranjeros por pasos no habilitadosa la región de Tarapacá." 16500,6352.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,102,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_yemen_humanitarian_dashboard_jan_to_aug_2018.pdf,"Eight million people need access to emergency income to meet critical food needs and access to services. The sudden escalation of conflict in Al Hudaydah reduces further prospects of socio-economic recovery for millions of people around the western coast line. Many livelihoods projects being implemented in Al Hudaydah and Hajjah have been suspended on security grounds, leaving affected communities without social safety net. Landmines and explosive remnants of war continue to pose a threat to lives and prevent the resumption of economic activities, movements of populations and goods as well as access to basic services and infrastructure" 308591,53292.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,70,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Protection partners report a continued escalation in violence, including attacks on civilians and further displacement. In addition, there is a heavy deployment of armed forces in Greater Tonj areas. Without proper integration and proper support for barracks and food, the armed forces have relied on the communities, resulting in increased violence with displaced people and host community, with increased reports of GBV." 217581,45271.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Kabul city and Jalalabad city in Nangarhar province are also extremely vulnerable, not only the movement restriction but also the large influx of displaced populations that have moved to these areas to escape conflict and in search of better economic prospects." 490561,67789.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,53,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Health Response: • The health sector and partners continue to intensify support to the SMoH in managing the rising cases of measles, including through incident management systems (IMS) and public health emergency operation centers (PHEOCs) across affected locations." 192382,43347.0,2335.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The security and protection risks associated with the cantonment process include GBV; forced and child recruitment; loss of civilian character in areas surrounding cantonment sites; housing, land and property rights violations; humanitarian access and bureaucratic impediments; access to services; the occupation of civilian infrastructure, like schools and hospitals; and the proliferation and diversion of weapons." 193825,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,75,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le caractère volatile de la situation sécuritaire fragilise les populations, déjà exposées à de nombreux défis, et a un impact néfaste sur les liens sociaux (stigmatisation de certaines communautés, ainsi que sur le sentiment d´insécurité des populations (manque de protection physique, faible soutien psychosocial, manque d´accès sécurisé, digne et équitable aux services de base, et autres besoins liés à la protection des droits humains)." 174437,40839.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,121,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Host Communities In contrast to camps and camp-like settings, hand pumps were the main source of water in 51 per cent (down from 55%) of sites where IDPs are residing with host communities. In 27 per cent of sites (up from 26% since the last round of assessment), piped water was the main source of drinking water, followed by protected wells (8% - up by 1%) and unprotected wells (6% - up by 1%). Other common water sources included water trucks (5%) and surface water (1%)." 150714,32327.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,70,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Muchos de aquellos que hacen el largo viaje hacia Colombia, Ecuador y Perú experimentan violencia en el camino o tras su llegada; entre las que figuran ataques xenófobos, robos, agresiones físicas, violencia psicológica, violencia sexual y extorsión. Las mujeres reportaron los niveles más altos de violencia sexual, mientras que los hombres reportaron robos y peleas como sus mayores preocupaciones de seguridad." 211083,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Urgent action must be taken to protect the right to health of over three million people in Somalia, to assure their equitable and dignified access to healthcare, and to maintain their well-being." 299154,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,115,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In 2020, the HAG recorded seven incidents of aerial operations affecting the humanitarian community, although none reported in Q4, compared to eight such incidents in 2019. While the number of aerial operations affecting the humanitarian community were nearly on par in 2019 and 2020, it is important to keep in mind, that the overall number of aerial operations significantly decreased in 2020, with US Forces reducing their air support and starting to hand over targeting responsibility to AAF. This highlights the importance of continued engagement with ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) on their IHL responsibilities, including the protection of civilian and humanitarian facilities." 17466,5431.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"As of 27 June, some 6,000 displaced families have received some kind of emergency assistance, as detailed in the response sections below." 194373,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,24,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,11.000 dépliants Covid-19 (en Français et en Lingala) ont été réceptionnés par la CREC NORD-UBANGI dons de l'UNICEF à la ZS GBADOLITE 454512,64224.0,1185.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,35,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Sin embargo, también hay quienes no consideran que las instituciones públicas cumplen una labor eficiente y por el contrario han recibido un mal trato, creen que en su condición de migrantes es peor" 208729,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Among incidents, physical assault perpetrated by an intimate partner accounted for 37 per cent, sexual violence 18 per cent and emotional abuse 25 per cent." 265688,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,83,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Selon les IC, la violence dans la localité de départ était un facteur de déplacement interne important, notamment au Burkina Faso et au Niger, dans les régions du Centre-Nord (repportée dans 90% des localités évaluées), du Nord (98%), du Sahel (88%) et de Tillaberi (83%). Cette tendance se retrouve au niveau transfrontalier, où les déplacements semblaient survenir à la suite d’attaques." 82587,22770.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,31,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/e3820522/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_sep2018.pdf,"KIs reported an increase in robberies, killings, and other types of crime in conflict-affected mahallas as a direct consequence of insecurity, raising concerns about residents’ safety." 271894,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"En 2020, les organisations humanitaires au Niger ont été confrontées à des contraintes d'accès croissantes dans toutes les opérations, affectant leur capacité à répondre aux besoins de la population." 393143,62158.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,51,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally the community understand COVID 19 virus to be pandemic and deadly disease that affects and cause difficulties in breathing, and normally comes with symptoms that includes cough, sneezing and fever and can easily be transmitted from one person to another." 487863,67678.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=247745,"[September 5, Dar'a] Education Director Manhal al-Amarin, in a statement to SANA said that the current conditions in the province forced the Directorate of Education to accommodate Daraa al-Balad school students on a temporarily within alternative schools in al-Mahatta neighborhood on an evening shift." 209741,44790.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,76,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"With median national global acute malnutrition (GAM) of 13.8 per cent at serious level across Somalia, it is estimated that 1.3 million boys and girls and pregnant and lactating women (1.008 million boys and girls) will suffer from high acute malnutrition in 2020, with 178,000 children under 5 affected by life-threatening severe malnutrition, with 830,000 moderately malnourished and 270,000 pregnant and lactating women also requiring emergency nutrition services." 229604,44602.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,79,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Some IDPs have started putting up shelter structure mainly raising wall with poles but lacking other shelter construction materials for roofing for example Grass. Being the rainy season and flooded all over, it became very difficult to find grass for putting up the roof of the shelter. Other construction materials are available in the nearby bushes and they are given authorization by the host community to use them for the construction of their temporary shelters." 326178,55014.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,131,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RIS%20-%20North%20East%20Nigeria%20%28BAY%20States%29.pdf,"[29th April 2021, North-east Nigeria ]IOM’s DTM estimates that 79 per cent of the IDPs in north-east Nigeria were displaced before the year 2017. This signifies that the great majority of IDPs in the BAY States do not find themselves in an emergency situation but are trapped in a situation of protracted displacement, characterized by a long period of exile and great uncertainty about their future. Thirteen per cent of the IDP households reported to have left their locations of origin in the year 2017, while 5 per cent were displaced in the year 2018. Three per cent of IDP households were displaced during the years 2019 and 2020, demonstrating that displacement is continuing and that violence is unabated." 235595,46890.0,2334.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"During August 10,249 patients, 5 percent of whom live with disabilities, received life- saving primary healthcare from these services [mobile clinics funded by CERF]." 339338,56115.0,2311.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],es,40,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_antioquia_dic_2020_vf.pdf,"Con relación a los temas de homicidio, según cifras de Medicina Legal, en Antioquia se registraron durante el año 2020 44 muertes de personas de nacionalidad venezolana, de las que 39 fueron hombres y 5 mujeres." 169841,40564.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,70,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_-_4th_october_ne_nigeria.pdf,"[04/10/2020,Borno state] Over 105,000 caregivers were sensitized with messages on COVID-19 by UNICEF VCMs in 20 LGAs in Borno State. Messages focus on voluntary sample testing, timely reporting of cases and de-stigmatization, and use of face mask. In Borno State, forthcoming NIPDs social mobilization integrated with COVID-19 prevention protocols especially on use of face mask by mobilizers and field workers." 228646,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,Addressing false information & misconceptions: Faulty linkages between COVID-19 and religion – in terms of both who will get it and who will recover from it. Advocacy with community and religious leaders on this point in particular is needed; faith alone is not enough to protect people. 194219,43811.0,2330.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,25,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/mundo/devasta-huracan-iota-isla-caribena-deja-un-muerto,Hay una afectación máxima de infraestructura; estamos hablando de un deterioro de cerca de 98% de la infraestructura de la isla de Providencia 223790,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Aucune femme n'a déclaré avoir mis de l'argent de côté pour les soins de santé, préférant s'occuper des problèmes de santé et trouver un moyen de les payer s'ils surviennent." 126531,34344.0,1185.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• Agua, saneamiento e higiene es el principal reto en el país. El acceso al agua potable, duchas, artículos de higiene (incluyendo artículos de higiene de menstruación y pañales para bebés) y saneamiento de calidad son la preocupación en particular puesto que la infraestructura básica está a menudo ausente o saturada." 345990,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,44,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"Por procedencia, Chocó (30,7 %), Nariño (24,3 %), Córdoba (12,6 %), Antioquia (9,7 %) y Guainía (4,6 %) aportan el 81,9 % de los casos de malaria no complicada." 197558,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The country’s airstrips are poor quality, however, and the availability of fuel, aircraft maintenance facilities and handling services is low, especially in remote areas" 282534,51173.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,23,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"A total of 287 households with persons with disabilities were reached, out of 3,106 households, with cash transfers by UNICEF." 291405,51191.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Afghanistan now has the second highest number of people in emergency food insecurity in the world (5.5 million), while nearly one in two children underfive will face acute malnutrition in 2021." 384889,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,116,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Dans la région du Sahel, grâce aux journées d’intensification vaccinale mensuelle, 34 543 enfants de moins de 2 ans non à jour ont bénéficié du rattrapage de leur statut vaccinal (tous antigènes confondus). Aussi, 9 931 enfants de moins de 5 ans ont été pris en charge pas les volontaires communautaires recrutés pour renforcer les activités communautaires dans les districts de Dori, Gorom - Gorom et Djibo. 1 052 Visites à Domicile ont été menées avec un total de 9 397 personnes touchées. Quant aux causeries éducatives sur les thèmes émergents de santé, 2 952 ont pu être réalisées touchant 42 157 personnes." 338409,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"(...) even students who could access alternative education while their schools were closed frequently experienced a greatly diminished quality of education, such as fewer hours of instruction, and fewer subjects. Students also had fewer, and sometimes no, interactions and informal learning experiences with teachers and peers. Learning options for preschool early learners were also often overlooked." 208194,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Refugees in South Sudan are also vulnerable to malnutrition and only 59 per cent of refugee children had timely complementary feeding. 475475,64944.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"les raisons qui pourraient expliquer cette situation [problématiques liées à la question foncière, les difficultés d’accès à la terre], selon les participants à ces cadres d’échanges, sont d’abord relatives au manque de ressources financières (62%), ensuite au manque de confiance à l’égard des propriétaires terriens (25%) et enfin au problème de cohabitation entre les communautés (13%)" 322139,54747.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information] The most commonly reported reasons for not taking action on COVID-19 were COVID-19 is not prevalent in the area (87%), not at high risk of getting COVID-19 (6%)" 224923,45951.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,39,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.vanguardia.com/colombia/celebremossinfronteras-la-campana-colombiana-que-invita-a-disfrutar-una-navidad-sin-discriminacion-JC3217209,"según Migración Colombia, con corte a septiembre de 2020, los venezolanos en el país ascendían a 1’715.831, es decir, que Colombia ha recibido más del 31% de ese flujo migratorio mixto." 264405,49222.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,39,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,"Cabe considerar, por otra parte, que los territorios que tienen un alto PIN, afectación por Covid-19 y con presencia de grupos armados, también tienen un aumento de la contaminación por armas (MAP/MUSE/AEI)." 160547,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,112,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Con respecto a los incidentes de inseguridad al cruzar la frontera desde Venezuela hacia Colombia, se encuentra que, al entrar al territorio colombiano de manera irregular, hay una mayor exposición a riesgos y abusos (38.8%), en comparación con la entrada de manera regular (13.6%). El incidente más reportado es la extorsión, tanto para los que entraron de forma irregular (72.5%) como para los que entraron por un puesto de control migratorio formal (60%). Otras clases de abusos son el robo y la intimidación, particularmente cuando la entrada al país es irregular." 218368,45691.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.afrik.com/rdc-retour-des-mesures-draconiennes-pour-freiner-la-deuxieme-vague-de-covid-19,L’instauration d’un couvre- feu de 21h à 5h du matin. Seules les personnes munies d’une autorisation spéciale de l’autorité provinciale ou les personnes se trouvant dans une situation d’urgence sanitaire pourront circuler aux heures du couvre-feu 358788,58665.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,95,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/High%2520Frequency%2520Survey%2520Report_Round1_2021_Final_Espa%25C3%25B1ol.pdf,"Entre los venezolanos encuestados, un total de 22% de ellos tienen estatus regular, del cual más de la mitad (13%) es titular de uno de los permisos especiales de permanencia con los que cuenta el país (p.ej. Permiso Especial de Permanencia - PEP, PEP RAMV, PEPFF, etc.). Como región destacada dentro de este 13% se encuentra la región Noroccidente (Antioquia y Chocó) con el mayor porcentaje de personas con un permiso especial en Colombia (24%)." 21207,8725.0,786.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,92,[],['Shock/Event'],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"Sin embargo, la operación en sí encierra un pulso. Lo expresó este domingo Miguel Pizarro, otro de los parlamentarios cercanos a Guaidó. ""El llamado es a los funcionarios civiles y miembros de las FANB [Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana] a que se pongan del lado de los venezolanos y permitan el ingreso de la ayuda humanitaria que tanto urge a cientos de miles de venezolanos que hoy sufren a causa de la emergencia humanitaria"", recalcó al agradecer el esfuerzo de la comunidad internacional." 160472,38373.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En Bogotá, el cobro irregular de citas no es una barrera usual (3.1%), sin embargo, DRC ha identificado, por medio de grupos focales, que en ocasiones los hospitales cobran el 30% de las citas para los controles prenatales a las mujeres." 272542,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Deux autres missions de ce genre [sensibiliser les acteurs sur l'approche Nexus Humanitaire Développement et paix] ont été réalisées dans les régions de Tillabéri et Maradi en novembre et décembre 2020. 272047,50380.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,101,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://www.udea.edu.co/wps/portal/udea/web/inicio/udea-noticias/udea-noticia/!ut/p/z0/fY-9DsIwDIRfhaVjlPSHFMaKAQkxMCDUZkGmCWBo4zYNFY9PAwNiYbF8p893Mle85MrCiBfwSBaaSVdKHhfLVRIXmdgKmUlRyF02z5N1uj8IvuHqPzAl4K3vVcFVTdabp-dlR85D89AGIgHDr7pSaz57mDNLHmuEIRLva4uaAvW1O-OQNNYETQsteOMCOqJm8ZJBTc5BA2yihvAQG0IT66BlRuciZWdzSkQS8-6uqhfoBSiZ/,"La nueva realidad ha generado sentimientos de soledad por los aislamientos obligados, la sensación de incertidumbre, frustración por ver morir a sus pacientes y compañeros sin poder hacer nada, agotamiento físico y una gran irritabilidad por la falta de autocuidado de algunos ciudadanos. Dichos cambios emocionales se han traducido «en que un grupo importante del talento humano que trabaja en salud ha presentado cuadros de ansiedad generalizada, trastornos de pánico, síndromes de estrés postraumático, síndromes de burn out o agotamiento y episodios de depresión», argumentó Palacio Acosta, médico psiquiatra." 274166,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,56,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Indice de Stratégie de Survie-réduit (ISS-r)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Les ménages réfugiés ont aussi plus recours aux stratégies alimentaires (27) par rapport aux résidents (20), montrant encore une fois leur vulnérabilité supérieure." 269688,49808.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,56,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Selon le rapport sur l’indice de développement humain, le pays est classé à la 182eme place sur 1895 avec plus de 40% de sa population qui vie en dessous du seuil de pauvreté [United Nations Development Programme. (2020). Human Development Reports (Burkina Faso)]." 346576,56939.0,2225.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,60,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/eu-allocates-2-million-emergency-humanitarian-funding-victims-drc,"At least 21,000 people saw their houses destroyed. 31 people reportedly died. When the eruption started, hundreds of children simply ran away and were separated from their families. Most have been reunited, but at least 74 children have been put into foster care or in transit centres, where they also receive psychosocial support." 391192,61470.0,2028.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,32,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 34% of households reported at least one member suffering from psychosocial distress." 111917,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,179,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Como lugar de tránsito, el terminal es un espacio de grandes tensiones para las familias. En primer lugar, porque viven la angustia de no ser recibidos por su estatus migratorio y en general temen a las instituciones (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Bogotá, 2019). En segundo lugar, la percepción de inseguridad es alta: constantemente se les recomienda cuidar sus objetos personales, no perder de vista a los niños, lo que, para personas que vienen de zonas rurales, es impactante. Ante ello, los padres buscan cualquier estrategia con tal de mantener a los niños quietos en situaciones que les generan mucho estrés: “¡Quédate quieto!; ¡si pierdes la comida nos quedamos tres días sin comer! ¡Quieto!” (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Bogotá, 2019). En este lugar, se concentran el temor y el estrés que viven las familias, así como la situación de desplazamiento y distanciamiento de sus lugares de origen." 106433,29953.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Dada la escasez de alimentos que padecían en Venezuela, comer más de dos veces al día representa para estos niños asombro y alegría. Sin embargo, sus emociones con relación a la vivienda no son positivas: la vida en la calle o sin una vivienda fija es un cambio que resienten, ya que en su país de origen contaban con una vivienda en la que se desenvolvía su vida cotidiana." 235491,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"The economic impact was being felt even before the first case was confirmed on March 5 when trade with China and Europe, Cameroon’s largest partners, was disrupted and our export and service sectors have been hit hard following a grinding halt to imports from and exports to China and Europe, the reduction in tourism and transfers from abroad, the cancellation of multiple large international events (including the Soccer African Nations Championship) that were planned to take place in Douala and Yaoundé during this first semester of this year, and the slowdown in the world’s global growth." 407124,63699.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,59,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/nigerians-awaiting-second-dose-astrazeneca-vaccine-heave-sigh-relief-soon,"[19th August 2021, Nigeria]Recall that Nigeria had commenced the first phases of the COVID-19 vaccination using the 3.9 million doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine, manufactured by the Serum Institute of India (SII) received from the COVAX facility. The vaccines were used for frontline workers, among other high risk groups." 219989,45769.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Ces populations ont tout perdu lors de la fuite et subis des actes atroces et dégradants tels que : pillages/extorsions des biens, assassinats et enlèvements des personnes surtout des hommes et des enfants." 489253,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, Aleppo, Idleb, NWS] Of households who are renting, 60 percent reported that they had a written agreement, 35 percent reported a verbal agreement and 5 percent reported that they had neither. Notably, rates of having a written agreement were found to be higher among male-headed households (61 percent) than female-headed households (47 percent), indicating increased security on the part of male-headed households. Households renting in Idleb also reported higher rates of having written agreements (65 percent) than those living in Aleppo (53 percent)." 305030,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"An influx of over 11,000 individuals arrived between July and November 2019 to Um Dafoug, South Darfur and Um Dukhun, Central Darfur." 293565,51569.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,Priorities for Immediate Humanitarian response • Verification of the number of IDPs and host community members in the affected locations. • Distribution of vegetable seeds. • General food distribution for the affected communities • Fishing equipment distribution • Provision of cash to vulnerable people. • Needs to vaccinate and treat livestock affected. 276132,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)']",fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Information And Communication', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Sur les 162,755 personnes déplacées internes enregistrées dans la province du Lac, la majorité ne dispose pas de documents d’état civil, à l’instar des populations hôtes. Toutefois, il n’y a pas de données exactes sur le nombre de personnes déplacées qui ont des besoins de document tant d’identité que d’état civil ainsi que leur répartition dans les différentes zones." 34144,12973.0,788.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,158,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria%20-%20Monguno%20Biometric%20Registration%20Update%20%2830%20March%202019%29-2.pdf,"Recently concluded Biometric Registration in Monguno LGA, within the period of 10 February - 30 March 2019, has brought the total number of displaced persons into 123,336 individuals (36,879 households). The average family size within the location is 4, with 45 per cent of the families comprising of 3-4 members; 26 per cent comprising of 5 - 6 members; 17 per cent comprising 1- 2 members and 4 per cent comprising of 9 and above members. A total of 14,587 displaced persons arrived in Monguno within the period of November 2018 - March 2019 as a result of the recent hostilities in Kukawa LGA and some parts of Borno state.98 per cent of the total IDPs originated from Borno state (43% from others wards in Monguno, 32% from Marte 19% from Kukawa, 4% from Guzamala and 2% from other LGAs." 164850,39753.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"UNICEF continued to strengthen interventions to protect Almajiri children and support their family reunification in the northern states as well as enhancing community engagement to address violence against children, FGM and other protection concerns affecting during the COVID-19 pandemic." 204238,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,La proportion de ménages [a Diffa] ayant rapporté que l’achat était leur principale source de nourriture au cours des 30 jours précédant la collecte est d’ailleurs inférieure à la proportion au niveau régional (54% contre 59%). 70887,20164.0,1184.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Politics']",es,126,['At Risk'],"['Shock/Event', 'Context', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://es.aleteia.org/2019/10/29/xenofobia-y-explotacion-laboral-revierten-tendencia-venezolanos-salen-de-ecuador/,"La explotación laboral también figura entre los causales de que se haya revertido la tendencia. Pero aún, de que ahora sean más los venezolanos que salen de Ecuador que quienes arriban al país gobernado por Lenín Moreno. El país sudamericano y un acuerdo -con mediación de la Iglesia- devolvió el alivio “tras más de 10 días de caos y movilizaciones que se han cobrado varias vidas”, reportó a mediados de octubre una nota de Pablo Cesio enAleteia. Sin embargo, el eco de las protestas todavía se siente en América Latina, que aún arde en medio de fuerte convulsión social, reclamos por reivindicaciones e inesperados giros en la conducción política de esta particular región del planeta." 163551,30906.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,71,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"En el departamento de Putumayo se reportan 10 casos positivos hasta el momento, 1 en Leguízamo, 2 en Puerto Asís, 1 en Puerto Guzmán, 1 en Mocoa, 2 en San Miguel (1 fallecido), 1 en Valle del Guamuez, 1 en Orito, 1 en Colón (fallecido); el número aproximado de pruebas realizadas en el departamento es de 490." 262444,49435.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://alwatan.sy/archives/247830,"[February 17, Homs] The Director of Health in Homs, Dr. Muslim Al-Atassi pointed out that the occupancy rate of government and private hospitals for Corona patients throughout the governorate is currently less than a quarter, equivalent to less than 25 percent compared to previous periods, indicating that the occupancy rate in isolation departments in some hospitals is zero and recorded at zero injuries." 275486,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,la fermeture des camps maliens de Mangaize et Tabareybarey a été réalisé au début de l’année 2020 à travers la relocalisation des réfugiés respectivement vers Ouallam et Ayorou. 241480,47384.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,70,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"The current official SYP-USD exchange rate as regulated by the Central Bank of Syria (CBS) remains at 1250SYP. There has been reports that CBS is considering adjusting this exchange rate closer to the informal exchange rate. This, if likely to happen, will contribute to the devaluation of SYP and thus have larges impacts on inflation and purchasing power in the entirety of Syria," 359833,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] In addition to the points noted above, the research team in Bangladesh also found mindset as another barrier as in this locality there are few role models for girls. There are limited woman teachers or doctors, or any other woman job holder or entrepreneurs who will act as motivators for girls and people in the community. The mindset of girls is very weak because they are not encouraged to chase their dreams, as parents and the wider community still believe in the prevailing gender norms. Even the girls who participated in the school based disaster risk management at school faced challenges to apply those concepts at home." 344142,56504.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,86,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/05/25/lutte-contre-le-terrorisme-tour-dhorizon-de-la-strategie-gouvernementale/,"Un autre volet non moins important dans la lutte contre l’insécurité et le terrorisme, de l’avis du chef de l’exécutif, est relatif aux efforts dans le domaine humanitaire. Avec le soutien des partenaires techniques et financiers, des ONG et associations nationales, ainsi que des personnes de bonne volonté, le gouvernement travaille à améliorer la prise en charge des Personnes déplacées internes (PDI), dont le nombre est estimé à 1,2 million." 215613,45277.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,32,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2020/11/04/supporting-inclusive-growth-in-afghanistan,"In terms of subproject implementation, 2,880 subprojects had been completed and more than 6,300 projects are underway. There are also 28 joint projects that are ongoing across 92 communities." 150576,34590.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,16,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"No more COVID-19 cases reported, curfew end date set for the 16th of June." 453826,64997.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,91,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cp_bcnudh_note_mensuelle_violations_des_droits_de_lhomme_et_infographies_juillet_2021_fr_eng.pdf,"Les agents de l’Etat sont responsables de près de 50% des violations documentées en juillet (244) dont des exécutions extrajudiciaires d’au moins 25 hommes, une femme et un enfant. Ce nombre reste stable par rapport aux 256 violations enregistrées au mois de juin 2021. Les agents de la Police nationale congolaise (PNC) et les militaires des Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) ont commis près de 43% du total des violations documentées." 149600,36610.0,1231.0,['Health'],[],[],es,102,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf,"El 23 de enero del 2020, el Ministerio de Salud Pública de la Republica Dominicana emitió una Nota Técnica con los preparativos frente al riesgo de introducción del nuevo Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) al territorio dominicano. Esta nota hizo referencia a la situación de la ciudad de Wuhan, provincia de Hubei, China y su conglomerado de casos de síndrome respiratorio agudo de etiología desconocida. El cuadro clínico de los casos se caracterizaba por fiebre, tos, dificultad para respirar (disnea) y cambios neumónicos en las radiografías del tórax (infiltrados pulmonares bilaterales)." 454280,64224.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],['Context->Politics'],es,95,['Priority Needs'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,El 56.6% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana afirmó que están de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo que el gobierno ha realizado acciones en la lucha contra la violencia hacia las niñas y adolescentes durante la pandemia. Este porcentaje se reduce al 24.2% en el caso de los peruanos encuestados. Nuevamente expresa que la percepción es más positiva frente al gobierno por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana. Cabe precisar que el 48.5% de las personas de nacionalidad peruana expresa estar en desacuerdo o muy en desacuerdo. 40045,11719.0,729.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-14_ENGLISH%20%281%29.pdf,"Most displaced households are currently staying with family and in private accommodation in different neighborhoods and suburbs of Tripoli, as well as along the coastal line in Western Libya and the Nafusa mountains; please refer to the second page of this report for more details. Over 1,500 internally displaced persons have been accommodated in collective shelters set up by local authorities." 223567,45273.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,40,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.savethechildren.net/news/covid-19-porous-border-iran-means-thousands-afghans-continue-cross-daily-going-unchecked,"It is therefore essential that the international community and the Government of Afghanistan immediately begin to obtain the resources needed to respond to COVID-19 like testing kits, protective equipment for health workers and ventilators for the very sick." 176663,41731.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,75,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/consultations_final_report_pdf.pdf,"Les hommes âgés PDI et les hommes hôtes ont le sentiment d’avoir plus de besoins de santé et affirment que la réponse actuelle ne les prend pas en compte. Les enfants ont dit avoir besoin de savon, de dispositif de lave mains, de bavettes et de tout autre matériel pouvant les protéger contre la COVID-19 et que l’information qu’ils reçoivent n’est pas appropriée." 236199,47104.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,100,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020, NESyria] Syrian households continued to grapple with challenges to reach markets and medical facilities during the pandemic. In December 2020, nearly one out of four households in Syria (23 percent) reported not to have access to markets, with peaks recorded among female-headed households (28 percent). This trend was more pronounced in Al-Hasakeh and Ar-Raqqa, where more than one-third of respondents in each governorate (35 percent) reported difficulty in reaching markets in December, primarily due to COVID-19 travel-related restrictions (15 percent)." 291409,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Against this backdrop, a medium to strong La Niña event is causing below average precipitation, thin snowpack and above average temperatures in most parts of the country and it is expected that farmers and pastoralists will be negatively affected." 40780,11840.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,53,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-16.pdf,"Following the onset of armed conflict on 05 April 2019 in South Tripoli, at least 4,870 families (approximately 24,350 individuals) have been displaced from their homes. Since DTM’s last update on 14 April, an additional 1,220 displaced families (approximately 6,100 individuals) were identified." 304455,50891.0,2466.0,['Nutrition'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,40,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"Critical challenges were faced during the year, including the fuel and cash shortages, leading to delays in sub-national immunization and Vitamin A supplementation campaigns, delayed transportation of supplies as well as monitoring and supportive supervision activities." 223425,45721.0,2331.0,['Health'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,59,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In a bid to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Federal Government of Somalia and the governments of the federal member states issued 66 directives in writing or verbally, imposing social distancing restrictions, closing borders and banning international and domestic passenger flights, which resulted in the closing of 11 of 12 airports in Somalia." 243447,47668.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,A first vaccination response was provided in Mandelia (November 2019) and Mongo (February 2020). 315481,54311.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,88,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"Se requiere personal médico de apoyo y enfermera para la atención de personas en cabecera municipal y en corregimiento del Plateado. Se requiere atención psicológica, por afectaciones por estrés postraumático en casos identificados especialmente en niños, niñas y adolescentes, que se encuentran en lugares adecuados como albergues. Se requiere suministrar con urgencia medicamentos para las personas que padecen de enfermedades crónicas como diabetes, hipertensión o asma, y que requieren algún tratamiento médico, en especial a población de adultos mayores." 187795,43282.0,2331.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,92,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"The COVID-19 pandemic has complicated existing housing, land and property (HLP) issues affecting the settlement of displaced people, according to a survey conducted by Protection Cluster partners. At least 100,000 IDPs have already been evicted in 2020, most of whom continue to live in emergency shelters, with those in informal settlements, reportedly lacking security of tenure. The HLP disputes are often due to secondary occupation, loss of ownership documents, illegal or forced sales as well as unequal distribution of land." 310622,53068.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"FSL Cluster : 4.7m reached out of target 6.9m, male 2.16m and female 2.53m that is 68%." 237583,47219.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],es,113,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.semana.com/bogota/articulo/distrito-anuncia-cuarentena-estricta-en-localidades-de-usaquen-suba-y-engativa/202146/,"Debido a la alta ocupación en las camas UCI en Bogotá que este domingo está en el 77,6 % el Distrito anunció la decisión de ordenar un ciclo de cuarenta estricta en Suba, Engativá y Usaquén a partir del 5 de enero a medianoche y por 14 días, que finalizan el 18 de enero. De acuerdo con lo indicado por el alcalde encargado, Luis Ernesto Gómez y el secretario de Salud, Alejandro Gómez, en esas localidades se tomarán las mismas medidas de restricción a la movilidad que se tomaron durante el mes de julio y agosto de 2020, durante el primer pico de la pandemia." 219128,45748.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"An UXO discovered along Torit-Magwi road in Magwi County. On 21 October, a partner discovered an unexploded ordinance (UXO) about 40km from Torit along Torit-Magwi road in Torit County." 328599,54710.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types shelter damage or defects reported by households were Opening or cracks in roof (31%) , Roof partially collapsed (34%), Broken or cracked windows (25%)." 160325,38479.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Laboratoire • Analyse de 523 échantillons (432 dépistages volontaires, 20 voyageurs, 13 personnes contacts, 06 suspects et 52 contrôles) aux laboratoires de diagnostic" 495433,67230.0,1185.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,No hay un sistema eficiente de las aguas residuales.  En varias zonas hay botaderos de basura improvisados a campo abierto.  Falta de conocimiento de la situación de los sistemas de gua donde se “pegan” y acceden familias migrantes tanto legal como ilegalmente sin identificación de posibles fugas 224239,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Les communautés de tous les villages visités n’ont pas accès à l´électricité ni autres sources d´éclairage. Le réseau mobile Airtel est fonctionnel dans tous les villages visités. En revanche, le réseau de téléphonie mobile Tigo fonctionne partiellement par endroit." 19296,7910.0,730.0,[],[],[],en,72,[],[],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Yemen%20Humanitarian%20Update%2035.pdf,"In anticipation of the situation stabilizing in Al Hudaydah City, IOM is establishing three centers to register people who may return home. At least 57,000 displaced families (about 342,000 people) are projected to return to the city, if the situation improves. Partners have agreed on a response package for the potential returnees including a RRM kit, food, shelter and non-food items (NFIs)" 159498,34152.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],es,145,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3651945,"La funcionaria agregó que “continuaremos con la segunda etapa de entregas, que se realizará a mediados de este mes, en ese caso será en el sur de Bolívar, así como a las 21 mesas municipales que conforman la territorial Magdalena Medio”. De igual forma, Amparo Chicué agregó que próximamente acordará con la Mesa de Participación de Barrancabermeja y otras organizaciones diferentes a las beneficiadas con la primera entrega, con el fin de enviar nuevos listados al nivel nacional de la Unidad para ser verificados, y de esta manera hacer una tercera entrega mucho más robusta a las víctimas de dicha ciudad. Por último, la directora territorial de la Unidad aseguró que con estas entregas, más las indemnizaciones y los giros humanitarios, ""seguimos cumpliéndoles a las víctimas del Magdalena Medio""." 205162,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,48,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Since June 2018, the significant strengthening of ISWAP's military capacities and the group's strategy based on indoctrination of populations and economic control of large areas in the Lake Chad region are new threats to regional stability, including in the Far North of Cameroon." 286910,51627.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,164,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666623520300210?via%3Dihub,"[April 2020, camps NWS] Most participants indicated that they would self-isolate in a separate tent away from the camp if they suspected they were infected with coronavirus and would use separate items like utensils. However, given the challenges in obtaining shelters in camps this solution appeared difficult or unlikely (e.g. only for those able to afford to buy another tent or a ‘tent’ might mean stringing together any available fabric as an inadequate tent-like shelter). Several participants indicated that they would direct suspected COVID-19 cases to health facilities to be isolated there, as this was the health facility's responsibility. All participants reported that self-isolating within the household shelter was impossible. “I can separate their [potentially-infected household member] plate, spoon, and glass. However, there is no way in this one-room house to get them isolated in a 2 × 2 meter area”" 408641,63666.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,52,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://drc.ureport.in/opinion/5178/,Quels sont les endroits le plus exposé à la violence basée sur le genre dans ta communauté ? - ecoles 26% - rues 24% - maisons 20% - points d'eau 6% - hopitaux/centres de santè 4% - je ne sais pas 11% - autre 9% 48573,16254.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->Local Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,64,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.unfpa.org/news/venezuelan-volunteers-provide-humanitarian-relief-migrants-refugees,"The migrants and refugees faceserious humanitarian needs, including food, health care, safety and social services. Many are crossing borders on foot, trekking for days or weeks, sometimes with little or no shelter. Despite the deprivation and desperation, many migrants are banding together as volunteers, helping their community members find safety and access vital services." 163982,34165.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,52,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Puerto Libertador (Córdoba) con el interés de recuperar el territorio al parecer grupos delincuenciales ofrecen la compra de cultivos, lo que puede incentivar el aumento de cultivos ilícitos en el lugar. También han exigido al personal que se acerca a la comunidad pruebas de COVID-19." 247701,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,71,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"En santé et nutrition, au regard des conditions de précarité dans lesquelles vivent ces personnes déplacées, plusieurs problèmes de santé ont été mis en lumière au cours de cette évaluation : les pathologies dominantes sont : la diarrhée, la dermatose, les infections respiratoires aigües (IRA) et la conjonctivite. Pour les femmes, les accouchements non assistés à domicile, les complications de grossesse." 457616,65405.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Des personnes présentant une détresse psychologique sont présentes sur les sites. Ce constat est confirmé par 100% des répondants. Les états émotionnels identifiés sont l’inquiétude selon 62% des répondants, l’angoisse (54% des répondants) et la tristesse (35% des répondants)." 491771,67945.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://syrianobserver.com/news/69871/regime-increases-internet-and-telecommunications-prices-by-100.html,"[22 September 2021, GoS] The Assad government’s Syrian Telecommunications Company issued a decision to raise the prices of internet, local calls, and the Fiber Net home service, amidst a popular outcry. The company said that the decision will come into effect starting in early October." 80568,22071.0,1388.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,32,[],['Context'],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://www.elnacional.com/mundo/costa-rica-repatria-a-ocho-personas-debido-a-crisis-en-venezuela/,"El gobierno de Costa Rica repatrió este jueves a ocho costarricenses que solicitaron ayuda ante la situación de vulnerabilidad que vivían por la crisis social, política y económica en Venezuela." 314205,54230.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,86,['Priority Interventions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/19/covid-19-advisory-panel-recommends-strict-lockdown-for-another-week,"[19th April 2021, Bangladesh] Early detection of Covid-19 patients is important for infection prevention. The government is working to increase the capacity of the laboratories However, recently the number of sample tests has decreased. Sample collection booths need to be set up in every ward in urban areas to make sampling easier and within the reach of patients. Rapid antigen testing is recommended at the sample collection booths so the report can be provided quickly, said NTAC." 244826,47945.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] The number of positive COVID-19 cases rose steadily in north-west Syria in November. As access to health and adequate sanitation in the context of continuous displacement remains limited across the region, the humanitarian community is actively operating to deliver lifesaving assistance while ensuring the safety of the people." 276250,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,89,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Des rapports de force inégaux limitent encore les femmes dans leur choix et leur autonomie, dans l’accessibilité et le contrôle des ressources et des revenus, dans les décisions, même celles les plus cruciales concernant leur vie et leur participation aux instances de prise de décision, ainsi que dans leur contrôle sur la sexualité et l’exercice de leur droit de décider librement du nombre d’enfants souhaité, de la survenue des grossesses et de l’espacement des naissances." 179195,41967.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,39,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7f8c29a7/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_HSOS-Regional-Factsheet_September2020.pdf,"(NW 09/2020) affordability emerged as the top barrier to food security, as reported by KIs in 78% (for residents) and 81% (for IDPs) of communities where barriers were present." 206684,44770.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=212700,"[5th December, 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Saturday that 87 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 68 patients have recovered while 5 others have passed away." 226919,45087.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,20,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"The services to prevent, report, respond, care and support have been restricted due to the current emergency" 224726,45275.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,The knock-on effect of the global economic crash has compounded these impacts and now threatens the very future of an already fragile economy. 281827,51173.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"Services provided through the mobile health and nutrition teams included antenatal care, postnatal care, family planning, new-born care, integrated management of childhood illnesses, immunization services, nutrition services and health educations sessions. Over one million of the population were covered including around 40,000 pregnant women and 200,000 children under five." 338442,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"As of May 2021, schools in 26 countries were closed country-wide, and schools were only partially open—open either just in some locations or only for some grade levels—in 55 countries, with ongoing uncertainty in many places affected by high infection rates caused in part by new Covid-19 variants. Despite more than a year’s worth of disruptions, many education systems were still applying haphazard distance learning." 132620,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,179,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El Sector de Protección también se vinculará con otros sectores tales como Necesidades Básicas, Educación, Integración y Salud, por ejemplo, a través de la provisión de capacitación, para asegurar que los enfoques de protección y los estándares están incorporados en estas actividades y que se da la debida consideración a los grupos de refugiados y migrantes con necesidades específicas, tales como niños, personas con discapacidad o adultos mayores. La labor del Sector de Protección en la documentación civil y regularización del estatus de refugiados y migrantes será la clave cuando se trata de dar apoyo a los esfuerzos relacionados con la integración local y los riesgos de protección en mitigación. Un apoyo específico también se dará en el análisis de los obstáculos relacionados con la protección y en relación con la integración local, así como desarrollar estrategias para superarlas. El fortalecimiento de la gestión de casos de protección necesariamente involucrará el enlace con actores e instituciones que trabajan en integración, educación, necesidades básicas y salud." 173275,41071.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-in-bangladesh-20-more-die-1441-new-cases-detected/58652,"[8 October, Bangladesh] Bangladesh on Thursday reported the death of 20 more people from Covid-19 in 24 hours spiking the total fatalities to 5,460." 40931,11894.0,729.0,[],[],[],en,81,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"• The main reported push factor driving IDPs to leave the affected area was the fighting itself, which encompassed the presence of armed group activity, shelling, and airstrikes; the threat of frequent shifts in the frontlines; and the destruction of housing, particularly in Swani and Al Aziziya. KIs in Ain Zara also reported that the lack of key services such as electricity and water played a role in IDPs’ decision to leave." 203930,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Mental health care services remain scare and specialized services are mainly located in the capital, Juba, where the Juba Teaching Hospital is the only public medical facility offering inpatient psychiatric care in the country." 221384,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The presence of desert locusts in Puntland is now the main challenge affecting many communities because an estimated 60 to 70 per cent of livelihoods rely on nomadic pastoralism. Overall, around 685,000 persons have been affected by desert locusts." 293932,52076.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,73,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"The North West and South West markets are dominated by retailers who make up around 60% of all merchants. In the Northwest, 72% of small retailers are women. Men dominate wholesale trade in both regions, with most male traders (61%) being wholesalers. Clients are mainly men, indicating a potential risk of protection for women along the roads and at the market ." 128827,34596.0,2028.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Precautionary measures must be clearly and practically explained so that people do not perceive them as necessarily inhibiting their ability to remain employed 235152,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,28,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"Cameroon has an existing ECF [Extended Credit Facility] arrangement approved on June 26, 2017, with an access level of 175 percent of quota." 356126,58255.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,36,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"En la medición de abril, el indicador de demanda actual del sector comercio registró un balance de 46,6%, que representa un aumento de 57,3 pps frente al mismo mes un año atrás." 388981,60849.0,1186.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers', 'Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)']",es,55,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Se señalan dificultades para comunicarse telefónicamente con las oficinas, al tiempo que se señalan dificultades de acceso a internet como para poder ver correos electrónicos, siendo la llamada telefónica el medio más valorado para contactarles. Hay confusión respecto de ACNUR y las instituciones socias, tanto de funciones como de personas." 218992,45705.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,15,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/node/18588/pdf/reversing_gains.pdf,"In Syria, thousands of children have lost access to formal and non-formal education services" 338738,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"Although the pandemic brought a range of stresses for children—being confined indoors, the illness or death of family members, fears of or actual sickness, financial pressures on families, and missing other social activities—students and teachers spoke of problems directly related to school closures." 126486,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,127,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El escenario de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que llegan al Perú demuestra una preocupación particular respecto del acceso a servicios básicos y derechos. Al establecerse en el país, los refugiados y migrantes enfrentan retos para acceder a mecanismos de regularización, incluyendo permisos de residencia/permanencia, así como de refugio. Además, la falta de documentación civil y regularización en el país crea barreras para acceder a un trabajo decente y medio de vida dignos, colocando a los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela en riesgo de explotación, abuso y tráfico humano y/o que recurran a los contrabandistas para su posterior desplazamiento. Esto limita la capacidad de la población venezolana para acceder a servicios tales como salud y transporte." 306850,53161.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"Ongoing conflict, protracted displacement, and climatic events in Sudan have disrupted livelihood activities and impeded access to natural resources and basic services." 248941,48004.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Protection', 'Food Security']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,74,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/note_protection_vbg_janvier_2021.pdf,"L’immensité de la forêt qui couvre le groupement de Kitababeya ainsi que la couverture disproportionnée en termes d’acteurs de sécurité, favorisent les mouvements intenses des Maï-Maï Malaika. Ceux-ci s’attaquent aux populations, généralement les femmes et les filles, dans les champs et celles qui se rendent des villages environnants vers le marché de Salamabila, leur arrachant tous leurs biens et les abusant sexuellement." 155082,34182.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,33,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Las mujeres mayoritariamente se encargan del lavado de la ropa en ríos y quebradas, enfrentando acoso e infecciones de piel. Suelen usar su misma ropa para su higiene y limpieza." 172924,40676.0,2225.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,65,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"La proportion de personnes ayant des besoins modérés a augmenté par rapport au HNO 2020, s’élevant à 53 pour cent (soit 7,3 millions de personnes) au lieu de 30 pour cent (soit 4,7 millions de personnes), montrant une détérioration des besoins, ces personnes pouvant être amenées à basculer dans une situation de vulnérabilité plus sévère." 90738,25656.0,1620.0,[],[],[],en,77,[],[],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/202001%20Monthly%20Regional%20Report%20-%20WCA_FINAL.pdf,"In Nigeria, the Sokoto FMP captures flows between Nigeria and Niger (mainly to Maradi, Tahoua and Agadez) with observed travellers split between those departing Nigeria for Niger and those arriving to Nigeria from Niger. The Kano FMP captures flows between Nigeria and Niger, Chad, and, in smaller numbers, Cameroon. Observed flows are mainly composed of outflows from Nigeria to Niger, or internal travel within Nigeria." 384176,60408.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,74,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En las condiciones del mercado laboral, Venezuela posee una alta tasa de desempleo, y un salario mínimo real muy por debajo de países como Chile y Ecuador. Esta puede ser una de las razones de atracción para la migración hacia estos países, puesto que los migrantes pueden obtener mayores ingresos y proveer a sus familiares fondos que les permita una mejor calidad de vida en su país de origen." 322739,54747.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,67,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[MUTLI-SECTORAL NEEDS] The highest percentage of households per MSNI severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 60% for extreme and lowest was 0% for stress and no or minimal. Similarly highest percentage of households per Protection LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 66% for stress and lowest was 2% for extreme." 384815,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,98,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Le Cluster santé en collaboration avec le Cluster Nutrition sous la coordination du CORUS, ont entamé un travail pour assurer l’activation des clusters santé et nutrition dans les régions affectées par la crise humanitaire. Pour les régions du Sahel et Centre Nord, il s’agit d’un appui au mécanisme des clusters régionaux déjà existant. Pour les régions de la Boucle du Mouhoun, de l’Est, du Nord et du Centre Est, il s’agit d’une activation officielle et assurer un accompagnement technique" 289352,51168.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,144,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"In January, 194,640 people reached with food assistance by WFP and other Food Security and Livelihood cluster members in Aweil South, Pibor, Akobo, Tonj South and Tonj North counties. Tonj East access and service delivery had been restricted by ongoing insecurity; currently delivery of food items is on-going pending distribution. WFP and its partners plan to reach 233,978 food insecure individuals across the six IPC 5 Counties in January through both under the scaled-up response and the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM), then later extended tor Akobo West in February. The duration of assistance in all the IPC 5 classified counties has increased from six to nine months. The Akobo and Pibor food ration size has increased from 50 per cent to 70 per cent of the full month food assorted requirement." 392053,62153.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,74,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Nigeria%20-%20Cameroonian%20Refugees%20Operational%20Update%20June%202021_0.pdf,"[5th Aug 2021, Nigeria] More than 2,000 refugees and locals in Benue State received COVID-19 prevention items provided by UNHCR including buckets, hand wash, sanitizers, and face masks in Benue and Cross River States (CRS). ■ In CRS, UNHCR supported the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital with COVID-19 vaccination items including surgical masks, isolation gowns, latex disposable gloves, and disinfectants." 360965,58841.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,82,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/30/rohingya-refugees-facing-medical-crisis-bhasan-char,"[30th June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Authorities need to transport people who are seriously ill either by boat or helicopter to the nearest hospital on the mainland, which is three hours away by boat plus an additional two-hour drive by car. Transport by helicopter is sparse. Just getting off Bhasan Char for emergency care requires obtaining a series of permissions and overcoming hurdles that refugees say have impeded them from seeking life-saving care." 239110,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],en,48,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"Afghanistan is likely to be significantly affected with major disease outbreaks due to its weak health system and limited capacity to cope with these outbreaks. Due to years of war and conflict as well as harsh economic situation, millions of Afghans have left the country." 495130,67230.0,1185.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,47,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Buscan quedarse en ciudades intermedias/Lima o hacer la travesía hacia el Sur, principalmente Chile Personas que llegan a Perú con la vocación de quedarse un período largo y buscar trabajo Personas que se asientan en Perú para ahorrar y seguir hacia el sur (Chile)" 114159,31147.0,1898.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"En situaciones de alojamiento temporal o similar, es de extrema importancia desde el punto de vista de la protección que los derechos humanos y la salud pública de las personas afectadas por las crisis humanitarias no sean vulnerados. A nivel comunitario, existen riesgos generales para la protección, que se acentúan debido a la amenaza de contagio del coronavirus. Entre los principales riesgos identificados a partir del análisis del sector, se encuentran el riesgo de desinformación (pánico colectivo o de miedo infundado), riesgo de desabastecimiento de servicios y productos esenciales (agua, productos de higiene, productos de la canasta básica, subida de precios en la canasta básica e incapacidad de compra)." 221587,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,58,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"To counter Al-Shabaab and attempt to bring added security to Mogadishu, where 276 terrorist incidents were recorded in 2019, most of which were publicly claimed by Al-Shabaab, the Somali National Army, with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and other international security partners, launched Operation Badbaado in Shabelle Hoose." 106428,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Desde Venezuela se tiene acceso a La Guajira por Paraguachón, donde opera uno de los puestos de control migratorio terrestre. Sin embargo, hay una cantidad significativa de entradas por trochas, a través de las cuales ingresa al departamento la mayoría de población migrante. Desde allí, debido a las altas temperaturas, los niños y sus familias se desplazan en pequeñas camionetas a municipios como Maicao (el más cercano) y Fonseca." 241769,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,81,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] The nurse working at the Daraa National Hospital with whom Enab Baladi met (who spoke on condition of anonymity for security reasons) indicated that coronavirus patients often do not consider going to hospitals in the governorate for treatment. There are fewer than ten ventilators in the public hospital. Moreover, putting a COVID-19 patient on a ventilator in private hospitals costs 700,000 Syrian pounds per day (242 USD)." 114118,31147.0,1898.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Intentions']",es,92,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"cierre de fronteras como medidas de mitigación del contagio. Sin embargo, durante los meses de marzo y abril las deportaciones de nacionales, incluyendo niños, niñas y adolescentes no acompañados, desde México y Estados Unidos hacia Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador, con excepción de algunas pausas, han continuado a pesar de que la Red de Migración de las Naciones Unidas ha instado a que las expulsiones colectivas, como las repatriaciones arbitrarias de migrantes y solicitantes de asilo en las fronteras, se detengan." 454517,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,66,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• El 72.2% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana considera que sus redes de apoyo comunitario brindan buen soporte en la actual situación de pandemia. Este porcentaje es del 57.6% en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana. Expresa que la percepción es bastante positiva por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana y un poco menos en la peruana. 361358,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,160,['Impact'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] The social contexts of the drowning incidents varied more with older children. Playing and bathing were the primary activities for why the children had gone to the body of water where they drowned. A common theme noted within accounts of fatal drowning among older children and adolescents was that they often occurred after the victim had just finished or was on a break from school or madrasa and went to play or bathe in water bodies, usually with peers and without adult supervision. Fatalities occurring on days when madrasa or school were off were also mentioned multiple times. Other recurring themes from the accounts were that older children engaged in behaviour such as going to water bodies described as far away from the victim’s home, bathing in ponds alone, and victims deliberately disobeying their parents by going to forbidden water bodies." 163678,39493.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77500.pdf,"In June, CHWs conducted over 295,100 household visits reaching 563,500 persons with messages on COVID-19. According to the community volunteers, there is a growing understanding among refugees about the actions they need to take to remain safe, the risks posed by the virus, and the available support through health facilities and other mechanisms." 70171,20062.0,1386.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/la-gasolina-escasea-en-la-cuna-petrolera-de-venezuela-/5111760.html,"Los residentes de la segunda ciudad más poblada de Venezuela, Maracaibo, dicen vivir un calvario por la falta de gasolina. La mayoría de sus estaciones de servicio interrumpen sus despachos por escasez." 130815,33838.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,17,['At Risk'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Riesgos de ruptura del tejido social, discriminación y exclusión de grupos en condiciones de vulnerabilidad." 261674,49486.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Cases'],es,65,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"En Caquetá la capacidad hospitalaria departamental a nivel de UCI no-COVID se encuentra con un nivel de ocupación del 80 por ciento, adicionalmente, los niveles de contagio de COVID-19 aumentaron desde mediados de diciembre, a pesar de que la cantidad de pruebas realizadas en promedio no ha aumentado, razón por la cual la gobernación alertó de un posible subregistro de contagios" 191407,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,48,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Armed forces and armed groups have also tactically used the defence, acquisition and recovery of cattle to mobilize youth throughout the years of conflict. The militarization of cattle raiding both tactically and in the types of weapons used has contributed to the lethality of attacks." 221027,44617.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,73,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"The stigmatisation of people identified as possibly having COVID-19 has led to forced displacements—justified as necessary social distancing measures. These actions have often targeted vulnerable groups, including Venezuelan migrants and indigenous communities (Verdad Abierta 1/05/2020). Armed groups in Putumayo and Nariño have sent death threats to people who tested positive to COVID-19, forcing them to leave the area (Insight Crime 03/09/2020; OCHA 17/06/2020)." 194441,43464.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_280_20201105_.pdf,"Au total, 1 995 alertes ont été comptabilisées ce 05/11/2020 dont 1 973 nouvelles ; 1 993 (99,9%) d’entre elles ont été investiguées et 123 (6,2%) ont été validées comme nouveaux cas suspects de COVID-19." 227490,46488.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"De plus, une grande majorité des IC (9/15) ont précisé qu’il n’existait aucun problème d’accès aux soins (9/15), tandis qu’un tiers des IC (5/15) ont rapporté un manque de moyens pour payer les soins de santé." 283875,43603.0,2331.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,135,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,(After school meals stopped due to school shutdown) Some partners adopted e-cash and e-vouchers for cash and voucher assistance (CVA)/mobile money to avoid direct cash distribution and voucher fairs including input distribution. Some partners adopted providing two monthly support packages in advance (frontloading) as measures minimizing contact in the context of COVID-19. The provision of take-home rations for school children while at home and the provision of cooked meals to confirmed cases in the isolation units has also been implemented. The objective of food provision to COVID-19 confirmed cases under isolation or treatment centers is to improve treatment outcomes through food and nutrition support. Mainstreaming COVID 19 risk communication messaging into various program implementation steps has been crucial for the Food Security Cluster. 201386,44478.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,75,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/presidentielle-au-burkina-faso-roch-marc-christian-kabore-l-emporte-des-le-premier-tour,"M. Kaboré, Roch Christian Marc, avec 57,87% des suffrages est déclaré élu provisoirement dès le premier tour comme président du Faso"", a affirmé le président de la Commission électorale indépendante, Newton Ahmed Barry. Eddie Komboïgo, candidat du parti de l'ex-président Blaise Compaoré, arrive deuxième avec 15,48% des voix devant Zéphirin Diabré (12,46%), considéré comme le chef de l'opposition jusque là." 215874,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,93,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The impacts of COVID-19 are estimated to be less severe in rural areas as households may have access to food stocks from their own production and do not face the same restrictions imposed by the lockdowns. However, where rural markets are integrated with major urban markets, the lockdowns have seen disruption in supply to dependant rural markets, as observed in the Northern regions of Afghanistan, where the rural markets of Samangan, Jawzjan and Sar-e-pul are closely integrated with Mazar as the main market in the north." 240712,45197.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,77,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA calls on all parties to immediately cease fighting in the vicinity of healthcare facilities as well as the use of indirect fire (mortars, rockets, grenades) in populated areas that could impact healthcare facilities, medical transports, and patients’ access to health care. UNAMA calls on the Taliban to immediately cease all direct attacks and threats against healthcare facilities and workers, as well as abductions of healthcare workers." 187647,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,101,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Partners provided psychosocial support to at least 88 persons who tested positive for the coronavirus and their caregivers/ families in and reached nearly 30,000 people through direct messaging for MHPSS and continuity of basic essential services. In addition, 355 health workers and 170 non-health essential frontline workers were trained in psychosocial components of COVID-19 response and 30 HCFs and three non-HCFs were supported through integrated and operational psychosocial support services. Health workers in Mogadishu received psychosocial first aid in the context of COVID-19 aimed at reducing the level of anxiety and stress among the health care providers." 53474,16820.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,130,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"Los grupos armados regulan el acceso de venezolanos y personas procedentes de otras partes de Colombia a veredas en el Catatumbo. Un líder comunitario y funcionarios humanitarios y de derechos humanos dijeron a Human Rights Watch que los grupos les exigen a los venezolanos que obtengan una “recomendación” de una persona del lugar63. Ese patrocinador enfrenta represalias si la persona extranjera se involucra en algún delito. En abril de 2017, el EPL publicó un panfleto que decía que “no se aceptan personas de otras partes” sin una “recomendación de alguna persona de la región”. El panfleto agregaba que las personas que “no tiene[n] quien responda [por ellos] que desocupen la zona”64" 302658,52890.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,42,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En el caso del trabajo sexual, por ejemplo, en ocasiones el uso del preservativo depende de si el cliente desea tener sexo sin protección y ello se convierte en una práctica sexual que pone en situación de mayor vulnerabilidad." 133575,35119.0,1187.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Las personas venezolanas: 13% de ellas pagó el trámite urgente, tomando el 7% de los turnos preferenciales en 2016 (a ARS $ 2.000) y casi el 20% en 2018 (a ARS $ 10.000 a partir de mayo)." 125299,32569.0,1621.0,"['Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,39,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"As increased restrictions on freedom of movement as a public health measure to counter the spread of Covid-19 are put in place, there is a risk of pushing migrants towards increased unemployment and its associated negative humanitarian consequence" 195943,43841.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,68,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_290_20201115_hebdo_46.pdf,"Au terme de la semaine 46, 230 nouveaux cas confirmés et 6 nouveaux décès ont été notifiés, contre 213 cas confirmés et 3 décès à S45 (Figure 1). Pas moins de 52,9% (109/206) des cas confirmés à Kinshasa ont été diagnostiqués dans le cadre du dépistage des voyageurs, contre 41,1% (62/151) à la semaine 45." 500716,60136.0,2074.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,"Según el reporte del centro de salud, los problemas médicos que se han identificado con mayor frecuencia en las últimas tres semanas son mal de altura, resfríos, deshidratación, heridas menores y luxaciones (por recorridos de rutas irregulares al intentar cruzar la frontera)" 316778,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook, afrique] La COVID-19 a provoqué récemment de fortes fluctuations dans la valeur des devises de nombreux pays, en particulier les économies exportatrices de pétrole. Les perspectives des ratios d’endettement de ces pays devraient se détériorer simplement en raison de la dépréciation de leur monnaie." 125942,31192.0,1620.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,16,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/76837.pdf,"Since the first case was recorded, 3,239 people have been discharged with 314 deaths." 163853,39094.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North%20East%20Nigeria%20-%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Update%20%28As%20of%2023rd%20August%202020%29.pdf,"In Borno State, a total of 7,684 individuals were screened and 3,435 surveillance cards were distributed at PoEs and car parks. 952 persons were screened at Njimtilo Point of Entry. In Adamawa, 120 passengers were screened at international borders." 294656,52363.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,53,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"The three main needs reported by households remain food (85% of surveyed households), housing, e.g. rental assistance (68%) and access to employment or sources of income (44%). In addition, 29% of households prioritize access to medical assistance." 273759,50128.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],fr,87,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/ETT_SUD_KIVU_Uvira_rapport_037__.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10739,"[commune MULONGWE - KAVINVIRA - Du 17 au 20 Décembre 2020, de fortes pluies accompagnées de vents violents ont causé d’importantes crues des rivières Mulongwe et Kanvinvira, dans la ville d’UVIRA en territoire d’UVIRA] Plusieurs maisons ainsi que des bâtiments publics et sociaux ont été détruits causant ainsi des dommages économiques considérables dans les zones affectées. Selon les informations récoltées, les populations sinistrées se seraient refugiées dans les avenues non affectées par cette catastrophe." 245286,47945.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Cross-Border%20Humanitarian%20Response%20Fact%20Sheet%20-%20North-west%20Syria%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[November 2020, North-west Syria] The majority of these sites are self-settled and lack camp management systems." 193754,43300.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,Le nombre estimé de nouvelles infections [VIH] d´enfants et adultes confondues est de 5 80043. La situation de la province du Lac mérite d´être investiguée en raison du contexte sécuritaire comme facteur favorable à la contamination. 227501,46488.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,Il est important de noter que la vente de biens immobiliers pour acheter de la nourriture a été rapportée par les deux tiers des IC (10/15) comme étant l’une des stratégies de survie les plus répandues dans la localité évaluée. 241468,47384.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,53,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) During the last two weeks, SYP has regained its value by 2% compared to the end of December. However rapid SYP value fluctuations during this period has led to an increase in inflation of prices in the most of items surveyed." 414032,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff']",[],en,65,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] The problems mentioned by the respondents uncovered the untold truth of the entire health sector of Bangladesh. The lack of necessary health service providing resources such as sufficient bed, sufficient doctors and nurses, medical equipment, medicines, skills, professionalisms etc. were exposed and the findings of this survey also suggest that." 162599,35727.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Nutrition', 'Cross']",[],[],es,98,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"El segundo semestre del 2019 evidencia un incremento en el número de víctimas por la violencia; se mantienen riesgos y vacíos en el goce efectivo de derechos que requieren de garantías de protección y respuesta por parte del Estado, principalmente en municipios del sur del departamento, bajo Sinú y zona costanera (aunque con menos visibilidad). Estos hechos agudizan la vulnerabilidad de la población al conjugarse con las necesidades en materia de salud, agua, saneamiento e higiene, seguridad alimentaria y nutrición, además de los desafíos en materia institucional." 148056,37648.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,58,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3663529,"The national school feeding program Qali Warmadelivered 49.5 tons of food to 4,817 indigenous citizens in 46 communities belonging to Secoya, Kiwcha, Huitoto, Yaguas and Ticuna indigenous peoples living in Yavari (Mariscal Ramon Castilla Province) and Teniente Manuel Clavero (Putumayo Province) districts, at the border with Brazil and Colombia." 132520,34344.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• La respuesta incluirá el apoyo directo a las instituciones, tales como CEPR y la Superintendencia Nacional de Migraciones. Los socios también darán apoyo a la Defensoría del Pueblo, así como a los funcionarios y miembros de los sistemas de protección local, para promocionar el acceso a los servicios, especialmente en las áreas de la frontera. Los socios trabajarán para dar apoyo a la comunidad y organizaciones religiosas, así como las iniciativas de base, hacia la protección e integración de los refugiados, inmigrantes y la comunidad de acogida." 172435,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,30,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,Les projections des effets des secteurs productifs sur l’emploi permettent d’estimer une baisse entre 5 et 10 pour cent des emplois en RDC en 2020. 70890,20163.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,85,[],['Context'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/ecuador-inicia-proceso-de-visas-humanitarias-para-migrantes-venezolanos/5138056.html,"Para poder acceder a la visa, el migrante venezolano necesita haber ingresado por un punto de control migratorio (como fecha límite) hasta el 26 de julio de 2019, no haber violado las leyes del Ecuador y no tener multas migratorias pendientes y/o haber sido beneficiado por la amnistía migratoria. Igualmente, necesita contar con pasaporte original, vencido hasta cinco años después de su fecha de caducidad; y, tener su certificado de antecedentes penales legalizado o apostillado." 17677,7050.0,321.0,[],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,41,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/unhcr-114-migrants-resettled-from-libya-to-canada-and-norway/,"“During the first week of December, 3 flights with 114 Eritrean, Sudanese and Syrian vulnerable refugees left Libya towards Norway and Canada thanks to UNHCR’s resettlement program,” the UNHCR said in a statement." 163629,32454.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,62,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77357.pdf,Como respuesta a la situación de emergencia se han emitido los siguientes decretos a nivel nacional y departamental: • Decreto 878 del 2020: medidas de Aislamiento Preventivo Obligatorio hasta el 15 de julio en el territorio nacional. • Decreto 131 del 2020: medidas de aislamiento preventivo obligatorio en La Guajira en el marco de la pandemia COVID-19. 189988,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,33,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Les mouvements de population et l’insécurité alimentaire, associés aux maladies ( rougeole, diarrhée, paludisme, etc.) sont des facteurs aggravant la malnutrition dans cette région." 204336,43976.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Tandis que 4% des ménages à Tassara ont un score de faim très grave, 65% des ménages à Tillia ont un score de faim supérieur à 0, la proportion la plus élevée de la région." 227517,46488.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Les deux autres préoccupations de protection les plus communément rapportées par les IC étaient le pillage des biens, avec 6 IC sur 15 rapportant cette préoccupation pour les hommes de plus de 18 ans, et 5 des 15 IC pour les hommes de moins de 18 ans." 290921,51607.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,101,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2224-4220-2021-1405-eng.pdf,"Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is known to be endemic to Afghanistan, particularly in the areas bordering Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan where there is high cross-border movement of nomadic communities and their animals. Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) was continually reported in the country during 2020 with a noted increase starting during week 31 (early August) and progressing to peak between weeks 39 to 47 (October to November). Increase in cases has usually been noted to correspond to the months when livestock movement is at its peak throughout the country" 203912,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"An increase of suicide and suicide attempts has been recorded especially among young adults between 19 and 35 years in the Malakal PoC site and Malakal town, Upper Nile, due to lack of socioeconomic opportunities and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness." 328645,54710.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,16,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 18% households with at least one pregnant and/or lactating woman. 274163,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Indice de Stratégie de Survie-réduit (ISS-r)] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] Dans les territoires de Mahagi et Faradje la fréquence du recours aux stratégies alimentaires est plus élevée (respectivement ISS-r =26,1 et ISS-r= 26,4) que dans les autres territoires." 390644,60404.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,142,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"la tasa de desempleo de la región Metropolitana, donde se concentra la mayor cantidad de migrantes en el país, alcanzó un 12,8%. De acuerdo con el Centro de Encuestas y Estudios Longitudinales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, el desempleo de personas extranjeras llegó a un 15,7% comparado al 11% de los chilenos (Centro UC de Encuestas y Estudios Longitudinales, 2020). Esto último, como se detalla en la sección que analiza el mercado laboral según ocupaciones, se explica al observar que los sectores más golpeados por la crisis son aquellos donde hay una mayor participación de trabajadores migrantes. Sin embargo, es importante volver a recalcar que los niveles de desempleo observados durante esta crisis no tienen correlación con la llegada de personas migrantes al país." 144714,34877.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,Observation on low level of testing may not demonstrate the whole situation. Currently the GoS has relaxed several precautionary measures during Ramadan and a lockdown in Rural Damascus has also ended. 204329,43976.0,2333.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Cette situation [insécurité alimentaire] peut notamment s’expliquer par les incidents sécuritaires ayant eu lieu à Tillia au niveau du camp de réfugiés d’Intikae (MSA, RRM, juin 2020) et qui ont provoqué le nouveau déplacement des populations." 495144,67230.0,1185.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Los niños y niñas de 1 a 5 años de edad reportaron recibir sólo dos comidas al día, cantidad de comida inadecuada según las recomendaciones internacionales y nacionales." 192225,42050.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,36,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Mairi-Mashamari-Maimusari-ward-Jere-LGA_July-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Jere LGA, Borno state] KIs from 19 settlements reported that schools attended by children had been closed due to COVID-19 in the 30 days prior to data collection." 335301,55819.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,82,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) Certains migrants sont aussi bloqués dans les pays voisins car les possibilités de contournement des restrictions sont coûteuses et très risquées. En particulier, 27% des localités de la commune de Tin-akoff étaient concernées par ces difficultés selon les IC. Les participants au groupe de discussion de la communauté non déplacée ont souligné que certains travailleurs locaux d’ONG et de mines ont été mis au chômage à cause de la COVID-19." 229694,44602.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,There is fear amongst the IDPs as there an ongoing clash between the communities of Mangalla. 326592,54734.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PROTECTION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 85% and 56% of households of IDP settlements and Non-IDP settlement reported no child-friendly spaces in their community. 248974,47559.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,99,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20MENSUEL%20NOVEMBRE%20NORD%20VF.pdf,"Cependant, dans la commune de Banh, les négociations avec les GOA semblent porter des fruits ; en ce sens que les animations dans les marchés ont repris et l’axe Bahn- Koumbri- Ouahigouya déminée ; donc praticable. Des déplacements ont été effectués par des résidents de Banh en direction de Ouahigouya et des camions ont pu rejoindre Banh sans incidents. Cette situation constitue une lueur d’espoir pour les populations déplacées et les ONG humanitaires qui étaient jusque-là confrontées à la question de l’accès aux zones à risques comme Banh." 126491,34344.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods', 'Shelter', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,199,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Muchos refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que pretenden quedarse en el Perú continúan enfrentando problemas para su sostenimiento debido a los obstáculos para acceder al mercado laboral y soluciones de alojamiento. El acceso a un medio de vida es limitado para los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que trabajan en el sector informal, frecuentemente recibiendo salarios muy bajos y en condiciones de explotación. Además, el impuesto del 30 por ciento es aplicado a todos los extranjeros sin distinción durante su primer año de empleo, lo cual crea una barrera adicional para el acceso al empleo formal. De acuerdo con la encuesta ENPOVE2 que se llevó a cabo en la población de refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela, entre todos los refugiados y migrantes que viven en el Perú, la necesidad de trabajo o de una actividad que genere ingresos está en el segundo lugar más alto después del acceso a la salud, seguido de educación, regularizar la estadía, alojamiento, comida, reunificación de la familia y artículos no comestibles. En otras evaluaciones3 más recientes el acceso al trabajo se ha clasificado como de más alta prioridad." 358426,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,110,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] As demand goes up for alternatives like water trucking, the price will likely rise in response. Looking at pricing changes for water trucking from January to May, we see in Al-Hasakeh a generally stable trend, with prices both rising and falling in communities, and most by less than 50%. But in Ar-Raqqa sub-district, where the piped water network is the main source, there were significant price increases in communities from January 2021 to May, which could point to further price hikes as more communities turn to water trucking in areas along the Euphrates." 223175,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Tensions remain high to date, while efforts to resolve the stand-off continue. All mediation efforts by external actors, including the United Nations, have failed, and both parties have remained firm in their positions, setting prerequisite conditions for entering into negotiations that are unacceptable to the opposing side." 221385,45721.0,2331.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],en,48,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network outlook report of August 2020, humanitarian food assistance needs were high across Somalia, where the “stressed” (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification phase 2) and “crisis” levels of food insecurity remained widespread." 490562,67789.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,114,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Although Borno State has not recorded any new cases of COVID-19 since early July, Health Sector partners continue to intensify response and risk mitigation protocols including testing services and awareness messaging through different channels such as mass media, handbills, house-to-house campaigns etc. as the country is currently witnessing a third wave of the pandemic with high rates of new infections reported in recent weeks. Following the arrival of additional doses of vaccines in the country, sector partners will be providing logistics and technical support to the SMoH in the distribution/administration of the vaccines once the state receives its allocation." 127682,34498.0,1620.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,58,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cccm_shelter_nfi_june_2020_factsheet.pdf,"The effect of heavy winds and rains are far reaching, and the sector is faced with shortage in supply and logistics challenges that hamper timely and immediate intervention. Additionally, sector partners have also experienced constrains in procurement and logistical processes due the inter-state lockdown and previous movement restrictions within, and outside the country." 179535,42143.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,65,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/people-of-jabal-al-zawiya-suffer-lack-of-medical-services/,"[October 28, Jabal Al Zawieh, Access to medical care]In a poll conducted by Enab Baladiin the region, through the “What is your problem” program, some residents complained about the lack of hospitals or medical centers in the area, despite the return of residents who were forced to flee at the beginning of this year." 489932,67790.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,93,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.237%20%2816%20%20-%2022%20August%202021%29.pdf,"[16th-22 Aug 2021, Borno and Adamawa]Bama: 438 arrivals were recorded in Bama LGA of Borno State. The arrivals included 200 individuals from Bama LGA in Borno State, 89 individuals from Marwa region in Cameroon, 71 individuals from Mubi South LGA in Adamawa State, 53 individuals from Konduga LGA in Borno State and 25 individuals from Mubi North LGA in Adamawa State. Fifty-eight per cent of the movements were due to poor living conditions and 42 per cent were due to voluntary relocation." 305539,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"IPC data for August 2019 indicates ‘crisis’ level (Level 3) acute food insecurity in El Radom, Dimsu and Um Dukhun localities, with ‘stressed’ level (Level 2) acute food insecurity in Um Dafoug and Nyala." 233387,46495.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,47,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"Considerando el bajo conocimiento en temas de VBG, se recomiendan acciones de prevención de la VBG como la implementación de sesiones informativas acerca de los conceptos básicos y tipologías, así como la promoción de rutas de acceso a los servicios de atención para sobrevivientes." 486215,65385.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,48,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Shelter%20conditions%20across%20north-west%20Syria%2C%20Summer%202021.pdf,"[18 August 2021, NWS] Rural (top 3 shelter types): In rural areas across NWS, just under half of households live in finished houses or apartments (46 percent), 20 percent in tents and 17 percent in makeshift shelters." 339511,49486.0,2311.0,"['Livelihoods', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,85,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"• La Guajira: las causas estructurales asociadas a la pobreza extrema particularmente en la alta Guajira, combinados con la extrema sequía propia de las características geográficas, sumado a la presión que continúa ejerciendo el fenómeno migratorio, continúan agudizando la crisis frente al derecho al acceso a agua segura y la seguridad alimentaria, afectando particularmente a los niños y niñas menores de cinco años, madres gestantes y en estado de lactancia, así como a la misma población migrante." 166548,40078.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,92,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/33_August_2020.pdf,"Held a virtual strategic coordination meeting aimed at intensifying response with Technical Advisors supporting the implementation of the NCDC/World Bank prioritised COVID-19 response activities in 29 States  Completed deployment of Surveillance and Outbreak Response Management Analysis System (SORMAS) tool in Osun and Yobe States  Obtained ethical approvals to conduct clinical management study to determine the management and outcome of COVID-19 cases from the State Ministry of Health (SMoH) and University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan, Ethical Review Committees (ERCs) in Oyo State" 209728,44790.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Almost three decades of civil war, since 1991, have stunted the country’s overall development. With limited institutional and fiscal capacity, Somalia is facing challenges to maintain and expand its public infrastructure – roads, electricity, water and sanitation – and develop the regulatory, governance and financing frameworks that could significantly improve the situation in the country." 194057,42945.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,96,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/ong-denuncia-agresiones-a-migrantes-que-cruzan-las-trochas/2230,"Javier Tarazona, director general de FundaRedes, explicó que desde el inicio de la pandemia se presentó la extorsión de las guerrillas de las Farc y el ELN contra los migrantes retornados en los pasos ilegales para ingresar a Venezuela. Sin embargo, asegura Tarazona, en las últimas semanas han documentado “la perversidad con uniforme” en contra de los venezolanos que “huyen de la miseria, del hambre, y en las alcabalas (retenes) los paran y les quitan el poco dinero que llevan para comer”." 157572,38422.0,2098.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,62,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/30072020_BDRCS_SitRep4_Flood2020.pdf,"A probabilistic forecast from FFWC predicts that, the flood situation will start improving after 24 hours at Kurigram, Gaibandha, Bogura, Jamalpur, Natore, Sirajajganj, Tangail, Naogaon and Brahmanbaria. Besides, flood situation will remain stable at Manikganj, Munshiganj, Faridpur, Madaripur, Chandpur, Rajbari, Shariotpur, Dhaka and Narayanganj." 308581,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,54,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Two of five payams in Tonj South have limited access due to insecurity. Violence and displacement are significantly affected access of people to health services, in Manyang-ngok and Wanh Alel, the displaced families in hard-toreach areas, as well as resupply of facilities and pre-positioning efforts ahead of the rainy season" 129464,32894.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,41,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Población femenina muestra miedo a ser acosadas, violadas y encontrar la muerte fuera de Venezuela. En materia de violencia sexual existe una percepción de desconocimiento de derechos o de servicios y redes de apoyo en el país de acogida" 305548,50889.0,2466.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Newly arrived refugees [from CAR] have arrived in Sudan without livestock or assets and are now dependent on food assistance. 104837,30139.0,1860.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']","['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)', 'Context->Economy']",en,59,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Humanitarian and development organisations are encouraged to close data gaps by sharing data that is critical but often missing. For the COVID-19 response, this includes data on the location of health and education facilities, food insecurity and malnutrition rates, and transportation routes and mobility patterns. For more information, contact centrehumdata@un.org." 152464,37831.0,2098.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RRR_Annual%2BReport%2B2020.pdf,"Practical support accompanied the public health information. In partnership with UNICEF, World Vision distributed 264,975 pieces of soap to 17,665 families (88,325 refugees). We set up handwashing stations in all our field distribution points and camp facilities, including food assistance points, women’s safe spaces, community kitchens and children’s learning centres." 310764,53068.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ss_20201125_humanitarian_response_dashboard_january_to_september.pdf,"Health Cluster : 2.5m reached out of targeted 2.2m, male 1.17m and female 1.31m that is 115%" 187644,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"Health partners supported 13 isolation centers and trained 85 health workers on case management, including in Kismayo and Lascanood; and donated essential medical equipment to Lascanood Isolation and treatment center. Partners deployed 32 staff to De Martini hospital and contributed to the payment of salaries. At least 850 individuals followed up with home-based visits and telephone consultations in Kismayo and Afmadow." 428818,63533.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,95,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_13_nord-kivu_18-08-2021.pdf,"Plus de 17 500 personnes déplacées sont arrivées depuis le 5 août dans les localités de Biriko et Bosurungi du groupement Waloa-Loanda, du Territoire de Walikale. 6 000 d’entre elles ont fui des affrontements entre l’armée congolaise et un groupe armé dans la localité de Ziralo en Territoire de Kalehe, au Sud-Kivu, tandis que les 11 500 autres se sont déplacées préventivement des groupements d’Ufamando 1 et 2 du Territoire de Masisi, redoutant des opérations militaires contre un groupe armé dans la région." 198646,44327.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,41,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://lefaso.net/spip.php?article100789,"Selon une enquête menée par le ministère de la Santé en 2013, le taux de prévalence du diabète était de 4,9% au sein de la population de 25 à 64 ans, soit environ un million de Burkinabè." 316791,53670.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,23,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,[outlook RDC 2021-22] La reprise du secteur extractif devrait stimuler les exportations minières et améliorer les recettes d’exportation. 385107,60408.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,61,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"En el caso de Chile, el 70% de los migrantes posee una cualificación técnica o profesional, mientras que el 32.8% de los chilenos posee el mismo nivel de educación. Sin embargo, el 41% de los chilenos ha concluido el nivel secundario, mientras que existe un porcentaje menor de migrantes del 26.5%." 322188,54747.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,75,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Proportion of households of IDP settlements reporting not having sufficient water for the following purposes were Not enough water for cooking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses (43%), Not enough water for domestic purposes only (12%),Not enough water for personal hygiene only (82%)." 71081,20270.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,47,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.voanoticias.com/a/activan-registro-consular-de-venezolanos-en-argentina/5126693.html,"A través de su cuenta de Twitter, Trotta Gamus indicó que el registro consultar en línea que permitirá estar “más cerca de ustedes, de entender sus distintas necesidades y sobretodo, de poder dar soluciones concretas a los diversos trámites que necesitan”." 163835,34549.0,2028.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,97,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"So far, FAO has provided animal feed to increase production and protect livelihood assets; distributed vegetable seeds and established nurseries to increase the availability of vegetables in local communities and improve nutrition of vulnerable households, particularly female-headed households; increased the availability of improved seeds through multiplication of early generation seeds; vaccinated livestock to improve animal health and increase livestock productivity; improved access to water through infrastructure rehabilitation and installation of alternative energy sources; and provided capacity building on agricultural technical subjects as well as entrepreneurship, marketing and project management" 193840,43300.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Nutrition']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´index sur la faim dans le monde (GHI, 2017) classe le Tchad en situation « alarmante » et le rapport sur le coût de la faim montre que 43% de la mortalité infantile est liée à la sous-nutrition." 328773,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 75% households reporting having been displaced for longer than one year 220016,45769.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,63,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Pour ce qui est des pièces d’état civil, la majorité de ces personnes notamment les demandeurs d’asile ne possèdent pas de documents d’état civil, soit parce qu’ils n’ont pas été enregistrés préalablement, soit parce que les documents civils ont été égarés ou brûlés pendant les attaques et/ou la fuite." 189255,42868.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,39,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_COL_RAN_Factsheet_R3_September2020.pdf,Proporción de ICs que reportaron la intención de regresar al punto de inicio de su viaje (previo a marzo 2020) tras el levantamiento de las restricciones para prevención del COVID-19: 43% (▲8%) 287481,51785.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,34,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.radionacional.co/noticia/actualidad/pandemia-impacto-economia-micronegocios-colombia,"La mayoría ejerce su actividad en la informalidad: tres de cada cuatro micronegocios no tienen registro ante la Dian, y la mayoría de los trabajadores no aporta a salud ni pensión." 55959,17094.0,1187.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Entre los motivos de la partida, 82% mencionó la búsqueda de nuevas y mejores oportunidades de trabajo, 72% expresó preocupación por la inseguridad en Venezuela y 56% señaló la falta de medicamentos. En cuanto a los principales destinos a los que se dirigían:  37% tenía previsto permanecer en Colombia,  36,8 % se dirigía a Perú,  12% iría a Ecuador,  7,3 % llegaría a Chile,  2,4% arribaría a Argentina." 389627,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,18,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"En Colombia, letalidad de 2.57%, cifra que supera en 18.4% al promedio mundial." 177273,41744.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,23,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,Appui ponctuel aux déplacés à l'aide de transferts monétaires pour pallier à la décapitalisation. Appui grâce à des activités génératrices de revenus 237703,47119.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Injured'],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2020_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_53.pdf,"El daño ocular se presentó en un 8,1 % (83) de los casos y la amputación en un 13,4 % (137)" 306806,53161.0,2466.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Shelter']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,66,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"American Refugee Committee (ARC) distributed non-food items—including blankets, buckets, plastic sheeting, sleeping mats, and mosquito nets—to all IDP households sheltering in Melloi. In addition, ARC is providing basic health care services to the IDP population through the operation of an eight-member mobile clinic, which is providing prenatal counseling and COVID-19 awareness education, among other services." 284654,50884.0,2466.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,62,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"The chaotic political and security situation in Khartoum is seemingly spreading to other parts of the country. Since mid-May an increase in incidents of civil unrest, including inter-communal fighting, sometimes involving refugee or IDPs, and clashes between armed groups and security forces, and have been reported in Darfur, Kassala, South Kordofan and White Nile." 215117,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,43,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[13thDec2020,Nigeria]Besides the fact that it has been a while since Nigeria experienced such a spike, last week’s figure represents a 142 per cent increase from the previous week’s record of 1,607 cases." 207030,43256.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"March 2020 Cadre Harmonisé data modelling by MINADER, FAO and WFP found out that over 4,857,749 people in the ten regions will employ stress, crisis or emergency coping strategies to secure household level food security as a result of overall effects due to the impacts of COVID-19." 113317,32328.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Legal & Policy', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",es,436,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Los resultados de los ARG en cada país muestran una normalización de la VG, que incluye altos niveles de violencia sexual. El sexo transaccional es una estrategia común para enfrentar la dramática situación de vida, tal es el caso que una gran parte de las trabajadoras sexuales son venezolanas. Así, las mujeres, las niñas y las personas con diversidad de género enfrentan riesgos significativos de explotación sexual y trata. Sin embargo, la tasa de notificación de casos de VG sigue siendo baja. La falta de documentación limitado conocimiento de sus derechos en función de su estado migratorio exacerba aún más el potencial de ser explotadas. Los resultados de las encuestas y los grupos focales evidencian el limitado conocimiento con respecto a los servicios, así como el bajo nivel de confianza en ellos. Los migrantes y refugiados sobrevivientes de VG temen ser deportados y reprendidos si denuncian los incidentes a las autoridades. La escasez de alimentos y la hiperinflación, el desplome de los servicios públicos como el acceso al agua, y el colapso del sistema de salud en Venezuela han forzado a millones de venezolanos a emigrar a otros países de la región. Asimismo, mujeres embarazadas y niñas, minorías sexuales y personas viviendo con VIH, han sido desplazados también por no contar con acceso a servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva. En el trayecto migratorio, muchos han tenido que recurrir a vivir en las calles o en asentamientos informales distantes o carentes de servicios básicos. Más allá de la escala de la respuesta, existen desafíos relacionados con la participación inadecuada de las poblaciones afectadas por la crisis en la toma de decisiones, y con los mecanismos de retroalimentación. Los hallazgos de los cuatro países destacan la importancia de implementar o fortalecer programas que satisfagan las diferentes necesidades de la población con respecto a varias áreas sectoriales, incluyendo medios de vida, seguridad alimentaria, agua, saneamiento e higiene, salud sexual y reproductiva, y protección; con un enfoque importante en la VG dentro entre dichos sectores. De la misma manera se destaca como la pandemia del COVID-19 exacerba las desigualdades de género existentes en cada sector, ya que las medidas tienen impactos desproporcionados sobre las poblaciones de refugiados y migrantes. Este informe describe un conjunto resumido de recomendaciones que hemos identificado como comunes en los cuatro contextos. Los análisis realizados en cada país presentan recomendaciones detalladas para los diferentes actores de cada contexto." 53732,16820.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Casualties->Dead']",es,93,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"En abril de 2019, la Fiscalía General de la Nación estaba investigando 47 casos de homicidios de ciudadanos venezolanos cometidos en el Catatumbo desde 2017152. Las estadísticas de la Policía Nacional y la Fiscalía General de la Nación no se refieren específicamente a muertes relacionadas con el conflicto. OCHA le informó a Human Rights Watch que 5 venezolanos fueron asesinados por violencia vinculada a los grupos armados en 2018 y uno en 2017153. Según OCHA, 15 venezolanos fueron asesinados por grupos armados entre enero y julio de 2019" 389629,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],es,72,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Por el contrario, ¿cómo explicar la baja letalidad en Vaupés, Guainía, Guaviare o Vichada?, además de los beneficios de la medicina tradicional y de la menor proporción de personas susceptibles, en estos territorios hay subregistro de las muertes porque no es posible realizar el diagnóstico etiológico a tiempo en la mayor parte los mismos, por lo que estas muertes no están en el sistema." 64641,19295.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],es,96,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.panorama.com.ve/politicayeconomia/Zulianos-reclaman-a-la-AN-abocarse-al-consenso-y-buscar-recursos-para-emergencia-electrica-20191003-0004.html,"Zulianos reclaman a la AN abocarse al consenso y buscar recursos para emergencia eléctrica El clamor de los zulianos por una solución a la emergencia eléctrica en que vive el que fue el gigante del Occidente del país cada vez es mayor. Voces de diversos sectores de la vida zuliana, políticos, académicos, o simplemente usuarios de la red social twitter, bajo la etiqueta de #ANLuzParaElZulia, exigieron a la Asamblea Nacional un acuerdo político para atender una ""desquiciante"" crisis que no hace sino agravarse día a día." 113089,29959.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,GIFMM Costa Caribe Se realiza la articulación con las autoridades locales de Santa Marta para abordar el riesgo de desalojo y definir la respuesta en alojamientos para las personas en situación de calle con el fin de garantizar su autoaislamiento. 391202,61470.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,97,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Newroz_May2021-1.pdf,"[May 2021, Al-Hasakeh governorate] [Newroz Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 1,479] 93% of school-aged children in the households were reported to not receive education. The most commonly reported barriers were: -Educational services suspended due to summer holiday (88%) -Child does not want to attend (8%) -No education for children of a certain age (8%) In the past school year, households reported that their school-aged children went to school on average 33% of total school days." 483275,67232.0,1185.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Ante la pregunta ¿Sabe o conoce quién fue la persona que maltrató verbalmente a la víctima?, la encuesta revela que, del total de personas que recibieron maltrato verbal, un 74,4% de la población venezolana recibió maltrato verbal de parte de una persona desconocida, el 18,5% de sus empleadores, el 3,3% de un empleado público, el 3,2% de parte del cónyuge o pareja, el 2,2% de un familiar de sexo femenino, el 1,4% de un familiar de sexo masculino y el 1,5% de parte de un empleado del sector privado, entre los principales." 186577,41082.0,1184.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,117,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/ecuador/ecuador-covid-19-could-cause-11-percent-dive-gdp-year,"Impact on women and girls As in many other countries, women and girls are suffering in unique and specific ways. Women constitute 60 percent of general health personnel and 81 percent of nurses are women in Ecuador, which means they are exposed to additional risk. Between March and May 2020, availability of essential sexual and reproductive health care services dropped 45-60 percent from a year earlier, and lockdowns have increased their care work and curbed their ability to report domestic and gender-based violence. Maternal mortality could increase by 50 percent and an additional 2,282 children under 5 could die absent scaled-up maternal and child interventions, the study finds." 265722,49620.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,49,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Malgré une augmentation de la prévalence de certaines pratiques d’hygiène (lavage des mains avec du savon) dans la foulée de la pandémie du COVID-19 et des campagnes de sensibilisation associées, des barrières structurelles et culturelles semblent encore freiner une adoption plus large de celles-ci" 276271,50677.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,57,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,L’épidémie de rougeole est toujours active dans 12 districts sanitaires (DS) alors que des cas suspects sont identifiés dans 14 autres DS (sur un total de 31 DS dans la région). La Délégation régionale de la santé publique (DRSP) dirige la riposte dans les 12 DS affectés. 150803,37921.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,61,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Un contrôle médical est effectué au niveau de l’ensemble des points. Le dépistage au niveau des aéroports est fait à l’aide d’une caméra thermique qui contrôle la température des passagers à leur arrivée. Dans les points d’entrée terrestres le contrôle de température est effectué avec des thermomètres laser sans contact. 79857,21919.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,19,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"Education 68,200 children accessing formal or nonformal education 100,300 children under 5 years benefiting from early childhood development activities" 224192,45763.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,62,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"bien que des moustiquaires soient distribuées dans les communautés, leur utilisation n’est pas systématique. Même si des anti-paludiques ont été mis à la disposition des centres de santé, de nombreuses communautés visitées n’ont pas un accès physique aux centres de santé (distance et eau empêchant l’utilisation moyens de transport disponibles)." 223675,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Delivery of drug supplies to the facilities and training of Boma health workers in these areas in Wulu & Cueibet and stocking of supplies in high ground villages 247933,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,70,"['Priority Needs', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"D’une manière générale, la situation en eau, hygiène et assainissement est la même et très préoccupante dans tous les sites visités. L’absence totale de points d’eau dans certains sites et l’insuffisance des points d’eaux dans d’autres sites évalués ont été l’une des préoccupations soulevées par les différents groupes des personnes clés questionnées." 69718,19997.0,1534.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,113,['Impact'],[],The Bahamas - Hurricane Dorian - Early Recovery Assessment,2019-10-21 17:55:33.771658+00,http://www.tribune242.com/news/2019/oct/18/bpl-spends-16m-equipment-restore-abaco-electricity/?news,"He gave the update Thursday afternoon during his contribution to debate on the Disaster Preparedness and Response Amendment Bill 2019. He said: “BPL has three generating facilities in the Abacos. Wilson City has four engines that generate 12 megawatts each, for a total of 48mw of power. Normally this is twice the amount of power that Abaco needs. This facility suffered only minor damage in the hurricane. “There is an additional facility in Marsh Harbour, which is ordinarily capable of generating 8mw of power. This facility suffered extensive damage during Dorian. Additionally, BPL lost in excess of 3,000 poles." 160257,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Para acceder al PEP, como documento de regularización temporal, el ingreso a Colombia debe haber sido a través de un puesto migratorio y deben presentar el sello en su pasaporte. De los venezolanos monitoreados entre abril y junio, un 19.1% posee el PEP y sólo 12.4% tiene pasaporte, por lo que es mínima la cantidad de personas que podrían acceder al mismo." 498754,41882.0,1187.0,[],[],[],en,215,[],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3680634,"With the arrival of the pandemic, the volunteers of the camp had to work to adapt to the isolated conditions and decided to increase the distribution of drinking water, with the intention of generating more hygienic habits in the families. Besides that, they started to collaborate with the San Victoria Hospital in the “Plan Detectar”. Their work consists of visiting the communities to evaluate symptoms and respiratory problems, with the objective of verifying the need for PCR tests if the established criteria are met. For severe cases they coordinate the transfer to the hospital and for mild ones, they follow up on their health status at home and distribute masks and hygienic disinfection kits. According to Maximiliano, “the use of masks has been complicated for them, because they had never worn any before. We had to hold workshops and give guidelines through community radio to advise, for example, to avoid crowds. Now, almost 75% wear masks and follow the prevention measures, which has been a success and has compensated for all the effort. So far, we have had 18 positive cases and 16 are already recovered,” he says proudly." 268471,49722.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/only-20-of-population-to-get-covid-19-vaccines-across-three-syrian-control-territories/,"[February 17, Syria] To carry out cross-line operations, including vaccine and medical aid distribution, UN agencies have to seek the Syrian regime’s permission for every delivery, project, or convoy to move from areas held by the regime to those held by other armed groups, Human Rights Watchsaidin a February report." 194675,43603.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"WASH and Health partners have intensified AWD/Cholera prevention and response activities, increased training for private water operators to ensure safe water handling and strengthened coordination with state-level Health and Water Resource Ministries" 389657,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"con corte a 2 de julio de 2021. Para esa fecha los seis departamentos amazónicos se acercaban a los 50.000 casos confirmados de COVID-19 y superaban las 1.700 muertes por complicaciones de esta enfermedad. 54 municipios y áreas no municipalizadas, 92% de sus entidades territoriales, habían registrado casos oficialmente." 215123,45325.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,44,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/431015-covid-19-weekly-review-nigeria-records-highest-weekly-infections-in-four-months.html,"[13thDec2020,Nigeria]As of the time of reporting, Nigeria has recorded 72,757 confirmed COVID-19 cases. Of this figure, 65,850 have been discharged and 1,194 deaths have been recorded in the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory." 483073,67377.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Dead', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,30,[],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/plus-de-1200-civils-ont-ete-tues-en-2021-dans-deux-provinces-de-l-est-de-la-rdc-20210910,"Plus de 1200 civils ont été tués cette année dans les provinces du Nord-Kivu et de l'Ituri, s'est alarmé vendredi 10 septembre le Haut-commissariat des Nations unies aux réfugiés" 197466,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,53,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Customary courts—covering issues like marriage, divorce, childcare and property rights—hear up to 90 per cent of cases in South Sudan. However, the chiefs who preside over these courts are generally older men, with deeply ingrained patriarchal views that are reflected in their decisions in favour of men." 342455,56601.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.defensoria.gov.co/es/nube/comunicados/10146/Alerta-humanitaria-por-colapso-en-seguridad-alimentaria-en-el-pa%C3%ADs-defensor%C3%ADa-Carlos-Negret.htm,"En total 5.500 toneladas de frutas y hortalizas están en riesgo de perderse, afectando a 171 cooperativas de pequeños y medianos productores. 2.210 toneladas de panela represada han generado pérdidas por $8.275 millones. 350 mil hectáreas de arroz se encuentran en riesgo de perderse por falta de combustible, fertilizantes y herbicidas. Esto equivale a 1.2 millones de toneladas de arroz blanco, la mitad ubicada en los llanos orientales, grano considerado la base de la alimentación de la dieta de los colombianos." 123674,32567.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,81,[],['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"Since 10 June, a further 3,800 people have fled their homes following an intensification of conflict around Tarhuna and Sirt. This brings the total number of internally displaced people to 27,750 people, according to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Update from 18 June 2020. Those areas with the largest displacements include Benghazi (6,550 people) and Ejdabia (6,050 people) in the East, and Bani Waleed (4,750 people) in the West." 280524,51090.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,101,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] In weeks 07-08 of 2021, a total of six (06) suspected SARI death have been reported. In total 21 deaths have been reported in 2021. All deaths have been investigated by RIRTs for COVID-19 response. Seven (07) deaths have been reclassified as COVID-19 probable death causes. In total 49 suspected SARI deaths were reported in 2020, of these all were verified and 45 underwent investigation, one (01) death was confirmed for COVID-19 and two (02) considered probable" 16594,6344.0,322.0,[],[],[],en,52,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/09.28.18%20-%20USG%20Yemen%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2312.pdf,"On October 24, 2017, U.S. Ambassador Matthew H. Tueller re-issued a disaster declaration for the ongoing complex emergency in Yemen for FY 2018 due to continued humanitarian needs resulting from the complex emergency and the impact of the country’s political and economic crises on vulnerable populations." 291576,51191.0,2336.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,55,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Years of crisis have displaced almost 5 million people since 2012 – and these people – families, communities, mothers, fathers, children – are forced to eke out a marginal existence in informal settlements without adequate infrastructure, including proper sanitation and safe water supply, on the fringes of cities." 9972,3795.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Libya%20Flash%20Update%2021%20June%202018.pdf,"As of 21 June, more than 5,800 individuals are detained in official detention centres in Libya, out of which 2,589 are persons of concern to UNHCR. At the detention centres, UNHCR and its partners provide medical assistance, advocate for release from detention and conduct screening and registration procedures. So far in 2018, UNHCR conducted 660 visits to official detention centres in the country. As of 21 June, 1,396 refugees and asylumseekers have been released from detention following UNHCR’s advocacy" 456885,64224.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,8,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,un 12% ha sido violentada físicamente. 155200,34182.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,65,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"En Tunja se visitó el hogar de paso Espíritu Santo, que fue desalojado durante los días de la evaluación, por directriz del alcalde de la ciudad con el argumento de que la edificación se encontraba en riesgo para ser habitada. Este albergue se encuentra ubicado a pocas cuadras de la estación de policía entra la carrera séptima y la calle 16." 81816,22508.0,1387.0,[],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,65,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Mexico,2019-08-18 18:54:16.373564+00,https://es.panampost.com/sabrina-martin/2019/10/03/venezolanos-sin-derecho-a-viajar-victimas-de-xenofobia-robos-y-vejaciones/,"Durante la espera para una segunda entrevista un funcionario mexicano le pidió dejar sus pertenencias en una bolsa negra, desvestirse y poner su ropa en el mismo lugar. Contó que fue llevado por un pasillo blanco y se le indicó que entrara en una habitación, en el lugar se encontraban alrededor de 70 personas, también venezolanos presuntamente en condiciones paupérrimas." 244382,47534.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,51,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congoactu.net/covid-19-vers-un-reconfinement-de-la-rdc,"Au cours d’une réunion ce mercredi présidée par le premier ministre, Sylvestre Ilunga ILUNKAMBA, ce comité a proposé une série de mesures pour renforcer la prévention, lesquelles seront soumises à l’approbation du Chef de l’Etat avant leur prise d’effet." 143012,35989.0,2074.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,81,[],['Context'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"El 11 de marzo de 2020, la delegación de la Oficina de la OEA para la crisis de los migrantes y refugiados venezolanos se reunió con el Director General de Migración, Marcel Rivas, y otros funcionarios de la Dirección General de Migración (DIGEMIG), quienes explicaron los esfuerzos que está realizando el gobierno de transición para transformar la política migratoria de Bolivia hacia los venezolanos, de manera que haya mayor flexibilidad y sentido humanitario." 212315,45059.0,2225.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Les conditions de détention, le manque de ressources pour subvenir aux besoins alimentaires et à la santé des détenus continuent d’être les raisons principales invoquées desdits décès." 155367,36610.0,1231.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],es,64,[],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRUZ-ROJA-DOMINICANA-COVID-19-FINAL.pdf," 10.000 familias afectadas por las consecuencias del aislamiento (cese de empleos, cese de actividades económicas informales, entre otros.) reciben ayuda alimentaria, no alimentaria, o de efectivo.  1000 Pequeños negocios e 10 provincias son apoyados en su reactivación.  Apoyar el retorno a la actividad agrícola de cultivos de ciclo corto de pequeños productores" 202612,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"While at the end of 2018, 530,000 people were estimated to have been displaced due to the crisis, needs assessments carried out in 2019 indicate displacement of more than 720,000 people – an increase of 30% [compared 1.3 million people in 2019]" 46790,16191.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,64,['At Risk'],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/avoiding-next-tragedy-libya,"Late on the night of July 2, the Tajoura detention center in Libya was hit by an airstrike, killing at least 60 refugees and migrants held there and injuring many others. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) had warned about the dangers for months, calling for the urgent evacuation of vulnerable people trapped in a war zone." 322965,54542.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,23,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-records-88-deaths-3629-new-cases/67989,"[23rd April 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh has so far tested 5,303,008 samples, including 25,896 in the last 24 hours." 275671,50677.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,38,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"Dans l’arrondissement de Kolofata, les fermetures de postes avancés du Bataillon d’intervention rapide (BIR) à Kordo et à Guederou provoquent la fuite de 1,210 familles vers Kolofata et Gance mi-août." 206701,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,97,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] Participants also stated that they would notify a community authority or government agency when facing water stress. Though this was reported as often being a first step that was followed by other coping strategies. Some participants spoke of community representatives organizing a collective response such as one of the other strategies listed, such as pooling money to buy water or contacting an NGO for assistance, demonstrating the existence and capacity of local institutions to address these challenges or at least coordinate a response" 185947,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,17,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,La frontière entre la RDC et le Congo-Brazzaville est toujours fermée depuis le 31 mars 2020. 173883,41033.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,25,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020,Nigeria]As many as 4.3 million people may become food insecure, up from pre-COVID-19 figures of 3.7 million" 131837,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Fortalecimiento y coordinación de una estrategia de promoción entre actores humanitarios y de desarrollo para expandir el acceso a los servicios públicos de salud para refugiados y migrantes. Esto incluye el reconocimiento del PTP como un documento que permite aplicar para acceder a uno de los sistemas de seguro del Ministerio de Salud. 134135,34837.0,1186.0,"['Shelter', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El 37% de los entrevistados reportó haber tenido algún obstáculo para acceder a una vivienda, principalmente por falta de documentación o falta de recursos." 194055,42945.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,82,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/ong-denuncia-agresiones-a-migrantes-que-cruzan-las-trochas/2230,"El equipo de activistas y defensores de derechos humanos de FundaRedes se desplegó en las carreteras de los estados fronterizos de Venezuela para documentar la situación de los migrantes forzados. La organización asegura tener testimonios de personas que narraron todo lo que enfrentan a lo largo de su travesía para huir del país y cuentan cómo funcionarios de los organismos de seguridad en puntos de control los despojan de sus pertenencias, objetos de valor o dinero para dejarlos avanzar." 225412,45087.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"According to Save the Children3, 53 percent of children in Afghanistan have already observed the economic impacts of COVID-19, including the loss of employment of a parent, increased prices of basic goods in markets, or increased debt." 222846,45953.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria]45% of the camps in the displaced LGAs currently have access to vocational trainings. 55% do not have access to any form of vocational training within the site or nearby. IDPs in all the camps have access to market on site or nearby." 241432,47744.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Logistics']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,158,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/01/25/government-launches-registration-for-covid-19-vaccine,"[25th January 2021, Bangladesh] People will be allowed to complete one online registration against one cellphone number for Covid-19 vaccines. Experts however said this process will make the online registration process more difficult for people who are poor or live in remote areas with limited access to ICT technology. The government needs to simplify the process to make it more accessible, they have advised. State Minister of Information and Communication Technology Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak, while replying to a question during a press briefing at the Prime Minister’s Office, said: “Families who have only one cellphone can take assistance from the over 6,000 digital centres throughout the country.”“We will not allow more than one registration against one cellphone number,” he added. “We will not allow more than one registration against one cellphone number,” he added." 356111,58255.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,35,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://dams.fedesarrollo.org.co/tendenciaeconomica/wp-content/themes/fede-theme/216%20%7C%20Mayo%202021.pdf,"Ambas variables tienen un impacto significativo sobre el nivel de ingresos de las personas, por lo que su resultado está en línea con el amplio incremento en los niveles de pobreza del país." 234693,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,22,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,The pandemic shock hit as the authorities were seeking to strengthen fiscal and external buffers and manage risks to the economy. 291382,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Afghanistan now has a test-positivity-rate – positive tests as a percentage of total tests – of 21 per cent, suggesting overall under-testing of potential cases" 342378,56634.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,29,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Con la mejora en indicadores de movilidad* de los últimos días, el gasto en canales online se desacelera siendo sustituido por el realizado en canales físicos." 272653,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],fr,82,"['Priority Needs', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"l’enquête d’évaluation des besoins (MSNA 2020) réalisée par REACH a révélé que 21% des bénéficiaires ayant reçu de l’aide au cours des 30 jours précédant la collecte n’étaient pas satisfaits de l’aide reçue, en particulier dans les régions de Tahoua (30%) et Tillabéri (31%), ainsi que par la large majorité (72%) des populations en déplacement à Agadez." 281832,51173.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,91,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"With the funding challenges, UNICEF in consultation with government and partners, proposed a revised simplified SAM treatment dosage protocol in line with global findings. The current average dosage is 136 sachets per child which will be minimised to 90 sachets per child per treatment cycle. UNICEF began implementing the revised dosage through a phased approach starting in 5 provinces. With the revised protocol, the SAM treatment cost per child is reduced by 40% (from 55$ to 35$ per child.)" 316637,54353.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,99,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dw.com/en/bangladesh-rohingya-refugees-fire/a-57120531,"[7th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Nearly one million of the persecuted Muslim minority — many of whom escaped a 2017 military crackdown in Myanmar that UN investigators concluded was executed with ""genocidal intent"" — live in squalid conditions at the network of camps in Cox's Bazar. Louise Donovan, the spokesperson for the UN refugee agency UNHCR in Cox's Bazar, told DW that apart from the bigger incidents, multiple smaller fires have also been reported across camps in Kutupalong and Nayapara in the past week." 359908,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Children with Disability: During FGDs with students they mentioned that children with disabilities represent the most marginalized groups. Discrimination of children with disability was found during the research." 347738,56800.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,79,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Indeed, adolescent girls are often restricted in their movements, especially after they reach puberty which makes it more difficult for them to access tailored and specific services. Some adolescents’ girls used to attend learning and recreational facilities before COVID-19 restrictions came into play and were able to use clean WASH facilities on-site when menstruating, however due to the pandemic, girls lost that access." 163563,30906.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,50,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/5._elc_flash_update_covid_19_quincenal_04.06.2020vf.pdf,"Temor por parte de las comunidades de zonas rurales a denunciar posibles sintomatologías relacionadas con el COVID-19 por las amenazas presentes de los grupos armados. Persisten los procesos de erradicación forzosa de cultivos de coca, en los cuales no se están tomando las medidas de protección necesarias." 39173,13749.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,55,['At Risk'],['Humanitarian Access'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"11% of respondents indicated the presence of unexploded ordnance (UXO) in their location (7% of Libyans KIs and 14% of non-Libyans indicated the presence of UXO on their locations). The most common KI location pertaining to these reports was then neighbourhood of Adhora, Tripoli baladiya." 204265,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"61% des ménages ont rapporté avoir emprunté de la nourriture ou eu recours à l’aide de parents, voisins ou amis." 412785,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Of the mothers who did not receive any PNC services 75% of them were from rural area. Nationally, 55.3% of new mothers receive postnatal check-ups from a medically trained provider within two days of delivery (Unicef, 2019). However, the study findings suggest that one-third of new mother did not receive postnatal care during the pandemic." 1279,186.0,322.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,80,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://www.msf.org/en/article/yemen-crisis-update-january-2018,"January 2018 MSF’s current activities in Yemen MSF is in Yemen to support the Yemeni populations affected by the conflict on all sides of the frontlines. We work in 13 hospitals and health centres and provide support to more than 20 hospitals or health centres across 11 Yemeni governorates: Taiz, Aden, Ad Dhale, Sa’ada, Amran, Hajjah, Ibb, Sana’a, Abyan, Shabwa and Lahj." 347883,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,85,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Poor road conditions and insufficient lighting reportedly limit refugees’ access to facilities. When latrines were not accessible by road, participants reported having to cut across their neighbors’ premises to get to the latrines . These issues make even more difficult to children and persons with reduced mobility to access latrines. 40% of the children under five reported practicing open defecation, among others defecating habits such as using potties." 267897,49804.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,139,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Compared to July 2020 (six months ago), the price of surgeon masks decreased by six percent. On the other hand, the price of plastic gloves, alcohol spray, bleach, hand gel and soap bars have all increased by 29, 27, six, seven and one percent, respectively. Additionally, compared to February 2020 (prior to the COVID-19 outbreak in Syria), the price of all items in January 2021 have increased. The price of surgeon masks, plastic gloves and alcohol spray have increased by 339, 426 and 322 percent, respectively. Also, the price of bleach, hand gel and soap bars have increased by 183, 301 and 162 percent, respectively." 164756,39723.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,30,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/416267-impact-of-covid-19-greater-on-women-minister.html,"The coronavirus pandemic has had a more negative impact on women in Nigeria, the Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Pauline Tallen, said on Monday." 66425,19482.0,1187.0,['Protection'],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,62,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://www.perfil.com/noticias/internacional/en-argentina-se-refugiaron-150000-venezolanos-segun-la-oea.phtml,"Los datos de la OEA no coinciden con los de la Organización Internacional de Migraciones (OIM), según los cuales laArgentina otorgó 165.688 radicacionesa venezolanos entre 2015 y agosto de 2019, y se estima que para el final de 2019 este número llegará a 238 mil personas. Se octuplicó el pedido de asilo de venezolanos en el país" 276364,50671.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,26,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"L’accès aux soins est également problématique en raison de l’absence de centres de santé, manquent de médicaments et/ou de personnel." 160500,38373.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En algunos casos, las familias intercambian productos o servicios (como la limpieza de casas o el lavado de ropa) por comida, pero en general en todas las zonas se ha visto una reducción en el número de comidas por día." 388602,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,76,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le 10 juin 2021, le village de Ganoua dans la commune de Tongomayel a reçu la visite des GANE. Ces derniers ont menacé de déguerpir le village. Un suivi a permis de savoir que le village a envoyé des émissaires pour rencontrer les responsables de ce groupe armé qui auraient fixé des conditions s’ils veulent rester. Ces conditions sont entre autres ; couper les pantalons et laissé pousser les barbes" 133936,35165.0,1188.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,81,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,,"e acuerdo con los grupos focales, las personas venezolanas detectan que el periodo más álgido de xenofobia se dio desde el 2015 hasta la imposición de la visa estampada. Por su parte, las personas panameñas expresan que perciben un perfil distinto del migrante venezolano durante las diferentes olas migratorias hacia Panamá. Antes lo percibían con una actitud más soberbia y ahora lo ven en situación de necesidad, lo que les genera mayor compasión y empatía." 315246,53670.0,2225.0,['Nutrition'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,[afrique - rapport 2020] L’interruption des programmes d’alimentation scolaire consécutive à la fermeture des écoles nuit également à la nutrition et à la santé des enfants. 298683,52740.0,2098.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],en,49,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/rohingya-refugee-camps-cox-s-bazar-rise-ashes,"[31st March 2021, Cox's Bazar]Refugees: Since fleeing Myanmar, some refugees have stated their desire to return, but only when it is safe, they have guaranteed access to basic rights and services, and a pathway to citizenship in Myanmar." 265736,49620.0,2099.0,"['Agriculture', 'Cross', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Environment'],fr,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Bien qu’une tendance à l’amélioration semble se distinguer dans plusieurs secteurs depuis la fin de la saison des pluies et le début des récoltes, la volatilité du contexte sécuritaire et environnemental continue de fragiliser l’accès des populations aux moyens de subsistance et aux services de bases. (Nov.2020)" 340763,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,23,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Actores que participan: Líderes indígenas, autoridades comunales, sabios, padres, madres y cuidadores, dinamizadores educativos y estudiantes." 221033,44617.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,"Confinements aggravate humanitarian needs by cutting communities off from humanitarian assistance and constraining access to food, water, livelihoods, healthcare, and education (OCHA 26/10/2020)." 291082,52224.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,44,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000125170/download/,"[23 March 2021, Overall Syria] Recommendations: Urgent resource mobilization to maintain livelihood, food and nutrition assistance, without further ration cuts, to 12.4 million food-insecure people – of whom 6.6 million are not covered by food assistance." 169214,39944.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,26,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,"The required resources include personal protective equipment, funding for new health infrastructure, oxygen supplies, ventilators and running cost for the health facilities." 175252,40903.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,242,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3676795,"“Hay niñas que han sido encerradas en casas de pueblos más pequeños con una proxeneta cobrando y los explotadores entrando. Yo creo que por eso tienen tanto daño, no solamente emocional, sino todas las afectaciones mentales, porque un cuerpo tan chiquito no puede aguantar tanto. Por eso para mí son doblemente valientes, porque soportan todo ese doble impacto de la migración, de dejar su casa, su familia, su escuela, su colegio , pero también todo el impacto de la violencia sexual y de sentirse tan vulnerables y aquí, en un lugar que ni siquiera es su territorio y su país”, señala Mayerlín. La educadora narra que también hay niñas que cruzan con sus familias, y que, aunque estas no sean necesariamente las explotadoras, a veces ya venían de situaciones de maltrato o de indigencia.“Hay niñas y niños que han venido solitos. Es decir, se vienen grupitos, se viene la amiga, la prima, la prima un poquito más grandecita, una de diecinueve con otra de diecisiete con otra de quince y con otro de cinco. Incluso nos hemos encontrado niñas que vienen con la vecina porque la mamá las mandó porque era mejor que estuvieran acá, y que no estuvieran pasando hambre allá. Entonces hay como una diversidad de situaciones”, explica." 322711,54747.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,83,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per SNFI LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 41% for severe and lowest was 0% for no or minimal and extreme+. Similarly highest percentage of households per SNFI LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 65% for severe and lowest was 0% for no or minimal and extreme+." 220010,45769.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"En outre, l’occupation du site est faite de manière anarchique ce qui fait qu’au premier regard on peut facilement constater la situation de promiscuité des ménages." 328767,54713.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Health LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 71% for no or minimal and lowest was 1% for extreme+. Similarly highest percentage of households per Health LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 68% for no or minimal and lowest was 2% for extreme+." 221043,45806.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.laopinion.com.co/frontera/una-educacion-inclusiva-para-los-ninos-migrantes-venezolanos-206819,"La viceministra enfatizó que una vez matriculados, estos niños gozan del acceso a las estrategias de permanencia en iguales condiciones que un niño colombiano. Resaltó que entre las principales estrategias están el transporte escolar, los materiales educativos, la nivelación académica y el Programa de Alimentación Escolar (PAE); estrategias que se facilitan en la medida que la Institución Educativa y el grado en el que se encuentren matriculados, estén focalizados con las mencionadas estrategias." 290351,52076.0,2334.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Economy']",en,61,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,"This division of roles and responsibilities has evolved, particularly in areas affected by conflict. For example, men find it more difficult to find a job, because of insecurity, and because, as a result of displacement, they are no longer part of the informal networks that would allow them to access income generating activities." 173006,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],fr,101,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Priority Interventions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Nouveaux besoins en lien avec impact indirect de l'épidémie : Renforcement du monitoring de protection de l’enfance et prise en charge et/ou recherches de solutions durables pour les enfants séparés/orphelins du COVID-19 (séparation ou perte des parents/ tuteurs), des enfants vulnérables (vivant hors cadre familial et notamment les mineurs en détention), les enfants en situation de rue mais aussi les enfants sorties des groupes armés (EAFGA) et non accompagnés (ENA) ) et des autres cas de protection (incluant les enfants victimes de violences, y compris VBG)" 248540,46458.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,"A key secondary impact of the COVID-19 outbreak is food insecurity. In Surkh Dewall, 31.3 per cent of respondents report insufficient food stocks during the past 7 days; those with lower income and female-headed households suffer more severe food insecurity (Fig 3)." 319609,54430.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,36,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,"Las mujeres denuncian intento de violencia sexual y / o hostigamiento por parte de miembros de los grupos armados, lo que afecta su salud mental por el temor constante de ser víctimas de abuso." 155658,38514.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,72,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_19_10-16_july_2020.pdf,"In addition, enhanced community-based surveillance is operational and Community Health Workers (CHWs) continue to identify and refer suspected COVID-19 cases to health facilities. A significant decrease in the number of samples collected from the host community has been observed since the introduction of fees for testing in government health facilities (379 during the reporting period, compared to 1,030 in the last week of June)." 300683,51152.0,2335.0,['Protection'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,5 spaces (Women and Girls’ Friendly Spaces and Child Friendly Spaces) were submerged by flood waters and destroyed in Pibor. The spaces could not be rehabilitated due to funding constraints. 163875,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],[],[],es,36,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Vaupés: Se requieren insumos para el aislamiento de comunidades indígenas, insumos para dotación de equipos de respuesta rápida y equipos para fortalecer sistema de información y apoyo al diagnóstico de casos." 245127,47833.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"La falta de un documento válido de identificación se percibe como la principal barrera para acceder a los servicios de salud, incluso frente a ellos que, como la atención de urgencias, deben garantizarse con independencia del estatus migratorio. Sin embargo, también se percibe que la regularización migratoria no garantiza el acceso al sistema de salud, pues no hay información clara, canales abiertos ni publicitados para la afiliación de quienes han obtenido un documento válido." 247923,48228.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,70,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations : Court terme = Renforcer les capacités d’accueil du poste fixe de Diamérom et appuyer les activités en clinique mobile avec tout le paquet minimum y compris l’activité 1000jrs / Organiser les dépistages actifs de la malnutrition et procéder à la prise en charge / Former les relais communautaires dans la prise en charge communautaire et la sensibilisation / Accessibilité à l’eau potable 12414,5533.0,321.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Flash%20Update%202018-09-01.pdf,"While the majority of displaced households are staying in private accommodation with family, some were temporarily sheltered in two schools in Tripoli." 290695,51796.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],es,61,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,"s. En el ámbito económico, McKinsey estima que si las políticas públicas de reactivación no tienen una perspectiva de género, el PIB mundial podría. perder hasta un billón de dólares, mientras que, en el otro extremo, medidas de reactivación sensibles al género podrían añadir 13 billones de dólares al PIB mundial en el próximo decenio3" 217582,45271.0,2336.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,25,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"As the capital and centre with more employment opportunities and fewer sources of conflict, Kabul is a major hub for the displaced populations." 194886,43776.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,43,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-civil-wars-coronavirus-pandemic-syria-fa6f5a2f0c2f80922239ff96b98600e4,"[ November 19, Idlib] The area, battered by repeated military offensives from the government of President Bashar Assad, is home to nearly 4 million people, most of them displaced and living in tent camps or unfinished buildings." 193824,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,62,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le pouvoir de certains comités de vigilance ainsi que la proximité de certains camps militaires peuvent mettre à mal le caractère civil des camps et sites de réfugiés et déplacés et engendrer des risques de sécurité. Cela exposerait les populations civiles à d´éventuelles exactions de la part des militaires, mais aussi aux risques liés aux restes d´explosifs de guerre." 384880,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,L’OMS a apporté un appui à la région du sahel en kits traumatologiques pour prendre en charge 100 interventions chirurgicales en cas d’éventuels blessés. 112321,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,154,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En desarrollo de lo anterior, el Ministerio ha adelantado una serie de acciones para incluir a la población refugiada y migrante venezolana en el sistema educativo en los niveles de preescolar, básica y media. Con la oleada más grande del flujo migratorio en el 2018, el Ministerio identifica que una de las barreras de acceso al sistema educativo era la falta de documentos de identificación válidos en el país. De allí que, de la mano de Migración Colombia, se materializó la Circular Conjunta 16 del 10 de abril de 2018 que brinda las orientaciones a los gobernadores, alcaldes, rectores y directivos docentes para la atención a la población refugiada y migrante de Venezuela en los establecimientos educativos. Esta circular facilita el acceso de los niños, niñas y adolescentes al sistema educativo sin importar si tienen un número de identificación válido en Colombia." 315468,54311.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],es,162,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/31032021_flash_update_desplazamiento_masivo_argelia_b2b_vf.pdf,"El 30 de marzo, en misión de verificación conjunta entre los miembros del ELC Cauca y Ministerio público, se evidencio graves riesgos de reclutamiento en la vereda la Hacienda y zonas aledañas, especialmente para los niños, niñas y adolescentes entre los 13 y los 17 años; también se han conocido sobre un caso de reclutamiento y tres amenazas de reclutamiento a menores colombianos. Además, hay registros de otros hechos como: amenazas y desplazamiento de todo el corregimiento del Plateado, pérdida de bienes muebles o inmuebles, restricciones a la movilidad, contaminación por MAP-MUSE, amenazas contra líderes y presidentes de Juntas de Acción Comunal (JAC), violencia sexual de menores de edad relacionados con estrategias de reclutamiento y vinculación a los grupos armados, ocupación de escuelas (San Juan, El Pinche y la Hacienda), extorsiones, señalamientos, control social y restricción de acceso humanitario." 276140,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,113,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Ces incidents [1622 incidents sur 2020 lieux de déplacements au Lac entre Janvier et Décembre 2018] incluent les violations du droit à la propriété (pillages de bétails, carburants, bateaux et vol d’autres biens personnes), violation des libertés individuelles (enlèvements, arrestations arbitraires, travaux forcés) et violation du droit à la vie et l’intégrité physique (homicides et agressions physiques). La plupart de ces incidents ont eu lieux dans la cuvette nord du bassin du Lac Tchad dans la zone frontalière avec le Nigeria notamment dans les sous-préfectures de Ngouboua, Kaïga Kindjiria, Konguia et Tchoukoutalia." 125309,32569.0,1621.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,50,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Nearly two thirds of migrants with acceptable food consumption levels (64%) reported using coping strategies to mitigate a lack of food or the means to buy food, meaning that if the security and economic situation continue to deteriorate, they could fall into food insecurity." 328588,54710.0,2331.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,32,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 100% of IDP settlement and 54% of non-IDP settlement households found with a nutrition Living Standard Gaps (LSG). 201382,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,51,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Areas that were hard-to-reach before the crisis have become even more isolated, increasing their vulnerability. The weekly “ghost town” days, set up by non-state armed groups, particularly affect displaced persons and host communities, limiting their movements and therefore their economic and agricultural activities." 275373,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"quelque 45,710 retournés tchadiens ayant fui les violences en RCA depuis 2013 vivent dans les sites dans le Sud du Tchad. Il est estimé qu’environ 16 718 parmi ces personnes sont à risque d’apatridie." 291402,51191.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,34,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"The revised Afghanistan Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for 2018- 2021 identifies 18.4 million people in humanitarian need in 2021, as a result of COVID-19, ongoing conflict and natural disasters." 473949,67199.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,30,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,http://ninezya.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Pandemia-tiene-en-crisis-derechos-de-la-nin%CC%83ez-Informe-Nin%CC%83ezYA.pdf,"Desarrollar estrategias para nivelación del aprendizaje, prevención de la deserción, bienestar emocional y generación de confianza para la alternancia, que incluya a toda la comunidad educativa." 344230,56790.0,2028.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] [Retrieved from table] MEDIAN SMEB HYGIENE ITEMS’ PRICE - 21,120 Syrian Pounds; One month change: -15% and Six month change: 61%." 61681,18349.0,1184.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20sitrep%20-%20Aug%202019.pdf,"National Platform partners have been distributing blankets, baby kits and hygiene kits to the most vulnerable people." 22396,9157.0,786.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,81,['Capacities & Response'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.plenglish.com/index.php?o=rn&id=38754&SEO=cuba-china-paho-to-send-933-tons-of-medicines-to-venezuela,"He also added that the cargo received this Thursday contains 'more than 18 million units of medicines' among 'anesthetics, vaccines, and antibiotics, nutrients for pregnant women, antipyretics, analgesics, gastric protectors and physiological solutions. Besides, 22,575 units of spare parts for medical equipment, 192,000 kits for diagnostic tests and 'more than 100,000 for cytology' were also received. The Minister also assured that the investment is approximately 25 million euros." 115976,30124.0,1386.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,155,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Hasta el 28 de marzo, se reportaron 2.582 casos confirmados de dengue con una tasa de incidencia de 7,97 por 100.000 personas. De los casos confirmados, 120 fueron por laboratorio, 11 de estos casos se clasificaron como dengue grave y se reportaron 6 muertes durante este periodo de tiempo. Comparado con en el mismo periodo de 2019 se observa una disminución de 13 por ciento en el número de casos (2.969), 48 por ciento en los casos de dengue grave (21) y del 25 por ciento en las defunciones (8). En este contexto, es necesario implementar medidas de preparación y respuesta intersectoriales; así como mantener las acciones sobre manejo de casos, diagnóstico de laboratorio, comunicación de riesgos y manejo integrado de vectores, al igual que reforzar las estrategias comunitarias orientadas a medidas de prevención y control." 276984,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"Une des raisons de cette situation pourrait être que les petites entreprises en RDC sont susceptibles de faire du commerce dans des secteurs où la Covid-19 a eu des impacts divergents, à savoir le commerce de détail, l’agriculture et l’hôtellerie" 280515,51090.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,196,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar]As of 28 February 2021, a total of 406 COVID-19 cases have been reported among Rohingya/FDMN. With a total of 56 cases, Camp 24 has the highest number of cases to date further ahead from Camp 2W with 40 and Camps 3 and 15 with 30 and 27 cases, respectively. To date, 25 cases were reported from Camp 6, twenty from Camp 2E and 18 from Camp 4. Camps 1W and 5 had 14 and 13 cases, respectively and camp 7 and 20 Extension have had twelve cases each. Camps 1E, Camp 10 and 22 registered 11 cases each. As for Camps 9, 16, 18 and 26 nine cases were reported to date; and eight cases from Camp 8W. Camps 12 registered 7 cases while Camps 11, 19, and Nayapara RC have recorded 5 cases. The remainder Camps (Kutupalong RC, 4 Extension, 8E, 14, 20, 21, 23, 25 and 27) have so far had less than 5 cases." 271516,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Pour ce qui concerne la malnutrition aiguë sévère (MAS), les quatre (4) provinces notamment la Comoé, le Kadiogo, le Boulgou et le Koulpélgo ne presentent aucun cas de MAS tandis que le Séno et le Houet viennent en tête avec respectivement 4,8% et 1,7%." 257048,48672.0,2333.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"85 positive cases of covid-19 have been identified at Ayorou, which is hub of the pandemic in the Tillabery region. Most of the case came from a gold mine near Menaka in Mali. Among these active cases, 19 are health workers from the Tillabery health facilities." 186648,43272.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,12,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"181,231 Estimated Individuals Seeking Refuge at UNMISS Bases UN – June 2020" 328612,54713.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,76,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[NUTRITION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Among households of IDP settlements with children, 10% household reported their child(ren) having been enrolled in a nutritional centre/therapeutic feeding centre in the 6 months prior to data collection while 12% household of non-IDP settlements with children reported their child(ren) having been enrolled in a nutritional centre/therapeutic feeding centre in the 6 months prior to data collection." 265562,49620.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],fr,94,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"(Sahel) Les déplacements, toujours plus nombreux en 2020 et d’ampleur variée, ont été à l’origine de l’exacerbation des besoins humanitaires des populations hôtes et déplacées dans l’ensemble des secteurs humanitaires. D'autres facteurs ont contribué à la dégradation des conditions de vie des ménages : une combinaison de problèmes d’ordre sécuritaire, des aléas climatiques ainsi que de la pandémie du COVID-19 ont impacté les revenus des méanges et le fonctionnement de l’économie locale. (Nov.2020)" 206553,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,108,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo]” Nationally, the JMCNA found that only two-thirds of households reported having enough water for drinking (68%) and domestic use (67%), though there is considerable differences between non-displaced (74%, 73%) and displaced households (49%, 45%) and between regions (24%-96%, 18%-96%). Moreover, over half of households (59%) reportedly have a water source within 15 minutes of their home, while 83% are within 30 minutes." 343895,56754.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],es,108,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/25-de-mayo-d-nacional-por-la-dignidad-de-las-mujeres-v-ctimas-de-violencia-sexual-en,"En Colombia, las cifras sobre violencia sexual en este contexto tienen un importante subregistro que no refleja con exactitud su impacto sobre la vida, el cuerpo y la salud de las mujeres, adolescentes y niñas. Al 30 de abril de 2021, la Unidad para la Atención y Reparación Integral de las Víctimas registra 31.086 mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual en el conflicto. De ellas, se registra que el 78% son mujeres entre los 29 y 60 años; de manera particular se identificaron 187 víctimas entre los 6 y 11 años, y 491 entre los 12 y 17 años" 180944,42079.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,54,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=207404,"[25th October 2020, Overall Syria] The precautionary measures adopted in Syrian schools to limit the spread of coronavirus pandemic were discussed by Education Minister Dr. Darem Tabaa, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Ahmed Al-Manzari, WHO Representative to Syria, Dr Akjemal Magtymova and the accompanying delegation." 143018,35989.0,2074.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,29,[],['Context'],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,Resolución 274: otorgará vigencia durante dos (2) años a pasaportes y cédulas venezolanas que hayan vencido de marzo de 2018 en adelante. Por aprobarse. 484208,67399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,98,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://mcusercontent.com/c520ee8fbad80f8ae80410aa9/files/450238d1-e1c7-198a-bad9-f5d26e9663c1/CXB_Weekly_report_21.36_5_11_Sep_21_Final.pdf,"[05 – 11 September 2021, Cox's Bazar]In the Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar, 22 more Rohingya were detained by the Armed Police Battalion (APBn) for illegal movement. On 5 September, 12 Rohingya (including seven women and girls) were detained from Camp 4 who have recently settled down there illegally. On 7 September, ten Rohingya males (including four children) were detained by the APBn from a camp in Kutupalong while they were attempting to move out of the camp illegally." 221310,45880.0,2225.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,65,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"La plupart des femmes travaillent dans le secteur informel, fortement touché par les fermetures de fron�ères et les restric�ons de circula�on de la popula�on. • Le prix élevé des denrées alimentaires, la baisse des revenus et le taux de change élevé limitent la capacité des femmes à sa�sfaire les besoins essen�els du ménage, y compris la nourriture pour les enfants." 279846,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,30,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Violations and abuses such as sexual and gender-based violence, child recruitment, attacks on civilian areas and forced evictions remain pervasive features of the protection crisis in Somalia." 340751,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,18,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Materiales educativos utilizados: Guías docentes Aprendamos en Apuchi, desde la educación propia hasta la interculturalidad." 188168,31146.0,1900.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,72,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"A pesar de los bloqueos relacionados con la COVID en Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala, las personas desplazadas y los líderes comunitarios informan que los grupos criminales están utilizando el confinamiento para fortalecer su control sobre las comunidades, intensificando la extorsión, el tráfico de drogas y la violencia de género, y usando las desapariciones forzadas, los asesinatos y las amenazas de muerte contra quienes no cumplen" 182294,42516.0,1900.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,108,[],['Context'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Resumen%20Respuesta%20Humanitaria%20COVID19%20Oct%202020.pdf,El país declaró la emergencia por la COVID-19 el 16 de marzo de 2020. Desde ese momento el país se encuentra con medidas de confinamiento. El Sistema Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos (SINAGER) determina extender periódicamente la alerta roja para los 18 departamentos de Honduras como medida de prevención para evitar el contagio de la COVID-19. Se mantienen las regulaciones de circulación de acuerdo al último dígito de tarjeta de identidad para permitir la circulación y el abastecimiento de los ciudadanos ampliándose los horarios de circulación de 6:00 am a 8:00 pm a 5 am a 10 pm y las aperturas económicas. 114113,31147.0,1898.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,55,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"En El Salvador, se estima que el 25 por ciento de la población se abastece de agua por medio de sistemas rurales mientras el 11.1 por ciento de los hogares carecen de acceso a servicio de agua por cañería y se abastecen de agua por medio de pozos y otras fuentes no mejoradas3." 293524,51589.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,29,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/conflict_sensitivity_in_humanitarian_operations_-_oxfam_in_afghanistan.pdf,Humanitarian actors seem to be aware of some risks that come with various distribution modalities and adapt the modalities mostly based on the vulnerability assessment of a community. 205225,44635.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,97,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/syrian-civil-defence-on-difficult-mission-to-confront-covid-19-pandemic-in-northern-syria/,"[October 30, Al Bab] The SCD’s media office denied that there are difficulties in light of the available coronavirus precautions, protective clothes, and well-trained teams. The office added that there is no specific number of coronavirus burial teams, but in every “SCD” center, there is a team to handle coronavirus deaths. Besides, there are 32 centers dedicated directly to responding to the coronavirus cases, whether during the transfer of the COVID-19 patients or victims, their burial, or the like." 304056,50891.0,2466.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,36,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"During 2018, 7,323 Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC), (4853 boys, 2470 girls) have been identified and benefited from case management and Family Tracing and Reunification (FTR)." 414017,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,50,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Communication gap: The key informants observed the need for proper communication from the central level to the grassroots level which was missing to some extent during the pandemic. For that reason, essential health services were hampered to some extent." 278615,50856.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Economy'],en,107,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/fao_agriculture_input_commodity_bulletin_jan21.pdf,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] Because of the consistent depreciation of the informal exchange rate of the SYP Vs. USD, and the weakening of the Syrian economy, the prevailing high cost of agricultural inputs in the local market will continue to limit access for vulnerable smallholder farmers. The Government’s subsidized sources are unable to meet the farmer’s full requirements. The existing constraints, further worsened by the Covid-19 impact on supply chains, besides the economic sanctions’ impact on Syria, will continue to affect importation and exportation of most agricultural inputs and commodities respectively." 223451,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"By the end of June, most of the restrictions had been eased, either officially or de facto in terms of movements, except for domestic and international passenger flights, which resumed in August." 172405,40676.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,57,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"Le 24 mars, le Chef de l’Etat a décrété l’état d’urgence sanitaire, ainsi que l’isolement de Kinshasa avec la suspension des voyages vers les provinces. Des mesures de confinement ont également été mises en place dans certains quartiers ou villes du pays, dont Kinshasa." 15076,6310.0,321.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,99,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/25.10.18%20EN%20UNICEF%20Airlifts%204.7%20Million%20Doses%20of%20Measles%2C%20Rubella%20and%20Polio%20Vaccines%20for%20Children%20in%20Libya.pdf,"TRIPOLI, 25 October 2018 – The third UNICEF-chartered plane has arrived at Mitiga airport, Tripoli, completing the delivery of a total 4.7 million doses of Measles, Rubella and Polio vaccines, as well as 2.75 million doses of Vitamin ‘A’ supplement, syringes and safety boxes. These supplies will be essential in Libya’s National Vaccination Campaign run in coordination with the World Health Organization [WHO] taking place at the end of November, which aims to protect some 2.75 million children at risk of vaccine preventable diseases." 188085,43366.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Testing']",fr,111,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/afrique/rdc-covid-19-le-d%C3%A9pistage-d%C3%A9centralis%C3%A9-dans-la-capitale-et-5-provinces-/1879179,"Les autorités sanitaires de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) ont décentralisé les tests de diagnostic du coronavirus en ouvrant des centres à Kinshasa et dans cinq autres provinces les plus touchées par la pandémie qui a déjà fait plus de 100 victimes sur un total de 5000 cas, selon un communiqué officiel publié mardi. « Cette décentralisation consiste à améliorer le système de détection du coronavirus au niveau des hôpitaux et des provinces afin de réduire le retard lié à l’annonce des résultats à travers le pays », précise le communiqué du Comité multisectoriel de la riposte contre la Covid-19 en RDC." 158983,39161.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,35,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Nigeria_4.pdf,"Scaling up critical COVID-19 responses together with other previously planned humanitarian actions is essential to address the most urgent needs, protect the most vulnerable people from the pandemic, and prevent further deterioration." 131812,34344.0,1185.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,55,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"• La inserción, permanencia y conclusión de los estudios de niños refugiados y migrantes en Perú. Para lograrlo, los socios realizarán actividades en apoyo a las autoridades gubernamentales relevantes, incluyendo la determinación de las capacidades de los centros educacionales e instituciones, y el apoyo a través de servicios comunitarios." 104849,30139.0,1860.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Economy']",en,211,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Shock/Event', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"The COVID-19 pandemic is not just a health crisis, but also a humanitarian and development crisis that is threatening to leave deep social, economic and political scars for years to come, particularly in countries already weighed down by fragility, poverty and conflict. For many years, the Human Development Reports have shown that most countries have registered positive trends in human development, but caution is always advised because progress is not linear, and crises, natural or man-made, could reverse gains. The concepts of vulnerability, preparedness and resilience add much to the human development approach by looking not just at achievements but also at risks and uncertainty. Inequality is manifest in the vulnerability to some adverse event or circumstance, such as the current pandemic. Health shocks can be some of the most destabilizing to households and society, and poverty adds to the high risks of long-lasting consequences and deaths. Those living in multidimensional poverty are among the most vulnerable. Despite recent progress in poverty reduction, more than 2 billion people are either near or living in multidimensional poverty, and more than 40 percent of global population do not have any social protection." 337280,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,24,"['Humanitarian Conditions', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"COVID-19 key figure (16-31 October,2020): 2933 confirmed cases, 59 deaths, 45,220 tests performed to date and 2673 recoveries." 356569,58364.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Environment'],es,76,['At Risk'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia/mas-regiones/jornada-de-protesta-en-providencia-ante-retrasos-en-la-reconstruccion/,"De hecho, el pasado 20 de junio el presidente Iván Duque visitó Providencia y se comprometió a entregar 80 casas nuevas cada mes. Los habitantes de la isla aseguran que hay pocas expectativas frente a esto, pues las promesas anteriores no se cumplieron. Los raizales denuncian que siguen viviendo en carpas y que las lluvias y los vientos por el inicio de la temporada de huracanes son cada vez más fuertes." 391109,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,143,[],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Environmental degradation, impacted water resources, and loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services constitute serious obstacles to the country’s continued development and responsible management of its natural resources, which is also likely to impact the country’s tourism sector. Environmental pollution is a serious challenge, especially for major urban areas.59 Projected trends of climate variability and longer-term change are likely to exacerbate these concerns, as the majority of agricultural and livestock production is rainfed, and provides livelihoods for the majority of the population and may trigger increased internal migration and urbanization. More extreme weather events such as intense rainfall after prolonged dry spells can lead to erosion and flash flooding, damaging roads and infrastructure, wiping out crops and put additional lives at risk" 33510,13005.0,788.0,['Livelihoods'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,58,['At Risk'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,http://www.fao.org/emergencies/fao-in-action/stories/stories-detail/en/c/1192361/,"Financial services, both formal and informal, have been severely uprooted by the decade-longcrisis in northeastern Nigeria. At the village level, many of these activities were dissolved as households were pushed off ancestral lands and forced to abandon livelihoods and traditional schemes like the adashe, an informal village savings club practiced for generations." 132481,34344.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,Dar sesiones de sensibilización a las compañías de transporte con el fin de mejorar el tratamiento de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela. 147030,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"As also detailed in prior reports, UN agencies, specific sectors and partners continue awareness-raising activities during existing programmes (such as distributions) and/or as separate initiatives, including through social media campaigns." 207192,44693.0,2333.0,['Livelihoods'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,47,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Au cours du mois de septembre 2020, peu ou pas de mouvements de population enregistrée, toutefois les mouvements par petit groupe de ménages continuent et aussi des mouvements secondaires à la recherche de moyen de subsistance sont signalés à Torodi, Makalondi et Téra." 164635,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,71,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"In Kaduna state, UNICEF is supporting in the identification of an alternative iso-treatment centre in Zaria and activating home based care approach for selective cases. UNICEF VCMs and their supervisors conducted a House to House active COVID-19 and AFP case search in 34 wards of nine LGAs with confirmed COVID-19 cases in the community. Six AFP cases were identified in 40,258 houses visited over a three-day period." 74623,21263.0,1184.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,Población venezolana matriculada en el sistema educativo: 15.542 en total. Costa (2019-2020) 5.446; Sierra (2018-2019) 10.096. 39166,13749.0,729.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Information And Communication->Communication Means And Preferences', 'Context->Demography']",en,115,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Information And Communication']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Libya%20Protection%20Sector%20Joint%20Rapid%20Assessment%2C%20Tripoli%20Clashes%20April-May%202019_original.pdf,"Libyan female respondents mentioned their community relying on a wider range of information providers than non-Libyan women. For example, female KIs from Chad who are usually experiencing higher vulnerabilities and discrimination, rely mostly on social media and CSOs/NGOs. Female Libyan KIs mentioned relying on CSOs/NGOs the most but also relying on family, social media and local authorities. The situation is different for male non-Libyans who are searching for information from several resources: family and friends, social media, media outlets, embassies and local authorities. Only one Ethiopian male KI reported that social media was a source of information on accessing safety for his community." 223943,46071.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],fr,118,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,"{Évaluation faite du 15/04/2020 à la fin du mois de mai, mise à jour le 18/07/2020- provinces Sud-Kivu, Kinshasa et Nord-Kivu- échantillonnage de 42 personnes} {Capacités et mécanismes d'adaptation face la COVID-19} Dans les milieux ruraux, certaines femmes ont continué à aller aux champs mais proches de leur domicile. Les champs les plus fructueux sont ceux éloignés mais l’accès est réduit. D’autres par contre qui vivent dans les milieux ruraux à proximité des frontières et dont les activités principales étaient l’achat des produits maraichers venus des pays voisins pour revendre ; pendant cette période elles se sont données aux activités de champs." 235602,43400.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,51,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,,"As of mid-March 2020, disbursements and borrowing appear limited, mainly driven by budget support and the signing of AfDB projects. A small amount of external arrears arose in April (10 billion CFAF) due to the Covid-19 shock but are in the process of being cleared." 328529,54710.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[Displacement] Top three reported reasons for leaving previous location were Drought (22%), Conflict in surrounding area, but not in my community (38%), withdrawal of armed groups/security forces (26%)" 163871,34165.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,241,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• En Vichada: El laboratorio de salud pública no tiene capacidad para realizar pruebas y los resultados se demoran cada vez más. Además, aunque El Gobierno departamental del Vichada, acoge la prórroga de la emergencia sanitaria solicitada y justificada por el Gobierno Nacional ante la Corte Suprema, se evidencia disminución de las medidas de protección por parte de la población debido a que no se han presentado casos positivos a la fecha. En Vichada se necesitan: equipos de cómputo, impresora, elementos de aseo y equipos de protección personal (EPP), puntos de lavado de manos para comunidades en Puerto Carreño, EPP para personal del Secretaría Departamental de Salud, 200 kit traje protección completos (guantes, tapabocas N91, gorro, polainas, traje escafandra antifluido), 20 guantes x 100 unidades caja, 100 tapabocas desechable x 50 caja, 2000 tapabocas de tela para personas vulnerables, 30 monogafas, 100 delantales desechables, 50 tapabocas N95, 30 caretas de protección, 100 frascos de jabón líquido X 1000 cc, 100 paquetes de toallas desechables, 50 frascos de gel antibacterial X 1000 cc, 10 lavamanos para los municipios de Cumaribo y Santa Rosalía (7 y 3 respectivamente). • Se solicitan médico y epidemiólogo para el municipio de Cumaribo y un profesional en enfermería para el CRUE departamental." 316639,54353.0,2098.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,56,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.dw.com/en/bangladesh-rohingya-refugees-fire/a-57120531,"[7th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: ""The recent incidents highlight that further efforts are required in order to ensure the safety of refugees in the case of fires and other emergencies. These are being discussed among all partners as well as the Bangladeshi authorities,"" she underlined." 177262,41744.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,91,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,"77% des ménages vivent des abris d'urgence (intervention UNHCR) et 15% dans des maisons construites, dans les communautés hôtes, ce qui explique que ce besoin arrive en 2ème priorité selon les ménages. Les résultats de l'évaluation révèlent que les personnes vivant en maison ou bâtiment collectif ont une surface disponible par personne de 4,53m², ce qui est au délà des standards sphères (3,5m²). 25% des maisons individuelles et bâtiments sont détruits (pas de toit, structure endommagée)" 247808,48085.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,95,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"As COVID-19 cases increase across the continent, ensuring that health care workers have access to personal protective equipment is critical so that they can stay safe from COVID-19 and continue to provide other life-saving health services. In Kenya, there have been reports of counties firing nurses and doctors for failing to return to work following health care worker strikes in demand of more PPE. The feud threatens people’s ability to seek care for COVID-19 treatment, due to staff shortages, but also for all essential health services." 113009,29959.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'WASH']",[],[],es,25,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76819,"Necesidades identificadas: o Elementos de bioseguridad como tapabocas, gel antibacterial y jabón, así como también kits de higiene para la población." 261777,49486.0,2311.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,86,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"Debido a las inundaciones, la comunidad de Puerto Santander carece de acceso al servicio de agua apta para el consumo ya que la planta de tratamiento de agua potable ha presentado daños. Esto ha ocasionado el riesgo de contraer enfermedades relacionadas con la mala calidad del agua, dificultando la atención en salud que ya tiene el municipio por los casos de COVID-19 y realizar correctas prácticas de higiene, limpieza y desinfección que los proteja del virus que causa la mencionada enfermedad." 123772,32567.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,74,['Impact'],[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/health_sector_bulletin_june_2020.pdf,"Health sector was not able to build a response or reach out with service delivery to the following districts: Nalut, Tobruk, Sirte, Ubari. Referral system should be enhanced in most of the districts as yet only functioning for Tripoli, Misrata and Benghazi area. The predominant number of mental health consultations is reported for Tripoli area while absent in 80% of other districts in the country." 165637,39645.0,2098.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"Overall 1,345 shelter/NFI surveys were conducted, representing the highest number of sectoral surveys administered in round 2 of the NPM-IVR needs assessment. Findings are very similar to round 1, such as, a majority of the respondents reported they did not receive a shelter kit before the monsoon (73%). As explained in the previous report, the reason behind this high percentage could relate to the different types of shelter related distributions in the camps, such as, transitional shelter assistance (TSA), tie-down kit (TDK), interim packages distributed at different frequencies and methods of distribution, i.e. blanket distribution, case by case distribution." 331411,44828.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,52,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"NFIs distribution absence: Top five counties where the highest proportion of assessed settlements reported that IDPs have arrived within the last three months and that NFI assistance is inaccessible were Uror 25%, Gogrial East 20%, Maridi 19%, Cueibet 18%, Rumbek Centre 17%" 147717,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,28,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Given the extent to which even the most advanced health systems have been quickly overwhelmed, the priority remains on providing support to and reinforcing isolation facilities." 236011,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"During the reporting period, 198 persons benefited from legal assistance (detention, civil status documents, legal GBV response), 161 women and girls with specific needs were supported by activities aiming to restore and sustain their dignity, including with cash assistances. 44 survivors benefited from psychosocial support while various advocacy actions were undertaken in the field." 221778,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,45,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The impact of the abductions of humanitariansis felt not only by the organizations affected but also by the persons in need of assistance and protection, who are often left without assistance when the affected organizations are forced to scale down or suspend operations." 272627,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,94,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Outre le mauvais état des routes surtout pendant la saison des pluies qui entrainent l’impraticabilité de certains axes, les contraintes d’accès [qui affectent l'accès humanitaire] résultent principalement des multiples incursions de groupes armés non étatiques sur le territoire nigérien, des conflits intercommunautaires, des conflits entre agriculteurs et éleveurs, les menaces dirigées contre la population civile (pillage, expulsions, etc.) ainsi que l’Etat d’urgence déclaré dans certains départements des régions de Diffa, Tillaberi et Tahoua." 290994,51608.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,104,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/afg_humanitarian_access_snapshot_feb_20210314.pdf,"In a second incident, an IO staff member was approached by an NSAG-TB member asking for taxation and requesting for a meeting with representatives of the IO. It is interesting to note that the IO mainly operates in government-controlled areas and the suggested meeting location was in a government stronghold, indicating that levy requests no longer only occur in NSAG-TB controlled areas. In a third incident, an NGO decided to cancel a planned distribution after they were unable to negotiate a levy exemption with provincial NSAG-TB focal points, highlighting the negative impact of those requests on beneficiaries." 228610,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,27,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"Additional stress caused by worsening financial situations as well as quarantine and / or illness, are likely to contribute to worsening rates on these symptoms." 277251,50610.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,31,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2024_3Mar2021%20FINAL.pdf,"[3rd March, 2021, NES] In NES, it is expected no further measures will be imposed unless there is an increase in reported cases of COVID-19." 196047,43590.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"Local residents indicated that, although all main roads are currently under the control of Afghan National Security Forces, routes connecting districts to Kunduz city are under threat from the Taliban and civilians are frequently subject to extortion and harassment along key routes such as the Kunduz-Kabul highway (Salaam Times 06/08/2020) (SATP 26/08/2020). This will probably prevent humanitarian actors from reaching IDPs who are often in hard to reach areas." 233378,46495.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,66,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20La%20Loma_Barranquilla%20%28Atl%C3%A1ntico%29_16122020_VF.pdf,"El 60% de la población monitoreada desconocía el significado de la violencia basada en género (VBG), mientras que el 7% no estaba segura de saberlo. Sin embargo, el 25% afirmó haber tenido conocimiento acerca de situaciones de violencia en las parejas, particularmente la agresión física (20%) y el maltrato emocional (15%)" 10346,4756.0,321.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,63,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/drownings-skyrocket-european-governments-block-humanitarian-assistance,"Over six hundred people attempting to cross the Central Mediterraneanhave drowned or are presumed drownedin the last four weeks alone, including babies and toddlers. These tragedies, which represent half of the total deaths at sea so far in 2018, took place as there were no longer non-governmental organisation (NGO) rescue boats active on the Central Mediterranean." 224228,45763.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,Les femmes subissent fréquemment les violences conjugales/domestiques de la part de leurs partenaires intimes ou autres membres (hommes) de la famille. 316256,54178.0,2225.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,124,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://congovirtuel.com/information/anthony-kergosien-la-rougeole-est-une-maladie-10-fois-plus-contagieuse-que-le-covid-19-qui-tue-les-enfants-en-rdc/,"L’équipe s’est ensuite dirigée vers la province voisine du Nord Ubangi, où la zone de santé de Bosobolo était également dans un état critique. Depuis notre arrivée à Bosobolo mi-février, nous aidons le personnel à soigner ses patients dans huit centres de santé et à l’hôpital général vers lequel les cas compliqués sont référés », explique Faustin Igulu, qui dirige le projet MSF à Bosobolo. MSF a également formé le personnel local à la prise en charge des patients atteints de rougeole et supervise les soins des patients atteints de rougeole sévère. «Plus de 1 200 patients ont déjà été traités grâce à notre soutien», ajoute Faustin." 152480,30431.0,1188.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,192,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Response%20for%20Venezuelans%20%E2%80%93%20Coordination%20Platform%20for%20Refugees%20and%20Migrants%20from%20Venezuela%20-%20Central%20America%20and%20Mexico%20Situation%20Report%20%E2%80%93%20March%202020.pdf,"The Government of Panama declared a State of Na�onal Emergency to face the risk caused by COVID-19, taking a series of protec�on measures for all people in the country, including the closure of all borders, schools, stores, and imposing a curfew among other measures. This situa�on placed several opera�onal challenges and has affected the implementa�on of all ac�vi�es planned for this period. Asylum authori�es are s�ll working with reduced staffing while interviews are rescheduled. No new applica�ons are being received, but those who six months term for applying is about to expire, are being listed by the ONPAR so their applica�on will be formalized when possible. The Na�onal Immigra�on Service has taken measures in response to COVID-19, suspending aten�on to the public and all migratory procedures. Regarding to the documenta�on of residence permits (permanent, provisional and in process), there is an extension of their validity un�l the first week of April. Regarding work permits, the Ministry of Labor has taken similar measures, extending the validity of the cards un�l April 30th." 291791,51875.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,64,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Inicia-tercera-convocatoria-de-capacitaci%C3%B3n-de-vacunadores.aspx,"Bogotá D.C., 22 de marzo de 2021.– Con miras a seguir aumentando el talento humano en salud capacitado para la vacunación contra el covid-19, el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social abre nuevamente las inscripciones para el curso Manejo de la vacunación contra el covid-19, para aquellos integrantes de las IPS que a la fecha no han realizado dicha capacitación." 271507,49808.0,2099.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,37,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"L’accès à l’eau potable dans plusieurs régions, le péril fécal et un environnement de vie hygiénique restent précaire dans un contexte où l’accès aux soins de santé demeure difficile." 163989,34165.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,47,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"• Falta de acceso a los medios de vida sostenibles y oportunidades para la autosuficiencia de las familias de niños, niñas adolescentes y jóvenes (NNAJ) en situación de riesgo en Puerto libertador, San José de Uré, Tierralta, Montelíbano y Valencia." 496333,60048.0,1187.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,142,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/4-gender-violencia.pdf,"El 35 por ciento de las mujeres reportó haber sufrido violencia física, el 25 por ciento violencia verbal, el 11 por ciento violencia psicológica y el 10 por ciento violencia sexual (Gráfica 3). La mayoría de las mujeres que sufrió estas cuatro formas de violencia estaba en el grupo de edad entre 18-34 años y tenía estudios secundarios. Entre aquellas mujeres que viajaron solas, 39 por ciento reportó ser víctimas de violencia física, 24 por ciento reportó sufrir violencia verbal, 12 por ciento dijo ser víctima de violencia sexual y 9 por ciento expresó haber vivido violencia psicológica (Gráfica 4). Finalmente, el 40 por ciento de mujeres respondió que había sentido discriminación y el 86 por ciento de ellas reportó que había sido con base en su nacionalidad." 226872,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,65,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"With civilian harm continuing at high levels, UNAMA [UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] reiterates that all parties to the conflict can, and must, do more to protect civilians from harm by urgently reviewing practices and strengthening mitigation measures, as well as working towards an end to the fighting – the only way to definitively stop conflict-related civilian casualties." 223672,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,27,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Lack of Boma Health Workers indicate lack of basic health care to children under five years, and information about health situation among the affected people." 319616,54430.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,31,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_sectorial_salud_mire_2020.pdf,Las comunidades indígenas y las comunidades afrodescendientes indicaron que por su condición no tienen acceso permanente a equipo de protección personal (EPP) e información sobre prevención de propagación. 286656,50969.0,2170.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Push Factors'],en,66,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb3476en.pdf,"The food security situation in Nigeria has considerably worsened in the last few months mainly due to an upsurge of violence between armed groups and inter-communal conflict, triggering additional population displacements, particularly in the North-East, North-West and Centre-North regions. This has prevented households from engaging in agricultural and fishing activities, which are their main sources of livelihood in these areas." 111713,29953.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,84,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para los profesionales, encontrar trabajo en ventas ambulantes o reciclaje, verse viviendo en asentamientos precarios y con la incertidumbre de la alimentación y estudio de sus hijos genera depresiones profundas. El contraste entre aquello que soñaron encontrar en Colombia y la precariedad con la que se encuentran les genera incluso sentimientos de vergüenza con sus compatriotas, lo que, en algunos casos, les ha impedido retornar a Venezuela (Grupo focal de padres, Cúcuta, 2019)." 394993,61910.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,100,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.ciperchile.cl/2021/05/08/inmigracion-delincuencia-y-las-erroneas-percepciones-sobre-el-delito/,"Por último,no encontramos un efecto de la inmigración en las tasas de victimización.Es importante notar que estas conclusiones se basan en datos de encuestas a hogares donde se estima la proporción de hogares que ha sido víctima de algún delito en el último año. Analizamos un conjunto rico de delitos en la encuesta, como robos, hurtos, robo en el hogar, asalto y robo de vehículos.No identificamos ningún efecto significativo en ningún tipo individual de delito ni en el índice agregado que mide la proporción de hogares que sufrió algún tipo de delito." 41099,11894.0,729.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']",[],[],en,43,[],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"Residents of Ain Zara, Qasr bin Ghasheer and Wadi Rabia reportedly had a strong preference for in-kind aid. Those of Al Aziziya and Swani bin Adam, on the other hand, preferred mixed interventions (both in-kind and cash)" 315239,53670.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[outlook afrique] Plus de 30,4 millions d’Africains ont été poussés dans l’extrême pauvreté en 2020 et pas moins de 38,7 millions le seront en 2021 en raison de la COVID-19 (figure 1.23)." 221708,45721.0,2331.0,"['Food Security', 'Shelter']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"On 21 June, convoys carrying supplies of food and non-food commodities to Gedo region could not be delivered owing to armed clashes between an Ethiopian convoy and Al-Shabaab militants." 207200,44693.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Au cours des activités de monitoring communautaire, aussi bien les personnes déplacées que les populations hôtes ont continué à exprimer leur sentiment d’inquiétudes face à l’insécurité qui ne cesse de grandir dû aux activités des hommes armés non étatiques et cela malgré les opérations et patrouilles militaires dans les localités." 165513,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,9,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,82% of respondents reported challenges collecting food assistance 203818,43347.0,2335.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,17,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Many areas that have experienced years of severe food insecurity are seeing intra- and inter-communal violence. 156650,38705.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,93,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/world-bank-provides-support-unfpa-through-pandemic-emergency-financing-facility,"Through its Pandemic Emergency Financing (PEF) facility, the World Bank is providing Bangladesh with a grant of USD 14.8 million. The Government of Bangladesh has selected UNFPA and WFP to implement this fund, of which UNFPA is receiving USD 8.5 million. Working closely with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and other UN agencies and partners, the activities delivered by UNFPA include strengthening laboratory and surveillance capacities for COVID-19 testing, and supporting the government with providing COVID-19 treatment and ensuring infection prevention and contro" 355506,58182.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics'],es,114,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/02062021_alerta_de_situacion_por_inundacion_en_mitu_vaupes_vf1.pdf,"El aumento de lluvias desde finales de abril de 2021, provocó el desbordamiento del cauce del río Vaupés y sus afluentes. Desde mediados de mayo y hasta la fecha, las inundaciones en Mitú afectan a cerca de 558 personas (132 familias) tanto en la zona urbana como rural. La afectación se da, en 11 barrios (Bosques de Murillo, el Progreso, Centro B, Belarmino Correa, Las Brisas, Humberto Solano, Navarro Bonilla, La Esperanza, Palmeras, Cuervo Araoz y 7 de Agosto), y tres comunidades rurales (San Francisco, Mitú Cachivera, vía Mituseño Urania)." 179537,42143.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,53,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/10/people-of-jabal-al-zawiya-suffer-lack-of-medical-services/,"[October 28, Jabal Al Zawieh, Access to medical care]The medical center in the region does not have the equipment and adequate healthcare staff to treat shrapnel wounds. However, the center is equipped to provide treatment for minor ailments, first aid, and pharmaceutical services." 205215,43347.0,2335.0,"['WASH', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,133,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"During the second half of 2019, preparedness efforts continued to focus on three key areas: strengthening coordination at sub-national levels, ensuring early detection and reporting of suspected Ebola cases, and effective and efficient response to any confirmed cases. Key activities include risk communication, community engagement and social mobilization, screening at border points of entry, improvement of surveillance capabilities at community and health facility levels, sustaining WASH and infection prevention and control services at existing isolation units, improvement of WASH infection prevention and control at health facility levels and prioritized public places (schools, markets and churches/mosques) and the activation and coordination of a 72-hour rapid response plan and case management of a confirmed case at the state and national level." 290876,52212.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,42,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=227498,"[25 March 2021, GoS] The Ministry said in a statement to SANA that the number of coronavirus cases has reached up to 17,896 until now, of which 11,907 cases have recovered, while 1,195 have passed away." 412708,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,69,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] 3.5 Experience in seeking health services during pregnancy, child delivery and post-delivery period More than one in ten pregnant women did not take any healthcare services during the lockdown: Among the surveyed households, 167 households had pregnant women during COVID-19 lockdown. However, 10.8% of pregnant women did not take regular healthcare services during the lockdown." 162930,39647.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,55,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"Nutrition Sector partners also counselled nearly 9,523 Rohingya mothers and caregivers and more than 2,600 Bangladeshi mothers and caregivers on infant and young child feeding practices in emergencies, particularly in the COVID-19 context. Nutrition Sector identified 62 suspected COVID-19 cases at nutrition facilities in the camps and referred them to health facilities." 187639,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,Partners continue to report lack of sufficient PPEs and delays in the delivery of supply. 308177,53292.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,50,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"Lack of funding and resources was also highlighted as a constraint to ensure the that the Panthou Hospital is fully functioning for referral services, which is currently only operating at reduced capacity as a PHCU. Some communities still have to travel long distances to access health services." 180592,42290.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Context->Environment', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,82,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"Par ailleurs, la région de l’Est a connu une forte pluviométrie au début du mois de septembre avec une inondation qui a occasionné la chute de 970 maisons faisant plus de 7277 sinistrés avec les effets collatéraux tels que le taux élevé du paludisme et la pneumonie chez les sans-abris pratiquement dans le Gourma à Yamba, Fada, Diapangou. Au cours du mois de septembre, ces sinistrés n’ont pas bénéficié d’appui." 359131,58464.0,2028.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,69,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] 72% of assessed communities in which KIs reported crop damages as a barrier to accessing livelihoods, while high rates of livestock death reportedly impacted livelihoods in 14% of assessed communities. High rates of livestock death were relatively more commonly reported in Hole Sub-district in Al-Hasakeh governorate where KIs in 95% of assessed communities cited the livelihoods barrier." 150904,36670.0,1898.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,230,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"El 10 de agosto, el Presidente de la República mediante cadena de radio y televisión, reiteró que acatará la resolución de la sala y anunció 7 medidas para la reapertura de la economía: 1. Más de 1,000 camas para pacientes de COVID-19. 2. Toma de muestras de COVID-19 de forma aleatoria y masiva, a través de cabinas móviles. 3. Entrega de paquetes de medicamentos domiciliares a pacientes que se identifiquen con la enfermedad en call centers o centros de salud. 4. Recomendación de creación de clústeres de 10 personas que podrán estar en contacto entre sí, pero nadie debería estar en contacto con otras personas que no formen parte de su clúster. 5. Una nueva entrega de paquetes alimentarios y entrega del primer paquete a quienes no lo han recibido. Las personas podrán comunicarse con las autoridades nacionales en caso de no haber recibido el primer paquete de alimentos. 6. Entrega de carnés de inmunidad a personas que ya superaron la enfermedad. Estos carnés tendrán una vigencia de 8 meses y quienes aspiren a recibirlo deben mostrar prueba de PCR (Reacción en Cadena de Polimerasa) negativa. 7. Contratación de personas con carné de inmunidad para que participen en la logística de entrega domiciliar de medicamentos y alimentos." 111910,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],es,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A pesar de la falta de espacios adecuados, los niños encuentran en su entorno excusas para jugar. Es así como se pudo ver niños saltando y corriendo mientras sus cuidadores realizaban alguna diligencia en el terminal. Otros se observaron jugando con los implementos de los funcionarios que los atienden y mirando atentamente lo que hay a su alrededor. Algunos juegan con las cremalleras de las maletas y se trepan encima de ellas." 490544,67789.0,2170.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Bama and Banki towns are among the most congested IDP sites where partners are struggling with limited space to support the increasing population influx and also mitigate risks of water-borne disease outbreaks during the ongoing rainy season. Shelter partners are planning to carry out a rapid assessment of the damaged shelters in the coming days." 388637,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la Région du Sahel, les FDS notamment les militaires et les gendarmes, sont présentes dans certaines localités et font souvent des patrouilles. Nous notons la présence d’un poste de gendarmerie à Sebba et à Boundoré. Il y a aussi la présence des militaires à Sebba et à Mansila." 489771,67750.0,1231.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,26,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"Although borders with South American countries remain closed, Aruba, Curaçao and the Dominican Republic opened air borders to travelers and tourists in September." 285131,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"People with already heightened vulnerabilities, in particular those living in conflict-affected areas, will be affected most by the recession and access constraints to basic services." 384787,60456.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,18,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,Augmentation des attaques dans les 6 régions avec un bilan lourd rapporté dans la région du Sahel. 227467,46523.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,31,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elvenezolanocolombia.com/2020/12/migracion-forzada-mantiene-a-839-059-ninos-venezolanos-alejados-de-sus-padres-en-2020/,"Destacamos que el retorno puede suponer una decisión temporal, sujeta a modificaciones en el destino seleccionado, por lo que podría suponer un ejercicio pendular», apuntó Saraiba." 179373,42039.0,2170.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,39,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20COVID-19%20Point%20of%20Entry%20Dashboard%2023%20%2817%20-%2023%20October%202020%29.pdf,"During the period 17 - 23 October 2020, 121 movements were observed at Five Points of Entries in Adamawa and Borno states. Of the total movements recorded, 34 were incoming from Extreme Nord in Cameroon." 319536,54426.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,UNHCR and partners are relocating refugees to “opportunity villages” away from the border to ensure their safety and ease pressure on the host population. 384866,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],fr,30,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Donation de médicaments, matériel médico-technique, kits d’accouchement, équipements WASH aux CSPS de Ouindigui, Hitté et Doussaré et matériels aux ASBC de ces même CSPS" 389302,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Los accidentes generalmente están ubicados en zonas rurales que presentan retos en las vías de acceso, por ello, muchas de las víctimas no acceden a los mecanismos institucionales para obtener la ruta de respuesta y no hacen parte de las estadísticas oficiales mencionadas." 473199,67204.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,58,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/educacion/huerfanos-en-colombia-otro-tragico-efecto-de-la-pandemia-de-covid-19-612124,"La situación en Colombia es preocupante. De acuerdo con el informe,en el país por cada 1.000 niños, 2,3 han perdido a sus cuidadores.Esta es la quinta cifra más alta en el mundo y hace parte de un puñado de diez países en los que dicha tasa de orfandad está por encima de 1." 619,156.0,321.0,['Cross'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,102,['At Risk'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Overall, 5.6% of households were hosting displaced non-household members. More IDP households reported hosting displaced individuals (9,1%), compared to 5.2% of returnee households and 5.5% of nondisplaced households. Hosting households were highest in Benghazi (8.0%) and Misrata (11.2%) and lowest in Derna city (1.1%). Households reporting hosting unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) were few (1.1% overall), the rate being lowest for returnee households (0.1%) and highest for non-displaced households (1.2%)" 304190,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Many out-of-camp settlements are in remote and underdeveloped areas, where resources, infrastructure and basic services are extremely limited. In some out-of camp areas of East Darfur, South Kordofan and West Kordofan, insecurity and geographic isolation can pose challenges to regular access by response partners." 388634,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,15,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,16 Personnes âgées en danger avec des enfants mineurs dont 06 hommes et 10 femmes 209675,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Environment']",en,53,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Displacement caused by floods increased in 2019, but, on a positive note, displacement caused by drought and conflict/insecurity in decreased, compared to 2018. However, drought and conflict/insecurity contribute to aggravate the protracted displacement crisis, leaving an increasing number of IDPs without prospects for durable solution." 125302,32569.0,1621.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement']",2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,"Furthermore, migrants are at increased risk of facing constraints in accessing health care during the Covid-19 outbreak, as 70% of the migrants interviewed in March - April 2020 had reported to have either limited or no access to health services." 164176,32983.0,1183.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,23,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3650226,"Según cifras del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia, las agresiones al personal sanitario han aumentado con la pandemia." 22384,9130.0,786.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,34,['Impact'],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://www.americasquarterly.org/content/180-day-plan-venezuela,"International agencies immediately begin workwith local civil society groups to address Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis. A treatment program focused on HIV, tuberculosis and malaria alone could cost $120 million." 247922,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,64,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations : Court terme = Disposer au moins six (6) cliniques mobiles en faveur des 3 sites de Kaya et 3 à Mandi / Fournir une prise en charge nutritionnelle des populations des différents sites par la distribution des vivres / Former les équipes d’investigation et d’intervention rapide et pré-positionnement des intrants pour une riposte rapide aux épidémies 203567,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Juillet 2020 sur l’ensemble du territoire, tendance à la hausse (parfois considérable) du prix moyen des céréales par rapport aux mois précédents Hausse conséquente par rapport à la moyenne des 5 ans" 328340,54954.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,104,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Al corte 20 de abril, del total de las 12.562 camas de UCI, el 77,4% (9.721) están ocupadas con una disponibilidad a nivel nacional del 22,6% (2.841), que en comparación con las últimas 24 horas el porcentaje de disponibilidad se ha disminuido en un 3,17% y el número de camas disponibles en un 3,10%, y en los últimos 7 días con una tendencia a la disminución de la disponibilidad el porcentaje de disponibilidad se observa una disminución en un 18,45% y el número de camas disponibles en un 17,4%." 223450,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"The humanitarian community, including the dedicated task force on access, is using the strategy and accompanying action plan to guide its priorities and coordinated approaches to many of the impediments to access." 388976,60849.0,1186.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,115,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"EJE 4 DISCRIMINACIÓN Y VIOLENCIA En general las personas entrevistadas señalan sentirse seguras en Chile y salvo algunas excepciones no han sido víctimas de incidentes de protección (asaltos, agresiones físicas, intimidación, amenazas, abuso sexual). Cabe señalar que gran parte de las personas entrevistadas explicita que la sensación de seguridad que experimentan en Chile, es en relación a la situación de violencias e inseguridades que experimentaban en su países de origen. Las personas que han vivido alguna situación de peligro manifiestan sus barrios como lugares peligrosos donde están permanentes expuestos a riesgos (que los asalten, los agredan físicamente o los confundan con delincuentes)." 311446,53762.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,15,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Burkina Faso) 3,031 Emergency shelters provided to refugee, displaced and host communities" 206548,44553.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://www.sana.sy/en/?p=211260,"[24th November, 2020, Overall Syria] Health Ministry announced on Tuesday that 74 new Coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 58 patients have recovered while 5 others have passed away." 326617,54734.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,16,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 21% households with at least one pregnant and/or lactating woman. 300643,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,35,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,The 2020 wet season stretched further into January 2021 than usual and humanitarian cargo movement remained considerably constrained by the consequences of the heavy rains that have affected infrastructure damage and reduced physical accessibility. 228383,46627.0,2336.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,14,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cfe2c8927234e0001688343/t/5f1fd44f0708bc5116ca009d/1595921648054/SH_COVID19+Research+Brief_FINAL.pdf,"As of late June 2020, Afghanistan counts 29,640 confirmed cases of COVID-19." 417561,64197.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,16,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/27082021_alerta_por_inundaciones_en_la_guajira_vf.pdf,Se requiere entrega de insumos agropecuarios para agricultura en emergencia en los cinco municipios afectados. 304196,50889.0,2466.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,37,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Over-crowding and congestion remain a serious concern, with all camps currently hosting populations beyond initial capacity. This is particularly problematic in White Nile, where the majority of South Sudanese refugees arrived in 2017." 411431,63733.0,2099.0,['Shelter'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,88,['Impact'],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2ca3af14/REACH_BFA2106_presentation_Cluster-Abris-National_juillet-2021.pdf,"L’arrivée de deux vagues de PDI à Tougouri (environ 7 000 personnes) durant le mois de mai pourrait contribuer à renforcer la pression sur les AME et les abris dans la ville, les données issues de cette évaluation ayant été collectées du 31 avril au 4 mai. Idem, les importantes arrivées de populations depuis début juin 2021 dans la ville de Titao ne sont pas prises en compte par ces résultats (collecte du 27 au 30 mai 2021)." 106076,29953.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,124,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"De otra parte, en el 2017 también se comienza a identificar una migración con destino o intención de permanencia, compuesta por las personas de origen venezolano que se han venido asentando en distintas regiones de Colombia. En este mismo año, el Gobierno crea otra medida para ordenar la migración, denominada permiso especial de permanencia (PEP)2, que tiene por objetivo proveer un estatus migratorio a los venezolanos que ingresan por puestos de control formales y con vocación de residencia. Este permiso tiene una vigencia de dos años y les permite trabajar, acceder a los servicios de salud y educación, a servicios financieros y a otros beneficios del Estado ofrecidos a población vulnerable." 280690,51090.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,141,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf,"[15-28th Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] In 2020, a total of 1880 deaths were reported (Crude Mortality Ratio-2.2 per 1000 population) of these 733 were under 5 years old (Under 5 Mortality ratio-U5MR of 5.5 per 1000 population). The reported all-cause mortality was highest in November-December 2020 with 27% of the year’s deaths having been reported in those two months. For 290 of these (67%), the cause of death was classified as “others” due to insufficient information provided to healthcare and Community Health Workers. Among these, no further information has been provided regarding 80% of the cases. The next most prevalent deaths were those of still-births (13%) and neonatal deaths (11%)." 223804,45880.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,41,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Le personnel a rapporté avoir observé des femmes plus âgées critiquant les jeunes femmes et les adolescentes qui avaient recours aux services de planning familial et de santé reproductive, et ne pratiquaient pas l’abstinence avant le mariage." 184761,42710.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[November 3 2020,NorthEast Syria] A further 23 health facilities have been closed or partially closed at some point during October due to contamination of facilities and cases amongst staff" 150811,37921.0,2099.0,['Health'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,54,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Par ailleurs, en dehors de Yendéré, le contrôle sanitaire dans les autres points d’entrée seytenga, Hamélé, Kantchari,Dakola, Cinkansé), est effectué après le contrôle aux frontières par les agents de la police des frontières ce qui met à risque les agents de police." 210253,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps']",en,28,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Marginalised communities, women and persons with disabilities face additional challenges due to pre-existing and emerging discrimination, as well as lack of inclusion in humanitarian response." 390960,60861.0,1186.0,[],[],['Context->Demography'],es,102,[],['Context'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El promedio de edad de los participantes de la encuesta fue de 38,17 años (mínimo 18 y máximo 85) (Figura 1). El 67% de la muestra fue de sexo femenino, el 33% de sexo masculino y menos del 0,1% de otro (Figura 2). Se identificaron 35 países distintos de origen de los participantes, siendo los cuatro principales: Venezuela (59,7%), Colombia (13,5%), Haití (5,3%) y Perú (4,3%) (Figura 3 y Tabla 1)." 72499,20768.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1573252241_boletin_09_barranquillapdf,"Uno de los requisitos para continuar estudiando o acceder a un mejor empleo es convalidar los estudios previamente realizados. No hacerlo es un obstáculo, ya que no se puede certificar el conocimiento y las habilidades que se requieren para desempeñar algunas labores." 48787,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,67,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Low birth weight and perinatal and neonatal mortality among Venezuelan infants have risen drastically in Colombia with 211 newborn deaths in 2018. Colombian health officials have had to address increasing cases of SAM among Venezuelan children under age 5 as well, with the number of cases rising from zero in 2015 to two in 2016, 13 in 2017, and 360 in 2018." 238084,45629.0,2335.0,['Education'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,82,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"[South Sudan, 2019] Needs are particularly dire in Central Equatoria, Lakes and Unity. Changes in education needs have been observed in Central Equatoria, Upper Nile and Western Bahr el Ghazal. This is because of a lack of teaching and learning supplies, inconsistencies in provision of teacher incentives, non-availability of school feeding programmes, poor infrastructure and insecurity in the region. Girls are more likely than boys to be excluded from education." 159649,39109.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,51,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,A small minority (6%) of respondents said they received threats of evictions since March 2020 while 94 per cent did not receive any threats of evictions. A vast majority of respondents in Katsina with the highest percentage (85%) said they received eviction threats. 272807,50353.0,2334.0,"['Protection', 'Education']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"The Education Cluster, in collaboration with OCHA and the Access Working Group started developing a harmonized humanitarian advocacy plan to counter attacks on education." 323402,54372.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syria.tv/3-%D9%88%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A8%D8%B5%D8%B1%D9%89-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%88%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A9-%D8%A5%D8%B4%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%B4%D9%81%D9%89-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86%D8%A9-100,"[April 18, Dar'a] And one of the doctors in the city of Daraa said earlier that the Corona virus is undergoing a special explosion phase among the elderly, where 10 people died within two days due to infection with the virus, indicating that the situation is heading towards losing control." 238435,47405.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,74,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"según información de la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida (ECV) del 2019, el 77 % de los migrantes venezolanos no se encuentra afiliado al SGSSS. En especial, para los grupos más vulnerables, como lo son las mujeres gestantes y lactantes y los niños y niñas, la no afiliación y las limi- taciones de acceso a la salud pueden afectar de manera importante su bienestar y desarrollo." 78263,21790.0,1233.0,[],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,33,[],['Context'],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/R4V%20Regional%20SitRep%20MayJune%202019.pdf,"in Aruba, in May, the Minister of Justice announced that according to newly modified asylum procedures, asylum applications from Venezuelans arriving from a third country will no longer be accepted" 192824,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Even prior to the crisis, total health sector staffing stood at 10 per cent of actual need. Out of approximately 2,300 health facilities that provide health care services to the entire population, more than 1,300 facilities are non-functional." 358676,58655.0,2311.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,71,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/economia/finanzas-personales/los-arriendos-ya-estarian-superando-el-covid-19/,"No solo habría una recuperación de la oferta, sino también de la demanda si se le mide respecto a las cifras de usuarios buscando arriendo dentro del portal. Martín Monzón, CEO de Fincaraíz.com.co, explica que “en 2021 vemos un aumento e interés en las búsquedas de inmuebles residenciales en arriendo, con niveles superiores al primer trimestre de 2020, cuando no había pandemia”." 213687,44787.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,20,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/20200117_gsc_factsheet_shelter_cluster_somalia_december_2019.pdf,The shelter sector is severely underfunded with only 14% of the funding requirement received by end of December. 156594,35848.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,32,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"However, under the new-born care programme, only 100 health workers were trained on neonatal care in the first half of 2020 due to COVID-19 and subsequent social distancing/lockdown measures." 163991,34165.0,1183.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,73,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15072020_colombia_informe_de_situacion_no_10_impacto_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Brechas y limitaciones: • En el caso específico de confinamiento es necesario explorar alternativas extraordinarias a la misión de verificación de autoridades nacionales como recurso para avalar dicho hecho victimizante y propender por reconocer en lógica extraordinaria y más en contexto COVID-19, a las autoridades étnico-territoriales como fuente fidedigna de verificación de la ocurrencia de violaciones a derechos humanos en comunidades afro e indígenas, donde se concentran estas afectaciones." 356664,58359.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.hrw.org/es/news/2021/06/09/colombia-brutalidad-policial-contra-manifestantes,"En septiembre de 2020, la Corte Suprema dispuso que se implementaran varias reformas para prevenir abusos en el contexto de protestas. Sin embargo, Human Rights Watch comprobó que los esfuerzos para cumplir con la sentencia de la Corte han sido en su mayoría proforma, y han tenido escaso impacto sobre la actuación policial. La principal o única excepción ha sido la prohibición de usar escopetas calibre 12, las cuales, hasta donde ha podido comprobar Human Rights Watch, no se han utilizado." 403462,61638.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Context->Legal & Policy', 'Covid-19->Vaccination']",en,72,[],"['Context', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,http://sana.sy/en/?p=243612,"[29 JUL, GoS] Upon signing of the memorandum of receipt of vaccines at Damascus International Airport, caretaker Minister of Health, Hassan al-Ghabbash, said in a statement to reporters on Thursday that 150,000 doses of the Sinopharm anti-Covid 19 vaccine were received, in continuation of the Chinese batch and its permanent support in several fields, particularly with regard to the health sector in Syria." 168448,40018.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3672769,PAHO/WHO has been working with the National Center for Community Organizations (CENOC) since 2018 to contribute to strengthening social participation in health care to help achieve universal health coverage in the country 274181,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,79,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Possession de terre] [3 266 ménages enquêtés du 24 juillet au 18 août 2020/ 390 ménages par territoire] A Mambasa, 92 % de ménages estiment en disposer facilement. A Djugu cette proportion est autour de 33 % (la plus faible), ce qui semble lié à l’insécurité qui y rend l’accès difficile et à l’inadéquation dans la répartition des terres entre fermiers et paysans." 209698,44790.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,57,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Poverty has a direct negative impact on peoples' ability to acquire and retain assets, to ensure any form of financial saving and ultimately to sustain their livelihoods and increase their resilience. Around one-fifth of Somali households live on overseas remittances, which represents an important source of income and drives some financial sector enterprises" 150718,32327.0,1184.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,72,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En Ecuador, los servicios están más disponibles, sin embargo, es común que el personal de salud no esté familiarizado con las pautas más recientes para la atención relacionada con la VG, y que la atención psicosocial tenga problemas para tratar casos complejos. Tanto el personal de salud como el de protección informaron que carecen de herramientas para identificar posibles casos de violencia de género y trata." 212303,45059.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",[],fr,37,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20du%20BCNUDH%20sur%20les%20principales%20tendances%20des%20violations%20des%20droits%20de%20l%E2%80%99homme%20en%20octobre%202020.pdf,"Dans les provinces non affectées par les conflits, 51 violations des droits de l’homme ont été documentées en octobre 2020, soit 8% des violations documentées sur l’ensemble du territoire." 245089,47833.0,2311.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Demography'],es,105,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"Los perfiles de alto riesgo y de especial protección son niñas, niños y adolescentes es riesgo (32.88%), madre/padre solo (23.33%), mujeres en riesgo (16.54%) condición médica seria (16.28%) y niño/a no acompañado (5.32%). Como en meses anteriores se observa que la población venezolana (24.7%) tiene una prevalencia de necesidades específicas que es más que el doble de la población colombiana (12.1%) y esta misma tendencia se observa entre hombres (14.5%) y mujeres (29.5%)." 247696,48228.0,2332.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,30,['Priority Needs'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Sur le plan alimentaire, les préoccupations majeures soulevées par les PDIs sont l’insuffisance de nourriture, stock de nourriture et la perte considérable des moyens de subsistance" 223012,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,98,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Recommendations: While accelerating plans for clearance, national authorities and donors should continue to support risk education and non-technical survey to identify the nature, extent and location of contamination. These efforts should continue to be designed and implemented in a way that is sensitive to age and gender, and also linked to planning for the return of displaced communities. They should be expanded as access allows, inform the work of other humanitarian actors, and include and empower women and men from conflict-affected communities." 388349,60981.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,47,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no.1_ituango_antioquia_vf.pdf,"Se requiere solicitud de coordinación con el nivel departamental y nacional de acuerdo con la capacidad del municipio, además de la participación de las víctimas. Activar procedimientos de protección de bienes abandonados. Favorecer condiciones de seguridad, voluntariedad y dignidad para el retorno." 157264,38373.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,55,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Con respecto a la intención de permanencia, se observa que a corto plazo (entre 0 y 3 años) más del 65% de los encuestados planea permanecer en Colombia. Los que desean retornar, independiente de si la situación en Venezuela mejora o no, son únicamente el 2%." 274107,49666.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"La situation de sécurité alimentaire des ménages demeure globalement précaire dans les provinces de l’Ituri, Tshopo et Haut-Uélé, suite à une combinaison des chocs, y compris les conflits armés qui déplacent les populations à la fois en Ituri et dans le Nord Kivu voisin, le flux des réfugiés sud soudanais et depuis le mois de mars 2020 les restrictions en vue de contenir l’expansion de la pandémie de covid-19." 388587,61080.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,69,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Les zones à risque identifiées pendant cette période sous rapport dans la province du Seno sont la commune de Gorgadji et certains villages tels que Lamdamol, Demniol et Lelly. Dans la province du Yagha, toutes les communes sont des zones à risque même Sebba qui semble être plus sécurisée que les autres. La province du Soum reste une zone à risque d’insécurité." 346481,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,46,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"Lecciones aprendidas: El diseño de estrategias de comunicación debe considerar que se utilicen todos los recursos disponibles en cada contexto. Aun en cuarentena, el fomento de proyectos interesantes, como el de ajedrez, permite que los estudiantes permanezcan motivados y aprendan." 305827,50894.0,2466.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"Prices in SPLM-N areas were slightly lower than the same period last year, a time in which prices were extremely high due to poorer cultivation and greater instability. However, prices remain extremely high in absolute terms and are between 60 and 160 percent above that of the government areas due to the high cost of transportation and restricted official trade flow." 167002,40133.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,128,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/417749-coronavirus-nigeria-records-201-new-infections.html,"(01/10/2020) The 201 new cases according to the NCDC were reported from 13 states: Lagos (77), Rivers (37), Plateau (25), FCT (13), Kaduna (12), Ogun (12), Adamawa (8), Taraba (7), Imo (4), Kwara (2), Osun (2), Abia (1), Oyo (1). Nigeria is yet to record a daily infection tally above 300 in more than a month now. Lagos had the highest number of new cases with 77 infections on Thursday. The commercial city is Nigeria’s COVID-19 hotspot with over 19,000 infections." 210396,44790.0,2331.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,65,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"The prevalence of checkpoints and improvised explosive devices significantly limits road access across the country. Violence against humanitarian personnel often involves abduction, harassment and extortion. The seizure of assets and supplies is common, as is interference in the implementation of humanitarian activities. The physical environment and seasonal factors, such as the recent floods, further restrict physical access." 474737,64944.0,2099.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,62,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Ce sont au total 15 mouvements de population qui ont été observés dans les deux provinces couvertes par le projet protection avec toujours une prédominance des déplacements primaires [face aux violences et aux affrontements intercommunautaires, risques de protection liés à la présence régulière des GANE, à la suite d’incidents...] et des cas de retour." 308216,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of wheat grain in Hirat was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020. 261590,49490.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,31,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COLOMBIA_FS%20Labor%20Market%20Access_ACNUR_NV%20Espa%C3%B1ol.pdf,"Ante el contexto actual de COVID-19, la generación de ingresos y los medios de vida de la población desplazada y refugiada y migrante venezolana se han visto gravemente afectados." 247387,48062.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://allafrica.com/stories/202101270704.html,"The CBN governor said the bank has disbursed N192.64 billion to 426, 016 beneficiaries under its COVID-19 targeted credit facility meant for household and small enterprises." 222833,45953.0,2170.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need'],[],en,73,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/nga_multi_sector_site_tracker_31_nov_2020_report.pdf,"[16th-31st Nov, North East Nigeria] Shelter and NFI needs remain a major concern especially during this harmattan season for IDPs and returnees in the camps and camp-like settings of the BAY states. 24,599HH are currently registered to be in dire need of shelter reinforcement/rehabilitation while Non-Food Items (NFI) sector component recorded the highest need with 83,812HH in need of basic survival kits and loose items for NFIs" 189330,42844.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,74,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Solidar-COVID-Andean-ES2020-vv5.pdf,"Se ha identificado también un incremento del reclutamiento forzado de jóvenes por parte de los grupos armados, que puede seguir en tendencia creciente si el contexto no ofrece alternativas socioeconómicas a este grupo poblacional. Por otro lado, el Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal de Colombia alerta que, ya en 2019, cada dos días al menos una mujer fue agredida sexualmente por algún actor involucrado en la violencia sociopolítica." 56599,17094.0,1187.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,,"Entre quienes concurrieron a hospitales públicos, la mayoría informó haber sido atendida correctamente contando solo con pasaporte (tal como establecen los artículos 6 y 8 de la Ley de Migraciones): les brindaron la atención requerida y también la medicación. En estos casos, se trató de personas que concurrieron a hospitales generales o especializados en oftalmología, odontología o pediatría. Sin embargo, varias personas reportaron situaciones de denegación de atención, incluso en los mismos hospitales donde otras personas indicaron que fueron atendidas" 159640,39109.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20-%20North%20Central%20and%20North%20West%20Nigeria.pdf,"Assessment carried out in camps and camp-like settings located in the most conflict-affected states of Benue and Zamfara, a high of 32 and 40 per cent, respectively, said that everyone knew about COVID-19. But 11 per cent respondents residing among host communities in Benue said that nobody knew about COVID-19.The perception that everyone knew about the disease was highest in Nasarawa, which borders the national capital city of Abuja." 161906,39570.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,26,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/411129-covid-19-why-nigeria-postponed-resumption-of-international-flights-official.html,"While local flights were also suspended, they resumed about five weeks ago as the country joined the rest of the world to battle the pandemic" 296410,52103.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://g4bzyquio7si624ivcclbh43dq--salonsyria-com.translate.goog/%d8%b9%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%83%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%a3%d9%85%d9%8a%d9%86-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%8a%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84/#.YFxzT2Qzb0o,"[March 14, GoS] The ""sterilise it"" initiative It is the most prominent initiative in Syria to confront the spread of Corona virus that began its activities with the beginning Corona virus spread in Syria in March 2020. This initiative seeks to provide medical support and education to people through a network of volunteers and donors, by disseminating health awareness information and providing field medical support." 166547,40078.0,2170.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,57,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/33_August_2020.pdf,"As part of measures to continue to open up the economy, the FGN recently announced the resumption of international flights from the 5 th of September, 2020. In line with this, the Presidential Task Force on the 4 th of September, released a provisional quarantine protocol for travelers arriving from outside Nigeria" 17098,7092.0,322.0,"['Education', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,82,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"320,197 children benefited from school repairs including rehabilitation of WASH facilities. Cluster partners supported 566,437 children by providing emergency related training to their teachers. 110,471 students provided with learning supplies. 271,964 students provided with snacks within the school feeding program. Hygiene kits were provided to 74,795 students and 37,478 children supported through provision of alternative learning classrooms. 13,663 children supported with school desks and 21,450 students in grades 9 & 12 benefited from supporting national exams." 342502,56610.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Push Factors'],es,54,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Las principales razones para abandonar Venezuela incluyen la falta de medios de vida / los bajos ingresos (87%), así como el acceso insuficiente a alimentos (74%), servicios médicos (49%), educación (23%) y la reunificación familiar (19%)" 391110,61177.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,120,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Nigeria is highly vulnerable to seasonal variability and long-term climate change. Increasing vulnerability is expected to result in cumulative impacts across the country’s social, economic, and environmental structures. Heavy rainfall and floods in particular are likely to have significant consequences on the environment, society, food security situation, as well as the wider economy. Significant impacts are also expected for the country’s water resources, agriculture, wetland areas, and health sectors. Increased temperatures, flooding, increased aridity, and soil erosion puts both urban and rural communities at risk, particularly for poor and vulnerable groups." 237263,47095.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,45,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_52_21_dec_to_27_dec_2020.pdf,"[21st-27thDec2020,Yobe state]Thirty-five (35) samples tested positive, sixty-three (63) are negative, and the results of the remaining two (2) samples are pending. Following-up with the laboratory team to retrieve pending sample results" 185934,43194.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,68,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Third-Market-bulletin_August2020_02112020_Validated-1.pdf,Le PMA représente le minimum d’articles alimentaires censés répondre aux besoins d’un ménage de six personnes en RDC pour une durée d’un mois. Le contenu de ce panier correspond au PMA du PAM (VAM) en RDC et est constitué des éléments suivants : Produits alimentaires Farine de maïs Farine de manioc Haricot (niébé) Huile de palme Sel 207252,44693.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,102,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"Du côté de Tagalalte dans le département de Tillia, 14 ménages PDI ont bénéficié chacun de 100 kilogrammes de mil et de 02 litres d’huile distribués par l’ONG AREN. Les autres sites de Tillia et Tassara, n’ont toujours pas eu d’assistance en biens alimentaires. La bonne nouvelle est que le prix des céréales a commencé à baisser, passant de 32.000 FCFA le sac de 100 kilogrammes de mil à 25 000 F CFA depuis le début des récoltes, ce qui soulage un peu la souffrance des populations." 298853,51194.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,60,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"In one instance, in Hilmand Province, NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) stopped an IO food distribution to school students, with NSAG-TB (Non-State Armed Group – Taliban) insisting for the assistance to go to male students of a Madrasa (religious school) rather than to a government-run girl’s schools." 347914,56800.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,82,['Impact'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Regarding restriction during menstruation, all the respondents agreed that women cannot go out of their purdah (cover, veil), they cannot go out of the house, in front of men or even other people. If there’s another person available to cook in the house, they will refrain from cooking. Women do not sleep with their husband and hide hygiene items." 412756,63085.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,76,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note-info_4_kananga_juin2021_final.pdf,"Les conflits intercommunautaires qui ont touché simultanément Kakenge et Bena Leka entre juillet 2020 et mars 2021, avaient contraint environ 61 200 personnes à se déplacer et aggravé ainsi la sévérité des vulnérabilités de la population locale, notamment sur le plan alimentaire. Dans ces zones de santé, plus de 123 000 personnes sont en urgence alimentaire, selon l’analyse de l’IPC 19ème cycle d’avril 2021." 144712,34877.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,31,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Many challenges, including disrupted health systems, shortages in medical personnel and supplies, testing and reporting, fragmented approaches and inconsistent mitigation measures across territory, economic strain." 150717,32327.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,51,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"En Ecuador, los datos muestran que los migrantes sin familia o redes de apoyo a lo largo de la ruta son particularmente vulnerables, y la violencia extrema utilizada dentro de las redes de trata significa que los sobrevivientes sufren consecuencias a largo plazo o veces de por vida." 500717,60136.0,2074.0,"['Health', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,25,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep%20No%201%20VEN%20Pisiga%20OIM%20100221.pdf,Seguridad alimentaria - La mayor parte de los migrantes entrevistados reportanconsumir una comida al día. En algunos casos se evidencia estados de deshidratación. 477247,67232.0,1185.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,145,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"4.1.2 Tratamiento en Perú de la enfermedad o malestar crónico que padecen La ENPOVE revela, que el 11,0% de la población venezolana padece de alguna enfermedad o malestar crónico. Al indagar la frecuencia con la que reciben atención en salud en Perú, el 77,9% informó que no reciben tratamiento alguno; en los hombres esta proporción se eleva al 80,6% y en las mujeres al 75,9%. Solo el 11,5% de la población venezolana recibió tratamiento con la frecuencia necesaria, siendo esta proporción más elevada en el caso de las mujeres (13,4%), que en los hombres (9,1%). El 10,5% recibió atención, pero no con la frecuencia necesaria, las proporciones casi son similares entre hombres (10,3%) y mujeres (10,7%)." 265696,49620.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],fr,35,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Concernant le niveau des prix, ceux-ci ont été globalement en baisse en 2020 sur l’ensemble de la zone d’étude par rapport à la moyenne annuelle des cinq dernières années." 240553,45197.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",[],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,94,[],['Context'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_2020_first_quarter_report_english.pdf,"UNAMA is gravely concerned with the acceleration in violence observed in March, mainly by the Taliban against Afghan national security forces, and the consequent increase in the number of civilian casualties and harm caused, particularly in the northern and north-eastern regions. This concerning trend was all the more notable as it followed a ‘reduction in violence’ week - 22 February to 28 February - between the Pro-Government Forces and the Taliban that then led to the agreement signed between the United States and the Taliban on 29 February" 303465,52890.0,2311.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,98,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"Bula y Cuello (2019) consideran que en el caso de personas LGBTI+ es aún más probable que se desplacen de forma irregular por la falta de oportu- nidades históricas que han tenido que sortear por los prejuicios sociales frente a sus orientaciones sexuales, expresiones e identidades de género diversas. Esto las ha llevado a expulsiones a temprana edad de sus familias, exclusión del sistema educativo, de acceso al trabajo y a un salario digno que les permita contar con el capital económico y simbólico para afrontar un desplazamiento en términos formales." 338362,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"An estimated 90 percent of the world’s school-aged children have had their education disrupted by the pandemic. Children, who tend to escape the more severe symptoms of Covid-19, nevertheless had to sacrifice the education to which they are entitled, and accept restrictions that often harmed their friendships and mental health, as part of public efforts to help protect the health and save lives of their families, friends, teachers, and those in their communities." 162923,39647.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,55,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_17_26_june-2_july_2020.pdf,"In 28 camps, Education Sector partners shared COVID-19 awareness audio messages and home-based learning instructions for out-of-school children with 33 Burmese Language Instructors (BLIs) for further dissemination in the community. BLIs provided COVID-19 education support and awareness messages to 79,446 learner households and distributed 7,030 caregiver guidelines at the household-level." 151320,38020.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/180397/,"The cases are broken down by region as follows: 27 cases, including medical staff in HTS-held areas in Idlib, parts of Aleppo, Hama and Latakia, and 29 cases in the areas controlled by Turkish-backed factions, north of Aleppo." 271504,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,48,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Ces pratiques alimentaires déséquilibrées, en plus de l’accès insuffisant aux services de santé de base, affecte negativement la situation nutritionnelle des enfants et des femmes en age procréér, ce qui se traduit par un niveau encore élevé des differentes formes de malnutrition." 52126,16699.0,1184.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,98,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"Noting the near-impossibility of obtaining official documents in Venezuela, Ecuador’s changing requirements, and associated appli- cation costs that prevent many Venezuelans from obtaining the UNASUR visas for which they are eligible, UNHCR reported in early February that the government had “indicated its willingness to lower these barriers as part of a national response plan.”48 This may not be enough, however. Venezuelans fleeing today are poorer than those who left in earlier waves and often arrive with only a little worth- less currency, if anything at all." 308584,53292.0,2335.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"FSL cluster partner aim to reach 53,894 people (including 34,250 people with general food assistance and 19,644 people with food for assets). The next General Food Distribution is planned for 16 March. In addition, cluster partners reached 1,949 HHs with distribution of agricultural inputs, some 48,000 livestock were vaccinated and 3,780 livestock were treated." 236022,46890.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"[GBV] Survivors received various services including psychosocial support (40 percent), health (34 percent), livelihood services (25 percent) and legal assistance (16 percent)" 390764,61177.0,2170.0,"['Nutrition', 'Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,162,"['At Risk', 'Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Land degradation and soil erosion, exacerbated by recurrent flood adversely impacts agricultural production, disproportionately affecting the livelihoods of the rural poor. Food security will be influenced because of the vulnerability of some crops to increasing temperatures and/or water stress.52 Despite improvements in the country’s 2018 food security situation due to sustained humanitarian assistance, policy actions, and government interventions in the agricultural sector, the food security and nutrition situation remains fragile in northeastern Nigeria where food is still the biggest unmet need of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in camps and camp-like settings. Vulnerable households are not able to cultivate enough land nor do they own sufficient livestock to cover their food needs. The country’s ongoing conflict also continues to have a direct impact on people’s nutrition status that is further exacerbated by weak health infrastructures and food insecurity." 280093,50901.0,2028.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,36,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] At the time of data collection, there was 2 open educational facility in the camp." 169307,40031.0,1185.0,[],[],[],en,25,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"National and subnational institutions have strengthened capacities to manage food security, disaster preparedness and response and social protection policies and programmes by 2022." 196176,43590.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,"IDPs may be exposed to mines and IEDs when fleeing conflict areas or when returning to their home areas, potentially resulting in death, injury, and trauma." 322419,54747.0,2331.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,50,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/7c1f1026/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Togdheer_February-2021.pdf,"[EDUCATION LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The most commonly reported preferred types of remote learning modalities were: Basic writing materials(pen, paper) (81%), school textbooks (75%) and reading materials(storybooks) (27%)" 157260,38373.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Acceso a documentación La resolución 1006 de 2020 de Migración Colombia estipula la suspensión en la emisión de los salvoconductos de permanencia SC-2, asociados a la solicitud de refugio. La primera expedición del salvoconducto se hace únicamente con autorización previa de la Comisión Asesora para la Determinación de la Condición de Refugiado (CONARE)." 175381,41303.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99977,"Avec cette première contamination dans la ville de Réo, la région du Centre-ouest, sauf erreur ou omission, enregistre également son premier cas depuis le début de la maladie en mars 2020." 106429,29953.0,1183.0,"['Cross', 'Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Las familias que salen de Venezuela con niños van en busca de alternativas económicas para su subsistencia, buscando resolver problemas nutricionales de los niños y con la esperanza de salir de la pobreza." 345974,56893.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,82,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_17.pdf,"En la semana epidemiológica 17 de 2021 se notificaron 163 muertes maternas, 123 corresponden a mortalidad materna temprana (ocu- rridas durante el embarazo, parto y hasta los 42 días de terminada la gestación), 29 tardías (ocurridas desde el día 43 hasta un año de ter- minada la gestación) y 11 por causas coincidentes (lesiones de causa externa). Se observa un aumento del 24,2 % en la mortalidad materna temprana respecto al 2020" 186572,41082.0,1184.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,44,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/ecuador/ecuador-covid-19-could-cause-11-percent-dive-gdp-year,"Among 11 Latin American and Caribbean countries that have reported data on historically vulnerable indigenous groups, thePan-Amerian Health Organization (PAHO)has said Colombia had the largest increase in cases and Ecuador the biggest increase in deaths among their indigenous populations." 74094,21139.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72308.pdf,"A partir de las experiencias de otras situaciones mixtas de desplazamiento de refugiados y migrantes en todo el mundo, la coordinación a nivel regional entre los socios es organizada por la OIM y el ACNUR, y se gestiona a través de una plataforma de coordinación regional interinstitucional inclusiva, responsable y global (plataforma regional R4V) que dirige y monitorea la respuesta operativa en apoyo de los refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela que han abandonado y continúan abandonando el país, buscando acceso a derechos y servicios básicos, protección, así como la autosuficiencia y la integración socioeconómica" 223670,44702.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"Number of Malaria, ARI and malnutrition in children U5 years and Pregnant Women of childbearing age have increased." 289623,51168.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,56,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"OCHA organizes an Inter-Cluster Operational partner coordination meeting on a bi-weekly basis in Juba. The primary response is being coordinated as close to the response as possible, with county and state-level coordination mechanisms established with partners. OCHA has deployed staff members in Akobo, Kuajok, Pibor and Aweil to coordinate response scale-up" 239142,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,78,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"On 4th June, 2020, Afghanistan ranked 41st as compared to six weeks back (72nd) based on total number of 18,969 confirmed cases and 49th compared to six weeks back (66th) based on total number of 309 deaths out of 215 countries and territories in the world . Comparison of the rate of confirmed cases per million population, the country ranked 90th as compared to six weeks back (149th)." 304960,50889.0,2466.0,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,30,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Some of the larger refugee camps like Shagarab and Um Gargour are not connected to the general electric power grid lines and there is no lighting in the camps. 173884,41033.0,2170.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Number Of People Affected'],[],en,33,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020,BAY States]Heavy rainfalls and floods have affected over 100,000 people in the BAY states, hindering access. Humanitarians pre-positioned assistance and are mobilising increased resources" 338729,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,140,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"The amount of quiet space that children have access to for concentrating and studying varies greatly. Although space-per-person at home is primarily linked to a family’s level of income and wealth, other factors, such as levels of urbanization, land access constraints, climate, and culture can also play a role. Students, parents, and teachers indicated that smaller spaces at home placed limitations on children’s ability to benefit from distance learning. (...) A father in Lubumbashi, Congo, expressed concern for his 17-year-old daughter trying to study at home. “It is not easy to study in these conditions because we do not have enough space at home to do so and she is often disturbed by her brothers and family members.”" 201206,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Conflict and inter- and intra-communal tensions resulted in a displacement of more than 162,900 individuals during the first six months of 2019." 187316,43340.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,73,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20-%20Camp%20Management%20Bi-weekly%20Tracker%20Report%2C%20Report%20No.%2024%2C%2016%20-%2031%20October%202020.pdf,"[16th -31st Oct 2020,Adamawa,Borno states] 86% of the total showers are functional while 14% need to be repaired. 16 sites in 5 LGAs (Girei in Adamawa state, Konduga, Jere, Maiduguri and Dikwa in Borno state) do not have shower on site. 1,526 showers needs to be repaired across 85 sites in 17 LGAs (table 2)." 199003,44191.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,42,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.laborpresse.net/campagne-electorale-2020-au-burkina-le-renlac-fustige-des-actes-de-corruption/,"Depuis l’ouverture de cette campagne électorale (et même bien avant),les partis politiques, toutes tendances confondues, rivalisent de techniques clientélistes, sous le regard affligé d’une partie de l’opinion nationale." 386519,60787.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,45,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3758808,"En toda la región se han multiplicado las organizaciones no solo de socorro sino de activa búsqueda de inserción de los venezolanos, incluso con ellos mismos en el papel de líderes, como ha sido el caso de la fundación Fundacolven en Bogotá." 399704,62971.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[29 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: Specialized protection interventions are needed to ensure appropriate support for extremely vulnerable refugees such as persons with disabilities, female-headed households, and pregnant and lactating women" 188144,43352.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",en,96,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/April-October-2020-Burkina-Faso-Violence-Against-Civilians-and-Vital-Civilian-Facilities-v1.pdf,"02 May 2020: At the Mentao Refugee Camp, Sahel region, security forces conducted house-to-house searches and forced Malian refugee men and boys out of their homes, beating them with sticks, belts, and ropes, during a search for suspects involved in an attack on soldiers in the area earlier that day. At least 32 refugees were injured, fourteen seriously. The soldiers accused refugees of complicity with armed groups, giving them an ultimatum to leave the camp within the next 72 hours, or be killed." 223953,46071.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,La plupart des centres de santé ne sont pas ravitaillé en médicaments malgré la collaboration entre les différentes ONG avec les zones de santé. 276962,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"La deuxième vague de Covid-19 a, jusqu’à présent, eu un impact négatif plus modeste sur les entreprises en RDC que la première vague; mais la reprise après la récession de 2020 est au point mort." 491182,67726.0,1233.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,41,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Aruba,2019-05-28 03:09:23.652639+00,,"In Aruba persons were obliged to test upon arrival at the airport. Aruban restaurants provided in-house dining for 10 persons maximum, yet bars not serving food remained closed. Covid outbreaks impacted schools with boards evaluating temporary closures." 21202,8725.0,786.0,[],[],[],es,58,[],[],Venezuela crisis 2019,2019-01-28 14:09:38.386839+00,https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/02/04/america/1549248322_515264.html,"El primer envío de ayuda humanitaria a Venezuela, impulsado por el presidente interino, Juan Guaidó, con la ayuda de Estados Unidos y Colombia, pretende medir la fidelidad de los militares con Nicolás Maduro y ahondar en la presión para quebrar la cohesión en la cúpula chavista, hasta ahora infranqueable para la oposición." 153916,34182.0,1183.0,"['Shelter', 'WASH']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,42,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20de%20necesidades%20humanitarias.pdf,"Por su parte los migrantes con vocación de permanencia priorizaron elementos que mejoran su lugar de hábitat, incluyendo mecanismos de tratamiento de agua de consumo, kits de cocinas y kits de hábitats que incluyan camas, colchones y sábanas." 436863,64543.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,17,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,"Realizar actividades de sensibilización sobre la importancia del proceso educativo en niños, niñas y adolescentes." 243458,47668.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,22,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"hundreds of thousands of hectares of cultivated land have been destroyed, and thousands of heads of cattle have been killed." 177247,41744.0,2099.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,57,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/rapport_msa-djibo_20201006.pdf,Les 3 besoins principaux exprimés par les ménages sont : 1. Nourriture (Besoin exprimé par 99% des ménages) 2. Abris (Besoin exprimé par 68% des ménages) 3. Médical/santé (Besoin exprimé par 46% des ménages) {105 ménages déplacés internes enquêtés qui comptent 802 individus} 388984,60849.0,1186.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Pop)'],es,21,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"INSTITUCIONES SOCIAS En general hay un profundo desconocimiento de las instituciones socias, sus funciones y su relación con ACNUR." 235593,46890.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,12,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"In total 245,911 people received food security assistance in August 2020." 202029,44071.0,2330.0,['WASH'],[],[],es,50,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"La evaluación conjunta preliminar entre el MSPAS y el clúster de Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene (WASH) indica que unos 5,000 pozos artesanales en el área de Izabal y sur de Petén fueron contaminados por las inundaciones y unos 50 sistemas de agua comunitarios fueron fuertemente afectados." 346939,56987.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Information And Communication->Knowledge And Info Gaps (Hum)', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,68,[],"['Information And Communication', 'Displacement']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Both host and Refugees: Host community households inside the camps are rarely assessed and there is little to no information about how the first lockdown impacted them. However, fears of COVID19 and the economic impact of the first lockdown led to an overall deterioration in security and fuelled tensions between the host and refugee communities." 130814,33838.0,1183.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,55,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,,"Limitado acceso a agua y productos de higiene por las poblaciones en condiciones de vulnerabilidad (refugiados y migrantes, población confinada, desplazada y en extrema pobreza, comunidades étnicas, comunidades rurales aisladas), lo cual puede limitar los esfuerzos de prevención de la propagación del virus y control de infecciones." 166616,40055.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,46,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_as_of_20_september_ne_nigeria.pdf,"In Borno State, a total of 27,837 individuals were screened at 23 Points of Entries locations and 14,563 POEs and Car parks Surveillance Cards were distributed. In Yobe State, screening at PoEs in Postikum, Bade, Geidam and Nguru LGAs was conducted" 291401,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,58,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,"Some 100,000 further doses have been earmarked for humanitarian caseloads through the COVAX facility, using funding from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, although details on how the logistics costs of distribution will be managed are still under discussion. Further discussions are also underway with China on potential donation of additional vaccines." 326321,54734.0,2331.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,62,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported barriers to accessing water were water is too expensive(21%), Water points are difficult to reach (especially for people with disabilities) (20%), fetching water is a dangerous activity (9%)." 271592,49808.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bfa_rapport_smart_2020_vf.pdf,"Notons que cette proportion [d'allaitement exclusif des enfants de 0 à 5 mois en 2020] est à la hausse comparativement à celle de 2019 qui était de 34,5% dans la région du Centre." 164083,39753.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,79,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"Voluntary community mobilizers (VCMs) in all three states of Sokoto Field Office have been trained and equipped with face masks and soaps to sensitize communities on COVID-19 as well as creating awareness on measles. Training of the additional 1,000 community mobilizers is ongoing who will support in non-VCM covered areas reaching all households with messages on COVID-19 prevention. In Adamawa 1,808 town announcers were trained to support the dissemination of key messages on COVID-19." 172110,40716.0,2170.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,122,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.184%20%20%2810%20-%2016%20August%202020%29_0.pdf,"[10 - 16 August 2020, Borno,Yobe] Mobbar: 495 arrivals were recorded in Mobbar LGA of Borno state. All 495 arrivals were from Diffa region in Niger Republic. All movements were triggered by conflict/attack. Monguno: 167 arrivals and 6 departures were recorded in Monguno LGA of Borno state. The arrivals included 132 from Gajiram ward in Nganzai LGA, 33 from Aduwa ward in Guzamala LGA and 2 from Kukawa ward in Kukawa LGA of Borno state. All 6 departures were from Gashua ward in Gashua LGA of Yobe state. 97 per cent of the movements recorded were triggered by conflict/attack while the remaining 3 per cent relocated voluntarily." 166611,40055.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-19_weekly_situation_update_as_of_20_september_ne_nigeria.pdf,"As of 20th September 2020, a total of 1,050 confirmed cases have been recorded including 60 deaths, 30 active cases and 960 recoveries in the BAY states." 490565,67789.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,99,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_bornostate_weekly_sitrep_27082021.pdf,"[27th Aug 2021, Borno State] Partners are facing significant shortages of essential WASH non-food item (NFI) kits including cholera kits, soaps and hygiene items to meet urgent needs during the ongoing rainy season. The withdrawal of a critical WASH partner, FHI360, from three major camps in Dikwa LGA has triggered major response gaps in the area, with thousands of IDP households directly affected. The sector is holding internal discussions to consider measures to close the gaps to mitigate risks and affected households resorting to contaminated water sources." 257060,48672.0,2333.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,"A strong tripartite collaboration has been developed amongst the World Bank, the Government of Niger, and UNHCR to improve access to basic public services and further support for economic opportunities." 206828,44579.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,77,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SOM_WASH_Report_01MAR2020.pdf,"[Specific locations assessed Baidoa, Mogadishu, Galkayo] Difficulty in obtaining soap and menstruation materials were reportedly the main tertiary barriers. When asked what the difficulties for obtaining soap were, the majority of households reported that it was cost, at near four time that of the next most reported reason. For menstruation materials, cost was again the main reason, at more than twice that of the next most." 392068,62154.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],en,68,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/nigeria/millions-children-going-hungry-north-east-nigeria-attacks-devastate-lives-save,"[5th Aug 2021, Nigeria] Shannon Ward, Acting Country Director, Save the Children International Nigeria, said: “The situation is extremely dire. Millions of children have already been through a decade of suffering, violence and humanitarian crisis. Thousands and thousands have died, and many more saw their rights impacted to survive, learn and be protected.”" 338382,55877.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,43,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/media_2021/05/global_covideducation0521_web.pdf,"In many countries, the heavy reliance on online learning and connectivity technologies to deliver education exacerbated learning inequalities because many governments did not have the policies, resources, or infrastructure to roll out online learning in a fully inclusive manner." 205039,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,28,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,In the North West and South West regions IDPs make up 18% of people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance and the host community 27%. 389305,61217.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,49,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/infografia_impacto_y_tendencias_humanitaria_junio_2021_1.pdf,"Durante junio, se sumaron 9 víctimas por Minas Antipersonal (APM) y Municiones sin Explotar (MSE). Entre enero y junio, se han reportado 73 víctimas registradas por la autoridad nacional, Descontamina, de las cuales el 61%, son civiles." 8950,2667.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,47,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/21052018_Attacks_on_Health_Care_EN.pdf,"Health care workers have been subjected to arbitrary detention, hostage-taking and other unlawful deprivation of liberty, sometimes for providing medical care to individuals perceived as enemy fighters or other opponents, in other cases for their alleged opposition to or criticism of armed groups." 240946,47675.0,2332.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201106.pdf,"Since the beginning of 2020, the Lac province has been the target of repeated attacks and incursions by armed groups, which have caused significant internal and cross- border population displacements." 162968,39111.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,73,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/265_1594211243.pdf,"Despite the constraints of COVID-19, the NCDC continues to find innovative ways to ensure HCWs, at all levels, have seamless access to IPC training thereby bridging knowledge gaps and ultimately reducing COVID-19 related infection and death in health workers. In line with this, NCDC has launched an online training course on Infection Prevention and Control for COVID-19 targeted at HCWs but available to the public as well." 207079,44768.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,26,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://rojavainformationcenter.com/2020/12/update-coronavirus-crisis-in-north-and-east-syria-november-2020/,"[30 Nov 2020, NES (Hasaka)] A doctor said that some children are contracting diarrhea because the water is not drinkable." 436854,64543.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/210826_flash_no._2_covid-19_guainia_vf.pdf,Se requiere: o Dotar a las instituciones educativas rurales y urbanas de elementos de aseo e higiene para garantizar las medidas de bioseguridad para la prevención de los estudiantes que puedan estar expuestos a un contagio. 2259,484.0,322.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNFPA_Yemen_-_Monthly_SitRep_1_January.pdf,"The United Nations welcomed the generous pledge by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of $930 million in support of the 2018 YHRP, which represents almost one third of the $2.96 billion required under the YHRP." 15077,6310.0,321.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,87,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/25.10.18%20EN%20UNICEF%20Airlifts%204.7%20Million%20Doses%20of%20Measles%2C%20Rubella%20and%20Polio%20Vaccines%20for%20Children%20in%20Libya.pdf,"The current protracted conflict in Libya has resulted in damage to health infrastructure, disruption of public health services and access to basic health care. Limited investment in the health system has severely affected childhood vaccination, among other essential programmes. Compounded by the desperate situation of migrants using Libya as a transit point, many of whom have not received immunizations in their country of origin or missed the required dose in Libya, routine immunization services in Libya have not been sufficient." 192645,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,44,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"The ongoing macroeconomic crisis underlies South Sudan’s multiple crises. South Sudan is the most oil-dependent country in the world, with oil accounting for almost the totality of exports, and around 60 per cent of its gross domestic product." 225059,45275.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,39,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/on-the-brink_covid-19-in-afghanistan.pdf,"Over the past six months at least 40 schools have been attacked, with reports as high as sixty schools attacked or burnt down in 23 provinces and 400 schools closed due to conflict and fighting across the country" 247813,48085.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Vaccination', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,136,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19']",IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"In a press briefing on 5 January, the WHO urged against nationalism and hoarding of vaccine supplies, calling on governments and pharmaceutical companies to work together to achieve equitable distribution. The world risks a “moral catastrophe” if COVID-19 vaccinations are delayed in Africa while wealthier regions inoculate their entire populations, the head of Africa CDC said on Thursday. On 3 January, Pfizer offered to supply Africa with 50 million COVID-19 vaccines for health workers between March and the end of this year. Moderna Inc. has no supplies for Africa, while AstraZeneca Plc has no shots for the continent in 2021 and has directed the African Union to negotiate with the Serum Institute of India Ltd., which is making the vaccine on behalf of AstraZeneca." 358472,58464.0,2028.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Access to water was already strained in NES, with varying water supplies being further impacted by low water levels. Households depending on affected water stations will prioritize drinking water over other water uses, buying water when possible or simply going without enough water, with possibly detrimental effects on health, food security, and agricultural livelihoods as a result. While drought conditions do not point to an immediate impact on water supply for everyday use, it will mean increased usage of the water systems in place as farmers rely on water supplies for agricultural irrigation." 74629,21263.0,1184.0,[],[],[],es,111,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"BRECHAS EN LA RESPUESTA Capacidades para monitoreo de casos individuales para acceso a la educación, en particular durante el primer año de residencia Acceso a la información sobre procedimientos para acceder a la educación Apoyo material para permitir inserción escolar Iniciativas de cohesión social en el contexto escolar Asistencia técnica al ministerio de educación para permitir la ampliación de la oferta escolar Generar espacios de capacitación y asesoría sobre el uso de los servicios públicos y privados relacionados a la educación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en edad escolar. Asesoría legal relacionada al registro de títulos académicos y requerimientos de norma para establecerse en el Ecuador." 214536,45420.0,2334.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,56,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Gado_Sept2020.pdf,[SITE DE GADO] PRINCIPAUX DEFIS - Moyens de subsistance : Moyens financiers insuffisants pour couvrir ; Difficulté d’accès aux terres arables à proximité du Site ; Difficultés d’accès aux crédits auprès des microfinances par les réfugiés. Arrêt des formations professionnelles des jeunes dû à la pandémie du COVID-19. 272612,50217.0,2333.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Les régions avec les prévalences de MAG les plus élevées sont Agadez, Tahoua, Maradi, Zinder et Diffa" 303897,50891.0,2466.0,"['Shelter', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Sudan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20December%202018%20year%20end.pdf,"Heavy rains and consequent flash floods also shaped the 2018 humanitarian situation and affected more than 195,000 people, damaging households and livelihoods in 15 out of Sudan’s 18 States." 338774,56193.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,29,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Public_CDCS-DRC-12-2025.pdf,"Since the majority of rural communities rely on forests for their livelihoods, improving natural resource management is critical for DRC’s long-term ability to achieve self-reliance." 221017,44617.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,24,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201127_acaps_short_note_colombia_violence_against_civilians.pdf,Venezuelan refugee and migrant households are also at risk due to economic vulnerabilities and lack of access to support services (FAO-WFP 10/2020) 152696,38098.0,2099.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,52,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Depuis quelques semaines, en effet, dans le cadre de la riposte, le pays a décidé de tester systématiquement les contacts des cas confirmés de COVID-19, les voyageurs arrivant au Burkina Faso, les agents de santé de première ligne et les groupes vulnérables tels que les hyémodialysés." 166422,40068.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,46,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://thenationonlineng.net/covid-19-526-active-cases-on-admission-in-fct-says-ncdc/,"With this development, the NCDC website indicates that Lagos now has the highest number of active COVID-19 cases with 3,318 followed by Oyo 1,085; Plateau is third with 922 while FCT now occupies the fourth position on the table with 526 active cases." 113552,32328.0,1185.0,"['Health', 'Food Security', 'WASH', 'Livelihoods', 'Education']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,34,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RGA_ESP_Venezuela_final_compressed_0.pdf,"Nuestros programas de asistencia a largo plazo proveen alimentos, agua potable, atención médica básica y educación, y generan oportunidades para que las personas construyan un mejor futuro para sí mismas." 223947,46071.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],fr,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Selon les informations recueillies l’eau est devenue une denrée de plus en plus rare et la pandémie a coïncidée avec le début de la saison sèche. 192814,43603.0,2331.0,"['WASH', 'Education', 'Cross', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Along with the PiN, the revised intersectoral people targeted has increased slightly to about 3 million people. Most sectoral PiN . and targets remained the same, except for the PiN for Education and WASH which increased, while the PiN for Food Security and Shelter decreased." 299127,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"The levy amount generally amounts to 10 per cent of the overall budget, although in several cases NSAG-TB seemed willing to accept five or less percent. In cases where humanitarian partners withstood pressure and refused to pay levies, NSAG-TB members often directly levied beneficiaries, with the latter likely to withhold this information from humanitarian partners due to fear of humanitarian assistance being withdrawn." 143015,35989.0,2074.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",es,91,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Bolivia,2020-08-12 21:09:20.551252+00,,"La llegada de venezolanos a Bolivia se ha incrementado en los últimos años, por la DIGEMIG ha manifestado la intención de realizar un registro oficial de esta población. En los últimos meses se han realizado mesas técnicas para tratar la migración venezolana y se han trabajado una serie de resoluciones con la intención de facilitar la regularización de los desplazados venezolanos. Según datos suministrados por la DIGEMIG, la mayoría de los venezolanos que ingresan a Bolivia lo hacen con pasaporte vigente seguido del carnet de identidad." 227514,46488.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,37,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Tous ont aussi rapporté que ladite école était endommagée, avec une majorité des IC (12/15) rapportant que la raison principale de l’endommagement était liée aux violences communautaires ou aux désastres naturels." 61211,17745.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Livelihoods']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,32,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/08.23.19%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Success%20Story%20-%20Supporting%20Health%20Care%20Access%20for%20Vulnerable%20Venezuelans.pdf,"The organization also partners with local health facilities and operates mobile health units. To date, Americares has conducted more than 88,000 health consultations for Venezuelans in the four departments." 60696,17936.0,788.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,70,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20Nigeria-2019%20EFSA%20Report%20-%20Final%20Version%20to%20be%20shared.pdf,"Host communities in Borno State, currently hosting a large number of IDPs were found to have higher proportion of food insecure households compared to IDP camps residents in the same locations, most notably host community households in Monguno (76.5 percent), Maiduguri (52.5 percent), Ngala (31 percent), Damboa (33.3 percent) and Gwoza (70.2 percent) LGAs." 191237,43567.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,44,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_september_2020.pdf,"[Sept 2020, Cox's Bazar] Feelings of anxiety and depression related due to relational conflicts, gender-based violence exaggerated by COVID-19 related lockdowns, camp insecurity, community conflicts and lack of livelihoods, were some of the concerns identified." 300690,51152.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"As of 31 January 2021, funding is required to extend 3 sub-national coordination positions in 3 strategic states affected by flooding (Jonglei, Unity and Central Equatoria), beyond February 2021. Lack of funding for these 3 positions will lead to coordination challenges, including weak monitoring and poor identification of needs and gaps." 134709,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],[],[],es,93,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El hacinamiento ha sido tematizado en estudios recientes como mayor en población migrante que en población local; y también como uno de los puntos más críticos en cuanto a la calidad de vida (Razmilic, 2019; Troncoso et al., 2018). Este es un componente social del déficit, y refiere a las carencias en habitabilidad relacionadas a densidad, ocupación y privacidad. En otras palabras, el índice de hacinamiento señala el espacio disponible para los habitantes de la vivienda (Muñoz, 2008).16" 271914,50217.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,50,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Tous les groupes de populations dont la majorité sont localisés dans les régions de Diffa, Tahoua, Maradi et Tillabéri, présentent également une sévérité 3 sauf les PDI résidant dans les départements de Ouallam (Tillabéri) et Goudoumaria (Diffa) qui ont une sévérité 2." 147051,36039.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"Further, WFP, as the Logistics Cluster lead, continues to monitor ports of entry for cargo movement including operational status, capacity, new developments and restrictions. The Food Security Sector continues liaison with the Logistics Cluster to update partners with pertinent information as necessary." 207195,43256.0,2334.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,87,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"According to a COVID-19 risk analysis, multisectoral assessments carried out in the main affected areas (Far North, North West and South West) and multisectoral rapid assessments, inventories of WASH infrastructures and data related to water, hygiene and sanitation services in the main IDP and refugee sites, camps and host villages, an estimated figure of 3.7 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, particularly in terms of access to drinking water, basic hygiene and sanitation services." 208204,44900.0,2333.0,"['WASH', 'Health']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],fr,130,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ner_rapport_mensuel_sous_bureau_diffa_sepembre_2020.pdf,"COVID 19 : Dotation des Districts de Goudoumaria, Mainé Soroa et N'guigmi en kits EPI et kits EPC pour 30 Centres de Santé intégré (CSI) : Dispositifs de lavage des mains (DLM), poubelles, savon, gel, combinaison lunettes, charlotte, masques chirurgicaux, masques artisanaux, fiches de sensibilisation; des équipes mobiles ont été mises en place au niveau de 3 Districts pour la supervision des activités terrains; 86 relais communautaires dont 35 à Goudoumaria, 35 à Mainé Soroa et 16 à N'Guigmi, ont été formés sur la sensibilisation et la détection précoce des cas au niveau de 3 Districts; 06 agents additionnels ont été identifiés au niveau des 3 Districts dont 2 par District." 205873,43256.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Access to legal services is very problematic, with risks of arbitrary arrest and a lack of legal response to gender-based violence. The crisis has also severely affected vulnerable people; insecurity and the closure of health facilities limit access to reproductive health services and treatment for HIV and pregnancy monitoring for pregnant women." 18886,7294.0,730.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,39,['At Risk'],['Context'],Yemen Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:30:15.867613+00,https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/news-stories/news/yemen-land-mines-take-heavy-toll-civilians,"By creating generations of maimed people, mines have far-reaching repercussions—not only for individual families, but for society as a whole, as their victims are likely to be more dependent on others and more socially isolated." 247973,48228.0,2332.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,123,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"A Darkani, quatre forages réalisés respectivement par OIM, CRT, Help Tchad et UNICEF desservent une population de 5000 individus. Un gap de six (06) forages reste à couvrir. La surexploitation des forages entraine de temps en temps des pannes de forages et cela crée une forte congestion autour des points d’eau. Par conséquent, la plupart des ménages usagers partent collecter l’eau du bras de lac au bord duquel jonchent des excrétas pour la consommation et les usages domestiques. Un seul comité non structuré de gestion des points existe et peine à assurer régulièrement le recouvrement de coûts afin de pallier aux problèmes d’éventuels cas de pannes." 104847,30139.0,1860.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",en,47,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Shock/Event', 'Displacement', 'Context']",COVID-19 Americas Region Multi-Sectorial Assessment,2020-05-18 21:51:19.040784+00,,"Mobility impact The COVID-19 pandemic has caused global mobility to come to a near standstill with border closures, air travel suspensions and complex mobility restrictions. Forcibly displaced and other migrant populations are one of the first to confront the harsh impacts of this crisis." 319524,54426.0,2333.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"UNHCR has donated tons of medical supplies and equipment to the Government, including Refugee Housing Units (RHU) to isolate confirmed [covid19] cases." 223605,45721.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"In addition to providing greater access to beneficiaries, humanitarian efforts require flexible and timely funding to assist millions of Somalis effectively and ensure that the security needs of national and local implementing partners are factored into proposals and budgets properly." 175059,40904.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,40,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sitrep_Antioquia_Junio_V2_%282%29_VF.pdf,"De acuerdo con la Alcaldía de Medellín, el sistema educa�vo oficial ha completado la cobertura de 21.954 estudiantes refugiados y migrantes gracias a la oferta en los albergues temporales. La mayoría de los estudiantes son de nacionalidad venezolana" 149340,37832.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,35,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CXB%20External%20Sitrep%20%2340%20%28July%202020%29.pdf,"FSS continues to coordinate widespread mask distribution in Cox’s Bazar, with nearly 900,000 reusable cloth masks handed out by FSS partners in the camps and host community as of 23 July." 248561,46458.0,2336.0,"['Education', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,42,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/afg_un-habitat_covid-19_brief_jalalabad_june_2020.pdf,Providing enhanced education and training services linked to local livelihood opportunities would support the socioeconomic development of the settlement and residents. Implementing a cash-for-work settlement upgrading programme – in tandem with education and training support – could address this issue. 145844,35819.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_08_12%20USG%20Syria%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf,"Humanitarian actors, including USAID/BHA and State/PRM partners, continue to support COVID-19 mitigation and response efforts in Syria, including through health and WASH activities." 338553,56250.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],fr,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,"[Tanganyika - pluies abondantes abattues entre février et avril 2021, dans les zones bordant le fleuve Congo, le Lac Tanganyika et leurs affluents] Selon les données partagées par la Division provinciale de l’agriculture, pêche et élevage du Tanganyika, le territoire de Kabalo est le plus affecté par les conséquences des inondations sur les champs avec plus de 1 100 hectares de champs notamment de maïs, d’arachides et de maniocs sont sous les eaux depuis février" 223255,45721.0,2331.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Clan conflicts remain a major concern, in particular in Hiraan, Galmudug, Shabelle Hoose, Shabelle Dhexe and Sool regions, where clan violence costs lives and livelihoods and displaces families. Humanitarian programmes in the affected locations are often suspended until the conflict is resolved." 189439,42879.0,1183.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population'],es,134,[],['Humanitarian Access'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/agosto2020_analisisdenecesidadesmensual_mire_0.pdf,"La mayoría de las zonas en donde se presentan las emergencias intervenidas por el MIRE se caracterizan por la dificultad en sus vías de acceso. Es usual la necesidad de recurrir al transporte aéreo de pocas personas (helicópteros y avionetas), vehículos automotores todo terreno y lanchas o canoas artesanales dependiendo del nivel de los ríos. En muchas ocasiones la combinación de varios medios de transporte es la única solución para brindar respuesta a las emergencias. Otro aspecto para tener en cuenta son las condiciones de seguridad a las que se ven enfrentados los equipos móviles de respuesta, los cuales en ocasiones se han visto obligados a retrasar el inicio de actividades por presencia de GAIs, enfrentamientos entre los mismos y combates con la fuerza pública." 326616,54734.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,13,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 6% households with a vulnerable primary income earner 387366,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,46,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"los contratos temporales tienen una mayor incidencia en las grandes empresas que en las empresas de menor tamaño. Esto sucede tanto entre trabajadores hombres como mujeres, aunque en este último caso la incidencia de los contratos temporales es menor que entre los hombres." 279847,50901.0,2028.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,59,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_Mahmoudli_January2021-1.pdf,"[January 2021, Ar-Raqqa Governorate] [Mahmoudli Camp Overview: No. of Individual: 10,277] In Mahmoudli Camp, Camp management KIs reported that living conditions not allowing for social distancing and community members being unsure of the reasons why to social distance was the main issue the population experienced related to social distancing." 298948,51152.0,2335.0,['Shelter'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,26,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Some 360,000 people in need of ES/NFI response. A total $2.5 million is required for 135,000 flood affected people. (ES-NFI Cluster)" 289115,51796.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,26,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.somosiberoamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/RPI-N10.pdf,Esta crisis ha puesto de relieve de una manera sin precedentes el papel fundamental que desempeñan las mujeres en el desarrollo y sostenibilidad de nuestras sociedades 217450,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,33,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"In the months of April and May, the distribution of humanitarian food assistance in Afghanistan tends to be low and is generally targeted towards displaced populations and people affected by floods." 347998,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],en,84,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Evidence from CXB shows that women and adolescent girls are avoiding the communal latrines and using buckets or shower cubicles at home, which is not only risky for public health, but also a very undignified experience to go through every single day. Research in CXB also showed that some women were restricting the amount of food and water they consumed and restricted this for their children to avoid using communal latrines." 308687,53292.0,2335.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,102,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"The 2021 South Sudan Humanitarian Response Plan was launched on 16 March and called for US$1.7 billion to assist and protect 6.6 million in 2021. The plan includes an estimated $68.5 million to support the scale-up of operations to meet the urgent needs of people in the six Priority 1 counties, as per the IPC projections. The South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF) released $13 million to respond to people’s immediate needs in the Priority 1 counties facing Catastrophic levels of food insecurity, representing 19 per cent of the scale-up requirements" 190998,42037.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,44,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_NGA2005-Maisandari-Hausari-Maiduguri-LGA_June-2020.pdf,"[1st Jul 2020, Maiduguri LGA, Borno state] KIs from 1 settlement reported that some residents had experienced violent interactions with police, security forces, or local vigilantes because of COVID-19 in the 30 days prior to data collection." 276672,50717.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,28,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/3/8/syrias-president-assad-and-his-wife-test-positive-for-covid-19,"[1st March, 2021, GoS] Al-Assad, president of Syria, his government started administering COVID-19 vaccinations to front-line healthcare workers on March 1." 439431,63592.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,97,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 19% (63) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité de la population ne pouvait pas se déplacer librement en dehors de la localité, principalement pour des raisons liées à la sécurité, citées dans 100% (63) de ces localités évaluées. L'existence de conflits liés à la terre, au logement ou à la propriété était rapportée dans 72% (238) des localités évaluées, tandis que les conflits/tensions entre communautés étaient cités dans 23% (77) des localités évaluées." 308686,53292.0,2335.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,100,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_response_scale-up_situation_report_4.pdf,"The Logistics Cluster has deployed a coordinator on ground to work with partners on common storage in Pibor town. Roads into Pibor are now passable, including to Likuangole, and the delivery of urgent supplies and pre-positioning efforts are being scaled up to maximize the current window ahead of April and May when the rains set in and road transport for trucks becomes impassable. The local community built a temporary bridge, and thus, Vertet in Pibor County is now accessible for specialized trucks but not normal commercial trucks for delivering supplies to the area." 328774,54713.0,2331.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,15,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 83% households with an age dependency ratio greater than 0.8 160519,38373.0,1183.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,96,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"En abril, el 68.4% obtuvo sus ingresos por el trabajo de algún miembro de la familia; en mayo, cuando el aislamiento obligatorio llevaba más de un mes, los ingresos provenientes del trabajo de la familia decayeron a un 55.3%; y en junio, con la reactivación de algunos sectores económicos, este porcentaje se incrementó hasta un 60.5%. Hay por lo tanto una relación inversamente proporcional entre la imposibilidad de salir a realizar trabajos informales y el nivel de ingresos por familia durante el confinamiento obligatorio." 157028,38912.0,2099.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],fr,46,"['Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99163,"Sur 338 échantillons analysés, le Burkina Faso a enregistré 11 nouveaux cas à la date du 5 septembre 2020. Tous de transmission communautaire, 5 cas ont été enregistrés à Bobo-Dioulasso, 3 à Ouagadougou, 1 à Boromo et 2 à Gaoua." 319526,54426.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR_15.pdf,"Sahel Situation began in 2012 with the outbreak of conflict in northern Mali. UNHCR and the Government of Niger have developed a joint strategy to close the camps in the Tillabery region and to support the socioeconomic integration of the 60,236 Malian refugees into the country." 300684,51152.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,46,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_flooding_situation_report_31jan2021.pdf,"Given the recurrent, scale and scope of consecutive years (2019 and 2020) of flooding in South Sudan, adequate resources should be allocated for protection services in 2021 to ensure centrality of protection and conflict sensitive approaches are integrated into emergency response." 276967,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,32,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] Le pourcentage d’entreprises prenant des précautions a baissé: 89% avaient des mesures en place en décembre, et 96% en juillet" 179031,41949.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/synthese_etablissements_fermes_21_09_20202.pdf,"Au post-primaire et secondaire, la situation est de 192 établissements fermés au 21 septembre 2020 contre 263 au 12 mars 2020. 11 novelles fermetures sont constatées et 82 établissements post-primaires et secondaires ont rouvert à la même date. 6 régions et 18 provinces connaissent la fermeture d’établissements post-primaires et secondaires" 163820,34549.0,2028.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Some of the measures the Government has been using to control the spread of the virus include movement restrictions between cities, a curfew, banning public gatherings and shutdown of economic activities" 35501,13103.0,788.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,20,[],['Shock/Event'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Nigeria has an emerging HIV epidemic, particularly in the North Central zone, which is disproportionately affecting adolescents." 227476,46488.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],fr,59,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"La ZS de Salamabila est particulièrement touchée par les catastrophes naturelles. En effet, la commune avait déjà été affectée par des vents violents et des pluies diluviennes en mars et avril 2020, qui avaient détruit des centaines d’abris et aggravé le risque de propagation de maladies d’origine hydrique suite aux intempéries." 492565,67939.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,37,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/syria-sees-spike-covid-19-cases-fears-grow-new-wave-2021-09-22/,"[September 23, NWS] The total number of active cases is now over 25,000, which almost equals the total number detected in northwest Syria in the entire past year, the IRC said." 17671,7167.0,322.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']",['Capacities & Response->National Response'],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,105,['Capacities & Response'],['Shock/Event'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,http://nfdhr.org/en/stories.php?id=101#.XCC5h1wzaUl,"Al-Qanboor village is one of the villages of Az-Zuhra District in Hodeida Governorate, which owns vast areas of agricultural land. However, the scarcity of rain water and the drought of the wells around many of them to arid lands. For instance, the area of ​​more than (4356 m2 ) which belongs to Ali Ameen, one of the beneficiaries of the distribution of improved agricultural seeds implemented by the National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response (NFDHR) within the activities of the project of food security and agriculture funded by Vision Hope International (VHI)." 169296,40031.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,43,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,"• As part of the virtual commemoration of the World Humanitarian Day, INDECI presented awards to humanitarian partners, including WFP, for their valuable support for the COVID-19 emergency response. WFP's support for logistics operations was highly praised." 329080,55067.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2021/04/12/na041521-six-charts-show-the-challenges-faced-by-sub-saharan-africa,"Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 15 percent of the global population, but as of April 5, only 0.5 percent of all administered doses globally were in sub-Saharan African countries" 267851,49804.0,2028.0,"['Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,84,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The coastal region reported the highest terms of tread between wage labour and wheat flour at 5.7 kgs (down six percent m-o-m), followed by the cross border region at 5.3 kgs (down two percent m-o-m). On the other hand, northwest Syria reported the lowest ToT at 2.5 kgs (down three percent m-o-m), followed by the southern region at 3.4 kgs (down one percent m-o-m)." 225396,45087.0,2336.0,"['Nutrition', 'Protection']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,30,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Child mortality, malnutrition, forced marriages, sexual abuse, child labour and other forms of violence and exploitation and are all common challenges for the average child." 174556,41246.0,2170.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,109,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000118469.pdf,"[ 1st July 2020, Borno, Yobe states] In Borno and Yobe states, prices of key staples saw a seasonal upturn due to a decreased availability of market stocks since July, ascribed to the lean season, the underlying high inflation and Eid celebration late July. Between June and July, the cost of the Food Basket, which is 70% of Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) in Maiduguri and Jere, increased slightly from 19,072 Naira to 19,345 Naira. This now means that the SMEB is as high as at the highest point in the 2018 lean season." 276111,50671.0,2332.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,88,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/analyse_de_protection_tchad_2019.pdf,"Ces textes [juridiques lié à la protection] ne s’appliquent pas ou peu, dans la pratique, laissant les personnes handicapées en marge de la société, aussi bien au niveau local que national. Au-delà de la justice formelle, la justice coutumière (l’ensemble des règles coutumières propres à une ethnie ou communauté) demeure toujours d’actualité au Tchad. Ces justices coutumières ne favorisent pas la protection des femmes, des enfants et des personnes handicapées." 272624,50217.0,2333.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Economy', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",fr,40,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,D’autres contraintes sont essentiellement liées à la problématique du prix et de la disponibilité du carburant ainsi qu’à l’insécurité et aux mesures d’Etat d’urgence (notamment à Tillabéri). 388635,61080.0,2099.0,['Livelihoods'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,19,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Dans la commune de Sebba, les moniteurs ont assisté 33 PBS dont 28 hommes et 05 femmes." 346574,56939.0,2225.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,42,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/eu-allocates-2-million-emergency-humanitarian-funding-victims-drc,"The European Commission has allocated emergency humanitarian funding of €2 million for those affected by the eruption of Mount Nyiragongo in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), next to the Rwanda border." 16704,6342.0,322.0,"['Logistics', 'Protection']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,54,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Humanitarian Access'],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180727_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%2011%20.pdf,"Humanitarian partners continue to seek the most reliable and safest routes to assist people in need. As the eastern entrance to Al Hudaydah City remains inaccessible because of fighting along the Al Hudaydah-Sana’a road, partners are now generally using alternative routes to the north to access Al Hudaydah City." 386152,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],[],es,153,['Impact'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El escenario económico que enfrentaron las empresas en el período comprendido entre la última encuesta laboral y la actual estuvo marcado por tasas de crecimiento del producto interno bruto (PIB) menores a las que se habían observado en el período entre las encuestas de 2011 y 2014. En efecto, a partir de 2014 se observa un descenso en la tasa de crecimiento del PIB, el cual se situó, en promedio, en torno a los dos puntos porcentuales de variación en el período 2014-2019. Si bien en 2018 hubo un leve repunte, el índice volvió a mostrar signos de desaceleración en 2019. El trabajo de campo de la Encla 2019 alcanza a capturar el periodo justo anterior al estallido social del 18 de octubre 2019, pudiéndose evidenciar que justo hasta el tercer trimestre 2019 la tendencia del contexto económico muestra un menor crecimiento" 134731,34828.0,1186.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,31,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Continuando con las condiciones de habitabilidad, el 7,2% de los hogares migrantes se encuentra en situación de allegamiento, lo cual es un 3,2% en población local." 494244,68123.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,55,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000132126.pdf,"[August 2021, Overall Syria] M-o-m, the national average retail price of red split lentils increased by five percent throughout Syria, reaching SYP 2,843/kg. The price of red split lentils increased by 41 percent since February 2021 (six months ago) and by 111 percent since August 2020." 326223,54734.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,38,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[General household information]Two most common behaviours adapted to prevent COVID-19 spreading, as reported by households Stopping handshakes or physical contact (48%), Keeping distance from people (42%)." 169195,39944.0,2028.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,64,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://academic.oup.com/jpubhealth/article/42/3/504/5841457,NWS: protective measures Measure: Control of borders and crossing points What have been done so far: All official crossing points with the Government of Syria and the AANES areas have been closed from mid-March 2020. The Bab Al Hawa border with Turkey has been restricted from the Turkish side with very minimum cross-border activities for trade and humanitarian supplies. 112288,29953.0,1183.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,106,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para Colombia, el GIFMM ha identificado las siguientes barreras que limitan el acceso de los niños, niñas y adolescentes refugiados y migrantes al sistema educativo: 1) uniformes y recursos educativos básicos; 2) alimentación en las escuelas acorde con los requerimientos nutricionales; 3) transporte escolar; 4) capacidades de los rectores y los maestros para prevenir y manejar situaciones de xenofobia y violencia basada en género, y 5) capacidades de las escuelas para responder a las necesidades socioemocionales y de aprendizaje de los niños, niñas y adolescentes como factores esenciales en sus prácticas pedagógicas." 165632,39645.0,2098.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,86,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,Reasons given for collecting food assistance from a camp that is not their own (88 responses) No distribution point in their camp (76 respondents) Registered in another camp (10 respondents) Prefer going to another camp (2 respondents) † Respondents could select multiple options Camp 16 had the highest number of repondents that reported no distribution point in their camp (16 respondents) followed by Camp 19 (15 respondents) and Camp 8W (14 respondents) 160513,38373.0,1183.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Un mecanismo de adaptación de la población ha sido compartir la vivienda con personas que no son de los núcleos familiares (amigos, vecinos, personas de la comunidad de acogida). El 46.5% de la población reportó compartir la vivienda con otras familias, lo que representa un aumento de casi un 7% con respecto al periodo anterior (enero-marzo). Otras familias optaron por la ocupación o invasión de predios o asentamientos informales." 35772,13103.0,788.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security', 'Cross', 'Health']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Context->Demography', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",en,82,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/9789290234319-eng.pdf,"Male children are often preferred over their female siblings, who are given comparatively less access to money, food, affection and so on (54). As shown by the National Nutrition and Health Survey (2015), female adolescents are four times more likely than women aged 20–49 years to be severely malnourished at the time of pregnancy and childbirth (54), increasing the likelihood of complications from ante-, intra- and postpartum haemorrhage." 17073,7092.0,322.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,78,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_humanitarian_dashboard_Jan%20to%20oct_2018.pdf,"Between January to October 2018, FSA Cluster partners assisted an average of 7.4 million individuals with regular monthly emergency food assistance (in-kind, cash transfers, & voucher transfers). By the end of October 2018, a cumulative total of almost 1.6 million people benefited from livelihoods assistance (1.4 million people assisted with rapid emergency agricultural, livestock & fisheries kits; and around 115,000 people provided with longer-term livelihoods support)." 393217,62158.0,2170.0,['WASH'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,97,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Below graphs demonstrates effectiveness of washing hands regularly prevents COVID 19 in their community. 35% indicates that washing hands with soap is Very effective and regularly prevents COVID 19, 40% said washing hands regularly with soap is effective and prevents COVID 19 in the community. 8% said washing hands is not effective, 4% said it is totally not effective while 13% said they don’t have an idea whether washing hands is effective and prevents COVID 19 or not." 290591,51817.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,20,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"Le manque d'accès à l'éducation pousse de nombreux enfants aux alternatives dangereuses, y compris le recrutement dans les milices" 125312,32569.0,1621.0,['Livelihoods'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,22,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_R30_Migrant_Report.pdf,The lack of casual labour opportunities for migrants appear to be a critical concern as it can increase migrants’ vulnerability. 16696,7075.0,322.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],en,74,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_IPC_Yemen_AFI_Situation_2018Dec2019Jan.pdf,": Armed conflict remains the main driver of food insecurity in Yemen, curtailing food access for both the displaced and the host communities. The food security crisis is further exacerbated by extremely high food prices, the liquidity crisis, disrupted livelihoods, and high levels of unemployment. The large food gaps are only marginally mitigated by HFA which is not adequate to reverse the continuous deterioration of the situation." 2707,529.0,321.0,[],[],[],en,45,[],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-unhcr-saddened-about-tragic-truck-accident-and-rushes-help-survivors,"UNHCR is saddened about the tragic truck accident and rushes help to survivorsUNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in Libya deplores the tragic truck accident near Bani Waleed, which left 19 refugees dead and 49 others injured on Wednesday, 14 February." 320921,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,124,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] [Outlook] Les PDIs en provenance, en particulier, des zones de Tshibala (30 mille), Bena Leka (26 mille), Mikalayi (26 mille), Demba (20 mille), Kalomba (20 mille) et Luabo (19 mille) ainsi que de la province du Kasaï (75 mille) seraient en mesure de retourner majoritaires dans leur zone de provenance ce qui fait que les retours futurs sont davantage envisageables dans ces zones, si les conditions y sont favorables" 341770,56181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,24,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,La RDC continue de maintenir un couvrefeu de 22h à 4h du matin dans certaines provinces où le nombre de cas positifs est élevé 164631,39753.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,86,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"UNICEF is supporting the development and dissemination of community level reporting tools. While also working closely with State EOCs to support health facilities to conduct outreaches in high burden areas. UNICEF supported:  an in-dept analysis of healthcare workers infection in Bauchi state. state/LGA level IPC training in Osun state – 290 trained (PHC OIC, medical personnel at tertiary, secondary, and private health facilities, ambulance drivers, burial teams and morticians) from 27-30 May 2020." 244243,47682.0,2332.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/dou_20201009.pdf,"On 24 September, the eastern operation of the G5 Sahel captured 23 weapons in Wour, Tibesti province, in the North of Chad. Ten of these weapons were taken during camp searches, and 13 others were taken during civilian searches in the sector." 343899,56754.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,141,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/colombia/25-de-mayo-d-nacional-por-la-dignidad-de-las-mujeres-v-ctimas-de-violencia-sexual-en,"acuerdo al trabajo territorial realizado por el equipo de respuesta humanitaria del UNFPA, este tipo de violencia muestra niveles altos de ocurrencia en las fronteras; por ejemplo, la situación en Norte de Santander con respecto a la violencia sexual y feminicida, es crítica. Entre abril y mayo de 2021 se registraron ocho (8) feminicidios, así como diversas manifestaciones de este tipo de violencia contra más de 15 mujeres. Esta región ha sido históricamente afectada por el conflicto armado y lamentablemente, existe una victimización acentuada de las mujeres, dado que los grupos armados las consideran como arma de guerra. El observatorio de asuntos de género de Norte de Santander registró para el año 2020, 247 casos de violencia sexual, de los cuales el 96% eran mujeres." 245781,47762.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Context->Economy'],es,24,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"979.000 millones de pesos al programa Generación E del Ministerio de Educación y Prosperidad Social, y a los aportes de gobiernos territoriales." 272617,50217.0,2333.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,24,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Près de la moitié des déplacés et retournés habitent dans des abris de paille qui sont pour la plupart dans un état défectueux. 126136,34397.0,1183.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,28,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/74219,"el 42% de los hogares migrantes en tránsito tiene una diversidad de dieta baja, y solo el 11% tiene una diversidad de dieta mediana." 63191,18464.0,1386.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,108,[],['Context'],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://www.diariodelnorte.net/caribe/99-la-guajira/5338-frontera-colombo-venezolana-por-paraguachon-no-esta-militarizada-y-fluye-con-total-normalidad.html,"Entretanto a la expectativa por lo que pueda pasar en la frontera, permanecen los habitantes de Maicao y del corregimiento de Paraguachón, ante la posible presencia cercana de tropas del Ejército bolivariano. “Todo está en normalidad hasta el momento, gracias a Dios está saliendo y entrando la gente normalmente. Ayer fue un día que me tomé el trabajo de preguntar a las personas que uno conoce si habían muchos militares en la vía y me dijeron que antes por el contrario, las vías estaban despejadas”, afirmó Ricci Deluque, presidenta de la Junta de Acción Comunal de Paraguachón." 247932,48228.0,2332.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],fr,31,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,Recommandations : Long terme = Planifier dans le micro-plan du District les sites dans les activés avancées de routine en vaccination des enfants et des femmes en âge de procréer. 275502,50217.0,2333.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,56,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,"Ceci aura pour conséquence la détérioration de la santé mentale, psychologique et physique des populations, aggravation de la situation sécuritaire des populations par la structuration des mécanismes traditionnels et une instauration d’un chaos. [risques si il y a une faible capacité pour répondre aux besoins des survivantes de VBG]" 128910,34596.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,123,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"Facemask usage remains low: only 29% of the focal points in GoS areas report that their community members wear them, and the numbers drop to 12% in NSAG/TBAF and 7% in SDF areas. Without distributions of PPE, community members often cannot find masks in stores or afford them where they are available, which makes it hard to take this simple and important precaution. 8 Ibid. 7 This data is sourced from HNAP’s round 10 dataset with analysis by GTS. Please note that this dataset includes feedback from only 197 focal points in GoS; 43 in NSAG/TBAF; and 45 in SDF areas of control. 9 Ibid." 745,156.0,321.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,http://www.reachresourcecentre.info/system/files/resource-documents/reach_lby_report_2017_multi-sector_needs_assessment_september_2017_0.pdf,"Across all locations and population groups, the most reported coping mechanisms used in the previous 30 days were spending savings (56.5% of households), selling gold (36.2%) and borrowing money (21.9%). Overall, 22.2% of households reported not resorting to any coping strategy at all. The high proportion of households reporting spending their savings and assets, as well as borrowing money to cope with a lack of cash, income and/ or resources underlined a negative trend of financial resource depletion that appears as dangerous and unsustainable. No notable variation among mantikas was observed." 53476,16820.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,98,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/colombia0819sp_web_0.pdf,"Los grupos armados también amenazan e intimidan a trabajadoras sexuales, que en al menos tres municipios del Catatumbo son, en su mayoría, venezolanas, según entrevistas de Human Rights Watch con funcionarios locales101. El trabajo sexual no se encuentra penalizado en Colombia102. En los muros de dos burdeles del municipio de Convención, hay grandes pintadas de grafiti con los nombres de grupos armados. La Defensoría del Pueblo ha informado que grupos armados amenazan a las trabajadoras sexuales con tomar represalias si alguno de sus miembros contrae una enfermedad de transmisión sexual" 189680,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,104,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Personnes dans le besoin 5,3 millions de personnes sont dans le besoin d´assistance sur 6,3 millions de personnes affectées par les crises humanitaires au Tchad. Parmi ces personnes se trouvent les populations en déplacement (réfugiés, retournés, déplacés internes) et communautés hôtes, les personnes affectées par l´insécurité alimentaire, la malnutrition et les urgences sanitaires. Un accent particulier est mis pour faire ressortir les vulnérabilités spécifiques à certaines catégories de personnes tels que les enfants, les femmes enceintes et allaitantes, les personnes vivant avec un handicap, les filles et les jeunes adolescents, etc." 63976,18967.0,788.0,"['Agriculture', 'Nutrition', 'Cross', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,148,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1_FAONigeriasitrep_September%202019.pdf,"Of the 1.9 million IDPs, who face significant food and livelihood challenges in the three northeastern states (DTM IOM Round XXVI, May 2019), more than 80 percent are in Borno. Due to the influx of IDPs and the tense security situation, host communities have reduced access to land and other resources for food production, leading to high levels of poverty and malnutrition. Vulnerable households also face less access to humanitarian services due to the inaccessibility of some areas deemed ‘no go’ amid security concerns. Compounding these challenges is a severe climate variability that is negatively affecting production systems, resulting in reduced crop yields and livestock productivity that FAO is addressing through the distribution of quality seeds and fertilizers. A total of 2.9 million people are facing severe food insecurity and require emergency assistance." 189664,43300.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,62,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Suite au faible accès aux services sociaux de base (accès limité à l´eau potable, à l´assainissement, aux soins de santé primaire, etc.) et à l´apparition de maladies à potentiel épidémique, près de 2 millions des personnes sont affectées par les urgences sanitaires parmi lesquelles les enfants, les femmes enceintes et les femmes allaitantes." 385629,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population', 'Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,33,[],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Dans la région du Nord, les gaps d’interventions concernent en particulier les zones sous influence des hommes armés non identifiés, notamment Koumbri, Kain, Sollé et Banh." 272059,50213.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,54,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/9c032c38/REACH_SYR_Northeast_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_January_2021.pdf,"[Jan 2021, NES] Prices for manually refined transport fuels also increased between December and January, with manually refined petrol increasing by 17% and manually refined diesel increasing by 29%. In addition to the impacts of SYP depreciation, these price increases likely resulted from increased demand." 238429,47405.0,2311.0,[],[],['Displacement->Pull Factors'],es,98,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://s3.amazonaws.com/semanaruralvzla/documentos/1609370839_boletin_17_de_planes_pdtokpdf,"Tan solo cinco departamentos en Colombia concentran más de la mitad de la población venezolana radicada en el país, con el 57,5 %. Entre estos se encuentran Bogotá, con 19,5 %; Norte de Santander, con 11,2 %; Atlántico, con 9,2 %; y Antioquia y La Guajira con 8,9 % y 8,7 % respectivamente (Tabla 1). En particular, la migración venezolana se ha concentrado en las principales ciudades, ya que es allí donde se encuentran las principales fuentes de empleo y oportunidades económicas para establecerse." 188053,42884.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],fr,92,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.rfi.fr/fr/afrique/20200815-rdc-coronavirus-reouverture-frontieres-aeriennes-maritimes,"Mais ce samedi, tout n’était pas au point. Les tests ne sont pas encore déployés dans toutes les villes. Quelques grandes agglomérations ont été équipées pour diagnostiquer le coronavirus. C’est le cas de Matadi, Lubumbashi, Goma, Kolwezi et Mbandaka. Des points d’entrées au pays comme Kasumbalesa, la frontière avec la Zambie et Lufu, frontalier avec l’Angola, ont été équipés, mais beaucoup d’autres endroits attendent toujours le geste du gouvernement." 439369,63592.0,2225.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,80,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_RDC_Factsheet_2003_HSM_Sud-Kivu_juillet2021.pdf,"Dans 42% (140) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité des enfants n’avait pas accès à une école primaire fonctionnelle à moins d’une heure de marche au cours du mois précédent. Dans 50% (166) des localités évaluées, les IC ont rapporté que la majorité des enfants n’avait pas accès à une école secondaire fonctionnelle à moins d’une heure de marche" 74795,21257.0,1184.0,['Health'],[],[],es,93,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"La falta de acceso a servicios de salud, de manera particular para niñas y niños menores de 2 años y de atención durante el embarazo y en el parto, se encuentran entre las principales razones para abandonar Venezuela. La crisis de salud extendida en Venezuela combinadas con las dificultades encontradas en el camino a Ecuador, en particular para grupos vulnerables, lleva a la identificación de casos vulnerables (enfermedades crónicas o catastróficas) con necesidades de atención médica urgente en los refugiados y migrantes llegando a Ecuador." 497798,60072.0,1187.0,['Cross'],['Impact->Impact On People'],['Displacement->Local Integration'],en,82,['Impact'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Mid%20Year%20Report%20RMRP%202020%20ENG%20FINAL.pdf,"The four countries of the Southern Cone Sub-regional Platform (Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay) generally maintained open door policies towards refugees and migrants from Venezuela. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March led to the closure of borders, and new irregular entries between Bolivia and Argentina in particular. Movement restrictions were partially lifted in May but tightened again in June due to new waves of the pandemic spreading within the sub-region." 343283,56749.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,23,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.facebook.com/smensyria/posts/1609506655905932,"[May 27, NES] All border crossings between the Autonomous Administration areas and the GoS areas will open as of 27/5/2021" 291672,52152.0,2311.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],es,75,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"Los resultados muestran que el 42,4% (± 3,2) de los hogares muestreados en Colombia se vieron afectados por una inseguridad alimentaria moderada o grave (RFImod+sev ) reciente entre julio y agosto de 2020. Se estima que el 4,7% (± 0,9) de los hogares incluidos en la muestra en Colombia se han visto afectados por inseguridad alimentaria grave (RFIsev) entre julio y agosto de 2020." 196152,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,71,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"The overall requirements of the Health Cluster increased from $85 million to $103 million, due to essential COVID-19 related health activities required to respond to the pandemic and mitigate its spread. Health response costs are significant due to the need to provide safety to health staff and patients; to establish specific isolation facilities, including at point-of-entry; and significantly improve infection control in HCFs." 265701,49620.0,2099.0,['Agriculture'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,70,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"Dans la zone des « 3 Frontières », les activités les plus perturbées sur cette fin d’année ont été, selon les IC, l’élevage (52% des localités évaluées), l’agriculture destinée à la vente (47% des localités évaluées), et les activités de chasse, de pêche et de cueillette (29% des localités évaluées" 202018,44071.0,2330.0,['Shelter'],[],[],en,132,[],[],Central America: Hurricanes Eta and Iota,2020-11-10 17:49:08.646781+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20Evaluaci%C3%B3n%20Multi-sectorial%20TT-Eta%20Noviembre%202020%20v.1.pdf,"People are eager to leave shelters and return to their houses where and when the water has receded. An estimated 12 shelters, with 1,600 people, will close soon as families are heading back home. Debris removal and cleaning and recovery has begun in some areas. People returning to their homes need tools and supplies to clean and recover houses and belongings. Basic belongings were lost and need to be replaced, especially house supplies for women. Preliminary estimates from CONRED reported around 12,193 and 17,452 houses with moderate to severe damage in Izabal and Alta Verapaz, respectively. Additionally, households have lost their food reserves and crops, and will face severe food insecurity once they are able to leave the shelters." 247760,48228.0,2332.0,"['Nutrition', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",[],fr,114,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"Par ailleurs, les besoins en santé sont exacerbés par d’autres facteurs tels que le manque d’accès à l’eau potable. Au site de Koudou Kolé, les ménages ne font recours à aucun système de traitement de l’eau. Ce qui justifie les problèmes de santé de ces déplacés avec une augmentation de cas des maladies d’origine hydrique chez les enfants. Des cas de diarrhée aigue, la typhoïde, la dermatose et la malnutrition aiguë ont été rapportés. Le manque d’eau est un facteur aggravant la situation nutritionnelle des enfants déjà déshydratés par la diarrhée à Koudou-kolé." 20552,8024.0,729.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security', 'WASH']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/eu0119_web_0.pdf,"Human Rights Watch visited four DCIM centers in early July 2018. These were Tajoura and Ain Zara centers, both located on the outskirts of Tripoli, Zuwara center in the town of the same name near the border with Tunisia, and the center in the area of al-Karareem, near Misrata, a city to the east of Tripoli. We witnessed overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, inadequate health care. We heard about low quantity and poor-quality food and water in all centers." 194241,43460.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,27,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_286_20201111.pdf,25 leaders des femmes rurales ont participé au dialogue communautaire sur les mesures préventives contre la MVE et la Covid-19 avec l’appui de FHI360 ; 131834,34344.0,1185.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Más aún, las capacidades del sistema de salud pública para cubrir los requisitos integrales son insuficientes. Los proveedores de atención de salud primaria a nivel local cuentan con recursos limitados y enfrentan dificultades para promover estrategias de salud comunitaria, incluyendo los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva." 298860,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"NSAG-TB authored the vast majority of levy requests (50), with the impact on humanitarian activities being significant: Partners suspended their operations temporarily (22), relocated to another location (7) or even suspended their operations permanently (3) following unsuccessful engagement on levy exemptions." 276973,50764.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,73,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"Aujourd’hui, près d’un an après le début de la crise, la situation continue d’évoluer. L’annonce d’une augmentation des cas en décembre a forcé le gouvernement à imposer de nouvelles restrictions, en instaurant le couvre-feu dans tout le pays entre 21 heures et 5 heures du matin, pour tenter d’endiguer une éventuelle deuxième vague de Covid-19." 272622,50217.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,42,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/03022021_ner_hrp_2021.pdf,Cette tendance [fait que les ménages déplacés expriment une préférence pour les formes d'assistance monétaire] peut être corrélée au fait que les ménages déplacés depuis longtemps ont aussi rapporté un meilleur accès au marché que les ménages récemment déplacés. 282532,51173.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"Thirty-one (31) different types of BCC material, containing different messages were produced for mass and social media; Together, TV and radio spots aired 151,954 times on 180 channels, reached seven million individuals while the social media posts had more than 15 million views by UNICEF." 267705,49804.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,78,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[Jan 2021, Overall Syria] The informal national average price of heating diesel continued to increase by four percent m-o-m as a result of the increased demand because of the winter season to reach SYP 1,093/litre. Broken down by regions, the cross-border region reported the highest price at SYP 1,425/litre (up two percent m-o-m), while northeast Syria reported the lowest price at SYP 617/litre (up 23 percent m-o-m)." 219877,45784.0,2333.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Economy'],en,94,[],['Context'],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/en_-_understanding_the_sahel_through_its_history_geography_and_socio-demographic_challenges_-_white_paper.pdf,"The six other countries in West and Central Africa with more diversified economies are more resilient, however, and have maintained economic growth rates of 4 to 6 per cent, allowing them to maintain (again between 2015 and 2019) positive average growth rates in per capita GDP of 3.4 per cent per year for Senegal, 2.7 and 2.3 per cent for Burkina Faso and Mali (where, it is true, gold production and exports are significant), 1.7 and 1.6 per cent for Cameroon and Niger" 187660,43282.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,54,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia%20OCHA%20COVID-19%20Update%2012%20-%20final%20eo.pdf,"In Quarter 2, the Aid Coordination Unit (ACU) provided logistical support for the transport of 65,522 kg in medical assets from Mogadishu to different locations in the Federal Member States. ACU has also provided catering for 48 days to 45 medical doctors working in the Martini Hospital in Mogadishu." 274199,49666.0,2225.0,"['Agriculture', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,109,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123420.pdf,"[Djugu] La situation de la sécurité alimentaire y est très préoccupante. La proportion des ménages en insécurité alimentaire est passée de 89 % en 2019 à 93 % en 2020. En effet, ce territoire demeure l’épicentre des violences perpétrées par les groupes armés. D’où, les saisons culturales sont totalement ratées (saison agricole B 2019, saison A 2020) car les déplacements vers les champs sont rendus difficiles. Par ailleurs ici l’accès à la terre cultivable est moins fréquent que dans les autres territoires : seulement 33 % des ménages y ont accès." 320925,54668.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,108,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Néanmoins, d’après les réponses des informateurs clés, les besoins [d'intrants agricoles] prioritaires varient légèrement d’une zone de santé à l’autre : au Kamanga, par exemple l’engrais est perçu comme très prioritaire, dans les villages regroupant majoritairement des retournés d’Angola la formation est relativement prioritaire et dans les villages d’accueil des PDIs retournées la terre est moins nécessaire." 223015,45471.0,2170.0,['Protection'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,78,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/488081393-Hidden-Scars-The-Landmine-Crisis-in-north-east-Nigeria-MAG.pdf,"[14thDec2020, North East Nigeria]Recommendations: Victims must receive comprehensive assistance - now, and for the long term. The mine action community in north-east Nigeria should establish a system for identifying victims of landmines and other explosive ordnance, and then referring them to specialised care providers. They should work alongside a newly reestablished Nigerian mine action centre to ensure victims are formally registered and receive long-term assistance according to their needs" 219159,45748.0,2335.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,43,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"An estimated 900,000 people have been affected by flooding since July. Communities in areas along the White Nile have fled to higher ground to escape flood waters. Nearly 400,000 people have been displaced, with women and children most affected." 226930,45087.0,2336.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,38,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"Ensure support is provided to parents/caregivers in their efforts to send boys and girls back to school, and to strengthen community-based child protection mechanisms to identify children vulnerable to dropping out of school and child labour;" 304380,50889.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"Refugees and their host communities live in areas with limited health infrastructure, understaffing and drugs and medical supply shortages." 229681,44602.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Health']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,15,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Strengthen existing nutrition services to support the ongoing threat of malnutrition and disease outbreaks. 132482,34344.0,1185.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,• Mejorar los mecanismos de quejas y retroalimentación entre las compañías de transporte. 64633,18830.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors'],es,90,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Shock/Event'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/venezolanos-en-hospitales-de-colombia-el-agravante-de-la-desnutricion/1444,"Pero a pesar de los números que su propio equipo ha recabado, y que demuestran que el hospital trabaja al doble de su capacidad, Ramírez afirma que la institución no está en situación de colapso. Lo cierto es que el hospital tiene una capacidad de 75 camillas, y sin embargo, actualmente en el centro están recluidos unos ciento cincuenta pacientes. Condiciones que obligan al personal médico a redoblar esfuerzos. En algunos casos, una sola enfermera debe ocuparse de hasta 16 pacientes." 182347,42467.0,1388.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']",[],[],en,79,[],[],UNHCR Costa Rica,2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/CRI%20%281%29.pdf,"Retail prices of black beans were stable in September for the second consecutive month due to improved market availabilities from the first minor season harvest. As of September, prices were nearly 10 percent higher year on year after the upsurge in the previous months when retail demand soared amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Prices of maize were mostly stable GIEWS global information and early warning system on food and agriculture throughout the year reflecting adequate imports." 80037,22055.0,729.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross']",[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,41,[],['Displacement'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ET_September_2019_Final.pdf,"Aljufra: Approximately 325 individuals have been displaced to Aljufra from Murzuq due to the unstable security situation. some of the IDPs are staying with relatives while others are renting, and their reported needs were food and NFIs." 384862,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,27,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Formation de neuf (09) agents de santé des CSPS de Ouindigui, Hitté et Doussaré sur l’ANJE, la PCIME et la PCIMA" 321117,54668.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],fr,143,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] Les relations entre les membres de la communauté d’accueil, les PDIs et les personnes retournées sont le plus souvent qualifiées de “bonnes”. Au total, 74 pour cent des PDIs, 74 pour cent des PDIs retournées et 71 pour cent des retournés d’Angola vivent dans des villages ou les relations avec la communauté d’accueil sont qualifiées de “bonnes”. D’autres populations vivent dans des villages où les relations sont qualifiées de “mauvaises” (1%), “moyennes” (18%), et “excellentes” (9%)." 341763,56181.0,2225.0,[],[],['Context->Politics'],fr,32,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://api.godocs.wfp.org/api/documents/3246824725444a65a75f09b098b761cd/download/?_ga=2.129030981.815404944.1621506189-2143697292.1616490415,"Le 30 avril, le Président Tshisekedi a déclaré l'Etat de Siège au Nord-Kivu et en Ituri, réaffirmant sa détermination à mettre fin aux massacres de civils dans ces deux provinces" 224244,45763.0,2332.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"La situation des personnes vivant avec handicap est aggravée par l’effet des inondations. Certaines d’entre elles sont abandonnées à leur triste sort et d’autres sont accueillies dans des familles, qui elles-mêmes, sont dans une grande précarité." 114147,31147.0,1898.0,"['Cross', 'Education']",[],['Context->Politics'],es,46,[],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"En respuesta a la COVID- 19, el Gobierno salvadoreño fue uno de los primeros en el mundo en implementar anticipadamente medidas de contención tales como cierre de fronteras y cuarentena más amplia con el fin de evitar el rápido colapso del sistema de salud." 389452,61310.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/7/30/bangladesh-dengue-outbreak-covid-crisis,"[30 July 2021, Bangladesh] According to the Directorate General of Health Service (DGHS), a total of 2,292 patients have been diagnosed with dengue this year, including at least three deaths. Almost all the dengue cases, barring about 70, have been found in Dhaka, Bangladesh’s sprawling capital, home to about 17 million people." 205853,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Some 55,000 teachers and members of school management committees are included in the estimated number of people in need." 295698,52365.0,2311.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,76,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Colombia_Rapid_Joint_Needs_Assessment_Arauca_ENG.pdf,"To address the information gaps, it is recommended to ● Strengthen monitoring of protection risks and needs. Standardize the process of data collection, through joint processes with the Government. A such, monitoring systems have been established at different points institutions and humanitarian organizations. ● Continue constant monitoring together with the institutions in municipalities such as Tame, Saravena and Arauca, in order to identify key developments and risks." 10525,4765.0,321.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Relief To Population']",en,81,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/wfp-meets-benghazi-mayor-it-expands-its-support-conflict-hit-libya,"The conflict-hit area of Benghazi has been notoriously challenging to access, making it difficult for much-needed assistance to enter safely. WFP is therefore working with Tunisian and Libyan authorities to launch its humanitarian air service (UNHAS), which will facilitate regular flights from Tunisia to various locations in Libya, including Benghazi. UNHAS flights to and from Libya are likely to provide a significant boon to the international community’s presence inside the country." 40929,11894.0,729.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],"['Context->Demography', 'Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements']",en,125,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"KIs estimated that roughly 2,415 households had come from the five assessed baladiyas of south Tripoli: 825 from Swani bin Adam, 550 from Ain Zara, 540 from Al Aziziya, 250 from Qasr bin Ghasheer, and 250 from Wadi Rabia. Numbers are likely to have increased since 14 April. • Many IDP households had reportedly been displaced to areas in close proximity to the frontline, where they remained at risk of shelling and violence. The conflict-affected baladiyas of Azzahra, Ain Zara, Abusliem, Swani, and Qasr bin Ghasheer were all among the most commonly reported destinations for IDPs from assessed baladiyas, suggesting that some IDPs were unable to move to more secure locations" 172997,40676.0,2225.0,['Protection'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,134,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rdc_hrp_revise_juin_2020_vf.pdf,"L’épidémie exacerbe les risques pour les personnes en situation de déplacement (réfugiées, déplacées, retournées, rapatriées) et les communautés hôtes, notamment : les risques de contagion dans les zones à haute densité de population (sites de déplacés, camps de réfugiés, familles d’accueil) dans un contexte de manque d’accès aux services de santé et autres services de base ; les risques de tensions sociales dû à la stigmatisation et/ou à la discrimination des personnes malades du COVID-19 ; les risques d’augmentation des violations des droits humains par les forces de défense et de sécurité (arrestations/détentions arbitraires, tracasseries routières) ; et les risques de pertes des moyens d’existence et d’éviction forcées." 346875,56987.0,2098.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,64,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20210530_acaps_bangladesh_secondary_impacts_of_covid-19.pdf,"[31st May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Vulnerable households, such as female-headed households without a male of working age and households headed by older people or people with disabilities, were less likely to have savings or assets to help absorb the initial shock and to supplement assistance and were significantly more likely to report adopting negative food-based coping strategies." 339504,56388.0,2311.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],es,82,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/El-reto-del-pais-es-aplicar-mas-de-200-mil-dosis-diarias-Minsalud.aspx,"""Hemos recibido 12,5 millones de dosis de vacunas y tenemos prevista la llegada de otro millón de dosis de Sinovac que saldrán probablemente hoy desde China"", agregó el ministro, destacando que ""tenemos toda la posibilidad de imprimirle velocidad al proceso"". El segundo mensaje se enfocó en que la apertura progresiva de la etapa tres debe ser coordinada y organizada, con la intención de evitar que se generen aglomeraciones en los puntos de vacunación." 196036,43590.0,2336.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,39,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20200903_afghanistan_conflict_driven_displacement.pdf,OCHA projected that the direction of fighting is likely to also effect Dai Qala district (OCHA 25/08/2020); this would likely force further people into displacement. It may increase IDP needs and cause further trauma. 186498,43272.0,2335.0,['Health'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,111,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020_09_30%20-%20USAID-BHA%20South%20Sudan%20Crisis%20Fact%20Sheet%20%2311.pdf,"With approximately $35.3 million in FY 2020 funding, USAID/BHA provides health care services in South Sudan through community health facilities and mobile medical units (MMUs). Through MMUs, partners provide a range of primary care, mental health, and maternal and newborn health services. USAID/BHA also supports integrated community case management services in South Sudan, which deliver life-saving curative interventions for common childhood illnesses, particularly where there is limited access to facilitybased services. To mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, USAID/BHA partners are training local healthcare workers in infection prevention and control methods and strengthening community health coordination." 209112,44852.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,25,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/nigeria-records-highest-daily-virus-cases-since-august/2065674,"[4th Dec 2020, Nigeria]Two more people died of the virus, bringing the death toll to 1,179, it added." 189721,43300.0,2332.0,['Livelihoods'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],fr,64,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Au Tchad, il demeure difficile pour les femmes d´accéder aux crédits importants et de soumettre des appels d´offre aux grands marchés faute de grands capitaux ou d´hypothèques. L´expansion et la diversification de leurs activités économiques restent très limitées. Par ailleurs, les revenus et fonds de commerce des femmes sont souvent épuisés car utilisés pour répondre aux charges du ménage." 202462,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,52,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"However, three counties–Maiwut and Panyikang in Upper Nile, and Mundri East in Western Equatoria–have remained with highlevel access constraints. Nearly 65,000 people in these three counties were not accessible in 2019 due to active hostilities, constant violence against humanitarian personnel and assets, and the physical environment." 384819,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,58,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"Le mois de Juin a vu une hausse du nombre de consultant dans notre clinique mobile passant d’une consultation moyenne de 50 par jour a environ 100 par jour. Cela pourrait s’expliquer par une certaine satisfaction, une confiance et une qualité des services offerts par l’équipe de la clinique mobile" 243448,47668.0,2332.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,68,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Chad%20-%20Quick%20Alerts%20-%2013%20November%202020.pdf,"An outbreak of vaccine-derived polio (cVDPV2) was recorded in October 2019. Since then, a total of 83 cases due to low vaccination coverage have been recorded. The wild poliovirus was declared eradicated in Chad in June 2016, the current cases are vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2. 95 % of cases are children under five years and 90% have not been vaccinated" 169312,40031.0,1185.0,['Cross'],[],[],en,16,[],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000119152.pdf,Facilitate the provision of life-saving interventions through direct support for the government's humanitarian supply chain 290599,51817.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need']",[],fr,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"1,5 M personnes en insécurité alimentaire sévère, dans les HautKatanga et Tanganyika, selon l’enquête EFSA" 198677,44315.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,33,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_292_20201117.pdf,"Au cours des 14 derniers jours, 467 cas confirmés ont été enregistrés dans 50 ZS réparties dans 11 des 22 provinces affectées du pays (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 10516,2965.0,322.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,57,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800409_Humanitarian_Update_Final_1.pdf,"In addition, in late 2017, DFID provided a contribution of GBP 10 million to establish a revolving fuel facility, purchasing over six million litres covering diesel needs for WASH and health activities under WHO and UNICEF. In 2018 thus far, WFP has delivered 191,137 litres while 325,455 litres are in transit." 236037,46890.0,2334.0,['Shelter'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,47,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_august_2020-ok_v2.pdf,"Also, in the NW close to 8,613 persons were reached with core relief items (NFI) in villages such as Gungong, Mbufung, Jam Jam, Mbeluh/Medum, Mbadmande, Kopin, Bali Centre, Njenka all in Bali subdivision (Mezam)." 205204,43256.0,2334.0,"['Education', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Security & Stability', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,90,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"AUGUST 2019: Further displacement of populations from the Northwest and Southwest regions following the announcement of a new lockdown in Bamenda and Buea. The lockdown was called by armed groups as a result of the government's launch of the ""back to school"" campaign. Many households living in the North West and South West chose to migrate to French-speaking cities, fearing of being trapped by the protest and potential social unrest, and looking for a safe place where children can continue school." 290455,51817.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,22,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,Education Cannot Wait s’engage aux côtés de l’UNICEF pour soutenir la scolarité des enfants dans le Tanganyika 322104,54688.0,2311.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People']","['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Context->Security & Stability']",es,167,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/el-reto-de-atender-a-los-mas-de-2000-desplazados-que-deja-la-ola-de-violencia-en-el-cauca/,"El 30 de marzo, en misión de verificación conjunta entre los miembros del ELC Cauca y Ministerio público, se evidencio graves riesgos de reclutamiento en la vereda la Hacienda y zonas aledañas, especialmente para los niños, niñas y adolescentes entre los 13 y los 17 años; también se han conocido sobre un caso de reclutamiento y tres amenazas de reclutamiento a menores colombianos. Además, hay registros de otros hechos como: amenazas y desplazamiento de todo el corregimiento de El Plateado, pérdida de bienes muebles o inmuebles, restricciones a la movilidad, amenazas contra líderes y presidentes de Juntas de Acción Comunal (JAC), violencia sexual de menores de edad relacionados con estrategias de reclutamiento y vinculación a los grupos armados, ocupación de escuelas (San Juan, El Pinche y la Hacienda), extorsiones, señalamientos, control social y restricción de acceso humanitario”, detalla la OCHA en el informe." 359662,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,105,"['At Risk', 'Impact']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] 83 per cent of children in Bangladesh completed primary school, but only 29 per cent of children completed upper secondary school. In the upper secondary school, girls’ completion rate was less than boys’ (27 per cent versus 32 per cent). Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a risk that more than 45 per cent of the secondary level students in the country will not return to schools once education resumes due to these households falling below the poverty line (DhakaTribune, August 2020)." 163569,39454.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,98,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/flash_update_no_9_covid-19_vf.pdf,"Al 10 de septiembre del 2020, el Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) ha reportado 694.664 casos confirmados de COVID-19 en Colombia. En Chocó, la Gobernación reportó para la misma fecha 3.847 casos positivos, de los cuales 108 se encuentran activos. Los casos se han registrado en 27 de los 30 municipios del departamento, 144 muertes, 3.595 recuperados (93% del total de casos). Del total de casos confirmados, el 48% son mujeres, el 52% hombres y 12% menores de 19 años" 264370,49222.0,2311.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],es,110,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,"Las disputas del Clan del Golfo con otras estructuras armadas ilegales están focalizadas en zonas del país donde su presencia ha sido permanente. Se encuentra por ejemplo que en el departamento de Chocó dicha confrontación se da con el ELN, mientras que, en el Bajo Cauca antioqueño, se desarrolla con los Caparros y, en la costa pacífica nariñense y algunos municipios de Putumayo con GAPF. Caso opuesto es el de la región del Catatumbo, en la que ha habido históricamente una presencia de grupos como el ELN y el EPL lo cual hace que la del Clan del Golfo no sea significativa." 144523,34804.0,2028.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,60,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"For education, here has been a gradual re-opening of schools and learning centers in both NWS and NES. In GoS areas, basic (9th) and high school (12th) exams started in June in GoS areas for 500,000 students, including around 3,000 students who travelled cross-line and from Lebanon to sit their exams." 156513,38023.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,45,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.syriahr.com/en/181325/,"Fenton says the U.N. immediately informed the Swiss government that committee members had tested positive. She says measures have been taken to mitigate any risks, and tracing of anyone who may have been in close contact with those infected is under way." 301220,52845.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,145,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"16 March 2021, Cox's BAzar: The army arrested three drug smugglers from Ali Kadam with 230 pieces Yaba pilis. The Army handed them over to police. Parbatta News (Bang.) − DNC arrested a Bangladeshi drug smuggler from Cox’s Bazar Sadar with 1000 Yaba pills. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − DNC arrested a Bangladeshi drug smuggler from Cox’s Bazar Sadar with 2000 Yaba pills. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − Police arrested two transport workers in Patiya while they were smuggling 10,850 yaba tablets from Cox's Bazar. Coxsbazar Journal (Bang.) − On 16 March, Police conducted an operation and arrested an absconded convicted criminal accused in Mandal area of Ramu Upazila in Cox’s Bazar. Coxsbazar News (Bang.)" 307803,52942.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,155,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP%20-%20Issue%2028%20-%20Countrywide%20Weekly%20Market%20Price%20Bulletin_Week%204%20November%202020.pdf,"Wheat: The average price increased by 1.2% compared to the third week of November, and was 20% higher than 14 March. The increase occurred in: Farah (25%), Wardak (9%), Paktika (6%), Badakhshan, Takhar and Ghazni (3%) and Urozgan (1%), mainly due to supply disruptions to the market and usual price increase during this season. Meanwhile prices decreased only in Badghis (4%), due to sustained supply. The highest wheat prices were observed in Paktika, Wardak , Ghazni and Kandahar ( 37, 37, 36 and 35 AFN per kg, respectively). While the lowest prices were in Sari Pul, Samangan, Farah and Baghlan (25, 25, 25 and 25 AFN per kg, respectively)." 294758,52363.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,151,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Colombia%20-%20COVID-19%20Joint%20Needs%20Assessment%2C%20December%202020.pdf,"16.1% of population surveyed is in possession of a PEP, with no major differences between women and men (15.7% of women compared to 16.8% of men). This information is consistent with various findings by humanitarian partners, such as the third round of the GIFMM joint needs assessment17 (17% of the population has PEPs), DRC protection monitoring (April to June 2020)18, where the proportion of the Venezuelan population in an irregular situation was found to be 80.9 per cent, and the WFP EFSA (February 2020)19, which reports that only 16 per cent of refugees and migrants surveyed have PEPs. For 12% of people with PEPs, the document is no longer valid. However, some of this population may be in the process of renewing their documentation." 106431,29953.0,1183.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Socio Cultural'],es,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"En su mayoría, los niños y sus familias vienen de estados venezolanos cercanos a La Guajira, por lo que se encuentran con un paisaje similar al de sus lugares de origen: hace calor, en algunos municipios hay mar, playa, la gente tiene acentos similares a los suyos. Por ello, para los niños y niñas el impacto de la migración está más asociado a las condiciones de vulnerabilidad causada por la pobreza y la desprotección, que a cambios culturales sumamente bruscos." 303530,53037.0,2334.0,"['Food Security', 'Protection', 'Cross']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,68,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Alors que la production était inférieure à la moyenne dans ces départements (Logone et Chari, Mayo Sava et Mayo Tsanaga) par rapport à une production moyenne dans les autres parties de la région, la situation de sécurité alimentaire des ménages est aggravée par les enlèvement et pillages continus de provoquer de nouveaux déplacements de population et de perturber les activités de subsistance habituelles." 257057,48672.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,25,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20Niger%20-%20Factsheet%20Sahel%20%20January%202021%20.pdf,Including forcibly displaced and their hosts in development interventions is key for the transition out of poverty of the country and to boosting resilience. 194362,43462.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],fr,50,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_281_20201106_.pdf,"Kinshasa reste le foyer principal de l’épidémie, ayant rapporté 74,6% (8621/11551) des cas, suivie du Nord-Kivu et du Kongo-Central avec 10,1% (1162/11551) et 4,6% (535/11551) des cas, respectivement (Tableau I ; Figure 2)." 36938,13321.0,788.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],en,35,[],['Shock/Event'],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,"In April, six fire incidents were reported in Damboa, Gajiganna and Monguno areas of Borno State. To prevent and reduce fire outbreaks, sensitizations on risks and mitigation measures were conducted." 145480,35868.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,29,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Al%20Hol%20Snapshot_26Jul2020.pdf,"Currently, only 12 out of 18 health points and two out of three field hospitals are active, compared to 14 and three respectively six months ago." 157265,38373.0,1183.0,[],[],['Displacement->Intentions'],es,47,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"A largo plazo (de 3 años en adelante), la intención de permanecer en Colombia cae a un 46.7%, pero una mayor parte de la población (32.7%) manifiesta querer retornar si hay una mejora en la situación en Venezuela." 79855,21919.0,1183.0,['WASH'],[],['Context->Demography'],en,30,[],['Context'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2020-HAC-Children-on-the-move.pdf,"WASH 178,000 people, including host community members, accessing a sufficient quantity of safe water as per agreed standards at the community level 63,800 people accessing key hygiene items" 335291,55819.0,2099.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,108,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"(Sahel, Oudalan) L’insécurité liée aux attaques sur les marchés ou sur les axes a impacté le secteur commercial et le fonctionnement des marchés. En effet, dans 45% des localités enquêtées, dont 89% et 64% des localités des communes de Markoye et Tin-akoff, l’insécurité sur la route a entravé l’accès aux marchés selon les IC. De même, dans 42% des localités enquêtées, dont 89% dans la commune de Markoye, les IC ont rapporté que l’insécurité sur les marchés constituait une barrière à leur accès." 298762,52631.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,89,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.politico.cd/la-rdc-a-la-une/2021/03/10/covid-19-un-an-apres-lhistoire-dune-pandemie-qui-aura-chamboule-la-vie-des-congolais.html/78791/,"En mai 2020, le Président Félix Tshisekedi, intéressé par les travaux de recherche du Docteur Jérôme Munyangi sur la plante armoise annuelle (de son nom scientifique Artemisia annua) et la Covid-19 au Madagascar, l’invite à rentrer au pays pour organiser la coordination de ces recherches et réaliser les essais cliniques urgents qui s’imposent. En pleine période de restrictions de vols internationaux, la présidence de la République a même affrété un jet privé pour le ramener à Kinshasa." 229647,44602.0,2335.0,['Nutrition'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,51,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Urgent reinstatement of the ART run Nutrition site in Mangalla. Given that the closure of Mangalla nutrition site entailed a political disagreement, it is paramount to engage the relevant authorities to ensure that the site comes to functionality so that the malnourished children and PLWs can be treated." 215745,45271.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,23,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"Although food is still available in nearly all markets, the prices of basic food commodities increased by 10 to 20%." 165643,39645.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,123,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/npm-ivr_needs_assessment_report_r2.pdf,"Overall, 1,056 number of WASH surveys were conducted in round 2 of NPM-IVR sectoral survey. The survey tried to capture top water, sanitation and hygiene related issues refugees are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the major issues that came up in both rounds of the NPM-IVR survey are not directly related to a lack of WASH facilities, but to issues surrounding the lack of gender separation at bathing spaces and latrines. This was also one of the most reported issues in multiple rounds of NPM’s Site Assessments conducted between 2018-2020.19The lack of gender separated bathing facilities has led to many households constructing private, makeshift bathing spaces inside or attached to their shelters" 164848,39753.0,2170.0,['Education'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,70,"['Impact', 'Capacities & Response']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20COVID-19%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%2031%20May-8%20June%202020.pdf,"UNICEF Nigeria is providing technical assistance to Federal Ministry of Education (FME) and state governments to mitigate the immediate impact of school closures particularly for more vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. Support is provided to facilitate the continuity of education through alternate home-based learning platforms; implementing safe school operations and enhancing systemic capacity to address children’s safety, wellbeing and resilience for future shocks." 224699,44702.0,2335.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,18,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Provision of teaching and learning materials in the hard to reach areas that reported lack of the same 189712,43300.0,2332.0,"['Cross', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,61,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Malgré les nombreuses campagnes de sensibilisation, les pratiques traditionnelles néfastes, notamment l´excision, persistent (entre 38% et 44% des filles et femmes sont victimes de mutilations génitales). Certaines pratiques socioculturelles accroissent les inégalités dans plusieurs secteurs en défaveur de la femme, y compris l´accès à l´éducation et aux opportunités économiques et politiques." 190526,39000.0,1188.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,175,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Panama%20FactSheet%20ENG%208.2020%20final.pdf,"Working with Partners ■ UNHCR works in close coordination with the Government, civil society, UN agencies and refugees and asylum-seekers in Panama. UNHCR has established partnership agreements with different national and international organizations, including the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Refugee Education Trust (RET), HIAS, the Human Mobility Pastoral (PMH), the Panamanian Red Cross, Fútbol con Corazon, and Programa Enlaces (Fundación Espacio Creativo). Also, a Partnership Agreement with the National Office for the Attention of Refugees (ONPAR) is maintained, to channel support and continue strengthening the asylum system in the country. Additionally, UNHCR works in close coordination with other entities such as the Ombudsperson’s Office, SENNIAF, INAMU, the Electoral Tribunal, National Migration Service, among other authorities. UNHCR co-chairs with IOM the UN inter-agency group on human mobility, which has been coordinating all humanitarian support related to the mixed movements in Darien." 359440,58399.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,140,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Despite the deeply ingrained gender norms that limit the participation of women and girls across all spheres, it is important to note that in the urban areas of Bangladesh, a lot of women in Dhaka and other cities with large populations are working in many sectors including alongside men. Women exceed 50 per cent of the agricultural labour force (FAO, 2016). Young women are the leading labour force in the country's garment industry, and in the health sector, nursing and midwifery roles are largely performed by women, with midwifery dominated by a recent cadre of women under the age of 25 years. It is important to note that working women too are adversely affected by prevailing gender norms." 245803,47833.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,54,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20jul-sept%202020.pdf,"A pesar de que un 35.85% de la población afirma que conoce lo que es la VBG, el 45.41% de esta población afirma que no existen servicios para las víctimas en sus entornos y un considerable 34.05% de la población desconoce los servicios para la atención de las víctimas sobrevivientes" 390749,61177.0,2170.0,[],[],['Context->Environment'],en,133,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/15918-WB_Nigeria%20Country%20Profile-WEB.pdf,"[30th Jul, 2021, Nigeria] Figure 8 shows the change in projected annual average precipitation for Nigeria. At a nationally aggregated scale, annual average precipitation is expected to remain similar to historical observations, but under the highest emissions scenario, RCP8.5, will decrease the most drastically. Water routing, storage and other management options can be highly varied depending if the precipitation input comes frequently or with long periods of aridity in between rainfall.34 Under a high emissions scenario of RCP8.5, at a nationally aggregated level, rainfall is expected to stay largely similar to current conditions. However, across the country, rainfall is expected to decrease significantly in the northern areas and increase in the south and along the coast." 165558,39662.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,61,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Risk%20and%20vulnerability%20of%20waste%20workers%20during%20%20COVID-19%20pandemic%20in%20five%20major%20cities%20of%20Bangladesh_V4_16.08.2020%20%281%29%20%281%29.pdf,"Although most workers we interviewed know about basic precautionary measures, few received any focused training on COVID-19. As presented in the chart below, only 3% of workers reported receiving any kind of training on health and safety issues. These are mainly the waste workers engaged in medical waste management or cleaning workers working in hospitals." 223936,46071.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,20,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DRC-RGA-COVID-rapport_2020-Aug_Final_0.pdf,Les femmes des milieux ruraux continuent à aller aux champs mais là les gestes barrières ne sont pas respectés. 344203,56790.0,2028.0,[],[],['Context->Economy'],en,117,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Northwest_Situation-Overview_Market-Monitoring_April_2021-1.pdf,"[5-13th April 2021, NWS] In April, the informal USD/SYP regional median exchange rate decreased by 5% since March and reached a regional median of 3,528 USD/SYP. However, prices remain high with a six-month increase of 56% in the exchange rate since October 2020, highlighting that the value of the SYP remains an unstable currency against the USD. The highest exchange rate was recorded at 4,020 SYP to 1 USD in Dabeq community in Aleppo governorate. The informal USD/TRY exchange rate decreased by 11% in April to 8.15 TRY to 1 USD, although this is only a 4% six-month increase since October 2020." 156624,38709.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,41,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-15.pdf,"On the other hand, a decrease in the number of tests has been observed in the host community in the district. The number of tests/1 million population in week 29 is 379 while in week 25 it was 1030" 338565,56250.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,25,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/note_dinformations_humanitaires_4_-_07-05-21_-_ocha_kalemie.pdf,[43 915 DPI à Kalemie] Des activités de monitoring de protection couvrent tous les 11 sites mais la réponse reste très limitée. 81893,22512.0,1183.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,60,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/en/documents/download/72895,"En Antioquia, Atlántico, Bogotá y Norte de Santander, más de 4.000 personas refugiadas y migrantes y comunidades de acogida participaron en espacios de diálogo y talleres para promover la hospitalidad, cohesión social, desarrollo del tejido comunitario y evitar la discriminación. Finalmente se realizaron campañas contra la discriminación y xenofobia, mayormente en Bogotá." 275684,50660.0,2098.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,45,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Monthly%20Hazard%20Incident%20Report%20January%202021.pdf,"[31st Jan 2021, Bangladesh] Only one incident of wild animal attack happened in Alikodom, Bandarban on 23 January, 2021 in which 2 persons were killed and 1 person was injured. (Source: www.prothomalo.com, 24 January 2021)" 245774,47760.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,27,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.mineducacion.gov.co/portal/salaprensa/Especiales-Prensa/402712:El-Pais-El-pais-se-prepara-para-el-regreso-a-clases,"10 Millones de alumnos de educación básica y media regresarán de forma gradual, progresiva y segura a las aulas, bajo el modelo de alternancia." 202342,43347.0,2335.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Context->Politics', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,Refugees identified lack of livelihoods; inadequate basic services; lack of political solutions; safety and security; and lack of education opportunities as key reasons for not returning. 289389,51168.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/south_sudan_scale_up_situation_report_2.pdf,"There is a risk of importation of cholera in Akobo and Pibor, which border Ethiopia (Ethiopia has reported cholera cases from areas bordering South Sudan)." 161796,39563.0,2170.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,70,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.premiumtimesng.com/coronavirus/412358-covid-19-how-third-phase-of-eased-lockdown-will-be-implemented-official.html,"Hotels will continue to remain open while observing necessary preventive measures. Amusement parks, gyms and cinemas can open but at half capacity. Event centres that provide outdoor service spaces can open but not indoors event centres. Eateries and restaurants can only open for outdoor services and we will make sure this is complied with. Bars and night clubs will remain closed till further notice." 261770,49486.0,2311.0,[],[],[],es,85,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/17022021_impacto_humanitario_por_covid-19_sitrep_no18_vf.pdf,"• La Guajira: las causas estructurales asociadas a la pobreza extrema particularmente en la alta Guajira, combinados con la extrema sequía propia de las características geográficas, sumado a la presión que continúa ejerciendo el fenómeno migratorio, continúan agudizando la crisis frente al derecho al acceso a agua segura y la seguridad alimentaria, afectando particularmente a los niños y niñas menores de cinco años, madres gestantes y en estado de lactancia, así como a la misma población migrante." 189993,43443.0,2225.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Contact Tracing', 'Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",fr,116,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/plan_operationnel_nordest_2e_semestre_2020_final.pdf,"Au 19 juillet 2020, le cumul des cas confirmés de COVID-19 était de 230 cas avec 26 décès, répartis dans 7 zones de santé comme suit : Beni : 05/0 ; Goma : 97/15, Karisimbi : 93/6, Mutwanga : 07/0, Nyirangongo : 19/4, Rutshuru : 03/1 et Walikalé : 06/0. En 5 mois l’épidémie s’est propagée dans 7 autres zones de santé avec les ZS de Goma et Karisimbi comme épicentres. Les capacités institutionnelles, de ressources humaines qualifiées, de laboratoire et de surveillance épidémiologique sont limitées pour suivre les cas confirmés et suspects afin de limiter la propagation de la pandémie." 63096,18663.0,1386.0,['WASH'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,78,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/MDRVE004EA.pdf,"According to preliminary evaluations of the VRC with the support of the IFRC, water analysis results showed coloration that is three times more yellowish than what is allowed, aluminum content that is five times (1 mg per liter) accepted standards and iron content that is three times (0,70 mg per liter) the level accepted by authorities. High levels of iron over time can produce corrosion inside the steel pipes network." 240723,47367.0,2028.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],en,38,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ 8 - 14 January 2021] As a result, bakery owners have turned to selling large portions of subsidized flour allocations to local merchants who then sell them on or smuggle them to government-held areas." 152894,38134.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ExSitrep_cov19_planinternational_AP_7Aug.pdf,"Plan International-Distributed hygiene kits reaching 25,500 households in Bhola district. -Distributed menstrual hygiene management kits to 1,454 adolescent girls in Teknaf. -Provided counselling services to 5,631 pregnant women and their husbands, and lactating mothers. -Provided 765 students from 7 high schools with education kits." 311465,53762.0,2099.0,[],[],[],en,26,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"UNHCR’s partner CSSI continues to sensitize refugee communities about the preventative measures, including the wearing of masks, hand-washing and physical distancing." 401728,62965.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Population'],[],en,86,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Efforts should be made to provide information to humanitarian workers, first responders, construction workers and anyone else involved in recovery and cleaning of flooded edifices and debris, including that they should wear appropriate personal protective equipment to avoid potential exposure to infections and diseases. While volunteering, assisting or staying in shelters, face masks should be worn appropriately at all times, hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene measures should be practiced." 156609,35848.0,2028.0,[],[],[],en,57,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Whole%20of%20Syria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20for%20Mid-Year%202020.pdf,"With the global spread of COVID-19, a new the focus area developed around UNICEF’s response to the pandemic, including provision of hygiene supplies, awareness-raising on precautionary measures against the virus, the promotion of safe physical distancing and psychosocial and education support for children forced to stay home due to restrictions." 413146,60898.0,2099.0,[],[],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Displacement->Push Factors']",en,19,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Burkina%20Faso%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.2%20-%20March-April%202021.pdf,"323 students forced to flee their school, following attacks by armed groups in the Boucle de Mouhoun region" 495119,67230.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,78,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"En cuanto a las condiciones de vivienda y convivencia, el 87.8% de ciudadanos venezolanos registrados reside en vivienda alquilada y más de 98.4% vive en la vivienda declarada por menos de un mes. El 56.9% de los que conviven entre dos a tres personas declara tener una habitación. El 41.5% paga entre S/. 251 (67 EUR) a S/. 500 (135 EUR) mensuales por alquiler." 495177,67230.0,1185.0,['Protection'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,12,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,, Ausencia de asesoría y acompañamiento en materia laboral y empleabilidad. 320927,54668.0,2225.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],fr,110,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,,"[Kasai Central- suivi de mouvements de la population- collecte de données mené du 4 au 29 décembre 2020, 4 176 villages ont été évalués via 11 842 informateurs clés] La grande majorité (87%) des villages qui pratiquent l’agriculture ont accès à un marché pour la vente des produits agricoles. Pour les villages avec un marché accessible, il est rapporté que les agriculteurs vendent 42 pour cent de leurs produits agricoles. Parmi les agriculteurs qui vendent une partie de leur récolte, la nourriture invendue permet de subvenir aux besoins de la famille concernée pour deux mois en moyenne." 17834,7208.0,321.0,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Cross']","['Capacities & Response->National Response', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,100,['Capacities & Response'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Libya,2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/67474.pdf,"UNHCR supported more than 90,900 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees. Throughout the year, UNHCR and its partner LibAid distributed non-food items, such as blankets, kitchen sets and hygiene kits, to more than 68,240 IDPs and returnees in over 14 cities, including Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirt, Misrata, Sabha and Ubari. In addition, UNHCR and its partners ACTED and DRC provided multipurpose cash assistance to over 22,650 individuals, who used the funds to cover basic needs, including food, hygiene items, and other necessities." 190525,39000.0,1188.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],en,35,[],[],UNHCR Panama,2019-05-11 12:34:32.628502+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Panama%20FactSheet%20ENG%208.2020%20final.pdf,"During the COVID-19 pandemic, refugees and asylum seekers in Panama have faced new and exacerbated risks, especially with the loss of opportunities to generate an income and daily subsistence has become a challenge" 173132,40863.0,1899.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,131,[],['Context'],UNHCR Guatemala,2020-06-11 08:12:58.743143+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GT%20Flash%20Update%20Caravana%20migrantes%20CA%20INTERCLUSTER%2020201001%20FINAL%20VD.pdf,"Las autoridades de migración solicitaron para el ingreso al país, presentar documentos de identificación en el caso de los adultos y pasaporte en el caso de los menores de edad, incluyendo pruebas PCR (por sus siglas en inglés de Reacción en Cadena de la Polimersa) de la COVID-19 para cumplir con los protocolos de prevención establecidos por la pandemia en fronteras terrestres. Autoridades de migración informaron que de forma regular (presentando documentos requeridos) ingresaron 70 personas, el resto, aproximadamente 3.500 a 4.000 personas, ingresaron de forma irregular rompiendo el cordón de las fuerzas de seguridad. Según información preliminar, no se registraron actos de violencia por parte de las personas ni por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad guatemalteca." 288236,51850.0,2028.0,['Cross'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints']",en,93,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://www.care-international.org/news/press-releases/vital-aid-supplies-destroyed-by-airstrikes-at-a-care-warehouse-in-northwest-syria,"(23/03/2021, NW, Idlib) Several airstrikes in northern Idlib, a few kilometers from the Turkish border, have resulted in a fire breaking out at a CARE-supported warehouse, containing humanitarian supplies and hygiene items, on Sunday evening. The fire destroyed thousands of relief items for nearly 25,000 people in dire need of humanitarian assistance in Northwest Syria. New fires have been reported in the area on Monday, due to the bombing of a petrol station, resulting in further damage to civilian infrastructure." 308220,52938.0,2336.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,21,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/Afghanistan_2020_11_PB.pdf,The nominal retail price of wheat grain in Mazar-e-sharif was maximum in October 2020 and was minimum in September 2020. 204294,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,19,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"Within the North West, only 17% of all IDP households do not adopt any negative coping strategies" 147053,36039.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,36,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syria_COVID-19_Humanitarian%20Update_No%2014_10July2020_FINAL.pdf,"WHO has provided testing kits to the MoH since 12 February. During the reporting period, WHO delivered 9,600 screening tests and 1,921 confirmatory tests and enzyme kits (17,500 preparations) to the CPHL" 454510,64224.0,1185.0,['Cross'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],es,127,['Priority Needs'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"El 50.5% de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana afirmó que están de acuerdo y muy de acuerdo que las instituciones públicas encargadas de proteger los derechos de la mujer (Centro de Emergencia Mujer -CEM, Comisarías, Fiscalía), son eficientes en el contexto de la pandemia. Este porcentaje se reduce al 9.1% en el caso de las personas de nacionalidad peruana (solamente de acuerdo). Expresa que la percepción es más bastante positiva por parte de las personas de nacionalidad venezolana. Cabe precisar que el 63.6% de las personas de nacionalidad peruana expresa estar en desacuerdo o muy en desacuerdo. En este punto, la percepción de las personas de nacionalidad peruana es bastante cuestionadora." 111903,29953.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,120,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Quienes llegan en bus porque disponen del dinero suficiente o han sido beneficiados por el transporte humanitario ofrecido por la OIM, enfrentan el cambio al llegar al terminal. A diferencia de lo que sucede en Cúcuta o en Riohacha, Bogotá representa para los migrantes un cambio drástico en el clima, los paisajes y la cultura. Si no tienen recursos suficientes, los migrantes llegan con ropas propias de sus zonas de origen, esto es, ropas ligeras adecuadas para climas cálidos. Algunos llegan con cobijas, pero aun así se les puede ver tiritando de frío a las salidas del terminal (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo Bogotá, 2019)." 361311,58693.0,2098.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],en,61,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/moas-investigating-fatal-childhood-drowning-incidents-2021.pdf,"[21 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] While there have been notable declines in child mortality in Bangladesh, largely due to decreases in infectious diseases (Baqui, 2001,1998), drowning mortality has remained constant, and continues to be a significant threat to child survival in the country (Rahman et al, 2017)." 247702,48228.0,2332.0,['Nutrition'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,22,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/tcd-rpt_mission_eval_rapide_mamdi_kaya_et_fouli202009_vf.pdf,"En Nutrition, le screening réalisé sur le site lors de la mission montre une situation nutritionnelle alarmante chez les enfants." 223677,45880.0,2225.0,"['Protection', 'Education', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,16,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,Les fermetures d'écoles et les difficultés financières poussent les adolescentes vers des ac�vités sexuelles transac�onnelles. 75215,21304.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,67,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,https://www.rcnradio.com/internacional/onu-lanza-programa-de-formacion-para-migrantes-venezolanos-en-colombia-y-peru,"Unos4,6 millones de venezolanos han dejado su paísdesde 2015 como consecuencia de la inestabilidad política y económica, yNaciones Unidascalcula que esta cifrapodría alcanzar los 5,5 millones a final de 2020si no mejora la situación. Colombia y Perúson los principales países receptores de este éxodo, y se calcula que el próximo año se alcancen2,4 millonesde migrantes y refugiados enterritorio colombianoy 978.000 en el peruano." 265563,49620.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],fr,21,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,Le paludisme était le principal problème de santé rapporté par les IC lors de la dernière collecte de données. L 328763,54713.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,111,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/4ec1b4ee/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Galgaduud_February-2021.pdf,"[CAPACITY GAP (CG)] 88% of households were found to have at least one WASH Living Standard Gap (LSG) and/or a Capacity Gap (CG). 70% of households were found to have a WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but no Capacity Gap (CG) in WASH, 18% of households were found to have both a WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) and a Capacity Gap (CG) in WASH. 12% of households were found to have no WASH Living Standard Gaps(LSG) but a Capacity Gap (CG)in WASH." 188194,31146.0,1900.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],es,58,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20200616_HNO_CENTROAMERICA%20ADDENDUM.pdf,"Según el ACNUR, el número de solicitantes de asilo de Honduras aumentó a nivel mundial en un 35 por ciento en 2019. El aumento de las cifras se debe al deterioro de la situación interna y a la delincuencia organizada y la violencia, que han impulsado a muchas personas a abandonar el país45. E" 62755,18396.0,1386.0,"['Health', 'Nutrition', 'Education', 'WASH']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,26,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3267163,"Desde 2018, UNICEF ha enviado a Venezuela cerca de 200 toneladas de suministros básicos de salud, nutrición, educación y agua y saneamiento." 40046,11719.0,729.0,['Protection'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",['Context->Security & Stability'],en,37,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM_FlashUpdate-Tripoli_2019-04-14_ENGLISH%20%281%29.pdf,"Currently, around 3,600 migrants remain in detention centers in Tripoli and are among the most vulnerable populations at risk, especially the 890 migrants in Qasr Ben Gashir Detention Centerin direct vicinity of armed conflict." 192545,43603.0,2331.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,58,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,"Whilst the resumption of livestock export in April 2020 after Saudi Arabia lifted its ban has provided job opportunities at the ports in Somaliland, Puntland and Jubaland, a 30-50 per cent decline in livestock exports, from average yearly exports, is expected from June to August , the peak annual period of livestock demand." 64786,19061.0,1183.0,['Cross'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Socio Cultural']",es,99,['Capacities & Response'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/venezuela/en-puerto-carreno-vichada-ninos-indigenas-comen-basura-276892,"El capitán Alfonso reconoce que sí les han hablado de dejar vivir a los indígenas venezolanos en sus resguardos y bastas tierras, pues en Puerto Carreño hay seis de estos cuya extensión mínima es de unas 5.000 hectáreas,pero dice que es complicado permitirlo al ser una decisión que se debe consultar y considera que hay muchos que ya tienen la cultura desarraigada. Las autoridades del municipio afirman que tras retornar a los indígenas colombianos a sus resguardos se les ayuda con herramientas para trabajar con proyectos productivos, pero estos terminan vendiendo las colaboraciones." 272831,50353.0,2334.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Livelihoods']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Capacities & Response']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,"Sexual violence represents 42% of the reported GBV cases. Survivors of GBV incidents are mostly women and girls (86 percent), with 8 percent being persons living with disabilities. 61 percent of survivors are children. Survivors received various services including psychosocial support (36 percent), health (28 percent), and livelihood (45 percent)." 285205,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,41,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,Transportation remains limited in Sudan as protestors set up temporary roadblocks. In Kassala and North Darfur access to refugees and IDP camps due to military interferences is restricted since 3 June. Roadblocks hinder the effective delivery of aid. 475464,64944.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],fr,62,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Rapport%20monitoring%20de%20protection_juillet_2021_BM.pdf,"Dans la Boucle du Mouhoun, les enfants représentent une importante catégorie de personnes dont la situation de protection est négativement impactée par la crise sécuritaire qui affecte la région. Du fait des déplacements liés aux menaces sécuritaires dans les zones d’action des GANE, de nombreux enfants se trouveraient exposés à d’énormes risques de protection." 224670,44702.0,2335.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,66,['Impact'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"In those areas we have assessed like Panakol and Langdit, we found some IDPs in Langdit primary school, the team discussed with some individuals concerning their threat or fear in the areas. Most of their threat is fear of unknown attackers which is a result of communal violence in the area coupled with the fear of random movement of criminal during night hours" 302651,52890.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,63,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"En cuanto al número de horas dedicadas al trabajo por semana, la mayoría de las personas entrevistadas afirmó trabajar más de 48 horas a la semana en jornadas rotativas, en las noches y fines de semana, fundamentado en su situación irregular, por las condiciones climáticas y por la presencia de organismos y agentes de control en espacios públicos." 241768,47117.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,66,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/01/daraas-crumbling-health-sector-and-civil-initiatives-fail-to-respond-effectively-to-covid-19-pandemic/,"[January 2, Daraa] Another report by the Martyrs Documentation Office in Daraa stated that the Syrian regime forces have arrested four medical workers on the charge of “diagnosing patients with coronavirus infections without referring to the Ministry of Health.” This brought the number of detained doctors and health workers to 21 since the so-called settlement agreement signed in August 2018." 74628,21263.0,1184.0,['Education'],[],[],es,69,[],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,"Cooperación 2691 asistencias con respecto al acceso a Educación 92 entrega de insumos (kits escolares) a niñas/niños 2599 apoyo de casos individuales con orientación para acceso a la educación 1399 acciones en relación con el apoyo Educacional a Comunidades Receptoras en las que se ha beneficiado a personas en procesos de educación informal para mediación de conflictos orientados a niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes." 401737,62965.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,34,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[31 July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Clear pool of stagnant water in and around your house to prevent mosquitos breeding sites. Clean up surrounding and any potential mosquito breeding sites" 388851,61191.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross', 'WASH', 'Nutrition', 'Education']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,111,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iscg_monsoon_response_flash_update_1_29_july_2021.pdf,"[29thJuly, Cox's Bazar] Four health facilities impacted by the rains remained closed, and there are reports of fully/partially damaged facilities across the camps as well as facilities difficult to access/contaminated due to floods and poor road access including 10 e-voucher outlets, 11 water networks, 1,300 latrines, 414 bathing cubicles, 425 tube wells, 84 tap stands, 14 faecal sludge management sites, 5 nutrition facilities, 342 learning facilities, the women’s market and multipurpose women’s centres across the camps. Mapping of damaged facilities is ongoing and numbers of affected facilities is expected to increase." 129462,32894.0,1184.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,12,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,,Necesidad de aumentar el acceso equitativo especialmente a servicios de salud. 335517,46379.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being']",['NOT_MAPPED'],en,50,"['NOT_MAPPED', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,,"After more than three months now Kabul province with a total of 7,556 cases of whom 505 are recovered and 39 are death is on the top of the table and Urozgan by having five total case of whom one is recovered and no death is at the bottom." 359617,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,67,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] While wheat harvests increased in 2019 and 2020, a variety of challenges, including prices of farm inputs, and the need for certain imports, along with access and distribution challenges between separate territorial regions of Syria, has nevertheless left a strain on wheat and bread markets that depend on local production and distribution of the crop." 284788,50884.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,53,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20190617_acaps_briefing_note_escalation_of_violence_in_sudan.pdf,"Sudanese Professional Association (SPA) called for national civil disobedience and a countrywide strike. From 9 to 11 June, many hospitals, banks, ports, shops, as well as some ministries were closed countrywide. Both security forces and protesters blocked roads and public transport was barely functioning" 134127,34837.0,1186.0,['Protection'],[],[],es,44,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"4% de las mujeres comprendidas se encontraba embarazada o en período de lactancia. De los hogares comprendidos sólo un 1% reportó no haber registrado el nacimiento de un niño/a, ya sea por falta de documentación o falta de información." 226634,45087.0,2336.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,45,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"The effects of the lockdown coupled with one of the weakest health systems in the world – Afghanistan has just 0.3 doctors per 1,000 people – means malnourished and sick children are much less likely to get the lifesaving treatment they need to survive." 293679,51569.0,2335.0,"['Nutrition', 'Food Security']",['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,49,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/new_fangak_interagency_flood_assessment_report_draft_2_-_5_feb_2021.pdf,"Malnutrition cases were reported among children U5s, pregnant women, and lactating mothers. Food insecurity was a key factor contributing to malnutrition as respondents confirmed as being the major challenge among the displaced communities and the host. (In Fangak as per the assessment conducted)" 224222,45763.0,2332.0,['Education'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,35,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"Il est à souligner que les inscriptions et réinscriptions n’ont pas commencé pour permettre de finaliser l’année scolaire 2019-2020 et débuter celle de 2020-2021, fixé au 2 novembre prochain." 411438,63401.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities'],[],es,35,['At Risk'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.bluradio.com/blu360/santanderes/abriran-un-centro-de-atencion-integral-para-migrantes-en-el-paramo-de-berlin,"La crisis migratoria no para y siguen llegando ayudas para los migrantes venezolanos, quienes deben atravesar por las más duras pruebas en su travesía desde Cúcuta hacia Bucaramanga y el centro del país." 194646,43660.0,2311.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,62,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/el-60-de-los-migrantes-con-pep-no-estan-afiliados-a-una-eps/2292,"La salud para la población migrante no solo ha sido un reto para el MinSalud, sino también para entes como Migración Colombia y autoridades locales. Juan Francisco Espinosa, director de Migración Colombia, confirmó que cada vezes menor la población regularizada en el país y, por ende, hay menos migrantes con estatus regulares en alguna EPS." 241475,47384.0,2028.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,92,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(3rd Jan-14th Jan 2021, NES) Prices of COVID-19 items have slightly decreased by 1%., with the demand for gloves, sanitizers and masks decreasing. The reason for this drop in demand, is it is unfeasible for many households to purchase these items regularly as they prioritize other spending needs during these times of economic hardship. The main buyer for these items are NGOs and local authorities’ departments. 40% of vendors reported that their main challenge remained the exchange rates." 345188,56855.0,2225.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps', 'Capacities & Response->International Response']",[],en,52,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20DRC%20Operational%20update_%20April2021_FINAL.pdf,"[Refugees] UNHCR continues to provide access to clean water at Lusenda Camp and Mulongwe settlement and to ensure chlorinated handwashing stations are in place at all entry points. In addition, 5,422 refugees were informed on domestic waste disposal and to improve the hygiene in their living environment." 304581,50889.0,2466.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,17,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,Broader medical supply and personnel shortages across Khartoum are also affecting health facilities frequented by refugees. 22880,9312.0,729.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,69,[],['Context'],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/libya/libya-civilians-caught-tightening-siege,"The LNA opened its offensive in Derna, a coastal city of over 100,000 residents, in May 2018 against the Derna Mujahideen Shura Council (DMSC), a local armed group that renamed itself the Derna Protection Force (DPF). LNA forces captured most of the city, then besieged the Old City, where a group of DPF fighters held out alongside civilians." 302473,52890.0,2311.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,112,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sentir%20que%20se%20nos%20va%20la%20vida%20-%20Personas%20LGBTI%2B%20refugiadas%20y%20migrantes%20de%20Venezuela%20en%20Colombia%2C%20Ecuador%20y%20Chile.pdf,"personas mayores de 40 años señalaron que viven su sexualidad en una condición más privada, muchos de ellos y ellas vienen de una trayectoria de vida en la que se enfrentaron a condiciones hostiles que impedían hacer pública su orientación sexual e identidad de género. Lo anterior permite interpretar una diferencia vinculada a la presencia y autorreconocimiento público de las orientaciones sexuales, prácticas e identidades sexuales, donde los y las jóvenes han crecido en medio de un escenario globalizado y de avances en materia normativa que les ha permi- tido conocer sus derechos y reconocerse desde sus diversidades con menos miedos, pero también con menos señalamientos." 228108,46471.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,30,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-global-cases-near-78-million/62354,"[23rd Dec 2020, Bangladesh] Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam on Monday said Bangladesh would get Covid-19 vaccines for some 4.5 crore people by May-June next year." 187803,43256.0,2334.0,['Cross'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,33,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,"In the Far North, the Boko Haram insurgency, compounded by chronic vulnerability and the growing impact of climate change, has left 1.2 million people in need of urgent assistance." 359943,58399.0,2098.0,['Education'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,79,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Report%20-%20Disaster%20and%20Gendered%20Impact%20in%20a%20Changing%20Climate%20towards%20Girl%27s%20Education%20Research%20Report_Plan%20APAC_Final.pdf,"[23 June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Allocate a gender responsive budget for the implementation of gender transformative CSS interventions  Allocate a contingency fund for schools to ensure the continuity of education of children, especially girls, during any emergency period.  Allocate sufficient funds for the implementation of the gender transformative CSS action plans of schools and monitoring of schools regarding their compliance with the national policies, guidelines, and standards." 264616,49750.0,2099.0,[],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,44,[],['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://www.burkina24.com/2021/02/22/burkina-faso-325-patrouilles-et-escortes-realisees-dans-la-semaine-du-15-au-21-fevrier/,"13 opérations aériennes (appui aérien, suivi de convoi, transport et fret), 38 opérations de sécurisation de marchés et lieux de culte et 325 patrouilles et escortes. C’est le total des opérations effectuées la semaine écoulée." 328647,54710.0,2331.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,[PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITIES] 6% households with at least one person with a chronic illness which lasted 3 months or longer at the time of the data collection 167091,40233.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,26,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"(Overall Syria, March-August,2020) Families are unable to afford basic health services to prevent, diagnose and treat COVID-19 and other preexisting issues." 173932,41033.0,2170.0,"['Logistics', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],en,102,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situation%20Report%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2012%20Oct%202020.pdf,"[12 October 2020, Nigeria]The COVID-19-related restrictions on the movement of humanitarians have required ETS staff to work from home to curb the spread of the virus in north-east Nigeria. During the reporting period, most ETS staff worked remotely, while one staff occasionally worked in the office at the Red Roof humanitarian hub in Maiduguri. To support remote working arrangements, as well as the immediate health response to the corona virus and the ongoing humanitarian response, Internet connectivity and security communications were essential for humanitarian partners to continue delivering services amid COVID-19." 238604,47236.0,2225.0,['Food Security'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,D’autres ménages ont recours à la cueillette d'aliments sauvages pour leur survie. 339385,56378.0,2311.0,['Education'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],es,40,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.unicef.org/lac/media/22251/file/EIB-AMERICA-LATINA-SPA.pdf,"En América Latina y el Caribe, de acuerdo al último informe de CEPAL/UNESCO (2020)1, son más de 150 millones de estudiantes de 26 países que no están asistiendo a la escuela de manera presencial." 290588,51817.0,2225.0,[],[],[],fr,72,[],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_-_note_dinformations_humanitaires_du_15_mars_2021_ex_katanga.pdf,"Entre novembre 2020 et février 2021, environ 9 500 personnes ont fui leurs villages dans le Maniema et ont trouvé refuge à Kongolo.,. Jusque-là, les nouveaux déplacés n’ont reçu aucune aide humanitaire. Les vivres, les articles ménagers essentiels, les abris, l’accès à l’eau potable et aux soins médicaux ainsi que l’éducation restent leurs besoins prioritaires." 215747,45271.0,2336.0,"['Food Security', 'Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,26,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Covid-19', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,http://www.ipcinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ipcinfo/docs/IPC_Afghanistan_AcuteFoodInsec_2020AprilNov_report.pdf,"The lockdown measures put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic significantly decreased daily labour opportunities, reducing household purchasing power and food access." 115985,30124.0,1386.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,278,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20de%20situaci%C3%B3n%20-%20Venezuela%20%20-%208%20jun.%202020.pdf,"Necesidades Se estima que las necesidades de protección humanitaria son debido a múltiples factores como la limitada calidad y acceso a los servicios básicos, la violencia organizada en algunas zonas del país, como fronterizos y urbanas, y la movilidad humana como estrategia de afrontamiento que aumenta los riesgos de protección. La capacidad de las instituciones de brindar servicios de protección también ha sido afectada. Todos los grupos vulnerables requieren protección y asistencia para evitar daños físicos y mentales, y para garantizar su participación en la sociedad y su acceso a servicios sociales básicos y de protección. Continua la necesidad de expandir la cobertura de servicios de calidad, incluyendo la prevención y respuesta a la Violencia basada en Género (VbG) y procesos de sensibilización a la población en materia de detección de riesgos de VbG que puede ser logrado informando sobre los servicios disponibles. Esto incluye programas de sensibilización para la prevención de la VbG dirigido a los hombres en sus diferentes etapas del ciclo vital y garantizando que se incorporen estrategias contextualizadas para comunidades rurales. Es importante también seguir fortaleciendo los espacios de capacitaciones a los actores humanitarios no especializados en VbG para que incorporen acciones sin daños de prevención y mitigación de la VbG. Del mismo modo, continuar el fortalecimiento de los actores humanitarios que brindan servicios de respuesta de VbG, haciendo énfasis en los estándares mínimos para la prevención y respuesta a la VbG en situaciones de emergencia e incluyendo las y los servidores de las instituciones públicas con competencia en la prevención, mitigación y respuesta de la VbG." 164493,32981.0,1183.0,['Education'],[],[],es,27,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GIFMM%20Nari%C3%B1o%20-%20Resumen%20respuesta%20COVID-19%20%28a%2030%20de%20abril%29.pdf,"7.651 Beneficiarios Acompañamiento técnico a las secretarías de educación departamental, Ipiales, Tumaco y Pasto para la activación de mesas locales de Educación en Emergencias." 193813,43300.0,2332.0,[],[],['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,84,[],['Shock/Event'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"L´analyse sanitaire, se basant sur plusieurs sources d´informations, révèle que la province du Lac court un risque d´apparition de maladies à potentiel épidémique telles que l´hépatite E, le poliovirus sauvage, et le choléra en raison notamment des mouvements de populations dans les parties frontalières avec le Niger qui a connu une épidémie d´hépatite E en 2017 et le Nigéria qui a connu une flambée de choléra dans l´état de Borno, frontalier à la province du Lac en 2018." 265695,49620.0,2099.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security']","['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Security & Stability'],fr,35,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REG1903B_REACH_Report_HSM_BFA-MLI-NER_2021-01_VF.pdf,"D’après les IC, l’insécurité constituait ainsi le deuxième frein principal d’accès aux marchés, derrière l’absence de marché à proximité (voir figure 3b)." 48894,12663.0,1183.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,66,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/venezuela0419_web.pdf,"Health surveillance in North Santander demonstrates an increasing number of maternal and peri-/neonatal health events among Venezuelans (Figure 2). Forty-five Venezuelan women experienced serious illness tied to pregnancy or childbirth and seven died in 2018, whereas prior to the crisis in 2015, only two cases of extreme maternal morbidity and no cases of maternal mortality were reported in North Santander." 264406,49222.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",es,64,[],"['Shock/Event', 'Humanitarian Access']",IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reporte_semestral_mire_v6-2.pdf,"La situación humanitaria en Colombia se complejiza en algunos territorios como en el departamento de Chocó, Antioquia y Nariño donde los indicadores del PIN son los más altos, también se presenta un aumento de las acciones armadas de grupos organizados al margen de la ley y la presencia de la Covid-19. Estos factores influyen en la situación y respuesta humanitaria." 193822,43300.0,2332.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,69,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Cette situation [zones de population déplacées marquées par l'insuffisance des services de base] conduit les personnes en situation de déplacement et les membres des communautés hôtes à recourir aux stratégies néfastes de survie dont l´usage de la violence (vol, extorsion...), la prostitution et les mariages forcés qui, selon les statistiques, touchent en grande majorité les femmes et les filles." 305815,50894.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,52,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Sudan%20Outlook_122018.pdf,"The Humanitarian Aid Commission (HCAC) of the Government of Sudan reports that the number of IDPs across Sudan has reduced from 2.3 million in 2017 to about 1.6 million as in November 2018, most of whom are protracted IDPs in Darfur. [specific location assessed - Darfur]" 71089,20087.0,1183.0,['Cross'],[],[],es,110,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/71686_0.pdf,"CWC y COMUNICACIÓN PARA EL DESARROLLO Plantean 3 ejes de acción: a. Sistematización de la información b. Armonización y regionalización c. Fortalecimiento de capacidades Dadas las necesidades de información y comunicación se realizó una serie de encuestas a los beneficiarios, en línea y con informantes clave. Se tienen algunos resultados cuantitativos y se está trabajando en los análisis cualitativos. A través de U-Report se espera sistematizar y estandarizar la información. En Colombia se realizará un taller regional sobre rendición de cuentas a las comunidades afectadas. Se espera hacer un balance de lo hecho, fortalecer las capacidades, reorientar y mejorar la respuesta." 228014,46562.0,2311.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,69,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://redmas.com.co/w/covid19-venezolanos-con-doble-nacionalidad-podran-acceder-a-vacuna-dice-presidente-duque?redirect=%2Fnoticias&color=,"“La prioridad siempre serán los ciudadanos colombianos. Tenemos casos de ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad. Si son personas que están regularizadas, que tienen las condiciones y -adicionalmente están dentro de las condiciones de patologías definidas por el Ministerio de Salud, eso da criterio orientador para la aplicación de la vacuna”: Iván Duque, presidente de Colombia, en entrevista con Blu Radio." 328655,54710.0,2331.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,73,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/2a8ba470/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Hiiraan_February-2021.pdf,"[HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] The highest percentage of households per Health LSG severity score, per population group for IDP settlement was 67% for no or minimal and lowest was 3% for Extreme+. Similarly highest percentage of households per Health LSG severity score, per population group for Non-IDP settlement was 77% for no or minimal and lowest was 1% for extreme+ ." 483302,67232.0,1185.0,['Shelter'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,94,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Analizando según sexo, en las viviendas con una (01) sola habitación, el 58,5% de las mujeres convive con más de tres personas (29,1% tres y 29,4% de 4 a más); en el caso de los hombres es el 51,8% (26,2% tres y 25,6% de 4 a más personas). En tanto, el 15,2% de los hombres indican que solo existe un miembro del hogar siendo 8 puntos porcentuales más que las mujeres (7,2%)." 238605,47236.0,2225.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],fr,37,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETT-SUD%20KIVU_WALUNGU_rapport%20033_.pdf,La grande majorité des nouveaux arrivés n’ont pas d’abris. Certains partagent les abris avec des familles d’accueil et sont dans le besoin urgent d’une assistance en abris. 219211,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,35,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"Malaria, Acute Respiratory Illnesses and Acute Bloody Diarrhea remain the top cause of morbidity in all United Nation Protection of Civilian Sites (Juba, Bentiu, Malakal, Wau and Bor)." 189687,43300.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Demography', 'Context->Socio Cultural', 'Context->Politics']",fr,52,[],['Context'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Le Tchad est un Etat unitaire et laïc. Il compte 23 provinces dont celle de N´Djamena, 112 départements et 405 communes pour 16,3 millions d´habitants (2020), avec un taux de fécondité de 5,95 enfants par femme (2016) et une croissance démographique annuelle de 3,53%" 168276,40402.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,34,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,Bobo Dioulasso est un important centre tant pour la consommation que pour la production : elle fait office de capitale économique du Burkina-Faso et se trouve dans une importante zone de production céréalière. 192309,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,A key issue affecting security is the future of former fighters. R-ARCSS requires soldiers from the signatory armed groups to be integrated into the country’s military or police. 204266,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,19,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,60% des ménages [de Dosso] ont rapporté avoir diminué la quantité consommée pendant les repas. 180573,42290.0,2099.0,['Education'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'Impact->Number Of People Affected', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,55,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/INTERSOS%20Rapport%20mensuel%20protection%20-%20Septembre%20Est%20V%202.pdf,"En termes d’éducation, le conseil provincial chargé de l’éducation de la Tapoa a annoncé la non- ouverture de 33 écoles dans les communes de Tansarga et de Logobou brimant l’accès à l’éducation d’au moins 5000 enfants estimés à cause de la situation sécuritaire." 304247,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,51,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Dans les régions touchées par le conflit, les prix ont déjà commencé à augmenter depuis Novembre du fait de l’épuisement prématuré des stocks et des combats qui perturbent la chaine d’approvisionnement. Les prix pourraient rester au-dessus de la moyenne jusqu'aux nouvelles récoltes en Juillet." 393190,62158.0,2170.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,93,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/covid-1920perception20assessment20report.pdf,"[31st Jul 2021, Nigeria] Generally, 90% of the total discussants mentioned that Malaria is the most relevant health condition that affects the community, 5% indicated Cholera, 2% mentioned kidney problems, 1% said Neurological mental health conditions such as epilepsy and seizures, 1% also said heart disease while 1 mentioned COVID 19 as the most relevant health conditions affecting their communities. Other health conditions mentioned includes bedbugs and ulcer, blood pressure, measles, toilet infections and Typhoid." 220691,45748.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,"In the Protection of Civilian sites (PoCs), Malaria is the top cause of morbidity in Bentiu PoC (46%), Juba PoC(53%), Wau PoC (39%) and Bor PoC (41%)." 276270,50677.0,2334.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms']",[],fr,56,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/ocha_camerooon_sitrep_far_north-_august_2020.pdf,"La peur de la contamination au coronavirus engendre une baisse préoccupante du nombre de consultations dans les formations sanitaires, primaires ou secondaires, dans la région. L’Hôpital régional de Maroua a connu une baisse de fréquentation de 40% entre juillet (2,500 consultations) et août (1,500 consultations)." 304253,53037.0,2334.0,['Food Security'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,47,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Cameroon%20-%20Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20sur%20la%20s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9%20alimentaire%20-%20d%C3%A9cembre%202020.pdf,"Les stocks s'épuisent à partir de Novembre/Décembre (3 à 5 mois plus tôt) et continuera à un rythme plus rapide pour les ménages pauvres des régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest, en raison d'une production inférieure à la moyenne de la saison 2019/2020." 398707,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,135,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"Hay otras menciones que, si bien no son mayoritarias, resultan interesantes de destacar. En algunas opiniones manifestaron haber contratado extranjeros “porque son menos dados a reclamar” (18,3%) y “porque están dispuestos a trabajar por menos dinero” (9,7%). Aun cuando puede tratarse de una respuesta basada en la experiencia de quienes respondieron esta pregunta, lo cierto es que esta percepción sobre la actitud de estos trabajadores es posible de explicar en parte por la situación de desventaja en su condición de migrantes, cuya vulnerabilidad los lleva a adoptar un comportamiento no confrontacional y a mostrarse como un trabajador “lo más productivo posible, competitivo y menos demandante”, para así asegurar continuidad y estabilidad en el empleo." 272778,50353.0,2334.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,15,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/sitrep_nwsw_nov_2020_vf.pdf,798 Gender Based Violence (GBV) incidents were reported in the two regions. 198851,44345.0,2225.0,[],[],['Casualties->Dead'],fr,55,[],['Casualties'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/bulletin_epid_covid-19_n_296_20201121.pdf,Une descente de l’EIR de la ZS dans l’AS KAGHERI pour le prélèvement des échantillons auprès des dix malades provenant du village VUYIRA qui a enregistré six décès pour avoir consommé un repas après l’enterrement au lieu de deuil dans ce village dans la ZS LUBERO au NORD-KIVU. 229644,44602.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,,Skin infections among the children that were screened at least in 10% of the children and none of the mothers have seek medical service for their children. 160585,38373.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],es,65,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions', 'Impact']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Informe%20monitoreo%20de%20proteccio%CC%81n%20DRC%20Colombia%20-%20abril-junio%202020.pdf,"Durante la pandemia COVID-19 se observa que se ha acentuado el riesgo de reclutamiento de adolescentes por parte de grupos armados no estatales o por parte de grupos armados o redes de microtráfico de drogas. Además, debido al aislamiento preventivo obligatorio, los NNA presentan resistencia ante el cambio de las dinámicas sociales, lo que produce irritabilidad, rebeldía e hiperactividad." 226833,46468.0,2336.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,81,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/unama_protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_-_3rd_quarter_report_2020_revised_5nov_.pdf,"The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) documented 5,939 civilian casualties (2,117 killed and 3,822 injured) from 1 Jan- uary to 30 September 2020. While this represents a 30 per cent reduction in civilian casualties in comparison to the same period in 2019 and the lowest number of civilian casualties in the first nine months of a year since 2012, the conflict in Afghanistan remains one of the deadliest in the world for civilians." 347700,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,77,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Access to water, moreover, can be a challenge especially for little children: children are often considered responsible of “playing with water”, “wasting water” and so on, so, unless clearly tasked by family to fetch water with a HH water container, are often pushed away from the water points as well as from the hand washing stations." 165367,32691.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']",[],[],es,96,[],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/77415,"Un tribunal del Distrito en Arauca falló a favor de los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos después de una denuncia presentada por la Personería en Tame en nombre de los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos que intentaban regresar a Venezuela. El tribunal ordenó a las autoridades nacionales de frontera, autoridades de salud, gobernadores y alcaldes de los estados y municipios implicados que trabajen juntos para garantizar el derecho a la vida, a la dignidad humana, y a la salud de los venezolanos que viajan caminando por el departamento de Arauca queriendo retornar." 360962,58841.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,90,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/30/rohingya-refugees-facing-medical-crisis-bhasan-char,"[30th June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Dr Tanvir Anwar, a physician on the island, told The Daily Star that Bhasan Char’s meager health-care system is overwhelmed by the outbreak and that medical facilities – admitting 40-50 diarrhea patients per day – are turning away anyone with illnesses except for acute diarrhea. He said people are being treated in corridors and on the floor and that there is a “crisis of medicine as the disease is increasing rapidly.”" 174974,40888.0,1183.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],['Casualties->Dead'],es,91,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3675651,"Los niños y niñas están profundamente afectados por esta violencia, advierte Save the Children, y se informa que los adolescentes y los jóvenes se encuentran entre las víctimas. En agosto,cinco adolescentes murieron en el suroeste de Colombia, mientras, según informes, volaban cometas con sus amigos. SegúnIndepaz, la semana pasada al menos 25 personas fueron asesinadas en masacres en Arauca, Cauca y Nariño, sumándose a la de Samaniego de hace dos semanas en la que fueron asesinados ocho jóvenes." 294010,51273.0,2336.0,['Nutrition'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,67,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://fews.net/sites/default/files/documents/reports/AFGHANISTAN_Dec2020_Food_Security_Outlook_Update_FINAL.pdf,"Based on OPD Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) data, in the last eight months (April 2020 to November 2020) 180,124 children under five with severe acute malnutrition were admitted into the OPD SAM program, around similar level with the same period of last year. Overall, admissions in the OPD SAM program have slightly decreased in 2020 relative to 2019." 204419,43976.0,2333.0,['Food Security'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,64,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Le statut de déplacement des ménages n’affecte pas uniformément la sécurité alimentaire selon les régions. Les ménages déplacés (déplacés internes et réfugiés) semblent plus vulnérables à l’insécurité alimentaire que les ménages non déplacés dans les régions de Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri, ce qui n’est pas nécessairement le cas à Agadez ou Diffa." 106505,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],es,103,"['Priority Needs', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"A pesar de ello, en Riohacha se han configurado imaginarios negativos en relación con los venezolanos. Según algunas personas con las que se conversó, se percibe a los migrantes como ladrones, peleoneros, como una plaga (Bases Sólidas, cuaderno de campo La Guajira, 2019). Las relaciones que establecen con ellos son básicamente a través de la entrega de dinero (cuando los inmigrantes están en mendicidad o trabajando en la calle) o arrendando algunas piezas para las familias, razón por la cual las relaciones no se dan en condiciones de paridad." 360968,58841.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Cross']",['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,89,['Priority Interventions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/30/rohingya-refugees-facing-medical-crisis-bhasan-char,"[30th June 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: The Bangladeshi government should address this imminent crisis by immediately transporting any refugees who require medical attention or who wish to return to the mainland. The government should initiate comprehensive policy and technical consultations with the UN refugee agency on future humanitarian operations on Bhasan Char. It should clarify plans to ensure emergency provision of safe drinking water, especially for children, as well as adequate medical care, food, and other necessities." 453784,64224.0,1185.0,[],[],['Information And Communication->Information Challenges And Barriers'],es,67,[],['Information And Communication'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Hay entrevistadas que creen que los medios de comunicación promueven la violencia hacia la mujer y manifiestan: “…Yo considero que a veces los medios de comunicación juegan un rol tan importante en colocar en las líneas amarillas lo que hicieron otras personas y entonces nos meten a todas en el mismo saco, ahí recibimos un castigo por cosas que quizá no hayamos hecho”" 326490,54734.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/aed89b00/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Bari_February-2021.pdf,"[SHELTER & NON-FOOD ITEMS (SNFI) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Three most commonly reported types of housing, land and property (HLP) dispute reported by households were :Disputes about rent (including payment) (10%), Rules and processes on HLP not clear (15% ), Inheritance issues (5%)." 223674,44702.0,2335.0,['Health'],['Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],en,13,['Priority Interventions'],[],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,Conduct EPI outreach or mobile vaccination in underserved areas in Wulu and Cueibet 218406,45693.0,2225.0,['Protection'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],[],en,30,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021-HAC-DRC.pdf,"The prevalence of gender-based violence remains high, particularly in conflict-affected provinces. Nearly 30 per cent of women and girls aged 15 to 49 are survivors of gender-based violence" 299153,51194.0,2336.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,48,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/hag_quarterly_access_report_q4_2020.pdf,"Following a pattern observed throughout the year and in line with ANSF taking a defensive approach, in Q4, NSAG-TB initiated the predominant number of kinetic incidents affecting humanitarians (90), with five incidents resulting from ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) activity." 318939,54628.0,2098.0,"['Health', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']","['Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,119,"['Impact', 'At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']","['Shock/Event', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Participants said many people are suffering from injuries from the fire, and many have died. They also said people who are more vulnerable in the community, such as children, pregnant mothers, elderly people and people with disabilities do not have safe shelter and are not receiving nutritious food. Female participants said they think many children were affected, more young boys than girls. One participant said she heard a boy died after being stuck in a sewage tank during the fire. Another female participant said that due to living in their current condition children are becoming sick and may catch pneumonia." 388598,61080.0,2099.0,['Protection'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Context->Security & Stability']",fr,28,['Impact'],"['Context', 'Casualties']",IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,,"Le 14 juin 2021, un homme a été battu et laissé pour mort par des individus armés à Gorgadji non loin du lycée. Province du Soum" 291918,51985.0,2311.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.elespectador.com/colombia2020/pais/colegios-de-la-guerra-otras-victimas-del-conflicto/,"El colegio La Europa es uno de 331 casos que forman parte deuna base de datos construida por este equipo periodístico, en la que se registraron situaciones de acantonamientos, pernoctaciones, tomas y ataques a colegios, escuelas e instituciones educativas por parte de guerrilla, paramilitares, miembros de la fuerza pública (entre policías y militares) y población civil a lo largo del país. Según la base de datos, cerca de la mitad de las tomas fueron perpetradas por agentes del Estado." 254219,48624.0,2028.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,52,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2021/02/ampere-prices-draining-the-life-out-of-aleppos-residents/,"[February 9, Aleppo] Saeed"" requested that his name to be withheld"" also referred to the owners of large generators, who continue to raise the price of the ampere subscription, which so far amounted to 6,500 Syrian Pounds (SYP; 2.1USD) per week." 105586,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Education']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",es,150,['Capacities & Response'],['Displacement'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Desde el sector no gubernamental, actores preponderantes como UNICEF, Consejo Noruego de Refugiados, Save the Children y World Vision han orientado su respuesta a acciones como la gestión de matrícula, el diseño de modelos flexibles de aprendizaje, el desarrollo de metodologías para la eliminación de la xenofobia, la entrega de kits escolares y el acompañamiento técnico a docentes. No obstante, se presentan retos importantes relacionados con la adecuación de la oferta de educación en emergencias a la primera infancia, la articulación de la misma con la política pública con la que cuenta el país, el apoyo para incrementar la capacidad de absorción de estudiantes del sistema educativo, el trabajo con población en extraedad o desescolarizados, la adecuación de la oferta para migrantes en tránsito y el uso de un enfoque de atención psicosocial en el entorno educativo." 322157,54720.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],en,101,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/covid-19-bangladesh-sees-97-deaths/68132,"[26 April, 2021, Bangladesh] Lockdown extended: The surge in Covid infections prompted the government to go for a lockdown from early April. Having failed to achieve the intended result, it imposed a strict lockdown from April 11 and extended it to April 28. On Monday, State Minister for Public Administration Farhad Hossain said the government would extend the lockdown till May 5, as there is no improvement of the Covid-19 situation. However, shopping malls will remain open from 10am to 8pm during the extended period, he said." 238090,47361.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],en,55,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://unb.com.bd/category/Bangladesh/bangladesh-to-receive-20-lakh-covid-19-vaccines-from-india-as-gift-jan-21/63523,"[19th Jan 2021, Bangladesh] In the first phases, the government is procuring three crore doses of the vaccine while the rest will be imported in phases within six months, he added. “If everything goes well, then we’ll get the vaccine in mid-January next.”" 291395,51191.0,2336.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->National Response'],[],en,20,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/strategic_sitrep_covid-19_4_february_2021_final.pdf,". National capacity for COVID-19 testing has topped 5,800 a day however these laboratories are not being fully utilised." 224184,45763.0,2332.0,['Shelter'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],fr,60,"['Impact', 'NOT_MAPPED']",['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission-mke-oct-final.pdf,"En termes d’abris et d’articles ménagers essentiels (AME), sur les 3 787 habitations recensées, 742 ont été complètement détruites. Le nombre de personnes en besoin d’assistance en abris et AME est estimé à 20 407 personnes, soit 3 400 ménages (30% des personnes sinistrées)." 36936,13321.0,788.0,['Shelter'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,14,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_humanitarian_situation_update_20190601_0.pdf,40 per cent of camps and camp-like settings across Borno State remain over-congested. 162601,35727.0,1183.0,['Cross'],"['At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Context->Security & Stability', 'Context->Economy', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Shock/Event->Type And Characteristics']",es,110,['At Risk'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/briefing_humanitario_cordoba_junio_2020_vf.pdf,"De igual forma, la instauración de grandes proyectos extractivos, en municipios del sur de Córdoba donde aún existen cultivos de uso ilícito, es un factor que ha contribuido a una mayor militarización en la zona, detonante de confrontaciones armadas e impactos humanitarios en la población civil; en estos territorios también convive población indígena Emberá Katíos, Zenú y Consejos Comunitarios Afros resultando ser uno de los grupos poblacionales con mayor afectación. Estos hechos que se hacen cada vez más recurrentes con la entrada al territorio de nuevos GAO quienes se disputan el control de las economías ilícitas de droga y extracción de minerales." 269850,49918.0,2311.0,['WASH'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff'],[],es,28,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://www.iagua.es/noticias/universidad-nacional-colombia/aguas-contaminadas-caldo-cultivo-bacterias-toxicas,"Ante la escasa información sobre dermatoxinas en el país, es necesario dar alertas tempranas para evitar posibles accidentes y afecciones. Foro: Cortesía Silenia Robles." 241950,47791.0,2225.0,['Education'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats'],fr,27,['Impact'],['Shock/Event'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Note%20d%E2%80%99Orientation%20pour%20la%20protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99enfance%20pendant%20la%20pand%C3%A9mie%20de%20Coronavirus%20%28COVID-19%29%20en%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20Sous%20Cluster%20Protection%20de%20l%E2%80%99Enfance%20%28GTPE%29%20RDC%20%E2%80%93%20janvier%202021%20%28version%202%29.pdf,"La non-scolarisation, en plus d’avoir un impact négatif sur le développement et l'éducation des enfants, les expose davantage aux risques de protection." 240443,47354.0,2170.0,['Protection'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints'],en,86,['Impact'],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/North-East%20Nigeria%20Situation%20Update%20-%20November%202020.pdf,"[1st Nov 2020,North east Nigeria] Challenges Inaccessibility or limited access to certain areas of operation due to insecurity; UNHCR protection and multisectoral assistance continue to be affected by the reduction of targets to meet WHO requirement of physical distancing to prevent and curb the spread of COVID-19. Challenges in maintaining the civilian character of the IDP camps (NSAGs infiltration, military presence); • Ineffective/inexistent civil registration and ID management systems in areas hosting IDPs and returnees;" 318932,54628.0,2098.0,"['Shelter', 'Cross']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,84,"['Impact', 'Priority Needs']",[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,,"[25th April 2021, Cox's Bazar] Male participants said mosques needed to be rebuilt as soon as possible as they need space to pray properly. Additionally, they were worried about staying in temporary shelters during monsoon season which is also arriving soon. Some female participants, who do not have any young men in their households, said they need help to rebuild their houses reiterating the need for humanitarian agencies to assist in the re-building effort." 174436,40839.0,2170.0,['WASH'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,119,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Report%20Round%2033%20%28North%20East%29.pdf,"[1st Aug 2020, North East Nigeria]Camp and camp-like settings: Piped water was the main source of water in 71 per cent (up from 68%) of sites where IDPs are residing in camps and camp-like settings. In 17 per cent of sites (down from 19% from the last round of assessment), hand pumps were the main source of drinking water, followed by water trucks (6% - down by 1%). Use of unprotected wells as main source of water in 2 per cent of sites (represents 1% decrease from what was recorded in the last round of assessment)." 192974,43347.0,2335.0,['Health'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,66,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Although violence still affects people’s access to services, explanations provided by key informants for lack of access to health care in 2019 were increasingly less connected with political violence, compared to a year ago. Now a larger proportion of assessed settlements report that the main reason why health services are unavailable is because they simply never existed in the area." 172318,40929.0,2170.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']","['Covid-19->Restriction Measures', 'Covid-19->Restriction Measures']",en,109,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Nigeria%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No%208%20-%20reporting%20period%201%20-%2031%20Aug%202020%20.pdf,"[August 1 - 31, 2020,Nigeria]On-the-job coaching and supportive supervision visits conducted to 265 outpatients’ therapeutic program (OTP) sites, 19 stabilization centers (SCs), 180 IYCF corners, 218 mother support groups and 1,266 community nutrition mobilizers. Although restriction of movement in Borno and Yobe has been lifted, the supportive supervision conducted within the reporting period by the Community Nutrition Mobilizers (CNM) supervisors, and UNICEF supported 3rd Party Facilitators was conducted with strict adherence to COVID-19 infection prevention control measures (including handwashing, use of face masks and physical distancing)." 165366,32691.0,1183.0,"['Health', 'Protection']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Casualties->Dead'],es,67,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://r4v.info/es/documents/download/77415,"El Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses informó que nueve mujeres venezolanas fueron asesinadas durante el período de aislamiento obligatorio que comenzó el 20 de marzo (un aumento del 12% respecto al mismo período en 2019). También se produjeron 2 suicidios, 168 casos de violencia doméstica y 75 casos de violencia sexual contra mujeres venezolanas en el mismo período." 238908,47098.0,2170.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,61,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/yobe_state_covid-19_pandemic_weekly_situation_report_sitrep_for_week_49_30_nov_to_06_dec_2020.pdf,"[30thNov-6th Dec 2020, Yobe state]Eight (8) new confirmed cases were reported in week 49.The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is one hundred and eight (108). No COVID-19 related mortality was recorded for 28 consecutive weeks. Two (2) COVID-19 patients have recovered and were discharged from isolation facilities." 412519,63488.0,2098.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,94,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,http://www.brac.net/program/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Rapid-Assessment-on-Impact-of-COVID-19-on-Essential-Health-Services-in-Bangladesh-Report.pdf,"[8 August 2021, Bangladesh] Bangladesh has grave deficiencies of doctors, nurses and medical staff members. According to WHO, Bangladesh’s doctor-to-patient ratio is 5.26 per 10,000 people, the second-lowest in South Asia3 . The COVID-19 pandemic has also exposed these deficiencies to the table of discussion. Moreover, most hospitals ceased normal operation leaving the non-COVID-19 patients left without regular check-up and treatment. Some running hospitals were also unwilling to take in-patients with the panic that they might be contaminated with the virus." 489773,67750.0,1231.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being'],['Casualties->Dead'],en,17,['Humanitarian Conditions'],['Casualties'],UNHCR Dominican Republic,2019-05-28 02:56:38.337473+00,,"the Dominican Republic stood out at 112,209 cases with 2105 deaths at the end of September." 206436,43347.0,2335.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,32,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Among the IDP population, women and children will remain especially vulnerable due to their roles in society and the protection risks inherent in being without shelter or social support networks." 145472,35868.0,2028.0,"['Cross', 'Food Security', 'WASH']","['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->National Response']",[],en,28,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Al%20Hol%20Snapshot_26Jul2020.pdf,"This has included adjustment of distribution modalities to reduce overcrowding at gathering points such as combining NFI, food and hygiene distributions and switching to two-month rotations." 385606,60457.0,2099.0,[],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],fr,30,[],['Humanitarian Access'],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/cb5501fr.pdf,"Enfin, dans la région du Sahel, 24 communes sont difficiles d’accès et la province du Soum est la plus touchée, avec certaines leurs populations." 454444,64535.0,1185.0,[],[],['Displacement->Local Integration'],es,22,[],['Displacement'],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"Más del 55% de entrevistados se ha sentido discriminado en Perú, y 12% se siente indeciso al ser preguntado" 106425,29953.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Cross']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],es,109,"['At Risk', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://data2.unhcr.org/es/documents/download/76735,"Para los niños y las niñas la migración es un fenómeno que impacta profundamente en sus vidas y sus posibilidades de desarrollo: son vulnerables al abuso, el abandono, la violencia, la trata y el reclutamiento forzoso. Pueden ser testigos de situaciones perturbadoras, vivir el debilitamiento de las redes de apoyo (como familias y comunidades), y la garantía de sus derechos puede verse amenazada o interrumpida. La pobreza, la exclusión y la xenofobia, entre otros factores, hacen de la niñez una población altamente vulnerable y con frecuencia invisibilizada (UNCHR, 2012, p. 7)." 209967,44790.0,2331.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,25,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,Outbreaks of communicable diseases such as acute watery diarrhea will likely increase as a result of a potential drop in water availability and quality. 181894,42443.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,86,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,http://www.mixedmigration.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/143_covid_snapshot_WA.pdf,"Washing hands or regularly using hand sanitizer were the most commonly reported infection control measures. The numbers were particularly high in Mali (81%) and Niger (77%), see Figure 4. Furthermore, more than half of all respondents across all countries reported wearing a mask (Niger – 58%, Mali – 54%, Burkina Faso – 54%). Nonetheless, 27% of respondents in Burkina Faso reported not taking any precautions." 73323,21154.0,1187.0,['Education'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],"['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements', 'Context->Legal & Policy']",en,65,['Humanitarian Conditions'],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Argentina,2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/72254.pdf,"In terms of education, while the Southern Cone states maintain free and universal access to the public primary and secondary education, some challenges are observed, such as the lack of available slots in schools in certain urban locations, or delays in those cases in which there is no documentation to confirm the educational level reached before arriving in these countries." 205848,43347.0,2335.0,['Education'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,21,[],['Context'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Insecurity has been the major cause behind school closure in recent years, with 20 per cent of schools non-functional." 193757,43300.0,2332.0,"['WASH', 'Health', 'Cross']",['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context->Demography', 'NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors']",fr,74,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Context', 'Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hno2020_20200210.pdf,"Les populations nomades et insulaires du Lac ont un accès limité aux structures sanitaires. A noter que les populations nomades, qui représentent 6,5% de la population tchadienne, ont un taux de mortalité 2,5 fois supérieur à la moyenne, justifié notamment par la faible couverture vaccinale, le faible accès aux soins de santé dont la santé de la reproduction, l´accès limité à l´eau potable et à l´assainissement." 389625,61350.0,2311.0,[],[],"['Covid-19->Deaths', 'Covid-19->Cases']",es,74,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,https://17260867-d309-4e8b-a096-3c394eecf468.filesusr.com/ugd/842017_db7640ca57214223a8db41a77ee65503.pdf,"Para el 5/07/2021 Colombia reportaba cerca de 4.375.000 casos de COVID-19, más de 109.000 muertes, se habían aplicado 19.264.851 dosis de vacunas y 7.282.436 personas habían recibido el esquema de vacunación completo. Estas cifras nos dejan como el noveno (9°) país con más casos, el décimo (10°) con más muertes y el décimo tercero (13°) con más muertes por habitante en el mundo." 309054,53636.0,2028.0,[],[],['Displacement->Type/Numbers/Movements'],en,34,[],['Displacement'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[MAR 2021, SDF] In total population 2,316,132 less than 1% are returnees, 77% are residents, 4% are IDPs in-camp and 19% are IDPs our-of-camp." 188830,43386.0,1900.0,"['Cross', 'Livelihoods']","['Impact->Impact On People', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']","['Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors', 'Context->Environment']",es,47,"['Impact', 'At Risk']","['Shock/Event', 'Context']",UNHCR Honduras,2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00,https://www2.unwomen.org/-/media/field%20office%20americas/documentos/publicaciones/2020/05/_lac%20report_spanish%20final%20jun2-comprimido.pdf?la=es&vs=143,"En el ""Corredor Seco"" de Centroamérica, en donde temporadas de sequía consecutivas han destruido cosechas y agotado sus reservas, las y los agricultores están renuentes a cultivar sus tierras por temor de contagiarse de COVID-19 o de ser detenidos por la policía." 213682,44787.0,2331.0,['Shelter'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/20200117_gsc_factsheet_shelter_cluster_somalia_december_2019.pdf,"More than 360,000 people were displaced in Somalia due to recent floods and were in need of emergency shelter and NFI. Most of the displaced people have returned and are in need of shelter rehabilitation and reconstruction." 223525,44702.0,2335.0,['Food Security'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,31,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/irna_report_wulu_cueibet_county.pdf,"There is a need for provision of seeds for the next planting season as long-lasting intervention. The seeds demanded by the respondents are sorghum, groundnuts, sesame, maize" 418546,63160.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Vaccination'],fr,119,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NEW%20UPDATE%20COVID-19%20DRC%2C%20JULY%2001%2C%202021%20-%20Nouvelle%20mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20COVID-19%20en%20RDC%20-%20Avec%20les%20donn%C3%A9es%20fournies%20jusqu%27au%20jeudi%201er%20juillet%202021%20%20-%20wf%20-.pdf,"Les données disponibles fournies jusqu’au 30 juin 2021 indiquent un cumul de 59 224 personnes déjà vaccinées en RDC (avec le vaccin Astra Zeneca) depuis le 19 avril 2021. Ces données viennent d’un total de 313 sites de vaccination fonctionnels de Kinshasa (21 377 vaccinés) et des sept (7) autres provinces ayant lancé leurs campagnes de vaccination contre le coronavirus, à savoir : Haut-Katanga (9 905 vaccinés), Kongo Central (7 669), Nord-Kivu (5 883), Ituri (4 049), Sud-Kivu (3 369), Haut-Uélé (3 771), Lualaba (3 171)." 346250,56852.0,2099.0,[],[],[],fr,33,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bfa_apercu_de_la_situation_humanitaire_25052021.pdf,"Toutefois, avec seulement 15,8% des fonds requis par le HRP reçus à ce jour, il reste essentiel d'obtenir des financements additionnels afin de couvrir les besoins de manière adéquate." 41088,11894.0,729.0,"['Health', 'WASH']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities']",[],en,36,"['Impact', 'At Risk']",[],Libya Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/reach_lby_situationoverview_ra_tripoli_apr2019_v2.pdf,"The breakdown of the waste management system in conflict-affected baladiyas raised major health concerns. Across all assessed baladiyas, waste was mainly reported to be burnt, buried, or dumped in inappropriate spots." 260939,48984.0,2170.0,[],[],[],en,29,[],[],IMMAP/DFS Nigeria,2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/echo_crisis_report_no.19_-_lake_chad_basin_crisis.pdf,"[1st Feb 2021, Nigeria]As of 1 February, 51.0 percent of the HRP was funded (USD 551.1 million out of USD 1.08 billion)" 209674,44790.0,2331.0,['Protection'],[],['Context->Security & Stability'],en,25,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Armed conflicts between government forces and non-state armed groups and their allies, and clan-based violence continue to endanger the safety of many people." 17467,5431.0,322.0,['Logistics'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,41,['Impact'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"Al Hudaydah port is open and operational. As of 27 June, three vessels were at berth. Six vessels were in the anchorage area, three UNVIM-cleared vessels were in holding area and three vessels were en route." 191217,43567.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Cases'],en,27,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_september_2020.pdf,"[Sept 2020, Cox's Bazar] 71 cases (27 suspected and 44 confirmed) have been successfully assisted by IOM’s health teams" 209658,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Humanitarian Access->Number Of People Facing Humanitarian Access Constraints/Humanitarian Access Gaps'],en,44,[],['Humanitarian Access'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Somalia is one of the most complex and protracted humanitarian crises in the world. Climatic shocks, combined with other persistent drivers of needs such as armed conflict and protracted/continued displacement, have left over 5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance" 221736,45721.0,2331.0,['Protection'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,44,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/S_2020_1004_E.pdf,"Access to populations under Al-Shabaab control remains extremely limited owing to concerns about the safety of humanitarian workers, opposition from other parties to the conflict and the reported unwillingness of Al-Shabaab officials to accept principled humanitarian operations in areas under their control." 83687,23088.0,1621.0,[],[],"['Casualties->Injured', 'Casualties->Dead']",en,27,[],['Casualties'],2020 DFS Libya,2020-01-02 06:15:06.32558+00,https://www.libyanexpress.com/turkeys-foreign-ministry-condemns-haftars-massacre-at-tripoli-military-college/,"At least 30 people were killed and 33 injured on Saturday in the strike on the dormitory of the military school, targeting mainly its students." 17465,5431.0,322.0,"['Health', 'Protection', 'Shelter', 'Food Security']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,98,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],Situation Analysis Generic Yemen,2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20180627_Al%20Hudayday%20Update_Issue%206.pdf,"Displacement continues as families seek shelter in relatively safer districts within Al Hudaydah Governorate or in neighbouring governorates. The exact numbers, locations and immediate needs are being verified by humanitarian partners. Humanitarian partners report that IDPs, who are arriving by truck, bus or private car in Amanat Al Asimah, Sana’a City, Ibb, Raymah, Dhamar, Al Bayda, Hajjah and other governorates, urgently need assistance such as food rations, medical care and protection services. Relief assistance continues to be provided to vulnerable people." 305687,50889.0,2466.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Legal & Policy'],en,39,[],['Context'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/Sudan%202020%20Country%20Refugee%20Response%20Plan%20-%20January%202020_0_1.pdf,"An organized returns process for Chadian refugees in Central Darfur began in 2018 under the Tripartite Agreement on Voluntary Repatriation between Sudan, Chad, and UNHCR, with 6,030 Chadian refugees returned to Chad until March 2019." 483291,67232.0,1185.0,['Livelihoods'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,138,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Peru,2019-05-11 12:26:55.684822+00,,"8.1.1 Persona que decide cómo gastar el dinero Otro aspecto que se investigó por medio de esta encuesta fue quién decide cómo se gasta el dinero que ganan proveniente del trabajo. Esta pregunta estuvo dirigida a las personas de 18 y más años de edad que tienen cónyuge y que tienen ingresos. Los resultados revelan, que hombres (66,7%) como mujeres (64,2%) mayoritariamente deciden gastar su ingreso de acuerdo con su pareja. El 32,8% de las mujeres entrevistadas informaron que ellas deciden sobre sus ingresos, en el caso de los hombres fue el 23,7%. El 9,4% de los hombres informaron que sus esposas o compañeras deciden cómo gastar el dinero, en el caso de las mujeres del 2,5% decide su cónyuge." 165255,38967.0,2098.0,['Health'],['Impact->Impact On People'],[],en,90,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/BGD2002-COVID-19-Market-Monitoring-Initiative-%E2%80%93-Factsheet_round_5V1.pdf,% of vendors reporting taking measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the 2 weeks prior to data collection:* Use of facemasks 94% ▼ Providing handwashing facilities for customers 81% ▲ Social distancing in queues 81% ▲ Use of gloves 75% ▲ Use of antibacterial gel 56% ▲ Limiting the number of customers at a time 12% ▲ Implementing a barrier through which to take orders 6% ▲ Priority care for older adults 0% ► None 0% ► 220017,45769.0,2332.0,['Cross'],[],"['Context->Socio Cultural', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats']",fr,73,[],"['Context', 'Shock/Event']",GIMAC Chad,2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_devaluation_rapide_sur_le_site_de_ngorerom.pdf,"Ces personnes [ des personnes à besoin spécifique] sont soutenues par leur communauté à travers l’entraide (partage de nourriture, la provision en eau). Toutefois, il faut noter que cette communauté est vulnérable du fait qu’elle reste jusque-là sans assistance humanitaire et sans accès à la pêche. Ce qui pourrait à la longue affaiblir le soutien apporte à ces personnes déjà vulnérables." 384893,60456.0,2099.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps'],[],fr,16,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_sectoriel_juin2021.pdf,"74 agents de santé les districts sanitaires de Barsalogho, Kaya et Boussouma formés en SONUB" 205859,43347.0,2335.0,['WASH'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,29,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC South Sudan,2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/20191207_hno_2020_s_sudan_0.pdf,"Lack of basic infrastructure, including WASH facilities, has impacted girl students disproportionately. Some 40 per cent of primary schools in South Sudan have no toilets." 150914,36670.0,1898.0,['Livelihoods'],[],[],es,139,[],[],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UN_Situation%20Report%2016_COVID19_del%2022%20de%20julio%20al%2012%20agosto.pdf,"El Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social (ISSS) divulgó el pasado 31 de julio las estadísticas de empleo formal acumuladas hasta mayo. La información consigna una reducción acumulada de 66,208 planillas presentadas en el sector privado entre los meses de marzo a mayo. Para el mismo período y sector, se presenta una reducción acumulada de 72,800 en planillas efectivamente pagadas. De acuerdo con el ISSS las actividades que se han visto más afectadas por la emergencia son: la industria manufacturera, el comercio, restaurantes y hoteles y el sector servicios. El empleo formal en el sector público reportó un incremento de 752 trabajadores entre el período marzo a mayo. Al cierre de mayo, el reporte del ISSS reporta un total de 814,317 trabajos en planilla y 787.690 cotizados." 290323,52076.0,2334.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Socio Cultural'],en,16,[],['Context'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/data_on_gender_equality_in_cameroon-hno_2020-17_oct_19.pdf,Women spend an average of 8.2 hours more per week than men on unpaid household tasks 191216,43567.0,2098.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Testing'],en,47,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/iom_rohingya_crisis_response_-_external_sitrep_-_september_2020.pdf,"[Sept 2020, Cox's Bazar] 3,426 samples [COVID-19 test] have been collected from IOM’s three SARI ITCs and two Primary Health Care Centers (Camp 9 and Camp 3) and transported to the laboratory in Cox’s Bazar" 70951,20191.0,788.0,"['Nutrition', 'Cross', 'WASH']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],en,142,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA),2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_nga_yobe_state_humanitarian_situation_overview_q3.pdf,"The three-year trend of Global Acute malnutrition (GAM), Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) rates from October 2016 to May 2019 indicates that Yobe State fares worse compared to Borno and Adamawa States. The current rate of malnutrition is partly due to chronic poverty, specifically in the northern LGAs as well as limited access to basic social services such as WASH in some of the LGAs; delay in transporting Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) to stabilization centres in some LGAs; and a limited number of partners carrying out nutrition interventions. The closure AAH/ACF nutrition programmes in the BAY states has created gaps in services that are not easily filled, especially given the limited numbers of partners implementing nutrition programs in Yobe State." 71052,20260.0,1186.0,"['Cross', 'Protection']",['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,90,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,https://www.rescue.org/report/venezuelan-displacement-crisis-test-global-commitments-and-solidarity,"To meaningfully meet the needs of Venezuelans and host communities, the international response will require: Donors to provide more predictable, multiyear financing while coordinating on a diplomatic strategy to encourage and incentivize regional states to improve and harmonize policies. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and World Bank to establish a formal partnership so that their resources are coordinated and deployed in a way that enables host countries to maintain progressive policies and that addresses longer-term needs, such as livelihoods opportunities and education." 204318,43976.0,2333.0,['Cross'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms'],[],fr,53,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NER-2002_MSNA_-presentation-des-resultats-en-securite-alimentaire.pdf,"Les options de réponses « retirer les enfants de l’école », « se séparer d’un enfant le confiant à quelqu’un d’autre », « vendre la maison » ont été sélectionnées par moins de 1% des ménages [de Tahoua] interrogés." 359178,58464.0,2028.0,['Agriculture'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,51,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[June 2021, NES] Maintenance of machinery was reported to be unaffordable for farmers in 18% of assessed communities, while difficulties in accessing ploughing services and damaged irrigation systems were reported as challenges to farmers in 20% and 10% of assessed communities, respectively." 194702,43603.0,2331.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],en,16,['Impact'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/20202607_HRP_REVISION.pdf,Delivery of services has been affected by the insufficient PPEs and trained health care workers. 226915,45087.0,2336.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",en,20,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20Point-%20COVID-19%20and%20Child%20Protection%20Crisis%20in%20Afghanistan.pdf,"While risks have increased, the capacity of formal and informal child protection systems to respond have been limited." 240714,47367.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors'],['Covid-19->Deaths'],en,47,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,,"[ 31 dec 2020, Syria] The COVID-19 pandemic has placed further pressure on Syrian doctors – as of 31 December 2020 it is estimated that 151 have died from the virus due to the Syrian government’s inability to adequately support healthcare workers." 281881,51173.0,2336.0,['WASH'],"['Capacities & Response->International Response', 'Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps']",[],en,44,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Afghanistan,2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Afghanistan%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Year-End%202020.pdf,"As of 31 December 2020, UNICEF provided safe drinking water to 230,000 people in 66 districts of 26 provinces against the annual target of 250,000 people while over 49,000 people accessed through emergency sanitation facilities/services against the annual target of 100,000 people." 221650,45323.0,2028.0,"['Health', 'Education']","['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",['Covid-19->Cases'],en,74,['Impact'],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/12/calls-to-shut-schools-of-syrias-as-suwayda-temporarily-for-fear-of-coronavirus-spread/,"[December 10, As-Suwayda] The first time the Education Directorate in the province of As-Suwayda decides to close a school due to the spread of the novel coronavirus was when ten out of 22 students at Salman al-Safadi Secondary School in the southern Salkhad region tested positive for the coronavirus. At that time, the school was closed for ten days “to conduct disinfection at the school building.”" 219440,45750.0,2331.0,['Health'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,49,['Capacities & Response'],[],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reports.unocha.org/en/country/somalia/flash-update/1fbu6CDAxfZuwGL83v2vbg/,"The European Union is providing €48 million for Somalia to address humanitarian needs including the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, which will support the health facilities in the provision of basic services, epidemics control and prepare them to face the coronavirus pandemic, among other activities." 276965,50764.0,2225.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],fr,41,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://rdccovidbusinesssurvey.com/Previous%20Reports/0102_EIU_ELAN_CovidReport%20FR_v2-vf1_1430.pdf,"[ échantillon de 204 entreprises ] La majorité des entreprises prennent des mesures supplémentaires pour prévenir l’augmentation des cas, mais le pourcentage d’entreprises qui n’ont pas de mesures de sécurité est en augmentation." 207183,43256.0,2334.0,['Nutrition'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,46,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Cameroon,2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00,https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/cmr_hno_2020-revised_25062020_print.pdf,The results of the latest SMART nutrition survey conducted in November 2019 by UNICEF and the Government of Cameroon showed a GAM rate of 5.2% with 1.4% of SAM. The Far North For has the highest prevalence chronic malnutrition with 38.2%. 209661,44790.0,2331.0,['Cross'],[],['Context->Environment'],en,65,[],['Context'],GIMAC Somalia,2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Somalia_2019_HRP_FIN_260520.pdf,"Since 1990, Somalia has experienced 30 climate-related hazards; 12 droughts and 18 floods, three times the number of climate-related hazards experienced between 1970 and 1990. The severe drought that left the country on the verge of famine in 2017 was only abated by an above-average Gu rainy season (April-June) in 2018, coupled with a sustained aid operation." 348000,56800.0,2098.0,['WASH'],"['Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff', 'Priority Needs->Expressed By Population']",[],en,87,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh,2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/210422_coxs_bazar_wash_sector_hp_guiding_framework.pdf,"[27th May 2021, Cox's Bazar] Past research into the needs of women and girls across actors and across sectors shows that the WASH sector’s perspective of quantitively reaching minimum standards, did not always incorporate women and girls’ needs, gender disparities and socio-cultural constructs. Therefore, all humanitarian actors need to monitor upcoming changes in governance structures to ensure more women and girls are meaningfully engaged in the design, construction and management of their WASH facilities." 386153,60403.0,1186.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",[],es,60,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"La participación en el mercado de trabajo, desde el 2014 al 2019 se ha mantenido relativamente estable y muestra las diferencias existentes entre hombres y mujeres. Aunque la tasa de participación de estas últimas alcanza a más del cincuenta por ciento de las mujeres en edad de trabajar, sigue siendo menor que la tasa de participación masculina" 287101,51631.0,2099.0,['Nutrition'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],fr,126,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/bulletin_1_mars_21_cluster_nut_est_vf.pdf,"(Est) APPERCU DU PROGRAMME CONJOINT DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LA REDUCTION DE LA MALNUTRITION CHRONIQUE DANS LA REGION DE L’EST C’est une initiative conjointe de 6 agences du système des nations unies (UNICEF, PAM, OMS, UNFPA, FAO et PNUD) visant à réduire la prévalence de la malnutrition chronique chez les enfants de 0-5 ans et l’amélioration du statut nutritionnel des adolescentes, les femmes enceintes, allaitantes d’ici 2023. Le lancement de ce programme a eu lieu en juin 2020 et couvre quatre (4) communes d’interventions: Fada N’Gourma, Diapangou, Diabo et Tibga dans le DS de Fada N’Gourma" 311476,53762.0,2099.0,['Education'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],en,34,['Capacities & Response'],[],IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso,2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNHCR%20BKF-%20Operational%20Update%20January-February%202021.pdf,"(Sahel) Following the relocation of refugees in Goudoubo camp, UNHCR through its partner Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has resumed education activities for children enrolled in the primary school." 227504,46488.0,2225.0,['Shelter'],['Priority Needs->Expressed By Population'],[],fr,36,['Priority Needs'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_DRC_Situation-Overview_ERM-Salamabila_October-2020.pdf,"Les AME les plus communément rapportés comme besoin prioritaire par les IC étaient les suivants : couverture et draps (15/15), support de couchage (14/15) et enfin casseroles (11/15)." 189333,42844.0,1183.0,"['Protection', 'Livelihoods']",['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],es,57,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],UNHCR Colombia,2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Solidar-COVID-Andean-ES2020-vv5.pdf,"En Colombia se suman las medidas para impedir que los sindicatos puedan proteger a los trabajadores, eliminando garantías laborales ganadas en convenciones colectivas y alentando desde el mismo gobierno a que las empresas negocien con los trabajadores sin la participación de los sindicatos. Medidas inconstitucionales en términos de la progresión y garantía de derechos." 114793,32234.0,1898.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],['Context->Legal & Policy'],es,52,['Capacities & Response'],['Context'],UNHCR El Salvador,2020-06-11 08:09:05.343786+00,https://redhum.org/documento/3646679,"Desde entonces, Brasil, El Salvador y México han aprobado leyes que penalizan el feminicidio y el abuso doméstico. “Sin embargo, en toda la región, muchos casos de feminicidio y violencia contra mujeres y niñas quedan impunes”, apunta el mensaje central de la conferencia." 207218,44693.0,2333.0,['Protection'],"['NOT_MAPPED', 'NOT_MAPPED']","['NOT_MAPPED', 'Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats', 'NOT_MAPPED']",fr,115,['NOT_MAPPED'],"['Shock/Event', 'NOT_MAPPED']",GIMAC Niger,2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/rapport_monitoring_de_protection_tahoua_et_tillaberi_septembre_2020-2.pdf,"En cette période de rentrée scolaire, plusieurs enfants manquent d’actes d’état civil pour être inscrits à l’école. Il faut noter que la problématique touche particulièrement les femmes et les enfants déplacés ou non, à la frontière Niger-Burkina Faso, et dans les départements de Tillabéri et Ayérou. Selon les focus groups avec les femmes, 90% d’entre elles ne possèdent aucune pièce d’état civil et méconnaissent l’importance des pièces et environ 75% des enfants sur les sites de PDI de Tillabéri et Ayérou ne possèdent pas de pièces d’état civil pour les mêmes raisons." 52122,16699.0,1184.0,['Protection'],[],"['Displacement->Local Integration', 'Context->Politics', 'Displacement->Local Integration']",en,62,[],"['Context', 'Displacement']",UNHCR Ecuador,2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Ecuador%2BReport%2B-%2BJune%2B2019%2B-%2Bfinal.pdf,"In October 2018, the government launched an initiative—a Minga Migratoria— that sought to facilitate regularization procedures for foreigners, particularly Venezuelans. With the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility adopted new technolo- gy, including electronic visas, which helped simplify and accelerate migration process- ing." 223777,45880.0,2225.0,['Health'],"['Impact->Impact On People', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors']",[],fr,57,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Decembre%202020_Impacts%20de%20la%20COVID%20sur%20les%20femmes%20et%20les%20filles%20en%20RDC_FR_VF.pdf,"Les structures sanitaires de La Gombe, à Kinshasa, ont enregistré une réduc�on de 90 % des nouvelles visites des femmes pendant la période de confinement (75 % de réduc�on des visites des hommes pendant la même période). NB : Les femmes étaient plus nombreuses les établissements de santé avant la COVID-19." 89854,25499.0,1620.0,"['Protection', 'Food Security']","['Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms', 'Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors', 'Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards']",['Context->Demography'],en,140,"['Impact', 'Humanitarian Conditions']",['Context'],2020 DFS Nigeria,2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/northeast_nigeria_ipc_acute_malnutrition_analysis_27feb2020.pdf,"The current levels of malnutrition are aggravated by ongoing conflict in the region, food insecurity and inadequate dietary intake, as evidenced by low minimum acceptable diets in Adamawa – 3.8%, Borno – 0.5% and 3.0% – Yobe. There is minimum meal frequency and minimum dietary diversity across all domains in the region. No children aged 6-23 months in Northern Borno and MMC/ Jere domains receive a minimum acceptable diet and there is poor Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), including low levels of exclusive breastfeeding, in all states (Adamawa – 52.2%, Borno – 45.6% and Yobe – 35.1%). The practice of early initiation and sustained breastfeeding beyond two years is low in the majority of the domains across the states." 306550,53161.0,2466.0,['Cross'],['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],en,65,['NOT_MAPPED'],['NOT_MAPPED'],GIMAC Sudan,2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/2021_01_11%20USG%20Sudan%20Complex%20Emergency%20Fact%20Sheet%20%231.pdf,"As of January 5, more than 56,000 people had fled violence in Tigray to seek shelter in eastern Sudan’s Blue Nile, Gedaref, and Kassala states since the outbreak of armed conflict between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) in early November, according to the UN." 236200,47104.0,2028.0,['Health'],['Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards'],[],en,88,['Humanitarian Conditions'],[],IMMAP/DFS Syria,2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00,https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000122803.pdf,"[December 2020] According to mVAM December data, close to half of the surveyed households (45 percent) in Dar’a, As-Sweida and Quneitra mentioned not being able to purchase the necessary medicines this month. Also, approximately one out of irve households in Al-Hasakeh and Ar-Raqqa indicated shortage of medicines in pharmacies in December 2020. Hereby, highlighting a health concern given that 17 percent of respondents across Syria reported having elderly members with chronic diseases in their household." 314810,54184.0,2225.0,[],[],['Covid-19->Restriction Measures'],fr,62,[],['Covid-19'],IMMAP/DFS RDC,2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00,https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/covid-19-en-rdc-debut-de-la-vaccination-lundi-allegement-du-couvre-feu-404666,"""Dans les provinces où la circulation du virus est faible, il a été décidé la levée du couvre-feu"", a-t-il ajouté sans citer ces provinces. ""Dans d'autres provinces dont la ville de Kinshasa où la courbe épidémique est descendante, le couvre-feu en vigueur est repoussé de 22H00 à 04H00 du matin"", a-t-il ajouté." 69270,19928.0,1386.0,['Protection'],['Capacities & Response->International Response'],[],es,59,['Capacities & Response'],[],UNHCR Venezuela,2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00,https://reliefweb.int/report/venezuela-bolivarian-republic/cidh-instala-el-mecanismo-especial-de-seguimiento-para,"La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) anuncia la instalación del Mecanismo Especial de Seguimiento para Venezuela (MESEVE), con el objetivo de fortalecer el uso de sus mecanismos de protección ymonitoreo, responder de manera oportuna y efectiva a los nuevos desafíos que requiere la grave crisis de derechos humanos en el país." 342379,56634.0,2311.0,['Livelihoods'],"['Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks']",[],es,25,['Impact'],[],IMMAP/DFS Colombia,2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00,,"El consumo en lo corrido de mayo se desacelera en Cali, Bucaramanga y Cartagena mientras se acelera en Bogotá, Medellín y Barranquilla." 134382,34825.0,1186.0,[],[],[],es,139,[],[],UNHCR Chile,2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00,,"El censo, además, tiene omisión por pregunta. En particular, existen 749 casos ignorados de la variable censal “comuna de residencia habitual” para los inmigrantes internacionales. Para ajustar la suma del valor comunal (745.716) con el valor nacional (746.465), producto de “la comuna ignorada”, los 749 casos de diferencia por sexo, edad y país de nacimiento fueron adjudicados a la comuna de empadronamiento, metodología que se emplea en las Estimaciones y Proyecciones de Población a nivel comunal. Para el caso de la población nacida en el extranjero, las mayores imputaciones de residencia según comuna de empadronamiento fueron asignadas a la comuna de Santiago (78 casos), seguida de Arica (45 casos) e Iquique (33 casos)"